Year 7 Curriculum Course Guide Booklet 2023-24

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Our Shared Compton Values ‘Excellence for All’ Our aim is to deliver the best possible education for all students, to enable them to maximise their achievements, academically, socially and emotionally, so that they are ready to take their place in society as positive and successful adults.

‘ The Compton’s DNA’. This informs the teaching at our school and is at the heart of the school’s considerable success. This includes:

• Unfailing belief in the potential of all staff and students

• Total commitment from all staff - this dedication to hard work and excellence is infectious. All members of the school community ‘go the extra mile’

• Maximising progress for all - A relentless drive for the very best outcomes for every child, irrespective of background, through a range of strategies from expert and tight planning to personalised intervention, from microscopic interpretation of data to creative and innovative pedagogic practices

• Doing things the agreed Compton Way –consistency is fundamental to success. Clear and effective policies and procedures are developed with staff and implemented by all.

• Only the best will do - It is all about quality. High standards are set, modelled and achieved across the school in whatever we do. There is close attention to detail. This includes recruiting only the best staff; making every second of the day count; having a clear and staged improvement planning process, allowing exceptional practice to be developed planned for and embedded consistently and deeply across the school. As a result, the quality of teaching is consistently outstanding across the school

• Positive relationships - The Compton is an emotionally literate school which features positive, honest and respectful relationships. Students feel safe and happy at The Compton. First class pastoral care is the responsibility of all. A highly effective team of non-teaching year managers build excellent links between home and school including with hard to reach and vulnerable families ensuring very high attendance rates. There is clarity about the rationale for the Code of Behaviour with clear bottom lines and plenty of praise. This is consistently applied throughout the school. Extensive opportunities are provided for student leadership including involvement in the running of the school

• Environment Matters - providing the best possible learning environment is key with high quality teaching and social spaces that are light, bright, clean and with a strong focus on excellent displays for learning


Reporting on Progress

There are regular opportunities throughout the year for parents to be informed of their child’s progress, this is closely monitored by subject teachers, form tutors, year managers, pastoral leaders and Key Stage leaders. Parents will receive four reports each year, three academic reports and one form tutor report. Each report contains information about student attainment, effort and progress. There will be an opportunity for parents to discuss the reports in detail with their child’s teachers at Parents’ Evening. Parents will also receive a detailed report from their child’s form tutor at the end of each year.

Student Leadership

Our innovative Student Leadership programme, alongside the pastoral curriculum, provides a wide range of unique leadership opportunities and develops important skills for life beyond The Compton. It also aims to strengthen student engagement and to promote active citizenship by establishing democratic bodies with real influence. We offer a range of opportunities for students to contribute to their development throughout their school career, including, Headteacher’s Consultation Groups, Digital Leaders, Peer Mentors, Charity Leaders, Equalities Leaders, Sixth Form Leaders, Transition Leaders, Sports Prefects and Prefects. All roles on student leadership will be advertised and students will be allowed to apply for positions of responsibility at various stages in the academic year.

Pastoral Care

The system of pastoral care, coordinated by the Support and Intervention Team, works closely with parents in providing students with the support and guidance required to help them achieve their full potential. A pastoral curriculum is delivered through daily personal development time by form tutors, as well as assemblies and enrichment opportunities. This curriculum is designed to support the development of the whole child; it covers a wide range of different aspects of personal, social, moral and cultural understanding and emotional health and well-being, including healthy relationships and how to stay safe online.

The Support &Intervention Team consists of key stage leaders, year managers pastoral leaders and form tutors. The form tutor monitors the progress of the students in their tutor group offering a first point of contact to parents. The year manager co-ordinates the year group and offers personalised support and guidance to each child as appropriate. The key stage leaders have overall responsibility for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.


Year 7 views on how they are helped:

‘In History we get thinking time –so we can really think about our answers before saying it out loud.’

‘My Spanish teacher makes the lesson fun, and I learn at the same time.’

Aims for the year

The educational aims for students with SEND are the same as those for all students. We aim to break down the barriers to learning, in order to help students develop into confident, successful and ambitious young adults.

This is achieved through high quality teaching, and provision that is adapted and personalised to meet the needs of the individual student.

Occasionally students may be withdrawn into small groups for Literacy, Phonics, Maths, Speech and Language interventions or Social Skills. Other professionals such as Speech and Language therapists, Physiotherapists and specialist teachers may also be involved in supporting students with specific needs by offering advice or intervention.

The Curriculum Support Department has a teaching room, equipped with computers. The department has a SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo, three Senior Teaching Assistants and a team of experienced Teaching Assistants. This enables effective and targeted support to be offered to students from Year 7 to Year 11 and ensures that students with a variety of different needs receive individualised support.

Our Intention

Our intention is to work collaboratively with teachers and parents to provide the best possible support and intervention for our students.

Our mission is to enable all young people with SEND to achieve the best possible outcomes at The Compton School. This is done through assessing the individual needs of these pupils and putting support in place to enable them to take a full and active part in the curriculum.

To support the overall development of our students, we have a range of interventions that we run. These include homework club, careers support, zones of regulation, fine motor skills, social skills, reading club, forest school and much more.

During the summer term, all primary schools with students transferring to The Compton School the following September are visited and notes are taken of any additional needs a student may have. This enables us to plan support for the coming year and ensures a smooth transition to secondary school for the most vulnerable students.

In September, all Year 7 students are assessed for reading and spelling. The results of these, together with information from primary schools, inform any strategies which are put into place to support or monitor the students throughout their time in school.

The Department works closely with subject teachers, Year Managers and Key Stage Leaders to ensure that all staff are kept fully informed and student need is met as effectively as possible.


Advice from some Year 7 Students: ‘Go to Homework Club in Curriculum Support. The TAs will really help you get it done!’

‘If you are finding lessons hard you can speak to the teachers in Curriculum Support – they will support you with your learning .’


What does the school do to help children/ young people with special educational needs?

We can audit the needs of students based on previous data i.e. KS2 levels and on the detailed SEN lists, which we have created. We ensure that interventions are personalised to what the student needs at that time. This could be Teaching Assistant (TA) support in class, nurture groups i.e. smaller classes to support students, small group interventions, 1:1 intervention. These may be during the school day, where students are withdrawn from PDT and after school and during breaks. We have TAs working at different levels in the school; Level 1, 2 and Higher Level Teaching Assistants. We encourage all our staff to continue with their training and professional development and have a number of TAs who have gone on to become excellent teachers here at the school, with a firm foundation and grounding in Special Educational Needs. All of our Interventions are measured using baseline and exit data. We aim to run an intervention for about 8-12 weeks. Students should have made accelerated progress during this time and if this has not happened, we will explore another more suitable intervention.

How do teachers match the curriculum to the child’s individual needs?

We teach the National Curriculum. We prefer not to take students out of lessons where possible and want to make sure that the most trained and professional members of staff work with the students with SEND needs. Our staff are monitored regularly to ensure that their lessons are good or outstanding. Class teachers are responsible for adapting their lessons and supporting all the students in their class. We encourage staff to send their planning and resources to their TAs so that writing frames, vocabulary lists, knowledge organisers and visual resources etc. can be created before the lesson. Students may need texts enlarged and other resources to help them. Each class teacher has the details of all the needs of the class which is used to ensure teachers get to know each individual student.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

The school offers a counselling service. We work closely with outside agencies including Speech and Language, Education Psychologists, Mental Health Services, Family Support, Social Care, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists. When necessary, we buy into these services to fulfil the needs of the students. We have three Higher Level Teaching Assistants.


Our Intention

Accelerated Reader lessons give students an opportunity to choose their own books and read for pleasure during quiet independent reading time. Students will develop the ability to select books appropriately and improve their skills through regular reading with close monitoring of what they read, how much they read and how much of what they read they understand. We want students to be strong readers because we know that the ability to read well impacts directly on academic performance in all subjects.

The values we want to instil are self-discipline and an understanding of the importance of regular practice and we encourage this through a wide range of rewards. We are very proud of our students’ achievements and progress in reading and the strong reading ethos in the school. Developing reading skills gives students the best possible chance of being successful in school and beyond and allows students to broaden their horizons in whatever way they choose.

Aims for the year

In Year 7, we assess all students’ reading at the start of the school year and feedback reading levels to enable all students to choose books at the appropriate level of challenge. We have high expectations, and we encourage all students to read for 30 minutes a day. Some students may be familiar with Accelerated Reader from primary school, but we give a clear introduction, so that everyone understands how it works. We want all students to love reading and to make progress.


Students are assessed using an online reading test called Star Reader which happens at the start of each term and at the end of the year. Students quiz on books they have read, to demonstrate their understanding. Teachers will regularly set reading homework and quiz deadlines.

“There are loads of books you can quiz on and it’s rewarding and fun, especially when you get prizes.”
Omar – Year 9



Can students read books from home?

Yes, they can read books from home as long as they are at the correct level.

How do students know what level the book is?

Books in the Learning Resource Centre are all colour coded and have a sticker in the front cover with information about the book. Books from elsewhere can be checked using the website which enables users to search books by genre, author or level and gives students a synopsis of the book as well as quiz details.

What kinds of rewards are there for reading?

We have a wide range of rewards including Achievement Points, certificates, book tokens and stationery items. We also appoint Reader Leaders in Year 8 who help out in the LRC.

“If you get to be a Reading Millionaire you get a reward and other treats, which is nice.” Haylie – Year 8


Our Intention…

Art develops a vast range of practical skills, knowledge and understanding and introduces children to an exciting world of illuminating experiences with opportunities to explore new ways of thinking and achieving success. In Key Stage 3, students will explore, reflect and celebrate their ideas and imagination. This will increase every pupil’s ability to approach challenges with a positive and confident outlook. All pupils can find meaningful success in this subject. This can raise their self-esteem and help them become more confident learners elsewhere. The Art Department strives to enthuse students about art and the impact it has on their everyday lives. All students will develop their independent learning skills and engage and appreciate the arts through a sense of enjoyment.

As well as exciting schemes of work, the Art Department run extracurricular activities throughout the year which allow students to develop their skills and experience new media and materials, such as digital manipulation. As a department, we encourage all students to experiment with materials and to be inspired by a range of artists. The curriculum we offer is designed to allow students to work both independently and collaboratively. Many realistic college and career opportunities follow on from art. The skills developed in this subject allow them to be creative thinkers, problem solvers and have clear applications in many industries. Students always achieve well in art at The Compton School and their work is celebrated through display and online. We are very proud of what students achieve and our schemes of work are accessible for all levels of ability.

Aims for the year

In Year 7, students work with a range of media, from drawing and painting to sculptural materials such as papier-mâché. Each term students complete a new art project. This year, the projects are Mini-Beasts, Treats and Identity. Each project is a mix of formal elements, artist research, contextual understanding and creative decision making. Schemes of work are exciting, and students thoroughly enjoy them. We cover many areas such as proportions of the face right through to colour theory and 3Dwork.

We aim for students:

• To develop confidence in and enjoyment of art, craft and design.

• To increase visual awareness of the world around us and develop an understanding of the basic formal elements of art.

• To develop new skills, and work with a range of media on a variety of scales.

Vera Year 12: “Art is a lesson where I am allowed to express my person feelings and ideas. The art teachers help me in expressing my creativity. The art rooms are peaceful, with good lighting and nice equipment.”

• To strengthen imaginative and creative skills.

• To recognise that artists come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds and use a variety of techniques and processes.



Workbooks will be regularly checked and feedback given. Students will be given feedback every few weeks, with targets given for improvement. Students’ work will be assessed and reported to parents using the School’s Threshold Assessment bands.

Students will review their own work to help them identify their own strengths and weaknesses. Regular class discussion and small group evaluation will also take place. Students will be aware of their current progress and targets for improvement.

Modules and units covered


Students will complete pencil drawing, ink drawing and collage tasks to create their own playful responses to the theme of mini-beasts.


Students will complete observational drawings of sweet treats. They will look at the work of sculptor Claes Oldenburg and painter Wayne Thiebaud. Students will translate their 2D drawings into a mini 3D sculpture using a range of materials and techniques.

Identity and Belonging (Art)

Students will work from observation producing a range of drawing based on the theme of identity and culture, looking at the artwork of Frida Kahlo.


What equipment will my child need for homework?

Students will be assessed on their ability to explore and develop ideas, manipulate materials and on their understanding of artists and art language. Their attainment will be reviewed six times a year by teachers, and each project will be finally assessed using a contextualised mark scheme. There will be opportunities for students to act on feedback and to raise achievement throughout their projects.

Alongside the usual school equipment, please ensure your child has access to paper, colour pencils, colour pens, a glue stick and scissors.

Are they in streams for Art and how many lessons do year 7 have?

No, students are taught in their form groups. We have 3 lessons every 2 weeks. (one double and 1 single)

What extracurricular clubs do you run?

We run one KS3 club a week. A programme of enrichment is diverse and changes regularly along with local opportunities in the area. This year students will be producing art for several national competitions

“ I like studying proportions in art as it has helped me to make more realistic images. Getting advice from my art teachers helps my work to improve” Aniah – Year 8


Our Intention

Our intention is to enrich students’ lives through the creativity and collaboration of Drama, by supporting them to connect and therefore thrive. What this means is whether students have had any experience of drama in Primary school or outside of school, we aim to get students to love drama from the moment they start in Year 7, and we want them to feel supported to gain confidence and to find the actor within themselves! In every lesson we want students to thrive and of course have lots of fun!

Why study Drama?

Drama helps to develop the vital life skills of communication: developing social, debating and presentation skills. Drama also develops confidence, which will be transferable to the world of work, as students will communicate with people on a daily basis, either face to face or online. Every year, students develop their performance skills, teamwork skills and analytical skills.

They will learn the important 3 Cs of Drama: Communication, Cooperation and Concentration through a range of games and activities. We are proud that students develop a love for Drama and then go on to be successful advocates for the school, many winning the Jack Petchey Award or becoming Head Student of the school.

Aims for the year

• Students will be developing skills in speaking, listening, presenting, reflecting, discussing and evaluating.

• They will develop their imaginations, attitudes and social skills.

• They will develop knowledge about drama from different cultures.

• They will be exploring the use of dramatic form through improvisation and presentation.


reason I love Drama is because I am able to express myself. Also, it is really fun to recreate funny scenarios.”
Youssouf – Year 11


Modules and Units covered: Darkwood Manor: Learning the fundamental drama skills through improvisation, students will create characters, settings and use music and lighting to create atmosphere.

Play exploration: Exploring the play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, students learn lines and perform focusing on characterisation. Students will also learn and embed physical theatre techniques into their group work.

Commedia Dell’ Arte: This unit focuses on comedy, using exaggeration to improve students’ physicality and characterisation.

Live Theatre: An opportunity for students to watch apiece of recorded theatre and analyse the meaning of the acting skills and design elements.


Formal assessments will take place at the end of each topic where students are given the opportunity to improve by completing a ‘Take One’ and then ‘Take Two’ performances. In Year 9, students complete a live theatre written assessment about the play, ‘Barber Shop Chronicles’


How often are students taught Drama at KS3?

Introduction to Shakespeare: An introduction to a variety of Shakespeare’s plays including Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This unit explores both the language and the themes of the plays.

Drama is taught in purpose-built studios, all fitted with LED lighting and surround sound. Students are taught once a week throughout the whole of year 7, 8 and 9, before they choose their options in year 10.

What extra-curricular opportunities are there?

We have always run a Drama Club for all year groups throughout the year. We have a KS3 Drama showcase in December, where parents are invited to come in and watch the plays and performances their children have been working on over the term. Last year, we put on the play, The Other One Who Lived – a Harry Potter inspired comedy and it got rave reviews for all who came to watch! Every other year we put on a whole school musical: in the past, we have put on Oliver, School of Rock and Matilda. We offer at least one theatre trip per year group at KS3, 2 trips at KS4 and 6 trips at KS5.

Is Drama a popular subject and what are your results like?

Drama continues to be popular at The Compton and this is reflected in the GCSE and A Level uptake. Our A Level results have always been outstanding; most recently, they were 100% A-C and GCSE 75% 9-4 2023.

“I love Drama as I get to develop my knowledge and understanding of the subject” Emily – Year 11


Our Intention

Design and Technology impacts our lives daily, from small man-made products such as a paper clip or a pencil sharper to larger products such as automobiles and aircrafts. D&T is about inventing and re-designing products for a stress-free and convenient lifestyle. Take mobile phones, for example: there was a time when you can only make a phone call from a wired phone situated within a building, but now developments in technology have allowed these calls to be made wirelessly anywhere. D&T students are encouraged to think creatively outside the box to problem solve and come up with workable solutions through designing and making of a product which meets human needs and wants. D&T is also about designing for a sustainable future, which considers the reduction of environmental damage.

Aims for the year

Students learn how to take risks to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. Students learn to think creatively, solving problems as individuals and members of a team.

Modules and Units covered:

Year 7 Students will study all disciplines covered in Design and Technology (Graphic Design, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Product Design and Textiles). Throughout each rotation students are taught our key concepts:

• Design

• Make

• Technical Knowledge

• Evaluate

“I like Design and Technology because, you can let your mind run free to be creative and design what you want. It is amazing how technology and products have changed over time to make our lives easier. There are a range of options and areas available within the subject, which allow you to be creative.” Josiah - former Year 11 Student

• Food Preparation & Nutrition

As a result, all areas of the National Curriculum are covered through these rotations at The Compton School.


Ria – Year 11 Student

What do you enjoy about Design and technology? I enjoy making things, being imaginative and expressing my creativity. Within school, I like Food Technology the most because you can experiment with different recipes from around the world. At home, during lockdown and as a hobby, I use a computer app to design buildings and houses, as well as designing their interiors.

What do you enjoy most about the subject?

I mostly enjoy the practical side of the subject because you get to see your drawn ideas become 3D models and you are also problem solving through making a working and usable product.

Would you advise taking the subject at GCSE level? Yes, definitely, because I have gained more experience both at home and now back at school. I also would like to pursue a career within architecture or something similar.

When did you start taking an interest in the subject?

I first became interested in the subject, when I was in Year 5 and we made carnival head dresses. Then, in year 6 we designed and made pencil cases.

Assessment: Students’ work will be assessed and reported to parents using the School’s Threshold Assessment bands. Teachers take into consideration practical outcomes and end of unit test results when setting targets (this mirrors GCSE expectations). Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own progress and to set targets for progression. Students will be expected to complete homework each week.

How long are lesson on a rotation with each material area?

Students spend 10 weeks at a time studying each subject discipline in Year 7.

Is Design and Technology offered as a GCSE option?

Yes, students can choose either Design and Technology or Food Preparation & Nutrition as a GCSE option subject, where the final summer examination and the written coursework are both worth 50% each of the overall final grade.

Do you run extra-curricular clubs?

Yes, the Design and Technology department do run a variety of after-school extra-curricular clubs.

Does your subject teach environmental affects and sustainability?

Yes, sustainability is an important topic, which is also covered within the national curriculum at KS3 and the GCSE specification. Students are taught about renewable energy versus non-renewable energy, as well as the 6 Rs of sustainability (Recycle, Reuse, Rethink, Refuse, Repair and Reduce).


Our Intention

The English curriculum at The Compton School aims to foster a lifelong love of literature and the English language in its many forms. It is designed to be knowledge rich and ambitious, to ensure that we develop confident readers, writers and speakers, and to enhance students’ understanding of the world in which they live. The curriculum is sequenced to frequently revisit and deepen knowledge through a variety of tasks, both spoken and written, so that learning is fully embedded over time. Students study a variety of challenging fiction and non-fiction texts so that students develop a thorough knowledge of a range of contexts, historical eras and literary movements. Students are also supported in their own reading for pleasure, guided towards a diverse range of voices, perspectives and experiences, which reflect the well-celebrated diversity of our school, as well as texts that supplement what they learn in the classroom. Students not only learn through reading, writing and speaking in English but also, they learn to read, write and speak to their highest possible level.

Aims for the year

Our curriculum at Year 7 is designed to build on all the skills and knowledge taught in Key Stage 2 as well as exploring new and exciting areas of English. We want every student to love and understand all the different aspects of English and to be confident in their reading, writing and oracy. In order to accomplish this, we cover a rich variety of topics throughout the year with each focusing on building students’ knowledge of a broad range of areas of our subject. This not only maintains students’ engagement as we rotate between the topics but also ensures that the knowledge is embedded and committed to their long-term memory as we revisit key skills throughout the year.


In English, students will be assessed in a variety of ways. In every lesson the teacher will use the “no hands rule” to ensure every student is questioned to assess their understanding, address any misconceptions and identify any gaps in their understanding. Students are given lots of feedback during their lessons, both verbal and written. Students will also be assessed in more formal ways through the midterm and final assessment for each unit. The midterm assessment gives teachers a clear picture of how students are progressing and what areas need to be focused on before the final assessment. After marking the midterm assessment, each teacher will create a bespoke lesson to address the class and individual. The final assessment is then marked using the school’s threshold system which focuses on student progress.

“In Year 7 I really enjoyed Ghost Stories because it was really creative. It allowed me to write freely and all the tips I was given allowed me to improve my confidence.”
Martina – Year 11


Knowledge and Skills Year 7 Will Develop:

• Reading a broad range of non-fiction and fiction texts critically.

• Exploring a range of genres and contexts.

• Studying two authors in depth.

• Comprehension of unseen and seen texts.

• Analysing language, structure and form.

• Understanding and analysing plot, setting, staging and characterisation.

• Comparing texts.

• Writing a broad range of non-fiction and fiction texts.

• Planning, drafting and editing their work.

• Summarising key information.

• A range of new vocabulary and using vocabulary in context.

• Spelling, punctuation and grammar.

• Understanding the difference between spoken and written language.

• Discussions, debates, presentations and confidence in speaking.

Modules and Units covered: Units Year 7 Will Study:

1. Writing to Describe: The Gothic Genre Creative Writing inspired by Gothic Fiction

2. Literary Fiction: Modern Gothic Adventure

Darkside by Tom Becker

3. Poetry: Metaphor and Language Change

Poetry across time – an anthology

4. Drama: Context and Understanding

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet


How are students grouped in English?

“I liked that we explored lots of different things in Year 7 and did non-fiction and fiction because it showed me that English wasn’t just about stories but could also relate to real life.” Saffron – Year 11

In English, students are taught in mixed prior attainment classes throughout their time here. Our fundamental aim is to maximise pupil achievement across the ability range and, as a result, we do not have sets in English. Setting students in English can be very limiting; instead, we like to encourage all of our students to engage and participate equally and to learn from one another. Furthermore, all Key Stage 4 students sit the same papers for their English GCSEs and so will all need the same skillset. All students make excellent progress – they are never inhibited by being in mixed classes and students will always receive the necessary support and challenge they need from their teacher.

How will you stretch and challenge my child?

Our aim is to stretch and challenge all of our students and the class performance is raised when students see what they can all achieve. In and outside of lesson time, we will always provide challenging tasks for all students to complete to ensure they reach their full potential. Students also be given more responsibility in the lesson, such as being a group expert or teacher, in order to develop their confidence and leadership skills.


Our Intention

Our intention is to inspire and motivate students to learn a new language. We aim to spark students’ interest by imparting cultural knowledge as well as new language skills. In the Modern Foreign Languages Department, we are all committed to making lessons fun and interesting. We are proud of our collaborative and creative approach which ensures the most up to date learning that is accessible to all students. We believe that languages are important both academically and as a life skill and that, ultimately, they will be a great asset to students in their future lives and careers.

Aims for the year:

We aim to lay the foundations of language learning whilst developing the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We build on literacy skills acquired at primary level as well as an awareness of Modern Foreign Languages.

By the end of Year 7, students will feel proud to have developed their knowledge, so they are able to communicate in the target language.

Modules and Units covered:

In Year 7 we will study:

• Module 1 –Greetings, alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, schoolbag items

• Module 2 –My free time: likes and dislikes, colours, animals, family, where I live

• Module 3 –Food and drink, eating out, countries, nationalities, weather

“I like learning French because it develops your understanding of other cultures and languages, develops our learning and opens up opportunities in the world we wouldn’t get otherwise. It’s also fun!” Jonah – Year 8

• Module 4 –Physical descriptions, music I like, school subjects, my school day



Students will be assessed on the four language skills in line with the school ‘threshold’ system: Foundation; Developing; Secure, Excellent and Exceptional.

The assessments will take the form of listening, speaking exercises, reading comprehension, written and translation tasks, which may beset during or at the end of a unit.

Students will also be given regular self-assessment exercises to work on with their peers and with the teacher.

“Learning a language helps me to communicate more easily in another country plus French is easy to understand as some words are the same in English!” Adrian – Year 8


Can students study two languages?

No, students can only study one language, which they can continue to study at GCSE and A Level if they choose to.

Can they choose what language to study?

At The Compton School, we offer French and Spanish. Students will be allocated a language depending on their form group. Half of the forms will do French and the other half will do Spanish.

Can I request what language my son/daughter learns if I have a preference?

If you have a strong preference for either language, you need to request this in a letter to the Heads of School outlining your reasons for this. This will be taken into account when allocating students to tutor groups.

If students speak another language at home, can they take a GCSE in it at school? Yes, they need to see the Exams Officer and they will need to fill in a form to be able to sit the exam in that particular language.

If students are French/Spanish speakers, are they able to take the GCSE exam earlier?

Yes, they will be assessed by a French/Spanish teacher and if ready, can sit the GCSE in Year 9. This allows students to opt for a different GCSE subject in KS4.

Visit to an artisan bakery on a French trip


Our Intention

The Compton School’s Geography Department’s mission is to deliver a Geography curriculum that allows all young people to understand their place within the world. In an age where the world is becoming more interconnected, understanding both our physical and human geography and the interactions between the two is essential. This enables our students to feel empowered to critically evaluate the world around them and to strive to make a difference, create solutions to global issues and make our planet more sustainable.

Geography is a multidisciplinary subject, which is well-regarded for being rich in skills and knowledge. It is a subject that takes you beyond the classroom, providing opportunities to complete fieldwork and investigations to see how processes work in a real-life setting. As a subject linking the arts and the sciences, it is highly flexible in terms of what pupils can combine it with during their time at The Compton School, both at GCSE and A Level, ensuring that students are well-rounded and able to follow a wide range of career paths.

Aims for the year

In Key Stage 3 Geography, students continue to build their understanding of key geographical concepts such as space, place and scale, investigating different areas of the world and using case studies to exemplify the processes that impact them. Students are able to appreciate how the different social, economic, political and environmental factors affecting the people and places shape the development of societies and how this changes over time. In addition, students also learn about the different stages of conducting a geographical enquiry and have the opportunity to investigate processes outside of the classroom. They are encouraged to think and speak like a Geographer by using geographical terminology and asking geographical questions such as, “How and why is this landscape changing?”, “What is the impact of the changes?” and “How do different people feel about this?”

“Geography at The Compton School is amazing. We get to learn all about different places and the issues they face and how it impacts people. We give our opinions on how to solve these problems too.” Toby – Year 10


Modules and units covered

Students study a broad and balanced curriculum that has been carefully sequenced to build knowledge over time and revisit concepts.


Students are assessed in Geography in a number of ways. Throughout each lesson, questioning, written tasks and discussion-based activities help to assess students’ level of understanding.

At the end of each unit, students complete a summative assessment enabling them to showcase their knowledge and present a range of arguments before making a conclusion. This may take the form of a written assessment, group project or presentation.


How much time do students spend studying Geography?

At KS3 students have 5 periods of geography over the course of the two-week timetable.

Do you offer an extra-curricular provision in Geography?

Yes! We have a number of extra-curricular opportunities for students to get involved in. Global Citizens Club runs on a weekly basis, exploring different parts of the world and global issues. We run trips linked to the curriculum and provide fieldwork opportunities across all year groups. We also provide opportunities for students to attend lectures at prestigious institutions such as the Royal Geographical Society and we also run an international trip! In 2023 we explored the volcanic islands of the Azores.

Our units of study include: ‘How to become a geographer’ incorporating key geographical skills, before investigating different ecosystems, the importance of food and farming and how weather and climate affect us. We also look at the importance of Asia as a region and how it is changing. We study how populations are changing and address misconceptions about Africa and this issues and opportunities that this diverse continent faces too. We consider the threat of natural hazards and their impact of different societies as well as how rivers and coasts shape the landscape and how they can be managed. We investigate the use of natural resources as well as the causes and impacts of climate change, and potential solutions to this growing environmental emergency. We investigate why global inequality exists and how this can be tackled as well as how global superpowers are shaping a new world order.

“Geography is one of the most fascinating subjects. Learning about the world and the processes within it has enlightened me to have a new perspective of the world and enabled us to learn how to tackle current global issues”

KS4 and KS5 Trip: The Azores
Mya - Year 13
Global Citizens Club


Our Intention

The History and Religion Education Department aims for students to develop a meaningful interest in and understanding of the past and an appreciation of the diversity and value of human experiences. Studying History enables us to develop better understanding of the world we live in. Building knowledge and understanding of historical events and trends, especially over the past century, enables us to develop a much greater appreciation for current events today. Studying Religion gives students valuable insights into

the past and today. It also helps students to develop an

that surface throughout life.

Aims for the year:

Throughout the year, students will develop their ability to conduct historical investigations by deploying key historical skills such as source analysis, comparison and contrast, narrative description and evaluation. Students will also develop an understanding of key historical concepts: evidential understanding, causation and significance. In addition, students will build on their knowledge and of religion beliefs, and learn to evaluate similarities, differences, significance and influence.


Students are assessed in History using a variety of targeted methods. At the end of each enquiry, students are asked to produce a summative piece of work that is assessed in relation to the school’s progression threshold framework.

Students are supported in their preparation for assessments by knowledge organisers that are provided by the department for each student and contain the key people, places, actions and events that underpin each topic.

Formative assessment also takes place throughout the course by way of verbal questioning and whole-class discussion, regular written feedback on students’ work from teachers and student-tostudent review.

“History is a very important subject; it teaches us about the past so that we can learn from mistakes people have made, but also helps us to benefit from positive past experiences, like inventions and discoveries. I really enjoy learning about the way people lived in the past and comparing it with the present day.” Shannon – Year 9
the diverse beliefs and opinions held by people in
understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions


Modules and units covered:

Classical Enquiry: How do we know about the Romans?

Using evidence from the period, students work both as individuals and in groups to solve this enquiry. As the story of Ancient Rome unfolds, students develop and extend specific historical skills – such as chronological understanding – creating a great foundation for future enquiries to come.

Medieval Enquiries: Did the Normans bring a ‘truck-load of trouble’ to England in 1066?

Did the crusaders fight for God or gold?

This enquiry investigates life in the Middle Ages, through events such as the Battle of Hastings 1066, the devastating Black Death of 1348, and The Peasants’ Revolt of 1348. Students will also study the development of science in the Arab world, with a focus on the growth of the Abbasid Empire from the 9th Century. Students learn about a range of new inventions and discoveries that occurred within the realm of Arabic Science between the 9 th and 13thcenturies, and how this knowledge indirectly led to the development of Renaissance ideas in Europe. Students will engage with written and visual evidence as well as the work of eminent scholars in the field to support their studies.

Early Modern Enquiry:

Which Muslim Empire influenced the European world the most?

Why did Henry VIII break with Rome?

Again, students will use evidence from the period in order to compare and contrast the significance and impact of Gunpowder Empires on the Early Modern Period. Students will then investigate the factors contributing to the English Reformation and consolidate their ability to make a sustained judgement based on evidence and research.

Religious Enquiry:

Are monotheistic religions more similar than they are different?

Throughout the year, students will study the three major religions that were born after the key figure Abraham prophesised that there was only one god. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are explored as chronological breadth study that will enable students to gain insight into each religion and draw similarities and differences before concluding the enquiry.

“I have loved studying History at The Compton School! Throughout my studies I’ve found that it’s never boring and taught in an interactive and engaging way. That’s what led me to choose it as a GCSE option, one of my favourite memories is when the History Department took us to Berlin. It was such a great trip and really brought our study of Germany to life. I’m currently studying my second year of A Level History and I hope to continue my study of History next year at degree level.” Jack – Year 13


Is History taught in different sets or streams?

No, History is taught in mixed prior attainment classes throughout all three Key Stages.

Do you offer any extra-curricular provision?

Yes, in previous years we have organised a number of overseas enrichment trips including visits to Poland, Germany, France and Belgium. We have also enjoyed visiting many of the places of historical interest that London has to offer such and Hampton Court and The Tower of London. In addition, we provide a number of different history clubs that take place in school, where activities range from watching films featuring historical events, conducting research into family histories, and debating the significance of key historical figures.


Our Intention

As a department, we are dedicated to helping develop confident and competent mathematicians ensuring that mastery and problem solving are at the core of our curriculum. We love helping students improve and find their voice in a Maths classroom and want to be part of shaping the next generation of brilliant mathematicians as well as ensuring that all students have the confidence and skills to grapple with maths throughout their life. Regardless of students’ starting points when they join us, we are completely committed to making sure all students make excellent progress.

Our core values as a department are collaboration and care. This applies to both how we plan and deliver our lessons and how we engage with our students in class. We believe it is imperative for students to have their voices heard in a Maths classroom and our focus on mathematical language means that students feel comfortable articulating their thoughts. This focus on subject specific vocabulary also prepares all our classes for their assessments.

At its core, studying Maths is about building your creativity and problem-solving skills whilst learning about some of humanity’s most useful and far-reaching tools. It is not only a fundamental part of a large variety of subjects, but it is also all around us in society. Having confidence in mathematics will help with many areas of later life – from helping understand taxes to being able to critically understand the statistics seen in the media. It is also fun! Solving puzzles, both individually and as a team adds to students’ problemsolving tool-kit helps build resilience; this will help prepare students for being part of any workplace where this resilience and hard work is vital.

Aims for the year

At The Compton, we focus on a range of topics in Maths in Number, Shape, Algebra, Probability, Statistics and Ratio and Proportion. By the end of Year 7, we expect to hear students speak of their Maths lessons with a buzz. Our students speak of an atmosphere of learning and creativity in their Maths lesson and find their lessons fun and engaging. Our aim at The Compton is create a love of learning for Maths for ALL students.



Students are tested every half term on what they have learned to ensure that all students are making progress. They are guided on how to prepare for these tests and are provided with resources to support independent revision. We also make sure to use targeted questioning throughout all our lessons to gauge student understanding and to guide our planning.

Modules and units covered

All students will build on their knowledge in Number, Shape, Algebra, Probability, Statistics and Ratio and Proportion throughout the year and the topics covered will be slightly different for each set and tailored to their needs.

We use the Pearson scheme of work for KS3 and the SMP scheme for KS4. All students will have access to a textbook in lessons and an online textbook which will allow them access to learning at home as well as at school. There will be a focus on developing numeracy with all Year 7 students with close monitoring of progress in this area.


Are students taught in ability sets in maths?

Our curriculum has been refreshed over the last few years to take on board the newest research and findings with the teaching of mathematics. We are pioneering the use of diagnostic questioning within the school to assess students understanding in our lessons. We also use variation theory in our intelligent practice to ensure our students are forming proper mathematical behaviours and becoming well rounded and independent problem solvers – a skill that will serve them across the whole school. Our curriculum is also completely collaborative. Staff have specific time set aside for joint planning where we are able to share best practice as subject specialists to create varied and thorough schemes of work.

“At the Compton School, maths is a valuable and enjoyable subject. Our lessons are always interesting and meaningful. We learn something different and useful every day. Not only are we taught how to answer a question but also why calculate things using a certain method. The maths department is a reliable and positive place. Whenever, we need help there is always someone to ask or a place to go to such as maths drop in where you can ask any questions you have.” Daniel – Year 11

Yes. Year 7 is taught in 9 ability groups. Within each group, regular attention will be paid to the level of attainment achieved by each student. This is to ensure that the learning is targeted at exactly the right level for each student to make the most amount of progress possible building on previous knowledge. The membership of each group is reviewed at the end of each term to enable all students to make the most progress possible.

Which textbooks do you use and what exam board will they be doing for GCSE?

At GCSE our exam board is Edexcel. Throughout the school we use Pearson and SMP Maths textbooks which are all available for the students in pdf form via Office 365.

What support and Extension is available?

All teachers are committed to providing support and extension so that all students are making appropriate progress in all lessons. The online resources also mean that students can improve independently guided by the teachers and can always come to their subject teachers for support. There are also extracurricular clubs within the department to help further stretch the students and explore other areas of mathematics.


Our Intention…

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At The Compton, our aim is that Music is inclusive and that all students have access to a high-quality music education. Our intention is that through active participation in the Music Curriculum, valuable life skills such as cooperation, determination, independence, resilience, creativity and self-confidence, along with an appreciation and respect for diversity, cultures and traditions, are developed and honed.

Aims for the year

Throughout the KS3 curriculum, students are engaged and inspired to develop as musicians through first hand practical experiences and participation. They learn to perform, compose and listen to music performances, live and recorded, with an analytical and critical ear. The sequence of learning, which is robust, incremental and both spiral over the Key Stage, cements and develops students’ musical knowledge and skills.

It does not matter if students can play an instrument or have never had the opportunity. At The Compton School, all students will have the opportunity to develop as musicians. Music is a lifelong learning journey.

“The music teachers are really supportive in helping us with our band.” - Sam – Year 9



Every lesson students are informally assessed by their teacher and receive verbal teacher feedback. In every half term students will be assessed on their work. This will take the form of a performance(s). Students will receive regular feedback in order to make further progress.

Modules and units covered

Students follow a skill-based Curriculum based on: Performing, Composing and Appraising. As part of this, students will also be introduced to a wide variety of musical styles and genres.


How often will my child have Music?

We have a generous quota of Music within our curriculum at The Compton compared with many schools. This works out at around 3 lessons every 2 weeks on average (150 minutes).

What if my child already plays an Instrument? How will they make further progress?

Teachers adapt their teaching to ensure that the needs of all students are met. Your child will be supported to ensure that they make further progress. This may, for example, be furthering their understanding of notation, expression, improvisation and interpretation.

What extra-curricular opportunities/ performances are offered at The Compton?

We have regular weekly Instrumental Ensemble and Vocal Group rehearsals. We have open door practise and GCSE Music tutorials. There are many opportunities throughout the year to perform: Christmas Concert, Summer Serenade, Lunchtime Concerts and also at many wholeschool events. We also work closely with Barnet Education Arts Trust to seek out borough-wide musical enrichment opportunities. Every other year we perform a musical. Previous musicals include: Matilda, Grease, School of Rock, Bugsy Malone and Oliver.

“I really like how our music teachers give us freedom to use a range of instruments in lessons’ - Luca – Year 9


Our Intention

Our intention as a PE Department is to provide a platform for all students to experience enjoyment, success and challenge through the medium of sport and physical activity. Within the subject, we aim to provide a medium by which all students are inspired to succeed and excel through competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum provides opportunities for all students to acquire, develop and refine the physical, mental and social tools to allow for sustained and successful adherence to a healthy active lifestyle.

The PE Department prides itself on creating a positive learning environment for all students, where engagement, enjoyment and inclusiveness underpin the learning experience within all lessons. Our extensive extracurricular programme and diverse curriculum provides students with an opportunity to try a wide range of activities and sports, with the sole aim on promoting a life-long love of PE.

The importance of remaining physically active can be seen in all aspects of life and society. Throughout the Year 7 curriculum, students will develop a deep appreciation for the importance of health and fitness both as part of everyday life and as a prerequisite for successful sports performance. The skills, experiences and values developed through sport and physical activity are vital for leading a successful life beyond academic study. Within PE, students will develop their ability to effectively communicate their own ideas and understanding through group discussion and leadership opportunities. Students will also learn about the importance of resilience and determination in overcoming personal challenges, a quality which extends beyond the platform of sports performance. As a department, we are extremely proud of our students’ love for PE and school sport, as demonstrated by our success in both boys’ and girls’ Borough sporting competitions.

Aims for the year

In Year 7, students will investigate their own physical capabilities across a range of different sporting disciplines. Students will continue to develop upon their primary understanding of physical literacy through undertaking activities which focus on aspects such as:

• Developing motor competence and basic performance skills;

• Investigating tactics and strategies for successful participation;

• Analysis and evaluation of sporting performance.

Students learn through engagement and activity the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle and appreciate the benefits that sport and physical activity provide.

“Before year 7 I didn’t know anything about netball and now it is one of the sports I am the most passionate about and I wouldn’t have got there without my PE teachers at The Compton School.” Eva – Year 11

By the end of Year 7, we intend that all students have had the opportunity to experience different sporting environments, both within the curriculum and as part of our extensive extracurricular programme.


“PE is really engaging within lessons and have really enjoyed the theory side of the subject. In KS3 we had opportunities to take part in loads of sports and extra curricular clubs.”


Students are assessed within the subject on their ability to acquire and develop both core and advanced performance skills across the content of study.

Students will be formally assessed during each unit of work,with teacher assessments shared and discussed with the learners.

Students will be actively encouraged to consider the effectiveness of their own learning through completing a self-assessment within each unit. Areas of assessment include ‘Physical Me, Knowledge Me & Coaching/Leadership Me.

Students in Year 7 receive home learning tasks linked to each specific activity and a knowledge organiser which serves to develop their understanding of basic knowledge taken from the GCSE PE specification as well as the principles of fitness and its importance to successful performance.


Modules and units covered

As part of the year 7curriculum, students will be taught in single sex classes and follow a tailored curriculum, designed to provide a wide and varied learning experience across a range of different sporting disciplines.

• Boys’ Curriculum: Football, Rugby Union, Gymnastics, Dance, Fitness, Handball, O&AA, Athletics & Striking / fielding.

• Girls’ Curriculum: Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Rugby Union, Athletics, O&AA, Striking & Fielding & Fitness.

Within each unit of work, students will develop a physical and cognitive appreciation of the core performance skills and techniques, have the opportunity to refine learned techniques through both isolated and conditioned practices, whilst further consolidate their understanding of basic rules and regulations of play.

Why do boys and girls follow a different curriculum pathway?

Student consultation meetings are held at the end of each academic year to review the content of the curriculum and determine trends in student engagement. We listen to student voice groups when creating the curriculum and look to offer as broad a pathway as possible, directly linked to student interest and enjoyment. There are common threads across both the boys’ and girls’ curriculums, with a range of invasion game, athletic movement and striking and fielding options.

Do you run an extensive extra-curricular programme?

Yes. A revised extracurricular timetable is issued at the start of each term to reflect the demands for different sporting activities. Clubs are typically divided into different year groups so as to ensure the appropriate level of challenge for all participants. Alongside our internal programme, we also run an extensive inter-school programme, providing students with ample opportunities to represent the school in competitive fixtures.

Alex – Year 11


Our Intention

The mission of the Science Department is for all students to understand the basics of how Science works in the real world. We also want all students to know their worth – Science as a whole only exists because of the variety of contributions from a diverse range of people, so our students respect all people, regardless of gender, race, religion and background. We encourage people to express opinions, but all students should know after studying Science with us that facts, data and evidence are what really matters. We value curiosity by asking, “Why?”

Why study science? Because we get to know the world around us. We apply theories to our everyday experiences. It’s versatile and vital, helps us think critically about the world around us. We have a range of specialist teachers in all areas of Science, and make sure that lessons are full of interesting practical experiments which allow students to apply all that they learn in an engaging and inspiring way.

Aims for the year

In primary school, students learn to ask questions about the world around them. At The Compton School, we encourage students’ independent enquiry skills – they will analyse data, plot graphs, calculate averages and communicate findings in teams both verbally and in writing.

Students at The Compton School learn that science doesn’t just happen in a laboratory. They know about key figures in Science and why their learning matters.

‘’I enjoy Science as I find it interesting. In each lesson I learn something new and expand my knowledge in many areas. One of the most memorable lessons was when I got to use a Bunsen burner as it was really fun, and I learnt all the different parts and how to use it safely.” Bella – Year 9

‘’I enjoyed science last year as it fun because of the practicals such as investigating factors that affect diffusion and doing field experiments such as sampling plants (my favourite) Science was challenging but I had my Science teachers to help me, so it got me through the difficult parts.‘’ Samuel - Year 9



Do you set students in Key Stage 3?

Students are taught in mixed prior attainment groups in Years 7, 8 and the first half of Year 9. Students are streamed in the second half of Year 9 and set in Years 10 and 11.

What do students study in Science?

Students study a mixture of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Environmental Science from Year 7through to Year 11.

Units and Key concepts covered: The 8 big ideas covered in Year 7 are shown in this diagram.

Do students do practical experiments in lessons? Practicals are incorporated into our lessons regularly, where it supports the teaching of theory. Students are offered plenty of opportunities to carry out investigations throughout Key Stages 3 and 4.


Our Intention

Our intention is to inspire and motivate students to learn a new language. We aim to spark students’ interest by imparting cultural knowledge as well as new language skills.

In the Modern Foreign Languages Department, we are all committed to making lessons fun and interesting. We are proud of our collaborative and creative approach which ensures the most up to date learning that is accessible to all students. We believe that languages are important both academically and as a life skill and, ultimately, they will be a great asset to students in their future lives and careers.

Learning Spanish is great because you can communicate with people when you go on holidays to countries where Spanish is spoken, you can also learn about their countries and traditions. Seb – Year 8

Aims for the year:

We aim to lay the foundations of language learning whilst developing the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

We build on literacy skills acquired at primary level as well as an awareness of Modern Foreign Languages.

By the end of Year 7, students will feel proud to have developed their knowledge, so they are able to communicate in the target language.

KS4 Trip to Malaga



Students will be assessed on the four language skills in line with the school threshold system: Foundation; Developing; Secure, Excellent and Exceptional.

The assessments will take the form of listening, speaking exercises, reading comprehension, written and translation tasks, which may be set during or at the end of a unit.

Students will also be given regular self-assessment exercises to work on with their peers and with the teacher.

Modules and units covered

In Year 7 we will study:

Module 1 – My life: name, personality, birthday, family and pets.

Module 2 – My free time: likes & dislikes, weather, sports.

Module 3 – School: school subjects and facilities, break time activities.

Module 4 – Family and friends: physical and personality descriptions, house descriptions.


Can students study two languages?

Learning Spanish is amazing because it’s very helpful when travelling around Spanish speaking countries. It helps with communication and socialising with the natives. Adrian – Year 8

Spanish is the most spoken language in the world after Chinese, so it opens doors for your future, not just for traveling but also to live and work in different places in the world. Haylie – Year 8

No, students can only study one language, which they can continue to study at GCSE and A Level if they choose to.

Can they choose what language to study?

At The Compton School we offer French and Spanish. Students will be allocated a language depending on their form group. Half of the forms will do French and the other half will do Spanish.

Can I request what language my son/daughter learns if I have a preference?

If you have a strong preference for either language you would need to request this in a letter to the Head of School outlining your reasons for this. This will be taken into account when allocating students to form groups.

If students speak another language at home, can they take a GCSE in it at school?

Yes, they need to see the Exams Officer and they will need to fill in a form to be able to sit the exam in that particular language.

If students are French/Spanish speakers, are they able to take the GCSE exam earlier?

Yes, they will be assessed by a French/Spanish teacher and if ready, can sit the GCSE in year 9. This allows students to opt for a different GCSE subject in KS4.

The Compton School, Summers Lane, London N12 0QG Telephone: 020 8368 1783


A Mixed Comprehensive Academy Age Range: 11–18

Executive Headteacher: Ann Marie Mulkerins

Heads of School: Andrew Hammond and Louise Ismail

Chair of Governors: Howard Davies Follow

Us @thecompton

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