The Carer Digital - Issue #197

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Lib Dems & Tories Unveil Election Social Care Manifesto Pledges

As Parties Vie for Votes

The Liberal Democrats and the Conservative party have unveiled the election manifestoes with the Labour Party due to unveil theirs on Thursday June 13 With just 4 weeks before the UK goes to the polls the parties have all been working on election manifestos in the hopes of winning more votes in July The Liberal Democrats have promised an £8bn package for health and care services in England in their election manifesto At the launch of the party’s plans Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey spoke about the importance of carers, citing his own experience of being a carer for his disabled son and for his mother The party said its proposals for government would be funded by reversing tax cuts for banks and closing tax loopholes exploited by the wealthiest individuals The party’s plans if it wins power include giving everyone the right to see a GP within seven days as well as free personal care for older or disabled people at home a new minimum wage for care workers a Royal College of Care Workers and an overhaul of the Carers Allowance to support unpaid carers (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )


Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

As last week marked the commemorative 80th anniversary of DDay and we at THE CARER are proud to present a special supplement dedicated to this historic event

D-Day a pivotal moment in World War II stands as a testament to the courage sacrifice and solidarity of those who fought and supported the Allied invasion of Normandy It is of utmost importance that we continue to honour and remember this day paying our respects to all who played a part in this significant chapter of history

In this supplement we have the privilege of sharing the stories and commemorations of DDay from various perspectives

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have generously shared their experiences with us Their accounts not only preserve the memory of D-Day but also educate and inspire future generations

At THE CARER, we are immensely proud to bring these stories to our readers fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy today

Turning to current events the political landscape is abuzz with the release of party manifestos as we approach the upcoming elections

Notably the Liberal Democrats have put forth concrete commitments aimed at addressing the crisis in social care Their proposals offer a glim-

mer of hope for much-needed support and reform in adult social care In contrast the Conservative Party's manifesto appears to offer little in terms of actionable solutions for the sector, raising concerns about the future stability and funding of social care services

Tomorrow we anticipate the release of the Labour Party s manifesto Leaks suggest that Labour is considering a £12 minimum wage for care workers a welcome proposal (long overdue) given the essential work they perform

However, it is imperative that any discussions about wages also address the broader issues of long-term reform and sustainable funding for social care The challenges facing the sector are complex and multifaceted requiring comprehensive and strategic solutions

A White Paper – produced by the Local Government Association ahead of the General Election reveals that councils in England now face a funding gap of £6 2 billion over the next two years

This is being driven by rising cost and demand pressures to provide adult social care, children's services, homelessness support and home-to-school transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities

And as stated above the Lib Dems seem to be the only party so far with policies that will address these issues

I can also be contacted at any time at editor@thecareruk com

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Lib Dems & Tories Unveil Election Social Care Manifesto Pledges



Sir Ed Davey has sought to reassure voters by ruling out increases to income tax VAT and national insurance contributions and has said that they will fund its plan through tightening capital gains tax rules to raise an extra £5 billion out of the wealthiest 0 1% in the country and a £4 billion tax increase for banks

Sir Ed said “How the Conservative Party has treated our NHS is a national scandal

“Years of neglect and chaos under the Conservatives have left our health services in a state of crisis

“It is outrageous that pensioners are forced to endure the indignity of being left in hospital corridors while millions of people struggle to see their local GP or dentist

“By ending the health and social care crisis we can boost our economy by getting people back to work whilst giving people the dignity they deserve in their hour of need ”

Campaigners welcomed the promises and described them as a gauntlet to other major parties to deliver bold reform on the care of older and vulnerable adults CARE COSTS CAP

The Conservative party have re-stated their previous pledge to bring in delayed social care costs cap, saying that they would continue with plans to cap social care costs from late next year, the party’s manifesto has stated

Adult social care was not mentioned by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in his speech setting out the party’s priorities yesterday (Tuesday)

In the manifesto, the party promised to take forward previously announced reforms and to give local authorities “a multi-year funding settlement to support social care” were it to be in government at the next Spending Review

It added: “We will attract and retain a high-quality care workforce make reforms to shape the market for older people’s housing and support unpaid carers

The Independent Care Group (ICG) welcomed the Liberal Democrat proposals but warned that they don t go far enough It has called on the other main parties to stop running away from social care and to match and beat the Liberal Democrat promises FREE PERSONAL CARE

The provider group s Chair Mike Padgham said: How refreshing it was to see a major politician put health and social care at the heart of a manifesto today

There was a great recognition that investing in social care will help save the NHS and help the economy and the country

Above all what this does today is say to the other major parties Here is our plan what are you going to do about social care?

In particular I welcome the Liberal Democrat s promise to introduce levels of free personal care introduce a carer s minimum wage the Royal College of Care Workers and reform of the carer s allowance to better support unpaid carers

“They are right that we need to bring more staff into social care, and improving their pay will help towards that We are currently short of 152 000 social care staff and will need more than 440 000 more by 2035 VAGUE PLEDGES

He also gave a cautious welcome to Conservative promises of a cap on care costs outlined today (June 11) in the party s General Election manifesto saying: Delivering the Dilnot recommendation of a cap on care costs would be positive and would help people cope with the cost of care and avoid having to sell their homes to pay for it

However this measure has been promised time and time again and has been repeatedly kicked down the road – I think before we cheer this news we would want to see it actually happen

Aside care costs the Conservatives promised to give local authorities a multi-year funding settlement to support social care and to attract and retain a high-quality care workforce make reforms to shape the market for older people s housing and support unpaid carers

Mr Padgham said such “vague pledges” did not deliver the bold reform that social care needs

“I hear Mr Sunak say that the public are frustrated with him and the Conservatives and say that, yes, I am frustrated that once again social care has been relegated to a paragraph in the manifesto,” he added “It is so high in the party’s priorities that it was not even mentioned in this morning’s speech The Conservatives continue to run away from social care ”

“We see very little sign of the reform and investment needed to end the current crisis There is no promise to bring care to the 1 6m people who can t access it no measures to properly reward staff and tackle the 152 000 workers shortage and no long-term vision to create a National Care Service and provide proper cradle to the grave care for everyone who needs it


Responding to the Liberal Democrat manifesto Dr Jennifer Dixon Chief Executive of the Health Foundation said:

The Liberal Democrat manifesto sets out a positive vision for tackling the UK s fraying health Notably The Lib Dems are so far the only party to commit to meaningful action to improve the neglected social care system

“On social care, the Liberal Democrats policy to introduce free personal care would be an improvement on the current threadbare safety net, though the funding earmarked for this will not be enough Plans to increase wages and improve the professional status of care workers are also positive, but the scale of the challenge shouldn t be underestimated, with 1 in 10 posts in the sector currently vacant AMBITIOUS WISH LIST

Commenting on the Conservative party manifesto Dr Dixon said: ‘The Conservative manifesto is an ambitious wish-list but it’s hard to have confidence in delivery when there is so little detail on how the plans will be achieved

Economic growth is being held back by record numbers of people reporting long term health conditions that keep them out of the workforce Yet this manifesto offers nothing to get people back into work or

improve their health, while deep cuts to benefits will simply drive more people into poverty and worse health

‘While it is positive that the Conservatives have again promised to ‘fix’ social care supported by a new multi-year funding settlement it is hard to take this pledge seriously after more than a decade of delay and broken promises SOCIAL CARE FIRST

Commenting on the Lib Dem Manifesto National Care Forum CEO Vic Rayner OBE said: For the first time we have seen a major political party thinking social care first when launching its election manifesto The vision with which the Liberal Democrats manifesto is framed should help a lot of people to see the positive impact care has on improving lives for individuals and wider society This makes a welcome and refreshing change to how care has previously been positioned as an endless series of issues to be kicked around and ultimately dismissed

As well as pledging to introduce free personal care for older or disabled people at home the Liberal Democrats have also outlined much needed support for the care workforce, including a workforce plan, improved pay and better recognition and career progression This ambition aligns with our calls for measures that start to create parity of esteem for care workers when compared to their NHS colleagues and establishes care as a career to be pursued like any other ” RESTATING PREVIOUS PROMISES

Commenting on the Conservative party election manifesto Ms Rayner said “Disappointingly this Conservative election manifesto leaves social care firmly in the shadows Despite the millions receiving care the 1 6 million working in care and the estimated 10 million unpaid carers the detail about social care stretches to a meagre 13 lines in the printed document and no mention whatsoever in the PM s speech The main thrust involves restating the previously promised and repeatedly delayed cap on care costs and workforce reforms as featured in the People at the Heart of Care

It is of concern that the proposals to reduce taxes seem predicated on a pledge to make £12bn worth of cuts to welfare and benefits which often represent a fundamental support to people who are receiving care and support Whilst the policy intent may not be focussed on this cohort the rhetoric surrounding this has the potential to negatively impact people with learning disabilities and/or autism and those with physical disabilities – many of whom access benefits in order to work and live independently ”

“The only new and welcome measure that shows even the slightest acknowledgement that there are urgent pressures in system is the pledge to give local authorities a multi-year funding settlement We need to see more detail on this ”

She concluded: "It s vital that people drawing on care are given the opportunity to add their perspectives to election manifesto announcements We are working with our members to gather together the reactions of people who draw on care and support which will give a strong indication of where parties are doing things right and where others are falling short


Social Care Workforce: A Message to the Next Government

The General Election will take place on 4th July and whoever forms the next government will face the challenge of overhauling the UK’s social care system

In a series of three articles Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association will set out the challenges the next government will face and define her vision for what needs to be done to make UK social care fit for purpose

Her first article addresses the challenges posed by the social care workforce and how people working in social care can be better recognised motivated and rewarded

Social care organisations in Lincolnshire, such as care homes, nursing homes and domiciliary care providers face a wide array of challenges – but no-one can doubt that the thorniest problem they face has to do with their workforce

Around 1 5 million people work in the adult social care sector in England – more than the number of people who work in the NHS But

around a quarter of this workforce is on zero-hours contracts

Nationally the social care sector faces a number of long-standing and seemingly intractable workforce challenges

high vacancy rates – Skills for Care estimates that around 10% of roles in adult social care were vacant in 2022/23 equivalent to approximately 152,000 vacancies

rising demand

high staff turnover – Skills for Care estimates that around 390 000 peo-

ple leave the sector every year

few opportunities for career progression

no standardisation of training and qualifications

• low pay

It’s clear to everyone that something must be done to make adult social care sustainable in this country Successive governments have promised a great deal but failed to grasp the nettle – so the next government really must get to work quickly

As far as the workforce is concerned I have three recommendations for the next Secretary of State for Health and Social Care RECOGNITION

As a nation we need to recognise of the importance of the social care workforce Our workers don’t merely support the NHS by enabling people to be safely discharged from hospital; more importantly they work with adults who may have a variety of challenges to make the most of their potential Good social care workers allow service users and care home residents to live gloriously ordinary lives Think for example of someone who has physical challenges but who is able to carry on working because a reliable care worker visits them every day to help them get ready (Helping with clothes and make-up can sometimes be just as important as helping people with their medication ) FAIR PAY

With greater recognition should come better remuneration for social care workers In this country we expect people to undertake skilled

responsible roles in social care in return for little more than the minimum wage By definition this means they’re among the lowest paid workers in the country And yet the work they do is crucially important, and we all might need their help one day

The current government is in the process of introducing a new career pathway as set out in the White Paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’ Sadly while there is funding available for training and for recording training there s no mention at all of paying care staff more as they move up the ladder Care providers would love to reward their staff as they move along their career pathway, but the fees paid to care providers often don t allow for this REGULATION

Can you believe that Florence Nightingale the Victorian founder of modern nursing, didn t believe that nurses should be regulated like other important professions? Times and attitudes have changed since her day and nurses are now highly regulated just like doctors teachers and many others Before we can improve the recognition of care workers as professionals, we probably have to regulate their profession in the same way as nurses doctors and teachers

There are lots of people who don t agree with this and I appreciate that achieving regulation for the sector might be difficult in the short term But we have a large workforce and a level of staff turnover which is far too high; even if registration of the whole profession might have to be filed under “too difficult” for now, we need to take steps towards achieving this goal at some point Perhaps we could start with Registered Care Managers and move forward from there


Birmingham Care Home Joins the Cycle Relay to Raise Funds for Huntington’s Disease

Moray Care Home Records Anthem To

Scotland Euro2024 Squad

make sure that our demands and recommendations for improving the adult social care sector are heard in the corridors of power
s almost five years since Boris Johnson s landslide General Election victory in 2019 which means we will all soon have the opportunity to cast our ballot and choose a new government Whatever colour government we get I will be working hard to
A Moray care home has created a heartfelt tribute to the Scotland squad as they gear up for Euro2024 Speyside Care Home in Aberlour has written and recorded a stirring rendition of Flower of Scotland to inspire the national team ahead of the tournament Last year the care home formed its own choir the Heart Strings Choir Since then, they’ve been touring neighbouring care homes and recording their own versions of classic songs like Climb Every Mountain and Lean on Me Speyside Activities coordinator Moya Boonzaaier who performs with the Choir said Our residents are excited about Euro2024 and wanted to wish the Scotland squad good luck as they head to Germany We reworked the lyrics of Flower of Scotland specially for Euro2024 We hope it inspires Scotland to play with pride and passion and send their opponents home to think again! The choir were supported by piper Eli Cowie and Cameron Hay, both music students of Moya The revised song lyrics read: Our team of Scotland Speyside support you once again Go play and win for Our land with hill and glen And stand against them Compete in the Euros And send them homeward To think again
Exemplar Health Care’s Otterburn care home is gearing up to participate in the Dudley to Redditch section of the Great British Care Cycle Relay on 26 June 2024, raising vital funds for the Huntington’s Disease Association in the process The 23-mile stretch is part of a monumental cycling event designed to raise awareness for the huge societal impact of social care services across the United Kingdom dubbed the Great British Care Cycle Relay Coinciding with Care Home Open Week, the Great British Care Cycle Relay will see participants pedal a total of 300 miles from Manchester to London The event aims to combine two elements by encouraging people to get on a bike and visit care homes along the route The inspiring journey will traverse the picturesque landscapes of Cheshire north Wales Shropshire Birmingham Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire and into London highlighting the vital role care services play in communities nationwide The cycle team at Otterburn have set a goal of raising £1 000 for the Huntington s Disease Association a charity that holds special significance as the home supports several adults living Huntington s Disease as well as others living with dementia complex mental health needs and neuro-disabilities To date, the home has raised £460 The four dedicated Otterburn colleagues cycling in the event are Naomi Jones Home Manager Claire Huckerby Activities Coordinator Simon Strangward Maintenance Operative and Boonyamin Kareem Senior Health Care Assistant Naomi Jones Home Manager at Otterburn shared her excitement I m so excited to be taking part in this cycle ride during Care Home Open Week! It s a fantastic opportunity to showcase our wonderful home and raise awareness for a cause close to my heart – Huntington’s disease Every pound we raise will get us closer to making a difference for those affected by the disease and I m proud to be part of the team making it happen We are passionate about supporting the Huntington’s Disease Association and hope our efforts inspire others to contribute to this worthy cause

Councils In England Face Funding Gap Of £6.2bn Report Reveals

Councils in England face a funding gap of £6 2 billion over the next few years according to a report

Th gap is being driven by rising cost and demand pressures to provide adult social care children s services homelessness support and home-to-school transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities

The warning comes as a new Local Government White Paper sets out how a new relationship between central and local government which provides long-term financial certainty and empowers councils is the only way for whoever forms the next government to solve the issues facing the country

The White Paper – produced by the Local Government Association ahead of the General Election – also includes new analysis which reveals that councils in England now face a funding gap of £6 2 billion over the next two years This is being driven by rising cost and demand pressures to provide adult social care, children’s services, homelessness support and home-toschool transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities

Such pressures are increasingly leaving councils with less funding to provide universal local services that people rely on every day – such as keeping streets clean filling potholes and tackling anti-social behaviour

A recent LGA survey found two thirds of councils have already had to make cutbacks to local neighbourhood services this year (2024/25) including waste collections, road repairs, library and leisure services – as they struggle to plug funding gaps

The LGA is calling on all political parties to commit to a significant and sustained increase in funding for councils in the next Spending Review alongside multi-year funding settlements and plans to reform the local government finance system This year saw the sixth one-year settlement in a row for councils Without this the LGA is warning that cost and demand pressures will continue to stretch council budgets to the limit in the coming years leaving more councils of all political colours and types unable to deliver their legal duties for their residents and putting vital services at further risk of cutbacks

However the LGA said it is not just about local government having enough money to provide services for their communities

The White Paper calls on the next government to urgently commission a major review of public service reform to understand how all public services can work together within their local communities focusing on a joint approach to investing in more preventative services for people in need and reducing demands on current costly and high need services such as adult and children s social care

Focussing on how councils when given the powers can shape their local areas the White Paper also makes clear that economic growth can only be achieved if every local economy is firing on all cylinders

To unlock the potential of people and their communities, the LGA has set out how councils can play a

vital leading role in unlocking labour markets creating jobs plugging skills gaps and increasing productivity This includes devolving powers to run local skills and employment schemes ending fragmented short-term growth funding pots and backing local climate action



- Giving councils and combined authorities the powers to build more affordable good quality homes at scale for people in the areas where they are needed with five-year local housing deals for all areas of the country that want them combining funding from multiple housing programmes into a single pot

- A renewed focus on prevention, including immediate implementation of the Hewitt report recommendation that at least 1 per cent of NHS spend is invested into preventative services over the next 5 years ensuring councils can provide the right support for people at the right time

- Reforming adult social care ensuring it is adequately funded with councils and the NHS working better together to support people in need and a focus on prevention and recovery services including support for the voluntary sector who are a crucial part of the adult social care system

- Reviewing early years education and childcare to ensure that the workforce has the right skills and training and ensuring early years entitlements are properly funded, with councils fully resourced to deliver their statutory duties

- Building a stronger partnership between councils, the NHS, and schools, backed by new powers and a separate inclusion judgement in the Ofsted school inspection framework that meets the needs of children and young people with SEND and enables more children to remain in mainstream schools

Cllr Kevin Bentley Senior Vice Chairman of the LGA said: “We all rely on local government to keep our streets clean collect our bins fix our potholes build more homes create jobs keep children safe and support people of all ages to live fulfilling lives

However a funding gap of more than £6 billion facing local services over the next two years – fuelled by rising cost and demand pressures – means a chasm will continue to grow between what people and their communities need and want from their councils and what councils can deliver

“On July 5 whoever forms the next government will be faced with many challenges whether it is building more affordable housing improving care for adults and children reducing homelessness boosting inclusive growth or tackling climate change

“Local government s offer to the next government is huge Respect us, trust us and fund us By working together as equal partners we can meet the fundamental long-term challenges facing our communities


Parent Carer Urges Others To ‘Fight For

Ser vices Which Will Help Their Child’

Being a parent carer of a child with complex health needs can be “daunting and frightening” but that does not stop you “fighting for them says a mother whose son requires 24-hour care within a Northampton mental health hospital

Jane Hillier has a 19-year-old adopted son who has a learning disability autism and experiences psychosis She has bravely shared that bringing him up has been hard at times, but she has never stopped loving him and ensuring he gets the right care

Jane’s son is now living in a bespoke supported transition service within the grounds of St Andrew s Healthcare where he has staff looking after him around-the-clock

Speaking out during Carers Week which started on Monday June 10, Jane said being part of the carer community is very special to her

Jane, who also works full time as an emergency call handler, said:

We as a community of parent carers we support one another we love one another and we understand and accept when we re upset we support we hug When we re happy we celebrate the good moments

“So, with Carers Week, I just want to say a big thank you to all of us out there Some of you may see this video and know I m saying this to you: you do a fantastic job and we should be recognised for it

The mother of two even runs a Facebook page for carers and adopted parents who are looking for support from other parents in a similar position called Pre and Post Adoption Support for those Adopting

She added: Being a parent carer of a child with very complex very challenging needs, is very daunting and very frightening But, because it’s your child and you love your child you will do anything to protect and help them As parent carer you have to fight for every service

Jane s son s mental health began to decline during the pandemic and he was admitted to a hospital close to where they lived However due to his other complex health needs, the environment for him did not help and he became more unwell

Jane said: He got worse and it was awful to see To watch your son decline in front of your own eyes was heartbreaking We fought and fought, and eventually we got him moved to St Andrew’s Healthcare’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) where he really started to improve “When he turned 18 St

around he has his own bathroom so he can clean and dress himself He has an amazing relationship with the staff who are always on hand to help him and he has come on leaps and bounds ” St Andrew s Healthcare s CEO Dr Vivienne McVey said: Lime Tree Cottage is a single-occupancy

“Just One Wish Campaign” Makes Former Teacher’s Dream Come True

the children pointing out each one with joy and amazement Joan’s eyes sparkled as she examined the children s work She read their writings praised their efforts, and even corrected a spelling mistake embodying the adage once a teacher always a teacher The

children were keen to communicate eagerly raising their hands to gain

Cuffley Manor's Networking Breakfast: A Hub for Connection

is a bespoke service for him This has been life changing for him My son now has the freedom to roam
ward located within a small house which serves as a step between inpatient secure care and community living We call this a Supported Transition Service This will be home for Jane’s son for the time being until he’s ready to move back to living in the community “To ensure his move to Lime Tree Cottage was as smooth as it could be we made sure some staff – who knew him well from CAMHS – moved with him, so he has been surrounded by familiar faces We have a dedicated team who ensure he is supported and he has his own space within our grounds with access to all our hospital facilities and amenities He s now getting used to Lime Tree and the next step will be preparing him to move back home ” Here at St Andrew s Healthcare we are passionate about not only supporting and inspiring hope within our patients, but also their families and carers We understand that caring for someone with a complex mental health condition can be challenging, which is why we have a dedicated Patient and Carer team who are on site to provide support when they may need it ” *We have changed Jane s name and not mentioned her son’s name to protect his identity for safeguarding reasons
Andrew’s created Lime Tree Cottage which
The White House care home in Teignmouth part of the Centrum Care Group is delighted to announce a heartwarming event as part of its inspiring initiative, the Just One Wish Campaign This campaign is dedicated to fulfilling the heartfelt wishes of residents bringing happiness and meaningful experiences to their lives One of the home’s cherished residents Joan Allum who is 99 this month (June) recently expressed her deep longing to revisit her former life as a teacher In response to this touching wish, The White House care home partnered with Our Lady and St Patrick s Roman Catholic Primary School (OLSP) to create a memorable day for Joan
5th June at 1:15 pm Joan stepped back into a classroom setting engaging with Year 4 students at OLSP The event was a beautiful intergenerational bridge, allowing Joan to share her vast experience and vibrant spirit with the young students
her arrival Joan was greeted warmly by the children who sat eagerly on the floor awaiting her presence With a smile that lit up the room Joan took her place at the front of the class Despite living with dementia, Joan s enthusiasm was palpable as she interacted with
her attention Joan shared fond memories of her teaching days recounting the daily ritual of greeting her class with a cheerful “Good morning children!” and receiving a chorus of “Good morning Mrs Allum” in return She expressed immense delight at seeing so many bright eager faces and took a keen
Bowen Registered Manager at The White House care home shared her thoughts on the event: Witnessing Joan s wish come to life was an extraordinarily magical moment for all of us It was profoundly moving to see the enthusiasm she brought into the classroom and the children s heartfelt responses were equally touching This is exactly what the ‘Just One Wish Campaign’ is all about – transforming dreams into reality and creating lasting unforgettable memories that enrich lives We want to thank Our Lady and St Patrick s Roman Catholic Primary School (OLSP) for welcoming Joan It was a fantastic day
interest in
studies especially in Maths and English After the visit Joan remarked on how much she enjoyed the experience highlighting the children’s good behaviour and the pleasure of looking through their books She was particularly fascinated by how they learned to add up money reflecting her enduring passion for education Tracie
Cuffley Manor Care Home proudly hosted a highly successful Professionals' Breakfast event on June 3rd welcoming an esteemed group of local professionals including the Deputy Mayor of Hertsmere Council Councillor Jane Smith The event attracted over 20 local business leaders healthcare professionals and community figures creating a vibrant atmosphere of networking and collaboration The Professionals' Breakfast was organized to foster stronger community ties and encourage collaboration among local leaders Held in the elegant surroundings of Cuffley Manor, attendees were treated to a delicious breakfast spread featuring locally sourced ingredients reflecting the care home’s commitment to supporting local businesses Councillor Parveen Rani Deputy Mayor of Hertsmere Council delivered an inspiring address emphasising the importance of community partnerships and the crucial role care homes play in supporting the elderly population Events like these are essential for building stronger connections within our community Councillor Parveen rani remarked “Cuffley Manor sets a high standard in elder care and their proactive approach to community engagement is commendable Marion Wak-Williams Home Manager of Cuffley Manor Care Home and Ravi Joshi Business Development Manager played pivotal roles in organising and hosting the event Marion Wak-Williams expressed her
for the morning s discussions We are thrilled with the turnout and the positive energy from our guests ” she said “Bringing together professionals from diverse fields creates a valuable forum for dialogue and innovation which ultimately enhances the quality of care we provide to our residents ”
such events
business devel-
community integration
not just about networking; it s
building lasting
benefit the entire community,”
elderly care
a key part of that mission ”
advancements in elderly care community health initiatives
exchange ideas, explore potential collaborations and gain insights into the challenges
facing the sector Cuffley Manor Care Home extends its heartfelt thanks to all participants and looks forward to hosting future events that continue to promote community engagement and excellence in elderly care The success of the Professionals' Breakfast is a testament to the power of collaboration and the positive impact it can have on the community
Ravi Joshi
the significance of
opment and
“This breakfast is
relationships and exploring synergies that
Joshi noted “We are committed to being
the forefront of
professionals is
The morning was filled with engaging conversations on various topics including
Attendees had the opportunity to
and opportunities

Conser vatives Pledge To Bring Care “Closer To Home”

The Conservative Party has announced a pledge to build 100 new GP surgeries and modernise a further 150, should they win the upcoming general election

The party says it would also expand the number of treatments pharmacies can offer without people seeing their GP first

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the plan would make it easier for patients to get the care they need and help relieve pressure on hospitals

The Tories said they wanted to expand the Pharmacy First scheme which was launched in January and allows people in England to go to their local pharmacy for seven common conditions rather than their GP as well as get a prescription for the oral contraceptive pill

Under the party’s plans for the next parliament, pharmacies would also be able to offer contraceptive patches and injections as well as treatment for more conditions, including acne and chest infections

It said this would free up 20 million GP appointments once fully rolled out

The party has also pledged to build 50 new Community Diagnostic Centres, which it said would deliver a further 2 5 million tests a year once scaled up

The plans, expected to cost £1bn per annum would be paid for by cutting the number of NHS managers to pre-pandemic levels and halving management consultancy spend across government

It said an overhaul of planning guidance would also help pay for 100 new GP surgeries and 150 surgery modernisations by ensuring health gets a bigger proportion of contributions from housing developers

Mr Sunak said: “As part of our clear plan we are investing in community services making it quicker easier and more convenient for patients to receive the care they need and help to relieve pressure on hospital services

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins said: Pharmacies GPs and Community Diagnostic Centres are the backbone of our NHS Because of bold action we have taken they are more accessible in more places for more people ”

The National Pharmacy Association said the plan to extend the pharmacy scheme was an “affordable way to cut waiting times”

But the association s chief executive Paul Rees said community pharmacies were currently “chronically underfunded” and more investment to was needed to prevent closures and the system being irreparably damaged

The Conservatives said 98% of pharmacies had signed up to the scheme and those already involved were receiving more funding

Thea Stein, Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust said: “Moving care closer to people s homes is absolutely the right aspiration if we are to move the NHS away from being a sickness service We will only truly address the healthcare needs of people living longer often with multiple health conditions if we invest in the kinds of services that support people to manage their healthcare needs So an expansion of pharmacy first and more diagnostic centres is welcome

But let s be under no illusion: these are small-scale proposals and they come after years of money flowing away from community services and towards hospitals Our analysis published just this week showed that funding growth for acute hospital health services hugely outpaced growth in funding for services provided closer

to home Spending on community services – which covers health visiting, district nursing and school nursing – was cut in real terms in three out of the six years to 2022/23 – and spend per person fell by 4 2% when patient need is included

Moving care closer to home should not be a “pick and mix” of different proposals however laudable they might be individually It’s about sustained, holistic investment in and support for a range of services that provide most of the healthcare in this country It’s about building up these services to support people’s health and wellbeing in their own right rather than simply to alleviate pressures on hospital It s about moving our collective gaze beyond the hospital and matching that aspiration with the right funding and right priorities to make it work

Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:

To deliver the step change in health and wellbeing that this country needs, we need to increase investment and support for services that are delivered in the community and close to people s homes so we welcome these proposals This is the right direction of travel if we want to place the NHS on a more sustainable footing

“For most people, being treated at or close to home is what is best for their health and how they want to be cared for and it s also cost-effective for the NHS To make this a reality we need to see whoever is elected next shift more resources into primary care community services and social care But as our survey of NHS leaders this week revealed many NHS organisations are having to make short term cuts to their clinical and administrative staff to balance their books We can’t let our long term ambitions to expand the NHS workforce and shift more care into the community be derailed by short term cost pressures

The Conservatives proposals to extend Pharmacy First will build on the success of this scheme in widening the treatments that pharmacists are providing This is not only good for the public in accessing safe and convenient care for minor conditions more quickly but it is also helping to ease some of the considerable burden on GPs and their teams But pharmacy is also experiencing the same staffing and estate issues as general practice, so any expansion of the scheme would need to consider how best to address that capacity crunch

Overall this is the right direction of travel but it requires more support and investment for primary care community and social care services – and successive governments have rarely delivered on this ambition We have an ageing increasingly sicker population but with only flat funding to deal with rising demand for care, public spending plans for 2025 onwards are looking perilous The Conservatives proposals to fund their plans by further cutting NHS management costs needs to be considered carefully against the fact that the NHS is already under-managed and with managers playing a key role in efforts to improve NHS productivity

The transition to delivering more care in the community is therefore right but likely to require extra funding, especially in capital given the primary care estate and other parts of the NHS estate, are in a poor state From our own research, we know that investing in primary and community care services delivers the greatest economic return We therefore encourage all parties to make this a key component of their manifesto commitments on health and care

Local Care Home Collects Food Donations For Cat Angels

THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 | PAGE 7 Freephone: 0800 917 7943 www euroser vice-uk com sales@euroser Visit the website at www.euroser to see the full range Manufactured in the UK Euroser vice trolleys are an attractive and prac t cal alternative to clinical a u m i n u m t ro l l e ys gi ve n t h a t antibacter al spray can be used freely to sanitise them Get in touch with our friendly, experienced sales team PROVIDING PRACTICAL AND ST YLISH TROLLEYS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Watch your resident's eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroser vice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastr y trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents!
Oulton Park care home in Oulton are collecting food for Cat Angels the local cat rescue charity The care home has a collection point in reception at Oulton Park to collect food for Cat Angels Cat Angels provide vital hands-on care and accommodation to stray or abandoned cats or cats whose owners could sadly no longer keep them and are part of a dedicated team of volunteers committed to finding new homes for cats in need Oulton Park has built up excellent reputations within its local community, regularly holding events and activities for residents and surrounding neighbours Sarah Wright, General Manager at Oulton Park said: “We are always keen to show as much support as we can to local charities We are all massive animal lovers here If anyone wants to donate just pop into reception

Boosting Care Worker Wages

“Must Be Priority” Says Care England


Delightful Reaction To Therapy Pygmy Goats

A visit by therapy goats to a dementia care home in Glastonbury sparked a delightful reaction from a resident that came as a surprise to staff Tanya Sheasby who runs The Little Farming Company said: This gentleman normally has very little interaction or conversation with any staff or visitors according to the team at St Benedict’s, but he responded to our pygmy goats in such an engaged way thanking me and stroking and making eye contact with them It was really moving

William Merivale assistant operations manager for St Benedict s Nursing Home said: It has long been recognised that animals can have a very beneficial effect on people’s moods so we were looking forward to the visit never having encountered therapy pygmy goats before

“There’s a lot of scientific evidence about the positive effects of therapy animals in general, showing an increase in the body s happiness-boosting hormones – oxytocin and dopamine – and a lowering of blood pressure and cortisol, an important stress indicator

And Tanya s goats were a huge hit with our residents they re gentle and responsive really small – just the right size to sit on your lap – and they don’t wriggle or kick

She told us that people never seem to be afraid of them They were one of the earliest animals to be domesticated by man apparently so perhaps our lack of fear is cultural or comes from experience Whatever the reason we all thought they were absolutely adorable ”

Tanya said Our pygmy goats may only be tiny but have big characters they’re affectionate curious and gentle and they adore the company of other goats and humans They have been specially chosen by us for their calm temperament and love of attention

Our goats are weaned at around 12 weeks and put into small groups for Goat School where we train them to be calm confident gentle trusting and enjoy interaction with people

The younger goats will sit on a lap happily whilst the older goats will stand quietly beside a chair to be stroked They never bite or cause trouble

Our goats don t have horns – we have them disbudded under anaesthetic by a vet when they are young, as a point of safety in their role as therapy animals

We were made very welcome at St Benedict s I found the staff to be very progressive in their ideas and just lovely with the residents ”

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We Know That With The Right Political Will, Dementia Care Can Be Fixed

Too many of us know the devastating impact that a diagnosis of dementia without the right support can bring both for the person with the condition and for everyone around them One in two of us will be affected by dementia in our lifetime

Added to that for too long and through successive Governments people with dementia have been left behind in national policy With no cure and painfully little consistent and reliable support in place people find themselves left to cope alone with complex and ever-changing challenges

Yet with the right political will dementia care can be fixed In a few weeks the polls will open for the General Election and

across the UK voters will have the power to elect a new UK Government

Incoming politicians on all sides will be faced with a huge and growing health crisis During the first year of the next parliament, it is estimated that the number of people living with dementia in the UK will pass one million

That is why this election must be the one where dementia care is finally put on the agenda Whoever walks into 10 Downing Street on the 5th July needs to enter it with a determination to tackle the health and care inequalities that dementia still brings

As a starting point here are four tangible and simple improvements that will begin to address the areas where people need support the most:

Improved expert and personalised support for people after a dementia diagnosis is urgently required Following a diagnosis, only 25% of people affected by dementia reported they or the person they care for had received their annual dementia review within the past year Two out of five (39%) said they last had a review at least two years ago

The NHS continuing healthcare funding process can be fixed

According to Ipsos UK research commissioned by Dementia UK, nearly a quarter of people surveyed (24%) whose family member or friend had tried to access NHS continuing healthcare funding disagreed that the system was fit for purpose – whether they had been successful or not

Young onset dementia (where symptoms develop before the age of 65) must see improved diagnosis rates and age-appropriate support

Published dementia diagnosis rates exclude people under 65 and there is only an estimated 45 9% diagnosis rate in people under the age of 65

(compared to 62 2% in those aged 65 or over) with an average time to receive a diagnosis twice that of older people

And lastly one in four people in hospital beds are estimated to be living with dementia yet only 5% of hospitals in England have a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse service in place Beyond the human impact, our research shows that putting dementia specialist nurses into acute settings saves money across health and care budgets A new Government can work with us to increase access to dementia specialist nursing in hospitals

The evidence is there, people affected by dementia are waiting, and Dementia UK and others stand ready to work with whoever is willing to take on this challenge All that s left is to secure the political will

Dementia UK s specialist dementia Admiral Nurses know first-hand that when people affected by dementia have access to the right support at the right time it can be life changing It helps people up and down the country feel more confident, hopeful and in control

We are doing everything in our power to support as many people as possible but we can t reach everyone We need the next Government to take a strategic approach across systems settings and policy areas to improve the lives of everyone affected It won t be easy but we know that change is possible and we know how it can be achieved

Our vision is one where people with dementia, and their families and friends can access the tailored specialist care and support they need when they need it – giving them the best life possible for as long as possible You can join thousands of us who believe in this and want the next Government to hear that message here: www dementiauk org/put-dementia-on-the-agenda/

Celebrating Wendy Smith MBE and Naval Career

Wendy Smith MBE a remarkable woman with a celebrated career of service and adventure has chosen to continue her life’s journey at Frome Nursing Home Wendy s diverse life experiences from serving in the Royal Navy to receiving an MBE from Queen Elizabeth II, reflect her independent and adventurous personality Wendy's journey began with her training at HMS CERES in Yorkshire, followed by a draft to HMS Victory Serving in Malta between 1958 and 1959 she laid the foundation for a life rich in travel and service After leaving and later rejoining the Navy Wendy s career spanned various roles and continents including South Africa where she became a travel consultant and tour guide in Johannesburg from 1964 to 1984 Her global expeditions allowed her to share the wonders of the world with many clients

In South Africa Wendy s passion for sports led her to coach and administrate badminton in Southern Transvaal (now Gauteng) for 18 years Her dedication earned her a position on the Board of the South Africa Badminton Union as Convenor of Coaches Her sporting journey continued in England where she assisted the England Team Manager at the Badminton Association of England Headquarters in Buckinghamshire

Wendy returned to South Africa in 1986 taking on a pivotal role in the South African Naval Cadet Corps and working with the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Her career resulted with a notable nine-year occupation at the British Consulate in Cape Town, where she served as Personal Assistant to the Consul-General Wendy s exemplary service was recognised when she was awarded the MBE by Queen Elizabeth II in Cape Town on 25th February 1998

Today Wendy now lives at Frome Nursing Home a place that nurtures independence and encourages a continuation of life for its residents I was lucky enough to visit and talk with Wendy here in Frome, alongside her Niece Sharon who resides in both England and South Africa Over a cup of tea and biscuit I got to understand that Wendy is a very independent person who takes pride in looking after herself which is something that the care home supports her with

Frome Nursing Home is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming space that feels like home ensuring that residents can maintain their independence and dignity

Creative Residents Take Part in Cocktail Day

Residents at HC-One Wales s Quarry Hall Care Home in St Mellons Cardiff took part in an exciting ‘Cocktail Day’ this month where they got to taste lots of new flavours as well as make and name their own cocktails

Victoria Meakin Group Development Chef at HC-One visited the residential nursing and dementia care home on Tuesday 14th May 2024 to host a ‘Cocktail Day’ event for residents

The idea of the cocktail days is to get residents involved in the preparation of the items they consume and have the opportunity to taste different flavours while having a lot of fun doing it!

Victoria kicked the event off by introducing herself to the ten residents four colleagues and relatives in attendance and what they could expect from the day which involved dressing up trying an array of unique cocktails, and even make their own concoctions

Everyone was given two rum-based cocktails and a vodka cocktail to try first which went down well Colleagues commented that it was lovely to see the residents’ reactions to the new drinks and once everyone had enjoyed the testers some asked for

Ron Hussin resident at Quarry Hall said: The kitchen has done us proud with the buffet!”

As the background music played to get everyone in the party spirit everyone had a fabulous time and really enjoyed the experience

Sarah Hickman aged 104 who resides at Quarry Hall remarked: “I need to come to these things more often, I have had a lovely time!

Fellow resident Alexis Lamplough, joked: “We need more vodka in the cocktails!

Carla Arcanjo Home Manager at Quarry Hall said

“The feedback from the residents about the cocktail day has been utterly amazing! Everyone enjoyed themselves and experimenting with the different flavours

It certainly got everyone in the mood for summer!

Victoria Meakin, Group Development Chef at HC-One, commented:

“A fabulous time was had by all! The residents had lots of fun with the cocktails Quarry Hall is a wonderful home every staff member got involved and was willing to help

“A huge thank you to Alex and his kitchen team for allowing me to make a mess in their kitchen; they were all a massive help!

As part of Quarry Hall’s extensive activities and wellbeing plan, the team hope to host more events like this very soon

more Residents were then given the chance to make their own cocktails
choose a name
them Victoria set up a trolley with glasses straws decorations for the drinks a selection of spirits and mixers and lots of fresh fruit It was time for everyone to get creative! The drinks were then washed down with a delicious buffet



Not All About NHS Waiting Lists

Regardless of who wins the race to 10 Downing Street there are some clear priorities that, as a leading health and social charity care provider, we at AFG believe need to be addressed as soon as the die is cast in early July

Although there is no doubt that those awaiting necessary treatment need to be seen as soon as possible the NHS waiting list and backlog rhetoric masks the real tsunami that is hitting the NHS – the mental health crisis

We know that public mental health resilience has declined rapidly in the past five years – the charity MIND estimates that one in four people will now experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England That has increased from one in six in 2014 according to the Mental Health and Wellbeing in England survey undertaken by the government Or - put in real terms - an 8 5% increase or a staggering 14 million people today suffering from a mental health condition

And the vector is only going in one direction The new government needs to prioritise mental health services in the NHS and fast It needs to implement clear and quick reform of the Mental Health Act, invest more in mental health funding at both a community and in patient services level and increase the capacity of provision to meet demand

How to fund elderly care has become the campaigning conversation yet there is

a forgotten but just as important group in society unseen - the 1 8m adults who are registered with a learning disability and the millions of others who need special care and support to live normal lives

For far too long they have been treated as second class citizens neglected in funding and prioritisation within social care If the party who gains power has one clear focus it needs to bring greater public awareness of adult disability equity in its funding and fair policies in place that puts those adults needing social care whatever their age, front and centre of the political agenda For far too long adult social care has

learning disability have a voice and a vote in this election We still have a society that is massively swayed towards the able that is prejudice against those who need care where those with disabilities are still lower down the priority list and where their lives are compromised by lack of awareness, fairness and equality

North Hykeham Care Home Celebrates Volunteer Kim’s 40 Year Milestone

Beckside a care home run by The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT) in North Hykeham celebrated an extra special milestone for their longest serving volunteer Kim Roy, during Volunteers’ Week

Like Volunteers’ Week itself, Kim celebrated her own 40th anniversary of volunteering at the care home this June Kim joined Beckside on 1 June 1984 after seeing an ad in her local newspaper inviting people apply to become a volunteer in the home Kim was looking for something interesting to do in her spare time which would also enable her to meet new people from her community Initially helping the kitchen team Kim now helps Activities Co-ordinator Shirley to deliver meaningful fun activities for the residents Kim is known for her beautiful singing voice and can often be found singing with residents

Volunteering continues to be an important part of Kim s life She said: Volunteering at Beckside has been a big part of my life it has helped me as much as I have helped residents It has helped me grow my confidence and gives my week structure which is important to me

“I am proud of my achievements over the last 40 years volunteering has taught me lots of things and provided me with experiences I wouldn’t have

had otherwise

“Forty years is a long time a lot has changed in my life and at the home in that time but I have always felt part of the team at Beckside I recently married my long-term partner and couldn’t wait to tell everyone at the home, they were so happy for me

“The relationships I have with residents and the team, keep me coming back During the pandemic I had to pause my volunteering and I found it difficult I missed everyone so much I look forward to many more years of volunteering with OSJCT

Andrea Brooks Home Manager at Beckside Care Home added: Kim is an extremely valued member of our team and a delight to have in the home she gives her all to residents and staff when she volunteers Residents love her warm chatty manner and her lovely singing voice Last year Kim performed at our Christmas concert singing songs which we could all join in with We had great fun

As well as receiving her long service award at OSJCT’s Volunteer Appreciation event on 4 June the residents and team at Beckside led special celebrations in Kim’s honour at the care home on Thursday 6 June

Honouring Harr y's Ser vice: A Journey from Tiverton to the Frontlines

From a young age Harry was actively involved in the Cubs and Scouts nurturing a sense of duty and adventure that would guide him throughout his life This early foundation paved the way for his enlistment in the British Army alongside several of his friends, on 2nd May 1939, as Europe edged towards war

Before his military service Harry worked at Heathcoat's factory in Tiverton where he honed his skills in machinery repair from the age of 14 This expertise likely influenced his assignment to the Royal Artillery, where he served as a gunner until May 1945 before joining the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) until August 1946

At the outbreak of the war Harry was only 17 – too young to be sent abroad immediately Initially stationed on gun emplacements in the UK he served in Hanham Bristol and Canvey Island near London manning anti-aircraft guns His records, understandably sparse for security reasons, reveal a significant deployment in Italy, particularly along the Amalfi coast and Naples as well as service in


it was about duty and

his comrades When asked if he ever felt fear, he simply remarked that there was no time to be afraid; they just got on with their tasks

One of Harry's cherished memories from the war was attending the opera in Italy For a young man from a small Devon town this was a breathtaking experience that ignited his lifelong love for singing His wartime stories often humorous and occasionally exaggerated highlighted the profound impact of his sudden exposure to different cultures and landscapes, far from his familiar surroundings Despite the war's hardships, Harry forged lifelong friendships with his fellow soldiers and

not just one of military service but also of

org uk/)
been driven by cost rather than being person-centred resulting in those being supported having limited choices about how they can live their lives
as the Chief Executive of an organisation whose aim is to enable those we support to achieve independence thrive and flourish we have a duty to ensure those with a mental health or a
courage duty
Today we reflect on the extraordinary life of Henry (Harry) Olden, whose journey from a small town in Devon to the frontlines of World War II exemplifies
especially not the grim
Tunis and other parts of North Africa Harry rarely spoke of
maintained these bonds for many years His story is
continue his life journey at Hatherleigh Nursing Home where he is surrounded
supportive team members
fellow residents (fondly referred to as family members) As we honour Harry's legacy, we celebrate a life marked by dedication, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a young man from Tiverton who answered his nation s call and emerged with stories that transcended the battlefields To find out more about Hatherleigh Nursing Home, visit https://www hatherleighnursinghome com
personal accomplishment Today Harry has chosen to

The Next Government Needs to Address the Pressing Needs Of The Adult Social Care Sector

As the fight for Number 10 hots up the parties policies for adult social care are under scrutiny from those within the sector Tony Stein, chief executive of Healthcare Management Solutions (www hcsolutions co uk) offers his perspective on what the new Government should focus on to address the pressing needs of the adult social care sector

The proposed reforms to social care, while necessary, seem to tackle only a fraction of the issues facing the nation One of the key ele-

ments of the plan is increasing pay for care workers While this is undoubtedly a positive move we must consider the financial implications Local Authorities are already struggling with the existing costs of social care even before addressing the significant unmet needs in the sector The question remains: who will fund this pay increase? Without a clear answer this well-intentioned reform risks becoming an unfunded mandate that further strains local budgets

Another proposal on the table is to make social care free at the point of need similar to the NHS This idea while appealing may not be as well-considered as it appears When the NHS was established, it was not anticipated how dramatically costs would escalate over time Today, the NHS consumes a staggering £180 billion annually, with its share of national expenditure rising from 5 1% in 1980 to 11 3% in 2022 If social care were to follow a similar model, the financial burden could become unsustainable

Furthermore there has been no national conversation about whether taxpayers should cover the cost of personal care for everyone including those who can afford to pay for their own care Our current benefits system acts as a safety net for those unable to pay for their care For a government to decide to take funds from all taxpayers and redistribute them for personal care is a bold move It assumes a level of public agreement that may not exist and could provoke significant opposition

Current policies seem reactive rather than proactive While responding to immediate issues is necessary there is a lack of forward-thinking strategies aimed at improving the health of people as they age The

greatest strain on both social care and NHS budgets comes from people living longer but with multiple chronic conditions Developing policies that promote healthier ageing could alleviate some of this pressure and reduce long-term costs

Moreover there is a finite pool of labour willing to work in health and social care Simply raising wages in the social care sector will not necessarily attract more workers but could instead lead to inflationary pressures The sector already competes with other lower-paid industries like hospitality and retail An increase in wages in social care might compel these industries to raise their own wages leading to higher prices across the board This wage inflation could ultimately make the country less competitive on an international scale which would be detrimental to the economy as a whole

In conclusion most policies fall short of a comprehensive solution Increasing pay for care workers, making care free at the point of need, and responding to immediate problems are steps in the right direction, but they must be accompanied by sustainable funding mechanisms and proactive health policies A national conversation about the funding and structure of social care is essential Without it we risk implementing changes that may not have the desired effect and could even exacerbate existing problems The new Government must take a bal-

New Leash Of Life As Furr y Friend Brings Joy To Local Tenants

anced approach, considering both immediate needs
long-term sustainability, to ensure that the adult social care sector can adequate-
support the ageing population
Tenants in Arbroath recently received a special visit from a trained therapy dog who brought smiles laughter and a sense of companionship Bield Housing and Care s Clyde Court development first welcomed Foxy the Golden Retriever in May of this year, and he is set to become a regular monthly visitor This Loneliness Awareness Week, Bield aims to highlight the ways people of all ages can find joy from furry friends with the overall aim to improve wellbeing and combat social isolation Tracy Murray Development Manager at Clyde Court said “This was an amazing experience and all the residents loved Foxy “Many of our residents had pets throughout their lifetimes it’s fantastic to see the smiles and laughter Foxy brings “We host a range of activities to ensure tenants don’t feel isolated, we re always on the lookout for new ways to bring everyone together With support from Therapet managed by Canine Concern Scotland Trust Foxy will visit the development and its 27 residents on a monthly basis According to research conducted by the National Institute for Health and Care Research older adults who face loneliness are more susceptible to developing mental health issues, including depression and anxiety Tracey Howatt Director of Customer Experience at Bield said The positive impact Foxy has had in such a short time is truly heartwarming At Bield, we believe in the power of companionship and the difference it can make in the lives of our tenants ” “Loneliness is a significant issue amongst older adults and initiatives like these are vital in helping to combat it In addition to Foxy Bield offers a range of services and activities designed to foster connection and community among our tenants From social gatherings to hobby groups we re dedicated to creating an environment where no one feels isolated or alone ” Loneliness Awareness Week runs from 10 – 16 June and aims to create supportive communities to tackle loneliness across the country
Residents at Elm Bank Care Home care home in Kettering run by Barchester Healthcare are celebrating National Carers’ Week which takes place from June 10-16 Residents wanted to thank all the wonderful staff at the home whose hard work and dedication make a real difference to the lives of those living in their care Carers Week is an annual event to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges carers face and recognising the contribution they make to our residents, families and communities throughout the UK The theme for Carers Week this year is putting carers on the map to try to raise awareness in an election year for the huge contribution carers make to society Staff were treated to a host of sweet treats which certainly went down well to mark the start of the event that runs until the 16th June Marvellous Bindura General Manager said: “It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate Carers Week and thank our fantastic carers for all they do The sweet treats have gone down well, and we have many more events throughout the week to really show our appreciation for all that they do A appreciation box has been set up so that staff are able to write messages of appreciation to each other that will be collated together for all to read Elm
Carers For National Carers Week
Bank Care Home Honours

Is The Lack Of Cohesion Between The Mental Capacity Act And The Mental Health Act Keeping Patients In Hospital Rather Than In The Community?

Is the lack of cohesion between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983 dangerous for patients?

This is an important question for patients and their families

because if patients are discharged from hospital without the proper community care plans in place it can increase the risk of them deteriorating in the community

This can prevent the stability that would have enabled the patient to rebuild their lives after being hospitalised It can also put the patient and others in dangerous situations whilst the patient is deteriorating

Further it can be excruciating for families supporting a patient through one hospital admission but to force them to re-live this experience and simultaneously battle a flawed mental health system can often create mental health issues with other family members too BACKGROUND

The Court of Protection is a specialised court that can make decisions on behalf of an adult who is deemed to lack mental capacity in one or more areas in their best interests For example it could decide where they should live or what package of care they should receive The statutory provision that underpins the Court of Protection is the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA)

However, when a community discharge is due to happen for someone who has been detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) there s often a lack of cohesion between the health care providers and community care providers particularly where a patient has experienced delusional or psychotic symptoms

There are existing provisions outlining the housing and care entitlements that a patient who has been detained under section 3 of the MHA may receive There are also statutory provisions under the Care Act 2014 setting out the duties of public authorities to meet the care needs of those with assessed care needs

For example a patient may need support to maintain their personal hygiene to manage medical appointments, to take their medications to maintain a habitable environment and so forth

This Act also covers the needs of a patient s carers and aims to prevent carers developing additional needs through a lack of proper community support However even though these provisions have been in effect for many years they are often not being properly utilised by health or community care providers LIMITED UNDERSTANDING OF THE MENTAL CAPACITY ACT

In addition it s notable that the average consultant psychiatrist outside of independent experts often have a very limited understanding of the MCA and appear to be unaware of how it could be transformative for their patient s care

As a result a patient s treating psychiatrist can be unable to properly assess a patient s capacity (decision making ability) in a given area particularly where the patient has a nuanced presentation For example fluctuating capacity borderline capacity or multiple diagnoses

Therefore, the extent of the patient’s vulnerabilities is not properly understood or addressed For example, a patient may be unable to make decisions surrounding their finances care medications sharing their medical information with their family or managing tenancy agreements in the community, leading to them making very poor decisions in these areas


Yet due to the lack of in-depth training on the MCA patients may be treated by clinicians as though they are simply making unwise but capacitous decisions and sadly frequently receive little to no community care as soon as they are discharged from hospital

The patient s families can tirelessly try to convey their vulnerability to services and develop mental health issues themselves because they are not medically trained or properly supported Many patients don t have family members to look after them and so are in extremely precarious situations


In many cases this inability to utilise existing law leads to a conveyor belt admission where patients are discharged abruptly and without adequate community care support or family notification they become dangerously unwell again in the community and need to be re-admitted back to hospital In many other cases a lack of proper mental health support can lead to patients becoming street homeless


Traditionally where a client within the Court of Protection needs to be detained under the MHA the jurisdiction of the Court of Protection ends Therefore legal representatives would usually have to conclude or stay the court proceedings and/or re-issue the case when a person is due to be discharged into the community

Seeing the lack of proper care and support for mental health patients has led me to try to utilise the Court of Protection to have some oversight of a patient s discharge to the community This period of a patient being discharged to the community is crucial for a patient and can be the difference between them needing to be re-admitted or not

In view of this even where a patient is detained under the MHA bringing a case to the Court of Protection may be considered Similarly, it may not be appropriate to conclude a case within the Court of Protection where a client has been admitted to hospital under the MHA because they may lose this court oversight at a critical time for the patient


This oversight has yielded positive results for those clients detained under the MHA Instead of threatening litigation such as a public law challenge or a claim for compensation under the Human Rights Act 1998 we're able to largely work collaboratively with public authorities with the aim of stabilising the client in the community on a long-term basis

It can also be helpful to obtain capacity assessments from independent consultant psychiatrists who have extensive training on the MCA, highlighting that the patient has an inability to make certain decisions from themselves

This won't remove but will reduce the risk of hospital readmission or fatalities This will also reduce the pressures on health services and public expense Most importantly it will give mental health patients the best chance of being stable in the community so that they and their families can further recovery and / or have the best quality of life possible

Therefore whilst it has historically been an unattractive legal approach to utilise the Court of Protection in this way for these patients it can be life changing

Find out more about Irwin Mitchell s expertise in supporting patients and families affected by mental health and community care issues at its dedicated protecting your rights section

Chippy Teas All Round At Southgate Care Home

Plymouth Care Home Resident Celebrates Turning 110

Southgate had a fantastic time celebrating National Fish & Chip Day on Friday 7th June surely one of the best days of the year! Residents went on an outing to their local pub and enjoy the warm sunny day with some fish and chips we all had a great laugh as well as a good chippy which we all cherished General Manager Jade Shea said: “It wasn’t just the residents that were excited when we found out there was a National Fish & Chip Day the eyes of all our staff lit up too – fish & chips are such an iconic dish, everyone loves them and it s even better when there is a good excuse to eat them! Jean a resident at Hugh Myddelton House commented: We ve all had such a lovely day It just doesn t get any better than fish and chips and a cold glass of beer, it’s always been my favourite – you can’t beat fish & chips as far as I’m concerned!”
Staff and residents at Barchester s Hugh Myddelton house in
A Plymouth care home resident has celebrated turning 110 in the company of her family Theresa Ryan born on 2 June 1914 is believed to be the 20th oldest person in the UK She has been living at Anchor’s Manor Court care home for the past 10 years Mrs Ryan was born in Malta where she lived a relaxed life going out to eat and attending Sunday school at the catholic church Her father used to give people rides around Malta on a horse and cart before becoming a taxi driver Her mother used to clean for wealthy people Mrs Ryan worked as a housekeeper and met her husband George in Malta when he was in the army They got married on 17 February 1938 but were deprived of their honeymoon due to World War Two The couple later moved to Ireland for six months, then to London for over 40 years Following the death of her husband Mrs Ryan relocated to Plymouth to be closer to her three children Mrs Ryan arrived at Anchor’s Manor Court care home in 2014 where she has celebrated her last ten birthdays This year she received cards from people all over the country wishing her well She celebrated with a chocolate cake quavers (her favourite) and seeing her family, amongst them her daughter Margaret and grandson Ross Anchor s Manor Court care home manager Arron Dark said: Theresa is a pleasure to look after at Manor Court She always has a smile on her face ”

Closing Employment Gap For Older Workers

Would Generate £9 Billion A Year For Economy

The next government could boost the economy by as much as £9 billion a year by giving older workers an equal opportunity in the labour market new analysis by theCentre for Ageing Betterreveals

By closing the employment rate gap between older and younger workers the Treasury would also net an additional £1 6 billion a year in income tax and national insurance contributions the charity s calculations detail

The Centre for Ageing Better is calling for all political parties to commit to raising the employment rate of 50-64 workers to 75% by 2030 by signing up to its new 50+ Employment Commitment This would equate to around half a million more 50-64-year-olds in work

The commitment has been endorsed by other leading organisations including Demos Age UK the Institute for Employment Studies Phoenix Insights and the Learning and Work Institute

Supporters of the commitment say older workers are currently being let down by ageism and age bias in the labour market a lack of flexible working and health support limited opportunities for skills development and underperforming employment support which is preventing many from realising their full potential

Dr Emily Andrews Deputy Director for Work at the Centre for Ageing Better said:

“The pandemic stalled two decades of improvement in the employment rate of older age groups and they have not recovered If employment opportunities stagnate after 50, so too will the UK economy

“A 75% employment rate target is attainable based on pre-pandemic trends but will require a sustained government focus on the issue By 2030 there will be an additional 1 2 million people aged 50-64 in the UK but only another 500 000 people aged 15-29 The future of UK growth and productivity over the next Parliament depends on mobilising the 50+ workforce

“This is not about special treatment for older workers This is about fairness and ensuring equal opportunity for older workers seeking employment or wanting to stay in work that will benefit employers, the economy and the whole country

By the end of the next Parliament the State Pension Age is set to rise to 67 It is imperative that we act now to reignite the pre-pandemic momentum and ensure that no segment of our workforce is left behind THE 50+ EMPLOYMENT COMMITMENT CALLS UPON POLITICAL PARTIES TO COMMIT TO:

- Raising the performance of employment support for people aged 50-66 to the level of people in their 40s

- Increasing investment in employment support for people in their 50s and60s,making targeted support available nationwide to all people out of work over 50

- Creating new opportunities for people to upskill reskill and develop in their 50s and 60s – including through expanding mid-life review pilots

- Conducting a review of DWP’s employment and benefits approach to all people in their 60s before the State Pension Age increases to 67 from 2026

- Consulting on the introduction of paid carer’s leave and strengthen recent legislation on unpaid carer’s leave and a default right to flexible work from day one by the end of next Parliament


- Delivering a government-backed awareness and information campaign directed at employers of all sizes to champion the value of good work for people in their 50s and 60s

Tony Wilson, Director at the Institute for Employment Studies, said: Three quarters of all employment growth this century has been among people aged over 50 but in the last four years this has ground to a halt For the first time in three decades employment among older people has stopped growing

“Addressing this needs to be a top priority for whoever wins this general election as helping more older people into work and to stay in work is going to be key to supporting a stronger economy better public finances and fewer people in poverty

A 75% target looks ambitious from where we are now but it is really the least that we should aim for We’re currently around 20th in Europe for employment among older people, and around a dozen countries are already at 75% higher We should be there too ”





- The current employment gap between those aged 25-49 and those aged 50-64 is 14 percentage points (85% vs 71%)

- People in their 50s and 60s are nearly twice as likely as younger adults to become long-term unemployed once out of work

- Just one in ten people aged 50-64 who are out of work engage in back-to-work support and when they do their outcomes are significantly worse than the all-age average

- Almost one in three workers aged 50-70 who left their position during the pandemic report experiencing age discrimination when looking for work

- Over half a million peopleaged50-65 in this country who would like to be in work but are not Caroline Abrahams Charity Director at Age UK said “Never before has Britain needed its older workers as it does now With all the years or experience knowledge and wisdom that the 50+ age group can bring it s of huge importance that everyone who wants to work is able to do so

However for many people it s not always that easy Older workers face many barriers particularly if they are carers, have a health condition, or have recently found themselves unemployed and looking to retrain

And this is not to mention the ageism that pervades the labour market and prevents many in this age group from fulfilling their potential

It s crucial that the next government looks urgently at how to facilitate more – and better – working in later life in terms of both enabling people to stay with their existing employer and to find alternative work if the need arises

“Without a focused effort that looks explicitly at the barriers faced by older workers, we risk failing to take full advantage of this enormous talent pool, which would be a real tragedy at an individual and a national level

How We Roll - Care Home Residents

Celebrate National Sausage Roll Day

Swift Management Ser vices Limited

PAGE 18 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 Swift Management Services Limited provide expert support through a network of highly experienced healthcare professionals who have many years of working within the health and social care sector These include nurses care managers Registered Managers Operating Theatre staff & ITU staff The team is able to provide holistic support packages ranging from a short term improvement project to substantial change management programmes including interim staff where required Our innovative action plans which are tailored to your specific service requirements are interactive and are held on our secure server for ease of access These have proven especially popular with CQC as it is easy to evidence progress and improvements through our You said- we Did information programme We can deliver training sessions in person or remotely using a variety of platforms that are designed for your service We can support your service through a crisis or on an ongoing basis with our retained consultancy service package providing regular one to one coaching and development quality monitoring reviews, mock KLOE inspections, unlimited telephone and email support tailored service improvement plans and access to a dedicated care consultant to work in partnership with you to drive sustainable improvements Swift Management Services Limited can create staff friendly bespoke policies and procedures for you as required to help you achieve compliance SERVICES Mock CQC inspections & compliance audits Compliance support Preparation of action plans Enforcement action support NOP NOD support • Factual accuracy responses Training- face to face or virtual • Crisis management Registration support Coaching & mentoring Competency assessments of staff Policies Procedures and Forms Tel: 020 8087 2072 Email: info@swiftmanagement org uk Website: www swiftmanagement org uk
Staff and residents at Barchester s Elm Bank care home in Kettering had a fantastic time celebrating National Sausage Roll Day on June 5th a brilliant excuse to sample lots of delicious fare Overseen by head chef Sharntelle, staff and residents experimented with many different types of fillings and flavour combinations from more traditional meat to vegetarian and vegan offerings to different flavours of pastry – there were even some sweet versions for the more adventurous The residents thoroughly enjoyed being together and creating their masterpieces with a watchful eye over them guiding them step by step whilst sharing memories of the past with kitchen stories General Manager Marvellous Bindura said: It wasn t just the residents that were excited when we found out there was a Sausage Roll Day the eyes of the staff lit up too! Who doesn t love a sausage roll?! They really are the ultimate comfort food We have all had a great time trying out new recipes and different flavours and ingredients and the residents will be enjoying their creations for tea Jill, a resident said: “I enjoy making things in the kitchen, it is nice to work alongside the chef and learn new techniques and try something different It is different to how I used to make them, it is very enjoyable, and I am not keen on the apple filing though

Green Party Pledges “Game Changing”

£50bn Per Year to NHS and Social Care

The Green Party has called on the next government to invest an extra £50bn a year to support the NHS and social care financed by taxes on the top 1% of earners

The party which is targeting winning four MPs for the first time said a massive cash injection was needed to boost NHS salaries and improve social care

Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay and the party s Health and Social Care Spokesperson, Dr Pallavi Devulapalli, announced a “gamechanging package for the NHS and social care totally £50 billion a year in investment by 2030 and an additional £20 billion in capital investment to improve crumbling buildings

Commenting at the launch Green Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay said “Today’s announcement represents a game changing package that is more than any other political party is offering It has been fully costed and could be fully delivered ”

Mr Ramsay who described his personal experience in recent months supporting a family member both through hospitals and then into the care system said that “many people” could see that the NHS was stretched to breaking point despite the commitment of hard-working NHS staff Green Party Health and Social Care Spokesperson and practicing GP, Dr Pallavi Devulapalli , reiterated this saying that she had seen first-hand the impact that chronic underinvestment had on patients describing long-waiting times for treatments and the impact of living in severe pain unable to work or support loved ones

Mr Ramsay spoke to the need to “restore dignity both for NHS staff and patients

The Greens used the announcement to reveal a package of spending pledges alongside a Green cast iron guarantee that Green MPs would fight the privatisation of the NHS at every

Dementia Prevention Through Lifestyle Medicine

stage THE ANNOUNCEMENT INCLUDED A COMMITMENT TO : - Invest £20bn in a capital investment to bring our crumbling hospitals and old equipment up to standard - Invest £50 billion per year by 2030 into health and social care – more than any other major party – and would use the money to: - Dramatically reduce waiting lists - Offer everyone access to an NHS dentist - Guarantee rapid access to a GP when there is urgent need and dramatically reduce waiting times for all - Ensure people needing mental health support can access relevant therapies within 28 days - Invest £5bn per year to boost NHS salaries and keep our wonderful nurses and doctors in the UK - Invest £20 billion per year into adult social care to ensure dignity for those in need of care and take pressure off the NHS – including introducing free personal care - Restore public health budgets with £1 5bn uplift in spending The large spending commitments they say is part of a fully costed manifesto due to be released on the 12th June in Brighton that includes commitments to “tax wealth fairly” by introducing a wealth tax of 1% on assets over £10 million and 2% over £1 billion
Dr Liana Borza - Founder of Prevention Journeys Ltd will be presenting a talk entitled Dementia Prevention through Lifestyle Medicine at The Alzheimer s & Dementia Show 15:25 - 15:45 14 Jun 2024 at ExCeL London This talk is about dementia risk factors and how to reduce them through multidomain lifestyle interventions Liana has extensive experience as Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry and Clinical Lead in NHS England and private UK memory clinic settings She co-authored a book on community mental health in a joint venture with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health Liana s experience in dementia care and prevention, and her business knowledge gained through her MBA makes her the expert on advising how to introduce and extend services in memory clinics and the care environment Prevention Journeys offer a unique service to help introduce dementia prevention and improve and extend existing dementia care packages for patients
talk to Liana and Prevention Journeys about their services see the advert on this page or visit www preventionjourneys com

62% Of Over 75s Still Waiting For Clear Government Policy On Social Care To Start Planning

Research from retirement specialist Just Group has revealed that 62% of over 75 s are waiting for clear Government social care policies Over three in five over 75’s say they are delaying making any financial decisions for possible residential care needs until new social care policies have been announced after the general election

After years of false starts and dead ends former Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled what many hoped would be flagship reforms to social care in 2021

Aimed at those with modest levels of wealth and those facing catastrophic costs,’ it was designed to help people should they require extended periods of costly professional support

Then in the November 2022 Autumn Statement came the news that the changes would be delayed until at least October 2025 pushing reforms back until after the next General Election

So far political parties have avoided referencing social care in their election campaigns however earlier this week Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey pledged free personal care for older people if they were to win the upcoming election For the past decade the Just Group Care Report has gathered information on the knowledge and thoughts of the over 45s about adult social care

The longest running research series of its kind demonstrates how the repeated can-kicking on policy by successive governments is negatively influencing people’s engagement with the later life social care system and deterring them from making much-needed plans should they need this support

The latest data shows how nearly half (47%) of over 45s are delaying financial plans for potential residential care needs until new plans for funding are introduced This rises to 62% among those aged over 75, the

age group more likely to need later-life care sooner

Continued debate dither and delay has also created confusion and uncertainty in the public’s mind The majority (53%) of over 45s stated that they were confused by the Government announcements on the funding of residential care again increasing amongst older voters to 61% among over 75s

The impact of this is best summed up by the finding that over threequarters (76%) of over 45s have not thought about care, planned for it or spoken to their family about it while 94% have made no provision to cover the potential cost of care Commenting on the data, Stephen Lowe, group communications director at retirement specialist Just Group said: “For decades we have been beating the drum to encourage long-term crossparty policy development to support the creaking social care system

“But successive governments have been content to consign the problem of social care to the too difficult box

“With 3 5 million people over 65 now living alone, an increase of around 420,000 in the last decade, government should see the wave of demand for social care that s coming our way Aside from population pressures, the beleaguered NHS is also suffering from the lack of adequate social care which makes it difficult to discharge patients adding to existing pressures on the service

“The Liberal Democrats have made clear their policy for fixing social care which is inextricably linked to the supporting the NHS We wait to hear what if anything Labour or the Conservatives have to offer Unhappily nobody will be surprised if despite all the noise around the General Election there is a deafening silence on meaningful social care plans ”

“Work Hard, Be Happy and Love More” Secret To Long Life

As Resident At Bristol Home Celebrates 102nd Birthday



Gladys Gell celebrated her 102nd birthday at MHA Hartcliffe A resident at a Bristol home celebrated her 102nd birthday and says the secret to a long life is “to work hard be happy and love more”
Gladys Gell lives at MHA Hartcliffe and celebrated her birthday with a party at the home
was joined by staff, residents and her family, including daughter Helen, son in law John as well as her grand and great grandchildren
“She came to us just before her 101st birthday on 26th May 2023 from Nottingham where she lived in a supported living scheme until a fall meant she was deemed to require nursing care “Her son lives in Salisbury and daughter lives in Bristol so they decided to move her to Bristol “During the afternoon, we had a tea party with birthday cake Her family also bought scones which were homemade for the staff Gladys
little old
knew it was her birthday when we asked her age kept saying 21 and the secret for a long life is ‘Work hard be happy and love more ”
mark the occasion the home arranged for a tea party with live entertainment and Gladys wore a tiara and sash which was made by the staff Angela Osbourne, administration manager said: “Glady really enjoyed her birthday party we had Johnny Smyth Sings come along and entertain everyone for her and we all sang to her Gladys was a nurse throughout her working life we think as a matron/sister
also received
bouquets of flowers from various friends and family including one from her grandson in America and one from the
at Hartcliffe Gladys loved the music and singalong the attention and she also said all this for
wasn’t expecting the party but
With all eyes on Euro 2024 this week as the tournament gears up for action, residents at Orchard Care Homes are aiming by using their immense experience as football enthusiasts to predict the winner And according to residents at three of their homes this year is the year England will finally win! Not only that nearly 100% of those who delivered a verdict tipped England to take the trophy – with only one individual choosing Scotland to triumph maybe a bit optimistically! At Ashlea Lodge Care Home in Sunderland it was a full 100% clean sweep of votes for England as it was at Paisley Lodge Care Home in Hopton Mews near Leeds However England ‘only achieved 86% of the vote at Thornton Hall and Lodge in Liverpool with Scotland taking the remaining 14%! Over at Ashlea Mews Care Home in South Shields resident Jack McNair revealed two amazing celebrity connections – none other than England football legends Jack and Bobby Charlton Born in Ashington near Newcastle-upon-Tyne Jack grew up with Bobby and Jack as his best friends Jack was in the same school year as Bobby so as youngsters they used to kick a ball around in the street once school was over When Jack left school he worked in a coal mine the brothers found their playing careers skyrocket when they were scouted by Manchester United and Leeds Jack always has very fond memories of his time with the Charlton brothers and loves chatting about his time playing ball with them Naturally Jack predicts England will win the Euros! Also at Ashlea Mews resident Les Gray talked about his time as a player Born in South Shields he was always a football fan and joined the local team as a teenager in the late 60’s and 70’s His playing career came to an end when he met his wife and settled down to start a family, deciding to pursue a career with a more guaranteed income with his new family responsibilities When Les became a grandfather he was able to take his grandson to football training and thoroughly enjoyed watching him play from the sidelines Les came to Ashlea Mews in early 2023 and the home took him to a game at his old club South Shields FC at the end of the year He loved the experience meeting several players before the match He said after: It was a brilliant game; the lads should be proud ” Les also predicts England will win the 2024 Euros It s expected that all 23 homes within the Orchard Care Homes group, which covers the Midlands and north of England will be showing the games in their shared living rooms for those who want to enjoy the games in company Hayden Knight CEO said Euro 2024 is the perfect opportunity for our residents to have fun and come together to support whichever team they want flying their flag and having a great time! With so many years of football-watching experience we’ll be fascinated to see if our residents’ views come true and England finally brings home the silverware! ‘It’s Coming Home… Football’s Coming Home!’ Orchard Care Homes’ Residents Tip England To Triumph At Euro 2024

Next Government Should Be War y Of Promising Top-Down Targets For Faster

GP Appointments Think Tank Warns


These top-down measures can make it harder for GPs to prioritise urgent cases and for patients to book in an appointment at a convenient time or to see their own doctor warns a leading health think tank

Policies to speed up access to scarce appointments have been successively pursued against the backdrop of falling numbers of full-time equivalent GPs (a fall of 1 963 between Dec 2023 and Mar 2016) ¬ Current policies have neglected the benefits of patients seeing the same doctor and the number doing so is falling Of 42% of people who have a preferred doctor only 35% said they usually saw them this has fallen from 50% in 2018 Continuity of care is a good ambition which improves people s health and reduces A&E visits However, a recovery must start with those who need it most in the context of the difficult staffing situation

The Nuffield Trust argues that at a time of scarce resources, the manifesto commitments of political parties should support GPs to provide the right care to their patients based on need rather than an oversimplified focus on speed of appointment which pushes too many people through a daily 8am logjam at the expense of continuity of care and the benefits of other types of appointments which some patients will prefer

What health and care need from the next government: General practice and dentistry, published by the Nuffield Trust and funded by the Nuffield Foundation sets out a series of policy tests for addressing the challenges in general practice and dentistry as political parties publish their manifestos for government

The Nuffield Trust urges the next government to

- Improve access to the same GP for those with greatest need and would benefit most – with complex or ongoing clinical problems – approximately 20% of registered patients The next government should consider a benchmarking system to help patients choose practices based on access to the same GP

- Not to seek a blanket target for GPs to offer all appointments within a certain number of days or hours

which distorts staff resources and limits patients Clinicians should be able to make their own judgement on speed of appointments judged by patient need

- Not to have a blanket requirement for all patients to have been offered a face-to-face appointment for any interaction as this isn’t needed for some appointments including follow up discussions and routine checks or where a patient is able and feels comfortable using the phone or online forms

- Requiring practices to offer bookable appointments in advance for vaccinations and ideally with a GP who knows them for ongoing health conditions or mediation reviews The GP patient survey shows that one -in-four patients (23%) want the choice to book ahead for a non-urgent appointment and one quarter (25%) of these report being unable to do so

- Rather than meeting ratios or targets for appointments offered in a time slot or face-to-face it would be more beneficial for patients if practices were held to account on overall patient satisfaction with making appointments and the type of appointment they were offered through the annual GP survey

Nuffield Trust Senior Fellow Dr Rebecca Rosen, said “Easy access to GP appointments is the public’s top priority for the health service so this should be front and centre of the manifesto commitments on improving the NHS

“But for too long the approach to general practice has been too simplistic Policy makers have pushed to get people into appointments as quickly as possible but many want to be able to book convenient appointments for jabs or a check-up with their own doctor in advance, being forced to call at 8AM for a slot the next day is just not helpful for many people including some with the greatest needs Even a more cautious 7-day target, as announced by the Liberal Democrats, is just not relevant for some patients ” Manifestos need to demonstrate commitment to building and retaining GP numbers and investing in technology to identify which patients most need help to reduce the underlying pressure on the service

“The next government must resist pledges which do not allow for the flexibility that both patients and clinicians need We won t dramatically increase GP numbers overnight so it is imperative that clinicians and primary care staff can innovate and work around the needs of the patients and populations they know best ”

Cambridge Care Home Resident Celebrates 90th Birthday

With ‘Soulmate’ Wife Of 68 Years Right By His Side

Added Value Enterprises - Sustainable Solutions for Social Care

PAGE 22 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 Added Value Enterprises provide specialist consultancy services that deliver genuine cost savings to our clients As an experienced procurement and consultancy specialist we help over 1000 customers daily by providing solutions to help them operate their day to day business better A dedicated team of real people are committed to delivering the best ingredients at the right price to our clients crafting an ethical diligent and sustainable supply chain specific to your requirements Good purchasing takes time but we get you results fast saving our clients on average 18% against their current costs In addition our food and nutrition team is on hand to get the best out of your teams offering a range of support including tailored recipe portfolios aligned to your supply chain or a complete managed menu solution with access to our online ordering portal Focusing on three pillars of excellence - cost wellbeing & sustainability we apply real life considerations into our sourcing, allowing our clients to make and report on improvements with tools that generate nutrition compliance and sustainability scorecards If you are looking to cut costs without cutting corners and need help with purchasing solutions food management consultancy or are thinking of moving your catering in-house, explore our expertise today at https://a-v-e com/ or reach out to us via email at solutions@a-v-e com or by phone on 03330 705 975
A resident at Waterbeach Lodge in Cambridge has just celebrated his 90th birthday with the wife he s been married to for an incredible 68 years Dermott Rowan’s special day was in May and staff at the residential care home ensured it was one to remember They decorated Waterbeach Lodge s lounge with balloons and made sure his wife Muriel could celebrate right by his side, just as she has for many of his birthdays before Dermott was born in Edinburgh in 1934 and was the second eldest of 13 children to Scottish Catholic parents Moving to Cambridge with his family as a young boy it was when he was 19 while working as a hotel manager at the Garden House Hotel, when he met the love of his life At the time Muriel was working in a nearby building and would see Dermott walk past every day It wasn t until the pair were out at a dance together however that they would meet for the very first time The then 17-year-old Muriel saw Dermott dancing with a group of girls Not knowing they were all his sisters; she was surprised when Dermott asked her to dance She accepted, and the rest is history The loved-up pair have now been together for 70 years and married for 68 The now 90-year-old moved into Waterbeach Lodge in June 2022, and suffering with dementia his dancing days are sadly behind him Not though is the love that is still clear between him and Muriel who he shares two daughters six grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren with Beverley Murray Registered Manager at Waterbeach Lodge said: Muriel visits Dermott regularly and it’s always lovely to see them together They are true soulmates In 70 years they must have shared so much It was wonderful to be able to celebrate his 90th birthday along with his family today ” Waterbeach Lodge is part of AgeCare UK and Head of Nursing Sara Gallagher, said she’s delighted to hear about Dermott s special birthday celebrations She said: At Waterbeach Lodge we foster a family approach focusing on enabling residents to live well It s wonderful to hear that Dermott could share his 90th birthday with his wife and family and a huge thank you to staff for organising ” Dermott Rowan was born in May 1934 He loved all sports and particularly enjoyed playing golf, along with his wife, until very recently
should be wary of blanket GP targets for face to face appointments or appointments within 24 or 48 hours because without enough GPs in post these are likely to backfire and risk creating a worse service for patients

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Only Fools And Horses Star Opens New Sensor y Room At St Fillans Care Home

Well-known actor and Only Fools and Horses Star, Paul Barber, recently opened a new Sensory Room at St Fillans Care Home alongside the Mayor of Colchester Lesley Scott-Boutell

The sensory room was created to provide a dedicated space where the people living in the care home could rest and relax The room would also provide the lifestyle team with an alternative setting to host activities that benefit from multisensory stimulation and aid in dementia care, as multisensory spaces can support reminiscence therapy

Construction of the sensory room began after a generous donation was received from an anonymous benefactor who wanted to support the home to create this new space for the people who live there It was a lovely gesture that has opened new doors for the people who live at St Fillans and the team is forever grateful

The team decided to merge the sensory room with the theme of nature, as people love spending time outside, admiring the sights and sounds of wildlife so this space could also serve as a place people could go to get a sense of the outdoors during the colder, wetter months or as an accessible alternative for people with limited mobility Lifestyle Coordinator Grant who oversaw the project from start to finish wanted to ensure the opening of the ‘Fillans’ Forest’ was memorable so he began to think about who he would like to cut the ribbon and officially open the space

He chose to reach out to Only Fools and Horses star Paul Barber as the legendary show is familiar to the people who live and work at St Fillans and is still a show they enjoy watching to this day When Paul s team responded to

Strictly Star Angela Rippon To Host Suffolk Care Awards 2024!

Garden Statue Of Sparky The Stag

Honours Memor y Of Nature-Loving Hilda

say he would be happy to attend the opening event and cut the ribbon
was delighted, as he knew how much of a surprise this would be to the people living at St Fillans Grant also reached out to the Mayor of Colchester Lesley Scott-Boutell to see if she would like to join the opening and was delighted when she accepted the invitation This week the Fillans Forest was officially opened! Everyone was star-struck when Paul arrived! Paul was a well-known face on television during their younger years so meeting him in person was a dream come true Paul took the time to meet everyone who wanted to and spoke about his time on the hit TV series Paul was welcoming and friendly and his presence made the day memorable for all A countdown ensued as Paul and Councillor Lesley cut the ribbon revealing the magical forest sensory room I was delighted to accept your kind invitation having grown up in St Mark Drive and knowing the area When I entered the Sensory Room I realised that the team had delivered everything that they aimed to do said Councillor Lesley Scott-Boutell “They have brought the outdoors in and there is a feeling of peace when visiting the room I also love the thought that has gone into the design making it inclusive and accessible to all That is a matter close to my heart Huge congratulations to all who played a part in delivering this wonderful facility” continued the Councillor Paul also shared his views about the sensory room saying This room is fantastic – I could move in here It is peaceful and lovely, with lovely lights and lovely pictures To me, it is great and its exactly what people need – security comfort and lots of colour
Care Development East has announced that TV and Media personality, Angela Rippon CBE will host the 2024 Suffolk Care Awards a prestigious event that recognises and rewards excellence within the care profession in Suffolk The awards an annual tradition since 2016 are designed to highlight the dedicated service and exceptional achievements in local social care Christian Bone Chief Executive of Care Development East shared his excitement for the upcoming event: “We are thrilled to have Angela Rippon presenting the awards Angela who has been honoured with a CBE for her work co-chairing The Prime Minister’s Champion Group on Dementia Friendly Communities and has been a strong advocate for those in the social care industry is perfectly suited to present these awards Christian says of the awards, “Despite facing numerous challenges they face on a daily basis Suffolk s care providers have demonstrated unwavering commitment and resilience Their efforts to provide high-quality care and their contributions to advancing care services are truly commendable “The care sector is at the heart of community health and well-being continuously adapting to meet the needs of those it serves The awards are a great opportunity to show our appreciation and recognise the outstanding efforts within the sector We extend our gratitude to all our sponsors for their invaluable support in making this event possible ” The Suffolk Care Awards feature a variety of categories, each designed to celebrate different aspects of excellence in care For more information on the Suffolk Care Awards 2024 visit: https://www caredevelopmenteast co uk/suffolk-care-awards/about-suffolk-care-awards
Family friends and fellow residents have paid a creative tribute to a nature-loving lady who lived at a New Forest care home for seven years The memory of Hilda Parrett, who passed away earlier this year, has been honoured with the installation of a 1 5m-tall bronze stag statue in the garden of Colten Care’s Woodpeckers in Brockenhurst The artwork paid for through a crowdfunding campaign has been gifted to the home by Hilda’s family and is positioned by a cherry blossom tree she used to admire from her bedroom window In agreement with Hilda s son Ken and daughter Sue team members at Woodpeckers invited fellow residents to choose a name for the stag Suggestions were compiled into a shortlist ahead of a naming ceremony at which Sparky was revealed to have attracted the most votes Cutting the ribbon on the statue and paying tribute to his mother Ken said “She enjoyed the beautiful and seasonally changing garden view from her room “She will not just be missed by her family and friends but the Woodpeckers team who supported her wellbeing and care day to day “We would like to show them our gratitude and offer a remembrance to Hilda which will also bring joy to other residents and enhance the tranquil and beautiful setting ” Travelling from their home in London Ken and his wife June were joined for the ribbon cutting by friends of Hilda including fellow Woodpeckers residents Paul Puckering and Patricia Hoy Companionship Team Leader Jane Bunker said: “Hilda was a very kind and gentle lady Born and brought up in London she became a seamstress and really loved fashion “But most of all family was her highlight Her children and grandchildren were so important to her We got to know her and her family very well over the seven years she was with us At the same time she loved nature and the garden and we had many chats about the view from her bedroom window with the cherry blossom tree right outside “It’s always a joy to bring art into a care environment and the presence of Sparky in the garden is another way for us to celebrate creativity while remembering Hilda ”

Sona raises £22m to help large Social Care organisations access AI-driven WFM

We are excited to announce this new round of investment and how it will impact large Social Care organisations and their employees

Together with my fellow co-founders, Oli Johnson and Ben Dixon, we’d like to thank Felicis who led the financing with participation from Northzone, Google s AI-fund Gradient, SpeedInvest, Antler, BAG Ventures, and the numerous notable angels who participated in the round

When we founded Sona in 2021, we wanted to solve the unique challenges of frontline work with technology that empowers every employee, on every level of a large organisation

Two years later, Sona is doing just that for over 100,000 people We are grateful to the many organisations who have chosen us to support them on their digital journey, including Community Integrated Care, iVolve, Affinity, Yorkshire Care, Greensleeves Care, Cartrefi Cymru, and Livability, helping them deliver almost 5 million seamless shifts We’d also like to thank our partners who share in our vision for an integrated tech landscape for Care, including Nourish, Radar Healthcare, and Lottie

Some of the most talented and motivated people around have joined us to make this possible, and I d like to give a particular shout-out to Hayley Horwood and Richard Upshall Together, they have more than 25 years of experience in the Care sector and their insights have guided us every step of the way

This deep involvement has taught us that the complexity associated with multi-location, 1000+ staff operations is coupled with the pressure and responsibility to provide the best care possible Social Care demands a state-ofthe-art solution, built with the kind of technology that isn’t just the latest right now, but that is flexible enough to continue being state-of-the-art ten years from now and later into the future

The financing is a big step on our journey to becoming the go-to WFM for large Social Care groups, but - more importantly - it is an investment in the sector as a whole Over the past year, we’ve seen demand for a nextgeneration solution like Sona increase fourfold Our

partners are looking to make their operations more efficient and reliable, improve staff satisfaction, and become financially sustainable organisations that can easily grow and support more people

The fact that we can confidently say Sona is a solution that pays for itself - and then more! - is something we’re incredibly proud of because it provides organisations with a new revenue source they can re-invest into employee wellbeing and a better experience for the people they care for

So, what does this mean for the Care sector?

1 A truly intelligent AI-driven solution

We want to empower Social Care enterprises to forecast their staff needs based on what is best for the people they support with maximum accuracy and automatically tailor their operations accordingly This will help organisations speed up their scheduling, gain real-time views of their shift runs, and encourage growth in a way that tech simply hasn’t in the last decade Previously, the focus was mostly on digitising paper-based processes, but as many organisations are now starting a vendor-replacement cycle, we want to provide them with a real nextgeneration solution

2. Automated HR processes

Our HR solution is already closely linked to Scheduling and communicates seamlessly as solutions built to work together from day one should The next step is to bring automation to the HR processes that currently take up the most time and are heavily prone to errors Our goal is to make the data we feed into our Payroll engine as accurate as possible and remove the potential for mistakes to snowball, leading to drops in employee satisfaction, more admin time, and even legal risks down the line

3 User-first technology

One implementation challenge organisations have experienced with legacy software is low tech adoption rates from frontline staff But what oftentimes is seen as fear of change, is actually a natural reaction to employee apps which were not designed to be accessible The Sona mobile app - together with all our interfaces - is built with usability in mind and consumer-grade standards We want to enrich this experience with even more features that make user life more efficient and increase satisfaction, particularly around self-service and onboarding new staff We believe the first impression new employees get of their organisation and its processes is key to their retention

4 High-quality research and contributions to Social Care in the UK

The feedback we’ve received for our industry-leading reports, webinars, and other research activities has always been incredible and we’re only looking to add more Social Care is first and foremost about the people and the community We plan to continue reporting on the pulse of the sector, bring together leaders and visionaries to share their insights, and always spotlight the many opportunities Care offers At the same time, we want to expand our existing charitable contributions and make sure that we’re always giving back to those on the frontline

committed our Customer Success and Implementation teams are to always going the extra mile, helping them optimise and grow their business We want to make sure that as we grow ourselves, we only improve this experience and provide even more comprehensive support every step of the way For that we’ll be on the lookout for the best talent available

Overall, with Sona, I like to think of it as building the “selfdriving car of running a Care business The last 20 years of workforce management were dominated by legacy point solutions that digitised simple paper processes Sona is building the next generation of WFM with a truly intelligent platform that enables organisational leaders in complex, multi-location enterprises to put the right people, in the right place, at the right time; and to seamlessly manage their workforce end-to-end

We believe we can deliver this because our exponential growth has been driven by tangible factors: speed of product delivery, high configurability, and sector expertise

Unlike legacy platforms, Sona’s technology has been built from the ground up for real-time data processing and insights Leveraging the Elixir programming language and large language models - similar to what powers tools like ChatGPT - we offer AI-powered real-time actionable feedback which helps drive intelligent decision making and leads to real workforce productivity gains The trust of our investors so far has yielded a total of £30 millionfunds that we see contributing to the development of the sector as a whole

We are proud to lead Sona's Series A round and support its mission to empower frontline enterprises with cuttingedge workforce management solutions We believe in Sona's potential to redefine how businesses [ ] manage their workforce, and we re excited to be part of their journey towards reshaping the future of work Ben, Oli, Steffen and the Sona team have already helped over 100,000 frontline workers schedule shifts, and we know so many more will appreciate smarter software that enables their work ”

Niki Pezeshki, General Partner at Felicis

As we continue to innovate, our mission remains clear: to transform the outdated tools that have hindered Care enterprises in the past and usher in a new era of intelligent WFM that drives efficiency, employee wellbeing, and, ultimately, the delivery of exceptional care

Steffen Wulff Petersen Sona CEO and Co-Founder

5 A trustworthy partnership for all our UK customers

Our partners have consistently highlighted how
Sona co-founders Ben Dixon Steffen Wulff Petersen and Oli Johnson

BMA Lays Out Manifesto For Next Government

Without looking after and retaining doctors, the next Government has no hope of improving peoples health or of high-quality treatment being readily available pushing the NHS and the health of the nation into an ever deeper crisis the BMA has said

The BMA is calling for the incoming Government to make health its number one priority IN THE ASSOCIATION’S OWN MANIFESTO, ‘PATIENTS NEED DOCTORS’, THE BMA LAYS OUT FIVE KEY AREAS WHICH EACH PARTY MUST COMMIT TO:

- Value the vital role doctors play across all health services and restore their pay

- Protect doctors from any further erosion of their professional role and employment rights

- Train and provide jobs for the next generation of doctors needed to meet demand

- Fund the services needed for the future of the health service

- Safeguard the public’s health and wellbeing, prioritising preventative care

Without addressing all of these areas the BMA says the UK will continue to lose doctors peoples health declines further, the economy suffers more, and people will find it even harder to get the care they need on time and from the right expert health professional

Among the calls in its manifesto the BMA says real-terms pay cuts must be reversed and absurd barriers preventing doctors from taking on more work must be removed including those caused by complex unfair pension rules and restrictions in the GP contract that prevent practices in England from using existing funding to hire more GPs

Meanwhile the BMA calls for urgent action to halt the recruitment and expansion of medical associate roles such as physician associates, that are being used to substitute doctors and devalue medical expertise

– confusing patients and putting safety at risk in the process

A refusal by the country s leaders to tackle these issues will make it even more difficult for patients to see a doctor when they need one the

BMA says BMA chair of council Professor Philip Banfield said: We have an understaffed, under-resourced and under-performing health service, an exhausted and underpaid workforce and an increasingly unwell population The next Government risks the collapse of free-at-the-point-of-need healthcare if it fails to address these issues and reverse the damage caused by years of austerity politics

“All parties must make the health of the country and health services their top priority so that doctors and healthcare staff can do their jobs safely and properly Tackling waiting list backlogs, increasing productivity of the NHS and improving patient safety all depend on positive engagement with the medical profession

“Having enough doctors, with their unique skills and expertise, is at the core of this In recent years we have seen erosion of the profession with real-terms pay cut after real-terms pay cut our professional expertise disregarded and when we exercise our moral and professional duty to raise safety concerns these are too often run roughshod over by managers or executives who would rather protect the reputation of institutions than protect patients

“If the next Government continues down this path refusing to value and protect the medical profession doctors will continue to leave and the situation for patients – waiting for years for operations weeks to see a GP, or days to be treated in A&E – will get far, far worse

Patients need doctors Thankfully we are here to help the next Government guarantee that enough of us will be left to ensure the health of the NHS and the health of the country ”

An English Countr y Garden - And Much

More - At Friends Of The Elderly Malvern


would be a

bers of the

dens said Jo

idea to

community into the grounds

the General Manager at Friends of the Elderly Malvern Visitors will not

also discover

hidden garden secrets - the sunken water garden and grotto,” continued Jo According to the history books both the sunken water garden and grotto date back to the first decade of the 20th Century when Charles Dyson Perrins lived at the property ”

Another attraction which is sure to be a favourite with visitors is the famous Davenham Well – which is also known as St John’s Well – with its ornamental bronze well head spout and basin and is located at the front of Davenham Residential Care Home

Everyone will also be able to see our English Heritage Blue Plaque on Davenham’s gate which is dedicated to Charles Dyson Perrins and celebrates the link between Friends of the Elderly and this historic local figure Jo added

“The residents are looking forward to our open garden week, and seeing visitors admire our beautiful grounds added Tina Ellenton the Activities Coordinator at Davenham Care Home

Every day throughout the duration of the Friends of the Elderly s open garden and grounds week there will be a free refreshment station for visitors to enjoy delicious homemade cakes quench their thirsts with refreshing drinks and also a range of information about the care homes and their facilities

Everyone at Friends of the Elderly Malvern – the residents and the care team – and clients from our Malvern Day Care Service - are really excited about our open gardens week We are looking forward to welcoming our local community new and existing friends through our gates and hope they have a wonderful time too,” concluded Jo

From Drug Discover y to Treatment to Care: The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Show 2024

Now in its 11th year The Alzheimer s & Dementia Show is the UK s leading event for care providers, healthcare professionals, families and carers This is an unmissable event for those wanting to learn from leading experts, find practical advice and support, resources, help and information develop a better understanding of dementia and further professional skills

Taking place at London ExCel on 14 - 15 June the show features a fully accredited CPD conference programme with talks from leading experts family carers and people living with dementia alongside professional advice clinics dementia and care exhibitors and unique individual training opportunities you won t find at any other event


Exhibitors include organisations offering a range of products and services including care at home care homes living aids reminiscence therapy funding training telecare assistive technology charity research legal education and finance



needs of people living with dementia It forces you to find new ways to communicate and recognise how to better understand living with dementia The CQC

how to improve the
an immersive tour taking
minutes followed
a tailored
learning the language
dementia takes away your ability to speak see hear
move your body
is the first experiential
specifically designed to simulate the communication
DEMENTIA SHOW 2024: The Virtual Dementia Tour & Training Experience is for anyone working in any form of dementia
or living with someone with dementia It offers a greater knowledge and understanding of
lives of those with dementia by experiencing
75 minute individual debriefing and training session Dementia Interpreters –
will be running an ‘inspector hub’ on stand C26 All show attendees are invited to come and speak to a CQC inspector or registration manager to discuss any queries they may have; local inspectors will be able to answer any questions as well as dealing with registration advice This year’s Alzheimer’s & Dementia Show will for the first time include a Drugs Discovery Summit for GPs nurses and community carers providing insights into the latest advancements in research and treatment options as well as practical tools to guide and support patients and Chaired by Professor Fiona Ducotterd Nigel Ward the show s founder and organiser said: Over the last 11 years our annual event has strived to deliver practical help and expert guidance to care professionals as well as unpaid members of the public caring for those with dementia In the continuing absence of more robust financial support both persons living with dementia and their carers desperately need and deserve all the help and reassurance they can get Under one roof with straightforward access to products and information from trusted suppliers and CPD accredited experts, visitors can increase their knowledge and confidence which in turn benefits the quality of care they provide Book your tickets today – www alzheimersshow co uk
Charity Friends of the Elderly s Malvern-based Davenham Perrins House and Bradbury Court, the residential, nursing and dementia care homes which are collectively known as Friends of the Elderly Malvern is opening up its stunning gardens to the public as part of its this year’s Care Home Open Week From Saturday 22nd June until Friday 28th June between 10a m and 4 p m the care homes’ picturesque gardens will be open for everyone to visit and enjoy – free of charge Covering approximately four acres the gardens contain a vast variety of flowers shrubs, perennials and over 50 species of trees – including Giant Redwoods the Giant Sequoia and the Ginkgo Biloba As part of our celebrations for Care Home Open Week we thought it
open our historic iron gates
invite mem-
to see our glorious gar-
only be able to stroll our picturesque gardens but
our two

NPA Warns That Pharmacy

Closures Are At Record High Levels

The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has warned of skyrocketing levels of pharmacy closures this year

New analysis by the NPA which represents independent community pharmacies across the UK, has found the number of pharmacies closing this year is nearly 50 per cent

Boutique Care Homes Founder Raises

£5,776 For

Unpaid Carers In Surrey

proudly as an advocate for their invaluable support ” Throughout the event Ameet who was part of the pink team demonstrated exceptional courage and

determination Highlights included winning the reptile challenge and braving a python encounter, excelling in the eating challenge with marinated pickled cabbage, and competing fiercely in the final round of archery assault courses and skill challenges Despite the Blue team winning the day Ameet was honoured as the top fundraiser shortly before being covered in coincidently Boutique Care Homes’ signature green gunge David Annand Fundraising Manager at Crossroads Care Surrey celebrated the event’s success: “Now that the smell of fermented herring has passed and the green gunge been washed away I’m delighted to share that our ‘I m a Director Get Me Out of Here! 2024 fundraising event raised an amazing £25 545 06 (including gift aid) on Friday This means that Crossroads Care Surrey can support 5 unpaid carers with life-changing weekly 3 5hour respite breaks from caring for an entire year The funds raised will significantly contribute to Crossroads Care Surrey’s mission of providing respite breaks companionship visits and end-of-life care for unpaid carers including young carers Ameet Kotecha expressed his gratitude, stating, “It was a privilege to participate in this challenge and to contribute to such a vital cause The dedication of unpaid carers is truly inspiring and I am proud to support Crossroads Care Surrey in their efforts to provide the assistance and recognition these carers so richly deserve

Unlocking Innovation and Collaboration: The Care & Occupational Therapy Show


showcasing the latest products services, and solutions

From state-of-the-art assistive devices to innovative therapeutic interventions, attendees have the opportunity to explore a diverse range of offerings from leading industry providers The exhibition serves as a hub for discovering cutting-edge technologies exploring new approaches to patient care and staying abreast of industry developments

Furthermore the event caters to professionals at every stage of their career journey from seasoned practitioners to students and newcomers to the field For students and recent graduates the show offers valuable insights into the profession, career guidance, and networking opportunities to kickstart their careers For established professionals it presents a platform to stay updated on the latest advancements, expand their knowledge base, and connect with peers to drive continuous improvement and innovation in their practice

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show is a must-attend event for professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic fields of care and occupational

Care & Occupational Therapy Show, scheduled for July 17th at Westpoint Exeter is poised to be a pivotal event in the fields of care
occupational therapy
an extensive lineup of CPD-accredited seminars keynote speakers networking opportunities
this event offers a comprehensive platform for profession-
to explore the latest trends exchange ideas
foster collabo-
therapy From advancements in assistive technologies to holistic approaches to patient care attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape
their professions
At the heart of the event are the CPD-accredited seminars and keynote speeches which promise to provide attendees with invaluable insights and knowledge Renowned experts will take the stage to address pressing issues share
strategies and discuss emerging trends shaping the
lies at the core of The Care & Occupational Therapy Show offering attendees the chance to connect with peers industry leaders and potential collaborators Whether you re seeking to expand your professional network, explore career opportunities, or forge strategic partnerships, the event provides a conducive environment for meaningful interactions Through structured networking sessions informal discussions, and dedicated meeting spaces, attendees can leverage the collective expertise and experiences of their peers to drive innovation and excellence in their practice In addition to the educational and networking aspects the show boasts a vibrant exhibition floor featuring
networking opportunities
expert exhibitors
one roof the event promises
unlock innovation foster collaboration and empower attendees to drive positive change in their practice
the broader healthcare community Mark your calendars for July 17th and join us at Westpoint Exeter for a day of inspiration, education, and networking at the forefront of care and occupational therapy Get your free tickets today using the link below www eventbrite com/e/care-occupational-therapy-show-2024-tickets-875814373367 PAGE 28 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197
therapy By combining CPD-accredited education
higher compared to the same stage in 2023 – which itself was the worst year in living memory The NPA said today rising costs and declining real terms funding is resulting in the fastest rate of closures in decades – with real terms funding having decreased by 40 per cent over the last decade ANALYSIS OF NHS FIGURES BY THE NPA HAS FOUND THAT: - Between January and April 2024 177 pharmacies have closed compared to 116 in the same time period in 2023 This is the equivalent to 10 local pharmacies closing their doors every week so far this year - 403 pharmacies closed their doors last year nearly 5 times higher than the number that closed in 2022 - Over 1,400 pharmacies have closed in the UK since 2017 As the Government looks to implement its flagship new Pharmacy First initiative in England, the NPA are warning that many pharmacies are running out of options to stay afloat and will have to close their doors permanently without a real terms funding increase The National Pharmacy Association is calling for the Government to provide a new deal for pharmacies that fills growing funding gaps stabilises the network and stops the closures
Boutique Care Homes Founder and Managing Director Ameet Kotecha has successfully participated in the I m a Director Get Me Out of Here! fundraising challenge, organised by Crossroads Care Surrey This exhilarating event held at the prestigious Foxhills Club & Resort on Friday June 7th 2024 saw directors from across Surrey bravely tackle Bushtucker trials to raise essential funds for unpaid carers Ameet and Boutique Care Homes raised an impressive £5 776 towards the challenge and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our contributors for their generous support The I m a Director Get Me Out of Here! challenge aimed to support the more than 120 000 unpaid carers in Surrey who make up 10% of the population These individuals devote themselves selflessly to the care of their loved ones often at great personal sacrifice With an ageing population the need for support for these unsung heroes is more critical than ever Ameet Kotecha who launched The Burlington in Shepperton in 2019 under the Boutique Care Homes banner, shared his motivation for participating: “Family carers are the unsung heroes of the care community tirelessly dedicating themselves to the well-being of their loved ones often without recognition Boutique Care Homes stands

Patient Hygiene Wipes Promote An Individualised Approach To Cleansing For Those Receiving Care

Unigloves Rebrands Its Derma Shield Workplace Skincare System

PERSONAL HYGIENE PAGE 30 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 Providing choices for care receivers in how they are cleansed supports independence and wellbeing NICE advise adoption of an individualised approach to healthcare that is tailored to the patient’s needs and circumstances 1 The Conti® range have been developed with personalised care in mind, we believe that those receiving assistance in bathing should be able to participate in decision making around their personal hygiene by being given a range of cleansing options to best suit their individual needs Conti® offers a complete range of cleansing solutions for those receiving bedbound care Conti® wet wipes provide a selection of rinse free products featuring washcloths and shampoo caps for bed bathing hands and face cleansing wipes and plastic free wipes for post toileting The use of these products replaces the need for soap and water practices by providing a pre-dosed cleansing solution which promotes good practice in personal hygiene and infection prevention Conti® multipurpose dry wipes combine strength softness and absorbency to deliver best practice in hygiene through everyday personal care The range has flushable and maceratable plastic free wipes alongside other super soft kind to skin alternatives used with water Using the Conti® wet and dry wipes can provide the following benefits to care facilities; Eliminate cross-contamination - Products have been developed with singleuse in mind Intended to be used individually with one single-use cloth per anatomical region Save time and cost - Research suggests that a waterless bathing system provides a more efficient bathing process, delivering cost and time savings 2 Remove the risk of reusable - Disposable systems offer an alternative that overcome infection prevention and control limitations posed by reusable alternatives 3 Try the range now – request your free samples samples@vernacare com or visit www vernacare com for more information 1 NICE (2021) 2 Owen J (2015 De ivering t me and cost sav ngs through evaluat on of bed bathing practices IPS poster presentat on 3 Hallam C et a (2020)
Hand Protection specialists Unigloves has rebranded its protective workplace skincare system - Derma Shield https://uk unigloves com/collections/derma-shield Designed to protect the skin against common workplace irritants including chemicals detergents oils and greases helping to control the risk of dermatitis Derma Shield can be used across a wide range of workplace environments Safe to use inside gloves the newly rebranded range includes three different sizes of aerosol mousse – 50ml, 150ml, 500ml - and two sizes of lotion –100ml and 1000ml Manufactured to UK medical standards, Derma Shield contains pharmaceutical-grade moisturisers such as Aloe Vera and Vitamin E which work rapidly to preserve the skin's natural moisture balance Universally safe with a non-greasy finish once applied it remains on the skin for up to 4 hours despite repeated washing and can be used on all areas of the skin including the face “Derma Shield is a proven and trusted barrier solution helping protect the skin against a wide range of workplace skin irritants keeping it moisturised through the working day We are delighted to have updated the branding across the range in line with our range of industrial gloves ” said Unigloves’ MD Chris Wahlers For more information on Unigloves Derma Shield protective skincare range visit https://uk unigloves com/collections/derma-shield

The Importance of Nutrition and Hydration in a Care Home Setting

assistance with eating and drinking skills as well as the provision of meals

With that in mind, it s essential that you re not only aware of the food and drink regulations in place but how you can build on these to improve your offering and services within a care home environment WHAT HAPPENS IF RESIDENTS DON’T RECEIVE THE RIGHT NUTRITION?

With age malnutrition can become more of a concern It s estimated that around 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 are either malnourished, or at risk Changes that the elderly go through can lead to things like a diminished appetite or even a loss of interest in food not to mention

health conditions or changing health needs that can also impact the amount of nutrition a person receives It s important to remember that residents may be a healthy weight but could still not be getting the right nutrients they need Other signs of malnutrition might include things like muscle weakness feeling tired increased falls or even poor wound healing

What s more older people will find it more difficult to absorb vitamin D through sunlight, and so this must be considered in their diet

Similarly older adults can also be a higher risk of becoming dehydrated as they may not recognise the feeling of thirst the way they used to FOOD AND DRINK REGULATIONS FOR CARE HOMES

The Health and Social Care Act of 2008 was brought in to ensure all care home settings registered with the Care Quality Commission and complied with its requirements It’s deemed to be one of the most significant reforms of social care in decades

In particular, Regulation 14 states that the nutritional and hydration needs of residents must be met WHAT CARE HOMES CAN DO

With that in mind it’s important that care homes have the right measures in place to keep residents as healthy as possible when it comes to nutrition and hydration Here are some tips on how carers and kitchen staff can work together to further improve the system in place

Regular assessments: Every resident will have different needs and so by

carrying out frequent assessments you can determine more accurately whether residents are getting what they need from their current meals and drinks This also gives you the chance to identify

Personalised plans:

to allergies medical conditions and also flavour and texture preferences

• Ongoing education: It’s hugely important to carry out regular


or malnourishment It also means they

to help residents improve their health and wellbeing

Emotional support and reassurance In some cases residents may hold back on eating or drinking because of worries with incontinence It’s absolutely pivotal that carers can give the right emotional support and are able to reassure residents on this topic

Nutrition and Hydration Essential To Residents’ Health and Wellbeing

After the successful launch of its SME scheme last October Bidfood one of the UK’s leading foodservice providers, is proud to announce the initial group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers, the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses trying to establish themselves within the industry and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale Despite the recent deceleration in inflation the share of small businesses aspiring to grow this year has significantly decreased during the last six months Small businesses within the food sector have shown the biggest drop in confidence that their business will grow at more than 70% [1] As a result Bidfood s Open Doors Programme has continued on its mission to unlock the potential of emerging suppliers supporting their development journey while also providing its customers with first-hand access to some of the most interesting brands out there Following a three-step development journey to nurture champion and finally accelerate the initiative has resulted in seven brands being officially listed with Bidfood along with a selection of their products: Bio&Me – A B-certified brand Bio&Me has a range of handy on-the-go porridges created to support gut health Bio&Me is also part of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community which shines a light on brands built by women Boundless – Using activated ingredients Boundless snacks support gut health and are free from the top 14 allergens They're also members of the ‘Buy Women Built community Flawsome! – Another B-certified brand Flawsome! produces a variety of juices, sparkling fruit waters and health shots made from wonky and surplus fruits Ninju – A true kitchen table start-up Ninju is a range of fruit and vegetable-based children s drinks packaged in 100% recyclable cartons OGGS – Offering a vegan alternative to eggs OGGS is the third B-certified brand out of the newly listed suppliers and will soon be a part of the ‘Buy Women Built community TeaJoy – Designed to serve the growing demand for bubble tea in the UK, TeaJoy’s products are a quick and easy solution to making bubble tea using authentic Jasmine leaves from Taiwan TRIBE – High protein vegan flapjacks with a strong stance against modern slavery Commenting on the newly listed suppliers Sales and Marketing Director at Bidfood UK Tim Adams said: We have made fantastic progress in the past six months from having our first SME supplier conference in October to hosting dozens of guidance sessions to prospective suppliers Now we have seven amazing and inspiring brands listed with us that can work across a variety of sectors Working with Andrew Allen has allowed us to tailor the Open Doors Programme to suit small food and beverage businesses who are still facing some tough market challenges and making their presence known in wholesale “It coincides perfectly with Bidfood’s vision to be a positive force for change and we will continue to be the voice for underrepresented founder groups with incredible brand stories as well as suppliers who offer excellence in carbon reduction and social value We can’t wait for the next six months and what this will bring for more small businesses ” Cathy Mosely, founder of Boundless added: “Open Doors has done exactly what its name promises; opening doors for small brands like Boundless to thrive under expert guidance, in order to reach levels of distribution otherwise impossible for a start-up Through mentorship and unlocking marketing opportunities normally reserved for big corporations, our projected growth with Bidfood is exponential and we re extremely excited for the next 12 months To learn more about the Open Doors Programme and to sign up for the ODP newsletter visit here: https://www bidfood co uk/about-us/open-doors/ Bidfood Reveals Its First Group of Listed Suppliers on the Path To Acceleration Through its SME scheme, Open Doors Spring has officially sprung! And with the weather getting warmer it won t be long before summer comes knocking at the door But while we look forward to greeting the much beloved warmer months with open arms an element of caution must also be granted within care homes The summer days present new opportunities for residents such as el fresco dining outdoor afternoon tea or simply a few strolls in the fresh air However, to ensure that residents can enjoy these luxuries safely, care operators must make certain considerations Nutrition and hydration are essential to residents health and wellbeing and can help prevent malnutrition and dehydration which if not carefully monitored can occur in hot weather In fact The Food Standards Agency recommends at least 6-8 glasses of fluids every day with evidence suggesting that good hydration can help to prevent falls constipation pressure sores blood pressure problems and headaches Sometimes residents are reluctant to drink or may simply forget meaning care operators need to be on the ball and find other ways to increase fluid intake One way to help residents drink plenty of water and stay hydrated is to bring residents and staff together! Get creative and have some fun whilst helping to address this important topic why not get your residents to make and stick posters around their care home highlighting the importance of staying healthy and reminding others to drink regularly? Or perhaps turn it into a competition encouraging residents to keep a tally on how many glasses of water they can drink throughout the week with a winner announced at the end But it isn t enough to just serve cups of water to your residents throughout the day Incorporating drinks into the activities and social events you have going on in your care home is a great way to support residents with hydration from afternoon tea to happy hour! For an added layer of hydration, do a round of hot and cold drinks in the morning and evening to ensure residents receive their daily fluid intake, with staff always on hand for those who need assistance And don t just stop at the staff in your care home encourage any family or friends visiting to offer and have a drink with their loved one As well as the drinks you re offering it s important to develop a well-balanced but deliciously good menu with an array of dishes that are high in water content The likes of cucumber watermelon celery and lettuce are high in water content and make great salads when tossed in a tasty dressing And for something sweet after why not offer round some jelly or make up a fruit salad for event more water For more on nutrition and hydration as well as our other support tools for the care sector visit this link https://www bidfood co uk/care-homes/
For any of us, maintaining a good, balanced diet is key to maintaining health and general well-being However for the elderly in a care home setting it s absolutely crucial Many residents will be reliant on carers to provide the right amount of nutrition and hydration as part of their holistic care What s more some residents will also require
issues or changes in requirements and address it accordingly
too This can be critical to ensure an enjoyable mealtime and offer a more encouraging environment for residents to eat and drink
at mealtimes: This can be particularly crucial if residents have trouble swallowing
eating, as you’ll need to support and supervise when necessary However it can be helpful even for those who don t experience this This is because you can observe and monitor how they
whether they have any addi-
Being able to offer personalised meal plans means that you’ll be better equipped to meet the residents dietary requirements Not only this but it also means that you can meet their needs in regards
are with using
tional needs that you could assist
better placed
education so that carers can continue to recognise the signs of dehydration
can be


The Importance of Proper Laundr y Practices in Care Environments

Laundry is one of the major cleaning and hygiene challenges for care homes

For care homes maintaining impeccable cleanliness is more than a routine task; it is a vital responsibility The elderly and those with compromised health are particularly susceptible to infections making rigorous hygiene standards essential Professional laundry systems are engineered to meet these stringent requirements ensuring that every piece of linen from bed sheets to residents' clothing is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized

Unlike domestic machines commercial laundry systems are designed to handle large volumes with consistent efficacy They maintain precise water temperatures and use specialized detergents capable of eradicating harmful pathogens This level of thoroughness is crucial in environments where the risk of infection is high MINIMISING INFECTIONS AND CROSS-CONTAMINATION

Infection control is a critical concern in care homes Pathogens such as MRSA E coli and norovirus pose significant threats to residents Professional laundry systems play a key role in mitigating these risks by incorporating advanced features designed to prevent cross-contamination Barrier washers for instance have separate compartments for dirty and clean laundry ensuring that contaminants are contained and do not spread to freshly laundered items

Programmable wash cycles in these systems can be tailored to different textile types and soil levels, optimizing the disinfection process Furthermore innovations like ozone technology enhance sanitization while allowing for lower temperature washes, preserving fabric quality and extending the life of linens THE ROLE OF TRAINING AND SAFETY

Effective laundry management in care homes extends beyond the machines themselves Proper training for staff is critical to ensure that laundry processes are carried out safely and effectively Understanding how to use detergents correctly is a key aspect of this training Professional laundry detergents are formu-

lated to be both powerful against germs and safe for sensitive skin but improper use can diminish their effectiveness or even pose safety hazards

Staff must be trained in the correct handling and dosing of these detergents to maximize their benefits while ensuring safety Additionally, training on the use of laundry equipment helps prevent operational errors and promotes adherence to hygiene protocols


In conclusion the importance of best laundry practices in care homes cannot be overstated By implementing effective laundry procedures care facilities can safeguard the health and well-being of residents maintain a clean and hygienic environment, and ultimately enhance the quality of care provided Prioritising proper laundry practices is a fundamental aspect of upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and ensuring the comfort and safety of individuals in care homes

P&G Professional have a suite of well-known and respected products across the sector for powerful cleaning and lower operational costs

Ariel Professional Washing Powder Antibacterial is a professional detergent specially formulated to deliver excellent stain removal and deep down cleaning at low temperature Ariel Professional delivers unrivalled cleaning and antibacterial protection at low temperatures and with short washing cycles thereby reducing energy and time costs whilst still getting things clean There is also an added benefit in that many P&G Professional products have similar names and smells as their domestic ranges giving a feeling of comfort and familiarity to residents and their families

Hygiene and infection control is vital and at the top of the agenda for care homes but we can be comforted to know we are going into battle with some of the most reliable and scientifically proven products that P&G Professional have developed with their unparalleled experience of engaging with the care sector and with the most comprehensive scientific rigour

Revolutionising Care Home Laundr y: The Genius Choice

PAGE 34 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 At Forbes Professional we understand the critical role that dependable laundry facilities play in the daily operations of any care home As a trusted industry partner we provide a reliable multi-award winning support that encompasses both reactive and preventative services for commercial laundry appliances We offer a range of servicing options; whether you opt for our comprehensive Complete Care rental solution or purchase with maintenance or simply a service contract for your existing machines we can accommodate your requirements We understand the importance of ensuring that your care home fully complies with all the relevant industry and health and safety regulations As such we can also offer gas-certification for your existing machines as well as our rented or maintained appliances ensuring that your operation is in accordance with Regulation 35 of the Gas Safety Regulations 1998 As a supplier and service partner for Miele, Primus, SpeedQueen, Heusbsch and many leading brands, we bring you unparalleled expertise and access to genuine parts ensuring that your equipment receives the highest standard of care At Forbes we have an expansive team of in-house qualified electrical and gas engineers allowing us to deliver a consistent level of service With a nationwide network coordinated from our headquarters in Surrey our engineers provide a swift and efficient support All our vans carry key components and spare parts and are tracked to enable us to assign calls according to our engineers proximity to site With our extensive reach across the UK, we ensure that wherever your care home operates our skilled engineers are just a call away Our commitment to a rapid response means minimal downtime for your laundry operations which we know is key to keeping your care home running smoothly Whether you rent lease or purchase laundry equipment it is important to secure a reliable partner for regular machine servicing That not only helps maintain optimal performance of the laundry appliances, it also prolongs the equipment s life expectancy Furthermore proactive and preventative maintenance helps to reduce costly repairs and disruptions as well as reducing waste and minimising your carbon footprint With almost 100 years’ service experience, you can trust Forbes to support your care home and help you maintain stringent hygiene standards www forbespro co uk info@forbes-professional co uk 0345 070 2335 Forbes Professional: Your Trusted Laundr y Ser vices Partner Ensuring clean and comfortable clothes and bedding for care home residents is a fundamental requirement, alongside the imperative of achieving 100% effective laundry disinfection An increasing number of care homes are also choosing to clean and finish staff workwear and uniforms in their on-premise laundry In today s landscape managing operating costs and enhancing sustainability essential necessitating a focus on reducing laundry energy and water consumption While all washing machines may appear similar at first glance, the latest advancements in smart technology have transformed the landscape Girbau s GS7 Genius Internet-enabled washer range sets a new standard for energy efficiency and innovation with capacities ranging from 9 to 32kg The next-generation washers are engineered to minimize water detergent and energy usage while maximizing productivity With a high spin speed capable of achieving up to 450G extract force they ensure remarkable water extraction faster drying and reduced energy consumption For a typical machine completing eight cycles per day the saving can be as much as £725 a year based on an electricity price of 25p per kWh The tangible benefits are significant By reducing drying time by at least 10% and cutting drying energy consumption by up to 30% the Genius GS7018 sets a new benchmark for efficiency Compared to leading competitors it consumes substantially less energy per load cycle translating to substantial annual savings
an optional integral weighing system ensures precise load measurement automatically adjusting programs to optimize cycle time, minimize water and chemical usage, and enhance productivity Durability and programmability are further hallmarks of Genius washers which also offer automatic chemical dosing The innovative Care Plus Drum extends linen life and minimizes tangling while ergonomic design features such as a wide door opening facilitate easier loading and unloading The user-friendly 10-inch colour touch screen is designed to work with gloved hands Girbau's Sapphire remote-control software enables seamless management production reporting and real-time data analysis from any device ensuring operational efficiency and compliance with thermal disinfection protocols essential for care homes For energy efficient drying Girbau s superbly engineered ED series dryers ensure all items are dried safely uniformly efficiently and cost-effectively Their
lower energy costs Cabinet insulation
Tel: 01462 427780 Email: sales uk@girbau com Website: www girbau com
unique Transflow technology combines radial and axial airflow for maximum efficiency, reduced cycle times and
and a double-glazed door also prevent heat escaping


The Transformative Role of Music in Care Communities

In life where memories intertwine with the present there's a profound need for companionship understanding and support – especially for those navigating the complexities of dementia We know that Dementia isn t just a medical condition; it s a complicated journey for over 90 000 people in Scotland today marked by profound emotional upheaval and huge uncertainty As such we believe that approaches to this delicate type of care must transcend clinical protocols and embrace the little things when it comes to human experience For example music!

When the rhythm of life slows to a gentle rhythm in the quiet corridors of care facilities, music can be a powerful force and breathe vibrancy and vitality into the lives of those who need it most What we have found is that for those navigating the complexities of dementia, the role of music

surpasses mere entertainment it becomes a lifeline A conduit for connection and a source of comfort

In my time in my role I personally have witnessed first-hand the great impact of music in nurturing mental physical and emotional wellbeing among the 3 500 people benefiting from our Dementia Day Care Services every year We have all been exposed to music in some way in our lives –whether by listening to recordings playing an instrument attending concerts or dancing From lively sing-alongs to serene music therapy sessions partaking in a symphony of experiences when living with dementia can awaken hidden memories, stir dormant emotions and reignite feelings of joy and camaraderie

In fact a study comparing standard care to regular singing or music listening sessions over 10 weeks in 89 people with dementia (type not specified) music sessions improved general cognition (MMSE score) attention and executive function compared to standard care Singing appeared to evoke personal remote memories by increasing recall of names of children friends and immediate short story recall

One of our flagship programmes the Music Wellbeing Programme stands as a testament to the power of communal music-making Led by talented musicians and dedicated staff members this dementia-inclusive activity serves as a sanctuary where residents and caregivers alike gather to share stories create melodies and forge lasting connections Through familiar tunes, we witness the emergence of radiant smiles, the tapping of feet, and the stirring of long-forgotten memories, as residents reclaim moments of joy and belonging Music really does serve as a universal language for us all overcoming factors such as age cognition and physical ability

Could your centre or service partner with local entertainers or other community organisations to incorporate music within your care community? From lively dance performances to intimate acoustic sessions these

collaborative endeavours create an environment with an infectious energy, lifting spirits and fostering a sense of collective celebration

The Eric Liddell Community stands as a centre of hope, redefining the landscape of dementia care with innovation compassion, and inclusivity Our namesake – a Scottish legend, sports person and missionary – strived to create a world where no one felt isolated or alone Where every individual's journey is met with dignity and respect

Based on the substantial evidence that music offers numerous health benefits we’d highly recommend that your establishment considers introducing music entertainment and community engagement Together we can all create moments of joy connection and meaning for those who need it most

Recreo VR - Bringing a Change of Scener y to Care

Recreo VR’s innovative service has been proven to enhance the mental and social well-being of those living with dementia through person-centered virtual experiences Our headsets are a fun and exciting way to personalize care enhance activities and improve the quality of life of your residents

We partner with the Alzheimer’s Society and our service has been co-designed with those affected by dementia offering an intuitive VR interface for carers to select experiences and environments that are meaningful, engaging, and suitable for residents to enjoy In a recent evaluation of our product with over 100 people living with dementia 97% of residents engaged with our headsets 86% said they enjoyed it and wanted to access VR more in their care Our headsets also helped residents recall memories improved mood and wellbeing over

efficiently calmed distressed residents and de-escalate
VR is
can be really effective during one-to-ones in group sessions alongside themed activities and in reminiscence sessions All headsets come with our full support and training to help integrate VR into your everyday care plans and activities For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact us at info@recreovr co uk or give us a call at 01482 526940 Visit our website at www recreovr co uk to discover the possibilities that Recreo VR can unlock for your care facility
sustained periods of time, and quickly and
challenging behaviors
an impactful activity and
By Paul Drury, Chief Operating Officer at The Eric Liddell Community (

Coordinate Activities For Elderly People and Seniors with Hashtag Quiz


✓ Simplicity Skip the complicated setups No Ethernet cables or equipment authorisation required Just sign in and start playing

✓ Ready-to-Go Entertainment: Access a plethora of quizzes without the last-minute rush to find or produce questions Just search select and play

✓ 24/7 Usage Play as many times as you want whenever you want wherever you want There are no restrictions!

and did I mention traditional (and Party) Bingo as well as Play Your Cards Right is included within the software subscription!

Be part of a growing community of quiz lovers in care homes, who've upgraded their game with HQ FM Pub Quiz Software

Sign up now to enhance your guests quiz experience and join the ranks of satisfied quizzers who ve found the perfect blend of convenience ease and competition

Ready to transform your quiz sessions? Click here (https://admin hq fm/account/register) to start your journey with HQ FM and bring the excitement of a quiz directly to you wherever you are

Find us TODAY and access your FREE 7-day trial at: https://hashtagquiz co uk/quiz-for-the-elderlyand-seniors/

Music for Health: Enhancing Lives Through Musical Workshops INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES

Founded in 2001 Music for Health has been making significant strides in improving the well-being of residents in Care Homes and Nursing Homes across England and Wales These workshops are thoughtfully designed to engage participants in a variety of activities including dancing with instruments singalongs and interactive quizzes

The program s multifaceted approach is particularly beneficial for residents suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's Music known for its therapeutic properties provides a stimulating environment that promotes both physical and mental activity Dancing helps improve motor skills and coordination while the rhythmic aspects of music can trigger memory and emotional responses providing a sense of familiarity and comfort

Sing-alongs create a communal atmosphere encouraging social interaction and reducing feelings of isolation The quizzes not only entertain but also stimulate cognitive function challenging the brain and helping to maintain mental acuity

Overall, Music for Health’s workshops offer a holis-

tic approach to care ensuring that elderly residents remain active engaged and socially connected By bringing the joy of music into care homes this initiative continues to make a profound impact on the lives of many fostering a sense of community and wellbeing

To expand our reach and impact Music for Health is currently recruiting more Area Directors to join our team across the United Kingdom If you have a passion for music and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contuct us and help us bring the healing power of music to more communities

Contact Carl on 07712 669456, email musicforhealthrecruitment@gmail com or visit www musicforhealthteam co uk

HASHTAG QUIZ and introducing the HQ.FM QUIZ SOFTWARE SIMON WILSON 07941 322339 BINGO & PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT - ALL INCLUDED SIMPLE PLUG & PLAY TECHNOLOGY INSTANT ACCESS TO QUESTIONS, QUIZZES AND MORE HashtagQuiz HashtagQuiz OPS@HASHTAGHOSTS.CO.UK HQ FM is our allin-one, browserbased quiz and bingo software, requiring nothing more than an internet connection and an audience Our browser software allows you to create quizzes with age-appropriate questions a host of game modes and in-person/ digital attendance This versatility means that nobody has to miss out so residents can play whether they are in front of a big screen or in their rooms Adding memory games and trivia competitions to your care home activities can do wonders for confidence, entertainment, and keeping minds sharp Alternatively if you want to keep it low-tech then simply print out your game and hand out the pens –ready for a traditional quiz The choice is YOURS With HQ FM you can bring the fun of quiz directly in your care home Our internet-based quiz software lets you play on any device with internet access ensuring you re never limited by location or the need for specialised equipment Here s why HQ FM stands out from the rest
Flexibility: Play on any internet-enabled device – no apps no extra costly hardware just pure quiz enjoyment This makes it easier to answer the question
the need of pens or paper
you want Its up to you
✓ Reliability:
hiccup during your game? No wor-
our quiz software recovers seamlessly on any device by a simple refresh of the page


Activities to Share

Tired of the same old song and dance when it comes to planning engaging activities? Well fear not! Activities to Share is here to sprinkle some excitement into your daily routine

If you ve been feeling like you re stuck in a creative rut we ve got the antidote Picture this a wonderland of activity ideas free downloads that are basically the golden ticket to fun and a treasure trove of products that'll make your heart skip a beat (in a good way)

We get it – after a while even the most fantastic activities can start feeling a bit blah That's why we've scoured the corners of creativity to bring you fresh fabulous ideas that'll have you and your crew grinning from ear to ear

Our website, activitiestoshare co uk, is your go-to haven for all things fun and engaging Need a burst of

The Role Of Memor y Lane Games In Person-Centred Care Planning

Digital therapeutics can be effective and efficient tools to enhance and support care plans in many different ways including intervention and management of physical well-being cognitive stimulation emotional and mental health and clinical monitoring

Memory Lane Games as an example uses therapeutic interventions driven by specialized software that helps those living with dementia and their care teams manage specific needs and improve clinical outcomes through dementia-specific games The app is an adaptive solution which is tailored over time to individual needs More specifically it makes for more effective care delivery in the following ways

Creating Engagement by employing personalised and localised games to not only trigger positive memories but also foster improved socialisation address social isolation and improve communication and understanding of a person s likes dislikes and needs

Supporting health equity with multinational multicultural multi language localised content

Through its ava lability and portab lity the app can be employed at a moment’s notice, when it is most

inspiration? We ve got your back Looking for activities tailored to different abilities? We ve got that covered too! But wait there s more! We ve teamed up with carers and activity coordinators across the land to ensure that every product and idea we offer is top-notch and practically oozing with fun And if you ve got a creative itch that needs scratching we re here to help you bring your unique ideas to life! So don't let boredom sneak in Join us on this adventure of "going the extra smile" because let's face it smiles are the best currency around here See all of the above here at www activitiestoshare co uk
needed such as during periods of agitation or sundowning Operated on Apple and Android tablets and smartphones it doesn t even need an internet connection once set up When connected to a TV it can also be used as a group activity Support for the caregiver in the form of bite-sized guidance videos created by dementia nurses and Speech and Language Therapists are built in and can be accessed anytime Back office data reporting incorporates a Reminiscence Journal for each user This attractive document covering an individual s activity can be emailed to famil es or printed and added to care plans to demonstrate person-centred care and help with introduction of new staff In Clinical Trial: 92% of carers felt the app made them more relaxed & 67% felt it made them happier! If you are interested in learning more about why care facilities dementia programs in-home carers and families around the United Kingdom United States and Canada are using Memory Lanes Games to support personalised care plans please contact us at HereToHelp@MemoryLaneGames com or visit our stand F30 at the Alzheimer s and Dementia Show
For Dementia

Timeless Presents - Enhancing Lives Through Connection and Engagement

After her father s passing from Alzheimer s Sharon Daltrey and her husband Chris founded Timeless Presents a company devoted to encouraging engagement and communication for those living with dementia by promoting cognitive stimulation emotional engagement and sensory assistance Drawing from their personal experiences and informed by the challenges her father faced, Sharon and Chris embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of individuals currently living with dementia The Activity Coordinator at Forbury Residential Home had this to say “We won some prizes in a competition and our residents really enjoyed them The Curiosity Box is amazing for one of our residents who continually claps her hands Since having the Curiosity Box she has been occupied with it and engaged in a meaningful way Our residents are also loving the puzzles and coloring books Thank you so much for giving our residents a better quality of life At Timeless Presents Sharon and Chris are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that promote meaningful interaction and enhance quality of life for individuals with dementia By adopting principles discovered during her father s later stages of Alzheimer s and incorporating current research, Timeless Presents designs familiar and accessible activities that inspire reminiscence and positive practices without requiring any training For example their Sentimental Seaside Puzzle’ is a familiar activity that has been adapted to overcome sensory difficulties that those with dementia may have while incorporating a vibrant design that is familiar and may prompt conversation and reminiscence In a significant milestone Timeless Presents recently achieved accredi-

Focus Games - Game Based Training for Ever y Situation

tation from the internationally renowned Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) for three products being the first time that they had assessed any activities This accreditation underscores the company s commitment to creating dementia-inclusive products that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness They will be exhibiting at stand A16 at The Alzheimer s & Dementia Show on 14-15th June 2024 where you will be able to meet them see their products and get a first look at their Timeless Train Set prototype With a focus on accessibility and impact Timeless Presents aims to empower individuals with dementia and their caregivers to navigate the challenges of dementia with dignity and joy Through their innovative approach and dedication to excellence Timeless Presents is shaping the future of dementia care one meaningful interaction at a time 07936 408

New Award-Winning Seated Dance Activity Programme

ACTIVITIES LEADING THE WAY: Enhancing Lives through connection and engagement 07936 408 941 Accredited by the Dementia Ser vices Design Centre, our designs are engineered to empower individuals facing cognitive and sensor y challenges, to foster meaningful connections and enhance their quality of life
941 connect@timelesspresents com www timelesspresents com
Dancing for Health CIC are offering a FREE 7 day trial of their Award-winning Online Seated Dance Programme This new physical activity programme is specifically suitable for older or disabled people in health and social care settings The programme is a digital intervention with evidence based proven benefits in both physical and mental wellbeing With just a push of a button your staff can access our pre-recorded videos through our website members’ platform All the activity content is included in our programme, which will save your staff time in developing their own content and enable them to offer a new and fun activity that meets clients’ wellbeing needs They only have to join in the routines with the clients to encourage engagement The platform allows unlimited access It is person centred as the sessions can be tailored each time and participants can choose their favourite routines It can be used for individual clients or delivered in a group setting We offer a variety of music genres and different tempos Pick and choose the tracks suitable for your clients New routines are added regularly The programme is affordable and cost effective with prices starting from only £29 99 per month Single and group subscription packages available We also offer staff training options where your staff are supported through our accredited training programme Visit www dancingforhealth org uk Focus Games are the leading game developers focused on education for healthcare staff and patients Game-based learning is an innovative approach to education that leverages the principles of games to create engaging and interactive learning experiences This approach has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to motivate learners and improve retention rates Healthcare staff can benefit significantly from game-based learning, as it can help them acquire new knowledge and skills in a fun and engaging way The key benefits of gamebased learning for all healthcare staff are: 1 Enhanced engagement 2 Improved knowledge retention
Safe learning environment 4 Customizable learning experience 5 Collaborative learning With over 20 years of experience we have developed games aimed at improving knowledge and outcomes and have won numerous awards for our innovative approach Visit our website to learn about over 150 existing games, or get in touch to discuss creating a unique game or simulation to meet your needs We also have a unique commercialisation model which means your game idea can also be a revenue generator Find out more at www focusgames com or see the advert on the front cover of this issue

A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Falls Among Elderly Residents: A Nursing and Operational Perspective

As the Director of Operations and Commissioning at Langdale Care Homes, and a seasoned nurse with over 20 years in the healthcare industry, I have witnessed first-hand the challenges posed by falls among elderly residents It is a subject close to my heart, and I feel it is of utmost importance to share our comprehensive and sensitive approach to this matter

Falls can have devastating effects on the physical, mental, and emotional health of our elderly residents leading to injury hospitalisation and a decline in confidence and independence However they are not an inevitable part of ageing With effective strategies and due diligence we can significantly reduce the risk and impact of falls Our approach is rooted in individualised care Each resident is unique and so too are their risks and vulnerabilities A thorough and personalised risk assessment is the cornerstone of our falls management strategy The assessment covers a wide range of areas from physical health mobility and medication to environmental factors within the home

In terms of physical health we pay keen attention to conditions known to increase fall risk such as poor vision arthritis and neurological impairments Regular health check-ups coupled with personalised exercise programmes to improve strength and balance have proven highly effective Our team works closely with residents ensuring they feel comfortable and confident in performing these exercises

Medication can also significantly influence fall risk As a nurse I understand the complex interactions between various drugs and how they can affect balance and coordination Therefore we regularly review residents'

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

medication regimes liaising with GPs and Pharmacists to ensure any potential risks are mitigated We also recognise the essential role of the environment in falls prevention Simple adjustments like improving lighting, reducing clutter and installing grab bars can make a significant difference We continuously assess our home's environment to ensure it is as safe and supportive as possible Communication, I believe, is at the heart of successful falls management It involves regular dialogue between our team residents, and their families We encourage our residents to express their fears and concerns regarding falls empowering them to take an active role in their care Education is another pillar of our approach We provide ongoing training to our staff, ensuring they are up to date with the latest evidence-based practices in falls prevention This includes understanding the complex interplay of factors contributing to falls and how to respond effectively when a fall does occur
have actively participated in falls management projects like the Winn Care Cushions and ISTUMBLE pilot These innovative initiatives use advanced technology to prevent falls and minimise their impact enhancing quality of life for residents I have also attended the Derbyshire provider forum trainings on Falls Prevention equipping me with essential knowledge and skills My involvement not only aids in proactive falls prevention but also in providing effective empathetic responses when falls occur This continuous learning and improvement in falls management ensures optimal support and care for our residents Through our robust falls management strategy we have seen a significant reduction in falls alongside an improvement in our residents confidence and quality of life However we never rest on our laurels We continuously strive to learn improve and innovate driven by our commitment to providing the highest quality care to our residents at Langdale Care Homes In conclusion managing falls among elderly residents requires a comprehensive individualised and proactive approach It involves regular risk assessments environmental modifications effective communication and ongoing education As care providers it is our duty to ensure our residents can live their lives with dignity independence and confidence In doing so we not only reduce the risk and impact of falls but also enhance the overall wellbeing of our residents The journey to effective falls management is ongoing but with each step we take we move closer to our goal of a safer happier and healthier home for our elderly residents
- BSN (Band 8): Director of Operations and Commissioning, Langdale Care Homes Group (www langdalecarehomes co uk)
MONITORING Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL SAVERS ® WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices BENEFITS INCLUDE: Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works w th two sensor pads Integrates w th most nurse call systems A variety of options including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors FEATURES INCLUDE: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large S ze Pad Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately): Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk
Elena Martin


Reducing Falls with Bide

Dr Tom Adler was a GP for 30 years He often witnessed the devastating effects of accidental falls on the faller their carers and also the resource implications for the NHS and Social Care



“Although there were many innovations

Stay Safe with Smart Wireless Nurse Call




and other more local issues which have driven up the rate of inflation over the last few years The impact of this meant that most manufacturers of electronic products had to increase their prices as costs spiralled This of course has impacted the end user The most dramatic impact has been on the Care Industry An industry that has lacked the support it desperately needs in these trying times

Courtney Thorne at the same time took a strategic decision to take a close look at our core products right down to component level the objective being to make us less vulnerable to future global supply chain issues, and to reduce the cost of each product with the amin of ensuring that we deliver the same high quality product at a cost protected price We had to ensure that this would happen without jeopar-

dising the superb levels of support we provide to our valued customer base

This ground up review involved all departments from Research and Development right through to the Field Service team (and everything in-between) This in-depth collaboration took time as we had to ensure that each and every element was refined perfected and tested to our (and our customers) rigorous requirements Whilst many organisations have limited-time or end of product line offers we are very pleased to announce a price reduction on our core Connect and Connect Health Nurse Call system ranges With flexible terms full integration with Care Apps celebrated service delivery and the most reliable and robust solution now at a new lower price there has never been a better time to talk to us about a new nurse call system For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert on this page

Reducing nighttime falls for your loved ones

33% of accidental falls are at night

• Automatically plays voice messages to remind loved ones to take care when they wake up

• Lights up gently to help navigating in the dark

• Suitable for use at home and in care homes


• “David, take your time before you stand up, we love you”

• “Don’t get out of bed Emma Press your buzzer, we’ll come and help you”

Simple installation:

1 Plug into power socket

2. Record up to 5 personalised voice messages

3. Place by bedside

Peace of mind for you, independence for your loved ones.

Tel: 0114 437 1298 Email: hello@getbide com Website:

are most common in our older populations and those living with frailty Falls are also three times more frequent in care homes A third of falls occur at nighttime and in the care
tor, these can be triggered by low blood pressure, medication issues, disorientation, mobility issues, confusion, dementia, and unfamiliarity with surroundings I felt that something had to change!
aimed at detecting falls once they had occurred there was little to prevent the falls in the first place It was at that moment that the idea for Bide was born Bide is our simple to set up and use bedside device aimed to prevent falls and provide user and carer reassurance Light and motion sensors detect that the user is awake then Bide plays prerecorded voice messages from the carer or loved-one encouraging them to stay safer “User feedback has been fantastic and we’re very excited about future opportunities as we scale Bide within the care sector ” www getbide com
have all seen the effects
the post pandemic
of supply chain problems with the invasion of
alarming global factors



Crash Mats Designed to Reduce Injuries from Bed Falls

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

Blaucomm’s Nurse Call

Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMarnow the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care

Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance

The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major

We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product

"We would highly

One Call Systems have developed one of the most reliable streamlined wireless nurse call systems on the market The rechargeable technology, water-resistant casings, and long-range radio capabilities set us apart

At the heart of the innovative Nursecall system is the One Call Display Panel which runs on an efficient internal radio network Designed to provide the highest level of performance and reliability The Display Panel allows staff to view live calls instantly Qualified installers will set up your system quickly and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum benefits

With the ability to connect to the internet you can easily monitor your Home's call records from anywhere The panel is completely configurable from the display allowing you to customize your Home's settings to your preferences Trust our innovative system to provide the safety and efficiency your Home’s needs

The One Call Room Units are designed to withstand the rigours of your busy care environment There are five alternative versions - Pear push lead Pull Cords Out of Bed Door monitor and Leadless Units that you can choose from that best suit your needs

Watertight casings and fitted rechargeable batteries mean that you can rest assured that the units can be easily washed and will provide reliable service for up to 2 years on a single charge

The Call Logging system is designed to meet the safety and care requirements of Care Homes and nursing facilities The digital solution ensures complete and accurate logging of every call to prove evidence of care This invaluable tool ensures the safety of your residents

The Call Logging system is a must-have for any Care Home that wants to ensure they are providing the best possible care

Onecall provides the ability to monitor response times attendance duration and which Carer has attended which call You can be sure that you have complete oversight of your care provision Not only does this system provide valuable evidence of care, but it also helps to motivate and encourage staff to continue providing an exceptional level of care

brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne, C-TEC, ENS Intercall, Medicare, SAS and TeleAlarm Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm
for its reliability
dependability to their care operations which is why we ve been chosen time and
other solutions
time again over
Head of IT Trudi Harrow at
Care had this to say about Blaucomm NMS
replace expensive
loud nurse call screens!”
out more about Blaucomm NMS visit
blaucomm co uk/healthcare See the advert on the front cover for more details
who wants to
pagers and
those annoyingly
To find
PAGE 44 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 Medpage Limited has collaborated with a leading UK manufacturer of crash mats to deliver a cost-effective tool for falls management strategies The inclusion of the new TumbleCare full-length pressure mat sensor ensures that should a patient tumble out of bed an alarm signal is generated to alert care staff to the incident, resulting in a recordable improvement to patient safety and service Crash mats act as a protective barrier absorbing the impact of a fall and reducing the risk of serious injuries when a person tumbles out of bed Beneficial for individuals who are at high risk of falling such as older adults patients recovering from surgery or those with neurological conditions such as epilepsy Falls can pose significant risks especially in healthcare settings and senior care facilities Every year thousands of people suffer injuries due to falls from beds and other furniture To prevent these accidents and ensure the safety of patients and residents, it is essential to implement effective falls and safety management strategies Further details can be obtained by telephoning 01536 264 869 or emailing sales@easylinkuk co uk See the advert on page 2 for details
Please email info@onecallsystems co uk or call 01252 448137 www onecallsystems co uk


Mainteno Facilities Management Software

Envivo Group is at the forefront of care and support sector driving innovation that enables people to live lives full of choices and opportunities They have 202 locations that are now using Mainteno Facilities Management software

“Our experience with Mainteno at TLC/Envivo Group has been really positive already Since its roll-out it has shown real and measurable benefits and has had a marked impact on the workload and assurance of our operations team

"We can now raise issues whether large or minor almost the instant they are spotted We can denote the priority with which they need to be tackled and track the progress of works to rectify them It has reduced almost completely the need to be directly contacting people to resolve issues which was an almost daily occurrence It has been obvious that the streamlined approach that it provides helps in prioritising works for maintenance teams and contractors, gives them plenty of detailed information as to the

exact issue and has given us an evidence base to show that issues are resolved in a consistent and effective timeframe

"The details that are available once a job is logged are invaluable to us as managers to assure ourselves that issues are not forgotten

PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team

Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports CARE PLANNING AND ROSTERING FROM A SINGLE PLATFORM

To meet the wider needs of the PASS community

All-in-one PASS has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems

As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to:

Save you time

• Increase the efficiency of your teams

Improve the quality of care

Deliver better outcomes


Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP

Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration, and is the only one offering it to the home care market

PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records

It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes

Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information

Using medical information to inform care planning

Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user s swift recovery from nfection

Available to all PASS users at no additional cost, PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch

www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com

We can evidence to regulators etc that there are plans to rectify any outstand-
they may pick up I've been very
with the details that are passed back to me
the platform as works are ongoing
to be a valuable
tasks in
a site of our size and complexity especially a toolkit with this level of effectivity and scope has been an incredible help ” Group Facilities Manager sales@redro uk www mainteno com 4 Asset tracking and value reporting 4 Invoice management 4 Add multiple images and documents 4 Detailed analytical reporting 4 Dashboard reporting showing live status of all tasks 4 Management of all planned maintenance schedules 4 Compliance testing and inspections 4 Traffic light detailed reporting for audit purpose 4 Audit reporting 4 Can be used for help desk 4 Vehicle insurance and MOT scheduled reminders 4 Supplier performance management and reporting 4 Warranty and insurance management 4 Can be used on any web enabled device 4 Link tasks to calendar 4 Create check lists for compliance purposes 4 Contractors Quotes and Invoice Management 4 Contractor Login upload function THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 197 | PAGE 45
are completed It's proved
reference to ensure that we are not
up requests working through
way and also to confirm the completion of works

Alleviating Pain in Care Homes - Prevalence of Pain in Care Homes

Over 425 000 people live in Care Homes in the UK Many have significant longterm health problems Some 65% have dementia, reduced cognitive functioning, and difficulties with communication Studies estimate that at least one-third of the Care Home population live with, and experience pain

Care Home residents with cognitive and speech disorders are at a higher risk of living with pain and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) that affect muscles bones and joints

The Care Act 2014 emphasises the importance of measuring and improving the wellbeing of social care users However, there is no standard method of measuring quality of life in Care Homes nor are there ways to measure aspects of health such as pain, anxiety, or depression

The consensus is that pain is often under-recognised and under-treated in care homes

However pain is a subjective experience and cannot be adequately measured which is why mainstream approaches rely on self-reporting A key challenge to carers managing these experiences is the high proportion of residents who live with dementia


Thermal imaging or thermography is a non-invasive complementary diagnostic approach that creates a high-definition thermal map of your body (thermogram) Thermograms illustrate temperature patterns consistent with inflammation Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system s response to injury and infec-


The appearance and location of thermal patterns helps to identify regions and sources of pain based on levels and differences in temperature and hence thermography can be used to diagnose pain objectively - invaluable when the resident is unable to communicate effectively

Thermography can also detect the source of pain and inflammation surrounding bone fractures entrapped nerves muscular trigger points and arthritis It enables the early detection of pressure injuries before any visible signs and provides diagnostic information indispensable in helping to arrive at identifying the sources of pain and an accurate diagnosis

Early detection of the source of the problem allows practitioners and residents to design a proactive treatment plan with specific interventions and treatments to mitigate the process of inflammation Thermography is also a highly effective tool for monitoring if a treatment protocol is working

Bunn et al in a meta-analysis of studies in 2020 found that thermography had such high diagnostic utility that they propose thermography as a first line MSD detection tool

By seeing what the human eye cannot see Thermidas thermal imaging solutions can assist carers and clinicians in locating and creating optimal treatment plans and alleviating pain

Stephen Taylor Thermidas UK

Book a free demo at www thermidas fi

Data Protection And Cyber Security: Next Steps For Care Homes

Record numbers of care homes are using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) to check and improve how they keep information safe Almost 80% currently comply with the self-assessment tool But compliance is one thing – the real challenge is implementation Cyber crime is a real and present danger The real risk however may be closer to home According to the Information Commissioners’ Office most data breaches occur because of human error not as a result of a criminal attack According to the ICO s analysis of data breaches reported by social care since 2019, only 22% were because of cyber concerns 78% were due to non cyber issues – including data being emailed posted or faxed to the wrong recipient, verbal disclosures of data, and the loss or theft of paper records But what can senior care managers do to protect their organisations from malicious criminals and innocent staff? Better Security Better Care – the national support programme on data protection and cyber security at the Digital Care Hub advises care provider to prioritise the following areas: Train your staff: Even with the best tech security in place, a well-intentioned but poorly informed colleague can leak data or admit a cyber criminal into your systems If you haven’t trained them on what to look out for, or you haven t put clear policies in place – you can expect errors to be made and your company is responsible as well as the individual Access free training on data protection and cyber security specifically for care staff Add digital and data to your business continuity plan: Something will go wrong at some stage – that’s just the data-rich world we live in You need to be prepared Use the Digital Care Hub template and guide to create your own plan Review and republish your DSPT at least once a year: Things change: new tech is introduced, care services come and go, and staff turnover is high The DSPT is a comprehensive checklist of issues you need to consider every year The deadline for this year is 30 June 2024 As ever Better Security Better Care offers free expert support to help care providers complete and implement with the DSPT Visit www digitalcarehub co uk/bettersecuritybettercare


CareZips® Classic Adaptive Pants

Caring About Solar For Sustainable Hot Water

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection

C&S Seating Ltd

vice Trolleys

Debt Financing and Social Care

CareZips® Classic are patented easy dressing unisex adaptive pants designed for older and disabled people suffering with problems associated with continence mobility mental function and cognition Suitable for persons living in care institutions, receiving care at home or living independently at home, CareZips® Classic enable people to dress themselves or with assistance from carers CareZips® Classic feature patented 3-zipper system, which opens the front of the pants from the waist to the knees for quicker access during toileting continence pads changes and personal hygiene The forward positioning of the two side zippers lessens pressure on sensitive hip areas helping to eliminate discomfort The third zipper facilitates simple full frontal opening for faster more dignified diaper changes catheter adjustments personal cleansing and hygiene routines CareZips® Classic have many benefits for the older and disabled users and their carers: People dressing themselves enjoy the practical functionality and versatility of the CareZips® Classic all day comfort and easy garment care People dependent on assisted dressing appreciate quick easy dressing process with less stress, embarrassment and greater dignity offered by CareZips® Classic CareZips® Classic offer practical gains to the carers, helping them to provide better care whilst reducing physical efforts and saving valuable time CareZips® Classic are unisex available in 6 sizes and 3 practical colours (i e black charcoal and navy) Tapered fit at the ankles gives a tidy appearance Made from breathable moisturewicking 4-way stretchy crease-free and easy-care durable fabric CareZips® Classic are comfortable practical and conveniently functional For more information contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 - www win-health com See the adverts on the front cover and page 3
From basins to baths and showers, catering and wash down, hot water is a necessary daily requirement across the care sector It s also energy intensive which means it can be both expensive and a key contributor to carbon emissions from buildings especially if running on gas water heating Care homes intending to address existing gas-fired hot water systems with more sustainable technologies as part of a decarbonisation strategy have several choices and solar thermal should be given serious consideration Working to offset existing gas demands and reduce emissions or providing preheat in all-electric replacement systems solar thermal is becoming increasingly attractive again As grid electricity continues to be substantially more expensive than gas (by a factor of 5 51 at the close of 2023) solar thermal currently offers an especially strong return on investment in ‘greener’ all electric systems Solar thermal systems which are properly installed and serviced have proven to have a long lifespan with low maintenance demands especially flat plate collector systems with drainback technology These systems employ gravity flow to preserve operational qualities of the solar fluid required to transfer solar energy as heat to the hot water application A hot water system deploying solar thermal as a preheat can offset a minimum of 30% of its annual energy For Southern and Westerly UK regions this percentage is much higher and in the summer months the technology could meet nearly all a building s hot water demands With new high-efficiency robust flat plate collectors and protective drainback cylinders and controls to integrate solar thermal Adveco can support upgrades to existing gas-fired water heating or with an electric boiler transition to full electric water heating with bespoke system design and product supply For care homes that previously invested in solar systems which need renovation or are no longer supported by the original manufacturer Adveco can provide the necessary system elements to resurrect pre-existing solar thermal installations It’s a costeffective method for rapidly gaining advantage of energy offsetting as part of a care home s sustainability strategy Visit www adveco co or see the advert on page 5
Watch your resident's eyes light up when the trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastry trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Visit the website at www euroservice-uk com to see the full range Or see the advert on page 7 Ser
ve in Style with Euroser
Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are more importantly built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem As a result a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk See the advert on page 7
C&S Seating Ltd have provided postural control equipment to residential homes hospices medical equipment services and NHS trust hospitals nationwide since 1991 With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls, in a removable and machine washable Waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying Our Knee & Leg support wedges are ava lable in 2 sizes C&S Seating Ltd is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Pos tioning Support – also available in two sizes which has removable side cushions and middle pommel for when more control of the abducted lower limb is required Our popular and vibrant range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 colours provide a softer alternative ideal for the colder seasons and are designed to fit snug over our waterproof rolls for maximum protection and comfort Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit www cands-seating co uk to request or download a brochure pricelist or order form request an individualised quotation speak to an advisor or to place an order See the advert on page 9 Debt financing in the social care sector has come under considerable scrutiny over the past decade thanks in part to the influx of private equity funders and the collapse of Southern Cross in 2012 Despite this Abbey Watkins and Rachel Emmerson accountants at Kreston Reeves say not all debt is bad The demand for nursing and residential care is increasing with the need for beds outstripping supply A recent survey by Knight Frank highlights the scale of the challenge facing the sector, predicting that over the next decade there will be a shortfall of 58 000 beds Independently owned and managed residential care homes are well-placed to pick up some of that shortfall but will need to invest to do so With funding squeezed and cash reserves tight that may leave care providers with little choice but to explore funding growth through debt Debt does however have negative connotations and is seen by many business owners as something to be avoided But there is both good and bad debt Debt borrowing that exists simply to help the business survive is unlikely to be contributing to the future growth or success of a care business Whilst it may be needed it will also be a drag on growth and may not be a sensible option Good debt however is borrowing that is used to invest in the future growth of the business As long as it continues to provide those foundations for growth, exploring debt should not be feared Contrary to what care businesses may read banks and other investors are willing to lend to care businesses with strong growth plans Lenders will expect businesses to be able to demonstrate amongst other things an understanding of their current borrowing and how that will impact the ability to repay future borrowing They will also want a clear and compelling proposal from that business on how funding will be used to contribute towards growth Importantly, independent care providers will need to plan ahead, and that will require forecasting when funding is most likely to be needed It should be remembered that funding may not be needed all in one tranche but drawn down as and when needed It is also important to remember that debt financing is a corporate transaction meaning that it is there for the benefit of both parties Put bluntly debt finance must work for the lender just as much as it must work for the business meaning that not all borrowing requests will be granted It may sound cliched but people do lend to people We see that in the rise of the challenger banks who will often lend where traditional banks will not Relationships of course are not built in a 30-minute meeting so invest time in ensuring your lender understands your vision and plans for the future Banks are in most instances the first place most care providers turn to when looking for borrowing In almost all cases a bank will ask for a personal guarantee Whilst uncomfortable for many business owners they are unavoidable A blended debt financing approach could be explored (CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE )


Debt Financing and Social Care


There are an increasing number of debt financing options open to care providers from alternative lenders through to grants In Kent for example Kent County Council is offering an interest-free loan to fund capital investment and growth projects Whilst these schemes will often require match-funding or come with a demonstratable job creation requirement they can offer a valuable way to reduce bank funding

Care businesses should always take specialist and independent advice based on their own specific situation before considering which lender to approach for borrowing or taking external investment Rachel Emmerson is a Partner and Abbey Watkins an Accountant in the Funding Team at Kreston Reeves Kreston Reeves offers accountancy, tax and business advice to a wide range of clients Visit www krestonreeves com

In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse?

JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry such as health care assistants senior carers and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further

From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion

Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net


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