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CNU Summer Crosword!!

Answers will be posted on our Instagram @cnucaptainslog! (all past crossword answers are in our Instagram highlights)


“The Captain’s Log is free to write anything it pleases and CNU fully respects the Freedom of the Press.”


Farewell to Grace Griles!

Staff writers and Editors share goodbye messages for the graduating Editor-in-Chief

"GRACCEEE- from the day I stepped into clog’s room as a shy little freshmen not knowing what the hell she was doing, you made me feel like I had a family in clog. You made the vibe so easy to be a part of and helped me break out of my shell. You were always so funny with how you started meetings saying” let’s get this over with so I can go eat” and I’ll never forget it. You’re gonna do so many amazing things in life and I hope all of your hopes and aspirations come to you." Much love, Lindsay

"Grace, It has been an absolute pleasure working with you these past two years. I am going to miss our late night debriefs with you and Evelyn and the news room rants about what is bothering us. I have so many fun memories with you and am so grateful for the friendship that The Captain's Log has brought us. Thanks for letting me crash with you for a week last summer and thanks for being a good friend and leader. I wish you the best in everything that you do!" -Savannah

"Thank you Grace for being a great leader and a even better person. You will be very successful in all that you do" -Jarrett



"Grace, we've been in it together since the beginning and I'm so very grateful for all that we experienced together. I can't believe time has passed so quickly and that the CLog has grown so much! It seems like just yesterday we were talking about all our big plans for the paper. You truly helped shape CLog into what it is today. Can't wait to see what amazing things you do next!" -- Love,


"Grace was one of the main reasons why I joined The Captains Log in the first place. She was the only person I knew on the eboard and even though I had never been involved in CLog before, she took a chance on me and hired me for A&E and I’ve gotten to work with so many amazing people and produce content that people enjoy which is all due to her. Going to NYC with Grace and others from eboard was such a fun time and a memory I will always cherish. Grace, you’re going to go on to do amazing things and I’m so glad you were our EIC!" -Fiona


"Grace has been the best Editor in Chief, it has been wonderful working and getting to know Grace better!! She is the best leader and makes everyone feel empowered and supported. The Captain's Log and writing is her passion and it really shows through her work ethic and how she conducts meetings, layout, and everything in between!! I am going to miss Growles after she graduates but I know she is going to go on and do important and powerful things :))" -

Maggie Gammons

"Thanks Grace for all the work you've done for the paper in your role as EIC, can't say enough how approachable you were for someone starting out in the Captain's Log. We'll miss you!" -Cam-

eron Tomaino

"We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! We cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you put into our magnificent newspaper. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!" -Justin


"Thank you for always being so kind and welcoming from the moment I first started writing for Captain's Log! As EIC you made writing for you so fun and easy! I wish you the best of luck with whatever plans you may have after graduating! -Katherine


"Thank you Grace. From Panera being a Recession Core to scrambling for a projector at the media center, you made CLog a welcoming environment for everyone. The support you gave me when I abruptly joined the editing staff this past semester is something I will never forget. I wish you the best of luck in Kentucky!" -Trey


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