1 minute read

Word From The Editor

Welcome to the April edition of your free, friendly community magazine - showcasing the very best of Ilfracombe! As we go to print, headlines across the world focus on the terrible situation in Ukraine. A violent campaign of war is tearing lives apart and seperating families from their loved ones. At least 3 million people have fled their homes to escape conflict in Ukraine. Leaving behind jobs, belongings and loved ones, they now face an uncertain future. It’s estimated the conflict will affect around 18 million people overall. It’s hard for us to imagine ever being in such a desperate situation, but there are several things we can do to help. At the time of going to press, the UK Government has opened it’s Homes For Ukraine scheme in which anyone wishing to offer a home or spare bedroom to a Ukranian family can register their wish to do so by visiting homesforukraine. campaign.gov.uk. I have spoken to several people in Ilfracombe who have signed up and I know some local community groups have also expressed an interest in hosting families who have fled from Ukraine. Clearly this won’t be suitable for everyone, so if you’d like to help in another way you can always make a donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee. No matter how small, any donation will make a difference. For example, just £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month. £50 could provide blankets for four families and £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month. I am more than aware that here in the UK we are going through our own problems at the moment with the overall cost of living shooting up for many of us. But if you are in the fortunate position to be able to offer help, I would urge you to do so. #StandWithUkraine



The Ilfracombe Magazine