The Etsy Markt : Worcestershire Etsy Team - Christmas Edition

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The Etsy Market is a series of virtual shopping events that pop up across different cities around the world. Some events are run by groups of Etsy sellers, directly sharing their creativity with their community. Others are run by us, with the goal of celebrating incredible makers. Either way, you’re sure to have an incredible, inspiring time!

Welcome to

Explore a one-of-a-kind world. The Worcestershire Etsy Team is a group of artists, makers, designers, and vintage sellers that share their wares on Etsy and are based in and around the county of Worcestershire. The team is run entirely by volunteers and comes together to offer support, learning and to cheer the successes!

Bic Beaumont Art What is your favourite medium to work with? I can't choose between lino or painting, I need them both! Why did you start your Etsy shop? I was looking to be part of something, a community, meet local fellow creatives and I personally love shopping on Etsy, so it seemed perfect. Where are your items made? In a tiny room, which seems to be getting smaller, on hand me down bits of furniture but it is my space and I love it. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Hot chocolate, oat milk, vegan marshmallows What does everyone need to know about Bic Beaumont Art? When I'm painting my animal characters, their names come to me towards the end, when the piece is almost finished and I just sit with it, hanging up, drying in between stages and I will have whittled the names down to a couple and will see what it 'responds' to best - sounds a little out there but I love the process.


Paper Ink Alchemy Shop

Where do you make you items? I work from my home studio in rural Worcestershire. But the great thing about what I do is that I am able to take it with me, so sometimes things are made on beaches,or in coffee shops. What is your favourite medium to work with? As my shop name suggests Paper and Ink (well stretch that to include paint) are the main mediums I work with. In summer when it’s too warm for delicate papercuts you’ll find me doing more painting. In winter it’s a little bit of everything! What is you favourite Christmas treat? I love christmas, from October onwards pretty much everything I make is made with Christmas films or music in the background, a black forest hot chocolate on the go and maybe a slice of stollen for good measure. What does everyone need to know about Paper Ink Alchemy? Everything is designed and made by hand by me, so you won’t find my designs anywhere else, but also... everything can be personalised and made bespoke upon request.

Sonny & Wren Where do you make your items? All of my products are handmade in my Worcestershire home. I have a dedicated little corner, although it's getting pretty full now so I may have to take over another room! What is you favourite part of being an Etsy seller? Receiving lovely customer reviews for your products is definitely my favourite part of being an Etsy seller. Etsy is so straightforward to use and its great how easy it is to introduce your customers to new products. Why did you start your Etsy shop? Long story short, after having my second child I decided to be a full time mum and started my little business as a way to keep creating. I'm so glad I'm able to do something I love everyday and it means i can be there at sports days and school plays! What’s your favourite Christmas treat? Ooh I love Christmas so much! My favourite treat is definitely a Bailey's hot chocolate! Yum!


Fussy Geek Wares Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? I like creating designs in vector graphics as they are scalable and so useful to use again for future products. What is your favourite part of selling on Etsy? I really enjoy creating customised versions of my products on special request from my customers. I really enjoy the challenge and it's great when it pays off and they are happy. Where do you make your items? I have a studio at home and what started out as one desk is now a mega-desk or corner desk, but that doesn't sound as good. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Since going gluten-free, I feel it is my mission to try all the gluten-free mince pie brands every year. I'm really committed to it. What does everyone need to know about Fussy Geek Wares? I make gifts for the difficult to buy - techy, nerdy, hobbyist type of person. People ask me to make things for their son, husband or brother and this is a very interesting project for me. I'm so happy when the recipient is over the moon. If you have a relative with these kinds of hobbies and need a gift, let me know, I may be able to help.

76 Silver What is your favourite medium to work with? Obviously as a silversmith it’s silver, but I also love finding beach treasure, pebbles and sea-glass and incorporating that into my work… I’m always looking down on the beach! Where do you make your jewellery? I’m very lucky to have a purpose built workshop in my garden in Worcester. It enables me to juggle my family and work from the same place! What is your favourite part of being an Etsy seller? I really love the community and I’ve made some great connections with customers too. Etsy is my shop front and it’s been brilliant for the growth of my business. What does everyone need to know about 76 Silver? I’m very proud of the pieces I create, everything I make is done so with great care. When you buy from me you are not just supporting my business but you are enabling me to keep doing what I love! What’s your favourite Christmas treat? I love a warming mulled wine, Christmas tunes and sparkly lights!


Louisa Claire Design Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with fabrics, wool and felt. They're versatile and you can create some really cute things with not a lot. What is your favourite part of being an Etsy seller? I absolutely love helping my customers with commission designs - it's such a wonderful feeling when someone comes to me with an idea for a custom piece and we work together to make it a perfect reality. Why did you start your Etsy shop? It all started with embroidery - I made a little birth keepsake for my nephew and just kept designing from there! It's now evolved into a few different areas because I just can't stick to one craft! I've started to love working with felt and wool to create cute decorations but also started more digital print design. What is your favourite Christmas treat? I'll always love a snowball (the alcoholic drink kind), I've only even known what they are for a couple of years and they're now a firm favourite of a Christmas Eve for me now! I also love all the tasty baked goods from mince pies and gingerbread to lebkuchen!

Nina Louise Art & Illustration What is your favourite medium to work with? My digital pen. It really is magical. I have every paintbrush, pencil, pen and every type of paint and colour in one pen. Where are your items made? I work in lots of different spaces. Drawing and painting normally happens somewhere very comfortable with a good cuppa and often my dog cuddled up to me... I have a home office where my giclee printer (a specialist fine art printer) lives which means I can print art prints to order. What does everyone need to know about you? I do love to give the animals in my illustrations their own character. I like to imagine what's going through their head when I'm drawing them. I love eclectic interiors and have been filling my house with nature inspired prints and treasures for many years, lots of which I've purchased on Etsy. So it felt like a great place to share my nature inspired art and hopefully some of it will find it's way to some fellow nature lovers homes. What is your favourite Christmas treat? New pyjamas, a good nature book and a box of handmade chocolates. xx


J Elizabeth Jewellery Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Sterling silver and copper. Where do you make your jewellery? I work from my home studio and workshop where I am surrounded by inspirational pieces I have collected over time, from countryside to coast, there is a wealth of creative ideas that naturally flow into my work. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Etsy shop to become part of a community that could support and celebrate makers of unique handcrafted work. I have created a collection of jewellery that offers a style where there is something that can suit everyone, a style that reflects the essence of nature that can be appreciated and enjoyed. What does everyone need to know about J Elizabeth Jewellery? My jewellery designs are all inspired from natures beautiful landscape, the rich textures and patterns you see in countryside meadows and along rugged coastal shores, I like to incorporate this with a versatile style that is comfortable and easy to wear. What is your favourite Christmas treat? My favourite Christmas treat has to be a warm cup of mulled wine!

Lil Yellow Home Designs Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with felt as it so versatile and you can make so many wonderful things with it. Where do you make your items? I am lucky enough to have a spare bedroom converted in to my office, but of an evening I bring my work downstairs to enjoy time with my partner, although I'm sure he would rather I stay upstairs as felt tends to get everywhere. What does everyone need to know about Lil Yellow Home Designs? I run my business full time while taking care of my two year old son. When you see my products and social media it may look all pretty and rainbows but I can assure you behind the scenes we are also playing trains, building towers and taking your orders to the post office whilst feeding the ducks on the way. What is your favourite Christmas treat? I am a huge fan of the traditional Christmas dinner, nothing reminds me of Christmas more than my Grandma roasting her potatoes in her apron while drinking baileys.

Oak and Beyond Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? I just love working with wood. Particularly oak as it just has such beautiful natural grain and no two pieces are the same, which means that every piece I create is unique. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Etsy shop after the birth of my second child. I wanted to have the flexibility to work for myself, be creative and be on a site that people know and trust. Where do you make your items? I work from my workshop at home. I am very lucky that I am able to have the space to work from home. What does everyone need to know about Oak and Beyond? My shop is all about finding that quality gift. All of my items can be personalised which means giving a unique and thoughtful gift. Each one made with love and care. What is your favourite Christmas treat? My favourite Christmas treat has to be gingerbread. I love making a gingerbread house with my family, we do it every year and it’s becoming a household tradition. Everyone has fun and of course we all love to eat it!

Made By Davidica Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with sheet silver and using various techniques to turn it into jewellery What is your favourite part of being an Etsy seller? I love the community that I am part of; getting to meet lots of other fantastic makers in the local area. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started making things for myself but ended up with too many rings so I decided I would start selling them. What does everyone need to know about Made By Davidica? Everything in my Etsy shop is handmade by me What is your favourite Christmas treat? Definitely all the vegetables you have with Christmas dinner!

Lena’s Yard Shop

Where is your clothing made? At home - I usually make from my dining room table. However this year I finally have a Lena's Yard HQ! Still at home but a whole room dedicated to my little shop. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I needed a creative outlet after having my daughter and being made redundant. I started making children's clothes and thought I would try and sell a few I am now with a fantastic little handmade business. What does everyone need to know about Lena’s Yard I started with only remnant fabrics and so my designs were limited and really unique as I never knew what fabric I would lay my hands on. As I was using remnant fabric I was able to to sell stand out patterns whilst really keeping costs down. This remains really important to me and I try and make my clothing affordable and accessible, conscious of the desire to dress a child well but the reality of the cost and turnover of clothes. As Lena’s Yard has grown and become more established I have grown into a second range whilst maintaining my range of clothing using remnant fabrics. Lena’s Yard Little Cotton Range features beautiful designs from amazing independent artists, which are exclusive. Both ranges are available via my Etsy Store and equally as important to me! What is your favourite Christmas treat? Do love a sweet treat but my special Christmas treat is hot cider and rum.

Coinneal Candle Co Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with the dried botanicals i decorate the soy wax aroma tablets with. I like selecting the perfect flowers which match the scent in the tablet What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy?. I really like the community aspect and interacting with fellow sellers and of course our customers. Where are your candles and wax tablets made? In my workshop at home. What does everyone need to know about Coinneal Candle Co? Everything is handmade by us in our workshop so each item will be unique. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Homemade Damson Gin and a mince pie!

Justine Morris Designs Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Silver is my main medium but I also love using seaglass for its frosted finish and beautiful colours What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy? The local Etsy community is really supportive and also helps me buy gorgeous things made locally ! Where do you make your jewellery? I have a workshop in my garden which is my ‘me’ space - always with music to accompany the hammering and melting What does everyone need to know about Justine Morris Designs? If you love silver and something a little bit different then it’s the shop for you ! Ideal for sending a unique gift to someone or just treating yourself What is your favourite Christmas treat? Mince pies - especially with extra thick cream that only appears as a Christmas treat

SH Design Malvern What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy? I love getting into a creative flow while working on my own ideas and projects. It makes a nice change from my day-to-day job where I work for businesses as a freelance Graphic Designer. Where do you make your items? In my home studio below the beautiful Malvern Hills. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I used to make my partner cards for holidays, one year I thought I'd get one printed professionally and lot of people commented and seemed to love the style so I decided to get a few more designs and samples, which lead onto creating prints and finding a love of textured paper in deep colours and creating nature related prints. What does everyone need to know about SH Design Malvern? All my packaging and products are eco-friendly, simply packed in cardboard or compostable bags. I think it's important for us to all do our part to try to minimise waste. What is your favourite Christmas treat? A warm glass of homemade mulled wine or a chai latte - it's a tough call between those!


Smith & Bridges Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Working with rope is something I stumbled upon a few years back. I have loved experimenting with it over the past couple of years, developing my ideas and product range. It is such a fun medium to experiment with. What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy? Hands down the community it creates. When Covid wasn't around I enjoyed our real life group get togethers, bouncing ideas off each other and learning how to navigate social media etc. I also love that it is a platform that can be viewed world wide, opening up all sellers audience bases. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I had newly moved to Worcester from London and wanted to make the leap of starting my own business. It was something I had been longing to do since I graduated in Textile Design six years prior. What does everyone need to know about Smith & Bridges? All of my products are designed and handmade by me in my home studio. The materials I use were sourced by me and are of the highest quality. I work with environmentally friendly materials, cotton and hemp. Some of the products I offer have hand wrapped colour blocks of thread throughout. I take custom colour orders on request for these items. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Mince Pies! I have already eaten 3 since they started to appear in shops. Definitely a guilty pleasure...

Woolly Fingers Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with wood and wool (or cotton for the string art) What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy? The sense of community with so many other creative people and the support that this group creates. Where are your items made? At home, on my kitchen table. Why did you start your Etsy shop? To reach a wider audience outside Worcestershire. I shop a lot in Etsy too and it was an achievement for me to also be a seller. What does everyone need to know about Woolly Fingers? Everything I sell is handcrafted by me, using only oak instead of pine for a sturdy, rustic looking product that will last a lifetime as all materials are selected with quality in mind. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Chocolate!!

Lit & Wick Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? I love adding the scent to my candles, they make the house smell amazing! Where do you make your candles and macrame? I make it from my home in Worcestershire Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started off making candles just for myself and family but soon learnt there are only so many candles one person can burn. The macrame is newer to my shop and something I started making just for fun, but I really enjoy discovering new designs so by putting them in my shop it gives me the room to make more. What does everyone need to know about Lit & Wick? Many of my candles are book themed, either literally smelling like books like my “library” candle, or inspired by scenes or places in my favourite books. I have also started adding a seasonal range as who doesn’t love a Christmas tree scented candle! All of my candles are made with soy wax, and macrame is 100% cotton and comes in a wide range of colours. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Gingerbread and caramel hot chocolate

Delilah And The Moon Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? It's got to be textiles! Where do you make your items? From both my studio near the foot of the Malvern Hills and my creative space at home. What does everyone need to know about Delilah and the Moon? My Etsy shop is full of colourful, wonderful makes to inspire adventure, story telling & imagination that can be treasured or passed on, alongside practical reusables to help you lead a more sustainable life. I love all things textile and in my shop you'll also find my multi media and textile art pieces too. My favourite places are woodlands, by the sea or sat around a camp fire under the stars - the outdoor colours and textures give me plenty of inspiration! What is your favourite Christmas treat? Baileys!

Kirstie Trobe Fine Art Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Watercolour What is your favourite thing about having an Etsy shop? Having an opportunity to reach a wider audience Where do you make your items? At my Studio/Gallery in Worcester What does everyone need to know about Kirstie Trobe Fine Art? That it's full of lovely prints and cards from my original paintings, from subtle tones to vibrant pieces there's a print or card to suit everyone's taste. If there's a subject matter you'd like to see I'm open to suggestions for future works of art too! What is your favourite Christmas treat? Champagne for breakfast

SEH Jewellery Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love to work in yellow gold! It's a real honor to be able to make pieces that are super special and are rich in colour. Where do you make your jewellery? I make my jewellery in a small workshop at home, it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer but the perfect creative space. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Etsy shop to be able to showcase all the jewellery I make to a wider audience. I often make spontaneous rings, earrings and bangles and want to see them go to their forever home as soon as possible. What does everyone need to know about SEH Jewellery? Every item is different and unique. I make everything from scratch, earrings might not match, patterns can be random and sizes vary but everything is made with a passion and love for jewellery. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Mulled wine and mince pies, I could have them all year long

Love Flora Studio Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? Digitally - IPad or Watercolours What is your favourite thing about being an Etsy seller? The community and being a handmade seller Where do you make your items? In my home studio Why did you start your Etsy shop? To sell my items and hopefully make a full time career out of designing which I have now done! What does everyone need to know about Love Flora Studio? All items are made in my home studio by a one woman small business! What is your favourite Christmas treat? Pigs in Blankets!

100 Pennies Photography What is your favourite medium to work with? Photography is what we love to do, in nature and wild places as much as possible. Where are your items made? Our photographs have been taken all over the world, from the Highlands of Scotland, Africa and Australia, and ramblings around Worcestershire. Every print is hand checked and packed at my living room coffee table in Malvern. Why did you start your Etsy shop? Mum and I were talking during lockdown and the idea of starting a business came up as a way to keep us connected as we live 500 miles apart. What does everyone need to know about 100 Pennies Photography? We wanted to provide beautiful photographic prints, of unusual subjects, at affordable prices, to rival the mass produced stuff you find in interior design stores. We take all our photographs ourselves and are involved in every step of the process. It really matters to us that people love our photographic prints and enjoy having a little piece of our work in their homes. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane along with a cream cheese mince pie.


EcoMagpie Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Upcycled materials, vintage materials Where do you make your items? At home in my log cabin Why did you open your Etsy shop? To make eco friendly products What does everyone need to know about EcoMagpie? I turn old objects into new. My products are eco-friendly and plastic free. Before making anything I try to think of the 3 Rs reduce, reuse and recycle. All the things I make are recyclable and hopefully will help you have a greener christmas. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Gingerbread latte

Bug & Belle Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? When making cards I especially love using pearlescent papers, pom poms and all things glittery. I firmly believe that there is nothing in life that cannot be improved with glitter or fairy lights. Where are your items made? Our fused glass pieces are all lovingly designed and created in a little glass studio, which is tucked in the corner of a busy mud room amongst walking boots, muddy wellies and numerous dog leads and treats. Why did you start your Etsy shop? We ran out of places to display our creations and family and friends to whom we could gift them! What does everyone need to know about Bug & Belle? We are two sisters with many shared interests, but our main one being all things creative! We are always exploring new skills and love crafting together – from here Bug & Belle was born. Our fused glass pieces are designed and created by Beckie (Bug), while anything made from paper and card is handmade by Claire(Belle). What is your favourite Christmas treat? We are both huge fans of mulled wine and Christmas films.

Wonderland Works UK Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? My favourite medium is definitely game bird feathers! The various metallic colours that shine through when the sun hits them are amazing. Where do you make your items? I make my items in my own studio which is attached to my family home. It is full of everything from blanks to finished pieces - it is NEVER tidy though, I am a very messy worker but I always say "if you are not making a mess then you are not having fun." What does everyone need to know about Wonderland Works UK? if you are a countryside, nature and wildlife or animal lover then all you need to know about my shop is that these wonderful things are my inspiration. I use my own unique decoupage technique to up-cycle and recycle plain homeware into something you can treasure in your home. I believe that nature and wildlife brings warmth and happiness so I feel everyone should be able to have a part of the countryside in their home. What is your favourite Christmas treat? I adore fruity chocolate marzipan, I could eat it all day long and never get sick of it. From September I am searching the shops for it!

Lilly Dilly’s Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? Wood, Leather and Feathers What is your favourite thing about selling on Etsy? Being able to provide unique, personalised items to customers from all over the world. Where are your items made? In my atelier which is attached to my boutique in Bewdley, Worcestershire. Why did you start your Etsy shop? To be able to design and create unique and personalised items for the global market whilst being part of a supportive selling community. What does everyone need to know about Lilly Dilly’s? I love to be challenged, I love to create items that reflect a persons character, personality and tastes. I get a buzz from designing unique items that have a meaning behind them. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Bailey's Hot Chocolate and Stollen

Janis Presbury Designs Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? For my jewellery I love to work using silver and unusual semi-precious stones from my hoard! For my teddies it has to be mohair or beautifully soft long-pile viscose.

Where do you make your items?. My jewellery is made in a converted shed/workshop in the garden of my home. The teddies are made wherever I happen to be at the time: train, car, in front of the TV and sometimes even in my workroom!

Why did you set up your Etsy shop? To have an outlet for sales and feel close to a community during lockdown. What does everyone need to know about Janis Presbury Designs? I am passionate about crafts, the power of the hand-made and the astounding colours in natural materials; I hope that this is evident in my eclectic array of handmade jewellery and characterful teddy bears. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Fruity and nutty Italian Panforte - yummy!

Hearts for Hope Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Copper Pipe What do you like most about selling on Etsy? Being among other unique and talented artists Where do you make your items? At home in our workshop Why did you start your Etsy shop? A way to reach a wider audience What does everyone need to know about Hearts for Hope? We donate 10% of all our sales to local charities What is your favourit Christmas treat? Mulled Wine

Bramble Designs Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Silver What is your favourite part of being an Etsy seller? Contact with customers and other makers Where do you make your jewellery? I make my items in my home workshop Why did you start an Etsy shop? To sell my jewellery to a wider audience What does everyone need to know about Bramble Designs? All my jewellery is made with love, recycled, preloved then upcycled or made with a sentimental stone. I get huge pleasure out of creating and designing new pieces. What is your favourite Christmas treat? Mince Pies

Maya Croft Designs Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? Soft chunky yarns in all my favourite colours What is your favourite part of being an Etsy seller? Knowing that something I made is going to be a given/treasured gift for years to come! Where are your items made? At home in my office studio. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I was selling my items locally and all my clients kept saying that I needed to offer my items to a wider audience. So I did ;-) What does everyone need to know about Maya Croft Designs? Everybody always comment on my colour scheme and how nice my market stall look. This is because I only work in the colours/shades that I like myself, and therefore everything compliments each other. What is your favourite Christmas treat? A glass of Baileys whilst watching Christmas movies on the TV

Carve Creations Ltd Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Wood! Where do you make your items? We originally started from our garage but as we grew we needed more space for materials and larger machines so we now have a workshop. Why did you start your Etsy shop? Work was really suffering and we were looking to do something with the skills that we had. We loved making things for ourselves and always had lovely compliments so decided to try and share our ideas and see if anyone would like what we did. Fortunately they do! What does everyone need to know about Carve Creations Ltd? There is only two of us and only one of us is production! We put 110% into everything we make. From the smallest keyring to our large toy boxes. We work hard to make sure everything is the best quality and hope that shows. What is your favourite Christmas treat? That's tough! Maybe a candy cane or a cheeky chocolate from the tree.

DiglaIllustration Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? Felt :D What is your favourite part of selling on Etsy? Being able to create little keepsakes for people of their beloved pets :) Where do you make your items? At home in my studio Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Etsy shop when I lost my 2 fur babies as I wanted to give people a way to have a keepsake of their lovely little pets and animals What does everyone need to know about DiglaIllustration? Any animal/pet can be turned into a felt creation, I just need a photo:) What is your favourite Christmas treat? Chocolate!

Charlotte Arntzen Designs Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? Yarn, yarn and more yarn. What is your favourite thing about being an Etsy seller? Being surrounded by other Etsy sellers, all selling their own gorgeous, unique designs. As a small business owner, I always try my best to support other small businesses and that it the beauty of Etsy - you never know which amazing small business you're going to come across next! Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Etsy shop a few years ago when some close friends of mine were having babies, despite my best efforts, I couldn't find that something special, the perfect gift to welcome their newborn into the world. So I took matters into my own hands (literally) and started designing and making my own range of exclusive baby accessories. What does everyone need to know about Charlotte Arntzen Designs? All designs are designed and make from start to finish by me, so you won't see my designs anywhere but here! What is your favourite Christmas treat? A Christmas cocktail - talk about old school but I LOVE a good Christmas cocktail, particularly a Snowball!

Flowbyflo. Acrylic fluid art Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love working with acrylic paints and experimenting with fluid art techniques, as you never quite know what the outcome will be! What is your favourite thing about being an Etsy seller? Being an Etsy seller means you are part of a community of like minded, creatives. Where are your paintings made? All my paintings are created in my home studio which is a converted cellar. What does everyone need to know about Flowbyflo Every piece of art I make is original and cannot be replicated. Each buyer is getting something truly unique. What is your favourite Christmas treat? My favourite Christmas treat is a glass of champagne in front of an open fire, with my family around me.

Starflowersue Shop

What is your favourite medium to work with? Velvet What is your favourite part of selling on Etsy? reaching out Where are your items made? Worcester Why did you start your Etsy shop? to share my passion for colour, fabrics and buttons What does everyone need to know about Starflowersue? I love making things for people What is your favourite Christmas treat? Stollen

Crafty Carrot Gifts Shop What is your favourite medium to work with? I love all the mediums that I work with, but my particular favourite one to work with at Christmas is paper. I love making Christmas cards so that people can fill them with their Christmas wishes for family and friends. Where do you make your items? I make all my items in my craft room which is also my bedroom at the moment, I am looking forward to getting my own craft room again when we find a larger house! What does everyone need to know about Crafty Carrot Gifts? I will always go the extra mile for customers, especially if I know its a milestone birthday or another special event. I want people to feel joy and to feel special when they receive an item from me as them choosing my shop makes me feel real special. What is your favourite Christmas treat? I love Christmas so much especially the food! Christmas chocolates and sweets in particular but I also love Christmas dinner!

The Etsy Market is a series of virtual shopping events that pop up across different cities around the world. Some events are run by groups of Etsy sellers, directly sharing their creativity with their community. Others are run by us, with the goal of celebrating incredible makers. Either way, you’re sure to have an incredible, inspiring time!

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