The College Tribune, Issue 2, Volume 24

Page 1

September 28th 2010

| The difference is we’re independent

Vol. 24. No 2

The College Tribune They’re Bucking MAD ››

The Siren ››

Hardy Bucks Exclusive Interview

The Siren meets Christy Moore

page 12

page 6-7

UCD clamp down on illegal parking Marked Ambulance Clamped On Campus Clamping Of Parked Ambulance Immoral & Indefensible Ciara Murphy An ambulance was clamped on UCD campus last week. The vehicle, clearly marked as an ambulance car, was clamped by Nationwide Controlled Parking Systems (NCPS) in a UCD car park. “As the vehicle was not on active duty and was parked in an unauthorised zone, it was clamped,” commented a spokesperson for UCD. The privately run Emergency Medical Service ambulance was illegally parked in a car park in UCD on Thursday, September 16th. The NCPS regulates parking in UCD. NCPS clamped the vehicle between 12pm and 1pm, thus incapacitating the emergency vehicle. UCD Students’ Union has described the clamping of an

ambulance “as a serious case of someone displaying an alarming lack of common sense.” An Emergency Medical Service is a private service, which provides the public with acute medical care outside of a medical facility. They also transport patients with illnesses and injuries. This service provides treatment to patients in need of urgent assistance. Paul Lynam, UCD SU President, said: “Clearly there

This photo proves that there are no excuses for parking illegally

UCD May Have To Repay €1.6 Million In Unsanctioned Staff Payments Hugh Brady Overpaid By €150,000 Irish University Staff Award Themselves Millions In Unsanctioned Bonuses Donie O’ Sullivan UCD could be forced to pay back illegal and unapproved overpayments of up to €1.6m that it made to staff over a ten year period. The unsanctioned payments were uncovered in the Comptroller and Auditor General's report on resource

management and performance in Irish universities. UCD was found to be one of the worst offenders in the report, which has exposed a culture of extravagant spending across the Irish university sector in which senior staff awarded themselves millions in unsanctioned bonuses.

Between the years of 2004 and 2007, UCD overpaid university president Hugh Brady by €150,000. Furthermore, in 2007 alone, the registrar and bursar were overpaid by €21,000 and €47,000 respectively. Hugh Brady and the heads of other Irish universities attended the Public Accounts Committee

needs to be human compassion involved when it comes to something like this.” “We acknowledge the fact that UCD needs a traffic control system but it worries me that an incident such as this one can occur,” he added. NCPS are an independent company hired by UCD to enforce the traffic laws of the college. A spokesperson for NCPS told the College Tribune that they are hired by UCD to enforce the traffic laws set by the college and ensure staff and students follow those laws. NCPS refused to make a statement regarding this individual incident. The action is not illegal as private

ambulances are classed as private commercial vehicles under clamping legislation. As a result they are not exempt from parking fines. Therefore they are as vulnerable as any other vehicle on campus. “I would call on NCPS to clarify the full details surrounding the incident and I have requested urgent clarification on how this was allowed to happen,” commented Lynam. A typical release fee from a clamp starts at €80 and a typical waiting time can be as long as an hour. Responding to the incident, a Garda commented that even though it is not illegal, it should be, regardless of

last Thursday. Unauthorised payments to staff increased almost six fold between 2003 and 2004, the year Brady was appointed president of UCD. The committee heard that in 2004, the level of unauthorised allowances paid to staff was €400,000. The previous year, 2003, the amount of unauthorised payments totalled €70,000. At Thursday's meeting there was a major conflict of evidence between the chief executive of the Higher Education Authority and Hugh Brady on whether

UCD knew the payments they were making were illegal. The Higher Education Authority claims that it had

whether the emergency vehicle is government run or privately run. The spokesperson went on to state that the action was both immoral and indefensible. Continued on page 2 »

I would call on NCPS to clarify the full details surrounding the incident

indicated to UCD as early as 2001 that such payments were Continued on page 2 »




Continued from front page Ciara Murphy Cathy Sommers, a medical student in UCD, told the College Tribune that “a waiting time as long as this can be extraordinarily detrimental to any emergency situation. If the ambulance was there to attend to a call out, then that is a disgrace. In the case of most medical emergencies, time is the most important factor in having a positive

outcome. [To] hinder that is to potentially cause serious injury.” “I would hate to even imagine the consequences if the ambulance had been dealing with an urgent medical situation, or was required to respond to an emergency call after being clamped,” commented Lynam. This incident occurs just as UCD are coming under scrutiny

We weren’t told to stop

Contd. from front page Donie O’ Sullivan

It’s all about money. They would clamp a hearse if it stopped long enough. Parking in UCD is a joke.

illegal. However Brady disputes this, saying that UCD were never informed of this by the Department of Education or the Higher Education Authority, stating: “We weren't told to stop.” Dr. Brady said the payments had “a long history”, and were similar to the payments made to principals in primary and secondary schools. He went on to explain that “approval was a mere formality” until 2007. In 2007 he claimed the HEA raised the issue, but he could not stop all payments immediately due to contractual issues, and the matter wasn't resolved until March 2009. “The university reported all allowances to the HEA on an annual basis. Following lengthy correspondence between the university and the HEA, the

due to a lack of parking space available on campus. Staff and students have voiced their concerns that a reduction in parking spaces and an increase in construction works will result in more clamping. “We all need to get to class. At the end of the day, when it’s ten minutes to go, people get desperate. With UCD insisting on taking away more spaces, what do they expect? The whole situation is confusing”, stated Emily Grace, a third year student. Changes to the car parking arrangements on campus this month, as well as on-site

construction work, has led to heavier traffic across UCD. The new car park layouts are contributing to an increase in clamping across the campus, with both students and staff left confused by new campus-wide traffic regulations. Many staff and students attribute the car-parking situation to the amount of commuter traffic that the college receives. Lynn Murphy, a second year student, hit out at the incident, stating that “the amount of people who use UCD’s car parks who are not students is appalling. It makes spaces widely unavailable for students and staff who have

to get to class. I’m not surprised that more people are getting clamped. Even ambulances have nowhere to go.” “It should have been taken into consideration that there was no time for the ambulance to find valid parking. If it was an emergency, then that would be the last thing you would think of. Your main interest would be in getting the endangered patient to safety,” she added. Danny Murray, a final year student, stated that the event was “typical of any agent associated to UCD.”

allowances were withdrawn in 2009,” commented a UCD spokesperson. Commenting on Dr. Brady's pay, the spokesperson said: “The salary of the president of UCD is below that recommended by the Review Body on Remuneration.” He added that allowances are broken down into two areas, the first being a taxable allowance of less than €12,000 per annum, which predates the current president and is no longer paid. The second, meanwhile, is a benefit in kind accruing to the University Lodge, the residence of the UCD president, which is based on the valuation of the house. “The valuation represents 80% of the figure for the years 2005-2007 set out in the C&AG report,” said the spokesperson. Other universities mentioned in the report have also made unapproved payments to staff.

At NUI Galway, additional allowances totalling almost €400,000 were paid to the university's president, deputy president, registrar and bursar between the years of 2000 and 2007. University College Cork also paid more than €150,000 in unsanctioned bonuses to senior management. In 2007 and 2008, three people were paid on the presidential scale at the University of Limerick. Labour Party deputy Róisín Shortall asked why the saga had drifted on for so long, and questioned if the authority been too polite and taken a “softly, softly” approach with the universities in question. News of the unsanctioned bonuses have been met with anger by many students. The allegations come in light of Dr. Brady’s comments two weeks ago. Here he cited a lack of funding as a key reason for UCD falling 25 places in the

QS World University Rankings. He described Irish universities as “cash starved”. Gary Redmond, USI President, said: “Considering the gross underinvestment in Higher Education by the Government over the past ten years, which was revealed by the recent OECD report – these inflated and unsanctioned allowances and pensions paid to university staff is disgraceful. Third level education has suffered from continuous under-funding, and the scandalous [waste] of taxpayers money by the universities of Ireland is a slap in the face for the people of this country.” Redmond went on to say that “the USI is calling on the overpaid university staff to return the money they were overpaid, given the shambolic state of public finances, but this must not be to the detriment of students or services.”

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

Late Theses To Cost Full Semester’s Fees Students Made Aware Of Changes Two Months Before Start Of Term Students To Pay Full Semester’s Fees For Late Theses Amy Walsh UCD students must pay a full semester’s fees before they can submit a late thesis as of September 2011. Currently if a student cannot meet a thesis deadline they can avail of a free 30 days grace period. After this grace period is up, students are entitled to another 30 days extension for thesis submission, at the cost of €100. This policy, considered common practice until now, will be changed as of the academic year 2011/2012, affecting students as of September 2011. A new policy will be introduced

which does not include a grace period. Students will not be eligible to submit a thesis unless they are registered as a student of the University. This means that late theses will be subject to full academic fees. “A thesis cannot be submitted unless all outstanding fees and charges have been paid,” states the UCD Registry website. “With regard to thesis submission there is no change for current students so the policy and practice remains the same for any student who entered their final year in September 2009, January 2010 or May

2010,” said a spokesperson for UCD Registry. James Williamson, Students’ Union Education Officer, said: “The fact that this does not affect students this year, means students are getting 12 months notice of the changes taking place. Once the changes take effect, if students do not submit their thesis by the deadline, they are liable to pay one semester’s fees.” The information outlining these proposals was made fully available to this year’s incoming final year students two months before the start of term. “The new system is not coming into place until the next academic year, 2011/12. This does not affect students until September 2011. Students due to submit in September 2010, December 2010 and April 2011 can still avail of the grace period and they will be the last batch of students to be able to do so. This system has only been put in place in recent weeks and the information was made available

online almost immediately, “commented Martin Lawless, Graduate Studies Officer. “Information outlining this new policy was published online for students and staff who support them before the start of the 2009/10 academic year. This information was updated in July 2010 to cover more student groups (i.e. those students entering their final year in September 2010, January 2011 and May 2011) so they would have the information well in advance of the final year of their studies,” said a spokesperson for UCD Registry. “Following detailed negations between the Students’ Union and [the UCD] Registry, the proposed increase in fees for post-grads has been postponed; it has also established semesterisation of fees and also semester sabbaticals,” commented James Williamson.

| 3

If students do not submit their thesis by the deadline, they are liable to pay one semester’s fees

Cowan raises a glass to Arthur...




DIT Will Move To New Integrated Campus

education in Ireland.

“The central location of the site


Tánaiste Mary Coughlan said: “The

means it is easily accessible from all

Research in Third Level Institutions

Hawkins, said that she “still would

role of higher education was never

areas of the greater Dublin area.”

(PRTLI5) initiative. The PRTLI5 is

have chosen UCD regardless of

more important to society than it is



the largest single investment in third

DIT’s new campus. For me UCD

today. We need to maintain Ireland’s

overall cost of providing DIT

level education in the history of the

was the only option, it had the most

Alan Moss

position in the top quarter of OECD

core educational facilities on the

Irish State. In July under PRTLI5,

relevant courses for me. As well as

countries and this campus will help

Grangegorman site is currently

UCD was awarded €62.7m which

this, it has a tradition and a history

€496m Project Will Create State Of

us achieve this goal. What is being

estimated at €496m. 57% (€284m)

will be used to fund 15 key projects

that wouldn’t be possible with a

The Art Campus In Next Six Years

created here at Grangegorman is

of this cost will be provided through

in the development of University.

brand new campus. UCD is also

New DIT Campus Could Facilitate

the kind of learning environment

DIT funds from disposal of property,

A large proportion of the funding

constantly improving and there are

More Students Than UCD

that will enhance the development

savings and philanthropy through

is allocated to the development

loads of exciting new projects in

Alan Moss

of every student enrolling in DIT.”

the DIT Foundation and DIT

of the UCD Science Centre. In

the pipeline. That said, I do think

Dublin Institute of Technology



Development Fund. The remaining

addition, the initial stages of the

that when the new campus at

(DIT) is scheduled to move to

Relations Office, the new campus

43% (€212m) will come from state

new Sutherland School of Law have

Grangegorman is opened, it will


will initially provide 1,000 on

funding through upfront state grant

commenced with enabling works

become a much more attractive



now underway. This academic term






on Dublin’s northside. Plans for













the development were launched

more fulltime jobs on completion

for its students, and will double


sees the arrival of new on campus

last week by the Taoiseach, Brian

of construction.”

this to 2,000 by the completion

Of this funding, €12.9m will

accommodation with the extension


DIT currently holds 20,000 students

of the project. This is a substantial

come from The Higher Education

of Roebuck Residences.

DIT, one of the largest third level

as one of Ireland’s largest third level

undertaking for the institution


country, is

institutions. Melda Slattery, Public

who currently have no on campus

currently spread throughout the city



Relations Officer for the institute,


centre on 39 separate sites.

said: “The new campus will give us


The institution’s new campus will

the chance to expand and grow. We

campus places across its various

be part of a major new infrastructure

are predicting that the campus will


development project for the north

hold 26,000 students as numbers

DIT’s new campus master plan “is

inner city area of Grangegorman.

grow over the years.” This figure

designed to have the student houses

The completion of this project will

would surpass UCD’s population,

interwoven throughout the campus,

see the transformation of the area

making DIT the largest third level

not a block of houses at one end,

into a modern urban quarter.

institution in Ireland.

which will give the campus a



It is anticipated that 70% of all

twenty-four hour life,” according

commented: “This is a significant

DIT’s activities will be on the new

to Melda Slattery, DIT Public

project in terms of generating

campus by 2016. The first batch of

Relations Officer. Tara Malone,

jobs and providing a key piece of

students are expected to arrive for

a third year student in UCD,

infrastructure for education and to

the 2012-2013 academic year.

commented: “If this new DIT

develop our knowledge economy. It

The plans for the new DIT campus

campus had been built when I was

is by any standards a huge project,



deciding where to go to college, I

and is anticipated to create 4,500

cultural, recreational and social

would definitely have considered it.”

full time construction jobs alone

amenities which will revolutionise

According to the Grangegorman

over the period, and over 1,100
















available. UCD






Plan To Increase Number of International Students In Irish Universities Amy Walsh The Government has launched a new strategy to increase numbers of international students in higher education by 2015. The strategy, entitled Investing in Global Relationships, aims to increase



numbers in higher education by 50% in the next five years. If fully implemented by 2015, the international



will be worth €1.2bn per year to the Irish economy, a leap from its current estimated worth of €900m per annum. Taoiseach Brian Cowen said that this




was concerned with “setting out a pathway for Ireland in what is a very competitive area, to become a world-class provider of international education”. He added that it was “a very ambitious but practical plan.” Paul Lynam, UCD SU President, said: "UCD currently has over 5000 international students. In addition to the obvious economic advantages they bring to the college finances,

they also add to the social fabric

"Our aim is for Ireland to be

international outlook. The UCD

The announcement comes after

peer review, citations per faculty and

of the university, exposing Irish



Strategic Plan to 2014, entitled

both UCD and Trinity College

international student ratio. Dr Hugh

students to new cultures, new ideas

provider of international education.

Forming Global Minds, sets out an

Dublin lost rank in the QS World

Brady, President of UCD, cited a deterioration in the staff-student



and perspectives that can only add

This strategy and new student

ambitious target of one quarter of

University Rankings. As part of the

to the university experience for

immigration regime sets out a

all our students being international

rankings Universities are examined

ratio and competition from overseas


shared vision for how Ireland

students by 2014. Also UCD aims

on the basis of their staff-student

universities as the cause of UCD’s

The strategy’s ten key objectives



ratios, employer review, academic

drop in rank.



international standards and recruit

for students and staff to gain

education institutions to become

talented students from overseas,"

international experience,” said a

globally competitive by targeting

said the Taoiseach.

spokesperson for UCD.


international developing














ideas and learning to transfer and

cater to those students’ needs.

transfuse more steadily,” he added.

Furthermore they aim to boost

"It is important that increasing

numbers of students and staff

international places is not at the

working abroad.

cost to Irish places or quality. All

A Statutory Code of Practice and

universities most provide adequate

a Quality Mark are to be provided

facilities for increasing capacity and

to educational institutions that

The group which will see the

it is important that our international

provide services to international

implementation of the strategy


students, creating a system of quality

over five years includes senior

individual programmes, cater for

assurance. These ratings will be

representatives from the universities,

the diversity of needs of the new

subject to the institutions meeting

institutes of technology, private

students. The international students

certain criteria.



Moreover, the strategy promises to

English language schools, as well

exceeded and UCD must prove it

give a competitive edge to Ireland’s

as from the relevant government

really is the top university for both

visa, immigration and work policies

departments and state agencies.

international and Irish students,"

while developing Ireland’s student


said Paul Lynam, president of

visa system.



recent increasingly


years, adopted


UCD an






In Figures... 5 year plan. Profit of 300 million per annum after 2015. There are currently 17,000 fulltime international students or 10% of the total full time student population – the strategy plans to increase this figure to 25,500 by 2015. Increase overall international student numbers in higher education institutions by 50% to 38,000. Increase the number of English language students by 25% to 120,000. Increase






students in higher education undertaking research or taught postgraduate programmes from 23% to 35%.

UCD’s Students Union.

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

American College Dublin Leaves Students Without Professional Accreditation

| 5

US in 2004, failed to meet the

Redmond (below), USI President,

standards demanded by the PSI due

told The College Tribune that the

to a lack of resources that it claims it could not afford to offer. Resources which failed to meet criteria included insufficient library holdings, an unacceptable number of full-time staff, and the absence of a lab technician. The latter absence meant that “there weren't enough computers, and the ones they did have were often broken,” according to a former ACD student. The PSI were aware of these deficiencies for over a year, and

Timothy Potenz

as far back as 2008 the auditor

USI has no involvement with the

of the college noted “a material

ACD, as the ACD is not a member


a year ago that the standard of

uncertainty” regarding the ability of

of the USI. There are, however,

American College Dublin (ACD)

its degree programme was not

the college to survive in the future.

currently “in depth discussions with

have been told that their degree is

high enough to justify accrediting

However, the students of the college

the college in order to try and bring

no longer professionally recognised.


were not alerted to the crisis until

it into the USI.”


professional psychologists.

May of this year. By this time, some

“When you're paying over €5,000 a


In a statement, the PSI said that “as a

had spent three years, at a rate of

year, you expect a certain standard,”



commercial organisation, American

€4,950 a year for EU residents and

remarked Paddy Ivers, one of the

practising psychology professionally,

College felt this standard was a

€8,950 a year for non-EU residents,

affected psychology students.

has withdrawn its accreditation of

challenge to achieve and decided not

studying at the college.

A spokesperson for the PSI said that

the psychology degree offered by

to accept these recommendations

for more time to implement the

A PSI spokesperson said that “the

the PSI will continue to view both

the privately owned college.

and, in turn, forego attempts to

changes and has called the HETAC

PSI is keen to support students but

private and public colleges “fairly

62 students are affected. 50 have

achieve accreditation.”

report “disappointing.” However,

there are standards that need to be

and indiscriminately.”

moved or are considering moving

The PSI and the Higher Education

it expresses confidence that the


to the psychology course offered



improvements will be helpful and

“I paid over €20,000 for a useless

by Dublin Business School. 15 have

(HETAC), the national educational

that the college will continue to be

degree,” commented one of the

undertaken legal action against the

accreditation body, has issued the


affected students.

ACD on the grounds of breach of

ACD with a list of recommendations

The college, whose CEO Dr.

The Union of Students in Ireland


for bringing the course up to

Donald Ross (right) was the highest

(USI) is the “the sole representative

The PSI alerted the college over

speed. The ACD itself has asked

paid private college official in the

body for students in Ireland.” Gary













Keeping it







which had traditionally been

from the competition, getting

Brendan Lannoye, a second

the biggest society in UCD,

sick on the chest of Jonny

year student, took the plunge

were close on their tails with a

Cosgrove. He later commented:

from the crane. “It was a

membership of 4,079.

“The best thing was getting sick

pretty terrifying experience,


on Jonny – there is nothing quite

but great at the same time,”

took part in the annual Iron

like getting sick on the Ents

he said, adding that he would

Stomach competition had the


“definitely do it again next

Tinie Tempah Woos First



Years At Fresher's Ball

culinary delights such as a dog

winner of the contest, for the

The highlight of the week,

Cosgrove Takes Iron Stomach

food sandwich, accompanied by

fourth year running, and told

however, was undoubtedly

Title Four Years Running

a tabasco, pancake batter, garlic

The College Tribune, “To be

the Freshers’ Ball, one of the

UCD's newest recruits were

and sunflower oil smoothie and

honest it was fine, but I hated

biggest events on the social

treated to a week packed

even the contents of a dirty

the butter. I would however

calendar of any first year. This

with free goodies, great nights


like to officially announce my

year's ball was held in the

out and a stomach churning

The event, organised by C&E

retirement, next year is my

Academy on Abbey Street and

event, all organised as part of

Soc, was held next to the

final year, and I am doing a real

the event was headlined by

UCD Freshers’ Week.

Freshers’ Tent and attracted

academic year.”

rapper Tinie Tempah.

The Freshers’ Tent behind the

close to 1,500 people who came

When asked what he found the


student centre was buzzing, as

to cheer on the ‘good sports’ of

most difficult to eat, runner-

President, said the event was

first years were encouraged


up Justin Brayden, who wasn't

“an overwhelming success”

to sign up to the university's

Competition was stiff, with

entirely convinced of Cosgrove's

and told The College Tribune:



the winner assured to receive

retirement, said: “The dog food

“Demand for tickets surpassed

Free goody bags contained

“their weight in gold – Dutch

was hard to get used to, but

all expectations and the sell

everything from free pizza

Gold.” The objective of the

actually tasted great.”

out crowd ensured it was a

and loaves of bread to energy

competition was to eat and

An Cumann Gaelach organised

fitting occasion to mark the

drinks and condoms – always

drink all of the concoctions

a successful foam party in the

40th Anniversary of the ball.”

a good combination.

provided by the C&E crew

student bar on Wednesday, and


Competition for the biggest

without vomiting.


night, British

Cosgrove was also delighted

society on campus was a

A tough battle ensued between

rapper Example rocked the bar

with the success of the event

closely fought battle between

the final three contestants –

as part of Thursday Night Live.

and said it was “just the

Law Soc and the L & H.



Another test of the intestines

beginning of what we hope

Law Soc came out on top

Atkinson, UCD Ents officer

came on Friday, with bungee

will be an action packed year

for the second year running,

Jonny Cosgrove, and Science

jumping from a specially hired

for the UCD SU and the Ents


Soc Auditor Justin Brayden.

crane that was parked next to the



Donie O’ Sullivan




members, while the L&H,

On Wednesday







Atkinson had a spectacular exit

Tinie Tempah entertains students at last Friday’s Fresher’s Ball. Photo: Robert Manning












Freshers’ Tent.



News provides postgraduate teaching in the area of American Studies. It offers Masters and PhDs in this field, while also promoting research and discussion about the United States. “UCD




that leading world figures visit the campus to share ideas and and staff. The university is a unique environment where this type of dialogue can take place,” commented a UCD spokesperson.

Bill Clinton to Give Speech In UCD

“Former US President Bill Clinton’s visit







regard, as


the UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies was established in 2003 to bring together existing work on American themes at Irish universities,



research networks, and develop

Amy Walsh

links with cultural, diplomatic and Former US President Bill Clinton will address an

business organisations with interest

audience on campus in UCD.

in the US,” he added.

The invitation-only event will be held in UCD’s

Mr Clinton, who was president of

Clinton Institute for American Studies on the 30th of

the United States between 1992 to

September this year.

2000, was made an honorary life

Professor Liam Kennedy, the institute’s director, will

member of UCD’s Law Society

introduce Clinton’s speech. The Clinton Institute

during it’s 96th session in 2006.

News in Brief

debate topics with our students

College Student Challenges

Survey Says 95% Of Students

would be on free-to-air

Degree Classification with High

On Facebook



A survey of 250 Irish students

The denial follows claims

A Northern Irish student who

finds that 75% of students

made by Dr. Paul Rouse

studies at Queen’s University



of UCD, who said that in

Belfast is launching a High

watch TV. Almost half of

his opinion, it was not

Court case to challenge his

those surveyed have skipped

necessarily the case the




IRFU would be "entirely

attempt to do so is the first

Australian soap opera “Home

penalized" if the changes

case of its kind.

and Away.”

were made.



Broadband and TV provider

The IRFU receives €16m









UPC surveyed students across

per annum between the Six

second class honours degree,

Ireland. According to their

Nations and the Heineken



findings, close to 100% of


received better supervision

students have Facebook with

negotiated TV














centrally contracts,

45% spending over six hours



a week on social media sites.

market for the combined


A further 61% of students

tournaments are valued at


regularly checked YouTube.


Mr Croskery’s barrister says


The Heineken Cup is not

that he has been denied

broadband if times got tough


the right to appeal against

with 2% preferring to give up

live on free-to-air TV in

his classification as he had


Ireland, as it is not on the

already graduated.

IRFU Refute UCD Lecturer's

list of protected events. The


IRFU insist that any change

deciding whether it should

The IRFU has denied that

to the deal would impact

have jurisdiction in this case.

they have exaggerated the

financing the game at all

financial impact of legislation



















to make sure sporting events

Students Should Study Both Arts & Sciences

UCD Graduate Best In Europe been

by militant attacks rather than

through peaceful negotiation with

Amy Walsh

shortlisted for the ECPR (European

reducing the limited chances of

all the relevant insurgent groups.

Consortium for Political Research)

further attacks, and not just be

Excluding some from the process

Jean-Blondel (pictured right) prize

aimed at domestic audiences but

is likely to increase their levels of

Amy Walsh A

A new report suggests that students

areas to promote Ireland as a global

the real world of work, technical


centre of creativity,” stated Michael



Kelly, chairman of the HEA (below).

technology, and a proficiency in

The Higher Education Authority

"Anybody can acquire skills, but the

foreign languages.

(HEA) and the Irish Research

competitive edge is in creativity,"

“Within the higher education sector,

Council for the Humanities and

the report says.

and also within society nationally, a

Social Sciences (IRCHSS) have


issued the report entitled “Playing






skills, information


this critical juncture, there has to be


a case for dissent and/or opposition

to Our Strengths.”

undergraduate arts course, which

to consensus or mainstream opinion

The report places emphasis on the


incorporate Information

– offering at times a different view.

fact that the arts and humanities

and Communications Technology

This is at the very heart of what the

are the areas where Ireland is most

training. The report highlighted

arts, humanities and social sciences

recognized internationally.

Princeton University in the US,

have to offer,” commented Professor

Furthermore, the report encourages

where students can study both

Caroline Fennell, Chairperson of


electrical engineering and drama.


combinations in higher education,

Degrees should facilitate placements

“We must challenge the received

combining technical and scientific

in the workplace, stimulating a

wisdom of an academic divide and

subjects with courses in the arts and

different kind of learning, it says.

there has to be more collaboration

humanities, suggesting that students

Further findings conclude that more

and interdisciplinarity between the

should be educated in both.

than half of arts, humanities and

humanities and the sciences. This

The report was compiled by a team

social science graduates surveyed

requires an imaginative approach

led by Professor Maurice Bric of

were satisfied with their jobs and

to course development in order



to build the capacity to respond

Professor Bric and his colleagues

Graduate skills considered important

energetically or imaginatively to

maintain that the artificial divide in


new challenges,” she added.


higher education courses between the humanities and the sciences must be removed. “From Boston to Beijing, Ireland is known for its contribution to literature, music, the arts, as well as our heritage and history. We’ve got to say we’re proud of this and encourage our graduates to utilise their knowledge and skills in these




include a






for the best political thesis in Europe. at all potential constituencies of


Dr Paul Gill’s work, ‘The Dynamic

militant groups.”


of Suicide Bombing in Campaigns

“Reducing the levels of ‘threat


of Political Violence’, shows that

perception’ may go a long way

based on misconceptions of the

suicide bombings are the paramount



underlying reasons behind terrorism

smart bomb used by countless

groups on the fringes,” he explains.

and suicide bombing,” said Dr Gill.

militant groups.

“One potential source of decreasing

Dr Gill hopes to publish his thesis

Dr Paul Gill completed his study

levels of threat, other than refraining

in the form of a book named

as part of his PhD under the

from over the top military action, is

‘Marketing Martyrs’ in early 2011.





international initiatives


supervision of Dr Tobias Theiler. The research began in 2006 and is based on data collected on actual individuals who took part in suicide bombings, and the bombing events themselves. “On a worldwide basis, suicide bombers have ranged from 15 to 70 years old, [have] been very well educated and uneducated, male and female, from all socio-economic classes, Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim, religious and secular, single and married, white and black,” commented Dr Gill. “Counter-terrorism


should move away from profiling suicide bombers,” says Dr Gill, and “rather move towards a model of the structural and situational processes that facilitate and encourage the recruitment of suicide bombers.” “Anti terrorism policies should focus on reducing the fear induced

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

| 7

UCD’S First Rector Beatified In London Ciarán Leinster

“education for the sake of industry,”


commented Father Ó Giolláin.

Among the 80,000-strong crowd

The first rector of UCD, Cardinal

Newman articulated his ideas in a

at the ceremony were Archbishop

John Henry Newman (1801-1890),

series of essays entitled “The Idea

of Dublin Diarmuid Martin and

was beatified during a ceremony in

of a University”, the first of which

Catholic Primate Cardinal Sean

Birmingham on Sunday, September

was delivered as a lecture in the



Rotunda in 1852, which formed

Cardinal Newman became rector

the “Discourses” of his book.

of the newly-founded Catholic

Newman also formed the Literary

University, later UCD, in 1851, at

and Historical Society at UCD in

the invitation of then Archbishop of

1855, three years before he retired.

Dublin, Paul Cullen.

Another significant contribution

Cardinal Newman was blessed on

that Newman made to universities

Sunday September 19th, the final

was the idea that students would

day of Pope Benedict XVI’s four-

live together, pioneered by him in

day tour of Britain, “the day that

his seven year tenure as rector. This

sees Cardinal John Henry Newman

was due to Newman’s belief that

formally raised to the altars and

interaction and learning between

declared blessed,” said the Pope

students outside of lectures is

at the ceremony in Birmingham’s

crucial. He saw education as a

Cofton Park.

means of forming good citizenship,

Newman was beatified as a result

and not just pigeon-holing students

of the heroic virtue he showed

into careers based on their area of

throughout his life, as an educator,


priest and later Cardinal, as well as

Newman became an Anglican priest

having performed one miracle that

at the age of 23, before converting

cannot be explained by medical



decision caused personal problems

The miracle that was attributed

for him in Oxford, where he lived

to Newman was the healing of

and worked, and also with his own

English deacon Jack Sullivan from a

friends and family members.

severe back injury, which Sullivan’s

This was not the only controversial

doctor said should have paralysed

action of his life. He once stated,

him. Sullivan prayed to Newman

“If the Pope is not Antichrist, he

in 2001 after watching a television

has bad luck to be so like him.”

programme about him, and was

Newman rose through the ranks

rapidly healed.

of the Catholic Church, however,

Sullivan went on to continue his

and by the time of his death

studies to become a deacon, the

from pneumonia in 1890, was

level of Catholic ministry below

Protodeacon of the Holy Roman

the priesthood. Sullivan’s doctors


were baffled at the speed of the

Newman was also sued in 1852,

recovery. Last year, after eight years

and had to pay £100 to Giacinto

of investigation, Pope Benedict

Achilli, whom he had accused of

confirmed that a miracle had been

several acts of immorality, partly due


to his fierce anti-Catholic views.

Beatification is the process where a

Newman’s expenses during the trial

person becomes blessed. Newman’s

cost a total of £14,000, a fee raised



by public subscription, which also

veneration in 1991. Beatification

paid for a new chapel and cemetery

is also the final stage a person can

in Birmingham, where he was later

go through before being declared


a saint, which would necessitate

Pope Benedict spoke about the

another miracle being attributed to

importance of Newman’s life at


the ceremony, commenting that in

When asked whether Newman

“Blessed John Henry, that tradition

stands a good chance of becoming

of gentle scholarship, deep human

a saint, UCD Chaplain and Student

wisdom and profound love for the

Adviser, Reverend Father Leon Ó

Lord has borne fruit.”

Giolláin, said it was “very likely.

He also spoke about Newman’s

When you become beatified, you’re

insights into faith and reason, the

on course [for sainthood].”

place of religion in society, as well

In an Irish context, Newman is

as “the need for a broadly-based

most famous for being the first

and wide-ranging approach to

rector of UCD. This position suited

education.” He added that these

him as he had a deep interest in

insights were not only relevant in

education. Newman believed in

Newman’s own time in Victorian





1845. This

education purely for the pursuit of

England, “but continue to inspire

truth and knowledge, as opposed to

and enlighten many all over the

Newman was beatified as a result of the heroic virtue he showed throughout his life, as an educator, priest and later Cardinal, Cardinal John Henry Newman (below), & UCD Reverend Father Leon Ó Giolláin (above).




To Arthur! Oxana Martynova reflects on the marketing concept or mass celebration of Arthur’s Day. Arthur’s Day. A celebration of

struck for a few minutes, and maybe

a deceased man? Ireland’s most

even have the odd pint with them so

famous stout? A money making

we could boast to our mates about

scheme? Or just an excuse for

it later on. Clubs and pubs were

the country to go on a week long

stuffed to the max on Thursday

bender? Now I am not one to

night, all hoping that their pub of

criticize people for having the odd

choice would have a live gig from

drink – in fact, as a student, I am a

a famous recording artist. Rumours

fan of the odd tipple – but making

had it that The Script had cancelled

Arthur’s Day seem bigger than

a previously scheduled concert in

Christmas so that people would

Berlin to do a surprise gig in one

go out socializing, and alcohol

of Dublin’s bars. One example was

companies would make money

in The Village on Thursday night,

from the stuff purchased, could be

quickly followed up by a gig in

seen as either morally wrong, or a

Flannery’s. Michael

genius marketing plan.

rumoured to have a secret show

So much hype has been created over

lined up in Cork, but was afterwards

Arthur Guinness’s 250th anniversary

spotted in Dublin, so unfortunately

last year, which was understandable.

for his hopeful Corkonian fans, the

It was a huge success. However, it

event did not go ahead. Even as

has now only been 365 days, 12

the stars walked among us, there

months, or 52 weeks since the last

was still a lot of fresh new talent

bash, yet Diageo are now claiming

doing gigs in bars. The Photosonic

that 251 years is also a hurdle to

Orchestra, a new up and coming

celebrate, despite the fact that

band, was performing in The Globe.

Messrs Guinness still have 8749

All shows well worth seeing, if you

years left on that lease. You do not

were willing to trek through Dublin

see Heineken or Corona celebrating

in such torrential rain.

days in honour of their creator. This

Not only was a lot of money spent

is what leads me to believe that

by consumers on that very eventful

Arthur’s Day this year is just one big

Thursday, but Diageo also had to

money making scheme. Even non-

invest a considerable amount. Mark

alcoholic companies are jumping

Ritson wrote for Marketing Weekly,

on this money making wagon.

stating that “Diageo doubled its

Deep River Rock water has now

digital ad spend on Guinness.” This

Laura McNally, 20, 3rd year,

advertisements saying “A world class

was done to increase engagement

English & Irish:

drink does not need to be black” –

through the media and increase

“At 17.59, I was on the bus home

and that’s a water company. How

bar sales. Recently, Guinness &

listening to “Mmmbop” on the

do the two even compare? Maybe

Co. claimed that they will try to

radio. :) PAR-TAAAAAYYYY!!.

people have not thought to let the

increase the Arthur Guinness fund

It’s possibly the cleverest marketing

drink speak for itself, instead of

to €7.4 million by 2012. On this, I

ploy ever, but sure isn’t it a great

creating a mass-marketing event

feel justified on what I previously

excuse to go mental with the gang!

deigning it the most loved drink of

said, Arthur’s Day remains both a

When you’re not sitting on a bus for

the day to generate revenue.

money making scheme and a genius

it obviously.”

I bet you are now reading this and

marketing ploy.

thinking, wow! What a pessimist!

Now, I am no economist but

Although the situation is not all

even I know that such a day was

bad, so don’t start thinking that I’m

great for the economy. Such huge

a skeptic just yet. This year’s Arthur’s

amounts of cash being circulated

Day was a huge success, with

around the country is bound to

many people coming to Ireland

generate something of a boost. Not

to celebrate, along with the crazy

only this, however, but the tourist

locals, in the best way we know how.

industry benefited from this, as

In a pub, with all our mates, until

people arrived and saw a part of the

the early hours of the morning. If

Irish heritage, and no doubt their

Sean Allman, 18, 2nd year, Law:

you had work the next day, then you

expectations were met. I have also

“I went to dinner for my friends

know you went home by midnight

noticed that a lot of advertising has

birthday, then back to the student

like a good little workaholic, but

gone into this whole event. Every

bar for 18.59pm, but couldn’t

even then you were probably still

time any television or radio was

make it to the bar on time, so gave

slightly hungover as you trudged

switched on, you would more than

a toast to Arthur with a bottle of

into work.

likely hear something about Arthur’s

Ballygowan. It was an unreal night.”




Day. Every billboard and bus stop ad

celebrities have been parading our

was plastered with posters claiming

fair city as if it was their own this

that it is not a day to be missed, so

week, and in fairness, let’s admit that

on and so forth. Let’s all agree that

we all tried to find them to be star

at least it was nice to see the media




reporting on something positive for once, rather than just harping on about the recession and how Brian

UCD Students showing they agree with the statement below as they celebrated Arthur’s Day in great numbers in UCD Student Bar. Photo: Dáire Brennan

Cowen was drunk or hungover on live radio. Sure, did anybody think that maybe he was practicing for Arthur’s Day? I say, more power to him, he was a good candidate to promote the day! So, to a day that will no doubt go down in history, we say “To Arthur! To Martha! To Llamas!” To anybody you can think of. As long as you celebrated the day in style and had as much fun as possible, then clearly it was well worth it.

Danny Murray, 22, 3rd year, Greek & Roman Civilization and History: “I was at the Guinness brewery for Snow Patrol and Westlife, it was amazing. I think it’s a great idea, the country is in so much trouble that having something that the vast majority can get behind and enjoy is what we need. Marketing genius.”

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

The Anti West Movement Following the speech “How can Palestine be Free?” made in UCD by Claudia Saba, Palestinian activist and representative of the Irish Anti War Movement, attendee Cliona Campbell gives her take on the IAWM.

| 9

Claudia Saba, Palestinian activist and board member of the Irish Anti-War Movement

Gracefully dressed and articulate,

resist a rape, declaring that “even if

band of freedom fighters, when

Claudia Saba speaks flawless English,

she scratches and kicks, she knows

in fact this couldn’t be further

which is oftentimes pervaded by

she will still be raped.” Innocent

from the truth. This so-called

the lilt of an Irish accent, despite

civilians are seen as the aggressors,

‘resistance movement’ has been

her Palestinian origins. I held high

and children strategically targeted

directly responsible for a plethora

expectations for Saba in presenting

by Hamas as they enter and leave

of suicide bombings, beheadings


school are the so called ‘rapists’ of

and rapes, targeting its Shiite and

and an interesting account of

the Palestinian cause.

Christian population, as well as

her experiences as a Palestinian

Saba praised the Hamas militants for

journalists, diplomats, humanitarian


“showing some kind of resistance”,

organisations and foreign workers

began her speech by describing


such as Kenneth Bigley who was

the attacks of 9/11, had murdered



kind of Arab anti-Semitism” but

the Intifada, a Palestinian uprising

resistance helps very much – it’s

beheaded in 2004.

more Americans than any other

Boyd Barrett declared it to be a

that the Arabs possessed “more of

characterised by a brutal campaign

great that they’re putting up a fight.”

Yet in this same year, Richard Boyd

terrorist group in the world, Saba

"disgraceful attack on the anti-war

an anti-Atheism”, a sediment which

of suicide bombings and rocket

I must agree with Saba on one point

Barrett, Chairperson of the IAWM,

glorified the militants as being “The

movement" and "an outrageous act

no doubt went down well with the

attacks, in heroic terms, it became

– yes, a minority of Palestinians

released a statement promoting the

only organisation in the Middle

of political censorship", despite the

Trotsky-inspired Socialist Workers

clear that diplomacy was not high

are indeed resisting. Resisting the

‘resistance’, declaring that “For the

East which can still hold its head

fact that Mousawi himself practices

Party who organised the event.

on her agenda. She described

opportunity to legitimise their

sake of the suffering Iraqi people

up high.”

partisan (non-objective) journalism,

Indeed, the IAWM is troubling

with palpable pleasure how it

cause on the world stage. Resisting

we must hope that Iraqi resistance,

Addressing Saba, I enquired as to

refusing to include Israeli officials

from many perspectives, but what

represented the Palestinians’ “quest

the chance to have an open and

and protest here in the west, force

why she would allow the IAWM

in its broadcasts and stated that "It

is most disturbing is how it has

to free themselves”, ignoring the

meaningful dialogue with Israel and

the US to pull out as quickly as

to invite the virulently anti-Semitic

[Israel] is an enemy state," and "why

imparted its warped views upon

intrinsic bloodiness of the affair, the

work towards establishing peace.

possible.” Unfortunately, instead of

Lebanese journalist and Hezbollah

would you put spokesmen for an

college students and propagated a

aftermath of which were the deaths

Resisting the prospect of leaving

liberating the civilians of Iraq, as the

spokesman, Ibrahim Mousawi, to

enemy state on the air?"

skewed ideology under the illusion

of over 6,000 Israeli, Palestinian and

a legacy to their children beyond

IAWM insists is their purpose, the

speak at a conference sponsored

Yet Saba attempted to deny anti-

of peace and justice. Saba and the

foreign victims.

indoctrination into a world of

Iraqi people have borne the brunt



Semitism on behalf of Al Manar,

IAWM may be unbending in their

Literature was distributed at the

meaningless violence.

of the violence created by their

reportedly declared to New Yorker

insisting that “some people say

defence of terrorists and murderers,

onset of the meeting, calling for

Such dismally obvious downplaying

exploits due to the widely used

magazine that "Jews are a lesion

‘Jews’ instead of ‘Israelis’ because it is

and have a penchant for degrading

the “Arab working class” to “start

of the crimes of these organisations

tactics of rigging public facilities

on the forehead of humanity" and

easier.” However this is contradicted

the suffering of others, but Saba


is again made apparent in Saba’s

with IEDs and suicide bombings

works on behalf of Hezbollah’s

by the fact that Al Manar is under

made one point that I truly couldn’t



in densely populated civilian areas.

viciously anti-Semitic TV station Al

the control of Hezbollah, whose

agree more with. “The truth has a


Yet the IAWM does not limit

Manar; a channel which has been

leader famously declared that "If

strange kind of way of coming out




regimes” in







to “defeat



that “the



escape the irony of the situation,


like ‘Ohhh,

their support for such underhand

widely criticised for broadcasting

we searched the entire world for a

in the end.”

where an anti-war organisation

down with Israel, this is unfair.’”

militants to Iraq, also praising the



person more cowardly, despicable,


masquerading under the pretence

The reality of the situation is that


encouraging Palestinians to become

weak and feeble in psyche, mind,

volunteered for the Israeli Defence

of peace-lovers and human rights

the Muslim Brotherhood is a


suicide bombers.

ideology and religion, we would not

Forces over a two month period,

activists could be so virulently in

fundamentalist organisation which

Despite the fact that Hezbollah is

Following Justice Minister Brian

find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do

and has written for national media

favour of bloody revolts as a means

campaigns for the implementation

recognised as a terrorist organisation

Lenihan’s refusal to grant Mousawi

not say the Israeli.” Saba continued

on her experiences.

of resolving political disputes.

of Shariah law throughout the

in numerous countries, and until

entry to Ireland on security grounds,

to insist that “There is no specific

Indeed, this idea of portraying

Muslim world, considers democracy

terrorist activity as a legitimate

as ‘heresy’, celebrates martyrdom,



considers Jews to be “particularly


vile enemies of Islam” and advocates


violent jihad with the ultimate goal


encouragement reiterated






imperialism”. It was impossible to






tirade against what she described

of world domination.


enemy.” Saba

It is therefore disconcerting that

acknowledged that “Hamas has

the head of the IAWM attended

a murky enough history”, an

a conference in Cairo during

understatement to say the least,

2005 entitled the “International


Campaign against US and Zionist

the “Zionist





launched a spate of suicide bombing


campaigns, incessant use of qassam

among its attendees such terrorist

rockets against innocent civilians

organisations as the aforementioned

and the inclusion of their wish to

Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist group

‘obliterate’ Israel and establish an

Al Amal and members of Hamas.

Islamic State in their official party

The primary role of this conference


was to support the ‘resistance in

Saba’s belittlement of the suffering

Palestine and Iraq’, and was heavily

of Israeli citizens during 8 years

criticised for reportedly showing


solidarity towards the tyrannical








she proclaimed that more Israelis

However, there is nothing novel in


die from peanut allergies than

the IAWM’s long held support for

Hamas rockets, a statement which

the violent forces of Iraq.

caused an eruption of laughter


from her keffiyeh-clad audience.

championed Iraqi ‘resistance’, a

She continued to compare Hamas’

term regularly employed by the

launch of 12,000 qassam rockets

IAWM in order to mislead others

into Israel to a victim attempting to

into believing that it is a courageous







turned to downright derision, as









Freshers Week 2010 in pictures photos by Dรกire Brennan & Danny Lambert

The College Tribune

September 28th 2010

| 11




Three million hits on YouTube, 42,000 followers on FaceBook, winners of the RTE Story Land Competition, and now a new series on RTE – Donie O'Sullivan meets the Hardy Bucks.

shlappin'”, as well as coping with

attribute much of the show's

their own, and the Hardy Bucks is

fans of the show might find the TV

the local drug dealer, and their arch

success to Martin Maloney and

a real Irish thing. The fans really got

version “a bit strange looking at

Q&A with Eddie - a real Hardy Buck

nemesis, “The Viper”.

Chris Tordoff's unique perception

behind us and started spreading the

first, because it is a lot more slick, a

Martin Maloney, who plays Eddie in

of Mayo. Tordoff also moved from

word.” Most people who watch the

lot more polished and has a lot more

the series, grew up in Liverpool but

the UK at the age of eleven, and

show will know an Eddie or a Buzz,

people in it” – but, as a result, it has

moved to Mayo at the age of twelve.

as outsiders, they must have picked

and it is precisely this connection

“a lot more gags.”

The son of a Mayo man, Maloney

up on many of the more minute

that the programme makes with the

Those who watched the finale of

speaks with a distinctively English

characteristics of Irish country

viewer that has made it so popular.

Hardy Bucks online series on RTE

accent, which comes as a surprise

people that make the Hardy Bucks

Maloney likes to see the show as “a

Story Land, and remember the

“It’s just a bit of craic, really” is the

to many of the show's fans, as his

so comical. However Maloney is

voice for those who are disaffected

cliffhanger ending which saw Eddie

response of creator and star of Hardy

mastery of the “Castletown accent”

quick to point out that this wasn't

and confused in small towns,”

discovering that he was to become

Bucks, Martin Maloney, when asked

is uncanny – “I've been living in

a key factor in the show's success.

and sees their work as somewhat

a father, will be interested to know

what the show is all about. But it

Swinford long enough to have the

“I think all of us on the show are

ground-breaking, in the sense that

that the new television series will

is with this mind set that Maloney,

accent down.“

“no one ever writes about people

not be continuing on from that.

along with co-creator Chris Tordoff,

“We always wanted to make our

in small Irish towns in a visceral sort

“We decided to scrap that storyline,

“the Viper”, have made the Hardy

own comedy, it was originally going

of way” – a task which the creators

it was just a bit crap really,” Owen

Bucks a force to be reckoned with

to be set in Galway about students

of Hardy Bucks have mastered to a

Colgan, who plays the character

Country Girls or City Girls?

online, and has landed them a TV

– but the more we thought about

fine art.

Buzz in the programme, told a

Either as long as they are

deal that has made them one of the

it, we decided to film something

But will the success of the web series

packed Theatre L in the Arts Block,

sound and good lookin'!

most anticipated additions to RTE’s

even closer to home,” says Maloney,

very observational people, and even

translate when it hits mainstream

when the cast of the show visited

autumn schedule.

whose father inspired many of the

though when you move into a new


UCD's Law Society last week.

Since the first episode was posted

characters in the show. “We just

place you will notice things more, I

episodes have been recorded for the

After their impressive performance

on YouTube in October 2008,

wanted to make a documentary style

don't think it was that big a deal.”

national broadcaster and Maloney

to almost six hundred people, the

Beer or Cider?

the Hardy Bucks have gone from

comedy. The whole sitcom thing is

The first of the Hardy Bucks’

points out that their accurate, and

cast proved that they were not


strength to strength, attracting a cult

gone a bit stale and would never

big breaks came in 2009, when

above all, affectionate portrayal of

entirely unlike the characters they

work for us. We’re fans of the Trailer

they won the RTE Story Land

Irish small town life, will remain

Where do you see yourself in five

following that has helped them to

portray, by retiring to the UCD

Park Boys, and it’s very flattering

series. “Winning the Story Land

much the same. He cites a dynamic

years time?

become a national phenomenon.

student bar for a night of “drinkin'

that people draw comparisons, but

competition was a very big deal for

and open minded team at RTE,

Well I'd hope to see myself on

The episodes follow the lives of

and smokin'”. Thankfully for the

I think we’ve put our own spin on

us,” explains Maloney, who knows

who realise that “there is a demand

Dragon's Den like, pitching

Eddie, Buzz and their friends in the

UCD student population, however,

things. I have to say that Father Ted

just how instrumental a role the

for this sort of thing”, so it looks as

a motion picture about a

fictional microcosm of Castletown,

no “shapplin'” took place – you

was a pretty big influence on us as

show's fans have played in getting

if the Hardy Bucks will remain as

robotic octopus sent back in

Co. Mayo, enjoying their hobbies

can take the Hardy Bucks out of


them to the position that they are in

politically incorrect as ever before.

time to kill the endangered

which include “drinkin', shlappin',

Castletown, but you can't take

Many of the Hardy Bucks’ fans

today. “The Irish like to look after

Maloney does note however that

Orkor pods of California.

fightin', rolling around, and more

Castletown out of the Hardy Bucks!

“We always wanted to make our own comedy”




Blondes or Brunettes? Ah that’s a very tough one like, I'd say I like them both equally.

Football or Hurling? Football all the way.

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

| 13

Gaeilge Cur i gCéill ar an Tríú Leibhéal

Ciarán Ó Braonáin

Eoin Ó Cróinín Tá géarghá ann go dtabharfaí táillí

an socrú.

Théis drochthús an tséasúir le

cluiche! Cé nár ligeadh dó an cic a

ollscoile ar ais go luath. Ní thig le

Níl aon dabht ach go bhfuil sé



thógáil d’aimsigh sé a chéad chúl sa

mar dhualgas ar an stát oideachas

tá an chuma ar an scéal go bhfuil

chluiche ceannann céanna agus dhá

saor in aisce a chur ar fáil do

cruth ag teacht ar fhoireann Neil

cúl eile tapa go leor ina dhiaidh sin.

mhuintir na tíre. Tá an dualgas seo

Lennon faoi dheireadh. Gan trácht

Is fíor go bhfuil sé fós ina ghasúr ach

á chomhlíonadh acu trí oideachas

ar éachtobair an bhainisteora é féin

théis na dtaispeántas go dtí seo ba

d’oideachas tríú leibhéal in Éirinn

bunscoile agus meánscoile a chur

tá cuid mhaith den athbheochan

chóir súil ghéar a choimeád ar an

tá sé ag ardú chuile bhliain agus tá

ar fáil. Aon oideachas os a choinne

seo de thoradh tionchar thriúr


sé ag dul rite leis na hollscoileanna

sin ba cheart go n-íocfadh mic

Éireannach ar an bhfoireann. Deá-

An tríú Éireannach atá i ndiaidh

seirbhísí d’ardchaighdeán a chur ar

léinn as má tá an acmhainn acu óir

scéal d’fhoireann na poblachta go

oll-ardú meanman a thabhairt do

is pribhléid é.

bhfuil beirt Éireannach anois san

lucht leanúna Celtic ná ‘Messi

Ach faoi láthair tá lear mór mac

iomaíocht ar son na n-áiteanna

na Féasóige’ nó ‘The Derry Pelé’

léinn ann a dhéanann talamh slán

tosaithe ag Celtic Park: Daryl

(The Deh-ray Peh-lay i gcanúint

de. Ós rud é nach bhfuil siad ag íoc

Murphy agus Anthony Stokes.

Ghlaschú), Paddy McCourt. Ag tús

hollscoileanna na hÉireann freastal ar na mic léinn a thuilleadh gan breis maoinithe. Is mithid do na mic léinn a gcuid a íoc. An t-éileamh

fáil óir tá siad ar bheagán stóir.

Ábhar Dochtúra

Tá an tánaiste Mary Coughlan den tuairim go gcothófaí éilíteachas

Eoghan Ó Murchadha

Éire ar Ais in Aiséirí Celtic

dá dtabharfaí táillí ollscoile ar ais,


ach tá dul amú uirthi. A mhalairt

as, is cuma leo má theipeann orthu

Is minic le tamall de bhlianta anuas

baictéir éabhlóid an-mhear ar fad is

a bheadh fíor - mura mbeadh an

sna scrúduithe nó mura gcaitheann

bPríomhroinn na hÉireann agus é

don dá thaobh sa chaidreamh

deacair fanacht i bhfad chun tosaigh

t-iallach ar an stát na hollscoileanna

siad dúthracht leis. Dá dtabharfaí

óg go leor is ea Murphy, rud a thuill

idir an leigheas eolaíochtúil is an

orthu ó thaobh antaibheathach,

a mhaoiniú, d’fhéadfaidís tuilleadh

táillí isteach, laghdófaí líon na mac

gradam Imreoir Óg na Bliana dó

tsochaí chomhaimseartha a bheith

ach go háirithe agus cineálacha

fordheontas a thabhairt do mhic

léinn a bheadh ar nós cuma liom

sa bhliain 2004. Ach cé gur éirigh

in adharca a chéile. An t-aineolas,

éagsúla tagtha chun cinn a bhfuil

léinn atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste ó

faoin eispéireas. Déanta na fírinne,

leis naoi gcaipín idirnáisiúnta a

an dalbacht is an bhaois ar an dá

frithsheasmhacht acu i gcoinne na

thaobh cúlra de. Sa tslí seo ní

bheadh orthu níos mó oibre a

shaothrú, theip air áit bhuan a

thaobh a chúisigh seo. Féachann an


bheadh fordheontais á dtabhairt do

dhéanamh dá dtabharfaí na táillí


colún seo leis an gcaidreamh sin a

ar fad. Fós féin tig díriú isteach ar

mhic léinn atá lofa le hairgead agus

isteach toisc go mbeadh luach níos

Shasana le Sunderland agus chaith

fheabhsú trí spléachadh a thabhairt

úrchruthú antaibheathach, nó fiú

d’fhéadfaí teacht i gcabhair orthu

mó air. An comhtharlú é, mar sin,

sé seal ar iasacht sa Championship.

ar roinnt de na míthuiscintí a

víris a thabhairt do na baictéir (tá

siúd atá in am an ghátair.

go bhfuil an formhór de mhic léinn

Anois, agus deis úrnua faighte aige

chúisigh seo.

siad so-ghabhálach i leith víreas).

Tá an tánaiste ag cur na

glan i gcoinne na dtáillí?

ag club chomh mór le Celtic, is

Ann nó as do na hAntaibheathaigh?

Tá taighdeoirí in Ollscoil Luimnigh

cruacheiste ar an méar fhada faoi

Má táthar ag iarraidh teacht ar

cosúil go bhfuil an tosaí tréandírithe

Tá scéalta uafáis ar na meáin le

ag tabhairt aghaidhe ar an gcaoi

láthair. Tá ráiteas foilsithe le déanaí

an réiteach is loighciúla agus is

ar an deis a thapú. I gcluichí Celtic

tamall anuas go bhfuil bagairt ann

gur féidir le baictéar amháin a

aici ag tabhairt le fios nach mbeidh

ciallmhaire ar an bhfadhb seo, ní mór

i mbliana tá sé léirithe ag Murphy

nach mbeidh aon éifeacht ag na


táillí sa Bhuiséad i mbliana. Is

don rialtas neamhaird a thabhairt

go bhfuil cumas cruthaitheach aige

Anois, théis cúl nó dhó den chéad



gcoinne druga, atáirgeadh agus

léir nach bhfuil sí ach ag iarraidh

do ghearáin na mac léinn ollscoile

anuas ar mheon an scórálaí. Is léir go

scoth scóráilte aige is annamh a

Tá roinnt ag tuar go mbeidh an

sliocht de na milliúin a chruthú

na vótálaithe meánaicmeacha a

agus na dtuistí meánaicmeacha. An

dtuigeann sé, agus é seacht mbliana is

chloistear trácht faoi fhear na Rúise

chuid is mó acu as feidhm in

in aon lá amháin. Tá ráite acu go

shásamh leis an ráiteas úd. Iadsan an

ndéanfaidh siad amhlaidh? Is dócha

fiche d’aois, cé chomh tábhachtach

a thuilleadh. Cé nach bhfuil ach

imeacht roinnt glún eile. Is beag

bhfuil antaibheathach s’acu in ann

t-aon dream a bhainfeadh tairbhe as

nach ndéanfaidh.

is atá an séasúr seo dó. In ainneoin

corrchluiche imeartha ag McCourt

cineál antaibheathach a rinneadh

baictéir atá ar tí a n-atáirgthe a

an ollbhrú sin tá freagracht na

sa chéadfhoireann go fóill, aon uair



aithint is a mharú. Chomh maith

gciceanna pionóis glactha aige agus,

a bhíonn sé ar an bpáirc bíonn an

bhlianta anois i ngeall ar an gcostas

bítear ag caint ar bhaictéarafagaigh,

le dó as dó scóráilte aige, tá ag éirí

lucht tacaíochta ag súil le draíocht

a bhaineann leis is cuireann seo leis

a itheann baictéir, mar leigheas ar an

go maith leis. Más fíor an seanfhocal

éigin agus cúl as cuimse ar nós

an bhfadhb.

ngéarchéim, ach is iomaí fadhb lena

‘tús maith leath na hoibre’ ba cheart

gur é an gnáthruda é. Cheana féin

Leis an gcríoch seo a sheachaint


go mbeimis an-dóchasach ar fad

tá cúl amháin san áireamh aige i

ba chóir leas níos fearr a bhaint as

An rud is tábhachtaí gur féidir leis

faoi thodhchaí an Déisigh.

gcomórtas chúl an tséasúir: píosa

tástálacha diagnóisíocha le pataiginí

an bpobal a dhéanamh ná treoracha

Agus ‘tús maith’ faoi chaibidil

ealaíne a chum sé i gcoinne Hearts

agus an cineál frithsheasmhachta

an lia-chleachtóra a leanúint; réimse

againn ní foláir dúinn tús an

ag tús na míosa. Níl aon radharc

atá acu a chinntiú roimh chógais a

cógais a chomhlíonadh san iomlán,

stócaigh ó Bhaile Átha Cliath,

níos deise ná an tUltach leis an

ordú. Bíonn forbairt vacsaíní leis, ina

agus gan iad a ghlacadh ach amháin

Anthony Stokes, a phlé. Éireannach

liathróid faoi gheasa aige, ag dul thar

chabhair, mar gur féidir leis cinntiú

sa chás a bhfuil gá leo.

eile a bhí ag streachailt leis an saol

chosantóirí gan dua. Gan amhras

nach mbeidh galar ar leith ag duine

agus é le Sunderland ach tar éis dó

ar bith, beidh McCourt mar údar

agus nach mbeidh gá dul i muinín



os cionn scór cúl a fháil anuraidh

imní do chosantóirí na sraithe ar

na n-antaibheathach. An tslí is fusa

mharaíonn nó a chuireann bac ar

le Hibs ní raibh mórán daoine ag

fad amach anseo, an t-aon chonstaic

ar fad, áfach, dul i ngleic leis, ná

fhás baictéir

ceistiú a chuid tallainne, cé gur

atá roimhe, is cosúil, ná an gortú

láimhseáil cheart a dhéanamh ar na


éagsúil an t-éacht carn cúl a fháil

(agus glúine Shaun Maloney!) a

drugaí atá againn faoi láthair.

ocsairibeanúicléasach (DNA)

le mionfhoireann ó sin a dhéanamh


De bharr nach bhfuil seo á

comhoiriúnú - meaitseáil

le club mar Celtic. Léirigh an

Más féidir leis an triúr té tallannach


an ghéanómaíocht - staidéar ar

Duibhlinneach nach bhfuil easpa

seo leanúint leis an sár-tús atá déanta

iarracht a dhéanamh drugaí úra

ghéanóim orgánach

féinmhuiníne aige agus é ag troid

acu, tá an-seans go mbeidh Corn na

cliste a chumadh le dul i ngleic

pataigin - rud bitheolaíoch a

le Daryl Murphy ar son na deise

hAlban ar ais in oirthear Ghlaschú

leis na baictéir. Toisc go ndéanann

chúisíonn galar

cic pionóis a thógáil ina dhara

faoi dheireadh an tséasúir.

























na bliana seo chuir Lennon dúshlán roimhe, folús McGeady a líonadh.


Pat de Brún

Scott Ahearn

Paul Lynam

Jonny Cosgrove

James Williamson

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26/09/2010 17:45


22/09/2010 16:23

26/09/2010 20:15


Ambulance fiasco highlights further UCD ineptitude

However, we must all take perspective on this and look on last week’s news with an open mind. Every now and again, employees get a break and sometimes earn a little extra from their employers. We’ve all been the recipients of €160,000 extra pay, right? The College Tribune’s exclusive revelation that NCPS, UCD’s parking company, While the hard working students of this college were paying the exorbitant clamped an ambulance car further shows the lack of organisation and common sense registration fee, fighting to ward off further added third level costs by our elected within the key structures of UCD. Our last editorial called for the proper measures representatives, working long hours in one or sometimes even two jobs just to pay to be taken in order to ensure that the disastrous accommodation situation never the costs of gaining a degree, our esteemed President was earning €160,000 extra on occurred again. top of his already large pay packet. Similarly, this time round, services within UCD have again been shown up With €160,000, not to mention the other pay-outs that were afforded to the other to be completely and utterly useless. How an ambulance car can be clamped is members of the hierarchy, library hours could have extended all year round or incomprehensible. The matter, which was relayed onto several bodies, was met with sporting and recreational facilities across campus could be improved. the same bewilderment that the staff at the College Tribune felt when the incident Just as was the case in 2008, nothing was done to eliminate such misdemeanours. occurred. Sadly, the lack of action to rectify this matter is likely to occur once more. The implications of an action such as this must be highlighted and not swept under the carpet as what appears to be happening. The clamping of the ambulance car must surely have had some detrimental effect on the ambulance service, and as a result, is likely to have increased the chances of a fatality. Donie O’Sullivan, Ciara Murphy, Greg Acton, Patrick Fleming, Brian Mahon, The story is likely to cause ridicule and attract a wry smile from many, but the Róisín Sweeney, Laura McNally, Alan Moss,Timothy Potenz, Ciarán Leinster, Kellie seriousness of this matter must be noticed. Nwaokorie, Alex, Colin O’Shaughnessy, Oxana Martynova, Clíona Campbell, Eoin Ó Cróinín, Ciarán Ó Braonáin, Niamh Hanley, James Grannell, Kate Brady, Margeurite Murphy, Dan Binchy, Daniel Daly, Danny Lambert.

Contributors List:

Show US the money!

The almost annual story of senior members of the UCD hierarchy receiving huge sums of money has raised its ugly head once more. I do not refer to the pay that our sabbatical officers at the Students’ Union earn, instead I again make reference to our main man, Dr. Hugh Brady. It is not the first time that Dr. Brady has attracted attention in matters relating to finance. In 2008, Malcolm Byrne of the HEA revealed that unpermitted allowances were paid to senior university members across the country, and our own President was one individual in question.

Míle Buíochas: Emmet Farrell (OUR hero), Donie O’Sullivan (great cook), Amy Walsh, Niamh Hanley, MCD – Rory Murphy, Colm Hanley, Josephine Nestor, Philip Connolly, James Grannell, Lorraine Foy, Tom Hanley, Dáire Brennan, Danny Lambert, David Tracey, Aoifa Smith, Danny Murray, Ciara Murphy, Mark Hobbs, Ryan Cullen, Gary Fox, Datascope Printing (Kevin Mitchell, David Walsh and Trina Kirwan).

The College Tribune

The Difference is we’re independent

LG 18, Newman Building (Arts Block), Box 74, Student Centre, UCD E: T: 01 716 8501 Editor: Colman Hanley Designer: Emmet Farrell News Editor: Amy Walsh

Turbine Editor: Ryan Cullen

Photography Editor: Dáire Brennan

Sports Editor: Mark Hobbs

Eagathóir Gaeilge: Eoin Ó Murchú

Music Editor: David Tracey

Thanks: Datascope Printing, Kevin

Deputy Music Editor: Conor McKenna Fashion Editor: Aoifa Smyth

The College Tribune Wants You If you are interested in writing for this newspaper please do not hesitate to contact us, no experience is required


It’s Satire Stupid!

Pakistan face hosepipe ban Due to a printing error, tomorrow’s Irish Times will be full of water Gaelgeoirs introduced onto endangered species list Child roasts himself in sacrifice to Chris Tarrent Cowen claims standing closer together will shorten dole queues Cillit Bang kills four pensioners in a home in County Clare. Controversy surrounds new Princess Diana Scalextric Irish Winter lasts 17 months

Pope’s PayPal visit Last week thousands of pilgrims gathered near Birmingham to celebrate the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman by Pope Benedict on the final day of his state visit to the United Kingdom. The founder of UCD will become the first non-martyred English saint since Michael Barrymore. After the body of John Henry Newman was exhumed, the vast majority of his carcass had decayed apart from his penis and his favourite copy of the ‘Beano’. His penis shall be contained in an airtight vessel and paraded around the major cities in the UK as part of the canonising process. Although almost 10,000 protesters were liquidated during the Papal visit, the event went relatively well and with little hassle. The many dif-

ferent procedures and precautions organised by the Vatican to ensure the safety of onlookers were deemed a success. The Pope was contained in what was called ‘the Popemobile’ to ensure restraint in case the Holy Father were to attack a nearby child. Cardinal Getuir Rocksoff was very happy with proceedings. “Everyday people are straying away from the church and going back to God. With this visit we hope to bring peace and harmony to the UK and offer support to the families of all the children we have raped.” When the Pope eventually reached the ceremony in Hyde Park, armed snipers surrounded the venue with instructions to shoot on sight as soon as the Pope opened his mouth. A spokesperson for “Fuck the

Pope....but use a condom” stated that “If the Pope continues his stance on homosexuality then his reign will end the same way it started, with smoke rising from the Vatican ceiling. You don’t have to be good at anagrams to see that Pope Benedict is an Epic Bent Pedo’. The Pope has drawn massive criticism for his comments in which he condemns homosexuality in all its forms, as it is “blurring gender barriers.” Many find this amusing coming from a man in a dress. All in all, the total cost of the visit was estimated around fifteen million pounds, to the anger of the vast majority of the taxpayers who felt that the money could have been put to better use. Like writing “Fuck off Germany” onto the moon.

Islamic terrorists take the glamour out of being a Martyr Islamic terrorists taking the glamour out of being a

sentence sounding like it was straight out of a cheesy

considering being a martyr, care and preparation are key


Hollywood script. Stephen, the first Christian martyr,

factors. “You need to take the time out to think of an

The word ‘martyr’ is being thrown around all too much

chose being stoned to death, which was a pleasant way

extravagant death. We even had a martyr some time ago

these days, with many hardcore Christians annoyed at the

to go. Assisted by Saul, the Pharisees forced Stephen to

who cut off her right tit. That’s sacrifice, not spreading

overuse of such a sacred word by many different religions

smoke over 600 pounds of marijuana, until he breathed

yourself over a 200 metre radius. Jesus, I feel like sending

and organisations. For example, Hezbollah initiated

his last breath and choked to death. His last words were

Gok Wan out there to get them into shape.”

suicide bombings after a complex reworking of the

“I’m so high right now I can see heaven, man.” John

concept of martyrdom. Cardinal Sean Brady recently

Rogers took the more hands-on approach towards

spoke on The Late Late Show about such shenanigans.

being the first protestant martyr. John, being terribly

“I just believe that Christian martyrs were creative and

drunk at the time, mistook the fire in his living room

reached full glamour potential before dying for their

for the bathroom sink. After urinating on his mothers’

beliefs, but all this strapping C4 to yourself and running

favourite rug, he put his hands into the raging fire and

into a mart (no pun intended) business just seems so

subsequently melted his hands. Before his execution,

fecking boring.”

one final chance to escape death was presented to him.

Throughout our times, there have been many martyrs

He was told that if he could tie his shoelaces in five

who have had many strange, holy and hilarious deaths

minutes, he would be set free. He failed. Miserably.

relating to martyrdom, usually ending with a dramatic

Cardinal Brady then went on to say that, when

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

College Tribune

The College Tribune September 28th 2010

| 17


Down the Line

With the Ryder Cup approaching this weekend, Mark Hobbs contemplates what appeals about the historic event.

Europe and the USA battle out for

putt in the Ryder Cup or win a

of the most distinguished members

completely preposterous to contend

an insular sport where individuals

one of golf ’s most recognisable and

major, it’s the major every day.

of each team, namely Tiger Woods



compete for themselves against

iconic prizes.

“World championship or Ryder

and Pádraig Harrington, makes for

frustration of failing to secure such

other individuals, battling as much

Since the tournament’s inception

Cup? Win a world championship.

interesting reading. Both players

an exalted win, at what is after all an

against their own mind and nerve,


“At the end of the day you’re going

have been relatively poor in the

individual sport for the main part, is

as against their opponents. These

to be remembered for what you

competition compared to their

the catalyst for desire and passion on

three days allow us to see these men

representatives (with the team not

achieve in an individual sport.

individual feats. Conversely, the

a team level.

making putts to try and benefit

open to wider Europeans until

“When I was a kid growing up

players with excellent statistics in

This theory is in no way an attempt

a team, to walk down fairways

1979), it has been a dramatic and

practising I never had a putt to win

the tournament, such as Colin

to diminish the lustre of the Ryder

knowing there is a greater reason to

fascinating platform to showcase the

the Ryder Cup. I always had a putt

Montgomerie and Lee Westwood,

Cup, in fact it may enhance it. Sport

win rather than personal glory.

One of the sporting highlights of

sport, and maintains a strong sense

to win the Masters or the Open –

are those that have fallen short in

is loved for the stories and romance

Anyone that can remember the

the year makes its way to the Usk

of affection from the wider public.

it’s just the way I feel.”

the four Majors. There may be

it produces, and if this battle of two

scenes of elation when Irishman

Valley in Wales this weekend with

However, recent comments from

While initially it is tempting to

no relationship between the two

golfing powers makes a hero and

Paul McGinley holed his ten-

the arrival of the Ryder Cup. A

Rory McIlroy may suggest that for

disregard these comments as nothing

at all, but there could arguably be

icon of a man that would otherwise

foot putt at the Belfry for victory

course that has been described by

the modern professional golfer the

but brash and misguided comments

evidence to suggest that the most

be half forgotten as a journeyman,

in 2002, will know that there are

many professionals as unremarkable

desire to emerge victorious is not all

from a young ambitious man, they

effective members of these teams

then it has served its purpose.

plenty of people that still dream

will find itself the focus of the

consuming: “If somebody asks me

do give some cause for thought.

are those that have underachieved

The Ryder Cup is something that

sporting world for three days, as

about the Ryder Cup.

whether I’d rather sink the winning

Looking at the Ryder Cup records

on an individual level. It is not

golf should cherish. Usually it is

1927, when



an American against




Clubhouse Mark Hobbs

five man and three man position

university degree. These students

UCD Marian Announce New Signing

which is the flexibility we require.”

receive financial assistance, campus

The new addition will be a


welcome boost to the students, who

mentoring, sport medicine and

missed out on a play off position

physiotherapy support, elite strength

in last season’s Nivea For Men

and conditioning training, nutrition


and psychology support and tailored

The university-based team have announced the signing of James Crowder ahead of the new season, who




Pfeiffer University men's basketball program in the US. “We recruited James because of the

UCD Elite Athlete Academy Has Seventeen New Hopefuls

style of play in his college, a similar

The first intake of students into

style to the way we play,” said UCD

the new Elite Athlete Academy

Marian head coach Fran Ryan.




”He gives us real height and




athleticism, and although only 6 feet

GAA, track and field, rowing and

7 inches, he has a huge wing span


which allows him to play a bigger

The aim of the academy is to ensure


that its athletes can compete at the

”His college were the highest

highest level possible, nationally

NCAA scoring team in the USA


and Crowder was required to play

continuing to work towards their


internationally, while



training and testing. In addition to the sporting assistance they receive, each student is assigned to a mentor that helps them achieve a working balance between their academic work and this side of their life. “I have no doubt that they will become excellent role models for other student athletes at University College Dublin and nationally,” says Professor Boreham, Director of the UCD Institute for Sport and Health.





UCD Rugby’s scintillating century Mark Hobbs takes a look at one hundred years of rugby at UCD, and speaks to two of the club’s most important figures of recent times, Irish captain Brian O’Driscoll and Director of Rugby at UCD, John McClean. Since the formation of a rugby club here at the university in 1910, UCD has wasted no time in making its presence felt within the sport. A mere nine years after its birth, the club provided Ireland with an international player through Andy Courtney, and only another five years elapsed before the exalted Senior Cup found its way to the Belfield trophy cabinet. Prestige and honours have long been familiar friends to the rugby teams of the university. UCD Rugby Football Club, now celebrating its centenary year, can be proud of a rich and colourful history.To date the club has supplied Ireland with eight international captains, and since Niall Brophy and Bill Mulcahy travelled south to Australia and New Zealand in 1959, UCD has been honoured to see ten current or former players represent the British and Irish Lions on tour.

really worked as a part-time job. It

“I really had a lot of fun playing for

asserted McClean. When asked to

gave me an initial idea of what it

the college, and enjoying the social

assert the club’s level of progression

was like to play as a professional.

aspect as well.”

in recent times, he is philosophical,

“Secondly, just playing for the

When asked about a future return to

saying: “If we have in some small

college; it got you out into the

a former team in a coaching capacity

way helped them to become better,

public domain as a possibility for

after his retirement, the all time

then that’s how I’d measure our

being seen by the provincial set up,

Irish record try scorer offered little

success. It’s wonderful if we are top

and eventually the national set up.”

hope or discouragement. “I may

of whatever division we are in, that’s

The former Blackrock man was

be into coaching in some capacity,

the thrill of sport, but in terms of

sincerely complimentary towards

but when I do finish, I know I will

measuring our progress I do it in

the coaching he received while

want a break from rugby altogether,

terms of if we’re helping players

learning his trade at Belfield, and

because the last twelve or so years

become better players.”

he could clearly trace the small

I have lived the same life…it’ll all

The centenary season at the club

steps that led to such an outstanding

fit into place when it comes to it,

runs until May, and features special

professional career. He spoke of

but hopefully that’s not for another

dinners and social events, as well

the special role John McClean

couple of years yet.”

as a special commemorative game

played in his development, a man

The aforementioned John McClean,

against the combined universities of

whose vision spotted a new role for

Director of Rugby in Belfield for

Trinity, UCC, Queen’s and NUIG

O’Driscoll that had been hitherto

the past fourteen years, has been

on November 5th. The initiative

unconsidered. “He was the one that

fundamental to the progress of the

was kick-started this August with

brought me into the academy, he

club. It was he that established the

the first team squad travelling to

was the first guy to ever play me

academy that has in recent years

South Africa, the first time the

in the centre in a Leinster schools

produced such talents as Brian

university had done so.

trial, and I owe him a huge debt of

that’s what drew me back to being a

O’Driscoll, Rob Kearney, Seán

It is fitting to leave the influential

When he speaks about this period

member, even though I went away

O’Brien, Kevin McLoughlin and

and entertaining John McClean

of his career, and how these men

and was a member of Blackrock

Paddy Wallace. “What we set out to

with the final word: “We go on

helped shape his talent, an image of

for a few seasons. There’s a draw

do fourteen years ago was to put the

tour there (South Africa) every

to the college for me, irrespective

emphasis on player development…

hundred years, so I’m not sure I’ll

of whether I play for them again.

to help guys on all levels to become

make the next one.”

Whereas such gushing gratitude

I suppose there’s an element of

as good as they can be. So whether

might sound trite from someone

being students and being underdogs

the best they could do is to become

UCD’s first game of the AIL

that appeals to me. We were always

a J2 player or the best they can

League is next Saturday at


considered to be up against it, but

become is to play for Ireland and

2:30pm in the Belfield Bowl

“I loved my time in UCD, and

we had a very fine side.

the Lions, we can help them,”

against DLSP.

gratitude,” said the Leinster man. Further praise was given to Lee Smith, then first team coach, who O’Driscoll said helped to instill a belief in the young man that allowed him to express himself on the pitch. “I joined in ’98 and he just gave me confidence in playing my own game and just tweaking certain parts of my game and working on

skill levels.”

a maturing and rapidly developing rugby player comes to mind.

else, the earnestness in his voice is

To illustrate the depth of young talent that regularly appears at the Bowl on campus, five members of the Irish U19 World Cup winning squad of 1998 were club members. Since entering the Allied Irish League in 1993, the students achieved a steady rate of progress that saw them reach Division One in 2001, becoming the first Irish university club to achieve such a feat. After eight seasons holding their own at the top tier of Irish club rugby, the famous boys in saffron and blue were the victims of a last gasp penalty in the final game of the season that saw them sink to Division Two on points difference in 2009. Perhaps the most celebrated of all the university’s former sons is Brian O’Driscoll, who was chosen to captain the Lions squad on his ill-fated trip to New Zealand in 2005. When the Irish captain was asked how important his time at UCD was in developing his talents, he spoke in no uncertain terms: “Absolutely massive from a couple of points of view. First of all, getting a scholarship there gave me an opportunity to begin training like a professional before I ever was one…I was essentially given the scholarship to train away and that

September 28th 2010

The College Tribune

UCD Oarsmen Continue to Make Waves

| 19

determined and focused people. People who will never give up and will give 110% every time”.Rowing

On the back of another successful year for the Boat Club, Dan Sheridan speaks to reporter Greg Acton about the thrill of racing and the university’s impressive record.

The UCD crew had already seen

competition between UCD and

experience whatsoever. A lot of

is a team sport and crews will not

off Goldie Boat Club and Harvard

Trinity that takes place on the River

time and effort is put into training

be successful if everyone does not

University in previous rounds.Dan

Liffey. UCD have had the bragging

beginners, teaching them the proper

give their maximum effort. The

Sheridan, outgoing secretary and

rights in recent times, having won

technique and ways to get fit. We

teamwork involved in rowing has

UCD Boat Club boasts an impressive

Albert Challenge Cup at the Henley

incoming treasurer of the UCD

the Cup the last three years running.

fully encourage anyone with any

enabled members of the UCD Boat

history. It has been the dominant

Royal Regatta in England, with the

Boat Club, tells us that what makes

Rowing is one of the most

interest in rowing, regardless of

Club to develop friendships that

force in Irish rowing for large parts

UCD Novice crew of eight also

rowing special is “the feeling you

physically demanding sports there

experience, to join and give it a try.”

will last a lifetime. The friendships

of the last century, and continues

beating NUI Galway, Trinity and

get after you beat another team

is, and in Dan’s words, “takes a

As well as the physical side of the

he has made and the fitness he has

to be one of the most successful

Queen’s University Belfast to win

(especially Trinity) in a race. No

short amount of time to learn and

sport, rowing has a major mental

gained are two of Dan’s favourite

rowing clubs in Ireland and the UK.

the National Championships. They

words can describe the feeling of

a lifetime to master.” This leads one

aspect. Experienced rowers know

parts of his involvement with the

The Boat Club has always produced

finished the 2009/2010 season

euphoria you get when you know

to believe that the training must be

that when every muscle in your

club. He points out that “one of the

top quality oarsmen and many

unbeaten in Ireland.

all your hard work and effort has

very intense, but Dan says that the

body is telling you to stop, it is the

best things though would have to

people who have rowed for UCD

The victory at Henley was the first

paid off, and that you have helped to

sport is very accessible for beginners

team with the greater mental focus

be the knowledge that when you

have represented Ireland in high

for UCD in 36 years. UCD’s coxed

make sure that UCD Rowing Club

and the training isn’t too tough

that will keep going and ultimately

go out to race, you have a chance

profile international competitions,

four of Tom Doyle, Finbar Manning,

is better than all the other clubs out

when you start.

win. Dan

that, “Rowing

to make UCD the most successful



Colm Pierce, Dave Neale and Jennie

there.” One of the highlights of the

“We accept people to the rowing

does not seek out a specific

rowing university in Ireland. And

Recently five members of the club

Lynch beat Bristol by two lengths

Boat Club’s calendar is the annual

club of all levels. From some

kind of person. The people that

that’s a great feeling to have.” Well,

succeeded in winning the Prince

on the final day to seal a famous win.



generally thrive at it would be very

that and beating Trinity!










UCD fall just short in Quarter Final to 14 men, after UCD full-forward

as the full-time whistle approached.

UCD: J O’Loughlin 0-3, J Heslin

Daniel St. Ledger and St. Brigid’s

However, Brigid’s managed to hold

0-2 (0-2f), K McGourty, C Kelly

full-back Martin Cahill were shown

out a wave of UCD attacks to book

(0-1f), D O Laorcáin 0-1 each.

the start and it was immediately

the line by referee Tighe.

themselves a place in the last four.

ST BRIGID’S - S Supple; A Daly,

apparent that the match was going

Despite their slow start UCD

Speaking after the match, St Brigid’s

Martin Cahill, G Norton; C Moran,

to be UCD’s toughest task of their

remained involved and fought their



B Cahill, G Kane; S Murray, C

campaign. As the final whistle drew

way back into the game brilliantly

Supple (left) acknowledged: “The

Mullins; K Kilmurray, Mark Cahill,

close, the Students were growing

to cut Brigid’s lead to just two

second half was a very tasty game

K Bonner; P Ryan, K Darcy, Paddy

stronger and victory seemed well

points going into the half time

and we scraped over the line in the


within grasp.

break, thanks to points from Kevin

end.” The former Ipswich Town

Subs: Peadar Andrews for Kane

some excellent defending from the

McGourty and John O’Loughlin.

netminder pointed out that Brigid’s

(30); D O’Connor for Ryan (52); C

Blanch boys to hold on for a victory

The second half started very evenly

“couldn’t really kick on and get

Kilmurray for Moran (58); C Carr

by the narrowest of margins.

and the two sides traded points for

that three point difference… It was

for Mullins (59).

St. Brigid’s started the game brightly

the first fifteen minutes, leaving

always two and then they would

UCD - R Farrell; P Kelly, C Forde,

with Kevin Bonner scoring two

the score at 0-7 to 0-5 in favour

(UCD) come back and get one.”

J Hayes; D Curran, S Redmond, J

early points. UCD found it were

of Brigid’s. After this, the Belfield

Supple and his St Brigid’s teammates

Fitzpatrick; S Brennan, J Heslin;

finding it difficult to create scoring

men twice fought to get themselves

advance to the semi-finals, while

J O’Loughlin, M McGowan, K

chances against the opposition’s

within a point, but Brigid’s swiftly

UCD must wait for the 2011

McGourty; T Warburton, D St

experienced defence.

regained their two point lead on

Sigerson Cup campaign.

Ledger, C Kelly.

By the 20th minute, the team from

both occasions. On 66 minutes,

SCORERS - St Brigid’s: K Bonner

Subs: D O Laorcáin for Warburton

Russell Park were 0-5 to 0-1 ahead

John Heslin again made it a one

0-3, Mark Cahill (0-1f), K Darcy

(24); P Brady for Hayes (ht); S

and seemed firmly in control. On

point game, and the Students looked

(0-2f) 0-2 each, P Ryan, Paddy

Nerney for Curran (35); R Mallon

24 minutes, both sides were reduced

like they had more left in the tank

Andrews 0-1 each.

for Brady (42).

Greg Acton Brigid’s




However, it took



Celebrating 100 years of UCD Rugby ››

Gently down the stream ››

Interview on page 18

Focus on page 19

UCD’s Rowing Club

Brian O’ Driscoll exclusively talks to the Tribune

College Tribune

The College Tribune September 28th 2010

Late goal denies students

Greg Bolger (UCD) challenges Bray’s Gary Dempsey

Bray Wanderers




by the absence of key players as

who directed it into the goal from

the Seagulls struggled to penetrate

short range.

the UCD defence. The best Bray

Spurred on by the goal, Bray pressed


UCD edged out by Saints



St. Brigids


Greg Acton

Bottom Five




chance fell to Derek Prendergast

and won a succession of corners,

6 Dundalk

31 12 6 13


UCD came up just short in a

whose header was matched by a full

as the game neared its conclusion.


31 9 8 14 35

gripping Dublin SFC quarter-final

length save from UCD keeper, Billy

The equaliser eventually came as a

in Parnell Park last Friday night as a

8 Galway United

31 8 10 13



corner, which was initially cleared

late point by Dublin senior football

9 Bray Wanderers

31 6

6 19


It was the UCD counter-attack,

by the head of Mick Leahy, came

star Kevin Bonner earned victory

10 Drogheda United 31 4

7 20


though, which broke the deadlock

straight out to Doyle again, who

for St. Brigid’s. UCD were left

on 30 minutes, as Mulhall played

promptly took advantage of the

chasing the game from the start,

McMillan into a gaping hole in

opportunity to grab a brace, and

trailing by 0-5 to 0-1 after eighteen

A scintillating thirty yard strike in the 91st minute from

the Bray defence, and although his

struck a half volley which carved a

minutes was compounded after

Bray’s Daire Doyle broke The Students’ hearts at the

first effort was once again stopped

path straight into the top left corner

Carlow senior football star Daniel

Carlisle Grounds on Friday night, as a hard-fought two

by the busy Wanderers goalkeeper,

of Brennan’s goal.

St Ledger was dismissed along with

goal lead for UCD evaporated into the misty seaside air.

managing only to parry it back to

As the additional time petered out

St Brigid’s full-back Martin Cahill

It was the Students who had the better of the early

the striker, who headed coolly into

both teams pushed for one last

for an off the ball altercation on 24

frantic exchanges. At the heart of the initial UCD

the empty net.

chance in the game, but neither

minutes. Trailing by two points at

effort was the mercurial Chris Mulhall whose third

The UCD hitman then doubled his

could create one. Although the

the break, UCD fought back thanks

minute shot shaved the crossbar as it flashed over; while

tally following the break, after some

final score was probably the fairest

to the scoring efforts of Laois senior

five minutes later a weaving run into the centre by the

nice interplay between himself and

result, the Students will be kicking

dual star John O’Loughlin and

winger was only halted by the outstretched glove of the

Ciaran Kilduff exposed a lethargic

themselves for squandering the

Westmeath footballer John Heslin.

onrushing Matt Gregg in goal for Wanderers.

Bray defence, leaving the striker the

chance to distance themselves from

However St Brigid’s experienced

By far the best chance fell to UCD’s David McMillan as

opportunity to deposit the ball in

the relegation battle.

players stood up to the mark in

he connected with an early Karl Moore cross from the

the top corner.

UCD Team: Brennan; O'Conor,

the final minutes and Bonner’s late

UCD seemed to be coasting but

Leahy, E McMillan, Russell; Mulhall,

point proved to be enough to see St.

from Gregg, pushing it onto the crossbar.

set pieces remained threatening

Corry, Bolger, Moore (Creevy '70);

Brigid’s progress to the semi-finals

Bray began to dominate the bulk of possession and

for Bray, and on 60 minutes, a long

Kilduff, D McMillan (Ward '79).

and see UCD exit at the quarter-

showed why they had managed ten points from their

throw in by Dave Webster found

Subs not used: Boyle, Wilson, Barron.

finals for the fourth successive year

previous four league games, but they were clearly hurt

its way to the head of Daire Doyle,

Patrick Fleming

left wing, only to be denied by an expert reaction save

in a row.

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