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Editor and Clog Staff Contact Information

Editor in Chief

Grace Griles grace.griles.20@cnu.edu


News Editor

Evelyn Davidson evelyn.davidson.20@cnu.edu

A&E Editor

Fiona Sullivan fiona.sullivan.20@cnu.edu

Photography Editor

Savannah Dunn savannah.dunn.21@cnu.edu

Business Manager

Justin Heller justin.heller.21@cnu.edu

Sports Editor

Trey Greenwell trajan.greenwell.21@cnu.edu

Lifestyle Editor

Savannah Dunn savannah.dunn.21@cnu.edu

Head of CNUTV

Allison Silverman allison.silverman.21@cnu.edu

Editor of the Week

Grace Griles

This week I am dubbing myself as Editor of the week to say a sappy goodbye. The Captain’s Log has been a part of my life since the first week I came to CNU. I remember the rush I got from conducting my first interviews and seeing my story on the website. Through this amazing organization my love for journalism has only grown. Being Editor-in-Chief this year was such an honor. I can truly say I enjoyed every aspect of it, even the aspects that caused me stress. I am proud to say that my year as Editor-in-Chief has been a success, but I am not the sole actor in that success. My staff has done nothing but make me proud. From helping with creating crosswords, sending the budget emails when I forget, writing me last minute opinion pieces, and so much more has ensured that my year as Editor-inChief. The staff writers are all so talented and intelligent. I am so happy about the new group of people The Captain’s Log, and I can’t wait to watch what they do with The Captain’s Log from an alumni perspective. Don’t worry CLoggers you haven’t seen the last of me! I will visit! However, bye for now :)

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