The Connection Newspaper December 2020

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Connecting Co mmunities through Co mmunication BRYANT 11DUSTRIAL SERVICES

Here for all of your electrical needs Residential, Commercial, Industrial

Brandon Bryant 251-509-4721


Vol. 15 | No. 12 | 12 pages | FREE | South Mobile | December 2020 | (251) 210-7018 | CO V ID- 1 9 V accine

Grace Counseling

see on page 3

see on page 9


Dauphin Island Monthly

Christmas Gold

Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Grand Bay shares a Christmas message Paul Meredith

ayor e



Lights of DI The Dauphin Island Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the 2020 Lights of Dauphin Island! Members of the community have agreed to join us in creating the most festive holiday possible! Sixty (60) Christmas trees have been sponsored and on display around the island beginning on December 5. We also have several families who agreed to participate in the home decoration as well. There will be a panel of judges and People’s Choice awards given. Additional activities are scheduled during December Please mark your calendars for the following dates: 12/5 - The trees will all be lit at 6:00 pm 12/5 - People’s Choice voting takes place from 3:00 pm until Sunday 12/6 at 5:00 pm 12/6 - Panel Judging will take place 12/7 - Tree and home decoration winners will be announced via Facebook and DICOC Website 12/13 - LoDI Scavenger Hunt from 2-4 pm (details on Website) 12/20 - LoDI Scavenger Hunt 2 from 2-4 pm (details on Website) 12/21 Until 12/31 - Food Drive for Feed the Need; Bring your non-perishable food donations to the collection container outside the Sandbox, 1604 Bienville Blvd. Donations can be made between 10 am—4 pm Monday through Saturday. The container will be locked at night. Maps of all trees and homes participating will be available at Water Tower Plaza in a “take one” box. You will be able to vote for the trees/homes of your choice there as well. Merry Christmas! News From Dauphin Island Heritage and Arts Council Enjoy an elegant four-course sitdown dinner with family and friends at the Fourth Annual Gulf Seafood Gala on December 5, 6-9 pm at Isle Dauphine! Gulf seafood See page 8

In recent years, it has been a joy of mine during the Christmas season to seek out places in Scripture that are about the incarnation of Christ but are not ordinarily used for a Christmas message. The texts I look for are located o the beaten path where a pastor might look for a Christmas sermon. For example, we are all familiar with Luke 2, Matthew 1, and even Philippians 2, when it comes to Christ’s entrance into the world. The texts I like to look for every year are not in those well-known places. When I find what I m looking for, it’s like striking gold – Christmas gold. This year two verses have captured my attention. In 1 Peter 1:20-21, we find these words: H e indeed was f oreordained b ef ore t he f oundat ion of t he world, b ut was

manif est in t hese last t imes f or y ou who t hrough H im b elieve in G od, who raised H im f rom t he dead and gave H im glory , so t hat y our f ait h and hope are in G od. Of course, Peter is speaking in these verses about Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. And in these verses, we can see three great truths about Him and His coming into the world. First, He was foreordained before the foundation of the world. That word “foreordained” means that Jesus was “marked out”

for something before the world was ever created. What was He marked out for? The Bible is very clear. He was marked out to come into the world and be God s sacrifice to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). The verse just prior to our text, 1 Peter 1:19, speaks of Christ as a “lamb without blemish and without spot” and tells us that we are redeemed by His “precious blood.” When John the Baptist saw Jesus approach, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John1:29). In Revelation 13:8, Jesus is described as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” In Acts 2:23 we read that He (Jesus), was delivered (to be crucified) “by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God.” continued on page 2

Down on the BAYOU

Updates from the Bayou la Batre Area and our Hurricanes of Alma Bryant High Annette Johnson

Jubilee BEST Robotics Awards Engineering Scholarship Congratulations to Alma Bryant High School senior, Arthur Byrd who was recently awarded the 2020 Jubilee BEST Robotics Scholarship to the University of South Alabama College of Engineering. Arthur is pictured here with Mr. David Sprinkle, ABHS principal and his instructor, Amanda Hutto. The scholarship is awarded annually to a senior based on their GPA, high school transcript reviews, ACT scores and an essay relating the impact that robotics has made in the

student’s life. Arthur is a member of the ABHS Robotics team, serves in the ABHS JROTC, honored as a member of the National Technical Honor Society and volunteers in his church and community. Congratulations, Arthur! Students Participate in Community Service Activities The Alma Bryant High School Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently collected can goods and non-perishable food for distribution to local residents in need. Chapter members are

assisting now with the annual “Stu the Bus” Toy Drive at Alma Bryant High School. Toys can be delivered to the ABHS library on Dec. 1st through Dec. 7th. FCCLA members are also collecting cash donations to purchase additional toys for the drive. Alma Bryant High School 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 - Az alea Trail Maids Announced Congratulations to ABHS juniors, Jailyn Swink and Hailey Oliver on their selection as the Alma Bryant High School 2021-2022-Azalea continued on page 3

cont. Christmas Gold

Heating - Maintenance and Repair Duct Cleaning - Home and Business

Ramsay Farms

9209 Ramsay Road Grand Bay, Alabama 36541 251-865-4363/251-331-3844

We have plenty of fresh air and a beautiful selection of Christmas trees. Please bring this letter for a $2.00 discount on any tree purchase. We hope you will make plans to visit Ramsay Farms and make us a part of your family tradition.

FRESH FROM OUR FARM TO YOUR HOME. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

When we think of the baby Jesus being born into the world, our thoughts should always quickly move from Bethlehem to Golgotha, from the manger to the cross. Why? Because that’s why Jesus came into the world. He came to die. He came to die as a sacrifice for sins and take the place of guilty sinners and absorb the wrath of God intended for them. And this wasn’t an afterthought. Jesus was marked out by God in eternity past for that very purpose. Second, He was manifest in these last times. That word “manifest” means God the Son was made visible to men. He had always existed as the second person of the Trinity. His birth in Bethlehem was not His beginning. It was, however, the time when He left eternity, entered time and space, and appeared to mankind. In the Gospel of John, in the first chapter, we find two vital verses that describe this truth. In verse one, we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Who is this One called “the Word”? Verse 14 gives us the answer: “And the Word became esh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” The eternal Son of God took on esh and dwelt among men. It was the only way God could provide salvation for His people! Whenever we may be tempted to think that sin is not a serious matter, or that our own personal sin is not that serious, we need to remember the great lengths that God had to go to provide a remedy for sin. God the Father had to give His Son to pay the penalty for our sins so He could forgive us. God the Son had to leave

the glory He shared with the Father in heaven and become “manifest” in this world, so He could go to the cross and be that sacrifice. In other words, our sin is so serious that God had to come into the world and die on a cruel Roman cross in order to make forgiveness possible. There’s a lot of gospel truth packed into that word “manifest”! Finally, our text tells us that all of this was “for you.” He (Jesus Christ) was foreordained and manifest “for you.” We might ask at this point, “Who is the you?” Well, our text continues on to tell us. The “you” is all those “who through Him (Jesus Christ) believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory so that your faith and hope are in God.” This is telling us that we cannot bypass Jesus Christ if we want God’s salvation. God’s salvation was planned from eternity past by God the Father to only be found in and through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus said about Himself, “ . . . no man comes t o t he F at her ex cept t hrough M e” (John 14:6). And we read this in Acts 4:12: “N eit her is t here salvat ion in any ot her, f or t here is no ot her name under heaven given among men b y which y ou must b e saved.” That’s the glory of this Christmas and every Christmas. God’s eternal plan for salvation came into the world. That plan was a person – the Lord Jesus Christ. And He accomplished salvation for everyone who would believe that He died for their sins and believe that God raised Him from the dead. Does that describe the faith and hope you have in God this Christmas season? If so, you too see Peter’s description of Christ’s incarnation as solid Christmas gold!

From Mississippi: Take I-10 East to Exit 4 - Grand Bay Go North to Old Pascagoula Take a right and travel East (1.5 miles) Turn right onto Ramsay Road (1.5 miles) Cross I-10 overpass and farm will be immediately on left Farm is located at 9209 Ramsay Road between I-10 and Hwy 90 in Grand Bay

From Alabama: Take I-10 West to Exit 10 - Bayou la Batre/ Dawes Go North to Old Pascagoula Take a left and travel West (4.5 miles) Turn left onto Ramsay Road (1.5 miles) Cross I-10 overpass and farm will be immediately on left Farm is located at 9209 Ramsay Road

2 - The Connection


Facebook: The Connection Newspaper December 2020

on Do n on Trail Maids. Both of the students will serve as ambassadors for the City of Mobile and the surrounding communities. ongra s ues Br ge na s e eg n re n

e Bayou

at Mariner Park with festivities beginning at 6 p.m. Mariner Park is located next to the Bayou La Batre Splash Pad and Fire Station. Social distancing and the wearing of face covers will be required. Bayou La Batre Christmas Parade has been canceled this year due to Covid-19. Christmas on Da Bayou A Boat parade will be held on Saturday, December 19th at 5 p.m. All activities will be held at Bayou La Batre City Docks. For more information on this event, please contact Daryl Steiner at 251 367 5473

We are extremely proud and excited to announce that QuestBridge finalist, Senior elleigh Entrekin has matched with prestigious Wesleyan niversity! elleigh is a Cambridge diploma candidate, decorated leader of the JROTC program, and has been active in archery, outh Activist Coalition, Students Working Against Tobacco, National Honors Society, National Technical Honor Society, Model N, and Spirit Congress throughout her past four years at Bryant. Match Scholarship recipients are granted early admission to one of QuestBridge’s college partners with a full four year scholarship that includes the cost of attendance, tuition, room & board, books & supplies, and travel e penses totaling over 300,000. Congratulations elleigh! e y o Bayou a Ba re announ es e o o ng H D S Bayou La Batre Tree Lighting will happen on Friday, December 4th

The City of Bayou La Batre offices and buildings will be CLOSED for the Christmas Holidays from Monday, December 21st and will reopen on Monday, January 4th, 2021. The Bayou La Batre City Council will hold a joint Work Session and Council Meeting on Thursday, December 17th, 2020. The Work Session will begin at 5:30 p.m., and the Council Meeting will begin at 6:15 p.m. All Council Work Sessions and Council Meetings are now streamed live on the Bayou La Batre Facebook Page. The Bayou La Batre Facebook Page can be found at BayouLaBatreAlabama

We Work with Employers We Work with the Legal System We Work with DHS in Child Custody Cases We Work with Churches and Pastors

The Grace Ministries Counseling Program

This Biblical counseling is designed for anyone struggling with any issue of life and for their family members.

Special Features of the Program

*All Biblical Counselors are certified *Each counselee is treated with the utmost respect and care *The confidentiality of each counselee is carefully protected *Very reasonable and affordable rates

See our web site for additional information:

If you need help with an issue of life, or if you know someone who does, don’t hesitate. Call this number 24/7:


If no one answers, leave a message. Someone will return your call .

ree 2 0 2 0

The Grand Bay Angel Tree has been a great success for 2020. We had 50 angels that were registered for this program. All angels have been adopted. Thank you to every person who has chosen an angel to adopt or donate to the Grand Bay Angel Tree account at Century Bank. Due to your generosity, these children will have their wishes granted on Christmas morning! This program would not be possible without the love and giving hearts of this community. If you have adopted

an angel, please deliver your gifts on Saturday, December 5th from 9 am 11 am at the drop o center listed on the back of your tag. We still are in need of gifts. If you would like to help, please donate a gift to our collection bo at Dollar General or Family Dollar in Grand Bay. Thank you for bringing joy to our local children! For more information, contact us on Facebook @Grand Bay Angel Tree. Call or te t us (251)622 1992. Thank you for your continued support in 2020!


The Connection

Addiction & Substance Abuse Marriage & Family Aftercare for Graduates of Residential Drug Programs

In closing, our sincere appreciation to the Bayou La Batre Public Works Employees for their faithful work cleaning up the city following Hurricanes Sally and eta. our e orts to keep city traffic owing and to clear the streets of storm debris is commendable.


a a e D xon

Certified Biblical Counseling For the Issues of Life

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December 2020 - 3



Chery l M cCormick- H ann F inancial A dvisor 1 2 0 S. University Blvd., Ste C- 2 , Mobile, AL 3 6 6 0 8 Phone 2 5 1 - 3 4 2 - 2 4 7 8 or 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 4 2 - 7 6 0 5

Charitable Giving As 2020 draws to a close, charities are ramping up their fundraising e orts. You may be getting more appeals this year due to the pandemic. Wondering how you should approach giving – not just this year but any year? Here are some answers to some commonly asked uestions. Q . How do I k now which non ro s o su or A. Selecting an organization is a very personal decision and depends on your values and goals for the gift. Do you prefer your donation to stay in the community, or would you like it to have a national or global impact? Do you prefer to give smaller amounts to multiple organizations or a larger contribution to a single organization These are just some of the uestions you ll want to consider. Q . How do I k now if the organ a on s rus or y A. provides a rating system to help you evaluate the charity of your choice. They rate each nonprofit based on financial health and accountability and transparency. However, don’t be discouraged from donating to a local organization that is advancing causes in your community if they don’t appear or are lower on this list. Smaller charities simply may not have the same resources as a national organization to provide the reporting necessary for the list. Ho an a e sure y g s ax e u e A. Go to to find out. ualified nonprofit organizations include religious, charitable, educational,

4 - The Connection

scientific and literary nonprofits as well as those dedicated to preventing cruelty to children or animals. (Political organizations and candidates are not eligible.) our financial advisor can work with your tax professional to determine the most ta efficient way to give to a cause. ny ng s ou no or A. Due to the CARES Act, this year you don t have to itemize to take a charitable gift deduction. ou can take an above-the-line deduction of up to $300 of cash contributions to charities. The Act also changed charitable contribution limits. The 60 of adjusted gross income limit for cash gifts is suspended in 2020 for individuals who itemize deductions, and for corporations, the limit on charitable contributions was increased from 10 to 25 of ta able income. e a unex e e ex enses s year u s an o g e a W a an o A. Giving back can take many forms. Consider donating your time, clothes or household items that are in good shape but no longer used instead of a monetary gift. Many organizations have lists of things they need on their websites. This art icle was writ t en b y E dward J ones f or use b y y our local E dward J ones F inancial A dvisor.


Buy ng an Se

ng ro er y n

2021 is promising to be a good year for buyers and sellers. Homes in South Alabama have been selling at record prices and selling quickly because of historically low mortgage rates and the availability of a ordable properties. The average price home s average days on the market are 2 to 7 days, and the average sale price is 130,000. The CO ID 19 Pandemic doesn t seem to have slowed down people’s movement or the sale of homes. Internet shopping, virtual home tours, and safety precautions like masking and sanitizing have helped keep the market moving. Also, the fact that many people work from their homes has made moving to rural areas more inviting. Moderately priced homes, milder weather, and family ties bring buyers from all parts of the nited States to Alabama, and one time residents are coming back home. According to (Residents Pay The Lowest Property Ta es In These States, Brenda Richardson, Apr 9, 2020), Alabama is one of the states with the lowest e ective property ta rates, and housing is one factor for Alabama’s cost of living to be less e pensive. Plus, all homeowners age 65 or older are e empt from state property ta es. Seniors with a net taxable income of $12,000 or less on their combined (ta payer and spouse) federal income ta return are exempt from all property taxes on their principal residence. Alabama is also one of 37 states that fully e empt Social Security from income taxes and payments from traditional pension plans. There s no tax on income from the federal government, certain Alabama State and local government, or military retirement plans. What does this mean to you if you are considering selling your home se a REALTOR to market your property. ou will get instant access through their multiple listing service (MLS) to thousands of local REALTORS who are searching for homes for their clients, and also

to millions of customers who are searching on the internet to relocate to your area. Selling as “For Sale By Owner” o ers a limited market to websites that only cater to customers looking for a ‘good deal. It would be best if you decided where you will go and what you are going to do. Make sure before you jump that you have a safe place to land. Check your credit to make sure you can purchase another property. Investigate the market where you want to move. Most importantly, find a REALTOR in that area that can help you from a distance until you can see the property in person. Sometimes you can make an o er pending your approval and always pending a professional inspection. What should you do if you are looking to purchase a home? First, you should get pre ualified for a loan. This doesn t cost you anything but a little time. Find a lender who will look at your income and expenses, run a quick credit report, and ask for a pre approval letter. This letter will be needed when you make the o er on the home you want to purchase. Don’t rely just on internet websites to check your credit. Lenders have a unique formula they use for home lending. Searching on the internet is good, but it is better to find a local REALTOR to help you look for properties. They have immediate and accurate access to properties on the market, and they can often advise you, o ering strategies to help you win that home. Make 2021 a great year, the year that you find your dream home, or move to a new location and begin a new adventure. At Azalea Real Estate Agency, our experienced and knowledgeable REALTORS can help you from start to finish. ou can search the local MLS listings at our website at www. or contact us at 251 865 4266 for more information on homes and land in Mobile County. Aleta Boudreau , 2020

Facebook: The Connection Newspaper

December 2020

y p p Ha s y a d i l o H From Our Family to Yours

(833) 921-1810 Toll-free

Bayou La Batre Office: 13833 Tapia Ave. • Bayou La Batre, AL 36509 Mobile Office: 2419 Gordon Smith Drive • Mobile, AL 36617 Accordia Health provides services regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. Discounts are offered on services based on a Sliding Fee Discount Program on your household size and income. Accordia Health is a Federally Qualified Health Center. This health center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. All calls are answered 24/7. Translation services are available. Contamos con servicios de traducción disponibles. Có các dịch vụ dịch thuật.

The Connection


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December 2020 - 5

Availability of CO V ID- 1 9 V accine Ross Hatcher, Pharm.D.

Q : I really want my grandmother to get a CO V ID- 1 9 vaccine. When will it be available for her?


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense have partnered up and created Operation Warp Speed to help make and dispense millions of vaccines for COVID-19 as fast as possible. The CDC stated that the first supply should be available before the end of 2020, and the Department of HHS stated that Operation Warp Speed’s goal is to produce and deliver 300 million doses with the initial doses available by January 2021. The federal government has invested in multiple manufacturers in hope to increase the initial availability of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, once the vaccine first becomes available, there may not be enough for everyone in the nited States to receive it. Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed, said the FDA would likely grant emergency use approval in mid-December for distribution of the vaccine produced by Pfizer Inc and partner BioNTech. Per Dr. Slaoui, the vaccine will start to distribute throughout the .S. within 24 hours of approval. Once emergency use approval is given, Dr. Slaoui said, the CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will vote on whether to recommend the vaccine and, if so, who should receive it. Additionally, ACIP is considering four groups to recommend for early CO ID 19 vaccination if supply is limited. The groups are healthcare personnel, workers in essential and critical industries, people at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness due to underlying medical conditions, and people 65 years and older. Also, if there is a limited supply, multiple phases have been recommended on how to prioritize the di erent population groups in receiving the vaccine. Per the CDC, phase 1a will consist of paid and unpaid persons in healthcare settings who have

the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious material and are unable to work from home. Phase 1b will consist of other essential workers and people

Grand Bay O wner/ O perator Pharmacist Ross Hatcher

at higher risk of COVID-19 due to underlying medical conditions or being 65 years and older. Phase 2 will include the remainder of the phase 1 population, critical populations, and the general population. Phase 3 will consist of anyone from the previous populations that still wish to be vaccinated and have not yet been. The CDC website has more information on the specifics of who is included in these groups. Supplies will increase over time, and everyone should be able to get vaccinated later in 2021. This uestion was answered by pharmacy student, Niki Mikovilje. Disclaimer: A nswers t o inq uiries concerning inf ormat ion ab out healt h condit ions and/ or medicat ions are not f or diagnost ic or t reat ment purposes and can not b e considered conclusive wit hout consult ing wit h a phy sician f or diagnosis and t reat ment . A ny inf ormat ion cont ained here is not a sub st it ut e f or medical advice and may b e out dat ed, invalid, or sub j ect t o deb at e. If y ou are in need or immediat e medical at t ent ion, cont act y our phy sician or call 9 1 1 . If y ou need t o speak t o a pharmacist , call G rand Bay Pharmacy at (251) 865 5555.

Grand Bay Library NO W O PEN! The Grand Bay Library is now open as a Branch of the Mobile Public Library System. Grand Bay residents are happy to welcome library manager, eronica McCoo and her sta to Grand Bay. The library is open 5 days a week with a schedule of Mon, Tues & Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday & Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED on Wednesday and Sunday. Call 251 494 2207 for information. Computers with WiFi connections are available, along with books, 6 - The Connection


audio books, ebooks, CDs, magazines and more. The Grand Bay Library is located at 10329 Freeland Ave, south of Hwy 90 and Pottertract Rd, in the Historic District of Grand Bay. To learn about the renovations of the Grand Bay State Bank Building (c1913) visit www. or visit our Friends of The Grand Bay Library Facebook at FriendsofGrandBayLibrary `

Facebook: The Connection Newspaper

December 2020

Quality, Cost Effective Healthcare

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Since 1978, we’ve been serving South Mobile County by provding affordable, quality health care. We are a federally qualified health center and accept most insurance. We also offer sliding fee scale coverage for those without insurance. We’re open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To make an appointment, please call 251-824-2174!

251-824-2174 12701 Padgett Switch Road Irvington, Alabama 36544 Like us on Facebook! Mostellar Medical Center

Facebook: The Connection Newspaper

December 2020 - 7

Dauphin Island Monthly December 2 0 2 0 entrée selections prepared by Chef Philip Patronas are Oysters Bienville, Shrimp Isle Dauphine, and pan seared ounder with cream sauce. Appetizers, sides, desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages are included. Full cash bar will be available, with table service for all food and drinks. Ticket sales are limited to 100—$ 100 per person, with tables of 2, 4, 6, and 8 available. COVID-19 protocol will be followed. To reserve a table, send an email to, or te t a message to 251 490 0294. CHILDREN’S SHELL CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT KITS are available free of charge at the Dauphin Island Gallery during Gallery hours (see below) while they last! Limit one kit per child, please. FAMILY HOLIDAY CLAY KITS are available for purchase at the Dauphin Island Gallery! The kit includes 4 pounds of “self-hardening” clay (no firing is needed), paints, tools, and templates to make at least five pottery Christmas ornaments. What a fun family “at home” project for the holidays! Price: 30 per kit. All proceeds benefit DIHAC. CHILDREN’S AFTER SCHOOL POTTERY WORKSHOP – November 30, and December 7- 3 pm & 4 pm DIHAC is pleased to o er a Children’s After School Pottery Workshop with professional potter LeaAynn Shurley to be held in the DIHAC Art Studio, next door to the DI Gallery. The workshop is free and open to all elementary schoolage children in our community. We expect to add more free children s art classes after the first of the year. To reserve a space for your child in the upcoming pottery workshop, send an email to or te t a message to 251 490 0294. INTROD CTION TO WATERCOLORS – December 12 10 am 12 pm Odie Tucker, watercolor artist and new Island resident, will lead this informative and creative class. ou will learn the basics of watercolor art and create your own watercolor painting 50 per person plus 25 for materials. To reserve a space, send an email to or te t a message to 251 490 0294. The class is limited to 6. Face coverings and social distancing will be re uired during the class. DECEMBER G EST ARTIST AT DA PHIN ISLAND GALLER . We welcome Julie Snidle as our Guest Artist for December! isit the Gallery to view and purchase Julie s wonderful paintings. THERE IS A HEALING POWER TO ART, and we want to help

bring that healing to our small part of the world. As we continue to practice safety measures to help in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, we are happy that the Dauphin Island Gallery (the Lighthouse building) is open to the public on its normal days and business hours – Thursday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm, and Sunday, 12:30 pm 4:30 pm. DA PHIN ISLAND HERITAGE AND ARTS CO NCIL is a federal 501(c)3 charitable, non profit organization providing educational opportunities in the arts and working to preserve our coastal heritage. Memberships, donations, and purchases at our Gallery help support our programs. DI Sea Lab Tidbits Take an adventure this holiday season with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Marine Educators. Science Friday, Ocean Saturday, Family Camp, and A uarium e cursions are on the calendar in December. Each event gives you a chance to discover more about coastal Alabama s habitats with a hands on learning experience. From the salt marsh to Mobile Bay, there’s plenty to e plore. isit events and plan your adventure today. Also, don t forget the a uarium is open seven days a week. Purchase tickets at estuarium. NFWF Grants Announced Governor Kay Ivey recently announced that the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has awarded nearly 26 million from its Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GEBF) for four new projects in the state of Alabama, two of which have direct ties to Dauphin Island. I thank our partners at NFWF and ADCNR for their continued diligence in leading this e ort,” Governor Ivey said. The number of awards from the GEBF in the state of Alabama now stands at 38, with a total value of nearly 241 million. ADCNR Commissioner Chris Blankenship highlighted the importance of the Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline and Habitat Protection Project. “This is a strong slate of projects. Among them, the Dauphin Island Causeway project is an example of multiple agencies working together to restore Alabama’s coastal habitat and at the same time create resiliency in our coastal community. Mobile County, with support from Mobile Bay NEP, is doing an excellent job leading this project. ADCNR is pleased and e cited with this team e ort making the most of this opportunity to protect and manage Alabama’s natural resources. We are appreciative of the work to implement all

these valuable projects for the betterment of Coastal Alabama.” The two island related projects are as follows Dauphin Island East End Beach and Dune Restoration 1,400,000 This project will complete engineering, design, and permitting to restore nearly a mile of beach dune habitat on the east end of Dauphin Island. The initial project concept is to place an estimated 1.2 million cubic yards of sand along 4,800 feet of shoreline to restore 35 acres of beach and dune habitat. Additional measures, such as planting and sand fencing, would be included as appropriate to assist in retaining sand on the restored beach and dune system. In 2016, the Town completed the first phase of this priority beach restoration project using the Coastal Impact Assistance Program funds. Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline and Habitat Restoration Project —Phase II $18,970,000 This project will design and install breakwater and create intertidal marsh habitat while providing protection against future erosion and storm damage. In April 2020, Phase I of this project, a 9,392,000 award, was funded under GEBF to create and protect important coastal habitat, reducing the vulnerability of the only access route between south Mobile County and Dauphin Island. Project activities will be co funded through NFWF’s Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund, funded under the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2019 (P.L. 116 20) grants to be awarded through a partnership between NFWF and NOAA. Senator Richard Shelby was instrumental in the passage of this critical funding legislation. The Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund will provide an additional 4.9 million toward the Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline and Habitat Restoration Project. The Town e presses its sincere appreciation to Governor Kay Ivey, Senator Richard Shelby, Commissioner Chris Blankenship, NFWF, and others for making these projects possible! More Grants The island’s popular hiking & biking trail will receive a much needed facelift in the coming months as part of a 375,000( ) grant from the Alabama Dept. of Transportation (ALDOT). Emphasis will be placed on ADA compliance and pedestrian safety measures including improved signage, traffic markings, crosswalks, surface leveling, drainage and more. Thanks to the Alabama Power Foundation, the south entrance of the DI Bridge will be a bit more colorful in the weeks

ahead. APF recently awarded the Town a 1000 grant to purchase and plant crepe myrtles in that area. The Town e presses its sincere appreciation to ALDOT and APF for making these significant and meaningful contributions to our island community! Arts of Dauphin Island Season’s Greetings from Arts of Dauphin Island! We hope everyone has a safe and heartwarming Thanksgiving full of good food and loving family and friends. We have changed our operating hours to Winter Hours: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Come out and join us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for an outdoor market from 1 pm to 4 pm. If you are an artist or craftsperson and would like to join us, we are charging 10.00 per table. We will have our adult art classes on the first two Mondays of December from 10 am to 1 pm and resume every Monday after the first of the year. To sign up, please call Margie Delcambre at 251 402 0266. Do your Christmas shopping with our local artists and craft folks! Let s keep it local and support our community!! Community Center Groundbreak ing Ceremony Set It’s been a long time coming, but the start of construction on the new DI Community Center will get underway very soon! Join us for the official groundbreaking ceremony at the corner of Lemoyne Drive and Desoto Avenue on Thursday, December 10 at 8 am for this historic and memorable occasion. Our sincere appreciation to the DeLaney Family, CongressmanElect Jerry Carl, DI Foundation, DI Chamber, Town of DI, and other generous contributors for helping our island community accomplish this meaningful achievement that will serve citizens and visitors for years to come. See you at the groundbreaking! Musical Chair X for 2 0 2 1 Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am—10 am at the Baptist RMC at 910 Desoto. This free, 10 week session runs from Tuesday, January 5 through Thursday, March 11. All ages and abilities are welcome. Enjoy the music and people while stretching, building strength, and boosting your energy. A chair will be used for seated exercise and standing support. Sue Fairbanks will lead the class and you can call or text Sue with any uestions at (630) 335 6034. Please bring light weights or water bottles (optional). All Covid safety guidelines will be met.

Town of Dauphin Island | 1 0 1 1 Bienville Boulevard Dauphin Island, Alabama, 3 6 5 2 8 | ( 2 5 1 ) 8 6 1 - 5 5 2 5 |

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December 2020

Mrs. Dee’ s Tips and Trick s

AREA EV ENTS AND NEWS CHURCH CHRISTMAS EV ENTS • First Evangelical Methodist is having breakfast with Santa on December 5th at 9 a.m. • Pine Air Baptist Church Children’s Christmas program & Christmas family dinner on Sunday, December 13th at 11:00 a.m. Contact Pastor Joe Smith (251) 776-4127 or email • Forward Church - December 20 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. • Gift Wrapping Fundraiser. The Cowboy Baptist Church. Send a youth to Bible Camp! Drop your Gifts o at the church on December 18th 5 8pm. Or Dec 19th 10-1pm. They will be wrapped, and labeled. This will be done for a donation to send our youth to Bible Camp. Call for info. 251-53-2555 8800 McSween Dr Grand Bay, AL RECO V ERY MINISTRY First Baptist Church Grand Bay hosts weekly meetings for Recovery Ministry for any and all addictions each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. ou can call the church office to obtain more information 251 865 4734, 9 a.m. 3:30 p.m. M F. Meetings are free and open to the whole community, you don’t have to be a member of the church to attend these meetings. CLO THES AND FO O D PANTRY First Baptist Church Grand Bay Clothes Closet & Food Pantry are open on Tuesdays only from 10 am. until Noon. GRAND BAY FIRE DISTRICT BO ARD MEETINGS are held on the first and third Thursday each month at 6:30 pm. To speak at the end of the meeting you must be signed in by 6:15 p.m. The meetings are held at the North Fire Station, across from Breitling Elementary School, are open, and the public is invited and encouraged to attend.


MAGIC CHRISTMAS IN LIGHTS AT BELLINGRATH GARDENS AND HO ME, NO V . 2 7 - DEC. 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 It’s one of the nation’s best holiday light shows, and it’s right here in south Alabama! The 25th Anniversary Season of Magic Christmas in Lights features more than 1,100 set pieces, 3 million lights and 15 scenes, set out in a walking tour throughout the 65-acre Garden estate. The Southeast Tourism Society selected Magic Christmas in Lights as a Top 20 Festival & Event winner for November 2020. Opening Night is Friday, Nov. 27, and the show continues nightly from 5 to 9 p.m., rain or shine, through Dec. 31, 2020 (closed on Christmas and New Year’s Days). Purchase tickets on, or at the door.

Dee Payne

Hello Everyone, I’m Mrs. Dee, and I’m here to try and answer questions about everyday problems. Do you have a stain that won’t come out of your favorite shirt? Do you need a great dinner recipe when you’re cooking on a budget, or do you need a good cleaning solution made out of ingredients you have just lying around the house? Well, hopefully, I’ll be able to help with all of your questions. The first thing I want to do is wish everyone a Happy New Year!! It has been a long, challenging year, and we’ve made it to 2021. One of the things that many people do after the new year is making a new year’s resolution. Many people decide to clean out their closets and do some spring cleaning, so I have a few cleaning hacks to help out with that. Clean Microwave with water and lemon Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon into one and a half cups of water Microwave for 5-10 minutes, allowing the liquid to steam walls and ceiling; wipe out softened food with a sponge Dust Electronics with o ee ers se co ee filters to dust T and computer screens without leaving fibers as towels do Dust ceiling fans with a pillowcase Slip the ceiling blades one at a time

into a pillowcase and slid the dust inside it. When you re finished dusting all of them, bring it outside, turn it inside outward and dump the dust out. You can also dump it inside your trash can. Freshen you mattress with bak ing soda Every six months, sprinkle your entire mattress with baking soda and let it sit for a few hours (up to 24 hours depending on how musty it is) When you’re ready, just vacuum it o . Use your dishwasher to clean more than j ust your dishes Here is a list of things you can safely wash inside your dishwasher: 1. Rubber ip ops, canvas sneakers, and baseball caps 2. Make-up brushes 3. Plastic and rubber kid toys (non-electrical) 4. Mouth guards 5. Hairbrushes and combs 6. Refrigerator shelves Bu sur a es o eo Olive oil is excellent for cleaning stainless steel such as pots and pans. Put a little bit of olive oil on a soft cloth and rub in a circular motion to bu out dirty spots. I hope those help get you started with your Christmas and New Year cleaning. Sincerely~Mrs. Dee

We are located next to CC’s Inflatables. Bulk rates for Landscapers Delivery available for 10+ rolls.

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December 2020 - 9

Local Restaurant List

Bayou la Batre


Catalina 14060 S Wintzell Ave 251-824-1120 Call in orders or come by food wagon.

DJ’ s Diner 9040 Irvington Bayou La Batre Hwy 251-957-2848

Sidney’ s 13195 N. Wintzell Ave 251-824-2837 Online Ordering & Curbside Pickup or text SIDNEYS to 33733 Bayou Seafood 13450 N. Wintzell Ave 251-824-2248 Capt. Frank ’ s Smok e Shack 13876 S Wintzell Ave 251-824-1749 Cudj o’ s Seafood 12953 N Wintzell Ave 251-824-2419 Phnom Penh Fusion 13260 N Wintzell Ave Ste B 251-824-6017 K ain’ s Mex ican Grill 13350 Wintzell ave 251-824-1442 Piz z a Hut 14031 S Wintzell Ave 251-824-3177 Subway 13280 N. Wintzell Ave 251-824-4771

Grand Bay Arby’ s 12411 Creel Rd 251-865-1700



TRASH HAUL AWAY from home & business no house hold garbage. (251) 653-3013

BO NNIE’ S DO G GRO O MING by Beverly. Over 20 years experience, Dogs under 30lbs, by appointment. Potter Tract Road. Call (251) 865-6116 or (251) 232-8327. Mon - Fri some Sat. We treat your dog as if it were our own. We are by appointment only but feel free to call us at either number.

SERV ICES SENIO R CAREGIV ER References Available, Reasonable Rates. Please call (251) 554-3018


NO W 1 5 , 0 0 0

Free papers Reaching Homes and Businesses in Bayou la Batre, Coden, Grand Bay, Irvington, St. Elmo, Union Church, Alabama Port, Heron Bay, South Fowl River. Rack coverage on Dauphin Island, Theodore, Tillman’s Corner, Dawes, & Dees.

Hunt Brother’ s Piz z a Locations: Country Chevron 11290 Hwy 90 251-865-9883 Grand Bay Food Mart 13320 Hwy 90 251-865-1620 Rand’ s Q uick Stop 12351 Old Pascagoula Rd 251-767-7708

10 - The Connection


Citgo Q uick Stop 6831 Hwy 90 W 251-957-2911 McDonalds 8660 Hwy 188 251-824-1810 Taste of Thai 9091 US-90 251-957-1414

Dauphin Island Capt. Snappers 698 Lemoyne Dr 251-861-8300 Dority’ s Bar & Grill 1010 Bienville Blvd 251-767-8303 Pirate’ s Bar & Grill 100A Orleans Dr 251-861-2969 Miguel’ s Beach & Baj a, Foxy Waffle Bar & Sugar Den 202 Lemoyne Dr 251-861-LOVE Beached Café | BGH Café 114 Bienville Blvd 251-861-2022 | 251-861-4200 Islander’ s Restaurant 1504 Bienville 251-861-2225 JT’ s Sunset Grill 1102 Desoto Ave 251-861-2829 Island Rainbow 1614 Bienville Blvd 251-861-0060

Dunk in Donuts 9201 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-0268

Reel Deal BBQ 1612 Bienville Blvd 251-861-7427

K itchen of the Sea 12610 US Hwy 90 251-865-3474 Online ordering on Facebook page.

Subway 411 Lemoyne Ave 251-861-2199

Hardee’ s 9400 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-5363 McDonalds 9200 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-2088 Piz z a Inn Ex press 12640 Hwy 188 251-290 0376 Popeyes 9201 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-6175 Sam’ s Super Burger 8789 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-3739 Southern Shells 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd 251-865-9989

The Connection is published monthly. The Connection reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial. The Connection is not responsible for the loss of photographs or materials submitted for publication. The Connection does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damaged caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any cause whatsoever. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical photographic, electronic process or otherwise copied for public or private use without prior written permission from the publishers. All Rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

Hunt Brother’ s Piz z a Locations: Irvington Food Mart 9436 Irvington Bayou la Batre Hwy 251-957-1410

Subway 1 Creel Rd

Dinner’ s Ready 918 Bienville Blvd 251-706-6420 Sk inner’ s Seafood 1012 Bienville Blvd 251-861-4221 Lighthouse Bak ery 919 Chaumont 251-861-2320 Chevron Gas Station Grill 1000 Bienville Blvd 251-861-2320 May Café 101 Bienville Blvd 251-861-2141

If you would lik e to be highlighted in our list of restaurants or a graphic ad placement on this page please contact advertising at chris@

251-865-0866 Waffle House 9190 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd S 251-865-9286

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December 2020

FIND A CHURCH Bayou la Batre Bayou la Batre Community of Christ 13955 S. Wintzell Avenue (251) 490-6666 Pastor: Debbie Fulmer Bayou Wesleyan Church 12330 Irvington Bayou La Batre Hwy (251) 824-4540 Pastor: Roger Bowers Beit Israel Messianic Synagogue 8340 Rabby Street (251) 824-0502 Rabbi: Paul Collins Saturdays @ 11:00 a.m. First Baptist Church Bayou la Batre 13500 N Wintzell Avenue (251) 824-4424 Pastor: Jeremy Smalley Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Hemley Road Church of Christ 8270 Hemley Street (251) 776-0468

Pastor: O.B. Richardson William Spaulding Jr.

Sundays @ 10:30 a.m.

Independent Church of God 12750 Padgett Switch Road (251) 824-7258 Pastor: Cecil “Bro. Doc” Wainwright, Jr Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. St. Margaret Catholic Church 13790 South Wintzell Avenue (251) 824-2415 Father Joseph Dang & Alwin Legaspi Saturday @ 5:00 p.m. Sunday @ 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Grand Bay Abundant Life Church 8780 Ramsey Rd (251) 366-0541 Pastor: Terry O Taylor Jr. Sundays @ 10:30 a.m.

The Connection Paper is excited to share we have added a print directory to help our readers learn about churches in our area and find a church home! If your church would like to be included or needs updating please email

Cloverdale Baptist Church 10050 Hall Rd (251) 635-7982 Pastor: Randy Heddings Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. First Assembly of God 12290 Hwy 90 (251) 865-6557 Pastor: Ron Jarman Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Grand Bay 10170 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd S (251) 865-4734 Pastor: Royce DuBose Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church of Grand Bay 12185 Homestead Ave (251) 865-4688 Pastor: Marcia Willett Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. First United Methodist Grand Bay 10460 Potter Tract Rd (251) 865-6870 Rev. Ed Baumgarten Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Friendship Baptist 12581 Saeger Rd (251) 445-5412 Pastor: Teddie Turrentine Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. Grace Baptist Church 12930 Border Dr (251) 583-7930 Pastor: Paul Meredith Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Grand Bay Community Church 12575 Highway 90 W. (251) 235-4567 Pastor: Terry Ragsdale Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Grand Bay Ministries 14282 Old Pascagoula Rd (251) 865-4959 Pastor: James Passman Sundays @ 10:45 a.m.

Baptist Chapel 10431 old Pascagoula rd (251) 865-6982 Pastor: Wayne Adams Sundays @ 11:00 a.m.

More Life UPC 12471 Creel Rd (251) 865-6007 Pastor: Shirlon Davis Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. (2:30 p.m. last Sunday of the month) St. John the Baptist Parish 12450 Hwy. 188 East (251) 865-6902 Reverend Sherwin Monteron Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. Pine Air Baptist Church 10341 Hwy 188 (251) 776-4127 Pastor: Joe Smith Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. The Cowboy Church of Grand Bay 8800 McSween Dr (251) 533-2555 Pastor: Calep Lewis Sundays @ 10:45 a.m.

Irvington First Baptist Church Irvington 9074 Irvington Bayou la Batre Hwy (251) 957-2718 Pastor: Dr. Ron Griffin Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. First United Methodist Church 12700 Padgett Switch Rd (251) 824-4174 Pastor: Janie Mallett Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. First Evangelical Methodist 11329 Padgett Switch Rd (251) 824-2454 Pastor: Byron Wilmoth Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Forward Church 11960 Argyle rd (251) 824-2551 Pastor: Justin Driver Sundays @ 9 & 11:00 a.m.

Gospel Way Church 12395 Irvington BLB Hwy Sundays @ 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Independent Church of God 12750 Padgett Switch Rd (251) 824-7258 Pastor: Cecil ‘Bro Doc” Wainwright Jr. Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Irvington Assembly of God 8540 Highway 90 (251) 455-6202 Pastor: Clarence Ramsay Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Irvington United Methodist Church 9075 Home Avenue (251) 723-7085 Pastor: David Cook Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. New Fellowship Baptist Church 11835 Argyle Rd (251) 824-1892 Pastor: Joseph Meredith

Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.

St. Elmo St. Elmo Church of God 19130 Boe Road Street (251) 421-0616 Pastor: Sue Grissett Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. St. Elmo Bible Church 9170 Argyle Rd (251) 402-0737 Pastor: John Canning Sundays @ 10:45 a.m.

Coden Coden United Methodist 14943 Coden Belt Rd Email: Rev. Ed Baumgarten Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. San Souci Baptist Church 9299 Cain Street (251) 680-8716 Pastor: Sharber Smith

Sundays @ 11:00 a.m.

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church 2951 Durette Ave (251) 973-2592


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Brandon Bryant 251-509-4721


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December 2020

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