on the edge of crisis
Unfortunately the budget's provisions for social care amounted to a mere £600 million in contrast to the £22 billion earmarked for the NHS sending a stark and disappointing message to those on the frontlines of adult social care
Given the scale of the challenges operators face this announcement feels less like a lifeline and more like a last straw for many struggling providers
In the wake of Reeves’s budget, industry leaders and care home operators are voicing a shared frustration with once high profile spokesperson pointedly highlighted the disparity between political rhetoric and action: “This government once quick to criticize underfunding by the Conservatives has now done the very same The silence around social care funding is frankly insulting
Indeed, as the Chancellor announced a 6 7% increase in the National Living Wage (NLW) alongside a 1 2% increase in Employer National Insurance contributions and a reduction of the Secondary Threshold to £5,000, care providers across the UK are left with a financial cliff to navigate
Let s be clear an increase in wages for care workers is long overdue
As a nation we recognize the tireless compassionate work that care staff perform every day often with little recognition and modest compensation But it is the manner in which this budget addresses (or fails to address) the costs of these improvements that is disheartening
A well-deserved pay raise should not come at the expense of the very stability of the care sector
Without additional government support, the sector faces an estimated £2 4 billion funding gap due to increased staffing costs alone a figure that doesn t even account for the relentless inflationary pressures and interest rate rises care homes are already battling
The budget makes it painfully clear that the government expects operators to shoulder these increased costs without sufficient support This approach is unsustainable Care home providers are already dealing with slim margins and growing demands; adding these new financial burdens risks closures and reduced access to quality care for those who need it most
This is especially alarming given that just a year ago the Labour Party promised comprehensive reform and funding for social care criticising the Conservative government for
its lack of support Now, in power, they appear to be doing little more than shifting blame
In the face of this unprecedented funding shortfall what should the government do? First and foremost operators need immediate targeted funding to cover the increase in wages and contributions rather than leaving it to local councils who are already stretched to breaking point
A dedicated fund should be established to help care providers cover these increased costs without sacrificing quality or availability of care Furthermore a clear long-term funding strategy must be outlined to ensure that the sector is not continually left scrambling to meet basic staffing costs
The government cannot continue to pay lip service to valuing care workers while shifting the burden onto operators If we truly wish to recognise and reward the essential work of the social care sector we must ensure that the funding matches the rhetoric Failure to do so places the entire system at risk endangering both the providers and the vulnerable individuals who rely on them
I can always be contacted at editor@thecareruk com and encourage our readers to sign up for our bi-weekly digital newsletter at www thecareruk com and follow us on social media for all the latest news
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In addition unpaid carers will be able to earn more before losing their entitlement to carer’s allowance with the earnings limit increasing from £151 to £196 per week from April 2025 According to the Treasury this will help an extra 60 000 carers claim the benefit – currently worth £81 90 a week – by 2030
Carer s allowance currently provides up to £81 90 per week to those with additional caring responsibilities,” Reeves said “Today, I can confirm that we are increasing the weekly earnings limit to the equivalent of 16 hours at the National Living Wage per week, the largest increase since Carer s Allowance was introduced in 1976
“That means a carer can now earn over £10 000 a year while receiving Carer s Allowance allowing them to increase their hours where they want to and keep more of their money ” HUGE BURDEN
However the government has been accused of ignoring financial pressures bearing down on the adult social care sector With a 6 7% increase in the National Living Wage (NLW) alongside a 1 2% rise in Employer National Insurance contributions and a cut to the Secondary Threshold to £5 000 the sector faces an additional circa £2 4 billion funding hole to plug A huge burden for a workforce of 1 59 million full time equivalents and a sector which relies on 50% of those cared for to be funding via local authorities who have been provided only £600 million in new grant funding for social care, shared across both adult and children’s services
Care England has said that the announced new £600 million grant fails to come close to bridging the gap, especially with a shortfall of a £4 billion deficit identified in the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund (MSIF) analyses’ conducted by Care England and the Homecare Association in October The MSIF and the recent NLW and Employer s National Insurance (ENI) announcements leaves adult social care underfunded by approximately £6 4 billion Of this amount, over £5 billion would need to be covered by local authorities to maintain essential services
Professor Martin Green said: “The new government has failed to prioritise adult social care yet again despite the clear evidence that a £1 investment in social care yields a 175% return to local communities benefitting both the economy and the lives of vulnerable citizens
“In stark contrast to the meagre provisions for adult social care this Budget includes
£22 6 billion for the NHS with an additional £3 1 billion for capital projects
£11 2 billion for education
£2 4 billion for transportation and infrastructure
• £2 3 billion for school recruitment
£1 8 billion for childcare
• £1 4 billion to rebuild schools
“This Budget is a glaring missed opportunity by a government full of promises to make a real difference to adult social care and establish a sustainable funding framework that meets the gravity of our current crisis The government s £600 million commitment to be shared between adult social care and children s services is unfortunately a drop in the ocean compared to the staggering £2 4 billion in rising costs associated with wage increases and employer national insurance contributions When we see £22 6 billion directed towards the NHS it’s disheartening that social care once again receives only a fraction of the support it needs despite its
critical role in easing NHS pressures
“Social care stands as a solution to many challenges facing the NHS Yet, this Budget and this government fail to recognise its vital role Without immediate adequate funding the cost of inaction will be devastating; delayed hospital discharges overstretched providers and vulnerable people left without the care they desperately need ” If the government truly wants to create a more resilient health and care system it must support social care with the same commitment it shows the NHS ”
Weatherley MBE and Eddy McDowall Co-Chairs of the Care Association Alliance said The Care Association Alliance has today written to the Secretary of State of Health and Social Care and the Minister of State for Care to express our concerns about the care sector following the Chancellor s Budget Statement
An increase in employers National Insurance Contributions and a 6 7% rise in the National Living Wage will have a major impact on the care sector where average pay is low compared to other sectors
Additional National Insurance Contributions of £615 represent a 2 5% increase for a worker on minimum wage but only 1 5% for someone earning £40 000
Care providers who are delivering care to the most vulnerable rely on local authority and NHS commissioners who may not be in a position to afford an increase in funding to cover these increased cost without extra funding to cover the increased costs outlined in the Budget many care providers may go to the wall
Jim Kane Chief Executive Officer at Community Integrated Care said:
“The Chancellor’s Autumn Budget will place many adult social care organisations in jeopardy threatening essential services for thousands of people with care and support needs across the UK
Whilst increasing taxes aims to strengthen our public services, which of course we welcome it misses the mark completely on social care - a core pillar of a thriving and supportive society This lack of attention is either a significant oversight, or an unacceptable underestimation, of the challenges we face Instead of addressing social care s needs the Budget adds an unaffordable strain to an already fragile sector falling short of the commitments made ahead of its release
As a charity delivering 10 million hours of vital support each year and employing 6 000 dedicated staff our initial analysis shows that we now face an eye-watering £12 million (6 2% increase) in unfunded costs The 1 2% rise in employer National Insurance contributions and reduction in the secondary threshold means a £5 million NI increase to our costs while the 6 7% National Living Wage rise will mean an additional £7 million on our wage bill This is set against our forecasted surplus for next year of only £2 7 million - a financial pressure that is acute and undeniable ”
“Urgent action is needed We hope this outcome is unintended and urgently call on the Chancellor to review the Budget s impact on the social care system especially for charity providers Local government must be given sufficient resources to increase fee levels in social care contracts to cover the additional costs created by the Budget s tough choices ’ or social care providers should be exempt from the employer National Insurance increase
Suneel Gupta head of private healthcare at RSM UK said: “Whilst the 6 7% increase in National Living Wage (NLW) is welcome news for care
workers employers in the health and care sector will bear the brunt of this There will be a significant additional burden placed on employers in the industry as a result of the 1 2% increase in National Insurance contributions and the reduction of the threshold at which employers start paying National Insurance on workers’ earnings from £9 100 to £5 000
“We see this having a big impact for businesses across the health and care sector that are often heavily dependent on staff which are paid the NLW as it will place further pressure on already squeezed margins AXE NI INCREASE
THE Government has already been urged to axe the National Insurance increase for social care providers or risk a serious increase in the number of people going without the support they need, campaigners have warned
The care provider organisation The Independent Care Group (ICG) said the Government must either make social care providers exempt from the increase or ring-fence funding to pay for it ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “The lack of understanding of the impact these cost increases will have on social care providers beggars belief and reveals a total lack of understanding over how social care works
“The bulk of social care delivery through homecare and residential and nursing care is delivered by small to medium-sized businesses that are employee heavy
“Huge increases in the costs those providers face – through the employer s National Insurance rise and increases in the National Living and National Minimum wages without an injection of funding to help them cope is potentially disastrous ”
He said the Government either had to make social care providers exempt from the National Insurance increase or ring-fence funding with local authorities, that commission the bulk of care, to pay for the rise
The Government has to do something and it has to do it quickly as I am already hearing from providers that this might be the last straw for some of them,” Mr Padgham added
They have gone through 30 years of financial cutbacks and seen funding for social care fall whilst demand for more and more complex care services increases They cannot
A report from directors of adult social services indicates that eight out of ten councils are projected to exceed their adult social care budget for the current financial year
According to a survey conducted by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), 81% of councils anticipate overspending their adult social care budget in 2024/25 an increase from 72% in the previous year and 63% in 2022/23
The anticipated overspend calculated from figures submitted prior to the Budget, stands at £564 million for 2024/25 This figure represents a slight decrease from the £586 million reported in ADASS s Spring Survey yet it is significantly higher than the £73 7 million recorded in 2022/23
In the fiscal year 2019/20 prior to the onset of the pandemic councils experienced an underspend of £197 million
ADASS President Melanie Williams acknowledged the £600 million increase for social care in the budget as a positive development but cautioned that a substantial portion of this funding would likely be consumed by rising national insurance and wage costs
The social care sector was quick to respond to the survey’s findings warning that the number of people going without the care they need will rocket because local authorities are running out of money to pay for it
Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers
UK said
“Yet again it is devastating to read the latest report from ADASS which clearly demonstrates that the challenges facing councils remain significant and are getting even worse as we head into this Winter
“Millions of unpaid carers are bearing the brunt of this crisis when so many are already pushed to the limit Adult social care relies heavily on the care and support unpaid carers provide to family members friends and neighbours They are suffering the negative effects of severe shortages in the social care workforce and the lack of funding This is impacting their own health and wellbeing and their ability to care
The increasing intensity of care many provide also means thousands of unpaid carers find it increasingly difficult to juggle work and caring responsibilities with around 600 leaving the workplace every day to care
“Local authorities need sustainable and sufficient funding to fulfil their duties now We want to see the Government set out a clear plan of action for social care reform, including a National Carers Strategy, as an absolute priority
Nuffield Trust Deputy Director of Policy
Natasha Curry said:
“Last week saw the social care sector desperately warn that unless funding is increased the Budget s minimum wage and national insurance contribution rises risk further destabilising care provision Today s report from ADASS provides yet more evidence of just how much financial pressure this sector is under
With ADASS revealing councils are now on course to overspend on adult social care budgets by £564m in this financial year alone the report starkly illustrates last week’s Budget announcement of £600m extra for adult social care next year likely won t even touch the sides
“The last ADASS survey in July this year found nine-in-ten social care directors were worried their budgets would fail to cover their statutory duties, and now many are warning they will have no choice but to shore up day-to-day services through unsustainable measures such as dipping into reserves or selling off assets
“Government ears cannot stay deaf to the repeated warning bells on social care which are clamouring after fallout from the Budget and today’s ADASS survey Not only does ADASS lay out the sector s vul-
nerability the report shows how the sector is fundamental to realising the government s major shifts in health and care – but to do that it must be supported via meaningful long-term financial support instead of sporadic short-term handouts that simply do not go far enough
The social care provider organisation the Independent Care Group (ICG) said that would only mean one thing – fewer people getting the care they need
It urged the government to switch money from the NHS to social care urgently to tackle the ongoing crisis in the sector Currently, 2m people are living with an unmet care need
ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: The results of the ADASS survey make grim reading for the social care sector Councils running out of money can only result in less care being commissioned and lower prices paid for what care councils do buy
All of that spells clear and present danger for social care – and that is before the impact of the rise in employer’s National Insurance and increases in the National Living and Minimum wages come into force
Government after government have all turned a blind eye to the crisis in social care and to endless reports like today s from ADASS which have warned of increasing problems
“Some 14 health secretaries and 17 social care ministers have come and gone in the past 20 years and we have seen endless reports commissions and strategies come and go without any meaningful change
This new Government will need to act switch resources into social care from the NHS immediately, so that councils can keep commissioning care otherwise the 2m who currently can t get care will be 3m and then 4m before you know it
We need the Government to visit the frontline of care see the crisis for themselves and take action Those of us in social care are sick of saying we are in crisis’ something has to give ”
The ICG says extra funding is needed to keep social care afloat It argues that the Government must support social care to succeed in its proposals to reform and improve the NHS as it is impossible to reform one without supporting the other
The Government is committed to a 10-year plan for the NHS which includes switching from hospital to community and from sickness to prevention ” Mr Padgham added “That requires sufficient social care to be available otherwise that plan will be in tatters and people who are stuck in hospital beds due to a lack of social care will be staying there ” Responding to the publication of the ADASS Autumn Survey 2024 Sarah Walter, director of the NHS Confederation s Integrated Care Systems Network (ICS) said: “NHS leaders understand that they cannot improve performance or achieve some of the government s key ambitions without a functioning social care system These latest findings will be particularly worrying for ICSs which are working in partnership with local government to tackle health inequalities, improve population health and drive forward the government s three shifts
“Our recent State of ICS report found that over three-quarters of ICB and ICP chairs were concerned that financial challenges in the NHS and local government will impact their ability to deliver on their ambitions and negatively impact partnership working This shows that our members understand that the worsening state of local government finances could have a knock-on impact on the NHS
“Social care is also a critical part of getting patients out of hospital and keeping patients well at home So any worsening of council budgets could lead to further bottlenecks at the back door of hospitals which makes it harder for A&E to admit patients to wards and can cre-
A resident at a Lytham St Annes home has described turning 102 years old as blooming amazing
Neville lives at MHA Starr Hills and celebrated her 102nd birthday with an afternoon tea party in the summer house at the home
Mollie was born in Leeds in 1922 and was a dancer in her younger days She spent the morning opening her presents whilst spending time with her friends before the afternoon party
The home offers residential care and support for up to 36 people Speaking after the party Mollie said: “Oh yes I had a lovely birthday, I had several of my friends who came and we had the summerhouse!
“It was lovely, really nice and special to have happy faces around me!
ate long ambulance handover delays
“We welcome the £600 million investment for social care announced in the Budget but also know the sector often lacks the workforce that it needs to provide services The government s commitment to put local government onto multi-year funding settlements will also help That is why we ve been calling on the government to commit to funding and delivering a workforce plan and reforms for the social care sector which will work in tandem with the government s plans for the NHS ”
Head of Practice and Workforce at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, Suhailah Mohamed said:
The lack of funding for social care is a huge concern – especially as the situation seems to have got worse since the spring Social care services, which include occupational therapists provide support for people at home so that they can continue to lead meaningful lives With the right support at home there will be fewer people reaching crisis point and needing to be admitted to hospital So there would be less pressure on NHS services particularly important as we come into the winter
‘Funding and resources need to be reallocated so we can do more with what little there is That means moving more occupational therapists into community settings so they can help people recover after a hospital stay prevent them going back in again and ideally prevent them being admitted in the first place
‘Investment in the social care workforce is critical – more investment and more focus on recruitment and retention is vital This would allow us to help those accessing social care services manage their symptoms and do the activities they want need and love to do in life And support them to live in homes that are safe and suited to their abilities ’
Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) responded;
This report is the latest in a series highlighting the scale of the “ongoing and intensifying pressures facing adult social care Its release comes exactly a week after the Government’s Autumn Budget which left us disappointed by the disparity between NHS and social care funding and concerned by rising care costs
The increasing level and complexity of care needs means that councils are struggling to fulfil their legal obligations to individuals accessing care and support and their carers and yet the Government is asking them to make substantial savings With almost a half of councils with social care responsibilities likely to apply for financial support in the coming years without action there will be implications for the quality and availability of care and support services
“The foundations for a robust National Care Service are currently unstable Whilst the review of Carers Allowance and the introduction of a Fair Pay Agreement are significant steps forward, social care runs as a golden thread through many of the Government s ambitions
Refocusing the system from sickness to prevention and hospital to community as well as the success of the 10-year health plan are all contingent upon a healthy thriving social care sector This starts with reviewing the current funding frameworks such as the Better Care Fund and funding settlements
“Beyond funding, we need to find new ways to deliver social care more efficiently and effectively such as through new care models and digital innovation The spreading and scaling of innovation create new avenues for stabilising the sector One example is digital solutions that provide local information and support to unpaid carers We stand ready to work with the Government to help deliver their vision for the social care sector and drive the change required
“She was excited for her birthday she knew when it was and was overjoyed when she saw her presents
“She thanked everyone who bought her a gift as well as the staff and residents
She said she really enjoyed the afternoon tea in the summer house and really enjoyed the cat themed card she got as she loves all animals, but especially cats
It really was a great day and one that we are all very humbled to have shared with Mollie ”
Alain Fadonougbo and Mark Jeffries at Upton Bay care home in Hamworthy have beaten all the competition to be crowned National Chef of the year and Health and Safety Champion in the Barchester Care Awards 2024 The Barchester Care Awards celebrate the staff who go the extra mile for the benefit of the 13 500 residents living in Barchester’s 262 care homes and private hospitals across the country Categories range from Team of the Year’ and ‘Carer of the Year to ‘Dementia Care Champion and Activities Coordinator of the Year’
homes and hospitals across the UK All entries were a
named the national winner,
team I hope all our
enjoy my dishes and look forward to serving many more in the future”
Alain and Mark’s wins were announced at a special national award ceremony which took place on October 23 to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Barchester’s many exemplary staff members who work tirelessly to deliver the best care to their residents and patients every day
General Manager Mevin Sohorye said: “This is an amazing achievement and the whole home is so proud of both Alain and Mark They both are very dedicated to the Upton Bay family and we feel they provide exceptional service to our residents”
Dr Pete Calveley CEO of Barchester Healthcare, added: “Hosting the Barchester Care Awards where we
their hard work and dedication is without doubt
the world and I couldn t be prouder of each and every one of
amazing ”
to perform vital services to our society With a looming retirement wave due to more than a third of workers over the age of 45 set to retire within the next decade attracting younger talent has never been more critical
Encouraging Gen-Z to see Care as a viable fulfilling career – rather than a temporary stop-gap – is essential
Gen-Z is made up of young professionals born between 1997 and 2012 The challenge in attracting and retaining this demographic is evident in the average turnover rate for those with less than one year of experience in the sector (currently 43 7%)
As Mark Burrows Deputy CEO of Southport Education Group explains "Social care is a vital component of the UK’s health ecosystem and the current and future demand for skilled professionals in this sector is rapidly growing For our Gen-Z learners, careers in Care not only offer meaningful, impactful work but also provide sustainable, long-term career growth ”
Despite the essential nature of social Care Gen-Z often views the field through a lens clouded by misconceptions: limited pay slow career progression and an association with emotional and physical strain
Additionally awareness of the variety of roles available within Care is often low among young people
To break down these perceptions recruiters must showcase the social impact and adaptability of Care roles emphasising how these roles align with Gen-Z s preference for flexibility work-life balance and purpose-driven work
To spark interest among younger people to pursue a career in Care, the UK government launched its "Made with Care" campaign in 2021 This campaign, which runs across social and broadcast media, highlights the personal rewards of Care work, emphasises flexible job roles, and promotes core values like compassion and resilience
To reach Gen-Z advertising and social media strategies must be targeted and purposeful
Campaigns should focus on the idea of a meaningful occupation prioritising content that highlights the diversity of roles which can be shared through the honest testimonials of colleagues from a variety of backgrounds
By Niko Phillips Director, UK Care for TERN Group
Furthermore, marketing Care roles as opportunities to incorporate personal interests can be effective For instance, incorporating art pet therapy and intergenerational activities with children has become a valuable part of elderly Care practices Care homes have reported that engaging residents in such programmes boost self-esteem physical strength and social interaction Highlighting these meaningful aspects of Care work can play a role in attracting new talent to the industry
Additionally government funding has been allocated to support training and career progression helping to make Care an appealing long-term profession with growth opportunities
The high turnover rate in Care underscores challenges to retention Retaining Gen-Z domestic workers requires a focus on recruiting the right talent and fostering a workforce culture that supports growth, personal fulfilment and career development Burrows, a thought leader in national skills education provides a solution to the challenges of building a domestic skills pipeline for the sector He mentions, “By engaging emerging talent with hands-on experience and by highlighting the essential role they can play in society, we can hope to build a robust, long-term pipeline of dedicated professionals to meet the evolving needs of the sector "
Retaining Gen-Z in Care requires investment in training career progression opportunities and a supportive work environment Emphasising flexibility in shifts particularly to accommodate studies or personal commitments can help Providing mental health support and pathways for promotion within the organisation also encourages longevity in the role
Although the statistics for workforce vacancies in Care seem dire we do have several immediate tools at our disposal to address these needs According to the 2024 Skills for Care report, 185,000 overseas workers have joined the sector since March 2022
International recruitment can help provide a buffer to stabilise staffing levels as we work to recruit more domestic talent With a more resilient workforce as a result of ethical international recruitment, increased resources can be funnelled into recruitment and training programmes which can strengthen the pipeline over the longer term
Moreover international recruitment brings valuable diversity to the workforce a key draw for Gen-Z who value inclusivity and the innovation that arises from working with colleagues from a wide variety of backgrounds
By reimagining how we present Care roles to align with Gen-Z s values creating a supportive environment the sector can attract a new generation of skilled dedicated professionals
General Manager Razvan Nica said: This is an amazing achievement and the whole home is so proud of him We are also so delighted for Harold; he is such a star and we knew he would win Everyone is so excited for him and we couldn’t think of a more worthy winner!
Dr Pete Calveley, CEO of Barchester Healthcare, added: Hosting the Barchester Care Awards where we recognise and thank all of our staff for their hard work and dedication is without doubt my favourite day of the year We have the best teams in the world and I couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of our members of staff they are all absolutely amazing ”
them Care home managers at Elmfield Care (www elmfieldcare co uk) a leading care home provider with homes in Salisbury Chippenham, and Lydney, offer their advice on how to boost resident confidence
“Empower your residents to make their own choices and complete tasks themselves Rachel Gittins Flowers Manor Care Home Lifestyle Manager shares “We try to encourage our residents to take the lead as much as they can this autonomy helps our residents feel more in control over their lives and confident in their decisions and themselves
“It’s important to note that we have residents of all abilities and independence is a spectrum Care home staff need to find the balance between offering support and encouraging residents to be independent Every approach we have for care home residents is personalised to each resident which plays a vital role in helping them be more confident in their abilities ”
“We find all our residents have different interests and hobbies so we try to personalise these as much as possible for our residents ” Bartosz Turewicz Nodens Manor Care Home Manager shares
“Hobbies can provide residents with structure to their days and can help them focus on something they enjoy which provides residents with a feeling of control and direction
“At Elmfield Care each home has an activity calendar which is shared each month with our residents and their families so residents know what’s coming up and can decide on what activities they want to join
“Homes need to have an individual approach when it comes to hobbies to make sure each residents interests are catered for and
are for all abilities
Emily Luckhurst Old Sarum Manor Care Home Manager shares: “Socialising is important for our mental and emotional well-being To help our residents feel more confident we encourage them to take part in our organised events that are chosen based on the range of interests and abilities our residents have This encourages them to make friendships and connect with the other residents too ”
We also arrange regular trips out in our local area so our residents are regularly getting out as staying in can feel isolating for some residents
Bartosz Turewicz adds Encouraging care home residents to exercise has many benefits Including making them feel more confident in themselves
“At Elmfield we have a range of exercises across all abilities Exercise helps strengthen muscles improves balance and increases stamina Which helps our residents complete everyday tasks easier and allows them to maintain more independence It also gives our residents a sense of accomplishment that helps boost their confidence ”
Emily continues “Just like anyone else our residents love the feeling of being pampered and cared for which is why supplying beauty treatments is so important
We also find appearance can play a huge part of how we see ourselves so having beauty treatments such as hair styling and manicures can help our residents feel more like themselves which helps boost their confidence
Likewise it also gives our residents the chance to chat with the stylist and other residents which can help their mood and reduce feelings of isolation Overall beauty treatments go further than just the physical appearance of our residents but also help their mental and emotional well being ”
It will come as a surprise to no one that care is approached differently, in different parts of the world
Cultural differences make an enormous difference In France there are dementia villages without boundaries to the surrounding town but through design the residents stay put and people from town come in to enjoy shared experiences with them
In Japan, where there are simply not enough younger people to look after the elderly they have devised clever design strategies which allow them to operate with lower staff ratios than we generally employ in the West The concept of an information hub related specifically to care retirement and dementia interiors led to the development of the ThirdAge Design podcast and website with listeners in 63 countries Why was this necessary?
The breadth of this topic is enormous, and operators, designers and architects are generally time-poor
The Universities of Sterling Newcastle and Hertfordshire are wellrespected in conducting research but
a wider breadth of information available from other countries which we might adapt to suit UK needs
Generally this must be accessed via individual academic portals to which you must subscribe which can be both time consuming and expensive Simply put, the research tends not go to the people who can implement the work
Supported by Wissner-Bosserhoff The Third Age Design (TAD) provides an interactive international community hub for care retirement and dementia design with transcripts translated into 12 languages in addition to English The hub subscription is free by signing-up at www thirdage design where the podcast can also be accessed in addition to all usual podcast platforms Topics include: the impact of AI on care settings, elegant bariatric design, and ‘Design Rules and How to
The Living well with dementia - better community provision for all report from national volunteering organisation Royal Voluntary Service and the University of Birmingham reveals over a third (37%) of people caring or who have cared for loved ones with dementia have been offered no support to help them cope since diagnosis
For nearly one in three (30%) respondents dementia is a lonely journey, with nobody, be it a professional, family member or friend, to turn to for advice or assistance
This lack of support is having a devastating impact the report reveals Carers surveyed report feeling heartbroken (40%), helpless (35%), isolated (27%) and unable to cope (26%) For over one in five (22%) respondents their situation has made them consider if life is worth living
On the back of these stark figures Royal Voluntary Service is calling for urgent action to plug gaps in service provision to enable more people to live well with dementia nationwide And the charity believes that alongside increased funding volunteers could hold the key to creating more vital capacity
Royal Voluntary Service s report sets out to understand more about how those affected by dementia are impacted and explores the availability and effectiveness of non-medical support such as activity and support groups
It combines analysis drawn from a specially commissioned survey of 1 000 UK unpaid carers of people living with dementia a separate public opinion poll of 2 000 GB adults a literature review by Dr Richard Elsworthy research fellow at the University of Birmingham and primary data from users of Royal Voluntary Service s dementia support groups including people living with dementia and their carers
The study indicates a significant deficit in external dementia support being offered to carers and their loved ones after diagnosis with avail-
ability varying according to where they live However when support is accessed the study shows it can be really beneficial
Key findings include:
Over half (51%) of all caregivers surveyed (1) (growing to 92% of caregivers aged 55+) believe there’s not enough support available to carers of loved ones with dementia
• For those offered support this is most commonly a referral to a local dementia support group (49%) followed by non-medical NHS support (42%) (1) Royal Voluntary Service impact studies highlight the value of this type of in-person support Over a three to six month period 81% of attendees with caring responsibilities at Royal Voluntary Service dementia groups noticed improvements in their loved ones including positive changes in mood (63%) appetite (19%) attention (22%) and wellbeing (57%)3 98% of caregivers attending said they too had benefitted (3)
Existing studies also suggest these group interactions provide opportunities to learn from others which can significantly enrich relationships between people with dementia and their caregivers (4)
However locality is a major barrier Over a fifth (22%) of carers surveyed (1) say the support offered was a long distance away and/or hard to reach The same number state the journey made it impossible to attend For nearly half (49%), the signposted support was four or more miles away
This location challenge is reflected amongst attendees of Royal Voluntary Service’s dementia groups: 56% of people accessing our services report limited provisions in their local area (5)
High demand for support The majority (63%) of caregivers surveyed (1) say they and their loved one would benefit from the help of a dementia service run by professionals and volunteers with 42% wanting more access to respite and/or support from other carers in a similar situation
Dr Rachel Fox, national dementia development manager at Royal Voluntary Service
Said: Dementia is a growing challenge with rates expected to rise to 1 4 million by 2040 The impacts are far-reaching and with no effective medical treatment yet available, it’s becoming increasingly crucial to offer more support to all those affected Worryingly our study shows too many are subject to receiving whatever is available in their local area or simply have no support at all
We need to put an end to this limited and unequal service provision often situated miles away from home and which is leaving so many people living with dementia and their caregivers without anyone to turn to Increased funding combined
with a mass mobilisation of volunteers would enable services like ours to be rapidly upscaled and expanded for the benefit of more dementia communities across Britain
On the back of the findings Royal Voluntary Service has made a series of recommendations to support the growth of dementia services in Britain This includes an appeal for greater investment, and crosssector collaboration, to facilitate a scaling-up of vital community support and an invitation for medical and academic researchers and experts including those with lived experience to team up to conduct original research that will help maximise the effectiveness of services
Prevent ever yday wear and tear with Yeoman Shield’s extensive range of easy-clean, wall and door protection
Our attractive, maintenance free, hygienic products protect healthcare environments from costly impact damage, making repainting and repair a thing of the past
Blending with decors, and available in primar y dementia-friendly colours, our designs can include signage, to promote the well-being of patients and aid wayfinding
But we don’t stop at walls Our Fire Door Ser vices are specially designed to offer an extra layer of safety in care settings From regular inspections and repairs to complete replacements, Yeoman Shield’s fire door ser vices help you meet all relevant safety regulations, giving you peace of mind
By Matthew Newnham, Partner, Employment Team, Birketts and Sara-Michelle
There have been many news items in the media recently about the UK health and care sector and their reliance on international employees who require UK work visas
It is generally accepted that these international employees and their employers make a valuable contribution to the UK s care industry, which, as is frequently reported, is in urgent need of more workers However even this valuable contribution does not save employers who breach their sponsor duties from having their sponsor licence revoked by the Home Office Prestwick Care Ltd s story is a timely reminder of the Home Office s approach to immigration sponsor compliance in care homes Prestwick Care is reported to have had over 200 employees who held a Skilled Worker visa in the Health and Care Worker visa sub-category All of them were sponsored via the Company s sponsor licence granted to them by the Home Office previously Over time visa compliance requirements have transferred from sitting directly with the Home Office to delegation on to employers via the sponsor licence regime There is now a long list of duties that employers being granted a sponsor licence need to fulfil The majority of the duties are around running genuine recruitment processes reporting changes to the organisation and sponsored employees circumstances complying with minimum skill and salary requirements, and general compliance with other UK laws (for example employment and tax)
In Prestwick Care’s case the Home Office identified shortcomings in several areas of sponsor compliance such as:
Some employees were not undertaking the duties declared to the Home Office on their Certificate of Sponsorship (COS), making them question whether there was ever a genuine vacancy to start with Salaries paid were lower than those declared on employees COSs and no explanation as to why was provided (bearing in mind that salaries must not drop below a certain prescribed level);
Insufficient sick pay being paid;
Clawing back of immigration costs which must not be passed onto the employee (such as the COS fee and Immigration Skills Charge);
Lack of processes to effectively monitor sponsored migrants and their circumstances; and
• Shortfalls in the record keeping requirements in relation to each employee
In combination they were sufficient for the Home Office to decide that Prestwick Care could not manage its sponsor duties adequately, and therefore should have its sponsor licence revoked
The Company asked the High Court to consider the consequences to society if it was to lose its sponsor licence and over 200 employees were to lose their right to work and ability to look after vulnerable residents with next to no warning or time to adjust care arrangements Of course 200+ employees who generally had no part in the non-compliance would also lose their sponsorship and livelihood and would either have to try and find a new visa sponsor switch to another visa category or leave the UK within a very short period of time (usually 60 days)
However, the High Court was not swayed by the ‘greater good’ argument, or any argument advanced in relation to the impact on the business and its employees It decided that the Home Office s duty was to ensure that sponsors complied with their responsibilities, and where they did not, that they accepted the consequences of their actions
It is estimated that well over 100 social care employers lost their sponsor licences in 2022 and 2023 due to non-compliance with their sponsor duties resulting in nearly 3 000 workers losing their immediate sponsorship All of these issues have resulted in the Home Office now requiring health and care providers in England to register with the Quality Care Commission before they can obtain a sponsor licence and/or sponsor new migrants for a Health and Care Worker visa
It is prudent to remember that the various sponsor duties apply to every business holding a sponsor licence regardless of size or industry Businesses and those responsible for the proper administration of the sponsor licence (such as the Authorising Officer, for example), need to ensure they are fully versed in their responsibilities and how they are actually being discharged within the organisation If there is doubt that all bases are adequately covered it is always a good idea to ask an immigration services provider to undertake a mock audit That way issues can be identified and rectified before the Home Office discovers them out during a compliance and enforcement visit
be long lost
unique addition provides excellent value and a fully robust training package
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The company stands behind a clear mission and set of values which define their ethos and their dedication to both the Care Sector and those within it These can be viewed at: Mission Statement and Core Values - Social Care TV (www social-care tv/about/mission-statement-and-core-values) Social Care TV are a responsible business committed to ensuring that their actions have a positive impact on their employees, customers, the wider health and social care community and the environment
Above all SCTV consistently strive to make a
Harcourt Gardens, Harrogate
• Mayfield View, Ilkley
• Seacroft Grange, Leeds
• Seacroft Green, Leeds
last 22 years
To mark the occasion the home arranged for Suzie to be presented with her certificate
The home provides dementia nursing care for 70 residents
Speaking after the presentation Suzie said: “I knew the 25th anniversary was coming It s been a very rewarding and pleasurable jour-
ney and one that I am very proud of
“I love my job, I love where I work and it was always a desire of mine to work at MHA Weston and Queensway
The home has a real homely feel to it and the staff and residents are great I still get to see them as much as I did when I was working in housekeeping and they are a huge reason as to why I am still here
“Having been here as long as I have, you just pick up things and chip in wherever you can to make sure everyone is happy “I am very confident this will be my last job and I will be here until I retire
New research by the Charity finds a third of people aged 65+ and almost a quarter of those aged 50-64 say they have been discriminated against due to their age
Age UK s new report spells out the reality of population ageing in our society, and what it is to be an older person living in it In so doing it confounds some of the outmoded myths and stereotypes that the Charity says are often holding us back from making the most both of our own later lives and of the asset that is our older population
The data-rich report Why we want to change how we age (ageuk org uk) is interactive and can be accessed here demonstrates how rapidly we are ageing as a society yet Age UK points out that we frequently seem in denial of this fact with successive governments unwilling to make the changes needed in response preferring instead to ‘kick the can down the road’
The Charity is launching an ambitious new five-year strategy after extensive consultation with older people and the Age UK network among many others Central to this strategy are ambitions around transforming public attitudes to ageing and older people; supporting older people to get the health and care they need; and tackling poverty and inequalities
The Charity also points out the irony of the fact that while our population is rapidly ageing ageism remains rife Shockingly, a third of people aged 65+ and almost a quarter of people aged 50 to 64 say they have experienced ageism This is equivalent to 6 1 million people aged 50+ saying they have had experiences ranging from being treated with less respect, to being threatened
Age UK s report also shows just how wide off the mark public attitudes often are as regards to how affluent the older population is today Significant reductions in pensioner poverty until the early 2010s have given way to a creeping increase despite policies such as the pensions triple lock with the result that there are now 1 9 million pensioners in poverty
While some pensioners are well off, many are struggling Big inequalities in pensioner incomes mean that only a minority have moderate or comfortable incomes (17% equivalent to 2 1 million) with most pensioners living on minimum incomes or in poverty (82%, equivalent to 9 7 million)
Age UK believes that as a country we aren t making the most of the great national asset that an older population provides It is estimated that by 2040 more than 40% of us will be aged over 50 and more than five million of us will be aged 80+ Sadly we do not yet have the infrastructure and services required to keep up with these growing numbers
The analysis and other work Age UK has carried out in the development of its new strategy has led the Charity to conclude not only that ageism is widespread but also that many of us are reluctant to contemplate the realities of getting older for our own lives The opportunity to take actions earlier, especially during mid-life which would increase our chances of a fulfilling later life are sometimes missed as a result because of the barriers either we or the society we live in put in our way This can mean that we start our later lives less resilient than we could be
In addition to the ageism experienced by millions of older people the report also highlights the wider range of challenges many face: loneliness poor health an unmet need for care and poverty are common experiences with many experiencing at least one of these challenges:
3 0 million people aged 65+ (28%) are facing one of these four challenges, 1 2 million (11%) are facing two
• and 400 000 (4%) are facing at least three challenges
Similarly the report shows that nearly one million older people across the UK often feel lonely
The report suggests that if we structured our response to population ageing in a more considered way the results would be much better, socially and economically and for older people and their families too Achieving this, the Charity says, is largely about deploying existing resources in slightly different ways and about changing attitudes It is also about understanding the important contributions that older people make to our society whether they are caring for loved ones working or volunteering in the community Each and every day there is an invisible army of older people making a difference by contributing in positive ways
Paul Farmer, CEO of AGE UK said: “Age UK wants to start a national conversation about ageing and hopes that by working shoulder to shoulder with older people we can make progress in transforming public attitudes helping everyone to get the most from their own later lives We don’t have to be ecstatic about getting older but nor should we be fearful or in denial We are much more likely to be happy and healthy if we see ageing instead as a fact of life – for those of us fortunate to live long enough to experience it
We also need to think more about ageing as a country and how best to respond to it and within Government, business and other sectors too If we don’t, we are sleepwalking into a national crisis, and we can no longer ignore the facts or consequences of inaction Along with climate change and the technology revolution, ageing is one of the big global trends that is increasingly impacting on us
Age UK wants to change how we age so that all older people can live the lives they want to We will always be there for the older people who need help but we need to also remember the vital contribution they bring in myriad ways Society can play a huge role in how we view ageing and older people in our communities and consequently how we feel about our own ageing when our turn comes By changing society s views for the better, we hope that future generations can arrive in later life better prepared for the challenges that ageing can bring and with more opportunities to get the most from it Our end goal must be for older people to be valued and included – we have to change how we age ”
Caroline Abrahams Charity Director at Age UK said:
“The realities of older people s lives are often misunderstood with too much reliance placed on stereotypes that are out of date The fact is that there is increasing diversity among our big and growing older population within which some are doing well but others are seriously struggling As a Charity we are committed to doing more to help those who really do need us, whether that’s because of low income, loneliness, an unmet health and care need or some other challenge But the fact is that all of us stand to gain from a more balanced and informed view of ageing and of older people, and our country stands to benefit too, given how readily we seem to write off the enormous contributions people make in their fifties sixties and beyond –contributions we can ill afford to do without ”
Age UK Ambassador Dame Helen Mirren adds Ageing happens to us all but as we get older life can get tougher Many will start to be treated differently which can not only be very upsetting but also unfair
“Everybody regardless of their age should feel included and valued and that is what Age UK is striving to achieve This is an ambitious but truly important challenge as things need to change and it s in all our interests to ensure that older people are respected and treated as the individuals that they are ”
The pobroll® is the invention of Pat O’Brien, a physiotherapist, Moving and Handling trainer and Conflict Management tutor with over two decades of experience in care homes and nursing homes
Care home managers often face challenges in delivering intimate care while balancing efficiency and managing costs, particularly when these essential tasks provoke behaviours that can be challenging to safely manage Traditional methods especially for bed-bound residents often lead to lengthy processes and frequent linen changes driving up costs and consuming valuable staff time The pobroll® provides a transformative solution that supports dignified care achieves significant cost savings and reduces the need for additional staffing
The pobroll® is an innovative bed-bathing wrap specifically designed to enhance comfort and dignity during personal washing for individuals who require in-bed care Centred on the resident’s experience it minimizes distress by providing sensory comfort Crafted with two layers of high-quality cotton-terry toweling and a waterproof layer in between it delivers a soothing calming experience while keeping the bed completely dry Sized for a standard single bed, the pobroll® s dual-layer design offers warmth and a sense of security and privacy allowing residents to maintain comfort and dignity during bed-based bathing routines
The pobroll®'s waterproof design enables caregivers to provide a complete wet wash without the risk of soaking the bed minimising the need for frequent linen changes This leads to fewer laundry loads reducing labour and utility costs as well as wear on linens By reducing logistical tasks caregivers have more time to focus on direct resident care enhancing productivity overall Additionally reduced reliance on disposable wipes results in further cost savings and supports environmentally sustainable practices
With its durable reusable design the pobroll® maintains hygiene standards and allows for extended use across multiple residents As care homes face increased pressure to adopt sustainable practices the pobroll® provides an effective solution that supports both economic and environmental goals
Managing resident agitation particularly for those with dementia often requires specialised training in restraint techniques The pobroll® significantly reduces the need for physical intervention by providing a warm secure covering that alleviates resident distress This gentle approach minimizes aggressive or defensive reactions reducing the number of staff needed for these interactions As a result, facilities can potentially lower staffing levels without compromising care quality yielding substantial cost savings
Additionally reduced dependence on physical intervention decreases training costs associated with restraint techniques By simplifying the process of intimate care the pobroll® reduces the need for specialised training making onboarding smoother and lowering turnoverrelated training expenses
The pobroll® supports compliance with restraint reduction guidelines helping facilities minimise documentation burdens and regulatory liabilities linked to physical interventions This non-invasive solution
improves safety for both residents and caregivers, fostering a culture of dignity and respect that boosts satisfaction among residents and their families
For care homes, the pobroll® represents a strategic investment, offering measurable savings by reducing reliance on disposable products, lowering laundry and training costs, and enabling efficient staffing Most importantly it prioritises resident dignity and comfort setting a high standard for compassionate, person-centred care For facilities seeking to enhance financial performance and care quality the pobroll® is an invaluable addition to their resources
The pobroll® is the invention of Pat O’Brien, a physiotherapist, Moving and Handling trainer and Conflict Management tutor with over two decades of experience in care homes and nursing homes Pat's focus has been on individuals who are frail receiving end-of-life care and often grappling with dementia-related challenges
Throughout her experience of working alongside carers in Nursing and Care homes Pat identified a common issue during personal care routines particularly bed baths where individuals with dementia would frequently experience distress agitation and discomfort leading to compromised hygiene standards and heightened caregiver stress
Recognising the fundamental right to cleanliness and comfort Pat embarked on a mission to devise a solution that could mitigate these challenges and enhance the overall care experience for all concerned
The result is the pobroll® hailed as a “game-changer” for those requiring care in bed
Selected as one of their 2023 Accelerator partners, the Alzheimer’s Society recognised the potential of the pobroll® to transform the bed bathing experience for individuals living with dementia and their families Pat is currently being supported by the Alzheimer s Society Innovation team as she moves forward with getting this new innovation to market
and the joy of their cultural heritage
The week-long Navratri festivities brought the vibrant traditions of garba dancing colourful decor and delicious, authentic vegetarian meals prepared by the home s skilled culinary team With each day the home transformed into a lively and colourful space filled with music dance and festive attire that captured the rich spirit of Navratri Residents and staff dressed in their best ethnic wear joyfully participating in the dances and celebrations creating a palpable energy that everyone could feel Known as the festival of lights Diwali was celebrated with the soft glow of diyas intricate rangoli designs and traditional prayers that offered moments of reflection and peace Residents and their fami-
lies gathered to share stories and sweets recreating memories from years past and fostering new ones filled with connection and love Home Manager Bijoy Philip reflected on the significance of the celebrations, saying, “Celebrating festivals like Navratri and Diwali is essential at Kailash Manor It’s an opportunity to bring our residents together creating moments of happiness and connection that feel just like home These celebrations remind us of the shared bonds that make us a family
For Resident UP, the celebrations brought a special joy It was wonderful to celebrate with everyone here Wearing my favourite saree and dancing with friends reminded me of my younger days I feel blessed to be part of this family she shared warmly
Relatives also cherished the experience with SS sharing his gratitude: I m so thankful to the staff for making these celebrations so special It means the world to my mother to be part of the traditions she loves Seeing her happy and engaged in these familiar rituals is a true gift
Britain s oldest nurse Daisy Richards was among the stars of the social care Oscars in Wales
Daisy 84 who qualified in 1958 and is still going strong with no plans to retire struck gold at the prestigious Wales Care Awards in Cardiff organised by Care Forum Wales and hosted by TV and radio presenter Jason Mohammad
She was among a quartet of winners of the blue riband Dignity in Care Award which is sponsored by the Welsh Government
The other recipients were trainer Sophie Smith from the Pendine Park care organisation in Wrexham; Olivia Ferrari Hospital Director at Heatherwood Court in Pontypridd; and Natalie Grant of Options Autism in Flintshire
There was double delight for Daisy who works at the Fairways Newydd Nursing and Dementia Care Home in Llanfairpwll on Anglesey because she was also awarded a bronze in Outstanding Service category
Humble Daisy conceded that picking up the gold award was “a bit of an achievement at the age of 84”
She said: “I m still in a state of shock at getting the gold award to be honest, I still don’t think it has registered
“The thing is, I really still enjoy my job, every bit of it, I enjoy every day at work looking after the dementia patients
“And I really think it s true that age is only a number ”
Welsh Health Minister who presented the Dignity in Care awards said: It s been really inspiring seeing the winners come on stage and being acknowledged for the incredible work they do
Can I thank Care Forum Wales and also take this opportunity personally to thank the entire social care workforce in all parts of Wales for the incredible work that you do
It is really important to acknowledge the contribution that people in this room and beyond are making day in day out and to celebrate the
kindness and compassion and putting the individual at the heart of absolutely everything that you do which is so fundamental ”
Meanwhile, Glyn Williams, a “heroic” former care home owner who built a military-style decontamination unit to keep his residents and staff safe during the Covid pandemic was presented with a Special Recognition Award
Ex-RAF man Glyn Williams, 63 who ran the Gwyddfor Residential Home in Bodedern in Anglesey until he retired earlier this year was described as a fearless and formidable champion of social care after the virus struck
As well using his knowledge of chemical nuclear and biological warfare to convert the home s atrium into a decontamination facility Glyn campaigned tirelessly for politicians to give more financial support to the sector as it battled the deadly disease
The award was presented by Mario Kreft MBE the chair of Care Forum Wales who said: There were thousands of Covid warriors who
rose magnificently to the unprecedented challenge but Glyn was undoubtedly our Top Gun ”
“He was a fearless and formidable advocate not only on behalf of his own residents and staff but also for the social care sector as a whole
The Spirit of Care Award went to a married couple who have cared for twin brothers with significant additional needs for nearly 30 years
Gary and Michelle Jones who live at Bedlinog near Merthyr Tydfil also won gold in the Outstanding Service category
“I didn’t expect the second award at all ” said Michelle “but it was very nice to be recognised There are many people, not just Gary and me who care for others in their own homes and it was humbling to receive not one but two awards
There were joint gold winners of the Sir Bryn Terfel Wales Care Award for Promoting Arts in Social Care TV actor and singer Emyr Gibson who s also a Creative Practitioner at Pendine Park s Bryn Seiont Newydd Care Home in Caernarfon
Residents and staff at Windmill House care home part of the Runwood Homes group gathered to celebrate a significant milestone as resident Yvonne marked her 104th birthday The festivities held on the 22nd of October brought together Yvonne s favourite things and reflected the deep appreciation the home has for this remarkable lady To make the day unforgettable Windmill House arranged a series of surprises based on Yvonne s personal passions The celebration began with a visit from Jack a beloved miniature pony who Yvonne adores Watching her interact with Jack brought immense joy to all present as she shared stories about her love of animals and her memories of horses
Yvonne’s love of her Scottish roots was celebrated with a surprise bagpipe performance filling Windmill House with the soulful sound of the Highlands Residents gathered around as the familiar tunes played and many shared warm smiles as Yvonne clearly moved chatted fondly about her heritage It was a touching moment for all as Yvonne s joy sparked lively conversations bringing everyone a little closer as they connected over the music and her cherished memories of Scotland
The party concluded with live entertainment and delicious treats as Yvonne was joined by fellow residents and staff members for an afternoon filled with laughter and music Family members were also present making the event a wonderful intergenerational celebration that created lasting memories
By Sally Tabbner, Chief Executive, Dementia Support
The cost of dementia care in the UK is predicted to rise from £34 7 billion in 2019 to a staggering £94 1 billion by 2040 And the number of people living with dementia is predicted to rise to over 1 6 million by 2040 with dementia now named as the leading cause of death in the UK
Despite this, many people affected by dementia still feel that access to help and support preceding and following a diagnosis is in short supply The outlook for the coming years is a concern; but, for people with access to Sage House Tangmere in West Sussex the story is a different one Sage House Tangmere was opened in 2018 by a local charity Dementia Support Dementia Support was set up a few years before when the original founders felt that more help should be provided for people affected by dementia in the local area
As the only one of its kind in the country, it brings a full range of integrated services and partners under one roof including information advice, guidance the NHS dementia assessment service, legal advice, activities, respite day care, and wellbeing services Since its launch the charity has proven agile and adaptable by moulding to the needs of the community and its customers
The Sage House support provision can start pre-diagnosis where people who suspect they might have dementia can come for information and advice as well as accessing diagnostic services operated onsite by the local NHS Mental Health Trust This support spans the entire dementia journey with care partners still having access even after their loved one has passed away
Following the success of the Sage House Tangmere Centre of Excellence, Dementia Support has captured its methodology and packaged it into a Toolkit to support other regions who want to improve dementia care and support Other counties in England already have plans underway working in partnership with
the team at Dementia Support to replicate the model, with all the tools, advice and support available to help them make it happen
An academic evaluation carried out over 18 months by the University of Chichester’s Cognitive Ageing and Dementia Laboratory found that the Sage House Model saved £1 722 per person each year when compared to the standard cost of care
On top of this – and more importantly - the study revealed that those using the Sage House Model experienced significantly greater Life Satisfaction (20% higher) Wellbeing (16%) and Quality of Life (10%) than the standard care model
With 1 in 2 of us likely to be affected by dementia in our lifetime and the numbers of people living with dementia predicted to rise exponentially, the Sage House Model can save the government billions over the coming years In addition the report delivers convincing evidence that there is a significantly better way to support people living with dementia and their care partners
The model s connected structure enables effective integration between local healthcare provision and charity support services aligning well with the WHO definition of primary care by offering accessible ongoing and comprehensive support through coordinating specialised services that cover a range of common needs
By working in partnership with existing local services those replicating the Sage House Model in other parts of the UK can fill current gaps in dementia care and bring services together in one place so that people affected by dementia can have a familiar, friendly environment where they can access all the help and support that they need
If you would like to find out more about how the Sage House Model for dementia care could be replicated in your area get in touch with the Dementia Support team at nationalambitions@dementiasupport co uk or for more information and to download a copy of the Academic Evaluation carried out by the University of Chichester go to nap dementiasupport org uk You can also stay up to date with the latest developments by following the Dementia Support charity on Linked In
has created over 600 boxes in total creating between 10-15 per week and said the idea came to her when she was donating other goods she had knitted to Southmead Hospital She said: I witnessed a young mother receive her stillborn baby in a box and I felt so sorry for her Seeing this sparked
Hampton Care Home was recently chosen as a setting for the film Wake which premiered in London recently The gritty ten-minute short marks the writing and directorial debut of actor Alan McKenna who has starred in EastEnders, Emmerdale, Doctors Waterloo Road Happy Valley among many popular TV series Inspired by the experiences of a close friend, who is also Wake s executive director Alan was keen to use the genre of film to explore the theme of alcoholism and its effects on the person and their family
The main protagonist Mick lives in a care home and is becoming increasingly ill and erratic thanks to his addiction to alcohol Wheelchair bound he is looked after by keyworker Zoe and visited by his son Josh, who is visibly frustrated by his inability to influence his father s choices and by the one-sided nature of their relationship Mick and Zoe are played by seasoned TV and film actors Ian Burfield and Indra Ové with aspiring young newcomer Arthur Holmes as Josh Arthur is also the grandson of the executive director with first-hand experience of the ripple effects of alcoholism within a family Using a combination of real-time scenes and flashbacks the action takes place in the warm dry care home and, in a stark contrast, on and under a bridge on a stormy night The ending is intriguing and open to interpretation but the underlying message is clear: you cannot save another person but instead must learn to let go and live your own life
The key to the film is the relationship between father and
for the BEM by the Music Director of the choir after they were astounded by his continued support to the local community and wanted it to be recognised
A Chippenham home celebrated Diwali with its staff and residents with traditional activities
MHA The Fairways celebrated Diwali at the home, largely thanks to two staff members Babina and Namita who are of Hindu faith
The two prepared traditional Indian sweets and savouries as well as dressing in traditional attire and performing a traditional dance Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights
It symbolises the spiritual victory of Dharma over Adharma light over darkness good over evil and knowledge over ignorance
Residents enjoyed the festivities and got stuck in by producing and decorating lanterns
MHA The Fairways provide residential and residential dementia care for 60 people
Tracey Curd, administration manager said: “We had a great time cele-
brating Diwali
“We decorated one of the lounges where everything was Diwali themed Babina and Namita were amazing in preparing the food dressing up and doing a traditional dance
“This is the first time since I have been working here that we have celebrated Diwali and it was an enjoyable experience
The residents took to it really well preparing lanterns and enjoying the food
“Residents also had the opportunity to have a bindi put on their foreheads
For most of us Diwali is something we are aware of but didn t know what happened during this time so it was a valuable learning experience and one we hope to turn into a tradition at the home ”
Ray a resident at Hickathrift House had an incredible career in the Norfolk Police Force and always wanted to return to his favourite station, so staff at the home made his wish a reality by arranging a visit to Downham Market Police Station hosted by PCs Iain and Chris from the local policing team Ray has lived at Hickathrift House for almost a year and is beloved by staff and residents alike Staff at the home were delighted to be a part of making his dream come true as they knew how much it meant to him Ray s daughter and granddaughter also attended the trip as they wanted to be there to see the smile on Ray’s face when his dream was achieved Staff found out about Ray’s career when he first arrived at Hickathrift and through conversations with Ray and his family, it was clear how important this visit was to him Hickathrift House has a Post a Wish’ initiative is where residents can write their goals passions and meaningful things they d like to do and the team works on helping them complete these wishes throughout the year Through the Post A Wish initative the team set out to make Ray s dream of reliving his career a reality
with pride Shortly afterwards Ray expressed his interest to go to Downham Market and the Hickathrift team worked with PCs Chris and Iain to arrange this special trip
PC’s Ian and others were more than happy to welcome Ray, his loved ones and staff for a morning of swapping stories and sharing photographs over a cup of tea PC Ian and the Police Archivist found incredible photographs of Ray throughout his career and Ray s daughter and granddaughter brought his suitcase full of memories and memorabilia The whole group felt honoured to witness this momentous occasion and hear these incredible stories from Ray
At the end of the visit, PC Ian presented Ray with his own hat and Ray was thrilled to wear it once again Ray’s daughter Sue said: “Of course not smiling, like they didn’t do back in the day”
In response to this wonderful surprise Ray said:
“The trip has taken me back I remember so many stories so many faces I ve had a good career and met some good people along the way Thank you so much for bringing these memories back It s been great
It all started when PCs Chris and Iain from the local policing team visited Hickathrift House for a community coffee and chat with residents staff and locals in August The visit sparked incredible memories and stories for Ray and the officers shared photographs of him and found his retirement news article announcement which led to Ray beaming
Paula Colman General Manager at the home said: We believe that every moment is worth cherishing We want everyone we care for to know how important they are to us here at Hickathrift House It is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team here in making our residents’ dreams come true It was wonderful to see how happy Ray was – and the staff loved being a part of this as well ”
REM have been manufacturing furniture for the Hair & Beauty Sector for over 100 years and are now considered to be one of the largest manufacturers in both the UK & Europe Understanding the growing requirement for Care & Residential Home Salons, REM’s Design Team have produced the Pendle Care Range for the Small, Compact Care Home Salon For More
A spokesperson for The Stroke Association said:
is a
Rebuilding lives after a
Amazingly singing ability is often preserved in people with aphasia Join us for #Sing4Stroke and help stroke survivors find their voice again You can sing together or solo on World Stroke Day itself or on
effort It takes the determination
stroke survivors and carers, the generosity of supporters and the dedication of the healthcare and research communities to get there
Cat Brierley, Home Manager at HC-One’s Dove Court care home, remarked: It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves Thank you to BT call centre staff for taking the time out of their busy working week to volunteer ” Gloria Greenwood who lives at HC-One’s Dove Court care home stated: “I ve had an absolutely great time with great company
HC-One’s Dove Court care home resident, Margaret Drumond, remarked: “It was great fun ”
Shez Noor who volunteered for the afternoon from BT Companions said It was absolutely fantastic and an eye-opening experience ” Another volunteer Ella Walsh added: It was a lovely afternoon singing with the residents and making them smile ”
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Creating environments that support the wellbeing of individuals living with dementia requires thoughtful design and the right choice of colours Here, Dawn Scott, Senior Colour Designer at Dulux Trade, explains how colour can enhance care home settings by fostering a soothing and positive atmosphere.
To ensure care home residents are at ease and comfortable, it is vital that spaces feel homely and promote positivity and healing This can be achieved through design and selecting colours like the Dulux Colour of the Year for 2025, True Joy™, that offer uplifting qualities that are ideal for such settings True Joy™ can also be paired with tones from the accompanying Bold and Human colour stories to create standout schemes suited to every area of a care home:
become ‘washed out’, making it difficult to distinguish between different shades As a result, it is recommended to use contrasting colours across critical surfaces such as doors, walls, and ceilings to make it easier for people to move through a space For example True Joy™ is a saturated colour and would work especially well on a feature wall
To ensure the best results, Building Regulations Approved Document M vol 2 and British Code of Practice: BS83002:2018 - which can help to meet the Equality Act 2010say that critical surfaces must have a minimum visual contrast of 30 Light Reflectance Value (LRV) points LRV measures the percentage of visible and usable light reflected from a surface when illuminated by a light source
For example, painting doors and door frames in a different colour from the surrounding walls makes them easier to locate If you were to use Sapphire Salute on a door, you could use Sweet Embrace or Coarse Seashell on the walls, as these meet the minimum visual contrast of 30 Light Reflectance Value (LRV) points
Bold Colour Story: Inspired by the thrill of adventure, these bold colours bring spontaneity and energy to any space The colours in the Bold palette are a great choice in activity rooms and staff areas, as they can help to boost morale and energy and create a sense of positivity
Human Colour Story: Celebrating artisanal craftsmanship, these shades are inspired by raw materials used in handmade processes, including wood and clay The cooler tones found in this palette are ideal for bedrooms and staff areas as they evoke a sense of calm and comfort Pairing these colours with the positivity of True Joy™ creates a sense of calm optimism, helping residents, visitors, and staff feel more at ease
As well as colour choice, it is also important to think about placement Everyone uses colour to help with navigation and wayfinding, but this is especially important when designing spaces for aged living As we age, colours can
To help find suitable colours, Dulux Trade has named its shades using a notation system that includes the LRV of every colour For example, the Dulux Colour of the Year, True Joy™ has the following colour notation: 40YY 49/546 The first four letters and numbers refer to the colour hue, the next two numbers refer to the LRV and the final three digitals are the chroma (which is what makes a colour either intense or subtle, so the higher the number, the more intense it will be)
In conclusion, when redecorating care homes, it is essential to consider the colours used and their placement to aid wayfinding and independence True Joy™ and the Colour of the Year Specifier guide offer a comprehensive information on how to create environments that enhance the well-being of those living with dementia
For more information about True Joy™ and how Dulux Trade can support colour decisions in your care home, visit: duluxtrade.co.uk/cf25 and follow #CF25 on social media
The Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association has launched a campaign designed to spread the word about the importance of regulations when buying cleaning and hygiene chemicals
Compliance with formal UK Government European Union and industry-standard regulations is essential if buyers are to be certain product claims are legitimate and proven Adherence to regulations guarantee safety They underpin transparency and ensure consistency They support buyers informed decision making by providing a framework for comparison so a buyer really knows if they are getting the product or solution they need They also provide accountability giving buyers a route to recourse if needed In short they underwrite an ethical approach
Buyers and end users can also turn to regulations to be certain they are not misled by environmental claims in the rush toward sustainable solutions
Lorcan Mekitarian Chair of the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association said: Buyers and end users need to be able to trust the product and sales and marketing claims They need to be certain of the balance between efficacy and sustainability and they need to make sure they are using the right product for the job in hand They are not chemists however so may be misled by seductive sales and marketing messaging
“Our advice is to talk to your manufacturer and ask for evidence to support their claims This will come in the form of their technical data sheets, third party verifications and certifications and, importantly, proof of regulatory compliance ” Gobble-de-gook or undefined phrases to be wary of include: ‘non-renewable chemicals’ ‘chemical-free’ ‘natural’ ‘five times filtered water’ and ‘non-toxic’ ‘Biodegradable’ is also a confusing term As applied to cleaning products it is defined in current legislation (Detergent Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 and corresponding UK post Brexit legislation)
Something claiming to be organic should be certified by for example the Soil Association Net-zero claims should be based on the international net-zero standard (https://sciencebasedtargets org/net-zero) or another reliable third party verified certification
Every member of the CHSA has signed our rigorous Code of Practice, which demands our members trade ethically Amongst other stipulations it requires members to: conduct business dealings in an open honest fair and proper manner and in accordance with the laws rules and regulations of the UK and EU ensure all public statements made by and on behalf of the Member are decent honest and truthful ensure no false or exaggerated claims are made verbally in literature electronically or in any other way • hold and provide evidence on request for product and service claims particularly with reference to legislation certifications and accreditations
The CHSA Code of Practice also includes the Competition & Market’s Authority’s Green Claims Code Its principles are summarised as:
Claims must be truthful and accurate
Claims must be clear and unambiguous
Claims must not omit or hide important relevant information
Comparisons must be fair and meaningful
Claims must consider the full life cycle of the product or service
Claims must be substantiated
Finally every member of the CHSA s Accreditation Scheme for manufacturers of cleaning chemicals has signed the CHSA s own ethical marketing code
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MOWOOT II – proven solution to chronic constipation without medication
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Easy to use and comfortable the MOWOOT II treats and manages constipation in people with spinal cord injuries multiple sclerosis sufferers Parkinson’s Disease patients and people with constipation related to prescription medication MOWOOT II also helps to relieve idiopathic constipation experienced by menopausal and post-menopausal women
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MOWOOT II increased evacuation frequency softened stools, improved regularity, reduced gasses relieved bloating and eased off abdominal discomfort 10 to 20 minutes daily of relaxing abdominal massage with MOWOOT II rapidly reduces symptoms of constipation Evident results are experienced only a few days after the first treatment Regular abdominal massage with MOOWOOT II ensures lasting health benefits and better quality of life
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Our Integrity Static Cushions crafted with high-quality materials and innovative design are effective in preventing and managing pressure ulcers by redistributing pressure and minimising skin damage They feature a larger surface area that spreads the user's weight reducing pressure on specific points EasyGo patient lift and transfer chair addresses common issues found in traditional hoists which are often cumbersome and difficult to manoeuvre especially in tight spaces and require multiple staff members EasyGo simplifies the lifting and transferring process enhancing patient dignity and comfort It is designed to move between beds wheelchairs toilets and cars Additionally we have developed a patient transfer seat that can incorporate any Integrity Static Cushion providing optimal pressure relief during transfers
Pressure ulcers are largely preventable with the right approach Our goal is to make your job easier, allowing you to focus on exceptional care and improving residents' quality of life We offer comprehensive product training and support including inperson and online sessions detailed manuals quick-start guides and access to our support team for advice and updates on best practices in pressure ulcer prevention 01457 890 980 | sales@sumed co uk | www sumedinternational com See the advert on the back cover for further information
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NCCO International announces the launch of Task Manager an innovative food safety task management and temperature monitoring solution designed for the senior living and residential care home sector Task Manager addresses critical pain points in food safety compliance operational efficiency and resident satisfaction
Task Manager is a game-changer for the senior living industry said Karl Rose Managing Director of NCCO International, "Our system not only ensures compliance with food safety regulations but also enhances the quality of life for residents by guaranteeing safe and nutritious meals
Task Manager assists senior care facilities in adhering to local state, and federal food safety regulations aiming to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses among elderly residents By providing detailed record-keeping and log management Task Manager supports facilities in maintaining audit readiness facilitating health inspections and compliance checks
Task Manager automates temperature monitoring for refrigerators freezers and food storage areas to help maintain safe limits without manual checks The system organizes food safety-related tasks, such as cleaning schedules equipment maintenance and staff training to help ensure thoroughness With consistent monitoring Task Manager helps maintain the nutritional value and quality of stored and prepared food Real-time alerts for temperature deviations enable quick corrective actions, potentially preventing spoilage and ensuring residents receive high-quality meals For more information about Task Manager please visit www ncco eu or contact David Webster at dwebster@ncco com
Malnutrition remains a significant issue in care homes where the elderly are particularly vulnerable As a registered dietitian working in the community and in hospital wards often with elderly people who have experienced fall, I wish more people knew about the prevalence of malnutrition and how to combat it before they ended up in hospital
Recent statistics paint a stark picture: Around one in 10 people over the age of 65 are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition and this figure rises alarmingly to 45% among those in their 90s According to the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) malnutrition costs the UK approximately £23 5 billion annually with older adults being disproportionately affected
As the population ages addressing malnutrition and its associated complications, such as frailty and sarcopenia, becomes ever more critical By focusing on early detection and strategic nutritional interventions, including the use of protein, care homes can play a vital role in safeguarding the health of their residents
The first step in combating malnutrition is recognizing its early signs
The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) is a valuable resource for this purpose enabling caregivers to systematically assess the risk of malnutrition in residents by considering factors such as Body Mass Index (BMI) unintentional weight loss and the impact of acute illness on nutritional intake
1 Unintentional Weight Loss: A significant early indicator of malnutrition is unintentional weight loss Regularly monitoring residents' weight and comparing it to previous measurements is essential A loss of even 5% of body weight over a few months can signal malnutrition and warrants immediate attention
2 Decreased Appetite: A reduced appetite is often a precursor to malnutrition Residents may skip meals, eat smaller portions, or show a lack of interest in food It s important to understand the reasons behind these changes which could be linked to dental issues depression or medication side effects
3 Physical Changes: Signs such as muscle wasting thinning hair dry skin or dental problems may indicate nutritional deficiencies These physical symptoms are often subtle but crucial indicators of potential malnutrition
4 Fatigue and Weakness: Increased tiredness or difficulty performing daily activities can be related to inadequate nutrition This could also signal the onset of sarcopenia where the loss of muscle mass and strength makes everyday tasks increasingly challenging THE ROLE OF NUTRITION IN PREVENTING AND MANAGING FRAILTY
Frailty a condition characterized by decreased strength endurance and physiological function is closely linked to malnutrition and is a major concern in care homes Proper nutrition is key to preventing and managing frailty particularly through the adequate intake of protein which is essential for maintaining muscle mass and function STRATEGIES FOR NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTIONS:
1 Prioritize Whole Foods: Ensuring a diet rich in whole foods is foundational Protein-rich foods like eggs lean meats, fish, dairy products, and legumes should be emphasized as they not only support muscle
health but also provide essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall well-being
2 Incorporate Protein Supplements When Necessary: In cases where residents struggle to meet their protein needs through diet alone perhaps due to a lack of appetite or difficulty chewing protein powders or fortified drinks can be effective These supplements can be easily added to meals snacks or beverages ensuring that residents receive the protein they need without overwhelming them with large portions of food
3 Distribute Protein Throughout the Day: Research shows that distributing protein intake evenly across all meals is more effective for muscle protein synthesis than consuming large amounts at a single meal Caregivers should ensure that residents receive adequate protein at breakfast lunch and dinner to maximize the benefits for muscle maintenance and frailty prevention
While boosting protein intake is essential we should also address the barriers that may prevent residents from consuming enough nutrients Factors such as taste preferences difficulties with swallowing, or digestive issues can all impact nutritional intake Caregivers should work closely with dietitians to develop personalized nutrition plans that accommodate these challenges potentially incorporating protein powders and other supplements in palatable and easy-to-digest forms NUTRITION IS KEY TO INCREASING HEALTHSPAN
Malnutrition in care homes is a pressing issue that requires vigilant monitoring and proactive management While the numbers alone tell us the stakes are high intervention is more than about reducing costs The ability to stand up from a chair unaided allows our elderly residents independence By spotting the early signs of malnutrition and implementing strategic nutritional interventions, caregivers can help prevent and manage frailty significantly improving the quality of life for residents By addressing malnutrition and frailty head-on care homes can help residents not only avoid the adverse effects of these conditions but also thrive in their later years
Dysphagia is a medical condition that makes swallowing food and drink more difficult Depending on the severity some textures may be more difficult to swallow or somebody may have lost the ability to swallow at all Regardless this can make mealtimes much more difficult, which is why care home caterers must know about this condition and how to support those who have it
A few conditions can cause dysphagia including cancer head injuries a stroke or dementia Age can also play a role in developing this condition meaning there could be a higher likelihood of some residents suffering from this EFFECTS OF DYSPHAGIA
Dysphagia doesn’t just affect mealtimes – it can also: Impact on quality of life: If somebody is no longer able to eat and drink as they ve been able to they may become withdrawn and develop a low mood The change can be difficult to get to grips with which is why supporting residents through their dietary transition and making sure they’re properly catered for is so important
Lead to malnutrition and dehydration: A lack of food and drink due to not being able to swallow or chew properly can mean that residents aren’t properly hydrated or receiving enough nutrition This can result in lower energy levels and in more extreme cases can also lead to further health complications
• Cause choking: Without specialist catering somebody with dysphagia may not be able to swallow their food which can be a choking hazard
By Rob Henry,
Head of Culinary Solutions and Compliance at EF Group (www ef- group co uk)
dysphagia who have trouble chewing and swallowing Using this framework caterers in the care industry can determine which foods and drinks would be easiest for people with this condition to consume IDDSI consists of eight levels ranging from 0 to 7 with drinks ranging from 0 (thin) to 4 (extremely thick) and foods ranging from 3 (liquidised) to 7 (regular and easy to chew) These indicate the texture and thickness of foods and drinks and give some steer as to which ones would be safest for somebody with dysphagia to consume
When you’re preparing to cater for residents with dysphagia there are a few extra things you might need to consider These include:
Training your staff on the IDDSI framework: Ensuring your staff understand the framework what it means and how to apply it is crucial Holding training sessions on this can make sure everybody is on the same page when it comes to catering to the needs of residents with dysphagia
Knowing when to modify the menu to resident needs: Once your team are trained on the IDDSI framework, this must be implemented into your catering practices This should involve assessing each resident’s dietary needs to see if they require modifications and monitoring this over time in case further changes are needed
Getting in the correct nutrients and fluids Alongside modifying diets based on what is easiest for residents to consume you should be ensuring all residents are properly hydrated and receiving a balanced and nutritious diet Whether their food is liquidised, regular or somewhere in between hydration and nutrition must never be reduced even though you might need to alter the way these are offered to residents
Making mealtimes more enjoyable: If somebody has been living with dysphagia without a modified diet they may need some extra encouragement at mealtimes once the modifications have been made Try making mealtimes social introducing different flavours or recipes and regularly rotating menu options to keep them interested and more likely to finish their food
Supporting residents with dysphagia is a key duty of caterers in the care industry and can have a huge impact on their wellbeing, health and quality of life Therefore, it’s vital that your catering team are aware of the signs of the condition and how the IDDSI framework can be used to prescribe a better approach to their mealtimes
Food procurement specialists allmanhall, explore the importance of nutrition and hydration in older people specifically considered for a dignified and person-centric dining experience
Proper nutrition and hydration are critical in care homes directly impacting the health wellbeing and overall quality of life for residents Research by BAPEN reveals that malnutrition affects 35% of care home residents in the UK leading to a variety of health issues including increased infections, poor wound healing mental health decline social isolation and increased frailty This underlines the need for a comprehensive person-centric approach to food and drink in these environments
As people age the risks of malnutrition and dehydration increase compounded by the natural decline in thirst reflex and in some cases cognitive impairments such as dementia These factors make it challenging for older individuals to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration Therefore it s crucial that care home staff adopt a dignified approach to meals, recognising that the involvement in making choices about food remains important even when other capacities are diminished
At a recent National Association of Care Catering (NACC) Seminar care professionals emphasised the significance of creating a positive mealtime experience Engaging residents in conversations about their food preferences understanding their personal histories and ensuring that texture-modified meals are both nutritious and appealing are vital steps in enhancing mealtime satisfaction
Hydration is equally important playing a key role in bodily functions and the prevention of conditions like urinary tract infections and chronic renal disease Strategies to encourage fluid intake include offering a
Our mission is clear: to enhance the quality of all human
A belief in the universal right to high-quality delicious nutrition drives us to keep creating and to keep finding ways of helping more people eat real food – regardless of their age lifestyle or health Flavour Creations and Albany Products are pleased to introduce Screamies No-Melt Ice-Scream to the UK dysphagia market
variety of beverages, promoting "hydration hour" with mocktails, and providing high-fluid-content foods like soups and yogurts It s also important to educate care home staff on recognising signs of dehydration which can manifest as tiredness headaches and poor concentration
Nutritionally care homes should focus on nutrient-dense foods rather than calorie-dense ones Incorporating ingredients like eggs seeds, and Greek yogurt can help ensure that residents receive essential nutrients Additionally increasing dietary fibre through foods like whole grains, legumes, and unpeeled fruits can support digestive health and reduce the risk of conditions such as diabetes and heart disease It's important however to introduce fibre gradually to avoid digestive discomfort
For residents with dysphagia a condition that impairs swallowing care homes must offer texture-modified diets that are both safe and nutritious Providing adequate training for staff on preparing these meals, ensuring that they are nutritionally fortified, and enhancing flavours with herbs and spices can make these meals more enjoyable for residents
In conclusion providing a holistic person-centric dining experience in care homes is essential for maintaining the health and dignity of residents By focusing on nutrition hydration and individual preferences care homes can significantly enhance the quality of life for their residents
The mealtime experience is so much more than just food Care establishments across the UK are partnering with allmanhall to manage their food procurement achieve savings and improvements and to access support to enhance the overall dining experience Get in touch – hello@allmanhall co uk
Launched in 2016 SCREAMIES is a brand with one purpose: to deliver the taste of sumptuous old-fashioned ice cream and make it accessible to everyone Each SCREAMIES product is created with a specialised no-melt formula resulting in shelf-stable ice cream products that can be enjoyed by everyone SCREAMIES ice-scream also never gets softer than IDDSI Level 4 making it the perfect treat for those with dysphagia
As well as the traditional three flavours Screamies offers Chocolate and Salted Caramel with added Protein for those with additional nutritional needs With a long shelf life Screamies can be stored at ambient temperature and frozen when the time suits Flavour Creations also offer a wide range of market leading supporting products for those looking to provide something extra to patients Pre-thickened Ready to Drink ranges include in excess of 20 flavour profiles Advital nutritionally complete powder comes flavoured and neutral and is used in snacks like Advital chocolate mousse and Fruits with Attitude Flavour Creations also supply high quality moulds and Shape It to assist with food preparation at all IDDSI levels
To find out more simply contact Albany Products at enquiries@albanyproducts co uk or call on 01706
By Scott Williamson, Managing Director,
In the ever-changing and often demanding environment of residential and nursing care homes prioritising the well-being of residents is paramount As care providers it is imperative to explore innovative methods to enhance the quality of life for those in care especially individuals living with cognitive impairments such as dementia One highly impactful method embraced in recent years is sensory stimulation a comprehensive approach that enhances physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being With the integration of advanced AI technology, newer technologies such as personalised, relaxing music videos breathe new life into old black-and-white photos by colourising them accompanied by soothing music captivating landscape visuals and cherished family photos or video messages This provides a distinctive way to deliver a holistic, sensory-enriched experience that significantly benefits elderly residents and those with dementia
There are many ways to incorporate sensory experiences into daily care each offering unique benefits for residents
1 Visual Stimulation: Personalised relaxing music videos use serene natural landscapes and family memories to captivate residents' visual senses These familiar images, paired with scenic backdrops evoke positive emotions and comfort Advanced technologies such as AI-powered colourisation of old black-and-white photos bring memories of the past to life enriching the experience further by reconnecting residents with their personal history
2 Auditory Stimulation: The choice of music in these videos is key Rather than familiar music that may evoke specific emotions or memories soothing and non-intrusive sounds are purposefully chosen to enhance deep relaxation and open the senses to help immerse themselves in the visuals and relax without the distraction of nostalgia, allowing for a more profound sensory experience
3 Tactile Stimulation: Personalised videos can be paired with tactile activities to further engage residents Watching these calming visuals while interacting with textured objects fidget blankets or engaging in simple activities like handling soft fabrics can provide enhanced comfort and sensory richness
4 Olfactory Stimulation: While videos alone do not engage the sense of smell pairing them with aromatherapy sessions using calming scents like lavender or invigorating fragrances like citrus can amplify the relaxation experience making it more immersive and holistic
5 Gustatory Stimulation: Taste experiences can also complement sensory videos For example, while watching
personalised landscapes or family-themed videos, residents can engage in taste sessions, trying familiar and comforting flavours adding another dimension to the sensory experience
The implementation of sensory stimulation has wide-reaching benefits that can positively impact residents' emotional, psychological, and physical health Regular sensory activities offer the following advantages:
- Reduction in Agitation and Restlessness: Especially for residents with dementia, these videos create a sense of familiarity and calm reducing anxiety and behavioural issues
- Improved Cognitive Function: Engaging residents’ brains through visual and auditory stimuli helps maintain and in some cases improve cognitive abilities providing meaningful engagement
- Enhanced Communication: Residents who struggle with verbal communication often respond emotionally or cognitively to visual and auditory cues Personalised videos offer alternative ways for residents to express themselves facilitating greater interaction
- Increased Social Interaction: When shared in group settings, these videos encourage social engagement, helping reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness
For dementia patients sensory stimulation plays a particularly important role in their care Personalised videos offer structure, evoke memories, and facilitate moments of connection between residents and caregivers or family members Combining these videos with other sensory activities such as memory boxes filled with personal items can deepen the experience, triggering memories and meaningful conversation
Many care homes have found success in creating dedicated sensory rooms Personalised relaxing music videos are ideal for use in these spaces where they can be combined with soft lighting calming scents and tactile objects to offer a fully immersive environment These sensory rooms provide a tranquil retreat for residents allowing them to engage multiple senses in a way that is soothing and beneficial
Visual landscapes such as nature scenes are an invaluable tool for sensory stimulation For residents who may no longer be able to experience the outdoors firsthand, these videos offer a powerful connection to the natural world Scenes of oceans forests or mountain views have been shown to reduce anxiety alleviate stress and promote mental well-being The immersive quality of these visuals when combined with soothing music provides a window to the outside world offering comfort and emotional enrichment for residents who may feel disconnected from nature
The integration of AI into sensory stimulation is revolutionising how care homes approach resident wellbeing AI technologies such as the colourisation of old photographs help residents reconnect with their past in vivid detail These enhanced visuals combined with calming music and personal video messages from loved ones create a multi-sensory experience that reduces anxiety and promotes emotional well-being This innovative use of AI not only improves the sensory experience but also strengthens cognitive function making it an essential tool in modern care homes
Incorporating photos and video messages from loved ones adds an emotional layer to sensory stimulation Seeing familiar faces and hearing the voices of family members triggers emotional recognition which can provide comfort and reduce anxiety especially for those experiencing memory loss This personalised approach creates meaningful connections stimulating both visual and auditory pathways and offering moments of joy and clarity for residents
Moreover video messages combat feelings of loneliness and isolation Residents feel a stronger sense of belonging and connection to their loved ones, even if they cannot be physically present This can significantly enhance their overall well-being contributing to a more enriching care environment
Sensory therapy particularly 30-minute video experiences serves as a versatile tool for structured activities With the ability to loop the videos for longer experiences caregivers can find moments of respite while enhancing the well-being of residents Creating a calm and engaged environment through sensory videos can improve the caregiving experience and reduce caregiver burnout
The integration of sensory stimulation, particularly through personalised AI-enhanced relaxing music videos offers a transformative approach to improving the well-being of residents in care homes By engaging multiple senses including visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and even gustatory, these videos provide a holistic and enriching experience that benefits both residents and caregivers For individuals living with cognitive impairments like dementia these sensory experiences evoke memories reduce anxiety and foster emotional connections
The use of advanced AI technologies such as the colourisation of old photos combined with serene landscapes, soothing music, and messages from loved ones, adds a deeply personal and meaningful dimension to the care environment The implementation of sensory rooms and dedicated sensory activities not only enhances residents' physical and emotional health but also offers caregivers a valuable tool for creating a calm structured environment As care homes continue to evolve embracing sensory therapies will remain essential in promoting a higher quality of life for elderly residents and those living with dementia
By Hervé Chapron, SVP & General Manager EMEA, Semarchy (www semarchy
Safeguarding sensitive data and cybersecurity in the care sector remains a major concern, calling for a high degree of data integrity
Yet a recent report revealed that 30% of CQC registered care provider locations lack up-to-date security measures This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for a robust data management system to protect devices resident confidentiality clinical outcomes and financial resources
Recent statistics on cyber-attacks targeting healthcare and care providers are worrying The European Repository of Cyber Incidents has recorded a significant increase globally with the number of events rising from 32 in 2022 to 121 in 2023 This rise exposes the critical vulnerabilities that care providers face Care England outlines several specific threats including data breaches that involve unauthorised access to resident or staff records leading to identity theft fraud and privacy violations Ransomware attacks are another major threat where malicious software can encrypt critical files, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid
Phishing scams are a further concern as fraudulent emails or messages may trick staff or residents into sharing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links
Cybercriminals can also exploit network vulnerabilities due to weak infrastructure or outdated software and hardware to infiltrate systems Therefore healthcare providers must understand and address these vulnerabilities to prioritise cybersecurity measures and stay vigilant against evolving threats
Equally outdated or insufficient security measures can place some healthcare providers at significant risk of digital exclusion, impacting the care homes future As the world increasingly relies on technology, those who lag in adopting sufficient cyber defences may find themselves left behind PREVENTING DISRUPTIONS
Ransomware attacks and data breaches can incapacitate care facilities Recently in the UK a blood testing centre for the NHS was targeted in a ransomware attack Personal patient data was compromised and there were significant delays in patient care Attacks like these These attacks not only compromise care resident’s confidentiality but can also disrupt essential healthcare services Such disruptions create a domino effect potentially placing numerous lives at risk
Operational efficiency also suffers Care facilities may face hefty fines for not protecting their resident s information plus the costs of restoring data and systems
Ensuring seamless and uninterrupted care services is essential for the well-being of care residents, and the protection of carers as well Secure data systems play a crucial role in maintaining high service quality by enabling continuous healthcare delivery PROTECTING RESIDENT CONFIDENTIALITY
Respecting care resident s privacy rights isn t just an ethical requirement but also a legal obligation
Implementing the following three actions will ensure care facilities comply with both:
• Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Implementing MFA to your internal system introduces additional security layers, requiring external verification for login access This measure significantly diminishes the risk of unauthorised access as a potential intruder might breach the first security layer but will be stalled at subsequent ones
• Employee Training
Educating staff on data security and best practices such as recognising phishing attempts and crafting secure passwords is crucial This boosts their awareness and minimises human errors that compromise the system
• Data Encr yption
Care providers can add a critical layer of security by encrypting resident data both during transmission (in transit) and while stored (at rest) Encryption renders the data unreadable to unauthorised people protecting sensitive information from potential breaches
Care providers who manage multiple facilities can find it challenging to keep up with increasing data volume and complexity from a multitude of sources Knowledge transfer can also be problematic with highsecurity risks There is both the data from the business and the data of care residents that needs to be protected
However with a comprehensive data management system care providers can leverage the power of all data, regardless of source, to ensure data integrity When data is correct and readily available, decisionmakers can rely on it to make well-informed choices that enhance operational efficiency and strategic objectives
Data management systems are indispensable in healthcare for protecting devices securing patient confidentiality, enhancing clinical outcomes, and safeguarding financial resources As cyber threats evolve, the care industry must remain vigilant and consistently update its cybersecurity practices to stay ahead of risks and ensure optimal protection for all stakeholders but most importantly the people they care for
Explore the Char ted Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) with Mar y Seacole at the University of Exeter
Have you ever wondered about advancing your career, but unsure how to gain the qualifications required whist working? There is an ever-increasing demand for skilled managers within the care sector, and having practical experience is just not enough to fill those positions
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Diplomas have the potential to empower individuals and are the best route for most health and social care professionals to progress according to an expert at leading training provider Realise
Lesley O Connor Head of Health and Social Care at Realise said diplomas are a strong option as they are flexible, can usually be fully funded and can be tailored to the particular needs of the employer and the learner
Diplomas are also attractive to employers as they require little administration
Lesley said I think there is still a lack of awareness and some misconceptions around diplomas Sometimes people believe apprenticeships are their only option and they don t realise diplomas are available under funded provision for those who are eligible
“Some employers also mistakenly believe that diplomas are completed entirely online but in fact they are very hands-on and practical This approach helps learners apply theoretical knowledge directly to real-world scenarios, which is a major advantage
“Our diplomas are recognised and trusted by employers in the health and social care sector They meet national standards which means learners hold a qualification that is valued and trusted
“If a candidate does not meet the eligibility criteria for a diploma then alternative routes will need to be explored Otherwise I would nearly always recommend a diploma as a fantastic way to expand knowledge and skills ” Under the Adult Skills Fund diplomas are usually fully funded for anyone aged 19 and over, as long as they have lived in the UK for three years There are some other eligibility requirements in devolved areas – and in some areas workers from overseas can start a diploma as soon as they arrive in the country under a Health and Care Worker visa
Learners can also qualify for funded diplomas if they earn below the low wage threshold which varies from area to area The thresholds have recently been raised in various authorities to £35 000 a year in Liverpool for example and £27 500 a year in West Yorkshire
Realise offers Level 2 diplomas in all non-devolved regions for England and Liverpool City Region
The provider also offers Level
“Helping learners find the right programme for them is central to the Realise ethos Some learners will be able to enter at Level 3 if they re in the right job role even if they don’t have another diploma
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Their widely-used health and social care specific courses - produced and edited in-house - are expertly designed to make learning engaging informative and therefore highly effective for learners
Accredited by CPD and endorsed by Skills for Care, training with Social Care TV is quality assured, comprehensive and relevant
As one of the leading online training providers in the health and social care sector in the UK they supply training for local authorities recruitment agencies care home groups and other health and social care organisations
Their feature-rich Manager platform has further been enhanced this year with the introduction of several new Manager tools designed to aid with compliance reporting and trainee management Features now available include:
Compliance Dashboard with Traffic Light System
SCTV regularly
To enhance their learners experience further they have created free, comprehensive subject-specific workbooks which were rolled out across all courses this year This unique addition provides excellent value and a fully robust training package
By Daniel O ’Shaughnessy, Programme Manager - Better Security, Better Care, Digital Care Hub
continuity plan: Ensure it covers how you will manage if you were to lose access to data for a period of time Watch out for our new cyber incident response checklist – coming in October for Cyber Security Awareness Month
Create back-ups Identify what data is essential to running your service, and create a backup separate from
Mike Whitehead CEO of Danforth Care commented: “Since day one our mission has always been to create a home-like atmosphere for our residents that is safe, secure, and encourages independence We are committed to providing the highest quality of care and services to our elderly residents and we strive to create a place where they can be comfortable while feeling respected and valued The support from Warwick and the financial backing they received from OakNorth will help accelerate our growth highlighted by our expectation to open seven further homes in the coming months ”
Deepesh Thakrar, Senior Director of Debt Finance at OakNorth added: “We were delighted to support Warwick on this project as it emphasises our strong ambitions to do more to
seen them