3 minute read

Embracing That Four Letter Word

By Ella Deville

Dear Sir,


My inhibitions no longer swirl, your dominant hands grasping my nape-created pleasure of pain embracing that four letter word.

My mind, body, and soul are no longer unreceptive to crossing a certain line; chaotic, quieted down by embracing that four letter word.

My essence no longer unheard or unseen bound, gagged, and blindfolded; pleasing you on bended knees, reincarnating of ownership recaged and rekeyed embracing that four letter word.

My skin can no longer be called my own, marked by your hands, a reminder of now pleasure by the pain embracing that four letter word.

My sexuality is no longer unhydrated, nourished by a tongue devouring my inner thighs embracing that four letter word.

My feral ways are no longer uncollared, unleashed, and uncaged, embracing that four letter word.

Your ownership is ecstasy, Kitten

P.S. I’ll be in my cage, until you take me out to play.


By Jo Fine Bow

I regret not what I have been through for the lessons that you have given me have taught me well I regret not the love I gave

For I am grateful for the motherly tenderness you have shown me in my moments of sorrow it was you all along

Who I spied out of the corner of my eye as a child

You who played in the shadows with me when I felt alone

It was you who held my hand as I walked through the mountains and collected my tears as they fell from my cheeks it is you who pulled me from the earth and guided me as you once did for kore

I am fully alive in this season because of you your gentle whispers are some of my fondest memories

Those soft spoken words

You are within me

You are around me

Surely the hills have heard your howling call

As I did long ago

Beckoning for me to roam once more

Bellowing like a bull within the earth

I wish to be no less than what I am now

I wish to be as chthonic as you

Made of stars

And part of the sea es, and nothing is quite as indulgent and extra than Marie-Antionette Earl Grey. A blend of classic Earl Grey black tea and Jasmine green tea, with a sprinkle of rose petals. It doesn’t get much more romantic than that!

There is nothing cozier than a crisp autumn day, snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, a book and a hot cup of tea.

Lacey Grove Owner/ Inner Grove Tea

Here are some great tea pairings to go with your favorite genre!

Suspense – This kind of intensity calls for a good green tea. The caffeine keeps you focused so that you don’t miss a thing, while the L-theanine helps keep you calm through all those heart racing moments! Try the Gyokuro from Shizuoka. In the family of Sencha tea, this variety is shaded for weeks before harvest to give it a greater depth of flavor.

Mystery – Complexity, puzzles, gathering clues. This pairs perfectly with the oolong family of teas. Tea masters pass their secrets from generation to generation, bringing together the perfect cup of tea that carries a complexity of flavors that hint at its origins. My pick would be the Wuyi Mountain Rock Oolong, plucked from old bushes whose roots reach deep into the soil, bringing you rich and mineral flavors alongside woody and fruity aromas. I’m enthralled by this oolong.

Drama – You probably just read something a little depressing. Go ahead and treat yourself to some Sleep Tea. The chamomile and mint comfort and sooth you, while the valerian and passion flowers help you to drift into a peaceful sleep. You will feel much better in the morning.

Romance – You like to indulge your sens-

Fantasy- Who doesn’t love to escape into an exciting and fanciful world of magic and adventure? Try White Winter Chai. It is a fanciful blend, with sweet spices that are sure to whisk you away to an exotic land of ice dragons and enchanted forests.

Science fiction – This genre holds a special place in my heart. Whether you are a space cowboy with an appreciation for the traditional arts, or living in a mega-efficient futuristic society, Matcha is where it’s at. This nutrient dense powder brings you to life, and there are so many ways to consume it, whether you pop it in the blender to make a tasty smoothy or take a moment to prepare it the traditional way with whisk and bowl.

Westerns – You might think cowboy coffee fits here, but even tea can have a bit of grit. This one has to be Gun Powder green tea. Robust, a little bitter, and being a green tea, you have the pep to buck hay bales, alongside the calm to sit broodily on your horse, gazing at the sunset you are about to ride off into.

Cosmic horror – Complexity, depth, maybe a little existential crisis. For you, I present my most precious tea, the 2002 Yunnan Autumnal Sheng Puerh. This tea offers you a confounding depth of flavor and the unique experience of tasting a tea that has waited 20 years to climb out of hiding and find you. Sure, this is our most expensive tea, but who knows what else is hiding in the abyss? What price would you pay for unfathomable knowledge?

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