Week 161

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Horoscopes Aries March 21 ­ April 19 Your heart is longing for a romantic encounter tonight, Aries, and the partner in your life is more than willing to accom­ modate you. Nonetheless, circumstances beyond your control could interfere with your plans, and you might not be able to make contact tonight. This could bring frustration, dissatisfaction, and maybe even a little friction between you. Don't panic, though.

Taurus April 20 ­ May 20 Conflict between your responsibilities at home and career obligations, particularly those involving partners, could pose a prob­ lem today, Taurus. The problem isn't insur­ mountable, but does call for honest, open communication among all parties involved. You won't be happy at having to make a choice, and may find the two duties difficult to balance right now.

Gemini May 21 ­ June 20 Communication problems might arise on the job. Perhaps a co­worker is in a bad mood and unreceptive to anything you say. Or perhaps the phones are out or the computers down. This could prove frus­ trating, Gemini, and might interfere with relations among staff members. A phone call from a close friend or lover could go astray but reach you at the last minute.

Cancer June 21 ­ July 22 A project that you've worked on for a long time could bring some money your way, Cancer. Don't be too disappointed if you don't have it in your hands today. There might be a short delay of some kind, per­ haps due to problems with the mail serv­ ice. You might be turning your thoughts now to new projects. While you have a lot of ideas, you aren't likely to make firm decisions today.

By Pandora Leo July 23 ­ August 22 Relationships with others are important to you, Leo. As a result, you've learned to be polite and congenial. Social engagements today could give you a chance to use your people skills. You could not only make some new friends but also valuable con­ tacts. These activities could keep you away from home and family longer than you'd like, but you'll end the day with a strong sense of accomplishment.

Virgo August 23 ­ September 22 A powerful sense of inspiration could come from within today, Virgo. You might want to write down your thoughts or draw the pictures that pop into your head. However, social obli­ gations, possibly parties or visits, could inter­ fere with putting your ideas on paper. You could also feel especially attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others, although you might not like what you're picking up!

Libra September 23 ­ October 22 Group activities could take up a lot of your time and energy today, perhaps too much. Your career concerns are very much on your mind, and you don't like being distracted from them. Nonetheless, these activities, not to mention your fam­ ily, are important to you, Libra, and you'll find a way to squeeze them in even though it's frustrating.

Scorpio October 23 ­ November 21 Work could be a real drag today, Scorpio. You might be expected to put in more hours than normal. Your heart isn't in it right now. You have interests of your own that you'd rather pursue, plus you could be planning to get together with friends or your partner later. It's best to finish everything quickly, perhaps post­ poning nonessential tasks, and then go and enjoy yourself.

Sagittarius November 22 ­ December 21 Body and soul might seem out of balance today. A part of you may long to break from society and live a more spiritual life, but worldly responsibilities and an attachment to your current lifestyle could get in your way. These things don't happen overnight, Sagittarius. You have to let them develop in their own way, in their own time. Right now, find balance between the spiritual and the material.

Capricorn December 22 ­ January 19 Strain within a group that you're associat­ ed with could be traced to money prob­ lems. Perhaps people are disagreeing over what needs to be done regarding fundraising or budgetary limitations. It's best to divorce yourself from this sort of thing if possible, Capricorn. It's draining. Strange, vivid dreams might haunt your sleep tonight, but don't read too much into them.

Aquarius January 20 ­ February 18 You may get a chance to make some extra money today, perhaps by working over­ time. However, this might interfere with a social event that you've committed to, and could cause disappointment among your friends and family members. It could also give rise to a little trouble with your part­ ner. However, remind yourself that this disappointment will pass, and the money will be more than welcome. Hang in there!

Pisces February 19 ­ March 20 Although it looks as if the next few months should shape up to be a great time for your career, Pisces, unfortunately, today it might appear hopeless. Mundane, routine, unrewarding tasks could take up a lot of your time on the job today. Nevertheless, don't let the frustration interfere with your outlook for the future. You're due for advancement in some way!

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