The IBS Times- August 2014

Page 43

financial years at 13.94% which is less than

prime issues related to Agriculture especially Climate

Manufacturing Sector.

Change and address those in near future for the proper

Agriculture has tremendous potential in reviving the Economy and helping India in curbing poverty. In the year 2007, Waynad, a district in Kerala had been struggling with poverty and lower prices as a result of which the productivity of these farmers decreased. The entry of Reliance Fresh brought new hopes to them which had helped these farmers to uplift themselves from Poverty. Reliance Fresh directly came to these farmers, bought the agricultural goods from them with better prices and weakened the hold of middle-men. Such an example shows that other than Government, private sectors can easily contribute in curbing poverty with the help of Agriculture by linking producers of this Sector to the Market. Government should encourage private players to invest in agriculture by creating business opportunity in this Sector. Agriculture Sector also acts as a source of raw material for other sectors to function.

growth and survival of all the stakeholders in this Sector. Conclusion Given the time constraint, Government did tried its level best to address the key issues that had been haunting India for many months. India will grow if it constructs policies which are productive in nature with no policy paralysis, proper monitoring of the use of funds, social welfare schemes are not corroded with corruption, no more scams which happened under UPA Government, speedy implementation of all the policies, and clearing bottlenecks that is plaguing different sectors of the Indian Economy. As Mr. Kaushik Basu, Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist at ‗The World Bank‘ said, “Trust, Honesty, Integrity and Contracts are four pillars of a successful Economy.” We have also seen that it is too risky to depend on one sector as an engine of growth

Although, the Union Budget 2014-15 has proposed to

and the repercussion of that has already been felt with

establish Agriculture and Horticulture Research

the rate our Economy was performing post-US-

Institutes, creation of Infrastructure fund, creation of

recession. Hence it is very important that Government

Long-term Rural Credit Fund with NABARD,

should equally concentrate on Agriculture and

intention of bringing Second Green Revolution, etc,

Manufacturing Sector which has tremendous potential

there has been no budget allocation been made for

to revolutionize our Economy that can give challenge

ensuring Income Security for farmers given the fact

to hegemony existing in the Global Economy.

that there has been announcement by the Indian Metrological Department that because of El Nino effect, there is an expectation of shortage of rainfall this year. Climate change is a big issue in this Sector that has also been mentioned in Mr. Jaitley‘s budget speech 2014-15 but little has been done this year to address this issue. Hence Government should take 42 | A U G U S T 2 0 1 4

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