The Dirt: June 2024

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Pride Celebrates 10 Years DAVIS
for Davis
JUNE 2024 Free • Local Events Calendar • @thedirt.davis
Dunning Still Writes
DAVIS MUSIC FEST Three Days of Local Music


As a journalist and someone who relies on journalism to be a good citizen and neighbor, this is a scary time.

The end of print, the end of local news, a vague, looming threat.

The axe heard round the world—you know, the one that left Bob Dunning jobless and nearly ended the country’s longest running newspaper column—said a lot about what’s going on at newspapers across the country. Aside from how seemingly poorly it was handled, the facts are: that paper is down to printing two issues a week, and having to lay off someone making $26/hour.

What happens when they’re not printing at all, or posting news online? In Yolo County, the closure of that one newspaper could cut off an essential flow of information to more than 200,000 people.

CIVIC INFORMATION HUB 4 6 7 20 30 28 8 16


The good news: she’s been laying the groundwork for a Civic Information Hub that aims to keep that need-to-know information flowing. Take a look at her vision on page 7, and learn how you can be a part—journalist or not. And also, Bob Dunning deserved to have his last column printed. So we printed it. Page 4.

I’m not saying that paper is closing, and I have no knowledge of its finances. I just know when there’s less journalism happening, people are less informed. And when people are less informed, they’re less likely to vote. And, and, and.

The lack of readily available information in Yolo County is so severe, Autumn Labbé-Renault, Executive Director at Davis Media Access, is calling it a “civic health crisis”.



Also also, printing costs money. So does web space. If you’d like to support our mission (and get thousands of eyeballs on your business), email me about ad space.

We’ve got it and we’d love to partner with you to keep printing cool, community building stuff.


Hanna Nakano


Jenna Matsubara


Stephanie Peel


Sandra Violet Clark


Kyle Dyer


Isabella Holmes


Spadefoot Studios


Jenni Muheim

Isabella Rogers

& promoting local arts, culture & community.


ADVERTISING: The Dirt is made possible by the support of local businesses. If you would like to reach readers and support local arts & culture, please email to request a media kit.

CALENDAR LISTINGS & DETAILS: Submit your event to our website for a free listing in our calendar no later than the 23rd of the month preceding the next issue. We will fill The Dirt with as many events as appropriate & possible, space allowing.

CIRCULATION: The Dirt is distributed with local support. If you can provide a prominent distribution space, please email with subject line “Circulation.” We currently distribute 3,000 copies each month.

ACCURACY: We do our best to fact-check, but events change. We suggest you call venues in advance of visiting. Please let us know of any errors for future printings.

DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements do not necessarily represent The

or services offered.

Photo by: @hiandhellophoto The Dirt’s mission is to showcase Davis & Yolo county’s unique people, places & events, inspiring readers
ABOUT THE COVER Rainbow crosswalk at the corner of 3rd & C Street, Davis (2023). Photographed by: Hanna Nakano.
endorsement of the
Editor & Publisher @thedirt.davis @hannanakano NEWSLETTER Scan to subscribe! THE DIRT•DAVIS VOL. 15 · NO. 6 · JUNE 2024 · THEDIRT.ONLINE

Hop on your bike and join the Davis Bike Scavenger Hunt! Learn about Davis and its blooming plant life while searching for clues. Davis Commons, June 1.


This year is The Artery’s 50th anniversary and they’re celebrating with Art on G Street. Learn to make an artist book under the guidance of experienced artist Adele Shaw, June 30. The event is free and all materials will be provided.

Primary Day is June 6 and Imagining America, Davis is inviting community members to come together and craft as a way of connecting. This event will consist of different intergenerational stations where everyone is welcome to embrace their own creativity making bracelets, collages, stories, music & more. Art supplies, snacks, and refreshments provided.


Celebrate Juneteenth at the UC Davis Arc this year on June 2. The free, all-day event features live performances, author talks, family activities, and opportunities to support local food & art vendors.


A curated selection of community events, art and music news, locally made products and more, hand-picked by The Dirt’s editorial team.


The Pence Gallery’s annual Treasure Sale is this month and the perfect opportunity for folks looking to downsize some unwanted heirloom items… or shoppers hoping for a few new treasures! June 21—24.




Enjoy some moments of zen with the Sheepmowers at UC Davis. They’ll be at their spot outside Wiskson Hall June 5—7 munching on Campus lawns for most of the day. 9

The Boneyard pop-up art show and The Growing Groves plant store have teamed up to host “The Big Gay Party!”, bringing you a day full of Pride celebration! Set for June 8 at the plant store, the party will feature artists, vendors, performances, DJs & more.

Davis Craft & Vintage Fair brings more than 40 small businesses to one spot at Central Park on June 2 & 16. Expect local artisans and vintage collectors, small businesses, food trucks, and free live music.

Join world-renowned Bhakti yoga master Balakhilya das for an evening of meditation and ancient mantras at Davis Community Church, June 16. The evening promises to teach the secret to true happiness—and a delicious, free vegan meal.


Register now for an insightful reading group focused on the topics of grief, loss and healing. The group, hosted by YoloCares, will read The Mourner’s Book of Hope on Mondays starting July 1 and ending July 29 with a potluck dinner. Head to to sign up.



(I did not have the opportunity to write a final, honest column about my 55 years at The Davis Enterprise. So I’m doing it here.)

This is a column I thought I’d never have to write. Through these many years, the local owners of this newspaper regularly told me that as long as The Davis Enterprise existed, I would always have a job. I upheld my end of the bargain. They did not.

Several days ago I was informed, without explanation or warning, that I was being let go. My last day is today. The owners, with whom I’ve had a cordial and friendly relationship throughout my tenure, let someone further down the line break the news to me.

This person, my editor, told me that my column remained the most popular feature in the newspaper, but I was gone. Took about 30 seconds.

Ernest Hemingway once said, “Writers should write hard and clear about what hurts.”

That’s what I intend to do now.


Sure, but not so much as stunned and hurt, given that after 55 years of dedicated service, they looked at my life’s work and casually and callously discarded me like a used Kleenex.

There was no thank you. No goodbye. Not a penny of severance. Just stone-cold silence. No golden parachute. In fact, no parachute at all as they pushed me out the back door of what I often lovingly referred to as the Starship Enterprise.

They even refused to pay for my accumulated sick leave. Not only did they hurt me, they hurt my family, leaving them to scramble for suitable health care. Additionally, I was forbidden from transferring the thousands of emails I’ve exchanged with our readers over the years, denying me the chance to continue to correspond with the many friends I’ve made and thank them one more time for taking the time to read my thoughts and express their opinions and concerns, an exchange of ideas I cherished in our beautiful and highly intelligent town.

A close friend, upon hearing the news, noted that

since Shelley and I have four kids in college at the same time, the timing of this couldn’t have been worse. I told him, sure, poor timing, but we’re not worried for a second about those kids. They are all self-starters. They all have part-time jobs to complement their studies. They are up for any challenge, and no amount of rain can ruin their parade.

I’ve always enjoyed a strong and respectful relationship with the local owners of this newspaper. I’ve never once said “no” when they’ve asked me to do more or make a public appearance or MC an event on behalf of The Davis Enterprise. I’ve always said “yes” when I’ve covered an assignment for a colleague who was sick or needed a day off.

I’ve never missed a deadline or showed up at the wrong arena for a basketball game. This newspaper has never had to print a retraction or a correction of anything I’ve written.

be making so much money that the newspaper can no longer sustain such a hefty salary.

Well, if you’re sitting down, I’ll tell you what I was making. Frankly, it’s embarrassing. $26 an hour. After 55 years. You read that right. I was hardly breaking the bank. I was nowhere near being the highest paid employee in the newsroom. Not even close.

This column was originally posted on Facebook and is now the first post in Dunning’s new business,

The thing that is so mystifying about this is that I can humbly and truthfully say that I have been an extremely good employee for every one of those 55 years.

The local owners of this newspaper are not paupers. For years, the company they run has owned multiple valuable properties in the heart of downtown Davis. They built their fortune on the backs of many people, including me. They took my very best for 55 years. They have no excuse for treating the longest-serving employee in company history in this way.

I know what you must be thinking. He used the company credit card to buy a Rolex or he took a secret trip to Paris when he told everyone he was covering an Aggie basketball game in Turlock.

Truth is, I’ve never had a company credit card or a Rolex and I’ve never been to Paris. But I have covered an Aggie basketball game in Turlock.

Or, some may be thinking, after 55 years, he must

In a recent email to me — before the axe fell — the President and CEO wrote, “Your column has blessed our paper and community with immeasurable joy. Thank you for being the voice of The Enterprise and the heart of Davis.”

The joy was all mine.

And later, after he had attended an event that he asked me to MC, the CEO wrote, “What a spectacular performance as always. Many thanks.”

In another recent email to me - again before the axe fell - the Publisher of The Davis Enterprise wrote: “Your exceptional writing skills on so many different subjects and postings, AND that day job as the best columnist in the USA is past phenomenal. I’m designing a 12-pronged ‘hat rack’ so you don’t lose time looking for the correct cap for the next task on your whirlwind schedules!!!!. Go Bob Dunning. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very, very much.”

I figured with four exclamation points, they might want to keep me around.

The same editor who delivered the bad news the other day, recently wrote, “This is an astonishingly good column, Bob. Masterful storytelling.” Later he happily explained to me that an “Advertiser has paid to have his ad adjacent to your column (hey, you’re popular.)”

As fate would have it, my last day at The Enterprise is also the day I have been scheduled for a colonoscopy, which means I’ll be getting the shaft twice on the same


day, proving once again that God has a sense of humor.

But enough about me.

I refuse to let the hurtful events of the last few days blunt the 55 years of heartfelt memories I will cherish till the day I can no longer type.

I have always told people who asked me why I would stay at this community paper for so long that I had the best job in the world. I loved writing a daily column. Still do, even as the number of columns written approaches 14,000.

And I will be everlastingly grateful to that same Publisher, and that same President and CEO, who years ago allowed me as a single parent with two young children to work at home so I could be the kind of dad I always dreamed of being.

Those two kids, now all grown up with kids of their own, have the same fond memories as I do of those wonderful times we spent together so many years ago.

Ted and Erin knew every gym and football stadium on the West Coast, because they came with me to every game, whether in Hickey Gym or Toomey Field or the foggy Redwood Bowl at Humboldt State.

Erin still tells people she grew up in a press box.

There were times when other newspapers came calling that I’d always say “thank you,” but Davis is the town where I grew up, Davis is the town I love and I have a challenging and fulfilling job writing for a tough and fair-minded audience, where half the town has a PhD and the other half thinks it should.

Besides, as my dad was so fond of saying, “Bloom where you’re planted.” And then he’d look you straight in the eyes and say firmly, “Don’t mess with happiness.”

One of my favorite roadside signs is the one I’ve seen numerous times outside a small tavern near Brookings on the Southern Oregon coast. “Free Beer Tomorrow,” it says.

Tomorrow never comes, of course, because it’s always today.

That’s the way it is in the newspaper business, too. The news of the day fades fast, to be replaced by something ever more compelling. That’s why they call it “news.”

When I started at The Davis Enterprise, we didn’t yet capitalize the “The” in our title. In 1970, the entire operation of The Enterprise was wedged into a small building on G Street. In the open newsroom, reporters’ desks were all pushed up against one another, with one writer’s mess spilling onto another’s workspace. There was a distinct smell from an odd mix of cigarettes and all-day coffee and ink from the pressroom that would bring spontaneous tears to my eyes if I experienced a

whiff of that aroma today.

The noise in that building was overwhelmingly exciting. Ten manual typewriters all being pounded simultaneously at 60 miles an hour by 10 dedicated reporters. People yelling back and forth over the clamor as the mighty press roared into action just feet from the newsroom. Combine all that with a passing freight train less than a block away and it’s amazing any of us still have our hearing intact today.

It was an unequaled thrill to stand at the back of the presses and snatch the day’s first newspaper, much like pulling a loaf of freshly-baked bread from the oven.

You were always warned by the able pressmen to not touch the equipment, lest a loose shirt tail would get caught up in the rapidly moving machinery and make your body and blood literally part of that day’s edition.

“The press stops for no man,” they would say.

Over the years, this job has exposed me to so many wonderful people and events and joys that I never would have experienced otherwise.

For some odd reason, people named “Bob” keep popping up in my life through this job, giving me unexpected experiences to write about.

I got to hit baseballs off the great Hall of Famer Bob Feller, introduce the legendary Bob Hope as he appeared in Rec Hall, and trade groundstrokes with Wimbledon champion and world-class hustler Bobby Riggs.

And I’ll always cherish one unforgettable night at the Vets Memorial where I stood arm-in-arm on stage with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans as they sang “Happy Trails to You.”

Then there was the time, in 2008, when I was able to report from New York City as Pope Benedict moved down a ramp into the barren pit that was Ground Zero to embrace and pray with family members who had lost loved ones on 9-11. It’s a scene I will never forget.

I have loved to write about the many experiences life brings to all of us. Memories of Mom and Dad, of taking my oldest daughter off to college and of meeting the Red-Headed Girl of My Dreams in a steamy laundromat in Northern Idaho.

I never wanted to be a journalist. But I have always been in love with newspapers from the day I was old enough to read.

Of course, I always went to the sports section first. I especially liked the page with all the box scores in small type. So many numbers to pore over and wonder about.

Did Wilt Chamberlain really score 100 points in a single game? Did Willie McCovey really get two triples and two singles off the great Robin Roberts in Willie’s first day in the majors? Did Harvey Haddix really pitch

a perfect game for 12 innings only to lose everything in the 13th? And who was this guy Paul Hornung, winning the Heisman Trophy on a team with a 2-8 record?

I’d then turn to the weather page, again attracted by all those numbers neatly arranged into highs and lows and inches of rainfall. It’s where I learned to spell tough names like “Phoenix” and “Albuquerque” and “Juneau” and “Tallahassee” and my all-time favorite “Sault Ste. Marie.”

I loved to follow the always-changing time of sunrise and sunset from one day to the next as we picked up nearly two minutes of daylight each day between Dec 21 and June 21, then gave it all back by the time Dec. 21 came around again. I still love to do that.

And no day would be complete without checking the high temperature in Death Valley and the low temperature in Duluth.

On that late January day in 1970 when I first walked into The Enterprise office, Richard Nixon was president, Spiro Agnew was vice president, Ronald Reagan was governor of California, Vigfus Asmundson was mayor of Davis, gas at Al Hatton’s Chevron station on the Fifth Street curve was 36 cents a gallon, a three-bedroom, one-bath East Davis starter home cost considerably less than what a minimum wage worker in 2024 makes annually, the Kansas City Chiefs had just defeated the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IV, and Dave Rosenberg was a first-year law student at UC Davis.

When I started here I could only dream of one day having a family. I now have six kids and six grandkids, enough for my own football team, plus a punter.

Looking back with great fondness, I have much to celebrate.

I celebrate the truly great and talented journalists I’ve been blessed to work with. I celebrate the many people, places and issues this job has exposed me to over all these years. And most of all, I celebrate getting to live in a town I love and raise my family here.

To borrow a line from my favorite baseball movie, Field of Dreams, “Is this Heaven?”

No, it’s Davis.

And I now celebrate the opportunity offered to me to continue writing my column uninterrupted on a popular platform known as Substack.

Yes, there is profound sadness as I leave the place I have called home for the last 55 years, but I am overwhelmed with an intense sense of optimism over where this new writing adventure will take me.

I hope you’ll join me for the ride.

My new email address is bobdunning@



Bob Dunning & Wendy Weitzel still write for Davis

The longest-running newspaper column in America was dropped from e Enterprise last month with a quick phone call to lay o writer Bob Dunning. Dunning, who named Davis “the town of all things right and relevant”, took a beat—and then took to Substack to continue his column e Wary One in a direct-to-reader fashion.

Within days, Dunning had amassed thousands of followers on the platform. One he hadn’t even heard of days earlier.

“It's true, I did not know about Substack. But my sweetheart, Shelley, and all six of my kids, not only knew about it, they were con dent this would be a great place for my column to continue uninterrupted. ey were right. ey were so, so right,” Dunning told e Dirt. “Almost overnight, I had several thousand subscribers, and

just two weeks a er launch we're nearing 4,000. It's unbelievable, at least to me. I feel like I'm living a dream. I've never traveled at the speed of light before, but it's certainly thrilling.”

What that newspaper may have failed to comprehend before phoning Dunning was the following he had amassed over the last 54 years. Nimble like Dunning, they followed him to Substack in one week, paying subscription fees for the privilege of seeing Bob Dunning’s name and words in their inbox.

Substack allows writers and journalists to publish their own work on a subscription basis, behind a paywall. It’s not much di erent than how Dunning’s column worked with e Enterprise—only this time, he’s in control of his words and their value.

A subscription to e Wary One is $7/ month, $70/year, or $350 for founding, life-long membership.

One week a er Dunning was laid o , Comings & Goings columnist Wendy Weitzel le e Enterprise in an act of solidarity. She joined Dunning on his Substack journey.

Weitzel started Comings & Goings to cover business news in Davis and Yolo County in 2001, but her history with the paper goes back even further. e decision to leave, she said, was tough.

“ e biggest decision was whether to leave the paper I’ve loved for 25 years. I had some friends urging me to quit immediately when they heard Bob didn’t get a severance a er 54 years. I waited a week to verify the news and see if McNaughton Media would

bow to the pressure and give him a severance. ey didn’t. I wanted to write a farewell column. Several other writers who quit over this did so quietly,” Weitzel told e Dirt.

Comings & Goings, which had long been the most clicked on content on e Enterprise’s website, made a natural transition to Substack. And subscribers can get excited about new types of reporting and content from Weitzel on this new platform.

“I am no longer limited to my Friday morning deadline for the Sunday business page. I can post when news breaks. Also, I can expand to cover areas that overlap with Enterprise reporters’ beats without worrying about stepping on toes. Likewise, I don’t have to worry about Enterprise reporters covering my beat,” she explained. “Since it’s an online-only platform, I can add lots of links to business websites or related news, without making the text too cumbersome.”

In small towns, news travels fast.

So, too, does compassion.

“ e outpouring of support has truly overwhelmed me. It's so heartening. I type for a living. I didn't expect this. Sure, I knew I had a number of readers and I've been a part of this town for a very long time, but this reaction was a direct hit to the heart. I will be forever grateful. I shouldn't be surprised,” Dunning said. “Davis is a loving and giving town, lled with good and decent and honest and very kind people. I thank them all with every ber of my being. eir love and their support mean the world to me and helped me through a very di cult time. God Bless them all.”

Follow Bob Dunning at Follow Wendy Weitzel at


There’s a problem with local news—it’s drying up.

But there might be a solution, at least here in Yolo County. It’s one that Davis Media Access Executive Director Autumn Labbé-Renault has been working on for months: a Civic Information Hub

“The core issue is that people’s information needs are not being met,” Labbé-Renault writes in her proposal. “Every week we have people contact DMA seeking information about an event, resource, or community issue, or looking for coverage of the same. This lack of readily accessible and accurate information is a civic information problem—a civic health problem, if you will—and it’s crippling the way communities can address public problems.”

The United States saw the shuttering of 2.5 newspapers a week in 2023, according to a recent study from Northwestern University. As news outlets close up shop, the flow of critical information to the public is effectively cut off.

The report clocked Yolo County as having three news outlets and considers neighboring Sutter County an information desert, having zero. The Yuba-Sutter community is covered in part by the Appeal-Democrat in Yuba County.

Journalism, an act protected by the First Amendment, is an essential part of a responsible and transparent government. Journalists are often referred to as the fourth estate for exactly that reason. When a community doesn’t have a platform for journalism or a free flow of civic information, researchers say it can be a crisis situation

“In communities without a local news outlet, the lack of journalistic oversight and transparency leads to a lack of accountability in government and business, which causes residents to pay more in taxes, and for the goods and services they need. Voter participation—especially in local and state elections—also decreases,” writes Penelope Muse Abernathy, visiting professor at Northwestern University. “Into this news void creeps misinformation and disinformation, which leads to political polarization around national—not local—issues, and a crippling inability of residents to understand the problems confronting them and to come together to chart a new path forward.”

 So what is a Civic Information Hub?

The nonprofit Civic Information Hub plans to unite the resources of Davis Media Access and other local news and culture publications to serve community

information needs.

A one-stop-shop for essential information residents need to be good citizens and community members and to know what’s going on in their neighborhoods.

“This vision originates at a moment when the decline of local news is being addressed nationally but the decline of historical funding in our own noncommercial community media sector is not,” Labbé-Renault wrote.

“It’s a moment for reinvention.”

 What’s Next? Funding.

“As of April 2024, I’ve secured a $5,000 commitment from Yolo County Supervisor Lucas Frerichs’ Community Resiliency Fund, and a pledge for another $5,000 from the City of Davis towards a $50,000 planning grant,” Labbé-Renault wrote. “We envision a community engagement process much like the one we successfully utilized in the ramp up to launching KDRT in 2004.”

Labbé-Renault tells The Dirt the next several months will focus on finding the rest of the assessment phase funding and beginning to plan the engagement phase itself. Donations can be made to Full concept paper available at


Driving Library Access and Equity

Yolo County Library’s New Bookmobile

Coming this Summer

Abrand new bookmobile will hit the roads this summer, bringing books to the most rural parts of Yolo County. The parts that don’t have libraries.

The focus is on areas that aren’t served by physical branches, like Dunnigan, Zamora, Capay Valley, the Bryte and Broderick areas of West Sacramento, and the Davis and Madison Migrant Centers, according to the Yolo County Library Foundation.

The bookmobile will provide access to library-owned books, and orchestrate book giveaways to get more books in more hands. YCLF’s book giveaways focus on the most vulnerable members of our community—children and the

elderly— and include bilingual board books and early-reader picture books for children at migrant camps.

“The Bookmobile is an amazing opportunity to advance literacy and improve access to essential resources in our county,” Library Foundation Board Chair Ben Cadranel said. “YCLF is excited to work with the Yolo County Library to advance their efforts by purchasing giveaway books to build family libraries in our rural Yolo County communities.”

Bookmobiles are more than just books on wheels—they serve as a lifeline of mobile library services, acting as community hubs, and providing educational programs, storytimes, and literacy events.

Though Yolo County hasn’t had a

bookmobile in operation since 1999 when the last one was retired for mechanical problems, the history is rich.

The first Yolo County bookmobile was introduced in 1958 and carried 1,500 books across 270 miles each week—with no air conditioning, heat, or lights. YCLF purchased a new bookmobile in 1975.

In 2016, the organization debuted a Book Bike in Davis, but it is not currently in use.

Yolo County Library Foundation—a volunteer-led, 501c3 organization—was created to support all Yolo County Libraries, and has been a long time donor of giveaway books through summer reading and literacy programs, like Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.

Second Yolo County Bookmobile, archive (Courtesy: YCLF). Yolo County Book Bike introduced in 2016 (Courtesy: YCLF). The first Yolo County Bookmobile, archive (Courtesy: YCLF). Yolo County Book Bike in action, 2016 (Courtesy: YCLF).

NEW KINDER OPTION IN DAVIS & SACRAMENTO Davis Forest School introduces Little Coyotes Forest Kinder: a year-round nature adventure for young explorers

A new, nature-based option for parents interested in a non-traditional approach to the kindergarten experience is open and enrolling for the next school year.

Davis Forest School, celebrated in our community for its thoughtful approach to nature-based education for children and caregivers, now has a brand-new early childhood education program.

Little Coyotes Forest Kinder aims to nurture the naturalist inside every child and create a gentle transition for children taking their first steps outside the comfort of home.

Founder and Program Director Candice Wang said she was inspired to create an experience she wished was available to her growing up.

Davis Forest School is rooted in a belief that time outdoors and in nature provides many benefits, especially during early childhood.

“Nature-based learning is critical in the development of a young child, impacting everything from motor skills and academic performance to their social-emotional and holistic development,” Wang told The Dirt.

More info online: programs/littlecoyotes

Email Candice Wang: programs@

“Nature immersion during this age plays a significant role in a child’s healthy development, and children learn so much being out in nature throughout all the seasons.”

The Forest Kinder program is dubbed “land-based”, meaning cohorts will meet outdoors year-round—rain or shine.

Wang said the curriculum emphasizes play-based and hands-on activities like climbing, water play, building, nature art, and scavenger hunts. Activities will adapt to the changing seasons: fall is for mushroom hunting, winter is for shelter building, and spring is for edible plant foraging.

The program is for children ages 4—6, with 3-year-olds considered on a case-by-case basis. The school year is scheduled from September 4, 2024 to June 12, 2025 in both Davis (South Fork Preserve) and Sacramento (William B. Pond area) locations.

Participation options include 5, 3, or 2-day weekly schedules; each location can enroll ten students.



Elevated Flavors from Patrick’s Garden

Name and farm: Brian Hoover, owner of Patrick’s Garden Produce. It’s 50-acres in Camino, with about 15-acres of berries, 15 of garden vegetables and 20-acres of apples and pears.

When did you start selling at farmers markets?: When I was about 3-years-old, with my dad, Patrick. Dad passed away (about five years ago) and I took over the farm. We’ve been doing the Saturday Davis Farmers Market for more than 30 years.

ket in produce and shoppers.

What’s your philosophy?: Freshness, flavor and quality. That’s why there’s a line at my booth. I pick everything the day before. We don’t use any pesticides. We’re not certified organic but … I’m building that relationship with a customer. They’d rather know me and my practices over a piece of paper. People know where it comes from. People think that’s really important.

Why do you like selling at the Davis Farmers Market?: It’s big and it’s busy, and people like good quality produce there, and variety. It’s a very diverse mar-

There’s a reason we’re still doing it after 30 years. It’s just a good family outing – parents and kids. It’s that little town where you can walk or bike to the market. It has anything from goat cheese to breads to all the different types of stuff. There are lots of reasons to get out of the house. People love shopping at farmers markets. They get more creative with cooking. “Let’s see what we can make with purple peppers” or whatever. It gets them out of comfort zone with stuff they wouldn’t see at a store. What makes your farm unique?: The elevation (3,500 feet). What is so good is it allows us to grow a lot of the fall crops in the summertime: broccoli and cabbages in summer and fall. What makes our berries so good is the high elevation creates more acidity. They are longer-growing. That’s what creates a lot of the flavor, and sugars and tangs that you don’t get in the Valley. Even our tomatoes – people wait for them because there’s more flavor.

The flavors dance a little more in the higher elevations.

What’s your biggest challenge?: Weather is big up there. It’s beautiful, then you get a hailstorm or late frost. Hail and late freezes are a big thing. Snow acts as an insulator but it melts, making cold days. That’s dangerous.

We had 2 inches of snow last Saturday (May 11). Two days before that we were sweating.

What do you sell?: Apples (15 varieties), beans, beets, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, currants, herbs, kale, lettuce, logan berries, marionberries, nectarines, olallieberries, onions, pears, peas, peppers, potatoes, radishes, raspberries, tomatoes and winter squash.

What are your best sellers?: Our biggest are berries, apples and pears –and the carrots too. They all come in at different times. Berries are always first and people are stoked around the end of May and into June, then carrots in July, and apples and pears in September.


Find them at the Davis Farmers Market every Saturday, rain or shine. Farm address: 4455 Pony Express Trail, Camino Instagram: @patricksgardens Phone: 530-647-6033

Email: patricksberryfarmandgarden@


Central Park, Fourth and C streets, Davis Saturdays: 8a—1p, year-round Wednesdays: 4–8p May through September for Picnic in the Park; 3–6p October through April

Brian Hoover of Patrick’s Garden Produce shows off some fresh-picked carrots from his farm in Camino. (Courtesy Patrick’s Garden) Colorful carrots from Patrick’s Garden are always a showstopper at the Davis Farmers Market. (Wendy Weitzel/Courtesy photo) Raspberries are a big seller for Patrick’s Garden. The berries grown at higher elevations have a fuller flavor, Brian Hoover insists.

DAVIS, Bicycling Capital of California

Ever wondered about Davis’s status as the Bicycling Capital of California? Davis has been a cycling town for more than 100 years, and riding around the City and surrounding countryside is one of the best perks for those of us who live here.

People started cycling in Davis in the early 1900s. In 1905, the University of California established the University Farm here, which evolved into UC Davis, and ridership in the City grew along with the University.

As the popularity of cycling grew in Davis, so did the proliferation of automobiles and problems between cyclists and motorists. Solutions included Chancellor Emil Mrak’s idea to have travel on the campus limited to bicycles and to have bike parking available at every building. Davis residents Frank and Eve Child and Dale and Donna Lott suggested putting in dedicated bike lanes like the ones used in tThe Netherlands.

as the new home for the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame and Museum after a nationwide search.

In Davis, there’s also the option to cycle with others, including bigger group rides and racing, bike clubs, and teams to join.

If you’re a University student, there’s the UC Davis Cycling team, a co-ed organization that accepts undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in road and mountain bike racing. More information at

There’s also the Davis Bike Club, which started in the early 1970s and is the only official bike club in Yolo County. The club has rides almost every day of the week, including longer distance rides at faster speeds, and shorter distance rides that are slower.

Those ideas took root, and in 1966 Ansel Adams photographed the bike parking at UC Davis as part of the Fiat Lux project. In 1967, the UC Davis campus was closed to motor vehicles and the City of Davis designated official bike lanes—the first city in the U.S. to do so.

Davis continued to create bike lanes, and the campus and City also expanded bicycle parking. In 2005, tThe League of American Bicyclists awarded the City a Platinum Status rating, the first ever given, and in 2008 the city was selected

Club meetings are the second Monday of the month at the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame, and feature guest speakers and presentations that are relevant to cyclists. Being a member also comes with discounts at local bike shops, being able to join club bike tours, the annual holiday party, and access to the Davis Bike Ride with GPS routes. For more information go to

June is a great month to get out on a bike and enjoy Davis! Whether it’s heading downtown for coffee, tea, or boba, having a meal, or cruising the Davis Bike Loop, you’re guaranteed a great time.

U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame and Museum

303 3rd St, Davis

Admission: $3–5

Hours: Wednesday 4p–6p and Saturday 10a–2p. Online:

THE DIRT DAVIS | JUNE 2024 | THEDIRT.ONLINE | 11 SPONSORED BY Photo by Carl Nenzen Loven on Unsplash


Breaking the Banana: How to manage hyper reactivity

Iam currently in the season of parenting that I refer to as “don’t break the banana”!

My two year old loves bananas, and if by some twist of fate it breaks in half while he is eating it, the world will end.

Tears, screaming, and raging ensue until he finds himself back in a state of calm.

While this is certainly a stressful experience, it is entirely developmentally appropriate, with the expectation that with time and guidance he will eventually get to a place where the broken banana is okay, and his feelings manageable.

Reactivity is a normal human experience, regardless of age. And like most physiological responses, in the right doses it helps keep us safe and healthy.

The issue with reactivity arises when it turns into a chronic, seemingly uncontrollable experience, coupled with intense actions, what is known as hyper reactivity.

The precise definition of emotional reactivity is the tendency to experience intense and frequent emotional arousal. Physiologically, the body is experiencing higher levels of adrenaline and cortisol, and these stress hormones deplete your energy at a much faster rate than when you are in a state of calm.

As an adult, you may not have heightened reactivity to your banana breaking in half, but what happens if someone cuts you off on the way to work, or you get stuck in traffic? What happens when your kid refuses to put his shoes on in the morning, or your teenager talks back to you?

If the response is an instantaneous shift into feeling explosive, yelling, or taking what has happened personally, you may be stuck in a pattern of hyper reactivity.

There are three main reasons you may be experiencing higher levels of reactivity. Nature, nurture, and current environmental stressors.

A study published in the

National Library of Medicine found there is a genetic predisposition for high stress reactivity, which in turn amplifies effects of early-life adversity.

Additionally, if you grew up amongst adults with high stress reactivity, experiencing a norm of shouting, unchecked anger, and harsh punishments, then your nervous system eventually adjusts to operating at this level of stress. The third main factor is the experience of constant environmental stress. Regardless of age, if you are chronically overworked, lacking in time for yourself, or struggling financially, your sympathetic nervous system (also known as fight flight or freeze) may be chronically triggered.

If this is all resonating with you, and you’re wanting to address the behavior, the good news is that putting a name to the experience is often half the battle. Hyper reactivity is something that decreases with practices like mindfulness, learning how to regulate your nervous system, and increasing your ability to self soothe.

With practice and awareness, eventually the broken banana will not ruin the rest of your day.

Action Steps:

 Watch the video at the QR code to understand what’s happening during hyper reactivity at a neurological level

 Check out The Little Book of Self Soothing from the library

 Commit to a daily mindfulness practice

 Learn to recognize your triggers

 See if there’s one thing you can take off your schedule this week


Explore the Downtown Davis art scene in this free, self-guided monthly art walk. Exhibits are hosted by galleries, art studios & businesses in Davis.


17 Arboretum Dr, Suites G & H | 6p–9p. Visit the working artist collective to meet and see the work of Cathie James-Robinson, Judy Catambay, and Amy Teutemacher.


1280 Olive Dr | 5p–8p. Art by Lydia and Alicia. e Arbors Apartments is displaying work in the Clubhouse by Lydia Chang and Alicia Silver, including paintings and yarn art. Meet the artists & enjoy refreshments.


207 G St | 6p–9p. Brushstrokes. Exhibiting artists Marie- erese Brown, Jerry DeCamp, Marlene Lee, and elma Weatherford have brushes as their common tool to express their unique visions through various painting media. View landscape, still life, animal, and abstract paintings.


E St Plaza | 5p–9p. Shop from arts, cra s, and vintage micro-businesses’ booths, plus free live music by Davis Music Night Band. Weather permitting.


513 2nd St | 6p–8p. Random Planning

Meet and see the work of Marcia Cary, whose gouache paintings are in uenced by Surrealism, Indian miniatures, nature, cartoons, written history, and random stu .


217 F St | 6p–8:30p. Last Chance Art Show. View kinetic abstracts and plein air landscapes by Andrew Dorn, who is moving to Boulder a er having served as one of e Paint Chip’s main framers for many years.


212 D St | 6p–9p. Shop from a variety of art in the pop-up Night Market inside the gallery. View Garden Tour Plein Air Paintings along the stairway by artists who painted during the May event, as well as Renewal: Paintings by Inga Poslitur upstairs. Create a clay tile in the courtyard for the Davis Cemetery District’s COVID-19 memorial mosaic (free, open to all).


211 F St | 5:30p–9p. Horsing Around V.3

A Davis Rave Co. open call art show that will feature work by our community’s artists and a live band.


117 D St | 5p–9p. From Trash to Treasure.

A group show that displays the intersection between sustainability and art. All are invited to participate in this collaboration with the Community Mercantile by using their materials to build an art piece for the show at Secret Spot.


17 Arboretum Dr, Unit C | 5p–8p. Queer Identity. A group show featuring local artists, celebrating the diverse spectrum of LGBTQIA+ experiences through art. e vibrant show explores themes of existence, joy, resilience, and beauty.



27074 Patwin Rd | 12p–1p. (Off-Map Event) Muusic at Noon Free Concert! Enjoy art songs and spirituals with soprano Sheryl Counter and pianist Jill Ferreter. e program will showcase classical jazz, gospel, and contemporary African American art songs.


1. Amy Teutemacher, Arboretum Art Works (detail). 2. Alyx Land, Third Space Art Collective. 3. HG, Secret Spot (detail). 4. Andrew Dorn, The Paint Chip (detail). 5. Alicia Silver, The Arbors Apartments. 6. Marcia Cary, Logos Books (detail). 7. Marie-Therese Brown, The Artery (detail).


Bellacera Studios, Misuk & Mark Goltz, Jim & Sue Smith, Vicki Panagotacos, Susan Shelton, Richard Brandsma, Tom Paratore

Full Details & Guide: | FREE,
JUNE 14 2024 2 3 6 4 7 5 1


Distributing High-Quality, Sustainable Produce: Farm to Spork SPORK

Front and center at the Cannery, Spork Food Hub is open to the public during Wednesday Farmstand, but what they do when the market isn’t open is perhaps even more fascinating.

Spork Food Hub was founded in 2021 by Hope Sippola and Shayne Zurligen of Fiery Ginger Farm to find sustainable solutions to school food procurement problems. And their methods worked. Spork’s connection with more than 60 local family farms in Northern California allows them to wholesale sustainably harvested, nutrient-dense produce to those who need it most.

Since then, Spork has expanded to supply fresh local produce to dozens of California school districts, universities, food security programs, hospitals and other institutions. Spork strives to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable food system that supports wellbeing, economic empowerment and community vitality for future generations.

“Supporting a diverse farming community can help ensure a succession plan for farms,” Zurligen said. “Sharing knowledge and practices ensures small-scale family farms don’t disappear.”

With a focus on the next generation, Spork currently works with 25 California school districts to provide fresh, local produce for school meals. You can see Spork’s impact on the menus in those districts: more fruit, veggies and nutrient-dense food with an increase in scratch cooking.

Spork Food Hub is committed to supporting both established and emerging farmers new to the wholesale market and are proudly owned and operated by farmers.

“Our motto has been,’buy fresh, buy local’ way before it became trendy,” Steve Smit of Mt. Moriah Farms said. “Spork has helped us tremendously achieve this goal of being able to harvest correctly when fruit is ready and get it to the public to finally understand the seasons of fruit and peak of flavor.”

Right now, shoppers can pick up perfectly in season cherries, apples and stone fruit from Steve’s farm and other local family farms at Spork Food Hub each Wednesday.

Prospective farmers, wholesalers and the shoppers are welcome to visit on-site each week to connect and shop the farmstand. Spork Food Hub accepts EBT/Snap, venmo, cash, and most credit cards.

1500 Cannery Ave., Davis

Wednesdays from 2p—7p

VISIT THE SPORK FOOD HUB FARMSTAND Fresh produce from Spork Food Hub. The Spork Food Hub Team.
The Farmstand.


Sandra Violet Clark (, for The Dirt

Flavored syrups at a coffee shop or shaved ice place may make it seem like they’re something you have to buy—but actually, they’re super simple to DIY. This Nectarine Iced Tea is simply nectarines smashed up and steeped in sugar and water + ice + tea + fresh fruit. Remix and repeat endlessly with your favorite fruit flavors all summer long.

30-Second Cooking Lesson:

Better tea is less bitter tea. Four ways to brew less bitter tea: 1. slow sun-brewing (this really makes amazing nuanced flavor tea), 2. use recommended brewing time (check the package), 3. use recommended brewing temperatures (black and herbal: 212°F, white and green: 175°F), and/or 4. use the tiniest pinch of salt. Salt mitigates bitterness! The small amount of salt in the nectarine syrup helps enhance the fruit’s flavor and makes your tea less bitter.

Sandra Violet Clark is a Davis cooking teacher and recipe developer. Find her and her business, The Kitchen Natural, on IG @ thekitchennatural.


Serves 4-6 • 30 minutes

ingredients: NECTARINE SYRUP

• 3/4 lb. or ~2 nectarines, halved with pits

• 1 c. sugar

• 1 c. water

• 1/8 tsp. salt


• 4-6 bags or servings of black, white, or herbal tea

• Ice

• 1-2 fresh nectarines, sliced

• Squirt of lemon (or a few drops of apple cider or white wine vinegar)

1. Combine whole nectarines, sugar, water, and salt in a pot and bring to a simmer. Lid and turn off the heat and allow the syrup to steep for at least 30 minutes. Strain into a jar, smushing on the nectarines as much as you like to add extra flavor and a bit of pulp.

2. While the fruit syrup steeps, brew the tea with 50% water, steeping according to package directions, remove tea leaves or bag, and set to cool.

3. To serve: fill glasses with ice, chilled tea, and nectarine slices; add lemon or vinegar and syrup to taste.


Swap: use another stone fruit in place of the nectarines.

Pits: Keep the pits in the syrup infusion. It adds a lovely subtle almond flavor.

Spritzer: Swap tea for sparkling water or ginger ale or ginger beer (be sure to use LOTS of ice when using a sweetened soda so it doesn’t get too cloyingly sweet).

Boozy: Add a shot of bourbon, whisky or vodka.



It’s June in Davis. Heat is starting to roll up the valley in lazy waves pushed back by the Delta Breeze. Late blossoming trees issue an invitation for patio dining and a cocktail or two, with friends of course, or maybe just the knowing company of the next table over enjoying the same beautiful night. It feels like summer, but it’s not official until music fills the air with our annual three-day celebration of live music and community, Davis Music Fest! Presented once again by the all-volunteer Davis Live Music Collective with support from local venues, business partners, sponsors, performers, and you, DMF is back for a twelfth year. There’s no better way to kick off summer than a big party with friends new and old, plus

42 bands from near and far at the City’s biggest weekend of live music.

Founded in 2011, Davis Music Fest puts artists, fans, and community first, bringing music lovers together to enjoy a wide range of musical styles as well as all the food, drink, and charm our one of a kind downtown has to offer. Since its origin, DMF has been a celebration of local, regional, and nationally touring artists, a reason to gather as a community around music—and importantly but sometimes forgotten—a fundraiser for art and music education in and beyond Davis public schools.

June 14 -16!

days and ten stages, showcasing artists from Seattle to San Diego, New Orleans to the Bay, and plenty of local favorites from literally right around the corner. Festival organizers, all dedicated local music lovers, volunteer their time year-round to build and promote the event as a widely accessible weekend of musical revelry and discovery, bringing back favorite performers and introducing new artists to returning or curious new guests.

The festival has more than doubled in size since its start, now spanning three-

This year we’re excited to welcome back seasoned DMF veterans and local scene favorites like Dog Party, Ten Foot Tiger, Big Sticky Mess, Misner & Smith, Sol Peligro, and last year’s breakout garage-glam rockers The Snares. It

wouldn’t be Fest without a few surprises even from our trusted alums, so look for special crowd participation sets and plenty of dancing with cosmic samba legends Boca do Rio, a roaming 2nd Line parade with Element Brass Band, enigmatic Sacramento indie-pop auteur Anton Barbeau performing not once but twice on Saturday, and a special Pence Gallery Courtyard performance by the newly crowned king of the NPR Tiny Desk, Sacramento’s own The Philharmonik who is making his fourth visit to Davis Music Fest.

As an organizer, I take great pleasure in introducing our crowd to new-to-Davis artists like Orchestra Gold who play an infectious blend of polyrhythmic soul and psychedelic rock from Mali, Africa by

16 | THE DIRT DAVIS | JUNE 2024 |
Kyle Monhollen, Executive Director Davis Music Fest & Davis Live Music Collective, for The Dirt Rik Keller, 2013 (Courtesy: DMF).
Visit for tickets and even more info.  Follow DMF social media @davismusicfest.
Robin Fadtke, 2016 (Courtesy: DMF)

Sacramento jazz/soul/hip-hop virtuosos LabRats who will host a curated lineup regional MCs.

way of Oakland, CA. There’s also newto-us Tiny Desk on the Road Tour artist Combo Tezeta who play their own brand of Bay Area instrumental cumbia, Reckling and Skating Polly who are bringing high energy punk harmonies from LA, rising Sacramento MC Jarkhari Smith, Bon Bon Vivant and their impossible to classify bayou dance party, Alex Togashii and YEKENO from the indie sensation No Vacation making their full band solo debuts with us at DMF, and many more. Fans should also be on the lookout for plenty of new artists with local connections like Sour Widows, Rainbow City Park, DMF Youth Band Competition winners Interoception featuring graduating Davis High Senior Uma Armien, plus an all-day artist in residency with

Every year we try to bring something new to the table without skimping on what guests enjoyed last year. To that end we’re hosting music on a new stage at Davis Wine Bar on Saturday and partnering with our friends Davis Rave Co. to throw a first ever official DMF after-party (you’ll need a separate ticket and your dancing shoes for that one, but a discount is available for fans of DMF, check the website and socials for details @davismusicfest). We are welcoming back an expanded stage area at Sudwerk on Friday, KDRT 95.7FM Listening Lyrics Live will be recording artists in performance and conversation on the Armadillo Music stage Saturday, and guests can bathe in an immersive psychedelic light show while they rock out at the Odd Fellows stage courtesy of Mad Alchemy Liquid Lights, also on Saturday.

Fest launches with what can only be called the City’s biggest block party Friday, June 14 at Sudwerk Brewing Co. 4p—10p, with two stages, a not-tobe-missed lineup, award winning beer, and food selections from the Sudwerk kitchen and Chando’s Tacos food truck. The party continues Saturday, June 15, 2p—11:30p on six stages in familiar spots


 DMF started in 2011 and is a fundraiser for arts and music education in Davis public schools.

 This year’s Fest features 42 bands across a wide range of genres performing on 10 stages over 3 days.

 Digital or physical tickets must be exchanged for an event wristband before entering any venue.

 Digital or physical tickets may be exchanged for an event wristband at Sudwerk on Friday, Delta of Venus Cafe or Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday, or Delta of Venus Cafe on Sunday.

 Wristbands provide entry to all venues all weekend. All guests must present a wristband for entry to any DMF venue.

 Children 12 and under do not require a ticket.

throughout downtown Davis including Armadillo Music, Davis Wine Bar, the Pence Gallery Courtyard, Odd Fellows Hall, Sophia’s Thai Kitchen, and Delta of Venus Cafe. As has become our custom, we’ve saved some of the best for last with a Father’s Day full of music, food, and fun on two stages at Delta of Venus Sunday, June 16, 12p—6p. Like they say, never miss a Sunday show.

The whole thing is made possible by the generous support of sponsors including Fairfield Subaru, Armadillo Music, Berryessa Brewing Co., Davis Downtown, Davis Rave Co., Sol at West Village, and Sudwerk Brewing Co., as well as financial and volunteer support of the Davis Live Music Collective. DMF is funded in part by Arts and Culture Grants from the Sacramento Foundation and the City of Davis. Additional support comes from 420 F Street Dispensary, Davis Odd Fellows Lodge, Dunloe Brewing, Ink Monkey Graphics, KDRT 95.7FM, Running Rivers Wine Cellar, Super Owl Brewing, Tres Equity Inc., Carbahal & Company, Lori Prizmich RE-MAX Gold, PDQ Parcel Dispatch, and producing donors David & Kirsten Feldman, Stacie & Lucas Frerichs, and Shelly Gilbride & Sangho Byun… and everyone who buys a ticket for the fun!

 If you would like to contact festival organizers about volunteer opportunities or with general questions, please contact

 Advanced tickets are $40 + fees online and at Armadillo Music.

 Ticket prices will increase to $50 starting Friday, June 14.

 A limited number of $40 single day passes will be available for purchase on site, Friday and Sunday only.

 Full weekend passes are required for all venues Saturday.

 No single venue entry tickets will be sold Saturday, June 15.

 DMF merch will be available at Sudwerk and Delta of Venus.

 Artist merch, when available, will be at that band’s stage.

 Parking is limited. Consider biking or walking.

 On Friday you can park on 2nd Street or the DMV.

 No outside alcohol is permitted at any venue.

 DMF is run entirely by volunteers, be patient and say thanks!

 All performers and audio / lighting technicians are paid professionals. This is how they make a living and we are proud to support them.

 Davis Music Fest is funded in part by Arts and Culture Grants from the Sacramento Foundation and the City of Davis.

Courtesy: DMF. Courtesy: DMF.
Applegate’squick-growingfavorite seeds: cherry tomatoes, snap peas, and mint.

the case for gardening with children

When your young child is gardening with you, their brains are hard at work in a world of fast-paced development. ey’re dipping their toes in science and numeracy skills. ey’re developing ne and gross motor skills and sensory awareness at an unprecedented pace. And maybe best of all? ey’re learning patience and responsibility.

Gardening with you at home sets the stage for your child to explore nature, learn about plants, and develop skills they’ll carry with them their whole life. Gardening is the perfect activity for intergenerational activities—from the eldest to the tiniest, there are ways to involve your whole family in the joy of gardening.

“ ey don’t realize it, but so many bene ts come from gardening,” Heather Geis, director of Applegate Nursery School in Davis, told e Dirt. “Perhaps the biggest bene t of all is the connected, focused time they get to spend with you.”

What Young Children Learn From Gardening

Science: Children learn about the plant life cycle, how plants grow, and what they need to survive.

ey’re building the foundation of their future science learning.

Math: A great way to introduce early numeracy, when gardening children learn about measuring, counting, and sorting when they plant seeds and care for their plants.

Sensory: Sensory skills are how we interpret touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound Children experience di erent textures, smells, and avors when they touch, smell, and taste the plants. is helps hone their sensory processing.

Fine motor skills: Fine motor skills are the small, precise movements we make with our hands and ngers. ings like turning pages, cutting with scissors, or building a block tower all develop these ne motor skills. When gardening, children develop their ne motor skills when they plant seeds, water plants, and pull weeds.

Gross motor skills: is is the type of work children do with their whole bodies. Children develop their gross motor skills when they dig in the dirt, carry pots, and water plants.

Patience: Waiting for a plant to grow is just about as exciting as watching paint dry. But even young children learn patience as they wait for their plants to grow. Daily waterings become exciting when your


child can see the growth!

Responsibility: Children learn responsibility when they care for their plants and help to keep them healthy. So o en we assume our children don’t have the capacity for responsibility. But they’re just little, and they just need reminders.

How to include your child in gardening

Gardening for young children can be as simple as dirt plus water plus sun. ese three, mostly free, things can introduce your child to a world of science.

“A key to gardening with kids is to keep it simple: you can nd a small patch in your yard, or even one container. Just getting a seed in the ground and watering it is a satisfying experience for kids,” Geiss explained. “Kids will need guidance but the process need not be perfect. At school we like to use plants that germinate quickly and that kids can eat right o the vine.”

Geis also emphasizes the social-emotion aspect of gardening in young children.

“ ey are also learning responsibility; a plant must be cared for in order to grow. ey are learning patience, and learning to be stewards of our environment.”

Infants can

• watch you plant

• touch plants / dirt

• smell plants

• taste harvest

Toddlers can

• plant seeds

• water plants

• harvest vegetables

• pull weeds

Preschoolers can

• all of the above

• repot plants

• fertilize

• compost


Celebrate Pride Month with your kiddos at The Artery. The artists’ co-op offers a fun art session where your child can make greeting cards and decorate them collage-style with colorful pieces of cut paper to any design they want. On the inside of the cards, kids can write messages of support to friends in the LGBTQ+ community. All materials provided. Register in advance. June 29, 10:30a—11:30a. $8

Disney’s The Little Mermaid comes to life on stage at the Davis Musical Theatre Company this month. It’s a beautiful love story & a fishy fable (featuring lots of cute local faces) that will capture your heart and get your kids excited about theatre. June 21–23, 28-29, Thurs. & Fri., 7:30p—10p; Sun. 2p—4:30p. $20

Celebrate Father’s Day with Avid Reader and author Sarah B. Hrdy. The author will discuss how caring for children changes a man in her latest book, Father Time. Hrdy is a professor emerita at UC Davis. June 13, 6:30p—7:30p. Free

Are you a new or expectant parent looking for advice and support? Bruna Fisher, a newborn care specialist and postpartum doula, is hosting a free meet & greet at Sweet Peas in Davis, and you don’t even need a babysitter. Learn how she works with parents to develop a child’s routine, including age-appropriate sleep patterns, and address a newborn’s dietary and emotional needs. She also guides how to maintain a stress-free environment where their babies thrive. Children are welcome to play in the Sweet Peas gym for free during the event. June 7, 4p—6p. FREE

Applegate Dance Company’s Season 31 Performance is set to be an absolute show-stopper. More than 50 dancers from Davis, Woodland, and Dixon bring their talents to this production. Featuring performances by the Applegate Dance Company, the audition dance group of Applegate Dance Studio, this year’s dance performance will feature a collection of ten dances, including Alice in Applegateland and Sleeping Beauty’s Birthday Party. Hosted at Brunelle Performance Hall June 20—22, 7p; June 23, 2p.$20—30

The Pence Gallery’s Art in Action engages kids in fun, creative, and collaborative art projects with their family members. The drop-in style program is geared toward ages 5—12, and requires no preregistration. Projects are designed to introduce kids to making their own art by experimenting with creative ideas and materials. June’s session will focus on crafting paper lanterns. June 2, 1p—3p. $4—8

BY parenting
Teacher Heather’s favorite gardening read: The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss.





Art in Action: Luminous Paper Lanterns

PENCE GALLERY. Art in Action engages kids in art projects that are fun, creative, and collaborative with their family members. This is a drop-in program for ages 5-12, with no pre-registration required. Projects are designed to introduce kids to making their own artwork by experimenting with creative ideas and materials. 1p–3p. $4–8

Photography Club of Davis MARY L. STEPHENS LIBRARY. Sacramento-based professional photographer Beth Young leads a color program titled: “Using Color to Elicit an Emotional Response.” 7:30p–8:45p. Free


2nd Friday ArtAbout & Night Market at the Pence

PENCE GALLERY. The community is invited to shop from a variety of cool creations in the pop-up Night Market, as well as participate in making a clay tile for a memorial mosaic. Enjoy some wine while browsing the art on display too. 6p–9p. Free


Paper Craft Workshop for Kids with Ro Mottsmith

THE ARTERY. In honor of Pride Month, kids will be making greeting cards, decorating them collage-style with colorful pieces of cut paper to any design they want. On the inside of the cards, kids can write messages of support to the LGBTQ+ community. All materials provided. Register in advance. 10:30a–11:30a. $8


Making Art on G Street: Book Binding Workshop

THE ARTERY. In celebration of the Artery’s 50th anniversary, they’re hosting a series of art workshops called Making Art

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

on G Street. This month, learn to make your own artist book under the guidance of our experienced artist Adele Shaw. All materials will be provided. 11a–3p. Free



Alicia Eggert: This Present Moment, 2019–2022

MANETTI SHREM MUSEUM. Eggert uses language & time as her mediums, playing with our experience of time, using the effects of neon signage. Free


Pyro Futures

MANETTI SHREM MUSEUM. Engage in collective speculation on the transformative nature of fire & the ways it can change the materiality of California’s landscapes. Through interactive displays & inquiry, visitors can explore the future of fire in the Golden State. Free


Renewal: Paintings by Inga Poslitur PENCE GALLERY. Inga Poslitur’s new series of oil paintings capture flowering plants in natural environments, as well as in lovely arrangements of bouquets in domestic settings. Free


Deborah Butterfield: P.S. These are not horses

MANETTI SHREM MUSEUM. The artist’s first solo museum exhibition in California since 1996, P.S. These are not horses surveys Butterfield’s career from her most recent wildfire sculptures to rarely seen ceramics made while a student at UC Davis. Free


Arts & Humanities Graduate Exhibition 2024

MANETTI SHREM MUSEUM. Twenty-five UC Davis graduate students from anthropology, comparative literature, creative writing, English, Spanish and Portuguese, design, art history, and art studio will

present their research exploring pressing issues of our time, including environmental destruction, racism and immigration, while offering both practical and idealistic ways of thinking about and solving problems, or engaging with personal experiences, memory and aesthetic practices. Free



Sarah B. Hrdy at Avid Reader AVID READER. Celebrate Father’s Day with Avid Reader and Sarah B. Hrdy! Learn about how caring for children changes a man in Hrdy’s latest book: Father Time. Hrdy is professor emerita at the University of California-Davis. 6:30p–7:30p. Free




Davis Pride 2024

CENTRAL PARK. In its tenth year, this community-focused, family-friendly event includes a music festival, resources, vendors, food, drinks and more. Full line up of events on page 29. 11a–5p. Free


Run for Equality

CENTRAL PARK. Including a 5K and 1K run/walk from Central Park, at Fourth and C streets. The run is the fundraiser that makes Davis Pride possible. Visit 8a. $25


Yolo Juneteenth Celebration

UC DAVIS ARC. Free, community celebration commemorating the ending of slavery. Featuring speakers, live performances, art, food & drinks, and more. 10a–9p. Free

1, 15

West Sacramento Gardening Q&A Desk

LOWES, WEST SAC. The UCCE Yolo County Master Gardeners Questions & Answers Desk is open at Lowes on the first & third Saturdays of the month. Led by Master Gardener Janet Branaman and open to the public. 10a–12p. Free

4, 11, 18, 25

Tough Day P.O.W.E.R. Hour Support Group

1260 LAKE BLVD #201, DAVIS. Learn how you can turn your ‘tough day’ into something that helps you be more strong and durable for your next challenge. Come get tips from a certified life coach & your peers. 7p–8. Free


IA Primary Day: Crafting and Connecting Across Generations

IMAGINING AMERICA. This event will consist of different intergenerational stations where everyone is welcome to embrace their own creativity

in an elementary classroom-like environment. After crafting together, creating friendship bracelets, collages, stories, dreams, and music, participants will be invited to a “Show & Tell” to highlight every individual’s creations and imaginative minds. Art supplies, snacks, and refreshments will be provided. 4:30p–6:30p. Free

5, 12, 19, 26

Woodstock’s Weekly Pies and Pints

WOODSTOCK’S. First pint is full price, but you get to keep the glass–& every pint after that is 50% off for the night. Ask the bartenders when you arrive. 8p to close.


Meet and Greet: Bruna Fisher, Postpartum Doula Specialist SWEET PEAS DAVIS. Are you a new or expectant parent looking for expert advice and support? Meet Bruna Fisher, a dedicated newborn care specialist and postpartum doula with over 15 years of experience providing exceptional care for families. Learn how she works with parents to develop a child’s routine,

including age-appropriate sleep patterns, and address a newborn’s dietary and emotional needs. She also provides guidance on how to maintain a stressfree environment where their babies thrive. Bring your little ones along! They’ll be able to play in our Sweet Peas gym for free! 4p–6p. FREE


The Big Gay Party!

THE GROWING GROVES. The Boneyard and The Growing Groves Plant Shop have teamed up to bring you a day full of Pride in Downtown Davis. Join for amazing artists, vendors, performances, DJs and more. 12p–6p. Free


Skate with Pride

CENTRAL PARK. Fun, community event featuring live DJ, disco lights, and food trucks. Participants bring roller or in-line skates and wear colorful attire, skating to lively music. Attendees may participate in a drawing for prizes. 7p–9p. Free

Photo by Steve Johnson
Join us for a community gathering! Enjoy delicious food and a fun evening with friends and family. Bring a dish or drinks for 6-10 people. Learn more & RVSP here: I-HOUSE COMMUNITY POTLUCK Friday, June 21 | 6:00-8:30 pm International House Davis 10 College Park @ihousedavis @internationalhousedavis


Davis Travelaires Day Trip: Capay Valley Lavender & Cache Creek Casino

DAY TRIP. Gorgeous plants paint the fields with diverse purple hues and enable the farm to create aromatic lavender products to delight the senses, support health, and freshen the home. In June the lavender will be in full bloom. We will take a short guided walking tour of the farm and distillery. On the way home, we’ll stop at Cache Creek Casino, where you can purchase lunch and try your luck. . 9a–3:30p. $70


An Evening with Balakhilya das

DAVIS COMMUNITY CHURCH. One night only, join world-renowned Bhakti yoga master Balakhilya das to experience the benefits of meditation and learn the happiness to be found through the ancient Vedas. Be soothed by ancient mantras and enjoy the live music. Learn the secret to true happiness. Enjoy a delicious vegan meal all free of charge/ donations welcome and accepted. 5p–8:30p. Free


Davis Pride Comedy Night

STONEGATE COUNTRY CLUB. Presented by Laughs on the Lake; visit to see the lineup and purchase tickets. 5:30p–10p. $40–55


Drag Trivia

LOCATION TBD. Davis Pride plans a Drag Trivia. Visit trivia for location and registration information. 6p–9-. $15



Barre + Pick Your Own Bouquet PARK WINTERS. Enjoy an outdoor Yolo Barre workout at the picturesque Park Winters, followed by frolicking in their garden to pick your own bouquet. 8:30a–11a. $65

3, 10, 17, 24

Circuit Training Mondays

ARROYO PARK. Enjoy free circuit training by Happy Heart Yoga rain or shine. 9p Free

7, 14, 21, 28

Free Yoga Friday

ARROYO PARK. Enjoy free yoga by Happy Heart Yoga rain or shine. 10a. Free



Mais Bossa!: A Backyard Concert THE BLUE ROSE, WOODLAND. Mais Bossa plays the classics and deep cuts of the bossa nova era along with Brazilian inspired takes on American favorites. A native of Goiânia, vocalist Marcia Jacomo fronts the band with her angelic and playful voice. The rhythmic heartbeat is supplied by the Brazilian master of percussion Alex Calatayud. Patrick Langham of legendary Sacramento bands Boca do Rio and Big Sticky Mess plays bass. Billy Larkin brings decades of jazz piano experience with his delightfully unique arrangements. 6p–8p. $25


Davis Chorale Spring Concert with Davis Youth Choir DAVIS COMMUNITY CHURCH. A joint performance. 3p–5p. Free


Davis Odd Fellows Thursday Live! DAVIS ODD FELLOWS. Live music by San Francisco’s songwriter Maurice Tani. Americana alt-country tunes. 7p–9p. Free


Muusic at Noon! - Free Concerts Second Fridays

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DAVIS. Art songs and spirituals by soprano Sheryl Counter, and pianist Jill Ferreter. Showcasing contemporary African American jazz and gospels. 12p–1p. Free

Fans enjoying Davis Music Fest (Courtesy: DMF).

14, 15, 16

Davis Music Fest

VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Featuring 42 bands and performers in the city’s biggest weekend of live music. Celebrating its twel h year in production, the festival is once again presented by the all-volunteer Davis Live Music Collective with support from local venues, business partners, sponsors, performers, and you! Fri. 4p–10p; Sat. 2p–11:30p; Sun. 12p–6p. $35–50


Dave Tull Trio

THE BLUE ROSE. Dave Tull, acclaimed for his jazz drumming & singing, o ers a memorable performance. Laid-back backyard concert with refreshments included! 7p–9p. $25


Jaeger & Reid Live

WINTERS OPERA HOUSE. Jaeger & Reid are a folk music duo from Oakland, CA known for their beautiful harmonies and meaningful lyrics. Doors: 6:30p, music starts at 7p.


1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Parkside Bar Themed Party

PARKSIDE BAR. Every Saturday, come to Parkside for a di erent themed party. Featuring Sacramento’s best DJs playing Top 40 Hits & bar anthems. 10p–1:30a.

1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Karaoke Night

UNIVERSITY OF BEER. Every Sat. 9p. Free

2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Sunday Trivia

THREE MILE BREWING. King Trivia App. All ages. 6p.

4, 11, 18, 25

Game Night

THREE MILE BREWING. Immerse yourself in a world of board games, card games, & good times! Play ours or bring your own. Plus, enjoy our fantastic Happy Hour. 5p–10p.

4, 11, 18, 25

G Street Karaoke Night G STREET WUNDERBAR. Every Tuesday night. 10p. Free

5, 12, 19, 26

Trivia & Open Mic G STREET WUNDERBAR. Every Wednesday trivia starts at 8p & open mic starts at 10p. Free

5, 12, 19, 26

Trivia Wednesday UNIVERSITY OF BEER. 21+. Games @ 9p.


5, 12, 19, 26

The Pub Quiz with Dr. Andy SUDWERK BREWING CO. Local Quizmaster Dr. Andy entertains and challenges teams of up to six with 31 questions on a variety of topics you should know something about, such as history, literature, pop culture, geography, internet culture, and science. 7p–9p. Free

6, 13, 20, 27

No Brain Drain Trivia

SUPER OWL BREWING. Hosted by Preacher. Trivia + Comedy + Game Show. 6:30–7:30p. Free

6, 13, 20, 27

Trivia Thursday

WOODSTOCK’S. Trivia, beer, and pizza! Trivia sign-ups @ 8:45p; game @ 9p. Free

7, 14, 21, 28

Karaoke Night

TOMMY J’S. Every Friday with KJ Incubus. 10p.



Davis Bike Scavenger Hunt:The Great Botanic Panic! DAVIS COMMONS. Learn about Davis and its blooming plant-life while searching for clues on a fun scavenger bike ride! 10:30a–2p. Free

Photo by Dan Russo on Unsplash

5, 6, 7

UC Davis Sheep Mowers: Wool Week

WICKSON HALL LAWN. Discover the magic of wool fiber! Final grazing event of the season. Featuring felting, spinning, knitting, & crocheting demonstrations. 9:30a–3p. Free

6, 13, 20, 27

Crochet in the Park

DAVIS LITTLE LEAGUE. Knit and crochet artists of all levels, invited to learn how to crochet! 11:30a–4p. Free to join, $30 for classes


Bike Curious?: Beginners Group Ride

BIKE GARAGE. This is the perfect opportunity to invite your friends, family members or neighbors who are “bike curious”. Introductory ride offered for those who would like to learn more about group riding, how to prepare your bike and yourself for riding with others, riding longer distances (12+ miles) and know what your options are when you get a flat or have a bike malfunction. 9a–10:30a. Free


7, 14, 21, 28

Senior Film Fridays

DAVIS SENIOR CENTER. Watch a film and enjoy popcorn with friends. Check the Senior Center’s website for film titles. 12:30p. Free


1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29

Davis Farmers Market

CENTRAL PARK. Visit the market each week to purchase local produce & artisan goods. Every Sat, 8a–1p & Picnic in the Park every Wed, 3p–6p.

2, 16

Davis Craft & Vintage Fair

CENTRAL PARK. Featuring more than 40 small businesses, including local artisans and vintage collectors, small businesses, food trucks, and free live music. 10a–2p.

5, 12, 19, 26

The Spork Hub Farmstand

SPORK FOOD HUB. Support local farmers! Purchase organic, sustainably farmed fruits, veggies, eggs & baked goods from Upper Crust Bakery. 2p–7p.

7, 8, 9

Friends of the Library Book Sale

STEPHENS BRANCH LIBRARY. Shop from the Friends of the Library’s book archive. On Sundays, fill a bag for $10. 10a–6p.

21, 22, 23, 24

Pence Annual Treasure Sale

PENCE GALLERY. A great event for those who are looking to downsize their unwanted family heirlooms, or pick up a few new treasures! Shop from art,

jewelry, clothing, collectibles, vintage items, and more. Accepting donations June 10–18. Sale from June 21–24. Fri–Sun, 11:30a–5p & Mon, 11:30a–3p. Free


20, 21, 22, 23

ADC Season 31 Performance

BRUNELLE PERFORMANCE HALL. More than 50 dancers from Davis, Woodland and Dixon bring their talents to this production. Featuring performances

by the Applegate Dance Company, the audition dance group of Applegate Dance Studio, this year’s dance performance will feature a collection of ten dances, including Alice in Applegateland and Sleeping Beauty’s Birthday Party. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 7p; Sun. 2p. $20–30

21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30

Disney’s The Little Mermaid DAVIS MUSIC THEATRE CO. Musical based on Disney’s The Little Mermaid. A beautiful love story & a fishy fable that will capture your heart. Fri. & Sat., 7:30p–10p; Sun. 2p–4:30p. $20

Photo by Imani on Unsplash

10 Years of Davis PRIDE Honoring the Past

Shelly Bailes, left and Ellen Pontac were the first same-sex couple to marry in Yolo County in 2015. (This shows a June 2008 ceremony that was later nullified). Pontac died in 2020 but her wife was honored with the city’s 2024 Brinley Award for service to the community. (Jenny Rihl/Davis Enterprise photo)

As the Davis Phoenix Coalition marks its 10th year of Davis Pride activities, its members also want to honor those who painted that rainbow road.

Pride celebrations in Davis go much deeper than a decade.

Every June from 1996 to 2006, local LGBTQ+ activists Shelly Bailes and Ellen Pontac coordinated the Yolo County Lesbian and Gay Picnic Day. After it took a hiatus, the event was revived in 2015 by the nonprofit Davis Phoenix Coalition, which rebranded it as Davis Pride.

Rising from its origins as a single-day event with 500 participants in the 1990s, it has become a monthlong June celebration, drawing close to 10,000 people. These participants come from all segments of the local population, happy to gather in support of LGBTQ+ rights.

This year, highlights include the Davis Pride Community Fair and Music Festival, an after party, a fun run, skate night, comedy night, and plenty of drag.

Gloria Partida founded the Davis Phoenix Coalition in 2013 after her son, Lawrence “Mikey” Partida was brutally beaten in an anti-gay attack. She and other organizers started Davis Pride with the idea of a fun run, and added a family-friendly festival for the whole community.

Despite successes like the federal legalization of samesex marriage in 2015, they knew Davis Pride would be controversial. She saw what Bailes and Pontac went through. “They had a lot of pushback when they were doing the work,” Partida said.

Bailes and Pontac were the first gay couple to legally marry in Yolo County in 2015, a ceremony happily performed by then County Clerk/Recorder Freddie Oakley. Pontac died in 2020 but her wife, now 83, was honored with the city’s 2024 Brinley Award for service to the community.

Same-sex marriage is no longer as controversial. Today, the attention is on transgender people, with rightwing groups protesting drag shows, public bathroom access and more.

“Now we see that we’re in this spot basically 20 years later, and we’re still fighting the same fight,” Partida said. “We are seeing those same things–but in the trans community.”

This year’s theme is “Davis Pride–Because Yolo County is for Everyone!” It follows the Davis Phoenix Coalition’s recent lawn sign messages “Davis is for Everyone” and “Yolo County is for Everyone,” to counter the far-right actions experienced in the community.

This Year’s Celebration: The Details

The 10th annual Davis Pride Community Fair and Music Festival has a new location this year: Civic Center Park, at Sixth and B streets.

Saturday, June 1: The community-focused, family-friendly event includes a music festival, resources, vendors, food, drinks and more from 11a—5p.

Headlining the musical lineup is Davis native and vocal percussionist Butterscotch, a Season 2 finalist on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” They will perform at 3:15p.

At 2:30p, co-headlining the Sutter Health Main Stage will be Willie Gomez, from Season 24 of NBC’s “The Voice.” Gomez is an accomplished Latin music artist and has been a backup dancer for Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, among others.

Other performances include Silicon Valley’s Josh Diamonds, the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus, Team Davis Singers, and the always popular Drag Revue. There will be activity zones for children, teens and seniors.

After the festival wraps up at 5p, revelers are encouraged to continue to the inaugural Davis Pride After Party, from 6—11p on G Street, between Second and Third streets, downtown. That portion of the street is a pedestrian zone. DJ Mellax of Davis Rave Co. will spin dance tunes.

Sunday, June 2: The next day is the Run for Equality, start-

ing at 8a. It includes a 5K and 1K run/walk from Central Park, at Fourth and C streets. The run is the fundraiser that makes the festival possible. Registration is $25 until May 28 and $30 after. Visit

Saturday, June 8: The following Saturday is Skate with Pride. The free night will include a DJ, disco lights and food trucks from 7—9p. Skating will be under the Davis Farmers Market Pavilion in Central Park, Fourth and C streets, downtown. Participants bring roller or in-line skates and wear colorful attire, skating to lively music. Attendees may participate in a drawing for prizes.

June is International LGBTQ+ Month. Davis

Pride events are coordinated by an all-volunteer community formed by the Davis Phoenix Coalition, a nonprofit that works to foster diversity, eliminate intolerance, prevent hate-motivated violence, and support LGBTQ+ youths in Davis and surrounding communities. Proceeds fund the coalition’s anti-racism and anti-bullying campaigns, support to LGBTQ+ youths and their families, and outreach with area police departments, churches and schools. To donate, go to For more information about the event, or becoming a sponsor or volunteer, visit

Friday, June 21: The fun continues at Davis Pride Comedy Night, from 5:30—10p at Stonegate Country Club, 919 Lake Blvd. Presented by Laughs on the Lake, tickets are $40 through June 2, $45 through June 20, and $55 on June 21. Visit to see the lineup and purchase tickets.

Thursday, June 27: Davis Pride plans a Drag Trivia, from 6 to 9p. at a location to be announced. Trivia is $15 to enter. Visit for location and registration information.

Gloria Partida, left, Jessica Uzarski, Yolo County Supervisor Lucas Frerichs and Mily Ron jump for joy after volunteers complete the rainbow crosswalk painting in downtown Davis on May 30, 2023. (Courtesy of Mily Ron)


In Davis, the queer community supports each other. And at Queer Crush, we mean literally support each other—from plummeting to the ground off a rock wall.

Each month at Rocknasium climbing gym, LGBTQIA+ climbers gather to climb, make new friends, and build community.

Queer Crush is a nonprofit organization that hosts climbing events all around California and is all about “creating safe and inclusive spaces for those who are diverse in their gender, romantic, and sexual orientations,” according to their website.

Davis’ chapter of Queer Crush began in September 2023, when Rocknasium reached out to the organization to learn how to start a chapter of their own. They’re scheduled to

host their tenth event this month.

“Rocknasium is a welcoming place,” Ash Zemenick, Queer Crush Captain for the Davis area, told The Dirt. “You don’t have to be a ‘good’ or ‘experienced’ climber to climb with other people, socialize, and have fun.”

These Queer Crush events are low-stakes and super accessible, Zemenick said. Day passes are discounted to $16 for Queer Crush events and belay classes are free.

This welcoming, relaxed environment is not only a place for people to explore the often-intimidating sport of climbing but also for people to explore their queer identity.

Jade Phoreman has attended many Queer Crush events at Rocknasium and told The Dirt it was key in the process of connecting

Climbing + Building Community

to the queer community in Davis—and to her identity.

“As someone who came out pretty recently, my favorite thing about Queer Crush is that it provides me a space to celebrate who I am,” Phoreman said. “I often bring friends with me who then make other friends in the community, which is always fun to see.”

There’s room for all kinds of climbing at Queer Crush and they do it all: bouldering, top roping, lead climbing, and even playing games on the wall. They also occasionally host outdoor climbing meetups.

“Mostly, we’re there to spend time together and get to know the local queer community while climbing,” said Zemenick.

Queer Crush usually falls on the fourth Friday of every month, but follow their Instagram to stay up-to-date on their next meetup. This Pride Month, they will be playing music by queer artists to jam out to while climbing.

Ash, Jessica, Megan, & Becca (Courtesy: Queer Crush).
ON INSTAGRAM: @queer.crush.davis
Climbing at Rocknasium during Queer Crush (Courtesy: Queer Crush).

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