The Carer Digital - Issue #28

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W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M

The Carer Digital


Issue 28


Social Care Needs to Fill More Than 100,000 Vacancies

The adult social care sector in England still needs to fill around 112,000 job vacancies on any given day according to a new report. Using data provided by employers to the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) the annual ‘The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England’ report from Skills for Care reveals that there had been a slight reduction in job vacancies, but employers still needed to find thousands of new workers. “Any reduction in the number of vacancies is welcome, but we need to attract more new recruits who have the right values to fill posts that offer long term careers where you can make a difference in people’s lives every single day,” says

Skills for Care CEO Oonagh Smyth. Welcoming the report Minister of State for Care, Helen Whately, said: “We cannot thank our care workers enough. They have worked tirelessly through the pandemic to give compassionate care to our loved ones. No one should underestimate the skills and commitment of care workers. “I welcome this report giving us more insight into our social care workforce. It underlines the challenge for social care employers to recruit and retain staff and the importance of investing in training and career opportunities.


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EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” ROSALYN CARTER Our front-page story makes rather alarming reading adult social care has 112,000 vacancies in England on any given day! The report states there had been a slight reduction in job vacancies within the sector, and this will come as no great surprise. We publish a sister publication for the hospitality and licensed on trade sector which has been devastated by the pandemic, many businesses enforced to close completely, and others being forced into periodic lockdowns and severe restrictions. The hospitality sector has lost hundreds of thousands of jobs, so it comes as no great surprise that many will migrate to the care sector. They too are dedicated and hard-working people and I think will fit in well! It is, of course, good news, but as the headline states it is, at the moment, “papering over cracks”, and the sector is facing a critical skills shortage. Leading industry observers and sector bodies have been warning of the skills shortage for years and have been warning about the impact when the UK leaves the EU and adopts a points-based immigration system from 1 January 2021. There is now a real opportunity to attract people into this vibrant and caring sector. The hospitality sector is warning of up to 500,000 job losses. This service sector employs many hard-working, talented and trained staff easily make the transition into care. But the government has to make the sector attractive. Professor Brian Bell of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) recently called for better social care funding so higher wages could be paid instead of relying on “migrant workers to fill the gaps” he added: “The risks of this funding increase not happening in a timely manner are stark.” He also said, that MAC remained “particularly concerned” that the sector would “struggle to recruit the necessary staff if wages do not increase as a matter of urgency”. “The problems in terms of workforce in social care are not really about immigration, they are about the fact that wages are very low in that sector, often minimum wage, and that isn’t an attractive enough salary to attract resident workers in the UK.” The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated how much the nation owes to healthcare staff, care workers, and support staff, and the government must address the elephant in the room. Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner recently said that low pay in the industry is a "moral outrage" given the sacrifices of staff during the coronavirus pandemic, and she is absolutely correct!

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SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

Peter Adams

TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades I would also take this opportunity to thank the sector for the many nominations received for our “Unsung Hero” award. The response was phenomenal, absolutely heartwarming and uplifting nominations from residential and nursing care homes all around


the UK, from all departments, and once again it was the most difficult of tasks in picking a winner. Our printed issue of THE CARER is out next week, so please do watch out for the winner. As you know the prize is a luxury two night break in a choice of 450 hotels (we originally said 300), plus two £50 Marks & Spencer’s gift vouchers for the runners-up, but since it was so difficult to pick a winner we have also added for £25 gift vouchers. All announced in next week’s printed issue so please watch out, and once again many thanks it makes us here at the CARER very proud indeed be associated with such a dedicated industry. And please keep your stories coming I can always be contacted at

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Social Care Needs to Fill More Than 100,000 Vacancies (...CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER)

“Recognising the recruitment challenge we have run a national recruitment campaign highlighting the important work care workers do and launched the ‘Join Social Care’ online recruitment tool. We’re also working with DWP to promote adult social care careers to jobseekers. “We are supporting care providers through the pandemic with the costs of pay for staff required to self-isolate and so no care worker should lose income as a result of the requirement to only work in one location, with the £1.1 billion infection control fund. As we come through the pandemic I want to see ever more appreciation of the care workers we rely on to look after the most vulnerable in our society.” Concerns however, have been repeatedly raised about staff shortages because of the Government’s immigration strategy, with some of the industry’s leaders comparing the government’s policy on immigration to “human rights abuse” perpetrated on “some of the nation’s most vulnerable people”. The UK will adopt a points-based immigration system from 1 January 2021, however, despite calls from sector leaders care workers have not been listed as an eligible occupation on the ‘Skilled Workers’ route, and will not be able to immigrate into the UK to take up these roles from the start of next year. Raj Sehgal, who sits on the board of the National Care Association, has called on the Government to include senior carers on its Shortage Occupation List (SOL) to help fill the 112,000 vacancies for care home staff. He is also demanding the Government recognises care home workers as skilled staff, and back the industry with cash for training and wages. “The sector already has a huge staff shortage and from the 1 January it will just get worse unless the Government adds senior care workers to SOL,” said Mr Sehgal.

Ian Hudspeth, chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “Social care makes an incredibly valuable contribution in supporting people to live the lives they want to lead, as well to wider society and the economy, which this report shows. This has been highlighted even further by the immense efforts of the care workforce during the pandemic. “Despite the extraordinary endeavours of all those who work in this skilled profession, we still face a huge recruitment and retention crisis in social care, with more than 100,000 vacancies available on any given day and extremely high turnover rates. Urgent action is needed for the care workforce including on pay, professionalisation, skills and training. We look forward to working with Skills for Care to help address this. “The upcoming Spending Review must provide councils with the extra funding they need to help shore up social care ahead of winter and get through the second wave of Covid-19, while also using this as the basis for future reform of social care to place it on a long-term, sustainable footing.” Liz Kendall MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Social Care, responded: “Care staff have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure our loved ones are properly looked after during this pandemic. But even before the virus stuck, social care services were stretched to breaking point with high turnover and vacancy rates and staff that are all too often undervalued and underpaid. “Unless Ministers take urgent action, these problems will only get worse. We need a long term plan for the care workforce as part of wider reforms to fix the crisis in social care – something the Prime Minister has promised time and time again, but so far completely failed to deliver.” Other key findings from the report include: • Adult social care is a growing sector that, in 2019/20, comprised of

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around 18,200 organisations across 38,000 care-providing locations and a workforce of around 1.52 million compared to around 1.4 million NHS workers. The adult social care sector was estimated to contribute £41.2 billion per annum to the economy in England, which is worth more than the oil industry and the culture sector. Around 84% of the adult social care workforce were British, 7% (113,000 jobs) had an EU nationality and 9% (134,000 jobs) had a non-EU nationality. The UK will adopt a points-based immigration system from January 1st 2021, ‘Care worker’ was not listed as an eligible occupation on the ‘Skilled Workers’ route. Therefore care workers will not be able to immigrate into the UK to take up these roles from 1 January 2021. Care worker pay has increased at a faster rate since the introduction of the National Living Wage (NLW). Since the launch of the NLW the hourly rate has increased by an average of 30 pence per year (3.9%) compared to 1.9% per year prior to the NLW. The proportion of care workers paid the statutory minimum amount has increased since the introduction of the NLW, from 16% in March 2016 to 23% in March 2020, and sales and retail assistants now, on average, earn 24p per hour more than care workers. Skills for Care estimates that 7.3% of roles in adult social care were vacant in 2019/20, equivalent to 112,000 vacancies at any one time. Skills for Care estimates that the staff turnover rate of directly employed staff working in the adult social care sector was 30.4% in 2019/20. Using data from care homes updating ASC-WDS between March and August 2020, the occupancy rate has fallen for 87% to 79% in care homes with nursing and from 87% to 82% in care homes without nursing. Over the same period, there was no evidence of the number of staff employed falling overall.

Jump In Care Home Cases Worries Providers Worried care providers have called for greater Government support after a steep rise in the number of Covid-19 deaths in care and nursing homes. New figures out today showed that 106 people died in homes in the week ending 16th October, a sharp rise on the previous week’s total of 63. The Independent Care Group (ICG) said the figures were worrying and called on the Government to provide greater support, starting with reinstating the VAT break on personal protective equipment. ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “This is a significant increase this week and worryingly shows that Covid19 is starting to take hold again amongst the most vulnerable. “We have to get greater support to the frontline to prevent a repetition of what happened during the first wave.” From 1st November care providers will be paying more for personal protective equipment (PPE) for their staff when a temporary reduction in VAT comes to an end. Mr Padgham said this was going to come at the worst possible time. “A big rise in the cost of PPE is coming just at a time when care providers need every penny to fight the second wave of Covid-19 which is now hitting the sector,” he said. “Care providers are already struggling financially because of reduced admissions and take-up and can do without another rise in their costs. If we are to fight the second wave, we are going to need some finan-

cial help.” The Government had suspended VAT on PPE to help care providers until the end of this month. Whilst providers do get some PPE free of charge, it is nowhere near enough to cope with what is needed during the pandemic, particularly in nursing homes and for those caring for people with high levels of need in their own homes. The ICG and other campaigners have long called for social care to be permanently zero-rated for VAT to end an anomaly that penalises the sector. Care providers are charged VAT for products and services but cannot charge VAT to offset any of those costs. The ICG has written to Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging him to end the unfair anomaly. “This added cost at this critical time highlights once again the unfairness of charging care providers VAT when NHS providers are exempt,” Mr Padgham added. “In tackling Covid-19, like tackling all the care issues we face, we should have parity with NHS care and should be zero-rated for VAT.” Today’s figures from the Office for National Statistics show 106 people died from Covid-19 in care and nursing homes across England and Wales in the week ending 16th October, up from 63 the previous week. Deaths have been rising over the previous weeks, at 48, 38, 31, 27, 17 and 23, respectively. Some 15,819 people died from Covid-19 in these homes from 28th December to 16th October.


Why Compliance And Insurance Go Hand In Hand

By Pip Stevens, Head of Partnership and Alliances, QCS ( with Becky Newman, Associate Director of Howden Care

Pip Stevens

Becky Newman

It has been a tough year for the care sector. According to a study by LaingBuisson*, in England more than half of care homes have been hit by COVID-19. Many insurance premiums have risen too. A recent National Care Association survey** revealed that 68 percent of members interviewed had reported significant increases in their insurance premiums.*** While the average premium has risen by 20 percent, one provider reported that their renewal quote had increased by 880 percent.****

HIGH PREMIUMS NOT THE FAULT OF INSURANCE PROVIDERS But before I go any further, the point of this piece is not to criticise insurers. Not only would that be unfair, it would also miss the point. Insurers and brokers are not guilty of profiteering. They are simply reacting to risk. Right now, due to the COVID-19 crisis, potential liability risks are myriad. Insurers have to consider employee claims, public liability claims, not to mention, claims made by residents. It is a point not lost on Mike Padgham, the chair of the Independent Care Group. In August, Mr Padgham, told “I do have some sympathy with the insurance companies because they’re worried about the risk, which is why I want the government to step in and help the industry.”****

SECURING A COMPETITIVE RENEWAL QUOTE IN THE PANDEMIC The question is, what can care providers do to lower renewal quotes? With around 100,000 users, QCS, the company I work for, which provides best practice content, guidance and technological care solutions for care sector, receives many calls from our customers searching for advice. So frequent are these calls in fact, that we’ve been collaborating with one of our closest partners, Howden Care, a specialist insurance provider for the care sector, to shed new light on the steps providers should take when approaching their insurance renewal. Part of the challenge says Becky Newman, Associate Director of Howden Care, is that, “Providers may be used to working in a certain way with their broker which may now need to change. QCS and Howden are helping providers to prepare and be aware”. Both organisations have teamed up to create a comprehensive checklist, which you can download from the QCS website at

COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT TOOLS CAN HELP At QCS, we believe that forging a closer union with insurers and bro-

kers is not only a positive development, but a necessary one. Why? Well, the vast majority of providers who use our policy, process, content, guidance and auditing tools go on to achieve a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ CQC rating. This, in turn, give themselves a better chance of securing the insurance cover they need to continue operating.” It is a view largely shared by Howden. Mrs Newman says, “Compliance management won’t necessarily translate immediately into lower premiums but in a hardening market, being able to demonstrate robust risk management and procedure compliance can help set a provider apart. In addition, compliance management can help create a defence against any allegations of negligence against the provider which could help them to manage a favourable claims experience.” But compliance management aside, what are the key steps that every provider should follow when speaking to their broker?

EARLY ENGAGEMENT Firstly, it’s vital that brokers are given adequate time to explore all the options. Therefore, in terms of engagement, Howden Care advises that care providers contact their insurer six weeks before renewal, and divide the renewal process into manageable stages. Becky Newman says, “Providers should consult their broker for advice on potential options and those seeking terms should ensure that they understand their position well ahead of renewal. This is vital to ensure an informed decision is made when planning ahead. Certain timeframes will be required when approaching the market. A provider’s broker will potentially be speaking to more than one insurer this year in order to seek competitive terms, and this may take some time.”

PLAN IN SOME TIME TO COMPLETE ADDITIONAL RENEWAL FORMS Insurers may well require extra information from providers this year, such as proposal forms for alternative quotes, or more information surrounding infection control procedures. Mrs Newman says, “A timely submission of forms may open up more options for providers. Howden advises that operators seeking renewal quotes should consider and prepare financial forecasts in advance. Having this information ready, along with any other revisions to requirements for the coming insurance period can help speed up the process.”

COVID REPORTING Mrs Newman advises care providers to discuss any incidents of COVID-19 (amongst their service users and staff) with their broker. She says, “They may need to report these to insurers before the renewal date as a precaution and the information will be a ‘material fact’ for any new insurer who is looking to provide them with terms.”

IMPORTANCE OF FAVOURABLE REGULATORY INSPECTIONS With fewer insurers now considering renewals for providers where the latest CQC inspection rating is recorded as ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’, securing a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ rating is vital. By placing the most up-to-date content in the hands of frontline care workers, and furnishing them with the latest guidance and standards, the QCS system helps care workers to deliver the best care possible. But, its vast range, which include risk assessment, auditing and inspection tools, also gives managers and their staff a solid platform to secure an outstanding CQC rating. For those providers who don’t secure a favourable CQC rating, Mrs Newman, has the following advice.

“If providers are in this position, it is essential that they engage with their insurance broker early. We would recommend that they have an action-plan available with surrounding commentary on improvements that have been made. Having this information available from the outset could help secure terms.”

BUDGETING With insurance premiums increasing considerably across the sector, Mrs Newman says, “Providers should speak to their broker about what to expect so they can prepare. They can also discuss options for paying monthly with a broker, and look at the best interest rates available.”

CAREFUL REVIEW OF TERMS Providers should be aware of potential new limitations or exclusions within their terms. Howden recommends that time be set aside to review documents carefully with a broker. Becky Newman adds, “They (the broker) will be able to carefully review the terms with providers, pointing out any changes in cover and any potential consequences.” For more information about QCS, call us on 0333 405 33 33 or email If you wish to contact Howden Care, please email or phone 0117 205 1850. To download the QCS/Howden checklist, visit To enquire about a free trial, please visit

SOURCES: * The Observer More than half of England’s coronavirus-related deaths will be people from care homes By Michael Savage Date: 7th, June, 2020 ** National Care Association Survey *** Care Home Professional Care homes facing astronomical rises in insurance premiums By Lee Peart Date: August, 19th, 2020 **** Care Home Professional Care homes facing astronomical rises in insurance premiums By Lee Peart Date: August, 19th, 2020 ***** By Angeline Albert Date: 19, August, 2020 Coronavirus: 'Colossal' insurance costs threaten to make care homes 'go out of business'

Calls for “Mandatory Testing” for Care Home Inspectors Care home leaders have called for mandatory testing after CQC inspectors reported COVID-19 symptoms. Freedom of Information (FoI) requests acquired by The Sunday Telegraph have revealed that over 100 CQC inspectors reported COVID-19 symptoms or have been forced to self-isolate. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) had halted routine scheduled inspections for five months in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus, however in September they took the decision, approved by the Department of Health, to redeploy inspectors. Testing is not presently required for CQC inspectors visiting care homes, and there are currently an estimated 1,300 inspectors, and it is believed that up to 500 inspections over the next six weeks are planned. The lack of testing has drawn from care providers fierce criticism Care providers, with operators calling on the CQC to introduce mandatory testing for all inspectors as they insist that otherwise 'lives will be put at risk'. Labour MP Barbara Keeley says that the data proves why it is now essential that inspectors are regularly tested in order to protect elderly lives. Speaking to the independent newspaper she said: 'On the basis of these numbers, inspectors may be potentially taking infections into care homes. Given the risk Covid-19 poses in care homes, this cannot be allowed to happen. 'It's just not acceptable that the inspectors are not being tested regularly... It is

clear from these numbers that the only way for CQC inspections to resume in a safe manner is for all inspectors to have access to regular Covid-19 testing, even if they are asymptomatic.' A CQC Spokesperson said: “DHSC has advised us that CQC inspectors do not meet the criteria for regular weekly asymptomatic testing, as inspectors are not required to undertake ‘hands on’ close personal contact with people. We remain in regular contact with DHSC on this and will continue to keep this under review. “All CQC staff engaging in inspection and registration visits must undertake a risk assessment prior to the visit. They must use the PPE identified, have gone through training on its use, and have completed the Infection Prevention and Control training. “This approach is in line with what has been agreed for other professionals. DHSC will continually review their policies as more evidence emerges during the pandemic, and if the evidence means the criteria needs to change, they will advise us accordingly.” A Department of Health and Social Care Spokesperson added: “Our testing policy is based on scientific advice to limit the spread of COVID-19 and prioritises health and care staff who are in direct, personal and regular contact with patients and residents. “CQC inspectors do not have close contact with residents and are expected to follow proper infection prevention and control measures at all times – including social distancing, correct use of PPE and hand washing to stop the spread of the virus.”

Chichester Care Home’s Birthday Trio Reach 302 Years Between Them Three residents of a Chichester care home – including a distinguished Royal Navy veteran – have celebrated birthdays on the same day, achieving a remarkable 302 years between them. Staff at Colten Care’s Wellington Grange in Broyle Road helped the trio mark their special occasions in different ways. Vera Dutton and Lorna Cook, who turned 104 and 98 respectively, stayed indoors to receive birthday greetings at parties from their families. But stepping outside, former Royal Navy officer Captain Duncan Knight DSC was surprised to be met by members of a Royal Marines band in uniform with a trumpet salute for his milestone 100th. After watching them play Happy Birthday, Duncan was presented with a framed letter of congratulations written by the First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Tony Radakin CB ADC. Duncan, who had a distinguished service career before, during and after the Second World War, said: “I was invited to go outside to ‘see something happening’ but I had no idea it was going to be anything like that. It was an excellent surprise that left me feeling very honoured and emotional.” The letter from the First Sea Lord was read out to Duncan by Commodore David Elford OBE, the Royal Navy’s Regional Commander for the East of England. It highlights Duncan’s naval career from joining as a teenage cadet in 1934 to retiring in 1972 after a final assignment in Naples as Acting Commodore at Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO).

Mentioned in wartime dispatches while serving on HMS Gothland and HMS Hesperus, Duncan was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in 1942 for his actions in combating U boats in the Atlantic and was later appointed Commander of HMS Comet and HMS Blackpool. He was present in the Bay of Tokyo for the Japanese surrender in August 1945. According to HM Naval Base Portsmouth, Duncan is believed to be the sole remaining Royal Navy officer to have served throughout the entirety of the Second World War. The First Sea Lord’s letter concludes: “We owe a great debt to those such as you who served throughout that conflict and afterwards. Your actions both in war and in peace were in the finest traditions of the Royal Navy and are an inspiration to us all.” Vera was born in 1916, more than two years before the end of the First World War. She went on to work in the retail sector, travelling extensively as a shop window dresser. Her first husband died on a Royal Navy ship in World War Two and she later remarried. Plymouth-born Lorna is a mother of three sons, two of whom joined her for her birthday. Her working life included five years’ military service while her husband also served in the Royal Navy. Asked for their secrets of longevity, both Lorna and Duncan said they were simply “very lucky”, Lorna adding: “A regular couple of glasses of wine doesn’t hurt too.” Emily Hudson, Companionship Team Leader for Wellington Grange, said: “We were keen to do our best to make sure Vera, Lorna and Duncan, and their families, felt special. “Much work went on behind the scenes but it was all worthwhile and so amazing to see them enjoy such a memorable day.”


The Cost Of Care: ‘Stealth Taxes On Care Workers Nets Govt £60m

The UK government is still set to make millions of pounds from migrant care workers by levying ‘stealth taxes’ on those who employ them, despite scrapping a controversial immigration health charge earlier this year. In a headline-grabbing concession to foreign care workers, earlier this month (Oct) the Government scrapped the £400 Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) annual fee each was charged. The fee has now risen to £624 for qualifying migrants not employed in the health and care professions. A statement at the time acknowledged that the fee was being waived in recognition of the role care workers played during the coronavirus crisis. Before the charge was scrapped and new visa fees were introduced, the Government was making over £140m from fees levied on care workers from overseas. However, analysis by immigration experts A Y & J Solicitors reveals that other visa charges imposed on care workers and the companies that rely on foreign care workers to fill jobs in the sector still make the government tens of millions of pounds. According to the figures compiled by the London firm care workers from abroad add around £60m to Treasury coffers before they’ve paid any tax. Only those classed as skilled senior care workers qualify for a Tier 2 Health and Care visa and each worker applying for one needs to pay a fee of £232. This is reduced from the standard £610. According to figures from SkillsForce, 250,000 jobs in adult social care are held by people with a non-British nationality. Of those, 134,000 are from outside the EU and so subject to the charge. Their employers also pay £199 to issue each person with a certificate of sponsorship. A Y & J Solicitors calculate that in total these combined fees alone add up to £57m. In order to sponsor workers from overseas, care homes and adult care services must also be approved by the Home Office. The application to become an approved sponsor incurs a fee of either £536 or £1476 depending on the size of the

business. A Y & J Solicitor’s research shows there are 656 businesses currently registered as adult residential care suppliers on the Home Office list of approved businesses. Even if all of these were only charged at the lower rate, the accumulated charges would still add £352, 616 to Treasury coffers. However, many of these businesses will fall into the higher charge bracket so the figures are likely to be considerably higher. There are also another 538 organisations listed on the register under the Human Health and Social Work Activities category, many of which also provide adult care and will also be subject to the charges. Yash Dubal, Director of A Y & J Solicitors said: “From our analysis, it’s apparent that while the IHS was waived for migrant workers, the Government is still making huge sums of money from those people who come to the UK to work in an underfunded industry and look after the vulnerable and elderly. It’s a form of stealth tax. “There are acute manpower shortages within the care industry and the government should be doing all it can to attract people to it, rather than charge them for working in it. The cost to migrants and the cost to the homes that employ them is a huge burden.” Revenue from migrant care workers is also likely to rise after Brexit. According to the latest figures, there are 116,000 EU workers employed in the adult care industry. Currently they do not require a visa to work in the UK and will be allowed to continue working here after Brexit. A percentage of the roles they are employed in will be classed as unskilled and from January next year these will not be eligible to be filled by migrants. However, any new workers coming from Europe after Brexit to take skilled roles that would previously have qualified for free movement will have to pay the same fees as non-EU migrants, thereby adding to the overall burden on the industry.

Residents at Manor House Care Home Get a Slice of the GBBO Action Residents at Manor House care home in Little Weighton experienced a taste of the Great British Bake Off (GBBO) with a selection of cakes and bakes in celebration of the show’s return to TV screens. The home, on White Gap Road, held the GBBO themed afternoon with bakes whipped up/provided by the care home’s staff such as scones, pastries and cakes. Although GBBO’s judge Paul Hollywood wasn’t present, residents didn’t fail to step into his shoes and sift through the bakes looking out for soggy bottoms and flaky pastry in the battle of the star baker. Residents indulged in the tasty treats and offered their opinion to the bakers amongst the staff. Michael Jackson, 84, resident at Manor House care home, said: “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of baking as I knew I’d

be able to try the goodies afterwards. “We’ve been truly spoilt with such a delicious variety of cakes. I love watching the Great British Bake Off and it’s wonderful to take part and have our own version of the show at the home. It’s been entertaining playing judge too.” Leanne Hatch, home manager at Manor House care home, said: “We have many fans of the Great British Bake off at Manor House and it’s always so mouth-watering to watch that we thought what better way to kick off the season with our own competition. “The staff have enjoyed taking part and getting a few tips of improvement from our wonderful judges. It’s brought back lots of memories for our residents of cakes they used to make which has been lovely to hear.”


Ensuring High Standards of Food Safety in the Care Sector By Food Safety Consultancy Manager Annabel Kyle of STS Food Safety (

All food businesses are required, by law, to handle food safely and serve safe food to the consumer. The importance of food safety increases for care caterers because their consumers are vulnerable to foodborne illness and more likely to experience the most severe symptoms, as is the case with listeriosis. Along with the high mortality rate for listeriosis, it is clear why the bacteria responsible, Listeria monocytogenes, is particularly significant to care caterers. Particularly persistent due to its adaptability, it survives, and can thrive, in low temperatures, can survive in salty and low moisture foods and is hard to remove from surfaces due to its ability to form biofilms. With an extended incubation period, it’s clear why its control is important. The current influx of staff from the hospitality sector (who may not

have experience of care catering) may provide benefits, however, hospitality workers are unlikely to have the specific knowledge and experience relating to Listeria monocytogenes, nutrition or supplements needed in the care sector, so proper training is a must. Listeria monocytogenes is commonly associated with higher risk, ready to eat foods and its controls are similar to those needed for other bacteria, such as E coli O157, Salmonella and Campylobacter. However, due to the slower multiplication of Listeria monocytogenes below 5°C, maintaining the cold chain throughout the food’s journey is of even greater importance than usual. Many E coli O157 controls are also relevant for Listeria monocytogenes, such as storing unwashed fruit and vegetables away from ready to eat foods, washing produce before use, ensuring complex equipment is not used for both raw and ready to eat foods, ensuring other cross contamination preparation controls are in place, and hand washing practices are tip-top. These are all important controls for many other harmful bacteria as well. Among the difficulties in care settings is that the caterer may wish to exclude higher risk foods from menus to protect their customers. However, if someone has eaten a food all their life, is this reasonable? It certainly may not be easy. Caterers can take the necessary care during preparation and handling, maintaining the cold chain throughout, to help ensure these foods are served safely. Care providers can also implement a strict policy on foods brought in by visitors, where controls over temperature and preparation are unknown. Many of these controls can be applied to the control of food allergens too. The Food Information Regulations require caterers to inform their customers accurately of the presence of 14 specific allergens in the foods they serve. At minimum, this could involve using manufac-

turers’ product labels but, if packets are thrown away after use, is this a reliable method? Set recipes and allergen tick sheets, or even allergen labels, are all viable options, provided the information is provided as the dish is served to the customer, meaning caterers must include oils, garnishes, glazes, dressings, etc. Chefs also need to ensure allergen-free meals for customers are prepared carefully, making sure preparation and cooking areas are thoroughly cleaned first and that the same equipment isn’t used for both allergen-free and allergen-containing foods. And what about product substitutions? These could introduce allergens to recipes that were not initially present if not effectively managed. Communication between customer and chef is also of vital importance, something that often takes place via servers. There have been several high-profile cases where allergen sufferers have died as a result of poor communication about allergens and it’s essential that communication channels are open and clear when dealing with any allergen-free meal. Thorough and meaningful training in food safety hazards and controls, such as those described above, is key to ensuring care consumers are protected. Support should be in place to help teams translate their training into practice in the workplace, e.g. via supervision. Regular audits help monitor standards and verify that the HACCP plan is being followed and to help identify issues and correct them before serious problems arise. Audits can be undertaken by trained managers, or external parties. All in all, caterers serving food to consumers in the care sector need to follow existing requirements and guidelines but also take extra care to ensure the highest standards to protect their customers.

A Guide To Living with Dementia and Incontinence As age is the most significant risk factor for dementia there is naturally expected to be a growing number of people with dementia as the population ages. Let’s look at some of the statistics • It is estimated that in the UK, at least three to six million people, therefore 5-10% of the population, suffer from urinary incontinence • In 2015, the number of people with dementia was approximately 10.5 million in Europe. The number of affected people is predicted to increase to 13.4 million by 2030 and to 18.7 million by 2050 • There were an estimated 44.4 million people in the world diagnosed with dementia in 2013 and this figure is predicted to rise to 75.6 million by 2030 and to 135.5 million by 2050 What is clear from these statistics across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world is that the situation is only going to worsen not improve. And it’s not just an older person’s problem as younger people can also develop dementia. Although it is less common, it is important to avoid associating dementia uniquely with the older people and overlooking the many younger people who also experience it. Ontex understands that a review of numerous studies has demonstrated a correlation between increasing age and an increased prevalence of

urinary incontinence and suggests that age is an independent risk factor for urinary incontinence. Alex Shaw, Marketing Manager UK & Ireland for Ontex comments, “Ontex believes that dementia is not an inevitable consequence of ageing and neither is incontinence. Equally, incontinence is not an inevitable consequence of dementia, however in cases of advanced dementia, where sufferers are completely dependent, incontinence will unfortunately be inevitable.”

• Consider practical things you can do in the person’s home such as placing a sign near the toilet entrance, a toilet seat or rail and things that might help at night such as a commode. • Keep continence pads in the bathroom and bedroom.



Ontex specialises in products for continence management and has designed its products ranges around discretion and giving confidence to the user. Both the iD and Lille product range covers all types and levels of incontinence for males and females of all ages. Approved by Dermatologists, the iD and Lille product ranges covers all types and levels of incontinence for males and females of all ages. The products deliver ultra-fast liquid absorption and keep liquid locked in the pad, as well as providing anti-leakage protection, odour control and breathable material for added comfort.

To be continent you must be able to: 1. Recognise the need to pass urine 2. Identify the correct places to do so 3. Reach the correct place 4. Hold on until you get there 5. Pass urine once you are there If someone has a problem with any of these issues they are at risk of becoming incontinent. A person with dementia is more likely to have problems going to the toilet or suffer from incontinence than a person of the same age without dementia if they are unable to follow these five important steps.


• Be supportive and remember that the person may feel embarrassed and upset as they may not realise they have been incontinent • Look for the non-verbal signs that someone needs to go to the toilet • Try to offer prompts and reminders every few hours to use the loo • If someone has an accident they may try to hide wet clothing or bedding. Discreetly deal with it to avoid further embarrassment. • Try to encourage the person to drink six to eight glasses of fluid per day as it’s really important to stay hydrated • It’s also helpful to encourage a healthy, balanced duet with plenty of fibre


The new look pants range now offers extra skin benefits by incorporating an improved top sheet with a mix of camomile, known for its soothing and calming properties, Vitamin E with antioxidant properties and zinc oxide, a natural purifying mineral component to help protect the skin. For more information call our product Advice line telephone number: 0800 389 6185 or email: or see the advert on page 5.

Spooktacular Array Of Activities On Offer For Pensioners At Care Home HALLOWE’EN is already well underway at a care home that is dedicating a whole month of activities towards the spookiest time of the year. As lockdown restrictions continue, an Edinburgh home is helping to banish bad spirits while keeping residents entertained and engaged with daily events planned. Cramond Residence, the city’s finest care home, has even been transformed into a Halloween House with activities ranging from a spooky walking trail to pumpkin painting to a mysterious magic show. It all culminates with a grand Masquerade ball on the 28 October, to bring the month-long celebrations to a close. Lifestyle Co-Ordinators at Cramond Residence, said: “We thought we’d go all out this year for Hallowe’en – and paint the town orange, green and black. “It’s been a really difficult time for residents, many of whom haven’t been

able to see family members or loved ones for months. We also normally get to take them on lots of excursions too. “The masquerade ball will create a marvellous and exciting atmosphere where residents will have the opportunity to design and create their own masks prior – helping them remember fond memories of creating costumes and dressing up in their younger days.” As Covid restrictions continue to limit trips to local attractions in Edinburgh, an activity that residents thoroughly enjoy, Cramond Residence wants to offer exciting and engaging alternatives with staff working tirelessly to think of new activities for all to enjoy. 80-year-old Dawn Ingle has been heavily involved in the activities to date. Mrs Ingle loved the extra attention paid to Hallowe’en, and enjoyed making decorations and props for the final month event. Highlighting the cheer and fun brought by the activities during these challenging times.


Nurse Movement Ban Will Hamper Care Banning care workers from moving between settings will severely hamper care and nursing homes in the fight against Covid-19, providers have warned. The Independent Care Group (ICG) says there simply aren’t enough staff to fight coronavirus as it is, and this latest move could force some homes to close. ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “Covid-19 has stretched care and nursing homes to their absolute limit and this proposed ban on workers moving between settings might push some over the edge, at a time when we need every bed available. “There are already 100,000 care vacancies on any one day and if homes cannot use staff who move between homes, then where are the staff to cope with this crisis going to come from?” The ICG was reacting after it was revealed that the Government is planning to make it illegal for care providers to employ a worker who works in other settings – for example, those whose organisation has multiple sites or agency staff who work in different homes. Mr Padgham added: “We know that hospitals are already discharging Covid-19 patients into care homes as part of the fight against the pandemic, just as they did during the first wave. If those homes cannot maintain the legal staffing levels, they are going to have to close their doors to those patients and any other admissions. “We have to conquer Covid-19 and we know we have to work together to do so, but this is not the answer.

”Care and nursing homes have been trying not to use agency staff and not have staff move between sites. But there are times when there is simply no choice and homes must use agency staff to avoid going below the minimum safe staffing level. “And what about the agency staff themselves who are going to lose work and lose their income? “If the Government is set upon introducing this ban it will have to provide much greater support and some solutions to the staffing crisis to enable homes to keep playing their part on the front line in the fight against Covid-19.” The ICG has also questioned whether the ban will apply to the sector’s watchdog organisation, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) whose inspectors regularly travel between care settings to carry out inspections. “If this rule is to apply to care providers it has to apply to those who inspect and monitor the sector, and what about the health service, will it apply there too?” Mr Padgham added. Earlier this week he called for a total lockdown to halt the spread of coronavirus. Tuesday’s figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that 63 people died from Covid-19 in care and nursing homes across England and Wales in the week ending 9th October, up from 46 the previous week and the highest total since July. Deaths have been rising in recent weeks, at 38, 31, 27, 17 and 23, respectively. It means 15,712 people died from Covid-19 in these homes from 28th December to 9th October.

Friends of the Elderly Residents Travel Back in Time As the clocks went back in time, so do Malvern care home residents. It may feel like a long time since the blue skies and sunny days of summer, but as the clocks prepare to fall back an hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday 25th October, marking the end of British Summer Time 2020, residents at three Friends of the Elderly care homes in Malvern – Davenham, Bradbury Court and Perrins House – transported themselves back in time to give their younger selves some pieces of sound advice. Whilst the residents at Malvern maybe be looking forward the clocks going back giving everyone an extra hour in bed, they have also spent a fun afternoon chatting and deciding what they would say to their younger selves if they went back in time and knew then, what they know now. One of the Activity Co-ordinators at Malvern, Charlotte Dyer who is based at Davenham asked the residents that if, like Marty McFly in the 1985 film Back to the Future, they could travel back in time and meet their younger self, what would they say? And the residents didn’t take long to come up with a variety of funny and endearing answers. Resident, Joyce Waterford said: “Always take every opportunity that life throws at you.” Charlotte said: “It was a great and entertaining afternoon. Our residents really got into the swing of the time travelling idea and came up with some great answers. Some were quite funny and jovial like ‘Smile every day and laugh a lot – so much that your sides hurt,’ with others like our resident Anne Kinmont giving a more compassionate view who said: “Have more confidence in yourself, things always work out for the best.”

Another resident, Nicholas Ratcliff, said: “Your only young once, try not to worry about things you can’t control. The time travelling afternoon to mark the clocks going back was great fun and it was really interesting to hear what my friends here said they’d say to their younger versions.” Selena Whittaker, the Activities Co-ordinator at Perrins House spoke to one of her residents, Ilfa Jones who said: ““Stick to your beliefs, see the world while you can and follow your dreams”. Reflecting on the afternoon’s activity, Selena said: “We all know that hindsight is a golden and our residents thoroughly enjoyed themselves sharing their views on what they’d tell their younger selves. It reminded me of something I’d read in a magazine a while ago. It was from Michelle Obama. She said that if she could go back in time, she’d tell her younger self to stop being so afraid and that all the times you got that one question wrong on a test isn’t important in the big scheme of things’. I liked that a lot.” Samantha Corfield, Regional Director added: “Everyone at the three Malvern care homes appreciates that our residents are now living in the new normal and that it is key to ensure we deliver a varied and interactive activity schedule to make sure they are kept engaged, stimulated, entertained and mentally and physically active. “We constantly review our activities calendar and ensure we take onboard all our resident’s comments, likes and dislikes to make sure we always deliver a service they want, enjoy and want to be involved in.”


Infection Control Lessons Learnt From The First Peak of COVID-19

By Tautvydas Karitonas, Head of Research and Development for Inivos (

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on care facilities in the UK has been significant. To mitigate against the same situation reoccurring, here, Tautvydas Karitonas, Head of Research and Development for Inivos, outlines the infection control lessons care home staff can draw on from the first wave of the pandemic to ensure they are prepared for a second wave. The coronavirus pandemic has claimed over forty-three thousand lives in the UK, with over 19,394 of these being care home residents.* With cases rising again and threats of a second peak looming, it is vital that care home managers and their employees establish new infection control measures to help prevent and control any further outbreaks. Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a novel virus, which means it is difficult to predict how a second peak would develop and to what degree measures would need to be put into place. Therefore, as cases in care homes have already begun to rise, it is important to follow the infection control lessons learnt from the first peak to try to contain any further outbreaks.

ADOPT SAFER DECONTAMINATION STANDARDS At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, manual deep cleaning was the recommended method to help control the spread of the virus. While it is still essential for care homes and hospitals to thoroughly deep clean rooms by hand, it has become increasingly apparent that manual cleaning alone can leave dangerous traces of the virus behind through unavoidable human error. Such errors can be avoided through the use of high-tech decontamination devices such those using hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) and ultraviolet-C (UV-C). A group of care homes in Salisbury became the first in the sector to utilise UV-C decontamination technology to ensure patient areas were a safe space for residents. Specialist decontamination devices which use UV-C technology or HPV are frequently used already by over 40% of NHS Trusts as they are known to decontaminate spaces and reduce pathogens by up to 99.9999% - also known as >log 6 reduction. The coronavirus pandemic has now begun to accelerate the adoption of these technologies into more care homes across the country, with many recognising the benefits of such technologies to create a safe environ-

ment for residents and their loved ones.

ENSURE SUFFICIENT LEVELS OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) During the first wave of the pandemic, many care homes struggled to provide sufficient PPE for their healthcare workers as stock was prioritised for hospital staff. This meant that nurses and carers were expected to look after some of the UK’s most vulnerable patients without efficient PPE to protect both them and their patient. To ensure care homes are prepared in the event of a second peak, it is vital that health and social care workers plan-ahead and ensure PPE stocks will not run out. A central part of the government’s coronavirus strategy is the test and trace system, where a person’s symptoms should be tested and their recent contacts traced, making it easier to control the virus. Nurses are not considered a close contact if they are wearing PPE therefore it is vital that any personal protective equipment is thoroughly decontaminated after each use to avoid the virus being passed on from nurse to patient or vice-versa. HPV can effectively decontaminate micro-organisms on PPE that are significantly more resistant than COVID-19, without damaging the equipment. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust tested the feasibility of decontaminating used PPE gowns in a trial at the height of the pandemic. Inivos used HPV and applied this to laundered gowns to test its effectiveness in decontaminating single-use PPE for re-use. The result was that the process achieved satisfactory results of decontamination to enable thoroughly decontaminated PPE to be re-used. Although it’s always important to have stocks of new, single-use PPE, to help prepare for a second peak, and in the case of PPE shortages, care homes should consider regularly decontaminating their PPE, like in hospitals, to ensure residents and staff are properly protected. * Data obtained from the Office For National Statistics

Tautvydas Karitonas is a leading expert in harnessing decontamination technology to eliminate viruses, bacteria and other contaminants from hospitals, care homes and public spaces. In his role as Head of Research & Development, Tautvydas has led research and development into numerous pioneering solutions for virus outbreaks, including isolation pods, automated hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) and ultraviolet-C (UV-C) systems and decontamination wipes.

NCF Relaunches Digital Transformation Forum In this new way of working, care and support providers, like many organisations, are adopting innovative technology to offer improved services within their settings. During the pandemic we have seen an increase in digital solutions being made available to the care sector, and so to reflect this NCF are pleased to announce the relaunch of our Digital and Technology Forum, now known as the NCF Digital Transformation Forum. This forum will provide NCF members with the opportunity to discover and learn about the latest digital and technology solutions available to them. The forum will also be a place to share experiences, ask questions and create rewarding and ongoing relationships within the NfP network. We want to support members to become informed and confident procurers and users of technology in social care; understanding issues relating to using, procuring and researching digital

technology in care. As technological change occurs at a rapid rate, understanding how to ensure it complements customers and staff is vital. NCF will be hosting a series of Digital Transformation Forum sessions in collaboration with key industry partners, with the intention of bringing together the decision makers from within the NCF membership. The sessions will have be focussed on the type of technology rather than the supplier and with a provider perspective in each session. Our first session will be held on 8th December from 11:00am – 12:30pm via zoom, with further information circulated soon. In the meantime, you are welcome to register your interest for this group by contacting

Hitchin Care Home Invites Community MHA Willowcroft Resident Joan Devenport To Send In Cards For Residents To Celebrates Turning 107! Mark World Kindness Day

MHA Willowcroft resident Joan Devenport celebrates her 107th birthday Residents and staff at MHA Willowcroft Care Home in Spondon, Derby, have helped resident Joan Devenport celebrate turning 107 with a party. Joan was born in 1913 and lived in Nuthall, Nottinghamshire. She was a survivor of the Spanish flu and is currently living through the Covid 19 pandemic. Joan met her future husband Ralph at local dance hall in the early 1940s, marrying in April 1942.

Ralph was called up during WW2 and served in North Africa and Italy. Joan worked at the Players Factory in the box department. Joan and Ralph went on to have two children (Graham and Stephanie) and two grandchildren (Mark, Simon) and one great grandchild (Freya). Joan celebrated her milestone birthday with a tea party at MHA Willowcroft. Sadly her family couldn’t join in the party but her son and daughter were still able to mark the day with a socially distanced visit outdoor visit. When asked ‘what’s the secret to a long life’ Joan said: “I have no secret, I’m very fortunate to have lived this long, I’ve been shown much kindness.” Deputy Home Manager Vicky Humphrey said: “We are happy to be able to celebrate this huge birthday with Joan and to help her life later life well. We wish we could have invited all of Joan’s family and friends to her party to celebrate with her but her care home

A Hitchin care home is inviting the local community to send in words of kindness in the form of cards, letters, or poems for its residents to mark World Kindness Day. Whether it’s schools, businesses, or anyone living in the Hitchin area, Foxholes Care Home is inviting people to send in cards for the residents at the home as an act of kindness ahead of World Kindness Day on Friday, November 13th. Since March, residents at Foxholes have had to deal with very limited visitation from close family and friends due to the coronavirus pandemic, and with tougher lockdown restrictions being announced to help curb the virus as nationwide cases continue to rise, it looks set to be a tough winter ahead. In a bid to show residents that the local Hitchin community are with them through this difficult time, Foxholes is inviting the town’s citizens, from children to adults, and loved ones of residents, to send in kindness cards to maintain morale and show solidarity. Adhering to the government’s stringent infection control protocols, the cards will be

quarantined on arrival to the home until World Kindness Day. People can also email cards to the home, where they can get creative by choosing to either design the card online, or by hand and then scanning/uploading a picture of the card to then email to Foxholes. Neil Gandecha, estate manager at Foxholes Care Home, said: “Whether it’s a drawing, a poem, a letter, or even just sharing a few words of kindness, we’re inviting the community to give our residents something to smile about on World Kindness Day. Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to have residents spending time with friends and family at the home, the situation our country is currently in won’t allow us to, so it’s little initiatives like sending in cards that can have such a huge impact on someone’s day.” He continued: “Hitchin is a close community where everyone looks out for one another, so we’re sure at a time when people may feel disconnected due to social distancing and self-isolation, we can show we are still very much in this together.”


Age UK Highlights Impact of the Pandemic on Older Population’s Health and Morale As it launches its Winter Resilience Campaign, Age UK publishes new research that shows just how crushingly hard day to day life has been for millions of older people during the pandemic and how important it is that we support our older population through the winter. The new research finds that some older people are coping with the pandemic, but a sizeable minority are finding life incredibly tough. Those who are not very well and have long term health conditions were particularly likely to report that this is an extremely challenging time for them. The study shows that many older people are enduring increased and sometimes devastating levels of anxiety, in part because they know they are at serious risk from the virus – an invisible deadly enemy. Even during the summer, when restrictions were eased, many were too afraid to go out. Months of being cooped up at home have led to muscle weakness – ‘deconditioning’ as clinicians term it – and sometimes a reduced sense of balance, increasing the risk of falls. The research also found evidence of new and emerging cognitive decline. In some cases this might have happened anyway, but families told the Charity they feared it was exacerbated by the very difficult, often isolated conditions in which their loved ones were living, due to the pandemic. The research also uncovered many examples of depression, loss of hope, low mood, lack of support for meal preparation, deteriorating physical health and increased pain due to untreated health conditions. These have impacted on some older people’s appetites and diets, which in turn threatened to weaken their resilience still further. Other signs of the depressed state in which a sizeable minority of older people now found themselves, were their inability to gain pleasure from activities they usually enjoyed, and the fact they couldn’t muster the energy and enthusiasm to look after themselves, or their homes, to

their usual standards. Older people with pre-existing health conditions were some of the hardest hit by the pandemic so far and those who were shielding were about half as likely again to be feeling more anxious since lockdown than those who were not. Seeing their loved ones deteriorate was causing families great anguish. They feared that what had been lost would never return. Given these findings it is not surprising that significant numbers of older people who took part in the research reported that they are deeply apprehensive about how they will cope this winter. And, longer term, they feared that life might never go back to normal or, if it does, that it will happen too late for them to benefit, especially if they are seriously unwell. In answer to polling questions about how their health and the way they felt had changed since the start of the pandemic six months ago: • 1 in 3 respondents (4.2million) or 34% reported feeling more anxious since the start of the pandemic, • 1 in 3 (4.4million) or 36% agreed they felt less motivated to do the things they enjoy, • Over a quarter (3.2 million) or 26% can’t walk as far as they used to, • 1 in 5 (2.4 million) or 20% are finding it harder to remember things, • 1 in 5 (2.3 million) or 18% say they feel less steady on their feet, • 2 in 3 (7.9million) or 64% felt less confident taking public transport, 2 in 5 (5.3 million) or 43% felt less confident going to the shops or 1 in 4 (3.3million) or 26% felt less confident spending time with family. Data from the ONS, collected at the end of September reinforce these findings. For example, the ONS found that two in five (39%) over 70s said they felt unsafe or very unsafe when outside of their home, due to the pandemic. Caroline Abrahams, Age UK’s Charity Director, said: “This pandemic is

tough for everyone, but older people have the added anxiety of knowing that for them the risks of catching Covid-19 are higher’. We have rightly heard a lot about the enormous problems facing older people in care homes, but this new research reveals that life is extremely challenging for many cooped up for month after month in their own homes too. “According to this research, as many as a third of all older people really are struggling and given the reluctance of this age group to admit their difficulties and ask for help we suspect that in reality the numbers affected are considerably higher – running into millions without doubt. “Fear of the virus, loss of mental and physical capacity, loneliness and isolation, and an inability to grieve as normal for those they have lost add up to a potential public health emergency affecting many older people. “Age UK was already committed to running a Winter Resilience Campaign to help our older population and as a Charity we will certainly do everything we can, but this research emphasises how important it is that we all rally round the older people in our lives, and that they take steps to keep themselves as fit and well as possible too. Our campaign is designed to help them do just that. “This pandemic has hit the fast forward button on ageing for millions of older people. Helping them to get through this winter demands a collective effort and the right policies and support from Government, especially for those who are shielding, self-isolating or who lack a strong network of family and friends. The decisions the Government takes in the next few weeks will be crucial and we sincerely hope Ministers will resist the ageist siren calls to shut older people away and ‘let the virus rip’. Getting test and trace working properly is surely the only way of overcoming the dual threats to our health and our economy, and that’s where Government should focus its attention now.”

Manchester Care Home Celebrates Black History Month HC One’s Averill House care home have been creating displays and finding out information to learn and celebrate Black History Month. Averill House has created their very own display for Black History Month, and have been discussing prominent black figures in British and American history. Residents and Colleagues at the home discussed the wind rush generation and the work of Dr Angela Osbourne, who was the independent researcher and heritage consultant who worked on the wind rush scandal. They also read some of the stories from some of the children who arrived on British soil, who wrote about the hardships they have faced. Resident have also been learning the flags of the African-Caribbean nations involved

with the Wind rush operation. They have been reading into the history of the flags and what the imagery and colours represent. The Residents chose who they wanted on their display from Harriet Tubman to Miss Rosa Parks. Colleagues and Residents discussed the civil rights movement, segregation and also British black heritage and the movement still ongoing today to stop racism. The home are also going to be having a themed menu this month with traditional black cuisine and dishes to taste. One of the Residents, Vera Smith, said “it’s been really interesting, I didn’t know all of this and the history is amazing.”


Telehealth – Leading The Way Through A Pandemic tained. As part of the NHS Long Term Plan, the goal remains for patients and providers to have access to virtual services, as well as face-to-face services, using a smart phone or computer. Technological shifts and widespread adoption of smart devices are improving the willingness between patients and healthcare providers, and it is becoming easier to implement video communications for telehealth.


With healthcare costs continuing to increase alongside the new health and safety challenges surfacing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that the healthcare sector continues to explore how video communications can improve both provider efficiency and patient care, whilst reducing costs. The Healthcare Industry has been transformed since the beginning of the pandemic, and since the start of lockdown, medical professionals and font line staff have had to completely change the way they consult with their patients. Understanding the benefits of video conferencing and the delivery of useable, safe and efficient healthcare during the pandemic is paramount.

HEALTHCARE CONTINUITY While digital health initiatives had already been at work prior to COVID-19 with the aim to lower costs and become more efficient for both healthcare staff and patients, urgent changes had to be put into place due to coronavirus that would transform the healthcare sector forever. Within a very short period of time, protocols were changed, and the use of digital technology progressed to ensure healthcare workers remained safe, patients were protected, and operations were main-

Video conferencing has changed from mostly being used by administrators and support staff to become the foundation of the healthcare industry. Besides enabling patients to get help and treatment online, clinicians can also access compelling and consistent communication through virtual events, meetings and webinars. Hospitals and Healthcare organisations have an opportunity to accelerate their telehealth and telemedicine practices in a variety of ways. Two of the most effective ways to increase video conferencing usage are through remote collaboration and virtual patient visits. Additionally, video conferencing saves time and money for the provider by ensuring more patients can be helped and waiting times are reduced. Healthcare organizations can supplement their training programs with video. For example, live surgeries can be broadcast to an audience, with the added benefit of real time Q/A between the surgical team and the audience. Video conferencing can improve hospital administration by enhancing daily operations like communication, procurement, vendor management and recruiting. First responders can now be connected directly to their patients in transit or on the ground and medical experts can offer medical advice over two-way video. These early actions can save lives and prepare hospital staff for incoming patients.

TELEHEALTH FOR ACUTE CARE AND INTENSIVE CARE UNITS (ICUS) With video conferencing, patients in the ICU can be monitored and attended to at a moment’s notice. For times when in-patient visitors are not allowed, friends and family can check in with patients over interac-

tive video—something that has been shown to improve mental health and help speed up the recovery process.

PATIENT SUPPORT Video consultations are just as valuable as in-person consultations and are a quick substitute for various outpatient appointments. Healthcare providers and GPs can continue to use standard audio phone calls, but video provides a more personal interaction and the closest replication of an in-person meeting. Patients are more comfortable and can be helped more efficiently within the allotted time of the consultation. Telehealth as a concept has been present for a long time, but technical complexity has made implementation on a wider scale challenging for providers and patients. IT managers who evaluate and implement video conferencing tools for virtual appointments need to keep the patient’s experience in mind. Regardless of whether network conditions are periodically poor, modern video conferencing must be able to perform well and ensure a smooth experience. Virtual waiting rooms and private meeting links can be used by providers to ensure privacy and reduce waiting times. Accessibility also needs to be considered, with features like color contrast, screen reader options and closed captioning coming into play. These will make the user experience more comfortable and help to ensure that video consultations are available to all those who need them. NHS trusts must ensure that all healthcare leaders have access to secure video conferencing facilities across all networks, especially during COVID-19. High-quality patient treatment is vital, and video technology enables healthcare staff to collaborate and provide the best possible care for them. Knowledge can be shared in real-time and patient information is consistent because data is being shared digitally, providing the best care possible.


HC-One Wins ‘Bringing People Together’ Amazon Business Exchange Award HC-One has won the Amazon Business Exchange Award for ‘Bringing People Together’, as part of their second annual event that highlights some of its most innovative customers. The ‘Bringing People Together’ award celebrates HC-One’s work in keeping Residents connected with their loved ones during the pandemic. HC-One was announced as the winner of this award at a virtual ceremony on the 7th October. From the start of the pandemic, HC-One has placed a significant emphasis on how it could use technology to support Residents to stay in touch with their loved ones, whilst lockdowns and visiting restrictions were in place. As part of HC-One’s effort and commitment to supporting the connection between Residents and their loved ones, the HCOne Procurement Team used the Amazon Business account to purchase 750 Amazon Fire Tablets in March 2020 for its 328 care homes across the UK. This allowed for Residents living in HC-One care homes to have video calls with their loved ones whilst visiting was restricted. Michael Robson, Head of Procurement, commented: “A key consideration for us earlier this year was how we can adapt and continue to support the connection between Residents, their loved ones and the outside world as the pandemic escalated and lockdown

restrictions tightened, and how we continue to operate safely whilst also keeping Residents’ wellbeing front and centre. This was a major

reason why HC-One made the decision to invest in new communication tools and equipment. This investment has allowed us to help keep families connected and support Resident’s quality of life and wellbeing by keeping their bodies, minds and souls stimulated, whilst restrictions are in place and non-essential visitors are not allowed to visit care homes.” Robi Roccella, Head of Quality of Life at HC-One, said: “Receiving recognition for the work we are doing to keep Residents and their loved ones connected is a fantastic achievement! We centre everything towards promoting the Residents’ quality of life and care – they are the focus of everything that we are trying to achieve. The Amazon Fire Tablets have supported us to accomplish this, especially throughout the coronavirus pandemic where they enabled the Residents to maintain a link to the community and their loved ones and ultimately to stimulate the Residents’ wellbeing and enhance their quality of life.” As well as supporting the connection between Residents and their loved ones, the tablets have also enabled Residents to enjoy a variety of new wellbeing activities, aided by the endless choice of apps. This has been a great additional resource for HC-One to use and is going to be an effective tool to use in the future.

Survey Reveals the Difficulties and Concerns of Nurses Supporting Dying Patients During the Pandemic Over two thirds (70%)1 of nurses felt it was harder to have compassionate conversations with patient’s families during the pandemic an exclusive survey has revealed, with over a third (38%)2 saying they did not think there is enough capacity to provide high quality end of life care in the event of a second wave. The annual survey, carried out by Nursing Standard and end of life charity Marie Curie, was answered by nearly 1000 (893) nurses and other caring staff who revealed the impact coronavirus has had on nurses delivering end of life care across the UK. Almost half (45%)3 of nurses said they have been more involved in delivering end of life care during the pandemic. Nurses spoke about the emotional impact of sitting with dying patients in the absence of family members and loved ones. “Not having the relatives with the patients during the time of death felt like a huge responsibility on nursing staff to get it absolutely right” another said: “During COVID it felt like the nursing staff absorbed the emotions when our patients died.” Many respondents expanded on the difficulties of communicating with patients’ families virtually and by the phone. One nurse said: “I put the phone down and cried my heart out. To give someone bad news over the phone, not knowing where they are and who they are with, not holding their hand or sitting down with them, [was] horrible.” Nurses also said that visiting restrictions left families feeling “bereft of involvement”. “We had one palliative care resident at the end of life due to a brain tumour who refused to have her family visit because she would not choose which one of her four children it should be”, one nurse commented. As the nation approaches a second wave, some nurses said that they would step up to the challenge while others feel they are still absorbing the first wave. “We are all tired mentally & physically. We do what we do because we want to help but I can see that it is affecting my own health” said one nurse. Another says: “I have many colleagues experiencing PTSD symptoms relating to patient deaths in the department. Many have had to take time off sick or are planning to leave the profession.”

A third of nurses (33%)4 said PPE (personal protective equipment) was the main barrier to providing good end of life care. “A dying person’s last contact with another person is through a gloved hand, a smile that can’t be seen because of the mask” another nurse added. Julie Pearce, Marie Curie chief nurse and executive director of caring services, returned to the NHS at the weekends working in her local hospital’s intensive care unit supporting COVID-19 patients. She said: “I experienced a glimpse of what it was like for these inspirational nurses, and I too experienced what it was like to wear full PPE for hours at a time. The survey also shows the level of fear and anxiety felt amongst patients and their families which was absorbed by nurses, trying to do the best they could to be reassuring, kind and compassionate. Under these circumstances the mental health and wellbeing of staff is in jeopardy, especially as we head towards a second wave. “While compassionate conversations about dying, death and bereavement have been difficult for nurses and caring services during the pandemic, conversations about what matters most to people is central to the person’s experience at the end of life. For Marie Curie Nurses we found that advance planning with patients and their families was possible by video conference and by telephone. It isn’t ideal but it is possible.” Nursing Standard editor Flavia Munn said: “From the nurse who was in floods of tears after breaking bad news by phone to their colleagues whose gloved hands were the last contact for dying patients, COVID-19 is having a significant personal impact on nursing staff who are looking after end of life patients. “The death of a patient is never easy but PPE and visiting restrictions are leaving nurses distressed that they are unable to provide the kind of care they ordinarily would in a patient’s final days. Our survey findings further highlight why mental health support is so vital for nurses right now, whether that’s dedicated counselling lines, structured debriefing sessions or a post-shift chat with a colleague. Nurses’ wellbeing needs care too.” The full results of the survey are available here:


ILC Calls on G20 Governments to Recognise the Economic Value of Caring The International Longevity Centre (ILC) has released a report entitled, ‘Health equals wealth: The global longevity dividend’, which highlights the substantial economic value of older people’s care and volunteering: • The average unpaid contributions of older people across the EU and Turkey could be worth as much as 1.4% of GDP – more than what these countries spend on defence. • People aged 65 and over spend more time volunteering and caring than any other age group. • Across Europe, these contributions average 124 hours per person, per year. The report also highlights variation in the amount of caring and volunteering done by older adults across the world: • In the Netherlands, older people spend an average of 67 hours volunteering and 91 hours informally helping other households. • In India and Canada, the number of hours older adults spend volunteering per year is especially notable, at 82 and 80 respectively. Older people the report adds spend more time volunteering in countries that spend more on health and preventative health as a proportion of GDP, and where more people aged 65 and over report good health. They also spend more time caring or looking after grandchildren outside the household in countries where more older people (aged 65 and over) are not limited in daily activities. Whilst time spent volunteering per person increases with age, the number of volunteers falls after the age of 65 in many countries –

potentially due to worsening health. ILC are urging G20 Governments to maximise the longevity dividend by: • Spending at least 6% of their health budgets on preventative health interventions; • Tailoring health interventions to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups and prioritising health spending on disadvantaged populations; • Supporting the development of the health and care economy in recognition that these industries can create jobs and future growth. And call on G20 Governments to: • Recognise and measure unpaid contributions of older people. • Take into account the impact of health on unpaid contributions when making decisions about investing in health (such as cost-benefit analysis models). • Develop strategies to support older carers and grandparents and enable and incentivise volunteering at all ages. David Sinclair. Director, ILC argued: “We’ve become accustomed to our ageing population being presented as a bad thing. Dangerous rhetoric painting older people as disposable has become far too common, particularly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.“ “We can’t ignore the challenges for the public purse and the wider economy – but realising the opportunities of ageing can help address these.” “Unpaid contributions from older people are strengthening communities and helping to support the formal economy.”

“We must invest in preventative health to ensure we maximise the longevity dividend. To better capture not only the significant formal, but also informal contributions of older people, we should move towards complementing GDP with a measure that factors in health and inclusion such as the Inclusive Development Index.” Deborah Alsina MBE, Chief Executive of Independent Age, said: “It is clear from ILC’s report, and other evidence, that people continue to contribute to society long after stopping work.” “Many older people make an enormous difference volunteering their time to help others – for example, in Independent Age’s 2019 volunteer engagement survey, 30% of respondents were over 65. We also speak to many people who provide unpaid care for someone close to them, and they regularly share with us the extreme physical and mental strain of this responsibility.” “It’s essential that as a country we invest in our health and care services to ensure that people in later life, who give back so much to our communities, are also given the support they need.” Maciej Kucharczyk, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe added: “The report is timely and provides valuable arguments for the upcoming Green Paper on Ageing, to be published by the European Commission in early 2021, to adopt a truly positive discourse and comprehensive policies on ageing. We also call for strong investment at European level in public health and supportive communities. This is crucial to foster the engagement of older people, to combat inequalities and to create an equitable society for all ages.“

Dementia Leading Cause of Death in September The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed ‘dementia and Alzheimer’s disease’ were the leading cause of death in September. Collectively they accounted for 11.2% of all deaths in England and 11.1% of deaths in Wales. Coronary heart disease, itself a risk factor for dementia, was the second leading cause of death in both England and Wales. In England, COVID-19 was the 19th most common cause of death and was 24th in Wales. Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, has said government must do everything it can to protect people with dementia and deliver on its commitment to double funding for dementia research to stop the devastating impact the condition is causing. During the 2019 election, the government promised to increase its spending on dementia research to over £160 million a year, but no further detail on this pledge has yet been revealed. Samantha Benham-Hermetz, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“Dementia is a devastating condition with these new official figures revealing that in September dementia was the leading cause of death in England and Wales. Those with dementia have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be hugely distressing for people with dementia and their families to hear that research shows they are the most likely to die from the virus and many of those with the condition are also having to deal with the effects of social isolation, which could be worsening symptoms. “Every life lost from dementia is a tragedy and these sobering figures must act as a wake-up call to government of the challenges dementia poses and the urgent need to find life-changing treatments. Nearly a year ago, the government promised to double funding for dementia research to over £160 million a year, but we are yet to see any further action. “This must not be another empty promise. Until we see proper funding to deliver a life-changing dementia treatment we will continue to see more people dying from the condition year-on-year. We must act now to protect people with dementia.”


Sue Ryder Calls on Government to Permit ‘Bereavement Support Bubbles’ Sue Ryder research* has found that the biggest challenges for those who experienced a bereavement during the UK lockdown earlier this year was feeling isolated and alone when grieving (62%) and feeling as though their grief had been forgotten amidst the global crisis (59%). When questioned on what they felt would be helpful for other bereaved people during either a future local lockdown or another period of national lockdown, two thirds (66%) of people said being able to form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household would be a vital source of support. The charity is calling on the government to extend the support bubble policy to include bereaved people with more than one adult in the household for example housemates and older children. This would allow bereaved people to form a support bubble with another household without the need for social distancing, for any future lockdowns. As a leading bereavement support provider in the UK, Sue Ryder believes that allowing people to access their support network whilst they come to terms with their grief is imperative. Heidi Travis, Chief Executive at Sue Ryder, said: “As a nation, we are experiencing bereavement and grief on a greater and more profound scale than ever before. “Integral and deeply personal elements of the bereavement journey have been disrupted for so many over the last few months due to social distancing measures. People have not been at their loved one’s bedside

when they died, unable to hold their hand or say goodbye and some people have been prevented from attending funerals. “In addition to that, current tier 2 and tier 3 restrictions mean that we will once again be forcing these very same people to grieve in isolation, without the physical presence or touch of those close to them. It is simply cruel. “Sue Ryder is calling on the government to immediately extend existing support bubble regulations to ensure that people who have experienced a bereavement can have a support network around them.” Carolyn Harris, MP for Swansea East, said: “Grief is extremely complex – even without the added anxieties of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. “For many people who have been bereaved, this has been an incredibly isolating time. The ability to form a bereavement support bubble without the need for social distancing, as single adult households are currently able to do, could make a huge impact for someone who is grieving. “It is important that the government does all it can to support people who are bereaved, and bereavement support bubbles would be a significant help to people in tier 2 and 3 areas or in the event of a future national UK lockdown.”

“Determined” Sunrise of Purley Resident Celebrates Her 103rd Birthday Gwen Warnes, a resident at Sunrise of Purley, celebrated her 103rd birthday recently. The care home celebrated this special occasion by baking her a beautiful cake made up of the 103 digits to mark her extraordinary achievement. Gwen was also treated to an outdoor live performance from opera singer Demelza Stafford who visited the care home’s garden to deliver a special performance. Gwen grew up in Southwark, London with her parents and brother. She then attended an all-girls catholic school and remains fond of the nuns who taught her there. During the Second World War, Gwen moved to Devon where she lived on a farm, later owning three farms here and another in Surrey. Developing a love for animals at these farms, Gwen is especially fond of cats, elephants and donkeys. Gwen then moved to Roehampton where she met her husband, Richard, who she says was a “proper London man”. While living in Roehampton, she worked in the medical profession in Sutton, enjoying games of tennis and dancing in her free time. Richard also had an esteemed military career as a Captain in the Indian Army. The couple then got married when Gwen was 36 and Richard 39 years old. The couple never had children, but Gwen was graced with a niece and nephew from her husband’s side of the family. Her niece now lives in New Zealand and, as Gwen humorously noted, is “already 70”. During the War, Gwen enjoyed writing short stories and went on to pick back up this hobby in her 60s. These stories are based on events and people in her life and have featured in four published books. Living at Sunrise of Purley, Gwen says that her carers work really hard, although she wishes she could do

many of their tasks herself. Asked what her advice for living to 103 is, Gwen started laughing and said “determination”. She added that her “Auntie Kate lived to 105 years old”, but after pondering the question, said “who knows” with a smile on her face.


NHS and Other Professional Bodies’ Response to the Sunday Times Allegations The NHS along with several other professional bodies have issued a strong rebuttal to this weekends Sunday Times allegations regarding elderly care during Covid crisis. The Sunday Times ran a story alleging that frail and elderly patients were denied care by clinicians in wave one of the coronavirus pandemic, in part because clinicians drafted a triage tool for use if the NHS was overwhelmed. The response from the NHS, along with the other professional bodies referenced in the Sunday Times story, and responses to case studies cited by the newspaper, is below, together with detailed factual explanations for why the Sunday Times’ claims are demonstrably wrong. Dr Alison Pittard, Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, said: “Throughout the first wave of Covid-19 the NHS did not run out of critical care capacity, which remained available to everybody who would benefit from it. “As we learned more about Covid-19 treatment changed as it became clear that oxygen therapy, that can be delivered on general wards, is often more beneficial than being on a ventilator. “The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine has been clear throughout that doctors should make decisions about patients’ treatment just as they normally would.” Professor Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said: “These untrue claims will be deeply offensive to NHS doctors, nurses, therapists and paramedics, who have together cared for more than 110,000 severely ill hospitalised Covid-19 patients during the first wave of the pandemic, as they continue to do so today. “The Sunday Times’ assertions are simply not borne out by the facts: it was older patients who disproportionately received NHS care – over two thirds of our Covid-19 inpatients were aged over 65. “The NHS repeatedly instructed staff that no patient who could benefit from treatment should be denied it and, thanks to people following Government guidance, even at the height of the pandemic there was no

shortage of ventilators and intensive care. “We know that some patients were reluctant to seek help, which is why right from the start of the pandemic the NHS has urged anyone who is worried about their own symptoms or those of a loved one to come forward for help.” Dr Katherine Henderson, President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, said: “Emergency Departments have been open throughout the pandemic and our top priority has always been patient care and safety. “While the pandemic has demanded some practical changes to the way we treat patients and we had to learn at pace about how to manage a completely new illness, we did not need to change the critical clinical decisions about the emergency care we offered. “We want to remind patients that we are here for them and they should not hesitate to seek urgent and emergency care if they need it as one of the serious concerns of the first wave was patients staying away through fear.” Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery, co-chair of the Moral and Ethical Advisory Group, said: “We were asked to look at the issue of a Covid-19 triage tool, however, it wasn’t needed. “Clinicians have been focused throughout the pandemic on assessing the individual needs of their patients and then providing the care that will benefit them best. “The rapid expansion of critical care capacity ensured that our initial concern that the NHS might be unable to meet all its patients’ needs proved unfounded.” A spokesperson for the Intensive Care Society said: “The decisionmaking guidance is derived from work commissioned from an expert group for consideration by Government, which was subsequently stood down on 28/29 March 2020, without DHSC or NHS implementation, after a review of capacity and pandemic trajectory. “It therefore remained in draft and unpublished at this point.

“Subsequently the draft document was further adapted and refined for release as an independent professional and academic publication. “The final version, which does not include numerical scoring, was issued for release by the Society on 28 May 2020 with endorsement by other professional bodies across the 4 nations, and carries the status of clinical guidance. “No interim versions were released, published, endorsed or authorised by the Society or any of the above bodies before 28 May 2020. “As a professional body, the Intensive Care Society forms guidance to support those working within intensive care. “Implementation of guidance is the responsibility of individual Trusts.”

THE FACTS • NHS hospitals did not run out of intensive care beds, so there was never a need to refuse anyone treatment on the basis of NHS capacity. • Clinicians make decisions about the best course of treatment for their individual patient, based on that person’s specific needs, and wherever possible with relatives, carers or next of kin. That is what happened throughout this pandemic; there was categorically NO blanket national decision to refuse care to any group of people, including on the basis of their age. • The optimal therapy for most hospitalised Covid-19 patients has turned out to be oxygen therapy, which can be given in a general ward, rather than the patient being sedated on a mechanical ventilator in intensive care, and latest data show that of all Covid-19 patients receiving any form of oxygen therapy, the majority of them were indeed aged 65 or older. • Older people were not denied admission to ICU during the first wave; actually they comprised the majority of patients admitted to ICU with Covid-19, throughout. This has remained true irrespective of the overall number of patients of any age in England’s ICUs being treated for Covid-19.

Local Care Home Turns Pink to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer A Thornton-le-Dale care home has ‘turned pink’ for breast cancer awareness, to coincide with a national campaign day on 23 October. The Hall, which is a residential home based on Chestnut Avenue, used pink gels on their floodlights to bathe the building in a rosey hue for the week, staff wore pink wigs and masks, and residents were served pink cupcakes in a magenta dining room. Wear it Pink is a national campaign hosted by the research and care charity Breast Cancer Now and has raised more than £35 million since its launch in 2002. The charity estimates that 600,000 people are living with or after a breast cancer diagnosis in the UK and that every year, more than 11,500 lives are lost to the disease. It aims that, through research and support, by 2050, everyone who develops breast cancer will survive and live well. Diane Hagan, manager at The Hall, said: “Cancer is a disease which has affected many of our residents and staff.” Gwen Andrews, 94, a resident at The Hall who has survived breast cancer, said: “ I have had a double mastectomy and would tell you all to keep getting yourself checked out”


Providers Encouraged To Join National Care Forum Innovation Hub A new partnership between the National Care Forum (NCF), NHS Digital and The Access Group is teaching providers about the importance of digital technology in care settings, and providers are being encouraged to sign up. The Hubble Project, created by the National Care Forum and funded by NHS Digital, is a network of innovation hubs designed to inspire the adoption of digital technology in order to improve people’s lives through the use of tech-based, data-enabled care. One of the provider-led innovation hubs is taking place from Elizabeth Finn’s Rashwood Care Home in Droitwich where participants are benefitting from peer-to-peer learning about the provider’s adoption of electronic care planning and medicine management technology from The Access Group As the sessions reach the half-way stage of the six month programme, more providers are being encouraged to take part. Nathan Jones, policy, research and projects officer at the National Care Forum, said: “The Elizabeth Finn hub has proven to be a huge success so far. Each hub is care provider-led and hosted and will showcase different combinations of digital technology which are embedded in their care settings. Participants have benefitted from well-established providers sharing their digital journey with visitors, includ-

ing how they came to adopt it, the challenges and the benefits of implementing it and using it, and the use of data in the delivery of data enabled care.” Gabi Ashton, from Hackney Housing with Care, has taken part in the innovation hub. She said: “The session was excellent; I learnt a lot of lessons about the implementation phase and shared the learning with my team.” Another participant, Barbara Hobbs, who is director of Barbara Hobbs Consultancy, added: “I thought it was very informative and I am so pleased I was invited to attend. It was informal too but educative, thought provoking and I was impressed.” Steve Sawyer, managing director of The Access Group’s health and social care division, which has partnered with the National Care Forum to contribute its expertise to the Hubble Project, said: “We are delighted to be contributing to the innovation hub and sharing best practice around the implementation of digital technology. The recent challenges facing the sector have provided further evidence of the need for care providers to innovate in order to deliver the highest possible standards of care.” Other hubs are held in The Parkhaven Trust’s The Beeches residential and nursing home And Johnnie Johnson Housing’s Spey House extra care scheme, and showcase the use of acoustic monitoring, circadian lighting, sensor technology and telecare technology. The virtual visit sessions will take place between September 2020 and December 2020 and you can book to attend a session through the NCF website. For more information about the National Care Forum’s Hubble Project, visit:

Church Wedding Live Streamed To Essex Care Home So Resident Can See Her Grand-Daughter Walk Down The Aisle

Residents at RMBI Care Co. Home Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court, in Stisted, put on their glad rags to enjoy a very special wedding, which was live streamed from a nearby church. Resident, Dot Bash, aged 91, sadly couldn’t be at her grand-daughter Kathryn’s wedding to fiancé Tom Law in person, because in line with Government guidance, she would have had to isolate at the Home afterwards. However, Dot’s son, Peter Bash, and kind-hearted staff at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court were determined that Dot didn’t miss the

big day. So, they arranged for the wedding to be live streamed and Dot watched it in real time with her fellow residents on the Home’s huge, cinema style screen. Residents and staff at the Home dressed up in their best wedding attire for the midday service, just as they would if they were there in person. To create a wedding atmosphere at the Home, there were fresh flower decorations, and a tea party was held after the service. Everyone was invited to drink a toast to the happy couple. The bride’s father had even delivered a case of wine to the Home for everyone to enjoy. In normal times, residents at the Home enjoy lots of fun, sociable and stimulating excursions, with some residents even trying activities such as ice-skating and horse-riding. So, the residents were delighted to have this really special occasion to look forward to. Home Manager Aggie McDonald explains: “We couldn’t bear the thought of Dot not being able to see her granddaughter getting married in real time. They’re such a close family, for her to miss it would have been heart-breaking. We were determined to make it special for her and it was lovely that our other residents were also able to enjoy such an uplifting event.” The wedding took place very nearby at the picturesque All Saints Church, Stisted, where Kathryn’s mum, is church warden. After the service, the bride and groom cut a wedding cake outside the Home, a beautiful grade II listed property, while Dot and fellow residents watched through the window. The cake was made by the Home’s chef!

Kathryn, who now lives in the Cotswold’s, said: “I’m absolutely thrilled that my Nana and her fellow residents could join in my wedding. It added an extra exciting dimension to the whole day and lasting memories to treasure. It’s lovely that the Home is doing so much. They’re having a three-course meal and canapes! In fact, they’re probably doing more than we are!” Kathryn was able to visit her beloved Nana in the Home’s Covidsecure visitor pod the day before the wedding. Dot told carers: “I’m so grateful that the Home was able to make this happen, so I could see my grand-daughter getting married!”

AI-Powered Pain Assessment Company Gives UK Care Home Tech a Boost Responding to the NHSX pledge to give 11,000 iPads to UK care homes, PainChek®, the company behind the world’s first AI-powered pain assessment tool that detects pain in people living with dementia, has announced a one-off campaign to help UK care homes to benefit from its unique technology. “NHSX is giving care homes iPads to help their residents keep in touch with family and friends at this difficult time and over the winter months,” says Pete Shergill, PainChek® UK&I Country Director. “These devices also mean staff can access healthcare information quickly and easily, and give them the tools to manage residents’ healthcare information and requirements online. It also gives them the chance to access digital tech that supports and enhances resident’s care with the tools to take advantage of new technology like PainChek®. “So we are offering all UK care homes subscribing to PainChek® before 31 October 2020, a one-off unique voucher of up to £500 to cover the cost of our product training for their staff so they can comprehensively and effectively use the PainChek® technology.” Under or misdiagnosed pain in people living with dementia or cognitive impairments is shown to contribute to changes in their behaviour. “PainChek® uses AI with smart automation to analyse micro-facial expressions indicative of the presence of the pain, giving a voice to those who struggle to self-report pain,” Pete explains. “Importantly, its technology also enables assessments and analysis from a safe threemetre distance, so care professionals can easily maintain safe social distancing measures and minimise the risk of infection. “Our voucher is a chance for us to directly support and to help the healthcare professionals caring for people living with dementia to have the best pain assessment tool available, and can tackle and relieve the issue of pain detection and management for the people they are caring for,” says Pete. UK care homes can access the exclusive voucher code by emailing:, with the reference ‘UK £500 voucher’ in the subject line. Each UK care home operator or care home can claim one voucher each until 31 October 2020. Each voucher has a value of up to £500 to be used for the PainChek® app training to staff only, and terms and conditions apply.* Pete adds: “Navigating the landscape of pain and dementia is challenging, especially when using paper-based systems. A recent CQC report ‘Cracks in the Pathway’** explores the level to which people living with dementia may not be able to tell staff about their pain, and the impact on their behaviour and wellbeing if this is overlooked, including distress and unnecessary suffering. “Specifically, the Report explains: ‘Pain can change how people behave. Some care plans do not include information about how individuals communicated that they were in pain. Staff therefore relied on their own judgement, meaning that people were at risk of being in pain or receiving inconsistent pain relief. Good care was supported by identifying how an individual communicated they were in pain and also by consideration that a change in behaviour may be due to someone experiencing pain rather than their dementia.’ “Effective pain assessment is clearly important, but can only be achieved with the right tools,” he says, “and PainChek® represents the quick, easy-to-use solution to measuring pain in care home residents, and also documents checks, and allows informed clinical decisions to

be made for effective pain management. “Indeed, innovative technology that increases the accuracy of pain assessments, reduces the time to effectively evaluate pain, lifts administrative burdens from care home staff, and equips care providers with the means and the data to better plan and treat pain, ultimately, improves the quality of care.” Capable of assessing and scoring pain levels in real time, PainChek® updates medical records in the cloud, allowing for the digital sharing of care home resident data with healthcare professionals and families, and a fast and effective line of communication to ensure all parties are included in the care. Its clinical support team uses the technology via digital communication platforms, eliminating the need to be physically on-site. The market-leader in Australia and launched in the UK earlier this year, PainChek® is available for download – subject to a user enterprise licence - on the Apple App Store and Google Play, and can be operated via any compatible smart device at the point of care. For further information, visit: PainChek® recently featured in an NHSX case study report on ‘Assessing pain in people with dementia who cannot self-report,’ which explores the technology behind the PainChek® app and describes the positive impact it has had on pain assessment and subsequent treatment and monitoring of pain in two UK care homes. Read the report here: *Terms and conditions: £500 voucher offer • The £500 voucher can only be used against training costs associated with the implementation of the PainChek® system. • Only 1 voucher can be redeemed per care provider. • This voucher cannot be used to reduce the license fee of PainChek®. • The voucher has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash. • The voucher cannot be exchanged for or used as part or with any other PainChek discounts or offers, or promotions from PainChek partners. • The voucher can only be used in the UK. • The voucher is not transferable and can only be used by the care home to which it is provided. • The voucher can only be used once. • The voucher must be used by 30 November 2020. • The promotion ends on 31 October 2020.

**Cracks in the Pathway – Care Quality Commission


More Restrictions Likely Without Major Improvements to Test and Trace Responding to the latest NHS test and trace figures, Dr Layla McCay, director at the NHS Confederation, said: “The latest test and trace figures paint a clear picture of what is on the cards for the UK. As cases continue to rise steeply, it is becoming increasingly likely we will see more – and more stringent – restrictions. “While the trace system is still identifying contacts for fewer than 80 per cent of people who test positive, it is at least somewhat reassuring that the turnaround time for in-person test results has decreased. But the same cannot be said for satellite and home tests – we need to see improvements across the board. While our members in some of the worstaffected areas tell us the system is coping for now, if the NHS is to continue to be able to cope, with the added challenges of winter, we will either need to see a swift and significant improvement in the test and trace system, or more draconian measures over even

larger parts of the country. “Staff are doing all they can to bring back routine services alongside treating rising numbers of COVID-19 patients, from primary care to acute hospitals, but if COVID-19 demand continues to follow the same trajectory, it will reduce the ability to deliver other services, which could have repercussions for non-COVID deaths. “Greater Manchester and London are now facing tougher restrictions; if the rest of the country is to avoid following suit, it is vital that people continue to be patient and to do all they can to help curb the spread. At the same time, it is also imperative that the Government heeds scientific advice, and provides very clear communication so that everyone understands what is being asked of us.”

Residents at Magnolia Court in Hampstead are Enjoying New Life Enrichment Opportunities The fun and laughter has continued at Magnolia Court care home, in Hampstead as residents recently enjoyed trying a gardening session, Halloween Arts and crafts, sharing letters with local schools and staff dressing up in the Halloween theme. Residents at Magnolia Court have enjoyed our engaging activities programmes consisting of Halloween Baking, virtual music sessions and even filmed their own dance routine for ‘SilverAge’. Residents here take part in regular exercise sessions arranged by the homes’ activities team for residents within the home and local community groups. The activities coordinators Mimi and Tammie support the personal interests of residents so they can continue with their individual hobbies in an effort to celebrate life as often as we can. All group and individual activities offer a choice of mental, physical and spiritual activities of people we care for. Residents have taken part in new hobbies, baking and pumpkin Carving and kept in touch with their pen pals in the local schools.

Residents of Moorgate Hollow Receive the Ballroom Treatment

Residents at a Rotherham care home were treated to a night of sequins and spray tan as the care home staff laid on a Strictly Come Dancing themed afternoon. Staff at the care home, on Nightingale Close, got into the groove with the Cha Cha and American Smooth, sweeping residents off their feet in celebration of their love for the programme. Residents also got into the spirit of the show by judging the staff on their moves with the iconic score paddles, dressing up and watching re-runs of the programme. David Boyd, 75, resident at Moorgate Hollow care home, said: “It was such a beautiful afternoon and such great fun to get involved and dance with the staff. “We definitely need more practice though; I felt a bit rusty with some of my moves!” Lyn Pilkington, home manager at Moorgate Hollow

care home, said: “Lots of our residents used to dance and are fans of Strictly. It’s been lovely to dress up the room and get the residents onto their feet. “It’s heartwarming to put a smile on residents’ faces and see them dance away. “I’d also like to say thank you to our deputy manager, Leighann Peace, who organised the event. It was fab-u-lous!”

This type of activity is meaningful to residents, and provides social engagement, as creates a lot of fun within the home. Octavian Stanciu, General Manager at Magnolia Court Care Home said: “Ensuring residents feel engaged and connected within our homes is more important than ever. Our residents have really enjoyed getting creative for ‘Southbank arts centre exhibition’ and preparing an autumn inspired window frame with leaves from the garden which will displayed in there centre. We provide a wide range of activities at Magnolia Court as part of the life enrichment programme for residents, and this one was very popular! Our varied activities programme allows us to provide stimulation of the mind, body and soul for residents in group activities, as well as one-to-one. We have also adapted ways to keep residents active, whilst ensuring that the group activities are smaller, adhering to current government social distancing advice”

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The Essentials for Fabric COVID-19 Infection Control In The Care Sector

By Jackie Hook, chemist from commercial laundry specialist, JLA (

The care home setting is one that requires staff to work in close contact with residents, the majority of whom are extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 infection. With heightened concerns about the growing second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and care homes facing further difficulties with the winter months approaching, infection control remains a critical concern and is, arguably, now more important than ever. Finding ways to keep staff members protected and residents as safe as possible, means that care home managers will be putting an increased emphasis on hygiene measures throughout their facilities. Specifically, keeping laundry clean, and most importantly, COVIDfree, is crucial. With research showing that the coronavirus infection can live on fabric and textiles for up to 3 days, below are some top tips and best practice for care home workers when storing, washing and handling laundry within the residence.

STORING DIRTY LINEN As studies demonstrate that coronavirus can survive on linen for up to 72 hours, it is important that linen, or any fabric that residents or staff come into contact with, is removed, stored and washed as safely as possible. For workers, when removing infected laundry and bed linen from residents’ rooms, it is recommended that the linen is not rinsed, shaken or sorted but carefully placed in a red soluble bag, tied and then secured in a secondary bag. This should then be placed directly into the allocated laundry trolley. Similarly, once this has been done, laundry baskets must be stored in a designated and safe area, away from the residents and members of staff. This should be done before the laundry is washed or whilst awaiting collection from a contractor.

KEEPING LAUNDRY COVID-FREE It is important that linen is processed as quickly as possible and not left overnight for washing. This will ensure any stains are not allowed to dry into the fabric and reduce the microbial challenge. When washing the laundry, whether onsite or through a contractor, not only is it essential to do this safely, it is also worth researching the washing system that is being used to see how effective it is at removing the coronavirus infection. There are now systems available that have undergone extensive testing to demonstrate just how effective they are at removing the coronavirus infection, with factors such as optimum temperature and load capacity being carefully monitored and reviewed. Not only does investing in a tested system help protect care home residents, but it also places confidence in the staff, with families of residents feeling safe in the knowledge that everything is being done to ensure the safety of their loved ones.

SUPPORTING THE WASHING OF STAFF UNIFORM Another way to ensure that any potential traces of coronavirus are removed effectively from any fabric or linen within the care home, could be by having health workers’ uniforms washed and stored on site, rather than items being taken home. Using commercial washing machines provides better control of the wash process in comparison to domestic washers. They are not designed to deal with infected linen nor are they normally compliant with UK water regulations to deal with this category of work. As discussed by Dr Katie Laird, reader in microbiology and head of the infectious disease research group at De Montfort University Leicester ‘by taking uniforms home, (care) workers run the risk of contaminating their home environment’. By using a laundering facility for healthcare uniforms directly in the care home, infection control can be effectively treated and minimised transmission of the virus can be assured as fabrics are not being taken to and from the care facility after they have been worn. As a key public-facing industry, the care sector is quickly having to stay up to date with new measures surrounding infection control. In an environment where incorrect handling, processing and storage of linen can present a preventable risk, investing in the right laundry facility and hygiene measures, can help to keep residents safe, workers happy and families reassured that their loved ones are as protected from this virus as they can be.

Fundraising Song for Care Workers Charity Ingrid Clift and Kathryn Rachel Harris have launched a song in recognition of the dedication and hard work of “frontline hero’s” in the care sector Ingrid and Kathryn were inspired to write and compose the song ‘We Are Here’ by the response from society towards carers – the frontline heroes of the day – during the COVID- 19 lockdown, and supporting The Care Workers Charity, and they’re asking people to make donations via the JustGiving page that has been set up. Ingrid said “We’ve chosen to support The Care Workers’ Charity with our song ‘We Are Here’ because of the great work they do in representing and advocating on behalf of care workers”. The Care Workers’ Charity supports carers and former carers who are facing financial hardship whilst actively promoting the huge contribution that the UK’s care workers make to our society. Kathryn and Ingrid met when they worked together at The Orpheus Centre in Godstone, Surrey. They became good friends, care work united them. Having both moved on from the Orpheus Centre they’ve remained long distance friends. “I asked Kathryn during lockdown if she could write a melody for the lyrics I had written to the song. The inspiration for the lyrics came from a place of pure pride in the care sector as we worked through the lockdown,” Ingrid explained.

“The carers I worked with and community NHS staff just stepped up selflessly on a daily basis. Care comes first, no matter what, our duty of care is to those who depend on us, to those who are waiting for us, to those who trust us – We Are Here! Kathryn is a talented musician with a music composition degree. She is also a comprehensive carer and now works as an Occupational Therapy Support Worker at the Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Hospital in Caerphilly. She also uses her musical talent in her career as a professional carer but that is just one of the many skills she has as a carer. And this, Ingrid concluded, is exactly what care is all about, “Carers are multifaceted people, using their training, experience, amazing individual talents and positive can-do attitudes to help and support other people to live independently. “The care sector has literally changed my life, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Today, I’m so glad that I was bold and brave and chose a career in the care. I’m a kinder, happier and better person because of it.” “It is an honour to be a carer, it can be a challenging job at times but it’s the most rewarding and fulfilling career. No day is ever the same and you literally change lives every day. We are so proud to be carers and so proud to know and work alongside carers who inspire us daily.”

Millions Of Extra Flu Jabs Available To Support Largest UK Vaccination Programme Millions of extra flu vaccines will soon be available to support the most comprehensive flu vaccination programme in the UK’s history. More than 30 million people will be vaccinated this year to protect them from flu, with priority being given to the most vulnerable, elderly and children. To support this, millions of doses of Flublok® have been authorised for supply by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as part of our response to the ongoing public health crisis after it met the standards of safety, quality and effectiveness. The vaccine has been used in the United States for the last three winters. A physically and biologically similar vaccine, Supemtek, was recommended for approval by the European Medicines Agency in September 2020. All vaccines, including Flublok, undergo three stages of clinical trials and are assessed by the regulator for safety, effectiveness and quality before they are given to patients. Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jonathan Van Tam said: “As we approach the winter and cases of Covid-19 continue to rise, it is crucial we double down on efforts to vaccinate as many people as possible from flu. “We have increased the number of people eligible for free flu jabs this year to reduce all avoidable risks and protect people from illness. “Flublok has been in regular use in the United States – and the evidence shows that it is an excellent product. “I want to reassure everyone that all vaccines have undergone robust clinical trials and rigorous checks by the regulator to ensure they are safe, effective and of a high quality.” Flu can have serious consequences and vulnerable people can die of it. Having the vaccine protects you, and helps reduce transmission to others. This winter more than ever, with COVID-19 still circulating, we need to help reduce all avoidable risks.

Vaccinating more people will help reduce flu transmission and stop people becoming ill. A free flu vaccine is available to the following: • people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, and those with some pre-existing conditions • all school year groups up to year 7 • household contacts of those on the NHS Shielded Patient List Once vaccination of the most ‘at-risk’ groups is well underway, the department will work with clinicians to decide when to open the programme to invite people aged 50 to 64, with further details to be announced soon. The NHS will contact people directly, including information about where to go to get the vaccine. GPs, NHS Trusts and community pharmacies will be able to order stock from the Government’s centrallyprocured supply to complement their own flu vaccination stocks, ensuring as many people as possible are able to receive the vaccination this winter. Dr Christian Schneider, Interim Chief Scientific Officer at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, said: “Protecting health and saving lives is at the heart of all our work. “The MHRA assessed Flublok against safety, quality and effectiveness standards and sought advice from the government’s independent expert scientific advisory body – the Commission on Human Medicines. We are satisfied that this vaccine protects against flu and meets high standards of safety and quality. “Your doctor can recommend the best time to be vaccinated and please read the patient information leaflet carefully before you get the flu vaccine.” The expanded flu vaccination programme is part of plans to ready the NHS – both for the risk of a second peak of coronavirus cases, and to relieve winter pressures on A&E and emergency care. Increased vaccinations will help to reduce pressure on the NHS this winter by preventing flu-sickness which can cause hospitalisation and even death.


The Risks And Responsibilities Of Patient Handling By Eloise Wakeford, Founder and Chief Executive of County Carers ( Like many roles in the care industry, there are a number of risks that come with the job of a carer, particularly when it comes to patient handling and even more so with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As times remain uncertain for many individuals in care and their loved ones, it’s important for precautions to be taken to reduce this risk through the application of clear roles and responsibilities for care staff.

HIGHEST RISKS: In every day domiciliary care, there is always the physical risk of attaining injuries such as chronic pain, sprains or strains, through bending and moving around to tend to clients. However, the coronavirus pandemic has caused the rise of different risk factors which those in the care industry have had to adapt to. Domiciliary care involves the caring for individuals in their own homes, through the support of professional caregivers. As the coronavirus is a worry for many, carers have to be extremely careful with their

whereabouts and personal vigilance in between appointments. With the risks posed by the spread of Covid-19, caregivers are taking extreme measures to protect their clients. Daily clients continue to receive care from the regular carers who are immediately taken off shift if they (or anyone in their household) present any symptoms. Live-in carers are not rotating between clients as normal, but instead are staying with their 1 client to reduce any risk of the spread of infection.

SAFETY MEASURES AND PRECAUTIONS: With these new risks, come new precautions and safety measures. In a similar way to the regulations with restaurants and retail companies, all clients' temperatures have to be taken at the beginning of their appointments to ensure staff and clients aren’t coming into contact with the virus. Symptoms such as coughing and loss of smell or taste must also be recognised when carers are entering the home and if there is a risk, this must be reported. It’s important that there is always a record kept to save complications where carers or clients end up being put at risk. In order to protect the elderly who are extremely vulnerable, it’s vital for the greater good that every person involved in the care system is treated, initially as if they have symptoms of coronavirus. Even when these are not apparent, all carers must still wear face masks, PPE and

Oktoberfest Celebrations at Huyton Care Home Keeping up with this year’s theme days, HC-One’s Moss View care home in Liverpool, Merseyside enjoyed a German theme day with their own Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is a folk festival held annually in Germany for just over two weeks. Around six million people around the world attend every year; but this year, Oktoberfest came to care homes across HC-One. Both units at Moss View looked fabulous with German themed decorations, residents enjoyed watching them go up.

Residents and colleagues enjoyed tasting some German smoked cheese, Bratwurst sausages, German salami and pretzels. All washed down with some German beer and wine. Everyone then listened to some Bavarian music and sang along to Mario Lanza songs Residents enjoyed getting their photographs taken with the German photo props and were laughing when they saw themselves, see pictures. They all found it quite amusing. Joan enjoyed getting dressed up as a Bavarian barmaid and

Barnes Commercial Insurance Broker Barnes Commercial is an independent specialist broker offering tailored commercial insurance solutions for businesses operating in the care sector, to help manage business risk. The experienced team take a personal approach, building authentic long-term relationships, supporting you with exceptional service from beginning to end. As an independent broker you can rest assured that their advice is completely impartial - the cover recommended will be just what you need for now and for the future. From typical buildings and contents insurance for your premises, or public liability and employer liability insurance, to domiciliary care insurance, or Directors’ and Officers’ cover, Barnes Commercial will help you to manage potential risk, providing freedom from worry so you can focus on running your business.

take precautions in washing their hands and using suitable hand sanitizer. When any client presents potential symptoms, the carer(s) involved should isolate until they produce a negative result and do not visit any other clients to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.

EFFECTS FOR EMPLOYEES: Now more than ever, it’s important that caregivers are given the support that they need, whilst also supporting others. Their voices and decisions must be respected when it comes to choosing to self isolate or take precautions for themselves, even more so, if they are living with family or friends who are at high risk. In some cases, there is lack of family support for individuals and it can be difficult to get enough sleep and to maintain a proper diet when working hours change each day, depending on night shifts or last minute call outs. For caregivers who are parents or carers in their personal lives, it’s vital that they prioritise the safety of their children and families. It is a tough period of time for people working in the care industry, with many people fearing passing on the coronavirus to individuals in a vulnerable position. As this continues, domiciliary care employees must be sure to stay alert and aware to reduce the risks and to keep those that they work with, and live with, safe.

said, “I haven’t had a figure like this since I was young!” Resident Ron joked about seeing all the German flags and said, “I thought we won the war?” Janet, after seeing her photograph in plaits and the Bavarian barmaid outfit, said, “I don’t look bad for someone who is over 80.” Carer Sue, commented on how much the Residents had enjoyed the day, “It has kept spirits high for everyone!” Janet, one of the Residents asked what the next theme day was and when was it (as it will be her birthday at the end of next November). So, the home is having a French day around Janet’s birthday: to which she was very pleased.

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CATERING FOR CARE What Can Care Homes Can Expect From Food Suppliers To Ensure Residents Are Receiving The Vital Nutrients They Need Especially During The Winter Months? A Q&A with Philip Mayling, director of food service supplier, MKG Foods ( “Therefore, food suppliers need to work hard with the care industry to make sure that when substitutions and replacements are needed, the nutritional supply for residents is not compromised. This can be done through conversations to discuss individual residents’ needs, as well as what the care home requires for the winter months.”


“The largest issue facing the foodservice industry is consistency of supply. Thousands of manufacturers have woken back up from the slumber of lockdown to a market that is significantly reduced to what is was previously. “The care industry shares a manufacturing chain with education and hospitality businesses. The issue is that the operating metrics of these manufacturers have been drastically altered, meaning operational capacity, lead times and available lines are significantly affected. Despite the fact the care industry’s demands for food supply have remained the most consistent with pre-COVID levels, this effect on the supply chain will cause issues with standard product availability.

“There are two key elements to ensuring care homes continue to get the food they need. Food suppliers must maintain their regular delivery schedule with care homes, and many have done so throughout the pandemic, even when there has been a reduced trade in other sectors such as hospitality. “Secondly, food suppliers are working with manufacturers to try and maintain stocks at a level to be prepared not just for the current interrupted supply, but potential extended lockdowns, whether these be regional or national. Food suppliers have been working with manufacturers throughout the pandemic and have tried to pre-empt what may come next to ensure supply is there for care homes.”

WHY ARE MEAL TIMES SO IMPORTANT IN GIVING RESIDENTS STRUCTURE TO THEIR DAYS, ESPECIALLY AS VISITS AND DAY TRIPS HAVE CEASED DURING THE PANDEMIC? “In a time where visitors are either not allowed or greatly reduced, in addition to more social distancing and reduced staff, meals provide much needed structure and pleasure to residents’ days. For residents suffering from dementia, food also plays an important role in providing comfort, as often tastes and textures will remind them of their childhood

Are You in Need of Dysphagia Training ? *

*This training is intended for healthcare professionals only. Did you know that between 50-75% of nursing home residents suffer from dysphagia1? Nutricia has a training solution for you, a FREE e-learning covering the fundamentals of dysphagia management using Nutilis Clear. The training is divided into 4 sections and has been specially designed for busy health and social care staff caring for people living with dysphagia. It takes 60 minutes in total to complete, however you can complete one section at a time.

HOW CAN THIS TRAINING HELP YOU? • Easy & convenient online solution to dysphagia training • Visibility to track progress in your care home • Raise the quality standard of dysphagia care in a consistent way

or other special times in their lives.”

WHAT ROLE CAN FOOD SUPPLIERS PLAY IN ENSURING RESIDENTS RECEIVE BALANCED MEALS SHOULD THERE BE STAFF SHORTAGES IN KITCHENS DUE TO COVID-19? “There are two proactive steps food suppliers can take to ensure residents received balanced meals in the case of kitchen staff shortages. They can make sure there is a continuity of account management support, so if the primary catering staff are forced to self-isolate, food suppliers can support the temporary replacement of staff, whilst also providing advice on key products. “In addition, by ensuring options are in place for alternative products that require less preparation time, staff capacity can be greatly reduced, which may also be helpful for care homes that need to minimise the amount of staff they have in the kitchen to adhere to social distancing.”

WHAT MEASURES ARE FOOD SUPPLIERS PUTTING IN PLACE TO ENSURE THEY ARE DELIVERING TO CARE HOMES IN A COVID-SECURE MANNER? “Many food suppliers have kept their processes at the same level they were during the original lockdown in March/April and have not scaled back their COVID-secure policies. Food suppliers are acutely aware of how serious a COVID outbreak in a care home can be, therefore they take great care to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus when making deliveries. Drivers and other staff are kept isolated from meeting each other, and high levels of cleaning are carried out on both vehicles delivering food and the warehouse they come from. Drivers and staff within the warehouse are also required to wear PPE, such as masks and gloves.”

The quality standards aim is for all new health and social care staff members caring for patients with Dysphagia to complete the modules as part of their induction programme. Existing health and social care staff members should also complete the learning to support their continuing professional development. There is a certificate that can be downloaded once the training has been successfully completed. Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code to access the e-learning and get started! For any questions contact your local Nutricia sales representative or our Resource Centre at Nutilis Clear is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of dysphagia and must be used under medical supervision. Reference: 1. O’Loughlin G, Shanley C. Swallowing problems in the nursing home: a novel training response. Dysphagia 1998; 13, 172-183.(

EF Group Launches CaterCloud - The Secret Ingredient for Menu Management Success Manchester-based, EF Group has announced it is offering free for life access to its new cloud-based, menu management platform, CaterCloud, which launched this week. The easy-to-use, next generation allergen, nutrition, menu planning and costing system offers a wealth of enhanced functionality to help caterers gain significant efficiencies in their operations, to control costs and increase profits. CaterCloud helps businesses ensure food safety remains a key focus. With food labelling regulations set to change in October 2021, as a result of Natasha’s Law, all England-based businesses working in the food industry will be required to clearly label all foods produced and packed on their premises with a full list of ingredients detailing the full allergen profile. Designed to help businesses prepare for this upcoming regulation, CaterCloud provides sub-allergen information and tagging; QR Code scanning for live allergen and nutritional information, along with the ability to print Natasha’s Law compliant food labels. CaterCloud also offers customers access to a range of accredited training for allergen awareness and food safety. CaterCloud’s innovative functionality also boasts many other benefits to enable simple menu management for caterers across the hospitality, healthcare, education and retail sectors. It offers effective menu planning with dish and menu costings; access to a nutritional database with 1,000s of ingredients and customisable dashboards to record KPIs.

Users of CaterCloud can also join the e-foods’ Buyers’ Club and benefit from its substantial buying power. The Buyers’ Club is made up of a network of trusted accredited suppliers across the UK. Users can purchase food and non-food goods from these suppliers with savings of between 5 to 10%. Paul Mizen, Chief Executive, EF Group said: “The service industries are moving at pace towards technology to help meet their stock ordering,

menu planning and compliance challenges. Our experience shows that there is increasing demand for more advanced dish and menu costing tools, as well as detailed, easy to use product data. “Catering managers require their menu management software to seamlessly integrate with their ordering systems and demand best value from their food suppliers. With CaterCloud, we will remain at the forefront of delivering the innovative features the industry needs. “The entire catering industry has been heavily impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic and as businesses work hard to recover, we are providing CaterCloud for free to help maximise efficiencies and reduce costs. This is our way of giving something back to the industry upon which our business is founded.” CaterCloud is a web-based menu planning, nutrition, allergen and costing system which is part of the E-F Group. CaterCloud helps hundreds of hospitality businesses deliver performance and control costs while reducing food safety risks. CaterCloud is committed to innovation in food management, its leading-edge platform helps to manage food offerings from front desk to kitchens, with the aim of improving efficiency in catering operations. Live menu costings help businesses to see how their business is performing every day, enabling them to focus on producing quality food and increasing profitability. CaterCloud’s clients are mainly in the following sectors: healthcare, education, hospitality and retail. For more information, see the advert on the facing page.


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HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Unigloves Expands Its PPE Range Hand protection specialist Unigloves is expanding its product portfolio with the launch of a range of sanitising hand gels and facemasks. Added to its range to help in the fight against Covid19, the new products complement Unigloves’ range of disposable gloves designed for use across a wide range of industrial sectors including healthcare and care homes. Available in 480ml and 200ml pump dispenser and 50ml flip top sizes, the new 70% alcohol hand gel with added Vitamin E kills 99.9% of all bacteria. Fast-drying, leaving the hands feeling soft and smooth, the new gel also moisturises the hands, making it ideal for the healthcare sector and high use environments. Joining the hand gels is Unigloves’ Profil facemasks. Available in boxes of 50, the 3 ply, pleated Type II facemasks have a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of 98%. Tested to EN14683 the facemasks are manufactured from soft, non-

woven fabric with integrated noseband and soft ear loops for a comfortable, secure fit. “Our hand gels and facemasks are part of our global response to the Covid-19 outbreak, which has seen us manufacturing for the NHS and a wide range of healthcare-associated settings both in the UK and internationally. “In tandem with our extensive gloves range, the combination of hand protection and respiratory protection, provides companies with an effective solution to the increased focus on hygiene protocols,” said Unigloves’ Marketing Director, Donald Gillespie. For more information on the range of hand gels and facemasks from Unigloves, visit and .

New Depuro Pro Air Purifier In Use In Two NHS Hospitals The new DePuro Pro air purifier has been successfully installed in two NHS hospitals in Essex as part of their fight against the spread of Covid-19. The twelve units have been installed in three dental rooms and nine treatment rooms in a project to improve the air quality in the hospitals and increase patient turnaround in a clean and safe environment. The DePuro Pro unit comes in two sizes, it is a plug and play set up and uses two HEPA 14 filters which retain up to 99.995% of particulates including virus, bacteria and droplets within the air.

Dean Hill and Mark Coutts from Essex based contractors TH Electrical said: “We worked alongside VORTICE to specify the DePuro Pro to effectively clean and purify the air in these hospitals. As we know from the science, good indoor air quality is vital to the fight against the spread of Covid-19 and we’re delighted that these units are already starting to make a difference after only two weeks of being used.” For more information about the DePuro Pro and other products from VORTICE visit

New VIRALERT 3 Screening System Delivers COVID-19 Protection for the Care Sector Care facilities have been severely affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 across the world. Protecting the safety and wellbeing of people in these facilities including patients, staff and visitors, is a key priority for managers of care organisations in this current pandemic. AMETEK Land, a global leader in temperature measurement technologies based in the UK, has used the expertise and knowledge of its workforce to support this vital sector by develop a new human skin temperature screening system, VIRALERT 3. Designed to screen visitors at an entry point without slowing the flow of people, VIRALERT 3 scans temperatures without any person-to-person contact, keeping all parties safe. VIRALERT 3 is easy to use, and can be left to operate automatically, with audible and visual alarms alerting when high temperatures are discovered. VIRALERT 3 is the first of its kind, providing a camera and a temperature-controlled reference source on a single mounting. This makes for a compact system that won’t get in the way of queueing people and can be easily wall-mounted. Using automatic face detection, it locates the best areas for temperature detection, taking a reading that is accurate to within 0.5°C, then calculates core body temperature through a rapid test procedure in less than two seconds. The system has recently been installed at the Dronfield Medical Practice, where it has brought extra confidence to staff and patients visiting the site. “At Dronfield Medical Practice we wanted to see how

we could all work together to “Stay Alert” by ensuring patients are seen appropriately, and by keeping all staff secure with the knowledge they are being looked after,” said Kathryn Wileman, Practice Manager, Dronfield Medical Practice. She continued, “The installation of VIRALERT 3 has been a very effective way to achieve this. If a visitor’s temperature is high, we can ask them to leave the premises, then arrange to see them safely without putting anyone at risk.” Division Vice President Justin Smith at AMETEK Land said: ““VIRALERT 3 is a major global technology in keeping people safe in the fight against COVID-19. Highly accurate readings mean that anyone with an elevated temperature will be identified before fully entering the building, thereby reducing the spread of infection”. In addition to the care sector, the roll-out of VIRALERT 3 has attracted interest across a variety of sectors including hospitals and healthcare, commercial areas, education facilities, and public spaces, transportation entry points, offices and manufacturing locations, and sports and leisure sites. Visit for further details.

Sanozone. The Easy Way To Sanitise Your Indoor Spaces SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of

machines use Ozone (O3) technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-toreach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Staysafe Visor - CE-Certified PPE Manufactured in the UK Staysafe Visor is a subsidiary of 1st Packaging Ltd, a leading specialist UK plastics manufacturer founded in 2002. Used in a wide range of health and commercial settings, our high-quality recyclable CE-certified face shields offer protection against liquid droplets, sprays and splashes. Our visors are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, are anti-fog and easy to assemble. As a long-established UK company, we have been able to step up our manufacture of PPE to meet high demand

during the current unprecedented circumstances. Our facilities enable us to produce well in excess of 200,000 items per week. At Staysafe Visor our experienced team takes very seriously its role in supporting the health of the community by helping to maintain a safer environment. Availability and affordability are the cornerstones of our operation. Because we sell directly to businesses, organisations and the general public, we are able to remove the need for

intermediaries and keep costs low. We believe that we offer the most competitive rates on the market for this type of CE-certified PPE. Our high-quality products are helping to better protect employees in the NHS, care homes, education, transport, manufacturing and a host of other workplace settings. For further details about our range of visors please do not hesitate to contact our friendly expert team. See page 4 for details or visit

Haigh Engineering Callero Shield for Care Homes and Clinics Resident and patient waste is a day to day practical matter that simply cannot become a problem for frontline carers and nursing staff. With the raised awareness of cross infection risks, the proven reliable waste disposal systems from Haigh are recognised more than ever as being a key part of the toolkit for ensuring that human waste is effectively and efficiently removed as a source of risk, day in day out, without the risks and complications of either washing pots or manual bagging waste for collection. The team from Haigh have been working hard to support this beyond just the manufacture of the Incomaster and Quattro waste disposers here in the UK, but also developing innovative and safe methods to enhance the servicing provisions that are available to customers. The recently launched all-inclusive rental proposition has proven particularly effective and popular with new and existing customers alike, not least as it reduces the operational, maintenance and financing headaches from sites which have more critical matters to address. For more information about incontinence and bedpan waste disposal please feel free to contact the Haigh team on 01989 763131 or

For over 40 years, Gratnells Medical products have been widely used for hospital storage. From trolleys and frames, to trays and accessories, the wide range of products makes up the ideal storage solution for any medical environment. Designed with a multitude of settings in mind, the Gratnells Medical range would fit suitably into care homes, dental practices and other surgeries.

The Gratnells Callero Shield range is a complete collection of products designed to offer ample storage that is easily moveable and fits neatly into any environment. Treated with BioCote® antimicrobial additive, the trays and trolleys in the range protect against the spread of various viruses, bacteria and germs. Callero Shield trolleys are available in double and treble column width and with multiple tray combinations. Suitable for the safe storage of PPE, medical files and equipment, uniform and beyond, the trolleys are easily movable between locations and can be set in place with lockable castors. They’re also popularly used as sanitation and cleaning stations due to the ample storage space and the antimicrobial metal worksurface. The antimicrobial Gratnells Rover allows the movement of heavier loads with ease. Robust, hygienic and practical, safely carry medical equipment over any terrain and up and down stairs. With a safety strap to secure antimicrobial trays in place and the option to add antimicrobial lids to trays, contents will be safe on

their journey from place to place. Recently added to the Gratnells antimicrobial range are the new SortED inserts. SortED is a new range of removable, modular inserts designed to fit and create separate sections in shallow and deep Gratnells trays. Also treated with BioCote® additive, the dishwasher safe inserts offer a safe and hygienic solution for the storage and distribution of smaller medical equipment or PPE. Browse the full Gratnells Medical range:

Airdri Launches Air Purifier To Flush Away Washroom Bacteria Airdri, a leading designer and manufacturer of hand dryers, has added a new air purifier unit to its portfolio, to tackle washroom bacteria and eliminate odours. Complementing its range of hand drying solutions, the Airdri Air Purifier uses custom thermal convection technology to kill airborne and surface bacteria and viruses, eliminating the bad odours they cause, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Offering both odour and infection control, the unit is ideal for use in busy washrooms. Its compact profile means it can sit discretely in the top corner of a washroom, yet can service the entire space, covering a floor area of up to 30m2. With minimal maintenance and low energy consumption of 10w, the Airdri Air Purifier is a green solution for providing constant sanitised washroom air. Trudi Osborne, Marketing Manager at Airdri, says “Washrooms are the primary source of infections, with many housing bacteria and viruses that are unseen to the eye. Given

that in just eight hours a single bacterium can multiply into over eight million cells, it is vital to ensure washrooms are kept clean and hygienic at all times. Cleaning and disinfecting alone are only a partial solution – they do not stop ongoing surface contamination or tackle airborne bacteria. Equally, fragrances or fresheners simply mask the associated odours, doing nothing towards hygiene. “The Airdri Air Purifier kills both surface and airborne bacteria, removing the unpleasant odours that they bring with them. The unit processes contaminated air in the purifying chamber, emitting an efficient cleaning agent. Other solutions, which may feature a HEPA filter or have an antibacterial coating, only clean the area immediately surrounding the dryer. The Airdri Air Purifier provides a complete hygiene solution for the whole washroom ensuring that the whole environment is clean, hygienic and odour free.” For more information visit


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL QCS and Autumna Announce Infection Control Partnership Quality Compliance Systems (QCS), a leading provider of content, guidance and technology for the health care sector, and Autumna, the largest directory of social care providers in the UK, with a focus on supporting self-funding families find care, have announced a ground-breaking partnership, which will revolutionise care for service users. At the heart of the partnership is the S.A.F.E. initiative (Symptom Assessment For Everyone) and the S.A.F.E. badge, which helps care providers to demonstrate that their infection, prevention and control procedures (IPC) go beyond current government guidelines. The collaborative alliance will enable worried self-funding families to benefit from the knowledge, experience and extensive reach of both organisations, allowing them to make better informed choices when choosing care homes for their loved ones. While QCS already supports over 100,000 users in their quest to secure a favourable CQC rating, this extra level of accreditation will provide an even greater level of visibility to concerned families. It will help care providers too by highlighting the outstanding IPC protocols already present within their services. QCS, which also provides next-generation technology solutions to the care sector, has already created and deployed a state-ofthe-art visitor contact tracing tool to over 300 care homes, which Autumna has integrated into the S.A.F.E. initiative. As part of the partnership agreement, QCS will accelerate the development of leading-edge technology applications, and best practice content, which are both central to the S.A.F.E. framework. Philippa Stevens, QCS’s Head of Partnership and Alliances, said of the landmark agreement, “We’re delighted to be working with Autumna. We share Autumna’s person-centred vision and tireless dedication to improving standards in the industry. At QCS, we believe that infection control policies and procedures should be outstanding in every care home. We hope that this unique partPhilippa Stevens, QCS’s Head of Partnership nership agreement makes that a reality for many more people.” and Alliances

Debbie Harris, Autumna’s Managing Director, added, “We are really excited about this joint-venture. Giving self-funding families the assurance that infection control procedures are paramount in a home’s thinking is so important. Not only will this partnership provide them with much greater choice, it will shine a positive light on the outstanding compliance performance and world-class skillset of staff around infection control in thousands of care homes throughout the UK. That can only be a good thing for families and their elderly relatives.”

ABOUT QCS Quality Compliance System (QCS) provides a high-quality, bespoke Care Quality Commission Debbie Harris, Autumna’s Managing Director management service for Adult Social Care providers, Dentists and GPs. Across the social care sector, QCS is widely trusted and respected brand which is specifically designed to conform to the CQC Fundamental Standards set out by the CQC. To find out more about QCS, call 0333-405-33 33 or email

ABOUT AUTUMNA The UK's largest & most detailed online directory of care services for the elderly, including home care, live-in care, care homes and retirement living, Autumna’s primary objective is to ensure self-funding families are able to make an informed choice about elderly care. Its care directory and free advice line ensures families can find the information they need to achieve this. To receive free, unbiased, independent advice about care options, or to find out more about Autumna, call Autumna’s free helpline on 01892-335-330 , or email

Antimicrobial Contract Fabrics for Added Reassurance Skopos has recently launched a new sub-brand, Skopos Pro-tect Plus, as a marker for all Skopos products offered with an antimicrobial finish. Skopos has been offering antimicrobial fabrics for over 15 years, however the new sub-brand helps to clearly identify this offer to our customers, at a time where extra reassurance within contract interiors has never been more relevant. Within Pro-tect Plus Skopos customers have a choice of fabrics for different end uses; Antimicrobial drapery fabrics,

Antimicrobial woven upholstery fabrics, Antimicrobial faux leather and vinyls. The upholstery fabrics offer includes luxury velvet, printed fabrics, vinyls and a large range of woven collections, mostly waterproof, soil and stain resist, perfect for caring interiors. Many of our drapery and bedding fabrics can be finished with an antimicrobial treatment, so please ask. Choices include print basecloths, plain and woven designs. All antimicrobial fabrics are flame retardant and tested to the high stan-

dards required for contract interiors. Skopos antimicrobial fabrics have bacteriostatic, viralreducing and anti-fungal properties. Fabrics are not seen as a beneficial host for Sars Cov-2 even without antimicrobial treatment, however including this extra benefit viruses and bacteria are greatly reduced. Free samples of our fabrics are available online or via our customer services team:


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL AtmoSan Supports Safety at Avery Care Homes In a further step to ensure that its care homes continue to be some of the safest places to live, Avery Healthcare has deployed AtmoSan systems to all of its services. As a part of its comprehensive approach to hygiene and sanitisation, supported by extensive staff training, it is now using AtmoSan Fogging machines, a ULV ultra-fine droplet cold fogging system, to provide complete room decontamination, prior to a new resident moving in and for regular cleaning and virus prevention. AtmoSan is a specialist manufacturer of decontamination solutions against surface and

airborne pathogens, and its advanced Biocide is completely natural, 100% safe and non-toxic to humans, animals and plants. Accredited and approved to multiple European and British Standards sanitisation standards, it kills 99.999% of all known pathogens, including viruses such as norovirus, MS2 and the coronavirus, bacteria such as Campylobacter, fungi, spores and moulds. Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, meaning they are one of the easiest types of viruses to kill with an appropriate disinfectant product. Biocide Regulatory Agencies such as the USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) employ a

‘hierarchy-based’ approach for new virus strains, meaning a product such as Biocide that is found to be effective against harder-to-kill viruses is likely to kill a virus such as COVID-19. Tony Devenish from AtmoSan was thrilled at the agreement; “We are delighted to partner with Avery Healthcare in providing an effective aerial and surface disinfection solution for their 56 care homes nationwide. It is a privilege to work with such a proactive care group and to be able to contribute towards increased resident safety and providing peace of mind for their families in these difficult times.” Director of Care and Quality for the Avery Group, Julie Spencer, was similarly enthusiastic with the project roll-out: “After testing and a pilot phase, we are confidently deploying the AtmoSan systems to all our homes as part of the fight against the coronavirus and other health risks. It’s a great addition to our other protocols and will help keep our residents, staff and their respective families safe when in an Avery environment.” Find out more at

New Mobile Hands-Free Wash Basins Greyland Spray And Wipe Ultra Disinfectant from Mechline Have the X Factor Has ‘Huge Impact On Cleaning Industry’ Mechline Developments has extended its line-up of BaSix hand wash stations with an all new range of space-saving, mobile, hands-free basins. The range facilitates hygienic handwashing in any location—even where water, waste and electric utilities are not available—and the completely portable ‘X’ model provides double the washes per litre of any comparable product on the market. As Nick Falco, Product and Technical Director at Mechline, explains: “As Coronavirus lockdown measures are eased and many businesses reopen their sites, hand washing remains key to mitigating against the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Every business needs to encourage customers and visitors to wash their hands, especially when first entering venues, and the new BaSix mobile hands-free basin range makes this very easy to do. Models in the range are slimline, easy to manoeuvre thanks to removable castors and a splashback grab handle, and the ‘X’ model can be used in locations without any utilities at all—as it all comes integrated. This means it can

be wheeled out daily if necessary, to sit outside an establishment, and with a compact footprint of just 384 x 360mm it is an ideal and reassuring addition to entrances and other small spaces. We have also used our experience to incorporate water-saving technology into the range, adding value to the basins by providing unique water saving benefits for the end-user. Using the ultra water-saving diffuser supplied, the ‘X’ model can provide up to an impressive 304 hand washes per water container, so users can rest assured it will last a long time between refills! Furthermore, with its hands-free design, the new mobile basin maximises user hygiene. Unlike traditional taps, where the lever or handle must be touched with dirty hands, and then revisited with clean hands to turn it off, our mobile BaSix range removes the need for manual contact—reducing the risk of cross-contamination.” BaSix mobile hands-free basins are operated via a foot pump or time flow foot valve, depending on which model is required. All models can be fitted with an optional hanging bin, soap/sanitiser dispenser, and towel dispenser, to provide a complete hygiene station in any location. The ‘X’ range stores water and waste containers within the unit, which can be easily accessed via a hinged door with a ¼ turn thumb latch. For further information please contact Mechline at or call +44 (0)1908 261511

In this statement from Richard Dyson, MD of Greyland, “From not existing, the new Greyland Spray and Wipe Ultra Disinfectant has had huge impact on the Cleaning industry since its launch in early March 2020. “Trading patterns are very hit and miss at the moment, with different pressures hitting UK Cleaning chemical manufacturers on a daily basis. “One thing that has been consistent, is the weekly sales growth for the new Spray and Wipe Ultra Disinfectant, with just a 1 minute anti-coronavirus contact time, the product available in both 750ml ready to use Trigger Spray and top up refill 5L, has very quickly become Greyland’s number 1 best seller.” Luckily, the Greyland factory in Manchester has been purpose-built for both volume capacity and

versatility, in order to quickly and readily switch production focus with minimum fuss. Expansion to capacity at any time has also been planned in from the start, with continual investment and upgrades to production equipment, and increased staff. Richard Dyson continues: “After the initial March and April early reactions to the pandemic, we have coped with everything thrown at us, and right now in mid June our production flow and renowned industry order-to-delivery lead time is pretty much back to normal.” Contact the company now: T. 0161 343 3830 E. W.


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is

exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.

Environmental Science Limited (ESL) Restructures its Business to Launch Unique and Effective Palm Tree Foaming Hand Sanitisers


Environmental Science Ltd based in March, Cambridgeshire was originally set up in 1994 and has focused primarily on the authoring of Safety ata and Workplace Activity Safety Protection (WASP) Sheets, identifying chemical hazards and providing on-site COSHH monitoring, LEV testing and risk assessment services. This core activity will continue, however due partly to the changed circumstances brought about by Covid-19, the company has made the decision to significantly expand and restructure the business. ESL has built and established trusted relationships within the UK chemical industry over the last 25 years, therefore it is a natural progression for the business to move into the development, manufacture, and distribution of hygiene products. These will include hand sanitisers, sprays, medicated soaps, surface and floor wipes and disinfectants. To facilitate these new product lines, a new business entity is being created with the name “Environmental Science Hygiene Ltd”, and the existing company is renamed as “Environmental Science Group”. Their new website is: One factor behind the change of direction for the business is that some products are being very hastily marketed during this pandemic; therefore they do not perform as efficiently as may be implied. By contrast, the team at Environmental Science are committed to pro-

ducing high quality products that are both safe and effective. They also feel it is important to provide complete transparency by supplying the relevant GHS Safety Data Sheets, Product Labels, Product Information Sheets, etc. Our Palm Tree Foaming Hand Sanitiser is unique and different from other current products for the following reasons: • The alcohol is naturally sourced and distilled from the sap of palm trees. • The palm trees are not damaged in the extraction process, so the product is both sustainable and eco-friendly. • Unlike most other sources of Ethanol, by tapping into an existing resource it means that valuable agricultural land can be used for food production instead. • The foaming action is preferred by the healthcare sector over gelbased products. • The alcohol content is in excess of 60% as recommended by the World Health Organisation. • Conforms to the European Standard EN1276. For further information, please contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1354 653 222 Email: Web:


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL CTU Services' Thermal Access System With the introduction of various measures to constrain and manage the emergency of COVID-19 in the UK, CTU Services Thermal Access System presents the ideal solution. To address the challenge of social distancing many public places are implementing restrictions on customer flow. This includes locations such as the hospitality industry and the retail sector. CTU Services perfectly resolves the problem of "how to accurately and efficiently control customer flow in a premises" Their system detects how many people are present in the targeted area and display the figure in real-time. If the capacity is reached the system's display immediately indicates no more people should enter. The two systems that CTU Services supply can be merged together to give you more security and social distancing. The Thermal camera can be wall mounted or comes on a sleek stand. It will also notify

any number of members of staff of any issues with potential clients entering the premisses via text or email. • Facial recognition is fully integrated with body temperature monitoring. This means no additional staff are required. • The solution is contactless, reducing the risk of cross infection. • Extensive storage of facial images and temperature information enabling easy historical access. • Fast facial recognition and temperature monitoring reducing access congestion. In Scotland will detect if you are or are not wearing a mask / face covering. • Integration with third party products such as turnstiles and VMS. See a demonstration of the system at For further information, see the advert this page, call 01257 477060 or visit

Care and Protect Cromwell Polythene is a major supplier of waste management solutions to the healthcare sector and an active member of the Sanitary Medical Disposal Services Association. We offer a full range of sacks for clinical waste management, from ultra-strong sacks with very high tear resistance to economically priced sacks with a high recycled content. It is essential that care staff, who work so hard to protect us, have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent the spread of infection. Our Wave® range of disposable gloves are both latex and powder free, for comfort and performance. Options available include a blue nitrile examina-

tion glove which has strong barrier properties and high resistance to oils, fats, and chemicals; synthetic examination gloves; and vinyl general purpose gloves. The gloves are packed in a way that they are dispensed ‘cuff first’ which has clear hygienic advantages. All of the gloves are tested to BS EN 455 and conform to a number of other standards. The Wave® range also includes water-soluble strip laundry bags for the safe containment of soiled linen, with a water-soluble seal and a tie string for securing the bags. The strip and tie part of the bag dissolve in water allowing the contents to discharge into the wash. We also supply other forms of PPE such as aprons; face masks and protective plastic sheeting for receptions and other areas of work.

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LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS A Reliable Service Partner is Key to an Efficient Laundry Function - FORBES PROFESSIONAL A laundry function is a central service in any care home and commercial laundry equipment is an important procurement area in terms of hygiene adherence, day-to-day logistical operations and financial projections. As such, it is vital to source the right service partner, who will support the smooth running of your operation and offer the relevant industry, planning and technical advice. You need to ensure the reliability and stability of any supplier, and to feel confident that they are capable of delivering a service that you can depend upon. Forbes Professional has been providing an awarding winning first class customer service since 1926 and has a solid understanding of the specific requirements of the healthcare sector. With depots across The South East, The Midlands, The South West, The North East and Scotland, we deliver a local service on a nationwide basis. We have flexible finance options and can provide commercial washers, dryers, rotary ironers and dishwashers on a rental, lease or purchase basis. We can also provide chemical detergents and auto-dosing equipment for a complete solution. From the initial site survey, we assume a consultative and advisory approach to business, with all clients being assigned a dedicated account manager who remains their contact for all on-going account management or service requirements. We advise upon all plumbing, electrical and regulation requirements, and ensure that the right product decisions are made for the

specific project. Our team of manufacturer and City and Guilds trained field engineers fully install and commission all equipment, as well as providing any necessary user training to enable the products to be fully optimised. Forbes runs a centralised administrative and customer support operation from our head office in Surrey, which enables us to deliver a streamlined and efficient response to our clients. If a service requirement arises, we provide a same/next day engineer response. Our clients have total peace of mind in that they know that they will receive the on-going service that their organisation requires. For more information contact Forbes Professional or 0345 0702335.

Please go on our website to see the new range of Dishwasher proof ID labels which can also be stuck onto textiles.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose LaundryTec Chester based LaundryTec since its foundation in early 2016 has become one of Alliance Internationals major UK distributers. Founded by Jeremy Hartigan, the team of industry professionals with the backing of the Alliance Lavamac brand and supported by its service partner PDS Laundry based in Nuneaton. They supply a significant number of the UK’s leading health care operators with equipment, installation and after sale support. The LaundryTec designs offer not only washing, drying and ironing equipment but a full range of handling, distribution, folding and identification systems, to create a fully functioning laundry complete with all items necessary for efficient operation. Every LaundryTec machine includes full installation options, including the removal and disposal of an existing machine. A training program and a minimum of 24

months part and labour warranty. The environment is at the forefront of every operator’s mind. Standard specification on a Lavamac machine includes functions that automatically weigh and control the energy input into the machine and store the data in the machines memory. Our LS range of electric heat pump dryers require no ventilation or gas services and operates at 3kw per hour.

5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE LAUNDRYTEC 1. Cost 2. Efficiency 3. Service 4. Design 5. Innovation Telephone 0151 317 3127 Web

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Washer Extractors

Tumble Dryers

Cost Quality Service Design Innovation

Flatwork Ironers

Other Equipment


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Ontex Healthcare Re-Launches Incontinence Pants Range In years to come, the majority of the population across Western Europe will shift towards the 55+ age group , people will live longer and stay in their own homes for longer. With this in mind, Ontex Healthcare has re-launched its iD incontinence pants collection this September. The new look range will offer key benefits including triple skin protection through fast absorption and 100% breathability. The improved top sheet with a mix of camomile, known for its soothing and calming properties, Vitamin E with antioxidant properties and zinc oxide, a natural purifying mineral component, helps to protect the skin. In addition, the pants contain super absorbent particles which feature an

anti-odour system that provide extra confidence and comfort. The pants are made with non-woven materials, which make them by definition “breathable”, leaving the use feeling soft and safe. For those looking for overnight dryness, there is the Maxi absorption range. Performance tests show that they can be used for up to 10 hours without any leakages or feelings of wetness. What’s more the range has been approved by dermatologists so customers can fully trust iD Pants and count on our expertise. The range comprises Normal, Plus, Super and Maxi absorbencies. Prices start from £10.49 per pack For more information call 0800 389 6185 or visit

Calibre Audio - Unleash the Power of Your Imagination Audiobooks offer a gateway to independence for those who are unable to read printed books themselves. Reading books has many health benefits; from reducing anxiety and helping to combat memory loss, to boosting mental health. Books provide companionship, adventure, empathy and enjoyment and listening to audiobooks brings all of this to people who cannot otherwise access books. Those with a restricting disability can often feel the sting of isolation, and being locked out of activities that were previously enjoyed can be frustrating and lead to loneliness. However, research has shown that listening to audiobooks can boost mental health (ref., helping to counteract depression and other mental health issues. Escaping to audiobooks provides comfort as well as being a coping strategy in hard times. Calibre Audio is a national charity, providing free audiobooks to anyone who struggles to read print, whether it is through sight loss, dyslexia or a physical

disability. Our collection of over 12,000 audiobooks includes books from all genres, both fiction and nonfiction, from the classics to the latest blockbusters; from crime to autobiographies. Our audiobooks are available online for members 24 hours a day or can be delivered to your door via a free postal service. It is free and easy to join Calibre Audio, simply visit

Why Specify a Yeoman Shield Fire Rated Door Edge Protector? When specifying for a structure, it’s important to be aware of the level of wear and tear a door can be exposed to in a public building. Door edges, in particular, can be easily damaged or worn down by regular use – which can then render them non-compliant for fire safety regulations. To ensure that a project remains compliant, an architect can specify durable door edge protectors to add durability and longevity to doors. Not only will specifying edge protectors increase the longevity of doors, they will enhance the cost efficiency of a project by reducing maintenance demands and the possibility of having to replace unsafe fire doors. Yeoman Shield fire rated Door Edge Protectors are unique with a 2.0 mm Vinylac outer and a specially formulated 9mm PVCu reinforced core. They are FD30 (1/2 hour) and FD60 (1 hour) rated

with intumescent seals that are in accordance to the fire door’s specification. Fire rated Door Edge Protectors are suitable for commercial applications such as residential blocks, schools and hospitals etc. Door Edge Protectors can also be specified with different fire seals, from a plain intumescent fire seal to a brush, fire and smoke variant. Of course, for doors that are non-fire rated in an architect’s project Yeoman Shield also provide quality edge protectors without seals to enhance durability and reduce wear. Source a full range of door protection panels and kick plates from a single supplier by choosing Yeoman Shield. Our door protection panels and kick plates offer the same lasting durability and quality as our door edge protectors. See page 12 or visit for details.

Adaptawear Clothing To Help Healthcare & Care Home Workers: Independent & Assisted Dressing If you are a healthcare or care home worker or Occupational Therapist and struggling to dress your patients during this Covid-19 pandemic; then take a look at our range of Adaptawear adapted clothing for both men and women. Adaptawear comfort clothing has been designed to help independent living and assisted dressing with the aim to make getting dressed easier and less painful for both the wearer and carer. Adaptawear designs and manufacturers a range of ladies and men’s open back and drop front trousers, magnetic & open back shirts and blouses, dresses, skirts, open back nighties and front fastening bras. We also sell a selection of everyday essentials aimed at making people comfortable day and night. Adaptawear clothes are ideal for

arthritis, stroke, Parkinson, incontinence and dementia sufferers as well as people of all ages who struggle with buttons and zips. The easy fit clothes are made from quality and natural fabrics to provide maximum comfort. Adaptawear Offers: • Discreetly Adapted Clothes • Independent & Assisted Dressing • Ladies & Men's Daywear and Nightwear • UK Nationwide and Overseas Deliveries • No Quibble 14 Day Returns • VAT Exemption where relevant • FREE Delivery on orders over £100 For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order.

New Pressure Relief Options from Airospring Medical Airospring Medical manufactures a range of pressure relieving devices. Our flagship products are a range of lightweight and breathable pressure relief cushions and mattress overlays made from high-tech 3D Knitted Spacer Fabrics. Airospring has been awarded a full patent in August 2014 approving this ground breaking technology. Our pressure relief cushions distribute weight and allow maximum airflow. The cushions have been tested for the dissipation of perspiration, a key factor in the fight against pressure ulcers. Welcome to a new standard in healthy seating. Call: 0115 9322403 Email: Visit:

Engage With Your Residents - In-House Practical Training Workshop Scripts Bring About Happy Days Happy Days Dementia Activities & Design has created a new range of engagement training scripts for residential care and dementia homes. The workshops are designed to be presented in-house, saving time and costs. Easy to follow training scripts are practical in nature and help care teams engage with elderly and people living with dementia. Through activity, discussions, role-play and practise with nostalgic materials, carers can feel more equipped to engage and enrich social care. Packages include demonstration materials to use during your workshop. Training Scripts and engagement materials can be created to suit your organisation, care team requirements and resident interests. Ideal for home care servic-

es too - Help your carers engage and create meaningful moments during visits. With Covid19’s restrictions and safety procedures, it makes sense to train your care teams on site. ‘Bringing your care teams together can build carer confidence, boost morale and uplift mood. If a carer feels good, this will reflect on the the person being cared for’ says Gillian Hesketh, MD of Happy Days Dementia Activities & Design. Passionate about helping people living with dementia to live well, Happy Days also supplies nostalgic displays, reminiscence baskets, conversation prompts and more - See The Carer front page or Shop Online: - We accept NHS purchase order numbers and care home accounts. Phone Gillian direct on: 07971-953620

CareZips Dignity Trousers ™

CareZips™ preserve dignity and privacy of people receiving care during diaper changes. CareZips™ make diaper changes easier and faster, reducing workload, saving efforts, and saving time! CareZips™ help to deliver better standards of care! Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of incontinence diapers more dignified and comfortable for the patients and easier and faster for the carers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body. The 3rd zip goes from the inside of one knee up to the crotch and down to the second knee on the inside of the other leg. This zip facilitates total opening of the trousers at the crotch during diaper changes. The 3-zip system ensures fast and easy access to the abdomen and crotch without having to undress the patients or pull their trousers down.

CareZips™ are suitable for men and women. They are available in 7 sizes for perfect fit. CareZips™ are soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch and give for extra comfort. Practical, durable, washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ trousers are the perfect choice for daily use. Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 or see the advert on page 7.

iMEDicare Pelvic Health Naturally When it comes to women’s intimate health, many of us are reluctant and embarrassed to talk frankly about it, which often leads to women suffering in silence. A lot of the problems we worry about, however, are surprisingly common, such as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) – a frequent effect of the menopause experienced by as many as one in three women. Stylish, effective and washable, iMEDicare’s Wearever washable and re-useable incontinence underwear is a great alternative to incontinence pads, better for the environment (washable over 200 times) with absorbencies ranging from 100ml all the way up to 650ml: • 3-layer Hydrex™ (patented) system for total protection by con-

taining the urine and preventing it from penetrating through the garment • Unique-Dri™ System that traps liquid and controls odour with its Silver ion anti-microbial treated fibres. Wearever underwear is seamless – so that possible pressure points that could be cause for pressure sores are minimized. If you buy a 3 pack, we guarantee the first pair for another size or style or absorbency, or refund all three, provided 2 of the 3 pairs are unused within 30 days of initial trial. Choose life - not leaks. Be confident again and visit www. or call 01923237795.

C & S Seating Postural Management C & S Seating has been providing postural control equipment to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and medical equipment services nationwide since 1991. With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable, waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material. These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying. Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes. C & S Seating is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support (APS) system. Ideal when more control of the abducted lower limb is required (See photo) which

has removable side cushions and middle pommel; this is available in small or large. Our popular range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 vibrant colours provide a softer alternative that fit easily over our standard waterproof rolls. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit us at to request or download a brochure, pricelist or order form, request an individualised quotation, speak to an advisor or to place an order. See the advert on page 10.


FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Interiors Company Working To Provide A ‘Healthier Solution’ SOMMER Rose Interiors is working with upholstery manufacturers to provide a ‘healthier solution’ to care home furniture. Sarah Thompson and her team would like to introduce Sileather™. Sileather™ silicone fabrics are highly durable and abrasion resistant, thanks to our unique silicone, and Sileather™ upholstery fabrics are all over 200,000+ Wyzenbeek double rubs, over 130,000 Martindale and 3000+ Taber cycles (rotating “cement discs”). We take a long term approach when considering our production of silicone leather and want to do our part to be environmentally friendly. With our non-solvent production technique and with the lack of PVC or PU elements, we are much safer and healthier than traditional fabrics. Unlike PVC fabrics, we do not need to use chlorine in any of the production process, and our fabrics do not leak VOC emissions throughout its life. There’s no need to clog up landfills – silicone leather is recyclable! We have passed the most common environmental standards so you can breathe

Sileather™ fabrics have ultralow VOCs, so it is among the healthiest fabrics, making it perfect for use around children, hospitals, ALL HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTS, hotels, boat cabins, trains, and any number of enclosed spaces.


comfortably knowing that you are using a fabric that’s safe for you and the environment. We take pride that our fabrics are environmentally friendly and safe to use by anyone, Sileather™ silicone fabrics are made with the same material as baby bottle nipples, so they are gentle enough even for babies’ skin.

High Quality Soft Furnishings Manufactures Tailored For All Your Window Needs WL Interiors are a family run company with over 20 years experience in manufacturing high quality soft furnishings for the healthcare industry based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. WL are suppliers of flame retardant curtains, blinds & soft furnishings. We offer high-quality fire resistant fabrics that are perfect for care homes, including any dementia specific requirements where needed. Working on your care home refurbishment, new build or general replacements, WL Interiors Ltd can do site surveys and check measures, offer free samples and quotations. • UK Wide Fitting & Installation Available

• UK Manufactured • Highest Quality British Manufactured • FREE QUOTES Contact details – Lorraine Firth Telephone- 01924 298953 Email-

It’s our mission to bring you a healthy fabric that’s safe, hygienic and meets high standards that help to ensure your well-being. Thanks to the unique advantages of our proprietary silicone, Sileather™ fabrics are inherently: • Flame resistant. • Does not promote growth of mildew or mould. • Superior in hydrolysis resistance compared to vinyl and polyurethane fabrics. • Superior in UV and colour fading resistance. • Stain resistant to many substances found in healthcare facilities, including biro, iodine, betadine, blood and urine. • Resistant to liquids and fluids. • Easy to clean – common stains need only water, including biro. • Medical grade skin friendly and allergen free. • Highly abrasion resistant and durable with recovery ability to reduce sagging and wrinkling. • Luxurious soft touch. For free samples of this upholstery or to view sample furniture, please contact Sarah Thompson on 07495 471038 or email:

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have spares, enhancements and expertise for wired and wireless systems abandoned by the original manufacturer, whoever they are.

Call us on 01252-330220 We can give most systems a new lease of life and maintain them into the future. Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

At Call Aid UK we like to let our clients speak for us! “We were introduced to the PAM system a year ago and are delighted with the difference it has made since its introduction. The system is very reliable and offers a couple of sound options for day and night mode, ensuring that residents are not disturbed during quiet hours. The system notifies you as soon as movement is detected which in many cases decreases the risk of falls. Call Aid are also helpful and offer a personalised service. We have a single point of contact that ensures actions are taken quickly if required and also contact us to see how

we are getting on. I cannot fault the system nor the services “ West Lodge Nursing Home Call Aid UK is an electronics design and manufacturing company specialising in providing electronic solutions to the healthcare market. We are committed to delivering innovative solutions with easy to use systems and we recognise the importance of listening to our customers’ needs. We produce systems that use the latest technology, compliment the decor and are competitively priced. Visit or see the advert on this page for details.

TumbleCare from Easylink Medpage Limited T/A Easylink UK was established in 1984 after the invention of an alarm clock to wake deaf people. The “Shake Awake” set a new precedent in quality standards for products designed for sensory care, notoriously at the time – rubbish. The company invented a new device for the detection of nocturnal epileptic seizures in 1994, which also set a new precedent for quality, especially after the company achieved certified medical accreditation. We could boast and say we have supplied more seizure detection monitors than any other company in UK. You could say we are innovators; we are and very proud of it. To constantly adapt to changes in demands for care technologies, remain competitive and continue to develop new care solutions it takes more than intelligence, it takes passion. Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, failing economy, factories closing and international shipping facing the worst crisis

ever known, we have battled through. At the start of the lockdown we supplied the NHS and Local Authorities with over 2000 bed occupancy detection alarm systems, many of them used to enable long term patients to be discharged from hospital to free up beds for COVID victims. Independent living support was and is essential during this pandemic. Now we launch our new brand. TumbleCare. The TumbleCare brand is a range of fall detection and prevention products focussing on affordable quality and product performance. The products are tough, easy to set, use and provide carers with reliable advance warning notification of potential falls. Visit our website. Firstly, you’ll be amazed at the variety of care solutions we offer, then blown away by our realistically fair pricing. Visit or see the advert on page 2 for details.



Wireless Fall Prevention A Digital Future of Care in a Post COVID-19 Era By Ben Kilbey – Business Development Manager, Spearhead Healthcare

The last thing any care home wants to have to deal with is an elderly resident falling in their home. However, with over 255,000 hospital admissions in England a year relating to the elderly suffering injury after a fall, being alert and aware as soon as a fall happens is critically important in the administration of aid; as well as helping reduce emotional distress. For years, the care industry has used a tremendous range of call alert solutions to help care home staff respond to these falls quickly and easily. The most popular and regularly used of these are systems which plug in to nurse call systems. Nonetheless, these come with their own issues and can often create their own risks in regard to falling; largely in the use of trailing cables that need to be plugged in to make them work. These potential trip hazards can cause the exact issues they are trying to prevent. But with new innovations come new solutions, and we are increasingly seeing a range of wireless solutions that provide a variety of benefits. Below we list things to look out for when selecting these systems:

NO LOOSE WIRES When looking at a wireless solution, make sure it truly is wireless and that any receivers, or sending features on the items are contained and are not left loose where someone can catch a foot on it, or accidently rip it out.

WIRELESS CALL BUTTONS Care home staff cannot be chained to their desk and need to be checking on residents and conducting all the

Edison Telecom We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy”, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain? We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further exten-

duties that are required to create a smooth-running home, filled with happy residents. A wireless alert that can be carried in a pocket allows the user to respond as swiftly as possible to potential falls, helping homes provide the highest level of care. A centralized alert system is an option that also presents many benefits, as homes can ensure that the right person in the right place is alerted in a timely manner. Making sure that a system works both centrally and on the move, giving you the best range of options to help provide a high level of care.

PLUGS While this might very well be viewed as a smaller issue, nurse call systems come with a huge variety of plug types; and ensuring that your receivers have the correct plugs for your call system is key.

LOOK AND FEEL Make sure the system you choose is as unobtrusive as possible. Often fall prevention equipment is designed to be as hidden as possible. Should the item be particularly obvious make sure you are happy it fits as well as possible into the decor of the room it sits in and think about choosing a floormat that corresponds with the flooring in the room e.g. wood effect vinyl or carpet. Spearhead are proud to distribute the entire Alerta wireless range that has been launched this year. For further information visit sion to life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.”

After 50 years being at the forefront of advances in Nurse Call solutions, Courtney Thorne continue to develop solutions which now seem more relevant and important than at any time before. The introduction of digital care planning and medication solutions has enabled forward thinking care homeowners to go paperless, giving more accurate, timely and readily available information on those in their care. These same digital devices, tablets and smart mobiles can now be used to view calls and emergencies generated by a Courtney Thorne nurse call system. Both new installations and many existing Courtney Thorne systems can benefit with calls being delivered straight to the carer. Monitoring of resident’s care planning and medications are just two areas that reduces the amount of paperwork and administration, freeing up carers to spend more time actually caring. The monitoring of the caring staff themselves can become arduous and time consuming for management, not with a Courtney Thorne nurse call solution. The introduction of Staff ID tags of fobs is nothing new, there are so called systems on the market which use simple magnets which carers need to remember to press onto a room sensor when they attend, and again when they leave a resident’s room. With Courtney Thorne’s Altra Tag the process of logging who attended, what time they attended and how long they remained in the resident’s room is all logged automatically and seamlessly. No longer are there management and staff disputes about forgetting to “fob in/fob out”. The volume and detail of the data captured automatically by a Courtney Thorne nurse call system is vast. All the data is available to management using the reporting function built into the main touch screen server. However, where visiting the home is difficult due to COVID-19 restrictions or time and distance problems, owners and managers may find retrieving data difficult, resulting in a lack of monitoring and possible reduction in quality of care delivered. Courtney Thorne’s CT-Cloud service provides ready complied, detailed reports daily, coupled with a “live” view of all data contained in the server from any location with an internet connection. Carrying out regular checks on sleeping residents is

time consuming and often counter-productive as residents often wake, have poor sleep and can even fall after attempting to use the toilet once awake. Acoustic monitoring means that only those who actually need assistance get it, those who are sound asleep do not get disturbed and carers can concentrate on more productive tasks. So, in this new COVID-19 and Digital world what other new solutions are on the horizon? Nurse call devices around a care home become intelligent enough to identify a resident in need. Already we can measure changes in levels of noise, but monitoring light, temperature coupled with wearable devices monitoring vital signs, now a deterioration in a resident’s wellbeing can raise an alert or be recorded. A resident ‘connected’ with a wearable device can have their movement, location, heart rate, sleep, blood pressure etc., monitored automatically. Instead of intrusive, often unsocial physical monitoring, at-risk residents have vital signs checked and recorded continuously. If an emergency occurs, the nurse call system will still summon help, only now one of its key functions will be to record, store and make available critical data. Thereby reducing the touch points, minimising transmission of disease, freeing up carers time and providing a safer and healthier life for both residents and staff. For further information visit or see the advert below.


TECHNOLOGY & SOFTWARE Technology in a Post-Covid World Let’s not beat around the bush: It’s been a terrible year so far. Healthcare around the world has been pushed to the limits. Here in the UK our amazing NHS pulled out all the stops, despite being hugely underfunded even before the pandemic. The unsung heroes were the Social Care sector. We heard many appalling stories of both staff and residents falling victim to this indiscriminatory virus and but also stories of people’s love and determination to help the more vulnerable amongst us. As we move towards a new post lockdown phase, we ask ourselves: How have we survived so far and what does the future have in store? Since the prime minister announced in March that we were to stay at home, we have clung on to two factors to help our mental health manage the dramatic change to our lives: long walks and video conferencing and sometimes, but not being too over indulgent, both at the same time. As many of us prepare to work from home, the discovery of “Zoom”, mainly known as a colourful ice lolly to many before March, transformed the way we began to communicate. Zoom saw its number of users explode from 10 million a day to 200 million over lockdown. Video conferencing isn’t just for business though. It allowed families and friends to remain connected throughout. Crowd funding appeals began to help raise money to pay for tablets. These were given to residents in care homes to

ensure they too weren’t missing out on the digital party. It’s not just the video conferencing either. We’ve exercised with Joe Wicks and we’ve written or partaken in online quizzes. Most of us have had more time to interact with friends and family because other distractions have been taken away. Now we’ve been able to move away from lockdown thanks to government initiatives such as Test and Trace. So, we must ask ourselves, where would we have been without technology? Amazingly, despite most of us having access to computers, tablets and smart phones, almost three quarters of our sector are still operating paper-based systems within their homes? We have fully embraced technology for our personal use, but why not our business? We’ve relied on it for months, it’s enriched our lives, imagine what it could do in our places of work. Will changing to a computer-based care system, like Ablyss CMS, change our lives? No. But, will it make a positive impact to the way we operate and run our businesses? Yes. We need to learn from the lessons of 2020. We don’t know what’s around the corner, so it’s impossible to be ready for the next challenge. But we can do our best to be prepared. The future is not written on a piece of paper, it is changeable, it will adapt and will, occasionally, throw us a Covid-shaped curve ball! We need adaptive systems in place to help us navigate the road ahead. We need to fully embrace and invest in the technology and advances that are available to us. Put faith in technology. We’ve tested it to its limits and now we know, we DO need it. See the advert on this page for more information about Ablyss.

Friends of the Elderly Selects Softworks Employee Rostering and Time and Attendance Software for its Care Homes Friends of the Elderly has been supporting and caring for older people since 1905.Their Care Homes provide residential, dementia, nursing and respite care dedicated to providing quality care with dignity. The organisation is passionate about its work and strives to provide quality care while continually evolving. As part of this ethos the organisation went to market looking for a solution to help transform and improve Employee Time, Attendance, Rostering and Skills Management within their network of Care Homes and after an extensive selection process selected Softworks. Commenting on the selection Sharon Nunn, Group Financial Controller of Friends of the Elderly said “Last Summer we identified that implementing a Workforce Management System to manage our employee Time, Attendance, Rostering and Skills would bring significant improvements to the everyday running of our Care Homes. We were using spreadsheets to manage key areas such as hours worked rosters, leave, absences, holiday requests and skills and this was becoming very complex and labour intensive.” “We knew streamlining and automating processes in these areas and removing time consuming paper-based admin would give both Managers and Healthcare Staff better oversight and more time to focus on the provision of excellent care within our Care Homes.” “After meeting with a number of solution providers we chose Softworks because they really understood our requirements as a Care Home provider. They had a proven track record and were ready, willing and able to configure their system to our specific requirements rather than us needing to alter our work practices to fit in with their system.” “Aside from this we were impressed by the extensive functionality offered

by the Softworks Workforce Management Software such as the complete HR module, Skills, Training and Expense Management modules, Compliance, Employee Self-Service and Payroll Integration.” Commenting on the project, Paresh Vadukul, Healthcare Relationship Manager, Softworks UK said “Friends of the Elderly focus on their residents first and we do the same. Our primary concern is enabling Care Homes to deliver the best level of care they can. Our Software makes sure they have the right person with the right skillset rostered at the right time no matter the circumstances and removes that admin burden from employee management. We were delighted to be selected by such a respected organisation as Friends of the Elderly.” Samantha Corfield, Regional Director, Friends of the Elderly continued “Covid-19 has turned all our world’s upside down, we are working through a very trying time while supporting our residents, staff and visitors. We are more convinced than ever that selecting Softworks to manage employee Time and Attendance, Rostering, Skills and Training is the right move and will bring huge benefits across our network of Care Homes. Due to Covid19 the project will also incorporate new elements such as Contactless Fever recognition terminals from Softworks to provide an additional layer of security and safety for staff, visitors and residents. We work hard to ensure our residents receive the level of care they expect and deserve and we’re very happy that Softworks are working with us to facilitate this. We’re looking forward to rolling out the new Workforce Management System to our network of Care Homes early in 2021 and to seeing the immediate benefits.” See the advert on the facing page for details,


TECHNOLOGY & SOFTWARE Covid19: Accelerating the Use of Digital Technology in Healthcare

As this crisis impacts every part of the health sector, significant vulnerabilities are being exposed. The NHS ‘digital revolution’ has long been touted as the key to futureproofing both Social Care and our health service in the face of increasing patient demand. That demand has now reached unprecedented levels and seems unlikely ever to revert to previous trends; against that background; there is an urgent requirement to move quickly to realise the opportunities which are available from digital technology. It is no longer an interesting speculation; it is an essential requirement to support staff and save lives. (Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell)

USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY Poor efficiencies in many areas of the sector are

caused by the lack of investment in technology. Technology will improve the way your staff carry out tasks by either speed up existing processes or allowing new, more flexible and accurate ways of carrying out a job or process which will in turn enables live real time management information. Would you expect to check out of a hotel with an invoice and extras raised in Word or Excel so why do many operators still use this method when invoicing? How many industries with shift workers rely on manual payroll processing outside the care sector? Repeatable systems should harness the power of technology to cut back the massive waste of man hours spent processing and checking manual tasks. In order to work out the best technology for your needs, you should assess your current systems against your requirements. Think about what inefficiencies exist in your homes and how you could: 1. Capture relevant information, such as resident/staff details, in a simple, time-efficient way. 2. Manage your documents to ensure that information is dealt with logically. 3. Avoid duplication at all costs; completing handwritten timesheets which then need to be manually inputted into payroll is a massive, unnecessary waste of time & manpower. 4. Address technological obstacles. The perception that your staffs are not IT literate is out of date; most people own a smart phone so yes they are! See for details or see the advert on page 17.

CARE VISION – Outstanding Care is at the Heart of Everything We Do At Carevision, outstanding care truly is at the heart of everything they do. They have combined over 40 years of hands on experience running care homes and working with some of the smartest mind in tech, they have created Care Vision - An all-in-one, cloudbased system that incorporates all your care and admin in to one easy to use system. Carers can compile resident notes, health observations and EMAR. Care home managers can manage rotas, accounts, HR and house-keeping tasks and log visitors using the digital visitor book. Residents can use the system to make personal choices on meals and activities and use the app to keep in touch with family and friends. Rishi Jawaheer, director at Care Vision says “The 100+ care homes that use our system have seen its benefits –

They are saving 2-4 hours of staff hours per resident, per week and they are achieving outstanding CQC results. Carers love it, residents and relatives love it, and care home managers can’t remember how challenging managing a care home was before it.” Of course, taking on a whole new system can seem daunting, that’s why Care Vision offer minimal investment, all round support and flexible hardware options. They don’t feel the need for long-term contracts, Rishi says “We have total confidence, once you use Care Vision, you will love it as much as we do.” The Care Vision team would love to talk to you about what the system can do for you. Contact at or call 0208 768 9809. See the advert on page 47 for details.

Workforce Scheduling Solutions Workforce Scheduling Solutions deliver Electronic Time & Attendance systems worldwide, using the latest Face Recognition technology.

Why should care homes move from paper to electronic time sheets

The industry is under considerable financial pressures. An efficient electronic booking on/off system that will schedule, provide budgets, calculate hours worked, overtime and absence such as sickness and holiday entitlement will save Time and Money.

How is time and money saved by doing things electronically?

Collecting payroll information from paper timesheets can be slow, prone to errors, and very labour intensive. Staff rosters can be produced as far in advance as practical and accurate within budgeted hours. Staff book on and off-duty electronically, thus eliminating any time errors. Wage queries are virtually eliminated and immediate checks can be made without wading through reams of paper which invariably are inaccurate, misfiled or even 'lost".

There are many systems on the market - Why facial recognition is important and how it works

Some systems use tokens, which can be lost or left at home, requiring management involvement in the

booking on/off procedure. Fingerprint systems can be beaten and Social media is awash with ways to copy fingerprints. Face recognition combined with a staff PIN is simple to use and manage using touch screen technology and web cams. Staff see their image displayed immediately when booking on or off and confirms their identity visually. It provides the best deterrent available as it builds a greater 'image knowledge’ of each employee, a picture is worth a thousand words. Eliminates 'buddy punching' where employees can book colleagues on/off duty using someone’s tokens, swipe card or even fingerprint.

How is data protected?

With the correct security setup computer systems provide more data protection than paper-based records which can be easily removed or stolen. GDPR covers all data including paper records and therefore the chances of infringing the rules and incurring fines is greater with paper. Visit


PROFESSIONAL AND TRAINING Building Understanding: Why It’s So Important To Nurture Relationships Between Care Homes and Temporary Agencies By Chris Pritchard, Director at Search ( It’s hard to fathom that up to only eight or nine months ago, care homes were sitting quietly in the background of a busy world, expertly tending to those in their care as they always have. Fast-forward those eight or nine months and care homes remain under the harshest of public spotlights having been shunted there during the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this period, not only did care homes become one of the most talked about institutions, the struggles they faced created internal issues beyond the immediate safety of residents. A key issue was staffing and getting the personnel in to maintain stability at a time of extraordinary turbulence.

UNDERLYING TENSIONS SURFACE Unpredictable and fluctuating requirements in care services, coupled with high staff attrition and the spread of coronavirus, precipitated a need for care agency services so that employee shortages could be mitigated. However, a restrained but growing contempt for agency workers and the care homes that use them has, in some quarters, surfaced. As the focus shifted to care homes around April time, a prevalent insinuation was that agency staff working between services were unknowingly spreading the virus. Accordingly, the divide began to deepen, despite the overwhelming, communal dedication to working together in the face of such a punishing challenge. There was also a feeling amongst some that temporary carers lacked the competence of their full-time counterparts and were using the renewed demand on them simply to fill timesheets. As such, the ‘Us and Them’ culture between full-time and agency workers intensified. Adding to this sense of mistrust were those care homes marketing themselves as never using agency workers. Undoubtedly, maintaining a 100% full-time staff points to good management, but advertising the fact can serve to cast further doubt on the competency of temporary carers. It also acts a none-too-subtle slight against those equally hard-working care homes that do sometimes use temporary carers, bolstering the narrative that temporary workers are, and will always be, an unsatisfactory option.

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

THERE’S A DIFFERENT SIDE TO THIS STORY In the interest of honesty and objectivity, it is incumbent upon temporary agencies to concede that there were some problems with a minority of temporary carers. Stories of agency staff arriving late, cancelling last minute, failing to put in the necessary effort, and generally not adhering to the high standards expected of the sector, were not without foundation. The responsibility for quality improvement rests firmly at the agency’s door and their commitment to overseeing this improvement should be paramount. However – and this is essential to emphasise - in most cases agency carers performed an outstanding service. Were it not for their endeavours, the care home sector might have struggled a lot more than it did during the worst days of the crisis.


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It is also worth addressing the myth that agency carers are somehow not as competent as their full-time counterparts. The reality is that a distinct majority of agency carers are every bit as skilled, qualified, and experienced as full-time staff, it’s just that agency work is a better fit for their personal circumstances. Some are highly capable students on work placements, some are on working visas, others just prefer having control over their shift patterns.

CARE HOMES AND TEMPORARY AGENCIES NEED A RELATIONSHIP RESET Speaking as someone who has been at the forefront of arranging temporary carer placements during the pandemic, we have been doing what we can to make improvements. For example, we looked beyond smarter roster management to ensure that staff rotation was limited. We also identified staff who were happy to be assigned to just one service, one where they truly felt valued and part of a team. In truth, most agencies are doing what they can, but a commitment to improvement should come from all sides. Those care homes that do partner with agencies might need to monitor the relationships between temporary and full-time carers more closely. It is common for temporary carers to return to their agencies describing unfriendly environments. They are disproportionately tasked with menial jobs and in some cases not even referred to by their names, just as ‘agency’. Then there is the key component of any healthy relationship between care home and agency - feedback. Often, the only feedback an agency will receive will be when there has been a problem with a carer. Important as it is to know when there have been issues, agencies also need to know when a placement has gone well. The better an agency understands the type of professional who fits within the culture of a care home, the better chance they have of organising suitable placements.

BETTER RELATIONSHIPS BENEFIT EVERYONE When relationships between care homes and agencies, and full-time and temporary carers falter, there are no winners. Central to preventing this, is building better relationships. At the care home/agency level, the most productive relationships are formed when the care home maintains links with only one or two agencies. Where this happens, the agency can quickly build an accurate picture of the type of worker the care home prefers. This minimises the risk of unsatisfactory placements and aids the development of a reserve of committed ‘regulars’ who know and engage well with the service users, as well as the permanent staff team. This requires constant, open lines of communication where care home managers can provide feedback on carers, both good and bad. Then, of course, there’s the ‘Us and Them’ culture between full-time and temporary workers that is so widespread within care homes. These divisions can make for hostile environments that benefit no-one, not least the residents who don’t deserve to be exposed to such conflict, however low-level it may be. Together, care homes, agencies, temporary and full-time carers, we can create working relationships that benefit everyone, in all kinds of ways. We can make our lives easier, more productive, and more pleasant. We all just need to show a bit more willing.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.