dent than in the vibrant activities that have been shared with us
Editor Peter Adams
would bear the financial burden of this leave, at a time when the cost of living crisis is already squeezing household budgets
However, as recent reports (see front page) have highlighted the benefits of such a policy are significant and far-reaching
One of the most pressing concerns today as was highlighted in the lead up to the General Election is the issue of economic inactivity among those aged 50 and over
Many in this age group are forced to leave the workforce to provide care, which not only impacts their own financial stability but also exacerbates the staffing crisis in the care sector
According to a Skills for Care report the average age of care workers in 2021/22 was 45 years with 28% of them aged 55 and over This means that nearly a third of the care workforce is likely to retire in the next decade creating an even more acute staffing shortage
The proposal for unpaid carers leave offers a potential solution While the initial cost to the government could reach up to £32 million this pales in comparison to the estimated £1 3 billion cost to the economy from workers exiting the workforce due to care commitments
By providing support for carers the government could help keep more people in employment reduce economic inactivity and alleviate the impending staffing crisis in the care sector
This situation is particularly critical given that the average age of a care worker is 45 meaning many in this workforce may be dealing with their own aging parents or partners who require care
If the government steps in with support now it could prevent these workers from having to leave their jobs, thereby helping to sustain the care workforce as we approach a demographic cliff
As our front page story suggests implementing unpaid carers' leave is not just a compassionate choice it s an economically sound one a true win-win for both the workforce and the wider economy The time to act is now before the crisis deepens
I would also like to say a big thank you it has been truly heartwarming to witness the wonderful stories and events pouring in from care homes across the country Summer seems to bring out our collective outdoor spirit, and nowhere is this more evi-
From garden fetes bursting with colour to lively parties that bring communities together the creativity and dedication of care home staff have shone brightly We ve seen gardening competitions that not only beautify the surroundings but also foster a sense of pride and accomplishment among residents Tombola s outdoor music events and a variety of competitions have added to the joyful atmosphere, creating memories that residents and staff alike will treasure
What’s particularly inspiring are the unique and imaginative themes that many care homes have embraced From simulated cruises that let residents travel the world from the comfort of their home to dining experiences that take their taste buds on a global journey these activities showcase the incredible commitment to providing enriching meaningful experiences for those in care
These stories of joy and togetherness remind us of the important role that care homes play in the lives of so many They re a testament to the compassion and creativity that permeate the care sector, and they highlight the difference that thoughtful, engaging activities can make
So, a heartfelt thank you to all who have shared these uplifting stories with us Your dedication and passion are truly inspiring Please do keep them coming we can t wait to see what other wonderful ideas you have in store as the year progresses!
I can always be contacted at editor@thecareruk com and encourage our readers to sign up for our bi-weekly digital newsletter at www thecareruk com and follow us on social media for all the latest news
At THE CARER, we are calling on our readers for help.
As you may have seen in our appeal for support The CARER has always been delivered in print and online free of charge since 2004, including the sector's only weekly digital issue
We are committed to keeping you informed with the latest news views products, and services on the sector's most popular adult social care website www thecareruk com which receives almost 4 000 visits and 26 000 page reads every day
However, with costs rising significantly, we recently put out an appeal for support
We extend our heartfelt thanks to readers who have responded and pledged their support with a £10 donation covering the next two years, and thank you also for your very kind words of support too!
Your contributions are invaluable and if you haven t yet pledged please do consider supporting us so we can continue delivering quality content
For details on how to contribute please visit www thecareruk com/subscriptions/
Recent research highlights the increasing strain on UK carers A separate report from Carers UK revealed that more than 600 people leave their jobs every day to care for older or disabled relatives
The situation has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which saw the number of informal carers in the UK rise by 700 000 reaching a six-year high of 5 2 million in the 2022/23 period according to data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Helen Walker Chief Executive of Carers UK said: Any one of us could become a carer tomorrow We have an ageing population with more people living longer with more complex illnesses
Ms Walker highlighted the significant impact on women, who are disproportionately affected by caregiving responsibilities “There s a big gender differentiator here – more women than men are carers ” she said pointing out that half of all women in the UK take on caring duties by the age of 46
Ahead of the July 2024 General Election Labour published its Make Work Pay policy which committed the Government to examining the benefits of introducing paid Carer’s Leave and reviewing the Carer’s Leave Act 2023
At a time when the Government is concerned about economic inactivity in the over 50s a tight labour market, skills shortages, an ageing population and UK-wide productivity levels, Carers UK says evidence now demonstrates a strong economic and moral imperative for it to take early action to further support working carers
Carers UK is encouraging the Government to strengthen carers employment rights through the passage of its proposed Employment Rights Bill, including through the introduction of paid Carer’s Leave ECONOMIC BENEFITS
Centrica plc a leading carer-positive employer has modelled the productivity gains they get from their supportive policies for unpaid carers in their workforce Grossed up this suggests that the UK economy could benefit from £8 2 billion in productivity gains through increased worker retention reduced recruitment costs and a reduction in other productivity costs
Longer term Carers UK would like to see all employees have a statutory right to 10 days of paid Carer s Leave each year 80% of carers surveyed by the charity said that paid Carer s Leave would better help them to juggle work and unpaid care
Helen Walker, Chief Executive at Carers UK, said: “Our report makes clear that introducing a statutory entitlement to paid Carer’s Leave would be a positive step forward for millions of working carers and makes good economic sense
“Many of UK’s top employers are already embracing this approach, offering their working carers flexibility and paid leave to support them to juggle work and care Doing so relieves a huge amount of stress for individuals and gives valued employees the peace of mind to know they will have the support they need to stay in work It is also good for businesses bottom line WIN WIN SITUATION
Building on the Carer s Leave Act 2023 by moving to paid Carer s Leave through the passage of the Government s Employment Rights Bill would therefore be a win:win situation for everyone; leveraging even greater benefits for working carers the people they care for their communities employers and the economy – all at comparatively very little cost
“If we are to tackle the challenges of our ageing population and engage people in paid work for longer we need employment policy to match the challenges we face Introducing paid Carer’s Leave would support the UK economy, get more people back into work, keep productivity higher and meet families’ and workers’ needs for a better quality of life ”
A Skills for care report revealed that the average age of care staff in 2021/22 was 45 years with 28% aged 55 and over which meant almost a third of the workforce is likely to retire within the next ten years and with fewer people replacing senior care workers this will create even more serious staffing issues in the near future
The proposed paid leave scheme is designed not only to support carers but also to address the broader issue by alleviating the pressures on those balancing work and caregiving By allowing carers paid time off the government hopes to retain skilled workers particularly those in the mid-40s to 60s age group who are at risk of leaving the workforce due to caregiving demands
Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), cautioned the government to balance its employment protection agenda carefully “The new Government must be careful that its own agenda on employment protection doesn’t stifle progress by protecting those in work at the expense of those looking for it,” he said, highlighting the need to ensure that the new policies do not inadvertently hinder job creation or economic growth
Social care is in crisis and failing the people who need it and their families This failure has a secondary effect on NHS services
Many experts note that the recent King s Speech delivered after the formation of the new government had less of a focus on healthcare than previously Still it affirmed the government’s intention to reduce the waiting times focus on prevention and improve mental health provision for young people ” How must the sector be transformed to meet these goals and how can a renewed focus on recruitment support this?
There have been many efforts to create unifying bodies between healthcare and government with the express objective to improve collaboration and communication In the past decade NHS has transitioned from Primary Care Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Integrated Care Boards Common issues plaguing these systems include poor coordination, a lack of commitment and conflicting objectives across organisations
It is important that healthcare and government speak the same language making sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to how services are being delivered Recruitment and talent search plays a vital part in finding the right personnel with the right skills and motivations to enact this change Executives must change the culture of their organisations and open the door to have conversations to bridge the gap between the various teams and stakeholders in the sector In addition to this workers of all levels must be motivated to communicate and learn from others beyond their teams fostering cross-pollination of ideas and making valuable connections across and
beyond organisations
Healthcare policy must always centre around the community especially the most vulnerable among us
With the proposed reformed Children s Wellbeing Act and Mental Health Act the sector is increasingly focusing on feedback from individuals to guide the delivery of public services We need to reflect on how we can do right by each unique individual, not simply assuming everyone needs the same level and method of care Public sector leaders must continue to work together with frontline workers and community members to guide healthcare policy and improve the overall standard of care
Improving Pay Training and Staff Wellbeing
It is no secret that healthcare staff are generally underpaid for the life-saving services they provide This has implications on society Greater investment into the training and upskilling of healthcare professionals will ensure the quality of care of public services are maintained
Furthermore, staff wellbeing should also be an important part of efforts to transform the workforce
Attracting and retaining skilled talent is especially crucial due to the current labour shortage in the healthcare sector It will be up to leaders to advocate for them and secure the necessary funds by
a long-term sustainable plan to meet the growing demands of an ageing population
Ms Clarke-Kuehn says: A change in Government brings fresh opportunities – a chance to reset, re-evaluate and ensure those sectors in greatest need are prioritised and supported
“Now more than ever, it’s essential that this country’s new leadership commits to putting social care at the heart of its plans for change
“Alongside our peers across the sector, we stand ready to engage with our new Government and to work closely together to ensure we are delivering for our workforce and for the hundreds of thousands of people for who social care provides a vital lifeline ”
As a leading not-for-profit provider of social care we firmly believe in a person-centred approach enriching the lives of our residents and delivering the things that matter most to them and their families ”
Since 2004, we have been delighted to provide you with The Carer free of charge, delivering quality news, industry insights, and expert commentary right to your doorstep However, due to surging postal costs, we must make a change to continue maintaining the high standards you expect from us
Starting from September, we will be asking for your help with a £6 per year contribution for postage on the printed issue of The Carer
This decision was not made lightly. Our priority has always been to offer you the best content without burdening our valued advertisers with increased costs. To sustain our quality delivery, we now need your help.
We are asking you, our loyal readers, to contribute toward postage costs only
Your support will ensure that The Carer continues to reach you without compromising on the quality and depth of information you rely on
Thank you for your understanding and continued support Warm
By Simon Spiller, co-owner and
After almost three decades of Government reviews and Uturns on commitments to overhaul the system adult social care reform has remained a "better-avoided" subject for those in power Celebrity campaigners like Markus Rashford and Joanna Lumley might offer a template for achieving reform through galvanising public opinion so Government can no longer turn its back on the problems
The success of the Liberal Democrats in the 2024 general election suggests that the English electorate are aware of the need for social care reform Care leaders must urgently harness this public concern to put pressure on the Government and prevent the issue being left in the long grass while focus is placed on other public services with a higher profile and overt public support Labour s plan to implement yet another cross-party review of social care is already a backward step when the crisis is well understood with solutions costed While dropping their manifesto pledge to implement the cap on social care costs for individuals, inherited from the last Government, demonstrates it is just too easy for a government to side-step much needed reforms
After decades of under-investment, aging baby boomers can’t access care homes because there aren t enough According to Age UK 2 6 million people over 50 are unable to have their care needs assessed or are on waiting lists for home-care packages which can’t be delivered due to staff shortages and Local Authority funding gaps Chronic staffing shortfalls are being papered over by importing foreign workers while most care workers are living in poverty on minimum wage pay The system is being propped up by almost 5 million unpaid carers, many of whom have to work part-time, or give up work altogether, to care for vulnerable loved ones These unpaid carers often feel ill-equipped to deal with the complex care needs of those they support Meanwhile, a small number of large, private equity-backed care home providers reap significant profits from the minority of self-funded people who can afford as much as £1 500 per week for their care in gleaming purpose-built homes And all of this is happening while working families see the financial legacies of their parents run down to cover care costs
With persistent and high profile issues like bed blocking in NHS hospitals due to insufficient social care provision (almost 14 000 people are currently medically fit to leave hospital but “blocked”) it may seem surprising that adult social care sector leaders have failed to persuade successive Governments to implement reforms The problem sits in a lack of joined-up and compelling advocacy by the sector, enabling Governments to sidestep the issues or buckle under media-fanned hysteria over proposed reforms like "Theresa May s Dementia Tax" A highly fragmented sector composed of thousands of small social care
providers with numerous regional and national representative bodies, like Care England, the National Care Association and CareRights UK, has been unable to engage the public mood and provoke the political will required to tackle the problems
While the large highly profitable providers have an incentive to maintain the status quo Those who have been passionately advocating about the precarious state of adult social care in England (including myself) should consider the lessons from the successes of celebrities like Markus Rashford and Joanna Lumley in arousing public support so the government of the day couldn t ignore their calls for free school lunches and Gurkha rights
They offer a road map for social care leaders Savvy use of social media to showcase heart wrenching care failure stories, or inspiring struggles against adversity, can capture the hearts of the nation - especially when mainstream media TV radio and print are susceptible to picking up stories from Influencers and magnifying their reach and impact
Whether or not a single celebrity is needed for the role to highlight the need for change is debatable Any candidate would certainly need to be very passionate about the cause and have some major staying power
At the very least, social care leaders should join up urgently to implement a plan to engage public opinion It wouldn t be hard to find public relations and social media experts who understand how to create a campaign aimed at opening the door to Government coffers before it gets bolted shut again Wes Streeting Health and Social Care Secretary has already said he knows social care needs more money and Stephen Kinnock, Social Care Minister, has a number of social care priorities he can’t avoid which present opportunities to influence the debate Labour has promised in the King's Speech to deliver better pay for care workers The Government also must decide how much money to give to struggling Local Authorities to keep the current social care system afloat These pressing decisions are clear opportunities for social care leaders to motivate the public to put pressure on the Government to make the right decisions
After three decades of being fobbed off by successive governments, the social care sector needs a step change in its approach to a Government which says the reforms are not affordable at the moment Prior to becoming Chancellor in the last Government Jeremy Hunt was Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee which concluded that the sector needed £7 Billion of extra funding per year as a starting point to address the crisis and meet future care demands from an aging population This represents a similar amount needed for the Labour Government to reach its 2 5% of GDP goal for defence spending up from 2 1% If the Government can commit to finding or generating through growth the funds for defence - perhaps it can be cajoled to do something similar to protect our vulnerable elderly
Only by harnessing public opinion to its cause will social care leaders ever break the cycle of reviews and U-turns With a public service-minded Government now in place and expressing its long-term commitment to creating a National Care Service there is no time like the present!
Aysha has worked her way to the top in care sector management and with more than 10 years of managerial experience she steps into the role with a wealth of expertise and a deep commitment to maintaining high standards in residential care Aysha s journey into health and social care was influenced by her family s strong medical background her mother was a nurse, and many of her relatives are doctors After completing her degree Aysha began her career as an occupational therapist
Social Care TV continue to fly the flag for highest quality online training for Health and Social Care, after unwavering commitment to excellence within the sector for over 25 years
Their widely-used health and social care specific courses - produced and edited in-house - are expertly designed to make learning engaging informative and therefore highly effective for learners
Accredited by CPD and endorsed by Skills for Care training with Social Care TV is quality assured comprehensive and relevant
As one of the leading online training providers in the health and social care sector in the UK they supply training for local authorities recruitment agencies, care home groups and other health and social care organisations
Their feature-rich Manager platform has further been enhanced this year with the introduction of several new Manager tools designed to aid with compliance reporting and trainee management Features now available include:
Compliance Dashboard with Traffic Light System
Downloadable Trainee Matrix
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technician, where she developed a profound understanding of what true care entails, before more recently being the manager at a Nursing home in Blackheath
Aysha said “I m delighted to have joined such a fantastic team at Westerham Place
“For many years I have had a strong passion for working in the care sector and I’m looking forward together with the staff and the community to continue providing the best possible environment for our residents
It’s a privilege to lead a team dedicated to delivering excellent standards in care and I m excited about the positive impact we can make together
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SCTV regularly release new and updated high-quality courses Previews for all courses can be viewed at: Courses - Social Care TV (www social-care tv/courses/course-details)
To enhance their learners' experience further they have created free comprehensive subject-specific workbooks which were rolled out across all courses this year This unique addition provides excellent value and a fully robust training package
SCTV are delighted to have won several awards over the last 12 months including:
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Gold standard customer service remains a core staple of the business, with expert support and guidance provided via telephone, email and live chat They place great importance on the training and development
of social care workers
SCTV believe that high quality training should be accessible to all and offer regular free courses which include a digital certificate accessible via their website
The company stands behind a clear mission and set of values which define their ethos and their dedication to both the Care Sector and those within it These can be viewed at: Mission Statement and Core Values - Social Care TV (www social-care tv/about/mission-statement-and-core-values)
Social Care TV are a responsible business, committed to ensuring that their actions have a positive impact on their employees customers the wider health and social care community and the environment
Above all SCTV consistently strive to make a meaningful contribution to the wellbeing of those being cared for
For more information please see: Homepage - Social Care TV (www social-care tv) and see advert on page 4
Outsourcing care homes has compromised the accessibility and quality of care for the most vulnerable particularly in areas of greatest deprivation, according to new research led by the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at Oxford University and funded by the Nuffield Foundation
The results published in BMJ Public Health raise questions about the role of the private for-profit sector in exacerbating the care sector’s ongoing crisis
The impact of the outsourcing of vital care services to the private sector on the growth and survival of care homes was previously unclear The research is the first longitudinal study of care home closures in England that uses complete data on all care home closures, including inspection ratings
The analysis shows that the shift towards for-profit provision is not explained by care quality The results suggest that third sector and local authority homes are consistently rated better than for-profit homes by the industry regulator (the CQC) but are 1 6 and 1 8 times more likely to have closed compared to for-profit provision
Lead author Dr Anders Bach-Mortensen (Associate Professor at Roskilde University and Senior Researcher at the Department of Social
Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford) said: ‘Good third sector and local authority homes are closing especially in the poorest areas of the country This is problematic because for-profit care homes do not consistently provide high-quality care in deprived areas which raises serious questions about whether outsourcing care services has inadvertently compromised the equity and accessibility of care for vulnerable people ’
Co-author Dr Benjamin Goodair (Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford) said: This study aims to contribute to the growing body of work relating to the number of social care services being outsourced to forprofit and non-profit sector providers over the past 30 years The data suggest that the competitive environment created by outsourcing does not prioritise quality or equity in care provision ’
The challenges highlighted by the CQC interest groups and other regulators, underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to support these essential services ensuring they can continue to provide high-quality care, especially in the most deprived areas Addressing these challenges will
A care home in Surrey wants to become the community hub and has backed those intentions by holding
By Jo Henney, CEO
When the general election was announced I felt a mixture of emotions about the possibility of a new government
The first was optimism that we might get the change critically needed for the social care sector; I was particularly excited about The Young Futures Programme and a National Care Service to deliver fair consistent care across the UK
However I was also sceptical - until we saw a concrete strategy and a transparent funding plan to implement these policies, they remained nothing more than a pipedream
Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour party are now in charge and my conflicted feelings haven t gone away especially in light of the recent announcement that they would be scrapping the adult social care costing cap
This was originally proposed by Andrew Dilnot in 2011 with plans to provide a more accessible system for people needing social care services
Over the last ten years, it has been postponed over and over and was more recently earmarked for October 2025
However, less than a month since the general election, Rachel Reeves has scrapped the cap on social care costs altogether citing an apparent £22m financial black hole that needs filling I appreciate the honesty and decision to scrap it straight away rather than continuing to postpone some-
thing that was seemingly never going to happen
But my overarching worry is that nothing has been proposed in its place and the implications of scrapping this costing cap with nothing to replace it are vast; Wes Streeting himself shared concerns during the election campaign that he expected Labour s manifesto on social care to be more ambitious
Our social care system is stretched to its limits, people needing to access this care are in free fall and facing uncertainty about the financial burdens that will be placed on them without a cap to control the costs
With financial hardship comes more demand on publicly funded care and its workforce which is already at crisis point with staff under immense stress and over capacity
We could also see a two-tiered care system widening the gap in social inequality - those who are wealthier can afford a better standard of care
Unfortunately I think ways of financing the social care sector in the future include increasing taxes implementing an insurance scheme, relying on the private sector - which raises concerns about the quality and accessibility of care for all - or significant investment in training and support for carers through innovative community-based solutions
However the community-based investment comes with its own challenges as
NHS England Senior Apprenticeships Development Manager Kirsty Marsh-Hyde said: “Nationally, we have been working with Open Awards for over three years, enabling NHS employees to attain functional skills qualifications to progress their careers in health and social care We have always been highly impressed with the dedication and delivery of the team and receive consistently high feedback from NHS trusts and employers on the difference this offer makes to learners
with mental illness being sent out of their local area for treatment
In the BBC news article College President Dr Lade Smith CBE provides an expert voice on the issue explaining that these inappropriate out-ofarea placements could slow the recovery of patients with complex mental health needs Out-of-area placements occur when no beds are available in the local area NHS data shows 5,500 adults were affected by this practice in the year to March 2024 up by 25% compared to the previous year
Responding to the BBC s report Professor Subodh Dave Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists said: “It is unacceptable that thousands of people with severe mental illness are being forced to travel hundreds of miles away from their loved ones for essential care This harmful practice should have been stopped years ago, and it is concerning to see it is becoming significantly more common People experiencing depression eating disorders schizophrenia and other severe
Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections have fallen to their second lowest level in almost 10 years as the day-to-day regulatory function of the public body continues to lag behind pre-pandemic activity
According to new data physical inspections by the CQC have dropped from a peak of almost 23 000 in 2016 to just less than 8 000 in 2023 – a marginal increase on 2020 figures which showed that 7 711 inspections were carried out during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Of the 107 inspections with an overall rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ or Inadequate only four have resulted in completed and published full Quality Statement reviews
The fall in inspections also coincides with the commencement of the CQC s new operating model which may account for some of the reduction Bill Dunkerley regulatory associate partner at Pannone Corporate which conducted the annual research under the Freedom of Information Act commented: “Despite the fanfare and extensive publications to promote its introduction the CQC s new regulatory model has had something of an inauspicious start
The regulator was hopeful that its new approach would enable it to be more dynamic in its assessment of services and permit more contemporaneous data collection to take place Far from becoming a more proactive dynamic and responsive agency as the data shows the CQC is becoming more sedentary in its approach
The research shows that despite an increase in the number of concerns being received by the CQC the
total number of regulatory actions taken by the Commission has fallen year-on-year and currently sits at around half of pre-lockdown levels (10,618 in 2019; 5,783 in 2023) Although there was a clear drop-off in the number of regulatory actions in 2020 figures have remained consistently low since then compared with upwards of 15 000 each year in the period following the CQC’s receipt of enhanced powers in 2015
In addition the use of warning notices has dropped significantly from a peak figure of just over 1 500 during 2015 to less than 600 in 2023 Despite a flurry of prosecutions over the last few years the annual figures also show that prosecutions are decreasing rapidly There are currently 121 open criminal investigations concerning specific incidents or unregistered providers
Dunkerley added: “To be an effective regulator going forwards and one with real teeth the CQC has to combine its new inspection and assessment framework with meaningful regulatory activity Whilst to date, the CQC could have been seen to be relatively proactive – undertaking inspections of providers at fairly reasonable intervals – an inherent danger within its ‘data-driven’ approach is that this may result in it becoming reactive as recent data perhaps tends to indicate
“At the end of the day the CQC s new regulatory model does not change its investigatory and enforcement powers
The latest figures suggest that either the CQC is becoming less active or is achieving compliance by providers without the need to resort to use of its enforcement powers ”
Staff residents relatives and the local community came together at Hazel Lodge to enjoy a Summer Fete that was held in the home s grounds earlier this month
The event was opened by Battle s Mayor Cllr Dr Andrew Barton who spent time chatting to residents, visitors and stall holders The afternoon started with live music from local crooner Steve Dunnett followed by a Punch and Judy show and entertainment from children s entertainer Crazee Hazee There were a variety of local stallholders selling homemade crafts and produce and even a chance to win a cuddly toy on the Hook a Duck Staff at Hazel Lodge made everyone feel welcome and were delighted to see different generations having fun together Visitors enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and a delicious selection of homemade cakes and drinks,
prepared by the team who were hard at work making sure that a great time was had by all!
Over £400 was raised on the day with all proceeds going to Hastings RNLI Stall Holder Fern Burgess, said, “I thoroughly enjoyed it We had a lovely afternoon and the staff were so helpful It was nice to see and chat to the residents as they wandered around the stalls
Jonathan Johnson General Manager at the home said “It was great to see so many people visiting us for the 1st time and enjoying the home and the gardens
The Hazel Lodge team have worked hard in organising the event for the community and it has definitely paid off It was a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by so many!”
Don’t get left behind… free ½ hour monthly podcast inspiring guests innovation spotlight research links & events join listeners from 60+ countries
By Phil Dakin, Managing Director, Kroll (www kroll
Getting older is a fact of life But it is not just us as individuals that are getting older but the population as a whole The over-65s now account for 18% of England, and those over 80 – the fastest growing segment of the population – are set to more than double to over six million within the next 40 years
This upward shift in the demographic landscape speaks to improved access to and higher standards of medical care in the UK a resounding reminder of the contribution of the NHS to the social fabric of the country But the NHS is a victim of its own success
While succeeding in extending our lives it has increased the demands on its own limited resources by expanding the population demographic who exert the greatest pressure on the health service
By extension the adult social care sector and its associated regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are facing similar stresses and are struggling to meet growing demands on capacity amid ongoing resourcing challenges Staff shortages are pervasive across the sector and whilst the recruitment of high-quality workers from overseas had once offered an effective solution new limits on migration in the sector threaten to exacerbate the scale of the resourcing problem
The emerging political emphasis on workers rights has been proposed as part of the solution The Government is moving forward with legislation to enhance the rights of workers and unions in pay negotiations in the social care setting and is hopeful that resetting the balance of power between employers and employees will ease pressures on both the recruitment and retention of staff
It will however, come at a financial cost to cash strapped providers who have already felt the effects of price inflation and the energy crisis across the breadth of their essential day to day outgoings Average energy cost rises of 72% across the sector last year paired with annual increases to the National Living Wage plunged two in five providers into financial deficit in 2023 according to the annual Sector Pulse Check commissioned by Hft and Care England and left almost 40% of providers contemplating withdrawing from the market altogether
For providers in the private sector the autonomy to increase fees provides some protection against eroding margins For those providers reliant on financial input from the public sector, however, managing upward pressure on costs can prove more challenging and is often made harder by the absence of a long-term sustained funding model for the sector
Against this backdrop professional services firms are receiving more inbound requests from providers seeking advice on how to navigate these pressures Based on our experience a number of strategies come
When it comes to negotiating funding ensuring that you have the right people in the room to lead the negotiations is crucial Experience shows that former local government commissioners who offer a knowledge of the internal decision-making machinery are particularly well equipped to lead discussions
But providers are cautioned against snap recruitment Funding panels are unlikely to take kindly to firms hiring insiders with the sole intention of swaying funding decisions, and new recruits typically prove more effective advocates once they are embedded in the fabric of the firm
Adopting a constructive approach to engagement is also highly recommended When discussing financial pressures, firms should seek to present a clear and itemised picture of the individual costs they face and should be ready to engage in constructive conversations with local government to jointly identify where savings can be made
Recent pressures on the regulator have extended the timeframes for transactions registrations and transfers with implications for providers going to market Similarly lengthy lead-ins on inspections and audits create a distinct set of challenges for those already in operation, including in relation to funding Under these circumstances third party auditors can provide timely assurances on the quality of care and unblock barriers to financing
Putting systems in place to support recruitment
Whilst the new Home Secretary has confirmed that the previous Government s restrictions on migrant care workers will continue to be implemented looking ahead the ongoing review into legal migration by the Migration Advisory Committee could alter the landscape for overseas recruitment In the interim providers should keep on top of sponsor license renewals so that they have the right permissions to make the most of recruitment opportunities as and when they arise
Technology is changing the way we work and live and the transition to online processes is becoming increasingly prevalent across sectors We are beginning to see the same replicated in the social care setting with advantages for those providers who have come forward as early adopters The application of technological solutions to processes such as the management of medication for example can both support enhanced health and safety risk management and create efficiencies where homes are stretched for capacity
Times are tough for social care providers and the threat of future economic shocks still looms large Ensuring that the right systems and people are in place early is essential if providers are to give themselves the best chance of weathering the storm
“It was lovely to have the opportunity to have a wander round the floral classes marquees where the scent of the flowers was absolutely gorgeous and very much appreciated by our ladies and gents
“Many of them were formerly keen gardeners and they have a real appreciation of a good bloom
We also had a peek at the South West Honey Show and the Wine Show and enjoyed the Rock Choir and other activities There really was something for everyone
flower show in the country
The outing was part of a busy and varied programme of activities organised for the residents of Camelot House and Lodge The home is run by award-winning dementia care specialists Camelot Care who also have homes in Bridgwater Plymouth and Yeovil
A new campaign to raise awareness of dementia and offer help for those whose lives have been affected by the condition has launched this month
Let s talk Dementia - www letstalkdementia co uk which is organised and funded by Luye Pharma Ltd, offers information about the condition, as well as resources that individuals community groups and carers can access It covers everything from types of dementia and what the symptoms are through to advice on nutrition staying active and guidance for carers
There are currently more than 944 000 people in the UK who have dementia1 and one in three people will care for someone with the condition at some point in their life By 2040 it is estimated that up to 1 7 million people could be living with dementia in England and Wales 3 The launch of Let s talk Dementia comes following a survey with 1 000 people4 carried out by Luye Pharma Ltd which showed there is concern about access to dementia information 57% think there is not enough available while 22% are unsure
Contributing to www letstalkdementia co uk are partners and support groups with expertise in the dementia field They include GP and media medic Dr Rosemary Leonard the movement education specialist Joël Kruisselbrink, who creates exercises and games for the elderly, and nutritionist Jane Clarke, who devis-
Said Dr Rosemary Leonard, who worked with Luye Pharma Ltd as a
By Mark White, Par tner, Charles Russell Speechlys
the property sector which is expected to stimulate further investment in the UK real estate market In the short-term the Government is clearly keen to boost the housing market, but Labour should bear in mind that there are other investment opportunities within the broader property sector that remain a vital engine for growth
One area for investment to pay attention to is healthcare This resilient industry offers
returns This is promising for potential investors as noted by a recent CBRE UK Healthcare Sentiment Survey which revealed that 62% of healthcare investors intend to increase their allocation to the sector over the next five years
As a Labour government implements its policies there are key areas that investors and developers should monitor as potential areas for growth across the healthcare sector From planning reform to operator costs those looking to invest in healthcare real estate should be aware of opportunities and challenges UNLOCKING DEVELOPMENT
In her first speech to the Treasury as Chancellor Rachel Reeves underscored the government s commitment to planning reform, highlighting the importance of unlocking opportunities across various asset classes The Labour government s promise to streamline and modernise the planning process will be vital for healthcare real estate
According to recent research by CBRE there is a significant gap between the high demand for new healthcare facilities particularly in elderly and specialist care and the lagging development pipeline This gap represents a missed opportunity for investors and a growing concern for the healthcare sector which is already under pressure to meet the needs of an ageing population
If the Labour government can make meaningful inroads in planning reform, this could unlock the development pipeline and meet the high investor appetite for new facilities However the specifics of these
reforms are still uncertain It is clear though that a simple commitment to hiring three hundred more planning officers is unlikely to be the full solution
Another key area that could significantly influence healthcare property investment is the stability and predictability of policy from the Treasury Rachel Reeves known for her commitment to economic stability has made it clear that the government intends to adhere closely to its manifesto commitments aiming to foster a stable environment for investors
If financial markets respond positively to this stability we could see further falls in interest rates Lower interest rates would not only make borrowing more affordable but also increase the availability of capital for new healthcare developments This in turn would provide funders with greater confidence to enter the market, potentially leading to a surge in investment across the sector
Labour’s proposed employment reforms, which include higher minimum wages, stronger worker protections and enhanced rights for gig economy workers are likely to introduce significant cost pressures on healthcare operators These reforms, while beneficial for workers, could lead to a substantial increase in operational expenses for healthcare providers At present it is unclear how fee rates might be adjusted to balance these pressures For investors looking to partner with operators sight of a robust balance sheet capable of absorbing these additional costs will be critical
While the left wing of the party has been vocally opposed to private finance initiatives there is growing recognition within the party’s more pro-business wing that partnerships with the private sector will be essential to meet the country s healthcare infrastructure needs
As the demand for healthcare services continues to rise the public sector alone may not have the resources necessary to fund the required expansions and improvements The private sector is eager for the opportunity to collaborate with the government on this front Given the commitments made on tax and borrowing in the Labour manifesto, it seems likely that such collaborations will materialise These partnerships could unlock significant investments into healthcare providing the capital needed to build new facilities and upgrade existing ones
As the new Labour government begins to implement its policies investors in healthcare real estate will encounter both opportunities and challenges The promise of planning reform and economic stability offers the potential for growth while cost pressures and the complexities of public-private partnerships require careful navigation By staying informed investors can position themselves to capitalise on the
scape of healthcare real estate under a new government
Care home laundry regulations dictate that facilities take a proactive approach to infection control and hygiene to reduce the risk of cross-contamination As
a wide variance in laundry type with the residential element of care homes placing a significant demand on the centre s laundry processes INFECTION CONTROL AND CROSS-CONTAMINATION
Spanish tapas and the flavourful tastes of Greek beef stifado and spanakopita
These different cuisines are accompanied by traditional music and decorations to transport residents through an immersive cultural experience During the Greek themed day, Andrew Long, The DurhamGate
Blueleaf Care is promoting best practice in continence care to help care homes deliver better outcomes for residents and help reduce their environmental impact through the choice of products they purchase During Continence Care Week Blueleaf partnered with global leading continence brand TENA to run Learning Circles for carers across 16 care homes Each of the sessions included discussion on best practice for care home staff with TENA experts explaining the health and sustainability benefits of using the right products for its intended purpose With two out of three people in care homes requiring continence care, best practice can deliver the dual benefit of increasing a resident s quality of life while reducing a care home s environmental impact
In addition to the education sessions Blueleaf and TENA are also marked World Continence Week by hosting a series of Bloom & Grow activity workshops for residents providing sunflower seeds for them to sow in pots for their rooms or around the home These sessions were designed to support the care home’s commitment to provide social activities which are beneficial to residents cognitive function; so too is connecting with nature by handling soil watering and tending flowers Ellen Brown Sales and Marketing Director of Blueleaf Care says encouraging best practice is a priority for
the Greek to a delighted audience Samantha Holden The DurhamGate s Front of House Manager said I am so pleased these days have been such a positive experience at the home and residents are always excited to find out which part of the world they will get a taste of next Food is a wonderful way to bring people together and explore different cultures Our international themed days offer more than just a meal they offer an experience that for many residents has reminded them of past travels or introduced them to new culinary delights Councillor for Spennymoor Town Council and former Town Mayor, Ian Geldard has also shown his support for the initiative commenting on The DurhamGate Facebook page: “Excellent work Andrew, and the team What a fantastic place!
With the international themed days proving a hit over the summer holidays The DurhamGate Care Home has exciting plans to continue transporting residents through themed menus and activities In October residents will celebrate Oktoberfest with authentic German specialities and in November the home will bring the vibrant flavours of India to honour Diwali, the festival of lights
Blueleaf “Well managed continence care improves a resident’s quality of life considerably preventing avoidable accidents which can result in further health complications but it
By Sian Harris, Communication Lead at Evolve Care Group
Now that a new government is in place following last month's General Election, opinions on the outcome are plentiful However amidst the continuing discussions on policies and leadership, there remains a crucial yet often overlooked topic
Adult social care particularly the best interest of individuals living with a Dementia who choose to vote or don t have a voice is not often discussed
When researching more on this subject and what the 2024 General Election might mean for individuals on a Dementia journey, I found that a person living with a cognitive impairment can cast a valid vote if they choose to which is an encouraging and empowering aspect of our democratic process The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines that having a cognitive impairment does not automatically disqualify someone from voting
Living with early or middle stages of Dementia and having the ability to vote could mean no support is needed, but what about individuals who are on a later Dementia journey? The Mental Capacity Act 2005 emphasises supporting individuals with Dementia in making decisions based on their identity
You are voting via postal vote, a piece of paper with boxes words and logos that you don’t understand being put in front of you a pen that you don t recognise but is placed in your hand Someone then gently supporting you, guiding you to hold the pen and mark the paper where you want to because this is your choice
This could be encouraging independence engagement and a person-centred approach giving someone on a Dementia journey the choice to participate in democracy as an equal citizen But what if the person offering support sees the vulnerability as an opportunity? What if that person voted Labour but the person they are supporting is and has always been, a staunch Tory? There could be a question of integrity as the supporter could take advantage of the situation and influence the person to vote differently What if you simply scribbled an X in the wrong box? You wouldn t understand, you wouldn’t know you have voted for an opposite party something that is part of your identity
Voting is a fundamental part of democracy supported by principles of equality and non-discrimination The challenge is to ensure that the person voting with Dementia is protected THE ABILITY TO VOTE
While the right to vote is clear the ability to vote can be compromised According to the Alzheimer’s Society, about 850,000 people live with a Dementia in the UK, a number that is expected to rise The Alzheimer’s Society states that decisions made for a person who can’t decide must always be in their best interests
Support is crucial for helping those in the later stages of Dementia engage with the political process Unfortunately, many don’t get the support needed to understand candidates and issues, leaving them confused and unable to make informed decisions
Processes we take for granted like registering to vote understanding manifestos and going to polling stations can be overwhelming for those living with a Dementia The requirement for ID to vote also adds extra barriers
Liz Thompson, Registered Manager of Sundial Care Home, mentioned that two residents (fondly referred to as family members) usually opt for postal voting One lady typically receives help from her husband but has decided not to vote this time Liz explained Although someone living with a Dementia has the right to vote it can be really difficult It’s ultimately up to the individual to decide what they want to do regardless of our opinions ” Liz added that whether family members choose to vote in person, by post, or by proxy, their care team supports them by helping them vote
With the 2024 UK General Election now behind us and a new government in place we need to start talking about the unseen issue of giving a voice and protection to individuals living with a Dementia in care homes
Despite their right to vote the reality is that most people with a Dementia living in care do not cast their vote Given that many of them were active voters before their diagnosis and that voting should still be important to them this brings up some important questions Where is their voice? Who is thinking about and protecting them? Who in our society is advocating for social care and protections that our elder generation needs – and let s not forget that one day our elder generation will be us
It s up to us as a society to ensure that their voices are heard We need to find ways to support their participation in our political system protecting their rights and ensuring that their interests are considered in the decisions that shape our society
Link to Alzheimer’s Society: Making decisions for a person with dementia who lacks mental capacity: www alzheimers org uk/blog/can-people-with-dementia-vote
Earlier this month Alexandra House care home hosted a special celebration in honour of their esteemed social worker Napoleon who has been promoted and will be transferring to another team The event was a heartfelt tribute to Napoleon's remarkable 10 years of service, dedication, and unwavering support to the Alexandra House community Napoleon has been a cornerstone of the team at Alexandra House offering compassionate guidance and expert care to countless individuals and families His commitment to improving lives has left an indelible mark on the organisation, and his departure marks the end of an era for Alexandra House
The celebration was attended by fellow social workers staff and community members all of whom came together to express their gratitude and best wishes for Napoleon s continued success The atmosphere was filled with both joy and nostalgia as colleagues shared memories and
stories that highlighted Napoleon s impact over the past decade "Working with Napoleon has been an honour His dedication empathy and professionalism have been an inspiration to all of us at Alexandra House While we will deeply miss his presence, we are incredibly proud of his achievements and wish him all the best in his new role said the Alexandra House team
Napoleon s promotion is a testament to his hard work and the profound difference he has made in the lives of those he has served Though he will be greatly missed, his legacy at Alexandra House will continue to inspire the team in their ongoing mission to support the community
As Alexandra House and the Runwood Homes group say goodbye to Napoleon they do so with deep pride and heartfelt gratitude His contributions will be long remembered and they extend their best wishes for his continued success in his new role
The National Institute for Health and Care Research has funded universities across 12 regions in England £33 2m to provide research training and engagement programmes for students and early career professionals
The funding is for three years It supports institutions to deliver engagement programmes to attract people into research careers It also offers fully-funded Research Masters places to train those new to research The funding is part of the new INSIGHT: Inspiring Students into Research scheme This aims to help students and those at early career stages to access the full range of research careers This includes from research delivery to academic Professor Waljit Dhillo Dean of NIHR Academy said: We know how important early exposure to research is for helping students and early career professionals develop the knowledge and skills needed to join the
very special day for us as we ticked another thing off our lovely resident s bucket list We are extremely grateful to Runwood Homes for their support in making this trip possible "
The day at Brean Sands not only provided a much-needed change of scenery for the residents but also reinforced the importance of creating joyful and meaningful experiences no matter the circumstances The Runwood Homes group is committed to continuing their efforts to enrich the lives of their residents one special moment at a time
ests and experiences I spoke with Joyce and Judith two residents I knew would be keen to join, and signed them up immediately
one of the first residents to join has been paired with Emma a volunteer who shares her love of wildlife “Joyce was ecstatic when she found out that Emma had interviewed one of her favourite people David Attenborough Sharon explained “Although they have only had two calls so far it already feels as though they have known each other for years ” Judith another resident is eagerly awaiting her first call with her match Ellan, scheduled for 26th August “Judith is thrilled to be able to practice her sign language with Ellan as she is currently learning it herself Sharon added The excitement surrounding the programme has already inspired two more residents Joan and Trevor to sign up with the pair eagerly awaiting their matches
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Arlene Hunter Wellbeing Coordinator at Douglas View Care Home describes Lily as:
“A woman of many talents who enjoys knitting reading sewing dressmaking taking long walks in nature and dancing the
Louise Fulton, Care Home Manager at Douglas View, commented: “It's amazing to see one of our lovely ladies
We are excited to announce this new round of investment and how it will impact large Social Care organisations and their employees
Together with my fellow co-founders, Oli Johnson and Ben Dixon, we’d like to thank Felicis who led the financing with participation from Northzone, Google s AI-fund Gradient, SpeedInvest, Antler, BAG Ventures, and the numerous notable angels who participated in the round
When we founded Sona in 2021, we wanted to solve the unique challenges of frontline work with technology that empowers every employee, on every level of a large organisation
Two years later, Sona is doing just that for over 100,000 people We are grateful to the many organisations who have chosen us to support them on their digital journey, including Community Integrated Care, iVolve, Affinity, Yorkshire Care, Greensleeves Care, Cartrefi Cymru, and Livability, helping them deliver almost 5 million seamless shifts We’d also like to thank our partners who share in our vision for an integrated tech landscape for Care, including Nourish, Radar Healthcare, and Lottie
Some of the most talented and motivated people around have joined us to make this possible, and I d like to give a particular shout-out to Hayley Horwood and Richard Upshall Together, they have more than 25 years of experience in the Care sector and their insights have guided us every step of the way
This deep involvement has taught us that the complexity associated with multi-location, 1000+ staff operations is coupled with the pressure and responsibility to provide the best care possible Social Care demands a state-ofthe-art solution, built with the kind of technology that isn’t just the latest right now, but that is flexible enough to continue being state-of-the-art ten years from now and later into the future
The financing is a big step on our journey to becoming the go-to WFM for large Social Care groups, but - more importantly - it is an investment in the sector as a whole
Over the past year, we ve seen demand for a nextgeneration solution like Sona increase fourfold Our
partners are looking to make their operations more efficient and reliable, improve staff satisfaction, and become financially sustainable organisations that can easily grow and support more people
The fact that we can confidently say Sona is a solution that pays for itself - and then more! - is something we’re incredibly proud of because it provides organisations with a new revenue source they can re-invest into employee wellbeing and a better experience for the people they care for
So, what does this mean for the Care sector?
1. A truly intelligent AI-driven solution
We want to empower Social Care enterprises to forecast their staff needs based on what is best for the people they support with maximum accuracy and automatically tailor their operations accordingly This will help organisations speed up their scheduling, gain real-time views of their shift runs, and encourage growth in a way that tech simply hasn’t in the last decade Previously, the focus was mostly on digitising paper-based processes, but as many organisations are now starting a vendor-replacement cycle, we want to provide them with a real nextgeneration solution
2 Automated HR processes
Our HR solution is already closely linked to Scheduling and communicates seamlessly as solutions built to work together from day one should The next step is to bring automation to the HR processes that currently take up the most time and are heavily prone to errors Our goal is to make the data we feed into our Payroll engine as accurate as possible and remove the potential for mistakes to snowball, leading to drops in employee satisfaction, more admin time, and even legal risks down the line
3. User-first technology
One implementation challenge organisations have experienced with legacy software is low tech adoption rates from frontline staff But what oftentimes is seen as fear of change, is actually a natural reaction to employee apps which were not designed to be accessible The Sona mobile app - together with all our interfaces - is built with usability in mind and consumer-grade standards We want to enrich this experience with even more features that make user life more efficient and increase satisfaction, particularly around self-service and onboarding new staff We believe the first impression new employees get of their organisation and its processes is key to their retention
4 High-quality research and contributions to Social Care in the UK
The feedback we’ve received for our industry-leading reports, webinars, and other research activities has always been incredible and we re only looking to add more Social Care is first and foremost about the people and the community We plan to continue reporting on the pulse of the sector, bring together leaders and visionaries to share their insights, and always spotlight the many opportunities Care offers At the same time, we want to expand our existing charitable contributions and make sure that we’re always giving back to those on the frontline
committed our Customer Success and Implementation teams are to always going the extra mile, helping them optimise and grow their business We want to make sure that as we grow ourselves, we only improve this experience and provide even more comprehensive support every step of the way For that we’ll be on the lookout for the best talent available
Overall, with Sona, I like to think of it as building the “selfdriving car of running a Care business The last 20 years of workforce management were dominated by legacy point solutions that digitised simple paper processes Sona is building the next generation of WFM with a truly intelligent platform that enables organisational leaders in complex, multi-location enterprises to put the right people, in the right place, at the right time; and to seamlessly manage their workforce end-to-end
We believe we can deliver this because our exponential growth has been driven by tangible factors: speed of product delivery, high configurability, and sector expertise
Unlike legacy platforms, Sona’s technology has been built from the ground up for real-time data processing and insights Leveraging the Elixir programming language and large language models - similar to what powers tools like ChatGPT - we offer AI-powered real-time actionable feedback which helps drive intelligent decision making and leads to real workforce productivity gains The trust of our investors so far has yielded a total of £30 millionfunds that we see contributing to the development of the sector as a whole
“We are proud to lead Sona's Series A round and support its mission to empower frontline enterprises with cuttingedge workforce management solutions We believe in Sona s potential to redefine how businesses [ ] manage their workforce, and we re excited to be part of their journey towards reshaping the future of work Ben, Oli, Steffen and the Sona team have already helped over 100,000 frontline workers schedule shifts, and we know so many more will appreciate smarter software that enables their work ”
Niki Pezeshki, General Partner at Felicis
As we continue to innovate, our mission remains clear: to transform the outdated tools that have hindered Care enterprises in the past and usher in a new era of intelligent WFM that drives efficiency, employee wellbeing, and, ultimately, the delivery of exceptional care
Steffen Wulff Petersen Sona CEO and Co-Founder
5. A trustworthy partnership for all our UK customers
Our partners have consistently highlighted how
own photographs to the My Memories feature on the app Over the last decade, objects on the app have been interacted with more than a million times
Throughout the years House of Memories has worked with a range of museums organisations and communities around the world to create content for the app, to provide a choice of objects to resonate with as many people living with dementia as possible Recent partnerships have included collaborating with Welsh Government and 14 museum partners across Wales to develop dual-language content for the app and working with the Chelsea Pensioners at the Royal Hospital Chelsea to create a collection of hospital and British Army memories In order to support professional carers working with people living with dementia, as well as families and friends House of Memories also provides online and in-person training where you can learn how to use the My House of Memories app and hear about other dementia activities and resources The in-person training takes place in Liverpool every month while online training – made up of 31 expert videos across four modules – can be completed at any time
The House of Memories team also offer bespoke dementia awareness and app training to organisations which work with or support people living with dementia, from the likes of residential and nursing homes to housing associations and groups offering support services
Sarah Wright Project Coordinator at Gairloch Museum in northwest Scotland runs a Whatever the Weather’ Wednesday reminiscing group and recently worked with House of Memories to deliver training to encourage local people and carers to engage with the app particularly the Highland Memories section which was developed with museums across the
the trainers and the people being trained It was good to get carers together and to have the opportunity to talk more about dementia and what it really means to live with someone who is living with dementia ”
The My House of Memories app is available to download for free on iOS devices via the App Store and on Google Play for Android devices Information about in-person online and bespoke training is available on the House of Memories website Family and professional carers of people living with dementia who are local to Liverpool where House of Memories is based, can also join free ‘memory walks and ‘When I was little’
More than three quarters of NHS staff (76%) support the use of AI to help with patient care with 81% also in favour of its use for administrative tasks
That’s according to a survey commissioned by the Health Foundation of 1 292 NHS staff members and 7 200 nationally representative members of the UK public (aged 16 years and older)
The public were less but still broadly receptive to the use of AI in health care, with 54% supporting its use in patient care and 61% for administrative purposes
Given the potential for responsible AI to help ease the significant pressures facing the NHS engaging with the public and NHS staff and understanding their views will be critical to making progress This survey is one of the largest of its kind in the world and sought to understand current attitudes and concerns about the use of AI in health care THE POLLING ALSO FOUND:
Despite the public being broadly receptive to the use of AI in health care there is still a significant minority who are currently not supportive For example, around 1 in 6 members of the public (18%) and around 1 in 10 NHS staff surveyed (11%) think AI will make care quality worse Among the public, young people (16-24) are less likely to believe that AI will improve care quality compared to other age groups and women are less likely to believe that AI will improve care quality compared to men
The top two concerns with AI in health care were its potential impact on the interpersonal aspects of health care and its potential impact on decision-making accuracy
- The public is concerned about the potential impact of AI on the accuracy of decision making For example nearly a third (30%) of the public think that one of the main possible disadvantages of AI will be that health care staff won’t question the outputs of AI systems and so may miss errors
- Also over half of the public (53%) think AI will make them feel more distant from health care staff and nearly two-thirds of the NHS staff we surveyed (65%) think AI will make them feel more distant from
While the NHS staff we surveyed are on balance looking forward to using AI as part of their role (57% agreeing compared to 17% disagreeing) this is not equally felt across all occupational groups – with for example medical and dental staff being more positive than other clinical staff such as health care assistants and health care support workers
The publication of this survey follows the Health Foundation s call for a dedicated strategy for AI in health care which we argue should prioritise engaging the public and health care staff to ensure AI works for them This was discussed at our recent summit with Minister of State for Health Karin Smyth MP
Assistant Director (Insight & Analysis) at the Health Foundation Tim Horton, said “Interest is growing rapidly in the potential of artificial intelligence to improve health care and while it is not a panacea it could play a significant role in helping to ease NHS pressures and support the workforce ”
Capitalising on the potential of AI will require a dedicated strategy to create agreement on priorities and provide greater direction for the NHS and industry And engaging people in decisions about how AI should be used must be at the heart of this
“If AI is to be accepted and the benefits fully realised it will have to command the confidence of patients the public and NHS staff The Health Foundation’s research suggests the public and NHS staff on balance support the use of AI for clinical and administrative purposes But some remain unconvinced and so it s crucial to engage people in a conversation about the future of health care – in order to understand and address their concerns
“It’s clear the public want a human to remain in the loop’ for many uses of AI in health care, and they want AI technologies to be designed and used in ways that protect the human dimension of care Our research also suggests the impact of AI will be felt differently across roles in health care and so in helping staff adjust to the rise of AI policy makers and NHS leaders will need to tailor the support they provide ”
Residents from The Belmont part of the Sanders Senior Living group were delighted to attend the Age UK Dance-a-thon event held on the 1st of August at the Worcester County Cricket Club This vibrant and inclusive event brought together people of all ages from the local community to enjoy a day of dancing, socialising, and supporting a worthy cause raising funds for living well with dementia
The Dance-a-thon offered a variety of ways to participate catering to the diverse needs of attendees The picturesque backdrop of Worcester Cathedral added to the day’s charm making it a memorable outing for everyone involved
The Belmont was represented by five residents accompanied by Home Manager Stephanie Howard and Wellbeing Lead Mark The event provided an excellent opportunity for residents to engage with the wider community enjoy a day out, and experience the joy of dancing in a supportive and lively
environment Stephanie Howard Home Manager at The Belmont shared her thoughts on the event: “All the residents returned to The Belmont very happy and the feedback was outstanding They all said they had enjoyed themselves and that they look forward to the next event These events are brilliant for interaction within the community for our residents and they get a lot of enjoyment and fulfilment from attending We look forward to offering our residents more opportunities like this in the future
Mark Owen Wellbeing Lead at The Belmont added: “It was a wonderful morning out at the Age UK Dance-a-thon event Our residents really enjoyed it especially seeing the different styles of dancing and giving them a go themselves, all while having the beautiful backdrop of Worcester Cathedral ” Ann one of the residents who attended reflected on her experience: It was such a fun day out! It was great to get out in the community, meet new
The job of a care worker though immensely rewarding, is not without its challenges A growing demand for social care has seen carers placed under greater strain with a mounting workload and limited resources
Increasingly, carers are also exposed to abusive and even violent behaviour from service users and their relatives Be it deliberate or, as often the case, unintentional Such aggression can leave a profound mark on diligent and dedicated care staff
The solution to many a modern-day problem is often tech and so too is this the case when dealing with today s care landscape STAFF ALARM SYSTEMS
Tech has proven to be a friend to the care worker, automating administrative tasks enhancing reporting and in the case of staff alarm systems protecting them from potential harm What was originally a bell to alert colleagues to the need for assistance has become far more sophisticated The modern safety alarm is discreet, can be easily attached – if not part of – the wearer s uniform It is supremely efficient and designed with the accuracy to pinpoint the exact location of an active call in a ward of over 80 rooms
In Pinpoint’s case an integrated staff safety system ensures full site security When activated a personal staff alarm emits infrared signals to receiver units installed throughout the building These, in turn, send vital information to display units and devices such as pagers and desktops, detailing the exact location and type of call – assistance or emergency
Within 85 milliseconds of triggering an alarm colleagues are informed that an incident is taking place and crucially exactly where it is in the building
With the press of a button carers have immediate access to a team of responders able to assist provide cover and - where needed - intervene to de-escalate high-risk situations This access instils confidence in staff confidence that the highest quality of care can be delivered and confidence in their safety in the workplace For overwhelmed care workers the ability to summon help with the press of a button is incredibly empowering Be it calling lunchtime cover on a 1-to-1 patient or requesting urgent assistance with an abusive resident, the alarm offers staff a greater deal of control assurance and resources while at work HOW DOES IT WORK?
The application of infrared technology to provide precise, reliable and efficient data is critical here Rather than rely on WIFI-dependant systems - which are prone to interference and inconsistency –Pinpoint s infrared systems deliver an accurate consistent service that care workers can trust And for a growing care home population such precision and dependability have never been more important SUPPORTING THE WORKFORCE
The presence of high-performance alarm systems in care home settings has proven invaluable to workers
With increasing demands being placed on care workers due to a growing care home population and staff shortages the ability to quickly summon additional assistance is crucial to their sense of wellbeing and security
For staff in St Brigid s Hospital in Galway the installation of Pinpoint’s staff alarm system provided reassurance that help was only a buttonpress away Maria Donnellan a Clinical Nurse Manager on the ward said “If a resident becomes abusive toward a member of the team, or if a patient is choking staff can quickly call for support and know it will soon be on its way As a result staff report higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced stress caused by the threat of violence
As the care home environment evolves so too have alarm systems
Far from the traditional bell caller of old the modern alarm is a wireless integrated system that ensures a precise and efficient response
A testament to innovation, the contemporary staff alarm system is a tool to empower care staff in what can be a challenging setting By enabling immediate response to emergencies promoting a safe environment, enhancing communication, building confidence encouraging accountability facilitating regulatory compliance and providing peace of mind staff alarm systems are essential for modern care environments pinpoint ltd uk
15 Maplebrook Care Home has appointed a new manager to oversee the running of the home whilst supporting plans to increase occupancy and maintain the excellent standards for which Maplebrook is known Kate Ingram home manager of the 81-bed home that cares for residents living with complex mental and physical health needs, moves into the role after serving as assistant manager for 2 months Prior to this Kate worked as an Advanced
Colleagues from a Bath home took part in a Tough Mudder challenge and raised more than £700 Harriet Law Emma Richer Amy Jacobs Claire Stocker and Rebekah Nicholson all work at MHA Stratton House and took part in the Tough Mudder challenge at the Badminton Estate Tough Mudder creates hardcore obstacle courses in either a 5k or 15k format designed to test your all-around strength stamina and mental grit
The four were joined by colleagues from MHA Horfield Lodge Meg Hopgood and Kim Woods as well as two partners
The total amount raised was £710 00, which will go towards the homes amenities fund from which activities and trips will be arranged for residents
Speaking after the challenge Harriet Law who works as an adminis-
tration manager said: “We had an amazing time during the challenge and are already thinking of doing it again next year
The support we received was phenomenal and it was an amazing feeling to smash the target
We all felt very proud to represent MHA and the reaction we got when we came back to the home was priceless
Emma Richer the deputy home manager added: It was very tiring but so worth it
“We were very nervous prior to the challenge but we helped each other out and got through it
“It was very muddy, it took us around three hours to complete but it was a great experience
“On behalf of the home, we want to thank everyone for their support and look forward to doing it again
residents and making them feel valued and inte-
gral to our community she said Steve Massey operations manager at Popular Care which operates Milton Grange expressed his enthusiasm for Jenny s new role We strive to create environments where our residents can thrive and contribute in meaningful ways Jenny's enthusiasm and dedication are inspiring, and we're thrilled to see her take on this role ” Milton Grange Care Home is dedicated to creating a vibrant engaging and supportive environment for all its residents Jenny Wilson s selection as a fire warden is just one example of how the home fosters a sense of purpose and belonging among its community members
Mary Miller (60), from the east-end of Glasgow is celebrating twenty years of service with Oakminster Healthcare having spent 20 years working across its portfolio of care homes
Mary was the first employee on the books with Oakminster Healthcare and now works at its Cumbrae House location Mary joined the organisation in 2004 and twenty years on she’s still an integral part of the domestic team
Starting her journey in the early noughties Mary initially worked as a domestic assistant across the Oakminster Group and subsequently a housekeeper at Cumbrae House She is also the self-appointed tuck shop and bar manager ensuring residents' favourites are always stocked up
Mary said: Working in the care home for twenty years now has been so rewarding I have met so many incredible interesting people and I hope I ve made a small difference to their lives That’s really what we try and do here – across the board - our aim is to create a happy relaxing and enjoyable environment for our residents
We want them to feel like they can be themselves express their wishes and ultimately feel heard And, i think we’re succeeding Trust me, the residents have no issue telling me what they like – and don t like!
“I can’t believe I was the first member of staff employed here and now I'm celebrating 20 years it really has gone in a flash ”
Speaking of her time with Cumbrae House and the Oakminster Healthcare group, Mary explains the changes she has navigated over the years
Mary continued: As you can imagine a lot has changed in my time at Cumbrae House We have come on leaps and bounds in twenty years
MOWOOT II – proven solution to chronic constipation without medication
Developed by a team of doctors and other healthcare professionals MOWOOT II performs gentle abdominal massage to speed up intestinal passage in people experiencing chronic constipation
Clinically proven, safe and effective relaxing and sideeffects free, MOWOOT II
Abdominal Massage Therapy System combats constipation and provides soothing relief to affected people
Easy to use and comfortable the MOWOOT II treats and manages constipation in people with spinal cord injuries multiple sclerosis sufferers Parkinson’s Disease patients and people with constipation related to prescription medication MOWOOT II also helps to relieve idiopathic constipation experienced by menopausal and post-menopausal women
and older and elderly people In clinical studies
MOWOOT II increased evacuation frequency softened stools improved regularity reduced gasses relieved bloating and eased off abdominal discomfort 10 to 20 minutes daily of relaxing abdominal massage with MOWOOT II rapidly reduces symptoms of constipation Evident results are experienced only a few days after the first treatment Regular abdominal massage with MOOWOOT II ensures lasting health benefits and better quality of life
MOWOOT II – effective solution to chronic constipation for better quality of life!
Supplied by Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 - www win-health com
A museum-led dementia awareness programme House of Memories, is marking 10 years since its memory activity app launched at the House of Commons
The free My House of Memories app co-created with people living with dementia, was launched two years after the creation of the wider House of Memories programme, which is led by National Museums Liverpool The aim of the app is to develop connections and conversations between people living with dementia and their families and carers through digital collections of objects Together, people can explore pictures of museum objects and everyday items – which range from a Singer sewing machine to a 10 shilling note – and discover things which resonate with them Images are brought to life with sound music and descriptions which can help to spark memories of days gone by Users can also save favourite objects to a digital memory tree, digital memory box or timeline and add their own photographs to the ‘My Memories’ feature on the app
with people living with dementia as well as families and friends, House of Memories also provides online and in-person training where you can learn how to use the My House of Memories app and hear about other dementia activities and resources The in-person training takes place in Liverpool every month, while online training –made up of 31 expert videos across four modules –can be completed at any time
The House of Memories team also offer bespoke dementia awareness and app training to organisations which work with or support people living with dementia from the likes of residential and nursing homes to housing associations and groups offering support services
The My House of Memories app is available to download for free on iOS devices via the App Store and on Google Play for Android devices Information about in-person online and bespoke training is available on the House of Memories website
As you get older your penis and testicles may get slightly smaller One reason is the build-up of fatty deposits in your arteries reducing blood flow to your penis This can cause withering of the tissue cells in the spongy tubes of erectile tissue inside your penis making it awkward to stand at urinal to urinate – but having incontinence on top of this can make matters very difficult to manage
Over the last decade objects on the app have been interacted with more than a million times In order to support professional carers working
Find out more about the House of Memories programme on their website at www liverpool museums org uk/house-of-memories
If you suffer from Penile Retraction and Incontinence – Men’s Liberty has you covered: Men’s Liberty is the discreet dignified dependable alternative for urinary incontinence that you have been looking for It is made of a gentle, skinfriendly material called hydrocolloid a proprietary adhesive that softly stretches and moves with a man as he changes position Unlike diapers that
can cause diaper rash yeast infections and dermatitis
Men’s Liberty attaches to the tip of a man s anatomy directing urine to
Dry Steam cleaning fights the battle against bacteria and viruses on three fronts with thermal and chemical disinfection and decontamination by mechanical action of surface penetration and extraction to eliminate contaminants The innovative design and cutting-edge dry steam technology can help tackle the risks of transmissions both inside healthcare settings and outside where you need to offer the safest and cleanest environments
Dry Steam penetrates common surfaces that are porous – like unvarnished wood and/or have non-smooth textured and rough surfaces that harbour and hide biofilm and soil Where manual cleaning isn’t possible, the Dry Steam Vapour reaches those areas and delivers a hygienic environment and peace of mind that it s free from risks of infection Scientific studies by OSPREYDDEEPCLEAN TNO and UCLH -
University College London Hospital-, focusing on the efficacy and removal of all biofilms and microbiological decontamination demonstrated that Dry Steam Vapour performed equal to or better than other disinfection practices While the use of water and an approved detergent provides an environmentally friendly and effective alternative to more toxic disinfectants
Dry Steam is also ideally suited to be combined with Microfibre cleaning regimes and SteamMops are available as optional accessories
Further Laboratory evaluations using OspreyDeepclean steam cleaning/sanitising machines establish the destruction of hospital infection strains - including the antibiotic resistant superbugs MRSA and VRE - in less than 2 seconds
Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly built knowing the control of healthcareassociated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies including hand hygiene cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the
world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA E Coli, Legionella Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk
A new set of menu planning and food service guidelines for care homes catering to older people has been launched
The Food Services Specialist Group and Older People Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) have worked in collaboration to launch these guidelines under the title Care Home Digest
The Care Home Digest is the first of its kind providing menu planning and food service guidelines to support care homes to provide high quality food and drink services for residents
No such resource currently exists in England and this document should complement existing dietetic guidelines available in the other nations of the UK
The overall food and dining experience can have a huge impact on quality of life for residents and is often one of the highlights of the daily routine Undernutrition dehydration and other nutrition related health concerns which often impact those living in care or residential homes mean that providing appropriate and appetising meals that meet nutritional requirements can be more challenging
With many care homes unable to access a food service dietitian service the Care Home Digest allows homes to access the information to support them to plan nutritionally balanced and appropriate menus to meet both the nutritional needs and preferences of their residents
By having a clear set of standards and guidance that provides consistency and clarity in the approach for eating and drinking in care homes managers nurses care and support staff and caterers will better understand what they should be providing as part of their overall food service
Helen Ream Healthcare and Food Service Dietitian at Compass Group UK & Ireland and Vice-Chair of the BDA’s Food Services Specialist Group says,
It has been a privilege to chair the working group of dietitians and NACC colleagues to develop these guidelines I hope they will be the ‘go to’ resource for care home teams to support them to understand what their food services and menus should include to support residents to have a great mealtime experience whilst also meeting their nutritional needs
Mealtimes play an essential role in the wellbeing of some residents They allow residents to connect with each other as well as with carers and family members and give moments of happiness or reflection when there are cultural or religious celebrations
Chapters in the Digest include delivering a positive mealtime experience menu planning and design and catering for special diets
Helen who is also a member of the NACC says “The Care Home Digest builds on the work of the BDA s Nutrition and Hydration Digest a resource for all those involved in the provision of food and drink services in hospitals and which forms part of the National Standards for Healthcare Food and Drink Until now no similar national food service standards have existed to support care homes for older adults to meet the nutritional needs of their residents We hope these guidelines will be widely used and become a nationally trusted resource in the same way ”
The information and checklists within the guidelines are intended to support care homes to review their services to understand what they are already doing well and where improvements could be considered and made
Neel Radia National Chair of the NACC says The National Association of Care Catering is proud to have been working in collaboration with the BDA for this unique Care Home Digest
“This document is a welcome and necessary publication to enable consistency across the care home sector A multidisciplinary team bringing hospitality and nutrition together is the best solution for an all-encompassing approach to meeting residents nutritional needs This is a must-have document for all catering teams in care homes, from induction through to ongoing reference and review No care home for the elderly should operate without this
“Thank you to Helen Ream and the entire team who have worked so hard in putting this together and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone in the care sector
Founded by Preston Walker and James Ball, globally recognised experts in texture modification and culinary applications for modifying food OHK is your specialist partner for Dysphagia management
Our mission is to provide comprehensive training programs and implementation support that empowers healthcare providers to deliver safe nutrition and reduce risk across the care setting We work in collaboration with you and your teams to secure a better quality of life for individuals with specialised diets Because everyone deserves the right to safe nutrition WHY CHOOSE OHK?
We offer validated and clinically endorsed training programs ensuring your setting complies with current best practices and standards Our courses are mapped to the Eating Drinking and Swallowing Competency Framework from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and delivers best practice guidance reflecting the globally recognised International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI)
OHK provides high quality cost-effective eLearning modules tailored to dysphagia training needs These modules are available as bundles or individual courses which can be accessed via OHK s or your own Learning Management portal, providing flexibility to meet your organisation’s requirements For advanced training needs we also offer in-person courses
OHK assists you in establishing a safe, auditable process and internal framework, helping to enhance your specialist catering solutions Whether you have 1 or 100+ beds we have a solution for you that is cost-effective accessible and scalable
Our courses are developed and maintained in collaboration with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust ensuring the highest quality and accuracy of guidance Expert Dysphagia Consultancy
OHK s expertise has attracted partnership from a range of organisations including Norse Care, Belong Villages and numerous NHS Trusts, including East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, Ayrshire and Arran NHS and the States of Guernsey OHK provides Care England with care catering expertise to support its members and improve standards in the sector
At OHK we are more than just a training provider; we are your partners in delivering excellence in dysphagia care Together we can help you transform your healthcare setting and ensure safe enjoyable nutrition for all
Call Us Today 01572 337188
Email us info@oakhouse-kitchen com
Or visit www oakhouse-kitchen com
It is hoped this document will also support the Care Quality Commission and other nations’ inspectorates to know what they should be assessing and checking for during their visits to care homes and further influence the development of improved standards in such a vital aspect of care After the successful launch of
group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses trying to establish themselves within the industry and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale
Despite the recent deceleration in inflation the share of small businesses aspiring to grow
Dysphagia or difficulty swallowing is a condition that can significantly impact the quality of life for many individuals particularly residents in health and social care facilities Addressing the needs of those with, or at risk of developing, dysphagia is crucial for enhancing their daily experiences and ensuring high standards of care to ultimately improve their quality of life
To achieve this, it's essential to establish Eating Drinking and Swallowing (EDS) competencies across whole care teams, to fully equip the multidisciplinary team (MDT) with the expertise needed to provide comprehensive support
Establishing EDS competencies involves identifying the specific knowledge and skill sets required for each role within the care and catering teams as outlined in the Eating Drinking and Swallowing Competency Framework (EDSCF) This approach ensures that every team member from carers and nurses to caterers and managers possesses the necessary competencies to support residents effectively Fundamental to this is adherence to the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework which details the exact methods for preparing high quality nutritious meals and drinks that are tailored to residents specific swallowing needs
Supporting a sustainable implementation of EDS competencies involves addressing staff turnover accommodating new staff members, managing role changes and providing ongoing training Clear objectives and straightforward management protocols are essential for maintaining these standards over time Additionally, regular feedback mechanisms should be established to continually assess and improve the care provided ensuring that residents receive the best possible support to enhance their quality of life and reduce the risks associated with dysphagia
Implementing EDS competencies at scale has been successfully demonstrated in various regions and care settings across the UK with adoption globally too Examples of this include East Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust South Tyneside NHS Trust, the States of Guernsey, Ayrshire and Arran NHS Trust along with private settings Norse Care & Catering and Belong Villages Between 2 000 and 6 000 staff from each organisation across a wide spectrum of care catering and management roles, enrolled and completed EDS and IDDSI specific training schemes In all settings integration of EDS training and systems has significantly benefitted the care facilities and their residents TANGIBLE RESULTS DEMONSTRATE EFFICACY AMONG MDTS.
Following an EDS training pilot with South Tyneside NHS community settings 74% of participants reported they would change the way they would work as a result of completing the programme, with 34% stating they were more confident in knowing how to refer residents for assessments
In East Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust 86% of staff stated the catering for dysphagia diets course helped them in the way they work due to improved knowledge which positively impacts quality of life food safety and the choice that can be offered to patients in these settings
Similarly the States of Guernsey implementation report, showed that both the kitchen services and an acute stroke ward demonstrated an improvement in the production of foods for the IDDSI Framework, and the understanding and confidence in all staff to support patients with dysphagia
Norse Care & Catering and Belong Villages have also seen improvements following engagement with a IDDSI and EDS-specific training programmes Norse noted that 84% of attendees to the onboarding sessions felt they left with a good or strong understanding of supporting people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties Belong also
attested to training s efficacy in improving confidence in compliance and quality practices
The outcomes of implementing sustainable, integrated EDS training and systems are substantial The pilot with East Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust led to reductions in incidents, increased confidence among staff, higher quality referrals as well as improved food quality Specifically an initial drop in incidents of 85%, with a year-on-year reduction of 33% in incidents on the unit until end of 2022 Since the introduction of this training there has been just one incident in 2023 and no never events or near misses A value that cannot be underestimated
Staff now also have a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by patients with dysphagia, enabling more compassionate and effective support to patients resulting in meaningful impact on their lives
Systematic catering systems provide numerous additional benefits
The States of Guernsey audit report highlights improvements in staff efficiencies consistency in service delivery effective and speedy problem solving and enhanced due diligence processes For example all chefs undertaking IDDSI level specific food training responded very confident’ or ‘extremely confident’ for all IDDSI food production levels Fiona Gardiner Specialist Speech & Language Therapist commented following the pilot; “Guernsey has embedded training throughout levels 1 and 2 of the EDSCF The dysphagia modules support all levels of staff to meet their competency on the framework and this training has meant that risks for people with dysphagia have significantly been reduced In addition we have used IDDSI catering training throughout the hospital catering departments, which has inspired the chefs ” IMPROVING QUALITY OF CARE FOR THE LONG TERM.
These systematic approaches improve the immediate care environment and through robust data capture highlighting better outcomes can help provide confidence to organisations aiming to invest in a strong dysphagia management strategy Establishing and maintaining EDS and IDDSI competencies across care teams is what’s needed to enhance the quality of life for residents with dysphagia and ensure long term sustainability and resilience in care standards
The Textile Services Association (TSA) recently presented a new standardised test protocol for evaluating the disinfection efficacy of laundry wash processes at its spring conference This marks the latest stage in the ongoing partnership between the TSA and De Montfort University (DMU) The research aims to provide accurate information and usable methods of ensuring hygienic cleaning of textiles particularly in relation to sectors more vulnerable to infection such as healthcare
The new protocols were developed following a four-year research project led by Professor Katie Laird at DMU which was funded and supported by the TSA and other national associations from Europe and America Professor Laird and her team have extensive experience in studying healthcare textiles and have previously investigated the survival of microorganisms on textiles and specific wash processes required to decontaminate laundry, among other topics
The importance of creating an effective standardised test for evaluating hygienic cleaning is something that Simon Fry owner of specialist
laundry firm Micronclean Ltd and a TSA board member has been focussing on since joining the TSA over eight years ago The idea for this project came about when manufacturers began introducing chemicals for cold washing he says While it s a great idea in terms of energy saving it can introduce risks in terms of less effective disinfection which is compounded if the traditional tests being used weren t giving accurate results
You could almost pick the test to get the results you wanted, says Simon I realised that we would need something that accurately showed the kill rates of bacteria, which could be used by all stakeholders to deliver data that allows everyone to work on a level playing field "
The TSA reached out to Professor Laird and began funding research with the aim of creating standardised testing protocols that definitively measure how many pathogens are killed by laundry washing processes
In order to achieve this the DMU team needed to study existing infection controls and the current processing methods for healthcare laundry They also needed to understand the attitudes and knowledge of healthcare staff in terms of infection control policies and how these apply to textiles Alongside funding the research the TSA also organised surveys of both its members in the UK as well as overseas to help build a clearer understanding of the landscape
The test developed by Professor Laird and her team accurately demonstrates the disinfection efficacy of laundry during a wash process-
es in a way that can be used throughout the healthcare sector whether it is in outsourced laundries or on-premise laundries The test involves placing a sample of inoculated fabric within a membrane, which looks similar to a teabag that allows water and chemicals through but stops bacteria from escaping meaning that the effectiveness of the decontamination of the laundry process can be properly evaluated This allows for a like-forlike comparison of different washing methods and equipment types and how effectively they kill bacteria present on textiles helping to ensure that infection control standards are maintained
Being able to measure disinfection accurately within a working laundry is paramount in managing textiles as a transmission route for infections particularly in healthcare settings" Professor Laird
"The publishing of these test protocols is an important milestone in our ongoing research collaboration says David Stevens CEO of the TSA The next phase we will see the test methodology incorporated within best practice standards driven by the other national associations this will include working with the TRSA in America and ETSA in Europe
Professor Laird's team will continue their research into improving hygiene in laundry focussing on spores that aren t killed thermally and biofilms that form inside laundry equipment
For more information on the new testing protocols visit tsa-uk org
Brewer and Bunney proud to be the best in the South West for over 40 years provides specialised laundry services and equipment specifically tailored to the needs of healthcare facilities including NHS and private hospitals Emphasising the critical importance of infection control and legislative compliance, Brewer and Bunney aligns its offerings with standards such as the Department of Health HTM 01-04 guidelines They equip hospitals with advanced energy-efficient laundry machines designed to meet the rigorous demands of hospital environments
Brewer and Bunney offers comprehensive services including expert consultation installation and ongoing maintenance ensuring that hospital laundry operations are both efficient and effective in maintaining high hygiene standards crucial for patient care and safety For NHS facilities Brewer and
In addition, Brewer and Bunney supports healthcare facilities in setting up inhouse laundry operations, helping hospitals regain control over their laundry processes This approach optimises costs and improves quality and compliance with health standards By bringing laundry services in-house hospitals can ensure consistent high-quality outcomes that meet the specific needs of healthcare environments including effective infection prevention 0808 500 8093 brewerandbunney co uk enquiries@brewerandbunney co uk
Timeless Presents are an award winning husband and wife team working to connect and engage those living in the later stages of dementia Inspired by a father s journey with Alzheimers Timeless Presents have created innovative activities and engagement solutions that can be used to engage in the later stages to the benefit of the user the carer and the caring organisation Their innovative approach combines familiar traditional pastimes with design features that enable users with late dementia to easily engage Their first three products have all been accredited as Dementia Inclusive by the world leading Dementia Services Design Centre at Stirling University and have also achieved an Innovation award at the recent Dementia Care Awards 2024 Drawing from their personal experiences and informed by the current understanding of cognitive issues faced by those with dementia Sharon and Chris Daltrey have embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of individuals currently living with dementia Forbury Residential Home had this to say “Our residents really enjoyed them The
zles and colouring books Thank you so much for giving our residents a better quality of life ”
In a significant milestone Timeless Presents recently achieved accreditation from the internationally renowned Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) for three of its products, being the first time that they had assessed activities of any sort This accreditation underscores the company s commitment to creating dementia-inclusive products that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness They also recently exhibited at the Alzheimers and Dementia Show at London Excel in June 2024 to a warm reception from industry professionals including occupational therapists Activity Co-Ordinators and Admiral Nurses who all commended their products
With a focus on affordability accessibility and impact Timeless Presents aims to empower individuals with dementia and their caregivers to navigate the challenges of dementia with dignity and joy Through their innovative approach and dedication to excellence Timeless Presents is shaping the future of dementia care one meaningful interaction at a time
07936 408 941 connect@timelesspresents com www timelesspresents com
Focus Games are the leading game developers focused on education for healthcare staff and patients
Game-based learning is an innovative approach to education that leverages the principles of games to create engaging and interactive learning experiences This approach has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to motivate learners and improve retention rates Healthcare staff can benefit significantly from game-based learning as it can help them acquire new knowledge and skills in a fun and engaging way The key benefits of game-based learning for all healthcare staff are:
1 Enhanced engagement
2 Improved knowledge retention
3 Safe learning environment
Tired of the same old song and dance when it comes to planning engaging activities? Well, fear not! Activities to Share is here to sprinkle some excitement into your daily routine
If you ve been feeling like you re stuck in a creative rut we've got the antidote Picture this: a wonderland of activity ideas free downloads that are basically the golden ticket to fun and a treasure trove of products that'll make your heart skip a beat (in a good way)
We get it – after a while, even the most fantastic activities can start feeling a bit blah That s why we ve scoured the corners of creativity to bring you fresh fabulous ideas that ll have you and your crew grinning from ear to ear
Our website activitiestoshare co uk is your go-to haven for all things fun and engaging Need a burst of inspiration? We've got your back Looking for activities tailored to different abilities? We ve got that covered too!
But wait there s more! We ve teamed up with carers and activity coordinators across the land to ensure that every product and idea we offer is top-notch and practically oozing with
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So, don't let boredom sneak in Join us on this adventure of going the extra smile because let s face it smiles are the best currency around here
See all of the above here at www activitiestoshare co uk
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining mental agility and memory sharpness is crucial, especially for our beloved seniors
Gone are the days when traditional quizzes and bingo were the only options for mental stimulation Hashtag Quiz and Bingo software brings a fresh tech-savvy twist to these beloved activities making them more accessible and enjoyable for the elderly This software offers a plethora of features designed specifically to cater to the needs and preferences of seniors ensuring that everyone can participate and benefit
One of the most remarkable benefits of using Hashtag Quiz and Bingo software in care homes is its positive impact on memory recall and cognitive health
Regular engagement with quizzes and bingo games has been shown to stimulate various parts of the brain, enhancing memory retention and recall abilities The software includes a wide range of quiz topics, from history and geography to music and movies, allowing residents to tap into their long-term memories and share their wealth of knowledge
Bingo on the other hand promotes concentration and mental alertness As residents listen for their numbers and mark their cards they are unknowingly participating in a fun yet highly effective brain exercise This dual approach of quizzes and bingo ensures a wellrounded cognitive workout keeping the mind sharp and agile
Beyond the cognitive benefits Hashtag Quiz and Bingo software fosters a sense of community and belonging among residents The interactive nature of
these games encourages social interaction, teamwork, and friendly competition
Whether it s a lively quiz session or a thrilling bingo game residents come together share laughs and create lasting memories This social engagement is essential for emotional well-being reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness that can sometimes affect seniors
The software is highly customizable allowing caregivers to tailor the difficulty levels and content to match the preferences and abilities of each resident This adaptability ensures that everyone regardless of cognitive ability can enjoy and benefit from these activities
Investing in Hashtag Quiz and Bingo software is an investment in the health happiness and well-being of our residents The blend of cognitive stimulation social interaction and sheer enjoyment makes it a valuable addition to any care home's activity repertoire As we continue to prioritize the holistic health of our residents, incorporating such innovative tools will undoubtedly pave the way for a brighter, more engaging future
Hashtag Quiz and Bingo software is more than just a game; it is a gateway to a more vibrant connected and mentally active life for our seniors We encourage all care homes to consider integrating this exceptional software into their daily routines Let s unlock joy and vitality one quiz and bingo game at a time!
Find us TODAY and access your FREE 7-day trial at: https://hashtagquiz co uk/quiz-for-the-elderlyand-seniors/
One Call Systems have developed one of the most reliable streamlined wireless nurse call systems on the market The rechargeable technology, water-resistant casings, and long-range radio capabilities set us apart
At the heart of the innovative Nursecall system is the One Call Display Panel which runs on an efficient internal radio network Designed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability The Display Panel allows staff to view live calls instantly Qualified installers will set up your system quickly and efficiently ensuring minimal disruption and maximum benefits
With the ability to connect to the internet you can easily monitor your Home's call records from anywhere The panel is completely configurable from the display allowing you to customize your Home's settings to your preferences Trust our innovative system to provide the safety and efficiency your Home’s needs
The One Call Room Units are designed to withstand the rigours of your busy care environment There are five alternative versions - Pear push lead Pull Cords Out of Bed Door monitor and Leadless Units that you can choose from that best suit your needs
Watertight casings and fitted rechargeable batteries mean that you can rest assured that the units can be easily washed and will provide reliable service for up to 2 years on a single charge
The Call Logging system is designed to meet the safety and care requirements of Care Homes and nursing facilities The digital solution ensures complete and accurate logging of every call to prove evidence of care This invaluable tool ensures the safety of your residents
The Call Logging system is a must-have for any Care Home that wants to ensure they are providing the best possible care
Onecall provides the ability to monitor response times attendance duration and which Carer has attended which call You can be sure that you have complete oversight of your care provision Not only does this system provide valuable evidence of care, but it also helps to motivate and encourage staff to continue providing an exceptional level of care Please email info@onecallsystems co uk or call 01252 448137
With care homes increasingly oversubscribed and resources as stretched as ever, Sharon Bye, Director of Care for Central and Cecil Housing Trust (C&C) and Aster Group, highlights how new smart technology can allow providers to have greater oversight of specific resident care and maximise efficiency Readers will be well acquainted with the operational challenges facing the care sector
An ageing population combined with limited resources and a persistent skills shortage has left the sector under increasing pressure Having celebrated the 95th birthday of Central and Cecil Housing Trust (C&C) in 2022 we are well aware that these are by no means novel challenges and our past experience has provided us with useful lessons for navigating these headwinds However it s critical that we as care providers take every opportunity to tackle these challenges With the support of integrated care services and unified technology, we ve seen firsthand how its enabled
managers is the ability to deliver joined up effective services with less resources By adopting proven technologies and developments in the integration of care services, care home managers can critically refocus their efforts on delivering the best in care services Technology is the enabler to help drive efficiencies throughout operations without compromising the quality of
where we provide specialist care for people with advanced dementia in tandem with the North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) Our work at the home has validated how the roll-out of integrated care systems and new digital technology can improve and reshape care provision
Examples of the technology we use on site include a motion sensor and acoustic monitoring system called Ally to help care teams monitor residents who may be at risk of falls and movement difficulties Carers are made aware of sudden motions and alerts pinpoint when it s necessary to intervene with professional assistance to prevent undue falls or distress for those residents
This has subsequently allowed for better sleep hygiene for the residents with night checks now taking place every two hours for most residents and every three hours for a few more depending on their needs and risks In the case of one resident we ve been able to track a significant decrease in overnight falls – none since December 2023 – and significantly reduce the need for staff members to visit her throughout the night with the motion sensor system allowing us to monitor from afar without unnecessary disruptions This means care staff can focus on residents who require hands on care during the night
We ve also utilised the ‘Whzan Blue Box’ early warning system which monitors and stores information on vital signs It automatically and immediately notifies a wider team of geriatricians clinicians and care home staff of any risks concerning results or medical attention needed When clinicians or paramedics do attend they are able to compare the resident’s readings to wider historical data on the system to establish a baseline In many cases this is preventing unnecessary medical treatment and significantly reducing the number of unplanned hospital trips for residents
In one case a resident presented with what appeared to be low oxygen saturation levels but when medics arrived they were able to look back at the range of recorded observations and conclude this wasn’t out of the ordinary for him A hospital admission was avoided, and the resident didn’t have to receive off-site treatment that could unduly displace and distress them The software unifies historic data, allowing staff to make clearer diagnostic and more specifically informed decisions about treatment based on past experiences with individual patients
The benefits of integrated care services and digitalisation are not just limited to inside the care home either with shared patient diagnostics helping to ease pressure on local emergency services as well as GP practices Rather than assessments being isolated a more cohesive integrated system enables heightened accuracy and a quicker response
Rathmore House has also been utilising a new connected triaging system named Silver Triage Installed in 2022 in collaboration with the NCL ICB as well as local NHS and ambulance trusts Silver Triage is designed to reduce unnecessary hospital trips and ease the burden on ambulance services, while enabling geriatricians to remotely assess, advise and guide ambulance paramedics attending patients in care homes where needed Doctors using the service can also help access
After over 30 years, care charity Imagine, Act and Succeed finally swapped their paper rotas and timesheets for a digitised system to help manage their 85 locations and 460+ staff
Emma Hobbs Payroll Officer at the charity grew frustrated over the inaccuracies and errors of this cumbersome process - especially when it led to wages The system was often outdated and staff frequently missed shift changes This led to lost time money and patience for both managers and employees
So, how can turning to digital systems like RotaCloud improve this?
The information is accessible to us in payroll straight away which is an absolute godsend Being able to see instantly where someone is working, what shift they ve actually done the clock-in and clock-out records are just - it s made our payroll side so much more streamlined to what it was beforehand ” - Emma Hobbs, Payroll Officer
Accuracy is the biggest benefit for Emma and her team There s no more chasing people for paperwork or last-minute runs for payroll Managers can instantly access live reports from labour costs to attendance with clocking-in data automatically feeding to timesheets When clocking in and out is as simple as a click or tap via mobile, web, or a terminal, employees (and Emma) can trust that all wages are correct
Communication has also improved By having everything at their fingertips from shifts to requests everyone works from the same page It has made staff s lives much easier and saved managers time Enabling notifications also means any updates to the rota annual leave requests or available shifts are immediately
PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team
Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector, it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports
To meet the wider needs of the PASS community All-in-one PASS
sent to the appropriate staff No more sending out WhatsApp updates, missed messages or stress trying to find cover
Before RotaCloud, Imagine, Act and Succeed managers sat down for two days
has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems
As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools, available from a single platform, designed to: Save you time
Increase the efficiency of your teams
Improve the quality of care
Deliver better outcomes
Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature, PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care
management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration and is the only one offering it to the home care market PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client’s GP records It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes:
Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information
Using medical information to inform care planning
Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening, aiding the service user s swift recovery from infection
Available to all PASS users at no additional cost PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It’s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone
Get in touch: www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnologies com