La Feria News, May 14, 2014

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Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley VOLUME 91 NUMBER 20

Power of a Dream Dynamic Team Visits C.E.Vail Elementary by William Keltner, LFN Feature Editor

dynamic team of motivational speakers presented a special program a combined Get Ready for audience toof inspire students from five 3rd BBQ Season grade classes at C.E.Vail Elementary School last week. The teachers with this PHWRZQ 5HFLSHV &RRNLQJ 7LSV DQG &RXSRQV were Norma Castillo, Linda Maza, Pasta Salad Rhonda Crow, Belia Levrier and %\ -DQHW 7KDUSH Marc Ortiz. Recipe RU %%4 6HDVRQ ZLWK WKLV 3DVWD 6DODG 5HFLSH Third grade teacher Rhonda Crow told the students they had JR been especially chosen to see and RU meet these outstanding profes ´ sional College and NFL football players and a local member of the Armed Forces. She then introduced the speakers. Each had a story of overcoming obstacles to stay with their goals page 2 Eric Castillo spoke about his improbable and unlikely career path to become a defensive back OLWWOH ELW RI VSLFH D OLWWOH ELW RI WDQJ DQG D ZKROH CITY OF LA FERIA ORW RI GHOLFLRXV LV ZKDW \RXÂśOO WDVWH ZKHQ \RX WU\ for the University of Incarnate (OVD 'UH\HUÂśV 3DVWD 6DODG ZLWK D 7ZLVW 7KLV UHFLSH LV Word in San Antonio. He is not DOVR Ă€H[LEOH HQRXJK WR DOORZ IRU WKH VXEVWLWXWLRQ RI RWKHU GENERAL ELECTION your typical college football player. YHJJLHV WKDW \RX PD\ KDYH RQ KDQG $ %%4 PXVW LQGHHG 6HH VWHS E\ VWHS SKRWRV RI (OVDÂśV UHFLSH SOXV WKRXVDQGV election results After college, Castillo related he had everything and then lost it all. PRUH IURP KRPH FRRNV QDWLRQZLGH DW Check your La Feria News What to do? At the age of 27 with ZZZ MXVWDSLQFK FRP SDVWDVDODG FaceBook page for latest no prior football experience, he <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG FKDQFHV WR ZLQ (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ÂłMXVW D SLQFK´ results chased an earlier dream to play collegiate-Janet football at UIW, and made it into a reality. He is an example DVWD 6DODG of the “power of a dream.â€? LWK D 7ZLVW The next speaker got special attention because he is a 1997 'LUHFWLRQV 1HHG NHWFKXS PL[WXUH graduate of La Feria High School. ‡ &RRN SDVWD SHU DQ\ RYHU SDVWD Gabriel Rodriguez addressed the LQVWUXFWLRQV RQ WKH ‡ 0L[ ZHOO FRYHU assembled third-graders dressed SDFNDJH 'UDLQ DQG OHW DQG UHIULJHUDWH IRU FKRSSHG for action in his U.S. Air Force FRRO 'R QRW ULQVH JUHHQ KRXUV “Rangerâ€? uniform. His message ‡ ,Q D VDXFHSDQ JH ‡ 6HUYH DW URRP was: Don’t give up, don’t give in, FRPELQH NHWFKXS SSHG WHPSHUDWXUH YLQHJDU VXJDU ROLYH stay focused. “I’ve fallen down RLO FXUU\ SRZGHU DQG many times, and you know what? VDPLF FKLOLHV I got right back up and stayed mo‡ %ULQJ WR D ERLO DQG page 4 tivated to get the job done,â€? He FRRN IRU PLQXWHV RQ applied his experience to the kids, PHGLXP KHDW /HW FRRO ZGHU saying, ‡ &RPELQH SHSSHUV DQG HV “And you kids can do the same RQLRQ ZLWK SDVWD 3RXU in whatever you choose to do with your life.â€? Lenny Walls, a former profesXEPLWWHG E\ (OVD 'UH\HU 9HQWXUD &$ 3RS

sional football player who had ZZZ MXVWDSLQFK FRP SDVWDVDODG played with the Denver Broncos, %URXJKW WR \RX E\ $PHULFDQ +RPHWRZQ 0HGLDthe Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Rams, Baltimore Ravens, brought his message of making right decisions to the students and teachers. “Right decisions as I grew up made me the man I am today,� he said. “Going ‘Pro’ was not an easy decision, but it was the right decision for me--and I struck with page 8 it..� Then he quoted from the Bible: “Bad Associations will spoil useful habits.� He related that to our choice of associates. “They can help you or hurt you,� he stressed, Classified................ pg. 5 adding, “Stay with positive people. Have a plan--don’t leave it up to chance, and, finally: “Hang around Cricket’s Corner...... pg. 5 with service! the right group.� Same great quality



From left, Eric Castillo, Lenny Walls, Rhonda Crow, Gabriel Rodriguez, John Hartsfield, Director of Breaking Down Walls Gabriel Rodriguez speaks to 3rd graders

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120 3rd graders hear “The Power of a Dream� presentation A young girl in the audience asked the panel a question that rather surprised them. It made them pause and think a bit before answering. Her question was: “When you were young did you dream about being what you are now?� Each answered in a different way, but the substance was:

Not really. They all agreed it was a learning process of making the right choices, learning from experience—and the decision not to be overcome.� This touring coalition of successful members of the military along with professional and college football players can be summed up

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