Community Captured Guelph SEP 2017

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I make lists. Lists of all kinds. BIG ones, short ones, lists on napkins, the back of my hand and most importantly, in a calendar book! In there I’ve got plenty of space to write down future plans for doing amazing things. This is something I picked up in university, quite literally. These books were given out freely in all corridors, in every nook and every cranny of each building. My school was big on getting you to organize your own life to be a successful student and hopefully, a successful adult.

Being late for something, or even worse, forgetting about something entirely is the absolute worst and it doesn’t prove well for the important things like interviews, work and social commitments. Writing things down, checking in and planning each day accordingly allows you the ability to complete tasks and follow through with things like a planning wizard. You too can be that person who is always 10 minutes early for everything. You too can win at life. It's that wonderful time of year - Back to school. Now is the time folks, the time to grab yourself a life planner and organize all of those amazing things you are about to do. By Jennifer Lyon



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