August 6, 2013

Page 22

Page 22, The Loafer • August 6, 2013

August is Meteor Month

Catch a falling star Put it in your pocket Never let it fade away. Catch a falling star Put it in your pocket Save it for a rainy day. '*% "6<% ;4;,6*% *+,% 3"5C% 4.% 6(8+*% ;"<% ?,% #(,50,3% ?<% *+,% ?5(8+*$% 6,,31,T1(C,% ?25)*% 4.% 1(8+*% .54;%"6%(60(6,5"*(68%;,*,45= A+"*% ;,*,45% ;"<% ?,% *+,% )(g,% 4.%"%85"(6%4.%)"1*u45%")%?(8%")%"% /()*=% % S4;,% G,(8+(68% +2635,3)% 4.%#4263)$%,7,6%*+42)"63)$%+"7,% ;"3,%(*%*4%*+,%)25."0,%"63%"5,%(6% museums around the world. But ,7,5<3"<$% W"5*+% #14G)% *+5428+%

*+42)"63)% 4.% #4263)% 4.% 04);(0% 3,?5()%*+"*%/(1*,5)%34G6%*+5428+% our atmosphere, landing on *+,% 854263% 1(C,% 32)*% 46% "% 04..,,% *"?1,= A+428+% 26#5,3(0*"?1,% G+,6% "63% G+,5,% "% ;,*,45% ;"<% strike, what is known are the *(;,)% G+,6% W"5*+L)% 45?(*% #14G)% through streams of meteor 3,?5()% *+"*% 04;,)% .54;% 04;,*)% or shattered asteroids. And August is a time when 425%0,1,)*("1%814?,%,6*,5)%),7,5"1% )G"5;)% 4.% ;,*,454(3% 3,?5()$% (60123(68% *+,% .";42)% O,5),(3% Meteor Shower that peaks the ;456(68%4.%E463"<$%'282)*%9]=%

A+,% E446% ()% "% *+(6% 05,)0,6*% (6% *+,% ,"51<% ,7,6(68% )C<$% )4% *+,% 3"<)%?,.45,%"63%".*,5%*+,%O,5),(3% #,"C%46%'28=%9]*+%"5,%."745"?1,% *4%),,%;"<?,%2#%*4%U:%i)+44*(68% )*"5)j% "6% +425=% A+,% ?,)*% *(;,% is after 2 am, when our part of *+,% W"5*+% ()% *256,3% *4G"53% 425% 3(5,0*(46%"54263%*+,%S26=%% R"*0+(68% ;,*,45% )+4G,5)$% #"5*(021"51<% *+,% G"5;TG,"*+,5% O,5),(3%6(8+*)$%"5,%"1G"<)%"%.26% 6(8+*%42*=%o42%"5,%0,5*"(6%*4%),,% #1,6*<% 4.% i)+44*(68% )*"5)j% *4% ;"C,%G()+,)%2#46=%%I2)*%1"<%?"0C% (6% "% 1"G6% 0+"(5% G(*+% <425% +,"3% *4% *+,% ,")*$% *+,6% )0"6% *+,% )C(,)% 6"C,3% ,<,% G+(1,% ,6H4<(68% )4;,% ;2)(0% "63% "% ?,7,5"8,=% '% #"(5% 4.% ?(64021"5)% 400")(46"11<% 2),3% *4% )0"6% *+,% E(1C<% R"<% G(11% ;"C,% <42% "##5,0("*,% *+,% 62;?,5% 4.% )*"5)%G,%346L*%),,%G(*+%425%,<,)% alone. A+,5,% "5,% 64% 1,))% *+"6% Z9% ,)*"?1()+,3% ;,*,45% )+4G,5)% *+"*% 5,821"51<% 40025% ,"0+% <,"5=%% A+,% ?(8% 46,)% "5,% *+,% O,5),(3)% in August, the Quadrantids in I"62"5<% "63% *+,% !,;(6(3)% (6% f,0,;?,5=% A+,<% "5,% 6";,3% .45% *+,% 046)*,11"*(46)% .54;% G+(0+% *+,<% ),,;% *4% 45(8(6"*,$% *+428+% *+4),%)*"5)%"5,%H2)*%"%?"0C854263=%%

E4)*% 4.% *+,% 3,?5()% ()% 1,.*% 47,5)% .54;% "% 3,.260*% 04;,*L)% 45?(*=%% The Perseids seem to radiate out 4.% *+,% 046)*,11"*(46% O,5),2)% *+,% !5,,C%+,54$%"63%"5,%#(,0,)%4.%"6% 413%04;,*%6";,3%SG(.*TA2**1,=% '% ;,*,45% ()% )(;#1<% "% #(,0,% 4.% S41"5% S<)*,;% H26C% *+"*% +(*)% *+,% W"5*+L)% "*;4)#+,5,% "63% ?256)% 2#% ?<% .5(0*(46=% % A+,% ,6,58<% ()% 5,1,"),3% (6)*"6*1<% (6% 1(8+*% "63% +,"*=% % S4;,% ;,*,45(*,)% +"7,% "% );4C<% *5"(1$% 0"11,3% "% i*5"(6j% ?<% astronomers. '% #(,0,% 4.% 3,?5()% (6% )#"0,% ()% 0"11,3% "% ;,*,454(3=% % R+,6% (*% ?256)% 2#% (6% *+,% "*;4)#+,5,$% (*% ()% 0"11,3% "% ;,*,45(*,=% % R+,6% +,13%(6%<425%+"63$%(*%()%"%;,*,45=% S4;,*(;,)% *+,% ;,*,45% 0"6% ?,% )4% ?5(8+*% (*% G(11% 0")*% "% )+"34G=%% -*+,5)$% 0"11,3% ?41(3,)$% "5,6L*% 461<%?5(8+*$%?2*%?5,"C%"#"5*%G(*+% "%1423%?"68=% >.% "% ;,*,454(3% );")+,)% through our atmosphere, and that meteorite makes it to the 854263$% *+"*% 0+26C% 4.% ;,*,45% ;(8+*%"0*2"11<%?,%.54)*<%"63%0413% *4%*420+=%%A+428+%*+,%.5(0*(46%4.%"% ]:$:::%;#+%(;#"0*%G(*+%W"5*+L)% atmosphere melted the outside, *+,%+,"*%34,)6L*%"1G"<)%#,6,*5"*,% *+,% (6)(3,)% 4.% *+,% )#"0,% 540C=%

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