The Carer Digital - Issue #199

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Parties Accused of

‘Conspiracy of Silence’ Over Post-Election Budget Challenges

Facing Britain’s Next Government


Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!


As we approach the final countdown for the general election a recent report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has brought to light a rather concerning conspiracy of silence from the main political parties regarding their economic policies Both Labour and the Conservatives have presented the electorate with a stark choice: higher taxes or diminished public services This lack of clarity leaves voters in the dark about future tax policies, spending plans, and the overall size and shape of the state

With the release of party manifestos the IFS has expressed apprehension over the insufficiently detailed plans for funding social services While there are promising pledges in areas such as social care the financial strategies underpinning these commitments appear inadequately thought out This is particularly alarming given the critical state of adult social care which has been largely overlooked in political discourse

The silence has been deafening! What is startling is there it appears to me to be no long-term plan for adult social care from any of the parties

I suspect the reason behind this is rather simple In 2017 then Prime Minister Theresa May introduced proposals to make people pay more for the costs of social care Mainstream media quickly jumped on this is a dementia tax and her party paid a heavy price at the general election, losing their majority

That said, the sector needs a clear long-term solution and an incoming government must not only address the immediate and pressing needs of the social care sector, but also present a bold, imaginative long-term plan to the electorate Crisis management and short-term fixes will no longer suffice The sector needs sustainable solutions that ensure the wellbeing of our elderly and vulnerable populations In addition to these systemic issues I couldn’t fail to comment on the scandalous news that £1 4 billion worth of PPE equipment is set to be destroyed by the government This represents a gross negligence of the highest order And this figure pertains to a single contract; we remain uninformed about the extent of waste across

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other agreements

At THE CARER we are acutely aware of the challenges operators faced during the pandemic I attended a seminar where operators recounted the catastrophic consequences of PPE shortages The sector struggled immensely and now to witness such colossal waste amid ongoing funding shortages is nothing short of criminal It is imperative that those responsible for this mismanagement are held accountable

As the nation heads to the polls, we urge the electorate to demand transparency and accountability from their political leaders Our social care system cannot afford another cycle of neglect and underfunding We need a government committed to providing the necessary resources and support to ensure the dignity and wellbeing of all those who depend on social care services

The future of our social care system is at stake and it is time for politicians to deliver concrete, sustainable solutions The electorate deserves nothing less I can be contacted at any time at editor@thecareruk com

We would also ask our readers to follow us on Twitter @TheCarerUK and also sign up to our email newsletters at www thecareruk com/recommends/signup to have all the latest news delivered directly twice weekly

Parties Accused of ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ Over Post-Election Budget Challenges

Facing Britain’s Next Government


The UK s two main political parties will struggle to meet the NHS pledges in their election manifestos under current spending plans the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has said

The think tank noted that both the Conservatives and Labour have made ambitious pledges on the NHS including lowering waiting times funding the NHS England workforce plan building more hospitals and expanding mental health services But IFS director Paul Johnson said these promises are “essentially unfunded commitments because the parties have failed to set out in detail how they will pay for them “POISONING THE DEBATE”

The IFS also accused the Reform UK party and the Greens of “poisoning the debate” around the painful economic decisions ahead with what it described as unattainable pledges on tax

Paul Johnson, the director of the IFS, said it would be “a considerable surprise if no other taxes are increased over the next five years and that none of the main parties are facing up to the difficult choices ahead

“We’ve called this a conspiracy of silence and that has been essentially maintained ” he said “Regardless of who takes office they will soon face a stark choice: raise taxes by more than they have told us in their manifesto implement cuts to some areas of spending or break their fiscal rules and allow debt to rise for longer

“That is the trilemma What will they choose? I don t know; the manifestos do not give us a clue ”

An analysis of the parties funding plans can be found here

Bee Boileau research economist at IFS and co-author of the report, said: “Both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party have made a lot of their fully funded pledges in the manifestos this election campaign

But, in practice, these pledges mean almost nothing for the funding that individual public services might expect in the next parliament

“We do not know how total spending will be allocated between public services after next March, and, with a few exceptions neither manifesto offered much light

“The manifestos did tell us that neither party is planning to top up total public service spending by enough to avoid very difficult choices for many public services in the next parliament

“But the manifestos provided no information on which areas would actually bear the brunt of these choices continuing the main parties conspiracy of silence when it comes to public service spending plans


Mark Franks, director of welfare at the Nuffield Foundation, said: “The public should be informed about whether the parties aiming to form the next government have credible plans for funding the essential public services that people rely on ”

In this election voters are being asked to make their decision without adequate and clear information on this critical issue This lack of clarity should be addressed both in the remaining two weeks before the elec-

tion and in future electoral processes ”


Earlier this month The Lincolnshire Care Association urged political leaders to be more positive about adult social care and make it a higher priority in this General Election campaign

A joint statement signed by the Local Government Association and the leaders of 40 other organisations demands “a step change in the way that adult social care and support is understood talked about championed and prioritised at the national political level

Melanie Weatherley MBE Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association is one of the signatories to the statement

“We’re encouraging politicians of all colours to talk more about adult social care in the remaining weeks of the election campaign and to talk about it in a positive way recognising that support and care is a fundamental part of the social and economic fabric of our communities she said

“Two things strike us about the election campaign so far: first adult social care is not as prominent as it should be and second when adult social care is discussed it tends to be presented as a service that is broken and in need of being fixed

We want politicians to extol the virtues and value of care and support recognise the role of social care at every level of society and give people reasons to be hopeful not alarmed ”


With parties being accused of ignoring the plight of adult social care residents in care homes around are about to exercise their democratic right with veterans in Royal Star & Garter’s preparing to vote in the 2024 General Elections

Residents at the Homes explained why they want to cast their votes at the ballot box this time around Stan from Solihull served in the Army and is 92 He said: Engaging in the electoral process through voting is a powerful way to contribute to the democratic process It has always been very important to me to cast my vote and have my opinions heard

Bob lives in the Surbiton Home The 89-year-old served in the Army and said: “People I knew fought tyranny and evil so that I would have the right to vote I always vote in elections and I will vote during these elections And when I do I will remember the people who gave up so much to allow me to do so ”

In High Wycombe RAF wife Yvonne 88 said: It s important for me to vote so that my voice is heard I don t know if I’d have been able to do this without the help of staff here at Royal Star & Garter so I’m very grateful to them

Shirley Hall Director of Care & Wellbeing at Royal Star & Garter said: “Older people care passionately about this country and age is not a reason to disenfranchise people Many of our residents served and fought for this country and its freedom This included the right to vote and I am delighted that so many want to express their democratic right and that staff in our Homes are helping this important process to happen ”

Social Care Integration: A Message to the Next Government

The nation will choose a new government in just a few days’ time and whoever gains the keys to 10 Downing Street will find the future of adult social care near the top of their inbox

In the last of a three-part series of articles Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association (www linca org uk) explains why integrated care systems are so important for the future of social care in this country and gives the next Secretary of State for Health and Social Care some timely advice

Whenever pressures on the NHS are discussed it’s never long before someone points out the link between NHS performance and

the state of adult social care When A&E departments are full to bursting, and when hospital beds can t be found for sick and vulnerable patients a contributory factor is often a lack of available beds in care homes; elderly patients who are well enough to be discharged from hospital can’t leave because there’s nowhere in the social care system for them to be properly looked after

The relationship between NHS care and social care is a close one, which is why the two systems need to be properly integrated if they re to function effectively As we approach the General Election all the main political parties have announced their manifesto and it’s good to see that they all recognise the importance of integration and the strong links between social care and NHS Hopefully this will lead to an understanding that proper investment in social care will bring dividends for the NHS too

It feels as if our healthcare system and our social care system have both been at breaking point for many years; and when a new government is elected the temptation can be to tear up the accepted way of doing things and try to create a new working model Our health and care systems appear to be broken and it would not be a major surprise if the next government looked to make fundamental changes to the way the two systems interact with each other

I would urge the next Prime Minister to resist this temptation and instead to build on and improve what we’ve already got rather than start all over again

Integrated care systems are relatively new and they are at different stages of maturity in different parts of the country In Lincolnshire we are fortunate that our senior leaders have recognised that good health

and care depends on many things outside of the NHS and the local authority Working in partnership with housing providers the police and the justice system, and nurturing key relationships with the voluntary sector and with providers of care has enabled us to create an ambitious system which delivers the desired outcomes

It has taken some time to figure out how we can all fit together and which parts of the complex integrated care landscape we belong to but we are going in the right direction

The temptation for an incoming administration is to shake things up and try to achieve improvements through disruption – by renaming or reorganising things or by changing who has a right to a place on what decision-making bodies, and who needs to wait to be asked Once the dust has settled however the partnerships would probably not be very different from the way they were before the reorganisation So let’s start from where we are now and let’s continue to improve the way our systems work together rather than waste time and money (both of which are in short supply) on needless reorganisation

Caring for people living with complex needs closer to their home works best when care is shared by everyone: families, social care teams and health colleagues To make this work – so that we can provide the best possible outcomes for people and at the same time make the best use of public funds – requires effective integration The building blocks of integration are already in place so let s not take a sledgehammer to them when what’s needed is more patient building work

Care Home Manager Skydives For Veteran’s Cancer Treatment

A care home manager from Nottingham has faced her fears to complete a skydive raising cash towards the cost of overseas cancer treatment for an RAF veteran Cheered on by residents from the home who had come along to watch, manager at The Grand Care Centre in West Bridgford Tracy Johnston successfully undertook the tandem jump from 14 000ft at Langar Airfield in Nottingham, raising more than £900 towards the cost of life-extending cancer treatment in Germany for RAF veteran Ian Trushell

A family friend of the Johnston-Mooneys 49-year-old Ian served in the Royal Air Force for 24 years and was most recently medically discharged to focus on his battle with Stage IV bowl cancer also onboarding and fighting metastasis in the lung and liver areas

With treatment for Ian s specific condition limited in the UK the family became aware of medical advancements in Germany that could address his liver mets and immediately set about fundraising to help towards the costly treatment Thanks to other fundraising Ian has already been to Germany for initial

consultations and the results of the trials have been positive showing reductions in the liver metastasis I had been saying for a while that I would do a skydive to celebrate my 50th birthday and tick it off my bucket list,” said Tracy, who lives in Lincoln next to RAF Waddington And when we heard about Ian’s battle with bowl cancer and the opportunity for treatment abroad my mind was made up So close to all of our hearts, I was determined to raise as much as I can to help extend Ian’s life and enable him to spend more time with his young family It was wonderful to have so many residents and the staff from The Grand come along to support me including 96-year-old Beryl who is no stranger to a skydive completing one herself when she was younger ”

Sadly Ian was unable to attend the skydive event as he was in Germany for his fourth treatment He said: “’Tracy is incredibly brave I couldn’t do a skydive as I have a fear of heights despite 24 years in the RAF!

Pioneering’ Orchard Care Homes

Communities Visited By Care England Chief

£1.4bn Of PPE Destroyed From One Covid Contract


Double Award Win For Admiral Nurse Team At Inaugural Dementia Awards

Preparing For and Dealing with CQC Inspections

Under the New Single Assessment Framework

Healthcare Regulatory Partner at HCR Law, Laura Shelton, offers insight into how providers can prepare for and deal with assessments and inspections under the CQC’s new single assessment framework After a number of delays and teething troubles, the CQC’s new single assessment framework is now well underway

This new regime has brought dramatic change to the way in which CQC inspects scores and rates service – but keeping on top of the changes has not been easy for providers

This article looks to break down some of the changes explore some of the latest updates from CQC and offer some practical advice on preparing for and dealing with inspections


One of the main changes under the new framework is that 34 quality statements replace the Key Lines of Enquiry which are used to guide and direct their inspections These Quality Statements identify the different areas considered under each of the five key questions which have remained the same

CQC is not prescriptive about what must be done in order to meet the quality statements; instead it provides the following six evidence categories which it will focus on These are:

People s experiences

• Feedback from staff and leaders

Feedback from partners

• Observation Processes


Providers should note that at least three of the evidence categories set out above relate to feedback

Therefore the first practical tip to prepare for good outcomes under the new framework is for providers to seriously consider overhauling the way they gather record share and act upon feedback from all stakeholders

Think outside the box on this gather feedback pro-actively and regularly, and ensure you can present it in a meaningful way to the CQC Then ensure you link that good feedback into another of the evidence categories – outcomes Evidence how your care has produced good outcomes perhaps with mini case studies

Infection control – quality statement

The CQC recently announced that historic infection prevention and control ( IPC ) detail is being removed from their website as they are no longer using the same inspection model In new assessments this area will be looked at under its own quality statement


Whilst the CQC s current ratings of Outstanding Good Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ remain in place, CQC is now using a scoring framework to determine the quality of the service Depending on what it finds, a score will be provided for each required evidence category This will be combined with evidence category scores to give a score for the related quality statement Initially they will only publish ratings but in the future they intend to publish specific scores

The scoring system is a big change and it is not entirely straightforward Accordingly, a good way to prepare for inspection is to ensure you are familiar with and understand the scoring system The CQC very recently produced a video on how scoring features in its assessment model which can be accessed here

Our further tips to ensure the best outcomes under the new inspection framework are: BEFORE THE INSPECTION

Keep up-to-date on the changes to CQC guidance and get familiar with them Examine each quality statement and find evidence in your service to highlight how you meet it For the best ratings include evidence of innovation continuous improvement and sustainability

Challenge your own systems as part of quality assurance and audit to check for weaknesses against the CQC quality statements Make a plan to address any weaknesses and evidence how you have imple-

mented and embedded it

As above, feedback is key: gather feedback from all stakeholders, review it and most importantly - act upon it!

Ensure staff are familiar with what to expect from a CQC inspection

Provide training on how to speak to inspectors and reassure them to be confident about this


Ask questions offer assistance and request feedback throughout to avoid surprises

Provide outstanding information and ensure you address any immediate compliance issues that arise during the inspection promptly

Request feedback and make notes; it is very easy to forget what has been said under the pressure of inspection


• Supply any additional evidence that CQC requests promptly and comprehensively

Ask for clarification about issues that you are unclear about

Respond in detail to the draft inspection report This is your one chance to challenge inaccuracies within the report and ratings

You may wish to seek legal advice and assistance with the factual accuracy process We have assisted numerous providers to remove negative language and regulatory breaches from draft report as well as securing improved ratings Bear in mind the deadline set – usually 10 working days – and ensure you seek advice promptly


There was a time when CQC s provider handbooks set out clear timelines under which services could expect to be re-inspected based on their existing rating

As we moved through the pandemic the focus of inspections shifted towards risk-based inspection rather than timetabled ones based on existing ratings At that time the re-inspection timeframes were removed from published CQC guidance

Thus far the roll out of the Single Assessment Framework has not included any detail for providers on inspection frequencies This has been a huge concern for providers especially those rated ‘Requires Improvement many of whom have been waiting years to be reinspected

CQC are due to publish detail on this imminently and are currently seeking views on how frequently they will assess providers going forward Providers can and should contribute here

103 Year Old Resident Enjoys An Amazing Violin Room Concert

On the 18th June at Little Bramingham Farm, the Luton-based residential care home run by the charity Friends of the Elderly invited residents their families and the community to celebrate the first birthday of the care home’s beautiful Susie s Tea Room

When the Tea Room reopened in 2023 it was renamed ‘Susie’s Tea Room’ in memory and honour of the care home’s late Chef Manager Sue Farkas who sadly passed away in 2022 after a dedicated career working at Little Bramingham Farm for nearly 20 years

Talking about Susie s Tea Room s first birthday Emma Lawrance the Registered Manager at Little Bramingham Farm care home said: “Susie’s Tea Room has had a busy year and it s been wonderful celebrating its first birthday Nicki Rowley who runs Susie’s is a great baker and also the Owner and Manager of Afternoon Teas 2 You’ so we all had a lovely time sampling some delicious birthday cakes and treats

To make the first birthday extra special, Susie s was decorated with a spectacular array of balloons and banners and guests relaxed in both inside the cosy tea room and in the delightful garden seating area

To add a bit of summer festival fun we also had Ian from Revellers Steel Band playing

£38bn Extra Per Year

Needed To Revive The NHS

New analysis published by the Health Foundation s REAL Centre projects a potential £38bn shortfall in the funding needed to improve the NHS by the end of the next parliament With the pledges made by both the main political parties so far falling a long way short of this the analysis raises serious questions about the trade-offs facing the next government in balancing the funding needed by the NHS pressures on other public services and levels of taxation

The Health Foundation analysis shows that health care funding in England would need to rise by 3 8% per year in real terms –broadly in line with the historic average – over the next ten years to meet rising care needs and deliver significant improvements in the NHS This includes higher annual growth of 4 5% in the first five years as the NHS recovers from Covid and invests in modernising services, adding up to an extra £46bn of funding in 2029/30 This compares with an increase of almost £8bnif the health budget grows in line with the planned growth in public spending factored into the Office for Budget Responsibility s economic forecasts for the next parliament leaving a funding gap of £38bn

This funding would be enough to tackle waiting times for care over a ten-year period (a slower timescale than the two main par-

ties have pledged) prioritise prevention and invest more in primary mental health and community care The main political parties have all promised to deliver similar improvements but have yet to set out a convincing plan for how they would fund them

The authors also highlight the need to allocate a significant chunk of the additional spending to capital investment Health capital spending would need to rise from almost £13bn this year to £21bn in 2029/30and £27bn in 2034/35to tackle the crumbling NHS estate add bed and diagnostic capacity and improve IT systems This would leave a £9bn gap in capital investment by the end of the parliament compared to spending rises in line with OBR assumptions

The Health Foundation s work with Ipsos shows that around half of the public (47%) would prefer to see an increase in taxes to maintain the current levels of care and services provided by the NHS This compares to just 11% who would like to reduce spending on other public services to maintain current levels of NHS care and 9% who would reduce the level of services provided by the NHS to avoid increasing tax and spending

Anita Charlesworth Director of the Health Foundation s REAL Centre, said ‘The health service is in crisis and all the main political parties have said they want to fix it – yet the funding they have so far promised falls well short of the level needed to make improvements

Politicians need to be honest with the public about the scale of the challenge the NHS faces and the reality that an NHS fit for the future needs long-term sustainable investment Honesty about this has so far been conspicuously lacking from the general election debate with both the main parties unwilling to spell out the difficult choices on public spending and taxation that will confront the next government

The scenario we have set out is not overly ambitious

it is broadly in line with the pledges set out by the main political parties and public expectations and assumes the NHS can deliver challenging improvements in productivity

Elm Bank Care Home Staff And Residents

Embrace Pride Month With Joy

The Great British Care Cycle

Relay Makes a Stop in Chester

Government Ignoring Social Care Would

People, Warn Charities


desperately need a social

system that works and a

to act would be

For social care it s time for actions not

supports people to live their lives To get

and out

see the people they love be independent but currently at least 2 6 million people go without the care they need The Care and Support Alliance (CSA) chairs, Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK; Emily Holzhausen Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Carers UK, and Jackie O’Sullivan, Acting CEO at Mencap said:

“Over the years we’ve had far too much of politicians of all colours over-promising & under-delivering on social care reform and we can’t go through that all over again We know that good social care is transformational and it s tragic to see older people and working age adults deprived of opportunities to live well and unpaid carers under unbearable pressure to fill yawning service gaps

A failure by the next Government to address this long-standing issue would be a betrayal of all those who rely on care and their families while also setting up the NHS to fail The prize from successful social care reform is too important for the issue to be put in the too difficult box by our politicians it’s time for them to front up and act ” FULL LIST OF ORGANISATIONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THE LETTER:


• They can be bought as seen or refurbished and sign-written to your own requirements

• Fully serviced, new mot & warranty

• Engineers inspection supplied if required

The Benefits of Technology in Care Homes

It’s a challenging time for the care industry Demand for social care services are at an all-time high with further strain expected to be placed on the system as the population continues to age In fact according to the NHS the number of people aged over 85 is estimated to grow 55% by 2037

Compounding this issue is a high staff turnover rate which stood at 30% in 2023, based on research by Skills for Care, resulting in workforce shortages (152 000 vacant posts) and continuity of care concerns

With a growing need for healthcare and a limited number of providers, innovative solutions are necessary to ensure sustainable and efficient care delivery

Technology especially immersive technology such as Augmented Reality (AR) has shown great promise in relieving some of the pressures on care providers A first-of-itskind project involving AR headsets in the Devon Training Hub, a part of the NHS in south-west England, demonstrated significant benefits Devon Training Hub in partnership with its Solutions Integrator Insight supplied caregivers with AR headsets that combine the real world with the digital world through a transparent visor, exploring the potential of enhancing the services they provide in care homes and in clients own houses

With immersive technology caregivers who suspected a health issue were able to connect with a more qualified or experienced member of staff for appropriate diagnosis delivering quick assistance to the patient Use of the AR headsets has reduced the time it takes to deliver effective care by removing the need for onsite visits of specialists who could connect remotely via the AR headset The project also supported

training for those starting in the care profession empowering them to provide immediate care by having remote AR support from more senior colleagues

The project s current success means this could be an option for care homes on a larger scale as it offers a real solution to a widespread healthcare challenge AR technology allows medical professionals to enhance their care giving capabilities rather than replacing them Use of immersive devices in healthcare aligns with the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan to address current workforce challenges, working towards the priority areas of retention and reform With better support for training and quick access to qualified specialists this will improve the confidence of caregivers in making decisions remotely reducing the strain on staff and improving the employee experience This also helps to attract new caregivers to the profession which would help to address the current staff shortages

The successful implementation of AR technology in care homes requires careful planning and consideration Key to this process is ensuring caregiver buy-in This is achieved through sessions which demonstrate the need for change and develop a desire from the users to embrace the change backed up with comprehensive training sessions that provide hands-on experience with the technology along with the creation of a network of local champions A strategic approach should be adopted focusing on staff training retention strategies and the modernisation of work processes to fully integrate AR technology into a care home setting

The pilot project with Devon Training Hub has laid the groundwork for the transformative potential of AR technology in care homes The case study highlighted that the adoption of AR technology could put back 43 000 hours into care by reducing the need for carers to travel to patients This innovation not only improves the efficiency of care delivery but also enhances the quality of life for residents by providing them with more immediate and personalised care The future of care homes is poised for a significant shift with the widespread adoption of AR technology promising a more sustainable and effective care model for the ageing population

Frank Foster House and Broomhills

Shine at The Dementia Care Awards

Full Support Ser vice for Fall Recover y: New from AAT

result in injury

Leading elderly mobility innovator AAT has introduced an innovative way to aid fall recovery, single-handedly and effortlessly- and with long-term peace of mind

AAT’s Raizer II mobile lifting chair is a component-based portable and lightweight yet strong system that flat-packs into a convenient carry bag for storage and transportation to where needed It means anyone however slight or petite can lift even an obese person from the floor They can do so on their own single-handedly safely and without effort

Importantly not only does AAT supply the equipment and train care staff in its use the company also offers comprehensive ON-SITE service & maintenance As AAT visits your premises to service the Raizer, you are never without proven safe fall recovery measures

Raizer is assembled around the fallen person with minimal disturbance, and minimal effort from the operator At the push of a button the battery-motorised seat gently and consistently powers the chair and occupant from flat on the floor to a safe seated position An end stop ensures the person is not over-elevated and gives the operator the correct position for dis-assembly after use

The six core elements- four identical legs and two identical back sections- quickly and easily click-fit together with no risk of incorrect assembly The occupant is fully supported throughout the process and kept stable and safe with use of the integral adjustable seat belt

Raizer can safely lift any person up to 150kg/23 5st, with each charge of the battery capable of delivering up to 80 lifts

All components are designed to be wipe clean for optimum disinfection and hygiene

“Even conservative estimates put the number of falls in care homes at over 700/day nationwide(1)! observes Peter Wingrave AAT Director This is no reflection of the standard of care given It does leave the resident and care staff exposed to risk in safely getting the resident back up again particularly with the growth in obesity among residents 3

Only 4% of falls result in injury requiring a visit to hospital Use of equipment such as Raizer II can play a key role in any good moving and handling policy It takes the effort and risk out of the procedure for all involved Raizer is already proven in the market What differentiates it- and usnow is the fact we provide comprehensive service & maintenance on site So there is none of the worry nor exposure of having to send it away and in the process be without valuable, useful equipment that is needed

AAT has a proven reputation for delivery of quality-engineered dignified technology for moving and handling elderly and disabled people Raizer

Lead at Insight (

NHS Delivers 4 Million Spring Covid Vaccines

Care Home Residents Celebrate World Music Day

Will The Major Party Manifestos Deliver for the Social Care Sector?

With the General Election fast approaching we ve been reflecting on the commitments laid out by the major political parties in their manifestos over the past week - and considering how far these go in addressing the challenges facing the social care sector

The sector is currently in a state of crisis, with 152,000 staff vacancies and half a million people waiting for a care assessment There s also a £2 9bn chasm between the funding that’s available from central government and the cost of delivering care This simply cannot continue

However, the manifestos – particularly those from the two main parties – have left us with several unanswered questions and an uneasiness about the real level of change on offer While parties have been making noise about social care the reform that we need still feels a long way off

Here s our frank assessment of each party s manifesto:


Labour’s manifesto holds no surprises, as the fair pay deal and the National Care Service vision were floated several months ago Plans to tie workforce planning skills and immigration together are a big plus Any sense of urgency in dealing with the crisis we now face is missing however as is the paramount piece of the puzzle –funding


The Conservative pledges for social care are also very much as expected, and like Labour, make no promises of increased funding The party apparently fails to recognise that despite some of the interventions it has made while in government the sector is still in a hazardous position in terms of its sustainability and workforce levels


The Lib Dems have gone all out on social care and for the most part their manifesto does reflect MHA s

campaign asks particularly for a Social Care Council The Lib Dems proposal to establish a cross-party commission has drawn some criticism from Nuffield Trust – they argue that it ignores the issue of long-term funding However these pledges will give the sector an ally in Parliament with potentially more Lib Dem MPs than previous, enabling us to keep pressure on the next government to act REFORM UK

The Reform UK manifesto is light on its social care pledges and they don t appear to have a thorough grasp on the issues affecting the sector Clearly they are a party with strong views on other aspects of UK life and if they return MPs in this election we suspect that social care is unlikely to be their top priority


This manifesto pledges to push the next government for a £20bn investment (albeit to help bring about Scottish-style free personal care) This is unlikely, but an investment of £20bn would be a very welcome injection to the sector and match Health Foundation estimates to improve access to care meet future demand and cover the full cost of care


No matter who wins the General Election in July we need the next government to show us they have the political will to elevate social care to a level of parity with other major policy subjects

In the lead up to the election, MHA’s campaign is focusing on three key asks for the future governing party These are:

1 Sustainable, long-term funding for social care

Funding is at the heart of the sector s issues - but this needs to be provided in an affordable and manage-



All Aboard at Knutsford Home as New Bus for Staff and Residents Arrives

take turns to collect staff and it s been a huge help for them

Moving forward we are hoping to arrange trips for residents and are looking for places to visit especially with the weather being really nice

Penguins Have Flipping Good Fun At Nottingham Day Ser vice For Adults With Learning Disabilities

The Ark day service in Nottingham had a pair of special visitors when Humboldt penguins

Pringle and Widget stopped by

Amazing Animals which provides animal actors for tv and film productions brought the cheeky duo to Salutem Care and Education’s The Ark as part of the day services packed activities scheduled to support the wellbeing of adults with learning disabilities and complex needs

Accompanied by their handler the playful penguins met with individuals supported by the Ark receiving strokes and attention and delivering a lot of laughs with their waddling walk and cheeky behaviour

The interaction between the residents and the penguins highlighted the therapeutic benefits of animal-assisted

people who use our services benefit massively from new and interesting experiences and it s not every day you get to meet a penguin!

Bringing animals into a setting like ours has proven to have numerous therapeutic benefits The joy and excitement on the faces as people interacted with the penguins were incredibly rewarding This visit was a perfect example of how we strive to create meaningful and joyful experiences for those we support

Barbara Marquez penguin handler from Amazing Animals also shared her delight Pringle and Widget are wonderful ambassadors for their species It's heartwarming to see the

part of my job is seeing how much joy they

days I’ve had at work!” Providing


General Election - Party Policies and What They Mean for the Social Care Sector

All parties have now published their manifestos JO HENNEY, CEO OF NUGENT ( compares party policies what it means for the sector, what more should they do in the short term and what long-term policies should they introduce to support the sector?

Since May’s announcement of a general election a lot of promises have been made by each political party about how they will support the future of the social care system

The promises while varied in approach reflect a growing recognition of what is needed to address the critical state of our sector

These party policies have the potential to drive change but there are still concerns about their consistency sustainability and real-world impact once we try to implement them

Our sector is stretched to its limits and needs robust sustainable policies to ensure long-term stability, rather than temporary fixes to protect the dignity and well-being of the most vulnerable people in society

The Conservative Party has pledged a cap on social care costs support for self-funders with care home placements arranged through the council and to raise the upper capital threshold to allow many more people to claim statefunded support However this reform has come under scrutiny because the Conservative Party has not allocated any funding to this policy in its manifesto costings; if implemented, it could mean budget cuts for other unprotected services

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has promised a National Care Service, delivering consistency of care across the country This includes establishing a Fair Pay Agreement for adult social care and moving care into the local community by assessing the role social care workers can play in basic health treatment and monitoring

The Liberal Democrats have proposed a ‘Fair Deal’ policy This includes trialling personal health and social care budgets building digital care platforms for networking between care providers care users and families setting national minimum standards of care increasing and expanding eligibility for the Carer s Allowance and making caring a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010

In addition

The Green Party is pushing for an investment of £20bn a year for social care Their manifesto

looks to bring together local authorities, trade unions and private providers to establish a career structure for carers It wants to follow the example of the Scottish Government by introducing free personal care which could lead to earlier intervention and more independence for those living at home or for those in residential settings free personal care would allow their care to be fully funded

However the success of these pledges across all parties depends on the economic landscape navigating fiscal constraints and mitigating the impact on other services

We need to quickly address the state of the sector in the short term before getting side-tracked by grand plans that will only work if the basics are done well

With all of this taken into account the short-term actions that are needed once the new government is in place include

Address immediate staffing shortages and resource needs

Enhance pay, better working conditions and mental health support for care workers to attract and retain skilled professionals and stabilise the sector

Reduce administrative burdens and improve service delivery

Long-term actions for a future-proof social care system include:

• A robust, long-term funding strategy that mitigates inflation and demographic changes to ensure financial stability

A comprehensive strategy to train recruit and retain care workers with career development opportunities and mental health support

Invest in technology that will enhance care delivery improve efficiency and support remote care options particularly in rural areas

Preventative and community-based care models to reduce long-term costs and improve quality of life for service users

Protect the rights and dignity of those receiving care with equitable access and consistent standards across the UK

In conclusion there are glimmers of hope among all party policies but as history has taught us words aren’t enough

Our sector needs a strategic approach to implementation that will provide the sustainable, long-term solutions that our crumbling social care system desperately needs

No matter the outcome on Thursday 4 July Nugent continues to advocate for the needs of the people we support and works towards a future where everyone receives the care and dignity they deserve

WWII Veteran Joe Gets Over 400 Cards For His 101st Birthday

from well-wishers for his 101st birthday

Broughton House Veteran Care Village in Salford where Joe Jervis has lived since April, and The Veterans Food Co which supported him when he lived at home initially set a joint target of getting 101 cards for him to mark the occasion But Joe was inundated with cards from local schools the

The Increasingly Important Role of Integrated Care and Technology in the Care Sector

With care homes increasingly oversubscribed and resources as stretched as ever, Sharon Bye, Director of Care for Central and Cecil Housing Trust (C&C) and Aster Group highlights how new smart technology can allow providers to have greater oversight of specific resident care and maximise efficiency

Readers will be well acquainted with the operational challenges facing the care sector

An ageing population combined with limited resources and a persistent skills shortage has left the sector under increasing pressure Having celebrated the 95th birthday of Central and Cecil Housing Trust (C&C) in 2022, we are well aware that these are by no means novel challenges and our past experience has provided us with useful lessons for navigating these headwinds

However it s critical that we as care providers take every opportunity to tackle these challenges With the support of integrated care services and unified technology we’ve seen firsthand how its enabled us to more effectively monitor triage and if needed arrange bespoke treatment for residents within the comfort of their own home while simultaneously reducing the burden on NHS services




The crux of the issue facing care home managers is the ability to deliver joined up effective services with less resources By adopting proven technologies and developments in the integration of care services care home managers can critically refocus their efforts on delivering the best in care services Technology is the enabler to help drive efficiencies throughout operations without compromising the quality of care provided

This topic was the subject of a recent visit to one of our homes by Conny Helder – the Dutch Minister for Health Welfare and Sport – as part of a state trip to the UK to find out more about best practice on how early adopters of integrated care services are delivering effective adult social care

Rathmore House is a 20-bedroom residential care home in Camden where we provide specialist care for people with advanced dementia in tandem with the North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) Our work at the home has validated how the roll-out of integrated care systems and new digital technology can improve and reshape care provision

Examples of the technology we use on site include a motion sensor and acoustic monitoring system called Ally to help care teams monitor residents who may be at risk of falls and movement difficulties Carers are made aware of sudden motions and alerts pinpoint when it’s necessary to intervene with professional assistance to prevent undue falls or distress for those residents

This has subsequently allowed for better sleep hygiene for the residents, with night checks now taking place every two hours for most residents and every three hours for a few more depending on their needs and risks In the case of one resident we’ve been able to track a significant decrease in overnight falls –none since December 2023 – and significantly reduce the need for staff members to visit her throughout the night with the motion sensor system allowing us to monitor from afar without unnecessary disruptions This means care staff can focus on residents who require hands on care during the night

We ve also utilised the Whzan Blue Box early warning system which monitors and stores information on vital signs It automatically and immediately notifies a wider team of geriatricians clinicians and care home staff of any risks concerning results or medical attention needed When clinicians or paramedics do attend they are able to compare the resident’s readings to wider historical data on the system to establish a baseline In many cases this is preventing unnecessary medical treatment and significantly reducing the number of unplanned hospital trips for residents

In one case, a resident presented with what appeared to be low oxygen saturation levels but when medics arrived they were able to look back at the range of recorded observations and conclude this wasn’t out of the ordinary for him A hospital admission was avoided and the resident didn t have to receive off-site treatment that could unduly displace and distress them The software unifies historic data allowing staff to make clearer diagnostic and more specifically informed decisions about treatment based on past experiences with individual patients


The benefits of integrated care services and digitalisation are not just limited to inside the care home either with shared patient diagnostics helping to ease pressure on local emergency services as well as GP practices Rather than assessments being isolated a more cohesive integrated system enables heightened accuracy and a quicker response

Rathmore House has also been utilising a new connected triaging system named Silver Triage Installed in 2022 in collaboration with the NCL ICB as well as local NHS and ambulance trusts Silver Triage is designed to reduce unnecessary hospital trips and ease the burden on ambulance services, while enabling geriatricians to remotely assess advise and guide ambulance paramedics attending patients in care homes where needed

Doctors using the service can also help access and coordinate community services to provide care at home if the person does not need to go to hospital The number of ambulance call outs resulting in a visit to the emergency room has since fallen from a high of 75% in 2018 to 20% in 2023 The new system has played an integral part in the reduction of patient discomfort and unnecessary displacement to hospital when they can be more comfortably and well cared for in their home

Of course, it’s important to recognise that such systems are not a panacea It s vital to treat integrated care and technologies as symbiotic tools needed to achieve individual objectives rather than a solution to all problems The results for our care home residents especially when their needs are more acute have been undeniably progressive and beneficial Our team residents as well as family and friends have increased peace of mind knowing care of those most vulnerable is better placed and traced The quality of life for those most vulnerable and frail is improved and risks are being diminished with a more cohesive and effective holistic approach in the local and wider communities

Ultimately digital transformation through integrated care services gives us the chance to reshape how we deliver care but only when used in conjunction with practices that enable care staff to make the most of the opportunities it presents Thanks to the successes at Rathmore House we re actively looking at where we can integrate further helpful technology across our other care homes to develop optimum health and wellbeing outcomes for residents to live a better quality of life with us

Be Contented With What You Have Says Peter, 100

Avocet Court resident Peter Smith celebrated his 100th birthday surrounded by his family and friends and when asked about the secret to his long and happy life, Peter shared his wisdom with a smile: "Be contented with what you have

He credits his longevity to the happiness he found in his family and the 70 wonderful years he spent with his beloved wife Doris

Peter s birthday was a fitting tribute to a Suffolk man whose life has been filled with remarkable achievements and steadfast dedication The celebration was notably themed in blue to honour his lifelong support for Ipswich Town, a club that has brought him immense joy, especially now as they will play in the Premier League this season His Ipswich Town cake was made by a member of the Avocet Court care team and pictures of Peter from over the years were attached to the balloons which decorated the home for his celebration

Peter was born in 1924, spent his early years and went to school in Felixstowe an older brother to two sisters An avid athlete in his youth Peter was a proud member of the Suffolk relay team,

his service, he built a career spanning various industries in Ipswich For 21 years he worked at well-known pharmaceutical company Fisons and also served as a caretaker at Suffolk College Additionally he spent time at Churchman s the cigarette manufacturer where he worked in the cutting shop

In August 1947, Peter married the love

Caring Homes Group Celebrate Their 30th Anniversar y

Caring Homes Group are proud to celebrate their 30th anniversary during Care Home Open Week with a series of events and activities taking place across all 21 homes To mark 30 years of Caring Homes co-founders Helena Jeffery and her son Paul share their unique insight and experiences and reveal how their partnership has enabled care to thrive within a supportive and adaptable commercial framework WHAT LED YOU TO OPENING YOUR FIRST CARE HOME BACK IN 1994?

Helena: Looking back at the start of our Caring Homes journey through to where we are today, it’s been an interesting, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable 30 years But my time in nursing and elderly care began much earlier - in 1969 to be exact - when I qualified as a State Registered Nurse at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading In those days we spent all of our time on the wards or in the training school We covered all aspects of nursing including medical surgical gynaecology paediatric theatre A&E and care of the elderly In 1980 I went into the private sector as I felt I was able to give more time and dedication to the patients than I could in the NHS During this time I nursed several elderly patients and thought I might like to specialise in caring for the elderly so I took a job as a nurse in a care home and later became Manager at another home From that point on it was my dream to have my own care home and in 1994 my son Paul and I bought our first home in Braintree, Essex HOW DID YOU BALANCE FUNDING YOUR FIRST HOME AND CREATING A LONGER TERM COMMERCIAL STRATEGY WITH GIVING EXCELLENT CARE?

Paul: We had spent six years searching for the right opportunity before we discovered what we were looking for - a small residential home that needed refurbishment and a steadfast focus on care as we updated and improved it To fund the purchase we pooled equity from within our family and also received support from friends and business associates I made my initial contribution by taking a personal loan from a building society

Helena: To make a home successful the first thing you need is good people – a team who are motivated and don't see it as just a job It is an honour and a privilege for one human being to provide care for another - but to do that you also require good training From the days of our very first team, to those who work in our homes today, I have always taken pride in the fact that that we give excellent training and as a result our teams deliver outstanding care

Paul: Care has always been our core priority but our commercial strategy has always supported it In the early years we focused on acquiring homes that required substantial investment to meet the needs of residents with higher dependency requirements While the idea of a nationwide portfolio was still in its early stages we recognised the importance of developing robust management systems which would support a broader geographical base when we expanded further HOW HAVE EXTERNAL FACTORS IMPACTED THE CARE SECTOR - AND CARING HOMES - OVER THE YEARS?

Paul: As we entered the new millennium, our strategy evolved in response to changes in the economic and political landscape These are just three of the key events that shifted the landscape, and we adapted the group's strategy accordingly:

Election of the Labour government in 1997: Led by Tony Blair this government increased the social security budget which helped fund the adult social care sector

EU expansion in 2004: The entry of 10 new countries into the EU increased the availability of care workers in the UK meeting the growing demand for care services in various settings

Financial crisis (2007-2012): The global financial crisis affected every-

one, including our group, by making bank funding more challenging to secure In addition austerity measures were placed into local authority funding which affected adult social care budgets


Helena: Regardless of external factors or sometimes because of them our approach has always been to strive to find ways of improving the care we offer in our homes In 2015 we developed our own training programme for dementia called "Living in my World", which was accredited by City and Guilds, and we won the Princess Royal Award the following year The programme felt truly groundbreaking at the time and it is still going strong

Dementia care in general has improved enormously over the last 20 years involving relatives much more through dementia cafes where experiences can be shared At Caring Homes we also provide training for our relatives so they have greater knowledge and understanding and feel supported We recently launched our which brings together all we’ve learnt over the years and makes information and inspiration accessible for anyone who needs to know more WHAT ARE YOUR REFLECTIONS WHEN LOOKING BACK ON THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THE WAY CARING HOMES RESPONDED?

Paul: It’s impossible to look back on our journey through the past 30 years without reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022) and the severe impact it had on the care sector particularly affecting vulnerable populations In my opinion the situation was exacerbated by poor government leadership which is well-documented We were fortunate that our group s strong balance sheet and substantial reserves enabled us to fully meet the financial challenges posed by the pandemic

Our homes were supported by a robust senior leadership team, including experienced and capable home managers However, the real heroes were the dedicated teams at each home who prioritised the residents well-being despite the known risks even with mitigations in place Frank Cummins our clinical director demonstrated outstanding professionalism and offered invaluable advice during this difficult time

This experience alongside our response to flux in the economic and political landscape over the years shaped our strategies and priorities and we have become more resilient and adaptive as a result WHAT KEY CHANGES HAVE YOU SEEN OVER THE LAST 30 YEARS –AND WHAT HAS REMAINED CONSTANT?

Helena: Thirty years on lots of things have changed in care homes and our staff and residents have benefited from progress in many areas - for example we now deliver person centred care and the use of technology enables us to spend more time with the residents We have

also seen huge advances in the design of homes both internally and externally Personally I think one of the biggest improvements has been in food and we now offer more choices and special diets with every meal centred around each resident s individual need and preferences

But when we are talking about change surely the most significant has been in the regulation of care homes, something of a rollercoaster, starting with the Healthcare Act in 1984, the National Healthcare Commission in 2001, then the National Care Standards Commission, better known as CSCI, in 2007 Since 2009 we ve had Care Quality Commission and today there are also numerous regulatory bodies to answer to, such as the Integrated Care Board, Health & Safety, Fire Service, Health Protection, Infection Control and more I know how much extra pressure this all puts on our staff so we’re incredibly grateful for their commitment and understanding of what’s required However one thing that hasn t changed for me apart from its title is Wellbeing which used to be called Activities As long as 35 years ago when I was a home manager I arranged for my residents to go out on a regular basis We took them to the seaside for fish and chips theatre pub lunches and the circus We held garden parties in the summer arranged outings to the Norfolk Broads and to the world-renowned Christmas Spectacular at Thursford We had therapists schools and churches visiting the home and they all contributed to what is now known as the wellbeing of residents Today our commitment to wellbeing still plays a big part in helping us provide our residents with the opportunity to continue to live life to the full which is at the heart of everything we do IS THERE A PARTICULAR HIGHLIGHT OR MOMENT THAT STANDS OUT WHEN LOOKING BACK AT THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN WITH CARING HOMES?

Paul: A significant highlight was when Helena received the Dame Vera Lynn award and the Health Investor award, both recognising her substantial contributions to the sector For me, despite countless milestones from my 30 years in the sector, the highlights that stand out most are my visits to the homes, where I meet the residents and the dedicated care teams including all the ancillary employees who are essential to our operations

Helena: When I think about my favourite moments from the past 30 years of Caring Homes there are many but I think the best was when it all began - the purchase of our first care home and turning it around out of receivership into a home where residents received excellent care and were truly happy


Paul: Ultimately it s about employing people who are like-minded and genuinely committed to providing high-quality care which is at the heart of our profession This is more of an art than an exact science as we are dealing with human beings Our success stems from the culture within our homes which is led by the manager on a day-to-day basis for our residents However this culture is also cultivated by the Board and permeates throughout the organisation

There is no magic wand in our sector It's about recognising and valuing our employees which helps us attract and retain the very best in every area of our homes and the company as a whole

Helena: Those who have worked with me over the years will know my favourite catchphrase is “Get the care right and the rest will follow” I’m incredibly proud of everything we’ve achieved together at Caring Homes, and we couldn’t have done it our people To all our teams, at all levels, I d like to say:

“Thank you for your dedication and commitment You fully deserve our appreciation and admiration for the fantastic contribution you have made and continue to make towards the success story we are here to celebrate

Swift Management Ser vices Limited

Co -Founders Helena and Paul Jeffery Look Back on 30 Years of Caring Homes as the Group Celebrates its Anniversary during Care Home Open Week

Transforming Lives: The Power of Holistic Care at Westgate Healthcare

At Westgate Healthcare we are committed to providing comprehensive care for our residents, with a focus on their physical, emotional mental and spiritual well-being Our caregiving philosophy places our residents at the centre of care planning, taking into account all aspects of their lives and needs We work as a multidisciplinary team utilising all available services to achieve the best care outcomes This is especially important when caring for residents who come to us to spend their remaining time in our care



Traditional nursing often focuses on the physical health of patients but at Westgate Healthcare we understand that true well-being extends beyond physical symptoms Our holistic approach bridges the gap by making care more comprehensive and person-centred addressing not only physical needs but also emotional psychological and spiritual aspects


Luigi a beloved local figure known for his violin playing and beautiful garden exemplifies our approach to holistic care After years of independent living he faced significant health challenges, including lower leg pain that led to mobility issues and a subsequent diagnosis of a malignant tumour When he could no longer manage at home, Luigi was transferred to Westgate

Aylesbury for palliative care


Luigi’s care required addressing multiple dimensions of his well-being:

• Spiritual: Helping him find what is most important in life offering opportunities for reflection and seeking forgiveness

• Mental: Alleviating worries about his property and finances and conflicts with friends and family Physical: Managing symptoms and pain and coordinating comprehensive care

• Emotional: Supporting him through feelings of loss, fear, anxiety, sadness and anger

Jo Massey Hampden Hall Pine Unit Manager comments: I am humbled by Luigi s story He is truly inspirational in the way he has coped with the challenges that life has placed in his path Supporting Luigi and all our residents continues to be a privilege reinforcing why I became a nurse and why I still find this profession worthwhile and fulfilling ”

Hampden Hall Home Manager Juliana Mensah comments: “I am incredibly proud of the team at Hampden Hall Luigi s journey with us showcases the care and skills of our team and their continuous efforts to improve outcomes for our residents ”


Taking a holistic approach to nursing is essential as it requires us to respect and value cultural awareness individual needs, and personal preferences This approach promotes emotional healing, personalised care and ultimately contributes to the well-being of residents It connects the physical aspects of health to

emotional psychological and social well-being providing allencompassing care for our residents


Upon admission into Hampden Hall Care Centre Luigi faced numerous challenges He experienced discomfort from a catheter immobility due to foot pain and significant emotional distress from being suddenly uprooted from his home

Additionally he was grappling with a poor prognosis and the loss of his ability to take care of himself while friends and family were trying to help organise his personal affairs Our team addressed these issues comprehensively:

Physical Care: The catheter was removed according to Luigi’s preferences and his pain was managed with appropriate medication With the help of caregivers he regained some mobility using a Zimmer frame for short distances

Emotional and Mental Support: Our team helped Luigi take control of his finances and future wishes A social worker advised on appointing a power of attorney and we welcomed his friends and family as part of his support network An independent advocate was applied to assist with his final wishes

Spiritual Closure: Understanding the importance of his garden and possessions the team arranged for Luigi to return home to say goodbye and collect cherished items Luigi brought cuttings from his favourite shrubs to grow on his windowsill, providing a comforting connection to his past


Our team at Westgate Healthcare ensured that Luigi could maintain his passions and connections

Community Engagement: He was enabled to visit town meet friends and enjoy meals out maintaining his social connections

• Sharing Talents: Luigi shared his love for music with other residents enriching the community with his talent

Gardening: By growing cuttings from his garden we brought a piece of his home to his new environment

Luigi says: “I feel like I have been healed I seem to be able to play my violin mandolin and accordion a little better I used to garden for my friend and hadn t been able to for a while but now I m back doing some gardening, which I never thought would happen ” BEST PRACTICES

We are truly honoured to have played a part in Luigi s journey providing the personalised care that transformed his transition from home to nursing care into a positive experience Now, as he thrives in his new home at Hampden Hall his health and mobility have seen remarkable improvements

Sharing in the lives of our residents is a profound privilege By embracing a holistic approach that is resident-centred and built on interdisciplinary teamwork we foster an environment of engagement empowerment and trust This approach ensures our residents lead fulfilling dignified lives and when applied in palliative care can help improve comfort and quality of life during the final stages

Furthermore for our dedicated carers this experience not only brings deep personal reward in their working lives but also offers a path to personal and existential growth

Phil Mead House Celebrates Abbeyfield Week

with Community NHS Team at Oral Care Fun Day

Phil Mead House, an Abbeyfield residential care home for older people held an oral care fun day to celebrate Abbeyfield Week Abbeyfield Week is an annual celebration of Abbeyfield’s unique model of housing and care for older people Abbeyfield a charity has a national network of sheltered housing schemes care homes and independent living complexes, which are characterised by their communal living arrangements where residents have access to shared spaces where they can eat, socialise, and engage in activities together, in addition to their own private room This allows scope for each resident to determine the level of privacy and interaction with others they would like in later life with a focus on choice and independence Abbeyfield Week serves as an opportunity to promote the benefits of the Abbeyfield model to the wider world and particular focus is also given to the benefits of community engagement Each local Abbeyfield is encouraged to invite people, organisations and other institutions from the neighbourhood to join a celebration event which helps them to boost their profile in the community, raise awareness of what they do and strengthen or build new relationships with potential supporters Phil Mead House senior care assistants Alecia Akram and Gemma Muir deputy manager Michelle Hart and manager Lesley Costello recently completed their Oral Care Champion training with the Oral Health Improvement Team from Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust At the training they learnt about the serious medical conditions that can arise from poor oral care and received a Mouth Care Toolkit that included various samples of products that can be used to demonstrate to other staff, residents and relatives within the care home to help improve oral health Lesley said, “The training day was very beneficial We learnt about the impact that poor oral care can have on your health the link between poor oral care and aspirational pneumonia and we discussed how service users can gain easier access to dental treatment with family support

Lesley continued, “Since the pandemic, access to dental care treatment has been difficult

“Some families do not visit as regularly as they used to and at times we struggle to get families to bring in toiletries including oral care items This is one of the reasons why we now have a mobile shop for the residents ”

The home invited residents family and friends to the oral care fun day

We stressed the importance of oral care and had a discussion around the sample products that we had received at our training and others available on the market We also had a session on disclosing tablets that gave residents staff and family members a visual on plaque build-up ”

“We now have a better knowledge of products that are available on the market especially for service users who are reluctant to have assistance with oral care or those who clamp down on toothbrushes

Healthcare s Hampden Hall Care Centre in

Sona raises £22m to help large Social Care organisations access AI-driven WFM

We are excited to announce this new round of investment and how it will impact large Social Care organisations and their employees

Together with my fellow co-founders, Oli Johnson and Ben Dixon, we’d like to thank Felicis who led the financing with participation from Northzone, Google s AI-fund Gradient, SpeedInvest, Antler, BAG Ventures, and the numerous notable angels who participated in the round

When we founded Sona in 2021, we wanted to solve the unique challenges of frontline work with technology that empowers every employee, on every level of a large organisation

Two years later, Sona is doing just that for over 100,000 people We are grateful to the many organisations who have chosen us to support them on their digital journey, including Community Integrated Care, iVolve, Affinity, Yorkshire Care, Greensleeves Care, Cartrefi Cymru, and Livability, helping them deliver almost 5 million seamless shifts We’d also like to thank our partners who share in our vision for an integrated tech landscape for Care, including Nourish, Radar Healthcare, and Lottie

Some of the most talented and motivated people around have joined us to make this possible, and I’d like to give a particular shout-out to Hayley Horwood and Richard Upshall Together, they have more than 25 years of experience in the Care sector and their insights have guided us every step of the way

This deep involvement has taught us that the complexity associated with multi-location, 1000+ staff operations is coupled with the pressure and responsibility to provide the best care possible Social Care demands a state-ofthe-art solution, built with the kind of technology that isn’t just the latest right now, but that is flexible enough to continue being state-of-the-art ten years from now and later into the future

The financing is a big step on our journey to becoming the go-to WFM for large Social Care groups, but - more importantly - it is an investment in the sector as a whole

Over the past year, we ve seen demand for a nextgeneration solution like Sona increase fourfold Our

partners are looking to make their operations more efficient and reliable, improve staff satisfaction, and become financially sustainable organisations that can easily grow and support more people

The fact that we can confidently say Sona is a solution that pays for itself - and then more! - is something we re incredibly proud of because it provides organisations with a new revenue source they can re-invest into employee wellbeing and a better experience for the people they care for

So, what does this mean for the Care sector?

1. A truly intelligent AI-driven solution

We want to empower Social Care enterprises to forecast their staff needs based on what is best for the people they support with maximum accuracy and automatically tailor their operations accordingly This will help organisations speed up their scheduling, gain real-time views of their shift runs, and encourage growth in a way that tech simply hasn t in the last decade Previously, the focus was mostly on digitising paper-based processes, but as many organisations are now starting a vendor-replacement cycle, we want to provide them with a real nextgeneration solution

2 Automated HR processes

Our HR solution is already closely linked to Scheduling and communicates seamlessly as solutions built to work together from day one should The next step is to bring automation to the HR processes that currently take up the most time and are heavily prone to errors Our goal is to make the data we feed into our Payroll engine as accurate as possible and remove the potential for mistakes to snowball, leading to drops in employee satisfaction, more admin time, and even legal risks down the line

3. User-first technology

One implementation challenge organisations have experienced with legacy software is low tech adoption rates from frontline staff But what oftentimes is seen as fear of change, is actually a natural reaction to employee apps which were not designed to be accessible The Sona mobile app - together with all our interfaces - is built with usability in mind and consumer-grade standards We want to enrich this experience with even more features that make user life more efficient and increase satisfaction, particularly around self-service and onboarding new staff We believe the first impression new employees get of their organisation and its processes is key to their retention

4 High-quality research and contributions to Social Care in the UK

The feedback we’ve received for our industry-leading reports, webinars, and other research activities has always been incredible and we re only looking to add more Social Care is first and foremost about the people and the community We plan to continue reporting on the pulse of the sector, bring together leaders and visionaries to share their insights, and always spotlight the many opportunities Care offers At the same time, we want to expand our existing charitable contributions and make sure that we re always giving back to those on the frontline

committed our Customer Success and Implementation teams are to always going the extra mile, helping them optimise and grow their business We want to make sure that as we grow ourselves, we only improve this experience and provide even more comprehensive support every step of the way For that we ll be on the lookout for the best talent available

Overall, with Sona, I like to think of it as building the “selfdriving car” of running a Care business The last 20 years of workforce management were dominated by legacy point solutions that digitised simple paper processes Sona is building the next generation of WFM with a truly intelligent platform that enables organisational leaders in complex, multi-location enterprises to put the right people, in the right place, at the right time; and to seamlessly manage their workforce end-to-end

We believe we can deliver this because our exponential growth has been driven by tangible factors: speed of product delivery, high configurability, and sector expertise

Unlike legacy platforms, Sona s technology has been built from the ground up for real-time data processing and insights Leveraging the Elixir programming language and large language models - similar to what powers tools like ChatGPT - we offer AI-powered real-time actionable feedback which helps drive intelligent decision making and leads to real workforce productivity gains The trust of our investors so far has yielded a total of £30 millionfunds that we see contributing to the development of the sector as a whole

“We are proud to lead Sona's Series A round and support its mission to empower frontline enterprises with cuttingedge workforce management solutions ” We believe in Sona s potential to redefine how businesses [ ] manage their workforce, and we ' re excited to be part of their journey towards reshaping the future of work Ben, Oli, Steffen and the Sona team have already helped over 100,000 frontline workers schedule shifts, and we know so many more will appreciate smarter software that enables their work ” Niki Pezeshki, General Partner at Felicis

As we continue to innovate, our mission remains clear: to transform the outdated tools that have hindered Care enterprises in the past and usher in a new era of intelligent WFM that drives efficiency, employee wellbeing, and, ultimately, the delivery of exceptional care

Steffen Wulff Petersen Sona CEO and Co-Founder

5. A trustworthy partnership for all our UK customers

Our partners have consistently highlighted how

Sona co-founders Ben Dixon Steffen Wulff Petersen and Oli Johnson

The First Menu Planning and Food Ser vice Guideline

For Care Homes For Older Adults Launches

Home Digest is the first of its kind, providing menu planning and food service guidelines to support care homes to provide high quality food and drink services for residents No such resource currently exists in England and this document should complement existing dietetic guidelines available in the other nations of the UK

The overall food and dining experience can have a huge impact on quality of life for residents and is often one of the highlights of the daily routine Undernutrition dehydration and other nutrition related health concerns which often impact those living in care or residential homes mean that providing appropriate and appetising meals that meet nutritional requirements can be more challenging With many care homes unable to access a food service dietitian service the Care Home Digest allows homes to access the information to support them to plan nutritionally balanced and appropriate menus to meet both the nutritional needs and preferences of their residents

By having a clear set of standards and guidance that provides consistency and clarity in the approach for eating and drinking in care homes managers nurses care and support staff and caterers will better understand what they should be providing as part of their overall food service

Helen Ream, Healthcare and Food Service Dietitian at Compass Group UK & Ireland and Vice-Chair of the BDA s Food Services Specialist Group says It has been a privilege to chair the working group of dietitians and NACC colleagues to develop these guidelines I hope they will be the ‘go to’ resource for care home teams to support them to understand what their food services and menus should include to support residents to have a great mealtime experience whilst also meeting their nutritional needs ”

Mealtimes play an essential role in the wellbeing of some residents They allow residents to connect with

each other as well as with carers and family members and give moments of happiness or reflection when there are cultural or religious celebrations

Chapters in the Digest include delivering a positive mealtime experience menu planning and design and catering for special diets

Helen who is also a member of the NACC says The Care Home Digest builds on the work of the BDA’s Nutrition and Hydration Digest a resource for all those involved in the provision of food and drink services in hospitals and which forms part of the National Standards for Healthcare Food and Drink Until now no similar national food service standards have existed to support care homes for older adults to meet the nutritional needs of their residents We hope these guidelines will be widely used and become a nationally trusted resource in the same way ”

The information and checklists within the guidelines are intended to support care homes to review their services to understand what they are already doing well and where improvements could be considered and made

Neel Radia, National Chair of the NACC says, “The National Association of Care Catering is proud to have been working in collaboration with the BDA for this unique Care Home Digest

“This document is a welcome and necessary publication to enable consistency across the care home sector A multidisciplinary team bringing hospitality and nutrition together is the best solution for an all-encompassing approach to meeting residents nutritional needs This is a must-have document for all catering teams in care homes, from induction through to ongoing reference and review No care home for the elderly should operate without this

“Thank you to Helen Ream and the entire team who have worked so hard in putting this together and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone in the care sector ”

It is hoped this document will also support the Care Quality Commission and other nations inspectorates to know what they should be assessing and checking for during their visits to care homes and further influence the development of improved standards in such a vital aspect of care

Generations Come Together At The

UK’s First Care Home Play Garden





Midford Manor in



by residents memories of their

experiences and designed by children in

school competition It was born out of a partnership between Hallmark Care Homes Foundation and the play charity London Play with the hope the garden

and seating area that will be used for outdoor lessons and an adjoining gate so the neighbouring school St Martins Garden have easy access to the space St Martin’s Garden and Hopscotch Nursery are making use of the area weekly playing games and reading to residents improving their literacy skills with more intergenerational activities

Sustainable solutions for Social Care.

Social care organisations have a lot on their plate without a supply chain review getting in the way We collaborate with social care organisations and care homes across the country, taking care of the time-consuming details, and achieving the good value they deserve

With a robust, ethical, highly traceable supply chain, we deliver expert food, beverage, and non-food purchasing solutions that save time and money That means more time to focus on what matters, like supporting patient wellbeing with exceptional quality produce

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We know how important sourcing is to social care organisations and care homes You need to know where your food, beverages and non-food are coming from, but that often means paying more than you should

At AVE, we don t believe that there should ever be a choice between ethics and value We offer sustainable sourcing that is good for the planet and your bottom line Social care purchasing.

Social care organisations choose us as their partner because we know the particular requirement of this challenging field We deliver a lean robust supply chain that works for your patients and people In a busy market we cut through the obscurity and complicated language to find the deals that matter to you achieving the quality you deserve at prices you didn't know were possible

How's that for a healthy supply chain? Your social care purchasing partner.

Achieve lean, robust food and non-food supply for your social care business or care home Our purchasing experts have spent years working in the social care sector, identifying the particular needs of people in this challenging field and delivering on time every time Sustainable produce, better prices and the quality you deserve Social care food management consultancy. inspire healthcare chefs and catering staff with quality menus and recipes that your patients will love Our food management consultants have worked with health and social care organisations and care homes across the UK, crafting bespoke menus that deliver on price and taste We'll even help you navigate the tricky territory of special diets and allergens with ease Social care in-house catering solutions.

Catering can be tricky to go at alone Why not partner up? Trust us to lend a specialist hand across every aspect of your food operation, and guarantee the best results - safety and sustainability assured

NHS Given Mixed Bill of Health in New Study of International Healthcare Systems

The NHS is “neither a leader nor a laggard” when compared to healthcare systems of similar countries though on some critical measures of resources and performance the UK is falling well-below average according to a major new report from The King’s Fund

The analysis of healthcare systems in 19 different countries finds that the NHS offers people good protection from the potentially catastrophic costs of ill health The researchers also found that the UK health service is amongst the most efficiently run healthcare systems for example by spending relatively little budget on administration and keeping medicines costs low

But the UK has below average health spending per person compared to other countries and underperforms significantly on many key health care outcomes including cancer survival rates and life expectancy

The report published ahead of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the NHS shows that the UK has strikingly low levels of key clinical staff with fewer doctors and nurses per head than most of its peers and a heavier reliance on internationally trained staff The UK has just 3 doctors per 1 000 people while Greece has more than twice as many with 6 3 doctors per 1 000 people

The UK also spends less than many of its peers on physical resources such as buildings and equipment and comes bottom out of 19 countries for the number of CT and MRI scanners per person The US has five times as many scanners per person and Germany has four times as many

The report authors conclude that there is little evidence one individual country or model of health care performs consistently better than another across a range of performance measures The report finds that countries raise their standards of health care mainly by reforming and improving their existing model of health care rather than by adopting an alternative model

Other key findings include:

Of the 19 countries assessed the UK has amongst the lowest levels of life expectancy for men and women with falls in life expectancy being particularly striking since the pandemic Since 2020 only the USA has had consistently lower male and female LE than the UK While life expectancy is determined by many more factors than just health care the UK has higher levels of deaths from treatable diseases such as heart attack and stroke than the majority of its peer countries and below average survival rates for many major cancers

• The UK has relatively few hospital beds: 2 5 beds per 1 000 people compared to an average of 3 2 placing the UK second to last out of 19 peer countries

• The UK spends just 1 9% of health spending on administration; the 6th lowest out of all the countries measured The proportion of admin spend is significantly lower than the United States which spends 8 9% of

health spend on admin and France which spends 5 5%

Relatively few members of the UK public have skipped seeking medical care due to cost and only a small number have trouble with medical bills, compared to other countries Just 1 in 10 people think the cost of accessing treatment is a big problem

Waiting times in the UK for common procedures like knee, hip and cataract operations were broadly middle of the pack compared to similar countries Like in the UK many countries in the analysis had rising waiting lists before the Covid-19 pandemic but the fall in planned operations like these was dramatically sharper in the UK in the first year of the pandemic

Commenting on the research Siva Anandaciva Chief Analyst at The King s Fund and author of the report said:

As the NHS turns 75 the much-loved British institution has sadly seen better days Whilst the UK stands out in removing most financial barriers to accessing health care and the NHS is run relatively efficiently it trails behind its international cousins on some key markers of a good healthcare system The pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic on our health service compounded the consequences of more than a decade of squeezed investment in staff equipment and wider services that keep us well This leaves the NHS delivering performance that is middling at best and the UK must do much more to reduce the number of people dying early from diseases such as heart disease and cancer

‘Some may speculate that adopting an alternative funding model for the NHS would resolve these challenges But we found little evidence that any one country s model of health funding and delivery is inherently better than another Equally, this is not an excuse to accept the current state of the UK health service Working to improve our existing health system whilst providing it with the adequate resources political support and long-term planning it desperately needs would give the NHS the best chance of delivering the timely high-quality care and outcomes it is capable of

The independent report which was commissioned by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry considers how the UK NHS compares on a broad range of measures to 18 similar higher income countries including France Germany Italy Sweden Japan Singapore and the USA 1 The report authors drew on the latest available evidence to examine several measures2 including: the resources a health system has such as funding staff and equipment; how well the system uses those resources for example efficiency, quality of care and health outcomes; and the wider context such as the health and behaviours of a country s population

Care Home Residents Celebrate World Music Day

Unlocking Innovation and Collaboration: The Care & Occupational Therapy Show

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show, scheduled for July 17th at Westpoint Exeter is poised to be a pivotal event in the fields of care and occupational therapy With an extensive lineup of CPD-accredited seminars keynote speakers networking opportunities and expert exhibitors this event offers a comprehensive platform for professionals to explore the latest trends exchange ideas and foster collaborations

At the heart of the event are the CPD-accredited seminars and keynote speeches which promise to provide attendees with invaluable insights and knowledge Renowned experts will take the stage to address pressing issues share innovative strategies and discuss emerging trends shaping the future of care and therapy From advancements in assistive technologies to holistic approaches to patient care attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of their professions


Networking lies at the



expert exhibitors showcasing the latest products services, and solutions

From state-of-the-art assistive devices to innovative therapeutic interventions, attendees have the opportunity to explore a diverse range of offerings from leading industry providers The exhibition serves as a hub for discovering cutting-edge technologies exploring new approaches to patient care and staying abreast of industry developments

Furthermore the event caters to professionals at every stage of their career journey from seasoned practitioners to students and newcomers to the field For students and recent graduates the show offers valuable insights into the profession, career guidance, and networking opportunities to kickstart their careers For established professionals it presents a platform to stay updated on the latest advancements, expand their knowledge base, and connect with peers to drive continuous improvement and innovation in their practice

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show is a must-attend event for professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic fields of care and occupational therapy By combining CPD-accredited education networking opportunities and expert exhibitors under one roof the event promises to unlock innovation foster collaboration and

New Campaign Launches As 1 In 4 Care-

Seekers Makes Decisions In ‘Crisis Mode’

Figures released by not-for-profit care organisation Greensleeves Care show that a quarter (26%) of us are having to make difficult decisions about care for an older relative or friend at the point of crisis and while feeling lost and confused

Of those with experience making care decisions 36% wished they’d known more about care and 20% would have welcomed more support when making the decisions

This comes as almost a third (29%) of adults in England expect to make or help make, a decision about care for an older relative or friend in the next five years Yet nearly a third (31%) feel unprepared to do so and nearly half (49%) confess to having no or little knowledge of key aspects of care like costs When asked about the key factors in feeling prepared to make care decisions ‘emotional readiness’ (31%) ranks nearly as high as ‘financial readiness (33%) and support from other family members (32%) Those factors are closely followed by having ‘information about care options’ (26%) The figures also show the process can be extremely difficult with a fifth (21%) finding having to decide on care for an older relative or friend ‘upsetting’ and 20% largely avoiding thinking about it Today a new campaign Get Care Wise has launched coinciding with the start of Care Home Open Week 2024 (24-30 June) The campaign and its key new resource – an easy guide to getting care wise – looks to support individuals and families to start thinking about care early on, so they can feel more confident and equipped to make decisions for themselves or their loved ones when the time comes

Paul Newman Chief Executive of Greensleeves Care commented: “Our new figures confirm that many of us avoid thinking about care until circumstances force us to They also show that when that point arrives we often feel thrown in the deep end: needing to understand our options research services and sort funding in a matter of weeks sometimes days As a result many of the families who contact our care homes do it at a point of crisis and feeling very lost

At Greensleeves Care we believe everyone should have the chance to feel good about care That feeling starts with being informed and equipped to make those all-important decisions for yourself

in any decisions they may need to make and understand how and when to access required levels of care and support long before crisis hits

The new guide and other helpful content is available for free on the Greensleeves Care website at www greensleeves org uk/GetCareWise

Pioneering Priest Pat Revisits Ordination Spot In Salisbur y Cathedral

Access Group Looking For ward to Innovative Partnership with National Care Forum

The National Care Forum (NCF) has announced that Access Health Support and Care part of the Access Group,Access Group, has become a partner and mentor for the Care Innovation Challenge They will attend the innovation weekend at the end of June joining other mentors in working with participants to develop innovative ideas for the social care sector

Vic Rayner OBE CEO of NCF said: “As we’re now only a few days away from the Care Innovation Challenge the excitement is building and the energy is being accelerated by the news that Access Health Support and Care will be joining us

I m sure that they will bring something incredibly special to inspire this year s cohort of innovators as their position in the care market ideally places them to collaborate with our other mentors to guide participants as they develop their ideas into viable business solutions for people in receipt of care and support Steve Sawyer Managing Director at Access Health Support and Care commented: “We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the National Care Forum s Care Innovation Challenge’ This event is a crucial platform for discussing and addressing the many challenges faced by the care sector today

At Access HSC we firmly believe in the power of innovation and the importance of supporting the next generation of care professionals

We are committed to investing in the future of care and are excited to see the fresh impactful ideas that this event will undoubtedly deliver

“We are grateful for the opportunity to support such an important initiative and look forward to being part of a vibrant forward-thinking community dedicated to making a difference in the sector

Let’s come together to inspire and drive change for a better future in care ”

The Care Innovation Challenge brings together entrepreneurs and innovators university students and care sector colleagues, from the worlds of business and lived experience to create solutions to key challenges facing the care sector

Following the Innovation Weekend at Coventry University’s Technology Centre later in June the five participants or teams with the best ideas as judged by our mentors will be selected to go forward to the final which will be voted for by delegates at the Care Show in Birmingham in October

Certain Prostate Drugs May Be Linked To Reduced Risk Of Dementia With

Bodies, Study

Four Seasons Health Care Group Launches Sale Of 46 Care Homes

Delight As Blackpool Home Manager Wins National Award

Dementia Activity App Celebrates 10-Year Anniversar y

A museum-led dementia awareness programme House of Memories is marking 10 years since its memory activity app launched at the House of Commons

The free My House of Memories app co-created with people living with dementia was launched two years after the creation of the wider House of Memories programme, which is led by National Museums Liverpool The aim of the app is to develop connections and conversations between people living with dementia and their families and carers through digital collections of objects

Together people can explore pictures of museum objects and everyday items – which range from a Singer sewing machine to a 10 shilling note – and discover things which resonate with them Images are brought to life with sound music and descriptions which can help to spark memories of days gone by Users can also save favourite objects to a digital memory tree, digital memory box or timeline, and add their own photographs to the My Memories feature on the app Over the last decade objects on the app have been interacted with more than a million times

Throughout the years House of Memories has worked with a range of museums organisations and communities around the world to create content for the app to provide a choice of objects to resonate with as many people living with dementia as possible Recent partnerships have included collaborating with Welsh Government and 14 museum partners across Wales to develop dual-language content for the app and working with the Chelsea Pensioners at the Royal Hospital Chelsea to create a collection of hospital and British Army memories

In order to support professional carers working with people living with dementia, as well as families and friends House of Memories also provides online and in-person training where you can learn how to use the My House of Memories app and hear about other dementia activities and resources The in-person training takes place in Liverpool every month while online training – made up of 31 expert videos across four modules – can be completed at any time

The House of Memories team also offer bespoke dementia awareness and app training to organisations which work with or support people living with dementia from the likes of residential and nursing homes to housing associations and groups offering support services

Sarah Wright Project Coordinator at Gairloch Museum in northwest Scotland, runs a ‘Whatever the Weather Wednesday reminiscing group and recently worked with House of Memories to deliver training to encourage local people and carers to engage with the app particularly the ‘Highland Memories’ section which was developed with museums across the Highlands

Sarah said “Within minutes of getting started everyone was chatting about the images they were choosing and listening to the recordings on the app It was great to see people of different ages sharing memories together

The training session was really well presented and there was an excellent sense of connection between the trainers and the people being trained It was good to get carers together and to have the opportunity to talk more about dementia and what it really means to live with someone who is living with dementia

The My House of Memories app is available to download for free on iOS devices via the App

Google Play for Android devices Information about in-person

House of Memories website

Family and professional carers of people living with dementia

Heartfelt Celebration Day at Thornhill House

Patient Hygiene Wipes Promote An Individualised Approach To Cleansing For Those Receiving Care

Unigloves Rebrands Its Derma Shield Workplace Skincare System

The Importance of Nutrition and Hydration in a Care Home Setting

assistance with eating and drinking skills as well as the provision of meals

With that in mind, it s essential that you re not only aware of the food and drink regulations in place but how you can build on these to improve your offering and services within a care home environment WHAT HAPPENS IF RESIDENTS DON’T RECEIVE THE RIGHT NUTRITION?

With age malnutrition can become more of a concern It s estimated that around 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 are either malnourished, or at risk Changes that the elderly go through can lead to things like a diminished appetite or even a loss of interest in food not to mention

health conditions or changing health needs that can also impact the amount of nutrition a person receives It s important to remember that residents may be a healthy weight but could still not be getting the right nutrients they need Other signs of malnutrition might include things like muscle weakness feeling tired increased falls or even poor wound healing

What s more older people will find it more difficult to absorb vitamin D through sunlight, and so this must be considered in their diet

Similarly older adults can also be a higher risk of becoming dehydrated as they may not recognise the feeling of thirst the way they used to FOOD AND DRINK REGULATIONS FOR CARE HOMES

The Health and Social Care Act of 2008 was brought in to ensure all care home settings registered with the Care Quality Commission and complied with its requirements It’s deemed to be one of the most significant reforms of social care in decades

In particular, Regulation 14 states that the nutritional and hydration needs of residents must be met WHAT CARE HOMES CAN DO

With that in mind it’s important that care homes have the right measures in place to keep residents as healthy as possible when it comes to nutrition and hydration Here are some tips on how carers and kitchen staff can work together to further improve the system in place

Regular assessments: Every resident will have different needs and so by

carrying out frequent assessments you can determine more accurately whether residents are getting what they need from their current meals and drinks This also gives you the chance to identify

Personalised plans:

to allergies medical conditions and also flavour and texture preferences

• Ongoing education: It’s hugely important to carry out regular


or malnourishment It also means they

to help residents improve their health and wellbeing

Emotional support and reassurance In some cases residents may hold back on eating or drinking because of worries with incontinence It’s absolutely pivotal that carers can give the right emotional support and are able to reassure residents on this topic

Nutrition and Hydration Essential To Residents’ Health and Wellbeing


The Importance of Proper Laundr y Practices in Care Environments

Laundry is one of the major cleaning and hygiene challenges for care homes

For care homes maintaining impeccable cleanliness is more than a routine task; it is a vital responsibility The elderly and those with compromised health are particularly susceptible to infections making rigorous hygiene standards essential Professional laundry systems are engineered to meet these stringent requirements ensuring that every piece of linen from bed sheets to residents' clothing is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized

Unlike domestic machines commercial laundry systems are designed to handle large volumes with consistent efficacy They maintain precise water temperatures and use specialized detergents capable of eradicating harmful pathogens This level of thoroughness is crucial in environments where the risk of infection is high MINIMISING INFECTIONS AND CROSS-CONTAMINATION

Infection control is a critical concern in care homes Pathogens such as MRSA E coli and norovirus pose significant threats to residents Professional laundry systems play a key role in mitigating these risks by incorporating advanced features designed to prevent cross-contamination Barrier washers for instance have separate compartments for dirty and clean laundry ensuring that contaminants are contained and do not spread to freshly laundered items

Programmable wash cycles in these systems can be tailored to different textile types and soil levels, optimizing the disinfection process Furthermore innovations like ozone technology enhance sanitization while allowing for lower temperature washes, preserving fabric quality and extending the life of linens THE ROLE OF TRAINING AND SAFETY

Effective laundry management in care homes extends beyond the machines themselves Proper training for staff is critical to ensure that laundry processes are carried out safely and effectively Understanding how to use detergents correctly is a key aspect of this training Professional laundry detergents are formu-

lated to be both powerful against germs and safe for sensitive skin but improper use can diminish their effectiveness or even pose safety hazards

Staff must be trained in the correct handling and dosing of these detergents to maximize their benefits while ensuring safety Additionally, training on the use of laundry equipment helps prevent operational errors and promotes adherence to hygiene protocols


In conclusion the importance of best laundry practices in care homes cannot be overstated By implementing effective laundry procedures care facilities can safeguard the health and well-being of residents maintain a clean and hygienic environment, and ultimately enhance the quality of care provided Prioritising proper laundry practices is a fundamental aspect of upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and ensuring the comfort and safety of individuals in care homes

P&G Professional have a suite of well-known and respected products across the sector for powerful cleaning and lower operational costs

Ariel Professional Washing Powder Antibacterial is a professional detergent specially formulated to deliver excellent stain removal and deep down cleaning at low temperature Ariel Professional delivers unrivalled cleaning and antibacterial protection at low temperatures and with short washing cycles thereby reducing energy and time costs whilst still getting things clean There is also an added benefit in that many P&G Professional products have similar names and smells as their domestic ranges giving a feeling of comfort and familiarity to residents and their families

Hygiene and infection control is vital and at the top of the agenda for care homes but we can be comforted to know we are going into battle with some of the most reliable and scientifically proven products that P&G Professional have developed with their unparalleled experience of engaging with the care sector and with the most comprehensive scientific rigour

Revolutionising Care Home Laundr y: The Genius Choice


The Transformative Role of Music in Care Communities

In life where memories intertwine with the present there's a profound need for companionship understanding and support – especially for those navigating the complexities of dementia We know that Dementia isn t just a medical condition; it s a complicated journey for over 90 000 people in Scotland today marked by profound emotional upheaval and huge uncertainty As such we believe that approaches to this delicate type of care must transcend clinical protocols and embrace the little things when it comes to human experience For example music!

When the rhythm of life slows to a gentle rhythm in the quiet corridors of care facilities, music can be a powerful force and breathe vibrancy and vitality into the lives of those who need it most What we have found is that for those navigating the complexities of dementia, the role of music

surpasses mere entertainment it becomes a lifeline A conduit for connection and a source of comfort

In my time in my role I personally have witnessed first-hand the great impact of music in nurturing mental physical and emotional wellbeing among the 3 500 people benefiting from our Dementia Day Care Services every year We have all been exposed to music in some way in our lives –whether by listening to recordings playing an instrument attending concerts or dancing From lively sing-alongs to serene music therapy sessions partaking in a symphony of experiences when living with dementia can awaken hidden memories, stir dormant emotions and reignite feelings of joy and camaraderie

In fact a study comparing standard care to regular singing or music listening sessions over 10 weeks in 89 people with dementia (type not specified) music sessions improved general cognition (MMSE score) attention and executive function compared to standard care Singing appeared to evoke personal remote memories by increasing recall of names of children friends and immediate short story recall

One of our flagship programmes the Music Wellbeing Programme stands as a testament to the power of communal music-making Led by talented musicians and dedicated staff members this dementia-inclusive activity serves as a sanctuary where residents and caregivers alike gather to share stories create melodies and forge lasting connections Through familiar tunes, we witness the emergence of radiant smiles, the tapping of feet, and the stirring of long-forgotten memories, as residents reclaim moments of joy and belonging Music really does serve as a universal language for us all overcoming factors such as age cognition and physical ability

Could your centre or service partner with local entertainers or other community organisations to incorporate music within your care community? From lively dance performances to intimate acoustic sessions these

collaborative endeavours create an environment with an infectious energy, lifting spirits and fostering a sense of collective celebration

The Eric Liddell Community stands as a centre of hope, redefining the landscape of dementia care with innovation compassion, and inclusivity Our namesake – a Scottish legend, sports person and missionary – strived to create a world where no one felt isolated or alone Where every individual's journey is met with dignity and respect

Based on the substantial evidence that music offers numerous health benefits we’d highly recommend that your establishment considers introducing music entertainment and community engagement Together we can all create moments of joy connection and meaning for those who need it most

Recreo VR - Bringing a Change of Scener y to Care

Recreo VR’s innovative service has been proven to enhance the mental and social well-being of those living with dementia through person-centered virtual experiences Our headsets are a fun and exciting way to personalize care enhance activities and improve the quality of life of your residents

We partner with the Alzheimer’s Society and our service has been co-designed with those affected by dementia offering an intuitive VR interface for carers to select experiences and environments that are meaningful, engaging, and suitable for residents to enjoy In a recent evaluation of our product with over 100 people living with dementia 97% of residents engaged with our headsets 86% said they enjoyed it and wanted to access VR more in their care Our headsets also helped residents recall memories improved mood and wellbeing over

Coordinate Activities For Elderly People and Seniors with Hashtag Quiz


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Music for Health: Enhancing Lives Through Musical Workshops INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES

Founded in 2001 Music for Health has been making significant strides in improving the well-being of residents in Care Homes and Nursing Homes across England and Wales These workshops are thoughtfully designed to engage participants in a variety of activities including dancing with instruments singalongs and interactive quizzes

The program s multifaceted approach is particularly beneficial for residents suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's Music known for its therapeutic properties provides a stimulating environment that promotes both physical and mental activity Dancing helps improve motor skills and coordination while the rhythmic aspects of music can trigger memory and emotional responses providing a sense of familiarity and comfort

Sing-alongs create a communal atmosphere encouraging social interaction and reducing feelings of isolation The quizzes not only entertain but also stimulate cognitive function challenging the brain and helping to maintain mental acuity

Overall, Music for Health’s workshops offer a holis-

tic approach to care ensuring that elderly residents remain active engaged and socially connected By bringing the joy of music into care homes this initiative continues to make a profound impact on the lives of many fostering a sense of community and wellbeing

To expand our reach and impact Music for Health is currently recruiting more Area Directors to join our team across the United Kingdom If you have a passion for music and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contuct us and help us bring the healing power of music to more communities

Contact Carl on 07712 669456, email musicforhealthrecruitment@gmail com or visit www musicforhealthteam co uk


Activities to Share

Tired of the same old song and dance when it comes to planning engaging activities? Well fear not! Activities to Share is here to sprinkle some excitement into your daily routine

If you ve been feeling like you re stuck in a creative rut we ve got the antidote Picture this a wonderland of activity ideas free downloads that are basically the golden ticket to fun and a treasure trove of products that'll make your heart skip a beat (in a good way)

We get it – after a while even the most fantastic activities can start feeling a bit blah That's why we've scoured the corners of creativity to bring you fresh fabulous ideas that'll have you and your crew grinning from ear to ear

Our website, activitiestoshare co uk, is your go-to haven for all things fun and engaging Need a burst of

The Role Of Memor y Lane Games In Person-Centred Care Planning

Digital therapeutics can be effective and efficient tools to enhance and support care plans in many different ways including intervention and management of physical well-being cognitive stimulation emotional and mental health and clinical monitoring

Memory Lane Games as an example uses therapeutic interventions driven by specialized software that helps those living with dementia and their care teams manage specific needs and improve clinical outcomes through dementia-specific games The app is an adaptive solution which is tailored over time to individual needs More specifically it makes for more effective care delivery in the following ways

Creating Engagement by employing personalised and localised games to not only trigger positive memories but also foster improved socialisation address social isolation and improve communication and understanding of a person s likes dislikes and needs

Supporting health equity with multinational multicultural multi language localised content

Through its ava lability and portab lity the app can be employed at a moment’s notice, when it is most

Timeless Presents - Enhancing Lives Through Connection and Engagement

After her father s passing from Alzheimer s Sharon Daltrey and her husband Chris founded Timeless Presents a company devoted to encouraging engagement and communication for those living with dementia by promoting cognitive stimulation emotional engagement and sensory assistance Drawing from their personal experiences and informed by the challenges her father faced, Sharon and Chris embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of individuals currently living with dementia The Activity Coordinator at Forbury Residential Home had this to say “We won some prizes in a competition and our residents really enjoyed them The Curiosity Box is amazing for one of our residents who continually claps her hands Since having the Curiosity Box she has been occupied with it and engaged in a meaningful way Our residents are also loving the puzzles and coloring books Thank you so much for giving our residents a better quality of life At Timeless Presents Sharon and Chris are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that promote meaningful interaction and enhance quality of life for individuals with dementia By adopting principles discovered during her father s later stages of Alzheimer s and incorporating current research, Timeless Presents designs familiar and accessible activities that inspire reminiscence and positive practices without requiring any training For example their Sentimental Seaside Puzzle’ is a familiar activity that has been adapted to overcome sensory difficulties that those with dementia may have while incorporating a vibrant design that is familiar and may prompt conversation and reminiscence In a significant milestone Timeless Presents recently achieved accredi-

Focus Games - Game Based Training for Ever y Situation

tation from the internationally renowned Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) for three products being the first time that they had assessed any activities This accreditation underscores the company s commitment to creating dementia-inclusive products that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness They will be exhibiting at stand A16 at The Alzheimer s & Dementia Show on 14-15th June 2024 where you will be able to meet them see their products and get a first look at their Timeless Train Set prototype With a focus on accessibility and impact Timeless Presents aims to empower individuals with dementia and their caregivers to navigate the challenges of dementia with dignity and joy Through their innovative approach and dedication to excellence Timeless Presents is shaping the future of dementia care one meaningful interaction at a time 07936 408

New Award-Winning Seated Dance Activity Programme

A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Falls Among Elderly Residents: A Nursing and Operational Perspective

As the Director of Operations and Commissioning at Langdale Care Homes, and a seasoned nurse with over 20 years in the healthcare industry, I have witnessed first-hand the challenges posed by falls among elderly residents It is a subject close to my heart, and I feel it is of utmost importance to share our comprehensive and sensitive approach to this matter

Falls can have devastating effects on the physical, mental, and emotional health of our elderly residents leading to injury hospitalisation and a decline in confidence and independence However they are not an inevitable part of ageing With effective strategies and due diligence we can significantly reduce the risk and impact of falls Our approach is rooted in individualised care Each resident is unique and so too are their risks and vulnerabilities A thorough and personalised risk assessment is the cornerstone of our falls management strategy The assessment covers a wide range of areas from physical health mobility and medication to environmental factors within the home

In terms of physical health we pay keen attention to conditions known to increase fall risk such as poor vision arthritis and neurological impairments Regular health check-ups coupled with personalised exercise programmes to improve strength and balance have proven highly effective Our team works closely with residents ensuring they feel comfortable and confident in performing these exercises

Medication can also significantly influence fall risk As a nurse I understand the complex interactions between various drugs and how they can affect balance and coordination Therefore we regularly review residents'

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions


Reducing Falls with Bide

Dr Tom Adler was a GP for 30 years He often witnessed the devastating effects of accidental falls on the faller their carers and also the resource implications for the NHS and Social Care



“Although there were many innovations

Stay Safe with Smart Wireless Nurse Call




and other more local issues which have driven up the rate of inflation over the last few years The impact of this meant that most manufacturers of electronic products had to increase their prices as costs spiralled This of course has impacted the end user The most dramatic impact has been on the Care Industry An industry that has lacked the support it desperately needs in these trying times

Courtney Thorne at the same time took a strategic decision to take a close look at our core products right down to component level the objective being to make us less vulnerable to future global supply chain issues, and to reduce the cost of each product with the amin of ensuring that we deliver the same high quality product at a cost protected price We had to ensure that this would happen without jeopar-

dising the superb levels of support we provide to our valued customer base

This ground up review involved all departments from Research and Development right through to the Field Service team (and everything in-between) This in-depth collaboration took time as we had to ensure that each and every element was refined perfected and tested to our (and our customers) rigorous requirements Whilst many organisations have limited-time or end of product line offers we are very pleased to announce a price reduction on our core Connect and Connect Health Nurse Call system ranges With flexible terms full integration with Care Apps celebrated service delivery and the most reliable and robust solution now at a new lower price there has never been a better time to talk to us about a new nurse call system For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert on this page

Reducing nighttime falls for your loved ones

33% of accidental falls are at night

• Automatically plays voice messages to remind loved ones to take care when they wake up

• Lights up gently to help navigating in the dark

• Suitable for use at home and in care homes


• “David, take your time before you stand up, we love you”

• “Don’t get out of bed Emma Press your buzzer, we’ll come and help you”

Simple installation:

1 Plug into power socket

2. Record up to 5 personalised voice messages

3. Place by bedside

Peace of mind for you, independence for your loved ones.

Tel: 0114 437 1298 Email: hello@getbide com Website:



Crash Mats Designed to Reduce Injuries from Bed Falls

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

Blaucomm’s Nurse Call

Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMarnow the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care

Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance

The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major

We find Blaucomm is a genuinely

company with a reliable product

One Call Systems have developed one of the most reliable streamlined wireless nurse call systems on the market The rechargeable technology, water-resistant casings, and long-range radio capabilities set us apart

At the heart of the innovative Nursecall system is the One Call Display Panel which runs on an efficient internal radio network Designed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability The Display Panel allows staff to view live calls instantly Qualified installers will set up your system quickly and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum benefits

With the ability to connect to the internet you can easily monitor your Home's call records from anywhere The panel is completely configurable from the display allowing you to customize your Home's settings to your preferences Trust our innovative system to provide the safety and efficiency your Home’s needs

The One Call Room Units are designed to withstand the rigours of your busy care environment There are five alternative versions - Pear push lead Pull Cords Out of Bed Door monitor and Leadless Units that you can choose from that best suit your needs

Watertight casings and fitted rechargeable batteries mean that you can rest assured that the units can be easily washed and will provide reliable service for up to 2 years on a single charge

The Call Logging system is designed to meet the safety and care requirements of Care Homes and nursing facilities The digital solution ensures complete and accurate logging of every call to prove evidence of care This invaluable tool ensures the safety of your residents

The Call Logging system is a must-have for any Care Home that wants to ensure they are providing the best possible care

Onecall provides the ability to monitor response times attendance duration and which Carer has attended which call You can be sure that you have complete oversight of your care provision Not only does this system provide valuable evidence of care, but it also helps to motivate and encourage staff to continue providing an exceptional level of care


Mainteno Facilities Management Software

Envivo Group is at the forefront of care and support sector driving innovation that enables people to live lives full of choices and opportunities They have 202 locations that are now using Mainteno Facilities Management software

“Our experience with Mainteno at TLC/Envivo Group has been really positive already Since its roll-out it has shown real and measurable benefits and has had a marked impact on the workload and assurance of our operations team

"We can now raise issues whether large or minor almost the instant they are spotted We can denote the priority with which they need to be tackled and track the progress of works to rectify them It has reduced almost completely the need to be directly contacting people to resolve issues which was an almost daily occurrence It has been obvious that the streamlined approach that it provides helps in prioritising works for maintenance teams and contractors, gives them plenty of detailed information as to the

exact issue and has given us an evidence base to show that issues are resolved in a consistent and effective timeframe

"The details that are available once a job is logged are invaluable to us as managers to assure ourselves that issues are not forgotten

PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team

Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports CARE PLANNING AND ROSTERING FROM A SINGLE PLATFORM

To meet the wider needs of the PASS community

All-in-one PASS has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems

As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to:

Save you time

• Increase the efficiency of your teams

Improve the quality of care

Deliver better outcomes


Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP

Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration, and is the only one offering it to the home care market

PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records

It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes

Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information

Using medical information to inform care planning

Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user s swift recovery from nfection

Available to all PASS users at no additional cost, PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch

www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com

Alleviating Pain in Care Homes - Prevalence of Pain in Care Homes

Over 425 000 people live in Care Homes in the UK Many have significant longterm health problems Some 65% have dementia, reduced cognitive functioning, and difficulties with communication Studies estimate that at least one-third of the Care Home population live with, and experience pain

Care Home residents with cognitive and speech disorders are at a higher risk of living with pain and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) that affect muscles bones and joints

The Care Act 2014 emphasises the importance of measuring and improving the wellbeing of social care users However, there is no standard method of measuring quality of life in Care Homes nor are there ways to measure aspects of health such as pain, anxiety, or depression

The consensus is that pain is often under-recognised and under-treated in care homes

However pain is a subjective experience and cannot be adequately measured which is why mainstream approaches rely on self-reporting A key challenge to carers managing these experiences is the high proportion of residents who live with dementia


Thermal imaging or thermography is a non-invasive complementary diagnostic approach that creates a high-definition thermal map of your body (thermogram) Thermograms illustrate temperature patterns consistent with inflammation Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system s response to injury and infec-


The appearance and location of thermal patterns helps to identify regions and sources of pain based on levels and differences in temperature and hence thermography can be used to diagnose pain objectively - invaluable when the resident is unable to communicate effectively

Thermography can also detect the source of pain and inflammation surrounding bone fractures entrapped nerves muscular trigger points and arthritis It enables the early detection of pressure injuries before any visible signs and provides diagnostic information indispensable in helping to arrive at identifying the sources of pain and an accurate diagnosis

Early detection of the source of the problem allows practitioners and residents to design a proactive treatment plan with specific interventions and treatments to mitigate the process of inflammation Thermography is also a highly effective tool for monitoring if a treatment protocol is working

Bunn et al in a meta-analysis of studies in 2020 found that thermography had such high diagnostic utility that they propose thermography as a first line MSD detection tool

By seeing what the human eye cannot see Thermidas thermal imaging solutions can assist carers and clinicians in locating and creating optimal treatment plans and alleviating pain

Stephen Taylor Thermidas UK

Book a free demo at www thermidas fi

Data Protection And Cyber Security: Next Steps For Care Homes


CareZips® Classic Adaptive Pants

Caring About Solar For Sustainable Hot Water

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection

C&S Seating Ltd

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Debt Financing and Social Care


Debt Financing and Social Care


There are an increasing number of debt financing options open to care providers from alternative lenders through to grants In Kent for example Kent County Council is offering an interest-free loan to fund capital investment and growth projects Whilst these schemes will often require match-funding or come with a demonstratable job creation requirement they can offer a valuable way to reduce bank funding

Care businesses should always take specialist and independent advice based on their own specific situation before considering which lender to approach for borrowing or taking external investment Rachel Emmerson is a Partner and Abbey Watkins an Accountant in the Funding Team at Kreston Reeves Kreston Reeves offers accountancy, tax and business advice to a wide range of clients Visit www krestonreeves com

In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse?

JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry such as health care assistants senior carers and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further

From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion

Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net

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