The Captain's Log issue 1

Page 5

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With new building developments always popping up around campus, updates on construction are always close in the minds and tongues of students, visitors and faculty. In the last year, we have seen the completion of four Chapter Houses strike a tall and handsome pose in the Greek Village, situated between the tennis courts and Warwick Residence Hall. Along with that project, the Gr eg K l ich A lu m n i Hou s e opened its doors to past and present members of the Christopher Newport community. Sti l l u nder const r uction, however, are several buildings of great importance to CNU students, both socially and academically. Most notably, and close to the hearts of students, was the renovation of Einstein’s coffee shop. The hope is that the new look will only increase its popularity, a feat that is unimaginable if one were to walk in at around eight p.m. last year. Even though it is still open 24/7 to students, much of the Library is under wraps as its expansion inches closer to Warwick Boulevard. Once construction is complete, the Paul and Rosemary Trible Library will be able to hold a whopping 1,200 students and the school’s everexpanding collection of journals, books, articles, and more. With much of the construction budget money coming from outside donors and not the state, the school is allowed more and more freedom in how and what they build. While there is much good news, a tragic blow to campus has for med i n t he del ayed timetable for completion of the beloved Regattas’ renovation. Originally, it was hoped that the work would be done for the arrival of students this August. Due to a mishap that resulted in some lingering internet problems, the project was delayed. It is expected to open its doors to hungry crowds of students later this fall. A project that many students might not know of yet is a new project to revamp the already renowned Ferguson Center. The 50 million dollar project will extend “the Ferg� as well as add additional space for the Fine Art and Art History Department. Sadly, the visitor parking lot will be devoured for this grand neo-Georgian monument to the arts. Construction for this starting next summer, the class of 2020

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will just miss it, as it will be finished shortly after their graduation. Along with a new upperclassman dorm and an additional parking garage being dropped where the CNU Sun Trust building currently stands in the upcoming years, CNU’s incoming classes, unlike those of the past, should have no worries or nightmares when housing lottery rolls around every spring semester. A hallmark of the CNU experience— and a pill that any rapidly enhancing institution of higher learning must swallow— is the constant buzz of cranes and cement layers contrasting with the sounds of students scurrying to class, sports teams heading to practice, and orchestras/choirs/ bands reciting their music. To listen closely is to appreciate the ideal of always improving. n

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