The Carer Digital - Issue #103

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T H E P U B L I C AT I O N F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S Issue 103

W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M




Government Announces Biggest Shake-Up in Health and Social Care Leadership in a Generation

The government has announced what it says is the biggest shakeup in social care leadership for a generation. The groundbreaking review led by General Sir Gordon Messenger and Dame Linda Pollard revealed “institutional inadequacy” in the way that leadership and management is trained, developed and valued and makes seven recommendations for change which have been accepted by the government. It also found evidence of poor behaviours and attitudes such as discrimina-

tion, bullying and blame cultures in certain parts of the health and social care system, with some staff in the NHS in particular not feeling comfortable to speak up. It identified a lack of equal opportunity for managers to access training and colleagues to progress in their careers, with those who have existing networks or contacts more likely to access these opportunities.



EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! The government’s announcement of the biggest shakeup in health and social care leadership for a generation has been warmly welcomed. Nobody would dispute that strong leadership is essential to realize the vision of a transformed health and social care system. Suzie Bailey, Director of Leadership and Organisational Development at The King’s Fund, commented: “At a time when many services feel close to breaking point, this review makes clear that collaborative and inclusive leadership is key to successfully delivering good-quality care. However, the elephant in the room is the deep workforce crisis that long predates the pandemic and that government has been reluctant to face up to. Health and care leaders can – and will – work hard to support their staff and get the most out of the resources available, but there is a limit to what a leader can do when faced with an exhausted workforce and chronic staff shortages. “The review does include helpful recommendations such as greater support for managers and leaders at induction and a stronger focus on good appraisals to support staff. If implemented, these measures will help improve the working culture of health and care services. The recommendations to increase diversity among health and care leaders are especially welcome. For too long, NHS and social care boards have not represented the diversity of the communities they serve. “From increased demand for care, to huge treatment backlogs, health and care leaders are under immense pressure, all at a time when one-third of NHS employees report feeling burnt out because of their work . These challenges have often been compounded by relentless demands and pressure from politicians and national bodies. Leaders at the national level should also consider how they too can live up to the ambition of compassionate and inclusive leadership. “The review offers little in the way of recommendations for social care, a sector that employs 1.2 million people, is struggling with huge recruitment and retention issues that warrants a dedicated review.” There are elements of the report that are to be warmly welcomed, however there are clear concerns as well. As Ms Bailey rightly points out the review does not offer any recommendations, and as pointed out in our lead article, and comment from Independent Care group Chair Mike Padgham the sector is reeling from the events of the past couple of years. It is, in his words, “battered and bruised”, and there is no mention of targeted support or funding to recruit or reward frontline staff. No one would dispute that competent and inspirational leadership is essential at every

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Peter Adams

EDITOR Peter Adams level of a healthcare organisation. But I do feel no matter how high a standard of leadership and organisation has, then it will make precious little different without the tools to do the job, namely staff and funding. Another report we have published today (see page 5) reveals that the country is facing a social care “ticking timebomb”. Highlighting as stated above severe staffing shortages and a growing elderly population result in people not getting the care and support they need. I believe the first gesture of support the government should make to the adult social care sector is a fair apportionment of its health and social care Levy most of which is going to the NHS, when the original idea was to support adult social care. I would also take this opportunity once again to thank you all for the wonderful Jubilee stories we have received. (See pages 12-17). We sent out an appeal to you all last week and you haven’t disappointed! We have simply had details of dozens of wonderfully choreographed events, which we British do best. At the same time putting some fun laughter and cheer back into society and in particular a generation who has grown up with her Majesty the Queen, sharing her successes trials and tribulations along the way. Well done to you all and thank you so very much! We’ve also seen some wonderful stories on our new Instagram feed, which you can follow at And, as always, don’t forget to keep your stories coming to

The Carer is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

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Government Announces Biggest Shake-Up in Health and Social Care Leadership in a Generation (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) The review team met over a thousand front-line staff, managers and leaders across health and social care to hear their views which informed their recommendations for improving the skills of all leaders and managers and putting the right culture, training and incentives in place. The report also sets out new plans to attract great leaders to the most challenged areas in the NHS, with a package of support and incentives to recruit the top talent into these positions. Through support networks, peer mentoring, training and development, this will ensure the government and the NHS can continue to tackle disparities across the country.

“STARK FINDINGS” Welcoming the report, Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: "The NHS faces huge challenges as we recover from the pandemic, from tackling the Covid backlogs to addressing the widespread health disparities that exist across the country. "The findings in this report are stark, it shows examples of great leadership but also where we need to urgently improve. We must only accept the highest standards in health and care - culture and leadership can be the difference between life and death. "I fully support these recommendations for the biggest shake-up of leadership in decades. We must now urgently take them forward, to ensure we have the kind of leadership patients and staff deserve, right across the country.

WELL LED WORKFORCE “KEY PRIORITY” General Sir Gordon Messenger said: I have always held our health and social care workforce in the highest regard, and my respect and admiration has only deepened through witnessing their selflessness, professionalism and resilience first-hand. A well-led, motivated, valued, collaborative, inclusive, resilient workforce is the key to better patient and public health outcomes, and must be a priority. The best organisations are those which invest in their people to unlock their potential, foster leadership and accountability at every level, with good leadership running through the entire workforce. This must be the goal and I believe our recommendations have the potential to transform health and social care leadership and management to that end. Aimed at ensuring the right leadership is in place at all levels, the recommendations seek to ensure services can deliver the best possible care, tackle the Covid backlog and address the disparities the pandemic has exposed across the country. These include an induction for new joiners to instil core values

across health and social care, a mid-career programme for managers, stronger action on equality and diversity to ensure inclusive leadership at all levels, clear leadership and management standards for NHS managers with a standardised appraisal system, and greater incentives for top talent to move into leadership roles in areas facing the greatest challenges, to help combat disparities across the country. The seven recommendations are: 1. Targeted interventions on collaborative leadership and a unified set of values across health and social care, including a new, national entrylevel induction for all who join health and social care and a new, national mid-career programme for managers across health and social care. 2. Action to improve equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), including embedding inclusive leadership practice as the responsibility of all leaders, committing to promoting equal opportunity and fairness standards, more stringently enforcing existing measures to improve equal opportunities and fairness, and enhancing CQC’s role in ensuring improvement in EDI outcomes. 3. Consistent management standards delivered through accredited training, including a single set of unified, core leadership and management standards for NHS managers, and a curriculum of training and development to meet these standards, with completion of this training made a prerequisite to advance to more senior roles. 4. A simplified, standard appraisal system for the NHS, including a more effective and consistent appraisal system, to reduce variation in how performance is managed and focus on how people have behaved not just what they have achieved. 5. A new career and talent management function for managers, including the creation of a new function at regional level to address a lack of clarity and structure in NHS management careers, providing clear routes to progression and promotion, and ensuring a strong pipeline of future talent. 6. More effective recruitment and development of Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) - NEDs play a vital role in providing scrutiny and assurance, and an expanded, specialist Non-Executive Talent and Appointments team will encourage a diverse pipeline of talent. 7. Encouraging top talent into challenged parts of the system, including a better package of support and incentives in place to enable the best leaders and managers to take on some of the most difficult roles, whereby roles in challenged areas are seen as the best jobs rather than the most feared jobs.

“BATTERED AND BRUISED” SECTOR Responding to the report, Independent Care Group Chair Mike Padgham said: “As a provider organisation we fully support any moves

to strengthen leadership within health and social care, particularly when it is targeted at driving up standards, improving training and achieving consistency. “However, we cannot help but feel the real priority at the moment should include getting greater support and funding to social care delivery, including registered managers, and better rewarding them and front-line care staff. “Battered and bruised after Covid-19 and struggling financially, care and nursing homes are closing and domiciliary care providers struggling and going out of business. “Whilst leadership is vital, what we need to see is investment targeted at the workforce, which is going through its worst recruitment crisis in more than 30 years. We need to better recognise, respect and reward the workforce first by properly funding a minimum wage and a career structure for staff. “We urgently need to see social care’s share of the Health and Social Care Levy reaching the front line to help with staff recruitment and social care delivery where it is needed. “At the moment, the bulk of that £36bn fund is set to go to the NHS first – but we are calling for social care to get an equal share quickly – otherwise, care providers are going to go out of business and that will leave hundreds of thousands of people without the care they need.” SOCIAL CARE REMAINS IN A “FRAGILE POSITION” Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said: “We are pleased at this report and its message of the need to improve collaborative leadership across the NHS and Social Care and focus on place. Our Social Care services and staff do an outstanding job in difficult circumstances. “Social care remains in a fragile position as councils struggle with underfunding and recruitment issues in the face of ever-increasing demand. The LGA has long argued for a place-based leadership of care and health. Leaders establish the culture of an organisation, setting the tone for the way of working by demonstrating positive behaviours. Enhancing the understanding and trust between systems and place leaders is vital to bridge the current cultural divide and tackle inconsistencies in opportunities for leadership roles. “Moving forwards, it is essential that the Government creates the conditions that allow for growth of leadership by delegating decision making to a local level and giving leaders freedom and flexibility to develop partnerships and deliver locally agreed priorities with minimum regulatory burden. In particular, a focus on population health results will provide a suitable framework for place-based leadership and foster a common purpose for collaboration.”


Why Is No One Talking About The Great Career Opportunities In The Care Sector? By Mitesh Dhanak, Chair of the Organising Committee of Championing Social Care and Founder of Precious Homes ( News about understaffing in the care sector has dominated UK headlines recently. The Times reported that 410,000 care workers quit their jobs last year, with vacancies in the sector nearly doubling to 10%. The Independent, Financial Times and ITV too have allweighed in recently on the causes and solutions for the crisis. Clearly, there is a challenge for the sector to attract and retain the quality staff it needs. It is true that wages and pay progression in social care continue to complicate recruitment and retention – especially when compared to other sectors. But what no one is talking about is the great career opportunities in the care sector, particularly at management level - and indeed, as a sector we need to do more to showcase these opportunities to attract and retain high quality individuals into what many in the sector know can be a rewarding career. On average, a manager at a care home can typically earn between £25,000 – £40,000 each year, progressing to higher salaries with experience and seniority. This is on par with the salary of an architect or a junior doctor, and most importantly, stands significantly above the UK average wage. Though managerial jobs require demonstrated experience and skill, they do not need years of specialised education or advanced technical skills. This makes the career path in social care easily accessible to anyone – especially school leavers. Through high quality apprentice programmes, school leavers can start out as support workers and progress to manager level in as little as seven years. School leavers are not the only people who can benefit from such career opportunities. While pay remains a crucial factor for any professional, most workers in the sector are equally motivated by the desire to leave a positive impact in the lives of others. Naturally, we see a lot of examples of people leaving high-profile careers and lucrative jobs in professional services to enter more fulfilling roles in social care.

Take Rob - inspired by a passionate healthcare assistant who cared for his mother during her final few days in hospital and seeking greater fulfilment in his career, he is a former accountant who made the switch to the care sector. After a few years of working as a Nurse, he was promoted to a Home Manager. Shortly after, he became an Area Director at a leading care home operator. Today, he mentors Home Managers and passes on valuable leadership skills, something that he finds incredibly rewarding. Managers and workers in care homes across the UK often tell us that their careers in care have offered an opportunity to deploy existing skills in a context that is much more meaningful and fulfilling. Having started out in the hospitality industry, Ollie is a chef who entered the care sector because of his belief that all people deserve to enjoy great food – something that should not change when they move into a care home. One of his favourite memories as Head Chef was just three weeks into the role, when he delivered a buffet for a Relatives’ meeting. He enjoyed being able to put a stamp on the role, showcasing his ability within catering while also receiving a warm welcome and appreciation for his food from the residents and relatives. These examples are just a few of the many stories of tremendous growth, and immense personal and professional satisfaction abundant in the sector. However, none of these messages make headlines in the national media. It is clear that as an industry, we need to do much more to highlight the benefits of a career in care, to stem the staff exodus and to encourage many more ambitious, bright and compassionate people into the sector. That is why Championing Social Care is proud to host Care Home Open Week – an event that will showcase the great career opportunities in the sector. We also hope to show off the facilities, services and activities available in care homes, and encourage greater community engagement and volunteering. Last year’s event received engagement from Helen Whatley MP (Minister for Social Care), Sir Ed Davey MP (Leader of the Liberal Democrats) and Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan MP (Shadow Minister for Mental Health). We aim to build upon this success with this year’s event by celebrating the value of social care and connecting care homes across the country with their communities and potential employees. Interested participants can register for Care Home Open Week 2022 or learn more by visiting

Care Home Team to Walk 100k in Three Days A team at Principle Care Homes is getting ready to walk a mammoth 100km in just three days for their chosen charity, The Together Project. The team will be walking from their central office in Billericay, Essex, to the site of the group’s first home in Fleet, Hampshire. The walk take place over three days from 10–12 June and is the equivalent of a marathon each day. The walk is to raise funds for The Together Project, a charity led initiative that boosts wellbeing, reduces loneliness, and fosters stronger, happier communities by creating joyful intergenerational experiences. The money raised will directly support The Together

Project to continue delivering and expanding their services of intergenerational activities in care homes across the country. Em Dean, chair of the charity committee, explains: “As our first event for the Principle charity committee, we wanted to choose an event close to our hearts. As such the idea of walking from our office in Billericay to our first site in Fleet was formed! “We are incredibly excited about the walk, we’ve dusted off our trainers and have been walking the streets of Billericay practicing for the event”.


BMA Warns of Social Care “Ticking Time Bomb” Medical leaders are warning that we are facing a ‘ticking time bomb’ in social care as chronic underfunding, severe staffing shortages and a growing elderly population means that many in the future will not get the care and support they need. In a report published today, the BMA says that people living in poorer areas of the country, many of whom already have a greater need for support than more affluent areas, will see their health and wellbeing worsen in the coming years unless there is wholescale reform to the social care system. Without this help, the BMA warns that we will see huge gaps in care available to people, meaning that the most vulnerable are more at risk of seeing their health worsening and requiring care in the NHS. Commenting on the report, chair of the BMA's committee on community care Dr Anil Jain said: “This country is facing an unprecedented crisis in social care. Years of chronic underfunding, severe workforce issues, and a fragmented system mean we cannot adequately meet the growing needs of the population. “This situation has been exacerbated by the pandemic, and government proposals to shape the future of social care have fallen significantly short of what is needed. “Serious underfunding of local authorities means many have their hands tied unfairly. Those living in the most deprived areas, many of whom have greater need for support, will not get the same access to the services they need. Complexities around the means tested provision of care too have led to a system of unfairness, which is worsening health inequalities across the country. “It is alarming that we could see up to 500,000 vacancies in social care by the end of 2030. This, alongside an ageing population, means that we are effectively facing a ticking time bomb. The Government must act now to effectively remunerate and value care workers to ensure that there are enough staff to look after all those in need of social care in the future. “The current social care system is deeply flawed. As doctors, we are concerned that the Government proposals to fix are not sustainable and will risk seeing the health of some of the most vulnerable and elderly populations worsening. The system needs urgent reform if we are to meet the challenges of the future.” The report outlines several key areas which are contributing to this crisis and recommendations from the BMA.

CHRONIC UNDERFUNDING: • Government cuts to funding for local authorities have been cut by over half (55%) between 2010/11 and 2019/202. • Reductions in central government grants are disproportionately impacting areas of higher deprivation with the most in need failing to get the support they need3. • A lack of long-term funding in favour of short-term initiatives and one-year spending reviews has hindered local authorities’ plans for longer term planning and budgeting beyond the financial year.

BMA recommendation: • Increase long-term additional funding beyond the Health and Social Care Levy to maintain the social care

system in the long term. • The BMA estimates that a further £7.9bn a year in social care funding is needed by 2024/25 to keep up with cost pressures and demand, and to pay social care staff the national living wage4. “The current funding system to support older and disabled people is failing to deliver the quality and continuity of care needed for the 21st century. Despite the 2014 Care Act introducing a national system of eligibility, local variation is still leaving many older people without any support” - Louise Brady (Clinical Development Lead, The Royal British Legion)

STAFFING ISSUES: • Severe staff shortages mean there are not enough staff to care for the needs of the ageing population with projections indicating that vacancies in adult social care could rise to almost 500,000 by the end of 20305. • The social care workforce receives the lowest wages of almost any sector in the UK with almost a quarter (24%) of the social care workforce employed on zero-hour contracts, rising to 41% in London6. • Staff shortages in the social care system have resulted in a sharp increase in the number of people providing unpaid care to loved ones. Approximately 350,000 young people aged 16–25 in England and Wales provide unpaid care7.

BMA recommendation: • Ensure social care workers are paid the Real Living Wage, as a minimum, to improve the status of carers and curb the current high rate of turnover in the sector. • Introduce a standard work contract and improved training opportunities for social care staff with the option for every care worker to move onto this new contract. “I would love to see the phrase “young carer” disappear from use with adult professional carers taking over this role from the children. We shouldn’t be praising and giving awards to these children, we should be protecting them.” - Dr Angela Dixon (General Practitioner, NHS Lanarkshire)

MEANS-TESTED PROVISION OF CARE • Social care is not free for everyone in England as people may be cared for by family and friends without payment for the carer (informal care), or through services they or their local authority pay for (formal care). • The BMA argues that this approach to provision perpetuates inequality and unfairness as complexities around determining eligibility for publicly funded social care services create a complicated system that is confusing and leaves many disadvantaged.

BMA recommendation: Provide free personal care at the point of need to ensure that social care can be accessed by all those who need it and abolish the unfair system of means testing. “The idea that those with a diagnosis of dementia are not deemed to have a condition with parity with other long-term/chronic conditions which receive health funding is discriminatory. Their needs should not be categorised as “social” and therefore not meeting funding criteria.” - Sue Gallagher (BMA Patient Liaison Group)


Carer’s Week 2022: 5 Myths About Working in Social Care You Shouldn’t Believe New research from Lottie has found a surge of online searches for people exploring a new career in the elderly care sector over the last three months: - 67% increase in online searches on Google for ‘elderly support worker’ - 40% increase in online searches on Google for ‘first day working in a care home’ - 24% increase in online searches on Google for ‘care home agency jobs’ Will Donnelly, Co-Founder and Care Expert at Lottie (, explains why there’s been a surge of people joining the elderly care sector: “The elderly care sector is an attractive industry to work in. No two days are ever the same, and it provides people with the flexibility of working different hours. The last few years have been uncertain for everyone, particularly for the older generation and those working with them. The pandemic led to care staff being re-defined by the government as key workers and there is now more awareness for the opportunities working in elderly care can bring. Now more than ever, the elderly care sector is evolving and expanding, with new roles and progression paths being created. Unfortunately, there’s still a few myths about working in social care. Those working in the elderly care sector must continue to raise awareness of their positive experiences. Above all, you’re making a difference in people's lives, and this is something we need to share with the wider world. So, it’s important to raise awareness of the enjoyment and fun that working in elderly care can bring – and de-bunk the biggest misconceptions.” Here are the biggest myths surrounding social care, according to Lottie’s Will Donnelly:

MYTH 1: THERE’S NO PROGRESSION WITHIN THE CARE SECTOR There is lots of room for growth and for those working within this sector to learn and adapt their skills.

There are over 50 qualifications at different levels in social care, so there are always opportunities to progress and widen your skillset. If you decide you want to push your career forward once you’ve completed some social care qualifications, you’ll see a salary increase and more responsibilities, too.

MYTH 2: THE PAY IS LOW Whilst those working with older people in a care environment tend to be lower paid in comparison to other sectors, it isn’t as low as you may think. All employers in the UK must pay their staff at least the minimum wage, and we’re seeing more care homes now offer the living wage.

MYTH 3: WORKING IN A CARE HOME IS UNFULFILLING It’s another common misconception that working in elderly care is unfulfilling. As with any job, it can be a bit challenging sometimes, however you will have regular sessions with your manager to share any negative experiences and what you’d like to improve in your role. The training you’ll receive working in the care industry will be tailored to the kind of care and support you will be providing so you will be well-equipped to deal with challenging situations, too.

MYTH 4: IT’S ALL ABOUT PERSONAL CARE Although personal care is and always will be a key part of working with the elderly, there is so much more to working in this industry! From helping with meal preparation to creating activities for residents, there’s a lot to get involved in. No two days are ever the same and there’s always activities to be planned. Whether that’s a music class or pet therapy session, it’s a real joy to see the enjoyment these activities bring for care home residents. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to get creative if you’re working in a home!

MYTH 5: ELDERLY CARE IS A JOB FOR WOMEN One of the biggest misconceptions is that all carers are women. There is a growing number of male carers within the elderly care sector. Previous research has found that 58% of carers are women, whilst 42% are men. Working with elderly people is all about care, empathy, and a genuine passion for supporting the older generations. Whatever gender you are, whether you’re old or young, is irrelevant.


Say Hello to the Carer’s Latest Unsung Hero… TONY POSTIGLIONE

We here at the CARER are thrilled to announce that Tony Postiglione, a support worker at Meadowview Nursing Home in Calow Chesterfield is our latest Unsung Hero! Again we had a phenomenal response to our unsung hero award, a small gesture on our part to award somebody within the residential and nursing care environment who has gone that extra mile and deserves a better recognition ! Deserved winner Tony has combined role as a support worker with entertainments and has been dubbed by colleagues as the “karaoke king” During these past years, and particularly during the pandemic, Tony has faced an extremely challenging personal health battle but has insisted on coming to work carrying on his duties, stepping in and covering shifts due to staff illness and shortages, and taking on the role of mentoring younger people entering the sector for the first time. Tony was nominated by Meadowview Nursing Home registered manager Gillian Kent who said: “Tony is one of the most dedicated, committed and selfless people I have ever had the honour to work alongside “ “Throughout all of his treatment (due to his serious illness) health issues good times and bad he has insisted on coming to work, battling on and providing our service users with not only first-class

care but ours of entertainment as our Karaoke king.” “He honestly never stops”. “Despite his health issues we see the pleasure he gets in knowing that he can raise the spirits of all of our service users and the moods of his co-workers.” “He always steps and volunteers to work extra hours when are short of staff.” “Tony has been a great role model for the young lads who come into care, we love it when he mentors our new staff as they all share his relentless work ethic, love of their careers and his ability to bring a joyous atmosphere to the gloomiest of days.” “We all are in complete agreement that he is our outstanding unsung hero.” “When we presented Tony with his wonderful prize, he was absolutely thrilled and for once, lost for words. “This was short lived as he soon burst into song, and we shared a bit of an ad hoc version of Vera Lynne’s ‘White cliffs of Dover’. We here at The Carer are delighted to award worthy winner Tony a luxury “celebration” hamper packed full of all those delightful luxury extras that make any celebration a truly memorable occasion! It always has become increasingly more difficult over the years to pick an overall winner, and we are

delighted to add some Marks & Spencer vouchers as “unofficial” runner-up prizes. • Susan Clark from Claremont House Dumfries • Jane Smith of Cann House Care Home Plymouth • Annesta Horrocks from Edensor Care Essex We are also delighted to include Ruby & Katie, Two 14-year-old girls who volunteer at Frenchay & Crossley House nursing home in Bristol. “They come during school holidays and weekends, they work in our kitchens washing up and making tea for our residents, they also do activities with our residents, sit and chat to them and find out interesting things about their lives, this is not only amazing for our residents well being but it also helps my staff team learn new things about our residents”! Says registered manager Karin Brownlie So, two gift vouchers are also off in the post to Ruby and Katie - well done! In fact, well done to you all!!! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who put forward nominations we had a wonderful response, it may sound tired old cliché, but it is not meant to be, when we say, that in our eyes “every nomination was a winner” and we are just sorry we cannot give an award to everybody! Watch out for further details of our next “Unsung Hero” with the same great prize of a luxury celebration hamper!

Local Brownie Group Surprise Signature at Elton House Residents for Supper Residents at care home, Signature at Elton House, were recently surprised with a visit by local brownie group, the 3rd Bushey Heath Brownies. A group of 13 brownies paid a visit to the care home, where they served residents drinks during supper time, read stories, chatted, and told jokes throughout the evening. Many of the brownies who came along to Signature at Elton House also offered a helping hand to team members at the care home supporting with room service. The collaboration between the care home and the brownie group arose after Karen Fleming, Care Home Liaison Manager at Signature at Elton House, reached out to Guiding Leader Grace Bantin. After discussing activity ideas to link two different generations, Karen suggested it would be wonderful idea for the brownies to surprise the residents for the evening on 26th May, as well as take a look around the care home.

The visit was a huge success, with lots of laughter to be had, stories to be told, and a lovely atmosphere throughout the evening. For the brownies it was an incredible experience meeting so many of the residents and hearing all the incredible stories they had to tell, and for the residents a wonderful chance to chat with the group. Reflecting on the evening Anette, Receptionist at Signature at Elton House, said: “The visit from the brownies was lovely. It really uplifted the spirits of all our residents. There were smiles all around and for a few of the residents who are retired teachers it brought back memories of their teaching days.” Speaking about the brownie visit, Reg, a resident at the care home, added: “Having the brownies visit us was great. I really liked the jokes we were told; especially, how do all the oceans say hello to each? They wave, and what do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. They both put a smile on my face.”


Why Are The 'Silver Surfers' Missing From The Conversation?

By Ben Mansell, Founder and COO of The Unconnected Foundation (

Staying in regular contact with friends and family, keeping physically active and mentally engaged has been highlighted in numerous research studies as vital ingredients for health and happiness at any age. Yet, physical limitations, having loved ones far away, or even environmental factors -- including but not limited to the emergence of such black swan events as Covid -- mean that the simple joy of socializing with others face-to-face, going for a walk or catching a film is out of reach for many. Luckily, the proliferation of digital technologies has made connecting with others, staying engaged and entertained and even finding appropriate fitness opportunities possible for anyone with an internet connection. There are numerous apps ranging from free video calling, first made widely accessible by Skype and further popularized by Apple and WhatsApp, going all the way down to digital crosswords, puzzles and other games to help keep one's mind active. Online resources make it easy to check the weather, connect with other members of the community and find volunteer opportunities. Yet, this abundance of choice is not equally available to all. The discussion surrounding the latest technologies and emerging digital resources often seems to be missing the voice of the so-called 'silver surfers' -- the elderly, who might benefit from these technologies the most. A baffling 18% of over 65s simply have no internet access at all, according to Ofcom figures.

Can residential care homes help bridge the digital divide for those, who do not have younger relatives to guide them through navigating through the world of PCs, smartphones, and apps? Understandably, digital inclusion is not always a top priority, given the number of fires care homes have to fight on a regular basis, including catering for residents with complex needs. Yet, getting those who can truly benefit from getting connected is simpler than it seems. Sourcing a number of shared devices and identifying an in-house expert, who can act as a sort of 'digital guru' to support their contemporaries with coaching on ways to take advantage of all the internet has to offer is one low-cost strategy some residential homes can employ. Several charities, including Age UK, provide a wealth of online materials to help older people get acquainted with online tools, including ways to make electronic devices more user friendly, by simply increasing the font size or using other similarly simple hacks. Other volunteer organizations are available to come onsite to provide in-person training for care home staff, or like in the case of The Unconnected Foundation, supply some user-friendly devices like Facebook Portal to help simplify video calling. With the right support, which comes in all forms and sizes from the non-profit sector, helping the elderly understand what the digital world has to offer is not as daunting a task as it seems. The important thing is to make the crucial first step in committing to digital inclusion as a priority. About The Unconnected Foundation was established in 2019, with the recognition that internet access has become vital to providing educational and economic opportunities, healthcare and even the basic human need for connecting with others. It has set out to provide internet access to at least 100 million people by 2025 with generous support from donors and partners. Its focus is on underrepresented and underserved communities, including in the UK.

Belong Co-Founder Awarded MBE in Queen’s Honours One of the founders behind the Belong village model has been awarded an order of the Most Excellent British Empire in the Queen’s birthday honours for services to dementia care. Tracy Paine, who lives in Sandbach, was awarded the MBE for her role in revolutionising dementia care in the UK, pioneering a model which has transformed the quality of life for thousands of older people over the past decade and helped challenge more institutional, task-oriented approaches to care. As then Operations Director, Tracy was part of the Senior Management team which launched the first Belong village in Macclesfield in 2007. Alongside former Chief Executive Nick Dykes and Finance Director Tracey Stakes, she went on to transition the not-for-profit organisation’s provision from operating traditional care homes to establishing seven villages across the North West, as well as dementia specialist home care and day care services. Commenting on her award, Tracy said: “I am so very honoured to

have been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year. My career in nursing has been the most exciting journey over 42 years and in particular I would like to thank the many colleagues and partners who have supported me over the years, particularly as a director of Belong. “I’m incredibly proud of what we achieved as a team, particularly in redesigning the built environment to world class standards, and provisioning the very best in dementia care through the household model and the village community.” Belong’s Chief Finance Officer Chris Hughes, who worked with Tracy for much of her career with Belong, said: “Tracy always put the needs of the person with the dementia front and centre in everything we did as an organisation and her dedication and passion was an inspiration to many. We are absolutely delighted that her contribution to the sector has been recognised in this way.”

Post-Pandemic Boost for Powys Care Homes A dozen care homes in Powys have been given a vote of confidence, after Powys County Council agreed a two-year contract extension with employee-owned provider Shaw healthcare, to run the homes until May 2024. In 2019, Cardiff-headquartered Shaw healthcare agreed a lease to operate 12 local authority-owned care homes across the region – including in Newtown, Machynlleth and Ystradgynlais. The care provider also jointlyruns an integrated care facility with Powys Teaching Health Board at Glan Irfon in Builth Wells. Shaw worked closely with Powys County Council to integrate more than 400 existing staff, following the transfer of the contract from the previous care providers in 2019, with the 12 homes becoming part of the wider Shaw healthcare network. Less than 12 months later, UK care homes were bracing for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which ushered in the most challenging period for the sector in living memory. Shaw healthcare’s regional director, Cosmin Lemnaru, reflected on what has been an extremely challenging period for staff, residents and the families of people living in care homes: “The extension of our contract in Powys is testament to the hard work our staff have put in, month after month, during what has been a difficult period for so many people. I cannot describe how hard our teams in

Powys worked throughout the pandemic and the pressures it put on them, as well as residents and their families. Despite this, they kept driving forward and did whatever they could to keep residents safe, while maintaining a positive environment within our care communities. “During the vaccination rollout, all residents and staff in our Powys homes received their first dose by the end of January 2021, several weeks ahead of the Welsh Government’s target.” New chief executive officer, Russell Brown, who has been key in making employee-ownership a reality, commented: “Shaw is now the largest employee-owned healthcare company in the UK and we acknowledge that it’s our employees who have enabled us to maintain an excellent level of care, even during the height of the pandemic. This is why the decision to start paying the Real Living Wage to our staff in Powys – and right across the UK – felt like a natural progression, as well as a well-deserved recognition for their dedication and effort.” Powys County Council’s Head of Commissioning and Partnership – Social Services, Dylan Owen, commented: “Our contract with Shaw healthcare has been well received and hugely effective for the vulnerable and older people of Powys over the last few years and we welcome the opportunity to extend the contract further and to work in partnership with Shaw to develop our services for the better”.

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Nursing Leader Warns of a Risk to Patients as Nurses’ Concerns Reach New High New findings from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) released today for the start of its annual conference shine a light on the impact of the UK’s nursing staff shortage. In her keynote address to the RCN’s Congress in Glasgow on Monday, the College’s General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen will speak to nurses’ growing concerns over patient safety. She will call for action and say the shortages pose a risk to patient care. At the College’s first in-person Congress since the pandemic, over 2,000 frontline nursing staff will participate in the event in Glasgow to address the issues facing the profession. The College’s survey of nursing staff received over 20,000 responses, revealing that for over eight in 10 (83%) the staffing levels on their last shift were not sufficient to meet all the needs and dependency of their patients safely and effectively. This has increased from less than three quarters of respondents (73%) in 2020. The findings show that only a quarter (25%) of shifts had the planned number of registered nurses, a sharp fall from 42% in 2020 and 45% five years ago, in 2017. These findings add to the growing evidence around the increased risk that comes with below planned registered nurse staffing levels. Research from the University of Southampton found the hazard of death increased by 3% for every day a patient experienced a registered nurse staffing shortage. The College will today hear how its members’ experiences demonstrate the risk posed to patient care and call on members to be vigilant in sounding the alarm in their care settings. Speaking about the report, Pat Cullen said in her speech to RCN members: “Our new report lays bare the state of health and care services across the UK. It shows the shortages that force you to go even more than the extra mile and that, when the shortages are greatest, you are forced to leave patient care undone. “Don’t ever think that it is normal to not have enough staff to meet the needs of patients. It is not. Today, members are letting the full truth be known – nursing is saying loud and clear that enough is enough. If there was ever a time to break this cycle – it is now. “It is your professional duty to be concerned about unsafe staffing and we have your back. Twenty-five thousand registered nurses left last year – a sharp rise on the year before, at the very moment we cannot afford to lose a single individual. The pressure is too great and the reward too little. “Nursing staff are being driven out by the current way of working – the shortage of staff and too often the poor culture. “To those from Government listening to my words – we have had enough. The patients and those we care for have had enough. “We are tired, fed up, demoralised, and some of us are leaving the profession because we have lost hope. Do something about it – we are not going away.” On workplace culture and diversity, Pat Cullen added: “I have told political leaders that our members are their employees and they expect better. 38 years of experience in providing bathing solutions for care homes or call a human 07805 028950

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“Equality is everybody’s business and not just those at the sharpest end of the fight. The status quo is unjust – it is damaging patient care and pushing even more to the door.” The latest Nursing and Midwifery Council data shows that 25,000 registered nurses left the register last year alone. This is an increase of 13% on the previous year and the first time the number of leavers has increased after four years of a decline in people leaving the profession. With tens of thousands of nursing vacancies, a sharp rise in leavers should not be overlooked, the Congress will hear. The RCN is calling on UK Government and devolved administrations to take accountability for nursing workforce planning and supply in law, and immediately publish independently verifiable assessments of what population needs are to directly inform what is invested into the health and care nursing workforce. The survey, previously carried out in 2017 and 2020, has revealed the stark impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on staffing levels, as well as the workplace culture, diversity and morale of the UK’s health and care staff. Nearly six in 10 (59%) respondents said they felt upset or sad that they could not provide the level of care they wanted, an increase from 53% in 2017, and 54% in 2020. While over half (51%) of respondents said they felt demoralised on their last shift, this is an increase from 43% in 2020, and 45% in 2017.

NATIONAL WORKFORCE PLAN NOW NEEDED Responding to THE FINDINGS released from the Royal College of Nursing on the impact of nursing staff shortages, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at NHS Confederation, said: “This is the latest in a long line of reports that lays bare the impact of staff shortages on the care patients are receiving. We urgently need the government to commit to producing a fully costed and funded workforce plan for the NHS to help close the gap on the 105,000 vacancies we now have. “The impact of these staff shortages is real. More than eight in ten nurses said staffing levels on their last shift were not enough to meet the needs of patients and that only a quarter of shifts had the planned number of registered nurses. NHS leaders have long been concerned that chronic staff shortages are undermining our efforts to tackle the care backlog and respond to rapidly rising demand for care. “This report once again reveals how exhausted and burnt out many nurses are. Many are choosing to leave the NHS at a time when every staff member is so important to the service’s recovery. The health and wellbeing of staff and patients is the primary concern for NHS leaders but they are being let down by a lack of government action on the workforce crisis we are experiencing. “NHS leaders are asking the Government to urgently publish a fully funded, long-term workforce plan to fill these gaps and make sure the NHS can care for and meet the needs of its patients as safely as possible. As part of this, we need to see more funding and support for training and professional development for staff and we also need to see a pay rise for NHS staff, especially for those on lower pay bands. Until these are forthcoming, the government must be honest with the public about what people can expect from the NHS during this period of strain.”


Care Manager Receives Special Honour from The Queen

AN EAST-DURHAM-based care manager has been recognised for her services to Nursing in Social Care as part of The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2022. Julie Shield, a registered manager at National Care Group, oversees Abbeyvale Care Centre, which delivers person-centred support for vulnerable individuals with a diverse range of needs in the Hartlepool community. Julie was one of the first professionals in the adult social care sector to receive a silver Chief Nursing Officer Adult Social Care award from the UK Government, and now she has been commended as part of The Queen’s Birthday Honours List, solidifying her reputation as one of the foremost providers of care in the UK. Julie said: “I can’t quite put into a words how it feels to receive such an award. Like many, I absolutely love what I do and I feel very lucky to

have overseen such rapid changes, investment and progression at Abbeyvale, which has helped to enrich the lives of the individuals we support. “Adult social care is often described as ‘not the easiest’ of jobs and, of course, we’ve been through a lot these past couple of years. However, I’m truly honoured to have worked with such an incredible team of people that help make my role that much easier to undertake. I’d like to thank the people who put me forward for this really special award and look forward to continuing to help develop Abbeyvale, and the incredible services it provides to the community.” During her time at the Hartlepool-based care home, Julie has succeeded in building its capacity from four residents through to its peak at 54. The registered manager, who grew up in Blackhill Colliery, passed every CQC inspection at Abbeyvale with no faults, and proudly kept the home Covidfree during the height of the pandemic, putting measures in place ahead of government guidance. Her journey with National Care Group and Abbeyvale began as a care assistant in 2000, before transitioning into her current role in 2009. James Allen, CEO of National Care Group, said: “Julie embodies our mission to enable the people we support to maximise their potential. She has been completely selfless in the way that she goes about her role, protecting the lives of people during difficult times during the pandemic, and giving Abbeyvale the sense of community it so rightly holds today. We’re all incredibly proud of Julie and thank her for her continued support to all across the group.”

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Care Home Hosts Royal Picnic In The Park Residents of a local care home enjoyed an al-fresco knee’s up, in celebration of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Over the bank holiday weekend, the home, located on the former site of the historic Wallis Tin factory, hosted a Picnic in the Park, taking place at nearby Hamworthy Park. The whole home came together to celebrate Britain’s longest reigning monarch. Among the picnic-goers were over 20 residents, families, and friends of the home. Quite the turnout amassed upon the triumphant sounds of the Poole Sea Cadets Marching Band, who stunned the audience with their repertoire of traditional military tunes, as well as covers of old favourites, before ending the afternoon with a rendition of the National Anthem to a standing ovation. Sophie Payne, Upton Bay’s home advisor, said: “We’ve all had such a brilliant

time celebrating the Platinum Jubilee, it has been such fun. To be able to share this once in a lifetime day with our community has been so special. We say a big thank you to the Friends of Hamworthy Park for their hospitality, and of course the Sea Cadets for making our picnic one to remember!” Mary, a resident at Upton Bay said: “I am a true Royalist! The dedication and service Her Majesty has shown our great nation is admirable. I remember the coronation in ’52 and the fun we had at the village street party. And 70 years later I’m still singing God Save The Queen with my neighbours!” Upton Bay Care Home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Upton Bay provides residential, respite, and dedicated dementia care to 68 residents.

Gold Care Homes Residents Enjoy A Right Royal Knees Up For The Platinum Jubilee Over the last few weeks Gold Care Homes have all have been getting ready for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and, as CEO Ravi Gidar says, "What an amazing job everyone has done. "From our managers and carers to our amazing catering teams and housekeepers, and the residents themselves, everyone has been involved in creating some amazing memories whilst reminiscing about Her Majesty the Queen over the years. "Our homes have hosted an array of festivities including BBQ’s, picnic’s, afternoon tea’s, ice cream vans, entertainment, dancing, table top sales, quizzes, competitions and games alongside watching the television coverage of all the special celebrations. Some of our homes also planted trees to mark the

occasion, lit their own beacons, had their photograph taken on the Queen’s throne, watched the flypass from their gardens and enjoyed games such as pin the tail on the Corgi. "The celebrations marked a momentous occasion for all, as this was the first time family and friends were able to freely join their loved ones and be together as large groups again." Ravi Gidar added, “Thank you to all our hardworking team members for making this once in a lifetime event a special and enjoyable occasion for all our residents and families. Each one of our homes have brought joy and happiness over this special weekend and we are honoured by the dedication and enthusiasm everyone has shown to make this a memorable event for all.”

Signature at Camberley Celebrates Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Style Signature at Camberley joined the nation to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee over the Bank Holiday weekend. The Platinum Jubilee marks the Queen’s 70-year reign and is celebrated across the UK with thousands of events and festivities. Joining the millions of people celebrating between Thursday 2nd – Sunday 5th June, care home residents at Camberley got involved by holding a party with entertainment in their beautiful gardens. Central to this was a ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ street party, complete with Union Jack bunting, entertainers and a picnic menu featuring a superb picnic buffet designed by Signature’s award-winning nutrition and hydration team. These are part of the wide range of events organised by the luxury care home and the dedicated in-house activities team on a weekly basis, to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of all the residents. Team members ensured all residents at Camberley were able to get involved in the garden party, which was organised with all the residents’ needs and desires in mind. Dorothy, a resident at Signature at Camberley, said:

“The Queen is an inspirational lady, who has served her country for such a long time. Many of us can recall poignant moments of her reign, and her Platinum Jubilee can add to that list. “Having a street party, and musical entertainment was the perfect way to come together and raise a glass to Her Majesty!” Lia Thompson, Activity Manager at Signature at Camberley, said: “So many of our residents love Her Majesty the Queen, and so it was important to them to celebrate her 70th Anniversary as Monarch. “We always want to go the extra mile for those in our care and we know how important activities such as a garden party are for our residents’ quality of life. The Queen’s Jubilee was the ideal opportunity to go beyond our daily events calendar and have a big celebration fit for such an extraordinary milestone.” David Windeatt, Customer Liaison Manager at Signature at Camberley, said: “The Platinum Jubilee is bringing together families, friends and communities across the world, and it was fantastic to see all Signature homes participate in Jubilee celebrations, bringing the friends, families and loved ones of our residents together as one.”

Westcliff-on-Sea Physical Rehabilitation Centre Celebrates Platinum Jubilee with Activities Fit For A Royal This June, a Westcliff-on-Sea physical and neurorehabilitation centre has been celebrating Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with several activities fit for a royal. Uplands Rehabilitation Centre (URC), a state-of-the-art facility which provides short stay, therapy led rehabilitation and reablement services, has recently held a series of fun-filled activities including a garden BBQ party for residents and families to enjoy together whilst celebrating the monumental royal event. Dedicated to improving residents’ lives through stimulating rehabilitation activities and celebrations, Uplands Rehabilitation Centre has made no exception for the Jubilee. Sharon Bales, Home Manager at Uplands Rehabilitation Centre, said: “With the jubilee being such a nostalgic celebration, it is one of the only times in history that brings the whole local community together. “What has made celebrating the Platinum Jubilee even more special is that even our residents with more traumatic brain injuries can join in with the celebrations. We have taken things steadily to ensure we don’t overwhelm our residents and the atmosphere within the centre has been so lovely.” One family member who attended the event said: “It was lovely for

families to attend the BBQ with loved ones to interact and celebrate the jubilee. Events such as this are so important for residents to boost morale and support mental health and we are pleased to have been part of that.” Sharon continued: “On behalf of the residents and staff, we would just like to thank everyone who attended the BBQ on Saturday 4th June. The event has marked such a joyous and monumental occasion

and our residents loved every minute of it.” In preparation for the Jubilee, on the 1st of June, Uplands Rehabilitation Centre welcomed the helping hands of some of the staff member’s children to participate in an arts and crafts session with the residents. Throughout the afternoon, both residents and children worked together to decorate Jubilee inspired cupcakes and handcraft bunting that was put up around the home ahead of the BBQ event. After the arts and crafts session, one resident said: “I have really enjoyed making cakes and colouring with the children today, the little girl called Evie decorated a cake for me and I decorated one for her. It has really brightened up my day and it has been nice socialising with the other patients here too.” Sharon added: “After managing a care home for over 16 years, I have seen first-hand just how impactful intergenerational activities like arts and crafts can have on residents. “I am so thrilled that our residents were engaged and enjoyed the creative afternoon and looking ahead to the future, we are looking forward to rolling out more activities like these.”


Lytham St Annes Care Home Makes Memorial To Celebrate Residents During Jubilee A Lytham St Annes care home has decided to commemorate the residents living at the home during the Jubilee with a handprint memorial. MHA Starr Hills provides dedicated residential care and support for up to 36 people and wanted to mark The Queen's Platinum Jubilee occasion with something of their own. Residents were supported by staff members who cut around their hands with clay before writing the names of residents to match the prints. The completed piece has been hung up on the wall in the garden at the home and has been received really well by staff, residents and visitors. Camille Cutler, activity coordinator said: “We wanted to do something to mark the residents that were here when the Jubilee took place. “Hopefully many years down the line people can look back, remember the Platinum Jubilee and see who

we had living in the home at the time. “When I discussed the idea with the rest of the home they were all really excited. Residents really got stuck in and enjoyed the process from start to finish. “We even added the paw prints of the cat, Molly and Chief, our dog. “Some residents have said they will always be a part of this home thanks to the memorial and say it will be nice for family and friends to have somewhere to remember them by. “I am very proud of how the finished piece looks and the Jubilee is something we may not see again so to have something to mark it from our home's perspective is great.”

HC-One Celebrates Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee HC-One care homes across the country joined in with the celebrations from 2nd – 5th June to mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, celebrating 70 years on the throne. Residents at Market Lavington Care Home which offers residential, nursing and nursing dementia care in Devizes, gathered together and celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with an indoor tea party. The home’s catering team kindly provided a selection of Jubilee themed cakes and fruit platters. Sparkling wine was also served as well as tea, coffee and cold drinks. 1940s and 1950s music played in the background, and Residents and Colleagues sang and danced along to the music, as they talked about how they used to go dancing every Saturday night. They enjoyed listening to classics from their era and reminiscing together. Angela Wakeley, Resident at Market Lavington celebrated, saying “Let’s raise a glass to the Queen’s 70 years on the throne.” Residents including Susie Masterman, Dennis Scurrell, Violet Lloyd, Suzie Hilton, Ida Wearing, Phyllis Shellard, Pam Johnson, Joy Baker, Margaret Tomalin, Angela Wakeley, Frank Anderson and Gordon Grist discussed seeing Her Majesty The Queen at different events around Britain when they were younger. Michaela Swiffen, Wellbeing Coordinator at Market Lavington said: “It was a very enjoyable afternoon, both for Residents and Colleagues to celebrate together; enjoying music, cakes and memories.” At the Beeches residential care home on Tameside, jubilee celebrations included indulging in traditional treats, games and lots of reminiscing. The jubilee celebrations started with Residents being served with a traditional English tea and biscuits;

everyone enjoyed a variety of treats including firm favourites custard creams, rich tea and bourbons. Residents also enjoyed a fish and chip dinner from the local chip shop. Television coverage was also shown and the topics of conversation went all the way back to 1952, when the Queen had her coronation. This sparked much discussion among Residents on what they remembered from that special day. On Friday, everyone was dressed to impress, as the home held a traditional street party. A buffet was prepared by the home’s catering team, and a selection of cakes were on offer for Residents, Colleagues and guests. Everyone enjoyed listening to music from artists such as Vera Lynn and The Andrew Sisters. Jubilee bingo, quizzes and other games were also on offer throughout the course of the jubilee, whilst the nation’s celebrations played on the TV in the background. Sade Smith, Wellbeing Coordinator at the Beeches said, “Celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee has been lovely with the Residents. We have had two really good days with plenty of activities and home decorations and everyone has enjoyed themselves.” Residents at Gittisham Hill House residential, nursing and dementia care home in Devon really enjoyed celebrating the jubilee and loved nothing more than the opportunity to get a selfie with “Her Majesty the Queen”. Residents had great fun taking it in turns to snap photos with the life-sized cardboard cutout of the Queen Everyone enjoyed the jubilee celebrations on Friday, where they listened and sang along to music, and indulged in a special buffet and ice-cream in the garden. Julia Heneker, Home Manager at Gittisham Hill House commented, “People living with dementia especially seemed to light up when the talk turns to royal reminiscence and chat about the Queen’s Coronation and the Platinum Jubilee.”

Veterans’ Care Homes Celebrate The Queen’s 70-year Reign

Parties and celebrations have taken place at Royal Star & Garter’s three Homes as residents enjoyed the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. They attended street parties, took part in Derby day fun, listened to live music and watched the celebrations unfold live on TV as they joined in the national festivities. Royal Star & Garter is a charity which provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, and has Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe. Her Majesty The Queen has been its Patron since 1953. Princess Alexandra, The Queen’s cousin, and Royal Star & Garter’s President, also wrote a letter to each resident in the Homes. In it she says: “As we celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Royal Star & Garter’s Patron, Her Majesty The Queen, I can draw a parallel between her long and dedicated service to our nation and your own. Either by serving directly in the Armed Forces, or supporting those who have, you have shown incredible courage, dedication and self-sacrifice.” ABF The Soldiers’ Charity helped the Homes prepare for the revel-

ries, by providing Jubilee decorations, including bunting, tablecloths, crown hats, napkins, and flags, and a tin of shortbread for each resident. Residents at Solihull made their own special Jubilee card for The Queen, and planted her favourite flower – Lily of the Valley – in the Home’s garden. There was live music throughout the weekend and, on Sunday, residents were treated to a street party buffet. Residents watched the Trooping of the Colour, the Thanksgiving Service at St Paul’s Cathedral and the Epsom Derby on TV. In Surbiton, residents also watched the Trooping of the Colour on the big screen, while enjoying strawberries and cream. On Friday they also tuned into the St Paul’s Cathedral Thanksgiving Service, and later that day were entertained by Surbiton HCA Jodie Halls. Residents at the Home also attended street a party on Langley Avenue, and finished off the celebratory weekend with more live music from Swing Time Sweethearts, a Royal quiz, and high tea. Residents at High Wycombe also tuned in to watch the Jubilee

events live on TV. During the long weekend they also enjoyed an indoor street party with entertainment, and live music from Lest We Forget. Pauline Shaw, Royal Star & Garter’s Director of Care, said: “The Queen has been a constant in the lives of our residents, so they were thrilled to take part in celebrations marking her 70-year reign. As a charity, we were also delighted to mark our Patron’s Platinum Jubilee.” Brigadier (Ret’d) Peter Monteith, Chief of Staff at ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, said: “We are delighted to join in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations with veterans, many of whom will have their own fond memories of Her Majesty The Queen as a young Princess and her Coronation in 1953. We treasure our close relationship with Royal Star & Garter and the veteran care home community, as we pay tribute to Her Majesty’s 70 years of devoted service. We are immensely privileged that she has also served as our Patron since 1953. Throughout the decades, her unwavering sense of duty and loyalty has been an inspiration to the whole Army family.”


Care Home Residents Reflect on Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee She went out as a lassie and came home as Queen” – care home residents reflect on Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee Residents from Moray and the Highlands have been reflecting on Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year reign in a new video to mark the Platinum Jubilee. Residents from Parklands’ care homes in Tain, Muir of Ord, Fortrose, Grantown, Aberlour, Keith and Buckie feature in the video. They recall the moment they heard that King George VI had died and the sadness that gripped the country as the young Princess returned home from a trip to Kenya. Billy Mackintosh, a resident in Eilean Dubh in Fortrose, was serving in the Army in Singapore when he heard news of the King’s death. “She went out as a lassie and came home as Queen. She had a hard time of it losing her father,” he said. “She knew one day she would be Queen but I don’t think she expected it so soon,” said Pauline Mackay, also of Eilean Dubh. “I think everybody sort of felt sorry for her for the burdens that she was taking over,” added Paul Spaven of Urray House in Muir of Ord.

Janet Murray, a resident at Burnbank in Buckie, recalled that the newspapers of the day featured a black border as a mark of respect. That sadness turned to joy in 1953 following the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Most of the residents were children at the time and remember having a day off school and street parties taking place across the country. A lucky few were able to watch the spectacle on television. It was a moment of excitement for a country still subject to post war rationing. Many of the residents described themselves as avid Royal watchers and collected news cuttings and pictures of the Monarchy over the years. The residents also reflect on the Queen’s role as Sovereign over the past 70 years. “She did her duty for the country” said Joan Christie of Urray House. “She’s done amazing work for the country,” adds Jennifer Macleod of Glenisla in Keith. “I wouldn’t have her job for all the tea in China, I think it’s a hard job” says Pauline Mackay of Eilean Dubh. The video ends with a number of residents paying a personal tribute to Her Majesty and Innis Mhor resident Joan Davis raising a toast to the Queen. To watch the video -

Taunton Care Home Celebrates The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with Family Fun Day Beauchamp House, a Care South care home, has celebrated The

from a resident’s family farm animals including horses and lambs. To fin-

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend with an abundance of Food, Fun and

ish the day there was a big cake reveal, baked by the in-house chefs,

Friendship at an organised family fun day.

which everyone enjoyed a slice of with a cup of tea.

Beauchamp House near Taunton is an extensive Georgian manor house set in beautiful gardens accommodating 54 residents and part of Care South, a not-for-profit charity and leading provider of residential and home care across the south of England. Staff at the home hosted the Jubilee-themed day with a picnic on its beautifully landscaped lawn for

Debbie Lane, Home Manager at Beauchamp House, commented: “What an exciting time The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee has been for us all, not only at Beauchamp House but within the local community. It was wonderful to see the excitement among residents and staff in the lead up to the celebrations. Our aim is to help residents in our care to contin-

residents and the local community. The day included an array of wonderful activities for residents and their friends and families to enjoy together and featured a special visit

ue living rich and fulfilling lives and it was truly special to watch families and friends come together to celebrate this once in a lifetime event.”

Signature at Ascot Grange Trio Serve up Platinum Pudding Fit for The Queen A trio of Signature at Ascot Grange care home residents served up a winning dessert as part of Signature’s Platinum Pudding competition. Jane Carr, Diana Thompson and Jessie Collins collaborated on their ‘Lizzy’s Legacy Cake’ in the form of a red, white and blue Victoria sponge cake with bells on for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the winning entry in a competition which spanned across Signature Senior Lifestyle’s 36 luxury care homes across London and the south-east. The winning cake consisted of three tiers and adorned in the three union jack colours of blue, white and red. Strawberries were cut into halves and used to decorate the exterior with icing

sugar lightly dusted on top of the cake for effect. In addition, whole strawberries and blueberries were placed on the top and bottom. Amazingly, the winning entry was promised to become the official pudding for the Signature Street Party Picnic Menu, so all Signature homes have now enjoyed their very own ‘Lizzy’s Legacy Cake’ during the Platinum Jubilee weekend. Judge George O’Malley, Head of Customer Experience said: “We were very impressed by the level of skill all contestants demonstrated, the level of attention to detail was remarkable. A big congratulations to the 1st place winners and we applaud everyone who participated, we cannot wait to see the cakes produced next year.”

Jubilee Celebrations Fit for a Queen

Excitement has been running high at Ashcombe House in Worting Road where residents and staff have been busy making Jubilee-themed decorations in preparation for a weekend of celebrations. To start the Jubilee Weekend the home hosted a jubilee party in the homes garden, inviting friends and family of the home to come and celebrate with us, being the first time we have been able to do this since the pandemic. The Home was decorated inside with red, white and blue decorations and bunting, and the homes garden took on the jubilee colours of Purple and silver. With a special Jubilee flag flying high for all to see. Street party tables and a buffet fit for a Queen prepared by Chef Andy King really brought everyone together. Celebrations continued inside with Singer Anthony Allgood entertaining us with Singing and dancing, and all singing the national anthem. The whole home really came together to give the residents a day to truly remember, celebrating our longest reigning monarch and reminisce about what she means to each and every one of us. Michelle martin Activities Coordinator at Ashcombe said: “We’ve all had such a brilliant time starting our celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee, it has been such fun. Our staff and residents love the Queen and so

they were all so excited to take part. It was so lovely to be able to invite our friends and family to come and join us for a proper celebration too.” This is just the start of the celebrations and residents have a packed weekend to look forward to. Peggy Gary resident at Ashcombe said: “The Queen is an amazing lady, everyone wanted to get involved in the celebrations. It is remarkable to think she has been on the throne for 70 years, such an achievement! I can just about remember the Coronation, I was very small but I remember the street party we had then and this was just as much fun. We all wanted to pay our respects and say thank you for all that the Queen has done for this country. It has been a wonderful day, the food was amazing and the entertainment brilliant I’ve really enjoyed myself”

Care Home Group Celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee Residents at Whitebriars Whitecliff, Whitebeach and the Coast Care Centre Residential and Nursing Homes, specialist dementia care based in Bexhill, and St Leonards, East Sussex, celebrated our Queens Platinum Jubilee in style. The garden parties held at each home were particularly special as this was the first time family and friends were able to freely join their loved ones in the garden and be together as a large group again. The Mayor of Bexhill, Paul Plim attended the Whitebriars party in Bexhill on June 2nd. Residents created fabulous wall murals, photo booths, a golden throne and wall art for the garden parties in the lead up to the event held to celebrate this momentous occasion. A traditional Cream Tea was served with processco and English tea. Local entertainer Jessica Wellard provided the live music at each event. Members of the Coast Care team shared “seeing everyone together makes me feel so emotional and proud”. Another said “thanks for all the staff who brought in such

delightful and well behaved children to the party, the residents LOVED seeing them” One resident recalled, “This reminds me of me of when my wife and I arranged a street party, this is a fantastic”. Activities Co-ordinator’s Poppy Bellchambers and Lorna Donaldson said “I felt quite emotional when seeing all the relatives come through the doors into our gardens at all of the homes. It was just so amazing to finally see all families reunite with their loved ones and celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee together in Coast Care style”. “After two years of no outside entertainment or family gatherings, it was so lovely to get together to celebrate such a moment in history”. Lynda and Kevin Dewhurst, the owners of Coast Care Homes said, “Our staff team and residents have been so excited to once again welcome family and friends to a celebration event. It has been a long two years and it was fabulous to hear lots of laughter and singing in the gardens. We hope this is the first of many fun afternoons where residents and their guests can enjoy being together again.


A Celebration To Remember at The Close

Award-winning Oxford-based care home, The Close, paid homage to the Platinum Jubilee with a unique event to inspire a celebration of Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 years of reign - and the residents’ fond memories throughout the decades Residents and family members of The Close care home were encouraged to polish up their pearls and show off their sartorial style to honour of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a traditional street-party style event with an extraordinary modern twist. Held amongst its landscaped gardens, guests at today’s exclusive event were treated to a lavish lunch with a coronation-conscious feast featuring familiar flavours, the Queen’s tea-time favourites and British classics. Though, going one step further and taking the theme of ‘Queen’ to the next level, the highlight of today’s celebrations was the unique entertainment experience provided by glamorous drag queen, Vanity von Glow. Stepping away from the Soho scene for one day only, Glow entertained with humour and a carefully curated line-up of wellknown, sing-along songs and favourites from across the eras - transporting residents through a musical journey to reignite fond memories and good-time giggles. A new take on celebrating a Royal occasion for residents, and not a performance usually seen in care homes across the UK – but one that was curated to evoke the happiness and joy of yesteryear from a generation, some of whom remember The Queen’s coronation, but most whose heyday lies within the swinging Sixties and Seventies. The Close is dedicated to inspiring individuality and encourage inclusivity amongst its residents, and with that comes commitment to listen and hear what the residents’ really want – and it’s not the timehonoured war time anthems of the beloved Vera Lynn most would

expect! Today’s event was a further expression by Sanjay Dhrona, MD of The Close and renowned industry speaker on diversity, equality, and inclusion, in his ambition to champion change within care homes and the way we perceive our elder generation. Through considerate planning with residents’ requirements at heart, along with the support of his dedicated staff and team, today’s right royal knees up at The Close would certainly rival the street parties across the country this weekend. Sanjay commented: “Our residents have been there, done that and have some very fond memories of special occasions throughout their

life, not just 70 years ago when the queen was crowned. They are much more invested in diversity and inclusion than often realised, and are remarkable people with exciting life stories. Sometimes doing the unexpected, lifts the lid on some beautiful adventures and life experiences and invites them the opportunity to reminisce and share!” “So when it came time to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, we thought another type of queen was a great way to do something traditional but with a twist. From taking the time to listen, we know our residents were entertained throughout the years by the likes of Hinge and Bracket, Lily Savage, Dame Edna, and laughed along to Are You Being Served and Carry On camp humour. The generation we care for are looking for something fun, exciting and humorous, and after lockdown, today was the perfect way to add some pzazz, The Close Way.” The Close resident Kath, aged 94, said of today’s celebration: “I have fond memories of the Coronation and can recall the joy of the whole nation at the time and how everyone came together. We huddled around a neighbour’s small black and white TV to watch it. We decorated the entire place with hand-made crepe paper flowers that were red, white and blue, made by myself, my friends and the landlady from my digs at the time.” “I greatly admire Her Majesty The Queen. She has my utmost respect for the stressful and difficult work that she does, she comes up trumps. She masters all the challenges and is so regal. You can’t fault her! It’s been wonderful having the opportunity to commemorate her coronation with dear neighbours at The Close. The event was such fun, all the decorations, everyone dressed up and of course the singing to celebrate our loyal queen just reminded me of the same joy 70 years ago.”

Signature at Banstead Celebrates Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Style Signature at Banstead joined the nation to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee over the Bank Holiday weekend. Joining the millions of people celebrating during between Thursday 2nd – Sunday 5th June, care home residents at Banstead got involved by taking part in Ladies Day at Epsom, where bets were being placed, prosecco was consumed, and they were treated to a banquet of delicious buffet food. Central to this was a ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ street party, complete with Union Jack bunting, entertainers and a picnic menu featuring coronation chicken volau-vents, salmon & cucumber sandwiches and individual Jubilee designed cupcakes, all of which were designed by Signature’s award-winning nutrition and hydration team. These are part of the wide range of events organised by the luxury care home and the dedicated in-house activities team on a weekly basis, to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of all the residents. Team Members ensured all residents at Banstead were able to get involved in planting of trees, creating their own designed Jubilee bunting, helping to create the beautiful decorations which were hung throughout the whole community. All of these activities were organised with all of the residents’ needs and desires in mind.

Sue Beck, a resident at Signature at Banstead, said: “The Queen is an inspirational lady, who has served her country for such a long time. Many of us can recall poignant moments of her reign, and her Platinum Jubilee can add to that list.” “Having a street party, live musicians, an ice cream van and a resident DJ was the perfect way to come together to raise a glass to Her Majesty!” Tamara Juckes , Activity Manager at Signature at Banstead, said: “So many of our residents love Her Majesty the Queen, and so it was important to them to celebrate her 70th Anniversary as Monarch.” “We always want to go the extra mile for those in our care and we know how important activities such as enjoying the trooping of the colours, the televised services and participating in the races are for our residents’ quality of life. The Queen’s Jubilee was the ideal opportunity to go beyond our daily events calendar and have a big celebration fit for such an extraordinary milestone.” Suzanne Garston, General Manager at Signature at Banstead, said: “The Platinum Jubilee is bringing together families, friends and communities across the world, and it was fantastic to see all Signature homes participate in Jubilee celebrations, bringing the friends, families and loved ones of our residents together as one.”

Care Home Residents Celebrate Her Majesty’s 70-Year Reign Residents at Colten Care’s 21 homes in the south went all out to enjoy themselves for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Braemar Lodge in Salisbury, Kingfishers in New Milton and Woodpeckers in Brockenhurst were among those staging festive ‘street parties’ in honour of the historic occasion. Kingfishers residents Terry Brown and Polly Walker spoke of the fun they had. Terry said: “Thank you all for a memorable afternoon. Everyone enjoyed the special occasion, great weather too!”, while Polly commented: “I had an amazing time, lots of singing and dancing. I enjoyed the cake too, so yummy!”. Thanks to an application by Braemar Lodge Home Manager Jackie Cash to Salisbury City Council, residents were invited to attend the lighting of the city’s Beacon. One, Margaret Drage, said: “It was a joy to be there on such a magnificent evening. It was a marvellous experience.”

Jackie said: “Many of our residents are of a similar age to the Queen, or a bit younger, and it was lovely to enable them to be part of such a historic occasion, one that perhaps none of us will see again in our lifetimes.” The Jubilee buzz began weeks before the extended Bank Holiday weekend with residents making themed artworks and decorations. One initiative at Braemar Lodge involved assembling a handmade Jubilee mosaic which took pride of place at the garden party. And resident Jennifer Whitaker even sent the Queen a poem. “I’ve always written poetry, ever since childhood,” she said. “I call it ‘doggerel’, comic verse that doesn’t necessarily have a rhythm. My tribute to the Queen simply flowed, and it seemed absolutely fitting to send it to Her Majesty in this Jubilee Year.” Woodpeckers residents welcomed a visit by a shire horse called Guinness sporting a patriotic red, white and blue mane braiding and ear bonnet. At all Colten Care homes, commemorative Jubilee trees were planted as a lasting tribute to Her Majesty.

Excitement for the Jubilee Ran High at Hugh Myddelton House Excitement ran high at Hugh Myddelton House in Southgate where residents and staff were busy making Jubilee-themed decorations and baking up a storm of red, white and blue cakes and pastries with the help of head chef Christopher Abrigo in preparation for the Jubilee. Staff and residents at the home put their heads together and came up with a plan for their celebrations fit for a Queen. Over the bank holiday weekend the home held a Royal Tea Party with live music entertainment in the Garden and a Jubilee-themed quiz. The whole home came together to celebrate our longest reigning monarch and reminisce about what she means to each and every one of us. Ramona Stanciu, General Manager at Hugh Myddelton House said: “We’ve all had such a brilliant time celebrating the Platinum Jubilee, it has been such fun. Our staff and residents love the

Queen and so they were all so excited to take part. It has been a real collaborative process - thinking about how we wanted to celebrate, planning our activities, decorating the home and creating all the party food. It was so lovely to be able to invite our friends and family to come and join us for a proper celebration too.” Dega, a resident at Hugh Myddelton House said: “The Queen is an amazing lady, everyone wanted to get involved in the celebrations. It is remarkable to think she has been on the throne for 70 years, such an achievement! I can just about remember the Coronation, I was very small but I remember the street party we had then and this was just as much fun. We all wanted to pay our respects and say thank you for all that the Queen has done for this country.”


Belong Commemorates Jubilee with Biggest Party Ever Stacey McCann, chief operating officer at Belong, said: “Our customers have loved being involved with the plans, inputting their ideas and sharing their experiences from past jubilees and reminiscing about the Coronation. “It’s been a fantastic celebration and to see the happiness in everyone’s faces and the tremendous impact it has had has been wonderful and I’m sure it will be the talk of our villages for some time to come.” Belong’s celebrations coincide with being chosen to feature in the official publication of Her Majesty The Queen: The Official Platinum Jubilee Pageant Album. Launched on the 5th June, the book commends outstanding individuals and organisations from across the country and the Commonwealth that have had an impact on life in the UK over the past seven decades.

Joyous Jubilee celebrations at Belong care villages took place over the weekend, with customers and families of the not-for-profit dementia specialist marking Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a party of a lifetime. Amongst an abundance of Union Jack flags, tea and cake, the residents and tenants across the North West and Midlands dressed in their best for a jam-packed bank holiday weekend, featuring right royal garden parties, complete with music from bygone eras, and live entertainment. Highlights included customers being supported to create Jubilee cocktails and commemorative plates; playing giant lawn games and pin the crown on the queen; visits from the zoo, silhouette artists, singers, dancers and musicians; and even knitting corgis and crowns to decorate local Royal Mail post boxes.

Guinness Care Residents Enjoy Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Style Residents and staff at Douro Court Extra Care Scheme in Ivybridge, which is run by Guinness Care, have celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee by inviting family, carers and support workers to a Jubilee party. On 6 February 2022, Her Majesty the Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. To celebrate this anniversary Guinness funded the Platinum Jubilee celebration at the Extra Care Scheme to help bring everyone together and make it a truly special occasion. Around 50 people attended the afternoon of celebrations in the communal garden which included delicious buffet food, the Queen’s dock ukulele band and a 1952 quiz, all to com-

memorate the special occasion. Residents also made a £60 donation to the band’s chosen charity Trevi, who provide shelter and support to women and children fleeing domestic violence. Andrea Duchonova, Registered Manager at Guinness Care said:” It was so nice to see all our residents together for the first time after Covid. Everyone was so joyful and grateful and it was a nice atmosphere to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee.” Resident, Margaret Brooker said: “It has been a wonderful day and I would like to thank Guinness for putting on such a fantastic Jubilee party. I have had a lovely time and it's been a fun filled afternoon which has been enjoyed by everyone.”

Four Day Extravaganza at Bognor Regis Care Home as Part of Jubilee Celebrations A Bognor Regis care home made sure there was plenty for residents and staff members to do to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a four day extravaganza. MHA Greenways had a special itinerary to celebrate The Queen's amazing feat with live entertainment, plenty of food and a platinum tea to close the weekend off. The home, which provides residential and residential dementia care for 44 residents, wanted to give residents and staff members the opportunity to really celebrate and put behind a tough time due to the pandemic. Everyone was in great spirits and participated in all the activities and events that were planned throughout the weekend. Joanne Mitchell, activity coordinator said: “I just wanted to do some-

thing special for the home and not only celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee but give our home the chance to move on from the pandemic. “We had something different planned every day, and apart from one day when the weather wasn't great, we made sure we took the party outside and it was very nice. “All the staff members got involved and really supported me in making sure all the days went along smoothly. It was a complete team effort and I can't thank them enough for their help. “The feedback from the residents was very positive and I am very happy that they enjoyed themselves. “Everyone was singing along to whatever was being sung at the time, and the smiles on the faces of staff and residents made it totally worth it.”

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Care Home Transformed into Buckingham Palace for Jubilee Celebrations

Residents at a Windsor care home have been dining like kings and queens – quite literally – after being given the ultimate Platinum Jubilee surprise. Residents at Care UK’s Mountbatten Grange, in Windsor, received the royal treatment when they woke up to find their home had been transformed into a regal residency fit for a queen. The incredible surprise came as the home geared up to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, a milestone many residents, some of whom worked at Windsor Castle in their younger years, were excited to mark. After being told in the morning to ‘dress to impress’ for a special surprise, residents were greeted by team members dressed as the Queen’s Guard, before being led down the newly laid red carpet for a right royal knees-up. Residents were amazed to discover the home’s usual coffee shop had been completely transformed into Buckingham Palace. Red drapes, royal portraits, a fireplace, and lavish decorations adorned the home – with a giant throne taking centre stage for residents to be crowned royalty for a day. Adding to the quintessentially British theme of the

day, the home’s talented head chef, Mohamed Taghouti, prepared a delicious afternoon tea, featuring sandwiches, cakes and scones for residents to enjoy. And keen for residents to experience a true taste of palace life, the home also welcomed his royal furriness, Marcel Le Corgi, who made a grand entrance – greeting Mountbatten’s new royal family with his wagging tail and friendly bark. 98-year-old resident, Kathleen Lewis, said: “We knew nothing about what was going on – it was all done so secretly. I thought it was fantastic. It was quite a surprise!” 88-year-old Jim Mundy added: “It was great fun and very well organised. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I’d like to see the Queen live until the age of 100.” Debbie Winwood, Home Manager at Mountbatten Grange, commented: “We had such a wonderful time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with our secret royal transformation. “Here at Mountbatten Grange, we base our activities and special events on residents likes and interests and are always looking for new and exciting ways to support residents lead fulfilling lives. We have many royalists living here, especially being so close to Windsor Castle, and knew how keen they would be to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, which is why we decided to celebrate in style! “Nobody could believe it, especially when they saw us all dressed up as the Queen’s Guard and Marcel le Corgi running in. We had so much fun, and we’re already planning our next big surprise for residents to enjoy. Just like the jubilee – this was certainly a memorable day and one which we will remember for many years to come.”

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The Road To Resolution – How To Support Stressed Staff While Rebuilding Resilience and Enabling Recovery By Professor Lynda Holt MA, RGN, DipHE, CPBP, FinstLM, FRSA, CEO, Health Service 360 ( In terms of human behaviour, even global crises like the pandemic follow a predictable pattern. First there is the acute crisis, where no one yet fully understands what’s happening, but they step up and do whatever it takes. Then comes the messy middle bit, we’ve accepted the crisis – but the end is not yet clear. Finally, we get to resolution; the crisis has abated and, critically, we have made peace with what has happened and our role in it. As far as the Covid-19 is concerned we are some way off that. We may have moved into a less threatening place with the virus itself, but levels of anxiety and stress pose a significant risk across the care sector. As we navigate this journey from the messy middle towards resolution, leaders and managers are tasked with spotting the signs of stress and distress, providing support and rebuilding team resilience, often at the same time as dealing with their own exhaustion and recovery. We are human, we are not untouched by all we have seen and experienced through the pandemic, nor should we be – it is this very humanness, or connectedness, that provides our road map out of this. Our individual roads to resolution may vary, but we’ll navigate some similar terrains, and we may need to view some familiar landmarks from a different perspective to get to our destinations. Take a look at these landmarks.

PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ENVIRONMENT: It might sound obvious, but when we are in familiar terrain, like our workplace or with people we know, it can be easy to stop noticing and to take for granted what we expect to see, to drown out familiar sounds, or even whole conversations. To some extent, this helps reduce overwhelm, enables us to create patterns and habits which help with emotional overload and stress; but it also means we miss the early warning signs – the bumps in the road that suggest a bigger problem may be looming. This applies both to yourself and to spotting stress and distress in those around you.

PAY ATTENTION TO HOW YOU FEEL: While we usually know better, many of us in caring professions think we can run on an empty tank despite the flashing warning lights, and to be fair we usually judder and splutter to our destination, sometimes in a less than optimal way. When we pay attention to refuelling and maintenance we can usually travel further and often have a little more in the tank for those unexpected detours, hold ups and difficult terrains. Paying attention to how you feel includes understanding what, or who, fills your tank and what drains it – this way you can plan your journey make sure you are putting in more than you take out – most of the time, and stay within a manageable range.

PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU FOCUS ON: One of the biggest challenges to resilience is where we put our focus, whether that be things that empower, connect and enable us, or whether that be things that build anxiety and stress. When you survey the terrain, the hazards and the distance you may need to travel it can feel daunting. As humans we tend to run scenarios, rerun things that have already happened as we process and make sense of our experiences – this is great if our internal dialog is helpful, but often it is not! When you notice your inner talk, you can do something about it if you need to – choose to focus on the stuff within your control, the next step in your journey, your own attitude and behaviour, the things you can directly impact. This is one of the best ways of building your own resilience. Pay attention to how you show up: You have complete control over your own attitude and behaviour, try to be consistent, choose kindness and connection – it is better for your own well-being. When people trust you, anxiety reduces, they are more honest and open because they feel safe, and they are more likely to follow you on a healing journey. Pay attention to the wins: In the end, the road to resolution is one of connectedness, of understanding ourselves and our contributions, and making sense of the things outside of our control. For sure we have some challenging terrain ahead, but we also have a lot of shared purpose, a lot of small and not so small wins that make up our contribution. Make time to acknowledge and celebrate those wins. Finally, as you navigate the terrain, include enough stops for you and your people so everyone gets

Five Generations of Family Join 103-Year-Old Care Home Resident’s Birthday Celebrations Signature at Purley, Surrey, have recently celebrated the 103rd birthday of Joyce Town, a popular and much-loved resident. To mark the occasion, the luxury care home hosted all five generations of Joyce’s family for a day spent enjoying quality time together, involving lots of cuddles with baby Ewan, the most recent addition to the family! Joyce had the pleasure of welcoming daughter Gillian, grandson Andrew, great granddaughter Victoria and her great-great grandson Ewan to Purley, where she has lived since turning 100. Born in Brixton in 1919, Joyce has lived through two World Wars, the formation of the Commonwealth and the Queen’s coronation. In that time, she was private secretary to Moses Stevens, a famous London florist shop responsible for royal floral tributes, and owned two toy shops in Thornton Heath with her husband. Joyce had two daughters and twin boys having married in 1941, and regularly helped out at her grandchildren’s infant school upon retirement, as well as playing piano for the local dancing school. Joyce’s singing and dancing talents carried well into her adulthood, having joined the choir at St Francis in West Wickham.

Since moving in three years ago, Joyce is now a popular resident at Signature at Purley, and partakes in the activity offerings provided by its Team Members. Signature at Purley provide supported living, nursing, dementia and respite care to their residents, and in doing so provide wider support to resident’s families and loved ones. On the special occasion of getting the family together, Gillian, Joyce’s daughter, said: “During the pandemic, when for safety’s sake myself and Mum’s family could not visit, she was always telling us not to worry as it would get better. ‘One day, we would be together again.’ – she was right!” Rebecca Peters, Client Liaison Manager at Signature at Purley, added: “One of the greatest honours of working at Signature is getting to witness and be part of such amazing milestones. 103rd birthdays aren’t something you get to attend every day, and to see five generations of the same family together is a real privilege. “It brings such joy that our residents’ families are so comfortable in our care homes. When the children, grandchildren, great and great-great grandchildren come in, they always bring so much happiness and joy.”

Celebrations as Falmouth Based Care Home Performs Strongly in Rating by Care Quality Commission Residents, staff and volunteers at Langholme care home in Falmouth are celebrating after being judged to be providing a ‘good’ level of care by the Care Quality Commission. The home, run by national older person’s charity Methodist Homes (MHA), is a well-established home having been rated as 9.8/10 on Overall, CQC has inspected more than 14,400 care homes this year. The inspectors visited Langholme, which provides care for 40 resi-

culture they created promoted high-quality, person-centred care. People were relaxed and comfortable with staff and had no hesitation in asking for help from them. People told us they were happy with the care they received and believed it was a safe environment to live in. Staff consistently told us they felt supported by the management team and had access to a range of training to support them in their roles. Maria Browne, home manager said: “We are all really pleased with these latest CQC results and especially proud that the inspectors have noted our

dents, spending time putting the home under the spotlight by looking at

residents are relaxed and comfortable with our staff, that they feel safe here

how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led it is.

and that the staff feel supported by the management team.

In their report, the inspectors commented that at Langholme there was a positive attitude in the staff team with the aim of trying to provide the best care possible for people living at the service.

“Of course, there is always room for improvement and want to be the best we can possible be, so we will strive to improve in some of our weaker areas to be even better! Our residents are at the heart of everything we do and we

They added that:

work hard to ensure they are happy, fulfilled and that all our services are of

The service was consistently managed and well-led. Leaders and the

the best quality.”


Music for Dementia Honours Carers Week with a Focus on the Transformative Power of Music for Caregivers Music has a significant role to play in enhancing the quality of life of people living with dementia and their caregivers. As part of Carers Week 2022 – taking place between 6 - 12 June - Music for Dementia is celebrating the valuable role of carers and showcasing services and initiatives that help and support carers to experience the power of music in their own lives. Research and lived experiences show that music can help reduce the distressing symptoms of dementia, such as agitation and anxiety. But these benefits are not restricted to people living with dementia, they also extend to their loved ones, support workers and professional caregivers. As well as reducing stress and anxiety, music can help caregivers in many other ways. Provided alongside other forms of support, the power of music is an essential element of self-care for those whose role it is to provide care for others. There is strong evidence that music stimulates the production of dopamine, the ‘feel good’ hormone and certain music can help with sleep and relaxation. For music to be an integral part of dementia care, carers must be empowered with confidence in how to use music effectively, have the right level of support and access to musical services. The Music for Dementia campaign wants to do just that during Carers Week by highlighting some of the support available to carers. There are numerous initiatives and services available throughout the country that support people living with dementia and their carers to experience the therapeutic benefits of music for themselves. For example:

Musica Music’s Press Play to Rewind Programme boosts confidence in the use of meaningful music in daily dementia care by offering training to healthcare professionals through online courses and group coaching sessions. Playlist for Life offers free resources and support to carers in learning how personalised playlists could help a person live well with dementia. The charity helps people get started with making a playlist and choosing the right music. The Brain Charity’s Music Makes Us! programme offers workshops that combine singing with speech and language therapy and dance with physiotherapy. The Spitz Charitable Trust takes professional musicians into care homes, day centres and hospitals. Through live music, they connect with people to help improve their well-being and quality of life. Together with Music, an Intergenerational Music Making programme connects care homes, community groups and schools through music. The programme connects care homes and older members of the community with their local schools and young people to reduce isolation and improve mental wellbeing. It aims to train professionals and empower them to pass on the healing powers of music. Grace Meadows, Campaign Director at Music for Dementia said: “Carers Week is a focal point in the calendar when we can stop and celebrate the valuable work of carers. Music has many therapeutic benefits that can help carers to improve their own health and wellbeing and to manage the challenges and sometimes isolating experience of caring for someone living with dementia. That is one of the reasons why The Utley Foundation through Music for Dementia continues to fund a wide range of grassroots organisations to deliver musical services and support throughout the country. We proudly join with many during Carers Week to demonstrate our recognition of, value and support for carers everywhere in the incredible work they do each and every day in supporting people living with dementia.”

£12m Care Home Plans Unveiled by Urban Village Group In the last 12 months alone Urban Village Group has unveiled plans to develop care homes in towns and cities across the UK, including Birmingham, Blackburn, Hastings, Sheffield, Telford and Wigan. Urban Village Group chief executive officer Nick Sellman said: “Whitchurch-on-Thames provides a beautiful setting for our latest care home development. We are sure that residents will enjoy the nature walkways and sensory garden that form part of our proposal. Eastfield House will be a highly attractive care scheme which will prove extremely popular with our residents.” He added: “We are on a mission to improve senior living provision in this country and our development will be a high quality facility for families in the region. “There are around 400,000 older people in care homes in the UK. With old age, the level of disability and dependency increases rapidly and impacts significantly on the demand for care services. Urban Village Healthcare is determined to help meet this demand.”

Urban Village Group has today revealed plans to develop a new £12 million care home in a Berkshire village. Eastfield House – a purpose-built 45-bed facility at Whitchurch-onThames, near Reading – is the latest care home development to be unveiled by the leading property investment and development company. The Birmingham-based company is expanding its Urban Village Healthcare division across the country and has many senior living developments in the pipeline. Proposals have been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council for the development which will include nature walkways, a sensory garden, and a pavilion to allow residents to enjoy the leafy surroundings. Urban Village Group’s scheme includes parking spaces, landscaped gardens, a café/bistro, and activity lounges. Construction is projected to start later this year. The completed facility will be let to Bracebridge Care Group for a minimum term of 25 years.

Claire House - The Wirral

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Two Thirds of UK Care Home Staff Admit Resident Quality of Care and Nutritional Needs are Being Overlooked Due to Outdated Procedures

A new, independent survey commissioned by eProcurement technology firm Zupa, has raised several concerns from care home professionals across the UK, with 86% admitting that vital aspects of care provision are suffering at the hands of outdated and time-consuming procedures, with many staff struggling to fulfil their day to day roles. The new data also highlights several care management challenges that need to be addressed to improve staff retention, morale and the overall quality of residential care. The study, which polled hundreds of care home professionals across the country, found that two thirds of care home staff (66%), admitted the quality of resident care and the ability to cater properly for dietary and nutritional needs, are some of the key areas being side-lined as a result of obsolete practices. The study also revealed that more than half (54%) of care home workers felt staff happiness was overlooked, and 44% of workers attribute the high turnover of staff in the care industry to low levels of pay. Specifically, 40% of care home workers felt they couldn’t provide the quality of care that they would like to due to the time they spend on admin. Over half (52%) of respondents, agreed that care home inspections simply add further pressure to their role, and would welcome a way to improve this process. More than a third of care home managers (32%) also said that keeping up with time intensive processes like day to day menu planning, allergens management, and recording resident data around nutrition and hydration, worries them. A further 41% were understandably concerned about the rising costs of food, energy and inflation, while 30% of care home workers identified supplier issues, food shortages and running out of supplies as a growing concern. Importantly, 63% of care home managers link much of their day to day concerns to the wear and tear stresses placed upon their teams.

Lack of staffing and resource also continues to be a worry for the sector, with 67% of care workers citing this as a key challenge. Only 6% of care home professionals said there is nothing that worries them in the day to day running of their care home. Lack of time available to improve day to day quality of care is a clear issue. When asked what aspects of their working day they would spend more time on if they could reduce the amount of paperwork, more than half (56%) of care workers say they would like to improve the standard of resident care if they had more time in their day. Likewise, almost half (49%) of care professionals said they would improve staff satisfaction, suggesting that reducing admin would free up more time to focus on staff morale and happiness. A further 49% would like extra time in their day to be more creative with resident social events and 42% of care home professionals said they would be keen to spend more time on individual care planning. Ollie Brand, CEO at Zupa explained: “Caring for the vulnerable and elderly is time-consuming and demanding. It requires specialist skills and knowledge. This study highlights that care home staff are having to deal with multiple challenges with little resource, and only so many hours in the day. There is also a direct correlation between what worries care home staff day to day and the quality of care they are physically able to deliver. Patchy reporting, outdated processes and a heavily reliance on manual updates, simply adds to the frustration and puts greater pressure on already stretched staff.” This latest research highlights a clear relationship between what aspects of care are being overlooked and what staff would prioritise if they had more time in their day. Almost three quarters (73%), of care home professionals who said they would improve staff satisfaction if they had more time, also said staff happiness is side lined. A further 55% of those who would like to improve the quality of resident care with more time, also said care quality is overlooked due to time wasted on outdated processes. Brand added, “Lack of staffing and resource is still a key concern for care homes. It’s clear that in many cases, that the adoption of automated, fit for purpose technology could help alleviate many of these day to day pressures and interestingly, those care professionals who said they would implement new technology if they had more time, are most likely to say that staff happiness, productivity of staff and quality of care are being side-lined.”

On Tuesday 28th June at 2pm, Zupa will be delving into the outcomes of this brand new study in an invite-only webinar and asking ‘Can technology help create smarter ways of working?’. CEO Ollie Brand will be joined by Mark McCarthy, former Group Director of Sanctuary Care and now Zupa CFO, to discuss how care homes can effectively use technology to enable their teams to spend more time on the things that matter most. Register today to gain valuable insight from like-minded care experts and discover new ways of freeing up time and resource.

Avnish Goyal Receives CBE for Services to Social Care and Philanthropy Chair of Care England and Hallmark Care Homes, Avnish Goyal has received a CBE for his services to social care and philanthropy in her Majesty’s birthday honour’s list. Avnish, founder of multi-award-winning care provider Hallmark Care Homes, received the national honour for his work during the pandemic with the largest representative body for social care, Care England, The Care Workers Charity and volunteer-led initiative; Championing Social Care. Avnish started his career in care in 1997, and became Chair of Care England in 2015. Since his appointment he has supported the sector in various initiatives such as campaigning for better funding for social care and the appointment of a commissioner for older people. He helped found The Care Workers Charity nearly 12 years ago, of which he is now a patron to provide financial care and professional support to care workers. In 2021, the Hallmark Care Homes Foundation which he chairs gave a three-year grant of £78,000 to support The Care Worker’s Charity’s mental health support service which enables care workers to access free counselling. He helped set up and is chair of Championing Social Care, which seeks to shine a light on the great work of the social care workforce through a series of annual events. In 2018, he established the Care Sector Fundraising Ball, which is the only dedicated fundraising event for the sector. The sell-out event to date has raised £348,000 for care charities and the black-tie fundraiser returns this September 24th at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane, London. In 2020, Avnish Goyal and his wife Anita, were appointed as Alzheimer’s Society Ambassadors, supporting the charity’s life changing work to support people affected by dementia. Avnish Goyal said: “I’m deeply humbled to be recognised by her Majesty, the Queen in her special plat-

inum jubilee year for my work in social care and philanthropy as we celebrate our own silver jubilee for Hallmark Care Homes. I joined the sector because I wanted to make a difference and I knew I had something to offer. Over that time, I’ve worked hard, with my brothers, to establish a care company we can be proud of by delivering high quality care to residents in beautifully designed award-winning care homes and driving quality and care standards in the sector. I have enjoyed working with Care England and numerous charities which support and promote our caring and committed workforce. I’m delighted that my work has been recognised at the highest level. I know that this honour will act as a further catalyst to take my work in social care and philanthropy to the next level.” Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care England, said: “In his role as Chair of Care England, and through the high-quality services provided by Hallmark Care Homes, Avnish Goyal has made an outstanding contribution to the care sector and he has always been a powerful advocate for high-quality care and innovations that improve people’s lives. Avnish ‘s contribution to society goes far beyond his work in care, and through his philanthropy, in the UK and internationally, through his work with the Hemraj Goyal Foundation he has transformed the lives of thousands of people. Everyone at Care England, and throughout the care sector, will congratulate Avnish on his well-deserved appointment as a CBE.” Karolina Gerlich, Chief Executive Officer of The Care Workers Charity said: “I’d like to say a huge congratulations to Avnish for his well-deserved award. We thoroughly appreciate all the support Avnish and Hallmark Care Homes’ Foundation have provided in raising awareness and grant giving to the Care Workers Charity. It’s important to Avnish that he leads by example and gives back to the sector that he works in and we really respect this about him.”



Family Visits Made Easier for Scotland’s Care Home Residents New guidance reinforcing the expectation that people in adult care homes should be able to see their friends and family without restrictions has been published. The refreshed Open with Care guidelines say that people in care homes should be able to see their friends and family without restrictions such as limits on how often visits can take place or on how many different visitors a person can have. Booking systems for families should only be required when a home is managing a COVID-19 outbreak. Where there is an outbreak, residents should still be supported to see one of their three named visitors. To reinforce the guidance, the Care Inspectorate will receive an additional £186,000 this year and £90,000 in 2023 to support visiting rights, including dedicated resources for care homes. Minister for Social Care Kevin Stewart today met staff, residents and relatives at the Erskine Park Home in Bishopton to see how easing restrictions has made it easier for residents to have contact with loved ones, both in and out of the home. Mr Stewart said: “The restrictions on visiting introduced early on in the pandemic were necessary to protect staff and residents and curb the spread of the virus, but I am under no illusions as to just how difficult and painful it has been for staff, residents and their loved ones. “We are pleased to be in the position to move to a ‘new normal’, with the latests Open With Care guidance setting out much less restrictive measures in care homes. “As we move towards seeing visiting rights embedded in legislation

through Anne’s Law, our recent strengthening of rights within the Health and Social Care standards means the right to visit loved ones is already in place. I am also happy to confirm a total of £276,000 additional funding to the Care Inspectorate over the next two years to further its work supporting care homes to get back to a more normal footing and protect visiting rights. “I am very pleased to be here to thank the staff and hear from them, the residents and their loved ones about how they have managed over the last two years and the difference that it is making now we have been able to open up care homes more.” Erskine Director of Care Derek Barron said: “Care homes have been at the forefront of the country’s provision of

excellent care to our most vulnerable citizens during the pandemic, a fact often missed by many. The Minister is the first minister to have ‘social care’ in his job title, coming to visit us helps to visually underline the integral part we play in delivering health and social care in this country.” “We were very pleased that the Minister chose to visit Erskine for his announcement. He took the opportunity to meet our amazing staff, who have worked quietly and relentlessly through the pandemic. They have not only delivered compassionate and quality care, but fundraised to support that care – whilst adapting the charity and its services to the economic, demographic and policy changes, which we anticipate.” Edith Macintosh, interim Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, said: “For residents who live in a care home, having contact with loved ones in what is fundamentally their own home is essential for good mental health and wellbeing. “The release of today’s revised guidance highlights the importance of people experiencing care having face-to-face contact with their loved ones and provides the framework to support them to do so. “We welcome the additional funding for the Care Inspectorate to support the implementation of this guidance and to support visiting. “I want to also thank care services and their dedicated staff for their commitment and professionalism in supporting people through the most challenging of circumstances.”

Care Home Opens a Salon in Memory of Beloved Resident Isaac Robinson Court, a care home for people with Learning disabilities in Hull recently celebrated the opening of their new salon; ‘Pam’s Parlour’. Pam’s Parlour is a very special place for both residents and staff at Isaac Robinson court, the salon is dedicated to the memory of resident Pam, who spend many happy years living at the home, during her time there, staff helped her to fulfil one of her dreams of visiting Hull Fair again, she loved her last visit to the fair, having had a fantastic time with friends and staff from the home. Pam was a very popular member of the Isaac Robinson Community, leaving staff and residents with many fond memories. The money to create the salon was generously donated by Pam’s Sister Jackie, Jackie Bateman has been an active Board Member with HICA for the last 28 years. She is the Board partner for Activities, Wellbeing and Learning Disability Support and sits on the SHINE Committee. Jackie wanted to do something special in memory of her sister and thought the Salon would be great

both as a lasting memorial and a wonderful new amenity to be enjoyed by current residents. The Salon has been enjoyed by many residents since its opening but perhaps most of all by resident Sally. After falling in love with giving beauty treatments whilst at Hull College Sally set up ‘Sally’s Salon’ a mobile salon where she gave hand treatments such as nail treatments and hand massages. Now she is looking forward to working at Pam’s parlour which has been custom made to create a wonderful experience for the homes residents. Sally first heard about beauty treatments whist doing a first Aid course, she saw the course on beauty treatments, and it all started from there. Sally says ‘I have always loved taking care of others and like to make them feel good’.


Improving Care Home Staff Retention with Career Growth and Development Due to persistent workforce problems over the last two years, employers and providers of social care have had to adopt a range of strategies to help retain and support their staff. However, staff retention continues to be at an all-time low in the sector. Jacqui White, Group Operations Director of White’s Training, discusses the benefits of employers offering more training courses to care workers in times of crisis. With reports suggesting that many care workers have considered quitting over the last year, as well as suffering from the aftereffects of working on the frontline during a pandemic, the home care industry is facing staff turnover like never before. 66% of home care providers are experiencing more staff quitting their jobs than before the pandemic, with low pay and COVID burnout blamed for worsening the care recruitment crisis. Staff who work in care homes provide care and support to society’s frailest and most vulnerable people. At all times, care home providers must have enough qualified, competent, professional, and experienced workers to meet the needs of the people who use the service. Nonetheless, attracting, recruiting and retaining employees is a constant challenge.

RETENTION REALITY While home care organisations vary in size, service users, staff demographics, and even location, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for snoring employee retention. However, there are a number of key areas that could be improved, including communication and culture, as well as providing professional training opportunities. Investing in employee retention is critical to any company's success. It promotes high-quality care continuity, a positive workplace culture,

space of five years. Whilst 59% of the audience believed that if their company appreciated them more, it would have boosted their enthusiasm and career within the sector. Having a care qualification or ongoing training can make carers: feel their profession is more valued and higher status, feel more competent, capable and confident in their role and more likely to stay in social care with their current employer. A training programme can improve the integration of new team members and give management and care workers the opportunity to get to know one another better and strengthen team harmony. Research indicates that staff are 58% more likely to stay 3 years if there is a structured onboarding programme.


employee well-being, time and cost savings and positive Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings. Employers with a turnover of less than 10% reported that their main activities contributing to staff retention were: • Investing in learning and development (94%) • Embedding the values of their organisation (92%) • Celebrating the organisation’s and individual achievements (86%) • Involving colleagues in decision making (81%)

UNFULFILLED MEANS UNSUCCESSFUL According to a recent study by TotalJobs and Care UK, nearly onethird of social care workers want to leave the industry totally within the

As the industry looks towards a more stable future for employees working in the care sector, we are here to advise and support the employers' next steps. White’s Training provides a variety of courses for home carers from Dementia and Parkinson’s Awareness, to positive behaviour support. These courses are a part of White’s Training's Centre of Excellence, and are currently being delivered virtually, face-to-face or via e-learning. They are also able to help support your in-house training plan by offering Train the Trainer courses and ongoing support. Employers who embrace training courses demonstrate their dedication to their employees' self-worth and value. Offering this as a business makes it more enticing to carers looking for future positions. For more information on carer training, please visit:

Grenadier Guard Recalls His Role in The Queen’s Coronation

A soldier who took part in Her Majesty The Queen’s Coronation ceremony has spoken of his memories of the day, ahead of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. John Walmsley was one of four Grenadier Guards inside Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953 for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. He says he one of the last people that she passed as a Princess, and one of the first she walked by as Queen. He said Her Majesty would later refer to them as “my four Grenadiers”, and that he is the last surviving member of that quartet. John now lives in the High Wycombe Home of Royal Star & Garter, a charity which provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia. The 95-year-old, who is just one year younger than Her Majesty,

stood to attention for hours during the Coronation ceremony, positioned in a recess. Remembering the Coronation, John said: “The spectacle, on that day and at that time, was unbelievable. The glitter, the pageantry, the music, it was spine-chilling.” The historic day started with John marching the short distance from Wellington Barracks to nearby Westminster Abbey with his battalion. He said it had been raining that day, so at the Abbey the battalion formed a guard of honour under a canopy, which had been put up to protect The Queen from the elements. From there, John and three others detached from the guard of honour and slow-marched up the aisle to the music that was playing inside. John said: “We all moved into a recess and we stayed there until Princess Elizabeth arrived. When the procession arrived, the courtiers had to close in as the aisle was quite narrow. When she walked past, she was so close to us that we could have touched her. We couldn’t see the ceremony because we were stood in this alcove, but we could hear everything, and at least we could sense everything that was going on. And the music, my God I can’t explain it. It was spectacular, I’ll never forget that.” While not seeing the Coronation, John vividly recalls The Queen walking past him as she left the Abbey: “I remember Her Majesty walking past me as a Princess, and I remember her coming out as a Queen. The crown on her head and all the jewellery, and she was carrying the Sword of State and the globe (Sovereign’s Orb). It was such a fantastic sight.” As she departed the Abbey, John’s regiment presented arms to Her Majesty, and a guard of honour was formed up after she left in the royal carriage. They then marched back to their barracks with the reg-

imental band, before celebrating the Coronation in the sergeants’ mess. “I feel proud to have been part of that historic day,” John added. “It was an honour to go down the aisle, see the arrangement around you, to hear the music, it was unbelievable. It was something you can’t really explain until you’re in it. It’s something I’ll never forget.” Many years later, John joined The Queen’s Bodyguard of the Yeoman of the Guard, a ceremonial position that he served in from 1980 to 1997. This saw him take part in the State Openings of Parliament, and accompany Her Majesty to Maundy Services. During this period, he attended a Buckingham Palace garden party with his wife Glenys. John said: “She went over to The Queen and told her that one of ‘her four Grenadiers’ who attended her Coronation was standing over there. The Queen took the time to come over and speak to me. I couldn’t believe it.”

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show 2022 A brand new show is set to take the care sector by storm this year. Inspired Motive acquired the ‘South West Care Show’ during the pandemic and have rebranded the show to make it more encompassing. With over 30 years of experience in the event industry, Inspired Motive will be hosting the Care & Occupational Therapy Show. The visitors will include buyers from Care Homes, Domiciliary care companies, Care Groups, NHS, Trusts, Individual Carers, and Individual Practitioners also. Attracting 3000+ visitors, it will truly be a festival of business for the care community. Their goal is to enable companies across the UK to exhibit innovative products that will aid care sector professionals to enhance their brand/services, with 175+ Exhibitors, 30+ Industry Leading Speakers and a Live Demo Area, the show is perfectly positioned to put you on the road to success. The show will also be appealing to Occupational Therapists as there will be services exhibited by those

that cater to that market too, making it by far the largest care event in the South West. The show has already confirmed impressive keynote speakers from the likes of Care England and Care Quality Commission with more to be announced in the coming weeks. They already have some great exhibitors at the show, from the likes of - Albert Goodman, Motor Tech, Appetito, Nourish, Oysta Technology and Reval Continuing Care. All of the show’s seminars are CPD accredited so you can also earn your CPD points whilst attending the show. All tickets for the show are free and will be released over the coming weeks. You can keep an eye on show announcements and ticket availability via their website - If you are interested in exhibiting your own products/services at the show, please contact Luke Outram on 02045 178 888 or email -

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PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Wall & Door Protection Reduce Your Operating Costs!! for a Caring Environment For 55 years Yeoman Shield wall & door protection systems from Harrison Thompson & Co. Ltd. have been delivering healthcare providers with a solution to costly and unsightly impact damage to interior walls & doors. This proactive approach to impact damage can show a year on year saving on maintenance time and budgets. Offering a comprehensive range which includes, protection panels, protection rails, handrails and fire rated door protection systems, offered in over 48 colours, gives customers a wide choice to realise functional and aesthetic requirements. The ability to incorporate colours, signage and images, into Yeoman Shield’s core products can be beneficial to mental health environments be that creating a calming atmosphere or a practical assistance in wayfinding. The Guardian Handrail can also be supplied in an anti-ligature option safeguarding service users. Fire doors are never more important than in a residential setting catering for those more vulnerable. Yeoman Shield offer a full fire rated door protec-

Opeque can assist in reducing energy bills, complying with legislation, managing health and safety and achieving a sustainable operation. Over years, Opeque has worked with various industry sectors, from tyre manufacturing to laundries, schools to hotels and hospitals to care homes, optimising their manufacturing procedures and facilities mantion system that when installed can prevent compromising impact damage and by doing so extends the functioning lifecycle of fire doors. To complement these products is the company’s newly launched Fire Door Services giving reassurance to the building’s responsible person by offering fire door assessments, remedial and door replacement works all carried out under FIRAS accreditation. Tel: 0113 279 5854 | email: See the advert on page 10.

Inclusive Furniture • Consider the elderly • Make the products affordable • Make rental to events an option • Use sustainable products where possible We then thought we need to provide picnic benches and outdoor furniture for people who use wheelchairs. There is definitely a need for disabled, easy access outdoor furniture. All made robustly to take the knocks from wheelchairs and manufactured from sustainable wood from environmentally friendly sources. They also need to make the user feel inclusive.

Consort Claudgen launches Consort Connect app Consort Claudgen have launched Consort Connect app which allows users to have complete control over their heating remotely via their smartphone or tablet. The app is free and downloadable from Google Play or Apple Store. It can control Consort’s Wi-Fi enabled heaters and SL heaters connected to an SLPBWIFI wireless controller. It gives quick access to four operating modes and provides a 7day timer with twenty-four heating periods per day. It is easy to set up and users can configure the settings of all connected heaters on

the app. Users can also view the energy consumption statistics. Other features include a lock function, open window tracking and response capability, and custom automations. There is a selflearning control ability utilising occupancy and temperature sensors, however, this is only available on the SLPBWIFI controller and Consort heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensor. For more information, contact our sales at 01646 692172 or visit or see the advert on page 6.

Safeguard Your Care Home with InVentry Care homes are crucial for our society, so it’s important to ensure they’re a safe setting to help staff carry out the best possible care. With many family members and friends visiting their loved ones daily, InVentry is essential to track who’s entering and leaving your care home. Visitors are met with a simple signing in process and their information is stored directly in the system. This not only allows you to track who is onsite at any given time, but it ensures an even faster sign in during repeat visits. You can also ensure that the contractors you have onsite have the skills to do the job safely by asking custom questions before they sign in, with options to include documents they may need to read upon arrival, ensuring health & safety and the security of

your site is always maintained. InVentry can even help you become CQC and Care Inspectorate Compliant as our software allows you to receive star-rated feedback from those who have visited your care home. You can store this feedback within your system and note any actions taken to improve your processes and procedures! Head to our website: or see the advert on page 11.

Frail & Thinning Skin Can Often Lead To Skin Tears Fragile or thin skin that tears easily is a common problem, especially among older adults. Our skin becomes thinner as we age, or as a result of sun damage and lifestyle factors. Thin skin bruises and tears more easily of course. Certain medications, such as long-term use of topical corticosteroids can also weaken the skin and the blood vessels in the skin Can skin tears be prevented? YES! Use Limbkeepers premium skin protectors! So why Limbkeepers Protectors? Limbkeepers arm sleeves, leg sleeves, and gloves help protect fragile, thin, bruised skin on arms, hands, and legs, from abrasions, skin tears, and injury from impact. Our non-compression arm protectors and leg

protectors provide seamless, form fitting, cushioned comfort and can be easily worn under apparel without bulk. Our versatile products help to reduce injuries, allow you to continue daily activities and maintain quality of life and independence. Made in the USA and supplied from the UK, they are sold in pairs and assorted colours at affordable prices. Limbkeepers are available in regular or lightweight arm, forearm or leg sleeves. Limbkeepers UK Ltd, Demontfort House, 7e Enterprise Way, Vale Park, Evesham WR11 1GS For more information or to buy go to See the advert on page 7.

agement. Applying industrial engineering principles, we address productivity, resource efficiency, quality control, health and safety and asset management, bringing people, utilities, equipment, and buildings together to realise product excellence. We have worked with many care homes to provide laundry services and water hygiene and it is from these close relationships that we believe we can further assist your CARE HOME to reduce operating costs. or see the advert on page 11. 07831 873355, email Call or Email NOW: or visit See the advert on page 19 for details.

WHY CARE HOMES? Not long ago we noticed that in our local park there was adequate seating for the non-disabled but none for the wheelchair-user, the more we looked the more we saw a complete lack of effort in complying with regulations and laws specifically brought in to counter this ignorance and discrimination. We decide to act, our plan was: • Make our products both 'accessible & 'inclusive'. • Design furniture with the wheelchair-user in mind • Act within both the Disability Act and the Equality Act • Provide quality products for non-disabled and disabled alike.

...because not only is it their legal duty under the discrimination acts people who happen to use wheelchairs also happen to enjoy sitting outside in fine weather, they are also appreciated in public places as well as private homes & gardens and places where care is a first priority Peter Cubbin 07775717880 See the advert on page 19 for details.

Health and Safety Matters – Keep Up to Date The National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services ( NASHiCS ) focuses on all health and safety matters affecting the social care sector. The association has goes from strength to strength and has a growing membership across many providers and organisations covering the UK. Keeping up to date regarding Health and Safety matters is vital. The more you know, the more you can plan and the more you plan, the less you are susceptible in turbulent times. Through the association you can Network with colleagues responsible for Health and Safety, share your own ‘best practice’ experiences and hear how others have overcome challenges. Attend dedicated events, on health and safety at special member rates; and participate in national and local Networkers, Conferences and Seminars, in-person or virtual. Advertise job vacancies free; and benefit from special member offers and rates from suppliers of goods services and equipment. Receive regular update emails covering latest

Terryberry - Be Recognised, Be Engaged Terryberry is a global employee engagement solutions provider, HQ in Grand Rapids Michigan with UK offices in Cheshire and Cardiff, we help companies of all sizes, across all sectors. A dedicated account manager is included as part of all our employee reward & recognition programmes, who are on hand to guide you through every stage of the process. We’ve helped companies such as Co-op, AstraZeneca, Coca-Cola, M&S, Airbus, Jaguar Land Rover & The White Company run successful Long Service Award and Employee Benefits schemes. Visit our website: to learn more about our 360 Recognition platform. See the advert on page 21 for details.

developments and safety alerts/news; while giving access to current information, links on key safety topics; and monthly our highly praised e-News. Matters cover range from fire safety, training, infection control, lone working, falls prevention, first aid to stress, legionella, case law, regulation, people moving people and mock courts to mention just a few. See our website for report on past events – We have national links with other organisations, government bodies and enforcement agencies. Our aim is to promote and improve safety and health in care practice by providing a sharing and networking forum for debate, and discussion. Joining NASHiCS is a great and easy way to keep informed and aware. Health and Safety is an essential and matters to everyone involved with social care now and in the future. Find out more – | | 07840 160 030 See the advert on page 11 for further details.


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Forbes Helps Care Homes Maintain Cash’s Labels- “The Name Critical Hygiene Standards Behind the Name” For the care sector, laundry has always been absolutely central to infection control. Furthermore, in order to ensure continuity of service, it is essential to have a reliable service partner in place when needed. Any prolonged machine downtime can have significant operation implications for a care environment, so it is important to have access to a same/next day breakdown response. Home residents deserve the very highest standards and care operators need to source laundry equipment that is both cost and energy efficient whilst meeting the most stringent hygiene standards. Forbes Professional is proud to be Miele‘s national distribution partner. This enables us to offer their new Benchmark machines, which truly set new standards in laundry care. Combining high performance levels with both user and sustainable efficiency, they effortlessly meet all of the challenges of the care sector’s laundry operations. Optimised and intelligent technology combines with simple connectivity for fast and efficient cycles whilst thermo and chemo-thermal disinfection enable the critical hygiene control. Forbes offers prospective clients comprehensive site surveys and entirely transparent cost calculations.

Our in-house engineers fully install and commission all equipment as well as offering complimentary usertraining. Our ever popular Complete Care rental solution is a more sustainable alternative than outright purchase. It also gives care homes access to our multiaward winning service support at no extra cost for the life of the contract. 0345 070 2335 See the advert on page 14.

Renray Healthcare Renray Healthcare has been producing high quality furniture for over 50 years and is one of the UK’s largest and leading suppliers to the healthcare sector. Whether you require a fast efficient delivery of quality

furniture or a full room installation and fitting service, we have the experience and resources to handle your contract. We manufacture and assemble our products in our own purpose built factories in Cheshire and Europe to British Standards. Hence we are able to ensure your furniture is produced to the highest quality, working with you to plan and meet your projects time schedule and budget. We understand you are purchasing furniture that is fit for purpose, stylish and will continue to perform well into the future, which is why we design and build our furniture with you in mind. Telephone: +44 (0)1606 593456, Email:, or see the advert on page 3 for details.

Free Online PAT Testing Course Everyone can benefit from free training! Parker Bell offers a free online PAT Testing course, which is ideal Care Home Managers and maintenance staff. It gives you all the information about your legal obligations and responsibilities. It also covers practicalities such as: • Equipment needed • Full visual Inspection • How to do a PAT Test • What records to keep As a result of the pandemic, many have found their working environment has changed dramatically. You may no longer allow people/contractors on your premises, PAT Testing is straightforward to do and can be easily managed in house. Our free course will show you how you can PAT Test, and what’s more, the HSE say any competent person can do it!

How do you access the free PAT Testing Course? It’s simple, just go to Here you will be able to access the course, you just need an email address to sign up. The course is made up of short modules and is simple to follow.

Who should do the course? Probably everyone should do the course, as it shows you basic electrical equipment safety; which given the

amount of electrical equipment we now have in our homes makes sense. Both employers and employees are responsible for inspecting and maintaining electrical equipment in the work place. So you should encourage all staff to do the course. What equipment do you need? Any competent person can PAT Test, however you will need to use a PAT Tester that give you and outcome Pass or Fail. It’s great if the PAT Tester has readings as well, but they are not essential.

How often should I PAT Test? Frequency of PAT Testing is dependent on your Risk Assessment. You need to include the routine inspection & maintenance of electrical equipment in your Risk Assessment and the risk should determine the frequency. Factors affecting the frequency include: • What the electrical equipment is • How often its’ used • Where its’ used • Who uses it Want to discuss further? You can call us on 01392 364933 or email We are always happy to help! See the advert on page 7.

Taking Care of Your Needs Passive fire protection needs to be at the forefront of all our minds but what is passive fire protection? Passive fire protection assesses a building in detail, poorly maintained fire doors, voids in ceilings & service shafts and penetrations made in walls, floors or ceilings can become conduits through which fire and smoke can spread. By identifying these failures within the fabric of the building, specialist repairs can be made to reinstate the compartmentation of the building to maximise the time available to evacuate the property, and or prevent a fire from taking hold in the first place. For many this remains a concern and knowing where to start can be stressful. It is important that you do your due diligence and you seek out a trained, competent, third-party accredited company to work with you and to discuss your needs. We are often told how a client has struggled to secure the services of a passive fire contractor. We have found many companies would prefer to concentrate on large, long term contracts rather than smaller

At Cash's, we aim to capture, reinforce and communicate our clients’ brand equity through quality and innovation, from design to distribution. Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels, woven badges, care labels, branded and promotional swing tags, garment accessories, packaging and barcoding. Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to our customers' brand

by assisting to combat counterfeiting and grey market activity. Our industry leading eCommerce system is designed to reduce cost, improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data. The order entry process is very simple meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks other than ordering apparel labelling and accessories. Visit or see the advert on page 15.

Otiom, the World's First IoT Device Designed To Prevent People With Dementia From Becoming Lost

Although commonplace, wandering can be dangerous or even life-threatening for people with dementia, and the stress can weigh heavily on friends, family and carers. Otiom - is beginning to make a positive impact in the social care sector and is demonstrating its potential to be a gamechanger for the care of people living with dementia.

WHAT IS OTIOM? Otiom is a unique and discrete tagging device which people with dementia can easily carry. It utilises IoT technology to ensure reliable tracking indoors and outdoors, and has a long battery life.

THE OTIOM SYSTEM: Firstly, the tag: the monitoring device which is carried by the person with a tendency to wander. Secondly, the home base: which is placed in the home of the person with dementia. The Otiom tag constantly communicates with the home base via Bluetooth while the person is at home. Thirdly, the app: which is free on iOS or Android and allows an unlimited number of caregivers or relatives to operate the system. The app allows caregivers to set a safety level depending on individual circumstances. The safety levels have been designed to cater for all stages of dementia. At its lowest setting, location data can only be accessed when carers are concerned about a per-

son’s whereabouts to manually raise the alarm. The fact that tracking is non-constant helps avoid any invasion of privacy for the person with dementia. Otiom can be managed using a smartphone and a safety zone can be set outside the personal home or care facility where the person resides, including gardens or community areas. If the person leaves the safety zone, an alarm will be triggered and the Otiomapp will show the current location. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about Otiom. Call: 0131 467 5764 Email: See the advert on page 9.

MOWOOT II Combats Chronic Constipation MOWOOT II is a revolutionary non-invasive and nonpharmacological solution to chronic constipation. Developed by a team of medical professionals, MOWOOT II delivers gentle abdominal massage that speeds up intestinal transit in people with chronic constipation. Clinically proven and free from side-effects, MOWOOT II Chronic Constipation Therapy System fights constipation effectively, safely and comfortably without laxatives, enemas or colon cleansing supplements. Comfortable during use, MOWOOT II treats and manages chronic constipation in people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease as well as helps to combat medication-related constipation issues. MOWOOT II also fights chronic constipation in menopausal and post-menopausal women and elderly people. In a published clinical study*, MOWOOT II increased evacuation frequency, softened stools, improved reg-

ularity, reduced gasses and bloating and relieved abdominal discomfort. Results showed that as many as 72.2% patients experienced increased bowel movements, 77.4% patients manifested reduction in constipation symptoms and 81.0% patients enjoyed better quality of life. In just 10 to 20 minutes per day of abdominal massage with MOWOOT II, significant improvements were noted only days after the first treatment, whilst regular applications of MOWOOT II delivered positive health benefits and better quality of life. MOWOOT II – effective, safe and comfortable solution to chronic constipation! *McClurg D; Booth L; Herrero-Fresneda I. Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Colonic Exoperistalsis Device to Treat Chronic Constipation: A Prospective Multicentric Clinical Trial. Clin Trans Gastroenterology 2020; 11(12): e00267. See the advert on page 5 or ontact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 -

properties. We realised very quickly that we had an opportunity to provide a bespoke service for each of our clients taking care of individual needs. Over time we have become specialised in working within a live environment such as residential accommodation. When the project is complete, it does not mean the end of our relationship, UK Passive Fire Solutions is part of East Riding Group Ltd. We can offer many other services to you such as UK Pest Control Service and our Hospitality, Kitchen & Hygiene Products (HKHP) UK Passive Fire Solutions work with you from start to finish. Call or email today to get more information and receive your information pack; email or call: 01262 469872. See the advert on page 6 for further information.


CONTINENCE CARE Top Tips For Healthy Skin When Living with Incontinence Healthy skin is a physical barrier against the external environment. The pH balance of skin should be between 4.5 and 5.5 to discourage bacterial growth.

HOW TO ACHIEVE AND MAINTAIN A NORMAL PH BALANCE: • Prevent changes to normal skin pH by cleaning up quickly after each episode of urine loss. • Choose mild skin cleansers, moisturisers and sealants. • Be aware that perspiration, in combination with continence pads and briefs, creates an extra risk factor for skin problems.

DO’S AND DON’TS WHEN CARING FOR YOUR SKIN • Always use the pads prescribed for you and make sure that they are fitted correctly • Tell your nurse if your skin is wet when you change your incontinence pad • Tell your nurse if you have eczema or psoriasis or are prone to other conditions that affect your skin • Note the condition of your skin whilst using incontinence pads • Tell your nurse if there are any changes to your skin. • This would include if your skin becomes red, sore or broken. • Tell your nurse if you are using any ointments or creams

• Wash your hands before and after changing your pad • Don’t apply ointments or creams unless prescribed by your doctor or nurse. • Don’t use talcum powder on your bottom or groin area. It can cause friction which may damage the skin and also affect how well your pad works. • Don’t wear more than one pad at a time

Important advice Oil based barrier creams may reduce the performance of the pads. If barrier creams must be used, they should be applied sparingly and only on areas that require treatment. Used products should be disposed of in the appropriate manner, they cannot be flushed down the toilet. The iD range of products is available to buy from or via Ontex - See the advert on page 7 for details.

Help To Manage Your Incontinence Issues Independently The Bendi Bag is ideal for wheelchair users who can sometimes find toilet access difficult The Comfort Leg Bag range comes in variety of materials from velvet smooth, real cotton and flock backing The Children’s Bag with smaller capacity and proportions comes with a discreet and secure twist tap that will not open accidentally while moving, or out and about

Urinary incontinence affects millions of people in the UK. Although a widespread problem, incontinence remains a taboo topic. Embarrassment often stops people from talking about it, let alone feeling able to access products and services that can help them. So, without the correct help and support, the problem often remains unsolved, which has a negative impact on people’s lives.

COMFORTABLE AND EFFECTIVE Since 1976 Manfred Sauer have provided a range of innovative urology products to help sufferers of urinary incontinence. But unlike other providers, our products are often designed and tested by both end users and healthcare professionals to ensure effective and user-friendly solutions that work. This means your incontinence issues can be managed independently, without worrying about frequent emptying or toilet access and do not impinge on your ability to live life to the full. Read about four of our most popular product ranges, which are all available on prescription.

SHEATHS We offer 5 types of urinary sheath to facilitate the drainage of urine away from the body into a drainage bag. They are made from either latex, or synthetic materials and available in a range of sizes. We also offer skin friendly tapes, straps and adhesives, hair guards, measuring tape as well as Preventox, which cleans and protects the skin, so you are always comfortable and have the best fit possible.


LEGBAGS We supply four main types of leg bags with varying capacities. Perfect for being outdoors, and packed full of unique features and benefits, you now have a choice when it comes to managing your incontinence issues. The shape of our Discreet Thigh Bag allows for it to be worn high up on the thigh area and can even be hidden under shorts, skirts and even swimwear

Thousands of people across the country must perform Intermittent Self-Catheterisation (ISC) to effectively empty their bladder and having something that is simple to use, soft, flexible and easy to lubricate is essential. That’s where our IQ-Cath shines, plus, new for 2022 are male/paediatric and female single-use hydrophilic catheters which are immersed in saline and ready for immediate use. Nephsys For people who have had a Nephrostomy, and tubes are already in place, our NephSys system can drastically improve their lives. As well as providing a secure and sterile solution, which consists of an adjustable, elasticated belt; drainage bags and suspenders to secure the bag to the belt in the chosen position, the system is also comfortable and discreet. For help, support and advice, call 01604 595696, email or visit for more information about each product, or to order a free sample.



Exclusive Antimicrobial Scrub Technology Launched by Grahame Gardner and Micro-Fresh ®

Grahame Gardner has unveiled a brand new Micro-Fresh® scrub top and trouser range which uses leading antimicrobial technology to stay fresher longer. The range, exclusive to Grahame Gardner, incorporates cutting-edge technology Micro-Fresh® to help keep healthcare workers safe whilst maintaining unrivalled comfort. The garment fabric, which is 65 per cent polyester and 35 per cent cotton, is incorporated with innovative Micro-fresh® technology at point of manufacture. The antimicrobial technology not only kills 99.9 per cent of bacteria beyond 50 washes but is also proven to reduce the spread of human coronavirus by 99.2 per cent. With wash resistant antibacterial protection, Micro-Fresh® also boasts odour prevention, providing longer lasting freshness for the wearer. The scrubs are hypoallergenic, gentle on skin and vegan friendly. The exclusive scrubs will stocked available in two fits – unisex and female – and the scrub top will be available in six colourways: Oasis, Navy, Eau de Nil, Bottle, Smoke Grey and Blue 18 each with a classic contrasting white trim The trousers will be available in Navy, Bottle and Black. Grahame Gardner will also offer all six scrub colours in their Made to Order range with a bespoke choice of trim colour. The scrub top design features multiple pockets, including two waterproof chest pockets and a wearers right hand hip pocket, which also has a pen divide and an elastic loop for a clip-on hand sanitiser. The trousers have a

drawstring waist, and also side and a back pockets. A range of Micro-Fresh® tie back scrub caps will also be available in the same six colours to complement the scrubs, plus two additional colours – Black & Royal Blue Sarah Lowe, from Grahame Gardner, said: “We’re so pleased to reveal our exclusive Micro-Fresh® workwear range. “These innovative garments harness leading technology to create scrubs that combine comfort with unique antimicrobial technology that’s proven to kill 99.9% bacteria – even after washing! We know there is the market for them and are confident our customers will appreciate the benefits this garment development bring. It’s been great to build a really positive working relationship with Micro-Fresh® and look forward to that continuing in the future.” Chris Mellor-Dolman, head of marketing & business development at Micro-Fresh®, added: “The move to working with a brand such as Grahame Gardner, who uphold the highest standards of protection and hygiene with products for use in controlled environments, dovetails wholly with our ideology here at Micro-Fresh®. “It’s reassuring to know that Micro-Fresh and Grahame Gardner scrubs are making a significant difference, protecting the health & wellbeing of much-valued medical professionals.” For more information, visit:

Eliminate Odours and Sanitise Rooms with MAG Ozone

15 minutes is all it takes to remove bacteria, viruses and unpleasant odours from indoor rooms and spaces. Don’t just mask bad smells, permanently eliminate them with the MAG Room Sanitiser. It’s safe, it’s sustainable, it requires no chemicals, plus it’s quicker and 3,000 times more effective than other cleaning methods. Hygienic indoor air quality is seen as an essential part of every business and we all have a responsibility to look after our staff, visitors, guests and clients. Monkeypox, Covid-19 and other airborne viruses will continue to come and go so regular air purification is important as nobody knows what the future holds. As well as sanitising the air and surfaces in a room, MAG’s sanitising machine guarantees to remove odours however strong including smoke, cooking, alcohol, body odour and incontinence. It’s used by care homes, hotels, pubs, restaurants and thousands of businesses in the UK and across the world. How does it work? Ozone is safely created and destructed within your preferred time frame. Simply wheel the ozone generator into the room that needs sanitising,

Introducing The World’s First Movable Bedpan Disposer ® Panaway M1 It has been great to get back out helping some customers face to face again but we are also aware of ongoing restrictions and the many pressures facing all. Haigh's product development has continued regardless and with the launch of the Panaway M1 mobile bedpan disposal system, the team has also made a virtual 3D version for you to view from your smartphone via the link / QR code below. Bedpans, commode pots, kidney dishes & urine bottles are simply and efficiently disposed using Haigh's proven technology now in an easy to deploy, mobile, plug and play format. Panaway M1 gives unprecedented flexibility when it comes to bringing the infection prevention bene-

fits of disposable medical pulp to your site, as well as the sustainability and cost considerations associated with using very little electricity and no hot water. A perfect solution as an emergency stand-in when a bedpan machine or washer is unavailable or as a cost-effective solution whilst migrating a site to a disposable system. If you or your colleagues have any questions or would like to know more, please feel free to email or call us. For more information about renting, purchasing or a trial of Panaway® M1 contact Michelle Marriot on +44 (0)7500 626463 or email or visit

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

plug in the machine, start the cycle, leave the room and when you re-enter you will be pleasantly surprised by the extra fresh fragrance. It’s very simple, completely safe and free product demonstrations are available across the UK. Ask about our 5 star feedback and testimonials. Andrew Morgan, Managing Director of Morgan Care shares “Great sales experience with a pre-order demo and very efficient order & delivery service. Would have no hesitation in recommending MAG Ozone”. For more information contact MAG Ozone Ltd on 01353 883025 or Did you know the MAG Group also provides commercial washing machines and tumble dryers? Find out more at (Link: mag-ozone-generator )



Why Infection Control Is Just One of the Benefits of Outsourcing Laundry the past. Residents have their own dedicated bags, into which garments are placed, so Elis knows exactly where each resident’s items are in its fully tracked service.

Care homes are facing many challenges, from infection control and Covid, to staff shortages and rising energy costs. Richard Page, UK Head of Care Homes at Elis (, explains how making a simple change to how laundry is processed can have benefits that extend far beyond infection control. How the laundry is managed can have a bigger impact on the care home than is sometimes realised. It may impact infection control standards and compliance but also staff availability, running costs and capital expenditure, how smoothly the care home can operate, the satisfaction of residents and families, space availability and even the quality of the bedlinen and towels. While traditionally care homes often handled the laundry themselves, many are now recognising the advantages of outsourcing to a specialist, as is the norm in many other sectors, including the NHS and hotels. Here are the top six ways that care homes can benefit from outsourcing to a specialist care home laundry provider, like Elis.

Using the Elis service can be a more cost effective approach to care home laundry. It can free up care home capital, as there is no equipment or linen to buy and can provide efficiencies and cost savings because Elis operates on an industrial scale and passes savings on to customers. With competitive fixed priced contracts and no risk of unexpected laundry costs, the service also helps with cost control. The usage of linens is tracked to provide complete cost transparency and there is flexibility to adjust quantities if demand changes. Care homes can benefit from taking a look at their in-house laundry costs, including staff, water, electricity, gas, detergent, machine rental and breakdown costs and comparing with the cost of an Elis laundry service.



It is essential to maintain high standards of infection prevention and control; an important part of care homes’ CQC inspection. However, when laundry is done on site it can be difficult to consistently follow the strict procedures that help prevent cross infection and ensure compliance with the Department of Health’s HTM 01-04 regulation. Requirements such as the full segregation of clean and soiled items, the validation of wash processes and the stringent handling and transportation procedures can sometimes be difficult to maintain, especially when space is limited. Outsourcing to Elis ensures immediate compliance, both now and in the future. With experience of working for hospitals and care homes across the UK and the world, Elis ensures that infection control is built into every process. It is accredited to the highest European standard in infection control (BS EN14065) and expert at laundry compliance, so care homes don’t have to be.

With staff shortages and illness, outsourcing laundry can also have the benefit of freeing up staff to focus on other tasks. It also significantly reduces the time that management need to focus on laundry. It takes away the hassle and provides a simple, reliable solution. The removal of in-house laundry equipment also frees up space for other activities or even for another bedroom.

2 – RELIABILITY, SIMPLICITY AND PEACE OF MIND When a care home runs its own laundry it can be hard to avoid machine breakdowns, or even fires, and unexpected staff absences. They all create extra pressure and make it hard to maintain standards. With a network of laundries across the UK, each with multiple state-of-the-art machines, back-up facilities and stock and its own delivery fleet, Elis provides a guaranteed, reliable service, day after day. The local Elis laundry collects soiled items, hygienically launders and maintains them and returns them to an agreed schedule. Elis uses the latest technology in all aspects of its service, with tiny 2d Barcodes on linens and on special residents’ clothing bags, enabling meticulous tracking of items and meaning lost items are a thing of


5 – HOTEL QUALITY Items are provided on a cost effective rental basis, with no large up-front costs. High quality linen creates the perfect centrepiece for each resident’s room and fluffy white towels create a homely feel. Bed linen and towelling are professionally finished using specialist driers, ironers and folders, to give a hotel-like quality, while every item of residents clothing is carefully washed and fully CQC compliant.

6 – EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY Elis is able to use gas, electricity and water more efficiently than individual homes, and so partnering with Elis means that care homes are choosing a more sustainable approach to laundry. Elis is Carbon Trust accredited and the first laundry and textile services company in the UK to state its intent to attain Net Zero carbon emissions by 2045. Elis partners with thousands of care homes around the world. From small independent homes and hospices to large care villages. Elis provides solutions for linen and residents’ clothing, workwear and uniforms, chefs’ wear, table linen and kitchen cloths. Elis also provides washroom, mats and floorcare services. For a trial without commitment email or call 0808 1969160 or for more information


An NHS Chef’s Guide to Budget-Friendly, Nutritious, and Delicious Meals

Matt Willis, Co-Head Chef at Clacton Hospital, NHS Property Services (NHSPS) ( shares insight around the challenges of hospital catering, and how best to manage budgets while cooking delicious and nutritious meals for staff and patients. Catering for hospitals comes with its challenges. It is often a balancing act between having nutritious, healthy meals, while also making sure they are within budget and not wasted. And most importantly, the meals must be enjoyable for patients and staff.

HAVING A SEASONAL MENU A big part of saving money and having a tasty menu is making sure meals are seasonal, freshly made and locally sourced. The patient menu is set by dietitians, so it must be adhered to for patients to get the nutrition they need. One way of ensuring this is cooking food from scratch. This can make a huge improvement to the quality of food. In our hospital, for example, making food from scratch allows us to significantly reduce salt out of the diets and ensuring that there are no pre-made or pre-packaged foods in every meal. Using local suppliers is important, as the produce is fresh, and it is a more sustainable way of picking up ingredients needed for the daily menu. It is also great for altering the menu on the day – whether that is down to weather changes, or we have had requests to change up the menu. Ultimately, it is most important to provide people with the food they want. By going local, this can be done in a budget-friendly and sustainable way.

CATERING FOR EVERY NEED It is important to know who you are cooking for. With so many patients and staff, catering for all comes

with challenges – for example, there are 14 official allergens we need to consider. However, it also encourages creativity and to think more about what people want to and can eat. For example, providing an alternative menu is helpful, such as kosher, allergen-free, or needing softer foods. Ultimately, it is important to keep patients happy.

REDUCING FOOD WASTE Another important part of catering and sticking within budget is reducing food waste. In a hospital, if there are two portions left over on a counter, it cannot be saved for later and unfortunately it goes to waste. To prevent waste, we must consider portion control. This can be challenging as patients need a nutrient rich diet and to feel full for a sustained period of time. Where possible, always aim to prepare smaller portions, and if people are still hungry, recommend a snack like fruit or something to keep them going. In our hospital, I encourage the team to manage portion control – it is a crucial part of our training. Leftovers can encourage you to be fun, creative and make simple foods delicious. Reducing food waste will also have a positive knock-on effect on budget, meaning that money won’t be wasted and can be continued to be spent on getting the best produce. My top tips to reduce food waste and budget are: • Make a fish pie with leftover fish, with a quick sauce and mash potato ready for next day lunch service. • I often put lamb in the slow cooker – if there is any leftover it works well in a lamb salad wrap. • Leftover spaghetti Bolognese works a treat as a topping for jacket potatoes, or chili con carne! I also put it over chips sprinkled with cheese on top under the grill. See our Catering for Care feature on pages 34-37.


CATERING FOR CARE Carte D’Or Launches The Perfect Base To Create Flavour-Filled Desserts For Your Residents To Enjoy The key to a delicious dessert is the right ingredients. As a chef, you need quality, adaptability, and versatility, to create efficiency in the kitchen and variety on your menu. Carte D’Or have got you covered with all this and more, with their range of powdered dessert bases offering endless possibilities for your dessert menu. Carte D’Or have teamed up with Aaron Watson, Head Chef at Primrose Bank Care Home and winner of the NACC Care Chef Of The Year 2021, to demonstrate just how adaptable, controllable and reliable their range can be. Alongside Executive Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Alex Hall, Aaron has created a series of recipes that are easy to create and will really impress. These include a refreshing ‘Eaton less Mess’, soft doughnuts, a classic baked Alaska and fruity strawberry ice cream – all made using the Carte D’Or Strawberry Mousse and perfect for a movie night or warm summers day.

Alex and Aaron have used the Carte D’Or Panna Cotta mix to make a rhubarb & custard, black forest, and raspberry panna cotta. All these recipes are quick, simple, and packed full of different flavours – which is ideal when catering to various individuals’ preferences! Aaron commented: “You have to think of each resident as an individual, rather than thinking a dish will be suitable for everybody. You have to personalise it to each person”. Finally, Carte D’Or Crème Brulée is used to make an apple tart, coconut crème caramel and the classic Queen of puddings. The latter utilising leftover ingredients such as breadcrumbs, which are usually seen to go to waste. It’s made in 4 simple steps; just whisk, mould, chill and serve your delicious pudding. The coconut crème caramel is a play on Aaron’s winning dish from the 2021 NACC Care Chef of the Year competition and he highlights the importance of having these exciting dishes for residents: “Obviously, the food we put on the plate is a really important part of the residents’ day to day lives, mealtimes are one of the main times of the day, where all the residents can come together and interact”. To learn more and watch the full recipes visit

Food Procurement Experts, allmanhall are Helping Care Caterers Manage Rising Food Costs Here the causes behind significant food inflation and provide advice on practical ways care home catering teams can manage rising costs are explored. “There are wide-ranging reasons why we’re currently experiencing such significant food inflation. Our global food supply chain comes with input cost factors that originate far beyond these shores” explains Oliver Hall, managing director of food procurement experts, allmanhall. The Bank of England has revised its projections upwards, predicting that inflation will now peak at 10% towards the end of 2022. Upward pressure is expected this autumn as energy prices rise again and the full impact of harvest yields globally, and more specifically in Ukraine and Russia, become known. allmanhall’s apply such insight and understanding to managing suppliers, thus supporting care home catering teams with their food purchasing in these challenging times. As well as expert negotiations to mitigate the price increases and risk associated with food inflation, allmanhall’s hands-on, experienced consultants are able to offer care homes practical advice. Coping strategies are key, addressing the things you can control:

- Select the purchasing approach that brings your care home maximum benefit - Undertake range management - Reduce your care home’s cost to serve - Increase your delivery values (add non-food items to your order) - Multi- and upskill your catering team - Reduce waste wherever possible - Review the efficiency of your equipment - Consider your care home’s menus and recipes - Review product specifications. These steps will enable your catering budgets and food purchases to go as far as possible. To learn more, go to Rachael Venditti from allmanhall will be talking on the topic of Food Inflation at the Care Home and Hospital Catering Forum in Haberdashers Hall, London on 13 June.



Anglia Crown – Looking To Make Your Lives Easier As the better weather approaches it is perhaps a time that we can start to look forward again. Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit us all, those in the care sector have been at the forefront of the fight and Anglia Crown salute each and everyone of you who have been providing the best service you could throughout the crisis. Anglia Crown has been there beside you and will remain there to help you keep your residents happy and well fed. Whilst the company maintained a rapid response team to react quickly to their customers’ needs during the crisis, they also allowed time to step back and see how best they could improve their offer for the care sector and beyond. The company was also keen to recognise their 30th anniversary of championing choice with the release of their 2022 range of products. The range includes Crown Choice and Crown Advantage meals available frozen, with Crown Crown Choice also available as chilled products. Company Dietitian, Ruth Smith, comments: “Whenever we update our product range, we always look to reflect current trends. There is a definite move towards plant-based foods which we have considered in these menus, which we believe will prove to be very popular.” The company now offers over 70 vegan and vegetarian dishes, many have been accredited with the Vegan Society. This approach led to the company being named a Veggie

Wholesaler of the Year. Another one of the initiatives was to create a menu cycle that can be readily adopted by any care setting, with the knowledge that the menu is nutritionally balanced and has been approved by a professional dietitian. The two-week cycle offers something for everyone. Where a bulk service is required for resident dining, they have it covered, a similar menu using Crown Advantage dishes can be similarly employed. The specially designed menu is cost effective, as it has already considered the financial balancing that is always required in our sector and just as importantly, it also helps with any staffing issues that you might encounter, allowing properly trained Care Assistants to help with the complete delivery of the meals to your residents. Mary Wedge, Business Development Manager at Anglia Crown concludes; “We needed to take fast action during the crisis, which led to a huge shift in thinking that has ensured that we could fully support our industry during this difficult period and beyond, whilst continuing to deliver on our vision – in driving excellence in residential and care home catering.” The new range is now available. Visit for further details.

TME’s Colour Coded CA2005 Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments Thermometer Range Ensuring that you have hygienic equipment in the kitchen and catering area can be easily achieved with TME’s colour coded CA2005 thermometer range. We all understand the importance of equipment which is easy to clean and hygienic especially where food is cooked and prepared. It is also important to ensure that the equipment you have is accurate to avoid any risk of food being undercooked. Our solution is the CA2005 thermometer and probe range, featuring our high accuracy CA2005 thermometer and a choice of up to 6 colour coded dishwasher-proof temperature probes to help you avoid cross contamination. Our CA2005-P kit, which

includes both thermometer and probe, can be picked up for a little as £65 and our CA2005-PK kit with thermometer and all 6 probes is only £125. You can be sure you’re making the right purchase as all TME products are British built and our thermometers come with our Thermometer for Life pledge which means that you will never have to pay more than £35.00 to have the thermometer repaired or replaced. See our products at or contact us on (01903) 700651 for further details. TME – When temperature matters

Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. Ideal for events or to provide temporary catering facilities during your kitchen refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs. Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Warewashing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer-term hires. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The standard specification of our smallest

Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range, salamander grill, twin basket fryer, upright fridge, hot cupboard, single bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin, plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc. Internal equipment can be interchanged and clients can effectively specify their preferred layout. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. So if you’re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal. For further information or to arrange a site visit, email: or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website:


NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Silent Running Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions Tranquility in Care Homes Fall Savers®, are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years.


Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers®. The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad. This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads. Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices.

Benefits include:

Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts


®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition. Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad. Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering. An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors.

Features include:

Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately): Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit


Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment. Similarly, carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum. There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings, particularly those suffering from dementia, these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature, light, and of course noise. Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources, for example, telephones ringing, loud conversations in corridors, and call bells sounding, often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents. A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers. The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building. Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is. At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person’s ability to

concentrate. It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope, as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing. Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers.” Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home. These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call. In these circumstances, dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one “zone” whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone”. Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents. Pagers have been around for many years, are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise, and can be added to most Nurse Call systems. Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning, e-medication, etc. Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system. With the “Go” app, nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets, alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home. Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also, this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved, staff are retained and CQC ratings improve. Clearly, the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep. Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter, calmer, and more tranquil environment. For more information email us at:



Medpage Falls Management Products Medpage T/A Easylink UK have manufactured and distributed fall prevention and detection products for over 25 years. We specialise in products for one-to-one care, or small groups in a Care Home or Hospital. Our systems are robust, easy to set up and use, and have a proven track record in helping to reduce falls, in domestic and professional care establishments. How can they help reduce falls? Many falls occur when a person at risk from falls leaves their bed or chair, particularly during the night. By detecting an exit from the bed or chair early a carer or guardian gains time to attend and help the person, usually preventing the fall.


Medpage supply a diverse range of equipment for detecting bed and chair exit. There are for example, simple bed alarms, chair alarms, or multiple use products for combining bed and chair monitoring, to allow the person to move from their bed to their chair. There are systems that use a cabled pressure mat sensor connected to an alarm controller, or pressure mat sensors with a self-contained alarm transmitter to signal a radio pager. Carer alarm notifications can be by a single or multiple user pager or alarm receiver, or an external alarm device. You can find out more on the advert on page 11 or at product-fall-detection

Nurse Alert Mats Designed to combat the problem of residents who are inclined to walk undetected, the Nurse Alert Mat can help protect residents especially at night that are at risk of falls and accidents. When connected to a Nurse Call system or the mobile Floor Sentry Monitor it will then alert staff, sounding the alarm with a small amount of pressure thus enabling staff to investigate.

• Nurse Call Systems • Fire Alarm Systems • Door Access • Staff Attack • CCTV • Infection Control • Dementia Care • Electrical Contracting

Lotus Care Technology The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls. Having many years of experience in fitting and

maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. Visit for details.

In addition The Floor Pressure Mat has a heavy non slip backing, It comes professionally sealed so can easily be cleaned for liquid spills and is fully serviceable.



TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Log my Care’s New Research Reveals The Sentiment In The Social Care Sector and Technology’s Place In Its Future

Log my Care has revealed the results of new research – The future of care: an analysis of job satisfaction and technology in social care. Prompted by the reports of a sector in crisis, Log my Care disseminated a survey to better understand the sentiment of the social care workforce, if an exodus of care workers leaving the sector on the horizon and how technology can support them to stay. The survey identified a workforce that was predominantly happy in their role. Reflecting these high levels of happiness in their jobs, only a small minority of respondents said they wanted to leave the care sector: • Respondents had an average happiness ranking of 7.9 in which 1 was ‘very unhappy’ and 10 ‘very happy’.

• Those in senior management roles appeared to be more satisfied (8.9) compared to those in frontline roles (8.2) or management positions (7.7). • Only 4% of respondents said they wanted to leave the care sector. Findings from the survey also revealed a workforce that is drawn to the sector for altruistic reasons: • 81% of respondents said that ‘purpose’ was ‘very important’ to them in their role, the most popular response from a predefined list. • ‘Knowing that the job was done well’ was the most popular type of reward for respondents (56% selected this as their first choice) compared to a quarter (24%) selecting ‘money’. • 83% of respondents reported that ‘passion for caring for others’ attracted them to the care sector, while more than three-quarters (77%) selected ‘making a difference’ as a reason. • Factors connected to their own benefits were less important. With ‘personal development' (61%) and ‘career development’ (45%) bringing up the rear. However, the stressors of the pandemic have exacerbated some of the unpleasant factors associated with working in social care: • Just under half (45%) of respondents reported that the ‘workload’ was the factor they disliked most about their role. • 37% disliked their ‘work-life balance’ and 14% were unhappy with their ‘level of responsibility’. When asked how digital they felt their workplace was already: • The majority (59%) said their workplace was a beginner when it came to digital with a long way to go. • One-third of all respondents felt they were 'digital experts' (33%), using digital solutions in most aspects of their work, and only 9% identified as

complete novices. There’s a positive sentiment towards the digitalisation of social care: • Two-thirds of respondents (67%) said they were 'super excited' about the increasing digitisation of the sector. • Three-quarters of respondents (76%) felt that the care industry needs to become more digital. Sam Hussain, Founder and CEO of Log my Care, comments, “The reports of the care sector in crisis are at odds with the incredible dedication and optimism voiced by many of our customers in our daily conversations. We wanted to dig a little deeper with this research — to understand the sentiment in the sector, why so many people were leaving it and what place technology has in supporting them to stay. Although we were surveying an industry clearly in crisis, the passion and commitment of the people working in it is a light in the dark. We know it’s time for a change – with low pay, long hours and a lack of employee development coming up time and time again as the reasons our care staff are leaving. Technology can play a vital role in this change and by encouraging even the smallest care provider to go digital, we can begin to combat some of the problems highlighted by this survey.” Scan this QR code to read Log my Care’s full report or read it online at

‘Work Smarter’ To Tackle Care Recruitment Crisis, Advises Bizimply The recruitment crisis continues to hit care homes hard. According to the latest ONS figures, to 31 March this year, vacancies in the health & social work sector, which includes care, stood at 216,000 – a 6.5% increase on the previous quarter and massive 65% up on the previous year. Care home owners and managers are learning how to run their business with a staff vacancy rate that is here to stay for a while. Conor Shaw, CEO at workforce management specialists Bizimply, says: “Tackling the staffing crisis means ensuring your teams are working not harder, but smarter. “Technology such as ours can be really helpful, allowing managers to create staff rotas and payroll easily and quickly, so they can spend more time with their teams, which raises morale and motivation. It can also reduce the

Vayyar Imaging Secures $108M in Series E Funding Led by Koch Disruptive Technologies Vayyar Imaging, a global leader in 4D imaging radar, has announced that it has finalized a USD 108 million Series E financing round led by Koch Disruptive Technologies (KDT), bringing the company’s total funding to over USD 300 million. The new round includes first-time Vayyar backers GLy Capital Management and Atreides Management LP, alongside existing investors including KDT, Battery Ventures, Bessemer Ventures, More VC, Regal Four, and Claltech. To support investor outreach in China, Vayyar engaged China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC) as its lead financial adviser. Founded with a vision of detecting early-stage breast cancer using RF technology, Vayyar has since

expanded its business into senior care, automotive, retail, public safety and other industries. The company provides solutions powered by its leading-edge system-on-chip, proprietary software stack, and breakthrough Machine Learning algorithms. In the automotive space, Vayyar manufactures 4D imaging radar-based platforms that transform safety across the in-cabin, ADAS and motorcycle (ARAS) domains. The company’s ARAS platform is in mass production for deployment on Piaggio Group’s motorbikes, providing exceptional safety for the world’s most at-risk road users. Vayyar has also secured supply contracts with automakers from Japan and Vietnam and is in advanced engagements with almost every other OEM and supplier for both in-cabin and ADAS. In senior care, the company offers Vayyar Care, a unique remote monitoring solution, integrated with the world’s leading nurse call systems, that protects the aging population with automatic fall detection and data that drives predictive behavioral analytics. Vayyar recently signed a Joint Venture agreement with Haier subsidiary HCH Ventures, leveraging its senior care technology to address the 4 trillion yuan (625B USD) “silver tech” market in China. Vayyar has also established a large-scale partnership with Amazon for remote health, safety and security monitoring. "KDT is excited to help further Vayyar’s vision to improve the health and safety of people’s lives at a global scale,” said Brett Chugg, senior managing director of KDT. “Their 4D imaging technology is transforming the medical, smart home, elderly care, and automotive markets here in the U.S. and around the world. We look forward to helping accelerate their continued growth.”


reliance on agency staff to fill the gaps. “The other benefit is that managers can give staff members their shift patterns further in advance, putting an end to last-minute requests to work. Improving your employees’ work-life balance can go a long way to making them feel more valued in their job and less likely to leave.” Shaw adds: “Nobody chooses a career in care to spend hours on administration. By automating routine tasks, care home managers and staff can concentrate on doing what they love - caring for residents.” A growing number of care homes across the UK and Ireland are now using Bizimply’s software to create staff rotas, payroll and more. To find out more:


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Vayyar Imaging Secures $108M in Series E Funding Led by Koch Disruptive Technologies (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39) After opening new offices in five additional territories, including Japan and China, Vayyar will continue to expand its activities across numerous verticals and introduce a family of Machine Learning-enabled imaging solutions that are being integrated with the world’s leading smart building, robotics, retail and public safety solutions. "We are pleased and proud to progress our partnership with existing investors including KDT, as well as additional backers which are joining forces with us for the first time,” said Raviv Melamed, co-founder and CEO of Vayyar Imaging. "During a challenging period for the global economy, this new funding round is a ringing endorsement of our mission and a clear vote of confidence in the strength of our technology and the strate-

gic agility of our organization.” With a strong sales pipeline and a world-class patent portfolio, Vayyar will continue cementing its leadership in core verticals, expanding its activities in additional industries, and increasing its physical presence across the Americas, EMEA and East Asia. About Koch Disruptive Technologies Koch Disruptive Technologies (KDT) is a unique investment firm, partnering with principled entrepreneurs who are building transformative companies. KDT provides a flexible, multi-stage investment approach. KDT works with companies that can help Koch transform its capabilities, disrupt existing businesses or expand into new platforms. KDT is a subsidiary of Koch Industries, one of the largest privately held companies in

the world, with estimated revenues exceeding $125 billion and presence in over 70 countries. KDT helps its partners unlock their full potential by bringing Koch's full capabilities and network to them, structuring unique capital solutions and embracing a long-term, mutual benefit mindset. About Vayyar Imaging Vayyar, the global leader in 4D imaging radar, supplies the world’s most advanced radar-on-chip platforms to gather life’s essential data, providing solutions for senior care, automotive, security, smart home, robotics, and more, while maintaining privacy at all times. Vayyar’s mission is to deliver the next generation of sensing technology that is miniature, affordable, and versatile enough to impact everyone’s lives, enabling a safer world. Visit to learn more.

Cloud Finance Software That is Helping Care Homes Thrive Healthcare organisations face unique challenges from cost containment and multi-entity reporting to new billing models and product offerings and a cloudbased accounting system allows you to better understand your organisation and succeed in the future. At Sage Intacct, we’re passionate about building accounting software that helps you better understand your business, maintain compliance, and succeed in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.


As healthcare grows in complexity, so does your organisation. You’re managing multiple locations and practices, navigating changing reimbursement methods, and initiating cost reduction initiatives, while manual processes are draining your productivity. You need insight into your growing breadth of financial and operational data, and we’ve built our healthcare accounting software with you in mind. We provide compliant financials with continuous consolidation across multiple offices, practices and locations. Sage Intacct healthcare customers have increased profitability by 30% with better insight for informed decisions, realised 25% improvement in efficiency gains, and taken departmental reporting

from 10 days to 10 minutes.

REAL-TIME VISIBILITY AND INSIGHTS Sage Intacct’s real-time reporting allows you to understand and measure performance for both financial metrics and operational outcomes. Because every transaction in the system can be tagged with dimensions, finance professionals can sort, view, filter, and report on the specific information they need. With greater insight, our healthcare customers have reduced board budget reporting from three weeks to one hour and have improved revenues by 25% without adding additional headcount.

TRUE CLOUD TECHNOLOGY WITH OPEN API True cloud technology with open API As an innovator in the cloud space, Sage Intacct’s multi-tenant, true cloud foundation brings robust technology infrastructure to your organisation, without the high costs of managing servers. Our open API lets you connect to existing systems or those you are considering in the future. This means you can leverage key data from electronic medical records, payroll, budget, CRMs (including Salesforce), and other systems to track key performance indicators. For more information on how Sage can help your business please visit:

Keep VIPs Safe at Home and Safe away from Home Button and box have been the traditional method of keeping Vulnerable Independent People (VIPs) safe at home, however, by continuing to install them in homes, you are inadvertently telling VIPs that they are only safe at home. Oysta have developed telecare devices for VIPs to stay safe as they maintain an active lifestyle and passive sensors in the home to enable preventative care. VIPs should be encouraged to pursue an active lifestyle as movement is medicine. VIPs that remain physically active for longer are less likely to decline as quickly as they would if they are housebound. Our Oysta devices and sensors link into our care platform, IntelliCare™. IntelliCare positions the care circle to provide preventative care as they receive insights and notifications when their VIPs activity falls outside of normal parameters. Likewise, in the case of an emergency, the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) has a full picture of the VIPs activity and location. We are looking forward to showcasing our services to visitors at the Care and Occupational

Therapy Show in Exeter on 21 June. We are speaking at the show on ‘Movement is Medicine.’ Natasha Salway will show how mobile technology can play a big part in enabling VIPs to remain physically active for longer and providing them a safety net if their condition deteriorates. Natasha will demonstrate how technology can remove isolation boundaries and cover how to ensure VIPs can be safe at home, or in a care home when pursuing an active lifestyle. Natasha has hands-on experience of assistive technology, how it can benefit vulnerable adults, their families, and carers. She worked in Adult Social Care for 18 years, 14 years, specifically within the TEC, Assistive Technology and Telecare field. Visit us at Stand 188 at the Care and Occupational Therapy Show, Westpoint Arena, Exeter 21st June 2022 for a free demonstration or if you’d like to speak sooner, get in touch today on 01295 530 101. See the advert on the facing page for further details.


TECHNOLOGY & SOFTWARE The Access Group Launches Support For New Care Providers With Care Foundations Access Health, Support & Care, a division of The Access Group, has launched Care Foundations, new software packages to support start-up home care providers in implementing the digital solutions they need to register, establish and grow their business. Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid previously announced £150 million of funding to support digitisation in social care, with the aim for 80 per cent of social care providers to be using digital care records by March 2024. Used by many of the UK’s leading care providers, Care Foundations is part of the Access care management software suite that helps new and growing care providers register and develop their business. The solution is designed to help home care businesses seamlessly integrate specialist health and social care technology into their day-to-day processes. Ranging from essential to premium, the three bespoke packages include information on various aspects, including policies and procedures, recruitment, and care plans. Steve Sawyer, managing director, Access Health and Social Care, explained that this platform would be a perfect introduction to digitisation. He said: “Access Care Foundations will make the road to implementing digital processes much easier for new and growing care providers. This tool supports the vision of the recent announcement from Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid and will make that transition to digitising care records much easier. “Providing the best possible quality of care is clearly the main priority for providers. The aim of this tool is to simplify

Intelligent Care Software (ICS) If you are looking for a care management system which answers all of your quality, monitoring and compliance needs, then looks no further than Care is. Care is provides the intelligent software solution for care home and domiciliary care managers and owners looking to roll all of their care and management functions into one electronic platform. We know this to be true because unlike some other CMS’s Care is was conceived, designed, built and is managed by nurses, registered managers and care home owners.

establishing a business as well as provide a space to continue elevating current processes with support and guidance. Each package has different options that can cater to different levels of care, this means there is always an option for each provider depending on their business needs. “If we have learned anything from the past few years, it’s that technology has massive potential to continue to innovate the health and social care sector. Moving forward it’s clear to say that this will become the norm for home care providers. It’s important we continue to create safer and seamless healthcare processes and we believe that can be done with technology.” Access is currently offering exclusive discounts of up to 25% on Access Care Foundations for new start-ups and unregistered providers only pay for what they need to get registered. Each package is on an integrated system and contains tools which can monitor and improve care quality. For care providers who might be unfamiliar with specific protocols and regulations, this tool provides peace of mind knowing experts are on hand to help. For more information visit

The ‘CARE is’ suite includes care and support, care planning platform, our policy app with over 200 high quality policies which are updated regularly and which also includes our supervision, appraisals and training record apps and our audit app which templates all the essential audits and includes a record of inspection visits. At Care is we can get you started on your journey from paper or another care management system with minimum fuss, plenty of support and all for what we believe to be good value for money. With eMAR, mandatory training and a complementary care certificate coming in 2022, there has never been a better time to get on board.



How the Care Sector Can Recruit and Retain Staff

Professor Martin Green OBE is an Expert Advisory Council member for P&G Professional and the Chief Executive of Care England.

Social care is facing many challenges, but one of the biggest is how to recruit and retain our workforce. The social care workforce is very large, consisting of over 1.4 million people (more than work in the NHS), but we also have a 34% turnover rate – and there are over 105,000 vacant posts. Our workforce is the biggest asset in social care, and throughout the pandemic, they really showed both their commitment and professionalism. I heard of many occasions when social care staff went above and beyond the call of duty to support the people in their care. The pandemic has left many social care staff exhausted and it is really important that as we start to develop a new future for our sector, we begin by giving staff the recognition they deserve. The legacy of Covid has to be a new deal for the social care workforce. Not only have we lost staff because of the pandemic, but the Government introduced a policy of mandatory vaccinations in care homes,

though not in other parts of social care or the NHS, which led to about 30,000 staff resigning. While it is very important that all social care staff are vaccinated, implementing the policy was very challenging for social care. The UK's withdrawal from the EU also took another group of people away from our sector. There now needs to be a reappraisal of every aspect of the social care workforce, including planning and career prospects, to put staffing issues on a sustainable footing. It is my view that we need new skills and competency frameworks, with very clear career pathways and portable qualifications that must be the building block for careers in social care. We also need to look at the quality of the social care offering and create good quality jobs where staff are well supported in order to ease the challenges ahead. In order to make social care an attractive place to work, there are several things that employers need to do to ensure that social care is a destination of choice, both for younger people starting out on their careers or, indeed, for people who are changing from other sectors. Social care is a very diverse sector, and there are so many different roles and professions in which you can develop your career. We not only need frontline care staff, but there are also good roles in logistics, catering, and of course, hygiene and infection control. The latter was always an important part of social care delivery. Still, the

pandemic has put into sharp focus the importance of having proper hygiene and infection control regimes, and the staff that deliver these crucially important services are a vital part of the social care workforce. Working in social care is not easy, but it is very rewarding – and the rewards for staff come from the interaction between themselves and those they support. With this in mind, any repetitive tasks requiring staff to be taken away from frontline interactions with the people they support must be as easy and effective as possible. That certainly goes for the issues around cleanliness and hygiene; these are vitally important, but it is up to social care employers to make sure that they are as easy as possible for staff to complete. Both staff and residents want the assurance that anything they are delivering is good quality, and that's why they use products that are tried and tested, providing both peace of mind and ease of use. P&G Professional products such as Flash Professional and Fairy Professional are simple to use yet highly effective. Staff and residents alike can feel assured that they will deliver the best possible cleaning solutions. Choosing household name brands provides a sense of the familiar, given their consumer counterparts are seen in millions of homes and trusted by countless loyal customers. Professional brands adapted for the care sector provide comfort through a sense of reassurance thanks to their efficacy and reliability.

Workforce Challenge - The Eden Alternative – A Modern, Proven Model of Care for Staff and Resident Wellbeing WHY DO THIS? The Eden model, is built on what people say they want, in a Home or a workplace, which therefore attracts residents and team members alike. As an Eden Home builds its reputation upon the quality of life it offers to the people that reside there, it follows that occupancy improves. As a programme that empowers staff and focuses on their wellbeing, It follows that staff retention improves. With a positive culture, a motivated and dedicated workforce, It follows that positive innovation becomes more possible, sustainable and continuous.

When demand for services increase, it follows that viability improves. As a cohesive cultural progression programme, it follows that innovation, modernisation and positivity increase. The model is efficient, cost effective and the training is delivered by experienced practitioners in Care Homes. Homes are very busy places, and the programme is therefore run on line for 1 hour per week for 6 weeks, and people can do this at work or at home. The 6 weekly sessions are run online, with a workbook, with links for further optional reading or viewing and should not be a burden to busy Homes, teams and managers. It is however effective. You can try without obligation.

It is designed to make business sense to providers. It is designed to enhance viability. It is designed to support recruitment and retention. It is designed to motivate Care teams and is open to any individual to add their CV.

WHAT IS IT. It is a training programme which leads to accreditation and focuses in detail on 7 domains of wellbeing, 10 principles, and is particularly designed to address instances of loneliness, helplessness and boredom.

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Skills, Knowledge, and Confidence Delivered Online Covid19 reminded us all just how important the NHS and care home staff are to our society. We are grateful for their hard work and bravery, and feel honoured to support them through our Laser Care Certificate course and CPD short courses. Working in the care sector is certainly demanding, so our objective is to make it convenient and straightforward for workers to upskill and acquire confidence in the process. The Laser Care Certificate course provides knowledge to cover every standard included in the official Skills for Care specification. Every lesson includes bespoke video tutorials specifically for the Care Certificate course, as well as reading materials and good practice examples. Furthermore, a mandatory quiz at the end of each lesson (which requires a 100% pass mark) ensures both competence and confidence. Managers are able to create their own accounts to enrol staff on the course and track their

progress. All of the content is accessible remotely via computer, smartphone or tablet, enabling care professionals to make progress towards the certificate in a way that suits their circumstances. Additionally, Laser delivers CPD short courses to equip staff with highly-relevant skills and knowledge so they can tackle new challenges or progress in their career. Two courses in particular – ‘Causes and spread of infection’ and ‘Infection control and prevention’ – were very popular during the pandemic. Unlimited use subscriptions are available at affordable rates, for organisations wishing to take advantage of a large number of short courses. Whether you are an owner, manager, or independent learner, please don't hesitate to get in touch for a free demo of the Care Certificate course platform, and/or the CPD short course offering. The Laser Learning team can be contacted on or +44 (0)1753 584 112.

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Is Your Care Home At Risk From Underinsurance? They also noted that one in four firms had not made a material change to at least one Sum Insured in the last four years. The Sum Insured is the maximum amount of money that your insurance company could pay out in the event of a covered loss. With costs increasing in the construction industry, in raw materials as well as labour, checking your building sum insured is a great place to start.


A recent article, written by Aviva, one of our insurer partners has highlighted some startling figures on commercial insurance among businesses in the UK. Whilst your insurance may not be held by Aviva, the risks identified are likely to be reflected across many organisations and could be relevant to you and your care home. You might not be aware, but underinsurance is often seen amongst small to medium sized businesses, and the pandemic has only intensified the threat. The reason for this is that to ensure long term survival, many businesses made changes to their operating models, which have not been reflected in their insurance cover. According to Aviva’s data¹, only 20% of small and medium businesses had their policies changed in line with their new business models. This could mean that in the event of a claim, they may not receive the appropriate level of cover they now require, putting their business at unnecessary risk.


Further, they identified that 40% of clients with Business Interruption insurance did not have an adequately set indemnity period. This is the maximum length of time your insurance company is obligated to make payments to cover the losses insured under the policy. When the maximum indemnity period has been reached, then claim payments will cease. Business Interruption insurance covers your operational costs in the event of a crisis. If your business suffered a total loss claim, you need to consider how long you would need the cover to last whilst you rebuild or relocate. As a care home owner or operator, following a total loss event, the cover period required is likely to be long, as you’ll need to rebuild or refurbish your property. You will also need to relocate your residents whilst this is happening, which may also result in a temporary change in staffing and supplier requirements. When cover is not reviewed regularly and doesn’t reflect new operating models, your business may be at an increased risk from gaps in cover and underinsurance.

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IS IT TIME TO REVIEW YOUR INSURANCE? There is no time like the present to take some time to review your insurance cover levels. With so much economic uncertainty driven by the pandemic and Brexit, we would advise making sure your risk management plans are firmly in place, which includes adequate insurance. You should talk to an experienced broker who can help you to take a look at the bigger picture and ensure that you have the right insurance in place for your specific needs. As an independent commercial broker, with access to a wide panel of A rated insurers, we can advise on

¹ Data is based on Aviva held small to medium sized business, excluding fleet November 2021 – modelling 80% of the account and extrapolating the total.

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Barnes Commercial Insurance Broker is a trading style of Barnes Commercial Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN: 844370. Registered address: 3 Fenice Court, Phoenix Park, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs, PE19 8EW. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 11909011.

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