College Tribune, Volume XXV, Issue 1

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Volume XXV 13th September 2011


UCD’s summer of chaos


Page 2-3

Sheen fallout takes shine off LawSoc COLLEGE TRIBUNE

vs Page 8




Issue 1

CD Law Society has been accused by Martin Sheen’s wife of breaking promises made to the Hollywood legend in order to secure his visit to UCD for the society’s 100th session. Janet Templeton, Sheen’s spouse of 40 years, has alleged that promises crucial to her husband’s attendance were not kept. Societies Officer Richard Butler has ordered a full audit into LawSoc’s accounts. The highly respected actor, who accepted an honorary life membership of the society in February, was invited to the event by humanitarian charity People’s Recovery Empowerment Development Assistance (PREDA). Mr Sheen has a long association with PREDA, which was developed through his extensive humanitarian work. In documents seen by the College Tribune, former LawSoc auditor Keiran McCarthy refers to his decision to contact Fr Shay Cullen,

head of PREDA in the Philippines, as a “brain wave”). McCarthy then met with Cullen to examine “the possibility of setting up a national university initiative” in support of human rights associations which Sheen would be “happy to come to UCD to officially open.” Several months after the Sheen’s visit, current auditor Francis McNamara attempted to secure a visit by Emilio Estevez, Mr Sheen’s eldest child, to the society’s 101st session via the same channel of communication. This approach elicited a direct response from the Apocalypse Now and West Wing star’s wife, Janet Templeton. In an email seen by the Tribune dated July 1st, Ms Templeton declines on behalf of her son before stating that she “was heavily involved in the lengthy process of having Martin, my husband, available to accept this same award some months ago. During that [sic] negotiations, some promises were made, based Continued on page 6

Martin Sheen accepting his honorary lifetime membership of LawSoc from former Auditor Keiran McCarthy

Lil Jon to headline Freshers’ Ball LISA GORRY


nternational chart-topper Lil Jon is set to headline the 2011 Freshers’ Ball which will be held at The Wright Venue in Swords on Monday September 19th The line-up, revealed during Orientation Week, will also feature homegrown acts and UCD favourites including The Japanese Popstars and The Kanyu Tree. UCD Ents Djs will also provide

support for the urban superstar on the night. Lil Jon, who rose to prominence as a member of Lil’ Jon and The East Side Boyz, began a solo career in 2010 with the album ‘Crunk Rock.’ He has also produced many hit singles, such as Usher’s “Yeah” and collaborated with the Ying Yang Twins on their track ‘Get Low.’ UCD Ents officer Stephen Darcy expressed his satisfaction with the line-up, stating

that “Lil Jon is, in my opinion, the biggest act to come to UCD for any event, so to deliver him for the Fresher’s Ball is phenomenal and I’d like to thank Paul Kilgallen especially for that, he’s been a great help.” Robert Manning, a candidate in last year’s Ents Officer race said that with this year’s acts his former opponent has provided a “class” line-up, in a venue to match. “I can’t wait for it.

I’m finished in UCD and I’m definitely going.” Darragh Kinsella, popular runner-up in last year’s election, agreed with Manning stating his belief that this year’s Freshers’ Ball would be “savage” and that given the opportunity he would have done nothing differently. Student reaction to the line-up has been widely positive. Rebecca, a First Year Continued on page 4



News in Brief Irish students travelling to the US on J1 summer work visas have been advised against attempting to circumvent local drinking laws by modifying their passports. Altering a passport is a criminal offense in Ireland and a federal offence in the US and is punishable by fines, imprisonment and/ or refusal of future entry to the United States. USI President Gary Redmond warned Irish students who have obtained J1 working visas or US travel visas, not to travel on modified passports as it “will be detectable by custom officials even if the laminate has been removed and the student believes that they have reversed the modifications.” Students in this situation are urged to “take immediate action to obtain a replacement passport.”

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

Online registration collapse CONOR FOX


onsistent online registration crashes plagued students throughout August as they attempted to register for core and elective modules. The first major crash occurred on Wednesday August 17th . As in previous years UCD authorities had not provided a definitive time for the opening of registration. Students therefore attempted to log on to the Student Information System (SIS) from 6am in the hope that the registration process had been opened. For over 5 hours they were greeted by a message stating that the server was busy and to keep trying. Students expressed their disappointment and lack of surprise with regard to the situation on the UCD Registry Facebook page and in messages posted on popular

web forum Many referenced previous crashes, such as those experienced by students attempting to register for accommodation, and registration problems in past years as causes for frustration. “[It’s a] joke,” commented one student. “We are paying €2000-plus a year for a service like this. Why am I not surprised?” On August 19th the problems continued when second year Stage Two Arts, Social Science, Computer Science, Commerce, International and Law students attempted to begin their registration for core and option modules. Despite assurances from UCD Registry on the 17th that “system issues have been addressed” undergraduate students suffered similar delays, crashes and problems. Students conveyed views that the system should have been shut down once the problem was detected to allow the is-

Summer of C haos sue to be resolved. The College Tribune has obtained a copy of an email sent from the email account of the Dean of Arts, Joseph Brady on August 22nd to a second year English student. This email stated that the crash which occurred was “far below the standard of what [they] expect to offer” and the student was asked if there were any modules within the School of English to which they had been unable to register which they still wished to take. The email contained no direct promise to definitely accommodate students’ requests due to limits on class sizes but indicated that the School of English would “do what it can.” Iis not known if this was a universal policy or whether it was reserved for students of English. The Tribune emailed the Dean regarding this matter but had not received a reply at the time of going to press.


n Monday 29th general elective registration opened. Once again “system performance issues” plagued registration and online registration closed at 9.20am. Students who had been online from 7.25 AM, and had already chosen their electives, were informed that their elective choices were no longer valid. Those students who were online on SIS web between 7.25 am and 9.20 am were allowed to register from Wednesday morning the 31st of August. There were problems for those who wished to register for in-programme electives as the time at which they registered effected their chance of getting a place. Gavin Reilly, a second year Arts student, stated that his academic year was going to be made harder as he knows he will not enjoy a module he was left with no other option but to choose.

“We are paying 2000-plus a year for a service like this. Why am I not surprised” All of the University’s email addresses and mailboxes were outsourced over the summer to Google in an attempt to free up server space to deal with online registration. UCD IT had stated that due to the outsourcing of student e-mail services “scaling servers to accommodate more students and services is no longer an issue.” In the wake of these events UCD apologised for the “inconvenience and frustration” that was caused.

Night before: Scour the UCD website for notification of when registration opens. Fail. The USI has stated that they are “outraged” after Education Minister Ruairí Quinn hinted at the “likely reintroduction of college fees.” Minister Quinn’s comments appear to contradict the USI pledge that he signed prior to his election in which he promised that, if elected, he would “oppose and campaign against any new form of third-level fees.” The USI has called upon Minister Quinn to “honour the commitment he made to thousands of students and families across the country” and reiterated their opposition to thirdlevel fees and grant cuts. A recent report released by AIB showed that the average student’s disposable income has dramatically decreased by 36%. The research indicated that there had been an increase in the number of students relying upon the student grant. This coincides with current cuts of up to over 60% to student grants. USI President, Gary Redmond, has demanded that “the government should work to encourage people to participate in Higher Education rather that close the door on them by increasing college fees.”

“It was really confusing. I had to contact [my programme office] about three times. It took a really long time to do and was really frustrating” 1st year Commerce International Niamh Finn

“I think everyone [experienced problems]. I found out over facebook. Everyone got so angry and I “It took me about an hour to figure it out. They need a don’t blame them.” big sign, when you’re done, to say that you’re done.” 2nd and 3rd year Arts. Louise 1st Engineers, Kate Collins, Lauren Campion, Reddy, Marina Carry Louise Carroll


Who is to blame? TIMOTHY POTENZ


he question of responsibility for the failures of this summer remains largely unanswered. Neither an individual nor an office has officially taken responsibility for the failure to provide an efficient online accommodation and registration system for UCD students. Consequently, speculation and anger have been directed at unconfirmed figureheads. On the morning of the registration crash for continuing students, Facebook was filled by early risers waiting for the system to open. As the crash progressed, disgruntled statements spread across home pages, aimed largely at Mark Rogers, the Registrar, and the IT system. “Just saw Mark Rogers walking down the concourse.

Had to restrain myself from screaming at him,” commented one student. “I hear UCD is upgrading from dialup next week. What a quality IT system we have,” offered another. However, neither Mark Rogers nor IT services have been confirmed to be responsible for the registration crash. Hence, they cannot officially be held accountable for these failures by the public. The only information

the Tribune has been made aware of as regards the responsibility for the registration crash came from an e-mail allegedly sent by the Dean of Arts, Joseph Brady, to a number of students. The e-mail stated that “it will be of little comfort to you to

learn that it was problem external to the registration system itself and not one that could have reasonably predicted.” In the aftermath of the accommodation crash dissatisfied students were directed to the Accommodation Office in Merville. Angry phonecalls and e-mails were

directed at Richard Brierley, Head of Accommodation, who became the unofficial figurehead of the disaster in the wake of June’s crash. However, when contacted with questions about who is officially responsible for the crash, the Accommodation Office did not issue a statement confirming who was responsible “I would just like to know who’s fault it was,” commented Caoimhe from Roscommon. “I mean, that’s the point of accountability, so that someone can take the blame and then they won’t

do it again.” As of yet no person or office has been made officially accountable for the problems that occurred throughout the summer. This leaves speculation open that the blame lies with any one of a number of offices including the Accommodation Office, the Registrar or the IT system. Perhaps none of them are to blame, or perhaps all three of them are to blame for a failure to communicate properly? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. It is purely speculation at this point.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

Failure to accommodate P SHANE SCOTT


ttempts to secure on-campus accommodation were met with frustration by returning UCD students this summer. On June 6th, the online booking system crashed as continuing students attempted to book their accommodation. Large numbers of students were left angry and confused for hours after the system’s failure, with no explanation being given as to the cause, and no indication given as to when the system would be functional again. Students were merely provided with a time when they should re-check the page, in the hope that accommodation registration would be back online. When students did log on at the time provided, they were met with a notice, which indicated a time at which they should attempt to log on the following day.

“The thing that was really frustrating was that we were told all this so late in the day,” remarked one incoming resident from Wexford. “I had to show up to work five hours late. It just seemed inconsiderate really.” When approached the Accomodation Office were reluctant to make any definitive comment or statement with regard to the situation, instead referring the Tribune to various administrative offices, which consequently referred back to the Accommodation Office. As a result of this confusion the College Tribune was unable to obtain a comment from a relevant UCD representative on the situation at the time of going to press. The UCD online system has previously faced difficulties. During the 2010-2011 registration process the system crashed twice whilst a similar failure was experi-

enced during accommodation registration in 2009. Second year Arts student Connor Layden informed the the Colle Tribune that the technical failure has

“It has completely messed up my plans for college this year, as a result of the crash I missed out on campus accommodation completely” “completely messed up my plans for college this year, as a result of the crash I missed out on campus accommodation completely, because I was on holiday at the time and couldn’t access the internet easily.” When asked if the experience would lead him to advise his family or friends against attending UCD he said, “No, I enjoy UCD itself, but the IT system needs sorting out.”

Marquee success Residences marquee eases check-in pressure TIMOTHY POTENZ


CD residences have attempted to ease the annual check-in rush by erecting an administrative marquee at the Merville residence. The move comes after several years of complaints about the hectic experience of moving on to campus. The new system enabled residents to collect their keys quickly whilst being sheltered from the rain. Many students expressed satisfaction with the new system.

“It was a simple in and out,” commented Bridget from Offaly. “I was told by my sister to expect massive queues in the rain like last year.” As in previous years, residents needed to present a licence to reside and proof of payment in order to receive their keys. This year an additional uploaded photo was required from first year students. Several laptops were provided in the marquee for those who had arrived without their documents. Queuing times were cut

down with the erection of a ‘Parents’ Creche’ where parents were asked to wait while their sons and daughters collected keys in the marquee. Seats, music and tea and coffee were provided to parents who had to wait. “It was a nice touch. It was really nice to have after the journey over,” commented one mother from Galway. Entertainment, including a céilí band, a giant Jenga set, an inflatable Twister board, and a giant chess board, was also organised by Res Life to welcome those moving far away from home.

ayment issues have also arisen. The Accommodation Office no longer accepts payment by Bank Giro but this option was never removed from the booking website. Many students opted for this method of payment and were left waiting for a giro which never arrived. The Accommodation Office informed the College Tribune that the Giro option should not have been present and that they were unaware as to why it was available for selection. Residents who managed to book and pay for accommodation received a license to reside, which came into effect on the 5th of September. As this date fell on a Monday some parents were forced to take a day off work in order to transport their children’s belongings to UCD. The University allowed inconvenienced parents to arrive on the preceding weekend, but at a



Timeline of Events May 9th The waiting list for first year accommodation opens. Many are unaware.

June 6th

Accommodation registration for returning students opens. Crashes. No UCD response.


First years begin to realise that the accommodation waiting list is open and that they are probably too late to get a place on campus.

August 17th

Registration for third year and above opens. Crashes. No UCD response.

August 19th

Registration for second year opens. Crashes. No UCD response.

August 29th

Registration for general electives opens. Crashes. UCD responds by invalidating electives that were successfully registered for that morning.

charge of €17-33 depending on the residence. “It was ridiculous,” said Brian O’Hanlon of Kerry. “The whole point of coming up early was so that I

wouldn’t lose money.” At the time of going to press UCD had yet to make any official statement on these events.



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

New term brings new deals and token overhaul for Student Bar ROBERT NEILSEN


CDSU ENTS Officer Stephen Darcy has promised students an overhaul of the drinks tokens system and “the best ever line up of drinks offers and acts ” for the coming academic year. Mr Darcy stated that he would address the issues previously faced with drinks tokens, which caused much controversy on campus last year. The ENTS Officer declared his intention to “overhaul the tokens system” and said that there will be “strict regulations and controls on the numbers of tokens distributed.” He went on to inform the College Tribune that the Students’ Union is currently working to develop technology that will allow the free

drinks tokens system to be incorporated into the current SU Loyalty Card scheme. From Monday September 26th the €3 drinks deal which students could avail of on Fridays throughout the 2010/11 academic year will be on offer throughout the week, Those wishing to avail of the special offer this semester will be offered the choice of “either a pint, a vodka and dash, an alcopop, a shot or a bottle of beer.” The popular Thursday Night live will also make a welcome return to campus and will feature the €3 drinks deal. Darcy stated that “the vast majority of Thursday nights from the end of September will now be late bars offering students the best choice of acts and promotions in Dublin.” UCD Students are set to

UCDSU Ents officer Stephen Darcy has announced the acts set to play the student bar in the first semester, beginning with the Freshers’ Ball next week. - Freshers’ Ball, featuring Lil Jon and Japanese Popstars at Wright Venue - Saw Doctors - Charlie Simpson - Fake Blood - Mystery Tour - Cheesefest, featuring Five, S Club and Venga Boys

receive brand new Student Bar deals announced by Entertainments Officer Stephen Darcy. The Students Union has announced new drinks offers, a line up of acts and the return of drinks tokens. Darcy declared that “UCD SU are delighted to announce the best ever line up of drinks offers and acts for students.” The highlight is the news that there will be 3 euro drinks all day every day and that this deal “is starting from Monday the 26th of September. This consists of the choice of either a pint, a vodka and dash, an alcopop, a shot, or a bottle of beer.” There will also be a return of Thursday Night Live with all drinks being 3 euro on that night. Darcy added that “The vast majority of Thursday nights from the end of September will now be late bars offering students the best choice of acts and promotions in Dublin.” The issue of drinks tokens, which caused controversy last year, will also be addressed. Darcy has declared that he will “overhaul the tokens system” and from now on there will be “strict regulations and controls on the numbers of tokens distributed.” Darcy also announced that the Students Union are working on the technology to introduce a tokens system onto the existing loyalty card system.


USI launch High Court challenge against grant reform OISÍN PEAT


he Union of Students in Ireland (USI) are pursuing a High Court case against Minister for Education and Science, Ruairí Quinn in an effort to block the proposed reform of Student Grants which could effect up to 25,000 third level students.. On the 19th of July, the USI launched a High Court case, against the government, in opposition to the proposed reduction of the ‘non-adjacent grant’. This grant, which is designed for students whose family income cannot support their college fees, and those who have to travel distances greater than 45km, is set to be cut, from the current €6,000, to €2,000. This will, according to the USI, affect “breadline” students who rely on this grant, to pay their tuition. The Government argues that due to ‘massive improvements’ in infrastructure, commuting students can no longer avail of the grant if they live less than 45km from their institution. The minimum distance requirement for eligible students has increased from 24km to 45 km in the last year alone. The reforms come despite an alleged promise made to the students’ unions by Mr Quinn, that he would not

Kylemore take control of campus outlets All seven privately owned stores operated by Dublin-based group PETER HAMILTON


ylemore Services Group have won the exclusive right to administer the majority of catering services on UCD’s Belfield campus. The Elements operators will assume responsibility for the seven private outlets including the Art’s Café and both Nine-One-One sandwich bars. Currently the only on-campus outlets not operated by Kylemore are Café Brava, Café sport, Centra store, the main restaurant and the Student Union shops. The takeover, which was exclusively revealed on on August 5th, has seen the group move on to campus in time for the new term. Starbucks and Java Coffee have been confirmed as replacements for the seven outlets previously

in place. Elements, one of the only campus locations currently operated by the group, was closed in July for the duration of the refurbishment work being carried out on the Science Hub. The UCD commercial office has received criticism for its handling of the tender process. Café Fresca owner, Michael Moyles informed the College Tribune that tender applications before 2011 were subject to a clause disqualifying any one service provider to hold a licence for more than 2 outlets oncampus. He claims that UCD commercial manager, Gary Moss, removed this clause from the 2011 tender application documents thus allowing Kylemore to pursue the exclusivity deal, which mirrors similar arrangements the group has in UCC and Queen’s University Belfast.

A spokesperson for UCD stated that Kylemore services group were awarded the seven licences based on their tender, and that the process was a fair one. Moyles states that in March 2011, Gary Moss advised him that the documents for tender would soon be advertised. However, the documents were not published until June 22nd, with a tender deadline of July 12th, a period of only three weeks. In previous years, this process has lasted for over three months. In response to questions about the “legal challenge” faced by the university, a spokesperson informed the Tribune that “a previous licence holder took a legal challenge against the process and the case was dismissed by the High Court. Unfortunately the action delayed the opening of the outlets but the successful tenderer has

moved rapidly to open units for students.” An announcement on the UCD notice board dated Spetember 7th referred to unspecified “outstanding issues” relating to the former Nine-One-One outlet in the James Joyce Library building. Between them, independent food companies currently employ 58 members of staff on campus, 13 of whom are students. In addition, Insomnia have a long standing arrangement to take two students from Quinn School of Business to head office every year on summer and fulltime internships. It is not yet clear if this agreement will be maintained when the current internship expires. Other licence holders and Kylemore representation were unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.

cut third-level grants in the upcoming budget. Gary Redmond, president of the USI, stated that, “If this cut is not reversed, many students will have no choice but to drop out. He added “This move is a kick in the teeth for many previously involved in the building sector, wishing to upskill on limited means.” The high court decision, on the grant reform, is expected before Christmas. Justice Pearth will hear the case on the seventh of October. he USI has introduced a new 2011/2012 Student Plus Card. This card, available to all third level students, promises a wide range of student discounts on fashion, travel, food, and film. USI President Gary Redmond cited a number of reasons for the introduction of the new scheme. With many colleges no longer offering new student cards at the start of each academic year, retailers are increasingly unwilling to offer deals to students, due to uncertainty regarding the individual’s current academic status. Also, many students of smaller colleges, who do not provide student ID cards, cannot avail of student deals. The USI claims that the cost of the card, €10, is to be set aside for students’ unions.


Lil Jon to headline Freshers’ Ball Continued from page 1 Science student informed the College Tribune that she was really looking forward to the event. “Lil Jon’s gas and The Kanyu Tree seem pretty good. Never heard of the other act, but sure it seems like it’ll be a great night” she said. When questioned as to how the line-up reflected what UCD students could expect from ENTS for the coming academic year Darcy stated that he was unable to give further details at the time of going to press. However he indicated that students can expect to receive information in the coming weeks with regard to one of the biggest acts ever to play UCD, who will be set to play on campus in November. Tickets for the Freshers’ Ball cost €18 and are available from all Students’ Union shops and online at the SU website.

Taoiseach Opens New Science Building MATTHEW COSTELLO


ine Gael leader Enda Kenny visited UCD on Friday to officially open the new Centre for Molecular Innovation and Drug Discovery. The Taoiseach took the opportunity to reaffirm his government’s support for education and the sciences despite recessionary times. Speaking to assembled faculty members and special guests, Mr Kenny outlined his enthusiasm for the vision of the new Centre and emphasized the role of science and innovation in Ireland’s current and future economic performance. “This Centre is an example of Ireland’s prioritisation of investment in science, research and development. And we have seen this investment bearing fruit.” Hugh Brady, president of UCD, had previously introduced the Taoiseach by describing as “false” the choice between education funding and balancing the governmental budget. “Education is an investment. It is the driving force behind future revenue and Ireland cannot afford to blink.”

Speaking exclusively to the College Tribune after the ceremony, Mr Kenny seemed enthused about the project. “This is absolutely exciting and enthralling... the quality of what’s going to emerge here is world class. I really do hope that this grows in reputation and brand image around the world and becomes a magnet for many students.” When asked if he could guarantee future support for education despite pressures on public finances, the Taoiseach responded positively: “Yes, the government will continue to support that, of course. We’ve got a job politically to rectify the problems of public finance and we will continue to do that over the next number of years but even within those constraints it is very important that government stands and recognises the importance of education and innovation and we will continue to support that.”




COLLEGE TRIBUNE Sheen fallout takes shine off LawSoc Continued from page 1 on his acceptance. Those promises were not kept.” The email goes on to advise the society to “not promise anything you cannot deliver” and suggests that Law Soc should invite Fr Cullen to speak about his work in the Philippines. In a separate email dated July 4th, released to the Tribune simultaneously, Keiran McCarthy contacted Fr Cullen attempting to explain his actions in relation to the creation of a human rights focussed society in UCD. McCarthy cites the summer break as a factor delaying the establishment of such a society. He told the Tribune that a “small group” of students had indeed expressed an interest in working on letter writing and other pro-human rights projects. He also explained the “lack of reference to my work in Mr McNamara’s email”, stating that the current auditor was “unaware

of the lengths I have gone in this project since ending my term as auditor on April 6th 2011.” The current auditor has pledged to honour any agreements made by his society to the best of his ability. In an official statement to the Tribune, Mr McNamara stated that “through this visit, the Society has developed contacts with a human rights organisation based in the Philippines, and as a result will be assisting with various initiatives in this area, including a debate in this subject area in the coming session.” LawSoc was adamant that “The Society has not received any complaints about Mr Sheen’s visit to UCD, which went off without any problems or difficulties”. A further statement added that there was “no ‘controversy’ and the plans of the Society have proceeded as usual.” Sheen has recently emerged as a popular alternative candidate in the Irish presidential election, with a Facebook group attracting over 5,000 members.

Cheque forgery allegations cause concern


mails sent to the College Tribune in the early hours of Sunday morning allege that former LawSoc auditor, Kieran McCarthy, forged signatures on cheques relating to the society’s activities. In an email sent from Mr McCarthy to a senior law lecturer on 11th July 2011, the former auditor “unreservedly” apologises for forging his signature on a number of cheques “signed in one go”. Mr McCarthy states that he required money to pay for the society’s trip to the European Debating Championships in May and he “saw no other way around” forging the signature of the lecturer on the cheque in “a moment of stress”. Mr McCarthy says in his email to that “no malice” was intended by his actions and he “lost sight of which rules should always be maintained, even under pressure and regardless of good intention.”

In a separate email seen by the Tribune dated 11th July 2011, a former auditor of LawSoc discusses details of a meeting held by a number of the society’s former auditors over the audit of the society’s finances that is currently taking place. According to the email, the group was aware of Mr McCarthy’s actions. “In respect of the cheque signatures, the matter is more serious…there remains an allegation that your better judgment let you down while writing a cheque in May and, for our part, we will have to investigate and disclose to the powers that be whatever transpires.” Mr McCarthy was urged to speak to Societies Officer, Richard Butler, and “come clean about any such indiscretions.” There is no suggestion of wilful wrongdoing or misappropriation of funds at this time.


Following concerns, the UCD Societies Officer has asked an accountant to review the accounts and finances of the Law Society for 2010. Any recommendations which derive from the report will be progressed to the Recognition Committee or addressed via the Student Code, where appropriate. The University has instructed this year’s committee to fulfil any commitments to Human Rights Advocacy made by the previous committee of the Law Society. UCD statement to the College Tribune on Monday

Martin Sheen with Fr Cullen in the Philippines

“Its just because if open to media they will go after him over Charlie.”

“I am writing from the Phillippines and pray and hope Charlie has pulled out of his most recent problem. I am sure that you have done all you can to help him. So I am praying for you too. O:-)” Fr Cullen’s email to Martin, Janet and Emilio dated Thursday 3 February 2011 at 7.42 am.

Fr Cullen’s email to Kieran McCarthy explaining the ban on media at the event dated 23 February 2011


The 100th session of UCD’s Law Society’s myriad problems show no signs of abating despite the advent of the new semester. In October last year, the College Tribune reported on the failure of the society to deliver any of its highest profile guests, with luminaries such as then- and future-Taoisigh Brian Cowen and Enda Kenny, the Archbishop of Dublin and, most notoriously, Shawshank Redemption actor Tim Robbins failing to appear. “IF HE [McCarthy] IS DISRESPECTFUL TO MARTIN’S WISHES, I WILL LET YOU KNOW. AND, YOU MUST LET ME KNOW IF AND WHEN HE SENDS THE CONTRIBUTION. THIS IS A BIG PART OF MARTIN’S REASON TO ACCEPT, IF NOT ALL OF HIS REASON.” Janet Templeton’s email to Fr Cullen dated 22 February 2011

LawSoc face official audit


n audit is being carried out into the accounts of UCD’s Law Society. According to documents seen by the College Tribune, the investigation is being carried out after concerns were raised by UCD Societies Officer, Richard Butler, about the “manner in which the Society officers conducted their financial affairs in the last session.” In an email to current LawSoc auditor, Francis McNamara, dated 8th July 2001, Butler wrote “I have been giving significant thought to the situation regarding the accounts of the Society… I have now decided that a full audit of the accounts will be necessary, during which time the accounts will be fully reviewed.” Mr Butler claimed that such an audit would reconcile “the actual financial situation of the Society” and

from PWC and LawSoc on 10th July, to a former auditor who is no longer a student and is now a legal advisor to the society, the accountant stated that the Societies Office “wasn’t happy with the presentation of LawSoc’s accountants for the year, in that the final figures changed a number of times since the AGM.” The email went on to say that Mr Butler and Mr McNamara “have asked me [the accountant] to take a look at the 100th Session’s accounts and re-state them in line with the best accounting practices (a “mini-audit” would be one way to look at it.)” In a subsequent email from the Societies Office to LawSoc dated 12th July, the Societies Office said they saw “no need to expand the pool of ‘need to know,’ or to provide the university stu

“I see no need to expand the pool of ‘need to know’, or to provide the university student media or the rumour machine with information that they have no need of, especially when there is no particular suggestion that the audit will do any more than tidy up a slightly confused situation.” Richard Butler’s email to Law Society’s email account dated 12 July 2011 “result in a proper financial structure being put in place for the Society for the future. “The final results of the audit may also indicate that further action is required, either by the Society or the University.” In the email, forwarded to the College Tribune by an anonymous source, the Societies Office expressed particular concern about the accounts relating to the LawSoc centenary dinner, which was held in O’Reilly Hall last February. The Societies Office has appointed an accountant from Price Waterhouse Coopers to investigate Law Soc’s finances and made it clear to LawSoc that “the Auditor and Treasurer, as well as the junior Ex-Auditor and Junior Ex-Treasurer, and whatever former Auditors as may be necessary make themselves available.” The email also pointed out that “procrastination and prevarication will be dealt with severely.” In a correspondence between the accountant

dent media or the rumour machine with information that they have no need of, especially when there is no particular suggestion that the audit will do any more than tidy up a slightly confused situation.” There is some discrepancy with Mr McNamara’s official account of the investigation which took place, with the auditor repeatedly stating that it was in fact a “restatement of accounts”. In an official email to Mr McNamara, dated 8th July 2001, Mr Butler stated, “I have been giving significant thought to the situation regarding the accounts of the Society… I have now decided that a full audit of the accounts will be necessary, during which time the accounts will be fully reviewed, corrected and reconciled with the actual financial situation of the Society.” Butler claimed that such an audit would reconcile “the actual financial situation of the Society” and “result in a proper financial structure being put in place for the Society for the future.”

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011



Where do we go from here? Conor McKenna questions some of the issues facing student politics today.


t is easy, perhaps, to forget one’s rights upon entering college. Students’ Unions countrywide consistently portray themselves as protectors of students and thus the majority of the studying population are lulled into a false sense of security.

“Students’ Unions countrywide consistently portray themselves as protectors of students” While the UCDSU are busy fighting the imposition of fees or the cruelty of landlords, many students never think to question the inner workings of the organisation, which by definition is responsi-

ble to them. As a student of a third level institution one cannot exercise one’s right not to be a member of a union. According to UCDSU President Pat de Brún, “under the Universities Act, all students have to be members of a Students’ Union so this is not our decision to make.” Thus, the decision lies with the government rather than the students themselves: a bizarre situation where students are given an opportunity to choose to elect unions, but not to choose whether there should be an election at all. Stockholm University has recently undergone massive changes at union level, with a number of separate Students’ Unions breaking away from the original ‘Stockholm Uni-

versity’s Student Union’. If UCD, like Stockholm University, had many separate campuses, perhaps this could

“The bulk of UCD students consider the UCDSU Centre to be the hub for their political and social needs”

“UCD students have a wide choice of candidates to choose from [sic] all spectrums of the university in the elections every year. From class rep elections to sabbatical officer elections, we always have candidates from different counties and countries, both male and female. We have students from over 100 countries in UCD from every political

and social viewpoint. We are lucky to have such a

“A criticism commonly made of UCDSU is that there is a clearly defined clique” variety and mix of views.” Stockholm University may present some

ideas for colleges such as DIT, which has campuses spread across the city centre. A criticism commonly made of UCDSU is that there is a clearly defined clique surrounding those closely involved in union activity. Former Presidential candidate, Brendan Lannoye, ran a campaign on the basis of breaking the clique, which gained

be a fairer way to judge the political needs of the student population. However, as it stands, the bulk of UCD students attend lectures and seminars on the Belfield Campus and can therefore consider the UCDSU Centre to be the hub for their political and social needs. De Brún believes that

The price is right...or is it? With many wallets around UCD empty after Black Monday, Rebecca Lambe investigates how to get the best deal on your college books


he return to university can be a costly time for many students with expenses such as registration fees, rent and books adding up. Books in particular can seem pricey, particularly when there are many different modules and classes to take, each with their own textbooks. Some lecturers require students to buy books (often the latest edition) rather than borrow them from the library.

“If you’re not required to buy the textbooks then check out the UCD libraries” With this in mind, I had a look around campus and elsewhere to try and find the best deals. The obvious first choice for many students is the Campus Bookshop. I spoke to manager, Phillip Harvey, to find out what the average student could expect to pay for books. “A veterinary

student could spend maybe €300 on books, a medical student might spend a couple of hundred, an arts student, generally, wouldn’t be spending more than €100... we’re certainly not overpriced; we charge the prices that the publishers set.” There is good value to be found in the Campus Bookshop with special offers for students. For example, first year English books are currently being sold at three for the price of two. For an on-campus alternative students can take a short walk down the concourse to the Students’ Union secondhand bookshop, where books can be purchased at very reasonable prices. However there isn’t as wide a selection here as there is in the campus bookshop and there are fewer copies of many texts When shopping in the Students’ Union bookshop, it is important to be sure that you are getting the required edition for your course. The newest edition of a book may not be available, especially

if it has only come out this year. Nevertheless it’s definitely worth the trip to the SU, as you can strike it lucky and find exactly what you’re looking for at a lower price. Students

can also bring their old textbooks to the SU bookshop and sell them on Shopping online is also an option to be considered. is a particularly popular website for purchasing books. When comparing prices with those found in the Campus Bookshop, there are savings to be made on some books, particularly in

the field of veterinary medicine. In general though, costs remain much the same, especially when you factor in currency conversion and

shipping costs. However if you’re buying quite a few books, you may make a saving overall by ordering them online. Students can expect to wait an average of five to ten working days to receive their order and it may not be possible to find exactly what you want. In this instance the benefit of the campus book-

shop is that they “try and put [themselves] in a position to have all the books for all the courses”.

“Some lecturers require students to buy books... rather than borrow them from the library” Another popular online shopping site is In this case, students need to bid on the books they want and hopefully secure the book directly from the seller. It is important to ensure that you are purchasing from a seller with a good reputation. Be sure to check out all hidden costs and delivery charges. Irish website can also be worth a look and you may find what you want there from other students who are selling on their old books. If you’re not required to

buy the textbooks then check out the UCD libraries. You’ll

“The obvious first choice for many students is the Campus Bookshop” need to be quick for certain subjects, particularly in Arts, as there are only a few copies of essential texts. These tend to go on loan within minutes of the first lecture, so you may be left waiting quite a while if you need to get your hands on it for more than a couple of days. As of yet there is no book payment scheme in place within UCD so, if you can’t find an alternative to buying your books happy bargain hunting!



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011


Is UCD too Anonymous?




CD is a really great institution and its vast size has loads of benefits, with lots of choice when it comes to subjects, courses and activities. There are also students with all sorts of personalities, backgrounds and interests. The downside of all of this is that in a crowd of over 20,000, it’s very easy to get lost, or to feel overwhelmed

“It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed and like just another student number.” and like just another student number lost among the glorious surroundings of our concrete campus. Smaller courses often build class spirit quickly. Having lectures with the same people each day for years guarantees a good atmosphere and makes lectures feel like there really is a class group, full of faces you come to recognise within the first couple of weeks of term. In some of the larger courses, though, it’s easy to feel left behind. There are no teachers to chase you up for homework and projects, to check if you are alright, or even to see if you are showing up to lectures. Often there isn’t even a fixed class group. This means it takes a little longer to settle in.

“Often there isn’t even a fixed class takes a little longer to settle in.” For those who haven’t the luxury of already knowing people in their class, or who don’t have the safety net of a large group of friends from

school attending UCD, the college can feel impersonal for the first couple of weeks. Showing up in Orientation Week and becoming a student number rather than a name, it’s easy to feel left behind, or that the place itself is anonymous, vast, or unfriendly. UCD try their best to make sure people feel included by having Orientation events and lots of opportunities to get involved, and through having things like peer mentor schemes to ensure people know there are people to talk to. The anonymity of UCD is just a regrettable part of any large institution, but one that doesn’t have to last too long. You’ll find your place in no time. All across UCD there are events every day of the week, the only challenge is feeling brave enough to go along and get involved at the start – once you do, you’ll find your footing and make sure you don’t feel anonymous or lose your voice on campus.

“The anonymity of UCD is just a regrettable part of any large institution” A great way to make sure the University becomes more accessible is to join a society or club. Continuing a sport or hobby that you did before college is a great way to get involved and stay active doing something you enjoy, while taking up something new gives you a fantastic chance to surprise yourself. Most importantly, don’t get left behind. There are tonnes of friendly faces who want to see you get involved, from the clubs and societies, to the faculty staff, your classmates and all of the students in UCD. Just remember, everyone’s in the same boat.





’ll be honest, I was sh*tting bricks on my first day in UCD two years ago. It was one of those completely irrational “will anyone like me?” moments that we’re supposed to be too old to have. My first impression of the university was “this place is huge!” - and it’s true: UCD is big, but it’s only as anonymous as you allow it to be. Students in UCD vary massively: from complete nerds, to students who couldn’t care less about their degree. You will meet people

“Some of my core beliefs occurred to me... over a plate of waffles on campus at 3am.” in UCD like no-one you’ve ever met before, people whose attitudes and experiences are different to yours in ways that you couldn’t expect. Your time in UCD couldn’t possibly feel anonymous, because your experiences during your time here will always be shared with other students. Some of my core beliefs occurred to me in moments of pure inspiration over a plate of waffles on campus at 3am. Deep meaningful conversations late at night are experiences that may never happen to you again when you leave UCD, so make the most of it.

“UCD is...only as anonymous as you allow it to be” One of the things I love most is that when you’re young, you think that almost anything is possible. You

think that you’re an immortal young person, that you’re dynamite to the world and that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. What makes college so incredible is that it’s full of people who feel that way. You will form friendships and relationships here that will last your entire life. You’ll strike up a conversation for no reason one day with a randomer and they could end up becoming one of your best friends. In this place you’ll discover opportunities that you will never have again. Where else would you end up organising trip

“Never, ever pass-up the opportunity to go on a class trip” for 30 people while trying to write a 4,000 word essay one hour before it’s due? I got really lucky when I started in UCD. Early on, I fell into a fantastic society and once I became involved in it, my college experience changed completely. The older Lawsoc members, who I thought were awesome and all-knowing, used to hang out with us first years and before long, I knew loads of people on campus. My advice is to get involved in a Club or a Society. UCD has more on offer than any other University in the country. Once you’re involved in a college society, your whole student experience changes completely. You find that your time in between lectures starts to fill up quickly. Also, remember to never, ever pass-up the opportunity to go on a class trip. UCD is certainly big, unpredictable and exhausting, but it’s never anonymous.


13th September 2011



Dublin .v. Kerry

With only days to go before the historic All-Ireland Senior Football Final between Dublin and Kerry, Donie O’Sullivan and Paddy Guiney go head to head to decide which county is better.

Photo by Michelle O’Connor

Up the Dubs!



hen I first saw that the College Tribune was looking for a willing participant to write a piece on whether Dublin or Kerry was better, I jumped at the chance to poke fun and show why we Dubs outclass our Country Mouse compatriots. This debate certainly did not spring up overnight. In the centuries long distinction between the “Pale and rest”, the Kingdom is certainly no exception, especially when it is located at Ireland’s heel.

“one thing is clear: Dublin outclasses Kerry on almost every level” From the outset, the list of reasons why the “big city” is better than Kerry is endless: jobs, social life, education, roads, and sport (thought you were supposed to have us there, lads?). The list goes on, but one thing is clear: Dublin outclasses Kerry on almost every level. They may have roaming green pastures, a magnificent mountainous region and that certain Dolphin that every Kerry person seems to hold dear in their heart - but you can only stare at those fields and that lovely mammal for so long. Dublin is the economic and social hub of Ireland, while Kerry, though scenic,

is only useful for the Rose of Tralee (which they rely on to pump some money into their backward economy). When researching this topic with a group of Dublin friends, one asked, “can’t we just split the country in two? We could have two different time zones. One on Greenwich Mean Time and the other thirty years in the past, a time when the famous play “Philadelphia Here I Come” was true to life.”

“not many would uproot their lives to move to ‘Hardy Bucks’ land” Although this light-hearted view is slightly harsh, it does tap into a hidden perception Dubliners have of Kerry and the country itself. Ask any student or person with a nine-to-five job if they would relocate to the other side of the country and it’s clear that not many would uproot their lives to move to Hardy Bucks land. Let’s face it, the age old phrase “all roads lead to Dublin” is very true. For one, we should look at the history surrounding both Kerry and Dublin. Kerry, with its deep rebellious culture, hasn’t a patch on Dublin’s glittering past. From the establishment of a bustling Viking fishing port, to the life changing events of 1916, Dublin is the epitome of a city rooted deeply in Ireland’s historical past. There’s a reason tourists flock to Dublin in their masses; it has everything to offer from the buildings marking Ireland’s foun-

dation as a nation, to the Spire rooted in the center of Dublin. There’s a delicate mixture of past and present. Kerry, on the other hand, has field upon field of sheep and maybe the odd post office. Where would you rather live: in a place on the periphery of Ireland or a city at the core of the country? Dublin is at the forefront of multiculturalism. It now boasts its own mini-Chinatown, while Kerry folk are lucky to be able to call Tralee an overcrowded village. People move to Dublin, not the other way around. Kerry is not for the young or even the young at heart. Dublin is a city that never sleeps, but Kerry is in a coma.

“People move to Dublin, not the other way around” To finish on a constructive note, Kerry a picturesque place that you definitely want to visit, but it’s an old Ireland that you wouldn’t stay in long. Dublin is an ultra-modern city with the right blend of old and new. It’s where any person should want to come to study, work and of course play. With their Fila shirts and O’Neill’s bottoms, it’s very easy to feel sorry for these poor boggars, but at the same time its great beating them at a game they think they created. In conclusion, this writer believes that Dublin is head and shoulders above that little place far away from the Pale.

Up the Kingdom! DONIE O’SULLIVAN


ubs – please finish your Soya Milk Skim Frappuccino quickly, as this article may ruin it for you. 1995: divorce was legalised in Ireland; plans were announced for a new lightrail transport system in Dublin called ‘Luas’; a pint cost £2.42 (Ireland was still using the punt); and Justin Bieber was only 18 months old. It was also the year of two great miscarriages of justice– O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of the murder of his ex-wife and Dublin won an All-Ireland football final. Fortunately, they haven’t been in a final since. However, much like England in ‘66, the Dubs haven’t let the rest of us forget that they used to be good at football. Thanks to a poor performance by Tyrone and Donegal’s reluctance to use any of their forwards in the semi-finals, the “boys in blue” have found themselves in the final. They face Kerry, a county that has won no less than six All-Ireland Championships since the last time the Dublin seniors found themselves anywhere near Croke Park on the third Sunday in September. I’m not going to pretend that I know a lot about football; after all, I have been out of the game for quite some time. Fighting off a “bad hamstring injury”, I decided to retire at the climax of my career. I called it a day after winning an under 12 South

Kerry B Championship (on the bench) with my local club St. Mary’s in Cahersiveen, to give some of the up and coming players of the time, like Bryan Sheehan, a chance. When I first moved to the capital, I was asked by a lovely south Dublin girl if Kerry was in Wicklow. Despite her stupidity, I still emerged from the conversation feeling like the idiot, as she and her friends could not believe that I had never been to Avoca Handweavers, not to mention Donnybrook Fair. I returned to my accommodation on campus that night feeling as though living in Kerry had hindered my life experiences. Two years on, I’ve had “lunch in Avoca in town” and the Tofu stir fry from Donnybrook Fair – and I must say, it was decidedly average. My experiences have led me to conclude that

“Two years on, I’ve had “lunch in Avoca in town” and the Tofu stir fry from Donnybrook Fair – and I must say, it was decidedly average” not only are Kerry better than Dublin at football, we’re pretty much better than ye at everything else too. Dubs will march to Croke Park next Sunday undoubtedly believing they are superior to anyone from Kerry because living in the city has allowed them to become more cultured and wise than Kerry folk could ever hope to be. Dubs think they have better infrastructure and facili-

ties than Kerry people. Two words: Aqua Dome. Dubs think there is nothing to do in Kerry, clearly forgetting that the Kingdom plays host annually to the Rose of Tralee, not to mention the sheep shearing championship in my hometown of Cahersiveen every August. They think they are more liberal because their diverse city is more accepting of homosexuals. Kerry people are also very accepting of homosexuals, it just so happens that there aren’t any in the county, “that’s for sure.” There is no social stratification in Kerry (unless your father was from Cork), we may wear wellingtons and we may drink from buckets (or the Sam Maguire), but we do it together. Kerry people live far healthier lifestyles than Dubs. Ask any Kerry person and they will tell you about how all Dublin people are “stone mad” for cocaine - “sure aren’t they all mad on drugs above in Dublin.” No Kerry person has ever touched cocaine. In fact, the only “Charlie” in the Kingdom is Charlie Nelligan, a seven time All-Ireland Champion and, incidentally, an excellent baker. Thus, any rational person will conclude that not only are Kerry better at football than Dublin, we are better all round. You may have had Oscar Wilde, but we have Paul Galvin. Kerry is the county that gave you Jackie Healy Rae (a true statesman if ever there was one). Kerry is where Kerrymaid is made. Kerry is where an inch is a mile and it’s where the Sam Maguire will be next Monday morning.


COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

The Swedish jigsaw An extract from Michael Phoenix’s blog chronicling his adventures in Sweden


veryone is screaming above me, “Zidane is a hero - Matarratzi is a coward!” A girl in half a pair of jeans wades in, “WRONG!” Holy hell what’s going on? I’d laced my night with the purest alcohol on offer and ended up a barely human ball walled up on a sofa, staring half asleep into the closing spaces of the club. Jesus H. Christ! Welcome to Sweden. Where is my saviour? Here she comes now. Blonde reality puts her hand on my shoulder and it’s as inescapable as ever. She’s saying, “Michael, you want another drink don’t you? Don’t

you?” I hear it in slow motion, the words taking their time to come in. Shaking my eyes into shape, I turn their focus skywards to a friendly face in a belly top. Reality is towering and terrifying, so I wake up when it asks me to. I hiccup and my ribs hurt. Having had far too much, I give in, letting her lead us to the bar. The Earth is half the size it used to be. All the monkeys in the world, driven from their jungles, live on our backs - there’s nowhere else for them to go. Even though they’re heavy as hell and pull at our hair to remind us they’re there, most of the

time we just pretend they don’t exist. Every so often though, we come to places like this to confess, to drive our footsteps in chaotic dancing circles, to look each other in the eye and tell all. Everyone is trying to shake the monkeys off their backs. It’s just the same here in Europe’s north as it is everywhere else. Sip on the next Nordic beer and a sane thought speeds through me, calling to cut my loses and drag my god damn no good body home before it crumbles from the head down right here in front of every international student in Stockholm. I peer away to where I think the door should be, but the people here are tall and there’s not a view to be found. Just like that the idea is gone - in one ear out the other as fast as a train. I’m here for good. Anyway, belly top is talking so I have to concentrate. I turn around and can see her lips moving, but the music drowns her out with a force that would make you think it was doing it on purpose. I lean in to give my-

self a chance at hearing and she backs off (looking a bit scared) - you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I fall down on my heels and lean my back against the bar like I’ll stay right here in this spot until it’s June and time to go back to Ireland.

“Stockholm city is a sight at night- we all should be outside” Stockholm city is a sight at night- we all should be outside. A few minutes in the cold air getting colder and we’d be high, racing each other between the lights of the street lamps, their glow hovering over the waterways that split the city into islands. Soon the days will go into hiding, the dark’s only opposition coming in the form of an hour of light here and there and the gleam of the river once it freezes over. Belly top has wandered off and I can’t say I blame her. The swirling lights fight in the air above the heads on the dance floor. I scan the sea of faces for a familiar one as the bottom of the beer comes

closer. Nearly time to pull myself together and try to fit into this moving jigsaw I’ve left home for. First, find the pieces; next, remember you’re a piece too; last, try and put it all together. I finish the bottle, take a deep breath, push myself off the bar and head on.

Michael Phoenix is a UCD student on Erasmus in Stockholm. He will be recording his experience on Scan this code and follow Michael’s blog online

Ask Annie Anything Dear Annie, I have an unhealthy obsession with SU elections, but I’ve just graduated having filled almost every position possible, so I can’t possibly run again. Withdrawal is already setting in so I’m wondering, should I run for President of Ireland instead? PL Dear P L, There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who wonder what on earth happened. The time has come to decide which you are. If you promise to do something about the ever-increasing

dinner-time dilemma parents face when they are forced to inform their children that due to the economic downturn they’ll have to let one of them go, then you have my vote. In the true spirit of the politician, you might also consider the following: stealing a baby’s candy or leaving the zoo screaming “run for your lives, they’re loose!” Of course you could also do something about the pressing issues facing your fellow graduates, such as the fact that Tesco tiramisu has ‘do not turn upside down’ printed on the bottom. Annie x


Kiwis can’t fly PATRICK ROONEY


hen I discovered I would be going on an exchange to the University of Auckland for a year, I was excited, yet apprehensive as I didn’t have an abundance of knowledge about either Auckland or New Zealand. The fact that New Zealand is the host nation of this year’s Rugby World Cup and was the filming location for The Lord of the Rings and Xena Warrior Princess was about the extent of it. Getting from Dublin to Auckland is quite an expedition in itself. For me, the trip started with a short-hop to Manchester, followed by a 7 hour flight to Dubai. After 3 hours of browsing the duty-free in Dubai (which looks more like a shopping centre than an airport), I was bound for Auckland, with a quick stop in Sydney. The Dubai to Auckland segment of my journey took almost 19 hours, but some

films, regular meals and a few warm hand towels made it seem much quicker. 30 hours, 3 flights and 5 airports later, I eventually made it to Auckland. The university accommodation reminds me somewhat of the old-style Merville residences - though maybe a bit nicer! Despite my best efforts, I hadn’t exactly packed everything I was going to

need for my stay, so the next day I wandered around the city in a jet lagged daze searching for towels and other such items. This random wandering helped me become acquainted with the city of Auckland itself - even if I did forget to buy half the stuff I needed. There are quite a few academic differences between New Zealand and

Ireland. Sitting in lectures and tutorials in July and August was somewhat bizarre at first, but I soon got used to it. Here, modules are known as “papers” - which caused me some confusion early on when people asked me what papers I was taking. I’m taking 4 papers this semester, which is considered a full course load here. There’s quite a broad selection of

13th September 2011

papers to choose from. As a Politics student, the fact that there’s an election coming up in New Zealand in November means my papers interesting and relevant. The general workload isn’t any more of less taxing than in UCD. In terms of lectures and tutorials, I have 12 hours a week. There are more worksheets and readings to do for tutorials here then back in Dublin. Unlike in UCD, though, it seems that everyone here does the required readings and attendance at lectures is high, even a few weeks into the semester. Academically, the one downside to life here is that 50% is required to pass, so I can’t be as lazy as I might be otherwise. From a social perspective, the nightlife is pretty good here. There’s quite a variety of different places to go from Queen Street and the Viaduct in the city centre, to the upmarket suburb of Grafton. There’s also an array of Irish pubs here, like Father

Travelling Turkey Donal Lucey offers a guide to travelling Turkey


urkey is not only at the geographical junction of Europe and Asia, it is a place where eastern and western cultures merge. It is unique in that it is modern enough to be comfortable, yet traditional enough to be interesting. It is a land of extraordinary attractions, evidence of the country’s long and storied past. Istanbul, a city with one half in Europe and the other in Asia, is a captivating citadel with its frenzied market places, spectacular architecture and contemporary culture. Further south, one can enjoy boat cruises, a variety of water sports, sunbathe on golden sands, or explore the wonderful ancient cities of Troy and Ephesus on the shores of the Aegean Sea. With beaches lining three seas, a wealth of archaeological sites, scenic mountain ranges and vibrant cities to visit, Turkey offers exceptional variety to those eager to travel. I have been a regular visi-

tor to Turkey for many summers now. This year I travelled to Alanya in Southern Turkey, an area known as the Turkish Riviera. There are numerous options avaiable for those wishing to travel to the region. Sunworld/ Thomas Cook offer direct flights from Dublin and Belfast with a two hour transfer to Alanya. Another option is to travel from Dublin to Istanbul and onto Alanya with Turkish Airlines. This year, I looked for good value flying indirectly. I flew from Dublin to Manchester with Ryanair, then on to my destination with Thomas Cook. The return trip cost about €250. Travellers of most nationalities can buy a three month multiple entry visa at their port of arrival, so there is no need to purchase a tourist visa before your departure. An important thing to note is that payment for visas is only accepted in cash in Euro, US Dollar and Sterling. Credit cards and personal or travellers’ cheques are not ac-

Places to explore: Ephesus – an ancient city dating back to the seventh century. It is said that the Virgin Mary lived in this area at the end of her life. Cappadocia – an area of Eastern Turkey known for its mystical rock chimney dwellings and man-made cepted. The exchange rates cave dwellings.

can fluctuate and from experience, I would urge you to Pamukkale – an extraorchange to Lira before going dinary part of south-west shopping. There is extraordiTurkey, full of hot springs nary value to be found in the awash with calcium carTurkish markets, so don’t be bonate that have created afraid to haggle. It’s expected a unique area of limestone and it’s fun! Alanya has something and travertine. to satisfy every need. I have found nothing as relaxing Temple of Artemis – one or rejuvenating as a Turkish of the original Seven bath - it is a necessary exWonders of the World, perience for any visitor. On though only foundations this trip, I indulged in paraand sculptural fragments sailing, paragliding and jet skiing and went quad biking remain. up in to the hills: There was

so much more I just didn’t have time to do. These activities were cheap, memorable and are widely available. Turkish cuisine is exceptional; the refined product of centuries of experience, it has a very pure quality. The variety and simplicity of the recipes and the quality of the ingredients guarantee delicious meals. The restaurants themselves are an experience. Nightly entertainment is provided in various forms ranging from waiters dancing and singing on the bars and tables, to fire shows, belly dancers and traditional



Ted’s off Queen Street that does a very god $10 steak deal on a Tuesday. I have only been here a month and already I’ve had the opportunity to do so much, like white-water rafting in the resort town of Rotorua. I even got to see the All Blacks thrashing the Wallabies live at Eden Park. So thus far, I’m happy with my decision to apply for an exchange. The first month flew by and I can’t wait to experience even more aspects of Kiwi life over the coming months.

If you, or any other UCD students you know are interested in writing about your experience of studying abroad during your degree, contact the College Tribune for more information.

dancers. If you are a history enthusiast like me, you can immerse yourself in marvels and monuments stretching back to the dawn of civilisation. This is the land where Alexander the Great slashed the Gordion Knot, where Achilles battled the Trojans in Homer’s Iliad and where the Ottoman Empire fought battles that would shape the ancient and modern world. If your main priority is nightlife, then Bodrum and Kusadasi are Turkey’s answer to Ibiza. Bodrum is different from most areas of Turkey in its cultural openness, but the nightlife there is second to none. Its famous clubs and bars stay open all night Why not try Halikarnas – a renowned open-roofed nightclub which frequently has free beer nights, foam parties, and laser and light shows. It’s definitely worth a visit. Club Catamaran offers a truly unique experience – this luxury boat cruises the sea while up to 2,000 people enjoy its glass dance floor. Wherever one ventures in Turkey, there is certain to be a warm welcome and traditional hospitality, making this a deeply satisfying corner of the world in which to travel.


It’s Satire, STUPID!

INSIDE Lil Jon, the man Man develops behind the music fear of raisins after seeing parents fornicating

Leitrim cross county bike race takes 3 minutes Barry’s tea employee sacked over taking coffee break Thousands upset over ‘Slow Children Playing’ road signs Studies show that 90% of students’ grandparents die around exam time Man develops chlamydia after opening Pandora’s Box


he year is 1971. Apollo 14 carries out the third successful lunar landing. Fifty tornadoes rage in Mississippi, killing 74 people. Charles Manson is sentenced to death. Five hundred thousand people in Washington DC and 125,000 in San Francisco march in protest against the Vietnam War. Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors is found dead in his bathtub in Paris. Rev. Ian Paisley’s Democratic Unionist Party is founded in Northern Ireland. Perhaps however, the most fortuities event of this year was the birth of Jonathan Mortimer Smith aka Lil Jon. With profoundly deep and searching lyrics such as, ‘She getting crunk in the club I

mean she work. Then I like to see the female twerking taking the clothes off BUCKEY naked ATL. Hoe don’t disrespect it Pa pop yo pussy like this cause yin yang twins in this b-i-itch Lil Jon and the East side boys wit me and we all like to see Ass and tities. Now bring yo ass over here hoe and let me see you get low if you want this Thug. Now take it to the floor (to the floor) and if yo ass wanta act you can keep yo ass where you at’. And who can forget his timeless and subtly poetic lyrics, ‘Won’t stop, can’t stop this pimpin, know what I’m sayin its ya boy Lil Jon, Lil Jon them East Side Boyz, Ballin-G, my girl Oobie doin this shit for Memphis to Htown to the ATL this pimpin

Trapattoni calls for Ireland fans to shout louder at tv


reland manager Giovanni Trapattoni is urging fans to exert themselves more profusely when screaming at the television during football matches. The Italian, considered by many to be the greatest club coach in history, has stated in an interview this week that he is a firm believer in

the theory of Fatarseism. This theory maintains that athletes of all disciplines perform to their optimum ability, only when the screams, shouts, jeers and criticisms of large numbers of fans are directed at electrical devices. Studies are currently being carried out to determine the optimum distance from the

ain’t goin never stop, no matter what a motherfucker do like my boy Big Ball say “spades ace pimpin fo’ ever” Bi-itch!!’ Lil Jon, now making appearances without his erstwhile crew, has perhaps done more for the music industry than any artist since Mozart Baroqued out with

Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor. This week the Students’ Union will introduce Freshers to this musical genius as they embark on their intrepid journey into third level education. UCD authorities are certain that Lil Jon’s Style, swagger and unquestion-

able class will help new students develop a clear sense of UCD’s ethos and values, which have made this university great. SU officers are allegedly optimistic that the famed artist will bring some bitches and hoes to liven things up at the after party.

match that these fans should be situated, and which devices prove the most effective in the transference of energy. The research into Fatarseism comes on the back of a ground-breaking discovery by a prominent UCD scientist Dr. Derek Jones who recently published his discoveries on the human relationship with technology and it’s overall impact on productivity in Science Today. He found that, not only does a watched pot boil twentyper-cent faster than one left alone, but that human vocal interaction with electrical appliances may be used to influence events in the physical dimension. The potential of harnessing such energy was picked up on by the Irish coach who now intends to centralize Irish fans into one location while directing their shouts at a single object. The hope is that their vocal exertions could benefit the Irish football team. He is confident that if enough balding, overweight men along with a mix

of young, athletic, yet hopelessly untalented want-to-be footballers can be gathered together to scream at an electrical device, such as a television or perhaps a toaster, then Ireland will be in with a real chance of qualifying for the European Championships this year. This is not the first time Trappatoni has utilized state of the art ideas to help the Irish team to glory. For the recent match against Russia he had hearing devises

implanted into the ears of the Irish players, actually allowing them to hear advice being given to them from people watching at home. Robbie Keane, who has long pondered the rules and tactics of football, is said to have been delighted that he finally had instruction from “experts” sitting on their couches and in pubs up and down the land, as to when he should kick and pass the ball.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE - CELEBRATING 25 VOLUMES : The articles below featured in Issue 1, Volume IV, 1991.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

Here’s the story of a man named Brady


have seen UCD President Dr Hugh Brady twice throughout the duration of my academic career: such is the reality for most UCD students who keep their head down and don’t cause too much of a fuss. My memory of my first encounter with the President of our illustrious university is foggy thanks to the general excitement incited

by the reality that yes, I was actually in UCD, and all the free products supplied by the UCD Students’ Union. I was sure there would be numerous opportunities to see Dr Brady throughout my academic career, perhaps at an end of year President’s address or other such fancies. How naïve I was. It is important to build a connection with your university

A ‘Fresher’ Start during your time here: arguments surrounding the issue of integration in UCD are outlined in the debate on UCD’s anonymity (see page 8). To encourage the view of a strong and integrated university it may be necessary for the President to take a more active role in UCD life.

I know what UCD did last summer


t seems that problems with UCD’s IT have been recurrent over the past few years. The fact that the largest university in the country is virtually paralysed every year when students attempt to access their accounts to register for accom-


modation, electives and general courses is a sorry state of affairs to say the least. It seems clear that any previous actions taken by the university have been wholly inadequate in dealing with situation. Something must be done.


NO. 1


his year’s Freshers’ Ball line-up serves as a marked improvement on its predecessors. Lil Jon; love him or hate him, or indeed don’t have a clue who he is; is certainly a more prestigious act than The Blizzards who were at the peak of their popularity in 2007 when I attended my own Freshers’ Ball. To their credit, our Students’ Union have provided a decent line-up of acts for the first semester, which should keep Freshers out of trouble or indeed land them in plenty of it. Lawsoc and L&H will provide debates throughout the coming year with a sprin-


COLLEGE TRIBUNE kling of famous guests from across the globe; the debates are definitely worth checking out. From Dramsoc’s never ending stream of shows to the Community Musical, there is plenty to keep students entertained in UCD all year-round. Whilst it’s incredibly easy to sit at the lake and watch the world go by (particularly when the swan takes on the brown duck) and ignore the many events hosted by UCD’s societies and clubs, you’ll seriously regret not taking that leap of faith – especially if those Mayans were right. You only live once: Get involved!

Editors: Conor McKenna and Ryan Cullen News Editor: Matt Costello Deputy News Editor: Timothy Potenz Features Editor: Sinéad Williams Turbine Editor: James Grannell Eagarthóir Gaeilge Ciarán O’Braonáin Sports Editors: Conall Devlin and Patrick Fleming


Chief Writer: Donie O’Sullivan

The Siren Music Editor: Aonghus McGarry Fashion Editor: Cathal O’Gara Arts Editor: Ciara Murphy Deputy Arts Editor: Amanda Barton

Regulars Crossword Editor: Daisy Onubogu Cartoonists: Dan Daly Olivia Carrington Copy Editor: Sarah Doran


1 Previous to; earlier or sooner than. (6) 5 Caustic chemical compound with a pH above 7 (5) 10 Slant up or down. (7) 11 Something surrendered as punishment for a crime, or losing a bet say. (7) 12 Bacterium often responsible for food poisoning. (5) 13 A region, or part of place. (4) 15 The branch off biology that deals with the normal function of living beings and their parts. (10) 16 Man eating giant. (4) 18 Money or food given to poor people (4) 20 Set free, esp from legal, social or political restrictions. (10) 23 A climbing or trailing woody stemmed plant. (4) 24 A rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to lift a heavy load. (5) 26 To hold onto tightly or tenaciously (7) 27 Reassemble into organize groups (7) 28 A state or feeling of great distress. (5) 29 Written in verse rather than prose. (6)

Designer: Cheryl Flood


2 Wealth and resources of a country or region (7) 3 Silicate of iron and magnesium found in rocks (8) 4 Therefore (4) 6 East Asian country currently divided into two separate states. (5) 7 To look or gaze in an unpleasant or lascivious manner. (7) 8 In a state of slumber. (6) 9 A long narrow band or strip distinguished in some way from the surrounding area. (6) 11 Searching widely for food or provisions. (8) 14 Relating to the most rudimentary aspect of objects. (10) 17 Conversation between two or more people. (8) 18 A long haired domesticated south America mammal (6) 19 A cocktail made from gin and dry vermouth (7) 21 Tiny air sac in the lung where gas exchange occurs. (7) 22 World’s second smallest continent. (6) 23 The prevailing fashion or style at any given time. (5) 25 Pole or beam used as a support to keep something in position. (4)

Thanks to:

Everyone who contributed to this issue, Datascope Printing, Cheryl Flood, MCD, Datascope Printing, UCD First Response, Ivan Griffin, Cian McKenna, Sarah Doran, Amanda Barton, Niall Mescall, San Marino, Cynthia Smith,

UCDSU, Gary Fox, Francis McNamara, Christine Simpson, Michael Phoenix, Eoghan Glynn, Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Donie O’Sullivan, Matt Costello, Sinéad Williams, James Grannell Esq, Peter McGuire, Mr McKenna, Ms Deane, Mr and Mrs Cullen


COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

Fáilte is Cúig Déag! (gearradh siar Ag Súil leis an tSúil Ghéar ach go n-úsáidfear an teic- bhfabhar chur i bhfeidhm ar fháilte na bliana seo caite) SHANE Ó RUAIRC neolaíocht sa sacar luath nó na teicneolaíochta, Cumann MURCHADH MÓR


huel, tá sibh beagáinín déanach nach bhfuil? Chaill sibh, a lucht iarthíogair-cheiltigh, amach ar an gcraic ar fad dáiríre. Seo an Coláiste, áit a ndéanfaidh sibh staidéar is scrúduithe, áit a mbeidh lón deas sibhialta agaibh agus a mbeidh deoch bhog amháin agaibh sa bheár Dé hAoine. Níorbh amhlaidh dúinne. Nuair a thosaigh gach éinne, seachas sibhse na chéad bhliana, ar an ollscoil ní raibh le déanamh againn ach drabhlás, ragairne is babhtaí gnéis ó oíche go maidin. Is cuimhin liom féin an chéad lá dom ar an gColáiste uasal seo, lá a mhair seachtain go leith gan stad ó Bheár na Mac Léinn go dtí an Fóram, as sin go Club XXI, is go Coppers is ar ais arís. Murach Abra álainn idir eatarthu is na mná flaithiúla a thug bheith istigh dom (sa chiall is leithne den téarma)

bheinn caillte leis an ocras agus an bhfuacht is ní bheinn ann leis an scéal seo a insint. Seachtain í nach ndéanfaidh mé dearmad uirthi go lá mo bháis, mar seachtain í nach raibh aon chuimhne agam uirthi ar an gcéad dul síos.

Anois agus laethanta úd an rachmais imithe uainn tá taibhse na dtáillí tar éis mic léinn a sceimhliú, sinne créatúir bhochta ag íoc as an bhfoghlaim! Siar nuair a thosaigh mise íocadh €300 sa lá liom as freastal ar léacht a mhair 3 nóiméad, is ní raibh

orm aon scrúdú a dhéanamh ach amháin sa chás go raibh na húdaráis sásta €1,000 an ceann a thabhairt dom. Sa lá atá inniu ann is geall le sclábhaíocht an ollscoil. Sclábhaíocht chostasach. Tá táille ar gach aon fhocal a léifidh tú sa leabharlann cloisim. Tá córas nua á fhorbairt do na léachtaí, cineál e-toll an M50 - €20 in aghaidh na léachta, scannalach atá seo! Cloisim, fiú, go ngearrfar táille eisceachtúil ar aon duine a leagfadh súil ar Aodh ‘€205,000 + pé suim a thaitneodh liom’ Ó Brádaigh le híoc as baint an fhéir ina theach cónaithe! Ach ná bíodh lagmhisneach oraibh a chairde, tá an bochtanas go mór i bhfaisean i mbliana! (Aithneofar gur baineadh táille beag riaracháin de €200 as do chuntas leabharlainne agus an t-alt seo á léamh agat le costais an scríbhneora a chlúdach.)


hinn Ard-Chomhairle an Chumann Lúthchleas Gael (CLG) ag tús an tsamhraidh go n-úsáidfear an teicneolaíocht HawkEye, ar bhonn trialach, do na cluichí craoibhe uilig a imreofar i bPáirc an Chrócaigh an bhliain seo chugainn agus an bhliain ina dhiaidh sin. Féachfar arís ar an gceist ag deireadh an tséasúir 2013. Is ag an dá líne chúil amháin a úsáidfear í. Tá na cluichí gaelacha ag teacht ar shála na n-eagraíochtaí móra spóirt eile ar domhan ó thaobh na teicneolaíochta Hawk-Eye de. Tá sí in úsáid sna comórtais mhóra leadóige, cruicéid agus snúcair le tamall de bhlianta anuas agus cé is moite de chorr-chonspóid tá éirithe léi. Teist mhór eile don teicneolaíocht, agus is teist í a dtabharfaidh lucht CLG an-suntas do, is ea úsáid na teicneolaíochta sa sacar. Cé nach bhfuiltear cinnte de go fóill níl mórán amhrais faoi

mall. I dtaca leis na cluichí gaelacha déarfadh daoine áirithe go millfeadh aon chineál teicneolaíochta drámaíocht agus neamhintuarthacht an spóirt. Baineann an oiread sin drámaíochta leis an spórt i gcoitinne toisc an earráid dhaonna a bheith ina cuid láir de. Má bhaintear an ghné sin den spórt laghdóidh an drámaíocht ábhairín agus titfidh tinrimh ag cluichí chomh maith le líon na ndaoine a fhéachann ar na cluichí gaelacha ar an teilifís. Déarfaidís chomh maith go gcosnódh cur i bhfeidhm na teicneolaíochta anchuid ar an CLG (tuairim is 500,000 Euro a mheastar) agus gurbh fhearr an t-airgead sin a chaitheamh ar chur chun cinn na gcluichí gaelacha in áiteanna éagsúla ar fud an oileáin. Is cinnte go bhfuil neart agus cuid mhaith den fhírinne laistiar de na hargóintí sin ach, an méid sin ráite, déarfadh an cleas atá i

Imreoirí Gael (GPA) ina measc, go bhfuil sé in am don CLG glacadh leis an teicneolaíocht. Is geall le lúthchleasaithe gairmiúla iad na himreoirí idirchontae, bíonn siad de shíor ag traenáil ó cheann ceann na bliana, íobraíonn siad an t-uafás ar mhaithe leis an bpeil nó an iomáint agus tá na caighdeáin is airde ó thaobh na moltóireachta de tuillte acu dá réir. Rud ar bith a chuidíonn le ruaigeadh na mbotún ó thaobh na moltóireachta de ní mór do na húdaráis féachaint chuige go gcuirfí í bhfeidhm í. Ceann de bhuanna an CLG riamh anall ab ea an chaoi a raibh sé i dtiúin le dearcadh mhóramh de mhuintir na hÉireann ag am ar leith, deireadh leis an gCosc sa bhliain 1971, deireadh le Riail 42 sa bhliain 2005 agus mórán nithe eile nach iad. Tá an móramh anois ar son na teicneolaíochta agus dála aon eagraíocht dhaonlathach eile caithfear éisteacht le glór an mhóraimh.




18 18 SPORT

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011

Job almost Dunne

Donal Lucey analyses the Irish performances against Slovakia and Russia and takes a look at their chances as they enter the final stretch of Euro 2012 qualification.


mprobable recent results in Group B of the Euro 2012 qualifiers have determined that, should the Republic of Ireland win their final two games, they will be guaranteed at least a play-off place. A hard-fought 0-0 draw in Moscow, largely courtesy of heroics by Shay Given and Richard Dunne, combined with a shock Armenian victory in Slovakia leaves Ireland in control of their own destiny. The aforementioned four teams are separated by three points in what is undoubtedly the most closely contested of all the Euro 2012 qualifying groups. The Republic made the journey to the Russian capital still trying to recover from a lackluster scoreless draw at home to Slovakia the previous

weekend. Manager Giovanni Trapattoni watched on as his team were outplayed from start to finish by a side that created up to 26 chances and enjoyed nearly two thirds of the possession: Thankfully for ‘Trap’ Ireland somehow secured the most unlikely of draws. Richard Dunne turned in one of the performances of his international career. He made several vital interceptions and a brilliant goal-line clearance to deny the talented Igor Shemshov. Former Irish legend Paul McGrath called it the greatest performance of an Irish centre back, tweeting “Richard Dunne congratulations. The best performance I have seen from any Irish centre-half and that includes myself.” Shay Given shook off the back trouble that had

made him a doubt for the game only 48 hours earlier to produce a string of crucial saves in another example of his enduring class. The manager hailed the pair as “fantastic” afterwards. The Irish team may well be encouraged following these results, but it cannot be denied that they were outplayed and outclassed for large parts of both matches. Midfielders Keith Andrews and Glenn Whelan are tenacious and plucky but they are ultimately out of their depth at this level, lacking the flair of an international footballer Despite positive performances in the Carling Home Nations matches, Stephen Ward looked worryingly vulnerable at left back relying on more experienced defensive comrades to rescue him

Photo: Richard Dunne celebrating after one of the best performances of his international career on more than one occaforce of Robbie Keane, importance upon what sion. ‘Trap’ has underuShane Long, Kevin Doyle already is gearing up tilized players at his disand Aiden McGeady. to be a crucial match in posal who, if played could Be that as it may, Dublin against Armenia. make Ireland a far more Ireland’s Euro 2012 Nothing is yet certain in threatening force. Going destiny is in their own this group and we can into the crucial Andorra hands. A victory for group expect a few more twists and Armenia games, most favourites Russia against and turns : There is a Irish fans would love to the Slovaks would make lot done, but still much see exciting young players their position virtually more to do before the like James McCarthy and unassailable with only final whistle blows. Seamus Coleman link up Andorra left to play. with what will hopefully However a Russian defeat be a revitalised strike would place even more

Down The Line With the world’s premium club competition kicking off once again this week, Conall Devlin discusses who will be the biggest contenders in this year’s Champion’s League. their efforts are the centre an unenviable task.

Main Challengers


arcelonathe Champions are back and seemingly better than ever with the arrival of Arsenal captain Cesc Fábregas and Udinese winger Alexis Sanchez bolstering what is already the most technically gifted midfield and strike force in the world. The one worry for Barcelona remains with their defence, particularly when injury prone captain Carles Puyol is absent. The early season form of defensive-midfielder-come-centre-back Javier Mascherano however, would seem to suggest that he is comfortable in his new role alongside Gerard Pique when needed. It remains Barca’s trophy to lose. Real Madrid- they have run their bitter rivals close both in Europe and on the domestic front of late so Real

will feel as though they are ready to take the next step this year. While they possess natural flair and abundant ability in Cristiano Ronaldo, Mezut Özil and Angel Di Maria, Madrid remain a primarily functional and cohesive athletic unit, indicative of manager Jose Mourinho’s style of at Porto and Chelsea. They are a match for any team on a good day and may well have to attempt to conquer their Catalan counterparts on the greatest stage of them all once more. Manchester United- runners up in Wembley in May, United have rejuvenated their squad somewhat over the summer with the signings of Ashley Young, David De Gea and Phil Jones and the emergence of previously on loan Tom Cleverley as a potentially viable longterm replacement for Paul Scholes. Integral as ever to

back pairing of the ageing Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic while a maturing Wayne Rooney appears to have adopted an almost Eric Cantona-esque (a la 1995) leadership role for the Red Devils. Inexperience may be their only downfall, however expect United to be in the mix yet again.

Dark Horses Manchester City- the most exorbitant squad in football history venture into the Promised Land of Champions League football for the first time. Key summer signings Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero and Samir Nasri join Yaya Toure and captain Vincent Kompany as key personnel for the Mancunians (to name but a few). City possess a copious number of world class players capable of challenging rivals for the trophy provided some semblance of balance and team unity is established under Roberto Mancini. It’s

Bayern Munich- Bayern have an added incentive in this year’s competition with the final taking place on home turf in the Allianz Are-

na. The Germans boast the proven talent of Bastian Schweinsteiger, Franck Ribery and Thomas Mueller but the fitness of Mario Gomez and Arjen Robben is crucial to providing their cutting edge. Injury permitting they have the experience to go one step further than they did in 2010 when they lost Inter Milan in the final. Surprise packagesBorussia Dortmund- as the financial power of Eu-

rope’s elite widens with the rest of the competition year on year, surprise packages are increasingly few and far between. However Dortmund come into this year’s competition as Bundesliga champions, perhaps under the radar of the casual punter. They have amongst the ranks the next influx of German talent in Ilkay Gundogan and Mario Gotze and may well become household names by the time the trophy is lifted on the 19th May 2012 in Munich.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 13th September 2011



UCD secure spot in A Championship final Amy Eustace examines the fortunes of the UCD ‘A’ team this year and assesses their chances as they look to retain their title for a second year in a row against Derry City.


CD sealed their place in the A Championship final for the second year running with a 3-1 win over an in form Bray Wanderers side. The current champions will now go on to face Derry City in the finale of the 2011 campaign. The Students were slight underdogs in the build up to the game at the Carlisle Grounds in late August. Bray had been on a long unbeaten run before late defeats to Shamrock Rovers and Tralee Dynamo, but still managed to top their group with points to spare to set up the semi final tie with UCD. A Shane O’Neill effort for the home side in the first half an hour saw UCD go a goal behind, but a penalty from Samir Belhout put the sides level before half time. Robbie Benson was taken down in the box in the second half, resulting in a second Belhout penalty. A strike from substitute Chris Lyons late on put the


outcome beyond doubt and ensured UCD would be able to defend their title in the upcoming final. The A Championship has been a rewarding tournament for UCD’s reserve side since they scooped the prize with a win against Bohemians in its inaugural year back in 2008. The club did not compete in the competition the following year, as the first team were then competing in the First Division. The final, which takes place this Friday, will be UCD’s second consecutive appearance in the A Championship decider, having beaten Bohemians in a repeat of the first final to win the competition again in 2010. Derry have proven themselves to be stiff opposition, topping group one with only one defeat to their name, despite the Students being hot on their heels. UCD will hope to improve on their last trip to the Brandywell, which saw them surrender a 2-0 lead to leave Derry with just a point. Earlier in the year, the A team suffered a 3-2 defeat to Derry at home.

Derry proved too much for the Shamrock Rovers’ A team in the semi-final. A hard earned 2-0 win secured their first appearance in an A Championship final. The Students may be well experienced in the tournament by now, but there is no doubt that Derry will be tricky opponents. Whatever the outcome, UCD can add this year’s A Championship success to their excellent record in the competition. Despite a dip in form earlier in the season, the A team rallied as the group stage drew to a close to secure second spot in group one and subsequently, their place in the play offs. The club has quickly established itself as one of the teams to beat, and its impressive tally of three finals speaks for itself. Whether they can also make it three titles out of three is all down to events at the Brandywell on Friday evening.

Dublin hurling builds foundations for a new dynasty


s we all know, Kilkenny maintained their status as the greatest hurling team in the land, overcoming a strong Tipperary challenge last week. One of the biggest days in our country’s sporting calendar lived up to its hype as the sport’s two heavyweights locked horns in their third All-Ireland final meeting in three years. Both teams proved their class on the day as Tipp tried to deal with the unprecedented quality of The Cats. However as they often do, Kilkenny outclassed their biggest hurling rivals and showed exactly why they’ve won 33 Senior Championship titles, more than any other county. Although they did not reach the final, many people believe that the Dublin hurlers came out as this year’s big winners in the championship. The Dubs have made massive progress in the last few years to become a rising force that seems set to soon rival the big boys of Tipp and Kilkenny. Having outmuscled Kilkenny in the First Division fi-

Although it is Dublin’s Footballers who will be competing for All Ireland glory this year, Sean Grennan argues that the county’s hurlers will have a big impact on the future of Gaelic games in the capital.

nal last May to win their first league title in 72 years, many believed that Dublin could go all the way in the championship this summer. In fact, some bookies had Dublin at the same odds as Tipperary to win the title before the championship. It was in fact Tipperary that stopped Dublin in their tracks in the All-Ireland Semi-Final, their meeting proving one of the most eagerly-anticipated clashes of the summer. Dublin put up a mighty challenge to the Premier County, only missing out on a place in the final by a margin of four points: The game ended 1-19 to 0-18 in favour of the reigning champions in front of a crowd of over 45,000 people, a result that most people were expecting. Even though there was a genuine feeling that Dublin would put up more than a challenge against Tipp, few thought that they could actually overcome last year’s champions. Any keen Dublin supporter, however, will insist that their county always had a massive chance

in what was the biggest game for the Dublin hurlers in living memory. Dublin’s years of hard work and development have finally started to pay dividends. With a Division One title and a very-respectable appearance in an All-Ireland Semi-Final, it could be fair to say that the hurlers are gaining ground on their football counterparts. The majority of Dublin supporters will define this weekend’s upcoming football final as the biggest game in Dublin G.A.A since the All-Ireland victory of 1995. However there is still a clear disparity in attendance figures for the two sports. A full Croke Park watched the footballers defeat Donegal in the Semi-Final, whilst only 45,000 tcame out to watch the hurlers: Dublin football is still the more popular choice for fans in the capital. Hopefully it won’t be long before the hurlers reach their full potential and start drawing in sell-out crowds to watch one of the best sports in the world.




13th September 2011


UCD crash out of cup UCD Bowl UCD – 0 Shamrock Rovers - 6 PATRICK FLEMING


Photo: SPORTSFILE Derry City - 2 UCD - 1 RYAN CULLEN


fter a promising start from the Students, Derry City came from a goal down to eventually defeat a spirited U.C.D side 2-1 at The Brandywell on Friday night. Even though the first half never really got going, the away side appeared to be the more threatening team. In the 5th minute the lively Darren Meenan split the Derry defence but his daisy cutter was just the wrong side of the upright. Derry broke almost immediately and McLaughlin was unlucky not to connect with a Kevin Deery cross to open the scoring. Stern de-

fending by the Students and a fantastic save from Ger Barron made sure the score remained even. A lovely passage of play from the Students was to give them a shock lead on 19 minutes. The ball was brought out from defence and Graham Rusk played a lovely one-two with Robbie Creevy before chipping the ball over a despairing Gerard Doherty to send the fans into a fit of sheer jubilation. On the half hour mark, Stephen McLaughlin swung the ball in and Stewart Greacen crashed a header off the crossbar. Further chances were wasted and Barron tipped a Lafferty strike onto his post. As the second half began Stephen Kenny opted to bring on the returning Gareth McGlynn for Eddie

McCallion as City chased an equaliser. The pressure on the U.C.D goal was taking its toll. Despite asserting immense pressure for over 25 minutes, it wasn’t until the 70th minute that Derry scored a well deserved equaliser. Zayed was put through and instead of shooting laid a simple pass on for Deery who calmly passed the ball into the net, much to the relief of the Brandywell. Derry then took the lead in the 83rd minute when the ever present Barry Molloy slalomed up the right wing, turned his man and crossed the ball in for David McDaid to score. The second half display left Derry thoroughly deserving the full 3 points at full time, although U.C.D can be very proud of their efforts.

Derry City: Gerard Doherty; Eddie McCallion(Gareth McGlynn 46), Stewart Greacen, Shane McEleney, Danny Lafferty; Stephen McLaughlin, Barry Molloy, Rhuadri Higgins, Kevin Deery (c); Patrick McEleney(David McDaid 78), Eamon Zayed. U.C.D: Ger Barron; Hugh Douglas, David O’Connor, Tomas Boyle, Sean Russell; Paul O’Conor, Darren Meenan, Dean Marshall(Chris Lloyd 71), Robbie Creevy(c); Paul Corry, Graham Rusk(Samir Belhout 46).

espite pulling back from two goal deficits twice in the past few weeks it seemed as though all of UCD’s heroics had been spent as Rovers ran riot in their FAI cup 4th round replay at the Bowl. Despite an impressive gambit from the Students, which saw them dominate the midfield battles, it was Rovers who found themselves a goal up after five minutes. A moment’s hesitation from UCD’s Michael Leahy allowed Ciaran Kilduff onto a ball played over the UCD back four. In his attempt to catch him again he handled the ball and the penalty was awarded to Rovers. Billy Dennehy stepped up to take the spot kick and although Ger Barron in goal got down well to save he could only parry it back to Dennehy who made no mistake with his second chance. Although UCD continued to challenge Rovers in the aftermath of the goal, they were looking increasingly fallible at the back and on eighteen minutes Rovers doubled their lead from a corner as Chris Turner managed to rise above the pack at a crowded back post to head the ball into the bottom corner. UCD may have felt little concern with a two goal deficit considering their recent pattern of comebacks. Rovers, on the other hand, were eager to put this game firmly out of reach and on 25 minutes they achieved their goal. For the second time in the game Rovers had a penalty and once again Leahy was the offending party as he pulled down Gary O’Neil

who was through on goal. This time, however, Leahy received his marching orders and Gary O’Neil didn’t require a second shot on goal as his hard struck penalty beat Barron who could only get a weak hand on it. With a deficit of three and UCD down to ten players any dreams of a comeback died. Aside from a long range shot from Paul Corry, which forced Richard Brush into a very solid save, Rovers dominated and added one more goal before the break as Dennehy was the first in a queue of Rovers players ready to pounce when Barron parried a chip from Sean Gannon. The second half was mere exhibition material. The hunt for wonder goals was on as a long range shot from Dennehy nearly ripped the uprights from their moorings at it struck the crossbar. The introduction of Paddy Kavanagh and Lorcan Shannon on the right caused more problems for the Students as Kavanagh proved the provider for Rovers’ final two goals. The first was a low cross which reached Dennehy who struck home for his third of the night before Gary O’Neil headed home from short range at full time. UCD: Ger Barron, Sean Harding (Hugh Douglas 78 min), Daniel Ledwith, David O’Connor, Michael Leahy, Paul Corry, Paul O’Conor, Robbie Creevy, Graham Rusk (Tomas Boyle 27 min), Robbie Benson, Samir Belhout (Darren Meenan 51 min) Subs Not Used: James Kavanagh, Chris Lyons, Mark McGinley, Dean Marshall

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