The Maneater Volume 86 Issue 19

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M THE MANEATER The student voice of MU since 1955

Vol. 86 Issue 19

March 11, 2020


MSA executives finish up their term in office Jennifer Sutterer and Mary O’Brien reflect on their time in office as their term as MSA president and vice president comes to an end. IZZY COLÓN

Assistant Student Politics Editor Missouri Student Association President Jennifer Sutterer and MSA Vice President Mary O'Brien were in it together from the beginning. Their love for the MU community pushed them both to join MSA in the first place, so when the time came to campaign for MSA executive positions, they did so as a team. Both were involved in several groups on campus and were passionate about making the MU community a better place for students. “I was my student body president for my high school and I just loved being able to work with policy and make impacts for the school,” Sutterer said. “Coming in, we both were involved in a lot of different groups on campus. When it came time we felt like we had a good understanding of what the student body wanted to see. We really had just a passion for Mizzou, but at the same time, the ability to recognize that there is progress to be made.” Sutterer and O’Brien said that while campaigning they had a plethora of ambitions but didn’t realize how much time many of these operations would take to implement. O’Brien said a primary component of their job as executives consisted of starting the conversation on several platform points that were important to them, such as mental health services access and college

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Mary O’Brien and Jennifer Sutterer pose in front of the MU Columns. The two are wrapping up their terms as MSA vice president and MSA president respectively. | PHOTO COURTESY OF FACEBOOK VIA SHOW YOUR STRIPES MIZZOU.



Recent safe space training emphasizes Netflix docuseries ‘Babies’ importance of Greek Allies on MU’s campus features MU Department Molly Wooster and Huong Truong discuss the goals and importance of Greek Allies on MU’s campus and their plans for the semester.

of Anthropology professor The series documents the growth and challenges that occur in the first year of a child’s life.



Student Politics Reporter

MU Greek Allies recently hosted a safe space training on Feb. 27 to discuss gender expression and | COURTESY OF GREEK ALLIES VIA MIZZOU EVENTS CALENDAR identity, pronouns and how to become a better ally for LGBTQ people in the different this semester in that we’re hosting a social event and that’s something we’d like to Greek community. According to the Fraternity and Sorority continue doing in the future,” Wooster said. Recently, Greek Allies hosted a movie Life website, Greek Allies’ goal is to create a positive environment for LGBTQ youth in the night at the Women’s Center and watched Greek community through education and by “Booksmart” in which one of the main working to remove discrimination towards characters identifies as queer. “Everything that Greek Allies does or them. “I think very broadly we are trying to will do has a connection to the LGBTQ educate and improve inclusivity in the community,” Huong Truong, Greek Allies Greek community, and as an extension the adviser and graduate assistant for Fraternity Mizzou community in general,” Greek Allies and Sorority Life, said. The organization also working to bring a President Molly Wooster said. The organization plans to accomplish these speaker to campus to talk about inclusive goals through educational events like the language in the Greek community and serve safe space training and through social events. “We are doing something a little bit

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University News Senior Staff Writer The recently released Netflix documentary series “Babies” featured a familiar face to those in the MU Department of Anthropology — professor Libby Cowgill. The series, which launched on the streaming service in February, recounts the first year of a child’s life. Cowgill, an associate professor within the department, was featured in episode six for her research on how infants learn to walk. She and the other contributors to the show reenacted a collaborative project that she published. It detailed what happens to an infant’s leg bones when they are first used for walking and standing on two legs. “Your bones are basically just like muscle and lay down more bone in response to exercise, so baby leg bones actually change shape in response to toddling around,” Cowgill said. Cowgill said the director of her episode, Emma Webster, also sought to portray the real human lives of scientists that were used as sources. Cowgill was filmed exercising at CrossFit Fringe, where she coaches a couple of times a week.

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THE MANEATER The Student Voice of MU since 1955

Vol. 86 Issue 19 2509 MU Student Center • Columbia, MO 65211  573.882.5500

Twitter: @themaneater Instagram: @themaneater Snapchat: @the.maneater The Maneater is the official student publication of the University of Missouri and operates independently of the university, student government, the School of Journalism and any other campus entity. All text, photos, graphics and other content are property of The Maneater and may not be reproduced without permission. The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the University of Missouri or the MU Student Publications Board. “LET’S GET THIS FUCKING RECESSION GOING!” - Wilson Moore

Reporters for The Maneater are required to offer verification of all quotes for each source. If you notice an inaccuracy in one of our stories, please contact us via phone or email.

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“Feels Good Man” was one of the documentaries shown at True/False Fest.

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NextGen Precision, Health Institute research, HIV research, MSA election, Missouri Primary and more at



COVID-19 outbreak forces study abroad students home Over two dozen students studying abroad in Italy may be returning to MU after travel warning from CDC. ALEX ESPINDA

University News Reporter With the latest novel coronavirus scare, the Italy study abroad program at MU and colleges across the U.S. were canceled due to concern of the virus spreading to the students abroad. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced a level three travel warning in Italy, deterring any nonessential travel to and from the country — making Italy the fourth country with a travel warning due to COVID-19. Because of this warning from the CDC, many colleges including MU have been forced to cancel spring and summer study abroad programs to affected countries. In an email sent out on March 9, Chancellor Alexander Cartwright said the university has

decided to cancel study abroad trips in China, Italy and South Korea, as well as university-related travel to these countries. Furthermore, the email said the university will assess whether or not to allow travel for other countries on a case-bycase basis, and “will continue to monitor these situations closely.” Christian Basi, MU News Bureau spokesperson, expressed the university’s policy concerning the study abroad program. “Our policy is that we do not allow students to participate in study abroad programs in countries where there is a level three warning by the CDC,” Basi said. “Right now that warning is in place and until that level drops, our ban will remain in place.” Ariana Santilli, a junior at MU, is studying at Florence University and noted the grim change in atmosphere in Venice, one of the cities being largely affected. Santilli said she has seen the condition of the country and the shift in atmosphere in the north, but because she isn’t studying with a university


sponsored program has decided to stay for the duration of the semester. "They started to quarantine in Venice," Santilli said in an interview with KOMU. "Everyone is in masks and there were gates and police officers everywhere. Even the weather got gloomy and cloudy that day. It was so different from the Venice I experienced just 24 hours before that." At nearby Northwest Missouri State University, sophomore Elizabeth Skelly was supposed to study in Italy until May 16, but due to the outbreak had to return March 6, months earlier than expected. Skelly spoke on the atmosphere both with her fellow study abroad students and in Italy. “[Before the quarantine] everyone was just going on with their normal lives,” Skelly said. “We didn’t really worry about being sent home. We were just doing our classes normally and having our normal lives. ... There weren't really any big checks or anything because Rome had two

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Undergrads chosen to show films Alumni Association Student at Cannes Film Festival in May Board reveals recipients of Two films entitled “Moments” and “Her Diary” Mizzou 18, Mizzou ‘39 awards produced by MU seniors to be shown at film festival. JESSICA FITZGERALD

University News Staff Writer

Junior Roxanne Wan and senior Fanxi Sun have been given the opportunity to showcase their films in May at the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. Both films were selected by jurors, and this festival is seen as highly prestigious. Wan’s film is entitled “Moments,” and is seen as paying tribute to Chinese mothers and children in Columbia. Sun’s film, “Her Diary,” is based on passages from her personal journal. Sun knew she wanted to major in film studies in high school, but her love for films started at a young age. “I didn’t realize I wanted to do film until in high school when I made a music video for my high school,” Sun said. “Then I thought, ‘Oh I’m very interested in digital storytelling, and I want to do something more than just music videos.’” Sun first participated in Campus Movie Fest, which is a nationwide film festival and gives students a week to film and produce their work by allowing them to use their equipment. Sun learned to take advantage of opportunities while participating in Campus Movie Festival. She also feels like this experience has prepared her for her future career. “I learned that you need to seize the opportunity when you still can,” Sun said. “I [also] feel like this is a big milestone in my filmmaking journey.” Sun feels like this achievement is both an acknowledgement and a way to encourage herself to do more. Overall, her experiences with accomplishing this milestone has prepared her for her career in filmmaking. “[This accomplishment] encourages me to do more work and be stricter to myself, because while I have accomplished this, I can also work for better things,” Sun said.

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Fifty-seven students were recognized for achievements in academics, research, leadership and service at a Traditions Plaza ceremony on March 3. MAGGIE TROVATO

University News Reporter Recipients of the Mizzou Alumni Association’s Mizzou 18 and Mizzou ‘39 awards were revealed at an evening ceremony at Traditions Plaza. Recipients lined the stage and were recognized for their achievements, with a crowd of peers, faculty and family cheering them on. Annie Adrian, Alumni Association Student Board member and MU senior, stressed the honor associated with being recognized. “When you think about how many students and how many seniors and graduate students are on this campus, it's a huge number,” she said. “So many people apply each year.” Both of these awards are presented annually by AASB. Each recipient is

asked to choose a faculty or staff member to be acknowledged as an impactful adviser throughout their time at MU. The Mizzou 18 award is given to 18 graduate and professional students in the last year of their degree eligibility. Recipients are chosen for their outstanding research, collaboration and leadership. The Mizzou ‘39 award is given to 39 undergraduate seniors. They are chosen for their academic accomplishments as well as their commitment to leadership and service, both at MU and in the community. One Mizzou ‘39 recipient who took the stage Tuesday evening is Tyler Hoffmann, a senior triple majoring in finance, math and statistics. Hoffmann plans to work at a Kansas City firm, Tradebot, after graduating in the spring. In his four years at MU, Hoffmann has taken on many roles. “I’ve been a class coordinator for the Cornell Leadership Program, captain of [MU’s club roller hockey team and co-captain of MU’s club

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affordability. They also continued the work of the previous administration in advocating for NARCAN to be available in all dorm buildings on campus. Sutterer said she hopes the next administration will do the same with their platform. Since time is limited in achieving very ambitious plans, she said often it is necessary to carry initiatives into the platforms of multiple administrations before seeing complete goals achieved. For Sutterer and O’Brien, internal operations within MSA was a key factor they wanted to address during their term in office. “Historically, when I jumped into this role I had heard a lot about how MSA Senate and exec haven't had a streamlined communication,” O’Brien said. “So when we were elected, and when we were running, we had spoken a lot about how we really want to have more of a streamlined dialogue with administration students, different student groups, and Senate and Senate and exec specifically.” O’Brien said the communication was a key goal in order to build mutual respect within different areas of MSA and increase the efficiency of operations. Sutterer and O’Brien incorporated these ideals into the way they ran MSA in several ways including expanding representation in the president’s council, including Senate representation in administrative meetings and holding town halls open to the MU student body. They also added a Director of Outreach cabinet position to streamline communication between MSA and the student body. “You want to feel represented,” O’Brien said when describing the importance of the connection between the student body and MSA. “You want to feel like your voice matters and that you are a respected member of the community. MSA is an avenue for students to express their concerns. And, in my mind, it's a bridge between the student body and administration.” Sutterer and O'Brien also saw that college affordability was important when representing the student body. The executives worked on researching income share agreements, an alternative to student loans that come from an endowment fund. The agreements are paid back only when the loaner has a steady income. With this research, Sutterer and O’Brien began having conversations with members of The Office of Financial Aid and bringing to light the demand for such a program. “This is one of those big ideas that's just not going to get done within a year,” Sutterer said. “So I

feel successful in that we got all of that information and got the ball rolling.” Although the income sharing agreement initiative will not be done in the current term, Sutterer is hopeful that the next administration will pick up where they left off. Similar to the income share agreement initiative, Sutterer and O’Brien also began the conversation in increasing access to mental health resources for students. Although they were not able to meet their goal of making counseling appointments available for online scheduling, they hope the next executives will continue pushing the administration on this initiative and advocate for hiring more mental health professionals at MU. Sutterer and O’Brien have continued pushing for the NARCAN initiative, originally proposed by the previous administration, for students to have access to a life-saving drug in the dorms in the case of an opioid overdose. Currently, MU is on board with the initiative and is searching for a third party entity to do monthly inspections on the NARCAN kits. Sutterer said she felt two main achievements of their time in office were moving Tiger’s Pantry, Truman's Closet and STRIPES on campus to increase accessibility and improving the relations between MSA and other areas of MU. In order to receive feedback from the student body, they plan on sending an anonymous survey to the student body as the semester ends, which will help the incoming administration. The survey will be an annual initiative given to the student body at the end of every school year as a tool for the incoming MSA administration. “Be realistic and organized,” O’Brien said when describing her advice for the incoming MSA administration. “Utilize your resources. Utilize administration that you build a relationship with, and maybe say to them, ‘Hey, we have this idea, how realistic do you think it is? And what do you think would be an appropriate timeline for this?’” In addition to working to improve the MU community, Sutterer and O’Brien both expressed that being in this leadership position has greatly impacted their lives and helped them to develop skills they will take with them and apply to their future. “I also think that this position has really taught me something about myself and that is I do have a passion for public service,” Sutterer said. “And this is what I feel fulfilled doing. And so that's been really unique at this age, to be able to have this unique opportunity and learn personal things about ourselves.” Edited by Ben Scott


as an educational tool on this topic. According to her website, Tara Fuller works with audiences and teaches them to embrace differences by Continued from page 1 sharing her own stories of belonging. There are a lot of people who come to college who have never met anyone in the LGBTQ community or been educated on it, according to Wooster. She said it’s important that there’s a place for those people to educate themselves and ask questions, which is what Greek Allies provides. “For me personally, it’s really important because I think that’s one of the main reasons that I decided to stay in the whole Greek process of rush, is knowing there’s a place for me in this community,” Wooster said. According to Truong, MU is one of the few dozens of universities in the U.S. with an organization similar to Greek Allies. By having a program that addresses LGBTQ people within the Greek community, she said MU is setting an example for other universities. “The big thing is making sure members of the LGBTQ community who are in the Greek community know that there’s a place for them at the table and it’s not a place that they’re going to have to carve out,” Truong said. “There are people in your corner supporting you.” Edited by Ben Scott


She also told stories about her grandfather who performed gymnastics on top of the Empire State Building. “All in all, it was a really fun experience to Continued from page 1 be a part of,” Cowgill said. Cowgill is particularly pleased by the success of the series. She said that it is currently the No. 7 watched show in the U.S. and No. 3 in the U.K. The impact of this at MU is not lost on Lisa Sattenspiel, chair of the Department of Anthropology. “Since the series is on Netflix and not buried in some series of documentary films accessible only to teachers and academics, it should be widely seen,” Sattenspiel said. “That might well draw some students to both

Libby Cowgill from the Department of Anthropology was featured on the new Netflix documentary “Babies.” | PHOTO COURTESY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI.

MU in general and to our department in particular.” Cowgill said she certainly hopes that will be the case. She sees one argument as particularly compelling for joining her field. “I keep telling people come for the cute kids and stay for the science,” Cowgill said. “Babies are adorable, but the research behind human growth and development is incredible.” This was not Cowgill’s first time in a documentary series. She was previously featured in the series “Neanderthal,” which aired on PBS and BBC. She credits this with her getting a role in “Babies.” “I honestly think that once you're in one, people are interested in doing others with you,” Cowgill said. Cowgill said she expected to get recognized by students for her role in the series, but that has yet to happen. She has, however, had a number of colleagues and members of the public reach out to her with positive feedback. “I always get a lot of interesting [emails] from the public after something like this comes out, so my inbox is full of people who enjoyed the series or have questions about my work,” Cowgill said. Cowgill has already shared clips from the series with her classes and hopes that some of them will watch more on their own. The series is currently available on Netflix and includes six roughly 50-minute episodes. Edited by Alex Fulton

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cases at the time … they went to the hospital, and everything was Continued from page 3 fine and it didn’t spread.” Skelly and the other study abroad students were shocked to hear the news that they were going to have to leave the Saturday before she departed. “I read the email and couldn’t even think it was real. … my roommates and I all left our rooms and sat in the living room and just could not believe what was happening,” Skelly said. “I just can’t even imagine leaving. I [didn’t] want to go to sleep because I [didn’t] want to miss out on anything.” MU instructor Katherine Hagely had a personal trip to Italy with her family planned, but recently had to cancel. Although she canceled her trip, she


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is not concerned much about the virus itself. “Anything that we don’t know a lot about is dangerous … but my perception of it seems like it’s something comparable to the flu, but we don’t have a vaccine for it,” Hagely said. “It seems like for those certain classes, it’s very dangerous but for most people it’s not.” Hagely said for older people and those with a weaker immune system the pandemic is concerning. Although she is not worried about contracting the disease herself, she is concerned about the response of the U.S. federal government to the virus. “The virus itself doesn’t concern us quite as much as being able to get back home. If we were in Italy and then [the U.S. government] made some decision that everyone coming from Italy regardless of where you were, you are going to have to sit and be quarantined for two weeks [that

different roles and jobs.” According





Bureau article, Sun and Wan also

& Design Showcase. Sun submitted

bit different than Sun’s. She started

photos entitled “Somewhere,” while

the Missouri International Student

“Cigarette in Love.” Wan’s film

publicized events which led her to

Award at the festival.

as a journalism major, but while on



received the Ragtag Cinema Video


would be concerning],” Hagely said. “I was more concerned with a policy from our government than what the Italians were doing.” Hagely said when she found out that the trip was going to have to be canceled, her “stomach fell to her shoes.” “We’ve been planning this [trip] for a couple of years. I think when [the decision we made] finally reached that point we all just felt sick,” Hagely said. According to the university, a little over two dozen students were in Italy through an MU program and the university is currently “work[ing] with them individually to find the option that best meets their needs.” Edited by Alex Fulton

participated in the 2020 Visual Art

Wan’s filmmaking journey is a





realize she actually had an interest and talent.

When Wan entered her film into

the competition, she did not expect

too much out of it, but was given more than she expected. Both her

and Sun won the Jury Award and then competed in the national level,

in which they were selected to present their films at the Cannes Film Festival.

Wan was the co-director of her

film and worked among a team of people who helped her with her film.

This was the first time she worked closely with someone like this.

“The first time I made a film, I

did it all by myself,” Wan said. “This

was the first time I actually made a film with somebody and we all had






Wan plans to go to grad school in

Los Angeles or New York after she

graduates from MU in December.

Sun will graduate from MU in May and plans to take a gap year before applying to grad school.

At first, Wan and Sun were unable

to receive funding to go to Cannes to see their films, but their professors

ensured they would get the chance to see their films at the festival. Wan

said developing a relationship with your professors is beneficial. Without her professors, Wan is unsure if this would have been possible.

“Get close and be friendly with

your advisers and professors,” Wan

said. “This can be a big deal [for potential careers].”

Edited by Alex Fulton

Two films produced by MU seniors Fanxi Sun and Roxanne Wan will be shown at the Cannes Film Festival. | PHOTO COURTESY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI.

racquetball team], and have made it a pretty big part of my Mizzou experience to help others learn and grow from tutoring,” Continued from page 3 Hoffmann said. When Hoffmann learned that he was a Mizzou ‘39 recipient, he was traveling to a leadership conference through his business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. “I just remember feeling this wave of overwhelming emotion,” Hoffmann said. “This is an awesome recognition.” For Hoffmann, Tuesday’s celebration is one for the books. “At the end of the day, I didn't expect recognition for anything that I've done here at Mizzou,” Hoffmann said. “But it really does mean a lot to be able to celebrate today and my last four years [at MU] with a lot of the other students that I've become friends [with] over the course of this time who have also been leaders on campus. It’s definitely one of the most memorable moments that I'm going to take away from Mizzou.” There is an application process to become a recipient of either of these awards. The application includes three essays, a mentor essay and a peer letter of recommendation. The applicants who are selected by faculty and alumni, then go through an interview stage. “They're short interviews that are really focused on discussing what you believe leadership is and how we represent Mizzou,” Jason Entsminger, Mizzou 18 recipient and Ph.D. candidate in agricultural and applied

economics, said. Currently, Entsminger is on the job market. “I'm hoping that next year I'll still be here at Mizzou in a postdoctoral position continuing my research and doing some teaching while I get ready to look for a faculty job,” Entsminger said. As a graduate student at MU, Entsminger is a member of the Graduate Professional Council General Assembly and the president of Rollins Society, a group that recognizes graduate and professional students for their service to communities outside of their academic work. Some of his additional service and professional work have dealt with marginalized communities, like LGBTQ populations in the agricultural industry and rural communities across the country. For Entsminger, Tuesday night was about more than his own accomplishments. “I'm really excited to see all of the work that my colleagues, who have been recognized tonight, have done over the last five years,” Entsminger said. “I love looking at our undergraduate students that are being recognized right now, as well, onstage. There's no better feeling, as a graduate or professional student, than to also see some of your own students being recognized alongside you.” Edited by Alex Fulton

6 “The Metamorphosis of Birds” is a Portuguese film by director Catarina Vasconcelos. | PHOTO COURTESY OF IMDB.


Documentary ‘The Metamorphosis of Birds’ saddens, inspires This story, told through a series of still, quiet shots, can only be described as an emotional experience.


MOVE Angles Columnist The True/False Film Fest has taken hold of Columbia once again and so have its awardwinning documentary films. These films are being screened all over vibrant, bustling downtown CoMo, along with stunning art exhibitions and live music. “The Metamorphosis of Birds,” or “A metamorfose dos pássaros” in its native Portuguese, was one of the first films to be screened at the festival this year. Its Thursday evening showing at The Picturehouse (a disguised gymnasium at the Missouri United Methodist Church, opposite the Missouri Theatre) promised to be a unique cinematic experience for a newbie documentary viewer like myself. And what an experience it was – in the dark of the theater, I couldn’t help but shed a tear (or several) as this story of a family’s loss of a wife and mother unfolded.

Director Catarina Vasconcelos documents her grandmother and grandfather’s romantic, loving relationship and their experience raising six children. Suddenly, tragedy strikes as her grandmother Beatriz unexpectedly passes on, and the family explores their new worldview without her. Though “The Metamorphosis of Birds” is a Portuguese film, it transcends language and culture. In his recent best picture Oscar acceptance speech, South Korean director Bong Joon-ho emphasized the multitude of films that are waiting to be discovered if you can get past the “one-inchtall barrier of subtitles,” which certainly applies to this film. It is a universal tale of family, love, grief and rebirth that often utilizes soundscapes and silent images rather than dialogue. The film can be described as a gripping, poetic story told through a series of nearly still images. The shots lend it the sense that you’re viewing the world through a pinhole camera: they are curated to capture only the intended scene and nothing more. Often, the camera lingers on a certain image for an extended period of time, forcing the eye to wander and appreciate the detail of the scene. Vasconcelos doesn’t tell her story directly through the people, but rather through stylized images of

water, peacock feathers and most prominently, flowers blooming. Though it is a visually-stunning and emotionallymoving film, the pacing lacks motion and feels slow at times. A quicker pace near the beginning of the film, as the family is introduced and their story begins, might lend a more somber air to the matriarch’s death and the family’s grief at the climax. Shots of the six children playing and laughing somewhat accomplish this goal and could be emphasized and drawn out in order to keep the audience’s attention. The film’s ultimate success lies in its relatability. I found myself thinking about the passing of my own grandmother as the simple imagery and storyline left room for personal interpretation. Vasconcelos uses the documentary as a sort of diary or a space to work out her feelings about her family history, so it’s incredibly intimate. At the same time, the feelings expressed are relatable to anyone who has experienced a death in the family. One of the larger, big-name films at True/False, “The Metamorphosis of Birds” left the audience in near-silence as it trailed off to a somber end. Edited by George Frey

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Comical documentary ‘Dick Johnson is Dead’ highlights death in untraditional ways Documentarian Kirsten Johnson uses her art form to cope with her father’s dementia. PETRA RIVERA

MOVE Angles Columnist On the early Friday morning of March 6, people eagerly lined the alley by the Blue Note hoping to get a ticket to one of the biggest documentaries of the True/False Film Fest. The Netflix original film “Dick Johnson is Dead” is the story of a daughter who takes a different approach to dealing with her father’s upcoming death by taking it head-on. As this is my first time at True/False, I entered the Blue Note not knowing the amazing and emotional experience I had found myself in. The theater was packed full of people from all over. The woman sitting next to me had heard about the festival for years from her friends who live in Columbia, and this year she finally gave in and drove here from Kansas to see what all the hype was about. As the lights dimmed down, the theater fell silent, excited to see what director Kirsten Johnson had in store for us. The Johnson family had always had to suffer through the same path of death. Their loved ones would slowly fade away as their memory decreased. Richard “Dick” Johnson, a retired psychiatrist, had to take care of his mother in her last days, in addition to taking care of his wife as she suffered from Alzheimer’s. Now, he doesn’t want to be a burden to his daughter as he is in the early stages of dementia. Kirsten assures him that it would be different this time. “You want to

show different hilarious ways that he could die accidentally, along with what he imagined heaven to be like. Another big part of the movie was shining a light on all the people who helped make the movie and who were a part of the Johnsons’ everyday life. Showing behind-the-scenes and interviewing people such as the stuntmen and Dick Johnson’s caregiver was Kirsten Johnson’s way “Dick Johnson Is Dead” explores filmmaker Kirsten Johnson’s journey with coping with the of showing respect to them pending death of her dad. | PHOTO COURTESY OF IMDB. and giving a voice to the voiceless. make a movie about you dying?” she asked her I haven’t watched a lot of documentaries before father, the lovable man she called her best friend. but I think this one sets the bar high for all the He excitedly agreed. “I was reminded of the way film catalyzes certain documentaries I’ll watch in the future. “Dick interactions and that might give me a way to start Johnson is Dead” will have you laughing and imagining that I could interact with my father’s sobbing not knowing whether it's from sadness or dementia in a different way,” Kirsten Johnson joy. Even though this movie relates more to people said in the Q&A after the showing. “During my who have dealt with the sickness of a loved one, mother’s dementia, I felt like I had cried for seven it will still touch the hearts of those who haven’t years straight and I was not emotionally prepared been through that. It has a classic documentary to do that again. This gave me a way to imagine feel from its creative transitions to fun camerawork which ties it up perfectly with the untraditional doing it differently.” This comical documentary follows the timeline outlook on death. And the experience of watching of moving Dick Johnson from their beloved this outstanding movie at True/False Film Fest home in Seattle to Kirsten Johnson’s one-bedroom makes it even better. Edited by George Frey apartment in New York. Mixed in between their real-life of having to deal with his dementia, they


Documentary ‘Crestone’ explores nuances of a handful of Colorado Soundcloud artists Documentary “Crestone” offers True/False patrons a look into the life of a Colorado SoundCloud artist and others from an unconventional point-ofview. BILLIE HUANG

MOVE Angles Columnist On Friday night, I had the pleasure of viewing my first True/False Film Fest film of 2020, “Crestone.” It was one of the better films I’ve seen in my four years of attending True/ False. I’ve never been the biggest fan of documentaries; I’m more of a David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, high-budget, star-studded, intricate, subtle but also in-your-face-cinema admirer. Documentaries are a total change of pace from my status quo. Heck, I literally watched “Goodfellas” first thing Friday morning. For those who don’t know, True/False is a documentary film festival held on the first weekend of March. Yes, documentaries. That’s not to say documentaries can’t be

entertaining, but a good chunk of the ones I’ve seen are extremely slow-paced and rather uninteresting (at least to me — per my move-goer profile discussed earlier). However, seeing “Crestone” was a redeeming experience. It was a wholesome, unique film that made me feel like I knew the characters, knowing the closest I’d ever get to them was being in the crowded Forrest Theater of the Tiger Hotel, sitting sandwiched shoulder-to-shoulder between two old men, behind the gigantic head of the person in front of me, blocking a good third of the screen. Directed by Marnie Ellen Hertzler, “Crestone” follows the lives of her former high school friends, SoundCloud rapper Sloppy (ChamplooSloppy on SoundCloud) and his like-minded companions, growing weed and making beats in the arid San Luis Valley. Sloppy bares a striking resemblance to Post Malone: a round-bellied, tattoochested, curly-haired musical artist (well, a SoundCloud artist). Among the endless dunes, fields and mountain ranges comes a stream of endless ideas and interactions

between the artists. Hertzler does a great job of bringing out each characters’ personality, letting audiences know the rappers beneath the tattoos and under the weed smoke. Their new, post-apocalyptic life, isolated and unplugged, is shown through Hertzler’s camera work, her own narration, as well as narration “Crestone” was one of many films shown throughout the weekend from subjects at the True/False Film Fest. It focused on SoundCloud rappers from featured throughout Colorado. | PHOTO COURTESY OF IMDB. the documentary. Drone footage and texture to the documentary. is used on numerous occasions, There’s not much else I can say showing the vastness and reach of about “Crestone.” Though it thrives the Colorado desert, putting their off narration, I feel like it’s a showalienation in perspective. Narration not-tell experience, and seeing the usually accompanies the drone vastness of the Colorado terrain and footage, making for a sentimental these lives, stripped and unburdened effect and seemingly personal by responsibilities of conforming to dialogue. As some scenes unfolded, society, is a humbling experience. Hertzler sprinkled grainy, weathered Edited by George Frey film stills of the scenes, adding depth


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Angela Catalano’s art installation ‘A System of Hiding Things’ debuts at True/False Catalano’s installation allows for active viewer participation and many unique interpretations. ANGELINA EDWARDS

MOVE Culture Reporter

Upon first glance, Angela Catalano’s art installment “A System of Hiding Things” featured at True/False Film Fest may appear just like a typical living room. Located in the Picturehouse at Missouri United Methodist Church, the installation consists of a vintage TV, radio and camera. In the corner, there is a cozy-looking chair next to a bookshelf. The technology in the room is older, but the time and place of the room are nondescript. While the installation might at first appear mundane, its normality is meant to encourage viewers to look closer. Attached to each technological device is a pair of 3D glasses, inviting individuals to peek inside these devices at hidden surveillance images. The photographs are of a subject who is being surveilled in settings such as a front porch and an elevator. Catalano layered two surveillance images in each device, forcing viewers to look even closer at the images and to question the reality of what they are seeing. “A System of Hiding Things” was open to viewers during the entirety of True/False. Catalano changed the surveillance images hidden inside her exhibit every day so that if viewers returned, they weren’t always seeing the same images. On Friday evening, festivalgoers roamed the Picturehouse while enjoying food, live music and art such as Catalano’s piece. Some people passed by the installation, while others were drawn in by its normality.

Festivalgoer Leandra Toomoth at first thought the installation was a sitting area but then decided to take a closer look. “Upon closer examination, there was this kind of fixed moment in time,” Toomoth said. “It feels separate from the rest of the room, and that by default kind of got my attention.” Catalano’s work leaves a considerable amount of interpretation up to the viewer, allowing festivalgoers to have many different thoughts and takeaways from the installation. Festivalgoer Maria Ramirez noticed that Catalano had layered two surveillance images on top of each other, making her question what the man in the images was actually doing in the photos. “They all have what I thought is a theme of duality,” Ramirez said. “The duality of the images themselves seems kind of like it's the same guy. And he might look a little different or he might be doing a different action … but it's the exact same place and potentially time.” Toomoth noticed a similar theme of duality because of the installation’s optical illusion. “I think there has to be something about perspective and about seeing things in different ways. Or maybe how there's two sides or two vantage points,” Toomoth said. “There are different ways to see things.” While Catalano wants to allow the viewers of her installation to reflect on their own interpretation, she created her piece with a specific interest in mind. “I would like [the installation] to reflect upon the ways in which surveillance can be sort of hidden in our everyday conveniences, the things that can surveil us in our own life,” Catalano said. “By putting it in a living room setting, I was hoping that that will make people feel uncomfortable in the ways in which our technologies have evolved

in a way that can be, for lack of a better phrase, used against us, or used to gather information on us.” Catalano became interested in surveillance after the September 11 attacks in 2001. The signing of the Patriot Act by former President George W. Bush made Catalano want to learn more about how the government can surveil citizens and how increased surveillance changes the way people live. “A System of Hiding Things” is a product of Catalano’s interest in surveillance as well as film, making it fitting for True/False. “I think just the overarching philosophy of True/False is this notion of thinking about what is nonfiction work, what is fiction work, where do those things overlap, or do they collide?” Catalano said. “And so I thought maybe my piece would fit in well with this because it's sort of asking you to question whether what you're seeing is real or not.” Catalano wants viewers to simply interact with the installation, allowing them to come to their own conclusion about her work. “It's such a fine line,” Catalano said. “You don't want to tell people, ‘Here's how you should experience my work.’” Festivalgoers actively participated in the installation, from sitting in the chair and observing the items around them to gazing through the 3D glasses at the hidden images. Catalano’s work allowed festivalgoers to actively be a part of the installation while also inviting them to draw their own unique conclusions about its meaning. “A System of Hiding Things” reminded viewers like Toomoth of the many ways art can be displayed and interpreted. “Anything could be art,” Toomoth said. “I think it's really about how you view the world.” Edited by Sophie Stephens


Carrie Elliott creates ‘Animal Vision’ installation for True/False Elliott created a display of animal eyes located in Alley A. EMMA BOYLE

MOVE Culture Reporter Mid-Missouri-based artist and geologist Carrie Elliott created an array of animal eyes to adorn Alley A in downtown Columbia this weekend during the True/False Film Fest. The festival’s theme this year was Foresight. According to the festival’s website, this theme “speaks to our age-old desire … to see what’s just around the corner.” Those who desire to be artists for True/False must submit a proposal for a project that revolves around this theme. “The True/False [art directors] publish a list of prompts on the website of different ideas, and I just kind of looked at the list and thought about eyes,” Elliott said. “It’s kind of literal to have eyes … but the animal eyes are really colorful, and I really wanted different colors and a variety of animals in the installation.” These animal eyes are actually lanterns that begin to glow as the

sky grows darker and are composed of a wide array of different materials. Elliott said she had originally planned for the eyes to be cubes, but the project ended with them being spheres after some artistic adjustments. This isn’t Elliott’s first time attending or creating art for the True/False Film Fest. She began attending True/False in 2005 and started producing art for it four years ago after working with a friend who also had pieces in the festival. “I learned about the process, and the next year with the call for proposals I thought of an idea that fit with the theme really well, proposed it and got it,” Elliott said. “[It’s been] worth it.” As someone passionate about science, Elliott has incorporated her interests into her projects for True/ False. Her past installations include astroturf carpets as well as lanterns made in the shapes of minerals, carp and now the eyes currently being hung downtown. “It’s really fun, I’ve found, with True/False, to make something really big,” Elliott said, “[It’s fun] to make

many, many things or something that’s seen by a lot of people.” Now that the fest is over, Elliott plans to take a break from artmaking. According to her, any future True/ False installations will depend on the circumstances surrounding the festival. “It’s a competitive process, and you have to propose and see if [True/False] likes Artist Carrie Elliott stands below her art installation, Animal Eyes, your idea,” Elliott located in Alley A of downtown Columbia. said. “Inspiration has | PHOTO BY EMMA BOYLE to strike.” engaging to everybody,” festgoer After all of Elliott’s hard work for Tracey Milarsky said. “Knowing that her installation, festivalgoers seemed you can walk down on a beautiful to really enjoy Alley A’s newest day like this and see the street art addition and attested to the value that’s for everybody really makes it a of this type of artistry within True/ community event … It changes what False. “It makes True/False, otherwise the festival means to our community.” Edited by George Frey it would just be a documentary film festival and that’s not going to be

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Tonina brings enticing indie R&B stylings to True/False Film Fest’s Saturday night lineup The St. Louis-based artist performed Saturday night at Eastside Tavern. HALLE JACKSON

MOVE Angles Reporter

Not every artist can say that they’ve had one of their tracks on a former president’s playlist, but Tonina Saputo can. In 2018, former President Barack Obama added her performance of “Historia De Un Amor” to his top songs of the year list. She considers it one of the most exciting events of her career. Saputo, who performs simply as Tonina, performed at the Eastside Happy Hour Saturday Showcase at True/False Film Fest. Her music, a captivating mix of indie, soul and R&B with some Latin and jazz influences, created a laid-back but electric ambiance for festivalgoers that Saturday evening. Tonina’s musical roots date back to early childhood. She started playing music at age 6, influenced by her father and uncles, who were musicians. “I have a very musical family … they introduced me to instruments at a very young age,” Tonina said. When she entered school, she quickly became involved with the orchestra and band programs. At age 9, she began learning to play the bass, inspired by her father, who plays the same instrument. Her involvement in music only grew from there. After completing classical music training all through

elementary, middle and high school, Tonina studied bass performance, songwriting and Africana Studies at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. She graduated in 2017. During this time, Tonina became interested in genres other than classical music. Today, she considers herself an indie R&B artist but mixes in other genres as well. She says her music “goes back to like, soul and R&B, and then blends Latin and folk,” but at the end of the day is indie R&B. Tonina is largely inspired by literature, especially the characters she encounters in the books she reads. “Mercy,” a song on her most recent album “St. Lost,'' is one example. Based on Toni Morrison’s novel “A Mercy,” it speaks of the life experiences of Florens, a slave girl. “I was a huge bookworm growing up,” she said. “I love stories, I love fiction … so a lot of my stuff comes from the characters that I fall in love with within novels.” Her process is also collaborative. David Gomez, a close collaborator and saxophone player for Tonina, appreciates the trust that she allows him in her creative process. “Music-wise, off or onstage, music or not music-related … she puts a lot of trust in me. It’s amazing,” Gomez said. “I’ll show her some stuff that I have and she likes it and comes up with lyrics … and vice versa.” The two collaborated the most on “Esperanza,” a track where Gomez’s saxophone carries almost equal importance to Tonina’s voice with his impressive riffs and solos. The track

“I’ve lived in Europe, I’ve lived on the West Coast, I was originally born there,” Tonina said. “I lived in all these places but I feel drawn to St. Louis. And I really like the city, but I am always wanting and yearning to go somewhere that is unfamiliar … I still feel lost at times when I’m here, and disconnected from the greater community.” Yet when Tonina and her band took the stage at Eastside Tavern on Saturday night, the audience immediately connected with her. Silenced by her smooth, intoxicating voice, they began to dance and sway with her as she performed Nat King Cole’s “Calypso Blues.” “She was able to move the audience with her incredibly powerful performance,” Grace Engel, a volunteer at the event, said. Tonina’s vibrant stage presence also added to the power of her performance Saturday night, emanating a Tonina Saputo, a St. Louis based artist, performed at joy for music that set the True/False during Eastside’s happy hour showcase on mood for Saturday night’s Saturday night. festivities at True/False Film | PHOTO COURTESY OF TONINA SAPUTO. Fest. Her tracks’ classical roots blended expertly with her indie R&B, folk, Latin, is on Tonina’s most recent album “St. Lost.” The title is a play on St. Louis, and jazz influences to leave listeners mesmerized and cheering for more where Tonina is based. The album speaks to Tonina’s after every song. Edited by Sophie Stephens relationship with the city where she was raised.


Pepe the Frog is finally saved by ‘Feels Good Man’ Arthur Jones makes his directorial debut with a funny, sad and incredibly informational film about a meme gone rogue.

would go. They had to follow the “thin green line” that was Pepe and continue to make sure he was the sole focus. The film did an amazing job of presenting ideas, covering a time period but then backing that idea


MOVE Angles Columnist If you think Pepe the Frog is just an internet meme, well, you’ve got quite the story ahead. In 2005, artist Matt Furie wrote a simple comic strip called “Boy’s Club” and scanned it into Myspace. It starred Pepe, Andy, Brett and Landwolf: four monster-like roommates. There was no telling Furie what this single strip would turn into, and that is what director Arthur Jones decided to make his first documentary, “Feels Good Man,” about. You might be familiar with the comic, you might not be. But chances are you are familiar with the face of Pepe the Frog because, over the last 15 years, he’s gone from cute catchphrase meme to icon for the outcasts to a literal hate symbol. How does a frog become a hate symbol? In Jones’ 95-minute film, everything from Pepe’s birth to his death is covered. All of your questions will be answered. In fact, there were so many things covered, Jones said in his Q&A after the True/False Film Fest showing that they were concerned about how many other directions it

“Feels Good Man” marks the directorial debut of Arthur Jones. He follows Matt Furie, the creator of famed meme “Pepe the Frog,” as he attempts to reclaim the symbol from hate groups. | PHOTO COURTESY OF IMDB.

and period up with real commentary and sources. Throughout the film, you’ll hear viewpoints from Furie, his family and friends, psychologists, journalists, a “memeticist,” which is an expert on memetics, and even an occultist.

I did not walk into this film expecting to get emotional about a frog. But I will say, seeing a frog dressed up as Hitler and in a KKK uniform is not something that is easy to digest. You’ll learn about an entire community of people with a lot more power than you would have thought. So, before seeing this movie, prepare for some heavy topics. It will surprise you. Not only do you get to see the lifetime of Pepe played out on screen, but viewers get to know quite the loveable character through this film: Furie himself. Furie started out at his town’s community thrift store, where he drew every toy around. He has a daughter, who is featured in the film, and reads all his children’s books very, very adorably. The film offers a unique look into what it’s like to not only be a cartoon artist, but also to be one who has almost no control over their art. Furie lost control when the online community of 4chan began using his Pepe as a symbol for themselves as outcasts, and everything essentially went downhill from there. Furie ends up having to take multiple different approaches to “saving Pepe.” I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants to reminisce, learn more or just watch a really well-done documentary. And hey, you get to watch Richard B. Spencer, a white nationalist, get punched in the face. Edited by George Frey


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‘The Mole Agent’ harmonizes comedy, sadness The spy complex is just a hook­—“The Mole Agent” is a gratifying film on aging and abandonment that stirs the soul. ANNA E. WATSON

MOVE Angles Reporter

Detective Rómulo Aitken posted an ad in a Chilean newspaper. It read: “Man needed. Between the ages of 80 and 90 years.” And thus, his recruiting process for a spy began. In the new spy documentary “The Mole Agent,” director Maite Alberdi produces observations on friendship, age and abandonment as the main protagonist goes undercover in a nursing home. Aitken has a mission for his spy. His client requires an investigation into her grandmother’s nursing home for possibilities of abuse. Aitken’s intention is to recruit someone capable of being his mole. Hence the title.

nursing home, and none of the scenes are staged. When Chamy arrives at the nursing home in Chile, all the ladies swoon over him. Chamy’s approximately 10 years younger and he’s goodlooking. And as one lady put, “he’s a gentleman.” Sidenote: the nursing home has a men to women ratio of 1-to-10. Shot 40 miles outside of Santiago, Chile, the nursing home has a ravishing backdrop. We see shots of wild roses, red and ornamental, and the condensation on blue irises. The sunbeams on green grasses. The nursing home is made of clay. Inside, the walls are painted an exuberant orange, the floors are tiled. There is so much vibrant color. Chamy takes his job seriously as a spy. He learns all the member’s names. He listens to their stories about life and family, he offers them advice. The audience observes sharp personalities in the members. The audience begins to feel zealous compassion for them, for how they feel. One old woman writes her own poetry. Another lady, Marta Olivares, has no one to

never loved anyone before. “The Mole Agent” is heartwarming and beautiful. It’s easy to watch because it’s hilarious in the way it captures each character’s behavior. Essentially, the film satirizes the whole spy premise to evoke a deeper meaning ingrained in the nursing home setting. That is, aging is sad because of the way our society handles it. At some point, Chamy becomes quite fatigued. His viewpoint on the investigation is now jaded. There is no abuse here, Chamy states. Instead, the real abuse is that these elders are lonely. Here, in the nursing home, no one from their familiess visit. No one calls. These women feel abandoned and sad. The film is a larger take on the experiences elders undergo when they are put into a nursing home. The irony is that we all age, yet we are so quick to ignore those who have aged. It’s easier if elders aren’t in our space. It’s easier to live our lives, but these people feel loneliness. They crave the company of their families.

Set in Chile, “The Mole Agent” follows the story of a private investigator who hires an old man to spy on the caretakers at a retirement home. | PHOTO COURTESY OF IMDB.

Sergio Chamy is the main guy. He’s 83 years old and in remarkably good shape. Chamy is all things charismatic and sociable and he’s always in a great mood. He’s a first-time spy, though. Now, what could go wrong? At the beginning of the film, Aitken gives Chamy lessons on component spy behavior. Aitken’s favorite and probably most-quotable line during the film is “be prudent.” But of course, Chamy isn’t. Quite frankly, he is terrible at being discreet. Aitken hands Chamy a smartphone, which he has no clue how to use. Next, Aitken gives Chamy a sleek pair of eyeglasses that have a hidden builtin camera. Later, Chamy breaks them. These spy lessons are completely laughable, partly because Chamy is so inept and also because he is an old person. When young people see old people operate technology, it tends to make us chuckle. But I believe that is the main focus of the film. Director Alberdi gives a lense to view old people and how they feel, live and interact as they age. The film uses all real retirees, members of the

visit her. Every week, the nurses give her a cell phone and she speaks with her mother. But really, it’s just another nurse pretending to be her mother on the other line. Compassionately, Olivares asks why her mother hasn’t been by to see her. The camera is often cutting to Oliveras saying, “my mother is going to pick me up soon.” Olivares has really quick hands. Whenever she sees something, she takes it. In fact, a greater chunk of her collected items happen to belong to other members of the nursing home. When Aitken pressures Chamy to uncover who is the nursing home thief, he is reluctant to say. Olivares has become his friend. It is very hard for anyone to stay mad at her. Chamy finds himself meditating comfortably at the nursing home. During the nursing home’s anniversary party, they crown him king. They dance and eat cake. A petite old lady, Berta Ureta, confesses her love to Chamy, but no worries, he lets her down easy. Though, the camera cuts to a scene where a frozen frown is upon Ureta’s face. She said she had

In one scene, an elderly woman is dispirited. Chamy sees her unhappiness and asks, “What’s wrong?” The old woman tells him she is scared. She needs her medicine to feel better, but that would require walking. To walk would require her to ask someone for help, and she is tired of asking for help when she wants to move. Chamy tells the woman “just cry.” Just cry and you’ll feel relief. The old woman’s shoulders slouch. Her vivid blue eyes look down, away and off into the orange and yellow sunset. She says, “I don’t know who I am anymore.” She begins to weep openly. She is full of sadness, but letting it out feels much better. Chamy’s daughter arrived to pick him up at the nursing home two days later. The women watched from the windows as Chamy descended the gates, suitcase in hand. I realize that Chamy’s time there gave a new perspective on life. How aging is inevitable, and we should acknowledge that fact. Edited by George Frey



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COLUMN: Self-care Sunday sets intentions for week ahead Making the small effort to do something that makes you happy every week can benefit your mental and physical health. Take some time for you to check in with yourself.

practicing self-care.” It’s a practice that I got into while I was undergoing the hell that is preparing for the ACT that carried into my college days. Sunday is typically the day



last-minute homework

and tasks get done. It


Opinion Columnist

can often be the most

Cela Migan is a freshman journalism major at MU. She is an opinion columnist who writes about daily life for The Maneater.

for the upcoming week.

Self-care Sunday is not just a fun alliteration, but a great way to take time to check in with yourself inside and out. Increasingly popular on social media,





Sunday revolves around taking time on Sunday to do something special for yourself. It is something you do just for you. Be it a bubble bath, a face mask, reading a book, doing your nails, practicing yoga or any manner of things that bring you joy. Self-care Sunday is about finding something that makes you happy. For me, self-care Sunday is a designated day and time for me to put on a face mask and read or watch Netflix. This simple act allows me to relax and sets my intentions for the week. I mentally prepare myself and my skin. At the very least, my skin might be a little better than if I hadn’t done anything to it. A face mask calms my skin and my mood.

stressful day preparing In the midst of figuring out



schedule, summer plans and whatever is due this week,




check in with yourself is essential. So often we charge ahead without taking the time to acknowledge the present.






semester. Have you taken a second to stop and notice what it feels like Your body that carries you and houses your soul, how does it feel? What does it need? One of the easiest things to do that requires nothing but a bit of concentration is to lay down or sit down. Close your eyes and start at your toes, feeling the tension you hold there and releasing it. Slow your breathing and mentally move up your body, and do not forget to travel the lengths of your arms to the tips of your fingers. Once you

I consider myself the Marie Kondo

take a moment to recognize it, it’s

of self-care Sundays. Anyone that

incredible the amount of tension you

knows me has probably heard me rave

hold in your body.

about the “life-changing magic of


to be in your own skin?

For me, I find that I hold an

immense amount of tension in my

“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”

shoulders and my furrowed brow.

and her Korean face masks. They’re

I go through these motions when I

enough to make anyone skip the

need to mentally or physically reset and right before bed. It’s a great way to unwind and prepare for rest. Face masks, although they may not yield a noticeable physical difference, are a great way to physically go through the motions and consciously do something to take care of yourself. Through this act, your brain is able to recognize your efforts to relax and follow suit. Face masks have skyrocketed in popularity, partly due to Lara Jean in

slopes. Try it. If you don’t like it then you don’t have to continue, but at least you tried it. I hope this reaches someone and they realize the lifechanging magic of practicing selfcare. Invoke your inner Marie Kondo and ask yourself, “does this spark joy?” Edited by Bryce Kolk


T H E M A N E AT E R | O P I N I O N | M A R C H 1 1, 2 0 2 0 ROGER THAT

COLUMN: College creativity, innovation, inclusion starts with public school teachers Post-secondary educational institutions have an obligation to be active supporters of public school educators.

At the beginning of

her speech, Coffman told

the board what a friend of hers had said to her

once: “Teaching is like a

bad marriage. You never


get your needs met, but

Opinion Columnist

you stay in it for the

Abigail Ruhman is a sophomore majoring in journalism, sociology and women’s and gender studies at MU. She is an opinion columnist who writes about student life, politics and social issues for The Maneater.

kids.” She pointed out

the fact that the district’s actions as


abandoning them. | GRAPHIC BY EMILY MANN

to public school teachers. Effective teachers are

more often than the general public knows. Even

linked to a higher likelihood of academic success,

educators have acted in selfless ways in order to

and Webinars. In addition to promoting academic

If colleges and universities want to cultivate

creativity and innovation in schools and classrooms

with this emotionally loaded choice to make,

according to Educational Research Newsletter

help students.

achievement, effective educators who utilize

inclusion, innovation and creativity, they should

introduce these qualities to students.

supports public school teachers. While universities

about behaving like, or as businesses. Student

messy political sphere of public elementary and

or innovation are valuable assets. While public

option to pass.

groups of students develop them meaning they are







have been able to avoid getting involved in the

performance and outward displays of creativity

secondary education, they shouldn’t even have the

school teachers don’t create these traits, they help

Inclusion, innovation and creativity have become

buzzwords used in post-secondary educational



students that she was not

deserve more support.

be actively supporting any legislation or action that


she emphasized to her

public school system, educators in public schools

must choose between their students or themselves



she made her decision,

Despite all the problems with the American

Educators are forced into situations where they



vital to colleges and universities. Education








friend are not alone in

their dedication to their students. Teachers, on

average, spend close to $500 of their own money to provide students with the supplies they need

with more than 90% not getting reimbursed,

according to Emma Garcia, an economist for the Economic Policy Institute.

Without teachers there to create inclusion,

innovation and creativity, colleges and universities lose the thing that tends to define them. Educators

are important, and everyone should stand with

them as they fight for fair pay and classroom

support. Post-secondary education has a unique obligation to public school education. As





universities need to fight for and with elementary

institutions to attract the students that colleges

classrooms and teachers without the resources

buzzwords are ones that make money. Universities

with teachers during strikes and legislative battles.

institutions would fall apart. The education system

educators. Choosing to recognize the impact that

enthusiastic academics, supporting students before

teachers might know how to fix it. They create,

post-secondary education. Universities don’t have

Teachers need support. Recently, Amanda

be college students, academics, professors and

school board meeting because the district was

For colleges and universities, actively supporting

and universities want. The images created by these

they need. Colleges and universities should stand

and secondary teachers. Without teachers, academic

and colleges have to be willing to stand with

If the goal is to inspire the next community of

is broken, but it wouldn’t be absurd to think that

educators have is vital to the continued health of

they get to college makes the most sense.

inspire and support the people who grow up to

to pay the bill — they just have to advocate for the

Coffman, a teacher from Kansas, quit during a

support staff.

The better the images seem, the more people will

forcing teachers into a three-year contract that

public school teachers isn’t a political stance —

people who inspire the students that go to college. fight to be a part of them.

However, institutions seeking out students who

create these images owe a lot of their success

had negative impacts on them. The contract was

made after failed attempts at negotiating with the

teacher’s union, according to The Kansas City Star.

it’s a necessary one.

Edited by Bryce Kolk




Online this week: Men's basketball SEC tournament, baseball vs. Northern Illinois, softball vs. Illinois and more at BASEBALL


Bedell dominates Western Illinois in 7-3 home opener win The Tigers’ No. 1 starter struck out 12 and allowed two earned runs over six innings pitched. JACK SOBLE

Sports Staff Writer Ian Bedell was masterful in Missouri’s (7-5) home opener against Western Illinois (0-10), sending 12 Leathernecks back to the bench and leading his team to a 7-3 win on Friday night. Two hits, including a two-run homer in the sixth, and a walk were the only blemishes on an otherwise impeccable performance from the junior. In his first season as a fulltime starter, Bedell has been tasked with leading the Tigers’ rotation and he delivered at Taylor Stadium, lowering his ERA to 3.56 and setting a career-high in strikeouts. “I thought Ian was sharp,” coach Steve Bieser said. “His off-speed was really sharp, he was locating fine

and he was using the strike zone that he was given. He was able to take advantage of the strike zone and the hitters, and I just really thought he threw the ball well.” Bedell, currently No. 62 on MLB Pipeline’s Top 100 Draft Prospects list, baffled Western Illinois hitters with high heat and a curveball that many of them whiffed on in the dirt. He credited the team’s advanced scouting program, Synergy, with providing the knowledge that biting at pitches out of the strike zone was something that the Leathernecks would do. “This was the first time I had used [Synergy] for a start,” Bedell said. “I saw that they chased a lot of stuff up and down, so I felt really confident going into it with a good game plan.” This was likely Bedell’s final start in non-conference play, as Bieser’s bunch will travel to Tuscaloosa next weekend to face a ranked Alabama team that currently sits at 14-0. Bedell will likely get the Friday

start again for Missouri. The one thing that he believes will change for Missouri is its usually excellent defense, which committed four errors tonight. “It was a little shaky in the field today, but that’s not us,” Bedell said, lauding the way that the players behind him normally perform. “Our clip is to field at .980, which is Top 25 in the nation, and that’s what we plan on doing. We’re going to be a little bit better going into conference play, where we’ll clean up some things but they should be cleaned up tomorrow as well.” “To have four errors, that’s very uncharacteristic of our teams,” Bieser said. “That might be the most errors that we’ve had in a game since I’ve been here. We take a lot of pride in our defense, and we just kind of got a little sloppy today.” Offensively, the Tigers came out of the clubhouse looking to run Western Illinois out of Columbia.

Missouri now awaits its seeding in next week’s SEC tournament. ELI HOFF

Assistant Sports Editor The first half: ugly. The second: clinical. Two polar opposite performances within a single game were enough to see Missouri men’s basketball (15-16, 7-11 SEC) soundly defeat Alabama (16-15, 8-10 SEC) in the final regular season game of the year by a 69-50 scoreline. On a day that saw more turnovers than made baskets, a late burst from the Tigers was key. “I like to think we defended well,” coach Cuonzo Martin said. “I think we should defend as a team [like this] consistently.” As a result of extra defensive efforts, neither offense had a productive first half. Missouri and Alabama combined to shoot 14 for 48 from the field while turning the ball over 24 times. Alabama’s Kira Lewis Jr.

Kimberly Wert recorded two RBIs in the Tigers' win over Ole Miss. BEN PFEIFER

Sports Staff Writer

was the only player on either team to score more than four points. The Tigers closed out the first half on an especially stretch of cold shooting, not making a field goal in the final 4:19 and only two in the last 10 minutes. Nonetheless, they led 21-20 at the break. “It’s tough,” redshirt junior guard Dru Smith said of playing in a low-scoring situation. “At that point, you gotta lock in defensively. You’ve got to understand that stops are even more important.” A quick run out of halftime gave Alabama a brief lead, but the Tigers kept things close. Redshirt junior forward Mitchell Smith made Missouri’s first 3-pointer of the day on the team’s 13th attempt, more than five minutes into the second half. Later in the period, the Tigers’ offense kicked in. Dru Smith, Javon Pickett and Xavier Pinson pieced together a 10-0 run to gain 7 points of separation. “We got out in transition, we got some easy baskets,”

Missouri softball (18-6, 2-0 SEC), picked up its first series victory on Saturday, defeating Ole Miss (12-12, 0-2 SEC 6-1). The Tigers raked against the Rebels for the second straight outing, totaling 10 hits and five walks with a .400 batting average as a team. Missouri has scored 15 runs against Ole Miss in two games. In the bottom of the first, junior Kimberly Wert laced a single to right field, bringing sophomore Jazmyn Rollin home and putting the Tigers up 1-0. Rollin brought home freshman Megan Moll with a single in the second, then proceeded to steal second. Ole Miss struggled at the plate early. Freshman pitcher Emma Nichols continued her strong debut season in her first conference start, blanking the Rebels through four innings, only allowing one hit and one walk. “Emma Nichols threw an outstanding one-hitter into the fifth inning,” coach Larissa Anderson said. “She kept the game close and I thought our at-bats were great the entire way through the lineup.” Heading into the fourth inning, the Tigers opened up the scoring, building a cushion from the Rebels. Junior Hatti Moore hit a sacrifice flyout to center for one of Missouri’s runs. On the next at-bat, Wert doubled to deep right, giving the Tigers a 4-0 lead. Ole Miss jump-started the offense in the top of the fifth; a walk, a single and a hit by pitch loaded the bases for Jessica Puk, who scored the Rebels’ only run against the Tigers on Friday. Puk RBI singled to left, scoring the first run for the Rebels. “The biggest thing is keeping her off base,” Anderson said. Freshman pitcher Emma Schumacher replaced Nichols and

'BAMA | Page 15

MISS | Page 15

BEDELL | Page 15


Missouri men beat ‘Bama in final regular season game

Nichols records first SEC win as Tigers take series over Rebels

Konnor Ash throws a pitch against Western Illinois. | PHOTO COURTESY OF TWITTER VIA @MIZZOUBASEBALL.


T H E M A N E AT E R | S P O RTS | M A R C H 1 1, 2 0 2 0


Defense leads to offense in Missouri’s win over Alabama The Tigers held Alabama to a season-low 50 points.

3-point shooting team made 4-25 from behind the

stops, only now those stops were leading to more


fastbreaks and easy baskets.

“Our bigs did a great job of making sure they

“We wanted to do that from the beginning,”


hedged,” guard Javon Pickett said. “They pushed

Pickett said. “In the second half we really got to

them out. Our guards were able to get back in

do it … on the defensive end, I felt like we were

front of the ball, and just defend. It was a great

pressuring. We got loose balls so we was able to

team effort on both ends of the floor, but on the

run. We just gotta continue to keep playing like

defensive end, I feel like we did a great job of

that. When we play fast, I feel like we a good

scrambling, making sure that we contested those


Sports Editor Alabama’s





Saturday afternoon would never be confused with poetry. The Crimson Tide shot 30% from the field and scored 50 points, their lowest output of the season. Alabama coach Nate Oats said it was by far his team’s worst offensive performance of the year. But on the other side of an ugly offensive game was a dominant defensive performance from Missouri. It was one of the Tigers’ best all year and one that eventually led to a solid offensive second half as well. “I just think we defended the way I thought we could defend throughout the season,” coach Cuonzo Martin said. “You have to give up some against a team like this because they can score the ball.” What Missouri gave up, Martin explained, was some interior defense at the expense of locking


“We started locking up way harder and that

Junior guard Dru Smith picked up two steals,

translated to our offense,” forward Mitchell Smith

adding to his team-leading season count of 64.

said. “So usually we take our defensive energy and

While only two showed up on the stat sheet, Smith

we translate to offense, good things happen.”

caused several more of Alabama’s 18 turnovers

The energy in the second half was crucial for

by taking away ball handlers’ space and getting

the Tigers in what was a close game until the

his hands on the ball, often deflecting it off of an

final five minutes. The shots weren’t falling at

Alabama player to flip possession.

the beginning, but at what Missouri could control

“I don’t think it’s something that you really can practice,” Smith said. “Just playing with instincts and just really just being in the right spot.”

the most — hustle, running hard, diving for balls, getting back on defense — it succeeded. “It’s huge because the momentum can swing

For all of its success preventing baskets, Missouri

any which way at that point, Smith said. “So once

wasn’t particularly good offensively, especially

I feel like we had the momentum, it was kind of

in the first half, missing all seven of its 3-point

wraps from there. We just kind of ran with it after

attempts and committing 12 turnovers.


down Alabama’s perimeter shooters. The plan

But in the second half, the Tigers came out

worked, as the Southeastern Conference’s top

playing with more tempo. They kept getting

Edited by Eli Hoff


Missouri baseball extends winning streak to five with 7-4 win over Western Illinois Missouri is now 9-5 on the

however, once Missouri senior Peter

Bieser said. “Maybe somebody that

3-for-4 with two runs and shortstop


Zimmermann stepped into the box.

didn’t really have enough confidence

Austin James provided insurance as

Zimmermann blasted a 2-run home

would’ve folded under that, but I

he sailed a 2-run shot into the left


run, evening the score at two.

thought he settled in and threw the

field bullpen extending his home run

ball really well.”

streak to three games.

“I was sitting on the bench, saw

Sports Reporter Game three of the Missouri vs. Western Illinois series was memorable for freshman and Columbia native Spencer Miles made his first career start at Taylor Stadium. The Tigers swept the Leathernecks in a 7-4 victory, extending their win streak to five games. The first inning didn’t go as planned for Miles as the top of the lineup for Western Illinois earned

the ball go off the bat — first one to

Miles went six innings with five

“A lot of guys hit the ball well

jump up probably,” Miles said. “So

strikeouts while giving up nine hits

today, it’s just, I mean we easily

I was pumped, got me back in it.

before being relieved by sophomore

could have put up 12,13 runs if

And then after that, it’s a boost of

Trae Robertson. Robertson struck

just balls started finding holes for

confidence that I can go right now.”

out two in the 7th while Jackson

us,” Zimmermann said. “I think our

Miles tallied five strikeouts in

Lancaster took over in the 8th. Trey

approach today was a lot better. I

front of the home crowd with his

Dillard made an appearance on the

think guys didn’t try to do too much

family and friends in the stands.

mound with three strikeouts securing

and it worked out very well.”

“I like seeing everyone here, throwing in front of friends and

the Tiger victory.

The Tigers improved their record to

The Tigers improved their offensive

9-5 on the season and look to welcome

Miles said. “It may go

consistency in game three as Mizzou

Northern Illinois on Tuesday, March

unsaid, but it’s appreciated that all

tallied nine hits. Zimmermann’s bat

10, and Wednesday, March 11, before

the fans came.”

stayed hot as he went a career high

traveling to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to


an early lead as Trenton Bauer hit a

“The way [Miles] was able to

3-for-4 with four RBI’s as well as

take on the ranked Crimson Tide for

2-run shot over the right center field

scatter hits, they got on him a little

his third home run of the season.

a series at the end of the week.


bit early, but he didn’t cave and he

Sophomore Cameron Swanger was a

Edited by Wilson Moore

just kept coming at ‘em,” coach Steve

key part of the team’s success batting






T H E M A N E AT E R | S P O RTS | M A R C H 1 1, 2 0 2 0



Continued from page 13

After scoring two in the first on a Tre Morris single and a Peter Zimmermann groundout, a previously slumping Austin James came to the plate in the second with a runner on and a runner in (Cameron Swanger and Alex Peterson, respectively). He proceeded to loft a high fly ball into the left field bullpen to blow the game wide open. Clayton Peterson — Alex’s brother — lined a triple into left center two batters later and later scored, giving Missouri a 7-0 lead from which the Leathernecks did not recover and ousting Western Illinois starter Johnny Beck after he recorded a mere three outs. “I was just trying to get a pitch that I could drive somewhere,” James said. “I’ve been struggling, scuffling a little bit. Coach is just telling me I can, just everyone keeping me up and in good spirits, and I got a good pitch to hit and put a good swing on it.” After the second, however, the Tigers got nothing. They had no answers for Leatherneck reliever Chandler Fochs, who despite entering the game with an ERA over 12 tossed seven innings and allowed zero runs. Both Bieser and James acknowledged that their situational hitting must improve, but they also credited Fochs with an outstanding outing. “He had a two breaking ball mix,” James said. “He had a pretty big curveball and then a pretty tight slider. The slider was his best pitch, and he used it to really attack the zone, and he made us get ourselves out. That was the difference between [Fochs and Beck].” Missouri will return to Taylor Stadium Saturday morning and put No. 2 starter Konnor Ash on the bump against a still winless Western Illinois squad. Like Bedell, Ash was a reliever for most of last season and will take the ball every weekend for the Tigers. “I know that Konnor Ash is going to go out there and do an incredible job,” Bedell said. “He’ll just absolutely pound the zone and make those guys have to swing it.” Edited by Wilson Moore


Continued from page 13

Reed Nikko battles against Tide forward Galin Smith during senior night at Mizzou Arena. | PHOTO COURTESY OF TWITTER VIA @MIZZOUHOOPS

Dru Smith said. “I

elite shooter,” Martin said.

rolling and got our

bench. Torrence Watson started in his place but was only


over Pinson was a coach’s decision, a team spokesperson

think that got us energy up.” the


Tide continued to struggle offensively, Missouri was

keyed in. Three consecutive made 3-pointers near the end

of the game from Mark Smith proved to be icing on the

cake. Smith, who missed a portion of the season with a hamstring injury, was visibly excited.

“When he’s catching and shooting like that, he’s an

Though Pinson played 29 minutes, he came off the

on the floor for six minutes. The decision to start Watson said.

Missouri awaits results from other SEC games to

know its final position in conference standings. The SEC tournament begins Wednesday in Nashville, Tennessee. Edited by Wilson Moore

Mizzou infielder Jazmyn Rollin slides into second base against Ole Miss. | PHOTO COURTESY OF TWITTER @MIZZOUSOFTBALL


immediately registered an inning-ending double play with the bases loaded, averting disaster for the Continued from page 13 Tigers. In the sixth inning, sophomore Kendyll Bailey’s sacrifice single brought home two runs, extending Missouri’s lead to 6-1. Senior closer Eli Daniel notched her fifth save of the season in the top of the seventh, securing the Tigers’ second SEC victory of the season. Nichols picked up her

first SEC win of the season, improving to 3-2 overall.

“One of our goals this year is to win every series,”

Anderson said. “With a win today we won the series and we’re going to go out tomorrow and try to sweep.”

The Tigers will play for their first series sweep on

Sunday against Ole Miss.

Edited by Wilson Moore

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