May 2013 Issue

Page 15


New app proves divine >> the sycamore leaf >>

Lauren Shassere

V Staff Writer

ine is one of the most recent social media networking sites to hit the U.S. In just a short amount of time, “Vine” has become very popular amongst the student body of SHS, as well as the entire world, and just about everyone is talking about it. What exactly is a Vine though? A Vine is a social networking app where people can make short six second videos that run in a loop. “I love the fact that making and watching six second videos can be so entertaining. It is my favorite app right now, for sure.” said Danielle Abramovitz, 9. Vine is rapidly passing Cinemagram in popularity. In just one weekend, Vine-based tweets had met Cinemagram’s tweets-per-week score. People seem to be transferring over to Vines rather than staying with their Cinemagrams, especially because Vines can be shared. Vine is used by many SHS students to show their creative side, being able to create a minivideo, and to be funny with their friends by watching each other’s Vines or making them together. “It is cool when people get creative and make videos that are fun to watch and share,” said Christopher Seger,9. The question, “What is a Vine?”


is being asked less and less as it becomes more popular like Twitter and Instagram, and just about everyone knows what it is. This is as opposed to when it first came out, when only a handful of students had it, and introduced them to their friends and classmates. “Vine is a great, fun way to see what your friends are doing and is a great way to express yourself.” said Emma Schutty, 9. It brings people together to see each other’s personalities and maybe learn something about someone that they do not already know. Maybe that quiet girl in the corner of the room is actually really funny and makes the most comedic Vines that you have seen, get a Vine and who knows what you will learn about your classmates. “Vine is the best app ever and I love making them. Follow me at ingabaublyte,” said Inga Baublyte, 10.

how to use it: 2

Marvel has used the app to post six-second teaser trailers for their new TV series. Every weekend, over 100 thousand Vines are posted to Twitter. All images by Krittika Chatterjee

British invasion DREAM:brings boyband Ellen Martinson

Some students have been waiting over a year to see their favorite band in concert, One Direction. They bought tickets over a year ago in April, and now the concert is less than a month away. The British-Irish pop boyband was formed on the UK version of the X Factor in 2010. The band consists of five members: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne. All of the members are between the ages of 19 and 21. The five boys originally auditioned as solo artists in 2010 for the talent show. Simon Cowell, proceeded to put them together as a band after they were eliminated as individuals. Overall as a MOBILE D.J. - KARAOKE group, they placed third. MOBILE D.J. - KARAOKE However, that has not stopped them. MOBILE D.J. - KARAOKE MOBILE - KARAOKE “GOOD TIMESD.J. ~ GOOD TUNES” Since the show, the band has been “GOOD TIMES ~ GOOD TUNES” performing and TUNES” touring around the TIMES ~ GOOD WEDDINGS EVENTS “GOOD TIMESCORPORATE ~ GOOD“GOOD TUNES” world and visiting countries in nearly all continents. They are currently ANYDotson OCCASION PARTIES Doug Doug Dotson performing their second sold-out (513) 615-1500 (513) 615-1500 Doug Dotson headline tour. Doug Dotson (513) 615-1500 With worldwide blowup, tickets (513) 615-1500



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Add a caption, then share your Vine on the app homepage, Twitter, and Facebook.

Within six months of release, Vine became the #1 free app for the iPhone.

Associate Editor

ug Dotson


Make a Vine by continuously holding your finger on the screen. (Hint: use the tutorial!)




Download the Vine app for the iPhone. It’s free!



are a rare prize. Several students have managed to snatch them for some of their upcoming shows on the “Take Me Home Tour,” their second world tour. For some students, it is the second time that they will see the group in concert. “I saw them last June in Chicago with three of my other friends and it was awesome. We got to walk around Chicago then see them that night. This June we’re seeing them in Columbus,” said Hannah Brown, 10. For other students, it will be their first time seeing the band. Maggie Thompson, 11, is travelling to Louisville on June 16 with two friends to finally see the band in person. “I can’t wait because the only time I’ve ever seen them is on my computer,” said Thompson. For all lovers of the band, it has been a long school year to reach the summer concert. “It’s kind of like my reward for making it through the school year alive,” said Molly Gearin, 10.

The Shawshank Redemption Astrid Cabello Staff Writer

A specific one-liner that sticks with you for at least the rest of the week. A character who you find so enticing and inspirational, that you make it your new goal to become them. A scene that gives you a new outlook on life. Or maybe just a couple of hours that you can spend with others, or alone, but not at all lonely. Movies can serve as a lesson, a source of entertainment, or an escape for a reality which seems like something concocted up by Hollywood. These are the reasons why I choose to spend a day, not just rainy ones, but any day, watching a movie. Because I believe a really good movie can change someone’s life. Due to the busy school year ending, everyone will probably have a bit more time to sit down, curl up on a couch, and pop in a DVD, or in other cases flip to Netflix or Hulu. Though your initial reaction may be to choose that chick flick you’ve always heard about but have never seen, or that action thriller you were dying to go to a couple months ago in theaters but didn’t, I encourage you to see if you can find another movie. I am in no way attempting to tell you not to watch those movies listed above, they are probably very entertaining, but I want to make you aware of another movie, “The Shawshank Redemption.” Made in 1994, the story it teaches is in no way dated and every single actor is insanely talented. Not only does Morgan Freeman do a spectacular job as always, but the whole cast is impeccable. The story about a young man thrown in jail for a crime he did not commit and his inspiring journey along the way made me question my morals, my goals in life, and most of all what I was doing to make a difference in the world. Rated a 9.3 out of 10 by IMDb, higher than “Avatar” and “Skyfall,” the movie deserves every point and more. The film will make you laugh, cry, become frustrated, and most importantly in my opinion, think. Truly, in 142 minutes, the movie changed how I thought, and, not to be dramatic, but my life. So, hopefully in one of the three months we have school off, you too will watch “The Shawshank Redemption” and be impressed, moved, and inspired.

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