The Hype Weekly #66

Page 6

DECEMBER 6, 2012




Kindergarten and Politics from Ken’s Konservative Korner lessons in power and people from the earliest stages with Ken Mattheisen A few weeks back, in a reply to a very brief piece in The Hype Weekly called “The campaign is finally over”, I alluded that a kindergarten was adequate enough education to make it happily through life. The reply post overall seemed to also start World War III politically within Hypeville, but enough about that, for what is done is done, and I believe anything else would only be redundantly running the obviously controversial subject deeper into terra firma. But the kindergarten reference might be well worth re-visiting. When I went to kindergarten, kids only went for a half day, either a morning or afternoon session. I went in the afternoon, and I’m sure this ruined any chance I had of becoming a ‘morning’ person, and began what was the slow, and what has been a life long process, prying open of the left side of my brain. What I remember most about my kindergarten days was taking a nap on an old rug you brought in at the beginning of the year, having a real cigar box full of supplies (and it was your own stuff!), painting in a huge old dress shirt of your dads, bringing a nickel in on Monday for milk for the week, and having to line up just to go to the bathroom. According to a previously published and well known list, there are ten very important things that all who attended kindergarten should have learned that will help carry them through life. The list is cute to be sure, just basic do’s and don’ts, but maybe we all need to re-visit the innocence in the ten simple rules and compare them to our own lives once in a while, use them as a barometer just to make sure we personally are capable of living with our fellow man in a cohesive manner. The holidays are nearing where we all do seem to try to be nice to one another for couple of weeks anyway, so maybe the timing is perfect to share the list.

Here is the generally accepted ‘Kindergarten’ list, with only minor political comment from yours truly:

SHARE EVERYTHING To share something that is clearly yours is not easy. And to share with someone you don’t even like might sometimes seem impossible. But when you do give something to someone, do not expect to get it back. Nancy Pelosi is good at sharing our things.

Play Fair Play Fair. Whether you’re driving on the interstate, in a business meeting at work, talking with a spouse or friend or out in a boat on the lake fishing, there are rules. Being a rebel may be cool, but stay within the general premise of the rules. Nothing is taboo today though when it comes to politicians in our country. What ever happened to R-E-S-P-E-C-T? News networks seem to think there are no rules when it comes to representing politics, or any news for that matter.

NO hitting Don’t hit people. In many ways the bullying of today is worse than before. It used to be only the big dummies could bully, now it’s weirdos that do the bullying. The damage one can inflict on another in this internet age can be far worse than losing the cupcake out of your lunch. In seconds the world can know what a fool we all are for believing something just because it’s posted on the internet. I know there is a football coach in Lubbock, Texas that wishes Al Gore never invented the internet.

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