The DOG Magazine-ISSUE 07/2015 Pug

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Foto Ole Dodeck

Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest information every dog

owner should know. THE DOG MAGAZINE NO. 7

July 2015 路 EDITOR | GRAPHIC DESIGN Ewa Larsson, Natasja Rutters, Sne啪ka Kuralt

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THE TEAM EWALARSSON My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Since Spring 2006, I am on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list. I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Please feel free to visit our website.

NATASJARUTTERS “A little story about who I am and what I do” We live in a small town in southern Netherlands near the Belgium border. I always loved dogs and in particular the Bulldog. And when I got my own place … there was my first English bulldog. For many years I was surrounded by the love of these beautiful dogs. At the moment I share my house with 2 French Bulldogs, who also have a wonderful character only in a smaller body With my male Ch. Carte Truffé Kangaroo Kiss ‘Sydney’ (import Finland) I regularly take part of dog shows in the Netherlands and abroad. I am a member of the Hollandse Bulldog Club and the English Bulldog Club Netherlands. Beside designing and spending time with my dogs I love to be creative, like painting and photography. For more information about my dogs and work

I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks.

I was born and raised in Southern Slovenia, in a small town called Senovo. By education I am a graphic designer and landscape architect. Currently I am employed in Landscape and GIS Company, where I am a head of marketing and education department.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is 8 years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, five years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel.

I always felt a great love toward animals, especially dogs. Dogs and cats were always around when I was little and I guess it was meant that that part of my love in life stays with me even in my adulthood.

In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


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Foto Ole Dodeck



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Article prepared by Judy Horton - (All Breeds judge) for the VicJudge’s website Australia

HISTORY The Pug shares the same origin as the Pekingese but is not a relative of Bulldog, a common misconception. The exact origins of the pug are unknown, as Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, destroyed all records, scrolls and art related to the pug at some point during his reign. Chinese Pugs are referenced as early 400 to 600 years before the start of the Common Era. These dogs would have looked very different than the pug that we know today. Treasures, like pearls, jade, rare animals or dogs were considered imperial property. One emperor, Ling To (168-190 AD) liked them so much, that he gave these small dogs rank, the females received the same rank as his wives. He ordered that these small dogs are to be guarded by soldiers and fed only the best meat and rice. If anyone attempted to steal

one of these dogs, he or she would be sentenced to death. References to dogs with short mouths (Brachycephalic) date back to that time and these dogs were, in all likelihood, the great ancestor to today’s breed. In the dictionary of all Chinese characters that was commissioned by Emperor Kang H s i, there are two entries that could very well describe the pug ... dogs with short legs and dogs with a short head. This dictionary entry dates back to about 950 A.D. There were three breeds that can be traced back to that time: the Pekingese, the Japanese Spaniel and the Pug. During the 1500’s and 1600’s China began trading with European countries such as Holland and England, Spain and Portugaland carried these small dogs with them on their travels and they became popular especially among the privileged classes. Pugs soon became T H ED O G M AG A Z I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5


A r t i c l e | The Pug

a favoured breed throughout Europe and a favourite of the Upper Class and royalty. Actually, the Dutch East India Company may have been responsible for bringing the earliest pugs to Europe with Holland perhaps being the point of origin. The breed was called Mopshond by the Dutch and that term is still used to this day. It’s not surprising that the Pug can be very “regal” in his bearing. We know they became popular in France where they were call Carlin and in Spain where they were known as Dogullo. In Germany they were referred to as Mops and in Italy as Caganlino. Josephine Bonaparte owned a Pug named Fortune before she became the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor of France. There is a story that Fortune liked to sleep on Josephine’s bed to protect her and carried this duty to the extreme on the wedding night of Josephine and Napoleon, biting the famed General on the leg! Chinese Pugs became very popular in England during this period. They remained a popular breed into the reign of George III (1760-1820), when his wife Charlotte kept large numbers. In paintings and engravings of the 18th and 19th centuries, they usually appeared with longer legs and noses, and with cropped ears. The modern pug’s appearance probably appeared after 1860 when a new wave of pugs were imported directly from China. These pugs had shorter legs and the modern style pug nose. Ear cropping was outlawed in 1895. A book called Dogs In China and Japan provides some additional information. This book was written 8 | THEDOGM AGAZI NE

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by Wang Hou Chun in the early 1900’s. It’s based on his experience as a servant in the Emperor’s Imperial Palace. He worked there for 75 years breeding and working with the dogs owned by the royalty. He noted the big difference between the Pug and the Pekingnese was that the Pug always had a short coat. He described the Pug with the term Lo-Sze and noted that the wrinkles on the Pug’s forehead were more noticeable because of their short coat. Three wrinkles in a particular formation resembled the character representing the word “Prince” and this was highly prized. Later, the breed’s popularity began to wane and by 1867 it seemed cross-breeding was leading to the Pug’s demise. But the little dog had a resurgence in popularity in the Victorian era.

It’s believed the Pug came with migrants to Australia in the 1860s. The first record of them being shown was at the Sydney Royal Show in 1870. The Pug’s popularity in Europe, of course, eventually led to the breed traveling to the America. The pug arrived in the United States during the nineteenth century (the American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1885) and was soon making its way into the family home and show ring. One of the most famous pieces of documentation is the work of William Hogarth who featured the Black Pug in his painting House of Cards. Pugs are featured in many of his paintings. The Pug has been an international favorite for centuries and one of the most popular show dogs around the world!

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A r t i c l e | The Pug



Male puppy

Great charm, dignity and intelligence.

Decidedly square and cobby, it is ‘multum in parvo’ shown in compactness of form, well knit proportions and hardness of muscle, but never to appear low on legs. The pug is a well-balanced dog. The two key words here are SQUARE and COBBY! The expression “Multum in parvo” - “much in little” or a big dog in a little space! The term Cobby means short in body, thickset, square, and compact with firm musculature, but definitely not fat. Although the Pug Standard does not differentiate between male and female the dogs should appear masculine and the bitches appear feminine. 10 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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18 month old male

TEMPERAMENT Even tempered, happy and lively disposition. When assessing the Pug the standard for Characteristics and Temperament should be read together! When they have this combination, plus a self confident and cheeky nature, the Pug is sure to command attention in the ring!

2 year old male

HEAD AND SKULL Head relatively large, round, not apple-headed, with no indentation of skull. Muzzle relatively short, blunt, square, not upfaced. Nose fairly large with well open nostrils. Wrinkles on forehead clearly defined without exaggeration. Eyes or nose never adversely affected or obscured by over nose wrinkle. Pinched nostrils and heavy or over nose wrinkle is unacceptable and should be heavily penalised.

2 year old female T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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2 year old female

2 year old female

The first thing you notice about a pug is his head. It is the most prominent and striking feature on his body. Some people say it is what gives this breed its regal bearing. Although the standard calls for a relatively large head, the head still must balance with the body and not look out of proportion... neither too large or too small. 3 year old male

The head should have a very short and well developed square foreface without the slightest sign of “turn up” of the nose. Massive and round with wrinkles large and deep, it should be neither “flat faced” like the Pekingese, nor upfaced like the Bulldog.

2 year old female


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Head wrinkles are important to give the breed its typical expression. The wrinkles on the forehead are deep and in a fan shape and they are set off by the darkening of the folds. The suplus skin under the throat and around the face form a large fold or ruff. The wrinkles on the forehead come together in a diamond shape sometimes

A r t i c l e | The Pug

almost equal to the width of the forehead. It should be in harmony with the rest of the head. The flews should not be pendalous but firm. The lower jaw is as wide as possible and have a well-defined chin. The muzzle is covered by a dark mask which is evident in fawn dogs, as are the characteristic black beauty spots on each side of the cheeks.

EYES called a thumb mark which is seen in fawn dogs. The top of the skull is relatively flat. The black nose is set in the center of the face, the top of the nose being on a level with the center of the eyes. The nose must have well opened nostrils. The wrinkle above the nose should be unbroken, but it should not be penalised if it is “broken” or “split” in an otherwise excellent head.

Dark, not too large, round in shape, soft and solicitous in expression, very lustrous, and when excited, full of fire. Never protruding, exaggerated or showing white. Free from obvious eye problems. Every effort should be made to preserve correct head shape, and the soft and solicitous expression of those very large. bold, globular shaped eyes. The standard does not mention that these large, dark eyes should be set well apart with black rims and in fawn dogs surrounded by a dark mask.

EARS Viewed from the side the muzzle should be as short and flat as possible and from the front it should be wide and well filled up under the eyes and

Thin, small, soft like black velvet. Two kinds - ‘Rose ear’ - small drop ear which folds over and back to reveal the burr. ‘Button ear’ - ear flap folding forward, tip lying close to skull to cover opening. Preference given to T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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Rose ear

Button ear

latter. The ears should be set on at the highest point on the skull. When alert the ear leather should not drop down further than the corner of the eye. The fold of the Button ear is level with the top of the skull and folds forward against the cheek. The Rose ear is small and neat and tends to give the head a more rounded look. The standard call for the burr to show (Bulldog type) but the common Rose ear is really just like the petal of a rose (see illustration above). The Button ear is the most common ear seen today. The size and shape of the ear should be in balance with the size of the skull.

MOUTH Slightly undershot. Wry mouth, teeth or tongue showing all highly undesirable. Wide lower jaw with incisors almost in a straight line. The key here is the wide underjaw! The underjaw must also be deep and the lipline viewed from the front must be a gentle curve and not an 14 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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abrupt upside down V shape (froggy) and not hidden by heavy flews. There is not usually any reason to open a Pug’s mouth. Use your thumb to feel the slight undershot bite. If the lipline is correct and the line from the nose to the mouth (naso-labial line) is straight up and down, and the teeth or tongue not showing, the mouth is usually correct.

NECK Slightly arched to resemble a crest, strong, thick with enough length to carry head proudly. The neck should increase in breadth as it blends smoothly into the well placed shoulders. The skin on the neck should fit loosely but still be smooth and not hanging in folds except for under the chin. The correct length of neck adds to the overall balance of the dog.

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FOREQUARTERS Legs very strong, straight, of moderate length, and well under body. Shoulders well sloped.

Seen from the front the legs must come straight down from the shoulders and the bone in keeping with the size of the dog. Slight muscling is ev-

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ident on the outside of the leg but the inside of the leg must be straight and not bowed. Seen from the side the pug has the normal 90 degrees slope to the shoulderblade meeting the upper arm at a right angle which places the back of the elbow under the withers. A slight forechest is evident and the depth of chest reaches just below the elbow but not slung between the legs. The elbows should fit closely to the body and not turn in or out when standing or moving.

Seen from above the hips should be as wide as the shoulders.

BODY Short and cobby, wide in chest. Ribs well sprung and carried well back. Topline level neither roached nor dipping.

Adult Female

The body should give the impression of thickset squareness with a short back. The body is covered with a thick skin tending to be loose therefore you will find folds of skin over the shoulders but this should NOT be overdone over the back. Moderate loose skin over the back is a personal preference but the dog should not be fat and you should feel firm musclulation under the coat. The underline has a very slight tapering to the rear but no obvious tuck-up.

Adult Male


Adult Male

Adult Female 路 IS S UE 7/ 2015

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Adult Male

Adult Female

Adult Female

Young Male

Adult Male

Adult Male T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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HINDQUARTERS Legs very strong, of moderate length, with good turn of stifle, well under body, straight and parallel when viewed from rear. The angulation of the hind legs should match with the front and have well rounded and strong musculature in both the legs and the buttocks. When standing naturally the hind feet should be no further back than the rear hip protuburance

Young Puppy


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FEET Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; wellsplit-up toes; the nails black. The feet are an oval shape with thick pads. The rear feet are slightly smaller than the front feet but otherwise they are the same.

a single twist or one and a half twist. The standard asks for it to be carried over the hip but also is generally accepted that it can be carried on top of the back.

TAIL High set, curled tightly over hip. Double curl highly desirable. A high set tightly curled tail is a characteristic feature of the Pug. A double twist is perfection but the tail may have

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GAIT/MOVEMENT Viewed from in front should rise and fall with legs well under shoulder, feet keeping directly to front, not turning in nor out. From behind action just as true. Using forelegs strongly putting them well forward with hindlegs moving freely and using stifles well. A slight unexaggerated roll of hindquarters typifies gait. If the dog is built correctly he will move out well and drive from behind in a smooth ground covering collected trot. A slight convergence of the front and rear feet is normal at the trot.

COAT Fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither harsh, off-standing or woolly. The coat can be single or double. A Pug coat is smooth, but on some Pugs guard hairs may be present throughout the coat, but the coat should never be hard or woolly! 20 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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COLOUR Silver, apricot, fawn or black. Each clearly defined, to make contrast complete between colour, trace (black line extending from occiput to tail) and mask. Markings clearly defined. Muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb mark or diamond on forehead and trace as black as possible.

Puppy showing correct markings

Adult showing correct markings



Fawn T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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SIZES Ideal weight: 6.3-8.1 kg (14-18 lbs). The standard only mentions weight but this must be in proportion to it height and size keeping in mind that the Pug is a Toy breed. Weight may vary considerably depending on the bone density, and body structure but keep in mind that it is a lot of dog in a little space.


The Pug is either fawn or black ... (Silver is a cool fawn (blue light) and apricot is a warm fawn (warm light) or any colour in-between, but don’t get bogged down on colour! ) Markings in the above standard refers only to the fawn coloured Pugs. ( black Pugs are black all over - small white marking on the chest is acceptable but not desired) The markings on fawn dogs must be clearly defined and as dark as possible.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.



The trace, although a characteristic like the moles and mask, is not always present. It is highly prized and should be a fine shading of dark hair from occiput to tail along the spine.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PHOTOGRAPHS The author would like to thank the Pug breeders, owners and others around the world who kindly gave their permission to use the photos of dogs pictured on the site! If a dog you own is pictured and you have not given permission and would like it taken off the site please contact the author. The extension is written by the author with some wording extracted from the USA extended standard.


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A r t i c l e | The Pug


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©M.Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library This illustration does not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.

PUG FCI-Standard N° 253 16.02.2011/EN ORIGIN: China PATRONAGE: Great Britain. UTILIZATION: Companion Dog. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: 13.10.2010. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 - Companion and Toy Dogs. Section 11 - Small Molossian type dogs. Without working trial.


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BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: A certain amount of speculation has taken place regarding the origin of this breed, which would seem to have come from the Orient. His home country is listed as China, where snub-nosed dogs have always been in favour. He found his way to Europe with traders of the Dutch East India Company and as far back as the 1500s was being admired in the Netherlands. In fact, the Pug became the symbol for the royal patriots. The Pug arrived in England when William III came to the throne. Until 1877 the breed was seen here only in fawn but in that year a black pair was introduced from the Orient. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Decidedly square and cobby, it is “multum in parvo”

A r t i c l e | The Pug

shown in compactness of form, well knit proportions and hardness of muscle, but never to appear low on legs, nor lean and leggy.


IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Decidedly square and cobby.

Forearm: Legs very strong, straight, of moderate length, and well under body.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Great charm, dignity and intelligence. Eventempered, happy and lively disposition.

Forefeet: Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; well split up toes; the nails black.

HEAD: Relatively large and in proportion to body, round, not apple-headed.


CRANIAL REGION: Skull: With no indentation. Wrinkles on forehead clearly defined without exaggeration. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black with fairly large well opened nostrils. Pinched nostrils and heavy over nose wrinkle is unacceptable and should be heavily penalised. Muzzle: Relatively short, blunt, square, not upfaced. Eyes or nose never adversely affected or obscured by over nose wrinkle. Jaws / Teeth: Slightly undershot. Wide lower jaw with incisors almost in a straight line. Wry mouth, teeth or tongue showing all highly undesirable and should be heavily penalised. Eyes: Dark, relatively large, round in shape, soft and solicitous in expression, very lustrous, and when excited, full of fire. Never protruding, exaggerated or showing white when looking straight ahead. Free from obvious eye problems. Ears: Thin, small, soft like black velvet. Two kinds – “Rose ear” - small drop-ear which folds over and back to reveal the burr. “Button ear” - ear flap folding forward, tip lying close to skull to cover opening. Preference given to latter. NECK: Slightly arched to resemble a crest, strong, thick with enough length to carry head proudly.

FOREQUARTERS: Shoulder: Well sloped.

General appearance: Legs very strong, of moderate length, well under body, straight and parallel when viewed from rear. Stifle (Knee): With good turn of stifle. Hind feet: Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; well split up toes; the nails black. GAIT/MOVEMENT: Viewed from in front should rise and fall with legs well under shoulder, feet keeping directly to front, not turning in or out. From behind action just as true. Using forelegs strongly putting them well forward with hindlegs moving freely and using stifles well. A slight roll of hindquarters typifies gait. Capable of purposeful and steady movement. COAT: Hair: Fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither harsh nor woolly. Colour: Silver, apricot, fawn or black. Each clearly defined, to make contrast complete between colour, trace (black line extending from occiput to tail) and mask. Markings clearly defined. Muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb mark or diamond on forehead and trace as black as possible. WEIGHT: Weight: Ideal weight 6.3 - 8.1 kgs. Should be hard of muscle but substance must not be confused with overweight. FAULTS:

Short and cobby.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Topline: Level, neither roached nor dipping.



Chest: Broad in chest. Ribs well sprung and carried well back. TAIL: High-set, tightly curled over hip. Double curl highly desirable.

• Aggressive or overly shy. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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N.B.: • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding. The latest amendments are in bold characters.


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AUTHOR Mrs Charmaine Delia


Professional Dog Handler

Mrs Charmaine Delia 30 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Mrs Charmaine Delia Professional Dog Handler, Malta |

HOW I GOT INVOLVED IN THE DOG WORLD. From an early age, I have loved and owned animals, especially dogs. My first dog was a Pug, which I had bought, life had another surprise in store for me and once day I have got a call from my vet, who told me that an English lady, was looking for a responsible person who needed to rehome her pug. Thanks to my vet, I got the second Pug! I started to enter both Pugs at shows and the male got the title of a Champion! My interest in the breed grew so much, that I wanted to introduce other bloodlines and breed my next show dog, so it did my first breeding in 2002! A male from that litter was sold to Akterhalen kennels in Finland; he has done very well in shows over there. I always sell my pugs with a contract to responsible persons and owners! After some time I added another breed to my Kennel that was The British Bulldog. We bought “Ozzie”, during our first visit to Crufts in 2004 from Ocobo MyStyle Kennels in the UK, Ozzie’s Sire Ocobo Mystyle Country Boy was a top Bulldog 2004! My interest in Dog Handling began during my visit to Crufts, observing the way professional handlers showed their dogs. While back home in Malta, I have entered Handling Classes which I found to be very interesting and rewarding, I was hooked ! I have put all my passion into learning to be a handler and became very devoted T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Mrs Charmaine Delia

to it. After some months I was handling different breeds at Dogs Shows.

In 2014, I have obtained Grooming Certificates with excellent results!

But as with everything in this life we do learn especially by doing mistakes.

Sometimes I am asked by breeders what makes a good dog handler and what to look for in a dog handler?

My first mistake was with this Whippet. I remember well that being nervous in the ring, I have mixed the breeds up and I have put his tail up! We all know that we learn from mistakes and I am not afraid to say I have done some during my early days as a dog handler. From then on, I was very careful and tried hard to better my handling technique and my nerves while in the ring. Hard work and devotion pays off and I love what I am doing. Until now I have professionally shown Pugs , British Bulldogs , The Shiba Inu, Brussels Griffon and Belgian Griffons, Pomeranians, English Setters, Whippet, Poodles, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers and French Bulldogs. 32 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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In my opinion finding a dog handler is very easy. There are many exhibitors that would like to begin presenting other people’s dogs for a fee. The trick is sorting out the true professionals from these who are not professional. When searching for a dog handler, I think is best to visit a few shows and take your time and watch each potential handler in the ring, as well as back at the grooming set up. In my opinion a good dog handler: • Dresses professionally for the ring and exhibits good manners both in the ring as outside the ring • Handles each dog with kindness and affection both in and out of

A r t i c l e | Mrs Charmaine Delia

the ring • A good dog handler is patient. A good dog handler is emotionally disciplined and has an even disposition. He/she is not prone to temper tantrums. • Finally, a good dog handler respects his dog not just as an asset, or as a way of gaining recognition by winning trophies, but as a living animal. Here are some results and photos of dogs that I handle and show. PUG NAME: MLT CH VELYURS DE OFFRI NOUTI BRIZ SIRE : CH INT, RUS, SM, MLT ANJOS ARMANI DAM: CH J RUS, CH RUS , RKF, GRAND CW SHANI SHAN ULNAHA 4 OWNER: JOE ATTARD(ATTJO KENNELS) HANDLER: CHARMAINE DELIA (EXKAS KENNEL)



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AUTHOR Jose Luis Santiago

PHOTOS Ainara Otegui


Jose Luis Santiago Our hope it is to leave a footprint


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Professional Handler & Breeder Jose Luis Santiago, Los Chatos del Norte, Spain

My name is Jose Luis Santiago, I am professional handler and breeder of pug & Griffon. I am breeding both breeds since 8 years in collaboration with my sister Mercedes Santiago and my partner Ainara Otegui. My career as professional handler started around 7 years ago. Dog’s are been in my life since I was really young, they have been the center of my life. I met my first Pug when I was 10 years old because I fallen in love with a pet

puppy owned by my sister. Actually it is still my favorite breed. My first pug for show arrived 14 years later after a big effort. I started to work with “Morgana” who was a high quality female and made me enjoy the breed a lot. I was really proud of her in the show ring winning several BOB, BOG AND BIS in Spain. She learned me all that we need to do inside the ring to be successful. She is not only a super show dog, she is also one of my best T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Jose Luis Santiago

producers at home, probably the best one! I have won around Europe with my pugs but one of my dreams is to compete at Westminster, hope it won’t be long to make it come true. My true challenge is to improve pug everyday. One of the most special moments inside of the ring was with my baby “Los Chatos del Norte fast & furious “ Aka “Jerry “ who was Best in Show and Best in Show Supreme Winner at Luxembourg Dog Show 2013. Sadly my big boy suffered an injury and he was not able to compete anymore, but he is doing great work as a stud in my kennel. I love this boy very much and I feel very 40 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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grateful with him everyday. His son “Los Chatos del Norte Let me be a Superstar” Aka “Jeronimo” owned by Eduardo Sanchez & Eleazar Gerardo Moreno is number one Pug at Mexico. Soon expecting some news from China where one of my puppies will compete and I hope he will be really successful. Here some names of my dogs living in super nice families around the world: Los Chatos del Norte Eminem, Los Chatos del Norte Let me be a Superstar, Los Chatos del Norte Fifth Element, Los Chatos del Norte Last Dance, Los Chatos del Norte Face to Face. About the Pug breed as a show dog, I think they are almost perfect, always ready to enjoy in the ring, they learn

A r t i c l e | Jose Luis Santiago

really quickly, they are brave and funny dogs and all of this is what I expect of my dogs in the ring. Their powerful body with elegant movement make Pug a perfect dog to enjoy in the ring. As they are a small breed and an easy dog to train, it is a right dog for veteran or inexperienced handlers. The character of the dog is for me really important and I work hard to preserve the crazy, funny & unstoppable dog that pug must be. The effort, time, passion and constancy that I have put on my breeding has been huge. My goal is to continue working to improve the breed step by step. I am proud of all the people who trust in “LOS CHATOS DEL NORTE“

every day and I feel really grateful because of this: Thank you so much! Our hope it is to leave a footprint in the breed then we will continue with our passion: THE PUG T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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AUTHOR Julia Dodeck

PHOTOS Ole Dodeck



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Julia Dodeck and Ole Dodeck, Robinien’s Mopszucht | Germany

We are at the beginning of pug breeding in Germany. Me, that’s Julia Dodeck, from Reinbek near Hamburg , Germany and my husband Ole Dodeck. We are the „Robinien’s Mopszucht“. My life with dogs started in 1983 with newfoundlanddogs. My parents bought our first bitch „Donna von der Jägerkarte“, which gave 2 litters „vom Sachsenwald“ to us. I got used to a live with dogs and totally fall in love with them. 3rd litter came in 1995. 10 lovely puppies. When I left my parents home, we had 5 newfoundlanddogs of three generations at home. I started my own life with studying medicine and became a doctor in 2003. Since 2004 I’m a happily married woman with my husband Ole.

ing , running , barking. This was „Miss Molly“ – i liked her much and asked for the phonenumber of her breeder. The next days i tried to get contact but it did not work, so i had to look for alternatives. I went on the page oft he German Kennel Club (VDH) and looked for a breeder in the neighborhood of our house. That was our luck. We found a german kennel called „vom Trollwald“. The breeder Rita Hauschild is nowerdays one of my best friends. She breeds pugs for 27 years with papers and gorgeous pedigree. 2012 we bought our first pug „Nilsson vom Trollwald“ at her house. One of 6 puppies. We started training him from the first moment he arrived at home. He is such a quick learner. Loves to retrieve.

Ole never had dogs in his family, but he has got alot of humor and he likes „Loriot“, who always had newfoundlanddogs and pugs. I told him about my past with dogs and made my wish along years. We watched lots of films about training dogs. One day he agreed with buying an own dog for us but „just with a pug“ because of Loriot. My idea was we could start with a pug and grow together until arriving at a newfoundlanddog. We like to go on holiday to a german island „Sylt“ where we have a little flat. We watched others with dogs and we saw a couple playing with their 2 dogs, a flat coated retriever and a pug. I looked at these 2 dogs playing together for a long time and saw the pug really behaved as a „normal dog“ – jumpT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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This was a little strange to me at first. I had shown newfoundlands in the 80ies. Of course never ever on a table. So happy about that breed with less coat care than newfoundlanddogs. The pug as a TOYdog is really simple to prepare for show and easy to take with you with his weight about 8-10 kg. Nilsson was successful on show. He became German youth Champion 2013 VK and German Champion 2014. For Rita a perfect litter. 4 of 6 dogs became Champions, one bitch „Nala vom Trollwald“ international champion. We went to a dogschool every week at Astrid Stennei – D.O.G.S. –Trainingcenter in Tremsbüttel near Hamburg.

Big congrats to Rita for her breeding like this and to Nala’s owner Bettina Przelozny for showing her.

Rita taught me everthing about pugs and took me with her to some shows.

My husband and me are working at our own doctors office, so Nilsson had to be alone at home for 5 hours per three days a week with help of my parents as dogsitter one day a week .

It became my new hobby. I started handling Nilsson , training him in correct standing, running and standing on the table.


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We decided to buy a second pug. So

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Nilsson could be better entertained. We looked for a second breeder and for a bitch. She had to be perfect for show and breeding after FCI-Standard.

She was the alpha-bitch, very strong charakter and pretty - as all owners think of their own dogs.

We found Daniel Brasa, today president oft he german Pug club. He gave his best bitch out of his N-Litter „Payaso’s Niña del Sol“ to us. Thank you very much, my dear friend.

She did a great career at show form puppyclass on, running straight throw all the titles. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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His breeder is Katerina Dronova from Moscow. I saw pictures of a little black puppy with a great head. I fall in love with . Katerina sent me hunderts of fotos and we talked for hours per messenger. Everything worked that way and Email, Onlinebanking. A very modern way. She organized a transport by plane from Moskow to Hamburg in March 2014.

German youth Champion Club DMC/ VDH 2013, German Champion Club DMC/ VDH 2015, German Junior Winner 2013, Juniorwinner Märkische Schweiz 2013, Landesjugendsieger Berlin/ Brandenburg 2013, VDH-Jungendsieger Leipzig 2013, Landessieger Bremen-Weser-Ems 2014, Landessieger Niedersachsen 2014 , Landessieger Sachsen 2014 . Ole and I are so happy with our dogs and so proud of them being so successful. So we did every test needed to breed, Breathingtest twice after 12 months and 24 months, Patellatest, DNA-Profile, Test for Breeding after FCI-Standard of a judge and not needed till today but by choice NME-Test. I got known of many people of both pug breeding clubs in Germany DMC (Deutscher Mopsclub) and VK (Verband deutscher Kleinhundezüchter e.V.) and shows inside and outeside of Germany. All of them are connected on social networks, we are on Facebook. That was the way I found my black boy. Domino Effect Zabulon. 50 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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It was an adventure for us. Standing at the airport and waiting , opening the box. At first he was a little bit shy, but no for long! We got known of the differences between fawn and black pugs.

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Zabulon is extremly active and sporty. That is why he needs more food than the others and much entertainment. Agility is what he likes. Playing with his ball and running . Katerina Dronova is a great Showhandler and she trained Zabu from first days after birth on. He loves the show and does a great job. I want to say „Thank you for that, Katerina.“ Zabu got German youth Champion DMC/ VDH2014, Landesjugendsieger Niedersachsen 2014, VDH-Jugendsieger 2014 T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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So from that on we lived with 3 pugs.

He passed all breeding tests aswell in November 2014 and so he is a studdog. Meanwhile Ole programmed a Homepage and APPs for iPhone, iPad and Android for us and he took complete obsession with this breed and started to intense his hobby – Photography. With one of his pictures he won a gold medal at DVF (German Club of photography). We are so proud of his pictures. He thinks of different ways to take them and approved a table of glass for special positions.


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For the help to take better pictures and getting better equipement we say „Thank you“ to Magdalena Stockschläder at HUNDErt Blicke. Ole and her did at personal Fotoworkshop at our house and with our dogs. I did Showtraining at Magdalena Stockschläder, Judith Freudenberg, Juan Gutierrez Martinez and SvenUwe Hofstaedt. It was so interessting and helping me to get the right selfconfidence for the ring. Thank you so much. My mom is helping us with the dogsitting and at my office when I drive to the shows through Germany or outside Germany whenever we need help. She fall in love with that breed aswell. 2014 we deciced to buy another boy together. Keen Thinker’s Benjamin Bam Bam Blitz joint our company in october 2014. A fawn boy with a special pedigree breeded by Dr.Christian Koch. He is one of my best friends, my veterinary surgeon and my breeding supervisor . He choosed a great couple of parentdogs, „Sophie von Beusloe“ and „Kingpoint wannabe Tangetoppen“ for his litter. He gave his alpha-boy to us. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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I am so happy , Wendy Davenschot agreed to the stud with her perfect boy „Pugalicious Seloy’s Pride“- aka Loki . We drove to Zwolle, Netherlands and did two matings. Thank you, Wendy.

Thank you very much for your allowence for the stud to Louise Brooks Lowe , Daniel Brasa and to Birgit Seloy.

Benji likes agility aswell and lives most oft he time at my mothers house. We – Zabu, Benji and me - are going to the shows together at the moment. Benji won „Best in Show Puppy“ at Cloppenburg 2015. On 28.6.2015 we had a great day – our long planed A-Litter was born. In April 2015 our Niña got in her heat. We waited and made Progesterone-test until 28.4.2015, that was the moment to travel to our favorite studdog for a fawn litter. 54 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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It was a long birth from 9:20am to 4:00pm. Niña did a great job and still does.... breast feeding every 3-4 hours at this moment. The puppies are now 14 days old – 3 Boys and 3 Girls around 500g with opend eyes. Growing every day. Our A-Litter . „Robinien’s Awesome A-Litter“.

A r t i c l e | Robinien’s Mopszucht

We really hope for healthy pugs with outgoing personalities with a special „Robinien’s Look“, who love to show and hopefully breed. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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AUTHOR Anne-Greet van der Wal

PHOTOS Monique Jansen archive



An icon within the world of Pugs, and thus wellknown with her Pugs and red curly hair on all exhibitions in The Netherlands and abroad. 60 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Monique Jansen Vom Ulmer Haus Netherlands

Honoured Monique Jansen, who does not know her in the world of Pugs. Driven, commited, succesful and determined. Those are the key words that apply to this dedicated breeder of Pugs She therefor received, in April 2013, The Silver Pin of Honour, awarded by and presented to her by the Dutch Kennel Club. Being the first breeder in the Dutch breedclub Commedia, she is nominated by the board of Commedia, for the highest possible achievement in the Dutch canine society: The Golden Pin of Honour. Monique received The Golden Pin of Honour on April 4th, 2015, for her contribution to the breed and for breeding almost 50 final Champions. You would think that she is aged, but she is not. The tireless love for her breed, made her eligible for this honourable award in the canine society, at a fairly young age. There was a numerical beauty in the awarding and ceromony of the Golden Pin of Honour. Breed club Commedia exsists 57 years, Monique is born in 1957 and she is 57 years young of age. How wonderful some things in life can concur. Because she still feels very connected to the organised canine society, these Pins of Honour mean a great deal to Monique. She states that it shows appreciation for everything that an engaged and commited member of the canine society has done and left, for their life-determing hobby,

Also administratively, Monique contributed her fair share, and has served on the board of different committees in the canine society. She now still lives with and amongst her Pugs. Despite the fact that Monique is nowadays less to be found on shows, she is still tireless committed to her breed and the breed club. She manages the Commedia-website, advises experienced and novice breeders, and of course she still breds the breed she loves so much. Monique is connected to the EGCN (First Toy group Club Netherlands) and as core member, she assists breeders where she can. How she started. Initially, Monique bred and showed cats, the European Shorthair Silver Tabby. Later on, end of 70’s, she worked together with Gerrit Vrieze in the animal shelter in Doetinchem(NL), because for as long as she can remember, she loves nature and animals. Gerrit bred German Danes and later on also Bobtails. Early 80’s he wanted to add a Pug to his flock but at first Monique did not think much of that idea until she joined Gerrit at his visit to Mrs. Van den Berg-Antonissen. As from that moment, when she entered the house in Heerhugowaard(NL), her life changed and she fell in love with the Pugs. Because there was no bitch available from the newly born litter, she was forced to wait and her patience was being put to the test. A year later they were in luck and a little black bitch was acquired by Gerrit: Juwel van Bave-Loo; bought from the familie Van Engelen in Bavel(NL). Monique T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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Ch. Gerald vom Ulmer Haus

decided she wanted a Pug aswell and thus the beige dog Bart van Bave-Loo made his entrance. Gerrit bought in 1984 another bitch: Cindy of Wallyda’s Home. And another year later, Monique bought from the same kennel the black dog Boris of Wallyda’s Home, and this started the breeding of Pugs, under the kannelname ‘Vom Ulmer Haus”. Originally the kennel was owned by Gerrit, later on Monique became co-owner and finally she became sole 62 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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owner and continued the kennel on her own. From these initially 4 acquired dogs/ bitches, in the end only Juwel was “deployed” in the breeding programme. Because, as per Moniques own words, “you cannot be critical enough, on the quality of your breeding stock.” Keesje Juwel was mated to Pallyn Pig Champagne and from this combination, Gerald vom Ulmer Haus (called Keesje in every day life) was born. With Keesje

A r t i c l e | Monique Jansen (“vom Ulmer Haus”)

Ch. Bregje vom Ulmer Haus juniorwinster 1997, Winster 1997 and BOB, Bundessieger 1998 & 3rd in group 9, Best in Show Commedia Championshipclubmatch 1998, Dutch Champion 1999, Belgium Champion, International Champion, Winster 1999 and BOB, Best in Show K.C. Dieren 1999, Best in Show K.C. Winterswijk 1999, 2nd Best Self-Bred Dogachtigen Netherlands 1999, Groupwinner Dogachtigen Dordrecht 1999, 2nd Beste Pug female “Commedia” 1998, 2nd Beste in Group Dogachtigen Utrecht 1999, Best Pug Female and Best Pug dog “Commedia”1999, res. Best in Show Veteran Castrup Rauxel 2005, German Veteran Champion 2005.

the “showingvirus” was born, because he got the following titles in the late 80’s: BIS puppy KC Zwolle, JW 1988, Luxemburgs Youthchamp in 1989, BIS KC Twente (in which 412 dogs were entered), Europe Sieger 1989, Youth Worldchampion in Copenhagen, NL Championn, Winner champion, Belgian Winner in 1990 en Best Dog Commedia Clubmatch 1991, International Champion, Belgian Champion, Danish Champion, Best Pug 1990 en 1991.

Monique often spoke of Keesje during that time, so often that she and Keesje got regular invites for coffee, at which the people that invited them got surprised when Keesje appeared to be not the boyfriend of Monique’s, but he sat next to her, being a Pug. Emotion One of the moments that meant the most for Monique, took place at the “Topdog of the Year-Show” in 2007. She was invited there with Ch. KallimeT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Monique Jansen (“vom Ulmer Haus”)

Ch. Fiver vom Ulmer Haus, The first and to date only black Pug who won the group NonSporting K.C. Brummen 1999, BEST IN SHOW, Juniorwinner 1999, Best Pug dog Male, Commedia 2000, Best Pug Dog Commedia 2000, Best Black Pug Dog Commedia 2000, K.C. Winterswijk 2000, Best Self-bred dog, Winner Groep 9 (NonSporting) Eindhoven, 2000, Invited for Topdog of the Year Show 2001, Arnhem, 10 juni 2000, Together with Rebecca vom Ulmer Haus, BEST COUPLE IN SHOW, Luxembourg Champion, Dutch Champion, 4 x CAC, 2 x res. CAC, 1 x CACIB, 1 x CACL 7 x BOB

ro vom Ulmer Haus. Kallimero was a bit sensitive by nature. Therefor Monique practised wekes in advance outsidein the dark, in the lights of passing headlights. The catwalk came, complete with the spotlights and Kallimero danced across the stage. Monique was moved by emotion and pride! Commitment

ed her life, both in good and bad times. Always putting the interest of her breed the Pugs, first. But, Monique also looks critically at the canine society. She tells, years ago she had the feeling that the showing was not evolving around the dogs anymore. She says: ”People are not loving the dogs anymore, but mainly themselves”.

In the end, almost 40 champions, both in blacks as in beiges, have been bred by Monique. The love for and the the commitment with her dogs, have color-

I am living with and amongst my dogs. With me, everything is about the dog as the indivudual, but also about the breed in total. Therefor i have always


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A r t i c l e | Monique Jansen (“vom Ulmer Haus”)

been prepared to sacrifice everything, but nowadays in the world of showing, eveerything evolves around instant success. And that bothers me. I still enjoy my dogs a lot, the love for breeding is in my blood and stayed there and I still experience a lot of joy from the off spring of my dogs, that do well on the National and International shows. But I just as well enjoy my Pugs when they are splashing around in their swimmingpool in the garden or during a long walk in the woods. Her creativity focusses, next to breeding Pugs, also on photography and designing websites. Her drive is also found in the brandnew rabbit cages, because Monique started breeding Dutch Dwarf Rabbits in the color Black and Tan. Of course, with all of her activities, the Pugs are right on her feet and also occassionally she will be breeding a litter, because without Pugs, Monique’s life will be incomplete. Pugs anno 2015 by Monique

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OF PRELUDE Nancy Monnissen


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Nancy Monnissen Of Prelude Belgium

Please introduce your kennel and yourself to our readers, and tell us why you have choosen this particular breed? Hi, I am Nancy & together with Yves, I am part of a wife and husband team. I was born in Genk, Belgium in 1986, Yves was born in Turnhout, Belgium in 1988. Since I was a small child I have loved animals especially dogs. My husband grew up around French Bulldogs, his parents have bred Frenchies since 1996 under the La Ferme Marlene affix. I met my husband at a dog show, today we are married and have a son called Laurence. Dog shows are my hobby and a passion, and at shows while showing

Frenchies and Bulldogs I kept looking at pugs, the more I saw this breed, the more I became hooked! I just loved their temperament and looks, therefore I decided to invest and, together with my husband, imported a beautiful female from Spain called ‘Diabolbric’s Make me Smile’. She did very well in shows, now she is the Belgian, Luxemburg and Junior championships, Luxemburg champion and a Dutch champion. She’s the start and foundation of our kennel! What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? When I first started with Pugs I was just showing them. In time I learned more about the breed and along with my husband decided to start off ‘Prelude Pugs’ after acquiring ‘Diabolbric’s Make Me Smile’, who has proven to be an amazing girl with

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a very good health so my dream came true and I started my own kennel and line of this breed. How many dogs did you start with and how did you choose them? I started with 2 pugs, a girl called ‘Diabolbric’s Make Me Smile’ and Los Trabubus Bob Marley, together with my husband we went to Spain in person to buy these two amazing pugs. We were looking for a long time for a good show type with healthy bloodlines and after a long time searching we found them. We have made these 2 pugs champions of Luxemburg. Two years later, I have purchased an amazing new girl from Spain, Del Sur Andalusi Marta Damars who at 16 months old became a Croatian, Belgian Junior and Luxemburg Junior champion. What improvements do you want to bring to this breed with your breeding programme? First and foremost we want to raise 72 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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good healthy pugs, next we want to breed good quality show pugs. Our aim and goal is to breed, standard weight Pugs which conform to the FCI breed standard. Why Pugs over any other breed? The first time I saw a Pug I felt in love!! I saw a picture and I didn’t know which breed it was. I was looking everywhere to find out what it was… Where I lived at that time pugs were not common and I hadn’t had a pleasure to have an encounter with a Pug! 1 day I was looking in a book that my grandmother had and finally I saw this beautiful dog called The Pug!! I was thrilled and started to look for breeders on the internet and went to a lot of dogshows to find a good and lovely breeder. What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? I am convinced that the perfect dog does not exist. But in my mind here is the ideal model:

A r t i c l e | Of Prelude

For me, and my husband, this a perfect pug.

What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now?

First time they need a good temperament.

I have breed now this year 17/01/2015 a litter, they are with 8, 4 girls and 4 boys they all look nice and they are a very similar.

Head: • The head need to be round not an ‘apple- head’, muzzle needs to be short, good pigmentation. Nice nose wrinkle not too big over the nose. • Dark round eyes, not too large. • Wrinkles on the head, but my personal preference is not heavily wrinkled • Soft black ears Body: • Pug with a good strong compact body. • Good angulations. • Good strong neck, good z chest. • Nice strong front. • Good strong tail. • Soft coat.

We show on 3 months Olivia Of Prelude and she was BOB baby and 3rd best baby in show! Odil Of Prelude we showed him twicw, 2 times BOB baby male and 1 time 4 the best baby in show! Okke of Prelude lives with her owners Johnny en Hilde De Wit she did 2 shows and she was 2 times BOB baby girl and 1 time best baby and with the last 8 best baby’s in show. We are very proud with of these litters. The litters come out of Ch. Diabolbric’s Make Me Smile and Ch. Diabolbric’s The player. What are the biggest misjudgments other owners and breeders may have about Pugs? This is a very difficult question, because every breeder and judge have his own T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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vision for a dog. Not two pugs are the same … It’s what type you like…

Spend a lot of time for resaerch good dogs.

What would be your tips for someone looking for a reputable breeder?

Study the pedigree, see what these dogs have produced, what is behind them, look at photos, understand the standard ...

Good breeders don’t sell their puppies to the first person who come whith money.

What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)?

You need to research before to good breeders and go on visit.

We pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service and a lasting relationship with “Of Prelude” puppy owners. I always keep in contact with my new puppy parents and receive updates and pictures from them.

They spend time to show you the litter, parents, give answer on your questions … For me is important that you can trust your breeder. That you have a good contact and you can ask everything to this breeder. What advice would you give to those who are starting breeding? 74 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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For us is important to meet the potential new puppy partents, to talk and get to know them, to get the “ gut feeling”, if the feeling is right and all requirements met the puppy parents are accepted. We put trust into our buyer- seller re-

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lationship . Our puppy buyers can ask us everthing,everetime! We are always here for them. I love to receive updates on my puppies and dogs and love to follow their development. How important is it for a breeder to have an online presence nowadays? An online presence is extremely important; a well designed and written website that is easy to find and navigate, combined with a strong social media presence and digital advertising are essential in our opinion. Would you like to add something? I would like to thank my puppy buyers for the trust in us and for choosing a Prelude puppy! Last but not least, I would like to thank TheDogMagazine for trusting us making this interview with us and express my gratitude for spreading some of the features of this wonderful breed.


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HUNDERT BLICKE by Magdalena Stockschl盲der


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Magdalena Stockschläder – HUNDErt Blicke,

The twentieth century appeared to be the age of painting. Therefore, the twenty-first century belongs to photography. Never before has photography been a source of information as common as it is now. Since the Internet has become the main tool of communication, the written word was mostly relegated to brief comments in social networks while the photo plays an important role in providing any information, which one might be interested in. Photography is present in each sphere of human life, photo reports range from the war zone to dinner eaten last night and include omnipresent selfie. Though, is the importance of photography so great only for capturing human life? THE NATURE OF DOG PHOTOGRAPHY “A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” Edward Steichen As in children photography and reportage, catching a moment or “decisive moment” – as it was called by Henri Cartier Bresson - is crucial for animal photography. As a photographer of animals I often reflect that it would be easier to work in a warm studio, where all the lights and props are set in the way we prefer and models execute all the commands. However, my heart of a reportage photographer starts screaming in respond to that and rejects this idea. Indeed, animal photographers are not familiar with such luxury. On the contrary, we run joyfully across the meadows and through the woods in search of the best light, best spot only to eventually find the very moment when everything seems to be perfect. After all, life is so fascinating and Nature herself provides the most beautiful scenery. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Dog photography

PHOTOGRAPHER’S EQUIPMENT “A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.” Dorothea Lange In no other field of art, the professional equipment is so vital like in photography. A good-quality camera is a must for a professional photographer because only a great camera could guarantee a high level performance. Investment in a good lens or reflector may decide on the final effect because what counts most is a sharp picture with the focus placed where we want it to be. With the development of technology, photographers can work with really great devices that make shooting easier. While studying, I used to operate on the cameras like Zenit or Leica. It was a real challenge to take a well-exposed photo, not to overexpose negatives and finally to develop them correctly. Though, those cameras had their character. Consequently, they showed how well the photographer could operate their skills. Therefore, each photo session was accompanied by a shot of adrenaline. Well, I do not miss those days when each mistake cost the vastness of time spent and quite a large amount of money. Nowadays it is much easier. Digital cameras have revolutionized photography. Photographers can focus more on the artistic concept of the picture rather than on technical aspects. AN ANIMAL PHOTOGRAPHER “To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place”— Elliott Erwitt They have clothes that are able to withstand any weather. Their camera is tucked away in an airtight, specially designed backpack or

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bag. They have at least a pair of lenses, extra batteries, spare memory cards and bags for dog droppings. Rubber boots and good walking shoes are always in a trunk of the car as well as a blanket or another mat which they usually lie on in the snow or mud depending on the weather. They have a large dose of humor, a huge amount of patience and calm. They also need to adapt to the situation quickly and take advantage of it. They keep looking for the most beautiful light. They do not complain because they love what they do. AN ANIMAL MODEL LOCATION “Don’t pack up your camera until you’ve left the location. “ Joe McNally One of the important aspects of taking a photo is choosing a suitable location. A fantastic place could be found just round the corner. On the other hand, it might be worth driving a few kilometers to locate unique spots. Nature has so much to offer, such as fields of flowers, forests, meadows, hills and rocky mountains. There are no wrong places to take a photograph, but actually there are more and less suitable ones. For example, a field of flowers would be a perfect place, no matter where an animal model is found. A tiny garden crammed with a mower and various tools may be less desirable as a photo location but for a good eye, there is still enough space to conjure up a stunning photo. In these extreme circumstances, try to find a facility, for instance a small shrub or a tuft of flowers to create a sense of depth in the scene. Roads or places where elements of Nature form a tunnel always make an 84 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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excellent location where it is really difficult to spoil a picture. Choosing an effective portrait location needs time and a vision, but all you have to do is to leave the house and look around with the eyes of the photographer. AN ANIMAL MODEL POSITION “I am not interested in shooting new things – I am interested to see things new.” Ernst Haas The location of our model is absolutely important but not as important as the idea of the picture. It is the indicator which distinguishes professionals from amateurs. The professional can see the image before clicking on the

shutter button. Creating the picture in mind distinguishes professionals from those who photograph only what they can see. All of animal model positions will be satisfying on the condition that a photographer comes up with a fascinating frame. To achieve it, try to reduce your own position to the eye level of your animal model and you can see for yourself how much your pictures will change. Albert Einstein said that everything that we imagined could be feasible. Only we ourselves set the limits. So, stop thinking what a perfect picture should look like and let go the reins of your imagination while working on your projects. The effect you may achieve will surprise you. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 7 / 2 0 1 5

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PRACTICAL TIPS “Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” — Yousuf Karsh • Bring a camera, your dog and get out of the house. • Start taking pictures and do not think too much about golden rules of photography. • Let your imagination flow and start being creative. • Develop your ideas. • Being instructed by a good photographer and analyzing problems that you might encounter while shooting is always helpful. • Stay in touch with other photographers and exchange


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your experience. • Browse other photographers’ websites to look for inspiration; do not get discouraged and do not copy the same ideas. • Each of us once started and the first pictures really are not for a cover. • Even experienced photographers do sometimes fail. • The main thing is not to lose interest and keep trying and taking pictures. • If you love dog photography as much as I do, pursue a career of a dog photographer. • Doing one of the greatest professions will reward your patience, hard work and perseverance.

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Ben Luxton ANKC International All Breeds Judge AUSTRALIA

Ben attained his Australian National Kennel Council, All Breeds Conformation Judges license in 2008 and has completed assignments across Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, and Thailand. Ben commenced in the sport of pure breed dog exhibition with pugs in 1984 under the Obsidion prefix and continues to campaign his beloved breed in Australia with great success. His Obsidion pugs are also selectively campaigned in several countries around the world. He has judged and critiqued the pug breed in Sweden, Canada (2 states), New Zealand and has recently been contracted to adjudicate the breed at a Club Specialty Show in NSW in 2014 and in Finland in 2015. With a strong interest in hounds, Basenjis joined the Obsidion kennels show team in 1998 with great success and now also feature on the European show scene. Ben, through association with his partner, Rodney is also associated with the breeding and exhibition of Sharpei and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels under the Miniatura prefix. Ben is a well-respected handler of many breeds and adjudicates handler competitions at the highest level. Ben is delighted to be considered for a judging appointment by your club.

Wilberg, Knut Sigurd Breeder of Pointer & Dachshund


I was born in Norway, but moved to England in 1980. The Kanix kennel has made up champions in Welsh Corgis, German Shepherds, Boxers, Bouviers, Keeshonds, Scottish Terriers, Dachshunds and all sizes of Schnauzers. We have been a leading force in Pointers since 2006.

Authorized for FCI group(s) • • • • • • • • • • •


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Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs) Pinscher and Schnauzer Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs Terriers Dachshunds Spitz and primitive types Scenthounds and related breeds Pointing Dogs Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs Companion and Toy Dogs Sighthounds Best In Show (BIS) judge

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