The Carer #64 January/February 2023

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£1.75 where sold JUL/AUG 2023 Issue 19 T H E P U B L I C A T I O N F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M Issue 64 W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M INSIDE THIS ISSUE Editor's Viewpoint 2 Insurance for Care 27 Food and Drink 36-38 Nurse Call & Falls Management 41-42 Technology & Software 43-45 Products and Ser vices 28-29 Cleaning & Infection Control 30-33 Professional & Recr uitment 46-49 THECARERUK THECARER UK THECARERUK Laundr y Solutions 34-35 Dementia Care & Training 39-40 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023 Discharge “Piecemeal Funding” Will Not Address Health & Care Pressures The additional £200m pledged by the government for social care discharge is “a piecemeal allocation of funding” in response to “a crisis that is years in the making the social care sector has said The Local Government Association (LGA) said piecemeal funding is no substitute for a strategic approach to the pressure on hospital beds” Earlier this month (January 9) health secretary Steve Barclay announced that social care providers would receive an extra £200m in funding to support hospital discharge allowing care providers to buy up more care home beds On top of this there will be £50m for capital improvements to hospitals designed to improve patient flow as Government continues to come under intense pressure to alleviate the crisis in the NHS Mr Barclay said “I am taking urgent action to reduce pressure on the health service including investing an additional £200 million to enable the NHS to immediately buy up beds in the community to safely discharge thousands of patients from hospital and free up hospital capacity on top of the £500 million we ve already invested to tackle this issue (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )


First of all we here at THE CARER would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a slightly belated happy New Year in our first issue for 2023

Hopefully you are all aware that we produce a weekly digital edition distributed each Wednesday

You can sign up via our website www thecareruk com We are the only publisher that produces a full weekly edition of The Carer, keeping you up-to-date with all the latest news comment and opinion and products and services

We lead with the story surrounding the government s discharge fund which industry observers are rightly saying it is not enough and too little too late

According to the president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine up to 13,000 NHS patients which accounts for 13% of hospital beds are medically ready to leave hospital for having to stay because there is nowhere else for them to go

This has been a major problem for some time Each year thousands of patients have had to remain in hospital beds and faced a delayed discharge until the necessary next stage of care became available

Delays are attributed to the nonavailability of a temporary or permanent space in a care home rehabilitation unit or a small community hospital or may be due to a lack of a supportive care package for their return home

But as stated above this is nothing new and the care sector rightly expresses concerns that years of consistent underfunding has led us to the current crisis

As Mike Padgham CEO of the independent Care Group says in our lead article: An extra £250 million whilst welcome is not going to touch the surface in terms of tackling the overall crisis And my major fear is that we will get bogged down in bureaucracy as the £500 million to aid hospital discharged announce last September has become

I did spend some time researching as to how much of that money has been forthcoming and how it has been spent Casting our mind back to September 22, 2022 the £500m discharge fund, announced by then Health Secretary Theresa Coffey was specifically earmarked for moving people into care homes to recover from illness, freeing up space in hospital beds

I can find no record of whether it has been allocated whatsoever That’s not to say it hasn t but I just cannot find anything That of course makes for a lack of confidence in the new pledge of £250 million

Once again we will be very interested in your feedback!

I would also draw your attention to the results of our Christmas Hamper competition on pages 16-17 We are sorry we couldn t accommodate all the photographs we were sent, but this is just a selection of many of the wonderful nominations we received

We were so overwhelmed by so many wonderfully uplifting nominations that we tagged on five extra runners-up prizes - enough to get a bottle of champagne Just a gesture on our part to say thank you And watch out for our next issue, and our next competition for Easter!

Please follow us on Twitter! We have hit the magic 10 000 followers we are delighted to say and we want to get that up to 20 000! So please do follow us and encourage as many of your followers in the sector to follow us as well!

I can always be contacted at editor@thecareruk com

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PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 (6 lines) Fax: 01202 552666 Email: sales@thecareruk com WEBSITE: www thecareruk com EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox
Adams PAGE 2 | THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023 The Carer is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised
Editor Peter

Discharge “Piecemeal Funding” Will Not Address Health & Care Pressures


However (LGA) said the crisis will not be fixed through tacked-on funding that fails to address any of the root causes of this situation”


Cllr David Fothergill Chairman of the Local Government Association Community Wellbeing Board said: A decade of consistent underfunding of social care and underinvestment in community health services has led us into this crisis and it will not be fixed through tacked-on funding that fails to address any of the root causes of this situation

Councils recognise the immediate issue of pressures on hospitals and the desire to expand capacity through use of care home beds It is important that any beds purchased by the NHS must be clearly earmarked as short term recovery beds and have full wrap around support to support people to get home as quickly as possible The NHS should also agree the purchase of such beds and how the wrap around support will be provided with local councils so that there is a consistent approach to the local care market It is vital that there is agreement about funding the ongoing support for people if the NHS funding of a place is time limited

This piecemeal allocation of funding is no substitute for a strategic approach to the pressure on hospital beds which requires a much broader range of actions to prevent admission streamline discharge for those that do not need social care and focus on capacity to support recovery

“It is disappointing that so much of the current narrative on social care implies it exists solely to ease pressure on the NHS and is failing to do its job Many people rely on social care to support them to live independent and fulfilling lives and the continual focus on supporting the NHS important though it is places these vital services at risk Until the Government presents social care as an essential service in its own right – valued equally highly as the NHS – we will continue to lurch from one sticking plaster to the next

We have consistently said that £13 billion is needed for social care so that its many pressures can be addressed and councils can deliver on all of their statutory duties This is the level of investment needed to ensure people of all ages can live an equal life and reduce the need for hospital treatment in the first place ”


Independent Care Group CEO Mike Padgham welcomed the additional funding saying every penny of funding to help the situation in social care was valuable but he was worried it was “too little, too late”

This extra funding is very welcome and we hope that it will get to the frontline of social care very quickly to boost capacity in the social care sector and aid the speedy discharge of people in to the community,” he said

My biggest regret is that it didn t come sooner – we and others in the sector have been warning for months if not years that social care was in crisis and particularly since the pandemic struggling to survive An extra £250m whilst welcome is not going to touch the surface

in terms of tackling the overall crisis And my major fear is that it will get bogged down in bureaucracy as the £500m to aid hospital discharge announced last September has become

“We urgently need the NHS to be given the go ahead to purchase care provision directly from care providers which will speed up the process significantly ”

He was concerned at reports that in some places health trusts might resort to using hotels to provide care for people discharged from hospital

I desperately desperately hope that that is not the case he said It would be setting an extremely dangerous precedent in discharging patients into places that have not had the rigorous inspection that properly-regulated, managed and staffed care and nursing homes have had

“Panic measures such as these suggest to me that the Government doesn’t have a properly thought out plan for tackling the crisis in care

Those of us delivering care on the frontline know what needs to be done and have the expertise and knowledge to do it We are happy to discuss it with the Government if they will listen

“The Government’s announcement, whilst welcome, is another very small sticking plaster on the problem when what everyone really needs to see is a proper, sustainable root and branch reform of the social care sector

“We are seeing that the NHS is unsafe and that social care is broken We cannot go on any longer

We need urgent measures to tackle the 165 000 staff vacancies within the sector and then a longer-term strategy to create parity of pay and working conditions between NHS and social care staff

“We have been warning for more than a decade that governments of all political persuasion were failing social care and for the past two years that we were reaching crisis point

“We need to see at the barest minimum the extra £7bn a year our Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has previously said was needed by social care, ‘just to stand still’ ”


Professor Vic Rayner OBE CEO of the The National Care Forum said: The emergency funding is indeed welcome This is a situation where care homes can and do make a real difference enabling people to leave the acute system gain support and rehabilitation and then continue their journey home This is already happening in many parts of the country and the additional funding will make this happen at pace However, in the rush to discharge it is important that the strategic lessons are learned

“This is a response to a crisis that is years in the making There are a number of core things that need to happen to ensure this makes a difference and does not divert the problem to a cliff edge a matter of months down the road We are calling on the government to turn this crisis into an effective care response and we will apply these 5 principles to the PM and his team:

1 Care providers must be at the ICB decision making table Care organisations have a strategic role in ensuring communities and people get the care and support they need It should not be possible that a localised health and care crisis is discussed without the people who can provide part of the solution at the table This latest round of commissioning must be strategic and embed the position of care providers as equal partners from here on in High quality care provision to support people back to independent living cannot be viewed as a tap that can be turned on and off This obsession with a ‘just in time’ spot purchase approach to having capacity in the system when you need it has to stop We have advanced information and data already available about communities, their needs and what capacity we have in both acute and care settings Health leaders must use it; plan prepare and create an equal partnership between health and social care

2 Fund the discharge at a level that enables care providers to pay their staff a wage that reflects their expertise and skill in enabling people to build back confidence health and resilience to enable them to return home or to continue a fulfilling life within a care setting The long term impact of underfunding care means both high levels of vacancies but also high levels of movement and an increasing cohort of people who can no longer afford to work in care

3 Plan for March 2024 – not March 2023 Do not let this funding drop disconnected into the bubbling morass of crisis hold onto the fact that it is addressing a long term problem and anything that works for today must contribute to a solution for tomorrow There may not be enough money but make a plan, provide some certa nty to enable organisations to take on new staff to invest in new facilities and to develop their in-house rehabilitative resources Without this long term vision, all of this money will be swallowed into short term fixes such as over reliance on agency staff, or the prioritisation of hospital patients over those with urgent needs n the community

4 Wrap the rehabilitative resource around the individual It must not be the case that people move from hospital either back home or into a care setting without the necessary support from skilled physiotherapists occupational therapists and social workers They need to get the support that they would have had to enable discharge from hospital to be applied to them moving from a care home back home Otherwise we are just moving the person without properly supporting their needs

5 Invest in prevention People do not want to go into hospital People want to stay at home However the delays in assessment the inability for social care funding to address anything other than acute needs the challenges around accessing primary healthcare and the long delays in waiting lists all contribute to the crisis that we find ourselves in right now High quality social care at the time where people need it, in the place where they need it, is the way forward for communities across the country The fact that we do not have this is the crisis that we should be really concerned about Rayner concludes

“The story that grabs the headline is the hospital but the real news is the silent crisis going on in communities The funding is welcome but make no mistake, this is not job done Social care matters to us all ”


The Mental Health Pandemic in Carers

The mental health awareness campaigns, days and initiatives don't seem to help many depressed stressed and burnt-out carers

Currently there's a mental health pandemic among those who care for our loved ones Long days, nights and weeks seem to blend into a never-ending loop

The Mental Health Foundation stated that 71% of carers have poor physical or mental health" The figure may come as a shock but if you were to speak to a carer they would assume the percentage would be higher

Care agencies and care homes need to do more to look after the workforce that enables us to keep functioning Who would look after our grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and old friends without the carers work? We couldn t continue working if they weren t there to do their job

A1 Care (www a1care co uk) claims that one of the critical reasons carers are struggling right now is due to the lack of staff within the industry For many years now and especially since the pandemic fewer individuals have chosen to become a carer

The current turnover rate in social care is approximately 31% and rising which is more than double the UK cross-industry average of 15% 60% of those who leave their job leave care altogether In the past few years 50 000 carers have left the industry leaving over 165 000 jobsfigures released by Skills for Care

If the industry were inundated with carers they would thrive and there would be less overtime more time off and a more manageable workload Despite the benefits of being a carer, such as good pay, flexibility opportunities to build long-lasting relationships and being in a fulfilling role, many are choosing a 9-5, which they can do from home So what can they do?

As most care agencies and care homes struggle to gain applications

from within the UK, we suggest having a programme to hire from overseas Offer visa sponsorship and go the extra mile to attract suitable candidates by providing a relocation package

What your relocation package should include:

Support with relocation for the carers families

Paid plane ticket and airport pick up

Temporary housing until they can find a permanent residence

On-call assistance for any issues or support they may need

An introduction to the area they will be living in and a warm welcome into the community

By providing an attractive and valuable offer care agencies and care homes will be able to recruit the excellent carers they need

More carers mean a more manageable workload and more time to focus on quality

Which then will begin to tackle the current carers physical and mental wellbeing They will be able to work more reasonable hours have time for themselves and their family and most importantly rest

55% of carers reported to The Mental Health Foundation (www mentalhealth org uk) that they suffered from depression due to their caring role Care agencies and care homes need to implement these hiring measures to decrease this number and significantly save many carers from burnout

For all of the carer employers reading this there are many warning signs you can look out for among your carers Spotting these signs will lead to immediate support as opposed to a carer being afraid to talk out and further burdened

Signs you can look for:

Being down

Less talkative and unenthusiastic

Significant tiredness

Poor concentration or mistakes in their day-to-day work

Withdrawing from people

• Constantly worried

Frantic and stressed

• Lack of confidence

We know hiring overseas is a lengthy process so we suggest doing these 5 things to support in the meantime

Appoint a mental health representative within the workforce

Introduce a scheme where they can talk to a wellbeing counsellor at the company s expense if needed

Offer paid mental health days where they can take the day off Remind them of their fantastic work and reassure them their workload will get easier

• Encourage them to participate in wellness activities such as walking yoga and meditating

Right now carer employers need to lead the way with the change in the industry Too many have let their workers struggle

Small steps every day can lead to change

Eventually with these turnarounds we won t need to resort to drastic measures, yet focus on the upkeep

Let s stand together to take care of our carers

Her Majesty’s Pallbearer Speaks with

Tony 23 returned to his hometown following a recent tour of Iraq and was welcomed to the 96-bed care home originally built in 1914 as a home for wounded soldiers having recently served as a pallbearer during the state funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II Watched by billions across the globe Tony was credited for his ‘impeccable role alongside seven members of his regiment who carried the coffin of Her Majesty before laying to rest the longest-serving monarch in British history on Monday 19th September Commenting on the experience Tony said: “It’s been an unforgettable few weeks to say the least Serving as one of Her Majesty’s pallbearers was the greatest honour of my life and was made even more special by the fact that it was an experience shared by only seven other people across the globe To be honest it still hasn’t sunk in and I don’t think it ever will Rewatching the day unfold at Westminster Abbey and listening to everything that was happening outside the room was probably the first moment where I truly understood the magnitude of the day ”

A former pupil at Holmesdale School Snodland Kent Tony joined the infantry regiment more than three years ago and recently married his long-term partner, Hayley, Resident Liaison at Nellsar, who accompanied him during the service

Speaking of his day Tony said: It was so nice to return to my hometown for a day that centred around appreciating everything that’s been made possible due to the sacrifices of those before us It was a very informative and humbling experience to spend the day with Princess Christian s residents and families I really enjoyed exchanging life stories with some remarkable individuals as I don’t often get the chance to hear stories from the past To accompany the local veterans for a day of remembrance and hear first-hand about their wartime experiences serving our country, was something I’ll never forget ”

– even our resident cat made herself comfortable on his lap!

“It was something that our staff and residents have long been looking forward to and were well prepared to make wartime displays and wreaths using poppies while sharing and celebrating the medals of residents who were active in the war An afternoon of poignant reflection was followed by tea and cakes before we enjoyed our resident singer Vick performing some great songs including a moving performance of ‘The Last Post’ on the trumpet All in all, the day was an overwhelming success I’d like to thank Tony Saj and Jonathan for playing such an influential role in bringing a smile to our residents faces

“My favourite aspect of our creation is Rudolph sat proudly on top of hid abode!” said David resident at Upton Bay

supplied by A1 Care (www a1care co uk)
A Surrey care home welcomed one of Her Majesty s pallbearers to hear and reflect on the wartime memories of its veteran residents and share his experiences from one of the most historical events in modern history Lance Corporal Tony Flynn of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards visited Princess Christian Care Centre, part of the Nellsar group, to hear and reflect on the mix of poignant and uplifting memories of the home’s veteran residents who had lived through the Second World War Tony spent the morning speaking with a host of wartime veterans at the home before being joined by Woking Town Mayor Saj Hussain and local MP Jonathan Lord for an afternoon of remembrance and reflection Mario Taherian Registered General Manager at Nellsar s Princess Christian Care Centre, said: “As with every year, it was a very special day for everyone connected with Princess Christian Care Centre and the wider Woking community Our staff and residents were delighted to be joined by Tony who knows first-hand what it means to serve in the line of duty Tony is a remarkable individual and our residents loved chatting with him and exchanging stories
Wartime Veterans at a Surrey Care Home Inspiring their imaginations ladies and gentlemen at Upton Bay Care Home in Poole delved into a colourful array of tongue tingling treats to decorate their scrumptious gingerbread houses as entry for Barchester Healthcare’s Gingerbread House Competition Influenced by a live virtual cookery demonstration hosted by Vegetarian for Life, the leading authority on diet and healthy living advice for older vegans and vegetarians the care home crafted two gingerbread house structures ready for titivating with candies and chocolates
We opted for a mini winter wonderland village as our competition entry, showcasing not one, but two beautifully decorated houses set within a snowy landscape! commented Karen Grant, Activity Coordinator at Upton Bay
Our residents were so inspired by the live demonstration we borrowed techniques from Chef Alex such as proper sugar icing adhesive and installing lights to really bring the scene to life
Barchester Care Home Residents Follow the Breadcrumbs to Gingerbread House

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), the NHS Confederation and the Local Government Association (LGA) have come together to create a report titled ‘Joint vision for a high quality and sustainable health and care system on the long-term solutions required to make our health and care system resilient preventative and promoting independence

The report states that high quality responsive preventative and personalised health and care services contribute so much to our lives and society by:

enabling people to live their best lives and be active in their local communities supporting unpaid carers to continue caring whilst working and living their own lives

offering rewarding skilled employment and long-term careers to over three million people bringing together the best of the NHS local authorities adult social care providers, public health and the community and voluntary sector to support people to live good lives meet growing needs and expectations of those who draw on care and health services boosting local regional and national economies by contributing to economic outputs (Gross Domestic Product) as major employers and contracting with local businesses Recent analysis shows that every pound invested in the NHS results in around £4 back to the economy through increased gross valued added (GVA), including through gains in productivity and workforce participation; and that the estimated adult social care sector GVA was £23 6 billion in 2016

However the report warns all of the evidence points to a stark truth: our health and social care services are struggling to meet their statuto-

ry requirements to provide people with timely safe high quality and effective care and support And despite the heroic efforts of all those working in social care and health without immediate and long-term action from national Government, they will fail to improve, leading to worse health wellbeing and economic outcomes for all of us

The report also acknowledges the “heroic efforts” of the NHS and social care staff propping up the system but says that health and social care will fail to improve without proper funding from the UK Government

It continues: We are pleased that the government has gone some way to addressing the financial challenges on social care and health in the Autumn Statement by providing more resources over the medium-term to meet inflationary pressures

But this funding will not address the underlying gaps market fragility and workforce pressures across health and social care Neither does it provide sufficient long-term certainly for social care and health organisations to invest in different models of care which prevent ill health and promote wellbeing resilience and independence ”

The three national organisations contributing to the report all agree that a vision for all partners in the health and care system must focus first and foremost on promoting the health wellbeing and prosperity of our citizens This vision they say is relevant to all of us, whether we need care, support or treatment now or in the future provide unpaid care for family members, work in social care or health, or run businesses that contribute to health and wellbeing outcomes

It focuses on:

• maximising health and wellbeing and preventing or delaying people from developing health and social care needs redirecting resources so that when people need treatment, and short term support they are assisted to make as full a recovery as possible, restoring their health, wellbeing and independence maximising independence and wellbeing for people with ongoing heath and/or social care needs by working with them to put in place the care and support that works for them

The report calls on the Government to work with us and to put in place concrete measures to ensure that local leaders can achieve this culture shift now and in the future

in prevention and early intervention

the ability to plan for the long term

a long-term, fully funded workforce plan that covers health and social care – including the public health workforce

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To this end we have three key asks – that the Government:

Courageous Leadership Starts with Being More Human

When you re leading in tough times as most of the last few years have been, it’s tempting to lean into command and control, to get stuff done and to hide your fears and vulnerabilities staying strong for others Sadly this can cost you dearly both in terms of your own wellbeing and your connection with your team

Good leadership is that secret sauce that holds people together creates hope and possibility, and allows us to achieve great things despite our circumstances This is not as complicated or as onerous as it might sound, good leadership has some pretty basic components, most of which come down to being a decent human being

Your people may do what they are told because they have to but they will remember how you made them feel This will determine whether they trust you engage with you and buy into your vision We’re talking deep human connection and belonging here, people need to feel part of something they need to feel they are contributing or making a difference in some way So how do you do it, navigate being human with all the vulnerabilities that it brings, and lead other humans on a tricky and sometimes uncertain journey? You start with what you can control – yourself

Using a simple framework helps you to explore and grow The I CARE framework for courageous leadership pulls together five key elements of leadership in health and social care today They are innovation compassion attitude resilience and engagement


This is about your ability to lead change and solve problems Innovation comes from understanding what good looks like for you and your team then continually moving toward it As a leader you need to pay attention to what is happening by default, what people are talking about, perhaps complaining about, working around or simply ignoring – this might give you a clue about where to focus your efforts Aim to lead innovation not manage it let your people do that When people contribute and make suggestions they feel part of the change and they commit to the journey too This way it s owned They are committed to the outcome on an emotional level – they will problemsolve and innovate with you


We ve talked a lot about compassion compassion fatigue and the human cost of caring – and at an unconscious level we stop hearing things or zone out when it’s repeated often enough We are an innately compassionate species but busy adrenaline-fuelled lifestyles can get in the way Imagine a spectrum with compassion at one end and judgement at the other compassion connects us judgement distances us However, we are unintentionally ‘judgey about all sorts of things, behaviours, people, and even whole groups of society Judgement is born out of fear – we are fearful of different people and experiences –judgement distances us in the short term but it also disconnects us and makes it harder to lead Step one to

being compassionate is to take a judgement detox Take a look at where and of whom you are judgemental Being a compassionate leader has four stages – paying attention to what is going on – for you and others, seeking to understand empathy and helping – which is not the same as fixing Your aim as a leader is to connect and enable people not take over ATTITUDE

This is the thing you have the most control over, you choose how and where you show up, how you react – so focus your attention here first Do you know what the best version of yourself looks like – if not spend a bit of time answering this question – “Who am I at my best?”

None of us are at our best all the time but when we know what that is we can work towards the behaviours that make us feel good fit with our personal values and ultimately make us a credible and trustworthy leader

Remember good leaders bring hope and possibility so create an environment of realistic optimism This is not false positivity or deigning tough realities, it is simply focussing on what s possible, the good stuff and the value your people add every day RESILIENCE

Resilience is not about toughing it out or constantly doing more with less and it’s certainly not about being the last man standing Resilience is about refuelling and maintenance It s about knowing when you can step up and when you might need to step back

One way to do this for yourself and for your team is to think of your well-being like a bank account Pay attention to what goes in and what goes out and understand that if you spend too much without putting anything in you will finish up overdrawn or even bankrupt, and in humans, this looks like burnout or becoming physically and mentally unwell

Work out what energises you and what or who, depletes you, and then make sure you put enough energisers into your bank to stay in an operable range


This is about how you do what you do and your ability to bring people with you If you want people to follow you, you first need to meet them where they are, understand or at the very least hear their reality They will tell you what you need to do to make it safe for them to engage

Most people want to feel a sense of belonging at work, this comes when you feel seen, heard, valued and critically proud of the contribution you individually and collectively make So if you want to build engagement and keep tired staff energised and committed work on value the why you do what you do It is this that connects people it is this that gives people a sense of purpose and meaning at work Resist the temptation to micro-manage and where possible leave the what and how to your people

It s never too late to become the human – or the leader you want to be Your actions and behaviour determine the leader you become and you have control over these Be courageous enough to stand up for what you believe in, to act on what matters to you, and to respect where others are coming from Good Luck on your journey

Pair of Furr y Friends Visit Leamington Spa Based Home

Residents at a Leamington Spa based care home had a welcome surprise as two Alpacas visited them

Dante and Caya from the Alpaca Pals who offer up close and personal alpaca experience visited MHA Homewood

The pair spent some time in the home which offers personalised residential care for 50 residents

Residents gave the Alpacas carrots as they made their way through the home and made stops at some bedrooms

Jackie Turner activity coordinator said:

“The Alpacas have visited before and the residents love seeing them

Prior to them coming we encouraged the

“Once they came in, the residents lit up and it was a great moment

“They are really good pets, they are well behaved and the residents really enjoy their company

“Residents were feeding them carrots and they were casually roaming around the home which was great

“We had them visit before and have been planning to arrange another visit for a while, but due to some circumstances it wasn t possible

“We promised the residents once it was safe to do so we would arrange the visit and since it happened that's all they have been talking about ”

Salutem CEO Becomes Personal Carer in Job Swap



with providing a voice for staff

The Salutem CEO made the switch as he took on the job of Steven Gough deputy Manager and personal carer at Oakleigh Lodge in Nottingham which accommodates three individuals living with complex physical needs

Working closely alongside Steve John was able to help prepare the individuals for the day including supporting them to go out into the community and getting lunch ready

Steve will shortly be welcomed to Salutem s headquarters in Windsor to try his hand at being CEO for the day

“Steve and his colleagues were very


Steve Gough, deputy manager at Oakleigh Lodge said “It s not often you see a CEO getting stuck in and taking on someone else s role for the day

John worked very hard and even stayed a couple hours more than he should ve

“I’m looking forward to taking on John s role and working alongside members of the executive team in the near future

Stephen Gregory, a student at the service said: “I found John very friendly and good fun

“He was very helpful and was good at what he did ”

John Godden MBE swapped the top job for the shop floor in a new initiative launched by Salutem Care and Education The care organisation which has more than 130 services nationwide has introduced job swapping as part of its wider goal of improving transparency within the company idea was born following a meeting between the executive team and members of Salutem s Employee Listening Forum who are elected representatives tasked John Godden, CEO at Salutem said: “By visiting Oakleigh Lodge, I was able to fully immerse myself in all elements of Steve s job the day went on I was able to better understand the hard work and commitment that is put in by Steve and all the other members of staff who work in the service hospitable, and it was a real privi- to meet and spend time with the three individuals at the service residents to sit in the lounge and then the Alpacas arrived

State of Social Care the

“Worst it’s Been for Many Years – Boss of Care England

Britain s social care system is in one of the worst states it’s been in “for many many years” according to the chief executive of Care England the leading representative body for independent care providers

Speaking to Newcross Healthcare s Voices of Care podcast, Care England s Chief Executive Professor Martin Green highlighted the enormity of the challenges facing the sector and laid out his vision for what needs to be done to prevent its wholesale collapse

“On any one day there are about 160 000 vacancies across social care It s also interesting to note how many people are considering leaving the sector And of course not only is it a very complex and challenging role, but we’ve all just been through a global pandemic and social care was on the very front line of that And I think a lot of people are starting to think about whether or not they can go on because of the stresses that they encountered during the COVID crisis

With the NHS currently facing its toughest ever winter as hospitals grapple with a twindemic of increasing flu and Covid admissions, worsening ambulance waiting times and industrial action by nurses and ambulance drivers Professor Green says it s vital to

understand the interdependent relationship between the NHS and social care

“If social care collapses the NHS would collapse Social care provides a lot of support to people, particularly those with long-term conditions, and it also helps them live well and manage those long-term conditions If you didn’t have social care you d have a lot of people who would suddenly go into crisis and then require acute care ”

Responding to a recent YouGov survey commissioned by Newcross Healthcare which found that 27% of care workers are likely to leave the sector over the next 12 months Professor Green argues that social care needs to be regarded as a profession with a proper pay structure and clear career pathways to ensure that people are paid what they are worth for doing a difficult and complex job

Hosted by healthcare expert Suhail Mirza the podcast episode featuring Professor Martin Green is available now alongside previous episodes in the series on Newcross Healthcare website https://www newcrosshealthcare com/voicesofcare as well as onYouTube Spotify Apple and a range of other podcast platforms You can see the full episode here https://youtu be/0rN7YQYHGoY

The Alzheimer’s Dementia & Care Show

The Business Design Centre London 3-4 March 2023

March, the doors open at 9 30am each day and close at 5 00pm on Friday and 4 00pm on Saturday One-day tickets are from £18 00 online £23 on the door

For further information and tickets visit www alzheimersshow co uk At the show - NEW for 2023

Now in its 10th year The Alzheimer’s Dementia & Care Show is the UK s leading event for care providers healthcare professionals families and carers This is an unmissable event for those wanting to learn from leading experts find practical advice and support resources help and information, develop a better understanding of dementia and further professional skills

The show features a fully accredited CPD conference programme with talks from leading experts family carers and people living with dementia alongside professional advice clinics, dementia and care exhibitors and unique individual training opportunities you won’t find at any other event

Held at The Business Design Centre London on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th

Full Dementia Interpreters Course–Training2Care: Free taster sessions are offered to visitors who will have their ability to speak, see, hear and move impaired to begin to recognise the many forms communication may take for a person living with dementia Only at this event Training2Care are offering individuals the full 1-hour workshop to allow you to experience the complete experiential practical session

Full Virtual Dementia Tour & Training Experience – Training2Care: As well as free taster sessions this is the only event where visitors can book the complete training as an individual – an 8 minute immersive experience followed by 75 minute de-brief – a must do experience for anyone involved in caring for people with dementia

Dementia and Care Matters Theatre: The main theatre hosts keynote speakers on

range of topics as well as chaired daily Question Time panels

Talks Hub: A range of practical talks covering dementia and care topics from professionals and exhibitors

CPD Accreditation: Certificates available to professional attendees

Admiral Nurses & Alzheimer’s Society Advice Clinics: Free 25 minute 1-2-1 appointments

Leading Dementia & Care Exhibitors: Practical ideas new solutions and resources from dementia and care specialists

For information and tickets visit www alzheimersshow co uk One-day tickets are from £18 00 online and £23 on the door

Bridgwater Care Home Team Wins

Regional Dementia Carer Award

The care team at Bridgwater s Avalon Nursing Home has been named as Dementia Carer of the Year for the South West beating off stiff competition from the rest of the region in the sector-leading Great British Care Awards and will now go forward to the national awards event being held in Birmingham on 17 March

Judges praised Avalon for the quality of their teamwork highlighting how they work therapeutically to understand the feelings of the people with dementia who they support The judges said: They work in a person-centred holistic way and know the residents very well The team was also praised for the way they talk to each individual in order to produce personalised care-plans observing residents likes and dislikes

and getting as much information as possible from them as well as including views from family and friends

The judging panel concluded: This team work really well!”

Paul Teasdale director of Camelot Care who run Avalon, said:

“We are delighted with this news and want to pay tribute to every single colleague whose contribution helped earn this highly-coveted award

They are an outstandingly hard-working and caring bunch of people and thoroughly deserve this independent recognition

We wish them every success in the national awards but they re already winners as far as we re concerned


The Covid-19 Inquir y – How Might You Get Involved?

The UK-wide public inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is now getting into gear and it is expected to begin hearing evidence this summer The inquiry is an important opportunity to secure political accountability and useful and timely recommendations for the future Covid-19 has affected all of us so the inquiry is likely to be especially long running and wide ranging There will be a particular focus on the health and care sector so readers of The Carer’ may well have a role to play


The UK Covid-19 inquiry formally began at the end of June 2022 when its finalised terms of reference were published A key theme in the terms of reference is the pandemic response of the health and care sectors including exploration of the impact on care workers and the management of the pandemic in care homes and other care settings

In the six months since that time three inquiry modules’ (i e staged investigations targeted at different subjects) have been launched These will address (1) resilience and pandemic preparedness; (2) political and administrative decision-making; and (3) how healthcare systems responded to the pandemic All three investigations may be relevant to the care sector We will learn more about Module 3 at an initial hearing on 28 February 2023 and further preliminary hearings in Modules 1 and 2 will also take place this spring

In her Opening Statement of July 2022, the Chair, Baroness Hallett made clear there are plenty more modules to come one of which is likely to cover the care sector specifically The precise scope and timetable for these remains unclear

Finally people who suffered during the pandemic will be at the heart of the inquiry’s work and it will be rolling out ways (like this invitation) of capturing their experiences – including in care settings


You or your organisation may be called upon to participate in the UK Covid-19 inquiry The Chair or her lawyers can do this by sending you a formal request to provide documents or witness statements Those with relevant evidence

to contribute to a particular module Whereas the role of information providers and witnesses tends to be limited to submitting evidence and answering questions those who wish to be actively engaged in a particular module can apply for formal ‘core participant’ status This confers special rights, such as the opportunity to make opening and closing statements access documents disclosed by the inquiry and ask questions at hearings

You may wish to stay abreast of the news coming out of the inquiry in order to monitor the likelihood of being drawn in as well as to assess the potential benefits of volunteering to play a part Seeking legal advice early on is highly recommended to help inform your calculations Once interim reports start to be published you may find them interesting relevant and useful

If you are a potential witness or someone keen to see particular lines of enquiry pursued by the inquiry you might consider contacting the inquiry s lawyers to outline what you think you might contribute and seek guidance on whether this would be welcome If you want to be a core participant, your chances will undoubtedly be improved if you: (a) apply when the inquiry asks you to; and (b) club together with others who speak for similar interest groups or experiences – possibly through representative bodies like Care England or the National Care Association rather than going solo


If you think you or your organisation may have a role to play in the UK Covid-19 inquiry (voluntarily or otherwise) it is important to start thinking ahead

In particular make sure now that all the potentially relevant documents and information under your control are carefully preserved and to the extent possible get them organised so they can be accessed and analysed when the time comes

Since this inquiry may last several years key staff are likely to move on Consider documenting their recollections and explanations now therefore or else make provision for them to provide input in future

Public inquiries sometimes only give 2-3 weeks to respond to requests for documents and witness statements and they take a dim view of excuses involving previously available information or personnel becoming inaccessible

If you hold a lot of relevant material or are highly likely to become involved consider allocating resources to dealing with the inquiry now, for example assigning management responsibility, funds and staff

Finally speak to a public inquiry specialist Potential witnesses and core participants should seek legal advice and representation to understand their roles and the opportunities and risks associated with their involvement

Dementia-Arts Partnership Launches

Creative Tool to Support Care Sector

An arts activities guide designed specially for people living with dementia, has launched as part of a collaboration between dementia specialist Belong and Bluecoat Liverpool s contemporary arts centre offering an inspiring collection of pursuits to enhance the wellbeing of those who work with it

Little Golden Moments brings together an array of one-to-one and group exercises in music and sound, storytelling, movement and dance and working with clay All have been devised by some of the country s most acclaimed creatives commissioned by Bluecoat and piloted by Belong for the ongoing research partnership between the organisations Caroline Baker head of dementia and care quality at Belong commented:

special moments they have with those they care for and this will help to bring about more positive experiences ”

Tabitha Moses project facilitator at Bluecoat added: We hope Little Golden Moments will inspire creative engagement with people we love and support Each activity has been tried and tested both in-person and on a digital screen – all are dementia-friendly and Zoom-friendly You don t need to have any arts experience just a willingness to have a go!”

Birthday Card Plea Delights 100-Year-Old Jo

More than 250 messages of congratulations greeted a wonderful’ lady on her centenary after her Winchester dementia care home issued an appeal for people to send in birthday cards

Great great grandmother Jo Gough described as ‘full of character’ was astonished with her birthday maildrop at Colten Care s St Catherines View The home’s Companionship Team Leader Laura Sheldrake called for as many cards as possible to be sent in to help Jo celebrate her landmark day As well as local and UK well-wishers, people responded to the Facebook plea from across the world including Thailand Budapest Connecticut in the USA, Moscow, Guernsey and Jersey

Children and staff at Winchester s Harestock Primary School and the team at Happy Day s Childcare in South Wonston were among nearby respondents

In the run-up to Jo’s big day a total of 258 cards were delivered to St Catherines View all carefully stored out of sight ready for the presentation

Laura said “Jo is such a wonderful person and full of character and we wanted to show her how much we all care for her I explained in the appeal that she loves the colour turquoise, the garden and music, and indeed many of the cards reflected those themes I also wanted to get cards from lots of countries as Jo travelled extensively in her younger years “Jo has been with us for three years Because of the pandemic there have been tough periods for her and

“I knew that if she had lots of cards she would love reading them at her own

and enjoy the congratulations from strangers In the appeal I said reaching 100 is an achievement in itself and it would mean the world to her, her family and the staff here if we could show her how much she deserves this attention

On the day Jo was over the moon with her birthday cards and could not believe they were all for her She also can’t believe she is 100, and we could not agree more

When asked what her secret of longevity is Jo replied My family they ve always kept me on my toes” She has five children plus grandchildren great grandchildren and great great grandchildren

As well as cards from the birthday appeal, Jo received the traditional royal greeting card reserved for centenarians now sent on behalf of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla

Laura added: Jo spent a long time just reading the card over and commenting on how lovely it looked with the gold cord running down the middle ”

to give who resist being involved
receive a section 21 notice directing them
contribute or face serious consequences
You or your organisation can also volunteer
participate if you believe you have a valuable perspective
When your loved ones or those in your care live with dementia
can be difficult to keep them engaged with worthwhile activity
re pleased that the Bluecoat s work with our customers todate means we can offer this resource to carers everywhere I’m sure many will recognise the small
fellow residents Jo was very active before, going on regular walks with her daughter but like everyone else she had to live through restrictions on visiting which was very hard for her pace

NHS Rolls Out New 2023 Dementia Diagnosis Drive

NHS England is investing £900,000 to launch two pilots in each of England’s seven regions

A dementia diagnosis helps NHS and care home staff manage people’s condition better and ensures they are not prescribed unnecessary medication

The fourteen pilots spread across the country will be launched from January following a successful trial in Norfolk

More than 100 care home residents were given a face-to-face assessment in Norfolk with 95 people receiving a dementia diagnosis

The family of one of the residents received a diagnosis thanks to the trial said it “gave her peace of mind”

More people will be checked for dementia thanks to a new specialist service being trialled across the country the NHS has announced

Care home residents will be proactively assessed for the condition by specialist nurses and other healthcare professionals through 14 new pilot schemes being rolled out this year

The new scheme comes as the NHS leading dementia expert said that family and friends can play a key role in spotting signs of dementia when visiting loved ones

During the pandemic the number of people diagnosed with dementia was inevitably impacted and experts say this trial will help increase the number of diagnoses

In the new local dementia drives GPs will share a list of care home residents without a dementia diagnosis


Staff involved in the pilot will then check with the care home to see if those listed have memory problems and residents will be offered be a full face-toface assessment

The clinician will review a person’s use of medication as well as speaking to the care home resident s family and friends to determine whether they have dementia


Professor Alistair Burns, NHS England s national clinical director for dementia, said: “The pandemic has naturally had an impact on the number of people diagnosed with dementia, with elderly people seeing fewer people to protect themselves from Covid-19

The NHS is determined to ensure those who developed dementia during the pandemic are given a diagnosis as it will open up doors to further support for people and their families who suffer from this heart-breaking disease

There are many things we can do in the NHS to care for and support people if they do get a diagnosis and importantly there is support for their families and carers too

“So, if you have noticed over the festive period that someone has symptoms please encourage them to visit their GP for an assessment – the sooner someone is seen the quicker the NHS can support them ”

The NHS Long Term Plan committed to offering better support for people with dementia through more support in the community through enhanced community multidisciplinary teams and greater personalised care

THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023 | PAGE 9 WE NOW SUPPLY A WIDE RANGE OF FURNITURE Freephone: 0800 917 7943 www euroser vice-uk com sales@euroser vice-uk com Visit the website at www.euroser to see the full range. Manufactured in the UK Euroser vice trolleys are an attractive and prac tical alternative to clinical a u m i n u m t ro l l e ys gi ve n t h a t antibacterial spray can be used freely to sanitise them Get in touch with our friendly, experienced sales team PROVIDING PRACTICAL AND ST YLISH TROLLEYS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Watch your resident's eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroser vice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastr y trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents!

Sector Dismay at Government's “Lack of Energy Support”

The governments new “Energy Bills Discount Scheme” for UK businesses, charities, and the public sector which comes into effect on a for the first has been treated with dismay by industry leaders

The Government announced a new Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) on January 9 to run from 1 April 2023 for eligible non-domestic consumers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland replacing the current Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic customers which comes to an end on 31 March 2023 and provided a reduction on wholesale gas and electricity prices

The new scheme sets a cap of £5 5Bn on expenditure based on the estimated volumes that will be used The aim is to provide a balance between supporting businesses for 12 months from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and limiting taxpayer expenditure

The scheme is available to all non-domestic contracts including: Businesses

Voluntary sector organisations and charities Public sector organisations such as schools, hospitals, and care homes Care England, has, however expressed disappointment at the energy bill support which they say leaves little financial support for energy beyond 31 March 2023

Professor Martin Green Chief Executive of Care England says: Yet again the care sector has been let down The Chancellor and Health and Social Care Secretary of State continue to talk about their financial awards for the care sector which omits a multiplicity of requirements

and conditions attached leaving little to address the cost of living and inflationary impact devastating the sector ”

“In essence there is no benefit to a care provider under the Chancellor’s new support scheme Those who renewed their energy contracts in 2022 are likely to remain with a devastating 250% to 400% increase in energy costs What the government has failed to address again ahead of April 2023 is the additional premia which are not covered by the announced support scheme; energy suppliers add to cover shipping and transportation of gas and electricity on top of daily standing charges and risks of customer failure which doubled in 2023 for gas from around 1p to 2p per kWh and increased from around 12p to 25p per kWh for electricity ”

“For an average 50-bed care home the difference is an increase of energy from around £40,000 to over £120,000 per annum Care England worked tirelessly to provide the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Department of Health and Social Care a raft of data to evidence the impact energy inflation is having on the care sector, yet it appears to have been totally ignored ”

A care provider who in October 2022 renewed their energy contract would have received a discount off the wholesale energy price for electricity of just under 45p per kWh The same provider will see that discount reduce to 1 96p kWh from 1 April 2023 The same can be said for gas which would have seen a discount of 7 4p kWh reduced to 0 697p kWh from 1 April 2023

The Chancellor offered a minimal discount off the wholesale price yet those wishing to secure energy contracts cannot achieve anything like the wholesale price which excludes the heavily inflated standing charges on-costs and risk premia charged by energy suppliers

Care providers who seek to renew their energy contracts will see no discounts applied until the wholesale price exceeds 30 20p per kWh for electricity and 10 7p per kWh for gas The current wholesale price for gas is 5 7p and electricity is around 17p per kWh This means that those securing energy currently are unlikely to benefit from any of the government s discounts unless the energy price doubles

Martin Green continues: When will this government talk to the adult social care sector listen to its problems and act appropriately? When will it sit down and talk about how a correctly funded social care sector can support the NHS with discharges from hospital and reduce A&E admissions? The kickback from government will be that £7 5bn has been injected into social care over the next two years The reality is this; when split between child and adult services, addressing 200,000 new care packages, and supporting the early discharge of people from hospital into care to ease the NHS backlog this figure leaves far less than is needed to address the catastrophic inflation experienced in 2022 and the ONS predicted 7 4% inflation for 2023 which becomes worsened now given little to no discount is offered to care providers for energy Social care needs to stop being seen as the problem and engaged to participate as part of the solution

Government Urged to Strengthen Draft Mental Health Bill

The Government s draft Mental Health Bill must be strengthened to address rising numbers detained under current legislation and tackle unacceptable and inexcusable failures on racial inequalities say MPs and Peers

The Joint Committee’s detailed report was published following extensive hearings to scrutinise the draft legislation The Joint Committee, established in July 2022, has examined the extent to which the draft Bill would ensure fewer people were detained against their wishes promote patient choice address racial inequalities and end the inappropriate long-term detention of people with learning disabilities and autistic people under the Act

The Committee supports reform of the 1983 Mental Health Act and the intentions behind the draft Bill It says that the reform process should not end here and needs to continue beyond the draft Bill in the direction of more rights-led legislation that respects patient choice

The Government is urged to publish a comprehensive implementation and workforce plan alongside the Bill with clear actions and milestones There should be a statutory duty to report annually to Parliament on the progress against milestones including the number

of detentions length of stay and progress on reducing racial and ethnic inequalities

Chair of the Joint Committee on the draft Mental Health Bill Baroness Buscombe said “We welcome the intention of the Government s draft Bill to bring about long overdue mental health reform We hope Ministers will accept our amendments which strengthen the Bill and deliver workable legislation Ministers must now act swiftly to bring it before Parliament

To drive reform we urge the creation of a new Mental Health Commissioner to monitor the implementation of the Bill and to speak up for patients families and carers

We believe stronger measures are needed to bring about change in particular to tackle racial disparity in the use of the Mental Health Act The failure to date is unacceptable and inexcusable

“The Government should strengthen its proposal on advanced choice and give patients a statutory right to request an advance choice document setting out their preferences for future care and treatment thereby strengthening both patient choice and their voice

The existing shortfall in community care must also be addressed or

these reforms risk being derailed with worse outcomes for those that the Bill is intended to help

Key recommendations to Government include:

• Creation of a new statutory Mental Health Commissioner post

• The Principles underpinning the 2018 Review and respect for racial equality should be included in the Bill

Health organisations should appoint a responsible person to collect and monitor data on detentions under the MHA broken down by ethnicity with annual figures published by Government and to implement policies to reduce inequalities

Community Treatment Orders are used disproportionately for black and ethnic minority patients and should be abolished for the majority of patients except those involved in criminal proceedings or under sentence where their continued use should be reviewed

Strengthened duties for Integrated Care Boards and Local Authorities to ensure adequate supply of community services for people with learning disabilities and autistic people to avoid long-term detention

Patients detained or previously detained under the MHA should have a statutory right to request an advance choice document is drawn up


NHS to “Buy Beds in Care Homes” To Accelerate Hospital Discharge

Thousands of extra medically fit patients will be discharged from hospitals into community care settings such as care homes over the coming weeks to free up hospital beds and reduce pressure on the NHS the Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay has announced

The government will make available up to £200 million of additional funding to immediately buy short-term care placements to allow people to be discharged safely from hospitals into the community where they will receive the care they need to recover before returning to their homes

The move will free up hospital beds so people can be admitted more quickly from A&E to wards reducing pressure on emergency departments and speeding up ambulance handovers There are currently around 13 000 people occupying hospital beds in England who are fit to be discharged

The additional £200 million - on top of the £500 million Adult Social Care Discharge Fund already announced which reached the frontline in December and is already helping discharge people more quickly - will fund maximum stays of up to 4 weeks per patient until the end of March Integrated care boards - organisations that arrange health services in each local area - will begin booking beds that are most appropriate to patients’ needs


The government is immediately making available additional £50 million in capital funding to expand hospital discharge lounges and ambulance hubs Ambulance queues in some areas are made worse due to a lack of physical space - the new money will create new ambulance hubs where vehicles can manoeuvre more easily to avoid delays hand-

ing over patients The funding boost will also expand discharge lounges in NHS trusts - areas where patients can be moved out of acute beds while they wait to be discharged freeing up beds in the meantime

The Health and Social Care Secretary outlined a series of further measures to address current pressures facing the NHS over winter including long waits for emergency care and delays to discharging patients who are medically fit to leave hospital

These include 6 areas trialling innovative long-term solutions to free up hospital beds and make sure patients get the right care at the right time, which could be rolled out across the NHS if successful


Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay said: The NHS is under enormous pressure from COVID-19 and flu and on top of tackling the backlog caused by the pandemic strep A and upcoming strikes this winter poses an extreme challenge

I am taking urgent action to reduce pressure on the health service including investing an additional £200 million to enable the NHS to immediately buy up beds in the community to safely discharge thousands of patients from hospital and free up hospital capacity on top of the £500 million we ve already invested to tackle this issue

In addition, we are trialling 6 National Discharge Frontrunners - innovative, quick solutions which could reduce discharge delays, moving patients from hospital to home more quickly

These ideas include dedicated dementia hubs, new offers of provision for rehabilitative care and creating effective data tools to help manage demand for discharge of medically fit patients - giving them the help they need to live comfortably in the community after a hospi-

tal stay

The new measures follow the Prime Minister s speech on building a better future where he set out one of his key promises that NHS waiting lists will fall and people will get the care they need more quickly £14 1 BILLION INVESTMENT OVER NEXT 2 YEARS

Minister for Care Helen Whately said: Getting people out of hospital on time is more important than ever It’s good for patients and it helps hospitals make space for those who need urgent care

We’re launching 6 Discharge Frontrunners to lead the way with innovations to help get people out of hospital and back home

Winter is always hard for the NHS and social care and this year especially with flu in high circulation That’s why we provided the £500 million Adult Social Care Discharge Fund earlier in the winter

As well as helping people right now we re looking ahead to make our health and care system work better next winter and beyond These problems are not new but now is the time to fix them for the future

People eligible for a COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine are advised to take up the offer as soon as possible to protect themselves and others and reduce pressure on the NHS

In total up to £14 1 billion additional funding will be invested by government over the next 2 years to improve urgent and emergency care and tackle the backlog - the highest spend on health and care in any government’s history £7 5 billion of this support is for adult social care and discharge over the next 2 years which will also help deal with immediate pressures

The government is also continuing to grow the NHS workforce with around 42 000 more staff than a year ago including over 10 500 more nurses and almost 4 700 more doctors

Northamptonshire Care Staff Recognised for Long Ser vice



A Wellingborough care home has hosted a celebration to show thanks to staff and recognise a combined total of 224 years of service Amongst the guests who gathered at Lancum House care home to thank staff for their hard work and commitment were the mayor councillor Jon Ekins councillor Ken Harrington and staff from Northampton County Council The event, which saw colleagues with more than five years’ service presented with a certificate and gift was also attended by CEO of Shaw healthcare, Russell Brown There was a special mention for support worker Kay Perkins who has worked at Lancum for 36 years having transferred to Shaw from the local council in 2004 Her family also attended the event including baby Freddie Kay s grandson who has been a frequent visitor to the home and is a very popular guest with other residents manager of the Shaw healthcare-operated home Alysha Coleman commented: I am so proud of my team here at Lancum House and delighted to see them recognised for their dedication to the home and our residents It has been wonderful to celebrate with everyone today and thank the employees for what they do ” special mention was given to activity champion, Jackie Stapleton who has been instrumental in introducing ‘Famielo - a magazine for care homes Families who have signed up now receive a gazette every Monday featuring news and pictures of their loved ones

Reimagining Care Commission

Calls for National Care Covenant

England s two most senior bishops have called for a radical redesign of the country s social care system

In a report published this week by Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell – Care and Support Reimagined: A National Care Covenant for England – the Archbishops Commission on Reimagining Care has set out three actions to realise a new vision for care and support: rethinking attitudes to care and support; rebalancing roles and responsibilities; and redesigning the social care system

The Commission has three big ideas to realise a new vision for care and support:

1 Rethinking attitudes to care and support

2 Rebalancing roles and responsibilities

3 Redesigning the social care system

The report said "The architects of England’s welfare state in the 1940s could not have imagined that eight decades later so many people would be struggling to get essential care and support " and call for care assessments to be simplified and standardised budgets to be awarded based on categories of disability - with users given freedom over how money is spent

A Commission set up by the bishops also recommends a recruitment drive and better conditions for carers - with improved pay, conditions, and training It concluded: "We cannot afford not to do anything "

Archbishop Justin and Archbishop Stephen says: “At the heart of this report is a deeply Christian understanding of what it looks like to live together in community with people caring for and supporting one another in relationships characterised by mutuality and interdependence

“The Commission offers a vision of one-another care where we have a better sense of what we should do for each other in our communities and neighbourhoods find agreement about different responsibilities lie and build long-term networks and associations that will allow people to flourish The development of a National Care Covenant is the beginning of a wider process in which we seek to realise this vision

The report describes the current care system as complex confusing and difficult to navigate and calls for a fundamental and comprehensive redesign of care and support

Staff shortages have worsened with care deserts in parts of the country For people with health as well as care needs social care and the NHS are poorly coordinated and work as separate systems the report adds

It calls for a long-term plan for the recruitment and retention of paid carers as well as the redesign of roles Their skill and contribution to people s lives must be valued and given recognition so that social care is regarded as a rewarding career

The report points out that Japan and Germany have seen far reaching’ reforms; and Scotland and Wales are both recommending a ‘National Care Service to put care and support on an equal footing with the NHS Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said such a covenant would be a "step towards" a position where "everyone is engaged in a collaborative effort to ensure that we can all access the care and support we need"

The report said "This will require a means of collective funding and pooling of risk, probably with a tariff of care charges established on a national basis "

Welcoming the report Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive at the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group, said: “Every day disabled people and their families continue to experience gaps in support, and with rising levels of unmet need, people are left in vulnerable circumstances The new deal for unpaid carers, alongside a universal entitlement to care and support on par with the NHS, are all urgently required if we are to ensure disabled people’s care and support is not left behind The work and recommendations of the Archbishops Commission are welcome at such a critical time for social care in particular the call for a National Care Covenant ”

VODG remains seriously concerned about funding and the workforce pressures being faced by disability services Dr Hughes goes on to say Current funding and the lack of investment in social care workers pay by central government is depleting the numbers of people and their skills and experience prepared to work in social care Without concerted action in the Spring Budget to uplift care workers pay the risks to the sustainability of services and the provision of high quality and safe care will remain real and ever present

Independent Care Group Chair Mike Padgham said: It is a sorry state of affairs when the Church feels the need to intervene in the state of care

But this welcome contribution from the Archbishops Commission must be a wake-up call to the Government on the crisis in social care

We particularly welcome the report s call for a universal entitlement to care – regardless of wealth and income and also its call for a national tariff of care charges – things we have been campaigning for now for decades

“The report echoes what those of us delivering care have been saying: that we need urgent bold reform as set out in our own Five Pillars for Social Care Reform document We would urge the Government to heed the words of the Archbishops’ Commission and begin that reform straight away ”

Chief Executive of Methodist Homes (MHA) said: “I welcome the findings of the Commission, which yet again highlight the need for urgent reform of the adult care sector

“The Commission recognises that without this reform, we will continue to have a fragmented system Report after report over decades have highlighted how reform is needed yet, when we thought reform was starting in 2021, the Government halted it with no plans on when it might start again It is time for the Government to engage with care providers and find out from them exactly what is needed

“All of us have a part to play in supporting older people and making sure they are put at the heart of decisions affecting them Great care and support enables older people to live later life well something we should all aspire towards

“The idea of a National Care Covenant suggested by the Commission would mean we all work together to make sure no one is left behind in their need for care when it is most needed whether that is in their own home or a care home

The Commissioners visited MHA Moor Allerton in Leeds and saw for themselves how caring for the spiritual needs of people can make a real difference to their lives highlighting this as an example in their report We are proud of the work of our chaplaincy team which means we can truly say that at MHA we care for the mind body and spirit

Care Career Conference Set to Attract Hundreds of School Pupils into Care

Hallmark Foundation and Working Options in Education are hosting a free national care conference for school pupils aged between 14-19 years of age, to encourage the next generation of health professionals into the care sector

Who Cares? Sponsored by Regent Group, Sahara Care and Advinia Care will be attended by 300 delegates and live streamed to at least 30 schools It will take place on Tuesday 7th March from 10am-3pm at Royal College of GP s 30 Euston Square London

The fun and informative event seeks to attract young talent into the profession by increasing awareness and will share the importance of working in care settings supporting the industry s need to fill the 2 27 million roles required to care for us all by 2035 Industry exhibitors including Care England National Care Forum and Open University will be present at the event alongside national speakers such as Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care Deborah Sturdy Avnish Goyal CBE Chair of Care England and the UK’s fastest growing inspirational speaker Jermaine Harris Teenagers in attendance will also have the opportunity to watch an interactive performance with

UpFront Theatre network with speakers and exhibitors and enjoy a panel discussion and Q&A with rising young stars in the care world

Anita Goyal MBE, trustee of the Hallmark Foundation, said: “We are delighted to host the first national conference for school and college students on working in care We want to raise awareness of the variety of roles for young people to build a career in the care sector Over 1 5 million people currently work in some of the most important and valuable jobs in our society With our ageing population there will be a growing demand for the next generation of the care workforce Everyone can care!

Sue Maskrey of Working Options in Education said: We are delighted to partner with Hallmark Foundation to showcase to students the fantastic opportunities that the care sector in the UK can provide continuing our work of connecting young students directly with industry to uncover career pathways that they might not have otherwise found For further information about the Who Cares? conference and to register your interest in attending

Generations Share Stories to Commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day

Older and younger generations have come together to share lesserknown personal stories of Manchester people’s experiences during the Holocaust and the Second World War ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27th)

Residents of Belong Morris Feinmann, the dementia specialist caring primarily for the city s older Jewish community welcomed young adults working with Manchester Jewish Museum to enjoy a special preview of their work exploring ways to commemorate the Holocaust employing this year’s memorial day theme: ordinary people

The visiting group of Creative Activists offered an insight into their creative outputs with the Didsbury care village s customers including poetry playwrighting and textile manufacturing Their creations are set to be showcased in a programme of events and workshops at the museum on January 27th, aiming to connect the untold stories inspired by the museum s collections with local people

In return, the guests had the chance to meet and greet residents, some of whom include Holocaust refugees and survivors who shared an exhibition in their home’s on-site synagogue documenting their own stories whilst honouring the millions of Jews who suffered persecution in the hands of the Nazis Aged 16-30 and from a number of different faiths the Creative Activists join the project from King David

High School and The Manchester College and have been working alongside Manchester artist Becky Prestwich putting together the public event ‘We Remember Them In Verbs’ for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

Angela Luckett religious and cultural coordinator at Belong Morris Feinmann, said: “We’re especially pleased to host our new friends Our care village foundations were borne out of the Jewish plight and similar to Manchester Jewish Museum and the Creative Activists, we believe it s imperative to preserve history for future generations

“It means the world to our customers to see this work happening as well as being afforded the opportunity to communicate their own experiences with young people We ve also been invited to the museum later this month and we’re looking forward to seeing the full exhibition up-close ”

Gemma Meek programmes manager at Manchester Jewish Museum added: “Our visit to Belong Morris Feinmann was a beautiful experience Young Creative Activists Sally and Izzy shared their work and were met with such kindness and understanding from the residents

We feel incredibly honoured to have heard some of the residents own experiences journeys and memories and we look forward to welcoming the group to Manchester Jewish Museum as part of our newly created friendship with them ”

please visit Events – Working Options

How To Improve Existing Employee

Performance During A Recruitment Crisis

This is truly a challenging time for care and healthcare providers To understand opinion on the biggest difficulties the sector is currently facing, we recently carried out research with over 200 care and healthcare employers

We found that nearly 9 in 10 organisations are now struggling with staff shortages and alarmingly over a third of these also admitted that shortages are compromising the quality of service they can deliver

77 per cent of those we spoke to believe it is a recruitment challenge that is driving the sector’s staff shortage crisis Addressing a recruitment crisis is not a quick issue to resolve Whilst improvements to a company’s offering to attract more team members can be made this takes time Companies are also subject to a huge number of external factors that impact on the ability to recruit such as keeping up with rising wages in a competitive labour market Therefore retaining existing employees and allowing them to be able to still perform their roles well must always remain a focus Improving employee wellbeing and engagement will help you to weather a staffing storm

If you don t and especially in the current climate, employees are ultimately at risk of burnout, stress, poor mental health and poor performance When these occur you face further resignations and a worsening crisis

Intrinsically linked over half (58 per cent) of the industry leaders we spoke with said they are experiencing

issues with staff performance Whilst there are many reasons for underperformance – some of which are of course unrelated to staffing levels – being stretched will impact a person s ability to carry out their duties at the highest possible level of quality It makes their role extremely difficult with little opportunity to perform at even the required level let alone over perform or personally develop in their skills and roles

Addressing performance management issues is crucial but one quarter of care organisations aren t tackling the concerns they are seeing This is because they are either understaffed or don t know how to – or a combination of both

Employers can address this with short term action that will bring long term benefit: upskilling the existing workforce offering learning and development opportunities and supporting employees with their physical and mental wellbeing

Train employees on the importance of compliance and embed it into their daily operations Reduce manual processes to ensure they can fulfil their duties with the best care quality and minimise the likelihood of processes affecting their performance

Care and healthcare leaders can ensure their teams are present and performing by creating a culture of putting quality and patient care first Leaders must also regularly connect with staff members to address their concerns with tasks and support them through performance or wellbeing related issues

In the same research project, when exploring what the general consensus is on the recent changes to the Care Quality Commission s (CQC) new framework it was unsurprising that providers would rather not have to deal with adapting regulation Unfortunately, it is only exacerbating the number of challenges the sector faces

For more guidance and free HR employment law and health & safety resources for care organisations visit https://worknest com/sectors/care/

Northamptonshire Care Staff Recognized for Long Ser vice



Service manager of the Shaw healthcare-operated

Alysha Coleman commented:

I am so proud of my team here at Lancum House and delighted to see them recognised for their dedication to the home and our residents It has been wonderful to celebrate with everyone today and thank the employees for what they do

Another special mention was given to activity champion, Jackie Stapleton who has been instrumental in introducing Famielo – a magazine for care homes Families who have signed up now receive a gazette every Monday featuring news and pictures of their loved ones

Cuddling After Covid: Excelcare’s Journey from Virtual Hugs to Loving Reunions

The importance of a cuddle is sometimes overlooked It s a simple yet affective act of intimacy that can bring great comfort to a person during difficult times and help to raise a smile

This small sign of affection was put on hold for almost two years, as the Coronavirus pandemic changed the way we all lived our daily lives As well as limiting the places we go and people we see the pandemic also famously stopped us from cuddling our loved ones

Through this time we had to think of other more traditional ways to show our loved ones we care by writing letters sending cards and communicating via video calls to see their smiles

National Hug Day which is celebrated on 21st January each year was also affected during the pandemic and we had to send virtual hugs to our loved ones in place of the real thing This provided some comfort to residents and their loved ones as they received paper hugs from their family members in the mail and saw the wonderful pictures of them creating them on our

Facebook pages However, while it did make the best of an unfortunate situation everyone was in agreement that it couldn't quite compare to the real thing

Fortunately this year has seen vast improvement with restrictions eased and cuddling allowed again Residents and team members knew that they had to seize this returned opportunity and celebrated the day by celebrating the power of the cuddle and the positive impact this can have on a person s day and overall wellbeing

It was a simple way to celebrate this day but an incredibly impactful one, as it helped to spread love and happiness across the family! People were asked to capture these moments in photos and video so they could be shared on social media with the hashtag #CuddlingAfterCovid to show the love that is shared across the family and to try end encourage other to hold their loved on close on this day

Local Care Home Celebrates Chinese New Year

A Wellingborough care home has hosted a celebration to show thanks to staff and recognise a combined total of 224 years of service Amongst the guests who gathered at Lancum House care home to thank staff for their hard work and commitment were the mayor councillor Jon Ekins councillor Ken Harrington and staff from Northampton County Council The event which saw colleagues with more than five years service presented with a certificate and gift was also attended by CEO of Shaw healthcare Russell Brown was a special mention for support worker Kay Perkins, who has worked at Lancum for 36 years having transferred to Shaw from the local council in 2004 Her family also attended the event including baby Freddie, Kay’s grandson, who has been a frequent visitor to the and is a very popular guest with other residents home, Staff and residents at Parley Place in West Parley welcomed in the Year of the Rabbit with a day of celebrations and activities Inspired by Chinese culture and traditions the home was decorated with hanging red lanterns Residents learnt all about the traditions and superstitions of Chinese New Year Chef Hayley cooked up an oriental tasting afternoon for the residents family and staff to try different dishes Tracey Aldin General Manager of Barchester s Parley Place said
have had a brilliant day, the home looks absolutely wonderful
decorated all in red and we all had such fun finding out what animal we are the associated traits and reading each other s horoscopes The residents loved tasting the different food Linda a resident at Parley Place care home said: “I loved the music the vibrant colours and the delicious food we have tried A person born in the Year of the Rabbit is said to be kind confident and strong I find it fascinating to learn all about different traditions ”

Underfunded Social Care

'Struggling to Help Mitigate Growing Demand on NHS'

Underfunding in adult social care is significantly contributing to the crisis within the NHS says the Local Government Association (LGA)

While the government has announced additional funding toward social care to help alleviate NHS pressures this fall significantly short LGA say of £13 billion needed to help towards a sustainable NHS

Cllr David Fothergill Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said Councils care providers hospitals and wider health services are together working incredibly hard during this hugely challenging winter to get people discharged from hospital and home with the correct support as soon as they can However, this process is increasingly difficult with rising demand for social care and community health care workforce shortages and budgets under significant pressure A sustainable NHS depends on a sustainable social care sys-

tem Instead, the social care system is suffering from long-term underfunding and high vacancy levels across the workforce inevitably impacting on social care’s ability to help mitigate the demand facing the NHS – whether that s supporting people out of hospital or preventing their admission in the first place Additional investment in community health services including therapies that can support recovery is also urgently needed

“Recent additional funding announced by the Government for adult social care is a step forward but falls significantly short of the £13 billion we have called for to address the severity of the pressure facing social care services Comprehensive funding of adult social care will not only alleviate pressure on the NHS but will mean thousands of people are able to live an equal life and are less likely to end up in hospital at all

101 Year-Old Celebrates Birthday with Help of Local Schoolchildren




Lily s daughter Sandra Cutter said: “Thank you to the wonderful staff at Lily House and the children of Ely for helping to make my mum s 101st birthday so special It s brilliant that everyone has made such a fuss of her and made sure she has a wonderful day




“We used Lily’s birthday as an opportunity to teach them all about some of the world events that she lived through over the last 101 years Each has designed their own card for Lily and they were so excited to come along to present them to her and sing Happy Birthday

choir of primary schoolchildren has helped an Ely care home resident celebrate her 101st birthday presenting her with handmade cards and singing Happy Birthday Hale, who has lived at Lily House care home in Ely for six years, was joined by pupils from Isle of Ely Primary School and family members to celebrate the momentous birthday receiving dozens of cards and a rendition of Happy Birthday from the schoolchildren Lily and her family enjoyed an afternoon tea Kerry Clifton Lily House manager said: We take pride in making sure all of our residents have great birthdays but it’s not every day some turns 101 so we knew we had to make it extra special Some of her family have made the trip from overseas to celebrate with her and I’m pleased that along with Isle of Ely Primary School, we have been able to mark the day with such fanfare ” Surtees, head at Isle of Ely Primary, said: children love visiting Lily House and spending time with residents It’s a great learning opportunity for them and the residents are always so happy to see

Say Hello to the Winner of the Carer's Christmas Hamper Competition… ...Darbyshire Care!

We are delighted to announce that Darbyshire Care's trio of Plymouth-based Hamilton House, Merchant House and Drake Nursing Home, are the winners of our Christmas Activity competition which we launched to help bring some festive cheer after a rather challenging 2022!

All that we asked was for care homes around the country to share with us their Christmas celebrations including events activities menus fundraising anything you did that was that little bit different to put a smile on residents faces!

That was it!

And much like Afternoon Tea Week in August 2022 you did us proud We were truly overwhelmed the nominations we received and we were sent hundreds we are delighted to say! (And it did take us some time to plough through them all)!

Once again we are sorry we could only pick one winner it was a very difficult choice the nominations were truly wonderful and inspirational demonstrating the time effort care and dedication care homes around the country took to make the festive season an extra special occasion!

Since it was so very difficult to pick an outright winner we have added for runner-up prizes a small gesture on our part but a way of saying thank you kindly and very well done for the enormous time and effort taken to respond to our competition and a £25 Marks & Spencer voucher is on its way to Focus Support in Newbury

Queens Court Care Home in Buckhurst Hill, Essex

CHD Kings Lodge Care Centre in West Byfleet Surrey

Churchill House in Ludlow (Shropshire)

Thornhill House Barnsley, South Yorkshire, So very well done to you all, and very well done of course to Hamilton House Care Home in Plymouth, and here is a selection of your very special celebrations!

Oh there was one more thing we are doing all over again for Easter so watch out for our Easter Celebrations competition!

And a selection of our other amazing entrants!
Nor folk Lodge, Hunstanton Thornhill House, Barnsley
CHD Kings Lodge Care Centre Churchill House, Ludlow Downs View Care Centre
Focus Suppor t
Ducks Halt, Frinton-on-Sea Queens Cour t Care Home, Essex Sweyne Cour t Care Home, Rayleigh Pennine View Care Home
Honiton Manor Nursing Home
Longridge Hall, Preston Mockley Manor

Priorities For Operational Success Within The Care Home

Whilst the pressures of the pandemic have eased its lasting impact on the care industry can t be overlooked with many carers finding it difficult to remember life before Covid-19 Last year Miele Professional conducted research with senior care professionals to find out what they expected the future of care to look like in a postCovid environment and what needs to be the focus for long term operational success Here are three key areas that were highlighted:



Infection prevention has always been crucial within the care industry; however the pandemic forced care homes to implement and adhere to

increased hygiene measures to help manage infection outbreaks Consequently 91% of respondents have experienced challenges with changing rules and regulations and are on the brink of information overload Despite this, 88% believe that these changes have had an overall positive impact and as a result, will continue to focus on infection prevention methods to achieve operational success




They will also write messages with their wishes for the upcoming year and that is something that will be regularly updated Cathy Rothwell, one of the activity coordinators at the home said With the start of the new year we wanted to create something at the home to welcome 2023

The Tree of Hope symbolises life and will show the complete circle of nature

yet staff

turnover is rising - unfortunately this is at a time when people are increasingly needing care services According to 37% of the survey respondents Covid-19 had a direct impact on staff working hours causing ‘burnout’, additional stress, and influencing workers to leave the profession 81% of senior care professionals claim that staff shortages are moderately to extremely challenging and there isn t any expectation that this will get better anytime soon


Isolation, visitor restrictions and shielding were implemented within care homes to better protect residents from the transmission of Covid-19 but this came at a cost Nearly a third of respondents agreed that quality of life for care home residents declined substantially throughout the pandemic as they were not given the experiences they needed to ‘live life’ Both short and long term the value of life needs to be at the heart of the care industry with one forum participant commenting it s about the quality of life not longevity Now more than ever, carers play an important role in helping facilitate this through the organisation of activities in tandem with ensuring infection prevention protocols are followed to keep residents both safe and engaged

Download the Future of Care report by Miele Professional to learn more at www mielecarehome co uk/content-library

“The tree will begin as some branches in a pot but will blossom and grow throughout the year

“The purpose of the tree is to look forward and look for ways to celebrate life and encourage living positively

“With the new year comes new beginnings and hope, our residents have really liked the idea and there has been some lovely conversations regarding the tree

With the help of staff they have enjoyed taking part in making the tree and adding their own bits to decorate it

When 2023 is over all the messages are going to be put into a book to keep this will be done as an activity with our residents and our Tree of Hope can begin again next year

The care industry suffered with recruitment and retention issues long before the pandemic A Southport home has created a tree of hope to welcome the new year with positivity and hope at MHA Connell Court have produced the “Tree of Hope” to encourage positivity around the home and staff members will add items to the tree which they feel reflects new beginnings and hope
Southport Home Creates “Tree of Hope” to Start 2023 with New Beginnings and Positivity The Carer Digital - Available Weekly Visit our website The Carer produce a regular weekly digital edition to suppor t the sector with all the latest news, exper t advice and developments @TheCarerUK @TheCarerUK Sign up to get the latest edition direct to you at:

Care Professionals Provide Truly Person-Centred

Care to the People They Support?

egardless of geographical location health and social care fields cross the world are governed by care standards which dictate that residents must receive person-centred care and be involved in every aspect of the care they receive

With the needs of residents in the health and social care setting being so diverse and complex organisations supporting people with specific needs, cannot aspire to achieve this best practice by applying a one size fits all rule when it comes to the technology they need to use, to manage both the care and operational sides of their business There is a substantial amount of published literature depicting how different types of technologies can positively ssist organisations in the health and social care industry to enhance ependence and quality of life for residents clients and patients

Equally, few articles in the information technology rubric balances these views by focusing on evidencing the drawbacks of using certain information communication technologies in this field

In her article: Ethical Issues and the Electronic Health Records (EHR) published in The Health Care Manager magazine in December 2020 Layman Elizabeth PHD student highlights the inconsistency of positive evidence about the use of EHR for disadvantaged persons in the care setting According to Layman (2020) if not used appropriately this type of technology can also come with some disadvantage which includes residents or clients not knowing who their information will be shared with; in some cases the accuracy of the information recorded about a service user is found to be incorrect Service users do not seem be able to have access to their electronic records

Over the past decade the issue around the use of technology in the health and social care industry has also been the centre of interest for Government and health care regulatory agencies Indeed (Jennifer Martin 2019) the ex-Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Inspector Director in her quest to review the strength and weaknesses of the EHR systems used in the health and social care field provided us with a very insightful blog published on the GOV uk website on the 23rd July 2019 Her work on the evaluation and review of a number of EHR technologies assisted decision makers to see that the majority of available electronic health recording systems did not have adequate functionalities For example, a major issue related to the lack of ability to give access to specific information to relevant audiences without breaching data There is also very limited evidence of EHR systems enabling residents and their families to access electronic files without the input of a staff member Despite some of the drawbacks highlighted in the digital literature it has been widely acknowledged that achieving effective sharing of information and capturing all essential aspects of an individual’s needs without using technological tools proves very challenging Hence the Government and health regulatory agencies and such as CQC NHS and Nice are supporting and will be ultimately requiring the implementation of EHR technology in health care settings A recent review of such systems (Jennifer Martin 2019) demonstrated that there has been some improvement regarding the sharing of information using EHR systems over the past few years Professional 3rd parties involved in the care of residents or patients are able to access electronic files However the risk of data breach for these systems appeared high, as not all systems could enable the professionals to see only what they needed The review of the literature on the use of technology in health and social care highlights the

importance for leaders making decisions about the tools to be used to achieve best practice and personcentred care; to make themselves familiar with systems and functionalities that will enable them to have the service users at the centre of their care Interestingly, most literature and recommendations for best practice on this topic point to systems being able to share information effectively (Kharrazi et al, 2018)

Leecare s senior leadership team is passionate about continually improving program functionality to ensure service users remain at the centre of the care they receive The team has continually kept abreast of latest technologies and Government requirements and what is required to ensure best practice worldwide With this in mind, Leecare s Platinum6 software, has been especially designed to make information sharing easy with an emphasis on the connection between the care of the resident staff and the organisation Particular care has been taken in developing P5MyCarePlan - our resident centred app By directly enabling service users to inform service providers the information in assessments and care plans is not solely related to the clinical observations of nursing staff but also reflects more accurately the preferences, views and feedback of the person receiving the care and support

P5MyCarePlan App also enables residents to review their care plan and what staff have written about them as well as add information that populates directly into their care plan in their own time

If the resident wishes for a family member to also have access to their information a login can be created for them so that they can contribute to providing feedback regarding the care of their loved one or just be updated about new events

Having this tool made available to residents facilitates a truly person-centred care approach as it promotes adaptability and flexibility giving room to the resident to request changes as and when their needs change, and communicate this to staff members in real time Ensuring that residents and service users are able to easily communicate their needs is also paramount to providing person-centred care Therefore choosing a technological tool that is not just user friendly but adaptable and accessible is essential if staff are to fully capture all of their resident s different needs Leecare P5MyCarePlan can not only be used on different type of devices such as mobile phones and tablets, but service users can also use touch screens to write their feedback or utilise voice recognition if they are unable to write Staff are then able to receive the information and take immediate and effective action Dr Caroline Lee CEO and founder of Leecare Solutions stated in her article entitled: Keeping residents and families connected-supporting Self Determination which was published on the 5th July in Hello Care Magazine: “Caring requires us to be vigilant – to know every wish and need watch out for cues for change, and to know what we need to know But obtaining the information directly from the person the care impacts using technology a system linked App ensures our care is not only about the Standards or public demands or legal responsibilities but is real and can be followed through onto the ground where it is needed most

103-year-old Shares Volunteering and Bridge As Her Secret to Long Life At Birthday Celebration

It was a momentous day as care home resident Lore Lucas celebrated her 103rd birthday with the help of her family and friends royalty and even a local dignitary

To mark the incredible achievement, Lore was treated to a wonderful party at Signature at Elton House, in Bushey where she enjoyed a range of delicious food drink and a fantastic birthday cake freshly prepared by the catering team at the care home

Lore also received numerous cards from loved ones as well as flowers and plants as new additions to her much-adored windowsill garden

There was an added buzz as the occasion also represented Lore s first birthday since Covid-related Government guidance on restricted visitation ended, she relished the opportunity to celebrate with a wider group made up of her family and friends

To mark such a momentous day Lore and her fellow residents were surprised with a visit from local dignitary the Mayor of Hertsmere Cllr John Graham who stopped by for a drink and a chat Born in Holland in 1920 Lore has lived an extraordinary life She arrived in the UK in 1936 with her mother and sister and lived in London when the Second World War broke out in 1939 As was the case for many people the war proved to be a defining period in Lore s life After the conflict started her father suggested that she, her mother, and her sister, return to Holland so that they could be together as a family For Lore however she decided to stay in the UK while the rest of her family returned to Holland as

proposed by her father

In this period she found happiness in an unsuspected place, meeting her future husband, Ronald, in London at a sandbag making party While Ronald was enlisted in the Pioneer Corps the two made sure to stay in touch whilst he was away serving After the conclusion of the war the two married in Glasgow in 1946 where she lived until she moved to Bushey over 70 years later in 2019

During this time she assisted her husband with running his business until he passed away, and was heavily involved in charity work volunteering with the Women s Royal Voluntary Service for over 20 years and a notable supporter of Jewish Refugee organisations

Her fantastic community contribution was recognised when Lore aged 90 and still volunteering was invited to the prestigious Royal Garden Party at Holyrood House in Edinburgh Accompanied by her son, this was a fantastic moment for both who thoroughly enjoyed the momentous day

Asked what the secret is for living to such an impressive age Lore Lucas said:

“It has to be bridge If I could I would play daily but usually I manage to get at least three games in per week It is the food of life and better than any meal! Its not only great fun but helps keep me concentrated and my brain engaged ”

Speaking about Lore and her birthday celebrations Karen Fleming Client Liaison Manager at Signature at Elton House, added: “We were extremely happy to help Lore celebrate such a memorable occasion We are all thinking of taking up Bridge so as we can also reach a great age like her!

Kharraz H Anza di BS Hernandez L Dav son A Boyd C M; Leff B; Kimura J; J P We ner(2018) The Value of Unstructured Electronic Health Record Data n Ger atr c Syndrome Case Identif cat on V66 ssue 8 Pages 1499-1507 Journa of Amer can Ger atr c Soc ety Layman E J PhD (2020 Eth cal Issues and the Electronic Health Record Health care Magaz ne https://journals lww com/healthcaremanager ourna /Abstract/2020/10000/Eth cal ssues and the E ectron c Health Record 3 aspx Dr Lee C (2021 Keeping residents and fami ies connected – Support ng Self Determinat on He lo Care Magazine Mart n J 2019 Electron c Health Record (MHRA) nspectorate https //mhra nspectorate blog gov uk/2019/07/23/e ectron c-hea th-records
Can Technology Help Health and


A Year of Opportunity and Challenge

for Social Care Providers, says RWK Goodman

The challenges and opportunities facing the social care sector in 2022 will continue and build in 2023 says the market-leading Health and Social Care team at the law firm RWK Goodman CQC IN THE SPOTLIGHT

In 2022 CQC announced that in January 2023 it would implement changes to the way it assesses providers This has now been delayed until later in the year to allow them to test and develop the proposed changes There are says RWK Goodman Partner Mei-Ling Huang, plenty of other measures providers will need to address

“During the pandemic, CQC introduced the practice of completing remote monthly reviews of services and then deciding whether to request further information or cross the threshold and inspect This practice will continue for now and there is no indication that CQC will not continue its practice of responding to risk Unfortunately this means that if it decides to inspect there is a high likelihood that it will find problems CQC is also focusing on winter pressures Currently it has said it wants to create more capacity for hospitals to discharge to adult social care by increasing the number of providers with a ‘good or ‘outstanding’ rating It has stated that they can do this by inspecting providers with ratings of requires improvement or ‘inadequate’ where their evidence shows there has been improvement This will be a relief to many whose services have languished with negative ratings but providers should be sure that they are truly ready and be prepared to show hard documentary evidence of improvement before inviting the inspectors in “As some of the changes CQC is proposing for 2023 are technologically based in the spring CQC will focus on implementing and testing that technology and being confident that [its] new regulatory approach is ready to launch’ In the past, it has taken CQC a lot longer than anticipated to roll out new tech and we are sceptical about whether the proposed online solutions will streamline the inspection process effectively “CQC has indicated that it will be launching its new online provider portal in the summer of 2023 enabling it to gather evidence in a new and structured way It is aiming to use the portal to carry out assessments towards the end of 2023 However IT projects can be tricky at the best of times so it remains to be seen whether this will be implemented in the summer and how effective it will actually be ” MARCH OF AI

The adoption of new technologies will gather pace in 2023 presenting new challenges and opportunities says RWK Goodman Tech Partner Carl Selby

There will be a continued push towards digitisation on all aspects of care and record keeping along with an increase in providers offering AI and machine learning tools to enhance and supplement care and diagnostic processes as well as matching carers to residents Also I expect virtual and augmented reality offerings to increase giving care providers new and exciting opportunities to provide therapy and entertain residents The rise of the Metaverse is upon us!

However progress will come with an increased focus on data protection from the Information Commissioner Data security will continue to be important but expect the ICO to look more carefully at what personal data care providers are collecting and why the lawful basis used to justify processing and transparency of communication to data subjects ”


Care providers with leased premises and facing rent reviews or looking to lease new premises via a sale and leaseback structure should prepare for higher rents says Rob Walton a Commercial Property Partner at RWK Goodman

Many leases have rent reviews linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI) In previous years where inflation has

been low this would have had only a minor impact on rent increases With RPI now in double figures care providers may be facing steep increases in rents and shorter timescales in between reviews

“Whilst there is little that can be done if a care provider is already locked into a lease save for seeking to negotiate with the landlord, there is more opportunity on a new lease or lease renewal

“Ideally, tenants should be looking at open market rent instead of index-linked reviews If that is not possible care providers should seek to negotiate a lower and upper band known as a ‘Collar and Cap’ This will limit the level of the rise and from a landlord s point of view give reassurance of a minimum rent increase in the event of RPI falling in the future Whilst landlords may resist there will be pressure on them particularly with sale and leaseback deals which should prompt negotiation




Recruitment is more challenging than ever with an estimated 165 000 vacant roles in the care sector and no Government strategy to fill the gaps says James Sage Employment law partner and Head of Health & Social Care at RWK Goodman

“Many providers are currently unable to expand or meet existing demand for their services due to a lack of staff, and this is likely to continue A recession and redundancies in other sectors, such as retail and hospitality, could provide some short-term respite, but it will not be a long-term solution Any benefit may also be offset by increasing numbers of care staff leaving the sector due to the cost-of-living crisis

“Some providers have awarded significant pay increases this year to help attract staff and we see this trend continuing next year particularly in the high-end private market and the not-for-profit/charity market However those providers unable to fund staff pay increases due to reliance on public funding rates that fail to keep up with increasing costs and wage pressures will be at a disadvantage in the recruitment market

Staff retention will continue to be a key priority for all leadership teams in 2023 A recent RWK Goodman poll of 121 care providers revealed that 19% of providers had turnover rates of over 40% and 7% had rates of over 50% which is not sustainable

James adds: “Providers will need to have robust and effective recruitment processes in place to create a positive candidate experience and avoid losing candidates during the process, which has been a significant problem this year with stiff competition for candidates The first 90 days of employment is the highest risk area for staff attrition and perfecting the onboarding process will be key to retaining staff with a greater and sustained focus on engagement training communication and peer support during that time

A greater focus on culture wellbeing flexible working and learning and development will also be key to retaining staff in 2023


Bank lending remains readily available but with tighter terms says RWK Goodman Corporate and Banking Partner Claire Wheatley and Corporate Partner Hazel Phillips

Banks continue to see the Social Care sector in a positive light and are keen to make funds available to established providers wanting to expand or build new homes

“However, as for all finance, margins along with the base rate have increased which has impacted the loan-to-value and interest cover ratios Expect terms to be set with more headroom ”

Appetite from private equity for the sector appears to be recovering following the political upheaval in the Autumn of last year

Sellers need to be realistic about the price and terms they can achieve given the increase in the cost of debt energy costs and workforce issues Those looking for an exit should take expert advice from sectorspecific agents and corporate finance teams to ensure they obtain the best terms possible Price needs to be carefully balanced against the credibility of the offer received with close attention being paid at the offer stage to the financial backing of the buyer and speed with which they can execute the transaction

direction This can be particularly helpful when items are situated close together (e g a soap-dispenser above a basin, beside a towel-dispenser) This saves the user from having to walk or queue at any stage in the washing


Alzheimer’s Research UK reports that over 944,000 Britons currently live with dementia and by 2030 the number will exceed a million For those responsible for washroom design in the care sector this rising trend presents important challenges

Such washrooms will typically see a variety of users so they must accommodate different demands They must satisfy all the usual conditions – safety accessibility and ease of maintenance for example – but as the population ages, it’s increasingly important that they meet the needs of users living with dementia and similar cognitive impairments


The various steps involved in wetting hands applying soap rinsing and drying all demand thought observation, orientation and the ability to recall in which order tasks should be performed For people with dementia this may be especially difficult in an unfamiliar environment

The challenge may be further complicated by the fact that people with dementia often struggle to distinguish similar colours A typical washroom featuring pale-coloured dispensers on pale-coloured walls does little to help them

However good design can remove key barriers to usability The Alzheimer’s Society reports that using sharply contrasting colours is helpful Intelligent use of colour and signage can eliminate much of the visual ‘noise’ that users can find so disorientating and in a washroom colour can draw attention to key items such as soap- and towel-dispensers

Washroom dispensers are available with high-contrast coloured wall-plates The equipment then visually stands out from the surrounding wall cutting through most distractions to guide users in the right



Many older people suffer from restricted vision so adequate lighting is essential, particularly if colourcoding is a feature of the room s design Moreover lighting should cast no strong shadows across floors and walls, since they may be mistaken for obstacles and interrupt users’ progress through the room NOISE

Finally people living with dementia may be more easily startled by sudden noises so paper towel dispensers offer a safer quieter choice than hand-dryers They may also be better suited to residential premises where it’s important to minimise disturbance at night

How can washrooms help suppor t independence for those living with Dementia?
Chrissie Rowlinson, marketing manager from Dudley Industries shows how washroom design and dispenser
choice can help make washrooms a less confusing space.
process so there is less chance that he/she will lose track of what should happen next COLOUR CHOICE
reduce the risks of distress designers can also consider the pacifying effects of certain colours Blue is often regarded as a particularly restful choice so white dispensers set against blue wall-plates are a good option They offer high contrast while promoting calm
in this way also permits a kind of guidance through colour-coding ” The same colour can be used for all functional items such as toilet roll housings soap dispensers paper towel dispensers and so on Provided that each is presented in a logical order colour-coding can then lead the user on a simple journey through the facilities
same journey can also be aided by colour-coding in accompanying signage or posters that explain with visual examples how to use the facilities provided It can also be enhanced with colour-coding on the floor; for example by using coloured tiles or strips to indicate a logical path through the washroom from basin to dryer to exit Such cues help users to build visual associations and to develop a sense of familiarity both of which can reduce the risks of anxiety and promote more regular and effective hand-washing LIGHTING AND SAFETY

Local Government Workforce Shortages Adding to Ser vice Pressures

A local government workforce crisis is threatening vital local services – particularly relied on by those who urgently need support - with more than 9 in 10 councils experiencing staff recruitment and retention difficulties, a new survey reveals

The Local Government Association which represents councils across England, has published its 2022 Workforce Survey which lays bare the scale of the issue

It said significant staff shortages in local government risk having a serious impact on councils capacity to deliver services It is also restricting their ability to help government meet key pledges such as building more homes boosting and levelling up economic growth and reforming adult social care

For example the LGA survey finds that:

More than 8 in 10 councils are having difficulties recruiting children s social workers and almost three quarters (72 per cent) are having problems retaining them – councils are increasingly having to turn to agency staff to plug gaps which is more costly and leave less for children s services overall

• When it comes to adult social care, 57 per cent of councils are struggling to retain and 71 per cent struggling to recruit adult social care workers – national adult social care organisations including the LGA have called for government to deliver a long-term care workforce strategy and tackle the issue of care worker pay

• Almost 6 in 10 councils (58 per cent) are struggling to recruit planning officers – this will impact on the ability of councils to plan and deliver new homes and ensure new housing meets local needs and has the right infrastructure

More than a fifth (22 per cent) are experiencing recruitment difficulties for HGV drivers – fast inflating HGV driver salaries in the private sector are an issue for councils and their contractors putting pressure on gritting and waste and collection services

45 per cent of councils which run environmental health services were having difficulties recruiting environmental health officers and 43 per cent were having difficulties recruiting building control officers – this comes as councils struggle to fulfil new duties being placed on them such as implementing the new post-Grenfell building safety system and reviewing the condition of social and private rented housing Councils are trying to tackle recruitment and retention issues, such as by offering more flexible working running targeted recruitment campaigns locally and offering accessible training and development opportunities To develop the pipeline of skills of which are in desperate need, councils are also looking to grow their apprenticeships offer with nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) saying they were going to do this in 2022/23

However the LGA said the local government workforce has a diverse range of skills professions and occupations and the workforce

challenges each face are equally complex

The LGA said one clear barrier is funding pressures faced by local government It can be difficult for councils to make long term plans for staffing and development when they continually have single year funding settlements It is therefore crucial that councils have long term funding settlements so that local services have a long-term, sustainable future and can confidently make plans to develop or recruit the workforce they need

Cllr James Jamieson LGA Chairman said:

“Working in local government is hugely challenging and varied but equally rewarding It is a great place to grow your skills and your career

“Our workforce changes lives for the better every day and help keep communities running They care for your family protect children from harm, ensure your favourite takeaway is safe and keep our streets clean

“Local workforce shortages are adding to the challenges facing our local services

“In the coming years, some services are likely to continue to see a significant increase in demand which they will not be able to meet without an increase in the supply of skilled staff Government investment in local government and its workforce is key to ensure services are protected and also to delivering its own policy agenda

Care Home Team Leader Celebrates 80 Years Young and Marks 48 Years of Continuous Ser vice

Queensmead before finally moving to Elizabeth House Ita is now a Care Team Leader, which she marks as the most rewarding period of her career Ita commented: “Being promoted to Care Team Leader was a real highlight for me and something I worked hard to achieve The memory will always stick with me

“The 48 years have gone by in a flash! I love the work; every day is unique and I’ve made a good living out of doing something I enjoy I have always said you don’t know your home until you know the residents and that when you know your residents you know your home Elizabeth House is a home-from-home for me and I really appreciate all the effort that has been made to make today s celebrations so special

Ita Graven from Elizabeth House care home in Parkstone enjoyed a double celebration recently when she not only turned 80 but was surprised with a special afternoon tea to commemorate her amazing 48 years of continuous service Care South s Chief Executive Simon Bird joined the team to celebrate the occasion and personally thank Ita for her dedication to Care South and all the residents she has cared for over nearly half a century, with Ita currently even caring for residents younger than herself Young at heart, Ita started her care career in 1974 at Draper House, a residential care home when it was owned by Dorset County Council Ita chose to continue working for the service when the hospital transferred over to the Dorset Trust and Care South until Draper House closed Ita then transferred to another Care South care home

'Make Dementia a Priority' Urge Vicky McClure and Dame Arlene Phillips


Street demanding the Government urgently fulfil their promises on dementia

Launched by dementia charity Alzheimer’s Society the open letter has been signed by over 36 000 members of the public and famous names including former Strictly Come Dancing judge Dame Arlene Phillips and Line of Duty and Our Dementia Choir co-founder Vicky McClure They will be joined at the hand-in by All-Party Parliamentary group on Dementia Chair Debbie Abrahams MP and Vice-Chair Elliot Colburn, showing strong cross-party support It urges Rishi Sunak to deliver on previous Conservative Party commitments to dementia and not let the UK’s biggest killer fall down the political agenda

Actor and Alzheimer s Society Ambassador Vicky McClure said “Government is failing people with dementia I’ve seen this first-hand with members of my Our Dementia Choir who are left struggling and alone after a diagnosis, unsure where to get the support they so desperately need Social care workers that they depend on are often utterly broken and exhausted, trying to provide care while being overstretched under-paid and under-trained by a deep workforce crisis Those who care for people with dementia need to be supported; not neglected during a workforce crisis

“People living with dementia and their carers must get the basic care and support they need to live fulfilled lives – things like breaks for carers, music therapy, and support groups We’ve heard lots of ambitious words from Government about dementia but words need to become action Rishi Sunak must make dementia a priority ”

Choreographer and Alzheimer s Society Ambassador Dame Arlene Philips said: “The last Government made clear commitments to drive up dementia research diagnosis rates and improve care and now it s up to PM Rishi Sunak to deliver them Sadly, like thousands of families up and down the country I ve seen the toll dementia can take while caring for my own father People are left desperate and alone with overstretched carers having to decide between giving them a hot meal or a wash When the right care and treatment isn’t available, people with dementia are left at risk of crisis This letter is loud and clear – deliver on these commitments and give people affected by dementia in this country the care and support they deserve

With diagnosis rates still sitting below pre-pandemic levels, national figures reveal people are waiting up to two years in some areas for a diagnosis*, thereby missing out on vital treatment and support

Alzheimer’s Society research also shows three in five people affected by dementia struggled to get social care in the past year with half of family carers revealing they ended up in crisis such as rushing their loved one to A&E due to lack of support**

The charity is concerned the deepening workforce crisis in social care – with vacancies sitting at 165,000*** – risks leaving people with dementia desperate for help while living costs soar Alzheimer s Society say it’s more important now than ever for the Government to prioritise dementia

In the past year the Government has made many commitments on dementia promising to deliver a ‘visionary ten-year plan’ for dementia to reform the social care system and double spending on dementia research by 2024 Alzheimer’s Society says the delivery of these will be transformational for the lives of the 900 000 people living with dementia but calls on the Government to urgently make these a reality to prevent a deepening crisis in dementia care

This follows the news last year that a new drug lecanemab was shown to slow cognitive decline in people living with Alzheimer s disease Unfortunately this breakthrough will mean little if diagnosis rates remain stagnant and diagnoses are inaccurate This treatment works best for people with early Alzheimer s disease Without early and accurate diagnosis, we risk hopeful advancements like this having minimal effect

Kate Lee Alzheimer’s Society CEO said: “Dementia awareness and support has come a long way since the

disease came into my family sixteen years ago – but there is still so much to do Too many people still face dementia alone and PM Rishi Sunak has the chance to seize this moment and genuinely transform dementia research diagnosis and care for one of the biggest health challenges in the UK

We ve welcomed previous commitments from the Government but we re concerned they re falling by the wayside The recommitment to the National Dementia Mission – to double dementia research spend –was a promising step but we re yet to see tangible action while progress on the ten-year plan on dementia has stalled and social care reform scrapped When asked for an update the Government have told us in due course 25 times which isn t good enough – sadly dementia doesn t wait for due course Quite simply dementia is not a priority

We re still in the middle of a tough winter with one in seven people with dementia stopping or reducing their support services Families have had to make impossible choices in the face of inadequate care from a broken social care system But hope is on the horizon – we saw the first ever drug to slow down Alzheimer s disease late last year showing that this is a fight we can win Our letter to the Prime Minister urges for change – a massive reform of social care a visionary ten-year plan for dementia and the National Dementia Mission funding to unlock treatments for people now and in the future

Ananga who lives with dementia 76 from Luton said:

I m travelling to the steps of Downing Street today to send an important message to the Government – make dementia a priority When I was diagnosed in the two years under the care of the Memory Clinic I was only told I had dementia and given medication I didn’t get enough support and had to find it all out on my own Dementia is just as important as any other condition and the Government need to make good on their promises for people living with dementia now and in the future ”

Debbie Abrahams MP and Chair of the APPG on Dementia said:

“Previous Conservative Prime Ministers have actively committed to improving the lives of people affected by dementia Now Rishi Sunak must deliver on promises to reform social care, double dementia research funding and release a ten-year plan for dementia which gives the condition the priority it deserves The 36,000 people who signed the open letter are making themselves clear – they don’t just want to hear empty promises, they want to see action People with dementia can’t and won t wait any longer ”

Abicare Chair Responds to Prime Minister's Speech

It was good to see Rishi Sunak has pledged to reduce NHS waiting lists and ensure people get the care they need more quickly

It is well-known that the lack of social care provision is part of the issue for releasing hospital throughput Providers are unable to find staff and do not have the capacity to deliver the current volume of care required which enables patients to return home I have a five point response for

1 Release the sponsorship licence constrictions for carers – we are so desperate none of us should have to pay Make the Data and Barring service free – there are so many added costs we have to incur before a member of staff can join us The demand is so high it’s necessary to release the barriers I am not advocating we don t do the checks rather I am advocating making them easier for us to complete

2 Stipulate that all Local Authorities pay providers in advance for the care they commission - we see providers struggling with cash flows, spending vast amounts with banks when it could be a simple accounting transaction with a monthly statement to account for credits and debits due We spend a great deal of money on releasing cash to pay our carers what they need when they need it

3 Review the use of funds - I was part of a meeting with the DHSC where we were informed that £70m was to be allocated to training

commissioners This does not make sense Surely an individual needs care a provider provides care and you can use a map to see where your providers are and who best to provide to each individual!

Furthermore according to an NHS source there is now a plan to recruit an inclusion and diversity manager in certain hospitals - I question whether this is the most pressing use of NHS funds in the current climate We need to get the money to the workforce on the frontline and consider technology to support efficiencies

4 We need a social care secretary - health and social care whilst intrinsically linked need to both be developed independently to really resolve our challenges The problem with having one role is that health care will always take priority & receive the funds first We need funds for both Spending on social care earlier in a vulnerable person’s journey can reduce NHS spend later down the line Money spent on wellbeing social prescribing and social care can help prevent vulnerable adults decline in health which is an ultimate saving on the health care budget For example prevention of falls with some simple checks from a social care visit, can reduce hospitalisation for the elderly and therefore pressure on the hospital ambulance staff A&E staff and finally hospital beds If three of the key reasons for hospitalisation are isolation poor nutrition and poor meds handling improved social care is key to addressing these

5 Social care is going to have to change the way it pays for care provision- currently paying for only the care call leaves the carer vulnerable and out of pocket; they can be out for 12hrs but only receive 8hrs pay Strategic commissioning will help this but a 12hr shift in any other sector is paid as a 12hr shift - this is not the case with social care You cannot always plan for short drive times and clients being

close together because of the changes in your client base and the need to get people out of hospital Local Authorities who have densely packed urban conurbations can keep their client base closely structured but any rural communities will struggle and a carer should receive pay for every hour they are on the road Local Authorities don t currently factor in enough for this, they should be paying shifts

In short we need the social care services to be in line with the government s ambition I had a requirement for a neighbour over the Christmas period – I phoned our local social services on the 30th December and finally got a call back on the 4th of January This was an elderly lady in a crisis - how can that constitute an urgent response? The money given to help with winter pressures needs to be available for longer than March 2023, there needs to be a short, medium and long-term plan if we are to see significant changes The NHS should sit outside the political arena; it is too precious Every government must have the same commitment to the NHS its standard of care and being fit for purpose We used to have the best healthcare system in the world which I feel is sadly no longer the case, but with increased funding good use of the money and an injection into the workforce I can see a way forward We are doing our part here at Abicare offering Care Hotels as a solution to support hospital throughput These have carers 24/7 who offer full reablement services and provide community interaction and company for everyone who uses the service They are a great example of a short-term interim solution whilst we address the longer-term issues

Rishi Sunak & Steve Barclay: Anne Marie Perry, Chair, Abicare responds to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak s speech on Social Care McClure and Dame Arlene Phillips joined by Debbie Abrahams MP Elliot Colburn MP and Ananga Moonesinghe who lives with dementia delivered an open letter to PM Rishi Sunak at Downing

Report Calls for Urgent Action to Reduce Social Care Workers Pay Gap

The report shows that by projecting forward social care pay-trends since the incumbent Government was elected in 2019 it will take an astonishing twenty-three years for equal roles in the NHS and social care to arrive at equal pay Despite the first edition of Unfair To Care in 2021 highlighting a then £7 444 pay gap with the NHS and an escalating attrition rate, the Government has failed to respond to issues of workforce renumeration and strategy

It would take 23 years for current rates of uplift to deliver parity with the NHS The report demonstrates that modern frontline social care requires complex technical and emotional skills to effectively support people who commonly have complex medical and behavioural needs proving that social care is significantly undervalued Commenting on the report Professor Vic Rayner OBE, CEO of the National Care Forum –said: “This is a really valuable report, building on the benchmarking work delivered last year by Community Integrated Care It brings together insights from across the care and support sector which highlight, yet again, the level of skill needed to be a care and support worker and just how demanding it is to provide high quality, person centred care and support

Last year Community Integrated Care partnered with job evaluation platform Korn Ferry to conduct an independent assessment of the role of a frontline Support Worker objectively assessing its true value across sectors

With social care vacancies rising by an unprecedented 52% this year Unfair To Care – 2022-23 has revealed the roots of this crisis Demonstrating that social care workers are undervalued by more than £8 000 compared to their exact equivalents in the NHS and that at current rates it will take more than 23 years to arrive at equal pay the report warns that without urgent action this crisis is set to escalate for more than a generation

Providing a detailed look at the reverberations that low pay and the recruitment crisis creates on care workers people who draw on social care and society at large alongside exclusive polling on public views of parity between health and social care it offers an essential analysis of one of the biggest crises facing the UK today The full report can be found at www unfairtocare co uk

The 2022-23 edition of Unfair To Care startlingly reveals that social care workers would need a 41% pay rise – equalling £8,036 – to have parity with their direct equivalents within the NHS – Band 3 Healthcare Assistants It demonstrates that modern frontline social care requires complex technical and emotional skills to effectively support people who commonly have complex medical and behavioural needs proving that social care is significantly undervalued

With the cost-of-living crisis meaning that many people are no longer able to accept a job that is vocationally rewarding for significantly less pay than they could immediately command elsewhere the sector is facing an unprecedented talent drain resulting in 165 000 vacancies on any given day

The average Support Worker in England receives a salary of £10 01 (outside of London) – 89p per hour below the Real Living Wage the rate that is independently defined as the minimum for a reasonable quality of life Totalling at an annual salary of £19 573 Support Worker pay falls well short of the NHS Band 3 average take home ‘Total Pay’ of £27 609

Unfair To Care highlights that social care pay has tracked above the percentage increases in minimum wage rises for the first time in four years, increasing by 8 2% compared to the National Living Wage increase of 6 6% However the reality is that these pay rises are being funded by organisational reserves meaning care providers are facing greater peril than ever Analysis indicates that providers are utilising their limited financial reserves to fund these rises in a desperate bid to reduce their attrition rates as people seek more viable employment in other sectors

Social care providers are largely dependent upon funding from local authorities who are at financial breaking point and have limited scope to support pay increases A recent sector report cites evidence that 80% of providers believe that their income will not fully cover wages with further research from the CQC Market Oversight Scheme stating that many care provider CEOs predict an acceleration of unviable local authority contracts being cancelled With these relatively small pay rises neither being sustainable nor achieving a competitive market rate of pay that stems the exodus of care workers providers are putting sticking plasters on gaping wounds


Despite the lack of government action Unfair To Care finds significant public concern around this growing recruitment crisis in social care In a new Ipsos survey commissioned by Community Integrated Care 85% of GB adults aged 16-75 said that shortages of social care workers is a problem for society in the UK with 67% regarding it as a ‘major problem’

There is also significant public recognition of the shared value of both social care and the NHS Ipsos found that 91% of respondents think that social care is important to society with 94% recognising the NHS in the same terms and 90% of the public classified social care as a skilled sector


Unfair To Care calls upon the Government to give an immediate and fair pay rise to all frontline social care workers It highlights the need for the Government to apply the NHS Agenda for Change framework which provides a system of pay bands for workers based upon skill accountability and experience to ensure fair pay across these symbiotic systems

The report clearly articulates that pay is only part of the solution needed to both fix the employment crisis that is engulfing a sector and to extend the societal impact of social care Its recommendations include a significant expansion of training and development options, a focus on creating routes to career progression, the introduction of professional registration campaigns to raise the esteem of the sector investment in mental health support and wellbeing strategies

With social care delivering almost £59bn to the economy in 2022, and there being the potential to implement progressive reforms that improve efficiency and quality of life through delivering joined-up services reducing the burden on family carers and embracing innovations Unfair To Care highlights that the Government does have scope for action

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report entitled Unfair To Care’ has revealed that social care workers are undervalued by more than £8 000 compared to their exact equivalents in the NHS and that at current rates it will take more than 23 years to arrive at equal pay The report warns that without urgent action this crisis is set to escalate for more than a generation
report commissioned by NCF member Community Integrated Care reveals that social care support workers would need a 41% pay rise – equalling £8 036 – to have parity with their direct equivalents within the
Band 3 Healthcare Assistants

The Powerful Transition: Adult Social Care Must Prioritise Menopause Support

82% of adult social care workers are female 28% are women aged 55 and over and the average age is 45

flushes, or lack of self-confidence as possible symptoms of menopause

Finally menopause awareness in the workplace is making headway in the national conversation highlighted by the publication of the first all-party parliamentary group report into menopause this autumn

The inquiry found that the majority of employers do not have menopause policies in place and called for businesses to drive change following the Women and Equalities Committee report which said employers' lack of support for menopausal symptoms is pushing “highly skilled and experienced women out of work”

Around 15 5 million women are in varying stages of menopausal transition (perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause) in the UK and these women are also the fastest growing work age demographic Considering that vacancies in adult social care have increased by 52% in one year the highest rate on record prioritising support for menopausal women to attract and retain them in this sector in particular - where staff are predominantly women aged 40+ - has never been more critical:

The average age for a woman to go through the menopause in the UK is 51 with perimenopause typically starting in the mid-to-late 40s (it s important to know that some women will start the menopause transition at a younger age than this and some at an older age) 8 in 10 women will experience symptoms an average of 7 (though not all at one time) usually over 4-8 years (but van be longer - again every woman is different) Around 7 in 10 will find at least one symptom very difficult Unsurprisingly then navigating the journey through the menopause transition can be physically and emotionally challenging Powerful statistics highlight the negative impact this natural part of a woman’s life can have on her in the workplace Acas estimates that 2 million women over 50 have difficulties at work due to menopausal symptoms with one third saying they feel they have to hide symptoms while half say they still feel unable to discuss menopause in the workplace

Highly talented experienced women are suffering in silence at work or are reducing their hours or leaving their roles entirely A staggering one million women could quit their jobs because of lack of menopause support and 900 000 have already left their jobs because of it

And despite the issue s increasing visibility in recent years there is still a widespread lack of understanding around the range of symptoms that women can experience This is particularly pertinent to those working in adult social care, when the job already takes such a significant toll on mental and physical health The 2021 State of Caring Survey found 25% of carers as a whole said their physical health is bad or very bad and 30% of carers said their mental health is either bad or very bad

As a result many menopausal women working in adult social care may not even recognise tiredness insomnia anxiety depression hot

Therefore part of the challenge lies in improving understanding of the menopause for all adult social care employers and women working in the industry themselves

It s more essential than ever that the adult social care sector provides proactive menopause support training and guidance for all staff flipping it from just a woman s issue to one of wider inclusion in the workplace There are plenty of free educational resources out there to support this

Because making a positive difference for menopausal women and catering for their needs will help with productivity, talent attraction and retention, and avoid the costs of retraining and hiring with the latter, as well as ultimately making a positive difference to the services the sector delivers as well as to the lives of the menopausal women working in it

Adopting a transparent robust and well communicated menopause policy supported by appropriate workplace adjustments will make a positive difference (e g flexible and hybrid working options free period products menopause leave and workplace uniforms that are more breathable so women can better deal with hot flushes)

Introducing training from experts for all staff as well as launching informal menopause support groups and menopause champions backed by senior leaders will signal that there is open communication around the issue and help normalise the conversation

Ultimately this is about culture change and so visible, active leadership from the very top of the organisation is a must

Prioritising menopause awareness and education, creating a menopause-friendly workplace will not only have a hugely beneficial impact on the sector and its employees, but also on the communities it serves There are lots of great free resources out there to get you started so don t wait to make you re organisation menopause-friendly

Mayor Of Warrington Opens New Care Home In Lymm

The latest care facility to be opened by Altrincham-based care home operator New Care Statham Manor will provide outstanding residential 24-hour nursing dementia and respite care in the centre of Lymm

Working closely with the local authority Statham Manor has been expertly designed by both architect and clinical lead to ensure it delivers exceptional care from a state-of-the-art new build property that combines style and function to ensure a safe secure and comfortable home-fromhome for residents

Featuring 66 fully furnished bedrooms each with a private en suite wet room plus a selection of communal lounges reading rooms and dining rooms spa-assisted bathrooms a nail bar hair salon access to landscaped gardens from the first floor and a terrace to the second floor, Statham Manor provides a stunning living environment for its residents who enjoy

person-centred individual care freshly prepared nutritious meals and a daily programme of wellbeing activites

Cllr Flaherty and her husband were welcomed by the new management team at Statham Manor, registered manager Farai Hanyane and deputy manager Hannah Sparks for a guided tour of the new care facility and introductions to the new team before cutting a red ribbon to declare the new home officially open Cllr Flaherty commented: We have watched the development of this home and the wider site with interest so I was delighted to be invited to perform the official opening and take an early look at these superb facilities which will serve the people of Lymm The home is impressive both inside and out with even the smallest details considered to ensure fabulous care is delivered for residents ”

Registered manager at Statham Manor Farai Hanyane added: “It’s wonderful to finally open this home and welcome our first residents and we are thrilled to have the Mayor join us on opening day ”

Residents Help Royal Star & Garter Celebrate 107th Birthday

Residents at the Homes in Solihull Surbiton and High Wycombe enjoyed live music dancing and cake as part of the celebrations

Royal Star & Garter provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia

It was established on 14 January 1916 to care for severely injured men returning from First World War battlegrounds, following concern expressed by Queen Mary She charged the British Red Cross Society with finding a ‘permanent haven’ for severely disabled young men returning from war In Solihull singers Boogaloo Babes sang an array

of classics from the 1930s to the 1960s while residents danced and tucked into birthday cake In Surbiton singer and musician Jason Allen also had residents dancing while in High Wycombe singer and pianist Liza Jaz provided the live entertainment

Director of Care Pauline Shaw said: “It was lovely to see the Homes filled with music and laughter as residents helped us celebrate our 107th birthday Our staff take every opportunity to create magical moments for the residents and celebrating our anniversary is a great reason to have fun

Community Integrated Care Appoints New Chief Executive Officer

One of the UK s largest social care charities Community Integrated Care has announced the appointment of Jim Kane as its new Chief Executive Officer Since late 2019 Jim has served as the charity s Chief Financial Officer and will succeed Mark Adams who stepped down from his role in September 2022 as CEO

Jim brings a wealth of leadership experience from the health and social care sector having held director-level roles at Interserve Healthcare and Virgin Care prior to joining the charity

In his three years as Chief Finance Officer he has navigated Community Integrated Care through some of its most challenging periods including Covid-19 and the current cost-of-living crisis He has also played a key role in the development of Best Lives Possible the charity s vision and strategic plan for the next five years

Libby Raper, Chair of Community Integrated Care’s Board of Trustees, said of Jim’s


Throughout Jim s time with our charity he has demonstrated the incredible qualities that an organisation of our size scale and ambition needs in its CEO – judgement composure and vision Most importantly his values have always been aligned with those of our charity and his decision-making has always reflected the best interests of our people Speaking of his appointment Jim says: It s a very proud moment to be appointed as Chief Executive Officer of this incredible charity The last three years have been a great honour and I m really looking forward to working alongside our exceptional people to deliver the next chapter of our organisation s proud history ”

“The challenges in our sector are well documented and my focus from day one will be to face these head on to deliver the Best Lives Possible for the people we support and our colleagues ”

Helen Normoyle is the co -founder of specialist online health service My Menopause Centre (www mymenopausecentre com) The Mayor of Warrington, Councillor Jean Flaherty, has officially opened Statham Manor, the new care centre located on Statham Avenue in Lymm, Cheshire


Essential Insurance Covers For Your Care Home

often determined by best practice to ensure the resident or patient is as comfortable as they can be Unfortunately, this means mistakes can creep in A single mistake can result in a negative impact on your patient whether that be from medical treatment or advice This can lead to a potential claim for medical malpractice

Medical malpractice cover is not only a legal requirement to anyone providing professional healthcare services but also offers peace of mind by covering the cost of any losses that arise from defending and settling a claim This means that during a claim your business can continue to operate with as little disruption as possible


As a care home owner or manager you will offer a variety of services to meet the needs of your residents Typically the care you provide is likely to vary with anything from basic care and accommodation through to respite end-of-life and specialist care for dementia patients

Providing the very best care for your residents will be at the heart of everything you do but the care you deliver is not without risk and therefore having the right insurance in place is something that should be high on your list of priorities Not only does your insurance need to be tailored to protect the care services you provide but you also need to consider the regulatory bodies you adhere to protection for your staff as well as covering the premises and its contents

Here are some covers you must consider


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) states that all care and nursing homes require insurance and without it they are unable to operate The mandatory insurance requirements from the CQC are Public and Employers Liability cover Any additional covers will depend on the type of care facility you own Public Liability Insurance will cover the cost of compensation to third parties in the event of death bodily injury, or damage to their property, which occurs because of your business activities, for example, if a resident s family member slips on an upturned carpet

Unlike Public Liability Employers Liability cover is a legal requirement for anybody employing staff including volunteers It covers you financially for any compensation costs or legal fees that may occur because of company negligence Employers Liability Insurance will also cover you for employees that have long left your business and may only now bring a claim against you


Your carers will be skilled in what they do and usually have several qualifications, but their decisions are

Of course your business is home for your residents or patients Ensuring ample furniture is provided should be a necessity If they are accidentally damaged, you may need to replace them The building itself is just as important If for instance the premises suffer a flood how would the building hold? In extreme cases such as a fire or explosion a total rebuild may be necessary which would cost a considerable amount Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure of your property and provided that accurate sums insured are declared it should cover the cost to rebuild the entire property Contents insurance covers the cost of replacing or repairing your possessions if they are damaged, destroyed or stolen It includes everything you would take with you if you moved premises for example your furniture kitchen appliances and computing equipment ARE


If a business is underinsured in any capacity it could leave them with a financial burden should a claim be made While large corporations may be able to recover from the financial losses incurred because of underinsurance small to medium sized businesses may feel the effects of the loss more keenly owing to their sometimes already tight profit margins

Underinsurance may happen for many reasons e g using out of date estimates of your building sums insured, having inadequate or unrealistic indemnity periods, or not reviewing your level of cover as your operating models change

The most effective way of overcoming the risk of underinsurance is by talking to an experienced and knowledgeable insurance broker

The friendly team at Barnes Commercial can review your policy and make sure you have the correct level of cover in place

Send an email to enquires@barnesinsurancebroker co uk or call 01480 272727 to make an appointment


Hidden Costs Of Caring For The Environment

Every care home needs hot water From basins to baths and showers, catering and wash down Most facilities will run successfully on a system based around gas-fired water heaters unless a new build in which case the preference is to move to electric water heating to take advantage of the increasingly less dirty grid This does have implications for running costs with electricity on average costing as much as 3 8 times that of gas So why change things? The simple answer is net zero and the need to be more sustainable Because of the ubiquitous need for hot water which can account for as much as 30% of a building s daily energy demands, addressing how it is secured is one of the best ways of making active carbon savings today

Deploying either heat pumps or solar thermal as a renewable to provision the initial preheat is the most logical approach Where problems and unnecessary costs can quickly arise is when existing gas-fired top up’ water heating is replaced with like-for-like electric which can lead to gross system oversizing Domestic hot water (DHW) systems for

Consort Claudgen Includes Wi-Fi

Enabled Heaters in LST Range

sors to detect and learn a user’s weekly presence in a room It then creates a heating schedule and automatically warms the room according to the detected or predicted occupancy When the room is unoccupied, the heater will conserve energy by switching to a setback temperature or frost protection mode

BIM objects are available for download from Consort s website 01646 692172

Rosehill Furnishings

• Chairs which have been tested for bariatric use

Their upholstered chairs can be supplied with antimicrobial vinyl and wood finishes for hygiene and infection control

Models are available with arms to assist people getting up and down from their seat Made to order products in a huge range of colours and finishes to fit in with your existing décor

Lounge chairs side chairs and coffee tables which are designed to enhance your communal areas

commercial properties should be designed to accurately meet a business needs At Adveco our application design team has a thorough knowledge of residential care understanding the peak hour and length of the peak which are the starting point for determining demand and ensuring the hot water system is correctly sized

This demands a bespoke approach as every facility is different The number of rooms facilities such as basins showers deeper baths and guest mobility, all impact on the sizing The physical constraints of the property from plant room and roof space to noise levels all impact technology choices Adveco can advise on this sizing and provide accurate monitoring to ensure applications are fit for purpose and future proof As a result decisions to move to more sustainable operations are optimised and do not leave properties facing unwarranted capital or unexpected new operational costs from going green https://adveco co/sectors/healthcare/ See the advert on page 15 for more information

include lasting pain relief improved joint movements, comfort during sleep, fewer cramps calmed nerve pain, reduced joint and muscle discomfort and faster post-activity recoveries

Rosehill are proud to have a long-standing history within the furniture industry It s their unique history and knowledge of the market which sets them apart from the rest They re committed to quality and their standards have continued to excel over the last 40 years

The expert team at Rosehill understand the market and can tailor your order to suit your exact requirements With over four decades experience in the industry, you can feel at ease knowing that you re in safe hands They take pride in the quality products they supply which are built to last while also being great value for money

Rosehill have experience working with healthcare organisations who require durable and comfortable seating for their patients and staff Rosehill specialise in seating and tables for care home lounges dining rooms visitor and waiting rooms wards staff rooms and FF&E packages

Options include bariatric seats anti-microbial vinyl and fabrics for hygiene and infection control high back chairs with head support and armchairs


High back chairs with head support and wingback models

Dining chairs and armchairs with stylish and durable tables in a range of shapes and sizes

Bedroom furniture with fitted items in high quality finishes

• Outdoor furniture and benches

Complimentary breakout modular and office furniture for staff areas and receptions

Their furniture is available in a variety of styles and is designed and manufactured to help you provide a safe and comfortable seating option for your staff patients and visitors Their range is high quality and built to offer great comfort, and durability for furniture that lasts Browse their wide range of furniture for your care home clinic ward or waiting room online at www rosehill co uk or call 0161 485 1717 to request a brochure or discuss your requirements with their helpful sales team See the advert on page 15 for details or visit www rosehill co uk

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are natural drug-free topical cold therapy gels for muscular and joint pain, chronic arthritic pain, post-activity muscle tension general aches and overuse disorders Easy to use and fast acting BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling without drugs and drug-related sideeffects


BIOFROST® Relief Cold Gel for pain relieving cold therapy

• BIOFROST® Active Dual-Action Cold Gel with Heat Sensation combining cold with heat to treat back pain

BIOFROST® Relief provides instant pain relief and activates body’s own healing through an optimal combination of natural ingredients including ethanol menthol eucalyptus peppermint and MSM Reported benefits of BIOFROST® Relief

BIOFROST® Active is a dual-action fast-acting cold gel with heat sensation for effective relief of muscular and joint pain Containing 10 natural herbal extracts (i e Arnica Burdock Roman Chamomile Garlic Watercress Ivy White Nettle Pine Rosemary Menthol) BIOFROST® Active relieves chronic pain releases muscular tension loosens stiff joints and effectively treats back pain Benefits of BIOFROST® Active include easier joint movements effective pain relief in treated areas discomfort-free sleep, fewer cramps and reduced post-activity muscular and joint fatigue

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are usable standalone or alongside other pain relieving therapies (i e medication physiotherapy etc )

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are suitable for people of any age including elderly and disabled people living independently or in nursing care BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are Class 1

Consort Claudgen s
surface temperature
range now includes heaters that are
enabled These heaters connect directly to Wi-Fi and heating can be controlled from the digital control panel on the heater or
Consort Connect app Features include a 7-day timer with 24 heating periods per day lock function open window detection and custom automations Users can also view the energy consumption statistics of all connected heaters Additionally, LST heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensor have a self-learning control ability which uses in-built occupancy sen-
sales@consortepl com www consortepl com See the advert on page
Win Health Medical
E: biofrost@win-health com W: www win-health com See the advert on page 3 BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels for Drug-Free Natural Pain Relief The Stair Climbing Company is one of the leading providers of powered Stair Climber solutions which have been specifically designed to assist those struggling with mobility and independence issues facing people with disabilities The Stair Climbing Company offers an excellent range of compact, easy to use powered Stair Climbers that are ideal for use in both home and commercial settings Offering innovative designs all of the company s Stair Climbers can be separated into two pieces for safe storage and are easily transported and charged In addition all of its Stair Climber s come with a two year manufacturer’s warranty The Stair Climbing Company maintains one main mission; to improve quality of life through its range of highquality and custom devices with built-in seats The safety and comfort of its customers is of the utmost importance to the company and it ensures that each wheelchair carrier model is designed to cater to individual customers’ specific needs and works with all stair types Furthermore the company provides Stair Climbers for all ages making them suitable for everyone, and offers a free assessment for customers If you would like to find out any more information please see the details below: T 01787 379160 www thestairclimbingcompany com See the advert on page 25 Raising the Standard of Stair Climbing Solutions PAGE 28 | THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023
made in Finland
Ltd: T: 01835 864864866

Introducing Aquarate



• 24/7 accurate real-time fluid intake data for carers

Intelligent remote monitoring reducing time for staff to record

Reduced patient safety issues

Supports independent living for longer

Fluid intake history to help keep track of the past Restricted fluid management to help limit consumption

Aquarate have developed Hydracare- an automated fluid monitoring system that tracks how much an individual drinks using their Hydracup Hydracup is the only smart cup on the market which can produce accurate data that integrates into care systems, saving staff time, and delivering quality care The Hydracup discreetly tracks an individual s fluid intake by measuring liquid volume automatically, allowing caregivers to proactively support further fluids to those who need it the most

Works with hot and cold drinks

• Commercial dishwasher safe for quick and easy cleaning

Up to 5 day battery life with low battery indicator

Spill detection with immediate alerts so you can react fast

Get in contact to book a free demo Hydracare Technology starts at as little as 40p per resident per day Let’s look after our loved ones!

www aquarate com

The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands

The new “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands is designed to simulate an oldfashioned travel carriage featuring real wood panelled wall brass luggage racks ornate wall lights and table lamp, opposite-facing seating for four including cushions, ‘First Class antimacassars and period memorabilia

The Jolly Journey creates a familiar and stimulating environment for ‘passengers to return to their fondest memories sparking conversations of time gone by Reminisce about travel and holidays with loved ones and friends over afternoon tea in your exclusive cabin, then maybe top it off with a jolly good Sing Song on the way home

Our Journeys begin with Steam Train rides through Britain, with other destinations being planned as the World opens up again Bespoke Journeys can also be created just let us have your ideas and we’ll see if we can fit them in with our filming schedule

In just one day our Little Islands Team can efficiently install and furnish your opulent First Class Carriage pod with all accessories and

Opeque can assist in reducing energy bills, complying with legislation managing health and safety and achieving a sustainable operation Over years Opeque has worked with various industry sectors from tyre manufacturing to laundries schools to hotels and hospitals to care homes optimising their manufacturing procedures and facil-

ities management

Applying industrial engineering principles we address productivity resource efficiency quality control health and safety and asset management bringing people utilities, equipment, and buildings together to realise product excellence

We have worked with many care homes to provide laundry services and water hygiene and it is from these close relationships that we believe we can further assist your CARE HOME to reduce operating costs

Call or Email NOW: 07831 873355 email admin@opeque com or visit www opeque com See the advert on the back cover for details

Yeoman Shield Fire Door Ser vices Taking the Guess Work out of Fire Doors

Fire Doors are an imperative part of fire safety and are considerations of the design and maintenance of any building but especially residential Article 17 – RRFSO states fire safety provisions (includes fire doors) must b a suitable condition and wo g

If you are the Responsible Person it’s imperative you appoint a competent person to assist in meeting your duties under the fire safety order to ensure fire safety measures including fire doors are kept in working order

Yeoman Shield s Fire Door Services can help to take the guess work out of fire door maintenance by providing fire door inspections, condition reports remedial work and fire door installation all carried out by FDIS and/or FIRAS accredited team members

Having a good maintenance routine will dispel some needs of fire door replacement therefore being more cost effective

A kitchen refurbishment can cause a massive disruption to your home and residents and can prove to be overwhelming But don't worry - Inox Equip has you covered with their temporary commercial catering facility service

Not only does Inox Equip handle all aspects of the refurbishment process - from electrical work to gas work, ventilation Altro flooring Whiterock walls, and ceilingsthey also offer a turnkey solution that takes care of everything from start to finish And with their competitive pricing and project management service you can trust that the entire refurbishment will be handled efficiently and effectively

Inox Equip doesn't just stop at refurbishments They also offer a range of high-quality commercial catering equipment

tation of Yeoman Shield

Protection products can also be in the long term financially beneficial by halting impact damage from the start eliminating many repairs in the future and again will extend door lifecycles

Installing Yeoman Shield door protection products such as door protection panels door edge protectors and PVCu glazing bead units will not affect the integrity of the fire door as all products have been tested, in situ to the current standard required

Vulnerable frames and architraves can also be protected from impact with Yeoman Shield to prevent dangerous splintering and splitting as well as abolishing the time-consuming repetitive need for repainting

For a complete repair and protect service contact the team today frdp@yeomanshield com or visit www yeomanshield com or see the advert page 10

and supplies and their team is on hand to help you choose the right options for your needs and budget Plus, with installation and maintenance services available you can trust that your equipment will always be in top working order

Inox Equip is dedicated to providing their clients with the highest level of service and quality So if you're in need of a temporary commercial catering facility or new equipment and supplies don t hesitate to reach out to their team of experts They ll make sure your business stays up and running even during the largest refurbishments Please contact us on 01280 822124 or sales@inoxequip com Please visit our website for more information https://www inoxequip

footage All we require is
of clear wall space a power socket and good
to create your very own Jolly
For more information please contact Little Islands: 01828 869802 or see the advert on the front cover
2 5M
on page 5 Inox Equip - A Full Kitchen Refubishment Ser vice THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023 | PAGE 29 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
com See the advert
Reduce Your Operating Costs!! Unique game-based educational tools for groups face-toface or remote For teams working in stressful environments training can be a welcome change Our games provide the perfect balance of learning fun and team work Over 100 game topics Ideal for induction courses learning events or professional and team development Our games: • Engage inform and enrich Improve knowledge and confidence Change thinking and behaviour Visit www focusgames com or see the advert on page 7
& Effective
Focus Games
technology ensures accurate automated fluid monitoring to reduce incidences of dehydration and patient safety issues increasing quality of care


Mask and Outbreak Guidance Updated in Care Settings

Previous guidance stated that face masks in care settings should be

at all times and that care homes should seek advice from a local health protection team in the event of COVID-19 outbreak but this change now enables providers to further utilise their own skills and knowledge on appropriate measures

Since the guidance change last month providers are able to make risk-based decisions on when face masks are used and care homes can initiate their own outbreak risk assessments to make decisions about which outbreak measures make sense for their individual settings Decisions around masks will be based on factors like the risk to specific individuals if the setting is in an outbreak or the preferences of the individual receiving care Support remains available from health protection teams and other local partners for care homes when needed

Testing guidance has also been streamlined for small care homes to reduce the number of tests staff and residents need to take in the event of an outbreak This, alongside new flexibility for rapid response testing in these settings is in line with the latest public health advice

Social care settings will continue to be equipped with free personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep staff and people receiving care safe over winter and protected against COVID-19 where necessary Minister of State for Care Helen Whately said: The darkest days of the pandemic are thankfully behind us But it doesn t feel like that for people living in care homes or being cared for at home, when many of the people they see are still behind a mask So much of what we communicate is through our expressions our

faces and our smiles – especially for people who are deaf or hard of hearing Many rely on lip reading and face masks don’t make the job any easier for care workers either

That’s why we’re making this change We want care agencies and residential homes to decide what s best for the people they look after I hope this means thousands of people who are looked after by care workers will get to see a smile this Christmas

Care providers are now able to adopt a risk-based approach with decisions on the use of face masks balanced with the risk of infections spreading and considering any risks or benefits that arise from their use Care homes can make use of new flexibility in the updated guidance on outbreak management and in all circumstances should

ensure visits between loved ones are supported with each resident able to have at least one visitor even in an outbreak Outbreak measures should only be implemented if at least 2 of the cases of COVID-19 are linked and should be proportionate to factors specific to the care home such as if it s well ventilated easy to keep some parts isolated and how vulnerable people in the home are to COVID-19

Providers should continue to ensure adherence to guidance and be able to evidence this to the Care Quality Commission when asked People receiving care can ask for staff to wear face masks, and staff should of course work in whatever way will make the person they are caring for most comfortable

Vaccination remains the best defence against flu and COVID-19 and with both viruses circulating this winter it is vital that all those eligible –including care workers – come forward to top up their immunity and protect themselves and those they care for

It is important that care workers and care recipients are protected against illness so that staffing and visitation levels can be maintained and care services can be kept safe this winter – this is why the government has supported care workers to get vaccinated by enabling them to be eligible at the same time as people receiving care Social care workers and others eligible this winter can book their appointments for both a COVID-19 autumn booster and flu vaccine via the National Booking Service or by contacting their GP

Free PPE for COVID-19 needs is available until March 2023 as previously announced, and providers will continue to be able to order this from the PPE portal

See the infection prevention and control in adult social care: COVID19 supplement for guidance on the use of face masks in all care settings and on outbreaks in care homes at https://tinyurl com/y3vycett

With commuters returning to the workplace hitting a post-pandemic high expectations of a cleaner safer and more hygienic working environment mean the responsibilities of cleaning and hygiene professionals and facilities managers across the country have intensified In light of this the UK’s leading event for the cleaning and hygiene industry The Cleaning Show 2023 has announced some of the industry’s leading suppliers and manufacturers that are confirmed to exhibit when the event returns to the ExCeL London from 14-16 March 2023


Attendees at The Cleaning Show will be left feeling confident that the industry is striving for change – specifically when it comes to sustainability – when a multitude of exhibitors will have the opportunity to demonstrate how they are putting environmental concerns at the fore


Whilst sustainability is a clear priority for business owners across the industry emerging developments in cleaning equipment technology are accelerating the work done by cleaning professionals in a timely manner driving efficiency especially in hospitals or football stadiums where the scale of operation is much larger TECHNOLOGY SPARKS INNOVATION

The technology on display will also highlight how advances are helping some of the sectors most important business s function

Maintaining infection control

Responding to the growing need for service providers, products and new innovations in the FM & PPE industries, this year’s event will also see an increased focus on the solutions and technologies driving growth in the sector – valued to be worth over £50 billion in the UK

Commenting on this year’s line-up Jim Melvin Chairman British Cleaning Council said: The cleaning hygiene and waste sector is one of the ten biggest industries in the UK and it is important that this resonates at The Cleaning Show which brings the industry together to celebrate its crucial work The Covid-19 pandemic changed so many perspectives on cleaning PPE and importantly the roles of cleaning and hygiene operatives so I am certain that the line-up of exhibitors will be a hit with attendees as more businesses look to improve the safety of staff in the workplace And, as we enter the winter months where viruses have an environment to thrive, it is even more important to keep our key workers and the public safe healthy and well ”

Registration for The Cleaning Show 2023 is now open To register for your free pass to attend and to find out more about this year’s event visit https://cleaningshow co uk/london/

The Cleaning Show 2023 to Focus on Latest Industr y Trends with Stellar Line Up of Leading Suppliers and Manufacturers ID NOW™ – Helping You to Put Your Residents’ Needs First ID NOW™ Helping you to put your residents needs first by treating them quickly and isolating where needed AN EASY-TO-USE INSTRUMENT, PROVIDING POSITIVE RESULTS FOR: Influenza A & B in as little as 5 minutes with 95% detected within 7 minutes1 and negative results in 13 minutes2 RSV in 13 minutes or less2 Strep A in as little as 2 minutes, with 99% detected within 3 minutes and negative results in 6 minutes2 SARS-CoV-2 in 13 minutes or less2 LEARN MORE AT https://tinyurl com/9b5pukyh LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUMAN IMPACT OF ID NOW IN DONCASTER AND BASSETLAW NHS TRUST What has been the human impact of ID NOW on community care? WATCH NOW: https://media gpoc abbott/video?yztkzyp339 What has been the human impact of ID NOW on staff well-being? WATCH NOW: https://media gpoc abbott/video?bn08a6s0pc Contact us to learn more See the advert on the previous 2 pages for details REFERENCES 1 NHS Eng and and NHS mprovement Primary Care Bu let n Updated June 29 2021 Accessed November 2021 https //www eng and nhs uk/ coronavirus/primary-care/otherresources/pr marycarebul et ng/ une- 2021 2 Zhou H Tsou JH Chinthalapa ly M L u H J ang F Detect on and Different at on of SARS-CoV-2 Inf uenza and Respiratory Syncyt al V ruses by CRISPR D agnost cs 2021 11 5 :823 3 MedTech Europe The Va ue of Diagnostic nformat on in Acute Resp ratory nfections Observat ons From the COV D-19 Pandem c Accessed November 2021 https //www medtecheurope org/wpcontent/uploads/2021/04/vodicase- on-resp ratoryd sease case-study pdf 4 Moore N et al Evaluat on of the Alere i Inf uenza A & B 2 Assay Poster presented at ASM Cl n cal V rology Sympos um 2018; West Palm Beach Florida 5 Abbott Data on File ID NOW C inica Data Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA E Coli Legionella Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk and clicking Hospital Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code
Guidance on the use of face masks in all care settings and on outbreaks in care homes has been updated to give settings the flexibility to ensure ongoing COVID-19 measures are proportionate


in our approach which may on occasion result in some counter intuitive elements

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid a no rinse floor degreaser, a window cleaner and a laundry detergent and fabric softener edencleen products have been developed around the following principles and ingredients

RSPO certified palm oil derivatives No animal der ved products

Cruelty free

Minimal petrochemical derived products

No parabens, formaldehyde, CMI/MIT, triclosan phosphates chlorine bleaches, optical brighteners, quaternary ammonium compounds

VOC free and phosphate, EDTA NTA free

Recyclable / recycled packaging

100% bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene oxide which is manufactured from biomass ethanol

Bioethanol naturally derived acids sugar-based surfactants bio-based solvents low impact preservatives Combining carefully formulated products, with appropriate packaging using recycled material or recyclable componentry, the range s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated services

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistry brings a portfolio of products that s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen s new range represents just the start to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations See the advert below for further information

Peracetic acid in any format is the most effective active ingredient to use against noroviruses PAA is safest and easiest to use for healthcare environments in its in-situ format, containing the pre-cursors to PAA, for “stepup” dilution (from 0ppm to 1000ppm for example) This minimises corrosion typically associated with PAA, allows for addition of ingredients to enhance cleaning properties, is suited for use on hard and soft surfaces, and provides a more sustainable option to your care home See the advert on this page for more information about Peracetic acid products from Sky Chemicals REFERENCES G rard M Matt son K F ss Jean J Eff cacy of ox d z ng d s nfectants at nac ivat ng mur ne norov rus on ready-to-eat foods n erna ional Journa o Food M crobiology 2015Nov30 219 7–11 GOV Gu dance for manag ng norov rus outbreaks n healthcare set ings [ nternet https://assets publ sh ng service gov uk/ 2012 [c ted 2022Nov18 Ava able from h tps //assets publ shing serv ce gov uk/government/uploads/system/up oads/attachment data/f e/322943/Gu dance for manag ng norov rus outbreaks n hea thcare sett ngs pdf Nat onal Norov rus and Rotav rus Report week 46 repor Data up to Week 44 (6 November 2022) [ nternet] GOV UK UKHSA 2022 ci ed 2022Nov18] Ava lab e from h tps //www gov uk/government/sta ist cs/nat onal-norov rus-and-rotavirus-surve lance-reports-2022-to-2023-season/nat onal-norovirus-and-rotav rus-report-week-46repor -data-up-to-week-44-6-november-2022 Noroviruses: Outbreak Management and Disinfectant Choice
Enteric virus (EV) outbreaks are prevalent in the care home community with 73% of cases of outbreaks in weeks 43-44 in 2022 attributed to them (UKHSA, 2022) Typically spread via contact with faeces infection can spread easily via surfaces, food and close contact from someone with the virus (NHS UK, 2021) Norovirus is a small, non-enveloped virus that’s very difficult to destroy with traditional disinfectants owing to its small size and external capsid structure (GOV 2012) It is vital to choose a disinfectant that is efficacious against Noroviruses Chlorine-based products (bleach NaDCC tablets and chlorine dioxide) lose efficacy in soiled conditions where Noroviruses are prevalent This means that they require an additional detergent cleaning step prior to use in order to still maintain efficacy An excellent alternative is peracetic acid (PAA) which outshines chlorine-based products because PAA is not hindered by soiled conditions PAA is widely used in the food industry water treatments agriculture and many other high-level industries Independent studies have shown that 85 – 250 ppm peracetic acid was effective in reaching 99 99 % reduction in viral particles with a contact time of 1 – 5 mins It was also found that even in the presence of synthetic faeces 85 ppm peracetic acid with a contact time of 1 minute was not hindered by soiling (Girard et al 2015)
edencleen from Cleenol Over the course of our history we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carry edencleen our latest brand reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship and represents an evolution of what has been an integral part of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in part our vision for a cleaner safer world that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability but has as an aim a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen Cleenol looks to ensure transparency
James Derham (BSc (hons)), Liam Grimshaw (MSc by research, BSc (hons))


Providers Facing Soaring Energy


Facing unprecedented energy costs and an increasingly pressing climate crisis care home operators are all aiming to minimise energy consumption According to the Carbon Trust the care sector spends over £400 million on energy each year and after heating and lighting it is irrefutable that appliances are a main contributor to this figure For any care home, laundry is a key service area and one that is absolutely critical to maintaining infection control Thankfully, whereas you can’t turn down the heating in a care environment, or turn off the lighting there are ways in which you can significantly reduce the energy consumed by your laundry function Forbes Professional helps care home operators source the most energy water and user efficient laundry solutions whilst advising on all relevant WRAS and industry requirements

When choosing dryers, it is notable that care homes are increasingly turning away from gas appliances due to increasing running costs and safety concerns This is all the more notable now that changes to industry requirements are necessitating considerable investment in order for gas appliances to meet the current standards Forbes would generally recommend that electrical appliances should be the product of choice with heat pump dryers enabling astounding cost and energy savings Miele s new heat pump commercial dryers are particularly highly rated for their safety functionality and energy efficiency They employ a highly efficient and economical filter system and heat exchanger to keep run times low and enable an energy saving of up to 60% when compared to vented dryers Additionally these heat pump dryers do not require any make-up air, which enables the laundry function to be installed

in the basement or in a central location within the care-home and saves on costly vent-ducting Due to the effective interaction of the Miele filter system and the maintenance-free heat exchanger fluff cannot clog the heat exchanger or adversely affect the exceptional drying efficiency

With regards to washing machines, only a commercial washing machine will suffice in a care environment as only these machines will meet the WRAS requirements for Fluid Category 5 Forbes recommends using Miele commercial washing machines as they are highly energy and water efficient whilst delivering both thermal and sluice disinfection As an illustrative example based on an electricity cost of £0 34/kWh and three machines being used four times/ day for five years, Miele machines can realise a running cost saving of £9,529 when compared to another industry brand

Auto-dosing equipment also provides a great solution for ensuring that the right amount of detergent is dispensed for each cycle; minimising waste optimising the wash cycle and saving both money and time Forbes

provides a range of options for commercial laundry equipment including auto-dosing equipment

well as Miele commercial laundry machines All of their products are available on a purchase

basis, with access to a comprehensive service that includes installation, commissioning, usertraining and a multi award-winning repair and maintenance response For more info, contact: www forbespro co uk; 0345 0702335; info@forbes-professional co uk

Cash’s Labels- “The Name Behind the Name”

Simon Venni County Sales Manager at Miele

LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS PAGE 34 | THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023 At Cash s we aim to capture reinforce and communicate our clients brand equity through quality and innovation from design to distribution Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels woven badges care labels branded and promotional swing tags garment accessories packaging and barcoding Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to our customers' brand by assisting to combat counterfeiting and grey market activity Our
is designed to reduce cost improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data
order entry
meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks
than ordering apparel
and accessories Visit www cashslabels com or see the advert on this
eCommerce system
process is very simple
Professional as rental or lease
Care Home
Costs, Forbes Professional Advises
Optimise Laundr
The professional division of Miele appoints Marketing Manager to oversee operations in Great Britain and Ireland The professional division of Miele an industry leading manufacturer of commercial laundry and dishwasher appliances has appointed Egizia Maria Felice as Marketing Manager for Great Britain and Ireland Felice will be responsible for overseeing the marketing management of the hospitality care and service (HCS) sector as well as growing their laboratory, medical and dentistry (LMD) sector Felice brings six years of experience in marketing and communications to her new role with previous
roles at Oxentia a global innovation consultancy and academic publishing house Oxford University Press Her specialisms include strategic communications for international development agencies as well as marketing for academic research and publishing
on her appointment
admired the
of Miele products and its ethos of
better) so
able to join the
the leader
Felice said: “I
inherent quality
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Miele Professional team is a fantastic opportunity As the organisation is dedicated to becoming
within its industry one of my targets is to build relationships with businesses who also have sustainability at their core and to showcase how Miele s innovative technology can support their journey
The Professional Division of Miele Appoints Marketing Manager to Oversee Operations in Great
Professional commented: We re thrilled to have Egizia on board to lead our marketing team We’re excited to see how Egizia s broad range of perspectives
support us in reaching out to new customers

Are You Up To Date On Food Shortages That May Impact The Catering In Your Care Home?

Everyone s acutely aware of current labour shortages but what about product shortages that may impact the food you’re offering to your residents? Planning to use products that are in short supply may mean you re faced with even higher food costs

Food procurement experts, allmanhall, provide some insight to help you plan to mitigate and to tweak your menus if needed

Like all of us UK farming is being impacted by a multitude of factors including spiralling costs The NFU has warned of a looming threat to UK food security In particular there s a risk of product shortages in the following energy intensive sectors:

Eggs - there are 4 9 million fewer hens laying eggs in the UK today compared to 2019 down 13% from 42 7 million to 37 8 million Glasshouse grown produce including tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumber are likely to see production levels fall to their lowest levels on


Pears - UK pear production is at its lowest level since records began Fears of crops rotting in fields due to a lack of temporary seasonal labour compound the problem

Furthermore UK pork prices are up 40% year on year, largely due to high energy high feed costs and reduced herd sizes

This insight can be helpful when planning your menus and how to make the most of already-squeezed budgets For more expert analysis and other useful resources why not take a look at allmanhall co uk allmanhall are achieving up to 16% food cost savings for Care groups in the UK As well as catering procurement they can help with incontinence products PPE and other frequently bought products For larger items allmanhall can support you by running a tender and ensuring the best value Visit www allmanhall co uk or see the advert below for further details

Helping to Keep Your Patients Safe at Mealtimes with It’s Made For You Softer Foods


Sponsors of IDDSI Our range of meals have been developed to ensure the nutritional content will meet the nutritional needs of your patients whilst they follow a texture modified diet Research has shown that up to 50% of people with dysphagia are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition There could be numerous reasons for this including a reduced appetite or the inability to consume large quantities of food in one sitting Our range of ‘classic’ and mini meals can help to ensure your patients are getting the most nutritional value from the food they consume The use of pre-prepared It’s Made For You meals can also be a practical time-saver and bring

peace of mind to the person with dysphagia as well as their carer The range includes over 60 tasty dishes including chicken, beef, lamb fish and vegetarian recipes We also offer a tasty selection of desserts, and breakfast options as well as mini meals for those with smaller appetites Each meal is easy to cook in either the microwave or oven and promises to deliver delicious and tasty mealtimes every time

At It s Made For You we offer a delivery service that cares making it easy and convenient for our customers to eat delicious meals which can be delivered directly and safely to their homes This helps them if they cannot leave the house or go to the shops Plus, people love to use our service as they can rely on a regular delivery of good quality and safe meals directly to their door, by a friendly local Oakhouse Foods delivery driver Find out more at www Itsmadeforyou co uk

For You we believe that everyone should look forward to tasty, safe, and nutritious texture modified meals The It’s Made For You
for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation
standards and includes valuable nutrition It s
It s Made
range is designed
Initiative (IDDSI) framework
Made For You are proud to be

How to Sensitively Handle Different Dietar y Requirements Within a Care Home Environment

Dietary requirements in care homes can be diverse and varied and it is important to handle them sensitively in order to ensure that residents receive the nutrition they need whilst respecting cultural and personal preferences As a care home that manages two kitchens using one specifically dedicated to vegan and vegetarian food we’ve found there are some key tips for handling different dietary requirements which are as follows


This should include information about allergies cultural and personal preferences and any medical conditions that may affect the resident's diet This assessment will help you to understand the specific needs of each resident and ensure that they are receiving the appropriate nutrition Double checking and being thorough not only protects you as a care provider, but also helps to ensure that residents are happy, and their preferences and needs are fulfilled OFFER A

To accommodate residents with different dietary requirements it is important to offer a variety of options at mealtimes This may include vegetarian vegan and gluten-free options as well as dishes that cater to cultural preferences This ensures that all possibilities are covered, preventing someone from being upset or unable to eat at a mealtime where nothing suitable is offered


It can also be very useful to consult with a resident s family about their loved one s dietary preferences and needs This will ensure that the residents have communicated clearly about their needs and to guarantee nothing has been missed that could present an issue at a later date By including everyone in the planning process and adopting a person centred approach means that a menu can be created for each resident that is bespoke nutritious and well balanced It s important to remember that dietary planning also includes snacks and beverages ensuring there are a wide variety of tempting treats for everyone in the home to enjoy Food is fuel but it should also be something that the residents look forward to


Ensuring that care home staff are educated about different dietary requirements is paramount and can help to prevent mistakes especially

around allergies and cross contamination that could potentially lead to a medical emergency in some severe cases It also helps to be educated on different cultural and religious beliefs that might affect dietary needs as this can allow workers to engage in meaningful conversations with residents by showing they have an understanding about their choices which could lead to residents opening up and interacting with staff, who would otherwise not BE FLEXIBLE

It is important to be flexible and willing to make changes to accommodate the dietary needs of residents as ageing has no straight trajectory with resident’s needs changing all the time If a resident has a new dietary requirement be willing to adjust ensure that they are receiving the appropriate nutrition For example as dementia progresses people may experience difficulties with using cutlery, recognising food or their taste may change meaning their dietary needs change too

Handling dietary requirements in care homes can be a delicate task but it is an essential aspect of providing high-quality care for residents By prioritising the dietary needs of residents care homes can not only improve their overall health and well-being but also help foster a sense of respect inclusivity and community among the residents

Anglia Crown – Adding Warmth to the Colder Months


The winter months are a busy time for anyone in the care sector and it is important that all residents have a chance to enjoy warming nutritious food at every mealtime Mary Wedge Business Development Manager at Anglia Crown comments: “In our experience many of the residents look forward to the desserts They often represent familiar comfort foods and even if they cannot face the main course will often go straight for the pudding
Anglia Crown offer a wide range of hot and cold desserts that are ideal for a wellbalanced, nutritional diet, including choices that do not contain gluten Our Crown Choice and Advantage ranges include some fifty-eight dishes, including our new autumnal warming Ginger Chocolate Chip Sponge and delicious, comforting custard that goes with almost any hot dessert Our Crown Choice cold dessert includes the perennial favourites such as Chocolate Cake whilst our Crown Advantage range also offer reduced sugar desserts All individual Crown Advantage desserts come in packs of eighteen whilst the Crown Choice desserts come in packs of 3 and 6 allowing accurate portioning and cutting down on any potential waste Many of the Anglia Crown dishes can be teamed up with fresh fruit allowing for additional choice Items such as our Carrot Cake or Vanilla Cheesecake can be accompanied by whipped cream garnished with seasonal fresh fruit Our hot desserts are high in energy our hot portions of 170kcal and above provide energy and protein dense options and when served with custard provide over 250 kcal per serving Our cold desserts of 250 kcal and above also meet the energy guidelines in the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Nutrition and Hydration Digest (2017) requirements
At Anglia Crown we pride ourselves with the array of vegetarian and gluten free dishes that we offer including an impressive range of desserts This was recognised with us being named at the Vegetarian Wholesaler of the Year 2022 at the VfL Awards for Excellence in Veg n Care Catering All the Anglia Crown hot desserts are suitable for vegetarians Most of the Anglia Crown vegan products have been registered with the Vegan Society including some thirteen of the dessert dishes Anglia Crown are here to help take the strain out of your menus throughout the year Visit www angliacrown co uk for further details


Dementia Care: Communicating with People Living with Dementia Who are Struggling to Express Their Needs

language Taking the time to be with a person who is struggling to communicate is one of the greatest gifts to give them Remember that all behaviour is communication, and it is our job as professional carers to TRY HARD to understand and help them If you have a question on helping someone living with dementia you can always contact Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678 or email helpline@dementiauk org

T Take a moment Look around, what might be wrong? What might that person want or need? Give them your time

R Reactions - is the person reacting to you another resident the temperature, a noise or something else in the environment?

Y Yearning - is the person yearning for something? Are they hungry or thirsty? Are they bored? Do they miss their family? Do they need a hug?

H How can you find out their needs and emotions?Are they sad stressed, anxious, fearful confused, happy, or in pain?

Some people living with dementia may have problems communicating and expressing their needs which can leave them feeling very frustrated

For anyone providing support to a person living with dementia thinking about ways to help the person communicate with you could be beneficial Are there picture cards to hand to help the person recognise a picture of what they need (for example the toilet) and point to it, even if they cannot say the words? This helps them to express their needs and wants to their carer

Some people can write fluently long after their speech has gone Others may communicate through touch facial expressions or body

A Activities and meaningful occupation - how can you engage the person in a way that gives them some sense of choice control or fun? What did they like doing when they were younger? Would they like to plant some bulbs go for a walk or visit other residents? If the person is walking, consider why -are they looking for something or someone? Maybe they have a sore bottom from sitting too long

R Repetition - restate and use their words Reassurance - take the time to calm them down and remember they might feel frightened

D Dos, Don’ts and Distractions - Do: Smile be kind and get on their level Use more non-verbal communication like touch gestures

Otiom - Dementia Tracking System

Of the estimated 850 000 people in the UK living with dementia roughly 50% will wander with purpose and become lost during their condition When someone with dementia is reported as a missing person the police treat it as a high priority and put a lot of resources into finding that person as quickly as possible Technology can play a big part in preventing people with dementia from becoming lost and GPS technology has proven popular

Otiom is the only device of its type that is a registered class 1 medical device and has therefore undergone a rigorous testing protocol to comply with the European Medical Device Regulations

Otiom Offers peace of mind and freedom allowing people to move more freely It s a game-changing addition to the support of carers with a growing number of people living with dementia globally

Advantages include the ability to track indoors and outdoors low cost low maintenance superior battery life and improved communication stability We offer Otiom to both care homes and private users

Otiom has been developed over several years backed by extensive research in the field of dementia It is the result of a collaboration with relatives, caregivers and people with dementia

Since Pentland Medical launched Otiom exclusively in the UK we have worked extensively with the Alzheimer Society and Alzheimer Scotland At the time of writing we are testing Otiom with the Alzheimer Society and expect to be listed as an official partner on their website in due course

Visit www pentlandmedical co uk or scan the QR code in the advert on this page for further details

pictures smells and show objects (like the juice box) to enhance understanding

Don t: be too loud too fast or use too many words Don t argue and remember that it is not important to correct them if they believe something to be true(like they need to go home to their mum) Distraction techniques can work well Ask them to tell you about their mum look at pictures or have a cup of tea together give a hand massage or play some music and dance with them if they are able

Music can be a wonderful therapy for people living with dementia and for it to be most effective it needs to be tailored to the individual Find out as much as you can about the person through Life Story Work which helps to ensure that our care always honours the person as an individual For example what job did they do? Did they have children? Do they have a religion? What are their hobbies? This is often called Person-Centred Care or Person-Centred Practice Ask the person (if they can communicate) ask their family check their records and note it in the care plan so you can share it with all your colleagues

Think about how the music you like might differ from your friends your partner or your family How can it affect your mood? That will be the same for your residents Some might like jazz or classical music whilst others might prefer music related to their religion If you find a favourite or something that calms them then make a note and use it in situations that they might find stressful If you find a tune that distresses them make a note of that too to help your colleagues to remember not to play it when they are around Music can be used passively (to listen to) or actively (for singing and dancing) – try it out always remembering to keep it personal to the individual


Available to assisted living environments fully branded and personalised the Memory Lane Games app features reminiscence quiz games on hundreds of topics including places, hobbies, animals, history and food

The games are designed to be frustration-free and to trigger memories and conversation not to test

Improving resident wellbeing

Consistent with providing person-centred care our games encourage a sense of identity and connection and can be easily incorporated into personal care plans Our library of games has something for everyone but unique games can also be made using a resident s own memories and photographs creating a truly personalised and powerful experience

“Always on hand even on the night shift ” Northamptonshire Registered Managers Network

Improving family connections

Our app has proven to be effective at creating joyful meaningful connections between families Useful when used to prepare a resident for their family visit as well as during where they can be used as a conversation starter Games can be played and new memories made with the whole family on a topic everyone enjoys, even the grandchildren!

Calming and distracting agitated residents Carers are able to effectively reduce agitation, aggression and distress as well as deliver personal and



therapeutic care more easily by initiating game play and allowing the app to provide respite Alerts & Reporting

Our back office system captures and analyses game play data to alert deterioration against clinical data sets A sudden drop in game play performance for example could indicate a UTI This data is also used to generate a Reminiscence Journal’ (pictured) which can be created at the touch of a button and incorporates information on what the resident has played how long for and what they have enjoyed along with recommendations for future game play These can be sent to families

engaging with With no IT integration required the benefits to residents and
Improved resident and staff wellbeing improved
business Our real-world case study covers how personalised gamification with
can be used as part of a treatment plan to calm and improve quality of life for someone with severe dementia Contact us today to receive a copy and find out more Helpforcarehomes@MemoryLaneGames com Memor y Lane Games - An Extra Pair of Hands for Carers W&P Training W&P Training supply comprehensive sets of CQC care policies and procedures that are personalised to your business Whether it’s Residential Care Homes Domiciliary Homecare Nursing Homes Learning Disabilities or Supported Living – We cover it all RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME POLICIES Are Your Current Policies Up To Date? There have been many recent changes to employment law vaccinations covid-19 guidance plus the CQC s new strategy and regulatory approach W&P s team track these changes for you to ensure customers receive up to date CQC compliant documents DOMILICIARY HOMECARE POLICIES Over 130 comprehensive Domiciliary Care Policies and Procedures for Homecare / Domiciliary Based Services that are researched and written to meet all the CQC regulatory legislative and good practice guidance within the Health and Social Care sector
and included in personal care plans ensuring everyone around the person living with dementia is aware of what they are positively
carers can be realised immediately
quality of family visits and a differentiated
Memory Lane Games
compliance for new and established Nursing Homes W&P s clinical procedures include 70 comprehensive and upto-date documents for your nursing home These clinical procedures complement our full set of Care Home Policies and Procedures
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Policies and Procedures for Supported Living
will assist with your CQC compliance
NO Personal Care?
s policy and compliance team are constantly scanning and reviewing all the statutory websites and regulatory publications to track the very latest developments in the
Social Care Sector Policies and Procedures are updated every 4 months or immediately if there is a critical change to regulation good practice guidance case law outcomes or just feedback from customers To find out more about what we offer go to www wandptraining co uk or see the advert on page 2 DEMENTIA CARE AND TRAINING PAGE 40 | THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023
Looking for Supported living Policies with
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Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment

Similarly carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings particularly those suffering from dementia these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature light and of course noise Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources for example telephones ringing loud conversations in corridors and call bells sounding, often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents

A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a per-

son’s ability to concentrate It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call In these circumstances dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one zone whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone” Each “zone” can operate different call tones warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents Pagers have been around for many years are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise, and can be added to most Nurse Call systems Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning e-medication etc Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system With the “Go” app nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home

Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less

stressed also this creates a happier workplace

is greatly improved staff are retained and

CQC ratings improve Clearly the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter, calmer, and more tranquil environment For more information email us at info@c-t co uk • Nurse Call Systems • Fire Alarm Systems • Door Access • Staff Attack • CCTV • Infection Control • Dementia Care • Electrical Contracting w w w. L C T U K . c o m 0 8 0 0 8 4 9 9 1 2 1 s a l e s @ l c t u k c o m Designed to combat the problem of residents who are inclined to walk undetected, the Nurse Alert Mat can help protect residents especially at night that are at risk of falls and accidents When connected to a Nurse Call system or the mobile Floor Sentry Monitor it will then alert staff, sounding the alarm with a small amount of pressure thus enabling staff to investigate INCLUDES A 12 MONTH GUARANTEE Nurse Alert Mats In addition The Floor Pressure Mat has a heavy non slip backing It comes professionally sealed so can easily be cleaned for liquid spills and is fully serviceable
Running - Tranquility in Care Homes The NurseAlert pressure mat has
most successful floor pressure mats
it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under
residents foot Lotus
Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk
falls Having
years of experience in fitting
your carers
where morale
been one of the
due to
Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that
and nurses jobs that little bit easier
www lctuk com for details Lotus

Hartford Care Joins Forces with Sensio in UK First to Reduce Risk of Falls in Care Homes

or computer If further information is required an anonymous snapshot of the incident is shared so the team knows whether they need to attend or if the resident is moving around safely It s also possible to see the current status and position for all residents in their rooms at a glance from a single screen without compromising their privacy

Kevin Shaw Chief Executive at Hartford Care comments: It s a very exciting prospect to be the first care home in the UK to be trialling RoomMate This is ground-breaking technology which could help our entire industry develop and evolve; I am looking forward to seeing the impact this will have on our already exceptional resident care ”

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors

Features include: Connects directly to most nurse call systems

High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large S ze Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately): Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk

Sensio s flagship solution RoomMate is proven to reduce falls along with tracking sleep patterns and showing when people are waking or getting up during the night Privacy is ensured with an anonymised infra-red 3D sensor rather than the use of cameras and the sensors can detect many movements from the resident sitting up in bed, to them getting up from a chair or leaving the room so appropriate action can be taken by team members Importantly RoomMate can also alert carers if the resident is calling for help when they may otherwise not be able to reach their call bell

The RoomMate sensor ultimately reduces the need for nightly visits so residents can sleep better with less interruptions In Scandinavian care homes where the technology is already being used falls have reduced on average by 60% across its 8 000 daily users

The technology works by an alarm being raised by the sensor if there is movement within a resident s room The care team can then check what kind of an alarm it is via the RoomMate app on a phone, tablet

Johan Anstensrud, Chief Executive at Sensio comments: We are delighted that the residents and staff at Hartford Care will reap the benefits from our revolutionary safety sensor RoomMate For years it has proven to be a success in Scandinavia, preventing falls injuries and ailments and giving more time for personal care I am looking forward to continuing this exciting journey also in the UK together with Hartford Care ”

Hartford Care is governed by three core principals – care comfort and companionship; and its philosophy of care is completely focussed on providing a safe and comfortable lifestyle for its residents and carers in a quality home setting

Hartford Care s head office is based in Basingstoke Hampshire Established in 1908 its care homes are located in Bristol, Berkshire (Burnham and Maidenhead) Devon (Sidmouth) Dorset (Poole) Hampshire (Barton-on-Sea Four Marks Hythe Portsmouth Winchester and Woodlands) Isle of Wight (Bembridge, Ryde and Shanklin), Oxfordshire (Witney) and Wiltshire (Downton)

Find more details about Hartford Care’s awardwinning care homes while more information about Hartford Care Group Limited is available at: www hartfordcare co uk

Find more information about RoomMate and Sensio at www sensiocare com


Care technologies have advanced at an amazing rate over the past decade The digital age is a place where we all live and all use technology as a familiar part of our daily lives At Medpage we have harnessed these advancing technologies into products to support Social Care and Independent Living

Medpage brand products are designed to provide affordable, user-friendly, care support products for domestic and professional care Our new wristband activated door egress alarm is a perfect example of how advanced technologies are transformed into a system to safeguard people prone to wandering Simple to install suitable for single or multiple residents the system allows residents to remain mobile while providing an alert to carers if they attempt to leave the building through a monitored door Further details available at www easylinkuk co uk search Doorwatcher

Medpage have supplied Care Residential Homes and Hospitals with fall prevention and detection alarms for more than 25 years From basic bed and chair exit detection alarms to more complex cordless sensor pad systems with nurse call integration we supply quality systems that deliver cost effective performance

Our new sensor pad controller the MPCSA11 has been included into numerous falls management projects, in Hospitals and professional care establishments The system, already proven to reduce care costs, allows a patient with mobility to transfer from their bed to their chair or to visit their washroom without alarm notifications to carers providing the transfer is completed within a selectable time Failure to return within the selected time will result in alarm notification to carers either by pager nurse call trigger or ward wall mounted

CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL SAVERS ® WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices Benefits include: Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options including Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window ex t alerts TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD
TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager
Falls Management Products NURSE
Hartford Care has teamed up with Sensio, a Norwegian company specialising in room sensors and advanced care technology to minimise the risk of resident falls in a four-month trial at its Hartford Court care home in Portsmouth – the first care home in the UK to trial this pioneering technology


Navigating the Cost of Living Crisis Without a Cost to Care Standards

Sadly, we are all too familiar with hearing that our care sector is under pressure and that we are facing a challenging time as predictions point towards a recession At a time when we have 165,000 unfilled vacancies across social care and staff retention is as much of a focus as recruitment we are also facing higher costs for energy and essentials that aid us in delivering the care that residents need Now more than ever we need solutions that can save both time and money reducing the admin workload of stretched staff and helping budgets go a little bit further As in many other areas of our modern lives technology has a big part to play in helping to navigate the cost of living crisis without compromising standards of care Care home administration software has the ability and potential to benefit care providers at all levels of the organisation but especially care home managers and carers Where the needs of residents are paramount solutions to saving time and costs need to be found elsewhere in the care home environment and one area where few would argue would be in reducing the administrative burden The adage ‘time is money’ can feel overused but it still rings as true now as when it was coined While we all find ways to make budgets go that little bit further saving time can be a highly effective way to achieve this Utilising software capabilities to streamline the workload frees up staff to focus on the delivery of care instead of time-consuming admin Automation within software can also make normally time intensive tasks such as filling gaps in the rota much quicker [FH2] It’s easy to underestimate how much time can be saved as each individual saving seems so small but taken together shortening these repetitive tasks can have big implications Direct messaging of staff from the rota for example is saving CoolCare customers about 11 hours per month

The CAREAudits System

compliance requirements and controls and pressurised by ever increasing costs The CAREAudits apps evolved from their desire to give something back to the Care Sector; to develop systems that genuinely reduce costs and increase efficiency as well as improving accountability and quality And above all a system that would be easy to install and use by everyone


Back in 2014 the team had more than 50 years experience in IT and software development as well as having been heavily involved in the third sector with a trustee of three charities a director of a business directly involved in the care market and a consultant in a £10 million turnover charity and interim CEO and Chair at an adult hospice

Working in the Care Sector the team recognised in 2014 the sector was becoming overwhelmed with administration driven by ever increasing legislative

The CAREAudits app and Web Portal Auditing Tool is now being used throughout the UK and Ireland by all care service providers in numerous locations There are thousands of carers checking everything from CQC Compliance and Safety to Medication Audits Training and Maintenance as well as service users quality and wellbeing and now Corona Virus

Steve Smith regional manager at Care Homes UK says “We were able to implement the system ourselves and are now benefitting from management

alone – that’s nearly 1 5 admin days per month per care home Identifying these gaps earlier also prevents the need for emergency staffing from agencies which can come at a premium – stressing already tight budgets

From a business perspective, ensuring that care providers' time aren’t monopolised by admin makes a lot of sense Staffing is one of the biggest investments and costs for any business so having technology in place that helps them to perform their role more effectively is a wise investment on its own Where care home management software can automate and reduce admin carers have more time to spend with residents helping to deliver compliant staffing requirements If a member of the team needs to spend hours in an office on admin tasks, then additional team members are needed to ensure compliance, adding extra cost to a shift which could otherwise be used to help with energy and food costs

The cost of living crisis is not only affecting care home staff at work Where home financial pressures are mounting the stress can make it hard to focus fully on work no matter how hard an employee tries Capabilities and integrations within care home administration software to enable earned wage access give staff the ability to use their pay in a flexible way which works for them and their own financial situation Having access to forward rotas and vacant shifts also allows them to pick up additional work and money when needed Supporting staff through the crisis is also of benefit to staff retention, encouraging them to stay with the business and ensure standards of care are maintained for residents long-term and avoiding the need for recruitment in the midst of a staffing crisis

Technology has a key role to play in helping the care sector navigate the current financial climate Whether that s through reducing the admin burden streamlining roles or offering greater staff flexibility and benefits However, it’s just as important to tackle the challenges together enabling staff to feel supported in their roles so that we weather the storm together and continue to deliver exceptional care

having all the information we need at our fingertips in real time wherever we are”

The system allows care providers to audit or check just about everything and manage areas requiring actions (or non-compliances) in it’s Web Portal Encrypted date and time stamped evidence including photos is seamlessly auto attached and recorded in the system

Natalie Lawrence at Yorkare Homes says “It s a paperless system that runs alongside our existing client records system helping to make our whole operation paperless CAREAudits ensures management and staff are aware at all times of what needs checking that it s been checked actions required by whom by when including full resolution management Each CAREAudit also scores the answers so management can monitor improvement Steven Tegart from Talbot Group likes reporting and says I wish all my other systems were as easy to extract data for management reports as the CAREAudits

Excel links

The system has over 120 example audits to select from CAREAudits apps are extremely easy to use and care providers can easily add or edit their own audits in minutes ensuring simple management of everchanging requirements App auditors can use CAREAudits with virtually no training it’s that simple The Care Auditor’s Hands Free Operation guides the user through each audit each question and answer with it s own help text standard answers and standard actions required ensuring that the least skilled operative becomes the care provider s expert Users can download the app for a free trial and be up and running with the full system in minutes CAREAudits apps are a part of the Care Plus Innovation Group Priory Park Hull HU4 7DY

Info:- visit www careaudits co uk email apps@careaudits co uk or call Ken Newlove operations director on 01482 238887

Fiona Hale, Managing Director of CoolCare (www coolcare co uk) CAREAudits apps and systems evolved via an associated company Kern Systems were Ken Newlove director and founding member had been developing and deploying paperless systems for EPoS and Finance in the private and public sectors since 1999


10 Reasons To Go Digital With Electronic Care Planning and Medication (eMAR) Systems

TIME More time

to care

Carers never have enough time to care but going digital can provide more

There are so many time-consuming tasks such as writing care notes completing paper assessments filling in charts preparing handovers and countless other administrative tasks

Going digital can automate many of these tasks and enable recording care interactions in real-time ensuring nothing is left undocumented and saving time that can be better spent providing care


Better Control

Controlling paper-based systems can be an onerous job It generates reams of paper that can easily be lost copied and potentially fall into the wrong hands

Digital care systems are safe and accessible maintaining the security and confidentiality of your data This is difficult to achieve with paper because sensitive information must be locked away when not in use per GDPR

Furthermore, digital allows you to determine who can access and what via permission controls Staff only see what they need to see based on their role

AutumnCare has a number of tools that assist in maintaining security and confidentiality including this lock screen functionality for use in medication administration rounds!



your business

Social care is a highly regulated industry and going digital can help you safeguard your business With multiple regulatory bodies such as the CQC CIW Care Inspectorate RQIW Local Authorities and Safeguarding Teams not to mention families and the justice system Any of whom can make enquiries or perform inspections at any time and without notice Going digital makes it easy and efficient to evidence the quality of care you provide In addition as a digital system has a complete audit trail you can be assured the information you are providing is accurate and complete


Costs and environment

The most considerable cost saving that going digital can provide is time While the amount of time saved will vary between service types and roles this alone makes going digital worthwhile

Additional cost benefits include savings on printing paper stationary

and confidential waste bin collection These costs all add up very quickly and are enhanced by the savings in the administrative overhead

Furthermore going digital reduces paper use and the carbon footprint of regular deliveries Therefore going digital can help you become more environmentally friendly RISK

Reduced risk

Manual systems carry many risks It is challenging to manage, analyse and keep data and there is a lack of security Going digital with your care planning and eMAR can significantly reduce your risk

Using inbuilt alerts ensures that nothing is missed whether that s a care plan change or a fall report Using an eMAR will help reduce medication errors and ensure that the 6 Rs are always met

Going digital also allows the collection of data at the point of care which can be analysed to identify trends and risks and demonstrate corrective action

AutumnCare Mobile allows staff to perform clinical assessments and capture notes at the point of care for increased accuracy and care recipient involvement


Improve staf f retention

Staff recruitment and retention remain long-standing challenges for the care sector and many factors contribute to the successful retention of staff

Morale is a crucial factor in retaining staff Using electronic care systems to change the focus from the administration to the delivery of care helps stage engage more with service users

Additionally providing smart tools like care planning and eMAR software to reduce the administrative burden will decrease staff stress


Improved quality of care

With pre-built assessments covering all aspects of health you can get to know your service users intimately

But it’s not just health; other characteristics such as emotion likes/dislikes and how they correspond to a wide range of activities can be recorded

Because any changes can be affected at the point of care updates become a true reflection of the care (rather than a delayed update at the end of a long shift)

This information is then easily accessible by other system users, supporting a personalised care experience


Demonstrate quality of care deliver y

While the delivery of person-centred care is paramount, care providers must also provide evidence of the care they deliver, and regulatory bodies

actively encourage the use of technology

For example the CQC states that the care provider should look to embrace technology that helps monitor care delivery During an inspection under the Effective key line of enquiry (KLOE) question E1 3 asks

How is technology and equipment used to enhance effective care and treatment delivery and support people s independence?

Digital care plans are the best way to achieve this!

VISIBILITY Improved visibility

Electronic care systems ensure that managers have real-time access to notes and information to instantly understand the care provided and help identify changes that need to be made to improve the quality of care

On an electronic care system, it is much easier to see what is going on if you are contacted out of hours or on the go A digital system allows you to log in remotely to see what has been happening across the entire care service at a glance

AutumnCare contains a customisable Dashboard to provide Managers with a snapshot of what is occurring across the care service at any point in time


Happier ser vice users

Last and by no means least going digital can make your service users happier

Digital systems enable you to spend more time caring and less time on administration

There are benefits to happy service users including positive reviews from family and friends which may help grow your service WONDERING HOW TO GO DIGITAL?

If you re unsure of how to get started in your digital transformation AutumnCare can help!

AutumnCare provides specialist digital care planning and eMAR software enabling providers to migrate to a digital system and providing the foundations for outstanding care We can walk you through what is required step by step as well as provide training and support every step of the way

To realise all of the benefits above plus many more get in touch with us today

Contact Chris Sharman

Email c sharman@autumn care Call 0800 009 2121

Website uk autumn care


G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution

Genee is a UK leading manufacturer of innovative technological solutions Genee plays an integral role across all major industries including health care to support patients residents and staff

Having supported Care Homes through the pandemic The GTouch Wireless Care Home Solution is one of Genee’s most impactful solutions yet The solution includes; the G-Touch Interactive Screen Electric Mobile Trolley and a Wireless Battery Pack Its portability specially designed and simple to use interface as well as its multitude of applications are specifically built for residents and staff in mind

The G-Touch Interactive Screen is an engaging resource for residents and staff Available in 55’ , 65’’ and 75’’, the touchscreen itself has durable and toughened safety glass that can be easily cleaned The large screen provides for spectacular viewings of videos TV shows and movies In addition the size of the screen encourages residents to participate in interactive activities With built-in 2x15w front facing speakers and an HD video conferencing camera provides the perfect communication tool to video call families, friends, and other care homes With the built-in PC and Android

8 0 operating system the user interface software is easy to use As soon as the touchscreen is turned on the system loads into a tablet style of multiple icons containing the software and Apps used daily without the

need for a PC-style login The included software also helps residents with health issues, including Dementia and Alzheimer’s

A solution that benefits all! The Electric Mobile Trolley is better suited than a traditional wall mount or trolley The mobile trolley can be electronically adjusted by height and offers 90-degree angle adjustment from horizontal to vertical ensuring easy accessibility at different chairs and wheelchair height The four lightweight and strong steel integrated castors include locking brakes for safety

The Wireless Battery Pack removes trip hazards and provides a helpful portable solution Simply add the lightweight battery pack to the trolley and easily move the touchscreen from room to room

The G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution comes with 5 years onsite warranty as standard with no additional costs Our dedicated team will bring the equipment to the care home assemble and install the solution and test everything on site We will also support you with free online training to ensure your Care Home gets maximum use of this incredible solution Get in touch +44 (0)1902 390 862 sales@genee-group com www genee-group com

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks




Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM, so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents, which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance



for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm NMS:

find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product

have a range of nurse call systems at different sites and the NMS system integrates to them and allows us to compare response times between sites In addition the integration to Person Centred Software is revolutionary

Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar now the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne C-TEC ENS Intercall Medicare SAS and TeleAlarm
operators constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS
would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens!
find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare
the advert on the front cover for more details

Hiring International Workers For The Care Industr y

The crisis in Social Care staffing is well documented and the sector now has an estimated 165,000 job vacancies

The recruitment challenges felt after Brexit exacerbated by the pandemic have resulted in the hiring of international workers no longer being exclusive to large multi-centre care groups, but increasingly independently owned care homes and services – with many now reporting that the benefits outweigh the additional costs



UK social care providers are subject to the Code of practice for the international recruitment of health and social care personnel in England to ensure international health and care workers [are recruited] in an ethically responsible manner ’ This code includes a restriction to ensure that there is no active international recruitment from countries on the red list, unless there is an explicit government-to-government agreement Countries that businesses can freely recruit from however include Malaysia Philippines India and Sri Lanka

The red list includes Nigeria Pakistan Bangladesh Ghana and Nepal Kenya is on the Amber list meaning no active recruitment should take place there either


Even if a UK visa can be secured for an applicant from a Green-list country you need to be aware that some countries e g the Philippines have an additional Exit Visa processes for their citizens This process has been implemented to ensure the protection of workers and that the overseas employment contracts meet minimum standards Securing an Exit visa can take months and require that you’ve recruited the worker via a Government approved recruitment agency or your UK business and employment contract have been vetted and approved with their Embassy This might mean writing additional terms into your employment contracts e g the provision of return flights back to their home country of nationality


Many are alarmed at the cost of UK visas – the UK visa system is one of (if not the) most expensive immigration systems in the world with visas costing up to £9 000 per worker Visas for the relocation of a family of four to the UK (worker and dependent spouse and two children) could cost nearly £20 000 in visa fees alone Relocation flights accommodation etc would all be payable in addition

Debt bondage in the care sector has been widely reported and it s therefore vital that businesses undertake their due diligence when working with agencies to avoid falling foul of the regulations

Visa fees are payable in full, up-front, prior to the individual moving to the UK – business are therefore often concerned to ensure that the recruit is fully invested in the process with some seeking to split the costs of the visa and relocation with the individual Where businesses are recruiting from less economically developed countries many applicants won’t have the funds to pay for visa costs in advance and it s not uncommon for businesses to enter in to a clawback arrangement with workers In theory there is no problem with this However, advice should be taken to ensure organisations aren t falling foul of legal restrictions and agreements are carefully drafted

Businesses can also be reassured that an employee on a sponsored work visa in the UK is only permitted to work for their sponsoring employer, and there are restrictions on self-employment or any secondary employment VISA PATHWAYS

Many businesses will assume that they have to sponsor a work visa for the individual to enable them to work in the UK however applicants may be eligible for alternative visa routes These include:

- EU Settlement status (EU nationals resident in the UK prior to the end of the Brexit transition period)

- Youth Mobility visa (a 2 year visa enabling work for individuals under the age of 30 of certain nationalities e g Australia New Zealand Canada)

- Dependent visa (if they have a British partner or their partner holds their own visa to be in the UK)

- Student visa – for those working part time hours

- Graduate visa

These are great options to explore before proceeding with an employer sponsored visa and will significantly save on costs as they can be obtained by the individual without company support or invest-


If the candidate doesn’t have any alternative visa route, sponsorship of a Skilled Work or a Health and Care visa may be the only appropriate option

To be eligible for visa sponsorship the role must be:

• working for a UK health and care sector employer that s been approved by the Home Office (i e an approved Home Office immigration sponsor licence holder) and a NHS Foundation trust; or Local Health Board; or

A person providing regulated activities per the Health and Social Care Regulations 2014; or

CQC registered; and be paid the minimum salary or the ‘going rate’ for the type of work

The individual must also be able to meet and evidence a minimum English language proficiency requirement (reading writing speaking and listening)

Previously only Senior Care Workers were eligible for sponsorship but in February 2022 the list of eligible roles was expanded to include; nurses residential day and domiciliary care managers care workers and home carers and senior care workers In February 2022 – Care Workers were added to the UK’s Shortage Occupation List


Businesses are reminded that if they recruit international workers and sponsor work visas that they will be undertaking to the Home Office to maintain certain records and ensure reporting standards are kept throughout the contract of employment Failure to meet sponsor duties could see the licence revoked and any sponsored workers returned to their home country

A common issue is that many businesses don’t appreciate that a change in business ownership triggers Home Office reporting and that could inadvertently leave them with illegal workers and open to hefty financial penalties


Overall whilst the UK visa system is now seeing far broader engagement from care sector organisations of all sizes the process undeniably requires substantive investment both financially and, to an extent, in resource to ensure compliance and longevity

How Training and Development Can Help Ease the Recruitment and Retention Crisis

With the care industry not only struggling to recruit new staff, but also retain their existing workforce, pressure is mounting to find solutions to the growing staffing crisis Here, Rob Bright, CEO and Founder of Cloud Assess (www cloudassess co), explains why effective training and development mustn’t be overlooked when it comes to attracting, onboarding and retaining employees


The skills shortage in the care sector is a growing national crisis and is only set to intensify According to Skills for Care roughly 627 000 additional care staff will be needed by 2030/3 in order to meet demand

The recruitment challenge in the care sector is not a recent problem, although it is one which has been accelerated by the pandemic due to a rise in employees reconsidering career options and lockdown restrictions disrupting essential training However with the situation only set to worsen without intervention employers are under huge pressure to transform the way they train recruit and retain care workers to attract vital new employees and keep existing teams engaged



Up until now too much focus has been placed on recruitment as the primary solution to the growing skills shortage This, of course, has its place However the importance of retaining current staff cannot be overlooked In order to do this, engaging the existing workforce has to

be a priority

One effective tool for boosting engagement is upskilling Investing in employee development offers employers a tangible way to demonstrate their commitment to staff and their progression, which increases job satisfaction and loyalty Plus it offers an opportunity to fill skills gaps with talent that’s already within the business EFFICIENT ONBOARDING

For new employees prioritising effective training at the onboarding stage can have a hugely positive effect on the retention productivity and morale of new staff – all of which are vital for both care workers and for those they provide care to In fact employees who say they had exceptional onboarding experiences are 2 6 times more likely to be extremely satisfied in the workplace according to research carried out by Sapling

Those that invest time and resource into training new starters effectively from day one will reap the rewards with high-performing, efficient and happy staff something that is more vital now than ever before


However simply offering training is not enough It must be impactful if it is to make a real difference to an organisation and its people

In order to deliver effective training to care staff, it’s important to recognise the difference between how a desk-based worker effectively learns compared to a ‘deskless’ worker, like carers The learning needs to be engaging and have a lasting impact on both new and existing staff and the format of the training plays an important part in this

A hands-on approach to training and assessment is particularly crucial for deskless industries like health child and aged care where practical skills are best demonstrated, practiced, and observed in person This is supported by our research which found that 74% of employees in vocational industries, prefer a face-to-face or hybrid approach to learning with online methods found to be the least popular

Although e-learning tools are growing in popularity due to their perceived efficiency and remote approach they are not ideal for those working on the front-line This is because it is difficult to replicate the kind of sustained, multi-session and hands-on learning that is required to learn practical skills when working alone on a computer

To avoid this, employers should opt for methods which encourage staff to demonstrate they ve absorbed the information and are incorporating it into their day-to-day work


Clearly employers cannot afford to overlook the importance of effective employee training and development However for shortstaffed industries this can seem daunting

One solution for time-poor organisations is to implement a strategy which amalgamates the benefits of both face-to-face and online learning This will allow employers to take a digital approach to the coaching, planning, training, measuring and assessment aspects of skills development freeing up valuable time and resources which can be spent on delivering in-person training and avoiding staff burnout

The 70:20:10 model is a good rule of thumb for employers who are implementing this type of training strategy The rule suggests that 70% of learning is through experience, meaning practical hands-on learning 20% is through social learning for example a buddy system and 10% is via e-earning

Supporting in-person training with digital tools can also boost productivity improve compliance and ensure consistency which in turn helps the business thrive


At almost 11% care worker vacancy rates in 2021/22 were double the national average and showing no sign of slowing according to Skills For Care However a careful re-evaluation of how employees are trained forms an important part of the solution Executed well, employee training can help build more productive stronger and happier teams which are equipped to provide the best care possible

Sacha Wooldridge, Senior Associate, Birketts’ Immigration Team (www birketts co uk)

The Eden Alternative is fundamentally a modern philosophy of

which at its core is designed to enhance the wellbeing of residents and staff in care settings, the quality of their lived experience and their fulfilment

It aims to build a truly positive culture; underpinned by close partnership working between residents the team and family members

It is also designed to empower members of the care team to think innovatively about practice to enhance their fulfilment and strengthen retention

It is worth spending 10 minutes to see the Eden Alternative in practice https://youtu be/qK3vTbckZMw

How does it work? It provides training to Care Homes management and staff and encourages Homes to train their own ‘in house

to run the programme if they wish

The philosophy is designed to develop a positive and vibrant culture empower members in developing a care partnership and help

c A series of relevant Eden Video clips

d An Eden course questionnaire to assist learning

e Development of an individualised project that candidates work on to develop innovative ideas

The training sessions can be completed whilst at work or from home Courses dates and frequency The 6-week course runs continuously and a new one starts at the beginning of each alternate month e g March May July etc Each weekly online session runs for 1 hour

An Eden “Train the Trainer” course, refresher courses and 1 day introduction courses will typically run after the Eden Associate course

Validation of Care Services Care Homes and community care services are validated by an annual online process the cost of which is covered by an annual subscription Quality Assurance Eden trainers are committed, skilled and experienced trainers, and deliver training in person or online externally or in house Training is monitored through a variety of methods including Associate training feedback which is regularly obtained and appraised Eden Trainers meet regularly to update course and material innovation

In recognition of the progress achieved by the care provision an award of Platinum Gold, Silver or Bronze can be awarded

Eden UK team The Eden UK team comprises Geoffrey Cox, CEO, Margot Whittaker, Director, Sam Bailey Kelly Boweren Kathy Smith The office is based at 11 Plantation Terrace Dawlish Devon EX7 9DS - 01626 868192 or 07483359472

Would you like to: Improve your occupancy? Improve your staff retention? Develop a culture of care with wellbeing and positive relationships at its heart, with our 6 week online training programme. Discover how to replace loneliness, helplessness and boredom with wellbeing, companionship, and meaningful activities, in just one hour of training a week Call today on 01626 868192 or visit Validated Eden Alternative associates can benefit from continuing support from our expert team
Providers to deliver on their ambitions How long has Eden been going? Eden has been running such training
nearly 30 years and started in the USA It began operating in the
Eden UK runs both face-to-face training and online courses which both lead to the
candidates as Certified Eden Associates of which there are over 2 000 in the
and 20 000
The Certified Eden Associate Courses The online course runs over 6 weeks x 1hr each week covers the same material as the 3-day Eden Associate courses and comprise 5 elements: a 6 Online live 1-hourly tutorials running weekly b Working through the Eden Associate workbook
in over 20 countries on 5 continents for
accreditation of
occupancy It improves recruitment and retention It improves teamwork Geoffrey Cox LLb MSc , We shall on stand E44 at the Care and Dementia Expo 22/23 March NEC B rmingham The Eden Alternative - What Is It? Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance PROFESSIONAL AND RECRUITMENT THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023 | PAGE 47 Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising. Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising.
The key advantages are: It improves

Care providers across the country have unfortunately become accustomed to workforce shortages As a recent report on health and social care workforce from the Health and Social Care Committee showed 95% of care providers are struggling to recruit staff and 75% of providers are finding it hard to retain their existing workforce This is compounded by the fact that these roles are typically paid less than 80% of the wider economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has further affected the sector s ability to recruit and retain staff – during this time the working conditions of social care workers suffered as they battled with long hours restrictive working conditions and an increased risk to their health And on the ground these staff shortages can lead to increased frontline pressures burnout and job dissatisfaction They can also impact the quality of individual care – in October 2022, the CQC’s State of Care report said that in the first three months of 2022 2 2 million hours of homecare could not be delivered because of insufficient workforce capacity So how can we encourage more people to pursue what can be an extremely rewarding career in care and stay in the sector?


care we need to incentivise careers in the sector and create a positive environment for people to work in Doing so will improve job satisfaction – a huge factor in the departure of many health and social care workers as reported by the Nuffield Trust

At the Access Group one of the ways that we are promoting career pathways in social care is through the government’s Apprenticeship Levy Scheme, which aims to encourage work-based training in particular sectors Working with 75 000 customers across commercial and non-profit sectors we invest the money into our own apprenticeship schemes as well as sharing it with organisations from across health and care, supporting them to recover from the impact of the pandemic

The Health Support and Care division (HSC) of the company has invested £100 000 since March 2022 alleviating workforce pressures by enabling 86 health and social care apprenticeships across the country Benefactors of the financial support include residential care providers Burrow Down Support and Home2Home with Care; and domiciliary care provider Hamble Valley Care alongside a range of other care providers using the additional resource to enhance skills of new and existing staff thus providing them with more opportunities to advance their careers

As we see it apprenticeships play a crucial role in improving job satisfaction and ultimately staff retention, with unhappy and unfulfilled staff more likely to move into other roles They also motivate the next generation of talent to pursue a career in care encouraged by the support and opportunity to upskill in the sector

Admittedly apprenticeship schemes aren’t a silver bullet to the ever-growing workforce crisis but they are a positive step in the right direction to support a sector that we all value and depend on More information can be found on The Access Group s website at www theaccessgroup com

If we are going to reverse the trend and increase the percentage of people joining and staying in social
Why Apprenticeships Are Crucial For Tackling Workforce Shortages Across The Care Sector
JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry, such as health care assistants senior carers, and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? • We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse? PROFESSIONAL AND RECRUITMENT Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising. Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising. PAGE 48 | THE CARER | JAN/FEB 2023
• ANTIMICROBIAL FABRIC TREATMENTS • L AUNDR Y HYGIENE AND EFFICIENCY • ANTIMICROBIAL HARD SURFACE COATINGS • LEGIONELL A CONTROL • OZONE ROOM SANITISERS THE INDEPENDENT SPECIALIST CONSULTANCY FOR IMPLEMENTING: • Energy and utilities procurement • Energy survey to identify savings • Carbon footprinting, net zero strategy and sustainability • Building services management | O7831 873355 Our Validated Par tners: AND REDUCE OPERATING COSTS:

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Articles inside

How Training and Development Can Help Ease the Recruitment and Retention Crisis

pages 46-48

Hiring International Workers For The Care Industr y

page 46

G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution

page 45

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE 10 Reasons To Go Digital With Electronic Care Planning and Medication (eMAR) Systems

page 44

The CAREAudits System

page 43

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Navigating the Cost of Living Crisis Without a Cost to Care Standards

page 43


page 42

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

page 42

Hartford Care Joins Forces with Sensio in UK First to Reduce Risk of Falls in Care Homes

page 42


page 41

Otiom - Dementia Tracking System

pages 39-40

DEMENTIA CARE AND TRAINING Dementia Care: Communicating with People Living with Dementia Who are Struggling to Express Their Needs

page 39

How to Sensitively Handle Different Dietar y Requirements Within a Care Home Environment

page 38

Helping to Keep Your Patients Safe at Mealtimes with It’s Made For You Softer Foods

page 36

Are You Up To Date On Food Shortages That May Impact The Catering In Your Care Home?

page 36


page 34


page 33

Mask and Outbreak Guidance Updated in Care Settings

page 32

Yeoman Shield Fire Door Ser vices Taking the Guess Work out of Fire Doors

page 29

The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands

page 29

Introducing Aquarate

page 29

Rosehill Furnishings

page 28

Hidden Costs Of Caring For The Environment

page 28

INSURANCE FOR CARE Essential Insurance Covers For Your Care Home

page 27

Community Integrated Care Appoints New Chief Executive Officer

page 26

Residents Help Royal Star & Garter Celebrate 107th Birthday

page 26

Mayor Of Warrington Opens New Care Home In Lymm

page 26

The Powerful Transition: Adult Social Care Must Prioritise Menopause Support

page 26

Report Calls for Urgent Action to Reduce Social Care Workers Pay Gap

page 25

Abicare Chair Responds to Prime Minister's Speech

page 24

'Make Dementia a Priority' Urge Vicky McClure and Dame Arlene Phillips

page 24

Care Home Team Leader Celebrates 80 Years Young and Marks 48 Years of Continuous Ser vice

page 23

Local Government Workforce Shortages Adding to Ser vice Pressures

page 23

2023 A Year of Opportunity and Challenge for Social Care Providers, says RWK Goodman

page 22

103-year-old Shares Volunteering and Bridge As Her Secret to Long Life At Birthday Celebration

page 20

Care Professionals Provide Truly Person-Centred Care to the People They Support?

page 20

Priorities For Operational Success Within The Care Home

page 18

Say Hello to the Winner of the Carer's Christmas Hamper Competition… ...Darbyshire Care!

pages 16-17

'Struggling to Help Mitigate Growing Demand on NHS'

page 15

Cuddling After Covid: Excelcare’s Journey from Virtual Hugs to Loving Reunions

page 14

Northamptonshire Care Staff Recognized for Long Ser vice

page 14

How To Improve Existing Employee Performance During A Recruitment Crisis

page 14

Generations Share Stories to Commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day

page 13

Care Career Conference Set to Attract Hundreds of School Pupils into Care

page 13

Reimagining Care Commission Calls for National Care Covenant

page 13

NHS to “Buy Beds in Care Homes” To Accelerate Hospital Discharge

page 12

Government Urged to Strengthen Draft Mental Health Bill

page 11

Sector Dismay at Government's “Lack of Energy Support”

page 11

NHS Rolls Out New 2023 Dementia Diagnosis Drive

page 9

Birthday Card Plea Delights 100-Year-Old Jo

page 8

Creative Tool to Support Care Sector

page 8

The Covid-19 Inquir y – How Might You Get Involved?

page 8

Bridgwater Care Home Team Wins Regional Dementia Carer Award

page 7

The Alzheimer’s Dementia & Care Show

page 7

State of Social Care the “Worst it’s Been for Many Years – Boss of Care England

page 7

Salutem CEO Becomes Personal Carer in Job Swap

page 6

Pair of Furr y Friends Visit Leamington Spa Based Home

page 6

Courageous Leadership Starts with Being More Human

page 6

Her Majesty’s Pallbearer Speaks with

pages 4-5

The Mental Health Pandemic in Carers

page 4


page 2
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