9 September 2016

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Friday, September 09, 2016 Delhi


Temperature 400C Humindity 65% Wind 15 km/hr

Temperature 340C Humindity 65% Wind 15 km/hr

Terrorists Attack Cops In Kashmir's Kulgam, Escape with 4 Service Rifles

Srinagar: Suspected terrorists today attacked the guard post at the residence of a National Conference leader in Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam district and escaped with rifles of Contd on page 5

Supreme Court Lifts Stay On CBI Probe In Bulandshahr Gangrape Case

New Delhi: The Supreme Court today lifted the stay on CBI investigation in the brutal Bulandshahr gangrape case after modifying its earlier order and asked the agency to proceed as per Contd on page 5

Newborn Girl Child Allegedly Sold For Rs. 6,000 In Odisha, Probe Ordered

Jajpur: A newborn girl child was allegedly sold for Rs. 6,000 by her parents in Odisha's Jajpur district, prompting the authorities to order a probe into the incident today. According to local media reports, Lata Rana, 28, wife Contd on page 5

For 21 AAP Lawmakers, Parliamentary Secretary Posts Scrapped

Vientiane: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today described Pakistan without naming it as a country "whose competitive advantage rests solely in producing and exporting terrorism." Speaking at the regional ASEAN summit (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the PM said that other countries must combine to "isolate and sanction" Pakistan. Among the world leaders present for his speech were US President Barack Obama and Chinese premier Li Keqiang. The PM's comments come just days after he told the G20 summit in China that Pakistan is "a single nation spreading agents of terror." PM Modi has adopted a far more aggressive attitude towards Pakistan since July, when violence was unleashed in the Kashmir Valley after the shooting of 22-yearold terrorist Burhan Wani. For over a Contd on page 5

est, including civilnuclear cooperation between the two countries, an official release issued said today. As a country with large energy requirements, India looks forward to promoting nuclear energy production at a significant scale and the two nations can jointly work to achieve this, said Mr Singh, Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office. He referred to a comContd on page 5

In Pakistan's 26/11 Trial, Focus On A Boat Used To Sail To Mumbai New Delhi: A boat that was used by the ten Pakistani terrorists who sailed into Mumbai and laid siege to the city for a deadly 72 hours could soon be examined by experts in Pakistan. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, is among those who have been asked to explain

their stand about the inspection of the Al Fauz, which is now docked at Karachi. A court in Pakistan has set the next date of hearing on the 22nd. Ujjwal Nikam, the special prosecutor handling the 26/11 case in India, said this should be considered progress in Pakistan's attempts to try Lakhvi, who was controversially granted

Facing Criticism, Railways Says Surge Pricing On Experimental Basis New Delhi: Facing criticism, the railways today said the decision to introduce dynamic surge pricing for premier train tickets has been done on an experimental basis and it will be reviewed after some time. The move to put in place the flexi fare system for premier trains -Rajdhani, Duronto and Shatabdi -- from tomorrow has invited criticism from opposition parties. Passengers travelling by Rajdhani, Duronto and Shatadbi trains will have to shell out between 10 and 50 per cent more under a dynamic surge pricing system to be introduced from September 9, aimed at raking in Rs. 500 crore more during the current financial year. "We have introduced

the dynamic fare system on an experimental basis. We will review it after some time and see what necessary measures can be taken further," Chairman Railway Board (CRB) AK Mital told Press Trust of India. He said the decision will impact fares of 81 trains. Defending the move, Railway Board Member (Traffic) Mohd Jamshed said train travel is still the cheaper mode of transport in the country compared to air or road. "At present, we are facing the loss of Rs. 33,000 crore in the passenger segment as we charge 36 paisa for one km pf travel," Mr Jamshed said. The passenger revenue target for the current fiscal is Rs. 51,000 crore as against Rs. Contd on page 5

PM Modi, Trains Should Move Fast, Not Ticket Prices, Says Rahul Gandhi New Delhi: Rahul Gandhi, who is campaigning in Uttar Pradesh, today said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not been able to deliver faster trains but has been quick to introduce more expensive fares. The government has announced that starting tomorrow, tickets on three popular trainsthe Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duranto - will be determined by surge pricing. Though fares in the most expensive coaches will not change, surge

Kejriwal Only Wants Yes Men, Says Navjot Sidhu Launching Awaaz-e-Punjab Party

Pak's Sole Competitive Advantage Is Exporting Terror, Says PM Modi

India, Canada Discuss Civil-Nuclear Cooperation

New Delhi: India and Canada have discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interest, including the civilnuclear cooperation between the two countries. The discussion was held during a meeting between Union minister Jitendra Singh and visiting Canada Minister for Natural Resources, James Gordon Carr, yesterday. The two leaders discussed a wide range of issues of mutual inter-

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pricing for sleeper classes will be capped at 1.5 times the base fare -a maximum hike of 50%. Critics point out that unlike taxi hire apps like Uber, the Railways

has a complete monopoly, the surge pricing kicks in relatively earlywhen 10% of the tickets have been sold, and that even if demand is low, prices won't fall.

"The speed of trains might not increase, but PM Modi has increased the speed of surging fares. He takes from the poor and gives to his industrialist friends," Mr Gandhi alleged on Twitter. The 46-year-old Congress Vice President has made accusing the PM of crony capitalism a political habit. He earlier coined the phrase "suit-boot ki sarkaar" to deride the government as one in thrall to industrialists. Delhi Chief Minister Contd on page 5

bail last year and is a top leader of the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba. He is among seven people being tried in Pakistan for the attack on Mumbai. "The only thing that will be decided in this hearing is whether they will appoint a commission to inspect the boat or not," said Mr Nikam. Zaki-ur Rehman Contd on page 5

Email: editor@theindianstandard.com

International China Fails To Put A High-Tech Satellite Into Orbit: Report

President Mukherjee Calls For Joint Action For 100 Per Cent Literacy

New Delhi: Saakshar Bharat and Swachh Bharat are two sides of the same coin and there cannot be one without the other, President Pranab Mukherjee today said as he called for joint action by government and private bodies to achieve 100 per cent literacy in the country. "Swachh Bharat, Saakshar Bharat are the two sides of the same coin. I cannot have Swachh Bharat (Clean India) without Saakshar Bharat (Literate India)," he said at an event on the occassion of International Literacy Day. While emphasising on literacy, he said certain other things - cleanliness, environmental consciousness, responsibility to the neighbours, inculcating core civilisational values - are closely related and run parallel. He said many a times it is seen that people who are not literate show more dedication than those having formal education. In his speech, President Mukherjee said though much progress has been made,

still the country has a "substantial" number of illiterate population of the world. He mentioned the passing of the Right to Education Act a "crucial" step. Taking note that a large number of people are still illiterate in the country, the President called for a "joint action" involving government, NGOs, local bodies, volunteers etc so that "tremendous momentum" can be generated and 100 per cent literacy can be achieved. Agreeing with Education Minister Prakash Javadekar, who had spoken before him, President Mukherjee said that 'each one, teach one' can go a long way in achieving this goal. The President said

Arvind Kejriwal Boards Train Amid Protests, Pulls Into Ludhiana With More New Delhi: At the Delhi train station, where he boarded a Shatabdi, and then again at Ludhiana where he pulled in, Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, found himself wading through angry protestors. In Delhi, Mr Kejriwal was pushed by women who heckled him over a sex scandal in his Aam Aadmi Party or AAP. His party alleged that the Delhi police had leaked the Chief Minister’s itinerary to allow opposition workers to embarrass him publicly. Women protesting against Arvind Kejriwal

by showing bangles at New Delhi Railway Station “He is pushed around in the presence of the police, and they were silent spectators. TV cameras had been called. It is obvious that this was planned," tweeted Mr Kejriwal's

UK Confirms Post-Brexit Trade Working Group With India London: Britain has set up a trade working group with India to press ahead with its post-Brexit negotiations, UK minister for international trade Liam Fox said today. Fox, who had returned from a visit to India last week, told parliament that he had held discussions with the Indian government on removing trade barriers. "We have now concluded a deal to set up a trade working group with India to look at how we will remove barriers to trade before we negotiate a free trade agreement on our exit from the European Union (EU)," Fox said. "There is nothing to stop us having discussions and scoping out

future agreements," he noted in reference to formal proceedings for Britain's exit from the EU yet to be finalised. His intervention came a day after British Prime Minister Theresa May had told the House of Commons that India would be one of the key countries of focus in a post-Brexit trade scenario for the UK. "As we leave the EU we will forge our own trade deals. The leaders from India, Mexico, South Korea and Singapore said they would welcome talks to remove trade barriers. President Xi (Jinping) also made clear that China would welcome discussions about trade with the UK," she said. Contd on page 5

deputy, Manish Sisodia. Roughly 5 hours later, at the Ludhiana train station, glass bangles were waved in his face by women workers of the Congress, demanding an explanation for a sex video of an AAP leader, who was Contd on page 5

apart from being a teacher, he has also been a literacy activist. Earlier, Mr Javadekar said the Narendra Modi government's mantra is "reaching the unreached" and added that literacy is a great step towards empowerment. He said financial, legal and electoral literacy are also of key importance. Mr Javadekar observed that for housing schemes, it has been seen that involving the local communities brought significantly better results as people contribute and give their best and does not complain. "Otherwise, we created a country which keeps complaining," he said, emphasising on the importance of Contd on page 5

Amid 'Special Status' Chaos, Andhra Pradesh Assembly Passes GST Bill

Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly today unanimously passed a resolution ratifying the proposed Constitution amendment bill which paves way for the introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) across the country. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu moved the resolution which stated that "this House ratifies the amendment to the Constitution of India falling within the purview of clauses (b) Contd on page 5

Ram Vilas Paswan Sees Bumper Pulse Output This Year, Warns Hoarders

Kanpur: The country will see a bumper pulse production this year leading to a fall in prices and hoarders will not stand to benefit, Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan today said as he asked them to offload their stocks. Singling out hoarders and blackmarketeers for the sharp rise in retail prices of pulses, he felt that the states did not

take stringent action against them. "The country will have a bumper production of pulses this year and hoarders will not get anything," Mr Paswan said on the sidelines of an event. "If hoarders are thinking that they will sell pulses at higher rate, then forget it. They Contd on page 5

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