Volume II, Issue 1 (February 2017)

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“You must never be fearful about what you are doing, when it is right.” — Rosa Parks


Longview Voice Sharing the good news about LISD!

Vol. 2 No. 1 January / February 2017

A publication of Longview Independent School District

Complimentary Copy

Hope you had a blessed holiday season!

During the holiday season students from various elementary and middle school campuses came by the district ESC building to share of their skills and talents, performing excellent renditions of seasonal favorites. Thank you to all our talented students, hard-working staff, and supportive parents in making these wonderful programs possible!

LHS violinist to play Carnegie Hall


sabella Cowart, a junior violinist at Longview High School, has been selected for the 2017 High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. She will perform with the Symphonic Orchestra in February. Participation in one of the five Honors Ensembles is limited to the highest-rated high school performers from across the world.According to Morgan Smith, Program Director, more than 18,000 nominations were processed this year, with the organization selecting the most talented student performers from around the world. “Being selected to the Honors Performance Series is something each Finalist should be extremely proud of accomplishing,” Smith added. “Working with these conductors and performing at Carnegie Hall is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that these musicians never forget.”Earlier this year, Isabella auditioned for the Honors Performance Series and was accepted after a review by the Honors Selection Board. Acceptance to the elite group is a direct result of the talent, dedication, and achievements demonstrated in her application and audition recording. Isabella will join other performers from all 49 United States, Guam, two Canadian provinces and a number of foreign countries for the special performance at world-famous Carnegie Hall, a venue that marks the pinnacle of musical achievement.

Eight early graduates receive diplomas


t may not have had the usual “pomp and circumstance” of the end of year graduation ceremony, but the diplomas presented to eight Longview Early Graduation High School students are just as special. During the Longview ISD trustees meeting Monday, Dec. 12, graduates were recognized by Principal Kristi Means. Means said the graduates each had an obligation to, “share your gifts with the world.” • Kaylie Hawkins is a Globe Scholar graduating on the recommended plan. She will attend Tyler Junior College. She aspires to become a sonogram technician. • Mirna Gonzalez Hernandez will major in Early Childhood Education at Kilgore College. She aspires to become a Kindergarten teacher. • Raven Houston plans to attend Kilgore College to major in Nursing. She desires to become a registered nurse. • Tru’Neal King will pursue a degree

Isabella has studied violin for 11 years and is a member of the Longview High School Orchestra. She has auditioned and been a member of the TMEA All Region orchestra for 5 years, receiving superior ratings for UIL Solo and Ensemble contest. Last

year Isabella received a superior rating for her solo and duet at the UIL State Solo and Ensemble contest held in Austin. As concertmaster of the Kilgore Area Community College Orchestra, she had the opportunity to play and perform in a master class lead by renowned performing solo violinist Chloe Trevor. Isabella has also attended the Fine Arts Summer Academy in Nashville led by the Annie Moses band for the past 4 years and has performed on the Grand Ole Opry stage with this academy. Finalists will come together in New York City for five days in February

See Violinist on Page 3

Alumni’s daddy-daughter video goes viral

in Industrial Maintenance at Kilgore College. • Kelsey McDaniel will attend Kilgore College in the spring. She plans to major in Process Technology. • Enrique Pineda plans to attend The Art Institute of Dallas, TX. He plans to have a career in graphic design. • Ge’Kaelup Watkins is a Globe Sc holar g raduat ing on t he recommended plan. She plans to attend Kilgore College to major in Cosmetology. • Jayden Boykin plans to pursue a degree in music production. He is undecided on a university at this time. The Long view Early Graduation High School (formerly known as LEAD Academy) serves progressive students who wish to graduate early. Providing dual-credit courses for students seeking higher education, it also features career and technology options, online/distance learning, and ACT/SAT preparation.

Derrick Culpepper was just sharing a glimpse of his family’s morning routine, but his video went all over the world as an endearing portrait of a father’s love. A 1995 graduate of Longview High, the Culpeppers now live in the Dallas area. Derrick is married to Lakisha and together they have three kids: 14-year-old D.J., 12-year-old Christine, and the baby of the family, Linda, who’s 4. In September, a video of Derrick doing his youngest child’s hair started blowing up, nearly a year after he’d originally posted the clip. News had also just broken about the shooting of another unarmed black man by a

white police officer, this time in Tulsa, Okla., which Derrick suspects had something to do with why his video resonated with so many Americans. “People were angry at what had taken place,” he says, “yet finding hope in what they’d seen through the video, from a black American.” The clip shows Derrick, who shares morning routine duties with his wife, diligently brushing away while receiving plenty of sweet encouragement from little Linda. “My family encourages me to be be the best Dad that I can be and I never get to catch these memories on video,” Derrick wrote in the caption on YouTube. “I have been a barber pretty much all my life and still find it difficult to style my daughter’s hair.” However, he says, Linda “keeps me encouraged” whenever he tries his hand at styling. The clip begins with Derrick having already completed half the work on a pigtails hairstyle, then he asks his girl how he’s doing. “Good!” she replies. As he grabs a bit more product to work into her locks, he asks her what to do next. She explains that he just needs to “brush it then put a band on it!” He follows her instructions and as he gathers the hair on the other side of her head as he brushes away, Linda tells her daddy that he is “doing a great job” and that he is “almost done!” “Baby thank you so much, you’re so encouraging to dad,” Derrick replies with a

See Video on Page 3

inside the


Longview Voice

Opinion Coming Events

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District Science Fair Foster Earns Silver

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Debate Team Honors Everhart Raise Money

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January / February 2017


Some risks are opportunities for success By Mayor Andy Mack

Dear Lobos, I read an interesting quote in a wonderful book titled “Love Does” by Bob Goff: “I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.” Have you ever been too afraid of failure to try something new? I know I have. When I was in high school, I played football until my sophomore year. But after that, because I was afraid I couldn’t compete, I switched from football to golf. I wasn’t really that great at golf, but I knew by playing golf, I was really just competing against myself rather than others. Turns out that ended up being a good move for me, because I am still able to play golf to this day. And let’s be honest, not too many guys my age are going out playing football on the weekends. Ha! Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Facebook has said, “It’s risky not to take chances.” In fact, most millionaires you read about are those who are willing to take chances when others are not. Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal made millions. However, instead of living off the profits of PayPal, he invested the money into two other companies: SpaceX and Tesla. Both companies were in bankruptcy when he invested in them and are now highly successful. That is taking a risk; taking a chance. How about Vera Wang? Did you know she was a highly competitive figure skater who did not make the 1968 Olympics team? Upon giving up her skating career, she pursued magazine editing.

When she didn’t get the spot for Editor-in-Chief for Vogue magazine, she took the job as Design Director for Ralph Lauren. And as luck would have it, when she was preparing to get married and couldn’t find the right dress for her own wedding, she designed her own dress resulting in a new career in bridal fashion design. And we all know where that took her. One of my favorite stories is that of Sylvester Stallone. With a baby on the way, and not enough money to pay rent he wrote the script for Rocky in 4 days. Rather than selling his screenplay and bypassing the opportunity to star in the movie, Stallone took a big risk and declined the offer. He believed so much in his story and knew he was the best person to play the lead role. In fact, he believed in this so much that he even sold his dog for $50 to keep food on the table. 6 months later, when the screenplay was sure to become a reality, Stallone purchased his dog, “Butkus,” back from the people he sold him to for $15,000! What would the world be like, if people never took a chance? In my role as Mayor, I have a bit of a balancing act between taking risks, yet being fiscally responsible with the city’s resources. If we aren’t willing to take some calculated risks, then our city won’t have the opportunity to grow. This is why I am excited about the possibility of us having a new Amphitheater in town. This Amphitheater would seat between 8,000–10,000 people and would allow us to attract major musical acts. Not only would this bring more fun for all of us to enjoy, this would also bring new people to our city

who will shop, eat, and stay at our hotels. This has the potential to bring an amazing amount of new revenue into our city. With this revenue, we will be able to fund more projects that we are now dreaming about to make our Longview better. But see, while this is a risk, it is still a calculated one. Before an estimated $13 million is spent (through a public/private partnership) on the potential amphitheater, a comprehensive study will be done to fully explore the pros and cons of the idea. So yes, while we are taking a risk, we aren’t doing so without doing all of our homework first. If the study comes back positive, meaning at least a revenue neutral (hopefully a revenue positive!) endeavor, we will stand at a crossroads: “Do we? Or don’t we?” And that is where the big picture has to come into play. This amphitheater will be located on the I 20 corridor which will be a big positive for South Longview economic development and a stimulus for economic growth in this region. It also satisfies the needs identified in our City’s Comprehensive Plan for more entertainment venues in our city to support young people. This unique entertainment venue, unlike anything else in East Texas, can help put Longview on the map as a destination city. All of these factors will come into play when we decide, “Do we? Or don’t we?” take a chance. So what are we waiting on Longview? We have got to make hay while the sun is still shining. So let’s get after it!

— Dr. Andy Mack is a 1978 graduate of Longview High School. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon for more than 25 years, he is currently owner-operator of East Texas Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Longview.

Study hard, have some fun and say your prayers,


Longview grad reflects on legacy of President Obama

— An honors graduate from Longview High, Kedarious Colbert earned his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Public Affairs, respectively from Texas Southern University in 2011. In 2014, he completed a master of city and regional planning degree from Cornell University. Currently he is an Urban Planner for the City of Longview.

2007 Longview High School graduate Kedarious Colbert reflects on his political coming of age, and the time he met a certain American senator who was destined to hold the nation’s highest office. I’ll always remember my turbulent introduction to Barack Hussein Obama. It was 2007; I was a senior at Longview High School and my US History teacher held up a Jet magazine with the image of a Black guy on the cover and told the class: this will be our next President. I quickly rebutted: “Please, a Black man in America? This is US History, and according to this textbook, it ain’t happening.” My teacher, less than enthusiastic about my remarks, forced the class to watch Barack Obama’s 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address; I was deeply inspired. Like most of my peers, I began to think about his unifying message but still, I couldn’t imagine America with an African American President. The year progressed, I graduated high school, and the primaries were in full motion. Now, a freshman at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, I was further engaged in the democratic process. Inundated with campaign materials, organizational flyers, and the adjustment of being in college, not to mention a historically Black university, I didn’t know how I would get engaged with the electoral process but I wanted to participate in “democracy” as a newly minted 18-year-old voter. At this time, I was still eager to hear John Edward’s stories about his father working in a textile mill — he was so likable. However, on campus there were three options: join Students for Obama, Students for Hillary, or the Republican student chapter, which appeared defunct but existed. I was naturally drawn to the Students for Obama chapter despite the democratic split amongst the Arkansas contingency on campus. Immediately, I became a doorknocker; canvassing neighborhoods throughout Houston’s 3rd Ward community encouraging people to get out and vote for Senator Obama. Honestly, I do not know if I was more excited to be involved in a political campaign, voting for a President, or the fact that an African American man could potentially be the Democratic nominee. In hindsight, I am sure it was the combination of the three. Houston was a campaign hot spot for advocacy; it was common to see celebrities like Kerry Washington on campus rallying for Obama and Rocking the Vote. After volunteering at local events, canvassing neighborhoods, and phone banking, it was not uncommon to spend weekends working with the campaign in some capacity and meeting local and state officials. However, I will never forget the October morning when the leadership of our small campus group was asked to suit up and volunteer at a Major Donor event in River Oaks. Given the geography of this event, it was not strange that we were required to wear our “Sunday’s Best” but this event was particularly small and a “major campaign representative” was supposed to speak at the event. Various speeches were made in the room full of approximately 50 people. While hors d’oeuvres were being passed out, a caravan of Black SUVs quickly pulled into the circular drive and a number of large men exited the vehicle and made space for a tall, skinny, African American man to enter the home of Tony Chase. That man, then-Sen. Barack Obama, stepped out of the vehicle, smiled, waved, shook hands, and entered the home. After given his twenty-minute stomp speech, I remembered my teacher’s words: “This man is going to be the next President of the United States.” After sweeping the room off their feet, he entertained a few

small conversations and took a photo with a small team of college volunteers, which included me. It was that October morning that I began to believe in the impossible. After the event, I remember driving down 610 South with LaRence Snowden, our on-campus advisor, reflecting over the morning. Now on campus, I called my grandmother and told her about the meeting to which she quickly exclaimed, “Baby Boy, I hope you got some photos because that might be the next President.” She was right; on January 20, 2008, I stood in the freezing Washington, DC winter and watched Senator Barack Obama raise his right hand and become a two-term President of the United States of America. A lot has changed since that cold January morning in DC. My grandmother is deceased; I graduated undergrad, graduate school, and I have developed a more pronounced opinion of America, the Obama Presidency, and politics in general. As the Obama era culminates, America is experiencing growing pains. Immigration, marriage equality, police brutality, health care, and the rising cost of higher education are just a few of the issues that President Obama was tasked with while Check out Chef Chardée’s “souper” twist on rebuilding the economy, creating jobs, appointing Supreme Court Justices, and protecting our the classic Super Bowl snack of Buffalo Wings borders in an increasingly terroristic society. As I reflect over the last eight years, I see myself. It’s strange because the America of my Creamy Buffalo Chicken Soup grandparents isn’t reflected in President Obama’s administration. Leading one of the most demographically diverse administrations in US History, the Obama appointments elevated the Ingredients faces of women and minorities to long-term spaces that will impact generations. Federal judges, cabinet secretaries, Supreme Court nominees, and a few ambassadors are positions that reflected 1/2 tsp Cilantro, dried the diversity of the American population; however, those placements were hard fought. Naturally, I desired to see representation in Congress and gubernatorial elections to balance the federal 1/2 cup diced yellow onion representation but that is another article. 1 big tbsp minced garlic The impact that President Obama had on millennials cannot be overstated but it is coupled with the complexity of deportation, job loss, and a housing market that still has not fully recovered 3 tbsp cooking oil from 2008 crash. And although the issues of access to healthcare, the rising cost of college tuition, — Chardée Snoddy, a Longview High School graduate, 1 lb Chicken Breast, Diced is the Childhood Nutrition Chef for LISD. the tragedy of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown Jr., Laquan McDonald, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott, The Emanuel Nine, Sean Bell, Jordan Davis, and Alton Sterling are all moments that became all 1 tsp Tony C. Seasoning Directions too common under an African American President, I still found a manner to believe. It was during 1 tbsp Garlic powder In a large pot heat the cooking oil. these moments when I desired the symbolism of an African American President to speak for us, Once it is hot, add in diced yellow 1 package Ranch dressing mix African Americans, Black men and women, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, to articulate onion, and minced garlic. the experience to America. Too often were tears rolling down my face as the Black community 1/4 tsp Salt Sautee’ over medium heat until the chanted Black Lives Matter to an administration that responded with ineffective commissions, onion is soft, then add in the dried 1 tbsp Onion powder committees, and a high-level meeting. We wanted to feel that we, too, are American, and that cilantro. Mix together well. our lives matter. 1 can whole kernel corn, drained Season your chicken with the tony, Trolled, disrespected, and continuously pandered to by candidates vying for the highest office, I 1 can Black beans, drained and rinsed garlic powder, ranch dressing mix, almost feel taken advantage off in today’s political landscape. I must admit, I’ll miss the personality onion powder, and salt, then add it and leadership that President Obama and his family exhibited throughout these past eight years, 1 14.5 oz can Rotel Tomatoes (I use to the pot. but moving forward I am more reluctant to allow identity politics to become too factorial in my the cilantro and lime flavor, but Cook the chicken until it appears to voting process. As a Black man in America, I have come to terms with the challenges placed before me simply due to the color of my skin. I understand that policy and politics are not too kind to buy according to your flavor be done from the outside then add in all other ingredients EXCEPT the people like me but I also realize the importance of advancement over representation. profile. Do you want it really cream cheese and Frank’s hot sauce. While there were a few cringe inducing moments throughout Obama’s Presidency, he normalized spicy, slightly tangy, or as close to Lower heat to where you have a low excellence, exhibited unparalleled temperament, and overcame adversity which further proves boil. Let it simmer until the chicken that regardless of my heritage, economic background, religion, and/or sexual orientation, there normal as possible?) is completely done. is space for me in America. Turn off heat and stir in cream 2 cups Heavy Whipping Cream As January 20, 2017 quickly approaches and the leadership of America changes, I’ll cherish these cheese until melted and hot sauce. past eight years. I’ll cherish the photo, the handshake, and the unparalleled message of hope 2 cups Chicken Stock Garnish with fresh cilantro, or chedand unity with me forever. There is not a term limit on hope and one day, I, too, will tell the dar cheese. (Optional) 8 oz Cream cheese non-contextualized story to my children and grandchildren of the time I met America’s greatest Served with a slice of toasted garlic President. 1/4 cup Frank’s Red Hot Sauce French bread, or a simple bag of Thank you, President Obama. Doritos

Chef’s Corner


January / February 2017

Trustees oppose A-F ratings, school vouchers

Longview ISD joined districts across the state calling for the repeal of the A-F school rating system during its regular meeting Monday, Dec. 12. The resolution calls for the Texas Legislature to repeal the letter-grade rating system that will be implemented in the 2017-2018 school year as part of House Bill 2804, passed by the legislature in 2015. LISD believes that the accountability system does not provide a meaningful or accurate assessment of a student, campus or district performance. “Our view is the social and economic environment of a campus or district will have unintended consequence on the ratings,” said Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox. “What’s more, the bulk of the rankings will be based solely on a once a year STAAR/EOC assessment that has been proven to be defective, not statistically significant or reliable, and detrimental to students and the teaching profession.” Wilcox said LISD supports a strong accountability system that reflects the many facets of a quality 21st century education system. “It should reflect overall student performance and not limited to the lowest-performing student group, based on a single state assessment,” he said. The resolution offers an alternative to the A-F rating system, pursuing the development of a community-based accountability system that empowers districts to design their owns systems of accountability that — while meeting general state standards — allows innovation and customization to match the needs or interests of our own community. Longview ISD believes that further study is necessary to design a system that adequately addresses the nature of school success and school improvement. District opposes vouchers The resolution also opposes a state voucher plan, tax credit, taxpayer savings grants, tuition reimbursements, or any program that diverts public tax dollars to private entities, homeschool students, or parents with little or no academic or financial accountability to the state, taxpayers, or local communities. Wilcox said vouchers and savings grants given to the private sector “remove the fiduciary responsibility required for the accountability of public funds.” “We oppose any form of certificate directly or indirectly funded by the government in which parents can apply toward tuition at a private school or home schooling, rather than attending the state funded public school,” he said. ‘More funding needed’ In addition to opposing vouchers, Longview ISD is joining with the 95 school districts and 7 charter schools of Region VII in calling for more public school funding. Wilcox said Texas funding per student ranks 40th in the nation, while the Texas economy ranks among the best. “LISD believes that the basic allotment should be raised creating additional funding for all districts in Texas,” he said. “The increased allotment would not require additional revenue from the state, rather revenues generated by increased property values would be returned to local school districts.”

Video|Continued from Front

smile, before fastening the bun with an elastic band. After finishing up, Derrick asks, “Alright, what do you think?” Linda raises her arms, smiles and giggles with approval, turning to the camera to reveal her excellent hairdo. In an interview with BuzzFeed, Derrick said he splits morning hair duty with his wife. “It’s something that I had to learn because it’s what my wife needed me to do, “ he said. “A lot of people are saying, ‘I wish my dad had done that,’ or ‘I wish my husband could do this.’ It seems to me people are looking for something that reflects something positive, especially for Black Americans.” Derrick said his daughter also does the same thing to his wife and that they try to provide an environment for their daughter where she feels encouraged. “She does it to mom as well because that’s the way we are around home, we encourage each other and build each other up. In this house we are real,” he said. “We give hugs, we love, we have fun, and we give second chances. This is just how we live and how we raise our kids to be encouraging to one another.” “I try to do the best I can to capture some of these moments,” Derrick added. “You don’t know the moments are coming and by the time you get the camera it’s usually too late.”

Violinist|Continued from Front 2017. They will have the opportunity to learn from worldrenowned conductors, work with other Finalists, and get a taste of New York City. Two performances, an Honors Choral performance and Honors Instrument performance, will take place Sunday, Feb. 5, and are open to the public. Tickets can be purchased beginning 60 days prior to the performance through the Carnegie Hall box office. The Honors Performance Series was created to showcase accomplished individual high school performers on an international level by allowing them to study under master conductors and perform in the celebrated venue, Carnegie Hall. For more information please visit HonorsPerformance.org

Science Fair set for Feb. 11

Longview ISD students in grades 5th through 12th will meet Feb. 11 at Lobo Coliseum for a science fair. The fair starts at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 3 p.m. with an awards ceremony. Students will compete for a chance to advance to the Regional Science Fair in Kilgore. Lobo Coliseum is located on the campus of Longview High School, 201 East Tomlinson Parkway. The district will also host a Junior Science Fair for 3rd and 4th grade students on Friday, Feb. 10 at Forest Park Middle School.

Longview church gives kids shoes for Christmas

Foster earns silver at Math/Science meet Foster Middle School’s powerhouse Math & Science team was narrowly edged by Hallsville over the weekend at an academic meet in Atlanta, finishing in second-place by just a few points. “The Dragons did a spectacular job, bringing home a 2nd place trophy with a total of 3929 points, close behind Hallsville’s 3961,” said Christi Shobert, Foster 6th grade Gifted & Talented teacher. Foster Principal John York echoed Shobert’s praise, adding that the students accomplished these feats while also maintaining academic excellence in regular coursework. “You look at how hard these young people are working at this level of academic competition, then you realize they’re doing this in addition to their day to day classes,” he said. “It really impresses you, and illustrate the high quality of students at Longview ISD.” Individual results in the top 10 are as follows: Number Sense: 7th grade: 1) Aditya Jagarlamudi (328) 2) Nitya Jagarlamudi (202) 4) Iniabasi Ekpenyong (157) 8th grade: 3) Mario Diola (208) Calculator: 6th grade: 3) Katelyn Clendenin (179) 7th grade: 2) Aditya Jagarlamudi (283) 4) Safin Chowdhury (247) 8th grade: 5) Alexandra Rojas (283) General Math:

6th grade: 2) Luke Archer (63) 5) Abigail Hilton (56) 8) Reagan Hall (51) 7th grade: 1) Aditya Jagarlamudi (190) 2) Nitya Jagarlamudi (147) 4) Iniabasi Ekpenyong (139) 6) Brayden Strong (92) 8) Mason LaMaster (73) 10) Anthony Holyfield (69) 8th grade: 2) Mario Diola (176) 6) Harrison Lin (123) 9) Nicholas Goodan (113) Science: 6th grade: 1) Cayden Tipton (124) 2) Christian Holder (117) 6) Leilani Mercier (89) 7) Soyemi Grace (89) 8) Grace Rucker (82) 7th grade: 3) Sterrett Waltrip (153) 4) Safin Chowdhury (145) 6) Neha Nirmal (133) 7) Nitya Jagarlamudi (131) 9) Iniabasi Ekpenyong (128) 8th grade: 4) Mario Diola (154) Foster’s Math & Science team will compete Jan. 28 at Pine Tree before the state qualifying meet Feb. 18 in Ore City. TMSCA State competition is set for April 22

The excitement of a child waking up on Christmas morning and unwrapping their gifts is priceless. Bramlette Elementary School students got to enjoy that feeling early. For four years Motion Church has given out new shoes to elementaries in Longview. “We buy name brand shoes such as Nike, Under Armor, and Air Jordan,” Motion Church member John Crumpton says. “We want them to have confidence and pride when they wear them.” That confidence can go a long way. School counselors say three sisters who recently lost their mom, needed that pickup. “We can have fun with our shoes and play with them,” Treasure Henson says.”They’re going to say where did you get those shoes from.” People with the church wait all year long just to see reactions like that and are comforted knowing what a simple pair of shoes can do for their self-esteem at school. “Words can’t really describe it, it’s a deep down feeling that I don’t know how to describe,” Crumpton says. “It’s amazing.”

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Coming Events February 1

8 a.m. Lobos golf at Pine Tree Invitational (Woodhollow) 1 p.m. National College Signing Day (Turf Room) 5 p.m. Lady Lobos softball hosts Southwood

February 2

Groundhog Day 8 a.m. Middle School Boys Basketball District Tournament (Lufkin) 8 a.m. Middle School Girls Basketball District Tournament (Lobo Coliseum) 9 a.m. Hudson PEP Parent Meeting 4:30 p.m. Lobos powerlifting hosts 9th Grade invitational meet 5:50 a.m. Johnston-McQueen Family Science Night 6 p.m. City Council Town Hall Meeting (Ware Elementary) 6 p.m. Hudson PEP Parent Meeting 6:30 p.m. Early College Parent Meeting (Little Theatre)

February 3

8 a.m. Lobos swimming Regional finals 8 a.m. Lobo tennis at Coppell tourney 8 a.m. Kilgore College Art Symposium 5 p.m. Lobos basketball at Rockwall Heath 5 p.m. Lady Lobos basketball host Rockwall Heath (Senior Night) 5:30 p.m. Lobos soccer at North Mesquite 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer hosts North Mesquite 7 p.m. Foster Winter Formal

February 4

Rosa Parks Day 8 a.m. Lobos swimming Regional finals 8 a.m. Lobo tennis at Coppell tourney 8 a.m. Middle School Boys Basketball District Tournament (Lufkin) 8 a.m. Middle School Girls Basketball District Tournament (Lobo Coliseum)

February 6

8 a.m. Lobo golf hosts invitational (Pinecrest) 5 p.m. Lobos varsity baseball at Lindale 5 p.m. Lobos JV baseball hosts Lindale 6:30 p.m. Lobo University (College & Career Center)

February 7

8 a.m. Middle School Solo & Ensemble Contest (Melton Center) 8 a.m. UIL Academic Writing Contest (Judson) 4 p.m. Lobos soccer hosts John Tyler 4:30 p.m. Lobos powerlifting hosts 8th Grade invitational meet 5 p.m. Lobos basketball hosts Mesquite (Middle School Night) 5 p.m. Lady Lobos basketball hosts Mesquite 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer hosts John Tyler 6 p.m. Lobo Cheer Booster Meeting

February 8

11 a.m. East Texas Coaches Association Mini-Clinic


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January / February 2017

I am not an ‘educrat,’ I am a parent Contrary t o w ha t some state leaders m a y believe, not all of us who repre sent T e x a s p u b l i c — Kristin Tassin serves as president of the Fort schools are Bend ISD board of trustees. She is an attorney liberals or practicing in Houston. “educrats,” a s described by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in his to the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Most of us are parents, many with conservative views and values, who ran for the school board or got involved in our local school districts in order to improve education and make a difference for the children in our communities and across Texas. As an elected official, I take the time to listen to those who work with our children every day. We need our state’s leaders to listen and work together to find real solutions. Patrick said in his speech that he is listening to his constituents. But I am his constituent, and his message to me was to stay home — to “save [my] money” and “don’t bother to come to Austin to lobby” for what I believe is best for the students in my district and Texas. Well, I am not going to stay home. Not only because I care too much, but also because it is my duty under the law to advocate for public education and the more than 5.2 million Texas children who attend our public schools.

I am not going to stop speaking out about: School finances and the importance of funding the unfunded mandates passed by the state that take money out of public school budgets. The “8 percent to 9 percent increases annually in school district budgets” are not wholly accurate. In Fort Bend ISD, where I serve as board president, the budget has experienced an average increase of only 2.56 percent over the past eight years, including increased enrollment. In 2017-18, although property values are expected to increase 9-10 percent, FBISD’s total revenue will decrease for the second consecutive year. Property taxes. Patrick suggested that when the property appraisals increase, the school districts are receiving the benefit and the state is “not capping” school district funding. This is simply untrue. The additional funding generated from rising property appraisals does not go to the school districts. Their funding decreases. The additional money goes to the state’s general fund. Accountability and support for a system that is not based on a flawed, high-stakes test, STAAR. I am asking for the repeal of the “A-F” grading system for schools not because I do not believe in accountability, but because I believe in fair and accurate accountability. Patrick stated in his speech that this issue will be “a battle with local elected officials and the educrats who have forgotten it’s about the kids, not adults.” As a parent of three school-aged children, one with a disability, I assure you I have not forgotten that it is about the kids. I have a daughter who will never pass STAAR, and her school is penalized for it. Her failure on this test, which is not her fault or the fault of her teachers, will reflect in the letter grade assigned to her school.

Accountability must allow for multiple ways to assess a child. Real school “choice,” not the mythical system of “choice” that may be considered this session. As a parent of a child with a disability, I am frustrated when I hear state leaders use my child as an excuse to support school vouchers, because I have advocated for inclusive education for children with disabilities for 16 years. This notion of “choice” for students in special education is a myth. There are almost no inclusive private schools in Texas that will admit my daughter, only schools that exclusively serve students with disabilities. These schools do a fine job, but they do not do it in an inclusive environment, for which the disability community has fought for over 40 years. The benefits of my daughter’s inclusive public school education are enormous. Instead of offering money to leave public schools, I suggest leaders focus efforts on changing the culture in Texas to include and educate all students by creating policies that foster an inclusive educational environment. With Texas’ changing demographics, education is complicated, and we all must be open to listening and learning to achieve the best solutions for all Texas children. I’m open to ideas and opinions and hope Lt. Gov. Patrick is open to mine. — Kristin Tassin serves as president of the Fort Bend ISD board of trustees. She is an attorney practicing in Houston.

Debate team earns honors, advances to State Continuing a tradition of UIL excellence, Longview will send debaters to state competition in Austin next week. Debate team members Carrie Gilliland, Maddie

Johnson, Hunter Masten, Brandon Hernandez, and Autumn Gauthier participated in the Region VII competition at John Tyler High last month. Carrie Gilliland was awarded third place, with Maddie Johnson medaled as sixth place. Gilliland will advance to state, with Johnson serving as alternate. District UIL Academic Coordinator Jeannine Brandon praised her students, many of whom were participating in debate for the first time. “To see how much they’ve grown in such a short time, to see how hard they’ve worked — all while keeping up with their regular classwork — it’s really inspiring,” she said. Brandon also highlighted the diligence of LHS debate coach is Brittani Rogers and high school UIL coordinator is Pam Mercer McWilliams. “Our UIL coaches, sponsors, and volunteers go above and beyond on a regular basis,” she said. “I can’t say

enough about the time and energy they put in for these young people.” The state meet was held Jan. 9-11 at the University of Texas in Austin, with the final session being held in the Texas State Capitol.

Longview Independent School District invites you to the

The Twenty-Seventh Annual Distinguished Alumni Recognition Events May 12, 2017 9:30 a.m.

Brick Dedication LISD Foundation Plaza, Longview High School

11:15 a.m.

Distinguished Alumni Visitation Pinecrest Country Club

11:45 a.m.

Distinguished Alumni Luncheon Pinecrest Country Club 214 Club Drive Tickets: $20 1301 E. Young Street Longview, TX 75602

For reservations please call (903) 381-2235 by May 8th.


January / February 2017

National Reading Day Longview ISD Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox stopped by South Ward Elementary on Jan. 23 to read some stories for National Reading Day. An annual event which celebrates and encourages reading by younger children, National Reading Day is celebrated in thousands of schools all around the United States. National Reading Day is designed to help Pre-K through 3rd Grade students develop the literacy foundation they need to become lifelong learners. Schools, libraries, nonprofit groups, and parents participate in a variety of activities with younger readers on National Reading Day.

Everhart helps raise money for student’s family Fourth grader Khamarion Ingram has more than just class to think about, his mother has cancer. “I help my brothers, sisters and mom,” Ingram says. “When she doesn’t feel well I am there for her.” J.L. Everhart Elementary School Principal Arthur Brown says he is not alone. The entire school community has helped raise money, can goods and blankets for his Ingram’s family. “I have found out during my short time here, the school steps up,” Brown says. “We have raised more than $700 for the family.” Brown took this issue to heart. “For me these are my kids, I am the dad here,” Brown says. “When they need me I will always be there for them.” As for Ingram, being a big brother is important to him. He says he will remain strong and can’t wait for his mother to get better. If you would like to donate contact Principal Arthur Brown at 903-803-5400. They are also taking donations at the school.

Page 5 February 9

11 a.m. District PTA Council Meeting (ESC building) 4:30 p.m. Lady Lobos powerlifting hosts meet 6 p.m. Ware Pre-K/K Music Program 6 p.m. Science Night at Hudson PEP 6:30 p.m. Early College Parent Meeting (Little Theatre)

February 10

8 a.m. Junior Science Fair (Forest Park) 8 a.m. Lobos JV tennis at Kilgore tourney

On a roll! CREDIT: Photo used courtesy of Amy Harris/Traces of Texas Traces of Texas reader Amy Harris graciously sent in this wonderful photo, which comes with a great backstory. Amy’s father, Edward Temple, served in WW II as an army medic but before that he had worked as a butcher at the A&P in Longview. His friends and family wrote letters to him on a roll off butcher paper while he was in the service. The letter ended up being 1942 feet long and was the “longest” letter ever received by a service man. In this photo, taken at the old Longview High School before it was sent, it is only partially unrolled. Amy still has the letter, unopened since he mailed it back home for safekeeping.

LISD to host Town Meeting on Ware campus Feb. 2

District 2 City Councilwoman Nona Snoddy has scheduled a Town Meeting in partnership with Ted Beard, Longview Independent School District Trustee for District 6. The dual-purpose meeting will include opportunities to discuss issues related to the City of Longview or Longview ISD The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, at Ware Elementary, 601 W. Garfield St. Town Meetings are an excellent opportunity for citizens and council members to discuss issues facing the community within a casual setting. All citizens are encouraged to attend and share concerns, comments and ideas. For more information please call (903) 237-1021 or visit the City of Longview website.

Keep LISD Beautiful! Longview ISD administrative staffers worked with Keep Longview Beautiful coordinators to gather trash and recyclable materials around the ESC building last month. We love doing our part to Keep Longview Beautiful!

TEA changing public school performance grading system

In the 2017-2018 school year, the Texas Education Agency will implement a new academic performance grading system. Schools will no longer get a simple pass or fail score. Longview ISD Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jody Clements says the algorithm for the system is perhaps what irritates administrators most. “It’s really an unfair system; it’s a biased system. There are school districts that will benefit more than others.” Clements says this is because the formula focuses on the outliers, not the majority of students who show up and learn every day. Last month each Texas Public School and district will receive a preliminary grade according to the new system, but they are not official scores. The TEA says these preliminary scores are to further develop the algorithm before the new grading system takes effect this fall.


Page 6

Bramlette Elementary 1st Grade Eibhleann Barnhill Dylan Bartolo Liliana Bravo Anaya Davis J’ahna Felder Meciah Johnson Javorrius Perkins Aaliyah Pierson Kayden Renfroe Fatima Reyes Lailah Rosemond Yazlyn Solis 3rd Grade Isabella Bravo Evelynn Martinez Melena Ramires JaKyris Starnes Kamya Willis 4th Grade Fardeen Akhtar Ivan Castillo Kristen Peden Brenden Reese Taliilani Tupu 5th Grade Jaidyn Attaway Skyler Cotton Jamaury Gray Maritza Mondragon Andrea Ortiz Christian Palacios Daliena Rose Camilla Rodelo Fatima Traore Taylor Woods

Grade 1 Emmanuel Adeeko Jacquelynn Estrada Jostin Godoy Cristofer Gonzalez Jazzelyn Gonzalez Mia Marquez JaKai Mitchell Samantha Penick Catherine Perales Kylie Schmucker Grade 2 Cameron Aga Jayden Aguirre Amy Barron Liv Brannon Samuel Contreras Saavedra Kyla Crawford Daleyri Godinez Salvador Guerrero-Rodriguez Sara Hart Erika Hayes Abdul Khan Josselyn Lozano Jicel Maldonado Byron Matus Angel Munoz Axel Sosa Nunez Damaris Soto Ailyn Vazquez Braxton Williams Maria Zuniga Grade 3 Cynthia Cervantes Trinity Hicks Yanuvia Medina Jaqueline Rubio Grade 4 Veronica Vasquez Grade 5 Isaac Molina Macy Rivera

Hudson PEP

1st Grade Lucy Archer Brianna Barber Judson Bates Chloe Bowen Solomon Bowen Brysalen Boyd Aiden Brisnehan Gracyn Brockwell Mia Bustamante Camila Butron Gabriel Cabudoy Marley Camp Aidan Carlile Lucas Carlton Trent Collier Sofia Contreras Caleb Dahl Bailey Dehart Jackson Dozier Keren Duarte Rhys Duncalfe Chandler Emerine Taylor Emmons Xania Estrada Kylee Fernandez Anna Ford Alayshja Foster Roma Gasca Jack Gillaspy Elizabeth Grimes Aisha Guinart Lilah Haas Pablo Halvorson Cohen Hardison Elizabeth Hawkins Jaxon Head Sophie Hebert Blakeley Hicks Jack Hilton Baxter Holloway Heidi Hough Caroline Jackson Davin Jeffery Tanner Jenkins Amelia Jennings Ryan Kitchens Jayde LaBarge Evangeline Land Evelyn Lattin

January / February 2017


Jonathan Livingston Hannah Magtanong John McHaney Grayson Minshew Gabriel Moussa Ellie Oglesbee Temilola Ogunkolade Ishan Patel Harshit Peddi Addison Pegues Kennedy Rios Siann Rudolph Mason Rusk Ryleigh Russell Trisha Saenz Ayden Smith Oluwadamilola Soyemi Cooper Stoddard Paxton Surratt Liliana Vega Allie Venables Olivia Verfurth Sophia Verfurth Samantha Wacasey Emilie Wessman Eli White Frances Wilson Benjamin Yates 2nd Grade Aaron Aguilar Joseph Allen Sadie Avaltroni Sarahi Berumen Ethan Carrington Cole Chamberlain Tristan Compton Addison Davis Addison Fussell Elise Fussell Samuel Galvez Alyssa Grissom Olivia Hardee Adalee Harriss Preston Hodges Olaedo Ibeh Hunter Johnson Sophie Johnson Tyson Johnson Myrabella Johnston Ariana Juarez Andre Malik Olivia Najera Jordan Nash Laila Nelson Caroline Newman Emma Newman Aubrey Orban Wilson Page Ezequiel Pascual-Mata Elizabeth Pruitt Ava Ray Joscelyn Rice Chandler Rotzler Rheagan Saintignan Julian Sims Alexander Smith Macy Stroman Kaylee Swaim Rayyan Syed Emily Wilcox Camilya Williams John Wilson Lincoln Witt Jasmine Wright Olivia Zuniga 3rd Grade Ayden Allen Hollie Boone Sreeniketh Chiluveri Addison Collier Ty Cook Elizabeth Danielson Andrew Dean Dunaway Ellin Grace Faulks Christopher Foster Kaleb Glenn Maria Goel Espinoza Aiyana Hawkins Mallory Hickman Mary Hilton Mason Hodges Avery Hogue Moses Hough Jason Hubbard Sydney Hudman Jaharia Hunter Joseph Johnson Schuyler Johnson Mia Jones Cole Kitchens Lincoln Kyle Brant Laird Savannah Lee Nathaniel Lewis Steven Livingston Jacob Lundy Boone McHaney Michael Miller Mia Monsivais Anna Moussa Nathalia Orona Devashish Pandey Brenden Priddy Ethan Randolph Kiley Salser Marta Shepherd Jaslene Solis Mellady Sparks Yash Tahiliani Swarali Taware Melinda Tran Anna Tryon Brinlee Whiddon 4th Grade Andrade Mendez Ainsley Campbell Grant Carlile James Castle Zoe Craig Diego Darbell Samuel Felipe

Andrew Flores Nicholas Glanton Riley Gonzalez Winn Harriss Kennedy Hatcher Addison Hatchett William Hilton Addison Johnson Jackson Jowell Avery Lambright Mason Lundy Ava Martin Edward Olivas Ava Claire Riley Bianca Rosado Addison Soape Mabry Venables Lanie Weber Lavarion Williams Vaughn Wright 5th Grade Adrik Cano Emily Cavazos Cy Davis Brianna Dzudie Ndoumfa Lauren Fisher William Fisher Ian Franze Trevor Gant Alec Germanwala JaColbie Granville Addyson Hearron Berenisse Hernandez Joseph Hough Emily Jarrell Kennedy Jeffery Seth Aiden Johnson Celeste Johnston Trenton Keebaugh Hibah Khan Jonathan Lebanan John Lenhart Emma Mahjoobi Maggie Mayes Jared Morales Jackson Newman Divya Nirmal Cooper Randolph Allison Reed Javion Robertson Thomas Roel Aman Saridena Lonoehu Wacasey Campbell Williams Allyson Yates

Johnston-McQueen Elementary 1st Grade Emilee Alston Lexie Argabright Kimberly Arriaza Charles Barton Lundynn Bowens Aire’Anna Brisset Jack Bryant Landen Calais Cloe Coursey Eli DuVall Miranda Estrada Maddileyn Fulton Jonathan Harris Parker Hatfield Zayden Hawkins Jaxon Hawthorne Kenny Huynh Elyana Johnson Kirra Peek Alexyss Rios Day-Lynn Roe Cayden Royal Bryan Sanchez Carina Santiago Geoffrey Serna Ja’Niya Taylor Lilah Tyson Tesla Wallingford 2nd Grade Gunnar Broadway Harlyn Emerson Karson Farley Gabriel Formoso Emma Francis Kyndall Frederick Peyton Gant Nevaeh Jimmerson Wesley Lewis Cy Marsh Kinsey Marshall Camden McCurry Piper McDaniel Johanna Ndizeye Daniel Olvera Sydney Police Israel Purdum Andrew Rector Cody Roe Jessica Ruff Brayan Santiago-Lara VanMichael Swanson Jayden Washington Cooper Weaver Brandon Whatley 3rd Grade Simon Cooper Spencer Hayes Carter Hill Diego Jimenez Shaniya Jimmerson Luis Lopez Sloane McNamara Ethan Ortega Vivian Phan Zora Scott Brady Yoder Kambel Yoder 4th Grade Carolyn Purdum Hector Rodriguez Paris Simpson Kyler Wilson 5th Grade

2016-17 3rd Honor Roll Annie Tran Braden Tran

Ned E. Williams Elementary 4th Grade Marlene Martinez Yosuani Romero 5th Grade Trey Allen Ian Still

South Ward Elementary

1st Grade Jailyn Gamez Juan Mendoza Davionne Pickron Aaliyah Sedberry Levi Servin 2nd Grade Orlando Arreola Kristin Martinez Joselina Solis 4th Grade Ruby Hernandez-Garcia Elena Guevara Nevaeh Gutierrez Denys Perez

Ware Elementary 1st Grade Jamarion Hunter Diana Lopez Ray Reynaga 2nd Grade Isaiah Abner Jaqueline Bobadilla Ja’Marrie Bradley Lakayla Davis Xavier Lopez Israel Orona Adriana Perez Makenah Roach Yacelie Vazquez Jaylen Willie 3rd Grade Daylon Hughes 5th Grade Evelyn Cruz

Foster Middle

Grade 6 Alexis Adiet Jordan Allen Chloe Alzaga Luke Archer Julianna Benitez Katelyn Clendenin Francyne Diola Jefferson Dunaway Delia Fourie Seth Fulton Lane Healy Abigail Hilton Christina Holder Reagan Hull Hannah McCrory Andrew Najera Kayden Newhouse Jax Norman Adriana Pierce Reagan Rios Carolina Rodriguez Haven Still Mya Vaughan Ashlynn Whatley Grade 7 Rylee Camp Jake Chamberlain Safin Chowdhury Rachna Edalur Iniabasi Ekpenyong Diego Enriquez Tucker Gary Arya Germanwala Colleen Gilliland Dylan Gonzalez Thomas Greifenkamp Matthew Guck Natalie Holder Anthony Holyfield Isabella Hough Rylee Hunter Otibhor Ihionkhan Aditya Jagarlamudi Nitya Jagarlamudi Alexis Jones Camry Jones Ian Mahjoobi Gowri Rangu Brayden Strong Brooklynn Sumrow Will Waltrip Grade 8 Delia Acuna Diana Acuna Rylee Babino Stella Barton Isabel Breaux Kiaira Coates Ceci Garcia Nicholas Goodan Ivriah Horton Margaret Jackson Harrison Lin Samantha Martinez Cooper Mayes Elizabeth Monsour Alexis Nunley Carolina Olivas Austin Pencheon Kelsey Quiett Mallory Reeves Alejandro Rojas Monsivais Alexandra Rojas Monsivais Alexandra Sanchez Valerie Smith Evelyn Summers Caroline Taylor Elizabeth Wall Charles Ward Emma Williams

Judson Middle

Grade 6 Andrew Frazier Madison McCrackern Lillian Purdum Grade 7 Adaly Berumen Josue Chavez Jenalee Sauceda Grade 8 Tatum Fenton David Parks Longview High Grade 9 Fatima Akilo Abigail Archer Kyle Ashley Anthony Benitez Emma Broquie Zoe Brown Da’Ahna Bugg Colby Byrnes Kennedy Cameron Kerris Cameron Ramiro Cerda Kaven Darty Avione Davenport Breonna Garrett Brennin Gillespie Connor Gilliland Lamya Gillis Lucy Henderson Miyansi Hicks Jaselyn Hill Robert Hough Alexis Hunter Makaya Johnson Ashtyn Jones Simran Kortikere Daivik Lakkadi Valerie Lindsey Skyela Lummus Emily Mendenhall Kaylie Ortega Grade 10 Cristina Adame Blake Aldridge Seth Alex Gregory Boudreau Sophie Bunn Jacob Carruthers Mandy Craig Gabrielle Davis Kimberly Diez Amanda Dominguez Angela Dominguez Surya Donty Zachary Fasang Ralfe Francisco Alexis Freeman Emma Frierson Nicholas Gaar Jar Gallon Maritza Gonzalez Austin Greifenkamp Mary Henderson Kelloni Hogan William Holloman Allison Howe Ejehi Ihionkhan Melvin Jones Michael Jones Colin Loyd Madelyn Mack Laura Martinez Somers Massare Guiliano Massare-Canillas Myles Meader Shelberly Moore Paul Morin Evan Pistone Jacob Powell Tania Ramirez Nitin Rangu Morgan Roberts Kathryn Roper Keithan Ross Payton Schaap Jonathan Scott Natalie Serrato Magdalena Shen Alyssa Shobert Gaurav Singh Lee Stanley Manuel Suarez Benjamin Taylor Samantha Taylor Kassidy Thompson Karina Torres Anna Ward Noah Williams Meredith Wright Alexis Wyman Grade 11 Elizabeth Adeeko Vanessa Aguilar Elissa Branch Isabella Cowart Zeru Dong Tolga Erdinc Katy Friend Marian Frith Carrie Gilliland Levi Grant Stephanie Guck McAndrew Henderson Alyssa Jester Madeline Johnson Sean King William Langston Collin Lee Alda Lim Rachel Lin Justin Melendez Susana Mercado Hannah Miller Quentasia Miller Veronica Monclova-Soto Jhaleyah Moore Benjamin Murphy Jasmine Patton Cynthia Rodriguez

Zurisaddai Rodriguez Tyetiana Rugley Carter Sorrels Ledale Sparkman Kindra Taylor Noah Terry Zachariah Tullos Kyra Turner Andres Villarreal Suzanne Zeid Grade 12 Jose Alvarado Jakayla Anthony Blanca Arreola Raven Atkinson Marche’Nique Bell Ashleigh Benton Sunita Brimmer Mary Camp Ian Champion Mason Colvin Naomi Darbell Mary Darby Haley Deitz Ashanti Dotrey Daisy Dugosh Madeline Duvall Keira Eynon Ja’Quavion Faggans Daniele Farren Tristen Fisher Kareli Garcia Yasmine Gordon Jessica Green Journey Greene Christopher Guck Tyler Hendricks Billy Hubbard Bailey Jackson Kayla Jackson Shaderia Jackson Kaylee Jimmerson Alexandria Johnson Mea Johnson Jordan Leek Jacqueline Maldonado Emily Manchester Alejandro Martinez Christian Mata Morgan Murphy Benjamin Nguyen Kayla Owings Rutvi Patel Mya Patterson Abigail Pauley Audrey Payton Arjun Peddireddy Neal Rangu Victoria Raymer Abraham Rebollar Samantha Recendiz Aubrie Reed Aguilar Rico Kryzmon Robertson Zachary Rosenfield Jakayla Rowlett Dantrell Rugley Heather Ryan Karen Sanchez George Shannon Jones Sheffield Ashlyn Shobert Emmanuel Soria Isabel Suarez Kira Swan Felipe Tovar Shaquincy Watts Caitlin Wilcox Archie Williams Ke’Andra Womack Shea Wright Steven Yanez Early Graduate High McKenzee Menefee Jer’Ne Lewis Whitlee Lawler Rosemary Rodriguez

Regular Honor Roll Bramlette Elementary 1st Grade Drew Brannan Shayla Brooks Diamonte Cerda Katasha Elioff Khoen Evans Illori Frazier Kristen Graham Scarlet Inocensio Aaron Johnson Zai’Marion Johnson D’Marquess Jones Dylan Jones Kiera Jones Caleb Lancaster Mariah Lewis Devin Lucky Desirae Snoody Alexis Williams Tyla Williams 2nd Grade Von’Darryl Adams Jakyraha Anthony Yahir Arroyo Seth Ayala Elena Campos Ty’Vionna Cryer Linette Delgado Alexandra Estrada Ilicia Fausto Julie Flores Anthony Garcia Camella Gossage Arturo Guillen Brandon Howard Judiah Johnson Skylar Lewis Callie McCurley Jasafat Morales Melissa Moran Z’Mya Morgan

Roselyn Neely Micah Newhouse TyQuavion Perry Alleigh Phillips Jalisyah Poole Ky’Juan Remo Thalia Renfroe Ki’Ambrian Smith Perla Solis Mi’Aja Simmons Garin Talley Joanna Tovar Joshua Vazquez Ibarra Talismen Williams 3rd Grade Kourtney Andrews Alondra Betancourt Cyrion Bruer Ki’Asia Bush Alexia Castillo Mia Cervantes Sanaah Daniels Alyssa Davis Makeelah George Curtis High Jah’Zayvion Jones Mallory Jones Kenyon Lovely D’Aaron Luckey Kiara Mayfield Ava Phillips Da’Marion Pickron Mickal Renfroe Leslie Rodriguez Brianna Sanchez Antannya Simmons Na’Taisha Templeton 4th Grade Ingrid Alcantar Christian Bell Lindell Carpenter India Davis Jalessa Dotson Sophie Dugosh Damian Espinoza Aniya Garland Daniela Gonzales Lily Gueber Alejandra Guillen Keimora Jackson-Smith Mikihia Jenkins Jamarion Jones Riley Jones Abigail King Vanessa Martinez Shyann Masterson Conner Meachm Ruben Mondragon Adamary Moreno Ashley Moreno Miko Neely Neeley Pineda Emmanuel Robles Laney Torres Joselyn Rodriguez Jazmine Rose Kalecia Sheffield Aniya Taylor 5th Grade Eva Askew Jailyn Attaway Hector Bentancourt Kayla Castillo Caiden Craker Eric Davis Aylah Ellard Gage Hartsock Caitlyn Ingram Wyatt Kidwell Nayeli Lopez Amyricle Mayfield Kariya Poole Brandon Rodriguez Cristal Rodriguez Victor Rodriguez Libby Rojas Jasper Stansell Dorriana Steverson Amariaye Washington Na’Shae Williams Savanna Willis Ronald Woods

Everhart Elementary 1st Grade Allyson Acevedo Adrian Aguirre Mauricio Aleman Marcos Andrade Alexander Barrios Adam Benavidez Jennifer Benitez, Kallie Bounds Stephin Bradley Jad Burley Janoah Busby Debora Camacho Mia Cantero Jadee Cayetano Wendy Cayetano Priscilla Cervantes Isaiah Crawford Kyleigh Farris Kendrian Fleets Jordan Gonzalez Makayla Gonzalez Mauro Gonzalez Jay’De Gourie Knox Hemingway German Hernandez Ja’Mia Hooks Jose Ibarra Jovani Ibarra Ayded Juarez Daxin Light Joniya Lincoln Makayla Lloyd Emily Lopez McKenzie Lyons David Macedo Zahira Martinez Daniela Monreal Rafael Montalvo

Angel Olvera Monica Orenday Carlos Perez Jazabell Perez Sebastian Pina Adrian Ramirez Jorge Ramirez Aubrey Rivera Jorge Rivera Angelica Rodriguez Christhofer Sanchez Kristal Sanchez Rosie Solis Sosa-Bustos, Marycsa Sirikanya Sripakdee Kyleigh Survia Brailynn Thomas Katy Tudor Evelyn Vallejo Freddie Vera 2nd Grade Michael- Adeeko Allison Aguirre Ruben Aguirre Samuel Arteaga Chavez Felipe Ayala Tra’Kory Borens Khylee Briggs Ulysses Brown Alliyah Candelas Erick Chavez Levi Clark Anston Cobb Violeta Cruz Keriana Daniels Gustavo De Luna Gonzalo Dominguez Riley Evans Karen Galindo Samyia Galvin Abram Gonzalez Camila Gonzalez Khian Hayes Tristyn Hicks Jonathan Jamison Daytri Jones Alondra Martinez Ayden Munoz Abbie Patino, Adriana Patino Adriana Pena Sebastian Rico Destin Sheridan Nathan Thompson Evelyn Wallace Lailah Williams Emily Yandell 3rd Grade Veronica Acosta Yuritsy Alvarado Arzola Aileen Alvarado Joshua Benavidez Alexa Berlanga Evin Cabrera Jabeverly CalicoPeoples Rubi Camacho Josue Cordova Alberto Corona Nylah Crawford Jayleen De La Pa Itzhel Diaz Mariana Dominguez Marq Dykes Miller Egan Engstrom Amarien Franklin Quincy Galvin Anthony Garcia Luis Garcia Dariana Godoy Maria Guevara Luis HernandezGonzalez Erika Hill Julia Hock Joby Hux Ethzy Islas Ayla Koa Jamilee Martinez Giovanny Mata Miguel Miranda Mia Montiel Malayka Nelson Galilee Nieto Dilac Puentes Nayomi Rodriguez Alyssa Rosales Prisila Salinas Ladarius Taylor Cameron Williams 4th Grade Deshaun Abron Yesenia Aguilar Breiona Alford Icxella AlvaradoBermudez Ana Benitez Brayden Brown Rafael CardenasVela’Zquez Bao Dang Jonathan Delapaz Lacie Dortch Christopher Frazier Aleah Garcia Jayce Gourie Nehemiah Green Jacquelin Guerrero Kerria Haggerty Daniel Hernandez Kylee Hutchinson Abyaded Juarez Trymesa Lacy Lillianna LeCounte Alexis Lopez Luis Loyola Angel Madrid Mackenzy Marshburn Belinda Olvera Shelby Plum Keison Potter



Six Weeks l Students Keyla Rivera Ortiz Adolfo Soto Arianna Williams Trey Willis 5th Grade Alyssa Aguirre Bethzy Aguirre Latavia Bailey Zakenzie CalicoThompson Eduardo Camacho Tryston Colbert Heron Corona Jose DeLuna Elizabeth Gil Jaliyah Gourie Daniel Gudino Daniela Guerrero Summayyah Islam Lailah Johnson Tanea Laury Ma’Kaitlynn Lewis Jolette Miranda Karely Olvera Karyme Olvera Crystal Perez Rylan Roberts Alejandro Rodriguez Carlos Rosales Alexa Sosa Nunez Seth Stroman Flor Torres Jason Vallejo Jesus Vargas Alexis Willrich

Johnston-McQueen Elementary 1st Grade Aseel Alshammari Maximiliano Arzola-Garcia Rylee Benson Christopher Brown Ian Brown Nic’kelan Bush Brycen Chambers Brooklyn Constant Naomi DeJesus Dow Douthitt Brooke Duncan Ashton Eubanks Canyon Fondren Janaye Freeman Emily Goodman Brock Haggard Eddie House Elijah Hyatt Aryan Iley Dakota Jester Tyler Johnson Maddison Keenan Karlee Keiss Aydin Lang Ariyaa Lathan Carson Lee Jeremiah Livas Shaila Lopez-Balderas Adriana Lopez-Montes Daniel Martinez Tya McCray Lydia McNamara William McNamara Kylen Meaux Meiah Mendoza Avian Phillips Zayla Pope Ethan Rodriguez Jakobe Rollins Cynthia Suarez Jonathan Sutton Dylan Thomas Beckham Warren Aiden Williams 2nd Grade Caylee Abbott Kayden Brown Salaya Brown Emerie CastilloRodriguez Marvyn CronemeyerGonzalez Cooper Cummins Zacarius Davis Zoey Dehart Johnathan Duncan Wyatt Evans Carson Ford Brayden Haranda Ioanna Herweck Layla Hill Trent Jackson Cheyenne Jones Koosha Kamali Myles King Garrett Lacour Mason Langlois Amil’lion Lanier Elijah Lemons Jonathon Luciano Eternity Melgarejo Erik Navarro Kamryn Nicholson Jax Oliver Julian Olvera Gerardo Pantoja Arnold RodriguezGonzalez Sebastian Romero Brandon SantiagoLara Maddison Schooley Hayden Sparks Hunter Swint Jelyn Taylor Adrian Thomas Issac Tornes Isidora Vera Cameron Whatley 3rd Grade Jose Arzola-Garcia Tristen Bass Broderick Brewer

Malachi Campbell Keilany Castillo Jalissa Chavez Zyhmaruia Colbert Ollie Cox Pierre Crosby Emileigh Estrada Kaelyn Fourman Carleigh Franklin Marcus Gates Anisa Gladney Cayden Guffin Ja Vante Harris Adysen Hester Jack Hyatt D’Ayjah Ingram Dakyron Justice Dakota Kellebrew Karmen King Aalyah Masterson Trenton McDonald Deyhlan Mercier Neftali Muniz Jaden Myers Josiel Orrosquieta Andrea Perez Pranav Pun Chloe Raney Jillian Sides Kaylee Smith Davi Teixeira Malachi Whedbee 4th Grade Angie Aguirre Nadira Akilo Allyne Alvarez Diana Benitez Cameron Brewer Tyler Brown Ayden Dollison Kieffer Doxey Hector Estrada Alijah Gonzales Colt Griffin Isaac Lamaster Riley McGrede Melissa Montalvo Jordan Moore Chance Myers Julia Nunn Hannah Reed David Santiago Blaine Sowell Brandon Spaulding Amanda Suarez Collin Taylor Shuniya Taylor Javon Towns Javarey Valentine Jaela Wade Kinsley Whedbee Alisia Zecaida 5th Grade Grecia Aguilar Michalla Alexander Trenton Alston Keilee Anderson Kyla Asbell Mathew Campos Aiden Cooper Harley Gallant Andrew George Ayden Gonzales Karsten Guerra Ilyane Idir Cynthia Luciano Victor Manrique Lily Marsh Mario Martinez Dean McMillen Jada Owens Rose Sanchez Talon Thaxton Andrew Tutt

Ned E. Williams Elementary 3rd Grade Angela Alvarez Myniah Gouldsby Christopher James David Olvera Lakayla Riley Christopher Romero 4th Grade Emmory Anderson David Andrade Madeline August Kason Brooks Ahmend Brown A’Kiyah Clark K’emion Dobbins Melanye Garaty Rhianna Harris Saniyah Jimerson Madison Sandoval Alyah Spruille Jayda Terrell Sky Vences 5th Grade Kayla Anderson Paulina Andrade Christopher Baker Layla Boyd Daijah Bugg Olivia Chaparro Josias Chavez Laura Gamez Oliver Holsinger Jayden Howard Timothy Hutchins Iye’Kemia Jones Ashton Perry Jakedrion Robinson Alex Rosales Dianna Rodriguez Chase Smith Destiny Soriano Treyvon Thompson

South Ward Elementary

1st Grade Sarahi Aguirre Monica Briceno Alex Correa Shaniya Durden Juan Espinoza Jarian Fitts Jonathan Gaona Israel Gonzalez Anniecia Hunt Christopher Ledbetter Audrey Luna Nathan Marroquin Angel Martinez Miguel Martinez Travencia McAlister Juan Mendoza Faith Odum Daniel Perez Cristian Reyes Valeria Reyes Uriel Rodriguez Manuel Rubio Isabela Salinas Shaniyah Sedberry Christian Starling Aireonua Thomas Zoe Zermeno 2nd Grade Manuel Aguirre Jazzalyn Anthony Orlando Arreola I’Zaylin Burton Trinitee Carter Guadalupe Caserez Alexa Contreras David Flores Sergio Guerrero Cristopher Gutierrez Brooke Harris Alejandro HernandezGarcia Joselyn Jimenez Samya Jimmerson Gabriela Lambarria Daniel Linares Triminio Christian Perez Ethen Portley Evelin Solis Joselina Solis Zayden White 3rd Grade Alonso Alfaro Ariyah Alavarado Jesus Alavarado Leon Barbosa-Vazquez Amanjariah Bowser Unique Bridges Jennetta Carter Marely Cerda Guadalupe CervantesMartinez Kalyse Davis Kaden Fletcher Damari Gallegos Raul Garay Escobedo Ezequiel Garay Carlos Garcia Sha’Niyah Garland Hailie Gove Maribel Guerrero Shalona Harper A’Niya Jackson Delbert Kincade Austin Lopez Yarelie Lopez Abril Medina Emanuel Moctezuma Ka’Nia Mumphrey Oscar Olivares Arelly OlveraAlmazan Sean Painter De’Rion Pickron Tyrese Reece Jailiyah Rockmore Tyecia Sherow Savannah Starling Jai’Da Talley Virdiana Torres Vanessa Vega 4th Grade Alexis Aguirre Carmen Dominguez Crystal Gove Elena Guevara Ruby HernandezGarcia Ramiah Johnson Emanuel Montes Vanessa Najera Danielle Raven Jessy Solis Aaliyah Spearman Daniel Torres 5th Grade Samaria Burnett Dulce Escalante Miriam Garcia Edwin Ramirez Gizela TerronesSerrano Jose Torres Yadira Torres

Ware Elementary 1st Grade Yarneice Allen Jihanna Alvarez Gabriel Bautista Ja’Liyah Brooks Mariah Bush George Cameron Cor’Dadrian Carr Keytaveon Crayton Xavier Daggs Gabrielle Daniels Dejuan Dewberry Adrian Dixon Taelin Durden Esperansa Farias Adrian Flores Christopher Flores

Claudia Gonzalez Devondre Gray Trinity Hairston Amanda Hardy Preonda Holland Ay’Chamerial Jackson Jaidan Johnson Kaidan Johnson Kamron Jones Kenyatta Jones Mar’Kayden Martinez Yaamee MBoula Arriyanna Mercado Janneth Navarro Leonardo Orocio Carlos Pascual David Ramirez David Resendiz Angeline Rocha Cherri Rucker Madalyn Salazar Jonathan Salgado Ni’Azerius Sanders Keisi Santillan Brayden Sheppard Adrian Soria Jalaimy Soto Christopher Vanegas Stacy Vazquez Dynasty Wells Jon’tavius Williams 2nd Grade Ayden Adams Kimberly Almonacid Diego Asencio Darlenies Ballardo Mya Barboza Kevin Flores Jose Bisarraga Latrell Blackmon Edwin Blanco Autumn Bradbury Makayla Brown Khiree Carter Janiya Coats Ivette Corona Summers Crain Nayeli Cruz Neveah Davis Kaylen Durden Jurmanee Fairchild Elda Gomez Efrain Gonzales Erick Guerrero Anna Hernandez Emilio Hernandez Lesly Hernandez Gabrielle Jackson Eniyah Johnson Tristin Jones Ja’lacia King Lataunya Lewis Janaya Lockridge Fernanda Longoria Hartencia Lynn Marleni Morales Layla Moreno Jhy’Aunna Mosley Christian Muniz Edwin Muniz Z’camerohn Parker Christopher Perez Carlos Puente Damian Rebollar Derrick Rudd Eryn Rudd Francisco Ruiz Juan Salas Juan Saldana Daniel Sanchez Brandon Sheppard Isaiah Smith Khalaiya Smith Jacorian Stevenson Emmanuel Terrones De’Andre Thurmond Keonta West Ke’ Ziyah Williams 3rd Grade Nathan Green Makahya Boone Taeven Bush Dereon Chumley Kayla Cruz Lucas Drake Kebrayln Durden Olandris Feggett Cory Jefferson Gabrielle Jones M’Cayla Jones Yuri Lister My’Annah Marshall Mar’Chella Miller Mathew Padilla Alexis Ramirez Ariel Sanchez Vanessa Sanchez Kel’vona Shephard Davontay Stevenson Cadin Thomas Karissa Wallace Deion Willie 4th Grade Brandy Arreola Jy’Khari Crockett Jose De La Cruz Sheyla Gazca I’zaylan Haskins Ximena Lopez Jose Martinez Kennedi Mathis Jazmin Otero Karina Roacho Alexa Ruiz Adrian Salgado Jeffery Smith Patrick Smith December Soria Alberto Valencia 5th Grade Angel Alvarado Luka Anderson

January / February 2017

Page 7 5 p.m. Lady Lobos softball at Henderson 5 p.m. Lobos basketball at Mesquite Horn 5:30 p.m. Lobos soccer at Rockwall Heath 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer hosts Rockwall Heath 6 p.m. Judson PTA Valentine’s Day Dance

February 11 Feith Aranda Damarys Barron Ja’Niya Baugh Samantha Berlanga Lavell Blackmon Eduardo Blanco Steven Castillo Jasmin Cortes Ashley Cuevas Adriana Delgado Wayland Fields Brandon Flores Juan Gallegos Savannah Gauthier Zechariah Gonerway Madel Gutierrez Christopher Hernandez Noah Jarvis K’Lee Jefferson Ashley Martinez Jose Mendoza Emily Montano Ashley Muniz Julianna Olvera Estrella Ortega Fidel Radilla Brisa Ramirez Rebeca Resendiz Anniell Reyes Christian Reyna Kaleb Rhinehart Mia Saenz Mariana Saldana Hector Santacruz Odalis Vazquez Farah Woods

Foster Middle

Grade 6 Corey Adiet Ismael Aguilar Lucero Aguilar Gonzalez Alisha Allen Esther Alvarez Yessica Barboza Alexander Beane Nancy Bisarraga Sophie Blackburn Ta’Darion Boone Aaliyah Cade Amber Chadwick Sebastian Colon-Antommarchi Jamir Culver Henry Danielson Adrian Davis Rachel de Jong Jose Dosal Latasia Evers Jerranovia Fagans Journee Fairchild Luis Gonzalez Perla Gonzalez Anavia Gordon Brett Gordy Martin Guerrero Panal Nathan Guevara Isaiah Harris Cale Herber Karina Hernandez Thomas Hickman Hope Hodges Micah Howard Israel Ibarra Kysen Jackson Sha’Dreshea Kennedy Kristen Kennel Margaret Langston Jayden Lansford Preston Lansford Mary Leak Maya Legarda Brandrick Lewis Kyler Lewis Erick Longoria Jair Lopez Kevin Lopez Aleman Alejandro Martinez Harrison McAuley Julianna McCardell Leilani Mercier Hailey Monsivais Michael Morin Jakayla Morrow Alana Mumphrey Karen NavarroGonzalez Vanesa Orona Clarissa Ortega Eileen Oviedo Adrian Piedra Allan Ramirez Yasmin Reyes Jayla Robertson Mikeia Robertson Irvin RodriguezCastillo Jocelyn Rubio Tyriana Runels Immanuel Scott Anna Skinner Monica Sosa Oluwagbemisola Soyemi Shaina Stephenson Brandavion Steverson Cayden Tipton Jenny Uceda Canales Neida Vargas Jovanni Vazquez Daylen Wells Kevin White Emajai’ Williams Nautica Williams Joi’kemiya Wilson Jorden Writt Grade 7 Amy Aciano Brianna Alderman Emily ArambulaCisneros Natalie Ausselet Tenique Bauer Isaac Bedford Jakiyah Bell Bethany Bledsoe Zane Bunn Victor Bush

Aleah Byrdsong Preston Byrnes Lexie Cannon Juan Chavez Tre’Von Clough Damian Coker Asiah Curry Kyla Daniels Clancy Davis Itoro Ekpenyong Jesse Fairchild Randi Floyd Abbey Frierson Miranda Gonzalez Deambria Hawkins Carson Hilliard Madison Hunka Bianey Jimenez Chanireya Jones D’Quincee Lafayette Mason LaMaster JaCoby Lewis Kei’Adriah Lister Manuel Lopez Lesly Macedo Nathan Magee Nathaley Medrano Angie Mendoza Neha Nirmal La’Tayziah O’Quinn Kylee Olvera Grade 8 Margarita Acevedo Justin Beltran John Blackburn Laticia Blanton Cristian Bobadilla Amaree Broughton Jonathan Castanon Nehemiah Colbert Ileshanti Cox Perla Cuevas Serenity Daniels Alaizja Davis Destini Davis Macorian Dawkins Caitlyn Dixon William Dixon Miracle Elam Ta’Kemah Evans Skylar Fondren Leticia Fuentes Loera Monserrat Gallegos Lindsey Garcia Brady Gideon Jesus Gonzalez Molina Tyree Hale Karina Hernandez Miguel Hernandez Reginald Hutchins Shannon Jackson Camryn Jacobs Taylor Jamison Kyla Johnson Ethan Jones Sydnee Jones Joshua Kennel Ayaan Khan Jazlyn Lewis JaKorean Lilly Peja Mathis Royce McConnell Meagan McGuire Artrayveon Minor Omar Morin Braden Nickel Miriam Orona Malayshia Pierce Madison Pippins Evelyn Ramirez Carlos Ramirez-Castillo A’Leiyah Rayson La’Brontavian Reese ShaKyla Robert Oscar Rodriguez Dekamian Rougely Andre Sanchez Reyna Sanchez Dalton Serrato Kadajah Sewell Zoey Sheppard Averie Shobert Adiamond Snoddy Kayla Stafford Emily Stahl Dashawna Steverson Colby Stokes Xandria Thompson Luisa Toledo Kersha Toliver Daze Wallace Tamia Wesley Shamiracle Wobbington Yareli Zarate Kesi Ransom Dominque Rice Rebecca Roberts Janet Rodriguez Joshua Sanders I’Chanti Sheppard Jayden Smith Caroline Snyder Angel Soto Palacios Luke Spence Jessica Stevenson Kaitlyn Stewart DeKalon Taylor Harrison Taylor Iyanna Taylor Arely Terrones Kate Thompson Mariah Thompson Taniya Thompson Mya Vance Chancellor Williams Abigail Zavala

Judson Middle Grade 6 Chance Barnett Jagger Barton

Cont. to page 9

ACT Testing (Longview High) 8 a.m. UIL Visual Arts Scholastic Event (Whitehouse) 8 a.m. District Science Fair (Lobo Coliseum) 8 a.m. Lady Lobos softball at Ore City 8 a.m. Lobos JV baseball at Whitehouse 11 a.m. Lobos varsity baseball hosts Whitehouse February 12 Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

February 13

8 a.m. Johnston-McQueen Career Fair (3rd-5th Grade) 8 a.m. Johnston-McQueen Jump Rope/Hoops For Heart 12 p.m. East Texas Symphonic Band Winter Concert (Belcher Center) 5 p.m. Lobos varsity baseball hosts Kilgore 5 p.m. Lobos JV baseball at Kilgore 7 p.m. Board of Trustees Regular Meeting (ESC building) February 14 Saint Valentine’s Day 8 a.m. Lobos tennis at Kilgore tourney 8 a.m. Johnston-McQueen Career Fair (3rd-5th Grade) 8 a.m. Johnston-McQueen Jump Rope/Hoops For Heart 8 a.m. Judson National Junior Honor Society Field Trip 5 p.m. Lobo basketball hosts Tyler Lee (Senior Night) 5 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer at Mesquite 5 p.m. Lobos soccer hosts Mesquite

February 15

Susan B. Anthony Day 8 a.m. Lobos JV golf at Brook Hill Invitational (Bullard) 6 p.m. East Texas Coaches Association Mini-Clinic (Turf Room)

February 16

8 a.m. Lady Lobos Classic (Lear Park)

February 17

End of 4th Six Weeks 8 a.m. Lady Lobos Classic (Lear Park) 8 a.m. Lobos golf at Rockwall Invitational (Sulphur Springs) 8 a.m. Lobos tennis at Corsicana tourney 5 p.m. Lobos soccer at Mesquite Horn 5 p.m. Lobos JV baseball hosts Carthage 5 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer hosts Mesquite Horn

February 18

7:30 a.m. UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest 8 a.m. Lady Lobos Classic (Lear Park) 8 a.m. Lobos golf at Rockwall Invitational (Sulphur Springs) 8 a.m. Lobos tennis at Corsicana tourney 7 p.m. Lobos baseball Alumni Game

Page 8


January / February 2017

Lobo Cheer attend UIL State Competition Bramlette collects toys for mourning


While the ladies didn’t take the title, LHS Cheer sponsor Heather Gee said “it was a tremendous learning experience and we look forward to participating again in the future. We competed against 81 other 6A schools.” Lobo Cheerleaders for 2016-17 are Madison Adams, Kalyn Anderson, Julia Capella, Lucy Castillo, J’Maiya Davis, Madison Evers, Meekayla Fuller, Daija Garrett, Olivia (Lulu) Heicheilheim, Allison Howe, Kaylee Jimmerson, Keambria Johnson, Kaylan Jones, Matayia Jones, Kalea Kenney, Nickissia Lawson, Nicole Magee, Ashley Martin, Ashley McFarland, Hannah Miller, Julia Miller, Mya Patterson, Chaniya Polk, Ginny Russell, Gracie Russell, Kesley Skinner, Kayla Smith, and Ke’rajah Smith.

Giving to others in need this holiday season is personal for Bramlette Elementary School in Longview. The school is raising money and gifts for the families in their school who tragically lost their mothers. “Toys, their clothes, the shoes, things that the children really love to have to make Christmas exciting for them,” Principal Nikita Mumphrey said. She said the school is like family and they take care of one another. “The children need to understand that they are a part of something bigger, that it is our duty to be good citizens in society to be able to help one another. at some point in time we all may be in need,” Mumphrey said. When tragedy strikes, the faculty wants families to be able to lean on them. “We want them to feel loved,” Counselor Rosemary Daniels said. “We want them to know that we care for them and we do everything that we can to reach normality.” She described the reaction from families when she told them what the school is doing for them. “Tearful, just full of joy,” Mumphrey said. The students said they want their classmates to be able to enjoy Christmas. “Celebrating Jesus’ birthday,” 5th grader Lamareya Howard said. “I hope it’ll make the kids happen and let them know how much people care about them,” 5th grader Jaidyn Attaway said.

Middle schools show ‘heart’

On Friday, Nov. 18, Judson Middle School had a dodgeball tournament to raise money for the American Heart Association. The students and staff were able to raise $1,400, the most the organization has received from a middle school this year! Great job Judson Blue Devils! On Friday, Dec. 16th, Foster Middle School students and staff participated in a faculty/ student basketball game fundraiser for the American Heart Association. Students paid $2 to attend and $10 to play the faculty. A total of $1,149.00 was raised by the event. “Everyone had a tremendous amount of fun, and we’re proud of all the students, staff, and parents who made this event such a great success,” said FMS Principal John York.

Lady Lobos earn volleyball honors Forest Park students serve community

So many wonderful blessings over the holidays, where Longview ISD students learned the importance of giving and serving their community. Forest Park Middle School staffer Wade McElroy and LPD Officer Jose Montalvo took students from the campus Crime Stoppers Program to the Longview Police Department over the Christmas break to participate in the Longview PD Blue Santa project. Taking time out of their Saturday, McElroy said the students wrapped gifts for 27 less fortunate families in the Longview community. “I am so very proud of these young people,” he said. “These kids all did a great job and I just wanted to brag on them a little.”

Family Day at the Ballpark set for Feb. 18

Get ready for the upcoming baseball season with a fun-filled afternoon at the ballpark. Family Day at the Ballpark is set for 2-6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18 at Lobo Baseball Field. Admission is $2 (free for 10 and under). The concession stand will be open from noon until 5 p.m. Various activities include an alumni softball game from noon until 2 p.m. ($20 to play), open field hitting from 2-3 p.m. (by donation) and the alumni vs. varsity baseball game from 3-6 p.m. For more information please contact wdorsett@lisd.org.

Longview’s Nikki Bell and Keira Eynon earned firstteam honors, and the Lady Lobos added one second team selection with the release of the District 11-6A AllDistrict Volleyball Team for 2016. Kennedy Eynon was a second team pick for Longview, and Victoria Pierson, Alex Johnson and Morgan Vance earned honorable mention status. Academic all-district honorees included: Manecia Darden, Alex Johnson, Sauntiania Darden, Kiera Eynon, Kennedy Eynon, Kira Swan, Morgan Vance, Marche’Nique Bell Selections were made by the district’s coaches.

Proud of our Lobo Boys Soccer Team for stepping it up for Hwy 80 Rescue Mission Can Food Drive

Band members named Texas All-State

Three members of the Big Green Marching Machine have been selected to the prestigious Texas All-State Band. Joshua Babino, son of Jonathan and Rochelle Babino, Levi Grant, son of Doice and Beth Grant, and Myles Meader, son of Matthew and Francis Meader, will perform with the Texas AllState Band in San Antonio, Saturday, Feb. 11 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center as part of the 2017 Texas Music Educators Association

Convention. They were chosen for this honor through a competitive process held this year across the state at District, Region and Area levels. LHS Director of Bands Louis Robinett said students selected to perform in the All-State concerts have competed through several levels of auditions beginning in the fall of 2016 to arrive at the state level. “All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive,” he said. “Over 1,500 students are selected through a process that began with over 60,000 students from around the state vying for this honor to

perform in one of 14 ensembles bands.” Joshua, Levi, and Myles are students of Robinett, as well as Tommy Moore, Tim Drayton, Arri Moore, Jessica Philippus, and David Applegate — all members of the Texas Music Educators Association, an 11,000+ member organization headquartered in Austin. Texas Music Educators Association sponsors the Texas All-State competition. This competitive process begins throughout the state in auditions hosted by 28 TMEA Regions. Individual musicians perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advances from their Region to compete against musicians from other areas in seven

TMEA Area competitions. The highestranking musicians judged at the TMEA Area competitions qualify to perform in a TMEA All-State music group. All-State students will participate in three days of rehearsals directed by nationally-recognized conductors during the TMEA Clinic/Convention. Their performances for thousands of attendees bring this extraordinary event to a close. For the All-State concert schedule and conductor information, go to tmea.org/ convention.

Cont. from page 7 Kacie Bissett Hailey Bonner LaJada Box Mollie Burton Jacob Carpenter Lexi Castro Alfonso Cerda Devin Chan Cole Crump Phoebe Dugosh Tommy Dyche Vernal Emhoolah Andrea Felix Rodriguez Ariadna Fernandez Richard Flores Andrew Frazier Isabel Garcia Isabela Garza Vanessa Gonzalez Kaleena Gray Harrison Greene Jackson Greene Beatriz Guerrero-Rodriguez C’Amor Hall Jakyra Hardeman Gabrielle Hernandez Leilah Hunt Kalyn Jackson Ayden James Braelin Johnson Caedmon Kingston Ma’Kiya Lamb Dourian Lindsey Madison McCracken Miranda Mejia Braydon Melton Matthew Milleer Kendra Mitchell Samantha Montalvo Halle Moore T Moore Brandon Moses Zackary Mount Alexander Oden Kenia Otero Stephany Palacios- Barcenas Dipika Pandey Sergio Paredes Makayla Police Lillian Purdum Kimora Reese Hannah Rios Sherilyn Rodriguez Acevedo Sergio Roman Lopez Elexis Sanders Kayden Shepherd Abigail Smith Aniah Stansell Zamyah Sullivan Addison Taber Kyra Taylor Zion Templeton Tania Tovar Brayden Van Zandt Elizabeth Weaver Kendall Wennmohs Abigail Wilson Paula Witham Kymber Woods Tyler Woods Marcel Woolridge Grade 7 Magali Arriaga-Salgado Victor Avelar Adaly Berumen Andrew Campos Matthew Campos Matthew Campos Josue Chavez Brianna Estrada Alexis Garay Hernandez Joshua Harrison Jonathan Hernandez Christian Jeffery Preston Kampfer Samantha Lares Dayanna Maldonado Janiya McClendon Devin Mize Rodney Moore Kelli Owings Ashton Polk Angel Reyes Jenalee Sauceda Grade 8 Quinton Adams Annabelle Alavarez Jennifer Barrios Jy’Christon Baxter Ma’Laysia Bell Trenton Bush Dakota Caddel Riley Elswick Tatum Fenton Shaniah Glover Alanee Gonzales Kaitlyn Hinojos Isiah House Destiny Johnson Jacob Lowery Javion Magee Maria Maldonado Saldierna Ahrial Martin Cree McLemore David Parks Bryce Rawls Hailee Reeves Raven Reyes Shueilla Soto Katelyn Taylor Preston Taylor Hailey Willoughby Richard Windom

Longview High Grade 9 Iris Aguirre Camarah Avila Andrew Beltran Arielle Bennett Myrna Briones Emma Broquie

THE LONGVIEW VOICE — Mallory Burgess Katherine Burlingame Anna Burson Jye’Ayjiah Bush Zeniyah Cage Arnulfo Campos Lindsey Cannon Chase Caviness Daniela Cereceres Dalen Colbert Zarea Collins Chloe Cook Avery Cotten Raean Cowan Morgan Coyle Jaterria Dotrey Fabian Escobar Lilly EzigboDessesaure Carson Fleet Noah Fortner Logan French Tessa Fried Noah Fry Jadyn Gallant Iris Gallegos Jesus Galvan Shalyni Gaskin Jhy’Mhyriyon Gay Ladeja George Hannah Gerold Chase Glasper Alejandra Gonzalez Jesse Gonzalez Jocelyn Gonzalez Hannah Greathouse Aaliyah Green Dax Griffith Laney Gruppi Cameron Guerrero Huerta Guevara Asiyas Hall Matthew Hanson Guinevere Harris Keyaria Harrison Olivia Heichelheim Zoe Henry Jamaisha Hill Jaidah Horton Cidni Howard Savannah Humphrey Kori Hunter Kavodric James Emily Janner Mere Jasso-Cerna Hyndavi Jatavallabhula Kahlya Johnson Nicholas Johnson Sha’Kidreana Johnson Aubrey Jones Kalea Kenney Haynes King Quintana King Steelie King Jace Koepke Logan Lambert Raquel Landaverde Logan Lasseigne Raileigh Levingston Del Lopez Manuel Eric Lopez Ava Loyd Cristopher Macedo Lluvia Marquez Ashley Martin Edgar Martinez Michael Mavhunga Asya McCowin Katherine McCrory Ashley McFarland Jane Melendez Judson Mercier Amri Merrill Julia Miller Briseida Monsivais Alejandra Montano Jacquelin Morin De’Asia Mumphrey Matthew Nguyen Jiayah Oliver Mallory Parker Lissete Perez Zoe Perry Cameron Phillips Sophie Phillips Luis Pineda Janette Plata-Magana Ja’Lynn Posey Cloee Pratt Jaycee Pratt Giovanni Quezadas X’Savian Rockwell Ariana Rodriguez Daniel Rodriguez Ricardo Rodriguez Maricela Roque Emma Russell Adam Sanchez Desiree Sanchez Lauren Sanders Sanyssa Sims-Watson Diamond Smith Kayla Smith Karla Solis Nayeli Solis Oracio Soria Bryson Sumrow Kaleea Taylor Moiya Toliver Alexia Tovar Jonathan Tran JaCorey Valentine Jacqueline Vazques Jasmine Vazques Alex Vazquez Paulina Vela Lucia Ventura Carmen Vermillion Alexander Villagrana Davion Watson Jakayla Watts Verona Williams

Ma’Tahya Woolridge Povsocheata You Lopez Zarate Grade 10 Michael Aguilar Luis Aguirre Vanessa Aguirre Dekari Alexander Isaac Alvarado Jessie Anderson Dezmond Armstrong Maria Avila Celina Baeza Jackeline Barboza Elizabeth Bates Evan Bell Madison Bennett Shadda Botkin Akarrius Boyd Joshua Braggs Mckenze Brown Christie Campbell Julia Capella Jonathan Cardona Chew Carraway Eduardo Cerda Kayla Cerda Tyler Chmiel Emma Clark Joaquin Colunga Dalisha Cooks Maria Corona Luisa Cuevas Chloe Curtis Elani Daniels Sauntiania Darden Kysean Dixon Lakeithian Duffey Jordan Edwards Giovanni Enriquez Jarda Evans Daniel Fourie Eduardo Galvan Yasmine Gardner Autumn Gauthier Abbey Gideon Diana Godoy Cinthia Gonzalez Barriet Gray Kayla Griffin Grahm Gruppi Alexis Gurunian Shamyria Hamilton Alexa Hernandez Corey Hill Aslan Hilliard Brandyn Hinojos Christopher Holyfield Jesus Huerta Kymbrecia Huey Jacob Jackson Camryn Johnson Garrett Johnson Measha Jones Destiny Lilly Jephaniah Lister Claire Long Brayan Loyola Monica Lozano Dario Luna Nicole Magee Kennedy Malone Daniel Mancha Blake Martin Adrenn Martinez Alondra Martinez Alexa Mata Edwin Mata-Montealvo Jane Mayo Sernomia McCants Rachel McCarty Paxton McConnell Tamia McGee Corbin Meadows Salguero Melara Jessica Mena Jamie Mikle Brady Miller Isidro Montalvo Ryley Nelson Angelo Niyonzima Leslie Padron Nallely Pascual Malaika Pencheon Lexus Penn Cielo Peralta Aguilera Perez Jasmine Perez Tania Perez Moreno Piedra Estephania Ramirez Kalley Reed Jared Reese Emily Rico Gavin Roberts Joi Robertson Jacob Rogers Jude Rucker Adriana Ruiz Fernando Ruiz Trinity Saiz Omar Salazar Key’Yon’Tae Shaw Lawrencia Shead William Sherman Kristian Shumaker Luis Sifuentes Marquel Smith Samuel Snyder Crystal Sosa Princess Taylor Elijah Thomas Mark Thompson Amelia Torres Brissa Torres Mindy Tran Mouminatou Traore Michael Traylor Morgan Vance Fabio Ventura Daiton Wells Kasey Whitenack

Alyssa Williams Jocelyn Williams Larajni Williams Jordan Yoder Grade 11 Ana Aguilar Isabel Aguirre Kamri Alexander Briseida Alvarez Decosia Avila Mariana Aviles-Gutierrez Joshua Babino Maria Barrios Naum Barron Ja’Keelan Bauer Ladauris Bennett Jose Bizarraga Jadarrion Blakemore Kyrra Boone Stevie Boyd Jose Briseno Jason Bush Kevion Bush Javien Butcher Morgan Butler Jarrett Camp Leslie Campos Sterling Caspersen Nino Cerda Jason Chadwick Isis Colbert Luis Cornejo Verania Correa Felisha Cowan Keiana Cox Martin Cruz Dakota Davenport David Dillon John Earnest Kimberly Edwards Shamya Espy Matthew Eustace Hunter Fenton Brittney Ferguson Tykelan Flamer Abriana Fomukong Diana Garcia Nora Garcia Sequoyah Gardner Alexander Garza Makila Garza Jensen Gates David Gauthier Lucero Gomez Rocio Gonzalez Savannah Goram-Welch Naya Green Magaly Gurrola Jeffrey Hamilton Shadarrion Harper Saigelen Henry Angelica Hernandez Diana Hernandez Jonathan Hinojos Paul Hutchins Victor Jaimez Kyle Janati Ashley Jeffery Caitlin Johnson Kendle Johnson Madison Johnson Kaylan Jones Laneesha Jones Mary-Claire Jones D’Nia Kennedy Rosa Lambarria Maria Landin Brooke Lashua Cameron Lewis Ditza Leyva Salazar Lopez Olivia Lorenz Malaysia Lucky Taisha Mackey Kassandra Manrique Mikielah Marshall Sergio Martinez Ke’Andre Mauldin Kyle McCain Salara McCarter Hallie McFarland Tyrin McGee Ashley Mendenhall J’Ianna Miller Brooke Mitchell Vanessa Monsivais Itzel Montoya Quasana Moore Whitney Morgan Lakevinya Moss Kayla Nelson Wyatt Nelson Dalery Nieto Bailey Odom Angelica Olvera Jovany Ontiveros Modesto Orrosquieta Leslie Osorio Esquivel Pascual Dawson Penn Destiny Perez Diana Perez Filogonio Perez Lizeth Perez Autumn Pierce Joshua Pointer Chaniya Polk Kaylee Quinney Maria Quintero Justice Renner Azucena Reyes Elizabeth Reyes Job Reyes Keon Robbinson Jailyn Roberson Lauren Roberts Tahjaa Robertson Manuel Rodriguez Yazmin Rodriguez Abigail Ruiz Keyla Ruiz Fernanda Salcedo

January / February 2017

Alexa Sanchez Joshua Sanchez Sayra Sanchez Jamia Sanders Emily Savinon Madison Schochler Aalasia Sheridan Jorin Sides Monserrat Soria Logan Spence Sophia Steelman Dornesha Stevenson Coreyann Stewart Noah Summers Gabriela Talavera Sahory Tapia Erick Trujillo Steve Truong Ezekiel Tullos Burkleo Van Zandt Van Zyl Van Munoz Vazquez Jose Velazquez Kyia Walker Abigail Warren Tia Watts Taylor Weedon Jennifer Whitfield Tyler Wilder Destiny Williams Ramon Williams Mariah Woodard Estrella Zapata Grade 12 Stephanie Aguilar April Alejandro Marcoz Amador Quantavious Anderson Monica Arreguin Dakota Atteberry Kennedy Ballard James Beard Bryan Beck Jnajaha Bell Yasmin Benitez Maci Benson Madison Blake Serenity Bolby Yasmine Bradley De’Karian Brooks Aaron Brown Elease Brown Zachariah Brown Trajan Bush Brianna Bynum Landon Calhoun Brittney Campbell Janise Campbell Jaqueline Campozano Christopher Caraway Daijia Carr Anthony Castillo Lucy Castillo Bianca Ceballos Zaida Cerda Isaac Cisneros Barbra Coby Ronnie Collier Daquiaveon Collins McKenzie Collins Dulce Conde Cameron Coulter Destani Cox Amairany Cruz Hector Cuevas Deyonna Daniels Jasten Darensbourg Bradie Davis Jahleel Davis Kobe Davis Tia Deadmon-White Selma Deluna Jazmin Dennis Kenedrick Dessesaure Trevor Diaz Sarah Dickerson Jack Dipasquale Kahlil Dorsey Khloe Dunn Evelyn Enriquez Ahmad Farrier Arnoldo Felix Erick Fernandez Shakariah Flamer Lyndsey Fletcher Michael Flores Ciera Ford Isabel Fuentes Cepeda Garcia Alejandra Garcia Carlos Garcia Za’Tyrion Garrett Levondrick George Pedro Gomez Alphalia Gonzalez Elisabeth Greene Juan Grimaldo Jesus Guerrero Jonathan Guerrero Huerta Guevara Makala Guice Cody Haggerty LaMya Harris Astin Henry Barrera Hernandez Brandon Hernandez Jose Hernandez Marco Hernandez Michelle Hernandez Tanner Hesley Olivia Hill Melissa Hudson Cara Hutchings Issamar Ibarra Erath Islas Jennifer Izaguirre Anastasia Jackson Bryant Jackson Kayleen Jackson Kyla Jackson Jayla James

Abby Jester Iran Jimenez Kaland Johnson Michael Johnson Jermie Jones Matayia Jones Saran Keita Ke’Atra King Jamal Lamb Alexander Lammers Cheyenne Lee Alex Lewis Eduardo Lujano Noemi Luna Genaro Luna-Torres Adrian Madrid Olivia Manzo Silvia Martinez Deanna McEntire Genesis Medrano Jasmine Medrano Miayah Miller Erin Mitchell Ysidro Montano Deja Moore Kenneth Moss Erion Nelson Van Nguyen Franklin Noe Morgan Norvell Carol Ocana Jesenia Olvera Dixon Orange Skylar Orman Evelin Osborne Taylor Overton Devon Parsons Flores Patino Chandler Peoples Kimberly Peralta Victoria Pierson Cristian Pinales Harris Plata Shamariya Powell David Ramsey Wendy Reta-Luna Yunior Reyes Christian Rios Jorge Rodriguez Karina Rodriguez Maritza Rodriguez Jesus Roldan Chelsi Rosenbalm Sara Rueda Melissa Ruiz Hailey Ryan David Sanchez Emanuel Sanchez Marisol Sanchez Nadia Scribner Chakirra Seastrunk Sandy Serrano Jasmine Shaw Lance Shelton Georgina Smith Kerry Smith Patrice Smith Garrett Snyder Hernan Solis Lacy Stanfill Alexis Stanford Lucas Steele Fernando Talabis Sara Tapia Christion Taylor Christopher Taylor Jonathan Tellez Paul Thomas Jacqueline Toledo Milthon Torres Lady Trejo Pedro Vargas Luis Vazquez Tiece Veasley Davianna Venters Camron Wafer Margaret Ward Justin Wendt Kendrevian White Gaylon Wiley Bishop Williams Coleman Williams Jayla Williams Carballo Zulueta Guillermo Zuniga

Early Graduate High Eldrin Abston Pedro Benitez T’Keyah Black Bobbi Bland Brian Brown Jacob Cruz Reyna DeLaRosa Tony Dunn Madisen Ellis Ka’Nasia Garrett, Keasia Harris Kaylie Hawkins Mirna Hernandez Gonzalez Priscilla Hensley Jonah Bachus KeAubra Horn Raven Houston Tadai Humble Kendrick Jones Nathan Levoy Keelan Lister Keenan Lister Claudia Mason Kelsey McDaniel Quiana Moore Kristin Morgan Diasia Palmer Ricky Pepper Enrique Pineda Ladaysha Russ Faith Thompson Tanisha Turner Fletcher Cam’Ron White Keenan Williams Amya Williams Hannah Willoughby

Time to sign up for youth baseball Registration for the Longview Boys Baseball Association is now open and will run through Feb. 23. Players may register at LongviewBaseball. org using PayPal or download a form and mail it in with payment.

Registration is also set at TA Sports (103 W. Loop 281) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday through Feb 23. And from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. on Feb. 4 at the Greggton Community Center (back entrance) located at 3211 W.

Marshall Ave. All players must be 4 before Sept. 1 and players new to LBBA must furnish a copy of their birth certificate. For more information please call (903) 759-9663 or visit the website.

Page 9 February 20

Presidents Day Start of 5th Six Weeks

February 21

8 a.m. Lobos golf at Texas High Invitational (Texarkana) 4 p.m. Lobos soccer hosts Tyler Lee 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer at Tyler Lee

February 22

George Washington’s Birthday Report Cards Sent Home

February 23

7 a.m. UIL One-Act Play Clinic (Melton Center) 8 a.m. Lady Lobos varsity softball at Kaitlin Seidel Tournament (Richardson) 8 a.m. Lady Lobos JV softball at Kilgore tourney 8 a.m. Lobos varsity baseball at Pine Tree tourney 8 a.m. Lobos JV baseball at Hallsville tourney 8 a.m. Lobos track at Lufkin 3:30 p.m. Lobos tennis hosts Lindale 6:30 p.m. Early College Parent Meeting (Little Theatre) 6:30 p.m. Parent Meeting for Viewette Tryouts 6:30 p.m. Judson National Junior Honor Society Induction 6:30 p.m. Hudson PEP 3rd Grade PTO program

February 24

LISD Parent-Teacher Conference Day 7 a.m. UIL One-Act Play Clinic (Melton Center) 8 a.m. Lobos tennis hosts Eastman Invitational Tournament 8 a.m. Lady Lobos varsity softball at Kaitlin Seidel Tournament (Richardson) 8 a.m. Lady Lobos JV softball at Kilgore tourney 8 a.m. Lobos varsity baseball at Pine Tree tourney 8 a.m. Lobos JV baseball at Hallsville tourney 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer hosts Rockwall 5:30 p.m. Lobos soccer at Rockwall

February 25

8 a.m. Lady Lobos varsity softball at Kaitlin Seidel Tournament (Richardson) 8 a.m. Lady Lobos JV softball at Kilgore tourney 8 a.m. Lobos varsity baseball at Pine Tree tourney 8 a.m. Lobos JV baseball at Hallsville tourney 6 p.m. 2017 LHS Senior Celebration (Melton Center)

February 27

6 a.m. Middle School One-Act Play Competition (Melton Center) 8 a.m. Lobos JV track at Marshall

February 28

Shrove Tuesday 8 a.m. Lobos JV tennis hosts tourney 8 a.m. Middle School Track Meet (Hallsville) 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos soccer at North Mesquite 5:30 p.m. Lobos soccer hosts North Mesquite 5:30 p.m. Lady Lobos softball hosts Mesquite Horn

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January / February 2017

Hudson PEP now accepting applications for enrollment

Applications are being accepted at Hudson PEP Elementary School for the 2017-18 school year. Deadline is Feb. 17 for students entering 1st grade next year, and April 28 for students entering 2nd through 5th grades. Hudson PEP is a district-wide school in Longview ISD for students who perform in the average to aboveaverage range in grades 1-5. Applicants for first grade must be at least six (6) years of age by Sept. 1, 2017. If your child is currently enrolled at an LISD campus, applications must be submitted to that campus. All others, return to Hudson PEP Elementary at 1311 Lilly Street, Longview, TX 75602 (private and out of district). Each student who applies to attend Hudson PEP will be given an achievement test and an aptitude test. Out of district applicants must pay a $65 testing fee. No test fee will be refunded if your child is not accepted or if parents decline placement. LISD Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox said the district will host a series of public events to help inform the public about the programs and facilities of Hudson PEP. “Parents of kindergarten students are invited to attend informational meetings at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, while parents of 1st through 5th graders are welcome to visit at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 11,” he said. “Longview ISD will also provide campus tours, childcare,

and interpretation services to attendees.” To sign up for free transportation to and from any of the events, please contact Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jody Clements via email at jclements@lisd.org or by telephone at (903) 3812235. Deadline is Jan. 27 to sign up for free transportation at the February meeting. Deadline for free transportation is April 4 for the 1st through 5th grade meeting. Parents who sign up for free transportation will be picked up and dropped off at their student’s home campus. “Please also note that the district will provide students at each respective campus with tours of Hudson PEP Elementary School during regular school hours this semester,” Wilcox added. “Longview ISD will notify parents in writing of the date on which their child is scheduled to tour Hudson PEP.” The goal of Hudson PEP is to develop the whole child — academically, s o c i a l l y, c r e a t i ve l y, physically and morally. A planned enrichment program (PEP) is part of the curriculum and an integrated character e d uc a t io n p r og r a m , highly involved parental support, nurturing staff and motivated students help form the foundation for strong self-confidence. St udent s have the opportunity to participate in music, art, physical

education and computer with certified teachers in all grades. The program also includes a hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) program. In fifth grade, students may participate in band or choir. A strings program is offered for students in grades 3-5. Applications can be downloaded from the district’s website, for more information please call (903) 8035123. Hudson PEP Enrollment Timeline January 4: Hudson PEP application letters mailed to all LISD students entering first grade. February 2: An informational meeting is held at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. for all parents of children entering first grade at Hudson PEP. February 17: Applications for students entering first grade are due. March 6-9: Testing for students entering first grade. March 20: Hudson PEP application letters will be mailed to all students entering second through fifth grade April 11: An informational meeting will be held at 6 p.m. for all parents of children entering second through fifth grades at Hudson PEP. April 28: Applications will be due for students entering second through fifth grades May 15-19: Testing for students entering second through fifth grades.

Piney Woods Football Clinic crushes anticipated attendance numbers By Mike Graham/ETSN.fm

LONGVIEW — A drive around the Hilton Garden Inn parking lot in Longview on Jan. 21 could have told you all you need to know about how the first Piney Woods Football Clinic is performing. You name a school within East Texas, odds are it had a district-owned car in the lot and at least one coach in the hotel ballroom. Peters Chevrolet had cars on display and more than a few high-end sporting goods businesses have set up booths on a makeshift trade floor. Longview head coach John King and newly-minted Texarkana (Ark.) Arkansas High head coach Barry Norton’s five-year correspondence has life. More life than they anticipated in year one. “This is a grand slam,” King said after learning the event had drawn more than 300 coaches. “We were expecting maybe half of that. This has gone above and beyond. Great speaking lineup. Great vendors. The way it has been promoted not only through the state of Texas but also Louisiana and Arkansas was great.” The event featured a heavy-hitting lineup of speakers, headlined by SMU head coach Chad Morris. “Barry Norton and I discussed this for four or five years,” King said. “Really, we’ve talked about this since 2008 when we started playing each other. We thought it’d be a good draw because there’s nothing in the East Texas area like this. We’ve got to go to other metropolitan areas in the state of Texas, which is a financial burden and a time crunch. “We felt like the quality of football we play in East Texas and the schools that recruit the area, we could get some great college speakers as well as tremendous high school speakers from the area.” John King

Chad Morris


January / February 2017

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January / February 2017

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