The Most Iconic
To Watch Out For- 2024
BORA BORA: The Birth Place of Romance The Fascinating Journey of L’OREAL in Cosmetics
LAKSHADWEEP: A Hundred Thousand Islands
Leading the DEBT COLLECTION INDUSTRY with Fairness
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From Editor’s Desk
Dear Esteemed Readers, It is our pleasure to present to you the latest edition of The Enterprise World, adorned with the theme "The Most Iconic Business Leaders To Watch Out For 2024." This month, we feature a luminary whose influence reverberates through boardrooms and industries – Mr. Craig Geisler, the President and CEO of CHERRYWOOD ENTERPRISES, LLC. In a landscape where leadership is paramount, our cover story unfolds the narrative of Mr. Craig Geisler, a visionary at the helm of CHERRYWOOD ENTERPRISES, LLC. His strategic acumen and transformative leadership have not only propelled the success of his organization but have also set benchmarks for the industry. This issue delves into the philosophies, strategies, and future vision of Mr. Craig Geisler, offering readers a unique insight into the mind of one of the most iconic business leaders of 2024. As we celebrate these influential figures, we invite you to draw inspiration from their journeys and glean valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of business leadership. "The Most Iconic Business Leaders To Watch Out For 2024" is more than a feature – it's a testament to the resilience, innovation, and foresight that define the trajectory of today's business landscape. At The Enterprise World, we are committed to bringing you stories that not only capture the essence of influential leaders but also shape the narratives of success in the corporate world. Thank you for your continued support and trust in The Enterprise World. Happy reading! Warm Regards
Shalmali W.
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This list is NOT a ranking. The companies on listed in magazine serve different aspects of the market, making ranking them in any order except revenue impossible and unfair. We try to bring a perfect platform for business organization to showcase their valued products/ services. Copyrights © The Enterprise World | 2019. All Rights Reserved. The images and content included in this magazine should not be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording, otherwise, without proper permission from The Enterprise World. The Enterprise World solely owns all the reprint rights.
In an industry riddled with years of negative connotations, one company that plays by the rules and stands out is- Cherrywood Enterprises, LLC. Leading the company at the top, Craig Geisler (CEO and President) has positioned it where Lenders and attorneys love working with it. A Small Beginning After beginning as a small debt buyer, Craig is proud of Cherrywood Enterprises for reaching this high ground of success. At the time, the company used to buy accounts from other debt buyers due to a lack of understanding regarding the steps needed to purchase files directly from lenders. For the first couple of years, profits were marginal. However, with each transaction, Craig got more and more clarity about what was required to become a prominent name in the industry. In 2014, Cherrywood figured out the information necessary to give to other lenders, banks, credit unions, auto lenders, and commercial lenders for an opportunity to underwrite their files and determine pricing. Once the company's vision was clear, it all started to snowball for Cherrywood. It got better at its craft, identifying not just lenders it wanted to work with but also onboarding the attorneys to work its files on a much larger state level.
For the cover story read about
Craig Geisler
upshot Bora Bora: The Birth Place of Romance
22 bLOG
Lakshadweep: A Hundred Thousand Islands
Beauty Beyond Border: The Fascinating Journey of L’Oreal in Cosmetics 4 TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES FOR FUTURISTIC HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS
40 article
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12 | January 2024
CRAIG GEISLER Leading the Debt Collection Industry with Fairness President and CEO CHERRYWOOD ENTERPRISES, LLC
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14 | January 2024
A Small Beginning After beginning as a small debt buyer, Craig is proud of Cherrywood Enterprises for reaching this high ground of success. At the time, the company used to buy accounts from other debt buyers due to a lack of understanding regarding the steps needed to purchase files directly from lenders.
he debt collection business is not a modern phenomenon. People have continued to collect debt since ancient times, albeit with methods less sophisticated and evolved than today. While many still consider debt collection a business practice led by greed and fear, lawmakers around the globe are working to change such negative notions by introducing regulations and ensuring debtor safety and fair treatment. In an industry riddled with years of negative connotations, one company that plays by the rules and stands out is- Cherrywood Enterprises, LLC. Leading the company at the top, Craig Geisler (CEO and President) has positioned it where Lenders and attorneys love working with it.
For the first couple of years, profits were marginal. However, with each transaction, Craig got more and more clarity about what was required to become a prominent name in the industry. In 2014, Cherrywood figured out the information necessary to give to other lenders, banks, credit unions, auto lenders, and commercial lenders for an opportunity to underwrite their files and determine pricing. Once the company's vision was clear, it all started to snowball for Cherrywood. It got better at its craft, identifying not just lenders it wanted to work with but also onboarding the attorneys to work its files on a much larger state level. Cherrywood hit a milestone in 2018, shifting its focus to the commercial side. The company increased its buying power by 200%. From focusing on 90% consumers and 10% commercial files, the numbers changed to 60% commercial and 40% consumer files. During the pandemic, when many businesses took a hit, Cherrywood's numbers didn't falter. Not just that, Cherrywood became fully equipped to buy good debt portfolios at a fair price while utilizing some of the best industry attorneys. The pricing given to lenders was based on six pillars of character and fairness and is one of the reasons why lenders love working with the company.
Consumer vs. Commercial Files Distribution (2018):
Before 2018:
After 2018:
Consumers: 90% Commercial: 10%
Commercial: 60% Consumers: 40%
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“We aren’t all about greed!”- Craig Geisler. Product Expertise Cherrywood specializes in buying charged-off debt portfolios from banks, credit unions, auto lenders, and commercial lenders. They purchase charged-off credit card files, consumer loan files, auto deficiency files, and commercial loans and leases. Technology-Driven Technology plays a vital role in Cherrywood Enterprises and its rise to success. From utilizing Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets to identify crucial information on debt portfolios to reviewing backup documents and organizing data, technology is ingrained in Cherrywood at various levels. Initial Challenges At the inception, it was all about funding and gaining the knowledge required to work directly with lenders. When building a new company, there is always a “get-to-know-you” process and a lot of skepticism. Potential sellers want to know that you are not a fly-by night company that might hurt their reputation in their respective communities once they sell their files to you. After gaining people’s trust, you must follow through and keep your promises. Spark Leading to Growth The direction Cherrywood wanted to take became clearer once it gained the necessary knowledge and funding. It was also the point when the company experienced significant growth. Being able to give references from companies it has worked with previously helped Cherrywood tremendously. When one creditor calls another creditor to vouch for and verify your work, the path toward working with new companies becomes a lot easier.
16 | January 2024
We couldn’t be as successful as we have become without Technology”
Staying Ahead of the Curve As is the case with other industries, it is crucial for Cherrywood to be better than its competitors and stay ahead of the curve. To move even further than the competition, Craig says the company needs to identify the industry trends before they become trends. In 2018, Craig wrote a few articles on commercial debt and how he felt it was the next big trend based on the new CFPB guidelines. Sure enough, it became a big hit within the debt collection industry. The company must thoroughly understand the judicial state laws to follow collection and litigation guidelines. Doing so helps Cherrywood identify new states for its future business expansion and also gives an idea about what states it should avoid based on potential legal pitfalls. Moreover, Cherrywood must study which state will provide a better rate of return on its investment dollars and why. Cherrywood strategically picks the states they litigate in. Moreover, when meeting with potential new attorneys in the new states, the company thoroughly understands the judicial process, court costs, how the state serves a debtor, and the processes it can utilize after the judgment has been awarded. If a business lacks a strategic approach, it risks shooting itself in the foot once the legal process begins.
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18 | January 2024
Humble Approach Paying Dividends There are a few reasons for the company’s continuous success. One of them is having great people within the company who understand that everyone is working toward one common goal, and another is the lack of ego. Many companies do great things for a while with an egomaniac running things. However, most do not achieve the long-standing success that Cherrywood has managed to achieve. One factor for the lack of success of these companies is that they get full of themselves. Naturally, such companies get served a big piece of humble pie. On the other hand, Cherrywood always tries to keep the ego in check and realizes success breeds success, not ego. The company always puts its clients first. Without the clients, it wouldn’t have a business. “It’s all about our people staying humble and staying ahead of the curve in the industry. The rest will work itself out.” -Craig Geisler. Challenging the Traditional Methods Most companies become complacent after they reach a certain threshold and gain experience. These companies wait for the businesses to come to them because that is what they are used to. Craig believes in the old Aerosmith saying, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you always got.” What that means is Craig, although impatient by nature, knows that sometimes you need to change some processes to achieve better results, and to not get stuck in one way of thinking. To communicate clearly, he ensures a dialogue between himself, the company, and its clients. To stay on top of future business, he makes sure that clients know the exact requirements of Cherrywood. As
a part of the “stay humble” mantra, Cherrywood always thanks its clients for their business. Moreover, the company also sends its clients a “Thank You” gift at the end of every year. A Better Tomorrow Cherrywood is always striving to do better than yesterday. The company is always trying new yet innovative marketing tools to keep its name out there. The company founded Cameo, which uses celebrity endorsement, as it makes a 30-second video from a celebrity that will endorse your company. Despite this simple approach, the overall response to Cameo was positive, and lenders loved this innovation. Minimizing Risks Craig is not a big risk-taker. While it may sound simplistic, Cherrywood Enterprises’ decision-making and risk-taking revolve around one basic principle: If it could hurt the business name or its reputation negatively, he finds it is best to avoid that step altogether. It takes years to build a good reputation, but only a few seconds to destroy it and that is a risk Craig does not want to play with just for a few bucks. Growing up, his father always told Craig: We share the same last name. When doing business with people, ensure you don’t tarnish the family name by bad or questionable decisions. Craig has taken this advice to heart and influences every decision he takes. One of the pivotal points in Cherrywood’s success is Craig’s leadership, which has effectively mitigated risks, enabling lenders to trust and feel good about their association with the company. “I just want to make my parents proud of the company I have built. I would like to think they are.” – Craig Geisler.
It’s all about our people staying humble and staying ahead of the curve in the industry. The rest will work itself out.” www.theenterpriseworld.com | 19
If you haven’t learned any lesson from the crisis, it’s time to think about it before it happens again.
-Michael Gareau CEO / Founding President STARPAX BIOPHARMA
an there be any place more romantic than Brad Pitt’s ocean-blue eyes or Shah Rukh Khan’s open arms? Surprisingly the answer is yes, there is a place that may be even more romantic. Like a gem in the heart of the South Pacific, Bora Bora emerges from the vast expanse of the azure sea like a dream painted on nature’s canvas. This Polynesian paradise draws travelers to an uncharted dimension where reality transcends into poetry. The sky above conspires with the island, creating a beautiful dance of colors from gentle pastels to deep crimson as the sun sets. An epic dance of hues, like the sky and the island, are having their little party. It’s not just a sunset but nature showing off, and Bora Bora is the perfect stage for this breathtaking performance. This island is like a beautiful song of aromas – flowers mixing with the salty air, making a sweet scent. The lagoon is like a mirror, reflecting the sky’s romantic stories of love between the island and the sea. When the sun goes down, it clings to the horizon as if in love, making the island glow softly. Bora Bora doesn’t want you to just watch but to be a part of this magical dance – where nature, sky, sunset, and sea come together in a love story that’s not like any other.
22 | January 2024
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How to get there? If your travel plans include French Polynesia, your initial destination will be Papeete Airport, situated on the main island of Tahiti. When booking flights, be sure to look for the airline code PPT. Traveling from the US, particularly the West Coast offers a convenient direct flight of just 7.5 hours from SF/LA. Upon arrival in Tahiti, you might have a layover, whether for a few hours or an overnight stay. This situation often arises due to late evening arrivals or departures from Papeete. Many travelers use this time for a quick stopover before continuing their journey or catching a ferry to other islands. If your ultimate destination is Bora Bora from Tahiti, your only airline option is Air Tahiti (distinct from Air Tahiti Nui). With several daily flights, it offers convenience. The 45-minute flight is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, and as it operates on open seating, arriving early at the airport is recommended to secure a favorable seat. Ideal Time to Explore this Magical Island As an island getaway, the optimal period to explore Bora Bora is during the dry season from May to October. This season offers warm, comfortable days with abundant sunshine and minimal rainfall, creating an ideal setting for outdoor adventures. However, it’s worth noting that the peak season comes with higher costs for accommodations, flights, and other expenses. To avoid this, you might want to contemplate visiting during the shoulder months of April or November.
24 | January 2024
For a Bora Bora retreat, accommodations extend beyond the classic overwater bungalow, catering to various budgets. Here are a few recommendations:
1. Four Seasons Bora Bora: Known for its five-star luxury, this resort offers an ideal location and overwater villas. While pricier, direct bookings often come with attractive deals.
2. Intercontinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa: Part of the Intercontinental French Polynesia group, with options in Tahiti and Bora Bora. IC Thalasso, situated on its motu, boasts luxurious features, including breathtaking views of Mount Otemanu.
3.Conrad Bora Bora Nui Resort: The newest addition to luxury resorts, offering modern accommodations, spacious decks with overwater pools, and a half-milelong private beach. It caters to various preferences, including unique villa options.
4.Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts: The only Relais and Châteaux property on this island, combining luxury with authentic Polynesian hospitality. Positioned on Motu Tevairoa, it captures the essence of a luxurious escape with laid-back Polynesian vibes.
Travelers can find diverse stay experiences in this tropical paradise. Booking directly with the resorts often unveils exclusive deals, ensuring a memorable visit. Now that we are done with the essentials, it’s time for the adventure.
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6 Activities one should not Miss: For those visiting Bora Bora, the island offers more than just idyllic blue waters. 1. Lagoon Tour: Snorkeling with Sharks and Stingrays Venture into the crystal-clear waters on a lagoon tour for an unforgettable experience of swimming with harmless black-tip reef sharks and gentle stingrays. The tour provides both thrills and breathtaking views of Bora Bora and its volcanic hills. 2. Diving in Lagoon Explore the rich marine life of this island through diving. Encounter a variety of fish, including nurse sharks, reef sharks, hammerhead sharks, manta rays, and stingrays. Top Dive is a recommended diving center for an amazing underwater experience.
26 | January 2024
3. Cycling Opt for independent exploration by cycling around the 32 km asphalted road that encircles the main island. Revel in the picturesque views of beaches, nature, and tranquility. Rent a bike for about €12 for a day, and don’t forget the sunscreen. 4. Mountain Climbing or Hiking Its volcanic origins showcase steep peaks like Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu. While Mount Otemanu is too steep to climb, Mount Pahia offers a challenge for experienced climbers. Hiking enthusiasts can explore various trails, with the Valley of the Kings track being highly recommended. 5. Whale Watching From July to October, witness the majestic humpback whales in the waters
as they breed and give birth. Opt for animal-friendly tours that adhere to eco-friendly practices and maintain a respectful distance from these magnificent creatures. 6. Enjoy the Beautiful Beaches Revel in the soft sands and stunning turquoise and emerald waters on the many beaches. While luxury resorts often grace the Motus, Matira Beach on the mainland offers a public beach with its charm. These activities provide a diverse and unforgettable experience for visitors exploring the wonders of this magnificent island. What makes a place extraordinary?—Food! Dragging your drained bodies after the marvelous adventures in search of food? We’ve got your back.
Embarking on a culinary adventure in Bora Bora is a treat for the taste buds. The island’s food scene, influenced by Polynesian flavors, offers a delightful array of dishes that cater to various palates.
1. Fresh Seafood Extravaganza: Ÿ Indulge in a seafood feast with an abundance of fresh catches, including tuna, mahi-mahi, and lobster. Ÿ Grilled to perfection, these ocean delights showcase the island’s maritime charm. 2.Tropical Fruit Paradise: Ÿ Savor the sweetness of tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and papaya. Ÿ These fruits, bursting with flavor, are often served fresh, adding a refreshing touch to every meal.
3. Poisson Cru Delight: Ÿ Try the local specialty, Poisson Cru, a dish featuring raw fish marinated in coconut milk. Ÿ This refreshing dish captures the essence of Bora Bora’s culinary traditions. 4. Taro and Plantains Galore: Ÿ Explore the island’s unique staples, such as taro and plantains, prepared in various ways. Ÿ Taro, a starchy root vegetable, often accompanies main courses, while plantains make for delicious snacks or sides. 5.French-Polynesian Fusion: Ÿ Polynesian twists. Ÿ French-inspired pastries, baguettes, and fine wines complement the local flavors, offering a sophisticated culinary fusion. This food landscape is a harmonious blend of fresh, flavorful, and culturally rich dishes, making every dining experience a journey into the heart of Polynesian gastronomy.
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Extra Tips for Travelers: When venturing into the captivating landscapes of French Polynesia, it’s helpful to keep a few key details in mind. Here’s a quick guide: Language Diversity: French holds the status of the official language, yet indigenous languages like Tahitian remain prevalent across the archipelago. In tourist hubs, English is commonly spoken, ensuring effective communication. Ÿ Currency Insight: The primary local currency is the French Pacific Franc (CFP), where 1 USD equals 101.40 CFP. While USD is widely accepted, having some local CFP proves beneficial, particularly for minor transactions. Ÿ Cash and Cards Convenience: Credit cards suffice for most transactions, except for local markets in Tahiti where cash may be preferable. Convenient ATMs, including one at Tahiti airport, are available across the islands. Ÿ Tipping Practices: While not obligatory, tipping is a gracious way for visitors to express satisfaction with service. There are no strict rules on tip amounts, allowing travelers to show appreciation as they deem fit. Ÿ Water Wisdom: Tap water in this heaven is safe to drink. In other islands, it’s advisable to inquire about water safety. When in doubt, opt for sealed bottles of mineral water.
28 | January 2024
Bora Bora is a jewel clamped in the heart of the Pacific, with a symphony of nature’s finest notes. As the sun caresses the horizon, casting hues of warmth upon its shores, love becomes an eternal affair between sea and sky. From vibrant coral gardens to the soft embrace of Matira Beach, every moment here is a dance of beauty. The scent of tropical blooms mingles with the sea breeze, creating an olfactory sonnet. The turquoise waters cradle your dreams and invite all to be part of its ethereal ballet. Furthermore, the overwhelming feeling of being at the end of the world. One can find the true essence of freedom. The tropical music, relaxed atmosphere, and enormous peace ensure ultimate relaxation. A place for your heart, a place for your soul.
30 | January 2024
Lakshadweep is like a real-life Avalon, a mysterious island from the Arthurian legend. Similar to the Avalon’s legendary charm, Lakshadweep islands are known for its beautiful and isolated coral atolls. It also features stunning lagoons that disguise many biodiverse mysteries beneath their surface. In Lakshadweep, cultural treasures and vibrant marine life create a unique attraction, making it a real-world counterpart to the legendary Avalon. It’s a place where time seems to stand still, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. This article makes that boundary a bit clear and denes everything you need to know about Lakshadweep islands.
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Arrival of a Muslim saint Legend has it that a Muslim saint, guided by a dream of the Prophet, traveled to Lakshadweep to spread Islam. Initially rejected, a girl fell in love with him, leading to conflict. The saint's prayers caused temporary blindness, and when he left, sight returned. Through miracles, he won people's trust, and Lakshadweep embraced Islam, blending Islamic and Hindu traditions. Today, his grave on Andrott Island remains sacred.
The Race between India and Pakistan In 1947, right after India gained independence, Pakistan eyed Lakshadweep despite the geographical distance. Sardar Patel, the Home Minister, swiftly acted. The Mudaliyar brothers from Malabar, with a limited battalion and scarce weapons, hoisted the Indian flag on Lakshadweep on Patel's orders. Just in time, a ship with a Pakistani flag approached, creating a nail-biting situation!
First humans to set foot on Lakshadweep King Perumal of the Chera dynasty is believed to have converted to Islam and left for Mecca from his Malabar empire in the 7th century. Hindu sailors who were searching for him landed on Bangaram island after their ship was wrecked in a storm near Lakshadweep. When they returned to Malabar, they explored other Lakshadweep islands. Later, a group from Malabar, including sailors and soldiers, settled permanently on Amini Island.
The Portuguese & British invasion In the 1490s, the Portuguese attempted to colonize Kochi but were driven away. They then turned Lakshadweep into a seafarers' hub, exploiting coconut coir. Islanders cleverly ousted them later. Over time, Lakshadweep's rule shifted among Malabar royal houses, eventually under the care of the Arakkal family. Dissatisfied with oppressive rulers, islanders sought help from Tipu Sultan in Mangalore, Karnataka. Following discussions, Tipu gained control over parts of Lakshadweep. After Tipu's demise in the 1790s, the British acquired five islands under him. This might explain the rare presence of Kannada speakers in Lakshadweep.
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These points broadly summarize the history of Lakshadweep Islands. However there are many more such tales that define the mystique of this place.
ECONOMY OF LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS Agriculture and shing: Lakshadweep relies on coconut palms for agriculture, exporting copra to the mainland. In certain areas, coral removal and organic fertilization enable the cultivation of bananas, vegetables, root crops, and millet. Fishing, especially for tuna, is a significant economic activity, with skilled navigators using traditional boats called odam to sail between islands and the mainland.
Manufacturing: Lakshadweep’s main industry revolves around fish processing, particularly tuna. Minicoy hosts a tuna cannery and follows traditional bonito drying methods. Other manufacturing activities in the region include coir production, hosiery production, weaving, and boat building.
Lakshadweep Tourism: Lakshadweep promotes responsible tourism with mandatory permits and governmentsponsored tour packages. Additionally, the islands boast vibrant coral reefs and pristine beaches, offering a unique natural experience.
Transportation: Lakshadweep is linked to mainland India by sea and air. The nearest seaport is Kozhikode and ships to the islands depart from Kochi. Agatti Island has an airport with regular flights to and from Kochi. Helicopter services connect the mainland and islands. However, Lakshadweep has limited road infrastructure, with only a few miles of roads.
34 | January 2024
Eco-System at Lakshadweep
Ÿ Why visit Lakshadweep?
Ÿ Land and Climate:
Just 10m from the shore, dive into turquoise waters to discover vibrant coral and Nemo (yes, the Clownfish). The islands, surrounded by coconut groves, offer constant sea views as you drive. With a small population of 66,000, it feels like there are more coconut trees than people. Lakshadweep’s regulated tourism preserves its marine and land ecosystems, creating an eco-friendly haven. For an affordable beach getaway with India’s cleanest shores, head to the less-explored Lakshadweep.
Lakshadweep consists of small islands, without exceeding the width of 1 mile. The Amindivis are the northmost, and Minicoy is the southmost. Inhabited islands are mostly coral atolls, with higher eastern sides suitable for living and lagoons on the west protecting from monsoons. The sandy soils are coral-derived. Temperatures range from about 70 °F to nearly 90 °F throughout the year. Cyclones rarely make landfall on the Arabian Sea islands, but their associated winds and waves can alter the topography. Ÿ Plant and Animal Life: Lakshadweep Islands teems with coconut palms and diverse trees, including banyans, casuarinas, pandani (screw pines), breadfruits, tamarinds, and tropical almonds. Betel nuts and betel leaves thrive here. In the surrounding waters, sharks, bonitos, tunas, snappers, and flying fish are prominent, while manta rays, octopuses, crabs, turtles, and various gastropods abound. The islands also host a variety of water birds like herons, teals, and gulls. Ÿ People and Faith: People in Lakshadweep, except on Minicoy, trace their roots to migrants from the Malabar Coast in southwest India, arriving before the 7th century CE. These migrants, later converting to Islam, established the predominant religion in Lakshadweep. While Islam is the main faith, remnants of the original Hindu migrants’ religious and social practices persist, as seen in matrilineal kinship and caste-like groups. Malayalam is the primary language, with Mahi spoken on Minicoy and some Hindi speakers. The population is concentrated on Andrott, Kavaratti, Minicoy, and Amini islands. What, Where, and Why Lakshadweep Islands? Ÿ What and where is Lakshadweep? Located 500 km southwest of Kochi, the 4200 sq km lagoon land of Lakshadweep comprises 36 islands, of which only ten are inhabited, covering a total landmass of 32 sqm. Despite its political and historical connection to India, it remains somewhat isolated from mainland developments. The islands faced challenges due to the delayed communication of Gandhi’s assassination, which took 14 days to reach them. Primarily dependent on imports, from tissue paper to vegetables and electricity, everything comes from the Indian mainland, as the islands lack power plants for electricity generation.
Ÿ How to reach Lakshadweep? Start your Lakshadweep journey in Kochi, Kerala, accessible by cruise or flight. Kochi, a delightful blend of colonial and Malabar architecture, offers a fascinating start. Spend a few days exploring this vibrant city before choosing between a flight or cruise to Lakshadweep Islands based on your preferences. Once on the islands, walking is sufficient, as they are easily navigable. Boats are the primary mode of transport, and while there’s a chopper service, it’s pricier for island hopping. Best Things to do in Lakshadweep: A Group of 36 Islands 1. Don’t miss the beautiful view during Agatti’s landing After landing at 30+ airports worldwide, most flights are uneventful. Ladakh stands out with its stunning Himalayan views, but nothing compares to Agatti’s runway, Measuring 7 km on Google Maps. A 120m-wide black runway, seemingly floating amid turquoise waters, bordered by green bushes and white sand. It is one of the most beautiful sights as your first glimpse of this island paradise is from the plane. Capturing the moment is like securing a Lakshadweep travel permit – challenging. 2. Go Scuba Diving and Snorkeling Dive into the wonders of Lakshadweep Islands through scuba diving and snorkeling. Although smaller than the Red Sea in marine life, it’s perfect for occasional divers. Boats take you to prime diving spots, while just a short walk from your room unveils a psychedelic underwater world for snorkeling. Wear water-resistant shoes to explore sunken shipwrecks with metal plates underneath. The underwater is covered with vibrant corals and fish, disconnecting you from the everyday hustle. Experience the magical transition from chirping birds to the soothing sound of flowing water. The diving instructors there can summon a school of fish with a snap, creating a mesmerizing underwater spectacle.
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3. Have a hammock dream. Lie back and dream in a hammock amid the mesmerizing beauty of Lakshadweep. For non-avid sailors, the irresistible beachscape keeps us outdoors, away from our rooms. The soft sand is inviting, but locals frequent the beach in the evening. For a peaceful nap, savor your heavenly “Me Time,” observing palm leaves sway and the turquoise water transforms into golden hues. 4. Explore Islands and Fishing Adventures. Fall in love with an island, where the coral world is a short walk away, and good food is always at your fingertips. The true charm, however, lies in scuba diving and boat rides. Engage with local boatmen and learn the art of fishing with sharp hooks. Witness fishermen patiently waiting with widespread nets in shallow lagoons. Despite not spotting turtles while diving, the fishermen had caught one in their nets, releasing it back into the sea. As a seafood enthusiast, relish the delicious catch cooked by boatmen, offering an authentic taste of Lakshadweep. Experience island hopping, engage in fishing, and savor the best Lakshadweep cuisine. 5. Sunset Magic in Lakshadweep Islands Lakshadweep offers a unique sunset experience. There is no need to scout for the perfect spot, whether on the beach with kids flying kites or on a boat heading back to Kavaratti, facing west unveils a mesmerizing sunset. The sun, seemingly larger, paints the turquoise waters in shades of gray and copper. The beauty of Lakshadweep is that you can savor this magical moment without any prior planning. Just face west and let the enchantment unfold. Lakshadweep vs Maldives: A Closer Look into the Controversy The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Lakshadweep on January 2, 2024, has triggered a significant shift in travel plans for many Indians, diverting attention from the Maldives. While this move is beneficial for the Indian economy, questions arise about Lakshadweep’s readiness for a sudden surge in tourism. Obtaining a permit is a prerequisite for visiting Lakshadweep, even for Indian citizens, setting it apart from more accessible destinations like Andamans or Pondicherry. Striking a balance, the local authorities must manage tourist inflow to prevent over-tourism and maintain the island’s unique charm. With the local community’s pride and love for Lakshadweep Islands, there is confidence that conscious travel practices will be embraced. Tourists must view these
36 | January 2024
places beyond being mere backdrops for Instagram selfies. As we advocate to “Save the earth,” let’s remember that nature has its ways of preserving itself, urging us to travel responsibly and respect the destinations we explore. Why Choose Lakshadweep over Maldives? Lakshadweep has a unique charm that might make it a preferred choice over the Maldives. Here’s why: 1. Less Crowded: Lakshadweep is quieter and less crowded than the Maldives. Strict entry regulations help maintain the islands’ pristine beauty, offering a more serene and secluded atmosphere. 2. Authentic Cultural Experience: Lakshadweep provides a genuine Indian cultural experience. Interact with local communities, learn about traditions, and immerse yourself in an authentic cultural environment. 3. Untouched Natural Beauty: Known for its untouched natural beauty, Lakshadweep boasts pristine coral reefs, lagoons, and marine life—ideal for nature lovers and those into underwater activities. 4. Biodiversity: Home to diverse marine life, including various fish, coral, and turtles, Lakshadweep is a paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts. 5. Government Regulations: Strict government regulations in Lakshadweep preserve ecological balance and promote sustainability, making it an attractive destination for environmentally conscious travelers. 6. Less Commercialized: Lakshadweep is less commercialized than the Maldives, offering an off-the-beaten-path experience. Limited tourist infrastructure contributes to a more authentic and unspoiled environment. 7. Cost Considerations: Traveling to Lakshadweep can be more cost-effective compared to international destinations like the Maldives, eliminating the need for international flights.
Comparison of Trip Costs: Lakshadweep vs. Maldives Here is a detailed breakdown of the estimated expenses for a romantic getaway to the enchanting destinations of Lakshadweep and the Maldives. From flight costs to daily expenditures, this comparison aims to assist travelers in making an informed decision based on their preferences and financial plans.
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Case Study
We all dream of owning those popular luxury items, especially from the fashion capitals like Milan, New York, and Paris, where the most reputed fashion brands come from. Every brand has an inspirational story. Have you ever thought about the story behind these brands? The stories of their origin, the cities they came from? When we talk about luxury, heritage, craftsmanship, and stylishness in ultra-luxury leather and silk products, there’s one name that easily comes to our mind – Hermes. In this article, we will get to know the story of this unique luxury brand. Marketing strategies of Hermes: 1. Preserve the brand identity as a luxury brand while adapting to market trends and customer’s needs. 2. Various marketing strategies like branding with its classic luxurious products, advertisements, campaigns, and collaborations. 3. The brand targets high-net-worth individuals who appreciate the quality of luxury goods 4. The brand used social media to show its products, stores, and collaborations. 5. The brand has also collaborated with Apple to create a limited edition Apple watch for their customers. 6. The brand’s exclusive products help to maintain the brand’s position as a symbol of luxury.Read More...
40 | January 2024
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,how simple and catchy to know that your existence has been admired by some brand! L’Oreal is dedicated to empowering every woman in society and providing solutions to anti-aging, skin issues, hairfall problems, etc. With the change of the seasons and generations, beauty standards keep evolving and every brand needs to cope with the customer requirements. L’Oreal has captured the essence of elegance and innovation in the industry and become a global giant. In this article, we embark you on the journey of an international brand to understand its various marketing strategies, and the challenges it faced and know how they contributed to its success. From humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in cosmetics, L'Oreal's story is one of resilience, challenges, and strategic brilliance. Humble Beginning L’Oreal, an international beauty brand ruling the cosmetics industry is inventing new standards for female customers worldwide. It gives access to the best cosmetic products in quality, efficiency, and safety. Established in 1909, L’Oreal has become a leading brand with 68,000 employees working in 130 countries and earning revenue of €20.3 billion. It uses traditional recruitment tools to find the best talent in the market and reshapes the leadership qualities through them. In areas like logistics and finance, the brand faced a challenging situation in recruiting, senior, earlycareer professionals, and experts. Usually, many companies target the population looking for a job, however, L’Oreal focused on passive candidates and created its brand value in the market. To attract the best talent and build its employer brand for future candidates applicant, the company developed its online presence. For better and faster recruitment the company used the LinkedIn platform and reached up to potential candidates. It started increasing its visibility through social ads which include offsite campaigning, link ads, and carousel ads. Moreover, the company implemented its marketing strategy on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. It took advantage of Christmas and New Year occasions and showed how the right marketing at the right time can be reflected in increasing its revenue in the last quarter of the corporate companies. By placing targeted ads, L’Oreal was able to generate clicks and sales at the same time which proves that its timing to run ads was accurate.
42 | January 2024
Ÿ A model based on listening and engaging
L’Oreal’s Social Media Marketing Strategy is focused upon : Ÿ Improving Customer Experience Management According to Marc Duquesnoy, Social Media Performance Director, L’Oreal, “We had 120 tools to manage social networks and we did some streamlining to migrate to Sprinklr in every country by involving 3,000 users with 35 brands in 75 countries. Sprinklr is the foundation of our social media strategy. It is our backbone.” Every single customer-facing department was targeted and community managers were trained to strengthen their roles. Moreover, its social media marketing strategy increased its autonomy and responsibilities.
The ‘Listen-to-engage’ campaign was run by L’Oreal’s digital team to understand customer expectations and better serve them. The model consists of the following things: 1. Monitor brand reputation and collect insights from customers to track the product marketing. Catering to this, it is important to listen to all social media channels, blogs, news, etc. 2. Publishing the content on the social media accounts of the brand and building engagement with customers. Community managers find Sprinkler’s social listening capabilities interesting to trace the interesting conversations and react to them in a personalized way. 3. Detecting influencers to deploy a brand ambassador program. 4. Customer care across social channels
Customer Care
Publish & Engage
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Being the only cosmetics company to earn more than one brand franchisee, L’Oreal is a Francebased global cosmetics company. With a market share of 16.8 percent, it has remained the global brand across the industry. Road to Success
Focus areas:
Skin Care
Hair Care and Colour
Colour Cosmetics
L’Oreal started an extraordinary and legendary advertisement for hair color, “Because, you are worth it”. The advertisement was diversified into a wide range of beauty products across the USA, South Asia, the Far East, Russia, etc. The company started expanding globally by introducing Maybelline in the USA, whose tagline was, “Maybe she’s borne with it.” The brand was popular for various lipstick products and nail polishes in the USA. By adding the tagline “Urban American Chic”, the company promoted its products. L’Oreal acquired Maybelline in 1996 when the brand lost its focus and equity. It was extended to the Japanese market and captured nearly 56% of the market outside the USA. By acquiring different brands, it is collaborating with the national culture and diversifying its portfolio which is part of its long-term growth strategy. With the help of research centers in New York and Paris, L’Oreal attained 493 patents registered in the name of the company in 2001. Challenges and Solutions
44 | January 2024
Key Takeaways 1. L’Oreal owns 36 brands worldwide and continues to acquire famous beauty brands like Maybelline New York, a leading beauty product.
2. Its other acquisitions and mergers include Granier, NYX Professional Makeup, CeraVe, Redken, etc.
3. Since its establishment, L’Oreal has kept buying its competitors which are highly desirable brands, and increases the scope of its product offerings.
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Challenges and Solutions Before becoming a global brand, L’Oreal faced severe challenges in its journey that proliferated its presence at the international level. Keeping different brands in one basket was one of the biggest issues the company faced in its early years. However, the company built its strategy to deal with it and constructed good brand management. Hitting the right target audience at the right time with the right product is the solution that the company came up with. Celebrities from different cultures were hired for advertisement and promotion. Furthermore, the company has an efficient R & D department on which the company spends at least 3% of its revenue every year. Middle-aged and working women are the main target audience of the company and established educational centers to create awareness about its products in various countries and conducted various programs regarding hairdressers. By providing a wide range of products, the company opted for the complete makeover. L’Oreal has established long-term positioning within the minds of teen-age girls and working women. Due to its science-based products, it is the only company that is known as a scientific beauty company. L'Oreal's strategic acquisitions have helped the company to catch a market cap of nearly $227 billion, with annual sales of $38 billion. Customer Experience Management L’Oreal Paris gave access to deep customer experience management based on their unique journey, regardless of the device they use. However, mobile devices lack responsive design and their complicated time-consuming management activities could be problematic. It is been claimed that customers using L’Oreal products for a long are diagnosed with cancer including hair and skin problems. CO2 emissions during its manufacturing have raised issues over the sustainability of the brand. Its efforts have been drawn out in its ‘For the Future’ program, launched in 2020 to address specific objectives, such as reducing all GHG emissions by 50 percent per product by 2030.
46 | January 2024
For more than 100 years, customers have believed in the products of the L’Oreal Group. It is fulfilling the requirements of customers for performance and quality and is committed to giving the best cosmetics products. Quality is a global commitment upheld by the entire company and all of the Group's brands worldwide. The company guarantees packaging quality and safety with the help of its packaging and development teams. The packaging of the product is designed and approved through formula design, and the company checks its stability, compatibility, and dispensing system. Lessons of Worth For many decades, L’Oreal has emphasized its mission to increase its self-worth. It has dedicated its “Lessons of Worth” dedicated of the self-esteem of every woman and gives voice to celebrities from various cultures and their opinions about the beauty standards of women. Whether it is lipstick that empowers you to be the best version of yourself or a nourishing act of self-care to boost your confidence, L’Oreal is there to encourage every woman. With the help of the ‘Lessons of Worth’ campaign, the company asked every woman to embrace their character. It included various celebrities like Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Camila Cabello, Jane Fonda, etc. From making shampoos and serums to lipsticks, L’Oreal has made a long journey, and if you are willing to build your own brand in the future, here are some lessons you should learn from it: 1. Create Opportunities To establish your brand, rather than waiting for the best opportunity, it is always recommended to create your opportunity. Through L’Oréal Women of Color Think Tank, the company made connections with women of all ethnicities and celebrate diversity. The initiative gave a competitive edge to the company and raised its authenticity among the customers. The company took models of natural hair to promote the brand.
2. Be brave to make out-of-the-box decisions As you know the beauty industry is growing continuously, it is important to be brave enough to come up with next-generation life-changing decisions. When your target customers are mainly women, it is important to break the stereotypes and make them feel empowered through your brand. That’s how you create truly disruptive, superior, and addictive beauty experiences for your consumers. 3. Being hungry and ambitious At L’Oreal, employees are asked to stay creative and encouraged to be curious all the time to oppose the status quo and be never satisfied. The company has developed various serums, lotions, cleansers, creams, and face masks to deal with antiaging and enhance brightening, shine control, hydration, etc.
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INSTITUTIONS 50 | January 2024
he higher education institutions has come a long way since the pandemic. When colleges and universities were forced to close suddenly, they pivoted to continue providing education to learners. Remote learning became a norm, but moving further, it seems like only the tip of the iceberg. Technology has emerged as a game-changer for the industry in many ways.
According to McKinsey, faculty and students are keen to use innovative learning technologies adopted during the COVID-19 phase. However, higher education institutions need to go the extra mile to enhance teaching and learning experiences for everyone. The best way to do it is by adopting a well-rounded innovation plan.
We will highlight some actionable technology strategies for progressive higher education institutions looking to deliver innovation.
functionalities for non-technical users with minimal technical knowledge or coding skills to create and update website content.
Innovation in Blended Learning
According to Vital Design, 90% of universities rely upon a few popular content management systems. These include WordPress, Drupal, OMNI CMS, Cascade CMS, and Terminalfour. A good one should have features like a responsive design, user access control, high performance, multilingual support, multimedia capabilities, and accessibility compliance.
According to a recent survey, nearly half the students continue to favor hybrid learning. That’s years after the pandemic first struck. Nothing matches the convenience of learning on the go. Moreover, students can save time and money on commuting and even stay back home instead of moving closer to campus.
Adoption of Assistive Technologies Besides the convenience factor, a study established that blended learning can produce higher test scores and better outcomes compared to traditional faceto-face learning. Another survey showed its efficacy for higher levels of student engagement. Higher education institutions should find innovative ways to combine inperson instruction with online resources. While the pandemic has already set the stage for blended learning, new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, better collaboration tools, and gamification can take it a notch higher. A Robust Higher Education CMS Setting up a blended learning system is only a start for progressive colleges and universities. They should invest in a platform to facilitate the creation, publication, and management of content on the institution’s website. It enables learners to submit assignments and publish research papers. Administrative teams can use it to update information on the student portal. Additionally, it streamlines and simplifies time-consuming and repetitive processes such as reporting and workflows. A robust higher education CMS provides tools and
According to a 2022 survey covering 33,000 American college students from 51 schools, around 15% percent of respondents reported attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Nearly 3% stated they had autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Physical disabilities are also common among US higher education students. Institutions should, therefore, integrate accessibility into their technology strategy. On-campus programs are at the forefront when it comes to accommodating students with disabilities. However, it can be challenging in remote learning environments. The following steps can help universities provide quality education to students, regardless of their abilities: Ÿ
Offer course content in multiple disability-friendly formats such as videos, summaries, and written transcripts Creating audio descriptions of diagrams and images Choosing a learning management system with built-in accessibility tools such as keyboard-only navigation and screen reading Emphasizing inclusivity during live meetings and online classes Paying attention to microaggressions on discussion boards
Educators should collaborate with IT leaders to adopt the best accessibility strategies. A combination of tools and policies can foster equal access to learning, whether on-campus or online. Learning Analytics Learning Analytics is another valuable technology for higher education institutions. It refers to the in-depth study data about student behavior and finding its correlation with performance and learning outcomes. Universities can also leverage it to personalize learning experiences, assess the effectiveness of teaching methods, and identify atrisk students. According to statistics, the learning analytics market is projected to reach $ 78.1 Billion by 2028, moving at an impressive growth rate (CAGR) of 17% during 2023-2028. Not adopting this technology can push higher education providers behind the competitors. Conversely, using it correctly can help them enhance the quality of education and their reputation. Wrapping Up Futuristic universities should think beyond providing online learning facilities. Since it is something everyone else is doing, it hardly becomes a winning advantage. Being progressive is about going the extra mile. The best way to do it is by restrategizing and adopting innovation to create a more engaging, efficient, and accessible learning environment for students and educators alike. Besides enhancing learning experiences, the right technology strategies can help institutions streamline administrative processes and stay competitive in the digital age.
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52 | January 2024
n the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the learning experience. One such transformative tool is Adobe Creative Cloud, a suite of applications that has become a linchpin for fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovative teaching methods. This essay explores how Adobe Creative Cloud is a valuable asset for students, staff, and teachers, facilitating a dynamic and engaging educational environment.
enhances productivity. Applications like Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Sign simplify document management, allowing for seamless collaboration on paperwork, proposals, and official documents. The cloud-based nature of these tools ensures accessibility from anywhere, fostering efficient teamwork even in remote or hybrid work environments.
I. Empowering Students:
For educational institutions, maintaining a unified brand identity is crucial. Adobe Creative Cloud aids staff in creating consistent and professional-looking documents, presentations, and marketing materials. The ability to use standardized templates across various applications ensures a cohesive brand image, strengthening the institution’s identity.
B. Unified Branding and Communication:
IV. Accessibility and Inclusivity: A. Universal Design Principles: It promotes universal design principles, allowing educators to create content that is accessible to students with diverse learning needs. Applications like Adobe InDesign support the creation of accessible PDFs, ensuring that educational materials are inclusive and accommodating for all students. B. Language Learning Tools:
A. Creative Expression and Skill Development: Adobe Creative Cloud offers a diverse range of applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro that empower students to unleash their creative potential. Through hands-on experiences with these tools, students can develop essential digital literacy and multimedia skills, preparing them for the demands of the modern workforce. Creating visual content, editing videos, and designing graphics become accessible and intuitive, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation. B. Enhanced Learning Materials:
III. Transformative Teaching Methods: A. Interactive Learning Materials: Teachers can leverage it to create interactive and engaging learning materials. From interactive PDFs to multimedia-rich presentations, educators can design content that captivates students’ attention and enhances the learning experience. This approach not only caters to diverse learning styles but also encourages active participation and comprehension.
Students can use Adobe Creative Cloud to elevate their assignments and projects, creating visually compelling and impactful presentations. Whether it’s designing infographics, crafting interactive PDFs, or developing multimedia-rich reports, students can communicate their ideas effectively, B. Project-Based Learning: enhancing the quality of their work and setting a higher standard for academic Adobe facilitates project-based achievement. learning, where students are immersed in real-world, hands-on II. Enabling Staff Collaboration: activities. Teachers can assign tasks that require students to use A. Streamlining Workflows: applications like Adobe Spark for storytelling or Adobe Illustrator for For administrative staff and designing and fostering critical collaborative teams, Adobe Creative thinking, problem-solving, and Cloud streamlines workflows and collaboration skills.
For language teachers, Adobe Creative Cloud offers a range of tools to enhance language learning experiences. Adobe Spark Video can be used to create multimedia presentations, allowing students to practice pronunciation, vocabulary, and language comprehension in a dynamic and engaging manner. V. Future-Ready Skills: A. Industry-Relevant Skill Development: By incorporating Adobe Creative Cloud into the curriculum, educational institutions align themselves with industry demands. Students graduate not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical, industryrelevant skills that position them as valuable assets in the job market. B. Professional Development Opportunities: For teachers, it serves as a platform for continuous professional development. The suite’s versatility allows educators to explore new teaching methodologies, keeping them abreast of technological advancements and ensuring that they remain effective and inspiring mentors. Multimedia Storytelling and Critical Thinking: A. Developing Narrative Skills: Adobe Creative Cloud encourages students to develop multimedia storytelling skills through applications like Adobe Premiere
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Rush and Adobe Spark Video. Engaging in video production or interactive storytelling not only enhances their creativity but also hones their narrative and communication skills. B. Encouraging Critical Analysis: Teachers can utilize the tool to foster critical thinking by assigning multimedia projects that require students to analyze, interpret, and synthesize information creatively. For example, students can use Adobe Illustrator to visually represent historical events or Adobe Audition to create podcasts that delve into complex topics, promoting deeper understanding and critical analysis. VII. Global Collaboration: A. Connecting Classrooms Worldwide: Adobe Creative Cloud’s cloud-based nature facilitates global collaboration, allowing students and teachers to connect with peers worldwide. Through platforms like Adobe Libraries, educational materials, design assets, and project files can be easily shared and accessed by individuals in different geographical locations. This fosters cultural exchange, diverse perspectives, and a sense of global interconnectedness among students.
B. Virtual Workshops and Conferences: Teachers can organize virtual workshops and conferences using Adobe Connect, providing students with opportunities to learn from experts, collaborate with peers, and showcase their work to a broader audience. This not only enriches their learning experience but also prepares them for the interconnected and globalized nature of the professional world. VIII. Data Visualization and Analytical Skills: A. Using Adobe Analytics: Institutions can utilize Adobe Analytics, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, to teach students data visualization and analytical skills. This application allows students to turn complex data into visually compelling charts and graphs, aiding in the development of skills that are increasingly valuable in various fields, including business, science, and social sciences. B. Infographics for Effective Communication:
enhances their graphic design skills but also teaches them how to distill complex information into visually appealing, easily understandable formats, promoting effective communication of ideas. IX. Gamification of Learning: A. Adobe Captivate for E-Learning: Adobe Captivate, an e-learning authoring tool, enables teachers to incorporate gamification elements into their lessons. Gamified content, such as quizzes, interactive simulations, and scenario-based learning, not only makes the learning process more enjoyable for students but also enhances their engagement and retention of information. B. Student-Created Educational Games: Students can use Adobe Creative Cloud to design and develop educational games, fostering a sense of ownership over their learning. This not only boosts their creativity but also allows them to share their creations with peers, promoting collaborative learning experiences.
Teachers can incorporate Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop into their curriculum to teach students how to create infographics. This not only
Conclusion: In conclusion, Adobe Creative Cloud has emerged as an invaluable asset in the realm of education, shaping the way students learn, staff collaborate, and teachers instruct. The suite’s diverse applications cater to various educational needs, fostering creativity, enhancing collaboration, and preparing individuals for a digitally driven future. As education continues to evolve, it stands as a beacon, guiding institutions toward a more innovative, inclusive, and future-ready approach to learning and teaching.
54 | January 2024
Review Establishment Year: 2009 Founder: Girish Rowjee Headquartered: Bangalore No. of Employees: 625 Website: https://www.greythr.com/
56 | January 2024
Overview: greytHR is a cloud-based payroll software that provides cost-effective solutions for managing the human resources of a corporate organization. Companies in India and the Middle East make use of greytHR app, to make processes easier. Payroll management, employee onboarding, expense management, HR payroll compliance, income tax processes, and much more are managed efficiently by the software. By implementing these functions, it becomes a lot easier for the organization to keep detailed records of their present and previous employees. Its cost-effective nature and high-powered automated solutions have made it the go-to choice of 20,000+ brands. Reputed brands like Teamlease, Hexaware, and Volvo use the software to keep track of their employees’ performance and other details.
Core Features of greytHR:
greytHR Plans:
Ÿ Automated inputs: greytHR software can accept salary input data from Automated File Transfer Protocols (AFTPs) via other HR systems such as salary changes, recruitment, and onboarding portals.
Ÿ Starter plan: This one is a basic plan for organizations having less than 25 employees. A lot of features are limited in this plan but are enough for the organization to manage. At times, it may be a bit tedious due to the limitations that come in the way. If this prevails, the company can always opt for the next plan.
Ÿ Auto payslips: After the salary is credited to the employees’ accounts the next step that is served is the payslips are automatically received in their bank accounts. It serves as a means of communication.
Ÿ Essential plan: The essential plan is for organizations having an employee count of up to 50. With a price of Rs. 3495/month features like the mobile app for the employees, checklists for task management, An AI-powered chatbot, and features like business expense claims management are included.
Ÿ Automated accounting: greytHR software posts the entries in the company’s accounting system automatically. The manual mechanism involved in this gets eliminated and the possibility of errors gets highly reduced.
Ÿ Growth Plan: The growth plan includes a price of Rs.5495/ month. This one is for an organization whose employee count is 50. Add-on features like group company support, enterprise features, map-based attendance marking facility, and employee performance management are also tracked in this.
Ÿ MIS Reports: The next step of generating reports is also completed by the software. The system can create MIS packs each month which contain a set of standard reports and analyses to share with the authorized personnel. It can be done either by providing access for online viewing of the data or mailing it to the respective email Ids.
Ÿ Enterprise Plan: The enterprise being the most expensive one, the price is Rs. 7495/ month. For an additional employee, the cost for a single employee goes up to Rs. 100/ month. The addons in this plan are facial recognition-based attendance marking, geomarking i.e. attendance marking with location tagging for remote workers, and much more.
Customer Reviews:
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Ÿ It’s a great tool for all your HR needs: “The fact that it has brought together so many aspects of business functions like HR, Payroll, communication, ESS, etc. in one place. Once you make sure you understand the importance of initial configurations, then it's a smooth journey ahead. So spend time at the start.” Ÿ A very easy-to-use portal for payroll and as an employee onboarding portal: “The Most important thing about greytHR is, it's very easy to use. Also, we provide the training only once to our new employees regarding this portal and they can implement all the processes easily without much difficulty.” Ÿ greytHR is very helpful in managing all the employee-related information: “The ease to download reports, analytics, Document access, and Upload. In short, every aspect of greytHR is awesome. It is very user-friendly, be it an Admin account or an employee account. You get access to change the settings as per your organization's needs.”
58 | January 2024
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