Monmouth County Woman - 2013 November/December

Page 12





What’s New At Hair & Co.? . . . Oasis Spa Written by: Milena Melone Aesthetician, Hair & Company

Milena Melone recalls someone who said. . . “There’s no place like home.” Well, Dorothy was so right!


iving and working in the beautiful mountains of Umbria, Italy was a dream come true, but truly, there is no place like our wondrous America.” Milena, former owner of Spa 500 in Little Silver for over twenty years, is now back “home” working at Hair & Co., established thirty-eight years ago in Red Bank by Joann Wiener. “It has been incredible”, Milena explains, “How Joann has given me the opportunity to create a special place that I named Oasis, a place that offers true tranquility and nurturing. The room has a calming energy and is furnished with many of my Italian treasures.” Two modalities that set this spa apart from the multitude of spas that have mushroomed over the years are: Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage and Photon Therapy. The lymphatic system is the sewage system of the body and unlike the blood, which uses the heart for circulation, the lymph

has no such pump so it takes much longer to make its journey through the body eliminating toxins and delivering the excess to the bladder. “It’s amazing how well understood this modality is throughout Europe. Doctors suggest this therapy for anyone starting a wellness program or a weight loss program. As a matter of fact, I marveled how someone making an average of 1,200 euros per month would commit to at least one treatment per week at 50 euros,” comments Milena. She further added: “I use the MLD for body detox, on the face for rejuvenation as well as for severe acne, also for sinus congestion. The added benefit is deep relaxation often inducing the para-sympathetic nervous system where true healing takes place.”

The “DreamSpa” uses photons delivered by various blue, red, and clear LEDs bringing electrons to the cells of the body. The result is more fluidity in the red blood cells as well as strengthening the cell membrane. White cells are also strengthened making their job as scavengers more efficient. With five different settings, the “DreamSpa” can focus on energy renewal, better sleep, jet lag, brain fog, acneic conditions, and photon For further information or a anti-aging facial and more. complimentary consultation, “Whether I am doing a you may call 732 747-6983. foot reflexology, a facial with Physiodermie Switzerland, or a lip wax, I want my client to have an experience that is out of the ordinary,” explains Milena.

Client Testimonial:

After only a few treatments, there was a noticeable change to my skin. My breakouts had healed nicely and my past breakout “red marks” had dulled and faded by at least 50%.

I feel very optimistic about my skin and it’s nice to look in the mirror and know there is a way to fix it.”

-PL, after the Dr. Vodder MLD 15-minute treatment using no products.

Joann Wiener, owner, opened her business in Red Bank over 37 years ago. She enjoys working with a talented and experience staff and serving a loyal base of clientele. She is excited about the addition of the “Oasis Spa” in her salon. Milena Melone graduated from Monmouth University and is a licensed aesthetician in N.J. and Ct. She is a Reiki Master and certified Hypnosis Practitioner and certified Dr. Vodder MLD Practitioner. Milena is the former owner of Spa 500, little Silver and MGM Italia Wellness, Spoleto, Italy.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

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