The Gospel Truth September 2022

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TGT_JAN_2021.indd 2 1/13/21 6:21 PM I love You Father. --AMEN ADVERTISE IN THE GOSPEL TRUTH Call


Sandy Walker

Father, in the Name of Jesus:

My Father, My God:

14707 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 101


Publisher’s Prayer

Lord as I navigate this wonderful journey called life I am eternally thankful for the love you continue to surround me with. I am thankful for the love and support of my amazing family. There is nothing I have done or could ever do to earn the blessings You continue to bestow upon me. Father I pray to be a blessing to others as you so generously bless me. You, my Lord are so worthy to be praised.

my strength and You are my protector. Today is a blessed day. - AMEN

strength, the Lord is my healer, the Lord is my true source of joy.

Father please help me to remain appreciative of this life as the gift it is. Help me to treasure the blessing of a healthy body and to do all I can to protect, nourish and strengthen it. Give me the wisdom to continuously seek Your will for my life. Sharpen my mind with the dawn ing of each year so that I resist viewing the blessing of continued time on this earth as a step closer to physical Youdecline.are

Sandy ThePublisherWalkerLordismy

Father I pray for all of Your children who are feeling pain, frustration and lack. I pray Dear Lord that they will seek You in every situation and circumstance. I pray that Your name will be the one that they call out to for relief. Continue my Lord to dwell in the hearts of Your children as an eternal source of love. Thank You today and every day. I am proud to be Your child. --

Dear ThankGod,You

The Gospel Truth Magazine provides excellent exposure for your business, organization, church, or ministry. (786) 295-5596

AMEN***The cover and the cover story is a political advertisement paid for and approved by Joe Garcia for Congress.

Father I pray for peace during these uncertain times. As much as we try to figure it all out, Lord You already know. When I find myself pondering the circumstanc es of the day I take comfort in the fact that You are in charge! Nothing will happen that You don’t allow and nothing will happen that You cannot stop. I realize Dear Lord that it is not my job to understand. It is my job to be faithful and to trust that with You all is well, at all times.



8519 Franjo Rd. / Miami, Fl

For information on reserving the cover for the month of your choice please call (786) 295-5596.

The Gospel Truth Magazine SW 211th St. Suite 208 Cutler Bay, FL 33189 (786)295-5596 |

Madison TGT_January_2022.indd 2 1/5/22 1:44 PM


I am eternally grateful for the love You continue to bestow upon me. You love me unconditionally with all of my issues and all of my faults. You love me, Father, in spite of myself. I thank You for being with me always. I am comforted by the knowledge that You are with me every moment of my life.

To God be the Glory. -- AMEN

for the joy You place in my heart and for the simple pleasures of this life. When I contemplate what makes me unique I find myself thinking of the attributes of others, in areas where I fall short. Thank You Father for making these musings short lived. I am quickly reminded that You are a perfect God and that I am perfectly imperfect. One of the great joys of my life is striving to improve. I read books, I listen to sermons, I search the web and most of all I pray. Self examination for me is not a chore but a way of measuring how I am living my life.


All is well with my soul as I focus my attention solely on You. I am thankful as I breathe the air You so graciously provide to me each day. How wonderful it is to be Your child. How wonderful it is to know that You are in charge. I am thankful Dear Lord for the blessings You continue to bestow. Father I know that I am in no way worthy of all that You give to me. You give me peace and love. You give me food to nourish my body. You give me all that I need to survive. Your blessings are so much appreciated as You place the right people in my life and in my path each day. I know Father that You are also placing me in the path of others so that I might do Your will in being a blessing as well. Keep my eyes open, Dear Lord, so that I might see those in need.

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Destiny - Armour Dance Theatre - Funded by The Trust since 2011

For 20 years, we’ve improved the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade. And we won’t stop until all our children have the opportunity to say… I made it!


20 Years Nurturing Greatness

Hedgemond used her military and corporate expe rience to create a licensed intercultural etiquette and protocol enterprise. The former corporate executive defines protocol as a series of social skills and behav iors performed in a formal or ceremonial setting. She adds that etiquette informs how you engage people in that defined setting. She fashions AOE as a finishing school that provides training.

“Our company provides training to youth, adults, and business professionals. Our classes are offered virtu ally, as well as in person,” Hedgemond says. “We want people to know we’re here and what we offer to the community, especially for children and young adults learning business etiquette, social skills, etc.”

“If there’s a desire to learn how to apply advanced so cial training in a specific private or professional set ting, that’s what we do,” says Hedgemond, with an eye toward expansion. “Beginning in Spring 2023, we are launching an incredible Leading Ladies and Leading

By. Zachary Rinkins

Corporate and individual customers can hire Avenues of Excellence for the following programs: Adult Etiquette (Finishing Touch) Program, Etiquette for Leading Ladies, Young Adult Classes, Youth Et iquette Classes, Business Etiquette Program, Cus tomer Service Training Program, Executive Assistant Coaching Program, and more. The firm provides pri vate one-on-one etiquette classes as well.

“It’s a fact that even in today’s modern-day technol ogy-driven environment, understanding the impor tance of and using social graces are huge,” reveals Hedgemond, a veteran of the United States Navy.

Avenues of Excellence creates advantages in ministry and the marketplace

What makes a believer commit to a ministry? What entices a customer to keep supporting a product? Connection and service will always attract customers and multiply opportunities. Rose Hedgemond creat ed Avenues of Excellence (AOE) to help people lever age protocol and etiquette to set themselves and their products and services a part in ministry and industry.

The burgeoning businesswoman says understanding protocol and operating with a sense of etiquette extends into the digital world.

Hedgemond highlights etiquette mastery as critical for social satisfaction and professional mobility in South Florida’s cultural melting pot.

Hedgemond offers these three tips for protocol and eti quette excellence in ministerial settings.

Create an Inviting Spirit: “People want to feel welcomed when they come to your ministry. Ministries must have onboarding documents, including a welcoming packet and a first-time visitor sheet. Your greeters have to love people. Anyone engaging members or visitors is a min istry ambassador. So, they have to be inviting.”

Organize and Optimize Communication: “If you cre ate an effective onboarding package, you should have valuable information that allows you to understand the person’s needs and be able to offer resources that are relevant to the person. You must be responsive. People want to hear from you quickly.”

Gentlemen Etiquette Program. This will be conducted in-person and virtually.”

Avenues of Excellence 1 Alhambra Plaza, PH FL, Coral Gables, FL 33134 786-749-2276 | Instagram @avenuesofexcellence Article proudly sponsored by: Helping Beauty Professionals Grow Sales and Drive Revenue 703-856-6289 | | Yellow MangoP R O D U C T I O N

In 2019, Rose Hedgemond released her first children’s book, “Father-Daughter Dance: A Night On The Red Carpet,” a story about the power of a father’s presence and positive influence on a young girl’s life. The chil dren’s book is a literary creation of the annual signature Father Daughter Gala hosted by Avenues of Excellence. The next gala is scheduled for October 8 at 7 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency in Coral Gables. More information is available on AOE’s website.

“It is a major misconception to think that technology makes basic respect irrelevant. This can’t be further from the truth,” Hedgemond adds. “Irrespective of the environment, protocols and social engagement cues are always present and relevant.”

Have a Plan to Retain Your Members: “The leader must develop the vision and implement protocols within the ministry. Then, the leaders and lay members must im plement and unify that experience. In addition to view ing someone as an individual, we must view them as a resource. We should see them as a person, a family unit, and a source of knowledge or service. When we lose a person, we lose their knowledge, service, and family.” For more information on Avenues of Excellence, log on to

“Miami is an international hub. Our community always hosts dignitaries, diplomats, international leaders, and visitors. In this setting, protocol and etiquette intersect. Learning how to interpret and demonstrate that in tersection becomes imperative,” Hedgemond declares. “Understanding how to respect diverse cultures is criti cal and creates a business advantage.”

The site provides information on key issues involving the Black business owner, such as:

• Black Business Resources – A listing of or ganizations throughout Florida that are dedicated to providing resources that help cultivate success for Black-owned businesses.

FPL created the Black Business Resource Hub on its PoweringFlorida website to provide access to pro grams and information aimed to support the develop ment of Black owned businesses. The site also covers how to become an FPL or NextEra Energy supplier; provides access to a Black business directory and Black business resources that help cultivate success for Black-owned businesses; information on minority owned business certifications; and a list of workshops, training sessions, and programs for Black entrepre neurs and Black business owners offered via various

• Events and Programs – A listing of organiza tions throughout the state with educational programs and networking services and more designed to help to take your business to the next level.

According to the U.S. Census, Florida ranks #2 in the number of Black-owned businesses, with 250,000 in the state. But unfortunately, statistics also reveal that Black-owned businesses often find it more challeng ing to grow. Only 4% of Black businesses are open after 3.5 years, dramatically less than the national av erage of 55%. Black businesses also face greater chal lenges accessing investments and support to scale their growth. The teams at Florida Power & Light Company’s (FPL) Office of Economic Development believe that building a stronger ecosystem to support the growth of Black- owned businesses is prudent for the state of Florida’s economic prosperity.

not only committed to working with minority-owned businesses, we want to help connect all Black businesses with the right resources to en



• Black Business Directory – List of Black busi nesses throughout the state providing a vast range of products and services.

FPL’s resource hub helps support the growth of Black-owned businesses us today – FPL PoweringFlorida Black-owned Business Hub

sure they are tooled and equipped to build the infra structure needed for their business success,” says Pam Rauch, FPL vice president of external affairs and eco nomic development. “We are excited to share this new resource hub and we look forward to continuing to grow and expand this exceptional platform for many years to come.”

• Minority-Owned Business Certifications – In formation on the numerous certification programs that are available at the federal, state, and local levels.

To find out more about FPL’s PoweringFlorida Black Business Resource Hub, visit us online

easier for a person in this posture to fall Backover.pain

put on the side closer to the body. Other objects should be distributed throughout different compartments in order to spread out their weight. A backpack also shouldn’t be worn for longer than is necessary to move objects from one place to another, and features such as pull-out han dles or wheels are dead weight if they aren’t actually being used.

When a backpack is overloaded, the straps tend to dig into the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the wearer. This can restrict circulation to the arms and put stress on the rotator cuffs. Potential consequences in clude shocks, numbness, or tingling along the upper limbs, and the ef fect may be worse if a person wears a backpack on just one shoulder. It’s also common for wearers to lean forward to try to balance the weight, which is an inefficient posture that forces them to bend their necks in order to see ahead of them. It is also

Normally, pain from overusing a backpack will subside when some body stops overusing it. Pain may be worse in children who are develop ing scoliosis, which they should be regularly assessed for. If your child is still complaining of soreness, your chiropractor can offer several non-invasive, non-medicative ther apies, including spinal adjustments for developing bodies. Many offices also offer soft tissue therapies such as low-level laser and therapeutic massages that can reduce muscle inflammation and speed the healing process. Your chiropractor can also provide advice on more efficient posture and how to set up a work station so it won’t additionally stress a child’s back.

To begin with, a backpack is still a better option than a messenger bag, due to having two straps, but this is only true when both straps are used. The straps should be wide and padded. They should not be tight enough for the shoulders to feel compressed, but they should pre vent the backpack from dangling down to the wearer’s lumbar region. It is also advisable to get a backpack with a waist Chiropractorsstrap.usually recommend keeping a backpack’s weight to less than fifteen percent of the wearer’s weight. But how that weight is dis tributed also makes a difference. Heavier objects should be placed in the bag first so that they won’t shift around, and they should be

Common Problems

Backpack Usage

With school in session again, many children have resumed wearing backpacks. As this is typically the heaviest load children carry, chil dren who suffer from musculo skeletal pain will often feel it most intensely while using a backpack, but pain can also persist or flare up afterward. Of course, children are not the only people who are vul nerable to misusing backpacks, but we thought now would be a good time to share some advice about safe usage with all our patients, and to provide some guidance on how chiropractic offices can assist peo ple experiencing pain in their backs, shoulders, and necks.

and other problems from inefficient backpack usage do not usually cause permanent problems in children, but they won’t go away as long as the child is misusing the backpack. Older people should be mindful of the risk of wear-and-tear injuries and take pain seriously, as well.

Proper Backpack Usage

Relief from Backpack-Related Pain

Weds Youth and Adult Prayer Meeting Bible Study: 7:30 PM BELIEVERS OF AUTHORITY 3655 Grand Avenue Miami, Fl 33130 www.believersofauthority.orgboaministries@hotmail.com305-442-7337 MINISTRIES, INC. Sunday Worship : 10:30 AM Bible Study (Tuesday) :7:30 PM Apostle John H. Chambers, III Pastor 18900 SW 106 AVE. #207 Miami, FL 33157 GRACE OF GOD BAPTIST CHIRCH 11000 SW 216th Street Miami, Fl, 3rdMissionBibleSundaySundaywww.GraceIsTheeplace.com305-259-122933170school...9:45AMWorship...11:00AMStudy...Wed.7:00PMFriends(Children)Saturdayat10:00AMRev. Mark PastorCoats, 9855 SW 152 St Miami, Florida 33176 Reverend Lance B. Bailey Sr. Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship Service8:00 A.M. & 11 :00 A.M. Thursday- Noon Day Bible Study; Prayer Meeting & Study of the Word- 7:00 P.M. Pastor James R. Polk,Sr. Pastor / Teacher DorisPastorGranberry,Rev. DorisPastorGranberry, CHURCH DIRECTORY Sunday Morning Worship 11:00AM Thursday Bible Study 7:00PM Rev. RodneyPastorUpshaw,

KINGDOM BUILDERS MINISTRIES Dr. James Walden Pastor / Teacher 12001 SW 213 Terr. Goulds, FL 33170 FIRST ST. JOHN M. B. CHURCH 13740 SW 264 St. Naranja, Fl 33032 305-258-4380 Sunday School 8:30AM Sunday Worship Service 10:00AM Wednesday Night Service 7:00PM Rev. Rodney S. Rumph, Sr., Pastor Rev. RobertPastorShaw, TGT June2016.indd 24 5/31/16 11:43 AM PROPHETIC REVIVAL CENTER 183 NE 8th ST. Homestead, Fl 33030 (Inside Hatikvah www.sandramoore.org305-281-9045Temple) Sunday Worship Service 1:30PM Children’s Church. 2:00PM Prayer / Bible Study... Wed. 7:00PM Rev. Sandra Moore, Pastor Rev. Dr. Bettie M. Ferguson, Pastor Sunday School................. 9:45AM Sunday Worship............... 11:00AM - 1:30PM Thursday Bible Study....... 7:00-8:00PM Sunday School...................9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 AM Prayer: Tuesdays & Fridays at Noon Corporate Prayer: Wednesday....7:30 PM Bible Study: Wednesday........8 PM Youth Activities: Friday ..........8 PM Rev. MelissaPastorRolle-Scott, Rev. ElijahPastorBemley, MT. CALVARY NATIONAL CHURCH OF GOD, INC. 17500 SW 103 Avenue, Perrine, FL 33157 FAITH IN DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES 18190 SW 102nd Avenue Miami, Fl docfergie@bellsouth.net33157305-909-6861 TGT_JAN_2021.indd 21 1/13/21 6:21 PM Rev. Dr. RemielPastorLockwood, Sunday Worship Service : 8am ( in person) 11am (virtual) Wednesday Bible Study : Noon (in person)7pm (virtual )

LIVING WORD CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL 4855 NW 183rd St. Miami, FL 305-624-0044 Sunday Morning Worship: 9 AM Weds. Mid-week Service: 7:30 PM SAT Corporate Prayer: 8 AM Pastor Willie & Karen Felton, Pastors Dr. C.PPastorPreston, 10:00 AM8:30 AM Sunday Morning Service 11:30AM Bible Study Thursday 6:30PM Corporate Prayer 12 Noon NOW FAITH ON WHEELS OUTREACH MINISTRIES 3820 NW 169th Terrace Miami Gardens nowfaithoutreachministry@yahoo.comFL.33055 Pastors Henry and Doris Burney Pastor’s Willie and Karen Felton 14501 NW 7th Ave. Miami, Fl 33168 Youth Empowerment 1st & 3rd Friday 7:00 PM Marriage Enhancement 4th Friday 7:30 PM Sunday Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 8:30 AM Tues Bible Study 6:45 PM Wed Bible Study 10:45 AM TGT_January_2022.indd 18 1/5/22 1:44 PM

Rev. Paul E. PastorMoss, Rev. Charles M. Taylor, Senior Minister Sunday Worship Celebration & Youth Sunday School 9:50 am Tuesday Prayer Service 6:00 pm Noonday Meditation M-Th 12noon Senior Minister Sunday School 9:00 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 PM Tuesday Bible Study 7:00PM Friday Prayer Meeting 8:00 PM GRACE BAPTISTEVANGELICALCHURCH,INC. 8400 NE 2nd Ave. Miami, Fl 33138 Ph: 786-230-3786 Fax: 305-754-9200 14501 NW 7th Ave Miami, Fl 33168 Sunday School 8 AM Morning Worship 9 AM and 11 AM Bible Study Tuesday 7 PM Rev. Jacques F. PastorSaint-Louis, Church Phone 786-286-5611 Church Fax www.unitedchristianpraiseandworshipcenter.com305-620-7020 UNITED CHRISTIAN PRAISE & WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH INC. 7626 NW 7th Ave Miami FL 33150 / Mailing address 2370 NW 174th Terr Miami Gardens FL 33056 Sunday School : 9:30 AM Sunday Service :10:30 AM Bible Study every other Wednesday 7:30 PM Bishop Dennis Jackson Sunday service: 7 AM and 10 AM Sunday School 8:30 AM Wednesday: Bible Study, 7 PM INTERESTED IN HAVING YOUR CHURCH OR MINISTRY IN THE GOSPEL TRUTH? EMAIL US SANDY@THEGOSPELTRUTHNEWS.COMTODAY “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

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