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The newly sober Courtney Love tries to salvage her career with a new Hole LP

Assistant coach leaves Williams for coaching job at The Citadel SPORTS | PAGE 10

Tuesday, April 27, 2010



University hosts three police chief hopefuls

Students face technology withdrawal in 24-hour study Symptoms resemble those of drug addicts

Our 100TH Year, No. 129

Officials ask about how they would prevent future riots BY BEN PRESENT Staff writer

Tom Coppinger, who spoke in Stamp Student Union yesterday, is one of three candidates for the open position of University Police chief. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK

Members of the university community had three chances within the past week to feel out how the finalists for the University Police chief position would fit into and help shape the campus atmosphere. At the three discussions — held Thursday, Friday and yesterday in Stamp Student Union — the candidates fielded questions ranging from how Uni-

versity Police would better respond to sexual assault cases on the campus to what the proper protocol should be for big basketball games in the future, in light of the recent riot controversies. The first two open forums — where former Prince George’s County Police Chief David Mitchell and County Acting Deputy Chief of Administration Gary Cunningham spoke, respectively — garnered

see CHIEF, page 3


Students battled extreme anxiety, fidgeting, loneliness and isolation — all symptoms of withdrawal — during a recent university study, but they weren’t experiencing a day without drugs. Instead, they were asked to give up social media. For one day, journalism professor Susan Moeller asked the 200 students in her JOUR175: Media Literacy class to avoid media: phones, television, computers and the Internet. Moeller, director of the university’s International Center for Media and the Public Agenda, said she was shocked to find the extreme reaction of her students, who reported adverse mental and physical symptoms. The study found students were “functionally unable” to go without media. “We were blown away by the answers, just blown away,” Moeller said. “There were certain things we expected. We expected they would immediately say they were addicted to the media in the casual way you say you’re addicted to say chocolate, and then we got the results back not only using the word addicting but also words like withdrawal, craving and the physical and mental responses that they talked about, like getting headaches, depressed, feeling lonely and miserable.” But members of the students’ generation said they weren’t nearly as surprised by the study’s results. “I feel like these findings were so obvious because this is what we grew up with, this is the only kind of real communication and lifestyle we know,” junior criminology and criminal justice major Lauren Tafoya said. “I



Terps’ running back Paul Lariviere is known for his captivating card tricks BY KELLY FARRELL Staff writer

When Paul Lariviere, a running back on the Terrapin football team, tore his ACL last year, his rehabilitation plan included an unusual remedy — a steady dose of magic card tricks. Before the junior government and politics major’s surgery to repair his injured knee, Lariviere was in the Gossett Team House training room where he saw a teammate doing card tricks. With months of bed rest ahead of him,

Lariviere realized he had just found a challenge to replace football during his upcoming recovery. “I was bedridden for six months,” Lariviere said. “I needed something I could do with just my hands, so it was sort of natural.” His teammate taught him a few basic tricks to start off with, and Lariviere turned to YouTube to learn more. He said he has watched some of illusionist David Blaine’s tricks and figured out how to do them in fewer than five minutes.

see MAGICIAN, page 2


Keeping faculty afloat Biology professor Arthur Popper helps minority, junior faculty stay at univ. BY MELISSA QUIJADA Staff writer

Student Union’s Grand Ballroom as the first of a series of speakers hosted by the student union to discuss nationwide issues. Daschle, who has advocated for health care reform since leaving public office in 2005, was President Barack Obama’s nominee to serve as

New faculty often feel like small fish in a large pond. Who better to advise them than biology professor Arthur Popper, who has spent his research career studying aquatic life? For many years, Popper, also an associate dean of the chemical and life sciences college, has made it his mission to guide assistant professors to tenured positions. Popper pairs new faculty with mentors and hosts workshops to help them balance their academic responsibilities — researching, teaching and advising — with their personal lives. Popper’s work has garnered praise from top administrators. Earlier this month, the University System of Maryland awarded him the Regents’ Faculty Award for his continuing work with tenure-track faculty. While serving as chair of the University Senate five

see DASCHLE, page 6

see POPPER, page 3

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle speaks to students about health care reform and how new federal legislation will impact current students and soon-to-be graduates in Stamp Student Union’s Grand Ballroom last night. GARY CHEN/THE DIAMONDBACK

Daschle tells students how health care reform will impact them Former senator addresses about 60 students in Stamp Student Union BY AMY HEMMATI Staff writer

After the signing of the long-debated health care reform legislation last month, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle educated students last night about the effect the new law will have on their lives.


“Unlike the creation of the Federal Reserve Board, Social Security and Medicaid, this bill will affect each citizen,” said Daschle, a former Democratic senator for South Dakota. “But the generation that will feel most of the blunt of the responsibility and the blunt of the opportunity that this legislation entails is your generation.” Daschle addressed about 60 people in Stamp



NEWS . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . .4

FEATURES . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . .6

DIVERSIONS . . . . .7 SPORTS . . . . . . . . .10







from page 1


AN ALL-IN-THE-PARTY SGA For the first time since 2007, one party swept the Student Government Association executive board elections, putting incumbent President Steve Glickman in a potentially more powerful position than he was this year. Although two of Glickman’s three vice presidents during the past year came from his party ticket, Vice President of Finance Andrew Steinberg edged out Robert Mutschler — who claimed the position this time around — by just 21 votes last year. Steinberg and Glickman shared a tense relationship during the year, and issues between them came to a head during this campaign. While former SGA President Jonathan Sachs said leading a divided executive board was ultimately beneficial during his term, Glickman said having a unified board would “start us off on a stronger leg than last year.” To learn more, check The Diamondback website at www.diamondbackonline.com.

ON THE BLOG: LIZ LEMON JOINS THE TERP FAMILY The one and only Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) of 30 Rock has now joined the Terp elite. During last Thursday’s episode of 30 Rock, “Lee Marvin vs. Derek Jeter,” Lemon announced that she had attended this university on a “partial competitive jazz dance scholarship.” The only problem: This university does not even have a competitive jazz dance team. Turns out it is as fictitious as Lemon herself. To find out more about our newest Terp, Liz Lemon, check out The Diamondback news blog, Campus Drive, at blogs.umdbk.com/campusdrive.

CORRECTIONS In yesterday’s Terrapin women’s lacrosse game story, attackers Sarah Mollison and Karri Ellen Johnson were incorrectly identified in a photo caption. Mollison was on the left, while Johnson was on the right. Due to a reporting error in yesterday’s story, “Armed robbers strike two city houses,” Ari Bellin was wrongly identified as “Ari Bellen” and was incorrectly quoted as saying he feels afraid about living in his neighborhood.

Junior Paul Lariviere performs card tricks for his friends on Washington Quad. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK

MAGICIAN from page 1 “I’m still learning stuff. It’s not that you can do something that matters, it’s how well you can do it,” he said. “It’s fun because the possibilities are unlimited: I can use stuff I know to make my own tricks and improvise.” Lariviere performs on Washington Quad a few times a week for groups of students whenever he has some free time. “The people I like to perform for are the crazy reactions,” he said. “I’ll do stuff on [Washington] Quad and people freak out — they’re really amazed.” Though the running back also plays guitar and has one of the highest GPAs on the football team, he is now widely known among students as “the magician.” Junior English and secondary education major Melissa McNicholas was sitting on the quad last week when Lariviere started performing. “His tricks literally blew my mind,” McNicholas said. “He was able to make whatever card he wanted be wherever he wanted it to be. He could stick a card in the middle of the deck, and it should show up on top. He even got all four aces to show up on the top of four random piles.” Although his teammates enjoy giving him a hard time, Lariviere said they are nevertheless entertained by his unconventional pastime. “A good amount of my teammates will crack jokes,” Lariviere said. “But a lot of times their reactions are crazy and the best.” Lariviere is not the only athlete with a magic touch. Lariviere said he has a friend on the wrestling team who he plans to join up with to perform magic tricks together. As for the future, Lariviere isn’t planning on trading in his football pads and cleats for a magician’s traditional top hat and tails. Lariviere said he one day hopes to coach high school football, though he

could see himself performing magic on the side. Lariviere has not played in a game since his injury, but he said he hopes to return in the future. “I just do my best. It sounds corny, but that’s what it is — whatever happens, happens.” farrell@umdbk.com

feel that any student could have easily predicted the findings of this study.” Tafoya said one of her friends participated in the study and lied about completing all 24 hours because it was “just too hard.” Addiction and reliance on social media is growing, not just at this university but across the world, as the first generation to have grown up in the modern technological age reaches its teens and 20s, said Anna DiNoto, a clinical psychology doctorate intern at the reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program. In South Korea, more than 90 percent of homes have broadband connections, and 2 million citizens have been identified as Internet addicts, according to the Associated Press. In the United States, clinics like reSTART are beginning to pop up to combat Internet addiction. DiNoto said this generation’s

reliance on social media is different than previous ones. “It’s completely different from what [older adults] grew up with, if you take away anything someone uses on a daily basis of course they will feel anxious and overwhelmed,” DiNoto said. “Some of our clients do report anxiety. We’re so reliant on Internet and having instant gratification it’s troubling.” But DiNoto warned there is a difference between “addiction” and a reliance on a luxury used every day. Students in the study indicated they felt more than just a reliance on media. Many reported feeling despair, as if they were alone and disconnected from their friends and family. “Texting and [instant messaging] my friends gives me a constant feeling of comfort,” one student wrote as part of a class assignment after the study. “When I did not have those two luxuries, I felt quite alone and secluded from my life. Although I go to a school with thousands of students,

“People are losing the ability to talk to each other in person anymore, and they become uncomfortable.” HILARY WEISSMAN SOPHOMORE JOURNALISM MAJOR

the fact that I was not able to communicate with anyone via technology was almost unbearable.” Sophomore journalism major Hilary Weissman said the reliance on social media to maintain friendships is a big problem. “People are losing the ability to talk to each other in person anymore, and they become uncomfortable,” Weissman said. “To a certain extent, it takes away the significance of friendship or relationship.” farrell@umdbk.com


CHIEF from page 1 little student attention, with only one student in attendance at each. But at yesterday’s forum, where State Police Chief of Staff for the Superintendent Tom Coppinger spoke, about 15 students from a police aid class were in the audience. “Given the current situation with concern about the police, I found it a little disturbing [that so few students attended],” said William Fennie, the information core coordinator at the Maryland Population Research Center. “This is a decision that will probably stay with the university for the next 10 to 15 years.” Other community officials, such as College Park Public Services Director Bob Ryan, Fraternity and Sorority Life Director Matt Supple and Resident Life Assistant Director Dennis Passarella George, attended each hearing and asked the candidates questions that specifically related to their respective constituencies. Vice President for Administrative Affairs Ann Wylie, who will have the final say in who the next police chief will be, will accept e-mailed recommendations from those present at the discussions or anyone familiar with the candidates, said John Farley, assistant vice president for administrative affairs. “I think that it’ll be a very

difficult decision,” Wylie said. “We have three fine candidates.” Both Mitchell and Cunningham have experience in a university setting. Mitchell taught full time for a year and worked in the Division of Public Safety Leadership at Johns Hopkins University. Cunningham taught part time at Prince George’s Community College. Coppinger, who has had no experience serving on a college campus, said he’s prepared to face a learning curve if selected for the job. He said the chance to come to this university would present him with the “unique opportunity to mesh two of the passions in [his] life” — education and law enforcement. “Policing on a university setting is not something I’ve done before,” Coppinger said. “There will be a lot to learn — I recognize that.” But the 28-year veteran said that would not stand in his way of finding success, and the most important thing, should he be selected, would be to get out and learn about the community. “I’m smart enough to go out and get the cooperation of every person I’m serving,” he said. “Without them, I’m not going to be successful.” Mitchell called the chance to serve at this university an “opportunity to come home.” The three-time alumnus of the University System of Maryland rose through the ranks of the county police sys-


tem to serve as chief of police in the early 1990s. He served as county police chief before accepting his most recent position as secretary of Safety and Homeland Security in Delaware. The other candidate with ties to county, Cunningham, labeled himself as an “extrovert at heart” and said the position would be a perfect match for his interest in teaching and long-standing career in law enforcement. Ryan, who attended all three hearings, asked each law enforcement veteran about how they would address the issue of rioting. Mitchell, who had the most specific answer, cited his experience controlling postgame celebrations in the past. He said that regaining student trust would be imperative for University Police to succeed and, should he be selected, his plans involve offering students “a seat at the table and a voice to be heard” with public safety officials. “There’s a need here to celebrate, and I understand that,” Mitchell said. “But that should not involve burning, looting or property destruction.” Mitchell worked closely with both university and county police in controlling civil disturbances in 2001 and 2002 when the Terp men’s basketball team made its Final Four runs. But he said what he saw during the most recent riot disappointed him. “The most recent incident

left me wondering what the state of preparation of county police was,” he said. “I saw a force that was greater than necessary.” Cunningham and Coppinger both suggested examining the basketball schedule and putting big games on days when students would be less likely to take to the streets. Cunningham said open lines of communication and regular meetings between students and police can help foster a better relationship between the two groups, showing students the “human behind the uniform.” Coppinger agreed, saying he would welcome any conversation with students as to how the police can be more effective. “If you have ideas on how to prevent [riots], you’ll be my best friend,” Coppinger said. At each meeting, a student representing the university’s chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy grilled the candidates on their stances about drugs, alcohol and enforcement. The three students each asked the candidates for their thoughts on a campuswide Good Samaritan policy, which would protect victims of alcohol — and potentially drug — overdose, as well as those who call for help, from university sanctions. The candidates agreed that students should call for help in dangerous situations but acknowledged the laws in place are there for a reason.

POSSIBLE UNIVERSITY POLICE CHIEFS One of these three candidates will take over for Ken Krouse, who retired in December after 20 years serving at the top position in the University Police.




Former Prince George’s County Police chief

Maryland State Police chief of staff for the Superintendent

County police acting deputy chief of administration

Jack Izen, a SSDP member and freshman American studies and government and politics major, said he has been disappointed with what he said was an imbalance in university priorities pertaining to drug and alcohol enforcement. “It’s senseless for the university to focus on [drug- and alcohol-related crimes] when there are serious crimes going on,” Izen said. “The police should focus on the crimes that hurt people and not just focus on crimes to punish people.” But University Police

spokesman Paul Dillon, who also attended all interviews, said controlling drug and alcohol use is imperative for police success on a college campus. He added that it’s not uncommon for students to say police put too much emphasis on controlling partying. “You have to have a wide variety of initiatives to be effective,” Dillon said of his department. “I’ve done too many notifications to parents of dead students from alcohol poisoning.” present@umdbk.com

Arthur Popper, a biology professor, established a task force to address the issue of losing junior faculty at the university. CHARLIE DEBOYACE/THE DIAMONDBACK

POPPER from page 1 years ago he co-authored an article for the faculty newsletter that suggested more mentoring could help to increase the number of female and minority faculty on campus. “We have fewer minority faculty on campus than we’d like,” said Popper, a former chair of the biology department. “The data suggests that minorities and women drop out more than white males. It’s worse for African Americans than for women.” It’s especially difficult for women to balance work with their family lives, Popper said. “There’s no solution, but at least we help people think about the issues,” he said. “We try to give guidance and advice and mentoring and tricks to solve problems.” Popper said the most rewarding part of his mentoring work is to see people he has guided succeed.

“I have one professor who’s a director of a great laboratory,” he said. “I really get a kick out of that.” And Popper wants to extend his reach beyond tenure-track faculty. This month, he will host a workshop series for graduate students. Others have praised Popper for his affinity for helping people. “He understands that mentoring isn’t just instruction,” Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Ellin Scholnick said. “He understands that in order to do this you have to have a relationship with the individual.” Popper’s enthusiasm for mentoring grew out of his own experiences. He attributes part of his success to his mentor, university system Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Irwin Goldstein. “It’s invaluable for success,” Popper said. “The best thing you could find in life is a mentor.” quijada@umdbk.com

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Staff editorial

Guest column

Elitism and exclusivity E

veryone wants to be elite. Although the road to such status is a long or Yale is through elitism in the form of rejection letters. After all, this university one for higher education institutions, lined with successful students accepts about 40 percent of its applicants whereas Harvard accepts just below 8 and an all-star faculty, the truth is the elite schools become famous by percent. But this university has a fine line to walk. Although there is much talk about doing one thing in particular: rejecting people. The harder a school is to get accepted to, the more people who long to get in. our status academically, this is also a school that prides itself on accessibility. Exclusivity is what creates institutions packed with the cream of the crop and the The tuition freeze that will end next semester was part of a movement to ensure reputations to go along with them. So it is of little wonder that this university, one this university remained accessible to average Marylanders. While that accessithat has worked hard to become recognized as a top tier public university, has bility was guaranteed to the intelligent, restrictions on admitted students will no long held the goal of decreasing enrollment. After all, fewer admitted students doubt shut the door on many with the brains to excel at the university. There are other ways to increase prestige, and this univermeans more resources per student, a better education and sity is already on the track to accomplish some of those thus a more elite school. things. The new General Education Plan will be unique in Administrators have the burden of decreasing admitted The university needs to many ways and allow the university to stand out among its students by more than 6 percent before 2016. Such a decrease would cause overall enrollment to decline by 2,232. balance accessibility and peers. More scholarships that target those talented academically as well as in areas like the arts would also attract talAnd yet even though the Strategic Plan as well as administraquality of education. ented students. Prestige can be achieved with more than the tors have advocated for a yield in enrollment, freshman dreaded thin envelope. enrollment this year increased by 7.5 percent. Administrators must ensure they balance a need to limit enrollment so as to Essentially, clamping down on enrollment is an attempt to shore up costs and provide a quality education for each student. By decreasing admitted students, ensure a quality education but also to maintain the philosophy that has administrators would be able to prevent overcrowded classrooms and over- brought this university so much success. With the tuition freeze ending, we demand on facilities. But it is safe to say there is more to this plan than just budg- must maintain the image of a university that is accessible to even those without power or wealth. etary woes. Elitism is a funny thing. It is often despised by those who don’t make the cut Although recent budget reductions have no doubt strained the university’s ability to provide for each individual student, this is an institution that prides and cherished by those on the inside. It’s easy to argue this university should itself on numbers. Rankings and comparative studies to our peer institutions begin to tighten access in order to ensure quality. But before we become too dominate much of the rhetoric surrounding the university. They are mentioned infatuated with glowing rankings and the connotations to the name on our in university literature and touted by administrators. And the only way a land- diploma, we must remember this is a university established for the people. And it grant university like this one can compete on the same playing field as Harvard should remain that way.

Our View



OFFUTT ity that pushed them into a corner and out of society’s good graces and then punished them for it and they are generally unwilling to lean on anyone else for fear of once again having to pick themselves up — but they are not stupid. They show an earnestness and enthusiasm for learning that rivals and even surpasses that at the university. We lament our homework and finals while these kids would give anything to be in our shoes, able to complain about a college education. The 15-year-old I work with couldn’t add and could barely read. He was, however, exceedingly polite, pulling out chairs, holding doors, saying thank you after each session, even walking me to


range “Leaf,” I’m more optimistic than I’ve ever been that electric cars are here to stay. Both these cars are mainstream and coming out near the end of this year. Throw all the electric car stereotypes out the window. After a $7,500 tax credit from the federal government for these advanced battery vehicles, the prices are in the range of ordinary, gas-powered sedans. The Volt accelerated with ease, so highway speed will be no problem. The average daily commute of 75 percent of Americans is 40 miles or less, meaning the ranges on both cars will cover the majority of our trips. Special outlets for charging aren’t necessary, just an outlet and an extension cord. Part of the appeal is how cheap it is to buy the electricity to power the car versus buying gas. For example, fully charging the battery of the Volt will cost the average American less than a dollar a day. Last time I looked, a gallon


DERNOGA of gas around here had come close to $3 and was climbing. Charging a battery could be even cheaper if you do it in off-peak hours with a utility company that offers variable pricing based on real-time electric demand. This is typically at night when few appliances are at use, and electricity is dirt cheap. The presumption that most of us would charge our cars at night, when electricity demand is low and prices are cheap, is important. One criticism of electric cars is they’ll likely be powered by dirty energy, or add so much new demand to the grid that we’ll have to build more power plants. The reality


Matt Dernoga is a senior government and politics major. He can be reached at dernoga@umdbk.com.

Hira Zeb is a junior Arabic and government and politics major. She can be reached at hzeb@gmail.com.

teaching a child math, reading, or understanding, but that they are an expendable tool whose sole worth comes in the form of a test score. Even now, society’s continued refusal to acknowledge its failure of these kids is evidenced by yet another failure: The program through which we mentor these kids has lost funding, leaving them once again to fend for themselves. Is it any surprise that they lash out at a society that has proven, again and again, that it wants to forget about them? I’m not saying that every juvenile delinquent is a misunderstood angel with miles of potential. I am, however, saying that there are far too many diamonds in the rough to allow a broken system to keep derailing the lives of genuinely good kids. Bethany Offutt is a sophomore criminology and criminal justice and psychology major. She can be reached at offutt@umdbk.com.

Volt: Test-driving the comeback car found myself behind the steering wheel of General Motors’ highly anticipated Volt, driving around the campus last Wednesday. The Volt is a plug-in hybrid car with a battery that powers the car for up to 40 miles combined with a gas engine with a range of 300 miles if you need it. It was pretty sweet. Just a few years ago, I wouldn’t have expected it. I remember the famously depressing 2006 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? that took a look at what forces were responsible for the demise of the EV1, a fast, highly efficient electric car that was produced in the early 1990s. Since then, gas prices rose to painful levels, our oil dependence became a major environmental and national security issue, and automakers finally figured out you can go green and still make green. After test-driving the Volt and reading about Nissan’s all-electric 100 mile-


is the electric power grid has a large amount of generated but unused electricity every night that goes to waste. Much of the added demand from electric cars to the grid would just take advantage of energy that would ordinarily go to waste anyway. I think President Barack Obama’s goal of a million plug-in cars on our roads by 2015 is too low. This technology is here now, it’s affordable and if we’re going to move away from oil, the electric car is our best bet. We need to invest more in the technology so we dominate this emerging industry, and bring manufacturing jobs back to America. It’s very fitting that a new documentary is in the works titled Revenge of the Electric Car. Success for these new vehicles would be sweet revenge.

Juveniles: Pushing the standards the door. But they don’t care about that in state schools. No sir, they’re teaching for a test, and understanding be damned. He actually picked it up quickly: In only a few sessions, he was able to read entire articles and write about them. He’s a smart kid, and the potential was always there. All he ever needed was someone to care enough to sit down with him and help. Kids are being left behind in our illfated and misguided quest to standardize the measures of achievement that dictate funding. They fall behind and no one has the willingness or the time to help them catch up. Suddenly, they go from children with budding potential to chores, people to be tolerated until they can be shoved off onto the next grade. I am already tired of digging out of this hole. I already know our system seems willing, even eager, to look the other way as kids are pushed through school, as though a diploma is all that matters. The end can never justify the means when the means require not

Standing with solidarity ollowing the invasion of Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009, the university community was shocked by events portraying the reality of the situation in a ghettoized Gaza — one of the most densely populated areas in the world — that went to lengths to expose a Palestinian narrative that is so often suppressed, leaving Palestinians voiceless and stripped of their humanity. Activists and students banded together across numerous organizations to shed light on this blatant violation of human dignity and the ongoing brutal Israeli policies under occupation. Done and done. While you may not be hearing about the crisis in Palestine as adamantly through U.S. media outlets, the situation overseas is far from normal. UMD Students for Justice in Palestine, a newly founded student organization, stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and speaks out against the racist and inhumane policies of Israel imposed on another people. The second annual Palestinian Solidarity Week did not come without pressure from both students and university administration, streaming from those who felt that such a week would be offensive to other students. It was deemed inappropriate to use university funding (i.e. state dollars) to co-sponsor Palestinian Solidarity Week, despite numerous instances where other advocacy groups at the university have received university funding and co-sponsorship. It is clear the university decision to order withdrawal of complete co-sponsorship by Nyumburu Cultural Center and the Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy for the week has come from pressures stemming from a specific university community and other outside sources — those that are are unwilling to accommodate a narrative different from their own. Co-sponsorship from both the MICA office in Stamp Student Union and Nyumburu came to help create an honest platform for discussion and exchange of ideas by allowing a voice from a narrative that is barely ever heard, particularly on this campus. However, when the university deemed the week to be too political — political is such a relative term — for co-sponsorship and for taking a stance, university administrators were in fact taking a stance by filtering which controversial issues they choose to recognize and support. A public university should be open to supporting students in their endeavors and work to provide space for all student voices. Basing university decisions on incoming pressure from a distinct university community as well as outside sources fails students who are investing time and money to attend this university and seek a real education. The Palestinian cause cannot continue to be suppressed and hidden. It cannot continue to be falsely labeled as terrorism. The over whelming support for UMD Students for Justice in Palestine throughout the student community shows the urgent need for administrators to stop discriminating in terms of social justice. It is what it is. No amount of protesters, letters and phone calls can stop people from their right to resist or advocate on behalf of an oppressed people. Social justice cannot discriminate or be selectively silent. Despite the pressure and resistance to Palestinian Solidarity Week, it sought to attain a clear and defined goal: awareness of a very real humanitarian crisis and the brutality of life under illegal occupation. Mission accomplished.

Editorial cartoon: Esti Frischling

egular readers know that I write a lot of articles characterized by not entirely manufactured cynicism. There is only one thing that can erase that cynicism: Tuesday nights. Every Tuesday night, I take a shuttle with 10 other students to a church basement where we meet with a dozen teenage boys. They are all juvenile delinquents, on parole after a stint in a juvenile facility. We go there every week to teach them math and reading. Some are only a grade or two behind, but others are seemingly hopeless cases: 15-year-olds with second-grade reading abilities, high school seniors who can’t multiply. And every week, they are the ones teaching us. They come ready to work and eager to learn, undeterred by years of being ignored by our education system. They demonstrate that they are not, are not, are NOT stupid. They are underdeveloped, they are distrusting of the author-


POLICY: Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.




CROSSWORD ACROSS 48 Third power, in math 1 Window part 50 Black suit 5 Get slippery 51 Start liking (2 wds.) (2 wds.) 10 Close-mouthed 54 Plaid wearer person 55 Child prodigy 14 Take to one’s 57 Hubble heels component 15 Bellini opera 16 Improve, as skills 61 Comics canine 62 Palette adjunct 17 Syrup brand 63 Epochs 18 Disreputable 64 Poses for nightspots a portrait (2 wds.) 65 Personal journal 20 Like snow 66 Mortgage or 22 Proverbs car loan 23 Raw edibles 25 Shaman’s quest DOWN 26 Familiar threat 1 N.Y.C. airport (2 wds.) 2 Huntsville loc. 27 Ms. Sumac 3 Cousteau’s of Peru domain 28 Promote 4 Grendel’s foe 32 Tree product 33 Penn and Lennon 5 Eggs on 6 Peyton’s team 35 In that case 7 Canal of song (2 wds.) 8 Referee 36 Tierra — Fuego 9 Slumber 37 Numerical party sight prefix 10 Red table wine 38 Drop behind 11 — time no see 39 Boulevard liners 12 Poker stake 41 The L in LEM 13 Jumble 43 Heroic tale 19 Keats opus 44 NASDAQ rival 21 That man’s 45 Yellow Pages 23 Voluntarily 46 Diminishes


Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved:




24 25 26 27 29 30 31 1

Kingdoms “— vincit amor” Of the past Fish stories Recently (2 wds.) Customs Forum wear 2


34 40 41 42 43 47


Chopin offering Withdraws Toiled In no time Loaded down Cakelike cookie 5




18 20 23





25 27 33




44 48

















43 47







One Simpson Chiang — -shek Prior to Suddenly seize Former JFK arrival









54 56 58 59 60




49 Salt Lake City player 50 More levelheaded 51 Pairs 52 Honda rival 53 Clingy fabric










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orn today, you tend to be an even-tempered individual, not ruled by extreme passions or enslaved by a kind of passive energy that prevents you from stepping up and taking a turn when the time comes. Indeed, you are able to balance your energies, your emotions, your desires, your likes and your dislikes with tremendous ability — and as a result you are almost always able to keep your eyes on the prize, without becoming overwrought in any way as you engage in the contest. On the other hand, it must be recognized that this often takes conscious effort — for if you let yourself, you can be quite fiery and volatile.


You are not a vain individual, and when others tend to be selfabsorbed, you are able to keep your focus on the world around you — and, quite often, on the people around you. You are always interested in doing things that are not only rewarding to you but that are also beneficial to others as well. Also born on this date are Coretta Scott King, activist; Sheena Easton, singer and actress; Sandy Dennis, actress; Casey Kasem, disc jockey; Walter Lantz, animator; Jack Klugman, actor; Ulysses S. Grant, U.S. military leader and president; Samuel Morse, telegraph inventor. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You may feel the cumulative effects of influential forces that have been building for some time. Your own strength is increasing, however.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Ambition is the key to extricating yourself from a difficult situation. Yearning for more keeps you moving forward past trouble. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Don’t let a black mood overtake you. This melancholy has a clear cause; it’s time to address it directly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You may be showing the signs of fatigue in ways that surprise those around you. It may be time for a change of scenery or of routine. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You may be hoping for something that is not entirely possible. Today is a good day to alter your perspective and look toward other goals. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — You may find yourself asking why more than once — and the answers that come to you are likely to surprise you and others. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Laughter is contagious, of course, and whether you are the instigator or a follower,

you’ll want to laugh as much as you can. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — What goes on beneath the surface at this time results in a transformation that is revealed only when the time is right. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You can display a good deal of wisdom and know-how, and though you’re doing reasonably well, you may not be fully satisfied. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — The response you receive from those who listen to you is likely to surprise you. Your communication skills are second to none. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Justice is something worth fighting for at this time, and you’ll find yourself being the standard-bearer for those who share your views. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — A situation is fast developing that may require you to hone your skills more quickly than you had planned. You’ll rise to the occasion. Copyright 2010 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.


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Mote explains vision of past 12 years Speech details challenges of pleasing all faculty, staff and students BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Senior staff writer

Outgoing university President Dan Mote explained his governing philosophy to a crowd of about 70 students and faculty in the Stamp Student Union yesterday, emphasizing the limits of his power and the breadth of his responsibilities. While people often compare Mote’s job to that of a CEO, he said his authority is far more limited. A CEO can hire and fire workers basically at will and sell off or close underperforming units, but Mote has less influence over the day-to-day lives of his employees, many of whom are protected by tenure and generally operate on their own terms. “You don’t have the direct influence a CEO does,” he said in the roughly half-hour speech. “How does the university function when no one has to do what the president says?” Mote also explained how he is the only university employee who must answer to and balance demands from every constituency — from research partners to state legislators to Terrapin sports fans to students, faculty and staff. “If you make an honest list, you’ll find the number of constituencies ... is huge,” he said. “Each constituency sees a slice of the pie, but they tend to see themselves as the pie.” “There’s only one person on the campus who can speak for and to all the constituencies,” he added. The solution, Mote said, is to create a vision that ever yone in the institution — 37,000 students, 250,000 alumni, 3,000 faculty and 5,000 staff — can see them-

Retiring university President Dan Mote mingles with students after his speech about leadership as part of the Student Government Association's speaker series. STEVEN OVERLY/THE DIAMONDBACK

selves in and want to be a part of. If people are excited by a vision, he explained, they’ll follow along. And getting them excited requires miracles, Mote explained. “You need to do things that people think you cannot do,” he said, citing the development of the M-Square Research Park and the addition of three Nobel laureates to the university’s faculty as such things many dismissed as impossible when Mote first arrived at the university in 1998. At the end of his speech, students were given a chance to ask questions. One asked

Mote to name one thing he wanted to change about the university, causing the president to consider the work that’s yet to be done. “I’m not satisfied with our international programs,” he said, also listing the university’s slow embrace of new teaching methods as an area for improvement. But, he said, if the university remains on the right track, it can be truly elite within the next seven or eight years. The speech, the second-tolast event in the Student Government Association’s inaugural speaker series, focused primarily on the leadership style of the outgoing presi-

Classified CALL

dent, who will retire Aug. 31. It also allowed the SGA, in the words of President Steve Glickman, an opportunity for “thanking [Mote] for the past 12 years.” Most of the students at the event were members of the SGA or other student groups, and they said they appreciated the insight into Mote’s handling of the university. “It was very personal, very directed at the student community,” Graduate Student Government President Anupama Kothari said. “It’s been an eyeopener, about all the constituencies he has to deal with.” robillard@umdbk.com

DASCHLE from page 1 secretary of the U.S. Health and Human Services Department before he was pressured to step down amid evidence that he failed to accurately report and pay his income taxes, a controversy that was not addressed during the university event. The former senator covered the gambit of the law, including the new mandates for citizens to have health care and for all employers to provide their employees with health care or a voucher to purchase their own coverage. He described the details of statewide insurance exchanges that aim to lower the cost of coverage and new efforts to decrease waste, fraud and abuse within the health care system. “The entire bill is going to be implemented in two-year increments over the next eight years, but several improvements will be made right off the bat,” Daschle said. “One thing is that you’re eligible for your parents’ health care plan if you’re under the age of 26.” Daschle expressed a hope that the reforms would give more citizens access to preventative care, improving the nation’s overall health and decreasing the need for costly drugs and medical procedures to treat preventable illnesses such as obesity. During the question-andanswer session that followed, Daschle said although Congress passed a large health care package, the issue will definitely be revisited, as will the controversial public option — government-run health insurance that would compete with private insurers — which Daschle predicted would pass some time within the next decade. “I’m a big advocate for the public option because it increases leverage, and that leverage is the best way to control cost,” he said. “In recent polls, over 60 percent

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of Americans also support it, and I think that you will see a public option within the next 10 years as the bill gets implemented from state to state and people gain trust in the government’s role in the health care system.” The majority of students in attendance had followed the health care debate closely and held Daschle in high regard. “I’m a political science major, so I thought the health care debate was really interesting,” junior Cameron Torrean said. “I’m definitely excited to hear him speak, and I’m interested in what effect the bill will have on students after they graduate from college.” Stamp Special Events and Programs Project Coordinator Katie Winstead, who organized the event and introduced Daschle, said she thought the event was a success. “We want to fill the gap between other lectures on campus,” Winstead said. “Some lectures are very specific to a certain topic, others are more entertainmentbased, but we wanted to highlight a national issue, one that affects a lot of people.” hemmati@umdbk.com

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Former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) speaks to students about health care. GARY

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Hole lotta Love Courtney Love gives it her all on her new album, Nobody’s Daughter BY ZACHARY BERMAN Staff writer

Although Nobody’s Daughter is labeled a Hole LP, it is mostly the work of band co-founder Courtney Love and the veteran artists she recruited for collaborations. COURTESY WORDPRESS.COM

Courtney Love certainly is a character, well-known as the feisty widow of the late 1990s rock god Kurt Cobain. But who else is Love? Sure, she’s had her hits here and there with her band Hole, but in total, she’s famed more for her reported drug addictions and highly publicized legal disputes. What most people seem to for-

get is that Love is a relatively good songwriter, regardless of her malfeasances. With her latest LP, Nobody’s Daughter, Love brings her listeners a string of somewhat depressed, postrehab compositions that are consistently more introspectively affective than hard rocking. The record seems like a Love solo project, but it is actually being released under the moniker of her longtime band, Hole. Hole cofounder and lead guitarist Eric Erlandson is nowhere to be found on the new record, and the new music itself doesn’t quite reflect the often heavier, more dissonant sound of the original Hole. Furthermore, although Love is credited on all but one of the tracks as a songwriter, many of these same songs are also written by 4 Non Blondes frontwoman Linda Perry and Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan. The change in sound is unmistakable. Whereas older Hole songs may have been built on fuzz guitar chops, new tracks such as “For Once in Your Life” feature sweeping string sections over painfully strummed acoustic guitars. Clean electric guitars hang in the back of the mix with light percussion, sparkling endlessly and letting Love’s distinctively thin, shattered voice come to the front. In a sense, the whole album — pardon the pun — is a look at a shattered Love. In recent years, Love has battled drug addiction, eating disorder accusations and the loss of custody of her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain. With all these stressors, not to mention a public that is unendingly interested in her slow downfall, it’s no wonder that the tone and lyrics of her new album are so gloomy. Take the album’s title track, where Love sings, “You don’t understand how damaged we really are / You don’t understand how evil we really are / And I will dig my own grave.” Strangely enough, the song is a stylistic mixed bag, somewhere between alternative country and soft rock. Most importantly, nothing on the album sounds recent. Instead, the music is relative to Love as a musician who came of age in the 1990s. Perhaps Love is using music to reflect on a time in her life that was arguably better and easier. But no matter her motives, the decision to not conform to today’s

rock standards is a perfect move, making her sound entirely different than the rest of her competition. “Honey” is a sad, yet undeniably catchy mid-tempo track that builds to emotional heights rarely visited by Love. Her visceral scream at the peak of the song’s crescendo may have listeners surprised by the level of enjoyment they are receiving from a Love song. “Pacific Coast Highway” finds Love on the road, singing about loving the wrong man and presumably killing him with his own gun. Again, huge country rock chords power the track, and Love’s voice lays down multiple memorable melodies that should please the even the most jaded of rock listeners. A few of the songs do reflect a harder rocking Love, but these are few and far between. First single “Skinny Little Bitch” is a straight-ahead rock number, sounding like a lost recording from the mid-1990s. The song is interesting mostly because it is the first single and therefore has a predetermined memorable quality. However, the other hard rock songs on the LP seem out place. “Loser Dust” is as close to punk as Love has ever been, but that distinction doesn’t make the song any better. It’s absolutely forgettable and doesn’t give listeners much reason to try to return to it for a second listen. There are plenty of other songs on the album worth replaying, just representing sounds that Love has not explored quite so deeply before, and so listeners may at first be confused by the alteration in style. At this point in her career, it’s fallen out of vogue to accuse Love of conspiring to kill Kurt Cobain, but plenty of listeners may simply be too overwhelmed by their essentially pointless hatred of Love to allow themselves to pick up the album. For everyone else, Nobody’s Daughter is worth a listen, not as a way to look at Love, but as a way to look at the world through Love’s eyes. diversions@umdbk.com

ALBUM: Nobody’s Daughter VERDICT:



PROFIT from page 10

Midfielder Brittany Jones chases down a loose ball against North Carolina on Sunday. ALLISON AKERS/THE DIAMONDBACK

Women’s lax takes No. 1 ranking after ACC title Terps earn top spot Monday for first time in nearly seven years, beating out Northwestern, UNC BY CHRIS ECKARD Staff writer

The ACC Championship win against then-No. 1 North Carolina on Sunday not only sealed the Terrapin women’s lacrosse team’s second straight conference tournament title, but also opened the door to another distinction: the nation’s No. 1 ranking. The weekend before the ACC Tournament, North Carolina beat Northwestern to leapfrog the Wildcats, who had held the position for most of this season. But with the Terps’ 10-5 win against the Tar Heels, the spot was up for grabs once again. It’s the first time since March 31, 2003 the Terps have held the country’s top ranking. It wasn’t a forgone conclusion, though. The Terps beat out the Wildcats by only one point in the top 20 rankings, and had fewer first-place votes. “It really doesn’t mean much at this point,” said coach Cathy Reese, who became accustomed to top rankings in her playing days after winning four straight national titles. “It’s a reflection of what this team has accomplished so far this season, but we still have a long ways to go.” The key wasn’t just knocking off the top team in the country, but how the Terps did it. Reese’s team displayed its best team defense of the year against the Tar Heels while showing it was capable of slowing down the tempo on offense. Most of this season, the Terps have used their transition game to dictate the game’s tempo. Many of the early-season blowouts resulted from quick transition goals that put opponents on their heels. When the team’s transition game didn’t work, the results were much different. The team struggled against James Madison, Virginia and Boston College when those teams forced the Terps to

play at a slower tempo. Sunday, after the Terps took a four-goal lead midway through the first half, Reese turned the offense’s focus away from the transition and to an offense more reliant on set plays. Casually throwing the ball around the 12-meter fan, the Terps showed seemingly no interest in pressing, instead opting to take the best shot possible while limiting North Carolina’s possessions. The plan worked, as four of the Terps’ six goals came on passes behind the goal in set plays. Attacker Sarah Mollison and midfielder Caitlyn McFadden, who both had two assists, served as triggermen behind the net, waiting patiently for teammates to cut in front of the goal for an easy shot. And at the end of the first half, Reese had her offense kill the final 1:30 before taking the final shot so the Tar Heels wouldn’t have a chance to cut the lead to three and grab considerable momentum before intermission. Reese knew the potency of the North Carolina attack, which had averaged more than 15 goals per game heading into the title tilt. But with the slow tempo and increased defensive pressure, the Tar Heels scored a season-low five goals, including only one in the first half. “We were ready for this game,” Reese said. “Our team really wanted to demonstrate what we’re capable of.” Now, they’ll have to keep that same intensity through the final two games of the regular season and into the NCAA Tournament — and do so with all with the pressures that come along with a No. 1 ranking. “We finally put it together for a whole game,” McFadden said. “We know we haven’t seen our full potential and this game was an awesome start.” ceckard@umdbk.com

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her own pentathlon school record in the process. “I looked up at the scoreboard and saw my name in second place, and it was just overwhelming,” Profit said. “I didn’t really realize it was happening until I got my award.” Profit followed her showing at nationals with a dominating performance at the ACC Outdoor Championships two weekends ago. She competed in multiple events, setting personal records in many of them. Most notably, she shattered a 26-year-old school record in the heptathlon, placing second in that event as well. But her success could have grander implications. She has become more than just a decorated athlete for the Terps; she has become an athlete that could potentially put the track and field program back in the national spotlight after years of sustained mediocrity. “Her second-place finish at nationals is one of the things our track and field program most needed,” coach Andrew Valmon said. “When you think about the University of Maryland, you think about basketball, football and lacrosse, so I think it’s important to see that the NCAA level is an attainable goal. And I think she set the bar for everyone on the team to follow.” “That is a huge statement,” Profit said when she heard Valmon’s comments. “I definitely didn’t come here to try and do that. I just came here to run. The fact that coach thinks I can put Maryland back on the map and that he has that much faith in me is a huge compliment.” It’s an irony of the sweetest kind for the Terps. At one point, Profit never thought she would find success in College Park — mainly because she never believed she would end up going to school at this university. “I wanted to get away from California,” Profit said. “My coach came from Georgia Tech, so I wasn’t really even looking at Maryland. But my coach went from there to Maryland, and I followed him.” Now that she has settled in as a Terp, however, Profit is beginning to realize all the success she had hoped for. And with the amount of success she has enjoyed recently, she now understands how important her contributions are for the future of the program.

DRIESELL from page 10 do a good job in making a selection,” Williams said. Driesell, who was hired by Williams in 2006 after two seasons ser ving as the head

Kiani Profit could help the Terps if she continues to excel in the heptathlon, where she finished second at this year’s NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championship. PHOTO COURTESY OF TONI ALUKO

Profit warms up near the starting block for the Terps.


“If I keep having the success I’m having, going to nationals and being an All-American, I think people will realize that Maryland is back on top again, and maybe even help recruiting in the future,” Profit said. “When I was a recruit, one of the things I looked at was if anyone on the team was going to nationals. The fact that I’m going to nationals, even though

I’m the only one right now, could make a potential recruit want to come to Maryland.” Changing the national recognition of an entire track and field program will not be easy, but Profit knows that this will be a good place for the Terps to start. “Getting our track team to be nationally known is going to be hard task,” Profit said. “I don’t think I can get it there,

but I think I can start it off. And once I start it off, the recruits or the freshmen here now can keep building up the status of our track team. I think that could help people to know that Maryland is a good track school. I don’t think I can do it alone, but I think I can definitely start it off.”

coach at Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria, Va., would be accepting his first Division I head coaching job. He previously ser ved as head coach at Division III Mar ymount from 1997 to 2003, leading the team to a 88-72 record.

The former Terps’ shooting guard also spent three years as a Naval lieutenant after college — a background that could have earned him a leg up at the military school. Inheriting a Bulldog squad that returns nine rising seniors should help ease

Driesell’s expected transition to the new environment. “That’s what you work hard for in the coaching profession — to run your own program,” Williams said. “Now he’s got his chance.”






Robinson’s mobility key for Terps; Smith shines BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer

After a 2-10 finish in 2009 that led to questions about his job security, Terrapin football coach Ralph Friedgen said he and offensive coordinator James Franklin would evaluate their offensive scheme and strongly consider making substantive changes. As the Terps concluded their 15-session spring practice season Saturday with their annual Red-White spring game, it’s unclear how many major changes were made. It was apparent Saturday, however, that the team will try to take advantage of starting quarterback Jamarr Robinson’s athleticism in the fall. “We’ve always had the plays,” said Robinson, who finished with two yards rushing on three carries. “For Chris [Turner, 2009 starting quarterback], you wouldn’t call a certain play you would call for me just because of my mobility.” The Terps kept the play-calling for Saturday’s scrimmage relatively simple, and defensive players weren’t permitted to tackle quarterbacks, who wore yellow uniforms. “We put in a few different things. I think we’re more of a multiple set this year,” backup quarterback Danny O’Brien said. “But it’s all the same terminology. We’re just putting a few different things in the playbook that we already have, just building on what we did last year. It’s more diverse than what we did last year.” Behind an inexperienced offensive line and without injured starting running back Da’Rel Scott for five games, the Terps’ offense last year failed to produce a consistent rushing attack or

many explosive plays. Toward the end of last season, Friedgen indicated the Terps would look at running more of an option-oriented offense in 2010, similar to the scheme the 10th-year coach and then-offensive coordinator Charlie Taaffe employed when they arrived in 2001. “I don’t know,” Robinson said, when asked about the option. “That’s up to coach.”

SMITH KEEPS IT GOING Wide receiver Torrey Smith was one of the few bright spots for the Terps last season, catching 61 passes for 824 yards and five touchdowns to go along with two kick return touchdowns. This spring, the junior said he worked on the mental aspects of the game, such as reading defenses and running more precise routes. On Saturday, Smith looked comfortable working with Robinson, collecting four receptions for 90 yards, including a 25-yard touchdown pass on the first series of the game. “We used to throw together when we were at the bottom of the totem pole, and now we’re at the top,” Smith said of their relationship. “Jamarr is comfortable with everybody.” Robinson also lofted a second-quarter pass to Smith down the sideline, which the 6-foot-1 Virginia native was able to haul in despite a pass interference penalty from cornerback Cameron Chism. Adrian Cannon, the projected starter at wide receiver opposite Smith, finished Saturday’s game with two receptions for 11 yards. He failed to catch a Robinson pass in the end zone on the Red team’s second drive.

TERPS DISAPPOINTED BY CAMPBELL’S DROP Former Terps’ offensive tackle Bruce Campbell left school early with the idea that he’d be a first- or second-round draft pick. Instead, he fell to the fourth round, where the Oakland Raiders selected him with the 106th overall pick. After an impressive NFL Scouting Combine in February, pundits lauded Campbell’s athletic ability, but questioned whether his on-field play warranted a spot in the first round. Former Terps’ cornerback Nolan Carroll, who was selected in the fifth round by the Miami Dolphins, said that scrutiny hurt Campbell’s draft stock. “It’s not his fault. It’s people in the past who have let teams down, just because guys in the past have been workout warriors and don’t measure up,” Carroll said. “He’s one of the best offensive linemen that’s come out of Maryland in recent years.” The Raiders selected former Terps’ wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey with the No. 7 overall pick in the 2009 draft based on his dazzling testing numbers at the combine. Heyward-Bey finished a disappointing rookie season with nine receptions and 124 yards. “I was real surprised to see Bruce drop so much,” said former Terps’ fullback Cory Jackson, who signed a twoyear, undrafted free agent contract with the San Diego Chargers. “They’ve got a steal in him.” Attempts to reach Campbell through his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, were unsuccessful. akraut@umdbk.com

Wide receiver Torrey Smith starred in Sunday’s Red-White spring football game, netting 90 receiving yards. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK



No rest for weary Terps in tough midweek games Baseball readies for back-to-back contests against two of CAA’s best BY MICHAEL LEMAIRE Senior staff writer

As the Terrapin baseball team reels from its deflating sweep against No. 1 Virginia last weekend and another difficult weekend matchup with No. 16 Miami looms, two midweek games against nonconference opponents could be just what the Terps need to refocus for the final stretch of the season. Unfortunately for the Terps, they will have to wait one more week before getting a scheduling break. The two teams the Terps (15-28) will welcome to Shipley Field this week — George Mason today and James Madison tomorrow — not only sit atop the Colonial Athletic Association but also already have wins against the Terps this season. “Our schedule doesn’t offer any breaks,” coach Erik Bakich said. “Obviously our conference is one of the best in the country, so those will be big games. But I think our schedule is pretty difficult as whole. We are trying to build a winning program, and you don’t do that by scheduling teams that will hurt your RPI.” Once again, the common denominator in both Terps’ losses was a lack of offensive production. Earlier this month, George

Mason (26-12) was the benefactor of some of the Terps’ worst baseball all season, squeaking out a 3-1 win in which the Terps’ offense managed just two hits against middling pitchers. On March 23, the Terps clung to a 2-1 lead against James Madison (20-19) heading into the seventh inning. But just when it seemed as if the Terps might escape Harrisonburg, Va., with a quality win, their pitching staff imploded. Starter Eric Potter and reliever Ian Schwalenberg allowed a combined five runs as the Dukes rallied for a 6-2 win. In recent weeks, though, the offense has shown signs of life. Center fielder Matt Marquis is working on an 11-game hitting streak, including his team-leading fifth home run in Saturday’s loss to Virginia. And catcher Jack Cleary has emerged as one of the team’s best offensive weapons, hitting at a .328 clip in the month of April. “It’s always about the offense,” Bakich said Sunday. “I have said before that our offense is about doing the little things like stealing bases and moving runners along. We just haven’t performed up to our capabilities on a regular basis yet this season. But there is still plenty of season left to turn it around.” lemaire@umdbk.com


BROTHERS from page 10 C.W. Post. Naturally, he made sure his sons, Jake and Jesse, as well as their younger brother Jared, knew the finer points of lacrosse. When Jake and Jesse were in high school, their father told them they were the best offensive player and defensive player in the state, respectively. So when the brothers weren’t terrorizing central Florida on the lacrosse field, they fostered their own sibling rivalry, dueling in one-on-one battles in their own backyard. Still, even with natural athletic talent and lacrosse in their blood, the Bernhardts knew they needed to put in work if they wanted to run with players from more lacrosse-centric areas. Jake left Florida first, and as a freshman in College Park, he contributed heavily in the Terps’ midfield and won the Terps’ “Be the Best” award for overall strength and conditioning. “They’re just amazing athletes with amazing work ethics,” said midfielder Dan Burns, who plays with Jake on the first midfield line and with Jesse on the faceoff wings. “They’re the first guys in the weight room, the last ones out. They come into the season in

great shape, and they can play the whole game. They seem to never get tired.” Jake’s trailblazing made Jesse’s transition to the collegiate game even smoother. “Since down in Florida, lacrosse isn’t the hottest sport, it was pretty much me working against him and him working against me that helped us gain experience,” Jesse Bernhardt said. “Especially him coming back and teaching me some stuff from when he was up here last year and getting to play against that top-level lacrosse.” The brothers’ pairing on the field can give even teammates headaches. When Jesse trades in his long pole for a short stick in practice drills, some of his teammates can’t tell the difference between the siblings. Away from the field, where Jake and Jesse share a dorm room, it’s like the two never left Florida. “Getting back with Jake was definitely a reason why I came to school here,” Jesse said. “Not many people get a chance or the opportunity to do that, push for a national championship with a sibling. I’ve been fortunate to play, so we’ve both been on the field at the same times, and it’s just like back in the old days playing against each other in the backyard.” kyanchulis@umdbk.com




Terps pick up new recruit Check out TerrapinTrail.com for a breakdown of high school point guard Sterling Gibbs’ commitment to the men’s basketball team.

Driesell to take head coaching job at The Citadel Former Terp to leave program after four years on sideline; inherits team with 9 seniors “A lot of really good assistants, they want to be head coaches. That’s One measure of Gary what makes them good,” Williams’ success as Ter- Williams said by phone night. “Chuck rapin men’s basketball last coach has been his ability worked hard for a couple to groom assistants for years. I’m glad to see it worked out.” Division I coaching jobs. Chuck Driesell, also a Assistant coach Chuck Driesell will be the latest former Terp player, could addition to that list, not be reached last night. When contacted according to at his Virginia multiple pubBeach, Va., lished reports. home, Lefty Driesell, the son Driesell declined of former Terps’ to comment until coach Lefty The Citadel Driesell, is makes an official expected to be announcement. named the head Replacing assiscoach at The tants who make Citadel as early CHUCK the jump to lead as today. their own proDriesell would DRIESELL grams is nothing replace Ed Con- FORMER TERRAPIN new for Williams. roy, who accepted MEN’S BASKETBALL In the last decade, the head job at ASSISTANT Vermont’s Mike Tulane earlier this month after guiding the Lonergan and Loyola’s Bulldogs to a 16-16 (9-9 Jimmy Patsos, among othSouthern Conference) ers, have earned head jobs after time in College Park. record last season. The 21st-year coach An athletics department spokesman at The Citadel joked that he’s already would not confirm the hir- had “about 100” calls his newfound ing yesterday afternoon. about But Comcast SportsNet coaching vacancy, but he reported the school will said he’ll be patient in introduce Driesell at a 4 replacing Driesell. The p.m. news conference next NCAA recruiting today, and Williams is period doesn’t begin preparing for the fourth- until July. “We’ve got a chance to year assistant and leading recruiting coordinator to see DRIESELL, page 8 move on. BY ERIC DETWEILER Senior staff writer

Defender Jesse Bernhardt, right, is the younger brother of Terps midfielder Jake Bernhardt.


From Florida to the forefront Bernhardt brothers contribute for Terps despite unusual origins BY KATE YANCHULIS Senior staff writer

In a Feb. 27 game at Georgetown, Terrapin men’s lacrosse long pole Jesse Bernhardt needed just 11 seconds to have a captive audience. With the game tied at 11 and the ball at the faceoff ‘X,’ Bernhardt exploded from his wing position behind faceoff specialist Bryn Holmes and fluidly scooped up a ground ball. Before his Hoya counterparts could react, Bernhardt was headed downfield. As he approached the goal, Georgetown’s defense waited to react, daring Bernhardt to move

even closer. When the Hoyas finally stepped up, Bernhardt pulled up, lined up and fired an overhead strike that found the net behind goalie C.T. Fisher. The impressive display from the freshman from Longwood, Fla. — a far cry from a lacrosse hotbed — dropped jaws on both sidelines in the Terps’ eventual 15-13 victory. But at least one person didn’t blink an eye. Jake Bernhardt, a sophomore starting midfielder for the Terps and Jesse’s older brother, just smiled. “It’s not new to me — I always tell people that he’s good,” Jake said. “Jesse’s real athletic. He gets

Kiani Profit holds a top-10 record in eight separate track and field events for the Terps. PHOTO COURTESY OF TONI ALUKO

Profit-ing from success Track and field star could push program into limelight BY JOSH VITALE Staff writer

Growing up in Pasadena, Calif., Kiani Profit never thought she would ultimately rank as one of the best performers in Terrapin track and field team history. But in the middle of her junior season, Profit has already solidified herself in the Terps’ record books. “It’s amazing,” Profit said. “I always hoped for this kind of success. I never knew whether it would or wouldn’t

come, but I hoped for it.” Profit now has a place among the top 10 in the Terp record books in eight different events, and at this year’s NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championship in March, she broke out onto the national scene. In the pentathlon, Profit sat in seventh place going into the 800-meter run, the competition’s final event. But a personal record in the 800 vaulted her into a secondplace finish nationally, breaking

see PROFIT, page 8

there real fast, gets the ground ball — he’ll get in and get out of there in the blink of an eye.” By the time Jesse scored his second goal of the season last Saturday, taking another ground ball off a faceoff to the goal for the game-winner against thenNo. 16 Johns Hopkins, no one wearing a Terps jersey was the least bit surprised. “I’m a little jealous that he gets the goal and I don’t get a goal, but I’ll take the assist,” said Jake, who assisted a teammate earlier in the game. “I’m just proud, especially because we’re from Florida — you don’t see that a lot.” Given their unconventional

backgrounds, the Bernhardts have waged lifelong battles against the perceptions of their talent. But the pair’s athleticism, work ethic and brotherly support have made them mainstays for the No. 4 Terps (9-3). Even with lacrosse’s booming popularity in Florida, the sport pales in comparison to football there. Both brothers played high school football at Lake Brantley High School, and their father, Jim Bernhardt, is a football coach for Daytona Beach’s Father Lopez Catholic High School who played college lacrosse at Towson and

see BROTHERS, page 9

SALARY GUIDE 2009 - 2010





From the editor

Numbers that matter


n a year when furloughs, tuition increases and an overwhelming demand for greater transparency have dominated university discussions, knowing exactly how state taxes and tuition dollars are being spent seems to be of utmost importance. Transparency is more than a privilege — it’s a right. It is in this spirit that The Diamondback continues to publish an extensive annual list of all university faculty and staff members’ salaries, despite criticism. As a public institution, funded with state money, access to the information published in this guide is the right of every student and every Maryland taxpayer. Here, we present that information as raw data, allowing you to draw your own conclusions. This academic year, the university had a $1.6 billion dollar budget, $420 million of which came from state appropriations. While this money is used to mow the lawn on McKeldin Mall and pay for academic journal subscriptions in the libraries, a large chunk of it goes toward funding labor costs. Every university employee, from university President Dan Mote, who made $464,600 last year, to the lowest paid employee listed — a postdoctoral research associate who was only paid $334.27 — is essential to understanding how university resources are allocated. With understanding comes the ability to hold officials accountable for how they’re spending your money. The following guide is divided by department, then by position and last name, alphabetically. Use it to look up your professors, coworkers, favorite (or least favorite) administrators. Use it to see how your or your family’s tuition money or tax dollars are being spent. Use it to educate yourself. Why? Because it’s your right to know. — Marissa Lang Editor in chief-elect

BEYOND THE NUMBERS UP, UP AND AWAY A total of 918 faculty and staff members received pay raises. These are the top five salary increases from 2009 to 2010, with notes of known position changes: 1. Sergei Novikov, Institute for Physical Science and Technology: $215,784 from $107,892, with no change in position 2. Rem Rieder, journalism school editor: $150,571 from $44,750, with new position 3. Michael E. Fisher, Institute for Physical Science and Technology: $209,760 from $124,857, with no change in position 4. Steven Hutcheson, cell biology and molecular genetics professor: $109,716 from $27,429, with no change in position 5. Jennifer Bentlejewski, agriculture and natural resources extension agent: $139,773 from $64,573, with new position

THE RICHEST OF THE RICH The top 10 salaries for 2010 are as follows: 1. Dan Mote, university president: $464,600 2. Gary Williams, men’s basketball coach: $429,399 3. Deborah Yow, athletics director: $382,575 4. Michel Wedel, marketing professor: $340,350 5. Roland Rust, marketing professor: $334,210 6. Brenda Frese, women’s basketball coach: $330,746 7. G. Anandalingam, business school dean: $324,000 8. Lemma Senbet, finance department chair: $315,000 9. Vojislav Maksimovic, finance professor: $312,250 10. Nariman Farvardin, provost: $310,740

OTHER NOTABLE SALARIES Men’s soccer coach Sasho Cirovski: $191, 142 Vice President for Administrative Affairs Ann Wylie: $266,603 Vice President for Student Affairs Linda Clement: $233,146.75 Vice President for University Relations Brodie Remington: $282,045.01 Assistant to the President for Equity and Diversity Rob Waters: $180,137.57 Chief of Staff Sally Koblinsky: $205,000 University Police spokesman Paul Dillon: $86,985

University spokesman Millree Williams: $117,818.42 Stamp Student Union Director Gretchen Metzelaars: $130,418.53 Dining Services Director Colleen WrightRiva: $162,102 Football head coach Ralph Friedgen: $267,468 Baseball head coach Erik Bakich: $100,000 Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity Cordell Black: $163,585.51


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diamondbackonline.com To check out an Excel spreadsheet with the full salary data, ready for you to sort, check out The Diamondback’s website. Also, see something fishy in all this data? Want to send us a juicy news tip? E-mail us at news@umdbk.com.

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TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK A. James Clark School of Engineering ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering Acad Adv Dawson, Angela Marie Adjunct Prof Mowrer, Frederick W. Admin Asst II Berry, Julie Advisor Ware, DaFran Marie Assoc Dir Grubb, William F. Assoc Dir Kamalidiin, LaWanda S. Assoc Prof & Dean Pertmer, Gary A. Asst Dean McMenamin, James Asst Dean Meyer, Maureen L. Asst Dir DeMoss, Meredith Lynn Asst Dir Hamilton, Tamara Nicole Asst Dir Hollywood, Nicole L. Asst Dir Johnson, Alana Erin Asst Dir Perrigan, Veronica A. Asst Dir Thomas, Rebecca E. Asst Dir Vidmar, Deborah Asst to Dean Williams, Sheron Yvonne Coordinator Beaver, Paula K Coordinator Corley, Melissa Lea Coordinator Hill, Vickie Coordinator Mixa, Peter M. Coordinator Murphy, Janet M. Coordinator Perez, Lisa Diane Coordinator Prince Jimenez, Teresa D. Coordinator White, Caitlin Teresa Lamb Director Dolan, Jenna E. Director Fines, Jane Frances Director Parker, Rosemary L. Director Sauber, Heidi Winick Director Smith, Paige Elizabeth Exec Adm Asst I Ford, Margaret Christine Fac Res Asst Shiffler, Christopher James Fac Res Asst Valente, Evandro Gurgel Do Amaral Grad Asst III Slavin, Margaret Mary Lecturer Beigel, Thomas Howard Lecturer Calabro, Kevin Michael Lecturer Evans, William C. Lecturer Francis, Caine Martin Lecturer Mendelsohn, Betsy Lecturer Ottesen, Andrea Ruth Lecturer Tomblin, David Manager Bell, Richard E. Manager Gibson, Kathleen A. Prof & Assoc Dean Fourney, William L. Prof And Dean Pines, Darryll J. Prog Coor Berhane, Bruk Tesfai Prog Mgmt Spec I Densmore, Debra Susan Prog Mgmt Spec I Hosten-Peraza, Irolsay Rebeca Prog Mgmt Spec I Young, Trinette ENGR-Aerospace Engineering Accounting Assoc Alexander, Peter Alva JR Accounting Assoc Williams, LaVita Denise Assoc Prof Akin, David L. Assoc Prof Baeder, James D. Assoc Prof Cadou, Christopher Assoc Prof Martin , Pino Assoc Prof Sanner, Robert Michael Assoc Prof Shapiro, Benjamin Assoc Prof Winkelmann, Allen E. Assoc Prof Yu, Kenneth H. Assoc Res Sci Carignan, Craig R. Asst Dir Aparakakankanange, Erika Asst Dir Howard, Elton W. Asst Dir Kassaee, Ahmad Asst Prof Humbert, James Sean Asst Prof Paley, Derek A. Asst Prof Sedwick, Raymond John Asst Res Sci Ananthan, Shreyas Asst Res Sci Choi, Young Tai Asst Res Sci Gopalan, Gaurav Asst Res Sci Hu, Wei Asst Res Sci Kwon, Soonwook Asst Res Sci Na, Suok-Min Asst Res Sci Yoo, Jin-Hyeong Coordinator Chandler, Debora Y. Coordinator Sarni, Rebecca A. Dir Admin Srv Fandino, Otto Eduardo Director Barlow, Jewel B. Engineer Lewy, Kevin M. Fac Res Asst Grossenbacher, Howard Paul Fac Res Asst Leiste, Ulrich H Fac Res Asst Perna, Michael Fac Res Asst Taylor, Leslie Corzine Lecturer Healy, Liam Lecturer McKinley, David Patrick Lecturer Palumbo, Dominic J. Prof Celi, Roberto Prof Chopra, Inderjit Prof Flatau, Alison Prof Hubbard, James E. JR Prof Lee, Sung W. Prof Leishman, John G. Prof Wereley, Norman M. Prof & Chair Lewis, Mark J. Res Assoc Aparakakankanange, Hareen Res Assoc Chaudhuri, Anirban Res Assoc Ghosh, Amardip Res Assoc Komaee, Arash Res Assoc Koushik, Sudarshana N. Res Assoc Lakshminarayan, Vinod K Res Assoc Mahmoudian, Nina Res Assoc Park, Jung Jin

$47,050.00 $5,000.00 $38,257.46 $43,200.00 $87,500.00 $78,700.00 $140,000.00 $131,100.00 $166,600.00 $60,700.00 $59,777.52 $48,700.00 $52,785.00 $58,000.00 $71,663.00 $58,000.00 $62,700.00 $52,500.00 $80,900.00 $52,311.00 $60,800.00 $54,200.00 $47,500.00 $43,000.00 $44,982.00 $71,500.00 $87,500.00 $84,700.00 $96,100.00 $87,500.00 $39,462.50 $50,700.00 $68,900.00 $1,250.00 $46,200.00 $69,664.00 $10,023.20 $40,800.00 $35,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,000.00 $72,000.00 $82,600.00 $277,950.00 $233,000.00 $44,935.00 $41,721.59 $44,345.47 $39,756.21 $33,529.50 $33,529.50 $153,709.00 $120,035.76 $120,468.00 $105,000.00 $112,218.05 $121,624.00 $76,445.06 $130,192.41 $58,892.00 $44,245.00 $70,008.31 $93,012.66 $88,157.68 $78,750.00 $85,660.00 $63,048.24 $83,220.66 $34,268.77 $55,000.00 $24,600.00 $54,386.91 $55,724.19 $62,216.45 $63,430.41 $93,245.36 $46,272.09 $79,823.88 $65,751.36 $69,999.16 $82,141.89 $55,485.90 $14,400.00 $11,000.00 $14,000.00 $115,276.20 $272,711.11 $164,439.00 $229,016.69 $132,230.85 $156,055.10 $166,004.54 $195,000.00 $54,653.51 $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $50,000.00 $56,139.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $52,125.00

Res Assoc Vance, Jason T. Sr Res Sci Godfrey, Brendan Berry Sr Res Sci Nagaraj, Vengalattore T Visit Asst Prof Bowden, Mary L. Visit Prof Schmitz, Fredric H. Visit Res Assoc Cheng, Haibin ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Assoc Prof Dimitrakopoulos, Panagiotis Assoc Prof Ehrman, Sheryl H. Assoc Prof Raghavan, Srinivasa R. Assoc Prof Wang, Nam Sun Asst Dir Lopresti, Kathleen A. Asst Prof Klauda, Jeffery B. Asst Prof Sriram, Ganesh Asst Prof Wang, Chunsheng Coordinator Morris, Nina K. Dir Admin Srv McNicholas, Michael J. Exec Adm Asst I Lorenzana, Patricia C. Fac Res Asst Lee, Moon Soo Fac Res Asst Noon, Muhammad Saad Fac Res Asst Song, Zhipeng Prof Adomaitis, Raymond A. Prof Anisimov, Mikhail A. Prof Calabrese, Richard V. Prof Choi, Kyu Yong Prof Weigand, William A. Prof & Chair Schork, Francis Joseph Res Assoc Guo, Juchen Res Assoc Luciani, Carla Vanesa Res Assoc Pristinski, Denis ENGR-Civil & Enviromental Engr Account Clerk III McGee, Charity R Accounting Assoc Morris, N'kola Kirhene Admin Asst I Neal, Ellen Marie Assoc Prof Austin, Mark A. Assoc Prof Aydilek, Ahmet H. Assoc Prof Brubaker, Kaye L. Assoc Prof Chang, Peter C. Assoc Prof Gabriel, Steven A. Assoc Prof Goulias, Dimitrios Assoc Prof Miller-Hooks, Elise Assoc Prof Schwartz, Charles W. Assoc Prof Zhang, Yunfeng Assoc Res Sci Jacobs, Thomas Hans Asst Dir Paszkiewicz, Michael Alexander Asst Dir Peters, Stephanie L. Asst Prof Cirillo, Cinzia Asst Prof Cui, Qingbin Asst Prof Zhang, Lei Asst Res Schl Dye, Richard R. Asst Res Sci Wang, ShiaauLir Coordinator Alessandrini, Janet L. Coordinator Kaul, Sangeeta III Director Santos, Alan P. Director Schuetz, Lisa K. Fac Res Asst Binks, John Fac Res Asst Bituin, Alfredo L. Fac Res Asst Cai, Guimei Fac Res Asst Couture, Michael Fac Res Asst Ellison, Jason Jeffrey Fac Res Asst Farokhi Sadabadi, Kaveh Fac Res Asst Filippova, Darya Fac Res Asst Fontaine, David Michael Fac Res Asst Frankle, Kathleen M. Fac Res Asst Fu, Chauling Fac Res Asst Fumtim, Simeon Fac Res Asst Garbark, Matthew Wright Fac Res Asst Ghoseiri, Keivan Fac Res Asst Hamedi, Masoud Fac Res Asst Henry, William L. Fac Res Asst Ivanov, Nikola Fac Res Asst Keane, Carlyn Leigh Fac Res Asst Lee, Alan Jude Fac Res Asst Lucman, Walter Fac Res Asst Lund, Andrew Scott Fac Res Asst Martin, James Thomas Fac Res Asst McEwan, Ian Fac Res Asst Moscoso, Rodrigo E. Fac Res Asst Mushi, Andrew Fac Res Asst Pack, Michael L. Fac Res Asst Pansare, Manoj Fac Res Asst Parnian, Dorothy Brown Fac Res Asst Shim, Yohan Fac Res Asst Stellfox, Edwin Fac Res Asst Stoeckert, William W Fac Res Asst Takshi, Arash Fac Res Asst Thomas, Marvin E Fac Res Asst Twisdale, Denise H. Fac Res Asst VanDaniker, Michael Robert Fac Res Asst Zheng, Hong IT Coor Gonzalez, Otto Raul IT Programmer I Quick, Gregory S Lecturer Anderson, Russell Edwards Lecturer Barham, Thomas William Ault Lecturer Britton, Kathryn Lecturer Crocetti, Brian Lecturer Davis, Jocelyn S Lecturer Groff, Mark J. Lecturer Liu, Charles Lecturer O'Connell, Kenneth J. Lecturer Powell, Thomas J. Lecturer Schulman, Neil R. Lecturer Shapiro, Steven G. Lecturer West, Jimmie Lee Lecturer Zeitoun, Alaa

3 $45,000.00 $90,000.00 $86,848.32 $43,471.64 $140,619.04 $12,000.00 $111,784.00 $136,897.00 $93,031.00 $87,015.00 $64,979.00 $103,472.73 $83,446.00 $86,537.00 $62,740.00 $106,014.00 $35,990.85 $10,548.00 $26,370.00 $42,000.00 $142,360.00 $113,573.17 $141,266.00 $159,697.00 $104,265.00 $207,400.00 $36,071.00 $41,670.00 $54,000.00 $34,292.40 $34,368.54 $30,255.72 $110,299.00 $90,400.88 $93,172.16 $87,788.44 $96,245.94 $125,985.00 $101,528.66 $140,982.24 $106,140.00 $147,000.00 $80,240.00 $76,497.63 $75,298.00 $75,000.00 $78,000.00 $136,591.38 $66,638.52 $52,931.18 $23,948.75 $70,290.26 $93,403.59 $101,045.48 $56,005.36 $46,703.25 $50,000.00 $79,169.77 $47,047.50 $61,000.00 $77,165.43 $98,117.39 $27,281.34 $64,750.00 $46,769.00 $40,177.00 $65,264.48 $125,443.16 $70,595.19 $49,449.60 $60,000.00 $64,300.00 $55,000.00 $100,000.00 $98,295.00 $113,847.00 $68,285.82 $103,445.22 $143,262.77 $53,505.00 $26,897.40 $88,069.23 $96,347.09 $40,000.00 $82,000.00 $65,526.63 $68,900.00 $46,000.00 $66,000.00 $40,000.00 $9,430.85 $4,482.00 $6,750.00 $4,016.12 $20,250.00 $4,482.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 $4,499.99 $27,000.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00

Manager Prince, Janette Prof Aggour, Mohamed Sherif Prof Amde, Amde M. Prof Ayyub, Bilal M. Prof Baecher, Gregory B. Prof Chang, Gang-Len Prof Davis, Allen P. Prof Hao, Oliver J. Prof McCuen, Richard H. Prof Schonfeld, Paul M. Prof Skibniewski, Miroslaw Jan Prof Torrents, Alba Prof & Chair Haghani, Ali Prof Emeritus Sternberg, Yaron M. Prog Coor Byrd, Wanda M. Res Assoc Kearney, Philip C. Res Assoc Lin, Cheng Res Assoc Young, Stanley Ernest Res Coor Montelara, Maritza A. Res Coor Spindler, Gloria J Res Prof Fu, Chung C. Res Prof Galloway, Gerald E JR Res Prof Milner, Stuart Dennis Sr Res Eng Cable, John Hart Sr Res Eng Link, Lewis E. JR Sr Res Eng Schoener, George E Sr Res Sci Henderson, Thomas A Visit Asst Res Schl Centofanti, Tiziana Visit Res Assoc Sun, Xiaoli ENGR-Continuing & Distance Learning in Engr Admin Asst II Barnhart, Gabrielle A. Asst Dir Poppler James, Kerri Asst Dir Ronning, Marty Asst Dir Shalini, Lalitha M. Coordinator Hammad, Naji S. Coordinator Mitchell, Bari B. Coordinator Truedson, Catherine Marie Director Easterling, Paul Alan Engineer Adams, Douglas J Engineer Kelley, Adam L. Exec Dir Syrmos, George Exec Dir Zahniser, James F. Fac Res Asst Morey, Dale Robert IT Coor Campbell, Glenn IT Coor Richmond, Jeffrey K. IT Sys Analyst Zhou, Bryan Qilin Lecturer Eisenberg, Norman A. Lecturer Etheridge, Jeffery M. Lecturer Keating, Eugene L. Lecturer Palmer, Larry C. Lecturer Ravishankar, C. Lecturer Sayrafian-Pour, Kamran Lecturer Treado, Stephen J. Manager Bentley, Kenneth SR Manager Howe, Woodson Manager Pelletier, Robert J. Prog Mgmt Spec I Rencher, Ruth Ann ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering Accounting Assoc Jean, Ronald Admin Asst II Kirlew, Althia Y. Assoc Dir Norton, Stephen Daniel Assoc Dir Shakuur, Asante Dumisani Assoc Prof Abshire, Pamela A. Assoc Prof Franklin, Manoj Assoc Prof Jacob, Bruce Assoc Prof Murphy, Thomas E. Assoc Prof Papamarcou, Adrianos Assoc Prof Qu, Gang Assoc Prof Silio, Charles B. JR Assoc Prof Simon, Jonathan Z. Assoc Prof Srivastava, Ankur Assoc Prof Wu, Min Assoc Prof Yeung, Donald Assoc Prof Emeritus Tretter, Steven A. Assoc Res Sci Aksyuk, Vladimir Asst Prof Petrov, Peter D. Asst Res Sci Akturk, Akin Asst Res Sci Bose, Ranojoy Asst Res Sci Cao, Wei-Lou Asst Res Sci Chung, SeokHwan Asst Res Sci Kalantari Khandani, Mehdi Asst Res Sci Kim, Junghwan Asst Res Sci Leng, Yongzhang Asst Res Sci Romero, Danilo B. Asst Res Sci Subramaniam, Kanakaraju Business Manager Devaney, Marion Moore Business Manager Patel, Akta Coordinator Harris, Dolores A. Coordinator Hussey, Claudia J. Coordinator Lu, Yuan Coordinator Molina, Jessica A. Coordinator Poklemba, Susan Veronica Coordinator Prange, Melanie Louie Coordinator Renner, Jay F. Coordinator Tarter, Jeanette M. Director Bell, Judith A. Director Chung, Tracy Director Knight, Edmund T. Director Little, Kristin E. Director McKinney, Jeffrey A. Director Quinn, Bryan Stephen Director Young, LaShanna Lee Eng Tech III Kselman, Joseph Eng Tech III Mehrotra, Shyam K. Exec Dir Moore, Teresa Susan

$63,751.46 $111,582.67 $147,321.11 $152,183.97 $220,768.46 $188,302.99 $115,220.94 $102,766.22 $126,730.84 $120,000.12 $152,581.13 $113,695.05 $205,600.00 $27,000.00 $53,320.50 $16,290.00 $61,461.01 $117,516.74 $45,442.12 $48,456.63 $109,714.80 $101,028.64 $63,273.81 $138,784.32 $101,746.77 $165,919.30 $127,655.87 $58,200.00 $36,000.00 $43,009.63 $61,700.00 $86,000.00 $64,000.00 $72,000.00 $60,000.00 $53,000.00 $90,944.00 $63,000.00 $76,000.00 $137,200.00 $168,000.00 $92,000.00 $70,000.00 $60,000.00 $92,000.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $70,000.00 $96,000.00 $74,000.00 $38,501.48 $40,376.31 $32,640.00 $78,868.05 $81,524.73 $135,316.00 $135,138.35 $152,465.00 $135,241.00 $97,504.37 $123,402.00 $78,933.97 $126,574.01 $127,900.00 $136,856.25 $131,182.00 $18,000.00 $147,908.00 $90,303.06 $89,838.00 $60,000.00 $78,999.98 $60,000.00 $93,824.00 $73,764.36 $107,567.53 $124,937.00 $80,143.54 $53,414.21 $49,694.00 $57,468.62 $53,687.93 $96,040.91 $47,161.52 $44,370.00 $48,372.36 $66,895.90 $56,883.74 $80,830.00 $86,266.00 $97,690.96 $104,316.50 $146,938.79 $103,526.06 $88,612.59 $46,022.62 $58,790.53 $117,314.90

Fac Res Asst Bridge, Mary C Fac Res Asst Brown, Steven E. Fac Res Asst Castillo, Audie Magalit Fac Res Asst Di Pasquale, Joseph III Fac Res Asst Ding, Tie N. Fac Res Asst Evangelista, Jennifer P. Fac Res Asst Hackley, Justin C Fac Res Asst Norberg, Thomas Carl Fac Res Asst Olver, Laurence Fac Res Asst Yun, Victor E. IT Support Assoc Keehn, Patricia T. Lecturer Hawkins, William Lecturer Levine, William S. Lecturer McAvoy, Patrick Charles Lecturer Raissi-Dehkordi, Majid Lecturer Scoggins, Shwu-Yan C. Lecturer Thakker, Rikin Nareshkumar Prof Abed, Eyad H Prof Barg, Alexander Prof Dagenais, Mario Prof Davis, Christopher C. Prof De Claris, Nicholas Prof Ephremides, Anthony Prof Espy-Wilson, Carol Y. Prof Goldhar, Julius Prof Goldsman, Neil Prof Gomez, Romel Del Rosario Prof Granatstein, Victor L. Prof Ho, Ping-Tong Prof Iliadis, Agisilaos Prof Mayergoyz, Isaak Prof Melngailis, John Prof Milchberg, Howard M. Prof Nakajima, Kazuo Prof Newcomb, Robert W. Prof Oruc, Yavuz A. Prof Peckerar, Martin C. Prof Shayman, Mark A. Prof & Assoc Chair Blankenship, Gilmer L. Prof & Assoc Chair Lawson, Wesley G. Prof & Assoc Chair Liu, KJ Ray Prof & Chair O'Shea, Patrick Gerard Prof Emerita Zaki, Kawthar A. Prof Emeritus Lee, Chi Hsiang Prof Emeritus Taylor, Leonard S. Prog Mgmt Spec I Botti, Christina I. Prog Mgmt Spec I Hannah, Paul Prog Mgmt Spec I Hoo, Maria C. Res Assoc Apiratikul, Paveen Res Assoc Badescu, Stefan Catalin Res Assoc Ballarotto, Mihaela Res Assoc Dilli, Zeynep Res Assoc Greilich, Alex Res Assoc He, Lei Res Assoc Hryniewicz, John V. Res Assoc Kim, Hyochul Res Assoc Lee, Hong-Ming Res Assoc Lin, Wan-Yi Res Assoc Llorca, Jaime Res Assoc Park, Dong Hun Res Assoc Plishker, William Lester Res Assoc Potbhare, Siddharth V. Res Assoc Pruthi, Tarun Res Assoc Shen, ChungChing Res Assoc Wang, Beibei Res Assoc Yakes, Michael K Res Assoc Zhou, Xinhui null Res Asst Prof Dellomo, Michael R. Res Coor Edgerton, Kristi A Research Mach III Dearstine, George L. JR Research Mach III Krusen, Peter Storekeeper II Flannery, Patrick Sean Systems Analyst Flasinski, Gwen Bush Systems Analyst Luceno, Carlos ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering Assoc Prof Marshall, Andre Wendell Assoc Prof Trouve, Arnaud C. Asst Prof Stoliarov, Stanislav I. Asst Prof Sunderland, Peter B. Coordinator Holt, Mary L. Dir Admin Srv Hodgson, Sharon Ann Eng Tech II Zeller, Olga V Lecturer Gagnon, Robert Michael Lecturer Hill, Stephen Matthew Lecturer Hurley, Morgan James Lecturer Joglar, Francisco J. Lecturer Simone, Joseph A. Prof Quintiere, James G. Prof & Assoc Chair Milke, James A. Prof & Chair diMarzo, Marino Prog Mgmt Spec I Baker, Patricia C. Res Assoc Lecoustre, Vivien Renaud Francis Costia Res Prof Baum, Howard Res Prof Kashiwagi, Takashi ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering Adjunct Prof Vossoughi, Jafar Admin Asst II Helene, Katie A. Assoc Prof Balaras, Ilias Assoc Prof Fisher, John P Assoc Prof Herold, Keith E. Assoc Prof Montas, Hubert J. Asst Prof Aranda-Espinoza, Jose Helim Asst Prof Chen, Yu Asst Prof Hsieh, Adam H. Asst Prof Shah, Sameer B.

$40,000.00 $89,601.81 $56,988.00 $87,091.90 $28,607.92 $36,000.00 $63,000.00 $40,800.00 $107,279.83 $89,202.70 $52,277.37 $46,249.50 $31,056.00 $24,900.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $42,480.00 $158,856.00 $136,259.80 $215,480.27 $78,789.70 $230,980.00 $147,085.00 $162,114.56 $166,756.18 $166,842.00 $217,882.00 $47,709.00 $120,392.38 $257,705.98 $148,127.50 $167,701.24 $94,997.12 $96,853.33 $88,941.40 $115,540.96 $188,000.02 $118,842.00 $166,258.00 $208,653.00 $223,900.00 $20,000.00 $29,475.00 $13,204.88 $29,193.63 $35,248.36 $41,668.15 $60,000.00 $78,030.44 $54,888.50 $50,400.00 $65,000.00 $59,828.35 $67,500.00 $60,000.00 $33,427.00 $30,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,900.00 $50,691.95 $30,000.00 $70,000.00 $59,800.00 $49,980.00 $77,000.00 $65,000.00 $96,500.00 $47,000.00 $41,709.81 $41,808.06 $31,371.12 $52,763.89 $92,505.84 $86,500.00 $89,500.00 $87,000.00 $82,110.00 $36,053.00 $88,500.00 $42,865.50 $5,000.00 $15,750.08 $8,040.00 $8,040.00 $5,005.02 $157,333.00 $124,000.00 $175,500.00 $45,408.03 $50,000.00 $20,000.00 $37,601.00 $14,000.00 $41,922.90 $113,333.00 $96,025.44 $89,903.49 $73,344.00 $83,505.63 $80,433.38 $89,147.60 $86,661.31

Asst Prof White, Ian $78,000.00 Asst Res Sci Chen, Xin $23,180.00 Coordinator Anonsen, Ann M. $54,896.40 Coordinator Carroll, Catherine M. $73,519.15 Coordinator French, Michelle $55,752.96 Coordinator Lasher, Karen A. $57,578.31 Coordinator Levine, Faye $59,671.00 Director Huskamp, Sandra W. $104,069.65 Elect Tech III Hill, Melvin $50,508.59 Fac Res Asst Kim, Hyunchul $56,408.16 Lecturer Rahmoeller, Glenn A. $19,665.50 Prof Kofinas, Peter $152,065.04 Prof Tao, Yang $149,846.00 Prof & Chair Bentley, William E. $226,900.00 Prof Emeritus Johnson, Arthur T. $28,000.00 Res Assoc Chen, I-Jane $42,000.00 Res Assoc Sarwar, Azeem $40,000.00 Res Assoc Sexton, Aisha M. $55,000.00 Res Assoc Taraban, Marc B. $50,000.00 Res Assoc Tsao, Chen-Yu $42,432.00 Res Assoc Yang, Ta-I $45,000.00 Res Assoc Yuan, Shuai $22,500.00 ENGR-Institute for Systems Research Accounting Assoc Dennis, Beverly A. $38,710.25 Assoc Prof Barua, Rajeev K. $127,284.00 Assoc Prof Herrmann, Jeffrey W. $72,868.13 Assoc Prof Horiuchi, Timothy $154,279.24 Assoc Prof La, Richard J. $127,366.00 Assoc Prof Lovell, David J. $93,073.04 Assoc Prof Ulukus, Sennur $144,991.00 Assoc Res Sci Fritz, Jonathan Bridgman $99,519.00 Asst Prof Bergbreiter, Sarah E $76,890.00 Asst Prof Chopra, Nikhil $77,355.00 Asst Prof Martins, Nuno Miguel L C $116,632.00 Asst Res Sci Aubailly, Mathieu $64,000.00 Asst Res Sci Bandyopadhyay, Sharba $50,000.00 Asst Res Sci Depireux, Didier Andre $87,485.00 Asst Res Sci Madhavan, Raj $122,000.00 Asst Res Sci Sterbing-D'Angelo, Susanne $58,387.50 Asst Res Sci Tabatabaee, Vahid $88,000.00 Asst Res Sci Weyrauch, Thomas $106,566.38 Asst to Dir Copeland, Rebecca E. $67,725.08 Coordinator Cruz, Angela Maritsa $33,833.00 Coordinator Edwards, Kimberly M. $71,396.15 Coordinator Jenkins, Alexis M. $51,545.29 Coordinator Scarbor, Carla E. $43,803.90 Coordinator White, Pamela L. $56,607.77 Director Coriale, Jeffrey A. $109,029.76 Director Frazier, Susan L. $113,137.94 Director Strahan, Jason Michael $98,975.21 Exec Adm Asst I King, Regina M $39,350.53 Fac Res Asst Burke, Mary Ann $65,237.04 Fac Res Asst Lecordier, Laurent C. $76,353.86 Fac Res Asst Sarvadevabhatla, Poornima $62,000.00 Lecturer Beaton, Robert J. $14,000.00 Lecturer Sumrean, Nidak A. $14,000.00 Prof Baras, John S. $285,122.05 Prof Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam $235,720.00 Prof Makowski, Armand M. $167,862.00 Prof Marcus, Steven I. $257,633.60 Prof Narayan, Prakash $171,367.73 Prof Shamma, Shihab $171,842.00 Prof Tits, Andre L. $177,589.00 Prof & Dir Ghodssi, Reza $170,000.00 Res Assoc Afsari, Bijan $20,000.00 Res Assoc Cheng, Yi $47,000.00 Res Assoc Chiu, Chen $43,000.00 Res Assoc David, Stephen V. $44,690.00 Res Assoc Ghosh, Ayan $41,000.00 Res Assoc Hovareshti, Pedram $25,000.00 Res Assoc Jiang, Tao $52,275.00 Res Assoc Lachinova, Svetlana Leonidovna $66,547.11 Res Assoc Liu, Ling $53,000.00 Res Assoc Mesgarani, Nima $50,000.00 Res Assoc Predith, Ashley P. $83,000.00 Res Assoc Roy-Chowdhury, Ayan $65,000.00 Res Assoc Sylla, Pape Maguette $25,000.20 Res Assoc Tytell, Eric D. $42,650.00 Res Assoc Winkowski, Daniel E. $49,138.50 Res Assoc Yin, Ping-Bo $51,130.54 Res Coor Madoo, David $48,500.00 Res Prof Vorontsov, Mikhail A. $43,400.00 Specialist Sanders, Aaron Nathan $42,698.02 Sr Res Sci Landwehr, Carl E $238,050.60 ENGR-Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute Admin Asst II Saunders, Gwendolyn Elaine $42,030.53 Adv Consul Rizzardo, David J. $101,839.00 Analyst Dawood, Akbar $57,226.00 Assoc Dir Green, James Vaughn $110,433.00 Assoc Dir Karlson, Carolyn $89,408.00 Asst Dir Schurr, Eric L. $90,280.00 Asst to Dir Thornton, Candace P. $62,740.00 Coordinator Cohen Sherman, Alyssa E. $50,629.00 Coordinator Mapp, Shirley A. $49,670.00 Coordinator Russo, Karen L. $62,923.00 Director Carafelli, Daniel J. $144,558.00 Director Chang, Dean $159,286.00 Director Chung, James $116,413.00 Director Connolly, Martha J. $177,784.00 Fac Res Asst Campos, Erika Jacinta $42,000.00 IT Support Assoc Kopanko, James Michael $55,635.24 IT Support Assoc Sullivan, Kathleen A. $47,719.16 IT Support Asst Belew, Joseph A. $42,626.40 Lecturer Mierzwa, Thomas J. $26,500.00 Lecturer Mortati, Joseph $14,000.00

4 Manager Allenza, Paul $133,288.00 Manager Duh, Kai Y $121,993.39 Manager Gist, Ronnie $85,680.00 Manager Hughes, Cherrie Melissa $81,600.00 Manager Lawal, Olusola R $86,167.56 Manager Naft, Joseph $102,486.00 Manager Woodard, Barney B. $91,429.74 Prof & Assoc Dir Barbe, David F. $236,200.00 Prof & Dir Rabin, Herbert $256,148.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Black, Ericka P $35,274.47 Prog Mgmt Spec I Gilbert, Cindy L. $45,617.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Pekny, Jeanne M. $40,843.67 Specialist Knapstein, Kevin Matthias $53,550.00 Tech Consult Barazotto, Robert Louis $98,371.00 Tech Consult Carr, Charles W. $91,088.16 Tech Consult Gietka, Paul M. $97,342.00 ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering Adjunct Prof Rush, John J. $53,161.00 Assoc Prof Lloyd, Isabel K. $95,918.00 Assoc Prof Martinez-Miranda, Luz J $88,011.00 Assoc Res Sci Green, Mark A. $125,473.00 Assoc Res Sci Ibberson, Richard M. $125,000.00 Assoc Res Sci Krayzman, Victor $66,602.00 Asst Dir Hart, Kathleen C. $74,792.00 Asst Dir Noble, Olivia G. $64,896.00 Asst Prof Cumings, John $110,213.00 Asst Prof Rabin, Oded $106,801.00 Asst Prof Seog, Joonil $81,540.00 Asst Res Sci Azuah, Richard Tumanjong $87,396.00 Asst Res Sci Chang, Kao-Shuo $70,001.00 Asst Res Sci Chen, Wangchun $94,000.00 Asst Res Sci Faraone, Antonio $80,403.00 Asst Res Sci Gnaupel-Herold, Thomas $80,661.00 Asst Res Sci Kim, Sangcheol $47,878.00 Asst Res Sci Qiu, Yiming $72,346.00 Asst Res Sci Roh, Joon Ho $49,000.00 Asst Res Sci Wu, Hui $71,185.00 Asst Res Sci Zhou, Wei $77,265.00 Business Serv SpecVilleneuve, Ginette $49,459.76 Coordinator Adams, Vincent G. $82,076.00 Coordinator Bonenberger, Robert Joseph JR $84,626.00 Coordinator Kagle, JoAnne $43,037.22 Fac Res Asst Brocker, Christoph W. $95,600.00 Fac Res Asst Gagnon, Cedric $60,947.00 Fac Res Asst Huang, Zheng $80,887.00 Fac Res Asst Krycka, James A $78,000.00 Fac Res Asst Mullendore, Sean C $57,000.00 Fac Res Asst Patel, Nikunj $65,000.00 Fac Res Asst Wang, Chih-Feng $26,370.00 IT Coor Mateus, Annette B. $53,893.00 Prof Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad I. $139,145.59 Prof Ankem, Sreeramamurthy $130,672.00 Prof Christou, Aristos $152,255.30 Prof Oehrlein, Gottlieb $205,962.00 Prof Phaneuf, Raymond J. $160,012.00 Prof Roytburd, Alexander $152,568.00 Prof Rubloff, Gary W. $239,873.00 Prof Salamanca-Riba, Lourdes G. $115,963.00 Prof Takeuchi, Ichiro $147,337.00 Prof Wachsman, Eric D. $235,000.00 Prof Wuttig, Manfred R. $200,280.00 Prof & Chair Briber, Robert M. $206,700.00 Res Assoc Akgun, Bulent $63,454.00 Res Assoc Blackburn, Bryan M $50,000.00 Res Assoc Chi, Songxue $61,000.00 Res Assoc El-Khatib, Sami $55,000.00 Res Assoc Kan, Daisuke $45,000.00 Res Assoc Kneller, Larry R. JR $65,979.00 Res Assoc Lee, Won Joo $45,000.00 Res Assoc Li, Xiang $70,100.00 Res Assoc Mastrikov, Yuri $40,000.00 Res Assoc Mohamed, Ali Bellou $45,000.00 Res Assoc Moon, Kil-Won $84,876.00 Res Assoc Onuta, Tiberiu Dan $42,000.00 Res Assoc Queen, Wendy $60,000.00 Res Assoc Rodriguez, Jose Abelardo $60,719.00 Res Assoc Sahin, Ismet $70,000.00 Res Assoc Sharia, Onise $42,000.00 Res Assoc Singh, Deepak Kumar $65,000.00 Res Assoc Tan, Zhuopeng $45,000.00 Res Assoc Tyagi, Madhu Sudan $66,586.00 Res Assoc Varatharajan, Anbusathaiah $42,500.00 Res Assoc Zarkevich, Nikolai Andreevich $45,000.00 Res Assoc Zhang, Xin $40,000.00 Res Assoc Zhao, Peng $34,778.00 Visit Prof Kan, Hung-Chih $10,519.74 ENGR-Mechanical Engineering Adjunct Assoc Prof Schultz, Gregory Alan $38,556.91 Admin Asst II Todd, R Kyle $18,039.36 Assoc Prof Bigio, David I. $121,494.00 Assoc Prof Bruck, Hugh Alan $123,490.01 Assoc Prof Cukier, Michel $121,084.97 Assoc Prof Desai, Jaydev Prataprai $171,808.93 Assoc Prof Jackson, Gregory Scott $133,744.00 Assoc Prof Kiger, Kenneth T. $124,521.16 Assoc Prof McCluskey, Patrick $135,155.00 Assoc Prof Schmidt, Linda C. $99,833.24 Assoc Prof Shih, Tien-Mo $75,615.02 Assoc Prof Smela, Elisabeth $134,700.00 Assoc Prof Yang, Bao $116,720.00 Assoc Prof Zhang, Guangming $133,639.00 Asst Dir Chen, Erin $58,162.40 Asst Dir Island, Terry L. $59,359.00 Asst Prof Li, Teng $77,920.00 Asst Prof Riaz, Amir $82,500.00

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 Asst Prof Solares, Santiago De Jesus Asst Prof Youn, Byeng D Asst Prof Yu, Miao Asst Res Sci Azarian, Michael H. Asst Res Sci Doraiswami, Ravi Asst Res Sci Jang, Changsoo Asst Res Sci Liu, Jikun Asst to Dir Picard, Anna Business Serv SpecKomsatayapongvudhi, Sripen Business Serv SpecWoolery, Janet Marie Comp Eng Hazelwood, Dylan Anthony Comp Eng Wysling, Daniel Coordinator Arunkumar, Roy B Coordinator Baugher, Mary E. Coordinator Brown, Isabelita S. Coordinator DaMata, Amarildo Carlos Coordinator Irvin, Juanita D. Coordinator Lee, Joanyuan E. Coordinator Liu, Xinan Coordinator Stephenson, Felicia M Coordinator Walker, Fitzgerald Coordinator Wicker, Steven R Dist Univ Prof Gupta, Ashwani K. Dist Univ Prof ChairBar-Cohen, Avram Editor Zimmerman, Mark A Exec Dir Brumfield, Margaret Perron Fac Res Asst Aute, Vikrant Chandramohan Fac Res Asst Balijepalli, Arvind Kumar Fac Res Asst Chen, ChienFu Fac Res Asst Cho, Tae Joon Fac Res Asst Eisner, David Richard Fac Res Asst Gleichmann, Patrick Hartmut Fac Res Asst Gunasekaran, Vinay Fac Res Asst Han, Weizhe Fac Res Asst Mathew, Sony Fac Res Asst Muehlbauer, Jan Fac Res Asst Panashchenko, Lyudmyla Fac Res Asst Seidel, Gerald S Fac Res Asst Shrivastava, Anshul Fac Res Asst Song, Bo Fac Res Asst Sood, Bhanu Pratap Fac Res Asst Sritharan, Deepa Fac Res Asst Tan, U-Xuan Calvin Fac Res Asst Wu, Chunwei Fac Res Asst Young, Ian Richard Fac Res Asst Young, Ian Richard IT Coor Fields, Melvin Lecturer Barrett, David J Lecturer Cleanthous, Aris Costaki Lecturer Dennis, Michael Lecturer Didion, David A. Lecturer Massoud, Mahmoud Lecturer Sanders, Robert C Office Clerk II Galpoththawela, Dingiri B. Prof Azarm, Shapour Prof Barker, Donald B. Prof Baz, Amr M. Prof Bernard, Peter S. Prof Dasgupta, Abhijit Prof DeVoe, Don L Prof Duncan, James H. Prof Gupta, Satyandra K. Prof Han, Bongtae Prof Kim, Jungho Prof Modarres, Mohammad Prof Mosleh, Ali Prof Ohadi, Michael M. Prof Pecht, Michael G. Prof Radermacher, Kurt Reinhard Prof Sandborn, Peter A. Prof Zachariah, Michael Russel Prof & Assoc Chair Balachandran, Balakumar Prof & Dir Wallace, James M. Prof Emeritus Anand, Davinder K. Prof Emeritus Dally, James W. Prof Emeritus Dieter, George E. JR Prof Of Practice Firebaugh, Millard Pub Rel Spec Wildy, Caron Maurice Res Assoc Al-Bassyiouni, Moustafa Res Assoc Ananthanarayanan, Arvind Res Assoc Berthier, Robin Gwendal Res Assoc Burke, Jeffrey M Res Assoc Cardone, Antonio Res Assoc Chakraborty, Purnendu Res Assoc Das, Diganta Res Assoc Gao, Zhan Res Assoc Groth, Katrina Marie Res Assoc Hasouneh, Monther A. Res Assoc Jing, Yang Res Assoc Koss, Brian Res Assoc Shooshtari, Amir H. Res Assoc Tsai, De-Hao Res Assoc Wang, Peng Res Assoc Yang, Mary Res Assoc Prof Dessiatoun, Serguei V. Res Assoc Prof Haslach, Henry W. JR Res Assoc Prof Hwang, Yunho Res Coor Samowitz, Arlene R Res Prof Bergles, Arthur E. Senior Lecturer Thamire, Chandrasekhar Sr Res Assoc Svec, Petr Sr Res Sci Osterman, Michael David Visit Assoc Prof Nazeri, Azar Visit Prof Mulholland, George William Visit Prof Short, James M

$76,967.00 $86,142.00 $82,605.98 $127,279.06 $76,000.00 $75,029.87 $47,277.02 $59,702.71 $38,519.90 $42,478.73 $45,016.59 $53,566.40 $46,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,671.56 $42,030.90 $59,473.05 $50,628.27 $82,143.00 $59,218.05 $45,191.14 $58,956.65 $205,957.00 $259,899.99 $48,000.00 $144,172.18 $94,000.00 $48,814.33 $16,653.52 $69,003.00 $81,272.19 $45,150.00 $52,000.00 $10,006.77 $54,588.87 $69,503.62 $27,500.00 $28,000.00 $59,036.08 $13,448.70 $68,084.12 $1,318.50 $45,000.00 $43,911.00 $46,198.62 $46,198.62 $58,811.98 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $29,800.00 $21,000.00 $42,510.70 $31,131.66 $167,327.00 $142,396.00 $209,491.00 $82,283.81 $106,509.65 $167,570.31 $82,369.00 $153,137.00 $137,675.00 $136,896.59 $209,254.84 $207,763.00 $173,190.21 $236,628.97 $201,430.00 $153,035.00 $211,388.93 $163,302.00 $98,481.40 $53,016.22 $26,093.08 $31,114.11 $50,000.28 $35,990.86 $65,080.33 $45,000.00 $334.27 $40,000.00 $55,000.00 $45,000.00 $112,870.85 $47,277.00 $45,000.00 $73,500.00 $52,500.00 $44,000.00 $65,941.75 $67,500.00 $58,337.43 $70,000.00 $75,977.81 $40,287.29 $104,472.92 $47,372.89 $12,000.01 $79,270.69 $50,400.00 $165,807.15 $104,358.24 $30,327.22 $153,000.00

College of Agriculture & Natural Resources AGNR-AES-Agriculture Experiment Station Admin Asst I Cook, Jeri M. $35,545.89 Admin Asst II Hill, Carol Ann $31,062.63 Admin Asst II Hopkins, Jean L. $33,444.20 Admin Asst II Yoash, Lisa M. $42,878.58 Agric Tech Almario, Theresa M. $40,013.67 Agric Tech Calder, Vivian A. $39,126.00 Agric Tech Cline, Roni A $31,632.35 Agric Tech Dulin, John W. $37,538.87 Agric Tech Gray, Michael William $30,255.72 Agric Tech Ovando, Jorge Adalberto $32,872.51 Agric Tech Poet, Daniel E. $41,652.34 Agric Tech Reiff, David JR $33,951.43 Agric Tech Lead Bowman, David W. $42,357.40 Agric Tech Lead Cline, Ronald Jason $35,790.60 Agric Tech Lead Harrison, Raymond Thomas III $35,274.47 Agric Tech Lead Katsuleres, Mattthew N. $38,088.00 Agric Tech Lead Lynch, James A. $44,226.28 Agric Tech Lead Morgan, Kevin W. $46,277.89 Agric Tech Lead Morrissey, Mary C. $46,277.89 Agric Tech Lead Pickett, Albert L. $46,551.92 Agric Tech Lead Price, Douglas A. $44,648.38 Agric Tech Lead Ridgley, Timothy D. SR $46,189.44 Agric Tech Lead Senkbeil, Fred Adolph $38,026.95 Agric Tech Lead Stafford, Paul R. JR $45,195.55 Agric Tech Supv De Rico, Joseph W. $45,902.47 Agric Tech Supv Ellis, Timothy S. $52,429.35 Agric Tech Supv Embrey, Michael S. $51,227.89 Agric Tech Supv Hawkins, Alfred Edward $51,987.14 Agric Tech Supv Murphy, Donald Lawrence $39,573.52 Agric Tech Supv Streett, Joseph I. $44,925.57 Agric Tech Supv Welsh, G R $51,226.93 Agric Tech Supv Wyand, David L. JR $45,999.29 Agric Worker II Conover, Theodore $28,098.43 Assoc Res Sci Staver, Kenneth W. JR $82,581.04 Asst Dir Taylor-Rogers, Sarah $83,302.23 Asst Res Sci Yonkos, Lance T. $53,975.00 Auto Serv Mech North, John W. JR $41,778.17 Auto Shop Supv Kelley, Michael L. $51,896.91 Business Manager Corbin, Sherry L. $50,985.28 Business Manager Gomez, Richard W. $58,263.40 Business Manager Surosky, Connie E. $64,497.04 Coordinator Nunn, Nancy K $44,000.00 Coordinator Simmons, Theresa M. $52,156.58 Coordinator South, Barbara D. $53,183.57 Fac Ext Asst Clark, Andrew Joseph $84,428.17 Fac Mgr Dwyer, Michael E. $60,016.69 Fac Res Asst Allnutt, Francis J. $90,084.99 Fac Res Asst Anderson, Ronald David $44,851.84 Fac Res Asst Bassler, Robert E. JR $85,825.28 Fac Res Asst Cawley, Stuart R. $36,905.35 Fac Res Asst Conover, Kevin J. $64,087.00 Fac Res Asst Draper, Edward C. $53,664.10 Fac Res Asst Friedman, Diana $42,793.66 Fac Res Asst Justice, David M. $51,915.89 Fac Res Asst Keshavarz, Hossein $70,751.42 Fac Res Asst Leibman, Dena $69,616.00 Fac Res Asst Newell, Michael J. $59,098.67 Fac Res Asst Pinkard, Adam A. $47,562.19 Fac Res Asst Reeser, Vara J. $44,319.89 Fac Res Asst Ross, Marylee $35,957.28 Fac Res Asst Spicknall, Mark I. $60,682.43 Fac Res Asst Turley, Steven D. $48,326.20 Fac Res Asst Ziegler, Gregory P. $45,986.32 IT Coor Rodrigues, Amanda Mandy $42,000.00 Manager Armentrout, David K. $51,907.16 Manager Funk, David H. $53,895.06 Manager Killen, William D. JR $50,835.74 Manager Muhleman, David R. $55,479.42 Manager Spielman, Brian Scott $50,000.00 Manager Sultenfuss, Mark A. $58,984.37 Prof & Assoc Dean Shirmohammadi, Adel $155,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Mason, Cindy L. $45,451.50 Prog Mgmt Spec I Zieminski, Andrew Michael $41,900.00 Res Assoc Brinsfield, Russell B. $127,775.18 Res Assoc Hall, Lenwood W. JR $93,778.90 Res Assoc Kroll, Kim S. $113,509.45 Res Assoc Wang, Qingguo $52,000.00 Sr Res Sci Burton, Dennis T. $62,949.65 Sr Res Sci Fisher, Daniel J. $93,389.87 AGNR-Agricultural & Resource Economics Accounting Assoc Gezelle, Margaret A. $22,008.92 Admin Asst I Doyle, Jane T. $36,797.00 Assoc Agent Weammert, Sarah $50,000.00 Assoc Librarian II Faulkner, Katherine Elizabeth $59,378.67 Assoc Prof Alberini, Anna $139,389.80 Assoc Prof Hanson, James C. $128,763.47 Assoc Prof Leathers, Howard D. $87,105.85 Assoc Prof Leonard, Kenneth L. $94,345.00 Assoc Prof Lipton, Douglas W. $115,292.72 Assoc Prof Parker, Douglas T. $104,089.46 Asst Prof Hoffmann, Vivian E. $100,000.00 Asst Prof Kirwan, Barrett E. $93,767.04 Asst Prof Lange, Andreas $100,088.00 Asst Prof Towe, Charles Anthony $100,000.00 Coordinator Howard, Bret B. $32,175.00 Coordinator McCormick, Charles Andrew $70,964.49 Coordinator Wilkinson, Linda L. $56,455.50 Dir Admin Srv Henry, Curtis F. $76,271.68 Director Cunningham, Jeffrey Joseph $101,032.89 Director Koch, Liesl J. $75,032.52 Dist Univ Prof Just, Richard E. $212,671.19

Fac Ext Asst Pee, Daphne G. $64,191.00 Prof Chambers, Robert G. $201,211.22 Prof Lichtenberg, Erik $130,450.84 Prof Lopez, Ramon E. $147,129.64 Prof Lynch, Loretta M. $113,447.00 Prof McConnell, Kenneth E. $159,264.00 Prof Musser, Wesley N. $114,239.09 Prof Nerlove, Marc L. $175,148.03 Prof & Chair Olson, Lars J. $180,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Burdick, Barbara A. $46,611.81 Visit Assoc Prof Williams, Roberton C III $165,000.00 AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences Adjunct Asst Prof Driscoll, Cindy Parker $4,500.00 Adjunct Asst Prof Nepote, Kathryn H. $4,500.00 Admin Asst II Capotosto, Clare $41,691.81 Admin Asst II Silvious, Edith P. $42,119.61 Agric Worker I Everette, Paul C. $32,083.08 Assoc Prof Angel, Clara Roselina $111,769.28 Assoc Prof Bequette, Brian J. $107,884.65 Assoc Prof Hamza, Iqbal $107,783.46 Assoc Prof Keefer, Carol L $113,092.14 Assoc Prof Woods, L Curry III $105,164.81 Assoc Prof Zimmermann, Nickolas G. $89,946.48 Asst Prof Burk, Amy Ordakowski $96,739.26 Asst Prof Orlando, Edward F $83,000.00 Asst Prof Siewerdt, Frank $89,154.96 Asst Prof Song, Jiuzhou $88,754.98 Asst Prof Taneyhill, Lisa Anne $87,510.00 Asst Prof Updike, Michael S $81,502.00 Asst Prof Xiao, Zhengguo $80,000.00 Asst Res Sci Proszkowiec-Weglarz, Monika $50,710.00 Business Serv Spec Barber, Janice R. $44,826.42 Business Serv Spec Grey, Sheryl A. $49,150.66 Coordinator Black, Angela $81,603.60 Coordinator Callahan, Lindsay Seek $46,050.11 Coordinator Dufour, Elizabeth C $44,237.69 Coordinator Finucane, Kiera A $50,841.40 Dir Admin Srv Nola, Sandra A. $85,000.00 Exec Adm Asst I Montague-Smith, Kimberly $43,363.07 Fac Res Asst Chen, Caiyong $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Drnec, Kim $66,181.26 Fac Res Asst Farmer, Jennifer Lynn $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hou, Yali $33,000.00 Fac Res Asst Jhingory, Sharon Gabriel $42,000.00 Fac Res Asst Kim, Seon Woo $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Li, Lei $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Li, Xiangdong $39,000.00 Fac Res Asst Luo, Juan $34,650.00 Fac Res Asst Samuel, Tamika Keisha $37,000.00 Fac Res Asst Theisen, Daniel D. $52,529.61 Fac Res Asst Thompson, Nichola E. $54,915.00 Fac Res Asst White, Carine $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Wu, Chyong-Yi $42,550.00 IT Coor Gough, Aaron $52,000.00 Lab Animal Tech Reardon, Timothy Patrick $32,160.88 Lab Animal Tech West, Liane Marie Yolande $41,705.25 Lecturer Collins, Christina Wynne $11,000.00 Lecturer Hakenkamp, Christine Claire $29,290.90 Manager Mobley, Michael W $65,000.00 Prof Erdman, Richard A. $148,482.12 Prof Kohn, Richard A. $119,835.50 Prof Mather, Ian H. $153,640.72 Prof Peters, Robert R. $98,695.09 Prof Varner, Mark A. $119,505.31 Prof & Chair Porter, Tom E. $146,188.08 Res Assoc Dean, Karen M. $60,375.00 Res Assoc Halperin, Janet Ruth Patricia $43,908.71 Res Assoc Higgins, Stacy E $44,800.00 Res Assoc Kadegowda, Anil Kumar Gopalapura $46,500.00 Res Assoc Oleas, Telmo B. $59,485.00 Res Spec Ellestad, Laura Elizabeth $45,624.80 Res Spec Hall, Caitlin M $41,748.20 Res Spec Shellem, Timothy Augustus $57,095.95 Res Spec Xu, Jinling $58,799.99 Service Worker Dantley, Steven M. $20,241.05 AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Accounting Assoc McAllister, Beth Marie $34,000.00 Accounting Assoc Swartz, Stephanie Anne $32,000.00 Admin Asst I Sapp, Sabrina D. $34,727.00 Admin Asst II Clingerman, Emilie Megan $35,899.86 Admin Asst II Joseph, Eslyn L. $40,267.29 Admin Asst II Walther, Donna L. $45,759.21 Analyst Sohns, David Adam $61,684.00 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Slaughter, Leon H. $142,444.00 Assoc Prof & Asst Dean Stricklin, William Ray $114,000.00 Asst Dean Ramia, Daniel W. $180,092.54 Asst Dir Nitowitz, Patricia M. $107,051.00 Asst to Dean Carstens, Loretta P. $70,297.70 Asst to Dean Yeiser, Gail P. $79,370.01 Asst to Dir Petty, Vernora R $45,633.92 Coordinator Aubry, Christopher P. $76,150.00 Coordinator Grimley, Mary A. $65,150.22 Coordinator Lapanne, Timothy J. $52,746.00 Coordinator Leger, Ann Jacqueline $37,500.00 Coordinator Ode, David $73,234.96 Coordinator Quigley, Judy K. $53,548.26 Coordinator Saunders, Tonya Sharyn $47,548.12 Coordinator Stanley, Daphne G. $57,044.60 Coordinator Weiss, Elizabeth Ann $67,779.08 Director Duncan, Barbara V. $100,000.00 Exec Adm Asst II Canales, Glenda E. $45,158.14 Fac Res Asst Evancho, George M. $30,095.00 IT Prog Analyst McKillop, Kyle Allen $59,405.00 IT Support Asst Shaffer, Timothy Zane $37,652.00

Lecturer Archer, Rebecca G. $50,184.00 Manager Morales, Margarita R. $68,882.29 Prg Admin Spec Carroll, Janet M. $53,794.43 Prof Mazzocchi, Paul H. $54,140.56 Prof Miller, Raymond J. $91,483.65 Prof & Dir Buchanan, Robert L. $205,000.00 Prof And Dean Wei, Cheng-I $246,158.00 Prog Coor Stoney, Dara Lynn $52,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Fleming, Judy $50,147.12 Prog Spec Boker, George A. $42,620.03 Res Assoc Ogunsola, Oluwatosin Abiola $45,883.60 Res Assoc Rushing, James W. $84,000.00 Res Assoc Ruzante, Juliana M $80,000.00 Res Assoc Weismiller, Richard A. $75,000.00 Sr Res Sci Jones, John William $50,000.00 AGNR-Communiation & Info. TechnologyAdministration Assoc Editor Johnson, Denni Diane $50,669.92 Assoc Editor Townsend, Pamela B. $67,507.78 Coordinator Sargent, Christopher $73,070.17 Director Hoang, Loc K. $102,346.05 Fac Ext Asst Remsberg, Edwin Harlan $26,912.80 IT Coor Adamonis, Brian $56,626.51 IT Coor Hammond, Timothy J. $58,903.32 IT Coor Johnston, Susan B. $56,777.80 IT Coor Shute, Mark L. $63,898.13 Prog Mgmt Spec I Forbes, Rebecca Jungja $37,246.83 Pub Design Godfrey, Michael L. $33,589.33 Sr Graph Art Design Clark, Kerry H. $56,418.70 Sr Graph Art Design Mazzocchi, Peter Charles $56,389.34 Storekeeper I Lee, Sang-Pil $12,948.00 Systems Analyst LaVigna, Ann S. $61,628.62 Systems Analyst Paleg, Bradley D. $95,500.89 AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology Adjunct Assoc Prof Adams, Lowell W. $24,642.89 Admin Asst I Abebe, Elsabeth $33,519.24 Admin Asst II Jackson, Lou Jean $33,125.50 Admin Asst II Scites, Tina M. $37,130.98 Agric Tech Supv Schlosnagle, Stanley Paul $52,481.91 Assoc Prof Baldwin, Andrew H. $101,768.84 Assoc Prof Felton, Gary Kent $106,956.76 Assoc Prof Kangas, Patrick C. $91,892.57 Assoc Prof Momen, Bahram $89,483.90 Assoc Prof Needelman, Brian A. $83,768.00 Assoc Prof Tilley, David R. $88,612.20 Asst Dir Whittemore, Wendy L. $76,809.67 Asst Prof Lansing, Stephanie Anne $75,000.00 Asst Prof Leisnham, Paul $78,500.00 Asst Prof McGrath, Joshua Michael $79,091.96 Asst Res Sci Mironenko, Eugene V. $68,177.25 Coordinator Adams, Sharon S $55,047.80 Coordinator Anderson, Ina J. $50,692.05 Coordinator Brown, Christy N $34,183.67 Coordinator Burdette, Patricia A. $44,429.54 Coordinator Chavez, Sheri M $36,000.00 Coordinator Councell, William S. III $37,244.38 Coordinator Dell, Sara Jane Lyons $36,213.90 Coordinator Douthit, Jay A $35,739.02 Coordinator Dowell, Christopher S. $41,529.44 Coordinator Eigmina, Kintija $55,411.00 Coordinator Emhoff, Joshua Aaron $36,700.00 Coordinator Forsythe, Brian M $34,661.46 Coordinator Hastings, Shirley $34,661.46 Coordinator Hoopes, Patricia Ann $36,296.98 Coordinator Laudwein, Amanda Lee $38,987.48 Coordinator Lyon, Adam $35,739.02 Coordinator Mitchell, Krista Beth $37,005.98 Coordinator Monahan, Kimberly Colleen $46,081.12 Coordinator Patrick, Deborah L. $44,383.10 Coordinator Perdue, Maegan A $34,661.46 Coordinator Remsburg, Allen Dennis $36,213.91 Coordinator Reynolds, Jennifer A. $34,479.00 Coordinator Roe, Dale Lee $36,658.00 Coordinator Scott, Catherine Ann $35,739.02 Coordinator Shawley, Danny Allen $36,213.33 Coordinator Spoonire, Richard A. $39,099.27 Coordinator Warring, Francis E. $36,213.91 Dir Admin Srv Carter, Robert D. $88,009.00 Eng Tech III Djamshidi, Ali A. $51,854.40 Engineer Seibel, Gary Edward $63,886.48 Ext Assoc Steinhilber, Patricia M. $88,999.56 Fac Ext Asst Brosch, Christopher Forsythe $60,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Dorsey, Erin M. $48,779.00 Fac Ext Asst Dubin, Mark Phillip $87,179.00 Fac Ext Asst Eriksen, George Norton $56,251.00 Fac Ext Asst Hutchinson, Heather Lynn $53,593.97 Fac Ext Asst Salak, Jennifer Louise $45,922.69 Fac Ext Asst Shipley, Paul Richard $65,364.51 Fac Ext Asst Sweeney, Jeffrey S. $74,887.00 Fac Res Asst Bejleri, Kreshnik $47,261.04 Fac Res Asst Huntley, David A. $48,779.00 Fac Res Asst Kariuki, Solomon $46,703.00 Fac Res Asst Pan, Feng $47,570.00 IT Coor Bondar, Alexei $71,420.50 Lecturer Goger, Joanna B. $13,007.56 Lecturer Grover, Katherine Sye $71,000.00 Principal Agent Tjaden, Robert L. JR $127,330.56 Prof Harrell, Reginal M. $135,123.08 Prof Hill, Robert Lee $111,013.63 Prof Rabenhorst, Martin C. $110,813.86 Prof Ross, David S. $104,708.70 Prof Weil, Raymond R. $116,253.22 Prof & Chair Coale, Frank J. $137,230.82 Prof & Dir James, Bruce R. $122,566.00 Res Prof Wheaton, Fredrick W. $75,500.00

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture Business Serv SpecDingess, Carole A. Inst Hyman, Glori D. Inst Streett, Theodore P. Inst Walls, Roy Smith JR Lecturer Franceschi, Eddie V. Lecturer Grady, Michael J. Lecturer Ingram, Kenneth Bobby Lecturer Mathias, Justin K. Lecturer Pittman, Erin D. AGNR-MCE-Home and Garden Admin Asst II Jacobson, Jami Lynn Business ManagerMalloy, Maria W. Ext Prog Asst Ricigliano, Debra A. Fac Ext Asst Hessey, Robin M. Principal Agent Malinoski, Mary K. Sr Agent Clement, David L. Sr Agent & Dir Traunfeld, Jon H. AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science Accounting Assoc Vinogradova, Margarita Admin Asst I Pandian, Marythai Y. Assoc Prof Kantor, Mark A. Assoc Prof Lo, Yangming Martin Assoc Prof Sahyoun, Nadine R. Asst Prof Cheng, Wen Hsing Asst Prof Wang, Qin Business Serv SpecKieckhefer, J Teresa Coordinator Benoit-Moctezuma,DeniseAnn Coordinator Butler, Lorraine Marie Coordinator Gomez, Gina H. Coordinator Harris, Nenita R. Coordinator Holland, Corey Coordinator Holland, Corey Coordinator Kao, Sara Coordinator McCarthy, Kerry Coordinator McShane, Phyllis Elizabeth Coordinator Partridge, Natalie U. Coordinator Pellechia, Kathleen M. Coordinator Pellechia, Kathleen M. Coordinator Wilson, Sara Ellyn Ex Nutr Asst Amado, Norma L.

$47,500.15 $72,726.17 $64,719.90 $79,222.36 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $65,000.00 $95,576.03 $65,278.00 $17,529.60 $48,363.16 $23,662.80 $48,486.16 $74,605.00 $72,412.47 $73,565.25 $44,209.62 $42,765.21 $88,917.36 $104,953.10 $51,261.00 $76,039.80 $76,500.00 $37,660.16 $48,490.80 $36,600.00 $77,000.00 $63,981.59 $67,365.48 $67,365.48 $46,800.00 $56,511.37 $69,350.36 $35,852.71 $70,382.50 $70,382.50 $58,913.93 $29,733.00


Ex Nutr Asst Baiyewu, Melissa Anne $31,085.85 Ex Nutr Asst Bland, Monica R. $23,314.39 Ex Nutr Asst Bryan, Kimberly D. $23,315.19 Ex Nutr Asst Cochrane, Hettie Lynne $24,000.00 Ex Nutr Asst de Perez, Ellen Howard $29,733.00 Ex Nutr Asst Long, Karlene Edris $22,208.45 Ex Nutr Asst Morris, Crystal Lynn $31,085.86 Ex Nutr Asst Orantes, Marlene L. $25,299.75 Ext Assoc Mehta-Gupta, Mira $83,738.85 Fac Ext Asst Lindsey, Andrea T. $48,695.34 Fac Ext Asst Liu, Jimmy C. $73,767.58 Fac Ext Asst Schneider, Janice K. $84,439.72 Fac Ext Asst Smith, Tara M. $66,073.89 Fac Ext Asst Stapley, Desire $83,154.12 Fac Res Asst Anderson, Amy Louise $45,000.00 Fac Res Asst Badaoui Najjar, Mohamed Z. $41,907.34 Fac Res Asst Dharmarha, Vaishali $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Liu, Yitong $38,000.00 Fac Res Asst Qin, Jianwei $61,000.00 Fac Res Asst Zhang, Junjun $40,000.00 Lecturer Katz, Nancy Brenowitz $65,057.50 Lecturer Post, Robert Charles $11,519.26 Lecturer Wrobleski, Margaret M. $52,000.00 Prof Castonguay, Thomas W. $100,422.80 Prof Jackson, Robert T. $107,464.81 Prof Lei, David K. Y. $146,442.11 Prof & Act Chair Yu, Liangli $146,288.08 Prof & Act Dir Meng, Jianghong $190,084.70 AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture Acad Prog Spec Dosh, Mary Jo $41,970.31 Accounting Assoc Kilroy, Rosalind M. $45,759.20 Adjunct Asst Prof Leonard, John G. JR $10,000.00 Admin Asst II Joseph, Sellumi M. $42,032.13 Admin Asst II Rodriguez, Gina Lynne $20,800.00 Agric Tech Hochmuth, Matthew Erick $29,500.00 Agric Tech Lead Forrestal, Patrick Joseph $35,274.47 Agric Tech Lead Hailegiorgies, Naod B $33,739.33 Agric Tech Lead Islam, Moynul M $34,249.61 Agric Tech Supv Cooper, Aaron R. $42,599.71 Agric Tech Supv Pigati, Raymond Leonard $39,573.52 Agric Tech Supv Wallace, Sydney F. $38,608.31

Assoc Prof Carroll, Mark J. Assoc Prof Coleman, Gary D. Assoc Prof Costa, Jose M. Assoc Prof Glenn, Donald Scott Assoc Prof Grybauskas, Arvydas P. Assoc Prof Kratochvil, Robert James Assoc Prof Lea-Cox, John D. Assoc Prof Myers, David N. Assoc Prof Neel, Maile C Assoc Prof Sullivan, John B. Assoc Prof Turner, Thomas R. Asst Dir Nola, Dennis R. Asst Prof Balci, Yilmaz Asst Prof Chaverri, Priscila Asst Prof Duempelmann, Sonja Asst Prof Fabiani Giannetto, Raffaella Asst Prof Zhu, Jianhua Business Serv Spec Pridmore, Michelle Louise Coordinator Zhao, Hui Director Bryer, Marie G. Exec Adm Asst I Burk, Susan E. Fac Mgr Faulkner, Shaun Selby Fac Res Asst Nemes, Attila Fac Res Asst Reed, Elizabeth Ann IT Support Asst Thornton, Joshua Benjamin Lab Res Tech Belayneh, Bruk E. Lab Res Tech Burnett, Robert Kris Lecturer Allen, Carol Dianne Lecturer Anderson, Ann Slovak Lecturer Fleming, Kelly Elizabeth Lecturer Ison, Arlie Marion Lecturer Siriamnuaypas, Wannapa Lisa Manager Morgavan, Betty M. Prof Dernoeden, Peter H. Prof Everts, Kathryne L. Prof McIntosh, Marla S. Prof Ritter, Ronald L. Prof Sullivan, Joseph H. Prof Walsh, Christopher S. Prof & Chair Kenworthy, William J. Prof Of Practice Cohan, Steven M.

$83,070.37 $85,731.99 $89,188.48 $86,919.38 $88,230.12 $92,810.65 $95,971.24 $75,488.48 $89,713.09 $81,681.39 $68,807.23 $91,472.10 $80,580.00 $82,620.00 $71,307.00 $70,794.00 $71,000.00 $44,072.59 $62,000.00 $65,015.75 $39,061.74 $58,711.00 $58,215.33 $33,775.88 $39,573.49 $32,271.00 $32,271.00 $9,000.00 $9,019.18 $45,000.00 $9,000.00 $45,044.95 $62,220.00 $118,977.89 $97,756.00 $146,576.19 $97,959.00 $106,257.08 $116,453.31 $129,848.00 $103,898.63

Prog Mgmt Spec I Hunt, Kathleen W. Res Assoc Hirooka, Yuri Res Assoc Leidner, Allison Kara Res Assoc Lin, Rongshuang Res Assoc Ma, Hongmei Res Assoc Misra, Ashish Res Assoc Parmentier-Line, Cecile M. Res Assoc Song, Qijian Systems Analyst Beach, Patrick Matthew AGNR-UME-1890 Admin Asst II Mbye, Ida F. Asoc Prof &Assoc Dir Brooks, Henry M. Asst Prof Zoumenou, Virginie Coordinator Rogers, Berran L. JR Coordinator Street, Suzanne T. Exec Adm Asst I Hudson, Hermetta Olivia Prog Mgmt Spec I Harmon, Stephanie T. Sr Agent Kuennen, Daniel s. Visit Asst Prof Escobar, Enrique Nelson Visit Prof Handwerker, Thomas S. AGNR-UME-Lower Eastern Shore Agent Timmons, Jennifer R AGNR-UME-Region I Admin Asst I Coddington, Susan B. Admin Asst I DiBastiani, Lynne W. Admin Asst I Guard, Wanda Marie Admin Asst I Scarlett, Barbara L. Admin Asst I Schiazzi, Jennie P. Admin Asst I Simmons, Amy Renee Admin Asst I Thomas, Pamela K Admin Asst I Weiner, Debra A. Admin Asst I Woodring, Diane Montgomery Admin Asst II Allen, Dee Dee Admin Asst II Barnes, Susan L. Admin Asst II Cocoros, Kriss Admin Asst II Dilworth, Wendy M. Admin Asst II Hill, Cheryl L. Admin Asst II Parrish, Jody A. Admin Asst II Smith, Linda L. Admin Asst II Wigley, Robin S. Agent Ashby, Lacie

$48,508.50 $33,000.00 $47,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $42,000.00 $52,020.00 $59,685.84 $73,950.00 $36,134.68 $132,185.76 $66,193.85 $52,275.00 $29,263.50 $44,862.52 $43,607.67 $121,879.13 $30,380.00 $19,013.75 $60,168.00 $34,221.26 $21,160.70 $30,255.73 $39,552.31 $31,020.16 $28,939.00 $30,660.23 $30,255.72 $29,662.48 $34,199.85 $31,062.81 $16,562.75 $34,200.15 $36,977.17 $38,435.96 $42,926.15 $45,370.69 $44,000.00

Agent Axline, Donielle R Agent Concannon, Mary M. Agent Fields, Nia Imani Agent Gordon, Kathy Agent Lantz, William D. JR Agent Nichols, Beth Bubacz Agent & Dir Warner, Cynthia L. Assoc Agent Myers, Ginger Secrist Business ManagerCunningham, Debby G. Ex Nutr Asst Barnard, Sara A. Ex Nutr Asst Funk, Delores A. Ex Nutr Asst Kinsman, Katheryn G. Ex Nutr Asst Manfull, Lois J. Ex Nutr Asst Morgan, Eileen Ext Prog Asst Browning, Joyce S. Ext Prog Asst Humberson, Tammy Sue Ext Prog Asst Porcella, Kathleen Fac Ext Asst Allgeier, Stephen D. Fac Ext Asst Bender, Derrick W Fac Ext Asst Ipsan, Annette Fac Ext Asst Lewis, Nancy J. Fac Ext Asst Murphy, Dwayne S. Fac Ext Asst Rhoades, Deborah Fac Ext Asst Sanders, Leeann M. Fac Ext Asst Thompson, Patrick Edward Fac Ext Asst Trice, Susan Marie IT Coor Rogowsky, Steven M. IT Coor Ross, Debbie IT Support Asst Kinnamon, Brett D Prin Agent & Dir Waltemire, Mary Ellen D. Principal Agent Fiola, Joseph A. Principal Agent Johnson, Dale Maurice Principal Agent Kays, Jonathan S. Principal Agent Schoenian, Susan Sr Agent Bell, Michael R. Sr Agent Butler, Bryan R. SR Sr Agent Fultz, Stanley W. Sr Agent Semler, Jeffery W. Sr Agent & Dir Bentlejewski, Jennifer Thorn Sr Agent & Dir Bentlejewski, Jennifer Thorn Sr Agent & Dir Little, Lynn F.

$47,794.60 $58,311.86 $51,944.54 $54,119.16 $56,331.56 $50,882.32 $51,501.08 $53,017.00 $56,243.91 $31,853.51 $33,184.62 $33,965.02 $35,302.96 $33,974.42 $24,204.58 $30,255.72 $33,968.99 $37,856.52 $38,696.82 $33,637.76 $42,432.00 $35,187.50 $39,286.76 $31,831.85 $33,824.82 $41,302.26 $50,212.99 $54,825.35 $39,573.52 $113,038.22 $97,464.82 $87,488.66 $86,327.24 $76,929.07 $64,132.92 $71,728.53 $68,137.19 $64,697.36 $139,773.30 $139,773.30 $75,411.49

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Sr Agent & Dir Martin, David A. Sr Agent & Dir Sherrard, Ann Carroll Typist Clerk Abbott, Melanie J. AGNR-UME-Region II Admin Asst I Browning, Georgeann Admin Asst I Campbell, Barbara Admin Asst I Dennison, Margaret M. Admin Asst I Fitzhugh, Norma H. Admin Asst I Ford, Sheila E. Admin Asst I Germuth, Christie K. Admin Asst I Golden, Beverly M. Admin Asst I Gordon, Maria Admin Asst I Kulp, Carolyn A. Admin Asst I Mack, Doris Pamela Admin Asst I Mohler, Donna L. Admin Asst I Sabur, Doris Admin Asst I Schenck, Janet M. Admin Asst I Sebastian, Lori Admin Asst I Shriver, Jeannine I. Admin Asst I Wakefield, Marcia A Admin Asst I Waters, Linda N. Admin Asst II Boyden, Bonnie K. Admin Asst II Campbell, Portia M. Admin Asst II Dionne, Kathleen E. Admin Asst II Marsh, Jaclyn A. Admin Asst II Robinson, Thelma D. Admin Asst II Smith, Norrine E. Admin Asst II Sylver, Alicia P. Agent Bailey, Elaine Long Agent Bennett, Sheryl Agent Brust, Gerald Edward Agent Clark, Brian Paul Agent Elonge, Michael N. Agent Harley, Lorraine Agent Raqib, Naeemah Aminah Agent Stokes, Shante' Agent Wilson, Kristen M Agric Tech Lead Klick, Suzanne Director Lothen-Kline, Christine K. Ex Nutr Asst Fisher, Barbara A. Ex Nutr Asst Huertas-Miranda, Diana I. Ex Nutr Asst Scruggs, Nancy A. Ext Prog Asst Bowling, Dale E. Ext Prog Asst Dobbins, Barbara L. Ext Prog Asst Harper, Lenora M. Ext Prog Asst Horton, Jennifer L. Ext Prog Asst House, Deborah Ext Prog Asst Schwinn, Ruby J. Ext Prog Asst Strahl, Ariana R Ext Prog Asst Whitney, Gail Fac Ext Asst Blank, Leta S.

$65,421.93 $72,588.01 $33,217.00 $19,884.61 $43,827.36 $26,205.46 $29,662.48 $17,363.40 $32,771.76 $22,326.15 $21,179.01 $37,584.23 $32,523.42 $15,145.57 $19,724.58 $17,110.96 $18,655.26 $25,895.24 $31,967.62 $19,421.35 $36,976.81 $42,065.92 $37,524.21 $19,152.14 $42,972.54 $42,719.86 $34,017.35 $60,311.10 $56,887.37 $76,784.69 $49,906.79 $56,100.00 $59,062.03 $48,884.76 $47,000.00 $65,499.76 $43,279.38 $68,160.00 $33,183.32 $33,235.83 $35,300.03 $35,547.36 $29,662.51 $35,905.43 $15,127.86 $16,884.50 $32,634.44 $19,154.53 $30,255.72 $64,988.47

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TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Fac Ext Asst Buchsbaum, Karen D. $30,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Cornelius, Linda S. $21,325.72 Fac Ext Asst Eacker, Georgia L. $27,117.00 Fac Ext Asst English, Tanisha R. $34,448.24 Fac Ext Asst Ensor, Donald Michael $34,777.57 Fac Ext Asst Gordon, David Glenn $44,064.72 Fac Ext Asst Howley, Janna Bennett $52,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Jordan-Baker, Charlene C. $38,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Lear, Arnold A. $18,935.58 Prin Agent & Dir Tregoning, Douglas W. $80,923.00 Principal Agent Gill, Stanton Andrew $87,967.99 Prof Blessington, Thomas M. $106,243.97 Sr Agent Brooks, Leon R. $72,864.00 Sr Agent Conrad, David L. $76,566.38 Sr Agent Davis, Rebecca L. $65,764.25 Sr Agent King, Pamela Benette $65,441.39 Sr Agent Mackey, Liat L. $61,137.00 Sr Agent MacLachlan, Wanda Yvette $67,713.77 Sr Agent Piechocinski, Alganesh T. $64,794.57 Sr Agent Schuster, Charles Frederick $65,056.44 Sr Agent & Dir Beale, Benjamin $56,628.48 Sr Agent & Dir Brown, Manami J. $76,155.99 Sr Agent & Dir Dyson, Karol W. $69,749.84 Sr Agent & Dir Myers, Ronald David $63,617.71 Sr Agent & Dir Reed, Herbert E. $63,994.90 AGNR-UME-Region III Admin Asst I Brown, Patricia C. $25,431.29 Admin Asst I Brown, Terwana J $34,836.77 Admin Asst I Collison, Deborah A. $15,342.41 Admin Asst II Arnold, Deborah G. $32,476.04 Admin Asst II Barnhart, Rhonda R. $35,470.15 Admin Asst II Bevan, Carole W. $37,070.14 Admin Asst II Cannon, Martha J. $41,972.94 Admin Asst II Chollet, Pamela Sue $36,469.42 Admin Asst II Clarkston, Verna B. $42,879.65 Admin Asst II Colvin, Carla W. $42,878.94 Admin Asst II Dant, Deborah D. $37,071.45 Admin Asst II Kimbles, Catherine L. $42,925.78 Admin Asst II Milligan, Martha L. $26,500.39 Admin Asst II Potter, Wendi L. $37,630.82 Admin Asst II Riall, Kay A. $41,884.45 Admin Asst II Shorter, Shelia Rena $42,970.68 Admin Asst II Taylor, Carol M. $31,794.32 Admin Asst II Wolff, Susan C. $36,055.29 Agent Aspinwall, Karen $56,500.00 Agent Barczewski, April Dawn Hall $47,844.36 Agent Hutson, Thomas Lee $58,128.00 Agent Mathew, Sudeep A. $45,500.00 Agent Nottingham, John R. $50,988.00 Agent O'Neil-Haight, Megan $59,856.61 Agent Rhodes, Amy Lynn $48,885.78 Agent Rhodes, Jennifer Lynn $47,844.36 Agent Ristvey, Andrew George $70,895.00 Agent Terhune, Crystal A. $48,884.76 Agent Webster, Donald W. $69,520.00 Agric Tech Breeding, Francis A. $40,735.02 Assoc Agent Dawson, Nevin S. $37,780.00 Assoc Agent Harrison, Susan R. $54,941.13 Business Manager Thomas, June T. $57,641.08 Coordinator Morris, Cindy D. $41,516.58 Ex Nutr Asst Morgan, Jeannette $35,303.21 Ex Nutr Asst Pryor, Tammy L. $30,479.14 Ext Prog Asst Barga, Barbara J. $33,973.81 Ext Prog Asst Davis, Jeanne F. $15,127.86 Ext Prog Asst Fitzgerald, Jayne Ellen $30,255.72 Ext Prog Asst Skorobatsch, Nicole Ramirez $32,766.65 Ext Prog Asst Stone, Victoria E. $31,439.00 Ext Prog Asst Turner, Kerry M. $31,695.43 Fac Ext Asst Buritsch, Heather C $30,278.78 Fac Ext Asst Hill, Elizabeth M.S. $37,509.71 Fac Ext Asst Melvin, Rachel J. $26,370.00 Fac Ext Asst Rosenkranz, Virginia L. $47,719.78 Fac Ext Asst Stanley, Deborah K. $40,000.00 IT Coor Stenzel, Nanarelle Z. $51,981.71 Prin Agent & Dir Hall, John E. $128,382.77 Sr Agent Pahlman, Sharon L. $62,716.00 Sr Agent & Dir Arnold, Conrad N. $70,129.91 Sr Agent & Dir Dill, Shannon Potter $61,288.26 Sr Agent & Dir Hunsberger, Laura K. $62,334.80 Sr Agent & Dir Johnston, Christine M. $64,641.61 Sr Agent & Dir Lewis, James William JR $71,895.69 Sr Agent & Dir Miller, Thomas H. $111,036.60 AGNR-UME-University of Maryland Extension Adjunct Assoc Prof Lazur, Andrew M. $54,827.68 Admin Asst I McIntee, Nancy W. $19,392.52 Admin Asst II Burns, Dany T. $22,009.10 Admin Asst II Soule-Motley, Susan E. $42,051.92 Adv Consul Meritt, Donald W. $30,699.01 Agent Anderson, Christopher $69,360.00 Asoc Prof &Assoc Dir Place, Nick T. $150,325.00 Assoc Agent Archer, Deborah $51,000.00 Assoc Agent Braunscheidel, Erin Michelle $54,000.00 Assoc Agent Coleman, LaTasha Denise $46,144.53 Assoc Agent Dindinger, Jennifer $48,000.00 Assoc Agent Gonzalez, Lisa Carolina $42,000.00 Assoc Agent Kifer, Abbi N. $34,703.37 Assoc Agent Kostenko, Jane Frances $28,855.17 Assoc Agent Lachenmayr, Lisa A. $79,437.80 Assoc Agent Miller, Carol R. $28,000.00 Assoc Agent Norris, Kimberly $70,000.00 Assoc Agent Robinson, Charese L $38,000.00 Assoc Agent Rockler, Amanda Katherine $46,500.00 Assoc Agent Serio, Theresa L. $44,379.29 Assoc Agent Staruk, Haylee Nicole $55,703.77 Assoc Agent Turner, Karen E. $44,446.80

Assoc Prof Braun, Bonnie Asst Dir McCoy, Teresa K Business Manager Abrams-Payne, Mindy D. Business Serv SpecFrey, Deborah Lynn Coordinator Boone, Constance Coordinator Marose, Betty H. Coordinator Ritchie, Stephanie Mary Coordinator Winkleblack, Katherine A. Dev Ofc Clougherty, Amanda Brown Dir Admin Srv English, John P. Ext Prog Asst Fratz, Lena Margaret Fac Ext Asst Carrasco, Virginia Fac Ext Asst Frederick, John Adam Fac Ext Asst Gray, Jacqueline C. Fac Ext Asst Mundy, Matthew P Graph Art Design Hirner, David W. IT Support Asst Tompkins, Anne M. Library Tech II Largess, Mariette V. Manager Braun, William J. MT Mlt Td Chf II Brady, George Michael Principal Agent Rippen, Thomas E. Principal Agent Terlizzi, Daniel E. Sr Agent Corridon, Cassandra S. Sr Agent Dennis, Lisa M. Sr Agent Frebertshauser, Denise Elaine Sr Agent Takacs, Jacqueline Urban Sr Agent Wells, Kendra B. Visit Assoc Prof Howard, Jeff W. Visit Prof Ezell, Patsy AGNR-Veterinary Medicine Program Admin Asst I Marth, Theresa Christine Wolter Assoc Prof Perez, Daniel R. Assoc Prof Tablante, Nathaniel L. JR Assoc Prof Zhu, Xiaoping Asst Prof Bossis, Ioannis Asst Prof Pal, Utpal Asst Prof Zhang, Yanjin Business Manager Morales, Ricardo M. Coordinator Green, LaShae Coordinator Wang, Yunsheng Dir Admin Srv Lepley, Kevin E. Fac Mgr O'Toole, Dorothea Fac Res Asst Pascua, Annabelle Morano Fac Res Asst Renehan, Savannah OToole IT Coor Ong, Tam Nhut Lab Animal Tech Araya, Yonas Z Prof & Chair Samal, Siba K. Res Assoc Chockalingam, Ashok Kumar Res Assoc Edworthy, Nicole Res Assoc Funes Huacca, Maribel E. Res Assoc Kariu, Toru Res Assoc Kumar, Subrat Res Assoc Mukhtar, Muhammad Mahmood Res Assoc Nayak, Baibaswata Res Assoc Qin, Jinhong Res Assoc Ragan, Valerie E Res Assoc Samuel, Arthur Sylvester Res Assoc Sutton, Troy Clavell Res Assoc Walters, Bettye K. Res Assoc Xiao, Sa Res Assoc Xu, Kemin Res Assoc Yang, Xiuli Res Assoc Ye, Jianqiang Res Asst Prof Khattar, Sunil K. Res Asst Prof Kim, Shin-Hee Res Asst Prof Solorzano, Alicia Res Spec Rockemann, Daniel D.

7 $93,686.00 $75,700.00 $53,101.44 $38,257.46 $55,000.00 $72,894.44 $52,670.99 $44,000.00 $58,267.51 $75,009.84 $25,460.25 $48,403.95 $67,734.74 $32,292.19 $40,000.00 $55,282.50 $39,573.52 $30,255.73 $68,153.00 $37,851.28 $88,803.08 $82,403.62 $83,000.00 $70,000.00 $70,000.14 $59,227.51 $83,145.12 $118,000.00 $120,000.00 $28,939.00 $91,125.36 $97,610.42 $84,873.11 $72,852.20 $77,773.46 $75,405.35 $62,000.00 $48,298.50 $60,000.00 $90,000.00 $57,750.00 $40,600.00 $22,620.44 $56,020.67 $30,255.72 $199,694.70 $35,000.00 $39,000.00 $35,000.00 $40,000.00 $36,996.00 $35,000.00 $50,000.00 $35,000.00 $115,000.00 $45,120.06 $37,000.00 $118,459.69 $50,212.31 $35,000.00 $43,556.00 $41,000.00 $67,542.00 $68,786.00 $68,786.00 $63,221.22

College of Arts & Humanities ARHU-American Studies Admin Asst II Yuen, Manwah Betsy Assoc Prof Lounsbury, Myron O. Assoc Prof Paoletti, Jo B. Assoc Prof Parks, Sheri L. Asst Prof Hanhardt, Christina B. Asst Prof McCune, Jeffrey Asst Prof Williams-Forson, Psyche A Coordinator Newton, Julia C. Lecturer Gill, Lisa Marie Lecturer Gordon, L Suzanne Lecturer Hughes, Ellen Roney Prof Caughey, John L. Prof Kelly, R Gordon Prof & Chair Struna, Nancy L. ARHU-Art Admin Asst I Curtis, Danielle M. Admin Asst II Boyle, Kathleen M Assoc Prof Craig, Patrick M. Assoc Prof Gavin, Dawn Assoc Prof Humphrey, Margo Assoc Prof Kehoe, Patrice I. Assoc Prof Klank, Richard E. Assoc Prof Lozner, Ruth J. Assoc Prof McCarty, John D. Assoc Prof Morse, Brandon Assoc Prof Thorpe, James G. Asst Prof Buck-Coleman, Audra K Asst Prof Pinder, Jeffrey Andrew Asst Prof Strom, Justin Coordinator Montgomery, Jojo E. Coordinator Romanow, Jerry Peter Lecturer Berns, Leslie A Lecturer Conover, Emily Susan Lecturer Devore, Sora Lecturer Flick, Jeremy Joseph

$39,573.72 $68,848.01 $79,696.64 $84,013.09 $67,344.00 $67,100.00 $75,378.84 $45,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $97,574.43 $99,902.47 $134,190.36 $30,255.72 $33,125.50 $73,377.27 $62,330.95 $67,396.10 $68,481.12 $70,881.29 $71,187.47 $29,529.61 $65,472.87 $60,890.91 $60,165.00 $57,169.53 $51,408.58 $58,664.58 $45,129.39 $7,680.00 $7,888.00 $15,176.00 $7,000.00

Lecturer Hogg, Lucille $8,000.00 Lecturer Jacobs, Wendy A. $121,917.00 Lecturer Jones, Steven Robert $15,776.00 Lecturer Ratnapala, Narendra D $25,704.00 Lecturer Rojo Acebes, Juan $6,400.00 Lecturer Stone, Judith Lynn $14,000.00 Lecturer Vafai, Guita $7,680.00 Lecturer Weil, Rex $16,604.00 Prof Lapinski, Tadeusz A. $77,395.83 Prof Richardson, William C. $77,817.00 Prof Sham, Foon V. $76,104.60 Prof & Chair Ruppert, John $121,200.47 ARHU-Art Gallery Director Shipman, John Bernard $75,000.00 Manager Watson, Jewell B. $42,000.00 ARHU-Art History & Archaeology Admin Asst I Morse, Theresa Bernadette $31,382.89 Admin Asst II Down, Deborah A. $34,811.72 Assoc Dir Gregory, Henry Duval $69,505.00 Assoc Prof Ater, Renee D. $76,728.00 Assoc Prof Colantuono, Anthony $89,859.36 Assoc Prof Gill, Meredith Jane $87,343.60 Asst Prof Hill, Shannen Lee $66,504.80 Asst Prof Shannon, Joshua A $34,603.70 Asst Prof Suzuki, Yui $66,353.44 Asst Prof Volk, Alicia $35,512.00 Director Sails, Lauree Jean $66,744.48 Director Waller, Anna M. $61,228.47 Lecturer Bland, Beryl Curry $9,750.00 Lecturer Georgievska-Shine, Aneta $9,750.00 Lecturer Grossman, Wendy Ann $9,750.00 Lecturer Hutson, James Lee $18,360.00 Lecturer Martinez, Louise Elizabeth $19,500.00 Lecturer Metcalf, Greg $38,702.50 Lecturer Wiersema, Juliet Benham $17,800.00 Prof Hargrove, June E. $121,607.15 Prof Kuo, Jason C. $95,175.95 Prof Mansbach, Steven $137,951.00 Prof Pressly, William L. $130,000.00 Prof Wheelock, Arthur $48,430.20 Prof & Act Chair Venit, Marjorie S. $127,570.97 ARHU-Center for Renaissance & Baroque Studies Assoc Dir Nelson, Karen Lynn $55,699.90 Business Serv SpecMa, Meei Ching $18,850.36 Coordinator MacLean, Cheryl Leigh Giammusso $31,009.53 Exec Dir Seeff, Adele F. $123,012.00 ARHU-Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center Assoc Dir Kweder, Kyle Patrick $65,894.00 Assoc Dir Stamler, Gayle Crum $64,821.00 Assoc Dir White, Andrea J. $67,238.00 Asst Mgr Coughlin, Marilyn $42,000.00 Asst Mgr Eckerman, Kristine E. $44,000.00 Asst Mgr Lewis, Jermaine Antoine $46,402.00 Asst Mgr MacAdam, Laura $42,750.00 Asst Mgr Paoletti, Nicole $53,000.00 Asst Mgr Pile, Alexander W. $43,936.00 Asst Mgr Roberts, Nicholas James $47,298.00 Business Serv Spec Henderson, Fay $44,051.76 Coordinator Bell, Madeline Geiger $36,006.00 Coordinator Burgess, Lisa Parkel $37,207.00 Coordinator Chiang, Susan K. $42,372.00 Coordinator Chismar, Ann $51,043.00 Coordinator Cosby, Steven Charles $42,597.00 Coordinator Hoem, Emily $33,979.00 Coordinator Johnson, Andrea Lynn $45,701.00 Coordinator Manning, Mary K $43,514.00 Coordinator Marchant, Jessica D. $41,540.00 Coordinator Muller, Aaron D. $46,457.00 Coordinator O'Connell, James Richard $43,130.00 Coordinator Reckeweg, Jeffrey David $42,597.00 Coordinator Zender, Andrew $46,000.00 Director Bondarev, Erica Lee $89,000.00 Director Brohan, Paul $93,000.00 Director Foltz, Drayton Scott $97,336.00 Director Gravett, Erika $95,000.00 Director Valdivia, Pia C. $93,000.00 Exec Adm Asst I Thorne, Kimberly $40,827.47 Exec Dir Farr, Susan S. $212,015.00 Manager Brandwein, Bill $48,623.00 Manager Eichinger, Scott S. $57,678.00 Manager Johnson, Joy D. $58,650.00 Manager Jones, Timothy Jerome $51,439.00 Manager Knapp, Ryan Nathaniel $62,000.00 Manager Pollins, Kelly $63,036.00 Manager Schwent, Michael J. JR $48,000.00 Manager Shaw, Stephanie M. $48,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Bachman, Fallon Nicholle $35,660.62 Prog Mgmt Spec I Fabiszak, Christopher Karl $33,078.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Gutrick, Jacquelyn Yvette $43,548.12 Tech Dir Weinard, Rick L. $59,980.00 ARHU-Classics Acad Prog Spec Rhodes-Kelly, Patricia A. $33,125.50 Assoc Prof Rutledge, Steven H. $66,011.94 Assoc Prof Staley, Gregory A. $72,576.98 Lecturer Herschbach, Elisabeth Mary $9,000.00 Lecturer Pittas-Herschbach, Mary $29,121.45 Lecturer Tuite, Kenneth $25,868.50 Lecturer Woods, John Baynard $8,600.00 Prof Hallett, Judith P. $101,447.37 Prof Stehle, Eva Marie $76,023.47 Prof & Act Chair Doherty, Lillian E. $76,075.57 Prof & Chair Lee, Hugh M. $98,612.00 ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities Acad Adv Moore, Thomas W. $57,332.82 Acad Adv Nadler, Paula F $51,651.45

Admin Asst II Jones, Karen Denise $35,498.32 Advisor Crane, Robert Edward $47,294.62 Assoc Dir Clement, Tanya Elizabeth $45,000.00 Asst Dean Cavanaugh, Kathleen R. $106,999.72 Asst Dean Downing, Audran M. $96,000.00 Asst Dean Wright, Julie O. $135,000.00 Asst Dir Boone, Jon K $80,959.19 Asst Dir Greene, J Darius $56,190.27 Asst Dir Patterson, Jennifer Lyn $42,028.63 Asst Prof & Assoc Dean Rutherford, Charles S. $141,000.31 Asst to Dean Owen, Lori $96,000.00 Coordinator Fenlon, Matthew Edward $53,233.50 Coordinator Friedman, Lauren Deborah $47,913.00 Coordinator Jarvis, Chookeat A. $52,477.45 Coordinator Koles, Karla J. $82,499.96 Coordinator Kuhn, Nathaniel Rutledge Wakeland $52,745.02 Coordinator Rodriguez, Heather Lynn $42,000.00 Coordinator Schmidt, Johnna Marie $53,000.52 Coordinator Watkins, Christopher J. $55,501.12 Coordinator White, Jessica Carmel $49,451.23 Coordinator Zachmann, Jennifer $50,530.27 Director Adams, Jacqueline T. $80,000.00 Director Everette, Monique Sheree $75,000.00 Exec Adm Asst I Rivas, Heather A. $38,257.00 Exec Adm Asst II Angier, Barbara H. $25,476.99 IT Coor Weng, Megan S.J. $68,036.20 Lecturer Burgess, Harold F. II $36,542.39 Lecturer Grzanka, Patrick Ryan $50,000.00 Lecturer Krefting, Rebecca A $5,000.00 Multi Media Tech Milstead, Monica Lynn $35,093.95 Prof & Assoc Dean Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann $108,000.24 Prof And Dean Harris, James F. $228,284.29 Prog Mgmt Spec I Filteau, Joseph Charles $38,308.62 Programmer Fanning, Stephen Brock $46,000.00 ARHU-Communication Account Clerk II Allen, Antoinette Simone $31,200.00 Admin Asst II Sullivan, Lillie M. $44,845.46 Assoc Prof Aldoory, Linda $70,234.48 Assoc Prof Hample, Dale Jay $86,149.00 Assoc Prof Parry-Giles, Trevor S. $80,697.30 Assoc Prof Turner, Monique Mitchell $72,469.44 Asst Prof Khamis, Sahar Mohamed $56,459.00 Asst Prof Liu, Brooke Fisher $68,000.00 Asst Prof Liu, Meina $57,674.70 Asst Prof Maddux, Kristjana Lyn $56,044.00 Asst Prof Nan, Xiaoli $67,000.00 Asst Prof Ofulue, Nneka Ifeoma Nwabuje $52,126.50 Asst to Dir Bell, Mary $57,202.53 Coordinator Gowin, Julie S. $58,596.72 Director Waks, Leah $79,427.97 Lecturer Coleman, Robert Richard $25,200.00 Lecturer Lawson, William Harrel $49,500.00 Lecturer Lawson, William Harrel $49,500.00 Lecturer Payne, David Anthony $18,000.00 Lecturer Simon, Susan Whyte $24,390.00 Lecturer Tenney, Judith $41,255.11 Lecturer Toth, Richard Joseph $49,755.00 Prof Fink, Edward L. $141,216.32 Prof Gaines, Robert N. $94,867.53 Prof Klumpp, James F. $90,305.29 Prof Parry-Giles, Shawn J. $83,863.67 Prof Wolvin, Andrew D. $130,972.73 Prof & Chair Toth, Elizabeth L. $154,885.00 ARHU-Consortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity Fac Res Asst Logie, Laura Ann $54,570.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Hall, Wendy $40,964.88 ARHU-Dance Accompanist Johnson, Isiah Oscar $46,602.14 Accompanist Novak, Robert $46,284.00 Assoc Prof Bradley, Karen Kohn $69,226.71 Assoc Prof Pearson, Sara R $45,000.00 Assoc Prof Widrig, Patrik $45,000.00 Asst Prof Mansur, Sharon F. $55,000.00 Asst Prof Phillips, Miriam $65,000.00 Coordinator Glasspatrick, Erin C $50,000.00 Inst Mayes, Alvin $60,148.44 Lecturer DeFries, Diane Y. $14,385.00 Lecturer Fang, Adriane $7,200.00 Lecturer Gaskill, Barbara E. $14,418.43 Lecturer Jackson, Paul D. $60,039.12 Lecturer Mason, Gesel R. $33,000.00 Lecturer Slater, Mary Claudine $11,440.00 Lecturer Smith, Julia Grace $17,160.00 Lecturer Springer, Dawn C $50,000.00 Prof & Assoc Chair Warren, Anne W. $77,536.46 Prog Mgmt Spec I Blandford, Karen Sue $46,425.88 Prog Mgmt Spec I Schlegel, Camilla P. $36,435.68 ARHU-David C. Driskell Center Admin Asst II Korme, Ananee Ismail $35,875.00 Assoc Prof & Dir Steele, Robert E. $127,799.99 Coordinator Yaron, Dorit $64,959.69 Res Assoc Childs, Adrienne Louise $35,050.00 ARHU-English Acad Prog Spec McClung, Helen J. $41,668.15 Assoc Prof Arnold, Elizabeth $66,766.95 Assoc Prof Casey, Maud $64,958.33 Assoc Prof Chico, Marta $76,574.46 Assoc Prof Coleman, Linda K. $68,844.51 Assoc Prof Israel, Michael $65,053.37 Assoc Prof Jelen, Sheila Elana $69,730.66 Assoc Prof Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. $82,500.00 Assoc Prof Lindemann, Marilee $81,102.61 Assoc Prof Mallios, Peter Lancelot $70,000.02 Assoc Prof Moser, Thomas Colborn JR $62,805.22 Assoc Prof Nunes, Zita $93,178.61

Assoc Prof Wang, Orrin Assoc Prof Weiner, Joshua Assoc Prof & Dir Bauer, Ralph Robert Assoc Prof & Dir Chuh, Kandice Asst Remmell, Kevin Michael Asst Prof Bearden, Elizabeth B Asst Prof Coles, Kimberly Anne Asst Prof Feitell, Merrill Beth Asst Prof Lewis, William Henry II Asst Prof Macharia, Keguro Asst Prof Ontiveros, Randy James Asst Prof Passannante, Gerard Asst Prof Rudy, Jason R Asst Prof Valiavitcharska, Vessela Asst Prof Walter, Christina Business Manager Lovell, Rebecca Graham Business Serv Spec Mulhollen, Abby Coordinator Crussiah, Grace Juliet Coordinator Eklund, Scott Colin Coordinator Suri, Manju Dist Univ Prof & Dir Plumly, Stanley Grad Asst II Sowash, Shenandoah Grad Asst II Wakeman, Robert Gerard Inst Robinson, Eugene S. IT Coor Saremi, Shawn Lect & Dir Ryan, Leigh Lecturer Angeline, Karen Lecturer Arnold, Mark Douglas Lecturer Ashlock, Jennifer Melissa Lecturer Bailin, Deborah Juliet Lecturer Baker, Hannah Marie Lecturer Berger, Donald W. Lecturer Bernal, Lindsay Anne Lecturer Blumner, Ellen L. Lecturer Bolton, Frederick David Lecturer Byrne, Joseph E. Lecturer Calloway, Alexandra Lecturer Chartock, Lea S. Lecturer Clark, Damion Ray Lecturer Cohen, Amber Lynn Lecturer Colson, Elizabeth C. Lecturer Conroy, Marianne Lecturer Cresap, Kelly Mark Lecturer Crider, Richie Allen Lecturer Cunningham, Rebekah Ann Lecturer D'Angelo, Kathleen A Lecturer Dammeyer, Sarah Lucile Lecturer Danoff, David James Lecturer Davis, Willie Lecturer De, Aparajita Lecturer Earnest, Robin Lecturer Edwards, Joshua Floyd Lecturer Eisenhauer, Louis Andrew Lecturer Ellis, Joshua Lecturer Faith, Melanie Lecturer Findlay, Joanna J. Lecturer Fitzgerald, Mark T Lecturer Fixsen, Elizabeth Anne Lecturer Forrester, Mark A. Lecturer Gerhardt, Pamela Jean Lecturer Goldberg, Ceil Lecturer Gordon, Laura Edwards Lecturer Gurley, Nicole Lecturer Haynos, Paul Vincent Lecturer Heckscher, Zahara Lecturer Hijazi, Nabila Abdullah Lecturer Hilliard, Lyra Pamela Lecturer Hoffman, Dory Lecturer Holden, Rebecca J Lecturer Inukai, Connie Lecturer Jacobe, Monica Faith Lecturer Karp, Amy Tara Lecturer Keiser, Kenneth David Lecturer Knorr, Walter L. Lecturer Lowderbaugh, Thomas E. Lecturer Maa, Gerald Lecturer Macri, Linda C. Lecturer Maskell, Shayna Lecturer Mason, Ann Michele Lecturer McClure, Elizabeth Ann Lecturer McGann, Katherine L Lecturer McGlew, Donald Bernard Lecturer McNeilly, Donald P. Lecturer Mills, Tyler Caroline Lecturer Moll, Ellen A. Lecturer Monserez, Megan Alesia Lecturer Monserez, Megan Alesia Lecturer Mooney, Joan H Lecturer Moreland, Heather L. Lecturer Moriel, Liora Lecturer Moses, Phillip Scott Lecturer Norris, Meredith Suzanne Lecturer O'Connor, Kimberly Dawn Brown Lecturer Ozdek, Almila Lecturer Parsons, Clare Lecturer Pellegrini, Adam Lecturer Prochaska, Reiner Lecturer Reynolds, Arthur Lecturer Ritzel, Rebecca Joy Lecturer Robinson, Katherine Julia

$92,885.73 $67,990.26 $108,513.38 $83,167.36 $55,692.70 $61,069.10 $60,940.81 $56,304.93 $67,148.03 $64,000.00 $58,598.52 $57,312.30 $59,707.06 $61,914.93 $57,000.00 $75,316.65 $39,704.94 $62,730.00 $40,444.12 $67,385.04 $140,348.02 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $58,049.29 $58,960.21 $74,411.90 $15,976.00 $27,618.00 $42,000.00 $15,976.00 $31,953.00 $8,660.00 $36,441.63 $25,980.00 $17,320.00 $15,976.00 $8,660.00 $53,968.20 $3,994.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $12,000.00 $18,412.00 $15,976.00 $15,976.00 $15,976.00 $23,964.00 $15,976.00 $23,964.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $31,952.00 $15,976.00 $15,976.00 $25,980.00 $36,824.00 $17,320.00 $7,988.00 $25,980.00 $27,618.00 $23,964.00 $15,976.00 $7,988.00 $23,964.00 $7,988.00 $23,964.00 $15,976.00 $23,964.00 $17,320.00 $27,618.00 $17,320.00 $15,976.00 $8,660.00 $18,412.00 $27,618.00 $18,069.00 $58,137.24 $3,267.80 $34,640.00 $25,980.00 $17,320.00 $15,976.00 $18,412.00 $33,296.00 $15,976.00 $17,976.00 $17,976.00 $7,988.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $31,952.00 $15,976.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $17,320.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $25,980.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00

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8 Lecturer Ruggiero, Leigh Ann Lecturer Saalfeld,DanielA Lecturer Saklas, Rosalia A. Lecturer Satelmajer, Ingrid I. Lecturer Schatz,WilliamJohn Lecturer Scott-Douglass, Amy Lecturer Scott, Heidi Cathryn Molly Lecturer Shea, Mary E. Lecturer Switalski,MaryElizabeth Lecturer Turkman, Erik F. Lecturer Turner,MaryD. Lecturer Veisz, Elizabeth Hayley Lecturer VonEuw,MichelleHelene Lecturer Wappel,JosephF. Lecturer Wilkins, Caroline A. Lecturer Williams, Jennifer Anne Lecturer Winett,MichaelSebastian Lecturer Zaniello, Thomas A. Lecturer Zuehlke, Karl William OfficeSupvIII Clement,Louise Prof Auchard,John Prof Auerbach, Jonathan D. Prof Carretta,Vincent Prof Cohen, William A. Prof Collier,MichaelR. Prof Collins,Merle Prof Cross, Richard K. Prof Donawerth, Jane L. Prof Fahnestock,JeanneD. Prof Flieger,VerlynB. Prof Grossman, Marshall Prof Kauffman, Linda Sue Prof Leinwand,TheodoreB. Prof Levine,RobertS. Prof Logan, Shirley W. Prof Mack,Maynard JR Prof Norman,Howard Prof Pearson,BarryL. Prof Peterson, Carla L. Prof Ray, Sangeeta Prof Richardson,Brian Prof Rosenthal, Laura J Prof Smith,MarthaNell Prof Washington,MaryHelen Prof Wyatt,DavidM. Prof&AssocChair Coletti,TheresaM. Prof & Chair Cartwright, Kent Prof&Dir Fraistat,NeilR. ProfOfPractice Olmert,Michael Prog Mgmt Spec I Moulton, Isabella ARHU-History AssocProf BarkleyBrown,Elsa AssocProf Cooperman, Bernard D. AssocProf David-Fox,Michael AssocProf Freund,David Assoc Prof Gao, James Z. AssocProf Giovacchini,Saverio AssocProf Greene,Julie AssocProf Landau,Paul AssocProf Lyons,ClareA. AssocProf Mayo,MarleneJ. AssocProf Moss,AlfredA.JR AssocProf Muncy,RobynLeigh AssocProf Rosemblatt,Karin AssocProf Ross,Michael AssocProf Rowland,LeslieS. AssocProf Sicilia,DavidB. AssocProf Soergel,Philip AssocProf Sumida,JonT. AssocProf Williams,Daryle AssocProf Zeller,Thomas AssocProf Zilfi,MadelineC. AssocProfAssocChairRidgway,WhitmanH. AsstProf Bell,RichardJames AsstProf Borrut,Antoine AsstProf Bradbury,MilesL. AsstProf Caneque,Alejandro AsstProf Jones,Hilary AsstProf Mar,LisaRose AsstProf Milam,ErikaLorraine AsstProf Sartorius,DavidA. AsstProf Wasilewski,Janna AsstProf Wien,Peter Coordinator Lanier,CourtenayDahkota Director Toala,Catalina DistUnivProf Berlin,Ira Dist Univ Prof Gilbert, James B. FacResAsst McKerley,John FacResAsst Miller,StevenF. FacResAsst Pouncy,Carolyn FacResAsst Schreier,JesseTurner Lecturer Landau, Emily Lecturer Lilley,CharlesR. Lecturer Matthews, John RosserIII Lecturer Parascandola, John Louis Lecturer Rush, Anne Spry Lecturer Smead,EdwinHoward Prof Eckstein,Arthur Prof Friedel,RobertD. Prof Gullickson, Gay L. Prof Herf, Jeffrey C Prof Holum,KennethG. Prof Lampe,JohnR. Prof Lapin, Hayim Prof Rozenblit, Marsha L. Prof Sutherland,Donald

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 $15,976.00 $25,980.00 $18,412.00 $16,660.00 $36,824.00 $18,000.00 $17,320.00 $27,618.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $36,824.00 $15,976.00 $17,320.00 $36,824.00 $36,824.00 $15,976.00 $27,618.00 $17,000.00 $23,964.00 $43,493.35 $85,299.44 $104,219.07 $74,869.84 $95,491.30 $130,000.00 $104,560.53 $110,810.57 $92,018.09 $101,863.76 $79,698.16 $88,184.59 $121,142.78 $91,241.33 $150,074.32 $96,626.74 $116,711.83 $110,232.68 $97,374.81 $68,653.97 $96,000.55 $85,659.23 $90,250.45 $131,228.55 $66,174.04 $93,639.61 $114,958.29 $131,370.00 $175,200.00 $56,000.00 $43,379.12 $94,038.41 $87,081.73 $84,363.76 $73,300.00 $70,503.60 $79,828.42 $106,614.00 $78,077.79 $77,324.80 $75,783.86 $66,087.53 $72,375.69 $103,000.00 $87,000.00 $79,092.86 $75,256.46 $93,098.27 $81,359.42 $90,352.86 $78,318.99 $96,532.08 $67,226.31 $63,313.65 $72,040.00 $44,734.72 $66,300.00 $75,353.79 $58,175.57 $63,000.00 $61,977.00 $58,674.00 $71,257.56 $37,018.65 $74,602.10 $175,013.20 $69,049.00 $42,000.00 $63,754.74 $28,400.85 $42,000.00 $9,120.00 $18,441.60 $8,000.00 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $47,922.72 $102,907.26 $89,286.68 $93,414.42 $116,880.08 $91,248.30 $124,937.82 $82,823.00 $102,057.08 $93,848.72

Prof Vaughan,MaryKay $124,132.96 Prof Zhang, Shu Guang $51,068.00 Prof & Chair Price, Richard N. $179,187.92 ProgMgmtSpecI Gossett,Hilary $34,500.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Hall, Jodi L $35,852.71 ResAssoc Albert,PeterJ. $50,532.04 ResAssoc Palladino,Grace $55,329.26 VisitAssocProf Taddeo,Julie $52,909.98 VisitAsstProf Baron,SabrinaAlcorn $45,846.51 VisitAsstProf Dolbilov,Mikhail $68,000.00 VisitAsstProf Maffie,James $40,000.00 VisitAsstProf Rath,Thomas $42,520.00 VisitAsstProf Rodriguez-Santana,Ivette $37,200.00 ARHU-Linguistics AssocProf Idsardi,William $102,284.17 AssocProf Lidz,Jeffrey $97,088.08 AssocProf Resnik,PhilipS. $93,188.13 AsstProf Hacquard,ValentineC $67,250.00 AsstProf Williams,Alexander $65,000.00 AsstResSci Zukowski,AndreaL. $58,312.31 BusinessServSpecFaulkingham,KathleenM. $52,289.34 Dir Admin Srv Kwok, Kimberly C. $70,000.00 DistUnivProf Lasnik,HowardB. $164,598.28 Fac Res Asst Baier,Rebecca $30,339.92 Fac Res Asst Ehrmann,Max $32,000.00 FacResAsst Kleinschmidt,David $26,500.00 FacResAsst Mishler,AlanE. $28,000.00 FacResAsst White,AaronSteven $26,500.00 Lecturer Antonisse,MargaretJ. $45,900.00 Lecturer Bleam,Tonia $46,133.00 Lecturer Mease, Tara M. $6,012.20 Prof Phillips,Colin $118,252.20 Prof Pietroski,PaulM. $140,658.27 Prof Uriagereka,Juan $120,491.56 Prof&Chair Hornstein,NorbertR. $163,969.56 Res Assoc Samuels,Bridget Diane $40,000.00 Res Assoc Scharinger,Mathias $40,000.00 ARHU-MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities AssocDir Reside,DouglasL. $70,717.81 AsstDir Lester,DavidC. $55,000.00 Coordinator Grogan, Christina C. $49,000.00 FacResAsst Dickie,JamesGrant $51,000.00 Fac Res Asst Kvernen,Elisabeth $52,000.00 Programmer Coukouma,NikolasAlexander $56,198.15 Programmer Lord,GregoryPhilip $27,500.00 ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies AdminAsstII Kirsch,DebraAnn $37,507.32 AssocProf Grossman,Maxine $70,746.23 AssocProf Grossman,Maxine $70,746.23 AsstProf Manekin,KeilaRachel $62,271.00 BusinessManager Glockner,Laura $45,500.00 Lecturer Cohen, Mark E. $25,468.99 Lecturer Scham, Sandra A. $10,000.00 Prof & Dir Peri, Yoram $198,000.00 ProfEmerita Berlin,Adele $16,000.00 VisitAssocProf Isaacs,Miriam $52,641.79 VisitAsstProf Adler,EliyanaRebecca $50,072.69 VisitAsstProf Feuer,Avital $46,000.00 VisitAsstProf Gonen,Einat $52,610.69 VisitAsstProf Scham,Paul $50,000.00 Visit Prof Smooha, Sammy $20,000.00 ARHU-National Foreign Language Center AdminAsstII Best,DeniseM. $45,759.20 Assoc Dir Hart,Mary Elizabeth $109,426.15 AsstDir Ellis,DavidPaul $86,700.00 BusinessManager Carucci,CristinaJhone $37,539.86 BusinessServSpecSchuler,TeriL. $46,478.56 Coordinator Choi, Novy $40,091.00 Coordinator Edwards, Jane A. $54,038.99 Coordinator Mushkat,Amir $68,000.00 Coordinator Parrish,Tavia $47,000.00 Dir Admin Srv Grover, Deborah E $88,822.00 Director Anderson,BryanD. $96,900.00 Director Ingold,CatherineW. $141,521.13 Editor Wyler,BrianChristopher $44,000.00 FacResAsst Abadir,MirandaKamal $50,000.00 FacResAsst Adams,NinaV. $67,957.50 FacResAsst Deng,Ziyun $23,000.00 FacResAsst DiJohnson,ConstanceMay $36,000.00 FacResAsst Farooqui,Fauzia $60,000.00 FacResAsst Hu,Guiling $60,000.00 FacResAsst Lopez,MariaFernanda $65,000.00 FacResAsst Mana,Mouna $60,000.00 FacResAsst Pien,JoshuaH. $60,000.00 InstDesigner Queen,EdwardFJR $59,593.51 IT Network Engineer Buxton, Neamoie $49,137.27 ITNetworkEngineerKozlov,Sergey $60,000.00 Manager Brown, Shannon Songco $65,000.00 Manager Dang,Jennie $56,727.85 Manager Khan,Taimur $73,357.81 Manager Kirkbride,JennyRenee $60,000.00 Manager Nichols, Scott Francis $65,000.00 Manager Rice,MargaretC. $77,701.00 Manager Rumeau,NicoleVernice $65,866.50 Prog Coor Aguayo, Natalie $50,000.00 Prog Coor Calhoun, Lindsay $45,000.00 ProgCoor Ford,AinurIsmailova $47,000.00 Prog Coor Kilday, Kathleen Anne $54,000.00 Prog Coor Martin, Amy Michele $50,257.19 ProgCoor Menjivar,AmySeidel $47,000.00 Prog Coor Reed, Acacia $45,000.00 Prog Coor Soler, Sharon A. $50,000.00 Prog Coor Winders, Erika M. $50,000.00 Program Dir Frey, Christopher H. $86,700.00 Programmer Dintino,FrancisJ. $47,047.50

Programmer Eichman,PeterMatthew $49,000.00 Programmer Ford, Thomas W $74,966.30 Programmer Lee, Yong Jae $50,000.00 Programmer Leong, Chung Wing $65,000.00 Programmer Lin,Pinling $50,000.00 Programmer Poedjosoedarmo, Krisnadi $46,000.00 Programmer Regan, Theresa A. $78,000.00 Proj Mgr Matterson, Mujgan O. $75,000.02 ResAssoc Jackson,FrederickH. $69,787.12 ResAssoc Robinson,JenniferL $67,969.15 Specialist Brown,DanielLawrence $60,000.00 Specialist Buckhout-White,MichaelJohn $52,000.00 Sr Res Sci Lampe, Gerald E. $11,410.00 Sr Res Sci Wang, Shuhan C. $150,000.00 Systems Analyst Adeoye, Olubukola Adebamike $71,934.35 Systems Analyst Reed, Christopher E. $55,000.00 ARHU-Philosophy AdminAsstII Spier,Kaarin $33,125.50 AssocProf Dwyer,SusanJane $90,000.00 AssocProf Frisch,MathiasF $74,724.55 AssocProf Kerstein,SamuelJ. $67,579.14 AssocProf Morreau,MichaelP. $67,905.04 AssocProfAssocChairStairs,Allen $77,000.22 AsstProf Eaker,ErinLovenia $62,090.00 AsstProf Moller,Dan $63,104.00 AsstProf Singpurwalla,Rachel $62,217.00 BusinessManager Vazquez,Mayra $58,652.55 DistUnivProf Bub,Jeffrey $135,708.76 DistUnivProf Levinson,Jerrold $132,999.63 ExecAdmAsstI Gilman,LouiseH. $38,081.56 FacResAsst King,MatthewDavid $26,370.00 FacResAsst Tiedke,HeidiErika $26,370.00 FacResAsst Veillet,Benedicte $26,370.70 Prof Carruthers,PeterM. $146,188.33 Prof Darden,Lindley $91,364.42 Prof Greenspan,PatriciaS. $116,634.18 Prof Manekin, Charles H. $80,249.79 Prof Morris,ChristopherW. $125,094.13 Prof Rey,Georges $105,999.76 Prof&Chair Horty,John $176,517.13 Prof Emeritus Svenonius, Lars $10,000.00 ResProf Levine,Andrew $22,335.00 ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures AsocProf&AssocDirStrauch,GabrieleL. $108,319.58 Assoc Dir Goebeler,Claire E. $91,250.00 Assoc Prof Campangne,Herve T. $83,161.85 AssocProf DePinillos,HernanS.M. $32,497.19 Assoc Prof Demaria,Laura $70,568.75 Assoc Prof Eades,Caroline $72,069.60 Assoc Prof Falvo,JosephD. $75,597.98 Assoc Prof Frisch,Andrea Marie $69,282.98 Assoc Prof Gor,Kira $73,408.23 Assoc Prof Hitchcock,Donald R. $60,234.38 Assoc Prof Jiang,Nan $70,000.00 Assoc Prof Lacorte,Jose Manuel $64,103.27 Assoc Prof Lavine,Roberta Z. $90,058.91 Assoc Prof Lavine,Roberta Z. $90,058.91 Assoc Prof Lekic,Maria D. $72,540.75 Assoc Prof Liu,Jianmei $58,326.41 Assoc Prof Martin,Cynthia L. $75,696.73 Assoc Prof Moyer,Alene $67,951.07 AssocProf Naharro-Calderon,JoseM. $75,094.04 Assoc Prof Orlando,Valerie K. $72,062.68 Assoc Prof Papazian,ElizabethA. $62,814.35 Assoc Prof Papazian,ElizabethA. $62,814.35 Assoc Prof Rodriguez,Ana Patricia $68,937.37 Assoc Prof Scullen,Mary Ellen $68,280.87 AssocProf Yotsukura,LindsayA. $70,120.63 AssocProf Yotsukura,LindsayA. $70,120.63 Assoc Prof Zakim,Eric $72,388.10 Assoc Prof Zhou,Minglang $84,000.00 Asst Prof Abasi,Ali Reza $65,000.00 AsstProf Anishchenkova,ValerieV $65,000.00 AsstProf Chao,Fang-yi $60,611.58 AsstProf Koser,Julie $55,000.00 AsstProf Landa,Marianna $58,140.00 AsstProf Mason,Michele $56,100.00 AsstProf Penrose,MehlA. $56,100.00 Coordinator Ayazi,Michelle $42,000.00 Coordinator Brennan-Tillmann,JanelMarie $66,646.28 Coordinator Clough,LaurettaCatherine $62,134.34 Coordinator Deane,PamalaS. $50,646.34 Coordinator Ettus,Heather $40,800.00 Coordinator Liu,PhoenixF. $46,263.14 Coordinator Makar, Hoda R $49,000.21 Coordinator Maurer,JeffreyDaniel $42,500.00 Coordinator Yaramanoglu,Naime $44,823.73 Coordinator Yen,MildredP. $73,304.10 FacResAsst Alikaj,Abdulmonam $65,200.00 FacResAsst Hassan,InasMahmoud $50,000.00 FacResAsst Krizi,Ridha $65,270.06 FacResAsst Marotta,Filomena $3,203.87 Inst Krausen,KarenLinda $50,181.94 Inst Levy,Nili $48,323.81 Inst Miura,Eiko $48,370.56 Inst Yaginuma,Kazuo $48,924.01 Lecturer Acedo Garcia, Ana Isabel $34,600.00 Lecturer Acedo Garcia, Ana Isabel $34,600.00 Lecturer Akbari-Saneh, Nahal $79,925.74 Lecturer Al-Nusairat,Saleh $67,443.93 Lecturer Amodeo,StefaniaR. $53,516.67 Lecturer Araji,Bouchra $36,414.00 Lecturer Arevalo-Guerrero,Elisabeth $35,700.00 Lecturer Arevalo-Guerrero,Elisabeth $35,700.00 Lecturer Barilla,AnthonyF. $31,685.88 Lecturer Bolikowska, Agnieszka Anna $15,299.99

Lecturer Cherrouk,Meryem $36,414.00 Lecturer Chien,Hsiu-Fen $35,700.00 Lecturer Deigan,FedericaBrunori $32,007.90 Lecturer El-Hefnawy,DinaA $45,282.36 Lecturer El-Hefnawy,DinaA $45,282.36 Lecturer Fleri,MariaS. $32,354.36 Lecturer Gentile,ChristinaMaria $20,402.78 Lecturer Gerus-Vernola,ZhannaR $24,276.01 Lecturer Golkar, Hadi $55,000.00 Lecturer Inoue,Makiko $35,269.56 Lecturer Jendi,Soulaiman $60,000.00 Lecturer Kong,Mei $38,588.37 Lecturer Lee-Heitz,Jungjung $43,350.00 Lecturer Liang, Huichun $26,775.00 Lecturer Lima-Vales, Dolores $32,640.00 Lecturer Mousavi, Seyyed Abbas $65,000.00 Lecturer Rahouma, Mohamed Mahmoud $60,000.00 Lecturer Ramsey,YounghiK. $37,350.36 Lecturer Reed,MikiKashima $35,269.56 Lecturer Ruzza, Carmen H. $15,300.00 Lecturer Soltani,Delaram $54,678.75 Lecturer Soltani,Delaram $54,678.75 Lecturer Wang,Yuli $7,650.00 Lecturer Yamakita,Etsuko $36,288.49 Lecturer Yamakita,Etsuko $36,288.49 Lecturer Yarmohammadi, Niloufar $63,000.00 Manager Wish, Angela Joy $69,576.01 Prof Benito-Vessels,Carmen $90,903.10 Prof Cypess,SandraM. $94,636.22 Prof DeKeyser,RobertM. $105,315.28 Prof Elgibali, Alaa $100,931.08 Prof Frederiksen,ElkeP. $108,183.76 Prof Harrison,Regina $106,558.83 Prof Igel, Regina $82,904.30 Prof Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad $102,518.66 Prof Long, Michael H $129,151.00 Prof Quintero-Herencia,JuanCarlos $42,593.26 Prof Ross, StevenJ $100,000.00 Prof Verdaguer,PierreM. $108,355.18 Prof & Chair Beicken, Peter U. $109,779.38 Prof & Chair Brami, Joseph $96,713.41 Prof & Chair Oster, Rose-Marie G. $102,787.30 Prof&Chair Ramsey,SamuelRobert $109,313.16 Prof & Dir Mossman, CarolA. $144,000.00 Prog Coor Abousaleh, Roula $37,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Chang, Raymond $52,911.70 Prog Mgmt Spec I Fekula, Michael A. $35,531.77 Prog Mgmt Spec I Moon, Sara $35,000.00 Prog Mgmt SpecI Seibert, I $44,438.31 VisitLecturer BylundSpangberg,NilsEEmanuel $60,000.00 VisitProf Melgar,Lucia $60,000.00 VisitProf Quintero,MariaCristina $15,000.00 ARHU-School of Music Acad Prog Spec Guerrant, Theodore Mikell $18,794.11 AdminAsstII Edwards,Tawanaka $43,554.27 AdminAsstII Hoitt,TinaM. $39,702.72 AdminAsstII Yackley,ElizabethAnne $39,500.00 AssocArt-In-Res Guilford,MatthewT. $18,512.99 AssocArt-In-Res Heineman,Susan $25,488.63 AssocProf Davis,ShelleyG. $71,939.38 AssocProf Fry,JamesH. $113,211.41 AssocProf Gekker,PaulC. $95,636.19 AssocProf Gowen,BradfordP. $79,524.07 AssocProf Hanninen,DoraA. $73,634.02 AssocProf Hewitt,MichaelP. $72,353.87 AssocProf Hill,MarkD. $80,333.93 AssocProf King,RichardG. $78,390.20 AssocProf Loup,Francois IV $86,885.28 AssocProf Miller,Gregory $80,459.69 AssocProf Murdock,KatherineH. $76,000.00 AssocProf Ross,JamesE. $89,629.87 AssocProf Sparks,LowellRichmond $78,732.87 AssocProf Stern, JamesO. $79,235.44 AssocProf Votta, Michael $86,000.00 AssocProf Wilson, Mark E. $79,198.86 Asst Dir Arnold, Craig Scott $62,270.44 Asst Dir Lang, Jenny Louise $53,000.00 AsstDir Scerbo,RichardAlbert $57,500.00 Asst Prof Carter, BruceA. $55,000.00 Asst Prof Haldey, Olga $57,800.80 Asst Prof Warfield, Patrick R. $57,500.00 BusinessManager Oliver, JeannetteLee $64,976.29 Coordinator Everett, Laura Lee $58,299.70 Coordinator Johnson,LaurindaAnn $43,973.62 Coordinator Li,Ming $59,836.62 Coordinator Powell, DavidG. $38,000.00 Coordinator Wakefield,MarkEdgar $47,220.55 Director DeBoy, Lori Johnson $88,192.20 Inst Walters,EdwardH. $62,948.34 Lecturer Adkins,Elisabeth $11,534.40 Lecturer Ames, Frank Anthony $13,872.00 Lecturer Baldwin, Thomas R. $9,744.00 Lecturer Beicken, Suzanne J. $63,000.06 Lecturer Cigan,Paul $17,280.00 Lecturer Covey,PaulMichael $14,000.00 Lecturer Diamond,Patrick $20,520.00 Lecturer Dudley,Christopher $9,600.00 Lecturer Dumaine,StephenE. $19,200.00 Lecturer Edwards,MahiriBadilifu $5,000.00 Lecturer Foster, DanielH. $9,600.00 Lecturer Frigo, Connie M. $30,628.80 Lecturer Gero,EdwardS. $8,400.02 Lecturer Habermann, Michael R. $7,000.00 Lecturer Hendrickson, Steven E. $12,816.00 Lecturer Hinkle, Lee Wilkerson $25,815.60 Lecturer Jones,DavidW. $17,280.00

Lecturer Kellner,PaulSteven Lecturer Kouyate,AmadouEarnest Lecturer Kunkel,GerardF. Lecturer Layton,RichardDouglas Lecturer Lee,Justina Lecturer Long, Timothy Lecturer Matthews,WendyK. Lecturer McReynolds,RobertT. Lecturer Mulcahy, Craig Charles Lecturer Okamoto,KyokoM. Lecturer Olcott, Nicholas I.J. Lecturer Oppelt,RobertJ. Lecturer Osterloh,ElijahRael Lecturer Ozment, JonDavid Lecturer Pilzer,Leigh Lecturer Ramirez, Benjamin Lecturer Randall,MarthaLee Lecturer Redd,CharlesR. Lecturer Sandstrom, Boden C. Lecturer Sandstrom, Boden C. Lecturer Shaw,Lewis Lecturer Slowik,Kenneth Lecturer Smith,RebeccaAnstine Lecturer Suadin,IKetut Lecturer Teie, DavidE. Lecturer Timbrell,Charles Lecturer Trahan,KathleenF. Lecturer Volchok,Mikhail Lecturer Wang, Sebastian S Lecturer Wang, Sheng-Tsung Lecturer Wilson,Gran Lecturer Wiltz,AlcineJ. Lecturer Zimmerman, DanielJ. Prof Balthrop, Carmen A. Prof Cossa,DominicF. Prof Dedova,Larissa Prof DeLio, Thomas J. Prof Elsing, Evelyn L. Prof Fischbach,GeraldF. Prof Haggh-Huglo, Barbara H. Prof Mabbs,LindaDillon Prof Maclary,Edward Prof Major,Leon Prof Montgomery,WilliamL. Prof Moss, LawrenceK. Prof Page, Cleveland L. Prof Provine,RobertC. Prof Salness,David Prof Sloan,Rita Prof Vadala, Christopher J. Prof Wexler,Richard Prof Witzleben,JohnLawrence Prof Ziegler,Delores Prof&Dir Gibson,RobertL. ProfOfPractice Montgomery,Janet Prog Mgmt Spec I Kuckuda, Deborah A. ProgMgmtSpecI Wyant,VirginiaS. VisitAsstProf Bates,Eliot VisitAsstProf Mills,Melissa VisitProf Dalley,John VisitProf Steinhardt,Arnold VisitProf Tree,Michael VisitProf Wiley,PeterJ. ARHU-Theatre AdminAsstII Stonesifer,SarahAnne AssocProf Conway,Daniel AssocProf MacDevitt,Brian AssocProf Nathans,HeatherS. AssocProf Schuler,CatherineA. AsstProf Ashizawa,Izumi AsstProf Carpenter,FaedraC AsstProf Felbain,LeslieC AsstProf FrederikMeer,LaurieA AsstProf Kachman,Mikhail AsstProf Smiley,LeighWilson Coordinator Gillett,CaryL. Coordinator Phelps,MargueritaFrances Director Jackson,SandraS. Inst Kriebs,DavidK. Lecturer Engel,BrianChristopher Prof Hebert,MitchellP. Prof Hildy,FranklinJ. Prof Huang,HelenQ. Prof Reese,ScotM. Prof&Chair Wagner,DanielMacLean Sr Art-In Res Dallas, Walter VisitAsstProf Rothman,KoreyR. ARHU-Women's Studies AssocProf King,Katie AssocProfActChairKim,Seung-Kyung AsstDir Nichols,LauraT.E. AsstProf Rowley,MichelleV Coordinator Carter,AnnieM. Prof Bolles, Augusta Lynn Prof Moses, Claire G. Prof Rosenfelt, Deborah S. Prof Zambrana,RuthEnid ProgMgmtSpecI RoyalsHoward,ClifforniaD.

$5,145.60 $5,000.01 $14,286.25 $16,478.44 $47,000.00 $18,000.00 $7,824.00 $44,840.00 $8,640.00 $8,667.40 $25,017.22 $17,232.00 $47,754.36 $8,970.88 $7,000.03 $10,656.00 $65,786.34 $10,973.47 $56,068.74 $56,068.74 $12,000.00 $8,645.47 $11,844.49 $5,000.01 $2,894.40 $6,999.99 $10,252.80 $20,510.47 $4,999.99 $8,971.20 $38,953.32 $16,000.00 $19,655.36 $90,699.34 $100,013.98 $85,812.01 $85,806.39 $91,870.63 $115,000.13 $91,525.55 $107,186.03 $101,318.36 $123,829.85 $94,214.42 $90,352.60 $107,723.77 $95,250.58 $94,499.67 $86,424.88 $102,476.01 $88,549.22 $88,731.00 $99,646.22 $125,068.71 $76,621.00 $39,808.99 $40,789.09 $46,000.00 $47,000.00 $41,394.39 $41,394.39 $41,393.88 $41,393.37 $31,508.50 $76,641.25 $84,000.00 $70,182.80 $74,374.61 $58,000.00 $58,294.00 $56,987.98 $56,647.91 $54,769.52 $57,401.21 $50,000.00 $52,771.18 $73,467.13 $64,372.01 $10,000.00 $84,555.47 $97,068.34 $87,608.38 $87,294.88 $175,001.00 $87,500.00 $37,149.99 $72,781.72 $90,582.73 $68,189.96 $65,281.00 $51,946.63 $96,372.85 $156,851.52 $96,320.20 $143,875.04 $37,234.02

College of Behavioral & Social Sciences BSOS-Afro-American Studies Program AssocProf Gaskin,DarrellJ. AssocProf&Chair Harley,Sharon AsstProf Chateauvert,Melinda

$149,129.50 $141,611.80 $70,428.43

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Asst Prof Dinwiddie, Gniesha Yvonne $75,000.00 Asst Prof Johnson, Odis D. JR $75,651.94 Asst Prof Madhavan, Sangeetha $76,105.88 Asst Prof Richardson, Joseph B JR $77,067.20 Business Serv SpecJohnson-Haynes, Jean $41,202.61 Dir Admin Srv Skeeter, Valencia L. $70,477.47 Fac Res Asst Long, Jeanne Marie $30,600.00 Fac Res Asst McCleary, Rachael Rosetta $33,000.00 Lecturer England, Jonathan William $52,020.00 Lecturer Judd, Bettina $3,500.00 Lecturer Kargbo, Ibrahim $16,000.00 Lecturer Semper, Jerry L. $9,000.00 Lecturer Terry, David Taft $11,000.00 Lecturer Wright, Del C. JR $9,000.00 BSOS-Anthropology Advisor Hanson, Erik $37,000.00 Assoc Prof Freidenberg, Judith N. $86,029.35 Assoc Prof Paolisso, Michael J. $90,506.27 Asst Prof Brighton, Stephen $61,126.37 Asst Prof Stuart, William T. $69,199.13 Dir Admin Srv Paige, Sybil A. $59,000.00 Lecturer Garland, Anne W. H. $10,000.00 Lecturer Leslie, Teresa E. $31,960.00 Lecturer London, Marilyn R. $9,000.00 Lecturer Palus, Matthew M. $10,016.00 Lecturer Wolff, Christopher B. $10,000.00 Prof Chambers, Erve $123,286.05 Prof Chernela, Janet $99,315.56 Prof Leone, Mark P. $147,807.75 Prof Whitehead, Tony L. $112,687.88 Prof & Chair Shackel, Paul A. $132,000.00 Prog Coor Johnson, Katherine Joanne $46,920.00 Res Assoc Prof Schneider, Jo Anne $45,500.00 BSOS-College of Behavioral & Social Sciences Account Clerk II Smith, Earlene $16,000.00 Admin Bandyopadhyay, Sarbartha $95,814.27 Admin Spriggs, James Edward III $52,635.50 Admin Asst I Lockett-Landis, Tonya L. $33,941.98 Advisor Curenton-Lloyd, Temica R. $40,010.00 Advisor Huhtanen, Regina Minjae $40,424.00 Advisor Myat, Klihsree $40,000.00 Assoc Dir Zhao, Song $107,953.69 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean McIntosh, Wayne V. $133,500.00 Assoc Res Scholar Sadat, Jehan $54,483.41 Asst Dean Beardsley, Katherine Pedro $135,769.01 Asst Dean Holmes, Ann M. $161,115.00 Asst Dean Nickerson, Kim J. $117,272.80 Asst Dir Anderson-Howell, Rosalyn E. $56,406.50 Asst Dir Bethke, Kimberly Anne $56,407.66 Asst Dir Izsak, Katherine Worboys $72,343.91 AsstDir Komarek,Pam $58,068.00

Asst to Dean Schupbach, Carolyn A. Asst to Dean Workman, Beth G. Business Manager Daigler, Aphi Business Manager Leffson, Joanne Elizabeth Business Manager Tana, Maria R. Coordinator Bynoe, Julianna Coordinator Cortes, Karmin Coordinator Fennie, William Coordinator Glover, Carolyn S. Coordinator Goebel, Sheila M. Coordinator Hawkins, Danielle Nicole Coordinator Holtz, Ryan Coordinator Kasnadi, Asdie Entong Coordinator Lassalle, Nicholas David Coordinator Leffson, Rebecca Ashley Coordinator Marks, Peggy L. Coordinator Morgan, Dona-Leigh Coordinator Pomicter, Lorna Lorraine Coordinator Walker, Paulanne Coordinator Weber, Margaret K. Coordinator Wilcher, Abigail J. Coordinator Williams, Jody Derezinski Coordinator Williams, Jody Derezinski Coordinator Ye, Yeats Director Cradock, Christie S. Director Navarro, Daniel Benjamin Exec Dir Smarick, Kathleen Jane Fac Res Asst Blevins, Robert Lance Fac Res Asst Davis, Brian Randall Fac Res Asst Dravis, Michael Fac Res Asst Dravis, Michael Fac Res Asst Khalil, Karim Fac Res Asst Michael, Mary Ruth Fac Res Asst Miller, Erin Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Moallem, Poupak Fac Res Asst Moeller, Hans Mathias Fac Res Asst Prokopets, Alexandra Fac Res Asst Rhodes, Matthew Jacob Fac Res Asst Rosenbaum, Benjamin Craig Fac Res Asst Simone, Joseph JR Fac Res Asst Starin, Daniel Fac Res Asst Tunney, Janet Grad Asst II Distler, Michael Robert Grad Asst III Riera, Jose-Luis IT Coor Luzin, Dmitri Andreyevich IT Coor Pie, Michael Thomas IT Support Assoc Haid, John Calvin IT Sys Prog/Net Supp Diab, Eamon LAN Sys Admin Asikin, Sjafrizal LAN Sys Admin Suskey, John Lecturer Briggs, Sue Lecturer Brooks, Rose Lecturer Sheppard, Benjamin Lecturer Thomas, Joseph John Manager Gates, Marie Nicole Manager Khoury, Bernard Charles Office Clerk I McTague, Sean Gilbert Office Clerk I Pickles, Amanda Jaye Prof And Dean Townshend, John R. Prog Coor Hillinger, Barbara J. Prog Mgmt Spec I Pittman, Tiffany L Prog Mgmt Spec I Showerman, Stacey L.

9 $94,000.74 $75,577.38 $57,120.00 $44,438.00 $44,501.13 $50,500.00 $38,546.40 $55,620.00 $53,412.70 $52,492.11 $40,950.00 $40,220.00 $53,650.38 $37,740.00 $41,150.54 $50,263.50 $56,250.00 $41,500.00 $40,872.20 $37,500.00 $56,000.24 $47,150.00 $47,150.00 $66,580.00 $68,002.74 $130,250.00 $122,967.48 $81,681.04 $50,000.00 $24,338.23 $24,338.23 $43,500.00 $33,414.56 $40,770.00 $33,134.00 $43,500.00 $34,250.00 $34,000.00 $33,000.00 $37,320.00 $65,000.00 $35,148.87 $2,700.00 $2,500.00 $49,649.80 $54,491.06 $41,758.53 $52,500.00 $45,000.00 $62,624.47 $83,107.58 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $81,491.00 $89,006.43 $28,600.00 $24,115.50 $220,000.74 $84,945.77 $37,060.23 $35,274.47

Prog Mgmt Spec I Tana, Daniel R $32,271.00 Res Assoc Ackerman, Gary A $97,783.56 Res Assoc Iskra, Darlene Marie $61,318.58 Res Assoc Nickels, Benjamin Paul $58,500.00 Res Assoc Pate, Amy E. $55,080.00 Res Coor Wheeler, Dawn V. $55,707.74 Res Prof Grayzel, John Aron $122,017.35 Res Prof Emeritus Bushrui, Suheil B. $27,865.00 Tech Consult Kuhafa, Mashish T. $61,952.43 BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice Advisor Jackson, Nicole $39,000.00 Advisor Perea, Carlos Omar $31,000.00 Assoc Prof Dugan, Laura J. $81,666.00 Asst Prof Johnson, Brian D $74,440.00 Asst Prof McGloin, Jean M $73,000.00 Business Serv Spec Owens, Donna J. $47,583.67 Coordinator Rider, Jessica A $40,256.16 Dist Univ Prof Laub, John H. $181,000.00 Exec Adm Asst I Allen, Paula M. $40,731.18 Fac Res Asst Krutsch, Paul R $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Porter, Pamela K. $94,000.00 Inst Brooks, Laure Weber $75,443.00 Lecturer Bonnar, Thomas J $7,000.00 Lecturer Conroy, John $7,000.00 Lecturer Eastman, Shawn D $7,000.00 Lecturer Fisher, Cortney Lyn $14,000.00 Lecturer Fleming, Matthew H $8,000.00 Lecturer Flower, Shawn Marie $8,000.00 Lecturer Foust, John T $7,000.00 Lecturer Frederique, Nadine Pascale $12,000.00 Lecturer Gaston, Arnett W. $45,705.34 Lecturer Gerstenblith, Stephanie Ann $66,558.01 Lecturer Gibbs, Jennifer Catherine $6,000.00 Lecturer Hamill, Russell E. III $7,000.00 Lecturer Horner, Jay Paul $7,000.00 Lecturer Hoston, Lisa A $7,000.00 Lecturer Janney, Mark Edward $7,000.00 Lecturer Lehman, Alan Robertson $16,000.00 Lecturer Linn, Sonja Geschmay $9,500.00 Lecturer Lobo-Antunes, Maria Joao $6,000.00 Lecturer Malm, Stan $7,000.00 Lecturer Mauriello, Thomas P. $17,836.40 Lecturer Paik, Sung Wook $7,000.00 Lecturer Roberts White, Christine A $39,022.49 Lecturer Roberts White, Christine A $39,022.49 Lecturer Romeiser, Nicole $7,000.00 Lecturer Salem, David Ira $14,000.00 Lecturer Shusko, Robin A. $7,000.00 Lecturer Smith, Barry P. $7,000.00 Lecturer Varriale, Jennifer Anne $3,000.00 Lecturer Zumbrun, Alvin J $22,950.01 Prof Gottfredson, Denise C. $205,200.17 Prof LaFree, Gary D. $250,907.00 Prof Paternoster, Raymond $197,674.48 Prof Thornberry, Terence P $208,000.00 Prof Wellford, Charles F. $180,388.00 Prof & Chair Simpson, Sally S. $154,125.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Tana, David Vincent $33,137.32 Res Assoc Najaka, Stacy Brooke $68,250.00 Res Assoc Soule, David Alan $100,225.00 BSOS-Ctr for Substance Abuse Research Assoc Prof & Dir Wish, Eric D. $203,247.71

Director Griffith , Debra D. Fac Res Asst Artigiani, Eleanor E. Fac Res Asst Billing, Amy Susan Fac Res Asst Carcamo, Sandra I. Fac Res Asst Hauser, Wanda Jean Fac Res Asst Hsu, Margaret H. Fac Res Asst Imholtz, Clare Fac Res Asst McCandlish, David Fac Res Asst Peko-Spicer, Amohelang Abigail Fac Res Asst Rezey, Maribeth Lorraine Fac Res Asst Rinehart, Cheryl Res Assoc Wagner, Michael A. BSOS-Economics Admin Asst II Davis, Theresa V Advisor Edinger, Shanna Advisor Makhlouf, Nadeen Hany Assoc Dir Evans, Ruth M. Assoc Prof Chao, John C. Assoc Prof Coughlin, Peter J. Assoc Prof Hellerstein, Judith K. Assoc Prof Jin, Zhe Assoc Prof Kearney, Melissa Schettini Assoc Prof Shea, John Asst Prof Aruoba, Sadik Boragan Asst Prof Chugh, Sanjay Asst Prof D'Erasmo, Pablo Nicolas Asst Prof Filiz Ozbay, Emel Asst Prof Guiteras, Raymond Asst Prof Korinek, Anton Asst Prof Lafortune, Jeanne Asst Prof Lee, Soohyung Asst Prof Ozbay, Erkut Yusuf Asst Prof Vlaicu, Razvan Business Manager Nalley, Heather M Coordinator Fletcher, Vickie A. Coordinator Martinez, Elizabeth Dir Admin Srv Kimbrell, Dorinda K Director Wood, Dennis H. Dist Univ Prof Oates, Wallace Fac Res Asst Amodei, Daniela Fac Res Asst Ansted, Ronda B Fac Res Asst Beard, Brian G. Fac Res Asst Bogenberger, Lauren Fac Res Asst El Hassar, Btissam Fac Res Asst Gillers, Lucy Fac Res Asst Haas, Sherri Fac Res Asst Leegwater, Anthony Peter Fac Res Asst Pena, Josefina D Fac Res Asst Richards, Margaret Elise Fac Res Asst Rutherford, Diana D. Fac Res Asst Shaw, James Arthur Fac Res Asst Shaw, James Arthur Fac Res Asst Sliwinski, Marie Anne Fac Res Asst Wittek, Troy Anthony IT Op Mgr Singh, Veer Lecturer Bakardzhieva, Damyana Lecturer Clement, Cindy Lecturer Gandhi, Alka Lecturer Hadler, Sandra Lecturer Neri, John Lecturer Sabelhaus, John Lecturer Sarna, Naveen

$92,533.22 $110,102.30 $69,326.25 $33,172.27 $43,527.89 $44,151.00 $37,472.04 $48,157.60 $30,800.00 $47,000.00 $39,596.47 $102,057.67 $36,435.68 $39,467.33 $36,074.34 $99,655.71 $113,395.95 $71,779.34 $164,345.05 $126,136.32 $120,000.00 $114,170.78 $101,470.84 $101,475.00 $105,000.00 $101,475.00 $102,000.00 $101,475.00 $102,000.00 $105,000.00 $101,475.00 $97,129.20 $49,817.00 $52,510.07 $41,520.18 $70,000.00 $168,951.94 $159,397.96 $31,000.00 $45,000.00 $63,482.39 $31,000.00 $35,360.00 $50,160.00 $37,260.00 $60,637.50 $33,000.00 $49,440.00 $67,243.20 $42,883.12 $42,883.12 $50,000.00 $18,000.00 $66,069.47 $45,900.00 $88,250.00 $55,080.00 $52,000.00 $54,509.02 $27,846.00 $35,999.99

Lecturer Short, Kathleen Lecturer Vella, Francis Prof Ausubel, Lawrence M. Prof Cramton, Peter Prof Cropper, Maureen L. Prof Drazen, Allan Prof Duggan, Mark G. Prof Haltiwanger, John C. Prof Ham, John Prof Hulten, Charles R. Prof Mendoza, Enrique G. Prof Montgomery, Edward B. Prof Prucha, Ingmar R. Prof Reinhart, Carmen M. Prof Rust, John Philip Prof Schwab, Robert M. Prof Vegh, Carlos Prof Vincent, Daniel R. Prof Wallis, John J. Prof & Chair Murrell, Peter Res Assoc Adekanmbi, Adebimpe Maureen Res Assoc Hinds, Basil Res Assoc Horst, Ronald Lee Res Assoc Meade, Douglas Shannon Res Assoc Nagarajan, Geetha Res Assoc Nyhus, Douglas E. Res Assoc Plyler, Megan Res Assoc Werling, Jeffrey F. BSOS-Geography Accounting Assoc Groves, Carol A. Admin Hu, Jenny yanwen Admin Asst I Johnson, Wilhelmina Assoc Prof Cirrincione, Joseph M. Assoc Prof Geores, Martha E. Asst Dir Crossgrove, Robert Asst Prof Yeo, In-Young Asst Prof Zhou, Naijun Asst Res Sci Cheng, Jie Business Manager Jones, LaNettra E. Dir Admin Srv Bell, Vivre A. Exec Adm Asst I Smith, Liz A. Fac Res Asst Altstatt, Alice Louise Fac Res Asst Becker-Reshef, Inbal Fac Res Asst Carroll, Mark L Fac Res Asst Channan, Saurabh Fac Res Asst Davis, Paul Edward Fac Res Asst Dimiceli, Charlene M. Fac Res Asst Fedele, Emilie Fac Res Asst Heleniak, Timothy Edmund Fac Res Asst Ilavajhala, Shriram Fac Res Asst Kim, Sunghee Fac Res Asst Nackoney, Janet Ruth Fac Res Asst Narasimhan, Raghuram Fac Res Asst O'Bannon, John Fac Res Asst Peck, Meredith Elaine Fac Res Asst Prentiss, Lydia Fac Res Asst Ramirez, Fernando Andres Fac Res Asst Riter, Joyce Christine Alexis Fac Res Asst Rubio, Jeremy Fac Res Asst Schleeweis, Karen Fac Res Asst Sohlberg, Robert Allen JR Fac Res Asst Sullivan, Mark Brandon

$14,999.99 $24,999.99 $122,545.09 $101,715.45 $189,034.00 $207,739.54 $200,250.75 $254,880.62 $250,000.00 $118,255.02 $220,500.00 $12,327.25 $200,884.00 $235,000.00 $248,492.18 $178,416.23 $204,166.54 $136,119.67 $129,641.68 $209,721.60 $42,000.00 $45,000.00 $37,865.96 $56,118.02 $86,528.00 $74,301.21 $60,000.00 $58,641.24 $36,447.31 $78,122.45 $34,941.09 $57,230.12 $77,465.75 $59,260.26 $61,343.20 $62,820.04 $37,500.00 $47,000.00 $102,567.38 $39,474.25 $49,309.55 $51,049.90 $60,210.95 $100,000.00 $84,407.22 $99,733.71 $50,000.00 $28,560.00 $63,847.30 $26,131.38 $46,649.00 $43,000.00 $85,930.80 $53,000.00 $47,468.94 $45,800.00 $39,539.00 $40,000.00 $42,500.00 $81,254.51 $92,602.60

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10 Fac Res Asst Thomas, Nancy E. $49,177.00 Fac Res Asst Thompson, Karim Martijn $41,500.00 Fac Res Asst Wong, Min Minnie $47,734.34 Fac Res Asst Zhang, Zhiyu $40,000.00 Lecturer Eney, Allen B. $53,487.28 Lecturer King, Mary Leeann $4,400.00 Lecturer Lim, Hyunwoo $52,000.00 Lecturer Luna, Ronald Wilfredo $60,000.00 Lecturer Ma, Jianguo $60,000.00 Lecturer Russo, Richard Anthony $48,000.00 Lecturer Zlatic, Mila $46,560.00 Prof Dubayah, Ralph O. $181,076.97 Prof Goward, Samuel N. $199,456.00 Prof Kasischke, Eric S. $117,586.11 Prof Kearney, Michael S. $77,580.58 Prof Liang, Shunlin $133,889.57 Prof Prince, Stephen D. $165,262.59 Prof & Chair Justice, Christopher O. $207,861.00 Res Assoc Feng, Min $24,000.00 Res Assoc O'Connell, Michael John $50,000.00 Res Assoc Wang, Dongdong $50,000.00 Res Assoc Prof Boschetti, Luigi $77,990.20 Res Assoc Prof Hofton, Michelle $90,784.58 Res Assoc Prof Huang, Chengquan $90,343.88 Res Assoc Prof Vadrevu, Krishna $80,000.00 Res Asst Prof Ellicott, Evan Andrew $62,602.00 Res Asst Prof Li, Mengxue $75,000.00 Res Asst Prof Loboda, Tatiana V. $59,815.00 Res Coor Bobbitt, Shannon Renee $56,250.00 Res Prof Sun, Guoqing $108,246.68 Res Prof Vermote, Eric F. $152,889.49 Visit Res Assoc Li, Ainong $44,880.00 BSOS-Government & Politics Acad Adv Commodore, Felecia $33,978.75 Acad Adv Poblador, Anne Marie $32,500.00 Assoc Prof Birnir, Johanna K $77,000.00 Assoc Prof Haufler, Virginia Ann $85,230.73 Assoc Prof Kaminski, Bartlomiej K. $79,251.98 Assoc Prof Kastner, Scott $80,283.94 Assoc Prof Kaufmann, Karen M. $84,917.17 Assoc Prof Lalman, David L. $66,832.55 Assoc Prof Lee, Frances $93,496.43 Assoc Prof Reed, William Lawton III $115,000.00 Assoc Prof Soltan, Karol E. $83,177.57 Assoc Prof Swistak, Piotr T. $79,603.62 Asst Dir Kielman, Elizabeth J. $97,413.87 Asst Prof Banks, Antoine Jevon $70,000.00 Asst Prof Corstange, Daniel $72,500.00 Asst Prof Croco, Sarah Elizabeth $75,000.00 Asst Prof Hanmer, Michael J. $77,440.00 Asst Prof McKenzie, Brian D. $92,000.00 Asst Prof Rouse, Stella $67,500.00 Asst Prof Ward, Ian A M $60,000.00 Asst Res Sci Fridl, Daniella $63,500.00 Asst Res Sci Wong, Kelvin Richard $61,604.69 Business Serv Spec Wist, Denise E. $49,458.22 Coordinator Pimpawathin, Apitchaya $41,568.80 Dir Admin Srv Mansfield, Michael Thomas $50,715.04 Exec Adm Asst I Roberts, Estherella W. $48,465.86 Fac Res Asst Bertotti, Candace Lillian $40,800.00 Fac Res Asst Brewer, Corey Criswell $32,500.00 Fac Res Asst Burk, Kellie Anderson $71,941.60 Fac Res Asst Charlebois, Michael A. $35,000.00 Fac Res Asst Drummond, Chad M $27,040.00 Fac Res Asst Ellis, Devin Hayes $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Eralp, Pelin $18,720.00 Fac Res Asst Howard, Ted L. $128,118.06 Fac Res Asst Jones, Mary Portia $101,416.00 Fac Res Asst King, Brian Michael $50,445.68 Fac Res Asst Kumar, Gururaj $57,120.00 Fac Res Asst Lowry, Keri Marie $89,927.00 Fac Res Asst Russell, Chantal Amanda Maree $32,500.00 Fac Res Asst Tetteh, Audrey R $48,684.60 Fac Res Asst Valiullina, Gulnur $40,774.50 Lecturer Bentley-Smith, Elizabeth Antonia $10,000.00 Lecturer Engel, Francene $10,000.00 Lecturer Grant-Wisdom, Dorith $58,305.25 Lecturer Kim, Soo Yeon $62,800.78 Lecturer Mandell, Paul S. $10,000.00 Lecturer McBrayer, Gregory Alan $20,000.00 Lecturer Mohammad Sadeghy, Amir Matin $10,000.00 Lecturer Snyder, Quddus Z. $11,082.00 Lecturer Ziv, Guy $10,000.00 Prg Admin Spec Clark, Ann M. $52,302.76 Prof Alford, C Fred $119,236.96 Prof Conca, Kenneth L. $91,683.33 Prof Elkin, Stephen L. $64,668.75 Prof Gimpel, James G. $107,119.97 Prof Glass, James M. $143,166.83 Prof Herrnson, Paul S. $213,063.66 Prof Huth, Paul K. $205,111.47 Prof Morris, Irwin Lester $102,654.73 Prof Oppenheimer, Joe A. $69,171.18 Prof Pearson, Margaret M. $97,746.65 Prof Quester, George H. $136,407.57 Prof Telhami, Shibley $197,768.79 Prof Tismaneanu, Vladimir $110,631.43 Prof Uslaner, Eric M. $126,116.30 Prof Wilkenfeld, Jonathan $216,399.58 Prof & Chair Lichbach, Mark $213,790.38 Res Assoc Bruzual, Jose $117,197.47 Res Assoc Prof Hewitt, J Joseph $74,202.77 Res Assoc Prof Vietri, Lois T. $32,407.07 Res Prof Alperovitz, Gar $180,280.06 Sr Res Schl Barry, James A. $13,858.37 Visit Assoc Prof Kaufman, Edward Edy $48,324.01

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences Admin Asst II Brownlee, Valerie S. Assoc Prof Chatterjee, Monita Assoc Prof Newman, Rochelle S. Asst Prof Fitzgerald, Tracy Asst Prof Shah, Yasmeen Faroqi Asst Prof Tian, Wei Dir Admin Srv Beasley, Rachelle L. Fac Res Asst Deroche, Mickael Fac Res Asst Oberzut, Cherish Rebecca Inst Worthington, Colleen K. Lecturer Berndtson, Deborah Lynne Lecturer Bonelli, Phyllis Josephine Lecturer Brewer, Carmen C. Lecturer Dixon, Maria Vernice Lecturer Fitzgibbons, Peter J. Lecturer Goodrich, Whitney Lecturer Handy, Dianne J. Lecturer Handy, Dianne J. Lecturer Ingrao, Brad Lecturer Lingaraj, Arpana

$38,566.47 $81,916.40 $78,259.15 $71,459.58 $69,181.18 $66,067.00 $62,000.00 $38,000.00 $62,000.00 $85,457.46 $51,334.79 $52,000.00 $10,062.50 $54,000.00 $9,422.58 $10,000.00 $59,029.62 $59,029.62 $66,500.00 $43,200.00

Lecturer McCabe, Margaret M. $80,205.19 Lecturer Palmer, Sharon S. $56,647.13 Lecturer Schauer, Paula $54,503.80 Lecturer Sherlock, LaGuinn Parsons $8,179.74 Lecturer Sisskin, Vivian D. $60,421.96 Lecturer Skinker, Kathleen Battles $26,293.21 Lecturer Williams Walker, Tonya L. $8,000.00 Lecturer Wood, Esther Jane $17,564.40 Office Supv III Coon, Elizabeth I. $45,195.55 Prof Gordon-Salant, Sandra $140,000.40 Prof Roth, Froma P. $78,410.66 Prof & Chair Ratner, Nan Bernstein $135,885.47 Prof Emerita Yeni-Komshian, Grace H. $6,807.65 Res Prof Sonies, Barbara C. $25,954.74 BSOS-Joint Program in Survey Methodology Adjunct Asst Prof Miller, Stephen Mitchell $14,000.00 Asst Prof Kreuter, Frauke $77,015.03 Coordinator Gebremicael, Sarah $47,741.10 Director Jethwa Eapen, Rupa $66,219.38 IT Sys Analyst Gilbert, Duane A. $45,547.06 Prof Abraham, Katharine G. $166,897.42

Prof Lahiri, Partha BSOS-Psychology Admin Asst II Coldren-Walker, Julia D. Admin Asst II Henry, Merle A. Admin Asst II Lockwood, Ellen R. Admin Asst II Malone, James Admin Asst II Verdugo, Carmen B Advisor Kader, Lori J. Assoc Prof Chronis, Andrea M. Assoc Prof Dougherty, Michael R Assoc Prof Murnane, Kevin Assoc Prof Norman, Kent L. Assoc Prof O'Grady, Kevin E. Assoc Prof Yager, David D. Asst Prof Carlson, Thomas Asst Prof De Los Reyes, Andres Asst Prof Dougherty, Lea Rose Asst Prof Herberholz, Jens Asst Prof Riggins, Tracy Asst Prof Roesch, Matthew Ryan Asst Prof Wang, Mo

$166,897.43 $38,467.99 $33,125.50 $40,825.03 $32,011.66 $36,877.75 $48,100.45 $84,601.24 $105,501.91 $82,021.80 $81,299.76 $83,408.00 $89,393.72 $76,500.00 $71,000.00 $75,000.00 $90,683.38 $74,000.00 $79,000.00 $85,000.00

Asst Res Eng Smith, Edward Wilson Coordinator Gorham, Carol Downing Coordinator Gorham, Carol Downing Coordinator Mallon, Diane Louise Coordinator Tabor, Meredith Dir Admin Srv Schmidt, Kimberly J. Director Marinelli, Marcia Vajner Dist Univ Prof Kruglanski, Arie W. Dist Univ Prof Emeritus Hodos, William Elect Tech III Chan, Anthony H. Fac Res Asst Barcelo, Janna Fac Res Asst Bruss, Christopher Bayan Fac Res Asst Bryden, Daniel Fac Res Asst Buchhalter, Sarah Fac Res Asst Bugenhagen, Gaye Fac Res Asst Calvin, Nicholas T. Fac Res Asst DeWath, Sarah Fac Res Asst Florek, Katrina E Fac Res Asst Forbes, Courtney Brynn Fac Res Asst Francis, Whitney Melissa Fac Res Asst Grodack, Angela

$88,099.33 $47,098.50 $47,098.50 $51,979.58 $62,000.00 $90,000.00 $83,722.00 $260,000.00 $23,516.51 $50,508.74 $45,150.24 $40,000.00 $33,427.00 $48,960.00 $56,357.75 $29,682.00 $33,000.00 $28,500.00 $45,000.00 $29,682.00 $37,000.00

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Fac Res Asst Guller, Leila $29,682.00 Fac Res Asst Haque, Enamul $52,810.78 Fac Res Asst Lee, Tiane $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Leonard, Jimeka Ryan $29,682.00 Fac Res Asst Liden, William Harper $30,992.41 Fac Res Asst Orehek, Edward Andrew $41,000.00 Fac Res Asst Pabon, Shairy $32,682.00 Fac Res Asst Shteynberg, Garriy $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Ting, Hsuchi $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Tomlinson, Tracy Darlene $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Turret, Jeremy R $34,000.00 Fac Res Asst Wang, Frances Lynn $29,682.00 Fac Res Asst Xian, Wei $51,851.00 Grad Asst II Ericson, Sara Kate $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Feinberg, Emily Greene $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Hong, Susan $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Johnstun, Marissa L $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Norwood, Earta $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Saffer, Mark Ian $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Shuck, Lauren Haumesser $3,474.00 Grad Asst II Smirnova, Michelle Hannah $3,474.00 Grad Asst III Schultz, Jeremy Michael $3,736.80 Lecturer Capo, Thomas J. $26,400.00 Lecturer Hall, Frank S. $9,000.00 Lecturer Johnson, Jeannette L. $8,000.00 Lecturer Johnson, Mark B. $16,320.00 Lecturer Kopetz, Catalina Elena $16,000.00 Lecturer Leiman, Andrea $9,000.00 Lecturer Levit, Kathryn E. $9,000.00 Lecturer Tu, Hsiao-Wei $33,185.00 Lecturer Wohlgemuth III, Melville Joseph $6,000.00 Prof Blanchard, Jack J. $130,321.40 Prof Brauth, Steven E. $132,090.90 Prof Cassidy, Jude Anne $150,385.29 Prof Dooling, Robert J. $203,962.08 Prof Gelfand, Michele Joy $160,000.01 Prof Gelso, Charles J. $130,969.77 Prof Hill, Clara E. $131,399.28 Prof Lejuez, Carl W. $200,000.36 Prof Moss, Cynthia F. $219,858.19 Prof O'Brien, Karen Mary $91,227.98 Prof Ostroff, Cheri $133,630.88 Prof Smith, Barry D. $120,842.19 Prof Stangor, Charles G. $116,051.40 Prof Woodward, Amanda $129,202.88 Prof & Assoc Chair Hanges, Paul J. $150,136.40 Prof & Chair Wallsten, Thomas S. $230,062.62 Prog Mgmt Spec I Bell, Patricia J. $40,683.24 Prog Mgmt Spec I Brooks, Charlene $37,987.16 Res Assoc Cannon, Erin $40,143.34 Res Assoc Lun, Janetta $36,500.00 Res Assoc Lynch, Sean Edward $43,428.00 Res Assoc Sharvit, Keren $32,000.00 Res Assoc Shlomi, Yaron $30,000.00 Res Asst Prof Brittan-Powell, Elizabeth F $72,402.18 Res Asst Prof Byrne, Mary Colleen $74,278.08 Res Asst Prof Couture, Shannon $71,000.00 Res Asst Prof MacPherson, Laura $83,371.23 Res Asst Prof Marvit, Peter $59,313.73 Res Asst Prof O'Brien, Kelly Ann $42,000.00 Res Asst Prof Salahuddin, Nazish Mushtaq $40,000.00 BSOS-Public Safety Training & Tech Assistance Program Admin Asst I Santos, Linda Lee $30,255.72 Admin Asst II Wirth, Antoinette T. $32,112.04 Asst Darcy, Lynn $29,149.00 Asst Graham, Stephanie I. $32,774.00 Asst Perry, Sandra L. $37,003.20 Asst Mgr Lonick, Sherae $68,263.84 Business Serv Spec Spier, Lori $40,561.54 Coordinator Atkinson, Annetta D. $40,955.20 Coordinator Carroll, Kimberly R. $40,955.20 Coordinator Gulbronson, Trinetta R. $37,003.20 Coordinator Newson, Shawn A. $40,995.20 Coordinator Pallutch, Veronica Ann $56,663.63 Coordinator Wise, Elizabeth R. $58,961.55 Dir Admin Srv West, Dawn L. $52,540.20 Exec Dir Carr, Thomas H. $198,645.80 Fac Res Asst Adhikaram, Cyril $80,000.00 Fac Res Asst Alicea, Michael A. $81,600.00 Fac Res Asst Almeida, Lawrence J $62,215.69 Fac Res Asst Alston, Ora L. $88,605.76 Fac Res Asst Berruz, Edwin $96,900.00 Fac Res Asst Boswell, Norman H. $45,525.84 Fac Res Asst Boyer, Jean $75,227.17 Fac Res Asst Brady, Harry G. $74,500.00 Fac Res Asst Challa, Swapna $80,000.00 Fac Res Asst Chan, Tak Fung $86,367.56 Fac Res Asst Cibor, Jacek $58,262.40 Fac Res Asst Clahane, James H. III $82,252.80 Fac Res Asst Cohen, Amy Beth $75,000.00 Fac Res Asst Cotton, Joseph B $79,560.00 Fac Res Asst Cox, Russell Alden JR $84,397.24 Fac Res Asst Culkin, Joanna M. $35,000.00 Fac Res Asst Davis, Paularae R $98,160.49 Fac Res Asst Desai, Rajendra V. $56,805.84 Fac Res Asst DeVivo, Vincent P. $60,000.00 Fac Res Asst Eppley, Stephen P. $90,315.58 Fac Res Asst Gibson, Lisa W. $67,626.00 Fac Res Asst Gordon, Carolyn S $90,389.34 Fac Res Asst Grabowski, Timothy J. $33,521.28 Fac Res Asst Green, Robert J. $99,878.40 Fac Res Asst Grim, Christina Klarman $41,000.00 Fac Res Asst Grundmann, Alisa M. $75,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hall, John T. $82,742.40 Fac Res Asst Hao, Mingze $75,000.00

Fac Res Asst Herold, Carroll W. Fac Res Asst Jackson, Chanene L. Fac Res Asst Jenkins, Ricco E. Fac Res Asst Jew, William R. Fac Res Asst Jones, Gregory J. Fac Res Asst Jones, Ronald E. Fac Res Asst Kotov, Alex Fac Res Asst Krygier, Gretchen M. Fac Res Asst Lombardo, Ryan L. Fac Res Asst Martin, Michael K. Fac Res Asst Morton, John G. Fac Res Asst Nabors, James E. Fac Res Asst Nattans, Arthur J. Fac Res Asst Nattans, Arthur J. Fac Res Asst Nejman, Anna Fac Res Asst Newcamp, Jessica A. Fac Res Asst Nugent, James M. Fac Res Asst Ohnoutka, Linda K. Fac Res Asst Parker, Linda D. Fac Res Asst Phillips, Ruth Fac Res Asst Pradhan, Namrata Fac Res Asst Summerer-Herndon, Gabriela Fac Res Asst Tran, Bau N. Fac Res Asst Underwood, Sean P. Fac Res Asst Vasiluk, Sergei Fac Res Asst Vaughn, Lori M Fac Res Asst Velayudham, Paul R. Fac Res Asst Walls, Megan L. Fac Res Asst Welkner, Kevin M. Fac Res Asst White, Joel M. Fac Res Asst Wigg, James S. Fac Res Asst Willan, Gary P. Fac Res Asst Williams, Victor C. Fac Res Asst Wimberly, James C. Fac Res Asst Witenstein, Shelley L. IT Coor Barden, Karen R. IT Coor Beiter, John E. IT Coor Edinger, Matthew T. IT Coor Keck, Claude Wesley JR IT Coor Strauss, Eric F. IT Coor Williams, Rita M. IT Op Mgr Shumaker, Erik A. Manager Bouland, Robert W. Manager Klarman, Caren Louise Manager Larkin, Selma M. BSOS-Sociology Assoc Prof Kahn, Joan R. Assoc Prof Kestnbaum, Meyer Assoc Prof Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio Assoc Prof Lucas, Jeffrey W. Assoc Prof Neustadtl, Alan Assoc Prof Pease, John Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Lengermann, Joseph J. Asst Prof Marsh, Kris Asst Prof Park, Julie Coordinator Brown, Laurie Christina Coordinator De Loatch, Nicole Tawana Coordinator Knudsen, Katrina Lynn Coordinator Rajan, Mini P. Dir Admin Srv Bernales, Hypathia D. Dist Univ Prof Collins, Patricia Hill Dist Univ Prof Presser, Harriet B. Dist Univ Prof Ritzer, George Lecturer Andrews, Christopher Kyle Lecturer Arias, Elizabeth Lecturer Duffy, Margaret Meghan Lecturer Gibbons, Y. Lecturer Goldscheider, Frances K. Lecturer Mashayekhi, Mehrdad Lecturer Minnich, Donna Lecturer Moghadam, Linda L. Lecturer Pernick, Robert Lecturer Piszczatowski, Arthur Prof Desai, Sonalde B. Prof Falk, William W. Prof Finsterbusch, Kurt Prof Landry, Lewis Bartholomew Prof Milkie, Melissa A. Prof Presser, Stanley Prof Robinson, John P. Prof Segal, David R. Prof Segal, Mady W. Prof & Chair Vanneman, Reeve Doering Word Proc Supv Todd, Geraldine D.

11 $38,507.04 $70,000.00 $64,480.00 $80,000.00 $78,377.60 $88,184.30 $67,871.61 $35,700.00 $32,864.00 $73,527.58 $55,000.00 $86,411.37 $54,688.76 $54,688.76 $47,212.46 $47,400.99 $89,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,650.06 $103,215.28 $67,000.00 $72,441.22 $64,639.64 $50,000.00 $54,837.49 $46,000.00 $75,000.00 $50,000.00 $72,930.00 $62,484.81 $79,900.00 $75,000.00 $77,000.00 $88,043.65 $76,587.42 $49,804.05 $49,011.77 $59,835.76 $56,012.98 $58,440.90 $51,167.52 $76,185.98 $110,063.16 $107,505.05 $84,287.70 $76,835.61 $71,762.68 $85,469.99 $89,362.65 $75,048.38 $75,000.00 $107,743.74 $68,500.00 $72,000.00 $45,000.00 $40,000.00 $47,320.00 $43,216.00 $105,360.00 $171,082.32 $162,988.15 $161,884.34 $30,000.00 $11,000.00 $20,000.00 $16,000.00 $29,999.00 $22,631.76 $10,000.00 $60,000.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $95,851.11 $164,672.66 $85,843.62 $60,357.65 $100,053.30 $143,737.00 $57,716.25 $142,155.13 $110,235.28 $142,272.00 $32,057.48

College of Chemical & Life Sciences CLFS-Biology Acad Prog Spec Account Clerk III Account Clerk III Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Asst Lab Anm Tech Asst Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof

Reid, Lois A. Parker, James Richard Wanenchak, Robert JR Ades, Ibrahim Z. Dudash, Michele R. Fenster, Charles B. Forseth, Irwin N. JR Haag, Eric S Higgins, William J. Lee, Hey-Kyoung Machado, Carlos A. Quinlan, Elizabeth M. Thompson, Narbeth A. Araneda, Ricardo C. Bely, Alexandra Eve Butts, Daniel A. Carleton, Karen Castillo-Davis, Cristian

$46,264.21 $28,939.00 $29,662.48 $137,118.85 $83,577.71 $72,653.07 $93,947.73 $81,046.17 $105,148.48 $92,000.28 $100,000.00 $96,000.66 $37,717.73 $69,125.97 $67,819.29 $75,000.00 $69,129.16 $79,402.11

Asst Prof Kanold, Patrick Asst Prof Soares, Daphne De Freitas Asst Res Sci Anishkin, Andriy Asst Res Sci Halvorsen, Michele B Asst Res Sci Jenkins, Clinton Asst Res Sci Lynch, Heather Asst Res Sci Macleod, Katrina M. Asst Res Sci Song, Jiakun Business Manager Selby, Patricia Lynn Coordinator Harper, KeCia L. Coordinator Lemke, Hans D. Coordinator Maugel, Timothy K. Dir Admin Srv Beard, Catherine J. Exec Adm Asst I Johnson, Lindsey E Fac Res Asst Anguh, Terence Tsiambuom Fac Res Asst Conte, Matthew Fac Res Asst Hofmann, Christopher Fac Res Asst Josway, Sarah Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Lane, Hillary Anne Fac Res Asst Liang, Wenru Fac Res Asst Moore, Sarah Rose Fac Res Asst Nguyen, Hieu T. Fac Res Asst Parkhurst, Amy Fac Res Asst Politano, Vincent A. Fac Res Asst Rascon, Laura Fac Res Asst Ser, Jennifer Robin Fac Res Asst Sheikh, Aminah Fac Res Asst Song, Lihua Fac Res Asst Yoshizawa, Masato Inst Opoku-Edusei, Justicia Lab Animal Tech Medley, Krystal Lynn Lecturer Dietz, Lou Ann Lecturer Lanford, Pamela Jean Lecturer Parent, Beth Manager Chan, Wan Prg Admin Spec Jordan, Cecilia A. Prof Borgia, Gerald Prof Carr, Catherine Emily Prof Cohen, Avis H. Prof Colombini, Marco Prof Fagan, William Fredric Prof Inouye, David W. Prof Jeffery, William Richard Prof Kocher, Thomas David Prof O'Connor, John Dennis Prof Payne, Richard Prof Popper, Arthur N. Prof Reaka, Marjorie L. Prof Sukharev, Sergei I. Prof Via, Sara Prof & Chair Wilkinson, Gerald S. Prog Mgmt Spec I Shetler, Larry W. Res Assoc Ashida, Go Res Assoc Casper, Brandon M Res Assoc Fujimura, Koji Res Assoc Gao, Ming Res Assoc Goricki, Spela Res Assoc He, Kaiwen Res Assoc Jiang, Zifeng Res Assoc Kamaraju, Kishore Res Assoc Lerner, Heather R.L. Res Assoc Lochmann, Timm-Ulrich J. Res Assoc Ma, Li Res Assoc Mueller, Thomas Res Assoc Noble, Andrew Res Assoc Roberts, Reade Bruce Res Assoc Ross, Joseph A. Res Assoc Schinkel-Bielefeld, Nadja Res Assoc Sun, Bing Res Assoc Watkins, Paul Vance Senior Lecturer Compton, Reid S. Senior Lecturer Jensen, Jeffrey S. Sr Res Sci Berry, William O Visit Assoc Prof Lips, Karen R. CLFS-Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics Admin Asst II Jenkins, Margaret J. Admin Asst II Thompson, Teresa M. Assoc Prof Benson, Spencer A. Assoc Prof Delwiche, Charles Francis Assoc Prof DeStefano, Jeffrey J. Assoc Prof El-Sayed, Najib M. Assoc Prof Liu, Zhongchi Assoc Prof McIver, Kevin S. Assoc Prof Mount, Stephen M. Assoc Prof Song, Wenxia Assoc Prof Stewart, Richard C. Assoc Prof Straney, David C. Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Chang, Caren Asst Prof Briken, Volker Asst Prof Frauwirth, Kenneth Asst Prof Fredericksen, Brenda L Asst Prof Gao, Lianyong Asst Prof Kwak, June M. Asst Prof Lee, Vincent T. Business Manager Mausolf, Ruth B. Business Serv Spec Chow, PeiLei Business Serv Spec Parker, Nicole Rene Business Serv Spec Stauder, Kathleen M. Coordinator Barott, Margaret Lee Coordinator Key, Claudia S. Coordinator Lin, Yen Dir Admin Srv Ainsworth, Pamela A. Director Shah, Raju H. Fac Res Asst Bonner, Shawn Denard Fac Res Asst Gallo, Paul M

$80,345.95 $79,750.38 $26,776.19 $77,478.70 $40,000.00 $49,627.08 $56,067.26 $32,103.92 $44,640.00 $49,515.93 $51,890.91 $90,490.16 $82,882.74 $39,729.00 $21,096.00 $72,000.00 $37,513.70 $30,000.00 $40,000.00 $21,262.72 $28,000.00 $31,000.00 $39,627.00 $40,000.00 $35,000.00 $36,057.00 $26,370.00 $36,414.00 $42,550.00 $54,053.12 $33,000.00 $6,000.00 $56,941.50 $63,984.65 $72,824.08 $42,016.32 $95,348.98 $150,000.00 $100,522.52 $119,063.80 $114,176.13 $100,047.71 $181,536.78 $149,289.41 $180,593.20 $129,709.98 $212,678.09 $93,402.37 $103,496.60 $120,639.51 $161,718.13 $35,790.60 $38,442.72 $42,264.23 $35,000.00 $42,000.00 $40,250.00 $37,000.00 $42,000.00 $46,534.36 $37,821.60 $41,796.00 $38,000.00 $34,008.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $41,796.00 $41,796.00 $39,000.00 $38,908.60 $88,000.00 $59,897.72 $171,008.47 $100,000.00 $41,555.28 $18,694.61 $96,046.84 $87,628.93 $86,654.42 $97,458.74 $83,000.22 $92,020.08 $88,442.75 $80,840.81 $86,068.63 $91,151.38 $92,063.10 $73,615.64 $71,628.11 $67,865.20 $7,818.87 $79,302.57 $68,069.20 $48,943.71 $39,141.61 $37,219.81 $47,856.78 $54,000.00 $43,065.20 $44,800.00 $80,937.94 $90,260.00 $38,800.00 $31,920.88

Fac Res Asst Han, Yong Seok Fac Res Asst Hou, Sherry Ching Fac Res Asst Hussey, April D. Fac Res Asst Kames, Jacob Fac Res Asst Records, Angela R. Fac Res Asst Robinson, Jennilee Beth Fac Res Asst Zimmerman, Lindsey Ilene Inst Smith, Ann C. Lab Animal Tech Joseph, Gireaud Lecturer Cathcart, Laura Anne Lecturer Kramer, Sabrina R. Lecturer Moctezuma, Edgar Lecturer Quimby, Byrn Booth Lecturer Shields, Patricia Ann Lecturer Yu, Xiao-Chao Manager Beaven, Amy Elizabeth Prof Cooke, Todd J. Prof Dinman, Jonathan D. Prof Hutcheson, Steven W. Prof Mosser, David M. Prof Simon, Anne E. Prof Stein, Daniel C. Prof Sze, Heven Prof Wolniak, Stephen M. Prof & Chair Andrews, Norma Windsor Prog Mgmt Spec I Biancardi, Sarah Res Assoc Abdalla, Hana Khidir Res Assoc Cerqueira, Gustavo C Res Assoc Chen, Ruiqiang Res Assoc Concepcion, Gregory Tomas Res Assoc Corrotte, Matthias Jurgen Res Assoc Cortez Veliz, Mauro Javier Res Assoc Dong, Chun-Hai Res Assoc Fernandes, Maria Cecilia Res Assoc Gao, Feng Res Assoc Hondorp, Elise R Res Assoc Hu, Heng-Cheng Res Assoc Jack, Karen D. Res Assoc Jammes, Fabien Res Assoc Le Breton, Yoann Stephane Res Assoc Leshin, Jonathan Andrew Res Assoc Mara, Chloe Res Assoc Mittra, Bidyottam Res Assoc Nair, Gauri R Res Assoc Rakauskaite, Rasa Res Assoc Sijacic, Paja Res Assoc Stupina, Vera A Res Assoc Tam, Christina Cung Res Assoc Timme, Ruth Evangeline Res Assoc Van der Weele, Cornelia Maria Res Assoc Villiers, Florent L.J. Res Assoc Yuan, Xuefeng Res Assoc Zheng, Jun Res Assoc Prof Meskauskas, Arturas Res Asst Prof Huynh, Chau V Res Asst Prof Zhang, Xia Storekeeper II Dunton, Jeffrey J Storekeeper III Downing, Douglas D. Teaching Lab Tech Chelliah, Nalini CLFS-Chemistry & Biochemistry Account Clerk III Briggs, Sharlene Accounting Assoc Boone, Ruth Margaret. Accounting Assoc Chang, Ernest Leng Accounting Assoc Guloy, Ellen G. Accounting Assoc Smith-Best, Tia Admin Asst II Canter, Diane F. Admin Asst II Donnellan, Thelma A. Admin Asst II Iseli, Debra E. Assoc Prof Dayie, Theodore Kwaku Assoc Prof Jarzynski, Christopher Assoc Prof Julin, Douglas A. Assoc Prof Kahn, Jason D. Assoc Prof Lee, Cheng S. Assoc Prof Lee, Sangbok Assoc Prof Mullin, Amy S. Assoc Prof Vedernikov, Andrei Assoc Prof Emeritus Boyd, Alfred C. JR Asst Wang, Yinde Asst Prof Cropp, Thomas Ashton JR Asst Prof Gerratana, Barbara Asst Prof LaRonde-LeBlanc, Nicole A. Asst Prof Paukstelis, Paul Asst Prof Sintim, Herman O Asst Prof Tugarinov, Vitali Asst Prof Wang, YuHuang Asst Res Sci Chiara, Christopher John Asst Res Sci Gaskell, Karen Coordinator Boone, Danette Coordinator Madoo, Joyce R. Director Jackson, Dolores E. Director Li, Yue Director Walters, Caedmon W Director Zappasodi, Linda M. Director Zhang, Daoning Dist Univ Prof Alexander, Millard H. Dist Univ Prof Lorimer, George H. Editorial Asst Moran, Sara B. Editorial Asst Phelps, Shirl A. Editorial Asst Takacs, Rozsa Jenny Eng Tech III Taylor, Scott A. Exec Adm Asst I Clark, Catherine J Fac Res Asst Bene, Balazs Jozsef Fac Res Asst Burgin, Ryan Fac Res Asst Dawood, Farah Fac Res Asst Guo, Chenyun

$26,370.00 $31,753.00 $36,428.05 $33,000.00 $37,500.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $76,154.34 $24,600.00 $36,336.68 $12,020.77 $61,714.79 $58,721.60 $60,222.56 $9,259.50 $52,087.10 $109,865.18 $99,898.74 $109,715.64 $155,489.46 $120,209.84 $106,077.33 $114,879.12 $124,430.54 $210,000.00 $39,191.49 $41,796.00 $42,698.02 $38,000.00 $39,360.00 $40,960.00 $11,636.80 $43,620.30 $41,380.00 $36,927.00 $45,457.78 $49,462.92 $45,000.00 $35,700.00 $42,500.00 $43,000.00 $36,427.00 $54,000.00 $43,428.00 $41,443.85 $35,015.12 $43,428.00 $46,849.92 $43,400.00 $42,429.00 $37,605.00 $40,151.38 $13,500.00 $52,933.86 $56,000.00 $53,818.85 $33,220.76 $31,683.88 $42,063.56 $15,264.30 $21,578.00 $33,312.50 $33,492.59 $34,850.00 $45,903.77 $33,808.28 $46,742.96 $84,000.00 $138,686.00 $80,699.23 $83,361.24 $122,888.26 $45,290.80 $134,667.49 $81,692.61 $14,599.09 $57,859.40 $72,542.77 $72,683.93 $72,522.80 $69,000.00 $72,522.80 $71,060.00 $68,000.00 $53,500.00 $57,502.50 $44,000.00 $46,322.97 $100,319.58 $71,094.00 $78,795.00 $80,726.46 $64,000.00 $137,543.48 $174,723.43 $39,228.14 $35,000.00 $21,014.55 $47,461.43 $42,529.14 $55,650.00 $33,000.00 $42,000.00 $32,000.00

Fac Res Asst Liao, Xinli Fac Res Asst Nour, Svetlana Fac Res Asst Sabasovs, Dmitrijs Fac Res Asst Tskipuri, Levan Fac Res Asst Wang, Daoyong Fac Res Asst Zhang, Yin HVAC Mech I Grant, Angel Alfredo Inst Ebrahimian, Soheila Lecturer Coyle, Candace M Lecturer Dixon, Bonnie Lynn Lecturer Friedman, Lee Lecturer Jones, Maryann McDermott Lecturer Kipnis, Irving M. Lecturer Montague-Smith, Michael P Lecturer Steffek, Daniel J. Lecturer Walters, Barbara S. Lecturer Watson, James A. JR Lecturer White, Natalia L. Manager Lam, Yiu-Fai Manager Womack, Carl A Manager Zavalij, Peter Y. Prof Ammon, Herman L. Prof Beckett, Dorothy Prof Blough, Neil V. Prof Davis, Jeffery T. Prof DeShong, Philip R. Prof Eichhorn, Bryan W. Prof Falvey, Daniel E. Prof Fenselau Cotter, Catherine C. Prof Fourkas, John T. Prof Fushman, David Prof Isaacs, Lyle D. Prof Mignerey, Alice C. Prof Ondov, John M. Prof Reutt-Robey, Janice Prof Rokita, Steven E. Prof Sita, Lawrence R. Prof Walters, William B. Prof & Chair Doyle, Michael P Prog Coor Frazier, Paulette J. Prog Mgmt Spec I Diaz, Carol A. Prog Mgmt Spec I Rosenfelder, Catherine G. Res Assoc Bharath, Satyaveda C Res Assoc Borak, Brian Res Assoc Can, Suleyman Zuhtu Res Assoc Chen, Bin Res Assoc Chuenchor, Watchalee Res Assoc Ding, Feng Res Assoc Du, Zuyue Res Assoc Eldho, Nadukkudy Res Assoc Kim, Sung Kyoung Res Assoc Kumi, George Res Assoc Liao, Hongwei Res Assoc Lin, Jong-Chin Res Assoc Liu, Zhufang Res Assoc Nakayama, Shizuka Res Assoc Park, Ju-Hee Res Assoc Ponce, Audaldo A. Res Assoc Sassin, Nick Res Assoc Shen, Cai Res Assoc Singh, Rajesh Res Assoc Thakur, Chandar s Res Assoc Tiso, Mauro Res Assoc Tonjes, Marguerite Res Assoc Yonemoto, Isaac Res Assoc Yuan, Liwei Res Assoc Zhang, Chunjuan Res Asst Prof Klos, Jacek Antoni Sr Res Sci Khachik, Frederick Storekeeper II Gayatao, Levi D Storekeeper II Griffin, William Adelbert Teaching Lab Tech Coles, Amy T Teaching Lab Tech Sitnova, Vera A. Visit Sr Res Schl Kenyon, George CLFS-College of Chemical & Life Sciences Acad Adv Celedon, Nicholas E Acad Adv Nero, Justin R. Acad Adv Yap, Lani Roxanne Account Clerk III Alam, Nabeela Admin Asst II Carrington-Brown, Stephanie Admin Asst II Grunberg, Michael Admin Asst II Lord, Victoria G. Admin Asst II Thomas, Alicia Nicole Adv Consul Lachman, Linda M. Assoc Dean Infantino, Robert L. Assoc Dir Brooks, Michelle Assoc Dir Weinstein, Debra L. Asst Dean Bradley-Klemko, Lisa D. Asst Dean Hollister, Olcan C. Asst Dean Presson, Joelle C. Asst Dir Kenemuth, Rebecca Zonies Asst to Dean Dalo, David D Asst to Dean Ferrick, Gene Coordinator Donley, Bobbi L. Coordinator Dyroff Selfridge, Ashley Coordinator Garosi, Eden Michelle Coordinator Gilliam, Curtis S. Coordinator Mijares, Fabiola N Director Blake, Kelly Elizabeth Director Class, Kenneth Director Landavere, Mike G. Director Loughlin, Wendy Richards Director Stanton, Thomas H Director Thompson, Katerina V. Director Woycheck, Stacy E.

$6,000.00 $73,407.95 $33,500.00 $44,000.00 $32,000.00 $7,000.00 $39,907.78 $56,120.28 $61,000.00 $64,106.24 $58,700.00 $67,494.91 $73,500.00 $92,169.14 $60,846.49 $7,489.82 $48,917.56 $55,120.43 $105,570.06 $81,857.18 $100,222.52 $129,505.47 $104,530.45 $106,541.88 $104,048.58 $125,894.87 $113,944.63 $128,944.39 $171,066.82 $159,137.89 $113,892.20 $93,946.30 $103,303.90 $102,695.72 $105,621.16 $113,822.77 $127,215.58 $144,689.68 $217,836.41 $60,956.40 $48,465.94 $39,258.97 $44,000.00 $35,000.00 $61,557.00 $42,000.00 $36,700.00 $39,000.00 $13,320.00 $45,000.00 $37,438.24 $41,000.00 $37,000.00 $35,000.00 $41,800.00 $36,000.00 $45,000.00 $41,000.00 $40,800.00 $33,500.00 $34,000.00 $38,000.00 $45,000.00 $50,108.40 $35,000.00 $42,347.34 $41,800.00 $55,000.00 $82,915.19 $27,807.41 $31,730.55 $36,690.73 $37,424.54 $140,000.00 $50,813.14 $41,479.94 $38,400.00 $15,127.86 $34,292.40 $32,071.36 $42,905.49 $35,055.00 $52,050.00 $131,437.09 $71,454.50 $94,277.32 $107,268.82 $115,000.00 $102,001.51 $50,583.00 $95,696.15 $83,353.00 $44,228.79 $58,642.00 $61,162.00 $48,510.70 $46,020.37 $75,001.75 $69,360.00 $106,380.00 $67,492.75 $74,750.00 $93,308.35 $68,200.00



Director Thompson, Katerina V. $93,308.35 Director Woycheck, Stacy E. $68,200.00 Exec Adm Asst II Granger, Carol $44,029.30 Fac Res Asst Chen, Arlene Janet $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hasan, Nur A $37,996.00 Graph Art Design Kuo, Loretta Eve $57,000.00 IT Coor Manela, Meldavid $65,161.11 Lecturer Jacobsen, Sandra May $22,008.82 Lecturer Keller, Michael John $56,941.50 Lecturer Knight, William Edward $11,132.31 Lecturer Noben-Trauth, Nancy $60,000.00 Lecturer Ray, Lipika $7,999.20 Lecturer Shofner, Marcia A. $57,081.75 Lecturer Watkins, Don W. $11,200.00 Manager Gray, Magna S. $63,096.88 Prof And Dean Allewell, Norma M. $225,672.02 Prog Mgmt Spec I Cade-McAllister, Chirice $39,870.21 Prog Mgmt Spec I Dalo, Linda A. $49,547.54 Res Assoc Choi, Seon Young $35,000.00 Res Assoc Jack, Lucinda J. $39,234.99 Res Assoc Nelson, Karen Catherine $24,960.00 Res Asst Prof Ad-Marbach, Gili $52,037.09 Res Asst Prof Wang, Yan $78,000.00 Res Prof Huq, Anwar $109,965.68 CLFS-Entomology Account Clerk II Jewison, Eileen $15,732.16 Admin Asst II Koeiman, Avis Madeline $38,971.19 Adv Consul Dively, Galen P. II $20,400.00 Assoc Prof Armstrong, Earlene $91,006.20 Assoc Prof Hawthorne, David J. $80,484.47 Assoc Prof Lamp, William O. $93,752.92 Assoc Prof Nelson, Judd O. $80,039.17 Assoc Prof Pick, Leslie $100,192.00 Assoc Prof Shrewsbury, Paula M. $91,751.52 Assoc Prof Shultz, Jeffrey W. $87,209.84 Asst Prof Gruner, Daniel S. $78,080.00 Asst Prof Hooks, Cerruti RR $84,260.00 Asst Prof Wang, Jian $76,067.30 Business Manager Hammond, Tamma A. $51,560.18 Coordinator Rane, Karen K. $75,495.00 Coordinator Smith, Jo Ann $50,439.52 Director Katsereles, William C. $99,536.20 Exec Adm Asst I Lewis, Joanne C. $36,280.41 Fac Ext Asst Patton, Terrence W. $64,011.36 Fac Res Asst Berg, Scott Hilliard $28,000.00 Fac Res Asst Harding, Nancy Marie $32,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hess, Gregory Adam $58,171.89 Fac Res Asst Lewis, Richard Russell $38,346.90 Fac Res Asst McConnell, Megan Elizabeth $33,686.00 Fac Res Asst Sargent, Chris $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Shields, Susan Beth $26,370.00 Fac Res Asst Zwicker, Susan Mara $34,706.88 Inst Kent, Bretton W. $90,789.01 Lecturer O'Brien, Tammatha $55,000.00 Manager Sardanelli, Sandra $74,533.27 Prof Barbosa, Pedro $154,914.45 Prof Brown, Amy E. $104,399.02 Prof Ma, Michael C. $96,175.92 Prof Palmer, Margaret A. $42,572.00 Prof Raupp, Michael J. $160,012.62 Prof StLeger, Raymond J. $108,705.57 Prof Thorne, Barbara L. $135,545.00 Prof & Chair Mitter, Charles $127,783.87 Res Assoc Beard, Jennifer J $43,500.00 Res Assoc Breisch, Nancy L. $46,936.88 Res Assoc Fang, Weiguo $43,434.81 Res Assoc Huang, Jianhua $35,373.60 Res Assoc Liao, Xinggang $35,720.00 Res Assoc Martinson, Holly Marie $37,000.00 Systems Analyst Wilson, Alvin Mark $71,787.80 CLFS-Marine & Estuarine Environ Sci Prog Asst Dir Morrin, Deborah J. $56,636.37 Director Paynter, Kennedy T. JR $89,727.05

College of Computer, Mathematical & Physical Sciences CMPS-Astronomy Assoc Prof Richardson, Derek Charles Assoc Res Sci Arnaud, Keith A. Assoc Res Sci Bandler, Simon Richard Assoc Res Sci Farnham, Tony L. Assoc Res Sci Farnham, Tony L. Assoc Res Sci Kolokolova, Lioudmila Assoc Res Sci Lanz, Thierry M. Assoc Res Sci Nixon, Conor A. Assoc Res Sci Pound, Marc William Assoc Res Sci Shaya, Edward J. Assoc Res Sci Wolfire, Mark G. Asst Prof Bolatto, Alberto Asst Prof Ricotti, Massimo Asst Res Sci Feaga, Lori M. Asst Res Sci Golla, Thejappa Asst Res Sci Hewagama, Tilak Asst Res Sci Huard, Tracy L Asst Res Sci Immler, Stefan Max Asst Res Sci Loewenstein, Michael Asst Res Sci Markwardt, Craig B. Asst Res Sci Numata, Kenji Asst Res Sci Teuben, Peter J. Business Manager Cortes Mora, Luisa Fernanda Business Manager Rowe, Natalie Ann Comp Eng Sebok, William L. Coordinator Hansborough, Barbara A. Coordinator Newman, Adrienne M. Coordinator Phillips, MaryAnn

$106,136.82 $111,182.33 $101,704.00 $75,904.00 $75,904.00 $93,865.26 $104,971.31 $80,117.01 $83,999.71 $97,336.35 $73,051.62 $100,587.00 $97,327.67 $60,006.98 $80,096.18 $83,292.80 $79,830.00 $72,080.00 $94,030.08 $85,182.81 $72,427.10 $87,299.20 $56,752.80 $56,710.00 $75,328.70 $49,949.66 $46,135.34 $57,035.74

Dir Admin Srv Snider, Jeffrey Allen $91,392.00 Dist Univ Prof A'Hearn, Michael F. $189,769.71 Fac Res Asst Besse, Sebastien Pascal $48,000.00 Fac Res Asst Crow, Carolyn Alicia $36,000.00 Fac Res Asst Ducore, Andrew Maps $51,822.15 Fac Res Asst Duffin, Robert T $21,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hilton, George Michael $92,000.00 Fac Res Asst Kunde, Virgil G. $115,947.06 Fac Res Asst McLaughlin, Stephanie Anne $57,384.00 Fac Res Asst Naidu, Shantanu Purushottam $42,500.00 Fac Res Asst Raugh, Anne Catherine $97,763.74 Fac Res Asst Segura, Marcia E $130,000.00 Fac Res Asst Walser, David W $73,440.00 Fac Res Asst Warner, Elizabeth M. $50,111.93 Fac Res Asst Watanabe, Tomomi $45,000.00 Fac Res Asst Wheeler, Caleb H. $38,000.00 Inst Deming, Grace $79,825.28 Lecturer Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa N $53,994.17 Lecturer Hudson, Reggie Lester $12,000.00 Lecturer Romani, Paul N $8,655.47 Prof Hamilton, Douglas P. $122,752.74 Prof Harrington, J. Patrick $83,726.78 Prof Harris, Andrew I. $131,313.23 Prof McGaugh, Stacy S. $114,662.87 Prof Miller, M. Coleman $118,775.00 Prof Mushotzky, RIchard $187,000.00 Prof Ostriker, Eve C. $84,383.45 Prof Papadopoulos, Konstantinos Dennis $156,855.00 Prof Reynolds, Christopher S. $125,682.94 Prof Veilleux, Sylvain $134,045.44 Prof & Chair Vogel, Stuart N. $159,633.62 Prof & Dir Mundy, Lee G. $167,961.78 Prog Mgmt Spec I Lehr, Susan $48,504.76 Program Dir Holdridge, David Vance $132,930.00 Res Assoc Achterberg, Richard K $96,479.36 Res Assoc Bogdanovic, Tamara $52,100.75 Res Assoc Boutloukos, Efstratios $42,000.00 Res Assoc Chornay, Dennis J. $98,633.35 Res Assoc Cottini, Valeria $50,000.00 Res Assoc Dion, Michael $52,500.00 Res Assoc Donato, Davide $65,000.00 Res Assoc Dorodnitsyn, Anton Vladimirovich $57,000.00 Res Assoc Ferrara, Elizabeth C $117,000.00 Res Assoc Giacomazzo, Bruno $50,000.00 Res Assoc Hainline, Laura J. $49,800.00 Res Assoc Jain, Neeraj $26,387.81 Res Assoc Jang-Condell, Hannah $57,500.00 Res Assoc Kelley, Michael S. $50,000.00 Res Assoc Knez, Claudia $49,800.57 Res Assoc Li, Jianyang $49,234.66 Res Assoc Luna Bennasar, Manuel $52,500.00 Res Assoc Matsumura, Soko $51,000.00 Res Assoc McConnochie, Timothy H $65,000.00 Res Assoc McKenzie, Eric Howie $71,400.00 Res Assoc Merlin, Frederic Fernand $48,000.00 Res Assoc Miller, Neal A $60,000.00 Res Assoc Mouawad, Nelly Camil $51,500.00 Res Assoc O'Neill, Sean M $49,220.00 Res Assoc Olling, Rob P $49,147.09 Res Assoc Peel, Alan C $61,099.88 Res Assoc Rahman, Md Nurur $52,000.00 Res Assoc Rauch, Kevin P. $72,699.76 Res Assoc Richardson, Ian G. $81,352.93 Res Assoc Samuelson, Robert E. $49,677.42 Res Assoc Shao, Xi $56,659.47 Res Assoc Shaposhnikov, Nikolai V $63,000.00 Res Assoc Sheffer, Yaron $47,500.00 Res Assoc Stroeer, Alexander S $53,000.00 Res Assoc Suwannasiri, Thitima $55,000.00 Res Assoc Tan, Lun-Chang $32,640.00 Res Assoc Trippe, Margaret L. $50,000.00 Res Assoc Wellnitz, Dennis D. $124,627.88 Res Assoc Witthoeft, Michael C $54,340.00 Res Assoc Zheng, Qiuhua $56,000.00 Sr Res Sci Kundu, Mukul R. $11,151.44 Sr Res Sci Milikh, Gennady M. $100,231.06 Sr Res Sci Sharma, A Surjalal $134,151.06 Sr Res Sci Sunshine, Jessica M $140,318.00 Sr Res Sci Sunshine, Jessica M $140,318.00 Visit Assoc Res Sci Kutyrev, Alexander S $106,869.97 Visit Asst Res Sci Bonnell, Jeremiah T. $91,326.88 Visit Asst Res Sci Bouret, Jean-Claude Christian $72,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Hesman, Brigette E $75,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Phillips, Nicholas G. $74,613.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Sasaki, Makoto $72,300.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Tripathi, Vipin K. $49,213.48 Visit Sr Res Sci Ali, Ashraf $36,360.00 Visit Sr Res Sci Dudnikova, Galina Ilinichna $24,000.00 Visit Sr Res Sci Eliasson, Bengt Erik $96,795.58 Visit Sr Res Sci Fixsen, Dale J $145,495.60 Visit Sr Res Sci Moiseev, Alexander $133,300.00 Visit Sr Res Sci Niemann, Hasso B. $111,222.73 Visit Sr Res Sci Roudakov, Leonid $24,480.00 Visit Sr Res Sci Share, Gerald Harvey $108,779.33 Visit Sr Res Sci Skinner, Gerald Keith $163,801.60 Visit Sr Res Sci Trombka, Jacob I. $32,000.00 CMPS-Atmospheric & Oceanic Science Assoc Prof Zeng, Ning $108,773.90 Asst Prof Ide, Kayo $93,332.88 Asst Res Sci Allen, Dale John $89,924.22 Asst Res Sci Canty, Timothy $87,822.00 Asst Res Sci Chepurin, Gennady A. $65,819.51 Asst Res Sci Ruiz-Barradas, Alfredo $76,577.96 Asst Res Sci Stehr, Jeffrey W. $83,774.08 Business Manager Gatewood, Bernadette Apolo $48,250.00

Coordinator Junek, Sonja C. $57,074.00 Dir Admin Srv Sherer, June S. $103,417.00 Dist Univ Prof Kalnay, Eugenia E. $176,126.28 Exec Adm Asst I Paolino, Tammy L. $49,629.91 Fac Res Asst Baker, Debra Ratterman $55,000.00 Fac Res Asst Li, Chuan $49,150.00 Fac Res Asst Wen, Weijun $20,000.00 Fac Res Asst Yanuk, David J. $100,704.96 Fac Res Asst Yorks, John E $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Zhu, Lin $18,000.00 Prof Dickerson, Russell R. $192,427.21 Prof Hudson, Robert D. $110,195.91 Prof Nigam, Sumant $158,308.55 Prof Pinker, Rachel T. $127,208.51 Prof Salawitch, Ross J. $155,400.00 Prof Zhang, Da-Lin $141,921.48 Prof & Chair Carton, James A. $153,148.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Hendershot, Tamara Elizabeth $42,275.17 Res Assoc Joseph, Renu $62,735.54 Res Assoc Kang, Ji Sun $50,000.00 Res Assoc Ma, Yingtao $58,150.67 Res Assoc Wonsick, Margaret Mary $53,000.00 Res Assoc Wu, Yonghui $26,125.00 Res Asst Prof Miyoshi, Takemasa $75,000.00 Res Prof Berbery, Ernesto H. $116,814.11 Sr Res Sci Grodsky, Semyon A. $88,496.18 Sr Res Sci Vinnikov, Konstantin $117,880.26 Sr Res Sci Zheng, Quanan $38,471.49 CMPS-College of Computer, Math & Physical Sciences Assoc Dir Leung, Judy H.C. $71,364.06 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Smith, Paul J. $135,000.00 Asst Dean Kitchen, Dean W. $155,285.20 Asst Dean McMullen, Thomas M. $123,312.00 Asst Dir Ozga, Kimberly A. $69,647.00 Coordinator Coleman, Ritzie M. $56,186.40 Coordinator Holder, Lisa Ann $50,000.00 Coordinator Kearney, Mary $62,700.00 Coordinator Lontok, Al Manzano $44,086.89 Dev Ofc Liff, Lawrence Michael $56,657.97 Director Alexander, Amy GintyRyan $72,820.00 Director Alexander, Amy GintyRyan $72,820.00 Director Brewer, Victoria Lea $81,514.22 Exec Adm Asst II Fuller, Christine L. $52,528.56 Grad Asst III Singleton, Tamara $1,500.00 Prof & Assoc Dean Dorr, Bonnie J. $177,666.00 Prof And Dean Halperin, Stephen $241,310.62 CMPS-Computer Science Acad Adv Adams, Brandi Kristine $62,100.00 Acad Adv Affolter, Melissa $48,000.00 Account Clerk II Touchard, Jessica Lynn $27,205.96 Admin Asst I Chelliah, Felicia K. $26,765.78 Admin Asst II Bangura, Fatmata A. $36,109.68 Admin Asst II Findlay, Adelaide B. $34,973.73 Assoc Prof Arbaugh, William $108,453.75 Assoc Prof Bederson, Benjamin B. $116,770.60 Assoc Prof Foster, Jeffrey S. $134,539.81 Assoc Prof Getoor, Lise $140,110.00 Assoc Prof Hicks, Michael W. $139,289.00 Assoc Prof Katz, Jonathan $137,566.75 Assoc Prof Keleher, Peter J. $152,756.10 Assoc Prof Kruskal, Clyde P. $74,473.03 Assoc Prof Memon, Atif M. $103,936.74 Assoc Prof Purtilo, James M. $195,658.00 Assoc Prof Sussman, Alan L. $153,143.11 Assoc Prof Tseng, Chau-Wen $103,338.75 Asst Dir Doherty, Janet H. $72,288.37 Asst Prof Deshpande, Amol $125,944.62 Asst Prof Sazawal, Vibha $119,967.80 Asst Prof Spring, Neil $125,611.47 Business Serv Spec Tubman, Cheryl L. $47,606.64 Coordinator Barton, Kathleen M. $44,330.28 Coordinator Chick, Brenda K. $49,352.35 Coordinator Simms, Joann Pilkerton $50,894.94 Coordinator Story, Jennifer $67,543.82 Coordinator Thangpijaigul, Kobkan $52,530.00 Director Ipavich, Patricia A. $111,831.79 Director Plecs, M. Bradley $112,887.72 Fac Res Asst Byrns, Margaret Elizabeth $19,167.50 Fac Res Asst Chen, Ray Sun $67,171.88 Fac Res Asst Magill, Stephen B. $65,000.00 Fac Res Asst Waskiewicz, James $74,469.66 Lecturer Emad, Fawzi JR $67,431.00 Lecturer Golub, Evan B. $66,819.99 Lecturer Herman, Laurence Alan $68,907.00 Lecturer Hugue, Michelle M. $62,512.58 Lecturer Padua-Perez, Nelson $66,359.00 Prof Aloimonos, John $131,957.07 Prof Bhattacharjee, Samrat $161,538.33 Prof Cleaveland, Walter Rance II $191,301.38 Prof Gasarch, William $116,561.09 Prof Khuller, Samir $173,749.07 Prof Mount, David M. $123,415.00 Prof Nau, Dana S. $200,681.75 Prof O'Leary, Dianne P. $175,289.53 Prof Perlis, Donald R. $113,908.34 Prof Porter, Adam A. $128,357.54 Prof Pugh, William $130,650.57 Prof Reggia, James A. $145,785.00 Prof Roussopoulos, Nicholas $165,089.00 Prof Shankar, A.U. $115,816.55 Prof Shneiderman, Ben A. $155,136.41 Prof Srinivasan, Aravind $174,243.17 Prof & Assoc Chair Elman, Howard C. $187,364.01 Prof & Assoc Chair Hollingsworth, Jeffrey K. $163,211.06 Prof & Chair Davis, Larry S. $277,485.05

Prog Coor Gray, Jodie M. $46,582.98 Res Assoc Chaudhuri, Avik $63,000.00 Res Assoc Malka, Lior $50,000.00 Res Assoc Mihalkova, Lilyana Simeonova $75,000.00 Res Prof Basili, Victor R. $28,293.03 Res Prog Phongsuwan, James Anthony $64,742.25 Res Prog Ransom, Geoffrey Matthew $82,994.66 Res Prog Stange, John McKinley $71,644.92 Senior Lecturer Plane, Jandelyn Dawn $86,591.80 Senior Lecturer Plane, Jandelyn Dawn $86,591.80 Specialist Knudsen, Kenneth B. $56,699.57 CMPS-Ctr for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling Assoc Prof Balan, Radu Victor $125,067.00 Assoc Prof Levy, Doron $127,733.00 Asst Prof Tiglio, Manuel Humberto $112,200.00 Coordinator Lum, Valerie NeeTzeShin $46,000.00 Dist Univ Prof & Dir Tadmor, Eitan $280,016.47 Fac Res Asst Henrikson, Jeffrey $66,000.00 Fac Res Asst Plunk, Gabriel $55,000.00 Manager Alipio, Jolanta Agatha $68,000.00 Res Assoc Bae, Hantaek $43,000.00 Res Assoc Herrmann, Frank $50,000.00 Res Assoc Motsch, Sebatsien $48,000.00 Res Assoc Numata, Ryusuke $51,000.00 Res Assoc Ulusoy, Suleyman $48,000.00 Res Assoc Waagan, Knut $48,000.00 Res Assoc Zhu, Jian-Zhou $52,000.00 CMPS-Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Accounting Assoc Sliter, Cheryl J. $47,581.35 Admin Asst I Bandy, Rashida Lucy $32,000.00 Admin Asst II Hardaway, Kimberly Nyree $33,831.38 Assoc Res Eng Ji, Qiang $94,015.48 Assoc Res Sci Birkett, Charon Melissa $92,801.26 Assoc Res Sci Gu, Guojun $101,000.00 Assoc Res Sci Romanov, Peter $88,250.47 Assoc Res Sci Zhang, Rong-Hua $108,841.95 Asst Dir LaFonta, Jean $90,000.00 Asst Res Eng Lee, Hai-Tien $82,168.00 Asst Res Sci Cede, Alexander Michael $90,167.00 Asst Res Sci Chen, Junye $66,596.00 Asst Res Sci Del Vecchio, Rossana $27,452.45 Asst Res Sci Harris, Andrew Robert $117,012.51 Asst Res Sci Harrison, Kenneth W. $105,000.00 Asst Res Sci Mariotti, Annarita $51,272.37 Asst Res Sci Shen, Bo-Wen $90,334.00 Asst Res Sci Tian, Yudong $101,200.00 Asst Res Sci Tzortziou, Maria A. $71,252.98 Asst Res Sci Vila, Daniel Alejandro $62,000.00 Asst Res Sci Wang, Xiujun $71,620.90 Business Manager Harrigan, Iris Venetta $50,000.00 Coordinator Carter, Linda M. $54,100.35 Coordinator Jones, Rosalie M. $55,662.44 Coordinator Tolentino, Arlene M. $59,730.00 Fac Res Asst Beauchamp, James G. $66,319.06 Fac Res Asst Beaudoing, Hiroko Kato $53,253.01 Fac Res Asst Belochitski, Alexei Anatolyevich $34,506.90 Fac Res Asst Cong, Rihuan $3,960.00 Fac Res Asst Cribb, Maureen C. $55,548.48 Fac Res Asst Hackert, Eric C. $102,690.75 Fac Res Asst Hughes, Eric Joseph $51,000.00 Fac Res Asst Janowiak, John Edward $97,920.00 Fac Res Asst Karyampudi, Vijaya Mohan $46,920.00 Fac Res Asst Li, Jun $15,650.00 Fac Res Asst Liu, Jianjun $18,984.00 Fac Res Asst Mok, Jungbin $17,841.00 Fac Res Asst Negri, Andrew John $100,000.00 Fac Res Asst Patel, Pralit Lalit $49,355.00 Fac Res Asst Petrenko, Maksym $100,000.00 Fac Res Asst Uz, Stephanie Schollaert $36,853.41 Fac Res Asst Wang, Jing $28,710.00 Fac Res Asst Wind, Bradley Patrick $60,370.00 Fac Res Asst Zhao, Fengsheng $40,290.00 IT Admin & Plan Mgr Baith, Mark R. $97,667.08 Prof Li, Zhanqing $142,011.49 Prof & Dir Busalacchi, Antonio J. $296,800.20 Prof & Exec Dir Murtugudde, Raghu $130,652.00 Res Assoc Albrecht, Rachel Ifanger $55,000.00 Res Assoc Bruning, Eric Carl $56,100.00 Res Assoc Cullather, Richard Ian $60,000.00 Res Assoc De Goncalves, Luis $67,958.00 Res Assoc Farrell, Sinead Louise $55,000.00 Res Assoc Gopalan, Kaushik $48,960.00 Res Assoc Hansell, Richard Allen $56,100.00 Res Assoc Houborg, Rasmus Moeller $75,000.00 Res Assoc Iguchi, Takamichi $50,000.00 Res Assoc Jin, Daeho $52,374.00 Res Assoc Kumar, Anil $55,000.00 Res Assoc Li, Bailing $91,000.00 Res Assoc Li, Can $56,000.00 Res Assoc Mathukumalli, Bala Krishna Prasad $45,900.00 Res Assoc Mittaz, Jonathan Patrick Duncan $63,846.30 Res Assoc Muza, Michel Nobre $50,000.00 Res Assoc Schroeder, Wilfrid $60,000.00 Res Assoc Shiu, Chein-Jung $12,025.80 Res Assoc Sood, Aditya $55,000.00 Res Assoc Strack, John Eric $48,282.00 Res Assoc Sudradjat, Arief $66,300.00 Res Assoc Wang, Nai Yu $81,094.18 Res Assoc Wang, Sheng-Hsiang $12,240.00 Res Assoc Yatheendradas, Soni $60,000.00 Res Assoc Yoon, Jin Ho $51,148.00 Res Assoc Zerkle, Aubrey L. $46,305.80 Res Assoc Zhang, Bin $50,000.00

Sr Res Sci Adler, Robert Frederick $122,400.00 Sr Res Sci Arkin, Phillip Alan $158,503.95 Sr Res Sci Fox-Rabinovitz, Michael S. $101,544.34 Visit Assoc Res Sci Vintzileos, Augustin $100,000.00 Visit Assoc Res Sci Yan, Banghua $89,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Kongoli, Cezar $94,000.00 CMPS-Geology Admin Asst II Brown, Dorothy A. $44,846.34 Admin Asst II Martin, Jeanne S. $27,112.81 Admin Asst II Romeo, Sandra M. $28,435.77 Assoc Prof Evans, Michael N. $103,927.02 Assoc Prof Farquhar, James $133,062.10 Assoc Prof Prestegaard, Karen L. $78,659.33 Assoc Res Sci Piccoli, Philip Michael $92,964.69 Assoc Res Sci Puchtel, Igor S. $66,254.69 Asst Prof Campbell, Andrew J. $107,758.45 Asst Prof Hier-Majumder, Saswata $85,932.58 Asst Prof Martin, Aaron J. $81,770.84 Asst Prof Montesi, Laurent G. $99,253.33 Asst Prof Penniston-Dorland, Sarah C $65,259.75 Asst Prof Zhu, Wenlu $115,573.33 Asst Res Sci Day, James M.D. $60,000.00 Business Serv Spec Patterson, Joanna Lynn $36,373.10 Fac Res Asst Ash, Richard $59,857.62 Fac Res Asst Hebert, Craig Leo $61,000.00 Fac Res Asst Karwoski, Todd Matthew $34,939.16 Fac Res Asst Masterson, Andrew Laurence $32,000.00 Lecturer Centorbi, Tracey Lynn $25,052.66 Prof Candela, Philip A. $126,308.70 Prof Kaufman, Alan Jay $112,761.66 Prof McDonough, William F. $137,203.82 Prof Rudnick, Roberta L. $134,470.31 Prof Walker, Richard J. $144,439.58 Prof & Chair Brown, Michael $216,192.39 Prog Coor Martin, B Suzanne $69,480.89 Res Assoc Blondes, Madalyn S. $50,000.00 Res Assoc Hebert, Laura Baker $44,000.00 Res Assoc Touboul, Mathieu $46,000.00 Senior Lecturer Holtz, Thomas R. JR $82,308.00 Senior Lecturer Merck, John W JR $60,038.48 CMPS-Inst for Physical Science & Technology Admin Asst I Wilson, Timmeca M. $30,000.00 Assoc Prof Seo, Eun-Suk $130,105.64 Assoc Res Sci Gudipati, Murthy S. $13,344.75 Asst Prof Upadhyaya, Arpita $112,858.43 Asst Res Sci Lee, Moo Hyun $61,232.64 Asst Res Sci Roberts, Michael $32,154.59 Asst Res Sci Zimin, Aleksey V. $88,000.00 Business Serv Spec Wynn, Patricia A. $50,226.04 Coordinator Ratke, Sandra A. $49,726.08 Dir Admin Srv Lauer, Albert L. $93,375.29 Dist Univ Prof Fisher, Michael E. $209,759.83 Dist Univ Prof Novikov, Sergei $215,784.50 Dist Univ Prof Weeks, John D. $171,400.40 Eng Tech III Cole, Edward J. $61,538.77 Fac Res Asst Kim, Ki Chun $25,014.58 Fac Res Asst Marcais, Guillaume $40,000.00 Fac Res Asst Nava-Tudela, Alfredo $72,240.45 Fac Res Asst Wu, Jayoung $32,924.85 Office Clerk II Ives, Regina Lynn $23,986.28 Prof Gammon, Robert W. $88,626.55 Prof Hill, Wendell T. III $107,741.53 Prof Hunt, Brian R. $93,417.78 Prof Kirkpatrick, Theodore R. $138,022.28 Prof Thirumalai, Devarajan $164,423.40 Prof & Dir Coplan, Michael A. $164,513.33 Prof & Dir Roy, Rajarshi $226,762.64 Prog Coor Fisher, Caricia J. $48,800.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Abu-Laban, Denise M. $47,757.46 Prog Mgmt Spec I Ashton, Alice M. $49,754.37 Prog Mgmt Spec I Bremerman, Stacey L. $44,553.55 Prog Mgmt Spec I Jenkins, Debbie A. $41,848.87 Res Assoc Ahn, Hoseok $45,211.22 Res Assoc Denesyuk, Natalia $34,000.00 Res Assoc Hinczewski, Michael $37,000.00 Res Assoc Korotova, Galina $88,850.75 Res Assoc Lee, Sang Eun $36,720.00 Res Assoc Liu, Zhenxing $34,170.00 Res Assoc Malinine, Alexandre $60,168.00 Res Assoc Ngo, Toan Minh $34,777.45 Res Assoc Reames, Donald V. $16,013.00 Res Assoc Reddy, Govardhan $34,777.92 Res Assoc Tehver, Riina $32,000.00 Res Assoc Yang, Rui $51,000.00 Res Coor Min, Sokhan $45,536.00 Sr Res Sci McDonald, Frank B. $75,970.00 Sr Res Sci Yoon, Peter H. $96,377.68 CMPS-Inst for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics Admin Asst II Kaul, Mohini $42,031.07 Assoc Res Sci Bernal, Santiago $70,782.42 Assoc Res Sci Rodgers, John C. $104,543.82 Assoc Res Sci Swisdak, Michael Marchand III $86,232.00 Asst Prof Waks, Edo $115,406.13 Asst Res Sci Motayed, Abhishek $75,000.00 Asst Res Sci Romero Talamas, Carlos Alejandro $75,000.00 Asst Res Sci Sinitsyn, Oleksandr V. $70,000.00 Asst Res Sci Tatsuno, Tomoya $77,824.81 Coordinator Bellamy, Carol A. $53,469.73 Coordinator Boone, Nancy L. $42,341.84 Dir Admin Srv Hess, Margaret C. $97,374.25 Exec Adm Asst I Schoonover, Janice L. $44,438.28 Fac Res Asst Abrahams, John Henry III $71,636.00 Fac Res Asst Ballew, Nolan Alexander $119,502.50 Fac Res Asst Beaudoin, Brian Louis $54,353.59

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst IT Coor IT Coor Manager Manager Prof & Dir Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Prof Sr Res Eng Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Tech Sprv Tech Sprv Visit Prof

Brawn-Cinani, Barbara Ellen Condon, Edward Michael Hummel, Jonathan A. Lai, LiChung Loughran, Thomas C. Mobaidin, Alice W. Otte, Alexander Ferdinand Rajauria, Sukumar Triana, Santiago Andres Tsvetkov, Denis Zimmerman, Daniel S. Brosius, Dorothea F. Cleveland, Ernie Chiou, Wen-An O'Connor, James M. Lathrop, Daniel Perry Abashin, Maxim Agrawal, Amit Kumar Chia, Han-Jong Davanco, Marcelo Ishihara Deng, Zhao Fiuza, Karen Jung, Suyong Kang, Myung-Gyu Kleva, Robert G. Klimov, Nikolai N Ko, Seung-Hyeon Koeth, Timothy W. Koev, Stephan Todorov Mathai, Pramod Pappachan Mazzucco, Stefano Mecholsky, Nicholas Alexander Miao, Houxun Min, Hongki Montgomery, Eric John Morshed, Sepehr Palastro, John Patrick Ruzmetov, Dmitry Song, Young Jae Susut, Ceren Wheeler, Daniel Xu, Hua Zhu, Meng Kishek, Rami Alfred Fiorito, Ralph B. Elton, Raymond C. Guzdar, Parvez N. Nusinovich, Gregory S. Shkvarunets, Anatoly G. Martin, Donald H. Pyle, John A. Weiner, John

$47,999.70 $69,438.08 $71,675.16 $57,000.00 $77,655.91 $34,458.04 $60,000.00 $61,557.00 $30,000.00 $66,299.99 $30,000.00 $56,773.34 $40,569.07 $92,044.40 $141,284.96 $175,357.99 $63,404.00 $61,557.00 $63,404.00 $61,557.00 $63,404.00 $57,000.00 $61,800.00 $63,400.00 $71,079.54 $63,404.00 $63,404.00 $61,000.00 $63,404.00 $61,557.00 $63,404.00 $50,400.00 $61,557.00 $61,557.00 $63,000.00 $40,000.00 $59,850.00 $63,404.00 $60,713.00 $63,404.00 $63,112.46 $61,800.00 $61,557.00 $110,499.50 $82,753.83 $27,714.14 $145,952.70 $115,280.68 $84,229.03 $61,088.43 $61,677.36 $120,000.00

Visit Sr Res Sci Cornacchia, Massimo $25,351.48 Visit Sr Res Sci Haber, Irving $64,056.62 Visit Sr Res Sci Sutter, David F. $12,093.12 CMPS-Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Admin Asst II Perrone, Janice M. $43,884.50 Assoc Dir Zapf, Petra Susanne $87,846.95 Assoc Prof Cummings, Michael P $144,044.67 Assoc Prof Druin, Allison J. $100,275.29 Assoc Prof Duraiswami, Ramani $161,088.34 Assoc Res Sci Fermuller, Cornelia M. $103,745.49 Assoc Res Sci Yacoob, Yaser Fahim $114,509.02 Asst Dir McCall, Frederick J. $118,283.04 Asst Dir Valenzuela, Yerty D. $77,742.01 Asst Prof Kingsford, Carleton $117,586.94 Asst Prof Pop, Mihai $121,040.99 Asst Res Sci Abd-Almageed, Wael $85,145.86 Asst Res Sci Florea, Liliana Diana $103,000.00 Asst Res Sci Kuter, Ugur $78,380.70 Asst Res Sci Mundur, Padmavathi $100,775.80 Asst Res Sci Pertea, Mihaela $103,577.89 Asst Res Sci Sankaranarayanan, Jagan $67,500.00 Asst Res Sci Zotkin, Dmitry Nikolaevich $83,487.48 Comp Eng Goh, Mark Y $54,295.60 Comp Eng Kovac, Peter $60,190.00 Coordinator Brinkley, Norma L. $79,305.23 Coordinator Cross, Denise M. $48,093.02 Coordinator Gedra, Margit S. $49,229.49 Coordinator Lewis, Mary D B $49,684.08 Coordinator Schenk, Arlene E. $63,127.91 Coordinator Walker, Edna Gallardo $54,104.08 Director Weinstein, Johanna C. $121,290.73 Dist Univ Prof Emerita Colwell, Rita R. $102,921.00 Engineer He, Janet Xiaoqing $94,453.22 Fac Res Asst Almazan, Christian Butiu $38,556.00 Fac Res Asst Ayanbule, Oluwabukunmi $30,946.80 Fac Res Asst Bazinet, Adam L. $63,513.30 Fac Res Asst Boyd-Graber, Jordan $70,000.00 Fac Res Asst Damrongsri, Mark $64,265.00 Fac Res Asst Dickerson, John Paul $79,560.00 Fac Res Asst Earp, Damon Nicholas $61,200.00 Fac Res Asst Erdman, Brad A. $90,394.54 Fac Res Asst Harwood, David A. $112,079.77 Fac Res Asst LaRocque, Daniel $63,000.00 Fac Res Asst Lent, Jonathan D $42,500.00 Fac Res Asst Lo, Norman Ka Yu $54,999.20 Fac Res Asst Mannes, Aaron Wolf $49,266.10 Fac Res Asst Mishra, Ajay Kumar $45,900.00 Fac Res Asst Newlin, Jennifer Papp $61,113.63 Fac Res Asst Park, John Y. $24,480.00 Fac Res Asst Pertea, Geo Marian $100,910.94 Fac Res Asst Puiu, Daniela $78,413.00 Fac Res Asst Rose, Anne Townsend $83,877.30

13 Fac Res Asst Rosenfeld, Allen Fac Res Asst Setiawan, Hendra Fac Res Asst Shakarian, Jana Fac Res Asst Smorul, Michael A. Fac Res Asst Sommer, Daniel Fac Res Asst van Opstal, Mike Fac Res Asst Yarnell, Derek T. Fac Res Asst Zotkina, Elena IT Coor Ridge, Edward Joseph Prof Agrawala, Ashok K. Prof Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S. Prof Chellappa, Ramalingam Prof Jacobs, David Prof JaJa, Joseph F. Prof Salzberg, Steven Lloyd Prof Samet, Hanan Prof Varshney, Amitabh Prof Vishkin, Uzi Prof & Dir Subrahmanian, Venkatramana Res Assoc Albanese, Massimiliano Res Assoc Beh, Jounghoon Res Assoc Brady, Arthur Res Assoc Constantin de Magny, Guillaume Res Assoc Fults, Scott Walter Res Assoc Hu, Yang Res Assoc Jiang, Zhuolin Res Assoc Molinaro, Cristian Res Assoc Quercini, Gianluca Vittorio Res Assoc Turaga, Pavan Kumar Res Assoc Yeh, Pei-Hsiu Res Assoc Zukerman, Inon Sr Res Sci Delcher, Arthur Sr Res Sci Doermann, David Scott Sr Res Sci Gumerov, Nail Sr Res Sci Plaisant-Schwenn, Catherine Visit Asst Res Sci Fayzullin, Marat Visit Prof Murenzi, Romain Visit Res Prof Harper, Mary P Visit Sr Res Sci Klavans, Judith L CMPS-Mathematics Admin Asst II Berry, Linette Denise Admin Asst II Hidalgo, Haydee V. Admin Asst II Hopkins, Martha R. Assoc Prof Cerrai, Sandra Assoc Prof Czaja, Wojciech Assoc Prof Haines, Thomas J. Assoc Prof Koralov, Leonid Assoc Prof Margetis, Dionisios Assoc Prof Ramachandran, Niranjan Assoc Prof Tamvakis, Harry Assoc Prof von Petersdorff, Tobias Assoc Prof Warner, C. Robert

$27,822.44 $70,000.00 $46,818.00 $81,498.22 $91,645.02 $76,164.94 $90,296.70 $50,490.00 $73,258.05 $221,913.44 $153,817.00 $256,904.04 $166,132.00 $239,330.00 $243,918.72 $240,788.49 $165,087.18 $180,505.00 $233,549.47 $72,930.00 $55,000.00 $73,000.00 $47,775.40 $65,264.40 $30,000.00 $15,792.00 $67,000.00 $30,000.00 $80,000.00 $66,667.00 $67,500.00 $123,440.43 $114,511.05 $121,563.61 $117,418.78 $22,659.91 $54,000.00 $183,352.57 $109,893.77 $35,153.14 $37,049.74 $42,910.51 $125,332.99 $111,713.07 $91,453.19 $104,478.54 $114,426.57 $91,128.07 $113,863.89 $82,466.74 $67,508.67

Assoc Prof Winkelnkemper, Horst E. Asst Zhou, Taizhu Asst Dir Gumbs, Rhyneta H. Asst Prof Mellet, Antoine Asst Prof Melnick, Karin Hanley Asst Prof Okoudjou, Kasso A. Business Manager Welton, Sharon D. Coordinator Allen, Sandra Coordinator Carrigan, Jamie A. Coordinator Chan, Ida Kalai Coordinator Gonzalez, Liliana S. Coordinator McCoy, Alverda G. Coordinator Regalado, Milagro Celeste Coordinator Schildknecht, William R. Coordinator Smith, Stephanie M. Coordinator Wincek, Elizabeth A. Director Katz, Rachel D. Dist Univ Prof Freidlin, Mark I. Dist Univ Prof & Assoc Chair Antman, Stuart S. Dist Univ Prof ChairYorke, James A. Fac Res Asst Kyza, Irene Fac Res Asst Magid, Aaron D. Fac Res Asst Wright, Paul IT Sys Mgr Tilmes, Mark Lecturer Bezejouh, Ben Nkafu Lecturer David, Esther P. Lecturer Fall, Djiby Lecturer Galagate, Douglas Lecturer Harrison, Earnest R. Lecturer Henderson, Nicholas Caleb Lecturer Himmelsbach, Joshua Luke Lecturer Jarchow, Marguerite E. Lecturer Ji, Ran Lecturer Kcenich, Stephen P. Lecturer Li, Bo Lecturer Malin, Justin Lewis Lecturer Nam, Kijoeng Lecturer Orsetti, Santuria Lecturer Pilachowski, Timothy John Lecturer Tchetcherina, Natalia F. Lecturer Terpos, Colleen Marie Lecturer Terpos, Colleen Marie Office Supv I Kinne, Fletcher G. Prof Adams, Jeffrey D. Prof Benedetto, John J. Prof Brin, Michael Prof Cohen, Joel M. Prof Dolgopyat, Dmitry Prof Fitzpatrick, Patrick M. Prof Forni, Giovanni Prof Glaz, Harland M. Prof Goldman, William M. Prof Grillakis, Manoussos Prof Gulick, Denny Prof Hamilton, David H. Prof Jakobson, Michael Prof Kagan, Abram Prof Kaloshin, Vadim Prof Kedem, Benjamin Prof Kueker, David W. Prof Levermore, Charles D. Prof Lipsman, Ronald L.

$69,269.97 $76,500.00 $71,910.00 $100,061.33 $80,000.00 $106,272.00 $43,726.63 $51,612.00 $59,170.00 $62,545.88 $52,020.00 $44,544.46 $50,626.94 $79,664.04 $67,383.60 $32,671.35 $94,970.00 $198,369.31 $225,067.00 $277,548.18 $35,501.00 $22,500.00 $29,200.00 $99,768.30 $28,872.00 $28,872.00 $46,000.00 $17,116.00 $25,674.00 $15,632.00 $15,632.00 $31,552.00 $15,632.00 $14,436.00 $17,116.00 $5,440.00 $17,116.00 $26,404.00 $34,232.00 $17,116.00 $29,920.00 $29,920.00 $38,069.22 $132,868.94 $205,259.58 $78,298.81 $118,342.80 $121,384.46 $205,687.53 $179,200.00 $97,525.22 $144,599.48 $122,626.57 $117,729.35 $99,661.70 $135,981.66 $137,064.15 $199,192.52 $128,861.65 $90,411.78 $142,484.60 $210,000.00

Prof Lopez-Escobar, Edgar George Prof Machedon, Matei Prof Millson, John J. Prof Nochetto, Ricardo H. Prof Rosenberg, Jonathan M. Prof Schafer, James A. Prof Slud, Eric Victor Prof Washington, Lawrence C. Prof Wentworth, Richard Alan Prof Wolfe, Peter Prof Wolpert, Scott A. Prof Yang, Grace L. Prof & Assoc Chair Boyle, McBlaine Michael Prof & Assoc Chair Laskowski, Michael C. Prof & Dir Trivisa, Konstantina Res Assoc Christensen, Jens Gerlach Res Assoc Dobrosotskaya, Julia Albertovna Res Assoc Goodrick, John Res Assoc Sati, Hisham A. Res Assoc Shaw, Christopher S. Res Assoc Truman, Kathryn E. Res Assoc Yarmola, Tatiana Res Assoc Zhang, Ke Res Assoc Zheng, Bin Res Assoc Zheng, Yong Res Prof Osborn, John E. Senior Lecturer Cremins, Casey Senior Lecturer Daberkow, Julie A. Senior Lecturer Daberkow, Julie A. Senior Lecturer Franklin, Debra Gray Senior Lecturer Gulick, Frances F. Senior Lecturer McLaren, Karen Senior Lecturer Stone, Jacqueline Senior Lecturer Stone, Jacqueline Senior Lecturer Wyss-Gallifent, Justin Olav Visit Asst Prof Macasieb, Melissa Visit Lecturer Wu, Colin O. Visit Lecturer Xu, Jian Lun CMPS-Physics Acad Prog Spec Hessing, E Jane Acad Prog Spec O'Hara, Linda K. Accounting Assoc Dudley, Jean E. Accounting Assoc Megonigal, Sarah W. Admin Asst II Robinette, Loretta A. Assoc Dir Conners, Mark C. Assoc Dir Gleason, Thomas Assoc Dir Hammer, Donna M. Assoc Prof Appelbaum, Ian Assoc Prof Bedaque, Paulo Sergio Fortes Assoc Prof Buonanno, Alessandra Assoc Prof Chacko, Zackaria Assoc Prof Losert, Wolfgang Assoc Prof Roberts, Douglas A. Assoc Res Sci Blaufuss, Erik K. Assoc Res Sci Breuer, Herbert F. Assoc Res Sci Smith, Andrew James Asst Dir Dahms, Robert E. Asst Dir Dooley, Cynthia M. Asst Dir Monroe, Allen R. Asst Mgr Wang, Zeng Guang Asst Prof Abazajian, Kevork N. Asst Prof Agashe, Kaustubh Sadanand

$108,026.54 $107,708.02 $145,281.82 $154,464.41 $131,312.45 $91,051.47 $109,133.97 $113,307.65 $183,333.00 $120,567.99 $141,498.75 $174,305.80 $117,450.10 $104,284.38 $156,883.00 $51,000.00 $50,000.00 $52,020.00 $70,000.00 $60,000.00 $32,130.00 $10,034.00 $39,330.00 $40,000.00 $53,020.00 $9,031.56 $58,560.00 $55,746.00 $55,746.00 $46,679.00 $63,851.00 $50,827.00 $53,393.63 $53,393.63 $73,785.20 $40,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $42,030.54 $45,956.14 $22,047.40 $29,837.44 $46,709.21 $91,699.00 $64,858.43 $95,546.58 $140,000.00 $122,549.00 $143,437.30 $122,984.00 $125,424.00 $119,897.50 $98,241.92 $59,790.84 $90,444.81 $75,346.00 $88,000.00 $76,844.93 $41,200.00 $105,398.66 $116,249.00

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14 Asst Prof Galitskiy, Victor M Asst Prof Girvan, Michelle Asst Prof Hall, Carter Asst Prof Hoffman, Kara Asst Prof Kim, Ki-Yong Asst Prof La Porta, Arthur Asst Prof Ouyang, Min Asst Prof Paglione, Johnpierre Asst Prof Shawhan, Peter Asst Res Sci Cullen, William G Asst Res Sci Fan, Jingyun Asst Res Sci Hwang, Euyheon Asst Res Sci Petrovykh, Dmitri Y. Asst Res Sci Polyakov, Sergey Asst Res Sci Schmadel, Don Cronin Asst Res Sci Vispute, Ratnakar D. Business Manager Ekstrom, Cheryl A. Coordinator Bensen, Douglas M. Coordinator Britton, Melissa Coordinator Cuaresma, Carole Andres Coordinator Hammer, Nicholas Stadler Coordinator Rowley, Bruce Lee Coordinator Seal-Filiatreau, Bonnie Jean Coordinator Straughn, Brian Lamont Coordinator Suplee, Anne Coordinator Woodworth, Robert Thomas Director DeSalvo, Lorraine C. Director Myers, Dawn Gough Director Suplee, Curtis B. Dist Univ Prof Ott, Edward Dist Univ Prof & Dir Das Sarma, Sankar Dist Univ Prof & Dir Sagdeev, Roald Z. Elec Eng Bard, Robert L. Eng Phys Lasley, Scott E. Eng Phys Touart, John R. Eng Tech III Holder, Randy D. Exec Adm Asst II Noel, Stephanie Jane Fac Res Asst Callis, Julie Marie Fac Res Asst Corzo-Trejo, Neil Vladimir Fac Res Asst Das Sarma, Janet Fac Res Asst Jimenez-Garcia, Karina Fac Res Asst Kemiktarak, Utku Fac Res Asst Kishore, Rani B. Fac Res Asst Kubota, Yuri Fac Res Asst Metcalfe, Michael Brian Fac Res Asst Norton, Ronald S Fac Res Asst Prasertchoung, Sanwarit Fac Res Asst Roosa, Sarah Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Sarkar, Sudipta Fac Res Asst Singla, Samar Fac Res Asst Sterk, Jonathan D. Fac Res Asst Straszheim, Troy Donald

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 $115,808.88 $110,136.00 $104,851.36 $117,054.76 $105,000.00 $82,789.65 $118,917.26 $112,200.00 $110,865.00 $76,181.93 $93,205.00 $55,000.32 $75,234.52 $87,088.00 $45,595.83 $22,266.00 $40,990.24 $80,282.61 $39,507.40 $44,613.94 $44,322.34 $53,081.03 $55,080.00 $95,278.03 $56,846.50 $44,368.46 $99,215.76 $100,180.00 $134,784.00 $236,842.75 $300,000.00 $224,783.31 $21,276.63 $88,454.32 $68,430.40 $62,148.79 $47,120.40 $43,670.07 $11,971.98 $26,125.00 $11,971.98 $53,000.00 $69,530.25 $31,285.71 $58,140.00 $38,924.93 $41,004.20 $33,000.00 $45,000.00 $26,370.00 $29,260.00 $112,099.64

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst IT Coor Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Phys Sci Tech II Phys Sci Tech III Phys Sci Tech III Prg Admin Spec Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof & Assoc Chair Prof & Assoc Chair Prof & Assoc Chair Prof & Chair Prof & Dir Prof & Dir Prof & Dir Prof & Dir Prof Emeritus Prof Emeritus Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I PS Fin/Bind Spec Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc

Syers, Paul Tosado, Jacob Alexander Watkins, Jessica Ellen Wissing, Henrike McQueen, Aaron Lee Baker, Frederick Douglas Bantu, Hailu Gebremariam Buehrle, David C. Conrad, Brad Richard Gonano, John Roland Kerwin, James D. Krenke, Christopher Allen Peritt, Harvey Lewis Rericha, Erin C. Singhal, Sat Vendemia, Ralph J. JR Anderson, Jesse James Baldwin, Thomas M. Bobrowsky, Matthew Giza, Thomas E. Owens, Harold L. JR Rirksopa, Pornshuda Zhao, Xiao Ning Daetwyler, Clay M. Lynch, Donald Norwood, Billy D. Alejandro, Paulina Candelaria Anderson, James Robert Anlage, Steven Mark Antonsen, Thomas M. Bhagat, Satindar M. Brill, Dieter R. Chen, Hsing-Hen Drake, James F. Einstein, Theodore L. Ellis, Richard F. Eno, Sarah C. Goodman, Jordan A. Greenberg, Oscar Wallace Greene, Richard L. Hamilton, Douglas C. Hammer, David M. Hassam, Adil B. Hu, Bei Lok Jacobson, Theodore A. Jawahery, Abolhassan Ji, Xiangdong Lobb, Christopher J. Mohapatra, Rabindra N. Monroe, Christopher Orozco, Luis A. Paik, Ho Jung Redish, Edward F. Skuja, Andris Wellstood, Frederick C. Yakovenko, Victor M. Cohen, Thomas D. Hadley, Nicholas J. Sullivan, Gregory W. Baden, Andrew R. Fuhrer, Michael Sears Gates, Sylvester James JR Liu, Chuan Sheng Rolston, Steven Lloyd Currie, Douglas George Goldenbaum, George C. Hall, Janice L. La, Anh L. Woodworth, Margaret Marie Banerjee, Debjani Barausse, Enrico Barnett, Ryan Becerra-Chavez, Francisco Elohim Blanchet, Steve Braun, James R. Bronsgeest, Merijntje Saskia Butch, Nicholas P Campbell, Wesley C. Cenci, Riccardo Chen, Jianhao Chen, Jun Chen, Shaolong Chicireanu, Radu Stelian Coll Bau, Mariona Corrigan, Timothy D. Culcer, Dimitrie De, Subhadeep Dreyer, Michael Dzero, Maxim Edwards, Emily Elisa Flagg, Edward B. Galley, Chad Ryan Gladchenko, Sergiy Gonzalez Cabrera, Diego Luis Gupta, Ayush Hafezi, Mohammad Han, Jianing Hanna, Thomas Mark Hao, Lifeng Hong, Tao Hu, Binhui Huang, Jia Jin, Kui Katz, Andrey Kaufman, Lisa J.

$24,024.00 $22,018.95 $22,995.00 $52,500.00 $53,993.90 $1,987.88 $25,000.00 $11,250.00 $12,500.00 $1,574.70 $1,749.33 $32,278.78 $1,749.33 $12,500.00 $2,534.55 $2,624.05 $61,427.30 $56,467.06 $98,000.00 $57,548.52 $63,994.82 $55,859.64 $53,185.52 $34,238.00 $43,156.60 $52,485.20 $41,621.54 $113,832.02 $127,888.00 $196,150.00 $103,816.32 $93,645.01 $36,553.51 $185,668.11 $127,717.43 $134,541.27 $135,736.29 $222,032.78 $104,061.76 $233,122.55 $131,050.83 $120,633.03 $141,569.13 $162,329.24 $156,915.00 $188,341.00 $177,141.17 $179,588.00 $180,368.03 $237,689.00 $147,941.55 $130,840.63 $130,008.06 $139,298.19 $144,791.12 $92,952.00 $149,666.14 $150,854.37 $185,013.23 $186,804.72 $139,944.00 $230,715.65 $176,957.18 $198,562.18 $42,301.44 $12,560.00 $45,476.36 $39,433.90 $33,125.50 $43,350.00 $42,000.00 $64,300.00 $53,000.00 $45,000.00 $52,499.99 $45,000.00 $55,700.00 $56,100.00 $50,000.00 $40,000.00 $51,500.00 $44,750.00 $52,000.00 $60,090.00 $54,340.00 $45,000.00 $52,000.00 $72,759.05 $42,000.00 $55,000.00 $53,000.00 $43,890.00 $58,000.00 $42,000.00 $46,999.61 $51,000.00 $50,000.00 $55,000.00 $45,000.00 $48,960.00 $62,000.00 $46,093.00 $40,000.00 $45,000.00 $54,080.00

Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Asst Prof Res Coor Res Coor Res Prof Res Prof Research Mach III Sprv Tech Supp Srv Sr Res Assoc Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Storekeeper III Visit Assoc Res Sci Visit Asst Res Sci Visit Lecturer Visit Prof Visit Sr Res Sci Visit Sr Res Sci

Kestner, Jason Kim, Hyun Min Kim, Kihwan Kim, Kwangmoo Kurter, Cihan Lance, Andrew M. Lin, Yu Ju Ling, Alexander Littenberg, Tyson Liu, Yonglin Luo, Le Lutchyn, Roman M. Malkova, Natalia Marino, Alberto M. Matsukevich, Dzmitry Muller, Andreas Muniz, Sergio Ricardo Nakahara, Kazutaka Nandikotkur, Giridhar Olivas, Alexander R. Pan, Yi Peterson, Michael Ronald Powell, Stephen Christopher Quraishi, Qudsia Restelli, Alessandro Rossi, Enrico Saha, Shanta Ranjan Sau, Jay Deep Sedrakyan, Tigran Sensarma, Rajdeep Stewart Jr., Michael D. Stoutimore, Micah Sullivan, Dan Francis Sun, Kai Sushkov, Andrei B. Tartaglino Mazzucchelli, Gabriele Temple, Jeffrey Tiburzi, Brian Charles Toharia, Manuel Wang, Bin Wang, Hui Wu, Saijun Yan, Jun Zhang, Jiatao Zhang, Xiaohang Zhou, Qi Scherr, Rachel E. Lukomska, Margaret B. Sewlall, Grace Pamela Drew, H Dennis Wallace, Stephen J. Stapko, John F. Cogswell, David R. Wahlstrand, Jared K. Dragt, Alex J. Ipavich, Fred M. Kane, Bruce E. Kellogg, Richard G. Moody, Martin Vol Godinez, Alvaro N. Behr, Bradford B. Cheng, Guangjun Kulin, Simone-Gunde Carmichael, Howard John Sadowski, Walter Louis Tonwar, Suresh C.

15 $45,000.00 $55,000.00 $52,250.00 $42,347.34 $55,000.00 $50,000.00 $55,426.80 $51,000.00 $45,000.00 $67,500.00 $60,000.00 $63,600.00 $63,954.00 $53,295.00 $52,743.00 $54,210.00 $58,520.00 $54,000.00 $48,000.00 $62,985.90 $45,708.80 $41,800.00 $64,300.00 $55,000.00 $49,188.00 $41,904.04 $48,960.00 $45,000.00 $46,093.00 $50,000.00 $53,000.00 $58,000.00 $62,463.50 $50,000.00 $46,827.54 $46,500.00 $52,020.00 $46,816.00 $49,350.00 $41,496.00 $62,000.00 $54,340.00 $46,000.00 $38,850.00 $42,000.00 $50,000.00 $6,017.98 $66,285.68 $53,423.33 $18,884.99 $38,200.05 $45,338.43 $63,199.40 $70,000.00 $29,754.61 $121,215.24 $111,919.50 $102,598.40 $109,720.25 $34,341.82 $13,020.00 $72,800.00 $14,040.00 $35,000.00 $16,974.12 $39,446.01

College of Education EDUC-College of Education Accountant I Britt, Alisha Sharel Admin Asst II Flores, Jennifer S Admin Asst II Izursa, Maria Concepcion Sian Asst Dean Patty, April N. Asst Dir Berman, Amy Beth Asst Dir Manning-Scherhaufer, Jenniffer E. Asst to Dean Greenberg, James D. Business Serv Spec Olobatuyi, Abayomi Oladoye Coordinator Brown, Lisa K. Coordinator Mosley, Julia E. Coordinator Poore, Dian F. Coordinator Teklegiorgis, Amleset Director Costantino, Patricia M. Director DeGeorge, James M. Editorial Asst Woods-Suku, Frances Estella Exec Adm Asst I Carroll, Eppie Aida Exec Adm Asst I Fleming, Rhonda C. Fac Coor O'Rourke, Jacqueline M. IT Op Mgr Pragel, Steven B. IT Support Asst Winningham, Cadie Roxanne Lecturer Brown, Kimberly Lynn Lecturer Duquette, Charles Lecturer Gould, Susan Lecturer Hernandez, Diego F Lecturer Kameras, Beth A. Lecturer Liakos, Nina T. Lecturer Rubinstein, Sharon E. Lecturer Sharp, Steven Kary Lecturer Smith, Raymond Lecturer Wagner-Loera, Daniela Lecturer Walker, Eric Prg Admin Spec McKoy, Rochella Katrina Prof & Assoc Dean Koziol, Stephen M Prof & Assoc Dean McLaughlin, Margaret J. Prof & Assoc Dean Weible, Thomas Prof And Dean Wiseman, Donna L.

$36,592.50 $35,875.00 $35,977.35 $102,303.05 $52,467.37 $60,066.07 $79,543.38 $40,927.40 $54,854.64 $75,363.60 $52,963.01 $43,960.00 $91,478.67 $50,968.13 $35,112.07 $37,087.03 $44,493.04 $35,000.00 $75,421.31 $36,204.00 $41,849.72 $38,474.44 $14,720.00 $40,000.00 $22,240.00 $51,641.19 $8,000.00 $29,382.00 $52,500.00 $40,000.00 $40,231.17 $40,030.11 $169,522.00 $181,586.67 $173,708.60 $215,220.00

Prog Coor Montgomery, Tamika Prog Mgmt Spec I Moore, Jennifer J. PS Hg Sp Cp Op II Gomez, Abel M. Res Assoc Brown, Stephanie Timmons Res Assoc Rosen, Linda Peller Res Assoc Prof Abts, Leigh R EDUC-Counseling & Personnel Services Adjunct Assoc Prof Lee, Vivian Assoc Prof Fabian, Ellen S. Assoc Prof Inkelas, Karen Kurotsuchi Assoc Prof Jones, Susan Robb Assoc Prof Strein, William O. Asst Prof Bryan, Julia Anita Asst Prof Gold, Paul B. Asst Prof MacDonald-Wilson, Kim L. Asst Prof Miller, Matthew J. Asst Prof Quaye, Stephen John Business Manager Araneta, Antonio D Lecturer Cilente, Kristan M Lecturer Martin, Helena Mimi Lecturer Nelson, Deborah D. Lecturer Rothman, Lee Roberta Prof Gottfredson, Gary D Prof Hoffman, Mary Ann Prof Komives, Susan R. Prof Lee, Courtland Prof Lent, Robert W. Prof Rosenfield, Sylvia A. Prof Teglasi-Golubcow, Hedwig Prof & Chair Kivlighan, Dennis M. JR Prog Mgmt Spec I Scott, Caroline Ordiales Res Assoc Gravois, Todd Anthony EDUC-Curriculum & Instruction Accounting Assoc Rocque, Maurice Charles Admin Asst I Stevens, Anita L Assoc Prof Campbell, Patricia F. Assoc Prof Chazan, Daniel I. Assoc Prof McCaleb, Joseph L. Assoc Prof O'Flahavan, John F. Assoc Prof Slater, Wayne H Assoc Prof Turner, Jennifer Danridge Assoc Prof Emerita Graeber, Anna O. Asst Dir Smith, Dawn Marie Asst Prof Brantlinger, Andrew Morgan Asst Prof Clark, Lawrence Asst Prof Coffey, Janet E Asst Prof Edwards, Ann Ryu Asst Prof Hughes, Sherick Andre Asst Prof Hyler, Maria Asst Prof MacDonald, Victoria Maria Asst Prof Martin-Beltran, Melinda Asst Prof Monte-Sano, Chauncey Asst Prof North, Connie Asst Prof Peercy, Megan Madigan Asst Prof Stieff, Mike Asst Res Sci Elby, Andrew Business Serv Spec Henry, Elaine B. Business Serv Spec Stradley, Penny Marie Coordinator Johnson, Elizabeth E. Coordinator Jones, Joy A. Dir Admin Srv Pinkard, Rosalind Director Bancroft, Jessica Fac Res Asst Davis, Julius Fac Res Asst Nutter Coffman, Ann Lynette Fac Res Asst Sela, Hagit Lecturer Balis, Shelley Lashenick Lecturer Bauer, Paula M. Lecturer Belyea-Doerrman, Jo Ellen Lecturer Bonica, Robin Lecturer Boteler, Mary Elizabeth Lecturer Boteler, R. Eugene Lecturer Bradley, Dianne F. Lecturer Brown, Dorothy R. Lecturer Crowe, Edward Lecturer Denvir, Susan S. Lecturer DePlatchett, Susan E. Lecturer Dunheimer, Tracy Lynn Lecturer Eaker, Lisa Lecturer Estes, Brooke Lecturer Funk, Warren H. Lecturer Gallagher, Colleen Lecturer Gettier, Leslie Ellen Lecturer Gillette, Sandra Carol Lecturer Haines, Eugene G. Lecturer Haley, Shirley A. Lecturer Hollenbeck, Richard Mark Lecturer Infantino, Corey Haines Lecturer Johnson, Edward F. Lecturer Johnson, Whitney Lecturer Kaplan-Wassell, Gail Lecturer Katz, Lisa Pezzoli Lecturer Kennedy, Stella M. Lecturer Kidwell, John Lecturer Lewin, Deborah Lillian Lecturer Marshak, Sofia Lecturer Morris, Carrie Stephan Lecturer Newell, Nancy Lecturer Peckerar, Nancy Elaine Lecturer Pritchett, Stacy Renee Lecturer Quintos, Beatriz Lecturer Rehder, Karen Lecturer Ruiz, Domingo Antonio Lecturer Sanyal, Anita Carolyna Lecturer Schaefer, Peter Lecturer Schappelle, Laura Scott

$43,492.80 $41,456.48 $16,481.31 $92,094.84 $74,970.00 $137,618.91 $6,000.00 $84,706.45 $81,853.48 $81,469.37 $79,384.78 $75,000.00 $80,000.00 $72,927.09 $72,000.00 $61,200.00 $53,320.50 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $33,033.00 $6,000.00 $113,259.08 $96,471.58 $96,382.88 $134,883.56 $116,654.00 $58,360.31 $92,466.18 $189,463.42 $35,274.47 $11,439.99 $32,475.98 $30,255.72 $97,212.68 $84,309.80 $71,911.72 $71,829.87 $77,367.62 $72,592.09 $40,369.94 $48,796.80 $66,000.00 $71,400.00 $66,057.26 $64,294.16 $67,430.54 $68,000.00 $73,094.71 $65,933.59 $66,825.28 $65,000.00 $65,909.28 $67,333.38 $64,708.64 $42,432.79 $38,474.40 $47,707.00 $51,533.80 $66,300.00 $57,283.20 $50,000.00 $68,000.00 $51,000.00 $6,000.00 $1,200.00 $3,000.00 $44,795.46 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $49,630.74 $7,200.00 $12,000.00 $48,989.51 $52,995.10 $34,697.57 $51,936.77 $6,000.00 $8,400.00 $52,000.00 $52,037.35 $6,000.00 $21,701.70 $13,200.00 $53,000.00 $4,800.00 $10,800.00 $72,000.00 $7,200.00 $52,020.00 $6,000.00 $3,600.00 $9,600.00 $4,800.00 $15,600.00 $8,400.00 $4,800.00 $45,467.01 $65,000.00 $37,605.06 $4,800.00 $33,600.00 $43,280.64 $2,400.00

Lecturer Schweighofer, Ann $32,000.00 Lecturer Sibert, John $6,000.00 Lecturer Stein, Hollis G. $2,423.52 Lecturer Stein, Howard Nathan $24,031.20 Lecturer Talbot, Suzanne Adele $14,400.00 Lecturer Troffkin, Christine Lee $7,200.00 Lecturer Walker, Margaret Anne $48,690.72 Lecturer Wilson, Peggy Lynn $45,985.68 Prg Admin Spec Pratt, Elsie $37,851.28 Prof Afflerbach, Peter P. $102,351.80 Prof Dreher, Mariam Jean $104,321.45 Prof Holliday, William G. $92,874.70 Prof McGinnis, James Randy $98,712.00 Prof Saracho, Olivia N. $94,050.50 Prof Sullivan, Denis F. $75,788.01 Prof VanSledright, Bruce A. $94,065.09 Prof & Act Chair Valli, Linda R. $137,690.00 Prof Of Practice Imig, David $105,496.73 Prog Mgmt Spec I Getzin, Jeannette $36,210.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Stover, LaJeune P $39,436.26 Res Assoc Katz, Phyllis F. $20,000.00 Res Assoc Nishio, Masako $52,000.00 Senior Lecturer Blejer, Perla $64,755.92 Senior Lecturer Bote, Lisa A. $54,489.54 Senior Lecturer Codling, Rose Marie $68,751.04 Senior Lecturer Hendricks, Susan M. $75,474.04 Senior Lecturer Travers, Kathleen A. $72,153.49 Visit Asst Prof Baccus, Ayanna Asha $54,100.80 Visit Asst Prof Landa, Melissa Simone $54,040.00 Visit Asst Prof Ringo, Saroja R $25,000.00 Visit Asst Prof Snell, Jean Louise $57,546.60 EDUC-Education Policy Studies Assoc Prof Croninger, Robert G. $83,254.56 Assoc Prof Herschbach, Dennis R. $108,419.94 Assoc Prof Rice, Jennifer K. $104,692.47 Assoc Prof Emeritus Splaine, John E. $35,000.07 Coordinator Hall, Lattisha $45,830.00 Lecturer Splaine, Pam $18,447.08 Prof Malen, Betty L. $119,264.32 Prof Selden, Steven $108,887.15 Prof & Act Chair Hultgren, Francine H. $147,508.17 Prog Mgmt Spec I James, Diane C. $38,361.53 Visit Prof Finkelstein, Barbara J. $33,979.21 EDUC-Educational Leadership, Higher Educ & Intnl Educ Assoc Prof Fries-Britt, Sharon LaVonne $80,000.00 Assoc Prof Mawhinney, Hanne B. $94,571.95 Assoc Prof O'Meara, KerryAnn $87,818.00 Asst Prof Davis, Thomas Edward $63,500.00 Asst Prof Drezner, Noah D $65,500.00 Asst Prof Titus, Marvin A. $85,122.88 Coordinator Coughlin, Clarissa $43,911.00 Director Goodwin, Stephanie D. $76,773.04 Prof Cabrera, Alberto F. $123,844.13 Prof Klees, Steven J. $117,819.37 Prof Lin, Jing $91,070.00 Prof Stromquist, Nelly $124,272.00 Prof Emeritus Hawley, Willis D. $46,158.40 Prof Emeritus Hawley, Willis D. $46,158.40 Prof Of Practice Parham, Carol Sheffey $124,323.97 Prof Of Practice Richardson, Patricia M. $77,171.55 Visit Asst Prof Cohen, Helene Kalson $50,910.00 EDUC-Human Development Accounting Assoc Snowden, Cornelia $36,811.76 Admin Asst II Cole, Barret N. $41,139.56 Assoc Prof Cabrera, Natasha J. $74,555.00 Assoc Prof Jones Harden, Brenda P. $79,733.52 Assoc Prof Klein, Elisa L. $81,219.84 Assoc Prof Marcus, Robert F. $76,758.48 Assoc Prof Robertson-Tchabo, Elizabeth Anne $72,679.79 Assoc Prof Wang, Min $76,004.00 Assoc Prof Emeritus Gardner, Albert H. $9,799.99 Asst Dir Battle, Ann Arlene $108,127.29 Asst Dir Daniel, Anne Williams $65,275.79 Asst Prof Bolger, Donald Joseph $65,000.00 Asst Prof Hall, Nathan C. $65,000.00 Asst Prof Ramani, Geetha B $65,720.00 Asst Prof Rowe, Meredith L. $68,000.00 Coordinator Kramer, Eileen E. $55,067.42 CYC Teacher Casey, Elizabeth Ann $31,499.65 CYC Teacher Ciardi, Lorelei $32,731.87 CYC Teacher Daly, Meghan Elizabeth $31,500.00 CYC Teacher Denaro, Michela $35,834.50 CYC Teacher Fowler, Cecilia Ramos $31,401.90 CYC Teacher Kain, Stefanie Rose $37,459.34 CYC Teacher Keville, Kelly A $31,365.00 CYC Teacher Leyton, Kristen Anne $33,000.00 CYC Teacher Mayo, Winona $30,175.00 CYC Teacher Oppenheimer, Leslie C. $52,977.04 CYC Teacher Person, Sara Lehman $37,398.52 CYC Teacher Sayers, Kathleen Leonette $34,488.47 CYC Teacher Solomon, Elizabeth Rachel $30,175.00 CYC Teacher Wiest, Vera $31,007.63 CYC Teacher Young Gonzalez, Janice H $18,920.79 Dir Admin Srv Peng, Tung Lee-Choo $106,550.07 Director Favretto, Francine Grace $102,965.36 Dist Univ Prof Fox, Nathan A. $175,270.74 Fac Res Asst Bingaman, Rachel Lynn $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Blakely, Mary E. $65,866.50 Fac Res Asst Desilets, Christopher $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Feldman, Jaclyn Gail $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hoff, Alexandra L. $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst Kaplan, Ellen M. $43,278.96 Fac Res Asst Kresse, Anna $30,000.00 Fac Res Asst McPeake, Jennifer $69,883.86 Fac Res Asst Mullan, Bridget E. $33,000.00

Fac Res Asst Ross Stauffer, Kristin Lynn Fac Res Asst Yoo Chon, Kathryn H. Fac Res Asst Zippert, Erica Leigh Lecturer Amadeo, Jo-Ann M. Lecturer Christenson, Lea Ann Lecturer D'Amour, Allison Catherine Lecturer Ellis, Christopher Michael Lecturer Freed, Emily Lecturer Galbraith, Jeanne Lecturer Ground, Christine Elizabeth Lecturer Hoffmann, Theresa Ann Lecturer Hurley, Megan McCale Lecturer Kitchen, Mary Lou Lecturer Lee-Kim, Jennie Hyun Chung Lecturer Mackintosh, Bonnie Blythe Lecturer Salvadore, Maria B. Lecturer Sun-Alperin, Marlene Kendra Lecturer Watkins-Lewis, Karen M Lecturer Winters, A Fielding Ince Prg Admin Spec Haislip, Jennifer Lynn Prof Alexander, Patricia A. Prof Killen, Melanie A. Prof Rubin, Kenneth H. Prof Torney-Purta, Judith Prof Wentzel, Kathryn R. Prof & Chair Wigfield, Allan L. Prof Emeritus Guthrie, John T. Prog Mgmt Spec I Sanderson, Jennifer L. Res Assoc Almas, Alisa N. Res Assoc Klauda, Susan Lynn Lutz Res Assoc Lamm, Cornelia A. Res Assoc McDonald, Kristina L. Res Asst Prof Degnan, Kathryn Amey Res Asst Prof Reeb-Sutherland, Bethany C. Senior Lecturer Corbin, Christy Tirrell EDUC-Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation Adjunct Assoc Prof Alvestad, Kathryn Anderson Asst Prof Harring, Jeffrey Asst Prof Jiao, Hong Asst Prof Rupp, Andre A. Business Manager Walukonis, Robin L. Director Lintz, Elizabeth M. Lecturer Fidelman, Carolyn Prof Lissitz, Robert W. Prof Macready, George B. Prof Mislevy, Robert J. Prof & Chair Hancock, Gregory R. EDUC-Special Education Admin Asst I Foster, Valerie Admin Asst II Wyatt, Susan J Assoc Prof De La Paz, Susan Assoc Prof Kohl, Frances L. Assoc Prof Maccini, Paula Asst Prof Drakeford, William Asst Prof Silverman, Rebecca Director Brown, M. Lynn Fac Res Asst Butler, Anne Barsky Fac Res Asst Dorsey, Kimberly Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Meadows, Denise Marie Fac Res Asst Murphy, Barbara Cecelia Fac Res Asst Newcomb, Sandra Orlene Fac Res Asst Provost, Bethany Kathleen Fac Res Asst Riccobono, Donna J Fac Res Asst Ruedel, Kristin Lee Fac Res Asst Sutter, Jessica Greer Lecturer Ambush, Shannon Ashley Lecturer Danehey, Agnesanne J. Lecturer Fink, Carolyn Molden Lecturer Greig, Diane L. Lecturer Gruber, Barbara Katherine Lecturer Jamison, Patricia Lecturer Mason, Susan Ann Lecturer Merchant, Barbara Lecturer Montanaro, Elizabeth Ann Lecturer Ulf, Patricia S. Lecturer Williams, Stacey C. Lecturer Zablocki, Mark Steven Prof Beckman, Paula J. Prof Egel, Andrew L. Prof Leone, Peter E. Prof Lieber, Joan Prof Moon, Sherril M. Prof Neubert, Debra Ann Prof Speece, Deborah L. Prof & Chair Burke, Philip J. Prog Coor Foster, Judy A. Prog Mgmt Spec I James, Ylesia Stefanie C. Res Assoc Barnwell, Deirdre Ann Res Assoc Case, Lisa Pericola Res Assoc Halloran-Tornquist, Elizabeth Res Assoc Kelly, Diane Marie Res Assoc Livelli, Paul Res Assoc Molloy, Dawn E. Res Assoc Page-Voth, Leslie V. Res Coor Lim, Blesilda L. EDUC-Student Services Acad Adv Froh, Jennifer Chambers Asst Dean Angeletti, Kathleen Ann Asst Dir Cornell-DeMoss, Janis Asst Dir Dowdell, Patricia Ann Coordinator Cooks, Christopher Alphonse Coordinator Tablada, Archilline R. IT Data Entry Opr Lee, Vincent WS Prg Admin Spec Wedge, Valerie C. Secretary Morton, Derrick A.

$46,000.08 $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $32,000.08 $52,634.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $51,184.00 $8,000.00 $24,000.00 $52,541.00 $8,000.00 $16,000.00 $43,911.00 $8,000.00 $16,000.00 $32,000.00 $8,000.00 $41,432.00 $148,179.27 $124,132.07 $170,266.61 $122,932.82 $114,410.67 $192,002.75 $60,490.54 $36,953.00 $39,360.00 $38,000.00 $43,000.00 $37,000.50 $43,000.44 $43,000.44 $82,042.78 $45,000.00 $72,808.61 $72,876.51 $72,981.06 $65,117.35 $91,924.00 $10,000.00 $148,637.54 $90,138.14 $181,707.24 $153,000.00 $20,533.73 $32,071.06 $84,228.00 $97,621.83 $78,108.16 $61,456.16 $67,080.74 $70,515.84 $27,669.34 $40,500.00 $40,000.00 $21,760.00 $60,838.06 $30,000.00 $62,805.07 $23,000.00 $42,840.00 $12,000.00 $15,671.60 $26,672.10 $50,860.00 $10,500.13 $15,000.00 $7,000.00 $17,058.00 $6,400.00 $45,156.00 $23,292.50 $13,125.00 $99,871.51 $86,788.27 $105,255.63 $96,398.02 $97,487.82 $89,837.85 $121,831.32 $173,534.65 $50,000.00 $35,113.00 $54,432.50 $33,144.02 $24,877.26 $69,604.81 $21,701.44 $80,547.94 $83,028.28 $96,240.90 $39,160.75 $119,380.30 $66,912.00 $62,730.55 $44,000.00 $44,530.00 $23,058.00 $48,133.98 $28,098.33



College of Information Studies CLIS-College of Information Studies Admin Asst II Madison, Laura E. Advisor Moyer, Christina Clara Assoc Dean Barlow, Diane Ledbetter Assoc Prof Lin, Jimmy Jr-Pin Assoc Prof Oard, Douglas William Asst Dean Jones, Cassandra B. Asst Prof Dryden, Jean Asst Prof Fleischmann, Kenneth Robert Asst Prof Golbeck, Jennifer Ann Asst Prof Hansen, Derek Lloyd Asst Prof Jaeger, Paul T. Asst Prof Kraus, Kari Asst Prof Paquette, Raymond Scott Asst Prof Qu, Yan Asst Prof Subramaniam, Mega M Asst Prof Wang, Ping Asst Prof Xie, Bo Asst Prof Yates, Dave Coordinator Oliver, Jaime Lee Coordinator Rodriguez, Margarita Yochabel Dir Admin Srv Fominaya, Kathleen M Fac Res Asst Elsayed, Tamer Mohamed Fac Res Asst Kettnich, Karen Marie Fac Res Asst Liao, YuChi Fac Res Asst Ramos, Mary Anne Lecturer Anderson, Brenda D. Lecturer Bradley, Rachael Leigh Lecturer Daly, Martha J. Lecturer Dearstyne, Bruce W. Lecturer Diker, Vedat Guclu Lecturer Hartman, Karen Lecturer Intner, Sheila S Lecturer Kaske, Neal Kermit Lecturer Kim, Soo J. Lecturer Massey, Sheri A. Lecturer Paul, Myra Alexander Lecturer Prentice, Ann E. Lecturer Sampson, Sara A Lecturer Srikantaiah, Taverekere Prof Bertot, John Prof Soergel, Dagobert Prof And Dean Preece, Jennifer J. Prof Of Practice Hahn, Trudi Bellardo Prof Of Practice Weeks, Ann C. Res Assoc Brown, Quincy Res Assoc Hannestad, Stephen Edward Visit Prof Ambacher, Bruce I. Visit Prof Weinstein, Allen

$35,828.74 $41,200.00 $140,186.62 $98,391.00 $111,058.02 $74,151.00 $85,000.00 $87,045.00 $87,350.60 $81,151.20 $82,320.40 $68,770.40 $81,151.00 $80,631.00 $80,000.00 $82,756.55 $81,671.40 $82,660.80 $45,500.00 $38,416.00 $78,449.20 $55,000.00 $15,600.14 $56,849.98 $51,694.68 $3,800.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $69,486.71 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $25,590.00 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 $15,200.00 $7,600.00 $15,200.00 $135,000.00 $987.62 $213,402.00 $104,040.00 $109,538.43 $75,000.00 $70,685.94 $70,000.42 $95,870.00

Facilities Management VPAA-FM-AVP Facilities Management Assoc Vice Pres Brewer, James Frank $211,170.62 Exec Adm Asst I Stewart, Audrey A. $40,578.24 VPAA-FM-B&LS-Building & Landscape Services Admin Asst II Osorio, Jessica $33,456.00 Admin Asst II Roberts, Nirmala J. $39,462.22 Asst Dir Dykes, Sandra B. $97,813.75 Asst Dir Monan, William F. $92,018.34 Asst Mgr Bryant, Thomas J. $62,595.50 Asst Mgr Echols, Frederick A. $54,821.27 Auto Serv Tech Behrns, Christopher A $37,109.10 Auto Serv Tech Lepore, Mary Louise $53,946.12 Auto Serv Tech Perera, Suneth M $49,761.31 Auto Shop Supv Young, Michael S. $56,524.67 Brick/Stone mason Brown, Kevin P. $46,234.16 Coordinator Guididas, William P. $80,000.00 Coordinator Keen, Taylor L. $45,175.80 Director Teabout, Harry A. III $131,192.69 Exec Adm Asst I McNair, Karen S. $47,680.28 Grounds Supv Biedzynski, John $40,539.79 Grounds Supv Curtis, Joseph M. $23,178.05 Grounds Supv Davis, Darrick E. $33,081.65 Grounds Supv Ferrer, Oscar E. $29,437.48 Grounds Supv Hargadon, Raymond F $35,547.00 Grounds Supv Kyle, Anthony $35,678.75 Grounds Supv Pleasant, Clifton T $34,501.50 Grounds Supv Ramos, Carlos F. $32,321.24 Grounds Supv Stroman, Anthony $37,209.43 Grounds Supv Sullivan, Paul L. $38,733.03 Grounds Supv Villatoro, Julian $31,579.28 Groundskeeper Addison, Steven D $23,859.60 Groundskeeper Bautista, Sixto D $21,764.43 Groundskeeper Bowling, Keith $22,815.96 Groundskeeper Graham, Rondel I $22,815.76 Groundskeeper Green, Christopher W $22,805.82 Groundskeeper Holder, Bruce D. $21,764.43 Groundskeeper Jagne, Travoda D. $21,764.43 Groundskeeper Kuiken, Bleriot M. $21,378.57 Groundskeeper Kwali, Jules B $21,764.43 Groundskeeper Lisier, Marcus H. $21,813.31 Groundskeeper Luftman, Robert Evan $22,805.82 Groundskeeper Mason, Anthony $21,813.31 Groundskeeper McKenzie, Lawrence D. $23,311.38 Groundskeeper Moore, John $22,259.28 Groundskeeper Nana, Jean G. $21,813.31 Groundskeeper Pearson, Reginald $22,259.28 Groundskeeper Scott, David S. $21,764.43 Groundskeeper Simons, Donnell H. $22,259.28 Groundskeeper Stewart, James E. JR $27,482.71 Groundskeeper Teruel, Michael A. $22,815.96 Groundskeeper Thompson, Jason T $21,280.00 Groundskeeper Zelonis, David A. $22,805.82 Groundskeeper Ld Cross, Vascoe R. $31,577.47 Groundskeeper Ld Garner, Keith Y. $25,836.25

Groundskeeper Ld Groundskeeper Ld Groundskeeper Ld Groundskeeper Ld Groundskeeper Ld Horticulturist Horticulturist Horticulturist Horticulturist Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper

Goings, Jomo A. Lipson, Paul I. Moore II, Raymond L. Perez, Miguel Angelq Stoute, Daniel L. Alfonzo, Luis Jose Bahr, Sam A Nadler, Joshua Daniel Weiser, Jeffrey W. Aguila, Cristela C. Aguilar, Adelina Aguilar, Ana C. Aguilar, Ena E Aguilar, Eva Lidia Aguilar, Rosa L. Alarcon, Heladia R. Alfaro-Paz, Nery Yolanda Alvarado, Argentina Alvarenga, Maria I Alvarez de Flores, Fredesvinda Anthony Waller, Betty J. Ascencio Hernandez, Lorena D Avelar, Lilian M Aviles, Alejandra Ayala, Maria M Ayala, Roxana Beltran, Sonia Bond, Melvin L. Bonilla, Digna Y Bonilla, Lucia Briscoe, Eric E. Burgos, Hilda M. Caceres, Jenny M Calix, Francisca Calix, Kelly M Campos, Maria E. Canales, Maria E Carbajal, Gilma Arely Carcamo, Miriam C Carranza, Luz Carranza, Maria C Castro, Daysi N Castro, Iris Catalan, Angelica E Corrales, Vilma T Costa, Anna M. Council, Bertha M. Cruz, Nora A. D'Costa, Helen Davila, Dina M. De Borda, Juana Gutierrez DeConstanza, Maria B. Diaz, Juana E. Diaz, Maria M. Diaz, Miriam R. Diaz, Sonia A Dinkins, Geraldine Dubon, Zoila R. Duran, Dora Osbelia Escobar, Antonia Isabel Escobar, Zulma R Estenos, Juan R Felix, Reynita Fernandez, Elsa A Flores, Maria D. Flores, William A Fuentes, Ana E. Fuentes, Felix M. Gallion, Hubert L. Garcia, Faustina Garcia, Juana Garcia, Maria Magdalena Garcia, Maria G. Gastanaga, Pilar Benita Gastanaga, Rosario Goni, Oscar Armando Gonzalez, Alba M. Granados, Maria C Guardado, Yolanda Orellana Guerrero, Jose D Guevara, Maria A. Gutierrez, Anselmo Gutierrez, Clara Harris, Clyde T. Harris, Nichelle A. Herder, Ellen M. Hernandez, Santos I. Herrera, Eleazar G Ibanez, Manuel D Ibarra, Rosa M. Iraheta-Martinez, Anabell Jackson, Nadine J. Jefferson, Norma M. Jefferson, Pamela F. Johnson, Diane M. Joly, Symphonie Joseph, Francisca Joseph, Sheryl F Kemmel, Mildred L. Larry, James E. Lemus Arenivar, Mariela Leon, Sandra Lopez de Kery, Rosa Virginia Lovo, Lucia L. Maldonado, Elizabeth P. Maletta, Leslie A.

$24,184.71 $31,577.47 $23,493.60 $26,137.50 $31,577.47 $52,402.50 $60,000.00 $54,000.00 $62,000.00 $25,058.25 $22,805.82 $24,717.52 $22,358.64 $22,805.82 $25,057.92 $21,385.60 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $22,805.82 $30,174.52 $22,805.82 $22,815.76 $25,058.25 $22,805.82 $22,249.58 $21,385.60 $29,891.89 $22,358.64 $22,805.82 $21,280.00 $29,108.76 $22,805.82 $21,385.60 $21,280.00 $22,815.96 $21,385.60 $22,358.64 $22,805.82 $29,108.76 $22,805.82 $21,385.60 $21,385.60 $22,358.64 $21,385.60 $24,717.55 $30,047.14 $23,874.80 $21,280.00 $25,058.34 $22,805.82 $25,637.12 $21,280.00 $21,385.60 $29,108.76 $22,358.64 $30,047.14 $24,717.57 $22,805.82 $22,805.82 $21,280.00 $21,280.00 $22,805.82 $21,280.00 $25,057.91 $21,385.60 $25,057.91 $24,160.68 $12,529.13 $22,358.64 $25,058.25 $22,805.82 $28,846.40 $21,385.60 $21,385.60 $22,815.76 $29,891.89 $21,385.60 $22,805.82 $22,815.95 $29,108.76 $22,358.64 $22,815.76 $28,846.40 $21,385.60 $29,108.76 $23,840.18 $22,815.76 $23,840.19 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $28,915.34 $28,963.74 $29,891.89 $30,047.24 $22,805.82 $24,160.68 $21,385.60 $30,047.14 $29,282.91 $21,385.60 $21,763.38 $22,805.82 $25,058.25 $25,058.25 $24,717.55

Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Landscape Tech Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Landscape Tech Sv Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Motor Equip Op III Motor Equip Op III Motor Equip Op III Motor Equip Op III Motor Equip Op III Motor Equip Op III MT Maint Aide I MT Maint Aide I MT Maint Aide I MT Maint Aide I MT Maint Mech Ld MT Maint Mechanic MT Maint Mechanic MT Maint Mechanic MT Mlt Td Chf I

Manzanarez, Felicita Marius, Lucy C. Markham, Wayne A. Martinez, Ana G. Martinez, Rosemary D. Mejia Gutierrez, Noemy Melgar, Ana R. Melgar, Irma D. Molina, Marta J. Monge, Angela R Montano, Delma L. Montano, Dora C. Montoya, Luisa V Moorman, Jacqueline M. Nieto, Laura M. Orantes, Ana F Palacios, Zuleima M Pierce, Francine H. Portillo, Elsy M Portillo, Nohemy Dela Paz Portillo, Xenia L. Rajo-Aguilar, Silvia Y. Ramos, Juana Reyes De Perez, Vicenta E. Reyes, Magaly A Reyes, Petrona C Reyes, Sebastiana Rodas, Moreno Rodriguez, Ana D Rodriguez, Maria Antonia Rozario, Rebecca Salguero, Miriam E. Salmeron, Irma I. Sam, Anthony K. Santos, Armida Shicopena, Rosie M. Shirley, Hyacinth Sierra, Nancy Smith, Darren A. Sosa, Edith G. Sosa, Nolvia R. Stevenson, Darlene Stroy, Adell Thorne, Frances M. Tocora, Emiliana Torres, Carmen P Turcios, Elva M Tyson, Ailene Viera, Elsa N. Villeda, Maria Vivar, Rosa I West, Reginald I. Zelaya de Villalta, Sandra C. Zelaya, Victor M. Argente, Leon B. Barnes McDougal, Mary E. Bran, Mario Roberto Brown, Samuel C Burgos, Maria J Castro, Cesar B. Chavez, Blanca I. Chery, Lionel J Fernandez, Leidy Mercedes Hardy, Diane E. Hightower, Bertha R. Jenkins, Linda A. Marius, Jonathan Martinez, Edy D. Martinez, Griselda L. Moore, Tibe Zeggai Neal, Keith M. Newman, Jenifer Perdomo, Vilma I. Proctor, Beverly E. Vasquez, Maribel Washington-German, Yvonne P. Webster, Olga D. Crutchfield, Dwight E. Abbey, Penny D. Brown, Vincent E. Humphrey, Christopher J. Newman, Craig E. Rector, Bryan C. Tapp, Rodney Page Villatoro, Julio C. Barahona-Roldan, Jose A. Geraghty, Lisa A. Gibson, Alvin E. Manspeaker, Joel E. Petroff, Karen A Stewart, Anthony R.L. Green, James M. Greene, David Malcolm Hart, Wallace Christopher Moore Sr, Raymond L. SR Payne, Lamont Cornellius Tibbs, Anthony Eugene Haynes, Bernard Newman, David J. Sellers, Johnny Sellers, Rayfield R. Bell, Renay A. Garner, Larry Jefferson, Larry P. Montoya, Luis F. Epps, Kevin

$22,805.82 $29,108.76 $25,058.25 $29,282.91 $23,840.19 $24,717.55 $25,058.25 $24,717.55 $25,058.25 $22,358.64 $23,840.18 $21,280.00 $21,385.60 $21,280.00 $25,057.91 $22,815.96 $22,805.82 $29,891.89 $21,385.60 $22,805.82 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $25,057.91 $25,058.25 $21,280.00 $21,280.00 $21,280.00 $21,385.60 $23,375.19 $22,805.82 $25,058.25 $29,282.91 $24,717.52 $28,538.00 $22,805.82 $21,280.00 $21,385.60 $12,529.13 $28,846.40 $21,385.60 $25,058.25 $29,444.02 $29,224.50 $30,884.75 $25,057.91 $22,805.82 $21,385.60 $30,047.14 $25,057.91 $25,058.25 $22,319.23 $28,033.10 $25,058.25 $25,058.34 $31,967.34 $40,721.08 $31,632.35 $29,662.48 $31,632.35 $36,809.21 $36,677.65 $30,255.72 $31,012.12 $34,623.53 $39,958.40 $39,866.38 $31,012.12 $37,066.20 $32,201.92 $31,632.35 $43,859.70 $30,255.72 $31,012.11 $35,384.88 $31,012.12 $33,215.50 $31,967.34 $46,709.21 $46,702.04 $39,300.82 $50,822.95 $53,945.96 $42,963.61 $46,517.59 $39,300.82 $54,369.03 $59,510.88 $62,000.00 $82,074.77 $89,365.70 $63,954.91 $37,209.43 $34,850.00 $40,539.79 $32,781.64 $35,364.04 $34,850.00 $31,383.14 $26,734.18 $32,083.08 $32,083.08 $37,876.99 $37,104.12 $42,447.90 $35,725.73 $36,292.00

MT Mlt Td Chf I Long, Kevin R. MT Mlt Td Chf I Wootton, Robert A MT Mlt Td Chf II Ankrom, Scott A. MT Mlt Td Chf II Landes, Morris E. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Barnes, Danny C MT Mlt Trd Sv II Carter, Andre M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Climes, Doris K. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Coleman, Byron E. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Martinez, Besi V. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Martinez, Ruben MT Mlt Trd Sv II Moses, Collotta B. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Shamblee Carter, Sheryl C. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Stubbs, Charles F. JR MT Mlt Trd Sv II Wilson, Mark W. MT Strc Trd Chf I Reddick, John C. Office Clerk II Sirleaf, Ellen Celeste Office Supv III Salvatierra-Sinn, Millaray Pest Control Spec Gholston, James Earl Pest Control Spec Hemmings, Paul Douglas Pest Control Spec Khoo, Kelvin Teng Jin Pest Control Spec Oliver, Phillip William Pest Control Spec Wright, Bryan Mckinley SR Phys Plant Sprint Cook, Joseph JR Phys Plant Sprint Sirleaf, Melton Prog Mgmt Spec I Williams, Edward F. JR VPAA-FM-CAP-Capital Projects Admin Asst II Johnson, Lashaun Denise Admin Asst II McHale, Dawn M Admin Asst II Nogar, Helen L. Asst Dir Agorsor, Glenda M. Asst Dir Clark, Linda Asst Dir Fisher, Louis Asst Dir Olen, William E. Asst Dir Salvador, Enrique A. Coordinator Meek, Isiah J Director Colella, Carlo Engineer Grey, John Patrick Engineer Jantac, Lubomir Engineer Paulison, Robert P. Engineer Qaimmaqami, Hassan Manager Cleary, James N. Manager Coffey, John M. Manager Joiner Fleming, Jocelyn Manager Padgett, Karen B. Manager Shrader, Martha Jane Planner Smith, Susan B. Prg Admin Spec O'Connor, Julie Proj Mgr Chang, We Lin Proj Mgr Clarke, William Benton Proj Mgr Green, Mark W. Proj Mgr Lopez, Dean A Proj Mgr Marcu, Valer Larry JR Proj Mgr Martinazzi, Robert II Proj Mgr Moshogianis, Manuel M. Proj Mgr Ossi, Mary D. Proj Mgr Pierce, Daniel R. Proj Mgr Poley, Richard M. Proj Mgr Still, Brian LeGrand Proj Mgr Tucci, Richard J. Proj Mgr Vij, Lila K. Sprv Cnstr Cont Amaral, Craig Ivo Sprv Cnstr Cont Cole, Stephen Edward Sprv Cnstr Cont Dean, Edwin D. JR Sprv Cnstr Cont Finnerty, Kevin A. Sprv Cnstr Cont Klenner, Daniel B. Sprv Cnstr Cont Malcolm, John Leo Sprv Cnstr Cont McDonald, Paul M. Sprv Cnstr Cont Newcomb, Arthur N. Sprv Cnstr Cont Restivo, Gregory Adkins Sprv Cnstr Cont Towns, Lawrence A. VPAA-FM-CMP-Campus Projects Admin Asst II Keller, Rachel C. Architect Dombroski, Marian Architect Frazier, Anthony Michael Architect Goodwin, Abraham M. Architect Khan, Irfan A. Architect McLean, Kenneth H. Architect Sydney, Esmond Clynton Asst to Dir McClelland, James E. Business Manager Wong, Patricia N. Coordinator Hall, Kathleen R. Director Kostecky, Kristen Elec Sys Rel Tech Hall, Jonathan D. Elec Sys Rel Tech Jones, DuRay Lavar Engineer Atrifi, Mahmood Engineer Bustamante, Blasito Atangan Engineer Czecha, Matthew Engineer Flores, Monico L. Engineer Harris, Rajathalal Puthukulangara Engineer Pho, Hoang Tung Manager Saurwein, Susan Kay MT Maint Mechanic Sherman, Justin S. MT Maint Mechanic Vega, Daniel A MT Mlt Td Chf II Frischholz, Dennis A. MT Mlt Td Chf II Walker, Daniel S. MT Mlt Td Chf II Westcamp, Scott T. MT Mlt Td Chf III Mendez, Rolando E. MT Mlt Td Chf III Montgomery, Robert A. Painter Fuentes, Arturo Planner Gately, Catherine A. Planner Kyriacos, Zoe A Prog Mgmt Spec I McCraith, Mary E. Proj Mgr Bannourah, Marwan I. Proj Mgr Barth, Alfred H Proj Mgr Burgard, Jessica Elizabeth Proj Mgr Meske, Philip G.

$36,292.00 $40,293.57 $56,457.00 $52,374.81 $40,137.00 $43,012.32 $41,963.23 $53,088.40 $44,029.78 $52,275.00 $42,478.03 $48,337.90 $56,625.85 $46,786.07 $41,762.28 $35,757.66 $36,156.33 $45,008.78 $52,607.85 $42,772.19 $53,319.24 $43,388.25 $65,793.85 $59,756.86 $39,327.58 $32,926.38 $32,926.38 $44,846.34 $105,698.51 $119,000.93 $111,749.66 $117,214.62 $117,245.61 $38,390.76 $154,226.86 $90,922.92 $83,053.41 $89,869.95 $79,584.80 $93,819.63 $86,541.95 $93,904.29 $58,079.02 $47,557.51 $77,810.19 $46,680.18 $94,694.92 $88,536.59 $84,349.52 $95,000.00 $83,857.72 $95,142.69 $86,638.00 $92,247.83 $94,000.00 $99,013.51 $96,808.70 $96,000.00 $95,469.93 $72,000.00 $76,586.28 $79,987.40 $72,000.00 $75,390.20 $76,607.21 $73,806.93 $72,923.55 $75,012.84 $63,515.16 $33,126.81 $84,839.64 $59,440.32 $82,000.00 $71,552.12 $63,362.35 $77,588.35 $110,951.96 $59,313.73 $56,886.91 $129,018.19 $46,959.50 $44,696.71 $95,927.43 $93,513.19 $83,640.00 $91,862.55 $89,942.97 $88,979.17 $73,185.00 $29,451.16 $26,931.00 $44,433.75 $44,883.08 $41,597.86 $40,308.58 $53,895.52 $33,951.87 $41,703.86 $77,407.84 $42,219.70 $95,627.27 $77,947.53 $87,000.00 $84,562.05

Proj Mgr Orban, Gabriella Proj Mgr Smedley, Webb L. Specialist Brown, Anthony F Specialist Fiske, Lane B. JR Specialist Hinojosa, Gilberto C. Specialist LeVons, Selvin E. Specialist Marcellino, Frank F. JR Sprv Cnstr Cont Flores, Miguel A. Sprv Cnstr Cont Wilson, Richard H. VPAA-FM-DA-Departmental Accounts Aux Utilities Oper, OBS Patel, Parsotbhai H. VPAA-FM-Facilities Planning Admin Asst II McDougal-Bartholomew, Veronica C Arch Tech I Tjaden, Robert Lee III Architect Munroe, Scott K. Asst Dir Mughal, Arshad M. CAD Spec II Angeles, Melinda F CAD Spec II Barrett, Robert G. JR Coordinator Schuelke, Virginia T. Director Testa, Brenda D. Manager Brenner, Terry P. Manager Brownlee, Angela N. Manager Del Pino, Wayne Anthony Manager Mallari, William P. Manager Roerig, W R Ronnie JR Planner Azonobi, Leonard M. Planner Becker, Frances E. Planner Hayes, Daniel FC Specialist Hyder-Adam, Munira A VPAA-FM-O&M-Operations & Maintenance Ap Sk Tr V A Tyson, Jo L Ap Sk Tr V B Hernandez, Larry A. JR Ap Sk Tr V B Moore, Randy L. Ap Sk Tr V B Velazquez, Alejandro Manuel Ap Sk Tr V C Hart, Renard A. Ap Sk Tr V C Loving, Mark A. Ap Sk Tr VI B Simpson, Darren E. Ap Sk Tr VI C Hart, Anthony L. Ap Sk Tr VI C Smith, Kenneth R. Ap Sk Tr VII A Johnson, James W. Ap Sk Tr VII B Harris, Alonzo L. JR Ap Sk Tr VIII B Frey, Andrew J. Ap Sk Tr VIII B Reardon, Jason D. Ap Sk Tr VIII C Galeas, Germain A. Assoc Dir Vucci, John I. Assoc Dir Wildesen, Laura M. Asst Dir Hogan, James J. JR Asst Dir Leafty, Marlowe V. Asst Dir Robinson, James Neal Asst Dir Ross, James L. Asst Dir Sumner, David A. Asst Dir White, George M. Asst Mgr Abell, Thomas C. Asst Mgr Anderson, Jacalyn Asst Mgr Brotherton, James E. JR Asst Mgr Clatterbuck, Alvin L. Asst Mgr Dennis, William J. JR Asst Mgr Farrell, Mark E. Asst Mgr Klotz, Vincent A. Asst Mgr Laumann, Joseph E. Asst Mgr McNamara, Michael A. Asst Mgr Mendenhall, Ronnie A. Asst Mgr Nugent, Thomas H. JR Asst Mgr Pucci, Andrew Anthony Asst Mgr Scott, Mark D. Asst Mgr White, Joseph A. Asst Mgr Wilburn, Charles H. JR Asst to Dir Cosner, David D SR Business Manager Benhaim, Brian A. Business Manager DeOrnellas, Michelle Business Serv Spec DiGuiseppe, Michele Jean Carpenter Forrester, Darrin Lee Carpenter Lammers, Robert W. Carpenter Lang, Gary S. Carpenter Richards, Enrique Keith Carpenter Rivera, David JR Carpenter Ross, Robert E. Carpenter Thompson, Brian A Coordinator Allen, Robert E. JR Coordinator Amos, Thomas H. Coordinator Ayensu, Francis K. Coordinator Brown, Clarence L. JR Coordinator Brown, William E Coordinator Daniel, Isaac I. Coordinator Doucette, David John Coordinator Fitzhugh, James P. Coordinator Fletcher, James Coordinator Hampton, Harold L. SR Coordinator Henson, Wayne Thomas Coordinator Jackson, Donald Coordinator Jester, Kenneth Edward Coordinator Lammers, Earl K. Coordinator Lee, John E. Coordinator Mistichelli, Roberto Coordinator O'Dea, Christopher M. Coordinator Pence, James William JR Coordinator Sandifer, Randall T. JR Coordinator Scali, John T Coordinator Tuttle, Charles K. Coordinator Worley, Ronald K. Director Baker, Jack T. Elec Eng Thaker, Jagdish R. Elec Sys Rel Tech Baldree, Robert Michael Elec Sys Rel Tech Cooke, John C. Elec Sys Rel Tech Corbin, John Joseph Elec Sys Rel Tech Joseph, Reuben A

$80,344.05 $91,802.69 $90,000.00 $78,199.45 $78,529.20 $81,385.80 $77,912.42 $64,721.61 $67,516.88 $42,898.54 $37,507.31 $40,000.00 $81,460.00 $108,738.22 $46,000.00 $54,297.72 $89,990.02 $139,411.26 $92,031.85 $58,385.39 $53,579.00 $98,462.61 $58,133.34 $73,362.14 $29,401.27 $81,237.90 $55,381.20 $37,222.26 $39,360.00 $39,360.00 $39,360.00 $41,497.74 $41,497.74 $41,280.00 $43,522.02 $43,522.02 $40,853.70 $43,200.00 $45,120.00 $45,120.00 $47,570.58 $128,977.68 $128,797.09 $92,850.48 $102,878.40 $87,353.15 $78,662.40 $92,296.58 $92,461.56 $61,068.00 $63,505.94 $65,300.00 $57,151.60 $81,691.13 $57,351.26 $58,972.11 $70,027.80 $73,000.00 $58,880.30 $73,403.13 $60,588.00 $63,034.98 $58,835.64 $73,589.88 $96,778.89 $63,189.00 $62,093.52 $46,944.63 $34,732.30 $44,846.34 $34,582.82 $34,094.03 $33,739.33 $43,924.37 $35,740.66 $66,835.36 $67,985.00 $77,958.20 $67,918.60 $76,808.80 $63,534.14 $66,353.60 $69,546.81 $62,640.97 $62,496.54 $68,327.00 $69,416.00 $63,820.00 $78,085.88 $75,861.50 $76,257.00 $68,616.96 $79,354.80 $69,732.80 $70,546.00 $69,416.00 $59,834.84 $163,734.08 $96,240.00 $50,948.94 $52,693.20 $49,880.08 $46,022.62

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Elect High Volt Elect High Volt Elect Tech III Electrician Electrician Electrician Eng Tech III Eng Tech III Eng Tech III Eng Tech III Eng Tech III Engineer Exec Adm Asst I Fac Mgr Fac Mgr Graph Art Design Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief

Joyner, Bruce A. Mitchell, Alvin Navarrete, Jose Miguel Rojas, Victor H. Seegobin, Russell D Simmons, Tariq M Griffin, James E III Jones, Byron G. Schultz, Mark S. Molina, Erick A Rodriguez, Gustavo Aurelio Rosenfelder, Paul William Bubner, John B Coston, Richard DuBois, Eric S McAlister, Kasper B. McMahon, Lawrence K. Dizon, Ruben Landas Kott, Kathleen A. Brookman, Larry J. Straight, Adam J. Keen, Steven M Davis, Donnie Guardado, Jose L. Leon, Jose B. Molina, Mahena A Reyes, Olga L Reyes, Reyna Rodriguez, Jorge E. Rosa, Blanca D Smith, Melvin A. Torres, Maria E. Canu, Jose D. Petaway, Forlinda P. Smallwood, Thomas Clarence Adams, Hank C. Breitenother, Frederick C. Brown, Tyrone Augustis Clark, Michael Andrew Czebotar, John Bernard Davis, Frank James Durham, Timothy B. Hart, Robert Paul SR Hohenshilt, William Alfred Howard, Robert J. Ivey, Charles W. Janicki, Darrin J. Jerome, Linda L. Kelly, John J. III Koltko, Joseph H. Larkin, Wesley P.


$49,880.08 $46,022.62 $46,022.62 $58,314.05 $46,022.62 $50,948.94 $45,479.25 $49,021.46 $52,275.00 $47,827.20 $47,827.20 $47,827.20 $47,173.19 $53,872.35 $47,827.19 $48,020.56 $60,118.86 $74,507.77 $47,561.52 $92,768.42 $91,000.00 $41,280.00 $29,282.91 $23,840.18 $25,057.91 $22,805.82 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $25,058.25 $22,954.48 $29,282.91 $24,717.52 $31,012.12 $44,931.61 $31,967.34 $65,922.29 $58,280.93 $54,283.52 $66,605.16 $56,027.04 $66,677.29 $60,310.20 $69,618.92 $61,849.89 $65,884.27 $52,230.96 $55,078.46 $69,431.14 $58,153.41 $57,322.07 $55,506.67

HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Chief HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech I Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II HVAC Mech III HVAC Mech III HVAC Mech III HVAC Mech III HVAC Mech III HVAC Zone Suprv HVAC Zone Suprv HVAC Zone Suprv HVAC Zone Suprv IT Sys Prog Manager Manager


Lowe, George L. Mack, James V. McQueeney, Jerome Vincent Ming, Ty Neal, Stewart A. Newman, William O'Keefe, Thomas Olds, Ronald W. Poling, Roger E. Poore, Scott A. Radl, John J. Reed, Gary Curtis Reed, Michael A JR Reinhardt, John C. Schaub, Alex G. Simmons, Sherwin L. Takara, Thierry Tamo Thews, Steven S. Thuya, Moe Walters, Patrick W. Warner, Michael J. Whitaker, Timothy Duane Whitmer, Matthew Carlton Bonkosky, Carol Marie Calhoun, Robert B Diaz, Nestor S. O'Neill, Brian Carl Adams, Michael Paul Drake, James Ashley Fray, Karl A. Hall, Elijah SR Jabonete, Jeffrey L Kaippallil, Joy V. Mackall, George D Mallardi, Robert V. Seibles, Derrick E. Smith, Decarlo E. Vargas, Carlos Javier Yee, Ronny D. Clark, Anthony DaShawn Davis, Alvin Wendell Davis, Hershaw N. Ho, Sam McCormick, Michael Wayne Breakiron, Julius E. Eller, William J. Ivey, Robert O. Nelson, Scott G. Smith, James L. Brevig, Brian J Campbell, Daniel F.

$57,898.57 $47,827.43 $67,683.67 $50,349.36 $50,582.32 $50,110.74 $54,283.84 $54,872.28 $58,025.27 $53,553.12 $56,905.42 $69,618.92 $72,787.00 $67,649.77 $72,069.40 $57,069.39 $56,686.62 $72,139.50 $52,230.96 $58,025.26 $60,310.19 $56,733.60 $51,735.73 $50,424.81 $39,907.78 $48,948.76 $50,424.81 $42,484.62 $43,872.55 $46,559.28 $43,872.55 $43,872.55 $46,284.12 $46,002.00 $51,876.88 $46,002.00 $46,233.69 $42,754.35 $52,655.38 $46,400.74 $60,774.71 $52,187.67 $50,581.82 $54,511.80 $71,397.90 $66,958.19 $68,182.45 $66,724.58 $57,946.33 $94,084.90 $74,460.00

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager MT Maint Aide I MT Maint Mech Ld MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II

Corrigan, William John Fahey, James K. Gentry, Earl Dean JR Henson, Michael K. Jenkins, Chauncey A. SR Kerby, Christopher K. Mechak, Linda C. Nickels, Richard B. Propst, Delbert A. Riesner, Robert G. Sallet, Stefan D. Smith, Robert W. Dunkley, Warren D. Fenwick, Ronald C. Balannik, Yefim David Ballard, Lionel David Braxton, Michael J. Buddington, Kevin Clute, James Glenn Dickerson, Robert Thomas Freeman, Steven S Garde, Arthur E III Guerra, Guillermo E. Hiller, Eric W. Jones, David R. Nugent, Kenneth Henry Ober, Jesse M. Outten, Anjeannette M. Parker, Charles J. Pucci, Robert Scott Seifert, Joseph E Snyder, John H. III Steele, James H. Thomas, Timothy Eugene Vogts, Marc David Wagner, Charles L. Boccabello, Stephen J. Cabrera, Jeronimo R. Coleman, Tony N. Dudley, Frank Dion Fuller, Stephen V. Goldsmith, Laura A. Grondalski, John C. Henson, Melvin Lawhead, Charles Christopher McBeth, Lewis Nutt, Larry H. Paschall, Paul G. Pigg, Joseph D. Riley, Kenneth L. Spero, Laura L.


$72,103.76 $86,700.00 $75,409.52 $78,038.86 $81,600.00 $75,000.00 $66,189.86 $87,092.56 $81,863.50 $90,450.36 $66,981.54 $89,445.74 $25,140.62 $38,588.83 $36,637.71 $36,156.33 $36,690.73 $35,795.83 $35,795.83 $35,795.83 $35,875.00 $35,875.00 $36,925.64 $49,538.21 $40,736.97 $45,229.59 $47,422.70 $38,027.24 $36,690.73 $36,690.73 $36,690.73 $46,711.01 $47,908.66 $38,683.50 $43,000.00 $48,252.06 $48,636.28 $46,944.63 $51,540.68 $40,879.05 $45,562.65 $39,757.75 $39,757.75 $37,851.28 $48,523.92 $53,456.00 $42,291.84 $43,589.00 $46,344.80 $48,283.90 $47,032.96


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MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf III MT Mlt Trd Sv II MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Mlt Trd Sv III MT Strc Trd Chf I Painter Painter Painter Painter Painter Painter Painter Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech PL - Piped Sys Tech Plumber Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prot Cov Mechanic Prot Cov Mechanic Prot Cov Mechanic Prot Cov Mechanic Sprv Cnstr Cont Sprv Cnstr Cont

Stephens, Robert L. JR Thomas, Burton A. Tregoe, Roger M. Warner, Mark A. Coffman, Joseph M. Howard, Wanda M. Bruce, Michael A. Bullock, Eric Sylvester Burton, Paul S. Dowdell, Lee P Hartley, Anthony Michael Juneau, John K. Roros, James Taylor, Donyele DeShawn SR Dove, Timothy E. Alvarez, Jose E. Butler, Richard L. Calix, Joel A. Defontes, Robert Kirk Gilmore, Clinton Verlon O'Dell, Greggory E. Oliver, Barbara Jean Bruce, Joseph M. Burcham, James R. Coletta, Peter J. Contreras, Carlos F. Gilmore, James G Hill, Donald L Mistichelli, Orlando Taylor, Richard B. Banks, Alonzo J. III Chapouris, Anthony A Eberhard, Joseph Andrew JR Everly, James F. Forney, Jim A. Knox, Roger L Nicholson, Mark T. Spivey, John L. Steinbrenner, Scott A. Yates, Donald R Crutchfield, Damon T. Ayers, Fonytina E. King, Jacqueline P. Pratt-Istvan, Lisa K. Velasco, Oscar Ernesto Lapole, Lloyd A. Patterson, Charles D. Smith, John B Whiters, Clinton M. Abresch, Stefan G. Boswell, William O.

$51,968.07 $42,212.70 $45,550.94 $52,224.17 $56,058.11 $42,321.25 $52,691.46 $47,245.92 $54,730.98 $45,120.22 $43,156.60 $49,973.20 $58,023.76 $44,684.74 $49,363.14 $33,287.65 $38,383.79 $34,501.50 $40,722.22 $35,867.71 $31,683.88 $40,722.23 $76,298.55 $80,538.40 $70,829.57 $80,030.00 $88,313.45 $81,590.60 $81,020.83 $81,018.60 $49,037.71 $48,175.00 $64,630.33 $61,433.19 $55,983.58 $57,868.43 $59,450.00 $59,450.00 $62,718.32 $56,375.00 $47,827.20 $35,362.66 $35,790.60 $44,433.60 $44,692.64 $36,218.52 $34,582.82 $33,739.33 $34,582.82 $61,913.71 $70,480.56

Sprv Cnstr Cont Brady, John O. $68,559.62 Sprv Cnstr Cont Cooke, Dwight I. $60,458.57 Sprv Cnstr Cont Culp, Martin A $74,716.99 Sprv Cnstr Cont Easterly, Glenn Eugene $65,903.50 Sprv Cnstr Cont Laumann, Vernon JR $78,858.41 Sprv Cnstr Cont Richardson, Patrick W. $35,024.25 Sprv Cnstr Cont Sherman, David L. $72,530.00 Tech Sprv Buchanan, Dawn O. $64,643.62 VPAA-FM-OFA-Office of Facilities Administration Accountant I Bundy, Benjamin Joseph $37,822.93 Accountant I Largaespada, Tomasa $42,007.21 Accountant I Miller, Joan L. $31,102.76 Accountant I Wilson, Patricia A. $39,337.67 Accountant I Windsor, Susan I. $49,717.37 Accounting Assoc Hedgecoth, Judith A. $44,092.84 Accounting Assoc Wooddell, Rita $36,825.98 Admin Asst II Guy, Lisa Darcel $31,683.88 Asst Dir Burgan, Edward S. $108,499.79 Asst Dir Coughlin, Mary F $101,599.62 Asst Dir Kowal, Joan D $113,668.39 Asst Dir Yeroshefsky, Nancy L. $102,822.22 Asst Mgr Beall, David B. $59,025.79 Asst Mgr Dory, Marie A. $68,745.75 Asst Mgr Franklin, Richard Mark $62,305.00 Auto Serv Tech O'Neal, Wilbert $49,761.31 Auto Serv Tech Pugh, Michael I. $54,632.93 Auto Serv Tech Schweiss, Anthony J. $49,761.31 Business Manager Amos, Quajalyn S. $58,000.00 Business Manager Doyer, Catherine E. $56,281.27 Business Manager Mekkaraparambil, Anitha G. $59,457.00 Business Serv Spec Baltazar, Nestor Sakay $37,588.20 Business Serv Spec Gardner, Patricia A. $50,665.89 Business Serv Spec Miller, Stephanie Matthews $37,390.93 Coordinator Cannon, Joan G. $76,900.95 Coordinator Carman, Terry L. $62,645.27 Coordinator Clarke, Mariellen F. $77,212.73 Coordinator Furlong, Cindy Lee $55,411.50 Coordinator Heilig, Erika A. $50,000.00 Coordinator Hong, Li Ping $59,157.30 Coordinator Hottel, Christine Marie $50,184.00 Coordinator Hutchinson, Pamela E. $52,735.78 Coordinator Kromkowski, Julie A. $82,884.54 Coordinator Liversidge, Suzanne $52,459.01 Director Riebert, Kenneth M. $129,459.97 Engineer Enwesi, Ifechukwudegeme Uzodima $87,510.12 Engineer Ni, Li $97,188.60 IT Data Base Admin Griffie, Damian $84,131.40 IT Sys Analyst Day, Timothy E. $60,802.14 IT Sys Analyst Maisel, Raymond B. $74,819.55 IT Sys Analyst Moomey, James R. $55,616.24 IT Telecom Spec Hamilton, Donna Lee $53,318.72



Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager MT Mlt Trd Sv I Office Clerk II Prg Admin Spec Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Work Controller Work Controller Work Controller Work Controller Work Controller Work Controller Work Controller

Bagley, Charles A. Corry, Susan C Lue, Huey Y. Maloney, James F. JR Oaks, Cathy J. Roberts, Barbara A. Salisbury, Karol A. Shaughnessy, David S. Simmons-Cook, Sharon D. Smith, Thomas R. Sowers, Harry T. JR White, Cleveland E. Doty, Jill C. Payne, Jeanette M. Black, David M. Blake, John M. Goodson, Kenneth E. Hoke, Lelia Pauline Howard, Sheavaun M. Purnell, Sherrell C. Rwemera, Alexis Mbagariye Rychwalski, Michele A. Sardelli, Annette J. Thompson, Vandaliah J Velazco, Martin E Hoke, Alvin L. Iwasa, Taku Kreilis, Edward M. Ladieu, Richard A Logan, Courtenay A. Mychajluk, Nicholas Romero, Roberto A. Chin, Chen L. Chin, Chen L. Curtis, Amelia Lucille Hill, Venus T. Marshall-Main, Eric David Messineo, Steve Wayne Turri, James M.

$72,663.36 $92,310.00 $98,214.49 $102,821.70 $78,413.00 $76,136.37 $76,844.00 $85,607.11 $76,581.53 $76,662.34 $76,321.50 $40,122.35 $16,805.95 $41,237.50 $46,189.44 $46,189.44 $40,645.30 $35,763.42 $40,711.32 $36,888.24 $36,592.50 $39,517.37 $48,504.76 $35,875.00 $35,763.42 $28,884.74 $29,682.93 $27,793.30 $20,406.63 $27,792.53 $31,728.37 $33,610.83 $35,609.09 $35,609.09 $38,294.37 $31,632.35 $31,632.35 $37,902.19 $39,958.19

Prof And Dean

Caramello, Charles A.


Kumar, Kesavan Retna Sarin, Deepshikha Beygo, Mutlu Pinar Tsegay, Hiewet Warner, Lisa M. Alvarez, Roy D. Alie, Ingrid L. Barnachea, Lutgarda D. Becker, Roselin J. Carson, Chamisa I. Cleary, Laura Elizabeth Domanico, Angela R. Edwards, Jamyung A. Fosse, Jill M. Friedman, Stuart Gibbs, Tracy Hassan, Abbas C.

$31,632.35 $34,952.60 $36,217.80 $34,518.86 $38,198.79 $22,281.38 $41,886.19 $51,243.87 $37,585.31 $52,194.12 $32,756.12 $51,425.20 $49,237.28 $60,255.71 $34,000.00 $52,000.00 $35,561.42

Libraries LIBR-Libraries Account Clerk III Accounting Assoc Admin Asst II Admin Asst II Admin Asst II Business Serv Spec Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator

Coordinator Hemhauser, Mark Coordinator Izawa, Michiko Coordinator Koh, Yeo-Hee Coordinator Kokiyelov, Michael Coordinator Rice, Ruthener T. Coordinator Schnitker, Laura Beth Coordinator Smith, Tonita R. Coordinator Sorrell, Cynthia E. Coordinator Wilkerson, Mark S. Coordinator Wilson, Rebecca P. Coordinator Wright, Charles Edward Coordinator Yocco, Evelyn T. Dean Steele, Patricia A. Dir Development Grose, Diana L Exec Adm Asst I Wheeler, Lisa M. IT Data Base Admin Hammer, Paul B. IT Sr. Network Engineer Enwesi, Uche K. IT Sys Analyst Walker, William Ottawa Librarian I Chen, Chin-Yin Librarian I Gannett, Leahkim Ariel

$49,807.62 $38,431.00 $46,124.61 $58,992.56 $66,631.64 $25,803.88 $49,568.56 $50,478.50 $44,363.32 $63,610.48 $63,695.53 $49,159.81 $200,000.00 $68,397.44 $31,910.28 $76,851.31 $93,500.00 $66,000.00 $21,759.23 $40,000.00

Librarian I Librarian I Librarian I Librarian I Librarian I Librarian I Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II

Harrod, Thomas Langholt, Joscelyn Otis, Lara Speck, Jason Grant Sun, Hongyan Whittaker, Thomas Allen Archer, Joanne Garber, Robert M. Glenn, David B. Hackman, Timothy Andrew Henry, Stephen Hudak, Ann L. King, Karen Elizabeth Knies, Jennie Anne Levine Mallett, Bobbie J. Manildi, Donald E. Nof, Jasmin Novara, Elizabeth Ann Novara, Vincent J. Ohler, Lila Angeline

$48,979.39 $49,000.00 $44,000.00 $40,000.00 $56,777.98 $40,800.00 $38,185.02 $41,691.49 $46,772.59 $55,133.70 $51,000.00 $30,222.95 $49,103.68 $52,828.23 $47,544.82 $60,335.43 $53,119.00 $49,343.25 $62,144.22 $59,074.32

Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian II Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III

Owen, Terry M. Park, Geraldine B. Patterson, Karen E. Tchangalova, Nedelina Ivanova Alvarez, Ruth Elizabeth Moore Baker, Jeanne Arnold Baykoucheva, Svetla Brown, Lauren R. Brown, Phillipa Chadley, Otis A. Cossard, Patricia Kosco Cunningham, Margaret M. Diaz, Zaida M. Dillon, Irma F. Epps, Sharon K. Foudy, Geraldine Greene, Louise Weaver Griner, Lily G. Guay, Beth A. Hanson, Heidi

$64,036.53 $65,140.45 $80,335.77 $51,402.33 $64,894.73 $62,536.86 $93,074.43 $84,841.99 $84,200.42 $72,830.23 $74,361.12 $64,862.76 $66,576.05 $84,432.63 $71,045.47 $76,282.31 $54,299.51 $72,251.51 $53,281.54 $67,200.42

Pregnant? Scared?

Graduate School GRAD-Graduate School Assoc Dean Hamilton, Gary D. Asst Dean Hale, Cynthia R. Asst Dir Anglon, Gloria Casilda Asst to Dean Lipitz, Kerry Leigh Asst to Dean Wilds Lawson, Tamara M. Coordinator Ferguson, Barbara A. Coordinator Fisher, Daniel B. Coordinator McLean, Matthew F. Coordinator Oguntolu, Olutoyin O. Dir Admin Srv Woodwell, Patricia Aileen Ombuds Ofc Desiato, Joanne

$55,440.00 $175,000.00 $58,734.18 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $59,748.05 $55,000.00 $42,707.43 $55,360.24 $75,000.00 $55,746.66

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TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian III Librarian IV Librarian IV Librarian IV Librarian IV Librarian IV Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech I Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech II Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Library Tech III Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Herron, Patricia J. Howell, Chuck Jackson, Carleton L. Kackley, Robert Alan Klair, Arlene F. LaSota, Alice Manning Lay, Barbara B. Lindquist, Eric Nils Love, Johnnieque B. Luckert, Yelena Markowitz, Judith S. Mattlage, Alan R. Mayer, Constance McElrath, Douglas P. Miller, James C. Montori, Carla Moreton, Glenn M. Pedersoli, Heleni Marques Qi, Yalan Rough, Allan C. Ruth, Gordana T. Sakaguchi, Eiko Saponaro, Margaret Z Schalow, John M.T. Seguin, Linda Tanaka, Kenneth K. Todd, Cynthia M. Turkos, Anne S. Wilt, David E. Zdravkovska, Nevenka Glennan, Kathy Ruschoff, Carlen M. Vikor, Desider L. Williams, M Jane Wray, Tanner Bhagat, Sudesh Bushmiller, Paul Manley Choorakuzhy, Joshy P. deLaubenfels, Martha Patricia Duan, Miao-Feng Gaffke, Kirsten M. Gish, Joshua Colin Harris, Cynthia R. Nishihama, Keiko Pickard, Kathryn L. Qureshi, Adnan Schepers, Robert F. Armstrong, Peter V. Beatley, DonnaRae M. Bunn, Christopher Kyle Carps, Ken Chadley, Aldrawina Marie Colburn, Karen Michelle Contreras Reate, Antonina E. Easton, Sylviane Farmer, Douvonte Francis, Suvarna E. Guo, Ying Jaleel, Mohammed Y. Kearney, Miriam K. Kulp, Lawrence E. Laguerre, Rossely Larimer, Cynthia J. Meekins, Frederick B. Nguyen, HuyenTran Thi Nguyen, Phong T Ramsey, George E. Redmond, Rinette P. Rumper, Gail Savage, Lydia V. Schill, Cheryl J. Schroader, Bonnie Lee Sood, Somesh Stephenson, Warren F. Tennant, Bruce Jason Tesfaye, Kebebush Thomas, Ponnamma Tung, Paul Weiland, Jerome Edmund JR Williams, Michelle A. Winters, Christopher A. Withnell, Jeremy David Witoszka-Swistak, Karyna D. Wu, Jean Y.J. Zeliff, Michael Gary Balannik, Alla Caldwell, Nancy A. Chopra, Kamal Greenwell, Paula N. Jackson, Juanita M. Kaur, Amrita J. King, Donna M. Leffler, Scott R. Sarigol, Linda S. Scott, Mary C. Stefany, Deborah J. Taavoni, Shahram Tatum, Loretta L. Wong, DunYee D. Brown, Gavin Coleman, Pearl E. Draper, Bryan L. Hess, Grant E. III Morris-Sumlin, Christine Wasserstrom, Amy P.

$71,536.63 $52,556.30 $72,925.49 $55,983.18 $78,361.46 $65,546.49 $61,498.17 $57,919.05 $76,693.66 $67,520.11 $67,083.41 $62,093.41 $74,948.42 $76,669.29 $72,446.20 $80,500.00 $54,692.73 $56,367.05 $66,418.60 $75,219.77 $66,602.61 $86,315.75 $71,127.45 $69,267.40 $63,500.00 $55,006.95 $85,492.09 $74,491.39 $69,754.58 $81,497.96 $72,924.43 $130,306.50 $130,000.00 $134,117.56 $121,015.00 $36,194.35 $32,321.29 $32,368.74 $40,539.80 $33,062.89 $29,437.48 $29,437.48 $16,160.16 $16,160.54 $16,160.16 $31,633.03 $35,619.14 $35,304.92 $42,285.80 $25,463.51 $31,632.36 $34,146.18 $30,255.72 $35,356.62 $35,117.72 $31,983.83 $19,649.30 $31,632.35 $17,839.52 $39,162.75 $42,285.80 $34,941.09 $42,285.80 $34,752.56 $33,070.92 $29,662.48 $39,162.36 $43,114.39 $31,917.31 $32,705.78 $33,951.43 $42,285.80 $34,260.57 $21,164.60 $31,983.82 $34,146.17 $33,999.00 $28,939.00 $33,951.33 $33,951.43 $39,184.06 $31,632.37 $27,702.37 $39,653.05 $24,539.59 $41,866.62 $47,208.28 $42,357.40 $45,195.55 $44,775.51 $42,773.67 $45,824.45 $41,103.62 $45,658.72 $46,841.90 $45,631.62 $40,445.73 $37,133.46 $35,428.23 $89,000.00 $47,698.76 $48,570.11 $63,358.32 $48,948.67 $63,609.86

Manager Multi Media Tech Multi Media Tech Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Systems Analyst

Wright, Denise M. Godinez, Juana C. Johnson, Robert M. Hammett, Kevin G. Henry, Michael Turner, Valerie Jean Wilson, Ethel Lee Brown, Maxwell Wallberg, Benjamin Clay Welzenbach, Kristen R. Breitenlohner, Hans J.

19 $78,302.12 $46,554.88 $47,583.75 $48,756.80 $39,542.20 $45,856.26 $36,592.50 $33,513.80 $113,252.61 $43,280.67 $114,250.95

Office of Extended Studies EXST-Freshmen Connection Lecturer Zhang, Wei EXST-Office of Extended Studies Admin Asst II Gregory, Quesada L. Asst Dir Johnson, Eric Van Asst VP Wilson, Chuck Allyn Business Manager Maddox, Teresa F. Business Manager Soni, Alka D. Business Manager Wenger, Marianne L. Coordinator Curry, Allison M Director Hruzd, Terrie Director Statland, Michael J. Manager Harper, Lee Ellen Manager LoBiondo, Janet Hannan Manager McKissic, Stephanie Camille Manager Sazama, Hilary L. Prog Coor Baum, Anne Marie Prog Coor Weyand, Andrew EXST-Professional Programs Fac Res Asst Goldie, Scott N Fac Res Asst Lioi, Sara Bethany Fac Res Asst Shih, Mei-Jue Grad Asst I Chmil, Alice T N Lecturer Chang, Eddie L. Lecturer Fribush, Howard M. Lecturer Pontzer, Carol H. Lecturer Read-Connole, Elizabeth Lee Lecturer Rhem, Marlon Lecturer Rollins, David Michael Lecturer Sniezek, James Henry JR

$8,844.00 $36,742.61 $61,634.12 $152,544.00 $70,967.91 $56,361.52 $62,060.94 $36,000.00 $109,526.14 $109,467.14 $73,193.63 $47,337.42 $67,000.00 $50,551.00 $59,739.00 $48,500.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $3,600.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00

Office of Information Technology ** OIT-AEA-Administrative & Enterprise Applications Asst Dir Fell, Charles Laurence Asst Dir Goebeler, Robert P. SR Asst Dir Lemich, Jeffrey K. Coordinator Almaw, Elias Fantahun Director Edwards, Steven R. IT Coor Lam, Dolores IT Prog Analyst Mankiw, William JR IT Prog Analyst McDonald, Michael Craig IT Prog Analyst Yun, Sarah Yunhi IT Sys Analyst Bergsten, Jeffrey A. IT Sys Analyst Campanella, Lori Jean IT Sys Analyst Chen, Johnny Ping IT Sys Analyst Clark, Virginia B. IT Sys Analyst Cohen, Jay Arthur IT Sys Analyst Cronauer, Patricia S. IT Sys Analyst Donnelly, Matthew L IT Sys Analyst Hauser, Carl Tedder IT Sys Analyst Hoke, William G. IT Sys Analyst Liberatore, Patricia H. IT Sys Analyst Liu, Jinglian IT Sys Analyst Moyer, Richard C. II IT Sys Analyst Needle, Leon IT Sys Analyst Scenna, E Josie IT Sys Analyst Shankarakrishnan, Suresh IT Sys Analyst Swartzfager, Brian Christopher IT Sys Analyst Taylor, Martin Anthony IT Sys Analyst Vaught, Robert H. IT Sys Analyst Yang, Chulho IT Sys Mgr Fleming, Shaun P. Manager Bredenkamp, Carrie F Manager Davis, Richard S. Manager Jeng, Jing Manager Lentz, Paul H. Manager Warnick, Vernon Lee Systems Analyst Mann, Christopher David Web Svcs Developer Gadiyak, Valeriya G. Web Svcs Developer Kim, Yunseuk OIT-AS-Academic Support Coordinator Law, Seng Hon Coordinator Yang, Jun Director Borkowski, Ellen Yu Elect Tech III Khan, Ryan H. Elect Tech III McDaniel, Allen F. Elect Tech III Schrecengost, Harry Allen IV Elect Tech III Wilkins, Matthew W. Inst Designer Mateik, Deborah J. Inst Designer Roushdy, Sharon E. IT Coor Bass, Francis G. IT Coor Jackson, Akilah C. IT Coor Pasquini, Walter Mauro Manager Clabaugh, Susan R. Manager Higgins, Christopher J. Prog Mgmt Spec I Morgan, Cherry J. Specialist Baugh, David Steven Specialist Shore, Brian Michael Specialist Winters, Francis Jerome Specialist Zhu, Li Tech Coor Corvah, Samuel J. Tech Coor Davies, John Tech Coor Siddique, Omar

$105,033.64 $110,189.75 $111,078.15 $74,868.00 $138,741.06 $90,146.97 $63,537.58 $50,629.50 $45,431.80 $66,045.71 $73,147.02 $72,292.04 $64,404.70 $70,870.85 $75,220.50 $67,830.00 $77,007.64 $83,615.62 $81,082.02 $73,921.00 $95,258.80 $73,571.72 $71,929.08 $70,869.16 $79,399.10 $74,460.00 $78,462.06 $69,471.58 $113,834.54 $89,408.63 $85,350.92 $83,616.20 $88,208.91 $98,908.53 $77,203.40 $67,500.00 $75,684.00 $67,320.00 $67,485.80 $143,467.73 $44,019.73 $44,000.00 $45,100.00 $45,100.00 $85,739.21 $85,239.02 $68,177.39 $61,643.20 $84,675.70 $97,955.18 $92,300.70 $49,546.69 $53,951.14 $51,727.00 $51,727.00 $55,052.77 $73,185.00 $58,366.00 $88,140.01

Tech Coor Worden, Jeanine E. $95,498.15 Web Svcs Developer Sidhu, Tandeep S. $64,824.00 OIT-NTS-Networking & Telecommunication Services Asst Dir Wolfe, James D. JR $112,862.45 Asst Mgr Cole, Kathleen B. $64,724.38 Coordinator Alexander, Colleen M. $60,068.00 Coordinator Brown, Paul W. $55,091.32 Coordinator Faulkner, Tania A $50,158.40 Coordinator Hawkins, Francis Xavier $55,205.76 Coordinator Nicholas, Cheryl P. $61,359.20 Coordinator Pearson, Nuray K. $52,442.16 Coordinator Phillips, Lee A. $44,624.79 Coordinator Stevens, Jeshawna Joanna $37,375.00 Coordinator Stoecker, Miranda L $41,618.02 Coordinator Tabili, Kristine Biado $37,091.00 Director Sinha, Tripti $137,536.64 Engineer Adams, Zachary William $63,000.00 Engineer Bielamowicz, Nathan $104,000.00 Engineer Castonguay, Jason Thomas $65,000.00 Engineer Chang, Julius Karl $63,000.00 Engineer Gregory, Eric M $92,343.57 Engineer Hopkins, Jane Lisa $65,703.02 Engineer Pope, Sheldon $105,000.00 Engineer Reuss, Karl $119,242.49 Engineer Wicker, David $90,000.00 IT Coor Bartlett, Scott J. $77,744.69 IT Coor Moore, Chauncey Alexander $48,000.00 IT Coor Ward, Donald W. $70,000.00 IT Coor Warwick, Raymond L. II $73,018.77 IT Coor Winter, Lauren Anne $39,663.00 IT Network Engineer Willett, Steven Thomas $98,445.36 IT Telecom Spec Archer, Brian $55,640.62 IT Telecom Spec Brittain, James Franklin JR $54,306.44 IT Telecom Spec Fisher, Anthony J. $55,640.62 IT Telecom Spec Folkee, James E. $57,133.05 IT Telecom Spec Mast, Thomas K. $66,989.59 IT Telecom Spec Moore, Gary Alexander $59,609.59 IT Telecom Spec VanHouten, Jonathan T $52,009.04 Manager Azarsa, Ardavan $106,000.00 Manager Davila, John M. $78,257.62 Manager Hutchison, Debora A. $80,277.80 Manager Shortall, Timothy $131,287.08 Storekeeper III Steinfuhrer, Judith R. $32,238.88 OIT-Office of Information Technology Accounting Assoc Wade, Linda P. $36,415.79 Asst to VP Mullineaux, Lynn $62,724.81 Asst VP Vogler, Thomas D. $159,120.00 Business Manager Charlery, Tessa Donnalyn $80,726.15 Business Manager Walker, Julia D. $41,338.85 Coordinator Ginther, Amy $67,459.07 Coordinator Gumbs, Shandra Arlene $43,000.00 Coordinator Hoffman, Cynthia M. $71,001.51 Coordinator Howard, Erin A. $62,208.00 Coordinator Kasamatsu, Lori M. $80,806.17 Coordinator Kernan, Christopher D. $90,597.00 Coordinator Rassoulpour, Ali $70,974.73 Coordinator Redd, Wes $42,247.56 Director Brown, Willie L. $130,880.12 Director Dickerson Johnson, Phyllis $99,998.73 Director Sneeringer, Gerry $145,012.06 Engineer Bach, Quang K. $119,128.95 Engineer Diller, David Alan $108,014.61 Engineer Tsonis, Christopher George $87,313.69 Exec Adm Asst I John, Manu Mary $34,501.50 Exec Dir O'Neil, D Peter $188,318.00 Fac Res Asst Battou, Abdella $155,000.00 IT Consult Maxwell, Robert F $98,749.86 IT Coor Church, Jimmy $68,231.68 Manager Arsenault, David R. $74,300.05 Manager Bullock, Barbara J $56,457.00 Manager Cooper, David L. $89,608.72 Manager Magorian, Daniel F. $132,450.84 Manager Walker, Angela A. $71,501.00 Public Rel Assoc Speakes, Megan Elizabeth $42,842.76 Res Assoc Denman, Daniel W. III $107,694.80 Specialist Markham, Brian William $85,943.28 Specialist Shivers, Kevin Thomas $70,299.50 Sr Graph Art Design White, Cheryl L. $61,585.34 VP & CIO Huskamp, Jeffrey C. $254,437.54 OIT-SDS-Software Development Services Admin Asst II Gray-Upson, Cherry I $31,062.63 Director Robinette, John $162,000.00 IT Prog Analyst Strockbine, Caleb $98,000.00 Manager Gibson, Scott W. $100,356.00 Specialist Shepherd, Scott T. $75,000.00 Web Svcs Dev Sr Diaz, Richard $84,973.22 Web Svcs Dev Sr Taylor, Garey Patrick $80,300.00 Web Svcs Dev Sr Yun, David B. $88,000.00 Web Svcs Developer Agrawal, Neerav $70,000.00 Web Svcs Developer Epstein, Daniel S $74,772.00 Web Svcs Developer Gomes, William J. $70,032.84 Web Svcs Developer Symms, Lawrence Conrad $75,876.00 OIT-TSS-Technical Services & Support Assoc Dir Arkell, Christopher J. $127,262.86 Asst Dir Watkins, Dean Allen $64,042.94 Comp Spec Quiroz, Andy $74,500.00 Coordinator Mishra, Atul $95,000.00 Coordinator Neal, Bruce $80,000.00 Coordinator Parra, Madeleine $43,000.00 Coordinator Reese, Amelia Jill $70,625.26 Coordinator Sawhney, Jyoti $70,293.96 Coordinator Townsend, Laura L. $69,058.81 Director LoPresti, Frances F. $167,539.16 Fac Res Asst McNabb, David A. $94,853.68 IT Com Op Ford, Linda Victoria $33,951.43

IT Com Op Lead Brennan, Mark J. IT Com Op Sh Supv Sanders, Cleveland IT Com Op Sh Supv Taitt, Sidney G. IT Com Op Sh Supv Walters, Larry A. IT Com Op Sr Bloch, Ronald I. IT Com Op Sr Kitchen, David B. IT Coor Fowkes, Laurie L. IT Coor Newlin, Thomas J. IT Coor Schilingno, Michael Joseph IT Coor Stark, Chris IT Coor Wilson, Jeffrey Joseph IT Coor Woodell, Philip Kelly IT Data Base Admin Lin, Ai-Chu IT Data Base Admin Rahim, Khalid IT Data Base Admin Sokolov, Irina IT Data Base Admin Wu, Fang IT PC Spec II Bernat, Mary A. IT PC Spec II Hutchinson, Lisa Lorraine IT Prog Analyst Cosby, Tracey Leigh IT Support Assoc Bhuiyan, Rajib IT Support Assoc Ellis, Arnold J. IT Support Assoc King, Tracy Irvin IT Sys Analyst Arensburger, Andrew IT Sys Analyst Dharmasena, Prasad K. IT Sys Analyst Fuentes, Sergio O. IT Sys Analyst Hildebrand, Kevin M. IT Sys Analyst Hilmer, Richard IT Sys Analyst Payerle, Thomas M. IT Sys Analyst Sam, Augustus II IT Sys Analyst Spencer, Spence Richard IT Sys Analyst Sturdivant, Eric Ransom IT Sys Analyst Vechery, Robert Donald IT Sys Prog Blumgart, Ian L. IT Sys Prog Leung, Roger K IT Sys Prog Pfeifer, John C. Manager Barks, David Manager Cavanaugh, Christopher V. Manager Elvove, Jay Manager Gopalaswami, Sridhar Manager Hamilton, Adam Clay Manager Langford, Kyle W. Manager Martinez, Jorge L Tech Consult Johnson, Craig E. OIT-US-User Support Assoc Dir Saxton, Wayne Coordinator Bulka, Thomas M. Coordinator Gilday, Linda S. Coordinator Gold, Ira Coordinator Madarang, Antonio M. SR Coordinator Morris, Fred Coordinator Oscal, Fredy B Director Burton, Pamela Fac Res Asst Blake, Elizabeth Lynn Fac Res Asst Jonas, Alexander Robert IT Coor Amoonarquah, Jonas IT Coor Brown, Michael Dorion IT Coor Byrd, Eric Andrew IT Coor Clark, Ian IT Coor Galan, Leeroy Armstrong IT Coor Gregor, Jeanne Louise IT Coor Henry, Russell IT Coor Jeng, Philip ShiouPyng IT Coor Jenkins, John Joshua IT Coor Kavoosi, Sussan IT Coor Laborde, Guehenno IT Coor Lyons, Teri L. IT Coor Nemil, James Patrick IT Coor Robertson, Joseph C. IT Coor Sokoloski, Lisa IT Coor Taylor, Schelly William IT Coor Tender, Steven H. IT Coor Warrington, Carol L. Manager Byrne, William T. Manager Rossi, Linda Office Clerk II Baum, Robert B. Office Clerk II Franchi, Julia Maria Office Clerk II Hyman, Shirley Jean Office Clerk II Keating, Beatrice A. Office Clerk II Lardner, Patricia Ellen Office Clerk II Sisson, Charlene B. Office Supv II Deaton, Megan Lynn Programmer Zhang, Jane Specialist Arnold, David Specialist Gunzburg, Steven M. Specialist Williams, Robert O. Writer/Editor Campoli, Kathy Dukas

$47,711.72 $52,941.43 $55,618.39 $53,002.34 $44,570.32 $44,570.32 $70,320.67 $67,526.78 $67,226.53 $72,778.25 $84,314.97 $95,882.72 $83,000.00 $83,048.96 $86,185.54 $75,900.00 $50,583.27 $39,265.70 $59,791.82 $47,741.72 $47,741.72 $48,887.02 $83,033.46 $98,749.71 $86,462.00 $111,249.77 $94,000.00 $76,260.00 $87,500.00 $82,626.41 $89,101.79 $92,500.00 $83,361.02 $83,050.00 $96,278.09 $117,000.00 $98,120.43 $117,769.58 $120,000.00 $107,500.00 $115,452.69 $88,181.00 $97,367.74 $108,542.63 $80,461.59 $63,504.65 $109,934.14 $71,645.95 $79,408.45 $43,336.20 $133,500.71 $30,423.75 $65,130.22 $53,600.36 $44,305.60 $56,902.64 $43,336.20 $53,440.16 $54,346.85 $57,340.80 $62,391.47 $55,560.90 $35,170.05 $48,658.40 $48,322.91 $46,421.15 $52,721.16 $51,690.00 $68,194.14 $81,350.39 $67,847.52 $90,906.80 $94,453.64 $35,380.18 $34,614.20 $27,144.94 $31,164.65 $27,144.94 $29,966.58 $31,632.35 $73,620.00 $82,302.51 $58,508.25 $76,786.62 $65,208.77

Office of the President

PRES-Diversity and Inclusion Asst Dir Brimhall, Mark G. Camp Compl Ofc Candelaria, Roger M Coordinator Graham-Fisher, Mary K. Exec Dir Bouis, Gloria J. PRES-Intercollegiate Athletics Admin Asst II Anglemyer, Linda Dolores Admin Asst II Benfield, Patricia A. Admin Asst II Bianchini, Kim Admin Asst II Broglio, Paula J. Admin Asst II Brown, Chelsea R. Admin Asst II Crawford, Sade' Marie Admin Asst II Long Thomas, Cleo Y. Admin Asst II Ramirez, David Antonio Admin Asst II Warren, Dorothy J. Assoc Athletic Train Charvat, Matthew R. Assoc Dir Boyer, Christopher C. Assoc Dir Boyer, Christopher C.

$68,469.72 $76,473.94 $44,106.62 $86,997.09 $33,885.18 $44,846.34 $41,805.51 $42,031.61 $34,000.00 $35,547.00 $44,846.34 $30,305.00 $42,030.54 $64,294.59 $114,001.38 $114,001.38

Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Athletic Dir Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach Asst Coach FB Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst to Dir Asst Train Asst Train Asst Train Athl Equip Spec Business Manager Coach Collections Supv Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator

Eaton, James Randall Fischer, Patrick Timothy Harrison, Cheryl K. Harrison, Cheryl K. Lipitz, Michael Pearman, Donald A. Potter, Julie Patterson Gowin, J Brady Gowin, J Brady Miller, Michelle Rose Webb, Melody M. Batt, Jason M. Bowles, Ryan A Bowles, Ryan A Cunningham, Keli M. Enloe, Gregory E. Monroe, Matthew J. Trump, Daniel E. Worthington, Kathleen R. Adkins, David B. Bankins, Charles W. Beckerman, Todd F. Booth, Keith Eugene Brattan, Thomas H. Brown, Donald A. Burton, Daniel S. Carney, Quinn McCaffery Chinn, Marlin Chliszczyk, Vicki L. Dello-Russo, Michael James Desonier, Roland Donovan, John C. Dooley, Erinn C. Driesell, Charles William Dunham, Desmond Lamont Ehsan, Robert H. Emery, Matt Eyler, Meredith F. Fingers, Corliss R. Fleece, Lura Darsey Franklin, James G. Freeman, Marybeth Garner, Josh George, Laurie Pells Griffin, Jemal L. Hull, LeOtha D. Joffe, Howard C. Kallick, Mitch Kenis, Lauri M. Kenny, Sean C. Langley, Tina M. Matias, Dianne V. McRae, Yolanda P. Moran, Ryan Christopher Morgan, Jonathan O. Norris, Kortney Pontz, John Ricci, Paul G. Scott, Courtney L. Seamonson, Alan J. Siebert, Danielle Lynn Sinnott, Brandon M. Slafkosky, David L. Slobounov, Anton S Sollazzo, David M. Spencer, Kyle P. Sullivan, Meghan Elizabeth van Herwaarden, Tjerk Wainwright, Troy Ellis Wierzba, Rhet M. Lempa, Kevin Arianna, Heather I. Blankenship, Carrie L. Blankenship, Carrie L. Criss, Natasha Nicole Dull, Douglas G. Fellon, Laura Meckley Goff, Anton E. Kaplan, Joshua H. Lisiewski, Matthew A. Lofaro, Nicholas B. Nestor, Shawn G. Ahner, Timothy M. Brown, Marie E. Ellis, Patrick J Klacynski, Jessica H. Knight, James J. Park, Nathaniel Russell, Deborah L. Tiffany, Allen Lee Bush, John J. Hoppis, Shelby O'Keefe, Sean Worth, Sandra P. Bowie, John T. JR Palumbo, Jonathan Alan Bakich, Erik Michael Jones, Eloise E. Bassett, Jonah SR Bittman, Carrie L. Bobbitt, John H. Deskins, Amee Beth Fick, Jodi L. Gomez, Elizabeth Gomez, Elizabeth

$131,179.00 $63,797.09 $137,586.93 $137,586.93 $137,088.00 $77,085.97 $81,549.00 $50,594.10 $50,594.10 $45,000.00 $69,360.00 $83,000.00 $61,461.36 $61,461.36 $75,001.72 $120,237.73 $68,000.00 $119,210.24 $156,911.85 $83,560.00 $110,000.00 $50,000.00 $71,441.90 $145,002.89 $275,000.00 $35,000.00 $50,000.00 $91,560.00 $39,857.45 $40,000.00 $30,391.00 $93,196.73 $39,500.00 $99,528.04 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $33,000.00 $39,500.00 $46,870.55 $19,500.00 $296,514.00 $46,200.00 $39,500.00 $41,820.00 $71,408.04 $125,460.00 $65,000.00 $64,000.00 $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $105,745.00 $33,000.00 $40,000.00 $48,000.00 $49,188.16 $45,000.00 $57,000.00 $60,000.00 $47,000.00 $108,044.57 $44,832.00 $45,000.00 $65,307.86 $29,274.00 $104,387.47 $68,000.00 $30,617.14 $50,856.45 $82,268.87 $62,730.00 $109,307.03 $73,438.77 $42,228.93 $42,228.93 $61,684.50 $94,311.47 $49,960.42 $108,033.71 $60,568.65 $36,735.00 $55,000.00 $61,585.18 $38,141.09 $38,860.21 $45,000.00 $40,811.09 $48,770.17 $31,218.58 $72,333.02 $41,833.59 $77,129.50 $35,365.95 $40,000.00 $82,936.60 $40,712.35 $85,000.00 $100,000.00 $53,945.94 $73,439.92 $46,455.49 $50,613.00 $43,422.22 $38,000.00 $41,580.32 $41,580.32

20 Coordinator Hall, Allison Louise Coordinator Harkness, Michael Brandon Coordinator Hicks, Diane E. Coordinator Hodges, Edward T. III Coordinator Lynn, Michael Coordinator McKesey, Jessica Emily Coordinator Menna, Jeremy A. Coordinator O'Rourke, Denise Coordinator Rezendes, Casey Joseph Coordinator Staples, Sharon K. Coordinator Steinberg, Ryan Michael Coordinator Vengroski, John A. III Counselor Chmielewski, Krista L. Counselor Freeman, Jaison C. Dir of Athletics Yow, Deborah A. Director Abdur-Raoof, Azizuddin Director Conway, Darryl P. Director Glover, Kevin B. Director Harrington, Richard I Director Hurst, Zachary P. Director Miller, Donald Vincent Director Morrow, Kevin Nicholas Director Unterman, Gabriel Michael Head Coach Bonds, Jarnell Lynn Head Coach Cirovski, Sasho Head Coach Cottle, David K. Head Coach Friedgen, Ralph H. Head Coach Galt, Dwight Beebe Head Coach Horsmon, Timothy Head Coach McCoy, Kerry Head Coach Meharg, Margaret Latham Head Coach Nelligan, Jonathan Brett Head Coach Pensky, Brian T. Head Coach Reese, Catherine Nelson Head Coach Rodenhaver, Jason Barry Head Coach Salyer, Carl Alton Head Coach Schimmel, Sean W. Head Coach Valmon, Andrew O Head Coach Watten, Laura A. Head Coach BB Frese, Brenda S. Head Coach BB Williams, Gary B. Head Train Robinson, William Wesley IT Coor Lubis, Reza Lecturer PT Hayburn, Theresa Ann Manager Hanna, Thomas M. Manager Ohringer, Ronald Manager Robinson, Preston B. Office Supv III Wallace, Phyllis M. Prog Coor Carson, John Thomas Prog Mgmt Spec I Curran, Patricia Ann Prog Mgmt Spec I Elkonoh, Jennifer C. Prog Mgmt Spec I Evoy, Jennifer E. Prog Mgmt Spec I Felder, Mona E. Specialist Lamb, Sachi Teresa Specialist Levin, Dahlia Devorah Sport Turf Tech Franck, James C. Sport Turf Tech Kelly, Neville A. Sport Turf Tech Wallace, McNeciol Systems Analyst Packett, Lisa Dawn ** PRES-Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute Accountant I Logan, Raquel A. Accountant I Ross, Kathy E. Admin Asst II Bennett, Tracy L. Admin Asst II Berraho, Erica Christine Admin Asst II Clauss, Holly D. Admin Asst II Cornell, Deborah Connally Admin Asst II Desper, Rhonda LaSharn Admin Asst II Farrall, Judith S. Admin Asst II Gannon, Betty Jane Admin Asst II Jay, Jenilee M Admin Asst II Margolis, Donesia Dofat Admin Asst II Sklodowski, Deborah L. Admin Asst II Snyder, Karen Close Auto Serv Mech Poe, Andrew A. Business Manager Burke-Robinson, Audrey E. Coordinator Brown, Paul D. Coordinator Keely, Patricia A. Coordinator Layton, Karen Lee Coordinator Melgarejo, Ana Coordinator Moltz, Stacey Taylor Coordinator Robinson, Billy Coordinator Washington, Deanna Coordinator Yerby, Patricia Ann Director Edwards, Steven T. Editor Ryburn, Annette M. Eng Tech II Hannah, Barry Clifton Eng Tech II Wong, Yun Kit Fac Supv Hodgson, Ramon E. JR Inst Colburn, Wayne R. JR Inst Hearn, James N. Inst Levy, Andrew I. Inst Marlatt, F. Patrick Inst Spicer Himes, Rebecca IT Coor Fuselier, Brian Riehl IT Coor Sweeting, Thomas G. Lecturer Alexander, John G Lecturer Alvarez, Antonio Lecturer Armstrong, Richard D. Lecturer Eagle, Leeanne R Lecturer Edwards, Angela L. B. Lecturer Fairfax, George R. Lecturer Frye, Steven K. Lecturer Gisriel, Amber L Lecturer Hassan, Ronald George JR Lecturer Hawthorne, Lester L Lecturer Hobbs, Edward William JR

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 $42,000.00 $51,374.30 $51,606.48 $34,620.00 $60,000.00 $35,000.00 $67,957.50 $53,866.50 $45,000.00 $38,347.83 $41,820.00 $78,030.00 $40,000.00 $61,000.00 $382,574.59 $87,500.00 $100,812.66 $60,316.99 $81,500.00 $55,000.00 $102,162.71 $95,000.00 $85,680.00 $52,406.20 $191,142.00 $117,552.05 $267,468.32 $103,022.47 $127,500.00 $110,000.00 $111,884.59 $60,000.00 $92,093.36 $109,307.03 $62,285.55 $66,090.95 $93,000.00 $106,246.43 $94,901.96 $330,746.40 $429,398.84 $73,899.00 $53,649.60 $5,250.00 $75,875.73 $72,143.00 $72,525.29 $42,357.40 $35,000.00 $39,251.21 $38,103.58 $39,870.20 $40,000.00 $47,000.00 $55,986.53 $34,946.30 $34,921.40 $37,038.69 $94,148.86 $39,351.81 $17,948.31 $35,393.85 $33,125.49 $34,174.45 $33,125.50 $33,125.49 $33,440.27 $33,125.50 $32,475.98 $34,294.16 $34,760.14 $32,475.98 $42,865.50 $43,770.45 $54,373.88 $45,734.97 $40,100.06 $63,586.32 $39,455.71 $45,436.73 $40,002.55 $38,050.43 $151,569.23 $35,113.04 $37,424.54 $37,424.54 $54,833.29 $57,525.63 $73,320.84 $74,753.79 $124,465.86 $96,533.19 $72,969.17 $71,745.22 $51,229.50 $48,450.00 $52,020.00 $48,450.00 $64,650.96 $55,701.01 $53,319.23 $49,500.00 $64,014.79 $49,661.25 $52,733.22

Lecturer Kernan, Michael S. Lecturer Lewis, David Wayne Lecturer McBride, Darl R. Lecturer McNeece, John T. Lecturer Poole, C Kingsley Lecturer Preston, Lawrence L. Lecturer Preston, Michael F Lecturer Reamy, Amber Leigh Lecturer Ward, Joseph C. Lecturer Williams, Allen S Lecturer Wood, Scott J Office Clerk II Graf, Evelyn E. PRES-Office of Legal Affairs Admin Asst II Leclercq, Elaine M. Assoc Dir Bayly, Susan L. Coordinator Turnbull, Janet P. Exec Asst to Pres Roach, Jack Terrance Sr Staff Attorney Krejsa, Diane Staff Attorney Anderson Wright, Laura Staff Attorney Andrews, Denise A. Staff Attorney Bowden, Anne R. Staff Attorney Maginnis, Edward John JR PRES-President's Office Asst Frisby, Charlotte R. Asst Pres & Chief of Staff Koblinsky, Sally A. Asst to Pres Barone, Sapienza Asst to Pres Coates, Roberta H. Asst to Pres Crawford, Teresa R. Asst to Pres Gibbons, Meghan K. Asst to Pres Grad, Rae K. Asst to Pres Stern, Ross Allen Business Manager Matthews, Diane Coordinator DeHarde, Amina E. Coordinator Jacobson, Jess Coordinator Oetken, Albert Stephen Houskeeper Supv II Wimbish, Irene Ombuds Ofc Preston, Lee E. Prof & Pres UMCP Mote, C. D. JR

$59,025.79 $57,485.98 $81,747.28 $55,855.74 $54,781.62 $74,208.66 $48,450.00 $49,661.25 $50,526.50 $64,014.79 $52,018.75 $22,423.00 $33,633.80 $181,996.20 $53,287.18 $203,554.91 $135,915.08 $125,460.00 $125,460.00 $125,460.00 $125,460.00 $60,447.66 $205,000.00 $103,436.00 $110,211.98 $64,298.25 $63,853.51 $166,151.03 $137,415.00 $73,000.00 $54,107.16 $40,309.90 $56,629.00 $41,389.63 $30,170.70 $464,600.00

Philip Merrill College of Journalism JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism Assoc Dean Reid, Olive D. Assoc Prof Chinoy, Ira H. Assoc Prof Hanson, Christopher T. Assoc Prof Newhagen, John E. Assoc Prof Zanot, Eric J. Asst Dean Crane, Stephen Asst Dean Hartz, Emily Rachel Asst Dean Payne-Gassaway, Marchelle Renae Asst Dir DeBona, Margaret Louise Asst Prof Yaros, Ronald A. Asst to Dean Sheehan, Matthew C. Coordinator Hutton, Joyce E. Coordinator Lee, Vanessa E. Coordinator Lee, Vanessa E. Coordinator Moran, Shannon Coordinator Mussenden, Sean L Coordinator Rada, Serap Deniz Coordinator Taylor, Caryn Marie Director Bucco, Clinton Paul Director Chadha, Kalyani Director Fleeson, Lucinda S. Editor Rieder, Rem Fac Res Asst Melki, Jad P Lect & Dir Rogers, Carol Lombard Lecturer Amatucci, Dorothy Genevieve Lecturer Beckenstein, Myron Lecturer Beecher, William Lecturer Bonner, Alice Carol Lecturer Cabrera, Denise Lecturer Cacas, Max Anthony Lecturer Calogero, Albert Joseph Lecturer Clayton, Cassandra L. Lecturer Cox, Merrilee Lecturer Davidson, John Lecturer Davis, Kimberly Lecturer Faw, Robert D. Lecturer Flynn, Adrianne M. Lecturer Frank, Thomas L. Lecturer Fuchs, Penny Ann Lecturer Grover, Robert O. Lecturer Haberstick, Fred Lecturer Harvey, Christine D. Lecturer Heist, Stanley Harrar III Lecturer Henry, Tamara Maxine Lecturer Huffman, Diana L. Lecturer Hughey, Christina Lecturer Jacobsen, Timothy Lecturer Katcef, Susan Kopen Lecturer Kirch, John F. Lecturer Lanum, George Calvin III Lecturer Lemberg, Jeff Lecturer Lightman, David Lecturer Linthicum, Thomas G. JR Lecturer Lorente, Rafael Lecturer Matthews, Robert Guy Lecturer McClintock, Ylan Lecturer McIntyre, James Jon Lecturer Novak, Kristen E. Lecturer O'Malley, Sharon Rose Lecturer Payne, January Wilson Lecturer Rossman, Megan Lecturer Sauter, Jacqueline Lee Lecturer Toland, Greg Lecturer Wright, Cindy Lecturer Young, Jeffrey R.

$104,960.00 $101,850.00 $90,000.00 $81,650.02 $82,149.41 $100,961.00 $110,000.00 $85,304.40 $79,500.00 $80,000.00 $37,988.50 $60,142.00 $46,789.27 $46,789.27 $42,000.00 $61,246.00 $66,118.00 $42,000.00 $88,861.00 $80,000.00 $103,487.12 $150,571.80 $24,046.50 $93,694.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $16,000.00 $81,239.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $85,368.00 $3,246.00 $12,985.60 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $75,115.00 $6,492.80 $76,061.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $87,079.00 $12,985.60 $12,985.60 $35,880.20 $2,175.08 $6,492.80 $68,461.00 $12,985.60 $6,492.80 $30,600.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $73,106.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $10,810.51 $6,492.80 $6,492.00 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $6,529.20 $6,492.80 $6,492.80 $6,492.80

Lecturer Manager Manager Manager Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof And Dean Prof Emerita Prof Of Practice Supervisor Visit Prof Visit Prof Visit Prof Visit Prof

Yuill, Robert P. Madden, Joshua Whitney Madden, Joshua Whitney Perry, Alvin L. Broder, David S. Franklin, Jon D. Johnson, Haynes B. Moeller, Susan D. Steiner, Linda Stepp, Carl Sessions Thornton, Lee Klose, Kevin Beasley, Maurine Solomon, George Parker, William D. Banisky, Sandra A. Blackistone, Kevin Nelson, Deborah J. Walker, Leslie A.

$6,492.78 $44,430.00 $44,430.00 $58,000.00 $69,568.48 $144,000.11 $165,500.00 $101,118.00 $126,113.40 $114,099.21 $141,061.00 $230,000.00 $30,255.00 $26,000.00 $84,009.00 $110,000.00 $65,000.00 $114,292.00 $110,000.00

Robert H. Smith School of Business BMGT-Accounting Admin Asst II Hall, Diane P. $38,654.58 Assoc Prof Cheng, Shijun $208,500.00 Assoc Prof Hann, Rebecca N $205,000.00 Asst Prof Brown, Stephen $185,000.00 Asst Prof Levine, Carolyn B. $190,000.00 Editorial Asst Lewis, Katherine Ann $25,511.14 Lecturer Basu, Progyan $145,200.00 Lecturer Bulmash, Gary F. $171,202.00 Lecturer Cantor, Eugene Herschal $23,000.00 Lecturer Folsom, Elizabeth J $18,000.00 Lecturer Hall, Rachel G $12,800.00 Lecturer Hardy, Kendrall C. $48,567.20 Lecturer Jacobs, Alan $59,000.00 Lecturer Lager, James M $10,000.00 Lecturer Lavine, Michael $64,000.00 Lecturer Linsley, Colin A. $138,900.00 Lecturer McKinney, James J $111,498.00 Lecturer Pfeiffer, Gregory A. $106,000.00 Lecturer Rose, Sandra Lee $39,000.00 Lecturer Vermeer, Thomas Edward $25,063.80 Lecturer Webb, Nile $31,620.00 Prof Gordon, Lawrence A. $212,293.86 Prof Kim, Oliver $162,605.34 Prof Loeb, Martin P. $175,639.14 Prof & Dir Loeb, Stephen E. $185,017.14 Visit Asst Prof Finch, Michael Lester $132,999.46 Visit Asst Prof Zhou, Lei $177,100.00 BMGT-Ctrs-Ctr for Executive Education Assoc Dir Burke, Christina Lynne $69,581.15 Asst Dir Larsen, Christine A. $58,549.93 Asst Dir Lavino, Amanda Stowers $73,585.07 Asst Dir Lloyd, Juliet $65,000.00 Asst Dir Watts, Karen R $74,970.00 Coordinator Berry, Denise Parker $47,000.00 Deputy Dir Grovic, Mark $119,499.61 Director Barnard, Lisa A. $93,572.00 Director Carrier, Melissa K. $125,000.00 Director Dye, Craig Wallace $110,000.00 Director Epstein, Asher $165,200.00 Director Frels, Judy K. $173,849.03 Director Hanifee, William James Gregory $145,000.00 Director Kumar, Mukul $175,000.00 Director Sheehan, Robert M JR $156,423.31 Director Wilmes, David $63,750.00 IT Admin & Plan Mgr Mazzotta, Michael S. $81,371.90 Manager Coomber, Nicole Marie $55,141.20 Manager Corey, Alla $65,000.00 Manager Fowler, Christine Rene $44,890.97 Manager Hodgson, Dustin $48,948.28 Manager James, Samantha Mae $42,787.90 Manager Leland, Cynthia $49,939.20 Prof Lamone, Rudolph P. $20,020.00 Prog Coor Coughlin, Caroline $40,066.88 Specialist Zhang, Hongyi $86,536.33 BMGT-Decision, Operations & Information Technologies Admin Asst II Kendrick, Laura M $38,020.65 Assoc Prof Alt, Francis B. $118,619.76 Assoc Prof Elmaghraby, Wedad Jasmine $147,676.76 Assoc Prof Hann, Il-Horn $160,000.00 Assoc Prof Jank, Wolfgang $133,473.25 Assoc Prof Raghavan, Subramanian $160,358.56 Assoc Prof Shmueli, Galit $140,086.14 Assoc Prof Stewart, Katherine Josephine $146,050.00 Assoc Prof Viswanathan, Sivakumar $70,913.14 Asst Dir Cleveland, Jack Gordon $70,400.00 Asst Prof Gao, Guodong $128,579.79 Asst Prof Gopal, Anand $146,174.88 Asst Prof Goyal, Manu $133,270.18 Asst Prof Karaesmen-Aydin, Itir Z $132,325.23 Asst Prof Kumar, Mahesh $122,400.00 Asst Prof Mithas, Sunil Kumar $145,438.51 Asst Prof Wang, Xiaoqing $122,350.00 Asst Prof Xu, Yi $155,000.00 Coordinator Baker, Zanetta F. $52,793.63 Coordinator Wang, D Danielle $57,460.00 Fac Res Asst Crowley, Patrick Kenyon $76,153.88 Lecturer Anderson, Catherine $40,000.00 Lecturer Corwin, Barnet C. $102,000.00 Lecturer Edelstein, Herbert A $15,000.00 Lecturer Gloor, Philip James $30,000.00 Lecturer Hudson, Scott E. $6,716.12 Lecturer Ruhi, Kazim $95,600.00 Lecturer Sarafidis, Ioannis $15,000.00 Lecturer Suarez, Jose G. $169,000.00

Lecturer Weiss, Peter Prof Agarwal, Ritu Prof Ball, Michael O. Prof Chen, Zhi-Long Prof Frank, Howard Prof Fu, Michael C. Prof Golden, Bruce L. Prof Raschid, Louiqa Prof Riley, Donald R. Prof & Chair Lucas, Henry C. Res Assoc Prof Bailey, Joseph P. Res Prof Prasad, Kislaya Senior Lecturer Ibrahim, Hassan Senior Lecturer Lele, Shreevardhan Visit Asst Prof Ebert, Rezzan C BMGT-Entrepreneurship Assoc Prof Baum, J. Robert Assoc Prof Goldfarb, Brent Assoc Prof Kirsch, David A. BMGT-Finance Assoc Prof Heston, Steven Lawrence Assoc Prof Loewenstein, Mark V. Assoc Prof Prabhala, Nagpurnanand Assoc Prof Wermers, Russell R. Asst Prof Cohen-Cole, Ethan B Asst Prof Faulkender, Michael Asst Prof Hoberg, Gerard Tanimichi Asst Prof Kadyrzhanova, Dalida R. Asst Prof Obizhaeva, Anna Asst Prof Skoulakis, Georgios Coordinator Drummond, Michele Dexter Lecturer Kass, David I. Lecturer Kiss, Elinda F Lecturer Kroncke, Sarah H. Lecturer Lee, Michael Justin Lecturer Perfetti, Joseph Lecturer Rinaldi, Joseph F. Lecturer Rossi, Clifford V. Lecturer Sherman, Andrew J. Lecturer Taranto, Mark A. Lecturer Taranto, Mark A. Lecturer Wallenstein, Stephen Prof Bakshi, Gurdip S. Prof Kyle, Albert S. Prof Madan, Dilip Prof Maksimovic, Vojislav Prof Phillips, Gordon M. Prof Senbet, Lemma W. Prof Triantis, Alexander J. Prof Unal, Haluk Visit Asst Prof White, Susan A. BMGT-IT Smith Admin Gleeson, Christopher M Assoc Dir Soffronoff, Ernest C. III Coordinator Corona, Harold L. JR Coordinator Ewing, Theresa Marie Coordinator Pressley, Michael E. Coordinator Zhang, Hua Alice Director Mann, Holly Elect Tech III Pointer, Warren Randall Engineer Rose, Lloyd Benjamin III IT Coor Hull, Gregory James IT Coor Hurley, Suzanne Yee IT Coor Williams, Arimah A. IT Support Asst Veihmeyer, Jesse D IT Support Asst Veihmeyer, Joel Christopher Manager LaHaie, Charles Henry Manager Maxson, Mary E. BMGT-Logistics, Business & Public Policy Assoc Prof Anenson, T Leigh Assoc Prof Chung, Wilbur C. Assoc Prof Evers, Philip T. Asst Prof Dezso, Cristian Asst Prof Dong, Yan Asst Prof Mark, Gideon E. Asst Prof Sampson, Rachelle Asst Prof Zhou, Yue Coordinator Fox, Dianne P. Lecturer Boroumand, Jahangir Lecturer Cohen, Gary A Lecturer Daniels, Richard C. Lecturer Gardner, Leland Lecturer Huneke, William F. Lecturer Hutchins, Richard A. Lecturer Jain, Vinod Kumar Lecturer McAdam, William J Lecturer McClenahan, William M. JR Lecturer Miller, Jeff Lecturer Nagata, Koki Lecturer Nelson, Brian L. Lecturer Turner, Hugh Stetson Prof Corsi, Thomas M. Prof Dresner, Martin E. Prof Grimm, Curtis M. Prof Morici, Peter G. Prof & Area Chair Windle, Robert J. Prof Emeritus Leete, Burt A. Prof Of Practice Olson, Charles E. Res Prof Boyson, Sandor L. Visit Assoc Prof Rhee, Robert J Visit Prof Bowie, Norman E BMGT-Management & Organization Assoc Prof Chen, Gilad Assoc Prof Liao, Hui Assoc Prof Reger, Rhonda K. Assoc Prof Stevens, Cynthia Kay

$98,350.00 $247,550.10 $201,883.00 $165,471.80 $225,581.00 $193,451.00 $287,128.67 $139,770.62 $239,703.34 $239,350.00 $137,600.00 $100,940.00 $111,490.80 $144,520.00 $161,000.00 $138,482.48 $126,326.70 $170,000.30 $188,129.98 $191,530.00 $195,020.00 $200,116.29 $190,000.00 $203,000.00 $188,250.13 $182,290.00 $180,450.00 $182,290.00 $53,001.79 $80,000.00 $123,773.00 $92,981.00 $45,350.35 $89,600.00 $20,000.00 $140,000.00 $48,000.00 $132,433.00 $132,433.00 $130,000.00 $268,450.17 $299,956.00 $142,582.45 $312,250.15 $259,950.00 $315,000.00 $212,150.30 $204,950.54 $173,273.85 $81,205.05 $107,651.24 $68,349.15 $41,843.85 $55,568.24 $59,831.05 $111,955.52 $47,499.39 $72,333.65 $58,705.43 $46,388.84 $49,615.24 $37,751.00 $42,865.50 $96,928.43 $78,143.60 $135,000.00 $156,698.98 $162,525.45 $130,010.00 $130,510.00 $125,000.00 $151,835.72 $143,000.00 $51,281.48 $156,539.95 $90,000.00 $10,800.00 $22,200.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $110,000.00 $10,000.00 $79,800.00 $41,236.00 $30,000.00 $110,000.00 $106,970.00 $185,647.64 $159,272.09 $191,916.45 $143,635.31 $166,290.09 $36,000.00 $119,247.86 $153,101.00 $14,000.00 $40,000.00 $184,115.60 $168,750.00 $149,999.65 $130,433.15

Asst Prof Corredoira, Rafael A. Asst Prof Hallen, Benjamin L Asst Prof Pearsall, Matthew John Asst Prof Seo, Myeong-Gu Asst Prof Tangirala, Subrahmaniam Asst Prof Venkataramani, Vijaya Asst Prof Waguespack, David M. Coordinator Chipman, Barbara A. Lecturer Aberman, Jonathan Moss Lecturer Armstrong, Jennifer Lecturer Axelrod, Ruth H. Lecturer Azizullah, Yusuf A. Lecturer Gebhardt, Judith A Lecturer Knight, W Donald JR Lecturer Kressler, David J. Lecturer Kudisch, Jeffrey D. Lecturer Langa, Gosia Anna Lecturer Lawless, Michael William Lecturer Prochno, Paulo Lecturer Schlake, Oliver Lecturer Spina, James D. Lecturer Spina, Lori Lecturer Wellman, Mark Lecturer Wouters, Karen Prof Bartol, Kathryn M. Prof Shapiro, Debra L. Prof Sims, Henry P. JR Prof Taylor, M. Susan Prof Tesluk, Paul E. Prof Of Practice Courtney, Hugh George Visit Prof Russell, Joyce E. A. BMGT-Marketing Assoc Prof Biehal, Gabriel J. Assoc Prof Godes, David B Assoc Prof Hamilton, Rebecca Warme Assoc Prof Krapfel, Robert E. Assoc Prof Moe, Wendy W. Assoc Prof Ratner, Rebecca K. Assoc Prof Wagner, Janet Assoc Prof Zhang, Jie Asst Dir Gupta, Vinesh Asst Mgr Baran, Carrie Anne Asst Prof Chen, Tao Asst Prof Ferraro, Rosellina Asst Prof Joshi, Yogesh V. Asst Prof Pocheptsova, Anastasiya Asst Prof Rand, William Michael Asst Prof Trusov, Michael S. Coordinator Cron, Carol E. Dist Univ Prof Rust, Roland T. Lecturer Bensimon, Simon C. Lecturer Bonavia, Marjorie Lecturer Boyd, Henry Clifford III Lecturer Boyle, Katherine M Lecturer Harms, Mary Beukema Lecturer Newman, Richard A Manager Khoddami, Amir Enrique Prof Kannan, Pallassana K. Prof Khawaja, Amna Kirmani Prof Srivastava, Joydeep Prof Wedel, Michel Visit Asst Prof Lefkoff, Roxanne Visit Asst Prof Whitney, Diane BMGT-Other Programs-IBM/Quest Admin Asst I Armitage, Allison Rose Asst Mgr Lee, Melanie Natash Lecturer Ashley, David BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business Acad Prog Spec Young, Jessie M. Account Clerk III Lamon, James A. Accountant Dugone, Ronda Accountant Fatah, Daega Salah Accountant I Athey, Jamie Christina Accounting Assoc Bartolome, Lea L Accounting Assoc Blanco, Justina L Accounting Assoc Tong, Fuping Admin Asst II Forsythe, Mary Susan Admin Asst II Golden, Amanda L Assoc Dean Cleveland, Patricia L. Assoc Dir Bartholomay, Brian Assoc Dir Brookshire, Shelbi N. Assoc Dir Dagnall, LeAnne M. Assoc Dir Glasgow, Luke J. Assoc Dir Kang, Sam Assoc Dir Lavino, Edward Assoc Dir Moon, Susan D. Asst Dean Marcellino, Michael Robert Asst Dean Stewart, Christine Asst Dir Ashour, Suzanne Asst Dir Baker, Amanda R Asst Dir Belsinger, Melissa J. Asst Dir Berberabe, Maria K Asst Dir Burkhardt, Jessica Hegr Asst Dir Fullwood, Ebony Asst Dir Hamilton, April Nichelle Asst Dir Hankin, Jennifer Susan Asst Dir Jacobson, Claire E. Asst Dir Jones, Jason William Asst Dir Mays, Christopher Ken Asst Dir O'Brien, Cynthia V. Asst Dir Ogburn, Wilma E. Asst Dir Riddle, Evan Asst Dir Roberson, Timothy Randall Asst Dir Salinas, Gabriele M. Asst Dir Sparks, Dina Business Manager Law, Ann

$140,000.00 $135,950.00 $145,440.00 $135,349.16 $138,061.20 $137,000.00 $141,290.07 $49,872.39 $32,000.00 $25,300.00 $10,000.00 $28,500.00 $26,000.00 $65,905.00 $43,696.20 $121,016.00 $29,376.00 $133,800.00 $97,600.00 $137,340.00 $71,850.00 $9,200.00 $121,750.00 $110,000.00 $175,063.79 $204,000.49 $135,760.31 $200,050.09 $193,000.74 $143,625.00 $150,433.67 $125,697.36 $180,000.00 $155,695.98 $144,000.00 $157,081.76 $186,536.00 $136,330.68 $163,221.40 $90,896.96 $48,666.00 $135,000.00 $136,666.48 $144,350.00 $135,000.00 $135,000.00 $136,850.00 $50,000.00 $334,210.23 $11,562.00 $28,480.00 $114,420.00 $28,050.00 $57,450.00 $28,000.00 $40,000.00 $190,000.69 $198,672.03 $175,404.07 $340,350.00 $105,572.95 $111,969.17 $28,939.00 $38,125.60 $9,000.00 $39,179.24 $20,189.56 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $36,507.46 $32,475.98 $63,345.00 $62,326.78 $33,294.85 $35,875.00 $153,179.72 $73,023.83 $81,745.55 $76,257.48 $77,834.26 $73,610.29 $76,000.00 $62,735.87 $139,230.00 $200,861.54 $56,743.42 $44,000.00 $84,660.00 $55,664.80 $42,840.00 $44,999.14 $54,744.05 $44,959.66 $56,000.00 $50,810.80 $57,660.00 $52,500.00 $54,821.72 $47,181.32 $84,660.00 $48,386.30 $50,000.00 $47,975.70

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Business Manager Business Manager Business Serv Spec Business Serv Spec Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Lewis, Edren Lintz, Michele L. Rollason, Tina Marie Tong, Lufandia Wai Badt, Jessica Leah Cathro, Jennifer Crowe-Kokonis, Mary S. Fox, Laurie Makanani Frazier, Sonja T. Garcia, Laurie Kaye Gonzalez, Ana Lizeth Hansard, Kecia Ciana Hardisty, Christine Huddy, Kristin Mao, Jennifer Yin Ching Marinoff, Susan Mathey, Jacqueline Eileen Sani, Morounmubo H. Smith, Chalvonna Taylor, Amy Michelle Weyker, Dennis Shayne Arford-Leyl, Alissa Ann Chapman, LaVern Cimino, Nancy D. Clay, Rosetta L. Comstock, Leland Corpus, Rowena Dantley-Warren, Kathi A. Davies, Jessica D. Dennis, Timothy Scott Drake, Terrill Lopez Horick, Brian L. Mitchell, Elizabeth H. Nichols, Kimberly O'Rourke, Thomas Robert Strange Lewis, Sharon Anderson, Dwight Andre Barksdale, Lynette W Brown, Ericka Lynn Kellogg, Margaret E Miles, Ronald JR O'Brien, Daniel J Richey, Erin E Rutsch, Angelique Cathleen Chang, Penny Clyburn, Moneca Surida Evans, Sara Jill Fineran, Jeanne M. Graddy, Mark Andrew Graves, Gabrielle Jane

$56,000.00 $54,441.83 $51,420.32 $36,370.88 $40,177.27 $53,500.00 $52,868.28 $58,054.16 $26,697.14 $42,840.00 $49,800.86 $70,048.50 $35,457.00 $42,000.00 $35,360.00 $55,000.00 $51,000.00 $41,056.40 $36,000.00 $41,820.00 $58,240.00 $95,725.31 $84,485.03 $86,049.13 $94,270.36 $87,056.48 $95,390.62 $127,967.08 $87,301.80 $130,000.00 $74,460.00 $89,616.53 $132,815.24 $93,000.00 $76,729.65 $101,712.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,999.99 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $54,000.00 $67,529.67 $41,838.90 $61,285.10 $85,132.54 $54,636.99

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Office Clerk II Office Clerk II Office Supv I Office Supv III Prof And Dean Prog Coor Prog Mgmt Spec I Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist

Handwerker, Carolyn Anne Hetherington, John Locke, Millicent Noel Loetz, Devon Welsh Loock, Rachel Salters, Bobvita S. Sparrow, Michael Steven JR Staub, Sandra Louise Thibodeau, Phyllis Pouyat Winner, Rebecca D Hagans, Tyrone A. SR Lynn, Charles M. Stevens, Anne D. Owens, Amy E. Anandalingam, Gnanalingam Walton, Kenisha P Broughton, Shannon Denise Johnson, Sharon Rogers Morris, Andrea Pavlovsky, Julie Alex Sharma, Anitha R

21 $63,243.18 $76,156.63 $60,180.00 $51,000.00 $49,449.60 $63,296.64 $58,650.00 $85,312.80 $59,045.25 $62,129.90 $34,336.81 $31,886.40 $40,442.62 $44,438.82 $324,000.00 $41,718.00 $37,017.22 $90,280.00 $90,280.00 $110,000.00 $61,408.57

School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation ARCH-School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation Admin Asst II Baker, Victoria G. $38,288.69 Admin Asst II Criscuoli, Grace Marianne $34,732.31 Admin Asst II Tate, RoseMarie Ella $36,900.00 Assoc Dir Bierbaum, Martin A $97,500.00 Assoc Prof Bovill, Carl H. $85,858.51 Assoc Prof Eisenbach, Ronit $73,034.00 Assoc Prof Gardner, Amy E. $45,016.60 Assoc Prof Gardner, Amy E. $45,016.60 Assoc Prof Gournay, Isabelle J. $75,849.12 Assoc Prof Kelly, Brian Paul $92,582.00 Assoc Prof & Dir Linebaugh, Donald $95,387.95 Assoc Prof & Dir Simon, Madlen $95,048.00 Asst Dean Farrell, Ingrid $110,583.35 Asst Dean Miller, Courtney Elizabeth $82,075.00 Asst Dir Cotting, Jennifer Anne $68,000.00 Asst Dir Florance, Susanna $64,800.00 Asst Dir Hinojosa, Christine C. $40,771.68 Asst Prof Ambrose, Michael Allen $71,143.62 Asst Prof Koliji, Hooman $64,500.00 Asst Prof Quiros Pacheco, Luis Diego $61,000.00 Asst Prof Williams, Isaac S $68,646.89 Asst Prof Wortham-Galvin, Brooke Danielle $71,342.20 Business Manager Green, Dawn Denise $41,166.99 Coordinator Boggs, Tameka $48,600.00 Coordinator Herrera, Monica Mora $52,513.03

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Director Director Director Dist Univ Prof Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Prof Prof Prof Prof & Dir Prof And Dean Prof Emeritus Prof Emeritus Prof Of Practice Res Assoc Res Assoc Res Assoc Specialist

Petrone, Ann G. Thiel, Erin Patricia Williams, Cynthia B. Frank, Cynthia G. Green, Jamesia Danielle McFarland, Margaret Throwe, Joanne Mathews Etlin, Richard A. Brule, Rina Marie Hughes, Megan Johnson, Matthew Charles Lancaster, Michael Lewis Witte, Peter Henri Binder, Michael P Carruthers, John I Crenshaw, Kristina Daugard, Michael Patrick Day-Marshall, Maria K Escobal, Lester Gomez, Germano Jay Gove, Colleen Elizabeth Grieb, Brian Anthony Gross, Adam Konsoulis, Mary Lashley, Douglas Lostritto, Carl Richard Mallory, Steven C Melluish, Katherine Mortensen, Paul Northen, Elijah Luke O'Malley, Matthew Daniel O'Neill, Cheryl Pfaeffle, Christopher Ramirez, Constance Rubeling, Albert William Jr Smith, Julie Tetrault, Alfred R Williams, Brittany Loanne Bell, Matthew J. Hurtt, Steven W. Vann, Robert L. Knaap, Gerrit J. Rockcastle, Garth Bennett, Ralph D. JR Du Puy, Karl F.G. Noonan, Peter Vincent Mishra, Sabyasachee Nguyen, Doan Bao Luu Ye, Xin Cole, Joshua N

$60,391.68 $57,000.00 $56,500.00 $46,317.85 $59,421.60 $165,000.00 $79,856.00 $125,818.35 $50,000.00 $61,118.40 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $39,041.00 $23,812.62 $15,000.00 $16,400.00 $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,500.00 $9,722.22 $16,400.00 $21,201.23 $12,000.00 $20,016.00 $20,000.00 $11,020.80 $13,000.00 $21,000.00 $33,398.40 $10,400.00 $15,000.00 $40,000.00 $22,050.00 $16,000.00 $14,700.00 $20,000.00 $18,000.00 $16,800.00 $70,287.86 $154,634.79 $101,783.09 $197,445.00 $214,880.96 $40,000.00 $70,000.00 $32,710.96 $75,000.00 $45,000.00 $75,000.00 $69,878.00

Sr Res Sci Ducca, Frederick W. Sr Res Sci Moore, Robert Terrance Supervisor Swift, Thomas W ARCH-Urban Studies & Planning Program Assoc Prof Chen, Alexander Assoc Prof Ding, Chengri Lecturer Craze, Celia W. Prof Baum, Howell S. Prof Brower, Sidney N. Prof Hanna, William John Prof Howland, Marie Senior Lecturer Cohen, James R.

$90,000.00 $90,000.00 $58,187.25 $105,041.00 $105,167.76 $9,000.00 $103,980.17 $97,779.13 $98,288.72 $107,023.57 $78,470.18

School of Public Health SPHL-Epidemiology & Biostatistics Assoc Prof Carter-Pokras, Olivia Denise Asst Prof He, Xin Asst Prof Khan, Maria Asst Prof Lee, Sunmin Asst Prof Wu, Tongtong Asst Prof Zhang, Guangyu Coordinator Mackey, Karen L. Fac Res Asst Grieser, Mira L. Fac Res Asst Xiao, Tao Prof Lee, Mei-Ling Ting Prof & Chair Young, Deborah Sue Rohm Res Asst Prof Cruz-Cano, Raul Res Asst Prof Saksvig, Brit Irene SPHL-Family Science Assoc Prof Bynum, Mia Anaya Assoc Prof Kim, Jinhee Assoc Prof Leslie, Leigh A. Assoc Prof Mokhtari, Manouchehr Assoc Prof Roy, Kevin M. Assoc Prof Shenassa, Edmond Assoc Prof Wallen, Jacqueline Assoc Res Sci Arria, Amelia Business Manager Richardson, Doris V. Coordinator Bowsher, Amanda Nicole Coordinator McClure, Erin Fac Res Asst Caldeira, Kimberly Mansfield Fac Res Asst Carr, Kathryn Vincent Fac Res Asst Curtin, Sally Cuningham Fac Res Asst Dykstra, Laura Garnier Fac Res Asst Winick, Emily Rachel Fac Res Asst Zarate, Elizabeth Margaret Inst Werlinich, Carol A. Lecturer Blair-Brown, Merlene Lecturer Guidorizzi, Maria Christina Lecturer Hoskins, Lindsey Megan Lecturer Jimenez De Tono, Norma Cecilia Lecturer Livelsberger, Brian Patrick Lecturer Scheiner, Ann Caroline Lecturer Schull, Christine Pegorraro Lecturer Tripp, Kerry W. Lecturer Wilcox, Wendy J Lecturer Zeiger, Robyn S. Prg Admin Spec Saling, Debra A. Prof Epstein, Norman B. Prof Hofferth, Sandra L. Prof & Chair Anderson, Elaine A. Prof Of Practice Kessel, Samuel Res Assoc Grutzmacher, Stephanie Kristen

$103,459.20 $96,600.00 $93,334.00 $104,932.80 $87,540.68 $88,900.34 $50,184.00 $29,019.19 $64,200.00 $200,000.00 $160,000.00 $90,000.00 $85,000.00 $80,000.00 $69,378.76 $73,152.22 $68,515.44 $76,858.77 $90,780.00 $70,913.95 $51,281.60 $51,093.59 $40,000.00 $45,000.48 $73,803.56 $55,442.95 $37,672.99 $47,000.00 $30,000.00 $32,844.00 $76,447.27 $4,710.00 $4,710.49 $8,000.00 $3,330.00 $3,330.00 $3,330.00 $16,720.00 $16,720.00 $4,710.00 $17,974.00 $37,851.28 $101,429.63 $132,413.28 $120,000.00 $12,000.00 $70,000.00

Res Assoc Maring, Elisabeth Fost $56,865.00 Secretary Starr, Sherry $18,860.32 SPHL-Health Services Administration Assoc Prof Simon-Rusinowitz, Lori $77,331.92 Asst Prof Dagher, R $71,000.00 Asst Prof Mortensen, Karoline $75,000.00 Coordinator Swartz, Sue A. $58,400.00 Fac Res Asst Shoop, Dawn Maria $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Siegel, Linda L. $52,497.95 Fac Res Asst Steele, Jack D. $87,000.00 Lecturer King, Christopher Jerome $8,460.00 Lecturer Manning, Tracey T. $15,585.60 Prof & Chair Wilson, Laura B. $193,960.94 Res Prof Simson, Sharon P. $77,500.40 SPHL-Kinesiology Account Clerk II Duque, Jessica $13,557.00 Admin Asst II Han, Joanna $35,607.82 Assoc Prof Contreras-Vidal, Jose Luis $70,857.00 Assoc Prof McDaniel, Stephen R. $67,829.87 Assoc Prof Rogers, Marc A. $69,332.23 Assoc Prof Roth, Stephen M. $86,001.00 Asst Prof Chin, Eva R $78,000.00 Asst Prof Schultz, Jessica L. $64,504.87 Asst Prof Shim, Jae Kun $76,037.36 Asst Prof Spangenburg, Espen E. $72,676.20 Asst Prof Thomas, Damion L $69,706.80 Coordinator Clary, Regina B. $63,815.54 Coordinator Marteny, Vicci Lynn $47,161.46 Coordinator Sebastian, Polly Regina $55,000.00 Fac Res Asst Borjian, Roozbeh $20,000.00 Grad Asst II Bauer, Joy Anne $7,217.27 Grad Asst II Bustad, Jacob James $3,970.00 Inst Brown, Elizabeth Y. $85,627.00 Inst Scott, Marvin W. $66,514.25 Lecturer Baum, Brian Svercauski $2,923.00 Lecturer Chin, Richard William $40,500.00 Lecturer Friedman, Michael $9,424.00 Lecturer Gollmann, Ashley P $10,816.17 Lecturer Klotz, Kenneth W. $14,389.93 Lecturer Kogut, Susan Peters $15,300.00 Lecturer Palla-Kane, Ana $87,040.00 Lecturer Phillips, Jennie A $39,280.00 Lecturer Plotkin, Larry $9,424.00 Lecturer Vacante, Dennis F. $8,890.25 Lecturer Zimmerman, Joanne B. $50,000.00 Prof Andrews, David Lawrence $99,625.78 Prof Hagberg, James M. $141,195.58 Prof Hatfield, Bradley D. $90,626.04 Prof Hurley, Ben F. $125,250.53 Prof Iso-Ahola, Seppo E. $86,811.50 Prof Jeka, John J. $98,206.17 Prof & Chair Clark, Jane E. $188,360.02 Res Asst Prof Gentili, Rodolphe $65,000.00 Res Asst Prof Haufler, Amy J. $78,324.56 Res Asst Prof Kiemel, Timothy L. $68,476.44 Res Asst Prof Oliveira, Marcio Alves De $85,000.00 Res Grad Asst II Pangelinan, Melissa Marie $7,939.00 Res Grad Asst III King, Bradley Ross $8,185.00 SPHL-MD Institute for Applied Environmental Health Asst Prof Sapkota, Amir $72,649.50 Asst Prof Sapkota, Amy Rebecca $72,649.50 Fac Res Asst An Han, Heyreoun $43,000.00

22 Prof & Dir Milton, Donald K. Res Assoc Eftim, Sorina Elena Res Assoc Micallef, Shirley Ann Res Assoc Prof Dabney, Betty J SPHL-Public & Community Health Admin Asst II Monis, Beverly O. Assoc Prof Desmond, Sharon M. Assoc Prof Holt, Cheryl L. Assoc Prof Howard, Donna Elise Assoc Prof Sawyer, Robin G. Asst Prof Atkinson, Nancy L. Asst Prof Daughters, Stacey Brooke Asst Prof Green, Kerry M. Business Manager Werner, Charlene Kay Business Serv Spec Galloway, Natisha Annette Coordinator Dell, Laurie Coordinator Gunderson, Jeremy Coordinator Richards, Timothy Aaron Fac Res Asst Banchero, Barbara Anne Fac Res Asst Deale, Robert E. Fac Res Asst Gorka, Stephanie Marie Fac Res Asst Kregelka, Joyce K. Fac Res Asst Lemaster, Liza A. Fac Res Asst Mitiku, Misrach Fac Res Asst Moe, Peter Carl Fac Res Asst Stewart, Lolita Carletta Fac Res Asst Walker, Arthur Reymound Inst Hyde, David H. Lecturer Anderson-Sawyer, Anne Lecturer Gilbert, Geoffrey B. Lecturer Gilchrist, Brian Winston Lecturer Heffernan, Kimberly P. Lecturer Ko, Mia J. Lecturer Saunders, Darlene Renee Lecturer Sharp, Katherine Lecturer Smith, Nancy Gray Physician Albert, Barbara Jean Prof Beck, Kenneth H. Prof Boekeloo, Bradley O. Prof Feldman, Robert H. Prof Wang, Min Qi Prof & Chair Glover, Elbert D. Prog Coor Pelaia, Joseph B. Prog Mgmt Spec I Madison, Tina M. Res Assoc Prof Voorhees, Carolyn Clymer Res Asst Prof Rath, Jessica Miller Res Prof Clark, Pamela Irene SPHL-School of Public Health Advisor Quinn, Sandra Jean Asst Dean Farmer, Colleen M. Asst Dean Kivlighan, Mary Suzanne Asst Dir Andrus, Blakely Ruth Asst Dir Shervanian, Adam Steven Asst Dir Springfield, Vanessa Pham Greer Coordinator Friedgen, Gloria S. Coordinator Kessler, Daniel Scott Coordinator Peterson, Leona F Coordinator Reilly, Ruth Lynne Director Welsh, Scott Jerome IT Support Asst Tysen, Karen Lecturer Ducey, Sara Bachman Lecturer Saperstein, Sandra L. Prof & Assoc Dean Kleinman, Dushanka V. Prof And Dean Gold, Robert S. Prog Mgmt Spec I Adedotun, Falade Michael Program Dir Todd, Jennifer L. Res Assoc Prof Haider, Muhiuddin Res Assoc Prof Horowitz, Alice Munkhoff Res Assoc Prof Lefebvre, Richard. C Res Coor Nobleman, Christina Renee

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 $160,000.00 $50,137.36 $41,975.00 $64,948.68 $42,029.81 $74,517.36 $86,500.00 $72,856.52 $100,616.43 $69,064.52 $75,000.00 $71,713.00 $62,697.59 $37,100.69 $50,847.00 $58,240.00 $60,828.24 $44,200.00 $63,023.44 $29,682.00 $51,161.26 $65,543.80 $52,000.00 $65,909.21 $60,828.24 $55,252.09 $95,294.17 $33,048.00 $8,000.00 $4,500.00 $24,480.00 $26,040.00 $17,360.00 $54,640.00 $34,720.00 $29,755.44 $101,618.44 $110,753.76 $87,080.83 $100,618.02 $187,352.13 $57,562.68 $50,350.31 $43,347.22 $87,525.00 $143,800.00 $38,000.00 $104,000.00 $135,915.00 $73,750.48 $67,151.70 $62,730.00 $52,276.05 $69,222.93 $47,000.00 $55,453.32 $78,353.25 $38,797.58 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $197,712.41 $249,465.00 $43,066.96 $65,000.00 $65,781.84 $32,858.57 $26,665.80 $75,276.00

School of Public Policy PUAF-Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise Coordinator Skinner, Judith A. $54,836.55 Coordinator Williams, Dionne $40,484.90 Director Pulliam, Caroline Dawn $74,403.30 Fac Res Asst Arendt, Michael James $53,580.60 Fac Res Asst Harrington, Lisa $57,413.24 Fac Res Asst Spiers, Adam Levington $49,920.00 Sr Res Schl Lucyshyn, William $174,515.40 PUAF-Ctr for Intl Security Studies at Maryland Coordinator Perry, Francesca $55,453.32 Fac Res Asst Kuznetsova, Anna O. $39,372.48 Fac Res Asst Siegel, Jonas Elliott $55,000.00 Res Assoc Harris, Elisa D. $102,524.18 Sr Res Schl Gallagher, Nancy W. $112,750.33 PUAF-Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy Assoc Res Scholar Wachbroit, Robert $75,900.51 Assoc Res Scholar Walen, Alec Douglas $57,222.00 Asst Res Schl Levine, Daniel Harold $52,020.00 Asst Res Schl Li, Xiaorong $58,449.03 Prog Mgmt Spec I Linkins, Carroll F. $46,441.80 Res Assoc Segal, Jerome M. $18,914.09 Sr Res Schl Crocker, David A. $104,550.64 Sr Res Schl Sagoff, Mark $137,618.12 PUAF-School of Public Policy Admin Asst II Argueta, Nathalie Cecilia $31,000.00 Admin Asst II Guay, Lisa Jeanette $32,475.97 Admin Asst II Zager, Bonnie $33,547.60 Assoc Dean Powers, William L. $143,000.17 Assoc Dir Hinson, Elizabeth A. $81,867.31 Assoc Dir Kempton, Christopher B. $64,087.29 Assoc Prof Sprinkle, Robert H. $94,596.17 Asst Dean Savia, Anthony Philip $110,379.11 Asst Dir Anderson, Janet Barrick $69,676.83 Asst Dir Faulkner, Taryn F. $52,077.20

Asst Dir Goodhart, Michael Asst Dir Harris, Nina P. Asst Dir Mayo-Brown, Adrienne Jene Asst Prof Afzal, Madiha Asst Prof Gordon, Tracy Asst Prof Hultman, Nathan Eric College Park Professor Kelleher, Catherine McArdle. Coordinator Kiesa, Abigail I. Coordinator Logan, Karen C. Coordinator Lopez, Mary E. Coordinator Tazelaar, Sharon A. Coordinator Williamson, R Denise Director Kennedy, Thomas Dist Univ Prof Schick, Allen Exec Dir Ross, Kimberly M. Fac Res Asst Blohm, Andy John Fac Res Asst DeRuyver, Debra Lynn Fac Res Asst Olsthoorn, Mark Frederik Fac Res Asst Queen, Janay Yvonne Fac Res Asst Williamson, Sean Russell Fac Res Asst Wilsey, Shelly Lecturer Busse, Michael D. Lecturer Call, Douglas Merrill Lecturer Dubrowski, Frances A. Lecturer Falk, David Lecturer Germanis, Peter Lecturer Glendening, Frances Hughes Lecturer Graham, Carol Lecturer Haaga, John G. Lecturer Helkie, William L. Lecturer Kull, Joseph Lecturer McCann, Samuel Anthony Lecturer McGoff, Christopher J. Lecturer Riley, Catherine Irene Lecturer Schlesinger, Benjamin Lecturer Schwenke, Chloe Gould Lecturer Weatherly, Danila C Lecturer Weissman, Seth Lecturer Winegrad, Gerald W. Manager D'Souza, Ravi Vikram Manager Sloane, Leigh M. Prof Besharov, Douglas J. Prof Daly, Herman E. Prof Destler, I M Mac Prof Fetter, Steve Prof Foreman, Christopher H. JR Prof Gansler, Jacques S. Prof Nelson, Robert H. Prof Reuter, Peter H. Prof Ruth, Matthias Prof Schwab, Susan C. Prof Steinbruner, John D. Prof And Dean Kettl, Donald F. Prof Of Practice Apfel, Kenneth Stephen Prof Of Practice Grimm, Robert Thornton Prof Of Practice Meyer, Jack A. Prog Coor Lin, Pin-Wuan Prog Coor Sabbath, Shana Lauren Prog Coor Tarr, Joshua P. Prog Coor Washington, Aisha Prog Coor Wollam, Ashley Prog Mgmt Spec I Cobb, Marquita D. Res Analyst Kirby, Emily H. Res Assoc Cherrey, Cynthia Res Assoc Goddard-Truitt, Victoria Res Assoc Pillsbury, Jolie Bain Res Prof Hilde, Thomas Christian Res Prof Nolte, William M. Res Prof Zhang, Mengzhong Res Prof Zhang, Mengzhong Secretary Cheek, Talisha Nyree Senior Lecturer Duke, Elizabeth Senior Lecturer Franklin, Rachel Sr Res Schl Brown, Judy S. Sr Res Schl Brown, Marita B. Sr Res Schl Feinstein, Fred Sr Res Schl Field, Charles G. Sr Res Schl Rogers, Jacqueline H. Visit Asst Prof Lopez, Mark H.

$67,957.50 $120,438.32 $54,060.00 $87,000.00 $78,030.00 $86,675.00 $30,600.00 $57,419.02 $52,982.70 $52,000.00 $42,865.75 $58,372.96 $106,812.85 $130,230.07 $78,622.44 $36,720.00 $46,330.56 $40,000.00 $64,584.00 $40,000.00 $69,643.33 $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $25,028.00 $15,000.00 $9,237.12 $30,099.51 $15,000.00 $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,020.00 $15,000.00 $40,000.00 $10,020.00 $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $54,060.00 $65,000.00 $72,674.45 $96,080.52 $164,561.46 $186,573.30 $120,894.36 $203,403.23 $123,058.51 $158,114.55 $143,481.45 $98,755.64 $168,051.82 $245,000.00 $163,040.51 $115,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $46,000.00 $42,000.00 $48,354.38 $42,000.00 $37,439.54 $33,501.36 $16,768.80 $84,292.39 $72,924.00 $55,020.00 $151,460.00 $108,421.60 $108,421.60 $27,000.00 $99,772.00 $60,000.00 $128,747.00 $35,275.77 $32,844.44 $62,249.00 $40,804.40 $19,680.00

Shady Grove Center SGC-Shady Grove Center App Mgr Schlosburg, Russell Asst Mgr Camacho, Juan Pablo Business Serv Spec Marquez, Melissa Coordinator Campbell, Valerie Coordinator Criss, Erica A Coordinator Dahl, Laurie J Coordinator Lenz, Karen Jane Coordinator Singh, Madhu M Coordinator Williams, Troy L Director Lang, Mary C HVAC Mech I Carter, Charles D. JR HVAC Mech III Goldberg, Lawrence IT Architect El Muwaqqat, Mohamed A IT Support Assoc Haque, Maksudul M. IT Support Asst Cobb, James A IT Support Spec Murphy, Stuart F Librarian III Munster, Irene Library Tech II Negro, Antoinette C. Library Tech III Leishman, Alice Marie Library Tech III Montgomery, Rebecca Johanna Manager Goetz, Paul K. Manager Mack, Columbus Pate JR MT Mlt Td Chf II Tracy, David Lee MT Mlt Td Chf III Isenburg, Lawrence Arthur

$83,444.74 $77,968.80 $35,990.86 $61,300.00 $61,000.00 $41,500.00 $48,747.57 $39,317.48 $60,465.60 $103,305.00 $48,707.21 $54,144.49 $69,500.00 $44,969.36 $41,000.00 $45,000.00 $91,000.00 $37,718.65 $34,183.12 $38,481.43 $106,905.42 $93,050.41 $45,421.85 $47,695.66

Office Supv III Faulks, Ilona Prog Mgmt Spec I Jones, Tameka I SGC-Universities at Shady Grove Admin Asst II Lagowala, Chhaya S. Assoc Dir Caruth, Samantha Assoc Dir DeJesus, Alejandro Antonio Assoc Dir Rader, Julia Seaton Assoc Dir Youngblood, Marsha A. Budget Analyst I Tharkur, Sharon Sophia Coordinator Cserno, Isabell Coordinator Fisher, Elysa Coordinator Gallagher, Mary Jessica Coordinator Kalotra, Gloria Paguia Coordinator Nardi, Jessica Coordinator Nuredini, Raimonda Coordinator Ortega, Victoria Coordinator Resop, Mary Director Bucci, Joseph C. Director Dinicola, Robyn M. Director May, Carl F. Director Mitchell, Karen L. Director Schlossenberg, William Morris Exec Dir Edelstein, Stewart L. IT Support Assoc Almeida, Carlos Eduardo Librarian II Wright, Robert Manager Lupin, Kristen N. Office Supv I Khan, Rafiq Ahmad Phys Plant Sprint Tiller, Andre W Prog Mgmt Spec I Akaigwe, Obioma Prog Mgmt Spec I Lampos, Maria P

$36,156.33 $39,650.59 $42,503.79 $66,000.00 $53,191.17 $69,479.47 $70,138.05 $31,809.72 $48,243.55 $47,754.50 $42,000.00 $45,000.00 $48,357.30 $44,000.00 $48,000.00 $49,141.36 $103,986.45 $107,316.80 $72,135.78 $122,967.39 $100,000.00 $190,180.00 $44,969.36 $55,000.00 $91,004.14 $28,709.92 $73,780.49 $33,000.00 $38,500.00

Sr VP Academic Affairs & Provost Office of Inst Research, Planning & Assessment Assoc Dir Phillips, Pamela M. $74,110.74 Assoc Vice Pres Levine, Mona $161,349.56 Asst Dir Passarella George, Michael $80,491.91 Coordinator Denz, Kathleen S. $49,350.00 Coordinator Ellison, Eowyn Susan $53,131.06 Coordinator Snyder, Renee Baird $62,730.00 Director Appel, Michelle Seibert $104,601.70 Director La Voy, Sharon Anne $99,251.76 Manager Wu, Rick D $105,000.00 Res Analyst Burczek Dreier, John $60,000.00 Res Analyst Williams, Donna Jean $70,256.67 Sr Res Anlst Howard, Kyland W. $72,991.54 SVPAAP-Center for Biological Research Admin Horton, Joyce K. $60,447.18 Admin Asst II Moreno, Alisha Selina $34,192.47 Coordinator Leathers, Rochelle L. $59,862.43 Fac Res Asst Brown, Adam D. $36,070.46 Fac Res Asst Jiang, Kongyi $45,558.34 Fac Res Asst Pilitt, Kristina Louise $46,132.88 Lab Helper Wu, Wei $31,172.58 Prog Mgmt Spec I Taylor, Donna M $43,043.69 Res Assoc Liu, Yi $41,387.11 Res Assoc Mane, Viraj $46,000.00 Res Assoc Nde, Chantal $42,228.00 Res Assoc Parsons, Lisa M. $45,000.00 Res Assoc Robalino, Javier A $40,000.00 Res Assoc Small, David A. $42,228.00 Res Assoc Wang, Wenming $43,308.17 Res Assoc Wei, Wei $50,184.00 Res Assoc Zhang, DongXiu $74,320.00 Res Asst Prof Choi, Gil H $71,744.42 Research Asst Alford, Robert Tillman jr $36,720.00 Research Asst Du, Zaile $26,747.89 Research Asst Van Renterghem, Jennifer Rose $37,000.00 Sr Res Asst Shi, Diane $45,308.05 Sr Res Asst Zhao, Suwei $53,957.32 SVPAAP-Center for Leadership & Organizational Change Admin Asst II Smith, Theresa M. $23,000.00 Asst Dir Scott, Laura D. $79,458.11 SVPAAP-Enrollment Services Operations Accountant Reinhold, Jesse A $63,000.00 Assoc Dir Lemma, Dawit $76,000.00 Assoc Dir Riggs, Robert C. $95,967.68 Asst Baxter, Sara Josephine $35,700.00 Asst Swann, Jovan I. $35,700.00 Asst Dir Heng, Malina $52,758.00 Asst Dir Nero, Maria Lenora $58,000.00 Asst Dir Vander Velden, David L. $104,635.36 Asst Registrar Cartledge, Janelle P. $60,705.77 Asst Registrar Symonds, Daniel Wayne $71,651.66 Asst to Dir Wu, Teddy ChenTung $85,036.08 Coordinator Jewett, Jeffrey S. $110,252.59 Coordinator Orhelein, Kathryn M. $112,746.33 Coordinator Tan, Michelle Giok Ling $52,596.02 Coordinator Viapiano, Kimberly S $52,530.00 Counselor Rennie, Valerie T. $41,706.23 Counselor Wood, Judy F. $42,329.00 Director Bauder, Sarah Joan $125,379.56 Fincl Aid Couns Tran, Lisa Loan Thi $39,713.30 IT Coor Bazuaye, Felix $47,194.38 IT Ctl Ck Lead Janifer, Kelly L. $32,321.29 IT Ctl Ck Lead Johnson, Jeanette C $32,321.29 IT Ctl Ck Lead Lin, Ling $32,321.15 IT Ctl Ck Lead Thomas, Charlene $39,653.67 IT Ctl Ck Lead Walden, Cheree Dominique $32,969.98 Office Clerk II Twigg, Thomas E. $35,757.66 Prg Admin Spec Adams, Deborah J. $46,580.77 Sr Fincl Aid Couns Beaty, Daniel W. $44,625.39 Sr Fincl Aid Couns Sorensen, Scott $46,777.93 Word Proc Op Gingerich, Catherine L. $37,455.55 SVPAAP-Institute for International Programs Accounting Assoc Evans, Cynthia S. $36,024.78 Admin Asst II Kuhn, Margaret V. $37,425.56

Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Asst Dir Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Dir Admin Srv Director Director Evaluator Exec Dir Fac Res Asst Lecturer Office Supv II Prof

Chamblin, Emily Elizabeth Cole, David Davis, Marie C. Driver, Elizabeth Chase Gong, Nancy Lee Heckman-Bose, Jody Sue Richmond, Meg Mollish, John M. Scholten, Joseph B. Ulrich, Michael J. Varsa, Barbara J. Jesse Lira, Connie J Corcoran, Kellie Covey, Lucie M. Danielewicz, Agnieszka Donohoe, Catherine L Hayward, Vivian Hunter, Kenneth W. Levine, Pernille G. McGinnis, Rebecca W. Richards, Compton James Ruszczyk, Lauren Elizabeth Simms, Heather Daly, Robert Woolston, Valerie Van Son, Megan Cheung, Alan Cui, Jianxin Rivas, Mercedes Soumare, Marvella L Sosnowski, Saul

$41,000.00 $41,764.00 $49,232.20 $46,252.15 $26,126.66 $26,158.72 $40,500.00 $114,717.00 $79,127.62 $93,492.79 $94,613.96 $52,644.05 $46,000.00 $66,912.00 $59,437.32 $42,200.60 $51,400.00 $73,975.46 $68,652.29 $50,326.54 $58,300.00 $41,000.00 $67,957.50 $115,005.00 $124,245.36 $40,000.00 $25,000.00 $21,713.25 $56,000.00 $35,149.49 $200,457.02

Prog Asst Griffith, Shoshana Michelle Prog Asst Harple, Regina Prog Asst Hou-Weeks, Ruiping Prog Asst Wood, Taylor C Prog Coor Dai-Wang, Jeannette Jing Prog Mgmt Spec I Ramirez, Jeanette Prog Spec Alton, Lisa Tenley Res Dir Koehler, Laurie J. Staff Asst Faccio, Fabian Antonio SVPAAP-Nyumburu Assoc Dir Carswell, Anne Reese Asst Dir Comissiong, Solomon Business Serv Spec Lorick, Valentina L. IT Support Asst McGrew, Aaron Charles Lecturer Gregory, Dewayne R. Office Supv III Harrison, Rene SVPAAP-Office Multi-Ethnic Student Educ Admin Asst II Tomas, Norma D. Assoc Dir Payne Gold, Shaunna Asst Dir Andrews, Michael Asst Dir Chicquelo, Dottie H. Asst Dir Sawyer, Tunji Director Lester, Christopher Prg Admin Spec Dawson, Abimbola S. SVPAAP-Office of the Registrar Assoc Registrar Riggs, Jennifer Ann Assoc Registrar Vander Velden, Jackie Asst Baer, Suzanne Louise Asst Ballard, Marva Andrea Asst Carter, Krista A. Asst Clayton, Lisa M.

Read the Diamondback.

$34,501.50 $33,500.00 $42,656.40 $33,500.00 $44,789.22 $40,843.68 $20,857.15 $68,051.99 $45,820.00 $93,807.95 $47,895.10 $37,989.77 $41,752.71 $10,500.00 $44,438.67 $33,905.66 $68,000.00 $54,000.00 $56,352.23 $53,630.15 $94,071.60 $43,964.93 $73,034.91 $86,985.60 $46,945.80 $40,000.00 $66,689.97 $38,385.76

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Asst Flagg, Evonne Kismet $46,192.93 Asst Jimenez, Rommel Javier $35,706.53 Asst Laureys, Nicholas Thomas $35,500.00 Asst Leyton, Cynthia Anne $37,796.37 Asst Stolle, Raymond $50,633.67 Asst Dir Yokoi, Linda M. $74,928.09 Asst Registrar Cartledge, Ernest Belton $52,050.00 Asst Registrar Kibbey, Maribeth Ann $46,917.17 Asst Registrar Sturtevant, Rebecca J $53,550.00 Coordinator Beatty, Addie L. $54,257.88 Coordinator Cunningham, Connie S. $46,628.45 Coordinator Garrett-Williams, Toya V. $52,509.60 Coordinator Malone, Timothy G. $47,949.67 Coordinator Stevenson, Mary Ann $55,998.58 Exec Adm Asst I Redd, Marsha J. $46,268.50 IT Ctl Ck Lead Cook, Charlotte D. $40,539.79 IT Ctl Ck Lead Marcos, Teresa L. $17,838.88 IT PC Spec II Thomas, Debra A. $50,889.06 Office Supv I Goff-Aiken, Shauna J $30,424.05 Office Supv I Lau-Lopez, Zenia E. $39,564.26 Office Supv I Lauer, Kevin Lee $30,659.08 Office Supv III Williams, Robyn S. $43,367.81 Prog Mgmt Spec I Barrett, Dianne A. $38,117.79 Prog Mgmt Spec I Ferrara, Nicola A $33,825.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Hughes, Gregory Mark $34,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Pruett, Deborah P. $38,117.44 Prog Mgmt Spec I Toussaint, Sandra R. $43,608.03 SVPAAP-Student Financial Aid Client Services Assoc Dir Boyd, Monique $80,963.52 Assoc Dir Hopkins, Taneka Chevon $67,293.24 Collections Spec McHale, Brenda M. $49,804.15 Coordinator Dawkins, Peggy C. $38,566.33 Fincl Aid Couns Hansberry, Jemika Ovonia $35,615.00 Fincl Aid Couns Hollingsworth, Sharon $42,595.40 Fincl Aid Couns Sandler, Jennifer G $34,000.00 Fincl Aid Couns Shinagawa, Sunyong $34,577.86 IT Ctl Ck Lead Durham, Fenile L. $33,588.58 Office Assistant Washington, James Alvin $23,401.71 Sr Fincl Aid Couns Saxton, Claudine J. $43,000.00 Sr Fincl Aid Couns Wolf, Emily $41,000.00 SVPAAP-SVP Sr VP Academic Affairs & Provost Admin Andrews, Sylvia B. $119,009.65 Assoc Dir Cooper, Charlene Diana $48,000.00 Assoc Prof & Assoc Prov Black, Cordell W. $163,585.51 Assoc Vice Pres McLean, William F. $190,530.58 Assoc VP & Spec Asst to Pres Waters, Robert E. JR $180,137.57 Asst Dir Bonner, Marla $44,244.43 Asst to Dir Corneilse, Carol $48,000.00 Business Manager Smith, Rhonda L. $51,941.80 Coordinator Colson, Michael David $72,000.00 Coordinator Khan, Siemy $42,620.12 Coordinator Richardson, Roderick E. $87,019.60 Coordinator Wineke, Elizabeth Ann $61,406.00 Director Foxworth, Vicky $95,755.96 Director Hamlin, Angela Christine $97,014.00 Director Jensen, Luke S. $87,500.00 Director Lee, Jacqueline Wheeler $77,376.30 Director Malone, Rhonda Jan $98,744.43 Director Marcellino, Michelle Gordon $89,503.56 Director Zeigler, Ronald $95,990.74 Exec Adm Asst I Moore, Donna Yvette $38,722.06 Exec Asst to Prov Rodgerson, Beverly C. $101,142.26 Prof & Assoc Prov Beise, Elizabeth J. $152,000.00 Prof & Assoc Prov Scholnick, Ellin K. $191,662.62 Prof & Assoc Prov Straszheim, Mahlon R. $224,028.00 Res Analyst Hinkle, Margaret Mary $63,100.40 Spec Asst to VP Levy, Vicki D. $75,982.76 Sr VP Acad Aff&Prov Farvardin, Nariman $310,740.00 Staff Asst Davis, Sandra L. $50,000.00 Staff Asst Sibert, Jacqueline D $54,819.26 SVPAAP-University Senate

Coordinator Benincasa, Chelsea Terese Exec Sec & Dir CP Sen Montfort, Reka S. Prog Mgmt Spec I Skinner, Abbe C Undergraduate Admissions Adm Couns Nolan, Andrew Joseph Adm Couns Pastrick, Carter Wray Adm Couns Quinteros, Ricardo Ernesto Adm Couns Reid, Karina Lauren Adm Couns Rogers, Elizabeth Loraine Adm Couns Unglesbee, Ruth Admin Asst II Dantzler, Tisa R. Admin Asst II Stewart, Catha Marie Advisor Tomlinson, Colleen M Assoc Dir Felton, Karen S. Assoc Dir Myo, Min Thu Asst Dir Bell, Allison Elizabeth Asst Dir Davis, Derrick L. Asst Dir Lom, Jacqueline Kay Asst Dir Massey, James B JR Asst Dir Robinson, Michael Anthony Asst Dir Tiffany, Peggy Asst Dir Williams, Joseph Andrew Asst VP Gill, Barbara Ann Business Serv Spec Zloch, Jacqueline H. Coordinator Bair, Ashley Nicola Coordinator Bowen, Jesse M Coordinator Brooks, Kimberly D. Coordinator DeFord, Meghan Marie Coordinator DiPaolo, Theresa M. Coordinator Levine, Amy Schoen Coordinator Stamps, LaChelle Louise Coordinator Sutton, Shivani Kackar Director Gundy, Shannon R. Director Reynolds, D Britt IT Ctl Ck Lead Johnson, Bernice L. IT Ctl Ck Lead O'Neal, Mona R. Office Supv I Bouwkamp, Diane Lynn Office Supv I Purcell, Jane A. Office Supv I Whitehead, Rosemary D. Prog Mgmt Spec I Grzesiak, Kerrie L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Smith, Denise M. Prog Mgmt Spec I Thomas, Loretta P. Sr Adm Couns Jones, Matthew Justin Sr Adm Couns Lennon, Molly M Sr Assoc Director Gannon, Katherine Joyce *** Undergraduate Studies ** UGST-Academic Achievement Programs Admin Asst I Amusat, Muniru G. Assoc Dir Beyene, Tilahun Assoc Dir Peyton Caire, Lisa Assoc Dir Southerland, Wallace III Asst Dir Cofresi, Arling Coordinator Acevedo-Ortiz, Antonio Coordinator Cox, Tiffany Cardiss Coordinator Sow, Pathe Coordinator Vanwright, Sharon Carmen Couns Adv Foreman, Danielle Lynn Couns Adv Gonzalez-Velazquez, Edna I. Couns Adv Jackson, Q T. JR Couns Adv Middleton, Dario Couns Adv Rossignol, Jennifer Lynn Director Lewis, Jerry Lee Prog Mgmt Spec I Botts, Marsha UGST-AFROTC-Air Science Admin Asst II Rich, Yolanda E. UGST-Asian American Studies Program Admin Asst II Phan, Willis Assoc Prof & Dir Shinagawa, Larry Hajime Lecturer Daus, Gemirald P Lecturer Mohan, Jyoti Lecturer Nash, Philip Tajitsu

23 $40,000.00 $88,860.00 $33,000.00 $34,000.00 $33,000.00 $36,184.76 $33,000.00 $34,500.00 $46,206.49 $33,125.50 $33,125.50 $42,829.46 $90,000.00 $75,000.04 $61,200.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,109.00 $57,077.00 $57,905.00 $60,000.00 $162,052.00 $41,463.60 $50,000.00 $45,245.00 $52,560.00 $49,980.00 $69,604.38 $50,000.00 $46,727.00 $50,000.00 $117,009.75 $117,010.00 $38,818.52 $32,321.29 $29,682.92 $37,209.43 $34,309.40 $42,838.31 $40,552.24 $48,252.06 $41,478.00 $40,608.00 $90,000.70

$34,610.04 $82,568.41 $57,000.00 $63,216.78 $53,500.00 $58,333.39 $51,182.63 $49,725.52 $49,661.25 $45,479.25 $47,253.77 $48,896.74 $46,947.35 $45,479.25 $122,720.36 $40,996.78 $43,012.42 $35,875.00 $150,252.77 $7,500.00 $7,000.00 $9,600.00

Lecturer Wu, George C $7,000.00 Prog Coor Chiao, Lynne $49,138.50 UGST-College Park Scholars Admin Asst I Metrenas, Nancy E. $33,270.46 Assoc Dir Wilmes, Martha Baer $78,854.01 Business Serv Spec Seward, Carolyn J. $49,717.38 Exec Dir Stewart, Greig $126,304.21 Lecturer Gdovin, Susan L. $32,500.00 Lecturer Shechter, Benli Moshe $4,000.00 UGST-Division of Letters & Sciences Acad Adv Bodrick, Jabari T. $42,840.00 Acad Adv Parker, N Adaire $42,840.00 Acad Adv Sass, Julie $42,840.00 Admin Asst II Nelson, Tonya L $33,125.50 Advisor Howe, Nichole R. $42,840.00 Advisor Yoshioka, Miki Madoka $41,700.00 Assoc Dir Bisese, William M $76,762.00 Asst Dean & Dir Bryant, Deborah Reid $131,628.45 Asst Dir Bevilacqua, Theresa Flynn $51,968.00 Asst Dir Cooper, Evelyn E. $51,301.50 Asst Dir Steen, Thomas Joseph $68,793.78 Coordinator Hernandez, Brent M.W. $45,863.76 Coordinator Herst, Jennifer $46,012.96 Coordinator Mirhadi, Stella F. $45,716.80 Coordinator Ramirez, Neruh $50,000.00 Prog Coor Shaffer, Gregory Jay $59,824.50 Prog Mgmt Spec I Diamond, Linda M. $42,579.17 UGST-Educational Talent Search Coordinator Goodman, Dorsha $42,000.00 Coordinator Kane, Aaron Christopher JR $40,389.35 Coordinator Snorden, Malcolm Louis $38,562.23 Director Nottingham, Andre D. $70,000.00 Office Supv I Pollydore, Pauline A. $31,460.30 UGST-Honors Program Adv Consul Lebrun, Liza $51,428.35 Assoc Dir Barks, Cathy W. $70,084.05 Assoc Dir Russell, Katherine Ford $82,446.03 Asst Dir Dula, Traci L.M. $64,199.39 Asst Dir Hebert, Dean Osmar $62,327.57 Lecturer Carlson, John B. $18,523.28 Lecturer Hammond, William M. $8,000.00 Lecturer Newman, John M. JR $17,333.56 Lecturer O'Sullivan, Sylvia G. $18,521.24 Lecturer Swartz, Brecken Chinn $8,000.00 Lecturer Yoshikami, Miyuki Kagawa $8,000.00 Prof & Dir Dorland, William Douglass $156,056.00 Prog Mgmt Spec I Bielec, Lucille M. $28,018.03 Prog Mgmt Spec I Torchia, Margaret H. $27,363.34 UGST-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies Program Lecturer Berry, Amanda $9,400.00 Lecturer Sapinoso, J V. $35,000.00 Lecturer Sapinoso, J V. $35,000.00 UGST-Orientation Asst Dir Squire, Dian Drew $63,994.01 Coordinator Shishineh, Laila Marie $34,225.00 Dir Orient Strumpf, Gerry B. $114,519.44 Office Supv III McGowan, Carol A. $49,479.85 UGST-Pre-Col Prog in UG Studies Assoc Dir Foster Ahmed, Annie E. $63,429.56 Business Serv Spec Miles, Adrienne M. $42,519.39 Coordinator Malcolm, Moya Nikisha $46,818.00 Counselor Hill, Ryan Christopher $38,250.00 Director Hardy DeJesus, Georgette $98,974.17 Grad Asst II Mayers, Alissa Ann $3,682.00 UGST-Undergraduate Studies Admin Asst II Shaw, Cynthia E $38,224.82 Advisor Feaster, Keonna Ayeisha Nadine $58,800.00 Advisor Forbes, Megan Michelle $58,000.00 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean McAdams, Katherine C. $121,595.85 Asst Dean Kiely, Lisa J. $116,172.39

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Asst Dean Newton, James N. Asst Dir Eubanks, David Basil Asst Dir Riley, Megan N. Asst to Dean Robinson, Kathryn T. Asst to Dean Slavin, Laura G. Coordinator Brice, Leslie Anne Coordinator Cao, Lei Coordinator Comegys Schmidt, Lori Coordinator Glover, Patricia M. Coordinator Gormally, Bernadette Coordinator Howell, Leah R Coordinator Kumar, Priya Coordinator McClure, Kevin Richard Director Burton, Joan B. Director DuVinage, Francis P. Director Frye, Kimberley Lavin Director Riker, James V. Fac Res Asst Manfredo, Joseph Sheldon IT Coor Kuhn, Mark S. Lecturer Mann, Emily Sarah Prof & Act Assoc Dean Dietz, James M. Prof And Dean Hamilton, Donna B.

$127,997.58 $56,000.00 $52,405.88 $88,846.59 $91,684.69 $55,000.00 $46,500.00 $54,000.00 $45,560.70 $44,403.00 $28,368.44 $50,000.00 $40,000.00 $80,000.00 $100,000.00 $68,250.24 $93,676.80 $41,417.00 $69,650.16 $4,297.00 $92,508.93 $209,974.83

VP Administrative Affairs VPAA- Business Services Account Clerk III Johnson, Jonathan Shanley Accounting Assoc Compton, Mary Ellen Admin Asst II Bonnell, Yolande Assoc Dir Nash, Susan K. Asst Dir Raeder, Matthew F. Asst Dir Walsh, Marjorie Anne Asst to Dir Solter Evers, Michelle Renee Auto Serv Mech Le, Andy C. Auto Serv Mech Nguyen, John Van Auto Serv Mech Sharpe, Christopher H. Business Manager Lawrence, John B. Business Serv Spec Connors, Anna C. Coordinator Baumann, Carol J. Coordinator Denson, Joseph Otis JR Coordinator Poling, Ronald I. Coordinator Simmons, John R. JR Coordinator Walsh, Patrick Thomas Director Breen, Karen T. IT Coor McGlew, Jeffrey IT Coor Woodall, Mathew Kenneth Manager Beasley, Lance Gregory Manager Franquelli, Anthony Manager Masiulis, Robert Edward Manager McHenry, Darius Thomas Manager Nemesh, Anna Manager Remz, Leigh Manager Siska, Michael K. Manager Thacker, Teresa M Manager Waldo, Kurt A. Motor Equip Op I Chase, Ronald U Office Clerk II Jenkins, Krystal Lynn Post Serv Supv I Gray, Stephen M. Post Serv Supv I Greene, Matthew L. Postal Serv Proc Bermudez, Wenceslao Lozano Postal Serv Proc Biagas, Brian J Postal Serv Proc Contee, Dwayne E Postal Serv Proc Goard, Cynthia Marie Postal Serv Proc Hill, Ryan Orrete Postal Serv Proc Kane, Gary Lemar Postal Serv Proc Kincius, Kevin G. Postal Serv Proc Krug, Erik D. Postal Serv Proc Logan, Daniel P. Postal Serv Proc Stevenson, Arthur C. Postal Serv Proc Stevenson, James L. Postal Serv Proc Teehan, Scott Bryan Postal Serv Proc Vines, Delvin Prog Mgmt Spec I Alarcon-Jabonete, Ma Cecilia Prog Mgmt Spec I Apperson, Joyce K. Prog Mgmt Spec I Gore, Rebecca Prog Mgmt Spec I Ingraham, Lisa M. Prog Mgmt Spec I Lynn, Gwen P. Prog Mgmt Spec I Mate, Laura L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Newman, James D. Prog Mgmt Spec I Nguyen, Thai Q. Prog Mgmt Spec I Prince, John Stephen Prog Mgmt Spec I Quarles, Yvonne Prog Mgmt Spec I Weickert, Margaret A. Prog Mgmt Spec I Weiss, Maureen R. PS Fin/Bind Spec Ramsey, Alonzo JR PS Hg Sp Cp Op II Richards, Angela Natasha PS Photolithogph Benedict, Erik Brandon PS Photolithogph Chapman, Richard Arthur PS Photolithogph Gerding, Jacob Edwin PS Press Op I Anand, Vishnue PS Press Oper II Ermer, Thomas F. PS Prt Serv Sv II Cannon, Sharon L. PS Prt Serv Sv II Delauter, Sandra PS Prt Serv Sv II Gregory, Robert D. PS Prt Serv Sv II Payton, Dennis C. PS Prt Serv Sv II Rice, Robin D. PS Prt Serv Sv II Sweat, Jezreel M. PS Prt Serv Sv II Wilson, Frank E. PS Prt Serv Sv II Woods, Billy R. JR PS Prt Srv Sv I Burch, Gregory Robert PS Prt Srv Sv I Kovach, Kenneth P. VPAA-Comptroller Account Clerk III Downs, Melody M. Account Clerk III Guloy, Amadeo M. Accountant Armstrong, Deborah Starobin Accountant Belshay, Gail L. Accountant Campbell, Derrick Harlan

$31,315.86 $31,313.00 $32,100.00 $111,400.00 $97,232.00 $98,760.00 $28,224.00 $46,944.63 $46,944.63 $46,944.63 $63,465.00 $41,149.29 $65,520.00 $42,100.00 $53,800.00 $52,300.00 $45,000.49 $127,483.05 $57,500.00 $45,230.00 $50,450.00 $56,941.50 $81,549.00 $88,000.00 $77,700.00 $92,750.00 $72,930.00 $80,345.00 $70,569.00 $28,554.00 $24,107.00 $40,539.79 $41,254.13 $24,058.22 $23,838.00 $23,257.00 $25,983.37 $24,536.00 $33,217.00 $33,881.34 $27,595.77 $33,881.34 $34,356.41 $33,217.00 $21,702.00 $22,689.00 $34,583.00 $45,257.43 $38,098.96 $32,271.00 $33,919.00 $36,500.00 $44,226.28 $45,402.88 $34,583.05 $49,322.09 $43,722.40 $41,959.90 $44,846.34 $28,156.00 $42,955.00 $48,263.42 $39,376.00 $44,721.92 $47,742.80 $46,970.64 $45,972.09 $48,127.50 $54,633.43 $45,239.83 $42,016.50 $45,080.91 $52,481.57 $35,274.00 $48,252.06 $41,706.22 $33,220.76 $41,434.41 $60,181.02 $52,000.00

Accountant Cornell, Linda S. Accountant Daley, Muriel B. Accountant EL-Fayoumy, Nurrehan Accountant Kenney-O'Reilly, Patricia L. Accountant Logan, Gertrude Rosalyn Accountant Richards, Kathy Lisa Accountant Richardson, Carmen LaRosa Accountant Wechsler, Diane Sara Accountant Xu, Huiling Accountant I Bowman, Michelle Y. Accountant I Fahey, Karla J. Accountant I Khan, Shama Accountant I Mickles, Edna P. Accountant I Parks, Mary M. Accountant I Rodriguez, Silvia Narcisa Accountant I Webster, Sheila F. Accountant I Webster, Tatia S. Accounting Assoc Belt, Lisa R Accounting Assoc Grimley, Diana L. Accounting Assoc Handy, Vitaline C. Accounting Assoc Hennessy, Suzanne T. Accounting Assoc McCullough, Deana J. Accounting Assoc Spencer-Smith, Geraldine M. Admin Asst II Bishop, Natalie Germaine Analyst Choy, Siu-Fai Analyst Salem, Muddu K. Assoc Bursar Ryan, Angela D. Assoc Comptroller Waskiewicz, Edward C. Asst Bursar Trangsrud, John Erik Asst Comptroller Baino, Juancho B. Asst Comptroller Cohen, Jeffery M. Asst Comptroller Hough, William Dale Asst Comptroller Patterson, Chenise A. Asst Comptroller Tanner, Trina Alicia Asst Dir Beck, Theresa Gill Asst Mgr Murray, Debra Y. Asst Mgr Oakley, Janice G. Asst to Comptroller Funes, Olga M. Asst VP Phelps, Julie K. Bursar Landi, Michael J. Business Serv Spec Coates, Gloria L.R. Business Serv Spec Hanberry, Mary Ann Business Serv Spec Kery-Grant, Elsa nidia Business Serv Spec Madoo, Jacqueline Elizabeth Business Serv Spec Middledorf, Donna Jean Collections Spec Achey, Regina C. Collections Spec Damiano, William A. Collections Spec Fletcher, Andre M Collections Spec Harrah, A Jane Collections Spec Jones, Carol A. Collections Spec North, Sherry L. Collections Spec Rivera, Florfina Collections Spec Robinson, Florence C. Collections Spec Shaw, Yvette S. Collections Spec Terry, David Jason Coordinator Berry, James B. III Coordinator Boblitz, Susan H. Coordinator Estrada, Vito T. Coordinator Hanumara, Syamala Coordinator Hoffman, Joan M. Coordinator Kirby, Jeffrey T. Coordinator Kodali, Nagabhushan Coordinator Mandelblatt, Amy B. Coordinator Poling, Elizabeth D. Coordinator Salers, Laura J. Coordinator Simms, Michael K. Coordinator Suber-Leach, Tracy Coordinator Walker-Reed, Cynthia Coordinator Williams, Kimberly Nicole Director Blair, John Taylor IT PC Spec I Castillo, Carlos R IT PC Spec I Owens, Suzanne Marie Wade IT Support Assoc Garcia, Josephine IT Support Spec Montelara, Jehovan A IT Sys Prog Mallari, Alain Ronquillo LAN Sys Admin John, Rajesh David Manager Dowd, Tina Maria Manager Elliott, Susan H. Manager Fernandez, Josefina Manager Jenkins, David JR Manager Jin, Yi Manager Kilgore, Jacqueline E. Manager Martel, Rachel Anne Manager Mason, John Franklin JR Manager Moynahan, Helena A. Manager Okoro, Adrienne Johnson Manager Streicher, Gwen K. Manager Yan, Mary Yuet Sheung Office Clerk II Roane, Jonathan D Prog Mgmt Spec I Ballard, Tiki Makia Sr Accountant Barnes, Cynthia L. Sr Accountant Hall, Thomas Sr Accountant Nair, Sri Latha Sr Accountant Thompson, Robert S. Systems Analyst Ambrose, Russell B. JR Systems Analyst Henderson, Marc Shane Systems Analyst Howell, Delonte M. Systems Analyst Lederman, Joseph Philip Systems Analyst Rennie, Sally A. Tech Coor Eriki, Narmada Gopalchetty VPAA-Environmental Safety Admin Asst II Hodgkins, Crystalyn Marie Assoc Dir Lupin, Richard S. Asst Dir Benas, Christopher P. Asst Dir Dorman, Mary Josephine

$53,127.11 $52,476.01 $57,732.00 $57,938.75 $46,500.00 $57,732.00 $50,827.77 $51,500.00 $46,500.00 $38,392.74 $47,551.84 $37,349.13 $38,392.74 $38,391.45 $34,582.82 $29,302.98 $41,081.41 $33,978.75 $44,846.34 $45,759.21 $42,686.83 $45,101.17 $41,401.99 $36,366.00 $79,000.00 $125,000.31 $100,000.00 $135,060.15 $64,575.77 $135,000.00 $115,233.44 $126,265.29 $115,233.20 $106,389.22 $117,826.38 $76,888.16 $76,888.16 $56,779.21 $195,028.68 $123,400.00 $42,955.41 $50,306.29 $41,195.63 $42,955.41 $45,000.00 $47,458.63 $42,686.83 $37,424.54 $19,215.18 $47,583.75 $36,690.73 $44,572.89 $47,583.75 $43,380.14 $35,621.22 $53,075.69 $57,373.44 $51,604.65 $56,548.52 $53,016.44 $91,688.52 $53,411.76 $57,694.26 $51,524.83 $47,047.50 $79,000.00 $46,113.46 $56,433.33 $49,000.00 $145,000.00 $30,305.00 $39,564.26 $41,963.23 $45,120.22 $64,821.00 $74,832.04 $67,567.96 $93,863.02 $64,504.40 $64,287.30 $72,809.32 $72,871.34 $66,872.53 $98,215.57 $98,215.57 $78,175.28 $68,887.12 $63,648.00 $29,652.20 $39,114.77 $78,045.40 $78,045.21 $57,607.05 $76,178.38 $99,633.25 $84,724.87 $94,359.93 $82,237.13 $91,689.75 $91,885.77 $31,683.88 $147,977.53 $103,548.91 $120,000.00

24 Asst Dir McMahon, Donna M. Asst Dir Peterson, Janet S. Asst Dir Sactor, Alan H. Business Serv Spec Jeter, Deloris Chemist Taylor, Cleveland JR Coordinator Dyer, Jacques Merton Coordinator Galemba, Robert B. Coordinator Grosser, Saul B Coordinator Heaney, Hallie H. Coordinator Miller, Richard Edwards Coordinator Rhodes, Jeysha R. Coordinator Sinn, Christopher J Coordinator Stewart, Mark Werner Engineer DeFrank, Robert F. Engineer Foote, Andrew Brian Engineer Lippincott, Keith Scott Envir Spec Curtis, Charles Kevin Envir Spec Guffey, Bill Envir Spec Muldoon, Ryan Michael Fire Protect Spec Hicks, Matthew Allan Health Physicist Hand, Steven Thomas Health Physicist Zidek, Bryan Keith IT Sys Analyst Douglass, Gregory Charles Manager Atchison, Kevin Manager Dailey, Phyllis Lewis Manager Ferreira, Luisa Carlotta Manager Follum, John Edward Manager Wizorek, Martin William Prog Coor Clay, Theresa E Prog Mgmt Spec I Jan, Cathy Proj Mgr Lair, Heather A. Specialist Williams, Keith E. VPAA-Procurement & Supply Account Clerk III Siciak, Leslie Marie Account Clerk III Stenson, Kristin A. Accounting Assoc Contee, Melvin E. JR Assoc Dir Haley, James Patrick SR Assoc Dir Vogel, Joseph F. Asst Dir Newman, Marty Asst Dir Walton, Lawrence P. Business Manager Sheets, George H. JR Business Serv Spec Harris, Kathryn L. Business Serv Spec Yanulevich, Tammy L. Buyer Butner, Patricia Buyer Elliott, R Denise Buyer Fowlie, Richard M. Buyer Mandelman, Paula R. Buyer Sanchez, Lucy F. Buyer Stoner, Vicki L. Buyer Underwood, Vickie J. Buyer Associate Ireland, Jennifer E. Buyer Associate O'Brien, Christine Buyer Associate Schlegel, Tracy A Buyer I Barrett, Kathleen K. Buyer I Simpson, Carole Buyer I Sombatpium, Tanida P. Buyer I Turner, Jeffrey J Coordinator Blanchard, Thomas JR Coordinator Brewer, Bruce D. Coordinator Fitch, Rex N. Coordinator Leatherwood, Victoria Coordinator Zimmerman, Mary Ann Director Stirling, James S. IT Coor Libby, Kristina M. IT Support Spec Shettle, George M. Manager Elvidge, Karen P. Manager Painter, Russell M. Manager Salazar, Sidney Manager Waterman, Douglas A. Specialist Thompson, Lisa L. Specialist Weimer, April D. Storekeeper II Koehnlein, Charles Allan Storekeeper II Merica, Carl J. Storekeeper II Teabout, Harry Anthony IV Storekeeper II Timmons, Lamont Alphonzo Storekeeper III Trainor, Nicholas M. Storekeeper III Williams, George W. JR VPAA-Public Safety Accounting Assoc Wong, Kathy C. Asst Dir Gruber, Jay Nathaniel Asst Dir Hamrick, James K. Asst Dir Jagoe, Christopher J. Asst Dir Sparks, Mark W. Asst Dir Volz, Larry E. Business Serv Spec Lau, Sai Hung Business Serv Spec Limansky, Elaine Beth Business Serv Spec Parker, Ashlee D Coordinator Buchanan, Jeffery Coordinator Dillon, Paul M. Coordinator Kwok, Lisa L.C. Coordinator McGuigan, Mark Coordinator Perry, Josephus Daniel Coordinator Renner, Deanna Marie Coordinator Schallhorn, Karl E. Coordinator Stimpson, Jayne S. Coordinator Trimble, Terry L. Elec Tech II Young, Arnold Blackston Elect Tech III Baker, Marco Roshawn Elect Tech III Marinari, Patrick S. SR Elect Tech III Murray, Vincent P. Elect Tech III Parham, Brian Patrick Elect Tech III Thompson, Jene W. Elect Tech III Wilson, Conrad A. IT Com Op Sh Supv Arthur, Tiffany Lynn IT Com Op Sh Supv Banks, Denise IT Com Op Sh Supv Cox, Carolyn Mackie

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 $102,627.49 $108,563.57 $102,032.81 $36,690.73 $74,259.57 $52,020.00 $79,393.79 $63,451.40 $62,103.79 $55,925.86 $63,252.86 $53,040.00 $52,275.00 $75,749.00 $69,500.00 $97,625.00 $78,937.48 $66,626.56 $45,650.00 $35,360.00 $90,407.17 $68,020.80 $95,345.14 $74,648.70 $73,580.30 $80,799.81 $96,377.61 $88,105.08 $47,124.22 $34,582.82 $89,913.00 $53,610.96 $31,632.35 $23,305.88 $46,322.91 $111,768.62 $100,491.64 $96,439.62 $100,103.73 $56,835.45 $51,543.15 $50,230.00 $64,757.89 $63,740.00 $40,870.35 $68,705.16 $61,540.86 $48,573.00 $62,806.86 $41,587.82 $33,125.50 $32,476.37 $49,754.37 $42,356.86 $45,195.55 $35,990.90 $87,547.25 $84,913.08 $87,547.01 $89,776.96 $68,095.84 $148,371.53 $57,843.17 $56,624.56 $75,000.00 $64,060.64 $47,941.74 $69,813.02 $66,498.66 $47,023.00 $27,413.10 $36,249.20 $28,343.81 $27,413.10 $45,424.19 $42,359.75 $44,033.76 $111,051.53 $106,829.09 $95,927.80 $117,830.35 $110,428.15 $41,771.36 $43,814.71 $35,795.83 $68,913.53 $86,985.00 $64,869.21 $71,465.71 $65,209.09 $55,014.90 $49,920.00 $47,787.32 $72,134.51 $35,971.68 $50,508.74 $53,685.36 $57,002.22 $46,022.62 $55,095.95 $50,508.74 $39,891.00 $47,337.27 $39,830.90

IT Com Op Sh Supv Morrison, Emily D. IT Com Op Sh Supv O'Dea, Michelle Lynn IT Com Op Sh Supv Pedrick, Brian Mark IT Com Op Sh Supv Rohan, Dean Arthur IT Com Op Sh Supv Walker, Penny Sue IT Com Op Sh Supv Williams, Sharnette D IT Data Enty Supv Lind, Dorothy McMullen IT Programmer I Eskin, Stephen IT Support Asst Anderson, Michael Thomas IT Sys Mgr Singh, Apaar Office Supv II Asbury, Barbara A Office Supv II Lane, Steven Philip Office Supv II Norton, Jesseanne Marie Office Supv II Russell, Courtney Caryn Pol Comm Supv Busbee, Joel Benjamin Police Comm Op Ld Long, Adam David Police Comm Op Ld Pedrick, Andrew Scott Prog Mgmt Spec I Wander, Mollie Lynn Prog Mgmt Spec I Wimbish, Dana Felice Sec Sys Spec Spencer, Timothy Univ Pol Off I Eller, Jason C Univ Pol Off I Meekins, Brian Edmund Univ Pol Off I Powers, Joel Frederick Univ Pol Off I Smith, Dominic Antonio Univ Pol Off I Walcott, Kristopher E Univ Pol Off I Yates, Edward William Univ Pol Off II Balagtas, Michael John Univ Pol Off II Bradley, Thjuan Tamika Univ Pol Off II Brown, Clayton Paul Univ Pol Off II Brown, John Paul Univ Pol Off II Bumbray, Darrell Myron Univ Pol Off II Davis, Aaron Reginald O'Garro Univ Pol Off II Diggs, Garwood Anthony Univ Pol Off II Fields, David Michael Univ Pol Off II Forbin, Enoch E Univ Pol Off II Glouchkov, Victor Univ Pol Off II Hoaas, Rosanne Kathleen Univ Pol Off II Iversen, Christopher William Univ Pol Off II Jones, Samuel William Univ Pol Off II McCann, Evan M Univ Pol Off II Miller, Nathan L. Univ Pol Off II Morningstar, Colin Alexander Univ Pol Off II Ottey, Jason Lee Univ Pol Off II Pavlik, Lucas Brandon Univ Pol Off II Rabold, Sean Wesley Univ Pol Off II Robinson, Derrick Bruce Univ Pol Off II Rodowsky, Michael Thomas Univ Pol Off II Santana Vargas, Zenobia Univ Pol Off II Suthard, Matthew Fredrick Univ Pol Off II Wehage, Joseph Harry Univ Pol Off II Williams, Dillon George JR Univ Pol Off III Bona, Marc Christopher Univ Pol Off III Brown, Gregory John Univ Pol Off III Brown, Shawn Zachariah Univ Pol Off III Chapman, Cassandra L. Univ Pol Off III Culhane, Katherine Maria Univ Pol Off III Elliott, Shawn Martell Univ Pol Off III Ellis, Jonas Univ Pol Off III Fitzgerald, John Paul Univ Pol Off III Franklin, Dwight H JR Univ Pol Off III Galster, Keith Alan Univ Pol Off III Glushkov, Maxim Univ Pol Off III Hampton, John Lawrence Univ Pol Off III Heng, Julia R. Univ Pol Off III Hill, Roy Harvey JR Univ Pol Off III Jones, Scott Nathaniel Univ Pol Off III Kelly, Garfield Univ Pol Off III Lesniewicz, Brian Anthony Univ Pol Off III Lilly, Joseph Clemens Univ Pol Off III Mable, William Louis III Univ Pol Off III Martin, Jerry M. Univ Pol Off III McLaughlin, Tonya Denise Univ Pol Off III Moss, Raphael D Univ Pol Off III Pak, Min Univ Pol Off III Pena-Ariet, Richard Rosendo Univ Pol Off III Prescott, Melissa Univ Pol Off III Smallwood, Alexander Michael Univ Pol Off III Stine, Seth Thomas Univ Pol Off III Thompson, Derrick Univ Pol Off III Wittkopp, Mark A Univ Pol Off IV Cassady, John Kenrick IV Univ Pol Off IV Jenkins, Barbara E. Univ Pol Off IV Jenshoej, Robert E. Univ Pol Off IV Kenner, August D. Univ Pol Off IV Leonard, Kenneth T. Univ Pol Off IV Miller, Paige H Univ Pol Off IV Mugerwa, Richard Andrew Univ Pol Off IV Payne, Elizabeth Marie Univ Pol Off IV Peters, Jeffrey A. Univ Pol Off IV Tou, Philip P Univ Police Officer Ardovini, Joanne O'Hagan Univ Police Officer Brandt, John H. IV Univ Police Officer Calvert, Kenneth E. Univ Police Officer Consoli, Carolyn Jeanne Univ Police Officer Diaz, Efren Martin Univ Police Officer Dyer, Laura E. Univ Police Officer Ecker, Kenneth Eugene Univ Police Officer Goldsmith, James M. Univ Police Officer Killion, Jeffrey S. Univ Police Officer Kowa, Steven Robert Univ Police Officer Limansky, Marc Univ Police Officer Lintz, Brian K. Univ Police Officer Mueck, Robert P. VPAA-University Human Resources Assoc Dir Trimble, Carolyn G. Asst Dir Colbert, Kim L.

$39,670.00 $39,670.01 $39,830.90 $39,573.52 $50,585.40 $39,573.52 $37,424.54 $40,461.00 $38,787.95 $76,160.00 $32,186.48 $35,814.65 $34,322.60 $32,186.48 $47,165.44 $31,442.14 $31,442.14 $35,274.47 $34,582.81 $34,762.29 $42,049.00 $42,049.00 $42,049.00 $42,049.00 $42,049.00 $42,049.00 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $45,155.00 $45,155.00 $45,155.00 $45,412.92 $45,412.92 $53,542.72 $48,767.40 $48,767.40 $55,202.01 $62,154.79 $51,913.58 $50,190.87 $48,767.40 $50,190.87 $49,986.58 $48,767.40 $54,990.65 $51,913.58 $55,202.01 $55,202.40 $50,190.87 $48,767.40 $48,767.40 $48,767.40 $69,613.35 $48,767.40 $50,190.87 $50,190.87 $48,767.40 $50,190.87 $48,767.40 $48,767.40 $67,990.49 $54,155.68 $71,814.58 $73,469.33 $54,206.00 $59,618.15 $56,561.40 $56,265.00 $54,206.13 $56,561.40 $75,276.78 $68,626.65 $69,960.36 $89,401.32 $78,592.67 $72,945.13 $68,284.94 $74,514.48 $65,460.39 $82,412.03 $85,686.96 $84,049.43 $89,811.42 $84,353.82 $83,788.75 $133,333.39 $97,642.88

Asst Dir McDonald, Karen C. Asst Dir Rieger, David R. Asst Dir Stone, Maurissa D. Business Serv Spec Marth, Ellen Fitzsimmons Business Serv Spec Torres, Natalie M. Coordinator Costello, Sherry L. Coordinator Laden, Patrick R Coordinator Moore, Shirleen S. Coordinator Ross, Shirley K. Coordinator Sims, Stacy L. Coordinator Vogler, Lidia A. Coordinator Williams, Brinda C. Coordinator Zook, Susan M. Dir Personnel Anderson, Dale O. Director Forster, Cherie R. Human Res Assoc II Modeste, Norma C Human Res Spec I Ganey, Lori S Human Res Spec I Taylor, Phyllis J. Manager King, Wallace M. Manager Pugh, William B. Prg Admin Spec Hopkins, LaDonna F. Prog Mgmt Spec I Clifford, Cynthia L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Gonsalves, Monica Prog Mgmt Spec I Nalley, Holly Elizabeth Prog Mgmt Spec I Smith, Janice D. VPAA-VP Administrative Affairs Assoc Briggs, Jane A. Assoc Briggs, Jane A. Asst to VP Aparicio Blackwell, Gloria Asst to VP Mulliken, E Jane Asst VP Farley, John Norman Asst VP Redmiles, Irene Boehm Coordinator Schnitzer, Ari David Exec Adm Asst II Bennett, Catherine D. Vice Pres Admin Aff Wylie, Ann G.

$106,932.73 $97,564.67 $84,100.00 $41,584.72 $45,197.26 $63,121.76 $65,000.00 $46,795.39 $70,941.55 $70,244.60 $63,047.88 $71,091.19 $49,838.21 $177,358.11 $118,707.01 $33,739.33 $35,795.83 $39,270.97 $74,545.23 $79,606.92 $51,737.16 $49,042.03 $40,722.23 $41,499.16 $35,879.84 $102,055.98 $102,055.98 $102,409.99 $68,363.97 $173,810.89 $148,845.00 $60,410.00 $42,762.90 $266,603.00

VP Research VPR-UM Ctr Applied Pol Studies (UMCAPS) Admin Asst II Jennings, Antonietta Maria Assoc Dir Bilanin, Jeanne E. Asst Dir Keys, Patricia Ann Coordinator Babukiika, Grace Coordinator Blakeney, Ralph S. Coordinator Cush, Glenna E Coordinator Grantham, Doris A. Coordinator Penn, Vanita R. Coordinator Rasul, Iftekhar Coordinator Ruiz, Anthony Joseph Coordinator Simpson, Melissa Lynne Coordinator Willson, Lester S Counselor Bayliss, Bret Kyle Counselor Johnson, Kelvin J Counselor Kolich, Mary Lee Counselor LeFlore, Arthenia J Counselor Villamil, Marisela Director Cox, Robin Parker Fac Res Asst Betsinger, Sara Linn Fac Res Asst Bridgers, Janet Strindmo Fac Res Asst Burns-Heffner, Laura E Fac Res Asst Butler, Rita E. Fac Res Asst Chang, Shinyu Fac Res Asst Cohen, Sheri Fac Res Asst Cooper, Sharon Gibbs Fac Res Asst Falls, Benjamin J Fac Res Asst Fogg, Heather Van Wyk Fac Res Asst Lester, Kathleen S. Fac Res Asst Liu, Mark P. Fac Res Asst Mandelcorn, Seymour Fac Res Asst McCloskey, Megan Marie Fac Res Asst O'Reilly, Jonathan Fac Res Asst Rice, Tara Fac Res Asst Schirmer, Sarah Fac Res Asst Shapiro, Leeza Fac Res Asst Stubbs, Janae Derita Fac Res Asst Thomas, Sarah Catherine Fac Res Asst Wyckoff, Laura Ann Fac Res Asst Yancey, Christina L. Fac Res Asst Zhou, Guangchen Fac Res Asst Zwiesler, Theodore W IT Consult Robinson, Kevin Garfield IT Support Spec Black, Dovella Phleschette Manager Hong, Joseph Manager Sprow, Renee C. Program Dir Brown, Lora Maria Program Dir Warner, Denise Res Assoc Delano, Jayme A Res Assoc Farrell, Jill Res Assoc Sherman, Stephan A. Res Assoc Young, Douglas VPR-VP Research Accounting Assoc Elliott, Thomas Lewis JR Admin Archibald, Sarah N. Admin Asst I Gillette, Doris N. Admin Asst II Guzewich, Judith A. Admin Asst II Jung, Joyce W. Admin Asst II Simmons, Suzanne M. Assoc Dir Lawson, Antoinette Assoc Res Sci Brugman, Claudia Marlea Assoc Res Sci Bunting, Michael F Assoc Res Sci Haarmann, Hendrik J. Assoc Res Sci Michael, Erica B. Assoc Res Sci Miller, Corey Andrew Assoc Vice Pres Darmody, Brian P. Assoc Vice Pres Eastman, Michele A. Assoc Vice Pres Gertz, Ken S. Asst Figgins, Jennifer Melissa

$33,995.76 $96,169.54 $71,349.00 $50,000.00 $81,297.56 $62,416.37 $38,213.38 $43,587.22 $71,000.00 $70,918.05 $40,340.86 $81,297.55 $59,160.00 $50,000.00 $68,500.00 $67,940.43 $55,775.06 $131,210.44 $50,000.00 $78,317.18 $50,068.35 $61,205.96 $79,116.00 $52,565.02 $84,661.58 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $98,337.38 $33,692.89 $94,582.67 $20,900.00 $45,000.00 $55,000.00 $50,000.00 $77,500.85 $62,500.00 $32,000.00 $60,098.57 $53,032.68 $81,050.26 $71,441.55 $63,776.00 $42,104.00 $64,214.40 $118,141.59 $97,523.32 $73,000.00 $92,047.26 $65,897.99 $125,753.15 $127,691.05 $36,868.15 $70,039.73 $32,344.00 $44,017.64 $41,183.48 $35,105.78 $105,357.80 $120,000.00 $93,000.02 $107,121.16 $115,000.00 $120,000.00 $173,000.00 $188,500.00 $188,000.00 $40,566.61

Asst Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Mgr Asst Mgr Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst Res Sci Asst to VP Asst VP Business Serv Spec Cont Admin Cont Admin Cont Admin Cont Admin Cont Admin Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Director Director Director Director Director Editor Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Exec Dir Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst IT Coor IT Coor IT Coor IT Coor IT Coor IT Support Assoc IT Sys Prog Lab Animal Tech Lab Animal Tech

Shamoo, Jessica Mari Anderson, Monique Bauer, Mariah M.L. Crierie, Evan L. Ebaugh, Joseph L. Howell, Aimee Lynn Lepore, Lisa Marie Montgomery, Wendy T. Morse, Pamela R Tonggarwee, Kanitta Chairaks Welsh, Nancy E. Bell, Tykisha Egloff, Sally Louise Berens, Melody S. Blodgett, Allison Bloomfield, Amber N. Boutz, Jennifer Bowles, Anita R. Bradley, Petra Anne David, Anne Elizabeth Frank, Victor Michael Golonka, Ewa Harbison, J Isaiah Jackson, Scott Russell Linck, Jared Marlo, Michael R Newland, Alina E Novick, Jared M Purvis, Tristan Rytting, C Anton Saner, Lelyn D Tare, Medha Vatz, Karen L Weems, Scott A. Zajic, David Michael Pesce, Susan M. Clark, Denise J Vernon, Shirley J. Frankenfield, Jill Allane O'Malley, Barbara L. Petrone, Kathleen Meagan Richardson, Jeffrey P. Snyder, Marcine D. Averilla-Chin, Muriel Brackins, Stephanie Monique Clay, Elsbeth Anne Delorenzo, Ann Dwyer, Erin Givens, Cheryl K. Gossman, Susan M. Hunsaker, Rebecca I Kamins, Sarah Brooks Metz, Felicia Anne Moore, Melissa E Rose, Sherrita Saba, Fernande S. Smith, Megan Heather Swift, Jennifer Elaine Thomas, Danica Marie Thomas, Maria P Trimble, Maura Marie Vines, Aye Jamika Elliott, Sharon G. Geronimo, Anne Powell, Douglas A. Romano, John Arthur Tise, Mark Vander Wall, Dale E. Campbell Dougherty, Jill Bartsch, Gerhard Uwe Burns, William Gump, Thomas C. Jaucian, Joe Vincent Taylor, Christopher White, Jason Edward Varma, Gayatri Blake, Charles Carlos III Browne, Evelyn Castle, Shaina Louise Chrabaszcz, Jeffrey Stephen Clarady, Carrie K Cook, Janet G. Corbett, Ryan Patrick Donavos, Dimitrios Falk, Michelle Christine Fox, Melissa K George, Timothy G. Hettick, Christian Janesh, Jennifer Marie Lutz, Amanda Nicole Nielson, Katharine Brown Rhoad, Kathryn Ann Rhoades, Elizabeth Sarah Rogler Rodrigues, Paul Smaliy, Alexei Thomas, Patrice Monique Willis, Refina Grace Cocchiarella, Dana Lerie, Elizabeth Caralena Mainolfi, James Vincent Pryor, Robert Iii Sigler, Richard M. Davis, Louise Gaertner, Justin Lawrence Gilliam, Lauren A Williams, Nathaniel

$44,148.00 $100,986.71 $81,316.06 $99,804.14 $48,480.00 $84,000.59 $78,795.00 $100,924.46 $90,832.65 $71,000.25 $59,195.00 $67,675.22 $69,091.65 $78,000.00 $82,000.03 $77,000.00 $75,000.00 $83,000.88 $82,300.09 $78,000.48 $80,700.65 $80,000.66 $78,000.00 $77,000.00 $72,000.00 $80,000.00 $78,000.00 $78,750.00 $75,000.00 $95,400.00 $75,000.00 $77,000.00 $38,500.00 $16,400.14 $106,080.00 $60,000.13 $172,500.00 $50,197.34 $93,000.00 $93,220.93 $75,575.45 $83,022.82 $72,833.71 $57,120.00 $53,759.82 $45,500.00 $42,000.00 $65,531.11 $49,860.75 $66,500.00 $59,500.00 $51,000.58 $42,798.00 $51,540.60 $53,000.99 $61,300.59 $65,030.10 $49,980.00 $45,946.00 $53,200.00 $67,200.71 $55,597.34 $109,280.00 $113,960.00 $166,400.00 $173,700.69 $117,565.00 $137,006.36 $63,000.00 $87,453.96 $79,000.00 $116,830.00 $92,000.00 $69,870.00 $89,618.00 $108,100.00 $46,311.80 $56,296.20 $40,800.00 $40,800.00 $25,125.46 $52,000.00 $40,800.00 $75,000.00 $48,300.00 $51,488.60 $43,860.00 $50,000.00 $40,800.00 $40,800.00 $47,293.00 $55,950.82 $35,887.74 $62,000.00 $40,800.00 $40,800.00 $30,600.00 $53,100.00 $66,300.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $65,922.00 $47,554.58 $91,144.00 $30,750.00 $32,161.99

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Prg Admin Spec Prof Prof & Assoc VP Prof & Dir Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Program Dir Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Proj Mgr Res Analyst Res Assoc Res Coor Res Coor Res Coor Res Prof Res Prof Res Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Sec Spec Ld Sec Spec Ld Sec Spec Ld Specialist Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Sr Res Sci Systems Analyst Vice President

Garrett, Carolyn A. Letscher, George Perkins, Vonnie Y. Persaud, Axel S. Smith, Joseph M. Underwood, Amanda Margaret Slye, Debora Sue Weinberg, Amy S. Ottinger, Mary Ann Brecht, Richard Domenick Jenkins, Dinyell N. March, Zennis L. McLean, Agnes M. Mullen, Theresa A. Dockins, Chauncey Allen, Amira Lee, Meredith Price Masters, Megan Christina Sands, Amy RE Spurrier, Allison Marie Flick, Paul Kurt JR Buckwalter, Timothy Gorman, Kayla Elizabeth Gray, Patricia Lucas, Tamara N. Danks, Joseph H. Iverson, Gregory K Jackson, Dawn Brown, Sean D Carmi, Steven G Coffee, Britney Nicole Davis, William E.E. Pilson, Anita Renee Ramirez, Linda Elizabeth Renibe, Zanaki Fito Roberts, Elnora Morgan Rodgers, Kristin Miya Ruthven, Amanda Sue Scott, Frank Edward Vaughan, Heather L Williams, Brenda Marie Campbell, Porche Kathleen Johnson, John Gilbert JR Weeks, John F Soukup, Andrew Dien, Joseph Doughty, Catherine J. Forsyth, Barbara Kimzey, Charles H. Maxwell, Michael B Reinhart, George R Wayland, Sarah C. Friedman, Zachary I Bernstein, Melvin

$60,539.00 $71,000.00 $100,130.79 $106,500.18 $80,000.00 $55,000.00 $46,380.85 $109,947.94 $127,535.00 $252,632.53 $36,610.03 $39,470.76 $42,501.78 $50,749.46 $122,192.00 $64,600.00 $68,046.00 $68,376.00 $67,715.00 $68,000.00 $67,847.12 $99,750.00 $48,000.10 $65,450.67 $59,620.06 $218,730.13 $167,200.00 $64,653.36 $21,305.65 $35,062.18 $34,207.00 $36,218.51 $35,176.08 $38,725.00 $35,062.00 $38,690.93 $35,274.47 $20,524.00 $21,202.35 $35,062.00 $35,274.47 $39,507.00 $41,598.70 $42,325.69 $53,680.00 $118,000.00 $145,557.00 $167,600.00 $173,152.00 $129,560.00 $115,500.00 $125,400.00 $87,636.77 $256,872.03

VP Student Affairs VPSA-Campus Recreation Services Accounting Assoc McQueen, Annette Denise Admin Asst II Gover, Grace Marie Assoc Dir Aiken, Barbara D. Assoc Dir Eddy, Wallace L. Assoc Dir Flynn, Brent Allen Assoc Dir Thompson, Andrea C. Assoc Dir Tupper, Carrie A. Asst Dir Cabellon, Earlbert Torrelino Asst Dir Cegledy, Rebecca J Asst Dir Doyle, Michael Kane Asst Dir Eckert, Kimberly Margaret Asst Dir Flumbaum, David R. Asst Dir Hagen, Kathryn Lee Asst Dir Klier, Kurt D. Asst Dir McBean, Vania Michelle Asst Dir Mires, Mary Elizabeth Asst Dir Phaneuf, Michael Paul Asst Dir Rowh, Brianne Nicole Coordinator Cecil, James Edward Coordinator Ferdinand, Natalie J. Coordinator Giossi, Miranda Lynn Coordinator Kearns, Lance Patrick Coordinator Legg, Kristin Marie Coordinator Sullivan, Mary Kathryn Ann Coordinator Teh, Alex Coordinator Zilke, Joseph Edward Director Gilchrist, Jay P. IT Sys Analyst Jang, Dong Ju Manager Callahan, Curt P. Manager Delaney, Amanda Dawn Manager Dennis, Shawn Patrick Manager Freedman, Diana Shaina Manager Hefty, Paul David Manager Moody, Lawrence P. JR Media Spec McEachern, Tony Sport Turf Tech Benevento, Peter Nicholas VPSA-Chapel Office Assistant Hawkins, Janice M. VPSA-Conferences & Visitor Services Admin Asst II Thornton, Donna Victoria Assoc Dir Flynn, Thomas J. Assoc Dir Warren, Susan Dale Asst Dir Press, Lisa Michelle Business Manager Evans, Jean E. Director Perfetto, Patrick C. Manager Blackwell, Kisha Hemphill Manager Eddy, Matt Manager Sazama, Christopher Beck Manager Seifried, Denise C.

$41,820.00 $45,888.62 $97,821.93 $76,047.58 $94,123.00 $94,122.38 $75,538.83 $57,544.95 $58,000.00 $57,215.72 $66,670.00 $69,252.46 $55,425.00 $62,438.98 $72,350.81 $56,875.44 $54,060.00 $63,325.16 $44,765.00 $48,324.08 $47,940.00 $47,940.00 $46,306.22 $47,940.00 $46,295.00 $41,145.00 $119,753.72 $66,185.00 $87,050.72 $51,000.00 $53,471.72 $52,365.00 $56,206.36 $64,746.77 $66,672.62 $42,000.00 $16,590.00 $43,453.32 $84,031.81 $86,589.03 $64,269.88 $64,530.21 $104,550.00 $55,080.60 $44,018.10 $56,598.16 $48,700.00

TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Manager Spengler, Betty E. Manager Witherspoon, Malia Mariama Registration Analyst Long, Alison Marie VPSA-Counseling Center Account Clerk III Evano-Williams, Virginia C. Admin Asst II Cauffman, Mary A. Admin Asst II Tran, Hue T Assoc Prof Lucas, Margaretha S. Asst Dir Hutchinson, Jo Ann Asst Dir Kandell, Jonathan Jay Asst Dir Wilson, Wendy L Business Serv Spec Wang, Lin Jun Business Serv Spec Wilcox, Kathleen C. Coordinator Adam, Amina Coordinator Hamilton, Evalyn R. Coordinator Lytle, Cassandra Coordinator Newsome, William Daniel Counselor Blackmon, Shakema Counselor Browner, Shirley C. Counselor Collins, Noah Matthew Counselor French, Bryana Counselor Gast, Linda K. Counselor Hunt, Patricia F. Counselor Kinney, Judith M. Counselor Kirkland-Gordon, Sharon E. Counselor Lin, Yi-Jiun Counselor Logan, Jade Nichole Counselor Mebane, Sarah Counselor Oslin, Yvonne Delores Counselor Petersen, David Allen Counselor Phillips, Pepper E. Counselor Pickett, Theodore JR Counselor Sigall, Brenda Alpert Counselor Smith, Sidney Counselor Zamostny, Kathy P. Counselor PT Goldberg, Barbara J. Counselor PT Greenfeig, Beverly R. Dir Counc Cnt Boyd, Vivian S. Interpreter Bloodworth, Jennifer Ann Interpreter Stilwell, Frances M Office Clerk II Molina, Francisca R. Office Supv I Gibbs, Margaret M. Psychometrist Mitchell, Alice A

$55,009.24 $50,011.72 $42,003.60 $39,775.24 $44,907.24 $37,507.31 $92,751.85 $90,117.65 $96,105.25 $79,000.00 $40,171.25 $52,135.40 $48,171.41 $47,988.45 $51,456.75 $57,538.90 $30,475.00 $52,520.05 $63,707.25 $30,475.00 $78,054.61 $57,267.87 $75,000.00 $88,000.63 $62,000.00 $30,475.00 $60,000.00 $85,508.48 $67,932.03 $66,195.66 $64,707.25 $22,352.34 $30,475.00 $76,041.07 $43,907.55 $45,402.87 $133,314.47 $39,318.16 $35,180.16 $35,757.66 $40,776.96 $61,423.13

VPSA-Dining Services Account Clerk I Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Account Clerk II Account Clerk II Account Clerk II Account Clerk II Account Clerk III Account Clerk III Account Clerk III Account Clerk III Account Clerk III Accountant Accounting Assoc Accounting Assoc Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Baker Brick/Stone mason Business Serv Spec Business Serv Spec Business Serv Spec Business Serv Spec Cabinetmaker Cabinetmaker Carpenter Carpenter Collections Supv Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook

Cole, Winston J. Saylor, Candice J. Forney, Sarah K. Hussain, Naila N. Keats, Carol E. Lisane, Carolyn Williams, Brenda Alburqueque, Virginia Atkins, Cheryl I. Flory, Felicisima Caayohan Fonrose, Marie Bernadette Pineda, Rosa C. Deornellas, Joseph Michael Orme, Debra Lynn Saylor, Sheila J. DiPrima, Lorraine K. Pesce, Joseph Bennett, Jean D. Bullock, David Michael Chase, Shirlene T. Fuoss, Wendy A. Fuoss, Wendy A. Hipple, W Bartram Hipple, W Bartram Ming, Fuller JR Thompson, Gregory K. Anson, Elaida A. Barrett, George S. Braxton, Corey LaMar Dye, Teresa J. Keenan, Patricia M. Martinez, Emma Isabel Jabe, Wassenu D. Molokin, Mikhail Victor Barnes, Peter O. Langdon, David Lee Kimmel, Karen Kristine Alexander, Mikel A. Belt, Joann Canada, Michelle Esther Cornelius, James Deogracia, Felipe Esguerra, Gerardo C. Fu, Jianxiu Hui, Geoffrey Gan Min Josephs, Genepha E. Mohammed, Eion M. Moody, Wilma L. Munoz, Aricelda Munoz, Rosa L. Myers, Jerome Singh, Ranjeet D.

$28,306.36 $22,136.04 $38,457.37 $31,286.31 $39,077.25 $36,954.82 $24,123.53 $32,718.86 $30,703.00 $35,154.27 $35,154.13 $34,496.95 $63,984.60 $35,795.83 $40,284.95 $99,039.94 $113,253.07 $89,000.00 $82,600.00 $78,275.00 $93,204.54 $93,204.54 $86,157.94 $86,157.94 $94,000.00 $77,350.00 $32,321.09 $45,759.21 $40,344.33 $47,488.64 $45,550.94 $37,424.54 $35,453.72 $41,521.28 $33,739.33 $30,222.94 $53,945.96 $33,951.43 $39,957.97 $31,967.34 $38,294.37 $25,975.65 $31,632.35 $31,632.35 $32,139.72 $37,537.61 $33,951.87 $39,115.58 $28,939.00 $31,632.35 $25,975.65 $34,734.43

Cook Cook Coordinator Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Director Elect High Volt Electrician Exec Adm Asst I Fac Supv Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide I Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Aide II Food Serv Spec Food Serv Spec Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv

Smith, Mary R. Villatoro, Vilma Coates, Cheryl A. Bisnath, Robert Cadet, Fenol Christie, Andre A. Draley, Samantha Lynne Edwards, Mario A. Harris, Brian Hawkins, Crefe Aldos McFarlane, Andrea Stone, Denise D. Wright-Riva, Colleen Bogale, Tesfaye Sahiry, Gnahoua G. Nolan, Kathleen Shipley Cavanaugh, Kevin Arriaza, Fidelina Barnes, Faye R. Bautista, Ana A. Caminero, Bolivar Carrillo, Rosa E. Cerna, Maria V. Chi, Zhongjing Cohen, Brian M. Dorsey, Nelson T. Elias Castellon, Mirna C Ellsworth, Angela M Erazo, Juana M. Euceda, Azucena French, Christine Gray, Rita M. Griffin, Kathlynn D. Hobbs, Alice M. Hussain, Khadim Kissoon, Sheila Lopez, Sara R. Marmol, Sonia Esperanza Mehalic, Keith F. Metis, Silvie Meza, Patricia Morales-Valle, Jose A. Moscoso, Nohemy Orellana, Maria C. Oxley, Richard R. Patrick, Cynthia A. Posey, Barbara O. Ramos, Jose O. Rawlings, Barbara Reyes, Inmar Alexander Rivadeneira, Nancy M. Robinson, James Rodriguez, Jaime E Smith, Demetrius A Vasquez, Rosalinda Williams, Joanne E. Young, Betty A. Black, Leon Castro, Manuel Antonio Garcia, Nora R Jackson, Charlie Mendez, Michael A Menendez, Sandra L. Palma, Ana Maria Quartey-Papafio, Regina Simpson, Barbara J. Veluz, Narciso Yu Li, Miaolan Munoz, Maria J. Abebe, Selamawit T. Alburqueque, Alex Bailey, Dawn Elizabeth Beete, Elvis A. Bolden, Cynthia J. Brown, Alice L. Carcamo-Rodriguez, Ana Haydee Cruz, Filimon Davis, Sherry A. Duran, Elba C. Duron, Edith M. Funes, Claudia E. Greaves, Gloria I. Hailu, Yohannes L. Hernandez, Vicky R. SR Huitz, Joseph A Lopez, Maria I. Lopez, Maria O. Machado, Digna L. Manzano, Marta A. Marousis, Haralambos Massiah, Tessa M Molina, Sonia H. Negga, Yemenu Perez, Laura Yaneth Pierre, Micheline Rivera, Violeta D. Scott, Priscilla Jean

25 $27,836.48 $22,138.34 $55,700.00 $40,640.35 $34,920.82 $30,305.00 $33,126.00 $37,493.84 $33,125.50 $33,125.51 $38,913.86 $33,134.62 $162,102.00 $40,122.00 $38,026.95 $35,274.47 $48,171.61 $29,108.76 $28,853.68 $25,366.90 $17,969.76 $15,960.96 $17,104.36 $20,410.84 $29,224.50 $22,804.45 $16,768.77 $16,687.00 $16,687.00 $17,322.14 $24,302.54 $26,641.40 $28,189.64 $22,572.79 $21,991.15 $25,366.90 $17,284.92 $16,687.00 $19,968.00 $16,687.00 $17,321.04 $30,175.69 $16,687.00 $17,104.36 $16,687.00 $23,788.27 $17,321.04 $19,139.47 $26,540.34 $15,960.00 $25,918.14 $17,321.04 $15,960.00 $15,960.00 $17,735.46 $26,482.82 $28,846.40 $19,948.00 $19,401.82 $24,652.69 $24,928.19 $16,771.00 $17,190.45 $16,038.75 $17,837.58 $17,190.45 $19,948.00 $41,177.02 $33,739.33 $24,983.95 $22,069.52 $29,375.87 $33,270.41 $32,916.96 $23,535.00 $24,123.53 $25,079.00 $27,039.66 $27,367.94 $23,073.68 $27,039.66 $24,983.95 $24,123.53 $23,073.68 $23,535.00 $23,535.16 $26,956.21 $24,123.53 $24,123.53 $31,464.32 $23,535.16 $26,403.27 $24,123.53 $27,368.36 $24,983.95 $23,535.00 $26,067.15

Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Serv Sprv Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Food Service Mgr Graphic Artist II Grounds Supv HVAC Chief HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech I HVAC Mech III IT Com Op Sr IT Coor IT Prog Analyst IT Prog Analyst IT Prog Analyst IT Support Asst IT Support Asst IT Support Asst IT Support Asst IT Support Spec IT Sys Analyst IT Sys Analyst IT Sys Analyst IT Sys Mgr IT Sys Prog Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager MT Elc Trd Chf I MT Maint Aide II MT Maint Aide II MT Maint Mech Ld Office Clerk I Office Clerk I Office Clerk II Painter Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Phys Plant Sprint Plumber Spec Prep Cook/Baker Prog Mgmt Spec I Prog Mgmt Spec I Secretary Service Worker Sheet Metal Wrk Sr Assoc Director Sr Graph Art Design Steamfitter Storekeeper I Storekeeper I Storekeeper I Storekeeper I Storekeeper I Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II Storekeeper II

Umanzor, Reyna D. Washington, Deborah K. Weir, Kathy A. Weir, Marva C. Wolde, Aynalem K. Zelaya, Dina I. Aldridge, Charles T. Baer, Brian Curtis Bonilla, Carlos Botvin, Carlotta Carroll, Beverly Ann Christie, Michael Augustus JR Comoglio, Jason S. Ford, Nettie E. Gurganus, Jason Ryan Hoang, My Ha Johnson, Durce A. Jonas, Daniel R. Kornegay, Ivory Lazowski, Cheryl Lockerman, Curtis E. Mejia, Imelda G. Michel, Marie J. Mohler, John R. Murray, Jarobi Myers, Charles Bernard III Patterson, Clarence Priadilnikova, Lioudmila N Quinones, Maureen Denise Robertson, Daniel Vincent Russo, Jeffrey S. Sablack, Dan A. Schillinger, Bernhard Schrimpe, Maureen C. Simon, Luckmann J. Stone, Kathleen Antoinette Tilton, Sean Karl Tumlin, Larry W. SR White, Mack W. Underwood, Thomas Cooper III Millar, Jason C. Birch, Dwight E. SR Cohen, Nicholas D Deweese, Michael J. Olagunju, Musibau Villanueva, Saul Antonio Sechler, Nancy A. Johnson, Tarjia M. Cha, Joo Kyoung Egan, Luisa Fernanda Kim, Gi Ho Cranfill, Brent D Haile, Benyam Peters, Zabbar Wieroniey, Stephen A Gonzalez, Fidel Enrique Chow, Chris S Goodall, Angela R. Kim, Austin B Mozingo, John Wilson Sweeney, Emanuel Lee JR Albright, Kenneth Wayne Dominick, Lori Annette Gray, John T Raymond, David A. Schraa, Thomas J. Small, Timothy Brian Flores, Raul A. Gebrekidan, Seifu G Wilson, Lester anthony Molina, Manuel R. Contreras, Zuleima Lissette Rejouit, Elcie Pharaon Brooks, Margueritte N. Rugamas-Magano, Jose Lindee, Joseph V. Maynard, William C. Robinson, Keith L. West, Gary S. Chin, Shew Saavedra, Vivian Louise Voigt, Melissa TK Shields, Jessica Tamesa Morales, Josefa Worrell, John S. Mullineaux, Joseph F. Martin, Raquel G. Novac, David Joseph Arredondo, Victor E. Bryant, Jeffery L. Feliciano, Eduardo Habebo, Wondimu W Wilson, Lennox Allen, George Gregory Baiete-Williams, Claude Smith, Corey Williams, Francis

$22,510.91 $27,039.68 $30,474.65 $33,966.32 $24,123.53 $27,137.13 $61,500.00 $61,000.00 $51,520.00 $70,750.00 $44,500.00 $48,500.00 $46,000.00 $52,000.00 $43,000.00 $42,650.00 $45,750.00 $67,750.00 $53,320.00 $57,000.00 $50,000.40 $43,500.00 $45,500.78 $53,040.00 $52,020.00 $54,999.80 $57,000.00 $47,000.10 $43,000.00 $46,000.00 $75,000.00 $53,000.00 $50,000.48 $56,285.70 $45,001.00 $48,749.79 $61,500.90 $59,750.00 $52,000.00 $44,846.34 $30,064.29 $54,283.76 $40,939.74 $45,884.30 $39,907.78 $50,999.99 $44,571.62 $49,054.86 $65,599.26 $66,304.00 $54,060.00 $36,928.00 $36,928.00 $36,928.00 $36,204.00 $45,120.22 $86,700.00 $58,764.52 $72,333.81 $70,000.00 $47,500.00 $76,000.00 $61,500.00 $82,500.00 $75,500.00 $58,000.00 $53,300.00 $42,599.71 $18,442.00 $17,639.37 $46,709.21 $18,818.80 $18,914.33 $20,552.56 $30,911.00 $69,500.00 $69,750.00 $60,400.00 $46,081.44 $22,871.00 $36,931.65 $35,274.47 $24,872.38 $29,891.81 $32,125.14 $126,612.10 $53,717.79 $45,421.75 $29,171.17 $20,951.75 $25,000.88 $17,856.61 $17,357.00 $18,809.25 $29,912.33 $29,422.88 $26,067.15

Storekeeper III Bullock, Kelvin Otis VPSA-Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisor Bailey, Corey Mervyn Advisor Biffl, Heidi Kappeler Asst Dir Nichols, Robert Business Manager Twitty, Tawana E. Coordinator Brown, Elizabeth Marie Coordinator Jackson, Amie Director Supple, Matthew L. VPSA-Golf Course Asst Kennedy, Blair Douglas Asst Marinelli, Daniel Asst Dir Piper, Terry L. Asst Mgr Harryman, Allen Charles Director Maynor, Jeff S. JR Director Maynor, Jeff S. JR Grounds Supv Blanco, Hermes Armando Landscape Tech Sv Bondaruk, Dana D. Manager Long, George N MT Mlt Trd Sv II Riemer, Dale C. VPSA-Office of Student Conduct Admin Asst II Briscoe, Chanel A. Asst Dir Lutovsky Quaye, Brenda R Asst Dir Saunders, Tamara M. Director Zacker, John Exec Adm Asst I Stubbs, Leslie Y. Sr Assoc Director Goodwin, Andrea J. VPSA-Resident Life Admin Asst II Benedek, Carol B Admin Asst II Dicks, Charlotte L. Admin Asst II Poindexter, David Admin Asst II Sheppard, Lynda L. Assoc Dir Felice, Jacinta L. Assoc Dir Martin, Amy Beth Assoc Dir Petkas, Steven N. Asst Coor Kerkhoff, Ashlee Marie Asst Dir Metz, Donna A. Asst Dir Passarella George, Dennis Asst Dir Patterson, Tatiana L. Asst Dir Tan, Laura S. Asst Dir Tran, DaiAn Asst Dir Young, Scott D. Asst Mgr McCubbin, Michelle A. Asst Mgr Smith, Glenn A Asst to Dir Glowacki, Michael J. Business Serv Spec Rhoan, Patricia Alice Comm Dir Conway, Genevieve Comm Dir Crenshaw, Kenyatta L Comm Dir Hussain, Mohammad Zaheed Comm Dir Turner, David Comm Dir Williams, David S. II Comm Dir Wu, Hannah Coordinator Bailey, Sarah Beth Coordinator Biblow, Alanna Susan Coordinator Bond, James E. Coordinator Carpenter, Meredith D Coordinator Gaines, Tiffany Coordinator Jackson Powell, Angela Coordinator Kiras, Tracy Coordinator Lay, Trisha Director Grandner, Deborah Francis Director Prosser, Joann Patricia Exec Adm Asst I Archer, Janet P. Graph Art Design Wong, Jason IT Coor Molina, Ronald Joseph IT Support Spec Nguyen, Linh IT Support Spec Rosenthol, Gidon E. IT Support Spec Sparrow, Nicholas E. IT Sys Prog Romero, Deanna Theresa Ongoco Manager Garrett, Olan Bryant Manager Iverson, Erin M. Manager Lamp, Thomas Smith Manager Martone, Keira Marie Hamilton Manager Vu, Quan Trieu Prg Admin Spec Holt, Margaret L. Prg Admin Spec Prosseda, Anthony J. Prg Admin Spec Rizvi, Huzoor R. Prg Admin Spec White, Janice B. Prog Mgmt Spec I Forte, Jiema T. Prog Mgmt Spec I Gooch, Carole Prog Mgmt Spec I Morsberger, Ann B. Prog Mgmt Spec I White, Jessica Catherine Program Dir Voorhees, Rhondie L. Res Dir Ach, Daniel Res Dir Alexander, Lisa Res Dir Beeson, David Joshua Res Dir Diggs, Mawine Guatta Res Dir Edwards, Katrina Res Dir Edwards, O'Juan Res Dir Hibbetts, Cory Neil Res Dir Lawson, Kenneth R JR Res Dir Major, Angela Lynn Res Dir Nied, Danielle M. Res Dir Okeke, Stella A Res Dir Peters, Ashley Res Dir Pitts, Kevin Lawrence Res Dir Schlegel, Erin Elizabeth

$33,125.50 $49,002.00 $44,500.00 $74,446.00 $48,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,700.00 $98,000.00 $31,000.00 $29,580.00 $67,932.78 $36,000.00 $113,740.16 $113,740.16 $30,387.41 $44,571.62 $74,920.41 $51,532.15 $34,168.38 $52,500.00 $57,219.62 $102,125.14 $44,619.70 $76,278.73 $33,125.50 $33,125.50 $31,063.02 $34,172.00 $95,824.61 $93,315.54 $96,012.05 $39,220.00 $77,563.15 $82,227.38 $53,890.46 $83,530.89 $72,928.46 $78,423.46 $51,045.87 $49,000.00 $66,375.04 $46,515.92 $44,568.40 $44,568.40 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $42,969.00 $50,500.00 $47,000.00 $51,000.00 $38,899.90 $47,052.32 $129,841.59 $62,621.33 $43,285.87 $40,000.00 $45,116.80 $44,243.55 $44,889.16 $44,889.16 $45,000.00 $61,685.00 $63,189.00 $62,996.91 $61,685.00 $53,152.69 $51,595.30 $44,335.45 $50,620.47 $42,591.01 $42,624.14 $35,274.47 $38,613.45 $34,500.00 $58,732.61 $30,913.14 $32,637.24 $33,452.40 $30,913.00 $30,913.00 $30,913.00 $31,840.14 $30,913.00 $30,913.00 $30,913.00 $31,840.14 $32,637.24 $33,115.87 $32,637.24

Res Dir Simpson, Jeanni N Res Dir Tavenner, Kelly Ann Res Dir Tobin-Robertson, Ashlei M Res Dir Villarruel, Emily Heather VPSA-Residential Facilities Account Clerk III Carter, Delores S. Account Clerk III Strong, Elizabeth Norma Admin Asst I Jackson, Carin Anita Admin Asst I Schlichtig, Marlene Architect Berry, Bill Joseph Architect Peskin, Sheldon David Asst Dir Amick, Melissa A. Asst Dir Ballantine, Sean J Asst Dir Feige, Gregg G. Asst Dir McGee, Jeffrey A. Asst Dir Moore, Christopher R. Asst Dir Perkins, Terry W Asst Dir Smith, Keith Asst Dir Van Der Stuyf, Andrew Francis Asst to Asst Dir Mohr, George D. CAD Spec II Umali, Sean P. Coordinator Davenport, Garry B. Coordinator Ryan, Kelly L. Coordinator Smith, Mary Jacqueline Coordinator Sowers, Catherine E. Coordinator Welcher, Brennitta M. Director Dooley, Jon M. Elect Tech III Reese, Ernest K. Elect Tech III Renehan, John K. Electrician Xu, Xinhong Envir Spec Bukovsky, Jerome Paul Envir Spec Hain, Brian G. Exec Adm Asst I Turner, Carol-Lynn M. Housekeeper Alonzo, Ana R. Housekeeper Amaya, Simona Housekeeper Bailey, Carroll L. Housekeeper Bharat, Ramsarran Housekeeper Bharat, Tarramatie Housekeeper Blackford, Annie M. Housekeeper Brackins, Valerie Housekeeper Brown, Joyce B. Housekeeper Bunsie, Beverly Housekeeper Cabral, Jacqueline E Housekeeper Campos, Reina I. Housekeeper Cantor, Hermelinda Guerrero Housekeeper Carreto, Yolanda D. Housekeeper Castro, Maria D. Housekeeper Castro, Mercedes Housekeeper Chicas, Maria E. Housekeeper Choto Rauda, Maria Isabel Housekeeper Conie, Michael A. Housekeeper Corleto, Sandra P Housekeeper Crisp, Gary W. Housekeeper Dang, Ho N Housekeeper Dely Jeanty, Marie Alice Housekeeper Demissie, Nigist Housekeeper Desalvo, Ruth M. Housekeeper Du, Be-Hai Thi Housekeeper Ebbess, Lilia B. Housekeeper Escobar, Teresa D. Housekeeper Fontem, Lawrence A. Housekeeper Garay, Aracelly E. Housekeeper Gardner, Jerome Housekeeper Gizaw, Ruth Tessema Housekeeper Gonzalez, Gliny Andeley Housekeeper Gray, Idyll L. Housekeeper Gray, Robert D. Housekeeper Hamlett, Randy Housekeeper Hamme, Ralph C. Housekeeper Harris, Mark M. Housekeeper Henrriquez, Maria Santos Housekeeper Hernandez, Jose A. Housekeeper Hussain, Aleya N. Housekeeper Huynh, Nam T. Housekeeper Jackson, Ronald Housekeeper Jordan, Sampson D. Housekeeper Josing, Betty G. Housekeeper Juarez, Maria Guadalupe Housekeeper Kennon, Guy A Housekeeper King, Toloria J. Housekeeper Leneski, Rhonda Housekeeper Lenyear, Eddie Housekeeper Leon, Marina E. Housekeeper Lukuka, Felicienne Senga Housekeeper Machado, Angela D. Housekeeper Marshall, Patricia Powell Housekeeper Masis, Silvio Housekeeper Matamoros, Maria E. Housekeeper McNeal, Anthony Housekeeper Medhen, Genet A. Housekeeper Melgar, Alison Aimee Housekeeper Miles, Lossie M. Housekeeper Narukundo, Beatrice Housekeeper Nguyen, Mailam Housekeeper Palacios, Luisa A. Housekeeper Perez, Paz R. Housekeeper Pham, Phung Thi

$31,840.14 $32,637.24 $30,913.00 $30,913.00 $41,704.95 $37,308.65 $35,556.94 $40,837.94 $77,140.00 $83,722.40 $87,119.34 $91,267.35 $90,030.79 $94,673.60 $82,968.62 $110,425.10 $69,847.40 $100,580.50 $78,000.00 $46,125.00 $48,179.41 $54,802.16 $62,465.73 $72,000.00 $48,093.00 $130,000.00 $52,275.00 $56,426.94 $38,950.00 $49,115.00 $49,865.00 $40,578.24 $29,108.76 $28,098.86 $25,342.97 $27,481.41 $29,108.76 $23,305.23 $28,538.00 $30,884.75 $23,305.23 $21,813.31 $24,771.53 $22,233.72 $26,943.33 $24,771.53 $27,481.41 $24,717.77 $22,805.82 $22,815.76 $21,806.15 $28,818.06 $23,840.18 $22,815.76 $23,305.23 $26,943.33 $23,840.18 $28,915.34 $21,812.00 $23,840.18 $23,840.18 $29,891.89 $22,805.82 $22,815.76 $28,033.10 $29,282.91 $28,464.99 $22,358.64 $22,736.82 $21,806.15 $24,771.53 $22,358.64 $30,752.99 $21,813.31 $28,915.34 $29,891.89 $22,358.64 $22,358.64 $28,915.34 $22,805.82 $21,812.00 $26,420.45 $23,305.23 $24,717.58 $29,891.89 $28,915.34 $24,771.53 $27,481.41 $22,815.76 $21,385.60 $30,884.75 $23,840.18 $24,771.53 $24,771.53 $29,891.89 $23,840.18


26 Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Housekeeper Lead Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II Houskeeper Supv II HVAC Chief HVAC Chief Hvac Mech II Hvac Mech II HVAC Mech III Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf I MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf II MT Mlt Td Chf III MT Mlt Td Chf III MT Mlt Td Chf III MT Mlt Td Chf III MT Mlt Trd Sv I MT Mlt Trd Sv I

THE DIAMONDBACK | SALARY GUIDE | TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 Pham, Vinh T. Powell, Mario S. Quang, Duong Cam Queen, Gloria M. Roberts, Sherma C. Rodriguez, Maria O. Rodriguez, Pedro A. Russell, Winona Lee Say, Saroeuth Soto De Ramirez, Ana Margarita Swaray, Adija Taylor, Doris Annette Taylor, Rosalie A. Tejada Pineda, Maria Angela Thomas, Kenneth P Thomas, Ronald A. Timms, Martha J. Timothy, Shirley Truong, Hoa T. Truong, Lan T. Valladares, Carmen C. Williams, Wilfred N Wilson, Lance Zelaya, Maria Butler, Rickey A. Chavez, Lizeth Dominguez, Juan A. Garmendez, Dinora R. Jaipersaud, Kamla Kelly, Kimoy I. Ledezma, Rebeca L. Molina, Yanira E. Pearson, Marilyn M. Perez, Maria P. Smith, Roy C. Villegas, Maria Oralia Chapman, Sheila A. Kissoon, Ronald Miller, Mervin M. Ramos, Merci G. Roberts, Teressa A. Santana, Juan Sanchez Turner, Keenan L. Brunot, David A Diamond, James E. III Ellinger, James R. Mitchell, William D. Ramlogan, Omkar P. Alther, Todd Baumgardner, Bill Cano, Guillermo Dawes, Sharon Y. Garcia, Christine M. Hamilton, Kenneth Michael Martucci CDT, Colleen A. Norman, David Schwartz, Jim Williams, Christa I. Bolton, Leonard Alan Randall, Stefon Belton Adkins, Lewis M. JR Burch, John Russell JR Byron, Donald L. Duckworth, Edward German, Mary A. Hawkins, Craig Leman Hough, Dale Allen James, Francis Benjamin Jones, Yusef Nathaniel Kanu, Amadu Malike Khammoungkhoun, Phengsavanh Liang, Kim Lin Livingston, Ivor Malitzki, Randy A. Marchello, Renato Nguyen, John G.T. Quy, Thuan Roush, George W. Rum, Ameer Dawoud Sakamoto, Martin Schumann, Richard W. JR Sherman, Joseph Stanfill, Lester W Stickell, Joseph L. Trozzo, Stephen P. Walker, Saul E. Weinrich, Merrill D. Yan, Kin C Gaines, Frank J. Hunt, Jeffrey Neal Tyler, Donald Patrick Vaughan, Wendell James Castelow, Paul A. Smith, Victor M.

$24,771.53 $22,358.64 $23,840.18 $29,891.89 $21,806.15 $24,717.77 $24,716.35 $22,358.64 $22,802.66 $22,815.76 $22,815.76 $21,813.31 $23,840.18 $22,815.96 $22,815.76 $29,108.76 $27,481.41 $21,280.00 $27,056.37 $23,840.18 $29,891.89 $22,815.76 $22,805.82 $23,840.18 $30,855.32 $31,396.82 $29,231.80 $28,563.35 $25,902.36 $29,390.14 $26,855.99 $25,321.14 $29,858.55 $25,902.35 $31,001.50 $30,389.12 $37,080.92 $32,718.86 $33,951.73 $36,677.71 $33,606.48 $29,662.47 $36,117.00 $58,536.59 $61,523.97 $48,337.90 $45,529.59 $53,500.00 $93,773.67 $72,000.00 $61,900.78 $55,517.14 $69,037.10 $63,861.76 $55,092.70 $79,000.00 $59,604.35 $82,580.00 $37,199.58 $37,438.64 $39,729.00 $41,000.00 $39,351.49 $37,851.28 $38,950.00 $38,514.37 $49,055.59 $37,943.58 $37,851.28 $42,103.99 $46,117.06 $39,212.19 $38,797.56 $38,000.00 $39,212.19 $40,695.80 $43,012.94 $46,971.89 $37,851.28 $42,103.99 $40,308.72 $41,761.95 $37,943.58 $40,722.23 $51,240.95 $40,695.21 $49,033.26 $37,943.58 $43,794.32 $45,061.05 $45,061.05 $41,472.52 $43,050.00 $43,050.00

MT Mlt Trd Sv II Butler, Rex M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Grant, Val D.P. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Kincer, Teddy R. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Matthews, Jolinda MT Mlt Trd Sv II Nelson, Cheryl J. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Soto, Eleuterio M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Stubbs, Veronica L. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Wheeler, Timothy Olin MT Mlt Trd Sv II Young, Timothy L. Mt Strc Td Chf II Bookhultz, Lawrence E. II MT Strc Td Sv II Keely, David Kevin MT Strc Td Sv II Mobley, Haywood Painter Butler, Maurice Painter Liang, Bao Sanh Phys Plant Sprint Brown, Edward E. JR Phys Plant Sprint Escobar, Juan Manuel Phys Plant Sprint Hill, David W. Phys Plant Sprint Homan, Robert H. Phys Plant Sprint Rhodes, Patrick H. Plumber DeVage, Glenn A Plumber Spec Miles, Allen W. SR Proj Mgr Gourley, Anthony Lawrence Proj Mgr Reich, Ryan Anthony Sr Assoc Director Kallmyer, Stephen R. Storekeeper I Wedderburn, Linford Storekeeper III Nichols, Larry Tech Sprv Kim-Norris, John A. VPSA-Shuttle UM Admin Asst II Tazelaar, Amber Cathryn Assoc Dir Basar, Myra E. Assoc Dir Davitaia, David Auto Serv Mech Agustin, Peter Edward Mallari Auto Serv Mech Borrayo, Jorge Estuardo Auto Serv Mech Dang, Truong Xuan Auto Serv Mech Fickes, Shawn Richard Bacon Auto Serv Mech Harris, Natalie Elisabeth Auto Serv Mech Noyes, Geoffrey Albert Auto Serv Mech Quijano, Jose Antonio Auto Serv Mech Todorov, Neda Peter Auto Serv Mech Tran, Than Dinh Auto Serv Mech Tran, Trong Quy Auto Shop Supv Brown, Edwin O. SR Auto Shop Supv Brown, Herbert Wallace JR Coordinator Budd, Kirsten Marie Coordinator Feingold, Scott Coordinator Gierisch, Stephen Charles Coordinator Hassan, Abul Coordinator Mihalcik, Robert Philip Coordinator Poynter, Troy Ellis Coordinator Riddick, Matthew Dale Coordinator Shearman, Robert Madison JR Coordinator Shilling, Daniel Lee Coordinator St Armand, Donald R. Coordinator Steichen, Roman Paul Manager Scala, Armand A Motor Equip Op III Alcendor, Patrick Bernard Motor Equip Op III Johnson, Demetrius Lamar Motor Equip Op III Knox, Calvin Roscoe Motor Equip Op III Mosley, John F. Motor Equip Op III Moten, Troy Anthony Motor Equip Op III Shell, Charles Harding Motor Equip Op III Smith, Kevin William Motor Equip Op III Stevenson, Tyrone MT Elc Trd Chf I Allman, Glenn Edward MT Maint Aide I Koroma, Walter Gbanka MT Maint Aide II Robinson, Eric Lamont Office Supv III Quarles, Shannon L. VPSA-Stamp Student Union Accounting Assoc Tellor, Mary Patricia Accounting Assoc Wilson, Rosaline Alice Admin Asst II Laumann, Karen E. Assoc Dir Gnadt, Stephen K. Assoc Dir McShay, James Christopher Assoc Dir Tucker, Cynthia E Asst Jackson, Kristie Pope Asst Dir Dula, Brandon C. Asst Dir Lim, Donna Asst Dir Mathews, Evonne Therese Asst Dir Mrusko, Andrew F. Asst Dir Payne-Roberts, Stephanie Asst Dir Wicker, Adrienne Hamcke Asst Dir Wray, Daniel Lawrence Business Manager Weeks, Robin E. Coordinator Barrantes, Laura Coordinator Clough, Wyatt Coley Coordinator Doerr, Elizabeth Ann Coordinator Elliott, Robert James Coordinator Hegwood, Christopher Lee Coordinator Hernandez, Belkis Pamela Coordinator Hui, Mei-Yen Coordinator Jenkins, Marie Ann Coordinator LaHoud, Valerie Jean Coordinator O'Rourke, Nancy Lynn Coordinator Terrill, Kelly Dale

$46,234.30 $45,082.50 $59,168.22 $45,083.79 $43,012.32 $41,963.23 $41,963.23 $49,368.10 $51,083.11 $48,560.93 $49,081.00 $52,940.45 $42,142.93 $31,683.88 $80,932.00 $62,190.00 $64,249.18 $67,398.94 $64,270.00 $37,851.28 $48,497.57 $69,000.00 $71,060.00 $126,578.06 $29,604.93 $33,570.05 $71,303.27 $53,305.00 $76,761.96 $78,938.03 $42,865.50 $48,118.25 $46,944.63 $48,118.25 $34,238.00 $48,118.25 $34,238.00 $48,118.25 $42,865.50 $42,865.50 $48,928.52 $58,103.67 $43,429.01 $38,000.00 $38,576.58 $40,523.58 $45,000.00 $39,729.00 $49,490.17 $39,729.00 $39,729.00 $63,090.97 $41,536.67 $56,661.00 $33,611.91 $30,000.00 $28,409.52 $37,576.17 $28,409.52 $33,611.91 $35,485.78 $32,149.13 $41,549.98 $24,658.67 $25,000.00 $33,739.33 $44,148.09 $18,370.53 $46,892.79 $94,246.51 $94,000.00 $93,000.00 $45,471.72 $58,156.87 $80,000.00 $72,971.55 $65,242.95 $80,000.35 $60,033.88 $74,500.00 $66,020.21 $46,830.48 $44,433.75 $43,000.00 $44,433.75 $45,857.18 $47,000.00 $43,000.00 $45,461.62 $50,594.03 $43,911.00 $45,700.00

Coordinator Winstead, Katie Coordinator Zacker, Terry York Director Metzelaars, Gretchen J. Housekeeper Gonzalez, Victoria Housekeeper Lopez - Lazo, Juan E Housekeeper Mundwa, Jonathan A. Housekeeper Ramos De Cruz, Ana E. Housekeeper Roberson, Terence Neal Housekeeper Lead Betru, Tengne Seifu Housekeeper Lead Dieudonne, Noel Housekeeper Lead Du, Gavin Housekeeper Lead Shade, Curtis Housekeeper Lead Williams, Albert L. Housekeeping Chf Ellis, Lillian Y. Houskeeper Supv II Hernandez, Dina E Houskeeper Supv II Hill, Dennis Houskeeper Supv II Teckham, Letticia S. HVAC Mech III Ball, John Franklin IT Sys Mgr Areu, Ryan Manager Carney, Lisa M MT Mlt Td Chf I Molina, Jose R. MT Mlt Td Chf III Butler, Larry H. MT Mlt Td Chf III Clemons, Derwin Alonzo MT Mlt Trd Sv II Webbert, Alan R. Multi Media Tech Gewain, Robert Gorden Prog Coor Adams, Andre J. Prog Coor Milad, Jacqueline Maria Prog Coor Naik, Dharma P. Prog Mgmt Spec I Kennedy, Tracy Prog Mgmt Spec I McCabe, Elizabeth Woo Service Worker Ayele, Mulu Birhan Service Worker Bonilla, Carmen S. Service Worker Castor, Marie Rose Service Worker Cea, Maria Service Worker Dews, Wallace Donnell Service Worker Gebrehiwot, Tigist B. Service Worker Giday, Lemlem A. Service Worker Guzman, Sulma Elsy Service Worker Legese, Beletu M Service Worker Lopez-Medrano, Ines Service Worker Lopez, Ema Service Worker Lyles, Bobby Service Worker Maricela, Michaca Cordero Service Worker Moran de Rivera, Alicia Service Worker Mualim, Suaad Service Worker Smith, Paul E. Service Worker Washington, Marion F. Service Worker Weng, Ding Jin Service Worker Zhang, Ying Storekeeper II Sturgis, George Lewis VPSA-SU-Campus Programs Assoc Dir Guenzler-Stevens, Marsha A. Asst Dir Calizo, Joseph Bruno Asst Dir Slack, Craig Coordinator Crawmer, Regina C. Coordinator Hershey, Katherine Randon Coordinator Jabaji, Ramsey G. Coordinator Kim, Julie Choe Coordinator Miller, Megan Dillard Coordinator Ostick, Daniel T. Coordinator Schiffman, Darian Elise Director Jacoby, Barbara G. Office Supv III Lupo, Josephine I. Office Supv III Martin, Irene Prog Mgmt Spec I Bishop, Alice M. VPSA-SU-Student Activities Account Clerk III White, Polly Asst Alston, Denielle B R Director Jones, James Joseph VPSA-Transportation Services Account Clerk II Brown, Teresa Jeanette Account Clerk II Whiting, Megan E Account Clerk III Jones, Kenneth Account Clerk III Lawson, Robyn V. Account Clerk III Mamo, Tameirat Account Clerk III Williams, Mildred Y. Admin Asst II Coates, Sherria Admin Asst II Goubeau, Valerie Christine Admin Asst II Pennington, Karen Admin Asst II Thompson, Alexis S. Admin Asst II White, Malaka Nicole Assoc Dir Johnson, Darryl E Assoc Dir Neuwirth, Gary A. Asst Dir Daniel, Beulah Vasanthi Asst to Dir Malone, Beverly Joy Business Serv Spec Agustin, Carol-Ann Wood Business Serv Spec Carter, Komala C. Business Serv Spec Jao, Alice S. Coordinator Baker, Andrew Allen Coordinator Hyon, Phillip T. Coordinator Metta, Victor C. Coordinator Robinson, Timothy D Coordinator Rucker, Alan M Coordinator Smith, Shayna E

$42,500.00 $52,518.46 $130,418.53 $29,902.47 $21,280.00 $28,538.00 $26,856.29 $21,280.00 $21,923.08 $24,703.60 $24,703.56 $24,600.66 $26,913.04 $46,913.02 $30,000.00 $35,337.78 $39,145.66 $42,302.24 $62,107.50 $43,328.66 $47,712.69 $48,114.94 $39,907.78 $60,610.02 $34,238.00 $46,265.31 $45,676.68 $50,281.18 $36,848.64 $33,246.90 $21,813.31 $21,813.31 $23,305.24 $23,305.24 $21,280.00 $21,813.31 $21,280.00 $22,805.82 $22,805.62 $21,280.00 $22,805.82 $11,927.90 $22,805.82 $22,805.81 $21,280.00 $22,805.81 $21,813.31 $21,813.30 $22,805.82 $26,079.00 $106,573.71 $64,000.00 $82,852.21 $50,759.55 $43,911.00 $48,911.00 $52,467.37 $47,910.37 $52,540.20 $43,000.00 $113,907.30 $45,195.55 $42,408.24 $34,000.00 $35,584.52 $44,415.85 $70,001.74 $33,026.36 $13,110.05 $30,623.73 $31,632.35 $35,205.12 $35,948.29 $34,501.50 $32,000.00 $34,424.53 $30,305.00 $32,802.02 $74,193.66 $79,108.54 $76,500.00 $51,000.00 $41,589.13 $42,288.87 $52,888.21 $54,165.67 $42,128.90 $52,549.41 $53,000.00 $58,025.25 $52,904.60

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus

Solorzano, Joel Amilcar Taylor, Anita E. Ward, Vershon O Allen, John David Anderson, Michael Ashkar, Amine Saleh Avent, Michel B. Bholai, Ian S. Boswell, Jeffrey Jay Brown, Benjamin W. Brown, Renee Martinette Brown, Robert Lee JR Butler, Sheila Antia Cabrera, Jennifer G. Cagle, Hal Lorenzo Carolan, Molly Theresa Cole, Arvell Charles Coleman, Harry J Fisher, Robert Grimm Frey, Grady Fritzsche, Bruce Edwin Geneste, Jean D. Greene, Patrick J. Gutierrez, Oscar Maximino Harris, Angela L Hatcher, Helen G. Holt, Thomas W. Jackson, Peter Alexander

$45,000.00 $57,236.79 $57,500.00 $138,150.00 $35,138.39 $32,898.80 $28,409.52 $31,053.61 $34,210.65 $29,702.15 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $32,898.80 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $29,702.15 $32,898.80 $32,898.80 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $33,721.27 $35,138.39 $28,409.52

Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus Driver, Bus

Jean-Pierre, Markys Henry Max Jones, James R. Kelly, Leslie Chantia Keshiah, Anil Kumar Kwezituka, Emmanuel M. Lamprey, Dennis Wayne SR Mack, Elbert Martinez, Valerio McGehee, Kyle Ryan McMullen, Robert Earl JR Medina, Misael Medlock, Felicia Elizabeth Monahan, Molly Jean Murray, Charles Jason Philippe, Sinora Chenet Price, Leonard C. Rawlinson, William Bryant Robinson, Renee L Saintvil, Jackson Slane, Andrew B Small Ugorji, Darnaya Darice Smith, Edward G Smothers, Darren Jamal Tran, Hoai-Duc N Vanhorne, Kiana McLean Vinogradov, Michael V White, Frederick JR White, Jacob SR

$28,409.52 $36,683.65 $32,898.80 $29,702.15 $30,296.20 $33,925.74 $36,623.41 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $29,702.15 $28,977.71 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $34,210.65 $35,138.39 $35,138.39 $31,365.00 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $30,296.20 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $28,409.52 $31,829.94 $32,898.80

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TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 | SALARY GUIDE | THE DIAMONDBACK Driver, Bus IT Com Op IT Com Op IT Com Op IT Com Op Lead IT Coor IT Programmer II IT Support Assoc IT Support Spec Manager Manager Motor Equip Op III MT Maint Aide II MT Maint Aide II MT Maint Mech Ld MT Maint Mech Sr MT Maint Mech Sr MT Maint Mechanic MT Mlt Trd Sv III Office Clerk II Office Clerk II Office Supv I Office Supv I Office Supv I Office Supv II Office Supv II Office Supv II Office Supv III Prg Admin Spec Prog Mgmt Spec I Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer Security Officer

Williams, Lenard JR Chasten, Evelyn R. Small, Talishia Ticas, Sandra Lorena Fisher, Natasha Latrice Fiory, Jeffrey D. Aberra, Abiy Darr, Dawn M. Yerby, Ronald L JR Smith-Wiley, Deborah M. Thompson-Bynum, Colleen Marth, Richard Bowling JR Diaz, Jose Paz, Roger A Gomez, Jose N. Arrington, Dannie W. Cooper, Steven James Luna-Bonilla, Medardo A. Oliver, Gordon Hamilton JR Johnson, Shirley A. Pierre, Patricia C. Holmes, Alan Lee Powell, Daniel Wesley Sydnor, Dora L. Blackburn, Annette R. Richardson, Paulette P. Washington, Crystal M. Carpenter, Earl R. Hawkins, Sadel L. Cotton, Stephany Rockelle Brown, Anthony Durrell Delaney, Lawana L McDonald, Andrew Oliver Peebles, Elliott A. Roach, Anthony J. Robinson, Delonte A Stith, Brian T. Tsai, Li-Ling Tucker, Antwan M. Vinson, Leon JR Williams, Alvin T. JR

$34,210.65 $31,933.07 $34,713.96 $29,662.48 $36,817.59 $48,732.94 $45,900.00 $56,383.87 $50,000.00 $58,289.67 $54,177.63 $31,829.95 $25,092.00 $25,593.84 $35,381.52 $33,359.62 $32,423.17 $31,579.28 $45,746.00 $36,408.00 $35,146.80 $28,156.36 $28,156.36 $33,481.69 $31,632.35 $39,958.19 $30,472.23 $40,308.06 $45,735.26 $37,100.15 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $33,217.00 $27,741.58 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $24,652.08 $24,432.93 $28,660.15

Signage Tech II Frisby, Joseph Anthony VPSA-University Career Center Admin Asst II Mills-Womack, Tracilynn R Assoc Dir Rooney-Eckel, Erin Anne Asst Dir Jones, William Alfred JR Asst Dir LeNoir, Linda J. Asst Dir Weir, Rebecca A. Asst to Dir Brault, Erin E. Asst to Dir Jensen, David N. Coordinator Bradford, Adrianne Elizabeth Coordinator Howe, Andrew Jacob Coordinator O'Rourke, Megan Ann Director Hearin, Rick IT Data Entry Opr Walters, Katharine L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Green, Leila C. Program Dir Allen, Pamela M. Program Dir Brown, Stacey Hazel Program Dir Brown, Stacey Marvetta Program Dir Kasper, Emily Robyn Program Dir Monical, Carol J. Program Dir Wilson, China L Word Proc Op Clevenger, Theresa M. VPSA-University Health Center Account Clerk III Anderson, Audrey Marie Accounting Assoc Rubenstahl, Jo Ann Admin Asst II Thornton, Amy B Asst Coor Bellsey, Joan E. Asst Coor Groom, Robin M. Asst Coor Harris, Nancy L. Asst Coor Leib, Jennifer Francyne Asst Coor Parsons, Julie F. Asst Coor Sherman, Jennifer F. Asst Dir Hopkinson, Marta Jean Asst Dir Kesler, Kelly Lynn Asst Dir Younger, Deirdre A. Business Manager Doneff, Linda F. Coordinator Bennett, Allison V Coordinator Boykins, Douglas L. Coordinator Brown, Ronnie M. Coordinator Corbin, Michelle Dawn Coordinator Giannakos, Rebekah Goldstein

27 $33,600.00 $31,442.00 $86,977.00 $56,000.00 $74,955.00 $74,889.00 $56,777.00 $62,705.92 $43,528.00 $48,009.30 $41,820.00 $120,000.00 $28,017.31 $46,314.42 $50,323.65 $45,008.37 $26,857.70 $45,541.72 $53,595.35 $49,700.00 $19,196.75 $31,632.35 $33,949.00 $31,683.88 $60,119.00 $68,348.00 $46,808.96 $54,999.60 $61,510.27 $47,600.00 $166,780.26 $68,200.00 $107,000.19 $60,509.38 $55,000.00 $40,230.17 $60,780.05 $42,000.00 $47,966.62

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Dir Stud Health Health Educ Housekeeper Housekeeper Houskeeper Supv II IT Coor IT Sys Analyst Medical Asst Medical Asst Medical Asst Medical Asst Medical Asst Medical Asst Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Pract Nurse Pract Nurse Pract Nurse Pract Nurse Pract Office Clerk II Office Clerk II Office Clerk II Office Supv I Office Supv I Office Supv III Pharm Tech Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician PT Physician's Asst

Hernandez, Arlene Jakubczak, Jane Frances Long, Amanda G Martin, Carrie Matson, Alli B. Matute, Julia Argentina Powell-Daly, Marie T. Ruggieri, Thomas N. Smith, Susan C. Stewart, Lauren Falise Turner, Sonja Suzanne Bodison, Sacared A. Zeeger, Tracy Marie Thomas, Maggie M. Viera, Teresa Jefferson, Watt Kleppinger, Donald Edward Kargbo, Alhaji Sallu Ciriaco, Juanita Manuela Crowe, Rosemary Kathleen Dickerson, Sheila L. Gholston, Jazinda M Greenwood, Tamara L. O Neal, Katrina Danielle Bernard, Glenna Lee Czan, Mary A DiGiovanni, Patricia Gill Duncan, Shobha Dandeker Lee, Esther Taein Ritter, Joanne D Sykes, Miriam A. Thorburn, Theresa Marie Jacobs, Donna F. Jacobs, Penny Lefler, Karen J. Orth, Diane S. Perrotta, Maria A. Bell, Dominique Merica, Doreen C. San Buenaventura, Amparo Sabino Kirschner, Summer Marie Kornegay, Roxanne Weiss, Denise Daniels, April Janelle Fahey, Stephen R. Henry, Anise Herman, Robert Alan Howard, Joy Linda Lee, Amelia Gail Parr, Shelley J. Standard, Gina Lynette Woods, Stacy B. Sharfstein, Margaret S. Teitelbaum, Heather Ilana

$50,000.00 $52,721.48 $45,000.00 $50,428.80 $48,000.00 $51,374.28 $92,000.00 $91,529.38 $37,971.60 $45,000.00 $50,000.00 $191,720.02 $53,000.16 $30,577.48 $24,583.94 $36,201.16 $70,265.46 $60,000.00 $12,053.57 $24,107.14 $30,365.56 $24,107.14 $33,358.87 $25,204.01 $55,855.17 $55,000.00 $27,979.65 $42,123.20 $27,446.50 $42,400.00 $27,295.87 $62,706.54 $67,085.92 $79,533.73 $40,939.22 $85,296.32 $87,627.05 $16,874.99 $36,408.00 $24,107.14 $28,228.49 $39,653.67 $47,298.03 $25,665.81 $65,060.42 $125,725.34 $65,319.64 $128,707.72 $134,637.81 $123,801.19 $127,999.82 $67,000.00 $63,000.00 $52,903.19

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Physician's Asst Vilas, Carol Prog Mgmt Spec I Johnson- Anderson, Kit L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Trejo, Sabina Elvira Prog Mgmt Spec I Turay, Osman A Prog Mgmt Spec I Zapata, Elizabeth Res Spec Webster-Sesay, Stephanie R. Service Worker Wilson, Linden F Specialist Do, Thieu Specialist Mugerwa, Simon Kiyaga Storekeeper II Barbee, Nancy A. Supervisor Whittles, Patricia A. VPSA-VP Student Affairs Asst Dir Beeland, Lohse Barten Asst Dir Shaffer Gomes, Remy Lynn Asst to VP Broady, Katherine L. Asst VP Kelley, Warren L. Asst VP Mielke, Patricia L. Asst VP Osteen, Jim Business Manager Catalano, Daniel J. Coordinator Bisnath, Chandra N. Coordinator Diaz, Zimri Dir Development Rychner, James J. Director Watkins, Brian L Exec Asst to VP Supple, Brooke Lecky IT Sys Prog Carroll, Lisa M. Specialist Lonsbury, Maria Vice Pres Stud Aff Clement, Linda M.

$79,254.69 $39,873.54 $33,739.33 $33,739.33 $22,998.26 $62,606.99 $22,805.82 $50,000.00 $51,792.58 $39,114.08 $34,332.22 $52,654.48 $55,200.00 $61,700.12 $155,130.91 $159,791.07 $159,160.23 $69,500.00 $50,570.25 $50,047.50 $102,415.05 $70,607.50 $107,674.53 $90,511.27 $60,145.49 $233,146.75

VP University Relations VPUR-Development Admin Asst II Callahan, Caitlyn Mary Admin Asst II Genest, Anna Admin Asst II Larsen, Sara E Admin Asst II Miller, Heather L. Assoc Dean Maudlin-Jeronimo, John M. Assoc Dir Brown, Christie R. Assoc Dir Grebow, Sarah H. Assoc Dir Lewis, Edward James III Assoc Dir Tracy, Regina Assoc Dir Wang, Patricia G. Asst Dean Brown, Kelly M. Asst Dean Martens, Anne E. Asst Dean & Dir Olsen, Jan Asst Dir Loomis, Stacey D. Asst Dir Weible, Debra A. Asst Dir Zakrewsky, Jacqueline R. Business Manager Barkley, Pauline A. Business Manager Hakulin, Ruth Perez Cont/Grant Assoc Waldrop, Sandra Kay Coordinator Brannan, Gilian C Coordinator Welsh, Mary Katharine Dev Ofc Borak, Leslie W. Dev Ofc Fuenmayor, Lara Dev Ofc Hardy, Christina S. Dev Ofc Humbert, Joshua E. Dev Ofc LeGrand, Jason J. Dev Ofc Magness, Brian William Dev Ofc Morris, Andrea E. Dev Ofc Popat, Sameer Iqbal Dev Ofc Silipigni, Stephan A. Dir Development Brown, Laura Whitmore Dir Development Jones, Veronica Dir Development Thornton, Karen Sutterer Director Brenza, Robyn M. Director Coleman, Leslie P. Director Jackson, Francena Phillips Director Lapides, Jeffrey R. Director McKee, E John Director Miller, Lucy K. Director Onkst, Heidi Anne Director Park, Sarah Director Ray, Carla Maxwell Director Shook, Brian D. Exec Dir Beeland, Edgar Stevens JR Prog Mgmt Spec I James, Mary P. Prog Mgmt Spec I Parker, James L. Prog Mgmt Spec I Williams, Tracey D VPUR-Development Alumni Info System Asst Dir Jennings, Elizabeth B. Director Jirinec, Vladimir IT Support Asst Means, Sylvia J. Manager Tippett, Melody A. Systems Analyst Sutjahjo, Heru N. VPUR-Financial Management Account Clerk II Lee, Ebony Monique Account Clerk II Shameem, Naima Benali Account Clerk III Ward, Beverly Accountant Harris, Vonetta LaVelle Accountant Hunter, Prince Clifton Accountant McDuffie, Renee Denise Assoc Dir Bayle, Carolyn Ann Assoc Dir Trombly Allen, Cynthia Asst Dir Ayala, Ileana Emi Asst Dir Parkhurst, Sharon J.

$31,683.88 $33,126.00 $36,024.78 $38,579.00 $113,511.91 $87,872.18 $71,552.00 $94,122.58 $149,677.30 $85,500.00 $146,000.00 $115,600.00 $116,651.72 $70,000.00 $73,500.00 $48,000.00 $50,514.50 $44,864.54 $36,992.63 $55,681.80 $40,309.76 $149,500.00 $117,704.54 $89,682.48 $66,000.00 $92,141.70 $94,210.92 $106,025.30 $51,079.19 $77,456.25 $118,297.30 $110,823.00 $122,797.92 $108,500.00 $158,916.00 $89,205.99 $125,513.00 $120,000.00 $103,503.41 $139,366.45 $90,000.00 $120,000.00 $135,801.60 $158,581.67 $44,020.22 $44,635.54 $35,274.47 $100,556.31 $109,905.55 $41,917.59 $73,147.20 $68,000.00 $28,487.34 $28,487.34 $34,570.89 $55,769.00 $50,586.16 $39,358.00 $90,759.22 $80,094.70 $53,320.00 $81,544.87

Asst VP King, Michael W. Coordinator Wilson, Quinten Director Katsereles, Marion H Exec Adm Asst I Nerret, Emily S. Prog Mgmt Spec I Guizado, Angelica I. Prog Mgmt Spec I Moss, Judith J. Prog Mgmt Spec I Vicencio, Christine J. VPUR-Univ Alumni Association Admin Asst II McCombs, Sandra P. Admin Asst II Tucker, Dawn M. Assoc Dir Dinbokowitz, Andrew Joseph Asst Dir Barsch, Jessica M. Asst Dir Hernandez, Angel C Asst Dir Huntley, Sonia Lenise Asst Dir Simpson, Josefina Padlan Asst VP Nias, Danita R. Coordinator Harris, Troy M. Director Froggett, Daniel Elias Director Hormozdi, Mehrnoush Director Jones, Joycelyn Elizabeth Director Kennedy, Cornelia Grunwald Director Morgen, Beth Anne Director Rhebergen, Deborah N. Director Tadlock, Stephanie Lee Manager Chiddo, Robin Kelly Manager Grabowski, Helen Elizabeth Prog Mgmt Spec I Mudd, Angela N. VPUR-Univ Communicat/Marketing Admin Asst II George, Sandra A. Admin Asst II Lloyd, Pamela L. Assoc Ottalini, David Guy Assoc Tickner, Neil A. Assoc Dir DeArmond, Holly Noelle Assoc Dir Robinson, Cassandra M. Assoc Dir Tune, Leon J. II Asst Dir Azarm, Mira Asst Dir Boney, Peggy M. Asst Dir Nelson, Jeanette Asst Dir Nelson, Murray C. JR Asst to Dir Hartnett, Herbert J. Coordinator Nichols, Catherine Suzanne Coordinator Payne, Brian G Director Consoli, John Thomas Editor Brown, Lauren M. Exec Adm Asst I Sosa, Claudia M. Exec Dir Hall, Margaret Allison Exec Dir Martin, Linda H. Exec Dir Ullmann, Brian Scott Exec Dir Ullmann, Brian Scott Exec Dir Williams, Millree JR Graph Art Design Look, Patricia Ann Manager Harless, Joshua G. Manager Lambird, Katerina Batselos Media Spec Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Specialist Pearson, Joanna Nicole Web Svcs Developer Chen, Min Writer/Editor Bailey, Monette Austin Writer/Editor Ventsias, Thomas R. VPUR-VP University Relations Analyst Chen, Li - Di Assoc Dir Diemer, Kathleen Mary Assoc Dir Evans, John Howard SR Assoc Dir Fort, Allison E. Assoc Dir Johnson, Gregory A. Assoc Dir Ngugi, Kevin N Asst Dir Callahan, Gina L. Asst Dir Tsai, Ling-Ling L. Asst to VP Marsanopoli, Nancy L. Asst VP Quinn, Barbara C. Coordinator Daniere, Rose Marie B. Coordinator David, Maureen A. Coordinator Pote-Marino, Shannon H. Coordinator Reed, Debra Ann Dev Assoc Baker, Eric Keith Director Holmes, Anissa L. Director Murphy, Tina M. Exec Adm Asst I Brewer, Nichelle C. Exec Asst to VP Naples, Rebecca Jane IT Data Base Admin Torossian, John IT Sys Analyst Bali, Rahul IT Sys Analyst Libes, Lori Sharon IT Sys Analyst Mansour, Alamir A. IT Sys Analyst Tsai, Laura L. Manager Curtis, Geoffrey C. Prg Admin Spec Kugler, Virginia M. Prg Admin Spec Lei, Su-Hui Prog Mgmt Spec I Hill, Janice M. Res Analyst Watson, Pernell JR Research Asst Kalkanis, Sophia J. Research Asst Lowery, Kourtney Renea Research Asst Makelele, Sonia Nora Astrid Research Asst Williams, Aaron John Sr Res Anlst Jaffe, Marc W. Vice President Remington, William B.

$177,644.48 $44,000.00 $113,586.07 $43,760.63 $34,582.82 $38,983.72 $38,027.50 $34,116.76 $39,701.29 $72,012.33 $60,000.00 $65,700.00 $70,420.48 $70,000.00 $193,417.50 $56,588.00 $69,118.97 $119,058.62 $70,053.60 $90,433.02 $97,431.65 $71,000.00 $65,375.57 $65,256.93 $51,590.82 $36,900.00 $35,868.62 $36,971.49 $65,946.14 $70,023.71 $64,179.93 $80,475.66 $75,228.80 $56,223.84 $59,874.16 $52,423.90 $77,191.15 $48,007.22 $45,705.54 $56,196.44 $86,897.76 $73,000.00 $39,206.25 $105,370.43 $103,711.88 $130,250.00 $130,250.00 $117,818.42 $30,222.00 $69,040.66 $56,247.70 $65,343.75 $63,722.00 $60,000.00 $63,373.01 $57,083.28 $32,039.22 $66,773.39 $95,759.65 $54,000.00 $63,841.05 $97,000.00 $60,500.00 $39,755.06 $63,290.87 $168,684.77 $41,367.42 $52,243.52 $45,900.00 $49,669.22 $32,000.72 $80,720.02 $74,541.60 $39,896.28 $86,000.00 $72,930.00 $78,482.00 $53,248.00 $72,321.06 $60,500.00 $55,112.65 $55,313.14 $42,681.89 $44,493.22 $44,657.84 $43,729.40 $36,799.37 $37,324.35 $36,620.73 $89,884.29 $282,045.01




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