The Land - July 7, 2023

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418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 • (800) 657-4665 • July 7, 2023 “Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet” © 2023 A plethora of pigs... You’ll be in hog heaven with The Land’s annual swine issue! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Scott Haase’s pigs love the great outdoors; Tim Fischer finds a farm-to-table niche; Over-the-counter medications now prescription; U.S.-SHIP and more!


On June 12, in a courtroom in Montana, 16 kids got their day in court. They had sued the State of Montana, claiming they have, under Montana law, a constitutional right to a healthy, livable climate. As Montana citizens, they assert the State of Montana is violating that right via its involvement in pollution and climate chaos. The State of Montana claims, more or less, that it’s not their fault the environment and climate are an awful mess — even though Montana has a large coal, oil and gas industry.


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By Tim King

The State didn’t want the children’s climate lawsuit to make it into a courtroom. So, over the last several years, they spent a fortune in Montana taxpayers’ dollars and appealed all the way to their State’s Supreme Court. They lost, of course. The kids know what they are talking about — even if adults don’t listen to them.

So, we’ll see what a Montana jury thinks of the youngsters’ claims.

This isn’t the first time citizens have claimed that a government is violating their climate rights.

Back in 2019, the Dutch government fought a lawsuit similar to the Montana case. In that case it was adults who claimed they had a right to a healthy livable climate. Like Montana officials, the Dutch government spent gobs of taxpayer money and appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. They lost, of course. They weren’t listening to their citizens.

In its ruling, the Dutch Supreme Court wrote that the Dutch government must act “on account of the risk of dangerous climate change that could also have a serious impact on the rights to life and wellbeing of residents of the Netherlands.”

In other words, what the kids from Montana and the adults from The Netherlands want — a healthy and livable climate — is a simple human right we all deserve.

“This landmark ruling provides a clear path forward for concerned individuals in Europe — and around the world — to undertake climate litigation in order to protect human rights,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said of the Dutch Supreme Court ruling.

So, kids in New York City have a human right to not have to breathe smoky air from Canadian forest fires brought on by climate chaos-induced mega-

droughts; and Canadian kids have a human right not to be driven from their homes by those same fires.

The same goes for kids on the Gulf Coast who face ever stronger hurricanes and kids and adults around the world whose lives are threatened by rising oceans, years-long droughts, and flooding.

The Montana youngsters aren’t the only children who have decided they can’t afford to wait for adults in government and corporations to protect their human right to a healthy environment.

A group of 14 youngsters in Hawaii filed a climate lawsuit against the Hawaiian Department of Transportation in June of 2022. The youngsters claim their state DOT’s active operation of a transportation system which results in high levels of greenhouse gas emissions is causing significant harm to their communities, violates their constitutional rights, and undermines their ability to live healthful lives in Hawaii — now and into the future.

Justice moves slowly and the Hawaiian case is moving through the courts.

Meanwhile, on June 1, a federal children’s climate lawsuit — known as Juliana v. the United States — was given the green light to head to trial in federal court in Oregon.

Just like the Montana State government, the U.S. government has fought the Juliana case for years. But the kids are right and they aren’t giving up. The adults just need to pay attention and listen to what they have to say.

These young people are seeking a judicial declaration that Montana, Hawaii, and the U.S. fossil fuel energy systems are unconstitutional and violate their fundamental right to a safe climate. A victory in either of these cases would mean states/federal climate and energy policies would need to adhere to the court’s decision. Those governments would have to enact policies protecting the rights of our nation’s children and ending the physical and mental harm they have experienced at the hands of those very governments.



PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 THERE’S EVEN MORE ONLINE... @ • “Calendar of Events” — Check out The Land’s complete events listing • “E-Edition” — Archives of past issues of The Land INSIDE THIS ISSUE 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56001 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLVII ❖ No. 14 28 pages, 1 section plus supplements
Cover photo by Richard Siemers
Opinion 2-4 Farm and Food File 4 Readers’ Photos: Life on the Farm 4 Deep Roots 5 Green & Growing 6 Calendar of Events 6 From The Fields 7 Talent in the GreenSeam 8 Swine & U 9, 13 Marketing 18 Mielke Market Weekly 19 Auctions/Classifieds 21-27 Advertiser Listing 27 Back Roads 28
— Breeding is the difference for Tim Fischer’s customers
Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, 418 South Second St., Mankato MN 56001-3727 or e-mail to theland@ — Mangalitsa hogs thrive on the outdoors
Kids in the court OPINION
Tim King has been a contributor to The Land since 1985. He also co-founded the community newspaper La Voz Libre and served as its publisher and editor from 2004 to 2014. He farms with his family near Long Prairie, Minn.

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recent clean water ruling makes everything murkier

In the bitterly divided, highly partisan world of Washington, D.C., few institutions are more divided and more partisan than today’s Supreme Court.

The court showcased that split again on May 25 when it significantly narrowed the federal government’s authority to protect wetlands under the 51-yearold Clean Water Act in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency. The 5-4 decision was as groundbreaking as it will be water-polluting, say environmental advocates.



The facts of the case are clear: In 2007, an Idaho couple, the Sacketts, planned to build a home near a lake. As construction began, EPA ordered it halted “because their lot contain(ed) wetlands protected by the CWA, which bars the discharge of pollutants, including rocks and sand, into ‘navigable waters,’” explained the independent, peer-reviewed SCOTUSblog

The Sacketts didn’t file suit over the fact that a wetland was on their property; everyone agreed that there was. Instead, the fight ensued over whether the wetland drained into a “navigable water” as defined under the Clean Water Act.

EPA ruled it did; the Sacketts disagreed, noting that the wetland first drained into an unnavigable creek before it drained into the indisputably “navigable” lake. Despite court loss after court loss, the couple pursued the case until it rose, appeal after appeal, to the high court.

The court, unsurprisingly, accepted

the case because previous Supreme Court rulings in Clean Water Act cases seemed to muddy the complicated law “as property owners and the federal government wrestled with how far to extend its protections against polluting the navigable waters of the country,” Roll Call recently explained.

Farm and ranch groups joined the Sacketts in the fight. After decades of tiptoeing through legal and legislative fights over what constitutes a “navigable water,” everyone — even environmental groups — wanted someone, be it Congress, the courts, or the White House, to arrive at a clear, workable clean water rule.

Previous attempts centered around WOTUS, or the broadly interpreted, EPA-empowering Waters of the United States rule.

To most farmers, WOTUS was a “I-can’t-tell-you-what-it-is-until-I-seeit” EPA trap that had not kept up with agriculture’s rapid industrialization under the aging Clean Water Act. The courts agreed and, as such, WOTUS went through several updates and revisions under succeeding administrations.

The May 25 Sackett decision, however, ended that bitter, decades-long fight by starting another bitter, probably decades-long fight.

Justice Samuel Alito (he of recent Alaskan water fame) wrote that the Sacketts had been right from the getgo: “In sum, we hold that the CWA extends to only those ‘wetlands with a

continuous surface connection to bodies that are ‘waters of the United States’ in their own right’...”

In fact, Alito added, “...they are ‘indistinguishable’ from those waters.”

The decision, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and Justice Neil Gorsuch, “significantly shrank the reach of the federal clean water protections, dealing a major blow to President Joe Biden’s efforts to restore protections to millions of acres of wetlands and delivering a victory to multiple powerful industries,” reported Politico.

That’s an understatement. Most land developers, farmers and ranchers were elated after the razor-thin decision was handed down.

Also understated are the ruling’s long-term consequences, notes DemocracyNow, a left-leaning news organization. The court’s action “ends protections for about half of all wetlands in the contiguous United States, jeopardizing access to safe drinking water for millions.”

In a curious twist, the court’s other four justices agreed that the Sacketts had been right from the start but strongly disagreed with their colleagues’ solution: knee-capping the Clean Water Act by appointing themselves “as the national decision-maker on environmental policy.” That was Congress’s job and, in fact, it had done that job when it “drafted the CWA.” Justice Brett Kavanaugh went further in his dissent. Writing for his three colleagues, Kavanaugh, a Trump appointee, noted the “court’s new [WOTUS] test is ‘sufficiently novel and vague’ and that it will create precisely the kind of regulatory uncertainty that the majority criticized.”

In short, the split decision only further muddies the law and rural America’s increasingly dirty waters — navigable or unnavigable.

The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www. v

Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos

It seems Pete Bouman of Ruthton, Minn. is a man of few words ... well, no words actually, but while he only supplied his name and home town in his email, he did include some nice photos to share with you.

Here’s hoping the grass starts to look a little greener on your side of the fence soon...

Snirts Gettin’ in? We Can Keep em’ Out. Snow • Water • Dirt • Leaves • Critters • Cold HeatBillsareSkyrocketing SAVE UP TO 40% 25YearWarranty Call Today 800-250-5502 or Visit SEALS GAPS UP TO 2 INCHES ON YOUR GARAGE & SHOP OVERHEAD DOORS! PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 Court’s
Keep the photos coming! E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to

A bygone ‘holiday’ is resurrected at our farm

During the 1990s, I recall a holiday which came around every August and lasted roughly a week. This was not a typical holiday you will find on your calendar; and it certainly does not allow for rest and relaxation. However, it did bring family and friends together, there were plenty of bars and cookies from my Grandma Sanken’s kitchen, and there was always a large blue Harvestore cooler (a freebie my dad got for putting up a Harvestore silo in the 1980’s) full of Tang which my Grandma spiked with Mountain Dew.

It was always a hot and dry week, but no shorts were allowed! Everyone donned jeans, and some even wore long sleeves and gloves. Why? Because we were baling straw.

My dad and Grandpa would bring thousands of small, square bales of straw in our barn which would be used as livestock bedding throughout the year.

As a kid, nothing excited me more than baling straw. It was the social event of the year! Plenty of people were around to help load and unload hay racks, stack bales in the barn, bring treats, and there was a whole lot of goofing around.


Compeer Financial seeks nominations

Compeer Financial, a Farm Credit cooperative based in the Upper Midwest, is searching for the next game-changers in agriculture. Nominations are now open for the 2024 GroundBreaker of the Year award, recognizing young, beginning and small farmers who are transforming the industry.

Candidates must be under 35, with less than a decade of farming experience, or generating under $250,000 in annual gross sales. Potential award recipients may nominate themselves or be nominated by a family member, friend or colleague.

Submit your nominations at groundbreakeroftheyear before Aug. 31. The winner will be announced in early 2024, and will receive a $5,000 cash award.

This article was submitted by Compeer Financial. v

It was a time when I was finally considered old enough to help — but not old enough to drive a tractor.

The job itself was terrible, and there were indeed no OSHA regulations to follow. It was always sweltering, and the perspiration would soak through our shirts. Loose straw would end up itching in the nooks and crannies that no one knew existed and stick to our perspiring bodies. Now and then, your foot would find a hole in the straw that had been stacked, and you’d take a tumble. Sometimes the baler would spit out bales faster than we could stack them on the rack. I once saw my Grandpa get knocked off his feet as a bale of straw fell from the elevator which brought bales into the barn and hit him squarely in the head. He just smiled, got up, and kept going without a word!

What made this time so memorable were the people. My immediate family, grandparents, and a few kids from the neighborhood would spend the week together working, eating, sweating and goofing around. A barn which started completely empty would slowly fill, ending with a mountain of golden straw. Every day you could see the progress a team of people working

toward a common goal made. It was something to be proud of!

In the late 1990s, my dad quit making small square bales and transitioned to large round bales. I was crushed. My sisters and I begged him to make a few small bales for fun. I suppose, after a lifetime of small squares, my dad was looking forward to a break.

Earlier this summer, my husband and I began the hay-making process. We had miles of road ditches cut, raked, and waiting to be custom baled. Then a threat of rain popped up in the forecast. Not wanting our hay to get rained on, we started looking for other options. I remembered my dairy farming friend had just put new knotters on his small square baler and said we could use it anytime. I checked my calendar and saw my kids were available, so I asked them if they were interested in a few days of hard work. To my surprise, I received a resounding “YES!” from everyone! A few hours later, my kids had found a gang of neighbor kids ready to work.

I called my dad to come and help me make sure our bales were tight enough, and when he showed up in the meadow we were working in, his eyes were teary. “I don’t know if I’m being flooded with nostalgic childhood memories or if I’m overwhelmed with pride, seeing my grandkids working,” he said. “Maybe it’s both.”

I can’t say the work was explicitly enjoyable, but it sure was fun watching the kids take ownership of a project and enjoy it. The days were long and hot, there was plenty of goofing around, and it is entirely possible that a holiday is being resurrected.

Whitney Nesse is a sixth-generation livestock farmer who is deeply rooted in her faith and family. She writes from her central Minnesota farm. v

FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2023 Showtime - 7:30 p.m. • Classic Series Cart • Draft Team • Jr Driver Cart • Jr Driver Team (youth 18 & under) SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023 Farm Team Parade & Driving Skills Classes -10:00 a.m. Showtime - 2:00 p.m. • Classic Six Horse Hitch • Farm Team • Four-Horse Hitch• Unicorn • Feed Team Race • Ladies Cart • Obstacle Course Gates open at 9:00 a.m. SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2023 Showtime - 12:30 p.m. Gates open at 9:00 a.m. • Classic Six Horse Hitch • Farm Team • Four-Horse Hitch • Unicorn • Feed Team Race • Ladies Cart • Obstacle Course • 12 Six-Horse Hitches competing • Double Point Classic Show both days • Farm Teams compete both days of show
7, 8, 9, 2023 Murray County Fairgrounds • Slayton, Minnesota JUDGE Lori Hemmersbach Admission $7 per person 10 and under FREE Farm Team Parade & Driving Skills Classes Saturday, 10 a.m. Saturday & Sunday’s Show will begin with the 6-Horse Hitch Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors: • Farmers Agency of Avoca, Inc. • Ames Percheron Farm, Inc. • Ralco • Johnson Publishing (Murray County News, Fulda Free Press, Murray County Advantage) THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 5
Left to right: Everett Conradi, Easton Nesse, Halle Hoemberg, Abby Nesse

Proper watering is vital

Watering … how much, when, and where, are questions gardeners are dealing with during this severe drought. The standard knowledge is one inch of water per week for keeping lawns in good shape. For clay soils this may be adequate, but sandy soils drain faster and may need water more often.


Moisture needs to reach plant roots instead of evaporating into the air. Clay soil may take longer to absorb water than sandy soil; so, watering clay soil should be done with a lower water pressure to allow water to be absorbed before it can run off the surface. Mulch helps with retaining soil moisture.

Plants draw water from the soil and carry nutrients from the roots to all parts of the plants. A lack of water reduces the amount of nutrients that can travel to all parts of the plant. Water delivery methods are also important. Spraying water with a hose and sending it through the air results in some of the moisture being lost through evaporation instead of landing on the soil and sinking into the ground. A sprayer which sends water out in a horizontal path instead of a vertical arc can reduce the amount of moisture lost through evaporation.

Both sprayer versions result with water landing on plant leaves and stems as well as on the soil. Wet leaves which are not allowed to dry off before late evening are more likely to become infected with fungal diseases. Water that lands on leaves and stems midday can evaporate before landing on the soil and benefiting the plant roots. However, if plants are wilting, watering is necessary — even if it is done in

the middle of the day.

The human finger is a good tool for determining when shallow rooted plants need water. Stick your finger into the soil. If it comes out dry, the soil needs water. Soil that is dry more than two inches below the soil surface needs to be watered.

A better method to deliver water to plants is to use a soaker hose. Soaker hoses have tiny holes in their sides and allow water to sink into the soil removing the possibility of water loss through evaporation. A device allowing more than one hose to be attached at the same time can send water out to several locations.

Monitoring the amount of water that plants receive is also important because too much water can stop oxygen in the soil from being accessed by the plant roots. Plants differ on how much water they need. Therefore, watering may be needed more in one part of the garden than in others. Rain gauges are useful in checking to see if enough rain has been received to equal an inch or more per week.

When choosing plants, look for ones that are drought tolerant. The web sites and extension. watering-established-trees-and-shrubs contain additional information on watering. The University of Minnesota also has a downloadable publication, “The Best Plants for 30 Tough Sites” that is helpful in choosing drought tolerant plants.

Linda G. Tenneson is a University of Minnesota master gardener and tree care advisor. v

Calendar of Events

July 11 — Meeker County Garden Tour — Litchfield, Minn. — This year’s lineup consists of five gardens in the Litchfield area that will highlight gardening techniques, annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs, and the story behind each location’s inspiration. Contact the Meeker County Extension office at (320) 693-5275.

July 12 — Soil Health Field Day — Grove City, Minn. — Different soil management topics will be covered including interseeding, adding cover crops to a rotation, and the importance of soil structure. Contact Taylor Herbert at or (612) 3945229.

July 12-13 — Youth Tractor and Farm Safety Certification — Zumbrota, Minn. — This training teaches youth 14 years and older about safe equipment operation and general farm safety. An online course (approximately 8 to 10 hours in length) must be completed prior to attending the twoday in-person training. Contact Emily Krekelberg at or (612) 756-3977.

Additional Dates and Locations:

July 19-20 — Ada, Minn.

July 24-25 — Pine City, Minn.

Aug. 1-2 — Rushford, Minn.

July 12-15 — Pipestone Lamb and Wool Sheep for Profit School — Pipestone, Minn. — The purpose of the school is to improve sheep management skills, increase profitability and form business relationships. The school will combine lecture, group discussion and visits to Pipestone area sheep operations. Contact the Pipestone Lamb and Wool Management Program at melinda.lamote@mnwest. edu or (800) 658-2330.

July 13 — Kernza Field Day — Madison, Minn. — This is an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge and connect with experienced Kernza growers and researchers who have been advancing the breeding, production and marketing of the nation’s first perennial grain. For more information and to register, visit,

July 13 — Land Stewardship Project Pasture Walk — Dorchester, Iowa See and discuss set-ups for portable fencing and above-ground water, pasture management. For more information, visit

July 15 — Foraging and Edible Landscapes with Beargrease Botanicals — Sturgeon Lake, Minn. — This field day will include a foraging walk, a tour of a no-till market garden and edible landscaping, and insights on operating an at-home farm stand. Visit the following website for more information:

July 17-18 — MSCA Summer Beef Tour and Trade Show — Slayton, Minn. — The quarterly board meeting of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association will be on July 17, followed by the annual Political Action Committee fundraiser. The tour and trade show will take place on July 18 with this year’s tour beginning in Pipestone, Minn. Contact Angie Ford at (507) 360-7937 or Glenn Johnson at (507) 820-1502.

July 19 — Managing Heat Stress from an Animal Welfare Perspective Webinar— Online — As part of ISU’s Dairy Team’s 2023 Dairy Webinar Series, Dr. Jennifer Van Os will discuss heat stress in dairy cows and calves, including recognizing how cattle communicate they need help beating the heat. Contact Fred Hall at fredhall@ or (712) 737-4230.

July 19 — Practical Farmers of Iowa Field Day — Spencer, Iowa — The topic will be Relay Cropping, Permanent Clover and Irrigation Systems in Northwest Iowa. The event will be hosted by Patrick White & Chuck White. For more information, please visit

July 19 — Soil Health Workshop — Faribault, Minn. — The workshop will feature soil scientist Liz Haney, codeveloper of the Haney Soil Test, and Minnesota farmers will share their experiences with cover cropping and reduced tillage. Contact Alan Kraus at or (715) 897-1646.

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Visit to view our complete calendar and enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to

Limited rain showers are better than nothing

Corey Hanson

Gary, Minn.

June 30

“Cutting hay and our county fair is guaranteed to bring a little rain,” Corey Hanson said with a laugh on June 30. Though having to dodge some showers at the fair, it was much needed. He reported receiving two to two and a half inches of rain over a three day period. The early rains were slow and very beneficial, but Hanson said the last day ended with a

David Tauer

Hanska, Minn.

June 29

Coming back from a relaxing vacation, Tauer stated everyone did an excellent job while he was away. “Everything got done like it was supposed to,” he said, plus extra.

Tauer was feeling blessed on June 29 by the recent rainfall at his farm. He received one inch and quick 20-minute blast totaling an inch and likely resulted in runoff.

On June 30, Hanson was able to take advantage of the morning’s 4 to 5 mph winds and finish spraying soybeans. It’s his preference to work with a slight breeze as it helps the product dry on the targeted crop.

Hanson’s soybeans are about boot-top high in most places. His wheat has perked up a little, but believes he’ll come up severely short. He is expecting half or less of his usual crop.

The corn crop is nearing chest-high. He had noticed onion leafing, but stated it has since turned around. Some stunted corn and a less than desired color are giving him reason to believe the past dry weather may effect his yields. “I’m hoping it didn’t hurt too bad,” he stated.

Coming up, Hanson will be checking crops, “monitoring that the spray did what it’s supposed to.” He’ll also be managing insects and diseases as needed. Getting grain bins ready for fall and enjoying a few days with his family for the Fourth are also on the list.

Nick Pooch

Farwell, Minn.

four-tenths on June 24 with another tenth of an inch on June 28. “We’re not short by any means.” Unfortunately, hail hit about a quarter mile east impacting some of Tauer’s alfalfa crop. He estimates a 30 to 40 percent loss in that field.

Originally a bit disheartened by his oats, Tauer reported some positive change. Growth has improved and he stated it’s “not above average, but probably will be an average yield, which is very surprising.”

Oatlage was on the agenda for June 28 and 29. The first 40 acres required moving equipment a distance of five miles. Tauer stated there were a few hiccups, but they had a really good day. The oatlage is stored in silage bags; and that day’s efforts filled a bag 12 feet in diameter and 160 feet long. That field has alfalfa seeded in with it, and Tauer said it’s doing quite well. The field scheduled for the 29th is 25 acres, and after the cutting and chopping is completed, he will seed millet.

Tauer stated his earliest planted crop of corn is six feet tall with excellent color. Sixty-five to seventy percent of Tauer’s most recent corn has come up, and he expects the rest to be up by the weekend.

June 29

Nick Pooch has been busy with general maintenance on the feedlot. Due to his recent sale, he’s taking advantage of moving less cattle around to fix gates, replace

waterers, and work on anything else the cattle have worn out.

On June 29 Pooch reported he cut his new alfalfa two days prior, and it looks really good for new seeding. He’ll be baling it shortly.

While Pooch stated the recent rains totaling just over an inch were very much needed, they haven’t replenished the subsoil. He has been satisfied

Jim Hagen

Lake Mills, Iowa

June 29

about an inch of rain last weekend, and has received a few sprinkles here and there, totaling not more than a tenth of an inch at a time. “Hopefully the trend has changed and we’ll get a little more rain now.”

On the day of Hagen’s report, he had been experiencing hazy skies again. “It looks like a fog in the morning, but it’s smoke,” he stated, noting the last two days have been especially thick.

“We’re just lucky the subsoil was full,” Jim Hagen stated in reference to the dry weather he’s experienced this summer. On June 29 he shared he was happy to get with weed control, but with the new flush of weeds from the rain, he’ll scout the beans. He’s not worried about the corn due to the established canopy. While his beans look average, Pooch’s corn shows more promise. “If we keep getting rain, we could get a really good corn crop,” he stated.

The Pooch operation does a range of experimenting with seed plots each year. This year, they are more focused on comparing different varieties. Pooch stated he hasn’t seen any drastic differences

Hagen reported the corn is head-high and looking clean of tar spot so far. His soybeans are looking good. He has not needed to do any spot spraying on the crops.

With not too much crop excitement, Hagen has started the tiling project on the operation’s newest See POOCH, pg. 8

Maternity Pen $4700 Universal Feeder $3,092 Steer Feeder $5,270 SPANIER QUALITY Paynesville, MN •320-243-7552 Calving Pen SALE PRICE $4,700.00 10’ Single Sided Fence Line Steer Feeder 230 bushel $5,270.00 20’ Single Sided Feeder $1,997.00 20 FOOT $3092.00 Deluxe Chute $6,245.00 20' Universal Feeder $3092.00 20' Single Sided Feeder $1997.00 Calf Hauler $1529.00 THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 7 See HAGEN, pg. 8 2023 From The
   
Compiled by Laura Cole, The Land Staff Writer

Now is a challenging time for pork production

The last two years have not been easy on meat. Pork has had a harder time bouncing back in the post-covid market than its beef and poultry counterparts. The price of pork finished 2022 at just over $5.00 per pound, more than a 30 percent increase since the beginning of 2020. As consumers opt out of pork in favor of cheaper proteins, producers face the challenge of repositioning in a hostile market.

director for North Star Commodity in downtown Minneapolis. He spoke at the BankIn Minnesota Ag Conference in Mankato this past June. “Pork producers are experiencing losses of $15 to $28 per pig. We need help in this sector that can only come from cheaper prices. I am hopeful China will start importing more pork.”


In GreenSeam’s 2023 State of Ag survey, more than 300 respondents — all with connections to agriculture — were asked to select four issues that most affect their business’ ability to grow. Out of the 11 issues presented, consumer demand took third place, following talent and public policy. (Complete results of the survey can be found at

Ward forecasts exports should see a rise by late fall, ebbing the oversupply and minimizing the need for producers to scale down.

expected to roll off in 2023 and producers can look forward to increased exports to China by late fall. The losses sustained on each pig will likely lead to some restructuring in the industry — including downsizing and specializing. In the meantime, the best thing for everyone to do is eat more pork and continue supporting pork producers.

Unfortunately, consumer demand can also present the threat of not meeting supply.

Exporting more pork could alleviate the surplus. Jason Ward is a market analyst and managing

From The Fields

POOCH, from pg. 7

yet, but will discover more as summer develops especially if a significant weather event occurs.

Pooch continues to attend monthly meetings as an FSA committee member. In his ninth year, he enjoys working with folks on the local level and commented how vast the industry is. “Agriculture is not a cookie cutter deal.”

Bandit is proving to be the highlight of the Pooch boys’ summer. Playful and wearing everybody down; they’re having a great time with the pup. v

HAGEN, from pg. 7

Please read attached email

Pork is not the only consumer good that has seen historically high prices in the last three years of Covid-related supply chain issues and runaway inflation; but many suspect there is more at work with pork prices. “Larger members of the pork supply chain are artificially inflating the price of pork”, says James Gordon, market president for Pioneer Bank in Mapleton.

Last September, the federal court in Minneapolis approved two major consumer class price-fixing settlements against JBS and Smithfield Foods — two of the largest pork producers in the country — totaling 95 million dollars.

Large producers do not likely bear full fault for price hikes as companies like Tyson and Smithfield have had to significantly downsize their pork operations since 2022 (according to the Wall Street Journal). The impact of high input costs and decreased demand have made a significant local impact with the Hylife Foods pork plant closure in Windom, Minn. in April of this year.

July 19 is GreenSeam’s fourth annual “Celebration of Ag” at ISG Field in Mankato, Minn. This event is an opportunity for us to thank our investors while attendees’ network with agricultural business leaders, hear remarks from entrepreneur speakers, and enjoy a MoonDogs baseball game as they face the Bismarck Larks.

Tickets include food and beverages with a view of the park from the DogPound. Booths featuring southern Minnesota food and ag businesses will be set up along the walking path — including interactive displays like a realistic John Deere combine simulator from the Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence, and Christensen Farms’ pig trivia featuring real pigs. A pound of pork will be donated to local shelters for every question asked. Yard games and activity packets will be available for children of all ages.

Entrepreneurial speakers include founders Collette Drager and Molly Byron of The Meatery; Kevin Born of Environmental Tillage Systems; and John Schwartz of Schwartz Farms. They will outline the challenges and triumphs of running a business. We are also very excited to welcome members of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to give an update on the last year of agriculture in Minnesota.

Tickets are available at Hope to see you there!


80 acres, and has been clearing some trees. He has also stayed busy with bus trips. In Iowa, high school baseball and softball schedules doesn’t start until school is out, so he has an upcoming trip to drive a team to their playoffs.

Small producers are forced to scale up cut costs wherever possible. Jace Vetter, a hog farmer in Kasota, Minn., is faced with repositioning his farm to keep up with production cost increases. “We probably won’t be farrowing for much longer because it’s not feasible. Large operations have more sows than the number of finishers we put out in a year. We plan to add a few barns and focus on just finishers.”

Consumer demand for pork has dipped while prices continue to soar. For a silver lining, prices are

The Land

Hagen has an exciting event coming up: meeting a recent addition to the family! His daughter from California is coming to visit with her two daughters, and he’ll meet her youngest for the first time. They have a few upcoming celebrations they’ll be attending in July, which Hagen is also looking forward to. v

GreenSeam believes that working together as an agricultural community helps us better navigate the challenges in our industry and attract more people to consider careers in agriculture, food and natural resources. GreenSeam Economic Development Coordinator Holly Callaghan can be reached via email at v

State Fair youth scholarship deadlines

ST. PAUL — The Minnesota State Fair Scholarship annually awards up to 22 scholarships of approximately $1,000 each. New in 2023, one $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a person of any age entering a skilled trade career or furthering their training. These scholarships will be available to rural youth or those enrolled in an agriculture program in 2022-23.

The application for the Minnesota State Fair Scholarships must be submitted online by 4:30 p.m. Aug. 1. Information about these scholarships can be found at

The Minnesota Livestock Breeders’ Association, in conjunction with Minnesota 4-H and the 4-H Auction Committee, will award in excess of $80,000 in scholarships to 4-H members. Applicants must have completed high school by 2023 or earlier and be attending college for the 2023-24 school year.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Aug.1. More information can be found at

This article was submitted by the Minnesota State Fair. v

PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023

Pork producers encouraged to come aboard US-SHIP

US-SHIP is another acronym pig farmers and allied industry folks have encountered recently — generating questions about what it is, whether it is required, and where is it coming from. US-SHIP is the United States Swine Health Improvement Plan, and it is open for all producers who raise pigs.

In Minnesota, US-SHIP is managed by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and also overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Veterinary Services. Additionally, swine industry leaders are involved in the development and management of a US-SHIP national playbook of technical standards — centering on prevention and demonstration of freedom of disease outside of control areas in support of animal health, commerce, and trade.

US SHIP is modeled after the very successful National Poultry Improvement Plan which has been in place since 1935. NPIP is a collaborative effort involving industry, state, and federal partners providing standards for certifying the health status of greater than 99 percent of commercial scale poultry and egg operations across the United States.

US SHIP is intended to provide a national program for certifying health status and is initially focused on African swine fever and Classical Swine Fever. Minnesota has committed to participating in US-SHIP and encourages all Minnesota swine producers to enroll their production and packing site(s) in this unique program.

The benefits of US-SHIP enrollment include strengthened ASF/CSF preparedness (prevention, response and recovery) for our state; establishing a uniform biosecurity, traceability, sampling/testing approach across participating states; and participation in a collaborative industry (producers/packers), state, and federal program in which producers can help establish appropriate standards for health certification.

US-SHIP is designed to be applicable across the entire spectrum of U.S. pork industry participants from the small show pig farmer to the larger commercial producers, live animal marketing operations, and slaughter facilities. Developing program standards which are relevant to and enable participation across the full breadth of U.S. commercial pork industry participants is essential.

Majority participation is a foundational element necessary for being able to represent the health status of domestic pig production operations across supply chains, areas, states, and regions. The National Pork Producers Council, National Pork Board, North American Meat Institute, United States Animal Health Association, American Association of Swine Veterinarians, and the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians have each communicated full support to expand the resources being provided to develop US-SHIP.

In 2022 a joint industry ASF Strategy Work Group, led by board members of the National Pork Board and National Pork Producers Council, identified “expediting the development of US-SHIP into a per-

manent U.S. Department of Agriculture program” as one of the key industry priorities to be pursued.

Industry and state representation from Minnesota attended the inaugural US-SHIP House of Delegates in August 2021 and approved the initial requirements for certification in the program. The 2023 US-SHIP House of Delegates meeting is slated for early September in Bloomington, Minn.

The US-SHIP House of Delegates is a decisionmaking body composed of U.S. pork industry participants and subject matter experts that aim to represent the interests of pork industry stakeholders across each state.

Each state expressing interest has been allocated a specified number of voting delegates and the opportunity to invite up to two non-voting guests to attend each US-SHIP House of Delegates meeting.

The number of delegates includes a baseline allocation to each state, as well as an allocation proportionate to the capacity (inventory) of the breeding herd and growing pig production sites (respectively) enrolled in US-SHIP located in each respective state.

Each participating state’s voting delegation also includes the State animal health official or their designee. State level participation in this US-SHIP development project is determined by the State animal health official. In 2022, 31 states sent delegates to the second US-SHIP House of Delegates.

Appropriate representation of Minnesota’s pig farmers relies on the number of swine enterprises enrolled in US-SHIP.

Enrollment in US-SHIP is by pig farm site and is fairly straightforward. Applicants must complete the

enrollment form (either single premise or multipremise form). Single premise enrollment application forms can be found at https://www.bah.state. Multi-premise enrollment application form s are available at (You will be further directed to complete and submit a site list as part of the multi-premise application.).

After submitting the enrollment form, applicants must complete the biosecurity enrollment survey provided. Applicants must also show an ability to provide 30 days of swine movement records in an electronic format.

In short, US-SHIP will establish a national playbook of technical standards and associated certification recognized across participating states which centers on disease prevention and demonstration of freedom of disease outside of control.

At the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Interim State Veterinarian Brian Hoefs has taken the lead with US-SHIP.

Further information about US-SHIP can be found at the Board of Animal Health website and at the links listed above.

For producers needing additional assistance in enrolling in US-SHIP, contact U of M Extension Swine Educators Diane DeWitte at stouf002@umn. edu or (507) 384-1745; or Sarah Schieck Boelke at or (320) 235-0726, ext. 2004.

This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension Swine Educator Diane DeWitte. v

Minor Minor Roof Leaks? Roof Leaks? CALL US! CALL US! THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 9

State agencies combine to provide compost education

Minnesota’s pig industry has been preparing to respond to a catastrophic disease outbreak since African swine fever first roared across China in 2018. In addition, the Covid-19-related supply chain crisis in the summer of 2020 required swine producers to learn quickly how to dispose of largerthan-normal numbers of animal mortalities.

UniversityofMinnesota EXTENSION


hands-off overview of composting, showcased construction of compost piles and explained the materials, resources required, mechanics, and value of setting up proper compost piles.

Hands-on Training

training they learned to use the thermometer properly in a compost pile. The 36-inch thermometer is a tool used to ascertain whether the compost is working properly, breaking down the mortalities and deactivating the pathogens. A common misconception about compost is that heat kills pathogens. Participants learned that heat in the compost is evidence that the biological process which inactivates disease is taking place.


Through these past five years, Minnesota’s pork producers, swine veterinarians, university researchers, commodity groups, state agriculture agencies and allied industry have worked together to have a plan in place in the event of an animal health catastrophe or a disastrous weather or fire event. In the case of a calamitous number of pig deaths, everyone needs to know how the mortalities could be managed.

The latest preparedness step taken, spearheaded by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, was hosting a Carcass Management Training for members of the swine and poultry industries. Working together with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the Board of Animal Health first offered a one-day informational meeting in May. The meeting was held at the University of Minnesota’s Southwest Research and Outreach Center west of Lamberton, Minn. where previous depopulation and disposal research trials have been conducted by MDA, Board of Animal Health and the University of Minnesota.

At the May meeting the group was introduced to mortality compost experts Mark Hutchinson and Gary Flory. Hutchinson is a University of Maine Extension Professor Emeritus, well-known across the United States for his animal composting expertise. Flory owns GA Flory Consulting, a 20-year-old company focused on training, education, preparedness and research related to animal disease and natural disaster response.

On that day, Hutchinson and Flory provided a

The Emergency Carcass Management Training Course was conducted over three days in June, also hosted at SWROC west of Lamberton. Compost educators Hutchinson and Flory were joined by Dr. Bill Seekins, compost expert formerly of the Maine Department of Agriculture. Seekins has long been part of a compost education and research effort established in Maine in 1990.

The three educators led a group of 20 industry and agency representatives through an intense three-day training course to equip them to conduct on-site composting in response to an animal health emergency. The goal was to prepare the attendees to compost large numbers of livestock efficiently and effectively to prevent the spread and reintroduction of communicable and contagious diseases including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and African swine fever.

The training’s purpose was to prepare poultry and swine industry partners to assist Minnesota’s state animal health officials by composting diseased and depopulated livestock during a disease outbreak. Educators Flory, Hutchinson and Seekins currently work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to train composting subject matter experts across the country. They’ve put together a uniform curriculum which includes a competency exam and requirements that the trained individuals participate with an experienced subject matter expert for two weeks at a mortality disposal site.

The Minnesota group represented individuals from the swine industry and poultry representatives from turkey, broiler and layer operations. University of Minnesota Extension educators participated in addition to personnel from MDA and the Minnesota Board of Animal Health.

The classroom education provided the elements and biological principles of composting, the critical aspects of building a functioning compost “pile,” how to select appropriate compost materials, and how to calculate the quantity of materials needed based on the amount of animal or poultry mortalities. Participants also learned how to integrate feed, eggs and poultry litter into the compost piles. In a disease event, all these materials must be composted along with the mortalities.

Participants were asked to purchase a specific compost thermometer; and during the three-day

Each of the three days of training also included hands-on exercises outside. Participants were divided into groups and evaluated ten types of compost materials for use in the piles.

In May, Hutchinson and Flory had built compost piles using birds and pigs provided by industry. In June, one hands-on exercise involved checking those piles four weeks later during the training. As the trainers dug into the piles, they showed participants exactly what to look for: “chimneys” indicating air flow through the piles; evidence of good carbon and nitrogen composition in the pile; and the contents of the “core” of the pile; how had the microbial activity composted the animal and poultry mortalities.

A week prior to the June training, Dr. Seekins built five different compost piles without mortalities, but with problems: too dry, too wet, too much carbon material, too much nitrogen material, and one balanced pile. Participants were asked to evaluate the piles and determine what the problems were. Participants quickly learned how the presence of flies, leachate, cracks, odor, and temperatures were indications of problems or proper operation of compost piles.

By the third day, participants and the educators called the week “Compost Camp” and the capstone activity of the day was group work in the field. Participants went through the detailed practice of donning biosecurity gear then went to the site to build their compost piles. Each group was assigned several pig or turkey mortalities and turned loose to choose compost feedstock which was available close by. After pile construction each group discussed their reasoning for feedstock, pile composition and siting.

Compost Camp also included an introduction to the Incident Command System, a review of all variations of animal mortality disposal, an overview of Minnesota livestock mortality regulations, biosecurity education, and a synopsis of livestock mortality remuneration.

Participants of the three-day training who successfully passed the exam are on their way to full certification as composting subject matter experts. The Board of Animal Health’s hosting of this training increased the number of individuals available to competently assist in carcass management; albeit

C & C STEEL ROOFING Clint 507-528-2243 Specializing in applying ribbed steel to barns, garages and outbuildings. CALL • Lowest Rates • Quality Workmanship • Insured • 6 Year Warranty • Free Estimates PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 See COMPOSTING, pg. 16


The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association is standing up to protect biodiesel against attacks at the federal and state level by joining lawsuits challenging actions that harm our homegrown, low carbon fuels.

But legal advocacy is expensive, and we need your support.

Join MSGA today!
THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 11

As the fifth generation to operate the farm, Tim Fischer had the upbringing to carry on the family tradition. But markets can have a way of impacting a path. By donning his sales cap while maintaining his farming roots, Fischer found a new way to keep his heritage thriving.

Around 1855, Christian Fischer, a German immigrant with a well drilling background, initially established roots in South Dakota. Working for the railroad, Christian, Fischer’s great-great-grandfather, ended up staying in the Waseca area for a winter, where he met his wife, Henrietta. Fischer stated when city plans began, it was discovered that Christian was a well driller. “He drilled the first two wells for the city of Waseca and for partial payment, they gave him this farm.” And so began Fischer Family Farms.

After the land was cleared, Fischer stated the farm had a traditional set-up with about 10 sows, 10 milk cows, sheep, chickens, goats, and work horses. Beginning with Fischer’s great-grandpa Herman, the family has grown sweet corn since 1928. Fischer shared that his great-grandpa and his grandpa, Erich, were the largest breeders of Percheron horses in the ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s — at one time having about 45 at the farm and receiving awards for their genetics. Fischer’s father, Clayton, chose to go a different direction, and the last four horses were sold to a logging camp in Maine in 1964.

In the summers of his youth, Fischer helped farmers baling hay. With the money he saved, he bought two bred gilts: one a Yorkshire, the other a Hampshire. At the age of 13 or 14, he began selling purebred boars. Fischer remembers his dad having to drive him to his sales as he didn’t have his license yet.

Fischer raised purebred boars and gilts from about 1976 until around 2010, selling on average 400 boars a year. He stated he still has a lot of the Hampshire and Yorkshire genetics that he can trace. Fischer also milked about 35 cows until around 1997. As he began the transition of owning the farm, he decided to liquidate the dairy operation and turn his attention to hogs.

While Fischer’s Berkshire/Duroc cross pigs take a little longer to get to market, he feels the difference in meat marbeling is worth the wait.

However, the following year, in 1998, Fischer faced a challenge when hog prices went as low as eight cents per pound.

Fischer recalled having to do something different since he wasn’t fitting the mold the large packers wanted. “We have a different kind of a pig that are more fat, more like grandpa raised,” he remarked. The choices he felt he was facing were to take a more corporate route, change the genetics, or simply get out of the pig business.

But instead, he was presented with a new idea to work with. Fischer stated a friend who had worked for him for a few years reached out and at the time

was selling lettuce to restaurants in the cities. He knew the chefs were wanting pork and beef directly from the farmer.

A couple of pigs were butchered for samples and business cards were created. “That’s how it started,” Fischer stated. “I just started knocking on doors.”

While Fischer remembers facing some closed doors, he recalled how samples left with the chefs led to phone calls with interest in his product. In 2002, Fischer stated he had business with four or five restaurants. He now works with 80.

“The basis of our meat is what sets us apart. They’re a Berkshire/Duroc cross. We like to get the best of both worlds. We like the marbling of the Berkshire and the red juiciness of the Duroc. But then we also throw in a little bit of Hampshire, which gives the pig a bigger carcass, the ability to hang more meat on that carcass,” Fischer stated. “And then we throw in just a little bit of Yorkshire for litter size.”

Fischer stated he does use some genetics that are just Berkshire/Duroc for certain products, such as his popular tomahawk chop.

There are no growth stimulants in their feed, and so Fischer stated it takes an additional two to two and a half months to finish in comparison to others. “It’s a slower growing meat. It’s got more fat in it, more marbling. It tastes like pork used to taste; that’s the best way to describe it.”

Heather Asbury, owner of the award-winning Heather’s Restaurant located in South Minneapolis, first became acquainted with Fischer Family Farms Pork during her ten years at the former restaurant, Lucia’s, in Uptown Minneapolis. Asbury referenced Lucia’s as having been a pioneer in the farm-to-table movement, and stated during her time Fischer was the only pork farmer the restaurant worked with.

When Heather’s opened in 2020, Asbury began working with Fischer right away. Describing his products as superior, she incorporates a variety of his offerings into her menu, such as breakfast sausage patties and maple coil sausage, and currently purchases on average 170 pounds of bacon from him every week. “He has the best bacon ever,” Asbury commented. A current feature is the Summer BLT which includes Fischer’s bacon along with lettuce, heirloom tomatoes, and a basil aioli. “It just flies off the shelf this time of year.”

Besides his work with restaurants, Fischer also works with six colleges and furnishes meat for Target corporate headquarters and their world headquarters, as well as for the Grand Stand acts at the State Fair. This unique gig has led to Fischer establishing a customer base with stars such as Brad Paisley and many others.

Fischer currently has about 110 sows on the farm.

Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-844-290-5083 PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 See FISCHER, pg. 20 Farm-to-table movement
Photos by Laura Cole Tim Fischer can always count on his Golden Retriever Sophie to help keep an eye on things.

What do FDA antibiotic changes mean to you?

Have you noticed any changes with injectable medications you previously bought for your pigs or other livestock at your local farm supply store? If you haven’t, you will notice these changes the next time you want to purchase an injectable antibiotic for your pigs from a farm supply store — especially if these antibiotics are considered medically important.



On June 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration implemented Guidance for Industry #263. Drug companies which manufacture over the counter antibiotics under veterinary oversight are now labeling them as prescription. What this means is many livestock antibiotics that were available over the counter will now be prescription medications. The affected antibiotics will still be available to livestock producers, but producers must work with their veterinarian to obtain a prescription.

Veterinary oversight increased for the remaining therapeutic applications of treatment, control and prevention. This applies to both in-feed and water-delivered antibiotics. With GFI #263 this now also applies to injectable medications.

Over-the-counter usage of medically important antibiotics used in mass medication (feed or water) were eliminated. A veterinary feed directive is needed to purchase medicated feed and a prescription is needed to purchase water medication.

Medicated feed cannot be used in an extra-label fashion, so manufacturers’ labels on in-feed medications must be followed.

animals were treated, which drug was given, how it was given, and when the withdrawal period ends. Records which adequately document an animal’s treatment history are an excellent way to prevent illegal drug residues and ensure food safety by knowing withdrawal periods have ended.

Knowing when a withdrawal period ends is important to know that drug residues have dropped below the tolerance levels; and the meat or milk products are safe for consumption. It is illegal for a producer to send an animal to slaughter for food consumption, or sell milk, if the withdrawal period has not ended.

one year. Records can be kept either on paper or electronic farm. Medication record templates, along with other Pork Quality Assurance materials, can be found on National Pork Board’s website pqa.

Using antibiotics responsibly

When producers get certified in Pork Quality Assurance, they learn how to use antibiotics responsibly. There are five principles to guide producers in using antibiotics responsibly to ensure both swine and public health.

You might be asking yourself, what does medically important mean? An antibiotic is considered medically important if it is used, or antibiotics in the same family of medications are used, in human or animal medicine.

FDA believes good antibiotic use in animals helps slow the development of antimicrobial resistance and preserve the effectiveness of these drugs for both humans and animals.

Current antibiotic regulations

FDA GFI #263 is part of FDA’s fiveyear plan for supporting antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary settings. In January 2017, GFI #213 was successfully implemented, with over the counter medically important antimicrobials used in feed or drinking water of livestock changed to veterinary feed directive — or prescription marketing status.

Medically important antibiotics are limited to the therapeutic purposes of treatment, control and prevention of specific diseases.

Non-therapeutic use of medically important antibiotics is not permitted. Antibiotics are no longer labeled for growth promotion.

Producers will need to have a veterinary-client-patient relationship to obtain a prescription for injectable antibiotics through their veterinarian. This is similar to how producers currently work with their veterinarians to obtain veterinary feed directives and antibiotics delivered through the water as outlined in GFI #213.

A veterinarian-client-patient relationship is commonly referred to as a VCPR. A VCPR can be defined by each state. Federal minimum requirements state a veterinarian must be engaged with producers to assume responsibility for making clinical judgements about the animals’ health in the producers’ herds. The veterinarian must have sufficient knowledge of the animals by examination of the animals or visits to the facility where the animals are managed — or both. The veterinarian must be available to provide any needed follow-up evaluation or care. Minnesota’s VCPR requirements align with the federal requirements mentioned. Record keeping of medications. FDA encourages all livestock producers to maintain records of all medications — including vaccinations given to an animal. Medication/treatment records are a good way to know which

The treatment records for livestock should include the name of the drug used; identity of the animal treated (pigs can be identified individually or by pens); the date the drug was administered (each day if drug is administered more than once); and the total dose given. Record must also show how the drug was given (example: intramuscular, orally or topically); the name of the person who gave the drug; the length of the withdrawal period; and the date the withdrawal period ends.

Veterinary feed directive records are to be kept for two years and other medication records are to be kept for

Principle 1 — Take appropriate steps to decrease the need for the application of antibiotics. Having and implementing a herd health plan is key to maintaining animal health and productivity. A herd health plan should include preventive strategies, such as biosecurity programs, appropriate animal husbandry, including proper ventilation and nutrition, hygiene, routine health monitoring and vaccination programs, for keeping pig healthy and decreasing the need for antibiotics.

Principle 2 — Assess the advantages and disadvantages of all antibiotic uses. The advantages and disadvantages of antibiotic use that producers should consider include animal health, welfare, environment, food safety, and economic impact. If antibiotics are used, producers should minimize the use by treating only those animals that need treatment for the length of

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 13 See MEDICATION, pg. 16
UniversityofMinnesota EXTENSION

Haase’s hogs are built for the outdoors

BLUE EARTH, Minn. — While Scott Haase was growing up on a corn, soybean and hog farm outside of Blue Earth, Minn., the Mangalitsa (also Mangalitza or Mangalica) breed, once a popular lard hog in Europe, was on the verge of disappearing. Only 200 of the breed remained in Hungary. Thirty years later, Haase is raising this “comeback hog” on a homestead a mile and a half from where he grew up.

“I drove by this farm place every day growing up and never once considered the idea that I might live here,” Haase said.

He went off to college, earned degrees in manufacturing engineering and art, and after being employed at an orchard for a while, he and his brother, Brent, operated Haase Family Farm until they gradually took it over as 50/50 partners. They raise corn and soybeans on 1,400 acres.

Scott’s 10-acre homestead along the Blue Earth River is a separate venture which he calls Blue Dirt Farm. While he and his brother are incorporating some regenerative practices (they plant cover crops on about half of the farm), his focus on Blue Dirt Farm is regenerative agriculture.

“I wanted an agriculture that allows for independent decision making rather than following standard practice,” he said. While his college degrees were not related to agriculture, engineering and art may actually help in looking at an issue in non-conventional ways.

“When I moved here, I didn’t know what I wanted to raise,” he said. He started with chickens — the usual homestead animal — and later got some pigs. “Pigs were smaller

and seemed a little less intimidating than cattle,” he said.

His learning process for a non-conventional approach involved much reading (especially by experts in grazing), attending informational events, meeting people and talking with others. One decision he had made was to raise a heritage breed of hog that would do well outside.

“Just in asking around through my network I got connected with Mark Peterson,” Haase said.

“Early on, he mentored me in the basics of keeping pigs as well as marketing and processing. To this day I continue to learn from him, and the piglets we purchase to grow and finish out at Blue Dirt Farm are nearly all born on his farm,” Haase wrote in a blog at his website.

Peterson was an early advocate of Mangalitsa, which was still a very new breed in the United States.

“I tried some pork chops he served me. They were delicious. I wasn’t aware at the time how much fat they have. I really liked the quality of the meat and of the fat. The fat has a buttery kind of consistency.”

The Mangalitsa breed fit Haase’s homestead style. They live in a wooded area, and are moved among paddocks, along with a selffeeder of grain to supplement their foraging.

He uses a single wire electric fence with high voltage for the perimeter. As long as they are kept happy with plenty of water, food, and space, they don’t challenge the fence.

“Under most conditions a single strand of electric poly braid at 8,000 volts is sufficient to keep the pigs right where you want them to be,” he said.

In the winter, the Mangalitsa grows a thick, wooly coat. That, along with a thick layer of fat, makes them well-adapted to Minnesota winters, living outdoors with only the shelter of the trees.

Haase said when the acorns are falling, it’s “a really special time. There’s a month or two I use very little feed.”

He is starting to raise some of his feed on the 100 acres of the family farm for which he has sole management. (Those acres are also the site of field research by a soil scientist at Minnesota State University-Mankato.)

The Blue Earth River can flood, so not all of his land is usable for the pigs. He has around 30 in the herd right now, and eventually he will move them off-site for a while so he can stockpile forage and get the grazing ground in good shape for the winter.

The piglets he gets are Mangalitsa-Berkshire cross, which gives them the “hybrid vigor,” a slightly faster growth rate, and a slightly higher meat-to-fat ratio. Through his website he sells them in whole pig, half pig, and a variety of cuts.

Hogs are not Haase’s only enterprise. He raises turkeys, also on pasture and woodland. This year he will have about 200 birds: Orlopp Bronze (his first year for these), Broad Breasted Bronze, and Broad Breasted White. He will use a U.S. Department of Agriculture approved processor for most of them, but will butcher pre-ordered fresh turkeys at Thanksgiving.

These days, cattle no longer look so intimidating either, not since he learned about virtual fencing. He has only two cow/calf pairs on his homestead. While visiting he pulled out his phone, checked on where

507-956-2657 SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA CUSTOM FENCE BUILDERS Daniel & Terese Hall 40133 - 620th Ave. Butterfield, MN 56120 PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 See HAASE, pg. 16
Photos by Richard Siemers Not yet a household breed, Haase’s Mangalitsa pigs are good grazers. Once popular in Europe the Mangalitsa were nearly extinct. Scott Haase rotates grazing paddocks and manages his virtual fence with his cell phone. Haase also raises turkeys on pasture and woodland. These two Burbon Red turkeys are hold-overs from the 2022 flock.

Visit THE LAND at Farmfest

507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 email:
qualify for the $250 Cash Prize Drawing, return your form by August 4, 2023. No purchase necessary. If you have already sent in your card, we thank you and you’re automatically entered in the drawing! If you’re not sure if you sent it in this year, call or email the office and ask us. 2023 Subscription Form Important – Please check all boxes that best match your farming operation. Acres 1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ Corn      Soybeans      Alfalfa      Wheat      Sugar Beets      Total Acres      Livestock Head THE LAND • 418 South Second St. • Mankato, MN 56001 Data will NOT be sold. Hogs marketed  1-99  100-249  250-499  500-999  1000+ Sheep raised  1-99  100-249  250-499  500-999  1000+ Beef Cattle marketed  1-99  100-249  250-499  500-999  1000+ Dairy Cattle milked  1-50  51-99  100-199  200+ Name Mailing Address City, State, Zip County of Address Phone # E-mail Address Signature Date PLEASE PRINT
Tent August 1-3, 2023 • Redwood
MN 2024 Scenic Almanac Calendar or THE LAND Bandana Must present subscription form at Farmfest 2023. Good while supplies last. your choice Return your 2023 subscription card for a chance to win $250! Random prize drawing will be held on August 4, 2023 from all cards received by then. No purchase necessary. Please complete the form below. Sign and date, and bring to Farmfest. I own or operate 80+ acres of Minnesota and/or Northern Iowa ag cropland, raise 25+ head of livestock or am actively involved in agribusiness. Full Year Voluntary Subscription:  $49  Other I do not qualify but would like a one-year subscription. Full Year Subscription:  $49   when you return the 2023 subscription form on this page completely filled out. FREE THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 15
#2401 in the Ag

Antibiotics should only be used if they provide benefits

MEDICATION, from pg. 13

time needed for the desired clinical response.

Principle 3 — Use antibiotics only when they provide measurable benefits. The FDA approves products based on their safety and efficacy. The agency also considers the risk to public health from antibiotic resistant bacteria. The producer must assess the potential economic benefits for the farm when considering antibiotic use. Benefits may include reduced mortality, morbidity and improved animal welfare.

Principle 4 — Fully implement management practices for responsible use of animal-health products into daily operations. Keeping medication records is a good way to ensure antibiotics are being used correctly on the farm.

Principle 5 — Maintain a working veterinary-client-patient relationship. A veterinarian should help a producer develop a herd health plan for the farm and assist the farm in all medication decision-making.

Guidelines for using antibiotics

The National Pork Board has developed six guidelines to help producers, in consultation with a veterinarian, to use antibiotics responsibly.

Use professional veterinary input as the basis for all antibiotic decision-making.

Antibiotics should be used for prevention, control, or treatment only when there is an appropriate clinical diagnosis or herd history to justify their use.

Limit antibiotic use for prevention, control, or treatment to ill or at-risk animals, treating the fewest animals indicated.

Antibiotics which are important in treating infections in human or veterinary medicine should be used in animals only after careful review and reasonable justification.

Mixing together injectable or water medications — including antibiotics — by producers is illegal.

Minimize environmental exposure through proper handling and disposal of all animal health products — including antibiotics.

If producers follow these six guidelines along with the principles for using antibiotics responsibly, they will be doing their part for responsible antibiotic use.

Other strategies to keep pigs healthy

Responsible antibiotic use is just one part of a farm’s whole herd health management plan. Other management strategies to keep pigs healthy include:

Biosecurity — prevent diseases from entering the herd or transmitting from the herd to another barn or neighboring site of pigs. Know that the movement of people, pigs, vehicles, and other equipment can carry diseases from one barn to another and from one farm site to another. Thoroughly clean, dis-

infect and dry facilities/rooms between pig groups. This includes feeders, waterers and other equipment. Also clean, disinfect and dry vehicles and equipment that goes from one pig site to another.

Vaccinations — successful vaccination programs depend on targeted use of vaccines at the right time for the right health concern. Producers should work with their veterinarian to create a vaccination program which is customized for their herd to help control and prevent diseases. Use diagnostics to confirm health issues. Always use vaccines according to label directions. Properly store and handle vaccines to ensure viability. Watch labels for expiration dates

Environment – provide pigs with the proper environment needed for their age, weight and stocking density. Manage barn temperature to meet the pigs’ needs at their given age and weight. Adjust ventilation systems to manage air flow and humidity levels to provide fresh air. Eliminate drafts.

Management — consider making management changes to reduce the need for antibiotic use. Producers should consider weaning pigs at an

appropriate age for their production system. The appropriate weaning age will vary between farms because of differences in genetics, nutrition programs, health status, management and housing types.

Other disease strategies — work closely with a veterinarian to see where other strategies can help manage overall pig health. A veterinarian can assist in developing strategies to reduce disease risk through pig flows, herd health monitoring, disease surveillance and appropriate diagnostics.

Additional resources

Food and Drug Administration: https://www.fda. gov/animal-veterinary/news-events/cvm-updates National Pork Board: and

Sarah Schieck Boelke is a University of Minnesota Extension swine educator based in Willmar, Minn. She can be reached at or (320) 235-0726 ext. 2004. v

Compost piles continually monitored

COMPOSTING, from pg. 10

many of the participants will work within their own farm, system or company.

The training yielded positive reviews from participants: connection to others in Minnesota industry and agencies, connection to the compost training educators and resources, and the development of composting proficiency to best serve the industry

during a catastrophic event.

In the training’s ensuing weeks, the five compost piles built by participants have been monitored for temperature and compost activity.

Diane DeWitte is an Extension Educator specializing in swine for the University of Minnesota Extension. Her e-mail address is v

Haase benefited from grazing mentors

HAASE, from pg. 14

they had been spending their time, and in a few seconds moved the virtual fence to give them new forage grounds.

A cattle enterprise would not require buying more land, he said, or buying more cattle. He’s considering custom grazing.

“The way I see it, it’s really great to have a home base,” Haase said, “and I have that here. But there’s land everywhere and it’s being underutilized because we’re just growing corn and beans on it, and the photosynthesis required for that is during only about a third of the year.”

Too much sunshine is being “spilled” on bare ground, he said. Instead of losing that potential solar energy, he sees farmers planting cover crops — as they do on the family’s farm — that then could be

rented to custom graze cattle using the virtual fencing.

Scott Haase’s new approaches to agriculture have come from his own study (his grazing mentors are successful grazers Gabe Brown, Allen Williams, and Greg Judy) and attending training events. He puts those principles into practice on his homestead and the family farm.

“You’re constantly learning things,” Haase said, which makes networking with other farmers important. That is how he found the Mangalitsa breed of pig that he is so satisfied with.

“I think virtual fencing is going to be the future of ruminant livestock, for sure,” Haase said. “It would be great if they made it for pigs.”

Learn more about Blue Dirt Farm and read Haase’s blogs at Email is scott@ v

PAGE 16 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023
Scott Haase
23 Network. Learn. Grow. AUGUST 1–3, 2023 | 8 AM–4 PM HWY 67 & 13, REDWOOD COUNTY, MN 2023 FARMFEST SPONSORS
agriculture like never before! ◾ See hundreds of exhibits showcasing the latest ag technology in farm equipment, implements, buildings, seed, and more. ◾ Experience live equipment demos from the driver’s seat at the Ziegler Ag Equipment, Polaris, and CAN-AM Ride and Drives. ◾ Dine on delicious food around the grounds. Get your tickets today! Go to or scan the QR code. Use promo code THELAND23 at checkout for additional $2 off $8 online ticket price. Tickets $ 6 #Farmfest23 ◾ Visit the Livestock Tent to learn from experts and watch the cattle chute demonstrations. ◾ Relax in the Networking Lounge with live entertainment, and refreshments. THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 17

Grain Outlook Corn market in for a bumpy ride

The following marketing analysis is for the week ending June 30.

CORN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture threw us a curveball to end the week and month with a very bearish acreage report! Up until then, it had already been an ugly week in the grains with a more favorable weather outlook.

Weather was the driver of price action before the reports with better prospects for rain into July which extended the decline started the week before. The losses came despite a 5 percent decline on the June 25 crop conditions to 50 percent good/excellent. Illinois and Minnesota were each down 10 percent, with Iowa down 3 percent, Wisconsin down 8 percent, Indiana down 9 percent, and Ohio up 5 percent. These are the worst conditions in 35 years for late June.

September corn ended the week with a streak of seven lower sessions and December was lower in six out of seven days. This week’s drought monitor as of June 27 showed an increase of 6 percent of U.S. corn area under drought to 70 percent.

The biggest corn shock on the USDA’s June 30 report was the 2.1 million acre increase from the March report to a huge 94.1 million acres — the third-highest corn acreage since 1941. The highest pre-report estimate was 93 million acres. Illinois corn acreage was up 500,000 acres from the March estimate and up 700,000 acres from last year. North Dakota acreage was up nearly 1 million acres vs. last year.

Corn stocks were 4.1 billion bushels compared to 4.255 billion bushels estimated. Fifty-four percent of the stocks were on-farm. This was the third biggest miss to the downside vs. expectations in 35 years. For the last four reports, corn stocks have been below trade estimates, but this year it seemed to be kicked aside.

The USDA announced this week the sale of 840,118 bushels of old crop corn and 5.9 million bushels of new crop to Mexico. Weekly export sales were 5.5 million bushels for old crop, bringing total commitments to 1.527 billion bushels. This is down 36 percent from last year when the USDA is predicting a 30 percent year-on-year decline. China has a minuscule 316,000 metric tons of unshipped purchases left vs. 3 million

Cash Grain Markets

gested before, there are many tools to manage your risk. Don’t be shy about using them. There’s still a lot of summer left, and we need to get through the July 12 report. We also need more rain in many areas. Buckle up, boys, it could be a bumpy ride!

For the week, September corn plummeted 96.25 cents to $4.88.5, and the December contract dove 93.25 cents to $4.94.75 per bushel. December corn closed below $5.00 per bushel for the first time since October 2021! September closed out the week with a string of seven straight lower closes. The new crop/ deferred corn carries widened sharply in post-report trading.

A little July 4th December corn price history: in nine of the last 12 years, whichever way the contract closed the day before the holiday, it followed that direction the day after the holiday.

metric tons last year on this date. We need to average 14.2 million bushels per week to reach the USDA’s 1.725 billion bushel export forecast, which at this time seems unlikely. Traders will be looking for a decrease in the export category on the July report. New crop sales were 4.8 million bushels. Total new crop commitments are 124 million bushels vs. 251 million bushels last year. China has purchased a total of 272 tmt of new crop US corn compared to 2.7 mmt last year by now.

Weekly ethanol production was unchanged at 1.05 million barrels per day. Production is behind the pace needed to reach the USDA forecast by an estimated 47 million bushels. Ethanol stocks were up 175,000 barrels at 23 million barrels. Net margins improved by 11 cents to 52 cents per gallon. Gasoline demand was down 69,000 bpd to 9.3 million bpd.

Argentina’s corn harvest is 61 percent complete vs. the 74 percent average, according to the Argentine Ag Secretary. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange pegged the harvest at 49 percent complete vs. 58 percent on average. Their soybean harvest is complete. The outlook for the Black Sea grain agreement is that Russia will not extend it beyond the July 18 expiration.

Outlook: The June 30 reports are behind us and now we’ll look ahead to full balance sheets on the July 12 World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report. However, weather will continue to be a major influence on prices. Damage from this week’s derecho from eastern Nebraska through southern Iowa, central Illinois, and Indiana is still being evaluated. Early pictures look like corn was bent but didn’t break. Will the USDA lower the corn yield on the July report? They usually don’t, but this year’s conditions are the lowest in decades.

This is a highly volatile time of year. As I’ve sug-

SOYBEANS — Soybeans were on a downward trajectory until the June 30 reports rocketed soybean prices higher. The grain stocks and acreage reports were both bullish for soybeans. August soybeans traded to their highest since mid-March in post-report trading.

Before the reports, weather forecasts were turning more favorable for crop development and prices shrugged off current ratings and dryness. As of June 27, the drought monitor showed 63 percent of U.S. soybean acres were under drought. This was a 6 percent increase from the previous week. Soybean conditions as of June 25 fell 3 percent from the previous week to 51 percent good/excellent. Illinois and Iowa were down 8 percent, Minnesota down 4 percent, Wisconsin down 7 percent, Indiana down 10 percent, and Ohio up 5 percent. These are the worst conditions since 1988.

A strong soyoil market lent underlying support to soybeans and may have limited early week losses as the lead July soyoil contract jumped to prices not seen since February.

The acreage report showed 83.5 million soybean acres. This was well below the lowest trade estimate and down 4.5 million acres from the March report. North Dakota’s soybean acreage was down 900,000 acres from the March estimate but only down 50,000 acres from last year. Illinois bean acres were down 800,000 acres from last year and from the March estimate. None of the top soybean producing states had an increase in acres vs. the March report.

The grain stocks at 796 million bushels were 17 million bushels below the 812 million bushel estimate. Forty percent of the stocks were on-farm. Combining the reports raises expectations for a tighter balance sheet on the July WASDE report.

The USDA announced the sale of 4.85 million bushels of new crop soybeans to China this week. This may be the rumored sale we had heard about for the last couple of weeks but hadn’t been con-

PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
PHYLLIS NYSTROM CHS Hedging inC St. Paul Grain prices are effective cash close on July 3. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
corn/change* soybeans/change* Stewartville $5.14 -1.19 $14.90 +.31 Edgerton $5.25 -1.23 $14.24 +.16 Jackson $5.15 -1.12 $14.43 +.07 Hope $5.23 -1.15 $14.44 +.11 Cannon Falls $5.04 -1.30 $14.84 +.15 Sleepy Eye $5.03 -1.30 $14.58 +.40 St. Cloud $4.93 -1.30 $14.53 +.35 Madison $4.98 -1.20 $13.99 +.11 Redwood Falls $5.08 -1.53 $14.19 -.19 Fergus Falls $4.68 -1.07 $13.74 +.34 Morris $4.93 -1.05 $14.04 +.21 Tracy $5.14 -1.15 $14.14 -.09 Average: $5.05 $14.34 Year Ago Average: $7.10 $15.10

There is plenty of dairy product in stock these days

This column was written for the marketing week ending June 30.

Farm milk prices have not hit bottom for the year just yet. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the June Federal order Class III benchmark milk price at $14.91 per hundredweight, down $1.20 from May and $9.42 below June 2022. It is the lowest it has been since May 2020 when it was at $12.14. The 2023 Class III average stands at $17.48, down from $22.95 a year ago and $16.96 in 2021.


Unfortunately, Class III futures on June 30 portended a July price at $14.14. August was at $14.91; September, $16.04; October, $16.86; November, $17.50; December at $17.65 and head higher from there into 2024.

The barrels finished at $1.345 per pound, 15.5 cents lower on the week, lowest since Aug. 6, 2021, 16.5 cents lower on the month, 86 cents below a year ago, but a penny above the blocks.

CME sales for the week totaled 49 cars of block, with 122 for the month of June, same as May. Barrels totaled 56 for the week and 106 for the month, down from 184 in May.


Cash butter dropped 6 cents on June 26, then headed higher to a June 30 finish at $2.44 per pound. This is up 2 cents on the week, down 2.5 cents on the month, and 57 cents below a year ago when it was at $3.01 per pound. There were nine sales on the week and 67 for the month, up from 29 in May.

to date, 1,504,900 have been culled, up 75,600 head or 5.3 percent from a year ago. Dairy cows are also making up a larger percentage of the total cattle slaughter.

In politics, the National Milk Producers Federation called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “end dairy product mislabeling by manufacturers of synthetic, cell-based ‘dairy’ ingredients that are in violation of federal dairy Standards of Identity to prevent a repeat of the plant-based labeling fiasco that’s created confusion among consumers and regulatory headaches at the agency.”

The June Class IV price is $18.26, up 16 cents from May and $7.57 below a year ago. The 2023 average is at $18.59, down from $24.67 a year ago, and compares to $14.84 in 2021.

We have plenty of product in storage and butter stocks keep building. The USDA’s latest Cold Storage report shows the May 31 inventory at 366.7 million pounds, up 35.2 million pounds or 10.6 percent from the April level, which was revised up 3.8 million pounds, and was up 45.1 million pounds or 14 percent from May 2022.

The June 23 Daily Dairy Report said it is the largest May stock build since 1990.

American cheese stocks grew to 852.5 million pounds, up 10.6 million pounds or 1.3 percent from the April level which was revised up 3.7 million pounds. But, stocks were down 5.4 million pounds or 0.6 percent from a year ago.

The “other” cheese category jumped to 614.4 million pounds, up 9.4 million pounds or 1.6 percent from the April level which was revised up 1.3 million pounds, but was down 14.8 million pounds or 2.4 percent from a year ago.

The total cheese inventory stood at 1.49 billion pounds, up 21.9 million pounds or 1.5 percent from the April inventory which was revised 5 million pounds higher; but it’s 22.5 million or 1.5 percent below May 2022 — the fourth consecutive month to be below a year ago. It is the largest May stockpile on record, according to the Daily Dairy Report.

Chicago Mercantile Exchange dairy prices ended June Dairy Month under pressure. The cheddar blocks fell to $1.31 per pound on June 17 (the lowest since May 8, 2020) but reversed gears the next day and closed the week and the month at $1.335. This is still down 7 cents on the week, 16.75 cents below their June 1 closing, and 83.75 cents below a year ago.

Grade A nonfat dry milk fell to its lowest level since Feb. 24, 2021 on June 28, $1.1175 per pound. It inched up 0.25 cents on June 29, (the first gain since June 16) but back down on June 30 to close at $1.1175. This is down 1.5 cents on the week, down 5.25 cents on the month, and 68.5 cents below a year ago. Powder sales totaled 17 for the week and 49 for the month, up from 45 in May.

Dry whey fell to a record low 23.25 cents per pound on June 29 — the lowest price ever recorded since it started trading at the CME on Mar. 12, 2018. It rallied June 30 to close the week and the month at 24 cents per pound, down 2.5 cents on the week, 1.75 cents lower on the month, and 26 cents below a year ago. There were 62 loads sold on the week and 175 for the month, down from 218 in May.

The week ending June 10 saw 57,700 dairy cows go to slaughter, up 400 head from the previous week and 3,600 or 6.7 percent more than a year ago. Year

A letter to the agency stated, “Bored Cow’s product takes water and adds what we believe to be one unidentified, lab-engineered ‘whey protein’ along with a highly processed concoction of food additives, preservatives, oil, sugar and several added vitamins, and claims to have created ‘animal-free dairy milk.’”

“It is baseless, preposterous and absurd to call the resulting product ‘milk,’” NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern said in the letter. “In the interest of public health, the misleading labeling charade must end before it gets out of hand. FDA must act, and must do so now.”

Michael Dykes, president and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association said, “Expanding the SNAP Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Project means greater access to affordable, nutritious dairy products for the most vulnerable Americans.”

Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at v

FSA accepting county nominations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting nominations for county committee members for elections that will occur later this year. All nomination forms for the 2023 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 1.

Additionally, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is unveiling a new GIS tool to make it easier for producers to participate in the nomination and election processes.

Agricultural producers may be nominated for candidacy for the county committee if they participate or cooperate in a USDA program. A cooperating producer is someone who has provided information about their farming or ranching operation to FSA, even if they have not applied or received program benefits. Individuals may nominate themselves or others and qualifying organizations may also nominate candidates. USDA encourages minority produc-

ers, women and beginning farmers or ranchers to nominate, vote and hold office.

FSA county committees are made up of three to 11 members who serve three-year terms.

Producers should contact their local FSA office to register and find out how to get involved in their county’s election. To be considered, a producer must be registered and sign an FSA-669A nomination form. Forms and other information about FSA county committee elections are available at elections.

Election ballots will be mailed to eligible voters beginning Nov. 6, 2023.

This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 19

Fischer hog operation is complete full circle

FISCHER, from pg. 12

The gestating sows are housed in hoop barns. They farrow in large farrowing pens. Fischer stated when the pigs are little, they will receive medicine to get them up and running, but once they’re about two weeks old, they won’t receive anything more. “Granted,” he continued, “if a pig is sick, my husbandry and my heart take over and say I’m not going to let that pig suffer and die.” Fischer stated he then separates the pig, provides the medication that’s needed, and will later take it to a conventional market.

The pigs are raised and finished in deep bedded hoop barns. “We’re completely full circle,” Fischer stated. For the past 21 years, he has worked with Randy and Laura Odenthal of Odenthal Meats in New Prague, Minn. for butchering, and is very happy with their working relationship. “Randy Odenthal is just a magician of what he can do,” Fischer said.

An additional area of business which came about due to the Covid-19 pandemic is what Fischer dubs “the housewife market.” He recalled having abruptly losing business in one day. Forced to reinvent the wheel, he began providing individuals with half-hog and full-hog purchasing options. Referencing it as a salvation, he sold 600 pigs in about three months.

This momentary pivot is now a component Fischer

hopes to continue to expand. Besides the half-hog and full-hog availability, customers can also buy individual selections such as bacon and pork chops. As Fischer explained with a laugh, it’s an option for people that have cuts they’re less inclined to use gaining frost at the bottom of the freezer.

Besides his hog operation, Fischer continues to farm 995 acres of corn and soybeans, as well as sweet corn for Birds Eye. Walking the century farm, joined by the farm’s trusty Golden Retriever, Sophie, earlier constructed buildings stand among newer structures. Fischer shared time and weather have taken its toll on the original farmhouse. On the date of our visit, he was preparing for his former home to be torn down the following day.

“It’s gonna be a tough day; thinking about the people that built that house 150 years ago, and all the hard work,” he said. “I’m a person who loves my heritage.”

Fischer checked on a Berkshire/Duroc sow caring for her young. She was bred with a Hampshire boar, and Fischer stated he’ll keep her with her piglets for about five weeks. She’s quick to approach him, and he gives her a friendly scratch on the head. “They act like they’re on vacation,” Fischer remarked. “No stress.”

For product information, visit or contact Tim Fischer at (507) 3519910. v

Drop in acreage boosts soybean price

firmed. This was the first daily export soybean sale announcement since early June. Weekly export sales were 8.4 million bushels and a five-week low. Total commitments at 1.922 billion bushels are 13 percent behind last year. The USDA is projecting a 7 percent decline in year-on-year exports. We need to average 1.7 million bushels of sales per week to meet the USDA forecast of 2.0 billion bushels. New crop sales were 600,000 bushels bringing total commitments to 123.1 million bushels. This is way behind the 495 million bushels on the books last year.

Outlook: The June 30 reports gave the soy complex a big boost with the drop in acreage and fewer stocks than expected. This should provide underlying support, but the weather will remain a significant factor in price direction. Keep an eye on the forecasts.

For the week, August soybeans rallied 38 cents to $14.42 and November soybeans jumped 33.25 cents to $13.43.25 per bushel. August meal was $6.50 higher at $413.90 per ton. August soyoil ended the week locked limit up with a weekly gain of $5.13 at $61.70.

July 4th holiday price history for November soybeans: the day before the holiday it closed higher seven times and lower five times. The day after the holiday it closed higher three times and lower eight times.

Weekly price changes in September wheat for the week ended June 30: Chicago wheat plunged 95.5 cents to $6.51, Kansas City dropped 61.75 cents to $8.00, and Minneapolis fell 56.75 cents to $8.17 per bushel.

Answers located in Classified Section PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023
When the Covid pandemic crippled Fischer’s restaurant cusomers, he concentrated on marketing whole and half hog packages to households.
NYSTROM, from pg. 19

Real Estate Wanted

WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. (612)328-4506


Feed Seed Hay

Alfalfa, mixed hay grass hay & wheat straw. Medium squares or round bales. Delivery available. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675

FOR SALE: 2022 4x5.5 round bales, first crop, mixed, in shed, $55; 2023 alfalfa grass mixed, 3’x3’x8 squares, in shed, nice hay, $95. 612-719-6524

Fertilizer & Chemical

Glyphosate 5.4 totes, $15.95 Gen Liberty totes, $26.50; Enlist 1 totes, $49.95. Surestart 2 totes, $44.95. We ship most everywhere & all tote prices include Free Delivery to your farm or business. Please call or text for all your chemical needs. Phone 612-210-3685

Read The Land’s e-edition online at


27282 630TH AVE

• Oliver 77 Row Crop missing front ½ Right tin

• Oliver 55ad

• Oliver 66 2 Row Crop

• Oliver 66 Super

• Oliver 88 Super

• Oliver 88 Super Diesel

• Oliver 88 Row Crop

• Oliver 77 Super

• Oliver 77 Row Crop

• Inter national 33 with Bucket. Also has snow bucket

• Oliver 88 Motor


• 73 Polaris 18” Track Snowmobile

• 2004 Polaris Snowmobile

• Silver 2009 Chevrolet 3500 1 ton Dually. Crew Cab, 454 engine, 4wd Front End assist,equipped with 5th wheel hitch, 99,000 actual miles

• Chain Saws

• Lots of Tools

• Air Compressors

• Log Splitter

• New Post Hole Digger

• Lots of Misc. Items

Machinery & Gr ain Stor age Facility Real Es tate Auction

Thursday, July 20th - 10:00 am

36402 15th St. Elmore, MN 56027


2.5 miles West of Elmore, MN. On 15th St. Section 36 Pilot Grove Township - watch for signs

Facility sitting on 6ac of land. Many possibilities for anyone wanting to own a property that can offer income by leasing out for storage, your own farm machinery or the potential to build a residential home. No septic, you would need to meet the county guidelines before building a home. There is a well, but it is not in use. Selling “As Is” . Underground barrels have been removed.

Grain and Storage Facilities

Storage Sheds: 60’x100’ Brown Pole Shed, 54’x96’ White Pole Shed,30’x60’ Pole Shed Quonsets: 2- 40’x80’ machine sheds, 40’x40’ machine shed; all with cement floors *New steel siding & new steel roofing installed on all Quonsets in 2018

Grain Storage: 2- 22,000 bu bins, 1- 12,000 bu bin, 1- 9,500 bu bin

*All have aeration & unloading auger

Listing Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002, Lic 52-22-018

Auctioneers: Matt Mages, Larry Mages, Joe Wersal, Joe Maidl, John Goelz, & Ryan Froehlich

Broker/ Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service, LLC. Not responsible for accidents at auction or during inspection. Everything sold “AS IS”. Everything to be settled immediately after the auction. For all full terms go to

Broker is related to seller

Mages Land Co. represents the seller in this transaction

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 21
MN 55918
it’s too good to throw away then sell it in The Land and make some extra $$$. Call The Land today! 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 your auctioneer to advertise your auction in The Land

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PAGE 22 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 Name Address City State_________ Zip__________ Phone # of times _______ Card # Exp. Date__________________ Signature CHECK ONE:  Announcements  Employment  Real Estate  Real Estate Wanted  Farm Rentals  Auctions  Agri Business  Farm Services  Sales & Services  Merchandise  Antiques & Collectibles  Lawn & Garden  Feed Seed Hay  Fertilizer & Chemicals  Bins & Buildings  Farm Equipment  Tractors  Tillage Equipment  Planting Equipment  Spraying Equipment  Hay & Forage Equipment  Harvesting Equipment  Grain Handling Equipment  Livestock Equipment  Wanted  Free & Give Away  Livestock  Poultry  Dairy  Cattle  Swine
Sheep  Goats
Horses & Tack
Exotic Animals
Pets & Supplies
Cars & Pickups
Industrial & Construction
Trucks & Trailers
Recreational Vehicles
use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds, 418 South Second Street, Mankato, MN 56001 Fax to: 507-345-1027 • Email: Online at: DEADLINE: 7 days prior to publication. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition. ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. THE FREE PRESS South Central Minnesota’s Daily News Source Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land! • Reach over 150,000 readers • Start your ad in The Land • Add more insertions • Get more coverage Your First Choice for Classifieds! Place Your Today!Ad Now... add a photo to your classified line ad for only $10.00!! SORRY! We do not issue refunds. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 * The ad prices listed are based on a basic classified line ad of 25 words or less. Ads running longer than 25 words will incur an added charge. * 1 edition @ $21.99 = 2 editions @ $38.99 = 3 editions @ $48.99 = Each additional line (over 7) + $1.40 per line per issue = EXTENDED COVERAGE must run the same number of times as The Land PAPER(S) ADDED FN CT FP (circle all options you want): $7.70 X _____ each edition X _____ publications = STANDOUT OPTIONS (THE LAND only) $2.00 per run: = *  Photo  Border (The Land only) $10.00 each, per edition. = TOTAL = This is NOT for businesses. Please call The Land to place line ads. EXTENDED COVERAGEFARM NEWS (FN) - Serving farmers in Northwest Iowa, 8,400 circ. THE COUNTRY TODAY (CT)Serving farmers in Wisconsin, 7,902 circ. THE FREE PRESS (FP)Serving south central Minnesota, 11,157 circ. STANDOUT OPTIONS  Bold  Italic  Underline  Web/E-mail links

Bins & Buildings


Take-down & clean up Specializing in silos in congested areas.

FULLY INSURED mobile concrete crushing.


Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment.


Farm Equipment

Firestone Tires, 18.4 R42 Radial Duals. Heavy JD cast rims. Never Used! $2,600. 507-829-6688

FOR SALE: 2 tractor type tires, 24.5x32, 12 ply, tube type with or without rims, like new. Make an offer. 507-220-2834

FOR SALE: Gleaner 20” poly row dividers, for a 20” corn header, all to go at $350. 320-894-4489

Farm Equipment

We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910

One Call Does It All!

With one phone call, you can place your classified line ad in The Land, Farm News and Country Today.

Call The Land for more information 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665


Check our website for complete details:

Thursday, July 13th: Marchant Motors Retirement Auction (Online Only)

Thursday, July 20th: NY Industrial & AGT Attachment Auction (Online Only)

Tuesday, August 1st: Pre-Harvest Consignment Auction (Online Only) Advertising Deadline: July 7th

Thursday, August 10th: Ken Folie Estate Auction (Online Only) Sunday & Monday, September 3rd & 4th: -Day Annual Labor Day Auction (Online/Live) – Advertising Deadline: August 11th

Wednesday, September 20th: Randy & Kris Hamilton Farm Retirement Auction (Online Only)

Wednesday, September 27th: Everman Revocable Trust Farm Retirement Auction (Online Only)

Saturday, December 9th: Al & Lori Stier Farm Retirement Auction (Live/Online)

Tuesday, December 12th: After Harvest Consignment Auction (Online Only)

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 23
sell it fast with an ad in Classifieds work! 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665
you have extra stuff sitting in a shed? !

ACA BOXER PUPPIES Brindle & Fawn colors, Great Pets! Family Raised! shots, wormed, vet checked. Ready Now! 3-Females. 4-Males. $1200. WISCONSIN. 715-721-0141. (mcn)

CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled – it doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 1-877-978-2510. (mcn)

DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-7526680 (mcn)

Donating your vehicle? Get more! Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Plus a $200 restaurant voucher and a 2-night/3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations. Call Heritage for the Blind to donate your vehicle today - 1-855977-7030. (mcn)

Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-888-429-2331 today! (mcn)

FREE high-speed internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet FREE with one-time $20 copay. Free shipping & handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today! 1-866443-3789. (mcn)

BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 855-824-1258. (mcn)

DirecTV Satellite TV Service

Starting at $74.99/month! Free Installation! 160+ channels available. Call Now to Get the Most Sports & Entertainment on TV! 844-558-1767 (mcn)

DIRECTV. New 2-Year Price

Guarantee. The most live MLB games this season, 200+ channels and over 45,000 on-demand titles. $84.99/mo for 24 months with CHOICE Package. Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV 1-866-2961409. (mcn)

The COVID crisis has cost us all something. Many have lost jobs and financial security. Have $10K In Debt? Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF! We can help! Get a FREE debt relief quote: Call 1-866-5520649. (mcn)

DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 65+? You may qualify for a substantial cash award. NO obligation! We’ve recovered millions. Let us help!! Call 24/7, 1-866-5331701. (mcn)

Portable Oxygen Concentrator

May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and longlasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (mcn)

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insuranceNOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www.dental50plus. com/ midwest #6258 (mcn)

Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-877916-2093. (mcn)

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call 1-866-585-7073. (mcn)

LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877-327-0795. (mcn)


EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Beautiful walk-in showers with no slip flooring. Also, grab bars and seated showers available. Waiving All Installation Costs, Plus No Interest and No Payments for 1 Year. 855-836-2250. (mcn)

NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-785-0305 (mcn)

Never clean your gutters again! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 877-7611449 (mcn)

Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-228-5789 (mcn)

Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. (mcn)

Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-516-0706 or visit (mcn)

Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (mcn)

Trouble hearing your TV? Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/ or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844-455-0505. (mcn)

Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-theline installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)

Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-888-9097338.(mcn)

Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-888-680-3016 to get a free quote or visit mfcp. (mcn)

My Caring Plan has helped thousands of families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 833-6563112. (mcn)

PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn)

TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866470-1643. (mcn)


NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829




All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782

Buying and selling silver bars, silver dollars, rare coins, gold coins, gold jewelry, any gold-silver items, collector coins, currency. Kuehl’s Coins, Fairmont, MN, 507-235-3886.

WANTED: Used off set disk, no less than 14’ wide, prefer large notched blades. Reasonably priced. 507-383-0235

Looking for something special? Put a line ad in The Land and find it! Call The Land today! 507-345-4523


Registered Polled Hereford yearling bulls for sale. Have had all shots, poured and semen tested. Halter broke and broke to lead. Fantastic growth EPD’s! Will deliver. Klages Herefords, Ortonville, MN. 320-273-2163(H) 605-8800521(C)

Classified Line Ads

WORK! Call 507-345-4523

ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.



At BigIron, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service, transparency, and trust. With the acquisition of Sullivan Auctioneers and Henslin Auctions, we are excited to continue to uphold these values and build even stronger relationships with our customers.

With our combined expertise, we offer a vast network of resources and a team of experienced professionals that are dedicated to delivering exceptional results for all your auction needs. If you’re looking to buy or sell, we have the tools and the knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

Whether you’re a seasoned auction participant or new to the game, we invite you to explore what our partnership can do for you.

Together, we are better.

PAGE 24 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023
100 Main Street, Bird Island, Minnesota 55310 KRAIG DEJONG EQUIPMENT MANAGER 320.894.6977
No other agricultural auction company and real estate firm has more registered agricultural bidders and buyers than BigIron. With the addition of Sullivan Auctioneers and Henslin Auctions your equipment and your land will be exposed to over 1/2 million registered bidders. CALL TO SCHEDULE A MEETING TO SAVE YOUR DATE.


FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality. Excellent herd health. No PRSS. Delivery available. 320-760-0365

Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746

Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523

Pets & Supplies

FOR SALE: Blue Heeler English Shepherd puppies, 4 females 3 males. Born 6/5/23. Parents both good cattle working dogs, good with kids. $200/ea, all shots up to date. 507-461-0875

Cars & Pickups

FOR SALE: Pickup toolbox, new, never used, BriteTread, aluminum, stainless steel lockable paddle handles. Retail: $319.99 plus tax. Asking $225.00. 507-345-8481

Trucks & Trailers

FOR SALE: 2015 LoadTrail trailer, 20’ x 83”, 7000 lb axles, monster ramps, used very little, $6,950. 320-304-2418


PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor

HJ Olson & Company

320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336

DODGE COUNTY: Approx. 120 Acres Prime, Top Producing Farmland, 94.6 CPI, Pattern Tiled. MLS# 6370880 NEW LISTING!

MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 34.9 Acres Good Farmland, 81.2 CPI

MLS# 6371032 PENDING!

FILLMORE COUNTY: Approx. 113.43 Acres Good Farmland, 85.4 CPI.

MLS# 6363267 PENDING!

MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 240 Acres,Tile, 84.2 CPI, LEROY TWP

MLS# 6359889 SOLD!

Full Farm Management Services

Ensure Asset Preservation, Conservation, Negotiate Leases and Terms to Fit Ever Changing Industry Trends. Call Randy or Ryan today for more details!

“Need listings! We have qualified buyers!”

Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 • Grand Meadow, MN • 800-658-2340

Minnesota Land For Sale

160 ± acres Farmland

Large Tract with Strong Yield History

$2,252,140 Norfolk Twp, Renville Co

151.66 ± acres Farmland

Well-Drained Soils with Existing Tile $1,774,422

160 ± acres Farmland

Good Soil Productivity with 89.60 CPI $1,960,000

49.36 ± acres Bldg Site, House, Barns, Grain Bins Historic Well-Maintained Livestock Farm $575,000

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 25
PM AUCTION LOCATION: STOCKHOLM COMMUNITY CENTER 16233 COUNTY ROAD 30 SW COKATO,MN55321 IN CO OP ER AT ION WI TH WHI TE TA IL PR OPE RTIES RE AL ES TATE ,L LC GR EG GR AC ZYK ,AGE NT 32 0-4 20 -519 6 233.09 AC± |3 TRACTS WRIGHTCO, MN IN COOPERATION WITH WHITETAIL PROPERTIES REAL ESTATELLC (40316821) |Jeff Evans,Minnesota Broker License #40316820 |Joe Gizdic, Director,Ranch &Farm Auctions, 217.299.0332 |GregGraczyk, Minnesota Land Specialistfor Whitetail Properties Real Estate,LLC,320.420.5196 L A N D F O R S A L E
property brochures, contact Hertz at 507-345-LAND (5263) WWW.HERTZ.AG 151 St. Andrews Court #1310, Mankato
Miscellaneous REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 Classified line ads work! 507-345-4523 Looking for New or Used FARM EQUIPMENT? Check out The Land classifieds first!
Please recycle this magazine.


Thursday, July 27 Jon Kietzer Far m 181. 65+/-Acres

Vernon Center Twp, Blue Earth County, MN

For property brochures call Chuck Wingert, Wingert Land Services, 507-381-9790 or Glen Fladeboe, Fladeboe Land, 651-208-3262 or visit or

Only registered bidders may attend. Charles Wingert, Broker - Glen Fladboe, Broker

CHS Will Sell All Of Their NH3 Equipment, Also Selling Some Bulk Fuel Tanks, Semi Tractors & Other Support Items At No Reserve Online Only Public Auction

(7)Different Locations in Southeastern MN

Bidding Opens: Monday, July 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023 • 10:00 a.m.



July 10 - July 14, From 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

July 18 & July 19, From 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

SITE 1: BYRON, MN 55920

(17)Twin 1000/2000 Gal. NH3 Tanks, B&B SN2900 WG Gears, Brakes, Very Good Condition; (5) Dalton Ag Twin

1000 Gal. NH3 Field Tanks, WNDT-100 0

Gears, Rear Tandems; (3) P&H Twin

1000 NH3 Field Tanks, 2887-SB Gears, Rear Brakes; (20) Dalton 1450 Gal. NH3

Field Tanks, Dalton WN-1600 Running Gears; (5) Dalton Ag 1000 Gal NH3 Field Tanks, 30” Rows; 2015 Westmor 30,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tanks; 1968 Master 18,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank, Metal Supports; (2) NH3 Pumps; Load Out Station, (2) Fill Locations; 2009 Peterbilt 389 Day Cab, C-15 Cat, 10 Sp, 680,000 Miles, Sharp; 2005 Peterbilt 379 Day Cab, C-15 Cat, 10 Sp, Wet Kit, Air Slide, Miles Unknown, Nice; 2002 Sterling Straight Truck, Cab & Chassis, Allison Auto, C-10, Double Frame, 510,000 Miles


(22) 1450 Gal. NH3 Field Tanks, Dalton a nd P&H Gears; (5) Twin 1000 Gal. NH3

Field Tanks, Dalton Walking Tandem Gears; (6) Twin 1000 Gallon NH3 Field Tanks, B-B 5th Wheel Gear, Brakes;

(3)Twin 1000 Gal. NH3 Field Tanks, Brakes; (5) 1000 Gal. NH3 Field Tanks, Dalton and P&H Gears; 1975 Trinity Ind. 30,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank; 1967 Arrow Tank 18,000 Gal NH3 Storage Tank; Corken NH3 Pump, 7.5hp 3 Phase Pump; (15) Jersey Barriers; (2) Load Stations with Dual Load Stands


1971 Trinity Ind. 18,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank, Metal Stands; 1965 Flint Ind Corp. 12,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank, Metal Stands; Corken Core-Vane NH3 Pump, 10hp 1 Phase Motor; (30) Cement Barriers; Load Station with 2 Fill Stations

SITE 4: WYKOFF, MN 55990 & FOUNTAIN, MN 55935

1977 Trinity Ind. 30,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank; (18) Jersey Barriers


Fuel & Propane Storage: 1966 Cherokee 30,000 Gal. Propane Storage Tank; (6) 30,000 Gal. Fuel Storage Tanks, Manway, Fuel Gauges (144” Diameter, 420” Tall); Fuel Station, Overhead Fill, 1 Pump, Electric Motor & Veeder-Root Meter


Judson Tank Co. 18,000 Gal. Has MN Dept. Special Use Tag Certified 2011; 1966 Atlas Tank Mfg. 18,000 NH3 Storage Tank; (27) Cement Barriers; Load Station with Dual Fill Stations; (2) 2001 Mack RD 6885 Tender Trucks, E7-400, 8LL , Tyler 6 Compartment, 24 Ton Box, Tarp; Tyler 16 Ton Tender Box, 4 Compartment


12,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank, Metal Support Saddle; 1967 Master 12,000 Gal. NH3 Storage Tank, Metal Support Saddle

Special Note: All buyer’s shall have until September 23, 2023, to remove all NH3 tanks, fuel tanks, barriers, tank load stations. Removal of all tanks shall be at the buyer’s expense. All tanks, storage tanks, field tanks and load stations were in continuous use until recent date.


Thursday, July 20, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Payment Sites: Byron, MN at 1309 Frontage RD NW, Byron, MN; & Ostrander, MN Located at 17433 Co Rd 1, Ostrander, MN

Payment needs to be made at pick up sites or via bank wire transfer. Call if you have any questions.

Terms: Cash, Check, Bank Wire Transfer. All Sales Final, All Sales Selling As-Is with No Warranty or Guarantee Whatsoever. Buyer’s Shall Pay for Any Expense Incurred for Removal of Storage Tanks, Barriers, Load Station, Pumps. Buyer’s Premium Applies. Go To Web Page to View All Terms

PAGE 26 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 CHS, Inc. Sellers MARING AUCTION, LLC. PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502 Matt Maring Lic# 25-28 Kevin Maring Lic# 25-70 Adam Engen Lic# 25-93 Andrew Hamilton Lic# 50-128 MARING LLC We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.
Answers for Summertime Word Search WANTED CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY 1-800-828-6642 We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. DAMAGED GRAIN STATEWIDE PRUESS ELEV., INC.
18928 Jasmine Rd Mankato, MN 5600l WINGERT LAND SERVICES Land Specialists LIVE MOVING AUCTION Saturday, July 22, 2023 • 10:00 A.M. 12215 Laurel Ave., Cologne, MN • Kubota M6060 MFWD tractor w/Kubota LA1154 loader, only 140 hrs. • Land Pride 72” 3pt brush mower, like new • 2016 Honda Pioneer 1000-5 EPS 4WD, dump box, only 840 miles • Avenger Competitor 6x10 cargo trailer Outdoor Equipment-Shop Tools and Equipment-Boats-Motors-Sporting Equipment-Household • Trocke Auctioneers, LLC Peter J. Trocke and Associates St. Peter, MN • (507) 382-8092 or, click on “Trocke” Dale Applequist Owner Successful auctions start in The Land!

Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177


JD 7200 12-30 w/LF ………........................…… $21,000

Taking 2023 New Spring Orders


NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead Call

18’ Gleaner S97 ..................................................... Call

’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500

’94 Gleaner R72 ………….......................…… $27,000

…….......………. $37,900

’21 NH T7.260 ……….............………… $169,000

’19 NH T8.320 1100 hrs ……..…...…… $189,500

’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $52,500

’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $51,000

’12 NH T9.560 2200hrs ……..........…… $249,000


Sunflower 4610 9-24 …….............…… COMING

DMI Tigermate II 40.5 w/3bar ….…......… $17,500


NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand

NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order

NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900


Gleaner R65 ……...............................…….. COMING Geringhoff parts & heads available


NEW Salford RTS Units ........................................ Call

NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers .......................................... Call

NEW REM VRX Vacs. .......................................... Call NEW Hardi Sprayers ............................................. Call

NEW Riteway Rollers ........................................... Call

NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ......................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ....................... Call

NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................ Call

NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ...................... Call

Pre-Owned Grain Cart .................................. On Hand

New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109

New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’

New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14

New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND

Frontiern WR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $4,750

Kuhn SR112 Rake ……........................................... $6,900

16’ NH FP240 w/heads ……..................………… $69,000

NH H7230 ……………….............................…… $24,500

New Horsch Jokers ................................................ Call (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649

THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 27 Ag Management Solutions 11 Beck's Hybrids ................................................................................ 1 BigIron Auction 24 Blue Horizon Energy Cover Wrap C & C Roofing .............................................................................. 10 Carson Forsberg 25 Chanhassen Theatres .................................................................... 14 Greenwald Farm Center ................................................................. 27 Hamilton Auction Service 23 Hertz Farm Management .............................................................. 25 IDEAg Group, LLC ....................................................................... 17 Joy's Estate Sales 21 Kerkhoff Auction and Real Estate .................................................. 25 Land Resource Management .......................................................... 25 Mages Land Company & Auction Service 21, 23 Maring Auction ............................................................................. 26 Mathiowetz Construction 6 Mike's Collision & Repair Center .................................................... 9 Murray County Draft Horse ............................................................. 5 Northland Buildings, Inc. 8 Pruess Elevator, Inc. ..................................................................... 26 Ranch & Farm Auctions ................................................................ 25 Safe Step 12 Schweiss Doors ............................................................................. 26 Smiths Mill Implement .................................................................. 27 SnirtStopper 4 Southwest MN K-Fence ................................................................. 14 Spanier Welding 7 Syngenta 3 Trocke Auctions ............................................................................ 26 Wealth Enhancement Group 13 Wingert Land Service ................................................................... 26 ADVERTISER
507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 418 South Second Street, Mankato, MN 56001 TRACTORS NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...….......…. On Hand NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING NEW NH Boomer 45w/loader ….......… On Hand 3-New Massey GC1725 …….................. On Hand ’21 Massey 4707 w/loader …................…. $59,500 ’16 Massey 4608 rops w/loader …............. $39,900 Massey 1652/cab/loader
Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon
14 miles So. of Sauk Centre FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW! 12’-60’ LONG ROLLERS MANDAKO • 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold 418 S. Second Street • Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. * I ndicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication. Thank you for reading The Land. We appreciate it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! July 21, 2023 August 4, 2023 August 18, 2023 Look for the FARMFEST section in the July 21st edition of THE LAND! “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Get rid of stuff you don’t need and make some $$$. Call The Land today! 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.

A place for paletas

“Oh my!” exclaimed this team’s photographer upon tasting the hand-crafted strawberry ice cream made by Juan Chavez at the Chavez Market in the old National Guard Armory across the street from the Todd County Court House in Long Prairie, Minn.

“This is delicious! It’s creamy and tastes like real fruit and has chunks of strawberries in it.”

The reason it tastes like strawberries is because Juan uses real strawberry juice and strawberries in the small batches he makes in the market’s certified kitchen.

Juan says that he was making ice cream at home for his family before he recently opened his market and event center in the renovated armory. So, opening an ice cream shop made good sense.

But, honestly, it’s not an ice-cream shop. It’s a paleteria. Look up “paleteria” in your Spanish/ English dictionary and you’ll discover it is a place which makes and sells paletas. Paletas are a Mexican popsicles. Juan makes those too.

“You can buy paletas at Walmart, but they don’t use real fruit,” he says.

Some of the real fruit paletas Juan makes are lime, coconut, mamey, zapote, vanilla, chongo, and passion fruit.

“I brought all the recipes from Mexico; but I had never heard of passion fruit,” he said. “The Puerto Rican and Dominican people told me it tasted good — so I made a recipe for them. I use real passion fruit.”

Juan says he has about 20 different recipes. I think it’s more than that. If he keeps inventing them (like coffee, mazapan — a peanut butter candy concoction, and bubble gum) nobody will believe his modest claim.

The night we visited, Juan’s sister Blanca was serving ice cream and the sorbet used for paletas. His nephew was overseeing the market. When Blanca serves two scoops in your bowl she prefers that it be two different — but complementary — flavors. The strawberry scoop, for example, includes lechera (vanilla ice cream). Our grandson gets coconut on top of something my old brain can’t recall.

His mother asks Blanca if she could sample a bit of the fruity red sauce in a squeeze bottle. Blanca assures her it won’t go well with what she has already ordered so she puts a scoop of lime in a dish and then mango. Next she artfully squirts the fruit juice sauce over it making a beautiful ice cream bouquet. It’s spicy and brings out the citrus flavors of the sorbet.

Chavez Market, which also serves cones and Mexican drinks, has a Facebook page and is located

at 220 1st Ave. South in Long Prairie. v

PAGE 28 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — JULY 7, 2023
Long Prairie, Minn.
(800) 657-4665 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 © 2023 June 23, 2023
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