College Tribune Issue 6

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COLLEGE TRIBUNE Volume XXVI 20th November 2012

Issue 6 Independent Student Media Since 1989



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UCD academics voice their opinion James Grannell News Editor


ast week the College Tribune carried out its third academic survey. Academics were asked a series of questions in an attempt to gauge their opinion of issues affecting the university. 82 surveys were returned and their answers were compiled into a series of statistics. Not surprisingly many respondents see the academic staff of the university as its greatest strength. Traditionally high standards of scholarship, availability of facilities, genuine commitment of staff to teaching and research and enthusiastic students were also pointed out as among the strengths of UCD. When asked what the biggest threat facing the university is, finances were high on the list. The funding of third level institutions has become a bone of contention in the current economic crisis with the government planning to raise the student contribution charge while imposing tighter fiscal controls on Irish universities. One academic commented, “fees should be reintroduced as a matter of urgency,” others echoed this sentiment. A lack of international research funding for work outside Ireland and the dumbing down of degrees were causes of concern for some. One academic stated that a “lack of concern with undergraduate teaching and standards [and an] overemphasis on postgrads for financial/prestige reasons rather than being student focused” was a threat to the university. “The mistaken belief that the Internet solves all problems,” was highlighted by one academic. The use of business modals rather than educational ones was also a cause of concern. The availability of “massive online courses” was highlighted as a threat by another.

Interestingly it was also claimed that the “absense of a work ethic among academic and administrative staff makes UCD sclerosal.” The other major concern for those surveyed was intrusion and interference form the government, the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Department of Education. This comes on the back or reports from the HEA on the remodelling of the Irish third level sector while the government is aiming to introduce changes to the 1997 Universities Act that will give more power to the Minister for Education. This trepidation in relation to outside interference in the university was reflected in the qualities the academics surveyed said that they would like to see in the new president who will be appointed when Hugh Brady’s term of office is complete next year. “Willingness to fight the corner of the university sector against pressure from politicians and the USI,” answered one. Another echoed this sentiment saying that the ability to actively defend the university is and important quality as well as the ability to rebuild the shattered morale of staff within the institution. Honest, wise, prophetic, noncorporate, truthful, and trust-worthiness were all adjectives used to describe qualities that respondents would like to see in Brady’s successor. Others wanted the president’s salary to be reduced and for them to possess an “awareness of all disciplines and economic realities,” pointing out that there is more to academic life than the USA and China, and that there was a need for a more creative outlook. Continued on page 3

Above: Students busk in aid of UCD SVP Homeless Week. Photo by James Grannell

Just 360 SUSI grants confirmed for UCD students Ronan Coveney News Writer


ith nearly 3 months of the first semester completed, Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) has paid out grants to 360 UCD students since it started processing applications in the summer. This is in contrast to the 860 students who received their grant in the same time frame by county councils and VEC’s last year. In figures released to the College Tribune by UCD it is revealed that just 300 undergraduates have received approval for their grants from SUSI along with 60 postgraduate students. This is believed to be one third of all applications SUSI is set to process and approve for UCD. Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn apologised to students affected by the situation in the Dáil last Tuesday saying, “I want to apologise formally to those stu-

dents and their parents for the distress these delays are causing and ultimately, as Minister for Education and Skills, I accept responsibility...If there are mistakes in the system, I didn’t make them but I am responsible for them”. Across Ireland over 66,000 applications have been received by SUSI, but just 3010 grants have been approved by the organisation. It is hoped that 33,000 of these applications will be approved by SUSI before Christmas. SUSI is a new online system that has been put in place to replace the processing of grants via local authorities and VEC’s around the country. Run by the City of Dublin VEC it processes grant applications for all 1st year undergraduates and for students who are new to the grant system. Meanwhile, UCD Administrative Services have confirmed that access

to the library is to be restored to 115 postgraduate students who did not have the use of library facilities due to the delays in processing their grant applications. Speaking to the College Tribune, Director of UCD Administrative Services Michael Sinnott said “of the 400 plus graduate taught students for which we have an indication of an application to SUSI, 115 currently do not have access to the library. On foot of recent indications as to the like[ly] persistence of SUSI issues we will be extending library access to these students.” This decision follows on from a protest held on campus against the curtailment of access and criticism from the CEO of the HEA, Tom Boland towards some institutions for failing to provide for those students affected by SUSI delays.



25thOctober October2011 2011 20th November 2012 11th




NEWS YFG evade protesters Page 4

FEATURES Behind the Golden Dawn

Liberty James Grannell Editor


iberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life. It is a word we ought to think more of here in Ireland. Personal liberty is an important concept and one that is worth expanding. It contains the idea that we are responsible people who are capable of running our own lives as we see fit, so long as we do not interfere with the liberty of others. Liberty allows us to make decisions for ourselves about what we wish to do with our bodies and what manner of life we wish to lead. The

idea of liberty however, seems to be somewhat neglected in this country. As thousands take to the streets calling for changes to the laws on abortion in this state I cannot help but wonder where liberty is in this Ireland. Regardless of if you’re pro-life or pro-choice you must surely recognize that it is absolutely none of your business what another person does with their body. If you don’t agree with abortion then by all means be sure not to have one, but don’t impede the free choice of another person who may not share your particular moral beliefs or faith. There is no reason why Irish citizens should have to travel across the Irish sea to terminate a preg-

nancy and there is no reason why the legislation for the X case is still not passed twenty years on. Equally in the case of assisted suicide. What right has anybody else to prevent an individual from ending their own life and seeking assistance in that task if necessary? What right has anybody to impose their particular belief structure on another human being? We ought not suffer under such vestiges of authoritarianism. There was a time, not so long ago, that churches in this country had a great say in people’s daily lives. Thankfully we are now in the process of putting those days behind us. Elements of the old unquestioning mindset still do exist,

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but incidents of its manifestation are becoming less common. What are becoming more common however are incidents of the opposite. Incidents were people are ridiculed for their sincerely held religious beliefs. Liberty works both ways. If you want the freedom to live your life as you see fit and hold what beliefs you see fit then the same courtesy must be extended to those you would naturall disagree with. This can be a hard task. To Voltaire is attributed a great quote, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.” If only we were all so passionate as this, then perhaps the world would run a little smoother.

A way forward Cathal O'Gara Editor


n the past few years Ireland has seen a wholehearted shift in the way in which we view education in this country. Increasing charges, cutting of funding to certain faculties and encouraging prospective students to see themselves as consumers browsing the education market for the best value degree - these are all attempts to shift the idea of education as a right and a public good to a privilege, a private good. This has the potential to be hugely damaging for the country as a whole. At the very simplest level, we will always need doctors and lawyers; at the highest level, creative thinking and intellectual curiosity are things to be cherished. This isn't some crazy unthought

proffer. Most Scandinavian countries' governments believe that providing free public educational opportunities is a necessary priority- far from privilege. We all reap in the growth of our universities - and not just in economic terms. UCD has certainly shown that over the years. Education is and always should be regarded as a social good. We all pride ourselves on UCD's excellent and continuing access work. Owing to schemes like HEAR, assistance funds, bursaries and scholarships, there has been an increase in third level attendance by people from socially or financially disadvantaged backgrounds. Let's think about postgraduate studies for a moment. With the incredible void in funding available from the government and the EU- particularly for taught masters

COLLEGE TRIBUNE Editors: Cathal O'Gara James Grannell News Editor: James Grannell Deputy News Editor: Thomas Cullen News In Focus Editor: Dawn Lonergan

courses - who will be able to access this level of education? We need to be calling for a fair funding system for postgraduate studies in Ireland as a priority -a system that doesn't result in a mound of debt. Let us not forget the Government's slashing of student funding in their budget, promoting their dangerous agenda to discourage students from attending third level education. It is the exceptionally diverse, international, academic community which makes UCD a world class institution, not the infamous ghost of a 24 hour campus or the “global mind” that we're told that we develop during our time here, and we cannot let that be lost. Yesterday saw the Gilmore 250 protest take place. Students protested as they can see the public value of education to our country,

LGBT cleansing in Uganda Page 8

Know your enemy Page 9

REGULARS Marches and protests Page 15

GNÉ - AILT not cries of a generation raised on a culture of entitlement -something that is thrown around far too much these days in the media. Students are campaigning because they value the space for diverse, academicallydriven third level institutions. They are campaigning because they care about future generations. A wise man once said in regards to UCD that “the way decisions are made in this university is such that a very small number of people, of the staff, in fact 20 per cent of the whole staff make the decisions which affect the rest of the university. That would mean 100 people in all make decisions that affect 10,000.” This was Ruairi Quinn in 1969. Funny, I could say the same about his government.

Agallamh: Máirtín Ó Maoilchiaráin Page 14

SPORT Marian end slump with big win over Killester Page 19

EDITORS' CHOICE A matter of life and death Page 10 James & Cathal say: Peter Hamilton talks in-depth with Tom Curran, partner of former UCD lecturer Marie Fleming, on the ever polemical and debatable issue of the right to die

Contributors List Features Editor: Michael Phoenix

Chief Writer: Stephen West

Turbine Editor: Candi Wilde

Music Editor: Ciaran Breslin

Eagarthóirí Gaeilge: Cormac Breathnach Daire Brennan

Fashion Editor: Róisín Sweeney

Sports Editors: Conall Devlin Amy Eustace

Arts Editor: Conor Fox Designer: Cheryl Flood

Ronan Coveney Peter Hamilton Jonathan Baxter David Healy Silvana Lakeman Niall Conroy Colm Egan Aodh Ó Canainn Elizabeth Coote Eoin Mac Aodha Bhuí Cathal Daly Ceithreann Murphy

Anthony Strogen Chris Becton Sophie McDonald Kathryn Toolan Elaine McDonald Michael McDermott Darragh O’Connor Stephen West Aoife Byrne Lisa Gorry Lauren Tracey Miceala O’Donovan

COLLEGE TRIBUNE Scan the QR code to visit collegetribune. ie


20th November 2012

UCD academics voice their opinion Continued from front page Many wished for the president to have a respect for staff across all departments and to possess an inclusiveness and “real knowledge of all departments.” Communication with staff and consultation with the departments in decision making, as well as energy and dedication, were all seen as important attributes for them to have. Many academics voiced their dissatisfaction with the top-heavy administration in the university with some saying that the number of Vice Presidents

should be cut. In reference to the budgetary constraints of the university one respondent commented, “cuts need to be focused on administrative sectors, such as personnel, not academic schools. [The] levels of administrative salary in the university are unsustainably high and their working week is unsustainably low.”

The News Editor will report and write news stories and edit news content from writers. A news editor needs critical thinking, reading comprehension, good communication and writing skills. Creativity, the ability to work well with others and organizational skills are also important for the position. The news editor must be committed, enthusiastic and provide editorial insight through the direction of the news section. Applications should be e-mailed to or posted to the following address: Editor, The College Tribune, LG 20, Newman Building, UCD.

For more detail on the findings of the College Tribune’s academic survey see page five.

Photo: James Grannell

Honouring Savita James Grannell News Editor



Position for News Editor is now open

Above: Students in UCD mourn passing of Savita Halappanvar

group of UCD students held a candle light vigil outside the Newman Building on Thursday last, November 15th, in memory of Savita Halappanavar. Savita (31) presented with back pain at University Hospital Galway on October 21st where it was found that she was miscarrying. She died of septicaemia a week later. Her husband Praveen Halappanavar says that she asked several times over a three-day period for the pregnancy to be terminated. This was refused, he says, because the foetal heartbeat was still present and they were told, “this is a Catholic country”. Reports of the circumstances surrounding Savita’s death have sparked outrage across the coun-


try with thousands taking to the streets in protest. 20 years after the controversial 1992 X case, pro-choice campaigners are now calling on the government to legislate to allow abortions to be carried out on demand. Freddie Hoskin, a member of UCD pro-choice society who attended the vigil commented on the case, saying that something like this can never happen again. "It is clear now that the prolifers are no such thing…We hope that our actions have, in some small way, helped to alleviate the crushing grief Savita's family must be feeling," said Hoskin. Sinn Féin is to table a motion calling for legislation for the X Case in the wake of Savita’s death. The event in UCD was reported on by France24 news channel.


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20th November 2012

Above: Students protest outside Ag Building Photo by James Grannell

UCD Labour criticize protest as SU continue to fight against fee increases

YFG evade protesters James Grannell News Editor


n Tuesday November 13th the Students’ Union Council, as part of the Gilmore 250 campaign, voted to hold a protest against government TDs who were attending meetings in UCD. One of the TDs, Minister of State, Brian Hayes was speaking at a Young Fine Gael meeting, which was moved to the Arts Block to avoid the protesters. Speaking to the College Tribune regarding the protest, Lorcan Nyhan, auditor of UCD YFG, said, “I think it shows everything that’s wrong with their campaign. We had a minister coming out to us. If Shane Comer or one of the Sabbats had come to me and said ‘here, would you mind if we came to your meeting and asked him a question about funding, because we want to see what he thinks about it’ I would have seriously considered that. I probably would have let them do it.” Nyhan believes that, rather than protesting, the Union should be sitting down with the government to see what can be achieved for students. “You have to give to get something. You can’t just go protest

and say ‘don’t cut me, don’t cut me, cut everybody else,’” commented Nyhan. “I think, to be honest, the way they’re doing it at the moment, the free fees or not increasing the registration is just the easy option, because it’s what’s always been done. You can get a nice catchy slogan like ‘stand up’ and all this type of stuff and you look like you’re doing the job you’re elected to do. But I think if they really did care about student leadership and they really did care about improving the situation for students they’d engage more positively and actually think of real solutions.” “I think the Union has an obligation to get rid of the old tired mantra of ‘oh, cut everybody else, don’t cut us. Give us free education, don’t increase our fees.’ They should be offering real tangible solutions to the problem,” continued Nyhan. “They should be saying, ‘look there is an issue, we’d be willing to give up this if you give us this.’ Maybe we should look at a graduate tax, maybe we should look at a state funded loan.” Speaking on the Gilmore250

campaign Nyhan said, “I think it’s a completely ineffective campaign to be honest. It’s totally prioritising publicity over actually getting real solutions to the problem.” “I’m actually not in favour of a registration fee… but we are facing a university-funding crisis. The numbers coming into university are increasing and we have less money to spend on education.” Minister Hayes is the second high profile Fine Gael politician to attend a meeting in UCD in recent weeks. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny visited the UCD branch of Young Fine Gael on the 6th November where he discussed, among other things, the economic performance of the country since his election in 2011, his work in rebuilding Irish relationships with other EU member states, his attempts to get a deal on the Irish debt and the Governments vision for the future of the country. He also partook in an extensive questions and answers session dealing with questions on CAP reform, University funding, Educational reform, Foreign Relations and many others.

Top: Enda Kenny addressing UCD YFG Above: UCD YFG Auditor Lorcan Nyhan with Mr Kenny at the meeting Photography courtesy of UCD YFG

Thomas Cullen Deputy News Editor


he auditor of UCD Labour Society has told the College Tribune that he was “shocked and surprised” at the protest by UCD Students’ Union, which took place on Tuesday 13th November. The protest involved members of SU council gathering in front of the Agriculture Building to give a “guard of dishonour” to Labour politicians who were attending an event on homelessness and housing in Ireland. Speakers at the event included Jan O’ Sullivan TD, the Labour party Minister for Housing and Planning, and senator Aideen Hayden, the chairperson of Threshold and a Labour party politician. The council members were instructed by UCD Students’ Union President Rachel Breslin to protest peacefully outside the building and not to block the public meeting from occurring. UCD Labour auditor Seán Glennon criticised the decision of the Students’ Union to gather outside an event, which was organised to raise awareness about the problems of homelessness in Ireland today. “We just thought it was a bit tasteless, that this was an event with UCD SVP and UCD Labour, the minister had come out to talk to us about homelessness, it is UCD homeless week, an initiative that UCD students take up. For the Union to protest at it we were very shocked and surprised and we just felt it was in poor taste,” said Glennon. “I think the SU are completely entitled to protest a politician, especially a minister, but when it happens to be a minister coming out to talk at an event about housing the homeless, during a week dedicated about the problems of homelessness in Irish society, then no, it’s not appropriate.” UCD Students’ Union President Rachel Breslin has defended the protest while also denying that it was a joint Labour/SVP event. “The event was a Young Labour event

that a speaker from SVP attended. The Students' Union would never have protested an event that was going to raise money for the SVP or any other charity but it is clutching at straws to claim that just because an event run by the youth wing of a political party who has broken countless promises to students which have caused real, tangible harm to our members was going to discuss homelessness then it is a charity event,” said Breslin. “UCD Labour cannot and should not hide behind the fact that they have turned their back on students and peers in their college who voted Labour because of the promises made prior to the General Election in favour of party loyalty. Students have a right to peaceful protest and they chose to exercise it, the event was allowed go ahead and nobody was prevented from attending. UCD Labour should chose to keep their own Party's TD's accountable to promises to students but instead have attacked students and the SU on social media and tried to disrupt the campaign. On a personal note it is hurtful, harmful and a cheap shot to claim that I as President would try and disrupt any charity event, it's a ludicrous suggestion” Claims were also made by protesters at the event that they were shoved by Seán Glennon as he exited the Agriculture Building. Glennon told the Tribune that these claims were not true and that there “wasn’t any sort of physical thing, we didn’t put our hands on them, we just were getting by them.” However, the UCD Labour auditor appears to have admitted to shoving UCD student Niall Dunne on a comment thread about the protest on the UCD Students’ Union facebook page. Rachel Breslin has stated that she was unaware of any shoving that took place and has not received any complaints about the protest from either party.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

Academic Survey



The College Tribune surveyed 82 academics from various departments and fields in order to gain an insight into their opinions on issues relating to the university. The results are both startling and informative.

have considered leaving UCD to teach/ research in another country.



think that more effort is put into the general image of UCD as a centre of excellence rather than making it a reality.

are concerned with the financial future of UCD.



have not agreed to the changes in academic contracts imposed by UCD.

said that they do not agree that those in receipt of bonuses and allowances deserve such benefits. However, many respondents made a distinction between academic allowances and extra payment for senior administrative staff.

77.7% agree “education is a right, not a privilege,”



feel that academic standards within the college have fallen in recent years. There are “far too many modules in BA,” commented one respondent.

are in favour of the reintroduction of third level fees.


61.2% do not think that the HEA plays a positive role in the development of third level policy.

83.13% feel that there has been a drift away from the Humanities in favour of the Sciences within UCD.



have concerns about the future of academic standards in UCD with one academic commenting that the “legacy of Celtic Tiger dumbing down will be hard to eradicate.”

61.1% said that UCD libraries are not of proper standard for a university of its size.

One of the most shocking findings of the survey was around the area of staff morale. When asked to rank the general morale of staff in their departments/ fields on a scale of one to ten the average response was only 3.6. Some of those surveyed rated morale in their departments as low as one.

4.2 When asked to rate the performance of the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, on a scale of one to ten he scored and average of 4.2. One academic commented that Quinn is an opportunist who has “plenty of good ideas, but little action.”

55.6% do not feel that enough communication exists between the President/Registrar of the university and staff. One academic commented, “current structures seem to create an impenetrable barrier for ordinary members of UCD.”

5.2 When asked to rate the performance of President Hugh Brady on a scale of one to ten he scored and average of 5.2




20th November 2012

Campaigns crew party takes shine from open meeting

HEA merger report published

Peter Hamilton

James Grannell

News Writer

News Editor


party organised by a member of the campaigns and communications crew is believed to be a contributing factor to the poor attendance at the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) organised public meeting, which took place on Wednesday November 7th in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. Paddy Guiney, Campaigns and Communications officer, said that the poor attendance was down to a number of factors, “it wasn’t advertised well enough, social media is an add on of advertisement…yes there were no posters on campus but all of my focus is on [the Gilmore 250 march].” It was mentioned by UCDSU president, Rachel Breslin, at union council that a campaigns crew bonding night out was one of the causes for the poor attendance at the meeting. According to Guiney “a student was organising his own night through UCD Ents and he wanted to promote it.” Guiney was on sick leave and says that there was poor attendance at both events claiming that only three or four people were at the party. Breslin estimates that there were up to ten members of the campaigns crew at the party, “because the events were together it seemed as though quite a large number of the campaigns crew or people who claim to be a part of the campaigns crew missed the event.” “Was it a bad idea, in theory be-

cause of what the campaigns crew should signify yes it was,” said Guiney in reference to the organising of the party. However, Guiney defended the crew saying that they have worked extremely hard during the course of the Gilmore 250 campaign. He admits that this didn’t look good and he says that it was a mistake. “It was a bad idea, but the crew, the forum, and the reps have done a very good job volunteering so far and I can’t doubt that, and one little hiccup shouldn’t take away from that element.” Breslin has taken action on the incident stating, “When something happens once you have to have some flexibility and say that we can learn from this.” However, she mentioned that she didn’t think that it was appropriate that any members of UCDSU should have missed the meeting in favour of going to a social event, “I think that these people should have been at the event and promoting the event rather than focusing on a night out.” Guiney commented, “I put my hands up…I went to the open forum meeting myself but [the party] was a bad idea.” Breslin wasn’t aware of the social event until after the meeting but has taken action, “it is up to me to deal with and if necessary discipline people who have duties as per their roles with UCDSU.”


he much talked about HEA report that recommends a merger between UCD and TCD was given clearance for publication on Friday last, November 16. The report was compiled by a group of experts chaired by Frans van Vught of the European Commission. As part of the report the group state, “the Panel believes that the optimal higher education system for Ireland should consist of a small number of large, fit for purpose autonomous institutions with the critical mass necessary to determine achievable and flexible missions. The larger institutions that will result from the merger proposals described below will lead to a significant rationalisation of the sector and allow for a similarly significant rationalisation of offerings and missions. At the same time the new institutions will have the strength and financial resources to expand capacity, address problems of low demand and duplication, and foster innovation. Excellence will be stimulated by focusing on strengths relative to local and international needs. The proposed changes will also ensure that centres of excellence are spread more widely across the country, reflecting regional needs

and expertise.” Regarding the proposed merger between UCD and Trinity the report says “the Panel believes that Ireland does not have the capacity to sustain more than one major research-focused university of international standing. While it appreciates the significant cultural and historical implications of this proposal, and does not make it lightly, the Panel has concluded that this goal can only be achieved through the creation of a new university by the merger of Trinity College Dublin and Univer-

sity College Dublin, incorporating the Marino Institute of Education. Bringing such strong institutions together will lead to the creation of a major global player. Their ability to use the resulting savings from rationalisations to strengthen existing areas of excellence and release resources to invest in supporting new ones will further enhance the new institution’s capacity and status.” It is estimated that this new university would have an enrolment of 40,000 students and a budget of €639 million including research

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012



Behind the Golden Dawn

Jonathan Baxter looks at the rising of the Greek right wing


he emergence of the extreme-right wing Golden Dawn political organisation in Greece is receiving continuing media coverage in Europe, often set against the background of the ongoing economic crisis that has set Greece up as the most likely candidate to exit the Eurozone. They have fostered support from a public that is understandably concerned for their nation’s future and bolstered this support by capitalising on the uneasy relationship between Greeks and immigrants, the latter of whom are frequently blamed as being responsible for the rapidly deteriorating employment situation. It gained a foothold on the political system in 2010, winning a single council seat in Athens. This year has seen its emergence as a serious political player as it took 21 and then

with a hardship for which it is viewed as having been partly at fault. For their less feverish supporters, Golden Dawn is a challenge to the system they see as having inflicted upon the nation the deteriorating conditions much of the populace experiences on a daily basis. It is difficult to view the party as anything but extreme, with their hardline attitude towards immigration manifesting itself in outright violence with attacks on migrants and foreigners, whether legal residents, tourists or undocumented workers, becoming widespread. With politicians in Greece also in receipt of criminal immunity during their time in office, elected representatives of the party have been seen participating in these attacks, demonstrating the party’s inclination towards

“There, they shall see what the Golden Dawn is really about, they will see what battle means, they will see what struggle means, they will see what bayonets sharpened every night mean.” 18 out of 300 seats in two respective general elections, the second being required following successive failures in the first to form a unity government. While they characterize themselves as nationalists, their rhetoric is staunchly antiimmigrant rather than pro-Greece. In a television ad in the run up to the first election they used the slogan “let’s rid this country of the stench”, while Eleni Zaroulia, the wife of their leader has described immigrants as “subhuman” and the carriers of “all kinds of diseases”. Zaroulia sits on the Council of Europe’s Committee on Equality and NonDiscrimination. They are now an almost daily fixture in a Greek media that has not been shy in their criticism of the group. This has had little if no impact on tapering the increasing public support which they are receiving as the media and political establishment struggles to maintain its credibility in a nation wrought

violent and aggressive behaviour. This is a serious cause for concern for many Greeks and opposition to Golden Dawn is significant. The juxtaposition of ancient Athens’ role in the creation of western democracy and its now apparent shift towards the authoritarian right has been well made but is a generally meaningless comparison with a more relevant historical precedent being that of the military dictatorship that ruled the country from 1967 to 1974. Political parties were dissolved, dissent was suppressed and press freedoms were curbed, while the legal process was used for the benefit of the regime. However, during this period Greece underwent significant economic growth that deflected attention away from the fascist nature of the ruling body. Some among that generation now view Golden Dawn as potential heirs to a system that they see as having created a prosperous Greece while others identify with the party’s

promotion of Greek nationalism. It is, however, an aggressive form of nationalism that considers multiculturalism to be a threat to the Greek identity, one which for them is essentially white-only. Numerous examples have been provided by the news media of neo-Nazi rhetoric and practice. Yiannis Baboulias, writing in the Guardian, provided translated quotes from a speech by the Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos. Among them was “blood, honour, Golden Dawn”, a direct translation from a motto of the Storm Detachment, a paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. Another call lifted from the same group asks members to “raise the flags high”. “If they want us to, we can abandon it at any given moment and take to the streets. There, they shall see what the Golden Dawn is really about, they will see what battle means, they will see what struggle means, they will see what bayonets sharpened every night mean.” During a live television debate a member of Golden Dawn threw water at a presenter and then swung fists at Liana Kanellia, a member of the Communist Party. In October, a vote in the Greek parliament revoked Ilias Kasidiaris criminal immunity as well as that of two of his colleagues who were accused of impersonating authorities and attacks on street vendors and the three now face prosecution. The potent mix of war-like rhetoric, combined with the vicious assaults on not only those who appear non-Greek, but also their peers in parliament, is a significant threat to democracy in Greece. An October poll, conducted by Public Issue, showed their popularity to be rising. It estimated they would receive 14% of the vote, equaling 35 seats, were elections to take place immediately, with 22% of the population having a favourable opinion of them. While all polls should be viewed with a healthy degree of skepticism, it is reasonable to believe that their support does not appear to be diminishing. With the Greek state in crisis the group has taken to providing free food to those who need it - and there are many who do - upon

production of an identity card to prove their Greek nationality. Those who seek these provisions have their details taken by Golden Dawn and in this way it also serves as a recruitment tactic. They have also targeted the children of immigrants. Ilias Panagiotaros, a Golden Dawn member of parliament, said that if his party gets into government “it will carry out raids on hospitals and kindergartens and it will throw immigrants and their children out on the street so that Greeks can take their place.” Their influence was also suspected in an incident that took place commemorating October 28th, a national holiday in Greece that celebrates the country’s refusal to take the side of the Nazis in World War II. A teacher who asked her class to draw the Greek flag to be hung on a wall also allowed eight Albanian children to draw their flag to be included with the others. A parent reported this to Golden Dawn and the teacher was later transferred to another school. Michaloliakos, their leader, who has openly described Golden Dawn as racist, has threatened opponents with a warning: “Those who betray this country – it's time for them to be afraid. We are coming.” With the economic situation in Greece worsening rather than improving, and stability and recovery likely to be some years off, it would be naive to think that Golden Dawn will soon fade away, their electoral success simply a reactionary symptom that will be rectified at the next election. They are suspected as having widespread influence and support within the police while the ruling right-wing New Democracy party is shying away from the level of criticism that it should be expected to provide. The fragile establishment in Greece is either providing the group with implicit support or is wary of disturbing a potentially volatile beast. With an economic system verging on collapse, further success for Golden Dawn may also signal the disintegration of democracy for the Mediterranean nation.



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

LGBT cleansing in Uganda David Healy considers the impact of Uganda’s Anti Homosexual Bill and how our government may respond


wo weeks ago many celebrated the reelection of Barack Obama, the first US President to endorse same sex marriage. Many also celebrated the successful passing of same sex marriage bills in the states of Maryland, Maine and Washington (the first time in American history that same sex marriage bills have being passed by popular vote). As many in America basked in what was triumphed as the turning tide towards inclusion and respect for those who identify as homosexual, news emerged from another part of the world that shook the gay and lesbian community. Last week the parliament of Uganda announced that it was to press ahead with its controversial ‘Kill The Gays’ bill. The Anti

’Aggravated Homosexuality’ is defined as homosexual acts committed by a person who is HIV-positive, an authority figure, someone who administers intoxicating substances, acts committed on minors or people with disabilities and repeat offenders. Anyone found guilty of ‘Aggravated Homosexuality’ is to be executed. ‘The Offence of Homosexuality’ includes same-sex sexual acts, involvement in a same-sex marriage, or an attempt to commit aggravated homosexuality. The bill also includes penalties for, companies, media organisations, or NGOs that know of gay people or support LGBT rights. Those who are found guilty of any of the above face life imprisonment.

“Pressure will come on An Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore to withhold funding from a country which in essence is preparing to legislate for and carry out a cleansing of it’s own citizens.” Homosexual Bill in Uganda was first mooted in 2009 as a way of “protecting against the attempts of sexual rights activists seeking to impose their values of sexual promiscuity on the people of Uganda”. When the bill was announced it drew wide spread condemnation both within Uganda and from around the world, with many countries such as the UK threatening to pull their foreign aid programs out of the country. Prominent political figures rose up against the Bill; Obama described it as ‘odious’ while Canadian politician John Baird called it ‘vile, abhorrent, and an offence to decency’. Speaking last week at the announcement that the bill would come into law before the end of the year the speaker of the Ugandan parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, asked the parliament to look at the bill as an “early christmas gift” to the people of Uganda. So, what ‘presents’ does Ms Kadaga see St Nicholas bringing to Ugandan homosexuals this year? The Anti Homosexual Bill is divided into two parts: ‘Aggravated Homosexuality’ or ‘The Offence of Homosexuality’.

The ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill vilifies gay and lesbian people in Uganda portraying them as paedophiles, drug dealers, carriers of disease and as people who abuse the most vulnerable in society. It is an attempt to distort the perception of the gay and lesbian community within Uganda’s 31 million population in an attempt to dissuade any person or group from supporting the gay and lesbian portion of that population, which is estimated at half a million. This has become known as the cleansing of Ugandan homosexuals. This is not the first time Uganda has being linked negatively with LGBT rights, rather, the Bill merely highlights Uganda’s continuing attack on gay and lesbian people and abuse of the human rights of its own citizens. This has been going on for some time. In October 2011 a Ugandan tabloid magazine posted the names, addresses and pictures of Uganda’s ‘Top 100 Gay & Lesbians’. Depicted alongside the article was a large banner reading ‘HANG THEM’. Less than 3 months later one of the people included in the list, activist David Kato, was found dead

in his home having been bludgeoned with a hammer in broad day light. The Ugandan authorities deemed the incident a ‘robbery’. Others on the list were attacked and stoned on account of their perceived sexual orientation. Separate news outlets in Uganda have stated that suicide bombings in the country were linked to homosexuality and that the gay agenda in Uganda threatened the nation’s stability. Many are shocked by the conditions that the LGBT community in Uganda is subjected to, however, Uganda is merely a cog in the wheel of Sub Saharan Africa’s homophobic environment. Homosexuality is outlawed in 38 different African States with only South Africa supporting it’s LGBT citizens and recognising same sex marriage. In some countries African men suspected of homosexuality are flogged in public or stoned to death whilst 89% or more of Africans find homosexuality ‘morally unacceptable’. It is the latter point that helps explain the origins of such extreme homophobia in modern day Africa. In the western world homosexuality and religion have clashed for many decades with Christianity and Islam having particular issue with the idea of the ‘freedom of love’. It is the common consensus of many that the influence of evangelical Americans is having a negative impact by stoking up homophobic hatred and discontent towards the homosexual community in Africa. Increasingly American Christians are heading to Africa and actively promoting an anti homosexual stance within African governments. Ironically, this coincides with a transformation in support for the LGBT community in the western world where even a majority of citizens in conservative nations such as Ireland now favour same sex marriage and equal rights for LGBT citizens in general. This is largely due to the loosening of the roots of homophobia in the western world where these same religious arguments that we are seen in Africa have lost relevance and favour with many. Uganda was once one of the most impoverished nations in the world, however,

thanks in part to international funding and aid investment, child mortality rates, child birth death rates, and incidence of HIV contraction have all fallen. Foreign aid is not all about money but also about making sure the struggling nation develops not only its infrastructure but also its fair and just selfgovernance. Funding a corrupt regime that proliferates the alienation of basic human rights is not a successful product of foreign aid investment. Ireland recently pulled its foreign aid program in Uganda following the misappropriation of €4million of Irish funding. This aid funding will not continue until all irregularities in the accounts are ironed out and the missing money is found. Pressure will come on An Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore to withhold funding from a country which in essence is preparing to legislate for and carry out a cleansing of it’s own citizens. Public discontent towards Uganda within the western world is higher than ever before with many commenting that the country’s parliament would be better served dealing with issues such as the millions in rural Uganda who are starving today, and with the political corruption which has recently come to the fore. In a time when Irish people are living in poverty due to the recession many will see the anti-homosexuality bill as another reason for Ireland to spend money on the starving in it’s own country rather than in a nation which shows no respect to many of it’s own citizens. Causing further hardship for your own people is not the role of any government and Uganda is no exception to this rule. Many strides have being taken in recent times in relation to LGBT equality, however these have being limited mainly to the developed world. More needs to be done by countries such as Ireland that help fund these nations in order to stop the unjust violence and slaughter of people based on their sexuality. Someone may also want to explain the idea of Christmas to Ms Kadaga, I somehow think she has gotten the wrong end of the stick when it comes to getting into the Christmas spirit, otherwise her family better be weary when opening her presents.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012



Know your enemy Silvana Lakeman looks at the disturbing figures behind STDs


f you were to look around UCD, you would probably quickly notice the couples holding hands, the quick and the long kisses, the aggregations of girls gossiping about last night’s scandal at Coppers, and the absence of that friend who was too hung over from last night to make it in for their 3:00pm lecture. Ah, young love! It blooms in Belfield. Unfortunately, one of life’s truths is that if we enjoy too much of a good thing, it’s not so good anymore, and can in fact make us sick. Just like going through a family size block of chocolate in half an hour may seem like the best decision at the time, we will inevitably feel the consequences. While sex can’t give you a tummy ache, it can give you far worse health issues if you don’t know who you’re sharing a bed with, you don’t use protection and you don’t know yourself whether you are clear of any nasty infections. While most of us no doubt had the charming experience of sitting through a class or two about sexual health in secondary school, perhaps if we’d been told just how prevalent STD’s are in Ireland, not just general mumbo-jumbo about protection and prevention, we’d be a little more prepared now to take charge of our sexual health in university. Over one million people in the world are infected with an STD every day – yet the scary part is, only half are aware that they are infected. Last year in Dublin, let alone Ireland, three thousand people were diagnosed with some form of STD, yet this number only comes from those who bothered to get checked and have a screening. We as college students are not exactly known for looking after ourselves – too often our health is compromised in order to ‘live college life to its fullest,’ however maybe if we were to take a little more care we might be able to alter

mavirus. For those who spend more time in Newman than the Human Sciences building, you may know human papillomavirus, the most common form of sexually transmitted infection, by its other name - genital warts. It will affect at least fifty percent of sexually active individuals at some point in their lives. Luckily this infection is one that tends to clear up on its own – in fact you may not even be aware you ever had the virus – however as there are over one hundred types of HPV, a few strains cause far more serious problems, such as various types of cancers. Those that cause cancers show no obvious symptoms, making them far more dangerous, however it is good to know that if you find yourself with genital warts, there are many treatments available from your doctor. Trichomoniasis unfortunately does not go by a more identifiable name, however it is the most commonly treatable STD today. As with most STD’s, if you are male you are in a way far more at risk, as STD’s, far more often in men than in women, show no symptoms. Chlamydia, a fairly serious infection, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility, yet it is both treatable and preventable. Gonorrhea is similar to Chlamydia, except it also can lead to infertility in males if left untreated. Of the six most commonly identified infections stated here, herpes is the only untreatable disease, and causes occasional outbreaks of sores and blisters, during which it is highly recommended to abstain from sex in order to prevent further spreading to sexual partners. Most of the time, however, herpes shows no symptoms. While we may tend to think the most serious STD’s are not of much concern to us here in Ireland, in 2009 there were 2.2 million people living in Europe with HIV. While

“While sex can’t give you a tummy ache, it can give you far worse health issues if you don’t know who you’re sharing a bed with...” the statistics, which are shockingly higher amongst college students than any other demographic. For example, twenty-five percent of teen girls are living with an STD. If you are having sex, you would ideally be screened for any STD by your doctor every time you change sexual partners, and otherwise once a year. The most common forms of infection are bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis and human papillo-

far less common, diseases such as HIV/AIDs and syphilis, which can cause blood infection, nervous system and brain damage and death (as can potentially almost all STD’s) are not non-existent in Europe and in Ireland. Whilst these far more serious and far rarer diseases will most likely not affect us, is it always better to be safe than sorry. Which leads us to prevention. ‘Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant, and die.’ Those were the immortal

"The most common forms of protection include a condom, the pill, implantable rods, vaginal rings, a patch or a shot injection, yet the condom is the only effective preventative measure against STD’s as well as pregnancy." words spoken by Coach Carr in the film Mean Girls. Coach Carr may have been a little dramatic in his wording. If adequate protection is used, and both you and your partner are clean of any infections, there is no reason you should die if you have sex, and getting pregnant shouldn’t be an issue. The most common forms of protection include a condom, the pill, implantable rods, vaginal rings, a patch or a shot injection, yet the condom is the only effective preventative measure against STD’s as well as pregnancy. It is important to note that no matter what measures are taken, no form of contraception is one hundred percent affective against STD’s. While abstaining from having sex is the obvious way to completely prevent pregnancy, STD’s can be spread from open wounds and cuts, bodily fluids, touching and kissing as well as oral and penetrative sex, so it is in your best interest to get yourself checked out regularly. It is up to you as to when, how often or where you get yourself checked for infections, however if you are having sex, it is in your best interest to do so. If you are swapping partners often, get checked out every few months, otherwise every time you sleep with a new partner, or once a year if with one person. When going to get screened, your doctor will ask questions regarding your sexual history, and in the interest of your own health

it’s important to not skip over any details. They may ask if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms, otherwise the screening may involve swab and blood tests, and otherwise a manual examination. It is important to remember that a few minutes of feeling a bit uncomfortable in the doctor’s room may save you from things far worse down the line. Besides getting tested occasionally, there are ways to decrease your chances of picking up something nasty, such as knowing who you’re having sex with. It seems so simple, but unless you are sure your partner is clear of any infections, you cannot be sure you have not been infected. Therefore it does not hurt to ask if they have been tested lately. Unfortunately, alcohol tends to increase the chances of sleeping with someone you do not know, and increases your chances of neglecting to use protection such as a condom. However your sexual health is in your hands, so it is important to do whatever you need to do to keep yourself healthy and STD free. There is no reason why you should not enjoy your time in college, just like there is no reason why something like an STD should ruin it. Use protection, know who you’re sleeping with, get yourself tested regularly, and you won’t have to worry about being another statistic.


COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

A matter of life and death Tom Curran speaks with Peter Hamilton about the right to die


om Curran is a phenomenal example of how selfless individuals can be. His life now consists of looking after his long-term partner, Marie Fleming, who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. Tom spoke exclusively to the College Tribune on Ireland's right to die legislation, on what life is like as a full-time carer, and about how he hopes Ireland can progress with its current legal situation with regard to right to die laws after attending a conference in Zurich at which he spoke on the same subject matter. As a full time carer the focus of Tom’s life has gradually changed. Tom used to design computer systems and he misses that aspect in his life, “I miss the mental challenge of being involved in something like that, I don’t regret it, but I miss it… I wouldn’t have

that Marie was having, when she moved into progressive MS, which Tom aptly calls digressive, parts of her body began to cease to work. As they stopped to work her bodily functions did not come back. Although Marie can still communicate and her brain and nerves work, she can’t move her arms or legs. Despite these restrictions Marie loves to get out. On a nice day she can be brought into the garden that has been made fully accessible through a patio from her bedroom. Their children live in Ireland so that is also helpful for when they want to meet. Tom believes that the medication to slow down the action of MS is advancing. However, when Marie was first diagnosed he says that the drugs weren’t sufficient, “the drugs only came on the scene about twelve or thir-

“the whole idea of helping her with what she wants, if she wants, when she wants… is to me, because I do love her, something that would conform to her wishes.” it any other way because if I wasn’t around to look after Marie the chances are that she would either be dead or be in an institution.” Tom enjoys having his partner at home, for him it seems as though there are no other options. He doesn’t want Marie to be in what he calls a home; he says that she is already in a home, “our home.” Marie Fleming, who formerly lectured in UCD, was initially diagnosed with relapsingremitting MS. This condition of MS is one in which symptoms appear (a relapse), and then fade away, either partially or completely (remitting). This condition has since advanced into progressive MS. “It was very sad [to see the transition into progressive MS], while a lot of people, including ourselves, tend to hope rather than deny that it won’t get as bad as it does in some cases; we could see the progression.” Instead of the relapse

teen years ago and they have improved a lot but unfortunately they were too late for Marie.” Because the disease is neurological and effects different people in different ways Tom finds that a lot of the medication at the moment is experimental. In its current format, legislation provides that a person cannot aid, abet, counsel or procure the death of another. As a result, Tom could face a prison sentence if he defies any of the above criteria. He sees any help that he could provide as an act of love between spouses, “the whole idea of helping her with what she wants, if she wants, when she wants… is to me, because I do love her, something that would conform to her wishes.” At no point in our interview has Tom referred to his own wishes. He seems happy to correspond to what Marie wants but on the subject of helping her to do what she

would like he shows his love for his partner. “I don’t want her to die…I’m very selfish in saying that I want Marie to be around forever but none of us are going to be around forever.” Tom is certainly the polar opposite of selfish and he says that he is lucky that death is something that he and Marie quite openly talk about, “one of the big fears for Marie is if I should die before she does because that leaves her in complete limbo, while I have offered to help, she may not get that offer from somebody else.” For Tom and Marie, death is a topic that comes up from time to time and Tom accepts when Marie says that she will know when she is ready to die. When they started to talk about it first Marie said that if she got to certain conditions she would want to go and Tom is pleased to say, “thankfully we have gone past a lot of those.” Opposition to instances of individuals seeking the right to die comes in various forms and Tom thinks that the main reason for opposition is on the back of peoples moral values, “I have absolutely no difficulty with anybody having a set of moral values that they want to live by but they shouldn’t necessarily impose those moral values on others.” Tom respects the views of others but says that he feels that each and every person should have the right to autonomy of their own life. He feels that the lack of legislation in this area is due to a fear on behalf of the legislators, “I got involved in the right to die movement because there wasn’t anybody that was prepared to talk and it’s an issue that affects an awful lot of people.” Tom hopes for guidelines from the legislators for this subject in the future. He seeks these guidelines to protect a direct friend or relative of the person wishing to end their own life but says that even those guidelines aren’t enough because those friends or relatives need help from third parties to obtain drugs which can help people to have a peaceful death. He says, “People think that it is so simple to end your life peacefully and painlessly. If it is so simple then why do we have all of these people committing suicide

so horrifically? It’s not that simple so help is needed.” While there is a clinic in Zurich (Dignitas), which aids a person to end his or her own life, he finds that this is no longer an option for Marie, saying, “I persuaded Marie not to go to Dignitas on the basis that I would help her and she didn’t want to have to travel outside, she wanted to die in the comfort of her own home and she didn’t want a situation where there was a possible prosecution for people who were with her when she died.” The right to die was something that Tom never thought about prior to meeting Marie, but because of the way in which he thinks, and after having always been involved with some sort of rights issue (Tom has worked with the charity Concern and was involved in the Dublin Housing Action committee in the 1960s amongst many other organisations), he says, “it didn’t take much thinking on my part to realise that this was a right that a person should have.” Tom never wants to infringe on other peoples beliefs. He thinks that people should have beliefs and that is their business. He supports their beliefs but doesn’t want those beliefs imposed on him. He says that if this issue is ever legislated for there needs to be a system of protection, “I completely understand the concept of protection and even if assisted suicide is allowed in law it could be abused and people need to be protected from that, but I have no doubt that our legislators are intelligent enough to include that.” Tom constantly works to enhance the rights of people within the right to die cause through his work with ‘Exit international.’ He is an incredible man for whom there is currently no sufficient ending to this cause in sight. For now Tom’s concentration is in looking after his partner with the continuous aim of furthering the cause with the end goal being fair legislation for people who don’t have the ability or strength to peacefully end their own life.

11 Poetry


Page Eleven Poetry

20th November 2012

Page 11


The Beast

My art is mimicry even though I am not a mime. When I focus I hear the tapping of fingers on mute piano keys. In my mind’s eye these are long, pale and thin, and they move up and down, quite rigidly, like limbs of an intricate marionette that I have seen on Długa street back when I was a child. And so I focus, I do, I listen to the rhythm that they tap and my eyes move along the hand, wrist, arm and as they do I expect to see Frederic’s face. Instead I see a butterfly. He sits on my nose. At first I am frightened and brush it off, but then we begin to dance to the rhythm of gentle raindrops and tapping fingers. Our dance is both lively and melancholy, and he cuts it short by landing on a flag that is white and red. The raindrops are no longer gentle and wind takes the butterfly so that I am left looking at the flag and the rain drums on it heavily now the way it did on the roof of our tent in Sulenczyno all those years ago. I call back the butterfly and I call him Frederic. He is my brother and he is now dead, and I wonder what wind brought him here, all those miles away from home and if he struggled not to mimic, and of course he didn’t, his art needed not to involve words, and I know I could never not involve words and I also know that I am stripping myself bare and that when I next look in the mirror I will be unrecognisable to myself. I wonder this and other things as I stroll through Père Lachaise cemetery.

With morality weighed breath I sought to find a beast, that haunted men. But an idle warrior was I. The boy, of my struggles old no more, Now a bumbling Kent, eye’s lost in tales of lore.

- Amadeusz Kepinski



Pulsating in a rock pool, alien pink against a dark background visible through its body.

I am tired Not the early Morning tired when Your eyes feel like Peeled oranges It is a deep Rooted tiredness That makes my nerves Brittle as glass Exhaustion like The dull thud of A hammer and Sleep cannot help I am swimming With no land in Sight with pickled Limbs and frayed will Too scared to sink I am a dead Weight my body Is not working Right I don’t know Why days and weeks Accumulate Draining, draining Till this splintering Lethargy is Normal I feel Like a puppet Trying to dance With broken strings I am greyscale Amongst all the Technicolor Everything is Peripheral Please go easy On me I am

My burdens, my wisdom, gone to their bone. The Mass is on strike, food to the hungry beast. I heard their voices, the dead men of this land All defenders of a faith long gone. Still fighting valiantly to protect a hollow innocence, lost Leagues ago when god became the devils hands. I remember now, those chants, that thunder dance, which woke a man on a fence. As glasses slipped and truth was found, the beast, familiarly new, a mirror to all, in fields of thought where Hopes fall. The Devil did not steer. It presumed the war won Like so many times before. Yet Kent was no more, Gone the man, now a boy’s ideal returned to the fore, the circle had come full, Courage stood his ground Before a beast of thought. Hollow was it’s core A false idea of fear that was nothing to a boy. - MHF

The jellyfish is translucent yet nobody looks through it. Tendrils trail around a tear in the bulb: A smarting railway stamp from a no-longer curious seagull. The serene and soft can protect itself and does. Trapped in this ocean suburb created by a first quarter moon it lazes in retirement Leading to a brick sea-wall Condemned. A girl is wary of its sting and late for a mediocre film.

Tired. - S.K.

Our Song I remember February mornings, waking up to the clip clop of the rain on my rooftop as the sun peekabooed behind mountains and the sky bled into the ocean I glanced through fog-drenched windows at still-bare tree branches whilst listening to your melancholic breathing, the music to my heart. Can’t forget the February afternoons with sweet tea and warm fires, when outside the rain lay down our metronome you tried to speak the language of love mais il n’est pas Français, mon cher* much to your naive disbelief darling, words were never necessary. The nights, too passed in company and somehow lacked love in love we imagined in our broken melodies, wasted nights in passing discord for love and without love tossed and turned with sleepless sighs listening to the rain’s steady beat and your heart. But your harmony was off-key to my song, whispered words that meant nothing but nothing at all. Months and months with broken conversation and February rain dancing at our feet left me with the ruptured tune of our song on repeat. - Adiba Jaigirdar

- O.C

Send submissions to



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

EU budget deficits Niall Conroy


tarter for ten, whose public finances in the Eurozone are the most wrecked? Ok the graph gives the game away, but I for one expected Greece to top the charts for deficit running government. After all, we are often told that those Greeks aren’t the best for collecting tax. You could certainly be forgiven for thinking that those “lazy Greeks” haven’t been addressing their problems, while we have been taking our medicine. We often hear senior German politicians saying that Greece has to commit to eliminating its deficit, as if it has made little effort to do so already, or at a very slow pace (some senior German politicians have described giving money to Greece to be “pouring water into the desert”). The reality is somewhat different. Serious efforts have been made in Greece to get the public finances in order and now they are no longer the country with the largest deficit. There may be huge public disquiet and political fallout from these unpopular measures, but Greece has made significant steps towards bringing about a balanced budget. While Ireland may take the plaudits for tackling these issues without any protest or public outcry, it does not hide the fact that Ireland had the highest deficit of all Eurozone members. It is also noteworthy that 11 out of 17 countries are in breach of the stability and

growth pact rules that countries should have deficits of no more than 3% of GDP. It shows what an inflexible rigid rule this is. There has been no real desire up until now to enforce these fiscal rules, particularly when the larger countries are in breach. While there is now more appetite for a fiscal union, one would have to be sceptical about the potential enforcment of these rules. The new fiscal stability treaty, ratified here in May provides for bringing countries to the European courts of justice if they do not comply with the new rules. If past performance is any guide this will be discarded with once one of the big nations is in breach. Germany (and others) blatantly ignoring the stability and growth pact in 2002 undermined those budgetary rules. Who knows which country will be first to do so with the new rules.

Irish Business Schools Require Culture Change Colm Egan


reland currently stands at a crucial point in her history. Almost 100 years following Easter 1916 and over 200 years since the Act of Union, Ireland has lost her sovereignty and is dependent on other countries money to pay every day running costs. This is far from the county’s future as laid out by the first Minister for Finance of the Free State, Michael Collins. Tune into any radio station in the country and you will be greeted by a gamut of opinions on why this is, poorly regulated banks, incompetent governments and a malfunctioning political system being high on peoples’ hit lists. But there is one reason that you are distinctly unlikely to be given. The argument that business schools are in fact at fault, for failing to educate the leaders of tomorrow sufficiently on subjects such as Ethics and Morals. Even Sean Fitzpatrick himself, former chairman of Anglo Irish Bank did a BComm in UCD. Surely had he and his colleagues been educated more competently and comprehensively, he would have known better than to undergo the grossly unethical and corporately unadvisable transaction that he did. Indeed, we had to wait until last year for ethics to be compulsory for 1st year students of the Quinn School. However, ethics is not the only necessary quality of a modern businessman that Irish business schools do little to develop. Entrepreneurship, and support for prospective entrepreneurs is also conspicuous in its absence. We are all intimately familiar with the success stories of companies such as Facebook and Google, companies which we begun on American college campuses, and have come to employ thousands of people across the globe.

So why can’t we turn to Ireland and pick out an illustrious list of successful companies which have had their genesis in a bedroom in Belgrove or a kitchen in Merville? Because there aren’t any, and the reason for this has been the absence of an entrepreneurship culture rooted of the attitude extolled by business schools, for too many years. Upon graduating from College, a cut-neck race for the few prized positions available in this country ensues and after they are quickly filled the majority of the graduates go further afield to find work, frequently exclaiming that they had tried everything to get a job, not even considering the possibility of creating their own. The impact of this culture is that the ‘brain drain’ continues and unemployment rates remain high, not to mention the macroeconomic benefits of having the genesis of large multi-nationals in your own country which Ireland foregoes. An Irish Times article earlier this year pointed to the proven worth of ‘high-performing student entrepreneur clubs’ which have been highly successful in England and the USA. These clubs arrange courses, organise talks from successful entrepreneurs and even send student delegations to entrepreneurship hubs such as Silicon Valley. Such activity arouses interest and a willingness among students to begin their own start-ups. That UCD has had to wait till 2012 for a similar society is unfortunate, but at least the wait is over. It may be time for business schools, and their students to stand up and give themselves a chance at a better future, rather than waiting on someone else to do it for them.


COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

Agallamh: Máirtín Ó Maoilchiaráin Aodh Ó Canainn Scríbhneoir


huaigh an mac léinn talmhaíochta Máirtín Ó Maoilchiaráin trí bhonn ag Craobhchomórtas Liathróid Láimhe an Domhain san Óstán Citywest an mhí seo caite. Shuigh Aodh Ó Canainn leis le déanaí agus pléigh siad an t-eispéireas sin, a chaidreamh leis an spórt, agus a bhfuil i ndán do Mháirtín amach anseo. Fear umhal is ea é Máirtín, ach is léir ó bheith ag caint leis go bhfuil sé an-dírithe go deo ar a cheird, is go bhfuil an-dúil aige inti. “Thosaigh mé ag imirt nuair a bhí mé aon bhliain déag d’aois, nuair a osclaíodh cuairt nua i mo cheantar dúchais, i Maigh Cuilinn. Níor imir mé ach iománaíocht agus peil Ghaelach roimhe sin ach nuair a bhain mé trial as an liathróid láimhe, thit mé i ngrá léi. Is cluiche iontach í don chomhordú lámh is súl, mar caithfidh imreoirí a bheith chomh maith céanna ar an gciotóg agus ar an deasóg. Mar sin bhí an suim agam ann, bhí sé an-dúshlánach. Chomh maith leis sin tá taobh iontach sóisialta ag baint le liathróid láimhe. Tá cairdeas déanta agam le go leor imreoirí éagsúla ó cheann ceann na tíre.” Is iomaí gradam atá bainte amach ag an imreoir cumasach seo chomh maith. Luann sé comórtas i Meiriceá mar bhuaicphointe am-

háin; “Is dócha nuair a bhuaigh mé Craobhacha Singil agus Dúbailte an Domhain faoi 17 thall i bPortland Oregan sa bhliain 2009, agus an Craobh Domhanda (Dúbailte) faoi 19 ansin coicís ó shin, is dócha gurb iad mo bhuaicphointí idirnáisiúnta. Anseo sa bhaile in Éirinn an buaicphointe ná nuair a bhuaigh mé Craobh Idirmheánach na hÉireann i mbliana, ciallaíonn sé sin gur imreoir sinsir mé anois.” Ní fear mór ceiliúrtha é Máirtín ach an oiread. Tá a aghaidh dírithe aige ar an gcéad chomórtas eile cheana féin, agus tá dian-traenáil i ndán dó; “Ag deireadh Mhí na Samhna beidh mé ag imirt le foireann COBÁC thíos i Loch Garman i gCraobh na hÉireann. Bhuaigh muid anuraidh é den chéad uair ó 1993. I ndiaidh sin tógfaidh mé sos don Nollaig, agus ansin tosóidh mé ag traenáil do Chraobh Sinsir na hÉireann ag tús Mhí Eanáir. Bím ag traenáil faoi dhó gach lá; déanaim go leor rudaí difriúla. Caithim go leor ama sa chúirt liathróid láimhe ag cleachtadh ‘shots’ liom féin. Téim chuig an ‘gym,’ an linn snámha, agus déanaim go leor reatha freisin. Tá sé tábhachtach a bheith aclaí, mar d’fhéadadh cluiche a bheith uair a chloig nó fiú dhá uair a chloig ar fhad. Tugaim aire dom féin, déanaim cinnte go bhfuil mé ag ithe bia

ba bhreá liom a bheith ag imirt ar son na hÉireann sna cluichí sin.” Tá Máirtín tar éis imeacht ó neart go neart le déanaí sa domhain liathróid láimhe. Leoga, tá an liathróid láimhe féin ag fás is ag forbairt leis. Is cinnte go bhfuil rudaí móra i dán do Mháirtín amach anseo, agus leis na cainteanna faoin liathróid láimhe sna Cluichí Oilimpeacha is cosúil go bhfuil rudaí móra i ndán don spórt féin! Nárbh iontach fear COBÁC a fheiceáil ag imirt ar son na hÉireann i Rio de Janeiro. Bímis ag faire amach dó!

Prófíl: Ainm: Máirtín Ó Maoilchiaráin Aois: 19 Airde: 6’ Cumann: Maigh Cuilinn Gaillimh agus UCD atá sláintiúil agus a leithéid.” Cé gur fear umhal é Máirtín, is fear uaillmhianach é chomh maith. Tá fís aige; “Beidh sé thar a bheith deacair ach ba mhaith liom Craobh Sinsir na hÉireann a bhaint amach sna blianta amach

romhainn. Chomh maith, más féidir liom, bheadh sé iontach imirt go gairmiúil i Meiriceá ar feadh tamaillín; agus tá caint faoi láthair go mbeidh liathróid láimhe i Rio de Janeiro 2016 nó i 2020 do na Cluichí Oilimpeacha. Gan amhras

Is Berliner mé

Eoin Mac Aodha Bhuí Scríbhneoir


gus tú ag siúl síos Oranienstraβe Déardaoin díreach roimh thitim oíche, cloisfidh tú í ar an aer. I mblasanna éagsúla aisteacha, ach soiléir fós: an Ghaeilge. Tá sí beo ar na beola i mBeirlín. Díreach bliain ó shin, ar an 18 Deireadh Fómhair 2011, tháinig grúpa beag daoine le chéile in Ambasáid na hÉireann i mBeirlín chun síolta na chéad craoibhe Gearmánaí de Chonradh na Gaeilge a chur. Ó shin i leith, tá an grúpa beag sin tar éis fás ina ghrúpa measartha mór agus tháinig sé faoi bhláth ar an 23 Feabhra 2012 nuair a cuireadh an chraobh ar bun go hoifigiúil. Is sa ‘Café Orange’ ar Oranienstraβe a bhíonn na cruinnithe ar siúl faoi láthair. Ainm conspóideach, b’fhéidir, i gcomhthéacs stair ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge. Ach is ainm neamhchoitianta é d’áit chruinnithe craoibhe neamhchoitianta. Tá an chraobh seo saor ó thuairimí polaitiúla, saor ó chúrsaí creidimh, saor ó náisiúnachas na hÉireann: níl sa chraobh ach an teanga ghlan. Agus bíonn Éireannaigh, Gearmánaigh, Ostaraigh, Spáinnigh, Seicigh agus daoine as roinnt tíortha eile ag teacht chuig na cruinnithe mar gheall ar an tsuim choiteann sa Ghaeilge a nascann le chéile iad. Faoi láthair tá gearrscannán á chur le chéile ag baill na craoibhe le cúnamh ó Hildegard Ryan, mac léinn de chuid Choláiste na Tríonóide agus ceamaradóir den scoth, chun an chraobh

a chur chun cinn. Chomh maith leis seo, tá turas á eagrú ag an gcraobh ó Bheirlín go Baile Átha Cliath le cúnamh ó cheanncheathrú an Chonartha ar Shráid Fhearchair. Tiocfaidh na baill go hÉirinn le linn Bhliain na Gaeilge 2013, díreach in am don fhéile The Gathering. Tá meascán deas de dhaoine ar an gcoiste a stiúireann an chraobh ina cuid gníomhachtaí: triúr fear agus beirt bhan (beirt Éireannach, beirt Ghearmánach agus duine ón Spáinn). Is é Eoin Mac Aodha Bhuí atá ina Chathaoirleach ar an gcraobh – mac athar Éireannaigh agus máthar Breatnaí, atá ag déanamh staidéir ar an nGaeilge agus ar an nGearmáinis sa Choláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath; is é Arne Peters ainm an Rúnaí – léachtóir le Béarla in Ollscoil Potsdam na Gearmáine agus an Ghaeilge ar a thoil aige; tá Máire Rós Ní Loingsigh, mac léinn de chuid Ollscoil Luimnigh, ina hOifigeach Caidrimh Poiblí; tá Judith Schachtmann, seandálaí Gearmánach le suim aici sa teanga agus in Éirinn, ina Cisteoir; agus is é Ángel Quiroga Ionadaí na bhFoghlaimeoirí, fear as an nGailís sa Spáinn a bhfuil eolas fairsing aige ar na cultúir Cheilteacha agus suim mhór iontu. Tá deiseanna cainte Gaeilge á gcur ar fáil anois i mBeirlín, deiseanna tábhachtacha dóibh siúd a bhfuil spéis sa teanga acu. Tá tús curtha le rud iontach ag an dream seo agus iad ag tnúth le fás agus forbairt sna blianta rompu.

Simon Mac Giolla Easpaig, ar chlé, agus Peadar Ó Lamhna, a tháinig sa dara háit ag Bréagchúirt Uí Dhálaigh Gael Linn 2012, in éineacht leis an Onórach Adrian Hardiman, Breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtarach, agus Príomhfheidhmeannach Gael Linn, Antoine Ó Coileáin.

Onóracha: 11 Craobh na hÉireann; 2 bhonn óir sna Cluichí Domhanda 2009; Bonn óir agus dhá bonn airgid sna Cluichí Domhanda 2012; Craobhchomórtas na gColáistí, Meiriceá 2012.

Nuacht an Chumainn Bhí an Cumann Gaelach rí-ghnóthach le cúpla seachtain anuas; bhí Oíche Rásaí na gCon plódaithe le daoine an Máirt seo caite, agus bhain gach duine taitneamh as an siúlóid stiúrtha le hÉanna Ní Lamhna ó Mooney Goes Wild ar an Luan. Ba mhaith linn uile comhghairdeas a ghabháil le Peadar Ó Lamhna agus le Simon Mac Giolla Easpaig a thug an bonn airgid leo ó i mBréagchúirt Uí Dhálaigh an Aoine seo thart. Ag Lón le Gaeilge ar an Déardaoin labhair Diarmaid Ó Mathúna leis an slua i dtaobh an togra agus is áthas linn a rá gur bronnadh beart leabhar Gaeilge ar leabharlann UCD mar chuid den togra seo. Ar deireadh thiar, is ceart a lua gur tháinig thart ar 200 duine chuig na trialacha mainicíní don ‘Seó Faisin’ a bheidh ar siúl i rith Sheachtain na Gaeilge i Mí Feabhra. Beidh Oíche Casino Royale ar siúl Dé Máirt 20 Samhain ag a 8i.n sa Seomra Dearg in Ionad na Mac Léinn Nua. Beidh cluichí casino trí Ghaeilge chomh maith le bia, ceol agus craic ar fáil ann! Ná déan dearmad culaith 007 a chaitheamh ar an oíche! Cead isteach: €5 an duine. Tá Tráth na gCeist á reachtáil ag Cumann Liathróid Láimhe UCD, a bheidh ar siúl Dé Céadaoin seo chugainn, 21 Samhain, thuas staighre sa bhialann idir 19:30 agus 21:00. Freastalóidh an imeacht seo orthu siúd a bhfuil líofacht na Gaeilge ar a dtoil acu, chomh maith leo siúd nach bhfuil acu ach an cúpla focal. Cead isteach: €5 an duine. 3/4 duine in aghaidh na foirne. Beidh Cóisir na Nollag ar siúl sa Seomra Caidrimh (Seomra B207, Newman) ar an 28 Samhain (Dé Céadaoin, Seachtain 12) ar a 2 a chlog. Ná bíodh leisce oraibh teacht agus aithne a chur ar an gcoiste agus ar na daoine eile ann! Más spéis le duine ar bith dul i mbun díospóireachta an seimeastar seo chugainn téigh i dteagmháil linn ag


20th November 2012



Marches and protests Elizabeth Coote Writer


y last article was all about current protests in UCD. This article is taken from my memories of past protests by students and the Students’ Union in the eighties. The year 1985 is an excellent example of how students supported workers who were in dispute with their employers for better pay and conditions. During the year of 1985-1986, the president of SU and his officers came out in strong support for the contract cleaners who were working on the Belfield campus. At that time I was manageress in the SU Shop in the Library Building, a much smaller shop than we eventually acquired in 1991, however we had a huge volume of customers and business was very profitable. Business was excellent and life working within the university was very good. The only down side was that we the staff of SU were not employed by UCD and, speaking for myself, I can say it was like being a second class citizen at times. We did not have full status. The cleaners and the SU staff had a lot in common, neither worked for UCD. The cleaning staff were employed by contract cleaning companies. I am working from memory now, but I believe the cleaners were looking for an increase in their pay from 80 pence to one pound an hour. They went out on strike and the Students’ Union supported them. It was not a pleasant time for anyone within the college, the campus needed to be kept clean and rubbish needed to be cleared

from the buildings. Some members of staff supported the strike while others did not. It was a very tense time and many people found themselves caught in the middle. All the staff of SU shops found themselves in this position. Our employer, the SU president and his officers, were in support of the strike and so directives were given to us on what we should do. The instructions were that we as SU staff were not to take any rubbish outside the corridors or clean our area. We always kept the shops clean and tidy and these instructions were very difficult to accept and comply with, but my sympathy was with the cleaners whose pay was so low. I did as I was instructed and put all the rubbish in plastic bags into the corridors outside the shop, this was done for weeks. I cannot say for certain how many weeks, but I do remember that at weekends some of the staff of the university came onto the campus and helped to do the cleaning. What happened next was that the President of SU made a decision to occupy the Tierney Building to show full support for the strike. The young man in question came to me and told me what he was about to do, he gave me strict instructions not to divulge this to anyone. He then instructed me what I was to do. When he and the officers were safely into the building and occupying it, he would lower down a metal bucket on a rope and I was to fill it with provisions for the occupation. I was to place into this bucket, sandwiches,

drinks, newspapers, sweets and cigarettes. I drew the line at cigarettes and told him that they were an expensive item and I did not wish to lose my profits. We came to an agreement on one packet a day. So it began and I crossed the campus from the shop twice daily for, I believe, three days and kept the occupiers fed. This occupation showed full support for the cleaning staff and, for them, it was fantastic to see that the students supported them. However what took place next was that I was called to the boardroom of the Administration Building, to account for my behaviour in giving these students support. It was a daunting experience and one that I will never forget. When I entered the boardroom I felt very vulnerable. Before me, sitting around the huge table, was a sea of faces, all men. They were senior men from the departments, security, porters, maintenance, administration, the bursar and secretary of the university and also the administrator for the SU. The meeting began with questions to me, “how you as a mature woman of forty plus years can allow yourself to be instructed by these very young people, to encourage and support them in the action they are taking.” I began by saying that I was in a very difficult situation. That set some of the gentlemen to scoff at me as I tried to explain my position. I waited patiently and listened to them telling me I was a disgrace. When they all had their opinions voiced I turned to the

bursar and asked for his permission to speak and explain myself. He said “yes Mrs. Coote go ahead I am listening.” “Sir I am not employed by University College, I am employed by the Students’ Union and the President of the SU, when elected, is my employer for one year. Each year the staff of SU has a new employer and it is from him or her that we must take instructions and comply with the instructions given. It is often very difficult; because we must work within the confines of the college.” I told the bursar if I did not do as my employer instructed I might well find myself unemployed. One of the men seated around that table while I stood at the end spoke out and repeated that I was a disgrace for a woman of my age to act in this way. However the bursar interrupted him and said “Mrs Coote you are correct, had one of the staff of UCD not followed my instructions they may well lose their place on the staff of the college or at the least be reprimanded.” He said, “I agree you are in a difficult position and we have no power to instruct you to go against your employer.” I thanked the bursar and I added the staff of SU would love to be employed by UCD and have more security of employment, asking him was this possible. His reply was “no” believing it was good for students to take responsibility and run their own show. While I had the bursar’s ear, I explained that we had no pension set up for our retirement and

requested if we could come under the College pension, the answer was again a big no. It took another 7 years before we had a pension put in place by our employer. The moral of this story is that, for those of us who worked for SU, while it was not an easy road it was very rewarding and I for one am never sorry that I worked for so many employers, 30 employers in 30 years and €30 per year pension for life, the magic number has to be 30. I sure as hell was not in the job for money or high position. I worked with deep love of UCD and respect for all the great people I served daily in the SU shop. What I learned from this experience was you should never be fearful to speak out and defend yourself. From that time onwards I took away the knowledge that speaking up and defending yourself will never harm you. The bursar at that meeting showed me respect by listening to me and I came away with my dignity intact. My respect for the student president and his officers remains with me today and the cleaning staff, albeit they were not employed by UCD, felt in a small way a part of the college by seeing how the students supported them. They got the pay increase and returned to work. They continue to be with us daily and many are here year after year often not noticed as they quietly go about their daily chores. We can thank them by not throwing our rubbish on the floors or on the tables or by just voicing the words “thank you”.

Letter to the Editors Freagraí Ceistfhocal

To whom it may concern.



2- Denham 6- Rio de Janeiro 7- Teach Belfield 9- Gráinne 10- Jimmy 12- Ongar 16- Sabina 17- Leitir Ceanainn 18- Seisear 19- Nassau

1- Fionnuala 3- Muineachán 4- Molloy 5- Cath na Bóinne 7- Teanglann 8- Féileacán 11- Brolly 13- Deich 14- Bándearg 15- Citywest

On behalf of UCD Pro Choice Society I would like to respond to some of the blatant errors in Ms. Laura Cullen’s’ article in your last issue. She begins with “I’d like to stand back for a moment and calmly and reasonably explore the implications for society on the opening of this clinic.” She then instantly gets very worried about the emotions of the pro life community because it will be “a real concern for those who feel that it will have implications on people in the South”. The fact she instantly sympathises with these poor concerned folk opposed to a potentially traumatised woman who feels the need to have an abortion. This is a very strange argument indeed when you read our constitution and in relation to controversial abortion article (Article 40.3.3) it notes “This subsection shall not limit freedom to travel between the State and another state.” The next objection I would like to raise is that the issue of life can be very easily sidestepped from the very simple fact that the embryo especially at this early stage cannot be considered alive. For something to be alive it has to be able to have some kind of independent existence, this is why we don’t technically consider viruses as alive (thanks honours biology). Ms. Cullen then proceeds to implicitly claim that by having an abortion you think human life does not have value even after she has not given any reason to believe that the embryo is alive, this is merely the continued shaming of women who decide to make some choice independent of the patriarchy. After claiming the woman does indeed own her own body she proceeds to ask “Does that mean she can do what she wants with it?” I feel that it is blindingly obvious that this is what it means, it is the most basic principle of self ownership. She claims that this kind of attitude would lead to an “Anarchic freedom” With “a survival of the fittest ethic.” The phrase “anarchic freedom” is of course a tautology. The idea that a survival of the fittest morality would arise from self ownership is plainly ridiculous as self ownership merely allows to choose what happens to yourself, the excuse “It’s my body I can do what I want” does not work for any choices that relate to other people, which is pretty much what morality is. Next it is argued that abortion is merely fleeing from responsibility. I would like to argue quite the opposite, ones responsibility is to do what one considers the right thing. Having an abortion is against the status quo and one must assume quite a lot of responsibility and courage to make the decision. The argument that the clinic is pushing laws to their limit doesn't seem to be an argument at all to me, that’s why laws have limits. Finally I would agree with Ms. Cullen on the concept that the opening of this clinic shows us what is missing from this society, I hope she too is referring to more abortion clinics. -Freddie Hoskin (UCD Pro Choice Society committee member)

It’s Satire, STUPID!

INSIDE "Orphans vote Fosters as favourite beer" "Opticians to be opened 2020" "Man fights fire with fire, Fire Brigade asks him to leave" "Best before date: Rohypnol" "Study on obesity looks for larger group" "College dropouts cut in half" "My cock only goes in One Direction' claims Louis Walsh "

The end is nigh


fter a series of interviews carried out with none other than God himself, the Turbine can now confirm that the world is indeed set to end on the 21st of December this year. There has been much speculation regarding the possible Armageddon, however, up until now there has been no confirmation from on high as to the possibility of it actually coming to pass. Speaking exclusively to the Turbine God, who prefers not to use his real name, corroborated the Mayan hypothesis. “I’m not sure how they got a hold of the information, but I believe they may have seen a leaked memo relating to the upcoming ca-

tastrophe,” said God. UCDSU are understood to be appalled at the prospect and have plans to launch a national campaign to protest against the planned cataclysm. It is understood that Shane Comer intends to place copious amounts of chairs around campus to really bring home just how many people will be affected by this issue. He will also personally ensure that no bridges are burned during the event. Meanwhile, Mícheál Gallagher, the boy with boxes of condoms by his desk, has decided to set up a “safe space” in the Blue Room where people can drop by and share with one another how they feel about the

YFG 'S LATEST CAMPAIGN GATHERING ATTENTION doomsday scenario. The event will be filled with “grá” and penguins. Rumours abound however that the penguins are being gathered for a ritualistic blood sacrifice aimed at pleasing the Almighty. As a means to bring some joy onto the campus during our final hours, Eoin Heffernan will be breaking open the old Student Club and hosting one almighty party. The eschatological event will feature such well known acts as the Saw Doctors and Mark Rogers dancing on a pole to raise money for the ailing university. Paddy Guiney, our C&C officer, will be charged with publicising the events so expect copious amounts

of facebook updates and Class Reps, or Union Council Reps, or whatever they are, running about the place trying to drum up a crowed while advertising Clever Cuisine for that last healthy meal choice. Our president, Rachel Breslin, will be tasked with keeping control of the events and making sure nobody steps out of line. She will also ensure that even in the impending turmoil nobody gets their hands on the McNally Report for fear the he whose name shall not be said might rise from the darkness that is Tierney and claim back his former position with the black magic that is employment law.


20th November 2012



Hamilton wins as Formula 1 title race goes undecided in Texas Sebastian Vettel and Fernando Alonso to battle for the 2012 crown in Sao Paulo instead, writes Amy Eustace


ebastian Vettel missed out on a chance to win his third consecutive World Championship Formula 1 title on Sunday. The German would have clinched the Drivers Championship had he opened a fifteen point gap over Fernando Alonso, but he was two points short by the end of the race, despite having led for the bulk of the afternoon. Lewis Hamilton clinched the win in Austin, Texas, with Vettel coming a very close second and Alonso keeping the title race alive after coming from seventh to secure the last podium spot. It was the first Grand Prix to be held on American soil in five years and was set to be an exciting affair with the Drivers and Constructors Championships both to be decided ahead of next week’s final race in Brazil. Vettel had secured pole position in Saturday’s qualifying – his sixth pole of the season - while his closest competitor, Fernando Alonso, only managed ninth. Unfortunately for the German however, Alonso was promoted to eighth

after Romain Grosjean’s gearbox penalty and then seventh after a tactical decision by Ferrari saw them break his teammate Felipe Massa’s gearbox seal, costing the Brazilian five places on the grid and putting Alonso within touching distance of the leader. Red Bull had the champagne on ice for the Constructors Championship; they held an 82 point lead before Sunday’s race with only 86 points left to be won. Vettel and Alonso both made excellent starts, with the former making a clean getaway from pole and the latter sensationally climbing from seventh to fourth in the first lap. Lewis Hamilton, despite the discontent in the McLaren camp since his decision to move to Mercedes for the 2013 season, was making excellent ground on Vettel, coming close to overtaking him on numerous occasions. Further down the pack, Hamilton’s teammate Jenson Button was struggling after a poor start, battling for eleventh place with Michael Schumacher.

Hamilton and Alonso made pit stops on lap 20, but the Spaniard had an extremely slow stop and Kimi Raikkonen threatened to steal fourth. Vettel, meanwhile had a perfect pit stop on the following lap, and rejoined the race still in first. Fresh from his duel with Schumacher, fellow McLaren man Button leapt to seventh, passing Bruno Senna and Sergio Perez. Vettel’s teammate Mark Webber retired from the race due to an issue with his car. After gradually chipping away at the German’s lead, Hamilton finally found a way past Vettel on the 42nd lap. Traffic ahead blocked the would-be champion, giving Hamilton a chance to get ahead of him with a neat move on the outside. Alonso, back in third, would have breathed a sigh of relief. He would have had to maintain his pace at third or fourth if Vettel had won to keep a fighting chance at the title, but Vettel falling to second gave him some breathing space, especially as he was unlikely to overtake


Every Grin’s Gonna Be All White!! Dazzling Teeth Whitening Deals at The White House There is even more reason to smile this autumn, with substantial discounts on all laser teeth whitening, as well as additional free treatments, at Ireland’s exclusive whitening specialists, The White House. The Express Whitening treatment, normally €150, is reduced to €99, producing teeth up to five shades whiter in just 20 minutes, and lasting up to 12 months. Full Whitening, which can produce teeth up to 14 shades lighter, is now €195, from the normal price of €250, with a free re-treatment in the next 18 months included, worth €99. The Platinum Package, offering €550 worth of whitening for just €300, includes an additional two free treatments, as well as a free after-care kit. Further information on the autumn deals at The White House is available on 01-8904613 or www.thewhitehouse. ie. ‘Recessionistas’ everywhere will do the deal now, and look forward to a White Christmas for 2012!

his competitor, who was still 30 seconds ahead of him. Vettel wouldn’t give up, however, and he put in a few laps faster than the Englishman ahead. Hamilton held on though, capping an excellent drive with his fourth win of the year and the 21st of his career. A good note on which to end his penultimate race with McLaren, and evidence toward the notion that had his car behaved better this year, he may have had more success. Meanwhile Vettel must wait another week to become the youngest triple championship winner in Formula 1 history. Alonso, who finished

third, still has some hope ahead of Brazil on Sunday. If he wins in Sao Paulo and Vettel fails to finish higher than fifth, Alonso steals the title from under the young German’s nose. If Vettel finishes fourth and Alonso wins, they will be equal on points but the title will go to Vettel because he has tasted victory more often than his competitor. Red Bull have the Constructors Championship all sewed up, but second place is still up for grabs between Ferrari and McLaren. Far from a damp squib, there is plenty to look forward to in the final race of what has been an enthralling season of driving.

18 18 SPORT

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012

McGrath Three victories for leads UCD footballers clinical UCD Sligo IT - 1-8 half back and John Heslin had 0-3 from play including vital insurance to League scores. UCD will host the semi-finals of UCD - 1-12 the Ryan Cup this Thursday. victory They take on St. Marys at 4pm Conall Devlin followed by DIT vs Queens Uniover UCC versity Belfast at 6pm in the other Sports Editor

Continued from back page movement along the left wing. UCD began to hit their stride, Walter Walsh hit a fantastic angled drive over the bar and Guiney once again did damage by coming deep to collect low ball before firing over on the turn. UCC would not lie down though and kept themselves in with a shout with points from Harnedy, Haughney and a beauty from William Egan from his own half. UCD finally killed off their challenge with five minutes remaining. Noel McGrath sent a free long into the UCC penalty box, and second half sub Doc O’Connor was quickest to react, striking home first time after Nagle spilled the high ball. There was time for one last consolation score for UCC with Sugrue driving over the final puck of the game, leaving the final score 2-18 to 0-18. Nicky English must be happy with the performance of his charges, gaining progression to a league semi and showing promising signs for the impending Fitzgibbon Cup while victory against the reigning Fitzgibbon champions will undoubtedly give confidence. Noel McGrath was at times unplayable, hovering up everything that came his way as well as scoring and distributing excellently. Matthew McCaffrey, Cillian Buckley and Walter Walsh were also very impressive for UCD, who can now look forward to a tie with University of Limerick in the semi-finals. Scorers UCD – Noel McGrath (0-5 f, 0-1 65’), Walter Walsh 0-4, Jack Guiney 0-4, Ross Kelly 1-0, Doc O’Connor 1-0, Paddy Murphy 0-3 UCC – S. Harnedy 0-6 (0-4f), M.Sugrue 0-3, J. Aherne 0-2 (0-1f), D.McCormack 0-2, C.Murphy 0-2, W. Egan 0-2, P. Haughney 0-1 Teams UCD – B. Murphy, M. McCaffrey, W. Phelan, J. Dunne, J. Hoyne (B. O’Carroll 38 min), C. Buckley, S. Norton, D. Fox (A. O’Dowd HT), N. McGrath, P. Keogh, P. Murphy, R. Kelly, J. Gilligan (D. O’Connor 25 min), J. Guiney, W. Walsh UCC – D. McCarthy, K. Lane, C. Ryan, C. Murphy, J. Barry, J. Nagle, W. Egan, C. Murphy, B. Murphy, C. Lehane, D. McCormack, M. Sugrue, P. Haughney, S. Harnedy, J. Aherne Referee – Anthony Stapleton (Laois)


dominant first half display led the platform to the Senior Footballers winning away to Sligo IT in their League quarterfinal. David Larkin finished off a fine move after a direct run and assist by Kevin McLoughlin just before the break and John Heslin pointed from frees. Sligo couldn’t contain the fast moving game UCD were playing and were reduced to 14 men before half time with Eugene Keating receiving two yellow cards in quick succession for poor tackling. The first half ended 1-7 0-1. In the second half, however, UCD allowed their stronghold to be relinquished as a spirited Sligo side fought their way back into the game with 1-5 without reply. Poor turnovers and defensive indiscipline from UCD gave Sligo opportunities to convert from close range. However, UCD rallied with 10 minutes remaining to ensure the win. Rory O’Carroll was imperious and centre

semi-final. UCD team v Sligo IT: E Keogh; J Hayes, G Ryan, C McHugh; C Lenehan, R O’Carroll, L Keaney; C Dias, J Heslin; S Cadden, D Larkin, K McLoughlin; C Downey, D Kingston, R Basquel Subs used- C Boyle, C Carty Intermediate Football All Ireland League Quarter Final UCD 2-12 QUB 0-8 The Intermediate Footballers overcame a limited Queen’s side at Belfield. A strong third quarter spell inspired by centre half forward Eugene McGrath gave UCD an unassailable lead after outstanding defending throughout. The Intermediates went through the group stages of the league undefeated and their form showed with a confident and fast flowing display of attacking football. Queen’s had their only lead of the game in the first 5 minutes after two frees from Ronan McGrady. UCD responded immediately with 1-1 from Paddy

UCD retain Road Relay title by narrowest of margins Cathal Daly reports on the UCD Athletics Club’s Intervarsity Road Relay victory


ess than one second separated the UCD and DCU men’s teams after 9 miles of racing at the Intervarsity Road Relay Championships last Saturday in Maynooth. In a hectic race which saw the lead change hands three times, heroic performances from all five members of the UCDAC team was enough to hold off the challenge of strong rivals DCU and the other 24 teams in the race. Men’s captain Dan King set the tone for the team in the opening mile, handing over to Alan McCormack right on the shoulder of DCU. McCormack did well to keep in touch with the in-form Paul Robinson of DCU who broke the 2-mile record time for the course. A 30 second deficit separated the teams going into the crucial 3-mile leg which was eaten away at by Joe Sweeney. Sweeney was hot on the heels of the DCU 3-mile runner and had halved the lead by the time Chris Johnston started his 2-mile leg. A truly heroic run by Johnston

not only saw him catch his DCU rival but also put clear distance between the teams. The large crowd in attendance responded to Johnston’s powerful run and lifted the Donegal man home to hand over to European Athletic Association athlete Mark English. Despite a strong chase by DCU’s last leg runner Brian Kelly, who broke the course mile record, English kept his composure to hold off Kelly in a sprint finish, with just 0.3 seconds separating the two Colleges after 41 minutes of running. The UCD Women’s team of Harriet Flynn, Ellie Hartnett, Eva Lafferty and Shauna Moran performed well with the relatively young outfit coming in 6th place against much more experienced opposition. The girls will look to build on this result next year. The Athletics Club expressed special thanks to UCD Distance Coach James Nolan who has worked closely with the teams for preparation over the past few months.

Reilly, the goal a rasping shot into the right hand corner of the net after a lay off from the pacy Cormac Boyle. Boyle himself had a goal chance minutes later which was well saved. Ronan McGrady and Eugene McGrath exchanged points before Colm Driver fisted over just before the break to leave the score 1-4 0-4. After the interval UCD upped their intensity and blew Queen’s away with a 20 minute Blitzkrieg on the Queens defence. The half time introduction of wing half forward Anthony Mulligan paid off immediately after his long ball fed Eugene McGrath who buried a goal effort into the bottom corner. Corner backs Michael Durcan and Ciaran McConnell marauded forward at will and both chipped in with points to supplement the efforts of playmaker McGrath, who pointed from a 45 and assisted Cormac Boyle within two minutes of each other. Man of the match McGrath pointed twice more a few minutes later after incisive running from midfielder Dan Wood and Niall Collins at the dead beat Queens defence. The Belfast team went 25 minutes without scoring in the second half as UCD were first to every ball. They did manage 4 late consolation scores from Ronan McGrady (2), Cormac McGrady and JJ McClean however it was immaterial to the result. UCD team v QUB: JB Carty; M Durcan (0-1), A English, C McCo-

nnell (0-1); M O’Dwyer, M McGinley, S McWeeney; M Dineen, D Wood; C Boyle (0-1), E McGrath (1-6), A Murphy, P Reilly (1-1), C Driver (0-1), N Collins. Subs used- S Newcombe, A Mulligan, A Duke (0-1), G Mahon, N Comey. Freshers ‘A’ Football All Ireland League Semi Final UCD 5-20 Carlow IT 1-7 UCD Freshers lived up to their billing as favourites for the All Ireland League after obliterating Carlow IT at Belfield. The gulf in talent was there for all to see as a hugely talented Freshers team blew Carlow out of the water and had built up a 4-5 to 1-0 lead after 18 minutes. Notable performers were wing half back Jack McCaffrey, full forward Paul Kingston and midfielder Philip Quirke. They play DCU in the final this Wednesday 21st November at Parnell Park at 7pm. UCD team v Carlow IT: P Gallagher; T O’Sullivan, D Byrne, M MacDonnacha; J McCaffrey (0-2), P Harnan, S McEntee; D Murphy, P Quirke (2-1); L Kelly (1-0), N Kelly (0-1), J Turbitt (0-1); P Mannion (1-4), P Kingston (0-4), S Kilcoyne (1-3) Subs used- G Murphy, R Rafferty, R Wylie, C Divney, S Murray (02), C O’Neill, C Courtney, R Tone (0-1), P Leonard, F Ward (0-1), D Campbell


20th November 2012

Marian end slump with big win over Killester UCD Marian - 84 Killester - 61 Conall Devlin Sports Editor


huge run in the third quarter ensured that UCD Marian ended a four game funk over a dejected Killester team on Saturday night in the Sports Centre. John Galvin dominated at both ends of the floor with 30 points and 22 rebounds but it was a balanced team performance, with ten of the eleven players on the roster making scoring contributions, which helped get the W. Coach Sasa Punosevac opted to start some of the team’s second unit including 17-year-old Renatas Nedzveckas and introduce the experience of backcourt pairing Conor Meany and Daniel James as well as Kevin Foley as the opening quarter progressed. It was a change up which worked well as the team

settled quicker and didn’t allow Killester to get in to any rhythm. The North Dublin team played without the ineligible Jermaine Turner and a lack of a go-to scorer was evident despite the best efforts of forward Alan Casey who had 8 first quarter points. Marian centre Galvin commanded the low post early on with 11 first quarter points and Foley injected energy off the bench to give Marian an early 23-17 first quarter lead. The second quarter saw the continued effectiveness of Marian running their bench. Guards Cathal Finn, Conor James, Conor Meany, Matt Kelly and Barry Drumm were all elusive on offense and tough on defense against Killester backcourt Laurence (Puff) Summers and

Ciaran Roe. Killester trimmed the deficit to 4 at the half with a difficult lay up from Roe in traffic to close the quarter at 37-33. Marian outscored Killester 3010 in the third quarter in what was undoubtedly their best quarter of basketball this season. Without a presence inside Killester couldn’t handle Galvin who cleaned up on the offensive and defensive glass allowing second chances opportunities for the likes of Conor Meany who got the hot hand with back to back 3 pointers midway through the quarter. Killester’s shot selection and turnovers were poor due to a half court defense from Marian that was at its most cohesive. Arguably Marian’s strongest line up of Conor Meany,

Daniel James, Niall Meany, Kevin Foley and John Galvin created numerous mismatches on offense for Killester coach Darren O’Neill which they simply could not find the answers for. The opponents got into foul trouble with 5:05 remaining in the quarter allowing Marian to execute 10/12 times from the free throw line to make the score 67-43. The final quarter was relatively academic in nature as Marian continued their fluidity on offense and resolute D. Galvin helped himself to 8 more points to put the game beyond doubt and despite getting into foul trouble with 2:48 left Marian coasted to victory. Conor Meany had the second highest scoring effort with



14 while Cathal Finn and Liam Conroy chipped in with 8 apiece. Alan Casey and Laurence (Puff) Summers jointly top scored for Killester with 13 apiece. Marian outrebounded Killester 54-26 and led in assists at 21-7 in a dominant display. Sasa Punosevac’s club played their best game of the season to date and he hopes that the win it will act as a catalyst for a renewed title challenge- “It was a very important result for us to get the team back in good spirits. I am very pleased with the way we played defense, to hold them to 61 points was a great achievement but we have to forget about the game now. We play Killester again on Sunday and to win twice against them will be tough, we need complete focus on that next game.” They take their record on the season to 3-5 and as Punosevac alluded to, the team will do battle against their Clontarf rivals once more this Sunday 25th November at 3pm.

Clinical Trinity take home victory over UCD Ceithreann Murphy Sports Writer


rinity ran out comprehensive 38-14 winners in last Saturday’s unofficial ‘’Colours’’ game at College Park, extending their unbeaten run to 18 games. However the game may have gone the way of the visitors were it not for various errors at crucial times in the first half. The first score of the game came when UCD fullback Barry Daly made a superb break from inside his own 22, the ball was recycled quickly and winger Patrick Dix straightened well to barge into the opponents 22, the pressure eventually led to a penalty for a ruck time infringement which Thornton slotted to give the visitors a 0-3 lead nine minutes into the game. However this lead was cancelled out on 15 minutes when Trinity outhalf David Joyce scored following a penalty from a UCD scrum. Three minutes later Trinity increased their lead when a mix up between Alex Kelly and Patrick Dix resulted in a knock on. The ball was gathered by flying DU winger Niyi Adeolukan, Joyce converted and the score remained 10-3. This lead was short lived however, as from the restart UCD earned a penalty for block-

ing. From the resulting 22 drop out, Risteard Byrne charged down Joyce’s kick, the ball was knocked on by Trinity’s Patrick Lavelle, and following a strong carry from Alex Kelly, the ball was moved wide with Barry Daly touching down in the right hand corner. Thornton was wide with the conversion attempt and the score remained 10-8 until half time. At half time the match truly was in the balance, both sides were competing well at the breakdown and kicking well for position, in fact were it not for some superb poaching work on the deck from Brian du Toit and Jack Dilger, UCD probably would have had more first half scores. The second half began with an almost immediate UCD penalty, Thornton adding the points to make it 11-10. Disaster struck when flanker Shane Grannell knocked on the restart, Trinity re-gathered and after sustained pressure from the forwards outhalf Joyce waltzed in under the posts. UCD’s next foray into their opponents half saw a strong surge from Mark McGroarty, coupled with an excellent offload to Daly in

support. Trinity flanker Pierce Dargan fouled the ball in an extremely cynical fashion, and was duly sent to the bin. One would feel that were it not for the infringement, Collidge would have surely scored at least five points. Thornton added the points. From the restart UCD found themselves five yards off their own line after a communication breakdown between two players both going for the same ball. With the ball stripped in contact, Trinity’s Du Toit capitalised with another DU try. The score was now 24-14 on 52 minutes. UCD began to feel the need to chase the game. They did have one more great break into DU’s half, the ball was slowed down illegally by Trinity fullback David Fannagan, who was promptly sent to the bin. Collidge ran the penalty, but again their breakdown efforts let them down and the ball was stolen by Trinity hooker Warren Larkin. This was to be UCD’s last serious foray into the DU 22. Trinity’s forwards began to dominate the tight exchanges, Mclaughlin putting prop Ian Hirst away with a George Gregan like backwards pass on

77 minutes converted by Joyce to make it 31-14. The game ended with another Trinity try for Niyi Adeolukan, after a great piece of skill from replacement outhalf Cathal Marsh to put him in space. Marsh converted and the game ended 38-14. This will be a tough defeat for Collidge as one would feel had they made the most of their opportunities early on they would probably have one the game, instead small mistakes at crucial points in the game resulted in them find-

ing themselves chasing the game and losing their shape midway throughthe second half. UCD: James Tracey, Risteard Byrne, Kieran Moloney, Emmet McMahon, Brian Cawley, Shane Grannell, Mark McGroarty, Eoin Joyce, Jamie Glynn, James Thornton, Adam Byrne, Stephen Murphy, Alex Kelly, Patrick Dix, Barry Daly. Subs used: Adam Clarkin, Josh van der Flyer, Niall Earls.



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 20th November 2012




Above: UCD Marian battling it out against Killester to end their losing run

McGrath leads clinical UCD to League victory over UCC UCD - 2-18 UCC - 0-18 Anthony Strogen Sports Writer


he age-old mantra that goals win games rung true as UCD claimed a hard-fought but well deserved victory over UCC in an entertaining Quarter Final of the Irish Daily Mail Higher Education Hurling League at Belfield on Thursday evening last, with the foundations to success seen in their superior movement and dominance of primary possession.

With a clear advantage over their southern counterparts in the middle third of the field, UCD looked the hungrier side throughout and made the better use of their purple patches as both sides looked for a win without some of their key men. UCD flew out of the traps brilliantly with a Walter Walsh point within the opening five seconds a clear statement of intent which they duly followed up on, with further scores from Jack Guiney, Noel McGrath and a trio from Paddy Murphy seeing them 0-6 to 0-1 to the good inside ten minutes. The men from Cork looked shellshocked by UCD’s start, but began to settle into the frenetic pace of the opening half. With a clear tactic

of pumping early ball into the fullforward line insofar as possible, they got a foothold and began to pull themselves back into the game, with Seamus Harnedy and Cillian Murphy picking off some excellent scores. The remainder of the second half saw a tit-for-tat battle develop between the sides. Noel McGrath was in majestic form for UCD, winning a monstrous amount of ball and spraying passes with supreme precision. He was shown a yellow card after 24 minutes however for a wild pull which caught Cork intercounty player Jamie Nagle, and the resultant free from Harnedy drew the visitors level. McGrath atoned for this though with a long, raking

point which he popped over directly after catching a puck-out. A glorious short-passing move almost saw Walter Walsh score the game’s opening goal, but his rasping shot from a tight angle was tipped wide by Darren McCarthy. McGrath knocked over the 65 and another free to go along with a superb score on the turn from Jack Guiney, giving the UCD a two point lead at the change of ends, 0-12 to 0-10. It was a deserved lead, fantastic off-the-ball movement and resolute play from the full-back line standing out as key facets to the advantage. The break probably came at a bad time for the home side, looking decidedly sluggish after the re-

sumption of play and they allowed Conor Lehane to pull the strings after he was kept quiet in the first period. UCC moved themselves into a two point lead of their own through Dan McCormack, Jack Aherne, Cillian Murphy and a magnificent effort from their standout player Mark Sugrue, who drilled over from an almost impossible angle. This setback seemed to ignite the UCD side, and after gradually bringing themselves level through braces from Walsh and McGrath, they struck for the jugular. Ross Kelly finished off a mesmerising team move with a low drive to the UCC net after outstanding Continued on page 18

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