IHA Summer 2022

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SOCIAL One Transplant May Be All You Need Says ISHRS

Chargeback! Now what? Some advice from Medical Justice

Pg. 20

MARKETING Sunscreen for Hair Latest UV research

BEAUTY More Than a HairCut Luxury comes to men’s grooming

Pg. 15

Pg. 06


International Hair Authority Volume 24 No 85

The Profesional Publication of Hair Replacement & Restoration


Spring/Summer 2022

ISHRS Supports Ukraine

To help with the Ukrainian humanitarian relief effort, the ISHRS purchased $10,000 USD of medical supplies through Cobalt Medical Supply, a company in New Jersey, USA, that is providing discount pricing for the relief effort. They are working under the organized effort of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America in the USA who is providing the shipping for us via planes that depart regularly out of Maryland to Warsaw, Poland. The supplies will be delivered to the military hospital in Lviv. All money is used directly to purchase medical supplies, as they have free shipping from the medical supply company and from the Ukrainian Medical Association to Poland.

TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE Researchers Test Minoxidil/ Finasteride Combo

A double-blind study among 30 postmenopausal women with female pattern hair loss (FPHL) suggests that a topical combination of finasteride and minoxidil could be a promising option for the treatment of FPHL. Each participant received either topical 0.25% finasteride combined with topical 3% minoxidil, or topical 3% minoxidil solution alone. After 24 weeks, hair density and diameter had increased in both groups, but the finasteride/ minoxidil combination was significantly superior in terms of hair diameter.

Shades of Gray A recent worldwide survey showed that 74% of people between the ages of 45 and 65 have grey hair. It occurs earliest in people of Caucasian descent, followed by Asians and Africans. Hair is considered to grey prematurely only if it occurs before the age of 20 years in Whites, before 25 years in Asians and before 30 years in Africans.

Beauty Industry Revenues Grow by 30% in 2021 The U.S. prestige beauty industry generated $22 billion in 2021, a 30% increase in dollar sales, versus 2020, according to The NPD Group. Fragrance outperformed all other categories with sales up 49%, followed by hair products (up 47%). Within the hair category, styling product sales were up 45%, versus 2020. This segment is expected to rise another 15% in 2022 as people continue to return to more social activities in the months and years ahead, according to the Future of Hair Report from NPD.

Covid & Postpartum Hair Loss US Census data indicates that “The COVID-19 pandemic has affected both the beginning and end of the life cycle for the U.S. population. Births declined and mortality went up.” However, postpartum hair loss, also known as “excessive hair shedding,” does not appear to have changed in frequency or intensity. Hair loss professionals attribute most Covid-related hair loss to stress or the exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions. Postpartum hair loss affects 40 to 50 percent of women, according to statistics from the American Pregnancy Association. It is caused by falling estrogen levels after childbirth. The condition is temporary, and growth typically returns to normal after six months.


2 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Slava Ukraine! After two years where headline news was all about celebrities and lifestyle, the focus has shifted to the tragedy being played out in Ukraine. Hair management professionals are accustomed to helping individuals with physical and emotional problems, in fact that’s what drew many of us to this profession in the first place. So, it is no surprise that we are now asking how we can support men, women and children facing a threat to their safety that is a hundred times worse than anything we have seen before. It does not matter that they are 5,000 miles away, we are all in this together. So it was with great pleasure that we saw ISHRS set up a special fund to help Ukraine victims. I am sure other organizations have done the same thing and we commend them for this. If you are looking for a way to contribute yourself, we suggest the following crowdfunding platform launched by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “In one click, you can donate funds to protect our defenders, save our civilians and to rebuild Ukraine,” Zelensky said in a video on his Twitter page, launching the United24 platform, which can be found here: u24.gov.ua What is a real trichologist? It seems everyone is, wants to be, or claims to be a trichologist! Some even have PhDs. Visit Facebook, LinkedIn and even Tik Tok and there they are inviting you to their webinars and workshops. But what is a real trichologist? It should mean someone who has special training and is committed to para-medical science of the hair, hair loss and associated scalp problems. They should have studied the diseases of the human hair and scalp as well as the assessment of the cause(s) and treatment of these disorders. Better yet, they should be able document these skills through formal accreditation by one the established Trichology Institutions. Problem is, there are several organizations each with different priorities and procedures. To try to bring everyone together on one playing field, Hair Authority has created a special Trichology section on its website where all Trichology groups can share information and create common standards. This effort is spearheaded by Iain Sallis in the UK, the birthplace of Trichology. Our goal is simple – to promote serious education and establish common standards. In other words, to learn from and replicate what ISHRS has so successfully done for the hair transplant profession. Education, education, education. Covid taught everyone to

take charge of their health. It also diverted consultations to Zoom and other teleconferencing tools that framed your face in close up. So, it came as no surprise that so many people became dissatisfied with their appearance and began to explore personal enhancement options. Hair additions and restoration was one of the beneficiaries. However, those dissatisfied men and women used their time to research hair loss solutions and they are better informed than ever before. That’s why advanced hair care education and hand-on training is more important than ever before. Protecting Objectivity - When we were a print only publication, our editorial policy was not to display manufacturer website connections in interviews and articles. This kept product information and commercial interests separate and protected objectivity. However, online information browsing has forced us to update that policy since visitors to our website expect to be able to jump straight to products and services they have just read about. To maintain that same objectivity, we have contracted with an independent company, Vivandi Us Inc. and we will redirect to them any commercial activity that might stem from Hair Authority. Articles that have an obvious business goal as well as valuable information will be flagged as an “infomercial.” The only exception will be out Flash Reports where we share news about new products that have come to our attention but that we have no other links with. Who else misses those conferences? Webinars are great, but I’ve had enough. The people who call me today are mostly people I met at sales conferences. People who I would never normally have come into contact with, but whom I shared a glass of wine with at a welcome cocktail party or sat next to in the breakout room. I miss them all. We talked about things on and off the agenda. We became friends. I wonder who’s going to be the first company to bring us back together. Stay safe, stay happy,

Chris Webb

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 3

4 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

How Heat Damages Hair By Celestine Gitau, Certified trichologist, Registered nurse, Hair transplant technician Heat can harm all types of hair, from the most straight to the tightest of curls. After one too many heat styling sessions, your hair may start to demonstrate the telltale signs of heat damage. With time, the hair may become difficult to manage, and may not hold in shape as well as it used to when styled. Not to mention the risk of experiencing hair loss.

How does heat damage hair? If you use heat to style your hair, you’re probably familiar with the term “heat damage.” High temperature or heat is one of the most important hairstyle techniques that practically almost every woman and most men utilize.

Celestine Gitau

the hair to release its natural curl or hold a particular shape making it possible to achieve that enviable polished look. However, hair cannot take extreme heat without damage. Heat can harm all types of hair, from the most straight to the tightest of curls. After one too many heat styling sessions, your hair may start to demonstrate the telltale signs of heat damage. With time, the hair may become difficult to manage, and may not hold in shape as well as it used to when styled. Not to mention the risk of experiencing hair loss.

Dull lifeless hair

Heating is used in curling, straightening, drying, and dyeing among other styling procedures. Needless to say, applying heat to your hair has amazing aesthetic benefits, as it causes

While blow-drying, curling, or straightening your hair will give you a sleek end result, they may also dull your hair’s natural shine if not done properly. You could notice that your hair isn’t as lustrous as it used to be after long exposure to harmful heat styling. This may result from damaged cuticles.

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 5 In certain circumstances, getting a haircut is the only method to recover from extreme heat-damaged hair. This decision, however, should be arrived at after consulting and getting expert advice from a hair specialist who can provide the optimal treatment approach. Prevention remains the ideal way to deal with heat damage to the hair. The comfort is that reading this piece illuminates the symptoms of heat damage and one can identify them from a mile away in the future. The sooner you notice them, the earlier you seek professional help and restore your hair to its former glory and healthy state. Happy hair days!

The cuticle is the outermost part of the hair strand. The hair shaft’s cuticle is made up of keratin scales that overlap in an imbricate pattern. It functions defensively to protect the inner structures of the hair such as the cortex and to regulate the water content of the hair fiber. The reflection of light off the cuticle is what gives hair its shine. Ideally, the cuticles lie flat in a smooth continuous pattern creating an ideal position for reflecting light and producing shine on the hair. However, with enough mechanical damage, from heat exposure, the cuticle could lift, become damaged and jagged making the hair appear dull and lifeless in light reflection.

Hair breakage and split ends Once the cuticle is damaged, the hair’s ability to control the moisture content within the hair strand is compromised. Without the optimal ability to retain moisture the hair may lose its elasticity. Hair is made to have a certain amount of elasticity. The elasticity of the hair is what allows it to bounce back to its previous state upon gently pulling on a strand. Heat damage causes the hair to lose its elasticity, snapping off too easily or at the slightest tugging. Heat damage causes hair to become overly dry and brittle leading to breakage and sometimes split ends. The damage done to your hair by heat is cumulative. It’s unlikely that you’ll suffer from heat damage after only one blow-dry or straightening session. Using heated tools at extreme temps on a regular basis, on the other hand, prolongs the alterations to each strand’s protein bonds found in the cortex-the middle layer of the hair strand. Keratin is a protein that makes up each strand of hair. These proteins are made up of amino acid building blocks bound together by strong chemical bonds. These bonds are eventually severed following extreme heat exposure, and hair is irreversibly altered.

About Celestine Gitau - Certified by the International Association of Trichologists(IAT) and a key trichologist at Hairhub Trichology Centre, a pioneer hair restoration clinic in Sub-Saharan Africa situated in Nairobi Kenya, I have extensively been involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of hair loss on all hair types but primarily afro ethnic hair. I have been instrumental in developing topnotch surgical, non-surgical and pharmaceutical protocols as well as development of hair restoration therapies at Hairhub Trichology Centre.

I have been actively involved in over 450 hair transplants and hundreds of other treatment therapies including PRP, dietary supplements, and stem cells research over the last 4 years. Hair and scalp health is a matter close to my heart. I have been an invited guest on multiple TV/radio/newspaper interviews to create awareness of hair loss solutions and to educate viewers on all matters regarding hair and scalp health. I also had the privilege of being a keynote speaker at the first World Trichology Society Summit hosted in May 2021 IHA

6 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Your Patient Just Submitted a Chargeback. Now What?

The world has changed Once upon a time, you would perform a service for a patient, perhaps surgery, and you’d be paid. You might be paid by personal check. By credit card. Or even cash. And that would be that. Now, much more frequently than in days past, some patients feel entirely comfortable initiating a chargeback from their credit card company. Even if objectively the result was good – even excellent. Dr. Jeffrey Segal,

This is maddening.

What to do? What to do? Once notified, make sure you have submitted everything the credit card company needs to properly adjudicate the chargeback in your favor. Do not ignore the deadline to

respond. The credit card company doesn’t need much. Mostly a treatment plan that you were going to do “X” for “$Y.” The patient understood this plan and signed on the bottom line. You did “X” on this date, and the result was at or above the standard of care. You can send the appropriate amount of information from the chart to assist with your argument without running afoul of HIPAA. Addressing financial disputes is one domain where you do NOT need the patient’s signed authorization to disclose protected health information. Odds are reasonable the sequestered funds will be returned to you. Note, you should probably include in such treatment plans a statement that no refunds or rebates will be tendered. If such language is missing, it creates wiggle room for a credit card company to deny your defense. If you do not prevail, you may have an opportunity to appeal the disappointing ruling with the credit card carrier. If that fails, you can file a claim in “real court” or small claims court arguing breach of contract. Real court is more labor-intensive but allows you to recoup all funds plus non-

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 7 attorney expenses. Small claims court is simpler but caps out at low values. Each state is different and establishes different caps. Texas has one of the largest caps, at $20k. You can always have an attorney write a nasty letter threatening to go to court and see if the conflict can be resolved short of the inevitable “cage fight in court.” You can send the patient to collections. They will only potentially recoup a percentage of the outstanding debt. But the patient’s credit score may be dinged whether the agency collects anything or not. Such a credit score ding can equate to thousands of dollars if that individual tries to buy a new house or car or refinance an existing home. If you do have to write this off as bad debt, you can send the patient a 1099 form (after you follow a formal process for declaring this as bad debt). The patient will be required to pay federal and state taxes on this as income. This strategy does not help you recoup any funds. But it will mean the patient’s payday is even less, as they will have to write a real check to the federal and state treasuries. A chargeback is not the end of the process. Generally, you have options. The question is how much time and effort should be spent on recouping the funds you are owed. The larger the number, the easier it is to justify the time and labor commitment. Dr. Jeffrey Segal, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Medical Justice, is a board-certified neurosurgeon. Dr. Segal is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; the American College of Legal Medicine; and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. He is also a member of the North American Spine Society. In the process of conceiving, funding, developing, and growing Medical Justice, Dr. Segal has established himself as one of the country’s leading authorities on medical malpractice issues, counterclaims, and internet-based assaults on reputation. Reprinted with permission of Medical Justice. Medical Justice provides free consultations to doctors facing medico-legal obstacles. We have solutions for doctor-patient conflicts, unwarranted demands for refunds, online defamation (patient review mischief), meritless litigation, and a gazillion other issues. We also provide counsel specific to COVID-19. If you are navigating a medico-legal obstacle, visit our booking page to schedule a free consultation https://medicaljustice. com/medical-justice-your-complimentary-consultation/ IHA

THE INTERNATIONAL TM HAIR AUTHORITY The Hair Authority’s mission is to provide hairmanagement professionals from all disciplines with accurate information that will help them provide superior service to their clients and patients. It is a full-color tabloid, published quarterly and distributed worldwide. EDITOR IN CHIEF Christopher Webb


CREATIVE DIRECTOR Vikas Verma vicky1verma@gmail.com



Hans Diks

European Editor


The views expressed in The International Hair Authority are those of the individual author or contributor and not those of The International Hair Authority, its editors or staff. The Authority’s contents reflect the opinions of the authors and are not analyzed, peer-reviewed or otherwise investigated before publication. All authors and contributors are asked to disclose any interests they have of a commercial nature. The International Hair Authority makes no attempt to validate the sufficiency of such disclosures and makes no warranty, guarantee or other representation, expressed or implied with respect to the accuracy or sufficiency of any information provided. The publication of an advertisement does not constitute on the part of the International Hair Authority a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the representations or claims made by the advertiser. The International Hair Authority accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All articles and letters become the property of the International Hair Authority and may be edited for clarity, presentations and space. By allowing your articles, interviews and personal commentary to be used in The International Hair Authority, you are giving the publication permission to use these materials in its pages, websites and other information materials. Advertisers are required to sign a formal advertising agreement indicating that they are not violating any trademarks or other intellectual properties. Full details are outlined in The International Hair Authority Media Kit.


The material published in The International Hair Authority is copyrighted and may not be utilized in any form without the written consent of the editor.

THE INTERNATIONAL HAIR AUTHORITY 39252 Winchester Road #107-383 Murrieta, CA 92563 Email: info@hairauthority.com Tel: 626-709-6397

8 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

PREDICTING HAIR LOSS Writing in its international patent, L’Oréal said it had developed a method for the in vitro prognosis and/or diagnosis of a “common alopecic state of the scalp” by measuring the expression level of very specific genes* involved in the intercellular junctions of the scalp and/or hair follicle. It also outlined an in vitro method to evaluate the efficacy of treating a common alopecic state, including testing cosmetic treatments like hair lotions, gels, shampoos, PREDICTING HAIR LOSSand conditioners made using gene modulators and certain active compounds. *Genes identified by L’Oréal: CDH1, ACTB, ACTBL2, TUBB, TUBB2A, GSN, MY03B, MY05B, MY06, DSG2, DSG3, DSG4, DSC2, GJB2, GJA1, GJB6, GJA3, TJP2, CLDN8, CLDN10, CLDN19, and optionally CTNNB1 and CTNND2 L’Oréal said the prognosis, diagnosis and treatment methods specifically related to common alopecia caused by disruptions of the hair cycle, as opposed to immune alopecias like alopecia areata or spot baldness, alopecia universalis and alopecia totalis. Assessment and treatment could


Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 9 therefore be used for the likes of androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia, female pattern hair loss, cicatricial alopecia, chemotherapy-induced or radiotherapy-induced alopecia, telogen effluvium, stress-related alopecia, seasonal alopecia, age-related alopecia, and micro-inflammatory alopecia.

Understanding Substantial Temporary or Definitive Hair Loss “The natural hair loss of the hair can be estimated, on average, at a few hundred hairs per day for a normal physiological state,” the company wrote in its patent filing. “This constant physical renewal process undergoes a natural change during the course of ageing: the hairs become finer and their cycles shorter. Various causes may however bring about substantial temporary or definitive hair loss,” L’Oréal wrote in its patent filing.

The Four Phases of Hair Growth and Renewal The anagen phase or growth phase sees the hair follicle push out hairs that will continue to grow until they are cut or reach the end of their lifespan. This is then followed by the catagen phase or transitional phase where the hair follicles shrink, the hair separates from the bottom of the hair follicle and hair growth slows. Thereafter is the telegon phase or resting phase where hair growth ceases and hair loss begins at the end of this cycle. This is then followed by the neogen phase or regeneration phase which loops back round to the growth phase and sees hair growth. As L’Oréal explains: “The anagen phase, which is the active or growth phase during which the hair elongates, lasts several years. The very short catagen phase lasts a few weeks. The telogen phase or resting phase lasts a few months. At the end of this resting period, the hair strands fall out and another cycle begins. The head of hair is thus undergoing constant renewal and, of the approximately 150,000 hair strands which make up a head of hair, approximately 10% are at rest and will be replaced in the months to come.” In common alopecia states, L’Oréal said there were disruptions to the anagen or growth phase of the hair cycle along, with a shortening of this phase; a gradual thinning of the hair strand; and a decrease in the amount of hair thereof. “Gradual miniaturisation of the bulbs takes place, in conjunction with isolation of these bulbs by gradual thickening of the collagen matrix of the outer connective sheath. Revascularisation around the hair follicle is thus made more difficult cycle after cycle. The hairs regress and become miniaturised until they are no more than an unpigmented down, and this phenomenon leads to gradual thinning of the head of hair.”

Overall, this type of hair loss tends to affect very specific areas that typically differs between men and women, L’Oréal said, with temporal or frontal region hair loss seen in men and diffuse alopecia of the crown seen in women. In some cases, these men and women are genetically predisposed to hair loss, but in other cases hair loss can be a seasonal phenomenon or accentuated by hormonal imbalance, physiological stress, or malnutrition. “In general, any factor that influences these processes, namely the acceleration of the frequency of the cycles, the gradual miniaturisation of the bulbs, the gradual thickening of the perifollicular collagen matrix, the thickening of the outer connective sheath, and the decrease in vascularisation, will have an effect on the growth of the hair follicles,” L’Oréal wrote.

Identifying ‘New Biomarkers’ in Male-Pattern Hair Loss It was therefore important, the company said, to find “new biological pathways” and “new biomarkers” for detecting an alopecic state of the scalp, particularly before visible, to be able to reduce and/or slow down hair loss. More specifically, L’Oréal said there was a “considerable need” for this in androgenetic alopecia – male- and female-pattern hair loss that happened very characteristically in well-defined patterns. Targeting this form of common alopecia, particularly amongst men, it said, was the goal of these inventions. The beauty major said it had discovered that the expression of the specific genes identified, involved in the intercellular junctions of the cells of the scale and/or hair follicle, such as keratinocytes and fibroblasts, was decreased in the area where the male- or female-pattern hair loss was progressing. Measuring the expression of these genes in these scalp areas, therefore, enabled a prognosis and/or diagnosis in a subject, it said. The expression of these genes could then also be measured after a treatment designed to either induce and stimulate hair growth or slow down hair loss, to measure efficacy, achieved by the inclusion of modulators or active compounds in topicals.

Proving Efficacy of Topical, Oral and Physical Hair Loss Treatments These measurements, L’Oréal said, could be taken by conducting a scalp biopsy or a biopsy of one or more of the hair follicles and compared to control measurements to check for “statistically significant” differences in gene expression. A

10 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022 treatment could be considered efficacious, the company said, if the expression of a specific gene identified was increased after treatment, compared to before the treatment and compared to a control level. Comparison of more than one gene expression was preferable when testing efficacy of a product on androgenetic alopecia, it said. “A treatment will be considered to have no effect if the expression levels of the chosen gene, before and after treatment, are substantially identical, or else if the differences observed are not significant,” L’Oréal wrote. Beyond topicals, this testing could also be used to measure efficacy of oral and physical treatments where necessary, the company said. It was also possible to “evaluate the efficacy of the combination of several treatments” – evaluating combinations that best restored gene expression levels of one or several of the genes identified, it said. New Treatments and Combinations Versus Existing Product Efficacy L’Oréal said its inventions could be used to shape future innovations or qualify the efficacy of existing products and treatments. “In this way, combinations of treatments capable of being particularly efficacious, synergistic or complementary may also be envisioned,” it said.


Groomie Unveils BaldiePro™ Head Shaver for Bald People

“Shaving your head isn’t easy, but it should be,” explained CEO, Anant Handa. “The BaldiePro features our industrybest motor, five rotary shave heads, and is completely water resistant to enjoy a wet or dry shave without irritation.” The all-new BaldiePro™ delivers several important industry leading advances in current shaving technology, including: • 10,000-RPM motor output for fast, powerful shaving • SmoothShave™ technology for accurate shaving • 90-minute shave time on a single charge • Smart LED display, highlighting various functions and battery health • IPX7 waterproof housing • Wet/Dry shave capabilities • MessFree™ tech and Easy-to-clean design

CHICAGO 04/2022: Groomie, a shave and skincare company, has announced a next-generation ergonomic electric shaver. The BaldiePro™ Head Shaver delivers power and precision, ensuring that users can get a close, comfortable shave of their entire head in under three minutes.

“The BaldiePro was designed for baldies by baldies,” Anant stated. “I’m bald myself and I understand the challenges involved with keeping your head looking good. Even just a couple of days’ worth of stubble can leave you feeling unconfident. Traditional razors require such a large commitment of time, and they tend to result in razor burn and bumps. The BaldiePro changes all that.” IHA

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 11

Hers Introduces New Prescription Dermatology Offerings Hims & Hers Health, Inc., the multi-specialty telehealth platform, has launched two new prescription offerings -Topical Finasteride & Minoxidil Spray and Oral Spironolactone -- to provide women with more effective solutions to address hair loss, which 1 in 3 women -- roughly 30 million women in the US alone -- experience at some time in their lives.

“This launch is the direct result of Hers’ close relationship with our consumers, listening to their health goals and what they feel is missing from the hair loss market,” said Hilary Coles, co-founder and SVP of Brand & Innovation, Hims & Hers. “Our ability to continue to bring clinically-proven ingredients to market in a unique dosage form through innovative compounding preparations remains unparalleled. We’ve made it our mission to destigmatize issues like hair loss so that women aren’t embarrassed to confidently take control of their health!” In recent years, medical experts have seen an increase in patients across the country suffering from stress-related hair loss. Internet searches alone for hair loss have increased by 8 percent in the 12 months since February 2021 – an average of more than 829,000 times a month in the US alone. Hers has made the commitment to be the ally women need to help win the battle against hair loss with the introduction of two new prescription products: Topical Finasteride & Minoxidil Spray: The new topical spray combines 3% Finasteride and 6% Minoxidil, two

clinically proven ingredients into a single, easy-to-use, no-mess spot treatment spray designed specifically for use by women. Oral Spironolactone: An easy once a day antiandrogen pill that is clinically proven to slow down shedding and regrow new hair for women experiencing hair loss. Hers offers a variety of hair care offerings, including standalone Minoxidil 5% foam and Minoxidil 2% topical solution hair regrowth treatments, as well as biotin gummies to support healthy hair, thickening shampoo and conditioner, repairing hair mask and a cleansing scalp scrub. To further personalize the experience to the needs of individual consumers, Hers offers a simple hair care assessment tool, which provides a recommended hair care routine based on answers provided to a few hair related questions. Those consumers looking to purchase either of these new prescription offerings will need to first complete a consultation with a healthcare provider through the Hims & Hers platform to see if a prescription treatment is medically recommended and will be able to purchase the prescriptions only if deemed appropriate by the healthcare provider. For more information on all of Hers hair health offerings, please visit www.forhers.com/hair. About Hims & Hers - Hims & Hers is a multi-specialty telehealth platform that connects consumers to licensed healthcare professionals, enabling them to access high-quality medical care for numerous conditions related to primary care, mental health, sexual health, dermatology, and more. Hims & Hers was founded by CEO Andrew Dudum, Hilary Coles, Jack Abraham and Joe Spector at venture studio Atomic in San Francisco, California. IHA

12 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Personal Luxury Comes to Men’s Grooming Hammer & Nails expands its Luxury Men’s Grooming Lounge to to Atlanta, Georgia Hammer & Nails was created to satisfy men who were “frustrated by haircut farms and limited service” and claims to offer “the only full grooming service.” They offer hair care, beard trimming, face and head shaving, manicures, pedicures to name just a few. With lounges in 33 locations, Hammer & Nails is now opening an Exclusive Oasis in Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta 02/22 – Hammer & Nails, a luxury destination for exceptional men’s grooming experiences, has inked a franchise deal with Atlanta-natives Lorenzo Jackson and Tarris Scott. The entrepreneurial duo will bring hand and foot care, haircuts and shaves in a man cave nirvana to Atlanta, with plans to open in Q1 of 2022, in Midtown. Best friends since middle school, Jackson and Scott have seen the Atlanta area grow and become an area of massive development and the perfect spot for their newest business endeavor. Jackson who holds an MBA and is a director of sales at a global health care company, and Scott who has been teaching in the DeKalb County School District for over 20 years, came across the Hammer & Nails brand on an episode of Shark Tank and knew it would be a perfect fit for the Atlanta area. “Lorenzo and I have been friends for decades, and after looking for our next business venture we knew Hammer & Nails was for us,” said Scott. “Midtown is a bustling part of the Atlanta area with a lot of new businesses setting up shop, but and nothing like Hammer & Nails exists making it the

textbook area to open the brand. Additionally, as a teacher, this endeavor helps show other educators there can be another future beyond the classroom and retirement.” The Hammer & Nails experience is unlike any other. The atmosphere is low-lit, with soft ambient lighting throughout the shop. Exterior windows are tinted for privacy and the interior is furnished with dark wood and steel, creating a relaxing vibe. Members are greeted by name, escorted to a luxurious oversized Bison leather chair, and handed a menu with complimentary beverages ranging from an ice-cold water to McAllen’s whiskey, all of which is included in the service cost. Every guest has a personal TV, remote and noisecancelling headphones for entertainment during his visit. “We cannot wait to get our doors open and start offering grooming services to the men of Atlanta,” said Jackson. “With Midtown being a busy part of the area, about a block or two from Georgia Tech University and surrounded by high rise condos and high foot traffic, we’re can’t wait to be the oasis for men to get away from their busy lives and indulge in essential pampering and relaxation.”

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 13

Hammer & Nails has a first-to-market advantage in the ever-growing $21B male grooming industry as the only niche male grooming franchise available. “We are thrilled to have Lorenzo and Tarris bring the first Hammer & Nails location to the state of Georgia and join our brand during such a key moment of growth,” said Jereme Shelton, Vice President of Franchise Development, Hammer & Nails. “Offering hand and foot care and grooming services all under one roof is sure to revolutionize personal care in the Atlanta area. We know with the brand’s trend-setting atmosphere and unique service offerings; this new shop will surely become a community staple. Men in Atlanta will have never looked or felt better.” For more information about the Hammer & Nails franchise opportunity, visit https://hammerandnailsfranchise.com/. About Hammer & Nails: Hammer & Nails was founded in 2013 with the vision to provide hand and foot care, manicures and pedicures, haircuts and shaves to every type of male. After launching its franchise opportunity in 2015, the brand has built an experience that’s disrupting the men’s grooming industry and revolutionizing the way guys get their groom on, quickly becoming the premier destination for men’s grooming experiences in a relaxed environment. Hammer & Nails has awarded licenses for more than 200 shops and is working to have 150 locations open and operating by 2025. IHA



14 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022



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Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 15


It is possible to protect hair from the damage caused by UV without using sunscreens. Recent studies have revealed the existence of a new route of hair damage involving a series of UV-activated photochemical reactions, mediated by Tryptophan. Photochemical reactions occur differently from reactions controlled by heat, as they pass through high-energy intermediates that result in reactions inaccessible by thermal processes. The photochemical reaction of free cystine into thiols and sulfates involves aromatic amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan as sensitizers, or activators, which absorb UV energy and are led to an excited electronic state. This high-energy intermediate transfers electrons to the disulfide bonds in cystine, breaking the bonds and producing cysteine and oxygenated derivatives. More recent studies (Zhao, Z el al, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 6900−6909) have revealed the existence of a similar mechanism, involving the same photochemical reactions activated by Tryptophan, leading to the breakage of disulfide bonds in proteins. The action of ORMAGEL XPU on hair proteins by blocking the activation of tryptophan was already known by the

Assessa scientists who, inspired by the work of Zhao and colleagues, carried out a new study to verify if this effect would be efficient to block the photochemical damage pathway of hair WITHOUT USING SUNSCREENS. In the study, hair treated with shampoo, conditioner and leave-on formulas WITHOUT SUNSCREENS, containing only 0.8% ORMAGEL XPU and hair samples treated with placebo formulas were exposed to the Q-Sun Xenon ultraviolet solar radiation simulator for 96 hours. The damage was quantifyed through the changes in the -SSbonds in the hair through Infrared Spectroscopy in a spectral range from 2000 to 700 cm-1 The area of the signals obtained at 1040 cm-1, corresponding to the stretching of the bond S=O of –SO3– and –SO2– groups, indicative of cystine breakdown and oxidation, was quantified and plotted. The results show that hair treated with formulas WITHOUT SUNSCREEN containing 0.8% ORMAGEL XPU showed a 28% reduction in cystine degradation when compared to placebo, DEMONSTRATING THE PROTECTION OF HAIR AGAINST THE ACTION OF UV. IHA

16 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

What Causes


Hair? Celestine Gitau, Trichologist eumelanin and pheomelanin. Hair color is primarily determined by the amount and ratio of black-brown eumelanin and reddish-brown pheomelanin in the hair follicles.

The development and progression of greying, also known as canities, is directly linked to physiological ageing though other factors discussed later play a significant role in the process of greying. Greying occurs in varying degrees in all individuals, regardless of gender or ethnicity, and is determined by a variety of factors, the majority of which are genetic. The age at which it happens, however, differs by race. Hair greying occurs when hair grows without pigmentation from the root. Human hair pigmentation ranges from black, brown, blonde, red to crimson, making it one of the most distinctive human traits. Melanocytes cells, which are situated inside hair follicles, inject melanin pigment onto the hair shaft during hair formation, giving the hair its natural color. There are two forms of melanin found in hair follicle cells:

Causes of greying Several intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including genetics, age, dietary deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, stress, pollution, accelerated ageing disorders, pollution, UV radiation, and inflammatory factors, could cause changes in melanin production and usage in the hair follicle. When this happens, the melanocytes in the hair shaft fail to deliver the required pigment, causing the hair to grow out white or grey. Because this process occurs within individual hair follicles, removing one grey hair does not result in the growth of many grey hairs in its place as the fallacy goes. What causes hair to grey prematurely? Hair color and style can drastically alter a person’s physical appearance and, as a result, his or her body image. Premature greying of hair can have a negative impact on an individual’s self-esteem as greying of hair is seen as a sign of old age.

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 17 Nutritional deficiencies Premature greying happens on average before the age of 30 and can be caused by a variety of circumstances. Protein, copper, iron, vitamin B12, and the amino acid tyrosine are all necessary to produce melanin during hair development. Low quantities of this element in the body, as well as other dietary deficiencies, can cause hair to grow prematurely.

Autoimmune scalp conditions Autoimmune diseases that affect the hair follicles, such as alopecia areata, can cause grey hair. The immune system in this case targets the melanocyte cells inside the hair follicles, causing them to become inactive. Hair loss occurs in patches in alopecia areata. In some cases, the patches might coalesce, resulting in total hair loss on the scalp, a condition known as alopecia totalis. Alopecia Universalis is a type of alopecia areata that causes hair loss all over the body. When the situation improves in these cases, the hair regrows without melanin, appearing white at first and then regaining its normal color with time. Other conditions that can cause white hair include vitiligo, as well as other hair, skin, and systemic illnesses. Genetics One may acquire genes that may result in early greying making heredity a key player in premature greying. Stress Stress of any form, including emotional, physical, psychological, oxidative, and other types of stress, can cause early greying in different persons by inducing inflammation and the development of greying. Smoking Smoking and other lifestyle factors may hasten the onset of greying. Smoking causes oxidative stress in hair cells as well as other cells in the body over time. This, in turn, could cause melanocyte destruction as well as exacerbate autoimmune circumstances, resulting in hair greying prematurely.

Is greying reversible? Hair greying is usually progressive and permanent, and hair dyes remain the major therapeutic choice for cosmetic restoration of the hair color. Nutritional supplementation could help alleviate greying in some instances. Did you know? • Grey hair is not only more susceptible to weathering, but it is also more vulnerable to UV damage, necessitating additional photoprotection. • Hair in a grey beard can grow up to four times quicker than hair in a colored beard. • Due to the lack of melanin in grey and white facial hair, laser removal is difficult. • Hair that is grey is rougher, stiffer, and more difficult to manage than hair that is darker. • Grey hair grows at a faster rate and has a thicker appearance than dark hair.

About Celestine Gitau: Certified by the International Association of Trichologists (IAT), Celeste operates HairHub Trichology Centre, a pioneer clinic in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has been extensively involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of all hair types of hair loss, in particular afro ethnic hair. Over the years, Celeste has been appeared on TV and radio and frequent featured in newspaper interviews. She also had the privilege of being a keynote speaker at the first World Trichology Society Summit in May 2021. IHA

18 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

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Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 19

20 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022


Chicago, 05/2022 - According to results of a new mem-

ber survey conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), 68% of members reported performing an average of one procedure per patient in 2021 to achieve the desired hair restoration result. This represents a significant improvement, as ISHRS members estimated an average of 3.4 procedures in 2019 and 5 procedures in 2016 were needed per patient to achieve the desired result. “Over the last 30 years, the field of hair restoration surgery has experienced a considerable transformation resulting in enhanced results with fewer procedures for patients seeking a permanent solution for hair loss,” said Nilofer Farjo, MBChB, FISHRS, president of the ISHRS. “In the early 90s, it was common for patients to undergo several small strip surgeries of a few hundred grafts. With now refined Follicular Unit Transplantation techniques – both linear excision and follicular unit excision – male and female patients are benefiting from the latest advances.” While the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact non-essential surgeries in mostly the early part of 2021, the survey reported that ISHRS members treated more patients seeking nonsurgical treatments for hair loss than those opting for surgical procedures. Specifically, 1,592,588 nonsurgical patients sought treatment in 2021 (a 14% increase from 2019), with 628,604 surgical patients treated in 2021 (an 8% decrease from 2019). ISHRS physicians evaluate each

patient’s hair loss individually and recommend treatment options based on the specific diagnosis and the patient’s expectations. The three most commonly prescribed nonsurgical treatments in 2021 included oral finasteride, topical minoxidil and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Another consequence of the pandemic that has had an impact on the reasons people sought hair restoration treatment in 2021 was the “Zoom effect”. To gauge this new phenomenon of being more conscious of looking good on camera while working or socializing from home, ISHRS physicians were asked about how this trend affected new patients’ decisions to address their hair loss. In fact, 25% of ISHRS members reported that the majority of their new patients indicated regular Zoom/video meetings influenced their decision to seek treatment for hair loss. “Our survey shows that for one-fourth of new patients seeking help for hair loss last year, becoming more aware of how they look during Zoom meetings impacted their decision,” said Dr. Farjo. “For those who opted for hair restoration surgery while working from home, the ability to heal at home rather than going into the workplace likely made this decision even more appealing since patients could hide signs of surgery easier by video than in person.” Other notable trends and facts from the ISHRS 2022 Practice Census survey include:

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 21 • • • • • • • • •

The total market size for hair restoration surgery in 2021 was $4.5 billion USD More than half of both male and female surgical patients worldwide fell between the ages of 30 to 49 years old, 57.2% and 54.8% respectively In 2021, ISHRS members treated a higher percentage of men with surgical hair restoration procedures (87.3%) than women (12.7%) Body hair transplantation remains popular Among men, 13% of procedures targeted non-scalp areas of the body, of which beards/moustaches accounted for 4% of procedures Among women, 17% of procedures targeted non-scalp areas of the body, of which eyebrows accounted for 11% of procedures 51% of ISHRS members reported there are Black Market hair transplant clinics in their cities 5.4% of hair restoration patients sought treatment to repair previous surgery from another physician/black market hair transplant in 2021, up from 4.2% in 2019 16% of ISHRS members changed their pricing structure as a result of the Black Market

About the ISHRS - The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) is a global non-profit medical association and the leading authori-

ty on hair loss treatment and restoration with 1,000 members throughout 70 countries worldwide. Above all, the ISHRS is dedicated to achieving excellence in patient outcomes by promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics, and research in the medical hair restoration industry. The ISHRS also provides continuing medical education to physicians specializing in hair transplant surgery and is committed to delivering the latest information on medical and surgical treatments to consumers suffering from hair loss, and most commonly from androgenetic alopecia – male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss. It was founded in 1993 as the first international society to promote continuing quality improvement and education for professionals in the field of hair restoration surgery. For more information and to locate a physician, visit www.ishrs.org.

About the Survey - Conducted by Relevant Research, Inc., of Chicago, IL, USA, the ISHRS 2022 Practice Census is a compilation of information provided solely by participating physicians. The information published in this survey was developed from actual historical information and does not include any projected information. The margin of error for the sample is within plus or minus 6.1 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. For a full reprint of the ISHRS 2022 Practice Census Report, visit Hair Restoration Statistics. SOURCE International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery IHA

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22 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

FDA Clears New Drug HMI-115 for Phase II Clinical Trial In Androgen Alopecia SHANGHAI, 2022 - Hope Medicine Inc. (‘HopeMed’), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced that U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its Investigational New Drug (IND) application for phase II study to evaluate HMI-115, a first-in-class monoclonal antibody drug in treating androgen alopecia. In 2021, HMI-115 already received the US FDA Clearance of IND Application for Phase II clinical trial for the treatment of endometriosis. In April 2019, HopeMed entered a world-wide exclusive license agreement with Bayer AG on the development and commercialization of a human monoclonal antibody targeting the PRL receptor for the treatment of male and female pattern hair loss, endometriosis, and other chronic diseases with dysregulated prolactin (PRL) signaling. This antibody has shown excellent characteristics in animal models including NHP models and human safety study. Its treatments for two main indications, endometriosis, and androgenetic alopecia, both have been approved by the US FDA for Phase II clinical trials. The phase II clinical trial of HMI-115 in endometriosis already initiated patient enrollment in the U.S. by the end of 2021. Its Phase II clinical trial for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia is an international multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, which is planned to be carried out in

the United States, Australia, and other countries. Dr. Henri Doods, CEO of HopeMed, said “I am very proud that the FDA also approved our second IND which is an important milestone for our young company. It is an important step towards our mission to bring First-in-Class and highly differentiated products to patients. Both endometriosis and alopecia are indications where patients are eagerly waiting for new treatment options with improved efficacy and safety. The success of having two IND approvals in such a short period of time is an encouragement for the whole team. We are highly committed to further strengthen and expand our R&D activities to bring novel innovative therapeutic options to patients globally.”

About Androgenic Alopecia - Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common type of hair loss and affects up to 70% of men and 40% of women. While male and female pattern hair loss is commonly believed to be due to a combination of genetics and the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, the detailed mechanism remains unclear. Data published by a Bayer team as well as data generated jointly point to a yet hardly recognized role of prolactin/prolactin-receptors signaling in the disorder.

About Endometriosis - Endometriosis is a chronic estrogen-dependent gynecological disease defined by the presence of endometrium-like tissue outside the uterus, which induces a chronic inflammatory reaction. Endometriosis is a common disease among women of reproductive age. The prevalence is estimated to be up to 10% in women of childbearing age worldwide. The cause of endometriosis is not entirely clear, and there is no cure for endometriosis. About Hope Medicine - Hope Med-

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 23 icine Inc. is a science-driven clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with research bases and offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, China. The establishment of the company is based on the in-depth understanding of the research field of translational medicine and decades of research results of Professor Rui-Ping Xiao’s laboratory at the College of Future Technology of Peking University. Based on excellent scientific research and with the goal of improving the quality of life, HopeMed is committed to the research, development, and commercialization of first-in-class medicines for common and major diseases that threaten human health. The company finalized round B financing in May 2021 following a world-wide exclusive license agreement with Bayer AG on the development and commercialization of HMI-115. HopeMed also established a diversified research portfolio based on the Professor Xiao’s breakthrough research at the Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) at Peking University via a joint research lab, with a strong translational focus, for a continuous innovative early discovery pipeline.

Customized Kit


for People With COVID-19 Related Hair Loss Increased hair shedding is a common symptom after recovering from COVID-19, and MDhair has created a personalized kit to treat it. Targeting the root cause of hair loss, MDhair products are intended to help support faster hair regrowth and reduce the risk for long-term hair thinning in people prone to androgenetic hair loss. “We are on a mission to democratize dermatology with AI, offering a highly effective and affordable hair loss treatment to everyone, everywhere,” says Oded Harth. “Experiencing the rapid rise in COVID-related hair loss, we looked for a way to provide an affordable customized treatment to help overcome this stressful situation faster.”

What are the causes COVID related hair loss? It is believed that post-COVID hair loss is caused by the reduced oxygen flow to the scalp, inflammation, and stress associated with the disease. A recently published study on 526 patients with COVID-19 related hair loss shows that COVID-related hair loss onset was more significant in females, people with more severe coronavirus infection, and people with pre-existing genetic-related hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). “The treatment of COVID-related hair loss depends on the many factors,” says Dr. Yoram Harth, board- certified dermatologist and chief medical officer of MDalgorithms, the

company that developed MDhair. “Younger people will usually require a milder treatment with a combination of oral hair supplements, a scalp treatment serum, and an active hair growth shampoo. This combination of products can simulate the scalp blood flow and provide the needed hair building blocks directly to the hair follicles.” “Older people and people with a tendency to genetic hair thinning would usually need to use the FDA-approved minoxidil topical solution combined with DHT blocking shampoo and a different type of oral supplements. Taking collagen peptides can further help replenish the amino acids depleted during COVID,” says Dr. Harth. About MDhair - Using a questionnaire and AI-based image analysis, MDhair personalizes the treatment to the root cause and type of the hair loss, providing a compressive kit of products.



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Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 25

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26 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Science + Aesthetics PROVEN NON-SURGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR THINNING HAIR Science meets aesthetics to give your patients something new: a complete system that targets thinning hair inside and out. While clinically proven ViviscalTM PRO Supplements promote existing hair growth in 6 months, XFusionTM by ToppikTM Keratin Hair Fibers conceal thinning hair instantly. Together, they offer the perfect complement to your hair loss treatments and procedures, giving patients the short-term and long-term solutions that they need to fight the effects of hair loss and boost their confidence.*

XFusionTM by ToppikTM Keratin Hair Fibers • Instant Transformation • Decades of Loyal Users • Confidence Booster

ViviscalTM PRO Supplements • Over 25 Years & 10 Published Trials • Clinically Proven

Customer Service (800) 277-3316 VIVISCALPROFESSIONAL.COM XFUSIONHAIR.COM Materials of Church & Dwight, Co. Inc., the makers of Viviscal™ and XFusion™ by Toppik™. Copyright© 2019 Church & Dwight Co., Inc. All rights reserved. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 27


Trial Summary for Hair Growth This is a summary of the preliminary clinical results of a 180-day, 40-person National Institutes of Health identified clinical study on the Varin-rich hemp extract, ALPHA VARIN™ Complex. The clinical trial was sponsored by Gregory L. Smith, MD, MPH and was conducted by John Satino, BS. Dr. Smith is a medical doctor with expertise in how the human body’s endocannabinoid system regulates the various body systems, including hair growth. Mr. Satino is a clinical researcher with decades of experience developing and evaluating cutting edge hair growth products like Minoxidil and Finasteride. Both experts agree that ALPHA VARIN™ Complex is the most advanced and effective hair formula ever developed. ALPHA VARIN™ Complex is found in TricoMax™ Hair Serum for natural and textured hair. ABOUT ALPHA VARIN COMPLEX A complete CB1 Receptor Antagonist - Blocking the human body’s CB1 receptors with ALPHA VARIN Complex™ results in (1) the stimulation of keratinocytes witch results in hair shaft elongation and (2) stimulation of matrix cells which results in thickening of the hair shaft. ALPHA VARIN Complex also stimulates the TRPV1 receptor which lengthens the duration of time the hair shaft is in the telogen, or resting phase, of the growth cycle. The results in this clinical trial show increases in hair shaft thickness, hair shaft health, and hair counts in the areas of balding.

FINDING 01 Hair Thickness and Health Using ALPHA VARIN Complex study participants experienced significantly thicker and healthier hair.

FINDING 02 Hair Counts at Day 0 100% of study participants using ALPHA VARIN Complex experienced at least 105% increase in new non vellus hair counts over the 180-day trial.

FINDING 03 Hair Counts at Day 180 Multiple study participants using ALPHA VARIN Complex experienced an 800%+ increase in new non vellus hair counts with an average increase per study participant of 371%.


ALPHA VARIN Complex is 100% All-Natural and can be used safely with confidence.

Participants used the All-Natural ALPHA VARIN ComplexTM for 180 days. On average, study participants experienced 371% increase in new non vellus hair counts as measured in the test-count area. The test-count area was a 1cm- square area marked with a tattoo and located around most significant balding.

Virtually all hair restoration products on the market are made from synthetic pharmaceuticals with a multitude of potential side- effects and warnings for use.

ALL-NATURAL ALPHA VARIN COMPLEXTM INCREASED HAIR SHAFT THICKNESS AND HEALTH Participants used the All-Natural ALPHA VARIN Complex TM for 180 days. In addition to the significant increases in new non vellus hair counts, study participants also experienced a significantly thicker core of the hair shaft and improved healthy appearance of the hair.

Shaft Thickening

Day 1 Hair Count

All-Natural ALPHA VARIN hair products are powered by BEVARIN Wellness’ proprietary ALPHA VARIN Complex and completely block the body’s CB1 receptors leading to hair growth and restoration. For best results and to maintain hair increases, continued use of the product is recommended.


Day 180 Hair Count

100% of study participants using ALPHA VARIN Complex experienced at least 105% increase in new non vellus hair counts Upon completion of the study, participants indicated an average 91% satisfaction with the ALPHA VARIN Complex.

INCREASED NEW NON VELLUS HAIR COUNTS On average, study participants using ALPHA VARIN Complex experienced a 371% increase in new non vellus hair counts as measured in the test-count area.

IMPROVED HAIR THICKNESS AND HEALTH Study participants using ALPHA TM VARIN Complex experienced significantly improved hair thickness and health.

23% of study participants saw new non vellus hair count increases of at least 8X

31% of study participants saw new non vellus hair count increases of at least 5X

62% of study participants rated ALPHA VARIN™ a perfect 10 out of 10.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. IHA

30 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Clinical Assessment of “Hair Recovery Program Pharma Hermetic S.L.

FINAL REPORT - INF.947.56.10

Pharma Hermetic is one of the pioneers in hair biotechnology products in Europe It is a specialty pharmaceutical company producing hair care products and cosmetic ingredients. The word “Hermetic” comes from the medieval Latin “Hermeticus” which is derived from the name of the Greek god Hermes, the Olympian messenger god. Pharma Hermetic was born after more than 20 years of research and development in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical world when the company founders decided to combine their experience and skills to establish a company that would focus specifically on hair care. Pharma Hermetic is sold in over 36 countries worldwide. THIS CLINICAL STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT BY BIONOS

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 31 THIS CLINICAL STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT BY BIONOS Figure 3. Graphical representation of the hair pixels quantification before (DO) and after 28 days and 56 days (D28 and D56) of treatment. The Mean and Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) are shown. * Represents statistical significance with p-value < 0.05.

On the other hand, results obtained after 28 and 56 days of treatment were normalized to those obtained at the beginning of the study (DO) and represented as a percentage. In this way, total hair area showed a notable raise of 6.4 ‡ 2.3 % after 28 days, and of 11.7 + 2.7% after 56 days of treatment. Also, the hair length increased after 56 days by 9.2 ‡ 2.7%. Hair density suffered a significant increment of 6.0 ‡ 2.1 % and 9.8 ‡ 2.2 % after 28 days and 56 days, respectively. Results are shown in Figure 4 and Table 2.

32 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

Figure 4. Graphical representation of the normalized hair pixels quantification before (DO) and after 28 days and 56 days (D28 and D56) of treatment represented as a percentage. The Mean and Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) are shown. Represents statistical significance with p-value < 0.05. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this study, we assessed in vivo the hair growth effects of Hair Recovery Program after topical application during 56 days in 20 volunteers. Twenty volunteers aged between 35 and 65 years, with alopecia, baldness, weak hair, or important hair loss were included in the survey. The poor hair area of the scalp was defined as the experimental area for each volunteer and the total area, length, density, and number of hairs were quantified using the Bio Blue Light Scanner. The measurements were carried out before (DO).on days 28th (D28) and 56th (D56) after the first topical application of Hair Recovery Program. In addition, macroscopic images of the head were taken. Finally, volunteers filled in a self-assessment questionnaire at the end of the treatment (D56). The data obtained before (DO), in the middle of the treatment (D28) and at the end of the treatment (D56), were analyzed to assess the effects on the different parameters measured.

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 33 When analyzing the number of pixels of each image obtained at every timepoint, results showed that the treatment significantly increased the total hair area after 28 days and 56 days of treatment by 14287 + 5186 px and 25957 ‡ 5922 px, respectively. Also, a significant increment of 4403 + 1300 px in the hair length was observed after 56 days of treatment. From these data, hair density was calculated, and results revealed a significant increase of 0.0104 + 0.0036 px and by 0.017 ‡ 0.0037 px after 28 and 56 days, respectively. On the other hand, results obtained after 28 and 56 days of treatment were normalized to those obtained at the beginning of the study (DO) and represented as a percentage. In this way, total hair area showed a notable raise of 6.4 ‡ 2.3 % after 28 days, and of 11.7 + 2.7% after 56 days of treatment. Also, the hair length increased after 56 days by 9.2 ‡ 2.7%. Hair density suffered a significant increment of 6.0 ‡ 2.1 % and 9.8 ‡ 2.2 % after 28 days and 56 days, respectively. These results were subjectively correlated with the self-assessment questionnaire, showing overall acceptance of 76% after 56 days of application of “Hair Recovery Program”. Specifically, positive evaluations (overall acceptance ≥ 80 %) were obtained for 5 out of 7 parameters regarding cosmetic attributes and 1 out of 4 parameters regarding consumer opinion. With regard to skin compatibility and acceptability, none of the volunteers showed any skin acceptability problem, neither manifested any adverse symptom or cutaneous reaction during the treatment period or the days after. In conclusion, the in vivo topical treatment with Hair Recovery Program resulted in a significant increase of the total hair area, length, and density. In line with these results, the treatment with Hair Recovery Program obtained a good score in the self-assessment questionnaire and yielded an overall acceptance of 76% after 56 days of application. Finally, regarding skin compatibility, the treatment showed good cutaneous acceptance and may claim “Dermatologically tested”, “Clinically Tested” and “Tolerance Tested”. IHA

Mark Cuban

to the


“No middlemen. No price games. Huge drug savings” Remember when Propecia cost more than your grocery bill? Well, billionaire and Mavericks owners Mark Cuban has opened up a new online pharmacy to make prescription drugs available at cheaper prices. CostPlus now offers you Finasteride (generic for Propecia) for only $4.40! IHA

WHAT A LONG, STRANGE TRIP IT’S BEEN A message from Hair Visions International’s president, David Schwartz There are events that change us as individuals, events that change our local communities, and events that change us as a nation. In any of our lifetimes there has been only one event that simultaneously affected every single human on the planet and consequently, every aspect of our daily lives. We’ve all had to change how we live, work, and play in many ways. Our food, meat, produce, and fish are up 14%. Our used

cars and trucks are up 35% and gas has gone up 48%. Our housing skyrocketed by 20-30% over previous years in a short time creating an entirely new housing crisis for more people than ever before. Everyone has had the experience of not being able to get something and paying more for whatever we could get; hair and hair products included. This global event has shown us how the present is vastly different from the immediate past.

Hair Authority Spring/Summer 2022 35 While customers continued sending us an overwhelming number of custom orders, which we funneled to the only factory producing customs at the time due to restrictions, these orders increased the backlog for the factory which continued up until recently. Government restrictions have since been lifted allowing this factory the ability to increase production. In other good news, our other factories are now expanding their capacity to process custom orders, which will alleviate the bottleneck, albeit slowly but surely. This will increase production to get more orders shipped out to our customers on a timelier basis.

David Schwartz, CEO

This has not been an issue isolated to the United States alone. The adverse impact of what we are experiencing cannot be overstated. What previously took only a few days to process in any port of entry now takes several weeks making any point of delivery sensitive to failure. Companies have been forced to rethink where products are manufactured and how far they have to travel to get to us. The pandemic highlighted how many links in the chain are vulnerable to disruption. Although we are seeing subtle improvements in the supply chain, there is still volatility in Asia. For instance, a large percentage of existing knotters are new to the industry and recently trained.

It’s difficult to imagine any small business being fully prepared for this specific event to this extent. Although smart business dictates that preparedness, financially and otherwise, should always be considered in case of the unexpected, those cases are typically exclusive of every other point of contact in your business. Being prepared in your business couldn’t prevent those on whom you rely upon failing to deliver products or services your business needs to remain viable. I think we can all agree one word sums up the sentiment along every line of the supply chain, “frustration”. Shortages and delays in the supply chain have, at times, threatened a total paralysis. Despite the obstacles ahead, Hair Visions will remain committed to doing all we can within our reach to get the products you need for your customers. Although we are encouraged by the shifting tides in our favor as of late, looking back we can say without hesitation, the last two years have definitely been a long, strange trip indeed.

In other good news, our factories are now expanding their capacity to process custom orders, which will alleviate the bottleneck, albeit slowly, but surely.

Throughout this entire time, Hair Visions made every effort to steer our path in the right direction despite the unexpected turbulence. In an ongoing effort to remain vigilant in doing what we can to get you what you needed, shipments of products are now being delivered on a more frequent basis. We realize from your perspective, at times, it may have been difficult to recognize, but, like every business across the world, we were not immune to the impact and took major losses as well including valuable team members critical to our production and shipping process. Despite our best efforts, we were also negatively impacted by the downed production cycle.


36 Hair Authority Spring /Summer 2022

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