Oct. 16, 2020 Collegian

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The student voice of Hutchinson Community College

October 16, 2020


Vol. 62 Issue 6

Being Black in Hutchinson According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Hutchinson has more than 42,000 people, of which 87.9% are white and 4.3% are Black. By Bailey Pennycuff Co-Sports Editor

Scenario - you are walking around Walmart, trying to find some items to purchase. Once you have everything you need, you go to self-checkout because it is faster. You scan all your items, bag them up and walk out of the store with a smile from the worker by the door, as well as a friendly “have a nice day.” Seems like a common interaction. Maybe for some. However, something as simple as going through self-checkout is not a luxury some Black people in Hutchinson get to have. Sophomore Gereme “Worm” Spraggins, a football player from Baltimore, can attest to not being able to go through self-checkout judgement free. “The coaches have told us to not even go through self-checkout at Walmart. People are just automatically going to think you’re stealing. It’s not worth the judgement,” Spraggins said. “Last year, the coaches made sure to tell us we were not allowed to go to the State Fair. People already judge us so hard, let alone at night in public. We just had to stay locked up in the dorms.” What most white people in Hutchinson see as an uncomplicated task, Black people might deal with hateful eyes glaring at them, sometimes pointing, and sometimes even hearing racial slurs. “As soon as I’m walking in a store or fast food place, it’s instant judgement. Some white people literally look at me with shame,” Spraggins said. “And one time, at KwikShop, a (white) man in a truck was just staring at me and my friends with his head out of the window. Before we left, he was screaming racial slurs at all of us.” It’s not always places like stores or gas stations that racism is common. “Every single day when I walk into class, I get so many stares. All because of the color of my skin,” said Grace Marshall, a freshman from Kansas City, Missouri. Sometimes, it is difficult to express when something is unwanted. Racism

Photo by Bailey Pennycuff/Co-Sports Editor (From left to right) Gereme Spraggins, Grace Marshall and Zay Iton are Hutchinson Community College students from more diverse, out-of-state cities.

is always unwanted. “One thing (white people) don’t realize is that most of their thoughts about us are not true. They are negative. Like people not trusting me, people accusing us for things and how people think we don’t have enough education because we’re black is heartbreaking to me,” Marshall said. “A friend of mine was judged because they thought he didn’t have enough money to pay for his food because of the color of his skin.” Racism is often associated with hatred, rightfully. Football player Zay Iton, Houston freshman, said he believes “hatred has no home.” “I really do question my safety sometimes. You really gotta keep your head on a swivel. Even in the dorms,” Iton said. Standing up to racism can be difficult to do. However, Marshall has some experience with racism and dealing with it. “I was judged based on my skin color and appearance from my roommate. I noticed that she became very tense and

she spoke of how it was hard to talk to me, even though I’m a listening ear,” Marshall said. “Once I realized talking wasn’t doing anything to help the situation, and I had heard her talking bad about me using racial slurs, I finally went and talked to my RA. I felt that was the right thing to do.” After contacting her RA and speaking with the Residence Life office, Marshall’s roommate was removed from the hall. Many Black people in Hutchinson do not feel safe in various places. Most public places can be stressful scenes for a Black person. “The football facility is really the best place. We all feel safe, we feel comfortable together,” Spraggins said. On the other hand, Spraggins has also noticed people being afraid of him. “I have literally seen people that do not know me at all, and they look so scared to be around me. It makes me feel so unwanted,” Spraggins said. Spraggins also said he believes a

major reason racism is prominent in Hutchinson is due to a lack of education. “People are so ignorant. We have so much ignorance going on right now. People need to educate themselves. Then, if everyone is well-informed, I believe racism can be reduced,” Spraggins said. Compared to where he grew up, Hutchinson is a different environment for him. “Back at home, there’s really not as much racism. If someone’s being racist, it wouldn’t be tolerated. If you speak up about racism here, you might be putting your life in danger,” Spraggins said. Life is also different for him socially. “If I were to be talking to 10 different white girls right now, I guarantee you, at least eight of those girls would keep it a secret from their families. I’d say eight out of 10 white parents discriminate against black people, See Hutch, Page 5


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The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, October 16, 2020

Black Lives Matter Our view More than a bumper sticker phrase, it is: A recognition of systemic biases. Minority communities face, on average, higher levels of poverty and worse healthcare and educational outcomes. COVID-19 exposed and worsened these disparities. An understanding of how history affects the present. The past’s explicitly racist policies, because America has done little to mitigate their effects, still impact Black people to this day. This country veiled systemic racism in subtler language. The war on drugs caus-

es high Black incarceration rates. Quality of life, schools, medical care and other social services are woefully underfunded in minority communities because of historic redlining policies. Increased militarized policing in impoverished neighborhoods results in more confrontations and Black bloodshed at the hands of cops. The list goes on and on. A call for real, lasting change to do better. It is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist, in our personal lives and political institutions. Black Lives Matter. - The Collegian Editorial Board

E. G. Weinhoffer/Cartoonist

Black artists release 2020’s best tracks While most of 2020’s chaos has led to large amounts of stress and anxiety, this same chaos worked as a driving force for some great albums from Black artists. Spanning multiple genres, these are some of my favorite albums of the year from Black artists.

Yves Tumor - “Heaven To A Tortured Mind” (alternative rock) “Heaven To A Tortured Mind” manages to sound like classic alternative rock while being completely

Kyran’s Kansas: Coronado Castle: A scenic “high”light


Kyran Crist

unique the entire time. Yves Tumor has never been the most traditional artist, and this shines brightest on their latest album. Featuring one of my favorite guitar solos of the entire year, this release attempts to change what it means to be a rockstar.

but with even more eyeliner. The pulsing bass and glam-rock vocal delivery are hypnotizing, constantly lulling you into comfort even though danger is clearly present.

ago. Each note and line feels gently placed into your ear just for you, and I can’t help but smile when listening.

Backxwash - “God Has Nothing To Do With This Leave Him Out Of It” (experimental rap) This release has the feeling of being watched made into music. So much of the album creeps and haunts around corners while Backxwash tries its best to distract you with hellish lyricism.

The Muslims - “Gentrified Chicken” (punk rock) A classic punk sound with some truly revolutionary lyrics to boot, The Muslims hold nothing back for the quick 20-minute runtime on “Gentrified Chicken.” The songs on here want to burn everything down and smile as buildings crumble around them, which is exactly how good punk music should sound.


Special Interest - “The Passion Of” (industrial rock) If you find yourself having to DJ for a party of vampires, this would be a good place to start. “The Passion Of” feels like club music from Wesley Snipes’ “Blade” movies,

R.A.P. Ferreira - “purple moonlight pages” (lo-fi hip hop) R.A.P.’s pure poetic skill shines bright on “purple moonlight pages,” as each song feels like the deep conversations you wish you had with your friends all those years

Caleb Spencer

It may not be the top of the world but it sure can make you get a taste of it. In a castle on a hilltop, as you overlook the Smoky Valley, you feel like you’re on top of at least Kansas. Where else could this be except the Coronado Heights Castle, just northwest of Lindsborg? You have to be on the lookout for a street sign and castle itself, because those are the only indicators given on the way to the sight. It is tucked away in its own little Kansas pocket, blending in with the hills. At the bottom of the hill lies the Smoky Valley Cemetery, but do not be fooled. There is no entrance to the castle through the cemetery. Two brick walls on each side of a

The Hutchinson Collegian The student voice of Hutchinson Community College

The Collegian is created by Hutchinson Community College’s Newspaper Production class each week during the academic year, except for when school is not in session, or during final exams. Copies may be found on campus Friday mornings, or in Shears Technology Center, room 207.

Follow us on social media: Facebook: The Collegian Hutchinson Community College Twitter: @HCC_Collegian Instagram: the_hutchinson_collegian SnapChat: hutch_collegian

Caleb Spencer is an Andale sophomore and the Collegian’s Campus Editor, studying Media Communication and Production.

and safe condition. There are two trails off to the castle’s left and just past the outhouse that fork off at the beginning of the path. The right path offers a woodsier and more secluded trail, and the one to the left a more open trail with a scenic hike of the Coronado Heights Castle near Lindsborg has overlooked land around. the great plains of Kansas since 1936. To the right of the castle are small dugouts with drive another few hundred professor from Bethany picnic tables, fireplaces feet down the road is your College named the area and a steep staircase to a entrance. after its legacy. You go up the Swensson Inside the castle are two statue sculpted by John Whitfield in 1988. The drive, which loops around large cement tables with stone statue states that the hill to its peak. cement benches on either Coronado is “A Place to The Works Progress side, a small fireplace in Share,” imprinting the Administration, a New the corner, and stairs to feeling that Coronado Deal-era jobs program, the roof to overlook the Heights is a place people built the Castle in 1936, land around the hill. The allegedly on the same spot castle is made mostly rock, can come to gather and where Spanish conquiscement and wood, from its share in community. tador Francisco Vásquez stairs to its tables, benches de Coronado gave up his and walls. But even with Kyran Crist is a Hutchinson search for the seven cities the years of wearing on the sophomore studying journalism. of gold in 1541. In 1915, a castle, it is still in a sturdy

Collegian Staff Editor In Chief Sam Bailey Campus editor Caleb Spencer Opinion page editor Aaron Strain Sports editors Adam Kolb, Bailey Pennycuff Photo Editors Emily Branson, KJ Ryan

Online Edtior Kyran Crist Editorial cartoonist E. G. Weinhoffer Staff members Sophia Carter, Brooke Greene, Leslie Grajeda, Felix Johnson, Jolene Moore, Zariah Perilla-Best, Laci Sutton, Izzy Wheeler Collegian Adviser Brad Hallier


Letters to the editor The Hutchinson Collegian welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the author’s signature, address and phone number. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for style, legality and length. Letters may not exceed 300 words. Send letters to hallierb@hutchcc.edu.

Non-discrimination statement Hutchinson Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, military status, sexual orientation, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law, or by college policy. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies contact: Brett Bright Coordinator of Equity & Compliance 1300 N. Plum Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 665-3500 equity@hutchcc.edu (www.hutchcc.edu/equity)

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, October 16, 2020

Black In Hutch

Local soap shop talk By Sam Bailey Editor in Chief

Local business can be like little gems hidden in the inner workings of a city. Hutchinson is no exception, having dozens of small businesses waiting for people to find and experience. Aleesa Bath and Body, at 930 N Main Street, is one such business. Aleesa Bath and Body is co-owned by Mike and Heather Jobe. “We make and sell handmade soaps and bath and body products, as well as gift items,” Mike Jobe said. “What makes us special is we cater to people with all skin types and skin difficulties. It’s extremely rewarding to help someone find a product that works for their skin type.” The store was not always the plan for the family, but after the death of a loved one, the story started to write itself. Mike said, “We started this after the passing of a close family member. She passed away from a heart attack that stemmed diabetes and cancer. After her passing we began learning a lot about the chemicals that are in products we use everyday and found a significant

amount in soaps and bath products. We began making our own and found out how wonderful they were! When we realized this could be a business we named the store “Aleesa” in honor of her. When she had been healthy we had always planned on starting a restaurant together, when her health began to fail that was no longer possible. This seemed like a great way to honor her memory.” Being a Black-owned business in an area like rural Kansas can come with a variety of added struggles. “We have not received any open discrimination from anyone, but you never know what someone’s sentiments are, especially with the temperature of the country right now,” Mike said. “We have customers from all backgrounds, and w Recently, the United States has been pointing much of its attention toward the upcoming election and the Jobes are no different. “Both myself and my wife are very involved in voter registration,” Mike said. “I am the chairperson for the See Soap, Page 5

Photo by Kyran Crist/Online Editor Mike Jobe and his daughter Alexia pose outside Aleesa’s Bath & Body in Hutchinson.

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Positive message from local realtor

By Sam Bailey Editor in Chief

Hutchinson looks different through the eyes of every individual who has ever walked through its streets. Growing up in Hutchinson is no different, as it looks different for everyone. All people have their own stories and their own struggles. Minorities in Hutchinson have even more unique stories than the majority. Real estate agent DeAngelo Green is someone who grew up in Hutchinson for his teenage years. Green moved to Hutchinson from Vicksburg, Mississippi when he was in the fifth grade. He is a 2002 graduate of Hutchinson High School, where he was a standout football player. While every Black individual living in Hutchinson has their own experiences and may have different reactions from people being a minority, Green had a mostly positive experience. “Growing up in Hutchinson was a great experience for me,” Green said. “When I lived in Mississippi, 90% of students were African American, and moving to Hutch was a

cultural shock due to not seeing very many kids at school that looked like me. It was different, but after getting used to it, the students were awesome to be around.” As far as life outside of school, when he moved back to Green Hutch after leaving for college, the general theme continued, at least with larger events. “I don’t have any memories that I recall in regards to discrimination, but there surely were issues but were probably ignored and looked the other direction,” Green said. Working in real estate gives Green a unique perspective on living in Hutch, and being a minority in the area. “Working in real estate has been an awesome experience in regards to helping all races of people buy and sell homes,” Green said. “It’s a tough career as a Black man in Hutchinson, since the majority of people buying and selling homes in town are not people that look like me.” Being in a challenging career comes with its

own difficulties and stories, as well as victories. “I will never forget my first year in the business, working an open house on a Sunday afternoon. I went to greet someone walking inside with a handshake and the gentleman just looked at me. It put me in a crappy mood but I got over it and moved on. After that incident, I told myself it was not about how much I sell or how much money I make, I just want to do business with people that want to do business with me and create a great relationship.” Green gives a positive message to all people who may be facing descriminatin and reminds everyone they are stronger than other people’s hurtful words or actions. “To who ever is dealing (with) discrimination, please open your history book - The Bible and discover who you really are,” Green said. “God will not put us through anything we can’t handle, just look back 400 years ago to see where we were, and now look at where we are now. Be mentally strong and do not let discrimination stop you from your goals.”

Black In Hutch

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Painting a Better World By Emily Branson Photo Editor

All artists want a way to express themselves in ways that show who they truly are and how they feel about what they’re creating. For Hutchinson artist Brady Scott, he showcases his talent by painting murals. Scott has painted murals in Hutchinson and Wichita, along with many other cities and states. When an opportunity arose this summer for Scott to join Wichita artists Priscella Brown and Slim Suber in painting a mural, there wasn’t much hesitation. The mural that was in the process of being painted portrayed Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin and Breonna Taylor alongside a clear message - Black Lives Matter. “I like the Black Lives Matter movement,” Scott said. “I think it is a voice that had to be said in Wichita and I’m very proud to be a part of that

mural. Priscilla and Slim invited me to be a part of that mural, and I was very excited to go up there and help them. I painted all night long, and they had been painting for weeks too.” While the excitement later turned to sadness for the artists, they are still proud of the work and the message that they put together. About a week after the mural was finished, the business which the mural was being painted on ended up painting over the “Black Lives Matter” message, but left the portraits as they were. “We were all a little sad when the BLM message was erased or painted over,” Scott said. “But we’re not the building owner. For me and my friends, ‘Black Lives Matter’ means just that, that black lives do matter.” Scott has also painted murals in Hutchinson that encompass people of all races, including one on the Poetry

In Motion Dance Productions building located on the corner of Main Street and Fifth Avenue. The ‘Swan Dance’ mural features two dancers of different races smiling at each other. “I just painted people,” Scott said. “I didn’t think about it at the time, but I tried to mix in different cultures. Everyone dances at the dance studio. We did a big video in front of it and everyone danced in front of it. I thought it was a great project to help the dance studio.” One of the largest and most prominent murals that Scott is currently painting is in the tunnel of the Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System. The artwork is about 300 feet long and shows a timeline that stretches from the 1900s to the future. “I just think that people are people and I wanted to include everybody that goes to the hospital, and the hospital wanted to do that as well,” Scott said. “They wanted to include different cultures and different races and different age groups. We’re just trying to

Photo by Emily Branson/Photo Editor

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, October 16, 2020

illustrate that the hospital is going to go into the surrounding communities to help with healthcare. That’s what the main goal is - the hospital helps people. People are different in cultures and races so everyone interprets it a little bit differently.” While his murals are not necessarily based around race or racial injustice, Scott’s artwork has given people something to be unified with through the powerful messages behind them and people can all come together to appreciate the art. “I don’t really get into politics a lot in my art, I try not to,” Scott said. “I paint what I paint. Hope, kindness, peace, love. All that stuff. But Emmett Till is on the mural and he was like 14. A lot of people that I know say ‘Oh, that was yesteryear.’ That was like your grandparents. It wasn’t that long ago. You can’t ignore it. I don’t know how people can, but they do.” Follow Brady Scott on Instagram @ bradycreative

Courtesy Photo/Brady Scott

Texas native works to raise local Black awareness By Kyran Crist Staff Writer

When asked what it was like to be Black while living in Hutchinson, Naee Williams said that she was aware that the town is not very diverse. “I don’t think I saw another person of color until I was walking out of Walmart about six months after I had moved here in January of last year,” said Williams, who is the head organizer for Hutch in Harmony, a local civil rights group. “I was walking out and this older Black lady looked at me and stopped to do another take.” Williams moved here in Jan. 2019 from Texas, going from a diverse area to small-town Hutchinson. Williams said it was a change she was aware of. “The community wasn’t so much more diverse, I was one of three Black kids in my class growing up,” Williams said. “But people knew their boundaries there.” “The people, well the white people I guess since they make up the majority, here seem to be arrogant and want to have their say so, and it’s their way or the highway,” Williams said, “They don’t listen to listen, they listen to respond.” Williams said aside from the ignorance and eyeballing from some people, she hadn’t had much commotion until the murder of 25-yearold Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia in late February of this year, when she was seeing some hateful comments about his murder. Williams said that being outspoken, she took a stand against some of the comments and posted about it. Then, shortly after, the murder of George Floyd in May in Minnesota, Willaims decided she needed to take a stance and organized a protest in Hutchinson. She reached out to various groups and told them what she was planning on and invited them to help if they wanted. “I received a lot more support than I thought I was

going to,” Williams said. “People and organizations reached out and said they would love to help. Hutch in Harmony, NAACP, (Hutchinson Police Department), lots of speakers, I think the turnout was more than 300 people.” Williams said it opened up minds and hearts, and brought new connections and friendships. Her energy and passion for jus-

tice and change caught the eyes of Hutch in Harmony, and the group invited her on their team and Williams is now the head event coordinator for the group. But even though the connections and voices that were brought through the protest, she said as soon as the fire was out and people were back to their day to day, the words and what

they said had seemed to be nothing but words. “The action wasn’t there,” Williams said. “Honestly not more of an issue, but you do have people following their political mindsets and only following that. There isn’t a lot of room for open-mindedness, but I think that’s the issue itself all around not just here in Hutch.”

Couresty Photo/Hutch Harmony

The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, October 16, 2020

Campus Puzzles

Seasonal fun at pumpkin patches By Laci Sutton Staff Writer

Applejack Pumpkin Patch Location: 10007 SW Indianola Rd City: Augusta, 65 miles southeast of Hutchinson. COVID Restrictions: Masks are not required. Closed Mondays for sanitation. Activities: Basic concessions during the week, expanded menu options available on the weekends. Activities available for all ages and abilities including pedal cars, obstacle course, petting zoo, and more. Cost: $10 per person (half price for military with valid ID). Pumpkins priced by the pound. Hours: Wednesday-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 12 p.m.-6 p.m., closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

P and M Pumpkin Ranch Location: 311 16th Ave City: Moundridge, 24 miles northeast of Hutchinson. COVID Restrictions: Masks are not required. Activities: Connect4Golf, Pedal Coral, pink-your-own pumpkins, and many other

family-friendly activities. Concessions available daily with specialty items served on the weekends. Cost: $9.50 per person. Pumpkins sold separately. Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 4 p.m.-7 p.m., Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., closed Mondays

Cedar Creek Farm and Pumpkin Patch Location: 6100 N 119th St W City: Maize, 37 miles southeast of Hutchinson. COVID Restrictions: Masks are not required. Activities: Corn maze, barrel train, pony rides, petting zoo. Cost: $10 per person. Pumpkins are $0.65 per pound. Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., closed Mondays

Field of Screams Location: 4055 N Tyler Road City: Maize, 37 miles southeast of Hutchinson. COVID Restrictions: Escape rooms will be closed this year. No fast passes will be offered, and all ticket sales will be online. Masks are mandatory.

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Activities: At this aunted attraction, walk through the Field of Screams and Clown Town and experience the haunted grounds of the Spurlock family to see first-hand where the infamous vigilante murders took place. Expect loud noises, flashing lights, tight spaces, and uneven terrain. Cost: General admission - $20 per person, Peak Nights (Fridays and Halloween) - $25 per person, Sundays $17 Hours: Gates open at 7 p.m., the field opens at dark.

Wicked Island Location: O. J. Watson Park- 3022 S. McLean Blvd. City: Wichita, 57 miles southeast of Hutchinson. COVID Restrictions: Masks are required. The escape rooms will not be running this year. Activities: An ever changing walk through a wooded island where nightmares may become reality. Cost: General Admission (purchased at the gate) - $20, Timed Tickets (purchased online) - $25, Fast Pass (purchased online or at the gate) - $35 Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m.-midnight

Women discuss ways to stay safe in Hutch By Brooke Greene Staff Writer

Recent attempts of child abduction have been reported in Hutchinson. These attempts are potentially linked to sex trafficking, which has been covered in news. Two abductions have so far been reported to the Hutchinson Police Department, one involving an 11-year-old girl, who escaped her attacker by hiding behind a building in a nearby alley while awaiting help. This case is still under investigation, with a vague description of the suspect being a 6-foot male, wearing a black outfit and a black mask, the incident occurred in the 400 block of E. 6th Avenue, according to KAKE News. Another similar incident occurred at the Kwik Shop at 1401 East 4th Avenue where a 3-year-old boy was nearly snatched from his mother’s vehicle shortly after being put into her car seat. The mother saw a glance of hands reaching for her child, she yelled and the suspect took off. This suspect was wearing gray sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. These attempts are likely the first of many, which should cause an increased sense of observation. Being aware of

one’s surroundings is a vital key to safety and security. There is a trail of other attempts that have targeted younger women in parking lots and gas stations throughout the Wichita area. Attackers are using ever-improving tactics to lure women away from their vehicles. Two of the most reported have been the placement of a piece of paper in the back of the windshield of the vehicle and the strategic placement of what appears to be money, to lure the victim into a sense of luck so they will “willingly” depart from the safety of their driver’s seat to investigate. When one falls for such a malicious attempt, danger strikes and the abduction falls into play. Young college women have noticed the risks and are taking action. “I carry pepper spray, as well as a stun gun. I carry them, because as a girl I feel very unsafe in today’s world,” said Britt Blair, a Pretty Prairie native. “Girls are getting trafficked more than ever now it’s sickening and so scary. It is scary walking out of the grocery store. I have yet to use it. It makes me feel safer. Yes, I wish I could carry a handgun in my purse but can’t until I am at least 21. I do feel unsafe in Hutch, very much so, but it’s life and girls just have to be

very observant. I feel super safe on campus.” Not every woman is confident enough to deploy less than lethal means of self-defense in fear of repercussions. This especially applies to the younger generations that may not have the ability to defend themselves with tools such as small knives that may be concealable such as lipstick, combs, or pens; pepper spray, monkey knuckles, and stun guns. There is a wide variety of keychains made to assist self-defense that can be purchased in shops, such as the local Sharp N’ Shiny. “I usually have my keys that have a ball-bearing keychain for self-defense, and occasionally my taser. I don’t like walking around by myself at any time,” said Emma Wright, Little River freshman. “It just makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel like my age group is a big target for this kind of stuff, and I don’t think most girls are prepared or know what to do in that situation. Girls just need to stay alert and stay together.” The consensus seems to be safety, security, and peace of mind. With the right resources and knowledge, everyone can all keep one another safe.


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especially if they were to date their daughter,” Spraggins said. For some, racism is just an ugly part of life that probably will not be changed within their lifetime. “It’s really 10-to-one out here. Nothing you can do about it - you just gotta smile,” Iton said. “(White people) don’t realize that we’re not going


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Hutchinson NAACP Religious Affairs Board, as well as Senior Pastor at Living Hope Church, and my wife heads the Hutchinson NAACP Youth. Over the past several months we have held several voter registration drives around town and even have made registration available here in our store. We also have 100% of our eligible congregation members at church registered to vote.” Part of Aleesa Bath and Body’s goal


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Country Association. “It was an honor,” Flanagan said of his award. With the way Flanagan is running this season, it will come as no surprise if he has more recognition in the future. Flanagan honored – Flanagan was named the United States Track and Field and Cross Country Association’s NJCAA Division I National Male Athlete of the week

nowhere - ever. We’re just vibing, and they’re hating for no reason.” Racism is something that can make people feel horrible about themselves. Oftentimes, it is difficult to accept yourself when others are being hateful. “I want all other races to know that being Black is hard and you’re always, at some point, going to feel like a target. No matter where I go, I’m always going to feel different,” Marshall said. is to work with the community to build a better tomorrow. “I was raised that you put your all into anything that you do. For me, that means to consistently put out a product that exceeds my customers’ expectations. That also means giving back to my community. I cannot expect them to support me and my dream if I’m not there for them. We try to do that by donating to fundraisers and supporting various events going on in the community, and that together we can make Hutchinson a better place.” on Oct. 6. On Oct. 3 in Iola, the Blue Dragons raced at the Allen Community College Red Devil Relays. Flanagan won the race, posting the 11th-fastest 8,000-meter run time in Blue Dragon history (25 minutes, 7 seconds). Not only that, but Flanagan has two runner-up finishes already this season. His first place finish definitely marks him as a threat. Additionally, the speedy sophomore was named the Jayhawk Conference Men’s Cross Country Runner of the Week. – Bailey Pennycuff


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The Hutchinson Collegian Friday, October 16, 2020

Athlete of the week (Oct. 4-10) Ben Partridge, Golf

Photo courtesy HutchCC Sports Information Kody Cook escapes a tackle during Hutchinson Community College’s Salt City Bowl win against Iowa Central in 2012. After a successful college career at HutchCC and Kansas State, Cook is back at Hutch as an assistant coach.

Compliments to the Cook was wide receiver, but he also took a stab at punter, punt returner, tight end, defensive back and quarterback. Cook caught 55 passes for 433 yards and three touchdowns in his career. He was later the Salt City Bowl MVP after playing less than three quarters Cook at quarterback, filling in for the injured Luke Barnes. After his time as a Blue Dragon came to an end, Cook wound up playing for Kansas State University. Much like his time at HutchCC, Cook found himself as a starting wide receiver for the Wildcats after redshirting

By Joel Muhs Special to the Collegian

Hutchinson Community College’s football program has to wait until 2021 to get the 2020 season underway. With such an extended waiting period, the ability to focus for the players will be a point of emphasis, which is where firstyear wide receivers coach, Kody Cook, comes into focus. Cook is no stranger to HutchCC’s football program. A Louisburg native whose received little recruiting, Cook played for the Blue Dragons in 2011 and 2012, where he was the definition of a utility player. In Cook’s two seasons at HutchCC he played more positions than you could shake a stick at. Cook’s primary position

his junior year. “So many of them” was the initial answer when Cook was asked about his favorite play at Kansas State. After a moment of thought, he said, “I’d have to go with my 77-yard touchdown pass to Deonte Burton against West Virginia.” That touchdown pass put K-State up 17-13 and helped them secure a 24-23 victory, which also made the Wildcats bowl eligible. It’s not only the game-time experience Cook is looking to bring back as the receivers coach at HutchCC, but it’s the culture as well. “Even if the meeting said to be there at 7, 6:58 counted you as being late. 6:55 was considered to be on time,” Cook said, as he

reflected on the culture legendary K-State coach Bill Snyder built. That same thought process is something Cook wants to express to his players as well. “Discipline and how you carry yourself are two huge things,” Cook said. That discipline and focus are needed now more than ever before, due to the everlasting issue of Covid-19. Cook said he’s trying to teach the players “to stay as normal as you possibly can,” and the “daily balance of being a football player.” In a football season that is full of questions and mystery, one thing is for certain. Cook will be dishing out valuable coaching to his players, both on and off the field.

The week: Partridge was Hutchinson’s top golfer at the Farmers Insurance Samuel Proal Invitational at Walking Stick Partridge Golf Course in Pueblo, Colorado. Partridge was the highest-finishing Blue Dragon and two-year college player, as he finished in sixth place with a 6-under-par 210, including a first-round and final-round 69. The season: Partridge, a freshman from England, has a pair of top-six finishes so far this season for the Blue Dragons, who have one of their deepest teams in years.

Flanagan continues to improve for men’s cross country By Adam Kolb Co-Sports Editor

Despite an unprecedented season due to COVID-19, the Hutchinson Community College men’s cross country team has competed at a high level this season. The Blue Dragons are No. 4 in the national rankings, and a large part of that is thanks to the solid running of sophomore Teagan Flanagan. The Kingman native is only in his fourth year competing in cross country, but has proven to be a vital component to the Blue Dragons. Flanagan started out strong

in the first two races of the season, finishing second in both the Terry Masterson Twilight Classic at Fun Valley, and at the Muthama-Rogers Invitational at Bethel College in North Newton. However, after two runner-up performances, Flanagan finished in first place at the Red Devil Invitational in Iola, winning his first collegiate race, and becoming the first Blue Dragon to win an individual race since Andrew Kibet in 2018. Kibet is one of the reasons why Flanagan has seen success in his time at HutchCC. The former Blue Dragon,

All-American and NJCAA national champion, brought a toughness in Flanagan, and really brought him under his wing. Blue Dragon coach Justin Riggs can also take credit for the way Flanagan is running. “He taught me to run smart,” Flanagan said. “He developed me into a better runner and person.” Riggs spoke highly of Flanagan, saying he’s improved on his style of running, like his speed, and praises him for his strength and power. Riggs isn’t the only one that sees improvement in Flanagan. Just last week, Flanagan was named the NJCAA Division 1

Photo courtesy HutchCC Sports Information Teagan Flanagan running in the Red Devil Invitational in Iola.

Male Athlete of the Week by the United States Track and

Field and Cross See Flanagan, Page 5

Blue Dragon sports schedules and results. All home games and events in caps. Baseball (non conference)

Feb. 2, at Northern Oklahoma-Enid, 1 p.m. Feb. 9, at Redlands, Oklahoma, 1 p.m. Feb. 13, REDLANDS, Oklahoma, 1 p.m. Feb. 18-20, at Juco Festival March 4, at Coffeyville, 1 p.m. March 9, at State Fair, Missouri, 2:30 p.m. April 20, at Rose State, Oklahoma, 2 p.m. April 27, STATE FAIR, Missouri, 2:30 p.m.


Jan. 22, BETHANY JV (women); SEMINOLE STATE (men), 5:30 p.m. Jan. 27, COFFEYVILLE, 5:30 p.m. Jan. 30, NEOSHO COUNTY, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 3, at Butler, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 6, at CLOUD COUNTY, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 10, at Independence, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 13, ALLEN COUNTY, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 17, at Cowley, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 22, DODGE CITY, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 24, at Northwest Kansas Tech, 6:30 p.m.

Feb. 27, at Seward County, 6 p.m. March 3, PRATT, 6:30 p.m. March 6, at Garden City, 2 p.m. March 9, BARTON, 5:30 p.m. March 13, at Colby, 2 p.m. March 15, at Dodge City, 5:30 p.m. March 17, NORTHWEST KANSAS TECH, 5:30 p.m. March 20, SEWARD COUNTY, 5:30 p.m. March 24, at Pratt, 5:30 p.m. March 27, GARDEN CITY, 5:30 p.m. March 29, at Barton, 5:30 p.m. March 31, COLBY, 5:30 p.m.

April 18, at Fort Scott, 1 p.m. April 25, GARDEN CITY, 1 p.m. May 2, at Independence, 5 p.m. May 9, HIGHLAND, 1 p.m. May 16, DODGE CITY, 1 p.m.

May 1, NEOSHO COUNTY, 2 p.m. May 3, at Garden City, 6 p.m. May 5, COWLEY, 6 p.m. May 8, at Kansas City, 2 p.m. May 12, at Dodge City, 1 p.m.

Oct. 12-13, at Midwestern State Fall Classic, Wichita Falls, Texas Oct. 19-20, at NJCAA National Preview, Lubbock, Texas Oct. 26-27, at Ryan Palmer Classic, Amarillo, Texas

Oct. 31, Region 6 Championships, at El Dorado, 10 a.m. Nov. 14, at NJCAA Division 1 Championships, Fort Dodge, Iowa, TBA

April 2, at Johnson County, 5 p.m. April 5, at Barton, 2 p.m. April 7, GARDEN CITY, 2 p.m. April 10, BUTLER, 2 p.m. April 14, at Cowley, 5 p.m. April 17, COFFEYVILLE, 2 p.m. April 19, DODGE CITY, 6 p.m. April 28, BARTON, 6 p.m.

Feb. 10, OKLAHOMA WESLEYAN JV, 2 p.m. Feb. 13, HESSTON, 1 p.m. Feb. 17, FRIENDS JV, 2 p.m. Feb. 20, IOWA CENTRAL, 1 p.m. Feb. 23, NORTHERN OKLAHOMA-ENID, 2 p.m. Feb. 26, at North Central Texas, noon Feb. 27, at Murray State, Oklahoma, noon March 31, at Ottawa JV, 1 p.m.

Cross country


March 26, COFFEYVILLE, 7 p.m. April 3, at Butler, 7 p.m. April 11, ARKANSAS BAPTIST, 1 p.m.



Softball (non conference)


Jan, 25, at Garden City, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 28, PRATT, 6 p.m. Jan. 30, at Laramie Feb. 1, BARTON, 6:30 p.m.

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