The Carer Digital - Issue #21

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W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M

The Carer Digital


Issue 21


Care Workers Are Undervalued & Underpaid Reveals Survey

The majority of adults in England overwhelmingly believe care workers are undervalued (81%) and should be paid better (80%), according to new research. The online poll carried out by the National Care Forum – the voice of not-forprofit social care providers – also finds that three quarters (74%) believe care home staff do a brilliant job. There are almost 1.5 million care workers in England, contributing to one of the largest workforces, and caring for some of the most vulnerable people in society. The research findings were released to mark Professional Care Workers Week, which ran from September 1st-4th, and acknowledged the fantastic work that care workers do, largely unrecognised and unrewarded. National Care Forum’s ‘Here to Care’ campaign shines a light on the incredible work being done in care settings, in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Vic Rayner, Executive Director at National Care Forum, says:

“Care workers have been the stalwarts of the Covid-19 front line. 24 hours a day, seven days a week our professional care home staff have continued to provide care under the most challenging of circumstance. They have done this with compassion, providing a lifeline for the most vulnerable across all our communities. “It feels very timely to have a week dedicated to recognising the efforts of care workers and acknowledging the extraordinary work they do. Together we have clapped for our NHS, and our carers have been included in that outpouring of public gratitude. It’s great to see society recognise them for their invaluable contribution – it’s time that Government does too, and that they are rewarded adequately.”


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EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” ROSALYN CARTER Our lead story is a statement of the obvious - care workers are undervalued and underpaid, says a survey. No surprises there! Well, perhaps one. In the article a poll by the National Care Forum revealed that 81% believe care workers are undervalued and 80% believe they should be paid better, and in an earlier survey 72% said care workers were underpaid. It begs the question - do 20% of the population think care workers are overpaid? The sector was for many years, I believe, “the forgotten frontline”. It has always suffered chronic underfunding, but austerity in recent years compounded problems, with slashed local authority funding meaning fewer people eligible for council funded care and less generous provisions given to those who were. However, the sector (as we all know) was thrust into the spotlight during the current pandemic, forcing people to sit up and take notice of just how hard-working and dedicated staff are. The country is faced with the social care ticking timebomb. We have an ageing population, which means high demand on a decreasing supply. Age UK calculates £160 million cut in total public spending on older people’s social care over the last five years. This has meant around 1.5 million people aged 65+ face going without the care and support they need. Furthermore, the British Medical Journal revealed that 24% of people working in adult social care are on zero hour contracts, with 25% were being paid £7.83 an hour or less. While NHS staff are granted up to six months of sick leave on full pay, statutory sick pay (SSP) for care workers is a paltry £92.24 per week. There are warning signs of a potential second wave, as Covid cases have spiked in the wake of relaxed lockdown restrictions. Dr David Nabarro, the WHO special envoy for the global Covid-19 response said in a TV interview that the "the virus is going to come back" as "life gets going again". Adding that a second wave “is coming “. As of today, the Department of Health confirmed a further 2,420 cases, with Northern Ireland cases still yet to reveal its numbers. It follows increases of 2,948 and 2,948 in the previous two days. Health Secretary Matt Hancock today warned of a possible second peak of coronavirus following a "concerning" rise in the number of cases. Speaking in the House of Commons he said that a recent spike in cases across the country should be a reminder that the virus "remains a threat", adding "Just because we have come through one peak doesn't mean we can't see another one coming towards our

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SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

Peter Adams

TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades shores." Cabinet minister Robert Jenrick has warned that a national lockdown cannot be ruled out. Resilient though the sector is, there is a growing emergency about the morale of staff working in social care, with burnout and anxiety affecting many frontline staff. The Covid crisis has brought into sharp focus issues around funding, staffing, and support for care homes that should have been addressed many years ago. With potential staffing difficulties post Brexit it is going to be even more difficult to recruit staff without clear government support. The government should now looking to prioritise care homes to protect residents from any potential second wave and equally importantly ensure that staff are protected and supported, and that includes renumeration! I always finish with a thank you to the many homes and their PR agencies providing us with some wonderful stories of anniversaries, fundraising, in-house care home initiatives keeping the spirits high, so once again well done and please keep them coming! I can always be contacted at

PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Shelly Roche Published by


Care Workers Are Undervalued & Underpaid Reveals Survey (...CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) A survey by The Fawcett Society, the gender equality campaigning charity, revealed that the public overwhelmingly want carers to be better paid and better valued. This includes strong support amongst Conservative voters, with 7 in 10 saying they support a rise in income tax to fund a pay rise. The research revealed that eight out of ten care workers are women, and the sector is characterised by low pay with many paid at just minimum wage levels. The Savanta ComRes poll also found that by a margin of two to one, people disagree that the government prioritised care homes enough at the start of the pandemic, with 48% disagreeing and only 26% agreeing. A large majority agree that care workers are underpaid for the work they do (72%). The research reveals a revolt against the poor pay and conditions care workers face: • Three quarters (76%) say they should get paid at least the living wage of £9.30 per hour (£10.75 in London) for their work, rising to 9 out of 10 Conservative-voting women (88%) • Eight out of ten (79%) agree that they should be entitled to decent terms and conditions • Seven out of ten (69%) say that those who help people in their homes should get paid for travel between their appointments. Vitally, a significant majority – 65% - of people support an increase in income tax to fund giving care workers a pay rise. Only 11% disagree.

Support for this rises to 7 in 10 amongst Conservative voters (68%). An even greater proportion of the public, 74%, want to see care for the elderly and disabled protected from any funding cuts. The Fawcett Society, which played a key role in the 2016 PSA Commission on Care called for Increase social care workers’ wages across the board, with the Real Living Wage as a minimum. • Reform and invest in the social care sector, and protect social care budgets from any future funding cuts. • Improve care workers’ terms and conditions: provide adequate PPE, end 15-minute visits and zero-hours contracts, pay for travel time, and give all workers entitlement to statutory sick pay. It is not only care workers that the public value more – seven out of ten (68%) said that they appreciate key workers in general more following the pandemic. Three quarters (75%) support all key workers being paid a minimum of the Real Living Wage. Sam Smethers, Fawcett Society Chief Executive, said: “This crisis has revealed how much we rely on frontline workers, particularly low paid care workers, yet how poorly they are treated. The truth is Government did not prioritise the care sector at the start and the public are clear on that. This must change. As a minimum it is time to properly protect them, give them decent terms and conditions and start paying them a living wage. “Fifty years on from the Equal Pay Act it is time to go to the heart of why women are still undervalued, and that is because we do not value

care work, whether it is paid or unpaid. The Chancellor could give care workers a pay rise tomorrow if he chose to and our poll shows that the wider public, including the vast majority of Conservative voters, would support it.” Karolina Gerlich, Executive Director at The Care Workers’ Charity, the organisation behind Professional Care Workers Week, says: “Professional Care Workers Week is an opportunity to demonstrate the best that social care has to offer. Care and support workers have a challenging and rewarding job that is different every day and over the past months care workers have shown how exceptional they are. During a period of global uncertainty, the most vulnerable members of our society have been cared for in care settings, supported living facilities and in their own homes, by care staff. They have overcome the challenges of the pandemic with integrity and resilience.” Sally Gregory is Home Manager at Guys Court Residential and Nursing Home in Fleetwood, part of Sanctuary Care. She says: “It’s lovely to have a week to celebrate all the great work teams like mine do every single day. This year has been tougher than I ever thought possible – for three months during lockdown I, like so many others, moved into the home to provide 24/7 love, care and support for residents and other colleagues. There are thousands of care workers who went above and beyond like that, and it is only right we thank them. “It hasn’t changed how I feel about my job: I love what I do, it is extremely rewarding – I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Charity Worker Takes To The Skies For Pandemic Appeal A Bristol woman is getting ready to take a leap of faith next week as she takes on a skydive to raise money for the learning disability charity where she works. Patricia Gaitan is Commercial Development Manager at Hft, and has worked for the charity for four years. The 42 year old was inspired to take on the challenge of a lifetime after seeing first-hand how hard Hft support workers have worked throughout the Coronavirus pandemic to provide vital care and reassurance to adults with learning disabilities across the UK. The Horfield resident has already raised £400 as she braces herself to take the plunge on 12 September. Patricia will be heading to Salisbury, where she’ll jump from a height of 12,500 feet and enjoy up to 50 seconds of free-fall before opening her parachute. While preparing for the challenge ahead, Patricia has been receiving plenty of encouragement from her co-workers and two children, who will be there to support her on the day. All funds raised are set to go towards Hft’s Pandemic Appeal, which aims to ensure staff and supported people have access to vital supplies and services during an uncertain time. Patricia said: “I’ve always loved adrenaline but have never dared to take on a challenge like this – until now! While I’m feeling nervous, I’m looking forward to the feeling of accomplishment when I

land back on solid ground, and to the views of the Wiltshire countryside I’ll have on the way down. “After seeing our support workers working incredibly hard to care for and protect people with learning disabilities over the last few difficult months, I thought it was the right time to take a leap of faith for Hft. Our staff are heroes and have worked day and night to ensure people they support can find more enjoyment, comfort and satisfaction in their lives. They’ve inspired me to take on this challenge and I hope to do them proud.” Emma Macdonald, Sporting and Challenge Events Manager at Hft, said: “Challenges are a great way to have fun and fundraise for your favourite charity at the same time. We’re thrilled that Patricia is taking to the skies this month to raise funds for our Pandemic Appeal. Thanks to people like her, we’ve been able to raise vital funds for some of the most vulnerable people in society. A £10 donation could purchase shop vouchers for supplies such as food and hand gels, while £50 could help us be there for even more families through our Family Carer Support Service. We’re so grateful for Patricia’s efforts and will be cheering her on all the way.” To donate, visit Patricia’s fundraising page:


Transforming Lives In Lockdown

By Luke Tanner, trainer & consultant for Meaningful Care Matters (

As a result of lockdown, the general public will now have a better understanding of what it can be like living in residential care. Experiences of boredom and isolation, restrictions of freedom of movement, as well as missng out on all non-essential human contact can be a regular feature of daily life for many people living in care. Similarities between lockdown and life in a care home, for instance, include opportunities to leave the home or take pleasure in the outdoors being severely limited, face-to-face social interactions becoming largely instrumental, and interactions with family members becoming peripheral rather than central to daily life. As features of a nationwide response to managing a pandemic, such restrictions are necessary. As general features of care, they are totally

outdated and unnecessary, yet remain common enough to still be characteristic of some residential care for the elderly and people living with a dementia. Now, due to lockdown, we have all had a taste of what life is like under such circumstances. For several months the media has been full of discussions about the detrimental impact lockdown living conditions have on our health and wellbeing. This has given rise to a mutual awareness of the losses that we have all had to endure during lockdown, and generated a nationwide, even global, sense of mutual empathy. At times, this sense of collective empathy has been deeply moving, helping us to see beyond some of the superficial differences that often function to set us apart. It has also been inspiring as we have discovered our capacity to transform our home environments, daily living routines and ways of communicating to achieve the best quality of life we can in difficult circumstances. The best examples we have seen, often platformed on social media, have revealed a combination of wisdom, resourcefulness, creativity and playfulness. A personal example of this is how important lunch time became in my own home given that all the members of the family were in the house at this time of the day. Sharing a meal together at midday became the central feature of the day and our schedules and routines ended up being organised around this feature of family life. Whilst lockdown has brought us closer to the lived experience of many older people living in care, it can also function to highlight the very things required to transform ordinary experiences of residential care into something extra-ordinary. Just as we have celebrated the spirit and ingenuity of everyday people in lockdown, so too should we share and celebrate care workers’ capacity to maintain meaning and quality of

life in challenging circumstances not only during lockdown, but also before. Prior to lockdown, I had the pleasure of doing observational audits of the lived experience of several Butterfly Care Homes. A common feature of all these Butterfly homes is that the care team have reflected upon the losses that many people living in residential dementia care have experienced and related them to their own experience of loss. The collective sense of empathy that this generates enables the care team to see beyond any superficial differences between “staff” and “residents”. This helps keeps carers aligned to the core purpose of their work to sustain meaning and quality of life in any circumstance, and also gives them the confidence to trust in their own wisdom and judgement about what really matters in life. They have been encouraged to draw upon their creativity to transform conventional care settings and tasks into more meaningful and engaging experiences. Ever member of the care team has been given the freedom to be playful and spontaneous as well as the responsibility to occupy and engage people by drawing upon whatever is to hand to make magic happen. In short, the job of staff in Butterfly Homes is to do the very things that we have all been doing during lockdown, to keep us sane and our daily lives meaningful. They, however, have been doing this professionally. As we continue to come out of lockdown, we should take a leaf out of the book of these professionals. Let’s make sure we use our empathy, wisdom, resourcefulness, creativity and playfulness to ensure that the bubbles we make are full of love, meaning and purpose, however difficult the circumstances. Luke Tanner is a trainer & consultant for Meaningful Care Matters, body psychotherapist and author of “Embracing Touch in Dementia Care. A Person-Centred Approach to Touch and Relationships.”

Hampshire Care Home’s Sea Festival Is Different Kettle of Fish Residents at a New Forest care home had a whale of a time by staging their own marine-themed festival. The fun at Colten Care’s Belmore Lodge in Lymington included sampling an array of seafood dishes, enjoying ocean-related stories and photo presentations, and even going on a virtual tour of a lighthouse. Staff and residents created the in-home experience after Covid restrictions meant they couldn’t attend the nearby Lymington Seafood Festival in person. Companionship Team Leader May Butcher said: “We were all disappointed that we couldn’t take a residents’ group out to the main community event. “Instead, we decided to ‘turn the tide’ on our setback and bring the sea festivalvibe here to Belmore. “In the end it turned out brilliantly. Our residents helped us as we dressed our lounge with starfish decorations, seashells and fishing nets, our chef prepared a tasty selection of delicious seafood to try and we shared in lots of sea-related stories and poems.”

On the menu were seafood platters and dishes including sushi, seaweed, salmon, tuna, prawns, crab and various pates and mousses. The virtual tour focused on Hurst Point Lighthouse which has helped guide vessels through the western Solent along the coast from Lymington for more than 200 years. There were also screenings of the popular whale drama Free Willy and a National Geographic documentary about our oceans. Belmore Lodge resident Mary Young said: “I was delighted to help with the planning of our festival and on the food side we all enjoyed the wonderful flavours of the sea – the prawn crackers were especially more-ish.” The Lymington Sea Festival itself took place at the town’s Bath Road Park over the August Bank Holiday weekend. It was reformatted in advance to comply with socially distanced event regulations. Like Belmore Lodge’s festival, it featured fishy delicacies from around the world.

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Carers Worried Over Increase In Infection Rate A lag between Covid-19 infection rates and reported deaths from the virus is worrying care providers as they prepare for winter and a possible second spike in cases. They are warning that the county must avoid complacency and be extra vigilant to avoid coronavirus claiming more lives. Whilst latest figures for the number of deaths in care and nursing home showed a fall, care providers warned that the overall infection rate was rising. Mike Padgham, Chair of the provider organisation The Independent Care Group, said: “Of course a fall in the death rate is very welcome but we are more concerned about the sudden sharp rise in infection rates, particularly amongst young people. “Given that there is always a lag between infection rates and death rates from coronavirus, we have to be afraid that we will see a new spike in cases. “We have to remain vigilant, not rest on our laurels and in fact be even more cautions as

we head towards winter. “The colder season always puts extra strain on everyone in the caring professions and we do not want to see a resurgence in coronavirus cases on top of that. That could be devastating. “The dangers in care and nursing homes have not gone away and our need for support is as great as ever.” Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that deaths from Covid-19 in care and nursing homes in England and Wales was 23 for the week ending 28th August, down from 43 the previous week. However, on Sunday, the UK recorded its highest number of daily Covid-19 cases since May when 2,988 were reported in just 24 hours.

Bereaved People Claim Lockdown Deaths Became “Just a Statistic”

Marking six months since the first recorded death from coronavirus in the UK by charity Sue Ryder is calling on government to permit ‘bereavement support bubbles’. Sue Ryder recently undertook a survey* in the UK to ask people who have experienced a close death or bereavement since March 2020 how they have found their experience of grieving during lockdown. Over half of people (55%) who experienced a bereavement during the UK lockdown said that they feel that their loved one’s death has become ‘just a statistic’. In addition, 62% of those grieving feel that, as a nation, we have become desensitised to death due to the way in which the Covid-19 pandemic was documented. Their research also found that the biggest challenges for those who experienced a bereavement during lockdown was feeling isolated and alone when grieving (62%) and feeling as though their grief had been forgotten amidst the global crisis (59%). When questioned on what they felt would be helpful for other bereaved people during either a future local lockdown or another period of national lockdown, two thirds (66%) of people said being able to form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household would be a vital source of support. Sue Ryder are calling on the government to extend the support bubble policy to include bereaved people with more than one adult in the household, for example housemates and older children. This would allow bereaved people to form a support bubble with another household without the need for social distancing, for any future local lockdowns or if the UK enters a second national lockdown.

The charity believes that a bereavement support bubble would help people to feel less isolated and alone by creating a support network whilst they come to terms with their grief. Heidi Travis, Chief Executive at Sue Ryder, said: “As a nation, we are experiencing bereavement and grief on a greater and more profound scale than ever before. “Integral and deeply personal elements of the bereavement journey have been disrupted for so many over the last few months due to social distancing measures. So many people have been unable to say goodbye to those who have died, they have then had to grieve in isolation, without the physical presence or touch of those close to them. “Sue Ryder is calling on the government to provide better support for those who are grieving in the case of further lockdowns. By extending the existing support bubble regulations we can ensure that people who have experienced a bereavement will have a support network around them.” Alison, a member of the Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Community, lost her husband to coronavirus suddenly at the beginning of lockdown: “I didn’t go out of the house for seven weeks apart from to go to Andy’s funeral. I have had no physical contact – no hugs, no touch on the hand, all of which you would take for granted under normal circumstances. The anxiety has had a terrible effect on my weight so I’ve become quite weak and there is the added pressure of needing to return to work. “Although it is painful for me to read some of the posts on the Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Community, there are so many things that

resonate with me. I can see that people are upset or angry because they are grieving and I understand that. They are looking for some kind of solace.” Carolyn Harris, MP for Swansea East, is supporting Sue Ryder’s call to the government: “Grief is extremely complex – even without the added anxieties of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. “For many people who have been bereaved since lockdown began, this has been an incredibly isolating time. The ability to form a bereavement support bubble without the need for social distancing, as single adult households are currently able to do, could make a huge impact for someone who is grieving. “That is why, along with parliamentary colleagues, I am writing to the government to back this proposal by Sue Ryder. It is important the government does all it can to support people who are bereaved, and bereavement support bubbles would be a significant help to people in the event of future local lockdowns or a further national UK lockdown.” When further reflecting on their experiences with grief during the pandemic, over half (54%) of people grieving for someone stated that the way in which the Covid-19 daily death toll was documented – a number which represented families each day who were having to cope with the devastating loss of a loved one – removed the personal side of grief. The majority (61%) also found the emphasis on the economic ramifications of coronavirus difficult to handle when dealing with their bereavement.


Supporting Residents’ Emotional Wellbeing Supplied by Abbeyfield Darlington



Far from simply being a mental health issue, loneliness and social isolation can have a negative impact on physical wellbeing too. Research has shown that feeling lonely is linked to higher rates of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dementia. Perhaps unsurprisingly, findings also suggest that those who are lonely are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Another straightforward way to keep residents’ spirits up is through the provision of activities to ensure they keep their minds active and engaged. Online quizzes, book clubs and virtual exercise classes can be enjoyed either alone or in small groups, while crosswords, word searches and sudoku puzzles are all proven to reduce anxiety and stress. Pandemic or not, alleviating loneliness in the elderly is at the heart of what residential homes such as Abbeyfield do, with a commitment to enhancing the lives of residents through shared meals and activities.

THE HUMAN TOUCH During lockdown, it was inspiring to see how care home staff came up with a range of innovative ideas to support residents. At the Abbeyfield group, carers came up with creative ways to provide entertainment and keep residents’ spirits up, such as a pen-pal scheme, activity packs, games, virtual tours and exercise classes. Increased 1:1 time with each resident is also vital, wherever possible, to lower the risk of social isolation. As restrictions ease, it is becoming clear that lockdown created a number of challenges for the care community, not least the impact of isolation on an already vulnerable population. While necessary to ensure their physical health, being unable to see family and friends took a significant toll on the mental health of some care home residents – and with the threat of a second wave bringing further restrictions, it is imperative that providers implement some innovative strategies to mitigate against this. Responsible care home providers need to look at taking a more holistic approach to assisted living, recognising how human connections play an important role in both mental and physical health.

FAMILY AFFAIR While opportunities for face-to-face interactions are naturally limited thanks to a vulnerable population and continuing distancing guidance, many care homes are now able to welcome visitors. However, it is important that facilities ensure that staff and visitors follow all the latest guidance, including regular hand-washing, using a face covering and staying two metres apart. For those residents who are still unable to see visitors in person – whether due to shielding or distance – there are still plenty of ways to help them keep in touch with family, from letters and emails to video calls, and this is something staff should be on hand to facilitate.

No Cases Of The Lockdown Blues At Macclesfield Care Facility Staff and residents at Rowans Care Centre in Macclesfield have been working hard to develop a new and innovative programme of activities to help combat social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. The home, which is based on Merriden Road, specialises in providing care for elderly clients with a variety of conditions; from assistance with basic living tasks through to elderly nursing or caring for clients living with dementia. As part of the new programme, staff at the home have been working hard to make some of the residents’ favourite activities more accessible. This included creating large print books, talking books and talking newspapers for them to listen to. Audiobooks have been proven to increase an individual’s focus and attention span, as well as improving memory. The large print books, which feature increased font sizes and pictures, also help residents to enjoy reading activities with minimal assistance and allow them to feel a sense of independence within the home. Ann Lee, 82, one of the residents at Rowans Care Centre, said: “I feel very happy now that we have got the talking newspapers and large print books at the home. I have always loved reading about current affairs, but I often find it difficult to read the small text in newspapers. Now, I am able to listen to everything that is happening in the world without asking for help reading the words!”

Another activity that residents at Rowans Care Centre have been enjoying is exchanging postcards and letters with pupils at a local school, Ivy Bank Primary School. Staff at the care centre sent out an appeal on social media for people to write a card or letter to service users to ensure that the home remained engaged with the local community throughout the lockdown period. In their responses, pupils discussed a variety of topics, including their return to school, their excitement of seeing their friends again and what kind of activities they had been up to during lockdown. The cards were met with laughter and smiles from service users and many have expressed their amusement at some of the ways that the children have been keeping themselves occupied during the pandemic. Katherine Turner, home manager at Rowans Care Centre, said: “Our residents were so excited to receive the cards from the local primary school. It was so kind of them to let our residents know how they have been getting on during lockdown and some of the stories were fascinating. After reading a story from one of the children, one of our residents has said they would like to try out a PlayStation 4 and may even ask their family for one this Christmas!” Rowans Care Centre is part of Canterbury Care Homes Limited and is currently managed by Healthcare Management Solutions. It is rated “Good” by the Care Quality Commission.


New Measures to Support Deployment of Safe Covid-19 Vaccines for UK A raft of measures to allow the safe future mass rollout of a Covid-19 vaccine have been outlined by the government. The new rules and safeguards will strengthen the UK’s ability to successfully deploy a UK-wide vaccination programme, which will be crucial in saving lives and bringing the current pandemic to an end. The measures include: • Reinforced safeguards to support the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to grant temporary authorisation for the use of a new Covid-19 vaccine – provided it meets the highest safety and quality standards • Expanding the trained workforce who can administer Covid-19 and flu vaccines to improve access and protect the public • Clarifying the scope of the protection from civil liability for the additional workforce that could be allowed to administer vaccinations If a vaccine is discovered before 2021, the proposals will bolster existing powers that allow the MHRA to consider approving its use, before a full product licence is granted, provided it is proven to be safe and effective during robust and extensive clinical trials. The measures are necessary because during the transition period, a new potential Covid-19 vaccine must be granted a licence by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The regulations will permit the MHRA to consider giving temporary authorisation allowing patients to benefit while it undergoes the full licencing process, with reinforced conditions attached to ensure safety, quality and efficacy. This is a precautionary measure and will be used as a last resort if there is a strong public health justification for widespread use of a vac-

cine before it has been granted a product licence. From 2021, MHRA will have a national licencing system in place and will be responsible for granting licenses for potential Covid-19 vaccines and treatments once they meet high standards of safety and effectiveness. Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said: “We are making progress in developing Covid-19 vaccines which we hope will be important in saving lives, protecting healthcare workers and returning to normal in future. “If we develop effective vaccines, it’s important we make them available to patients as quickly as possible but only once strict safety standards have been met. “The proposals consulted on today suggest ways to improve access and ensure as many people are protected from Covid-19 and flu as possible without sacrificing the absolute need to ensure that any vaccine used is both safe and effective.” The MHRA has the power to grant an unlicensed medicine or a vaccine temporary authorisation where a product is proven to be safe and effective and is in the best interest of the patient on the basis of available evidence. A consultation is being launched today, which will look to amend the Human Medicine Regulations 2012 and will last three weeks, seeking the opinions and advice on the proposals from health experts and key stakeholder groups. The measures could come into force by October, ahead of the winter season. Dr Christian Schneider, Director of National Institute for Biological

Standards and Control (NIBSC) – part of the MHRA – said: “Protecting health and saving lives is at the heart of all our work. Throughout the pandemic, the MHRA has prioritised work to ensure rapid approval of robust clinical trials to test a range of medicines and vaccines, whilst maintaining the highest quality and safety standards. “Whilst the existing licensing system or a new UK one from next year, is the preferred and expected route to supply any vaccine, these new measures will strengthen the regulatory regime and our ability to protect public health.” The proposals will also allow more fully trained healthcare professionals to administer vaccines under NHS and local authority occupational health schemes, as well as enable an expanded workforce that can administer vaccinations to the public. This will make it easier and quicker for patients to access the vaccines they need, protecting them against potentially serious and fatal diseases. The expanded workforce will undergo a robust training programme, and could include a wider range of existing NHS staff, as well as groups such as student doctors and nurses. The consultation will also look at clarifying the scope of the protection from civil liability, which the regulations already give to healthcare workers and manufacturers, to ensure it applies to the companies which order the medicines and the additional workforce that could be allowed to administer vaccinations. This will establish a fairer and more equal footing and encourage companies to place cutting-edge medicines on the markets as soon as possible, ensuring UK patients can be the first to benefit.

Witney Care Staff Thanked and Recognised for Long Service Members of staff at Cedar Court care home in Witney, Oxfordshire, have been thanked and recognised for their ongoing efforts to support residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, in a special week of appreciation. The home is part of the Healthcare Homes Group, which operates 45 residential care homes and 12 homecare branches in East Anglia and the south of England. The group launched its very own ‘Care Appreciation Week’ during August as a sign of its gratitude for all staff. Throughout the week, care homes and homecare branches were visited by members of the executive team, and special events have been held whilst adhering to COVID restrictions. Cedar Court, which is based on Moorland Road in Witney, provides residential and nursing care for up to 63 people. The team was visited on Group CEO, Gordon Cochrane, who joined them for a celebratory buffet whilst also presenting nine members of the team with long service certificates, to thank them for their combined 65 years’ of loyal service at the home. Those receiving long-service awards were: Registered General Nurse (RGN) Ruth Days – 10 years Senior Care Assistant (SCA) Anne Morrison – 9 years Healthcare Assistant (HCA) Helen Trinder – 9 years

RGN, Iyabo Kuponiyi – 8 years Health Care Practitioner – Tracey Law – 7 years Deputy Manager, Rachel Scurr – 6 years

Chef Roi Macaldo – 6 years Housekeeping staff Helen Nicolson – 5 years Health Care Practitioner, Luis Povedano – 5 yearsAs part of the appreciation week, Gordon delivered gifts and a specially designed canvas print to the home and each member of the team received a letter of thanks and vouchers. Gordon confirms: “It was a pleasure and a privilege to visit the Cedar Court team as part of our special Care Appreciation Week, and to be able to present long-service certificates to some of the staff. “Care Appreciation Week has been all about recognising the incredible efforts of every member of staff that have each gone above and beyond to help care for our residents during the most challenging of times. We are proud and grateful of everyone’s ongoing efforts and commitment.” Mr Gener Tayhopon, Home Manager of Cedar Court added: “So many of the Cedar Court team, including those we have presented long-service awards to, have gone to significant lengths to support residents during lockdown. It was an honour to be recognised and to put some time aside to thank our staff. I would also like to thank everyone who was involved in coordinating the event– everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”


What Infection Prevention and Control Lessons Could Schools Learn from Care Providers?

By Philippa Shirtcliffe, QCS’s Head of Care Quality

After months at home, the vast majority of pupils returned to school this month. Some year groups were allowed to go back in June of course, but this is the first time since the national lockdown was imposed five months ago that every year group is back studying. In the background, teaching unions – who felt that it was unsafe for pupils to return to school – and politicians, most of whom were in favour of pupils going back – have been engaged in a battle of attrition for hearts and minds. It was a battle that the politicians eventually won, but the big questions that nobody – including scientists - seems to know – remain. They are these: what impact a mass return to the classroom will have on public health. How will it affect the ‘R’ number, which rates Covid-19’s ability to spread, for instance? Are the extra health and safety and social distancing measures that have been put in place, enough? How effective will face coverings, which pupils over 12 must wear in school corridors and communal areas, be in containing Covid? For frontline carers and their children, the anxieties and fears that stem from these questions are all too real. They have the added worry of their children returning to school and passing the virus on to them. While schools have done their best to put social distancing measures in place, many schools simply weren’t designed to handle a Covid-outbreak. And even if they were, with the WHO saying that as young people are now a major source of the new Covid-19 infection, how do schools, with high pupil to staff ratios stop teenagers from mixing outside their bubbles? And if they cannot do so, without a world-class track and trace scheme in place, how can care staff, who are mixing with their children, be sure that they are not spreading the virus in the care settings they work in? In a time of Covid, this can of course only be prevented by implementing a malleable and robust infection Prevention and Control plan (IPC). I believe although schools are performing well in this respect, they

could also learn from the bespoke systems that have been specially developed for the care sector.

QCS COMPLIANCE PROGRAMMES As many of you reading this will already be aware, as Head of Care Quality at Quality Compliance Systems, (QCS), the content team that I manage has worked tirelessly to put IPC protocol into the hands of those who need it most. At the start of the Pandemic, QCS created the Coronavirus Hub, a free resource centre containing a comprehensive range of IPC policies and procedures. Most recently, we’ve added the IPC compliance assessment tool, which not only lets providers access the latest CQC guidance, but provides them with a real-time IPC picture. This immediately identifies any weaknesses in their IPC strategies, and shows them how to eliminate those flaws. While I’m not familiar with the IPC programmes that early learning and educational settings are employing, what I can say is during the lockdown, several institutions sought help from QCS in relation to developing more systematic infection prevention and control policies. As we head into autumn and winter, I believe - with a few tweaks - a Compliance Assessment tool like the one we recently created in conjunction with the National Care Forum and Standards Wise International could add great value to those educational settings.

HOW A COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT TOOL HELPS THE CARE PROVIDERS AND COLD ALSO HELP SCHOOLS The tool covers eight sections, including social distancing, PPE, Covid testing, premises, staffing and policy. However, it is not just the content that make it stand out. Allied to the guidance is a simple but highly effective methodology which is what separates it from other IPC programmes. So how does it work? Well, let’s look at cleanliness and hygiene which is the central tenet of any infection, prevention and control strategy. The compliance assessment tool starts by introducing six key points that every setting – whether it is a care home or an educational facility should consider. While it is likely that many of the requirements listed will have already been acted upon, there may be a few that services overlook. For example, some providers often wrongly take the view that cleanliness and hygiene is solely the job of cleaners and not a task that care staff should involve themselves in. However, on the contrary, it is very important that a Registered Manager or Principal makes IPC the responsibility of the entire team, and more importantly embeds it as part of the working culture.

ular key line of enquiry listed is judged to be ‘Not Applicable’. Again, while some prompts, such as ‘enhanced cleaning in high traffic areas’ or ‘areas used by visitors are cleaned after use’ are fairly obvious, there are more arcane scenarios that services may have overlooked, which the Compliance Assessment tool immediately identifies. For example, an outstanding hygiene programme would not only include increased supervision of staff, but regular minuted meetings to ensure that the latest information is shared and that the processes are co-produced.

STEP THREE Finally, managers and staff are asked to list any additional examples of good practice developed by the service. Again, these best practice steps could be shared with services in the local area, or be used as supporting evidence in a CQC inspection. With the ‘R’ rate likely to increase this autumn, and with it the number of Covid cases, parents and politicians will be hoping that the IPC measures already in place in educational settings are resilient enough to withstand a second wave of Covid. They may well be. But, if they haven’t already done so, schools, colleges and early learning settings would do well to adopt the methodical and forensic compliance tools, which, have served the care sector so well. Indeed, with no vaccine in sight, rigorous IPC programmes, which put us in control of own destinies, remain our best hope of keeping the virus at bay and stopping the economy grinding to halt. A robust IPC programme which is deeply embedded in our communities also gives peace of mind to care workers. After their courageous efforts to keep the disease at bay in the lockdown, surely this is the very least they deserve?

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES To download the National Care Forum Infection Prevention and Control document, please visit

STEP TWO The next step is for managers and staff to look for evidence of best practice across 14 different areas using a simple tick-box system. Cleanliness and hygiene are either ‘Present’, ‘Not Present’, or the partic-

Resident at East Sussex Care Home Celebrates 100 Donald Greenwood, a Resident at HCOne’s The Polegate care home in East Sussex, celebrated his 100th birthday with his family, friends and fellow Residents. To mark the special day, The Polegate put on a party for Donald, which was attended by members of the care team and fellow Residents. Donald enjoyed deliveries of presents, cards, and also a birthday cake and singing by Colleagues. Donald also had balloons and a lovely garden visit on the afternoon with his daughter Linda and they watched video messages from his loved ones as well. What topped it all off was his special message from Queen Elizabeth (see Donald pictured proudly displaying his card).

He commented, “Thank you all so much I am so touched. I have had a lovely day and have been sent lovely things.” HC-One is also celebrating achieving a 9.5 average rating on the sector’s leading care home comparison website The high rating puts HC-One homes into the very best company in the care home sector, committed to providing kind care to Residents Emma Louise Rich-Spice, The Polegate, Care Home Manager, said “Huge happy birthday to our Donald. Donald is a bright cheerful gentleman and its such a pleasure to celebrate with him today.”

The Social Interest Group The Social Interest Group (SIG) is made up of subsidiary charities that collectively believe that everyone has the right to live a positive and healthy life. We work in partnership to deliver quality support, health and social care through prevention, early intervention, recovery and rehabilitation. We are experts in working with adults who have the most complex and chaotic lives; enabling and empowering them to take charge of themselves, giving them the skills and resilience to live healthy and fulfilled lives. Penrose has been helping vulnerable adults make a change to their lives for over 50 years with

support interventions that have a positive and lasting impact. Penrose was founded in 1969 and since then we have supported thousands of people with their own personal journey and empower them to reach their own aspirational goals. Equinox Care provides support, care and recovery services to people who have a range of complex needs such as substance misuse and mental health issues. SIG Investments buys or leases property on behalf of the Group, and then leases it to Group members at an affordable rent. For further information please contact:


Dementia Researchers Call For Urgent Action To Prevent Setbacks In Treatment Search Nearly 300 researchers have called for urgent government action to prevent a major setback to the search for new dementia treatments as a result of COVID-19. In an open letter to Science Minister Amanda Solloway, the researchers warn that lost funding opportunities brought on by the pandemic could lead to a lost generation of researchers, putting the future of dementia research at risk. The letter is backed by Alzheimer’s Research UK and Alzheimer’s Society, the country’s two largest charity funders of dementia research. The UK medical research sector expects to see a £310m shortfall in charity funding as a result of COVID-19, with medical research charities predicting an average 41% decrease in their research spend for 2020/21. Scientists working on dementia fear that this financial impact means critical progress made in dementia research in recent years is at stake, with a risk that many scientists may have to leave dementia research altogether – potentially setting back the search for new treatments by several years. At the same time, people with dementia are being particularly hardhit by COVID-19, with a quarter of all COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales having been among people with dementia – further underlining

the urgent need for life-changing dementia research. Urging the government to deliver on its Manifesto commitment to double dementia research funding to £160m a year, the researchers’ letter states: “We are increasingly concerned about the impact this will have on our highly skilled early-career dementia researchers, who, without financial support, will be left with no option but to leave the dementia research field for more consistently funded research opportunities, or to leave academic research altogether. “We are asking the government to continue its support for this growing field by delivering on its Manifesto commitment to double the dementia research budget, which will unlock new funding to enable early-career researchers to remain in a field where so much progress is urgently needed.” Dr Susan Kohlhaas, Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We had begun to make real progress in dementia research in recent years, but we are still playing catch-up, with funding lagging behind other disease areas even before the pandemic hit. Today we know more than ever about the diseases that cause dementia, but translating that

knowledge into treatments requires consistent investment, and it’s vital that government acts to keep talented researchers in the field. To do nothing risks throwing away the progress that’s been made, and failing the people living with dementia who urgently need breakthroughs that only research can deliver.” Fiona Carragher, Director of Research and Influencing at Alzheimer’s Society said: “There’ll be a million people with dementia in the UK by 2025. A million people living with a condition that does not yet have a cure. Our researchers work tirelessly not only towards future prevention and a cure, but also improving dementia care – making sure those with the condition can live well. But the coronavirus pandemic means we can expect a 40% drop in investment across medical research charities this year, delaying progress towards desperately needed new treatments and better care, and risking a brain drain as young researchers move into better-funded areas. People with dementia have already been hit hardest by the pandemic, this crisis risks their futures too. We’re urging the Government to protect progress already made, by delivering on its pledge to double dementia research funding.”

WWII Veteran Recalls Dead in School Playground as Bombs Rained Down on Birmingham The Blitz in Birmingham has been recalled by a WWII veteran living at Royal Star & Garter, ahead of the 80th anniversary of the raids. Joan Sprigg was serving in the Air Raid Precautions (ARP) during the bombings, before later joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS). She recalled “night after night of relentless bombing” and the awful devastation caused to the city. The Blitz began in London on 7 September, 1940. Speaking from Royal Star & Garter in Solihull, where she now lives, the 96-year-old revealed she lied about her age to join the ARP. She said: “I was 15 going on 16 and I lived in Birmingham and I was anxious to play a part. And you had to be 16 to join the Air Raid Precautions. So I’m afraid I told a little fib and upped my age by a couple of months and said I was 16.” She did first aid and home nursing training and after passing exams, was placed at a first aid post in Bordesley Green. “It was situated in a school and was fitted out to deal with casualties. And we had plenty of those when the air raids started in 1940,” she recalled. “It was night after night of relentless bombing. We received a terrible, terrible pasting.”

The air raids were terrifying: “They used to start quite early, and they would sometimes go on for 13 hours. They made a terrific noise. The floor beneath us shuddered. We held our breath. There was a giant roar and we were all quieted. The guns opened up, heavy guns which positively thundered. Bombs screamed and exploded, the place shook.” She said Birmingham was in the Nazi’s crosshairs because of the crucial role it played in the war effort: “Birmingham was certainly a target because the whole of the city was turned over to war work. All the factories were producing armaments of different kinds and of course the Spitfire was manufactured in Birmingham, so I suppose we were a legitimate target. But it was dreadful, the city took a pounding. But it never got a great deal of publicity. It was as if the authorities didn’t want the Germans to know what destruction they were inflicting on us. So Birmingham used to be referred to as “a Midland town”, not even a city!” Joan continued serving in the ARP until in 1942, aged 18, she joined the ATS. She served in the 2nd AntiAircraft Group Command at RAF Uxbridge, where she worked as a secretary. She left in 1945. See the video at



Beyond COVID-19. New Thinking On The Future Of Adult Social Care

Three shifts are needed to address the devastating impact that COVID-19 has had on an already struggling social care system. That’s the conclusion in a new report today by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). The report, out today, also calls for a for a long-term plan for social care. Beyond COVID: new thinking on the future of adult social care Early on in the crisis, SCIE explored the impact of COVID-19 on the sector, both negative and positive, drawing out lessons and implications for social care reform. They also examined – and talked to the sector about, what’s needed to improve social care in the future, once we have emerged from the worst of the pandemic. The report draws on a series of essays and podcasts from sector leaders and a roundtable attended by Helen Whately MP, Minister of State for Social Care; along with learning from SCIE’s wider work with the sector. In the report, SCIE sets out three priorities for reform – which they call the ‘three shifts’ – and make specific recommendations that they believe need to be implemented in order to build the kind of sector everyone wants after the crisis. They call this programme: Beyond COVID: new thinking on the future of adult social care. COVID-19: Negatives and positives COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on social care; by June 2020 there had been more than 30,500 excess deaths among care home residents, and social care staff have been more than twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as other adults. As a crisis, however, it has led to some positives. Within communities, we have seen a willingness to become part of mutual aid and support networks; the steadfast professionalism and commitment of the social care workforce throughout the crisis; and

the capacity for many organisations to innovate, moving their entire operations online or developing totally new services in the face of enormous challenges. Three shifts needed and a long-term plan, according to SCIE Faced by an enormous set of challenges, but also opportunities for reform, SCIE started a programme of engagement with the sector and analysis of key issues from its work on COVID-19 and innovation, with the aim of determining what kind of future is needed for social care when we are successful in moving beyond the COVID-19 crisis. SCIE conclude that we need to see three shifts: Shift 1: From hand-to-mouth to long-term and sustainable • funding . We simply can’t go on like this, and call on the Government to for a fair and long-term funding settlement for social care. Shift 2: To shift investment and focus away from remedial and • acute services towards prevention. To assist with this shift, introduce innovation funds which for the sector to scale up the most effective preventative models of care, housing and technology Shift 3: From workforce low pay, low recognition and poor • conditions, towards higher pay, better conditions, progression and development – and parity of esteem with the NHS. SCIE is also calling for a long-term plan for social care, mirroring what we have seen with the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan. They are calling on the Government and other sector bodies to consider these proposals, as they develop their thinking on the long-term plan and other strategies to boost the sector. SCIE’s Chief Executive, Kathryn Smith, says: Since I became a care worker at 16, I have never known a worse peri-

od for social care. Every day, as more reports came in about deaths that could have been prevented, lack of testing kit and personal protective equipment, or local authorities and providers facing financial ruin, I’ve felt a sense of despair. However, I am also reminded every day of the enormous resilience, versatility, passion and empathy of the care workforce, and within wider communities. And I ask myself, can we come out of this undoubted crisis stronger? I think we can. SCIE’s Chair, Paul Burstow, says: In this report we call for a long-term plan for social care that will deliver on this vision. We also identify three shifts we think need to happen to build system which is financially sustainable and fair to access, preventative in focus and supported by a well-paid and supported workforce. We also set out a number of specific recommendations for Government and other organisations which we hope are considered as part of future plans. I hope that Government and sector leaders find this report a source of inspiration and ideas for turning that vision for social care into a reality, one that gets us Beyond COVID-19. As ever, SCIE stands ready to support the sector with its journey to a better place. Contributing to the thinking, Professor Donna Hall CBE, most recently leading Wigan Council (now New Local Government Network), says: “If we had declared a national emergency two weeks before lockdown, local resilience forums would have been able to put in place communications that reached out and listened to their valuable residents – even the best systems with integrated place-based hubs struggled with communications in the first few weeks.”

Borough Care Supports World Alzheimer’s Month Borough Care is supporting September’s World Alzheimer’s Month, a whole month dedicated to raising awareness of dementia and challenging the stigma that surrounds it. Borough Care has over 20 years of experience helping older people with dementia who live in its eleven homes across Stockport; a borough with dementia prevalence rates higher than the national average. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia among older adults. It is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, two out of three people globally believe there is little or no understanding of dementia in their countries. This year, the campaign hopes to get people talking, using the

hashtag #LetsTalkAboutDementia, in order to drive change and better support those living with dementia. Dr Mark Ward, CEO at Borough Care, says: “At Borough Care we believe good dementia care is about creating a positive and flexible culture that supports and respects people. Every resident is different and we treat them as the individuals they are. Our staff spend time getting to know each person; talking to them, and their families, about their lives, their likes, dislikes and what they enjoy doing. Our ethos is that everyone should be encouraged and supported to live life in colour, whatever their age, health or capabilities. To help us achieve this, we’ve created dementia friendly spaces in our homes that encourage activities, friendship and the freedom to lead fulfilling and valuable lives.”


A Celebration of Surrey Social Care is Set to Take Place in Recognition of Covid Work The Surrey Care Association is set to host a virtual celebration of social care in the county as it looks to mark the incredible work undertaken by adult social care workers throughout the coronavirus crisis. Aiming to celebrate the outstanding dedication displayed by carers since the advent of COVID-19, the association is doing away with its usual annual awards, which recognise individual achievements across the year, and is instead hosting the celebration in acknowledgement of the tremendous work that’s been done right across the sector. Set for Friday 20th November, the event will be hosted via Zoom call, and will be looking to celebrate the industry’s contribution to combat-

ting the impact of the virus using a collage of positive, vibrant videos that showcase the best of social care. Erica Lockhart, Chief Executive of the Surrey Care Association, said: “As a sector, we’ve been at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus, supporting and caring for the most vulnerable in society. Following a very tough time, we’re looking to celebrate our achievements by hosting a positive event that highlights the very best of carers and the caring industry.” She added: “We’re not limiting it to professional social care workers though, and are inviting those who look after relatives at home to also get involved – with part of this being a collage of video clips that serve to display the rewarding nature of care.” The Surrey Care Association is asking providers and carers to submit videos that demonstrate how their teams or individuals have kept both themselves and those they care for entertained during an extremely challenging time. The event is open to anyone who operates in a care capacity, so if they care for a loved one, or have a loved one in receipt of care either at a care home or via homecare they’re free to register their interest – and are also welcome to submit a video.

The collated videos will be broken down into multiple categories which will be highlighted during the event and cover the following: 1) Best PPE dress up 2) Inventive Lockdown Programme for residents/service users 3) Family lockdown catch up 4) Staff dance and music 5) Creative cooking 6) Recognising teams 7) Memories Erica Lockhart said: “Many care providers have been sharing their experiences during the pandemic via video – either over zoom calls or via WhatsApp or by using other sharing platforms as they help to keep people informed and connected. Consequently then, we know there’s a wealth of brilliant footage out there, and we’re asking people to send these into us so that we can create a wonderful vision of care in Surrey.” For more information on the Surrey Care Association, please visit: Or email

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go! 13 Care Homes Across South East England Take Part In ‘National Sports Day’ Event A group of 13 care homes across the South East of England went for gold in a ‘national sports day’ event covering Kent, Essex and Surrey. The sky was the limit for residents and staff at Nellsar, a family-run group of residential and nursing care homes, as they enjoyed some sporting competition and took part in a range of socially distanced games and activities. As part of Nellsar’s core strategy to promote physical wellbeing and exercise, and to make the most of the good weather, residents tried their hand at bowling, darts, archery, badminton and basketball, as well as their favourite sports day classics such as the egg and spoon race, ring toss, and three-legged race. There was even hook the duck and the infamous sack race, and staff naturally got involved too, with prizes being awarded to ‘Best photograph of the day’ and ‘Best Home Manager sporting effort!’ Of course, no sports day is complete without medals, with residents across all 13 homes giving their all to claim the top prize and above all, have fun. Viv Stead, Recreation and Wellbeing Manager for Nellsar, said: “The annual sports day was a resounding success. Not only did we have the weather on our side with some glorious sunshine, but the residents and staff had a wonderful

time too. While these sorts of events are held so our residents can have fun and enjoy a range of nostalgic games and activities, it’s also important we ensure they get fresh air and exercise to maximise their physical wellbeing. “I travelled to a number of our homes on the day to cheer on the residents as they took part in some of the activities. Whether they were competitive or just plain silly, each game was designed to ensure fun was had by all. Overall, we’re quite overwhelmed with how well the day went and delighted that lockdown wasn’t able to stop us from safely having fun across all our homes.” The event was inspired by the success of their I Am Team GB ‘Nation’s Biggest Sports Day’, which took place in the gardens of each home last year. Determined not to let lockdown spoil the fun, this year’s spectacle was tweaked to ensure social distancing, so the games could go ahead safely. Built on strong foundations, Nellsar has worked hard to build the trusted reputation of its homes and prides itself on being approachable, accountable and ‘hands-on’ in its relationships with the families it supports. For more information on Nellsar and its homes, please visit


The Care Forum – A Hybrid Event For The Care Industry

Discover new care solutions at the Care Forum. This unique event takes place on October 5th & 6th 2020 at Heythrop Park, Oxfordshire and brings together senior care professionals with suppliers to the sector for business relationship building. The two-day Forum is hybrid which allows you to attend either inperson at the live event or via our virtual platform. It is completely flexible – you can join for the whole event or for just half a day. As our guest, you will be able meet 1-2-1 with suppliers to the sector, based on your requirements and upcoming projects. Meetings are prearranged and there’s no time wasted, no hard sell. Plus, live event attendance allows you to also enjoy; overnight

accommodation, all meals and refreshments throughout, as well as topical webinars and networking with peers. Delegates are invited from the following sectors: Care Homes Dementia Care Hospitals Housing Groups Mental Health NHS Nursing Homes Supported Living Suppliers in attendance will cover the whole spectrum of care solutions, including Catering/Food Supply, Compliance Services, Equipment, Fixtures & Fittings, Interiors/Furnishings, Gardens & Exterior, Hygiene Services, Resident Hygiene/Care, Security, Technology and much more. Senior care professionals are invited to attend the Forum for free. Confirmed buyers include: Abbeyfield Society, Sanctuary Care, Tricuro, Central & Cecil Housing Trust, Achieve Together, Golden Care, Origin Housing, Canford Healthcare, CHS Group, St Matthews Healthcare, CasiCare Hazel Court and many more! Here’s what some of them have to say about previous Care Forums: “The Care Forum is a great opportunity to revaluate the innovation, technology and competitive edge of your business viability for now and the future.”- Chilton House “The Care Forum was well organised with a good balance of constructive supplier meetings, seminars and informal networking opportunities.” - Cinnamon Retirement Living “A well organised event with a good range of suppliers. Dedicated time to discuss requirements was very valuable.” - Solden Hill House

“Well organised, very enjoyable and a good opportunity to network and meet suppliers.” - Avante Care & Support Ltd You can register for your free place at – Flexible virtual and live event attendance options are available. Alternatively, contact Angelina Holden on 01992 374075 / If you’re a supplier to the sector, contact Leslie de Hoog on 01992 666723 / to find out about the range of event partner packages (Virtual packages are also available).

What Do The Next Few Months Ahead Have In Store For Social Care?

By Brendan Ryan, Director of Hays Social Care (

The Covid-19 crisis has had a profound impact on the vast majority of industries and, of course, the roles which function within them. There have undeniably been pressures on social care and challenges in certain areas, not to mention uncertainty which continues to cloud the industry and the world of work at large. But despite this, activity in the industry from a recruitment perspective shows strong signs of returning to pre-Covid levels and going on to a trajectory of growth. Bearing in mind that the pace of change remains fast, here are a few pointers on what the next few months in social care are shaping up to look like.

SKILLS SHORTAGES ARE STILL RIFE The demand for skills is still very much present and the need for experienced support workers across the care market remains strong. In fact, recent research from Hays found that less than two in five (37%) employers in social care believe they have all the skills they need in their team to meet organisational objectives. Core markets in the specialist adults service are growing steadily, increasing demand for care workers with skills in areas such as complex care and mental health, whilst specialist Children’s services are predict-

ing a growth in referrals now that lockdown is coming to an end, which will create increased demand and competition for experienced care staff. Employers are also on the lookout for professionals in the sector with managerial skill sets, which 44% say are the skills their organisation needs most. In terms of soft skills, increasingly Values Based assessment is being used in recruitment with adaptability and flexibility being more important to employers than they perhaps ever have been. As has been put under the spotlight since the start of the year, change is inevitable, and sometimes this will happen at pace – and the industry needs professionals who are equipped to handle this as the industry and the world of work continue to evolve.

CAREER PROSPECTS ARE POSITIVE The demand for care workers translates to promising career prospects for professionals in the industry. More jobs are being created at a variety of levels to ease demand and the opportunities to grow and develop as a professional in social care are plentiful. The investment from the Government into campaigns to attract new entry-level candidates into care is just one of the indications of the buoyancy of the industry and the potential career prospects it holds. My advice to social care professionals is to remain open minded about the direction of the industry and the change under which it is going. The world of work is unrecognisable from what it was a mere six months ago and we will continue to see surges in demand, industry shifts and emerging trends for some time. Being flexible and open to new opportunities could really pay off even if your career moves in a direction you didn’t anticipate.

New Support for Carers When Making Difficult Decisions for People with Dementia and COVID-19

With a possible second wave of Coronavirus on the horizon, researchers at University College London (UCL) have produced a decision-making guide for dementia carers so they can ensure their loved one gets the care, support and dignity they deserve if they catch COVID-19. Dementia is the most common underlying condition in people who die with COVID-19 (a quarter of COVID-19 deaths have been people living with dementia). People with dementia and COVID-19 often experi-

ence a sudden deterioration and respiratory failure, and the nature of dementia also means that many people with the disease lack the capacity to make their own care choices. During the pandemic, researchers have observed the challenges to carers who can’t be with their loved one in person due to visiting restrictions and having to social distance or shield themselves. This often means that they have had to make quick decisions over the phone with a healthcare professional they have never met about the care and interventions their loved one receives. The new guide which was developed with families of loved ones who have dementia is funded by an Economic and Social Research Council COVID-19 grant and supported by end of life care charity Marie Curie, Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia UK. It is a free downloadable document that helps carers work through situations, medical and legal jargon so they can make informed decisions quickly under stressful circumstances. This includes do not resuscitate orders, legal issues like power of attorney, and ensuring that health and social care professionals understand what is important to the person they are caring for when that patient’s loved ones can’t be by their side. The research team hopes that the new guide will also ease the emotional burden that families can experience and help resolve any feelings of uncertainty about the decisions they have made for their loved ones. Dr. Karen Harrison Dening, Head of Research and Publications at Dementia UK, said: “Ensuring that a person with dementia’s needs, rights and wishes for

care are respected has always been challenging for families; overwhelming bureaucracy, a lack of understanding of dementia from key professionals and difficult decisions for families around end of life care prevail. The coronavirus has of course now compounded these issues, particularly given the high number of excess deaths we are seeing in dementia. “Dementia UK’s specialist dementia nurses guide families through these challenges but any additional support that is provided to help them make decisions around a loved one, such as this guide, is invaluable.” Paul Kelly, whose mum is living with dementia and caught Coronavirus in July said: “Caring for Mum is really difficult. As a family we’ve just about managed to cope. I’m lucky because my wife Christine is a specialist nurse, with experience in elderly care so she has been able to explain and understand what’s going on. Without her insight we would have been completely lost. “I do worry about those people who don’t have a qualified senior nurse in the family to advise them. Having a guide which breaks down how to care for a loved one with dementia will be a life-line for families like mine and will help to ease the pressure of the worrying situations carers find themselves in.” Download the Decision Aid document at

HYBRID EVENT FOR THE CARE INDUSTRY Join us at the Care Forum, a unique event for senior care professionals and the suppliers who service them.

5th & 6th October 2020 Heythrop Park, Oxfordshire Unlike a traditional expo or conference, the Forum features: • • • • • •

A series of pre-arranged, 1-2-1 meetings curated for you based on your requirements Access to a live insightful seminar session led by an industry thought leader A wealth of pre-recorded webinars Overnight accommodation, meals & refreshments Unrivalled networking with other senior care professionals FREE for care professionals to attend



Adapting to the Post-COVID-19 Landscape: Reshaping How Care is Supported by Technology By Matt Saunders, Product Marketing Manager, Sharp UK The huge impact that COVID19 has had on care homes and their residents has been widely reported over the past six months. As we move into winter, we can only expect fresh challenges to emerge for the sector. The measures implemented by Government during lockdown led to a large number of residents across the country being isolated from their loved ones. Whilst these restrictions are starting to ease, there are still varying guidelines across the United Kingdom. Most care homes now allow socially distanced family visits in their garden-spaces, and indoor visits have been reintroduced in Wales. Certainly, adapting to the “new normal” will be a long process for everyone. Though for those who live and work in elderly care, new advancements in technology are helping to ease the impact of the distance. Whilst some care homes embraced these solutions pre-COVID, devices that help keep residents connected with their loved ones are becoming more important than ever before.


WORLD The broader impact that lack of family contact can have on residents’ well-being is concerning; so-much-so that it has led to a number of efforts across the country to keep residents in contact with their loved ones and wider society. One such initiative by a care home group is the ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ campaign, which calls for “virtual volunteers” and would not have been possible without care homes having the right technology in place to support the scheme. Technology allows us all to stay easily connected; we are able to video call or instant message our loved ones no matter where they are in the world and at any time. Through care homes adopting technology with video conferencing software, residents are able to stay connected despite the restrictions in place on face-to-face visits. Although virtual, they are able to have a face-to-face interaction with their loved ones which can be uplifting and comforting, rather than simply hearing their voices.

THE NEED TO STIMULATE AND ENGAGE THE ELDERLY It’s important for the elderly to be stimulated and engaged on a daily basis as it can greatly improve their health, well-being and overall quality of life. Visual displays that come with apps installed that provide music and films are a great way of enriching their daily lives. Providing these visual solutions can encourage residents to enjoy films or listen to music together, or the devices can be personalised and tailored to each resident through an account, based on their interests,

and can include reminiscence therapies too. Additionally, through personal accounts, residents could record their interests, their daily activities, and record how they’ve been feeling. It also provides a way for families to share photos and videos with relatives.

SUPPORTING HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO PROVIDE CARE FOR RESIDENTS Loved ones are not the only visitors affected by COVID-19 – on-site doctors’ consultations have also been impacted by the pandemic, which has put more pressure on the care professionals looking after the residents during these trying times. A recent study by the Queen’s Nursing Institute found that 32% of care professionals found it difficult to access GP services, whilst 33% reported it was difficult to access District Nursing services between March and May. It’s vital that residents readily have access to medical appointments. Through platforms like Skype care professionals are able to arrange virtual doctor’s consultations for residents. In addition, personalised technologies that provide capabilities to record a patients days and how they’ve been feeling provide an extra way for professionals to track residents’ health. At Sharp we have long been committed to supporting our care home partners, especially during this difficult time. Technology that can support residents and care providers will be essential in helping the sector adapt to the future and overcome some of the challenges that it is currently facing.

Care Staff Take On Charity Skydive To Raise Money For The Alzheimer’s Society A team of 3 brave carers from a domiciliary agency in Godalming took to the skies this weekend in a bid to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. As care workers they usually have their feet firmly on the ground, but on Saturday 5th September, CHD Care at Home carers Emma Leahy (39), Emma Packer (27) and Emily Reynolds (23) travelled to Hinton Airfield where they took on a new challenge – diving 10,000 feet from a plane, and raising over £1,500 for the Alzheimer’s Society in the process! The team, who provide support to individuals and their families living with Alzheimer’s and dementia on a daily basis, were inspired to take part to raise awareness of the conditions and the effects that they have on the lives of individuals and their families. Furthermore, they wanted a special way to show recognition for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia who will have struggled with self-isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. Discussing their reasons for taking on this challenge, Emma Packer said: “We support individuals in their own homes who are living with Alzheimer’s, and we’ve seen first-hand how it can change somebody and the difficulties they face on a daily basis. We never class our job as work, it’s a privilege to spend our time with our service users. We laugh with them; we cry with them.”

Emily Reynolds also had a more personal reason for taking part. She said: “The cause is so meaningful to us because we visit so many people who are living with Alzheimer’s and dementia and they all mean so much to us. They’re the reason we do this job. But I also wanted to skydive in honour of my grandad, who suffers with Alzheimer’s himself. On the days he looks at me and isn’t quite sure who I am, I know he is just holding our memories so tight he can’t let them out. I hope I’ve made him proud today.” Speaking after the skydive, Emma Leahy added: “The skydive was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone. I can’t wait to do it again and hope to get even more team members and my manager involved next time!” Rebecca Connolly, Regional Manager for CHD Care at Home said: “We are incredibly proud of Emma, Emma and Emily for their fundraising efforts and for the bravery they’ve shown by completing this skydiving challenge. We see them go above and beyond every day in taking great care of our service users, and this just shows the level of dedication they have to improving the lives of others too. We’re honoured to have them as part of our team.”


Guidance For Staff Returning or Joining the Care Sector Article by GAMA Healthcare ( COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is highly contagious (Li, 2020). While most people will experience mild to moderate symptoms, the elderly are at greater risk of becoming seriously or gravely ill. Those who live in care homes are at an increased risk (CDC, 2020). It is therefore important that care staff or those who a new to the care sector remain vigilant and are up to date on best practice hygiene and infection control as government advice is constantly evolving. This will be key to prevent the spread of the virus in care settings.

• After body fluid exposure risk To protect yourself and the care home environment from harmful resident germs • After touching a resident To prevent transfer to yourself, the environment and other residents • After touching a resident’s surroundings To remove germs picked up by touching the resident’s local environment


It is important that PPE is available for staff to use. When carers are in close personal contact with a resident, they should wear PPE to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. Staff should also be familiar on what type of PPE to use based on the situation (Public Health England, 2020) Public Health England guidance recommends the following types of PPE for each situation: When providing close personal care in direct contact with the resident(s) (e.g.touching) OR within 2 metres of anyone in the household who is coughing • Disposable gloves – to protect from fluids, secretions and contact from residents body • Disposable plastic apron - to protect from fluids, secretions and contact from residents body • Fluid repellent surgical mask – This can be worn throughout the shift, unless staff need to eat, drink or take a break • Eye protection – protect from secretions and droplets from residents mouth, this is particularly important when a resident is repeatedly coughing. When within 2 metres of a client or household members but not delivering personal care or needing to touch them, and there is no one within 2 metres who has a cough • Type 11 surgical mask - This can be worn throughout the shift, unless staff need to eat, drink or take a break (Public Health England, 2020). It may also be prudent to wear visors, but they have been found to limit the inhalation of the virus by 92% (Perencevich, 2020)

It is important that care staff wash and disinfect their hands frequently to help limit the spread of the virus. There should also be emphasis on correct handwashing (Aymood et al 2020). Studies have found that correct handwashing can limit the spread of coronavirus by 69% (Nicolaides et al 2020) . Research has found that most people do not wash their hands correctly, forgetting to disinfectant areas such as between the fingers, fingertips and thumbs. Staff should be aware of best practice hand hygiene.

How to disinfect your hands

It is also imperative that staff know when to perform hand hygiene, this includes: • Before touching a resident To prevent germs from being transferred to the resident from your hands • Before an aseptic procedure e.g. changing dressings or taking bloods To reduce the risk of germs entering the body during the procedure. For guidance on dressing changes, Molnlycke Healthcare have a suite of free resources for carers


DISINFECTION OF SURFACES. Coronavirus can live on surfaces for days. It is therefore important that effective surface hygiene is incorporated daily to prevent the spread of the virus. Carers undertaking cleaning duties should be aware of the 5 principles of the cleaning. GAMA Healthcare has a suite of free downloadable resources which can be shared amongst colleagues and provided to in house or agency cleaning staff. These include posters that can be put up as a daily reminder All waste should be put aside for 72 hours before being put inside the household. By incorporating these practices into daily duties, carers can help limit the spread of the infectious disease and protect themselves as well as residents.

References Li H, Lui S, Yu X (2020) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): current status and future perspectives. International Journal Antimicrobial Agents. 55:5, 2-6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020) Alzyood M, Jackson D, Aveyard H (2020) COVID19 reinforces the importance of handwashing. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 1-2. Nicolaides C, Avraam D, Felgueroso L (2020) HandHygiene Mitigation Strategies Against Global Disease Spreading through the Air Transportation Network. International Journal of Risk Analysis. 40:4. Wilkinson et al. J Hosp Infect. 2018;98(4):339-44. Public Health England (2020) Perencevich E, Diekema D, Edmond M(2020) Moving Personal Protective Equipment Into the Community.JAMA.323:22.22522253.

Love Of Gardening Inspires Produce Show An army of green-fingered care home residents have overcome the challenges of Covid restrictions to stage a forthcoming garden produce show. All 21 Colten Care homes in Hampshire, Dorset, Sussex and Wiltshire have taken part, with residents eagerly planting and growing their entries over several months. Show classes include fruit, vegetables, preserves, ‘Spud in a bucket’-potato weighing, and recycling spare objects and materials into planters. Participants have built houses for visiting wildlife, baked cakes on gardenrelated themes, created watercolour paintings and pieces of writing, and recorded their involvement in photobooks. Charles Hubberstey, Colten Care’s Head Gardener, who came up with the idea of a ‘village produce show’ last year, said: “2019 was so successful we decided to make it an annual event. “Our residents didn’t want to let Covid stop them so we agreed a workaround for this year. “We asked all homes to submit their entries online using photo and video evidence. It’s clear from the response that the interest we had in our inaugural year is very much still there.” As well the homes’ gardeners, residents have had the support of their

Companionship Teams in preparing and recording their entries. Emily Hudson, a Companionship Team Leader, said: “There has been a huge buzz about the show. People have said it’s a shame that we can’t get together in person to display all the entries in one place as we did last year but everyone has just got on with it and are doing their best. “It is so rewarding to help make something like this happen. People are really keen to see what the results will be and what other homes have been doing.” At Wellington Grange in Chichester, resident Jean Moss turned an abandoned straw boater hat into a planter with help from gardener Emily Trueman. It is now an entry in the ‘Recycling in the Garden’ category. Jean said: “It was a jokey thing to do and so much fun. I’ve been looking after all the watering during the summer and decorated it with a ribbon and scarf to match the purple flowers.” The competition comes to a climax later in September with entries uploaded to a central image library and winners set to be announced via online video. Judges include gardening experts such as Charles plus Companionship Team colleagues across the homes.

Finalists for The NACC Awards 2020 Revealed The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) has revealed the line-up of finalists for the NACC Awards 2020. The prestigious awards recognise and celebrate teams and individuals from across the care catering sector that go above and beyond – from care homes to community services, such as Meals on Wheels and Lunch Clubs. All the finalists exemplify true innovation, excellence and dedication that create tangible benefits for residents, clients and colleagues – incredible attributes that have been at the heart of the care catering sector’s frontline contribution throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The NACC Awards 2020 winners will be revealed at a special virtual awards ceremony on Thursday 8 October, which will be attended by NACC members, industry colleagues, partners and friends and special guests. The finalists are:

Care Establishment of the Year Award, sponsored by Hobart • Murrayside, Care UK • Pear Tree Court, Care UK • Nynehead Court

Meals on Wheels Award, sponsored by apetito • County Enterprise Foods, Nottinghamshire County Council • MyChef Meals on Wheels • Hertfordshire Independent Living Service

Catering Team of the Year Award, sponsored by Brakes • Mill House Care Home • County Enterprise Foods, Nottinghamshire County Council

• Meallmore Ltd

Catering Manager of the Year Award, sponsored by Unilever Food Solutions • James Clear, Hotel Services Manager, Care UK • Anne Dudley, Catering Support Manager, Hampshire County Council • Adam Elvidge, Catering Manager, United Health Group Ltd

Our Care Catering Hero Award, sponsored by Premier Foods • Anita Foster, Head Chef, St Georges Care Centre • Sam Armstrong, Head Chef, Heffle Court Care Home

• Peter Hall, Head of Kitchen, Cranleigh Paddock Care Home The recipients of The Triumph Over Adversity Award, sponsored by CaterCloud, the Pam Rhodes Outstanding Achievement Award, sponsored by Robot-Coupe and the National Chair’s Award will also be revealed at the virtual awards event, plus the winning region in the hotly contested NACC Region of the Year Award category, sponsored by Meiko. Sue Cawthray, national chair of the NACC, said: “Recognising and celebrating the hard work and dedication of care caterers up and down the country has never been so important. It’s been an incredibly challenging year as teams have responded and adapted to the stark impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether in a care home or delivering to the elderly and vulnerable living in the community, they’ve all stepped up to increased pressure and selflessly ensured those entrusted to their care continue to receive delicious and nutritious meals in an enjoyable, dignified way; delivering regular moments of joy in difficult times. “As with events across the foodservice and hospitality industry, the pandemic has stopped us from holding our annual gala awards dinner, but there’s simply no way we’re going to let the opportunity to celebrate our wonderful sector pass us by. The virtual awards ceremony will be a wonderful occasion for us to share with colleagues and friends as we honour the exceptional contribution of care caterers in this extraordinary year.” For more information on the NACC Awards 2020 and the NACC visit


Covid-19 Deaths Disproportionately Affecting People with Dementia The impact of Covid-19 on people with dementia ‘truly shocking’ says Alzheimer’s Disease International at start of World Alzheimer’s Month. The Covid-19 pandemic is leading to extremely high death rates amongst people with dementia globally. Emerging data has revealed that in Canada up to two thirds of all Covid-19 related deaths are people with dementia, in the UK 26 percent, and in regions of Italy 20 percent. Global dementia organisation, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), says the global community must come together to form an action plan to protect those with dementia from the worst ravages of Covid-19, and that that further data on dementia-Covid mortality is urgently needed. “We need transparency. Governments must incorporate dementia into Covid response plans to protect the millions of people impacted by dementia globally,” says ADI CEO Paola Barbarino, “They deserve dignity, and we need justice for those who have sadly died.” In a global collaboration, The London School of Economics and University College London live report,Impact and mortality of COVID-19 on people living with dementia: cross-country report, which ADI researchers contribute to, is being updated regularly with the latest data and information from international researchers. According to data from the report, up to 75 per cent of Covid-19 deaths globally in care facilities are those with dementia as an underlying condition. Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia and older people are the most at risk group for Covid-19, with 86 percent of all Covid-19 deaths are among people aged 65 and over. People with dementia in Long Term Care are also being disproportionately impacted and severely disrupted during the pandemic with the condition exacerbating the impact. Access to health and care professionals has been limited, globally face to face support has been withdrawn, diagnosis has been interrupted and research disrupted. ADI is calling on governments to collect, analyse and publish key data, including mortality data and disruption to diagnosis, disaggregated by age, gender and the presence of pre-existing conditions, to help find critical solutions to mitigate risks and find solutions to a return to support for people living with dementia.

Barbarino says emerging data, including findings from the report, are extremely worrying and is calling on governments to act immediately, saying we must not just accept that Covid-19 causes high rates of mortality amongst people with dementia. “People with dementia are being disproportionately impacted by this pandemic and are in danger of being forgotten. Now more than ever we need to talk about dementia,” continues Barbarino. “At the start of World Alzheimer’s Month, we are calling on governments to capture and publish transparent data and to increase support to protect vulnerable people with dementia.” Cognitive impairments associated with dementia exacerbate many of the challenges associated with Covid-19 and the resultant social distancing and lockdown measures being put in place to manage the pandemic. This includes heightened complications around being denied access to carers and to family, increased anxiety caused by isolation, and in care and hospital settings, recognition issues around the wearing of PPE. Barbarino says that disrupting care can be catastrophic for people living with dementia. “Many of our member associations globally have had to cease faceto-face dementia care and support, such as day-care centres and care at home. Diagnosis has also been interrupted with lack of access to healthcare professionals and specialists,” says Barbarino. “The impact of the pandemic period and isolation on cognitive decline for people with dementia means that for many their condition will deteriorate and in turn there will be an increased need for support afterwards.” A global series of webinars, led by ADI throughout the pandemic, revealed many people living with dementia have had their basic human rights breached, including restricting access to healthcare and support. Many governments implemented bans on visitors to health and care facilities, which has led to many people living with dementia being disconnected from essential support systems. Barbarino says that alarmingly there have been incidents of triaging Covid-19 patients based on age or condition, without access to transpar-

ent decision-making guidelines, leaving elderly communities and especially those with dementia, at risk of being declined treatment. “Governments must protect the rights of people with dementia, their right to access healthcare, treatment and support and, especially at this time, to palliative care,” says Barbarino. “Triage decisions must be based on rights, not on age or condition. We understand Covid-19 has put immense pressure on health systems globally, but we simply cannot let people with dementia slip through the cracks.” Kate Swaffer, Chair, Co-Founder and CEO of ADI’s partner Dementia Alliance International, the group made up of people living with a dementia diagnosis said: “In 2020, the rest of the world suddenly experienced what people with dementia and their families experience on a daily basis after diagnosis, such as isolation, distancing (from many family and friends), fear, anxiety and stigma. Let’s hope that post COVID the world takes this new learning, and finds ways to reduce the stigma, loneliness and isolation we experience, and helps change attitudes towards dementia.” September is World Alzheimer’s Month and 2020 marks the beginning of the World Health Organization’s Decade of Healthy Ageing. Barbarino says that the Covid-19 crisis has highlighted not only a lack of preparedness for the pandemic but importantly the ongoing global lack of preparedness for dementia, one of the biggest health and social care crises of this and future generations. “There’s a clear link between governments who acted quickly to limit the spread of Covid-19 and lower mortality rates from the virus,” says Barbarino. “We need governments to act immediately to protect our vulnerable communities. Governments must not waiver from their commitments identified in their national dementia plans or in developing plans, in line with the WHO Global action plan on dementia, which 194 WHO Member States ratified.” “Now more than ever we need to be talking about dementia,” continues Barbarino. “Governments need to act quickly to manage health crises, but the real lesson is that much more preparation is needed not only for pandemics, but also for dementia.”

Centenary Of Iconic Baking Ingredient Celebrated In Care Homes September brings a new competition for residents in Care UK’s homes, and the teams that support them, to get creative in the kitchen. To celebrate 100 years of one of the country’s most iconic baking ingredients, Care UK has been selected by the makers of Stork margarine as its partner to host the brand new competition. Residents in Care UK’s 123 homes will be invited to create a cake that sums up a decade of their choice from the last 100 years. From the elegance of a 1930s drawing room to the flamboyance of a 1970s party buffet, the only restriction is their imagination. As well as designing, baking and decorating the cake, residents and team members will then be invited to put their creation as the centrepiece to a themed party that celebrates their chosen decade. Care UK’s hotel services manager James Clear and senior chef Andrew Mussett have been instrumental in setting up the celebratory partnership with Upfield Professional, the owners of Stork. James said: “Many residents will have strong memories of Stork as an ingredient they used either themselves or used in their family. As well as being great fun, the cake competition will provide the perfect opportunity for residents to take a trip down memory lane as they share reminiscences of this iconic family favourite that we still use every day in our care home kitchens. I hope we get lots of entries.”

Every one of Care UK’s homes has also been sent a beautiful recipe book from the makers of Stork, “The Art of Home Baking – 100 Years of Baking Memories” and a selection of posters showing reproductions of vintage Stork adverts. These are already proving a conversation starter – something particularly important for those living with dementia. Alan Black, Head of Marketing at Upfield Professional said: “A century of being one of the best-known baking brands in the country deserved a special celebration and we were really pleased when Care UK agreed to be our partners for this centenary competition. Working with older people is a perfect way to celebrate our history and bring back and share more widely the happy memories of people using Stork across the decades. I cannot wait to see all the entries and don’t envy the tough job the judges will have to pick three winners.” Cake creations in three of Care UK’s homes will be selected as winners by a panel of judges from both the care home team and Stork. Prizes will feature a baking theme as residents in the winning homes can choose from a selection of bakeware and kitchen equipment to enhance their baking activities in the future. In line with the requirement necessary for keeping everyone safe while Covid-19 is still an issue, all activities to plan and create the cakes will be in line with Care UK’s comprehensive pandemic plan and the judging and awards ceremonies will take place via Zoom.

Government Delivers 250,000 Clear Face Masks To Support People With Hearing Loss NHS and care workers will be given clear face masks to help them communicate with people with certain conditions like hearing loss, autism and dementia, the government has announced. The masks are see-through and have an anti-fogging barrier to ensure the face and mouth is always visible to help doctors, nurses and carers communicate better with their patients. With around 12 million people in the UK thought to have hearing loss, the masks will be invaluable for people who need to lip read to communicate during the ongoing response to the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. The masks will also help those who rely on facial expressions to support communication – for example, people with learning disabilities, autism or dementia, or foreign language speakers and their interpreters. The new deal with US-based company ClearMask will see 250,000 masks delivered to NHS trusts and social care providers across the UK over the next few weeks. Minister for Care Helen Whately said: “Everyone using our remarkable health and care system deserves the best care possible and communication is a vital part of that. “This pandemic has posed numerous challenges to the sector, so we are always on the hunt for simple solutions to support those giving and receiving care. “The introduction of clear face masks will help overcome some of the difficulties carers wearing PPE are facing communicating with people who rely on lip reading. If this proves a success I look forward to increasing the supply to make sure whenever a clear mask is needed, there is one available.” This applies across the whole of the UK and the government is working with the devolved administrations on allocations of the masks. The first delivery has already been distributed to NHS Trusts, with further deliveries over the next couple of weeks.

Social care providers will also have access to the masks through a new pilot system with Local Resilience Forums. The Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England and Improvement will continue to work closely with suppliers on future orders based on demand. The clear masks have met the government’s strict safety standards and will be rolled out to frontline workers over the next few weeks. The Government has delivered over 3 billion pieces of PPE to the frontline and are working with around 130 new companies, including Royal Mint, Honeywell, Amazon and Royal Mail, to rapidly manufacture, source or distribute PPE at scale and pace. This follows a national and international call to arms in April asking industry to channel their manufacturing power into making PPE for the health and care sector. Roger Wicks, director of policy and campaigns at Action on Hearing Loss said: “We welcome the procurement of clear face masks which has the potential to improve the accessibility of health and social care services for those who rely on seeing facial expressions and lip-reading to communicate – including people who are deaf or have hearing loss. “Since the outbreak of coronavirus, people have told us continually that they are worried about communicating in health and social care settings where face masks are now in constant use. We know that clear masks have the ability to reduce barriers for both patients and staff across the NHS and social care services. “People need to understand the information and instructions that they are given by health and care professionals: ineffective communication and misunderstandings have the potential to harm the health and wellbeing of people with hearing loss. “We hope that different services across the NHS and social care are able to access clear masks and effectively match them to patient need. It will also be important that these masks are complemented by effec-

tive communication tips and deaf awareness amongst staff to ensure that people with hearing loss get the support they need.” Professor Andrew Goddard, Royal College of Physicians President, said: “The necessary use of face masks to protect staff and patients has made communication difficult. It’s particularly true for clinicians and patients who are deaf or have a hearing loss and rely on being able to read lips. “Clear communication is always important, but particularly in healthcare. So we’re pleased these masks are going to be available very soon. “Of course, lipreading doesn’t work for everyone, nor is it everyone’s first choice. It’s important that all NHS employers and services find out what someone’s communication needs are and meet them, in line with the Accessible Information Standard.” Sarah White, Head of Policy and Campaigns at national disability charity Sense, said: “The last few months have been particularly hard on disabled people and a part of this are the barriers that PPE brings to many of them in terms of their communication. While PPE is of course vital in keeping everyone safe during this pandemic, many disabled people rely on lip reading and facial expression to communicate which means masks present themselves as a big challenge. “We’ve therefore been delighted to work with the Department for Health and Social Care, and other organisations to raise awareness of this issue and we welcome the introduction of clear masks for use in frontline health and social care services which will benefits millions of disabled people in this country. While clear masks won’t work for everyone and they can still present a challenge to some people, it certainly is a great first step which should be part of a clear and cohesive strategy for how we ensure that health and care services remain clinically safe at the same time as enabling disabled people to communicate and feel safe.”


New Public Information Campaign to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus Indoors This Winter A new science based public information campaign will be launched ahead of winter to highlight how everyone can help to stop the spread of the virus by remembering to wash their hands, cover their face and make space. ‘Hands. Face. Space’ will run across TV, radio, print, out of home, social and digital display advertising, as well as on community media channels and will be supported by a variety of public and private sector partners throughout the coming weeks. As part of this campaign, a new video is being released to show exactly how coronavirus spreads indoors. With people expected to spend more time inside during the winter, the film – produced with the help of scientific experts – encourages the public to follow simple steps to reduce the risk of infection. Through a scientifically based reconstruction of everyday scenarios the film shows how the interactions between people, surfaces and the air spreads the virus. The film also reflects how coronavirus spreads through droplets that come out of our nose and mouth. This is a powerful reminder to the public of the importance of remaining aware of their surroundings and following the guidance. Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said: “As we approach winter and inevitably spend more time indoors, we need the public to keep following this important advice to control the spread of the virus. “‘Hands. Face. Space’ emphasises important elements of the guidance we want everybody to remember: wash your hands regularly, use a face covering when social distancing is not possible and try to keep your distance from those not in your household. “Following these simple steps could make a significant difference in reducing the transmission of Covid-19 and help protect you and your friends, colleagues and family from the virus.” The compelling evidence combined with expert recommendations around ‘Hands. Face. Space’ includes:

Washing your hands: While coronavirus is not likely to survive for long periods of time on outdoor surfaces in sunlight, it can live for more than 24 hours in indoor environments. Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using hand sanitizer, regularly throughout the day will reduce the risk of catching or passing on the virus. Covering your face: Coronavirus is carried in the air by tiny respiratory droplets that carry the virus. Larger droplets can land on other people or on surfaces they touch while smaller droplets, called aerosols, can stay in the air indoors for at least five minutes, and often much longer if there is no ventilation. Face coverings reduce the dispersion of these droplets, meaning if you’re carrying the virus you’re less likely to spread it when you exhale. Making space: Transmission of the virus is most likely to happen within two metres, with risk increasing exponentially at shorter distances. While keeping this exact distance isn’t always possible, remaining mindful of surroundings and continuing to make space has a powerful impact when it comes to containing the spread. While coronavirus deaths have significantly reduced, the virus is still

Guests And Care Teams Reunite Since Day Care Hubs Re-Open Across Lilian Faithfull Care Staff and day guests at Lilian Faithfull Care have enjoyed reuniting since their day care hubs re-opened on 1 September. Both day hubs – ‘Secret Garden’ in Cheltenham and ‘Uplands’ in Stroud are happily back open Monday to Friday. Guests are so pleased to be able to return and spend the day with other guests since it closed due to Covid19. Guests returning have really missed their weekly visits and all guests are now appreciating the care, companionship, various activities and freshly cooked food. Lilian Faithfull Care offers flexible, individually tailored day care for older people in Gloucestershire, with an expertise in caring for those living with dementia. They are passionate about wanting to improve the quality of life for guests, promoting independence and giving respite and support to families and carers. This day care has been missed for many during lockdown, but they are back and open for visitors. Below are a few heart-warming messages the care team have received from their guests and their families. A few guests at Uplands day care hub have said, “It’s just so nice to see people again”, “I’ve always liked coming to Uplands but it’s even better now”, “I use to live here, I have such fond memories, you don’t know what you’ve done for me” Secret Garden day care hubs guests have said, “It’s good to be back,” said Ian Loretta, a day guest at Secret Garden hub wrote, “September 1st was a Red Letter Day for me. It was the day the Secret Garden Day Hub re-opened. The Secret

Garden is a social gathering of like-minded people to enjoy each other’s company, take part in activities, such as quizzes, word games, fitness classes and occasionally outside entertainers. We always enjoy a good lunch together followed by a delicious afternoon tea with sandwiches and cakes. It is my lifeline. I love going there and I have missed it very much. The staff are all lovely and very helpful and caring. I would recommend it to anyone who lives alone and perhaps needs a day out to enjoy stimulating company and good food.” Mrs Jean Bond, wife of day guest Edward wrote, “If you are wondering about the safety of a loved in day care, do not hesitate with Lilian Faithfull Care. He or she will be made most welcome and will be cared for most diligently during their stay. They will be encouraged to join in the activities, never left out and made to feel part of the community. I cannot speak too highly of the members of staff. Mu husband Edward has been attending for nearly two years now. He has Dementia that is gradually worsening but his care and attention by the staff has not diminished. The most important factor of all this is Edward goes off happily with Andy, the Driving Miss Daisy driver and returns back home happy. The fact that he doesn’t always remember what has happened during the day is not important. His happiness and well-being is what matters and that is why I am more than happy to send Edward to the hub. I receive from the care team a diary containing daily of events, what he’s eaten and how he has been. He is in the care of dedicated and caring people, namely his carers, who care for him so well and thoroughly to ensure his safety and well-being is paramount.”

circulating in communities and impacting people of all ages across the UK. ‘Hands. Face. Space’ are simple but vital behaviours that have the power to protect the public from both the short and potential long-term impact of coronavirus. Professor Catherine Noakes, Part of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) who specialises in airborne infections said: “Coronavirus is emitted in tiny droplets when we breathe, talk, laugh or cough. Other people can be exposed to these when they are close to someone with the virus or they are in a poorly ventilated room for a long time. “Wearing a face covering prevents most of these droplets from being released into the air, and can also reduce the number of droplets that you are exposed to. That is why wearing a face covering serves as a vital first line of defence against catching and spreading the virus, along with regular and thorough handwashing with soap and water and maintaining a safe distance wherever possible.” Poppy, 27 from London and suffering from long-term covid symptoms: “There is a worrying trend at the moment for people who don’t consider themselves as being at a high-risk group to be dismissive of how the virus may impact them. Before having coronavirus, I was fit and healthy. Now 6 months after supposedly recovering, I’m still dealing with the aftermath of the virus which affects my everyday life. You really don’t know how this will impact you and just because you’re not classed as vulnerable – doesn’t mean you’re not at risk.” The public are encouraged to continue to be vigilant of coronavirus symptoms which include a new continuous cough, high temperature, or a loss or change in your sense of taste or smell. If you or someone you know, displays any symptoms, no matter how mild, please get a free test by calling 119 or visiting

Understanding the Link Between Hearing Loss and Dementia Scientists have developed a new theory as to how hearing loss may cause dementia and believe that tackling this sensory impairment early may help to prevent the disease. Hearing loss has been shown to be linked to dementia in epidemiological studies and may be responsible for a tenth of the 47 million cases worldwide. Now, published in the journal Neuron, a team at Newcastle University provide a new theory to explain how a disorder of the ear can lead to Alzheimer’s disease – a concept never looked at before. It is hoped that this new understanding may be a significant step towards advancing research into Alzheimer’s disease and how to prevent the illness for future generations. Newcastle experts considered three key aspects; a common underlying cause for hearing loss and dementia; lack of sound-related input leading to brain shrinking; and cognitive impairment resulting in people having to engage more brain resources to compensate for hearing loss, which then become unavailable for other tasks. The team propose a new angle which focuses on the memory centres deep in the temporal lobe. Their recent work indicates that this part of the brain, typically associated with long-term memory for places and events, is also involved in short-term storage and manipulation of auditory information. They consider explanations for how changes in brain activity due to hearing loss might directly promote the presence of abnormal proteins that cause Alzheimer’s disease, therefore triggering the disease. Professor Tim Griffiths, from Newcastle University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences, said:

“The challenge has been to explain how a disorder of the ear can lead to a degenerative problem in the brain. “We suggest a new theory based on how we use what is generally considered to be the memory system in the brain when we have difficulty listening in real-world environments.” Dr Will Sedley, from Newcastle University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences, said: “This memory system engaged in difficult listening is the most common site for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. “We propose that altered activity in the memory system caused by hearing loss and the Alzheimer’s disease process trigger each other. “Researchers now need to examine this mechanism in models of the pathological process to test if this new theory is right.” The experts developed the theory of this important link with hearing loss by bringing together findings from a variety of human studies and animal models. Future work will continue to look at this area.

Minimising Contact with Door Handles Reduces the Risk of Germs and Viruses Spreading Around 80% of infections are spread by touch, including touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles. In care homes ensuring residents adhere to strict sanitising guidelines can be very difficult and can cause stress and anxiety for them too. Removing the need to open doors as residents and staff walk from room to room is an easy solution to eliminate the need to touch door handles and hand plates. The elderly are one of the most vulnerable group of people with regards to infections like flu and COVID-19, finding ways to reduce the spread of these diseases is therefore paramount. Dorgard offers a solution to legally hold fire doors open so staff and residents can move around the building ‘contact free’, reducing the risk of cross-infection with germs and viruses. These battery-powered door holders are easily fitted to a fire door by a handyman. The device ‘lis-

tens’ for the sound of your fire alarm and when the alarm goes off the Dorgard automatically releases the door and allows it to close, preventing the spread of fire and toxic smoke. Hence, not only is the risk of cross infection reduced, the fire safety of the building is also maintained. With a range of Dorgards to choose from you will find a solution that is ideal for your setting. The original Dorgard is perfect for small to medium settings with normal or low noise levels. For noisier environments, where enhanced sound recognition is beneficial, Dorgard SmartSound offers a great solution. If you would like to discuss your needs further with our knowledgeable customer care team please call 0800 978 8746 or visit or see the advert on the facing page.


Fixing Social Care: The Fundamental Choices As the Government prepares to unveil its long-awaited plan for social care, a new report by the Centre for Policy Studies weighs up the three leading options for social care reform, ranking them by cost, political feasibility and impact on supply. ‘Fixing Social Care’, co-written by Jethro Elsden and Alex Morton, finds that, of the options being considered, a pension-style model would be most cost-effective, while also increasing supply and meeting the increasing demand for social care. It would also better protect people’s assets and benefit a greater number of hard-working families. The CPS’s preferred model, developed with Damian Green, former DWP Secretary and First Secretary of State, would see the state guaranteeing a reasonable level of care and accommodation, with individuals strongly encouraged to top up their provision beyond that via insurance – paying for what they want while the state covers what they need. By 2040, the number of people needing help with daily activities is expected to increase by 67% to 5.9 million. This is expected to rise to 7.6 million by 2070. In 2019, the Prime Minister made it a priority to fix social care, pledging to stop people having to sell the family home to pay for care, yet

significant steps are yet to be made. The CPS’ proposed model meets this commitment. The think tank argues that recent increases in funding for social care announced by the Government have helped to shore up the sector in the short term, but are only a stop-gap measure. A capped cost model, as proposed by the Dilnot Commission, would reduce the number of people needing to sell their home to pay for their care – but not eliminate the problem completely, as they would still have to cover daily living costs of around £12,000 a year. They would have to contribute up to the cap as well, with calculations including the value of their home. It is possible to make this more politically attractive – but only by making it more expensive. The fully nationalised system, advocated by Labour, could cost around £14 billion each year, but the cost would be absorbed, through general taxation, by those of working age – exacerbating intergenerational unfairness. It would also result in people receiving different levels of care, and result in the state paying for what people are currently doing privately. The Rt Hon. Damian Green, former Secretary of State for Work and

Pensions and First Secretary of State, said: “The failure to address social care properly has become a national embarrassment. It should be near the top of the Government’s postCovid agenda. “Using our successful pensions system as a model, combining a universal entitlement with strong incentives for millions of people to make their own extra provision, is the most practical route to a stable and well-resourced social care sector.” Report co-author, Jethro Elsden, said: “It is now urgent that we reform the social care system. The coronavirus crisis has underlined how precarious the current funding situation is. We cannot continue to go on talking about reforming the system but never getting round to actually doing it. “If the social care sector is going to remain viable and begin to create the extra capacity to meet rising demand, both for domiciliary and residential care, then we urgently need to reform the way the system is currently funded.”

Sir Cliff Richard Puts Smiles on Hundreds of Residents Faces

The Postcards of Kindness scheme has been successfully implemented across the Excelcare group and delighted the residents who have taken part. It operates via a Facebook group, where care homes share their addresses so individuals and organisations from around the world can write to the people living in them. Since joining the group, residents in many Excelcare homes have made new connections and friendships through these letters, which they’ve enjoyed replying to with their own handwritten notes. This type of traditional communication has been a useful reminiscence tool, as it brings back memories of when handwritten letters in the post was the main way to stay in touch with friends and family. These letters still bring as much joy as they did in their younger years and eagerly awaiting the postman to stop by makes the whole scheme more exciting. Pearl, the Lifestyle and Wellbeing Lead in Cambridge, recently set out on a mission to get postcards from the resident’s favourite singers, Sir Cliff Richard and Sir Tom Jones.

She got in touch with their teams and to her surprise, Cliff Richard responded with a hand-written and signed postcard for care homes in the Cambridge region – it read, “To all Excelcare Cambridge residents, thanks, Cliff Richard”. The postcard he chose had a picture of himself playing the guitar on the front which made everyone smile. A copy of the postcard has since been sent to all of the Excelcare homes in Cambridge to pass on to the people living in them. No one could quite believe that Sir Cliff took the time to send them a signed postcard as for many, he is a singing icon. Receiving the postcard reminded the residents of Sir Cliff’s many hit songs, so afternoons across Cambridge were spent singing and dancing along to them. This special postcard from Sir Cliff brought happiness across the region and residents now wonder who their next celebrity pen pal could be.

New Research to Improve Support for Older People with Learning Disabilities and End of Life Planning for Carers The Open University and The University of Oxford are delighted to announce that they have been awarded just under £900,000 by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to investigate how to improve support for older people with learning disabilities and family carers. The project is funded through a specific call issued by the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme for studies of community health and care services to support people with learning disabilities with behaviours that challenge others, and their family. Of 900,000 adults with learning disabilities in England, two thirds live with family and one fifth exhibit ‘challenging behaviours’. These behaviours are often generated by a change in family or external circumstances, such as when an older family carer becomes unwell and unable to continue to provide home support. Little is known about how family carers plan for their own end of life, and how this may be impacted by having lifelong caring responsibilities. The proposal for this newly funded work emerged from a project

called Embolden, which involved Sara Ryan (Principal Investigator from Oxford) and Oxfordshire Family Support representative Angeli Vaid. This earlier study focused on the experiences of older carers and a key theme was concern about the future. A father, aged 72, said ‘What keeps you awake at night is not knowing what the future holds for our son’. A mother, aged 92, said ‘I just dread that day. What is going to happen? If they decide to uproot her I don’t think she’ll survive’. There has been little research addressing how services can best support older people with learning disabilities (aged 40+) in later life. Co-Principal Investigator from The Open University, Louise Wallace said: “We aim to find out what works best when health and social care services support people to live at home, in supported living or residential care, to ensure that they can make the decisions that best suits them. We also aim to produce new learning materials for families and professionals so they can be prepared for these challenges.” The wider project team includes academic researchers from Kingston

and St. George’s University (London) and Manchester Metropolitan University, a family carer from the Oxfordshire Family Support Network and the self-advocacy charity My Life My Choice. It will include advisors from a major supported living provider (Future Directions) and the professional body for social workers, the British Association of Social Workers. Over 30 months, this team will conduct research using methods including reviews of existing research, and will gather information from families, health and care professionals to develop and evaluate new ways to help people make decisions about forward planning and end of life care. The programme presents independent research funded by the NIHR under its Health Services and Delivery Research funding scheme (129491). The views expressed in this press release are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.

Orchard Care Homes Gives Residents a Walk Down Memory Lane Staff at Lofthouse Grange & Lodge Care Home in Wakefield were tasked by Home Manager, Marsha Tuffin, to produce memory boxes in their first in-house challenge. Over four weeks, they were split into six teams and charged with creating a themed memory box for residents to enjoy time and time again. Each team had a leader who discussed ideas with a small group of residents, culminating in memory boxes themed around history, toys, food, music, fashion and holidays. Marsha set the challenge with no boundaries but asked the leaders to be creative within the communication with team members and many set up WhatsApp groups as staff worked across day and night shifts. “I asked that the teams try and cover as many of the sensory elements in each of their memory boxes as per their dementia training which all staff have now completed”, Marsha said. As well as residents, Marsha also asked industry experts to judge each team entry and received some amazing responses. Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive at Care England, said, “They are all amazingly creative and will provide such fantastic stimulation and reminiscence for residents. They are also great because you can engage with families and friends, (when we are out of lockdown) and I particularly liked them because they would provide a fantastic talking point between residents and grandchildren, and these boxes are so relevant to all generations, and you can really get a feel of how younger people would discuss them with their older relatives. You could get great discussions going about how things have changed in all these areas.”

Steven Reynolds, former Chair, National Activities Providers Association (NAPA) commented, “I think a lot of thought and imagination has gone into creating all the memory boxes. They demonstrate that those who worked on these understood dementia and the purpose and value of reminiscence materials and appealing to various senses.”

Professor Dawn Brooker PhD, Director of the Association of Demential Studies, was also impressed. “All the memory boxes look fabulous and please congratulate all the teams who put so much thought into putting them together”. And Professor Tom Dening, Head of Dementia Research at Nottingham University and part of the Government National Dementia Strategy, complemented Orchard on its initiative, saying “Thank you for inviting me to vote in your competition. The boxes are splendid and it's not easy to choose. I would go for holiday, fashion and mining in that order, but congratulations to everyone for taking part. Do let me know the results.” Residents voted by postage notes on their favourite memory box and, combined with the input from the external judges, Marsha announced the three winners as Holiday, History and Fashion. Marsha concluded, “I have been so incredibly proud of the teams and very moved, not only by their commitment and teamwork but the overall care, passion and attention to detail in taking on this challenge and embracing what this means to our residents”. Hayden Knight, CEO at Orchard Care Homes, praised Marsha’s initiative, saying “Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, we have protected the safety and wellbeing of our residents, providing person-centric activities to not only stimulate their minds but give them a sense of purpose. The memory box initiative created by Marsha has gone a long way to giving them enjoyment as they recall past memories but also strengthened the bond between staff and residents.”


FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Interiors Company Working To Provide A ‘Healthier Solution’ SOMMER Rose Interiors is working with upholstery manufacturers to provide a ‘healthier solution’ to care home furniture. Sarah Thompson and her team would like to introduce Sileather™. Sileather™ silicone fabrics are highly durable and abrasion resistant, thanks to our unique silicone, and Sileather™ upholstery fabrics are all over 200,000+ Wyzenbeek double rubs, over 130,000 Martindale and 3000+ Taber cycles (rotating “cement discs”). We take a long term approach when considering our production of silicone leather and want to do our part to be environmentally friendly. With our non-solvent production technique and with the lack of PVC or PU elements, we are much safer and healthier than traditional fabrics. Unlike PVC fabrics, we do not need to use chlorine in any of the production process, and our fabrics do not leak VOC emissions throughout its life. There’s no need to clog up landfills – silicone leather is recyclable! We have passed the most common environmental standards so you can breathe

Sileather™ fabrics have ultralow VOCs, so it is among the healthiest fabrics, making it perfect for use around children, hospitals, ALL HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTS, hotels, boat cabins, trains, and any number of enclosed spaces.


comfortably knowing that you are using a fabric that’s safe for you and the environment. We take pride that our fabrics are environmentally friendly and safe to use by anyone, Sileather™ silicone fabrics are made with the same material as baby bottle nipples, so they are gentle enough even for babies’ skin.

High Quality Soft Furnishings Manufactures Tailored For All Your Window Needs WL Interiors are a family run company with over 20 years experience in manufacturing high quality soft furnishings for the healthcare industry based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. WL are suppliers of flame retardant curtains, blinds & soft furnishings. We offer high-quality fire resistant fabrics that are perfect for care homes, including any dementia specific requirements where needed. Working on your care home refurbishment, new build or general replacements, WL Interiors Ltd can do site surveys and check measures, offer free samples and quotations. • UK Wide Fitting & Installation Available

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It’s our mission to bring you a healthy fabric that’s safe, hygienic and meets high standards that help to ensure your well-being. Thanks to the unique advantages of our proprietary silicone, Sileather™ fabrics are inherently: • Flame resistant. • Does not promote growth of mildew or mould. • Superior in hydrolysis resistance compared to vinyl and polyurethane fabrics. • Superior in UV and colour fading resistance. • Stain resistant to many substances found in healthcare facilities, including biro, iodine, betadine, blood and urine. • Resistant to liquids and fluids. • Easy to clean – common stains need only water, including biro. • Medical grade skin friendly and allergen free. • Highly abrasion resistant and durable with recovery ability to reduce sagging and wrinkling. • Luxurious soft touch. For free samples of this upholstery or to view sample furniture, please contact Sarah Thompson on 07495 471038 or email:

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PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Renray Healthcare Design and Manufacture New New Pressure Relief Options from Airospring Medical COVID19 Response Beds for Temporary Hospitals Renray Healthcare has developed a field response bed to supply to temporary hospitals, with our design expertise and manufacturing capability we have been able to put the COVID-19 Response bed and mattress into production quickly, with deliveries going out across the country to help in the fight against COVID-19. Renray has been supplying beds, mattresses and furniture for over 50 years and due to the increasing spread of Coronavirus, we are proactively using Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) decontamination system in all our Heavy Goods Vehicles prior to delivery of your goods to eliminate the virus or any potential contaminant, making deliveries safer for our staff, customers and users. Let us know if you require beds for temporary or permanent hospitals, to ensure you have everything you need to continue caring for patients in this difficult time. Download our brochure now for more information: The COVID-19 Response Bed Brochure at Please contact customer service on 01606 593456 or who will be happy to assist you. See the advert on page 3.

Calibre Audio - Unleash the Power of your Imagination Audiobooks offer a gateway to the world of independence when print is inaccessible. Reading books has many health benefits; from reducing anxiety and helping to combat memory loss, to boosting mental health. Books provide us with companionship, adventure, empathy and enjoyment, and listening to audiobooks extends all of this to people who cannot read printed books. A restricting disability can bring with it the sting of isolation, and being locked out of activities that were once enjoyed can create frustration and loneliness. However, research has shown that listening to audiobooks can boost mental health (ref., helping to counteract depression and other mental health issues. Escaping to audiobooks provides comfort and companionship as well as being a coping strategy in hard times. Calibre Audio is a charity, providing free audiobooks to anyone who struggles to read print, through sight loss, dyslexia or a physical disability. Our collection of

over 11,500 audiobooks includes books from all genres, both fiction and non-fiction, from the classics to the latest blockbusters; from crime to autobiographies. Our books are available online for members or delivered to your door via a free postal service. It is free and easy to join. Visit for more information or to join.

Why Specify a Yeoman Shield Fire Rated Door Edge Protector? When specifying for a structure, it’s important to be aware of the level of wear and tear a door can be exposed to in a public building. Door edges, in particular, can be easily damaged or worn down by regular use – which can then render them non-compliant for fire safety regulations. To ensure that a project remains compliant, an architect can specify durable door edge protectors to add durability and longevity to doors. Not only will specifying edge protectors increase the longevity of doors, they will enhance the cost efficiency of a project by reducing maintenance demands and the possibility of having to replace unsafe fire doors. Yeoman Shield fire rated Door Edge Protectors are unique with a 2.0 mm Vinylac outer and a specially formulated 9mm PVCu reinforced core. They are FD30 (1/2 hour) and FD60 (1 hour) rated

with intumescent seals that are in accordance to the fire door’s specification. Fire rated Door Edge Protectors are suitable for commercial applications such as residential blocks, schools and hospitals etc. Door Edge Protectors can also be specified with different fire seals, from a plain intumescent fire seal to a brush, fire and smoke variant. Of course, for doors that are non-fire rated in an architect’s project Yeoman Shield also provide quality edge protectors without seals to enhance durability and reduce wear. Source a full range of door protection panels and kick plates from a single supplier by choosing Yeoman Shield. Our door protection panels and kick plates offer the same lasting durability and quality as our door edge protectors. See page 12 or visit for details.

Adaptawear Clothing To Help Healthcare & Care Home Workers: Independent & Assisted Dressing If you are a healthcare or care home worker or Occupational Therapist and struggling to dress your patients during this Covid-19 pandemic; then take a look at our range of Adaptawear adapted clothing for both men and women. Adaptawear comfort clothing has been designed to help independent living and assisted dressing with the aim to make getting dressed easier and less painful for both the wearer and carer. Adaptawear designs and manufacturers a range of ladies and men’s open back and drop front trousers, magnetic & open back shirts and blouses, dresses, skirts, open back nighties and front fastening bras. We also sell a selection of everyday essentials aimed at making people comfortable day and night. Adaptawear clothes are ideal for

arthritis, stroke, Parkinson, incontinence and dementia sufferers as well as people of all ages who struggle with buttons and zips. The easy fit clothes are made from quality and natural fabrics to provide maximum comfort. Adaptawear Offers: • Discreetly Adapted Clothes • Independent & Assisted Dressing • Ladies & Men's Daywear and Nightwear • UK Nationwide and Overseas Deliveries • No Quibble 14 Day Returns • VAT Exemption where relevant • FREE Delivery on orders over £100 For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order.

Airospring Medical manufactures a range of pressure relieving devices. Our flagship products are a range of lightweight and breathable pressure relief cushions and mattress overlays made from high-tech 3D Knitted Spacer Fabrics. Airospring has been awarded a full patent in August 2014 approving this ground breaking technology. Our pressure relief cushions distribute weight and allow maximum airflow. The cushions have been tested for the dissipation of perspiration, a key factor in the fight against pressure ulcers. Welcome to a new standard in healthy seating. Call: 0115 9322403 Email: Visit:

In-House Practical Engagement Workshop Scripts Now Available for Care Homes & Services As training sessions and venues may be difficult to facilitate for some time, Happy Days Dementia Workshop has acted quickly, re-writing their ‘Practical Engagement Workshop’ into a series of easy to follow presentation and training guides. Enriching social care is at the heart of Happy Days, ‘It’s amazing to see how care teams are heartened and invigorated once they see how easy it is to engage more meaningfully with residents on a daily basis’ says Gillian Hesketh, MD of Dementia Workshop. Training in-house can support the safety of your care teams, reduce travel, time and cut costs. Demonstration and nostalgic materials can be included in packages with options to add an activity manual, reminiscence baskets and memory prompts. The workshops are ideal for building carer confidence, boosting morale and uplifting everyone’s mood.

Packages can be created to suit your care team requirements and resident interests. See The Carer front page or find starter practical workshop packs online at / Phone direct on 07971953620 or see the advert on page 1.

CareZips Dignity Trousers ™

CareZips™ preserve dignity and privacy of people receiving care during diaper changes. CareZips™ make diaper changes easier and faster, reducing workload, saving efforts, and saving time! CareZips™ help to deliver better standards of care! Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of incontinence diapers more dignified and comfortable for the patients and easier and faster for the carers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body. The 3rd zip goes from the inside of one knee up to the crotch and down to the second knee on the inside of the other leg. This zip facilitates total opening of the trousers at the crotch during diaper changes. The 3-zip system ensures fast and easy access to the abdomen and crotch without having to undress the patients or pull their trousers down.

CareZips™ are suitable for men and women. They are available in 7 sizes for perfect fit. CareZips™ are soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch and give for extra comfort. Practical, durable, washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ trousers are the perfect choice for daily use. Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 or see the advert on page 7.

iMEDicare Pelvic Health Naturally When it comes to women’s intimate health, many of us are reluctant and embarrassed to talk frankly about it, which often leads to women suffering in silence. A lot of the problems we worry about, however, are surprisingly common, such as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) – a frequent effect of the menopause experienced by as many as one in three women. Stylish, effective and washable, iMEDicare’s Wearever washable and re-useable incontinence underwear is a great alternative to incontinence pads, better for the environment (washable over 200 times) with absorbencies ranging from 100ml all the way up to 650ml: • 3-layer Hydrex™ (patented)

system for total protection by containing the urine and preventing it from penetrating through the garment • Unique-Dri™ System that traps liquid and controls odour with its Silver ion anti-microbial treated fibres. Wearever underwear is seamless – so that possible pressure points that could be cause for pressure sores are minimized. If you buy a 3 pack, we guarantee the first pair for another size or style or absorbency, or refund all three, provided 2 of the 3 pairs are unused within 30 days of initial trial. Choose life - not leaks. Be confident again and visit www. or call 01923237795.

C & S Seating Postural Management C & S Seating has been providing postural control equipment to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and medical equipment services nationwide since 1991. With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable, waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material. These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying. Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes. C & S Seating is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support (APS) system. Ideal when more control of the abducted lower limb is required (See photo) which

has removable side cushions and middle pommel; this is available in small or large. Our popular range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 vibrant colours provide a softer alternative that fit easily over our standard waterproof rolls. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit us at to request or download a brochure, pricelist or order form, request an individualised quotation, speak to an advisor or to place an order. See the advert on page 10.


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Electrox Sterilising Water Electrox Sterilising Water is an ecological disinfectant that kills viruses, bacteria, spores and fungi significantly faster than bleach and other traditional disinfectants. It is 80 x more effective than bleach, no alcohol, non corrosive, pH neutral and hypoallergenic. The active substance in Electrox is hypochlorous acid, which has been successfully tested for full virucidal activity as defined in EN14476:2013, and has activity against all viruses. This includes all coronaviruses and SARSCoV-2. When used with fogging machines, Electrox can sanitise

care homes rapidly, with minimal disruption and without the harsh chemicals found in traditional disinfectants. Electrox customer Eddy Pyatt, Director of Platinum Care Homes says “We’re using Electrox Sterilising Water and the fogging machine in four of our Care Homes and have found it provides real peace of mind and assurance to our residents and their visitors. We are fogging communal areas, outdoor visiting areas in between visits and resident’s rooms within our care homes to make sure we’re providing a sanitised environment for our staff, residents and their visitors alike. We wanted a sanitising product that didn’t involve large amounts of chemicals and found Electrox to be the most cost effective of all the solutions we looked at.” Contact Electrox today: 0117 318 0830

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Sanozone. The Easy Way To Sanitise Your Indoor Spaces SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of

Care and Protect Cromwell Polythene is a major supplier of waste management solutions to the healthcare sector and an active member of the Sanitary Medical Disposal Services Association. We offer a full range of sacks for clinical waste management, from ultra-strong sacks with very high tear resistance to economically priced sacks with a high recycled content. It is essential that care staff, who work so hard to protect us, have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent the spread of infection. Our Wave® range of disposable gloves are both latex and powder free, for comfort and performance. Options available include a blue nitrile examination glove which has strong barrier properties and high resistance to oils, fats, and chemicals; synthetic examination gloves; and vinyl general purpose gloves. The gloves are packed in a way that they are dispensed ‘cuff first’ which has clear hygienic advantages. All of the gloves are tested to BS EN 455 and conform to a number of other standards. The Wave® range also includes water-soluble strip

machines use Ozone (O3) technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-toreach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at

laundry bags for the safe containment of soiled linen, with a water-soluble seal and a tie string for securing the bags. The strip and tie part of the bag dissolve in water allowing the contents to discharge into the wash. We also supply other forms of PPE such as aprons; face masks and protective plastic sheeting for receptions and other areas of work.

Airdri Launches Air Purifier To Flush Away Washroom Bacteria Airdri, a leading designer and manufacturer of hand dryers, has added a new air purifier unit to its portfolio, to tackle washroom bacteria and eliminate odours. Complementing its range of hand drying solutions, the Airdri Air Purifier uses custom thermal convection technology to kill airborne and surface bacteria and viruses, eliminating the bad odours they cause, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Offering both odour and infection control, the unit is ideal for use in busy washrooms. Its compact profile means it can sit discretely in the top corner of a washroom, yet can service the entire space, covering a floor area of up to 30m2. With minimal maintenance and low energy consumption of 10w, the Airdri Air Purifier is a green solution for providing constant sanitised washroom air. Trudi Osborne, Marketing Manager at Airdri, says “Washrooms are the primary source of infections, with many housing bacteria and viruses that are unseen to the eye. Given that in just eight hours a single bacterium can multiply into over eight million cells, it is vital to ensure washrooms are kept clean and hygienic at all times. Cleaning and disinfecting alone are only a partial solution – they do not stop ongoing surface contamination or tackle airborne bacteria. Equally, fra-

grances or fresheners simply mask the associated odours, doing nothing towards hygiene. “The Airdri Air Purifier kills both surface and airborne bacteria, removing the unpleasant odours that they bring with them. The unit processes contaminated air in the purifying chamber, emitting an efficient cleaning agent. Other solutions, which may feature a HEPA filter or have an antibacterial coating, only clean the area immediately surrounding the dryer. The Airdri Air Purifier provides a complete hygiene solution for the whole washroom ensuring that the whole environment is clean, hygienic and odour free.” For more information visit

t: 01977 686868



HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Staysafe Visor - CE-Certified PPE Manufactured in the UK Staysafe Visor is a subsidiary of 1st Packaging Ltd, a leading specialist UK plastics manufacturer founded in 2002. Used in a wide range of health and commercial settings, our high-quality recyclable CE-certified face shields offer protection against liquid droplets, sprays and splashes. Our visors are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, are anti-fog and easy to assemble. As a long-established UK company, we have been able to step up our manufacture of PPE to meet high demand during the current unprecedented circumstances. Our facilities enable us to produce well in excess of 200,000 items per week. At Staysafe Visor our experienced team takes very seriously its role in support-

ing the health of the community by helping to maintain a safer environment. Availability and affordability are the cornerstones of our operation. Because we sell directly to businesses, organisations and the general public, we are able to remove the need for intermediaries and keep costs low. We believe that we offer the most competitive rates on the market for this type of CE-certified PPE. Our high-quality products are helping to better protect employees in the NHS, care homes, education, transport, manufacturing and a host of other workplace settings. For further details about our range of visors please do not hesitate to contact our friendly expert team. See page 4 for details or visit

Haigh Engineering Resident and patient waste is a day to day practical matter that simply cannot become a problem for frontline carers and nursing staff. With the raised awareness of cross infection risks, the proven reliable waste disposal systems from Haigh are recognised more than ever as being a key part of the toolkit for ensuring that human waste is effectively and efficiently removed as a source of risk, day in day out, without the risks and complications of either washing pots or manual bagging waste for collection. The team from Haigh have been working hard to support this beyond just the manufacture of the Incomaster and Quattro

waste disposers here in the UK, but also developing innovative and safe methods to enhance the servicing provisions that are available to customers. The recently launched all-inclusive rental proposition has proven particularly effective and popular with new and existing customers alike, not least as it reduces the operational, maintenance and financing headaches from sites which have more critical matters to address. For more information about incontinence and bedpan waste disposal please feel free to contact the Haigh team on 01989 763131 or


Callero Shield for Care Homes and Clinics

For over 40 years, Gratnells Medical products have been widely used for hospital storage. From trolleys and frames, to trays and accessories, the wide range of products makes up the ideal storage solution for any medical environment. Designed with a multitude of settings in mind, the Gratnells Medical range would fit suitably into care homes, dental practices and other surgeries. The Gratnells Callero Shield range is a complete collection of products designed to offer ample storage that is easily moveable and fits neatly into any environment. Treated with BioCote® antimicrobial additive, the trays and trolleys in the range protect against the spread of various viruses, bacteria and germs. Callero Shield trolleys are available in double and treble column width and with multiple tray combinations. Suitable for the safe storage of PPE, medical files and equipment, uniform and beyond, the trolleys are easily movable between locations and can be set in place with lockable castors. They’re also popularly used as sanitation and

cleaning stations due to the ample storage space and the antimicrobial metal worksurface. The antimicrobial Gratnells Rover allows the movement of heavier loads with ease. Robust, hygienic and practical, safely carry medical equipment over any terrain and up and down stairs. With a safety strap to secure antimicrobial trays in place and the option to add antimicrobial lids to trays, contents will be safe on their journey from place to place. Recently added to the Gratnells antimicrobial range are the new SortED inserts. SortED is a new range of removable, modular inserts designed to fit and create separate sections in shallow and deep Gratnells trays. Also treated with BioCote® additive, the dishwasher safe inserts offer a safe and hygienic solution for the storage and distribution of smaller medical equipment or PPE. Browse the full Gratnells Medical range:


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Show How Much You Care with DispenserONE ®

In a world where building and operations managers in every sector fight to make their premises COVID secure and prevent the spread of coronavirus, nowhere is the importance of safe, effective hand hygiene starker than in care homes. With around 30% of all nursing and residential care home deaths attributable to coronavirus and operators striving to control its spread, conventional sanitizer dispensers are a common sight. However, such systems, with their limited capacity, reliance on batteries and fragile dosing mechanisms, can only be considered a short-term fix. For a permanent solution, professionals choose SEKO’s DispenserONE® hand sanitizer system. Designed specifically to handle the high demand for hand sanitizer during and post-COVID19, DispenserONE® features robust, revolutionary pump technology – unprecedented in hand sanitizer dispensers – that automatically delivers the same pre-defined dosage every time. That’s without the spillages typical of manual systems as their dosing mechanism wears out, meaning that as well as removing a potential slip hazard, operators can minimize product wastage. The DispenserONE® series boasts a broad capacity range that enables between 3,000 and 25,000 doses to be delivered between refills, compared to 1,000 when using traditional 1-litre systems. This allows operators to select a system ideally suited to their facility and guarantee residents, visitors and staff alike access to sanitizer 24/7 while avoiding the common problem of

dispensers running dry as busy maintenance staff struggle to keep them topped up. Meanwhile, DispenserONE®’s built-in Wi-Fi hotspot enables operators to access the unit wherever they are via smartphone, PC or laptop by logging into their personal online dashboard. This allows managers to view the live status of all their DispenserONE® units across multiple sites, using key information such as product level to ensure maintenance staff refill only when necessary. As a failsafe, operators also receive notifications when product quantity falls below a pre-set level to help guarantee sanitizer on demand. DispenserONE® helps operators to prevent virus transmission with its automatic sensoractivated delivery, using touch-free technology to ensure users do not need to contact the unit with their hands. Encapsulating the attention to detail in the system’s design is the delivery nozzle position, set at a height that makes it accessible for wheelchair users. Finally, DispenserONE®’s mains power connection frees operators of their reliance on batteries, guaranteeing continuous use and removing the environmental impact of battery disposal. Helping nursing home managers to properly protect residents, visitors and staff alike, nothing says “we care” better than DispenserONE®. Find out more – visit the dedicated DispenserONE® website today: or see the advert opposite.

New Mobile Hands-Free Wash Basins from Hygiene Does Not Stop At The Washroom says Kimberly-Clark Professional Mechline Have the X Factor Mechline Developments has extended its line-up of BaSix hand wash stations with an all new range of space-saving, mobile, hands-free basins. The range facilitates hygienic handwashing in any location—even where water, waste and electric utilities are not available—and the completely portable ‘X’ model provides double the washes per litre of any comparable product on the market. As Nick Falco, Product and Technical Director at Mechline, explains: “As Coronavirus lockdown measures are eased and many businesses reopen their sites, hand washing remains key to mitigating against the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Every business needs to encourage customers and visitors to wash their hands, especially when first entering venues, and the new BaSix mobile hands-free basin range makes this very easy to do. Models in the range are slimline, easy to manoeuvre thanks to removable castors and a splashback grab handle, and the ‘X’ model can be used in locations without any utilities at all—as it all comes integrated. This means it

can be wheeled out daily if necessary, to sit outside an establishment, and with a compact footprint of just 384 x 360mm it is an ideal and reassuring addition to entrances and other small spaces. We have also used our experience to incorporate water-saving technology into the range, adding value to the basins by providing unique water saving benefits for the end-user. Using the ultra water-saving diffuser supplied, the ‘X’ model can provide up to an impressive 304 hand washes per water container, so users can rest assured it will last a long time between refills! Furthermore, with its hands-free design, the new mobile basin maximises user hygiene. Unlike traditional taps, where the lever or handle must be touched with dirty hands, and then revisited with clean hands to turn it off, our mobile BaSix range removes the need for manual contact—reducing the risk of cross-contamination.” BaSix mobile hands-free basins are operated via a foot pump or time flow foot valve, depending on which model is required. All models can be fitted with an optional hanging bin, soap/sanitiser dispenser, and towel dispenser, to provide a complete hygiene station in any location. The ‘X’ range stores water and waste containers within the unit, which can be easily accessed via a hinged door with a ¼ turn thumb latch. For further information please contact Mechline at or call +44 (0)1908 261511

Now more than ever we all want to know that we are doing everything we can to keep ourselves, our colleagues and visitors safe and well. To do this requires understanding the science behind surface wiping and cleaning, says Kimberly-Clark Professional. We want to know that people have washed their hands properly and that places are as clean and as hygienic as possible. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends prioritising the daily cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces. Cleaning vs. Disinfecting Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and other impurities

from surfaces or objects by using detergent (or soap and water) to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals1. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection. The CDC recommends a two-step daily routine to clean frequently touched surfaces. For Step 1 clean surface with a detergent or soap and water. With Step 2 disinfect the surface using an EN-registered disinfectant. Surfaces considered hot spots for germs include computer keyboards, phones and light switches. Science indicates why these surfaces need daily hygiene protocols in addition to hand hygiene standards in facilities For more information about how to make your facility truly exceptional – a place where everyone feels equipped and empowered to contribute to a more hygienic environment – visit our hand and surface cleaning page. Workplace_Cleaning_0520


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is

exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.

Environmental Science Limited (ESL) Restructures its Business to Launch Unique and Effective Palm Tree Foaming Hand Sanitisers


Environmental Science Ltd based in March, Cambridgeshire was originally set up in 1994 and has focused primarily on the authoring of Safety ata and Workplace Activity Safety Protection (WASP) Sheets, identifying chemical hazards and providing on-site COSHH monitoring, LEV testing and risk assessment services. This core activity will continue, however due partly to the changed circumstances brought about by Covid-19, the company has made the decision to significantly expand and restructure the business. ESL has built and established trusted relationships within the UK chemical industry over the last 25 years, therefore it is a natural progression for the business to move into the development, manufacture, and distribution of hygiene products. These will include hand sanitisers, sprays, medicated soaps, surface and floor wipes and disinfectants. To facilitate these new product lines, a new business entity is being created with the name “Environmental Science Hygiene Ltd”, and the existing company is renamed as “Environmental Science Group”. Their new website is: One factor behind the change of direction for the business is that some products are being very hastily marketed during this pandemic; therefore they do not perform as efficiently as may be implied. By contrast, the team at Environmental Science are committed to pro-

ducing high quality products that are both safe and effective. They also feel it is important to provide complete transparency by supplying the relevant GHS Safety Data Sheets, Product Labels, Product Information Sheets, etc. Our Palm Tree Foaming Hand Sanitiser is unique and different from other current products for the following reasons: • The alcohol is naturally sourced and distilled from the sap of palm trees. • The palm trees are not damaged in the extraction process, so the product is both sustainable and eco-friendly. • Unlike most other sources of Ethanol, by tapping into an existing resource it means that valuable agricultural land can be used for food production instead. • The foaming action is preferred by the healthcare sector over gelbased products. • The alcohol content is in excess of 60% as recommended by the World Health Organisation. • Conforms to the European Standard EN1276. For further information, please contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1354 653 222 Email: Web:


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL CTU Services' Thermal Access System With the introduction of various measures to constrain and manage the emergency of COVID-19 in the UK, CTU Services Thermal Access System presents the ideal solution. To address the challenge of social distancing many public places are implementing restrictions on customer flow. This includes locations such as the hospitality industry and the retail sector. CTU Services perfectly resolves the problem of "how to accurately and efficiently control customer flow in a premises" Their system detects how many people are present in the targeted area and display the figure in real-time. If the capacity is reached the system's display immediately indicates no more people should enter. The two systems that CTU Services supply can be merged together to give you more security and social distancing. The Thermal camera can be wall mounted or comes on a sleek stand. It will also notify

any number of members of staff of any issues with potential clients entering the premisses via text or email. • Facial recognition is fully integrated with body temperature monitoring. This means no additional staff are required. • The solution is contactless, reducing the risk of cross infection. • Extensive storage of facial images and temperature information enabling easy historical access. • Fast facial recognition and temperature monitoring reducing access congestion. In Scotland will detect if you are or are not wearing a mask / face covering. • Integration with third party products such as turnstiles and VMS. See a demonstration of the system at For further information, see the advert this page, call 01257 477060 or visit

Airox Face Masks - Protection. Quality. Comfort. Airox face masks are made from advanced textile technology from Baltex one of the UK's leading textile companies. They provide you comfort and security. The Airox AX100 and Airox AX110 are textile face covering masks produced with stretchy 3XD Spacer fabric - developed for medical textiles by our parent company Baltex in the UK. It provides: • Snug fit and comfort • Good coverage of face and mouth

• Anti-bacterial • Machine washable - 40oC • Breathable • Reusable • Treated with Viral Off treatment* The fabric is made from Polyester and Lycra and is treated with a durable water repellent finish to avoid the absorption of droplets. They are also anti-bacterial reducing odour and providing superior comfort compared to basic textile masks. Many masks are made from Cotton and will absorb moisture and water droplets. For further information and to order, please visit


LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS A Reliable Service Partner is Key to an Efficient Laundry Function - FORBES PROFESSIONAL A laundry function is a central service in any care home and commercial laundry equipment is an important procurement area in terms of hygiene adherence, day-to-day logistical operations and financial projections. As such, it is vital to source the right service partner, who will support the smooth running of your operation and offer the relevant industry, planning and technical advice. You need to ensure the reliability and stability of any supplier, and to feel confident that they are capable of delivering a service that you can depend upon. Forbes Professional has been providing an awarding winning first class customer service since 1926 and has a solid understanding of the specific requirements of the healthcare sector. With depots across The South East, The Midlands, The South West, The North East and Scotland, we deliver a local service on a nationwide basis. We have flexible finance options and can provide commercial washers, dryers, rotary ironers and dishwashers on a rental, lease or purchase basis. We can also provide chemical detergents and auto-dosing equipment for a complete solution. From the initial site survey, we assume a consultative and advisory approach to business, with all clients being assigned a dedicated account manager who remains their contact for all on-going account management or service requirements. We advise upon all plumbing, electrical and regulation requirements, and ensure that the right product decisions are made for the

specific project. Our team of manufacturer and City and Guilds trained field engineers fully install and commission all equipment, as well as providing any necessary user training to enable the products to be fully optimised. Forbes runs a centralised administrative and customer support operation from our head office in Surrey, which enables us to deliver a streamlined and efficient response to our clients. If a service requirement arises, we provide a same/next day engineer response. Our clients have total peace of mind in that they know that they will receive the on-going service that their organisation requires. For more information contact Forbes Professional or 0345 0702335.

Please go on our website to see the new range of Dishwasher proof ID labels which can also be stuck onto textiles.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose LaundryTec Chester based LaundryTec since its foundation in early 2016 has become one of Alliance Internationals major UK distributers. Founded by Jeremy Hartigan, the team of industry professionals with the backing of the Alliance Lavamac brand and supported by its service partner PDS Laundry based in Nuneaton. They supply a significant number of the UK’s leading health care operators with equipment, installation and after sale support. The LaundryTec designs offer not only washing, drying and ironing equipment but a full range of handling, distribution, folding and identification systems, to create a fully functioning laundry complete with all items necessary for efficient operation. Every LaundryTec machine includes full installation options, including the removal and disposal of an existing machine. A training program and a minimum of 24

months part and labour warranty. The environment is at the forefront of every operator’s mind. Standard specification on a Lavamac machine includes functions that automatically weigh and control the energy input into the machine and store the data in the machines memory. Our LS range of electric heat pump dryers require no ventilation or gas services and operates at 3kw per hour.

5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE LAUNDRYTEC 1. Cost 2. Efficiency 3. Service 4. Design 5. Innovation Telephone 0151 317 3127 Web

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Washer Extractors

Tumble Dryers

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Flatwork Ironers

Other Equipment



Care Home Kitchens

Brian Wheatly

Robert Bywell

With the diverse range of dietary and health needs to cater for, the catering operation within any care setting needs to be well conceived and well equipped, particularly post-pandemic. When designing a care home kitchen, making considered choices on equipment to invest in is just one part of the process. Brian Wheatley from The Litmus Partnership and Robert Bywell from the Airedale Group both discuss the factors care homes should consider when designing a kitchen and, more importantly, how to achieve ongoing value and significant budgetary savings. The pandemic shone a light on care establishments like never before, and while many thousands of people stayed at home during lockdown, the care sector and its staff stepped up. The pandemic bought home how vitally important the sector is. It’s quite literally the frontline. With 400,000 older people in care homes in the UK , and an anticipated additional 8.6million people aged 65 years and over in 50 years , the number of people in care homes is likely to grow in the future. This means more pressure will be put on all service areas of care homes, including the catering operation. Brian Wheatley, Partner at Litmus, that provides catering and facilities management consultancy to the care sector, says: “The care sector is catering for diverse and complicated dietary requirements. Around 70% of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory problems , others may be suffering from dysphagia and therefore require texture-modified foods; there are many issues that a care home catering team face, as well as ensuring nutritional standards are met. “Not only this, but budgets can also be challenging. When reviewing the catering operation and kitchen design within a care home setting, taking into account the diverse range of specifications required can be

complex. Each setting is different and unique. However, there are some key factors that all care homes should consider when designing the kitchen.” Every day, care homes are producing three meals a day plus light refreshments in-between. Given the volume of use, considering overall equipment life cost is important. It’s not simply a case of looking at the upfront investment of the equipment; it’s also about assessing the energy and utility costs, evaluating against induction vs gas equipment as well as other factors such as waste management. Robert Bywell, Chief Executive of Airedale Group, explains the importance meal volume and care home layout has on choosing the right equipment. “Where meal production volumes are above a certain threshold it is worth considering equipment that targets and reduces volume of waste. As the average equipment lifecycle is 7-10 years, it’s likely that further regulations will be introduced on managing waste over this time period and therefore it’s sensible to consider this early in the design cycle. “Food safety and hygiene is also of paramount importance for vulnerable residents – particularly postpandemic. Food Safety Management Systems will be reviewed in line with COVID-19 and this in turn will impact on both the design and kit specifications. For example, the volume of food may be able to be contained within one fridge, but new, more stringent hygiene measures may mean food needs further separation. Equally, investing in ovens that use probes to test protein temperatures to reduce the risk of Salmonella or E-coli may be deemed a necessity, not just a consideration. “Depending on the layout of the care home, the journey the food will take to the residents, and the fact some will eat in the dining area and some will eat in their room, will also impact on equipment decisions. For example, specialist delivery trolleys can help ensure food quality is consistent throughout the home.” The ongoing maintenance of the kitchen operation is also important. In order to budget effectively means care homes not only running efficiently but also avoiding any unexpected costs that can have significant financial implications. Brian Wheatley, says: “As care homes are open and running year round, having kitchen equipment fail, and therefore a food service not being available for a period of time, simply isn’t an option. However, if a care home doesn’t carry ‘spares’ what happens when something does break? The time and cost to repair equipment that fails out of the blue is three to five times more expensive than the cost of making a planned repair of the same equipment prior to failure. Managing assets is therefore key and saves substantial sums of money. “Auditing the assets and getting a life cycle planning programme in place means the focus is on finding, managing and maintaining solutions that work over the lifetime of an asset. Get this right and care homes can generate wealth from within their own walls, saving sums that were once used on costly, unplanned fixes, and divert them into equipment and facility upgrades or extra staffing.” There is also emerging technologies that are allowing for some new ways of working. Robert Bywell says: “Remote Monitoring uses sensors to take readings from key equipment like walk-in fridges, ventilation systems, combi ovens and dishwashers. These readings are fed back to a central hub and built-in alarms sound when a reading is outside an agreed parameter. This allows the maintenance company to get prior warning of deteriorating componentry or operator errors, meaning issues can often be resolved before the equipment fails.” A well designed kitchen is much more than just a functional space - it has a ripple effect throughout the entire establishment. It means food quality is consistent for every resident. It means specialist dietary requirements can be met and catered for. It means budgets can be planned with confidence, and unplanned, expensive equipment breakages are no longer a challenge. It means a care home can thrive, instead of just survive. For further information please visit and

Martin McKee’s Croque Madame

INGREDIENTS Sandwich • • • • • • •

20 slices of thick white bread 20 British Lion eggs 20 honey roast ham 2 red onions 150 grated mature cheddar 150 grated Gruyère cheese 50g butter (soft)


Bechamel • • • • • •

90g butter (unsalted) 90g plain flour 1/4 tsp English mustard 100g milk powder 900ml milk (whole fat) 50g grated parmesan

Serves: 10 Allergens: Eggs, wheat, milk

1. To make the Béchamel, fortify the milk with milk powder in a pan. In a separate pan, combine the melted butter with flour. Slowly incorporate the butter on a medium heat until it’s smooth. Add the parmesan, mustard and salt and pepper. 2. To make the sandwich, spread each slice of bread with the Béchamel before adding some ham, red onion, Gruyère cheese, cheddar and pepper. 3. Spread the top slice of bread with butter. Heat a pan on a medium heat and place the sandwich butter side down with a little extra butter and fry on each side. 4. Remove from the heat, top with more Béchamel and cheese and place in the oven to finish cooking at 170°C for 3 – 4 minutes (fan oven). 5. Remove the fried sandwich and top with a sunny side up British Lion egg. 6. Serve with a fresh tossed mixed salad with red onion, mixed peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, radish and carrot. Recipe courtesy of For more information please call the British Egg Information Service on 020 7052 8899



Are You in Need of Dysphagia Training ? *

*This training is intended for healthcare professionals only. Did you know that between 50-75% of nursing home residents suffer from dysphagia1? Nutricia has a training solution for you, a FREE e-learning covering the fundamentals of dysphagia management using Nutilis Clear. The training is divided into 4 sections and has been specially designed for busy health and social care staff caring for people living with dysphagia. It takes 60 minutes in total to complete, however you can complete one section at a time.

HOW CAN THIS TRAINING HELP YOU? • Easy & convenient online solution to dysphagia training • Visibility to track progress in your care home • Raise the quality standard of dysphagia care in a consistent way The quality standards aim is for all new health and social care staff members caring for patients with Dysphagia to complete the modules as part of their induction programme. Existing health and

social care staff members should also complete the learning to support their continuing professional development. There is a certificate that can be downloaded once the training has been successfully completed. Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code to access the e-learning and get started! For any questions contact your local Nutricia sales representative or our Resource Centre at Nutilis Clear is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of dysphagia and must be used under medical supervision. Reference: 1. O’Loughlin G, Shanley C. Swallowing problems in the nursing home: a novel training response. Dysphagia 1998; 13, 172183.( See the advert on page 37 for further information.

Renowned Care Home Chef Launches A Series Of Cracking Lion Egg Dishes NACC Care Chef of the Year, Martin McKee, has created a series of new videos showing how Lion eggs can bring inspiration to care home menus across the country. The recipes have been developed to reflect the growing trend for menu simplification that has been seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The five easy-to-make recipes have been tailored to meet various nutritional requirements of residents, ranging from undernourishment, to dementia, or dysphagia. The dishes, designed to serve 10 or more people, include: an egg and bacon breakfast muffin; salmon and broccoli stuffed pepper with baked egg; smoked bacon, scrambled egg and potato waffles; spinach, ricotta and cherry tomato frittata; chocolate fondant with vanilla bean ice cream; and Mediterranean vegetable scotch eggs. The latest Food Standards Agency advice means that vulnerable groups, including care home residents, can eat runny, or even raw, eggs, as long as they are produced to British Lion standards. Eggs meeting the Lion standard will carry a red

Lion and best before date on every egg. Previously, care homes had to restrict the way they served eggs, but they can now make the most of this nutritious, versatile, and cost-effective food. Martin said: ‘’Eggs are an essential ingredient in every kitchen, and it is brilliant that we can now serve them runny as long as they meet Lion standards. The recipes I’ve created are easy to replicate and have been designed to make the most of the nutritional benefits of eggs, including key vitamins and minerals, as well as providing an abundance of protein which is vital for care home residents’ diets. ‘’I always use British Lion eggs and I would strongly urge any other care home chef to follow suit when sourcing and cooking with eggs, to guarantee highquality, safe dishes.’’ The video recipes are available to view on British Lion eggs YouTube channel and can also be found on See the advert on page 19 for further information.

Microwave Specialist Launches Its Biggest Ever Giveaway Regale Microwave Ovens is offering a free Panasonic rice cooker with every purchase of some of the brand’s microwave ovens. Users can now benefit from a free Panasonic rice cooker when they certain Panasonic microwaves via specialist supplier, Regale Microwave Ovens. Panasonic Rice Cookers are Ideal for cooking porridge at breakfast and keeps it hot for late risers when on standby without it drying out! One of the models where the giveaway applies is the Panasonic NE-1878, a 1,800W inverter-powered microwave designed to feature the benefits of an all metal door. With each purchase, companies can receive a free model SRGA421 rice cooker, worth over £120, which will also come with 2kg of FOC Tilda rice inside. All enquiries received by Regale will be passed to the nearest geographical dealer, and both units will be dispatched by Regale to the operators on the UK mainland with next day delivery, free of charge. There are three other Panasonic ovens included in the promotion, but these

qualifying for a FOC 7.2L Panasonic rice cooker. The ovens are the:• Panasonic NE-C1275 13A plug-in combination microwave oven with ‘five-way’ cooking methods. • Panasonic NE-1880 & NE-3280. The extra-large and very powerful microwave ovens can take 2 x full size (1:1) Gastronorm pans. • Each of these ovens comes with a 7.2litre Panasonic (model SRGA721) rice cooker, Free Of Charge. Each rice cooker comes with a complimentary 5kg of Tilda Basmati rice. Furthermore, Regale will deliver the equipment free to any UK mainland operator on the next working day. Regale deputy MD Iain Phillips said: “Of course there are a few terms and conditions with this fantastic giveaway, the main one being that it is restricted to ‘whilst stocks last’, however we are hoping that we can run it from now to somewhere towards the end of August.” See the advert on page 10 for details or call 01329 285518..

EF Group Launches CaterCloud - The Secret Ingredient for Menu Management Success Manchester-based, EF Group has announced it is offering free for life access to its new cloud-based, menu management platform, CaterCloud, which launched this week. The easy-to-use, next generation allergen, nutrition, menu planning and costing system offers a wealth of enhanced functionality to help caterers gain significant efficiencies in their operations, to control costs and increase profits. CaterCloud helps businesses ensure food safety remains a key focus. With food labelling regulations set to change in October 2021, as a result of Natasha’s Law, all England-based businesses working in the food industry will be required to clearly label all foods produced and packed on their premises with a full list of ingredients detailing the full allergen profile. Designed to help businesses prepare for this upcoming regulation, CaterCloud provides sub-allergen information and tagging; QR Code scanning for live allergen and nutritional information, along with the ability to print Natasha’s Law compliant food labels. CaterCloud also offers customers access to a range of accredited training for allergen awareness and food safety. CaterCloud’s innovative functionality also boasts many other benefits to enable simple menu management for caterers across the hospitality, healthcare, education and retail sectors. It offers effective menu planning with dish and menu costings; access to a nutritional database with 1,000s of ingredients and customisable dashboards to record KPIs.

Users of CaterCloud can also join the e-foods’ Buyers’ Club and benefit from its substantial buying power. The Buyers’ Club is made up of a network of trusted accredited suppliers across the UK. Users can purchase food and non-food goods from these suppliers with savings of between 5 to 10%. Paul Mizen, Chief Executive, EF Group said: “The service industries are moving at pace towards technology to help meet their stock ordering,

menu planning and compliance challenges. Our experience shows that there is increasing demand for more advanced dish and menu costing tools, as well as detailed, easy to use product data. “Catering managers require their menu management software to seamlessly integrate with their ordering systems and demand best value from their food suppliers. With CaterCloud, we will remain at the forefront of delivering the innovative features the industry needs. “The entire catering industry has been heavily impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic and as businesses work hard to recover, we are providing CaterCloud for free to help maximise efficiencies and reduce costs. This is our way of giving something back to the industry upon which our business is founded.” CaterCloud is a web-based menu planning, nutrition, allergen and costing system which is part of the E-F Group. CaterCloud helps hundreds of hospitality businesses deliver performance and control costs while reducing food safety risks. CaterCloud is committed to innovation in food management, its leading-edge platform helps to manage food offerings from front desk to kitchens, with the aim of improving efficiency in catering operations. Live menu costings help businesses to see how their business is performing every day, enabling them to focus on producing quality food and increasing profitability. CaterCloud’s clients are mainly in the following sectors: healthcare, education, hospitality and retail. For more information, see the advert on the facing page.




have spares, enhancements and expertise for wired and wireless systems abandoned by the original manufacturer, whoever they are.

Call us on 01252-330220 We can give most systems a new lease of life and maintain them into the future. Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

At Call Aid UK we like to let our clients speak for us! “We were introduced to the PAM system a year ago and are delighted with the difference it has made since its introduction. The system is very reliable and offers a couple of sound options for day and night mode, ensuring that residents are not disturbed during quiet hours. The system notifies you as soon as movement is detected which in many cases decreases the risk of falls. Call Aid are also helpful and offer a personalised service. We have a single point of contact that ensures actions are taken quickly if required and also contact us to see how

we are getting on. I cannot fault the system nor the services “ West Lodge Nursing Home Call Aid UK is an electronics design and manufacturing company specialising in providing electronic solutions to the healthcare market. We are committed to delivering innovative solutions with easy to use systems and we recognise the importance of listening to our customers’ needs. We produce systems that use the latest technology, compliment the decor and are competitively priced. Visit or see the advert on this page for details.

TumbleCare from Easylink Medpage Limited T/A Easylink UK was established in 1984 after the invention of an alarm clock to wake deaf people. The “Shake Awake” set a new precedent in quality standards for products designed for sensory care, notoriously at the time – rubbish. The company invented a new device for the detection of nocturnal epileptic seizures in 1994, which also set a new precedent for quality, especially after the company achieved certified medical accreditation. We could boast and say we have supplied more seizure detection monitors than any other company in UK. You could say we are innovators; we are and very proud of it. To constantly adapt to changes in demands for care technologies, remain competitive and continue to develop new care solutions it takes more than intelligence, it takes passion. Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, failing economy, factories closing and international shipping facing the worst crisis

ever known, we have battled through. At the start of the lockdown we supplied the NHS and Local Authorities with over 2000 bed occupancy detection alarm systems, many of them used to enable long term patients to be discharged from hospital to free up beds for COVID victims. Independent living support was and is essential during this pandemic. Now we launch our new brand. TumbleCare. The TumbleCare brand is a range of fall detection and prevention products focussing on affordable quality and product performance. The products are tough, easy to set, use and provide carers with reliable advance warning notification of potential falls. Visit our website. Firstly, you’ll be amazed at the variety of care solutions we offer, then blown away by our realistically fair pricing. Visit or see the advert on page 2 for details.



Wireless Fall Prevention A Digital Future of Care in a Post COVID-19 Era By Ben Kilbey – Business Development Manager, Spearhead Healthcare

The last thing any care home wants to have to deal with is an elderly resident falling in their home. However, with over 255,000 hospital admissions in England a year relating to the elderly suffering injury after a fall, being alert and aware as soon as a fall happens is critically important in the administration of aid; as well as helping reduce emotional distress. For years, the care industry has used a tremendous range of call alert solutions to help care home staff respond to these falls quickly and easily. The most popular and regularly used of these are systems which plug in to nurse call systems. Nonetheless, these come with their own issues and can often create their own risks in regard to falling; largely in the use of trailing cables that need to be plugged in to make them work. These potential trip hazards can cause the exact issues they are trying to prevent. But with new innovations come new solutions, and we are increasingly seeing a range of wireless solutions that provide a variety of benefits. Below we list things to look out for when selecting these systems:

NO LOOSE WIRES When looking at a wireless solution, make sure it truly is wireless and that any receivers, or sending features on the items are contained and are not left loose where someone can catch a foot on it, or accidently rip it out.

WIRELESS CALL BUTTONS Care home staff cannot be chained to their desk and need to be checking on residents and conducting all the

Edison Telecom We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy”, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain? We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further exten-

duties that are required to create a smooth-running home, filled with happy residents. A wireless alert that can be carried in a pocket allows the user to respond as swiftly as possible to potential falls, helping homes provide the highest level of care. A centralized alert system is an option that also presents many benefits, as homes can ensure that the right person in the right place is alerted in a timely manner. Making sure that a system works both centrally and on the move, giving you the best range of options to help provide a high level of care.

PLUGS While this might very well be viewed as a smaller issue, nurse call systems come with a huge variety of plug types; and ensuring that your receivers have the correct plugs for your call system is key.

LOOK AND FEEL Make sure the system you choose is as unobtrusive as possible. Often fall prevention equipment is designed to be as hidden as possible. Should the item be particularly obvious make sure you are happy it fits as well as possible into the decor of the room it sits in and think about choosing a floormat that corresponds with the flooring in the room e.g. wood effect vinyl or carpet. Spearhead are proud to distribute the entire Alerta wireless range that has been launched this year. For further information visit sion to life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.”

After 50 years being at the forefront of advances in Nurse Call solutions, Courtney Thorne continue to develop solutions which now seem more relevant and important than at any time before. The introduction of digital care planning and medication solutions has enabled forward thinking care homeowners to go paperless, giving more accurate, timely and readily available information on those in their care. These same digital devices, tablets and smart mobiles can now be used to view calls and emergencies generated by a Courtney Thorne nurse call system. Both new installations and many existing Courtney Thorne systems can benefit with calls being delivered straight to the carer. Monitoring of resident’s care planning and medications are just two areas that reduces the amount of paperwork and administration, freeing up carers to spend more time actually caring. The monitoring of the caring staff themselves can become arduous and time consuming for management, not with a Courtney Thorne nurse call solution. The introduction of Staff ID tags of fobs is nothing new, there are so called systems on the market which use simple magnets which carers need to remember to press onto a room sensor when they attend, and again when they leave a resident’s room. With Courtney Thorne’s Altra Tag the process of logging who attended, what time they attended and how long they remained in the resident’s room is all logged automatically and seamlessly. No longer are there management and staff disputes about forgetting to “fob in/fob out”. The volume and detail of the data captured automatically by a Courtney Thorne nurse call system is vast. All the data is available to management using the reporting function built into the main touch screen server. However, where visiting the home is difficult due to COVID-19 restrictions or time and distance problems, owners and managers may find retrieving data difficult, resulting in a lack of monitoring and possible reduction in quality of care delivered. Courtney Thorne’s CT-Cloud service provides ready complied, detailed reports daily, coupled with a “live” view of all data contained in the server from any location with an internet connection. Carrying out regular checks on sleeping residents is

time consuming and often counter-productive as residents often wake, have poor sleep and can even fall after attempting to use the toilet once awake. Acoustic monitoring means that only those who actually need assistance get it, those who are sound asleep do not get disturbed and carers can concentrate on more productive tasks. So, in this new COVID-19 and Digital world what other new solutions are on the horizon? Nurse call devices around a care home become intelligent enough to identify a resident in need. Already we can measure changes in levels of noise, but monitoring light, temperature coupled with wearable devices monitoring vital signs, now a deterioration in a resident’s wellbeing can raise an alert or be recorded. A resident ‘connected’ with a wearable device can have their movement, location, heart rate, sleep, blood pressure etc., monitored automatically. Instead of intrusive, often unsocial physical monitoring, at-risk residents have vital signs checked and recorded continuously. If an emergency occurs, the nurse call system will still summon help, only now one of its key functions will be to record, store and make available critical data. Thereby reducing the touch points, minimising transmission of disease, freeing up carers time and providing a safer and healthier life for both residents and staff. For further information visit or see the advert below.


TECHNOLOGY & SOFTWARE Putting the ‘Home’ Back into Care Homes: How Innovative Technologies Can Help Carers Give Residents a Better Quality of Life By Phillip Moorcraft, UK Director, CLB ( When a person moves into a residential care home, the quality of their medical and social care is hugely important to that individual and their loved ones. However, they also want a place that feels genuinely welcoming and homely, and which allows its residents to enjoy appropriate levels of privacy and independence. Striking that delicate balance, between providing a ‘home from home’ and ensuring that residents’ medical and social care needs are met, can be hard for residents, families and care home staff alike. And it is a widespread problem – with about 21,556 care homes in the UK alone, there is lots of pressure on care staff to make residents feel ‘at home’, while also meeting each person’s (often complex) needs. This pressure has greatly intensified with the challenges of the pandemic. Technologies can ease the pressure of regular and unnecessary ad-hoc welfare checks on top of providing personal quality care, while giving residents more privacy and independence. For example, acoustic monitoring technology, which has been used in many countries worldwide for more than 25 years, can monitor for adverse events and reduce their potential to cause life-changing effects. What is more, residents with acoustic monitoring can establish better sleep patterns because they are less frequently disturbed by staff visits, and better sleep conveys multiple health and wellbeing benefits. Meanwhile, the technology alerts staff as soon as an event occurs, which also improves quality of life and can make a crucial – even life-saving – difference to medical outcomes in the case of health emergencies. Furthermore, acoustic monitoring gives greater privacy and autonomy for each resident. For example, those who prefer to go to bed later/earlier than their peers are no longer restricted by the facility’s monitoring schedule and can enjoy more flexibility, and those with particular concerns about privacy can be left in peace without having to compromise their safety. What do good care homes provide? The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told service users and those who care for them what they should expect of a good care home. The expectation that residents will be treated with respect and able to exercise their rights (to privacy, to self-determination, to care of high quality, to dignity) is woven like a golden thread through that document. No reasonable care professional would argue with those values, but they can be tough to achieve simultaneously. The need to monitor residents is a prime example. Many homes carry out periodic checks on residents – often, every two hours or so – and this is a critical element of providing good social/clinical care. However, it is also highly disruptive for patients, who may be disturbed several times during the night, and it takes carers away from other duties. Residents who are disturbed during the night (even for the best of reasons) may suffer chronic or recurrent sleep deprivation, which has a serious impact on their quality of life. Sleep deprivation causes grogginess, mood changes (in some cases, aggression, anxiety or

depression) and increases vulnerability to illness. So, an action that is intended to protect a resident can also make them ill. Meanwhile, carers may become frustrated with the constant need to interrupt whatever they are doing to carry out welfare checks, particularly if this takes them away from providing personalised care for individuals, and their morale, along with the broader functionality and productivity of the care home, can suffer as a result. Acoustic technology meets the needs of care home staff and residents Unsurprisingly, some care homes have tried to solve this problem with technology. And the CQC agrees that care homes’ use of innovative technology is key to maximising their performance. The challenge lies in knowing which type of technology to use. For example, some care homes have used voice and video baby monitors, or alarmed mats that detect movement. However, these are primarily for domestic use and often cannot cope with the demands of a care home. They can be hard to maintain and may not have an appropriate radio frequency; all are intrusive but video monitors in particular compromise residents’ privacy. And they can lead to a delayed response by care staff, which has significant implications in time-critical events like a heart attack or stroke. Acoustic technology, in contrast, is not intrusive and has been designed for care home settings. Acoustic technology allows individual sensitivity settings for each resident and will alert staff when the thresholds are exceeded. It is highly accurate, so will sound if a resident falls, for example, or if a resident (e.g. with mobility problems) tries to get out of bed. When acoustic technology is used in an intelligent nurse alert system, it monitors resident welfare with a high level of accuracy. When triggered, an alert is sent to a professional operator who can assess the situation and forward the alarm directly to a carer’s device if applicable. That allows an immediate response, giving the resident the best outcome, including in cases of medical emergency. Acoustic technology also reduces adverse events, thanks to the quality and consistency of its monitoring that allows swift and preventive action. For example, it reduced resident falls by 35% in one facility. Meanwhile, carers can reduce the number of in-person visits and can maintain their focus on other work, such as meeting the needs of individual residents, which increases morale and productivity. For the residents, acoustic monitoring delivers the privacy, dignity, self-determination and appropriate independence that good care homes provide for their residents. It gives them a more relaxing and homely environment and allows healthy sleep cycles that enhance their quality of life. Above all, it keeps them safe. It is time for care homes to make technologies work for them The pandemic has caused much anxiety for care home providers, residents and their families. It has also focused national attention, perhaps more than ever before, on the most vulnerable members of our society and the people who dedicate their lives to caring for them. It has been an incredibly hard and draining time. Innovative technologies in care homes, such as acoustic monitoring, provide an exciting opportunity to move the emphasis from intrusive and unnecessary checks to discreet, yet continuous, monitoring that gives both residents and carers the comfort and security that a home should have. By putting the right technology to work in care homes, we can relieve that burden and grow a care sector that genuinely provides the relaxing and homely environment that all residents, families and staff desire, along with the top-quality care and working conditions they deserve.

Workforce Scheduling Solutions Workforce Scheduling Solutions deliver Electronic Time & Attendance systems worldwide, using the latest Face Recognition technology.

Why should care homes move from paper to electronic time sheets

The industry is under considerable financial pressures. An efficient electronic booking on/off system that will schedule, provide budgets, calculate hours worked, overtime and absence such as sickness and holiday entitlement will save Time and Money.

How is time and money saved by doing things electronically?

Collecting payroll information from paper timesheets can be slow, prone to errors, and very labour intensive. Staff rosters can be produced as far in advance as practical and accurate within budgeted hours. Staff book on and off-duty electronically, thus eliminating any time errors. Wage queries are virtually eliminated and immediate checks can be made without wading through reams of paper which invariably are inaccurate, misfiled or even 'lost".

There are many systems on the market - Why facial recognition is important and how it works

Some systems use tokens, which can be lost or left at home, requiring management involvement in the booking on/off procedure. Fingerprint systems can be beaten and Social media is awash with ways to copy fingerprints. Face recognition combined with a staff PIN is simple to use and manage using touch screen technology and web cams. Staff see their image displayed immediately when booking on or off and confirms their identity visually. It provides the best deterrent available as it builds a greater 'image knowledge’ of each employee, a picture is worth a thousand words. Eliminates 'buddy punching' where employees can book colleagues on/off duty using someone’s tokens, swipe card or even fingerprint.

How is data protected?

With the correct security setup computer systems provide more data protection than paper-based records which can be easily removed or stolen. GDPR covers all data including paper records and therefore the chances of infringing the rules and incurring fines is greater with paper.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Technology in a Post-Covid World Let’s not beat around the bush: It’s been a terrible year so far. Healthcare around the world has been pushed to the limits. Here in the UK our amazing NHS pulled out all the stops, despite being hugely underfunded even before the pandemic. The unsung heroes were the Social Care sector. We heard many appalling stories of both staff and residents falling victim to this indiscriminatory virus and but also stories of people’s love and determination to help the more vulnerable amongst us. As we move towards a new post lockdown phase, we ask ourselves: How have we survived so far and what does the future have in store? Since the prime minister announced in March that we were to stay at home, we have clung on to two factors to help our mental health manage the dramatic change to our lives: long walks and video conferencing and sometimes, but not being too over indulgent, both at the same time. As many of us prepare to work from home, the discovery of “Zoom”, mainly known as a colourful ice lolly to many before March, transformed the way we began to communicate. Zoom saw its number of users explode from 10 million a day to 200 million over lockdown. Video conferencing isn’t just for business though. It allowed families and friends to remain connected throughout. Crowd funding appeals began to help raise money to pay for tablets. These were given to residents in care homes to ensure they too weren’t missing out on the digital party. It’s not just the video conferencing either. We’ve exercised with Joe Wicks and we’ve written

or partaken in online quizzes. Most of us have had more time to interact with friends and family because other distractions have been taken away. Now we’ve been able to move away from lockdown thanks to government initiatives such as Test and Trace. So, we must ask ourselves, where would we have been without technology? Amazingly, despite most of us having access to computers, tablets and smart phones, almost three quarters of our sector are still operating paper-based systems within their homes? We have fully embraced technology for our personal use, but why not our business? We’ve relied on it for months, it’s enriched our lives, imagine what it could do in our places of work. Will changing to a computer-based care system, like Ablyss CMS, change our lives? No. But, will it make a positive impact to the way we operate and run our businesses? Yes. We need to learn from the lessons of 2020. We don’t know what’s around the corner, so it’s impossible to be ready for the next challenge. But we can do our best to be prepared. The future is not written on a piece of paper, it is changeable, it will adapt and will, occasionally, throw us a Covid-shaped curve ball! We need adaptive systems in place to help us navigate the road ahead. We need to fully embrace and invest in the technology and advances that are available to us. Put faith in technology. We’ve tested it to its limits and now we know, we DO need it. See the advert on this page for more information about Ablyss.

Mainteno Facilities Maintenance and Management Software Whether it’s managing planned maintenance or dealing with fault repairs, Mainteno simplifies the day-to-day maintenance of almost any organisation. Mainteno also seamlessly incorporates asset management and tracking. Mainteno streamlines every aspect of the maintenance management process, saving your organisation time and money.

USABILITY MADE AFFORDABLE Mainteno was designed with practicality in mind. The interface is so intuitive that basic operation can be learned in minutes, and you can be a power user in one afternoon. Elegant usability usually means a hefty price tag. However, our pricing structure means that for small organisations, Mainteno can cost as little as two cups

of coffee a month. No set-up fees, no lengthy contracts and a free trial, all mean that the system starts paying for itself straight away. Dr Asif Raja, Bsc MBBS Summercare Managing Director says “Facing significant challenges of ever increasing quality and compliance demands upon time and resources as well considerable economic pressures, Summercare, an award winning provider of residential care and housing related support, sought to upgrade their systems for managing the property and environmental aspects of its service delivery. After an extensive period of investigation and research Mainteno was selected as the platform of choice for the entire organization based on its ease of use, very short-term contract, quick set up and ongoing support.” Visit, Tel: 020 8798 3713 or email

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Covid19: Accelerating the Use of Digital Technology in Healthcare As this crisis impacts every part of the health sector, significant vulnerabilities are being exposed. The NHS ‘digital revolution’ has long been touted as the key to futureproofing both Social Care and our health service in the face of increasing patient demand. That demand has now reached unprecedented levels and seems unlikely ever to revert to previous trends; against that background; there is an urgent requirement to move quickly to realise the opportunities which are available from digital technology. It is no longer an interesting speculation; it is an essential requirement to support staff and save lives. (Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell)

when invoicing? How many industries with shift workers rely on manual payroll processing outside the care sector? Repeatable systems should harness the power of technology to cut back the massive waste of man hours spent processing and checking manual tasks. In order to work out the best technology for your needs, you should assess your current systems against your requirements. Think about what inefficiencies exist in your homes and how you could: 1. Capture relevant information, such as resident/staff details, in a simple, time-efficient way. 2. Manage your documents to ensure that information is dealt with logically. 3. Avoid duplication at all costs; completing handwritten timesheets which then need to be manually inputted into payroll is a massive, unnecessary waste of time & manpower. 4. Address technological obstacles. The perception that your staffs are not IT literate is out of date; most people own a smart phone so yes they are! See for details or see the advert on page 17.

USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY Poor efficiencies in many areas of the sector are caused by the lack of investment in technology. Technology will improve the way your staff carry out tasks by either speed up existing processes or allowing new, more flexible and accurate ways of carrying out a job or process which will in turn enables live real time management information. Would you expect to check out of a hotel with an invoice and extras raised in Word or Excel so why do many operators still use this method

WristPIT from Pinpoint The WristPIT from Pinpoint,is a bespoke patient call transmitter designed to be worn on the wrist. This wrist-worn personal infrared transmitter (WristPIT) is easily accessible and allows patients to activate a call for even if they are away from their bed or a fixed call-point. Pinpoint’s renowned PIT technology (usually worn by staff for personal safety) has, for the first time, been designed around patient use. The WristPIT can withstand showering and brief submersion in water and also incorporates antimicrobial product protection, reducing the ability for bacteria to grow. According to figures published by the National Reporting and Learning System, around 250,000 incidents where patients required assistance in hospital were reported in 2015/16. In many cases, nursing staff remained unaware that a patient had had a fall for quite some time.

Pressing the clearly labelled call button on the WristPIT notifies the personnel on duty that a patient is requesting help and informs staff exactly where the patient is. The call button is recessed and surrounded by a bump guard to prevent false alarms. Pinpoint Alarm Systems are installed in thousands of medical facilities throughout the UK and USA. The new WristPIT is backward compatible and easily integrated into existing Pinpoint Systems. A green LED indicates the WristPIT is ‘activated’ with good battery level. When the battery requires changing, the LED flashes red until the battery is changed and the device has been retested. In addition to being water-resistant, the WristPIT has been designed to withstand harsh environments and user tampering, meaning suitability for facilities where service users may be at risk of self-harm. For more information: or see the advert on this page.

CARE VISION – Outstanding Care is at the Heart of Everything We Do At Carevision, outstanding care truly is at the heart of everything they do. They have combined over 40 years of hands on experience running care homes and working with some of the smartest mind in tech, they have created Care Vision - An all-inone, cloud-based system that incorporates all your care and admin in to one easy to use system. Carers can compile resident notes, health observations and EMAR. Care home managers can manage rotas, accounts, HR and house-keeping tasks and log visitors using the digital visitor book. Residents can use the system to make personal choices on meals and activities and use the app to keep in touch with family and friends. Rishi Jawaheer, director at Care Vision says “The 100+ care homes

PINPOINT WRISTPIT The WristPIT is a wrist worn Personal Infrared Transmitter designed exclusively for patient use. The latest call button is recessed and surrounded by a bump guard to prevent false alarms. It is also backward compatible, allowing seamless integration into existing Pinpoint Systems.

DID YOU KNOW? Biomaster Technology is incorporated into all surface areas of the product during manufacture, inhibiting the growth of contaminating bacteria 24/7 for the lifetime of the product.

that use our system have seen its benefits – They are saving 2-4 hours of staff hours per resident, per week and they are achieving outstanding CQC results. Carers love it, residents and relatives love it, and care home managers can’t remember how challenging managing a care home was before it.” Of course, taking on a whole new system can seem daunting, that’s why Care Vision offer minimal investment, all round support and flexible hardware options. They don’t feel the need for long-term contracts, Rishi says “We have total confidence, once you use Care Vision, you will love it as much as we do.” The Care Vision team would love to talk to you about what the system can do for you. Contact at or call 0208 768 9809. See the advert on page 45 for details.



Meaningful Care Matters Established in 2019, Meaningful Care Matters (MCM) focuses on the development of resilient relationshipcentred cultures of care shaped by the people living and working within them. MCM believe that when cultures of care express the personhood of people within them, caregiving is meaningful for everyone involved. In these person-centred services both “caregivers” and recipients of care can flourish. Meaningful Care Matters recognises that individual well-being is not an ‘individual’ matter. Our relationships with the people, places and things that have shaped our life journey make us who we are and sustain our sense of personhood. Engaging in moments, experiences and activities that resonate with who we are and meet our needs for love, attachment, belonging, agency, occupation, comfort and attachment makes life meaningful. Individual ill-being occurs when these relationships are undermined and life lacks meaning and purpose when such connections are absent in our daily lives. Meaningful relationships make us feel secure, free and able and help us to feel at home in ourselves. Having a diagnosis, disease, cognitive or physical impairments does not take these feelings away from us,

it just makes these relationships matter even more. Nurturing these person-centred relationships is therefore key to sustaining individual well-being and developing an emotionally resilient culture of care. MCM believe that care is most meaningful when it is informed by carers' lived experience as well as an empathic understanding of what matters most to each recipient of care. This means that every person-centred practice and relationship is unique, reflecting the individuality of the people giving and receiving care and the specificity of the context in which it occurs. This stance establishes self-awareness, emotional intelligence and spontaneity as a key competency for carers. Person-centred care is therefore enhanced when carers have the confidence to be themselves, the insight to know what makes each encounter meaningful and the freedom to be guided by their empathy and practiced wisdom. MCM helps care providers optimise healthcare outcomes and realize their full potential by transforming the features of their service that undermine relationships and developing the features of care that help person-centred relationships to flourish. Meaningful Care Matters facilitates transformation of care cultures and works across the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and Australia with an approach to support people to be ‘free to be me’. See the advert opposite for further details.

Employee Engagement: Employee Retention

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

Are you spending too much time on recruitment and not enough time engaging with your current employees? This is not an uncommon situation to find yourself in and is magnified by the current COVID-19 crisis where you may have to be making difficult decisions with redundancies or unable to meet your demand for care worker. It’s important to note, these are not just a couple of buzz words used by HR managers; engaging with your employees can have a significant, positive impact on your business and its performance. This handy checklist will help create a more employee focused organisation and help towards retaining your valued employees: Selection – Be open and honest about the role and

responsibilities at the initial recruitment stage Development and progression – Offer opportunities for employees to gain skills and build on their career Engage employees – ensure you’re having regular performance conversations and reviews, conduct surveys and have in place a grievance procedure Be flexible - Wherever possible, accommodate individual preferences on working hours and times Manage work load - Monitor workload and ensure it is manageable within working hours Employee well-being - Support employees with issues such as workplace stress For further information, contact The Policy Library. See the advert below for details.

Without QCS we wouldn’t have been rated as an ‘outstanding service’ Rupert Stocks Registered Manager, Guyatt House


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