The Carer Digital - Issue #184

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W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M THECARERUK THECARERUK Issue 184 THECARER UK F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S Prospective MPs Urged to Back New National Care Ser vice General election candidates from all parties are being asked to support the creation of a new national care service in England Trade union UNISON which currently has 1 3 million members wants to see a new service based on high quality care and a fairly rewarded workforce and while these changes are not expected happen overnight the union believes the reforms would put an end to 15-minute home care visits, long waits for care packages and low wages for staff UNISON says too many people across the country cannot access the social care they desperately need because the current system is broken A national care service would also mean the quality of care is of the same high standard no matter where in the country it was being provided says UNISON (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

As we head into to a general election sometime this year there are renewed calls for a national care service

Trade union UNISON has been a strong advocate for a National care service and has found support from opposition party Labour and care providers

This proposal aims to address the long-standing issues within the care sector access to care as well as staff shortages low pay and the inadequate funding of care homes

A national care service the union says would provide a standardized approach to providing care, ensuring that the quality of care is consistent across the country This would benefit both care providers and care recipients as it would create a more transparent and accountable care system Furthermore a national care service could help to alleviate staff shortages by providing better pay and working conditions for care workers making the profession more attractive and competitive

By streamlining administrative processes and pooling resources efficiencies can be realized, potentially alleviating strains on both caregivers and care recipients

However and it is a rather big however the proposal is not without its challenges

The primary concern is funding, we are in the midst of a financial crisis and have been for several years and would draw your attention to a story on page 7 wich reveals that up to 50% of councils are facing bankruptcy

As a national care service would require substantial investment by the government I suspect it would probably run into billions and it remains unclear where this funding would come from, and that remains the elephant in the room In a landscape already burdened by fiscal constraints and competing priorities the question of where this funding will originate is one I feel all advocates must address

While supporters will rightly argue that the investment is a moral imperative and a prudent long-term strategy skeptics will caution against the risk of overreach and fiscal strain The delicate balance between adequately resourcing care services and ensuring fiscal sustainability will demand careful navigation and transparent evidence-based decision-making

While a national care service has the potential to address many of the issues within the care sector, it is essential to consider the financial implications and potential pitfalls As the discussion continues it is crucial for all stakeholders to work together to find a solution that balances the need for high-quality care with the practical realities of funding and governance

This is something we here at THE CARER hope to embellish on in the coming months

As political parties position themselves it is imperative that any debate is open and transparent and must to draw upon the expertise of those entrenched in care provision harnessing their insights to inform policy development and implementation strategies Collaboration between government industry stakeholders and the broader community will be essential in charting a path forward that upholds the principles of dignity, compassion and equity

Once again we here at THE CARER would take this opportunity to thank you all for the wonderful stories you send to us on a daily basis

Pet therapy, community initiatives, fundraising for local charities, schools and support services resident celebrations and anniversaries and this week there are a couple of birthdays which will certainly deserve recognition!

We were delighted to share birthday celebrations for Twyford House Care Home resident Marie Lycett celebrated who her 107th birthday and Marjorie Broadhurst from Care UK’s Knebworth, on London Road, who marked her 103rd birthday and Betty Fairley (nee Adie) celebrated her 100th birthday this week at Croftbank House in Uddingston

Remarkable! When Marie was born World War I was still raging and that was the year of the revolution in Russia! In 1921 when Marjorie was born Southern Ireland left the United Kingdom and 2021 saw the invention of a new machine called “the dishwasher”, in 1924 when Betty was born Mahatma Gandhi was released from prison and there were lots of shenanigans in Europe by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini!

A lifetime away and how the world has changed since then so please do keep sharing these wonderful stories with us it is an absolute pleasure for us to share them with our vast readership online and in print!

We would also take this opportunity once again to remind you that we here at THE CARER are media partners and are exhibiting at UK Care Week at Birmingham NEC next month (March 20-21) we are on stand F16

Trade events for the adult social care sector provide all in my opinion definite diary dates they are a platform with industry-defining content live product demonstrations and interactive features set to support and equip those in the sector with the skills and knowledge to improve the lives of those they care for

We are working closely with the organisers who we have been media partners with four many years now and this year s show features include the CQC Inspector Hub and the Virtual Dementia Tour which provides an immersive interactive experience for social care business owners and management teams The show will have hundreds of suppliers speakers and like-minded professionals are also on hand to engage with visitors and share their visions and solutions for overcoming the challenges care home businesses are facing

So, if you own a UK care business, have influence on key decisions in a care home or home care business or are looking to expand your existing carebusiness then UK Care Week is the place to be and please do stop by and say are hello feedback is very important and we always welcome your views!

Published by
VIEWPOINT PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 (6 lines) Fax: 01202 552666 Email: sales@thecareruk com WEBSITE: www thecareruk com EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox The Carer is publ shed by RBC Publ shing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 5BR Contr butions are welcome for considerat on however, no responsib lity will be accepted for loss or damage V ews expressed within this publicat on are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects errors or omissions therefrom Al r ghts reser ved reproduction is forbidden un ess written permiss on is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised PAGE 2 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184

Prospective MPs Urged to Back New National Care Ser vice




UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Social

“If the country is to have a care service of which it can be truly proud, care workers must be valued recognised and rewarded as the skilled professionals they are

That requires radical change Too many families are suffering because they can’t access the support they need and because care isn t seen as the priority it should be by the current government

“It’s in everyone’s best interest, no matter how old they are, that England has a national care service That s why it s so important for all the country s parliamentary candidates to publicly pledge their support SECTOR SUPPORT

Supporting the call social care provider organisation, the Independent Care Group (ICG) says its long-standing call for a National Care Service, with a mixed market of private sector and not-for-profit social care provision is central to its own manifesto for the General Election

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: We have long campaigned for a National Care Service and support UNISON’s call to get all prospective MPs behind the idea

“The current system isn’t working, social care is in crisis with 1 6m people going without care 152 000 vacancies in the sector and providers closing or handing back delivery contracts

A National Care Service supported by proper funding is the minimum we should be looking for from our politicians as they put together their manifestos for the General Election

The ICG supports a mixed market of private sector and not-for-profit social care provision through small medium and large providers as the best way to provide a high quality of care choice for the country


Decades of under-funding neglect and broken promises have left social care on its knees, with care and nursing homes and homecare providers closing down leaving more and more people without care Mr Padgham added

“We need the election to bring root and branch reform, the National Care Service and a minimum of £7bn a year extra into social care to make meaningful change to social care delivery and to the pay and conditions of those we employ

“The current, mixed market approach to social care provision can work perfectly well provided the sector is funded properly

We deserve to know what is in the politicians thinking before we go to the polls and this time there must be a legally binding way to hold them to account if they fail to deliver

Some 14 000 people can t be discharged from hospital even though they are well enough and much of that is down to a lack of available social care Investing in social care will ease that pressure on the NHS It doesn t need to be new money but can be money switched into social care from the NHS because eventually a penny spent on social care will be a penny saved for the NHS

It is likely to take two terms of government before we can see proper change so we need work to begin straight away The number of people aged over 65 will rise from 10 5m to 13 8m by 2035 and we will need an extra 480 000 people in the social care workforce to provide care to meet that extra demand We have to start planning for that and we have to start doing so now ”

would also be boosted with a new fair pay agreement lifting care jobs off minimum wage rates and standardising salaries across England
would allow care companies to start filling the huge 152 000 vacancies hole in the sector’s workforce
UNISON A national care service would also assist families trying to find out more about the level of care provision on offer locally The union says that trying to navigate the current system to secure any kind of support can be confusing complicated and extremely stressful Labour has already pledged to create a national care service and a new fair pay agreement for care workers if the party forms the next government Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting
first politician to show his support by signing UNISON s pledge card
the service Now the union is calling on every candidate who has been selected to stand in English parliamentary seats at the next general election to sign up too
was the
broken The current fragmented and privatised system is unfit to meet the needs of everyone who needs support But
better way
possible “Care workers are the beating heart of a system that should be able to look after everyone s loved ones with compassion and kindness But without the cash or sufficient staff the sector is struggling to deliver putting unbearable pressure on the NHS and families
care is

Employer Sponsorship Challenges For The Care Sector

bers to the UK

The care sector has experienced a labour shortage for some time Following Brexit and the end of free movement the number of vacancies in the sector increased significantly as many roles were previously filled by low paid workers from the EU which made the situation critical To help fill these vacancies, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) advised the government to include care workers and home carers on the list of Shortage Occupations as an interim measure making foreign care workers eligible to come to the UK on sponsored Skilled Worker visas This recommendation was adopted and implemented in February 2022 As Health and Care Workers care workers were exempt from the health surcharge and the minimum salary thresholds so cheaper to sponsor than other foreign workers Equally they are not required to have specific qualifications or skills to take up these roles so the sector is attracting large numbers of foreign workers to the UK With


is increasingly reliant on sponsored foreign workers

to the UK with them At the end of 2023 record levels of

migration were widely reported (745 000 in 2022) and the increase of foreign labour in the care sector was identified as a contributing factor With an election approaching in 2024 the government rushed to implement several changes to the Immigration Rules to help bring numbers down

Additionally concerns have been raised about abuse of the sponsorship regime in the care sector including foreign workers paying to be sponsored to the UK with no employment once they arrive, some working over the 20 hours a week they are entitled to in supplementary employment and working too many hours altogether with consequent risks to those they are providing care to and general low wages driving down wages in the sector overall

As a consequence the Home Office is subjecting employer sponsors in the care sector to increased scrutiny, with many being regularly audited, either through visits, telephone interviews with follow up documentation requests or email questionnaires Further evidence is being requested to support certificate allocation requests, many of which are being delayed for weeks if not months, only to be subsequently refused Sponsorship in this sector is therefore likely to get more challenging


Immigration changes specifically affecting the social care sector have been proposed by the government to be implemented from 11th March 2024 These include:

- Sponsors in the care sector will need to be CQC registered for new sponsorship of care workers

- New care workers sponsored to work in the UK as Skilled Workers will not be able to bring their family mem-

These changes are aimed to help ensure genuine care industry businesses are involved in the sponsorship regime and to reduce the number of sponsored care workers coming to the UK particularly with it becoming a less attractive option for those wishing to bring their family with them

The government has also introduced further changes to reduce reliance on foreign workers which will impact the care sector These include:

- Increases to the health surcharge – from £624 to £1035 per year from 6 February 2024

- Increases to the penalties for employing illegal workers – with effect from 13 February fees have tripled from £15k to £45k (for 1st single offence) and from £20k to £60k (for repeated breaches)

- Minimum salary threshold increases will be introduced for most roles and Skilled Workers generally, although care workers should be exempted from these significant increases



With the government’s general direction aimed at reducing the reliance on foreign workers in the UK labour market businesses in the care sector must be cautious when building their businesses as over reliance on foreign workers will inevitably attract the attention and scrutiny of the Home Office, which is currently targeting the care sector for compliance visits

As most businesses in the care sector are new to the sponsorship regime they will be unfamiliar with the workings of the Home Office which is very investigative in its approach to sponsorship management Sponsor employers therefore need to ensure they are ready for the possibility of audits and compliance visits from the Home Office

To prepare for this businesses should review their recruitment compliance and record keeping practices to ensure they are fully compliant with Home Office requirements and their sponsorship obligations Conscientious and timely management of the sponsor licence and reporting requirements is also extremely important Requesting mock audits from experienced legal advisors is a helpful tool to check that record keeping is compliant and for peace of mind Failure to meet sponsorship obligations and responsibilities or any misuse of the licence can lead to suspension and even revocation of sponsor licences ultimately compromising future sponsorship and even ongoing sponsorship of workers under that licence

Additionally when making Certificate of Sponsorship allocations requests sponsor employers should consider making limited requests, properly reflecting the employment needs they can evidence and justify with contracts and agreements These are regularly requested by the Home Office and must be provided in responses to requests for further information Failure to do so, can lead to refusal of requests and limits to the number of foreign workers who can be sponsored which could impact the growth and profitability of the business If sponsor employers are uncertain as to how to interact and correspond with the Home

growing need
adult social
many bringing family members and
Office they should seek experienced legal advice The Home Office always intended for the sponsorship of foreign workers into the social care industry to be a temporary measure so the scrutiny and regular interaction with them is likely to continue until they see evidence of reduced need for foreign workers in the sector Are you employing or looking to recruit foreign workers to plug a skills gap or address staff shortages within your organisation? Would you like to know more about the current challenges and changes relating to sponsorship that affect the care sector – and importantly how to best manage these? In this webinar Fozia Iqbal Senior Business Immigration Solicitor at Harper James will cover the following issues – all in the context of the care sector: An introduction to recruitment and staffing of foreign workers Sponsored Skilled Worker visas – key challenges and developments in the care sector • Immigration rule changes in 2024 – including changes regarding dependants CQC requirements shortage list exceptions salary thresholds increased fees and penalties • UKVI scrutiny – increase in compliance audits, documentary evidence requests and delays Best practice to manage sponsorship in this climate and stay compliant This webinar will help owners managers HR and recruitment professionals directors and C-suite in the care home sector better understand the current challenges and upcoming changes relating to employing overseas workers There will also be a chance for Q&A at the end of the session Please click here for more information and to register for our free webinar Webinar: The Challenges of Employing Foreign Workers in the Care Sector Date & time: Tuesday 19 March 2024 | 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM GMT It was a special day at Twyford House Care Home on Monday as resident Marie Lycett celebrated her 107th birthday! Marie originally from Congleton moved to the home July 2022 and has been enjoying the next chapter of her life amongst new friends She is a regular participant in daily activities and enjoys walks around the garden and tending to the flower beds In her younger years she was involved with the WI and her local church Jane Haines General Manager of the home said It s an absolute privilege to be able to celebrate with such an inspirational lady and the team made sure she had a special day The home recently ran a social media campaign asking for the general public to send cards to the lovely Marie with the aim of reaching 107 Close of play yesterday they had received 397 plus a card from King Charles and Mayor Rod Fletcher who personally hand delivered his The home welcomed endless visitors throughout the day including BBC Radio Alsager Nub News local press and Shady Grove Stores who donated lots of flowers and plants for the garden Local school children from Highfields Community Primary and Excalibur delivered hand made cards as well Marie thanked everyone for making her day so special and said it was honestly the best birthday she have ever had in her whole life! 107 Year Old Celebrates At Twyford House

Annual Leave Report Uncovers Employees In The Health & Social Care Sector Are Taking 4% Less Annual Leave

A new report reveals that employees in the health and social care sector are not using their full annual leave entitlement which means that they could be working over their contracted hours

The annual leave report, conducted by HR systems specialist Access PeopleHR, analysed data from over 3 000 companies to reveal that the health and social care sector has seen a 4 42% drop in annual leave taken per employee from 2022-2023 Nationally annual leave taken has dropped by 7 6% in the last year – and by 12% since 2020

The annual leave report brings attention to the importance of taking time off which can boost employees well-being motivation and job satisfaction However some companies struggled with challenges like staff shortages and increased workloads which has made it difficult for employees to use their full annual leave entitlement

The health and social care sector ranked 15th in the list of 18 industries who gave up their annual leave On average, employees in the industry took 34 annual leave days in 2023 – down from 36 in 2022

The agriculture forestry and fishing industry was the worst off with an 11 85% drop in annual leave days taken per employee The construction industry found itself in a similar situation with a 10 98% drop and their average annual leave entitlement also dropped by 6 61% – the greatest out of all the industries

Charles Butterworth managing director at Access People said:

Workers across the UK are under a great deal of pressure with rising household expenses, work-related stress and personal commitments It s more important than ever that people take time off to rest and recharge – so that they can come back stronger “But taking holidays should never feel like it’s part of the job As revealed in the report the number of employees taking their full annual leave entitlement has declined in all industries There could be many reasons for this like poor planning anxiety about falling behind, or a heavy workload Ultimately it s our duty as employers to help our teams book time off

Chorleywood Manor Care Home Team Celebrates Grand Opening of Residential Suite

whether this is through regular reminders or implementing a simple and efficient booking system

Companies need to take action and investigate why employees are reluctant to take time off so that they can put strategies in place to support them It s

also essential that companies and employers have a clear view of any requests so that they can manage them instantly To read the full report click here www peoplehr com/engb/resources/blog/uk-annual-leave-report-by-industry/ THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 5 On Saturday 17th February staff and residents at Chorleywood Manor Care Home in Rickmansworth celebrated the grand opening of their newly refurbished residential suite –High Trees Loved ones and local community members joined the welcoming care community for the occasion enjoying a delicious selection of complimentary canapés and refreshments before taking a guided tour of the residential suite Also in attendance on the day was HM Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Robert Voss who performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to declare the suite officially open Staff and residents recently welcomed local professionals for a well-attended breakfast in the newly refurbished suite Speaking of the grand opening, Client Liaison Manager Tracy Moore stated This was a wonderful event We are proud to offer a range of firstclass residential dementia and respite care services at Chorleywood Manor and are looking forward to welcoming new residents to our home

Think Before You Thicken

Eating drinking and swallowing difficulties are common in nursing home residents with around 50 – 75% of people experiencing a variety of symptoms These can range from difficulty containing or moving food and drink around in the mouth to food or drink entering the airway (aspiration) which can be associated with pneumonia and potentially death

A common management option for people with difficulty swallowing drinks is the use of thickener These are usually gum or starch based and may be in powder or gel form The reason for their use is that if the drink is thicker it travels more slowly through the mouth and throat giving the person more time to trigger a swallow reducing the chance of it entering the open airway

Due to widespread concern about the overuse of thickened fluids the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) has created a position paper looking at the potential benefits and burdens of using thickener

There are two key benefits The first is that thickened fluids reduce drinks entering the airway and this is important as food or drink in the airway can lead to chest infections and pneumonia The second is that some people prefer thickened drinks as it helps them to control the liquid in their mouth As a result they drink more fluids and it can reduce distressing coughing when drinking

However when we look at the research into this area we are unable to definitively conclude that thickened drinks either prevent or reduce swallowing related complications such as aspiration pneumonia dehydration or death Research has also found potential burdens associated with thickened drinks including thirst dehydration reduced quality of life altered bowel movements increased risk of respiratory tract infections if thickened drinks were aspirated, and they may affect how some medications are adsorbed Most people prefer not having thickened fluids

In essence the research has left many uncertain about the role of thickened fluids in the management of swallowing difficulties

The RCSLT position paper highlights that thickened fluids are still a management option for people with swallowing difficulties However, it also stresses the importance of a person-centred approach to its use

Thickened fluids may be the most appropriate option for some people but the decision to use them should only be made after a thorough eating drinking and swallowing assessment has been carried out by a dysphagia trained clinician – usually a speech and language therapist (SLT) Interventions to manage eating drinking and swallowing difficulties are wide-ranging and it is often a complex decision-making process with the person their family and care team to decide the most appropriate management plan This can include having smaller sips through specialist cups; changes to the positioning of the body and head during swallowing; or rehabilitation plans to improve swallowing

The RCSLT recommends that people on thickened fluids have long term follow-up appointments because of the potential burdens of treatment

As care providers you should consider your service users and their potential swallowing needs Running through the following checklist will help you to do this:

Is the person on thickened fluids and experiencing the potential burdens listed above?

• If someone is having swallowing difficulties what steps have I taken to enable them to swallow more effectively? For example, are they in an appropriate position; are they receiving regular good oral hygiene; have I tried them with different cups to avoid tipping their head back?

Does this person need to be seen by a dysphagia trained practitioner?

How can I communicate to my team that thickened fluids are not the only option to manage swallowing difficulties?

How can I advocate for my service users to have timely access to eating drinking and swallowing assessments?

The RCSLT has produced a useful information leaflet for people other than SLTs on the potential benefits and burdens of thickened fluids along with recommendations for usage As Swallowing Awareness Day (#SwallowAware2024) is fast approaching on the 13 March, we encourage you to “think before you thicken,” and carefully consider people’s swallowing needs and how they can be best supported

Nor wich Care Home Hosts Pudding Club

PAGE 6 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 H.W.Pickrell Ltd Best prices paid all ages & condition Large stock of new & used accessible minibuses Gardiners Lane North, Crays Hill, Billericay, Essex, CM11 2XE Mobile: 07860 894 331 • email: Telephone: (01268) 521033
Woodside House care home in Norwich have invited the local community to join them for their first Pudding Club of 2024 Woodside House didn’t disappoint with lots of wonderful puddings They were joined by our friends from the Dementia group, Duncan's Club, Hilton Park, Ashfields Care Home - Barchester Healthcare and The Warren Care Home - Barchester Healthcare for our first monthly Pudding Club! Everyone enjoyed a variety of traditional puddings before voting summer pudding as their favourite General Manager Sarah Robertson said “What an amazing display of pudding with so many delicious flavours all created by our in house chef Kimberley it was hard to pick a winner

Over Half Of Councils Face Bankruptcy Within Next Parliament

More than half (51%) of senior council figures warn their councils are likely to go bust in the next parliament unless local government funding is reformed, reveals a new report from the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) with 9% of council respondents saying they were likely to declare effective bankruptcy in the next financial year –representing 14 unique councils A mere 4% of respondents had confidence in the sustainability of local government finance and only 6% are happy with central government’s performance on understanding the scale of the problem facing council finances

The 2024 State of Local Government Finance report, which anonymously surveyed council leaders chief executives chief finance officers and cabinet members for finance found nine in ten plan to increase fees on areas such as parking and environmental waste and the same proportion plan to raise council tax with one fifth (21%) continuing to sell publicly-owned assets Worryingly more than half of respondents drew on their reserves this financial year (2023-2024) and plan to draw on them again in the upcoming year

Published annually since 2012 this year s survey found nearly one third of council respondents (31 9%) plan on cutting parks and leisure, with another third (30 6%) cutting arts and culture and a similar proportion slashing business support (30%) One in ten will cut SEND services 11 9% will cut children s care services and 16 2% will slash adult social care

For councils with responsibility for social care, children’s social care is by far the most urgent short term pressure and adults and children s social care together make up the most serious long-term pressure Among councils without these responsibilities housing and homelessness is the most serious short-term and long-term pressure with envi-

ronment and waste a close second place for long-term pressure

High inflation alongside rising need for council services has compounded the impact of central government funding cuts Even for councils that manage to balance the books there are concerns that some services they provide may fall below legal standards which will continue unabated without costly legal challenges

The LGIU believes there are several solutions to the local government funding crisis that, crucially, don’t add more pressure on the taxpayer Sharing surplus funds between wealthier and more deprived councils while allocating central government funding to areas based on need rather than bidding are two of four low-cost solutions to the local government funding crisis, proposed in Learning from local government finance across the world

These are popular options for reform: multi-year financial settlements were favoured by 97% of respondents ending competitive bids for funding and 100% business rates retention by three-quarters Yearly finance settlements incentivise short-term financial planning such as the reduction in preventative services to make ends meet annually even if these end up costing more in the long term

The 2024 State of Local Government Finance report is part of the wider work of the LGIU s Local Democracy Research Centre which was set up by the LGIU to investigate the things that matter to our members and to local government around the world

Jonathan Carr-West Chief Executive LGIU said: “We have long-warned that a lack of funding combined with inflation and rising need for adult and children’s social care, homelessness and SEND services has pushed councils to the brink

“This year’s State of Local Government Finance report reveals the desperate ruinous financial situation councils find themselves in Cutting services borrowing more money and spending reserves year after year is completely unsustainable Citizens are being failed


icked injections of cash, whoever wins the next election will need to reform the entire system bringing back multi-year settlements based on an area’s need and developing new ways of revenue raising ”
over half of councils warning us they are at risk of bankruptcy within the next parliament it is no longer possible to blame individual governance issues There clearly is a systemic issue and rather than bunging local government pan-

Mental Health Patients Are Being Failed As They Leave Care, Warns Ombudsman

The safety of mental health patients is being put at risk when they leave inpatient services leading to a continuous revolving door of care and discharge England s Health Ombudsman has warned

In a new report that examines issues in transferring people with poor mental health out of inpatient and emergency care the Ombudsman has called on the Government to take urgent action, including strengthening and bringing forward reforms to the Mental Health Act

THE OMBUDSMAN FOUND A RANGE OF ISSUES SUCH AS families not being updated or informed about a patient’s discharge from hospital care poor record keeping

• lack of communication and joint working between the multiple teams caring for a patient failings in assessing requests to leave hospital

This can lead to poorer outcomes for that patient including increased risk of suicide Without proper support in the community people can become stuck in a revolving door in and out of inpatient services

The report comes after the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) analysed over 100 cases involving people with a mental health condition and failures in their care

It highlights six cases involving failures in the planning communication or care of a person with a mental health condition being transferred from inpatient services or emergency departments back into the community

In 2018 PHSO published Maintaining Momentum: driving improvements in mental health care which high-

lighted a range of issues around mental health care including inappropriate transfers and aftercare Six years on and the same failings around transfers and aftercare are still happening putting patients at risk

Ombudsman Rob Behrens said:

The overwhelming majority of professionals in mental health services are hard-working and demonstrate their commitment and care on a daily basis However the stories in our report show the human tragedies that happen when mistakes are made and how important it is for people to speak up and make complaints so that they don t happen again

“Delaying the transfer of someone out of hospital can cause harm but so can inappropriately discharging people too soon Too often the focus is on transferring patients out of inpatient services quickly No doubt this is at least partly due to the huge strain the NHS and mental health services are under But the priority must always be patient safety We know that unsafe transfers can have devastating consequences, such as patients being stuck in a re-admission cycle and tragically suicide

“We need to see a holistic joined-up person-centred approach Crucially patients their families and carers must be listened to and involved with decision-making

Mental health patients are among the most vulnerable in our society and I urge the Government to act on the recommendations in this report to keep them safe and prevent these same failures from happening again The lack of progress on the Mental Health Act is deeply disappointing we must see that strengthened and prioritised ”

Local Care Home Visits Foundation’s Charitable Fund Recipient


at the St Luke’s

in Duston where the group meet every Monday and Wednesday to present the cheque Service Manager; Kate said “The Barchester Foundation’s donation helped towards making our Christmas Day even more special for each of the attending members It helped us buy additional gifts and serve up a bountiful Christmas dinner! Group member and Trustee at FDS; Nick Flynn took time to chat with the Brampton View representatives updating them both on the group and service provision Motshodiemang said: We are always keen to show as much support as we can to local charities Being able to brighten the lives of these amazing people at Christmas time was such an honour, we very much hope this is just the start of an ongoing friendship ”

Brampton View care home in Chapel Brampton Northampton recently presented Favell Day Services (FDS) with a cheque for £636 00 towards the members Christmas meal and activities FDS offer a day care service to physically disabled adults over 18 years of age and have been operating since 2013 The organisation is a self-help support group run by the members and supported by dedicated professional caring staff The service is provided several times per week at two locations in Northampton and consists of a range of activities and complimentary refreshments
grant had been awarded by Barchester’s Charitable Foundation a charity that helps older people and adults with a disability or mental health problems across England Scotland and Wales by offering grants to help people connect or re-connect with others in their local community
Brampton View
home and Activities Coordinator;
Robinson visited
Motshodiemang Masedi
Manager at

Old Age ‘No Barrier’ To Sex Life According To New Study

It’s harder to find romance in your 40s than it is in your 70s according to a new study out today with midlifers not just citing a lack of opportunities (45%) but also low confidence (51%) and health problems (49%)

Challenging the misconception that older adults are neither sexually active nor interested in sex one in five people (20%) over the age of 70 claim to be sexually active And it’s not just those in early retirement who are intimate – 14% of men and women age 80-84 agree with this statement too

More than 1 000 18–69-year-olds and 600 over 70 year olds took part in The 70 Up Study which was inspired by the seminal ‘Up’ TV documentary series (the last instalment aired in 2019 and starred the original cast in their 63rd year; the director Michael Apted died in 2019) and was commissioned by later-life-care innovator KYN (www kyn co uk) to challenge some of the biggest misunderstandings about age and aging

Proving romance is alive and well in later life a third of the over 70s who participated in the study (36%) said their desire and libido has not gone away with age while nearly a half (48%) are more confident about what they want from a relationship now than when they were younger Six per cent said their libido is greater now than it was 10 years ago

While this age group typically have fewer sexual partners than other generations 5% have had two or more romantic relationships in the last five years Suggesting there is little difference between young and old when it comes to displays of affection, 30% of people over the age of 70 are intimate (hugging, kissing holding hands and/or sexual activity) ten or more times a month compared to 36% of 18-69 year olds

Despite this, it is younger generations who are significantly more likely to believe that sex among older people is completely taboo than those aged 70+ (12% compared to 7%) Small wonder 37% of those over 70 said their experience of sex and relationships is not represented in the media Over seven in ten (71%) agree that if society was more willing to talk about sex and intimacy around ageing barriers could be broken down to make older people feel less ignored

KYN has released the research to unpack older people’s thoughts attitudes and actions to show age

Violet Home Care Ltd.


We are an established domiciliary care agency in the UK We understand that many individuals would prefer to receive care in the comfort of their own homes rather than moving into a care facility That's why we offer a range of home care services tailored to meet the unique needs and prefer-ences of each client


Our team of compassionate caregivers are trained to provide a range of services from assistance with daily tasks such as bathing and dressing to managing medication and providing specialized care for those

doesn’t mean you don t or can’t think feel or behave how you did in your formative years The findings have inspired further innovation from KYN as leaders in later-life-care Identifying the growing need to support older couples who are either separated by care needs or move into a new home after a lifetime of independent living it is set to train a team to support residents in maintaining their relationships The KYN lifeenrichment team has been trained to help residents experience intimacy, facilitate dates, express themselves and talk about their feelings – whether that s supporting new relationships or helping them deal with ones in their present or past This includes date nights holidays special experiences and private time personalised to the couple KYN the innovators of later life care hope the training will help debunk stereotypes around ageing and lead to more people living in care homes being given greater independence and choice when it comes to making and maintaining relationships

Caroline Naidoo, Managing Director of KYN said: “At KYN we value the importance of older people feeling connected with friends family partners and society Growing older doesn’t mean you lose your identity and as a society we have a responsibility to see people of all ages as individuals who have urges and want to live their lives to the fullest We aim to challenge the stereotypes surrounding sex, relationships and intimacy to help older people feel more comfortable in themselves – and for younger people to accept them in this way ”

Personal experiences from older people have shone a light on their reality, highlighting the importance of supporting our residents relationships We hope this study will help younger generations recognise that older people are just like any other individual and seek connections just as any person would ”

with dementia or other health conditions We work closely with each client and their family to develop a personalized care plan designed to meet their specific needs and goals


We believe in a person-centered approach to care which means that we focus on the unique needs and preferences of each client rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach

Our caregivers are trained to provide support with dignity and respect, and to encourage clients to remain as inde-pendent as possible, while still receiving the care and assistance they need We also understand the importance of companionship and socialization especially for those who may be living

alone For this reason we offer a range of social activities and outings to help clients stay engaged and connected to their community At our domiciliary home care agency, we believe that everyone deserves to live with dignity and re-spect, and we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all Whether you or a loved one are in need

at home Contact us at: www violethomecare co uk Info@violethomecare co uk or 01372
See the advert on the facing page for details
of long-term care or just a few hours of assistance each week we would be honored to
the support and care you need to live your

Support Choice-Based Safety Monitoring in Dementia Care Homes Prime Minister Urged

make informed decisions about the care and safety of their relatives especially in situations where communication may be limited due to dementia

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is pleased to inform you that our efforts have garnered support from leading care providers who recognise the importance of choice-based safety monitoring in enhancing the quality of care and safeguarding vulnerable residents rights Through collaborative efforts with care providers we are working towards implementing these systems across dementia communities prioritising the safety and well-being of residents above all else

well-being of those they serve says CCFTV

The letter to the Prime Minister reads:

Dear Prime Minister,

On behalf of the Care Campaign for the Vulnerable (CCFTV) a national not for profit safety in dementia care organisation, we would like to bring to your attention a matter of critical importance – the need for choice-based safety monitoring in dementia communities across the country As you are aware, dementia presents unique challenges for individuals their families and care providers and ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in these communities is paramount

Our campaign advocates for the implementation of choice-based safety monitoring systems, which allow families to install overt cameras in their loved ones’ living spaces instead of feeling forced to place in hidden cameras These overt systems provide transparency accountability and peace of mind for families while respecting residents dignity and autonomy We firmly believe that residents and families (next of kin status and lasting power of attorney on health and and wellbeing) should have the right to

However to fully realise our objectives and ensure widespread adoption of choice-based safety monitoring we urgently need government support and legislation to enable families to install overt cameras in dementia communities Currently, existing laws and regulations may hinder families’ ability to make informed choices about safety monitoring leaving them feeling powerless and vulnerable

We therefore call upon the Government to enact legislation that empowers families to exercise their right to choice-based safety monitoring in dementia communities By providing a legal framework that respects the rights of both residents and their families we can create a safer and more transparent care environment that prioritises dignity transparency and accountability

In conclusion, rime Minister, we urge you to consider our plea for choice-based safety monitoring in dementia communities and to take swift action to support our campaign Together, we can ensure that individuals living with dementia receive the care safety and protection they deserve while respecting the rights and wishes of their families

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable

Maintain and encourage healthy living and a good quality of life.

Violet Home Care are an established domiciliary care agency in the UK.

We understand that many individuals would prefer to receive care in the comfort of their own homes, rather than moving into a care facility.

That's why we offer a range of home care services, tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client.

At Violet Home Care we aim to provide quality health care service, to enable people stay in their homes.

We recognize that everyone has different needs and hence require personalized care

Some of the many services that we can provide:

• Live in Care

• Overnight Care

• Sleep Patterns Evaluation

• Shopping e.g. grocery or personal

• Help with medication

• Meal Preparation

• Washing & Ironing

• Outings to friends, family, and walks

• Cleaning the home

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable (CCFTV) is a national a not-for-profit safety in elderly care organisation has written an open Letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to appeal for the government’s support for choice-based safety monitoring in dementia care This crucial initiative they say empowers families to ensure the safety and well-being of their loved ones in dementia care settings through implementing greater transparency and safety measures in the care of vulnerable people and staff By adopting safety monitoring providers demonstrate their commitment to accountability quality improvement and above all the

compost seeds tools plant feed and much more to the value of £1 000 or Euro equivalent Each prize bundle will be individually created based on the project s needs to help them transform their space


If your local care home could benefit from receiving a donation from Westland s New Horizon Fund to help its outdoor space thrive nominate them at www gardenhealth com/new-horizon-fund

There will be multiple prize draws throughout the year in March June and September with at least five

bundles being awarded at each stage so there’s plenty of opportunities for your local care home to be

A 103-year-old Woolmer Green care home resident has revealed her secret to living a long and happy life Marjorie Broadhurst

2023 and will shortly be open to new residents The home has been thoughtfully designed to offer an exceptional living environment with a range of outstanding facilities The newly recruited team are in place ready to warmly welcome new residents

Lovett Care also has homes under construction in St Helen s South Manchester and Kent With the growing demand for quality elderly care these will all be welcome additions to their local communities

For further information visit www lovettcare co uk or www bearrobotics ai

PAGE 12 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 Lovett Care Introduces Alfred – The New Robotic Team Member at their Flagship Home - Fairfax Manor Growing Northwest care provider Lovett Care (www lovettcare co uk) has collaborated with Bear Robotics and introduced Servi+ to their new home in Harrogate The innovative robot helps support residents with maintaining independence and providing an additional team member in a fun and interactive environment Alfred, as named by the home, can be seen weaving his way through the home’s Orangery or Dining areas where residents and team members can return cups and plates back to another part of the home or even send a cup of tea to a bedroom Recent visitors to the home have received a demonstration of this cutting-edge technology and the home has shared the benefits of how this will enhance resident s time in the home Chief Operating Officer Debbie Baker said “As a forward-thinking organisation, we remain committed to continuously enhancing our services through the adoption of innovative technologies that improve the quality of care and support for our residents” Head of Sales Emea for Bear Robotics Malachy Ryan said We understand the importance of helping care home residents live their lives to the fullest That is why we have worked so hard in developing smart solutions to enhance the quality of communal senior living experiences a Servi + is our state-of-the-art foodservice solution to help make any dining experience exceptional Fairfax Manor in Harrogate acquired from Angela Swift Developments in
from Care UK’s Knebworth, on London Road, marked her 103rd birthday on 11th February Reflecting on her many happy years Marjorie shared that her motto for life is “seeing my family grow” as well as keeping busy in her younger years To mark the big day Marjorie s family joined her friends at the home for a special celebration and the team decorated the home with balloons and banners The home s talented Head Chef also baked Marjorie a birthday cake Commenting on the occasion Marjorie said: I enjoyed spending time with my family – I loved all the gifts, cards, flowers and chocolates I received!” Daniel Grab Home Manager at Knebworth added: Marjorie is a muchloved resident here at Knebworth and we all had a wonderful time celebrating her special day “We work hard to support residents to lead fulfilling lives and marking special occasions and birthdays plays a huge part in this We love any excuse to celebrate the amazing people living here at Knebworth and Marjorie’s birthday was no exception Everyone had a wonderful time toasting Marjorie s birthday and listening to her share memories from her long happy life ” We re all incredibly privileged to have Marjorie as part of the Knebworth family – happy birthday!” Keeping Busy” – The Secret To A Long Life According To 103-Year-Old Care Home Resident Celebrations have been in full swing at Longueville Court as one of its residents reaches her special day in style Edith, celebrating her 96th year was joined by staff, relatives, friends and other residents as she received lots of cards and gifts A buffet was held at the home and guests enjoyed a special birthday cake made by the home s chef Edith before coming to Longueville Court was an active member of her local community but moved to Longueville Court where she is enjoying a new chapter of her life The birthday girl said she was so please to celebrate with all her friends around her Krzysztof Krzysztofiak General Manager of Barchester Longueville Court added We re delighted to be celebrating a truly remarkable woman as she reaches this amazing milestone Edith is such a popular resident who always has an interesting tale to tell and we look forward to hearing many more Longueville Court care home is run by Barchester Healthcare one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals Longueville Court provides residential care nursing care and dementia care for 103 residents from respite care to long term stays Celebrations For Longueville Court Resident Westland Horticulture home to brands such as Big Tom, Boost, Resolva, Unwins, and Kent & Stowe is excited to announce the New Horizon Fund that will support community garden projects across the UK and Ireland in 2024 Is your local care home’s outdoor space in need of some love and care to help ensure its accessible to all?
a thriving garden
vast array of physical and therapeutic benefits whatever your level of mobility
awakening the senses of touch sight and smell with an abundance of thriving plants and flowers to simply sitting in the fresh air surrounded by beauty and wildlife, everyone deserves to enjoy an outdoor space The New Horizon Fund aims to create a greener future for all and will support community garden projects, from schools, allotments, hospices, and care homes across the UK and Ireland The funding will comprise of a collection of gardening essentials from Westland from
At Westland, we believe everyone deserves to get closer to nature and
has a
gifted a bundle The sooner you enter the better chance you have The final closing date will be 1st September 2024 HELP WESTLAND GROW THE FUND Growing media which includes composts is the No 1 consumed gardening product With every bag sold of Westland s New Horizon peat free compost the fund grows and grows Every time you buy a bag of New Horizon you ll know you re contributing to community projects that will greatly benefit from an improved outdoor space NEW HORIZON PEAT FREE ORGANIC ALL PLANT COMPOST Success in gardening all starts with compost and with Westland s New Horizon compost you can be sure it is great for the garden, and great for the planet Our relentless pursuit of excellence in ingredients, processes and quality has resulted in our most environmentally friendly and highest performance compost range ever It provides everything plants require for optimal growth and health The New Horizon compost is our most sustainable variety and is the leading sustainable brand in our growing media category It’s naturally peat free it’s 100% sustainably sourced and helps all plants and nature thrive New Horizon has been specially created to be the perfect blend for vegetables fruits and flowers The ingredients start to nourish plants immediately and continue to feed for up to 6 weeks
A Gardening Bundle For Your Local Care Home Or Hospice With Westland

From Five-Star Dining To Care Home Catering, Dhiraj Shares His Exciting Culinar y Journey

Dhiraj the Head Chef at Sherrell House Care Home has had an inspiring culinary career From working

hotel chains in Mumbai to established UK restaurants Dhiraj has a wealth of experience in all types of cuisines and now uses his knowledge to ensure residents receive the very best food!

His journey and success in the catering industry is one to be admired, so in this case study, we will be sharing Dhiraj’s story and how he uses his culinary skills to delight care home residents

Dhiraj was born and raised in Mumbai India and from a young age was always determined to follow in his father's footsteps in the catering industry Dhiraj s father manages a restaurant of his own in Mumbai which gave Dhiraj the opportunity to get his foot in the door and the chance to inherit culinary skills from a very young age

In 2016, Dhiraj successfully graduated from The University of Mumbai and obtained a Degree in Hospitality His qualification and new skills alongside his family's support provided him with the confidence to step out of his comfort zone and put his talents to the test This is when he decided to join The Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai, a luxury, 5-star resort that provides guests with stunning ocean views and a first-class experience This was a big step-up for Dhiraj but he wanted to challenge himself and learn from some of the best in the industry

During his time at the Oberoi Dhiraj was able to learn about various cuisines from around the world including European, Asian, and Indian specialties, as well as traditional Japanese dishes Using the wealth of knowledge and skills he had gained at the Oberia in February 2021 Dhiraj decided it

was time to for his next challenge so he could develop his experience in a different setting Dhiraj took the brave decision to travel across the globe to England, where he enrolled at the University of Birmingham to study for his Master s Degree in Hospitality

After completing his master s degree Dhiraj accepted a role as a Chef de Partie at The Ivy in Birmingham

The Ivy is an established British restaurant that serves traditional food to a very high standard During his time there Dhiraj worked alongside a team of 42 highly skilled chefs where he gained specialist knowledge about modern brasserie classics, Asian-inspired cuisine, and delicious vegan and vegetarian options Dhiraj said Travelling obviously allowed me to improve as a chef but more importantly it allowed me to grow as a person Experiencing different cultures and living independently taught me what was truly important in life Despite the Ivy offering Dhiraj a sponsorship contract he felt his knowledge and skills could make more of an impact somewhere else

In October 2022 Dhiraj moved to London and was offered a role at Sherrell House Care Home This was a completely new role and setting but a different type of challenge that he was keen to take on!

Since his very first day as the Head Chef at Sherrell House, Dhiraj has been eager to apply his expertise in multi-cultural cuisine to the home s catering service Dhiraj spent quality time learning about the residents personal preferences, likes & dislikes so that he could lead his team in tailoring the menu accordingly His knowledge of different cultural cuisines enabled him to prepare traditional meals for residents from various backgrounds in order to meet their specific cultural and religious requirements This has been incredibly well received by the people living at Sherrell House and his traditional recipes brought bring many happy memories from their younger years

Since working at Sherrell House, Dhiraj s desire to improve and deliver the very best food has continued, and after learning more about the needs of the people living there he recently completed a Best Presentation of Puree Foods’ course to ensure residents receiving pureed foods, get a meal that both looks and tastes delicious

Dhiraj continues to strive for culinary excellence, taking every opportunity to improve and better the lives of the people who live at Sherrell House

Parley Place Care Home Creates Special Trip Down Memor y Lane

Residents Jan and Ivor from Barchester s Parley Place care home in West Parley always loved to visit Sandbanks to sit and watch the water whilst enjoying a coffee together so staff at the home wanted to help them recreate this magic moment

Ivor has lived at Parley Place for a year with Jan joining shortly after Jan is Resident Ambassador for the home They are such a wonderful couple and are loved by staff and residents alike The team at the home first found out that Jan and Ivor held lovely memories about Sandbanks through talking with them about things they did as a couple the team then set about putting plans in place for a special trip down memory lane

Staff at the home knew how special it would be for Jan and Ivor to go back to a place they loved and enjoy it once again and everyone got involved with the arrangements They wanted the couple to travel in style so were delighted when A E Joliffes and Sons offered to provide a limousine and driver Jan and Ivor enjoyed a glass of fizz before the Parley Place team and their fellow

residents waved them off A table was booked for them at what is now Rick Stein’s restaurant in Sandbanks – the place they always used to go Staff at Parley Place sent a beautiful invitation to the meal to the couple and the restaurant laid out a special table overlooking the water so they could enjoy a gorgeous meal and reminisce

In response to this wonderful surprise Jan said: “I was on the verge of tears as was Ivor It is such an amazing feeling to know that such a loving group of people care so much about us that they helped us to recreate the special times we had

Gina Smith, General Manager at the home, said: “We believe that every moment is worth cherishing We want everyone we care for to know how important they are to us here at Parley Place It is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team here in making our residents’ lives enriched It was wonderful to see how happy Jan and Ivor were –

and the staff loved being a part of this as well ”

Curam Forges New Partnership with Doctify to Advance Patient-centric Feedback in the UK Care Market

Curam (www curamcare com) the largest care worker marketplace and home-care technology platform in the UK today announces a strategic partnership with Doctify (www doctify com/uk), the leading global platform for patient reviews of health and social care to power enhanced trust and transparency in the UK care sector through patient verified reviews when choosing carers

The partnership will address the critical need to improve patient experiences where only 14% of households are satisfied with care services Providing more choice confidence and quality of care for patients and their families is therefore essential – and that’s exactly the goal of the Curam and Doctify partnership

Doctify gives patients quick access to genuine, independent and verified reviews of carers to find the best carer to suit their needs for at-home care These are anonymised based on the experiences of other patients and cover aspects such as the quality of specialists their services and treatments

Patients can then click through to Curam to connect with the carers with the expertise and availability that they need in real time Not only does this ensure that patients have complete control over their carer selection and the opportunity to form consistent trusting relationships but Curam s self-employed carers are

also able to earn around 50% more than they would in traditional care agencies

Patrick Wallace, director of Curam said, “The cornerstone of care is the patient But the UK s care sector currently doesn t reflect that with the demand for fast, high-quality care far outweighing the supply We’re on a mission to transform care into a sector that s truly patient-centric and offers more rewarding careers for carers too With our partnership with Doctify, we are providing even more transparency and confidence to patients and their families that they are receiving quality personalised care

“Patient experience expectations continue to rise in the care sector The sector must prioritise trust and transparency by putting the patient at the centre We work with 32,000 healthcare providers to achieve this and are delighted to join forces with Curam Through our partnership we ensure that carers have access to meaningful feedback strengthening their understanding of patient needs and improving their experiences while patients can find carers they feel confident in ” said Subhash Mishra VP Business Development at Doctify

Contact client@curamcare com

or 01387 730 766

Four staff members from a Rugeley home were acknowledged for their services which combined made a total of 45 years Nina Varndell (20 years) Maureen Pope (10 years) Theresa Lliffe (10 years) and Paul Hiscox (5 years) all work at MHA Briar Hill House and received a certificate and gifts from the management at the home The certificates and gifts were presented to the four by the deputy and home manager Lorraine Beirne and Ruth Hazeldine Nina works as an activity coordinator whilst Maureen is a kitchen assistant Theresa is a care assistant and Paul works in maintenance The home provides residential and nursing care for 36 residents Speaking after the presentation Nina said: “It certainly does not feel like I have been here that long It feels great to have worked here for 20 years it was a nice surprise from the home to give us the certificates and gifts “When I started here 20 years ago I didn’t think I would still be here for all these years but I can honestly say I have enjoyed every bit of it The residents and fellow staff members make the home what it is and I couldn’t be happier ” Paul added: I really enjoy working at MHA Briar Hill House and really appreciate the gifts it was a nice surprise “I want to thank both Lorraine and Ruth for the surprise and look forward to the next five years Combined Ser vice Of More Than 40 Years For Staff At Rugeley Home
in top

Stroud Care Home Resident’s Wish To

Relive Her Teaching Days Made A Reality

for welcoming Marian, and to the team here at Scarlet House for organising such a meaningful day for everyone involved!

Cadbur y Hall Fosters Deep Connections:

Heartwarming Friendship Blossoms Among Residents


developed between these two residents is a testament to the positive environment we strive to create It reinforces our commitment to providing not only exceptional care but also opportunities for meaningful connections "

As Cadbury Hall continues to prioritize resident wellbeing stories like these underscore the importance of not just meeting physical needs but also nurturing emotional connections The care home invites the community to learn more about their commitment to holistic care and the impactful stories unfolding within their walls

Bernard Sunley Residents Give Jazz A Round Of A-Paws

At Bernard Sunley, the Woking-based residential nursing and dementia care home run by charity Friends of the Elderly, Jazz – the care home s furry four-legged honorary care team member – has been enjoying a ‘paw-some’ time celebrating National I Love My Pet Day with the residents and care team Jazz a very cute Miniature Labradoodle has been a ‘paw-manent’ feature at Bernard Sunley for nearly six years Jazz has been coming to work with me since she was a puppy ” said Andy Cumper her owner and the Registered Manager at Bernard Sunley Jazz is a bone-ified’ member of the Bernard Sunley care team – and even has her own daily sessions on the care home s wide and varied activities calendar Jazz is so popular with all the residents we make sure she has lots of time to visit and interact with them all,” said Monika Ahmed, the Activities Coordinator at Bernard Sunley Jazz will spend time with residents in the Lounge areas playing games chasing her favourite tennis ball having cuddles and getting her ears rubbed; and will also spend one-to-one time with residents in their rooms

“For the elderly, interacting with pets is important as it can help to reduce stress and lower blood pressure Playing and engaging with an animal, such as Jazz, also increases social interactions and is a fun gentle physical activity added Monika Jazz shows how much she loves the residents in many ways She’s always happy to see everyone tilts her head when the residents are talking to her – so you know she s listening to what they are saying – she loves following the Care Team around on her daily visits – and she s more than willing to cosy up on a chair and sleep next to anyone who will let her,” added Andy Our residents are always coming up with amazing stories statistics and really interesting bits of trivia ” continued Andy “Recently when Jazz was on her daily rounds and playing with the residents in the Lounge I was told some amazing facts Firstly that dogs were the first domesticated animal – a fact which dates back to The Stone Age and, secondly, where the term Man s Best Friend originates from Evidently the saying was first used by King Frederick II of Prussia who, before his death in 1786 said “The only, absolute and best friend a man has in this selfish world the only one who will not betray or deny him is his dog – and that s where the well known saying comes from I’m always amazed at how much I learn from our residents especially when it comes to Jazz and dog trivia ” concluded Andy

Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector


the team ” Find out more at www marrprocurement com/m-resourcing/

are delighted to announce the appointment of Dan Ashenden to lead our M-Resourcing service with effect from 1 December 2023
offers a multi-faceted approach to solving complexresourcing problems facing the care sector Whether you facespiralling staffing costs and pressures, or simply require a newapproach to managing this critical area for your organisation, ourcomprehensive resourcing solution reduces costs brings controland allows you to plan for the future with confidence We knowfrom talking to our clients that managing their resourcing costs isstill a key priority and this important appointment underlines ourcontinuing commitment to the sector Christoph Marr CEO of Marr Procurement Dan is a highly-capable leader and has incredibly valuable experiencefrom his years in the care sector managing and delivering complex temporary labour agency programmes We areexcited to bring that experience to our clients ” Dan spent 6 years at Priory Group During my rewarding six-year tenure at Priory, I had the privilege of beingappointed as the inaugural UK Agency Manager where I honed my skills in enhancing their PSL offering Thisexperience has provided invaluable insights into the principles of effective temporary agency management reduction and control Now, as the Head of M-Resourcing at Marr Procurement I aim to leverage this knowledge tointroduce innovative strategies for temp agency reduction to benefit our clients My goal is to ensure the delivery ofa cost-effective and compliant offering, especially in the face of increasing sector costs With a rising demand andour commitment to fairness, our offering at Marr Procurement is poised to become even more beneficial Marr Procurement is a professional procurement organisation serving the care sector and founded on the values ofIntegrity Fairness and Quality In everything we do we believe in doing things better ensuring fairness for clientsand suppliers alike and always doing the right thing Marr Procurement was set up in 2008 and has since servedmore than 50 care clients in delivering savings through sourcing over £1bn of spend Christoph Marr CEO Marr Procurement: At Marr Procurement we believe in seeking to level the playing field forclients ensuring they have equal access to the best procurement services and outcomes This is what drives us everyday in serving our clients The team I have built are each highly capable leaders in their speciality but importantly,they all share a common belief in fairness and transparency This means they are always seeking the right solutionfor our clients where trust is at the forefront Dan is a great fit for our business and for our clients and I amdelighted to welcome him to
Introducing Dan Ashenden our new head of M-Resourcing
Cadbury Hall in Yatton In a testament
the compassionate environment
Cadbury Hall two male residents Roy
through respite
have formed a profound friendship creating a heartwarming impact on their overall wellbeing
connections and emotional support The two residents initially strangers discovered common interests and shared experiences forging a bond that has brought immense joy to their lives The impact of this newfound friendship on the well-being of these residents is palpable Staff at Cadbury Hall have observed increased happiness improved mood and a sense of belonging for both individuals The power of companionship has proven to be a crucial element in enhancing their overall quality of life The General Manager Cristina Iliuta shared At Cadbury Hall we believe in fostering a sense of community and family Witnessing the beautiful friendship that has
Respite care is often seen as a temporary solution for individuals in need but at Cadbury Hall it has become a catalyst for lasting
A resident at a care home in Stroud was delighted to don her teaching hat once again after more than 30 years away from the blackboard When the team at Care UK s Scarlet House on Westward Road learned that 94-year-old retired-teacher Marian Holding was keen to relive her career they were determined to make it happen Marian qualified as a teacher in the 1950s and started her career at Vaughan Primary School in West Harrow where she worked for many years Throughout her career, she worked in a number of schools in the area eventually becoming a deputy headteacher but her main passion remained in teaching children to read The team at Scarlet House arranged for Marian to visit St Matthew s School where she was able to meet some of the children and teachers and enjoyed an afternoon with some of the current year six pupils The visit prompted Marian to share fond memories with Marian saying: “I loved my job – I never wanted to do anything else as a career!” Suzannah Tullett Home Manager at Scarlet House added: “Marian loved her time working as a teacher so the team decided to surprise her with a trip back to school Marian had a wonderful time meeting some of the current students and teachers, and loved spending time reading with the pupils I d like to extend a big thank you to the team and students at St Matthew’s School

Lend a Hand. Make a Change. Join Age UK in The Big Help Out 2024

The Big Help Out is back! This June some of the country’s best-known charities are coming together to encourage people to sign up to volunteer to help their local communities

Age UK is one of those joining the initiative which takes place between 7th June to Sunday 9th June, and it’s inviting the public to try their hand at volunteering across a variety of roles The charity is reliant on volunteers who help provide vital support to older people, often at a time in their lives when they need help the most

More than seven million people overall took part in last year’s Big Help Out – getting together to volunteer and make a difference in their local area – and organisers have launched the 2024 edition with support from His Majesty the King

As well as providing much-needed support volunteering also enables people to gain valuable new skills, confidence, experiences and friends Age UK offers many services nationally and locally which means there are countless opportunities available some of which include:

• Volunteering as a Telephone Befriender

Age UK s Telephone Friendship Services are there to provide a regular friendly conversation for those who want it, by matching older people up with a trained volunteer who calls them at the same time for 30 minutes every week

• Join an Age UK shop team

Age UK s 250 charity shops help the Charity raise vital funds for its work and services and depend on the support and dedication of volunteers

Volunteer for The Silver Line Helpline

This free and confidential 24-hour helpline is there for older people who feel lonely and isolated and need a chat, at any time of the day or night

Support a local Age UK

There is a network of over 120 independent local Age UK and Age Scotland Age Northern Ireland and Age Cymru organisations that run a variety of services which volunteers play a key role in delivering These include social groups and activities such as fitness classes digital inclusion programmes, home from hospital transport, friendship services and much more

Campaign to make the UK a great place to grow older

Age UK believes it is vital the Government listen to the needs of older people Campaign volunteers help push for change through small acts such as signing petitions or writing to their MPs

To find out more about volunteering roles at Age UK and supporting The Big Help Out visit:

www ageuk org uk/volunteer

Castle View House Embarks On An Artistic Journey: Unveiling Residents’ Masterpieces

In an inspiring display of creativity and community spirit Collisdene Care Centre in Strathaven part of Canterbury Care has created its own art gallery to display residents artwork within its Castle View House environment

In a project that bridges the gap between art and care the residents have turned their living spaces into galleries of personal expression

Under the guidance and encouragement of the care team, residents have delved into an array of craft and artistic mediums From the delicate strokes of paintbrushes to the comforting textures of knitted squares, each piece tells a story, a testament to the lives, dreams, and memories of its creators

These masterpieces, lovingly framed and curated, are set to adorn the walls, transforming the environment into a vibrant celebration of creativity and resilience

The initiative has been a collaborative effort from the start with the care team

playing a pivotal role in framing and enhancing the artwork ensuring each piece is displayed in its best light The dedication and enthusiasm of the team have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment among all involved

Activities coordinator Rosie Brennan shares her thoughts on the project: The transformation within Castle View House has been nothing short of miraculous Seeing our residents light up as they create and then admire their work on the walls reinforces the profound impact of art on wellbeing

This project is a vivid illustration of life within Collisdene Care Centre – one where every resident s contribution is valued and celebrated It s a testament to the spirit of our community and we are thrilled to share this with our residents families and visitors


New Qualification To Boost Care Sector


skilled career with progression opportunities rather than a stop-gap It will undoubtedly help to raise the profile of the sector and will give people with limited qualifications the chance to build their skills

It s well-known that people stay longer at places where training is available

People in adult social care jobs will be able to enrol on the new Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate qualification between June this year and March 2025

There will be other training initiatives available including a new digital leadership qualification to help managers in the sector with the implementation of technology

But Lesley warned that this funding must be followed up with decisive Government action to plug the gap in care sector vacancies

She said: There is a bigger conversation to be had at a time when there are 152 000 vacancies within adult social care It is predicted we will need 440 000 care workers by 2035

While this is a good starting point the Government must pledge future funding to support the long-term sustainability of the sector to attract many more people into roles at all levels If decisive action is not taken soon we could be facing unimaginable consequences over the next decade

Valuing the current workforce and giving them opportunities to upskill is important but ultimately pay and conditions need to improve to attract new blood into the sector rather than going into retail or hospitality Realise is one of the country s leading training providers working with more than 1 000 employers and more than 10 000 learners a year throughout apprenticeships and adult education courses For more information visit https://bit ly/realisetraining

Ronald turned 21 the big movies of the year were West Side Story

Breakfast at Tiffany’s The Hustler and The Innocents In the news Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space; John F Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President of the United States and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) was started

Jack Taylor, General Manager at Archers Court said: “We hope Ronald will be amazed to relive his original 21st birthday and we will do our best to bring back the atmosphere at the time It certainly seems to have been a great time to be


a ‘back in time’ birthday party set in the era when he originally turned 21 which is 1961!

Ronald’s 60’s-themed party will be held on February 29th and feature the sounds of the big hits of the year including Let s Twist Again by Chubby Checker Stand By Me by Ben E King Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles and Crying by Roy

The entire home will take part wearing 60 s inspired outfits and colourful tie-dyed t-shirts go-go accessories and maintaining a groovy hippy theme – just like his original birthday 63 years ago The last time

A former nurse has turned undercover boss in an attempt to improve quality and standards in care homes

Sathi Raghavan who worked as a registered nurse and midwife in both India and the UK before establishing her own business in the sector works shifts in homes to check care quality and suggest improvements The founder of Millennium Staffing which supplies staff to care homes hospitals and other healthcare settings across the West Midlands joins care home teams and works alongside her staff who are oblivious she s their boss

Sathi said: It all started when I was working as a nurse in a care home and got fed up with agency staff coming in many of whom refused to carry out the tasks they were needed to do to provide the best care That s what led me to set up my own specialist employment business And when I got my very first call from a care home asking for shift cover that evening I rang the small team I d recruited and no-one was free “So, I put on a uniform and turned up and worked the shift It gave me the opportunity to really understand the home how the team works their procedures and care levels so it’s something I’ve done ever since “I spend one or two days with all new homes so I can prepare and train my




And last month Sathi joined a care home night shift at 1am with agreement from the manager to shadow the team and watch her

to meet the exact needs
able to
of that home everything
the home layout
the full variety of tasks they should be
staff perform through the night and into handover She said: “I love it and it’s really inciteful Not just as a way of seeing the team first hand but also at bringing an outside perspective and a chance to suggest ways for a home to improve its care and safeguarding And her undercover missions have led to improvements across multiple homes including improved CQC inspection outcomes and using her medical background to improve care plans She has also suggested changes to staffing levels to improve care quality even if this means her staff are no longer needed Sathi added: “As a nurse I want to deliver the best care possible, so I m personally invested in every care home and every resident And that extends to my team ” Now providing nurses care and kitchen assistants social workers and other staff to care homes hospitals and social care providers Millennium staffing has grown from Sathi on that first shift to almost 400 employees in under three years For further information visit www millenniumstaffing co uk Former Nurse Turns ‘Undercover Boss’ In Efforts To Improve Care Quality A new accredited qualification for care workers will help to improve perceptions of the sector and will boost retention That s the opinion of a Lesley O Connor Head of Strategic Development at Realise, a leading training provider which offers numerous qualifications in the sector Lesley welcomed the Government’s £75m investment to help people progress in their Heath & Social Care careers The Government recently set out plans for a new accredited qualification and a national career structure for the adult social care workforce It says the qualification will benefit around 37,000 workers within the sector while the defined career pathway will help people plan their future progression But Lesley said while the funding package would make adult social care a more attractive proposition it would likely only make a small difference to the 152 000 vacancies within the sector “This Government investment to add accreditation to the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate is very welcome and it will give the qualification additional value said Lesley “A clearly defined career pathway is also something I have championed for a long time and it offers people a clear route to progress their careers “It will also help to improve perceptions of adult social care as a whole People still think of adult social care as looking after old people and everything that goes with that but the opportunities are far more varied including helping young people with disabilities and assisting with treatment and recovery from addiction I hope it will encourage school leavers to consider adult social care as a viable
Having been born in a leap year Ronald Mustard only gets a birthday every four years – but thanks to the ingenious people at Archers Court Nursing Care Home where he lives he has travelled back in time to the age of 21 again!
moved into Archers Court in Archers Road Farringdon near Sunderland, just over a year ago Archers Court is part of the Orchard Care Homes group
home is rated ‘good’ by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) and offers two innovative Reconnect Communities providing specialist support for people living with complex dementia Reconnect aims to provide additional meaningful engagement for people living in Orchard s care homes based on individual life stories and interests These meaningful engagements can help people to rediscover lost passions and hobbies
the unique milestone,
Court wanted to make Ronald
hit upon
idea of theming
the caring colleagues at Archers
s 84th/21st birthday is something a little special and
young and we hope it will bring back great memories for him and the other members of our communities ” Originally a painter and decorator Ronald became a plant manager and now enjoys the company of a large family that visit him most days of the week He has a son Steven and daughter Sharon, sister Margaret and a large circle of friends so his doorbell is always ringing! He is also a bit of an expert in the Archers Court’s workshop even helping to paint the workshop walls! These days Ronald enjoys the occasional whiskey at the home’s gentleman club and is a keen pool player On his birthday surprise Ronald said I feel so happy and lucky to celebrate my 21st again I can t wait to have a good knees-up with all my closest friends and family at the home’’ Archers Court offers care exclusively for those living with dementia enabling residents to live a life filled with activities of their choosing, with fully individualised care plans in place Care Home Resident Goes Back To The Future, On “21st” Birthday!

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Never A Cross-Word At New Copford Place

Care Home’s Residents Are Definitely Not Clue -Less When It Comes To Their Daily Puzzles

favourite puzzles,” added Chelsey Leather, New Copford Place’s Activities Coordinator “ After having a chat, the residents decided that they had more than a top three Their favourites – in no particular order – are Word Searches, Scrabble, Number Puzzles, Matching Puzzles and Memory Puzzles,” Chelsey continued When it comes to a classic traditional jigsaw some of our residents enjoy doing the Relish Jigsaws which have been created for those living with dementia They are designed to stimulate minds and evoke happy memories which are inspired by real experiences and are full of vibrant colours

“Also a couple of our residents really enjoy tackling more challenging jigsaws I m so impressed with how brilliantly they complete them; I certainly couldn’t do as well as they do added Chelsey

“Puzzles are a very good pastime for our residents as they can improve mental speed and thought processes – and they are also a positive activity for improving short-term memory They can, of course be an individual activity but they are also a great group activity which creates opportunities for engaging with others chatting and conversations and making friends,” Daniel continued

Other benefits of puzzles include helping relaxation as by immersing yourself in a puzzle it can serve as an exercise in mindfulness and help to relieve stress For the elderly in particular the act of picking up puzzle pieces, turning them over and fitting them together can sometimes but quite a challenge However puzzles are a great way to exercise the small muscles in fingers and eyes

“One of our residents told me that jigsaws can be traced back to the 18th Century when European map makers put their maps on to wood and cut them into small pieces They did this to create learning tools to teach geography – so really, interactive puzzles have been around for quite a few hundred years,” Daniel continued I really do learn something new from our residents every day

“Our interactive Tiny Tablet is another example of our commitment to provide exceptional standards of quality care through person-centred care as all our residents can join in and take part in the group activities or use it on their own It’s up to them – they can do what they want to do when they want to do it ” Chelsey concluded

At Friend of the Elderly’s Colchester-based residential care home New Copford Place residents have been celebrating this year’s National Puzzle Day by talking about and engaging with their favourite traditional and application puzzles Whether it’s number puzzles word searches Scrabble matching and memory puzzles or giant classic Jigsaws residents enjoy a range of daily brain teasers Puzzles are part of New Copford Place s wide and varied daily activities “We tailor all our activities to meet each individual s likes preferences hobbies and interests, and puzzles are a firm favourite,” said Daniel Sabau the Registered Manager at New Copford Place Our residents thoroughly enjoy all types of puzzles; whether they are played in groups individually on our large electronic interactive Tiny Tablet or sat comfortably around a table, there’s always some puzzling puzzle mystery taking place New Copford Place’s interactive activity Tiny Tablet enables residents to enjoy, experience and benefit from a wide catalogue of engaging applications It is a large easy to use device with a touchscreen not too dissimilar to an iPad or smart phone but on a much larger scale The ‘Tiny Tablet’ is fully mobile and accessible and can be moved to a standing upright position or turned flat into a table top style For National Puzzle Day we thought it would be fun to find out our residents top three all time
PAGE 22 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 The director of two companies which operated an unauthorised care home investment scheme costing investors more than £57 million has been banned from being a company director for 14 years Robin Forster was a director at Qualia Care Properties Ltd and Qualia Care Developments Ltd which the High Court ruled last year ran an unlawful investment fund Forster of Kings Road Colwyn Bay was handed the disqualification order at the Manchester District Registry of the High Court on Monday 5 February 2024 The order which began on Monday 26 February prevents the 42year-old from becoming involved in the promotion, formation or management of a company without the permission of the court Mike Smith Chief Investigator at the Insolvency Service said: Robin Forster was the director of companies which put investor funds at risk through an unauthorised care home investment scheme Forster made false and misleading statements to investors promising them returns which were never likely to be achievable He also transferred funds to a connected company just days before both Qualia Care Properties Ltd and Qualia Care Developments Ltd went into administration His actions fall well below the standards the Insolvency Service expects of company directors and we are pleased to have secured a disqualification order lasting until February 2038 Qualia Care Properties Ltd and Qualia Care Developments Ltd offered investments in care homes in the north-east of England between February 2016 and September 2020 Investors purchased a long-term lease on a room in a care home run by a third company Qualia Care Ltd and sub-let the room back to the other Qualia companies The High Court ruled in favour of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2023 that it was unlawful and amounted to an unauthorised collective investment scheme The court also agreed the returns promised to investors of between 8-10% of the purchase price were never likely to be achievable and that Forster had made false and misleading statements to investors about the sustainability of the scheme Investors incurred losses of an estimated £57 834 900 through the scheme The FCA is currently seeking recovery of the funds Forster also caused Qualia Care Properties Ltd and Qualia Care Developments Ltd to make three transfers totalling more than £2 million to Qualia Care Ltd in the four days prior to the companies entering administration in September 2020 These inter-company transactions were made at a time when Forster ought to have been aware of outstanding liabilities of at least £5 9 million due to investors Both companies were liquidated in the summer of 2022 Qualia Care Ltd went into administration in October 2022 Director Of Unlawful Care Home Investment Scheme Banned For 14 Years Adept Care Homes has broken new ground with a transformative project Carer for a Day designed to enrich resident care by immersing directors and support team members in frontline roles This innovative approach not only strengthens operational collaboration but also nurtures a deeper connection with residents ensuring their needs are met with unparalleled dedication Throughout the project participants will work alongside care kitchen, wellbeing and housekeeping teams to gain invaluable insights into daily operations Luke Arnold Adept s HR Advisor recently spent a day at Kiwi House Care Home actively engaging in routine tasks Reflecting on his experience Luke remarked “I gained valuable insights into our team’s dedication, strengthening my respect for their meticulous work ethic Chris White Adept Care Homes’ Finance Director recently joined the Front of House and Administration Team at Moat House for an afternoon session Reflecting on his experience Chris shared, “I truly enjoyed the whole experience It provided me with a profound understanding and appreciation of the Administrator role and the myriad of tasks they handle daily Witnessing the team at Moat House warmly welcome our residents and their families was inspiring I felt immensely proud to be part of the team for the afternoon ” Adept Care Homes’ ‘Carer for a Day’ Initiative Redefines Resident Experience

New Analysis Of The Impact Of Covid-19 On Scotland’s Care-Homes

New research by the University of Glasgow in partnership the Advanced Care Research Centre University of Edinburgh has provided further insight on Covid mortality rates in care homes and describes the patterns of COVID-19 outbreaks in Scotland s care homes beyond the first wave of infections

The study undertaken by the University of Glasgow in partnership with the Advanced Care Research Centre University of Edinburgh demonstrates the severe effects of the virus on people living in care homes during the second wave of infections despite considerable improvement in measures to protect residents

Published in Age and Ageing (the official journal of the British Geriatrics Society) the study builds on earlier work on COVID-19 and care homes from the same research group, and includes analysis on a total of 1 313 outbreaks involving residents from March 2020 to October 2021

Overall, across the whole study, 16,891 (83 0%) deaths were due to non-COVID-19 causes, 3 217 (15 8%) had COVID-19 recorded as the underlying cause of death and 244 (1 2%) were COVID-19 associated deaths The COVID-19 mortality rate per 1,000 beds fell from 45 8 in March to August 2020 (wave 1) to 29 3 in September 2020 to May 2021 (wave 2) After roll-out of vaccination outbreaks involve a much smaller number of people and are shorter in duration with the COVID-19 mortality rate falling to 3 5 per 1 000 beds in June to October 2021

The analysis shows the consistently elevated risks associated with living in larger care homes although the risk reduces as the pandemic progresses and epidemiology of the virus evolves Similarly the community prevalence of COVID-19 infections in the local authority area where the care home was located was associated with increased risk of outbreak

Lead author Dr Jenni Burton said: COVID-19 had a devastating impact on people living in care homes We

need to better understand exactly what happened so we can avoid the mistakes made in the future

“Future pandemic planning has to take better account of the care sector and involve residents families and carers A critical gap remains that data about people living in care homes is limited making them relatively invisible to policy As well as clinical interventions like infection control we need to better understand how building design and ventilation influences infection risk and how to balance infection risk against

ing a homely environment for residents to live in ”

Professor Bruce Guthrie comments “During and after wave 1 there many COVID-19 mitigation measures put in place including closing homes to visitors regular staff and resident testing and better isolation and management if residents were infected However continuing high mortality in residents in wave 2 emphasises that mitigation before vaccination was limited because

Oakland Care Celebrate Kitchen Team Lead’s Decade of Ser vice

During her time at Oakland Care Seri has also continued to display a commitment to excellence through her daily efforts to improve her skillset through the care home provider s team member training offerings

Reflecting on her landmark achievement, Seri Muharrem, said:

I am immensely proud of my accomplishments and growth since joining Oakland Care I began my journey as a Care Assistant an experience that enriched me with lasting memories of the residents their families and my colleagues I am delighted to now be driving forward quality care and support through my role as Kitchen Team Leader This journey of navigating a successful and varied career path while being a young mother has been a testament to my determination and hard work, with the invaluable support of the rest of the team at Woodland Grove

“Building on the success of the last decade, I look forward to continuing my career development at Oakland Care including taking on more managerial responsibilities With Oakland Care's recognition as an ‘Investor in People’ and the supportive team environment I am delighted to be surrounded by colleagues who will help me achieve this continued progression

Speaking about Seri, Joanne Balmer BEM, Chief Executive Officer of Oakland Care, said:

years Seri has transitioned into roles of increasing responsibility first transferring to Hospitality Assistant before being promoted to Kitchen Team Leader In her current role she is focused on helping residents and their families through the delivery of outstanding hospitality ensuring that not only the level of service is excellent but the culinary offering as well

This has included supporting with sourcing local produce, producing seasonal and varied menus, and serving signature dishes to residents and their families

Seri is a true professional and credit to the team both at the care home and Oakland Care as a whole She always displays a can-do attitude and is committed to going above and beyond to ensure our residents receive the highest level of service and support every single day I would like to thank her for her unwavering dedication and decade of service to Woodland Grove

“This is a huge milestone and reflective of our efforts to maintain an industry-leading approach as an employer that is committed to internal growth and support It has been a pleasure to be able to give wonderful people like Seri the opportunity to thrive in their career here at Oakland Care ”

PAGE 24 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 In a display of appreciation and gratitude Sundial Care Home surprised their beloved Home Manager Elizabeth (Liz) Thompson with a heartwarming birthday celebration The team decided to combine the charm of Valentine s Day with an Alice in Wonderland theme creating a vibrant atmospherein the care home in Tipton St John Liz Thompson a cornerstone of Sundial Care Home for over two decades was genuinely moved as she entered a transformed communal area filled with cheers applause and embraces from colleagues loved ones and residents who the home fondly refer to as family members The team at Sundial poured their creativity into crafting an amazing Valentines/Wonderland spread that consisted of heart shaped cakes and sweet treats savoury delights and a bountiful buffet spread for all to indulge in Not forgetting the three large cakes carefully displayed on a tiered platform, including a beautifully homemade birthday cake for Liz, covered in marbled icing and of course, topped with birthday candles Touched by the surprise Liz reflected on her 24 year journey with the Evolve Care Group who Sundial Care Home are a part of Why have I stayed here so long? Because with Evolve it truly feels like family I have been so fortunate to work with teams who make coming to work an extension of home life not just for those who come to live with us but for the team too We are able to express our individuality we share everything together good times and sad times The surprise party not only celebrated Liz s 60th birthday but the remarkable dedication and impact she has had on those living and working at the home As Sundial Care Home looks ahead Liz Thompson s leadership will continue to inspire and shape Evolve s community ensuring that the values of compassion and people drivenr emain at the forefront of their mission Liz finished with “There have been many changes over the years and each year I feel we put those we care for centre stage exploring the best care we can offer for each person celebrating their lives and empowering those who are able to live their best life ” Sundial Care Home Honours Beloved Home Manager In Birthday Surprise Leading care home provider Oakland Care is celebrating the momentous milestone of their longest serving team member, Seri Muharrem, reaching 10 years of service Seri is a Kitchen Team Leader at their Woodland Grove care home in Loughton Essex and plays a key role in driving forward and improving the standards of service within the care home She becomes the first person from across all of Oakland Care s 10 care homes to reach a decade with the provider As a young mother at the age of 19 Seri sought to start a career to support her new family It was through an early role that she recognised her natural ability and interest in caring for others Eager to pursue this Seri would go onto secure a role as a Carer in Epping, where it quickly became evident the core caring qualities she possessed and her motivation to help others It was also where she developed her skills and knowledge in health and social care achieving both Level 2 and 3 NVQ Diplomas Shortly after the care home s opening in 2014 Seri made the move to Oakland Care s Woodland Grove care home Thrilled at the prospect of joining a growing team, it was here where she began her journey at Oakland Care as a Care Assistant This proved to be a fantastic decision and since this point she has not looked back Over the last ten
of the high transmissibility of the virus and the high mortality of COVID-19 in older and frailer people
data management to link disparate health and social care datasets Despite recognising the potential value of such data the researchers point out this continues to be significantly challenging across all UK countries and the topic of data featured heavily in the Scottish evidence sessions to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry In particular the data gaps around understanding the population living in care homes and the impact this had on the initial pandemic response remain of concern
Burton said: There is a need for a unified approach to improving national data about people living in care homes across the UK with benefits to be realised in the everyday organisation of health and care services to support them
required time-consuming

Mayoral Candidate Backs Social Care Reform

patron of Dementia Forward and was awarded the MBE in 2018 for services to business and the community

He recently met with Mike Padgham, Chair of the social care provider organisation The Independent Care Group (ICG)

Mr Padgham said: It was refreshing to meet with Keith and to hear that he shares our passion and desire for social care reform Hopefully he will include that in his campaign message for the mayoral election

“York and North Yorkshire, like the rest of the country, are suffering due to the crisis in social care and people in this region are going without the care they need

At the same time care providers are closing or handing back delivery contracts and a chronic shortage of staff is hampering care delivery

“Whilst we continue to campaign at a national level for government change to social care, it is also vital that we enlist the support of local politicians to do all they can to bring about change at a local and regional level

Measures to get more funding in to the local delivery of care and to provide better pay for the workforce so that we can recruit are all immediate and urgent priorities for this region ”

Mr Padgham has also held talks with the Conservative candidate for the mayoral post Keane Duncan and hopes to meet with other candidates shortly The Mayoral election for York and North Yorkshire will be held on 2nd May

Three Bridges Nursing Home in Latchford Warrington welcomed recently-born Lennie through its doors resulting in a special interaction with Ben Parsonage the home’s oldest male resident at 100 years old Lennie is the son of Three Bridges Health Care Assistant Gemma Hughes Ben whose 100th birthday is on March 3rd 2024, was born during what is known as the Greatest Generation (1900-1925); seeing the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z come along before today s Generation Alpha (2013-2025) which Lennie belongs to Ben was delighted

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to meet young Lennie at the home which is part of the Orchard Care Homes group, and said mischievously: “If that picture goes anywhere make sure no one thinks he s mine! Jamie Ashton, Home Manager, said: “This delightful meeting served as a reminder of the cycle of life and the continuity of generations The residents were visibly uplifted by Lennie’s presence demonstrating the therapeutic benefits of such interactions Three Bridges Nursing Home frequently hosts local primary and secondary schools Most recently the home welcomed pupils from Alderman Bolton Primary Choir and students from Sir Thomas Boteler High School who came to perform favourite songs from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s A local youth group will soon be visiting the residents to play games and interact with them Such visits are warmly encouraged at Three Bridges as it s been widely accepted that the older generation s spirits are raised hugely by meeting with today’s youngsters GENERATION GAME: Ben and Lennie Share Care Home Connection, A Centur y Apart! A candidate in the forthcoming mayoral election in York and North Yorkshire has thrown his weight behind reform of adult social care ndependent candidate Keith Tordoff says the sector needs root and branch reform to make it fit for purpose to serve the needs of older and vulnerable adults in the region “Nothing less than total reform of the sector will be good enough,” he said The demographic of York and North Yorkshire with a strong representation of older people demands that we treat their care far more seriously than we currently do Chronic under-funding a lack of proper pay and recognition for the workforce and providers leaving the sector will all need to be tackled if we are to provide the care that people deserve “We should be judged as a society by the way we look after our older people and at the moment we are letting them down It may need some heads banging together but we have to improve the funding for social care, pay the workforce properly and end the exodus from the sector that is currently going on “Social care provides a vital service to the fabric of our society and to our local economy If elected I will be making reform a high priority to bring about real improvement to the quality of life of people living here in our region ” Mr Tordoff had a successful career in the police force before becoming a businessman growing million-pound businesses in several sectors He is a

Dignity Action Day Marked By Residents and Staff At Care Home In Barnstaple

Residents and staff at Fremington Manor in Barnstaple took part in a host of activities to mark a national campaign promoting dignity for care home residents

The care home, based on Manor Close in Fremington, encouraged the team and residents within the home to wear red for Dignity Action Day, which is run by the Dignity in Care campaign Residents at Fremington Manor were treated to a coffee morning pamper sessions and following a ‘Dignity Lunch’ they enjoyed ice creams with a host of sauces and sprinkles

Later in the day the residents were encouraged to share their thoughts on what dignity means to them, with each example being written onto a paper leaf hung on a decorative Dignity Tree Being able to be independent’ and ‘Knocking before entering my room’ were just a few of the suggestions made by the residents Examples suggested by the staff included ‘Giving the respect you would want for yourself and your family ‘Making sure

people feel respected and that they have given consent to care and ‘Making sure people are covered during care

The Fremington Manor team were encouraged to sign up to the campaign’s Dignity Champion initiative, which sees participants agree to uphold the 10 Dignity Do s These include agreeing to support others with the same respect as they would give to their family, treating each person as an individual enabling people to make their own choices and helping people to maintain their own confidence and positive selfesteem

Nelson Lima Home Manager at Fremington Manor said: Our team really got behind Dignity Action Day as it s a campaign that has a huge amount of synergy with the values we hold at the care home for the benefit of the residents in our care Their health, happiness and wellbeing is the most important thing to us as we provide the highest quality of care and support to the residents and will always look to do this with the utmost respect and dignity ”

Reading Centenarian Celebrates Milestone 101st Birthday At Reading Care Home


II, as part of the Land Army, her path crossed with Norman Turner at a station in Ham near Newbury

Their love story began amidst the challenges of wartime Britain, leading to a marriage in 1943 setting the foundation for a family legacy spanning four generations

Today Edith is a matriarch to a loving family including a son and daughter-in-law two granddaughters six great-grandchildren and one great-granddaughter When asked about her secret to a long and healthy life she attributes it to "a good sprinkling of luck and a life free of serious illnesses

Wippet For Care

Reflecting on her youth and the evolution of relationships Edith recalls the simplicity of meeting her late husband without the modern conveniences of online dating Their first date at a local pub in Ham laid the groundwork for a marriage that endured the test of time, emphasising the importance of kindness commitment and shared experiences

Throughout her life Edith has embraced various roles from her contributions to the war effort in the Land Army to her work in cleaning and housekeeping including her time at a children s hospital

Edith's life advice is simple yet profound: "Be kind to everyone " It's a principle that has guided her through the decades reflecting a legacy of love, resilience and kindness that will continue to inspire those around her Home manager Yasemin Ucan said: Celebrating Edith s 101st birthday has been a joyous occasion for everyone here at The Hollies Her story is one of remarkable resilience and love that crosses generations Edith is a cherished member of our community and her life s journey inspires us all

opportunity We were privileged to share this

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In 2023 Barchester Healthcare continued its ongoing commitment to move towards greener technologies for its homes with an extensive investment programme Across the year the company upgraded 13 plantrooms installed energy-efficient LED lighting in 56 homes and 3 672 solar panels at 18 homes with a total investment of £1 9m Working with its chosen solar panel supplier EES Group Barchester s solar installation programme generated enough energy for 22m cups of tea and offset the equivalent in carbon dioxide emissions as planting 23 398 trees This year s plans are just as ambitious with solar panel installations currently scheduled for 37 homes at a cost of £2 2M Joe Rippon, Energy and Environment Manager for Barchester, says: “It’s exciting to see all of the changes taking effect in our homes and the massive benefits to our energy efficiency each change brings This year we are rolling out an estimated 4 767 solar panels across the estate which we help us to offset the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions as planting over 17,000 trees It feels good to know we are helping the planet as well as creating comfortable homely environments for our residents CEO Paul Daly at EES Group comments: “We are proud to be in partnership with Barchester providing energy solutions that will help build a greener cleaner and more sustainable future for their care homes Barchester Healthcare’s CEO, Dr Pete Calveley, adds: “Our commitment to making our homes as green as possible continues to be a major focus in 2024 All of our new build properties are designed with energy efficiency top of mind and have green technologies fitted as standard from LED lighting to monitored water systems and solar powered heating and cooling systems We are also working hard to upgrade our main estate properties with greener technologies as part of our extensive ongoing refurbishment programme ”
Edith Turner a resident of The Hollies care home in Burghfield Common, has marked her 101st birthday surrounded by family, staff, and fellow residents
festivities at the care home, part
filled with joy reflecting
well-lived life has touched
Oval Cricket Ground
generation During World War
of Larchwood Care, were
generations that Edith s
Born in
London Edith Turner (née Bunn) grew up near the
embodying the
of her
to cherish every moment and embrace kindness at every
special day with her and her family

A Campaign Calls For Recognition And Support For Young Carers In North And Mid-Wales

A campaign is underway calling for recognition of young carers in North and mid Wales

Credu has appealed for businesses schools colleges universities and communities across the region to help shine a light on the dedication and commitment of more than 2,400 young carers in Wrexham, Conwy, Denbighshire Powys and Ceredigion

Ahead of Young Carers Action Day on Wednesday March 13 – organised by Carers Trust – they are pushing for more organisations to recognise bilingual resources including an identity card offering discounts fast-track and incentives to young people with unpaid caring responsibility for a family member or loved one often for up to 50 hours a week on top of their work or studies

This latest appeal entitled Fair Futures for Young Carers also wants education settings to demonstrate more empathy and understanding of the challenges they face and come up with solutions to alleviate pressure and create a positive learning environment

Young Carers Coordinator Sally Duckers said Bangor University is a role model for other institutions having invited young adult carers to attend a residential taster while recognising the barriers they face in accessing higher education given they are traditionally likely to be living in areas of high deprivation compared to their peers

Young carers are consistently telling us they wish their schools would understand them better which is disheartening,” said Sally

Credu has been working on a programme of resources to address that which includes free bilingual lesson plans aimed at key stages two and three that follow the Welsh curriculum and new promotion of the Young Carers ID card which invites support from our communities

“Some businesses and attractions are already on board but we would like it to be more noticed and prevalent in the communities we work in We hope others will offer that support to the young carers given the economic and social obstacles they often face

She added: “To have the support of Bangor University and other educators is vital as it gives them something to strive for a pathway to their future careers

Statistics from UCAS revealed young carers tend to apply to universities within 30 minutes of their home so having FE and HE providers in North Wales showing so much support and understanding is key – we are really thankful for that

Lowrian Williams, Widening Participation Officer for UK Recruitment and Admissions at Bangor University said the institution is dedicated to supporting young carers in Wales and pleased to support the campaign

A highlight for us is our annual Young Carers Residential happening every Easter ” said Lowrian

“With support from our partners at Reaching Wider North and Mid Wales Partnership we invite young carers from all over Wales and during their stay on campus, they experience a taste of university life, connect with our friendly staff and students and take part in workshops and academic talks

“It’s not just a break from caring; it’s a chance for them to focus on their own goals and aspirations and we look forward to welcoming them again this Easter

She added “Young carers bring a unique and enriching perspective to our university student community Their resilience compassion and diverse life experiences contribute greatly to the academic community and beyond

Eve Lambrick a Raising Awareness Coordinator with Credu hopes to see more people become Champions for young carers to ensure they do not miss out on activities adventures or job opportunities because of a lack of transport, lack of finances or lack of social connections

We hear many inspiring stories where some positive support in a timely way has led to young carers being able to flourish and develop skills after being given a platform to succeed,” she added

We would love to see businesses especially identify opportunities for young carers to give them a voice and opportunities they might never have thought were possible

“That’s the community we are looking to build so they have all the transferable skills maturity and resilience needed to thrive – that will give them a fair future

To access the Credu resources pack, visit www padlet com/creducarers/credu-young-carers-resourcesu0pc4j2tuz8vzovv

The Oaks Care Home Provides a Home to Dog

Liverpool FC Bring Joy And Unforgettable Memories To Local Care Home

Reflecting on the unforgettable experience John shared I am still on cloud nine after the amazing day we had!" His enthusiasm was palpable, underscoring the deep emotional connection and joy that football brings to its fans

Karen Evans manager of Simonsfield Care Home expressed her gratitude towards Liverpool FC for their thoughtful gesture and the positive impact it had on everyone at the care home: “John and Terry were buzzing when they visited Anfield and for John it brought back so many happy memories of his days following his beloved Liverpool

The Christmas visit from the players was also a joy for our residents It s not just about the love for the game but the sense of community and belonging such gestures foster

PAGE 28 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 UK Care Week has announced their surprise guest for the 20th & 21st March at the NEC Birmingham Helen Whately Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care will deliver a keynote address set to ignite discussions on the current state of the care sector Appointed as Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care on 26 October 2022 Helen Whately brings a wealth of experience and a passion for driving positive change in the healthcare landscape Her dedication to public service is evident in her previous roles where she served as Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury and as Minister of State (Minister for Care) at the Department of Health and Social Care Notably Helen Whately also contributed significantly as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport Her diverse background reflects a deep commitment to enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities Key takeaways will include insights into the future of health and social care policies innovative strategies for improving the quality of care and delivery of the government s vision for the care sector This addition to the programme makes UK Care Week 2024 an event not to be missed! Across the 2 days care professionals have the opportunity to dive into the latest innovations learn from industry leaders and celebrate the collective efforts to enhance the quality of care Tickets are free, to register or for more information visit ukcareweek com Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care to Address Care Community at UK Care Week in March Ted who is a cross between a poodle and a Bijon Friss - and a beloved therapy dog at The Oaks Care Home has become an integral part of daily life for both residents and staff Ted brings a sense of excitement and companionship since being at the home residents look forward to spending time with their furry friend Ted's playful nature and affectionate demeanour create a positive atmosphere, encouraging social interaction and emotional well-being among the residents Whether he's engaging in playful activities, offering comforting cuddles, or simply being a calming presence Ted has a special way of brightening the days of everyone around him His intuitive ability to sense emotions and provide comfort has made him a cherished member of The Oaks Care Home Through his presence Ted has helped reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation among the residents fostering a sense of belonging and connection The joy and happiness that Ted brings to The Oaks Care Home serves as a reminder of the profound impact that animals can have on the lives of those in need of companionship and love Lianne Sturmey Home Manager said ‘ we are so pleased to have been able to offer Ted a home and he has settled in so well our residents and team members absolutely love him – we couldn’t have wished for a better dog’
A resident from Simonsfield Care Home in Anfield saw his dream come true when he was invited to a behind-the-scenes experience to watch Liverpool players train at the iconic Anfield stadium Players from Liverpool Football Club, including Darwin Nunez, Curtis Jones and Cody Gakpo visited the home just before Christmas It brought immense joy and excitement to the residents and staff and was made even more special by the presentation of two tickets to watch The Reds train John a lifelong supporter and former season ticket holder alongside Terry, the maintenance operative at Simonsfield Care Home, were the fortunate recipients of this opportunity It provided them not just a glimpse into the professional routines of their football heroes but also memories to cherish for a lifetime

Next Government Must Put NHS on a Sustainable Footing

that will set the NHS on a path to recovery and sustainability

“Yes this is about government investment – especially in capital and workforce – but it is also about the government resisting the temptation to waste time and energy on unnecessary reorganisation about the government working differently to improve the nations’ health and about enabling our members to deliver on the long-delayed aspiration to move resources into prevention primary and community based care

With the NHS facing increasing pressure from a growing and aging population, whichever party is elected at the next election must give health and care systems the support and tools to be more productive

NHS Confederation members have said that boosting capital investment is one of the best ways the next government can support health leaders and their teams to increase capacity Nine out of 10 leaders said that capital underinvestment is undermining their ability to drive down waiting lists for routine treatments

Additionally, public polling the NHS Confederation commissioned Ipsos Mori to carry out last year revealed that 69 per cent of respondents do not think the NHS receives enough funding

The NHS Confederation has said the new government needs to increase capital spending in England to at least £14 1 billion a year so the health service can carry out essential maintenance and repairs to its estates update old kit and invest in cutting edge technology – particularly in digital technology and AI Doing this will help make the NHS even more productive and ensure that every healthcare pound is spent as effectively as possible

On the need for capital investment Mr Taylor added: “Run-down and dilapidated building and obsolete equipment are some of the most obvious signs of underinvestment in the health service From hospital buildings being held up with scaffolding to mental health patients being treated in outdated buildings, the NHS is crying out for capital

more care closer to home by enabling local health systems to proportionately increase investment into primary care and community-based services mental health and social care

Deliver a strategy for national health given that most policy that impacts people’s health is made outside the NHS As part of this the Prime Minister should lead a cross-government national mission for health improvement to shift the focus from treating illness to promoting health and wellbeing reducing inequalities and tackling the wider determinants of health, and supporting the public to be active partners in their own health

Commenting on the publication of this report, which has been shared with the main political parties Matthew Taylor chief executive of the NHS Confederation said:

“There is no shortage of analysis and advice about what the NHS needs This is why we have worked with health leaders across our membership to identify the five most critical priorities for the next government

“Our members fear that a lack of capital funding is not only hampering their efforts to modernise their estates and equipment but also jeopardises the vital work of driving down waiting lists including the elective backlog

“Without new capital investment the NHS will be unable to maximise some of the fantastic medical breakthroughs in AI and digital technology to improve patient care and we have seen the positive impact it can have on local communities including through the expansion of community diagnostic centres However, put simply a lack of capital funding can leave patients at risk

Health and care leaders are prepared

Next government must boost investment to repair and update crumbling NHS estates and equipment and support economic growth Health and care leaders want the next government to increase vital funding to repair dilapidated buildings invest in cutting-edge technology and drive down long waiting lists as part of a series of measures to put the NHS on a sustainable footing and to build the health of the nation A new report from the NHS Confederation, Building the health of the nation: priorities for a new government sets out what health and care leaders want the next government to prioritise as services grapple with rising demand and a decade of underinvestment The NHS Confederation is the only membership body that represents all parts of the healthcare system in England including NHS trusts primary care providers and integrated care systems Based on extensive engagement with its networks, it has identified the five most critical factors that its members have said will help to secure the future of the service in a general election year These are to: Put the NHS on a more sustainable footing with no top-down structural reform in England for the next parliament and to commit to a short-term stabilisation plan during the first 12 months of a new parliament to help get performance in the English NHS back on track Increase NHS capital spending and reform how the capital regime operates Specifically in England capital funding needs to increase to at least £14 1 billion annually a £6 4 billion increase from the current level of £7 7 billion Commit to fund and deliver the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan for England, alongside an equivalent plan for social care Provide
to work with patients to make tough choices on how local services are configured what care should be prioritised and how best to transform services But to do this they need the next government to provide them with the tools support and investment they need and to move away from the short-term funding cycles that have impeded progress Hazel Lodge Care Home in Battle has joined forces with local Police Community Support Officers Emma Phillips & Daryl Holter to help protect residents and people in the wider community The informative talk which takes place at Hazel Lodge at 11am on Tuesday 5th March will share key tips on how to avoid being scammed A topical issue that often affects the elderly Emma & Daryl will demonstrate how to recognise a scam, and the correct way to respond and report them The talk will cover how scams are disguised and can occur in person by phone by post, by email, and even through social media Guests can also share their scamming experiences and recovery strategies Senior General Manager of the home Robert Dura-May said: We know that scammers often target the elderly because they can be more trusting and easy targets because they are not aware of all of the technology tricks that scammers often use We want to use the event to make sure our residents as well as friends from within the community are better informed on scamming tricks, and to know that support is always available here at Hazel Lodge as well as with the local police ”
Local Care Home Joins Forces
A retired pilot who lives at a Dorset care home had his birthday wish come true when he sat in the captain s seat of an aeroplane David Turner was joined by his daughter Kirsteen and Sam Baker Activities Lead for Dorset House care home based in Hamworthy for the special experience ahead of his 80th birthday later this year David got to sit in the cockpit of one of TUI s Boeing 747s parked outside the terminal at Bournemouth Airport He said: I had a fabulous day with fantastic people I couldn t have had a better experience It was wonderful to sit in the captain s seat once again and have a look around all the controls and switches which brought back many happy memories of my flying career ” David chatted to TUI pilot Captain Richard Griffin about his career in aviation which included 20 years in the RAF 15 years as a captain for a commercial airline and 19 years training the next generation of pilots, before retiring at 75 Captain Richard Griffin said: “It was a pleasure to meet David who was beaming from ear to ear as he stepped on the plane He had lots of interesting stories to tell me about his flying career, including his time flying a Boeing 747 which is a lot larger than the plane we were in for this experience but it has a lot of similarities and his work taking him overseas I’m pleased that I could play a part in his birthday wish At the end of the special event, David was presented with a personalised cake shaped like a TUI plane to take back to enjoy with his friends at Dorset House care home Sam Baker Activities Lead at Dorset House said: David had a wonderful experience sitting in the cockpit of the plane, where he felt right at home At Care South we get to know the individual likes and dislikes of the residents in our care and where possible their dreams and wishes so that we can help them to continue to lead rich and fulfilling lives just like this It was lovely to make this happen for David ” Dorset House Resident’s Flying Start To His 80th Birthday Year Sitting In The Cockpit Of A Plane PAGE 30 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184
To Protect Against Scamming

100 Year Old Care Home Resident Says Secret

To A Long Life Is A Ferrero Rocher A Day

Betty said: “I’m excited to reach 100 and see what it’s like! I’m curious to see if it will feel different to the rest of my birthdays and I m looking forward to seeing what it s like

Betty credits her long life to chocolate in moderation of course and was delighted to be surprised with 100 Ferrero Rocher chocolates from her local Aldi store in Bellshill to celebrate her big birthday, as well as a beautiful birthday balloon donated by Happily Ever Laughter Asked what makes Ferrero Rocher her favourite chocolates, Betty said: “I love the taste of them All the layers are so different and I like taking my time to enjoy them as I make my way through the chocolate

She was also joined by the Lord Provost who visited Croftbank House to wish Betty well on becoming a centenarian

South Lanarkshire Provost Margaret Cooper said: It was fascinating to meet Betty and wonderful to do so on her 100th birthday She has lived through so many momentous times many of which we only know about second hand but she also has a treasure trove of personal memories built up over her life

“Birthday parties are always a great occasion, but it is something special to be at one celebrating a century of life It was wonderful to see Betty surrounded by family friends and staff who all clearly thought the world of her and I am grateful to her for being able to help her mark such an amazing achievement and pass on the congratulations of all in South Lanarkshire ”

Lynsey Young activities coordinator at Croftbank House said: It was wonderful to be able to celebrate Betty s birthday with her friends and family, and the Lord Provost today Everyone at Croftbank House can t wait to help her enjoy her fantastic birthday gift too!

Mimi The Therapy Dog Aces Care Home Visits Chestnut Lodge

For care home resident Patricia, Wednesdays can’t come around quickly enough

It s the day she gets to spend some quality time with her favourite pooch border terrier MiMi on her visits to Chestnut Lodge near Yeovil run by care provider Camelot Care

MiMi 12 alongside her owner Ros Kanter is a regular at the home that provides nursing care for up to 24 people living with dementia

“Patricia and MiMi are a bit of a mutual appreciation society,” said Ros from Halstock who visits the home with MiMi as part of the national Pets As Therapy (PAT) scheme

Patricia is a huge dog lover and enjoys reminiscing about her former lhasa apso dog Dolly who she adored It really brightens her day and brings back happy memories

“She loves nothing more than having a stroke and a cuddle with MiMi who of course laps up all the attention

Pets As Therapy is a charity that works to enhance the health

and wellbeing of people through the companionship of an animal

“MiMi is very good with the residents It’s like she senses when she needs to be gentle and quiet

Jacqui Cuff activities co-ordinator at Chestnut Lodge said MiMi s visits help bring people out of their shell and get them talking

“When Ros brings MiMi into the home, our residents’ faces really light up It gets them reminiscing about things and sparks all kinds of different conversations

That engagement brings a different dynamic into the home and changes the atmosphere It s something different; it s a sensory thing

They will remember the visit and will say they are looking forward to MiMi coming again ”

Fairley (nee Adie) celebrated her 100th birthday this week at Croftbank House in Uddingston with a generous gift of 100 of her favourite chocolates from her local Aldi store and a special visit from the Lord Provost Betty moved into Croftbank House where
2019 and has celebrated several
friends since then
her sister had been living in
birthdays with her family and
to be 100 years old
Elgar Court Care Home in Malvern is providing a much-needed refreshment pit stop for all local emergency services with their Take A Break campaign At any time of the day, hard-working emergency workers can call into the care home to get a hot or cold drink and a tasty bite to eat either to have at the Care home or, to take away with them if time is tight The home said it is delighted to be able to offer this service to “our wonderful emergency crews to thank them for all that they do
launch this campaign the home had the pleasure of entertaining our Malvern Community Policing team, Becky, Dave and Kevin, with hearing and seeing demonstrations of their policing toolkit – handcuffs body cameras smart water tagging sprays Tasers and batons! And of course reassured that these are not needed with the good folk of Malvern! However Maria Griffiths Elgar Court’s Activities Co-ordinator felt what it s like being on the wrong side of the law when she tried on the handcuffs! Luckily PC Dave had his keys and safely handed our beloved Maria back to the residents! Sarah Cadwallader General Manager for Elgar Court Care Home said: We all know how hard our emergency services work and how much our Malvern community rely on them We wanted to say thank you for all that they do, and this is our way of giving back We want our local emergency services to know they are always welcome here at Elgar Court Care Home Emergency Ser vices Invited To Take A Break At Care Home FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE CARE SECTOR VISIT WWW.THECARERUK.COM PAGE 32 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184


The Jolly Journey creates a familiar

prefabricated packaged plant rooms also provide for better use of the spaces that already exist, without the need to undertake expensive and disruptive building projects This is especially valid as demands for larger accommodation space comes at a premium Adveco can help achieve emission reduction targets With more than 50 years of specialised expertise in designing supplying and servicing hot water systems for residential healthcare Adveco is the single resource you need for independent expert technical guidance on choosing pre-sized or bespoke sustainable applications today to get you on the right path towards net zero operation www adveco

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are natural drug-free topical cold therapy gels for muscular and joint pain, chronic arthritic pain postactivity muscle tension, general aches and overuse disorders Easy to use and fast acting BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling without drugs and drug-related side-effects BIOFROST® Gels BIOFROST® Relief Cold Gel for pain relieving cold therapy BIOFROST® Active Dual-Action Cold Gel with Heat Sensation combining cold with natural heat effects to treat back pain BIOFROST® Relief provides instant pain relief and activates body’s own healing through an optimal combination of natural ingredients including ethanol menthol eucalyptus peppermint and MSM Reported benefits of BIOFROST® Relief include lasting pain relief improved joint movements comfort during sleep fewer cramps calmed nerve pain reduced joint and muscle discomfort and faster post-activity recoveries BIOFROST® Active is a dual-action fast-acting cold gel with heat sensation for effective relief of muscular and joint pain Containing 10 natural herbal extracts (i e Arnica Burdock Roman Chamomile, Garlic, Watercress Ivy White Nettle Pine, Rosemary, Menthol) BIOFROST® Active relieves chronic pain, releases muscular tension loosens stiff joints and effectively treats back pain Benefits of BIOFROST® Active include easier joint movements, effective pain relief in treated areas discomfort-free sleep fewer cramps and reduced post-activity muscular and joint fatigue BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are usable standalone or alongside other pain relieving therapies (i e medication physiotherapy etc ) BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are suitable for people of any age including elderly and disabled people living independently or in nursing care Made in Finland by Viking Lab Oy BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are Class 1 Medical Devices registered with MHRA Win Health Medical is the UKRP for BIOFROST® products T: 01835 864864866 / E: info@win-health com / W: www win-health com See the advert on page 3 and the front cover of this issue for more products BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels for Drug-Free Pain Relief C&S Seating Ltd C&S Seating Ltd have provided postural control equipment to residential homes, hospices, medical equipment services and NHS trust hospitals nationwide since 1991 With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable Waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either sup ne or side lying Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes C&S Seating Ltd is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support – also available in two sizes which has removable side cushions and middle pommel for when more control of the abducted lower limb is required Our popular and vibrant range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 colours provide a softer alternative ideal for the colder seasons and are designed to fit snug over our waterproof rolls for maximum protection and comfort Contact us on 01424 853331 or v sit www cands-seating co uk to request or download a brochure pricelist or order form request an individualised quotation speak to an advisor or to place an order See the advert on page 6
Medical BARON MEDICAL in Bredhurst Kent & WESTERN EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES in Bristol have provided a wide range of services to the Care Industry both at home and abroad since the mid-eighties So with a combined 60+years’ service to the Care Sector we are probably two of the oldest supply companies in the UK which enables us to have unique purchasing arrangements with various trade and public bodies within the industry We have close links to the NHS, giving back much needed revenue, whilst also working with diverse clientele at home and abroad to countries less fortunate than ours Understanding the financial constraints often faced by care organisations and individuals, we offer flexible pricing options As a Trade Customer, whether you re looking to purchase just one or many beds, for hire or purchase, we can offer generous discounts to help cash flow Our current range of Alerta Beds is a testimonial to those savings whilst current stocks last but we can always deliver on value Prices are INCLUSIVE of VAT to ease your financial burden along with subsidised delivery Call 0800 954 8801 - Text 07768 800 188 Or email: Maureen (or) Brian@BaronMedical co uk www hospitalbedsuk co uk See the advert on page 15 for further information on how Baron can help your business
designed to simulate an old-fashioned travel carriage featuring real wood panelled wall brass luggage racks ornate wall lights and table lamp opposite-facing seating for four including cushions First Class antimacassars and period memorabilia
Jolly Journey from Little Islands is
and stimulating environment for ‘passengers’ to return to their fondest memories sparking conversations of time gone by Reminisce about travel and holidays with loved ones and friends over afternoon tea in your exclusive cabin, then maybe top it off with a jolly good Sing Song’ on the way home Our Journeys begin with Steam Train rides through Britain with other destinations being planned as the World opens up again Bespoke Journeys can also be created just let us have your ideas and we ll see if we can fit them in with our filming schedule In just one day our Little Islands Team can efficiently install and furnish your opulent ‘First Class Carriage pod’ with all accessories and footage All we require is 2 5M of clear wall space a power socket and good access to create your very own Jolly Journey For more information please contact Little Islands 01828 869802 or see the advert on the front cover The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands Oxford Up Joerns Healthcare s Oxford Up is an active manual stand aid supporting assisted standing seated transfers and patient rehabilitation Suitable for clients who require some assistance when standing but are able to participate and contribute effort to the process the Up can also be deployed as a useful rehabilitation aid With a safe working load rating of 200kg (31st) the Up quickly and conveniently disassembles into three separate components significantly easing storage and onward transportation, making it truly portable Reassembly takes a matter of seconds and its ready for use again An over-sized multi-point push handle eases manoeuvrability for the caregiver and the foot push pad provides a means of generating forward momentum when moving a patient Optimum positioning of the swing-away seat pads and knee support help ensure comfort for the patient Adjustable leg opening allows closer access around furniture, promoting improved patient positioning and general ease of use Where additional seated support is required the Oxford Deluxe Standing sling (With Clips) is fully compatible with the Up and available in three standard sizes: small medium and large The Oxford Up is available to order now with a standard 5 year warranty for peace of mind! For more information contact Joerns Healthcare on 0344 811 1158 send an email to info@joerns co uk or visit our website at www joerns co uk See the advert on page 7 Watch your resident s eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastry trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Visit the website at www euroservice-uk com to see the full range Or see the advert on page 17 Ser ve Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroser vice To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the care sector is being challenged to reduce operational energy use By increasing the use of renewable energy supply and prioritising on-site renewable energy sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and operational costs There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes at a cost Whether in the form of new build projects or the refurbishment of existing, yet ageing facilities, understanding the necessary capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is key to developing a workable sustainability strategy Because of ubiquitous need for hot water, from basins to baths and showers catering and wash down addressing how this resource is secured is one of the best ways of making active carbon savings today Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps solar thermal direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas appliances - helps properties meet sustainability goals in a practical and cost-effective manner It also delivers improved year-round conditions for residents and staff providing spaces better suited to delivering quality care For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW silent solar preheat is the preferable option For new build properties the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat New system approaches including
co See the advert on page 5 Where To Start Caring For The Environment Consort Claudgen s innovation in the electric heating industry takes another leap forward by introducing Wi-Fi-enabled heaters to their low surface temperature (LST) range These cutting-edge heaters offer unparalleled convenience and efficiency The heaters connect directly to Wi-Fi, enabling users to control heating through the digital control panel on the heater or via the Consort Connect app With a comprehensive 7-day timer which allows 24 individual heating periods per day and features such as a lock function open window detection and custom automation users can tailor their heating needs to their preferences Adding to the ease of use users can view the energy consumption statistics of all connected heaters, providing insights into usage patterns and potential savings The LST heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensors have a selflearning control ability They utilise in-built occupancy sensors to detect and learn a user s weekly presence in a room creating an intuitive heating schedule When the space is unoccupied the heater conserves energy by switching to a setback temperature or frost protection mode BIM (Building Information Modelling) objects for the heaters are available for download from Consort’s website 01646 692172 | sales@consortepl com | www consortepl com See the advert on page 7 Consort Claudgen Introduces Wi-Fi Enabled Heaters to LST Range THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 33

rate up and down the steps- and beyond AAT visited Phil and Mel to assess the situation that the S-Max Sella would safely deal with the steps and that Mel and Phil were both comfortable using it Phil was so impressed he ordered one on the spot AAT delivered it set it up to their personal preference and trained Phil in how to use the equipment correctly and safely

Under Phil’s control with its integral seat and battery-powered kinematic climbing capability S-Max Sella safely gets Mel around her home again It gets her out of the house and into town It really is a fantastic piece of kit says Phil

Encanto and Cuba – Fabrics for Well-designed Contract Interiors

drapery and bedding designs view the full palette on-line and order a shade-card The collection meets the requirements for Flame Retardancy standards across the UK and Europe and meets IMO standards with the added benefit of the MED wheelmark confirming suitability for marine/cruise-line interiors Available immediately with short lead-times for larger order quantities Skopos are pleased to add this collection into their Accents range For a copy of our Encanto shade-card pls contact our customer service team: sales@skopos co uk or for free samples of our collections visit our web-

for any contract interiors whether office education care or high-end hospitality and cruise interiors Along with many other Skopos upholstery fabrics this collection comes under the Skopos Protect+ banner Perfect for flagship interiors with colours that compliment Skopos

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies including hand hygiene cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES LeisureBench Ltd is proud to introduce its new sister company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd Made from 100% recycled plastic, our new ranges are designed and manufactured at our new premises in Granthan using the latest technology From picnic tables to planters the growing range of products are ergonomically designed for the commercial sector at affordable prices and most items come with a 25-year construction guarantee Introducing our new stylish side chairs available in several colours they are both comfortable and at a starting price of just £99 45 +vat in black they represent excellent value for money Our new website www sgmrecycledplastics com has automated muti-buy discounting Discounts start from as little as two of the same product for exceptional value We believe we are the most competitive in the market Our in-house design team can design bespoke products for our clients and no job is too small or too big Customer service is key to our success We welcome visitors to our factory showroom at Old Wharf Road Grantham Notts NG31 7AA SGM T: 0333 0112314 Calls charged at local rate E: support@sgmrecycledplastics com SGM W: www sgmrecycledplastics com LeisureBench W: www leisurebench co uk We all want to see less waste plastic and sustainability; our products are a small but not insignificant step in right direction Thank you See page 10 for details LeisureBench Ltd is Proud to Introduce its New Sister Company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd S-Max has restored the freedom to get out and about for Mel and Phil Sanderson after months of being confined to living in their basement In 2022, Mel lost much of her mobility Unable to cope with stairs, she and her husband Phil ended up living in the basement of their three-storey home in Hull town centre With no internal staircase only a narrow turning flight of stone steps outside and strict building/alteration constraints (the property is Grade II listed) it became nigh on impossible for the couple to get out- whether for daily essentials or leisure- nor to socialise at home with friends and family Phil was having to physically lift Mel up and down the stone steps putting them both in danger of falling Phil was determined to find an answer His research led him to AAT and its top-selling S-Max Sella stairclimber Under the control of the care-giver the mobile battery powered unit transfers its passenger safely and at a consistent
Before we got the S-Max we were basically trapped in the basement Once trained it is very simple to use Now we can go out for leisure and appointments after months of being stuck inside It even means we can have family occasions upstairs as we used to with ease! I would recommend the S-Max for anyone who needs help getting up and down stairs S-Max is the UK s top-selling stairclimber with an impeccable safety record built up over 20+ years for the thousands of units in use nationwide Class 1 Medical Device certified the S-Max executes over 300 steps from a single charge Its unique ComfortStep feature delivers a smooth comfortable climb or descent automatically adjusting to variation in riser height and gently braking on the edge of each riser to facilitate the process for the operator The standard S-Max unit attaches to most wheelchair models to enable them to be safely moved up down almost any flight of steps The S-Max Sella features an integral seat for people who are not confined to a wheelchair AAT has developed a Universal Back for the units to achieve optimal flexible safety and physical support for the passenger AAT offers a comprehensive support service, including free no obligation assessment, setting up of the S-Max training of its users plus ongoing service & maintenance Full details including videos of the Sella stairclimber can be found @ www aatgb com/s-max-sella
Family Gatherings Restored! S-Max liberates Mel and Phil Adding to the family of impervious contract upholstery solutions from Skopos Encanto provides a burst of colour and texture into commercial spaces Marrying the key attributes: antimicrobial impervious soil and stain resist the 3 designs offer amazing performance without compromising on style Following in the footsteps of Chamonix Moritz and most recently Chamonix Deuxième
choice within the collection is designed to compliment a range of different interior choices With 38 new Skus each design works beautifully alone or in combination to create simple contemporary and stylish contract furniture pieces The fractured herringbone
familiar yet unique texture alongside a flexible small-scale check
our familiar Cuba linen design The palette provides
classical neutrals
5 Flame Retardant backing
No More Stuck
The Basement,
pops of colour or a choice of
The three designs are provided are Halogen-free Oeke-tex 100 compliant with Crib
000 Martindale rubs offering a beautiful
site: skoposfabrics com Skopos are looking to become a Carbon Neutral organisation in 2023 working towards PAS2060 status as part of our drive towards a more sustainable future For further information please visit our website Skopos is an ISO9001 accredited company and has more than 50 years’ specialist experience in the design and manufacture of high-performance FR contract fabrics for the hospitality sector Images show Marmotte Magenta and Slalom Olive/ Orelle Elm provided by Barons Furniture


Skin Health and Surface Hygiene Expert, GOJO Urges


To Be Prepared This Germ Season

Skin health and surface hygiene expert GOJO urges organisations to be prepared this germ season

GOJO, THE INVENTORS OF PURELL™, and the hand sanitiser category itself is advising organisations particularly those in the care sector that look after the elderly and the vulnerable, to take steps to lessen the impact of seasonal viruses this winter

Preparedness can save lives – last year’s influenza programme prevented around 25 000 hospitalisations in England This autumn and winter COVID-19 flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are likely to be co-circulating which, according to Dr Marc-Alain Widdowson, who leads WHO's High-threat Pathogen team would increase the risk to vulnerable populations and put further pressure on health services ’

Whilst flu vaccines are a powerful weapon good hand hygiene is a critical measure in the battle against winter infections For healthcare and long-term care settings which support vulnerable patients GOJO recommends paying extra attention to their specific needs Chris Wakefield V P European Marketing and Managing Director UK & Ireland GOJO Industries-Europe

Ltd comments: ‘As a founder member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Private Organizations for Patient Safety group GOJO is a strong advocate of making hand hygiene second nature to everyone Hospitals and care homes need to ensure that the protection solutions they select are suitable for everyone with a facility – staff visitors, and patients alike

For example consider touch-free dispensers that are easier for the elderly and infirm to operate and ensure that the formulations are suitable too They must not only have proven efficacy against germs but should be gentle enough to care for resident s delicate skin as well as that of busy healthcare workers, who clean their hands repeatedly during a shift ’

Widely used in the NHS PURELL® is a trusted brand in healthcare facilities around the world Its solutions encompass fast-acting, effective formulas that care for skin state of the art dispensers and dedicated support such as the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) accredited training

For a tailored effective total solution for your setting or for more information on the benefits of partnering with GOJO please call +44 (0)1908

588444 email CustomerExperienceUK@GOJO com or visit www gojo eu/uk

We do


Swiftclean is a family-run business which has been established for over 40 years Formed to provide specialist compliance cleaning services for ventilation system hygiene Swiftclean is now one of the UK s foremost providers of kitchen extract fire safety cleaning legionella control services fire damper testing indoor air quality monitoring and ventilation system cleaning WHY SWIFTCLEAN?
the job properly, giving you peace of mind:
tackle many new projects where dirt or grease has been allowed to build up - all our ventilation cleans are carried out to comply with BESA TR19® or TR19® Grease Our legionella control services provide clean water:
provide legionella control services to ensure L8 regulations compliance preventing legionella outbreaks and maintaining a healthy water supply
help safeguard your insurance: Our unique cloud-based digital delivery system produces detailed compliance documentation to help safeguard your insurance preserve your business and protect your brand reputation We save you time and money: By using us for both ductwork and water hygiene services you can make the best use of your budget as well as your valuable time We’re big enough to reach you, small enough to care: We provide nationwide coverage in England Wales and Scotland through one team with the same exemplary high standards We re highly experienced, we know what we re doing: Our expertise has been built up over more than four decades and we’re at the cutting edge of industry progress Our Managing Director is directly involved with BESA and we re an award-winning ISO registered company We re experienced and reliable; you can count on us to do the job properly We would love to hear from you Please feel welcome to contact one of our team members on 0800 243 471 option 1 www swiftclean co uk Swiftclean Puts Your Care Home in Control of Grease and Legionella

Christina Larkin is JLA s Chief Data and Marketing Officer shaping the organisation s decision-making through analytics and insight As ESG lead Christina also inspires JLA s teams to put customer and sustainability-focused thinking at the heart of their actions As managers across the UK s care sector continue to navigate the triple challenge of infection control rising utility costs and the drive for greater energy efficiency what innovations and practices can be adopted to help future-proof care homes protect residents and staff and still enable organisations to meet their short and longerrange sustainability targets? In this piece on finding the balance JLA’s Chief Data & Marketing Officer, Christina Larkin shares her thoughts on an increasingly pressing question


The Covid-19 pandemic has rightly seen the care industry – and the Care Quality Commission – place renewed focus on infection control From the laundry room to the kitchen care home hygiene and safety are rightly non-negotiable while compliance and residents safety remain everyone s top priority

At the same time initiatives to drive efficiency reduce waste and decarbonise the sector continue to gather pace with net-zero targets and more accessible alternative technologies allowing organisations to reduce their carbon footprint without compromising care standards The good news then is that energy savings are still highly achievable in care settings and can even help to demonstrate to your residents (and their families) that you are taking steps to becoming a more sustainable business which in turn enhances your reputation

Of course practically meeting these expectations will usually mean adopting a range of measures These could be as simple as switching to more sustainable everyday consumables and reducing waste sent to landfill It could mean upgrading boilers and associated heating equipment to more efficient hydrogen-ready units Or it could mean investing in more energy-efficient washing machine systems, which, thanks to technological innovations, will use considerably less electricity and hot water to disinfect a laundry load, and actually lower your day-to-day running costs

Whatever the path you take, improving sustainability brings a myriad of benefits – and not only in operational efficiencies or cost savings In fact, it s increasingly the case that committing to sustainability means investing in your people s wellbeing as well By making positive changes and working on sustainability together you can help to improve morale and reduce staff turnover which allows residents to build even deeper relationships

with your care team You ll also be a more attractive proposition to talent across the industry which further drives up standards

And as more and more families begin to consider the environmental impact of facilities while making crucial care decisions such a commitment to sustainability could well become the key difference between you and your competition


With commercial energy costs at record highs we often hear of care homes seeking cheaper domestic washing machines for their laundry rooms However research shows that this can be a false economy For one, domestic machines are much less robust, needing more regular repairs, while their smaller load capacities add up to needing more washes, at greater expense More importantly, it is unlikely that they can achieve and maintain the thermal temperatures required to keep you compliant with the requirements of HTM 01-04 A commercial washing machine is far more likely to control temperatures effectively, as well as providing the correct holding time to achieve the full penetration of a load for disinfection Alternatives to thermal laundry infection are becoming increasingly widespread too One example is ozone disinfection technology which uses the power of natural ozone gas to eliminate infection from laundry loads on an energy-saving cool wash During a study with Leicester s De Montfort University JLA s own ozone disinfection system OTEX was found to completely remove the coronavirus It also helped to cut hot water usage by up to 80% and electricity by 60%

As expected regular servicing and proactive maintenance are more likely to extend the working life of your equipment But when washers dryers and other appliances reach the end of their life it is always worth considering the latest developments to understand what they could save you in time energy and money This is because the most up-to-date technologies are likely to come with enhanced energy-saving features and help you spread savings across the year

Further utility savings can also be achieved through comparatively lowcost investments such as swapping double-headed taps for single-lever taps to help control hot water consumption installing showerheads that use aeration to save water adding reflective heat film to your windows to reduce energy loss and – a classic – powering down any unused appliances


As technology for the care sector continues to evolve embracing it will be key to staying ahead Enabled by internet connectivity and state-ofthe-art sensors remote monitoring systems are now allowing providers to keep a watchful eye on your equipment spotting issues early and dealing with them before they can cause disruptive downtime Similarly customers are getting fresh insights into the way their laundry rooms are running; from one dashboard managers can easily view real-time data

without having to be on site By creating a fuller picture of a laundry room s daily use these systems offer a smart way to plan resources save time and make decisions that reduce energy use And as this technology expands we expect to see more and more use cases opening up JLA s own Connect service offers always-on monitoring for compatible laundry equipment Some of its features include improving efficiency by estimating the amount of energy and water machines use, in addition to suggesting better times to run them for maximum savings On top of that, JLA Connect offers a handy way to quantify and potentially reduce environmental impact with estimates of CO2 emissions

JLA has also introduced its own Energy Smart Hub, which combines practical tips, data-driven insight and actionable advice that is already helping customers tackle rising energy costs and stay energy smart We view this

hub as a crucial resource offering honest comparisons between products while ensuring customers have the full picture on costs and benefits when they come to explore or invest in more energy-efficient equipment Our recently published sustainability report – a first in the commercial equipment industry – expands this transparent approach The report not only explains the steps we ve taken to save our customers 8 million kWh in electricity and 276 million litres of water through OTEX but formalises our sustainability strategy We believe it is vital to outline our future goals as we continue to support thousands of organisations like yours that are the bedrock of the UK s social infrastructure It is our hope that by adopting best practices embracing new innovations and sharing inspirational success stories the sector can navigate today’s challenges while working towards a future of excellence in care and environmental responsibility
Robust Infection Control While Driving Sustainability? Article by Christina Larkin, JLA's Chief Data and Marketing Officer (Website: www jla com Email: etagg@jla com Phone: 0800 591 903) LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS In the realm of national care maintaining an unwavering standard of service is of paramount importance The key to achieving this lies in forging partnerships with trusted service providers Established in 1926, Forbes Professional offers a cutting-edge solution that helps both small care homes and national care groups establish a streamlined process for all on-going service and account management At the core of Forbes Professional s offering is a nationwide delivery model with a localised response; fortified by the security and dependability that comes with being a well-established company Our extensive network of depots and field engineers ensures a highly responsive service and maintenance capability, activated seamlessly through a dedicated hotline at our headquarters Collaborating closely with clients, we customise solutions aligned with their unique requirements Our approach involves comprehensive site surveys detailed CAD designs and the meticulous selection of industrycompliant Miele laundry appliances Recognising the paramount importance of hygiene in the care sector, our commercial laundry equipment strictly adheres to WRAS and CQC guidelines for infection control For those in the care sector Forbes Professional offers flexibility in acquiring laundry equipment through rental, lease, or purchase options all accompanied by comprehensive maintenance services Our Complete Care rental solution stands out by providing access to premium equipment without upfront capital investment coupled with a commitment to cover all repair or replacement expenses throughout the contract s duration National care groups partnering with Forbes Professional are assigned a dedicated account manager, streamlining all aspects of account management for a highly efficient and simplified process This approach ensures a seamless experience for procurement teams and care management staff, reinforcing Forbes Professional's commitment to elevating the standards of care provision in the national landscape www forbespro co uk | info@forbes-professional co uk | 0345 070 2335 Forbes Delivers a Streamlined Solution for National Care Groups Chester based Laundry professionals Lavamac Ltd, official distributor of Lavamac industrial laundry equipment has received the prestigious Bronze Sustaibnability award in recognition of their policies and procedures based commitment to maintain a sustainable business for ourselves or customers and the environment The three main points Lavamac have been recognised for are: 1 Air source heat pump dryers connected load 3kw as opposed to 30Kw for a 16kg electric dryer and 25-30 kw for Gas clean efficient and saving the planet available from £10995 fully refurbished to £16995 00 new both with 24 months parts and labour warranty and the option to extend and cost effective annual premium ? 2 Refurbished Equipment we completely rebuild any current model of Primus Lavamac or Ipso washers dryers and ironers I full ground up restoration leaves these machines as good ( if not better than ) New ! sold rented of leased these machines are between 40-50% of cost of their new equivalent with a warranty as new 24 months parts and labour ( see attached literature on our product range ) 3 Intelligent washings machines ( In conjunction with our partners www countrywidehealthcare co uk ) we can potentially reduce chemical usage by up to 35% and labour by 30 % A delighted Jeremy Hartigan CEO of Lavamac Ltd said: I am extremely proud to announce that Lavamac have been awarded a prestigious Bronze Sustainability Award by the UK Groundworks Trust This award demonstrates our commitment to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility within the sector This award is renowned for honouring businesses that demonstrate exceptional dedication and innovation and we are thrilled to be recognised for our resolute focus on offering sustainable products and services while raising awareness about the importance of environmental concerns within the sector See the advert later in this feature further information on Lavamac Laundr y Specialists Lavamac Receive Sustainability Award MAG Laundr y Detergents Maintaining cleanliness and comfort in care homes and nursing homes requires selecting the right laundry products That s why many UK care homes trust MAG Laundry Detergents for their laundry needs MAG s specially formulated commercial laundry detergents stain removers and fabric softeners are designed to address the most common soils found in senior care facilities MAG s laundry solutions stand out in ensuring that your laundry and linen remain clean bright and soft By washing with the high-quality laundry products available at www maglaundrydetergents co uk you can offer your residents the freshness and cleanliness they deserve helping you uphold the highest standards of care for your organisation To explore how MAG can support your care home contact them at 01353 883025 or visit www maglaundryequipment co uk
How Can The Care Sector Maintain
LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS PAGE 38 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 Cash s Apparel Solutions has been at the forefront of manufacturing woven nametapes for over a century, serving the nursing home sector and beyond Their nametapes have become synonymous with preserving identity, preventing lost garments, and delivering personalised identity items and gifts Preserving dignity Cash s woven nametapes provide a simple yet effective solution to labelling clothing in nursing homes minimising distress caused by lost garments, fostering an environment where residents are seen and respected for who they are Cash s has earned a global reputation for reliability and quality Their woven nametapes are sold and utilised worldwide serving as a testament to their effectiveness In addition Cash s Apparel Solutions goes beyond their renowned nametapes Their expertise in weaving and personalisation allows them to create a diverse range of identity items and gifts From personalized badges to custom keyrings and promotional products Cash s demonstrates their versatility in meeting unique customer needs By offering tailored solutions, they celebrate individuality, making a significant contribution to the spirit of personalisation and fostering a sense of belonging A Century of Excellence Cash s century-long presence in the industry showcases their enduring commitment to excellence They have adapted and innovated, embracing modern technology and evolving customer demands Cash s unwavering dedication to their craft and the nursing home sector demonstrates their genuine concern for residents well-being and comfort In conclusion, Cash s has established itself as a leader in manufacturing woven nametapes personalised identity items and gifts With their century-long legacy of quality reliability and attention to detail Cash s continues to make a significant impact in the nursing home sector and beyond By preserving identity preventing loss and embracing personalisation Cash s Apparel Solutions truly embodies their commitment to enhancing safety dignity and individuality in care facilities worldwide Visit www cashslabels com Preser ving Identity and Preventing Loss: Cash's Apparel Solutions' Centur y-Long Legacy PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING Washing Machines for Residential Care Homes MAG Laundry Equipment the award-winning supplier of commercial washing machines and tumble dryers takes pride in its extensive support to over 10,000 care homes nationwide Maintaining clean laundry and bedding is of utmost importance for care homes, hospices, nursing homes, hospitals, and various healthcare organisations MAG Laundry Equipment s nationwide team of accredited engineers has successfully served thousands of care homes with their products services information and support MAG s comprehensive product range encompasses commercial washing machines tumble dryers ironers presses and detergents With quality products dating back to 1922 MAG has continuously developed and enhanced its equipment making them some of the most reliable energy-efficient and cost-effective machines in the market Care homes benefit from the peace of mind that their laundry machines can be promptly maintained and repaired, as MAG Laundry Equipment supplies, installs and services equipment across England Scotland and Wales For those seeking high-quality wash results capable of removing stubborn stains MAG is the go-to choice Their washing machines for nursing homes feature complete thermal disinfection as standard To explore how MAG can support your care home contact them at 01353 883025 or visit www maglaundryequipment co uk

Accessible Bathing in Nursing and Care Environments

Accessible bathing requires the use of specific equipment and aids to assist residents These may include handrails shower chairs bath hoists and walk-in baths It is vital to ensure that the equipment is regularly maintained and that staff are trained in its correct use

Technology can play a significant role in accessible bathing with innovations such as digital showers and temperature-controlled taps providing increased comfort and safety for residents For example some taps can automatically turn off if the water temperature gets too high reducing the risk of scalds

Residents' dignity and privacy should be respected at all times during accessible bathing Staff should ensure that residents are treated with respect and that their dignity is maintained throughout the bathing process Residents should also be given guidance on how to use the facilities and any equipment to ensure that they feel comfortable and safe

and timing of bathing the use of aids and equipment and the involvement of family or caregivers

Accessible bathing is an essential aspect of providing quality care to residents in UK care and nursing homes Health and safety risk assessment training injuries aids and equipment technology flooring infection control, and patient dignity and guidance are all crucial considerations when designing and maintaining accessible bathing facilities By prioritizing these aspects care and nursing homes can ensure that residents receive safe comfortable and respectful care during the bathing process

ages with different needs and abilities to share facilities

“We launched Omnicare Digital for this type of application, further strengthening our collection of thermostatic care showers The new model helps users with reduced mobility and can be specified in wet room applications, while still offering all the safety features that are included across our Omnicare range ” British Electrotechnical Approvals Board (BEAB) Care Mark approved all models in the Omnicare range have a maximum temperature setting of 43 C and are equipped with thermostatic temperature control to prevent scalding and sudden drops in water temperature regulating within +/-1 C Additionally to help users of all abilities wash easily and safely Omnicare products are Royal National Institute for Blind (RNIB) accredited and included audible feedback and tactile controls such as a looped lever handle and soft press start/stop button There are additional accessories that can be paired with the Omnicare range to mitigate against slips trips and falls including multi-purpose grab riser rail kits and remote start/stop controls

Triton s Omnicare Digital shows the manufacturer’s continued commitment to sustainable showering solutions In Triton’s latest research it found that an electric shower can cost nearly a third less than a mixer

Ashley added: “We’re always looking at impact on the planet, whether that’s from our own manufacturing processes or changing the behaviour of those using our products

For more information about Triton’s Omnicare range, please visit

www tritonshowers co uk/care-showers

in multi-generational households whether due to a shortage in housing stock cost-of-living crisis or the population living longer Therefore properties must be adapted accordingly allowing people of varying

Contact details: Call: 02476 324 776

Email: specification@tritonshowers

Triton has unveiled its new Omnicare Digital solution designed for safer showering in level access bathrooms Expanding its industry-leading collection of Omnicare electric care showers, the latest launch from Britain’s leading shower manufacturer has Bluetooth compatibility, enabling it to automatically pair with a Whale Instant Match pump, evacuating wastewater from showers where gravity cannot do so Ideal for both new build and retrofit applications the product joins Triton’s existing Omnicare Omnicare Ultra and Omnicare Design products to form a complete range of inclusive thermostatic showering solutions Packed with innovative features the Omnicare Digital switches off instantly if power to the pump is cut for any reason preventing flooding Quiet in operation the unit controls the pump s speed based on flow rates so gulley suction noise is minimised With a small footprint the pump can be installed in various locations including bathrooms airing cupboards and other accessible locations – making it easier and faster for contractors to fit and maintain A 7m pairing distance through Bluetooth wireless technology also offers flexibility for the pump to be sited outside the bathroom area Triton’s latest launch has been developed to support the continuing trend of multi-generational living amid an ageing demographic Last year, CBRE found that 1 8m UK households now contain two or more adult generations Ashley Cooper Marketing Director at Triton Showers said: “An increasing number of people are living
co uk NEW: Omnicare Digital Shower for Level Access Bathrooms Accessible bathing in UK care and nursing homes is essential to provide residents with the best possible care It is vital to ensure that the bathing experience is safe comfortable and respectful of their dignity and privacy In this article, we will explore various aspects of accessible bathing in care and nursing homes, including health and safety risk assessment training injuries aids and equipment technology flooring infection control and patient dignity and guidance Bathing is a routine activity that most people take for granted However for people with mobility or sensory impairments bathing can pose significant risks of falls, injury, and other complications Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment of each resident s bathing needs and capabilities to identify potential hazards and develop appropriate care plans The risk assessment should take into account the resident s physical and cognitive abilities, mobility, sensory impairments medical conditions medication and history of falls or injuries The assessment should also consider the design and layout of the bathing facilities including the type of bath or shower flooring lighting, temperature, water pressure, and grab rails Based on the assessment, the care team can develop a care plan that addresses the resident's individual needs and preferences such as the frequency

Is a Sustainable Diet a Nutritious and Healthy

“In the most general terms as a population our current diet is not sustainable or healthy The most recent UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) data shows our intakes of saturated fat, sugar and salt are above the Government recommended levels Whereas intakes of fibre, fruit, vegetables, and oily fish are too low

In the UK the Eatwell Guide provides a model for a healthy varied diet It is estimated that if everyone adopted this diet nationally it would lead to reductions in associated GHGE (-45%) and land use (-49%) It includes eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day wholegrain and higher-fibre starchy foods, and diversifying protein intake more towards plant sources such as beans and other pulses as well as plant-based meat alternatives

A recent study found increased adherence to the recommendation on reducing red and processed meat consumption was associated with the largest decrease in environmental impacts and carbon footprints

This same study found if everyone in the UK consumed a diet in line with these recommendations it would lead to significantly less type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes and cancer

All the evidence shows moving to a more plant-based diet means a positive impact on our health whilst meeting nutritional requirements and sustainable eating can absolutely include small amounts of meat fish and diary

Is this suitable for older adults? Aside from specific requirements if it is healthy safe and appropriate for the individual this is all very relevant for over 80s wanting to support the planet David Attenborough is a good example!

Learn more by watching allmanhall s interview with ITN:


co uk/ References https //www carbontrust com/our-work-and-impact/guides-reports-and-tools/theeatwell-guide-a-more-susta nable-d et https //bmjopen bm com/content/10/8/e037554
Tess Warnes, Dietitian at food procurement experts allmanhall (www allmanhall co uk), explains THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 41
AND HYDRATION Müller is now making the trademark taste accessible to flexitarians and those following a plant based diet, even when away from home The move highlights how Müller is investing to expand and optimise its portfolio of products to help foodservice operators meet the needs and desires of the out-of-home customer 15% of customers now expect venues to offer dairy alternatives on their menus signalling a growing shift towards plant based choices With 8% of the UK population following a lactose-free diet there is more demand for foodservice operators to provide the products guest love in plant based alternatives Jason Reed Head of Food Service and Convenience at Müller UK & Ireland, said: " Making the nation’s favourite dairy brand accessible to more people both in and out of home is an exciting and natural move This marks a significant step for Müller embracing evolving consumer preferences With the launch of our bestselling varieties and a NEW flavour launch of Strawberry & Pomegranate Fruit Corner into our growing foodservice portfolio following the success of the range launching into retail in July 2023 " The need for plant-based to be offered alongside dairy products is becoming increasingly important especially around the breakfast occasion 17 million more Brits are now opting for plant based yogurt alternatives for breakfast so our range offers a real solution for caterers in the hotel workplace education and healthcare sectors Featuring coconut milk as a base the line-up now features popular classics, with Müller Rice & Müller Corner available in four exciting new flavour variations Müller Fruit Corner Plant Based Strawberry & Pomegranate and Müller Crunch Corner Plant Based (now with Dark chocolate-coated cereal balls) are both offered in straight cases of 6x136g, while Müller Rice Plant Based Vanilla or Chocolate is available in straight cases of 6x170g To explore Müller's plant based offerings visit www mullerforcaterers co uk or reach out to the Müller for Caterers team via OOHQueries@muller co uk Müller Brand Favourites, now Plant Based
and Is It Appropriate for Older Adults?


How to Approach Patient Handling In A Disability Care Setting

changing needs to maintain a person-centred approach


When undertaking patient handling tasks there are a multitude of potential risks for both carers and clients For example both parties could experience

be a part of the community they live in To avoid this care providers should always work in partnership and communicate with other healthcare professionals such as social workers doctors and dentists to minimise this risk and ensure that clients receive the best possible care

Another risk to consider is understaffing and busy workloads for carers who are trained in patient handling This must be avoided at all costs as the quality of client care is greatly compromised if people rush tasks or can’t complete them at all due to not having capacity To minimise this care providers should have good rota planning to ensure the right staff are always in place, as well as ensuring that patient handling training is provided to the necessary people



In a disability care setting carers should be aware that they are expected to follow the policies and protocols of patient handling for safety purposes This includes carrying out risk assessments and a responsibility to follow support plans for individual clients so everyone receives personalised care

In addition carers have a responsibility to communicate with clients and explain what they are about to do even if they are non-verbal and

Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers with Levabo

To find out more about the range of pressure ulcer prevention and

products from Levabo visit the Algeos websiteat www algeos com or call

0151 448 1228

unable to respond as this maintains the client’s respect and dignity Carers also need to make sure the correct equipment is always used –not only to reduce risks but to make the job easier People should be able to properly use equipment such as hoists slings standing aids shower chairs grab rails slide sheets and wheelchairs – to name a few


The best approach for moving and handling training is through practical lessons It s a very hands-on element of personal care so giving people practical experience will allow them to become familiar with the correct processes and methods – something that is vital to ensure they pass the training Not only this but in-person training allows learners to get immediate clarification on any questions they might have Compliance with patient handling training should also be monitored through practical assessments and regular on the job training as well as through reviews and client feedback forms

Patient handling is such an important element of care giving – it promotes the safety dignity and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities at the same time as safeguarding the physical health and professional wellbeing of caregivers

The Pressure Problem

Unfortunately, the physical strain of moving patients can significantly impact staffing levels, with back and musculoskeletal problems accounting for 17% of staff sickness days in the NHS Physical repositioning also deprives patients of sleep impacting recovery as sleep is vital for maintaining healing and is essential for quality hospital experiences

Encouragingly implementing sufficient prevention can reduce pressure ulcers by up to 87% with a cost saving of £513 000 and a 362-day reduction in the number of bed days per centre This reduces the impact on staff while addressing overall quality of life

At Wellell we re dedicated to raising societal and healthcare quality Our range of air mattresses prevent pressure ulcers while decreasing caregiver workload automating labour-intensive procedures and complex therapy workflows

Our Optima Turn turning mattress one of our Optima Series products provides automatic and timer-controlled turning up to 30 supported by alternating pressure multiple pressure relief therapy options and manually deflatable air cells for heel relief care, all easily accessible through the intuitive pump interface, streamlining patient handling and caregiver workload

Contact us to learn more about this innovative pressure injury solution Let’s work together to provide better treatment uk wellell com

Shockingly pressure ulcers cost the NHS more than £3 8m every day; 1% of the total NHS spend in 2022/3 Moreover the NHS paid out £23 5m in associated litigation damages in 2021/22 Pressure ulcers are blisters or open wounds forming when pressure is applied to the same area of skin for a period of time Annually around 700 000 people in the UK will develop a pressure ulcer As older people are a distinct risk group they have a particular impact in community care settings where individuals aged 65 and over make up 82 1% of the population They also result in longer hospital stays by 5 to 8 days This is especially detrimental for elderly patients, leading to an increased risk of falling, sleep deprivation, infections, and even mental and physical deconditioning Overall, pressure ulcers are regarded as a measure of care quality However, prevention education is minimal, care is time consuming, and suffers from staff shortages, which negatively impacts staff morale Fortunately SSKIN is embedded in the NHS for pressure ulcer prevention In particular at risk individuals should be repositioned every 4 to 6 hours Many care settings are therefore required to manage repositioning schedules and provide advice and assistance to those at risk
Leading lower limb and pressure care distributors Algeos has announced the launch of a new, innovative automatic lateral turning system, The Turn All Designed and manufactured by Danish pressure care experts, Levabo, The Turn All was developed to support clinicians and carers in the regular turning of primary immobile patients with minimal disruption to the individual The new system fits between any standard care bed and mattress is easy to install and can be set to 30 60 or 90minute increments across a 24-hour period to suit the service-users needs Supporting the body along its entire length the Turn All utilises a 30-degree lateral positioning – as recommended by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel guidelines – to relieve tissue compression and restoring blood flow Furthermore a 5-degree lift on the opposite side of the Turn All counteracts shear a tissue injury that can occur when the tissue between the bone and subfloor is displaced
Turn All system is the latest product to join the Levabo range at Algeos Other products include the Heel Up the Seat All and the All Up all made from soft flexible heat and moisture absorbent non-woven material that stimulates the microcirculation of the skin
nurses and backed
Developed with Danish wound-care
by a plethora of European data
of the Levabo products is single-patient use, machine-washable up to 60 degrees and can be reused for six to eight weeks, making them a cost-effective solution for the treatment and
tion of pressure ulcers
Moving and handling is a complex and sensitive element of care giving requiring care providers to be as knowledgeable and thorough as possible to get it right This applies in all settings but even more so in disability settings when clients are often vulnerable and non-verbal When it comes to patient handling care providers must respect their clients dignity – a fundamental aspect of quality care –and have the ability to adapt to clients
the additional risk
physical harm such as skin tissue or ligament damage if
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aren t carried out with
there is
that without successful patient
in their homes or rooms unable to
Managing Director, Select Lifestyles (www selectlifestyles co uk) THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 43
By Nick Horton,

Taking Control of Time and Attendance

Social Care

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE The social care industry faces unique challenges when it comes to managing time and attendance Ensuring that the right skilled care worker is in the right place, while also juggling staff absences, can be a daunting task However there is a solution that can streamline these processes and give you greater control over absence management: Advanced Time and Attendance software One of the key features of time and attendance software is skills mapping In social care it s not always possible to simply roster in another employee to cover a shift With skills mapping you have the ability to set parameters that ensure the replacement staff member has the necessary skills for the specific client So when a care worker calls in sick or can t make it to their next client you can seamlessly find and allocate another staff member with the right skillset Shift swapping is another valuable tool offered by our time and attendance software If a care worker is unable to fulfil their shift or make it to their client visit the shift can be easily swapped with another equally qualified care worker This ensures continuity of care without disrupting the rest of the schedule Additionally team members may even be able to trade shifts between themselves with approval reducing the administrative burden on care coordinators To make the management of schedules and absences more efficient time and attendance software offers self-service capabilities Employees can access cloud-based software at any time to manage their schedules, sickness and annual leave This empowers them to take ownership of their own time and reduces the time and effort required for managers to keep tabs on who is where when and for how long Managing rosters, absence, and payroll in the social care industry can be complex but it doesn t have to be complicated With Advanced Time & Attendance solution you can efficiently configure your rotas update shifts and track absences The software provides real-time data and productivity insights helping you make informed decisions and optimise your workforce Taking control of absences in social care is crucial for maintaining the quality of care provided to clients Advanced s Time and Attendance software offers the tools and capabilities needed to streamline processes allocate skilled staff members, and empower employees to manage their own schedules By implementing a Time & Attendance solution you can prioritise client needs while ensuring efficient and effective workforce management For more information on Advanced Time and Attendance you can visit our website www oneadvanced com or call 0330 311 6077 See the advert on the back cover of this issue for details
SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Designed to deliver simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed flexibility and accuracy SFIncS r/3 (Simple Fee Income System release 3) has a proven track record of over 12 years in use Originally developed and prototyped as an MS Access database since 2017 SFIncS r/3 has lived entirely on the cloud so is available 24/7 from anywhere in the world As a completely bespoke package born of necessity and collaboration between seasoned software consultants with ties to the care industry, SFIncS r/3 offers innovations and capabilities not found in any other system Separation of sponsor and service user responsibilities permits unlimited sponsor/service user relationships and as any number of charge codes may be defined, this allows complete flexibility of service user/sponsor /charge code definition Its unique continuous billing function is the most efficient means possible of defining recurring charges (an entry is only required when a change occurs) and both an ad hoc charge function and a cashbox module are available for incidental expenses (either or both can be used) Use of the balance forward accounting principle (which makes unnecessary invoice matching a thing of the past - though invoicing is included) plus super quick receipts entry using just ‘six clicks makes SFIncS r/3 almost effortless to use Paula who owns and operates Monkstone House Residential Home in Porthcawl testifies to it s incredible prowess: “With 41 partly private and partly sponsored service users some of whom are multiply funded it takes me only 30 to 40 minutes per week to keep both my accounts and fee income up to date! More importantly I never need to worry about underpaid or overpaid fees - everything is always spot on And the invoices and statements produced let me present the polished and professional image I need ” SFIncS r/3 integrates easily with any accounting package can be used by any type of care home and by single or multiple home operators alike For more information email benjones@intracare co SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System Especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Better by Design: A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes SFIncS r/3 is the ultimate fee income management and control system. • Unlimited sponsor and charge code assignments allow complete flexibility of service user billing profiles Perfect for all types of care homes - Nursing Residential Mixed Specialist • Unique continuous billing functionality provides the most efficient charge definition possible Only charge start points need to be maintained and all sponsor charges for each service user (including historic) are shown on just one screen • Completely flexible invoicing Invoice any sponsor at any time for any charges for any service user for any period of time • Super fast receipt entry including ‘Six clicks’ copy functionality • Balance forward accounting means you can forget laborious invoice matching • Ad hoc charges functionality Cashbox module included • Works for multiple or single home operators • Integrates with any accounting system • Plus all the reports views and graphs you’ll ever need • In use for over 12 years Free training and help with system set up • Historic data loading option available (charges may apply) • 30 day free trial For a demo, free trial or for further information please email or visit We've analysed every aspect of fee income processing to the nth degree and developed a bespoke solution that delivers simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed, flexibility and accuracy – all in one outstanding application package PAGE 44 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184
Mainteno is a complete cost-effective CAFM software solution designed to simplify the day-to-day maintenance of any organization Whether you re managing planned maintenance or dealing with fault repairs Mainteno streamlines every aspect of the maintenance management process saving you time and money With Mainteno you can keep everyone in the loop and archive all your communications and documentation in one place allowing for total control of your organization s assets The software also seamlessly incorporates asset management and tracking for added convenience Mainteno s interface was designed with practicality in mind allowing basic operation to be learned in minutes and making it easy to become a power user in just one afternoon Despite its elegant usability Mainteno is surprisingly affordable with no set-up fee or lengthy contracts Mainteno adapts to any organization s maintenance needs and offers a FREE TRIAL so you can see how it can benefit your organization before committing Try Mainteno now and experience the time and cost savings it can provide for your facilities management With Mainteno you can enjoy a complete CAFM software solution that simplifies your maintenance processes and saves you money all while providing the flexibility and ease-of-use you need to stay productive Visit www mainteno com TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports CARE PLANNING AND ROSTERING FROM A SINGLE PLATFORM To meet the wider needs of the PASS community All-in-one PASS has recently been launched , bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to: • Save you time Increase the efficiency of your teams Improve the quality of care Deliver better outcomes INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration and is the only one offering it to the home care market PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records It makes medical information available when and where it is needed, leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes: Visibility of allergies, vaccinations and medications, especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information Using medical information to inform care planning Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of ant biotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user’s swift recovery from infection Available to all PASS users at no additional cost PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com Pass Profile 2023 Mainteno - Award-Winning Maintenance Management Software PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 45

Can AI Ease Loneliness For Adults In Care?

vital role in providing not only basic physical care but also emotional support and understanding This is especially important for individuals with disabilities who may feel isolated due to their condition, or those with cognitive challenges and degenerative conditions such as Dementia

Chatbots are not suitable for everyone And in such cases human empathy is necessary to interpret the needs and communicate effectively with the patient


The use of technologies such as AI in care must be evaluated to ensure it complements and enhances human connection rather than replacing it This means there must be careful consideration when proposing how

into the roles of those who may be the people patients see and talk to most as well as how it can be used to make the care journey better for patients

Although chatbots cannot replace human carers, a combined approach of AI and other technologies can help care providers and facilitators

For example, currently, a typical caring schedule often includes three in-person visits per day for each patient However, due to time constraints, caregivers may have to rush these visits In this case, we would argue, that technology can be used to allow carers to perform a more thorough in-person visit and follow up with two video check-ins based on the patient's needs (these video care calls can even of course be instigated from overseas)

Remote intelligent monitoring and predictive analytics can also be used by carers to capture an accurate overall picture of a patient s well-being to design better care programmes in advance rather than spending too much time during an in-person appointment on data capture

As well as improving patient-centricity AI has the potential to streamline services for care facilitators by taking on mundane tasks and freeing up the caregiver s time and talent for creativity and innovation For example the administrative work involved in the daily operation of care providers and facilitators AI can handle emails user inquiries and information requests enabling users to access information quickly so management can focus on solving more complex issues efficiently


Ultimately the current care system is dealing with legacy and complex technology which has held back much-needed innovation While AI can be a potential solution many care providers see AI as a cost-cutting solution without first addressing the underlying issue of an inadequate care model

Digital transformation within the care sector should instead prioritise the needs of patients and carers rather than simply implementing technology for the sake of it Technology should add value to the care journey for example making it safer by vetting carers ID and training documents with banking-standard technology or reducing the time carers spend doing admin so they can focus on their vocation Similarly it should enable patients to access care easily and quickly so that they aren t stuck in the hospital and have better care outcomes


The successful implementation of AI in the care sector requires careful consideration of how it can meet the needs of patients And for that reason it s not an effective way of combatting the loneliness of people in care AI cannot replace the crucial interpersonal relationships between carers and patients that build trust safety and companionship

However it can help ensure carers have more time to put the needs of patients at the heart of their work

The key to successful AI implementation in the care sector is putting the patient first

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PAGE 46 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 With reports revealing up to 85% of care workers experience abuse each year and thousands of serious attacks on carers recorded the need for reliable, efficient staff attack systems in care settings has never been greater Protecting care workers is vital for staff morale and productivity but also patient care and long-term treatment outcomes Choosing the right staff alarm system therefore requires careful consideration, and the weighing up of the following factors EFFICIENCY & SPEED Quick intervention is crucial when preventing a violent attack In care settings patients may become aggressive suddenly with little to no warning The most effective staff attack systems work rapidly allowing employees to summon assistance quickly and easily should they face abusive behaviour from a service user PRECISE Equally the accuracy of a staff safety system is a key consideration When an alarm is triggered the response team should be informed of the exact location of the call – allowing for rapid intervention and thus prevention of harm This is particularly true for large facilities with multiple floors and rooms and in cases where multiple alarms have been activated simultaneously Pinpoint’s latest P2 Graphical Display Unit for example clearly demonstrates the call level and precise location of incidents on rotation enabling responders to allocate support as required USER-FRIENDLY Staff alarm systems for care workers should be simple-to-use and easily accessible In the face of hostility or violence carers should be able to activate their personal alarm quickly and without alerting the aggressor This was a key factor in the development of Pinpoint s new P2 System which benefits from a more sophisticated, discreet design Worn on the staff member s uniform the P2 personal alarm is lightweight and easy to use Employees simply press a button on the device to call for assistance and in more high-risk situations where a service user is becoming aggressive, the worker pulls a pin from the bottom of the device to sound an emergency alarm ROBUSTNESS Vandalism of safety systems is not uncommon in high-risk work settings as service users can tamper with or abuse the devices out of frustration Choosing a robust safety system is therefore an important and cost-effective measure for care homes FOLLOW UP SUPPORT When looking into staff attack systems, it’s wise to consider how much follow-up support is offered by the provider the length of the warranty period available and whether repairs or assistance with maintenance issues is available Doing this from the outset will prevent problems later down the line! As rates of violence toward staff in Care settings increase so too does the need for powerful efficient staff safety systems Choosing the right system will depend on the environment in question the security needs of the staff and the threat posed by service users Keeping the above factors in mind will serve as useful guidance for facilities looking to make the best choice for the safety of their employees Interested in learning more about Pinpoint s P2 System? Visit www pinpoint ltd uk/staff-safety-system See the advert on page 13 What To Consider When Choosing A Staff Attack System For Care Settings By 2030 one in six people in the world will be aged over 60 (including me!) The WHO now outlines loneliness as a key risk factor for the wellbeing of people in later life As a potential solution we re increasingly seeing AI companions championed for being virtual friends who will listen and talk to individuals With loneliness and feelings of isolation rife amongst the elderly and vulnerable, it begs the question could AI chatbots be beneficial in care? In short, we would argue no Here’s why INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ARE KEY Complex issues such as loneliness cannot be solved by technology alone AI chatbots may seem like a promising solution, but they cannot replace the human element of companionship and care that is so essential especially for those who are vulnerable and have complex needs Carers play a
fit technology

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes

the whole building Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person s ability to concentrate It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope, as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon

the location of the call In these circumstances, dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one zone whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone” Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required

Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents Pagers have been around for many years are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise and can be added to most Nurse Call systems Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning e-medication etc Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system With the Go app nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home

Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved staff are retained and CQC ratings improve Clearly the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter calmer and more tranquil environment

For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert below

THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 47 NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Earzz Limited is a British business making AI-powered acoustic monitoring solutions that help the vulnerable and those who care for them Built with a deep commitment to enhancing the well-being of residents, ‘Earzz’ listens, recognises, and alerts for critical sounds, making it an invaluable addition to residential homes and supported living facilities The advanced system monitors residents at night, alerting staff and users to critical sounds for prompt care With cutting-edge AI prioritising privacy no speech recognition no recordings Earzz also keeps digital records of important sounds in resident rooms - like coughing gasping and thuds from falls that help track trends in resident health and enable easier handover for staff and record referencing Earzz also offers Routine-based Audible Sound DetectionSends alerts for any audible sounds at specific times as set by staff/carer/manager, especially valuable for night-time care for vulnerable residents helping to reduce chances of falls Call +44(0)2038380090 to book a demo! Visit www earzz com Or see the advert on page 19 Ear zz Elevates Night-time Care! Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment Similarly carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings particularly those suffering from dementia these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature light and of course noise Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources, for example, telephones ringing, loud conversations in corridors, and call bells sounding often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout
NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING ARQUELLA a leading care technology provider offers solutions to enhance the quality of care in nursing and residential homes across the United Kingdom Arquella is passionate about making a difference in the quality of care provided to nursing and residential homes across the United Kingdom Through the power of technology we have developed cutting-edge solutions that are accessible and supportive putting people at the forefront As part of a nationwide initiative driven by a £25m UK government funding pledge to enhance the quality of care and support individuals’ independence Arquella is proud to be at the forefront of the digital transformation in the care sector Falls in care homes are a significant concern in the UK, with residents three times more likely to fall than older people living in their own homes Arquella s innovative solution Arquella Sense utilising sensorbased technology and Arquella Call a digital nurse call system will improve reactive care and reduce risk Arquella Sense uses discreet wall or ceiling-mounted sensors to monitor fall risk behaviour 24 hours daily alerting carers via mobile handsets The technology aims to intervene before falls occur increasing safety and providing a cost-effective solution to cumbersome mats Arquella Call is an app-based digital nurse call system that delivers in-depth digital records and future-proof functionality It integrates seamlessly with other software applications offering actionable data to help shape care delivery and adjust staffing levels Arquella is at the forefront of a digital transformation revolution in the care sector
0333 242 7505 or visit
website at www arquella co uk or the advert on the facing
- Connected
Ally an AI-powered resident monitoring system is revolutionising night-time care with its immediate advantages for care home owners staff and residents Ally uses a wall-mounted sensor easily retrofitted into rooms which send alerts to the Ally app The AI processes sound and motion signals to notify staff when attention is required for example if resident s call out in pain panic or are moving The result is enhanced safety reduced disruptive checks and improved sleep and well-being for residents In collaboration with NHS Digital ICB’s and customer feedback Ally demonstrates remarkable results: 40% increase in night staff efficiency 55% reduction in resident falls 20% drop in hospital visits This leads to a substantial 9x return on investment primarily achieved by affording staff more time for personalised care Customer testimonials echo Ally s transformative impact Ally s Resident Monitor solution exemplifies how technology can deliver personalised remote monitoring that is proactive rather than reactive to incidents ultimately enhancing the well-being of residents ” Melanie Dawson Home Manager at The Lawns “The first indicator of a resident who contracted Covid was Ally picked up that she was coughing a lot in the night She still had Covid we still had to manage that situation but because we were aware of it a little bit earlier it helped us to feel more in control of the situation " Robin Hall at Oaklands Care Home The Care Quality Commission (CQC) recognises Ally's positive impact on care stating in their State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2016/17 report “Acoustic monitoring enabled staff to respond more promptly and appropriately to people s support needs during the night ” Ally enhances care outcomes but also positions care homes using this as preferred choices for new admissions and staff Join the revolution in night-time care, visit https://www allycares com/ and follow us on LinkedIn at https //www linkedin com/company/ally-smart-care/ Prevent 55% of Night-Time Falls with Ally PAGE 48 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar - now the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care Furthermore, Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne C-TEC ENS Intercall Medicare SAS and TeleAlarm Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm NMS: We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product We would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens! To find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare See the advert on the front cover for more details Blaucomm LtdTelecommunications & Networks
Technology is more important than ever in providing insights and actionable data to inform decisions and improve lives For more information about Arquella s products and how they can
your care home please call
page Arquella
Technology, Connected Care

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

Medpage Advanced Domestic and Commercial Fall Prevention Systems

NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL SAVERS ® WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices BENEFITS INCLUDE: Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors FEATURES INCLUDE: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately) Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk
PAGE 50 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 Medpage Limited has manufactured care aid technologies for 40 years and our brand is widely used in hospitals and commercial care establishments We supply fall prevention and detection systems to suit most requirements to ensure patient safety and regulation compliance We are a major contributor and supplier of equipment to the hospital patient discharge project, where Assistive Technology items are issued to aid independent living and keep people safer at home We offer expert technical advice support and product guidance for customers unsure of their requirements Our reputation for delivering quality services quality products competitive pricing and our passionate commitment to developing new and improved technologies is acknowledged by the majority of Local Authorities in the UK Our latest fall prevention system based around our MPCSA11 sensor controller was successfully tested in Cardiff Royal Infirmary Enfield and Barnet NHS Potters Bar Edgeware and is now adopted and implemented as part of their falls management programmes The CSA11WBCK system is unique in that it allows a patient with mobility to freely transfer from bed to chair and into a monitored area such as the washroom, without causing an alarm so long as the patient is detected by a sensor, bed chair or movement If the patient fails to return to their bed or chair the alarm outputs become active alerting radio pagers nurse call trigger or dispersed alarm dialler To find out more about Medpage fall prevention systems visit www easylinkuk co uk Professional-wandering-falls
NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 51 Technology has made people more connected with the world around them and the revolution in assistive care devices has made it possible for the elderly to spend their last years in a comfortable and familiar environment These devices have also made it easier for home carers to provide quality care for their loved ones while managing their own lives They allow you to care for your elderly whether they are travelling in the city for errands staying alone at home or staying in the same home as you They are also helping nursing homes provide better care for them with discrete monitoring and quick responses to emergencies If you re looking for these kinds of assistive care devices for your loved ones or nursing home Frequency Precision produce some of the best systems available to help you with elderly care and mobility monitoring ranging from bed chair and floor sensor mats through fall monitoring and GPS tracking to fully integrated nurse call plug or wireless systems Phone: 01837 810590 Email: contact@frequencyprecision com Website www frequencyprecision com Frequency PrecisionSensors and Pressure Mats to Monitor Those in Care PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

First Free E-Learning Resource on Data Security and Protection for Care Staff Launched


Speaking about the


assessment covering topics from all four modules Staff can complete the modules in any order and over the course of several days

Care managers, trainers and staff can access the course and corresponding user guides at www digitalcarehub co uk/elearning

The course modules are:

Module 1: Data protection rights and responsibilities covers the importance of data security and protection in the care system and staff s personal responsibility to handle data safely

Module 2: Keeping data secure covers the importance of keeping data secure through good record keeping and data disposal and how to share confidential data securely

Module 3: Threats to data security looks at the threats to data security that employees might encounter, including common types of fraud and scams and how to safely use and keep digital and paper records

Module 4: Data breaches explains what data breaches are, the causes of data breaches and what to do in the event of a breach

Assessment quiz: The assessment includes 20 questions relating to all four modules Trainees are required to get 80% or more correct in order to download the certificate

The course which was developed and tested in partnership with care providers has been welcomed by the sector

Dr Jane Townson Chair of the Care Provider Alliance representing the 10 national care provider trade associations encourages members to use the course saying:

“Care providers are increasingly aware of how important it is to train their staff on good data and cyber security practice But until now there hasn t been anything really tailored to the specific needs and circumstances faced by our sector s staff

“This new elearning course from Better Security Better Care is the missing piece of the puzzle – and it complies with the training requirements in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Care Provider Alliance encourages all care providers to use the resource to improve and assess their staff’s knowledge ”

Tom Rottinghuis Data Protection Officer at The Forward Trust who was on the Working Group that developed the course said:

“Our safeguarding manag-

er and two of our counsellors were particularly pleased to see that there is a focus on the need to share – as well as the need to protect – people’s information and it really shows that data protection is not the enemy of safeguarding and care, but a crucial part of it You can and must share information in order to ensure people get the support they need

“One of the most valuable aspects of the new resources is that they are short Given the pressure our staff are under and the high turnover it is so valuable to have something that is clear straightforward and flexible to use

Care staff who were involved in testing the course fed back:

This will help train all staff easily and at no cost Very clear and easy I look forward to using these modules for our staff!”

I think it is really digestible and has managed to strike the balance of including all relevant and necessary information whilst the training does not feeling too info heavy to digest

“These modules are tailored to the social care context and reflect real situations that a diverse variety of care workers face in different settings It’s visual and in plain English so it is very accessible to a wide range of staff including those with English as a second language Visit www digitalcarehub co uk/elearning

The delivery of safe care is the paramount responsibility of social care providers Central to achieving this is the governance framework adopted by service providers And at the core of this framework are policies and procedures These enable the provider to comply – and evidence compliance – with relevant legislation and regulations as well as facilitating best practices supporting business needs and assisting in recognising and managing risks Good governance care itself is an integral part of health and social regulation Regulation 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 stipulates that care providers must have systems and processes in place that ensure they can meet the requirements of Regulations 4 to 20A Policies and procedures not only ensure that providers are compliant with this regulation and working within the law; they also enable providers to drive improvement and protect the people who access services and receive care Providers also have a legal duty of care to the people they employ Policies and procedures should provide clear guidelines to staff on how the organisation operates as well as informing them of best practices and processes to be followed Policies should be reviewed annually as a minimum to ensure they are still fit for purpose and align with legal and regulatory requirements They should be reviewed not only by employees of the business but also by experts in various subject matters (e g infection control or medicines management) For many small- to medium-sized providers there may not be the in-house skills knowledge and experience to complete such a robust annual review Many choose instead to purchase their policies and procedures from a reputable provider like W&P Compliance & Training who will also complete reviews and ensure their policies and
from best practice policies and procedures that provide a solid foundation for safe working practices and – ultimately – protect and support service users and staff Ben Erskine – Director at W&P Compliance & Training www wandptraining co uk | Tel: 01305 767104 See the advert on page 2 for further information
Policies and Procedures Within Social Care
procedures remain up to date
way a
not only ensures they remain compliant; they also benefit
developed the course in response to a gap in the market
providers can now improve and assess their staff s knowledge of data security and protection using a new elearning resource specifically designed for the care sector Better Security Better Care
the national programme supporting adult care providers with data security - has
new course, Michelle Corrigan Programme
of Better Security
Care, said: Care providers told us that they struggle to access relevant training for their staff on data protection and cyber security Our course content reflects all care settings and staff roles – from home care and residential services, to frontline care workers and administrators There are lots of videos case studies and interactive elements which enable staff to understand their role in keeping both print and digital data safe Care providers also said that it can be challenging to meet the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) requirement to train at least 95 per cent of staff on data protection in the previous 12 months This course has been specifically designed to meet that requirement
have made the course completely open access without any need to register or login because we want to maximise the number of people using it – especially staff in small care services But it is also available as a SCORM compliant resource for providers who have a Learning Management System
course which reinforces the Data Security Standards and the Care Certificate includes four modules and one online assessment Each module takes around 10 – 20 minutes to complete and there is one single
In the complex world of healthcare the backbone of any healthcare facility is its dedicated team of nurses healthcare assistants support workers and many others The quality of care provided to patients hinges on the expertise and commitment of these professionals At Meridale, we understand this fundamental truth and have made it our mission to revolutionize how healthcare recruitment is handled EXCEPTIONAL RECRUITMENT SERVICES
stands at the forefront of healthcare staffing because we recognize that the heart of healthcare lies in the people who provide it Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere lip service; it’s embedded in every facet of our recruitment services We specialize in connecting healthcare facilities with the finest talent available UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDS We understand that every healthcare facility has unique needs and constraints Meridale takes the time to listen comprehend and collaborate with you to find solutions that align with your budget and meet your specific requirements Our commitment to tailoring our services ensures that the candidates we recommend are highly skilled and a cultural fit for your institution FULFILLING STAFFING GAPS EFFICIENTLY In healthcare time is of the essence Staffing gaps can disrupt operations and impact patient care With Meridale s extensive network of healthcare professionals we can swiftly and adeptly fill these gaps Our goal is to ensure that your facility operates seamlessly and that your patients receive nothing short of the best care possible In these challenging times, when the healthcare industry faces unprecedented demands having a reliable and dedicated team is not a luxury it’s a necessity Meridale stands ready to support healthcare facilities in their mission to deliver exceptional care We are more than a recruitment agency; we are your partner in elevating the standards of healthcare staffing Contact 01902 240019 or see the advert below for details Elevating Healthcare Staffing with Meridale At Caring People Recruitment we specialise exclusively in finding the RIGHT PEOPLE to work on permanent contracts in the UK healthcare industry RECRUIT OVERSEAS: For companies with a sponsors license we can provide the highest calibre English speaking candidates You can choose to recruit face to face in the Caribbean (in Jamaica or St Lucia for example) or via video call from your own office We offer free flights and hotels for our clients for all overseas bulk recruitment drives Candidates are all FULLY QUALIFIED in the care sector with a minimum of 2 years PROFESSIONAL care experience Retention rates of above 98% RECRUIT LOCALLY: If it s local staff that you are looking for then look no further Our team can assist to fill your vacancies fast and reduce those agency costs We recruit from top to bottom; regional managers, care home managers, nurses, carers chefs kitchen staff and cleaners We are a family business committed to providing our valued clients with a complete and personal service We guarantee that our candidates will enhance the levels of care that being provided by your business CONTACT US NOW: Email: Ben livermore@caringpeople com TEL : 0785 24 29 294 See the advert on page 9 for further details Do You Need Permanent and Reliable Care Staff? PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT PAGE 52 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184

Grey Matter Learning Set To Support Over 180 Care Leaders Thanks To Skills For Care Funding

We have seen a huge

JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry such as health care assistants senior carers and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? • We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse? Multi award winning eLearning provider Grey Matter Learning has kicked 2024 off with a bang after receiving funding from Skills for Care to deliver their suite of leadership and management online courses to over 180 care leaders The funding which has been awarded by Skills for Care will enable the training provider to offer their courses free of charge to social care professionals in leadership roles to support their career development and overall standard of care Their Lead to Succeed Well Led and Leading Change Improving Care (LCIC) courses will run between January – March 2024 across a multitude of cohorts with the first having already kicked-off Talking of the initiative Commercial Director of Grey Matter Learning Phil Hitchcox commented “Normally, care providers must pay upfront for these Skills for Care courses, and we then support them to claim back the costs through the Workforce Development Fund But, this year Skills for Care have taken a slightly different approach and released pots of
money to enable training providers like ours to deliver this training at no
to the
training with no upfront costs We all know the struggles facing the social care sector right now and the cost-of-living crisis has hit this sector like all others meaning budgets are stretched
Care taking this approach has been really well received by the sector and I hope to see such initiatives again in the future With an average turn-over rate of 28 3% and circa 152 000 vacant posts (Skills for Care) developing and retaining existing talent is key for the success of the social care sector Only be showing clear career progression and opportunities will the sector attract and retain professionals Phil went on to say that It s alarming to read in a recent report published by EveryLIFE Leaders of Tomorrow that of those leaders they surveyed a staggering 31% are not aware of any leadership training but 58% cite recruiting skilled/experienced staff as the biggest challenge faced by care leaders That’s why we are so passionate about initiative such as these as they are helping to tackle these issues head on ” Through their online delivery model Grey Matter Learning can offer care leaders the opportunity to access sector specific professional development but in a way that works around their busy schedules and other commitments With over 3 000 social care managers having successfully completed the Lead to Succeed programme alone, the training provider is no stranger to delivering high volumes of training at scale and pace Grey Matter Learning is a leading eLearning provider for social care, supporting thousands of care professionals annually to gain new knowledge and skills to help drive quality of care in the sector Working with care providers and local authorities Grey Matter Learning pride themselves on delivering a suite of courses that address the pain points within the sector as well as equipping professionals with the knowledge skills and behaviours they need More can be found here https://greymatterlearning co uk/ Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England https://www skillsforcare org uk/Home aspx
for these
mainly, we suspect, due to the ability to
It can be tempting to think that once the Care Certificate has been achieved it’s the end of training The Care Certificate can demonstrate that staff have the minimum level of required training Training to Level 2 and beyond will therefore improve abilities to cope with the challenges presented by working in a difficult sector Obviously one of the most significant challenges was dealing with Covid but there will be new and different challenges ahead However, it is the clients who will benefit from the improvement that additional training will bring Whilst these may include advances in the treatment of dementia or changes to the legislative framework there will undoubtedly be any number of other issues that will create new and complex problems that need to be dealt with So if you think the Care Certificate completes all the training it might be time to think again So why choose Step Up Training and Care? We provide training services that will build implicit trust, leading to confidence by clients looking to use your services At Step Up Training and Care, we know people are busy work long hours and that a set 95 timetable will not work for most care homes and providers We can tailor our learning programmes to meet individual needs time our training to meet business commitments, working shift patterns and around family life Zoom Boom is here to stay, and we can accommodate teaching and learning through blended learning such as classroom, remote, assessor based one to one training sessions Our trainers have personal experiences of working in the health and social care sector hence our flexible approach We empower people to learn Training beyond the Care Certificate - Can you afford not to? T : 0121 794 1532 or 07384 698553 W : www stepuptrainingandcare co uk E : info@stepuptrainingandcare co uk See the advert on page 11 PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Why Train Beyond the Care Certificate? THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 | PAGE 53

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

How you can help your clients pay for care? Lifetimemortgages info is a trading style of The Later L fe Lending Network which is an Appointed Representat ve of The Right Mortgage Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Registered in England and Wales no 09832887 Registered address 70 St Johns Close, Knowle, Solihull West Midlands B93 0NH If they are over 55 and a homeowner then a lifetime mortgage might be the answer to paying for care It can release cash from their homes and use it to pay for care They could have extra visits or services they can’t presently afford, or install stair-lifts, hoists, wet-rooms etc to make life easier Ideally suited to domicillary care but can be used to fund the needs of one party living in care Best of all clients keep ownership of their home What’s in it for you? More money! More services, longer care periods To find out if it could work for you contact: 07789 885611 or e-mail Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net
Care recruiting is currently challenging So, why is CVMinder ATS a great choice for Care Providers? Stuart Haddow, MD, suggests that its Ambassador Customers make the biggest difference Ambassadors include senior HR leaders from the Care sector They have proven to be great at overcoming recruiting headwinds” says Stuart CVMinder s Ambassador Customers also guide CVMinder product improvement programme Using that great guidance delivers a competitive advantage for all CVMinder Care customers Jack Morgan of Local Solutions agrees “CVMinder has made the process as smooth and as streamlined as possible That s is critical when recruiting in a demanding sector like care It gives us central control of everything and the management information we generate from CVMinder has helped to improve our recruiting approach Without CVMinder our recruiting costs would be much higher and good candidates would be lost in the administration clutter Donna Newell of The Kent Autistic Trust says CVMinder ensures that we are being responsive to applicants and the demands of our managers Having a one stop shop means that we can post and update jobs at the touch of a button Receiving all applications online and using filter questions enables our recruiters to shortlist batches of applicants swiftly T: 01634 202 101 E: enquiries@cvminder co uk W: cvminder co uk/care Recruiting Success with CVMinder ATS PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT PAGE 54 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 184 PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

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