Not a Father

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I made a choice to discuss it with my daughter exactly as I’m spelling it now. I explained to her that I cannot be “A” typical Dad so how does she want me to be, what does she except, what are the Ground rules of our relationship. My daughter gave her spiel and then gave me the right of reply and I tell you, we both felt sensational. Now I’m not going to totally fill you on the full details but let me give you a hint. In her case one of the things that was really important was the conversation’s that we had, I had to promise that for the first five minutes of any call I just listened, I agreed and in turn she agreed never to send an SMS like she did but to call me and voice her concerns and no problem she can sear at me if she needs to! Anchors are not just with parents and children they can be made to hold back any relationship from sailing away but the process of getting rid of them is the same. The Comeback from an Anchor is tough and hard work but simple. It’s all “Communication” setting Boundaries, expectations, discussing and agreeing on them. There will be Anchors that are so deeply embedded in the sand that you may think there is no hope of shifting them, there maybe no way any communication can happen, well there is only one way to find out...TRY Has the Anchor been lifted up out of the Sand between my daughter and me? No far from it, but I can here the pulleys making a noise, the chain is tightening and the anchor is slowly starting to lift and that’s a major start. I wish you well in whatever Comeback you choose to lift the Anchor on. Big Hugs and Love from Shane PS. Big Hugs to my ex wife and Daughter I Dedicate this article to them.

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The Comeback

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