Sept. 24, 2021 Hutchinson Collegian

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The student voice of Hutchinson Community College



September 24, 2021



Col. Mark Tillman was the first Dillon Lecture Series speak of 2021 and first in 18 months.

Connor Keating discusses differences of horror movie presentation over the years. Page 2



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A preview of the upcoming Wellness Fair on Wednesday and what to expect.

Vol. 63 Issue 3


Joel Muhs introduces HutchCC soccer player Dayza Hollimon.

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Governor Kelly visits HutchCC campus By Aubreigh Heck Online Editor

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly visited Hutchinson Community College on Sept. 16, continuing a long-standing tradition started by the Kansas State Fair. Carter File, HutchCC’s president, welcomed Kelly, recognizing the reasons behind her visit. “I think it’s great for students,” File said, “I think it’s great for staff to get to see the governor of the state of Kansas. This is a longtime tradition at Hutchinson Community College that during Governor’s Day at the state fair, the Governor has come and spoken to Hutchinson Community College students.” Kelly, a democrat who became Governor in Jan. 2019, started her speech by reminding the audience of how important higher education in Kansas is. “Our Kansas colleges, universities, community colleges, tech schools, really play a central part in our state’s continued success. This is where innovation is driven,” Kelly said. “This is where jobs are created.” Kelly then talked about student’s opportunities to learn about civic engagement, and advocacy. Gov. Kelly called for the need of young people to bring new ideas forward, to make our state stronger, more vibrant and more attractive. She called the audience to action, asking them to consider how they can lend their voices to their communities and schools. “Being an advocate is about recognizing when something isn’t right, or when Photo by Danae Moser/Collegian something isn’t being done, and doing something about it,” Kelly said. Kansas Governor Laura Kelly visits Hutchinson Community College as a She then called for teamwork to work contribution to the Dillon Lecture Series. She encourages students to join towards a common goal. campus coalitions and be active in the community.

“There could be such coalitions and organizations here at the school right now,” Kelly said, “if so, join. If not, start one.” Even though students may have crammed schedules including school, work, and family obligations, Kelly asked one thing of the students in the audience to vote. “Register to vote in the upcoming elections. All you have to do is pull out your Kansas driver’s license, or your state identification number, and using your phone or your laptop, go to,” Kelly said, and then explained the registration process. Kelly called on the audience to vote for every election they could. Whether that be city council elections or school board elections, every election is just as important as voting for governors, and presidents. “Young people have a greater stake in the future than people my age,” Kelly said. As she closed her speech, she spoke of her journey to becoming the governor of Kansas. After losing an election to become the secretary of her sophomore class, she graduated wanting to pursue a degree in mental health, thinking nothing else of politics. When she moved to Kansas, she became the first executive director of the Kansas Recreation Park association, advocating for better parks to help make people and the communities healthier. She was drawn back into elected politics when she was asked to run for the state senate. She served in the senate for 14 years, until she was elected governor. “I can’t imagine a better opportunity to make life better for all Kansans, all across the state,” Kelly said, “So I encourage all of you to get engaged. Take risks, and be open to new opportunities. But whatever you do, please, do it here in Kansas.”

Pregnancy versus Fair food By Brooke Greene Editor In Chief

There are many joys when entering the world of motherhood. The announcements, the gender reveal, shopping for adorable little onesies and shoes. There are tiny kicks and sonograms that make you fall in love with the idea of who this little person inside of you is going to become one day. However, there are many things about pregnancy that are not so blissful, and that’s what I will be introducing in hopes of advising other mothers with balance work, school and a baby. I am five months pregnant. I just passed my 20th week, which means I will find out very soon if my baby will be a boy or a girl. This also means my bump is beginning to become more noticeable, my energy is better, my nausea has improved, and I can feel my baby moving around. With that being said, last week the Kansas State Fair was in town, and I have always loved going to the fair. I had my concerns about attending this year, as I wasn’t sure if all the smells, noise, and activity would impact me negatively. My first visit was late on a Friday evening, and I had a wonderful time. The food was great and we played lots of games as it is not advised that pregnant women go on any of the rides. My second visit was the following afternoon, which was not such a pleasant experience. I went with a fellow staff member to rate fair foods that most pregnant women could handle, and while I started strong, it didn’t have such a pleasant ending. Throughout my entire fair-going experience, I

Upcoming events Sept. 25 — Football vs. Fort Scott at Gowans Stadium at 7 p.m. Sept. 29 — Wellness Fair at Parker Student Union from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 9 — Homecoming game, Football vs Independence at Gowans Stadium at 12 p.m. Oct. 15 — Fall Break starts, college closed

Fetus 1, Fair food 0 tried the fried cheesecake, cheese curds, the root beer, pretzel bites, pineapple whip, grilled cherry lemonade, and unfortunately, when we got to one of my favorites, fried Oreos, I was not able to partake as I was too nauseous and overheated that my colleague made the review. Here are the ratings: ● ● ●

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have a six-month-old baby to stroll around the fair with and have a whole new set of experiences. Brooke Greene is the Collegian’s Editor In Chief and five months pregnant. She will share her experiences in being a first-time mom through the academic year.

Gestation Journal

Cherry grilled lemonade. 7/10 ○ Super sweet and flavorful Pretzel bites with butter, salt and cheese. 6/10 ○ Great but not Auntie Anne’s Pineapple Whip 10/10 for first five minutes 5/10 overall ○ Great flavor, nasty aftertaste, and runoff once melted ○ Makes your tongue yellow Fried Oreos 0/10 ○ A colleague said there was too much breading Cheese curds 7/10 ○ Predictable Fried cheesecake 6/10 ○ Great but hard to eat, more like a cheesecake chimichanga Root beer 8/10 ○ Would be 10/10 if it had ice

Once we were done, and I started to feel better, we headed home. The remainder of my evening was not as much fun, as I spent most of it sick and nauseous. It was interesting to see what my body could handle compared to everything I could normally do during fair season. I saw many other baby bumps around the fair. Some mothers were doing just fine and some struggled a bit more in the heat like me. Next year, I will

The happenings around campus

Photo by Aubreigh Heck/Collegian Collegian Editor In Chief Brooke Greene tries a variety of fair food, but normal favorites of hers were not as enjoyable as usual. She and her colleague Aubreigh Heck ventured the fair in search of pregnancy-approved fair foods.

College Student Weather Report Friday High: 84; Low 51 Now the weather is just teasing us. Saturday High: 83; Low 59 Sweater weather? Sike! Sunday High: 93; Low 61 Nope. Staying inside. Weather source:

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Let’s fix the broken system **Before I get started, I want to provide a trigger warning for anyone reading this. There will be mentions of abuse and neglect. ** Nursing school requires us to discuss difficult topics so we are able to provide exceptional healthcare in a variety of different cases. This week, we talked about abuse and neglect. It was a heartbreaking discussion, but one concept bothered me in particular. As healthcare providers, we are mandated reporters. If we suspect any sort of abuse, neglect, or maltreatment, we have a duty to report our findings to child protective services or adult protective services. The reports are made in hopes the situation will be investigated properly. One of my classmates shared their experience with reporting and the investigation process. In her experience, she was told that three separate reports from three different people must be made before any sort of investigation will occur. That is incredibly unsettling to me. I’m not sure if this was just for her case, or if this is the county’s general guidelines in handling abuse reports, but either way, I feel this should be different. (I will be doing some research to see if that’s true.) After one ignored report it may be too late. Abuse and neglect are not topics to be taken lightly. The lack of action is a huge reason cases are not reported. Why should they speak up if they know nothing will

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, September 24, 2021

Are you ready for Halloween?


Laci Sutton happen? And while we’re on this topic, can we stop teaching that males are the abusers and females are the victims? I understand this is the more common scenario, but we need to understand that it can be anybody. This stereotype is another contributing factor to the lack of reported cases. We are constantly drilling into males’ heads that they need to be tough and emotionless. Imagine hearing that your entire life and then being a victim of abuse. I can only imagine the emotions following the trauma itself. These stigmas must come to an end. An abuser is an abuser, and a victim is a victim. Gender should have nothing to do with it. These conversations are incredibly uncomfortable, but they are ones that should be had more often. As a society, we need to do better. It is unacceptable and we need to start making some serious changes. Laci Sutton is a Nickerson senior studying nursing. She is the Collegian’s Opinion Page Editor

Collegian file cartoon

Your life is worth living, trust me Life is valuable and worth living. As we near the end of September, which is also Suicide Awareness Month, I want to remind y’all that life is worth living. I know it sounds cliché, but things do get better, sometimes very slowly but surely. It has been four years since the worst day of my life, where I was at my absolute lowest point of my life. I had thoughts of ending my life from when I was 13, and by the time I was 17, had serious plans to be dead soon after my high school graduation. I had everything planned out at 18 and I was fully prepared to die. I had a note explaining my reasons, explaining how I did love those


Leslie Grajeda around me, who would get my possessions and what would be done with my body. The plan was set, everything in place, but when the day came, my friend had invited me out. I was out all day and came home exhausted and I decided, I’m just not in the mood anymore. I was too tired. Funny, right? One

spur-of-the-moment decision on my friend’s part saved my life. I never told them until much, much later. And while I’m still not able to talk about the gritty details, I am able to share that afterwards, I made a serious effort into my therapy. When I started my medication, I effectively stopped making self-deprecating jokes. I had to change my whole way of thinking. While I still struggle and stumble, I’m so much happier now. I’m happy that I woke up another day, even if I still don’t know what I’m going to do for the rest of my life. Who cares? I’m alive. You might want to say to me, “Leslie,

who cares?” We’re just specks in the universe, almost pointless. While I say that yes, ultimately we’re just grains of sands, you do affect the people around you. Take that opportunity to be as kind as possible. Explore your individuality. If we are ultimately going to be forgotten, then make your life as memorable as you can to you. Be liberated in your true nature. Be kind, be loving, but most of all, be you. Without you here, things would be different. You would be missed because you are loved. Leslie Grajeda is a South Hutchinson sophomore studying journalism.

They don’t make them like they used to

So recently, I’ve been on a bit of a horror monster movie kick. I watched “Alien”, “Aliens”, “Predator”, “Arachnophobia”, “Invasion of The Body Snatchers” , “The Fly”, and “The Blob”, and like a lot of people, I thought, “man, they sure don’t make movies like they used to.” In recent years, I’ve watched some of my favorite franchises, like Godzilla and Jurassic Park, get turned into big, dumb action movies, but some of you are probably wondering why that’s a bad thing. Action and seeing the monsters attack people is all part of what people love about them, right? Well I’m going to take a deeper dive into more recent monster movies, and compare them to the monster movies of old. First let’s look at one of the most controversial aspects of monster movies, the calm before the storm. By far the stereotype of monster movies I hate the most is that they’re just big dumb action movies that are only slow because they have to be, and all people really want is for them just to get to the monsters. By far, one of the slowest monster movies is “Alien”, even from the title card, it very slowly fades in each line in the word “Alien”. It’s then followed

by a bunch of slow panning dersea base” movie like shots of the lifeless ship, “Leviathan” and “Deep then the lights and systems Star Six” if you know slowly start to come on, and what those are. the characters slowly start Instead of letting the to wake up. They all then audience get to know our get up, eat and talk amongst characters and setting, the each other. Nothing grand or movie just starts with our epic happens, but scenes like protagonist lady at a sink, this do more than it seems. then suddenly the base We get to see our setting, get starts getting crushed. to know the characters, and No time to breathe, no Connor Keating show things that are familiar, time for characters, just that we can relate to. Somestraight into the action. thing that is even more obvious in the While it manages to be different from a famous Chestburster scene, where the lot of other similar films, it just ends up crew is just happily eating breakfast so looking like a lackluster copy. everything seems normal, making the However there are some films that scene feel more real. This is also sometake a slower approach, but it ultimatething “Invasion of The Body Snatchly backfires. “Godzilla” (2014) is a ers” does very well. For the first half pretty good example of this. It starts off of the film, nothing too extraterrestrial pretty slow and the first half is pretty happens, but there’s still that tension of solid, but once Brian Cranston’s charsomething isn’t quite right. acter dies we’re left with a boring army Build up like this is important in man to follow around. It also doesn’t order to introduce the characters and help that the film constantly cuts away establish a lot of the background elebefore fights take place. ments, maybe even set up a plot device If you haven’t noticed, the key lies in that will come into play later. having actually good characters. There Let’s compare this to a more recent are three types of good characters, the film, “Underwater”. For context, this is first is your all around well developed another “sea monsters attacking an un- characters. Films like “Aliens” and

The Hutchinson Collegian The student voice of Hutchinson Community College

The Collegian is created by Hutchinson Community College’s Newspaper Production class each week during the academic year, except for when school is not in session, or during final exams. Copies may be found on campus Friday mornings, or in Shears Technology Center, room 207.

Follow us on social media: Facebook: The Collegian Hutchinson Community College Twitter: @HCC_Collegian Instagram: the_hutchinson_collegian Snapchat: hutch_collegian


Collegian Staff Editor In Chief Brooke Greene Opinion Page Editor Laci Sutton Sports Editor Joel Muhs Audio Editor Zariah Perilla-Best Online Editor Aubreigh Heck

Social Media Coordinator Jayshaun Jones Editorial cartoonist E. G. Weinhoffer Staff members Cole Deutschendorf, Colton Fast, Savannah Goode, Leslie Grajeda, Connor Keating, Braedon Martin, Danae Moser, Sarah Newberry, Collin Shields, Ben Short, Brendan Ulmer Collegian Adviser Brad Hallier

“The Fly” are pretty good examples of this, characters who have well defined personalities and go through character arcs over the course of the film. Then you have the relatable characters, ones who aren’t necessarily the most in depth, but seem real and you can connect with. “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and “Arachnophobia” do this well, and it also helps that both films tackle very real fears. Finally, you have the fun characters, they aren’t fleshed out much, but they’re just enjoyable to watch like the characters in “Predator”. A lot of monster movies nowadays forget this, or put it in, off to the side. Because all anyone seems to want is big dumb action movies. Of course there have been some good monster movies in recent years, “The Host”, “Pacific Rim”, “Shin Godzilla”, “Kong Skull Island”, and “Colossal” are all pretty good newer monster movies. Maybe one day we will get more big blockbuster monster movies that are actually good … that’ll probably be the day they make one without CGI, and that day will probably never come. Connor Keating is a Halstead freshman in general studies. Letters to the editor

The Hutchinson Collegian welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the author’s signature, address and phone number. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for style, legality and length. Letters may not exceed 300 words. Send letters to

Non-discrimination statement Hutchinson Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, military status, sexual orientation, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law, or by college policy. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies contact: Coordinator of Equity & Compliance 1300 N. Plum Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 665-3500 (

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, September 24, 2021


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Tillman touches down Former Air Force One pilot shares stories of his time in service at first DLS of 2021. By Colton Fast Staff Writer

At Tuesday’s Dillion Lecture Series at the Sports Arena, most people came to hear Colonel Mark Tillman’s incredible story over the events he experienced during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, his story on George W. Bush’s secret Thanksgiving journey to Baghdad in 2003 to celebrate with U.S. soldiers was just as impressive. In fact, it was so secret that it was kept a from the Secret Service, beating them at their own game. Tillman, being the commander of Air Force One, took charge of the mission and had to secretly contact people and organizations without letting those same people know of where they were headed as well. Tillman eventually located a safe landing spot on the corner of a small Baghdad airfield, where it would be safe from mortar fire. Tillman and his crew snuck Bush out of his Texas ranch and started their flight to Baghdad. The flight was going just as planned until a plane near the British coast spotted them flying by and asked them if that was Air Force One, and Tillman answered that they were flying a Gulfstream V, a small 12 person passenger jet. Air Force One on the other hand is a massive and powerful Airliner that holds more than 250 people. Tillman said the pilot supposedly laughed and said OK in a sarcastic tone. Air Force One ended up coming in undetected and unscathed into Iraq. President Bush was then escorted to a military outpost where he would only have about three hours until they would be detected by hostile forces. After about 2 hours, and 30 minutes, they were set to depart. As Bush boarded the plane, Tillman asked him how the dinner was and Bush said, “I didn’t get to eat, I got to serve the finest Americans in the world.” Rewind two years, and it’s Sept. 11, 2001, arguably the most dreaded day in American history. Early that morning, President Bush was at an elementary school in Jacksonville, Florida. At 8:46 a.m. the north tower at the World Trade Center was hit. Admittingly, Tillman said that they didn’t expect that it was a terrorist attack, but knew that it wasn’t a small aircraft like reports were saying. At 9:03 a.m., the second tower was hit. Instantly,

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered, “A second plane hit the second tower, America is under attack.” Bush was then escorted back to Air Force One where they are planned to move Bush to a multitude of safe zones for the president to be at. However, the fog of war that day could not get any worse, as there were plenty of false reports of lethal threats. However, with so much panic ensuing that day, it wasn’t an option not to believe them. Even before takeoff, reports of a man with a long gun and a plane descending towards them were already getting to them before takeoff. Tillman, taking the reports seriously, taxied the plane around and took off from the supposed long gun user. Tillman shortly found out that this was false information. They first touched down in Louisiana where Bush then insisted that they take him back to Washington to address the situation at hand. During this flight to D.C., two more flights were hijacked and crashed, one into the Pentagon and another into a field in Pennsylvania. Tillman talked about the people who took the plane back from the hijackers in Pennsylvania, saying “We need to remember what these people sacrificed for America. Those people possibly saved thousands of innocent lives.” Tillman spent 30 years in the Air Force. He also Photo by Savannah Goode/Collegian helped saved countless lives and maintained the safe- Colonel Mark Tillman shares incredible stories with the gathered audience for his speech at the Dillon Lecture ty of important political members for years. Series

Photo by Savannah Goode/Collegian A crowd gathers in the Sports Arena in preparation for the first speaker in this year’s Dillon Lecture Series, Col. Mark Tillman


The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, September 24, 2021

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HutchCC volleyball team competes well at the Blue Dragon Classic last week Photos by Danae Moser/Collegian

Zoe Schmidt, Sophie Conor, Amanda Velez, Andrea Serrano, and Morgan Harvey celebrate winning a point at the Blue Dragon Classic.

Freshman Blondie Penaflor goes in for the kill.

Freshman Sophie Connor prepares to set the ball.

Sophie Connor starts the point off with a serve. Zoe Schmidt and Morgan Harvey combine to secure the block.

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, September 24, 2021


Blue Dragons look to bounce back

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Photo by HutchCC Sports Information The Hutchinson Community College football team is looking to rebound from an 0-2 start. By Jayshaun Jones Staff Writer

After a disappointing loss in the home opener against the Butler Grizzlies the Hutchinson Blue Dragon football team falls to an 0-2 record. A slow start from last season in which they were national champions with an undefeated record. That being the Blue Dragons only ring in school history, you would think that they start strong this season and do everything in their power to repeat. Not the case this season. With 753 yards from scrimmage, the offense has no problem moving the ball. They just seem to be allergic to the endzone, through two games they average 16.5 points per game. That wouldn’t be an issue if the defense wasn’t allowing 30. They even allowed a backup quarterback to toss two touchdowns on them in the 43-23 loss to Butler. Turnovers also seem to be a prob-

lem for the Blue Dragons this season as well. With three interceptions from starting quarterback Dylan Laible, he already has more interceptions this year in two games than he did all last season. Laible has great arm talent, as he still racks up 194 passing yards a game. He just has to cut back on the turnovers and he will be fine. Fumbling the ball is the new pandemic going around the locker room as the Blue Dragons have ten total fumbles with six of them lost and only two of them recovered. They might need that “Friday Night Lights” lamp treatment. There is a silver lining in all of this. Hutch plays Fort Scott this weekend. A valuable and important game now to regain some swagger. The Blue Dragons have the talent to repeat this season, but it seems mistakes with the ball will be their kryptonite. Still, a lot of season left though, I’m excited to see what the rest of the season brings.

What jobs work for us? By Brendan Ulmer Staff Writer

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported the number of unfilled jobs as being above 10.9 million, as of the end of this July. This was a record high. This follows the omnipresent and lengthy Covid-19 pandemic that saw somewhere between 16 million and 18 million jobs lost in May 2020. Now, that there is some semblance of normalcy reentering our world, these jobs are back. “Whenever I see those openings, that means the economy is doing great,” Hutchinson senior nursing student Robert Murigi said, “The economy is going back to normal.” It has been seldomly seen in coverage of this surplus of job openings that it is overall a deeply positive sign for the direction of commerce in the United States. The verbiage of “Jobs Crisis” as perpetuated by news outlets ranging all the way from MSNBC to Fox News instills more of a sense of panic than the hope it could potentially represent. “It’s an opportunity,” McPherson freshman Brooks Hubenett said. “It’s an opportunity for those who want to improve their lot in life, but it’s also something that’ll undoubtedly – at least in the short term – damage our country.” Much is made in the intellectual field of economics about the invisible hand of the free market, the idea that people won’t pay for anything less than what they think their

time and labor is worth, and the same goes for those who create and oversee the jobs – they won’t pay the employees more than they think they’re worth. “Oftentimes, if people are looking for jobs, they’re looking for the best possible deal,” Hubenett said. “Whoever can offer the best incentives are gonna have a lot more people” These openings appear to be indicative of a standoff between labor and capital, with labor unwilling to work for the wages, and capital unwilling to make the wages more enticing. So who’s winning in this scenario? “Some (companies) have resorted to automation” Murigi said. “I don’t think that’s good cause if they go into automation people will need those jobs.

Get well soon! Wellness fair next Wednesday

By Braedon Martin Staff Writer

Every year, Hutchinson Community College puts on a Student Wellness Fair, with the goal to help students by introducing them to resources available, not only on campus but in the community for healthy living. Numerous organizations will be in attendance including PrairieStar, BrightHouse, HutchCC EMS, and Horizons Mental Health Center. The cosmetology program will be giving free eyebrow waxing and paraffin dips, and the Physical

Therapist Assistant program will have an obstacle source set up on the front lawn. Students will find a photobooth, a chair massage, and a t-shirt and plans, while supplies last. The Reno County Health Department will be on hand with COVID vaccines and flu shots. Students will be able to register to win prizes for their participation in the fair, with the grand prize being a $100 gift certificate to the Campus Store. The Wellness Fair will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Parker Student Union.

Photo By Brendan Ulmer/Collegian In the Parker Student Union this Career Board hangs like open doors that help students find employment.


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The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, September 24, 2021

Hollimon continues soccer legacy By Joel Muhs Sports Editor

Much like in everyday life, connections and relationships play a crucial role in the sporting world. The same is true for Hutchinson Community College, where family ties and relationships have come full circle for soccer coach Sammy Lane and freshman soccer player Dayza Hollimon. Lane, who has coached the Blue Dragon soccer team with a fiery passion since 2005, spent time playing and coaching professionally with the Wichita Wings with Dayza’s father, LeBaron Hollimon. LeBaron coached the Wings from 2011-2013, and now coaches the Kansas Wesleyan University men’s soccer team in Salina. “To have gone through two series of Wings with LeBaron was really kind of cool, and when the Wings folded, I was able to give him an opportunity here to be my assistant which kind of helped him get into college soccer,” Lane said on his time with LeBaron at the Wings. “It was kind of a full circle of things, but we’ve known each other for 30 years now. It’s an interesting circle of life almost now that his daughter is back here playing for me.” After playing, coaching and learning from each other for 30 years, Lane and LeBaron share another thing in common by being able to coach Dayza, who has been

able to learn from two big influences in her life. “I think it’s pretty cool, because I’ve always known Sammy and he’s an awesome person,” Dayza said on the uniqueness of being able to play for Lane. “I think I always just tell myself the soccer world is a small world, so it’s just kind of cool that it came back around to where I’m playing for him now.” Although she has gone from one professional soccer figure in her life to another, Dayza noted how it was always a privilege to have someone like her father around when it came to practicing soccer from the beginning. “I had it a little bit on the easier side, because if I wanted to get extra training in I could just go to my dad and he would give it to me,” Dayza said. “If I wanted help on something or some question I could just go to him. For the most part it was pretty fun as well, just because I got to walk around soccer communities and everyone was just like, ‘Oh my gosh you’re LeBaron’s daughter.’” Much like her father, Dayza chose soccer as her favorite sport. However, the two have contrasting play styles and have strengths where the other one is weak, which Lane believes could result in an unstoppable player if both skill sets

Photo by Joel Muhs/Sports Editor Freshman soccer player Dayza Hollimon follows in footsteps of her father LeBaron Hollimon, a former professional soccer player.

were combined together. “Two totally different players actually,” Lane said. “LeBaron was wonderfully skillful and worked in the weight room and stuff like that to develop his body and to develop strength.

Dayza is naturally strong and naturally aggressive. Probably not as skillful or as technical as (LeBaron), but if you combined the two you’d have one of the best players of all time.” Even though it start-

ed 30 years ago, the Hollimon and Lane connection has found its way back together again at HutchCC, where Dayza will look to continue the soccer legacy both now and in the future.

Athlete of the week (Sept. 12-18) Andrew Holt, men’s cross country

The week: Holt helped the Blue Dragons to a thirdplace finish at the Missouri Southern Stampede on SatHolt urday in Joplin, Missouri. Holt had a personal best on an 8,000-meter course, as he finished in 17th place in a time of 27 minutes, 14 seconds. He was the second highest-finishing Blue Dragon The season: Holt, a junior from Lago Vista, Texas, has competed in both the Blue Dragons’ races this season, and added a 34th-place finish at the Terry Masterson Twilight. He will next compete next weekend in the Region 6 preview in Colby. Last season, in which all athletes were granted an extra year due to Covid, Holt had three top-20 finishes.

Roundup: Volleyball continues winning ways

Photo by Danae Moser/Collegian Kristina Head (left) and Rachel Easom (right) celebrate during the Blue Dragon’s match against Trinity at the Sports Arena. By Cole Deutschendorf Broncbusters 25-22, 25-19, 26-24. Staff Writer The win was highlighted by their

The Hutchinson Community College volleyball team earned their sixth sweep of the season on Monday, taking down the Garden City

second most aces in a match this season, tallying 15 in three sets. The team was led by Blondie Penaflor, who had a total of nine kills. Kristina Head added six kills

of her own and an additional seven blocks (one solo, six assisted). The Blue Dragons have now won four out of their last five, and have an 11-7 record, which includes a 3-3 record in the Jayhawk West. Soccer - After a three-game losing skid for the Hutchinson Community College soccer team, the Blue Dragons bounced back in a huge way Saturday. It was looking like they were about to lose their fourth consecutive game, as they were down 1-0 deep into the second half to the Coffeyville Red Ravens. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Blue Dragons scored two goals within four minutes to claim the lead. Aimee Maher, who had tallied zero goals on the season before Saturday, scored the tying goal with just under 10 minutes remaining. The go-ahead goal came from Hadlie Lowe, and the Blue Dragons were able to maintain their lead and secure the victory. Men’s cross country - The Blue

Dragons finished in third place in Joplin, Missouri. They were led by freshman Collin Oswalt, who was running in his first collegiate 8,000-meter race. He finished fourth, which was the second time this season that he had finished top five. Andrew Holt also provided a solid performance, turning in a personal record of 27 minutes, 14 seconds. The Blue Dragons will compete next at the Region 6 Preview on October 2. Women’s cross country - Louise Cocking accomplished one of her major goals for the season last Saturday, running a sub-19-minute 5,000-meter race, finishing with a time of 18:56.42. This is a time that has only been bested two other times in Blue Dragon history, by Lisayo Ewoi (2018) and Ruth Limo (2001). Overall, the team finished sixth, as Anastasia Meyer finished 36th overall with a time of 21:09.12, and Michele Gage placed 52nd at 21:56.55.

Blue Dragon sports schedules, results. All home games, events in caps. Basketball

Oct. 22, SUNRISE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, TBA Oct. 27 at Northern Oklahoma College-Enid, 6:00 p.m. Nov. 3 FORT SCOTT, 7:00 p.m. Nov. 5 ODESSA COLLEGE, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6 NORTHERN OKLAHOMA COLLEGE-TONKAWA, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa, TBA Nov. 12 vs. McCook Community College, 3:00 p.m. Nov. 13 vs. Clarendon College, 3:00 p.m. Nov. 17 at Independence, 7:00 p.m. Nov. 21 CLOUD COUNTY, TBA Nov. 23 PRATT, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 27 at Barton, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1 COWLEY, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 BUTLER, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 8 at Coffeyville, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11 DODGE CITY, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at Colby, 7:30 p.m.

Cross country


CLASSIC Sept. 18, at Muthama-Rodgers Invitational, North Newton, 10:45 p.m. Oct. 2, at Chili Pepper Classic, Fayetteville Ark. Oct. 9, at Fort Hays State Tiger Open, Victoria, 9:45 p.m. Oct. 30, at Region 6 championships, Colby Nov. 13, at NJCAA Championships, Richmond, Va.


Sept. 4, at Coffeyville, L 17-10 Sept. 11, BUTLER, L 43-23 Sept. 25, FORT SCOTT, 7 p.m. Oct. 2, at Garden City, 7 p.m. Oct. 9, INDEPENDENCE, noon Oct. 16, at Highland, TBA Oct. 23, Dodge City, 1 p.m. Oct. 30, first-round playoffs, TBA


Sept. 27-28, at Missouri Southern Fall Invitational, Monkey Island, Okla. Oct. 4-5, at West Texas A&M, Amarillo, Texas Oct. 11-12, at Midwestern State Fall Classic, Wichita Falls, Texas Nov. 4-5, at NJCAA National Preview, Odessa,



Aug. 20, at Western Wyoming, W 1-0 Sept. 1, at Barton, L 2-1 Sept. 4, JOHNSON COUNTY, L 1-0 Sept. 8, at Garden City, W 2-0 Sept. 11, at Butler, L 5-0 Sept. 15, COWLEY, L 4-2 Sept. 18, at Coffeyville, W 2-1 Sept. 22, at Dodge City, W 4-2 Oct. 2, at Neosho County, 1 p.m. Oct. 6, BARTON, 6 p.m. Oct. 9, KANSAS CITY, 2 p.m. Oct. 13, GARDEN CITY, 6 p.m. Oct. 16, at Cowley, 2 p.m. Oct. 20, DODGE CITY, 6 p.m.


Aug. 23, OTTAWA JV, W 3-1 Sept. 1, CLOUD COUNTY, W 3-2 Sept. 3, at McCook, Neb., Tournament; vs. Otero, Colo, W 3-0; vs. North Platte, Neb., W 3-2 Sept. 4, at McCook, Neb., Tournament, vs. McCook, L 3-1; vs. Iowa Western, L 3-0 Sept. 6, at Butler, L 3-0 Sept. 8, GARDEN CITY, W 3-0

Sept. 10, at Grizzly Classic, El Dorado; vs.Neosho County, W 3-2; vs. Rose State, Okla., W 3-0 Sept. 11, at Grizzly Classic, El Dorado, vs. Trinity Valley, Texas, L 3-1 Sept. 13, at Colby, L 3-1 Sept. 15, DODGE CITY, L 3-1 Sept. 17, BLUE DRAGON CLASSIC; vs. Trinity Valley, W 3-0; vs. Jefferson, Mo., W 3-1 Sept. 18, BLUE DRAGON CLASSIC, vs. Laramie County, Wyo., W 3-0; vs. Missouri StateWest Plains, L 3-0 Sept. 20, at Garden City, W 3-0 Sept. 22, PRATT, W 3-0 Sept. 24, at Barton, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28, at Seward County, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 2, at Highland Oct. 6, vs. Seward County, 6 p.m. Oct. 8-9, at West Plains Classic Oct. 13, COLBY, 6 p.m. Oct. 15-16, at Park Hill, Mo., triangular Oct. 18, at Dodge City, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 20, BUTLER, 6 p.m. Oct. 23, at Pratt, 2 p.m. Oct. 27, BARTON, 6 p.m.

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