The Carer Digital - Issue #137

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T H E P U B L I C A T I O N F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M THECARERUK THECARERUK Issue 137 THECARER UK Matt Hancock Accused of Rejecting Care Home Covid Testing Advice Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock is facing fierce criticism and backlash amid claims that he rejected COVID-19 testing advice for residents going into England's care homes while he was health secretary at the height of the pandemic according to reports based on leaked WhatsApp messages The Telegraph has obtained more than 100 000 messages sent between Mr Hancock and other ministers and officials at the height of the pandemic which were passed to the newspaper by journalist Isabel Oakeshott, an outspoken critic of Covid lockdowns Ms Oakeshott was given copies of the texts while helping Mr Hancock write his book, Pandemic Diaries (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

Our lead story has sent shockwaves around the country At this stage we are of course only reporting allegations and Mr Hancock through his spokespeople has refuted the claims He is claiming that text messages have been doctored and also citing that the journalist who revealed the WhatsApp exchanges has broken a nondisclosure agreement (NDA)

The NDA is an entirely separate issue, and will no doubt find its way into the High Court and while I’m no expert in legal matters there may be a public interest defence which the journalist may rely upon

That said the wider issue - did Mr Hancock reject expert scientific advice - has enormous implications

Not only for him I hasten to add If this is the case then questions will be asked about levels of decisionmaking whereby such important decisions are left solely to one person and should that person be able to override the opinions of highly qualified experts

This is an observation of decision-making by ministers generally - some government ministers find themselves in positions where they have had no previous experience (or precious little) and no qualification for the positions they hold, and thus, I suspect would rely on advisers and experts

Hindsight is a wonderful thing However I do remember reporting at the very height of the pandemic that just about 20 000 tests a day were being conducted by mid-April 2020

At that time any testing was strictly rationed and was being used to test people with symptoms and only then if they were in vulnerable settings such as hospitals or care homes or they were key workers Members of the public in the wider community who had symptoms could not access tests

It was decided, and policy, that at first the asymptomatic testing would only be done for those admitted directly from hospital as those people were deemed at highest risk After which anybody admitted to a care home from the wider community was tested as testing capacity expanded swiftly in May 2020

I suspect for it to be done any earlier it would have meant tests not being made available for another key group, which would have raised a whole separate issue

While this is subject of intense debate today and I m sure in the coming days I do feel Mr Hancock s spokesperson was correct when they said that the right place to examine what happened is the public enquiry

If anything to coin a phrase muddies the waters it is speculation and debate going on at the same time as the inquiry

We are receiving more and more articles relating to lifestyle changes and dementia An article on page 14 has revealed that women who lead active and healthy lives in middle age can lower the risk of dementia

This follows on from a seminar I sat in over 10 years ago when I was listening to one of the world s leading dementia experts comment on healthy lifestyles and dementia in later life

He said something which I was rather astonished to hear of at the time - that Big Pharma had all but given up trying to find a cure for dementia He said that over the years no trial

had got past Stage 2 and pharmaceutical companies were putting their money into other areas of research

He added that leading a healthy lifestyle up to the age of 34 significantly reduced the chances of getting dementia These are lifestyle changes - healthy diet regular exercise don t smoke alcohol in moderation no illicit drugs and keeping an active mind all reduced the chances of dementia

After 34 he said lifestyle changes may help but it was up to the age of 34 which was crucial

We often see reports that dementia is a ticking timebomb in future costs and care

Research by the Alzheimer’s society revealed that pre-pandemic there were over 850,000 people with dementia in the UK representing 1 in every 14 of the population aged 65 years and over

In 2040 there will be over 1 5 million people with dementia in the UK at the current rate of prevalence and in 2019 748 000 of the people in the UK with dementia will live in England

46,000 in Wales, 66 000 in Scotland and 22,000 in Northern Ireland

If current trends continue and no action is taken the number of people with dementia in the UK is forecast to increase to 1 000 000 by 2025 and 1 590 000 by 2040

I do find it rather surprising that there is no drive to educate the public into adopting healthier lifestyles to reduce dementia

The costs are unsustainable and without sounding too cynical every opposition party promises more for social care after which every government in office kicks the can down the road

It is not that difficult to follow the advice of experts who advocate five healthy lifestyle factors, all of which have important health benefits:

At least 150 minutes per week of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity – Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging

Not smoking – Established research has confirmed that even in people 60 or older who have been smoking for decades, quitting altogether will improve health

Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption – Limiting use of alcohol may help cognitive health

A high-quality Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet wh ch combines the Mediterranean diet and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet – The MIND diet focuses on plant-based foods linked to dementia prevention Engagement in late-life cognitive activities – Being intellectually engaged by keeping the mind active may benefit the brain

We are at the Alzheimer s and Dementia Care Show this weekend - March 3 and 4th - and I hope to get the opportunity to speak to leading experts It will be very interesting to get feedback on this recent study!

We are also media partners and exhibiting the same month at UK CARE WEEK at Birmingham s NEC organised by ROAR B2B and will keep you updated with regional and national care shows we will be exhibiting so please do watch this space for announcements of our future partnerships

And please follow us on Twitter we have hit the magic 10,000 followers, we are delighted to say and we want to get that up to 20 000! So please do follow us and encourage as many of your followers in the sector to follow us as well!

I can always be contacted at editor@thecareruk com

Published by EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 (6 lines) Fax: 01202 552666 Email: sales@thecareruk com WEBSITE: www thecareruk com EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES
Bar tlett
Fox The Carer is published by RBC Pub ish ng Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House Old Chr stchurch Rd Bournemouth, Dorset Contribut ons are welcome or consideration, however, no responsibi ity wi l be accepted or loss or damage V ews expressed w th n this publ cation are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editor a team Whi st ever y care is taken when compi ing this publicat on to ensure accuracy the pub isher wil assume no responsib lity for any effects errors or omiss ons therefrom A l r ghts reser ved reproduction is forbidden un ess wr tten permission s obtained All material is assumed copyr ght free unless otherwise advised PAGE 2 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137
Editor Peter Adams

Matt Hancock Accused of Rejecting Care Home Covid Testing Advice


According to claims in The Daily Telegraph chief medical officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty had told Mr Hancock in April 2020 that there should be testing for all going into care homes and segregation whilst awaiting a result however the message exchange in WhatsApp suggest Mr Hancock decided against the initial guidance, telling an aide the move just muddies the waters before introducing mandatory testing for only those coming from hospitals

Mr Hancock initially welcomed the advice and saying it represented a good positive step and that we must put into the doc to which an aide replied that he had sent the request "to action"

However later the same day Mr Hancock messaged again saying he would rather leave out a commitment to test everyone entering care homes from the community and "just commit to test & isolate ALL going into care from hospital

I do not think the community commitment adds anything and it muddies the waters " he said



Mr Hancock fervently denies the distorted account with a spokesman alleging the messages have been ‘spun to fit an anti-lockdown agenda

A spokesman for Mr Hancock said that he (as health secretary) "enthusiastically accepted" advice from the chief medical officer on 14 April that testing was needed for people going into care homes

Later that day he convened an operational meeting on delivering testing for care homes where he was advised it was not currently possible to test everyone entering care homes which he also accepted he said

"Matt concluded that the testing of people leaving hospital for care homes should be prioritised because of the higher risks of transmission as it wasn't possible to mandate everyone going into care homes got tested

The spokesman accused the Telegraph of doctoring the messages by excluding a line from a text from one of his aides which "demonstrates there was a meeting at which advice on deliverability was given"

The statement added: "By omitting this the messages imply Matt

simply overruled clinical advice That is categorically untrue He went as far as was possible as fast as possible to expand testing and save lives,” also adding that the right place to examine what happened during the pandemic was the public inquiry which is now under way and is due to begin hearing evidence in June


The Independent Care Group (ICG) today (March 1) said that decision may have contributed to devastation in care homes during the pandemic

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “At face value, these messages seem to expose a tragic betrayal of those most vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic

We can only guess how many lives were lost because the spread of the virus in care and nursing homes was not prevented sooner

The cavalier attitude being taken towards care settings makes a nonsense of the claims that the Government was throwing “a protective ring around care homes It was doing anything but

The ICG believes the Government was slow to see the risk to care home residents in the first place

“At the outset we were told we didn’t need to do anything differently Mr Padgham added Then we had the panic of people being discharged from over-run hospitals into care homes without testing and here we have the evidence that the health secretary ignored advice that would have helped

As ever social care was badly let down and the care of the most vulnerable seriously betrayed There are some very serious questions to be answered


Mr Padgham said the Government had to restore confidence in its handling of social care by providing the reform the sector urgently needs

Many care providers will be reading today s reports and feeling once again that the Government doesn’t care about care ” Mr Padgham added I think the only way the Government can start to rebuild trust is to get on with the reform of care and help us to end the crisis which was made so much worse by the impact of the pandemic ”

Figures from CSI Market Intelligence last week revealed that 247 homes closed during 2022 whilst just 123 new ones opened That left

the sector with a net loss of 124 homes and, according to the report, a loss of 230 care beds

As we lose care providers more and more people will be joining the 2 6m people over 50 who Age UK report are living with unmet care needs,” Mr Padgham added

”The Government surely has a moral responsibility to ensure there is adequate care including enough publicly-funded beds and homecare to look after our oldest and most vulnerable citizens


Lord Bethell a health minister during the pandemic said the Government was “desperately” trying to scale up testing at that point of the crisis but at the time it was necessary to prioritise who was swabbed due to the available capacity

The reality was there was a very very limited number of those tests ” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today

People who were coming out of hospitals had the highest rates of transmission therefore “it was sensible and right to prioritise those” first he said

He told BBC Radio 4 s Today: The formal decision-making is done through official paperwork and we don’t have that in front of us

“That’s why this partial glimpse into the decision-making is so unfortunate because it gives a misleading impression


Rights for Residents campaigner Diane Mayhew who was not allowed due to restrictions to say goodbye to her father as he died of Covid and also lost her mother-in-law in a care home during the pandemic said in a TV interview : “This haunts me, what my dad was thinking god only knows it’s a national scandal that this happened Clearly voices were raised in government and ignored and thousands of families were crying out for help during this period exposing the fact that people were dying from other risks and not just Covid”

“This revelation today is just adding salt to the wound and these wounds are still open We are still campaigning for Gloria s law we have to protect people in the future with new legislation that guarantees the right of every resident and people in hospital to have an essential care support at all times”

“We have to make sure this never happens again” she added


Tackling Recruitment and Retention Issues in Social Care

The adult social care sector is crucial for the UK and a big contributor to the nation s economy adding an estimated £51 5 billion annually and employing around 1 5 million people There are also millions of people throughout the country that rely on this care to support them or their loved ones in their everyday lives

The sector as a whole has always faced challenges with recruitment with this being amplified in recent years with the Covid-19 pandemic, cost of living crisis and Brexit According to the most recent Skills for Care report the sector has around 165 000 job vacancies which is a 55% increase from 2020/2021

As leaders within the care industry we must do all we can to support our workforce and encourage more people into the sector

This includes us changing the tried and tested methods of recruitment and looking for new ways to attract talent into the sector and ensure they feel supported enough to then stay


In February 2022 care workers were added to the shortage occupation list and the Health and Care worker visa route and at Homes

Together one of the ways we have tackled the industry and country wide skills shortages is by looking further afield for our team members

We have just been awarded a sponsor licence which will allow for us to recruit people from other countries more easily Following this we are in the final stages of recruiting four people from the Philippines for an initial three-year contact where we will also be providing all the necessary training as well as supporting with housing Widening the talent pool for potential applicants can support care teams and the people in their care


We have over 130 colleagues at the Homes Together group and are always keen to gain feedback from them meaning that staff at all levels can share their thoughts and feedback We ensure that everyone feels they have the chance to raise any queries within their roles and we can address them as soon as possible This way of working with our staff has led to our decision to launch a completely new division which will ensure we can provide additional focus to support staff and help them navigate an ever-changing everchallenging care landscape

Our team are enthusiastic about serving the practical, social, and emotional needs of Service Users and always go above and beyond It s vital that we re appreciative and understanding of pressures staff may be facing and responding to their concerns in order that colleagues feel valued and supported in their roles

One of the things we did for our team at Christmas was to offer all of our staff members a Christmas hamper that included everything for a full Christmas lunch for a family of four taking some of the monetary pressure off the occasion Some may see it as a small gesture but we know from the constant conversations we have with staff that direct actions such as this are appreciated


The wellbeing of our team and our service users is at the heart of everything we do It is essential to have a workforce that is supported with ongoing training so they can fulfil their role to the best of their abilities and help the people in their care live their life to the maximum

Each of our team members are given training and career development plans that include, health and safety training first aid awareness training food hygiene training and safeguarding challenging behaviour training,

Commitment and ambition are rewarded with tailored support packages training and opportunities for career progression Making the support package relevant to the individual rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach can also encourage a positive culture and appeal to potential applicants - highlighting that it is a career and not just a job

Looking after the team s mental health is just as important as training and development a study by GMB Union revealed that 69% of carers agreed that their work was causing them stress or impacting on their health, which was exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic

At Homes Together we work hard to try and combat these stark statistics as part of our employee benefits package all of our team has access to the Bupa Employee Assistance programme, providing support and practical advice on issues that might be impacting their wellbeing These kinds of resources allow staff to have face-to-face telephone or online counselling and expert support on both personal and work-related issues when and if they need it


Care providers must ensure they are investing in their teams in training and in wellbeing support so their people feel valued, appreciated, and comfortable in their roles In order for us to be able to provide exceptional care now and for future generations we must ensure that nurture and support the talent within the sector and those looking to join

Over£8,000 Raised for Royal Star & Garter at Birmingham International Tattoo

The Birmingham International Tattoo has raised £8 437 for Royal Star & Garter

The impressive total came through the generous support of the audience at the military spectacular, which took place at the Resorts World Arena on 11-12 February

The charity has been one of the Birmingham International Tattoo’s chosen charities since 2007 During that time more than £126 000 has been raised for Royal Star & Garter

Residents and staff from the Solihull Home attended the Tattoo which was the first since the Covid pandemic and had been postponed in September 2022 following the death of Queen Elizabeth II

The money for the Royal Star & Garter was raised through a bucket collection, programme sales, online donations and contactless payments on the day

Volunteers including those from Warwickshire and West Midlands Armed Cadets Force and Co-op Funeralcare branches in Wednesbury and Wednesfield also helped fundraise and run the Royal Star & Garter stall

The two-day event included marching bands from across the UK and Europe spectacular displays and all the military pomp and ceremony associated with the prestigious annual Birmingham International


Star & Garter Chief Executive Andy Cole addressed the audience at the Tattoo and later said: After so long away it was great to be back at the Birmingham International Tattoo I d like to thank the organisers for supporting Royal Star & Garter again this year the volunteers who helped us and all those who gave so generously The money will make a real difference to the lives of the veterans we care for

Tattoo Producer Norman Rogerson MBE said: It is a privilege to support Royal Star & Garter again and help the invaluable work they do for veterans and the military family This fantastic amount raised is testament to our audience’s support for military charities and brings the total raised for this worthy cause through the Tattoo to over £126 000

Amanda Gallie from Co-op Funeralcare was one of the volunteers helping at the Tattoo She said: We are always keen to support Royal Star & Garter in their cause of caring for veterans and their families and after Birmingham Tattoo didn’t go ahead in 2022 we were pleased to return to help them this year We helped out by giving volunteers food and refreshments and we were thrilled to raise over £8 000 too! The event was a great success all round and we always love helping out important causes like these that make a difference ”

Coventr y Home Welcomes Back Special Visitor as Boo the Miniature Pony Visits Staff and Residents

A Coventry home welcomed back a familiar face as Boo came back to visit staff and residents Boo a miniature American Pony visited MHA Charnwood House and spent the afternoon at the home Boo and her handler Yvette have been visiting the home for a few years but this was the first visit for a while The home provides residential dementia care for 65 residents and the company of Boo

We have had Boo visit a couple of times before and it was after speaking to Yvette and finding out her mum had Alzheimer’s and Boo was a great companion for her

“The residents love her, she is well behaved and manages to gauge the feelings and emotions of the residents

“She will even tuck you in bed if your blanket has fallen off and appears to be incredibly therapeutic for them

There were a lot of smiles from residents and that made the visit even special

We have some residents who aren t very talkative but seeing a smile on their face when Boo arrived or went up to them was heart-warming ”

of Homes Together discusses how the group is navigating the current recruitment challenges within the industry and building a strong workforce.
was enjoyed by all Victoria Brown, activity coordinator said: “We loved seeing
and Yvette back at home and it was a lovely day “I found Yvette on social media and the great thing is she lives very close to home

Demand for Action Over Care Home Closures

SHOCK figures on the number of care and nursing home closures have prompted calls for urgent action to end the crisis in the care of our most vulnerable

Campaigners fear the sector is suffering death by a thousand cuts and needs help

Figures from CSI Market Intelligence reveal that 247 homes closed during 2022 whilst just 123 new ones opened That left the sector with a net loss of 124 homes and according to the report a loss of 230 care beds

The Independent Care Group (ICG) says the care sector is being left to crumble in front of our eyes

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “These figures provide the latest evidence that the Government is sitting back and letting the care sector die a death by a thousand cuts This could well be just the tip of the iceberg as the situation worsens every day and more and more homes are lost

“For every care or nursing home that closes its door there is heartache, upset and anxiety for residents who are losing their homes and hard-working care staff losing their jobs

“In homecare too we are seeing the capacity shrink as providers close or hand back contracts that are simply not cost-effective to deliver

As we lose care providers more and more people will be joining the 2 6m people over 50 who Age UK report are living with unmet care needs

The Government surely has a moral responsibility to ensure there is adequate care, including enough publicly-funded beds and homecare to look after our oldest and most vulnerable citizens

The ICG is calling for urgent reform of the care sector, including an immediate cash injection of £7bn extra a year to stabilise the situation

It published its Five Pillars of Social Care Reform document last autumn setting out what it believes are the actions required to save the sector


Ring fence a percentage of GDP to be spent on providing social care to those who already receive it and the 1 6m who can t get it Create a unified National Care Service, incorporating health and social

staff on a par with

Weldmar Hospicecare Selected as Care South’s Chairman’s Fund Beneficiar y in Recognition of Late Team Member

Care South a not-for-profit leading provider of residential and care at home services across the south of England, has selected Weldmar Hospicecare as one of the latest beneficiaries of its Chairman s Fund The Weldmar team cared for Elaine Stockley a Night Care Assistant at Care South’s Maiden Castle House near Dorchester who sadly passed away in June 2022 after battling cancer for a number of years

Weldmar Hospicecare is a charity providing specialist care for adults in Dorset with life limiting illnesses and is recognised for its wonderful care and support Elaine’s family and friends, as well as the Care South team at Maiden Castle House have all continued to raise funds for the charity since Elaine’s passing raising £2 760 by holding a quiz night and walking 26 miles around the Jurassic Coast

Care South s Chief Executive Officer Simon Bird was keen to show the company’s appreciation and support, and to thank Weldmar Hospicecare for the amazing and compassionate care they gave to Elaine and her family when they needed it most, by applying to Care South s Chairman’s 2020 Fund for a donation of £1 000 for the charity Simon was also keen to support the Care South team at Maiden Castle House in their fundraising efforts for a charity that is very close to their hearts


The Chairman s 2020 Fund was set up as a way for the charity to show its support and appreciation to not-for-profit individuals and groups who are important to Care South s care homes residents care at home clients and staff

Simon Bird Chief Executive at Care South commented:

“Weldmar Hospicecare remains very close to the hearts of many who worked alongside Elaine for years at Maiden Castle House Elaine was a wonderful member of the team who worked tirelessly at the home and was a real inspiration The Weldmar Hospicecare team are all truly wonderful and we are really pleased to be able to support such an amazing charity that did so much for Elaine and for everyone they support day-in day-out through some very difficult times ”

April Whitehead Major Gifts and Partnerships Lead at Weldmar Hospicecare commented:

“We are really thankful for Care South’s generous support through the Chairman s Fund which will give comfort dignity and relief to our patients We are extremely proud to support our Dorset community and help anyone that needs us when facing one of life s most difficult journeys We are very grateful for the support which will help us to continue our vital services providing bespoke and high quality end of life care ”



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New Report Reveals Fusion of Music and Dance Lifts Mood, Job Satisfaction and Physical Health of Care Workers as Well as Patients

A health and wellbeing digital platform that brings a unique blend of dance, fitness professional choir singing yoga pilates ballet fitness and on-line community collaboration is reducing stress levels in care workers as well as residents in care homes

danceSing and danceSing Care (www dance-sing uk) is creating impact in the fitness healthy ageing and care sector with dementia or not with the power of music movement and dance

Stirling University has collaborated with danceSing to create a pilot study with ten care homes The unique fusion of music and movement into resident’s routines has revealed improvements in depression, anxiety, stress and loneliness and improved sleep and appetite Even more impactful was a marked improvement in the mood physical health and job satisfaction of care workers

danceSing and danceSing Care is a mainly digital platform that delivers 400+ on demand sessions expertly refined by private + NHS healthcare professionals Musical guest stars and six weekly live classes add to the showbiz razzamataz of stand out performances to half a million intergenerational households from private public NHS and care home providers In-person sessions are supported with dynamic private community groups “We help people to age well and remain independent by creating fun and impactful sustainable wellness programmes that promote health inspirational and fun filled living

Founder of danceSing and danceSing Care

Natalie Garry

Increasing our levels of physical activity is one of the most important ways in which we can all improve our physical and mental health as we age, improving strength and balance, reducing falls and increasing healthy life expectancy But there are many barriers to being physically active so anything that makes it fun as danceSing does is welcome As our population ages, interventions such as danceSing are a vital component of a holistic and preventative approach to public health Dr Aideen Young Senior Evidence Manager for Research Impact and Voice Centre for Ageing Better

The recent study has also created compelling case studies demonstrating how residents participated more in each movement session as the weeks went on with improvements in depression and anxiety less stress and distress, decreased loneliness, improved sleep and appetite

Creator of danceSing and danceSing Care Natalie Garry is a former professional ballet dancer trained with English National Ballet, performed with Scottish Ballet and Scottish Dance Theatre Natalie is a visionary steward for the power of movement and singing and has been a leading provider of evidence-based music dance and arts therapies for dynamic support for people with dementia or simply ageing danceSing sessions are created to meet priority healthcare needs and provide for a range of age strength and ability lifestyles and time restraints This includes how to move with painful joints chair fitness how dance exercises to ‘catch a star’ encourage wrist flexibility and pincer grip strength

The team also focus sessions on additional core needs for older people such as loneliness anxiety depression sleep quality, nutrition, weight management, exercise counselling and stress and anxiety

Garry has amassed a team of gifted performers and leaders including accomplished piano players musicians and composers choral leaders and professional singers and dancers

Natalie Garry saw the impact that the danceSing platform made on loneliness and isolation during the pandemic as well as the importance of digitalising care homes She is delighted to see DHSC commit to £150 million to support 80% of care providers to implement a digital system by March 2024

She says, “The mission of danceSing and danceSing Care is to improve muscle strength cardiovascular flexibility and lung capacity As well as reduce obesity, anxiety isolation, and loneliness and bring wellness to the nation through dance and song A digital platform alongside in-person sessions at scale will bring tangible support to healthy ageing at home and within the care sector”

One of the UK’s leading organisations for ageing Centre for Ageing Better https://ageing-better org uk has identified inflexible lifestyles fear of pain during exercise and lack of motivation as key pointers to avoid exercise https://ageing-better org uk/sites/default/files/2021-09/Keep-on-movingphysical-inactivity pdf, Sept 2021

The Evidence:

Evidence is now available that music and dance can significantly alleviate the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia without the side effects associated with drugs and is often prescribed by health care professionals

Stirling University in partnership with danceSing Care followed 47 residents from 10 Balhousie Care Group homes across Scotland over four times a week for 12 weeks https //www stir ac uk/news/2022/october-2022-news/research-shows-music-and-movement-hits-rightnote-with-care-home-residents/

The study concluded: Music and movement has positive impact on the health and wellbeing of care home residents Collective mood of the residents was visibly improved Residents participated more in each movement session as the weeks went on with visible improvements in depression and anxiety less stress and distress decreased loneliness improved sleep and appetite Care home staff benefited from the injection of music and movement into their weekly routine, with team members reporting improved mood, physical health and job satisfaction The feasibility study is available to view here

Academics looked at participants’ health and wellbeing, spanning anxiety and depression, stress and loneliness sleep satisfaction and indications of frailty such as appetite and unintentional weight loss

‘Music and movement has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of care home residents – and could lead to similar activities being rolled out on a wider scale’

Bonds have been strengthened even more between staff and residents with the programme encouraging increased interaction between the two groups Residents with dementia were also noted as being “calm”, content and in a happy place which in turn had a positive impact on staff wellbeing

The study also identified challenges to delivering the programme, such as staff time and availability of suitable technology so solutions to these can be incorporated into any future activity

For details please contact: dawn@dawndriscollpr co uk Tel: 07736 331845

Artists Take Up Creative Residencies at Chester Care Village

Five acclaimed artists from disciplines including sculpture and storytelling to sound art and dance have taken up their arts residencies at Chester s newest specialist dementia care village in the latest stage of a collaboration exploring the embedding of arts into care environments

Older people residing at Belong Chester are benefitting from the guidance of the artists commissioned by the Bluecoat Liverpool s contemporary arts centre, leading them in a series of workshops as part of their ongoing research project entitled Where the Arts Belong

The aim is to identify the conditions that best support resonant and meaningful creative engagements of older people in a care context, in particular those living with dementia It also serves to inform Belong s strategy to introduce staff trained in arts provision at its forthcoming Birkdale village, due to open in Southport, next year

Charlotte Parton experience coordinator at Belong Chester commented: “The response from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive To see them engage with the artists express their ideas and have the opportunity to learn new things has been wonderful – the Bluecoat and the artists have done a fantastic job in providing our bespoke arts programme ”

Once the initiative is complete a highlights exhibition showcasing works co-created by the artists and Belong s customers will be hosted at the city’s Grosvenor Musuem An online symposium will also be held

during Dementia Action Week (15 – 21 May 2023) giving attendees the chance to review findings and explore how it has helped participants since its launch in 2019

Where the Arts Belong launched four years ago with pilot arts residencies at sister village Belong Crewe Academics recognised the wellbeing benefits from the relationship, which included high engagement enhanced cognitive capacity and an increased sense of community amongst participants

During Covid-19 lockdowns participation widened to include Belong’s community care customers bringing artists into their homes via video call in a bid to tackle isolation by using art as a vehicle to promote wellbeing and social interaction Trained virtually by the artists, the Belong at Home team of community support workers carried out one-to-one creative activities in addition to routine care visits

Tabitha Moses project facilitator at the Bluecoat added:

“The artists and their work at Belong Chester are showing a positive impact on the health and vitality of the whole village community

As we know creativity self-expression and access to the arts are all fundamental to wellbeing and we can see the positive influence on customers, staff members and families alike Long may the partnership, and these outcomes continue!


Latest Census Data Shows

“Demographic Time Bomb” Set to Hit UK Care Sector

Rapid growth in the number of over 65s living alone looks set to drive a surge in demand for later life social care and other public health services according to retirement specialist Just Group

Analysis of



“Every year, household data shows the clock is running down on a demographic time bomb for the UK s creaking social care sec-

tor he said

“These latest government figures show double-digit growth in the number of over 65s living alone over the past decade Older people are more likely to suffer from health conditions as well as loneliness which in itself can contribute to deteriorating health

The almost inevitable knock-on effect from this will be an increased demand for public health services such as social care, piling pressure on a sector that is already struggling to cope Research from Just Group’s 2022 Care Report – the tenth in a decade-long series – found that three- quarters (75%) of those aged over 65 have not thought about care planned for it or spoken to loved ones about it

Fifty-nine percent also said that they were confused by recent government announcements on social care

Stephen Lowe added to concerns that the social care system could be overwhelmed when such a large, unprepared cohort starts to increasingly need its services

The Alzheimer’s Dementia

& Care Show

The Business Design Centre London 3-4 March 2023

Now in its 10th year

The Alzheimer s Dementia & Care Show is the UK s leading event for care providers healthcare professionals families and carers This is an unmissable event for those wanting to learn from leading experts find practical advice and support resources help and information develop a better understanding of dementia and further professional skills

The show features a fully accredited CPD conference programme with talks from leading experts family carers and people living with dementia alongside professional advice clinics dementia and care exhibitors and unique individual training opportunities you won t find at any other event

Held at The Business Design Centre London on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th March the doors open at 9 30am each day and close at 5 00pm on Friday and 4 00pm on Saturday One-day tickets are from £18 00 online £23 on the door

For further information and tickets visit www alzheimersshow co uk

At the show - NEW for 2023

Full Dementia Interpreters Course– Training2Care: Free taster sessions are offered to visitors who will have their ability to speak see hear and move impaired to begin to recognise the many forms communication may take for a person living with dementia

Only at this event Training2Care are offering individuals the full 1hour workshop to allow you to experience the complete experiential practical session

Full Virtual Dementia Tour & Training Experience –

Training2Care: As well as free taster sessions this is the only event where visitors can book the complete training as an individual – an 8 minute immersive experience followed by 75 minute de-brief – a ‘must do experience for anyone involved in caring for people with dementia

Dementia and Care Matters Theatre: The main theatre hosts keynote speakers on range of topics as well as chaired daily Question Time panels

Talks Hub: A range of practical talks covering dementia and care topics from professionals and exhibitors

CPD Accreditation: Certificates available to professional attendees

Admiral Nurses & Alzheimer’s Society Advice Clinics: Free 25 minute 1-2-1 appointments

Leading Dementia & Care Exhibitors: Practical ideas new solutions and resources from dementia and care specialists For information and tickets visit www alzheimersshow co uk One-day tickets are from £18 00 online and £23 on the door

The Belmont Care Home Welcomes Worcester Community to the Memor y Café

A Worcester care home welcomes family friends and all members of the Worcester community to its very own memory café on Thursday the 9th of March

The cafe will be a safe and supportive service for residents, staff, family members and the local community to socialize with one another and access information on dementia The café will be open to everyone and will be operating every Thursday

The home already has strong links with the local community and this will be a perfect opportunity for those needing support or a safe space to come together There will be plenty of free tea, coffee, and cake to indulge in whilst the attendees get a better understanding of dementia

Home Manager for The Belmont Sandie Preece said: Since opening the Belmont care home in Worcester, I have had the pleasure of meeting so many lovely families who care for a loved one living

with Dementia The support network which we create through our Dementia café every week will benefit them all and our own residents too

The community is a big part of our growth and we welcome everyone with open arms into our family at The Belmont ”

the 2021 Census data1 released last week shows that 3 3 million over 65s are now living alone – a 15% increase from the 2011 Census when 2 9 million over 65s were in one-person households
extra 420 000 over 65s living alone – three in 10 people among this age group – is significant because research2 demonstrates a close link between living alone poor health and greater use of public health services
Lowe group communications director at Just Group said the growth in the sheer numbers of people in this age group was likely to start increasing demand for health and social care services

System for Challenging Social Care

Decisions ‘Failing those Who Need It’

Adults receiving social care in England and Wales are being failed if they try to challenge decisions made by local authorities according to an inquiry conducted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

Evidence published by the equality and human rights regulator reveals local authority processes are confusing and slow with risks that people do not get the care they need Social care users, and their loved ones, find making complaints difficult and stressful often at a time when they are in crisis

The EHRC launched its inquiry in July 2021 to understand the experiences of social care users and carers who have challenged decisions made by local authorities It examined the procedures in place among local authorities across England and Wales and gathered insight from social care professionals too

The inquiry found that some people are deterred from seeking help by a complicated system that should instead be upholding their rights to challenge decisions about their care

Marcial Boo Chief Executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission said: “When social care works well it makes an enormous difference helping people live their lives as they choose But the social care system in England and Wales is struggling, with people’s needs being balanced against tight budgets

While local authorities are facing huge pressures they must protect people s rights when making decisions about their care Effective ways for people to challenge those decisions are crucial to ensuring that good decisions are made and people s needs are met

The inquiry heard that some people are not given crucial information about how to challenge decisions, and under half of the local authorities surveyed always signpost users to independent advice or support

This creates unnecessary barriers for users and fears of negative consequences if complaints are made including loss of access to the social care needed

There is also poor collection and analysis of equality data This missing information could help councils to understand how well they meet the social care needs of different groups, so services can be improved Marcial Boo added: People who receive social care should not be left in the dark about how to challenge decisions that affect their wellbeing, dignity and independence so fundamentally

Our findings demonstrate that improvements must be made to the accessibility of information the clarity of the complaints process and the availability of support

“The need for reform and additional funding for local authorities to deliver social care is widely acknowledged Our inquiry sets out a number of steps that should be taken now to uphold equality and human rights standards when people challenge decisions about their care ”

The EHRC makes recommendations for local authorities in England and Wales the UK and Welsh governments and other bodies with a role in the care system

The recommendations include a call for the UK Government to make the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) the statutory complaints standards authority for adult social care in England and for the LGSCO to receive new powers to initiate investigations into areas of concern without the need for

individual complaints

Michael King Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman said

We welcome the Equality and Human Rights Commission s inquiry report which echoes the issues we regularly find in our investigations about adult care services of which we uphold more than two thirds

“People have a right to good quality care that respects their basic rights to dignity autonomy and fair treatment If things go wrong there should be transparent effective and accessible procedures in place for people to challenge decisions made by their local councils

But we know this is not always the case which is why we have been calling for statutory signposting to our service As the newly-empowered statutory complaints standards authority we would ensure complaints were dealt with clearly and consistently across the country, and that lessons from complaints were properly scrutinised and embedded

“We have previously highlighted our concerns about the erosion of effective local complaints processes and the particular challenges faced by people with disabilities in accessing the complaints process The EHRC s report confirms the problems we are finding with access for people with communication needs as we increasingly look at complaints through the lens of human rights

The EHRC has made a number of pragmatic recommendations which support the powers we have been calling on the government to give us, including the ability for us to carry out investigations where we think there is unremedied injustice regardless of whether we have received a complaint

The recommendations also include a call for the Welsh Government to work with local authorities and others to improve the collection and analysis of equality data from social care users including those who challenge decisions This data should be used to identify and address poor outcomes where they are experienced by people who share particular protected characteristics

Eryl Besse Wales Commissioner for the EHRC said:

“The views and wishes of people who receive social care should be taken into account

To ensure good decisions are made and people s needs are met there must be effective ways to challenge care decisions Our findings show that this will require improvements to be made to the accessibility of information the clarity of the complaints process and the availability of support

“Our inquiry sets out several steps that should be taken now to uphold equality and human rights standards The launch of the new Citizens Voice Body for Health and Social Care in April 2023 and wider social care reforms in Wales present opportunities to support these improvements

Gillian Baranski, Chief Inspector at Care Inspectorate Wales, said:

Ensuring people are at the heart of decision-making and their voices are heard is one of the core principles guiding the CIW’s work

I welcome this inquiry and look forward to continuing to work closely with the EHRC to ensure its recommendations are taken forward ”

Brampton Bear Champions Newmarket Community Heroes

Brampton Manor Care Home Newmarket have introduced their latest team member community champion called Brampton Bear

Brampton Bear is spearheading this new initiative which sees him visiting local groups in the Newmarket area, to promote all the amazing people that dedicate their lives to supporting the most vulnerable in society

As Brampton Bear goes on his journey to celebrate the good and the great in Newmarket his adventures will be shared on Brampton Manor Care Home’s social media pages so the local community can keep up to date with what is happening in the local area

Brampton Bear drew inspiration from another famous bear to summarise his excitement to meet the community saying: “Things are always happening to me I m that sort of bear

Early feedback on the initiative has been positive with Brampton Bear being photographed with local nursery children and the local fire service

Admissions Manager James Chandler celebrated the initiative: I am looking forward to seeing the places Brampton Bear will visit and the people he will meet over the next few months Newmarket is full of incredible volunteers community groups and services that make a difference to people every day and

we are proud to be able to promote their great work with our furry friend Brampton Bear

Residents at Brampton Manor Care Home love getting involved with local groups and want to help and assist groups in any way they can Sheila, one of the Brampton Manor resident s was one of the first people to meet Brampton Bear and said: I remember we were playing Curling one afternoon and in came this cuddly bear with a Brampton Manor ribbon tied nicely around its neck I thought it was nice and I was happy to have my photo taken with him”

Prior to the pandemic care home s across the UK were more often than not, more than just care homes, they were community centres providing spaces for local groups to use In 2023 the team at Brampton Manor are keen to welcome in the wider community back to the home

Zoe Kirk Home Manager at Brampton Manor said “We would love to be able to support the wider community by hosting community groups at our home Here at Brampton Manor we are lucky to have such a beautiful home with spacious warm lounges and a bistro offering refreshments throughout the day If you run a support group and you need somewhere to hold your meetings then do not hesitate to get in touch with us we want to help

Housing 21 Completes Major Acquisition of Extra Care Schemes in London

Housing 21 strengthened its presence in London as the announcement was made of the successful acquisition of seven Extra Care schemes for older people

The deal marks the largest transfer of Extra Care properties in the sector in recent years adding an additional 427 properties to Housing 21 s portfolio after acquiring the schemes from Notting Hill Genesis

The portfolio includes a large social care service and the successful transfer of up to 300 employees who will continue to provide high quality

Extra Care support to residents

Tony Tench, Deputy Chief Executive at Housing 21, said: “We’re really pleased to welcome our new residents and colleagues This transfer from

Notting Hill Genesis is particularly exciting for us, as we expand into London where there is a real need to improve and increase the provision of Extra Care housing for those older people who need it most

With a proven track record of providing high-quality housing with support or care for older people, Housing 21 is well placed to take on additional Extra Care and Retirement Living schemes allowing general needs providers to focus on their core business

We are all operating in a challenging economic environment right now and as a sector we all need to play to our strengths to provide high quality homes and services for our residents


Applications for Social Care Jobs Increase but Sector Still Plagued by Skills Shortages

The number of professionals applying for jobs in social care rose considerably last year a glimmer of hope for a sector that has been hit with significant skills shortages However with vacancies also showing no signs of slowing down and a climate of unrest plaguing the sector employers will struggle to attract talent unless more focus is placed on developing domestic skills and attracting international workers That s according tonew research from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies(APSCo) the trade association for theprofessional recruitment sector

The data provided by the world s largest network of job boards Broadbean Technology revealed that job applications jumped considerably during the second half of 2022 with numbers exceeding the 100,00 mark in five of the last six months When looking at year-on-year data the research shows that there was an almost 19% rise in applications between January 2022 and January 2023 a promising sign for the sector However vacancies for social care jobs also continued to rise steadily last year, and with January showing a 42% month-on-month increase, demand may soon outstrip supply

Elsewhere the research reveals that average salaries increased 6 3% year-on-year, and by more than 4 2% over the last three months – perhaps

reflective of employers attempts to attract professionals into the sector

Ann Swain, CEO of APSCo comments:

The social care sector has faced significant labour shortages since the pandemic and with unrest across the healthcare workforce as a whole recruitment is proving challenging for employers and staffing companies The continued uptick in vacancies is perhaps unsurprising however the increase in application numbers is a promising sign for the sector though it appears to largely be in line with the salary increases noted How sustainable this will be in the coming year is difficult to determine but as a sector which has notoriously faced talent shortages investment in growing domestic skills and attracting international resources needs to be high on the priority list for social care ”


THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137 | PAGE 9 WE NOW SUPPLY A WIDE RANGE OF FURNITURE Freephone: 0800 917 7943 www euroser vice-uk com sales@euroser vice-uk com Visit the website at www.euroser to see the full range. Manufactured in the UK Euroser vice trolleys are an attractive and prac tical alternative to clinical a u m i n u m t ro l l e ys gi ve n t h a t antibacterial spray can be used freely to sanitise them Get in touch with our friendly, experienced sales team PROVIDING PRACTICAL AND ST YLISH TROLLEYS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Watch your resident's eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroser vice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastr y trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents!

Care Home Market Shrunk In 2022

Following two years of nominal growth in care home beds achieved between openings and closures during the year, the care home for older people market in England shrunk in 2022

As a continuing trend over a number of years around two care homes have closed for every one that has opened However the new homes are larger than those that close which has reduced the net loss of beds

According to CSI Market Intelligence in their eight annual report Say Hello Wave Goodbye 2022 123 care homes opened against 247 closures with a net loss of 230 beds The openings were the lowest since 2015 and were 23% down on openings in 2021

The openings equate to around only 1 3% market increase, against a 2 6% decrease through closures This is much in line with the average number of care home openings and closures since 2015 when CSI Market Intelligence began their reporting

On a regional basis there were only two that gained beds across the year, in London and West Midlands, whilst the largest number of losses were in the South East South West and Nort West Mike Short, Founder and Director at CSI Market Intelligence, said, When one considers the commercial pressures that are being experienced within the care home market and varied quality of stock in the marketplace shedding 2 5% of all homes each year is not that massive

However with a fast increasing ageing population it is the number of new homes that needs to be higher than we have been experiencing over the last eight years

Say Hello Wave Goodbye 2022 is available to download via the CSI Market Intelligence website - https://csimarketintelligence co uk/shwg html

‘A-Mule-Sing’ Visitor Brings Joy to Andover Care Home Residents

Residents at Millway House in Andover have enjoyed a visit from a rather special guest this week – a donkey called Charlie

The furry visitor from Kelly s Donkeys travelled from his home in Somerset to meet people staying at the nurse-led care home in Weyhill, and everyone couldn’t wait to lavish the loveable animal with attention

Used to trotting into care homes in the area for animal therapy sessions Charlie was taken around Millway to interact with residents He even visited each of the home s three floors via the lift to say hello to those who are either bed bound or were reluctant to leave their rooms

‘Animal therapy’ refers to the use of animals to help people with specific physical or mental health conditions and it has become more and more popular in care homes over recent years

Lousteau Home Manager at Millway House says the benefits for her residents are huge

She said Interaction with different animals helps stimulate our residents brains and helps to keep them mentally active and engaged Animal therapy also helps to decrease agitated behaviours of residents who have dementia as it helps them to remember and talk about past pets and animal experiences

“Thanks go to Kelly for bringing the lovely Charlie along today – it was a special treat for all of us here ”

Kelly Baker owner of Kelly s Donkeys said their visits are all about providing residents with a day to remember

She said: Our assisted-therapy donkeys are incredible and the response they receive is truly emotional Many elderly residents have done so much in their lives, yet having a donkey in their bedroom is normally a lifetime first

“Our donkeys are selected based upon their natural temperaments They are also trained to know how to handle working inside being around wheelchairs walking on different surfaces using lifts and stairs reversing out of bedrooms in tight spaces and standing quietly whilst surrounded by vulnerable people

“We really enjoyed our visit to Millway today, and it was wonderful to see so many smiles for Charlie ”

Millway House is part of Sears Healthcare and CEO Richard Adams is pleased to hear that its residents have had the opportunity to benefit from this special session

He said: “At Millway House, we are a nurse-led care home, so our approach focuses on providing a home from home for our residents while we meet their healthcare needs It is heart-warming to hear that Charlie s visit had such a big impact here ”


Taking Vitamin D Could Help Prevent Dementia, Study Finds

Taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia, according to a new, large-scale study

Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute in Canada and the University of Exeter in the UK explored the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and dementia in more than 12 388 participants of the US National Alzheimer s Coordinating Centre who had a mean age of 71 and were dementia-free when they signed up Of the group 37 per cent (4 637) took vitamin D supplements

In the study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring the team found that taking vitamin D was associated with living dementia-free for longer, and they also found 40 per cent fewer dementia diagnoses in the group who took supplements

Across the entire sample 2 696 participants progressed to dementia over ten years; amongst them 2 017 (75%) had no exposure to vitamin D throughout all visits prior to dementia diagnosis and 679 (25%) had baseline exposure

Professor Zahinoor Ismail of the University of Calgary and University of Exeter who led the research said:

“We know that vitamin D has some effects in the brain that could have implications for reducing dementia however so far, research has yielded conflicting results

Our findings give key insights into groups who might be specifically targeted for vitamin D supplementation Overall we found evidence to suggest that earlier supplementation might be particularly beneficial before the onset of cognitive decline

While Vitamin D was effective in all groups the team found that effects were significantly greater in

females, compared to males Similarly, effects were greater in people with normal cognition, compared to those who reported signs of mild cognitive impairment – changes to cognition which have been linked to a higher risk of dementia

The effects of vitamin D were also significantly greater in people who did not carry the APOEe4 gene known to present a higher risk for Alzheimer’s dementia, compared to non-carriers The authors suggest that people who carry the APOEe4 gene absorb vitamin D better from their intestine which might reduce the vitamin D supplementation effect However no blood levels were drawn to test this hypothesis

Previous research has found that low levels of vitamin D are linked to higher dementia risk Vitamin D is involved in the clearance of amyloid in the brain the accumulation of which is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease Studies have also found that vitamin D may provide help to protect the brain against build-up of tau another protein involved in the development of dementia

Co-author Dr Byron Creese, at the University of Exeter said: “Preventing dementia or even delaying its onset is vitally important given the growing numbers of people affected The link with vitamin D in this study suggests that taking vitamin D supplements may be beneficial in preventing or delaying dementia, but we now need clinical trials to confirm whether this is really the case The ongoing VitaMIND study at the University of Exeter is exploring this issue further by randomly assigning participants to either take vitamin D or placebo and examining changes in memory and thinking tests over time

Our Dementia Choir to Take the Stage at UK Care Week

ty are doing to change lives across the UK and the importance of music in dementia care Of course, we couldn t have the choir join us without what will certainly be, a show stopping performance

When you watch the choir – you will be exposed to a range of emotions – joy, sadness, laughter, excitement amazement - and more often than not you will have no choice but to get up and sing along!

See Our Dementia Choir sing live!

Sign up for your free tickets at https://hubs la/Q01Cq2740

Telephone: (01268) 521033

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Women Who are Active and Healthy in Middle Age Can Lower Risk of Dementia

A study into women who are active and healthy into middle age has revealed that maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can lower the risk of dementia

The women’s study data included information about physical activity diet bodyweight smoking status blood pressure and cholesterol and blood sugar levels The study was published in the American Academy of Neurology

Women were given a score of zero for poor or intermediate health and one point for ideal health for each of these factors with a maximum possible score of 7 Health scores were on average 4 3 at the start of the study and 4 2 10 years later

Having assigned the participants a score the researchers cross-referenced their information with their healthcare records, to identify those who had been diagnosed with dementia Of the participants, 1 771, or 13%, developed dementia

After adjusting for factors like age and education researchers found that the higher a woman s score at the start of the study the less likely she was to develop dementia twenty years later

A limitation of the study was that researchers were unable to look at how lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, another known risk factor for dementia, influenced the risk later in life

The preliminary study released today February 27, 2023 will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology s 75th Annual Meeting being held in person in Boston and live online from April 22-27 2023

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health

Susan Mitchell, Head of Policy at Alzheimer’s Research UK, says

“This large study adds to the overwhelming evidence that by being active and eating healthily in middle age women can reduce their chances of dementia in later life

“Dementia affects everyone but women are far more likely to develop it than men and it s now the leading cause of death among British women

Whatever our gender we can all take simple steps to reduce our risk of dementia Beyond being active and looking after our heart getting a good night s sleep challenging our brain and keeping connected to the people around us can all help reduce our chances of developing dementia

We d encourage anybody who would like to know more about their own brain healthy behaviours to complete Alzheimer’s Research UK’s online Think Brain Health Check-in ”

Future of Care Leaders Conference

Returning with a new name the Future of Care Leaders Conference has re-branded to highlight who should consider attending – the leaders of the care sector Bookings are officially open for the highly sought-after conference being held at The King's Fund, London on Tuesday 28th March 2023

The conference is set out to bring key trends challenges and developments in the care industry in front of the people who matter With a new and improved layout and a quality speaker programme, delegates can expect new additions including a networking breakfast and drinks reception to end the day on a high and strengthen relationships made throughout the day

The day includes an extensive programme with informative sessions held by a coveted list of speakers and hosts a selection of exhibitors in the networking space Delegates can enjoy a selection of refreshments throughout the day, as well as a quality lunch included in the cost of the ticket

The programme this year will focus on a range of important subjects which will be discussed in focused speaker slots and panel debates Topics include;

Embedding Net Zero into the Sector

• Raising the Profile of Adult Social Care

What Does Innovation in Care Actually Mean?

Improving Elderly Care Through Human Connection

Supporting the Wellbeing on the Social Care Workforce

Key speakers at the conference include: Liz Kendall MP, Shadow Minister for Health & Social Care; Kate Terroni Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integration and Interim Chief Operating Officer at Care Quality Commission; Nadra Ahmed Executive Chairman of National Care Association; Avnish Goyal CBE Chair of Hallmark Care Homes and Vic Rayner OBE Chair of the National Care Forum; who is also Conference Chair

Use the following link to book your place and view the full programme – www futureofcare co uk


Scottish Care Home Chief Slams ‘Government Hypocrisy’ Over Staff Pay Amid “Crisis in the Sector”

Donald Macaskill chief executive of Scottish Care which represents private and charity run care homes says the sector must no longer be treated as the ugly duckling’ of the NHS if the standard of care being given to hundreds of thousands of Scotland s elderly and vulnerable is to be improved

In a robust interview with Newcross Healthcare s Voices of care podcast, Mr Macaskill criticised the Scottish government over failures to properly pay care home nurses and a staff and wage increase which is a fraction of that being given to hospital nurses and midwives

He also called for a radical redesign of health and social care across the whole of the UK and hit out at the long-term impact of Brexit which he described as a hammer blow to care homes

Mr Macaskill has previously warned that hundreds of care homes in Scotland could close unless the government did more to address the issues they face

On the current situation he said: I have always been very cautious about using words like crisis or emergency because you fall victim of hyperbole or accusation that you’re just seeking a headline But I don’t think anybody looking at the multiplicity the breadth and the nature of the current challenges facing the health and social care system in Scotland or indeed in the United Kingdom as a whole can do anything other than use a phrase to suggest that this is a crisis

We have to use this moment not just to continue to do what we re doing but in a slightly different way but to radically consider a redesign of the systems of health and social care delivery not just in Scotland but throughout the United Kingdom

He criticised failures to improve the situation in the care sector since the pandemic adding:

“It is to society’s shame that we have failed to learn the lessons of the significance of social care provision which the pandemic painfully taught us

We re still falling into the same traps of stereotype and scapegoating Social care is a major contributor to British society in Scotland It is the fourth economic contributor Good social care enables women and

men to be economically contribute to go out to work

“It gives purpose to individuals it enables independence and most importantly it enables our most valuable citizens who because of age infirmity or disability require support It enables them to have a quality of life which is their right as citizens

So we have to move to a situation where we understand not just the value of social care but we understand the challenges And for me, the number one challenge in social care is encapsulated in workforce

“So it is and remains I think a scandal that we treat different parts of the health and care system in such inequitable ways In Scotland we are at the moment offering

7 5% to our health care professionals We are making a 3 8% offer to social care staff who are doing the same job, but more than that who are regulated who are registered and who require qualification

What does that say about the relative value of working for the NHS and the relative value for working for social care, regardless of the business model of the provider? Be they private charitable or employee owned?

On long-term failures to offer better pay to staff Mr Macaskill said:

In any Scottish city you will earn more money today for an hour s work walking a dog than you will for an hour’s work in caring for some of our most valuable citizens You will earn more money stacking a shelf with no responsibility in a supermarket

Now I m not demeaning or decrying the value that employers choose to give those roles but I am calling out to the hypocrisy of government who with one word value social care and say how important it is epitomised by clapping during the pandemic

“And yet to make decisions around financial allocation and resource allocation which is the very opposite of that priority So if we re serious about social care, if we’re serious about preserving and saving the NHS, because let s be in no doubt the NHS is crumbling and is dying with death from a thousand blows

“If we’re serious about the NHS and want it to move to beyond what it is at the moment then we have to save social care and we have to prioritise social care and no longer treat it as the Cinderella service or the ugly duckling in comparison to its sister the NHS

Mr Macaskill believes Scotland faces a ‘unique challenge’ due to its rapidly aging population and said Brexit had made it harder to mitigate the impact of this He said:

We have the most aging workforce in Europe And we know that as you get older for many reasons that productivity and output in an aging workforce is less than it is when you are younger So even if

everybody who left school today in Scotland decided to go into social care we would not have enough people simply to work in social care

“So when you’re faced with that demographic reality which so many politicians choose to ignore what do you do? You do what has always been the case in a community like Scotland and in many communities of England and Wales you attract people to come and make this place their home, to become part of our communities to bring their insight, the richness of their own culture and innovation and to be with us as a community

“Brexit has been a hammer blow to the opportunity to attract women and men and to retain women and men Because what the economic changes of the last few years have led since the pandemic started is that we ve seen more and more women and men go into retail and hospitality and other sectors because they’re better remunerated, they have less stress And that has left a powerful gap a significant gap in nursing and care professionals in social care

Without an immigration policy that is flexible that is meaningful and person centred and in a culture which is so toxic to immigration

Combine those two things and we have a perilous situation not just for Scottish providers but I would argue for many providers across the UK ”

Looking to the future Mr Macaskill said politicians had to be more in tune with the needs of care sector staff, adding:

I think there is a tone deafness to a lot of innovation and policy introduction which fails to recognise that this is a workforce who have been through hell Not everybody here today was in the trenches during the pandemic but many of them are still facing the consequences of overwork, of emotional distress, of moral harm, of physical exhaustion of multiple shifts of the obscenity of 15-minute visits which are becoming more frequent because we don t have sufficient workers

In such an environment the regulators and all politicians and leaders have to be very sensitive to what are we really doing to help people I have heard too many workers say to me I don’t want another course on mindfulness I don t want another link to a wellbeing app I want something that makes a difference to me, that gives me space and place to be heard not just heard but to be listened to at a depth that results in change

Most of us know in social care what is needed to preserve the sector, to embolden the workforce and to make social care what it should be – a dynamically attractive sector to work in We know all the solutions We just need people at decision making level politically to have the courage of their convictions and put those into practice ”


How Social Care Workers Can Support Those Who Are Grieving

In your working life as well as caring for the day-to-day physical needs of your service users you will naturally find yourself providing support and care on an emotional level too As a carer you will develop a unique relationship and bond with each of them You will be instrumental in their welfare on many levels and will often find yourself supporting them through a loss

The value of your ability to help comes from a place of empathy and understanding of what a person is going through therefore you need to have an understanding of grief and the physical and emotional effects

Each loss we experience is totally unique to each of us and even though we may share similar emotions to others we do not follow the same pattern Grief is incredibly personal and even though we may remember how we felt at the time of our own losses we cannot and should not compare our own loss experiences with someone else s This just minimises the importance of the other persons feelings and hijacks their experience and can cause them to withdraw and isolate

Grievers are often pre-occupied with their loss and this can present as lack of concentration, forgetfulness disrupted sleeping and eating habits and even having little accidents like banging into things also nausea and headaches If their grief is ignored it can have a negative impact on their physical and mental wellbeing and can even lead to depression if left long enough

Your position as a carer is privileged You may be the only confidante and safe haven for your service users to open up to where they have no fear of judgment or criticism

Encourage your service user to talk about their relationship and share their memories Often the intense sadness can be lifted in the times we

share our happy memories We then remember and return to grieving This is normal and healthy and the more they feel able to share their sadness the lighter it can become and the easier it is to open up when they feel overwhelmed eat well - little and often is good It is easy to neglect their nutrition at this time but diet is important in keeping them physically well and supports positive brain function rest and sleep when they need to take in fresh air and, where possible take some gentle exercise Even if we have to force ourselves, we always feel that little bit better afterwards Working thorough grief is physical as well as emotional create rituals for remembering This helps to hone the love through memory When we have rituals we have something positive to focus on that we know we have to do

If you know a service user is grieving and you feel awkward starting the conversation its good to start with a question which evokes a happy memory -

• Ask them how they met their special person

What was the thing they loved best about them

What didn t they like - this usually raises a smile :)

Talk about photos they may have in their room and this will open doors to other significant relationships in their life

Talk to the service user about how they themselves would like to be remembered and ask if there are things about their loved ones that they would like to be able to do or loved ones that they can incorporate in their own words, thoughts and actions

If you find yourself comforting a someone who has suffered a significant loss, remember, don’t jump in straight away with your own experiences Listening is one of the most important things you can do to help anyone We are so used to people planning what they are going to say to us when in conversation instead of really listening to what we are saying to them A good way to do this and to stop your mind wandering is to repeat their words in your head as they say them If they feel heard that someone has shared some of their pain it gives a softness in their grief and they can feel the benefit of sharing a really important emotional communication Become a truly great listener – it will change your life and could make you very very popular

a grief and funeral care specialist and is author of practical guide, How

Guidance Released to Support Care Workers in Providing Care to LGBTQ+ People in Later Life

Skills for Care has published a new framework to support social care workers in providing care to older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (LGBTQ+) people

This new framework was commissioned and funded by Skills for Care and developed by the University of Strathclyde and the Pride in Ageing programme at LGBT Foundation It was created in collaboration with older LGBTQ+ people

The release of this framework comes as LGBT+ History Month is recognised across the UK in February

People from an older generation may have felt they couldn t be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity Many will have grown up during a time when homosexuality was illegal or less accepted, and before transgender rights were enshrined in law Many older LGBTQ+ people still face the impact of subsequent or ongoing discrimination despite improvements in equalities and the legal status of LGBTQ+ communities in recent decades

These experiences can still have a lasting impact on older LGBTQ+ people today and so it s vital that people providing care and support understand these issues

Care workers need to feel confident in supporting LGBTQ+ people with all aspects of their lives including coming out, their personal relationships and support networks, and legal rights – this new framework aims to support care workers in developing their knowledge skills and values so that they can confidently support people with this important aspect of their lives

The comprehensive framework includes a background on LGBTQ+ issues and awareness; a look at health and wellbeing issues later in life including research about LGBTQ+ inequalities; information on providing personalised care and support covering topics of trans-affirmative care, intersectionality supporting people with dementia or HIV and understanding intimacy and sexuality later in life; and recommendations for leadership, education, and service development to continue to improve care and support in this area

The framework is intended to be used by social care employers employees training providers regulators commissioners, policy makers and others to build their own knowledge of LGBTQ+ issues, to support colleagues understanding and to create learning programmes which will allow teams to better support LGBTQ+ people in later life

Oonagh Smyth CEO Skills for Care says:

We’re very proud to be part of the creation of this important framework which we know is something that people working in social care want and need

It s vital that care workers are comfortable supporting people with all aspects of their lives and identities which includes their sexual and gender identity and personal relationships

We know that older LGBTQ+ people may face specific inequalities and challenges and care workers need to understand these issues so that they can provide the most effective person-centred support to each person drawing on care and support

Dr Paul Martin OBE Chief Executive LGBT Foundation says:

LGBT Foundation welcomes the launch of this new framework by Skills for Care which is the result of an innovative partnership which brought together our Pride in Ageing programme’s dedicated work around the needs of older LGBTQ+ communities with University of Strathclyde’s excellence in teaching and research around social care

We would like to thank all of those with lived experience who took part in coproduction sessions to develop the themes of this framework and we hope this piece of work inspires further conversations across the social care workforce around access to equitable, inclusive and affirmative social care for LGBTQ+ communities

The new framework has also been positively welcomed across the sector with workers highlighting the need for such guidance

Luke Adams-Fallon an independent adult social care consultant said:

This long awaited, and much needed learning framework not only fills a gap but also provides an opportunity for real recognition of serious issues and a step forward in valuing diversity

Rachael Williams, Dual sensory loss and deafblind specialist worker, said:

Not only do we need to use professional curiosity to explore the intersectionality of a person but also be mindful of the laws and environments that have been part of their life journey

View the framework at https://www skillsforcare org uk/Support-for-leaders-andmanagers/Supporting-a-diverse-workforce/LGBTQ-learning-framework aspx


Priorities For Operational Success Within The Care Home

ment and what needs to be the focus for long term operational success Here are three key areas that were highlighted


Infection prevention has always been crucial within the care industry; however the pandemic forced care homes to implement and adhere to increased hygiene measures to help manage infection outbreaks Consequently 91% of respondents have experienced challenges with changing rules and regulations and are on the brink of information overload Despite this 88% believe that these changes have had an overall positive impact and as a result will continue to focus on infection prevention methods to achieve operational success


The care industry suffered with recruitment and retention issues long before the pandemic yet staff turnover is rising - unfortunately this is at a time when people are increasingly needing care services

care homes to better protect residents from the transmission of Covid-19 but this came at a cost

Whilst the pressures of the pandemic have eased its lasting impact on the care industry can’t be overlooked with many carers finding it difficult to remember life before Covid-19 Last year Miele Professional conducted research with senior care professionals to find out what they expected the future of care to look like in a post-Covid environ-

According to 37% of the survey respondents Covid-19 had a direct impact on staff working hours causing ‘burnout’, additional stress, and influencing workers to leave the profession 81% of senior care professionals claim that staff shortages are moderately to extremely challenging and there isn t any expectation that this will get better anytime soon


Isolation, visitor restrictions and shielding were implemented within

Nearly a third of respondents agreed that quality of life for care home residents declined substantially throughout the pandemic as they were not given the experiences they needed to live life’ Both short and long term the value of life needs to be at the heart of the care industry with one forum participant commenting it s about the quality of life not longevity” Now more than ever carers play an important role in helping facilitate this through the organisation of activities in tandem with ensuring infection prevention protocols are followed to keep residents both safe and engaged

Download the Future of Care report by Miele Professional to learn more at www mielecarehome co uk/content-library

Sherrell House Residents’ Dreams Come True!

The people living at Sherrell House had their dreams come true last week as the team organised an iceskating experience they would never forget

During a conversation with residents the week before, the team asked the group if there were any activities they really wanted to do One lady mentioned swimming which is something many people have done before and on this occasion the team wanted to do something people had always dreamed of doing One resident then mentioned ice skating as she had never been before but really wanted to give it a go

Many people in the room agreed and said they had enjoyed watching figure skaters glide across the ice on television before so the team decided to try and make this wish come true

After searching the local area the team found Sapphire Ice and Leisure Centre and saw they hosted inclusive sessions with trained team members on hand to support people who are less able to skate on their own The team were delighted and spoke with the team to book in a session for the residents of Sherrell House

As they stepped into the rink residents said it was like a taste of fresh air stepping into the colder atmosphere As they adjusted to the temperature, they took a seat in the viewing area and watched some of the experienced team members skate around the rink It was mesmerising watching the way they effortlessly glided around the ice but the group agreed it would be harder than it looked Eager to give it a go for themselves the team from the leisure centre assisted residents to make their way to the ice As many of the people who attended have limited mobility the team said they could stay in the wheelchairs and be escorted around the ice!

People were delighted they could glide around the ice from the comfort of their wheelchairs and had a wonderful time whilst feeling the breeze of the fresh air Whilst on the rink residents enjoyed watching people skate around them with one person saying “it was a magical feeling”

Betty who originally suggested the idea said I think it was fabulous, what a marvellous day” whilst Marlene stated I must say I was nervous at the beginning but what a great laugh this had been – definitely a break much needed from the ordinary routine; I would love to come back here with you all”

Epping Care Home Undergoes Major Rebuild Project

A care home in Epping is set to see a number of positive changes as the new owners set their major rebuild plans into motion

Weald Hall Care Home was taken over by Premium Care Group in the summer of 2022 Starting with residents’ bedrooms, sitting rooms and dining areas, significant investment in the home will see internal and external decoration works transform it into a warm welcoming and inclusive environment

Keeping with the upmarket theme, Weald Hall will feature a cinema room, hair salon music room multi sensory room bakery library post office and sweet shop for residents and visitors to enjoy With works planned to be completed in the spring, the owners plan to make the most of the large grounds and stunning rural views

The changes will also see the management of the home transformed with improvements being made to staff training and development and personalised care and activity programmes The home has already seen its CQC rating change from requires improvement to Good

Robert Adams, managing director at Premium Care Group, said: “Our residents and families have given us so much positive feedback about the changes that have been made so far and we are really looking forward to seeing the completed project

“Our vision is to provide extraordinary care so we will continue to invest in the beautiful building of Weald Hall as well as training development and recruitment We are looking forward to welcoming the local community into Weald Hall very soon ”

Gary Wood a resident s son at Weald Hall added: My mother Patricia has been a resident at Weald Hall for over three years and we have seen big changes both in staff and building renovations Both have been very positive

We understand that renovations can cause disruption and are pleased with the speed at which they are being done It all looks fantastic so far We are positive it will make the residents much more comfortable with great amenities and pleasant surroundings

All the staff have been exceptional with their care and attention to my mother


How Can Technology Help Health and Social Care Professionals Provide Truly Person-Centred Care to the People They Support?

egardless of geographical location, health and social care fields cross the world are governed by care standards which dictate that residents must receive person-centred care and be involved in every aspect of the care they receive

With the needs of residents in the health and social care setting being so diverse and complex, organisations supporting people with specific needs cannot aspire to achieve this best practice by applying a one size fits all rule when it comes to the technology they need to use to manage both the care and operational sides of their business There is a substantial amount of published literature depicting how different types of technologies can positively ssist organisations in the health and social care industry to enhance ependence and quality of life for residents, clients and patients

Equally few articles in the information technology rubric balances these views by focusing on evidencing the drawbacks of using certain information communication technologies in this field

In her article: “Ethical Issues and the Electronic Health Records (EHR)”, published in The Health Care Manager magazine in December 2020

Layman Elizabeth PHD student highlights the inconsistency of positive evidence about the use of EHR for disadvantaged persons in the care setting According to Layman (2020) if not used appropriately this type of technology can also come with some disadvantage which includes residents or clients not knowing who their information will be shared with; in some cases the accuracy of the information recorded about a service user is found to be incorrect Service users do not seem be able to have access to their electronic records

Over the past decade the issue around the use of technology in the health and social care industry has also been the centre of interest for Government and health care regulatory agencies Indeed (Jennifer Martin 2019) the ex-Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Inspector Director in her quest to review the strength and weaknesses of the EHR systems used in the health and social care field provided us with a very insightful blog published on the GOV uk website on the 23rd July 2019 Her work on the evaluation and review of a number of EHR technologies assisted decision makers to see that the majority of available electronic health recording systems did not have adequate functionalities For example a major issue related to the lack of ability to give access to specific information to relevant audiences without breaching data There is also very limited evidence of EHR systems enabling residents and their families to access electronic files without the input of a staff member Despite some of the drawbacks highlighted in the digital literature it has been widely acknowledged that achieving effective sharing of information and capturing all essential aspects of an individual s needs without using technological tools proves very challenging Hence the Government and health regulatory agencies and such as CQC NHS and Nice are supporting and will be ultimately requiring the implementation of EHR technology in health care settings A recent review of such systems (Jennifer Martin, 2019), demonstrated that there has been some improvement regarding the sharing of information using EHR systems over the past few years Professional 3rd parties involved in the care of residents or patients are able to access electronic files However the risk of data breach for these systems appeared high as not all systems could enable the professionals to see only what they needed The review of the literature on the use of technology in health and social care highlights the

importance for leaders making decisions about the tools to be used to achieve best practice and personcentred care; to make themselves familiar with systems and functionalities that will enable them to have the service users at the centre of their care Interestingly most literature and recommendations for best practice on this topic point to systems being able to share information effectively (Kharrazi et al 2018)

Leecare’s senior leadership team is passionate about continually improving program functionality to ensure service users remain at the centre of the care they receive The team has continually kept abreast of latest technologies and Government requirements and what is required to ensure best practice worldwide

With this in mind

Leecare s Platinum6 software has been especially designed to make information sharing easy, with an emphasis on the connection between the care of the resident, staff and the organisation Particular care has been taken in developing P5MyCarePlan - our resident centred app By directly enabling service users to inform service providers the information in assessments and care plans is not solely related to the clinical observations of nursing staff but also reflects more accurately the preferences views and feedback of the person receiving the care and support

P5MyCarePlan App also enables residents to review their care plan and what staff have written about them as well as add information that populates directly into their care plan in their own time

If the resident wishes for a family member to also have access to their information a login can be created for them so that they can contribute to providing feedback regarding the care of their loved one or just be updated about new events

Having this tool made available to residents facilitates a truly person-centred care approach as it promotes adaptability and flexibility giving room to the resident to request changes as and when their needs change, and communicate this to staff members in real time

Ensuring that residents and service users are able to easily communicate their needs is also paramount to providing person-centred care Therefore choosing a technological tool that is not just user friendly but adaptable and accessible is essential if staff are to fully capture all of their resident’s different needs

Leecare P5MyCarePlan can not only be used on different type of devices, such as mobile phones and tablets but service users can also use touch screens to write their feedback or utilise voice recognition if they are unable to write Staff are then able to receive the information and take immediate and effective action Dr Caroline Lee, CEO and founder of Leecare Solutions stated in her article entitled: “Keeping residents and families connected-supporting Self Determination” which was published on the 5th July in Hello Care Magazine: Caring requires us to be vigilant – to know every wish and need watch out for cues for change and to know what we need to know But obtaining the information directly from the person the care impacts, using technology, a system linked App, ensures our care is not only about the Standards, or public demands or legal responsibilities but is real and can be followed through onto the ground where it is needed most

Scouts Bridge Generation Gap with Winchester Care Home

Fourteen children shared their enthusiasm for being Cub Scouts on a visit to meet residents at a Winchester dementia care home

The young visitors from the 12th Winchester (Royal Green Jacket) Scout Group were welcomed as special guests at Colten Care s St Catherines View

Timed to coincide with the birthday of Lord Baden Powell the founder of the Scouts the visit prompted smiles and conversations all round as the children showed off their badges and what they need to do to achieve

Laura said: “The Cubs came well equipped with pictures, information, books and their campfire blanket Everyone joined in with the songs and trying out the hand actions

“The interaction with our residents was a joy to see Residents were all so engaged and enjoyed every minute

“Intergenerational activities like this are so valuable as they bring out the best in everyone

Enabling residents to maintain and strengthen contact with the community especially across the generations is part and parcel of what we do and we are arranging for the Scouts to come back on a regular basis ”

Scout group spokesperson Stacey Burrage said:


There were also campfire songs, a recitation of the Scout Promise, a demonstration of Scout hand signals and a talk about Baden Powell and the founding of the movement

Resident Maggie Green said:

They were amazing and so friendly It was great to hear what they have to do in the Scouts

Fellow resident Denise Howard agreed saying she hoped they would be asked back and adding: “They were very kind and showed me all their badges ”

The visit was organised by Laura Sheldrake Companionship Team Leader at the Stanmore Lane home

“We had a fabulous and informative evening visiting St Catherines View to celebrate founders day Our club were a little apprehensive at first but soon settled into the swing of things talking to residents about their uniform badges and favourite activities

“The residents themselves enjoyed the company of the cubs chatting away and shaking hands

“We are very much looking forward to visiting St Catherines View again soon and welcoming a few of the residents to our scout hut for tea and cake continuing to bridge the gap between the older and younger generations

References Kharrazi H Anzald BS Hernandez L Dav son A; Boyd C M Leff B K mura J J P Weiner(2018) The Value of Unstructured Electron c Hea th Record Data n Geriatric Syndrome Case dentif cation V66 Issue 8 Pages 1499-1507 Journal of American Ger atr c Society Layman E J PhD (2020) Ethical ssues and the Electron c Hea th Record Health care Magaz ne https // ourna s ww com/healthcaremanager ournal/Abstract/2020/10000/Ethical Issues and the Electronic Hea th Record 3 aspx Dr Lee C (2021) Keep ng res dents and fam l es connected – Support ng Self Determ nation Hel o Care Magaz ne Martin J (2019) Electronic Health Record (MHRA nspectorate https://mhra nspectorate blog gov uk/2019/07/23/electronic-health-records By Annick Guirate, Trainer Consultant, Leecare Solutions Ltd UK (www leecare co uk)

Inequalities Faced By Ethnic Minority Carers In Scotland Highlighted In New Report

Inequalities experienced by ethnic minority carers have been explored in a UWS-Oxfam Partnership research study

The study ‘Caring during crisis: the experiences of ethnic minority communities in Scotland during COVID-19 was led by academics at University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and is believed to be the first to focus specifically on the experiences of ethnic minority carers in Scotland since 1996

The study explores the lingering impacts of the pandemic and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and how members of ethnic minority families have arranged their caring responsibilities; the different assets these carers have drawn from to cope with and manage the Covid-19 pandemic-related risks; and how unpaid care is experienced differently by ethnic minorities

Emilia Pietka-Nykaza Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Social Sciences at UWS, led the study She said: “Protecting ethnic minority unpaid carers from poverty and valuing their contribution to society is absolutely crucial and is at the heart of our recommendations following our research which highlights the real struggle many ethnic minority carers are facing ”

Key findings from interviews conducted for the study include

A reluctance amongst unpaid carers from ethnic minority communities to use the social security system and carer support services even when experiencing financial hardship

Limited social connections: ethnic minority carers relied heavily on existing social connections - in particular, family members - for support in their caring roles

Barriers to paid employment: due to the gender split of care work; language barriers; and restrictions around the right to work the ethnic monitory carers interviewed reported that engaging with paid work was difficult or impossible

The pandemic deepened existing inequalities in Scotland for ethnic minority carers in relation to gender ethnicity, and immigration status

Emilia added: Our research has found that for example due to the stigma associated with benefits and specific cultural expectations around self-sufficiency in ethnic minority families, these carers are often reticent to use the social security system and support services available to them The carers interviewed from these communities also report having limited social connections, which, for some people, was due to geographical distance to their families – a problem which is particularly severe for the asylum-seeking and refugee communities

Interviewees spoke of experiences of poverty and poor physical and mental health often compounded by limited access to social security and support services limited access to paid work and limited social connections These problems have deepened because of the pandemic

“Our study also involved asylum seekers and refugees and has generated valuable insights into the experiences of groups which are not often considered in literature on unpaid care”

The report outlines key learnings for future policy and practice centred around better protecting and supporting ethnic minority unpaid carers, including:

Tackling poverty by improving access to social security entitlements such as through the Scottish Government’s new Scottish Carer’s Assistance

Improving mental health support for ethnic minority carers including action to ensure this is culturally sensitive and increasing investment in carer organisations

Nurturing existing social networks among ethnic minority carers and developing new social connections to prevent social isolation

The UWS-Oxfam Partnership has previously explored the experiences of unpaid carers across Scotland during the pandemic as well as those of young carers

At the same time Oxfam Scotland is calling for a dedicated new National Outcome to value and invest in care, and all those who provide it, in Scotland The campaign, known as ‘A Scotland That Cares’ is backed by more than 50 organisations and comes as the Scottish Government prepares to review their existing National Outcomes for the first time in five years Academics at UWS created a blueprint for a new National Outcome

Jamie Livingstone the Head of Oxfam Scotland said “It s very clear that too many people who look after someone face deep personal and financial impacts themselves including poverty with surveys showing that these pressures have been intensified by the pandemic and now by the cost-of-living crisis

“However, the specific experiences of unpaid carers from ethnic minority communities has been less well understood and while small in scale the insights from participants in this important research suggest the challenges they face are even more intense

As Scotland takes action to better value and invest in all forms of care it cannot leave anyone behind and these insights must now be used to shape policy and practice ”

You can read the full report here

“Building Staff Morale Key to Success” says New Home Manager at Whitstable Care Home

A Whitstable care home has recently appointed a new home manager who is keen to put her mark on her new place of work

Kim Saint has taken over at MHA Bradbury Grange and brings with her a wealth of experience of working in social care

The home offers tailored residential and residential dementia care for 50 residents

Kim has previously worked as a registered nurse and has experience of managing care homes both as a home and area manager

Speaking on her appointment she said: “I am really enjoying my time here so far and have been welcomed really well by the staff and also my area manager

I was aware of MHA as I have worked with other home managers previously and have always been told it's a great place to work

“On only my second day the Archbishop of Canterbury visited which was a huge moment and something that I was really happy to be a part of

There was a great buzz around the home and as a newcomer it was great to see “Building staff morale and working with staff on how we can improve is the key to success for me and it s something I believe contributes immensely towards a successful place of work

“For me it's just about maintaining the work my predecessor had put in place, but at the same time make some small changes and tweaks based on my own experience

“The residents are great and just like the staff have welcomed me in the home in a very positive way

I want to make sure we all work together to improve and progress here at MHA Bradbury Grange

“Moving forward I want to look into ways we can engage with the local community in our area and become a vital part of the community

Dementia Care and Washroom Design

How can washrooms help suppor t independence for those living with Dementia? Chrissie Rowlinson, marketing manager from Dudley Industries shows how washroom design and dispenser choice can help make washrooms a less confusing space

Alzheimer s Research UK reports that over 944 000 Britons currently live with dementia and by 2030 the number will exceed a million For those responsible for washroom design in the care sector this rising trend presents important challenges

Such washrooms will typically see a variety of users so they must accommodate different demands They must satisfy all the usual conditions – safety accessibility and ease of maintenance for example – but as the population ages it s increasingly important that they meet the needs of users living with dementia and similar cognitive impairments


The various steps involved in wetting hands, applying soap, rinsing and drying all demand thought, observation, orientation and the ability to recall in which order tasks should be performed For people with dementia this may be especially difficult in an unfamiliar environment

The challenge may be further complicated by the fact that people with dementia often struggle to distinguish similar colours A typical washroom featuring pale-coloured dispensers on pale-coloured walls does little to help them

However good design can remove key barriers to usability The Alzheimer s Society reports that using sharply contrasting colours is helpful Intelligent use of colour and signage can eliminate much of the visual noise that users can find so disorientating and in a washroom colour can draw attention to key items such as soap- and towel-dispensers

Washroom dispensers are available with high-contrast coloured wall-plates The equipment then visually stands out from the surrounding wall cutting through most distractions to guide users in the right direction This

can be particularly helpful when items are situated close together (e g a soap-dispenser above a basin beside a towel-dispenser) This saves the user from having to walk or queue at any stage in the washing process so there is less chance that he/she will lose track of what should happen next


To reduce the risks of distress designers can also consider the pacifying effects of certain colours Blue is often regarded as a particularly restful choice, so white dispensers set against blue wall-plates are a good option They offer high contrast while promoting calm

Designing in this way also permits a kind of guidance through colour-coding The same colour can be used for all functional items such as toilet roll housings soap dispensers paper towel dispensers and so on Provided that each is presented in a logical order colour-coding can then lead the user on a simple journey through the facilities

The same journey can also be aided by colour-coding in accompanying signage or posters that explain with visual examples how to use the facilities provided It can also be enhanced with colour-coding on the floor; for example by using coloured tiles or strips to indicate a logical path through the washroom from basin to dryer to exit

Such cues help users to build visual associations and to develop a sense of familiarity both of which can reduce the risks of anxiety and promote more regular and effective hand-washing


Many older people suffer from restricted vision so adequate lighting is essential particularly if colour-coding is a feature of the room s design Moreover lighting should cast no strong shadows across floors and walls since they may be mistaken for obstacles and interrupt users progress through the room


Finally people living with dementia may be more easily startled by sudden noises so paper towel dispensers offer a safer quieter choice than hand-dryers They may also be better suited to residential premises where it’s important to minimise disturbance at night


Homes Together Increase Investment in Leigh Leopards

Care provider Homes Together Ltd providers of care for disabled people in Harrogate, Knaresborough, Ripon and Gateshead, has announced that it is extending its partnership with Leigh Leopards to further support the Super League Club ahead of the new season

As part of its bid to share messages of strength and positivity around disability and diversity Homes Together will now not only sponsor the Leigh Leopards Men s team but also their Women’s team Youth team and the Learning Disabilities team too

Speaking about the sponsorship decision, David Ashton-Jones, Managing Director at Homes Together Ltd said: Our partnership and relationship with Leigh Leopards has been a huge success and opened up so many opportunities for our staff and service users The club have been big supporters of the work we’re trying to do in bringing new experiences to our service users and show that sport can and should be enjoyed by all

We quickly saw that there were other ways for us to grow our partnership and give our support to members of the club We look forward to seeing what the new season will bring for us all

Mike Latham Chairman of Leigh Leopards said: Having Homes Together

as main shirt sponsor to the first team is wonderful and we very much value their tremendous support and involvement This support has now been extended further and demonstrates their commitment and also their faith and belief in us as a club

“As a supporter for over 50 years the club historian and now the proud chairman I know how much the club means to the local community and we are determined to ensure we continue to strive for excellence in all we set out to achieve, while remaining accessible, friendly and inclusive

I see all those qualities in our highly valued partners Homes Together who strive to create better lives for people and continually strive for excellence in a caring and professional manner Hearing of their business ethos their values and their ambitions is inspiring, and to have the company aligned to ours as main sponsor makes me very proud

David Ashton-Jones continues: The latest sponsorship that we announced in November 2022 is extended to not only the Men s team but the Women’s Youth and Learning Disabilities team too

Lakeland Dairies Launch Celebrate Green Campaign with £500 Prize

Dairy experts Lakeland Dairies have launched their 2023 Celebrate Green campaign

WIN – Chance to win £500 amazon voucher

AND 5 x Lakeland Dairies hampers

Enter free all chefs eligible to enter

Celebrate Green with Lakeland Dairies throughout March and on St Patrick s Day

Steeped in Irish heritage dairy co-operative Lakeland Dairies are celebrating their lush green grass and rich Irish provenance with their annual Celebrate Green campaign The campaign recognises Lakeland Dairies’ Irish dairy farming excellence, and high-quality milk from its family farms It also embraces their excellent reputation and heritage in creating professional dairy products, which have been carefully designed to deliver extraordinary taste and fantastic functional performance


To celebrate Lakeland Dairies are offering all chefs the opportunity to join them in Celebrating Green in the month of March with the chance to a win a fantastic £500 amazon voucher Its free and quick to enter and five runner ups will win a delicious Lakeland Dairies hamper The hampers are filled with their incredi-

ble dairy products including Millac Gold Double Creamy Pure Irish Butter Lakeland Dairies Real Dairy Whipping Cream and more

Enter here https://bit ly/3ktdpUo

Jean Cattanach, marketing Controller at Lakeland Dairies explains: Celebrate Green runs for the month of March every year with a focus on St Patrick’s Day on the 17th It’s the time of year when take a moment to reflect on the values and quality of our dairy co-operative and we re excited to invite chefs to join us in celebrating our farming excellence and Irish provenance with this fun competition ”


In a survey of members by the Craft Guild of Chefs (2021) 97% of Chefs said it was important their dairy products come from farms where the cows can graze freely on grass Lakeland Dairies farmers are experts in managing pastures as a nutritious feed for cows Naturally grass-fed across the Island of Ireland, their cows feed on the lush green grass which is full of protein omega-3 vitamins and minerals Grass on the Island of Ireland is also rich in the pigment Beta Carotene which gives Lakeland Dairies products their rich natural yellow hue For more information download the Lakeland Dairies infographic https://bit ly/3I1bvU2 Enter Lakeland Dairies Celebrate Green competition for Chefs here https://bit ly/3ktdpUo


Spiritual Care: How Care Homes Can Ensure That Residents From All Denominations and Cultures Feel Connected to Their Spiritual and Religious Needs


For a better representation of the community being served recruiting a workforce that has a diverse range of spiritual and religious beliefs will allow residents to feel connected and represented within the care home A diverse workforce also helps with an improved understanding and appreciation of different cultures and introduces a broader range of perspectives ideas and experiences



Furthermore offering resources such as books music or art that are representative of different spiritual and religious traditions can have many benefits Not only does it help a resident connect with their beliefs but both books and music provide stimulation for the brain and help to maintain mental agility Artistic resources can also evoke strong emotions, bringing back memories and helping residents to feel connected to past religious and spiritual experiences

Religion serves many functions for society which are also pertinent in the care home setting These include offering meaning and purpose to life, providing comfort and solace in times of need reinforcing social unity and stability and promoting physical and psychological wellbeing to name a few Caring for the spiritual and religious needs of residents in social care is crucial in providing a supportive and inclusive environment but it can be quite a sensitive subject especially when dealing with beliefs you might not have come across before

So how do you ensure that residents feel connected to their spiritual and religious beliefs?

Ensure that staff are trained to understand and respect the range of beliefs they may come across during their work to enable them to respond to a resident's needs in a compassionate and sensitive manner Training on different religions helps staff appreciate and value the diversity of residents and create a welcoming environment for all whilst also helping to avoid misunderstandings and offence Those who have a deeper understanding and knowledge are better equipped to communicate effectively and build positive relationships with residents which may encourage quieter individuals to open up and interact more with staff and other residents


Encourage residents to express their spiritual and religious needs and preferences and provide opportunities for them to observe their traditions such as regular prayer or worship services Routines provide structure and stability while reducing anxiety and stress levels They also help with memory and cognitive function providing a sense of purpose and identity of which religious beliefs can be a significant component Maintaining familiar routines can also improve physical and emotional wellbeing and can enhance a person's overall quality of


Creating designated spaces for spiritual and religious activities such as a chapel or meditation room and ensuring that they are equipped with necessary materials and resources allows residents to practise their beliefs in a private and respectful setting Religious or spiritual spaces can also bring residents together, promoting a sense of community and connection, and provide comfort and solace

These are just a few of the steps care homes can take to promote spiritual and religious connection among residents from different cultures and are important aspects of providing comprehensive and holistic care By fulfilling the spiritual and religious needs of residents care homes can enhance their overall quality of life promote physical and psychological wellbeing and reinforce their sense of purpose and identity

Watermead Rose is Macc Care s first home in the East Midlands with their other twelve homes spanning across the West Midlands The group prides itself on three core values Love Caring and Compassion

Wolverhampton Home Receives Cash Boost to Convert Cafe Area Into Cool Retro Space

A Wolverhampton home received a much-needed cash boost from a convenience store following the opening of their 1000th branch

One Stop a subsidiary of Tesco opened its 1000th branch across the country and to mark the occasion donated £1 000 to ten support services in the Wolverhampton area

told us about the new store and how they are supporting local support services

“We were invited to the opening of the new store in Silverton Way and then presented with a cheque for £1 000

Our residents love to dance so we have been thinking about renovating the cafe area and turning it into a dance/entertainment area so the donation will help immensely

“We are looking to get our own pub/bar area as well so it’s going to be a lovely update which will be enjoyed by everyone

The residents were happy when we told them about the donation and are already asking when the renovation will take place

“The money will contribute massively towards the changes and allow us to continue to meet the needs of our residents ”

The Residential & Home Care Show 2023

The Residential & Home Care Show is making its annual return as the UK s leadership event for delivering outstanding care at ExCeL London on 26-27 April 2023

The event offers two days of high-quality educational content the opportunity to speak to leading suppliers in the health and social care sector, and explore what products and services suit your business needs It is a chance to regroup network with like-minded peers and equip you with solutions to current challenges seen within the sector The two-day event will be jam-packed with knowledge advice and inspiration

Free for all care professionals to attend the CPD accredited educational programme will be delivered over five theatres exploring a variety of topics including:

Recruitment and retention:

Health and social care experts will provide you with advice on topics such as employee engagement and how to effectively recruit according to your business needs Explore digital marketing technologies overseas recruitment and the importance of staff retention

Workplace culture and staff wellbeing: understand how to adopt strategies and best practice models into your workplace culture to aid to development and confidence of staff

Digital transformation

You will receive insights and advice on how to make the most of the digital transformation process and implement an efficient, cost-effective digital solution for your care home Business development and regulatory updates:

You will be able to access sessions on planning and implementation of strategies that will help increase the profitability of your care home and hear updates from local authorities to ensure your business complies with the latest regulations

Integrated care systems:

You will gain a deeper understanding of how the NHS and social care services will be working together to provide a higher quality of care

Residents’ health:

There will be a variety of sessions dedicated to residents health including long covid, diabetes and dementia care REASONS TO ATTEND:

• Free for all care and healthcare professionals

Earn up to 12 CPD points

Take away practical advice and solutions that can be implemented into your own organisation

Join thousands of other Owners, Directors, Senior Managers all under one roof and utilise the networking opportunities

Meet and talk with 200 exhibitors showcasing their latest products and services

• Build relationships between residential care providers nursing homes domiciliary care providers NHS local government the voluntary sector and suppliers

• Learn from over 100 expert speakers who will share key case studies, best practice examples and deliver important panel discussions with sector leaders and successful care business providers Register at www residentialandhomecareshow co uk/tcu23

MHA Waterside House were amongst the support services in the area to receive the cash award for their work in supporting those who need care The home provides a safe and caring environment for up to 60 people living with dementia and will use the money to top up their funds and convert the cafe area into a retro space
They are planning to revamp the area and include some vinyl s to use as decor as well as a guitar juke box dartboard and snooker table Michelle Jones, activity coordinator said: “One Stop got in touch with us and
GET THE FULL PICTURE FOR OUTSTANDING CARE 3000+ Owners, Directors & Policy Makers from Care Providers 120+ Expert Speakers & Industry Leaders 220 Innovative Suppliers & Exhibitors @ResHomeCareShow @RandHCS #RHC23 REGISTER HERE: Organised by:

Look at the Bigger Picture, Not Just Pay

The urgent problems of understaffing and attrition within the UK care sector are nothing new Issues are deep-rooted a 2022 House of Commons report highlighted significant structural and socio-cultural barriers [that] prevent the care sector recruiting and retaining the carers and other health professionals needed’

And we know that the situation is unlikely to stabilise soon given the increasingly uncertain economic climate

The jobs market is volatile too Where it might once have been expected that workers would stay where they are in a cost-of-living crisis even if unhappy today’s jobs market is working in favour of the employee meaning they re more likely to be looking at other options open to them


Quinyx’s own research from our annual State of the Deskless Workforce study indicates that UK care workers increasingly believe that their skills can be utilised elsewhere, with more than three quarters (78%) feeling there are many job opportunities available - this is up from 47% in 2021

After years of employers having the upper hand it s refreshing that workers feel they have some power back Yet for employers it means they need to work much harder if they’re to retain their best staff and avoid a daily battle to ensure sufficient shift cover

So how to do that? With a recession looming and nurses’ pay at the centre of strike action this month, it can be easy to view wages as the key issue that needs fixing in health and social care; the silver bullet to cure all ills


In our report focusing on UK health and social care workers 71% of workers told us they’d be more engaged in their current job by an increased salary And of course money as a motivator cannot be ignored especially now

Yet even amidst a cost-of-living crisis it is vital to look at all aspects of the employee experience if prob-

lems within the sector are to be addressed

For example we found that almost half of care workers (44%) said they’d be more engaged if their work environment was less stressful A third (34%) would be motivated by improved communication between management and staff, and over a quarter (28%) would be more engaged – and less likely to leave – if they had increased flexibility

Understaffing and stress are inextricably linked In our report, three quarters (72%) of health and social care workers said they d noticed understaffing and 90% of those said it resulted in a more stressful work environment

Furthermore of the 59% of workers who have considered quitting in the last year by far the biggest reason prompting them to look elsewhere was stress


Without sugar-coating the current situation, there are certainly small steps that can be taken – today – to start tackling some of these issues Bringing in more staff isn t always a feasible option so using a workforce planning tool powered by AI allows managers to schedule staff based on need and demand at the click of a button

Certitude London s leading adult social care provider for people with learning disabilities autism and mental health needs, recently started working with Quinyx to help automate staff schedules Employees use the app to request shift swaps and get rota updates straight to their phones

Certitude manager Benjamin said using the system has helped him “better understand colleagues’ worklife balance He added being able to schedule a month or so in advance gives people the opportunity to plan their life outside of work and get the balance they need ”


Being aware that staff are feeling stressed and need a break is also key We found that many frontline care workers avoid speaking to managers about topics which could be affecting their wellbeing - 56% feel uncomfortable talking about how stress is impacting their health And sadly, when employees do offer feedback a significant proportion (43%) don t feel listened to

Open effective communication is at the heart of any successful organisation: regular check-in meetings ‘open door’ policies suggestion boxes and feedback surveys are all ways of giving employees a voice It’s imperative too that all feedback is acknowledged

As the saying goes, change won’t happen overnight, but by putting staff first, being smart with technology and looking at all aspects of the employee experience the sector can start moving in the right direction

Carlton Care Home Launches Community Mother and Toddler Group

Braywood Gardens care home in Carlton, operated by Runwood Homes, has launched its first ever Mother and Toddler group for residents and relatives With the aim to reduce loneliness and promote kindness in the community the Mother and Toddler visitor group sees parents and caregivers bring their babies and children into the care home to interact with residents Operating every two weeks Braywood Gardens will see many new friendships form across generations For residents at the home, intergenerational activities can help support their emotional wellbeing

Home Manager at Braywood Gardens Leanne Armstrong, said: “We are overjoyed to run this fortnightly group; it will truly bring many positives benefits for our residents It is heart-warming to see the joy shared between residents and toddlers and we look forward to many more visits in the future ”

If you re interested in attending the mother and toddler group there will be no need to book in advance; contact Braywood Gardens care home for further information by calling 0115 666 2066 or by emailing braywood gardens@runwoodhomes co uk

Royal Alfred Becomes First Seafaring Care Home to Secure Veteran Aware Accreditation

Maritime charity The Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society’s care home Belvedere House has become the first in the UK dedicated solely to seafarers to obtain the Veteran Aware Accreditation from the Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance (VCHA)

The Society which was established in 1865 has a long history of supporting veterans delivering expert care to former seafarers and their dependants –including those living with dementia – from a variety of maritime backgrounds Its commitment to care has now been recognised with the accreditation from the VCHA a group of NHS providers committed to improving armed forces and veteran care whilst raising standards for all

This accreditation comes after the Royal Alfred signed the Armed Forces Covenant earlier in the year a pledge which promises to ensure those who serve or who have served in the armed forces and their families are treated with fairness and respect

The Society which cares for residents at its home in Banstead Surrey has focused on creating a community of shared interests amongst its former seafarers Everything from the home s décor and facilities to former seafarers amongst the Society s staff ensures residents see Belvedere House as a home from sea

The Society has also pioneered a Maritime Acquaint Training programme helping staff to better understand their seafaring residents in terms of their physical and psychological needs both in a seagoing life and afterwards

The VCHA accreditation includes eight manifesto requirements that an organisation must meet including

supporting the UK armed forces as an employer training and educating staff in the needs of veterans and identifying veterans to ensure they receive appropriate care

Chief Executive of The Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society, Commander Brian Boxall-Hunt OBE Royal Navy said: The Royal Alfred has always celebrated the hard work and sacrifices of the British armed forces, particularly from those from naval backgrounds as so many of our residents employees supporters and sponsors have served This accreditation further highlights the important work of those veterans as well as the work we do to support them here at the Royal Alfred Professor Tim Briggs CBE NHS National Director for Clinical Improvement in NHS England, VCHA National Lead and Honorary Colonel of 202 Midlands Field Hospital said:

“It is especially poignant for the team and myself to be awarding Veteran Aware status at this time of year Some of my team are veterans so I understand about the risks that service men and women undertake It is only fair that we work towards improving healthcare for the armed forces community once they have left active service

Veteran Aware accreditation means that the Royal Alfred Seafarers Society has made a huge commitment to the service men and women of this country They should be very proud of the efforts they ve made;

I know I am

“Thank you for the work you’ve all put in, despite the undoubted pressures I know you will be under at the moment


Essential Insurance Covers For Your Care Home

often determined by best practice to ensure the resident or patient is as comfortable as they can be Unfortunately, this means mistakes can creep in A single mistake can result in a negative impact on your patient whether that be from medical treatment or advice This can lead to a potential claim for medical malpractice

Medical malpractice cover is not only a legal requirement to anyone providing professional healthcare services but also offers peace of mind by covering the cost of any losses that arise from defending and settling a claim This means that during a claim your business can continue to operate with as little disruption as possible


As a care home owner or manager you will offer a variety of services to meet the needs of your residents

Typically the care you provide is likely to vary with anything from basic care and accommodation through to respite end-of-life and specialist care for dementia patients

Providing the very best care for your residents will be at the heart of everything you do but the care you deliver is not without risk and therefore having the right insurance in place is something that should be high on your list of priorities Not only does your insurance need to be tailored to protect the care services you provide but you also need to consider the regulatory bodies you adhere to protection for your staff as well as covering the premises and its contents

Here are some covers you must consider


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) states that all care and nursing homes require insurance and without it they are unable to operate The mandatory insurance requirements from the CQC are Public and Employers Liability cover Any additional covers will depend on the type of care facility you own Public Liability Insurance will cover the cost of compensation to third parties in the event of death bodily injury, or damage to their property, which occurs because of your business activities, for example, if a resident s family member slips on an upturned carpet

Unlike Public Liability Employers Liability cover is a legal requirement for anybody employing staff including volunteers It covers you financially for any compensation costs or legal fees that may occur because of company negligence Employers Liability Insurance will also cover you for employees that have long left your business and may only now bring a claim against you


Your carers will be skilled in what they do and usually have several qualifications, but their decisions are

Of course your business is home for your residents or patients Ensuring ample furniture is provided should be a necessity If they are accidentally damaged, you may need to replace them The building itself is just as important If for instance the premises suffer a flood how would the building hold? In extreme cases such as a fire or explosion a total rebuild may be necessary which would cost a considerable amount

Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure of your property and provided that accurate sums insured are declared it should cover the cost to rebuild the entire property Contents insurance covers the cost of replacing or repairing your possessions if they are damaged, destroyed or stolen It includes everything you would take with you if you moved premises for example your furniture kitchen appliances and computing equipment


If a business is underinsured in any capacity it could leave them with a financial burden should a claim be made While large corporations may be able to recover from the financial losses incurred because of underinsurance small to medium sized businesses may feel the effects of the loss more keenly owing to their sometimes already tight profit margins

Underinsurance may happen for many reasons e g using out of date estimates of your building sums insured, having inadequate or unrealistic indemnity periods, or not reviewing your level of cover as your operating models change

The most effective way of overcoming the risk of underinsurance is by talking to an experienced and knowledgeable insurance broker

The friendly team at Barnes Commercial can review your policy and make sure you have the correct level of cover in place

Send an email to enquires@barnesinsurancebroker co uk or call 01480 272727 to make an appointment



Hidden Costs Of Caring For The Environment

Every care home needs hot water From basins to baths and showers, catering and wash down Most facilities will run successfully on a system based around gas-fired water heaters unless a new build in which case the preference is to move to electric water heating to take advantage of the increasingly less dirty grid This does have implications for running costs with electricity on average costing as much as 3 8 times that of gas So why change things? The simple answer is net zero and the need to be more sustainable Because of the ubiquitous need for hot water which can account for as much as 30% of a building s daily energy demands, addressing how it is secured is one of the best ways of making active carbon savings today

Deploying either heat pumps or solar thermal as a renewable to provision the initial preheat is the most logical approach Where problems and unnecessary costs can quickly arise is when existing gas-fired top up’ water heating is replaced with like-for-like electric which can lead to gross system oversizing Domestic hot water (DHW) systems for

Consort Claudgen Includes Wi-Fi

Enabled Heaters in LST Range

Consort Claudgen s low surface temperature heaters range now includes heaters that are Wi-Fi enabled These heaters connect directly to Wi-Fi and heating can be controlled from the digital control panel on the heater or Consort Connect app Features include a 7-day timer with 24 heating periods per day lock function open window detection and custom automations Users can also view the energy consumption statistics of all connected heaters Additionally, LST heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensor have a self-learning control ability which uses in-built occupancy sen-

sors to detect and learn a user’s weekly presence in a room It then creates a heating schedule and automatically warms the room according to the detected or predicted occupancy When the room is unoccupied, the heater will conserve energy by switching to a setback temperature or frost protection mode

BIM objects are available for download from Consort s website 01646 692172

sales@consortepl com

www consortepl com

See the advert on page 23 for further informa-

Rosehill Furnishings

• Chairs which have been tested for bariatric use

Their upholstered chairs can be supplied with antimicrobial vinyl and wood finishes for hygiene and infection control

Models are available with arms to assist people getting up and down from their seat

Made to order products in a huge range of colours and finishes to fit in with your existing décor Lounge chairs side chairs and coffee tables which are designed to enhance your communal areas

commercial properties should be designed to accurately meet a business needs At Adveco our application design team has a thorough knowledge of residential care understanding the peak hour and length of the peak which are the starting point for determining demand and ensuring the hot water system is correctly sized

This demands a bespoke approach as every facility is different The number of rooms facilities such as basins showers deeper baths and guest mobility, all impact on the sizing The physical constraints of the property from plant room and roof space to noise levels all impact technology choices Adveco can advise on this sizing and provide accurate monitoring to ensure applications are fit for purpose and future proof As a result decisions to move to more sustainable operations are optimised and do not leave properties facing unwarranted capital or unexpected new operational costs from going green https://adveco co/sectors/healthcare/

See the advert on page 15 for more information

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels for Drug-Free Natural Pain Relief

include lasting pain relief improved joint movements, comfort during sleep, fewer cramps calmed nerve pain, reduced joint and muscle discomfort and faster post-activity recoveries

Rosehill are proud to have a long-standing history within the furniture industry It s their unique history and knowledge of the market which sets them apart from the rest They re committed to quality and their standards have continued to excel over the last 40 years

The expert team at Rosehill understand the market and can tailor your order to suit your exact requirements With over four decades experience in the industry, you can feel at ease knowing that you re in safe hands They take pride in the quality products they supply which are built to last while also being great value for money

Rosehill have experience working with healthcare organisations who require durable and comfortable seating for their patients and staff Rosehill specialise in seating and tables for care home lounges dining rooms visitor and waiting rooms wards staff rooms and FF&E packages

Options include bariatric seats anti-microbial vinyl and fabrics for hygiene and infection control high back chairs with head support and armchairs


High back chairs with head support and wingback models

Dining chairs and armchairs with stylish and durable tables in a range of shapes and sizes

Bedroom furniture with fitted items in high quality finishes

• Outdoor furniture and benches

Complimentary breakout modular and office furniture for staff areas and receptions

Their furniture is available in a variety of styles and is designed and manufactured to help you provide a safe and comfortable seating option for your staff patients and visitors Their range is high quality and built to offer great comfort, and durability for furniture that lasts

Browse their wide range of furniture for your care home clinic ward or waiting room online at www rosehill co uk or call 0161 485 1717 to request a brochure or discuss your requirements with their helpful sales team

See the advert on page 23 for details or visit www rosehill co uk

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are natural drug-free topical cold therapy gels for muscular and joint pain, chronic arthritic pain, post-activity muscle tension general aches and overuse disorders Easy to use and fast acting BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling without drugs and drug-related sideeffects


BIOFROST® Relief Cold Gel for pain relieving cold therapy

• BIOFROST® Active Dual-Action Cold Gel with Heat Sensation combining cold with heat to treat back pain

BIOFROST® Relief provides instant pain relief and activates body’s own healing through an optimal combination of natural ingredients including ethanol menthol eucalyptus peppermint and MSM Reported benefits of BIOFROST® Relief

BIOFROST® Active is a dual-action fast-acting cold gel with heat sensation for effective relief of muscular and joint pain Containing 10 natural herbal extracts (i e Arnica Burdock Roman Chamomile Garlic Watercress Ivy White Nettle Pine Rosemary Menthol) BIOFROST® Active relieves chronic pain releases muscular tension loosens stiff joints and effectively treats back pain Benefits of BIOFROST® Active include easier joint movements effective pain relief in treated areas discomfort-free sleep, fewer cramps and reduced post-activity muscular and joint fatigue

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are usable standalone or alongside other pain relieving therapies (i e medication physiotherapy etc )

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are suitable for people of any age including elderly and disabled people living independently or in nursing care

BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are Class 1 Medical Devices made in Finland

Win Health Medical Ltd: T: 01835 864864866

E: biofrost@win-health com

W: www win-health com

See the advert on page 3

Raising the Standard of Stair Climbing Solutions

The Stair Climbing Company is one of the leading providers of powered Stair Climber solutions which have been specifically designed to assist those struggling with mobility and independence issues facing people with disabilities

The Stair Climbing Company offers an excellent range of compact, easy to use powered Stair Climbers that are ideal for use in both home and commercial settings Offering innovative designs all of the company s Stair Climbers can be separated into two pieces for safe storage and are easily transported and charged In addition all of its Stair Climber s come with a two year manufacturer’s warranty

The Stair Climbing Company maintains one main

mission; to improve quality of life through its range of highquality and custom devices with built-in seats The safety and comfort of its customers is of the utmost importance to the company and it ensures that each wheelchair carrier model is designed to cater to individual customers’ specific needs and works with all stair types

Furthermore the company provides Stair Climbers for all ages making them suitable for everyone, and offers a free assessment for customers

If you would like to find out any more information please see the details below:

T 01787 379160

www thestairclimbingcompany com

See the advert on page 11


Focus Games - Enjoyable & Effective Training

Introducing Aquarate




hot and cold drinks

• Commercial dishwasher safe for quick and easy cleaning

Up to 5 day battery life with low battery indicator

Spill detection with immediate alerts so you can react fast

Get in contact to book a free demo Hydracare

Technology starts at as little as 40p per resident per day Let’s look after our loved ones!

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The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands

The new “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands is designed to simulate an oldfashioned travel carriage featuring real wood panelled wall brass luggage racks ornate wall lights and table lamp, opposite-facing seating for four including cushions, ‘First Class antimacassars and period memorabilia

The Jolly Journey creates a familiar and stimulating environment for ‘passengers to return to their fondest memories sparking conversations of time gone by Reminisce about travel and holidays with loved ones and friends over afternoon tea in your exclusive cabin, then maybe top it off with a jolly good Sing Song on the way home

Yeoman Shield Fire Door Ser vices Taking the Guess Work out of Fire Doors

Fire Doors are an imperative part of fire safety and are considerations of the design and maintenance of any building but especially residential Article 17 – RRFSO states fire safety provisions (includes fire doors) must b a suitable condition and wo g

If you are the Responsible Person it’s imperative you appoint a competent person to assist in meeting your duties under the fire safety order to ensure fire safety measures including fire doors are kept in working order Yeoman Shield s Fire Door Services can help to take the guess work out of fire door maintenance by providing fire door inspections, condition reports remedial work and fire door installation all carried out by FDIS and/or FIRAS accredited team members

Having a good maintenance routine will dispel some needs of fire door replacement therefore being more cost effective

tation of Yeoman Shield

Protection products can also be in the long term financially beneficial by halting impact damage from the start eliminating many repairs in the future and again will extend door lifecycles

Installing Yeoman Shield door protection products such as door protection panels door edge protectors and PVCu glazing bead units will not affect the integrity of the fire door as all products have been tested, in situ to the current standard required Vulnerable frames and architraves can also be protected from impact with Yeoman Shield to prevent dangerous splintering and splitting as well as abolishing the time-consuming repetitive need for repainting

For a complete repair and protect service contact the team today frdp@yeomanshield com or visit www yeomanshield com or see the advert page 10

Our Journeys begin with Steam Train rides through Britain, with other destinations being planned as the World opens up again Bespoke Journeys can also be created just let us have your ideas and we’ll see if we can fit them in with our filming schedule

In just one day our Little Islands Team can efficiently install and furnish your opulent First Class Carriage pod with all accessories and footage All we require is 2 5M of clear wall space a power socket and good access, to create your very own Jolly Journey

For more information please contact Little Islands: 01828 869802 or see the advert on the front cover

A kitchen refurbishment can cause a massive disruption to your home and residents and can prove to be overwhelming But don't worry - Inox Equip has you covered with their temporary commercial catering facili-

ty service Not only does Inox Equip handle all aspects of the refurbishment process - from electrical work to gas work, ventilation Altro flooring Whiterock walls, and ceilingsthey also offer a turnkey solution that takes care of everything from start to finish And with their competitive pricing and project management service you can trust that the entire refurbishment will be handled efficiently and effectively Inox Equip doesn't just stop at refurbishments They also offer a range of high-quality commercial catering equipment and supplies and their team is on hand to help you choose the right options for your needs and budget Plus, with installation and maintenance services available you can trust that your equipment will always be in top working order Inox Equip is dedicated to providing their clients with the highest level of service and quality So if you're in need of a temporary commercial catering facility or new equipment and supplies don t hesitate to reach out to their team of experts They ll make sure your business stays up and running even during the largest refurbishments Please contact us on 01280 822124 or sales@inoxequip com Please visit our website for more information https://www inoxequip com See the advert on page 5 Inox Equip - A Full Kitchen Refubishment Ser vice THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137 | PAGE 29 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Opeque can assist in reducing energy bills, complying with legislation managing health and safety and achieving a sustainable operation Over years Opeque has worked with various industry sectors from tyre manufacturing to laundries schools to hotels and hospitals to care homes optimising their manufacturing procedures and facilities management Applying industrial engineering principles we address productivity resource efficiency quality control health and safety and asset management bringing people utilities, equipment, and buildings together to realise product excellence We have worked with many care homes to provide laundry services and water hygiene and it is from these close relationships that we believe we can further assist your CARE HOME to reduce operating costs Call or Email NOW: 07831 873355 email admin@opeque com or visit www opeque com See the advert on the back cover for details Reduce Your Operating Costs!! Unique game-based educational tools for groups face-toface or remote For teams working in stressful environments training can be a welcome change Our games provide the perfect balance of learning fun and team work Over 100 game topics Ideal for induction courses learning events or professional and team development Our games: • Engage inform and enrich Improve knowledge and confidence Change thinking and behaviour Visit www focusgames com or see the advert on page 7
technology ensures accurate automated fluid monitoring to reduce incidences of dehydration and patient safety issues increasing quality of care
24/7 accurate real-time fluid intake data for carers Intelligent remote monitoring reducing time for staff to record Reduced patient safety issues
independent living for longer Fluid intake history to help keep track of the past Restricted fluid management to help limit consumption
have developed Hydracare- an automated fluid monitoring system that tracks how much an individual drinks using their Hydracup Hydracup is the only smart cup on the market which can produce accurate data that integrates
care systems,
staff time, and delivering quality care The Hydracup discreetly tracks an individual s fluid intake by measuring liquid volume automatically, allowing caregivers to proactively support further fluids to those who need it the most Hydracare


Mask and Outbreak Guidance Updated in Care Settings

Guidance on the use of face masks in all care settings and on outbreaks in care homes has been updated to give settings the flexibility to ensure ongoing COVID-19 measures are proportionate

Previous guidance stated that face masks in care settings should be worn at all times and that care homes should seek advice from a local health protection team in the event of COVID-19 outbreak but this change now enables providers to further utilise their own skills and knowledge on appropriate measures

Since the guidance change last month providers are able to make risk-based decisions on when face masks are used and care homes can initiate their own outbreak risk assessments to make decisions about which outbreak measures make sense for their individual settings Decisions around masks will be based on factors like the risk to specific individuals if the setting is in an outbreak or the preferences of the individual receiving care Support remains available from health protection teams and other local partners for care homes when needed

Testing guidance has also been streamlined for small care homes to reduce the number of tests staff and residents need to take in the event of an outbreak This, alongside new flexibility for rapid response testing in these settings is in line with the latest public health advice

Social care settings will continue to be equipped with free personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep staff and people receiving care safe over winter and protected against COVID-19 where necessary

Minister of State for Care Helen Whately said: The darkest days of the pandemic are thankfully behind us But it doesn t feel like that for people living in care homes or being cared for at home, when many of the people they see are still behind a mask

So much of what we communicate is through our expressions our

faces and our smiles – especially for people who are deaf or hard of hearing Many rely on lip reading and face masks don’t make the job any easier for care workers either

That’s why we’re making this change We want care agencies and residential homes to decide what s best for the people they look after I hope this means thousands of people who are looked after by care workers will get to see a smile this Christmas

Care providers are now able to adopt a risk-based approach with decisions on the use of face masks balanced with the risk of infections spreading and considering any risks or benefits that arise from their use Care homes can make use of new flexibility in the updated guidance on outbreak management and in all circumstances should

ensure visits between loved ones are supported with each resident able to have at least one visitor even in an outbreak Outbreak measures should only be implemented if at least 2 of the cases of COVID-19 are linked and should be proportionate to factors specific to the care home such as if it s well ventilated easy to keep some parts isolated and how vulnerable people in the home are to COVID-19

Providers should continue to ensure adherence to guidance and be able to evidence this to the Care Quality Commission when asked

People receiving care can ask for staff to wear face masks, and staff should of course work in whatever way will make the person they are caring for most comfortable

Vaccination remains the best defence against flu and COVID-19 and with both viruses circulating this winter it is vital that all those eligible –including care workers – come forward to top up their immunity and protect themselves and those they care for

It is important that care workers and care recipients are protected against illness so that staffing and visitation levels can be maintained and care services can be kept safe this winter – this is why the government has supported care workers to get vaccinated by enabling them to be eligible at the same time as people receiving care Social care workers and others eligible this winter can book their appointments for both a COVID-19 autumn booster and flu vaccine via the National Booking Service or by contacting their GP

Free PPE for COVID-19 needs is available until March 2023 as previously announced, and providers will continue to be able to order this from the PPE portal

See the infection prevention and control in adult social care: COVID19 supplement for guidance on the use of face masks in all care settings and on outbreaks in care homes at https://tinyurl com/y3vycett

The Cleaning Show 2023 to Focus on Latest Industr y Trends with Stellar Line Up

With commuters returning to the workplace hitting a post-pandemic high expectations of a cleaner safer and more hygienic working environment mean the responsibilities of cleaning and hygiene professionals and facilities managers across the country have intensified In light of this the UK’s leading event for the cleaning and hygiene industry The Cleaning Show 2023 has announced some of the industry’s leading suppliers and manufacturers that are confirmed to exhibit when the event returns to the ExCeL London from 14-16 March 2023


Attendees at The Cleaning Show will be left feeling confident that the industry is striving for change – specifically when it comes to sustainability – when a multitude of exhibitors will have the opportunity to demonstrate how they are putting environmental concerns at the fore


Whilst sustainability is a clear priority for business owners across the industry emerging developments in cleaning equipment technology are accelerating the work done by cleaning professionals in a timely manner driving efficiency especially in hospitals or football stadiums where the scale of operation is much larger TECHNOLOGY SPARKS INNOVATION


The technology on display will also highlight how advances are helping some of the sectors most important business s function

Maintaining infection control

Responding to the growing need for service providers, products and new innovations in the FM & PPE industries, this year’s event will also see an increased focus on the solutions and technologies driving growth in the sector – valued to be worth over £50 billion in the UK

Commenting on this year’s line-up Jim Melvin Chairman British Cleaning Council said: The cleaning hygiene and waste sector is one of the ten biggest industries in the UK and it is important that this resonates at The Cleaning Show which brings the industry together to celebrate its crucial work

The Covid-19 pandemic changed so many perspectives on cleaning PPE and importantly the roles of cleaning and hygiene operatives so I am certain that the line-up of exhibitors will be a hit with attendees as more businesses look to improve the safety of staff in the workplace And, as we enter the winter months where viruses have an environment to thrive, it is even more important to keep our key workers and the public safe healthy and well ”

Registration for The Cleaning Show 2023 is now open To register for your free pass to attend and to find out more about this year’s event visit https://cleaningshow co uk/london/

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection

Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as

and mould by up to 99 99%

ID NOW™ – Helping You to
ID NOW™ Helping you to put your residents needs first by treating them quickly and isolating where needed AN EASY-TO-USE INSTRUMENT, PROVIDING POSITIVE RESULTS FOR: Influenza A & B in as little as 5 minutes with 95% detected within 7 minutes1 and negative results in 13 minutes2 RSV in 13 minutes or less2 Strep A in as little as 2 minutes, with 99% detected within 3 minutes and negative results in 6 minutes2 SARS-CoV-2 in 13 minutes or less2 LEARN MORE AT https://tinyurl com/9b5pukyh LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUMAN IMPACT OF ID NOW IN DONCASTER AND BASSETLAW NHS TRUST What has been the human impact of ID NOW on community care? WATCH NOW: https://media gpoc abbott/video?yztkzyp339 What has been the human impact of ID NOW on staff well-being? WATCH NOW: https://media gpoc abbott/video?bn08a6s0pc Contact us to learn more See the advert on the previous 2 pages for details REFERENCES 1 NHS Eng and and NHS mprovement Primary Care Bu let n Updated June 29 2021 Accessed November 2021 https //www eng and nhs uk/ coronavirus/primary-care/otherresources/pr marycarebul et ng/ une- 2021 2 Zhou H Tsou JH Chinthalapa ly M L u H J ang F Detect on and Different at on of SARS-CoV-2 Inf uenza and Respiratory Syncyt al V ruses by CRISPR D agnost cs 2021 11 5 :823 3 MedTech Europe The Va ue of Diagnostic nformat on in Acute Resp ratory nfections Observat ons From the COV D-19 Pandem c Accessed November 2021 https //www medtecheurope org/wpcontent/uploads/2021/04/vodicase- on-resp ratoryd sease case-study pdf 4 Moore N et al Evaluat on of the Alere i Inf uenza A & B 2 Assay Poster presented at ASM Cl n cal V rology Sympos um 2018; West Palm Beach Florida 5 Abbott Data on File ID NOW C inica Data
of Leading Suppliers and
Put Your Residents’ Needs First
E Coli Legionella Salmonella
For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk and clicking Hospital Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code


Noroviruses: Outbreak Management and Disinfectant Choice

Enteric virus (EV) outbreaks are prevalent in the care home community with 73% of cases of outbreaks in weeks 43-44 in 2022 attributed to them (UKHSA, 2022) Typically spread via contact with faeces infection can spread easily via surfaces, food and close contact from someone with the virus (NHS UK, 2021) Norovirus is a small, non-enveloped virus that’s very difficult to destroy with traditional disinfectants owing to its small size and external capsid structure (GOV 2012)

It is vital to choose a disinfectant that is efficacious against Noroviruses Chlorine-based products (bleach NaDCC tablets and chlorine dioxide) lose efficacy in soiled conditions where Noroviruses are prevalent This means that they require an additional detergent cleaning step prior to use in order to still maintain efficacy An excellent alternative is peracetic acid (PAA) which outshines chlorine-based products because PAA is not hindered by soiled conditions PAA is widely used in the food industry water treatments agriculture and many other high-level industries Independent studies have shown that 85 – 250 ppm peracetic acid was effective in reaching 99 99 % reduction in viral particles with a contact time of 1 – 5 mins It was also found that even in the presence of synthetic faeces 85 ppm peracetic acid with a contact time of 1 minute was not hindered by soiling (Girard et al 2015)

edencleen from Cleenol

Over the course of our history we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carry edencleen our latest brand reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship and represents an evolution of what has been an integral part of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in part our vision for a cleaner safer world that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability but has as an aim a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen Cleenol looks to ensure transparency in our approach which may on occasion result in some counter intuitive elements

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid a no rinse floor degreaser, a window cleaner and a laundry detergent and fabric softener edencleen products have been developed around the following principles

and ingredients

RSPO certified palm oil derivatives

No animal der ved products

Cruelty free

Minimal petrochemical derived products

No parabens, formaldehyde, CMI/MIT, triclosan phosphates chlorine bleaches, optical brighteners, quaternary ammonium compounds

VOC free and phosphate, EDTA NTA free

Recyclable / recycled packaging

100% bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene oxide which is manufactured from biomass


Bioethanol naturally derived acids sugar-based surfactants bio-based solvents low impact preservatives

Combining carefully formulated products, with appropriate packaging using recycled material or recyclable componentry, the range s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated services

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistry brings a portfolio of products that s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen s new range represents just the start to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations See the advert below for further information

Peracetic acid in any format is the most effective active ingredient to use against noroviruses PAA is safest and easiest to use for healthcare environments in its in-situ format, containing the pre-cursors to PAA, for “stepup” dilution (from 0ppm to 1000ppm for example) This minimises corrosion typically associated with PAA, allows for addition of ingredients to enhance cleaning properties, is suited for use on hard and soft surfaces, and provides a more sustainable option to your care home See the advert on this page for more information about Peracetic acid products from Sky Chemicals REFERENCES G rard M Matt son K F ss Jean J Eff cacy of ox d z ng d s nfectants at nac ivat ng mur ne norov rus on ready-to-eat foods n erna ional Journa o Food M crobiology 2015Nov30 219 7–11 GOV Gu dance for manag ng norov rus outbreaks n healthcare set ings [ nternet https://assets publ sh ng service gov uk/ 2012 [c ted 2022Nov18 Ava able from h tps //assets publ shing serv ce gov uk/government/uploads/system/up oads/attachment data/f e/322943/Gu dance for manag ng norov rus outbreaks n hea thcare sett ngs pdf Nat onal Norov rus and Rotav rus Report week 46 repor Data up to Week 44 (6 November 2022) [ nternet] GOV UK UKHSA 2022 ci ed 2022Nov18] Ava lab e from h tps //www gov uk/government/sta ist cs/nat onal-norov rus-and-rotavirus-surve lance-reports-2022-to-2023-season/nat onal-norovirus-and-rotav rus-report-week-46repor -data-up-to-week-44-6-november-2022


As Energy Prices Surge, Wolf Laundr y Offers Assistance To Care Homes

Commercial laundry expert Wolf is tackling the cost-of-living crisis within the care industry by providing expert personalised advice comprehensive consumption figures and additional training

Barnsley-based Wolf Laundry has more than 30 years’ experience within the laundry sector and provides bespoke commercial laundry equipment across the UK to heavy users including care homes, universities and holiday parks

Recognising the energy cost pressure facing the care home market, Wolf Laundry is working with clients to help them better understand usage and educate them about the cost savings that can be achieved by switching to gas

Wolf Laundry research showing figures for their Primus Dryer range reveals electricity rates reach £9 18 for a 24kg capacity load of laundry but in contrast the same brand of the machine holding an identical capacity fuelled by gas was almost half the price costing £4 92

Joshua Brown Director at Wolf Laundry said: We aim to provide the most transparent information to help our clients make the best choices for them We cannot deny that right now gas is much more cost efficient but we’re working with customers to help them understand the options

“We’ve recently rolled out a training programme for the care home sector focusing on achieving optimal hygiene as efficiently as possible We re working on a one-to-one basis with several care homes to help them find an efficient, long-term solution

We appreciate that our customers are making difficult choices about energy bills and trying to balance

that with long term sustainability targets Together we’re able to come up with bespoke packages to suit a client s particular business requirements and our customers are really welcoming this helpful and transparent approach ”

Providing a comprehensive range of the best commercial laundry equipment on the market, Wolf Laundry stocks washing machines, dryers and finishing equipment as well as its own range of detergents and other products to assist with infection control

Joshua added: In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis and with spiralling energy costs the price of a load of laundry is increasing

“With care homes running on fine financial margins ensuring each load of laundry is cost-effective can be one of key factors as to whether they can stay open or are at threat of closure It’s as stark as that One of Wolf Laundry s care home clients have the Schulthess W range washing machines installed Steve Holroyd Secretary of Warmest Welcome Care Homes said:

The information that Wolf has provided us with helps us make the best choices and for us that’s still electric but the consumption figures have shown us what else we should be considering right now in regard to how much each load of washing costs and how much that could change throughout the cost-of-living crisis With costs rising we were able to consider everything very carefully to ensure that we can save money where necessary and ultimately, have additional resource for other needs within the care home ”



With Care Home Providers Facing Soaring Energy Costs, Forbes

Professional Advises On How To Optimise Laundr y Room Efficiency

Facing unprecedented energy costs and an increasingly pressing climate crisis care home operators are all aiming to minimise energy consumption According to the Carbon Trust the care sector spends over £400 million on energy each year and after heating and lighting it is irrefutable that appliances are a main contributor to this figure For any care home laundry is a key service area and one that is absolutely critical to maintaining infection control Thankfully, whereas you can’t turn down the heating in a care environment or turn off the lighting there are ways in which you can significantly reduce the energy consumed by your laundry function Forbes Professional helps care home operators source the most energy, water and user efficient laundry solutions whilst advising on all relevant WRAS and industry requirements

When choosing dryers it is notable that care homes are increasingly turning away from gas appliances due to increasing running costs and safety concerns This is all the more notable now that changes to industry requirements are necessitating considerable investment in order for gas appliances to meet the

current standards Forbes would generally recommend that electrical appliances should be the product of choice with heat pump dryers enabling astounding cost and energy savings Miele s new heat pump commercial dryers are particularly highly rated for their safety, functionality and energy efficiency They employ a highly efficient and economical filter system and heat exchanger to keep run times low and enable an energy saving of up to 60% when compared to vented dryers Additionally these heat pump dryers do not require any make-up air, which enables the laundry function to be installed in the basement or in a central location within the care-home and saves on costly vent-ducting Due to the effective interaction of the Miele filter system and the maintenance-free heat exchanger fluff cannot clog the heat exchanger or adversely affect the exceptional drying efficiency

With regards to washing machines only a commercial washing machine will suffice in a care environment as only these machines will meet the WRAS requirements for Fluid Category 5 Forbes recommends using Miele commercial washing machines as they are highly energy and water efficient whilst delivering both thermal and sluice disinfection As an illustrative example based on an electricity cost of £0 34/kWh and three machines being used four times/ day for five years Miele machines can realise a running cost saving of £9 529 when compared to another industry brand

Auto-dosing equipment also provides a great solution for ensuring that the right amount of detergent is dispensed for each cycle; minimising waste optimising the wash cycle and saving both money and time

Forbes Professional provides a range of options for commercial laundry equipment including autodosing equipment as well as Miele commercial laundry machines All of their products are available on a purchase rental or lease basis with access to a comprehensive service that includes installation commissioning user-training and a multi award-winning repair and maintenance response

For more info contact www forbespro co uk; 0345 0702335; info@forbes-professional co uk

At Cash s we aim to capture reinforce and communicate our clients brand equity through quality and innovation from design to distribution

Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels woven badges care labels branded and promotional swing tags garment accessories packaging and barcoding Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to our customers brand by assisting to com-

bat counterfeiting and grey market activity

Our industry leading eCommerce system is designed to reduce cost improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data The order entry process is very simple meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks other than ordering apparel labelling and accessories

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Are You Up To Date On Food Shortages That

May Impact The Catering In Your Care Home?

Everyone s acutely aware of current labour shortages but what about product shortages that may impact the food you’re offering to your residents? Planning to use products that are in short supply may mean you re faced with even higher food costs

Food procurement experts, allmanhall, provide some insight to help you plan to mitigate and to tweak your menus if needed

Like all of us UK farming is being impacted by a multitude of factors including spiralling costs The NFU has warned of a looming threat to UK food security In particular there s a risk of product shortages in the following energy intensive sectors:

Eggs - there are 4 9 million fewer hens laying eggs in the UK today compared to 2019 down 13% from 42 7 million to 37 8 million

Glasshouse grown produce including tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumber are likely to see production levels fall to their lowest levels on


Pears - UK pear production is at its lowest level since records began Fears of crops rotting in fields due to a lack of temporary seasonal labour compound the problem

Furthermore UK pork prices are up 40% year on year, largely due to high energy high feed costs and reduced herd sizes

This insight can be helpful when planning your menus and how to make the most of already-squeezed budgets For more expert analysis and other useful resources why not take a look at allmanhall co uk allmanhall are achieving up to 16% food cost savings for Care groups in the UK As well as catering procurement they can help with incontinence products PPE and other frequently bought products For larger items allmanhall can support you by running a tender and ensuring the best value Visit www allmanhall co uk or see the advert below for further details

Helping to Keep Your Patients Safe at Mealtimes with It’s Made For You Softer Foods

At It s Made For You we believe that everyone should look forward to tasty, safe, and nutritious texture modified meals The It’s Made For You range is designed for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) framework standards and includes valuable nutrition It s Made For You are proud to be Gold Sponsors of IDDSI

Our range of meals have been developed to ensure the nutritional content will meet the nutritional needs of your patients whilst they follow a texture modified diet Research has shown that up to 50% of people with dysphagia are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition There could be numerous reasons for this including a reduced appetite or the inability to consume large quantities of food in one sitting Our range of ‘classic’ and mini meals can help to ensure your patients are getting the most nutritional value from the food they consume The use of pre-prepared It’s Made For You meals can also be a practical time-saver and bring

peace of mind to the person with dysphagia as well as their carer

The range includes over 60 tasty dishes including chicken, beef, lamb fish and vegetarian recipes We also offer a tasty selection of desserts, and breakfast options as well as mini meals for those with smaller appetites Each meal is easy to cook in either the microwave or oven and promises to deliver delicious and tasty mealtimes every time

At It s Made For You we offer a delivery service that cares making it easy and convenient for our customers to eat delicious meals which can be delivered directly and safely to their homes This helps them if they cannot leave the house or go to the shops Plus, people love to use our service as they can rely on a regular delivery of good quality and safe meals directly to their door, by a friendly local Oakhouse Foods delivery driver Find out more at www Itsmadeforyou co uk



Discover The Power Of Chefs’ Most Trusted Bouillon*

Meanwhile two Michelin-starred Chef Tom has developed a range of classic recipes with a modern, seasonal twist, each utilising products from the Knorr Professional Bouillons range in a different way Knorr Professional’s Bouillons are available in Powder Paste and Jelly formats offering chefs versatility and flexibility in usage and

Anglia Crown – Adding Warmth to the Colder Months

The winter months are a busy time for anyone in the care sector and it is important that all residents have a chance to enjoy warming nutritious food at every mealtime

Mary Wedge Business Development Manager at Anglia Crown comments: “In our experience many of the residents look forward to the desserts They often represent familiar comfort foods and, even if they cannot face the main course, will often go straight for the pudding

Anglia Crown offer a wide range of hot and cold desserts that are ideal for a well-balanced nutritional diet including choices that do not contain gluten Our Crown Choice and Advantage ranges include some fifty-eight dishes, including our new autumnal warming Ginger Chocolate Chip Sponge and delicious comforting custard that goes with almost any hot dessert

Our Crown Choice cold dessert includes the perennial favourites such as Chocolate Cake whilst our Crown Advantage range also offer reduced sugar desserts All individual Crown Advantage desserts come in packs of eighteen, whilst the Crown Choice desserts come in packs of 3 and 6 allowing accurate portioning and cutting down on any potential waste

Many of the Anglia Crown dishes can be teamed up with fresh fruit, allowing for additional choice Items such as our Carrot Cake or Vanilla Cheesecake can be accompanied by whipped cream garnished with seasonal fresh fruit

Our hot desserts are high in energy our hot portions of 170kcal and above provide energy and protein dense options and when served with custard provide over 250 kcal per serving Our cold desserts of 250 kcal and above also meet the energy guidelines in the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Nutrition and Hydration Digest (2017) requirements


At Anglia Crown we pride ourselves with the array of vegetarian and gluten free dishes that we offer including an impressive range of desserts This was recognised with us being named at the Vegetarian Wholesaler of the Year 2022 at the VfL Awards for Excellence in Veg n Care Catering

All the Anglia Crown hot desserts are suitable for vegetarians, Most of the Anglia Crown vegan products have been registered with the Vegan Society including some thirteen of the dessert dishes

Anglia Crown are here to help take the strain out of your menus throughout the year Visit www angliacrown co uk for further details

PAGE 38 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137 Chefs Tom Kerridge and Preston Walker have joined forces with Knorr Professional Bouillons to launch a new training hub for chefs This new online platform “The Base” contains exclusive recipes video tutorials and training tools that will help other professionals working in Care Homes to improve their skills in the kitchen With 25 years expertise in special diets and nutrition for the elderly Chef Preston brings you the latest insights on providing nutritionally dense dishes for residents
Chef Preston Walker said: I m so proud to be partnering with Knorr Professional Bouillons to create and share recipes and tips that will genuinely help improve the skills of chefs working in this exciting sector GET TOM AND PRESTON’S RECIPES AT UFS COM/BITB Aggregated UK wholesaler value sales 52 w/e 27th January 2023
application plus consistent depth of flavour every time
DISC VER O THE WER PO CHEF OF ’ S on dec P Knorr MOS culinary f ades o essional Bouillons ar f o r US TR T e and xperienc e e built BOUILL TED ON * he Base, our T and advic x t e Ge in the business. e pr r ’ e w online tr w ne che om our e fr ecipes, skills tutorials e r clusiv with the best che ork w oud to f aining hub y ommunit c f c alue sales 52 CLICK GET O T v wholesaler egated UK *Aggr 2023 VISIT OR HERE S ’ ON T S PRE January e 27th w/ BITB / OM C . S UF S CIPE RE


W&P Training

and Procedures


Designed for Supported Living and Domiciliary providers that deliver CQC regulated activities to adults with Learning

Disabilities and/ or Autism W&P’s Policies and Procedures for Supported Living Services will assist with your CQC compliance

Looking for Supported living Policies with NO Personal Care? Visit https://www wandptraining co uk/policies-and-procedures/non-registered-care-policies/ W&P s policy and compliance team are constantly scanning and reviewing all the statutory websites and regulatory publications to track the very latest developments in the Health & Social Care Sector Policies and Procedures are updated every 4 months or immediately if there is a critical change to regulation, good practice guidance case law outcomes or just feedback from customers

To find out more about what we offer go to www wandptraining co uk or see the advert on page 2

Memor y Lane Games - An Extra Pair of Hands for Carers

Available to assisted living environments fully branded and personalised, the Memory Lane Games app features reminiscence quiz games on hundreds of topics including places hobbies animals history and food

The games are designed to be frustration-free and to trigger memories and conversation not to test

Improving resident wellbeing

Consistent with providing person-centred care our games encourage a sense of identity and connection and can be easily incorporated into personal care plans

Our library of games has something for everyone but unique games can also be made using a resident’s own memories and photographs creating a truly personalised and powerful experience

Always on hand even on the night shift Northamptonshire Registered Managers Network

Improving family connections

Our app has proven to be effective at creating joyful meaningful connections between families Useful when used to prepare a resident for their family visit as well as during, where they can be used as a conversation starter Games can be played and new memories made with the whole family on a topic everyone enjoys even the grandchildren!

Calming and distracting agitated residents

Carers are able to effectively reduce agitation aggression and distress as well as deliver personal and

therapeutic care more easily by initiating game play and allowing the app to provide respite

Alerts & Reporting

Our back office system captures and analyses game play data to alert deterioration against clinical data sets A sudden drop in game play performance for example could indicate a UTI This data is also used to generate a Reminiscence Journal (pictured) which can be created at the touch of a button and incorporates information on what the resident has played how long for and what they have enjoyed along with recommendations for future game play These can be sent to families and included in personal care plans ensuring everyone around the person living with dementia is aware of what they are positively engaging with

With no IT integration required, the benefits to residents and carers can be realised immediately

Improved resident and staff wellbeing improved quality of family visits and a differentiated care home business

Our real-world case study covers how personalised gamification with Memory Lane Games can be used as part of a treatment plan to calm and improve quality of life for someone with severe dementia

Contact us today to receive a copy and find out more

Helpforcarehomes@MemoryLaneGames com

W&P Training supply comprehensive sets of CQC care policies and procedures that are personalised to your business Whether it s Residential Care Homes Domiciliary Homecare Nursing Homes Learning Disabilities or Supported Living – We cover it all RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME POLICIES Are Your Current Policies Up To Date? There have been many recent changes to employment law vaccinations covid-19 guidance plus the CQC s new strategy and regulatory approach W&P s team track these changes for you to ensure customers receive up to date CQC compliant documents DOMILICIARY HOMECARE POLICIES Over 130 comprehensive Domiciliary Care Policies and Procedures for Homecare / Domiciliary Based Services that are researched and written to meet all the CQC regulatory legislative and good practice guidance within the Health and Social Care sector CLINICAL PROCEDURES FOR NURSING HOMES CQC compliance for new and established Nursing Homes W&P s clinical procedures include 70 comprehensive and upto-date documents for your nursing home These clinical procedures complement our full set of Care Home Policies

Dementia Care: Communicating with People Living with Dementia Who are Struggling to Express Their Needs

language Taking the time to be with a person who is struggling to communicate is one of the greatest gifts to give them Remember that all behaviour is communication, and it is our job as professional carers to TRY HARD to understand and help them If you have a question on helping someone living with dementia you can always contact Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678 or email helpline@dementiauk org

T Take a moment Look around, what might be wrong? What might that person want or need? Give them your time

R Reactions - is the person reacting to you another resident the temperature, a noise or something else in the environment?

Y Yearning - is the person yearning for something? Are they hungry or thirsty? Are they bored? Do they miss their family? Do they need a hug?

H How can you find out their needs and emotions?Are they sad stressed, anxious, fearful confused, happy, or in pain?

Some people living with dementia may have problems communicating and expressing their needs which can leave them feeling very frustrated

For anyone providing support to a person living with dementia thinking about ways to help the person communicate with you could be beneficial Are there picture cards to hand to help the person recognise a picture of what they need (for example the toilet) and point to it, even if they cannot say the words? This helps them to express their needs and wants to their carer

Some people can write fluently long after their speech has gone Others may communicate through touch facial expressions or body

A Activities and meaningful occupation - how can you engage the person in a way that gives them some sense of choice control or fun? What did they like doing when they were younger? Would they like to plant some bulbs go for a walk or visit other residents? If the person is walking, consider why -are they looking for something or someone? Maybe they have a sore bottom from sitting too long

R Repetition - restate and use their words Reassurance - take the time to calm them down and remember they might feel frightened

D Dos, Don’ts and Distractions - Do: Smile be kind and get on their level Use more non-verbal communication like touch gestures

Otiom - Dementia Tracking System

Of the estimated 850 000 people in the UK living with dementia roughly 50% will wander with purpose and become lost during their condition When someone with dementia is reported as a missing person the police treat it as a high priority and put a lot of resources into finding that person as quickly as possible Technology can play a big part in preventing people with dementia from becoming lost and GPS technology has proven popular

Otiom is the only device of its type that is a registered class 1 medical device and has therefore undergone a rigorous testing protocol to comply with the European Medical Device Regulations

Otiom Offers peace of mind and freedom allowing people to move more freely It s a game-changing addition to the support of carers with a growing number of people living with dementia globally

Advantages include the ability to track indoors and outdoors low cost low maintenance superior battery life and improved communication stability We offer Otiom to both care homes and private users Otiom has been developed over several years backed by extensive research in the field of dementia It is the result of a collaboration with relatives, caregivers and people with dementia

Since Pentland Medical launched Otiom exclusively in the UK we have worked extensively with the Alzheimer Society and Alzheimer Scotland At the time of writing we are testing Otiom with the Alzheimer Society and expect to be listed as an official partner on their website in due course

Visit www pentlandmedical co uk or scan the QR code in the advert on this page for further details

pictures smells and show objects (like the juice box) to enhance understanding

Don t: be too loud too fast or use too many words Don t argue and remember that it is not important to correct them if they believe something to be true(like they need to go home to their mum) Distraction techniques can work well Ask them to tell you about their mum look at pictures or have a cup of tea together give a hand massage or play some music and dance with them if they are able

Music can be a wonderful therapy for people living with dementia and for it to be most effective it needs to be tailored to the individual

Find out as much as you can about the person through Life Story

Work which helps to ensure that our care always honours the person as an individual For example what job did they do? Did they have children? Do they have a religion? What are their hobbies? This is often called Person-Centred Care or Person-Centred Practice Ask the person (if they can communicate) ask their family check their records and note it in the care plan so you can share it with all your colleagues

Think about how the music you like might differ from your friends your partner or your family How can it affect your mood? That will be the same for your residents Some might like jazz or classical music whilst others might prefer music related to their religion If you find a favourite or something that calms them then make a note and use it in situations that they might find stressful If you find a tune that distresses them make a note of that too to help your colleagues to remember not to play it when they are around Music can be used passively (to listen to) or actively (for singing and dancing) – try it out always remembering to keep it personal to the individual



Medpage Falls Management Products

Care technologies have advanced at an amazing rate over the past decade

The digital age is a place where we all live and all use technology as a familiar part of our daily lives At Medpage we have harnessed these advancing technologies into products to support Social Care and Independent Living Medpage brand products are designed to provide affordable, user-friendly, care support products for domestic and professional care Our new wristband activated door egress alarm is a perfect example of how advanced technologies are transformed into a system to safeguard people prone to wandering Simple to install, suitable for single or multiple residents, the system allows residents to remain mobile while providing an alert to carers if they attempt to leave the building through a monitored door Further details available at www easylinkuk co uk search Doorwatcher

Medpage have supplied Care, Residential Homes,

and Hospitals with fall prevention and detection alarms for more than 25 years From basic bed and chair exit detection alarms to more complex cordless sensor pad systems with nurse call integration we supply quality systems that deliver cost effective performance

Our new sensor pad controller the MPCSA11 has been included into numerous falls management projects in Hospitals and professional care establishments The system, already proven to reduce care costs allows a patient with mobility to transfer from their bed to their chair or to visit their washroom, without alarm notifications to carers providing the transfer is completed within a selectable time Failure to return within the selected time will result in alarm notification to carers either by pager nurse call trigger or ward wall mounted alarm receiver

For further information see the advert on this page

mention THE CARER when responding to advertising. Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising.

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes

Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment

Similarly carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings particularly those suffering from dementia these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature, light, and of course noise Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources for example telephones ringing loud conversations in corridors and call bells sounding often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents

A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a per-

son’s ability to concentrate It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call In these circumstances dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one zone whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone” Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required

Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents Pagers have been around for many years are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise and can be added to most Nurse Call systems Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning e-medication etc Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system With the Go app nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home

Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less

Lotus Care Technology

The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls

Having many years of experience in fitting and maintaining

Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier Visit www lctuk com for details

stressed also, this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved staff are retained and CQC ratings improve Clearly the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter calmer, and more tranquil environment

For more information email us at info@c-t co uk

• Nurse Call Systems

• Fire Alarm Systems

• Door Access

Nurse Alert Mats

Designed to combat the problem of residents who are inclined to walk undetected, the Nurse Alert Mat can help protect residents especially at night that are at risk of falls and accidents

When connected to a Nurse Call system or the mobile Floor Sentry Monitor it will then alert staff, sounding the alarm with a small amount of pressure thus enabling staff to investigate

• Staff Attack


• Infection Control

• Dementia Care

• Electrical Contracting

In addition The Floor Pressure Mat has a heavy non slip backing, It comes professionally sealed so can easily be cleaned for liquid spills and is fully serviceable

w w w. L C T U K . c o m 0 8 0 0 8 4 9 9 1 2 1 s a l e s @ l c t u k c o m

Hartford Care Joins Forces with Sensio in UK First to Reduce Risk of Falls in Care Homes

or computer If further information is required an anonymous snapshot of the incident is shared, so the team knows whether they need to attend or if the resident is moving around safely It s also possible to see the current status and position for all residents in their rooms at a glance from a single screen without compromising their privacy

Kevin Shaw Chief Executive at Hartford Care comments: “It’s a very exciting prospect to be the first care home in the UK to be trialling RoomMate This is ground-breaking technology which could help our entire industry develop and evolve; I am looking forward to seeing the impact this will have on our already exceptional resident care

Johan Anstensrud Chief Executive at Sensio comments: “We are delighted that the residents and staff at Hartford Care will reap the benefits from our revolutionary safety sensor RoomMate For years it has proven to be a success in Scandinavia preventing falls injuries and ailments and giving more time for personal care I am looking forward to continuing this exciting journey also in the UK together with Hartford Care

Hartford Care is governed by three core principals – care, comfort and companionship; and its philosophy of care is completely focussed on providing a safe and comfortable lifestyle for its residents and carers in a quality home setting

Hartford Care’s head office is based in Basingstoke Hampshire Established in 1908 its care homes are located in Bristol Berkshire (Burnham and Maidenhead) Devon (Sidmouth) Dorset (Poole)


Fall Savers - Affordable

Fall Monitoring Solutions

Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL


The RoomMate sensor ultimately reduces the need for nightly visits so residents can sleep better with less interruptions In Scandinavian care homes where the technology is already being used falls have reduced on average by 60% across its 8,000 daily users

The technology works by an alarm being raised by the sensor if there is movement within a resident s room The care team can then check what kind of an alarm it is via the RoomMate app on a phone tablet

Hampshire (Barton-on-Sea Four Marks, Hythe, Portsmouth Winchester and Woodlands) Isle of Wight (Bembridge Ryde and Shanklin) Oxfordshire (Witney) and Wiltshire (Downton)

Find more details about Hartford Care’s awardwinning care homes while more information about Hartford Care Group Limited is available at: www hartfordcare co uk

Find more information about RoomMate and Sensio at www sensiocare com


Fall Savers®
NEW Fall Savers®
Safer for pat ents; less work for staff Bed and cha r pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including Call button Pager Floor sensor mat W reless door/window exit alerts
®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors Features include: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacter al Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately) Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk
all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the
technology from
Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices
PAGE 44 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137 Hartford Care has teamed up with Sensio a Norwegian company specialising in room sensors and advanced care technology to minimise the risk of resident falls, in a four-month trial at its Hartford Court care home in Portsmouth – the first care home in the UK to trial this pioneering technology Sensio’s
flagship solution RoomMate is proven to reduce falls along with tracking sleep patterns and showing when people are waking or getting up during the night Privacy is ensured with an anonymised infra-red 3D sensor, rather than the use of cameras and the sensors can detect many movements from the resident sitting up in bed to them getting up from a chair or leaving the room so appropriate action can be taken by team members Importantly RoomMate can also alert carers if the resident is calling for help when they may otherwise not be able to reach their call bell


G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution

Genee is a UK leading manufacturer of innovative technological solutions Genee plays an integral role across all major industries including health care to support patients residents and staff

Having supported Care Homes through the pandemic The GTouch Wireless Care Home Solution is one of Genee’s most impactful solutions yet The solution includes; the G-Touch Interactive Screen Electric Mobile Trolley and a Wireless Battery Pack Its portability specially designed and simple to use interface as well as its multitude of applications are specifically built for residents and staff in mind

The G-Touch Interactive Screen is an engaging resource for residents and staff Available in 55’ , 65’’ and 75’’, the touchscreen itself has durable and toughened safety glass that can be easily cleaned The large screen provides for spectacular viewings of videos TV shows and movies In addition the size of the screen encourages residents to participate in interactive activities

With built-in 2x15w front facing speakers and an HD video conferencing camera provides the perfect communication tool to video call families, friends, and other care homes With the built-in PC and Android 8 0 operating system the user interface software is easy to use As soon as the touchscreen is turned on the system loads into a tablet style of multiple icons containing the software and Apps used daily without the

need for a PC-style login The included software also helps residents with health issues, including Dementia and Alzheimer’s

A solution that benefits all! The Electric Mobile Trolley is better suited than a traditional wall mount or trolley The mobile trolley can be electronically adjusted by height and offers 90-degree angle adjustment from horizontal to vertical ensuring easy accessibility at different chairs and wheelchair height The four lightweight and strong steel integrated castors include locking brakes for safety

The Wireless Battery Pack removes trip hazards and provides a helpful portable solution Simply add the lightweight battery pack to the trolley and easily move the touchscreen from room to room

The G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution comes with 5 years onsite warranty as standard with no additional costs Our dedicated team will bring the equipment to the care home assemble and install the solution and test everything on site We will also support you with free online training to ensure your Care Home gets maximum use of this incredible solution

Get in touch +44 (0)1902 390 862 sales@genee-group com www genee-group com

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers, through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them

Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar - now the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care

Furthermore Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM, so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents, which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance

The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne C-TEC ENS Intercall Medicare SAS and TeleAlarm

Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions

Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm


“We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product

We have a range of nurse call systems at different sites and the NMS system integrates to them and allows us to compare response times between sites

In addition the integration to Person Centred Software is revolutionary We would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens!

To find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare

Ssee the advert on the front cover for more details



All-in-One Care Management Software for Today and Tomorrow

everyLIFE technologies was founded on a passion for empowering care agencies to deliver the highest standards of personalised care easily and efficiently Through a secure cloud-based digital care software solution

PASS was designed with the input of the industry and now supports over 80 000 people With complete care plans care plan tracking care records and online as well as offline alerts, we work to make critical data accessible secure and usable for your team

go back to the supplier each time They therefore particularly liked the Document Builder function in PASS which gave them the option to build and customise documents and assessments themselves


With the introduction of PASS, Court Nursing has benefited from:

Realtime access from within PASS to their service user s GP records without having to contact the surgery or pharmacy



As well as offering care for older people The Court Nursing Home also supports those with dementia learning disabilities mental health conditions, physical disabilities and sensory impairment Amongst their staff they employ four registered nurses


In moving from paper to digital Court Nursing was seeking a solution that would allow them to streamline their working practices and realise improved operational efficiencies

Flexibility: The powerful core functionality of PASS along with its flexible approach that supports customisable alerts, documents, assessments and workflows, were a key factor in their decision to select PASS

Self sufficiency: With a relatively young IT literate workforce they were keen to work in an environment where they could make simple changes to their digital care management system inhouse, without having to

• All of their service users documents stored electronically together in one place

• Ability to create and populate documents from within PASS

Creating their own bespoke documents

The Smart Observations function within PASS, making use of the Fluids observations feature for example

GP Connect has provided continuity of care between ourselves and the GP giving us access to up to date notes regarding the care of our users

In short PASS GP Connect helps us to cut out the middleman meaning that as nurses we can work more efficiently giving us more time for direct patient care

Rebecca Knight, Registered Manager

For further information visit www everylifetechnologies com or see the advert on page 42

Digital Employee Recognition Scheme Increases

Terryberry offer an all-in-one benefits reward and recognition platform including milestone and service awards, lifestyle savings, salary sacrifice, cycle to work 24-hour GP helpline and pension contributions in an easy-touse platform

It is commonly accepted that workplace morale is intrinsically linked to productivity and retention With the current cost-of-living crisis rocketing basic food and energy bills, Terryberry is helping UK businesses ride the storm

The 360 Employee Recognition software and platform incorporates four aspects into one integrated digital hub: employee benefits, milestones and service awards social recognition and wellness

The employee benefit section allows managers and HR staff to incentivise staff through a range of benefits from private healthcare life insurance and GP helplines employee perks such as retail discounts and wellbeing schemes such as cycle to work schemes

The milestones and service awards are reserved for retirement celebrations and service awards Gone are the days of handing out gold plated engraved clocks or watches; companies want a wider eclectic choice of gifts such as luxury hampers or unique experience days for their most valued employees

School children aren t the only ones who thrive under positive peer-to-peer recognition adult employees blossom under recognition culture schemes We all want to know we’re doing a good job; positive recognition bolsters self-esteem and superchargers dopamine It s a win-win scenario employees feel

Morale and Productivity

good will stay in their jobs and continue working hard Managers benefit from a happy workplace, with staff who feel valued and will go the extra mile

The last section is wellness with Terryberry offering services to support an employee’s physical mental and financial wellbeing Through support with Mental health and wellness to online gym classes and help with managing your finances

The 360 Employee Recognition software and platform offers HR departments and business leaders an integrated digital hub to look after the basics everyday workplace morale with customised calendar events for Christmas, Birthdays and retirement occasions This leaves more times for managers to come up with valuable team building sessions whether that’s in the boardroom or in the pub!

In 2021 Terryberry partnered with the UK Government on their Help for Households scheme launching Help for Employees an easy-to-use offers and discounts platform that is being made available to businesses of all sizes with the aim to help as many people as possible save money and look after all areas of their wellbeing reducing stress and creating a much happier workplace

To start prioritising your employees’ wellbeing today see the details below:

T +44 03448262008

www terryberry com/gb



Navigating the Cost of Living Crisis Without a Cost to Care Standards

Sadly we are all too familiar with hearing that our care sector is under pressure and that we are facing a challenging time as predictions point towards a recession At a time when we have 165 000 unfilled vacancies across social care and staff retention is as much of a focus as recruitment we are also facing higher costs for energy and essentials that aid us in delivering the care that residents need Now more than ever we need solutions that can save both time and money reducing the admin workload of stretched staff and helping budgets go a little bit further

As in many other areas of our modern lives technology has a big part to play in helping to navigate the cost of living crisis without compromising standards of care Care home administration software has the ability, and potential, to benefit care providers at all levels of the organisation but especially care home managers and carers Where the needs of residents are paramount solutions to saving time and costs need to be found elsewhere in the care home environment and one area where few would argue would be in reducing the administrative burden

The adage ‘time is money’ can feel overused but it still rings as true now as when it was coined While we all find ways to make budgets go that little bit further saving time can be a highly effective way to achieve this Utilising software capabilities to streamline the workload frees up staff to focus on the delivery of care instead of time-consuming admin Automation within software can also make normally time intensive tasks such as filling gaps in the rota much quicker [FH2] It s easy to underestimate how much time can be saved as each individual saving seems so small but taken together shortening these repetitive tasks can have big implications Direct messaging of staff from the rota for example is saving CoolCare customers about 11 hours per month

The CAREAudits System

CAREAudits apps and systems evolved via an associated company Kern Systems were Ken Newlove director and founding member had been developing and deploying paperless systems for EPoS and Finance in the private and public sectors since 1999

Back in 2014 the team had more than 50 years experience in IT and software development as well as having been heavily involved in the third sector, with a trustee of three charities, a director of a business directly involved in the care market and a consultant in a £10 million turnover charity and interim CEO and Chair at an adult hospice

Working in the Care Sector the team recognised in 2014 the sector was becoming overwhelmed with administration driven by ever increasing legislative

compliance requirements and controls and pressurised by ever increasing costs The CAREAudits apps evolved from their desire to give something back to the Care Sector; to develop systems that genuinely reduce costs and increase efficiency as well as improving accountability and quality And above all a system that would be easy to install and use by everyone


The CAREAudits app and Web Portal Auditing Tool is now being used throughout the UK and Ireland by all care service providers in numerous locations There are thousands of carers checking everything from CQC Compliance and Safety to Medication Audits Training and Maintenance as well as service users quality and wellbeing and now Corona Virus

Steve Smith regional manager at Care Homes UK says We were able to implement the system ourselves and are now benefitting from management

alone – that’s nearly 1 5 admin days per month per care home Identifying these gaps earlier also prevents the need for emergency staffing from agencies which can come at a premium – stressing already tight budgets

From a business perspective ensuring that care providers time aren t monopolised by admin makes a lot of sense Staffing is one of the biggest investments and costs for any business so having technology in place that helps them to perform their role more effectively is a wise investment on its own Where care home management software can automate and reduce admin carers have more time to spend with residents helping to deliver compliant staffing requirements If a member of the team needs to spend hours in an office on admin tasks then additional team members are needed to ensure compliance adding extra cost to a shift which could otherwise be used to help with energy and food costs

The cost of living crisis is not only affecting care home staff at work Where home financial pressures are mounting the stress can make it hard to focus fully on work no matter how hard an employee tries Capabilities and integrations within care home administration software to enable earned wage access give staff the ability to use their pay in a flexible way which works for them and their own financial situation Having access to forward rotas and vacant shifts also allows them to pick up additional work and money when needed Supporting staff through the crisis is also of benefit to staff retention encouraging them to stay with the business and ensure standards of care are maintained for residents long-term, and avoiding the need for recruitment in the midst of a staffing crisis

Technology has a key role to play in helping the care sector navigate the current financial climate Whether that s through reducing the admin burden streamlining roles or offering greater staff flexibility and benefits However it s just as important to tackle the challenges together enabling staff to feel supported in their roles so that we weather the storm together and continue to deliver exceptional care

having all the information we need at our fingertips in real time wherever we are The system allows care providers to audit or check just about everything and manage areas requiring actions (or non-compliances) in it s Web Portal Encrypted date and time stamped evidence including photos is seamlessly auto attached and recorded in the system

Natalie Lawrence at Yorkare Homes says “It s a paperless system that runs alongside our existing client records system helping to make our whole operation paperless ” CAREAudits ensures management and staff are aware at all times of what needs checking that it’s been checked actions required by whom, by when including full resolution management Each CAREAudit also scores the answers so management can monitor improvement Steven Tegart from Talbot Group likes reporting and says “I wish all my other systems were as easy to extract data for management reports as the CAREAudits

Excel links

The system has over 120 example audits to select from CAREAudits apps are extremely easy to use and care providers can easily add or edit their own audits in minutes ensuring simple management of everchanging requirements App auditors can use CAREAudits with virtually no training it s that simple The Care Auditor s Hands Free Operation guides the user through each audit each question and answer with it’s own help text standard answers and standard actions required ensuring that the least skilled operative becomes the care provider’s expert Users can download the app for a free trial and be up and running with the full system in minutes CAREAudits apps are a part of the Care Plus Innovation Group, Priory Park Hull, HU4 7DY Info:- visit www careaudits co uk email apps@careaudits co uk or call Ken Newlove operations director on 01482 238887



A Care Provider's Guide to International Recruitment

There is the making of a perfect storm brewing in the care sector The UK population is ageing – with the number of over 85 s set to increase to 3 1million by 2045 and estimates suggesting this growth could be especially rapid between now and 2025 The number of years we can expect to spend in good health is also in decline meaning the need for care provision can only increase However care providers are also facing a significant shortage of workers and there are currently 165 000 vacant positions in the UK

So how do we deliver care to the growing number of older people who need it? International recruitment is a solution many are looking to but with an increasing number of hoops to jump through, it can be hard to know where to start and how to ensure you are able to get the staff you need


A lack of familiarity with the process and a fear of making mistakes during the application process have been stated as significant factors in many employers avoiding it entirely Although changes to immigration rules post-Brexit have increased the paperwork for employing EU nationals the government has introduced several measures to make things easier including visas and exemption from the Immigration Health Surcharge which could save most workers £624 a year It has also added care staff to the official Shortage Occupation List, introduced a £500million fund for training and career development in the sector and made changes to qualifications

The overall cost of recruiting a single worker from overseas can vary substantially depending on the decisions you make on how to manage the process either internally or through a recruitment partner A key factor to note is that recruitment agencies should never charge applicants to match them to roles so if you choose to engage an agency to assist you with offers to work for free you should make sure they are not charging the applicants as this is contrary to best practice


As with many things, preparation is key Before deciding to take the route of recruitment from overseas, it s sensible to make sure the correct preparations are in place Check that your applicants will be able to

get a sponsorship licence This won’t be possible if you have any unspent criminal convictions for immigration or certain other crimes or had a sponsorship licence revoked within the last 12 months You will also need to demonstrate that your organisation can monitor sponsored people and manage the process internally

You ll also need to check if the job is eligible for sponsorship Alongside the salary requirements sponsored employees must be a qualified doctor, nurse, health professional or adult social care professional and the role they fulfil will have to be for a Home Office approved UK health and care sector employer

Following best practice is always a good way to ensure success and one of the key things we recommend for successful overseas recruitment is to adopt a robust ethics policy A code of ethics based on principles laid out by the World Health Organisation is available from and recommended by the government Following this code will ensure that your approach is transparent and safeguards the interests of the applicants involved

Some of the main points to follow include that staff must not be recruited from countries on the Government s red list they should not be charged and that they should have the level of English proficiency sufficient to work in their role All new overseas applicants should also be offered appropriate support and induction which may include a pre-employment placement


Although the process may be intimidating especially for smaller care providers there is no reason you cannot successfully recruit from overseas By taking your time planning carefully and ensuring you are following the best practice, you have every chance of success

Agencies and legal advice can make the process easier if you are willing and able to take on the additional financial costs

Before your recruits get to the UK ensure you have prepared thoroughly for their arrival and be willing to invest time in them to help them settle and integrate into their new roles and lives The more supported a new employee feels, the more likely they are to feel happy and settled in their new environment The process may be frustrating at first but as with most things the more you do the easier it becomes Navigating the pending staffing storm will only be successful if we can find ways of managing and balancing permanent staff from the UK and overseas as well as supplementing the workforce with temporary staff As experts in our field connecting care providers and staffing providers we have a unique vantage point to the benefits of a joined-up approach Technology can go a long way to help with this but ultimately staffing is all about people remembering this through every stage of the recruitment process will ensure we weather the storm together

Apprenticeships Partnership Could Help Create ‘Managers Of The Future’ For Care Sector

The co-founder of an award-winning management transformation programme believes a new class of apprenticeships could help create managers of the future for the care sector

Laura Ashley-Timms Chief Operating Officer of Notion believes apprenticeships that increase people management capacity in learners could be transformational for the future of care sector management

Speaking at the start of National Apprenticeship Week, Laura says:

“The Care Quality Commission (CQC) now requires a specific ratio of manager level staff to patients in each care setting But there is a shortage of care workers with the required Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care This reduces capacity in care settings which means hospitals are unable to discharge patients into those appropriate care settings which increases demand for NHS beds If more care workers were able to access that qualification via an apprenticeship it would increase care setting capacity and alleviate pressure on the NHS

“These areas are strategically important for the UK economy and for UK society as a whole Creating more and better managers especially in the adult care sector has the potential to relieve pressure on the NHS

Announcing their partnership, Qdos Training Ltd and Notion have been working together to integrate

STAR® Manager into their management and leadership apprenticeships that are the first to fully embed Notion’s innovative (and now research-backed*) Operational Coaching™ and management approach into selected Level 3 and 5 management and leadership apprenticeships

The partnership is initially focused on three apprenticeship programmes, Level 3 Team Leader / Supervisor Level 5 Operations / Department Manager and Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care

Speaking of the partnership Laura Ashley-Timms said

We ve always wanted to partner with a quality apprenticeship provider because we see apprenticeships as a powerful way of unlocking untapped talent and potential within organisations of all types Qdos Training is an exceptional provider and has a very impressive programme completion rate Deborah Johnson, Engagement Director at Qdos Training, says of the partnership:

We share Notion s absolute passion to create the managers of the future Most of us are accidental managers’ and may not have ever been shown how to manage people let alone learned how to communicate in a way that invites the highest levels of collaboration in the workplace STAR® Manager is a unique approach that enables our apprentices to put into practice the people management and leadership theories they’re learning The programme enables them to be more than just managers and instead become brilliant people leaders

STAR® Manager was recently subjected to one of the largest academic studies of its type The study, carried out by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Government s Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy found statistically significant proof that the programme improves retention rates and transforms management capability at scale in as little as six months

Website: https://starmanager global/what-is-star/

Contact: hello@STARmanager global


The Eden Alternative is fundamentally a modern philosophy of care’ which at its core is designed to enhance the wellbeing of residents and staff in care settings, the quality of their lived experience and their fulfilment

It aims to build a truly positive culture; underpinned by close partnership working between residents the team and family members

It is also designed to empower members of the care team to think innovatively about practice to enhance their fulfilment and strengthen retention

It is worth spending 10 minutes to see the Eden Alternative in practice https://youtu be/qK3vTbckZMw

How does it work? It provides training to Care Homes management and staff and encourages Homes to train their own ‘in house trainers to run the programme if they wish

The philosophy is designed to develop a positive and vibrant culture empower members in developing a care partnership and help

c A series of relevant Eden Video clips

d An Eden course questionnaire to assist learning

e Development of an individualised project that candidates work

Providers to deliver on their ambitions

How long has Eden been going? Eden has been running such training in over 20 countries on 5 continents for nearly 30 years and started in the USA It began operating in the UK in 2005

Eden UK runs both face-to-face training and online courses which both lead to the accreditation of candidates as Certified Eden Associates of which there are over 2 000 in the UK and 20 000 worldwide

The Certified Eden Associate Courses The online course runs over 6 weeks x 1hr each week covers the same material as the 3-day Eden Associate courses and comprise 5 elements:

a 6 Online live 1-hourly tutorials running weekly

b Working through the Eden Associate workbook

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

Would you like to: Improve your occupancy? Improve your staff retention? Develop a culture of care with wellbeing and positive relationships at its heart, with our 6 week online training programme. Discover how to replace loneliness, helplessness and boredom with wellbeing, companionship, and meaningful activities, in just one hour of training a week Call today on 01626 868192 or visit Validated Eden Alternative associates can benefit from continuing support from our expert team
on to develop innovative ideas The training sessions can be completed whilst at work or from home Courses dates and frequency The 6-week course runs continuously and a new one starts at the beginning of each alternate month e g March May July etc Each weekly online session runs for 1 hour An Eden “Train the Trainer” course, refresher courses and 1 day introduction courses will typically run after the Eden Associate course Validation of Care Services Care Homes and community care services are validated by an annual online process the cost of which is covered by an annual subscription Quality Assurance Eden trainers are committed, skilled and experienced trainers, and deliver training in person or online externally or in house Training is monitored through a variety of methods including Associate training feedback which is regularly obtained and appraised Eden Trainers meet regularly to update course and material innovation In recognition of the progress achieved by the care provision an award of Platinum Gold, Silver or Bronze can be awarded Eden UK team The Eden UK team comprises Geoffrey Cox, CEO, Margot Whittaker, Director, Sam Bailey Kelly Boweren Kathy Smith The office is based at 11 Plantation Terrace Dawlish Devon EX7 9DS - 01626 868192 or 07483359472 The key advantages are: It improves occupancy It improves recruitment and retention It improves teamwork Geoffrey Cox LLb MSc , We shall on stand E44 at the Care and Dementia Expo 22/23 March NEC B rmingham The Eden Alternative
It? Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net
- What Is
PROFESSIONAL AND RECRUITMENT THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 137 | PAGE 49 Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising. Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising.

Why Apprenticeships Are Crucial For Tackling Workforce Shortages Across The Care Sector

Care providers across the country have unfortunately become accustomed to workforce shortages As a recent report on health and social care workforce from the Health and Social Care Committee showed 95% of care providers are struggling to recruit staff and 75% of providers are finding it hard to retain their existing workforce This is compounded by the fact that these roles are typically paid less than 80% of the wider economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has further affected the sector s ability to recruit and retain staff – during this time the working conditions of social care workers suffered as they battled with long hours restrictive working conditions and an increased risk to their health

And on the ground these staff shortages can lead to increased frontline pressures burnout and job dissatisfaction They can also impact the quality of individual care – in October 2022, the CQC’s State of Care report said that in the first three months of 2022 2 2 million hours of homecare could not be delivered because of insufficient workforce capacity

So how can we encourage more people to pursue what can be an extremely rewarding career in care and stay in the sector?


If we are going to reverse the trend and increase the percentage of people joining and staying in social

care we need to incentivise careers in the sector and create a positive environment for people to work in Doing so will improve job satisfaction – a huge factor in the departure of many health and social care workers as reported by the Nuffield Trust

At the Access Group one of the ways that we are promoting career pathways in social care is through the government’s Apprenticeship Levy Scheme, which aims to encourage work-based training in particular sectors Working with 75 000 customers across commercial and non-profit sectors we invest the money into our own apprenticeship schemes as well as sharing it with organisations from across health and care, supporting them to recover from the impact of the pandemic

The Health Support and Care division (HSC) of the company has invested £100 000 since March 2022 alleviating workforce pressures by enabling 86 health and social care apprenticeships across the country Benefactors of the financial support include residential care providers Burrow Down Support and Home2Home with Care; and domiciliary care provider Hamble Valley Care alongside a range of other care providers using the additional resource to enhance skills of new and existing staff thus providing them with more opportunities to advance their careers

As we see it apprenticeships play a crucial role in improving job satisfaction and ultimately staff retention, with unhappy and unfulfilled staff more likely to move into other roles They also motivate the next generation of talent to pursue a career in care encouraged by the support and opportunity to upskill in the sector

Admittedly apprenticeship schemes aren’t a silver bullet to the ever-growing workforce crisis but they are a positive step in the right direction to support a sector that we all value and depend on More information can be found on The Access Group s website at www theaccessgroup com

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In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A
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Articles inside

Why Apprenticeships Are Crucial For Tackling Workforce Shortages Across The Care Sector

page 50

Apprenticeships Partnership Could Help Create ‘Managers Of The Future’ For Care Sector

pages 48-49

PROFESSIONAL AND RECRUITMENT A Care Provider's Guide to International Recruitment

page 48

The CAREAudits System

page 47

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Navigating the Cost of Living Crisis Without a Cost to Care Standards

page 47

Morale and Productivity

page 46

Digital Employee Recognition Scheme Increases

page 46

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE All-in-One Care Management Software for Today and Tomorrow

page 46

Blaucomm Ltd - Telecommunications & Networks

page 45

AND SOFTWARE G-Touch Wireless Care Home Solution

page 45

Fall Monitoring Solutions

page 44

Hartford Care Joins Forces with Sensio in UK First to Reduce Risk of Falls in Care Homes

page 44

Lotus Care Technology

page 43

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes

page 43

AND SOFTWARE Medpage Falls Management Products

page 42

Otiom - Dementia Tracking System

page 41

Dementia Care: Communicating with People Living with Dementia Who are Struggling to Express Their Needs

page 41

Memor y Lane Games - An Extra Pair of Hands for Carers

page 40


page 40

Anglia Crown – Adding Warmth to the Colder Months

pages 38-39

Helping to Keep Your Patients Safe at Mealtimes with It’s Made For You Softer Foods

page 36

Are You Up To Date On Food Shortages That May Impact The Catering In Your Care Home?

page 36

LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS As Energy Prices Surge, Wolf Laundr y Offers Assistance To Care Homes

page 34

Noroviruses: Outbreak Management and Disinfectant Choice

page 33


page 32

The Cleaning Show 2023 to Focus on Latest Industr y Trends with Stellar Line Up

page 32

CLEANING & INFECTION CONTROL Mask and Outbreak Guidance Updated in Care Settings

page 32

The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands

page 29

Raising the Standard of Stair Climbing Solutions

page 28

Rosehill Furnishings

page 28

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Hidden Costs Of Caring For The Environment

page 28

Essential Insurance Covers For Your Care Home

page 27

Royal Alfred Becomes First Seafaring Care Home to Secure Veteran Aware Accreditation

page 26

Carlton Care Home Launches Community Mother and Toddler Group

page 26

Look at the Bigger Picture, Not Just Pay

page 26

The Residential & Home Care Show 2023

pages 24-25

Wolverhampton Home Receives Cash Boost to Convert Cafe Area Into Cool Retro Space

page 24

Spiritual Care: How Care Homes Can Ensure That Residents From All Denominations and Cultures Feel Connected to Their Spiritual and Religious Needs

page 24

Lakeland Dairies Launch Celebrate Green Campaign with £500 Prize

page 23

Homes Together Increase Investment in Leigh Leopards

page 23

Dementia Care and Washroom Design

page 22

“Building Staff Morale Key to Success” says New Home Manager at Whitstable Care Home

page 22

Inequalities Faced By Ethnic Minority Carers In Scotland Highlighted In New Report

page 22

Scouts Bridge Generation Gap with Winchester Care Home

page 20

How Can Technology Help Health and Social Care Professionals Provide Truly Person-Centred Care to the People They Support?

page 20

Epping Care Home Undergoes Major Rebuild Project

page 18

Sherrell House Residents’ Dreams Come True!

page 18

Priorities For Operational Success Within The Care Home

page 18

Guidance Released to Support Care Workers in Providing Care to LGBTQ+ People in Later Life

page 17

How Social Care Workers Can Support Those Who Are Grieving

page 16

Scottish Care Home Chief Slams ‘Government Hypocrisy’ Over Staff Pay Amid “Crisis in the Sector”

page 15

Future of Care Leaders Conference

page 14

Women Who are Active and Healthy in Middle Age Can Lower Risk of Dementia

page 14

Our Dementia Choir to Take the Stage at UK Care Week

page 13

Taking Vitamin D Could Help Prevent Dementia, Study Finds

page 13

‘A-Mule-Sing’ Visitor Brings Joy to Andover Care Home Residents

page 11

Care Home Market Shrunk In 2022

page 11

Applications for Social Care Jobs Increase but Sector Still Plagued by Skills Shortages

page 9

Housing 21 Completes Major Acquisition of Extra Care Schemes in London

page 8

Brampton Bear Champions Newmarket Community Heroes

page 8

System for Challenging Social Care Decisions ‘Failing those Who Need It’

page 8

The Belmont Care Home Welcomes Worcester Community to the Memor y Café

page 7

& Care Show

page 7

Latest Census Data Shows “Demographic Time Bomb” Set to Hit UK Care Sector

page 7

Artists Take Up Creative Residencies at Chester Care Village

page 6

New Report Reveals Fusion of Music and Dance Lifts Mood, Job Satisfaction and Physical Health of Care Workers as Well as Patients

page 6

Demand for Action Over Care Home Closures

page 5

Coventr y Home Welcomes Back Special Visitor as Boo the Miniature Pony Visits Staff and Residents

page 4

Over£8,000 Raised for Royal Star & Garter at Birmingham International Tattoo

page 4

Tackling Recruitment and Retention Issues in Social Care

page 4

Matt Hancock Accused of Rejecting Care Home Covid Testing Advice

page 3

Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

page 2
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