THE IMAGINARIUM MAG - february 2014

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Leszek. The decadence is the attitude of the manifestation of the malaise of social life, in spirit and taste, manifested at first in the literature, and the arts and customs. It's characterized by an aesthetic view of life, the exploration of unknown areas of sensitivity, from the discovery of the subconscious, that the art was called to express in new ways and irrational. The term " decadent " was originally negative. It was in fact directed polemically against some poets who expressed the loss of consciousness and the crisis of values of the time, feeling, beyond the official optimism and often hypocritical society, the failure of the dream. Positivistic. In the escape from all this, Leszek, invents a new world that starts from a hypothetical Adam, often depicted as a naked and hypothetical Eve. We are at the dawn. The earth is reborn recently photographed and crystallized into a new dawn. The use of symbolism - the search of the link between soul and subject - across the universe, leads the author to the use of metaphors, too, very often of synaesthesia. The photographer, the artist - in the case of Leszek - as is the poet who is responsible for acting as intermediaries, a mediator of Revelation. It 'obvious as mysticism of light envelop the words they write the history of this author. A romantic wander between the pre- and feeling what will happen. A focus on aesthetics and beauty brought almost to obsession, to elevate the culture and the dream, to consumer good of a few. Not all photographs can be understood. Not all symbols must be explained. It ' nice to ramble. Far from remaining in madness. Support the reasons for unreasonable unconscious. My congratulations go to Leszek ... for his immeasurable culture. Only those who know, can overturn the world and then put it back in place. The poem then appears as the only means of understanding and reveal the truth. Leszek Paradowski is like a modern D'Annunzio. A prophet, seer who overcomes himself, to blend in with his own myth. Glad I could write about him.

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