The Dever August 2023

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Dever The

The Journal of the Dever Valley

Annuals sown in the Dever Valley to support pollinators

August 2023 80p


First Sunday in the Month - Fund Raising Walk First-Sunday-in-the-Month Fund Raising Walk 6th August 2023 Sunday 10.00am Warren Centre Car Park

Car share to The Cricketers at Longparish SP11 6PZ WALK STARTS AT 10.30am from The Cricketers. To welcome MATT, the new Landlord at the Half Moon and Spread Eagle, Micheldever, we visit its sister pub THE CRICKETERS at LONGPARISH This walk is about 5 miles in total. We take in tree-shaded woodland paths, the downland overlooking the Test Valley and descend again to the river valley. There are some gradients but all is easy walking along well-trodden paths. A good variety of countryside to cater for all summer weathers. Donations purely voluntary. Suggest £5. Children free. Supporting maintenance of the MICHELDEVER DEFIBRILATORS The Cricketers Inn Longparish, Andover, SP11 6PZ

01264 720 424

For more Info about First-Sunday-in-the-Month Walks contact:


Dever The

The Journal of the Dever Valley

Contents First Sunday in the Month Fund Raising Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dever Valley Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Waiting, Who Enjoys Waiting? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 News from Woodmancote & Popham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Micheldever Open Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Micheldever Festival–3-7pm, Saturday 9 September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Website for The Dever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wheelchair Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Parish Council News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 UPROAR! A Fundraising Talk For Hampshire History Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 “All Things Green” Courgette salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 News from Micheldever Primary School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Micheldever Festival Teens Bake Off - Saturday 9th September 2023 . . . . . . . . . 17 Where is this? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Church Services for The Dever Benefice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Caretaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Celebration of the Dever Valley Photographic Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Gardening Tips from Hardy’s Plants–No Dig Gardening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wonston Community Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Jackie’s County Corner for August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 From Our MP Steve Brine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 City Councillors’ News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Forthcoming Events 2023/24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Regular Dates and Times – Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

The Dever - August 2023 3

Dever Valley Contacts

Rev’d Dr Robert Rees, Rector Designate 07590909811 (rest day Saturday) Rev’d James Whymark, Curate 07870266876 (rest day Friday) Benefice Co-ordinator Clare Fancourt

Church Wardens

St. Mary the Virgin Micheldever Juliet Pattinson 01962 774399 Holy Trinity Wonston Sarah Hobhouse 01962 760003 St Margaret's South Wonston Melinda Samms 01962 761036 Roger Keys 01962 881718 St Mary & St Michael Stoke Charity Ruth Guy 01962 760259

All Saints’ East Stratton Chris Hilling 01962 795134 Ed Beckwith 01962 774918 St James’ Hunton Caroline Edwards 01962 760230 St James’ Woodmancote Linda Albin 01256 397616


St Mary the Virgin Holy Trinity Editor: Peter O’Keefe 07515 339279 1 Canada Cottages, Overton Road, Micheldever Station, SO21 3AN. Email:

The Dever

Printing: James Dixon and team Micheldever Anby Dixon Micheldever Station Andy Adams East of railway line Ann Hawkins West of railway line

Treasurer: Tony Patston

Subscriptions Enquiries & Distribution

Sales: Editor: 4

Annual Subscription January to December for 12 issues: £8.00; £15.00 by post. Articles for September issue to be received by the editor before 15th August please. Articles printed in The Dever are accepted ‘as is’ and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Team.

07799 212586 01962 774363 01962 774956

East Stratton Olly Bramley Woodmancote Liz Hawkesworth External/Postal Hazel Nugent

01962 795028 01962 774516 07850 491889 07940 485882

Dever Advertiser

Amanda Forsey email: Roger Forsey

01962 774115 mob. 07500 334393

The Dever - August 2023

Waiting, Who Enjoys Waiting? Have you ever been waiting at the dentist before a root canal procedure? Or have you found yourself waiting for the consultant’s letter to reach you, or your GP, to hear the results of a test or medical diagnosis? Alternatively, as many younger people are doing at the moment, are you waiting for the results of GCSE or ‘A’ Level exams? (Perhaps you are a concerned parent or grandparent – also waiting for a younger person’s results!) Can you put yourself in the place of an asylum seeker, waiting for a determination on their application status? Waiting can be boring, worrying, frustrating or even life threatening. What does God say in the bible about waiting? How does God suggest that we spend our time when we are waiting? Well – Jesus tells us what NOT to do. In Matthew Ch. 6v25, Jesus says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying

add a single hour to your life?’ For the exam result worriers this is very important. Before you sat your exams there was some benefit having a concern about working hard and ensuring that you do your best. Now there is literally no point in worrying–you will just have to accept your results and move on. Don’t worry, as it won’t help! And whatever your results, you can have a positive future. So, what positive action can we take while we wait? The bible tells us in Philippians Ch. 4v6 ‘“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We are encouraged to pray while we wait. And more encouragingly, for Christians, while we wait, we can also be confident of our ultimate future. As the bible says, in the book of Hebrews, ‘Since we have a Kingdom nothing can destroy, let us please God by serving him with thankful hearts and with holy fear and awe. We all have to wait, it’s part of life. However, both prayer and a confident hope in a better future can help us deal with worry and adversity. Neil McSparron

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News from Woodmancote & Popham Woodmancote had a wonderful turnout for the Pet Service in June. We were so blessed to have two puppies, black Working Cocker Spaniels that had been born in the village in April, many other dogs in all shapes and sizes, three horses and ponies and a Chinchilla! I think the best assortment ever–totally bonkers but such fun! Also enlivened at one point by a very angry guinea fowl, just outside the churchyard, loudly complaining about the disturbance to its quiet Sunday afternoon!

Rev. Rob blessed all our furry friends in turn and I learnt that horses are partial to lemon drizzle cake! Who knew?!! When offering the lemon drizzle to the lady holding a very big beautiful black horse, he craned his neck and I rather thought at one point he was going to gobble up all my neatly arranged cake slices! It reminded me of that very famous children’s book the ‘Tiger who came to Tea’ but this was the Horse that came to Church! We were so lucky that the rain 6

held off and we were able to enjoy holding the service and having tea afterwards in the lovely churchyard. At the St. James’ Church APCM this year one of our wonderful Church Wardens, Mary Wallis, stepped down. Mary has been Church Warden for 5 years, after being PCC Secretary for several years before that, especially helping Audrey Allen as Church Warden in her later years. We are so very grateful for all the many fund raising and social events Mary has both organised and hosted, so very generously, at her house with her son Nick and for all her dedication to our Church. We are very lucky that Mary has agreed to remain on the PCC to assist Linda as much as she can, as we now only have one Church Warden. Mary has been and I’m sure will remain, a huge force on the PCC and in the village in general and on behalf of the PCC we would just like to say a huge thank you for all that she has done. We made a small presentation to her at our Pet Service. On Sunday 20th August at St James Woodmancote we have a service of Holy Communion at 10 am. Jane. The Dever - August 2023

Micheldever Open Gardens

An English Country Garden…..perfect summer weather….afternoon tea in the delightful garden of a fine manor house…. and Pimms on the lawn! What more could anyone ask? All this and more was on offer on at the Micheldever Open Gardens event on Sunday 25th June when around 100 visitors took the opportunity

to explore seven of Micheldever’s hidden gems. The green‑fingered garden hosts made a huge effort in preparing and opening their beautiful gardens on the day. The event raised over £1,200 for the Church of St Mary the Virgin. Thank you to all who supported the event. JP

Micheldever Festival–3-7pm, Saturday 9 September Plans are progressing well for the Micheldever Festival in the St Mary’s churchyard and nave on Saturday 9 September between 3pm and 7pm. Have you thought about your entry for the photographic competition? Are your young brushing up their culinary skills for the Teenage Bake Off competition? Details for both are in this edition of the Dever magazine. Prizes for the Grand Draw are proving to be very attractive and include a tour for 8 of the McClaren car collection in Duke Street, a Solent adventure in a RIB, a bespoke celebration cake to the value of £100, cream

tea for 2 in The Ivy, vouchers for Wagamama, champagne, tickets for a showing at the Everyman, a Christmas tree up to 6ft and much, much more. Tickets for the Grand Draw will be on sale from mid-August. And participation in the nave performances is getting very exciting with the Micheldever Harmonies, Fiddlers on the Hoof, Fun and Funky organ music, a unique performance video from the school, Nepalese music, the première release of a group of young guitarists and more. And, of course, the Punch and Judy, the magician, the real ale tent, BBQ, tombola, tea and cakes and more. Keep the date and see you there

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New Website for The Dever We are delighted to announce that there is a new website for this journal. Please take the time to have a look and let us know if you have any constructive criticism. Back issues from our archive are available to read online free of charge going back as far as January 2021. If you would like to see more please send a comment using the ‘contact us’ option at the bottom of the home page or email directly to Scan the QR code here to visit the website

Wheelchair Services Are you a Wheelchair user, or a parent/ carer of somebody who is? Do you receive your equipment from Ross Care (Formerly Millbrook Healthcare)? Healthwatch Hampshire have been receiving lots of feedback over recent months about the service, and would like to know more about your experiences. They have created a short survey which you can complete yourself or on behalf of someone you care for. The survey explores things like waiting times, assessments, communication and the impact getting the right equipment has on you and your family. The aim of the survey is to find out whether there are common themes 8

and issues, which can be used to make recommendations for improvement. Healthwatch want to know what is working well as well as whether there are things that could be done better or differently. You can find the survey here The closing date is 25th August 2023. If you need support to complete the survey, there are a number of options. These are: You can call 07393 147666 and complete the survey over the telephone (if there is no answer please leave a voicemail- you will be called back) • You can text your views to the number above The Dever - August 2023

• You can request a hard (paper) copy of the survey by calling 07393 147666 or emailing • If you need a larger print, please use the contact details above. As well as individual responses, the team

are also keen to speak to organisations who work with wheelchair users to get a broad range of collective experiences. If you are an organisation, therapist or other professional who works closely with wheelchair users, do contact Healthwatch using the details above.

The Dever - August 2023 9

Parish Council News Micheldever Youth Club At the July Parish Council meeting the councillors were pleased to be able to provide a grant to assist with the refurbishment of the youth club area at Northbrook Hall. The young people will also be carrying out some fundraising in the Autumn and we hope that residents will be generous with their support. The last few years have been difficult and isolating and it is more important than ever for our young people to meet with their peers in a relaxed and supportive environment. Our thanks go to Winchester Street Reach who run the youth club. Hedges and Overhanging Trees The Parish Council regularly encourages residents to meet their obligations in respect of hedges and trees which are encroaching or overhanging pavements and roads. However, complaints are still received and are particularly concerning when these present a hazard to pedestrians or motorists. As the bird nesting season draws to a close please can we remind all residents of their responsibilities. Legal requirements for maintenance The Highways Act 1980 (Section 154) empowers the Highway Authority (HCC), to protect the safety of highway users by ensuring that owners and occupiers carry out their legal duties in respect of roadside hedges and trees vertical to their boundaries and to give a minimum height clearance of 2.1m over footpaths and 5.2m over roads. Also to: • Trim roadside hedges to maintain visibility for road users, particularly at junctions and on the inside of bends • Trim any hedge that directly abuts a road, footway, cycleway or public right of 10

way so that growth does not prevent the passage or affect the safety of the highway user, including cyclists and pedestrians • Remove dead or decaying trees and other growth that may fall across the highway • Ensure the highway (including the foot-way and drainage features) is left clear of debris from the cutting operations Who is responsible for hedge and tree maintenance? Many hedges and trees grow on the edge of the highway and mark its boundary with private property. In such cases it is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner or occupier to properly maintain them. This also applies to trees that overhang the highway or those which may fall on to it. Who undertakes the work? It is easier for all concerned if landowners/ occupiers maintain their own trees and hedges to a good standard in accordance with the Highways Act. HCC or the Lengthsman, working on behalf of the Parish Council, may cut some hedges in advance of road treatment work, or in front of drainage features and road signs but this does not relieve owners and occupiers of their responsibilities. What if the landowner/occupier fails to undertake the work? Every effort is made to encourage owners and occupiers to meet their responsibilities. Where roadside growth is becoming a problem, a reminder will usually first be sent by the Parish Council. If no action is taken following this HCC can serve a notice requiring the necessary work to be completed within a stated period. Failure to comply may result in HCC undertaking the work and claiming the cost incurred. Please look to your own boundaries and consider if your hedge or trees are causing The Dever - August 2023

an obstruction to pedestrians, cyclists or motorists or are affecting the sight-lines of road users or those accessing neighbouring properties. Please also remember to take account of future growth and cut

a bit further back to allow for this. Jocelyn, the Clerk, can be contacted via or on 01794 368951 (office hours if possible please).

PLAY ON! PLAY ON! by Rick Abbott is a hilarious farce and tells the story of an Amateur Theatre Company putting on a production. The story follows a rehearsal, the dress rehearsal and the first night of ‘Murder Most Foul’ The group face a myriad of problems ranging from infighting among the cast, snide remarks and back biting and the interference of the author who is A break in rehearsals for cast and crew outside continually amending the Northbrook Hall where PLAY ON! was performed script. A frustrated director by the Micheldever Variety Group. tries to bring it all together. The Production was an excellent example portrayal of an actor going to pieces having of ensemble acting. Under the direction forgotten his lines, or indeed any semblance of Vicky Rodd – who also appeared as the of the plot! Charles Church as Saul deserves Director within the play – this production a special mention for his performance. was a showcase of how things can, and do, go All of this was done with great precision wrong when staging an amateur production. and for it to look like chaos, it has to be We were treated to a series of arguments, meticulously rehearsed and performed. misunderstandings, mishaps and backstage The cast and creative team worked very antics to the delight of the audience. The cast hard and MVG rose to this challenge with were totally convincing in their roles which aplomb. I haven’t laughed so much for ages. covered all the stereotypes: the vain diva, the Chris Horton gormless ingenue, the over the top character Chair of District 14 group of the National actor and the villain, who’s penchant for a Operatic and Drama Association (NODA) drink brought forth a hilariously convincing The Dever - August 2023 11

Half Moon & Spread Eagle Freehouse Telephone: 01962 774150 Email: Temporary opening hours, whilst we search for lovely full and part time permanent staff to open 7 days a week. We will be operating a reduced menu, until staff training is completed, and we can build up to a full operation. We thank you for your support, and custom, but we are short staffed, and over stretched. To make things better for all, we need to spend more time finding and training staff – a task that was not as easy as I had previously experienced! Please be patient whilst we sort things out and work to make the Half Moon a brilliant place to eat and drink.

Monday – Closed Tuesday – Closed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 11.30am – 3pm & 5.30pm – 10pm Saturday 11.30am – 10pm Sunday 11.30am – 4pm Food served lunchtimes Wednesday – Sunday 12pm – 2.30pm, and evenings Wednesday-Saturday 6pm – 8.30pm. Thank you for your amazing support, and understanding, whilst we build up, train up, find the right staff and work hard to offer you an amazing village pub. Matt & Team Half Moon.

Half Moon & Spread Eagle MENU Please inform us of any allergies when ordering.

Starters and Light dishes

Pauline’s homemade Venison pate, served with toasts and chutney £7.95 Smoked salmon and prawn cocktail – Greenland prawns and smoked salmon served on lettuce with a classic Mary rose sauce £ 8.25 Soup of the day, served with croutons and crusty bread £6.95 Salads, served with new potatoes Chicken bacon and Parmesan Caesar salad £16 Dressed Devon crab salad £20 Prawn and smoked salmon salad £17.50

Main Courses

Moules marinere – mussels cooked in butter, onion, garlic and white wine, served with crusty bread £17 Half Moon beer battered cod, chips and mushy peas £16 8oz Dorset Ribeye steak, cooked to your liking and served with grilled mushroom, tomato, and chips £26 Add a stilton or peppercorn sauce, £2.50 Aberdeen Angus beef burger, served in a brioche bun with bacon, cheddar, lettuce and tomato, chips, and BBQ sauce £16 Plant based burger, mushroom, vegan cheese, lettuce and tomato, served in a brioche bun, with BBQ sauce and chips £14

Smaller Plates

Small Cod, chips and Mushy peas £8 Chicken nuggets, chips and baked beans £7 Baguettes, served with crisps and a salad garnish: Coldwater prawns, rocket and mayonnaise £8.20 Bacon, cranberry and Brie £8.20 Bacon, lettuce and tomato £8.20 Cheddar, tomato and lettuce £7.50 Homemade cake selection £3 Extra sides £3 French fries – Chips – Side Salad – New Potatoes – Beer battered onion rings Cheesy chips (Large) £4.10

UPROAR! A Fundraising Talk For Hampshire History Trust Every September, thousands of people look forward to Heritage Open Days and flock to enjoy the ever-increasing number of free events which pop up all over the country. Hampshire History Trust (HHT), the voluntary organisation which coordinates Winchester Heritage Open Days (WHODs) across Hampshire, works hard year-round to ensure that the local festival programme is a success every September. HHT is not only committed to community participation in history and heritage, but it also believes that sharing stories from our past enriches all our lives. Stories connect people, inspire curiosity, create meaning and bring enjoyment, and WHOD’s, and the trust’s own Hampshire HistBites podcast, accomplish all of these things. HHT receives no regular funding and so relies on the generous support from Winchester BID, HCC and WCC, the time and effort of its volunteers, and donations from those who support its work or have enjoyed its events. Not only is HHT very grateful to Winchester College for its continued support as WHODs’ lead sponsor but, on the eve of the festival, the College is 14

also hosting the trust’s special fundraising event–a talk by young historian, presenter and author, Alice Loxton. With more than a million followers on social media, Alice has been described by Dan Snow as ‘the star of her generation– the next big thing in history’. On the 7th September, Alice will be speaking about her debut non-fiction book ‘UPROAR! Satire, Scandal & Printmakers in Georgian London’ – a brilliant new history of Georgian Britain through the eyes of the artists who immortalised it. She will also weave in her experiences over several years working at History Hit TV, sometimes alongside well-known presenters Dan Snow and Dan Cruickshank. Tickets to the Alice Loxton fundraising event are priced at £15 for a standard ticket & £30 for a premium ticket. Premium ticket holders will have a chance to meet Alice, enjoy a glass of wine and also a short College tour. More details can be found on the HHT website and are also available to purchase via Eventbrite– HHT is always keen to hear from anyone with a passion for history and community projects who is interested in joining the team or becoming a trustee. For more information, please visit– The Dever - August 2023

Paul Knight 23/07/1945 to 13/07/2023

Caroline, Ben and Joanna would like to thank all our wonderful friends and neighbours for their cards, letters and kind words following Paul’s death in Winchester Hospice. He had lived in Weston Colley for 37 years before most recently moving back to the village and very much enjoyed being part of the community, watching the hares and birds in our garden and walking his dogs. A Thanksgiving service will be held at St Marys in September.

“All Things Green” Courgette salad At the Wine Circle Summer party last year one of the guests brought an absolutely delicious salad for our table. It was so good I requested the recipe and this year wanted to share it so that you can enjoy it too. Although I grow courgettes over at the allotments, I have sometimes struggled to find new recipes to use them in, particularly raw. At this time of year courgettes are plentiful. This is a delightful and refreshing salad that you can tweak as you wish. You can add to, or omit any of the ingredients depending on taste or availability. It doesn’t have to stay as a completely green salad but it is very pretty to look at. Here we go! Courgettes – the smaller and fresher the better. Chop into discs or quarter the discs if the courgettes are bigger A large lemon and half a lemon – for the apple pieces and the dressing. A green dessert apple like Granny Smith chopped finely with the skin left on. Chop it into water with the juice of half a lemon and let them soak first to reduce the chance of the pieces going brown.

Green seedless grapes- halved. Spring onions – chopped into small discs. Frozen peas – defrosted and very briefly cooked. Chives – to chop and sprinkle onto salad and into the dressing Fennel bulb – if you like fennel, a small finely chopped bulb is quite zingy! Olive Oil – for the dressing, grate the zest of a lemon and use the juice of the lemon to combine with twice the volume of olive oil. Put into a little jar and shake vigorously, drizzle over the salad and toss the ingredients together. That’s it!! As long as the salad is coated in the dressing, any left overs can be covered and kept in a fridge at least overnight. When I have done this, it hasn’t discoloured. You could sprinkle some mustard/cress shoots over to spice it up a little, or even some green chillies to spice it up a lot! I also think that some finely chopped dill could be rather delicious, but this is your recipe now to do with as you will. Bon Appetit DMA

The Dever - August 2023 15

News from Micheldever Primary School As we approach the end of the school academic year, I think back over all the achievements that have been made by the children and staff at Micheldever C of E School and how proud I am to be the headteacher. From our glowing OFSTED report in September, through to a magnificent residential for our Year 6 children we have had many things to celebrate. A special word for our year 6 children who will be leaving Micheldever at the end of this month and therefore, rightly need to be celebrated. They have had a really unique experience at Micheldever School as, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, have had a year being taught as a sole year group. They have been the one and only ‘Hawthorn class’ at the school. When I began at the school, they were Year 2 pupils and it has been incredible to see them grow and to see the young people they have turned into. This was seen very clearly in tag rugby. In September, most of them had never played Tag Rugby before and so after an initially difficult set of fixtures, we implemented weekly training. Their improvements were noticed at each fixture and so much so that they won the


‘Most Improved’ at the final tournament of the year. The resilience and reciprocity shown by them really embodies the learning powers we so often speak about at school. As the year has progressed, we have been able to make use of our expanded grounds. The cancelled workshops are, at the time of writing, due to be held to help us think about how we can best use these grounds. Thank you to those of you who have been able to support this. We are looking forward to welcoming a new cohort of Year R pupils in September, along with all our current pupils back and wishing our Year 6 children the best of luck in Year 7. My thanks go to all the staff who work so tirelessly to make our school the welcoming, friendly place it is where all children are able to flourish. Mr T. Johnston, Headteacher, Micheldever Primary School, 01962 774213

The Dever - August 2023

Micheldever Festival Teens Bake Off - Saturday 9th September 2023 Teens Bake Off Competition – become the first teenage Micheldever Cake Maestro! • Contestants must be aged between 13 and 17 • Cost £3 per entry (you can enter more than 1 entry for judging), payable on the day. • Please deliver your entry to the churchyard on Saturday 9 September between 13.00 and 14.30 to the stall. • Entries must be home baked (not shop bought) • The Judging will take place at 17.30 • The winner will be announced at 18.00 The Cake Guidelines • The Theme is “Festival” – bright and colourful! • An 8” Classic Victoria Sponge Cake of your own recipe – 2 layers of Sponge with a layer of Jam and buttercream filling

• Use a smooth Fondant icing (any colour) to cover the cake • Decorations – in edible icing to create your showstopper- use your imagination and go wild!!! • Display your Cake on an iced base board. Cakes will be judged on taste, texture, presentation, originality, adherence to the theme and skill level.

Where is this? The photograph of the hedgehog sign in The Dever last month was from the corner on Church Street by Waterloo Cottages, Micheldever. Here is another location for you to identify. The plaque is obviously under a church window, but which one of the seven in the Dever Benefice? If you find it, or perhaps already know where it is, then email There are no prizes but anyone who emails

the correct location will get a mention in the September issue. Good Luck! Another location next month. (Ed.)

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Church Services for The Dever Benefice August 6th 10.00 am 11.00 am

August 13th 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am

St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever Holy Trinity - Wonston

10th Sunday after Trinity

Morning Prayer John Walsh Holy Communion Rev’d James Whymark Holy Communion Rev’d Neil Britton

August 20th 10.00 am 10.00 am 11.00 am

9th Sunday after Trinity

Holy Communion Rev’d Rob Rees & Rev’d James Whymark Morning Prayer Rev’d Rob Rees & Claire Bentham

All Saints - East Stratton St Mary & St Michael - Stoke Charity

11th Sunday after Trinity

Morning Prayer Rev’d Rob Rees Holy Communion Rev’d Neil Britton Morning Prayer Roger Keys & Melinda Samms

August 27th

12th Sunday after Trinity

September 3rd

13th Sunday after Trinity

10.00 am Holy Communion Rev’d Rob Rees & Rev’d James Whymark 9.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 pm 11.15 am

St Margaret's - South Wonston

St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever St James - Woodmancote Holy Trinity - Wonston

St Margaret’s - South Wonston

Holy Communion (said) St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever Service of welcome for the new academic year Rev’d Rob Rees & Tom Johnston Holy Communion St Margaret’s - South Wonston Rev’d James Whymark Morning Prayer St Mary & St Michael - Stoke Charity tbc Morning Prayer Holy Trinity - Wonston Rev’d Rob Rees

For further information, please contact the Parish Coordinator, email:


The Dever - August 2023

Dever Valley Church Locations All Saints East Stratton SO21 3XA ____________ ruffling.upstarts.disposing Holy Trinity Wonston SO21 3LS _________________ grub.dove.unpacked St James Hunton SO21 3PX ________________ lingering.dwistract.improve St James Woodmancote SO21 3BL _______________ scatters.helper.rating St Margaret's South Wonston SO21 3EW ____________ diver.guises.tarred St Mary the Virgin Micheldever SO21 3DA _______ sprays.serenade.gripes St Mary and St Michael Stoke Charity SO21 3PG _____ evaded.avoid.lyricist

Holy Dusters St Mary the Virgin

Cleaning - week beginning Monday 1st August Jan and Christine 8th August Jilly and Andrea 15th August Felicity and Tricia 22nd August Wendy and Jill 29th August Sophie and Alex Flowers - from Friday 4th August Sue Knight-Jones and Jacqui Earl Mowing & Path Sweeping Richard Vellacott / Tony Parkes / Russell Smart Clear-up in Autumn is Saturday 23rd September.

St James

Flowers and Cleaning Church Yard

Linda Albin and Kate Allen Nick Greenwood

The Dever - August 2023 19

Micheldever Parish Council

Notice of Meeting Wednesday 6th September Northbrook Hall 7.30pm This will be an in person meeting of the Parish Council and residents will be welcome to attend. There will be an opportunity for questions from the public at around 8.00pm

Parish Council Matters–Planning Applications, Meetings–Agendas, Dates & Minutes, Newsletters, Parish Assembly and more.

The churchwardens from The Dever Benefice request the pleasure of your company at the

Institution and Induction of

The Rev’d Dr Robert David Rees as Rector of The Dever Benefice by The Rt Rev’d David Williams Bishop of Basingstoke and The Rev’d Canon Gary Philbrick Assistant Archdeacon This service will take place at

St Mary the Virgin, Micheldever

on Thursday 28 September at 7pm The Dever - August 2023 21


Contract/Hours: Permanent, Part-time Salary Type: Support Staff Salary Details: Grade C From £21190 pa full time equivalent. Maybe Grade D from £23703 FTE dependent on experience. Hours of Work: 15 hours per week (split shift: ideally 7.00‑8.30am & 4.30-6.00pm) Location of Role: Micheldever CE Primary School Contact e-mail address: Micheldever CE Primary School (part of Dever Valley Federation) are looking for an enthusiastic, friendly, self-motivated person to join our staff team. This would suit someone who has a range of practical skills and is able to carry out small DIY jobs and possibly gardening jobs. The Caretaker will contribute to the day to day operational management and to ensuring the safety and security of the school site. The successful candidate will be able to: Show initiative, be proactive, have good organisational and time management skills Be a team player and be a member of our school community Be able to work in a flexible manner to support the needs of the school Help manage the site and buildings


to the highest standard possible. Take responsibility for security and be a key holder Undertake a range of repairs and maintenance and ensure lighting and heating are operational. Support a cleaning team to ensure premises are clean to a high standard. Work with the Business Manager to ensure all aspects of health and safety for the school and the site. Ensure that a high level of confidentiality and professionalism is maintained The successful candidate will enjoy working in a school environment, build positive relationships with the staff and take pride and responsibility for maintaining our school to a high standard. Experience is desirable but full training will be available for the successful candidate. In return we will offer:A supportive, friendly and welcoming school team Good working conditions and environment Appropriate training as required Contact the school by email or telephone for further details or to make a visit. Contact – Telephone: 01962 774213 / 01962 760340

The Dever - August 2023

Celebration of the Dever Valley Photographic Competition As part of the Micheldever Festival, a photographic competition will be run in the period leading up to the Festival on Saturday 9 September, during which the category winners will be declared. Selected photographs will be displayed in the nave of St Mary’s Church on the day of the Festival and category winners will have their photographs featured in the Dever magazine and on the village website over the subsequent 12 months. There will also be appropriate awards for the category winners. The rules of the competition are that: 1. All entrants must live in the Dever Valley. 2. All photographs need to be submitted as digital images. 3. This competition is for amateur photographers, ie someone who does not sell their photographic work. 4. Entrants can submit up to five images. 5. There is an entry fee of £5, regardless of the number of images submitted. 6. The closing date for submissions is 31 August 2023.

7. All images must be relevant to the Dever Valley, ie location, event, individual etc. 8. All images must have been taken during the period 1 January to 31 August 2023 and dated accordingly. 9. There are four categories: Veterans - over 50 Senior - under 50 and over 21 Youth - under 21 and over 12 Child - under 12 (Ages are as at 1st June 2023)

Entry form, to accompany submissions, and sent to: First name Family name Address


Category An entry fee of £5.00 has been sent by BACS, with the reference being the family name, to:Micheldever PCC Sort Code 55-81-26 Account Number 00328340 The Dever - August 2023 23

Gardening Tips from Hardy’s Plants–No Dig Gardening Soil that is cultivated disturbs the mycorrhizal fungi within and exposes it to light and air. This breaks the connections between plants and the fungi and both are poorer for the experience. Soil is made up of small particles of weathered rock (sand, silt and clay). Hard rock, is at the bottom, then you have the subsoil, towards the surface then topsoil and at the top is the organic layer. Careful cultivation can maintain these layers to an extent but, it often brings sub-soil to the surface and buries the topsoil and organic layer beneath. Topsoil and the organic layer are used by plants to take up water, air and nutrients via their roots, so the mixing of these layers can be very detrimental to the plants as well as the insects and other beneficial organisms that live there. Weeds and their seeds are opportunistic and will take advantage of the conditions created by cultivation. They can grow in poorer soil structures and thrive when any competition has been removed. To avoid these problems the no-dig process of gardening has been established to keep your soil balanced and the beneficial organisms that inhabit it healthy and undisturbed. When creating a new bed, no-dig requires the use of scrap cardboard, the less ink on it the better, and/ or a thick 24

layer of mulch to supress weeds. It also stops the soil from drying out while maintaining the delicate balance of your existing soil. After removing all staples and plastic tape from it, lay the cardboard over the grass or border to block out the light and then cover with a thick layer of mulch to suppress any weeds. Many insects will welcome the cover and their presence will help the process of breaking down the layers and incorporating them into the soil. Worms will also aerate the soil improving it for drainage in root ingress. The mulch needs to be as thick as possible, 4-6 inches or more. You can plant into this layer and then mulch around the new plants but be sure to leave a small gap around the plant and not pile the mulch up against the stem as this could cause the plant to rot. The mycorrhizal fungi will quickly spread into the cardboard and mulch layer and create symbiotic relationships with most of the plants which will help them establish quickly and efficiently. The fungi provide access to extra moisture and nutrients whilst taking a small amount of plant sugars. The upside–Less time spent watering, weeding and feeding and you spend less time and effort to get plants that are healthier and can provide higher yields of flowers and tasty fruit and vegetables. The best time to start a nodig bed is in the Autumn. Weeds are dying-back and most crops are finished. The soil is still warm and generally moist and all the The Dever - August 2023

beneficial organisms are still active. DO NOT start a no-dig bed when it is hot and dry as you will make any water ingress even more difficult. Add extra layers of mulch in Autumn or Spring every subsequent year to keep feeding and improving the soil. Remember the thicker the mulch the more weeds you’ll suppress and the more you’ll improve your soil, don’t be stingy.

This is an edited version of an article in our last Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants newsletter. For the whole piece, including more tips on planting, go to to sign up to Hardys Gardeners, or Visit us in Priory Lane, Freefolk, RG28 7NJ

Wonston Community Café The Wonston Parish defibrillator fund was started in June 2016 by Rob Parker, Matt Todd, Tom Coleman and Michael Collett to raise funds for, and organise, the installation of these life-saving machines across the Wonston Parish. Tom and Matt kindly offered to locate cabinets on their buildings, as did Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. We purchased the Stoke Charity Phone Box from BT and John Caulcutt kindly offered to host a cabinet at Hunton. Thanks to a small band of local volunteers these life saving devices are regularly checked and maintained to ensure availability 365 days of the year. However, they do need new electrode pads every 2 years and new batteries every 4 years. Replacing the electrodes costs £260 and the batteries £1000. Small electrical problems with the cabinet

heaters occur from time to time needing the services of an electrician. The June café raised a wonderful total of £425 for the maintenance of the five defibrillators located in the Wonston Parish. Rob Parker (pictured), who attended the café representing the fund, said “We are really grateful that our fabulous Wonston Community Cafe is offering us the proceeds of today’s cafe towards these ongoing costs.” A wonderful turnout on a glorious sunny day ensured that the fund received many donations as well as the proceeds from the café sales. The team will be taking a break in August but will return on Wednesday 20th September. Please do come along to support the community café, which is staffed entirely by volunteers. All the cakes are homemade, we have real coffee and plenty of free parking! The café is cash only. Janis Kinnell

The Dever - August 2023 25

Jackie’s County Corner for August I hope you are enjoying the summer – but as I write, there seems to be no shortage of water as the rain continues to pour! Water butts fill quickly on days like this, and I’d like to find some volunteers who could help others install water butts in their gardens. If you are interested, please let me know. I hope that you managed to complete the County Council’s Budget consultation, but if not, here’s your chance to have your say on another topic. This month, I invite you to join in the consultation for a redesign for the Cart and Horses junction, drawn up by HCC as part of the submission for M3 Junction 9. Please note, this design is not funded, so capital funding must be agreed before it could go ahead. Following detailed assessment of suggestions from the public, small changes have been agreed which hopefully will be done by the time you read this, but this consultation is for a complete redesign to join onto a new junction in 2027. There is a public exhibition on 5th Sept (3-7.30pm) at Winchester Rugby Club. The online link is: uk/News/20230710CartHorsesJuncSurvey Response deadline 17th Sept 2023. Water treatment: of great interest at City and County levels, there is new legislation for owners of ‘private water treatment plants’ which include small developments and individual properties. This applies from October 2023. You can see the detail on my website or use this short link www. Flash flooding continues to be a problem as heavy rain falls over a short period. Please report all flood matters on for speedy maintenance. Thank you 26

Road, footway and countryside complaints, flooding, overhanging trees etc must be reported online at to start any action. I’m afraid the old days of calling up the highways officer have gone and all matters which might require resources start with a reference number. If you don’t receive a satisfactory reply from your complaint, please let me know with the reference number. Many thanks I have recently been appointed to Hampshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board and attended a recent Health and Adult Social Care (HASC) meeting at HCC. The agenda items and topics of discussion included: • Shortage of NHS dental services for adults and children • Looking again at the Pharmacy availability as the situation is worsening with community pharmacies closing. This is resulting in even more limited access for those without a car, long queues and medicines shortages. I have asked for the Winchester district pharmacies assessment (compiled by Hampshire’s Public Health team) to be updated to reflect the current position. If either of these matters affect you, please feel free to contact me. The Dever - August 2023

Did you complete the South Western Railway public consultation on station change proposals? Especially if you need assistance or use a train occasionally, I’d still be interested to hear your opinions about ticket offices. I am sure we will examine the proposals in detail at HCC as part of the public transport offer and I’d like to represent your views. Two new services for 60+ • A regular coffee morning/carer support group for families coping with dementia will be held at The Dower House on the third Wednesday of the month

(Springvale Rd, Kings Worthy), starting 16th August 10.30 – 12, and thereafter. Contact Kim Torkington, Dementia Advisor, Carer Support & Dementia Advice Hampshire 07507 968408 or email • A new informative website: socialcareandhealth/publichealth/ livelongerbetter/keepconnected Cllr Jackie Porter, 07973 696085 /01962 791054, website:

Micheldever Community Library Northbrook Hall Community Library Assisted Support Please Note Change Of Day From Tuesday To Thursday Commencing August 2023 Tuesday 2.00 - 3.30pm [Last Tuesday 1st August 2023] Thursdays 2.00 - 3.30pm [New Day Commencing 10th August 2023] Access to the community library is also available whenever the Northbrook Hall is open. Books can be borrowed and returned at any time. This community library is a free village provision open to all. I would be grateful if returned books could be left on the table for me to return to the shelves on the assisted opening day.

Donations of paperback fiction books are always welcome. Dawn Snow

Community Library Assisted Support Volunteer.

The Dever - August 2023 27

From Our MP Steve Brine First of all, thank you to all those who’ve written since I announced I would not be standing again in Winchester at the next election. I suspect this Parliament has some way to go yet–so much still to do both here and in Westminster – but thanks for the kindness. Residents will have heard a great deal lately about the NHS as it marks 75 years. We’ve honoured that Steve with City Councillors at the Wonston Fête locally by securing £40m of capital investment to develop an elective hub and orthopaedic them to secure a change in the law to outpatient facility at the Royal Hampshire prevent other families suffering their County Hospital in Winchester. It will agony. We recently met with the Food provide more capacity and allow more Minister at DEFRA as part of that. operations to take place therefore improving They’ve created ‘Owens Law’ which calls access to elective, planned surgery for legal change to put more appropriate and such as hip and knee replacements. accurate information about the allergens At the same time our Trust is also in their food on menus, changes in the developing proposals to build a new regulations around proactive discussions outpatient facility, also in Winchester, with customers about allergies as well as specifically for orthopaedics. Scheduled changes in guidance and industry practice to open in early 2025, this is part of the for the restaurant sector. The campaign also ongoing investment into services in the wants to see greater research into the causes city. Winchester is heard in the corridors of allergies and proper recording of, and a of power because that’s my job. national register for, anaphylaxis deaths. Secondly, Owen Carey was just 18 You can help us by visiting when he suffered a fatal anaphylactic reaction after eating a chicken burger, Finally, it was such a pleasure to attend which was stated on the menu as being (my seventh of the year even then!) the plain grilled, at a restaurant in London. Wonston Fete again this year. Well done Owen’s sister, Emma Kocher, lives to Ellen Landale for organising another in Winchester and I am working with cracker and to everyone involved. I caught 28

The Dever - August 2023

up with your city councillors; Stephen, Caroline and Patrick (pictured) while at the Old House with my daughter Emily and for the first time ever we won a raffle prize! There’s so much more on my work, across Westminster and the constituency on a wide range of issues, on my website but also on my socials which are a great way

to stay in touch Have a great Summer and look out for me on my Summer Tour which will be up and running as usual in the constituency. Steve Brine MP for Winchester & Dever Valley

Micheldever Shop - Opening Times Monday - Saturday Sunday

8.30am - 6.30pm, 10.00am - 3.00pm

Seen around Micheldever, Caterpillars of the Cinnabar Moth and a Little Skipper Butterfly. Thank you to Jacqueline Earl for sending in both images.

The Dever - August 2023 29

City Councillors’ News All three of your City Councillors were pleased to join many local residents to mark the re-opening of The Half Moon and Spread Eagle pub in Micheldever under the new landlord, Matt Etherington. The return of a great selection of local food and drink is most welcome. We have also visited The Northbrook Arms in East Stratton that has recently opened its new dining area along with an interesting new menu. There are 12 pubs, bars and hotels in our Ward that will all welcome your support. There has been more flytipping in our Ward over the last few weeks. Stephen has reported four himself, but more keep appearing. If you see a pile of illegally dumped waste, report it as soon as you can to the City Council, either through the council’s website, via the Your Winchester app or let one of us know. Most flytipping will be investigated by our dedicated officer, even if the waste

is on private land. Reporting it will help to reduce repeat offences. We are supporting several different groups of residents in Sutton Scotney and Micheldever Station who have problems with their private sewage treatment works. We are hoping that the new pipeline from Sutton Scotney to Harestock promised by Southern Water will be delivered in the next 18 months. This will relieve the problems around Saddlers Close and could allow connection by other homes to the mains drain. We understand that the City Council’s administration is delaying the next stage of the Local Plan to allow more time to review feedback gathered during consultation from the end of last year. We hope that the delays will be justified by changes to the proposals that will improve the Local Plan for our Ward.

You can contact your City Councillors at any time or you can catch us at any of the Parish Council meetings. Their next meetings are on: Micheldever PC

Wednesday 6th September

Northbrook Hall.

Wonston PC

Wednesday 13th September

Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney.

South Wonston PC

Monday 11th September

South Wonston Pavilion.

All meetings start at 7.30pm.


Cllr Stephen Godfrey 119 Downs Road South Wonston SO21 3EH Tel: 01962 884477



Cllr Caroline Horrill Wheatlands Woodman Lane Sparsholt SO21 3SH Tel: 01962 776844


Cllr Patrick Cunningham The Corner House North Drive Littleton SO22 6QA Tel: 07866 367897 The Dever - August 2023

The Dever - August 2023 31

SAFARI SUPPER Saturday 7 October 2023 Kick off the autumn with great food and company Want to know more? Go to In aid of St Mary’s Church Fabric Fund

Forthcoming Events 2023/24 September 6th 12.30pm 6th 7.30pm 9th 3.00pm 10th 2.00pm 22nd 8.00pm 28th 7.00pm October 4th 12.30pm 4th 7.30pm 7th 21st 27th 8.00pm November 1st 12.30pm 1st 7.30pm December 6th 7.30pm 8th 8.00pm 13th 12.30pm January 6th 7.30pm 25th-28th February 6th 7.30pm March 6th 7.30pm

Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Festival - St Mary the Virgin church Auditions for MVG Panto ‘Happy Ever After’ - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall Rev’d Rob Rees induction as Rector - St Mary the Virgin church Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Village Hall Safari Supper - Micheldever - at your home Harvest Supper - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Village Hall Micheldever Wine Circle, Christmas Party - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Village Christmas Lunch - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Village Hall Happy Ever After pantomime - Northrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council - Northbrook Hall Micheldever Parish Council – East Stratton Village Hall

Hall Booking East Stratton Hall Northbrook Hall The Warren Centre

01962 774517, 07802 755132, visit

The Dever - August 2023 33

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Daily Sudoku: Sat 15-Jul-2023

Mobile Post Office

Wednesday morning 9.30 – 10.30 Lord Rank Car Park

1 9 7 3 6 4 5 2 8 2 6 3 9 8 5 4 7 1 5 8 2 7 1 6 3 9 Regular Dates and Times4– Weekly 7 on centre 4 9pages6 3 8 2 1 5 SUNDAYS Church Services Details TUESDAYS 8.00–9.00 pm Circuit Training by Toppe from T Fit Training, 3 1School 2 Hall. 7 contact 5 Jane 9 07919 8 018877 6 4 Micheldever 2.00–3.30 pm Community Library, Northbrook Hall 5 8 6 4 1 2 7 9 3 WEDNESDAYS 9.30–10.30 am Mobile Post Office, Lord Rank Car Park, Micheldever 9.00–10.00 am Body6 Control 7 Pilates–Micheldever 4 8 9 Village 3 1Hall.5 2 contact Fredricka Brooks, 07979 254895 8 3pm 5 1 2 7 9 4 6 THURSDAYS 8.00–10.00 Dever Singers Rehearsal–Micheldever or South Wonston 9 contact, 2 5 4 6 3 8 7 churches. FRIDAYS 34

4.00 pm

Petanque at the Warren Centre. Daily Sudoku: Sat 15-Jul-2023

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2023. All rights reserved.

(please note: times may vary slightly)


The Dever - August 2023


Summer Special at the Northbrook Hall


18 August 5.00 pm th

Come and meet friends & neighbours for a relaxing drink & food No need to book – £7.50 at the door to include BBQ and first drink. All proceeds to the Northbrook Hall Funds. Contact David Findley ‭01962 774445

3 – 7PM S AT U R D AY 9 T H S E P T E M B E R S T M A R Y ’ S C H U R C H YA R D LO CA L P E R F O R M I N G A RTS I N T H E U N I Q U E N AV E R E A L A L E T E N T, B B Q , G R A N D D R AW, J A Z Z B A N D C H I L D R E N ’S ZO N E P U N C H & J U D Y, M A G I C I A N


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