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THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 41, NO. 10 | OCTOBER 11, 2019


Convocation works to build a culture of evangelization


or many of the 1,500 Catholics who attended, the “Enflame Our Hearts: Be Disciples, Make Disciples” convocation Oct. 3-5 at the Overland Park Convention Center was a transformative experience. It was also historic. Never before have so many Catholics from such varied places, backgrounds and walks of life gathered for so vital a purpose: to build a culture of evangelization in northeast Kansas. The event was two years in the planning. The delegates from parishes, religious communities and Catholic organizations had spent months preparing with prayer, study and meetings. But nobody really knew what would happen when the doors of the cavernous exhibition hall

opened to receive them. Would their hearts be “enflamed”? The delegates prayed and listened to testimonies of faith. They heard inspiring speakers and spent time in eucharistic adoration. They prayed together at Mass. They gathered in small groups during “campfire” sessions to discuss provocative questions and to model methods of evangelization. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann called the delegates to be “missionary disciples,” followers of Jesus who were filled with a burning desire to share the good news of salvation to others. They didn’t have to go far. Their mission field was right under their feet — among family and friends, and anyone they encountered.

The progression of their “missionary impulse” was to begin in their hearts, move to their homes and parishes, and then on to their communities. “All of you are here today because of a divine appointment from God,” said Susan Stallbaumer, from Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca, to the delegates on Oct. 5. “There are no coincidences in life. You were to be here this weekend at this convocation. God has big plans for each of you here today. Be willing to trust him and follow him.” When the delegates went streaming out of the doors to return to their homes and regular lives, one thing was abundantly clear: The fire was burning bright.





Convocation: A family affair


t’s good to have all the family together tonight,” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann exclaimed as he kicked off the “Enflame Our Hearts: Be Disciples, Make Disciples” convocation held at the Overland Park Convention Center Oct. 3. And he wasn’t kidding. “The first miracle of the convocation is that all of our parishes are represented,” said the archbishop. “I don’t think that’s ever happened in any of our initiatives.” The energy was palpable as the archbishop spoke about the days to come. “We never know what the Holy Spirit’s going to do,” said the archbishop. “He’s always going to do greater things than we can imagine.” But he asked delegates to enter into Enflame in search of an answer to an important but simple question: “What does it mean to be a missionary disciple?” “It means being so grateful for the gift of your friendship with Jesus, for your Catholic faith, for the meaning, the hope, the purpose, the joy that it brings to your life — that you want to share that gift with others,” he explained.

The archbishop didn’t shy away from addressing the obstacles the church faces that make discipleship challenging. “We’re painfully aware of the humanity of the church, of the weakness of its leaders,” he said. The archbishop noted that, although it’s “a time when many want to hide their identity as Catholics, it’s also a time when our culture and society never needed more the truth, the beauty, the goodness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” And then, the archbishop presented a request. “I ask you to pray with me during these days that our hearts will be open to welcome the Holy Spirit and to allow him to empower us as he did that original tiny band of disciples,” he said. A group, he added, that didn’t have the numbers or resources we have today. “And Jesus had given them this impossible mission to go and to share the Gospel with all the world,” he said. “And yet, remarkably, they were able to do so, even though they seemed totally unqualified.” The archbishop concluded by urging the delegates to pray for the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. “Let us, during these days, let go and let God make this time what he desires for each of us,” he said.



New evangelization is ‘no easy task’

he mission of the church has always been to evangelize, said Father Gary Pennings at the opening of the “Enflame Our Hearts: Be Disciples, Make Disciples” convocation. But now the church must learn to announce the good news with a new ardor, new methods and new expressions — a new evangelization, he said. More than 1,500 delegates from every parish in the archdiocese were there to be equipped and inspired at the three-day event, and then return home to evangelize. “Archbishop Naumann has called us as leaders of this local church together in this convocation for prayer, dialogue and prayerful listening,” said Father Pennings, chairman of the convocation planning committee. “He’s called us to build a culture of evangelization across northeastern Kansas,” he added, “and that’s no easy task.” The church has always been called to share Christ’s message, but it must announce the Gospel anew to every generation. Throughout the convocation, he told the delegates, they would go through three progressions. The first would be to focus on their own heart. “As my heart is transformed by my encounter with divine love, my encounter with Christ, how can I not share this experience with others?” he asked. “Our first prayer is: Enflame Our Hearts.” The second focus would be on the family — our own homes, or what is often referred to as the domestic church. “As individual hearts are transformed, homes and families change,” said Father Pennings. “We are speaking of family homes, yes, but also parish homes . . . [So], our second prayer is: Enflame Our Homes.” The third progression of the flame will be from home to community. “The church has a single intention,” said Father Pennings, “that God’s kingdom may come and that the salvation of the whole human race may come to pass. “Our third prayer is: Enflame Our Communities.” “For each of these three progressions — heart, home and community — we will explore ways and methods to create opportunities for the Holy Spirit to bring his transformative fire,” continued Father Pennings. “We invite you to be open to God’s inspiration while you are here. “Let us welcome the Holy Spirit as we pray, study and plan together. Let us entrust ourselves to that same Holy Spirit so that our hearts, our homes and our communities may indeed be enflamed with the joy of the Gospel.”


Father Gary Pennings, vicar general for the archdiocese




How to read this special issue

he pages of this special issue are packed with coverage of the recent archdiocesan convocation, “Enflame Our Hearts: Be Disciples, Make Disciples.” But amid the coverage of the event itself, held Oct. 3-5 at the Overland Park Convention Center, are sprinkled stories on those who attended the event. These 1500 men and women — representatives from parishes, religious orders and organizations around the archdiocese called “delegates” — committed themselves not only to the threeday event. They also read, prayed and planned

with their team in advance of the event, and will now be responsible for carrying back what they’ve learned to their parishes. From Atchison to Emporia, Seneca to Leawood, Catholics young and old brought their talents and experience to the table of this historic evangelization effort in northeast Kansas. So, look especially for the “Delegates” stories from your neck of the woods in this special issue — then watch for the delegates themselves in the weeks ahead. They’re coming soon to a parish near you!


Living the Joy NIKKI FRERKER Age: 48 Parish: Curé of Ars, Leawood Occupation: Attorney What’s in your toolkit? Catechist for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and, through personal prayer, the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises What is your Catholic superpower? Joy in all things

Before the convocation:


ikki Frerker was raised Lutheran and converted to Catholicism when she married. “I learned that each person’s journey is unique. We all encounter Christ in different ways,” she said. When she was chosen to serve as a delegate to the convocation, it was daunting, Frerker said. Yet, it was energizing, too. She hopes to use that energy to connect with other delegates and develop new ideas to bring back to her parish. Over the years, Frerker’s encounters with the Lord through prayer helped her become better at listening to others. In the reading she and her delegation have completed to prepare for the convocation, Frerker believes that listening to others is a significant part of evangelizing and that it is more about a one-on-one authentic relationship of listening and sharing and less about her telling others what she believes. “Christians have good news to share of Christ’s love that invites us to dance with joy when we can see the good, and rest with peace when the good has not yet been revealed.”

After the convocation:


‘The one for me’


Parish: St Aloysius Parish, Meriden Occupation: Retired What’s in your toolkit? Knowledge of Catholic faith and evangelization honed in 25 years’ experience serving in his parish RCIA program What is your Catholic superpower? My strength of leading RCIA for 25 years — so that’s being a role model, a witness to my faith to people who are not Catholic.

Before the convocation


erlyn Mahoney claims his pastor, Father James Moster, OFM Cap., invited him to be part of the parish convocation team because “I’m retired and I have time to do it.” But in reality, the reason goes much deeper. A cradle Catholic, Mahoney has had 78 years to learn, question and grow in his faith. “Like we all did when we were in our 20s, I evaluated a lot of other faiths,” he said. “I decided the one for me is the Catholic faith, and I put my life effort into it.” Mahoney stared teaching religious education in

President Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799)

the CCD program when his five children were young. After that, he became involved in his parish RCIA program and has been active helping non-Catholics learn about the faith ever since. “So Father Jim and I have a pretty good working relationship,” he said. Mahoney is also well-known in his community. “I’m pretty friendly with all the local ministers of the other churches here in town,” he said. “And so, I think I have a little touch of ecumenism in what I do here in the community.” To that end, Mahoney and his team hope, as part of the convocation, parishes can learn to be more welcoming in reaching out beyond the immediate Catholic communities. Among a long list of challenges, his team also has as a top priority addressing the needs of Catholic youth. Mahoney hopes the convocation will be the beginning of change and growth with ongoing support for decisions made. “I want to return with guidance as to how we can involve [parishioners] in evangelization,” he said. “And enflame everyone’s hearts to be more active — not just be Sunday worshipers.”

What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? The deep encounters of shared prayer that were offered throughout the convocation through praise music, spoken words, adoration, Mass, one-on-one connections with new and old friends, and the moment when several non-Catholic Christian pastors and church leaders prayed aloud, one at a time, over our entire convocation, inviting the Holy Spirit in an arresting and transformative way

After the convocation What are the top things you’d like to see done at your parish in regard to evangelization? The top evangelization I’d like to see done at my parish is to work with and inspire our youth.


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‘Always looking for a better option’



Mark Hart, executive vice president of Life Teen International

Age: 65 Parish: Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Seneca Occupation: Beer and soft drink wholesaler What’s in your toolkit? I try to find consensus. I don’t know if I’m great at it, but that’s my goal. When someone comes up with an idea, I don’t dismiss it. I’m always looking for a better option. What is your Catholic superpower? Eucharistic adoration and Teams of Our Lady. Sometimes, with eucharistic adoration, I get some insight — and sometimes a good sleep.

Before the convocation


t was his pastor who asked him to be a part of his parish delegation, but Don F. Strathman got his inspiration from his family. He numbers among them his son, who died from a brain tumor; his son’s wife Emily and her second husband; and his grandson as well. But it is his wife Julie — who is also a delegate — who got him into this. “She has a connection with God, and she seems to have a sense of what’s the right thing to do,” said Strathman. “She encouraged me to do this.” The greatest evangelistic challenge he sees is “our children and grandchildren.” “There are a lot of people I know whose parents went to church, but they don’t,” he said. “That’s a nationwide problem — people not going to church like they used to. “What it boils down to is that [as a society] we’re so affluent.” It seems to him that people turn to prayer when they’re in crisis, but “you should be ready for that ahead of time.” People need to develop the habit of prayer every week. Growing up, he simply called these “good habits,” but they are really virtues. What does his parish need? Programs to help them grow spiritually. Teams of Our Lady is one program that he has found beneficial, said Strathman. “There should be a lot more programs like that,” he said. “More eucharistic adoration is another. There can be a lectio divina group, and a Bible study — things people can do to be part of the parish — all kinds of groups.”


There is beauty in our brokenness


e’re broken and messy, and have tons of excuses to not evangelize. But our broken, messy lives are where ministry lives and thrives. “We all have excuses; we all have crosses,” said Mark Hart, executive vice president of Life Teen International. He was the first keynote speaker at the Enflame convocation on Oct. 3. We’re no different, he said, than the characters in Scripture: 73 books written by 45-plus authors over 1,700 years. Page after page, failure after failure, sinner after sinner — and God didn’t give up on them. “Everyone’s got an excuse,” Hart said. “Miriam is a gossip, Martha is a worrywart, Moses is a murderer. Everyone’s got an excuse. “Martha is a busybody, Zacchaeus is short. Lazarus is dead. Everyone’s got an excuse. And God doesn’t give up. He continues to pour out his grace and life.” You don’t have to be a theologian, Bible expert, a catechetical whiz or even “have it all figured out” to be an effective evangelist. “The only thing we have to know to be an effective evangelist is that I’m a sinner and God is mercy,” said Hart. People think God could choose someone better. “I’m not going to lie to you, Kansas,” said Hart. “God

could have chosen better people than you. He could have chosen holier people. He could have chosen smarter people . . . than you and me, but he didn’t. “For whatever reason in God’s divine providence . . . for this unique moment in salvation history, this unique moment in [this] culture and the church, he [chose] you.” God doesn’t look at our brokenness and call us unworthy. Through the sacraments, he pours his grace in us to bring us back to serve a new purpose, he said. In Japan, when a treasured family porcelain object is broken, it is not thrown away. Rather, it is repaired by a special art form called “kintsugi.” The pieces of the object are joined together with a precious metal, like gold. “We are broken, but in the hands of the Master Craftsman our beauty is unearthed,” said Hart. “Because of the hands of grace, we never miss our purpose, we always serve a function.” We must begin with humility, he concluded. “As the Lord draws near to you, draw near to him,” said Hart. “You’ve done the preparation. You’ve prayed; you’ve planned. Have the humility [to lay] all those plans at the feet of the Lord and say, ‘Take what you want to take, leave what you want to leave, and may the glory come not to us, but to you.’”

After the convocation What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? The most inspiring thing was the people I met.


Delegates bring home parish strategies


fter two days full of inspiration, prayer and reflection, it was time to get to work. Delegates attending the final day of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas convocation were being prepped to return to their parishes to convert new ideas into calls to action. Father Gary Pennings kicked off the final day with the answer to the delegates’ most pressing question: What’s next? “We have to go. That means we have to go, change, take risks, try something new,” he told the crowd. With 10 breakout sessions to choose from, delegates could learn more about topics ranging from the School of Faith to serving individuals with special needs. In a session about families in crisis, CarePortal executive director Adrien Lewis shared staggering statistics about the number of families with a child at the center of a crisis. “In the counties of Johnson, Douglas and Wyandotte combined, there are 10,000 investigations annually that began with someone who saw something in a family that represents neglect, abuse, etc. “What can our parishes do for the kids who come into care, need to be adopted and for families who are on the brink of coming into care?” Lewis asked.

In a session on racism, speakers representing local black and Korean Catholics shared their cultural differences and their desire to work as one with all Catholics. While those sessions will spur new ideas at the parish level, some simply evoked emotion. Such was the case for 16-year-old Michael Sandstrom, a delegate from Hayden High School in Topeka. Sandstrom attended the breakout session, “Business: Church and Secular that Builds the Kingdom.” He was surprised by what he heard. “There are some jobs out there where you can’t hold onto your faith and you could actually be fired. There are some legal aspects to it. I was a little shocked and felt sad when I heard this. I had never heard this before,” Sandstrom said. Delegates gathered after the breakouts and before a closing Mass to share and plan for the future. Ronda Smith of St. Leo Church in Horton left with new ideas. “I learned the importance of building communities and bringing people together for friendships and conversations that build trust,” she said. “We’ll be working on our Bible study and daily rosary app to form these friendships and show Christ through the ways we live our lives,” she added.




Agents of change GINA VILLARREAL Age: 43 Parish: St. Paul, Olathe Occupation: Housewife What’s in your toolkit? Easily interacts with others, responsible What is your Catholic superpower? Desire to continue growing in the spiritual life through studies, prayers and constancy in the faith


Age: 43

‘The time is now’ FRANCHIEL NYAKATURA Age: 61 Parish: Our Lady & St. Rose, Kansas City, Kansas Occupation: Teacher What is in your toolkit? My toolkit includes a listening ear (for where people are in their personal development and what their needs and concerns are), a compassionate heart (to know that in our thinking and feelings we are not all at the same place at the same time, and that is OK) and a deep concern for all of God’s people. What is your Catholic superpower? My openness and obedience to the Holy Spirit

Before the convocation


ranchiel Nyakatura became a member of her parish delegation when she was inspired to voice the desires of her heart — and the Holy Spirit made sure those words went to the right ears. “I was hanging out with different members of the parish at different times, spouting off a desire [for us] to be more visible as a Catholic community,” said Nyakatura, “particularly in the northeast area where our parish is located. “Several delegates remarked that I should be a part of the delegation. I didn’t know anything about it, but that’s how the Spirit works. As they began to tell me all about it, I knew that I wanted to join the team.” This was yet another prompting from God to take a step.

Parish: St. Paul, Olathe Occupation: Project manager

“In Scripture, God says that he will give us the desires of our hearts,” she said. “I have to give God the credit for placing this desire in me to want to do more to share the good news of Christ’s love for all. “When I was a 9-year-old girl, preparing for my first holy Communion, the nuns taught us the song ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love.’ I tear up when I hear this song. The deep desire to love others has been with me for as long as I can remember.” She’s ready to be an ambassador — and an “agent of change.” “I’m a teacher by profession and a catechist as well,” she said. “Of course, I’ve been an agent of change! To that degree, I am comfortable with that [title], but this is different. “The ‘enflaming’ Archbishop Naumann is speaking about begins inside myself before I can even reach my family, friends and community. It’s a challenge, but the time is now and I am ready!”

After the convocation: What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? When Father Brian Schieber played the clip from the movie “Blood Diamond,” it touched my heart; I could see clearly how our heavenly Father seeks to bring us out of the darkness in our lives. He reminds us of who we are and whose we are. He looks beyond our sins and pulls us into the light of his grace and mercy. I could see how God wants us to view each person [with whom] we come into contact . . . with that same compassion and unconditional love so that we, too, can bring our family, friends and neighbors out of the darkness of their lives.

What’s in your toolkit? Experienced in technology needed for reports and presentations What is your Catholic superpower? Desire to continue growing in the spiritual life through studies, prayers and constancy in the faith

Before the convocation


ina and her husband Arturo were entrusted by their parish to participate in the 2019 “Enflame Our Hearts” convocation. And, unknowingly, they have been preparing for this moment their whole lives. “We have been Catholic since we were born,” said Gina, “and we strongly believe it is Christ who has put us on this path.” Gina and Arturo will call upon their experience participating in the V Encuentro process — a national pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry — as they approach the convocation. They are ready to be agents of change. The couple has identified three main challenges they will confront during the convocation: bringing inactive Catholic families closer to the parish; going out into the community and performing acts of service; and starting a new pastoral family ministry that will specifically walk with new families. And Gina and Arturo are excited for the chance to face these challenges head-on after the convocation. “[We feel] energized [in] fighting because of our hope in God,” said Gina.

After the convocation: What are the top three things you’d like to see done at your parish in regard to evangelization? 1) A plan that could get more people from our current members of the parish involved/active 2) Recognize the need to go out (within the boundaries of the parish) and invite other brothers and sisters to be part of Jesus’ life 3) Recognize the need to support current married couples in order to [help them have] a successful marriage


‘A place for the church’ MATT GWYNN Age: 58 Parish: St. Paul, Olathe Occupation: Johnson County Community College interpreter service coordinator What’s in your toolkit? Relationships and connections established through years of work and friendship What is your Catholic superpower? The ability to bring some former Catholic deaf people to renew their faith again and share sign language accessible to all Catholic parishes

Before the convocation


att Gwynn was invited by his pastor to represent St. Paul’s deaf community as part of its parish delegation to the convocation. He was a good choice, because he likes to help deaf Catholics return to and renew their faith. His own faith, in turn, led him to accept the invitation. But it was also the influence of his wife that led him to say “yes.” “My wife’s constant faith and devotion to the rosary have always been there for me,” said Gwynn. “But joining St. Luke’s Bible Study Group has inspired me to renew my own faith.” What will make the convocation a

success for him? “To gain a better understanding of how to engage others in discussions of spirituality and the faith as a deaf man,” he said. What he hopes to bring back to his parish is optimism and hope for others. “I had changed my attitude to be more optimistic toward the Catholic Church,” he said. “My hope is to convince and encourage all deaf and hard-of-hearing people who claim to be Catholic, but demonstrate the opposite with their absence from the parish. “I want them to find a place for the church in their lives and priorities.”

After the convocation: What are the top things you’d like to

see done at your parish in regard to evangelization? For deaf ministry, we need to go out and be visible among deaf communities such as at coffee chat with small groups. Secondly, we need to encourage our local deaf parishioners to go out and volunteer by doing community services such as providing food and serving hungry and poor people.




Energized for life DAVINA BARNETT Age: 33 Parish: Holy Angels, Garnett Occupation: Mother of six; administrative assistant for Barnett Electrical Heating and AC What’s in your toolkit? President of the Altar Society; helped facilitate Bible studies, including Oremus and The Great Adventure Bible Timeline; member of Teams of Our Lady marriage group What is your Catholic superpower? Eucharist; daily readings and reflections from USCCB; the rosary and asking Our Blessed Mother to intercede for us

Before the convocation:


‘There for a purpose’ DANIEL SÁNCHEZ Age: 40 Parish: St. Catherine of Alexandria, Emporia Occupation: High school social studies, ESL and Spanish teacher What’s in your toolkit? A bilingual believer who can help bridge the gap in language-related issues, as well as cultural gaps in the Catholic community What is your Catholic superpower? My primary Catholic superpower is being a confirmation catechist for teenagers in a bilingual setting. Educating our youth in our faith in English and Spanish is very important — not only to understand our beliefs more deeply, but also to carry on our Catholic precepts in a more informed manner for the generations to come.

BETTY SÁNCHEZ Age: 38 Parish: St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Emporia Occupation: Third-grade teacher What’s in your toolkit? “I love working with others and I am very self-motivated.” Communicates well with teens and adults, speaks English and Spanish, and adapts easily to change. What is your Catholic superpower? Confirmation catechist who helps the church better meet the needs of students and co-catechists alike.

Before the convocation:


t was a tough realization. Betty Sánchez and her husband Daniel had been preparing for the convocation for months. It was just weeks away, and they still couldn’t find a babysitter for their children. They decided to sacrifice — Daniel

would attend the convocation while Betty stayed home. Then, a few days before the convocation, the unexpected happened — again. Betty and Daniel were able to find a babysitter, enabling both of them to attend. “I’m very excited for this opportunity,” said Betty. Both Betty and Daniel were asked by former pastor Father Nick Blaha to attend the convocation as parish representatives due to their enthusiasm for the faith. “I have always helped in my community church since I was in Mexico,” said Betty. “When I came to the United States, I also got involved in the choir and I was part of the youth group.” Betty and Daniel have been youth catechists for years, and they have identified some of their parish’s main challenges through that work. “One of the challenges is a lot of the kids don’t really know their beliefs . . . or have the motivation to learn about their faith,” said Daniel. “Once we go into what it means to be confirmed, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to them.” Betty and Daniel hope the convocation will give them ideas and resources to better connect with and educate the youth and become more united as a parish. “Bringing change is not easy,” said Daniel. “There are days when I just feel so worn out [after teaching catechism] and I say, ‘I don’t want to go back’ or ‘I should quit next year.’ “At the same time, I know I’m there for a purpose.”

After the convocation: What are the top three things you’d like to see done at your parish in regard to evangelization? 1. Welcoming our community in our church by making them feel welcome to our church 2. Finding ways to reach out to our teenagers and let them be the leaders to invite others 3. Offering more groups according to the needs of our community


aising six children and balancing a full-time job doesn’t stop Davina Barnett from fully investing in her Catholic faith. “Although the life of a working mother, especially of six, is a busy one, it is important to have priorities. And working on the mission of the church should be embedded in our lives,” she said. Barnett is active at Holy Angels Church in Garnett, where she has gained “a thirst for fellowship.” Her experiences at the parish “have ultimately helped me see the necessity of caring for our spiritual health and preparing ourselves with the tools our great Catholic faith has passed down,” she said. She sees the “Enflame Our Hearts” convocation as another way to equip local Catholics with the aptitude to reach

out to strangers and loved ones alike. “Evangelizing within our church is needed, and women and men empowered by the Holy Spirit can help turn the hearts of their families toward the mission God has granted each person in our care,” she said. Barnett hopes that by attending the convocation, she will learn how to draw others to the faith, “realizing that it is not stepping outside our lives to assist, but it is something that we recognize and feel compelled to participate in for our very own salvation and spiritual health,” she said. For her, taking additional time to commit to evangelization efforts is a no-brainer. “People seem to feel it is just one more thing they are adding to their plate but don’t realize it can fill your spirit up in ways that can energize them for life,” she said.

After the convocation. What does it mean to you to be a missionary disciple? “It means for me to begin on the ground I am already standing. To me, it takes courage to build relationships without fear of rejection or judgment. Understanding my worth in Christ helps me overcome those barriers. “This convocation helped me understand I can be a missionary disciple within my vocation as a mother/wife/ business owner. There is no other important mission in life. “We don’t necessarily have to go somewhere to save others; we can save souls right here! . . . This can begin a ripple effect where others will go and make more disciples.”





Bringing Christ’s love to the family


hildren today face a problem completely unique to their generation, said Lisa Brenninkmeyer. “They cannot answer the most important questions of life: Why am I here? Who am I? What is my purpose?” she said. Brenninkmeyer, founder of Walking With Purpose and a mother of seven, addressed the topic of how to “Enflame Our Homes” and bring Christ to those closest to us in this “postmodern world.” “When I was prepping for this talk, all that I could think about was our houses are already on fire,” she said. “By that, I don’t mean with the power of the Holy Spirit. “There is a crisis in our homes. Some of that is due to the divorce statistics, some of it is due to the mental health crisis [and] a lot of it is due to the overwhelming busyness [we face today].” Brenninkmeyer brought up several ways to bring Christ’s love to our families, emphasizing the importance of lifting up your spouse and listening to your children, whether or not they are living a faith-filled life. “What might change if, instead of correcting our children’s behavior, we started modeling for them and giving them a vision for what life could be?” she asked. “What if we showed them what they were missing by our own transformed lives?” Brenninkmeyer also highlighted the power of truth to combat sin and the devil’s lies, which demean our relationships with God and our loved ones. But what are the devil’s lies and God’s truths? Lie number one: I don’t need to put any more into my marriage than my spouse does. It needs to be an equal effort. The truth is: Marriage requires my all — regardless of what my spouse is doing. Lie number two: If I am right, I need to stand my ground. The truth is: I need to continuously check my pride and respond with humility.


Start from a new now SISTER HELEN THERESE (ELENA) MACK Age: 71 Parish: Our Lady of Unity, Kansas City, Kansas; Sister of Charity community located at the Cathedral of St. Peter Lie number three: My most important job as a parent is to raise happy kids. The truth is: My most important job as a parent is to train their hearts to love God and to follow him. Lie number four: If my kids walk away from the faith, I need to regularly tell them why this is wrong. The truth is: I need to show them what they are missing.

Occupation: Works with Hispanic ministry and a variety of groups within the Kansas City community What’s in your toolkit? My experience has been as director of a diocesan school of evangelization (kerygma based) in Peru, as well as formation-spiritual accompaniment. What is your Catholic superpower? Eucharist is my basic lifelong center and prayer; faith community


‘My belief has always been strong’ JOANNE LALLY Age: 84 Parish: St. John the Baptist, Kansas City, Kansas Occupation: Retired What’s in your toolkit?: My toolkit is the members of my parish — always available and always willing to lend a hand when needed. Our members are the heart of our parish and, although not a large community, a strong and godly one. What is your Catholic superpower? I have no superpower, just a blind faith that the Holy Spirit will lead me to where I should go and what I should do, and it works. I have great devotion to my patron saint, St. Joseph.

Before the convocation


hat led Joanne Lally to participate in the “Enflame Our Hearts” convocation? That’s easy for her to answer: her faith. “I’m a cradle Catholic,” said Lally. “It’s always been my belief — my belief has always been strong. There have been times it’s been difficult — the loss of my parents and my husband. I don’t think there has been one specific moment when all of a sudden the light flashed. . . . My faith has always been the same.” Lally is active in her parish, and one of the things she’s involved with is a women’s Bible study. Sometimes they discuss challenges facing the parish, too. “We always want more parishioners,” said Lally. “We

talked about how we could invite in people moving into the neighborhood . . . ways to get them interested in going to the parish or any of the three churches near them; maybe make a brochure about Mass times or groups they could join.” One challenge is that Strawberry Hill is an old, urban-core neighborhood in transition. Another challenge is that they share one pastor with three churches, and that keeps him extremely busy. It’s amazing how much impact small things can have. Several years ago, Lally started a parish prayer line. She also began a monthly coffee and doughnuts gathering after Sunday Masses. Both bring people together and produce an atmosphere of fellowship. Lally thinks change is good, but change takes time. “I think it’s important that the changes come about slowly,” she said. “You don’t do them at the snap of a finger, overnight.” What she hopes to bring back to her parish from the convocation is new ideas and new energy, to “get people doing more than what we’ve been doing recently.”

After the convocation: What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? The first evening during adoration as the music was playing, I looked to my left and saw a middle-aged man crying, kneeling down holding his handkerchief to his face he was so moved. It was a moving moment for me and one that I will remember for a long time.

Before the convocation


he convocation will be a stepping-stone for the local church’s future, according to Sister Elena Mack. “There is a tendency that everybody has,” she said, “and that is we want to return to

the past. “I think the convocation is going to help us live in the present. We’re going to have to start from a new now and move forward.” A Sister of Charity of Leavenworth, Sister Elena has a strong relationship with the local Hispanic community, particularly through her work as an interpreter at the Duchesne Clinic in Kansas City, Kansas. Sister Elena was sent to the convocation by her religious community but worked with Our Lady of Unity’s delegation. “We have a large group of Hispanic people who participate in the parish, and bringing about some unity in a parish that has some cultural challenges” is a major talking point, she said. “Trying to get a parish to find a common plan for two very different cultural groups is always a need,” she said. But Sister Elena believes her fellow delegates are prepared to implement concrete ways to unite their community. “That, for me, is very exciting because it is a time to think in a new way about how we are [the Catholic church] in our area and in our parish,” she said. She expects many fruits of the convocation to flourish in her local community and throughout the archdiocese. “We’re all going into it from different backgrounds and different realities of the church,” she said. “It definitely has some possibilities for helping us become aware of the wider church that we are in Kansas.”

After the convocation What are the top three things you’d like to see done at your parish in regard to evangelization? Fostering of small faith community groups for growth and Christian identity-deepening; bridgebuilding among the multicultural groups; and marriage and family enrichment programs





Cultivate the fire of evangelization


he big hood hanging down the back is the most recognizable feature of a Franciscan habit — and Father Agustino Torres, CFR, used it to good effect. “One word [of Scripture] that I really want to share, that touched my heart,” he said, reaching back into his hood and pulling out a Bible . . . The Enflame delegates roared with laughter. “You guys are just jealous, that’s what it is,” he said, looking at some Benedictines from Atchison. “We’ve got some Benedictines here. You guys just need a bigger hoodie.” Father Agustino’s habit was not the traditional Franciscan brown, but gray. He’s a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal from the Bronx, New York. One of his ministries is evangelization, and it was no coincidence that he gave the final Enflame convocation keynote on Friday, Oct. 4 — the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. He started with a reading from the Book of Jeremiah: “But when I say I will forget the Lord and no longer speak in his name, then your message is like a fire burning deep within me. I try my best to hold it in, but can no longer keep it back” (20:9). Often, we feel we are too insignificant to evangelize, he said, but this fire welling up within us is something we need to cultivate. “My prayer for you is that fire burns to the point you can’t help yourself [but to evangelize],” said Father Agustino. Sometimes that burning comes at the precise time when it’s most difficult, or it goes against what we think we’re supposed to do. “But if it is of the Lord . . . I implore you, go, speak, rise up, follow, lead, whatever it is,” he said. “If it is of the Lord, let that fire burn.” Father Agustino offered five things the delegates could do immediately that would allow that fire to burn within them so they can share it in their communities. One: Have a “never stop” mentality of tirelessness to evangelize. Near the end of his life and fruitful ministry on earth, St. Francis told his followers, “Let us begin again, because up to now we have done little.” Two: Enter into “eucharistic amazement.” Our response should be a wholehearted return to a true veneration, love, respect and relationship to Our Lord in the Eucharist. Three: Love the poor. Personally serve the poor. When you have that love for the poor, you are seeing them not as someone in need, but as if you are looking at Jesus. Four: Be pierced as was the Lord. St. Francis so loved and identified with Jesus that his wounds appeared on the saint’s body. Our sufferings, when united with Christ, can become a means of grace for others. Embrace your suffering every day. Five: Discover joy. The Lord will do signs and wonders in our lives, and for these we should have joy. It’s a joy that can’t be contained. “St. Francis lived this,” said Father Agustino. “His time in the church was very difficult, [but] he helped to set his community on fire. “This is our call.”


Open to doing God’s mission ROMANO PARK (aka Taeju Park) Age: 49 Parish: Korean Catholic Community in Lenexa Occupation: Research faculty at Children’s Mercy Hospital What’s in your toolkit? Preparing for parish council meetings by writing agenda and minutes; planning church events; reading the Scriptures during Mass What is your Catholic superpower? Prayer (my prayers have been answered many times)

Before the convocation:


od was preparing Romano Park for a role at the archdiocesan convocation long before it was even in the works. “Before I moved to Kansas City three years ago, I faced huge challenges in the church and in my workplace,” he said. Park worked with a priest from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to “normalize a divided church” during a time of scandal and uncertainty. When the priest was suddenly assigned to a new city, Park struggled with feeling disappointed and lost — until he began to understand God was preparing him for a new undertaking. “After successfully overcoming seemingly impossible challenges and realizing God’s long-term preparation and arrangement, I have acquired complete trust in God,” said Park. “Now I am very open to doing God’s mission.” Park’s passion for the church is a gift to the Korean Catholic Community in Lenexa, where he has worked as a bridge between the community and the archdiocese. His leadership has made him a natural delegate for the convocation, which he hopes will present opportunities for “sharing personal, inspiring stories of successful evangelization [and] practicing integrated evangelization under various real-life situations.” Park is eager to walk away with the tools to make the Korean Catholic Community feel more united with the archdiocesan mission. “By actively participating in the archdiocese-wide evangelization effort, I hope our community becomes more confident and [it] increases the sense of belonging as a member of the archdiocese,” he said. “I also hope the convocation provides momentum in our community’s evangelization effort,” he added.

After the convocation: After experiencing the convocation, what does it mean to you to be a missionary disciple? The convocation was a very hot, happy and thrilling experience with the Holy Spirit, like the experience the three disciples had on a high mountain. Now I am back in the real world. Living as a missionary disciple still seems to be a very difficult task for me. But with the shared experience in my heart, all the help from the archdiocese and other parishes and, more importantly, with Holy Spirit, I will be able to take this exciting adventure for God’s mission.





Together as one DANNY TANGEMAN

‘Minimums lead to mediocrity’


Age: 45 Parish: St. Mary, St. Benedict Occupation: Farming Catholic toolkit: Working with engaged couples Catholic superpower: Actively living our Catholic faith.

KRISTIN TANGEMAN Age: 37 Parish: St. Mary, St. Benedict Occupation: Homemaker/photographer Catholic toolkit: A convert, religious education teacher, helping in the “children’s church,” working with engaged couples Catholic superpower: Prayer, sacraments, tradition, saint intercession, First Friday/First Saturday devotions

Before the convocation:


s a married couple, Danny and Kristin Tangeman always do things together. When they were asked to represent their parish at the convocation, they agreed without hesitation, because, as Kristin said, they are a “two-forone special.” Being active in their parish earned them the recommendation. Yet, no one “Catholic moment” led to their leadership in the convocation. “It’s been more of a snowball effect,” Kristin said. “Little things that just keep adding together has led to us seeing God present with us in it all. “I hope we have some ideas to help many see how important a true relationship with God is, a personal intimate relationship, to be lived day in and day out.”

Danny and Kristin are entering the convocation with an open mind and hoping to learn new ideas for their parish. On a practical level, their delegation is hoping to generate new approaches to eucharistic adoration, forming a children’s church, parish greeters and even monthly coffee and doughnuts. It’s that simple. The convocation is calling for each delegate to be an agent of change during the three-day event. That’s a role Danny and Kristin were born for. “Yes, we have been agents of change in the past,” Danny said. “We were some of the first lead couples in our area to help make a switch in the marriage prep class, ‘Living in Love.’ “I hope and pray we are open to the Holy Spirit to be used as the Lord wishes. It always seems to be a challenge worth striving for.”

After the convocation: After experiencing the convocation, what does it mean to you to be a missionary disciple? Kristin: Don’t be afraid to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Reach out to those Christ puts in your path and ask him to prepare you for those meetings and opportunities.


A heart for evangelization FATHER JEREMY HEPPLER, OSB Age: 42 Parish: Pastor of St. Benedict Parish, Atchison Occupation: Monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey; pastor

What is your Catholic superpower? You mean, besides the graces that come with ordination and monastic profession? Finding Christ in the encounters with others and in the occurrences of today

Before the convocation s pastor of St. Benedict Parish, Father Jeremy was charged with selecting the parish team that would attend the convocation. “When I selected the team, I looked at choosing people with different talents and skills, especially those with a heart for evangelization,” said Father Jeremy. “I feel like there’s a blessing of wealth here in Atchison,” he added. “I could have doubled or tripled the size of this group easily with people who are just on fire for evangelization.” He is looking forward to learning how he and the parish can become better at intentionally evangelizing. “One of our greatest challenges right now [is that] we have so many great ideas. How do we not overwork ourselves and focus on what is actually doable at this

f there’s one thing people have a habit of asking, said Father Brian Schieber, it’s: “What’s the minimum?” “How late can I get to Mass and still fulfill my obligation?” he asked. “How early can I leave? What’s the minimum number of times I need to go to confession?” “Minimums lead to mediocrity,” added Father Schieber. But we were made for more. “In the Gospel, Jesus says this: ‘I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were blazing,’” said Father Schieber. “What is it that sets our hearts on fire?” On the second night of Enflame, Father Schieber, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel in Leawood and vicar for clergy for the archdiocese, offered delegates three key elements we need to live out our Catholic faith with passion.

One: Love “It’s love that sets our hearts on fire,” said Father Schieber. “We’ve all heard God loves us.” But Father Schieber explained simply hearing that sometimes isn’t enough. When it comes to God’s love, we can be like children. “Kids want to be known and loved personally and uniquely,” he said. “When I go to the [school] cafeteria and sit down and have lunch, the kids all quiz me, ‘What’s my name, Father?’ “They all want to be known by their ‘father.’” People can come to know God’s unique love for them through prayer, he added. “A lot of prayer is about allowing God to love us and to be receptive and open to receiving that personal and unique love God has.”

Two: Hope Catholics can get caught up in the minute details of practicing the faith and forget the bigger picture, said Father Schieber. “Do you believe everything the right way?” he said. “Do you behave the right way? Then you belong to the church. “But maybe we got it backwards. Maybe we need to begin with belonging. And that inspires the faith, which changes our hearts and our behaviors.” Often, people who have left the church feel lost and don’t believe they can come home, he explained. “[But] the name of God, Pope Francis said, is mercy,” he said, “and he’s calling our church to lead with mercy to inspire and enflame in people’s hearts a new hope.”

Three: Mission

What’s in your toolkit? A wide diversity of ministry experiences within the monastery and the Atchison Catholic community.



moment?” said Father Jeremy. And the change the convocation inevitably will bring is something Father Jeremy is looking forward to. “Change is something that happens every day — whether we want it or not,” he said. “So, we’re all agents of change each and every day. “It’s just our willingness to do it — to realize that we have done it before and [that] we can continue to help with that change in both the larger and the smaller daily ways.”

After the convocation. After experiencing the convocation, what does it mean to you to be a missionary disciple? Ultimately, it is to live out the greatest and secondgreatest commandments: to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. To do so, I see a need to remain in a deep personal relationship with God and also to have the courage to be authentically present to others, sharing with them the love of God.

Father Schieber might not be a priest if he hadn’t picked up a magazine on his parents’ coffee table when he was a kid. “I began thumbing through it and seeing pictures of missionaries in Africa and South America,” he said, “and something began to enflame my heart. “And I thought, ‘Maybe I could be a missionary.’” That opened Father Schieber up to the bigger questions in life, like: Why am I here? What does God want of me? “When you find your mission,” he said, “you have meaning and purpose and fire.” Father Schieber encouraged those in attendance to follow their mission and be a light for others. “We need you,” he said. “You’re on the front lines of the evangelization.” He also emphasized the importance of unification for these efforts. “When we work together,” he said, “we accomplish more. “And we can set hearts on fire.”





‘We want to get our hands dirty’ HENRY HODES Age: 30 Parish: St. Ann, Prairie Village Occupation: Community Health and Partnerships at Blue KC (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas City) What’s in your toolkit? I’ve been blessed with parents, grandparents, parishes, schools and friends that have helped me grow in my faith, and I’m driven to ensure everyone has those same opportunities. What is your Catholic superpower/secret weapon? Pastoral listening and accompaniment

Before the convocation


enry Hodes isn’t fazed by the daunting issues that confront the church. The key, he said, is “remaining hopeful in the face of it, and keeping some historical perspective about the fact that the church has gone through challenges many times in its 2000-year history.” Before the “Enflame Our Hearts” convocation was even announced, Hodes was eager to get involved in the local church and its evangelization efforts. He and his wife Emily who teaches theology and works in campus ministry at St. James Academy in Lenexa, recently married and belong to St. Ann Church in Prairie Village. “Faith has always been a big part of our lives,” said Hodes. When the opportunity to attend the convocation arose, Hodes was enthusiastic to volunteer as a delegate. One of the problems his delegation recognized in preparation for the event is how to reach out to family members and friends who no longer practice their faith. Another hurdle is “approaching this work with the disposition of hope and faith that current challenges we’re facing are going to be temporary,” said Hodes. Fueled by an optimistic attitude, Hodes is excited to witness “the energy in the room among the laypeople [at the convocation]. We want to get involved. We want to get our hands dirty.” His ultimate hope is that “the 1500 people leave fired up, and that we leave with a network of folks . . . committed to our faith and committed to evangelize.”

After the convocation: What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? The entire convocation was inspiring, but if I had to choose the most impactful moment, I’d highlight the prayer of repentance led by Deacon Dana and other pastors. It was cathartic and necessary and set the tone for the three days. Archbishop Naumann’s two homilies were also prophetic!


‘I have to remember to speak up’ BURK SCHREINER Age: 18 Parish: Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea Occupation: Student at Benedictine College What’s in your toolkit? A relationship with Christ that makes me who I am What is your Catholic superpower? The rosary is a great gift! The sacraments are amazing, too.

Before the convocation


urk Schreiner’s faith life would look much different had he not attended the Transform Your World Evangelization Training Camp at Benedictine College, Atchison, two summers ago. “So much crazy stuff happened,” he said. “In the middle of the week, I gave my life to Christ. I was super excited and went all in.” Since then, he’s sought to share Christ’s love with others. Father Gary Pennings, pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary in Wea, detected Schreiner’s enthusiasm for the faith and asked him to be a delegate at “Enflame Our Hearts.” Schreiner described the request as “humbling.” “It’s such a huge honor to be invited to talk about such important issues with such experienced, smart

and holy people,” he said. “I have to remember to speak up and share the wisdom that I do have because they invited me for a reason,” he added. “I’m young, but I still have a lot to give and a lot to learn.” Schreiner’s delegation is already looking ahead and hopes to create small groups that will reach out to people in various parts of Bucyrus. This would “make sure they had a community and someone to talk to if they ever needed anything, and form a better community within our parish boundaries,” said Schreiner. Schreiner hopes that through the convocation he will acquire even more ideas on how to reach out to those on the Benedictine campus and within his own parish community. “I want to take away more zeal and more urgency to talk with people and become more like Jesus,” he said, “so people recognize how awesome Jesus is and [will] go to him.”

After the convocation: What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? My encounter with Father Agustino Torres, a Franciscan friar from the Bronx. I was one of the first in line to meet him after his speech. When he prayed over me, the Holy Spirit poured out of him. He asked the Lord to dispel my doubts, something I was really struggling with. He prayed for exactly what I needed but he never asked what I needed; he just knew.


App makes convocation interactive


technologically savvy society calls for modern evangelization tactics, and the Enflame convocation’s did not disappoint. The Enflame app, which delegates were encouraged to download on their smart phones before arriving at the event, connected attendees throughout the event and will continue to do so into the future. The app offers an activity stream where delegates can post photos and share ideas about how to evangelize effectively. During the convocation, delegates shared photos of their parish groups and posted comments about how the three-day event was going. They were encouraged to answer poll questions, like: “What is your top barrier to prayer at home?” and to complete a survey at the end of the convocation about their experience.

Everyone with an account on the app is listed under its “People” tab, along with his or her contact information and an option to send someone a private message. The app also links to the Enflame website, which offers resources and the ability to share stories about what is working at your parish and what challenges you need advice about. As the convocation began to wrap up, Jennie Punswick, the convocation’s emcee, reminded delegates to take advantage of the app as they go back to their own parishes. “I knew that we would find and encounter beauty here in these three days,” said Punswick. “I knew that we would see truth and I knew that we would see goodness. “But I’ve been overwhelmed by the oneness.” “Stay united,” she added. “The app is a great way to stay connected with those people that you met here.”





Bringing the fire ANNA BARTKOSKI Age: 15 Parish: Holy Spirit, Overland Park Occupation: Student at St. James Academy, Lenexa What’s in your toolkit? While I have not really had any formal experience, I have attended Catholic school all my life and, in preparation for the convocation, I have been using the “Integrated Evangelization” and the “Crowds to Three” booklets. What is your Catholic superpower/secret weapon? St. Dymphna has definitely gotten me through a lot, and the “Blessed Is She” online daily devotional is my secret weapon.

Before the convocation:


he future of the church’s evangelization efforts looks bright thanks to young people like Anna Bartkoski. A student at St. James Academy in Lenexa, Bartkoski has big dreams for the archdiocesan convocation. “I hope that I’m able to bring a fire for evangelization back to the St. James community,” she said. “I want my classmates to experience Christ in the same ways I have.” Bartkoski has attended Camp Tekakwitha every summer since fourth grade and draws inspiration from the counselors, who make her “want to be a better person,” she said. “I don’t believe I would be at this point in my faith life if I hadn’t attended Camp Tekakwitha,” she added. Bartkoski believes she was chosen to attend the convocation “because I engage in my theology class and I can connect with people.” In meeting with her delegation group prior to the

convocation, Bartkoski noticed that coming up with ideas on how to make evangelization fun can be difficult. But she’s ready to face any hurdles with the combined efforts of her delegation. “I believe the challenges we’ve faced actually have pushed us to work even harder and are making us more excited to see how the convocation will improve our community,” she said. Bartkoski is prepared to add a youthful perspective to the local church and absorb the wisdom offered by her fellow delegates. “Being a young person that is getting to contribute to the archdiocese in this way has been really eye-opening,” she said.

“I have never really seen this side of the church,” she continued, “and it is really inspiring.”

After the convocation: After experiencing the convocation, what does it mean to you to be a missionary disciple? To me, being a missionary disciple means to not force your faith on another person but show them how to be holy. I think sharing what God is calling you to say, even when it is uncomfortable, is a really big deal. Doing this can change another person’s life.


Teachers at heart JOHN BEYER Age: 27 Parish: St. Francis Xavier, Burlington Occupation: Used car dealership management What’s in your toolkit? Outreach minister during college at the Didde Catholic Campus Center; a Totus Tuus missionary/teacher during college; and a youth minister after college. After getting married, my wife and I began an adult ministry role in our parish; I have also taught high school religious ed and helped with RCIA. What is your Catholic superpower? Being open to the Holy Spirit. I remember the first time praying with Scripture alone in my room and clearly feeling a deep sense of peace, joy and love for the first time, knowing it was the Holy Spirit.

JESSICA BEYER Age: 25 Parish: St. Francis Xavier, Burlington Occupation: Freelance video editor/animator, volunteer director of religious education What’s in your toolkit? Two things I may be able to offer to our delegation is my perspective as a young adult from urban areas (now serving in a rural parish community), and my experience in Catholic ministry for young adults, both at a college campus and within a large city. What is your Catholic superpower? St. Thérèse of Lisieux and the Holy Spirit are special sources of inspira-

tion for both John and me. We looked to St. Thérèse as a mentor and friend before we met.

Before the convocation:


ohn and Jessica Beyer aren’t teachers in the traditional sense. Yet their paths, individually and together, have brought them to the classroom of a different sort. Each was inspired to share God’s word long before they met. For Jessica, God’s healing power came at a Mass one Sunday when she was kneeling after Communion. “I just started looking around the church and thought, ‘This is so beautiful that we all turn our lives over to God,’” she said. “Soon after, I went to confession and I let go of a lot of hurt and anger and left feeling light and free and full of joy,” she continued. “That was a major moment for me. “I just let [God] enflame my heart. And that’s what I hope for everyone going to the convocation.” Chosen to represent their parish in the convocation, John knew they had to answer the call after remembering a time when he and Jessica were preparing to be foreign missionaries. “We’ve had many moments of leading a Christian life and listening to the Holy Spirit,” he said. “When my wife and I were discerning to become foreign missionaries, we felt a sense that we should do everything these missionaries are doing in other countries — only in our own country.”

After the convocation: What was your most inspiring or impactful experience at the convocation? Jessica: One of the most beautiful moments at this convocation was sitting with a woman who mostly

spoke Spanish. Our conversation began with hellos and how are you? But it became deeper as I asked questions and we spoke — half in Spanish, half in halting English — smiling at our own mistakes. Tears welled in her eyes. She told me of the struggles in her family, revealing the great pains in her heart. Several times she stopped, simply looking at me. More tears came. We ached together, and prayed together, about her burdens. I felt such love for her as a sister. . . . As I simply sat with her and listened to her, I felt the beautiful, all-encompassing arms of God holding us in that moment.


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Applicants must have expertise in creating and implementing HR policies and processes; client employee services and support; legal compliance; HRIS and data management; and employee benefit management and administration; Workers’ Compensation, leave management and related processes; employee relations and performance management; and employer/employee communications. This position manages a staff of three HR professionals; is the chief human resources consultant to parishes, schools and other archdiocesan organizations; and manages all human resource functions at the chancery. The successful candidate will have expertise in multiple HR disciplines, demonstrated skill with innovation and process improvement, and have excellent people skills. For a complete job description and to download the job application, go online to: archkck. org/jobs. Send cover letter of recommendation from your pastor and resume to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, attn.: Carla Mills, Chief Financial Officer, 12615 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66109; or email to: cmills@archkck.org with subject line HR Director. Application deadline is Oct. 25. Parish administrator - St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood is seeking a parish administrator. The successful candidate for this position will oversee all administrative, financial and operational aspects of the parish, and will work collaboratively with the pastor and other department directors including school, preschool, Christian formation and evangelization, religious education and liturgy to assure that, as a team, they effectively manage all aspects of the multitude of liturgies, pastoral outreach ministries, programs, educational opportunities and activities that are offered at the parish. The preferred candidate will be a prayerful, practicing Catholic with a bachelor’s degree in business administration or similar field of study and at least five years’ experience in executive level management. Vital to this position are excellent administration, organization and communication abilities, and the interpersonal skills necessary to motivate both staff and volunteers. Specific experience in the areas of accounting, budgeting, finance, human resources, benefits, payroll and facilities management will all be weighed in the selection process. For additional details and a complete job description, go online to: stmichaelcp.org and click on “Our Parish/Employment Opportunities.” Health and wellness advocate for clergy – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking an experienced nurse, case manager or social worker to fill the part-time (approximately 10-20 hours per week) position of health and wellness advocate for clergy. Duties include: visiting priests on a regular basis; managing priests’ conditions and care; serving as an advocate during appointments and hospitalizations; assisting priests with health insurance and Medicare. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing; have a minimum of five years’ experience in adult health care, case management or social work; one year of health care management preferred. College degree in related field required, registered nurse preferred. An application can be found on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume, and application by Oct. 4 to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Health and Wellness Advocate Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to: jobs@archkck.org. We love our teachers - Come see why your want to work here! The Goddard School Olathe Northwest is looking for dynamic, energetic, professional teachers to add to our faculty. The Goddard School is a premiere preschool for children from 6 weeks to 6 years who are encouraged to develop at their own pace in a nurturing environment, lovingly guided by our highly skilled, professional teachers. We are hiring for the following positions: full-time preschool teacher; full-time young toddler or infant teacher; assistant teacher to multiple classrooms; and part-time assistant teacher from 2:45 - 6 p.m. or 1 - 6 p.m. Career opportunity – Due to the success and growth of the Knights of Columbus, we are adding a financial representative in the Kansas City, Kansas, and Missouri metro areas, St. Joseph, Mo., and Maryville, Mo. This is ideal for a determined, high energy, high expectation, professional, self-disciplined, independent individual, who desires to serve others yet earn a better than average income. We provide top-rated financial products to our members and their families, and will provide excellent benefits and training. This is a full-time position. For more information or an interview, please contact John A. Mahon, General Agent, 1275 S.W. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66612; call (855) 3564849; or email: mahonagencymail2@kofc.org. Volunteers - Do you want to have more meaning in your life, do something that is satisfying and of great service to your community? Become a volunteer at Providence Medical Center. “Music to my ears” — volunteers to offer music therapy to patients, visitors and staff. For more information, call (913) 596-4195.

CLASSIFIEDS Youth minister - Holy Trinity in Lenexa is seeking a youth minister for high school or junior high ministry. This is a full-time position working with the coordinator of youth ministry and music minister/assistant youth minister. The candidate is responsible for leading weekly junior high ministry or the Life Teen-infused high school ministry; assisting in leading summer trips and conferences; Life Teen Masses; retreats and other special events. The youth minister leads a team of volunteers and advocates on behalf of the students. The right person will be able to relationally lead students into a deeper relationship with Christ. A successful candidate for the position will have an active faith life that the will appropriately and authentically share with students. Resume and cover letter or any questions can be sent to Mac Neal at: mneal@htlenxa.org. Executive director of Catholic Cemeteries – Catholic Cemeteries is seeking an executive director that will be responsible for the operation and administration of Catholic cemeteries within the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Duties include the management of all aspects of Catholic Cemeteries, including: employee management; financial management; planning and development; sales; and other aspects of day-to-day operations. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing; have a minimum of five years of experience in cemeteries operation and management; and a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in business administration, marketing, public relations, accounting or related field. Application and benefits information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should email cover letter, resume and application by Oct. 25 to: jobs@archkck.org. Community assistants - L’Arche Heartland of Overland Park serves adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities in day program support services and in residential services. We are seeking assistants who are looking for a unique opportunity in a faith-based organization. We are in immediate need of day service assistants to work in our day program serving 30 adults. We have a recycling program and community activities. Our core members participate in distributing for Meals on Wheels and Rise Against Hunger. They also attend community events such as the library, movies, bowling and going to parks. We also have a need for live-in and live-out assistants in our five residential homes. If interested, contact Jamie Henderson, community leader, by email at: jamie@larcheks.org. Counselor - Full-time LCPC counselor needed at Keeler Women’s Center, located at 759 Vermont Ave., Suite 100B, KCK, 66101. Contact Sister Bridget Dickason, OSB, at (913) 689-9375 or by email at: kwc@mountosb.org. Administrative assistant - Looking for something new? Use your administrative skills to help a developmental optometrist change people’s lives. The hours are: T/W/TH from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; summer hours vary. No health benefits. Need to know basic bookkeeping skills. Background needed in Work, Excel and QuickBooks. Customer service and medical office experience helpful. Send resume to: Dr. Beth Bazin, 13600 Washington, Kansas City, MO 64145 or send via email to: bbazin@visiondevelop.com. Coordinator of evangelization - Hispanic ministry - The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking qualified candidates to fill the position of coordinator of evangelization for the Hispanic ministry. This position coordinates the process of evangelization in the office of Hispanic ministry for the Spanish-speaking Catholics of the archdiocese. The incumbent will organize and coordinate a series of retreats and faith formation that leads people into becoming part of a faith community and prepares them to become active disciples in mission. The successful candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing; fluent in Spanish and English in both verbal and written communication; have basic theological preparation such as offered through formation of leaders for the new evangelization or equivalent preparation; three years’ experience working with Latin-American cultures or related diocesan office for Hispanic ministry; and an understanding of the key church documents regarding the National Plan for Hispanic Ministry. Interested individuals should email cover letter, resume and application by Oct. 18 to: jobs@archkck.org. Parish life coordinator – Mother Teresa of Calcutta in Topeka is accepting applications for a parish life coordinator. The successful candidate must be prepared to manage parish needs, including: parishioner and sacramental records; parish calendar; technology and print media; administrative duties; and special projects assigned by the pastor. Must be proficient with Microsoft Office, including Publisher; have good communication and organizational skills; and be familiar with updating websites and social media platforms. This is a full-time position at 30 hours per week and includes benefits. For a detailed job description, go online to: mtcctopeka.org. To apply, contact Lisa at (785) 286-2188 or by email at: lisah@mtcctopeka.org. Lead afternoon teacher - Prince of Peace Early Education Center is seeking a flexible and energetic candidate for our preschool program. This position is year-round, Monday through Friday, from 2:30 - 6 p.m. More hours are available in the summer. Job duties include assisting students with activities; playing games; supervision of children at all times; face-to-face communication with parents; and cleaning and closing procedures. We offer competitive wages based on education level and experience. Send resumes to: kpotter@popolathe.org.

HOME IMPROVEMENT Interior painting Update your ceilings and walls with a fresh coat of paint. Cracks repaired with no mess! Serving the Leaven readers for over 25 years. Call Jerry anytime at (913) 206-1144.


Masonry work - Quality new or repair work. Brick, block and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second-generation bricklayer. Member of St. Paul Parish, Olathe. Call (913) 829-4336.

Memory quilts - Preserve your memories in a keepsake quality quilt, pillows, etc. Custom designed from your T-shirt collection, baby clothes, sports memorabilia, neckties . . . Quilted Memories. (913) 649-2704.

The Drywall Doctor, Inc. – A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Lead-certified and insured! Serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655.

Bankruptcy consultation - If debts are overwhelming you, seek hope and help from compassionate, experienced Catholic attorney, Teresa Kidd. For a free consultation, call (913) 422-0610; send an email to: tkidd@ kc.rr.com; or visit the website at: www.teresakiddlawyer. com. Please do not wait until life seems hopeless before getting good quality legal advice that may solve your financial stress.

Concrete construction - Tear out and replace amped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to: dandeeconst@aol.com. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation *Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! www.elsolylatierra.com Call Lupe at (816) 935-0176

Housecleaning - A range of services provided - from housecleaning to organizing closets, rooms and garages, as well as hoarder projects. 15 years experience. Professional, energetic and dependable. Call Joni at (913) 206-4403. Rodman Lawn Care Lawn mowing, aeration, verticutting, mulching, Hedge trimming, leaf removal, gutter cleaning Fully insured and free estimates John Rodman (913) 548-3002


Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125.

Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www.benefits ofhome.com or call (913) 422-1591.

Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., wood rot, power washing, staining, masonry (chimney repair, patio’s) gutter cleaning, water heaters, junk removal, lawn mowing, window cleaning, honey - do list and more!! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913)927-4118.

Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary.

DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 www.windowservicesoverlandpark.com drcconswindows@gmail.com

Just like family - Let me care for your loved one in your home. Many years’ experience. Looking for night shift coverage, some days. Great price, great references. Have experience with hospice care. Call Ophelia at (913) 579-7276.

STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 579-1835. Email: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. NELSON CREATION’S L.L.C. Affordable home remodeling: Kitchens, baths, basements and room additions. All interior and exterior work. Honest, dependable, experienced and family owned. Licensed and insured. Member St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. (913) 927-5240 or nelsport@everestkc.net

SERVICES 8 to Your IdealWeight Get Real, Get Healthy, Get Empowered. Release your weight and restore your power in 8 weeks! http://8toyouridealweight.com/coach/kathi/ Cleaning lady - Reasonable rates; references provided. Call (913) 940-2959. Popcorn ceiling removal - Renew your ceiling and walls with a fresh coat of paint. Replace drywall or plaster repaired with no mess!! 25 years experience. Call Jerry anytime: (913) 206-1144. Speedy Guzman Moving and delivery Licensed and insured Anytime (816) 935-0176 Custom countertops - Laminates installed within five days. Cambria, granite and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Clutter getting you down? - Organize, fix, assemble, install! “Kevin of all trades” your professional organizer and “Honey-do” specialist. Call or email me today for a free consultation at (913) 271-5055 or KOATorganizing@gmail.com. Insured. References. Garage Door Repair New Garage Doors Platinum Amarr dealer, Elite Home Advisor top rating. Call Joe, mention The Leaven discount. A Total Door (913) 236-6440. Diamond painting - Residential/commercial, exterior/ interior, decks, free estimates. Affordable rates. KCMO/ Overland Park metropolitan area. DiamondPaintKc.com, 913-648-4933 HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817 www.harcoexteriorsllc.com

FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $7500. Call Lou at (512) 294-2869. For sale - Four Thomas Kinkade framed, collectible oil paintings on canvas, top grades, excellent condition. Authentication paperwork for each. Need to sell. Call (913) 851-8886. For sale - Walnut project lumber: band saw cut 5/4 thick, 8”, 12” and larger wide by 9- and 10-foot lengths. Board foot prices: 50’ - 80’ for $8; 81’ - 150’ four or more for $7. Text or call (913) 579-1835.

REAL ESTATE CASH FOR YOUR HOME (913) 980-4905 Any condition in the metro area Mark Edmondson - local parishioner http://www.buykcproperty.com WE SELL HOMES - Looking to sell? This is a seller’s market. Call for a free consultation detailing the steps to selling your home. Ask about our 39-day sales guarantee. Mention this ad for a special offer. Call Jim Blaufuss, Re/Max Realty Suburban, at (913) 226-7442. Jimblaufuss@remax.net. Whole Estates Need to sell a home and everything in it? We buy it all at once in as-is condition. Call (816) 444-1950 or send an email to: www.wholeestates.com. We buy houses and whole estates - We are local and family-owned, and will make you a fair cash offer. We buy houses in any condition. No fees or commissions and can close on the date of your choice. Selling your house as is never felt so good. Jon & Stacy Bichelmeyer (913) 599-5000.

WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, paintings, pottery, sterling, etc. Single pieces or estate. Renee Maderak, (913) 475-7393. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Wanted to buy - Old cars or hot rods. Uncompleted project cars in any condition, with or without titles. Cash buyer. Call (913) 980-3559.



PROJECT ANDREW Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish 1800 S.W. Stone, Topeka Oct. 13 from 1:30 - 5 p.m.

Young men of high school age and up are invited to attend Project Andrew, hosted by Archbishop Naumann and the vocation office. Three seminarians will share how they have grown in the seminary and what it’s like. A recently ordained priest will share his journey and the rewards of priesthood. There will be eucharistic adoration, dinner with the archbishop and a Q&A session. There is no cost, but registration is required at: www.kckvocation.com; email: vocation@archkck.org; or call (913) 647-0303.

ROSARY RALLY IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA St. Andrew the Apostle Parish Oct. 13 from 3 - 4:15 p.m. 6415 N.E. Antioch Rd., Gladstone, Missouri

We will pray the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the rosary. Benediction will follow, as well as an opportunity for attendees to enroll in the brown scapular. For more information, visit the website at: www.rosaryrallieskc. org.

ROSARY PROCESSION Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish 7023 W. 71st St., Overland Park Oct. 13 at 12:15 p.m.

There will be a rosary procession after the 11 a.m. Mass to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Bring all your needs for our church, our country and ourselves to Our Lady.

BLOOD DRIVE Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish (social hall) 7023 W. 71st St., Overland Park Oct. 14 from 2 - 6:30 p.m.

Make an appointment online at: Savealifenow. org/group, using code HY. Walk-ins are also welcome.

MARIAN PRESENTATIONS Mater Dei Parish 911 S.W. Clay, Topeka Oct. 16, from 6 - 8 p.m. Oct. 23, from 6 - 8 p.m.

Members of The School of Faith will be offering presentations to learn about Mary. Bring family and friends. The suggested donation is a freewill offering.

SOUP SUPPER AND AUCTION St. Bede Parish 7344 Drought St., Kelly Oct. 13 at 4 p.m.

Homemade soups, sandwiches and desserts will be served from 4 - 7 p.m. There will be games for all ages from 5 - 8 p.m. The auction, including handmade quilts, will begin at 8 p.m.

TURKEY DINNER AND BAZAAR Sacred Heart Parish 1100 West St., Tonganoxie Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The cost for dinner is: $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 5 - 12; and free for kids 4 and under. Takeout is available until 2:30 p.m. There will also be a raffle, a country store, theme baskets, children’s games and bingo.

FALL BAZAAR AND DINNER St. Aloysius Parish 615 Wyandotte, Meriden Oct. 13 from 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Mass will be held at 10:30 a.m. There will be a country store, children’s games, a silent auction, Knights of Columbus bingo, money drawings, raffles, a beer garden, an ice cream stand and more. For the cost of $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 5 - 12; and free of kids ages 4 and under, a turkey/ham dinner and all the sides will be served. Takeout dinners will be available for $10. For more information, call the parish office at (913) 484-3312.

PANCAKE LUNCHEON St. Mary Parish 446 Hwy. 127, Purcell Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

We will be serving pancakes, whole hog sausage, scrambled eggs, homemade pie, tea and coffee. The suggested donation is a freewill offering.

BREAKFAST WITH THE KNIGHTS Divine Mercy Parish (Christian Formation Center) 555 W. Main St., Gardner Oct. 13 from 7:30 - 10 a.m.

The cost for a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and all the sides is: $6 for adults; $3 for kids ages 6 - 12; and kids 5 and under eat for free.

WIDOWED WOMEN OF FAITH Perkins Restaurant and Bakery (back room) 1720 S.W. Wanamaker Rd., Topeka Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Join other women of faith for lunch and companionship. No RSVP is needed. We can help each other ease the pain and get through this time in life. For more information, send an email to: WidowedWomenofFaith@gmail. com.

FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR YOUR LOVED ONE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS St. Agnes Parish 5250 Mission Rd., Roeland Park Oct. 17 from 6:45 - 8:15 p.m.

The topics to be presented are: establishing a special-needs trust; guardianship; and The Achieving Better Life Experiences Act of 2013. RSVP by Oct. 15 to: tracunas@arch kck.org or call (913) 647-3054.

HEALING MASS Curé of Ars Parish (Father Burak Room) 9405 Mission Rd., Leawood Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m.

A Mass with prayers for healing, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held. Father Anthony Ouellette will preside. For more information, call (913) 649-2026.

LADIES NIGHT OUT Cathedral of St. Peter (parish center) 425 N. 15th St., Kansas City, Kansas Oct. 18 from 5 - 9 p.m.

Bring your friends and enjoy a night out for a craft fair and wine tasting. The event is sponsored by the Cathedral of St. Peter Altar Society.

GIFT AND CRAFT BAZAAR St. Joseph Parish 11311 Johnson Dr., Shawnee Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

There will be more than 50 tables with hundreds of gifts, craft and religious items. Continental breakfast and lunch are provided by the St. Joseph Ladies’ Guild at a low cost. Raffle tickets will be available for an “Exploring Shawnee” prize that includes a large basket valued at $1500. Call Mary at (913) 825-0358 with questions.

MEMORIAL LITURGY Curé of Ars Parish 9405 Mission Rd., Leawood Oct. 19 at 8 a.m.

There will be a memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones followed by a grief support meeting in the Father Burak Room. The topic will be: “Managing the Holidays.” For more information, call (913) 649-2026.

CHURCH BAZAAR St. Philip Neri Parish Osawatomie City Auditorium 425 Main St., Osawatomie Oct. 20 from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

There will be a dinner of homemade chicken and noodles with sides and desserts for the

cost of: $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 6 - 12; and free for kids under the age of 6. There will also be a country store and a silent auction as well as children’s games. On Oct. 19 at 12:30 p.m., there will be a live auction in the church parking lot at 514 Parker, Osawatomie.

HOLY ANGELS BAZAAR St. Rose School 530 E. 4th St., Garnett Oct. 20 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

A dinner of chicken and noodles, turkey, roast beef and sides will be served along with homemade bread and pies. The cost is: $9 for adults; $5 for kids 10 and under; and $12 for takeout. There will be crafts, a drawing and raffles.

FALL FESTIVAL Sacred Heart Parish 426 S. Cedar St., Ottawa Oct. 20 from noon - 4 p.m.

There will be Mexican food, barbecue, homemade ice cream, cake and pie. There will also be pumpkin sales and decorating, a magician, a balloon artist, bingo, a photo booth and much more. For more information, visit the website at: www.sacredheart ottawa.org or call (785) 418-5701.

A KNIGHT ON THE TOWN SUPPORTING SCHOLARSHIPS FOR MATER DEI SCHOOL Iron Rail Brewing 705 S.W. Clay St., Topeka Oct. 21 from 6 - 9 p.m.

There will be heavy appetizers, Iron Rail beer, wine and a special gift made by Mater Dei students. There will also be 50/50 raffle tickets available before and during the event. All proceeds support student scholarships. For more information, to purchase tickets or be an event sponsor, go online to: www.materdeischool. org.

OKTOBERFEST DINNER St. Mary-St. Anthony (Bishop Forst Hall) 615 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas Oct. 19 at 4 p.m.

Dinner will be served after the 4 p.m. Mass. Dinner tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. There will only be 250 dinners, so purchase a ticket early to ensure your meal. Dinner will be roast pork and mashed potatoes, sides, dessert and coffee. There will also be raffles. For more information, call Carol Shomin at (913) 897-4833. For tickets, call the parish office at (913) 371-1408, or visit Theresa’s Hair Salon at 508 N. 6th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

‘FOSTERING OUR FOSTER FAMILIES’ Church of the Ascension 9510 W. 127th St., Overland Park Oct. 23 at 7 p.m.

Discover how to help vulnerable children and the families who foster them thrive. For more information, visit the website at: archkck.org/ prolife.

BEGINNING EXPERIENCE HALLOWEEN DANCE FUNDRAISER St. Thomas More Parish (More Hall) 11822 Holmes Rd., Kansas City, Missouri Oct. 26 at 7 p.m.

The cost is $20 per person. There will be great music provided by The Zepster, delicious snacks, beer, wine and soda. This fundraiser provides monies for people who would like to attend a Beginning Experience weekend or the Coping with Life Alone sessions and need some financial assistance. Costumes are encouraged but not required. Have fun and win a prize!

SUPPORT GROUP FOR VICTIMS/ SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Johnson County area Twice monthly beginning in October

This will be a safe, supportive environment to talk about the impact to your lives, to know you are not alone, and to promote healing. To protect the privacy of potential participants,

13 contact Linda Slater-Trimble for information on days, times and location of meetings by email at: lslater-trimble@archkck.org; or by phone at (913) 298-9244. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.

CONSIDERING RELIGIOUS LIFE? Mount St. Scholastica 751 S. 8th St., Atchison Oct. 25 - 27

This is a weekend for single women between the ages of 23 - 55 considering religious life. This weekend of monastic experience will begin Friday at 4 p.m. and end on Sunday at 1 p.m. For more information, call or text Sister Marcia Ziska at (913) 370-3733.

OKTOBERFEST Church of the Ascension Parish (hall) 9510 W. 127th St., Overland Park Oct. 26 from 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Traditional Oktoberfest foods will be served: bratwurst, bierocks, sauerkraut, strudel, and German and American libations. Music will be provided by the Alpen Spielers polka band. The cost is: $11 for those 12 and over; $5 for kids 5 11; and free for kids ages 4 and under.


A reasonable course fee is charged and online registration is required at: www.ccli.org. Call Dana or Eric Runnebaum at (785) 380-0062 for more information, including the class location and the availability of self-paced online classes. For more information about this NFP class, go online to: nfptopeka.blogspot.com.

CHICKEN DINNER/CRAFT SALE Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Parish 312 N.W. Freeman Ave., Topeka Oct. 26 - Oct. 27

On Oct. 26 at 5 p.m., there will be a chicken dinner with sides, desserts and drinks served in the church hall. On Oct. 27 from 8 a.m. 3 p.m., there will be a craft and bake sale in the church hall. There will be quilts, crafts, baked goods, cinnamon rolls and much more. Breakfast will be served.

GERMAN SAUSAGE SUPPER Sacred Heart Parish (hall) 22298 Newbury Rd., Paxico Oct. 27 from noon - 3:30 p.m.

A home-smoked German sausage supper will be served buffet-style. The cost is: $12 for adults; $4 for kids ages 4 - 12; and kids under 4 eat for free. There will also be raffles, a silent auction, bingo and other games.

DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA LITTLE FLOWER CIRCLE Christ the King Parish (Yadrich Hall) 5972 S.W. 25th St., Topeka Oct. 27 at 12:30 p.m.

There will be a rosary followed by a business meeting. After the meeting, there will be a social. If anyone knows of a member or family in need of the circle’s prayers, call Theresa Smith-Lawton at (785) 640-1403. If you are interested in or would like more information about the Daughters of Isabella, call Cindy Keen at (785) 228-9863.

FALL FAMILY FESTIVAL Divine Mercy Parish 555 W. Main St., Gardner Oct. 27 from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

There will be a fried chicken dinner. The cost is: $12 for adults; $8 for kids 3 - 10; and kids 2 and under eat for free. Tickets purchased in advance are discounted. There will also be a beer garden, a quilt raffle and a Traeger Grill raffle. Bierocks will also be available for sale. There will be two bouncy houses, pumpkin decorating, face painting and other kids activities available. Presale tickets for meals and bierocks can be purchased on the website at: www.divinemercyks.org.

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Sam Garcia






‘I want to start a prairie fire . . . of the Holy Spirit’


n his last few minutes with the delegates at Enflame, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann looked back at a wish he made 15 years ago at Church of the Ascension in Overland Park. “One of the things that I said at that time is I want to start a prairie fire in northeast Kansas — a prairie fire of the Holy Spirit,” he said during his final homily at the convocation. “I don’t know if there are any fire marshals in the room,” he joked, glancing around, “but I want you to be pyromaniacs of the fire of the Holy Spirit in your parishes and in your communities. “I want you to take what you experienced here and received here, and now, to the best of your ability, to help communicate that and share that with others — with your families and with your parish families as well.” Archbishop Naumann’s homily incorporated powerful stories of the witness of saints both well- and lesserknown, and he encouraged the delegates to seek guidance from these holy figures in their own evangelization efforts. The archbishop touched on his recent pilgrimage with archdiocesan seminarians to encounter the poor in Mexico City — an undertaking that exemplified “what Pope Francis has been trying to emphasize so much in his papacy,” he said. “This is where we’ll encounter Jesus most profoundly. We don’t go there just to serve human needs,” he continued, “but we go there to meet Jesus. “Because that’s where he’s told us we will find him.” At the end of Mass, the archbishop commissioned the delegates to go out into the world and bring Christ’s love to those they encounter. “To you now being sent to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, know how dear you are to us all, how confident we are in your ability to humbly and convincingly advance the kingdom of God, and how sincerely you will be held in our prayer as you live out your apostolate,” he said. Archbishop Naumann ended with a final blessing, where he prayed that God “make you worthy messengers of the Gospel and witnesses to the divine love before all the world. “May the Spirit of the Lord be upon you, enabling you as you go forward to bring the good news to the lowly, the brokenhearted, the doubtful, the despairing and all who seek the truth.”


Jennie Punswick, Enflame emcee

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