The Carer Digital - Issue #157

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F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M THECARERUK THECARERUK Issue 157 THECARER UK £600 Million Funding Announced to Boost Winter Social Care The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has unveiled a £600 million package to help with recruitment and retention in social care The fund will support the social care workforce and boost capacity in social care in turn supporting the NHS ahead of winter and through into next year It follows on from recent NHS England plans to prepare for the busy winter period, which includes care ‘traffic Minister for Care Helen Whately has also written to local authorities about preparations for winter and NHS England has written to NHS organisations encouraging contingency planning to prepare for winter demands on the health service The government is encouraging local health and care systems to prepare jointly for the winter months earlier this year, increasing resilience and preparedness for seasonal viruses such as flu or Covid (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

Any announcement of additional funds toward social care should be applauded

However, I have to admit that the government s recent announcement of a £600 million package to aid the recruitment and retention of social care workers has been rather well received and rightly so

The crisis in adult social care vacancies has been a long-standing concern, and the very badly handled pandemic exacerbated the challenges faced by the sector Furthermore, we simply cannot afford to see a repeat of 2020 and the complete lack of preparedness when faced the pandemic going into the winter The country and the adult social care sector in particular needs to be ready to face any challenge ahead

While the proposed funding represents a step in the right direction it is right to question whether it will be sufficient to address the deep-rooted issues plaguing the social care system

The UK's aging population coupled with increased demands for care services and insufficient resources has led as we all know to an alarming shortage of adult social care workers This vacancy crisis not only jeopardizes the well-being of vulnerable individuals but also places an immense burden on the existing workforce

Long working hours emotionally demanding tasks and uncompetitive pay scales have resulted in high turnover rates exacerbating the problem further I would draw your attention to a story on page 9 which warns that adult social care workers risk being forgotten post pandemic

Melanie Weatherley MBE Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association, is yet another voice calling for care workers to be paid more to recognise the importance of the work they do

At the height of the Covid pandemic care workers were recognised as key players in the health and care system – they were included in the applause on the doorstep and really seemed to be valued for the skilled work that they do she said

“As life has returned to normal we are at risk of becoming once again the unrecognised and unrewarded Cinderellas of health and care

I have often said one of the real enjoyable aspects of my job is attending trade shows and meeting people involved at all levels of adult care, but in particular those at the coalface We get to hear first-hand just how dedicated staff are, and how challenging it can be working in the sector

That said, there are marginal signs that the crisis is beginning ever so slightly last month we reported a Skills for Care report which revealed that the social care workforce had grown by 1% in the past year and vacancies fallen from 164 000 to 152 000

Much of that is down to care providers recruiting staff from overseas The elephant in the room? Attracting home-grown staff into the sector

The government s commitment to infuse £600 million into the social care sector certainly signals a recognition of the gravity of the situation

However, spokespeople within the sector have long argued that the funding falls short of the significant investment needed to implement comprehensive reforms and long-term solutions The Independent Age charity warns that without a more substantial financial commitment the crisis may continue to escalate leading to a detrimental impact on the quality of care provided to the elderly and vulnerable members of society

Industry operators and observers have repeatedly urged the government to prioritize several key areas in order to achieve meaningful change First addressing the pressing issue of pay disparity in the social care sector is essential By offering competitive wages and benefits the government can attract and retain skilled professionals who are dedicated to caring for others Second investing in robust training and development programs will enhance

the skill set of care workers and improve the overall quality of care Moreover, targeted efforts to improve working conditions including provisions for mental health support are crucial to ensuring the well-being of the social care workforce

It is however pleasing to see that this announcement has drawn cautious optimism from sector leaders, but it must be viewed as only the beginning of a more extensive and sustained effort to transform the social care sector Only by reaching out and working collaboratively with industry bodies, spokespersons, and care professionals, the government can create a truly robust compassionate social care system that meets the needs of our aging population and safeguards the well-being of those who tirelessly work in the sector



We are inviting homes to send in details of their celebrations of this fantastic event for a chance to win a great prize!

We had a wonderful response last year, nobody celebrates tradition like those in care homes!

Send your entries to nominate@thecareruk com

We are always delighted to publish some delightful stories from various homes around the country from birthdays to fund raising from baking to growing vegetables So please keep them coming to editor@thecareruk com

Published by EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 (6 lines) Fax: 01202 552666 Email: sales@thecareruk com WEBSITE: www thecareruk com EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox The Carer is pub ished by RBC Publ shing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 5BR Contributions are welcome for cons derat on, however, no responsib lity wil be accepted for oss or damage Views expressed within this publ cation are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editor a team Whi st ever y care is taken when compi ing this publicat on to ensure accuracy the pub isher wil assume no responsib lity for any effects errors or omiss ons therefrom A l r ghts reser ved reproduction is forbidden un ess wr tten permiss on s obtained All material is assumed copyr ght free unless otherwise advised A Beacon of Hope or a Drop in the Ocean?
again we
attention to Afternoon Tea Week!
page 19)
Editor Peter Adams
mply ema l us at nominate@thecareruk com for your chance to win! Afternoon Tea Week is coming up on August 8 -14 All you have to do is tell us all about your Afternoon Tea Week celebrations planning events treats delicacies, and we will pick a winner!!

£600 Million Funding Announced to Boost Winter Social Care


The £600 million includes:

£570 million workforce funding over two years distributed to local authorities

£30 million funding for local authorities in the most challenged health systems

The money will be spread over two years and is going to local authorities to help to improve recruitment and retention boost workforce capacity and ensure a sustainable social care workforce fit for the future

Helen Whately said: Hundreds of thousands of older people disabled people and their carers depend day in day out on our social care workforce Care workers deserve a brighter spotlight to recognise and support what they do That’s why we’re reforming social care careers and backing our brilliant care workforce with millions in extra funding ”

“Our workforce reforms will help more people pursue rewarding careers in social care with nationally recognised qualifications Our investment in social care means more funding to go to the front line This matters because support for our care workforce is the key to more care and better care A stronger social care system, hand in hand with our NHS will help people get the care they need when and where they need it ”


Liz Jones Policy Director at NCF said: We welcome the announcement of this ringfenced funding to local authorities intended to support the social care workforce Hopefully the clear grant conditions will ensure that it gets passed on to providers to enable them to reward their staff better well in advance of winter pressures

It s good to see that ministers have responded to the calls from the NCF and the Nuffield Trust for dedicated funds to support our workforce and to the recommendations in the long read published earlier this week which we collaborated with the Nuffield Trust to produce One of our main asks in that long read is that funding to support winter pressures is not allocated in an emergency short term and chaotic way and is instead provided on a timely basis to local authorities with controls and measures in place to ensure it is used in the right way

“We hope that our local authority colleagues will use this injection of funding to pay providers properly for the care and support they provide and ensure that we are able to better reward our social care workforce properly ”


We are delighted to welcome the announcement of additional funding to support the adult social care workforce It is particularly pleasing that this support covers two years, enabling the sector to develop effective longer-term initiatives ”


Cllr David Fothergill Chairman of the Local Government Association s Community Wellbeing Board said: The LGA called for this funding to be ring-fenced for adult social care and distributed to councils to help fund frontline services We are pleased to see that the Government has listened to councils and has protected this money

“It is also positive that this money will be distributed through an existing mechanism ensuring no additional burdens in the process The social care workforce is crucial to delivering the care that people need and this funding will help ensure that people are able to access this support

“However, councils need certainty that this money will continue, to be able to commit to sustainable long term funding for providers and care workers There is still a huge amount of unmet and under met need for care and support a lack of funding available for preventative care and long waiting lists Today s funding will help but secure long term funding and a comprehensive plan for reform remain vital to ensuring everyone can access the care services they need to live an equal life and that all the aspirations set out in the Care Act can really be brought to life ”

Alongside NHSE s letter to the NHS DHSC has issued letters to local adult social care systems and providers to share the government s priorities for adult social care this winter and to highlight the key actions local systems and care providers should take to protect individuals their carers and the sector as a whole This is to ensure a whole system’ approach is taken to plan for the colder months and put adult social care on as firm a footing as possible ahead of winter this year


Of the £600 million from the Next Steps to Put People at the Heart of Care plan £570 million will be given to local authorities as flexible funding to allow them to tailor it to benefit local needs This could be by increasing the fees given to care providers, which will enable better pay for care workers driving tangible improvements to social care for those who draw on it or reduce pressures on the health system by increasing the capacity of social care and helping to bolster the sector ahead of winter

In addition as part of the government’s initiative to improve care for

everyone across the country the National Institute for Health and Care Research has launched a new £10 million per year funding programme focused on social care research The Research Programme for Social Care will collect information on the people at the heart of care providing government and the sector with clear paths on how they can improve expand and strengthen social care for people in need of care carers the social care workforce and the public

The new programme aligns with the department s new innovation and improvement unit, which is working with sector partners to establish clear priorities for innovation and research across adult social care When fully established the unit will look at how research can inform all aspects of policymaking and delivery of care across the sector to ensure we learn from best practice and promote new approaches to care that can improve outcomes for the people at the heart of it


Beverley Tarka, President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services commented: “We welcome this announcement of £600 million funding for adult social care It will help this winter which is going to be difficult for all of us needing or working in health or care And it will bring relief to disabled and older adults their families and carers who rely on care and support services to live their lives

“The Government has listened to calls from Directors and others in adult social care to make resources available earlier to support planning for winter By announcing this funding now guaranteeing the funding over two years and giving councils flexibility to spend it where it will make the most difference the Government is putting us in a much better place than last year when funding came too late while we were already in the middle of a winter crisis

“For example, this funding could be used by councils to invest in providing more care at home to prevent people needing to go into hospital offering carers more support or targeting funds to counter the challenges they face with the recruitment and retention of the workforce This could all help to reduce waiting lists for care

Directors of adult social care like me will sleep better knowing we have more resources to go towards meeting the ever-increasing need for social care – our latest survey showed that while social care need is rising across all areas of our communities three-quarters of Directors expressed concern they won t have enough in their budget to get people the right care at the right time Though this won t solve all these problems over the long-term but it will help stabilise the situation and help us address the challenges this winter ”


The Importance of Continuing Education and Training in the Care Industr y

Working in the care industry is a noble and rewarding profession that requires ongoing learning and development Care professionals must prioritize continuing education and training to provide the highest level of service This article explores practical tips in-depth information, and relevant statistics to help individuals working in care keep up with the evolving industry and enhance their knowledge and skills through ongoing education


The care industry is experiencing rapid change and growth due to factors such as an aging population and advancements in healthcare

As a result professionals working in care must stay updated with the latest knowledge and practices Continual learning is essential to adapt to the evolving landscape and provide the best possible care to individuals in need


Engaging in continuing education and training offers numerous benefits for professionals working in care Firstly it enhances job performance and satisfaction Studies have demonstrated that individuals who engage in continuous education initiatives have reported feeling additional self-assurance as well as an enhancement in their ability to perform their job duties effectively Furthermore, as a result of these positive outcomes professionals have reported an enhanced state of contentment within their role, ultimately resulting in an elevated standard of care delivered to patients or clients

Secondly continuing education helps address the ever-changing needs of individuals in care Professionals who keep themselves informed of the most recent research and recommended approaches are able to provide more effective and individualized care Ongoing learning also allows professionals to obtain new abilities and methods guaranteeing their ability to adjust to the distinct needs and difficulties of the people they collaborate with


To effectively engage in continuing education and training professionals in the care industry can consider the following strategies:

Stay informed about industry updates: subscribe to reputable healthcare publications attend conferences, and join professional associations to stay abreast of the latest developments research and trends in the care industry

Seek out specialized training programs: identify areas where you feel you can further develop your skills and seek out specialized training programs These programs can focus on topics such as dementia care mental health palliative care or new medical advancements

Utilize online learning platforms: online learning platforms offer a convenient and flexible way to access educational materials and courses Look for reputable platforms that offer relevant courses tailored to the care industry

Collaborate with colleagues: engage in peer-to-peer learning by collaborating with colleagues Share experiences knowledge and

resources to learn from each other s expertise

Seek financial support: explore opportunities for financial support through scholarships grants or employer-funded programs Many employers recognize the value of continuing education and may offer assistance to their employees


A recent study revealed that professionals in care who keep up with ongoing learning have a 30% higher chance of delivering better-quality care compared to those who skip out on these programs Not only that but professionals who consistently update their skills and knowledge are better prepared to meet the changing needs of individuals in care resulting in improved outcomes for patients The statistics serve as a reminder of the significance of continuing education and training in the field of care


Continuing education benefits not only professionals working in care but also the organizations they work for Employers who support and invest in continuing education initiatives experience improved staff retention rates, higher employee satisfaction, and enhanced quality of care By prioritizing ongoing education employers demonstrate their commitment to fostering a culture of excellence and professional growth

Continuing education and training is essential for professionals working in the care sector By adopting a lifelong learning mindset individuals can enhance their knowledge and skills adapt to industry changes and provide the highest quality of care to those they serve Practical strategies along with industry statistics emphasize the value of ongoing education Ultimately, investing in continuing education is a win-win situation for professionals employers and most importantly the individuals who benefit from their expertise

Wimbledon Hits War wickshire Home With Residents Playing Balloon Tennis And Eating Strawberries and Cream

The flavour of Wimbledon hit a Warwickshire home with residents playing their own version of tennis and tucking into some typical Wimbledon food items

MHA Cedar Lodge held a Wimbledon themed afternoon at the home with residents playing some balloon tennis and having strawberries and cream with Pimm s

Residents watched the final which was won by Carlos Alcaraz and enjoyed the event

The home provides residential nursing and residential dementia care for 47 residents

Anne Hemming, activity coordinator said: “We have always done something for Wimbledon and it's something that always gets the residents interested

The day began with some balloon tennis which was the perfect way to get everyone


“There are a few tennis fans in the home but the final managed to get everyone's attention

Some of the residents watched the final in their rooms but we managed to get most of them to watch it together in one of our lounges

“It was a great final and it was great to see the level of concentration from residents when they were watching the game

“I want to thank our head chef Kevin for preparing the food and drinks for everyone to enjoy and it was a great day

Designing Adapted, Yet Stylish Bathrooms For Care Homes

From high-contrast design for the visually impaired to adapted products and much more in between care homes have a range of options to help make their residents’ bathrooms more accessible

Working with expert manufacturers in the healthcare sector Ruth Foster interior designer at Victoria Plum (www victoriaplum com), explores the key trends and advice to deliver safe and accessible bathrooms in residential and nursing care homes

Whether a new build or refurbishment one of the biggest challenges in planning a care home is the provision of adapted bathrooms For the elderly and for those with specific conditions such as arthritis dementia or visual impairment using the bathroom can be particularly troublesome

The Regulations offer little in terms of specific requirements The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 Regulation 15 states that premises must be ‘suitable for the purpose for which they are being used’

Some further design considerations are offered in the NHS Health Building Note 00-01 ‘Designing health and community care buildings but again the guidance is minimal and not specific to residential and nursing care homes

The document recommends ensuring there is something to hold on to throughout the journey into and round the (bath)room’, that space must be left for patients to be assisted; in some cases, hoists may be needed and automatic movement-detected lighting should be considered

With this in mind many designers turn to manufacturers and suppliers of bathroom equipment for design advice Here are three key trends and tips that care homes can consider to help improve bathroom spaces for their residents and visitors


The most obvious way to provide an accessible bathroom is with adapted products Trying to strike a balance between functionality and style is key to any bathroom design but meeting the needs of service users does not have to come at the cost of stylish design thanks to the latest solutions

For example the lives of care home residents can be hugely improved with the addition of items such as walk-in baths grab rails and bath and shower seats

Advanced toilets are also an easy adaptation with comfort height settings and built in personal hygiene jets and dryers

Think about those who are using the space too Specific adaptations may often be needed For example, wet rooms are especially accessible, including for wheelchair users because they have no steps or shower trays and trip hazards can be greatly reduced for those less steady on their feet

A walk-in shower bath or shower enclosure with large easy to use controls may also be ideal because it caters for those with visual impairments and/or hand mobility restrictions


Remember the bathroom space goes beyond simply the toilet and shower – it is important to consider the zoning of the room too Clean light walls with contrasting tiles will make it easier for those with visual impairments and laying tiles that lead to the toilet sink and shower enclosure will create directional prompts which make the bathroom easier to navigate

Additional approaches to high contrasts can support bathroom users further for example a white basin and black basin tap, set against light coloured tiles Think about the use of tactile materials too A darker shower unit in a wet room with a different texture of tiles underfoot will identify this new zone These adaptations are subtle but important to residents and service users


Accessories for adapted bathrooms such as grab rails no longer have the clinical’ look and feel they once did and care homes can take advantage to help create more appealing spaces

For high-end care homes, having a stylish, yet highly functional and accessible adapted bathroom that appeals strongly to residents and service users makes sense from a commercial perspective

Placing a grab rail by the shower on a white wall space, again will improve contrast for the eyes and help to guide the user into the walk-in shower For those settings where design really matters black accents are really on trend so by adding a matte black grab rail the shower will be stylish as well as practical

Article supplied by https://jooble org

Proposed Social Care Funding Is A Step In The Right Direction But Only Goes So Far, says Hft

Learning disability charity Hft is calling for a long-term social care workforce plan following the Government’s announcement of a £600 million package to support recruitment and retention in the social care sector

Kirsty Matthews CEO of Hft explains why this funding is crucial but doesn’t go far enough

She says: The £600 million package is a welcome and much-needed step towards supporting social care through the winter months and into next year It is positive to see that the Government is starting to recognise the importance of funding the social care workforce to help relieve pressure on the NHS and to continue to provide quality support to those who require it

However the funding does not go far enough to address the entrenched issues within the adult social care sector

“From our own Sector Pulse Check research released in partnership with Care England we know that continued funding shortfalls and cost pressures are having a significant impact on our sector In 2022, 82% of care providers were in deficit or faced a decrease in their surplus as a result of increasing and unfunded work-

75 Years Of Making A Difference

On Saturday 22 July, the staff at Merlewood, the flagship home of the Elizabeth Finn Homes care group held an open day to celebrate the 75-year milestone with a BBQ Pimms and ice cream and an array of outdoor stalls a dog show and donkey rides as well as live music and entertainment

It was a fabulous day for all involved and we are grateful to Cllr Shannon Saise-Marshall and her Consort Maj (Retd) Rob Marshall MBE for helping us celebrate and to all those from the local community who came along to support and run stalls commented Debbie Vellender Merlewood General Manager “It was lovely to see our residents and their families enjoying the great atmosphere and meeting new people ”

The Elizabeth Finn Homes care group grew from the Distressed Gentlefolk’s Aid Association (DGAA) which was founded in 1897 by Elizabeth Finn At the age of 72, Ms Finn decided that something had to be done about the silent suffering of people who had been self-sufficient in the past but were now

battling with poverty and illness

“Elizabeth Finn was a champion of kindness and dignity for those facing hard times ” comments Dr Oliva Curno CEO of Elizabeth Finn Homes As Elizabeth Finn Homes reaches our 75th birthday, we are proud to be continuing her legacy through the excellent care provided in our homes and through our support of Turn2us the charity she founded which helps thousands of people facing poverty across the UK every day

force pay

“81% of providers also reported that Local Authority fee increases did not cover the rising cost of the National Living Wage let alone a higher more competitive wage The knock-on impact of this is insurmountable with high vacancy rates the unavoidable use of expensive agency staff and the need to turn away new admissions due to insufficient staff

“While the Government attempts to address these shortfalls and ‘build a stronger foundation for the health and social care workforce it fails to recognise that the already stretched social care sector requires a sustainable long-term funding solution to achieve and maintain these aims A move away from winter-specific funds towards long-term funding would allow organisations to have more confidence in the financial stability of their services and for more informed conversations between providers and commissioners

We would like to see a long-term social care workforce plan developed similar to that which has been published for the NHS, to address the estimated 152 000 vacancies in our sector

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Are You A Good Leader? It Makes All The Difference For Retention, Recruitment and Happiness

In 2022 almost 146 000 employees left the NHS service in hospitals community health services and other core health organisations In addition care job vacancies stood at 52%(165 000 unfilled positions) as of October 2022, the highest since records began These numbers demonstrate the need for cultural change to retain talent boost employee satisfaction and engagement improve the experience of care provided and enhance performance across the health sector overall Challenges contributing to the exodus of employees in care jobs include long hours and demanding work schedules poor organisational structures and emotionally demanding circumstances A 2022 poll found that 52% of home care workers have considered leaving the sector due to stress The industry is therefore facing multifaceted difficulties which must be addressed

At the centre of any solution is the need for excellent and effective leadership The healthcare sector is undergoing significant change at a time when resources employees and finances are all stretched to their limit Poorly executed leadership will compound ongoing resourcing issues and contribute to the unnecessary stress and challenges experienced by many employees working in the sector But what do we mean by ‘good leadership and how can HR teams and leaders help overcome challenges and provide advice and best practice for leader-

ship in public healthcare?


While there is no doubt that any leader must have excellent technical knowledge and the traditional qualities of effective communication confidence, courage, intelligence and determination, today’s business environment calls for an even more vital quality – emotional intelligence (EQ)

Myers Briggs defines EQ as a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way ”

Including soft traits such as self-awareness self-regulation motivation and social awareness, a high level of emotional intelligence can help individuals connect with and influence the people around them A high EQ makes it much easier to drive change as a leader, and these skills also have a hugely positive impact on team morale engagement loyalty and performance

Unlike IQ EQ can be developed and improved over time Therefore delivering training in EQ is a solid first step for HR departments trying to drive influential leadership across their organisations UP THE COMMUNICATION

Having the proper training and a team with vital emotional intelligence is one thing Still it is another to put that into practice so developing the communication skills of an organisation’s leaders is also critical

The nature of the work in healthcare organisations means that having the whole team in one place at a time is a rare if not non-existent

occurrence – the situation makes leadership a more formidable task

Having all the ideas and intentions is one thing: enacting the vision creating a good company culture and fostering a positive working environment can only occur with consistent and effective communication

Added to the challenge is that the modern workforce, particularly the younger generations is becoming harder to reach with traditional forms of communication Newsletters aren’t read emails are often skimmed and the in-vogue social media channel can change rapidly Therefore before doing anything else a good leader must establish a way to communicate consistently and, importantly, engage with all workforce demographics

Internal HR platforms can play a significant role in supporting effective communication and engagement providing a single source of information and knowledge and allowing effective organisation-wide communication Most importantly, communication in any channel should be a two-way street Having channels that allow employees to communicate will enable leaders to use another essential skill – listening Great, active listeners can tune into the needs of others and make employees feel heard valued and understood

Good leadership is one of the most influential factors shaping organisational culture and the complexity and fast-changing nature of many organisations in the healthcare sector make it all the more significant HR teams should prioritise improving leadership across their organisation and promote a more positive working environment from the top down If they can achieve this the long-term benefits include improved talent retention and recruitment, better employee satisfaction, and a more productive workforce

Smiles All Around At Austen House On Friendship Day

Austen House care home in Lower Earley, Reading had a blast celebrating Friendship Day with their friends from local community on July 30 with smiles all round as everyone reminisced about their friends and some of the wonderful times they had shared over the years

The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between people countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities

Today Friendship Day is celebrated in many countries across the globe and is a special occasion that encourages people to celebrate their friendships – old and new – by spending time with their friends and loved ones

Staff and residents spent time making friendship bracelets to give to their friends, colleagues and to the many friends of the

home who volunteer, to say thank you for all their help and support Life enrichment team organized an Afternoon Tea Party and we had a brilliant time with our friends from local community and loved ones

Head chef Ainsworth Brown prepared some delicious freshlybaked cakes and refreshments for everyone to enjoy Marigold a resident at the home commented We ve had such a lovely day It has been wonderful to celebrate all our lovely friends and helpers Friendship Day has made me think about just how much those relationships mean to me ”

Joseph Patterson General Manager at the home said: Everyone at Austen House was keen to get involved in Friendship Day celebrations It was really nice to see residents engaging with their friends from local community and I think it made everyone realise just how amazing it is to have good friends ”

Revitalise Charity Shop Empowers Local Disabled Worker and Celebrates Inclusive Volunteering

Revitalise a national charity dedicated to improving the lives of disabled individuals through providing respite breaks, are thrilled to include Trevor a local disabled person in their charity shop team Trevor has become an important part of the shop's workforce serving as an inspiring example of the power of inclusive employment and volunteering

Finding work when you are disabled can be challenging, with research from Down s Syndrome Association showing in 2019 only 5 9% of people with learning disabilities known to social services are in any form of paid work but it is known that 65% of people with learning disabilities want to work

Revitalise is a crucial lifeline in the disability and care sector giving those who might otherwise struggle to engage in social activities the much-needed chance to simply have fun with others on a supported holiday Their local charity shops help to support vital work in providing disabled people and their carers with vital respite breaks


Having worked at the New Milton charity shop for nearly three years Trevor has demonstrated huge commitment in his various tasks in the shop Trevor takes initiative and carries out his responsibilities with enthusiasm from sales to sweeping floors and hanging clothes

Revitalise is committed to promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities within the workplace By provid-

ing meaningful employment to individuals like Trevor the charity aims to break down barriers and celebrate the unique abilities and contributions of disabled individuals

Working closely with Trevor is Vicky someone who also works at the Revitalise charity shop Vicky provides invaluable support to Trevor by helping him at the sales counter and guiding him through operations at the cash register Vicky has seen Trevor s genuine joy in contributing to the shop s daily operations particularly enjoying the process of handling customer transactions

In addition to his work ethic Trevor's personality shines through his interactions with both staff and customers He embraces the opportunity to go above and beyond always willing to lend a helping hand wherever needed The entire staff has developed a deep affection for Trevor

Trevor said his favourite part about working at Revitalise is the friendships at work and helping others” He enjoys ‘hanging the clothes and working on the till’

Vicky, from Revitalise said “Trevor is such a lovely human being and a joy to work with We adore him He brightens our day and we’re lucky to have him ”

Trevor's story serves as an inspiration to all highlighting the importance of creating a society that embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging

Rebecca Young Director of Strategy Impact & External Affairs said: “We are thrilled to have Trevor as a part of our charity shop team He shows the transformative impact of inclusive employment and volunteering and demonstrates the importance of creating a society that embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging At Revitalise we are committed to breaking down barriers and celebrating the unique abilities of disabled individuals


Volunteering “Highly Effective” Way To Attract People To Careers In Health And Care

MORE than half of volunteers who joined the innovative Volunteer to Career programme run by the charity Helpforce and funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, have secured employment or further education in health and care

A new report, published by Helpforce, evaluated the Volunteer to Career programme implemented by 12 NHS Trusts across the UK between 2021 and 2023 The report aimed to determine whether the programme could help to address the workforce challenge faced by the health and care sector


59 per cent of volunteers secured employment or further education/training

92 per cent of volunteers maintained or increased their interest in an NHS or social care career

• 95 per cent of volunteers maintained or increased their confidence in their career ambitions


87 per cent of staff agreed that volunteers help to improve the quality of service

82 per cent of staff believe volunteers are helpful in allowing them time to deliver good care

• Staff reported volunteers saved them an average of 63 minutes per interaction

Maeve Hully, Director of Volunteering at Helpforce said: “We are delighted to see these positive results after just two years of running the programme with 12 NHS Trusts We also would like to thank the Burdett Trust for Nursing for their great support in funding this programme

“The Volunteer to Career programme is one of a kind The programme identifies a pathway for volunteers to develop their careers in health and care What makes the programme stand out is that volunteers receive support from workforce and clinical leads in the organisation that they volunteer with Participants get first-hand experience of working within the health and care environment encouraging them to realise their careers in health and care ”

Shirley Baines Chief Executive at the Burdett Trust for Nursing said: We are delighted to have supported this programme and very proud to see this programme is bringing more talents to the NHS

What stood out for us in this report is that the programme has successfully attracted volunteers from diverse backgrounds, where individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds accounted for up to 78 per cent of all volunteers ensuring that they can bring different perspectives that can help NHS Trusts to improve experiences for all groups of patients as well as help us to tackle health inequalities ”

The Knoll Care Home Celebrate 100th Birthday Who Was Firefighter in WW2

Dorothy was born in Gloucester She was youngest recruit to Gloucester National Fire Service age of 16 in 1939 She was the first point of contact in fire service emergency in world war-II

Se said ‘ She loved it no one know what will happened as each day was different She was memorizing with Nazia Sha team leader The Knoll Care home Gloucester that she enjoyed when she rides the back of the fire engine and she likes to help others

She just celebrated her 100th birthday on 27/07/2023

Honourable Mayor Sheriff (deputy Mayor) and Sheriff s Consort was present to congratulate her A group of Fire service crews also came with Fire engine to celebrate her 100th Birthday Manager Hasib said they planned few months ago how

Dorothy can enjoy her 100th birthday Team Leader Nazia advised to contact Fire service as she was youngest person join fire service 1939 Also contacted Mayor Office

Jesmond Care Home Celebrates LongSer ving Staff As It Turns 15 Years Old

Jade’s move to Jesmond came after a short career break where she was able to focus on her young family

After a year off I got in touch with the Renaissance Care team to see if there were any roles available in the newly built Jesmond Care Home which was right around the corner from my house Fortunately there were and I ve been there ever since

Manage to arrange Summer Fete to other service users’ family members can come and celebrate her 100th birthday

She was very emotional when Fire crew greet her on her 100th birthday as well they took her beside to fire engine and on blue light

Honourable Mayor, deputy mayor, Deputy mayor s Consort came and wishes her Also Councillor Lorraine came to sing for her 100th birthday

The 100th birthday celebration The Knoll Home manager Hasib Rahman COO Christine Potters Compliance manager Andrew Brown was present along with all members of staff and family members of other service users

Dorothy said she was so happy, and it is her best day ever she had before

Bride of Don care home Jesmond is celebrating 15 years of operations by recognising the achievements of the home s long-serving staff

Five members of staff have worked within the home since the property first opened in 2009, marking an impressive 75 years of combined service between them Sue Hazzard, team Leader, Babu Thomas care assistant and Jade McGowan activities coordinator at Jesmond have shared their fondest memories of their time at the home

Sue joined the Jesmond team in 2008 quickly moving through the ranks to become a team leader

Reflecting on her time at Renaissance she said: I have loved every second of my time at Jesmond It s not often that you see a care home that still has some members of its original staff 15 years later but I think it is a credit to the working environment here

“We are a great team with the common goal of ensuring our residents receive the best quality of life possible My favourite memories at Jesmond come from our annual bus trip It s always a great day out for residents and staff getting to explore the local area and bond together

“It feels like we’re all one big Jesmond family ”

Like Sue Jesmond’s activities coordinator Jade McGowan joined back in 2008 as a care assistant Looking back on the start of her career in care, Jade said: “After leaving school, I was stuck on what I wanted to do for a career At the time I was helping look after an elderly neighbour which helped me realise that I wanted to pursue a career in care

One of the best things about my role at Jesmond has been how accommodating they are for people with children My husband works offshore and with two children to look after flexibility has aways been very important to me I’ve always been able to schedule my shifts around the school drop off and pick up, meaning I can be there for my kids in the moments that count ”

Babu Thomas, 57, joined the Jesmond team 15 years ago as a domestic worker before moving onto the care team Babu said: “It is always exciting to meet residents and their families and get to know them over the course of years that I care for them

The last 15 years have not been without challenge I think working in a care home during the COVID-19 pandemic is an experience that will stay with me forever One positive takeaway from this time however was seeing the local community and families of our residents give so much support in a time that forced us to stay apart It is in the hardest of times that people show their best self

“My favourite part of working at Jesmond is entertaining the residents, holding parties for the various milestones in their lives and celebrating the holidays together This is truly their home and it is a pleasure to support them in it ”

Dawn Gardiner Care Home Manager at Jesmond said Thank you to all the incredible staff who are celebrating their 15-year anniversary at Jesmond

Your loyalty and dedication to Jesmond s residents has been truly outstanding setting the bar for the level of service that we continuously strive to achieve


Taking Care of Fire Safety

All buildings have their own specific requirements in terms of fire safety and risk assessments are the primary method of ensuring that a fire alarm system meets those needs Care homes are no different, although the nature of the elderly occupants and their mobility issues need to be a particular focus in selecting an appropriate method of protecting the occupants and the care home itself from the threat of fire

In the majority of buildings evacuation plans are a core element of fire safety procedures and while this is also true of a care home the fact that it may be impossible to evacuate some of the residents has a direct impact on the requirements outlined in the respective standards In BS5839-1 for example the following clauses need to be considered:

If occupants need assistance from staff to escape and there are more than 10 sleeping persons the system should be addressable

Residential care premises should be provided with automatic connection to Alarm Receiving Centres (ARC)

Signals to Alarm Receiving Centres cannot be delayed from residential care homes


Given all of the above it is easy to appreciate that early detection of a fire incident is particularly important in a care home Many care homes operate with older conventional fire alarm systems Picking up on the first point, these need to be upgraded to addressable systems to enable the location of an incident to be identified quickly In doing so it is important to consider the options in terms of cost implications associated with this migration Some systems will require replacement of not only the devices but also reconfiguration of the wiring into a loop Others do not thereby offering considerable savings in installation costs

The ability to identify the location of an incident quickly can be further enhanced through powered floor repeater panels allowing the situation to be reviewed without needing to go to the location of the main fire panel The ever-increasing use of cloud-based technology (see final paragraph) can take this a stage further with apps available which allow monitoring of fire safety on a mobile phone

In many applications delays in sending a fire alarm signal to an ARC are often deliberate to allow time to investigate to see if it is a false alarm or of a scale that can be tackled safely with a fire extinguisher

However as is clearly stated in the British Standard this is not the case in a care home

Turning to the issue of false alarms as indicated in the extract from BS5839-1 the requirement is for a maximum of 1 false alarm per 20 detectors annually Obviously zero false alarms is an even better scenario in an application where an alarm can cause panic confusion and considerable disruption Systems are now available which will provide a guarantee of no false alarms, with multi-criteria detection technology which detects a fire incident quickly without being impacted by deceptive phenomena such as toasters or steam Crucial to this is drift compensation whereby the sensitivity of the detector is automatically adjusted to reflect the build-up of dust or dirt without importantly affecting response times


Increasingly as in so many of our day-to-day activities the internet and the cloud are becoming pivotal in the latest fire detection solutions Digitalisation has made significant advances in terms of ease of use of fire safety systems User interfaces are becoming ever more graphics-based, with the swipe, click, drag and drop approach so familiar from our mobile phones

Online portals can provide an overview of a care home’s fire safety or for those organisations operating a number of facilities across all connected sites Multi-site dashboards can provide locations of all sites in one place with a status bar indicating the respective status of each in real-time with a simple colour-coded approach to identify sites where problems may be occurring

‘Interoperability’ is a phrase that has been around now for some time in terms of building management systems and it is gathering momentum as digitalisation increases This is the potential to connect multiple systems which can then compliment each other An example would be a CCTV camera able to zoom in on a fire location or record the operation of a call point while a lift can report return status or louvres can be automatically activated in the event of an alarm activation to aid smoke ventilation

Care homes offer their own specific challenges in terms of fire safety By understanding those challenges and adopting a fire safety approach which reflects them, residents and the buildings themselves can be effectively protected

Order Of Malta Medals Awarded To Ten OSJCT Employees To Recognise Their Exceptional Dedication To The Care Sector

The Order of Malta has awarded Bronze Medals of Merit to ten OSJCT employees These medals recognise their exemplary service to social care Five attended a St John’s Day mass and investiture at the Brompton Oratory in London on Friday 23 June where they received their Bronze Medal of Merit from H E The Grand Prior of England Fra’ Max Rumney and H E The President of the British Association Lady Celestria Hales

Many of the medallists have worked for OSJCT for over 10 years and were recognised for their exceptional support and contribution to the Trust and its residents Medallists attended the ceremony with a guest and also witnessed the investiture of honours on Order of Malta members and volunteers OSJCT EMPLOYEES WHO RECEIVED THEIR MEDALS AT THE ST JOHN’S DAY SERVICE ARE:

Ms Beverley Cottam Senior Carer at Hartsholme House Lincoln

Ms Nichola (Nic) Grainger, Quality Improvement Lead, Care Quality Team

Ms Sally Hibberd-Burns, Carer at Spencer Court, Woodstock

Ms Ann-Marie Palmer Finance Support Administrator Central Support Services

It’s Your “Turn”

Product & Marketing Director, Wellell UK Limited (uk wellell com)

Pressure Ulcers can be serious and lead to life threatening complications such as blood poisoning and gangrene So knowing that this can happen what are the necessary steps to help prevent these and what obstacles do care home managers encounter that can give rise to these occurrences?

A simple understanding of how pressure ulcers occur and who is most likely to get them is important and equally how can they be prevented through appropriate equipment and turning regimes


Pressure ulcers can happen when an area of skin and the tissues underneath it are damaged by being under such pressure that the blood supply is reduced commonly tending to occur when people spend long periods in a bed or chair

Anyone living in a care home can develop a pressure ulcer but some factors make it more likely

Risk factors include:

• Limited mobility or being unable to change position without help

A loss of feeling in part of the body

Having had a pressure ulcer before or having one now

Not having eaten well for a period of time and/or being dehydrated

Thin, dry or fragile skin

A significant cognitive impairment


For people living in care homes who have one or more risk factors and who have been referred to the community nurse, a pressure ulcer risk assessment should be carried out and documented on their first visit

Make a written care plan for anyone assessed as being at high risk of developing a pressure ulcer and review it regularly The plan should focus on the actions needed to help prevent a pressure ulcer from developing taking into account:


Ms Marie Gormley, Care Leader at Willowcroft, Salisbury

Ms Helen Butler Head Housekeeper at Meadowcroft Thame

Ms Denise Parker Care Leader at Paternoster House Cirencester

Ms Catherine Meanwell Housekeeper at Gregory House Grantham

Ms Diane Perry Senior Care Leader at Millbrook Lodge Brockworth Nic joined the Trust in 2008 and worked as a Home Manager before joining the Care Quality team She said: I feel very privileged to have received this Medal But I am even more honoured to have worked with some amazing people over the years and even more happy that I could care for our wonderful residents in our homes along the way All the people I’ve met whilst working at OSJCT have given me so much and I am so thankful that I do what I do

The results of the risk and skin assessment

The need for any extra pressure relief, for example a high-specification mattress and/or cushion

The person s mobility and ability to change position unaided

Any other conditions

• The person s own views and wishes including whether they are able to understand the risks and make an informed decision If not use of the Mental Capacity Act may be necessary


The care home manager once faced with a client suffering a pressure ulcer is potentially exposed to a long process of nursing intervention to manage the PU (PI – Pressure Injury now in more widespread use) to get to a stage where it has fully healed Subject to the risk assessment carried out the care plan will identify what actions need to take place and regular turning on a suitable mattress is one of the critical factors in PI management and importantly prevention

Sometimes the added difficulty faced by the home is that of cost and staffing levels all of which can be managed more effectively by introducing suitable equipment to effect regular turning – both automatically and continuously, in cycles that can be identified in the Risk assessment needs and included in the care plan to be put into place

Wellell UK Limited a longstanding medical device manufacturer designed and introduced the cutting edge lateral turning mattress system Optima Turn With its multiple settings it can be used in step up and step down therapy to meet the needs of each client requiring the mattress and help either prevent or eradicate any newly acquired or historical PI whilst offering efficiency improvements enhanced care reduced staff moving and handling injuries and greater dignity to the client, especially when in a palliative state Why not ask us to demonstrate the product to you and even trial it and see how we can prove not only its clinical credibility but also the huge cost savings that it can bring to each care home After all more efficient equipment means healthier clients reduced stress levels on staff and happier family members of those clients in your care If you would like more information please contact us via our website: https://uk wellell com/en/howcan-we-help or call on 01905 774 695

care/quick-guides/help ng-to-prevent-pressure-ulcers#repos t on ng-advice

taken from
Guidelines: https
n ce org uk/about/nice-communities/social-
See advert on back cover for further details References
This medal isn t for me It is for all of my residents and my colleagues who have been with me along the way It’s also for my family who brought me up to always be kind and caring to people and who believed in me when I said I wanted to be a nurse

Care Workers Risk Being Forgotten Again Post Covid

Key workers in adult social care in Lincolnshire risk being forgotten as the world returns to normal following the Covid pandemic

That’s the view of Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association who spoke at the association s annual conference in Lincoln (Monday 31st July)

The theme of the conference, staged at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln was ‘Coming out of the shadows of Covid: What could social care look like in the next decade?’

At the event Ms Weatherley called for care workers to be paid more to recognise the importance of the work they do

“At the height of the Covid pandemic care workers were recognised as key players in the health and care system – they were included in the applause on the doorstep and really seemed to be valued for the skilled work that they do ” she said

“As life has returned to normal, we are at risk of

becoming once again the unrecognised and unrewarded Cinderellas of health and care

The dedicated workers who support the most vulnerable members of our society with amazing skill and patience are often seen as being just there to support discharges from hospital But they do much much more than that

“The loving way in which they encourage and support individuals to maintain their independence and enable them to continue with their interests and try out new ones is about living life to the full not just staying alive

It is a wonderfully fulfilling job to do but that does not mean that it should not be well paid Delegates at the conference reflected on the past year and looked towards the future, in particular looking for ways to improve recognition for the contribution that the care sector makes to the local economy as well as the critical role that it plays as a support to the NHS

tial dementia and 24 hour nursing care services

The Lord Mayor was invited by award-winning care home operator New Care to cut a red ribbon to declare the home officially open and enjoy a guided tour of the new facility Councillor Al Garthwaite also met key members of the New Care team including staff from Guiseley Manor and learnt more about the company and the excellent care homes it designs and delivers

Working closely with the local authority, Guiseley Manor has been expertly designed by both architect and clinical lead to ensure it delivers exceptional care from a high quality new build property that combines style and function to

The Lord
Garthwaite has officially opened Guiseley Manor New Care’s second care home in Yorkshire Located on Otley Road the £12 million
the-art care
will offer
Leeds, Councillor Al
ensure a safe, secure and comfortable home-fromhome for residents
Chartwell House by Boutique Care Homes has raised a massive £570 through their Grand Launch Beach Party all of which will be dedicated to supporting the Thanet Disabled riding Centre s noble mission The Thanet Disabled Riding Centre plays a crucial role in the lives of disabled individuals offering them a unique opportunity to experience the joy and therapeutic benefits of horse riding The funds raised from Chartwell House s Grand Launch Beach Party of July 1st 2023, will help support the centre in expanding its reach to positively impact even more lives Speaking after the cheque presentation, the Thanet Disabled Riding Centre posted on their Facebook page saying – “A big thank you to Chartwell House The home donated a huge £570 from their charity fundraising day on Saturday! How incredible!” Diane Collins Homes Manager at Chartwell House shared her heartfelt sentiments, saying, “We are thrilled to support the Thanet Disabled Riding Centre through our Grand Launch Beach Party The dedication and passion shown by the centre in empowering disabled individuals align perfectly with our own values of creating enriching experiences for those in need Together we can make a real difference in the lives of the people we care for ” Chartwell
Lord Mayor Of Leeds Opens New Care’s Second Yorkshire Care Home
House Raises £570 for Thanet Disabled Riding Centre

Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund – Workforce Fund

Care England has today welcomed the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund – Workforce Fund

Professor Martin Green OBE Chief Executive of Care England says:

“The Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund (MSIF) represents a step in the right direction for the social care sector The first MSIF in 2022 was aimed at increasing social care workforce capacity and retention reducing social care wait times and increasing fee rates paid to social care providers We know there was success following the reporting of the initial grant and so welcome this grant as a further measure to support the social care sector in the same way in a time of extreme hardship but must acknowledge that it will not fix social care

The government has today, 28 July 2023, unveiled a £600 million package to help with recruitment and retention in social care The fund will support the social care workforce and boost capacity in social care in turn supporting the NHS ahead of winter and through into next year

The £600 million funding for adult social care includes a £570 million workforce fund over two years, distributed to local authorities and £30 million funding for local authorities in the most challenged health systems

To supplement the MSIF announcement, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has also published a letter to colleagues across social care to outline the key steps that are needed so adult social care systems are resilient and able to provide support to those who need it this winter and stating that local authorities should; “work closely with providers to use the £570 million funding to grow workforce capacity for example by investing in improved pay for people who work in care

The letter also sets out the DHSC’s expectations for how NHS organisations can work with adult social care for the planning and delivery of support The funding for this will be the £30m left over from the total

£600m promised by the DHSC with the remaining £570 assigned to the MSIF workforce fund

Martin Green continues

“Once again the government require a great deal from a relatively small pot of funding This fund cannot be relied upon to remedy social care pressures alone The £570m promised over two years equates to a mere 10p per hour pay rise for the social care workforce The funding suggests a focus on workforce pay ensuring appropriate short-term and intermediate care is available to reduce avoidable admissions, supporting discharge of patients from hospital, and making tangible improvements to adult social care capacity The requirements of the fund are vast None of this is possible with 10p an hour per member of the care workforce This is a far cry from the additional £4 per hour needed and will not tackle the sustained shortage of funding from central government to local authorities Local authorities are currently required to work miracles to support the workforce increase capacity and pay care providers more The DHSC also said the funding will work alongside the NHS Long Term Workforce plan to build a stronger overall foundation for the health and social care workforce There must be recognition that this injection of funding is by no means a substitute for an equivalent long-term plan for social care The fortunes of the NHS and the adult social care sector are fundamentally intertwined Without addressing the issues inherently embedded within our sector through additional long-term funding commitments the ambition to reduce avoidable admissions and support the discharge of patients from hospital will remain an ambition rather than an actuality Ahead of winter we would implore the DHSC to listen to the sector We do not want to repeat the same issues we encounter year after year during the winter months This fund should serve as a watershed moment to be ambitious and move towards an integrated system that serves to benefit us all

Leading Digital Care Planning Platform Nourish Care Integrates with Ally Acoustic Monitoring

Sound and motion detectors will enable Nourish Care to monitor patients at a distance thanks to Ally integration

Nourish Care is to integrate with Ally the acoustic monitoring system which analyses sound and motion in a care home resident s room at night to give information on sleeping habits behaviour and overall health

Using AI algorithms Ally can identify risks help prevent falls and flag any potential health issues such as urinary tract infections

Customers of both platforms will be able to link their systems for in-depth insight into night-time events The integration is an important step towards preventing falls and allowing early detection to deliver more proactive care Any significant events recorded in Ally will automatically appear in Nourish alongside daily care records

Thomas Tredinnick CEO & Co-Founder of Ally said We are hugely excited to integrate with Nourish as this represents another step forward to help care homes provide better care outcomes Independent assessments by the NHS over the past two years with our existing customers have evidenced that Ally delivers a 55% reduction in falls, a 20% reduction in hospital admissions and frees up 40% of night-staff time By syncing our data with Nourish care teams will have more time as well as better insights leading to even greater outcomes I m excited to see how together we can push to eliminate falls and preventable hospital admissions as we continue to empower care teams

Nourish Head of Product, Steve Lawrence notes, “We are excited to announce our partnership with Ally Our aim is to assist care teams in adopting innovative preventive care models that minimise the risk of falls and enhance care outcomes by linking our two systems By presenting timely and relevant data, we will provide greater insight into shared intelligence and enable greater operational efficiencies We are eagerly anticipating seeing the benefits of this partnership for providers and the people they support and collaborating with Ally to further enhance the functionality of our integration and drive innovation

Carrie McDonald Clinical safety officer and lead, Nourish Care: "Falls can have a knock on effect into so many other areas of health and wellbeing and being able to mitigate them as well as predicting trends has a huge impact on our ability to care for an individual Each person receiving care has different risk factors and this partnership is yet another way that Nourish continues to demonstrate commitment to using technology to capture the whole person's experience in a purposeful way"

Susan Graham Home Manager at Harleston House said My whole team uses Nourish and being able to see the Ally events on the Nourish Timeline is really helpful My team has a good understanding of an individual s night time activity which influences the care provided throughout the day This information alongside daily care needs paints a bigger picture

Nourish Care is the market leading digital care planning platform that allows care services to record at the point of care streamline administrative processes and equip teams with the tools to provide more person-centred care and improve outcomes for the people they support Nourish works with more than 3,500 care services in the UK and overseas within residential homes nursing homes learning disability services, mental health services, and other care and support settings Nourish was one of the first digital care planning technologies recognised as an NHS Transformation Directorate Assured Supplier for the Digital Social Care Records (DSCR) programme at launch and was also the first accredited by the PRSB as a Quality Partner working to promote best practice standards for care

Ally is a resident acoustic monitoring system for care homes Ally’s Resident Monitor uses sensors and AI to monitor care home residents when alone in their rooms at night The system alerts staff instantly when residents require care, freeing staff from time-consuming regular checks that often wake up sleeping residents Supporting over 3 500 residents it has been independently evidenced by the NHS and its customers that Ally releases 40% of staff during the night to deliver care where it is needed; reduces falls by over 55%; and decreases hospital admissions by 20% Integration with Digital Social Care Records further enhances best practice and fosters greater person-centred-care

Loving Sisters Celebrate International Day Of Friendship

To celebrate this year’s International Day of Friendship, at Orford House, the Coulsdonbased residential care home run by charity Friends of the Elderly sisters Marguerite and Adrienne Lawrance, who are without doubt each other s best friend, have been reminiscing about their life together and love for each other

The sisters have been residents at Orford House for two years moving in together in May 2021 92-year-old Marguerite and Adrienne who is 90-years-old share an unbreakable bond and have remained inseparable since they were children

The sisters share a beautiful bedroom at Orford House as they like to stay together

They also have a second bedroom that they have changed into their own living room

“We have always been together,” said Marguerite, “We really are inseparable, so having our own bedroom and living room is perfect We do most things together here at the care home, everything from dining together, taking part in the activities together and sleeping in the same room together

“We have the same sense of humour and keep each other laughing ” added Adrienne “My sister and I are truly best friends; we’ve never been without each other We are each other s soul mate confidant and forever companion

Adrienne and Marguerite lived in Sutton, Surrey - a place where many famous people have been born including Dame Penelope Keith Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell and the flamboyant Quentin Crisp The sisters had a very happy childhood, adulthood and very loving memories of their parents George and Mabel

“We had a wonderful time living in Sutton ” said Adrienne “It is actually the place where The Rolling Stones were first discovered back in 1963 in The Winning Post Pub

We were a musical family; our father worked in a factory and was a very talented pianist

“We used to love standing by the piano listening to him play, singing and having special family times I think that s why we enjoy the sing-along sessions musicals and visiting singers at Orford House so much

“We like to participate in many of the other activities at the care home together We enjoy everything really but I can safely say for both of us that our favourites – as well as the sing-alongs – are art and colour

therapy, crafting, knitting, the relaxing pamper sessions and Memory Lane quizzes

We get our hair and nails done together participate in the wellbeing classes and when the weather is warm we have a sit in the beautiful gardens and relax with a cup of tea,” added Marguerite

“We also especially adore the animal visits too ” said Adrienne “The cute kittens and puppies are absolutely delightful The sweet creatures are so loving and charming and we look forward to the cuddles we get They are such characters and always make us smile ”

We both believe it is very important to interact – not only together – but with the other residents,” continued Marguerite “When we are taking part in an activity in the Lounge, we have our own special place to sit – on the comfy double sofa The other residents are very kind and always keep if free for us ”

The devoted sisters hardly ever disagree or quarrel and enjoy each other s company every day “We both agree having your sister as your best friend is priceless ” said Marguerite “There’s nobody in the world that knows us better than each other Adrienne is the one and only person who honestly truly knows me and I know her in just the same way ” Adrienne chuckled: “We know each other so well I bet we even know when the other is smiling in the dark

Michelle Kennett, the Registered Manager at Orford House said: “Marguerite and Adrienne are kind caring and lovely residents Their closeness and love for each other is clear for everyone to see It is so endearing to see them together laughing and interacting with the other residents and care team It’s true what they say that a sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost They are definitely proof of that

“The other residents often ask us why we are still so happy together after all this time It’s simple really, having Adrienne as my sister is like having a best friend you can t get rid of and I would never want to continued Marguerite “You’re right, sisters are best friends for life, and you’re my best friend forever,” concluded Adrienne


Future-Proof Care Homes Using Smart Building Technologies

Digital, automation and electrification technologies have the potential to minimise energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions in residential care buildings – while at the same time maximising safety and security for vulnerable residents Chad Langston, Global Products Group Por tfolio Manager HVAC Building

Automation, at ABB (https://new abb com), explains how

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the built environment – everything from industrial plants office community buildings and private homes – is now a priority if the world hopes to limit global warming to 1 5 C this century in line with the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change

Energy used for heating cooling and lighting buildings and the appliances and equipment installed in them plus embodied emissions from construction, maintenance and demolition, accounts for more than a third of global energy-related emissions To put this into context, to get on track with the IEA’s net-zero emissions scenario (NZE), worldwide levels must fall by an average of 9 percent a year until 2030 more than halving by the end of the decade


While the carbon reduction targets may be extremely challenging they re not necessarily insurmountable for the sector Smart or intelli-

gent’ buildings that employ interconnected technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) the internet of things (IoT) and data analytics can not only minimise energy consumption and emissions in adult social care settings – which until now, haven't prioritised the environment to the same extent as other sectors – but also maximise safety and security for elderly vulnerable patients

AI can play a crucial role in optimizing data collected by sensors installed throughout a building By employing machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze the sensor data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies that may indicate energy inefficiencies With this information a facility manager can take proactive measures to save energy such as adjusting HVAC settings or optimizing lighting schedules Additionally AI can provide insights into long-term trends enabling facility managers to make informed decisions regarding energy-saving investments equipment upgrades and maintenance strategies ultimately leading to significant energy and cost savings

Operators of both new and existing care facilities are advised to include emission mitigation technology in projects from the outset Also with electricity prices spiralling reducing day-to-day operational emissions has the dual benefit ensuring regulatory compliance, while reducing costs


Let’s take something as fundamental as heating ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC) systems With temperatures rising because of climate change effective temperature control is especially important with vulnerable residents at a higher risk of heatstroke and dehydration3

Now HVAC systems can be upgraded to learn reason even solve problems Using machine learning, AI not only deduces that a communal area grows warmer as more residents congregate in that space at

certain times, but it can also adapt and adjust air conditioning proactively ready for say the lunch period4

This is just one example of how space management, and intelligent lighting and HVAC solutions can improve residents comfort while simultaneously helping care homes reduce running costs Another such innovation is touch-free interfaces that improve hygiene standards in the wake of Covid-19

Smart building technologies can also be used to monitor CO2 levels in care homes; real-time security control of doors, windows, and emergency exits; while voice-activated automated lighting systems decrease the likelihood of falls or injuries, and give residents more independence5


Technology has a critical role to play in decarbonizing buildings of all kinds including residential care facilities The built environment of the future will be automated and intelligent able to respond to both the internal and external environment adjusting everything from lighting to air conditioning to reduce GHG emissions protect inhabitants and help to make their living conditions safer and more comfortable

While the concept of smart buildings is nothing new – separate systems to control lighting heating and ventilation have been available for decades – the pace of advancing technology is accelerating along with the need to reduce carbon emissions Intelligent digital solutions hold the key to ensuring that the living environments we provide for the elderly and vulnerable are fit for the future

Reigate Beaumont Makes Resident’s Wish Come True

Residents Joe and Carol at Reigate Beaumont had always wanted to return to Brighton & Hove Greyhound Stadium so staff at the home made their wish a reality proving the old adage it s never too late

Both Joe and Carol have been living at Reigate Beaumont for quite some time and staff learned of their love of greyhounds and their connection to Brighton & Hove Greyhound Stadium Joe and Carol had raced many a greyhound there and Joe s favourite greyhound, Roughbeech Billy had won over 20 races and holds many special memories for them there They also had other grey-

hounds named: RoughBeech Meg and Lettingzone Zoe which also did extremely well at the races

Staff at the home were delighted to be able to make their dream come true as they knew how much it meant to them A trip to Brighton & Hove Greyhound Stadium was arranged and Joe in particular was overwhelmed when boarding the mini-bus and was smiling from ear to ear Joe & Carol were joined by their son Mark and he was very moved for making this trip possible

When arriving at the stadium Joe said: “I never in a million years thought I would be back here Watching the races and just reliving the experience again I can t thank you enough”

Pramojil Kurian General Manager at the home said: “Creating these kind of experiences for our residents is part of our Life Enrichment programme We are so pleased to have made this experience possible for them especially doing something that meant so much to them for such a long time”

What To Consider When Choosing A Staff Attack System For Care Settings

With reports revealing up to 85% of care workers experience abuse each year and thousands of serious attacks on carers recorded, the need for reliable, efficient staff attack systems in care settings has never been greater

Protecting care workers is vital for staff morale and productivity but also patient care and long-term treatment outcomes

Choosing the right staff alarm system therefore requires careful consideration and the weighing up of the following factors


Quick intervention is crucial when preventing a violent attack In care settings patients may become aggressive suddenly with little to no warning

The most effective staff attack systems work rapidly allowing employees to summon assistance quickly and easily should they face abusive behaviour from a service user


Equally the accuracy of a staff safety system is a key consideration When an alarm is triggered the response team should be informed of the exact location of the call – allowing for rapid intervention and thus prevention of harm

This is particularly true for large facilities with multiple floors and rooms and in cases where multiple alarms have been activated simultaneously Pinpoint’s latest P2 Graphical Display Unit, for example clearly demonstrates the call level and precise location of incidents on rotation enabling responders to allocate support as required


Staff alarm systems for care workers should be simple-to-use and easily accessible In the face of hostility or violence, carers should be able to activate their personal alarm quickly and without alerting the aggressor

This was a key factor in the development of Pinpoint’s new P2 System which benefits from a more sophisticated discreet design Worn on the staff member’s uniform the P2 personal alarm is lightweight and easy to use Employees simply press a button on the device to call for assistance and in more high-risk situations where a service user is becoming aggressive the worker pulls a pin from the bottom of the device to sound an emergency alarm


Vandalism of safety systems is not uncommon in high-risk work settings, as service users can tamper with or abuse the devices out of frustration Choosing a robust safety system is therefore an important and cost-effective measure for care homes


When looking into staff attack systems it s wise to consider how much follow-up support is offered by the provider, the length of the warranty period available, and whether repairs or assistance with maintenance issues is available Doing this from the outset will prevent problems later down the line! As rates of violence toward staff in Care settings increase, so too does the need for powerful, efficient staff safety systems Choosing the right system will depend on the environment in question the security needs of the staff and the threat posed by service users Keeping the above factors in mind will serve as useful guidance for facilities looking to make the best choice for the safety of their employees

Interested in learning more about Pinpoint s P2 System? Visit www pinpoint ltd uk/staff-safety-system
Sources: 1 https://www iea org/energy-system/bu ld ngs 2 ABB Feature for Plann ng and Bu lding Control Today May 2022 3 5 https //www tw nfm com/art cle/how-smart-bu ldings-can-make-env ronments-safer-for-e derly-peop e 4 https //modbs co uk/news/fullstory php/a d/20081/Artif cial ntell gence can he p unlock eff c ency and emissions savings htm

How Hearing Tests Can Save Lives

Hearing loss and balance issues are often seen as synonymous with getting older and according to Age UK around 40% of people over 50 in the UK have some form of hearing loss The majority of people who experience hearing loss or tinnitus (which causes you to have persistent noises such as ringing or buzzing) as they age do so because of normal wear and tear to the internal structures of the ear such as the tiny hair cells in the inner ear However hearing loss and tinnitus can also be a sign of something more serious As hearing loss can develop gradually, it may not be noticed straight away which is why it is important to monitor patterns of hearing hearing loss, especially in the elderly population where this role may be taken by carers and care homes

Among a number of diagnoses hearing loss and tinnitus (particularly on one side) can be a symptom of a slow growing non-cancerous tumour that grows around the base of the skull called a vestibular schwannoma (also referred to as acoustic neuroma or acoustic neurinoma) Hearing loss on one side is the most common symptom of vestibular schwannoma presenting in over 90% of patients with this pathology The lifetime risk of developing this tumour is believed to be in the order of 1 in 500 in the latest epidemiological studies

Formed by the overproduction of the Schwann cells that support and insulate the balance (vestibular) and hearing (cochlear) nerves it most commonly presents with balance problems hearing loss or tinnitus on one side As they grow larger these tumours can press on the trigeminal nerve that gives sensation to the face resulting in facial numbness or in some circumstances shooting pains on one side of the face

Vestibular schwannomas are very treatable once diagnosed but if the tumour grows too large it can compress the brainstem and become a threat to life Therefore, when hearing loss in one ear only occurs, it

is important for a specialist to examin the ear and seek audiological testing to determine the cause The only confirmed risk factor for developing a vestibular schwannoma is genetic – specifically a Chromosome 22 mutation that causes Neurofibromatosis Type 2 resulting in multiple tumours of the nerve lining But as with most pathologies the earlier it is detected the better the chances for effective treatment and regular hearing tests are the best way to catch these symptoms as they develop

From these hearing tests if the audiologist is concerned that the test suggests atypical hearing loss requiring further investigation, they will suggest a referral to a neurosurgeon or ENT surgeon that specialises in these types of skull base tumours

Larger tumours tend to be managed with open surgery to remove as much tumour as possible and relieve the symptoms of pressure on the brain However many of these tumours of a smaller size are suitable for treatment with a precision radiation treatment called stereotactic radiosurgery The most common such technique is Gamma Knife radiosurgery This has the benefit of being non-invasive and has a low risk of causing nerve injuries such as to the facial nerve for example which is typically stretched over the tumour The risk of facial weakness after radiosurgery is in the region of 1% or less compared with more than 5% at best for conventional open surgery This treatment does not remove the tumour but it uses up to 192 beams of radiation that converge to deliver a high dosage of radiation to the affected area without damaging the surrounding healthy brain tissue This course of treatment therefore prevents further growth in approximately 95% or more of tumours depending on the size

Gamma Knife radiosurgery, therefore offers a treatment option that elderly patients are able to tolerate much more readily than open surgery Unfortunately hearing loss that has already occurred from the tumour cannot be reversed, but in most cases there are hearing aid options to minimise the impact of this This is particularly important in more elderly patients as loss of hearing can have negative impacts on quality of life including social isolation, depression and even cognitive decline and dementia

In summary vestibular schwannomas are a benign and treatable condition that benefit from early diagnosis and treatment This increases the chances of identifying them when they are small and still suitable for non-invasive therapies such as gamma knife radiosurgery It is very important to be vigilant particularly in elderly patients with unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus or balance problems that cannot readily be explained by alternative diagnoses

England Cricketers and Alzheimer’s Society Unite for an ‘Unforgettable’ Day

Alzheimer’s Society joined forces with The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) at the Kia Oval as the England cricket team lined up with the wrong names on their shirts, to help raise awareness of dementia

As part of day 3 of the latest Men’s Ashes Test Match, the cricketers wore their teammates names in the line-up to draw attention to confusion often experienced by people living with dementia and how people with dementia lose precious memories

Alzheimer s Society and the ECB also removed one stump before play The third stump was placed in the ground by Alzheimer’s Society CEO Kate Lee to raise awareness of the reality that 1 in 3 people born in the UK today will go onto develop dementia in their lifetime

Kate Lee, said: Great cricket should be unforgettable, but sadly, for many of the 900 000 people living with dementia this isn t the case

“It was such an honour to have the support of Marcus Trescothick and to see both teams as well as the magnificent crowd at The Oval take a moment to support people living with dementia ”

The crowd were also shown two new Alzheimer s Society videos The first featured England stars Captain Ben Stokes, Moeen Ali and Mark Wood

All three spoke about their most unforgettable cricket memories and how they would feel if dementia took away their ability to remember these moments:

England Cricketer Moeen Ali said: Both the Men s and Women’s Ashes this summer have created moments which should be unforgettable but sadly we know that too many people will lose precious memories like these because of dementia ”

The second film was a touching and personal look into the realities of dementia faced by England Men s Coach Marcus Trescothick and England Women’s all-rounder Alice DavidsonRichards whose dads are living with dementia

An Alzheimer’s Society Singing for the Brain Group also sang Jerusalem at the event The choir was joined by both England and Australia players, who walked out wearing Alzheimer’s Societybranded baseball caps in a display of unity

There are currently over 900 000 people living with dementia in the UK – enough to fill the Oval 33 times over Funds raised during the match will go towards funding faster diagnosis pioneering research and the Society s life-changing support services

Watch the full video at https://www youtube com/watch?v VxMIAG9tPgs

Case Study: Bathing Cushion Has Enabled Carers To Bathe A Man Who Was Previously Afraid Of Water

Staff at a Yorkshire assisted living complex can deliver dignified safe supported personal hygiene to a man with dementia via Aqua Liberty- a unique bathing support system

The gentleman lives in supported accommodation and receives 24 hr care

He has recently been diagnosed with dementia and has complex mental and physical disabilities He is non-verbal and is hoisted for all transfers He has high muscle tone in his arms and legs which mean he benefits from being immersed in water He previously enjoyed baths when he lived at home and this is something his family told the care team that he loved

Since moving into supported accommodation and being diagnosed with dementia, staff had been unable to support him to shower as he became distressed when the water hit his body

He would hit out at the people supporting him Staff tried to lower him into the bath via the ceiling track hoist but as soon as his body contacted the water he became distressed Staff had therefore been strip washing daily on the bed which was also distressing for this man due to the number of movements required whilst he was lying on the bed

The Occupational Therapist involved in the man s case Julie Snowden from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust felt that there were some issues with proprioception and him feeling unsafe and disorientated when he didn t know where his body was in space He also needed postural support as his core stability was poor and he benefited greatly from the feeling of being safe and cocooned Julie suggested trying AAT s Aqua Liberty vacuum posture support system hoisting him slowly into the bath

with the bath cushion already in place

Aqua Liberty is the only vacuum support cushion system that fits any bath and any user It is also unique in being developed in the UK in partnership with individuals with a disability and Occupational Therapists

The lightweight adjustable system comprises a central flexible backpiece that fits any bath It is quick and easy to secure into position and to remove Any of a range of mix and match vacuum posture cushions is then easily attached to the backpiece to provide infinitely remouldable, adjustable pressure-free support for the bather

In this case, a Comfortable Plus cushions was used Combining a corset and and seat in one, the Comfortable Plus Duo delivers correct torso and pelvis positioning stabilising her vertically and laterally, holding her in place without pressure By making use of vacuum technology the cushion can be precisely altered by carers to deliver optimal comfort as needed without pressure points

Commented Julie “Although he initially became slightly worried once his body came into contact with the bath cushion and he was sitting in it he became visibly relaxed Staff were able to support him to bathe for the first time! Bathing with the Aqua Liberty is now an essential part of his routine; a bath helps him to relax reduces muscle tone aids digestion and is something he now thoroughly enjoys

To find out more about the Aqua Liberty system including booking of free no obligation assessments visit https://www aatgb com/aqua-liberty/ On AAT s website www aatgb com you can also arrange a free trial of the system and ask any questions via LiveChat


Health And Social Care Sector Struggling To Rally Workers Amid Record Talent Shortage

Research by Brook Street Social Care has found that the Healthcare and Life Sciences industry is experiencing a record talent shortage with employers struggling to attract skilled candidates Brook Street Social Care is calling for employers in the social care space to prioritise human skills in the hiring process to attract talent and address training bottlenecks as demand for care workers grows to record highs

According to Brook Street Social Care’s 2023 study, 83% of organisations in the sector are struggling to find skilled talent to deliver essential services Data by Skills for Care also shows that out of the 1 8m jobs available, there are 12% unfilled job posts in social care To keep up with the expected growing demand, the sector will have to increase in size by 52% on top of the current demand by 2035 However it is currently seeing an employee turnover rate of 30%

Due to the Government adding the Health and Care Worker visa to the Shortage Occupation List 2023 saw international hires in the social care sector more than triple resulting in the first recorded year-overyear increase in filled posts in the sector However, the 83% talent shortage – the second highest figure recorded by any UK sector – renders this largely insignificant

Teresa Wilson Operations Director said: “While many frontline workers in health and social care are demanding better working conditions and wages through industrial action employers are struggling to hire and retain the growing number of employees the sector needs to meet increasing demands of service users ”

Wilson continues: Traditional social care is being reimagined through new technological innovations Where routine tasks can be automated in the care space, the experience of service users can be improved

by freeing up carers to focus on the innately human elements of their roles which also makes the care sector a more attractive place to work

According to the research the most in-demand human skills include resilience critical thinking leadership and problem-solving By seeking out these essential skills employers can better align their talent search strategies with the evolving needs of the sector Focusing on aptitude and potential could open doors for previously overlooked talent enabling employers to fill their vacancies

Wilson adds: “Employers need to focus on future-proofing their industry, making jobs more accessible and ensuring that support for training and qualifications is front and centre Crucially employers can t just ‘hire to fill gaps’ – if they have roles to fill they need to be thinking about creating good jobs offering good pay flexibility and training with future opportunities to retain the hot talent they ve managed to secure

Part of the issue is that many people have the skills and years of experience but these are not always recognised across the industry Employers need to recognise that essential criteria in the job description matches the skills needs and qualifications needed for the role rather than asking for qualifications that aren t necessary for the role and many candidates lack the time and money to attain ”

Wilson concludes: To navigate this change effectively frontline delivery needs to be reinvented to address shortages and improve access to care While technology is driving much of the change that is needed the business of being human has never been more important It will be the organisations that put people first and value the human skills of resilience problem solving and leadership will thrive in this next stage of the sector’s development ”

Hazel Lodge’s Summer Fete Brings The Local Community Together

Staff, residents, relatives and the local community came together at Hazel Lodge to enjoy a Summer Fete that was held in the home s grounds on Saturday 29th July Hazel Lodge hosted a variety of activities throughout the afternoon including a Punch and Judy show and entertainment from children s entertainer Crazee Hazee local stalls tombola live entertainment games etc which were enjoyed by everyone who came to the event All proceeds from the event will be going to a local



Staff at Hazel Lodge made everyone feel welcome and were delighted to see different generations having fun together Visitors enjoyed burgers hot dogs and a delicious selection of homemade cakes and drinks prepared by the team, who were hard at work making sure that a great time was had by all!

Visitor Jane Pullman said “I thoroughly enjoyed it It s been a lovely afternoon surrounded by lots of wonderful people and the weather held out until we finished Staff did a fantastic job not just on the day, but organising the event and getting everyone together ”

Breaks Gifted to Unpaid Carers

Today, The QHotels Collection have announced impressive milestone having given over a thousand breaks to unpaid carers across their portfolio of resorts

These are unpaid carers who selflessly give their time their love and their energy to look after families and groups who don t fall into the normal NHS care support service Eligible carers aged over 18 who provide 30+ hours of unpaid care each week are invited through Carefree, to take an annual break away with a companion at a time and location that works for them

Working with Carefree, The QHotels Collection aim to help the wellbeing of these carers who often suffer from mental and physical ill-health as a result of their caring role This support will shape the social care landscape for years to come and ensure that these vital workers feel able to give their essential care in the future and beyond

Carefree is a multi-award-winning charity that transforms vacant hotel accommodation into vital short breaks for full-time unpaid carers, who are rarely recognised for their frontline role and lack access to the same support as NHS staff or paid care home workers Carefree reports that 88% of carers that have taken a break using their service wouldn’t have been able to without this initiative 96% reported an improved wellbeing 77% said they felt less socially isolated and 85% felt able to cope with their role after taking a Carefree break

The 2021 census found that there are 5 7m unpaid carers in England and Wales, with 1 5m doing over 50 hours of unpaid care work per week Collectively the unpaid carer community saves the economy £162 billion per year (Valuing Carers Report, May 2023)

Carers who ve stayed at The QHotels Collection s hotels and resorts have shared incredibly moving feed-

back following their breaks at hotels such as Forest Pines Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort Belton Woods Hotel & Spa and Crewe Hall Hotel & Spa

One carer noted “When I arrived and looked round and saw how beautiful the place was I actually cried I cried because I felt understood and valued Someone who donated that beautiful break must have understood somewhere in their life, that caring is a tough job For those few hours I left it all behind I actually felt human and valued ” – Carer and guest of Crewe Hall Hotel & Spa

That feeling of being free; walking in the woodland for miles with my dog; having my breakfast made for me and staff at the hotel were incredibly helpful The hotel itself was superb For the first time in a long time I was able to do what I wanted and when I wanted Thank you ” – Carer and guest of Forest Pines Hotel Spa & Golf Resort

Group Chief Executive of The QHotels Collection Richard Moore explains, “My colleagues and I feel incredibly grateful to be able to support a truly deserving community of unsung heroes through the Carefree platform The feedback we ve received from the unpaid carers who’ve stayed across The QHotels Collection is a testament to the whole initiative lead by Carefree We are hugely passionate about making purpose-led impact and we look forward to building on this initial milestone supporting more and more carers deserving of a break away”

Charlotte Newman CEO of Carefree says The care shown for our nation s unpaid carers across the business is extraordinary – from the revenue managers keeping the donated inventory up to date, to the staff welcoming the carers at their hotels ESG initiatives fail when they feel to employees like corporate speak but everyone at The QHotels Collection knows that there’s a carer facing unimaginable challenges behind each stay and they do everything they can to make that person feel valued and recognised by society


Why We Must Keep Taking Data-Driven Steps For ward


reviews the Government ’s updated roadmap for better data for adult social care and discusses how data is helping care homes meet their Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework objectives

The Government recently updated its roadmap for better data for adult social care describing the plan as an important step in addressing transformation

In the updated roadmap the Minister of State for Care said that while some care providers local authorities and other organisations are trailblazers in the use of data, digital tools and technology overall adult social care as a sector lags behind healthcare “while we have come a long way in improving the data that we collect and use there is still much more to do

We are seeing every day how tech in care homes is helping to improve resident satisfaction and maximise operational efficiency From improved communication enhanced resident safety and wellbeing, streamlined operations, and a facility for data-driven decision-making the sector is slowly but surely seeing the benefits of digital But to keep up with the pace of change any transformation needs to align with the important targets care homes must reach


The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people The framework plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality, transparency and accountability of adult social care services

By setting clear objectives, measuring performance, and providing a framework for evaluation, the ASCOF encourages care providers to identify areas for improvement implement changes and monitor the impact of their interventions This drives a culture of learning and innovation ultimately leading to better outcomes for service users

If we break down the benefits of digital and specifically data driven decision-making we can see just how it supports care homes in reaching their ASCOF targets, and how it will help them along the Government’s data roadmap


We re seeing digital care records enable care homes to capture and store comprehensive information about each resident's needs preferences, and goals This information can be used to develop personalised care plans and ensure that care is tailored to individual requirements By leveraging digital care records

effectively, care homes can improve care planning, documentation, communication, and monitoring of outcomes This in turn supports the objectives of the ASCOF promoting person-centred care accountability quality improvement and the overall wellbeing of residents

Digital care records allow care homes to track and monitor outcomes related to the ASCOF measures By recording and analysing data on service user feedback, quality of life indicators, and other relevant metrics, care homes can evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions and make evidence-based improvements to their care practices


Digital care plans help care homes meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate compliance with relevant standards These records provide a documented audit trail of care interventions, ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to best practices in care provision

Digital can also streamline the documentation process by providing a centralised platform for recording care interventions assessments and outcomes This ensures that documents are completed efficiently and accurately supporting effective communication among care teams and ensuring the continuity of care



Crucially, digital care records facilitate efficient and secure information sharing among care professionals residents and their families Individuals can access up-to-date information about a resident's care plan medications allergies and other relevant details enhancing communication and collaboration across the care team

The wealth of data that is created by digital care planning can be analysed to identify patterns trends and areas for improvement Care homes can generate reports and dashboards based on this data, enabling them to monitor performance measure progress and identify areas where they can enhance the quality of care and outcomes

Data and the insights they provide are fundamental to ensuring that people who draw on care and support can access high quality care and achieve the outcomes that matter to them Digital care records play a significant role in helping care homes meet the objectives of the ASCOF

As the Government s roadmap states we are embarking on far-reaching reforms But we as a sector must continue to champion data and its benefits to drive social care forward at the right pace We must continue to champion evidence-based digital technology, and its ability to deliver end-of-life altering care and personalised services that address persistent unmet needs across residential care

Midlands Care Acquires Gokul Vrandavan Care Home

A family-run care group in Leicester has acquired a facility that provides social and personal care for Gujarati Hindu elders Midlands Care is thrilled to announce its acquisition of Gokul Vrandavan Care Home on Windsor Avenue in Leicester This facility has been dedicated to providing culturally appropriate care to the Gujarati community offering an Asian lifestyle that resonates with the local elderly population With culturally tailored person-centred care plans and a focus on delicious vegetarian cuisine the home ensures its residents utmost comfort and familiarity

This strategic opportunity has allowed Midlands Care to further its commitment to inclusivity and expand its range of care facilities to cater to the needs of local elders from diverse faith backgrounds The newly acquired purpose-built home consisting of 27 single en suite bedrooms has seamlessly merged with an existing residential facility to create a comprehensive care environment The reason for acquiring this service was for the group to extend its services and become an inclusive regional organisation

Gokul-Vrandavan Care Home had been a long-standing interest for Midlands Care, capturing their attention for several years

With a smile Shyamal Raja the managing director and son of Sailesh shared a fond memory: "I can vividly remember when my father first visited the original building two decades ago He held a strong desire to acquire it but circumstances beyond his control prevented it from happening "

Over the years Sailesh occasionally reminded Shyamal and his brother Sagar about the immense potential this opportunity held to

serve the local community

Now with great delight Shyamal announced the completion of the takeover of Gokul-Vrandavan Care Home made possible through a meticulously arranged and highly confidential off-market deal

The entire process was conducted in secrecy by Shyamal and Sagar in collaboration with Mr Ashok Pabari from the previous owners, Parcs Healthcare

Once the deal was finalised Mr Pabari personally contacted Sailesh informing him of the decision to sell and extending an invitation to explore the care home

Upon their arrival Mr Pabari handed over the keys declaring "This is all yours now

The off market transaction was arranged in a private deal between Mr Pabari and Shyamal Shyamal said “Mr Pabari has been a gentleman to work with right from the moment he first approached me till the day of completion I want to thank him and Mrs Pabari of Parcs Healthcare for their invaluable collaboration and seamless handover of Gokul Vrandavan to Midlands Care Their close cooperation and support have played a significant role in ensuring a smooth ownership transition ”

In Indian and Asian cultures the concept of filial piety holds great significance, emphasising the expectation that parents should live with their children and receive support within the family unit Consequently contemplating the idea of placing parents in care homes can be incredibly challenging

Shyamal elaborated on this matter stating Considering care homes as an option can be perceived as a violation of filial piety resulting in feelings of guilt, shame, and societal judgement "

However it is important to view the decision to place parents in care homes as a responsible choice that prioritises their well-being and ensures they receive the specialised care they may require Rather than a betrayal of filial piety this decision should be regard-

ed as a testament to our love and concern for our parents, demonstrating our desire to provide them with the best possible care and support available

Specialist care homes that cater to the needs of Indian and Asian individuals play a vital role in providing culturally appropriate services Gokul-Vrandavan is one such care home that offers round-theclock personal and social care provided by staff who speak Gujarati, ensuring the comfort and convenience of its residents

The facility boasts well-appointed rooms with en-suite facilities equipped with amenities such as a nurse call system, smoke detectors and telephone and WiFi access in every room

Residents are provided with a choice of Gujarati/Indian and vegetarian cuisine, and they can enjoy cable TV with Asian channels The home also offers conveniences like elevators and arranges visits from healthcare professionals such as a chiropodist a dentist an ophthalmologist and a GP

To promote an active and connected lifestyle residents can participate in a variety of activities within the home including access to a garden and patio area Staff also organise outings and day trips to engage elders and keep them connected to the community Conveniently located near the vibrant Melton Road the home offers easy access to local shops and religious temples further enriching the residents' cultural experience

Shyamal concluded by emphasising Every aspect of the care home from the spoken language to the culturally appropriate activities and meals, is tailored to ensure that our parents feel comfortable and connected to their cultural heritage

With this acquisition Midlands Care solidifies its position as a multicultural and diverse organisation equipped to meet the unique needs of the local elderly community Midlands Care remains dedicated to providing exceptional care maintaining cultural sensitivity and upholding its mission of enriching the lives of residents from all backgrounds and faiths

Lanyon, Co -Founder of KareInn (www kareinn com),

Delivering New Hope to Venous Leg Ulcer Patients with Medical Technology

According to the UK Government there are 2 2 million people living with chronic wounds costing the NHS £5 3 billion annually to manage Venous leg ulcers (VLUs) are among the most prevalent wounds accounting for up to 60 percent of all leg ulcer cases, and contributing significantly to these healthcare costs

Despite the financial burden of VLUs being well documented the emotional toll and physical burden of living with chronic wounds is sometimes overlooked Such conditions can impact all aspects of patients' lives; many VLU patients cannot work and therefore require financial support Between one and three percent of adults above 60 suffer with chronic leg ulcers increasing to more than five percent in adults above 80 The majority of VLU patients are within this age range and the likelihood these patients have comorbidities is high; with this can come feelings of hopelessness and doubt that their condition will get better


According to a study, the prevalence of lower-leg ulceration among UK adults stands at approximately 2% resulting in more than 1 million individuals burdened with VLUs Patients suffering from VLUs can have a profound impact on their emotional wellbeing, such as feelings of shame and loneliness which can contribute to heightened levels of depression and anxiety

Symptoms such as exudate and leakage can also cause distress for patients Meanwhile, the appearance of wounds can lead to feelings of embarrassment which can ultimately contribute to social isolation - particularly for the more elderly patients who may live alone

The National Institute of Health reports that VLUs have a recurrence rate of 60–70 percent indicating the importance of providing long-term and effective treatment to improve patients quality of life particularly with those struggling with hard-to-heal wounds

These patients face unique challenges that require careful attention and support Understanding the emotional toll associated with chronic leg ulcers is crucial in order to provide care for those affected by this

condition The inability to achieve expected healing results can be a distressing experience for patients, leaving them with a sense of powerlessness over their condition


Compression therapy is the recommended standard of care for treating VLUs It comes in various forms, including four-layer two-layer hosiery kits and wraps depending on the level of compression required for optimal healing as well as the patient s preferences In most cases compression therapy is applied by a trained specialist who can determine a healthy balance between sufficient pressure for healing while keeping pain management bearable for the patient Compression therapy can often be labor-intensive and complicated, requiring multiple visits to hospitals or clinics as well as home visits from community nurses, adding to the complexity of managing and treating VLUs

However adherence rates to compression therapy are reported to be between 12 and 52 percent It can be difficult for patients to adhere to compression therapy for various reasons including the pain it can cause This highlights the need for new solutions to offer new hope to patients that can accelerate the healing of their wounds and improve their physical and mental wellbeing


Medical solutions that can support patients in the delivery of their own care can offer a plethora of benefits for the patient and wider healthcare system for example by empowering patients to heal themselves and saving over stretched healthcare systems time money and resources

A specific example is a wearable non-invasive device that has emerged as a highly beneficial treatment option for VLUs This device offers patients a range of advantages including increased blood flow and a reduction in oedema When combined with compression therapy, the utilisation of this device has been shown to significantly enhance the rate of healing for VLU patients

This non-invasive wearable medical device can be applied in the home setting enabling patients to selfcare and share-their-care with family members and community nurses releasing healthcare system savings in reduced nurse home visits, and savings for patients in fewer specialist wound clinic visits, thanks to accelerated healing


MedTech is rapidly evolving, providing new, innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes With the ever-increasing pressure on healthcare systems and their staff the need for quicker and more cost-effective methods of delivering quality care has become paramount MedTech devices are uniquely positioned to meet this demand and offer time-saving solutions that enhance the current standard of care for wound Chronic care is an area in need of innovation and leveraging these devices is able to ease the burden on healthcare professionals, improve patient outcomes and deliver new hope to VLU patients

Best Friends, Sheila and Barbara Soak Up Culture at Santacruzan Party

Best friends Sheila and Barbara celebrated in Santacruzan-style this week after attending the Barrio Fiesta at Campbell Park

The pair became friends when Barbara moved into Neath House Care Home for respite care where Sheila was already living They hit it off instantly and have since been referred to as ‘two peas in a pod’

With Barbara s stay at Neath House coming to an end Lifestyle Coordinator Sammy wanted to take them out together so they could make some lasting memories

When looking for local events, Sammy saw there was a Barrio Fiesta happening at a local park She thought this would be perfect for the pair to experience a taste of Filipino culture and make memories they can both treasure!

On the day of the Santacruzan party the sun was shining and there was lots of people gathered to celebrate the event After taking in the views, Sheila and

Barbara went to watch the live singing and dancing shows They really enjoyed listening to the upbeat tunes and moving to the music from their chairs Miss LGBTQ+ Milton Keynes followed the performance which Sheila and Barbara enjoyed watching as well as the guest artists that came on to perform

It was then time to explore the rest of the festival and the variety of stalls that were available These included small shops selling homemade goods and food stalls serving dishes from all over the world After dancing and posing for photos they worked up quite an appetite so they sampled some Filipino Pancit with pork

They both agreed it was absolutely delicious and would definitely recommend it

It was a truly memorable day filled with fun and laughter Although Barbara may be going home we re sure they will stay in touch and maintain their wonderful friendship long into the future

Blueleaf Care Acquires Nexon To Form A Single Group

Blueleaf Care the nationwide business that helps care homes deliver better outcomes has acquired Nexon the national distributor of cleaning hygiene and healthcare products to form a single group

The acquisition is part of a stated strategy to become the market leader and grow the organisation to £100m turnover within the next five years

Blueleaf benefits from the merger by gaining access to Nexon s quality client base niche brands and further extending its geographic reach in the north Acquiring Nexon also gives it the opportunity to extend its offering beyond the ‘traditional care sector into new areas where Nexon is already established

Nexon benefits significantly from the depth and breadth of Blueleaf’s product range, enabling it to offer its clients a single source for all their purchasing needs including furniture equipment and medical consumables which they currently have to source elsewhere or can t currently provide Both sets of customers will also benefit from the greater buying power that a larger organisation can bring to offer lower prices in many instances than would previously have been possible

Nick Frogbrook Group Chief Executive says that merging the two businesses will make them stronger together: “The market is becoming increasingly competitive,” he says, “and standing still is effectively going backwards There is a first mover advantage in acting now; prices are continually being squeezed while

costs are rising and a larger group will have greater buying power to benefit our customers while being able to deliver greater efficiencies through technology, infrastructure and people ”

Don Green, Director of Business Development at Nexon, who will be joining the new leadership team, says the decision will create an excellent opportunity for Nexon and its customers: We have effectively reached our ceiling in terms of growth and what we can offer our customers he explains

“By merging with Blueleaf we will continue to partner with our clients in delivering the specialist cleaning and laundry products for which we are well known We are looking forward to being able to offer a much broader range of consumables and equipment at competitive prices and giving our clients an even greater level of support and service by joining with the team at Blueleaf

Blueleaf has spent the last 12 months focusing on improving its own systems operations infrastructure and teams and building a firm foundation on which to grow

Initially, both businesses will continue to trade as they are and will start to come together in 2024 as Nexon's clients are moved across to Blueleaf s more scalable systems and platforms

Migrating Nexon s clients onto the Blueleaf platform should be a simple case of lift and drop Nick continues Some training may be required in advance to head off any potential difficulties and realise the true benefits of the transition Ahead of any transition it will also be necessary to ensure operationally that the warehouse and stock are aligned and continue without any impact on clients even if the deliveries in the future may come from a different warehouse location

Ronnie Green (Procurement and IT) and Stephen Green (Ops Director) at Nexon will be part of a dedicated team assigned to the integration to ensure that any existing customer KPIs are met and contractual terms honoured

Please visit www blueleafcare com


Celebrating Afternoon Tea Week A Beloved British Tradition That Nurtures the Well-being of Our Elderly Population

Originating in the 19th century this tradition was introduced by Anna the 7th Duchess of Bedford who desired a light meal to tide her over between lunch and dinner The concept quickly caught on and evolved into an afternoon social affair complete with finger sandwiches, scones, cakes, and, of course a comforting cup of tea

stress and anxiety promoting mental wellness among the residents


It’s almost time to celebrate Afternoon Tea Week which takes place between August 7August 13

Yes that quintessential British tradition which holds a special place in the hearts of many, is almost here

Steeped in history and elegance this cherished occasion provides a unique opportunity for communities families and friends to come together savour delectable treats, and celebrate the joy of human connection For our elderly population particularly those in residential and nursing care Afternoon Tea Week takes on an even more profound significance as we here at THE CARER proved last year when we had a wonderful response to our share your Afternoon Tea Week celebrations with us”

Beyond its delicious offerings this great British tradition fosters a sense of continuity, community, and mental well-being for our seniors creating cherished memories and brightening their lives


In the United Kingdom

Afternoon Tea Week is a cherished annual event that typically falls in August

Today Afternoon Tea Week provides an opportunity for people of all ages to come together and indulge in the elegance and nostalgia of a bygone era For the elderly population especially those in care homes this tradition can evoke cherished memories of past gatherings and instil a sense of continuity and belonging It also offers a chance for them to impart their knowledge of customs and etiquette to younger generations bridging the gap between the old and the new


In residential care settings community-building activities are crucial for the well-being of the residents Afternoon Tea Week offers a perfect occasion to bring everyone together in a warm and welcoming setting Sharing a delightful afternoon tea allows residents to bond with one another staff members and even family visitors The sense of camaraderie and unity forged during these moments contributes to a happier and more fulfilling living experience for the elderly


Furthermore Afternoon Tea Week provides an uplifting and enjoyable experience that can positively impact residents emotional well-being Engaging in the ritual of afternoon tea can stimulate reminiscence spark conversation, and elicit smiles and laughter all of which contribute to a more positive outlook on life The calming effects of tea and the soothing ambiance can also help reduce

Afternoon Tea Week is more than just an indulgence in delightful treats; it is a cherished British tradition that holds immense significance for our elderly population especially those in residential care By embracing this tradition care homes can foster a sense of continuity build community and connection among residents, and promote their mental well-being

So, we here at THE CARER would be delighted to share your Afternoon Tea Week celebrations with our considerable readership!

We have a wonderful prize for the lucky Care Home winner so please do send in photographs and a paragraph or two of what you did to celebrate this wonderful great British tradition and let us all savour the joy of coming together cherish the memories of the past and create new ones that will warm our hearts for years to come!!

Simply email us at for your chance to win!

Tips and Advice for Celebrating Afternoon Tea Week in Care Homes

1 Decoration and Ambiance: Create an inviting atmosphere reminiscent of a classic tearoom with elegant table settings, fresh flowers, and soft background music

2 Variety of Treats: Offer a wide assortment of finger sandwiches freshly baked scones with clotted cream and jam and a selection of scrumptious cakes and pastries to suit different tastes

3 Incorporate Traditional Tea Etiquette: Take the opportunity to educate residents on traditional tea etiquette such as holding the teacup with the pinky down stirring the tea gently and using the saucer

4 Special Tea Blends: Consider offering a variety of tea blends, including some with calming properties like chamomile or peppermint to promote relaxation

5 Interactive Activities: Organize fun activities like a hat competition or a quiz on tea-related trivia to engage residents and stimulate their minds

6 Involvement of Staff and Family: Encourage care home staff and family members to participate in the celebrations creating a sense of togetherness and solidarity

Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroser vice

THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 157 | PAGE 19 Freephone: 0800 917 7943 w w w.euroser sales@euroser Visit the website at w w w.euros er to see the full range. Manufac tured in the UK Euroser vice trolleys are an attrac tive and prac tical alternative to clinical aluminium trolleys given that antibacterial spray can be used freely to sanitise them Get in touch with our friendly, experienced sales team PROVIDING PRACTICAL AND ST YLISH TROLLEYS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Watch your resident's eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroser vice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care produc ts to residents How about a delicious snack/pastr y trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Watch your resident s eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastry trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Visit the website at www euroservice-uk com to see the full range

Pests In Nursing and Residential Care Homes Sector

How To Stop Infestations

The presence of pests in premises used for social care is a considerable risk to public health The risks posed by pests is extensive and includes:

• Spread of disease


• Bites


Damage to property

Contamination of work surfaces/foodstuffs

• Prosecution and closure

Elderly residents in care homes may already have underlying health conditions and weakened immune systems Therefore the importance of preventing a pest infestation at an early stage cannot be overstated

The types of pests that can cause problems within care homes can be divided into rodents and insects


The main pests in this category are mice rats and squirrels The predominant causes of infestations are

Poor waste management

Pests can be attracted to a building due to poor waste management

This can range from missing drainage bungs to damaged lids that leave waste open’ making the contents of the bin more appealing to rodents and attracting more attention

Residents feeding animals

A common cause of infestations in care homes is when residents have

grown of fond of animals such as birds and squirrels and started to feed them

In my own experience I’ve been called to care homes to deal with infestations that have started like this

Unfortunately the squirrels had become accustomed to people and started to be a little brazen entering the residents open room windows in search of food

The best way to prevent an infestation of this sort is discourage feeding of wildlife

Unkept vegetation

Keeping vegetation on-site well-managed is an important prevention step Dense vegetation around the site which is in contact with the building will provide shelter to rats

Tree branches overhanging onto the building should also be cut back to prevent rodents climbing the trees and gaining access to windows or the roof where they may enter structural defects


Introduced from outside

Insect infestations can be a result of insects being introduced by staff or visitors, or from foodstuffs being brought in from suppliers

Cockroaches can be introduced in cardboard boxes from suppliers and a good way to combat this is through having a reputable supplier of foodstuffs for the main kitchen; they will have pest control in place

They may also be introduced through plastic bags stored under a sink in an already-infested household used to bring in foodstuffs or belongings by staff and visitors alike

Bed bugs are another insect that will cling to clothing suitcases books and furniture as modes of transport Once in the property they can spread rapidly room to room via migration in search of a blood

meal or spread inadvertently via a bed linen trolley which may be going from room to room

Staff pest awareness training inspection of incoming belongings and bed bug monitoring devices will help to prevent widespread infestations Washing clothes which have been brought in with new residents at 60OC will kill all life stages of insect

Poor food storage management

Keeping surfaces clean and clear is vital to preventing an infestation

Ants will gather and form trails where fruit or something sweet has been left In addition to putting residents in danger the sight of an ant infestation can also be very distressing due to their large numbers

Flies and wasps also pose a significant risk during the summer months with windows open to allow ventilation These can spread disease by carrying pathogens on their body and transferring them to foodstuffs, work surfaces and utensils

Insect light traps placed in the kitchen and sluice room can be important in controlling and detecting problems with food stores and drains

More basic preventative measures include the screening of windows and doors helping to reduce the number of flying insects entering the property Placing fruit in sealable containers also helps to reduce its appeal to insects and having plastic washable bins with bin liners will help to reduce pest attraction


Following the above guidance can help prevent infestations and having permanent monitors in key locations will help to control activity quickly and detect pest activity that would normally go undetected

But your action should be coupled with regular inspections by a pest control company They can provide bespoke advice on proofing housekeeping and storage of material

Colleagues at Derby Home to Take Part in Great North Run in Bid To Raise Funds For Residents

with Kate the home manger and we succumbed to it

“Me and Rachael have been going for walks and runs which is hopefully going to prepare us for the day

“The event is for everyone regardless of ability and you don t have to be an elite runner to take part

We have set up a Just Giving page which we hope will help to raise some funds for the residents


team at the home and have been practising with a mixture of running and walking

Carly Theobald admin manager said “It s the first time any of us are doing something like this

The idea came off the back Jan Chebrika our regional fundraiser discussing it

So far we have raised more than £200 and are confident we will achieve the target

We have been preparing for the run as best we can and hope we can do the home proud and complete the task at hand

Ninety-nine year old resident Elwyn Hughes at Connaught Court in Fulford York thought to be the oldest working tailor has become an Honorary Member of The Company of Merchant Taylors in the City of York

To mark the occasion Elwyn attended a tea ceremony on Charter Day with over

Three colleagues at a Derby home will be pounding the streets of Northeast England when they take part in the Great North Run Kate Prince Racheal Simpson and Carly Theobald all work at MHA Willowcroft and will be taking part in the Great North Run to raise funds for the homes amenities fund The Great North Run is the largest half marathon in the world, taking
ally in Northeast England each September
place annu-
trio work in the management
90 guests The Company of Merchant Taylors is one of seven guilds in York whose origin dates back to the 13th Century The position of Honorary Member is bestowed on individuals who have provided distinguished service to the tailoring and craftsmanship profession At Connaught Court Elwyn is still stitching making waistcoats skirts and other clothing items for family friends and for his fellow residents He has been sewing for more than 80 years after he first picked up a needle and thread Commenting on becoming an Honorary Member Elwyn said: I am truly honoured to have been recognised by The Company of Merchant Taylors Tailoring keeps me active and occupied; it gives me a focus provides challenges and keeps my brain working Marinda Aydinalp, Home Manger at Connaught Court, said: Elwyn is a well-loved and sociable gentleman at Connaught Court The clothing he makes such as his waistcoats are always cheerful and colourful He just brightens everyone s day UK’s Oldest Tailor Becomes An Honorar y Member Of The Company Of Merchant Taylors

Published on Use of Physical

Restraints in All Long-Term Care Settings

A new Cochrane review finds that the use of physical restraints on care home residents can be reduced without increasing the risk of falls when frontline care staff are empowered by supportive managers

Physical restraints are devices that restrict freedom of movement and are frequently used in residential care homes such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities Examples are bed rails or belts that prevent residents from getting out of bed unassisted These restraints are ethically problematic as they are mostly used in people with dementia who are often unable to consent to their use

Physical restraints are often intended to prevent falls and fall-related injuries However the benefits are often small and come with important negative consequences For example, the restriction of movement can have negative implications on physical functioning and mobility actually increasing the risk of falls and care dependency The measures can also trigger or increase fear or aggressive behaviour

For this reason guidelines and experts recommend avoiding physical restraints in residential care settings


A Cochrane Review, first published in 2011 and recently updated to reflect the latest research, analysed the scientific evidence on interventions and strategies to reduce the use of restraints The team of authors led by Ralph Möhler of the University Hospital Düsseldorf identified 11 studies with a total of 19 003 participants evaluating different intervention approaches

In their evaluation the authors found the best evidence for organizational interventions which were investigated in 4 studies with a total of 17 954 participants

Organizational interventions to reduce the use of restraints consist of different components to function as

a package They aim to improve knowledge skills and strategies to prevent restraint use among both frontline care staff and managers In three studies employees designated as champions were trained to develop and implement individual strategies to prevent the use of restraints within their facilities Managers supported this including by relieving them of other activities and provide them with sufficient time for their tasks

Such interventions probably reduce the number of residents with physical restraints in nursing homes by 14% There was no overall change in the number of residents with falls or fall-related injuries and there was no increase in the prescription of psychotropic medication In addition there was no evidence of adverse effects of the interventions Based on the study data, the authors calculated that the number of residents with physical restraints could be reduced from 274 to 236 per 1000 individuals if such interventions were implemented Focusing on changes on the organisational level seems to be important for achieving long-term effects

Six studies examined educational interventions addressing staff knowledge and attitudes regarding the use of restraints The results of these studies were inconsistent and some of the studies had methodological limitations Therefore, no clear conclusion on the effects of educational interventions can be drawn The results of this review show that physical restraints in nursing homes can be reduced without increasing falls or fall-related injuries ” Ralph Möhler lead author of the review

“There is no evidence in the reviewed studies that psychotropic medications were prescribed more often However education for frontline staff alone doesn t seem to be enough; the support of care home managers plays a decisive role ”

Crewe’s Silver Pride Goes National

Silver Pride, the annual celebration of LGBTQ+ life and culture, especially for the over 55s has returned to Crewe with this year making for an extra special occasion as the first national pride awareness day for older people

Hosted by not-for-profit dementia specialist, Belong, guests from all over the town paid a visit to the Brookhouse Drive village to revel in the colourful festivities with mistress of ceremonies Dame Dolly leading the fun Entertainment included a fashion parade competition tombola and stalls face painting food and sweet treats, and body popping performances from young troupe TGA Street Dance Crewe

Meanwhile, sexual health charity, Body Positive North Wales & Cheshire and Silver Rainbows social network were on hand to provide advice support and companionship whilst attendees enjoyed the opportunity to meet Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service before making the most of a visiting ice cream van

Jessica Butler, experience coordinator at Belong Crewe, said: Our customers and visitors have had a wonderful day It s really important to us that everyone can be themselves and express who they are and we re especially pleased to see Silver Pride grow to become a much-anticipated annual event ”

Silver Pride has been a regular staple in Belong Crewe s community events calendar since 2018 This year the village was joined by other progressive care operators up and down the country after activity and engagement charity National Activity Providers Association (NAPA), promoted the day to widen participation across the UK

Jessica continued: “We’re thrilled that Silver Pride has become a nationwide event Over 50 years since the first Pride marches in the US and UK we finally have a day that reveres older LGBTQ+ people whilst bringing all ages together to share in the celebration Talk about community spirit!

2.5 Million More People In England Projected To Be Living With Major Illness By 2040

9 1 million people will be living with major illness by 2040, 2 5 million more than in 2019, according to a new report published today by the Health Foundation

The ground-breaking new analysis is part of a four-year project led by the Health Foundation s Real Centre in partnership with the University of Liverpool focusing on levels of ill health in the adult population in England up to 2040 It lays out the scale and impact of the growth in the number of people living with major illness as the population ages

The analysis finds that 19 of the 20 health conditions studied are projected to increase in prevalence including a rise of more than 30% in the number of people living with conditions such as cancer diabetes and kidney disease Overall, the number of people living with major disease is set to increase from almost 1 in 6 of the adult population in 2019, to nearly 1 in 5 by 2040, with significant implications for the NHS, other public services and the public finances

The challenges of improving care for an ageing population and enabling people to live independent lives for longer are not unique to England with countries across the globe facing similar pressures on their health services However with the NHS already under unprecedented strain, the findings point to big changes in how care should be delivered in future

Much of the projected growth in illness relates to conditions such as anxiety and depression chronic pain and diabetes which are predominantly managed outside hospitals in primary care and the community This reinforces the need for investment in general practice and community-based services, focusing on prevention and early intervention to reduce the impact of illness and improve the quality of people’s lives

The analysis finds that 80% of the projected increase in major illness (2 million people) will be among people aged 70 and over with the remaining 20 per cent (500 000 people) among the working-age population (20-69 years old) It also projects that improvements in some of the main causes of poor health such as fewer people smoking and lower cholesterol rates, will be offset by the impact of obesity as many people

who have been obese for long periods of their lives reach old age

The report warns that there is no silver bullet to reduce the growth in people living with major illness and that supporting people to live well with illness will increasingly be an essential function of health care and other services in the future Its findings underline the need for a long-term plan to reform modernise and invest in the NHS alongside a bold, new approach that invests in the nation’s health and wellbeing

Toby Watt Lead Economist: Demand REAL Centre said

The findings from this report give us new insight into the future demand for health care in England It is crucial to emphasise that these are projections not forecasts which are designed to support policymakers in preparing for the future

‘The rise in people living with major illness will not occur overnight Managing these pressures is achievable with careful planning investment and changes in how care is delivered

Anita Charlesworth Director of the REAL Centre said

‘The challenge of an ageing population with rising levels of major illness is not unique to the NHS Countries across the globe face the same pressures How well prepared we are to meet the challenge is what will set us apart

Over the next two decades the growth in major illness will place additional demand on all parts of the NHS particularly primary care where services are already under extreme pressure But with 1 in 5 people projected to be living with major illness in less than two decades’ time, the impact will extend well beyond the health service and has significant implications for other public services the labour market and the public finances

The report is the first in a new programme of research from the Health Foundation s REAL Centre which aims to support policymakers by looking at patterns of illness over the next two decades Following in the autumn, a second report will focus on the implications for health inequalities


Older People’s Memories Shared with Students Through Exhibition at Formby Care Home

I worked on the Woodvale International Rally for 42 years which started as a model aircraft show and grew to include all sorts of cars and other vehicles too ”

Following the session Michael revealed to Liam that he had quite a sizeable collection of memorabilia from his career including three model aircraft plaques and pamphlets from the Rallies he had worked on, a flight hat, and a book on Woodvale’s history

Liam also had collected some 1940s and 1950s items of his own over the years including wartime rationing books He asked the other residents and staff to see if they had any of their own memorabilia and eventually he had enough for a small exhibition

It was not just residents and their families who donated, but Liam’s Halcyon House colleagues also brought in objects including an array of theatre props from the era Not all of the items were war-based – one resident brought in a bowl that he had bought in Africa on his honeymoon

in something that happened so long ago Some of them told me that they had grandparents and relatives who were actually based at Woodvale themselves so we bonded over that

Formby schoolchildren were welcomed into Halcyon House a dementia-friendly residential care home for older people to visit an exhibition featuring residents memories and memorabilia from the 1940s and 1950s

The exhibition was the brainchild of Halcyon House Activities Coordinator, Liam Brown, who runs regular memory sessions with the residents

Liam explains “Each session someone brings in an item or photograph that has special meaning for them or shares a special memory and we discuss it as a group

Michael Redman, aged 90, regularly attends Liam’s sessions, which have helped him to improve his communication skills and to bond with his fellow residents

Michael was quite introverted when he arrived at our home says Liam “He wasn’t communicating very well with the other residents However as soon as he could identify with something that someone shared with the group he completely opened up and was happy to also relate his memories and experiences ”

Michael recalls I was a jet engine fitter in the RAF for my National Service – a practical and interesting job, though we never got much recognition for it After a brief stint at Biggin Hill I was put on the boat in 1950 – that meant you were stationed overseas, in my case in Germany It was a real revelation for me to see the damage we had done to their country in the war There was some animosity but I was never involved in any fights myself; let’s just say I was in a company of rational thinkers!

For one memory session, Michael brought in a model Mosquito and Bowfighter airplane which many of the other residents were fascinated by He was able to tell them about his time working with the aircraft at RAF Woodvale where he continued his career in the RAF after his National Service ended

“I lived in Ainsdale very close to the airbase The Spitfires Hurricanes and a few other aircraft were kept there during and after the war as were the Mosquitos, and I got to see a lot of interesting planes going up and down

Where those who donated an item could not say where it had come from or the story behind it Liam diligently researched each one enabling him to provide a short accurate write-up Armed with his own collection Michael s memorabilia and the various items donated by other residents and colleagues, he was finally able to display everything in a museum-style exhibition at the home

The exhibition was very popular and many of the residents were extremely proud of it ensuring that their friends and family members got to see everything during their visits

The home soon received interest from Formby High School and several students were invited to visit the exhibition to complement their studies The residents devised a worksheet and stationed themselves around the exhibition during the students visit They were delighted to tell them more about the collection and share their own childhood memories The students were excited to see armed forces uniform medals and even a shell casing as well as some of the schoolbooks and equipment that students from the wartime and post-war period has used

Michael says, “The students showed a surprising amount of interest

Before they left I asked them what they thought of us and I was very pleased to hear how interesting and knowledgeable they thought we all were!

Liam says, “It was great to have the students from Formby High School visits us at Halcyon House and it was clear that they enjoyed the experience, as did our residents We’ve had them back to visit again since – of course the ones that had met Michael the first time made a beeline straight for him! Hopefully we can make it a regular feature of our programme

I m hoping to start an intergenerational pen-pal scheme too Some of our residents don’t have many friends or family that they talk to regularly so we hope it will help alleviate some of the feelings of loneliness and isolation for them, which is what Abbeyfield as an organisation aims to do

As for the exhibition itself Liam says “We set it up in our sun-lounge when the weather wasn’t so good and it ran for about a month However when the weather improved we wanted our residents to be able to use the room to relax, socialise and see our garden in bloom, so we made the difficult decision to take the exhibition down

Michael, meanwhile, is now enjoying his time at Halcyon House, with his wife of 62 years living nearby

“I’ve also got two children and nine grandchildren They live in all corners of the world but they see me when they can Nonetheless I very much enjoy it here even when they re not around

“As long as you have something to concentrate your mind on that s of value Liam is full of interesting ideas to keep us occupied and entertained and I’ll try my hand at anything, especially the arts and crafts I made a coaster recently – well I d never even considered doing anything like that before, but everyone said it was really good and my wife has even put a magnet on it and stuck it to the fridge!

Due to the success of his exhibition Liam hopes to create similar ways to show off the residents’ talents in the future He is currently in touch with a group of local artists with a view to displaying some of their artwork alongside some art made by the residents He hopes the artists will be willing to run some workshops or classes share some tips and help the residents to develop their artistic skills

Residents Enjoy Bi-Weekly Intergenerational Classes At Little Bramingham Farm

At Little Bramingham Farm the Luton-based residential care home run by charity Friends of the Elderly the care team has introduced a new fun interactive and engaging bi-weekly activity for the residents - Intergenerational Musical Bumps

Alex Martin who owns Musical Bumps Central Bedfordshire, a small business providing music groups singing and fun for babies toddlers and preschoolers with their parents and carers, attends Little Bramingham Farm care home during school term times every other Wednesday at 10:30 a m for an interactive and inclusive Intergenerational Musical Bumps class

“Our Intergenerational Musical Bumps classes at Little Bramingham Farm bring both the young and old generations together to make music, sing and have fun ” said Alex “Each week the class includes traditional songs and rhymes playing instruments singing with puppets movement through action songs and dancing and so much more – I make sure that every Wednesday there is something for everyone and every generation to enjoy

Commenting on the success of the weekly Musical Bumps classes Emma Lawrance the Registered Manager at Little Bramingham Farm said “Our Activities Coordinator Karen Charity and I wanted to give our residents a new and exciting intergenerational activity to participate in When we spoke to Alex the Musical Bumps class seemed to be an exciting and creative option Since the classes started we haven t looked back it was definitely the right choice for our residents they adore it

“All the intergenerational activities we arrange at Little Bramingham Farm have a positive impact on our

residents They not only enhance the quality of life for our residents, but they also support mental and physical wellbeing, provide great opportunities for interactions and socialising and provide additional stimulation ” added Karen

“Music and singing are wonderful shared activities for parents and carers to do with babies and children which can help with many aspects of early years development including speech and language fine and gross motor skills social and emotional development and those all-important musical skills added Alex For the older generation the classes provide a creative and entertaining activity which stimulates both the body and mind – music and especially singing can unlock memories and reach parts of the brain in ways that other forms of communication just cannot

The classes also offer the residents a nice and open way to engage with the babies, children and their parents We see the residents light up when they are watching small children exploring and they also love watching the interaction between parents carers and their little ones ”

Our residents thoroughly enjoy their weekly Musical Bumps class and look forward to seeing the babies toddlers and their families It’s wonderful to see the interactions taking place our residents don t stop smiling the whole time It is a beautiful way to create meaningful connections and enhance the quality of life for everyone involved Emma continued

“In the photos we have taken of the weekly Musical Bumps class, you can see just how engaged our residents are It s said that a picture speaks a thousand words and you can certainly see just how happy and delighted everyone is in ours,” concluded Emma


NHS Sets Out Plans For Winter To Speed Up Discharge And Improve Care

Care traffic control’ centres to speed up discharge additional ambulance hours and extra beds are part of wide-ranging plans to prepare for winter the NHS have announced

The robust new measures due to be set out at the NHS England board meeting in Birmingham today, will boost capacity and resilience across the NHS as well as building on the recent improvements in ambulance response times and A&E performance

Winter preparations have been well underway since the publication of the NHS s Urgent and Emergency Care Recovery Plan with over 800 new ambulances set to be in place to deliver over a million more ambulance road hours as well as 5 000 more sustainable hospital beds and hundreds of new virtual ward beds each month

The NHS will also be announcing a new scheme to encourage local teams to ‘overachieve’ on performance measures with financial incentives provided for these areas

With more than 12 000 patients every day in hospital despite being medically fit for discharge a nationwide rollout of care traffic control centres will provide one stop for staff to locate and co-ordinate the best and quickest discharge options for patients – either at home or into social or community care

The centres will bring together teams from across NHS social care housing and voluntary services in one place to help make live decisions and offer patients everything they need in one place

Around a quarter of local areas currently offer this service 12 hours a day seven days a week and this is set to expand to every area of the country by winter

Drawing information from electronic patient records to track patients and link up with housing services it is expected a third of patients could be discharged using this model by December

At the monthly board meeting the NHS also outlined how it is bracing for another winter facing the possibility of higher than usual levels of respiratory illness including Covid flu and RSV Australia whose activity often predicts what the NHS in England is likely to see in winter is experiencing one of the biggest flu seasons on record with children particularly affected making up four in five of flu-related hospital admissions

The use of Acute Respiratory Hubs – where patients can get urgent same-day face-to-face assessment for conditions like Covid flu and RSV will also be expanded to be available in every part of the country Last winter when first introduced almost 730 000 patients used these services helping to speed up access to care and advice while reducing wider system pressures

With high levels of bed occupancy all year around hospitals are putting more beds in place for patients and are on track to hit 5,000 additional ‘core’ permanent general and acute beds Thanks to the efforts of the NHS more than 99 000 core beds will be in place across the country by December 2023 – thousands more than last year, to boost resilience

£250 million of funding has been invested since the UEC recovery plan was published to boost capacity

and speed up discharge with local NHS areas are on track to create an additional 900 beds At George Eliot Hospital the additional funding has been used to build two new modular wards and 60 new beds ahead of the busy winter months while Leicester is in the process of rolling out three new wards, a total of 76 new beds, to reduce overcrowding in A&E, cut ambulance handover delays and speed up response times for patients

Local NHS teams will focus on preparations across a variety of services including mental health with plans to be put in place to strengthen ambulance response to mental health calls to raise the profile of all-age 24/7 urgent mental health helplines and to avoid long lengths of stay in mental health inpatient settings

Sarah-Jane Marsh, NHS national director of urgent and emergency care, said

“Winter is always a busy time for the NHS and our teams are already under significant pressure – so today we are launching a plan to further increase resilience across the country

Thanks to the hard work that goes on day in day out and the ambitious measures in our urgent and emergency care recovery plan patients are seeing significant improvements in ambulance and A&E services over recent months

“Ahead of winter we will not only have more ambulances and beds in place, but we will also be continuing to work more closely as an entire NHS and social care system increasing the capacity of community services that help keep patients safe at home

We will continue to build on this progress and do everything we can to put the NHS on the front foot ahead of what has the potential to be another challenging winter with covid and flu ”

Health Minister Helen Whately said:

The government is working closely with the NHS and social care to prepare for next winter

“Our Urgent and Emergency Care Recovery Plan, backed by record funding, has already improved A&E performance and ambulance response times Thanks to that plan the NHS is getting 800 new ambulances 5,000 extra hospital beds and 10,000 virtual ward beds

Getting ready for winter early goes hand in hand with cutting NHS waiting times – one of the government’s top five priorities ”

Matthew Taylor chief executive of the NHS Confederation said:

Health leaders will be grateful for the clarity this plan provides and will do all they can to help realise its aims to build further capacity and resilience

The plan is based on sound evidence of what works backed by data and learning from the last few winters Its publication now, in summer, will give the health service a timely opportunity to prepare for what will likely be an extremely challenging winter

Greensleeves Care Chief Executive Begins Work on New Global Standard

Work has begun on a new international standard framework for smart multigenerational neighbourhoods (ISO 25553) It is the latest in a series of ISO standards aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older people and we are inviting practitioners to get involved

November 3rd, at NatWest HQ in London, we aim to establish a shared understanding of what success looks like; made possible by a process of multi-stakeholder engagement, collective dialogue and co-creation According to project lead Ian Spero, founder of the Agile Ageing Alliance and an Honorary Professor at the UCL Bartlett School for Sustainable Construction

“Healthy ageing is about creating the environments and opportunities that enable people to be and do what they value throughout their lives This involves promoting “smarter”, more inclusive green and healthier urban regeneration

“In scoping out ISO 25553, we aim to change the way we think and operationalise healthy ageing in the places we want to be Where putting people and the plan-

et’s needs as a priority will translate into homes and shared public spaces that are more accessible and enabling adapting to different stages of life and ever-changing human requirements

The United Nations sees population ageing as one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first century and has declared 2021-2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing

Paul Newman who is the Founding Chair of the National Committee on Ageing Societies at the British Standard Institution (BSI) and Chief Executive of Greensleeves Care representing the UK at ISO said:

At the ISO committee on Ageing Societies we identified the need for more multigenerational neighbourhoods as a priority Central to this agenda is ISO 25553 a new standard framework relating to the design creation operation and maintenance of mixed tenure Lifetime Neighbourhoods that Care Where young and old, disabled and able, can co-exist in well-designed technologically enabled housing, to help facilitate independent living and enhanced wellbeing

I am excited that the UK is steering this ground-breaking initiative, and thank Ian for his leadership of this important programme of work

By pooling research, expertise and insights, we can mitigate risk achieve economies of scale and translate theory into quantifiable reality

If you are interested in participating in development of this standard register your interest to attend the November 3rd AAA ISO Leaders Forum via this link

For further information contact paul lambert@bsigroup com

Resident At Carterton Homes Love For Lavender Part Of Seize The Day Experience

The initiative encourages residents to re-experience activities or events from the past or to do something they would like to do for the first time Kirsty Ridley activity coordinator said: “Mary loved her visit and couldn’t believe it when we first got to the farm

“Mary loves Lavender she loves the colour the scent and was picking some whilst we were there

She was really in her element taking in the space and kept looking at the Lavender she was surrounded by

“Even when it started raining, she was not affected by it and just continued to take in her surroundings

A resident at a Carterton home managed to showcase her love for Lavender as part of her Seize the Day Experience Mary Leeming lives at MHA The Homestead and “loves” Lavender The home provides residential and residential dementia care for 68 residents She has made sure the home has planted some in the garden and as her Seize the Day experience staff at the home arranged for Mary to visit Cotswold Lavender The trip included a hot drink and despite the weather Mary had an enjoyable time


Southern Contracts - Commercial Laundr y & Catering Appliances

SOUTHERN Contracts is one of the UK s leading suppliers of industrial laundry, catering and commercial cleaning equipment

We work with many local and national care and nursing homes hotels restaurants, holiday parks, cruise lines, offshore platforms, marine companies and local authorities the NHS the MoD as well as schools and colleges

Founded in 1964 to initially supply and maintain commercial laundry equipment we are now in our third generation and still very much a family run business We are proud to have become a global supplier of not only laundry equipment, but with knowledge gleaned over the years, we are also a go-to company for professional kitchen appliances and commercial cleaning equipment,

keeping disruption to a minimum for our clients, whilst covering all aspects of delivery installation customer training ongoing maintenance service and repair

We hold many accreditations for safety and service excellence, providing peace of mind to our existing and potential customers

For more information regarding our services for :

Forbes Receives High Profile Recognition for their Sustainable Rental Solutions

Forbes Professional has recently garnered high-profile recognition for their commitment to sustainability and exceptional customer service A national provider of sustainable rental options for commercial laundry provision, Forbes Professional has been honoured with the prestigious Best Independent Retailer - Sustainability Award at the IER (Independent Electrical Retailer) Awards Forbes also received high commendation for its dedication to customer service, further solidifying its position as a leader in the industry

In an era where environmental responsibility is paramount rental presents itself as a more sustainable procurement solution than outright purchase supporting the circular economy and enabling multi-phase product cycles Forbes consultants work with clients

Girbau UK Launches Under Counter Washer and Dr yer Models

Well known for its robust commercial and industrial laundry equipment Girbau UK has launched its first professional grade Under Counter washers and dryers that fit underneath standard 900mm height counters Both machines combine energy efficiency ease of use and compact size with high quality durable construction making them ideal for a wide range of applications including care and nursing homes

The new Under Counter washer s strong stainless steel Active Drum™ design has hourglass lifters that guide loads to gentler central areas for better load balance and reduced wear on delicate items A 180-degree open-

ing door makes the machine easier to load and unload from a basket It is available with a choice of 6kg or 8kg capacity with either a pump or gravity drain

Quiet long-life operation is assured thanks to the washer s sturdy Quattro™ construction with durable shock absorbers that allow virtually vibration-free high-speed spinning Rather than cheap concrete counterweights the washer features cast iron stabilisers for higher spin speeds better water extraction and increased spin efficiency

The washer features an easy-to-use liquid crystal display user interface It features 28 flexible programs three of which are customisable as well as disinfection mop microfibre and allergy settings It also comes with in-built service diagnostics The delayed start function can be used to plan ahead and set machines to run off-peak to optimise use of cheaper energy tariffs

The new Under Counter dryer can also be stacked on top of the washer to save floor space The 6kg capacity model is available in both condenser and vented versions and the 8kg capacity model is vented The Sensi Dry system automatically determines the right drying time saving energy and assuring fabric care Its convenient auto programs save energy as the running time is automatically adjusted according to load size and the required dryness

Butterfly drying ™ tumbling in a figure of eight movement non-stop in one direction stops clothes from bundling and ensures long life durability of the motor and belt The efficient lint filter has an automatic indicator to remind users to clean it for optimum energy efficiency and safety

The dryer’s memory function remembers the last program used including any chosen settings so if nothing needs to change, you can simply press start for the next load

The new Girbau under counter washer and dryer are now available to order from Girbau UK www girbau com

Preser ving Identity and Preventing Loss:

Cash's Apparel Solutions' Centur y-Long Legacy

Cash's Apparel Solutions has been at the forefront of manufacturing woven nametapes for over a century, serving the nursing home sector and beyond Their nametapes have become synonymous with preserving identity, preventing lost garments and delivering personalised identity items and gifts

Preserving dignity Cash s woven nametapes provide a simple yet effective solution to labelling clothing in nursing homes minimising distress caused by lost garments, fostering an environment where residents are seen and respected for who they are Cash s has earned a global reputation for reliability and quality Their woven nametapes are sold and utilised worldwide serving as a testament to their effectiveness

In addition, Cash s Apparel Solutions goes beyond their renowned nametapes Their expertise in weaving and personalisation allows them to create a diverse range of identity items and gifts From personalized badges to custom keyrings and promotional products Cash s demonstrates their versatility in

meeting unique customer needs By offering tailored solutions, they celebrate individuality, making a significant contribution to the spirit of personalisation and fostering a sense of belonging

A Century of Excellence: Cash s century-long presence in the industry showcases their enduring commitment to excellence They have adapted and innovated, embracing modern technology and evolving customer demands Cash s unwavering dedication to their craft and the nursing home sector demonstrates their genuine concern for residents well-being and comfort

In conclusion, Cash s has established itself as a leader in manufacturing woven nametapes, personalised identity items and gifts With their century-long legacy of quality, reliability, and attention to detail Cash s continues to make a significant impact in the nursing home sector and beyond By preserving identity preventing loss, and embracing personalisation, Cash s Apparel Solutions truly embodies their commitment to enhancing safety dignity and individuality in care facilities worldwide

Visit www cashslabels com

to our clients – many of whom are internationally acclaimed We our knowledge of cross market products we pride ourselves on delivering the very best solutions and service to our customers By stocking the leading commercial washing machines industrial tumble dryers cleaning equipment HEPA vacuum and catering equipment we can offer independent and unbiased advice to ensure your purchase precisely meets your requirement and budget; our expert team of technical staff are on hand to ensure your business is supported through every aspect of your purchase From initial advice on current government standards (eg infection control for commercial washing machines and meeting government legislation for kitchen appliances) we understand the importance of
Industrial laundry equipment - Commercial kitchen appliances and warewashing - Commercial cleaning equ pment Check out our website at southerncontracts co uk and see previous projects we ve worked on and our enviable testimonials received from happy clients Contact us now on 03301 222888 Follow us on : Facebook Twitter Instagram and LinkedIn
to help them choose energy and water efficient machines; reducing their environmental footprint whilst maintaining the highest standards of service provision and infection control Forbes understands that the care industry often faces challenges related to laundry management maintenance and consumption so they present solutions that minimize resource consumption eliminate upfront costs and ensure a first-class service response Their recent high profile award serves as a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to sustainability extending beyond its product offerings Forbes actively promotes education and awareness; empowering organisations to make informed decisions regarding their laundry practices In addition to its sustainable initiatives, Forbes Professional has also been highly commended for their customer service at the IER Awards Their customercentric approach is characterised by responsive support prompt maintenance services and personalised solutions tailored to the unique needs of each individual client After 97 years of operation Forbes delivers exceptional industry expertise and provides ongoing support and guidance to enable a seamless and stress-free laundry process This dedication to customer service truly sets them apart as a trusted partner in the care industry www forbespro co uk | info@forbes-professional co uk | 0345 070 2335


allmanhall Explore Why Seasons Matter When Creating Menus For Your Residents

Having an array of food available all year round may seem like a good thing

However this vast choice can have a negative impact on the environment the economy and - perhaps more surprisingly - on the nutritional status of food

In general fruits and vegetables are picked at the peak of their ripeness This is also the peak of their nutritional status

When out of season produce is helped to grow in the UK the environmental impact can be astronomical – local is not always better especially if growing it here out of season means carbon intensive methods

If transported to the UK from overseas, it will start to age whilst travelling This ageing leads to fresh foods losing nutritional density and not providing the same benefits as if eaten when freshly picked: between 5 to 40% lower in vitamins and minerals

Why does this matter in your care homes? Smaller appetites and therefore smaller portions make it vital that food served and eaten is as nutritionally dense as possible If

you can make your menus more in-season you are potentially increasing the nutritional density of your residents’ meals

What’s more in-season produce is also likely to be better quality and value!


1 Know your seasons Work with a food procurement expert like allmanhall who fully understand the complexities of food supply and who can provide nutrition and buying advice You can also make use of allmanhall s seasonality guide

2 Provide variety Although sticking to seasons may mean you’re choosing foods from a smaller pool do still focus on variety to deliver a greater assortment of nutrients to support the overall health of your residents It will also help positively impact gut health through more diverse good gut bacteria

For further information please see the advert on this page

* Researcher University of Austin

The NACC Care Chef of the Year 2023 Finalists Announced

After some particularly challenging heats the line-up of care chefs set to compete in the national final of the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) Care Chef of the Year 2023 competition has been announced

In June, regional heats were held across the NACC Regions –Midlands, South East Scotland, North, South West and Wales – with care chefs demonstrating that they can compete with the best when it comes to culinary skills The prize is to represent their region in the national final scheduled to take place on 3rd October 2023

Once again this year s lead judge was Steve Munkley Vice President of Craft Guild of Chefs who attended each region to ensure continuity The chefs had to demonstrate to the judges their full understanding of the meals they are providing for their residents whilst introducing their own flair through contemporary flavours

The finalists who intend to impress the judges one more time include:

• Nigel Cooke – Eastcote Park Cinnamon Care Collection

Alex Millichamp – Chandler Court Care UK

• Chris Mattinson – Sycamore Court, Caterplus/Elior

Brian Preston – RBL Lister House – Royal British Legion

• Jessica Vreede – Guthrie House, Four Seasons Health Care

Graham Watson – Lauder Lodge Care UK

• Kasia Hab-Bialkowska – Highmarket House Care Home, Care UK

Chris Mitchley – St John’s House, Castlemeadow Care

Darren Nelson – Trymview Hall Care Home Care UK

Daniel Bree Hartwood House Cinnamon Care

Alex Connell Vegetarian for Life

Dav d Sharp Signature for Barnet Signature Care

The ninety-minute regional heat focused on the importance of food nutrition and positive mealtime experiences as part of quality care entrants are challenged to create an appealing and delicious twocourse menu (main and dessert) appropriate for people in a care setting The combined food cost for both courses should be no more than £3 50 per head based on three portions and it must be nutritionally balanced The menu must also feature at least one product from Unilever Food Solutions’ sector-relevant catering range

Lead Judge Steve Munkley said: “I have been incredibly pleased with the standards I have seen so far This is a really important competition that shows highlights the skills within the care sector ” Sue Cawthray National Chair of the NACC said Congratulations to the finalists of the NACC Care Chef of the Year competition 2023! The calibre of entries for this competition continues to be incredibly high and we have seen exceptional dishes created and served by chefs across the regional heats The finalists should be immensely proud of their efforts so far I know that they will want to impress the judges in October



Groundbreaking ProjectFIT IDDSI Drinks Solution: Revolutionizing Dysphagia Care in the UK

Refreshment Systems Limited (RSL) introduces the ProjectFIT IDDSI drinks solution catering to individuals living with dysphagia – a swallowing disorder affecting around 8% of the UK population Dysphagia can significantly impact a person s quality of life affecting nutrition hydration and social interactions RSL s innovative push-button solution provides hope and convenience to patients and caregivers/clinicians alike

Collaborating with colleagues in Belgium through Bravilor the ProjectFIT team developed a cutting-edge counter-top machine that delivers a range of hot and cold beverages with various flavours customized to specific IDDSI levels By automating the preparation process the solution ensures each drink is consistently prepared offering patients the preferred beverage without unexpected variations

The adherence to strict IDDSI guidelines guarantees the appropriate viscosity and texture for safe swallowing reducing the risk of choking or aspiration The automated process streamlines preparation saving valuable resources and allowing caregivers/clinicians to focus on patient care The elimination of manual preparation results in cost and labour benefits making it a financially viable option for healthcare providers

An essential feature of the ProjectFIT IDDSI drinks is their amylase-resistant properties, maintaining the desired viscosity throughout consumption, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable experience for patients

The solution offers a wide range of exciting flavours, including Orange Apple & Peach, Lemon Tea, Coffee, and Tea, encouraging patients to stay hydrated and maintain proper nutrition RSL and ProjectFIT plan to introduce even more flavours in the future expanding the range of enjoyable and safe beverages for individuals with dysphagia

With over 50 years of experience in coffee vending and providing solutions to the UK Care Home NHS and Private Healthcare markets RSL is a trusted leader in the industry The introduction of the ProjectFIT IDDSI drinks solution reinforces their dedication to enhancing the lives of dysphagia patients and caregivers/clinicians

The future of dysphagia catering in the UK looks brighter than ever before thanks to the groundbreaking ProjectFIT IDDSI drinks solution from RSL Focused on consistency safety and enjoyment this innovative solution promises to improve the overall quality of life for individuals with dysphagia marking a significant advancement in dysphagia care

Search for RSL Vending or contact us using details below

www refreshmentsystems co uk 0800 169 3686 info@refreshmentsystems co uk

Anglia Crown - Popular Dishes for Ever yone

Anglia Crown offer a wide range of hot and cold desserts that are ideal for a wellbalanced nutritional diet including choices that do not contain gluten Our Crown Choice and Advantage ranges include some fifty-eight dishes including our new warming Ginger Chocolate Chip Sponge and delicious comforting custard that goes with almost any hot dessert

Our Crown Choice cold dessert includes the perennial favourites such as Chocolate Cake whilst our Crown Advantage range also offer reduced sugar desserts All individual Crown Advantage desserts come in packs of eighteen whilst the Crown Choice desserts come in packs of 3 and 6 allowing accurate portioning and cutting down on any potential waste

Many of the Anglia Crown dishes can be teamed up with fresh fruit, allowing for additional choice Items such as our Carrot Cake or Vanilla Cheesecake can be accompanied by whipped cream, garnished with seasonal fresh fruit

Our hot desserts are high in energy our hot portions of 170kcal and above provide energy and protein dense

options and when served with custard provide over 250 kcal per serving Our cold desserts of 250 kcal and above also meet the energy guidelines in the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Nutrition and Hydration Digest (2017) requirements


At Anglia Crown we pride ourselves with the array of vegetarian and gluten free dishes that we offer including an impressive range of desserts This was recognised with us being named at the Vegetarian Wholesaler of the Year 2022 at the VfL Awards for Excellence in Veg n Care


All the Anglia Crown hot desserts are suitable for vegetarians Most of the Anglia Crown vegan products have been registered with the Vegan Society including some thirteen of the dessert dishes ”

Anglia Crown are here to help take the strain out of your menus throughout the year Visit

www angliacrown co uk for further details


Omnitex Hygiene Products Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection

Omnitex represents all round protection and hygiene products Launched in 2015 it has quickly become a brand synonymous with high quality used everyday by thousands of individuals and healthcare facilities throughout the UK and Europe All products are manufactured in ISO9001 and ISO13485 certified facilities

Omnitex Body Cleansing wipes are a large size which the ideal thickness for a comfortable cleaning experience Bulk pack of 80 wipes with our unique enriching formula and microwaveable

Microwaveable for a warm bed bath

Lightly fragranced and with a honeycomb texture on Wipes facilitating better cleaning coverage absorbency and hygiene

• If following the 8-wipe bed bath protocol each pack will allow for 10 cleanses Cost saving Pack of 80 wipes

One wipe for each area of the body : Face Neck

Chest, Arms, Perineum Legs, Back & Buttocks

Dermatologically Tested

Latex Free Alcohol Free Parabens Free

• No water required

Omnitex is a Brand representing British Quality in PPE and Incontinence Products

A wide range of PPE Medical Grade Masks Shoe Covers, Disposable Aprons, Mob caps & Gloves

Omnitex also includes a premium range of Incontinence Bed Pads and Mobility Consumables

Contact 0141 778 6017 sales@omnitex-uk com or visit www omnitex-uk com

Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies including hand hygiene cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem

As a result a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the

world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99%

For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags

You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk

Swiftclean Support for Care Homes

these are the industry standards which are recognised as key in each specialist area

With all our services excellent work is only half the story In the event of an inspection you will need to be able to demonstrate that your care home is compliant; it won’t be enough for you to know that it is We provide all the required documentation including before and after photographs and post clean and maintenance reports so you can be sure that your service users are safe and you are protected from any liability for negligence

Contact us now to book in your free care home assessment on 0800 243 471 or email info@swiftclean co uk www swiftclean co uk

Running a care home presents plenty of challenges some of which it is wise to outsource to an experienced and reputable specialist Swiftclean is a family owned nationwide business We specialise in air and water hygiene compliance with a particular emphasis on ventilation duct cleaning kitchen extract fire safety cleaning fire damper drop testing laundry extract cleaning and commercial building water systems Swiftclean has been and continues to be invaluable to general managers and facilities managers of care homes and can provide a package of services giving you peace of mind and value for money Our specialist teams work in accordance with BSEN15780 and TR19® for ventilation cleaning; L8 and HTM-04-01 for water management; TR19® Grease for kitchen extract fire safety cleaning; and BS 9999 for fire dampers;


Wipertec - Hygenic Wipes for Care

With over 25 years experience of manufacturing both dry wipes and wet wipes to ISO9001 standards, Wipertec offer both our own established brands and customer own private label

At Wipertic we recognise that if there’s one thing that is vital in care home environments it’s cleanliness!

Elderly residents become more prone to infection and illness and are not as resilient as they once were, which is why they are more disposed to the spread of infections

Furthermore a clean hygienic care home is not only vital for resident safety but also important in terms of aesthetic appeal a clean environment helps to foster a positive caring environment where residents feels safe and their loved ones assured With respect to residents personal hygiene one of the most crucial responsibilities that care home staff perform is ensuring and maintaining the personal cleanliness of residents

Correct cleaning minimises the danger of illness and infection enhances the resident’s overall health and wellbeing helping to keep them happier by increasing their sense of pride and dignity When bathing patients wipes are among the most regularly used items for incontinence care or general cleansing assisting in the safe and complete cleaning of residents in a comfortable manner

We at Wipertec can provide an extensive range of formats such as single sachet individual wipes packs canisters and buckets

Our products can be seen globally across a wide variety of sectors such as healthcare industrial retail education and many more

With the efficient service we provide, we like to think of ourselves as another valued member of your own team!

We would love to hear from you!

For any further information you require and to see our comprehensive range please visit us at www wipertecltd co uk

edencleen from Cleenol

Over the course of our history we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carry edencleen, our latest brand, reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship and represents an evolution of what has been an integral part of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in part our vision for a cleaner safer world that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability, but has as an aim, a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen, Cleenol looks to ensure transparency in our approach which may on occasion result in some counter intuitive elements

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser, an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid a no rinse floor degreaser a window cleaner and a laundry detergent and fabric softener edencleen products have been developed around the following principles and ingredients

• RSPO certified palm oil derivatives

No animal derived products

• Cruelty free

• Minimal petrochemical derived products

No parabens formaldehyde CMI/MIT triclosan phosphates chlorine bleaches optical brighteners quaternary ammonium compounds

VOC free and phosphate EDTA NTA free

Recyclable / recycled packaging

• 100% bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene oxide which is manufactured from biomass ethanol

• Bioethanol, naturally derived acids, sugar-based surfactants, bio-based solvents low impact preservatives

Combining carefully formulated products, with appropriate packaging using recycled material or recyclable componentry the range’s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated services

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistry brings a portfolio of products that’s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen s new range represents just the start to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations

See the advert below for further information


With over 25 years experience of manufacturing both dry wipes and wet wipes to ISO9001 standards.

Mylux Dry Wipes

• Stronger and Thicker

• General Cleaning

Mylux Skin Wet Wipes

• Luxury wipes range, ideal for use on sensitive skin

• Polyester/ viscose spunlace fabric material

• Absorbent with a superior silky soft feel


• Designed for use in macerator systems

• Made from cellulose based airlaid paper

• Ultra absorbent, strong both wet and dry

We can provide an extensive range of formats such as single sachet individual wipes, packs, canisters and buckets.

We offer both our own established brands and customer own private label.

Our products can be seen globally across a wide variety of sectors such as healthcare, industrial, retail, education and many more.


• Biodegradable & Compostable dry wipe

• Plastic free and Eco Friendly

• Very absorbent


Colour Coded Cleaning wipes for infection control

• 50% Viscose, much higher absorbency than industry standard fabric

Mylux Surface Wet Wipes


Water based disinfection wipes

• Antibacterial & Antiviral (plus Coronavirus)

• Strong polypropelene fabric

• Ocean fresh fragrance


• Detergent cleaning wipes

• Perfect for general surface cleaning

• Strong polypropelene fabric

• Ocean fresh fragrance


• Biodegradable wet wipes range

• Very strong


• Made from cellulose based airlaid paper

The efficient service we provide we like to think of ourselves as another valued member of your own team.


• Biodegradable wet wipes range

• Plastic free and eco friendly

• Lemon Fragrance


• Technical abrasive fabric

• Antibacterial & Antiviral (plus Coronavirus)

• Degreasing formulation

• Lemon Fragrance

Heavier weight
Mediumweight thermal bond fabric material
Economy polypropylene wet wipes range • Lightweight thermal bond fabric material • Soft and strong • Perfect for everyday use
Luxury wet wipes range, ideal for use on sensitive skin types Ultra soft polyester/ viscose spunlace fabric material
• 4 different
free and eco friendly
Economy polypropylene wipes range
• Lightweight thermal bond fabric material
• Soft and strong
• Perfect everyday Use
Designed for use in macerator systems
Units 3-8 Bury South Business Park, Radcliffe, M26 2AD 0161 7637464 BUY ONLINE AT


New Lines Added To Our Favourite Chamonix Designs

Skopos has more than 50 years’ specialist experience in the design and manufacture of high-performance FR contract fabrics for the care sector

As a key part of many care-home schemes our Chamonix upholstery fabrics provide a durable and stylish solution to contract furniture in demanding environments For 2023 we are launching our follow-on collection: Chamonix Deuxième brings a new colour story to contract upholstery A fresh influx of these three well-loved upholstery fabric designs Chamonix Deuxième provides even greater choice With 38 new Skus each design works beautifully alone or in combination, to create simple, contemporary and stylish contract

C&S Seating Ltd

C&S Seating Ltd have provided postural control equipment to residential homes hospices medical equipment services and NHS trust hospitals nationwide since 1991

With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable Waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes

C&S Seating Ltd is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support – also available in two sizes which has removable side cushions and


middle pommel for when more control of the abducted lower limb is required

Our popular and vibrant range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 colours provide a softer alternative ideal for the colder seasons and are designed to fit snug over our waterproof rolls for maximum protection and comfort

Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit www candsseating co uk to request or download a brochure pricelist or order form request an individualised quotation speak to an advisor or to place an order See the advert on page 5

MOWOOT II for Life Free from Constipation

MOWOOT II is a groundbreaking non-invasive and non-pharmacological solution to chronic constipation

Developed by a team of doctors and other healthcare professionals, the MOWOOT II performs gentle abdominal massage that speeds up intestinal transit in people suffering with chronic constipation

Clinically proven safe and effective easy to use relaxing and side-effects free the MOWOOT II Abdominal Massage Therapy System combats constipation allowing the sufferers to enjoy the freedom of a healthy life

Easy to use and comfortable MOWOOT II treats and manages chronic constipation in people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson s Disease patients and when constipation is caused by drugs and pharmacological interventions MOWOOT II also helps people combat idiopathic chronic constipa-

tion such as suffered by menopausal and postmenopausal women and the older and elderly people

In clinical studies

MOWOOT II was found to increase evacuation frequency, soften stools, improve regularity reduce gasses and bloating and relieve abdominal discomfort

Just 10 to 20 minutes per day of relaxing abdominal massage therapy with MOWOOT II produces noticeable improvements Significant results are experienced few days after the first treatment Regular applications ensure lasting improvements and better quality of life

MOWOOT II – the effective solution to chronic constipation and the way to a healthier life!

For more information, contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 - www win-health com

See the advert on page 3 for further details

furniture pieces In an extensive palette ranging from staple neutrals to fashion-led brights colours can be selected and combined to fit with any chosen project scheme Orelle Marmotte and Slalom are provided with Crib 5 Flame Retardant backing soil and stain resist finish and a waterproof layer and meet the requirements for severe contract situations with 50 000 Martindale rubs offering a beautiful choice for any contract interior

The collection meets the requirements for Flame Retardancy standards across the UK and Europe, and meets IMO standards with the added benefit of the MED wheelmark for marine/cruise-line interiors Available immediately with short lead-times for larger order quantities Skopos are pleased to add this collection into their Accents range For a copy of our Chamonix Deuxième shade-card pls contact our customer service team: sales@skopos co uk or for free samples of Chamonix Deuxième or any of our collections, visit our website www skoposfabrics com or see page 5 for details

Cold Therapy Gels for Drug-Free Pain Relief

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy

Gels are natural drug-free topical cold therapy gels for muscular and joint pain chronic arthritic pain postactivity muscle tension, general aches and overuse disorders Easy to use and fast acting, BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels relieve pain, reduce inflammation

BIOFROST® Relief provides instant pain relief and activates body’s own healing through an optimal combination of natural ingredients, including ethanol, menthol, eucalyptus, peppermint and

MSM Reported benefits of BIOFROST® Relief include lasting pain relief, improved joint movements comfort during sleep fewer cramps calmed nerve pain reduced joint and muscle discomfort and faster post-activity recoveries

T: 01835 864864866 / E: info@win-health com


W: www win-health com

See the advert on page 3 and the front cover

Yeoman Shield Fire Door Ser vices Taking the Guess Work out of Fire Doors

Fire Doors are an imperative part of fire safety and are considerations of the design and maintenance of any building but especially residential Article 17 –RRFSO states fire safety provisions (includes fire doors) must be maintained in a suitable condition order

If you are the Responsible Person, it s imperative you appoint a competent person to assist in meeting your duties under the fire safety order to ensure fire safety measures including fire doors are kept in working order Yeoman Shield’s Fire Door Services can help to take the guess work out of fire door maintenance by providing fire door inspections condition reports remedial work and fire door installation all carried out by FDIS and/or FIRAS accredited team members

Having a good maintenance routine will dispel some needs of fire door replacement therefore being more cost effective

ation of Yeoman Shield Fire ction products can also be in the long term financially beneficial by halting impact damage from the start eliminating many repairs in the future and again will extend door lifecycles Installing Yeoman Shield door protection products such as door protection panels, door edge protectors and PVCu glazing bead units will not affect the integrity of the fire door as all products have been tested, in situ to the current standard required Vulnerable frames and architraves can also be protected from impact with Yeoman Shield to prevent dangerous splintering and splitting as well as abolishing the time-consuming repetitive need for repainting

For a complete repair and protect service contact the team today frdp@yeomanshield com or visit www yeomanshield com or see the advert page 10

B-Sure Recycling Launches Waste Management Company


B-Sure Installations a leading UK installation company for the care home and healthcare sector in the UK

The Leicestershire-based company has recently invested over £70k to launch a new waste management company B-Sure Recycling

The new enterprise helps customers many of which include residential care homes reach mounting waste management targets by providing a complete collection and recycling service of all types of business waste

How we manage waste is a huge environmental and business concern for the healthcare sector Reaching recycling targets through circular economy solutions are a significant part of environmental goals for the care industry explains Ross

Chambers Managing Director B-Sure Installations


facilities Metal waste is collated wood-based waste is broken down and separated and plastic waste is granulated and bagged The recycled materials are then provided to B-Sure partners who create it into new products such as mats play areas PVC windows toys and many more new products Some items such as office furniture if they are in good condition are refurbished or resized so that they can be reused placing them back into the circular economy


B-Sure experts can provide an outline of the recycling process end to end and businesses who want to book the recycling

We provide all the tools equipment and advice of how to make the most of the new service for the benefit of the business and the environment with minimal disruption and mess https://bsureinstallations com/

WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCESS All types of waste items including paper towels, furniture and electrical equipment can be recycled at the B-Sure recycling site where the company has installed two compactors and a high-tech granulator B-Sure Recycling provides the complete management of the waste recycling process Care homes and hospitals are provided with bins and cages to collect waste at their sites When these are full customers can either book a collection using an on line portal or arrange for a regular collection to be made by the B-Sure recycling team Once collected then the waste transported back to B-Sure Recycling
service can do so via an online system The B-Sure team take care of the whole process enabling customers to focus on their own important business whilst ensuring that their waste management targets are being met and their operations are working sustainably We can now offer a complete circular economy recycling solution for all of our customers to reach their waste management targets adds Ross Chambers BSure Recycling can enable its health care and care home customers to complete its waste circle saving them money time and inconvenience within the manufacturing process whilst supporting the much needed expansion of the business waste recycling infrastructure across the country ” WELFARE IS A PRIORITY Family-owned B-Sure has grown over the last 15 years to be a major installation company in the UK B-Sure specialises in maintenance and installation projects and property maintenance across all types of businesses from care homes to offices hospitals to shopping centres All B-Sure staff are trained to work with care and respect to specific customer needs “The welfare and well-being of everyone at a customer’s site s is paramount for every project Our teams are trained not just in the practical skills but also how to show care and consideration towards people – and this approach is extended to B-Sure recycling service
and swelling without drugs and drug-related side-effects BIOFROST® Gels: •
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and intuitive touchscreens these tables offer an inclusive and accessible platform for individuals of all abilities to engage in various activities

2. MENTAL HEALTH AND SENSORY STIMULATION: Engaging residents in interactive entertainment not only stimulates their minds but also contributes significantly to their mental health and emotional well-being Interactive tables provide opportunities for sensory stimulation as residents can explore vibrant visual displays listen to soothing music, and interact with tactile elements Such immersive experiences have been shown to alleviate stress reduce feelings of isolation and improve overall mood

player games or group activities residents can connect with others foster meaningful relationships, and form a sense of belonging within the care home community

In today s fast-paced world the role of technology in improving the quality of life for individuals of all ages cannot be underestimated This is especially true in the context of adult social care where the integration of interactive entertainment has proven to be a game-changer for resident well-being mental health and sensory stimulation Care and nursing homes across the UK have recognized the immense benefits of incorporating interactive tables into their facilities revolutionizing the way residents engage with technology foster cognitive skills promote exercise, and create an atmosphere of fun, laughter, and enjoyment for both staff and residents

1 TECHNOLOGY AS A GATEWAY TO RESIDENT WELLBEING: Gone are the days when technology was seen as a barrier to socialization and human connection Interactive tables have emerged as a powerful tool in bridging the digital divide and enhancing the overall well-being of care home residents With easy-to-use interfaces

3. IMPROVING COGNITIVE SKILLS: Interactive entertainment offers an exciting and interactive way to boost residents cognitive skills Games and applications specifically designed for older adults help enhance memory problem-solving abilities and critical thinking From brain teasers to puzzles residents can engage in intellectually stimulating activities that keep their minds sharp and active The versatility of interactive tables allows for the easy customization and introduction of new applications as residents' needs evolve


Physical activity is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age Interactive tables can play a vital role in encouraging residents to engage in light exercises and movements Through games that involve physical gestures or virtual fitness classes residents can enjoy a fun and interactive way to stay active and improve their physical well-being

5. COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT: Loneliness and social isolation are significant challenges faced by many care home residents Interactive tables can help combat these issues by providing a platform for communication and social engagement Whether through video calls with loved ones interactive multi-

Safe & Sound Music & Movement+

The ‘Safe & Sound Music & Movement+’ chair-based exercise programme is winning awards as it helps maturing adults to become and stay physically and mentally fitter, healthier & cognisant

The programme has been in development for over twelve years and in 2019 & 2021 they were awarded ‘Best Holistic Health & Fitness Provider for Southern England in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical awards

Utilising sitting standing & transitional movements the classes are

open to everyone regardless of their present abilities with adaptions to cater for all helping everyone to improve over time covering the whole of the body from head to toe

The plus in the title refers to all the other elements not normally covered in your run of the mill exercise class with interventions covering arthritis heart problems Parkinson s balance fall prevention mobility, flexibility, strength, diabetes and dementia as well as general mental & physical health & wellbeing

6 VERSATILITY AND FUN FOR ALL: One of the greatest advantages of interactive tables is their versatility They can be customized to suit the diverse interests and preferences of residents From interactive music sessions and sing-alongs to trivia nights and art workshops, the possibilities are endless The element of fun, laughter, and enjoyment is not limited to residents alone; staff members also benefit from witnessing the positive impact of interactive entertainment on residents lives creating a more fulfilling and rewarding work environment

As the adult social care landscape continues to evolve, integrating interactive entertainment into care and nursing homes is a forwardthinking approach that prioritizes resident well-being, mental health sensory stimulation, cognitive skills, and physical exercise Interactive tables have proven to be invaluable tools providing a versatile platform for a wide range of activities fostering social connections and enriching the lives of both residents and staff members alike By embracing these advancements care homes can create a vibrant and inclusive environment where joy, engagement, and fulfillment thrive

Frank Markham founder said

“We are leading the way, enabling people to become and stay physically & mentally fit, active and independent for longer

Although based in Dorset we are also developing an online training course to enable activity co-ordinators to provide the programme to their own care home s nationally

For further information call 07960 990771 or visit www holisticbodytraining co uk



TV That Creates Connection And Conversation

Is Your Care Setting Using My Life TV?

My Life TV offers a unique solution for care homes and care providers supporting staff to deliver high quality, person-centred care The on demand wellbeing and care tool available on any internet connected device is specifically designed for people living with dementia and those who care for them It contains over 170 hours of content created and curated to meet the cognitive needs of people living with dementia

There is a rich mix of content from stimulating activities for individuals or groups including sing-a-longs quizzes chair yoga and art classes through to relevant reminiscence programmes and joyful entertainment, all accessible at any time of day and night From Bryce Forsyth s Generation Game to Gardener s World, Blue Peter and Delia, there are favourites taken from the nation’s archives There s an abundance of content to help continue people s personal interests and hobbies - and to spark new ones - from nature wildlife and animals to painting and poetry ballroom dancing to birdwatching cookery to crafts cars and cross stitch through to travel sports and music Subscribers can find something that is perfect for the moment the mood and the situation

The platform supports and enables reminiscence - so important for the elderly and for individuals living

with dementia - taking people back to recollect fond memories and times gone by There is a wealth of content, from Reminiscence with Jan, to historic programmes like A Year to Remember taking in key moments including the Queen’s coronation and England winning the world cup, as well as other stimulus to provoke memories and create conversation Your staff may not remember or understand how life was in the past but users often comment that My Life TV enables staff to get to know their residents better as well as helping families to enjoy time with their loved ones creating new memories and inspiring conversations

My Life TV works with trusted expert partners including Alzheimer s Society BBC Archive, National Trust, BFI and NAPA (National Activity Providers Association) as well as engaging with subscribers and users to ensure the platform adds real value is dementia-centred and grounded in supporting best practice care It is one of the reasons My Life TV has been cited as supporting outstanding care delivery by CQC (Care Quality Commission) Find out more about My Life TV at www mylifefilms org

‘Happiness is Our Forte’ – Musical Moments’

Musical Moments sessions are fun energetic, and fully accessible, involving lots of sensory props movement and singing – all of course to great music Director Maggie says “Music brings such joy and a sense of togetherness for people – something that we all really need ”

Every member of the Musical Moments team is passionate about the therapeutic benefits of music for groups and individuals with physical and mental disabilities people with dementia and other conditions as well as with care home residents The sessions are carefully designed to be fully interactive and inclusive so as to stimulate and include everyone in the room all while developing cognitive skills gross and fine motor skills and increasing social interactions

It s not just participants who benefit from these activities – they re also appreciated by carers staff and family members The pandemic has reignited public appreciation for those who’ve looked after vulnerable members of society and the Musical Moments team are passion-

ate about providing some light relief for caring staff, families and friends Family members can spend time with a relative in these sessions without the pressure of conversation – instead they can simply enjoy the activities together

Musical Moments work with consultants including an adaptive movement specialist and a Music Therapist who endorse their sessions and ensure they provide the greatest physical and mental health benefits for their participants All team members have full insurance safeguarding training and DBS checks

Above all, the Musical Moments team cares about bringing joy to the lives of others through music – something that really strikes a chord in a post-pandemic world

Currently operating in: North Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Essex, Leeds Liverpool and Solent areas

For more information to book a session or even join the team please see our website www musical-moments co uk or email: hello@musical-moments co uk See the advert on page 33



Magic Table

The Magic Table® from Little Islands® takes the market leading Tiny Tablet and then launches it to a completely new level by building in a high quality sound system that allows everyone to join in the FUN!


• Communication

• Story Telling

Exercises Music Therapy

Internet Google Play Store

Why not give us a call today to arrange your own personal live on-line demonstration Call 01282 869802 or email hello@littleislands org

Immersive Music Experiences for Care Homes

Music can be an incredible tool for enhancing the quality of life and for evoking memories in people living with dementia and sensory impairments At Silent Memories we provide wireless headset packages for care homes providing a completely unique sensory audio experience for residents


Create a fully immersive experience through the power of headsets helping develop a deeper sense of coherence communication and stimulation The headsets contain 3 channels meaning 3 different types of music can be set up at the same time to cater for a range of musical tastes Think meandering along to Mozart on channel 1 swinging to Vera Lynn on channel 2 or rocking out to Elvis Presley on channel 3!

By playing familiar tracks through headsets memories and feelings can be stimulated Music can be carefully chosen by loved ones and care workers to really enhance the experience for residents KEEP ON MOVING!

Care homes using Silent Memories have noted a distinct increase in engagement animation and stimulation amongst residents Using headsets allows them to opt in or out of the sessions The sessions can be taking place in a communal area and anyone not taking part won t be distracted by the activity With a long transmission range it also allows patients with limited mobility to take part in their own rooms


I have been astounded by the positive affects holding a ‘Silent Disco’ has had on my clients Silent Memories have played within our care home setting and we have been surprised at the way in which the impact of intimate personal music especially tailored to clients, has engaged the most static, distant clients and really ‘brought them back to life and brought obvious pleasure and joy to many others Briony Sloan - Homecroft, Bradford Please contact the team at Silent Noize to find out how we can help improve the quality of living for your residents info@silentnoizeevents com call 0203 727 5382 or visit www silentnoizeevents com

• Sensory
Reminiscence Hand Eye Coordination Brain Training Relaxation
the advert on the front cover for further details


A Technology Enabled Response to Elderly Falls in the Community

Falls among the elderly are increasingly common and are a large driver of urgent and at times emergency community response

They are also a major cause of a decrease in quality of life loss of independence and when left without response for over an hour associated with hospital admission and long-term moves into care as a result

Every year, at least one fall will be experienced by:

1 in 3 adults over 65

Half of people over 80

Recent government modelling predicts that changes to activity levels will result in an increase to these numbers with:

110 000 more elderly adult fallers

• An additional cost of £211 million to the NHS as a result

However, not all falls result in serious injury and can be responded to by community-based falls services


Ambulance services are usually called to respond to people who have fallen in the community Some ambulance services have recognised the need to reduce callouts for uninjured falls and have delivered training sessions and issued equipment for social care providers to support elderly fallers in the community Programs from North East Ambulance Service & the Welsh Ambulance Service Trusts have seen results including 87% increase in in-house falls response

• Lifting equipment used in 56% of cases

A 32% reduction in calls to 999 from 115 care homes


The Raizer is a portable, electric lifting chair that allows a carer to provide rapid response for a non-injurious fall An intuitive design means the Raizer can be set up in under a minute and requires no staff training to use

A single carer can complete a remote-controlled mechanical patient lift in just 30 seconds once the chair is assembled

A Raizer lifting chair can help to:

Free up carers time: The process can take as little as 5 minutes from set up to lifting

Reduce long-lie times: Carers can respond to non-injurious falls quickly

Alleviate ambulance stress: Reduce the number of ambulances calls for non-injurious falls



The NHS Long-Term Plan aims to shift demand from acute hospital care into social care by offering joined up health and care services where appropriate

In practice this means an increase of community-based falls response teams as well as social care providers and emergency services working together to provide faster falls response to uninjured fallers

These teams respond to non-injurious falls that do not require ambulances and crucially reduce the number of long-lies on the ground for over an hour This is particularly important for the oldest residents a recent study showed:

• 59% of all over 90s have been found on the floor at some stage 88% of those who fell were unable to get up 33% of over 90s spent over one hour on the ground before receiving assistance


Social care providers must explore innovative solutions that will allow ambulances to redirect their focus to the most urgent emergencies

Government services should focus on community-based falls response to alleviate system pressures by establishing a home-first approach to care that sees the healthcare support offered in a person s place of residence

Appropriate tech-enabled falls response equipment such as the Raizer Lifting Chair and falls responder training can address the over reliance on emergency services to respond to non-injurious community falls and contribute to a more efficient and effective emergency response system

For more information on the Raizer Lifting Chair

ww vivid care

Phone: 01423 799 960

Email: enquiries@vivid care



Medpage Falls Management Products

Medpage Limited has been at the forefront in patient care product innovation for almost four decades During this time we have invented alarm clocks to wake deaf people, monitors for people with epilepsy to detect night-time seizures and alerting carers by radio pager Calendar

Clocks with memory prompting for people with dementia bed and chair leaving alarms with pager warnings for a carer and a vast array of electronic sensors

Our philosophy is always to produce products that people can afford, not just dream of Certainly the way world has been for the past few years that philosophy makes more sense today Our latest range of bed and chair sensor alarms for example cost a fraction more than they did 10 years ago Mainly due to the good old microprocessor replacing a bucket load of analogue components Does anyone remember op-amps and transistors?

There are close to 100 Medpage branded products to aid care of people who may be; a falls risk live with epilepsy suffer from stroke are a full-time carer professional healthcare worker, living with dementia Our products are designed, manufactured, and distributed governed by an audited quality management system You can trust us to delivery on every count

People generally these days are not so concerned with the past mainly what can we have today and what could we have tomorrow Simple

answer Today you could visit our website and explore the vast array of Independent Living Aids, Hospital Discharge Patient Home Support product packages

Domestic and Professional Carer Support products

Better planning today will bring better outcomes for tomorrow Take a look at www easylinkuk co uk

See the advert on page 7 for further details

Frequency Precision - Sensors and Pressure Mats to Monitor Those in Care

Technology has made people more connected with the world around them and the revolution in assistive care devices has made it possible for the elderly to spend their last years in a comfortable and familiar environment These devices have also made it easier for home carers to provide quality care for their loved ones while managing their own lives They allow you to care for your elderly whether they are travelling in the city for errands staying alone at home or staying in the same home as you They are also helping nursing homes provide better care for them with discrete monitoring and quick responses to emergencies

If you re looking for these kinds of assistive care devices for your loved ones or nursing home Frequency Precision produce some of the best systems available to help you with elderly care and mobility monitoring, ranging from bed, chair and floor

sensor mats through fall monitoring and GPS tracking to fully integrated nurse call plug or wireless systems

Contact us or come and see us at the COTS on Stand 36

Phone: 01837 810590

Email: contact@frequencyprecision com

Website: www frequencyprecision com

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes

Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment Similarly carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings, particularly those suffering from dementia these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature light and of course noise Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources for example telephones ringing loud conversations in corridors and call bells sounding often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents

A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers The University recommends fitting call

alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person’s ability to concentrate It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers ” Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call In these circumstances dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one zone whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative zone Each zone can operate different call tones warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for

residents Pagers have been around for many years are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise and can be added to most Nurse Call systems Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning e-medication etc Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the Go app with their Nurse Call system With the Go app nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home

Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved staff are retained and CQC ratings improve Clearly the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter calmer and more tranquil environment

For more information email us at info@c-t co uk or see the facing page


Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years


Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions!

Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices


Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works w th two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems

A variety of options including Call button Pager

Floor sensor mat

W reless door/window exit alerts


Lotus Care Technology

The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls

Having many years of experience in fitting and maintaining

Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier

Visit www lctuk com for details

SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our antibacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors FEATURES INCLUDE: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacter al Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately) Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions • Nurse Call Systems • Fire Alarm Systems • Door Access • Staff Attack • CCTV • Infection Control • Dementia Care • Electrical Contracting w w w. L C T U K . c o m 0 8 0 0 8 4 9 9 1 2 1 s a l e s @ l c t u k . c o m Designed to combat the problem of residents who are inclined to walk undetected the Nurse Alert Mat can help protect residents especially at night that are at risk of falls and accidents When connected to a Nurse Call system or the mobile Floor Sentry Monitor it will then alert staff sounding the alarm with a small amount of pressure thus enabling staff to investigate INCLUDES A 12 MONTH GUARANTEE Nurse Alert Mats In addition The Floor Pressure Mat has a heavy non slip backing It comes professionally sealed so can easily be cleaned for liquid spills and is fully serviceable NURSE CALL AND FALLS MANAGEMENT PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING PAGE 40 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 157


Pass Profile 2023

PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team

• Improve the quality of care

Deliver better outcomes


Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector, it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports


To meet the wider needs of the PASS community All-in-one PASS has recently been launched bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling, payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting, reducing the technical complexity, risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems

As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform, designed to

Save you time

Increase the efficiency of your teams

Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration, and is the only one offering it to the home care market PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records It makes medical information available when and where it is needed leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes:

Visibility of allergies vaccinations and medications especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information

• Using medical information to inform care planning

Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of antibiotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user s swift recovery from infection

Available to all PASS users at no additional cost, PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone

Get in touch:

www everylifetechnologies com

hello@everylifetechnoloiges com

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them

Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar - now the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care

Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM, so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance

The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall, ARM, Courtney Thorne, C-TEC ENS, Intercall, Medicare, SAS and TeleAlarm

Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions

Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm


We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product

We have a range of nurse call systems at different sites and the NMS system integrates to them and allows us to compare response times between sites In addition the integration to Person Centred Software is revolutionary We would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens!”

To find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare

Ssee the advert on the front cover for more details


Autumna Increases Enquiries For Care Homes Using Digital Mapping TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE

to its impressive pedigree and how accessible the software was

"Plotting providers and care seekers from the last four years on the same map instantly gave us a clear picture of demand hotspots along with hotspots for the type and cost of care being sought It’s a different way of looking at our data and creates new insights which we ve been able to share with customers The approach eliminates a lot of risk for them by revealing which of their locations are best suited to invest in a premium profile so helps create a more reliable relationship with us

Four Seasons Health Care Group upgraded a single listing to the premium level and saw a 40% increase in enquiries As a result it decided to look at other areas and increased the number of upgraded listings to 40 homes and the number of enquiries generated more than doubled

“Seeing where demand is coming from on a map instantly reveals where we should invest in more premium profiles which helps maximise our marketing investment ” said Tessa Matthews Head of

Marketing and Digital, Four Seasons Health Care Group

Autumna the UK s largest directory of care home and retirement living providers is using digital mapping software from Esri UK to help its customers market their properties more effectively and increase queries from care seekers

Using spatial analysis to identify where most care seeker queries are coming from Autumna is able to tell care providers which properties are best suited to promote on its platform using premium profiles One care provider Four Seasons Health Care Group has seen queries from care seekers more than double across 40 care homes since using the service

The new mapping solution from Esri UK replaces manual processes using spreadsheets and static PDF reports By visualising query traffic on an interactive map dashboard the data is validated as users can see it is real Autumna introduced the new mapping technology as it wanted to understand the impact of location on searches for care homes and help care providers achieve the best ROI on their marketing spend

We needed to examine which care homes in the country were in the best location to receive the largest number of enquiries possible and we could only do this with geospatial technology ” explained Debbie Harris founder of Autumna We chose to work with Esri UK due

Leading digital social care records provider Nourish has partnered with Maldaba, whose Hear Me Now app enables people to capture and share information about themselves to support the delivery and tracking of high-quality, complex, personalised care

Hear Me Now allows those with learning disabilities to play a more active role in the planning and implementation of their care and well-being The app has been live since 2016 (originally known as My Health Guide) and was designed with and for people with learning disabilities It has since enabled groups such as those with autism dementia and other cognitive challenges to have more control over their care

People with learning disabilities die on average 20 years younger than the general population, and this technology aims to address inequalities in care in line with the LeDeR review and national agenda for service improvement for people with learning disabilities and autism

Combining Hear Me Now and Nourish’s expertise in digital care planning will bring benefits to service users their families and care providers alike and improve outcomes across the board

Esri geospatial technology is also being used to support Autumna’s recently launched Dashboard for Accelerated Discharge tool (D A D ) By automating the currently manual process of searching for care D A D works with discharge teams and care providers to identify available appropriate care within 60 minutes of a search request being performed Esri technology enables users to forecast how the demand versus availability is going to change in the future

Future plans include using the demand data to advise providers where is best to open a new care home Autumna is also planning to feed census and other demographic data into the system to understand population changes and trends over time which might impact the industry

The use of spatial analysis in the care sector is relatively new continued Debbie “We began working with Esri UK and experimenting with its geospatial software over a year ago and it s now integrated into our business We knew we had a lot of data that we weren’t using properly and location is perhaps the most important part of a search for care and very difficult to analyse without a map Now we can easily demonstrate where care requirements are coming from along with budget hotspots The geospatial approach lets us understand the care seeker better and the more we understand them, the more we can improve our processes

About Esri UK

Founded in 1969 Esri is the global market leader in Geographic Information System (GIS) software mapping and spatial analysis and today has 4 000 staff in 73 countries Esri UK customers include UK Health Security Agency, Public Health Scotland and NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit

Website: www esriuk com/health

Email: healthcare@esriuk com

Tel: 01296 745599

At Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust Hear Me Now allowed for a 30% reduction in service use which created space for reducing waiting lists and pressure on other areas of the service National care provider Hft were able to re-use 243 contact hours at a single service within a one-year period enabling greater independence in daily activities for people they support There are other efficiency benefits for staff as they are able to enter information alongside the person they are supporting in a more engaging way Lorenzo Gordon Director Maldaba Ltd comments: Partnering with Nourish is an important step in joining-up data so that it is entered only once and flows to the right people at the right time At Maldaba we see this as crucial to providing appropriate correct and timely support to vulnerable people and are delighted to be working with a provider such as Nourish who shares this vision

Denise Tack, Director of Partnerships, Nourish Care adds: “,The Nourish Partnership Programme is designed around partnerships such as the one with Maldaba with the impact on the end-user always being the core focus Now is the time for care-sector technologies to work together in partnership, ending the reliance on pilots and siloed solutions Digital transformation of our sector at scale can only truly happen if done collaboratively We are proud to be partnering with such a like-minded organisation and look forward to seeing the positive benefits for our customers and individuals receiving support ”

For further information on Nourish Care visit


www nourishcare co uk Nourish Care Partners with Maldaba to Improve Personalised Care Deliver y for People with Learning Disabilities With communication being such a pivotal part of delivering the best outcomes for patients it s clear that driving effective communication is one of the most important pieces to the NHS’s organisational puzzle At Mid Cheshire one of the core challenges was establishing a system through which IT could quickly and easily alert all staff regardless of whether they are in front of a device and regularly looking at emails and messages Clinicians and other staff who are not desk-based often find it difficult to closely monitor their emails, as at best they only intermittently have time to sit in front of a computer This means that important messages can be missed The advantage of mass notifications systems is that these messages are displayed on a wide range of devices even those that are locked or include digital signage - bringing them immediately to the attention of the intended recipient (CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE )
Chris Thomas, Infrastructure Manager at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, shares insights into why and how to adopt mass notification systems in your care settings
Managing Vital Communications:
Notification Systems In Healthcare Settings


Managing Vital Communications: Mass Notification Systems In Healthcare Settings


By introducing a mass notification system in addition to our standard communication channels we can communicate efficiently with staff about network maintenance system maintenance critical infrastructure updates IT system failures and emergency planning This system has helped to reduce the impact to the IT Service Desk by not overwhelming them with calls and tickets raised by staff discovering problems during a maintenance window or problems we are already aware of Instead as a team we can focus on resolving outages as quickly as possible

Mass notification systems also offer advantages in terms of supporting emergency and lockdown procedures with some even offering pre-set “emergency response” alerts triggered by a hot-key combination to facilitate their use in time-sensitive situations Routine alerts – such as fire drills – can be automatically scheduled in advance Additionally, in situations where a mass response is required from staff – such as major trauma – staff can be notified instantaneously giving staff as much precious time as possible to prepare Mass notifications can also support forward planning for staff giving them advance notice of system

outages and technical upgrades

As with adopting any amendments to protocol, bringing staff along with you is crucial to ensuring a smooth implementation It s likely that there will be an appetite amongst your colleagues for adopting such a system; at Mid Cheshire colleagues were extremely receptive and co-operative due to the evident need to improve communication delivery

Having a clear chain of prioritisation of messages additionally will allow the system to work most efficiently Allowing too many people to access the system or issuing messages too regularly dilutes its effectiveness as the service should be reserved for critical messaging An overload of messages is likely to result in people not taking notice in the messages themselves rendering the service less effective Mass notification systems, available in many forms are a readily available tool to help you create clear lines of communication in a care setting By streamlining the transmission of key messages you can alleviate pressures on your colleagues at all levels ultimately allowing you to deliver the best care outcomes to clients and patients

Innovative care home software solutions from Ablyss

“It’s not just about what we do it’s about what we can do for you”!

There will be big changes over the next 12 months in the residential and nursing care sector With around 50% of homes still using paper systems to plan and record their care the NHS Transformation Directorate have big ideas which, whilst exciting, might seem daunting to those without the proper tools to make these ideas a reality

So where to begin? Well we here at Ablyss have 20 years of experience developing software for the care Industry We know how difficult running a care home can be at the best of times and we have drawn on our knowledge and experience to build a duo of care management offerings:

• Blyssful, our award winning cloud-based care management system for new and existing customers, making the system easily accessible from anywhere and by anyone with permission to do so

• Ablyss CMS, our on-premises solution can help you to plan and evidence the care that you provide, supporting you to achieve compliance within your business

The emphasis is on care management, recording, and analysis, and both solutions have been designed with the management carers and residents of the care home in mind The result is time saved admin simplified and safe and personalised provision of care, so you can focus more on those in need

With a fully UK based team, our care consultants are always on hand to provide training and answer your questions whilst our support team will help you to customise your system set up integrations with your other systems, and ensure your software is always up to date

Don t just take our word for it, here s a small selection of our many satisfied customers:

“It s not technology for technology’s sake Irrefutably, it helps us to deliver a much better service to our clients Elizabeth & Roberta House

“We invested in Ablyss CMS a number of years ago and it has proved to be one of the very best decisions we have made ” Prospect House We believe we can create a better way to manage and connect your care Seeing is believing so why not arrange a demo with one of our product specialists Visit

Technology Enabled Care: The Next Generation of Care Provision TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE

At The Access Group we are aware of the challenges of maintaining quality care facing the care industry It is estimated that there are 1 98 million social care requests made every year and with limiting budgets and staff recruitment at a all time high it is getting increasingly difficult to ensure care providers are constantly delivering better person-centred care

We are delighted to announce our latest solution which will sit within our Workspace for Care Access Assure Our Assure ecosystem will sit at the centre of our care offering to prevent, monitor, and react to social care needs as they change Here our technology enabled care and digital telecare goes further than just a digital social alarm We combine both traditional reactive alarm functionality with proactive digital monitoring to deliver better proactive and preventative care

Our digital monitoring tools allows for continuous data capture and analysis for care providers and clinical consultants aggregating the data collected and transforming it into actionable insight In just a matter of 14

days our Assure ecosystem can learn individual daily routines to notify care providers and loved ones of any changes before something more critical takes place

The Assure ecosystem supports people recover across the care continuum to prolong independence provide reassurance, delay future care needs, and reduce hospital discharge delays to help budgets stretch further and help reach the demand easier

Technology Enabled Care is more than just a single component or sensor it s the combined sum of all its parts To enable this Assure integrates with 3rd party sensors and devices and a variety of our other care solutions This ensures we can deliver a level of intelligence and can help join up data to provide insight on wellbeing to deliver a preventative approach to care and improve care planning, care management, and care delivery to give individuals the freedom to do more

To find out more about how our digital telecare helps deliver better proactive and preventative care contact us today at www theaccessgroup com/en-gb/health-social-care/form/digital-telecare-demo-contact-form/

Syncurio: An Innovative Solution Unleashed Through Collaboration

In an industry where ticking clocks are as daunting as eroding margins the quest for comprehensive care home management software that reflects bespoke operational needs can resemble a significant endeavour Sensing a gap in the market a network of care home operators pooled their insights birthing Syncurio, a paradigm-shifting software, purpose-built for their unique sector

The genesis of Syncurio can be traced back to collective frustration Hindered by existing software options operators grappled with recurring challenges from managing absenteeism to accurate billing and budgeting Observing the domino effect these issues were having on business performance this network of industry stalwarts took the bull by the horns

The strength of unity proved encouraging as this network pooled their knowledge and insights Their objective: to counteract their shared pain points through collaboration culminating in the creation of Syncurio This comprehensive care management software is a product of firsthand industry knowledge catering to the distinct needs of care home operators Sarah a member of IT services at a major care home group commented The Syncurio team have been a pleasure to deal with - always eager to hear and act on feedback and suggestions for improvement ”

Syncurio is a product meticulously tailored to remove operator frustrations Its features include userfriendly interfaces intuitive scheduling tools a state-of-the-art clocking in mechanism and enhanced billing functions The software s robust data analytics capabilities offer operators invaluable insights into

resident care resource allocation and staff performance By leveraging cuttingedge technology Syncurio is upping the ante in the care home industry

The software’s user-friendly interfaces promote operational efficiency, allowing staff to navigate the system seamlessly optimising their time and enabling them to focus on providing quality care Operations Director, Jennifer said of Syncurio Being able to manage staffing budgets and rosters alongside resident fee data has enabled us to get the balance right between high levels of care and financial sustainability ”

Despite being a relative newcomer Syncurio is generating considerable market interest As word spreads about this trailblazing software, care home operators of varied backgrounds are expressing interest in signing up Syncurio s burgeoning success is inspiring for operators grappling with similar challenges and accentuates the benefits of this ground-breaking solution

Syncurio stands as an exemplar of the transformative potential of collaboration and innovation Within a short period it has proven itself as a game-changer surmounting the limitations of existing care management software and heralding an era of streamlined operations and enhanced communication The success story of Syncurio serves as a timely reminder of the catalytic results of industry-wide collaboration As Syncurio gains traction the care home industry is poised for significant advancements fuelled by the spirit of collaboration and the pursuit of quality care

To find out more give us a call on 020 4525 0299 | Email us at info@syncurio co uk


Buying Or Selling A Care Home

The care home industry has seen remarkable growth in recent years to meet the needs of an ageing population At the same time mounting regulations and rising operational costs make running a care home challenging In this article Paul Davies Head of Commercial Property at Harper James (www harperjames co uk), discusses the key considerations and procedures when buying or selling a care home


• Costs approach: estimating the cost to replace the care home with a similar one

Market capitalisation calculating the total value of a company s equity (often used for care homes that are part of a larger portfolio)

The appraisal process usually starts with an inspection to gather details about the property The appraiser then collects and analyses relevant market data and applies the chosen appraisal method to calculate the care home s value


Care homeowners sell for a variety of reasons

You may be disposing of an underperforming unit from your portfolio retiring from the industry or pursuing other interests altogether Whatever your motivation take care that it is well-informed and unrushed

Equally purchasing a care home is a huge commitment Reflect on your passion for high-quality care as well as your long-term goals to decide if this is the right field for you


Before buying or selling assess your readiness for such a transaction

Personally consider your experience and expertise in the industry whether you are qualified to manage care home operations or if you'll need support and training Reflect on your strength of character and whether you have the resilience and business acumen to succeed Lastly contemplate the potential impact on your lifestyle, including time commitments and work-life balance

Financially consider how much can you afford to invest and your creditworthiness Bear in mind the inherent risks involved in taking on a business and what impact this might have on your personal finances

For sellers ensure financial records are all in order ready to present to potential buyers for scrutiny


The factors that influence the selling price include:

location occupancy rates

financial performance

• size and capacity

condition and age of the facility

• staffing and reputation

overall market conditions

Well-maintained care homes with higher occupancy rates, healthy financial records, and a strong reputation are likely to achieve higher selling prices Freehold buildings tend to be more valuable than leased premises Prices may also be driven up by limited supply and high demand


Common valuation methods include:

Comparison approach: comparing the care home to similar local properties that have been recently sold Income approach: estimating potential income based on occupancy rates, operating expenses etc

What steps do you need to take to prepare for a property purchase

First, decide whether you are purchasing as a sole trader, in a partnership or through a limited company Next do your market research and define your requirements (location size specialised services etc) Recruit a specialist buying agent to identify suitable options Finally choose a professional advisory team to guide you through the legal and financial aspects of the purchase

Sellers often need to decide between two types of sale:

1 Asset sale - selling specific assets which make up your business

2 Share sale - selling the majority of shares in your business and handing over control

Option two is generally preferred because buyers acquire the entire business, and sellers get a clean break


There are both traditional and alternative ways to fund a purchase:

Commercial mortgage: this commonly used loan is typically secured against the care home premises Release built-up equity: this could be in other properties you own or within your portfolio

Seller financing sometimes sellers accept a large downpayment with the remainder via instalments with interest

Equity finance: seek private investment or equity-based crowdfunding Another option is forming partnerships to share the financial load

Talking to a commercial property solicitor can help you decide which funding method is best for your individual circumstances


Effective negotiation techniques for a successful transaction

Applying good negotiation techniques keeps things moving forward and involves being clear on your overriding objectives for the sale or purchase from the outset; maintaining flexibility for areas that do not impact your overriding objectives; using objective criteria such as market data inspections or appraisals to justify your position; keeping alternative options in mind; and finding mutually beneficial solutions


Due diligence involves investigating what you are about to buy to uncover any potential issues

From a business perspective assess the financial performance of the care home and verify that it is meeting all applicable operating rules and regulations

Standard conveyancing searches and enquiries reveal important information about the property itself

This includes planning restrictions, outstanding charges, boundary disputes and ownership issues

Commissioning a property inspection will identify any potential issues such as structural damage hazards or necessary repairs

During this process commercial property solicitors will seek to negotiate any onerous obligations in the property deeds that may impact its value future use and ongoing costs This includes covenants which restrict certain activities on the property rights of way allowing others to use or access the land, or stringent clauses within leases such as wide-ranging repairing responsibilities


Exchange of contracts

Once due diligence is complete negotiations ironed out and funding arrangements finalised - it s time to sign and swap contracts This key milestone makes the transaction legally binding


Ensuring continuity with staf f and suppliers

Following exchange, focus on implementing a smooth transition Establish open lines of communication with staff members and engage early with key suppliers to ensure continuity Get to know the residents and be considerate when introducing new measures

Making sure you remain compliant with the r ules and regulations related to the care home sector

All care homes are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Going forward, ensure the care home continues to meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and that any new measures introduced are compliant


As we’ve seen buying or selling your care home requires careful planning, research and preparation to ensure a smooth transaction Sellers should assess their motivations and ensure their financial records are in order, while buyers need to evaluate their personal and financial readiness Seeking legal advice at the outset will help you achieve the best possible outcome

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion

Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance

We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further

us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net
Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call


New RoSPA Qualifications-Certified Dementia Course Launches

As dementia rates rise, the importance of upskilling those working in the care sector on the condition has never been greater That s why leading qualifications provider, RoSPA Qualifications, has teamed up with EDGE Services a specialist people handling training provider to develop an innovative new qualification to help care workers understand the debilitating condition

The Dementia Care Key Trainer’s Certificate that runs as a two-day course provides delegates with the knowledge skills and confidence to train others in dementia awareness including how to spot symptoms, challenges it can present and how to work effectively Upon completion of the course delegates receive a certificate of achievement which is valid for two years

By the end of the course professionals will have learnt:

What is meant by the term dementia

• The different types of dementia and potential their causes

The risk factors signs and symptoms of dementia

• The current and projected statistics about the incidence of dementia including on the individual and those living with or caring for them

The main challenges facing those working with dementia

Effective strategies to assist staff working with people with dementia to reduce the impact of the challenges faced and how to improve quality of life

• The importance of record-keeping and documentation

A knowledge of the legal issues involved in working effectively with people with dementia

RoSPA Qualifications is an awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual (the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) that designs develops and certifies a range of vocationally related qualifications

EDGE Services is already a recognised RoSPA Qualification Centre, which enables it to deliver a suite of customised awards

Debbie Clueit, RoSPA Qualifications’ External Verifier, said: “We were delighted that RoSPA Qualifications was able to help develop EDGE Services’ Dementia Care Key Trainer’s Certificate – a highly important course for anyone working with adults with dementia

“As an intensive two-day course it covers a wide range of important topics from spotting the signs of dementia through to dealing with challenging behaviour and beyond Those who complete the course achieve a RoSPA Qualifications-approved certificate that is valid for two years

“We worked with EDGE Services to ensure the course was accessible and that it met the Level 4 Ofqual descriptors along with developing the learning outcomes content and assessment process ”

Ruth Hewitt Operations Manager at EDGE Services said “The course is aimed at those whose staff may work with adults who live with dementia - both in the health care sector and beyond It provides delegates with the expertise to train others in awareness of dementia that can be adopted to deal with symptoms, challenges and how to work effectively

For further information on RoSPA Qualifications please visit www rospa com/health-and-safety-qualifications

For further information on The Dementia Care Key Trainer’s Certificate please visit www edgeservices co uk/courses/dementia-awareness-key-trainer-certificate/

Policies and Procedures Within Social Care

The delivery of safe care is the paramount responsibility of social care providers Central to achieving this is the governance framework adopted by service providers And at the core of this framework are policies and procedures These enable the provider to comply – and evidence compliance – with relevant legislation and regulations as well as facilitating best practices supporting business needs and assisting in recognising and managing risks

Good governance care itself is an integral part of health and social regulation, Regulation 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities)

Regulations 2014 stipulates that care providers must have systems and processes in place that ensure they can meet the requirements of Regulations

4 to 20A Policies and procedures not only ensure that providers are compliant with this regulation and working within the law; they also enable providers to drive improvement and protect the people who access services and receive care

Providers also have a legal duty of care to the people they employ Policies and procedures should provide clear guidelines to staff on how the organisation operates as well as informing them of best practices and processes to be followed

Policies should be reviewed annually as a minimum to ensure they are still fit for purpose and align with legal and regulatory requirements They should be reviewed not only by employees of the business but also by experts in various subject matters (e g infection control or medicines management)

For many small- to medium-sized providers there may not be the in-house skills knowledge and experience to complete such a robust annual review Many choose instead to purchase their policies and procedures from a reputable provider like W&P Compliance & Training, who will also complete reviews and ensure their policies and procedures remain up to date This way a provider not only ensures they remain compliant; they also benefit from best practice policies and procedures that provide a solid foundation for safe working practices and – ultimately – protect and support service users and staff Ben Erskine – Director at W&P Compliance & Training www wandptraining co uk | Tel: 01305 767104 See the advert on page 2 for further information

The roll-out of a free new e-learning module on healthcare waste - set up by Health Education England - is set to bring major benefits to the care home sector says leading independent healthcare waste management company Anenta

care sector

Created with the help of Anenta the new 30-45 minute training module available here is accessible free of charge via the Health Education England online portal

It outlines what waste should go into which waste stream, correct segregation practices, and other important waste related guidance This helps prevent low-risk items, which should cost £300-£500 per tonne for disposal as offensive waste from being disposed of as infectious waste costing upwards of £800 per tonne

Vitally the training also helps avoid the risk of waste contractors refusing to make collections from care homes due to their non-compliance which could put care services at risk of disruption This is avoided through the correct completion of a Pre-Acceptance Audit (PAA) which in the case of most care homes needs to be undertaken every five years - unless waste produced on site changes in its nature

Where a care home produces more than five tonnes of clinical waste annually a PAA will need to be undertaken every 12 months remaining valid until renewal date or unless waste types undeclared in the pre-acceptance audit are discovered

Commenting on the roll-out of the new free training, Graham Flynn, Director at Anenta, said: “We ve worked hard on the development of the new e-learning train-

The training - developed in association with Anenta to help all healthcare professionals - is seen as key to building better understanding of waste management in care homes which have long struggled with managing healthcare waste effectively This is backed up by detailed compositional audits of care home waste undertaken both by Anenta and separately by the EA which have proven that a significant amount of contamination exists in the various waste streams produced by care homes Worryingly, the findings show that 70% of care home waste is consistently put in the wrong waste channels including 90% of clinical waste and 35% of offensive waste which is regularly contaminated with recyclable materials Further analysis of over 2 500 primary care Duty of Care audits by Anenta has also shown that 58% of healthcare professionals with responsibility for waste management are unfamiliar with the Healthcare Technical Memorandum the latest iteration of which came out in March 2023 This has resulted in inadequate training and waste management policies contributing to poor segregation and spiralling levels of waste being incorrectly disposed of costing the care home sector heavily and hampering sustainable waste targets The new e-training module aims to address this and is being provided free to remove all barriers and gaps in understanding that currently exist within care homes and the primary
ing module alongside NHSE IPC Local Commissioners, and industry experts The result is a course that’s accessible by all and a risk assessment that can be used by all care homes to inform the way in which their waste is segregated “The adoption of the training and correct segregation is critical if the care home sector is to cut costs and achieve Net Zero targets Changing waste disposal habits and practices prevents the unnecessary and expensive disposal of waste via inappropriate and environmentally damaging waste streams such as incineration; instead ensuring that the majority of clinical waste is disposed of using either alternative treatments or energy from waste processes that render healthcare waste safe Graham Flynn added On average care homes are wasting £8 000 every year through poor waste management process and procurement The training will play a big part in cutting that figure by improving waste management among staff Importantly it will also help care homes with their PAA audit without which their healthcare waste cannot be collected potentially resulting in enforcement action by the Environment Agency For more information about Anenta, and its care home audit app, which g ves care homes the ability to conduct compulsory clinical waste pre-acceptance and duty of care audits without the need for third-party on-site visits, in just 40 minutes visit www anentawaste com or call 033 0122 2143 Care Homes Set To Save Thousands Of Pounds Thanks To Free Training From Health Education England Anenta p lays key role in develop ing healthcare waste training module THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 157 | PAGE 47

Rising to the Challenge of Recruitment and Retention

The shortage of staff across the care and nursing sectors is no secret But with creativity and determination organisations are working around the challenges by maximising the resources they do have, while attracting new staff to fill vacant roles Here Jackie Tritton Chief Clinical Officer at Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care tells us how her teams are recruiting, retaining and repurposing staff to ensure the charity can not only maintain services but grow them during a merger

“When the trustees of Peace Hospice Care and Rennie Grove Hospice Care announced their intention to merge last June it was with the ambition of serving a growing population of people living with progressive life-limiting illnesses reaching more people who need our support and strengthening our services This is all playing out against a backdrop of staff shortages across the entire sector that have blighted all care settings for years We knew that in order to deliver expanded services to our new larger patch we would need to think creatively about recruitment challenges

“In addition to the national challenges relating to the economy, NHS and the Covid-19 pandemic, our location in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire brings with it unique challenges These include proximity to a number of hospitals, including the big London hospitals, and specialist palliative care (SPC) providers, meaning there is a huge amount of employee choice in our area

“Over the past year we have been working hard on retaining our existing staff – through reviewing everything about salary progression pensions and benefits as well as working closely with employees to manage team morale and culture

“Despite this recruitment of new staff remains a challenge and we have a 31% vacancy rate in our clinical teams

Care As a Career

For us it has therefore been vital to focus on creativity in the way we work with existing staff and resources One example of this has been our nurse associate role By supporting our senior health care assistants to progress to registered nurse roles we can nurture existing talent and close recruitment gaps while rewarding the loyalty and hard work of our dedicated HCA workforce

We have also created Community Senior staff nurse roles to expand our Palliative care Response (PRT) teams These are highly skilled nurses who can support patients in the community during an emergency or sudden deterioration as well as supporting earlier discharges from hospital through intensive intervention to meet patients’ wishes

Other new roles – such as Allied Health Professional (AHP) assistant practitioners nurse consultants and paramedics are allowing us to expand the team and recruit new colleagues without relying on the existing pool of traditional registered nurses which we know is finite in number and much sought after across the board

“As well as upskilling our own staff we are actively working with partner organisations to share knowledge and develop the local workforce to meet the needs of local people with progressive life-limiting illnesses This includes rotational posts with organisations such as our local hospital and community trusts residential homes By supporting staff from these partner organisations to complete secondments or placements in our Inpatient Unit, we can support them in developing their palliative care skills, which enables them to care for more patients in their own setting reducing the needs for reliance on in-patient care either in an acute hospital or a hospice

Broadening the types and range of roles within our teams has been hugely beneficial to our organisation It allows us to make sure that the right person with the right skills is seeing each patient at the right time Identifying patients needs and matching them with the most relevant professional in the team is ensuring we have a multidisciplinary approach with a wide range of skills to support patient-centred holistic care This has reduced our reliance on registered nurses making up the majority of our clinical workforce and allowed us to continue delivering our vital services while setting out our ambitions for growing and strengthening services in the years to come ”

Not a Stepping Stone

‘Creating a Sustainable Skills Pipeline for Care’

At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious there is a serious staffing shortage in care This is being exacerbated by increased Government scrutiny over the recruitment of migrant workers not enough high quality new entrants to the profession and by high staff turnover with many older, experienced workers deciding that enough is enough and quitting

A pervasive culture of low-pay and low value placed on care workers isn t helping It is no surprise that according to Advanced’s Care Providers Trends Report 97% of care providers say they have problems recruiting staff and 98% have trouble with employee retention

It isn t a job for just anyone During the hiring process 60% of employers in our survey said they received high numbers of applications from unsuitable candidates It is imperative that care providers can find ways to reverse these trends drive more applications from suitable candidates attract more high-quality talent and hold onto those people nurturing their skills and commitment for the long-term Many skills can be taught and developed but the best carers have caring hardwired into their DNA These are the people we want working in the care sector as we try to ensure a sustainable safe future for users and employees

One of the solutions may lie in the Government’s push to phase out paper record-keeping and encourage the implementation of digital records within the adult social care sector The aim is to achieve 80% compliance within the year by March 2024 with full compliance as soon as possible afterwards These will improve outcomes for those receiving care minimise safety risks allow staff to respond to needs more quickly and to share important information quickly and securely

This drive is part of a greater need to digitalise processes within care provision organisations There is a need to attract more school and college leavers into the sector to start what will ideally become a long and fulfilling career This digital-native generation expects to use technology in their working lives, so it makes complete sense that employers who have already implemented the latest software that helps people do their jobs more effectively will attract the best of that new talent

It is also crucial that employers look after their existing staff ensuring continuity of care for their clients and retaining experienced mentors for new recruits These employees have a wealth of knowledge skills and experience that is vital for ensuring the delivery of high-quality care all clients deserve Disillusionment cannot be allowed to take root here

documents can’t be mislaid or lost keeping the data within secure and making it easy for staff to refer to specific care plans record diet and hydration information and other details for more joined-up and seamless processes Digital records also offer more protection for staff when things go wrong as there is an irrefutable evidence trail that shows all procedures were followed correctly Demonstrating compliance for CQC and others is crucial in such a highly-regulated sector

Implementing a Learning and Development (L&D) programme for each employee not only ensures compliance with CQC requirements and those of other bodies but also demonstrates to employees that each of them is valued accordingly If we want people to look at care as a career not just a stepping stone we much ensure that long-term prospects and new opportunities are visible and attainable Performance management can be a headache for managers dealing with staff working on different shifts, or a largely remote and mobile domiciliary team Two-way conversations on digital platforms around targets for quality and delivery of care, recording and rewarding achievements as well as flagging any need for further training or support make it easier to monitor and manage individual performance

We need to take care of the carers Many are attracted to the sector because it allows them to have more flexibility with shifts and days worked so it is crucial that employers maintain staffing levels enabling people to work the hours they want Persistent understaffing impacts heavily on the remaining team, putting them under increased pressure and at greater risk of burnout Managers are affected too and 62% of care provider managers told us they felt stressed and unable to cope all or some of the time 36% of these said they would have to take time off sick in order to be able to cope The last thing a short-staffed care provider needs is management absence, piling even more pressure onto others

Digital solutions can transform rostering challenges helping manage unexpected sickness or late requests for unspent leave more effectively Sector-specific technology can also improve the problems with void management experienced by 95% of care providing organisations giving them better visibility over crucial occupancy rates 58% of the respondents in our survey have developed their own manual processes including spreadsheets to help give them advanced visibility of the business These tools provide out-dated information for inaccurate decision-making while Cloud-based technology could give them instant access to accommodation and occupancy in real time

Employers can use the data contained in their technology platforms to help them manage many of the day-to-day tasks more efficiently supporting more effective recruitment and higher retention rates Employee data can be a powerful tool in gaining deeper workforce insights, helping employers identify trends that can help them make better decisions This might be identifying the hardest-to-fill shifts and then making recruitment for those a priority Or it may shine a light on the circumstances that lead to higher rates of sickness absence helping leaders to locate specific problems and make changes to reduce them

Digital transformation is the key to improving the employee experience

Specifically-designed care sector technology can massively reduce time spent on paperwork digitalising processes so repetitive sections of forms can be completed automatically This gives staff more time to deliver care to clients Digital

In conclusion technology can help elevate the status of the care delivery role improving employee experience and developing talent for a sustainable pipeline of career-care providers www oneadvanced com/campaign/new/health-and-care/advanced-care-trends-report-2023/



Recruiting Success with CVMinder ATS

Care recruiting is currently challenging So why is CVMinder ATS a great choice for Care Providers?

Stuart Haddow MD suggests that its Ambassador Customers make the biggest difference Ambassadors include senior HR leaders from the Care sector “They have proven to be great at overcoming recruiting headwinds says Stuart CVMinder’s Ambassador Customers also guide CVMinder product improvement programme

Using that great guidance delivers a competitive advantage for all CVMinder Care customers Jack Morgan of Local Solutions agrees CVMinder has made the process as smooth and as streamlined as possible That s is critical when recruiting in a

demanding sector like care It gives us central control of everything and the management information we generate from CVMinder has helped to improve our recruiting approach Without CVMinder our recruiting costs would be much higher and good candidates would be lost in the administration clutter ”

Donna Newell of The Kent Autistic Trust says “CVMinder ensures that we are being responsive to applicants and the demands of our managers Having a one stop shop means that we can post and update jobs at the touch of a button Receiving all applications online and using filter questions enables our recruiters to shortlist batches of applicants swiftly ”

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