The Falling Leaf Review, December 2016

Page 18

Vplume 1 Number 4

November 29, 2016

horrifying to realize how fucking semi-literate most people I talk to really are. It's frightening. This, of course, includes America's liberals and not just her conservative troglodytes. Happy voting, suckers.

P. T. Barnum is the father of everything we engage, indulge and endure, sociopolitically, socio-economically, in, through and by the media. You do know that, don't you?

I recalled the fair my Uncle Martin and I had gone to one afternoon one summer how many years

Nobody Knows How It Can Be Like That

ago I could not count the same Uncle Martin who would get on his knees by his bed to say his prayers every day of his life since he could. I learned how to

by JVR

pray in French, believe that I don’t know how to mean it any other way. He wore pajamas.

Train letter D approaching from Bay Parkway. Car after car, soot dulled silver.

He kneeled by the side of his bed and prayed every night of his life since he was old enough to

It pulls in, the D I board.

mean something by praying, old enough to know

I sit, I open my book, I look across the aisle

what prayer meant, he too prayed at the side of his

from me, sun brilliant off blonde hair in disarray

bed on his knees on the floor asking God to

over the seat perpendicular to how I sit across the

intercede for him in case he died before he would

aisle she is facing in the direction opposite to the one

wake, his soul to take, Now I lay me down to sleep,

the train is going.

the prayer I learned as a boy, I pray the Lord my soul

Station after station passing slowly here on

to keep, words taught to me by parents by cousin

board as the Manhattan-bound D rides clink-clank

Betty, we used to walk together to the store by our

along to the 9th Avenue turn, where it slows onto the

home in East Flatbush, up to the Avenue of stores a

Fourth Avenue line, 36th Street Station.. How do I

few blocks from our then three-room ground floor

say what I want when I want it, wanting so often

apartment, step on a line, break your father’s spine,

what is not . . . day bright sun strong skies clear

step on a crack, break your mother’s back, we

breeze faint and warm.

hopped and avoided as many as we could, if I should

A person shifts between a totalized being that determines it incomprehensible that there should

die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take . I always kneeled on the floor by the side of

be any room left for any other human being and a

my bed, lights out, the one in the dining room or the

singularity that is as a result isolated from her own

hall outside my door on, maybe the bathroom across

natural plurality of being, separate from all others,

the hall from my bedroom I remember up the block

desiring to cleave to another, to hold on to another,

from the three-room ground floor one, he said. The

not to let go of this other whenever; I never

one flight up first floor, two bed room apartment

attempted the brass ring on the merry-go-round

across from a Public School, with its backyard

when I was a boy, a young man, I said to her one

adjacent to the empty lot lawn of the Synagogue


around the corner, the one I heard the Cantor sing


The Falling Leaf Review

Vol. 1 No. 4

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