The Carer Digital - Issue #201

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Labour Government Pledges to Transform NHS and Social Care…

With Focus on Economic Growth


Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!


The Carer extends its warmest congratulations to Karin Smyth MP for Bristol South on her appointment as Minister of State for Health at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) As a former NHS organisation manager Karin brings invaluable experience to her new role We also welcome Aberafan Maesteg MP Stephen Kinnock who has joined the DHSC as Minister for Care, and commend Health and Social Care Secretary Wes Streeting on his continued dedication to the sector

As we celebrate these appointments we must also acknowledge the formidable challenges ahead

Wes Streeting has not shied away from describing the NHS as broken and his words resonate deeply with those of us who witness the struggles within the health and social care system daily The staffing crisis in social care remains acute with over 150 000 vacancies, and chronic underfunding continues to plague the sector These issues were pivotal in influencing voters signalling a clear mandate for change

Transitioning from opposition to office is a significant shift The promises and aspirations voiced on the campaign trail now face the test of implementation

Labour s election manifesto included several policies aimed at improving adult social care, such as establishing a fair pay agreement for care workers to enhance their terms and conditions However it s noteworthy that no funding was allocated to these initiatives in the manifesto

Additionally Wes Streeting confirmed in interviews that Labour is committed to introducing the previous government's planned adult social care charging reforms, including a cap on care costs by October 2025 The Institute for Fiscal Studies highlights that no funding was allocated for these reforms by the Conservative government presenting Labour with a substantial financial challenge

Balancing this with the new government s commitments not to raise main rates of income tax, VAT, and national insurance, while aiming to reduce public debt as a proportion of GDP necessitates transparency and a clear timeline for policy implementation

At The Carer, we are dedicated to supporting the health and social care community through these transformative times and while I am sure all three new appointments have

The Carer is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2

rather full in trays I will be writing to them inviting them to share their views, policies and pledges for the future on a separate note we look forward to engaging with our readers and industry professionals at the Care and Occupational Therapy Show next week in the West Country

We are delighted to say once again that we are media partners and exhibitors For this vibrant one-day event which promises to be a fantastic opportunity to share insights discuss the future of care, and strengthen our collective commitment to improving the lives of those we serve

There will be quite a few seminars from industry leaders and we will be there of course to gain your valuable feedback on what you would like to see the new government implement for the sector

So we welcome a new government which will be the dawn of a new chapter with hope and determination and while knowing that while Rome was not built in a day the foundations we lay today will shape the future of health and social care for generations to come

I can be contacted at any time at editor@thecareruk com

We would also ask our readers to follow us on Twitter @TheCarerUK and also sign up to our email newsletters at www thecareruk com/recommends/signup to have all the latest news delivered directly twice weekly

Peter Adams

Labour Government Pledges to Transform NHS and Social Care


"This government’s agenda for health and social care can help drag our economy out of the sluggish productivity and poor growth of recent years


By cutting waiting lists we can get Britain back to health and back to work, and by taking bold action on public health we can build the healthy society needed for a healthy economy

We will make Britain a powerhouse for life sciences and medical technology If we can combine the care of the NHS and the genius of our country’s leading scientific minds, we can develop modern treatments for patients and help get Britain s economy booming

The NHS and social care are the biggest employers in most parts of our country They should be engines of economic growth giving opportunities in training and work to local people as well as providing public services

When Keir Starmer said he would lead a mission-driven government, this is what he meant Working together to a shared mission this government will get Britain booming

The Health and Social Care Secretary laid out 3 steps to drive this goal:

1 By cutting waiting times and improving public health, the government will support people with their health and speed up their return to work while maintaining the good health of those in work

2 The government will make the UK a life sciences and medical technology powerhouse By ensuring the NHS works hand in hand with life sciences research institutions and medical technology companies the government will drive the development of new treatments and help grow the industries

3 The government will use the NHS and social care’s role as local and regional anchor institutions as engines of economic growth by providing training and job opportunities to local people across the country

There are now 2 8 million people inactive due to long-term sickness Improving health and boosting the labour market back to pre-pandemic levels would deliver significant economic growth


Professor Martin Green OBE Chief Executive of Care England said: For too long health and social care has been seen as a drain of economic resource, but Wes Streeting's commitment to make economic growth a priority for the Department of Health and Social Care is a refreshing reframing of the narrative that so often surrounds our sector As the largest employer in the country our sector already contributes over £60bn to the economy With the right investment, a stable and sustainable social care sector can drive economic growth add significant value to the economy and provide meaningful employment for people of all ages up and down the country "


Siva Anandaciva Chief Analyst The King s Fund said: Poor health and illness is not just a problem for individuals nor just a problem for the NHS - it has become a serious challenge for the economy and for society

The new Secretary of State’s comments on the role of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) are welcome and recognise the fact that a strong economy relies on a strong health and care sector A renewed

focus on preventing ill-health can pave the way for a healthier nation and economic growth

NHS leaders will also breathe a sigh of relief that the new government has reaffirmed its commitment to the founding principles of the NHS Short-term thinking has plagued health and care policy and so the priority this government is placing on long-term planning should also be welcomed

‘But the new government still faces a mountain of issues from ongoing staffing strikes to crumbling NHS buildings and rising financial pressures The government will soon need to set out more detail on how it can meet these near-term challenges to improve NHS performance, while also delivering on its longer-term goals to move care into the community focus on prevention and shore up a creaking social care system


Social Care Dame Jennifer Dixon Chief Executive of the Health Foundation said

‘We warmly welcome the appointment of Wes Streeting as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, although no one should underestimate the scale of the challenge he has inherited

‘The NHS is facing one of the toughest moments in its history, with the waiting list for routine hospital care at nearly 7 6 million and public satisfaction with the NHS at an all-time low Labour s plans to drive down NHS waiting times are rightly ambitious, but achieving them will require stable, long-term funding and relentless focus to increase capacity support staff and unlock productivity improvements

'We welcome Labour's promise of a clearer national approach to delivering high-quality social care and vital action to improve staff pay and conditions But wider reform of social care entitlements and extra funding is essential and we urge the Secretary of State to set out a clear timetable for delivering this

‘Labour has put growth and prosperity at the forefront of its mission, and a thriving economy can only be built on the foundations of a healthy population Rebuilding the nation s health will require an unprecedented level of cross government action on the wider social, economic and environmental factors that shape people s health

‘We look forward to working with Mr Streeting to improve the nation’s health and drive forward urgent improvements in health and care


UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: After 14 long years of Conservative rule that left our public services in a mess, the UK finally stands at the beginning of a new era

Fixing these vital services will be a massive task requiring significant investment and a serious effort to restore public trust in our political system ”

The priority for the new government must be clear: to invest in and revive our public services This means ensuring NHS patients get the care they need promptly building a social care system that supports everyone in need and restoring local services so that local governments can effectively serve their communities ”

These steps aren t just about fixing services; they re about reaffirming the social contract that holds us together as communities and as a nation ”

Investing in public services is more than just a budgetary choice; it s a moral duty High-quality public services are the foundation of a fair and just society They drive economic growth, support the most vulnerable and foster community spirit

Investigating Tricky Disciplinar y and Grievance Matters

Within the care setting staff conduct or capability requires swift and sometimes in-depth investigation given the significant impact on service users and regulatory considerations


The starting point is to have the right policies and procedures in place to guide through grievances and disciplinary matters

The Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) “Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures provides employers with advice and guidance when dealing with such matters and contains the essential elements required for legally compliant action

It is recommended providers’ own policies reflect the code and ensure that all those with responsibility for employees including service managers and supervisors are familiar with the internal procedures and the ACAS code

The ACAS code defines grievances as concerns problems or complaints as well as setting out basic standards of reasonable behaviour Employment tribunals take the code into account when considering relevant cases It is certainly worth noting that if an employee subsequently brings a successful tribunal claim relating to the subject matter of the grievance or arising from their dismissal following a disciplinary process the tribunal has the discretion to increase compensation awarded where the employer unreasonably failed to comply with the ACAS code


Grievances can be raised in many ways – by letter via email or verbally It is important to always treat grievances seriously and avoid assuming anything about the grievance or the people involved before all the facts are identified

Outcomes range from invoking a disciplinary procedure in relation to the subject matter and agreeing informal or formal resolution or mediation to further consultation or implementing formal training programmes


The most detailed disciplinary procedure won t prevent the incidence of misconduct at work, but it should make the consequences clear Setting out expectations lays the foundations and will ensure employees understand what constitutes misconduct and how it will be dealt with It provides the forum for regulatory or safeguarding implications to be detailed

Most employers include a list of actions amounting to misconduct or gross misconduct in their disciplinary procedure and refer to this should evidence of such a serious incident arise The procedure should explain that incidents will be investigated and dealt with as part of a formal disciplinary procedure

Suspension considerations should be recorded, for example for an investigation, or where required for regulatory reasons The procedure should also detail the possible sanctions if the allegations are upheld and where reporting to regulators is required


Providers may choose to have a specific policy that deals with capability problems or in its absence use the disciplinary procedure

Initial cases of unsatisfactory performance may be dealt with informally If they continue or are of a more serious nature a formal process will require instigating the capability or disciplinary procedure

The aim is to provide clear guidance and support, including training where necessary, in order for the employee to understand and address the areas of underperformance and to sustain the detailed levels of improvement moving forward


Where all informal routes have been exhausted, providers should follow a robust process

1 Investigate the grievance or allegations of conduct or underperformance Invite the employee to a meeting to understand the issue identify any witnesses and gather the facts before reaching a decision

2 If there is sufficient evidence to be considered at a formal meeting then the employee should be invited to a meeting with at least 48 hours notice and provided with the right to be accompanied The disciplinary officer should be someone who has not been involved in the matter before and bring an unbiased viewpoint to the meeting

Before reaching a decision all the facts should be considered and further investigations undertaken The decision should be confirmed in writing detailing reasons to support the outcome along with confirmation of any formal sanction applied The employee should be provided with the right of appeal regardless of the outcome

3 If the employee appeals this should be heard by a more senior person within the provider The decision of the appeals officer can uphold the original decision in full or partially or if appropriate over-turn the decision and reach a different conclusion The appeals officer s decision is final and there is no further right of appeal

Employees should be kept informed at each stage of the process The clearer the process the easier it will be for providers to demonstrate a fair and reasonable process

Fond Farewells For Long-Ser ving Staff At Moray Care Homes

Three Moray care homes have bid farewell to long-serving employees who are retiring after collectively clocking up over 45 years of service At Wakefield House in Cullen carer and occasional cook Carol King retired after 28 years of dedicated service with residents and staff throwing her a lively retirement party Carol said I have thoroughly enjoyed my job in care here at Wakefield and I have seen a lot of changes and met a lot of people in 28 years It hasn’t

Labour Appoints New Health and Social Care Ministers

Stephenie Malone (Legal Director) and Stephanie Hallett (Head of Eagle HR) at HCR Law (www hcrlaw com)

Time to Act to Save Social Care in England says ADASS

With waiting lists spiralling leaving many of us who are older or disabled without the care we need carers burnt out and staff leaving social care leaders warn “we’ve run out of road” to carry on like this as they publish a roadmap to transform adult social care in England

Time to act: a roadmap to reform care and support in England, says that there s a consensus on what sort of care and support system we need but for decades no political or collective will to make it happen

The roadmap proposes how care and support could be transformed in England focusing on 10 key areas for change: from improving housing options for those of us who are older or disabled tackling the chronic social care staffing issues including pay and conditions to supporting carers and making care more affordable

It charts what needs to be done in the next two years what changes are needed in two to five years and longer term over the next ten years to ensure that everyone who needs care and support can access it whoever they are and wherever they live in England The report also includes examples already in train that are improving care and support for people The report was commissioned by Sarah McClinton departing president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and has been developed by social care experts Kate Jopling and Dr Anna Dixon They studied research and thinking about social care reform from the past ten years and synthesised it into a practical action plan for change It’s being presented to adult social care leaders at the ADASS Spring seminar today a conference to discuss the challenges leaders face in the coming year against a backdrop of the biggest crisis social care has ever faced caused by years of under-investment


We ve been trying to patch-up social care for years but we ve run out of road We need to act now to save social care We don’t expect the Government to wave a magic wand but

support we all want the same thing: a fair system that enables everyone to live in the place we call home with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing what matters to us

Report author Kate Jopling said: “We know where we want to get to Now is the time to act; for everyone to take responsibility and have the courage to say care and support is important to them ”

Sarah McClinton President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) said: “After decades of false dawns on reforms and funding never in my professional career have I seen the adult care system so close to breaking point Millions of people are in pain or distress because they aren’t getting the care they need and family and friends picking up the pieces are being pushed to the edge

Care Home Is So Excited To See So XSighted Morris Dancers!

Elgar Court Care Home were so excited this week to see the amazing Morris Dancers and their musicians So XSighted ! What makes this even more special is that all of the Morris Dancers are partially sighted THE visually impaired Border Morris Dance side based in Malvern Worcestershire came to the care home this week to perform a number of highly choreographed routines along with live music played by other members Residents at Elgar Court Care Home were delighted by the vivacious performance and wonderfully entertaining Morris Dancers, and thoroughly enjoyed having tea and cake with them afterwards General Manager Sarah Cadwallader said We continually strive to ensure our home and residents are involved with our local communities and keep everyone connected Our home felt so lucky that SO XSighted were able to come to Elgar Court – they are certainly very popular! Residents and staff were full of admiration and awe at the stunning display they gave – and our residents are certainly looking forward to seeing them again at our home!”

Fatigue and Dementia: How Can Fatigue Be Managed in Dementia Patients

Rehabilitation Therapist working with individuals with brain injury and neurological disorders

Natalie is author of The Brain Injury Fatigue Management Journal and is Certified in CBTi Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia.

Fatigue is not just tiredness, but rather an extreme tiredness that impacts a persons ability to engage in daily living tasks and impedes on engagement in social, educational or vocational settings and roles Dementia fatigue often occurs when an individual has decreased energy levels and can be as challenging to deal with as the cognitive elements

Sleep and fatigue are as one would expect closely linked and excessive daytime sleepiness is often linked to accelerated brain aging The changes that occur in the brain of an individual living with dementia have a large impact on what we refer to as the cognitive battery Simply put this means that the brain is having to use much more ‘energy’ to carry out tasks speak to people think and complete all the other cognitive functions that we are required to do The neural pathways that we have honed and laid down throughout our lives that allow us to automate what we do are no longer as efficient Consequently the energy required to complete more simplistic tasks is increased which drains the cognitive battery contributing to fatigue

The disruption caused to these pathways at a cellular level is not the only cause of fatigue, there are a number of other factors that contribute Diet and hydration directly impact brain function and fatigue levels and lack of a balanced diet and high levels of processed food and a high sugar diet can worsen symptoms With dementia impacting the ability to engage in activities of daily living such as cooking and the risks around safety often meals become processed quick and lack in the necessary nutrients for optimal brain health and potential deficiencies High sugar food is often called upon for a quick boost but then follows a crash causing lower energy levels and sometimes increased day time naps and slumps

On the topic of napping and sleep, daytime sleepiness is common in dementia patients Changes in the brain due to dementia often impact the circadian rhythms that support and drive quality sleep Whilst our sleep needs lessen and alter as a natural part of aging there are increased challenges for dementia patients when it comes to good quality sleep This change to these natural rhythms means that individuals often cannot sleep for long periods of time causing short sleep times numerous nighttime awakenings and impact on energy levels in the day Dementia sundowning refers to increased agitation, confusion, and restlessness in

the late afternoon or evening which disrupts the transition to nighttime sleep Although a person living with dementia maybe exhausted they are often unable to sleep and fully rest and restore Additionally dementia-related changes in the brain can lead to sleep fragmentation and disruptions in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep with some experiencing REM behavior disorder acting out dreams physically during sleep which can pose safety risks and further disturb sleep patterns

Certain medications frequently prescribed for older adults can induce drowsiness and fatigue Among these are blood pressure medications statins proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) benzodiazepines antidepressants, and antihistamines, all of which have the potential to lead to heightened levels of sleepiness

Caregiver impact is far reaching when caring for a loved one with dementia with many carers themselves experiencing sleep deprivation, heightened stress levels, and exhaustion due to the need to attend to the nighttime needs of individuals with dementia further emphasising the importance of managing sleep disturbances effectively

Whilst it is not possible to alter the changes occurring at a cell level which are impacting sleep there are some environmental and routine changes that can be made to improve fatigue and encourage better quality sleep

Ensure a quality mattress and bed are provided There are many examples of assessment being undertaken on a patients sleep where the health professional has discovered exposed springs and broken bed frames! Reduce light sources in the evening moving to a lower level more warm orange lighting to signal to the brain that sleep is coming Whilst there are changes the brain, much of the ‘old brain habitual behaviour is intact

In hospital settings ward lighting is often a source of sleep disruption

A safe calming and comfortable environment can encourage a more peaceful winddown reducing the sundown effect and allowing a transition to earlier sleep

Stimulus and clutter in sleeping areas should be reduced as well as reducing the use of stimulating televisions and screens which do not promote a optimal sleep hygiene routine This also reduces the likelihood of someone picking up something to do during nighttime wakings which can extend the waking periods as well as increase risk

Encouraging daytime activity outside should be considered to allow for daylight exposure This allows the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of melatonin which is released in the evening to ready the brain for sleep Lack of daylight exposure negatively impacts sleep

Regular reviews of medications should be carried out to ensure there are reduced impacts on sleep and consequent fatigue

Local Care Home Becomes ‘Football Central’ As Residents Cheer On England In Semi-Final Tonight

Excited residents at a care home near Sheffield have turned their lounge into football central as they gear up for the crucial Euro 2024 semi-final encounter against the Netherlands this evening (July 10th)

Carers and residents of Eckington Court Nursing Home are brimming with excitement as they gather to cheer on England in the match which takes place tonight at 8pm The lounge has been transformed into a vibrant fan zone complete with flags face paint and an abundance of team spirit

Eckington Court Nursing Home is part of the Orchard Care Homes group and has been widely acclaimed for its standards and commitment to caring for those living within its community As well as dementia care colleagues at the home have specialist experience caring for people who have experienced strokes live with diabetes require catheters or are receiving end-of-life care

Trudy Godley Home Manager at Eckington Court said “Our residents are passionate football fans It s wonderful to see everyone come together to support England Events like these bring so much joy and a sense of community to our home

The match will be accompanied by snacks, soft drinks and plenty of cheering as residents get to relive memories of past tournaments and share their predictions for the outcome

Residents turned pundit to predict what could happen Hussain Dawas 74 said I think England are finally going to win!

Added Nigel Smith 57: “Looking forward to watching the game and celebrating football coming home

Barbara Jones, 80, said: “Come on England, it’s our time to shine! Tony Wragg 72 added: I m always hoping England wins and brings it

MSP For Kirkcaldy Enjoys ‘Dancing Together Through The Decades’ With Local Community At Chapel Level Care Home

Sector Leaders Share their Views on Labour’s Historic General Election Win

Following Labour s landslide election victory 6 days ago two new health and social care ministers have now been named as prime minister Sir Keir Starmer continues to form his government Karin Smyth MP for Bristol South MP and a former NHS organisation manager has been appointed as a minister of state for health at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

In the same wave of appointments, Aberafan Maesteg MP Stephen Kinnock has joined the DHSC as minister for care and Health and Social Care Secretary is Wes Streeting

As labour’s victory unfolded on July 4 Sector leaders shared their views with The Carer: CARERS UK RESPONDS

Helen Walker Chief Executive of Carers UK said: We would like to congratulate Sir Keir Starmer the Prime Minister in leading the new Government We recognise that there will be a lot that the new Government want to tackle, and we’ve been encouraged by strong statements about building a National Care Service supporting families who provide unpaid care looking at the merits of paid Carer s Leave and tackling the scandal of overpayments of Carer’s Allowance

The new Government has an opportunity to make a real and lasting difference for carers, by making them a priority They are having to provide more care as a result of long NHS waiting lists cuts and shortages in social care and an outdated and antiquated benefits system that leaves carers in debt to the Department for Work and Pensions A staggering 600 carers a day give up work to care

Over a quarter (27%) of unpaid carers say that their mental health is bad or very bad and nearly three quarters (73%) of these are continuing to provide care even though they feel at breaking point We need the new Government to take swift and decisive action recognising the vital role unpaid carers play in supporting the UK’s overstretched and under-resourced health and care system by delivering a National Carers Strategy early in Government, personally led, by and endorsed by the Prime Minister

The care unpaid carers provide is worth £162 billion per year to the economy, the equivalent of a second NHS, but many feel unsupported and forgotten With 78% of carers worried about being able to provide care in the future this needs urgent attention otherwise the Treasury will be bearing greater costs in the longer term

The last National Carers Strategy was in 2008 Sixteen years on we need to see this kind of positive cross-Government action again There is huge support for this The All-Party Parliamentary Group of Carers consultation returned 5 000 responses around a National Carers Strategy – which is equivalent to a Government consultation response

We hope the new Government and the Prime Minister will seize this important opportunity to do more for unpaid carers, making their lives better and those they care for We are counting on him to lead the development of a new National Carers Strategy which delivers tangible progress and additional provision for carers, their families and those they care for


Vic Rayner OBE, CEO of National Care Forum said “We send our congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and his ministerial team on their resounding victory in the General Election We stand ready as the not-for-profit care and support sector, to ensure that the new government is supported to focus on the immediate social care reform and investment that is needed and that voters have indicated they want to see The new government now has a once in a generation opportunity to bring real change to the millions of people who depend on social care or struggle to access it as well as their families unpaid carers and wider communities We urge the government to seize this opportunity and we reiterate our readiness to support them with the work that will be required to develop and deliver their manifesto commitments

“Building a National Care Service and implementing a fair pay agreement for care workers as set out in the Labour manifesto are long-term propositions NCF and our not-for-profit members who run a diverse range of services, have the expertise to help the new administration shape and implement those plans in ways that empower adults of all ages with different circumstances to live their best lives ”

A dedicated and funded workforce strategy will be essential to make sure care workers are better valued and can pursue the training and development they need for their career choices in care ” Long-term and sustainable care and support underpins the government’s plans for economic growth because social care enables choice and control it supports local economies and employment opportunities and it tackles inequalities

“Our ask and our offer to the new government: Seize the opportunity now to start to address the systemic issues at the heart of our social care system and transform it to ensure care workers are valued and paid properly, and people live good lives whatever their circumstances We stand ready to work with you as the voice of the not-for-profit care and support sector and invite you to speak with our members and visit their services ”


Kathryn Smith Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), said: “As the new government settles into office and begins to make good on their manifesto commitments none are more important than securing a sustainable social care system placing us on an equal footing with the NHS ”

“The scale and diversity of social care and support is immense with the value of our sector being underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic This value must now be recognised in action More people are requesting support but fewer are getting the help they need With demand increasing local authorities do not have the money to meet it and staff numbers are not keeping pace ” We need to empower people with choice control and independ-

ence to lead fulfilling lives This is what we want for ourselves our families and loved ones But we know this does not happen everywhere “The last Labour Prime Minister recognised that there was ‘no easy solution’ to social care’s problems We hope that the incoming government will grasp the nettle and put social care reform at the heart of their ambition The sector has worked hard to come together, with consensus emerging around ideas that will change lives for the better and build strong local communities

“A social care system fit for the 21st century is in the national interest and the formidable challenges facing the social care sector cannot be a justification for inaction The cornerstone of future policy change ought to be co-producing solutions with people with lived experience their families and carers as well as care providers Only an inclusive collaborative approach will improve the efficacy and sustainability of any policy change ”


Carers Trust s Director of Policy and Public Affairs Dominic Carter said: “Sir Keir Starmer’s campaign focused on change and, for the UK s seven million unpaid carers change can’t come soon enough There are 1 5 million people caring for more than 50 hours a week and more than a quarter of carers have been forced into poverty Meanwhile one million children some as young as five are also having to look after family members They re paying a heavy price for a social care system which has fallen into crisis through lack of investment and long-term planning by successive governments The Prime Minister and his team have to make this a priority

“An overhaul of the grossly unfair Carer’s Allowance system would be a vital first step for the Starmer government The benefit is the lowest of its kind and only those caring for more than 35 hours a week and earning less than £151 a week are able to claim it That means it s almost impossible for someone to combine work and caring if they claim Carer’s Allowance If Labour is serious about growth, this broken system urgently needs to change and carers must be helped back into work

“We welcome Labour s long-term vision for a National Care Service and their big majority gives them the opportunity to be brave and ambitious with those plans In the meantime a carers strategy is urgently needed helping to build a path to a National Care Service that works for carers and those they support At Carers Trust we and our network of local care organisations look forward to working with the new government to make sure this happens ” A FRESH START AND A NEW NARRATIVE

Professor Martin Green OBE Chief Executive of Care England says “With a new Government comes a fresh start, and the opportunity for new narrative around adult social care Care England welcomes Sir Keir Starmer to his role as Prime Minister and wishes him every success in bringing about the sustainable future for our sector that we all so desperately want to see

Our adult social care system is a vital part of our national infrastructure It supports people to confidently and independently to live the lives they choose and plays a key role in supporting our health system and wider economy After the failure of successive governments to ‘fix social care once and for all’ the new administration must invest in and reform our sector as an urgent priority

“There are practical measures the new Government must implement within its first 100 days to secure a sustainable future for our sector Care England would urge them to lose no time and stands ready to continue our role as a critical friend to Government ” LET’S WORK TOGETHER TO END CARE CRISIS

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: We congratulate Labour on an historic and impressive victory and know that as the new Government begins today there is no better time to begin vital and long-overdue reform of adult social care

“We have therefore written to Sir Keir Starmer and to Wes Streeting who we anticipate will be the new health secretary inviting them to engage with the social care sector to begin the challenge of transforming the sector and improving people s lives ”

In his letter Mr Padgham says:

I know there will be a million vital issues commanding your attention during these early days of your administration

I do however wish to make the case for social care to be placed at the top of those priorities and to invite you and your ministers to engage with the sector on urgent reform

After some 30 years of neglect the care of older, vulnerable and disabled people in this country cannot wait any longer

“The statistics are well known: 1 6m people unable to access the care they need 152 000 vacancies in the social care sector and providers leaving the market at an alarming rate Some 80% of us will need social care in our lifetime and to cope with ever-increasing demand we will need a further 440,000 social care workers in the next 11 years

Social care providers in the independent sector stand ready and able to provide the Government with all the help support information and suggestions you might need to tackle the crisis

we ask is the opportunity to meet with and engage with you to help begin the task

ime for Political Silence on Social Care to End Says Care Leader

World Chocolate Day – Does It Get Any Better?

A Message To Starmer’s New Labour Government: Why Social Care Must Be A Government Priority

With Labour achieving a landslide victory at the polls last week it’s clear that the UK is ready for change However, the future of social care still stands at a significant crossroads especially regarding care for the elderly Dementia and other cognitive issues impose a heavy cost and burden on families throughout the UK often leaving them to cope alone Notably absent from the campaign trail with only 36 seconds devoted to the issue from the major political parties even though the world is getting older

The World Health Organisation has predicted that by 2030 one in six people will be aged over 60 Additionally dementia is expected to rise by 40% over the next 15 years So why is this an issue that s been ignored, what have the solutions been to date, and what does the future hold? One thing s for sure the new Labour government must take action in the sector


There is a long history of the care sector being overlooked with past government promises often left undelivered or stalled

For instance in 2021 Boris Johnson proposed a cap of £86 000 to limit care costs over a lifetime, but this measure has been delayed until 2025 leaving millions of families and elderly individuals struggling

As a result the burden of adult social care costs has largely fallen on families and those in need If an individual's assets exceed £23 250 they are required to fully self-fund their care which essentially acts as a tax on the elderly, especially those living with dementia We cannot continue to shift the financial responsibility of care onto individual citizens, their families, and local councils Labour must provide substantial support

Recent data from the Institute for Fiscal Studies indicates that

addressing the social care crisis will now require an additional £4 billion from the new Labour government Delaying action will only exacerbate the problem making it more costly in the long run With Labour in charge, it’s time for change


With limited funding available overburdened care homes have been forced to rely on drugs such as antipsychotics to treat conditions like dementia However these quick-fix drugs are not the answer to care Research shows that antipsychotic drugs given to people living with dementia increase the risk of stroke by 61% heart attack by 28% and heart failure by 27%

I ve also seen the devastating results firsthand My father was diagnosed with dementia in his 50s and was given one of these drugs It resulted in a dreadful side effect that bent his neck by 90 degrees forcing him to permanently stare at the ground

In addition to being dangerous these drugs are also costly

Antipsychotic drugs cost the NHS £60 million annually When resources are already stretched thin funds should be spent on solutions that benefit the quality of life of patients

The new Labour government should work to redirect investment toward new solutions and innovations for dementia care, not on drugs This could include technology that can support carers and allow residents to live a happier life


Labour has promised to modernise the NHS As of yet investment in technology in the social care sector has lagged behind, with outdated systems still prevalent Many care businesses still rely on paper-based record-keeping systems

Technology can open up new possibilities but care homes need support and training initiatives from the government and partners to use these tools effectively For example transitioning to digital systems can improve the flow of information between care professionals and their organisations reduce the admin to focus on the quality of care and ensure that important, sensitive information remains secure Technology can also enhance the care experience for residents directly Interactive light technology and sensory stimulation activities are excellent examples Care environments can often feel very clinical with limited engaging media – perhaps a radio or TV at best Activities that increase sensory stimulation can drastically improve social physical and cognitive well-being encourage movement and offer opportunities for social interaction This could include games from bubble-popping piano playing colouring leaf-sweeping and other

activities that can transform the care experience for both residents and care professionals

For example Social-Ability s technology accessible through the Happiness Programme, has resulted in significant improvements: 98% of participating care providers reported enhanced social well-being with 73% noting reduced stress levels among those they care for The programme has also contributed to improved health outcomes increased activity levels, and decreased use of antipsychotic drugs

This raises the question: why can t the £60 million currently spent on devastating drugs get reinvested into innovation and technology to ensure carers have the latest tools without harmful effects? Redirecting funds away from drugs is an effort the Labour government must address HOW FUNDING FOR SOCIAL CARE CAN FUEL THE NHS

Keen to ‘get the NHS back on its feet’ pledges to the NHS are prominent in Labour s manifesto However funding without addressing social care exacerbates existing issues

Currently one in four hospital beds are occupied by people with dementia leading to bed blocking and poorer care conditions due to the distress and confusion often experienced by these patients in hospital settings Particularly as individuals with dementia tend to have longer hospital stays than average patients and face delays in discharge due to community care shortages

Adequate funding for care homes and staff would enhance the social care sector facilitating smoother transitions for people with dementia from hospitals to care homes and easing strain on NHS resources in return

Investing in the social care sector is in essence investing in the NHS itself Labour cannot expect to save the NHS if they cannot provide attention to social care

It has been incredibly disheartening for those in the sector to witness the ongoing indifference from the Labour party However the industry must continue advocating to ensure people living with dementia get the care they deserve

The immediate reality is that the sector is on the brink with care homes urgently needing more funding and staff training Providing access to and guidance on how modern technology can help is just one lifeline to improve the standard of care our country aspires to achieve

Nevertheless a holistic approach to funding and innovation is essential within the industry Now that Labour are in Number 10 they must finally prioritise social care and protect our ageing population

Longueville Court Care Home Holds A Dog Show!

Anchor Chef Of The Year

BMA Offers to ‘Work Together to Get the NHS

Back On Its Feet’ in Letter to New Health Secretar y

Shropshire Care Home Staff Climb The Wrekin for Help For Heroes

Cyber Security: What Care Providers Need to Know

The Healthcare industry is a prime target for malicious cyber-attacks due to healthcare providers storing vast amounts of sensitive patient data This data is often shared through interconnected and interoperable systems across a wide spectrum of third-party vendors OT and ICS type devices A successful cyberattack can lead to data theft exposing patients to identity theft, financial fraud, branches of terrorism being the motive and even blackmail For a healthcare organisation, the financial impact alone of a breach can be immense and with potentially life-threatening impacts The same can be said if care-related systems went down due to an attack For example the loss of access to an eMAR or digital care planning system could result in life-saving medication not being administered or being unable to access digital care records

There are several things a Healthcare provider can keep in mind to minimise the impact of an incident should it occur

- Conduct comprehensive and rigorous end-user awareness training on phishing and social engineering techniques Not every member of the organisation will have the technical background to understand the implica-

tions of a malicious email but everybody should understand that they are sharing a common cyber risk

- Maintain regular immutable backups of your files and configurations from a verified ‘safe’ state and ensure the backups are stored offline It is crucial to ensure the integrity and regularity of these backups otherwise the threat will not be properly eradicated if a re-boot or re-build is required

- Leverage centralised log systems such as the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system to increase log retention and availability during an incident analysis You cannot defend what you cannot see and manage

- Identify assets that store sensitive organisational and patient data and implement strong identity and access controls along with proper network segmentation The latter proves to be a challenge as the introduction of IoT medical devices forces network administrators to reconfigure firewalls and zones with strict policies thus limiting their interconnecting functionality Federating Identity and Access along with Network Segmentation using standard repeatable measures will make operations joiners/movers/leavers of staff and IT changes easier to manage

- Implement strict identity policies regarding internet-facing and remote services by using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all remote access that s internet accessible

- Patch everything you have the ability to patch with rigorous reviews on device types, utilisation, likelihood of successful rollout and remediations for failed rollouts This can be very challenging in a care/healthcare environment due to some devices and applications not being compatible with newer patches released by Windows Linux and Security enforcement tooling

Caring Amy and Sioned Qualify as Nurses Thanks to Pioneering Scheme

A social care organisation in North Wales has launched a pioneering grow your own scheme to tackle the shortage of nurses in the sector

Two members of staff at Pendine Park which has care homes in Caernarfon and Wrexham have become the first to successfully complete four-year nursing degree courses run in conjunction with the Open University

Amy Rowlands was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree with first class honours, while her colleague Sioned Williams, gained a 2:1 degree with honours

The pair work at Pendine’s Bryn Seiont Newydd care home on the outskirts of Caernarfon

Proudly wearing the navy coloured tunics of nurses they are now looking forward to their graduation ceremony in Manchester later this year

Both said they were hugely grateful to Pendine Park for the opportunity to study while working and for the support they received while undertaking the four-year course

Amy 30 who hails from Bangor but now lives at Pentraeth near Menai Bridge left Ysgol Friars in Bangor and spent several years doing a variety of jobs before joining the staff at Bryn Seiont Newydd at the care home s opening day in October 2015 and hasn t looked back since

She said: "Sixth form wasn't working for me so I left school and found work in a café and at a petrol station before going into the care sector I d spent some time taking my grandmother for dialysis and just sitting with her and I knew then a career in care was what I wanted to do

“Working at Bryn Seiont is my perfect job and I love being part of the team and after gaining a number of NVQ qualifications I later trained as a Clinical Care Practitioner

“The training involved learning about wound management, nutrition and hydration, medication management and administration and other topics

“The degree course allowed to learn and earn at the same time I’m just grateful to Pendine for giving me the opportunity and I’m hoping to study for a master’s degree in future ”

Blueleaf Care is promoting best practice in continence care to champion World Continence Week (17-21 June) to help care homes deliver better outcomes for residents and help reduce their environmental impact through the choice of products they purchase

Blueleaf will also partner with global leading continence brand TENA to run Learning Circles for carers across 16 care homes this week Each of the sessions will include discussion on best practice for care home staff with TENA experts explaining the health and sustainability benefits of using the right products for its intended purpose

With two out of three people in care homes requiring continence care best practice can deliver the dual benefit of increasing a resident’s quality of life while reducing a care home’s environmental impact

In addition to the education sessions, Blueleaf and TENA are also marking World Continence Week by hosting a series of Bloom & Grow activity workshops for residents, providing sunflower seeds for them to sow in pots for their rooms or around the home These sessions are designed to support the care home’s commitment to provide social activities which are beneficial to residents cognitive function; so too is connecting with nature by handling soil watering and tending flowers Ellen Brown, Sales and Marketing Director of Blueleaf Care, says encouraging best practice is a priority for

After leaving school, Sioned, 40, from Talysarn in the Nantlle Valley, helped care for her gran and uncle before finding work with Pendine Park

She said: "I came to Bryn Seiont Newydd soon after it opened and I've been here ever since I trained to be a Clinical Care Practitioner and decided to take up the course to become a nurse

"It brings a lot more responsibility and entails working on whole new levels I can make assessments give medication and when that emergency bell goes I have to respond," she said

The mum-of-three also hopes to continue her studies and follow a nurse prescribing course

Sioned added I would not have finished the course without Amy s support she was my saving grace

Amy and Sioned were the first two from Bryn Seiont Newydd to follow the Open University course and since then other staff at the award-winning home have enrolled on the course

Bryn Seiont Newydd manager Sandra Evans said seven current members of staff are currently following the same course as Amy and Sioned

There is a shortage of nurses in the care sector but this innovative scheme meets demand and trains staff who understand the sector and love working in a care home It s the best of both worlds

Amy and Sioned have been brilliant throughout and showed great dedication to working here at Bryn Seiont Newydd and we are all so proud of them said Sandra

The care home s head of nursing and deputy manager, Anne Jones, said “Pendine Park is the only care organisation in North Wales offering this scheme alongside the Open University

“Care home nursing is very different to hospital nursing It’s a varied role and we have to be autonomous There isn t a doctor around every corner so you need to be up for the challenge and ready to deal with physical physiological or psychiatric problems We also take a holistic approach when we can ”

Blueleaf: Well managed continence care improves a resident s quality

Senior Sales Engineer at Obrela (www obrela com)

The New Government Has Big Plans For Employment Law: Here’s 11 You Need To Look Out For

The new Labour Government is set to bring about big changes to employment law as it implements the New Deal for Working People, as promised by its manifesto This is set to have a huge impact on life for both employees and employers and it’s those that prepare best that will come out on top

Keir Starmer has committed to introducing an Employment Bill within the first 100 days of the new parliament, leaving little time for businesses to get their processes and paperwork in order Step one is knowing what the new government has planned, so here are the 11 changes that are likely to have the most impact


The new government is set to remove the two-year service requirement before employees can claim unfair dismissal citing people moving jobs as a drag on productivity The plans point out that this will not prevent fair dismissals, and employers will still be able to use probationary periods with fair and transparent rules and processes

It’s a big change, and it will mean that’s more important than ever for employers to handle conduct and capability problems correctly from the very start of employment


There are plans to create a new Single Enforcement Body to enforce employment rights likely to be called the Fair Work Agency to replace the current system widely considered to be ineffective

The new government has promised that the new agency will have “real teeth” to deliver “swifter access to justice” for workers in areas such as holiday and sick pay It will likely include trade union and TUC representation and have strong powers to inspect workplaces and proceedings to enforce employment rights

For all businesses it should be a sign to double-check that both their physical sites and organisational procedures are up to scratch


One of the most notorious areas of employment law Labour also addressed one-sided flexibility in its manifesto and have committed to ensuring that all jobs to provide a baseline level of security and predictability This includes banning zero-hours contracts and mandating that contracts reflect the number of hours people regularly work, based on a 12-week reference period

Of course businesses that rely on seasonal and flexible work will have questions but the government has assured employers that they will still be able to offer fixed-term contracts including for seasonal work However measures to ensure workers get reasonable notice of changes to shifts or working hours and appropriate compensation for cancelled or curtailed shifts will be a significant challenge for businesses that rely on flexibility These employers should start looking now at how they can update operations to accommodate the changes



The government is also addressing the thorny issue of employment status the ambiguity of which the new government believes has led to the rise of ‘bogus’ self-employment leaving working people with fewer protections than they deserve

To combat this the government is proposing merging the ‘employee’ and worker categories into a single category of worker to differentiate between workers and the genuinely self-employed It’s set to be a massive shift for employers which could impact the ability of businesses to embrace flexible work, but businesses should be prepared and work to understand what it would mean for them


This year has already seen significant changes to flexible working rules, but the new government are planning to introduce legislation to make flexible working the default from day one for all workers except where it is not reasonably necessary”

It s not yet clear what how this will be assessed or how these changes work in tandem with the existing legislation, which you can read all about in this guide from Citation

Everyone should be reviewing arrangements to see whether it would be possible to accommodate more flexible working not just to prepare for law changes but because it’s the number one priority for candidates and it’ll give them a serious competitive edge in the battle for talent


Following the blurring of the lines between home and work for many employees post-COVID the government is planning to introduce a ‘right to switch off’ which ensures workers aren t penalised for disconnecting They do recognise that there will be times when employees must be contacted but this is an opportunity for businesses to review their working practices and areas where work/life balance in fact needs a bit more balance


There are also plans to increase the time limit for bringing an

Full Support Ser vice for Fall Recover

Raizer is assembled around the fallen person with minimal disturbance, and minimal effort from the operator At the push of a button the battery-motorised

sections- quickly and easily click-fit together with no risk of incorrect assembly The occupant is fully supported throughout the process and kept stable and safe with use of the integral adjustable seat belt

Raizer can safely lift any person up to 150kg/23 5st, with each charge of the battery capable of delivering up to 80 lifts


employment tribunal claim from three to six months The plans are intended to help those that struggle to make a claim initially such as those with mental health issues or those wishing to make claims for pregnancy discrimination, by providing more time for them to receive advice and support

8. PAY

There are number of changes affecting pay – future National

Minimum Wage levels will be set taking into account the cost of living, alongside median wages and economic conditions and the current age bands will be removed

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will be made available to all employees with the removal of the lower earnings limit and the 3-day waiting period will also be removed meaning that SSP will be payable from the first day of sickness absence For businesses, these changes need to be made clear to employees and managers in good time


The new government is set to build on the Worker Protection Act that comes into force on 26th October, requiring employers to take “all” reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment and introduce an obligation to prevent harassment by third parties such as customers and suppliers

They also plan on increasing maternity protections by introducing a measure making it unlawful to dismiss a woman within 6 months of her return from maternity leave There will be more support for people going through the menopause as well as a requirement to address pay gaps related to gender ethnicity and disability 10 FIRE AND REHIRE

The Statutory Code on Dismissal and Re-engagement (fire and rehire) which comes into force on 18 July will be strengthened by the new government, who have vowed to effectively ban the practice except in cases where there is no alternative for the business 11. UNIONS

Unions are central to the new government s plans for fairer work and a strong economy, and they have committed to several reforms of the framework on collective bargaining There are plans to update the legislation to remove what they see as unnecessary restrictions on trade union activity and simplify the process of balloting to members

There are also a number of other new rules in the plan covering rights to accessing unions their visibility within workplaces and protections for trade union representatives, all of which businesses should be aware of and ready to comply with PREPARE, PREPARE, AND PREPARE

The new government has promised its agenda will provide the biggest upgrade in workers’ rights for a generation A thorough understanding of the requirements of the new rules and how to get your business ready will be essential for employers to embrace the potential benefits of these changes and avoid any pitfalls

observes Peter Wingrave AAT Director This is no reflection of the standard of care given It does leave the resident and care staff exposed to risk in safely getting the resident back up again particularly with the growth in obesity among residents 3

“Only 4% of falls result in injury requiring a visit to hospital Use of equipment such as Raizer II can play a key role in any good moving and handling policy It takes the effort and risk out of the procedure for all involved

“Raizer is already proven in the market What differentiates it- and usnow is the fact we provide comprehensive service & maintenance on site So there is none of the worry nor exposure of having to send it away, and in the process be without valuable, useful equipment that is needed AAT has a proven reputation for delivery of quality-engineered, dignified technology for moving and handling elderly and disabled people Raizer II is just part of the company s range which includes Medical Device Class 1-certified stairclimbers and vacuum posture cushions Raizer is already used by a number of health authorities and blue light organisations up and down the country to facilitate safe transfer of fallen people Find out how AAT’s Raizer

Why PR is More Powerful Than Advertising for Care Homes

Back in 2020 Richard Osman published his first book - The Thursday Murder Club In the first three days it sold 45 000 copies and became the Sunday Times number one bestseller At the same time I was struggling with a 92-year-old mum with a double whammy of Alzheimer's and vascular dementia and a father of the same age who was tired and often in tears To the outside world my parents had a “platinum care package consisting of a beautiful barn and my brother and his family just minutes away across a manicured lawn The reality was very different They were isolated and my brother and his family were hands-off rather than hands-on On one difficult day in 2022, I suggested to my father that we should consider a residential care home for mum My father looked terrified “Putting your mum into a care home will be the end of her Have you read the stories about care homes in the media?” I didn t know what to say so I started babbling on about The Thursday Murder Club You see dad it s a page-turner set in a nice care home ”

If you believe in the adage that “advertising is what you pay for and PR is what you pray for” then Richard Osman was heaven-sent Cooper s Chase was a community and in Ibrahim s opinion that was how human beings were designed to live ” I wasn’t searching for a care home as such, I was searching for a community

With my father s permission I started researching care homes in Norfolk On the day I was due to visit the first on my list, I picked up a copy of the Eastern Daily Press( EDP) and a care home called the Aylsham Manor made this headline: Meet the care home crowd that s seen a century or six Six smiling residents

waved at the camera and the care home manager said: It s certainly a record for us and it s a testament to our staff ” I booked a meeting with Carl the manager and asked for my mum to be put on the waiting list I know that there are some amazing care homes out there but advertising will not communicate “amazing” I can introduce a friend as “lovely” but she can’t introduce herself in this way We need journalists to tell our stories for this very reason Of course, lots of care homes will be reticent to share stories with the media and I can’t say I blame them Care homes have had four years of unparalleled negativity in print, online and in broadcast media


Salisbur y Care Home Resident Celebrates 104th Birthday

World War 2 Veteran and Prisoner of War

James Wren, a resident at Old Sarum Manor, recently celebrated his 104th birthday surrounded by loved ones and staff Enjoying a day filled with joy and surprises

The staff transformed the beautiful Sky Bar at Old Sarum Manor creating a festive atmosphere with balloons and birthday decorations A delicious cake chosen especially by James took centre stage

Adding a heartwarming touch the Royal Marines in Plymouth sent a personalised video message

The Royal Marines band sang Happy Birthday to James a special gesture that acknowledged his service

James s life story is one of remarkable resilience Originally from East Grimstead he served as a Royal Marine aboard HMS Repulse during World War II When the ship was sunk by Japanese bombers in 1941 James miraculously became one of the few survivors Captured as a

prisoner of war James endured harsh conditions for over three and a half years

Throughout the day James s family visited to celebrate James and his wife of 74 years Maragret built a loving family His son, Barry, travelled all the way from Australia while his daughter Denise resides closer in Salisbury James also has two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren James expressed his sincere gratitude to the staff at Old Sarum Manor for making his birthday so special He also extended his thanks to his loving family for their unwavering support throughout his life

Emily Luckhurst Old Sarum Manor s Head of Lifestyle shared: “We’re always thrilled to celebrate our residents birthdays and make them as special as possible James’s life story is truly remarkable and inspiring and we wanted his birthday celebration to reflect that We re so happy he enjoyed the day and everyone could get together to celebrate James

Maple Leaf

I have no intention of retiring yet and have no intention of this changing in the near future but will work here until I do finally retire ” Wendy added: I have always been a domestic assistant at the home and I never would have thought I d still have been here now, the 15 years have flown by I really enjoy engaging with other staff and residents I ve always been happy here It s a nice place to work and I can see myself retiring here ”

Just a Girl from Wallasey: From Ward to Board

From the bustling streets of Wallasey to the hallowed halls of the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre my nursing career has been a testament to passion persistence and unwavering commitment

I was born in Wallasey a town nestled along the banks of the River Mersey My parents, hardworking and resilient, instilled in me the values of perseverance and determination My father toiled in a factory, while my mother graced the halls of Lewis’s a legendary department store in Liverpool famous for its iconic naked man statue

School wasn’t always smooth sailing for me I was the classic

Joanne the one who could do better if she just stopped talking and paid more attention But beneath that chatter and occasional distraction lay a fire an unyielding desire to make a difference I left school with nine good GCSEs but no A-levels, and the world didn t expect much from me Little did they know that a calling awaited one that would change my life forever

In the late 90s our healthcare system faced a critical shortage of nurses 50 000 strong An advertisement caught my eye calling out for those willing to step into this noble profession I applied to Chester University embarking on a three-stage interview process Standing before the Dean my heart pounding, I made my case: “Take a chance on me I won’t let you down ” And they did They believed in my potential and I embarked on a three-year journey that would shape my destiny

In those days, it was the Diploma in Higher Education in Nursing that awaited me a rigorous programme that tested not only my knowledge but also my resilience I learnt the art of compassionate care the science of healing and the power of advocacy As I walked across the stage in 2002 a newly minted nurse I knew my purpose had crystallised But it was what lay ahead that truly ignited my passion

Two years prior the NHS Cancer Plan had been published a visionary document that outlined our path forward It spoke of nurses with advanced skills nurses who could take blood, cannulate, and bridge the gap between theory and practice I had never worked in cancer during my student days but the plan resonated with me It was a call to action a summons to elevate our profession

Upon qualifying I applied for a role on a haematology ward They didn t usually take newly qualified nurses but my passion was contagious I left the Ward Sister with little choice but to give me a chance There amidst patients battling blood disorders I found my purpose I learnt to read lab reports like poetry to

administer treatments with precision and to hold hands during moments of vulnerability The ward became my canvas and compassion my brushstroke

When the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre welcomed me as a trainee chemotherapy nurse, I felt like I d stepped into a sacred realm The delicate balance between healing and toxicity in administering chemotherapy unfolded before me I immersed myself in advanced skills knowing that each infusion held a life in its hands Obtaining a degree in cancer nursing expanded my horizons and additional courses in oncology fuelled my passion

From there, I embarked on a new adventure research nursing Commercial trials, gene therapy investigations I delved into the unknown seeking answers that would shape the future of cancer care The patients became my partners their courage fuelling my determination I stood at the crossroads of science and compassion bridging the gap between theory and practice

My pursuit of knowledge led me to a master’s degree an advanced nurse practitioner in the making Nurse-led services became my canvas a way to support patients beyond hospital admissions Pre-treatment tests at home simple yet revolutionary I saw first-hand how empowerment could transform lives sharing my insights through research publications and international conferences overcoming my fear of public speaking

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre believed in me Advocates opened doors allowing me to work on groundbreaking projects National groups, influential and high-fluting I stood shoulder to shoulder with fellow nurses shaping policies and practices As I climbed the ladder moving away from Clatterbridge was not an easy decision but I wanted to enable more patients to receive treatment outside of a hospital Starting at LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare as a healthcare development manager and eventually becoming Lead Cancer Nurse I realised that dreams were no longer distant stars but constellations guiding my path

Deputy head of nursing, head of nursing the titles felt surreal A girl from Wallasey, with no A-levels to her name now leading teams and shaping care Since 2023 holding the title of Director of Nursing and Clinical Services transitioning from the senior leadership team to an executive board member marks a significant milestone My journey from Ward to Board epitomises the essence of nursing the persistence that defies odds and the inspiration that lights our way reflecting the increasing gender diversity in the upper echelons of leadership for female nurses

In conclusion, my story is not just a personal journey but a testament to what can be achieved with passion perseverance and the belief that we can make a difference From Wallasey to the world my path in nursing has been one of profound fulfilment and relentless dedication If I just a girl from Wallasey can reach such heights so can countless others who dare to dream

Swift Management Ser vices Limited

The Importance of Social Care Representation in Pride Celebrations

Pride celebrations marked by vibrant parades rainbow flags and a sense of joy, are much more than just festivities They are a testament to the resilience diversity and unity of the LGBTQ+ community While Pride is often associated with celebrating identity and love it is also a crucial platform for addressing the various challenges faced by the community Among these the representation of social care services in Pride celebrations is important

Sanjay Dhrona, Outstanding Society Director and MD of The Close Care Home wanted to do just that He created The Outstanding Society’s Out Standing Diversity Forum and decided to take the first step into bringing PRIDE in Adult Social Care by bringing together some big names in Social Care to march together at Pride in London on Saturday He said: “Thrilled Excited Humbled These three words describe my emotional state at the moment The support of the sector and the meaningful leap forward we are making to support those we care for and work within this amazing sector is awesome For the first time ever we are representing our openness and inclusivity to the world Like the theme of London Pride 2024, We Are Everywhere, We get to say it loud and proud the LGBTQ+ community are in Adult Social Care too!

Historically LGBTQ+ individuals have faced significant barriers in accessing appropriate social care Discrimination stigma and a lack of understanding within mainstream services have often left them underserved and marginalised This is where the visibility and representation of social care in Pride events play a critical role

dropped out of school with no a levels I ended up incredibly depressed about being gay and felt suicidal I took a job and was advised by my manager to hide the fact that I was gay as no one would take me seriously

I now run Cavalry Group and employ hundreds of people across our healthcare and recruitment companies I’m proud to create a space where people can be celebrated for being their authentic self I m now so glad to be a part of the LGBT community!”

Furthermore participating in Pride allows social care organisations to directly engage with the community, providing information about available services answering questions and addressing concerns This direct engagement can ease the process of seeking help and make social care services feel more accessible

Outstanding Society Director and CEO of Bracebridge Care Group Samantha Crawley said: It was such an honour and privilege to be part of London Pride, walking with team members from Bracebridge Care Group fellow directors of the OS and so many sector colleagues was one of the most special days I have ever experienced

OSDF Sponsor Virgin Money supported them to make this happen Head of Health and Social Care at Virgin Money Derek Briegnan said: “At Virgin Money we have a culture of inclusion and trust and as an ally of diversity equity and inclusion I am really delighted to be able to support the OS at Pride 2024 and the work Sanjay is doing with the Out Standing Diversity Forum

Teams joined us from Care England The NMC NCF NCA and The CQC Bevan Brittan Care UK Majesticare Championing Social Care

The Close Care Home Caring Homes LDC Care Berkley Bracebridge HC One, Nourish VIVALDI Social Care, PainChek, Autumna, Care Show, Shared Lives Plus Lifeways Social Care Nursing Advisory Councils (SCNACs) Cavalry Healthcare, Achieve Together and Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions And we were proud to be marching alongside service users from some of these providers too!

One such provider was LDC Care who s Director Lara Bywater (who is also a Director of The Outstanding Society) proudly marched alongside with EV, Eddie and Cameron who led the LDC Care Family in the London Pride march as part of the Out Standing Diversity Forum pride participation She said “At LDC Care Co we have always been committed to inclusion and have always advocated for the people we support and our staff team We have seen the value of running our own Pride events over the last few years and we were automatically delighted at the opportunity to be part of London Pride What we were not prepared for was the overwhelming and consuming sense of love acceptance and support These feelings were palpable not just from the awesome crew marching as The Outstanding Society but from everyone The cheers the smiles the claps the hugs - it really was unimaginable The icing on the cake for me was the reaction of the 3 people we support who were in the group They were nervous to start with but their metamorphosis as the day went on was incredible The went from being embarrassed to incredibly proud and to be embraced fully by their new family of 2 million people The moment each of them took a turn to hold the leaders lollipop was so powerful for them”

Hope Lightowler a Shared Lives Plus ambassador who marched said: “As a queer person who accesses social care I often feel invisible As a lot of queer spaces aren t accessible to those with disabilities and we often can become invisible as people see our disability and forget that we can also be queer as well People forget we are adults who still want real relationships so often we have to combat both ableism and homophobia or transphobia So that's why it's important and so emotional to be walking in London Pride

Pride celebrations are a powerful platform for raising awareness about the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community When social care organisations participate in Pride, it sends a clear message that these services are available inclusive and supportive This visibility helps break down barriers of ignorance and prejudice making it more likely that LGBTQ+ individuals will seek out and receive the help they need Karen Roberts Lifeways Head of Health and Clinical Governance RNLD, Queens Nurse, and Co-chair North East and Yorkshire Social Care Nursing Advisory Council also marched on Saturday and said: “Lifeways is a hugely diverse organisation, and we celebrate that vibrant diversity We want to ensure that each one of us at Lifeways is represented - whether that’s through culture religion sexual orientation – or simply as a unique individual So we are delighted to be taking part in London Pride this year on behalf of Lifeways and The Outstanding Society”

For many LGBTQ+ individuals the decision to seek help is fraught with fear and uncertainty Past experiences of discrimination or rejection can make them wary of accessing social care services

Representation at Pride can help build trust between the community and care providers When LGBTQ+ individuals see that social care organisations are actively supporting and celebrating Pride it reassures them that these services are safe understanding and affirming One of our marchers was Rory McDonnell CEO Cavalry Group who shared his story

I was subject to some quite bad homophobic attacks which meant I

The streets were filled with joy hope love kindness and sunshine as we marched together as a wholly cohesive Social Care Sector unforgettable in so many ways The Out Standing Diversity Forum will no doubt continue to thrive in a sector filled with hearts of gold and open minds

The representation of social care in Pride celebrations is not just important; it is essential And that is why we are marching!

Another OSDF marcher was Debbie Harris CEO of Autumna She said:

I marched with my husband and stepdaughter and felt such an outpouring of joy and love the whole day I have quite honestly never felt anything like it The most inclusive and happy day of celebration!

The Out Standing Diversity Forum hopes to raise awareness, build trust advocate for change and celebrate the diversity and inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community and the social care sector By highlighting the critical role of social care Pride events can help ensure that every individual receives the support and services they need to thrive In doing so, they uphold the true spirit of Pride: a celebration of love, identity, and solidarity

So what’s next for the Out Standing Diversity Forum?

As Inclusivity is so important we re spreading our wings beyond London and plan to attend Manchester, Brighton, Birmingham and London again between 2025 and 2028

We are also working on a Language guide as we know how confusing language can be in the world of LGBTQ+ conversations and we want those conversations to continue

We will be facilitating a Roundtable event to begin the development of a training module And creating a Partners Page where the Out Standing Diversity Forum supporters can showcase their work, creating a culture of inclusion and positive change for the future of Adult Social Care

And soon after this we hope to produce and publicise a downloadable pack for care associations / providers to use for local Pride events to allow EVERYONE to show their PRIDE IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE

Residents Party with Mayor as Care Home Celebrates 30th Anniversar

A Dorset

Sona raises £22m to help large Social Care organisations access AI-driven WFM

We are excited to announce this new round of investment and how it will impact large Social Care organisations and their employees

Together with my fellow co-founders, Oli Johnson and Ben Dixon, we’d like to thank Felicis who led the financing with participation from Northzone, Google s AI-fund Gradient, SpeedInvest, Antler, BAG Ventures, and the numerous notable angels who participated in the round

When we founded Sona in 2021, we wanted to solve the unique challenges of frontline work with technology that empowers every employee, on every level of a large organisation

Two years later, Sona is doing just that for over 100,000 people We are grateful to the many organisations who have chosen us to support them on their digital journey, including Community Integrated Care, iVolve, Affinity, Yorkshire Care, Greensleeves Care, Cartrefi Cymru, and Livability, helping them deliver almost 5 million seamless shifts We’d also like to thank our partners who share in our vision for an integrated tech landscape for Care, including Nourish, Radar Healthcare, and Lottie

Some of the most talented and motivated people around have joined us to make this possible, and I’d like to give a particular shout-out to Hayley Horwood and Richard Upshall Together, they have more than 25 years of experience in the Care sector and their insights have guided us every step of the way

This deep involvement has taught us that the complexity associated with multi-location, 1000+ staff operations is coupled with the pressure and responsibility to provide the best care possible Social Care demands a state-ofthe-art solution, built with the kind of technology that isn’t just the latest right now, but that is flexible enough to continue being state-of-the-art ten years from now and later into the future

The financing is a big step on our journey to becoming the go-to WFM for large Social Care groups, but - more importantly - it is an investment in the sector as a whole

Over the past year, we ve seen demand for a nextgeneration solution like Sona increase fourfold Our

partners are looking to make their operations more efficient and reliable, improve staff satisfaction, and become financially sustainable organisations that can easily grow and support more people

The fact that we can confidently say Sona is a solution that pays for itself - and then more! - is something we re incredibly proud of because it provides organisations with a new revenue source they can re-invest into employee wellbeing and a better experience for the people they care for

So, what does this mean for the Care sector?

1. A truly intelligent AI-driven solution

We want to empower Social Care enterprises to forecast their staff needs based on what is best for the people they support with maximum accuracy and automatically tailor their operations accordingly This will help organisations speed up their scheduling, gain real-time views of their shift runs, and encourage growth in a way that tech simply hasn t in the last decade Previously, the focus was mostly on digitising paper-based processes, but as many organisations are now starting a vendor-replacement cycle, we want to provide them with a real nextgeneration solution

2 Automated HR processes

Our HR solution is already closely linked to Scheduling and communicates seamlessly as solutions built to work together from day one should The next step is to bring automation to the HR processes that currently take up the most time and are heavily prone to errors Our goal is to make the data we feed into our Payroll engine as accurate as possible and remove the potential for mistakes to snowball, leading to drops in employee satisfaction, more admin time, and even legal risks down the line

3. User-first technology

One implementation challenge organisations have experienced with legacy software is low tech adoption rates from frontline staff But what oftentimes is seen as fear of change, is actually a natural reaction to employee apps which were not designed to be accessible The Sona mobile app - together with all our interfaces - is built with usability in mind and consumer-grade standards We want to enrich this experience with even more features that make user life more efficient and increase satisfaction, particularly around self-service and onboarding new staff We believe the first impression new employees get of their organisation and its processes is key to their retention

4 High-quality research and contributions to Social Care in the UK

The feedback we’ve received for our industry-leading reports, webinars, and other research activities has always been incredible and we re only looking to add more Social Care is first and foremost about the people and the community We plan to continue reporting on the pulse of the sector, bring together leaders and visionaries to share their insights, and always spotlight the many opportunities Care offers At the same time, we want to expand our existing charitable contributions and make sure that we re always giving back to those on the frontline

committed our Customer Success and Implementation teams are to always going the extra mile, helping them optimise and grow their business We want to make sure that as we grow ourselves, we only improve this experience and provide even more comprehensive support every step of the way For that we ll be on the lookout for the best talent available

Overall, with Sona, I like to think of it as building the “selfdriving car” of running a Care business The last 20 years of workforce management were dominated by legacy point solutions that digitised simple paper processes Sona is building the next generation of WFM with a truly intelligent platform that enables organisational leaders in complex, multi-location enterprises to put the right people, in the right place, at the right time; and to seamlessly manage their workforce end-to-end

We believe we can deliver this because our exponential growth has been driven by tangible factors: speed of product delivery, high configurability, and sector expertise

Unlike legacy platforms, Sona s technology has been built from the ground up for real-time data processing and insights Leveraging the Elixir programming language and large language models - similar to what powers tools like ChatGPT - we offer AI-powered real-time actionable feedback which helps drive intelligent decision making and leads to real workforce productivity gains The trust of our investors so far has yielded a total of £30 millionfunds that we see contributing to the development of the sector as a whole

“We are proud to lead Sona's Series A round and support its mission to empower frontline enterprises with cuttingedge workforce management solutions ” We believe in Sona s potential to redefine how businesses [ ] manage their workforce, and we ' re excited to be part of their journey towards reshaping the future of work Ben, Oli, Steffen and the Sona team have already helped over 100,000 frontline workers schedule shifts, and we know so many more will appreciate smarter software that enables their work ” Niki Pezeshki, General Partner at Felicis

As we continue to innovate, our mission remains clear: to transform the outdated tools that have hindered Care enterprises in the past and usher in a new era of intelligent WFM that drives efficiency, employee wellbeing, and, ultimately, the delivery of exceptional care

Steffen Wulff Petersen Sona CEO and Co-Founder

5. A trustworthy partnership for all our UK customers

Our partners have consistently highlighted how

Sona co-founders Ben Dixon Steffen Wulff Petersen and Oli Johnson

Only The Right Care and Support Will Stop the Scandal of Learning Disabled

People Being Trapped in Inpatient Units

learning disabled man from the south-east of England found himself locked up in a hospital under the Mental Health Act with just a mattress on the floor Today he is happily living in a place he calls home, where he cooks and cleans for himself drives his own car and enjoys a round of golf once a week While detained In hospital Jack s room was basic; he had no access to personal belongings as they were deemed a risk and wasn’t allowed in a kitchen The poor food he was given also led to him becoming severely overweight It was of no surprise that the provider described him as “abusive”, “aggressive”, “violent” and “uncooperative”

Despite the labels this health provider gave him all Jack needed was the right care and support in a friendlier community setting – even the hospital staff said he shouldn’t have been incarcerated at all

Charlotte Cafferkey the Residential Service Manager for learning disability charity Hft (www hft org uk) where Jack now lives takes up his story: “When we received information about Jack we did a lot of work with colleagues to understand what really made him tick and then prepare for how we would best support him Given the concerns around potential abusive or violent actions we wanted to make sure we understood Jack as an individual We learnt the communication skills that would help us best engage with him, we developed a nutrition programme for him and understood that what he wanted was a routine that worked for him, not the hospital

Jack has come so far he now communicates well with us and is a much healthier weight This is all down to the right care and support that has been specifically tailored to his wants and needs,” she says Sadly Jack who is also autistic is not a lone statistic There are over 2 000 people with a learning disability and/or autism who are locked away in mental health hospitals across the country What makes his story important is how with the right person-centred care and support from a team of dedicated staff he is able

to live his best life possible

Jack’s story is a beacon of hope in what is generally a failed environment as the government fails to meet its own targets to replace inpatient units with proper home support The latest commitment was to reduce the number by 50% before March 2024, but latest estimates indicate these will not be met until 2030, if at all

The 2 045 learning disabled people currently living in inpatient units in England remain on average in these hospital settings for nearly five years Jack was lucky – the Hft staff s care and support meant he was (only) there for just over a year

Inpatient placements in Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs) are expensive Mencap research suggests these could reach an average cost of £237 000 a year That means that over the course of a year around £534 million is being spent on inpatient beds for these 2,000 people In Jack’s case, because of the right care and support, he is no longer reliant on

The gross misuse of these funds in this way is staggering says Steve Veevers CEO of Hft We are calling on the next government to rethink the pledges made and instead re-invest this money into the right care and support so this travesty can be avoided

“Jack’s circumstances are a case in point How many of those 2 000 learning disabled people currently in the same situation could be living their lives independently, within their communities, instead of being trapped in a situation not of their making?

“This is a scandal that has gone on far too long and needs to stop now ” says Steve “There are very costeffective solutions with not-for-profit care and support providers like Hft Mencap Dimensions United Response to name a few who are all supporting people like Jack and ready to step in to help We want the next government to double down on their commitment following the Winterbourne View scandal and make sure no learning disabled adult is locked away in a similar situation again ”

*Jack’s name has been changed to protect his identity

Ex-Royal Milliner Strengthens Ties Between Hampshire School And Care Home

Sustainable solutions for Social Care.

Social care organisations have a lot on their plate without a supply chain review getting in the way We collaborate with social care organisations and care homes across the country, taking care of the time-consuming details, and achieving the good value they deserve

With a robust, ethical, highly traceable supply chain, we deliver expert food, beverage, and non-food purchasing solutions that save time and money That means more time to focus on what matters, like supporting patient wellbeing with exceptional quality produce

Let's achieve new efficiencies today Sustainable sourcing for social care organisations and care homes.

We know how important sourcing is to social care organisations and care homes You need to know where your food, beverages and non-food are coming from, but that often means paying more than you should

At AVE, we don t believe that there should ever be a choice between ethics and value We offer sustainable sourcing that is good for the planet and your bottom line Social care purchasing.

Social care organisations choose us as their partner because we know the particular requirement of this challenging field We deliver a lean robust supply chain that works for your patients and people In a busy market we cut through the obscurity and complicated language to find the deals that matter to you achieving the quality you deserve at prices you didn't know were possible

How's that for a healthy supply chain? Your social care purchasing partner.

Achieve lean, robust food and non-food supply for your social care business or care home Our purchasing experts have spent years working in the social care sector, identifying the particular needs of people in this challenging field and delivering on time every time Sustainable produce, better prices and the quality you deserve Social care food management consultancy. inspire healthcare chefs and catering staff with quality menus and recipes that your patients will love Our food management consultants have worked with health and social care organisations and care homes across the UK, crafting bespoke menus that deliver on price and taste We'll even help you navigate the tricky territory of special diets and allergens with ease Social care in-house catering solutions.

Catering can be tricky to go at alone Why not partner up? Trust us to lend a specialist hand across every aspect of your food operation, and guarantee the best results - safety and sustainability assured

Carers Encouraged To Share Covid-19 Experiences

The Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) is joining with the Care Association Alliance to encourage everyone involved with the care sector to share their pandemic stories as part of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Every Story Matters campaign The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the public independent inquiry that is examining the UK s response to and the impact of

Heartfelt Tribute to a Beloved Mother by Tenchley Manor Home Manager

Katrina Austin, Home Manager of Tenchley Manor Nursing Home in Selsey, shares a deeply personal story of love loss and dedication highlighting the exceptional care provided by her team during the most challenging times Janet was my mum and my best friend in the whole world She was a wife a mother a grandmother

to shop! Life was so good and mum always made the effort to see the kids splashing about in the sea at East Beach The arrival of COVID-19 in January 2020 brought unprecedented challenges Katrina fully aware of the risks took strict measures to protect her parents I strictly locked my parents down to keep them safe They were just around the corner but we couldn't just go round and sit with them As soon as we could get to them again we were there in a flash In August 2020, life took an unexpected turn "Mum had a fall and ended up in the hospital Although they found no injury,

Unlocking Innovation and Collaboration: The Care & Occupational Therapy Show

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show scheduled for July 17th at Westpoint Exeter is poised to be a pivotal event in the fields of care and occupational therapy With an extensive lineup of CPD-accredited seminars keynote speakers networking opportunities and expert exhibitors, this event offers a comprehensive platform for professionals to explore the latest trends exchange ideas and foster collaborations

At the heart of the event are the CPD-accredited seminars and keynote speeches which promise to provide attendees with invaluable insights and knowledge Renowned experts will take the stage to address pressing issues share innovative strategies and discuss emerging trends shaping the future of care and therapy From advancements in assistive technologies to holistic approaches to patient care attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of their professions


expert exhibitors showcasing the latest products services and solutions

From state-of-the-art assistive devices to innovative therapeutic interventions, attendees have the opportunity to explore a diverse range of offerings from leading industry providers The exhibition serves as a hub for discovering cutting-edge technologies, exploring new approaches to patient care, and staying abreast of industry developments

Furthermore the event caters to professionals at every stage of their career journey from seasoned practitioners to students and newcomers to the field For students and recent graduates the show offers valuable insights into the profession, career guidance, and networking opportunities to kickstart their careers For established professionals it presents a platform to stay updated on the latest advancements, expand their knowledge base, and connect with peers to drive continuous improvement and innovation in their practice

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show is a must-attend event for professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic fields of care and occupational therapy By combining CPD-accredited education networking opportunities and expert exhibitors under one roof the event promises to unlock innovation foster collaboration and

Care Leader Congratulates New Labour MP

A leading North Yorkshire social care campaigner has congratulated his new constituency MP and sent a message of hope that the new Labour government will bring a fresh start for a sector in crisis

Mike Padgham says Labour offers the best hope for long-awaited reform of the way the country cares for older vulnerable and disabled residents

Mr Padgham congratulated Alison Hume who won the Scarborough and Whitby seat for Labour at last week s election

Before the poll, he had given the new MP his personal endorsement I send my hearty congratulations to Alison and to the new Labour Government and wish them every success ” he said “Having met Alison on a number of occasions I have every faith that she will be an excellent MP for Scarborough and Whitby and I was

Gold Care Homes Acquire Further Care Home Continuing Expansion

Celebrating Excellence at Boutique Care Homes: Summer Competition Winners Announced!

At Boutique Care Homes a keen advocate of fostering creativity and community spirit among our residents families and team held summer competitions which has provided the perfect opportunity for everyone to showcase their talents and bond over shared activities with homes demonstrating remarkable innovation and teamwork

Founder and Managing Director Ameet Kotecha remarked I am immensely proud of the incredible creativity and dedication shown by our teams and residents during our summer competitions The love and genuine connection captured in your entries are truly inspiring Congratulations to all our winners and participants for making this event unforgettable

Priya Bhayani, our Quality Director added, "The standard of entries this summer has been exceptional The innovative and artistic approaches taken by our homes have set a new benchmark for creativity within Boutique Care Homes It s heartening to see such enthusiasm and talent across the board

The Senior Management Team of Boutique Care Homes had the pleasure of reviewing numerous outstanding entries for our summer competitions It was no easy task to select winners as each home showcased remarkable talent and effort We're excited to announce the winners and special mentions for each category HANGING BASKETS

Winner: The Burlington The Burlington wowed us with their traditional hanging baskets beautifully displayed in their courtyard garden Adding a unique touch they incorporated resident-painted bird feeders creating a charming and vibrant

creative twist on the concept!


Winner: Brampton Manor Brampton Manor impressed us with their exquisite planters including floral displays in wellie boots and a wheelbarrow themed around D-Day paying tribute to veterans Their fun



especially noteworthy HONOURABLE MENTIONS

Some special contributions across the homes included: Chartwell House Their art festival included inter-generational activities still life drawing and beautiful resident-made pendants

Brampton Manor Their floral ethos display representing the B-O-U-T-I-Q-U-

The NACC Care Chef of the

Year 2024 Finalists Announced

This year s heats for the National Association of Care Catering (NACC)

Care Chef of the Year 2024 competition have been concluded and the finalists for the national final announced

Throughout June regional heats were held across the NACC Regions –

Midlands, South East, Scotland, North South West and Wales – with care chefs demonstrating that they can compete with the best when it comes to culinary skills The prize is to represent their region in the national final scheduled to take place on 1st October 2024

The chefs had to demonstrate to the judges their full understanding of the meals they are providing for their residents whilst introducing their own flair through contemporary flavours Steve Munkley was once again the Chairman of Judges

The finalists who intend to impress the judges one more time include:

Dawn Louise Brown Rossendale House Care Home

Mark Burrow, Brandon House

Nigel Cooke Eastcote Park Cinnamon Care Collection

Matthew Dodds Foodbuy Group

• Adrien Henard Chandler Court Care UK

Anna Koziarska Auchtercrag Care Home Meallmore Ltd

• Darren Nelson Trymview Hall Care UK

Maks Nikolaev Parvulav Renaissance Care

Robert Rofe, Roswell Court, Radish

Samuel Sewell Wellington Vale Care Home Cinnamon Care Collection

• Carmine Tarquilio Mardy Park Resource Centre Monmouthshire County Council

• Paul Wright Prospect House Mysing

The ninety-minute regional heats focused on the importance of food nutrition and positive mealtime experiences as part of quality care, entrants are challenged to create an appealing and delicious two-course menu (main and dessert) appropriate for people in a care setting The combined food cost for both courses should be no more than £4 50 per head based on three portions and it must be nutritionally balanced The menu must also feature at least one product from Unilever Food Solutions’ sector-relevant catering range

Chairman of Judges Steve Munkley said: Once again I have been impressed with the skills that I have seen and the total dedication these chefs demonstrate The care sector is incredibly important and it is encouraging to see so many skilled chefs wanting to do their best for others

Neel Radia, National Chair of the NACC, said: “Many congratulations to the finalists of the NACC Care Chef of the Year competition 2024 I agree with Steve the calibre of entries for this competition remains incredibly high and I would have been more than happy to eat any of the dishes that have been created across the regional heats

The Care Chef of the Year competition is a high point in the NACC year and is always an exciting event It highlights and celebrates the care catering sector and the exceptional talent of our chefs Last year’s winner Brian Preston has been a marvellous ambassador for the sector throughout the year appearing at a number of catering shows Delicious, nutritious food and positive dining experiences are vital to quality care I wish all the finalists the best of luck

Local Care Home Opens Its Doors To The Community For A Monthly Dementia Cafe


Taking place every fourth Tuesday of the month starting at 14:30pm until 16 30pm guests will have a chance to meet other carers supporting others living with dementia Free to all the dementia café at the home provides small respite and social support for all that are touched by dementia

During the monthly get together at the Dementia Cafe guests will enjoy live entertainment and refreshments and also have a chance to meet the team at the home, to discuss any questions they might have about care that is available This month’s

Dementia Café was held in the lavish home gardens with the sun shining and amazing entertainment from Neil Richardson The dementia café was organised with the help of Yvonne Robinson Tingle a local community figure

General Manager Marvellous Bindura said: “We’re really looking forward to making more friends in our local community The condition itself can be quite lonely and frightening and the more support we can provide to each other the better If anyone is unable to make it on the day of the monthly café but would like to pop in for a tour and a cup of tea our doors are always open to all, and we will welcome you in anytime ”

Dementia Activity App Celebrates 10-Year Anniversar

A museum-led dementia awareness programme House of Memories is marking 10 years since its memory activity app launched at the House of Commons

The free My House of Memories app co-created with people living with dementia, was launched two years after the creation of the wider House of Memories programme, which is led by National Museums Liverpool The aim of the app is to develop connections and conversations between people living with dementia and their families and carers through digital collections of objects Together, people can explore pictures of museum objects and everyday items – which range from a Singer sewing machine to a 10 shilling note – and discover things which resonate with them Images are brought to life with sound music and descriptions which can help to spark memories of days gone by Users can also save favourite objects to a digital memory tree digital memory box or timeline and add their own photographs to the ‘My Memories’ feature on the app Over the last decade objects on the app have been interacted with more than a million times

Throughout the years House of Memories has worked with a range of museums organisations and communities around the world to create content for the app to provide a choice of objects to resonate with as many people living with dementia as possible Recent partnerships have included collaborating with Welsh Government and 14 museum partners across Wales to develop dual-language content for the app and working with the Chelsea Pensioners at the Royal Hospital Chelsea to create a collection of hospital and British Army memories

In order to support professional carers working with people living with dementia as well as families and friends House of Memories also provides online and in-person training where you can learn how to use the My House of Memories app and hear about other dementia activities and resources The in-person training takes place in Liverpool every month, while online training – made up of 31 expert videos across four modules – can be completed at any time

The House of Memories team also offer bespoke dementia awareness and app training to organisations which work with or support people living with dementia from the likes of residential and nursing homes to housing associations and groups offering support services

Sarah Wright Project Coordinator at Gairloch Museum in northwest Scotland, runs a ‘Whatever the Weather Wednesday reminiscing group and recently worked with House of Memories to deliver training to encourage local people and carers to engage with the app particularly the Highland Memories’ section, which was developed with museums across the Highlands

Sarah said: “Within minutes of getting started everyone was chatting about the images they were choosing and listening to the recordings on the app It was great to see people of different ages sharing memories together

“The training session was really well presented and there was an excellent sense of connection between the trainers and the people being trained It was good to get carers together and to have the opportunity to talk more about dementia and what it really means to live with someone who is living with dementia ”

The My House of Memories app is available to download for free on iOS devices via the App Store and on Google Play for Android devices Information about in-person, online and bespoke training is available on the House of Memories website

Family and professional carers of people living with dementia who are local to Liverpool, where House of Memories is based can also join free memory walks and When I was little events at Museum of Liverpool which use museum displays and collections to encourage conversations about the past The team also have a mobile museum which visits local care homes and organisations to provide immersive reminiscence experiences for people living with dementia

Find out more about the House of Memories programme on their website

Patient Hygiene Wipes Promote An Individualised Approach To Cleansing For Those Receiving Care

Unigloves Rebrands Its Derma Shield Workplace Skincare System

The Importance of Nutrition and Hydration in a Care Home Setting

assistance with eating and drinking skills as well as the provision of meals

With that in mind, it s essential that you re not only aware of the food and drink regulations in place but how you can build on these to improve your offering and services within a care home environment WHAT HAPPENS IF RESIDENTS DON’T RECEIVE THE RIGHT NUTRITION?

With age malnutrition can become more of a concern It s estimated that around 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 are either malnourished, or at risk Changes that the elderly go through can lead to things like a diminished appetite or even a loss of interest in food not to mention

health conditions or changing health needs that can also impact the amount of nutrition a person receives It s important to remember that residents may be a healthy weight but could still not be getting the right nutrients they need Other signs of malnutrition might include things like muscle weakness feeling tired increased falls or even poor wound healing

What s more older people will find it more difficult to absorb vitamin D through sunlight, and so this must be considered in their diet

Similarly older adults can also be a higher risk of becoming dehydrated as they may not recognise the feeling of thirst the way they used to FOOD AND DRINK REGULATIONS FOR CARE HOMES

The Health and Social Care Act of 2008 was brought in to ensure all care home settings registered with the Care Quality Commission and complied with its requirements It’s deemed to be one of the most significant reforms of social care in decades

In particular, Regulation 14 states that the nutritional and hydration needs of residents must be met WHAT CARE HOMES CAN DO

With that in mind it’s important that care homes have the right measures in place to keep residents as healthy as possible when it comes to nutrition and hydration Here are some tips on how carers and kitchen staff can work together to further improve the system in place

Regular assessments: Every resident will have different needs and so by

carrying out frequent assessments you can determine more accurately whether residents are getting what they need from their current meals and drinks This also gives you the chance to identify

Personalised plans:

to allergies medical conditions and also flavour and texture preferences

• Ongoing education: It’s hugely important to carry out regular


or malnourishment It also means they

to help residents improve their health and wellbeing

Emotional support and reassurance In some cases residents may hold back on eating or drinking because of worries with incontinence It’s absolutely pivotal that carers can give the right emotional support and are able to reassure residents on this topic

Nutrition and Hydration Essential To Residents’ Health and Wellbeing


The Importance of Proper Laundr y Practices in Care Environments

Laundry is one of the major cleaning and hygiene challenges for care homes

For care homes maintaining impeccable cleanliness is more than a routine task; it is a vital responsibility The elderly and those with compromised health are particularly susceptible to infections making rigorous hygiene standards essential Professional laundry systems are engineered to meet these stringent requirements ensuring that every piece of linen from bed sheets to residents' clothing is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized

Unlike domestic machines commercial laundry systems are designed to handle large volumes with consistent efficacy They maintain precise water temperatures and use specialized detergents capable of eradicating harmful pathogens This level of thoroughness is crucial in environments where the risk of infection is high MINIMISING INFECTIONS AND CROSS-CONTAMINATION

Infection control is a critical concern in care homes Pathogens such as MRSA E coli and norovirus pose significant threats to residents Professional laundry systems play a key role in mitigating these risks by incorporating advanced features designed to prevent cross-contamination Barrier washers for instance have separate compartments for dirty and clean laundry ensuring that contaminants are contained and do not spread to freshly laundered items

Programmable wash cycles in these systems can be tailored to different textile types and soil levels, optimizing the disinfection process Furthermore innovations like ozone technology enhance sanitization while allowing for lower temperature washes, preserving fabric quality and extending the life of linens THE ROLE OF TRAINING AND SAFETY

Effective laundry management in care homes extends beyond the machines themselves Proper training for staff is critical to ensure that laundry processes are carried out safely and effectively Understanding how to use detergents correctly is a key aspect of this training Professional laundry detergents are formu-

lated to be both powerful against germs and safe for sensitive skin but improper use can diminish their effectiveness or even pose safety hazards

Staff must be trained in the correct handling and dosing of these detergents to maximize their benefits while ensuring safety Additionally, training on the use of laundry equipment helps prevent operational errors and promotes adherence to hygiene protocols


In conclusion the importance of best laundry practices in care homes cannot be overstated By implementing effective laundry procedures care facilities can safeguard the health and well-being of residents maintain a clean and hygienic environment, and ultimately enhance the quality of care provided Prioritising proper laundry practices is a fundamental aspect of upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and ensuring the comfort and safety of individuals in care homes

P&G Professional have a suite of well-known and respected products across the sector for powerful cleaning and lower operational costs

Ariel Professional Washing Powder Antibacterial is a professional detergent specially formulated to deliver excellent stain removal and deep down cleaning at low temperature Ariel Professional delivers unrivalled cleaning and antibacterial protection at low temperatures and with short washing cycles thereby reducing energy and time costs whilst still getting things clean There is also an added benefit in that many P&G Professional products have similar names and smells as their domestic ranges giving a feeling of comfort and familiarity to residents and their families

Hygiene and infection control is vital and at the top of the agenda for care homes but we can be comforted to know we are going into battle with some of the most reliable and scientifically proven products that P&G Professional have developed with their unparalleled experience of engaging with the care sector and with the most comprehensive scientific rigour

Revolutionising Care Home Laundr y: The Genius Choice


The Transformative Role of Music in Care Communities

In life where memories intertwine with the present there's a profound need for companionship understanding and support – especially for those navigating the complexities of dementia We know that Dementia isn t just a medical condition; it s a complicated journey for over 90 000 people in Scotland today marked by profound emotional upheaval and huge uncertainty As such we believe that approaches to this delicate type of care must transcend clinical protocols and embrace the little things when it comes to human experience For example music!

When the rhythm of life slows to a gentle rhythm in the quiet corridors of care facilities, music can be a powerful force and breathe vibrancy and vitality into the lives of those who need it most What we have found is that for those navigating the complexities of dementia, the role of music

surpasses mere entertainment it becomes a lifeline A conduit for connection and a source of comfort

In my time in my role I personally have witnessed first-hand the great impact of music in nurturing mental physical and emotional wellbeing among the 3 500 people benefiting from our Dementia Day Care Services every year We have all been exposed to music in some way in our lives –whether by listening to recordings playing an instrument attending concerts or dancing From lively sing-alongs to serene music therapy sessions partaking in a symphony of experiences when living with dementia can awaken hidden memories, stir dormant emotions and reignite feelings of joy and camaraderie

In fact a study comparing standard care to regular singing or music listening sessions over 10 weeks in 89 people with dementia (type not specified) music sessions improved general cognition (MMSE score) attention and executive function compared to standard care Singing appeared to evoke personal remote memories by increasing recall of names of children friends and immediate short story recall

One of our flagship programmes the Music Wellbeing Programme stands as a testament to the power of communal music-making Led by talented musicians and dedicated staff members this dementia-inclusive activity serves as a sanctuary where residents and caregivers alike gather to share stories create melodies and forge lasting connections Through familiar tunes, we witness the emergence of radiant smiles, the tapping of feet, and the stirring of long-forgotten memories, as residents reclaim moments of joy and belonging Music really does serve as a universal language for us all overcoming factors such as age cognition and physical ability

Could your centre or service partner with local entertainers or other community organisations to incorporate music within your care community? From lively dance performances to intimate acoustic sessions these

collaborative endeavours create an environment with an infectious energy, lifting spirits and fostering a sense of collective celebration

The Eric Liddell Community stands as a centre of hope, redefining the landscape of dementia care with innovation compassion, and inclusivity Our namesake – a Scottish legend, sports person and missionary – strived to create a world where no one felt isolated or alone Where every individual's journey is met with dignity and respect

Based on the substantial evidence that music offers numerous health benefits we’d highly recommend that your establishment considers introducing music entertainment and community engagement Together we can all create moments of joy connection and meaning for those who need it most

Recreo VR - Bringing a Change of Scener y to Care

Recreo VR’s innovative service has been proven to enhance the mental and social well-being of those living with dementia through person-centered virtual experiences Our headsets are a fun and exciting way to personalize care enhance activities and improve the quality of life of your residents

We partner with the Alzheimer’s Society and our service has been co-designed with those affected by dementia offering an intuitive VR interface for carers to select experiences and environments that are meaningful, engaging, and suitable for residents to enjoy In a recent evaluation of our product with over 100 people living with dementia 97% of residents engaged with our headsets 86% said they enjoyed it and wanted to access VR more in their care Our headsets also helped residents recall memories improved mood and wellbeing over

Coordinate Activities For Elderly People and Seniors with Hashtag Quiz


✓ Simplicity Skip the complicated setups No Ethernet cables or equipment authorisation required Just sign in and start playing

✓ Ready-to-Go Entertainment: Access a plethora of quizzes without the last-minute rush to find or produce questions Just search select and play

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Music for Health: Enhancing Lives Through Musical Workshops INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES

Founded in 2001 Music for Health has been making significant strides in improving the well-being of residents in Care Homes and Nursing Homes across England and Wales These workshops are thoughtfully designed to engage participants in a variety of activities including dancing with instruments singalongs and interactive quizzes

The program s multifaceted approach is particularly beneficial for residents suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's Music known for its therapeutic properties provides a stimulating environment that promotes both physical and mental activity Dancing helps improve motor skills and coordination while the rhythmic aspects of music can trigger memory and emotional responses providing a sense of familiarity and comfort

Sing-alongs create a communal atmosphere encouraging social interaction and reducing feelings of isolation The quizzes not only entertain but also stimulate cognitive function challenging the brain and helping to maintain mental acuity

Overall, Music for Health’s workshops offer a holis-

tic approach to care ensuring that elderly residents remain active engaged and socially connected By bringing the joy of music into care homes this initiative continues to make a profound impact on the lives of many fostering a sense of community and wellbeing

To expand our reach and impact Music for Health is currently recruiting more Area Directors to join our team across the United Kingdom If you have a passion for music and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contuct us and help us bring the healing power of music to more communities

Contact Carl on 07712 669456, email musicforhealthrecruitment@gmail com or visit www musicforhealthteam co uk


Activities to Share

Tired of the same old song and dance when it comes to planning engaging activities? Well fear not! Activities to Share is here to sprinkle some excitement into your daily routine

If you ve been feeling like you re stuck in a creative rut we ve got the antidote Picture this a wonderland of activity ideas free downloads that are basically the golden ticket to fun and a treasure trove of products that'll make your heart skip a beat (in a good way)

We get it – after a while even the most fantastic activities can start feeling a bit blah That's why we've scoured the corners of creativity to bring you fresh fabulous ideas that'll have you and your crew grinning from ear to ear

Our website, activitiestoshare co uk, is your go-to haven for all things fun and engaging Need a burst of

The Role Of Memor y Lane Games In Person-Centred Care Planning

Digital therapeutics can be effective and efficient tools to enhance and support care plans in many different ways including intervention and management of physical well-being cognitive stimulation emotional and mental health and clinical monitoring

Memory Lane Games as an example uses therapeutic interventions driven by specialized software that helps those living with dementia and their care teams manage specific needs and improve clinical outcomes through dementia-specific games The app is an adaptive solution which is tailored over time to individual needs More specifically it makes for more effective care delivery in the following ways

Creating Engagement by employing personalised and localised games to not only trigger positive memories but also foster improved socialisation address social isolation and improve communication and understanding of a person s likes dislikes and needs

Supporting health equity with multinational multicultural multi language localised content

Through its ava lability and portab lity the app can be employed at a moment’s notice, when it is most

Timeless Presents - Enhancing Lives Through Connection and Engagement

After her father s passing from Alzheimer s Sharon Daltrey and her husband Chris founded Timeless Presents a company devoted to encouraging engagement and communication for those living with dementia by promoting cognitive stimulation emotional engagement and sensory assistance Drawing from their personal experiences and informed by the challenges her father faced, Sharon and Chris embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of individuals currently living with dementia The Activity Coordinator at Forbury Residential Home had this to say “We won some prizes in a competition and our residents really enjoyed them The Curiosity Box is amazing for one of our residents who continually claps her hands Since having the Curiosity Box she has been occupied with it and engaged in a meaningful way Our residents are also loving the puzzles and coloring books Thank you so much for giving our residents a better quality of life At Timeless Presents Sharon and Chris are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that promote meaningful interaction and enhance quality of life for individuals with dementia By adopting principles discovered during her father s later stages of Alzheimer s and incorporating current research, Timeless Presents designs familiar and accessible activities that inspire reminiscence and positive practices without requiring any training For example their Sentimental Seaside Puzzle’ is a familiar activity that has been adapted to overcome sensory difficulties that those with dementia may have while incorporating a vibrant design that is familiar and may prompt conversation and reminiscence In a significant milestone Timeless Presents recently achieved accredi-

Focus Games - Game Based Training for Ever y Situation

tation from the internationally renowned Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) for three products being the first time that they had assessed any activities This accreditation underscores the company s commitment to creating dementia-inclusive products that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness They will be exhibiting at stand A16 at The Alzheimer s & Dementia Show on 14-15th June 2024 where you will be able to meet them see their products and get a first look at their Timeless Train Set prototype With a focus on accessibility and impact Timeless Presents aims to empower individuals with dementia and their caregivers to navigate the challenges of dementia with dignity and joy Through their innovative approach and dedication to excellence Timeless Presents is shaping the future of dementia care one meaningful interaction at a time 07936 408

New Award-Winning Seated Dance Activity Programme

A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Falls Among Elderly Residents: A Nursing and Operational Perspective

As the Director of Operations and Commissioning at Langdale Care Homes, and a seasoned nurse with over 20 years in the healthcare industry, I have witnessed first-hand the challenges posed by falls among elderly residents It is a subject close to my heart, and I feel it is of utmost importance to share our comprehensive and sensitive approach to this matter

Falls can have devastating effects on the physical, mental, and emotional health of our elderly residents leading to injury hospitalisation and a decline in confidence and independence However they are not an inevitable part of ageing With effective strategies and due diligence we can significantly reduce the risk and impact of falls Our approach is rooted in individualised care Each resident is unique and so too are their risks and vulnerabilities A thorough and personalised risk assessment is the cornerstone of our falls management strategy The assessment covers a wide range of areas from physical health mobility and medication to environmental factors within the home

In terms of physical health we pay keen attention to conditions known to increase fall risk such as poor vision arthritis and neurological impairments Regular health check-ups coupled with personalised exercise programmes to improve strength and balance have proven highly effective Our team works closely with residents ensuring they feel comfortable and confident in performing these exercises

Medication can also significantly influence fall risk As a nurse I understand the complex interactions between various drugs and how they can affect balance and coordination Therefore we regularly review residents'

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions


Reducing Falls with Bide

Dr Tom Adler was a GP for 30 years He often witnessed the devastating effects of accidental falls on the faller their carers and also the resource implications for the NHS and Social Care



“Although there were many innovations

Stay Safe with Smart Wireless Nurse Call




and other more local issues which have driven up the rate of inflation over the last few years The impact of this meant that most manufacturers of electronic products had to increase their prices as costs spiralled This of course has impacted the end user The most dramatic impact has been on the Care Industry An industry that has lacked the support it desperately needs in these trying times

Courtney Thorne at the same time took a strategic decision to take a close look at our core products right down to component level the objective being to make us less vulnerable to future global supply chain issues, and to reduce the cost of each product with the amin of ensuring that we deliver the same high quality product at a cost protected price We had to ensure that this would happen without jeopar-

dising the superb levels of support we provide to our valued customer base

This ground up review involved all departments from Research and Development right through to the Field Service team (and everything in-between) This in-depth collaboration took time as we had to ensure that each and every element was refined perfected and tested to our (and our customers) rigorous requirements Whilst many organisations have limited-time or end of product line offers we are very pleased to announce a price reduction on our core Connect and Connect Health Nurse Call system ranges With flexible terms full integration with Care Apps celebrated service delivery and the most reliable and robust solution now at a new lower price there has never been a better time to talk to us about a new nurse call system For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert on this page

Reducing nighttime falls for your loved ones

33% of accidental falls are at night

• Automatically plays voice messages to remind loved ones to take care when they wake up

• Lights up gently to help navigating in the dark

• Suitable for use at home and in care homes


• “David, take your time before you stand up, we love you”

• “Don’t get out of bed Emma Press your buzzer, we’ll come and help you”

Simple installation:

1 Plug into power socket

2. Record up to 5 personalised voice messages

3. Place by bedside

Peace of mind for you, independence for your loved ones.

Tel: 0114 437 1298 Email: hello@getbide com Website:



Crash Mats Designed to Reduce Injuries from Bed Falls

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

Blaucomm’s Nurse Call

Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMarnow the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care

Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance

The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major

We find Blaucomm is a genuinely

company with a reliable product

One Call Systems have developed one of the most reliable streamlined wireless nurse call systems on the market The rechargeable technology, water-resistant casings, and long-range radio capabilities set us apart

At the heart of the innovative Nursecall system is the One Call Display Panel which runs on an efficient internal radio network Designed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability The Display Panel allows staff to view live calls instantly Qualified installers will set up your system quickly and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum benefits

With the ability to connect to the internet you can easily monitor your Home's call records from anywhere The panel is completely configurable from the display allowing you to customize your Home's settings to your preferences Trust our innovative system to provide the safety and efficiency your Home’s needs

The One Call Room Units are designed to withstand the rigours of your busy care environment There are five alternative versions - Pear push lead Pull Cords Out of Bed Door monitor and Leadless Units that you can choose from that best suit your needs

Watertight casings and fitted rechargeable batteries mean that you can rest assured that the units can be easily washed and will provide reliable service for up to 2 years on a single charge

The Call Logging system is designed to meet the safety and care requirements of Care Homes and nursing facilities The digital solution ensures complete and accurate logging of every call to prove evidence of care This invaluable tool ensures the safety of your residents

The Call Logging system is a must-have for any Care Home that wants to ensure they are providing the best possible care

Onecall provides the ability to monitor response times attendance duration and which Carer has attended which call You can be sure that you have complete oversight of your care provision Not only does this system provide valuable evidence of care, but it also helps to motivate and encourage staff to continue providing an exceptional level of care


Mainteno Facilities Management Software

Envivo Group is at the forefront of care and support sector driving innovation that enables people to live lives full of choices and opportunities They have 202 locations that are now using Mainteno Facilities Management software

“Our experience with Mainteno at TLC/Envivo Group has been really positive already Since its roll-out it has shown real and measurable benefits and has had a marked impact on the workload and assurance of our operations team

"We can now raise issues whether large or minor almost the instant they are spotted We can denote the priority with which they need to be tackled and track the progress of works to rectify them It has reduced almost completely the need to be directly contacting people to resolve issues which was an almost daily occurrence It has been obvious that the streamlined approach that it provides helps in prioritising works for maintenance teams and contractors, gives them plenty of detailed information as to the

exact issue and has given us an evidence base to show that issues are resolved in a consistent and effective timeframe

"The details that are available once a job is logged are invaluable to us as managers to assure ourselves that issues are not forgotten

PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team

Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports CARE PLANNING AND ROSTERING FROM A SINGLE PLATFORM

To meet the wider needs of the PASS community

All-in-one PASS has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems

As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to:

Save you time

• Increase the efficiency of your teams

Improve the quality of care

Deliver better outcomes


Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP

Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration, and is the only one offering it to the home care market

PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records

It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes

Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information

Using medical information to inform care planning

Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user s swift recovery from nfection

Available to all PASS users at no additional cost, PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch

www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com

Alleviating Pain in Care Homes - Prevalence of Pain in Care Homes

Over 425 000 people live in Care Homes in the UK Many have significant longterm health problems Some 65% have dementia, reduced cognitive functioning, and difficulties with communication Studies estimate that at least one-third of the Care Home population live with, and experience pain

Care Home residents with cognitive and speech disorders are at a higher risk of living with pain and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) that affect muscles bones and joints

The Care Act 2014 emphasises the importance of measuring and improving the wellbeing of social care users However, there is no standard method of measuring quality of life in Care Homes nor are there ways to measure aspects of health such as pain, anxiety, or depression

The consensus is that pain is often under-recognised and under-treated in care homes

However pain is a subjective experience and cannot be adequately measured which is why mainstream approaches rely on self-reporting A key challenge to carers managing these experiences is the high proportion of residents who live with dementia


Thermal imaging or thermography is a non-invasive complementary diagnostic approach that creates a high-definition thermal map of your body (thermogram) Thermograms illustrate temperature patterns consistent with inflammation Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system s response to injury and infec-


The appearance and location of thermal patterns helps to identify regions and sources of pain based on levels and differences in temperature and hence thermography can be used to diagnose pain objectively - invaluable when the resident is unable to communicate effectively

Thermography can also detect the source of pain and inflammation surrounding bone fractures entrapped nerves muscular trigger points and arthritis It enables the early detection of pressure injuries before any visible signs and provides diagnostic information indispensable in helping to arrive at identifying the sources of pain and an accurate diagnosis

Early detection of the source of the problem allows practitioners and residents to design a proactive treatment plan with specific interventions and treatments to mitigate the process of inflammation Thermography is also a highly effective tool for monitoring if a treatment protocol is working

Bunn et al in a meta-analysis of studies in 2020 found that thermography had such high diagnostic utility that they propose thermography as a first line MSD detection tool

By seeing what the human eye cannot see Thermidas thermal imaging solutions can assist carers and clinicians in locating and creating optimal treatment plans and alleviating pain

Stephen Taylor Thermidas UK

Book a free demo at www thermidas fi

Data Protection And Cyber Security: Next Steps For Care Homes


CareZips® Classic Adaptive Pants

Caring About Solar For Sustainable Hot Water

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection

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Debt Financing and Social Care


Debt Financing and Social Care


There are an increasing number of debt financing options open to care providers from alternative lenders through to grants In Kent for example Kent County Council is offering an interest-free loan to fund capital investment and growth projects Whilst these schemes will often require match-funding or come with a demonstratable job creation requirement they can offer a valuable way to reduce bank funding

Care businesses should always take specialist and independent advice based on their own specific situation before considering which lender to approach for borrowing or taking external investment Rachel Emmerson is a Partner and Abbey Watkins an Accountant in the Funding Team at Kreston Reeves Kreston Reeves offers accountancy, tax and business advice to a wide range of clients Visit www krestonreeves com

In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse?

JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry such as health care assistants senior carers and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further

From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion

Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net

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