Welcome to the Grounds Management Association’s (GMA) learning programme prospectus, which will provide you with all the information you need to make the best choice about your training, education and career progression.
The GMA is the leading Professional Development organisation in turf care training and education and we offer a large range of courses and qualifications which will prepare you for a great future in turfcare or confirm that throughout your professional career you have proven you have a broad range of skills and knowledge. Whether you are new to the industry, interested in management level qualifications or simply would like to access our 1 to 5 day training courses, the GMA can help you gain the skills you need.
From its inception in 1934, the GMA has carried its motto of ‘Through Training to Service’ at the heart of the organisation’s ethos and this commitment to training can be exemplified through the thousands of grounds staff that train with us each year, as well as the many people that undertake GMA qualifications. We are passionate about continual professional development throughout your career to ensure that grounds staff are recognised for their professionalism by supporting you with Independent information, advice and guidance.
Through this commitment, the GMA has developed a set of standards which will help ground staff at all levels, ensure their playing surface is as good as it can be all year round and these standards of playing surfaces are linked to recommended levels of education. This Grounds Management Framework (see pages 4 and 5) offers guidance to a volunteer groundsperson at grassroots level with introductory qualifications and extends through progressive levels and qualifications to GMA Certified Grounds Director level.
However, don’t just take our word for it, matrix Standard, the quality standard for organisations that assess and measure the advice and services that supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals, summarised its annual GMA inspection with:
‘The GMA is an organisation that clearly demonstrates its desire and passion to support the improvement of sports venues, public areas and the personnel involved with maintaining them.’
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
GEOFF WEBB Chief ExecutiveGMA training and qualifications have been aligned to the appropriate levels of the pitch grading framework. Following this learning pathway will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to progress your career or enhance your abilities as a volunteer. Increasing your knowledge and understanding of good practice will help sustain natural turf pitches, improve playability, capacity and reduce cancellations.
A playing surface that is of outstanding quality and meets the standards of play for elite sport in the UK. It meets the playing needs and expectations of professional athletes, both nationwide and globally.
A playing surface that is of a very high quality that meets the needs of professional and semi-professional sport in the UK. It meets the playing needs and expectations of professional and semi-professional athletes nationwide.
GMA Certified Grounds Director Requirement: GMA Level 5 Qualification (or equiv.)
Our professional diploma is ideal for those wishing to demonstrate their expertise within the turf and grounds care industry. You will have at least 6 years’ experience, study through distance/home learning, and tutor support, and finish with two, 2½ hour written examination papers.
GMA Certified Grounds Manager Requirement: GMA Level 4 Qualification (or equiv.)
This level will suit someone wishing to consider a longer term perspective in managed turf, perhaps a sustainable turfgrass surface. You should have at least 3 years’ industry experience, a wish to gain a higher level formal qualification, but do not wish to attend a traditional college course.
A playing surface that is high quality and meets the needs and expectations of both community and semi-professional players nationwide.
Requirement: GMA Level 3 Training OR Qual. (or equiv.)
Ideal for the experienced volunteer or employee, our Level 3 (advanced) and final training step will help you to successfully manage pitch playability. In contrast, an GMA Level 3 qualification is ideal for the professional who wishes to demonstrate their expertise within a sports turf team.
A playing surface that is good quality and safe for recreational sport, it meets the minimum playing needs and expectations of community players nationwide.
A playing surface that is safe for recreational sport and meets the minimum playing needs and expectations of community players nationwide.
GMA Certified Grounds Operative Requirement: GMA Level 2 Training (or equiv.)
Take the next step with our Level 2 training (traditional short course) and explore some of the theory involved in maintaining a specific sports turf surface. Alternatively, enrol onto an GMA Learning technical qualification for turf surface maintenance –a formal, but flexible, learning experience.
GMA Certified Grounds Assistant Requirement: GMA Level 1 Training (or equiv.)
Kickstart your journey with a progressive one-day GMA Learning course, featuring a mix of both practical working demonstrations and turf care theory. Cover the effective maintenance of a specific surface, available on a regular basis at venues across the UK. (2 days for racecourse.)
For every grass sport surface to achieve the best possible quality playing surface for its users.
We know that grass playing surfaces managed on a regular basis can improve player experience, lead to a reduction in cancellations, and potentially increase year-round participation.
Striving for better quality playing surfaces that are maintained by qualified grounds staff and volunteers, will ensure that more sport can be played on higher quality and safer grounds.
A national framework for natural turf sport surfaces, so that those responsible for playing surfaces are aware of the playing surface characteristics, resources, skills, and knowledge required to meet their requirements.
GMF identifies what is required to achieve each level in terms of the standard of surface, grounds management expertise and resources. This includes:
• A set of standards to benchmark the quality of each surface, across all levels of sports from community to professional sport.
• A skills and knowledge matrix that recommends the core skills and competencies that volunteers and professional should demonstrate.
• Resource requirements such as budgets and time commitments.
Who is it intended for?
The framework can assist everyone involved in managing and maintaining sports grounds including Grounds staff, Ground Managers, Club Committees and Senior Management. It is aimed at all aspects of the industry including community clubs, local authorities, education and professional sports clubs. Adopting the principles of GMF will provide benefits across the organisation including players, coaches and spectators.
Grounds staff and volunteers
• Broader professional skills
• Improved personal career development
• Increased pride and satisfaction of playing surfaces they produce
• Understanding of what makes a natural surface high quality, and how to enhance it further
• A method to measure and quantify improvements
• Better use of budgets
• A tool to communicate with management, or owners, to help them understand the needs and resources to maintain the facility
Facility operators, including education, local authorities, professional clubs and community clubs
• Better use of budgets
Better return on investment
Enhance understanding of grounds management
Improved knowledge to communicate with grounds staff
Improved knowledge to support grounds staff development
More clarity on quality of playing surface required for level of sport played at site
Reduced cancellation of matches
Increased income
Increased playing capacity
Increase in player satisfaction
Drive up playing surface quality standards
Players, coaches, and spectators
Improved player satisfaction
Increased pride and satisfaction of ground and facilities
Better understanding of what makes a quality playing surface
Fewer matches cancelled
Improved playing surfaces
Support technical development by playing on better playing surfaces
Reduced injuries from poor surfaces
GMA head of technical and learning
Years in sports turf, including education: 25+
Experience: Golf course and sports construction – from design to handover, in various global locations. Dan has also liaised with many top golf course architects and contractors in the industry.
Dan was also a sport turf lecturer at Askham Bryan College and has a thorough understanding of education theory and practice.
Why he’s excited about education: I like to help develop people. I love to see past students excel and progress in the industry.
Years in sports turf, including education: 30+
Experience: A wide range of practical and management experience with golf, bowls, cricket, croquet, tennis, hockey, rugby, football; with artificial surfaces and natural surfaces; covering drainage and construction to maintenance and management from hands-on operative, to supervisory and management.
Chris also has a wealth of experience in lecturing and training and has developed performance quality standards in both private and local authority sectors.
Why he’s excited about education: The continuous learning process –there is so much to learn!
Best GMA moment: Creating and continuing to develop the current GMA online learning system.
The GMA has a fantastic group of consultants, tutors and trainers - all of whom are qualified to deliver excellent learning experiences and are very well respected in the grounds management community. The current team, as well as others, consists of:
Bojan has a wide range of practical experience in sports turf management and construction.
Steve has a background in greenkeeping and golf design and construction and has applied his experiences in a teaching capacity for the past 25 years – within which he has taught more than 1,500 sports turf students. Armed with his international turfcare experiences and an MSc in Sports Surface Technology, Steve is a very respected trainer and advisor for the GMA.
From Elite Football to Tennis and Croquet through to working on sports surfaces for the 2012 Olympics Bojan cemented these experiences academically by gaining an MSc in Sports Surface Technology. Bojan is primarily the online tutor to the GMA Level 2 and 3 qualification students and enjoys supporting people to ensure they progress within the industry.
Alex has over 30 years of professional experience working in the field of applied soil and water management both in the UK and overseas. These experiences are applied throughout the professional and grassroots volunteer sectors of grounds management with Alex undertaking consultancy works and delivering training courses on behalf of the GMA. With a wide ranging professional background Alex has supported many facilities and also produced over 250 consultancy and research reports, published 7 papers in a range of peer- reviewed scientific journals and over 30 conference papers dealing primarily with soil management in the field of sports surface construction and performance.
The GMA’s Training Needs Analysis service is designed to support managers and grounds staff in mapping out a training and education journey. This service benefits those that actively take part in an appraisal system and those who adopt a more informal development programme.
Meeting with each member of the grounds team, a GMA Learning expert can draw up a unique learning plan for that individual. This will aid both the individual and the employer when mapping out the future development programme for the whole team.
This service works alongside the GMA’s Grounds Management Framework to enable grounds staff to meet both their own and their employer goals to:
• Support an individual, a team and sport surface standards
• Aid an appraisal process with GMA Learning
• Build a structured and realistic plan to follow
• Highlight professional grounds management skills
The GMA’s Training Needs Analysis recently collaborated with Grounds Manager, Michael Llong (inset), at Mill Hill School Foundation in London.
Michael oversees four of the seven schools, which include 160 acres of winter sports pitches, natural grass athletics areas, cricket pitches and artificial sports surfaces – plus two heritage gardens, a maze, woodlands, roads, paths and fencing on the properties,
Michael contacted the GMA’s Training Needs Analysis to gain a thorough understanding of what was needed to help his satisfy the school’s current and future needs.
“Since I engaged with the GMA’s Training Needs Analysis service, my staff have been on several courses, including the GMA’s Level 2 Technical Certificate in Turf Surface Maintenance, Level 3 Technical Diploma Turf Surface Management and Level 3 Certificate in Supervisory Management,” said Michael. “Additionally, they have attended bespoke day courses for artificial surface maintenance, Chainsaw CS 30/31, Pesticides PA1/6A and RHS Level 2, and we have also introduced an apprenticeship programme, and
run health and safety, and first aid courses,” he commented.
Michael adds that his team members now “better understand the ‘why’ behind grounds maintenance tasks and recognise the need to complete them in a certain way”, in addition to being more confident about using new techniques and experimenting with different products.
Regarding academic qualifications, Michael said, “If we had put staff members on a work-based Level 2 training course, this would not have been enough to upskill them for our current and future needs. Theory-based learning that met the needs of each staff member was important, which is why I engaged with the GMA’s Training Needs Analysis service to help identify a range of opportunities to develop my team.
“During the process, Dan Prest, the GMA’s head of technical and learning, gave me a thorough understanding of what was needed to help our team meet the Mill Hill School Foundation’s future goals. Staff members were then offered a training needs assessment. Five team members sat down with Dan to set their personal goals and he created an individual training plan for each of them.”
GMA qualifications are fully supported by industry-expert tutors who are experienced in both education and sports turf. The education programmes are designed with rigour to ensure that students are stretched and get the most out of whichever level qualification they take. Students will develop their knowledge through online study, allowing them to apply their increase in knowledge in the workplace. All our qualifications allow progression through each level.
GMA short training courses are a great way to develop the skills and understanding of a playing surfacein one-to-five days, with like-minded individuals. From introductory courses to advanced management skills there is a course to suit every club’s playing surface and each delegate’s previous experience. Each level of course is also designed with progression in mind, linking to each level of the GMA’s Grounds Management Framework.
A soft skill is a personal attribute that supports situational awareness and enhances an individual's ability to get a job done. The term soft skills is often used as a synonym for people skills or emotional intelligence. Unlike hard skills, which describe a person's technical ability to perform a specifically defined task, soft skills are broadly applicable across job titles and industries. It's often said that while hard skills might get someone an interview, soft skills will help that person get (and keep) the job.
86% of GMA learners who completed an online training course (and who completed the soft skills survey) with the GMA stated that they had made Good to Significant improvement in a range of soft skills.
This extremely high improvement factor has been maintained since soft skill surveys were introduced in June 2021.
Specific soft skills improvements (ratings of Good to Significant) are indicated as:
Lifelong, continuous learning really is the essence of 21st Century learning and embedding this through professional working practice with CPD (Continuous Professional Development) and reflective activities is a key process in confidence building and self-development.
Within the UK education system there really is something for everybody, often it is just a matter of being pointed in the right direction. As the GMF grows and becomes the main benchmark for the turf care industry and those interested in joining it, especially as a career, the number of education and training opportunities will also grow.
The GMA has developed a full suite of online training courses
These allow people to study when and wherever possible.
Whether you are a volunteer at a grass roots club or a professional wishing to update your knowledge the GMA can provide the following learning opportunities.
Level 1 - Basic (5 courses covering grounds maintenance) in:
• (Level 1 Football –Serbo, Croat, Bosnian)
• Cricket
• Rugby Union
• Rugby League
What is involved in these online courses?
It is all online.
This online option will suit those volunteers that do not have time to travel and attend a course. You will learn about that tasks involved in maintaining a playing surface in a cost-effective way.
The course takes around 4-5 hours to complete although you do have a window of 28 days to complete it.
There are 3 modules to this training course. All are designed to either give you a new understanding or build on your experiences so far.
1. Requirements of the groundsperson and pitch
Pitch and player requirements
to Performance Quality
and Machinery)
2. Types of equipment and machinery
and machinery
Safe use of equipment and machinery
Safe use and storage (Materials)
3. Storage and safe disposal
• Types of material
• Application and effects of incorrect use
Each module has an informal selfassessment test, plus there is a formal end of course multiple-choice assessment test, which is also online.
After you have completed these 3 modules, we will also suggest other topics of progression should you wish to continue to learn.
You will receive a certificate of achievement which can complement your own CPD activity.
To enable progression from the online Level 1 courses the GMA has developed both Intermediate (Level 2) and Advanced (Level 3) options covering:
• Level 2 (Applied Turf Culture)
o Winter Pitches
o Cricket
• Level 2 Effective Maintenance of 3G Pitches
• Level 2 Reinforced-Hybrid Pitch Maintenance
• Level 3 (Advanced Turf Culture)
o Winter Pitches
o Cricket
How long do these courses take?
They take around 6 hours to complete although you do have a window of 28 days to complete each course.
Just like the level 1 online courses there are self-assessment questions so that you can check your learning as you go, plus there is a formal end of course multiple choice assessment test, which is also online.
By the end of these courses you should be able to understand:
• The performance requirements of a playing surface
• How to monitor the quality of a surface
• How different maintenance activities might influence surface playability
• The responsibilities of operatives and organisations
• The purpose of risk assessments
• Different soil types
• Basic drainage design
• How to identify turf grasses in general
• General control methods for undesirable organisms
• The use of annual work schedules and
• How to create an annual work schedule.
Progressing from the Level 2 courses studying the Level 3 courses should allow you to typically understand:
• What is meant by the term ‘carrying capacity’
• The influence of drainage, soil type and compaction on carrying capacity
• Soil nutrient testing and what this might mean for your pitch
• Grass cultivars and selection and evaluation
• Controlling undesirable organisms and Integrated Pest Management
• Health and safety systems
• Planning a work programme
• Managing a surface to optimise carrying capacity.
This Level 2 training course is designed to complement and build on the introductory and general skills developed at Level 1, as well as the Level 2 Winter Pitches (Applied Turf Culture) training course.
It provides a broad overview of the categories and types of material used in reinforced-hybrid pitches, including a wide range of points to consider for maintaining these surfaces.
The course is designed to be of equal benefit to the person currently working on these types of pitches, someone aspiring to work on them, or for someone who wishes to gain a better understanding of them.
Course aim: To understand the different range of materials available and how technical aspects of turf maintenance can influence overall pitch quality.
Course objectives: By the end of this course you should be able to understand:
• How reinforced-hybrid surfaces can be categorised
• The range of different materials available for reinforced pitches
• The performance requirements of a reinforced pitch surface
• How to monitor the quality of a surface
• How different maintenance activities might influence pitch playability
• The need for safe working practices
• The influence of free-draining rootzones on pitch maintenance
• How to identify turf grasses in general
• General control methods for undesirable organisms.
This Level 2 training course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of how and why certain maintenance and complementary activities are needed for a 3G surface.
3G surfaces are synthetic carpets, with artificial grass blades, and which are infilled with material, typically a sand layer and then a rubber crumb layer.
The main sports played on a 3G surface are football and rugby.
The course is designed to be of equal benefit to:
• a dedicated grounds person (employee or volunteer), who may also be maintaining grass surfaces and surrounds
• a facility manager or facility assistant whose main role might be indoors dealing with customers and bookings, but who may occasionally help the main grounds person
• a club volunteer who may be part of a volunteer team, who maintain a 3G surface.
Course aim: To understand how to effectively maintain a 3G pitch to provide a safe surface, achieve required performance criteria and optimise pitch longevity.
Course objectives: By the end of this course you should be able to understand:
• the range of equipment and materials used in maintaining 3G surfaces
• the need to provide a duty of care to users
• the need to carry out daily pre-use surface and goal post checks
• the need for effective maintenance practices
• how to carry out effective maintenance practices
• the difference between routine maintenance and more specialist maintenance work
• the requirements for maintenance planning
• the need for good record keeping
• the need for routine pitch performance monitoring and testing
• where to find relevant Governing Body 3G information.
Winter Pitches (Levels 1-3)
Cricket (Levels 1-3)
Greens (Levels 1-3) Racecourses (Levels 1-3)
Warm Season Grasses (Level 2)
Pitches (Level 2)
Surfaces (Level 2)
Pitches (Level 2)
Grounds (Level 2-3)
Courses (All levels)
This suite of one-day training courses covers the maintenance and management of winter sports playing surfaces and facilities at all levels of the sport for either volunteers or members of a professional grounds team.
Winter sports pitches should be managed with insight and care to ensure longevity of the surface throughout the more demanding winter months. At Levels 2 and 3, course delegates can consider planning, scheduling and facilities management to ensure that they are maximising income, playability and staff.
• Course covers: the definition and assessment of the surface, seasonal maintenance, general tasks, setting out and line marking, turf problems, safe and effective use of equipment
• Course covers: surface requirements, performance quality standards, turf grass identification, fertilisers and nutrients, pests and diseases, moss and weeds, non-turf surfaces and new developments
• Course covers: soil structure and texture, irrigation management, drainage, choice of grass species, managing nutrient levels, integrated pest management, managing performance quality standards
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in traditional format.
This suite of one-day training courses feature the maintenance and management of cricket playing surfaces and facilities at all levels of the sport and is ideal for either volunteers or professional members of a grounds team.
Cricket is one of the most technically demanding surfaces to maintain and will, depending on your practices, have the most influence on playability. Furthermore, at Levels 2 and 3 delegates can consider planning, scheduling and facilities management to ensure maximum income, playability and staff skills.
• Course covers: the definition and assessment of the surface, seasonal maintenance, general tasks, preparation of the square and match pitch, turf problems, safe and effective use of equipment.
• Course covers: surface requirements, performance quality standards, turf grass identification, fertilisers and nutrients, pests and diseases, moss and weeds, new developments for cricket surfaces
• Course covers: soils for the square and outfield, irrigation management, drainage, choice of grass species, managing nutrient levels, integrated pest management, managing performance quality standards
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format.
Cricket course delegate, Mark Strutt
This suite of one-day training courses will aid the volunteer or the professional to maximise the quality of their playing surfaces and increase playability and revenue at their facility.
The quality of a bowls playing surface is vital to the sport and therefore having a sound understanding of what to carry out and when will aid the greenkeeper and club members who may wish to understand the works that a contractor carries out.
• Course covers: the definition and assessment of the surface, sequence of autumn maintenance, care of the bowling green and surrounds, spring and summer operations, effective winter maintenance, marking and setting out of rinks, safe and effective use of equipment
• Course covers: surface requirements for bowling greens, performance quality standards, safe working practices, soils, pH and topdressings, turf grass identification, pest and diseases, moss and weeds, new developments for bowling greens
• Course covers: soil problems, irrigation management, drainage, grasses, managing nutrient levels, integrated pest management, managing performance quality standards
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format.
Bowls course delegate, Nick Orde
These training courses are aimed primarily at the professional grounds person at a racecourse and are fully supported and endorsed by the relevant national governing bodies.
From the basics of turf maintenance and activities, to liaising with clerks of the course and the planning of annual maintenance tasks this suite of courses will develop both the grounds team and the manager. These courses range from two to five days in length and are residential.
• The level 1 course covers basic turf and machinery maintenance, safe practices with course furniture and race day procedures.
• Course covers: industry developments, health and safety, water management and soil science.
Level 3 Racecourse: Management Skills (3 days)
• Course covers: performance quality standards, machinery procurement and human resources management.
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format. Please note: these courses are residential.
Charlie Moore, ARC’s Head of Group Racing – Racing and Operations
The GMA is at the forefront of developing and established technologies in the industry and we recognise that some playing surfaces present very steep learning curves for turf managers both on home soil or overseas. Each of these one-day courses aims to develop the turf managers knowledge of emerging technologies, how best they can be managed and the challenges they present.
• This course is aimed to give a basic understanding of the differences between cool and warm season grasses, their establishment, maintenance techniques, threats and renovation schedules. This will be ideal for elite surface managers who are frequently making recommendations on warm season playing surfaces.
• Course covers: the latest developments in this section of the industry are covered in detail to ensure a full understanding is gained on how best to maintain and renovate these surfaces. This technology is evolving all the time so we ensure that all course developments reflect current thinking in the industry.
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format.
David Roberts, former Grounds Manager, Liverpool FC
These established courses in the GMA portfolio allow for the fact that these surfaces are recognised as requiring an effective regime of maintenance to ensure the longevity of the surface. These one-day courses will focus on the development of surfaces, new technologies and best practice in ensuring a safe and well-maintained artificial facility.
This course offers the latest in maintenance practices for 3G surfaces. The longevity of the surface is vital to both playability and income streams. The course covers not only the best practice in maintenance but also considerations on future planning and budget requirements.
This course covers the maintenance and development of various artificial services – highlighting that cleanliness is key. Often overlooked, this type of playing surface is a huge investment for a facility therefore understanding the effective maintenance is key to maximising budget and longevity of the surface.
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format.
This suite of training courses is ideal for anyone who maintains and manages general grounds and facilities. From an elite sporting venue to a college or independent school, delegates may be responsible for the upkeep of sports turf, amenity lawns, soft landscaping or even airfields. These courses will take delegates back to basics and stretch their thinking to consider all management activities.
• As a refresher delegates will cover general turf maintenance, threats to turf health, identification of grasses and weeds pests and diseases to ensure delegates will be able to maintain their turf in the best possible way.
• Course covers: the impact of standards on turf maintenance, planning works and annual maintenance schedules, identification of grasses, weeds, pests and diseases.
• From auditing the site to considering manpower vs acreage and effective management practices, this course will look in depth and the skills required to successfully manage an entire site.
These training courses can be offered as a bespoke course for a group of delegates or in a traditional individual format.
All the GMA’s short training courses can be offered as a ‘pay-as-you-go’ option, meaning delegates can book themselves onto a course via the website or create a bespoke option.
The bespoke option is ideal for organisations who wish to train their staff in-house, therefore ensuring a standardised approach for delivering information.
Level 2 GMA Technical Awards in Turf Surface Maintenance Level 2 GMA Technical Certificate in Turf Surface Maintenance Level 3 GMA Certificate in Supervisory Management Level 3 GMA Technical Awards in Turf Surface Management Level 3 GMA Technical Diploma in Turf Surface Management Level 4 GMA Certificate in Sustainable Turf Management Level 4 GMA Professional Certificate in Turf Surface Management Level 5 GMA Professional Diploma in Turf Surface Management Level 6 GMA Professional Certificate in Turf Surface Consulting
For anyone either starting out on their turf management journey or who are highly experienced but have no formal qualifications.
These individual awards focus on key individual topics that offer the student both the basic knowledge and confidence to maintain their green spaces efficiently.
Each award takes about 30-40 hours and at a suggested five hours study per week you could be receiving a certificate after only six to eight weeks.
Award 1: Soils, fertilisers and nutrients
Award 2: Plant classification and identification, Grasses and seeds
Award 3: Weeds, pests and diseases, conditions, mosses and algae
Award 4: Turf maintenance activities, Health and Safety
Award 5: Maintaining turfgrass surfaces
Assessment takes place by way of a short-written exam. There is no practical work required for these awards as often you will be practically experienced anyway.
If you are either starting out on your turf management journey or highly experienced but have no formal qualifications this is an ideal option for you.
This full qualification will focus on the main topics that will give you both the basic knowledge and confidence to maintain your green spaces efficiently.
This qualification is expected to take 11 months (180 hours). This means it is recommended that you undertake five hours of self-directed study per week.
Module 1: Soils
Module 2: Fertilisers and nutrients
Module 3: Plant classification and identification
Module 4: Grasses and seeds
Module 5: Weeds, pests and diseases, mosses and algae
Module 6: Turf maintenance activities
Module 7: Maintaining turfgrass surfaces
Module 8: Health and Safety
Assessment takes place by way of two exams, one at mid-way and one at the end of the qualification. There is no practical work required for this qualification as often the candidate will be practically experienced anyway.
If you have recently been promoted into a management position, or want to progress your career, this qualification is ideal for you, allowing you to develop your management skills.
This qualification will complete the jigsaw enabling you to be a successful manager of both turfgrass surfaces and your team.
It is expected that this qualification will take you around nine months to complete (150 hours). You can plan to carry out self-directed study for around five hours per week. You can also elect to study individual awards rather than the entire qualification.
Award 1: Team motivation
Award 2: Coaching skills Award 3: Encouraging new ideas Award 4: Meeting management Award 5: Team building
Award by award you can earn a certificate of award completion by answering the end of award multiple choice assessments. Should you complete all five awards you will receive a qualification in ‘GMA Level 3 Certificate in Supervisory Management.’
If you have several years’ experience and wish to gain a formal qualification in managing turf surfaces and wish to stretch yourself above a Level 2 qualification this is the course for you.
These individual awards are a logical progression from a Level 2 qualification and will cement your experience, giving you in-depth technical knowledge of all aspects of turf management. Being able to study individual awards means you can develop your knowledge - one topic at a time.
Each award takes between 30 and 40 hours, and with a suggested five hours of self-directed study per week you can complete an award in approximately six to eight weeks.
Award 1: Turf nutrition, soil science, construction and drainage techniques
Award 2: Plant science and turf grasses
Award 3: Integrated pest management and water management
Award 4: Turf standards, work programming and resource profiling
Award 5: Non-turf surfaces and health and safety management
Each award will be assessed by completing a 60-minute exam.
This course is ideal for someone who has several years’ experience in maintaining turf, is looking to progress their career and build on the knowledge they may have gained through experience or a previous Level 2 qualification.
Building on experience and knowledge is vital to keep up with this fastpaced industry. This qualification will develop your technical knowledge of maintaining turf.
It is expected that this qualification should take 11 months (180 hours) with approximately five hours of selfdirected study per week.
Module 1: Turf nutrition and soil science
Module 2: Plant science
Module 3: Turf grasses
Module 4: Integrated Pest Management
Module 5: Turfgrass standards
Module 6: Work programming and profiling
Module 7: Construction and Drainage techniques
Module 8: Non-turf surfaces Module 9: Water management
Module 10: Health and Safety management
This qualification is assessed by sitting two, two-and-a-half-hour exams, one at midway and the other at the end of the qualification.
Jack Chapman
For those that manage turfgrass and wish to consider more sustainable options in their practices, this qualification will develop knowledge of environmental and economic factors, allowing the student to maintain a surface at a defined level.
As the inputs you make on a turf surface are measured and monitored, it is important to understand the impact they may have on both the playability and demands of the surface. Developing your knowledge of sustainability will have positive effects on budgets for years to come.
This is an eight-month qualification (120 hours) and you can expect to carry out five hours of self-directed study per week. There is no practical element to this qualification.
Module 1: What is sustainability?
Module 2: Managing for sustainability Module 3: Beyond sustainability
Module 4: Sustainable turf management plan
This qualification is assessed by the submission of a written report, typically regarding the management practices on your own site.
This is a great foundation for the GMA’s higher level courses. If you have solid experience of managing turf surfaces and wish to develop your understanding of the technical and scientific aspects of turf management this would be an ideal choice for you. This is the natural progression from a Level 3 qualification.
This qualification will develop your knowledge and understanding of the wider picture of managing turf surfaces. Being able to link issues such as impacts on the environment; team management and analysing inputs is vital for any turf manager.
This qualification is expected to take 11 months (180 hours). You can expect to carry out self-direct study for approximately five hours per week.
Module 1: Sustainable management of turfgrass surfaces
Module 2: Waste minimisation
Module 3: Managing a team
Module 4: Machinery procurement Module 5: Work analysis and evaluation Module 6: Design and construction of natural turfgrass surfaces
This qualification is assessed by sitting two, two-and-a-half-hour exams, one at midway and the other at the end of the qualification.
Alex Latto, Assistant Head Groundsman, BT Murrayfield Stadium
If you have completed the Level 4 GMA Professional Certificate in Turf Surface Management and wish to progress and develop your knowledge further, then the Level 5 qualification will allow you to demonstrate your expertise within the industry. You must have successfully completed the Level 4 qualification prior to enrolment on this qualification.
This is the GMA’s premier turf management qualification and builds on the Level 4 by developing your knowledge of the wider aspects of turf and land management. Ranging from pure turf to whole site management this will allow you to consider issues such as contract and risk management.
This qualification should be completed in 11 months (180 hours) so you can expect to commit to five hours per week self-directed study.
Module 1: Applied turf science Module 2: Contract management
Module 3: Health and safety management
Module 4: Non-turf surface management
Module 5: Turf futures: Developments and innovations
Module 6: Greenspace management
This qualification is assessed by sitting two, two-and-a-half-hour exams, one midway and the other at the end of the qualification.
If you are aiming to share your knowledge, experience, offer advice and make recommendations, then this Level 6 qualification will help you to develop your skills in providing accurate advice and raising the standards of the industry.
Forward thinking, decision making, and planning are vital tools for turf managers. Embarking on this qualification will refine not only your turf, soil and water managements skills but also your report writing skills.
It is expected that this qualification will take 11 months (180 hours) and you can expect to carry out self-directed study for around five hours per week. Your work will ideally be centred around a live project, in agreeance with your tutor.
Module 1: Processes involved in creating a consultancy report
Module 2: Create a consultancy report
This qualification is assessed by the submission of a written report, typically regarding a live project on your own site.
How do I book onto a course?
Horse racing courses: please contact the GMA offices and request an application form.
All other courses: You can either book onto a course by emailing or telephoning the office, or completing the online form.
How much do the courses cost?
GMA Members are eligible for significant discounts on most training courses / qualification fees.
Do I have to do the levels in order?
It is advisable to follow the courses in sequence for your own development, but it is not a stipulation or entry requirement on to each level.
You can also create or adapt a course to suit the needs of your grounds or team. Alternatively, you can purchase any of our standard courses exclusively for your team that can be delivered at your site. The GMA will provide the trainer and learning materials.
How do I become a member of the GMA?
There are a variety of GMA Membership options available, from Individual membership for those with an active interest in grounds maintenance and management to Organisation membership covering professional sports clubs, schools, colleges, universities, local authorities or other not for profit organisations. To find out more please call the GMA on 01908 312 511, email membership@ thegma.org.uk or visit the GMA website at thegma.org.uk/membership
At what age can I start studying?
There are no stipulations on age for GMA qualifications other than the GMA Levels 4 and 5 for which you must be at 19 years of age. However, there is some guidance on how much experience you should have for certain qualifications. Please see each qualification for further information.
The courses vary in cost, and we have included a separate price list with the current prices. GMA Members are eligible for significant discounts on most training courses / qualification fees.
What are the differences between the Level 2 and 3 Awards and the Level 2 and 3 qualifications?
The awards are smaller bitesize awards from the full Level 2 and 3 qualifications. You can either choose to study the full qualification or the smaller awards. This will allow you to study over a longer period. You do not have to study all the awards but doing so will give you the full qualification certificate.
You will have a dedicated GMA tutor who can guide you through the qualification although you are responsible for your own studies. Your tutor will be available via email or live chat at specified time.
Upon enrolment you will receive a proposed date for your exams. These exams will be sat at your place of work and invigilated by a nominated manager. The exam paper will be posted to your invigilator and you will complete the exam in appropriate examination conditions. Your completed exam can then be securely posted back to the GMA.
Simply complete an application form and send it to learning@thegma.org.uk. It is important that you also send a current CV as we like to make sure you are applying for the right qualification. We will usually speak to you over the phone for a brief discussion on experience and current qualifications.
The GMA represents your interests, your career, your company, and your industry. Become a GMA member today and gain significant discounts on most training courses and many other benefits.
The GMA’s Turfcare Advisory service is an easy-to-use service offering a wide range of advice, from basic playing surface problems to the design and construction of playing surfaces. The service provides simple solutions to problems with a written report typically following a site visit.
The GMA can offer a turf key project management service starting with site assessments and recommendations for improvement, supporting you with specification writing and tendering through to on site project supervision and finally handover.
This service, which is designed to support the bursar or finance manager, head of sport and grounds manager, identifies key issues to help shape unique solutions. This is a full site audit featuring three steps: a fact-finding exercise; an on-site visit; and an easy-to-follow comprehensive report.
Are your Health and Safety systems up to scratch? The GMA has updated its extensive range of generic safe systems of work and risk assessments for grounds maintenance work to support anyone involved in grounds care in complying with relevant regulations.