Happy entrepreneur

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and others, jealousy, greed, pain, depression, doubt, anger, struggle and control. These can crop up a lot in the life of an entrepreneur, so it’s good to know how recognize when you might be repellant in your business and how to switch back into magnetism. • Surrender and giving up are opposite energies. Surrendering the “how” to the Universe or your Higher Self is the best way to get things done, and is one of the highestfrequency actions you can ever take. Giving up—being defeated and losing hope—is one of the lowest-frequency energies out there. Know the difference and act accordingly. • Co-creation (surrendering the how + taking right action) is the best way to get anything you want. Don’t let your ego-brain fool you into thinking you know better than the Universe! (I’m not proud to say that I’ve done this, but I have. I’m a recovering control freak, and I have to watch myself all the time.) • Your human vision is very short-sighted. When you experience something like a job loss or a disease, you are likely to see it as “tragic,” whereas in reality it’s just Step One of giving you exactly what you want. Accept that it’s not the full story, just the opening chapter. The story is never over, so stop judging it and freaking out; just let it go and go with the flow. • Struggle is nothing more than you trying to stand against the combined wisdom of the entire divine Universe. It sounds kind of silly for you to do that when put this way, right? It’s like one mosquito deciding to hold back all the wind in the world: it’s very tiring and completely futile. Don’t be the mosquito. Be the Wind. • Partnership is the best way to do business in the new world order, bar none. The age of competition is over— leave that to those with more testosterone in their systems. It’s no longer working very well for them anyway. Women are natural connectors. Use your connections to create powerful partnerships where everyone wins. • Apply the 80/20 Rule: You do 20% of the work (take the actions you are guided to take), and leave the other 80% to the Universe. It will create + deliver all of the brilliant ideas, all the finding of correct partners and setting them right in front of you, all the good “luck,” the fabulous opportunities, everything. It knows exactly how to fulfill your wildest dreams, and will bring them to you quickly if you’ll just get out of its way!

them, the better your life will get, and the more presents you’ll see, everywhere. • Contrary to what you’ve been taught, this is not a zerosum game. There are infinite resources available to those who choose to see them. And infinite support. We live in an abundant Universe. • Gratitude is an anti-inflammatory. Slather it liberally on relationships, situations, or emotions that are getting tight or heating up in an uncomfortable way. Like a lubricant, it makes everything work more smoothly. It even works on pain: try applying gratitude the next time you get a headache before reaching for the Advil. • Use your intuition. Why cut yourself off from the most clairvoyant and powerful (=divine) part of you? Intuition helps you to be in the right place at the right time, and to say and do the right things to help you get exactly what you want. It’s foolish, in my opinion, to turn your back on this amazing resource, which doesn’t cost a single cent to use. And if you’re already using your intuition: great! Now go use it more.

• Stay grounded. If you’re a spiritual type like me I know can be hard to want to keep our feet on the ground, because sometimes we feel judged or misunderstood by the less-awakened people around us. Just remember that if you ever want to create something in this world—a business, more impact, anything—you have to be here. Think of Scooby Doo: when he wants to run away, he jumps into the air and spins his paws around like crazy but doesn’t get anywhere. It’s not until he hits the ground that he gains traction and starts moving. Remember that the next time you’d prefer to float around in the ether but still live your calling. • Now, go have fun! It’s fun (not to mention fulfilling, rewarding, and inspiring to others) to live your brilliant, divinely-guided and inspired life! Fun is something the Keepers are always telling people to have more of. Don’t take life, or your spiritual practice, too seriously. Life on Planet Earth is all about using the senses: seeing glorious things like sunsets, the faces of children, the sacred geometry in the petals of a flower; smelling the ocean or freshly-cut grass, or a lime spraying out its juicy freshness. Enjoy your food, enjoy your body, enjoy sex, touching and being touched, running through the fields, laughing, and shouting for joy. You’re here for a reason. Have fun while you live it.

• The Universe loves you and wants you to be happy. Look for the presents that it brings you every day. The more you open your eyes, see the gifts, and express gratitude for

the happy entrepreneur


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